
Narrative Essay on Road Accident I Witnessed

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Accidents on the road can be life-altering experiences, often leaving a lasting impact on those who witness them. One such incident that I witnessed a few years ago still lingers in my mind, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of road safety. This essay recounts the details of that harrowing event, aiming to shed light on the consequences of negligence and the paramount importance of vigilance while on the road.

The Day of the Accident

It was a bright and sunny afternoon in mid-July. The streets were bustling with people, and the air was filled with the usual cacophony of honking cars, chattering pedestrians, and the distant hum of city life. I was on my way home from school, walking along the sidewalk, lost in thoughts of the day’s events and the homework that awaited me.

As I approached a busy intersection, the traffic light turned green, signaling for pedestrians to cross. I waited for a few seconds, allowing a car to pass before stepping onto the zebra crossing. What happened next unfolded in a matter of seconds but felt like an eternity. A speeding motorcycle, attempting to beat the red light, swerved into view. The rider, realizing too late that he couldn’t make it, attempted to brake but lost control.

The motorcycle skidded across the road, heading straight for a pedestrian about to reach the other side. In a desperate attempt to avoid a direct collision, the rider veered to the left but ended up crashing into a nearby car. The impact was so severe that the rider was thrown off his bike, landing several feet away, motionless.

The Immediate Aftermath

The scene that followed was one of chaos and panic. The sound of the crash had drawn the attention of everyone nearby. Pedestrians screamed, and drivers honked, creating a cacophony of noise. I stood frozen, my heart racing, as I processed what I had just witnessed.

Several people rushed towards the injured rider and the occupants of the car, trying to offer assistance. I remember the overwhelming sense of helplessness as I watched them dial emergency numbers, their voices urgent and shaky. The driver of the car, visibly shaken but uninjured, stepped out to check on the rider, who lay still on the pavement.

Within minutes, the wail of sirens filled the air as an ambulance and police cars arrived at the scene. The medical team quickly attended to the rider, who was fortunately still alive but seriously injured. The police cordoned off the area, redirecting traffic and starting their preliminary investigation into the cause of the accident.

Reflections on the Incident

As the adrenaline faded and I continued my journey home, the gravity of what I had witnessed began to sink in. It was a sobering reminder of how quickly a normal day could turn tragic due to a moment of carelessness. The rider’s decision to speed and beat the red light had not only endangered his life but also those of others around him.

This incident highlighted the critical importance of road safety measures, such as obeying traffic signals, wearing helmets, and driving within speed limits. It also underscored the unpredictable nature of road accidents and the need for both drivers and pedestrians to remain vigilant at all times.

In the days that followed, I found myself more cautious and aware of my surroundings while walking or riding in a vehicle. The accident served as a powerful lesson on the consequences of negligence on the road and the collective responsibility we share in preventing such tragedies.

The road accident I witnessed was a stark reminder of the thin line between life and death and the impact of our choices behind the wheel. It taught me the importance of road safety, not just as a set of rules to follow, but as a commitment to protecting ourselves and others. As we navigate the roads of life, let us do so with caution and care, mindful of the precious lives that depend on our vigilance and responsibility. This narrative serves as a call to action for all of us to prioritize safety and make our roads safer for everyone.


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8 Ways To Prevent Accidents in Your Home and Avoid the Urgent Care

essay about home accident

You might feel safe in the comfort of your home, but thousands of people are injured in at-home accidents each year. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent dangerous situations and make our homes safer. Here’s how you can minimize risk in your home and avoid an urgent care visit. 

1. Avoid clutter and clean up spills immediately Clear your floors of clutter to avoid tripping and falling. Keep items such as toys, clothes and books stored properly to guarantee a clear path with no obstructions. Clean up spills right away to avoid slipping.   

2. Practice ladder safety “Avoid standing on tables, chairs or other pieces of furniture to help you access items that are out of reach,” said Kara Telesmanick, M.D., Urgent Care physician. “Ladders and step ladders are always a safer option.” Ensure your ladder is on a stable surface and has the proper weight limit before using it. 

3. Keep your stairways accident-free  Falling down the stairs is a common at-home injury, but fortunately, there are ways to secure these areas in your home. To avoid falls, check that your handrails run the entire length of the staircase and that any carpeted areas are secure. 

woman tripping on a rug

4. Secure your rugs  “When area rugs slide beneath your feet, they can throw off your balance, causing you to fall and injure yourself,” said Dr. Telesmanick. “Ensure your rugs stay put with non-skid pads, double-sided carpet tape or slip-resistant backings.” 

5. Keep your shower area safe  If you’re unsteady on your feet, struggle with balance, or are recovering from injury, the shower can be dangerous since it’s easy to slip and fall. Install grab bars in your shower and use non-slip mats in the tub to help prevent serious injury. 

6. Keep emergency items on hand  Keep your home stocked with emergency items, including a first aid kit, flashlights, batteries and non-perishable food. Be sure to keep prescription medications labeled and organized and any other necessities on hand for all family members. 

7. Check your smoke carbon monoxide detectors regularly  “Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause sudden illness and death,” said Dr. Telesmanick. “Fortunately, you can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning with carbon monoxide detectors.” Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors once a month to ensure they’re in good condition. 

child looking over a baby gate

8. Keep your family safe with baby-proofing and kid-proofing  Ensure your home is safe for all family members, including babies and children. Restrict access to unsafe areas, including cleaning and laundry products. Store these items in a cabinet with child-proof locks to avoid easy access to these toxic substances. 

If you’re injured and can’t wait for your primary care physician, Inspira urgent care centers can help. Find a location near you today. 

Inspira Health is a high reliability organization (HRO), which means safety is the top priority for patients and staff. To make an appointment, call 1-800-INSPIRA .

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A Guide to Home Safety: Identifying and Preventing Hazards

Written By: Derek Prall | Updated May 10, 2024

For most, being at home conjures feelings of safety, warmth, and security . After spending heaps of time, money, and effort buying or renting a home, people are often too exhausted to even begin thinking about how to prevent hazards or accidents.

The truth is, most mishaps at home can be easily prevented, which is why it's so important to take the necessary — and often fairly simple — measures to do so. This is especially the case for families with young children or seniors . The last thing you want is to be confronted with a dangerous situation and find that it is too late to do something about it.

Like many things, home safety begins with awareness. This guide is designed to help homeowners identify and reduce hazard risks in their residences. Specifically, we will go over top home hazards, methods for cultivating a safer home, household toxins, and the dangers that kids and older adults face.

Awareness alone is not enough to keep your family safe, but it will get you started. Once you are familiar with the various home hazards and how to prevent them, you can invest time and elbow grease to bring home safety to life.

Insight from Industry Experts

Before delving into the specifics on how to identify and prevent home hazards, let's see what industry experts have to say:

Insight from Industry Experts

Shocking Statistics on Home Hazards

Preventable home hazards cause many injuries and deaths. In case you were wondering…

essay about home accident

Most Common Home Hazards and How to Prevent Them

There are countless home hazards that exist. Below are the leading causes of accidents and unintentional home injuries, and some tips on how to make your home safer .

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Falls are especially detrimental to young children and seniors aged 60 and up . Common household products often associated with severe falls include baby walkers, windows, trampolines, and other playground equipment.

Prevent household members from falling by implementing the following measures:

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Fires & Burns

essay about home accident

Cooking fires are the top cause of home fires and home injuries , according to the National Fire Protection Association. Meanwhile, heating equipment is a leading cause of home fire deaths. Electricity, smoking, and candles pose their share of fire hazards, too. Fortunately, you can take simple steps to reduce the risks:

essay about home accident

The stats on drowning are grim. For example, the CDC points out that drowning is the number-two cause of death among children ages 1 to 4. The majority of these drownings occur in home swimming pools.

Meanwhile, Stanford Children’s Health explains that most drownings of children under age 1 year occur in bathtubs . Toilets and buckets are other common sites of household drownings. Take the following precautions to significantly reduce the chances of a drowning at home:

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Choking & Suffocating

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Obstructed airways can be fatal and are divided into three main types: suffocation, choking, and strangulation.


The suffocation death rate for infants has climbed as more parents share a bed with their babies. In fact, researchers say the rate has increased from 12.4 per 1,000 U.S. infants in 1999 to 28.3 per 1,000 in 2015. Take these steps to prevent suffocation:

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Choking involves something obstructing the airway internally, like a part of a toy or a piece of food stuck in a person's throat. Prevent choking issues at home by considering these precautions:

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Window cords are responsible for one child death a month on average, due to strangulation – any type of external compression around the airway. Keep these tips in mind to prevent strangulations in your home :

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Poisoning affects people of all ages. Younger children are susceptible because they get into cleaning supplies and other toxic household products. They overdose on vitamins and medicines not taken under proper adult supervision.

Teens and adults are also at risk from appetite suppressants, heroin, amphetamines, antidepressants, motor vehicle exhaust gas, anesthetics, and even caffeine and alcohol. There’s also carbon monoxide poisoning. The good news is, there are easy actions you can take to prevent accidental poisonings at home:

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Working From Home Safety Tips

Working from home has become less of a corporate workaround and more of a way of life. Many enjoy this format; it’s comfortable, economical (saves tons of commuting time and costs), and we have a bit more control over our surroundings than we would in a shared office.

For others, however, transitioning to telework comes with challenges. We’ve been living the WFH life since the early 2010s, and from time to time we’re asked for tips, tricks, or takeaways about remote work. How will I stay focused? How will I stay motivated?

And – just as important – how will I stay safe?

Indeed, we should always take steps to ensure a safe working environment, whether we’re buzzing about in a Wall Street skyscraper or nestled comfortably in a home office.

First on our list? Keep your electronics – and all the wires, cords, and outlets you’ll need to connect them – organized safely. We can’t stress enough how important surge protectors are; we need several devices to do our job, so we make sure to use a surge protector. This way, all of that valuable equipment – some of which might belong to your employer – won’t be damaged in a power surge.

Next, be sure to purchase and use comfortable, ergonomic home office equipment like a sturdy chair with lumbar support, a keyboard wrist supporter, and adequate lighting so that you don’t have to strain your eyes. Another great investment is eyeglasses that are specifically made to cut the blue light emitted by your computer screen.

Finally, we highly recommend investing in a home security system. You may be able to write off your home security kit and monitoring (or at least some of it) as a tax deduction, seeing that it’ll be protecting your work computer and other work-related items. At any rate, it’s worth looking into.

Final Thoughts

This guide is by no means comprehensive, but it should help renters and homeowners identify and reduce common home hazards. We recommend addressing the hazards this guide points out and working from there. You can even hire professionals to come over and perform assessments. Security consultants, insurance agents, and eldercare advisors are just a few options. Check with your doctor for suggestions.

Additional Resources

Below are additional resources to help you prevent accidents and reduce the risks of home hazards:

EPA This resource goes over the different types of dangers in the home.

CPSC The Consumer Product Safety Commission provides ample information on the dangers of different products that you may have in your residence.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Here, you will find valuable tips on general emergency preparedness.

Pool Safely If you have a pool at home, take a look at this website which includes pool safety guidelines for families.

Safe Kids Home safety is especially important for your little ones. Learn more about how to keep your residence safe for children.

Poison Control Call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 or get help online if you think you or someone at home may be poisoned. It is free and confidential.

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Essay on an accident I saw

Essay on an Accident I saw| Description of A Car Accident Essay

The experience you had in your life of watching an accident is a personal story that describes the incident chronologically and the lessons you take from it.

These are two examples: an essay on an accident I saw; sharing a personal story; and learning from a road accident you encountered in life.

Table of Contents

Pro tips: While you write an essay on any personal story, always present the fact that the story’s influence on your life.

Essay on an Accident I saw points:

  • Introduction
  • Eyewitness experience
  • My immediate reaction
  • Reflecting on the Consequences
  • The impact on me

Short Essay on an Accident I Saw

On a regular day, I was returning from school. It was a hot summer day, and the road was clean and traffic-free. Suddenly, listen to a loud sound: a bike hits an SUV car, and the biker falls onto the road.

Immediately, I ran to the biker. He was without a helmet and heavily injured in the head. Meanwhile, the driver of the car came out and started scolding the biker. I stopped the driver and said, This is the time to help, not fight. I requested that he call an ambulance a few minutes later to the hospital.

This accident experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. This experience taught me the importance of helmets and road safety.

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Long Essay on an Accident I Saw

The time was early morning on winter’s foggy day. The road was fully covered by fog, and there was not any traffic on the road.

I woke up early that day for my study. I was studying at my table when I suddenly heard the loud sound of someone shouting. I opened my window and saw that somebody had crashed his car into the wall beside the road.

Immediately I ran to that car, and two of my neighbours reached the car, and we together brought the driver outside of the car. He was bleeding from his head and had several other injuries to his body.

The driver had not worn a seatbelt, and that led to several injuries. I called an ambulance within 5 minutes, and it reached and took him to the hospital. In the evening, the police took his car out.

I remember this terrible experience from that accident. It happened so fast that I just can’t believe it in my eyes. This accident reminds me about road safety and the importance of consciousness when driving.

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Essay on Road Safety: Sample Essay In 100,300 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Sep 28, 2023

essay on road safety

Essay on Road Safety: Road safety is an imperative concern globally, with millions of lives at stake annually due to traffic accidents. This blog delves into the multifaceted issue of road safety, highlighting its pressing importance, the contributing factors behind accidents, and the pivotal measures required to create safer road environments for all.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 The Importance of Road Safety
  • 2 Factors Contributing to Road Safety
  • 3 Innovations for Prevention
  • 4 Essay on Road Safety in 100 Words
  • 5 Essay on Road Safety in 300 Words

The Importance of Road Safety

Road safety is of paramount importance, safeguarding lives and ensuring the well-being of communities worldwide. Firstly, it prevents tragedies by reducing the risk of accidents and the resulting loss of life and limb. Road accidents inflict immeasurable pain on families and strain healthcare systems. Secondly, road safety plays a pivotal role in economic prosperity. It enables efficient transportation of goods and services, bolstering economic growth. Moreover, reduced accident rates translate to lower healthcare costs and productivity losses. Thus, prioritizing road safety is not just a moral duty but also a sound economic and social investment that fosters a safer, more prosperous society.

Factors Contributing to Road Safety

The following factors contribute to road safety:: 

  • Driver Behavior: Responsible driving habits, adherence to speed limits, and avoiding distractions like texting or impaired driving are crucial. Defensive driving techniques help reduce accidents.
  • Road Infrastructure: Well-maintained roads with clear signage, proper lighting, and road markings enhance safety. Infrastructure improvements like roundabouts and traffic calming measures can reduce accidents.
  • Vehicle Safety: Modern vehicles equipped with advanced safety features, such as ABS brakes, airbags, and collision avoidance systems, contribute to road safety.
  • Enforcement: Stringent law enforcement and penalties for traffic violations act as deterrents and encourage compliance with road rules.
  • Education and Awareness: Public awareness campaigns, driver education programs, and initiatives to promote responsible road behaviour are essential in fostering a culture of road safety.

Innovations for Prevention

Innovations in road safety are pivotal for preventing accidents and minimizing their severity. One such innovation is the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). These systems utilize technologies like sensors, cameras, and AI algorithms to provide real-time feedback to drivers. They offer features such as lane-keeping assistance, adaptive cruise control, and automatic emergency braking, which can prevent collisions and reduce the impact of accidents.

Another significant innovation is the emergence of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication. V2X technology enables vehicles to exchange data with each other and with infrastructure like traffic lights. This communication enhances situational awareness, enabling vehicles to anticipate potential hazards and take preventive actions, ultimately making our roads safer for everyone.

Essay on Road Safety in 100 Words

Road safety is a paramount concern for communities worldwide. It encompasses a range of measures and precautions aimed at reducing the risks of accidents and ensuring the well-being of all road users. Adhering to traffic rules, avoiding distractions while driving, and responsible speeding are essential aspects of individual road safety. Moreover, robust road infrastructure, including clear signage and well-maintained roads, plays a pivotal role in accident prevention.

Ultimately, prioritizing road safety is not just a matter of compliance but a collective responsibility to protect lives and promote safe, efficient transportation systems for our societies.

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Essay on Road Safety in 300 Words

Road safety is an issue of paramount importance, affecting individuals and communities worldwide. The ever-increasing number of vehicles on the road and the complex dynamics of modern traffic demand a concerted effort to prevent accidents and safeguard lives.

One of the fundamental pillars of road safety is responsible driver behaviour. Adhering to traffic rules, avoiding distractions such as texting or using a phone while driving, and respecting speed limits are essential aspects of individual road safety. 

Furthermore, road infrastructure is a critical factor in ensuring road safety. Well-maintained roads with clear signage, proper lighting, and road markings are essential to guide drivers safely. Innovations in road design, such as the implementation of roundabouts and traffic-calming measures, have been proven to reduce accidents and their severity.

Vehicle safety is another key component. Modern vehicles equipped with advanced safety features, such as anti-lock braking systems (ABS), airbags, electronic stability control (ESC), and collision avoidance systems, significantly contribute to road safety. These technologies can prevent accidents or mitigate their consequences when they do occur.

Law enforcement and penalties for traffic violations are also crucial in promoting road safety. Strict enforcement acts as a deterrent, encouraging compliance with road rules and regulations. Drunk driving, speeding, and reckless behaviour should be met with punitive measures to discourage risky conduct on the road.

Education and awareness campaigns play a vital role in fostering a culture of road safety. They aim to educate the public about the risks associated with irresponsible driving and encourage responsible behavior. These campaigns target drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike, emphasizing their shared responsibility for road safety.

Road safety is not merely a matter of compliance; it is a moral and societal duty to protect lives and promote responsible road use.

Road safety is vital to prevent accidents, save lives, reduce injuries, and ensure the orderly flow of traffic.

The most crucial rule is to follow speed limits, as excessive speed is a leading cause of accidents.

A road safety essay discusses measures, behaviours, and strategies to prevent accidents and promote safe road usage for all.

We hope this blog gave you an idea about how to write and present an essay on road safety that puts forth your opinions. The skill of writing an essay comes in handy when appearing for standardized language tests. Thinking of taking one soon? Leverage Edu provides the best online test prep for the same via Leverage Live . Register today to know more!

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Road Accident Essay

Collisions involving one or more automobiles are referred to as road accidents. Other "moving items," like pedestrians or bikes, may also be involved. Because of the rise in vehicles on the road, traffic accidents are commonplace in large cities. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘road accidents’.

Road Accident Essay

100 Words Essay On Road Accident

Nowadays, road accidents are a widespread occurrence in our country. Lack of traffic education is the main factor in many accidents. Numerous drivers operate vehicles without having received a proper education in traffic laws. The government needs to act appropriately to stop them.

I saw a terrible accident a few days ago happening right in front of me, close to my college. After my afternoon coaching class, I was returning home. No one was with me; I was by myself. A truck approached from the other side of the street at full speed as a man attempted to cross. The vehicle was moving so quickly that the man had to run to get by it. He was hit by the truck and was instantly killed. I froze on the road because I went into shock, and it was only after people gathered at the scene that I was able to move.

200 Words Essay On Road Accident

Road accidents are widespread in large cities because of the large number of trucks, buses, auto rickshaws, cars, and other vehicles. Traffic law violations are the primary cause of road accidents. This is why adherence to traffic laws must be there. However, people frequently violate them, particularly when they are aware that the police don't usually capture them. While those who disobey the law and get away with it are fortunate to avoid being caught, they put their lives in danger each time they do so.

Road accidents can occur when people violate traffic laws, such as by running red lights, exceeding the posted speed limit, etc. This is why we should always abide by the laws that are established because they are there to protect us.

To ensure that we are protected even in the event of an accident, we must always wear seat belts in cars and helmets when riding scooters or motorcycles. In order to prevent severe road accidents, we should abide by these traffic safety regulations. Because of negligent drivers, even pedestrians might suffer injuries in traffic accidents.

Many of us have probably witnessed traffic accidents in person, on television, or in the movies. They can be quite frightening, therefore we must always exercise extreme caution when we are outside.

500 Words Essay On Road Accident

Road accidents are relatively common. Road accidents are becoming increasingly common because people use personal vehicles for all types of work, which causes gathering and accidents to happen. Nowadays, the laws of the road are rarely observed by people. There are many reasons for road accidents. One of the primary reasons for road accidents is cities are populating more densely, and roads are not in good condition.

Whenever we pick up a newspaper, we find at least one or two stories involving road accidents. Road accidents cause both material and human loss. So, regardless of the kind of transportation we choose, we need to drive more cautiously. Due to increased road accidents, even those walking on the roadside are unsafe. We see accidents daily- in the news, listening to family members, and even personally on mobile phones. We should always follow traffic rules while travelling and be careful of other vehicles.

Road Accident Prevention

To decrease the death rate, we must prevent road accidents. Thousands of people lose their lives in road accidents each year. Traffic laws must be taught to children at a young age. They must be instructed on life's worth and how to preserve it. Additionally, the government must create stricter rules for those who break traffic laws. Regardless of age and gender, they must punish those guilty of breaking these rules or take additional practice.

An Experience That Changed Me

Once, I was returning home from holiday shopping when a car accident happened in front of me. It was around five o'clock in the evening, and I was with my mother. We noticed a group crowding over something in the middle of the road. We weren't entirely sure what was happening because our initial assumption was that there was a fight between two men. But when we got there, we saw there had been an accident.

We then learned the entire story. A truck struck a man crossing the street, seriously injuring him. People were asking for an ambulance as the man was bleeding heavily and lying on the ground. Time was of the essence, so we immediately contacted the ambulance.

The police then arrived as the driver was being beaten up after being captured by the crowd. When the police arrived, they grabbed the driver and questioned him about the incident. Later, we learned that the driver had been drinking. He was held by the police, who then went to the hospital to get a statement. Fortunately, it was determined that the victim was safe. His wounds were treated by the physicians, who also noted that he was still in shock.

That incident made me realise how precious our lives are. We must all be cautious when on the road, walking, or by car; that does not matter.

We should always be careful on the roads. When we drive two-wheelers, we should wear a helmet, and when we are driving a car or truck, we should wear a seat belt. Parents must also act as an example for their children by never using a phone while driving. To reduce the likelihood of an accident, they must always wear their seatbelts and helmets.

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Essay on An Accident I Witnessed For Students

We are Sharing an Essay on An Accident I Witnessed in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a short Essay on An Accident I Saw for Classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 in 100, 150, 200, 300 words.

Essay on An Accident I Witnessed

Short Essay on An Accident I Saw ( 100 to 120 words )

Every day I read about accidents in the newspapers. But it was only yesterday that I had the misfortune of witnessing one. It was eight o’clock at night. I was returning home from the office in an auto-rickshaw. As we crossed the Green Park Red Light, a red Swift car speeded past us. It was racing ahead of us. Suddenly a man tried to run across the road. He miscalculated the speed of the red Swift. And before the car could apply breaks, the man was hit and thrown off the road. The car however speeded away. Luckily the man was not badly hurt. He was taken to the nearby doctor. After the first aid, he was sent home.

Road Accident Paragraph

Essay on A Road Accident

Essay on An Accident I Have Seen ( 250 to 300 words )

An Accident you have Witnessed Accidents on the roads are a common occurrence these days. Some are killed. Many are injured or maimed. The increase in vehicles, poor condition of the roads, rash driving, and non-observance of traffic rules are responsible for the ever-increasing accidents. So it is important for us to learn to use the roads properly and safely.

Last week I witnessed a horrifying accident near my school . I shall never forget it for a long time. The road in front of my school is very narrow. It is always crowded particularly in the afternoons when school gets over. Sometimes a policeman is there to control the traffic but generally chaos reigns.

It was Monday. The school had just finished. The road was crowded as usual. The students were running across the road to get into buses and cars to go home. Just then I saw a boy run across the road. All of a sudden I heard a loud scream and the screech of brakes. The boy was knocked down by a car. He lost consciousness and there was the blood rushing out from a cut on his head. Soon a large crowd gathered around the boy. Someone in the crowd tied a bandage around the cut. The boy was rushed to a hospital. Many people surrounded the driver of the car and began abusing him. Fortunately, a policeman arrived and calmed things down. A case was registered and the driver was taken to the police station. Slowly the crowd started dispersing. Since that day I am careful in using the roads.

# Composition | Paragraph on An Accident I Witnessed | Saw

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Essay on Road Safety

500 words essay on road safety.

In today’s fast-paced world, road accidents are happening at a very high rate. Although, the technological advancements in the automobile industry has thankfully brought down the mortality rates. Nonetheless, there are a lot of potential hazards that are present on the road. Thus, road safety is important to safeguard everyone. In this essay on road safety, we will learn its importance and its basic rules.

essay on road safety

Importance of Essay on Road Safety

Road safety is important to safeguard the well-being of everyone including humans and other living beings. This essay on road safety will help us learn about why it is important. A lot of environmental factors determine our road safety.

For instance, if it is raining or there is heavy fog or smog, the visibility of the driver will be hampered. It may result in pile-ups on the highway. Similarly, there are other factors like rain that lead to hydroplaning.

In this phenomenon, the vehicles that travel at high speeds start to slide uncontrollably as the tires of the vehicle push off the ground through a thin film of water present on the road.

However, road safety rules can help us avoid all these dangerous situations easily. When people follow the road safety rules rigorously and maintain their vehicles well, everyone can remain safe.

Most importantly, it is also essential to drive within the prescribed speed limits. Also, one must not use their mobile phone when driving a vehicle. Road safety is of utmost importance to make sure that everyone remains safe and healthy.

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Basic Rules of Road Safety

There are a lot of general and basic rules that one must follow when they drive vehicles or use public roads in general. The first rule is to know the signals and pay attention to them rigorously.

This applies to both the driver as well as the pedestrian. Further, it is important for those who are walking to use the sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. It is also essential to be aware of all the rules and laws of the state and abide by them.

Most importantly, it is also mandatory to have an approved driving license before getting on the road with your vehicle. Road safety sensitization is vital to ensure the safety of everyone.

Making the general public aware of the importance of road safety can help reduce the rate of accidents and road mishaps that happen on a daily basis. Seminars and educating people can be helpful to guide them and make them aware of the consequences.

Conclusion of Essay on Road Safety

To sum it up, everyone must follow the road rules. Do not drive at excessive speed and try to enhance the general awareness so risks of traffic accidents can be reduced. One must also check the vehicle health regularly and its maintenance parts to eliminate any potential risks.

FAQ on Essay on Road Safety

Question 1: What is road safety?

Answer 1: Road safety refers to the methods that we adopt to prevent road users from getting injuries or being killed in traffic accidents. They are essential to maintain everyone’s well being.

Question 2: How can one avoid traffic accidents and enhance road safety?

Answer 2: One can avoid traffic accidents by following the road rules strictly. Moreover, they must also make sure their vehicles are always well-maintained. Further, it is also vital to drive within the speed limits of the state. Do not use phones when driving or be under the influence of alcohol.

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Paragraph on Accident

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Accident in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Accident in 100 Words

An accident happens when something goes wrong. It can be when a car bumps into another car or when someone falls down. Accidents can cause people to get hurt, so it’s important to be very careful. We should look both ways before crossing the street and hold hands when walking with an adult. If we see something dangerous, we should tell a grown-up. Accidents can sometimes be prevented if we pay attention and listen to safety rules. Let’s all try to be safe and watch out for each other to avoid accidents and stay happy and healthy.

Paragraph on Accident in 200 Words

Accidents are when something bad happens unexpectedly and can hurt people or things. They can happen on the road, at home, or even at school. It’s important to be careful and pay attention to your surroundings to avoid accidents. For example, when you are crossing the road, always look both ways to make sure no cars are coming. At home, be careful when using sharp objects like knives and scissors. Accidents can also happen when playing, so it’s essential to follow the rules and play safely. If an accident does happen, it’s crucial to tell an adult right away so they can help. Remember, accidents can be prevented by being cautious and thinking about safety first. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so let’s all work together to prevent accidents and keep ourselves and others safe.

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Paragraph on Accident in 250 Words

An accident is when something bad happens unexpectedly. It can occur when people are not careful or when things go wrong. Accidents can happen at home, school, on the road, or anywhere. They can cause injuries or damage to property. For example, falling from a bicycle, slipping on a wet floor, or a car crashing are all accidents. Sometimes accidents happen because someone is not paying attention or is being careless. It is important to be cautious and take safety measures to prevent accidents. Wearing helmets when riding a bike, looking both ways before crossing the street, and not running near a swimming pool are all ways to stay safe and avoid accidents. When an accident does occur, it is essential to stay calm and seek help if needed. It is also important to learn from accidents to prevent them from happening in the future. By being aware of our surroundings and making smart choices, we can reduce the chances of accidents happening. Remember, safety always comes first!

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Road Accidents Essay | Essay on Road Accidents for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by sastry

Road Accidents Essay: Road accident is a global tragedy with the ever-rising trend. Almost every day, we come across the news of some accident on the television, radio and internet. Most people continue to neglect and ignore the dangers involved in their reckless driving and so, these accidents happen.

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Long and Short Essays on Road Accidents for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Road Accidents’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Road Accidents of 400-500 words. This long essay about Road Accidents is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Road Accidents of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Road Accidents 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Road Accidents of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

To begin with, carelessness is one of the major causes of the road accidents all over the world. Using the mobile phone while driving, breaking the traffic rules and entering from the wrong side driving are some examples of carelessness. Furthermore, inexperienced and untrained drivers and those with poor eyesight who drive at night are one of the major causes of escalating accident rate.

In addition, most of the people drive after drinking alcohol, which may lead to dangerous road accident. The provision of highways is resulting in convenience for the people. However, the main problem which is faced by the government of any country is the more frequent road accidents which are happening on the highways which results in severe damage in form of man power or infrastructure. The main reason behind the accidents which occur so frequently on the roads is the inattention which is given during driving a vehicle. There would probably be lesser amount of accidents if proper attention is paid and rules are followed during driving. There could also be weather conditions such as the fog which hinders visibility and result in accidents.

Road Accident is collision between vehicles (for example car, truck, motorcycle etc.) or it can, be with any pedestrian, animal or the hindrance placed in the middle of the road. The accident occurred could result in many injuries or damage to the property. There are various factors which come into account which can be the reason of accident such as the design of the road, driver’s impairment and vehicle design which can cause serious and most dangerous types of accidents.

There are four factors which are responsible for these types of road accidents. The failure of some equipment inside the vehicle resulting into serious accident is known as Accident due to Equipment Failure. These could be of various types such as failing of break, bursting of tyre, tread separations or the problem could occur in steering or suspension.

The accidents which occur due to the irregular design of roads are known as accidents due to Roadway Design. It could occur through hazardous visibility which consists of merging lanes, livestock or pedestrian crossings, crests and troughs etc. The accident also occurs due to the irregular surface of the roads which causes imbalance of the vehicle and results into collision with another vehicle or object.

Poor roadway maintenance also contributes to some of the road accidents. There could be debris in the way of the road which could create problems for the driver and is the responsibility of local highway department, faded road signs and potholes could be another cause for the major road accidents.

The first and foremost cause is driver’s behaviour other than the three causes discussed above which constitutes only 5% of the causes of the road accidents and 95% depends on this one.

Short Essay on Road Accidents 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Road Accidents is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The accidents are taking place at an alarming rate and so there is a need for taking protective measures by the government to enhance the education related to the safety adoption during driving to avoid the risk of accident. There are various policies which have been introduced by the government to reduce the number of accidents in the country. Various systems introduced abroad to control the accidents which takes place on the highway are like introduction of fine system, black points and installation of application like radars.

There should be formation of different associations which could take part in making the rules of road safety implemented in every part of the country and help the government in reducing the rate of accidents. Sharp division speed breakers which are situated on the highways could be placed with the forewarning boards and properly colored which could be seen from a distance.

There should be jurisdictional restriction on speed on different types of vehicles. There should be some technical equipment to put a check on speed.

Adequate measures should be taken by individual like proper wearing of seatbelts, time to time service of the vehicle to avoid any risk during long run. The driver should be educated enough to identify the roadside signboards to minimise risk of accident. The road safety rules should be followed strictly both by the people and the government agencies. This year 31 August was observed as road safety day in India.

Furthermore, passengers should also be vigilant enough to check drivers when they are over speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. Police can play the pivotal role to decrease the ratio of the accidents. To sum up, there are many causes of the road accidents in our world, with good strategies and with the participation of the both government and individual; we can easily overcome with this potential problem.

Road Accidents Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Blur – something vague, hazy, or indistinct
  • Escalating – to increase, enlarge, or intensify
  • Provision – something that is supplied or provided
  • Manpower – the power of human physical strength
  • Infrastructure – the basic structure or features of a system or organization
  • Hinders – to obstruct or delay the progress of, block
  • Impairment – the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness
  • Tread – the outer part of a tire or wheel that makes contact with the road, esp the grooved surface of a pneumatic tire
  • Suspension – a system of springs, shock absorbers, etc, that supports the body of a wheeled or tracked vehicle and insulates it and its occupants from shocks transmitted by the wheels
  • Merging – the act of joining together as one
  • Livestock – domestic animals, such as cattle or horses, raised for home use or for profit, especially on a farm
  • Crests – a slight upward curve to the centre of the surface of a road
  • Troughs – a narrow channel, gutter, or gulley
  • Collision – crash, hit, accident
  • Debris – the scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage
  • Potholes – a hole or pit, especially one in a road surface
  • Forewarning – to warn in advance
  • Cops – a police officer
  • Intersections – a junction where one street or road crosses another
  • Pivotal – of crucial importance
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 56 Car Accident Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/car-accident-essay-topics/

"56 Car Accident Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/car-accident-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '56 Car Accident Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "56 Car Accident Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/car-accident-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "56 Car Accident Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/car-accident-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "56 Car Accident Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/car-accident-essay-topics/.

Apparent fireworks malfunction leaves 7 injured, homes damaged in Griffith, Indiana: VIDEO

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GRIFFITH, Ind. (WLS) -- A "fireworks accident" left seven people injured and several houses and vehicles damaged in Northwest Indiana on Saturday night, police said.

Griffith police said officers were dispatched to the 900-block of North Arbogast Street at about 9:30 p.m.

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Police said it appears that a private fireworks show at home there had an accidental malfunction, injuring seven people and damaging four houses and 10 vehicles.

Surveillance video from a neighbor captured the bright light from the explosion. Right after the loud explosion, video from another neighbor captured a barrage of fireworks going off, followed by screams.

Neighbors say debris ended up inside their residences, and those who were home at the time say there were dozens of people enjoying the firework show outside when things took a turn.

Alcohol and fireworks do not mix... Make sure you're doing things with care. Troy Matthis, Griffith resident

"I heard a big explosion, and I come out and I see a bunch of people running and the whole neighborhood nothing but smoke," Griffith resident Cliff Edwards said. " It really was surreal, I mean you walk out and see nothing but smoke and maybe 50 to 80 people just running everywhere. It was almost like you couldn't believe it's happening on your block."

Edwards said he felt the blast inside his home, and some of the debris flew into his niece's bedroom.

"All the shelves fell, all the pictures fell, books were everywhere, and we ran outside thinking, we thought maybe a car exploded," Edwards said.

Troy and Amy Matthis came home to a scene full of emergency responders. The scene was far different from the fun they initially saw before things took a dangerous turn.

"When we showed up, it was chaos," Troy said. "There were police, fire, EMS everywhere."

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"I was panicking for the children that I saw before my husband and my daughter, and I went to the Central Park firework show, there were so many kids out there," Amy said.

The Matthis family said debris from the blast damaged the outside and inside of their home.

"There were three impacts that went through the walls," Troy said. "It ricocheted off a wall, hit the TV, different devices, and I was just thinking, 'I'm glad no one was home.'"

Troy, who is a Griffith firefighter, hopes what happened on his block reminds others to be vigilant and safe this Fourth of July holiday.

"Alcohol and fireworks do not mix," Troy said. "Somebody needs to be responsible and be an adult in this situation. Make sure you're doing things with care, you're being safe, because something could affect you, but it could also affect other people."

Authorities did not immediately release information about the ages and conditions of those injured.

Police are investigating the incident and asked anyone with information to contact them at 219-924-7503. Anonymous tips can be left by calling 219-922-3085.

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  • Road Accident Essay


Essay on Road Accident

Road accidents are an unfortunate reality of our lives. The daily news reports generally contain at least one incident of a road accident. Depending on the severity of the accident, the number of casualties and the damage done can be concerning. Road accidents cost a lot of lives and property damage. To avoid accidents, everyone should be more careful and vigilant on the streets. As a driver, one must be extra cautious because one mistake from the driver can cost the lives of innocent others. 

  The Road Accident That I Experienced

I remember the first road accident I witnessed. It had changed my perspective on life. I still remember the date and the day very intricately. It was the 20th of September 2016. I was returning home from tuition. My mother had come to pick me up. It was around 6 o'clock in the evening. When we reached the bus stand, we saw a huge crowd of people at a few feet of distance from the bus stop. There were men in the crowd who were screaming in the regional language. 

At first, we couldn't understand what was going on. After a while of careful overhearing of the conversation of everyone near us, we could understand that there was an accident. So to get to the bottom of it we asked a shopkeeper what had  happened. He told us that indeed an accident took place a while ago. He then went on to give us a detailed event of what happened. According to him, a pedestrian was crossing the road. A passenger's bus had hit him. The man was left bleeding on the street. The people in the area then cornered the bus and assaulted the bus driver. The police were called to the scene. As for the pedestrian, when the police came over, they declared the man dead. However, as a formality, they sent him to the hospital but according to the shopkeeper, there is not much hope for a miracle. 

This incident made me realize how fragile life is. It could very well have been me or my loved one instead of that man.  The man was not at fault as he was following the rules, but because of the ignorance of another careless man, he had to lose his life. This incident has left a scar on my mind which still bothers me at times. 

Road accidents are a fairly tragic event that has dangerously increased in numbers nowadays. Today, there are more automobiles on the streets than ever. Some say that this increase in the number of automobiles is the reason the number of road accidents is increasing too. Some others say that people nowadays have become more careless, this leads to a higher number of accidents due to carelessness. Another problem that is very prevalent in India is the lack of civic sense in people. People in the cities of India do not strictly adhere to the traffic rules; some people also lack the basic road sense. On top of that, certain parts of the city have narrow roads. All these add up to increase road accidents.

Description of Road Accident:

Road accidents are scary for our lives. In recent times it has increased more. Every morning when you open a newspaper every second or third page will have news related to road accidents. The reason for increasing road accidents is due to the fact that people are buying more automobiles and have also become careless while driving vehicles.

Many a time we have seen that people are just avoiding following traffic rules. Especially in metropolitan cities, people are more careless while driving vehicles which ultimately lead to road accidents.

The foremost causes of road accidents in such metropolitan areas can be narrow roads and roads with potholes.

Thus a road accident damages the lives of life and material. People should be very careful while driving or walking on the road.

It is also seen that walking on the road is also equally dangerous because of heavy traffic it can also be harmful to the people walking on the road. Hence, such people should walk on the side of the road or walk on footpaths.

Road Accident Incident:

Once I was coming back from my office at that time when I witnessed a road accident. I was with my co-worker and it was around 6 o’clock in the evening. In the middle of the road, we saw a crowd surrounding something. We weren’t sure what was happening as the first thought that came to our mind was that it was probably a quarrel between two groups of people but then after reaching the spot, we found that an accident had taken place. 

After talking with the people present there, we came to know that a man who was crossing the road met with an accident while crossing the road. A truck passing by hit him leaving him with serious injuries. The man was lying on the ground bleeding and people were calling for an ambulance, plus they also informed the police about the incident. 

Subsequently, the police arrived and caught the driver of the truck as people had already taken a hold of the driver. During the investigation with the driver, the cops came to know that the driver was drunk and was driving the vehicle. Later on, cops detained him and took the injured person to the nearest hospital, and took a statement from the injured person. The driver was released later based on the statement given by the person. That incident made me realize how precious our lives are and we must be very careful when we are walking on the road, on foot, or driving a car.

  Prevention from Road Accidents:

There are some most important points that every person should keep in mind while driving or walking or crossing the road. These points are as follows:

Drive within the prescribed speed limit.

Don’t drink or smoke while driving.

Follow all the traffic rules as they are for our safety.

Never use mobile phones while driving a vehicle.

Always drive in the proper lane.

While riding a bike always wear a helmet.


FAQs on Road Accident Essay

1.  What are the causes of Road Accidents?

The main cause of road accidents is human beings’ attitude towards not following the traffic rule. Apart from this, there are some major causes of Road Accidents which are as follows:

  Over Speeding

  Drink and drive

  To avoid wearing a helmet while driving a bike.

  Talking on mobile phones.

 To avoid waiting on traffic signals and so are some of the major causes of a road accident.

2.  How to prevent Road Accidents?

Prevention of Road Accidents can only be possible if people change their attitudes towards traffic rules and show some maturity while driving vehicles. People should be very cautious while passing from the crowded area and at such places they should reduce their speed limit. On the turning of the road, they should stop and before crossing the road they should look at the right and left side of the road and then should cross the road.  Last but not least every vehicle should maintain proper distance between two vehicles to avoid a collision.

3.  How to reduce road death and injuries?

To reduce road death and injuries the corporation of the respective cities should see that city roads are connecting areas properly and constructed compactly. The sides of the road should be constructed broad and vendors or any cattle should be avoided who block the roads because sometimes due to unwanted cattle’s road death and fatal injuries might occur.

4.  How should an injured person be treated?

If someone is injured at that time first check the severity of the casualty accordingly and give the treatment. If the person is having normal injuries, first treat him/her with first aid and in the matter of serious injuries call an emergency ambulance.

5.  Why is it important to give First Aid immediately after the accident?

To promote instant relief and to avoid any further damage as well as for speedy recovery it is recommended to give first aid treatment immediately after the accident. This can help to reduce the fatal level of the injuries before getting emergency treatment.  As it is not always possible that emergency care reaches the victim within an hour. In that case, the people who are available next to the victim can give him/her first aid treatment to save his/her life.

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Princess Anne, King Charles III's sister, hospitalized with concussion

By Haley Ott

Updated on: June 24, 2024 / 1:22 PM EDT / CBS News

Princess Anne, the 73-year-old sister of King Charles III, has been hospitalized after being injured on Sunday while at her country home, the Gatcombe Park estate, Buckingham Palace said Monday.

"The Princess Royal has sustained minor injuries and concussion following an incident on the Gatcombe Park estate yesterday evening. Her Royal Highness remains in Southmead Hospital, Bristol, as a precautionary measure for observation and is expected to make a full and swift recovery. The King has been kept closely informed and joins the whole Royal Family in sending his fondest love and well-wishes to The Princess for a speedy recovery," Buckingham Palace said.

The cause of Anne's injuries is still being investigated, but it is understood there were horses nearby at the time and her injuries are consistent with an impact to the head from a horse's leg or hoof.

Princess Anne

A palace spokesperson said the princess' engagements for the upcoming week would be postponed. This will include a scheduled trip to Canada.

Anne's injuries come as King Charles and Catherine, the Princess of Wales, undergo treatment for cancer. Charles has resumed some of his public engagements in recent weeks, while Kate has remained largely out of the public eye .

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Haley Ott is the CBS News Digital international reporter, based in the CBS News London bureau.

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essay about home accident

Pune teen walks out of juvenile home after court terms detention 'illegal'

The bombay high court declared the remand order illegal and granted his custody to his paternal aunt, since minor's parents and grandfather are presently behind bars..

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Pune porsche crash

  • Teen was sent to observation home after his car crashed into a bike, killing 2
  • High Court says though accident was unfortunate, he cannot be kept in observation home
  • Court declares remand order illegal, grants minor's custody to his paternal aunt

The Bombay High Court on Tuesday ordered the release of the minor accused in the Pune Porsche accident case. The court declared the remand order illegal and set it aside.

Since the minor's parents and grandfather are presently behind bars, the custody of the teenager has been given to his paternal aunt, the court said. Later in the day, the minor walked out of the observation home.

The bench of Justices Bharti Dangre and Manjusha Deshpande, while granting him relief, said that though the accident was unfortunate, he cannot be kept in an observation home.

A Porsche, allegedly driven by the 17-year-old, crashed into a bike, two software engineers in the city in May.

He was granted bail the same day by the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) and ordered to be put under the care and supervision of his parents and grandfather under one of the conditions that a 300-word essay needed to be written on road safety.

However, after public outcry, the police later filed an application before the board, seeking amendment of the bail order. On May 22, the board ordered the boy to be taken into custody and remanded him to an observation home.

"We allow the petition and order his release. The CCL (Child in Conflict with Law/minor) shall be in the care and custody of the petitioner (paternal aunt)," the court said. The bench noted that the JJB's remand orders were illegal and passed without jurisdiction.

The court was hearing his aunt's plea against this alleged illegal remand of the minor in an observation home and sought that he be released.

Advocates Aabad Ponda and Prashant Patil, appearing for the aunt, had submitted that when a valid bail order was in existence, without challenging that or getting the bail cancelled, the Pune police could not have moved another application for sending the minor to an observation home.

The Bombay High Court had said on June 22 that the teen accused in the Pune Porsche accident was also in trauma , and he should be given some time.

Notably, the minor's parents, as well as his grandfather, were arrested in various cases registered against them in connection with the accident, including destroying evidence, coercing the family driver to allegedly take the blame that he was the one driving the car instead of the minor.

Former Celtic player Landry N'Guemo dies in road accident aged 38

Celtic say they are "shocked and saddened" by the death of 38-year-old former player Landry N’Guemo. He spent one year at the club, making more than 40 appearances.

Friday 28 June 2024 09:15, UK

Landry N'Guemo in action for Celtic. Pic: PA

Celtic have paid tribute to former player Landry N'Guemo, who has died at the age of 38.

The Cameroonian midfielder played one season on loan at the Glasgow club, making more than 43 appearances and finishing in second place in 2010 to Rangers in the Scottish Premier League - now known as the Scottish Premiership.

Celtic released a statement saying they are "shocked and saddened" after he died in a road accident in his native country.

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"Everyone at Celtic Football Club is shocked and saddened at the news of Landry N'Guemo's passing at the young age of 38," the statement read.

"The thoughts and prayers of everyone at the club are with Landry's family and friends at this sad time."

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essay about home accident

N'Guemo returned to French club Nancy to coach the under-16s team following the end of his playing career.

He made more than 40 appearances for Cameroon.

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Accident Essay Examples

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