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126 awesome drama topics to inspire you.

November 10, 2021

As students of literature, you’re already aware drama portrays fictional and nonfictional events. It does this through the performance of written conversations or scripts of prose or poetry.

drama topics

Drama can either be staged or performed as a film; it can even be broadcast on radios. These are all categorized as plays, and those who write them are called playwrights or dramatists, while those who perform on stage are referred to as thespians.

There are a series of drama topics since the drama was first performed in the days of Aristotle. Being long-standing, you may need creative and comprehensive dramatic topics for your research.

Good Drama Essay Guideline

Writing a top grade drama essay or writing assignment can become difficult. You should try your best and not leave it to the last minute, and dedicate enough time for editing. Here’s a brief guideline on the process of writing a good drama writing assignment:

  • Choose topic. Always try your best to choose a topic in which you have at least some interest in. If you choose a topic that is boring you will not have the energy and motivation to put in the work required to write a good essay. Also make sure your topic is not too general, but also not to narrow.
  • Research. After you have the topic, it is time to research and get some information and context on your topic. Begin by using the internet to find general information. Then begin to look into specific, credible sources which you can cite in your paper. Try your best to have varied types of sources (videos, articles, studies, books etc.).
  • Outline: Once you feel like you did enough research and are comfortable to begin, start with an outline. An outline is a very quick layout of your essay structure. This is where you put everything on your mind on paper, and then begin to organize and forming your paper. A good paper will always be well structure.
  • Writing: This is the main part. Once you have an outline you now must take some time and actually write everything out in draft. If you have a substantial outline and good research this part shouldn’t take very long.
  • Editing and proofreading: Finally, once you have written a first draft it is time to reread and edit. For the first draft, you shouldn’t strive to make it perfect, so there should be quite a lot of editing to do. It is important to leave a good amount of time for editing, because it is as important as actually writing. A high quality essay should go through a number of drafts before it is acceptable.

Drama is a very interesting topic. Drama is most times built on people’s tensions as it is used to keep them wondering what will happen next. For your theatre topics for research, you can consider these different informative, fun-filled and original research topics .

Theatre Research Paper Topics

As a university student, you may need to develop an awesome drama paper for your certificate. These are papers that talk about the basic features of theatre and its significance in society.

You may need to trace the history of theatre itself, as well as the trend of theatrical performances. You may also need to consider an in depth assessment of how theatre topics shaped the present. You can use these custom topics for your research:

  • Examine the role of women in medieval theater.
  • Examine the complexities in the history of European theatre.
  • Give a historical overview of the evolution of theatre from ancient Greece to the Mid 19th century.
  • Examine the influence of Aristotle on the drama of his time and after his time.
  • Account for the evolution of American drama.
  • Examine any three recorded theatrical performances of the 19th century of your choice and state the unifying factors.
  • Give a detailed overview of what ancient Greek theatre is all about.
  • Give a detailed review of how ancient Greek theater seems to be replicated today.
  • Examine the influence of Greek tragedy on the works of Shakespeare and his contemporary.
  • Redefine drama and theatre.
  • What distinguishes modern drama and pre-medieval drama?
  • Examine the significance of Antigone in Sophocles drama.
  • Examine the role of Canadian drama in the world.
  • Analyze the role of Bertold Brecht in drama.
  • Examine how the stylistics of Shakespeare negates that of Brecht.
  • Examine the differences between drama from the United Kingdom to that of Germany during the period of 14 to 18 centuries.
  • How has the medieval period Influenced Elizabethan drama?
  • What is the significance of Henrik Ibsen in Contemporary drama?
  • Examine the Differences between the stylistics of Bertold Brecht, Shakespeare, and Henrik Ibsen.
  • Examine what Greek comedy entails in comparison to the comedy of today.

Theatre History Research Topics

You may also require theatre essay topics for long research. These are historical topics that call for in depth research. As students, you can study the past to read more meanings to the present. In this section, you’ll find relevant topics to juxtapose the past and the present and how all these have influenced drama today. Consider:

  • Give a detailed analysis of the contemporary influences of The Wizard of Oz.
  • Examine the evolution and trends in horror movies.
  • Examine the evolution and trends of witchcraft movies.
  • How are emotions evoked in the drama of William Shakespeare?
  • Examine the subject of homosexual characters in a drama.
  • Examine the Influence of Greek drama in creating a symbol and perception of Jesus Christ.
  • Examine the stigma which Elizabethan actors were faced with
  • Account for the activities of William Blake.
  • What are the influences of George Orwell in the American drama Industry?
  • Compare and Contrast American drama and British drama.
  • Examine the role of symbols in Greek drama.
  • Analyze the significance of learning about the history and trend of drama.
  • Rationalize the role of Aristotle’s treatise on today’s drama.
  • Compare and contrast the Bollywood and Hollywood Industries.
  • Document the role of drama in the spread of racism before the end of slavery in America.
  • Examine the role of slaves in circus performances.
  • Examine any circus performance company of your choice and carefully detail their exploits.
  • Examine the evolution of tragic-comedy in drama.
  • Examine how the church has stopped drama before the 10th century.
  • Give an in depth overview of the complications in stage drama in a world dominated by films.

Theatre Essay Topics

As a college or university student, you may also need to create theatre essay topics for your classroom work. You may even need it for an assignment. Creating a good topic is essential to writing one of the best essays. You can consider any of these drama ideas for your essay:

  • Examine the life and times of Caryl Churchill.
  • What are the experiences of theatre houses with strict censorship?
  • Discuss the effects of the closing and reopening of American theatre houses throughout the centuries.
  • Account for the role of tragedy in Shakespeare’s books.
  • Account for the essence of “Squid Game” in the polarized world.
  • Account for the essence of “Squid Game” in demeaning humanity.
  • What are your reflections on the subject of realism?
  • Examine two plays of your choice and analyze them.
  • What do you think took Shakespeare’s plays to the global stage?
  • What is the influence of Spanish theatre on Latin American drama?
  • Examine the effects of globalization on theatre.
  • Examine the emergence of black actors on white-dominated stages.
  • What are the symbols in French theatre?
  • What are the reputable symbols of Italian theatre?
  • How has the Elizabethan theatre shaped drama today?
  • Criticize any performance of your choice.
  • Praise any performance of your choice.
  • Compare two or more performances of Macbeth by different themes: focus on their diction and costume.
  • Examine what a drama portfolio means.
  • Examine the distinguishing factors of modern theatres and Greek theatre.

Interesting Theatre History Topics

Interesting theatre history topics are topics that consider the fun and lighter part of the past in drama. These are topics that could border on present issues and how they relate to the last and past issues. For your comprehensive theatre historical research topics, you can consider the following:

  • How have social issues been challenged or discussed through drama?
  • Examine the significance of Dionysus on the history of drama.
  • Examine the myths in stage performances.
  • Examine the personages in Greek drama.
  • How does television drama share family virtues as expected in the UK?
  • What are the essential performance skills for a circus act?
  • What do you know about the adaptation of s cinematic performance to the screen?
  • Compare and contrast the relationship between acting and expression.
  • Examine the symbols in Chinese tragedy.
  • Critically examine the role of the depiction of disobedience in three Theban plays.
  • What is the usual pop culture which is frequent on television?
  • Examine the negro movement and its role in the drama.
  • How has theatre survived the restoration period?
  • Examine the role of drama in musical performances.
  • Evaluate the function of identity crisis in drama and acting.
  • Evaluate the metaphors and what they mean Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
  • Examine how Shakespeare’s plays exhibited chivalry.
  • Examine how Shakespeare’s plays exhibited the priority in royalty.
  • What are the philosophies of theatre that have shaped it today?
  • Examine the evolution of drama and its changing significance in society.

Musical Theatre Research Topics

As students of theater, you may also need drama ideas relating to musical theatre research topics. These are topics that talk about the musical performance of plays. There were many of these centuries ago. One of the most important is opera. You can examine the following traditions and genres for your theatre class homework or essay:

  • Examine the purpose and significance of comic opera.
  • Compare and contrast farsa and fasta teatrale operatic performances.
  • Comment on the use of lights in opera performances.
  • Comment on the use of curtains in opera performances.
  • Examine the technical skills required for. effective opera performances
  • Identify the role of pop culture in opera.
  • Comment on the life and times of any two sopranos of choir choice.
  • Examine what operetta means.
  • How does ballet fit into musical performances, and what is its essence?
  • Evaluate the significance of musical performances in enjoying the drama.

Drama Topics for School Students

You may also need drama topics for teenagers for your drama class. If you have enrolled in a drama class as a student, you can try out some of these scenes. These could be graphic and romantic scenes. Depending on the event in your school, you can secure your spot in the national drama team by acting any of the following:

  • Tennessee Williams and Lucy Bailey’s Baby Doll.
  • Act any scene of romance in Shakespeare’s plays.
  • Act any three scenes of compassion in Henrik Ibsen’s play.
  • Act any three scenes of valor in Shakespeare’s plays.
  • Build on a comedy scene in Shakespeare’s play and make it funnier in the contemporary understanding of fun.
  • Play the role of divorce couples arguing over the children and exhibit the mental stress on the children.
  • Act the roles of violence in settling Political scores.
  • Read any historical horror story and act three scenes on stage.
  • Make entertainment with Halloween masks.
  • Play a role where you manipulate people into your perverted desires.
  • Play a role of a president refusing to leave power.
  • Take any three scenes in “Lights Over Tesco Park” by Jack Bradfield and Poltergeist Theatre and perform them to the best of your ability.
  • Perform any German drama of your choice.
  • Engage in a musical performance.
  • Perform without saying words, only gestures.
  • Perform No Quarter by Polly Stenham.
  • Perform scenes about the consequences of drugs.
  • Perform scenes about the cruelty of sexual violence.
  • Perform scenes about the need for religion for social order.
  • Perform scenes about the Russian revolution.

Drama Thesis Topics

As students of drama, you may likewise need drama thesis topics for your project or paperwork. You can even need them for your essays. You can consider these awesome topics to create one of the most relevant pieces in the theory of drama. You can choose any of these custom and available topics:

  • Interrogate the growth of Latin American dramatic culture in the UK.
  • Discuss the growth of Hollywood in the world.
  • Discuss the growth and evolution of Bollywood in the world.
  • Examine the role of pornography in the industry.
  • Discuss the role of Canadian musical performances in the international space.
  • Examine how the standards in the industry have changed if any.
  • Elucidate how drama is used to advance feminist ideas.
  • Comment on science fiction and its falsity to reality.
  • Briefly examine any Hollywood thriller of your choice.
  • Examine the issues of sexual exploitation in Hollywood.
  • How was drama used as propaganda in the Soviet Union?
  • Examine how China used drama during the cultural revolution.
  • Examine the role of subtitles in helping non-language speakers relate to drama from any culture.
  • Examine how modern drama brings back terror and trauma through collective pain.
  • How has black lives matter influenced drama?
  • Comment on any two theatre or circus groups of your choice and why they haven’t stopped.

Running Late On Your Drama Writing?

With all these custom topics online, you can carefully carry out precise research for your drama paperwork or essay. You can also use these to create the best submission ever in your school.

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Music Essay Topics

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Film and Theatre Dissertation Topics

The film and theatre industry employs thousands of people and contributes millions to the national economy via tourism and associated marketing and promotions. The Arts, film and theatre, combined with media studies, is a popular area for study for many who wish to be more attuned with political and social events, enjoy looking at the history of the development of the arts and who wish to gain a better understanding of people.

Should you be considering a dissertation on the theme of theatre and film studies then it is important to connect to a topic that is contemporary, engaging and with enough scope for you to engage with the literature available.

The following sections will highlight some of the key issues and debates concurrent within the field of theatre and film studies, including issues related to COVID-19, and digital innovation.

Technological Innovation

Gender and race, connecting to the public, the politics of theatre and film.

Technological innovation has changed the face of film, it seems a different world watching Harold Lloyd cling onto the clock in “Safety Last” (1923). From the pioneering Lumière brothers and their innovation of the illusion of movement, to modern CGI and 3D, the film industry is in a state of constant adaptation, trying to keep ahead and looking to retain cinema audiences. In theatre, Knifedge have controversially introduced computer generated sword fighting to the stage in the show ‘Pippin,’ taking theatre into the avatar computer generated world of the gaming industry. Is this a positive step for theatre?

  • Does the digital nature of Video on Demand make it accessible in a way that cinema can never be? Discuss with reference to Martin Scorsese releasing The Irishman via Netflix.
  • As the rise of VR has changed the face of the gaming industry, to what extent can it be seen to potentially impact film and live theatre/music in 2021?
  • Is computer generated action for the theatre, as seen in ‘Pippin’ a step too far for the stage?
  • 3D on stage, and the wearing of 3D glasses for theatre, has had an uncertain status. Analyse the potential, or otherwise for 3D in theatre and live performance.
  • Does the film audience expect to always have more impressive technology, or is this too often seen as a cover up for a lack of script?

2020, as well as being the year of the pandemic, has been the year of Black Lives Matter and of gender (and race) neutral casting. This is a controversial area, and recent casting decisions such as black actress Jodie Turner Smith playing Anne Boleyn for Channel 5 has opened up a race debate in the media. Does this actually matter, or is it an issue worthy of academic debate? Entering these zones are interesting for debate, and there has been much media attention to both of these areas in the Arts.

  • Is gender and race neutral casting in theatre an issue that is worthy of debate?
  • Is theatre leading or following trends in the current directions of social movements, how does theatre reflect these trends?
  • In 2019 the RSC cast a female actress as King John. Is this following a theatrical tradition of cross gender casting dating back to the all-male Elizabethan theatre, or is it (as one critic said) an “eccentric measure” that adds nothing to the production?
  • Quentin Letts, theatre critic of the Daily Mail, has been critical of the “RSC’s clunking approach to politically correct casting (which) weakened its stage product.” Is this assessment based on valid concerns over recent casting decisions, or a concerning lack of appreciation for modern diversity?
  • To what extent does modern theatre continue to confront gender and racial stereotypes?
  • Applying Mulvey’s (1975) theories of the male gaze, are popular films still made in ways that satisfy masculine scopophilia?
  • Discuss whether there is a direct female equivalent of the male gaze in cinema today.

Theatre sometimes struggles with an elitist brush applied to it, with Panto and West End Musicals seen as more for the masses. Getting the public into theatre became impossible as they were closed during the pandemic and the future is uncertain. Likewise, the closure of cinemas has seen the likes of Amazon and Netflix fill the void with their own productions; further down the chain, fan-made films on outlets such as YouTube have shown new avenues for film, outside of the main cinema and producers. Does this herald a new world of film making and direction? Lastly, both theatre and cinema need to reconnect to its audience again when Covid is over, how difficult will this be? An audience that may have changed its habits, and with an economy in trouble, will people still be prepared to pay for live theatre?

  • To what extent do fan-made films such as ‘Dark Jedi’ (a fan created Star Wars Film, ) create a new type of film making made possible through platforms such as YouTube?
  • If cinemas need to engage with the public and turn them away from made for TV drama, has this been derailed by the 2020 Covid Pandemic?
  • An analysis of street theatre and its contribution to theatre for the people.
  • Discuss the adaptation of theatre performance in a mediatized age.
  • Are the performing arts still for the people, or have they become expensive luxuries for the educated middle classes?
  • Has Covid-19 created a new form of film media increasingly produced independently away from the big studios?

Covid-19 has seen the government close theatres and cinemas, the arts have suffered perhaps more than any other sector, and those employed in the sector were told to consider retraining. However, this has meant new innovation from the industry, musicians taking their performances online, and some private performances available as pay per view. Given that some of the leading theatre companies in the UK are partly state funded, and that the theatre and film industries bring in considerable funds to the national coffer via tourism, the role of the arts in representing the national mood is often studied, from propaganda films in the 1940’s onward.

  • How can presenting traditional theatre such as Shakespeare reflect modern political concerns?
  • Does modern film retain the ability to shock, or has become blunted by commercialism and the need for sequels?
  • An analysis over whether star actors now control the modern film industry, to its detriment. With reference to Tom Cruise and The Mummy (2017)
  • Is society still reflected in the modern film, or is the industry more about escapism?
  • An analysis over the impact film has over youth culture today.

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  • Representation of Land and the Female Body in Polish Dramatic Literature  Dulba-Barnett , Anna ( University of Oregon , 2024-03-25 ) In this dissertation, I map how the authors of canonical Polish dramas from Romanticism to the present construct and solidify the ideals of womanhood and its connection to land and nature. I analyze how the use of the ...
  • Two Sides of Intelligibility: The Practice and Perception of Performed Accents Onstage  Kress, Ellen ( University of Oregon , 2022-02-18 ) The profession of voice and dialect is built upon the premise of maximum understanding for the audiences attending theatre. This maximum understanding, or intelligibility, has historically driven the practice and continues ...
  • Durable Whiteness: Structural Settler Colonialism in California and Southern Oregon Theatre, 1849-1860 and 2018-2019  Lenk, Waylon ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) Theatre and Performance Studies have studied the ways in which theatre and performance act as auxiliaries of hegemonic state power at least since Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed explored the ways in which classical Greek ...
  • Interpreting the Game of History: Synthesis and Shortcomings Between Reenactment, Living History, and Roleplaying  Pointer, Mica ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) Civil War reenactors claim to be educational through the nature of their bringing the past to life. Their claims place them among heritage and cultural interpreters in how they connect the past with the audience before ...
  • A Fundamental Disagreement: Ongoing Discussions Concerning the Adaptation of Augusto Boal’s Practices  Evans, Joshua ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) After Augusto Boal passed away in 2009, a significant dispute developed within the Theatre of the Oppressed community concerning whether his methods should be reimagined to combat structural oppression more effectively. ...
  • The Latinx Theatre Commons: Feminist Decolonization in the Early Years of a Movement to Transform the Narrative of the American Theatre  Sanchez Saltveit, Olga ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) The Latinx Theatre Commons (LTC) emerged in 2012 in response and resistance to years of misrepresentation and erasure of Latinx artistic work and presence by the American theatre field in practice and in scholarship. This ...
  • “Sisters of the Pen”: Restoring Women to Early Modern Theatre History Pedagogy and Practice  Rogers, Jessica ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) This dissertation looks at current theatre historiography in terms of pedagogy and performance practices on the topic of early modern (seventeenth century) female dramatists, via select dramatic works of Elizabeth Cary, ...
  • Traversing the Rift: Cultivating Climate Change Literacy Through Theatrical Performance  Borowicz, Lydia ( University of Oregon , 2019-04-30 ) Climate change is a persistent and growing threat to the well-being of both humans and nonhuman species, and little action has been taken to halt it. It is imperative the public gains a sufficient level of climate change ...
  • The Nether Worlds of Jennifer Haley — A Case Study of Virtuality Theatre  Yeadon, Michelle ( University of Oregon , 2018-09-06 ) Studies exploring the first wave of digital performance foregrounded technology by cataloging experimentation and novel interactions between liveness, projections and code. As exercises in medium, these high tech spectacles ...
  • Moises Kaufman: The Search for New Forms  Brown, Rich ( University of Oregon , 2003-08 ) This study identifies and examines Moises Kaufinan's theoretical questions and rehearsal techniques from their development in initial works at New York University to their specific application during the creation of Gross ...
  • Roots in the Earth and a Flag in my Hand: Rural Gender Identity in American Musical Theatre  Cuskey, Lusie ( University of Oregon , 2016-10-27 ) The integrated musical is a vehicle for the creation and communication of a national identity, created through the use of coded performances of gender and, at times, rural settings conceptualized as essentially “American.” ...
  • A Home You Can’t Live in: Performances of the Black Body and Domestic Space in Contemporary Drama  Gray, Leslie ( University of Oregon , 2015-08-18 ) Theatre is often an invitation to enter the black home subject to its violations and crisis; this thesis repositions the black home and body in contemporary American and British theatre as constructed by the narratives and ...
  • Practical Dramaturgy for Actors: Applying Resources of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to the Challenges of Language and Preparation  Rodley, Patricia ( University of Oregon , 2015-01-14 ) This dissertation investigates the relationship between acting and dramaturgy. It proposes a change in the contemporary actor's work to more purposefully integrate practical dramaturgy as a preparation that parallels ...
  • Amas Repertory Theatre: Passing as Black While Becoming White  Sidden, Jean ( University of Oregon , 2014-09-29 ) Amas Repertory Theatre was founded in 1969 by Rosetta LeNoire, an African American actress who pursued a mission of developing original musicals while practicing interracial casting. The company's most successful show was ...
  • The Experience of Place in Performance: A Survey of Site-Specific Theatre  Rorem, Jacob ( University of Oregon , 2014-09-29 ) For practitioners and scholars of site-specific theatre, attempts to understand the relationship between a site and performance have often focused on performance. The many ways a site can inform and enhance the audience's ...
  • Presenting Oregon: Formative Forces of the Oregon Unit of the Federal Theatre Project  Morris, Damond ( University of Oregon , 2013-10-03 ) During the Great Depression President Roosevelt's New Deal brought relief to Americans through the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The Federal Theatre Project (FTP) was formed in 1935 under the WPA to lift spirits, ...
  • Bill Talen and Reverend Billy: A Shared Journey  Thomas, Kathleen ( University of Oregon , 2013-07-11 ) As the cultural upheaval of the `60s fought its way into the `70s, Bill Talen began his career first as a poet, hitchhiking the interstate highways from the Midwest to the Coasts eagerly engaging the literary, intellectual, ...
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Advanced Higher Drama - project-dissertation

Project-dissertation 2023  (all links open as pdf files).

Please note: The materials published here were used at the Understanding Standards Drama Webinar in November 2023. A recording of this webinar and further examples of candidate commentary and evidence have been published on the SQA Secure Site . You can access these via your SQA Coordinator.

  • How accurately is mental health represented in theatre? An analysis of modern playwrights and productions
  • Candidate 1 Evidence
  • Is Ivo Van Hove successful in his revival of classical plays?
  • Candidate 2 Evidence
  • To what degree can modern directors of Medea go against a failed Bechdel test to re-incarnate it as a feminist production?
  • Candidate 3 Evidence
  • Disability in theatre: Are actors no longer able to act?
  • Candidate 4 Evidence
  • Masculinity: Theatre as an exploratory medium
  • Candidate 5 Evidence
  • Can the depth of a novel ever be fully realised on stage?
  • Candidate 6 Evidence
  • Candidates 1 to 6 Commentaries

Project-dissertation 2019  (All links open as PDF files)

  • Does Performance Execute the Playwright?
  • Carrie Cracknell: is her radical feminist reclaiming of female protagonists taking away from the injustices portrayed in the original text?
  • Do new plays successfully portray LGBT issues?
  • Tragedy: how has it evolved?
  • Oppression in Theatre: how did the Pinochet Dictatorship of 1973-1990 affect Chilean Theatre Companies' creativity, and what developments have been made in Theatre since the regime?
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topics for drama dissertation

How to use this online guide

This guide will introduce you to the skills and techniques you can use for effective library research for your dissertations and research projects.

Work through each section using the menu tabs above, or the Next button at the bottom of the page.

There will be activities for you to complete as you go so that you can learn by doing and self test your learning.

This guide aims to ...  

  • Build your confidence in planning and conducting your research to support your dissertation
  • Highlight help and support available to you as you conduct your research

Dissertation Workbook

You can download and use the dissertation  workbook to make notes as you progress through the tutorial.  By the end you'll have a plan you can use to help you complete your library research for your dissertation, project or research proposal.

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Drama (Theses and Dissertations)

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Recent Submissions

The road to calvary: tracing the diachronic instability in representations of the cleric in modern irish film , reimagining the public sphere: addressing the crises of democracy through applied drama , unconscious biases in irish theatre: reading plays by women before and after #wakingthefeminists , performing religion and spirituality: the postsecular turn in contemporary british and irish theatre , an intercultural theory of the comic spirit: insider/outsider dynamics and representation in theatre and performance .

Dissertations and Theses

The dissertation is the culminating project for the PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies. A formal proposal for a dissertation should be submitted for the endorsement of the Graduate Faculty. See the department's  Graduate Student Handbook  for proposal instructions. The Graduate Faculty will review the proposal. Sample proposals are on file in the department or by contacting the Director of Graduate Studies.

We welcome projects that include archival research, ethnography, critical theory, literary analysis, and performance studies. Dissertation work begins in the third year of the PhD program and is typically completed in a student's fourth or fifth year in the doctoral program.

Recent Dissertations and Theses

2023 – dissertations.

" Relajo y Joteria: Reimagining Family, Devotion, and Desire through the work of Teatro Alebrijes, 2011-2022 " ( Javier Hurtado )

"Who’s That Girl?”: Women Writing Women on the Broadway Stage " ( Jess Pearson-Bleyer )

2022 – Dissertations

" Americanizing Shakespeare in Print: Nineteeth Century American Illustrated Editions of Shakespeare as Representations of National Identity " ( Hesam Sharifian )

"New Game+: Memories Made in Virtual Worlds " (Peter Spearman)

2022 – Theses

"Balancing and Bending in Bling: The Aesthetics of the Acrobatic Latina Athlete" (Amelia Estrada)

“Perform Falling: Reframing Chinese Rural “Left-Behind” Children” (Wenxuan Xue)

2021 – Dissertations

"Cosmopolitan Performance and Its Ecologies in Interwar Shanghai" (Yizhou Huang)

"Defiant Acrobatic Bodies: Gender in the Performance of Ground Acrobatic Acts from the Inception of the Modern Anglo Circus" (Amy Meyer)

"Performing History in North Tulsa: Black Wall Street and the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre" (Tara Brook Watkins)

2021 – Theses

"Processing the Pain of Others: Witinessing Semana Santa Penitents in Taxco Through Procession" (Whitney Brady-Guzmán)

"[W]righting the Highway: Black Counter-Maps and American Interstates" (Jenny Henderson)

2020  –  Theses

"Theatre in the Time of Cholera: Health, Medicine, and The Physician's Role on the American Stage 1832-1883" (Mia Levenson)

"Phantacamp: Queer Temporal Ruptures in the Performance of Restaged Camp" (Jo Rezes)

2019 – Dissertations

"Beyond Dahomey: The Legacy and Afterlife of the Williams and Walker Company 1902-1921" (Beck Holden) (Pat King) "Directing btween the Lines: Iranian Theatre and the Aesthetics of Ambiguity" (Reza Mirsajadi) "Homing a Turkish Diaspora: Turkish-American Women's Creative Labor" (Irem Seçil Rell Sen) "Inspiration, Countercultural Aesthetics, and Dissent: The Ilklhom Theatre of Mark Weil" (Irina Yakubovskaya) "Theories for Corporate Theatre" (Michael Morris)

2019 – Theses

"'ENOUGH OF THIS I'M NOTE LATINO ENOUGH BULLSHIT' The Social Re-Evaluative Eroticisms of Afro-Latinx Identities in U.S. Pop Culture" (Stephanie Engel)

"In Solidarity: Queer Appalachia's Zine Activism and the Radical Aesthetics of Homemaking." (Harry Hoke)

2018 – Dissertations

"An obvious caricature: The Consequences of Scientific Discourse on Theatrical Madness, 1807-1895" (Katherine Swimm) Brief Deceptive Rainbows: Cultural Memory in Productions of Tennessee Williams's  The Glass Menagerie ,  A Streetcar Named Desire , and  A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof  (Daniel Ciba)

2018 – Theses

"But What if Instead We Imagine Black Life" Femininity, Performance, and the Black Lives Movement (Teri Incampo) The Man Within: Depictions of Blackness in Superhero Adaptations” (Peter Spearman)

2016 – Dissertations

"Black or Red? The Construction of Identity in Langston Hughes' Plays" (Katya Vrtis) "Forgotten Figures: The Rhetorical Function of Tecmessa, Chrysothemis, and Ismene in Tragedies of Sophocles and Selected Adaptations" (Tiffany Pounds-Williams) "Theatre of Common Sense: Ernie McClintock, Jazz Acting, and the Black Power Aesthetic (1965-2003)" (Ibby Cizmar)

2016 – Theses

"'Am I Not A Woman and A Sister?' Performance as Political Discourse in African American Women's Literary Societies" (Jenny Herron) "Staging as Youth Culture in Colonial-Modern Shanghai: Student Theatre from the 1890s-1920s" (Yizhou Huang)

2015 – Dissertations

"American Billing: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Shakespeare" (Danielle Rosvally) "The American Pipe Dream: Drug Addiction on Stage 1890-1940" (Max Shulman) "Arab and Muslim American Female Playwrights: Resistance and Revision through Solo Performance" (Megan Stahl) "Freaks, Beasts, and Gadgets: Performing Order and Disorder in Early America" (Matthew DiCintio) "Constructing the Sensorium: Neoliberalism and Aesthetic Practice in Neoliberal Theatre" (Paul Masters) "Cultural Improvisations: Luigi Riccoboni and the Nouveau Theatre Italien" (Matthew McMahan) "Documenting Rehearsal for Revolution: Theory, Practice, and Praxis in Theatre of the Oppressed" (Betsy Goldman)

2015 – Theses

"'Of Thee We Sing:' Microhistories of the Northeastern United States through the Lens of American Folkloric Opera" (Christian Krenek) "Spectrums of Truth: Transcribing Reality in the Documentary Musical" (Reza Mirsajadi)

Search the Archive

Dissertations and theses by our graduate are catalogued in the  Dissertations & Theses @ Tufts University  database. In the "Advanced Search" option, search for "drama" in the "Department – DEP" category.  Dissertations & Theses @ Tufts  provides full text for:

  • Most PhD dissertations issued after 1996
  • Most master's theses issued after 2005

Drama, Theatre & Performance

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Online Dissertation Resources

Dissertations, useful links to online dissertations and theses, university of roehampton theses & masters dissertations, using a thesis held in the roehampton repository in your own work, academic writing style guides.

  • Postgraduates & Researchers This link opens in a new window
  • Open Access Resources This link opens in a new window

We have a range of online resources to help plan, write and finish your dissertation. Although this is aimed primarily at 3rd Year Undergraduates and Postgraduate Taught students, it contains information that can be useful to Postgraduate Research Students.

  • Sage Research Methods (Library Database) Provides a range of useful tools including a Project Planner, which breaks down each stage of your research from defining your topic, reviewing the literature to summarising and writing up.
  • Literature Reviews Checklist - Handout
  • Components of a Dissertation (document) A useful guide to the central components of a dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Understand the core elements that should be in your dissertation --Understand the structure and progression of a strong dissertation
  • Dissertation Workshop - Handouts Includes a planning template and outline
  • Dissertation Workshop Slides
  • Writing Your Dissertation Guide - Handout

Other Resources

  • Reading Strategies (PDF document) An interactive document on reading at university.
  • How To Write A Literature Review Video - Queen's University Belfast 10 minute video
  • Start to Finish Dissertations Online Webinar from Manchester
  • A to Z of Literature Reviews - University of Manchester 20 minute tutorial
  • Appendices A short example of how to use and cite appendices in your dissertations, essays or projects

Check out these recordings to help you through your Dissertation writing process, from start to finish. 

Dissertation Planning and Writing Series

  • Starting Your Dissertation (Video) 46 minutes This webinar recording will help you with the early stages of planning, researching and writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Understand the challenges and opportunities of writing a dissertation --Move towards refining your subject and title --Know what steps to take to progress with your dissertation
  • Writing Your Dissertation (Video) 52 minutes This webinar recording will help guide you through the middle stages of writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Identify the key parts of a high quality dissertation --Understand how to structure your dissertation effectively --Know how to increase the fluency and strength of your argument across an extended piece of writing 
  • Finishing Your Dissertation (Video) 59 minutes This webinar recording aims to guide you through the final stages of writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Identify key features that should be included in your dissertation --Know how to ensure your dissertation has a strong and cohesive structure --Proofread your work.
  • Using Word to Format Long Documents (Video) 1 hour and 22 minutes A video tutorial on how to format long documents such as Essays and Dissertations using Word. By the end you should be able to: --Create a Table of Contents --Know how to insert page numbers --Be familiar with how to use the various auto-formatting and styles functions to manage longer documents

A selection of external sources that would be of particular use to 3rd Year Undergraduate students and Postgraduate students. 

Please note that the Library does not hold Undergraduate or Masters Dissertations. For information on print and online doctoral theses please see below information on University of Roehampton Thesis Collection


National thesis service provided by the British Library which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK's doctoral theses. NOTE: EthOS is currently unavailable due to ongoing issues following a serious cyber security incident at the BL (January 2024). 

Help using this resource

EBSCO Open Dissertations is an online thesis and dissertation database with access to over 800,000 electronic theses and dissertations worldwide.

  • DART-Europe E-theses Portal Free access to nearly 800,000 open access research theses from 615 universities in 28 European countries.
  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 5,153,410 theses and dissertations.

The university holds a selection of theses and master dissertations awarded by the University of Roehampton.

2013 onwards, Digital Theses

Roehampton Research Explorer - Student Theses

Theses subject to an embargo are not accessible digitally or in hard copy until the embargo period elapses. Embargoes may be applied to protect the rights of the author whilst they explore opportunities for publication, or where sensitive information is held within the thesis.

Please note  that there is a short delay in recently submitted theses appearing on our repository. If you cannot find the thesis you are looking for, please  contact the Research Office .

2004-2013, Print Theses & Masters Dissertations

The University holds a print Theses Collection (including some Masters dissertations) on the 2 nd Floor of the Library. The holdings are not complete as the criteria for inclusion was set by academic departments, and threshold varied between department. Not all student work would be made available to view. The selected works were intended to provide examples of work for students. Some examples were kept in-house, used for teaching purposes, and not available within the library.  Library print holdings were usually kept for up to 10 years and reviewed for relevance.

To search for print theses and masters dissertations use UR Library Search to search for a title or topic and filter by Format > Book > Theses, Dissertation.

1985-2004, Roehampton Institute of Higher Education (RIHE)

Dissertations and theses published between 1985-2004 were awarded by the University of Surrey. The holdings are not complete as the criteria for inclusion was set by academic departments, and threshold varied between department. Not all student work would be made available to view. The selected works were intended to provide examples of work for students.

To search for digitised copies of RHIE theses go to the University of Surrey’s Open Research repository .

You may re-use material from a thesis in the same way you would any other source, i.e. by providing a full citation to the thesis in question, and by not re-using material in a way that may breach the rights of the author.

If you feel your own copyright has been affected by content held in the University of Roehampton repository, please refer to our take down policy and contact us immediately.

  • Government Guidance on exceptions to copyright Details of the exceptions to copyright that allow limited use of copyright works without the permission of the copyright owner.
  • Academic Style Guides Resource List See the style guides available in the Library for a variety of disciplines
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Film and Theatre Studies Research Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On August 11, 2023


Film and theatre studies focus on the critical analysis of experiential learning. Film and theatre have been popular areas of interest among students of arts. As a student of film and theatre, you will be expected to study cinema history and the social importance of cinematography and films to learn the techniques and methods used for the production of films. This blog post provides several film dissertation topics and theatre dissertation topics so you can make a meaningful contribution to the literature.

Here is our selection of film and theatre research topics that we think you should consider.

Topic 1: An Exploration of Gender Role in Blockbuster Films and the Perspectives of Assigning Roles

  • Topic 2: A Comparative Study of Hollywood and Bollywood: An Exploration of Research of Movies

Topic 3: A Detailed Analysis of the Principles of Making Films: An Exploration of the Relevant Principles of Making Films

Topic 4: assessing the significance of awards for making a better film, topic 5: analysing female sexuality in the film: a detailed research on the perspectives of society, topic 6: an explorative study of the performances of an actor in theatre and film.

  • Topic 7: An explorative study of the Cultures of Theatre and Film in the Big City of a Country

Topic 8: Detail Perspectives of the Impact of Theatre in the Urban Area

Topic 9: explorative research on the impact of film in a rural area, topic 10: the relevance of casting and editing for making a film.

These film and theatre dissertation topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

You may also want to review our arts dissertation topics, fashion dissertation topics and literature dissertation topics if you don’t find an intriguing idea below.

2022 Film and Theatre Studies Research Topics

Topic 1: the role of writers’ creativity in film’s success- a comparison between hit and flop hollywood movies.

Research Aim: This study aims to find the role of writers’ creativity in a film’s success in Hollywood. It will show how the writer’s imagination, emotions, creativity, and other factors affect the movie’s story. And how does it affect its success when it comes to the cinema? It will compare and contrast various successful and flop Hollywood movies to analyze whether the writer’s creativity is crucial for the movie or not. Lastly, it will recommend whether producers give the writer’s creativity prime attention or not.

Topic 2: Impact of Online Streaming Services on Traditional Cinema’s Content Quality and Investments - A Case of Netflix TV Shows Production

Research Aim: This research intends to find the impact of online streaming services on traditional cinema’s content quality and investments. It will show whether the introduction of online content besides mainstream cinema has affected its content or continues the way it used to create. It will use Netflix as a case study to show whether its introduction and significant investments affected the Cinema equilibrium in terms of investments in cinema and content produced by it. Lastly, it will indicate whether both models can work simultaneously or if one has to give up.

Topic 3: Do Film Sequels Overshadow the Original Story? Or Do they Help to Reconnect with the Original Story? A Case of “The Lord of the Rings”

Research Aim: This study sheds light on the impact of film sequels on the success of the original story. It will show whether sequels overshadow the actual story or do they help to reconnect with the original story. Moreover, it will find how factors such as the introduction of new characters and actors, replacement of old actors, addition and removal from the actual story, etc., affect the success of the original story.

Topic 4: The Economics of Cinema: Impact of Large Production Houses’ Monopoly in Production and Distribution on the Quality of the Movies

Research Aim: This study assesses the impact of large production houses’ monopoly in production and distribution on the quality of the movie. It will show that these economic actors control production and distribution factors in the movie markets. It will see how big production houses operate in Hollywood and influences the entire Hollywood economic process of movie production, distribution, rights allocation, etc. Lastly, it will also show how small players penetrated this market of strong entry to a barrier.

Topic 5: Does a Script Makes a Movie Successful or the Actors? An Exploratory Analysis Finding the Factors which Make a Movie Successful

Research Aim: This research will identify the factors which make a movie successful. It will specifically find whether a good script makes a movie successful or the actors. It will assess various movies through a film literature framework to see whether a specific movie was actors-dominated or script overshadowed the actors, or it was a mix of both. Moreover, it will show how a film producer can utilize both to make a good movie.

Film and Theatre Dissertation Research Topics

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate and analyse the role of gender in doing blockbuster films. The aim of the research seeks to understand the importance of gender roles in assigning a task. The aim of the research explores the roles of genders to discover new areas of filmmaking.

Topic 2: A Comparative Study of Hollywood and Bollywood: An Exploration Research of Movies

Research Aim: The research aims to explore the different perspectives of Hollywood and Bollywood movies and explore the areas for improvement. The research explores the comparisons between these two types of film. The study supports various arguments about making two different types of movies.

Research Aim: The relevance of the research focuses on the principles of making films. The research highlights the importance of utilizing principles in the field of theatre. The research aims to explore various perspectives of principles that help to justify the topic of the film.

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the importance of awards for making a good film. The aim is to focus on the detailed analysis of the awards and their cultural perspective on making a film.

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the perspectives of society in the case of representing female sexuality in the movie. The study analyses the stereotypical presentation of women onscreen that describes how women were initially treated in society. The detailed analysis of the research explores the role of film in highlighting a sensitive issue of women.

Research Aim: It studies the detailed analysis of the actor’s performances and how external and internal factors affect the performances of actors in a film.

Topic 7: An explorative study of the Cultures of Theatre and Film in the big city of a country

Research Aim: The aim of the research is in making a detailed exploration of the cultures of theatre and film. It highlights the differences in culture from both perspectives.

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the impact of theatre and its advancement in an urban area. The aim is to explore the reflection of theatre on the mind of a human being.

Research Aim: The aim of the research focuses on the impact of film on the mind of the people of rural areas. It explores the forms of various films that create an effect on the life of the rural area.

Research Aim: This research highlights the importance of casting and editing and its critical casting and editing perspectives in film. It focuses on the principles of casting and editing for making a film.

Topic 11: Perspectives of Youth for Making a Cinema: A Detailed Analysis of the Influential Factors of Making a Cinema.

Research Aim: It highlights the mindset of youth for making a cinema. It focuses on the factors that influence making a successful piece of art.

Topic 12: The Role of the Short Film in Making a Big Cinema

Research Aim: The research focuses on making a short film can be an essential step for making a big one. This research highlights the various perspectives of making a short film. It helps to explore the historical perspectives of making a big cinema.

Topic 13: A Detailed Exploration of the Impact of History and Culture on Making Modern Cinema

Research Aim: The research focuses on the importance of history and how it impacts making modern cinema. It highlights the steps of records of cinema.

Topic 14: A Critical Analysis of Horror Movies: A Case Study on a Horror Movie

Research Aim: The aim explores the perspectives of horror movies and it impacts society. It supports arguments based on evidence.

Topic 15: An Exploration of the Revolution of the Movie with Perspectives on History and Culture

Research Aim: The research aims to explore the evolution of cinema’s history and highlight every perspective of the revolution. It focuses on the impact of the revolution on making a film.

Free Dissertation Topic

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Academic Level Select Academic Level Undergraduate Graduate PHD

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Area of Research

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find film and theatre studies dissertation topic.

To find a film and theatre studies dissertation topic:

  • Watch diverse films and plays.
  • Analyze themes, techniques, and social relevance.
  • Research historical contexts.
  • Explore theoretical frameworks.
  • Identify unexplored areas.
  • Select a topic resonating with your passion and academic scope.

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Drama Dissertation Topics Ideas

Crafting a dissertation is the crucial step toward so much desired degree that crown the higher education process. And if we're talking about a degree in Arts, drama dissertation is what you might need to accomplish.

Sometimes selecting drama dissertation topics can be a somewhat confusing task. As a result, more and more students are seeking professional help with selecting titles in drama, as well as proposal and dissertation writing. In order to be successful in completing your work, you definitely need to remember a few aspects:

Make sure that you ask the committee to provide information on specific elements that influence your writing on drama dissertation topics.

Once you get the initial idea of what to write in the work, you will be engaged in various researches that will help to write your proposal on drama dissertation successfully.

Don’t hesitate to keep seeking for help from your professors, senior faculty members, and the committee till the time you are fully satisfied with their answers.

Most of the research should be done on a personal level without any support from external sources. This definitely makes the entire selection of drama dissertation topic a difficult and time-consuming task. However, getting drama dissertation help is extremely easy. Our professional experts have all the needed materials to assist you with the selection of dissertation topics in drama and completion of the paper or some of its chapters (i.e., you could request help writing drama dissertation conclusion while crafting other parts yourself).

If you place an order on our website, you will be able to directly communicate with the writer who is assigned to work on your dissertation, ask him or her any questions, share ideas, and track the progress. You will surely be impressed by the creative approach of our authors as their work is, in fact, the definition of brilliance in dissertation writing.

So Can You Write or Type My Drama Dissertation?

That's what we're trying to tell – of course we can! As soon as you set up all the details with your supervisor, you may fill out the order form at our website and provide the requirements for the order completion. Our writers will strictly follow the instructions and do all the possible to deliver any help you need with drama dissertation that will keep you 100% satisfied and successful. Whether it is the assistance in choosing the topics to write about, writing itself or editing the piece you've crafted yourself – we can do it all much to your delight!

Make an order right now and forget your academic worries about writing on dissertation topics in drama!

How Do You Do My Drama Dissertation Proposal or Entire Piece?

Literally, any stage of crafting a dissertation – be it composing a great drama dissertation proposal or writing the entire paper from title to references – is one hell of a job. Fortunately, our company possesses the necessary expertise thanks to over 10 years of operations on this market. Degreed ENL writers we hire approach any task scrupulously and with all due responsibility.

They demonstrate a good understanding of the instructor’s expectations you send us and help you to select the most suitable option from the list of available topics for drama dissertation.

If you were taking notes during practical sessions, the writer would be happy to have a look at them. If you don't have such records, not a problem – our experts perfectly know all the relevant requirements to produce the work according to the highest academic standards.

We collect preliminary data and analyze it to get a better idea of what kind of task we're dealing with and how we can manage the writing process most efficiently.

Then goes the writing. All information is carefully put together, formatted, and properly referenced.

Once the main part is done, the paper is checked using reliable anti-plagiarism software to ensure that it is 100% original.

Voila! Your drama dissertation proposal, or chapter, or an entire piece get delivered to you! The final step might include a revision of a dissertation if you want something to be changed or improved.

Beyond doubt, this activity should be initiated well in advance as it will help you to save a lot of valuable time in the long run. Do not waste time, the earlier you think about the importance of placing an order, the more time we will have to provide you with an excellent work.

At, all the help you get is personalized and tailored to your unique requirements. However, sometimes you need just a little spunk to do the job yourself. In terms of dissertation topic help, this could be some good examples of advanced higher drama dissertation ideas. So have a look at these free themes, which may ignite your inspiration and creativity:

The benefits of using drama to language teaching as an extracurricular activity

The benefits of drama in classroom for ESL/EFL students

Origins and history of the American TV crime drama

The concept of silence as the ultimate conclusion in absurd drama by Harold Pinter

The methodology of implementing drama and play to improve English skill in middle schools

Developing empathy in kids via drama in primary schools

Inclusive education: How drama is important for improving oral communication skills

Peculiarities of drama therapy for children with disabilities

Drama as a method of team building in the workplace

Black theater during the Harlem Renaissance

Best topics, best dissertations, best help – get them at! Get in touch today!

Do you want a paper like this, only unique? Don’t hesitate to order!


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Dissertation Writing Tools

  • 1. Complete Dissertation Writing Guide - eBook
  • 2. Dissertation Templates Pack
  • 3. Research Methodology Handbook
  • 4. Academic Writing Checklist
  • 5. Citation Style Guide
  • 6. Time Management for Dissertation Writing
  • 7. Literature Review Toolkit
  • 8. Grammar and Style Guide
  • 9. Dissertation Proposal Template
  • 10.Five Pre-written Full Dissertation Papers

topics for drama dissertation

Drama Dissertation Topics in 2023

Drama & Theater Dissertation Topics with examples Drama is one of the most remarkable methods of communication. Not just from the artistic point of view the drama had significance from both social and social viewpoints. Technological advancement likewise has an impact on the drama industry, and drama contemplates. Drama dissertation topics change and research on […]

Drama Dissertation Topics

Drama & Theater Dissertation Topics with examples

Drama is one of the most remarkable methods of communication. Not just from the artistic point of view the drama had significance from both social and social viewpoints. Technological advancement likewise has an impact on the drama industry, and drama contemplates. Drama dissertation topics change and research on this point will empower individuals to comprehend the basic intuition associated with drama making.

Drama and Theater dissertation ideas will help in gathering data concerning the world drama industry, and assets in regards to this point are accessible ample.  We are sharing the best drama dissertation topics for you and you can choose the one that is convenient for you.

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Table of Contents

Best Drama Dissertation Topics For College Students

These are the best drama dissertation topic ideas for your dissertation.

  • The representation of gender and sexuality in Shakespearean plays
  • The use of symbolism in Arthur Miller’s plays
  • The influence of Greek tragedy on modern drama
  • The role of the chorus in ancient Greek drama
  • The impact of August Wilson’s plays on African American theatre
  • The use of stage design in the works of Samuel Beckett
  • The role of the actor in the works of Anton Chekhov
  • The influence of existential philosophy on Samuel Beckett’s plays
  • The representation of mental illness in contemporary American drama
  • The use of music and song in Tennessee Williams’s plays
  • The advancement of Latin American drama in the UK: A test yet neglected.
  • The fame of genuine wrongdoing depictions and wrongdoing fiction in French media between the wars: An investigation of the exchange from distributed arrangements to film.
  • Points of view of youth in Latin American film in the 21st century.
  • The job of purposeful publicity in the Soviet film industry: 1917-1953.
  • The Matter of Identity: Digital Media, Television, and Embodied Difference
  • The Rehearsal for Terror: Form, Trauma, and Modern Horror
  • Stalemate in Multilingual Spaces: Politics of Language and Identity in Contemporary Francophone Contact Zones
  • A Changing Perspective: Examining the new wave in Greek Cinema
  • Differing Landscapes: A Study of World Cinema in the Festival Circuit
  • The Promised Land: The West as a Trope in the New Romanian Cinema
  • Reproducing theater inside correct open-air settings: An examination
  • Dressing down for the theater: Lessons from the Opera House?
  • From music corridor to assortment evenings: Popular performance center of days gone by
  • The estimation of theater in a period of supported gravity: A personal study
  • Roots in the Earth and the Flag in Hand: Rural Gender Identity in American Musical Theater
  • Amas Repertory Theater: Passing as Black While Becoming White?
  • Visit Theater Company: A Case Study in Community-Based Theater?
  • Theater of jam bands: Performance of opposition?
  • How conventional is African Dance Today: African Dance and Its Essence
  • The effect of music on TV ad
  • The impact of the feminist movement on the plays of Caryl Churchill
  • The role of Brechtian alienation in modern political theatre
  • The use of improvisation in the works of Harold Pinter
  • The representation of race in the plays of Lorraine Hansberry
  • The influence of the Theatre of the Absurd on contemporary drama
  • The role of traditional storytelling in the works of August Wilson
  • The impact of postmodernism on the plays of David Mamet
  • The use of realist techniques in the works of Tony Kushner
  • The representation of class in the plays of John Osborne
  • The influence of Eastern theatre on the works of Bertolt Brecht
  • The role of language in the works of Samuel Beckett
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the plays of August Wilson
  • The use of violence in the works of David Mamet
  • The representation of religion in the plays by Tony Kushner
  • The influence of psychoanalysis on the plays of Harold Pinter
  • The role of political satire in the works of Bertolt Brecht
  • The impact of the Me Too movement on contemporary American drama
  • The representation of trauma in the plays of Lynn Nottage
  • The influence of Avant-garde theatre on the works of Samuel Beckett
  • The role of physical theatre in the works of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

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Theatre Studies Dissertation Topics

100 theatre studies dissertation topics help ranging from elementary to advanced study.

Students of Theatre Studies and Dramaturgy who desire higher studies must write a dissertation paper to obtain their grade certificate. But typically, deciding on an appropriate topic to write an authentic thesis often becomes an exasperating undertaking for the students in this field. For this cause, we at the British Dissertation Help website offer dissertation topics help from professional academic writers. They are a team of dedicated professionals to assist students in writing stellar papers to ensure stellar grades in their Theatre Studies courses. Before we see some of the Theatre Studies Dissertation Topics ideas, here are some hints you can consider for formulating a unique set of topics on your own:

  • Constantin Stanislavsky
  • Stella Adler
  • Sanford Meisner
  • Stanley Kubrick
  • William Shakespeare
  • Anton Chekhov
  • Michael Checkhov
  • Theatrics and Histrionics
  • Scene Study
  • Character Study
  • Social Influence
  • Audio Theatre 
  • Films and Theatre

100 Best Theatre Studies Dissertation Topics Ideas for Thesis

General Topics for Theatre Studies Dissertation 

  • 1. How theatre enactment of drama can explore the root causes and human behaviour behind social issues
  • 2. Influence of Greek and Hindu mythology on Theatrics and Dramaturgy
  • 3. A discussion on the contribution of William Shakespeare to modern theatre and Drama
  • 4. A discussion on the origins of theatre in ancient Greece and how it is related to Dionysus and Thespis
  • 5. A comparative study between the techniques of displaying a drama scene on-screen and on-stage
  • 6. A narrative review of adaptation of theatre into cinema
  • 7. Exploring the connections between the practice of drama in theatres and the Harlem renaissance
  • 8. The principles and applications of Creative Dramatics in the theatre of the UK
  • 9. A comprehensive review of social stigma related to the Elizabethan Actors
  • 10. The concepts of set design in modern theatre: An investigation into the improvisation tactics
  • 11. Importance of team building in the light of contemporary drama and theatre management
  • 12. The evolution of drama from the Theatrical stage to the screen 
  • 13. The adaptation of Theatrical cut in Cinemas and how it differs from the Director’s cut
  • 14. A comprehensive analysis of the Shakespearean Historical Dramas in the light of the modern contemporary 
  • 15. Exploring the different phases of Greek Tragedy and how it influences modern Theatrical acting elements
  • 16. A case study of the Japanese Kabuki Theatre as a unique artform
  • 17. The musical aspect of Chinese theatre and how it determined the modern Chinese films
  • 18. A extensive study into the various types of Theatrical stages and phases of Drama production in the ’80s
  • 19. The extensive works of Tennessee Williams and their influence on modern theatre
  • 20. Understanding Eysenck’s Wheel in developing characters with regards to producing excellent acting performances
  • 21. The significance of expression, countenance in Acting: Finding effective methods to systematise rendering immaculate expressions 
  • 22. Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions and its applications in the Trait theory of personality development
  • 23. Improvisation in Acting: Chekhov’s method and its applications
  • 24. Character study in school drama classes and the use of Enneagrams to categorise theatrical personalities
  • 25. How the art of direction can bring stories to life: A qualitative analysis
  • 26. Group Therapy and the application of Roleplay in Theatrical Style
  • 27. How effectively do television dramas portray the family values of the modern US: An investigation
  • 28. A systematised approach in Theatrical Scene study: Understanding the methods and their utility
  • 29. Importance of workshops to enhance performance skills in drama students working in theatres: A qualitative study

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Theatre Studies Dissertation Topics Help for Thesis

  • 31. Understanding the Stanislavsky system of acting and how it brought realism in US theatre
  • 32. How Meisner technique changed the definition of acting forever in theatres and cinema
  • 33. Discussing the Method of acting by Strassberg and its application in modern theatres and the film industry
  • 34. Exploring the concepts in the Natyashastra: the oldest treatise on Histrionics, Theatrics and Dramaturgy written in India
  • 35. Blacksploitation: Understanding the status of African American expression in the society through theatres studies
  • 36. Understanding the influence of race and dramatics in the production of “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
  • 37. “The Diary of Anne Frank:” How the Holocaust has its reflection in the general art form of the post-WWII world
  • 38. Understanding Minimalism through the interrogation of Nathan Hale and how it shaped a nation’s structure
  • 39. Hippocrates’s theory of personality and how it shaped the character development in ancient greek dramas
  • 40. Portrayal of War in theatre: A case study of South Pacific
  • 41. How Self-documentation can improve participatory performance: Assessing the pedagogical potential
  • 42. Exploring Drama as a medium of anti-bullying intervention
  • 43. Theatrical production and Film production: Similarities and Differences
  • 44. Stella Adler acting technique and the importance of aristocracy for a budding actor
  • 45. Uta Hagen’s method of acting: Exploring a refined acting system
  • 46. An Actor prepares: A timeless gem for actors
  • 47. Character development and understanding the seven questions of Stanislavsky
  • 48. Extreme applications of emotional recall technique proposed by Lee Strasberg
  • 49. How Sanford Meisner produced world-class actors with his repetition technique: A comprehensive study of the inner working of the Meisner’s technique
  • 50. Michael Chekhov and the six questions for a given circumstance: Exploring a rudimentary method in Theatrical Scene Study

Research Topics for Theatre Studies Dissertation

  • 51. How performing psychologically vigorous roles in Theatres can act as a healing therapy for less confident actors
  • 52. Understanding the comic timing of actors across different countries
  • 53. How performing in drama and theatres improve the self-confidence of high school children
  • 54. A psychometric analysis of the effects of involvement in drama in the facilitation of leadership among the young adults
  • 55. The role of drama in boosting imagination and cognitive development in children: An investigation
  • 56. The relation between music and theatre: A brief history of musical theatres in the light of modern filmmaking
  • 57. A study of the most successful English actors in the Hollywood film industry and finding a relation of their performance with regards to their background in the theatres
  • 58. Broadway: History, Opportunities and Future
  • 59. The influence of WWII on the European Drama and Theatrics
  • 60. Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange”: How contemporary theatre influenced a movie about “Good old Ultraviolence.”
  • 61. Theatrical influences on “The Wizard of Oz”: A narrative study
  • 62. How the Three Theban plays successfully depicts civil disobedience: An in-depth study
  • 63. An overview of the works of Rodgers and Hammerstein on transcending contemporary musical theatres
  • 64. Fighting gentrification through applied theatre practices: A case study of Majorca, Spain
  • 65. Portrayal of violence in American theatres: A closer look into the Drama of Violence
  • 66. Importance of acting drills and small acting games in developing the natural performance abilities in elementary school children
  • 67. The evolution of Stage combat from theatrical practices to the modern film stunts
  • 68. Importance of field research in theatre studies in universities of the UK
  • 69. Why is screen acting techniques subtler than stage acting techniques

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Miscellaneous Theatre Studies Dissertation Topics Ideas

  • 71. A close look into homosexuality in contemporary theatres
  • 72. The application of multiple intelligence theory with regards to Dramaturgy and Theatrics: A study on Howard Gardner
  • 73. How incorporating drama and theatrics in the school curriculum can improve the development of thinking, emotional intelligence and kinesthetic skills in the children
  • 74. A comprehensive analysis of Galen’s four personality traits and their utility in applied theatrical acting
  • 75. Operetta and Sweeney Todd’s works on emotion: A qualitative study
  • 76. Understanding the influence of Radio drama in the pre-television era of entertainment
  • 77. Audio theatre in the popular culture and its impact on contemporary voice acting gigs
  • 78. The evolution of Choreography techniques over time and its status in contemporary theatre and art films
  • 79. Understanding the contribution of Constantin Stanislavsky, Michael Checkhov, Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler and Sanford Meisner in bringing realism to American theatres and films
  • 80. Philosophy of Acting and how it relates to the ‘Rasa’ Theory of Indian Dramaturgy
  • 81. Why social issues get regarded as the best material for crafting appealing stories for films and theatre
  • 82. The Sea-gull by Anton Chekhov: A case study into various staged performances of a play
  • 83. Exploring Trauma, Terror in Modern Horror: A comprehensive form study
  • 84. Open-air settings for a theatre: The correct methods for reproducing a hall experience
  • 85. Dressing down culture in Opera House: A comparison to the theatre Culture
  • 86. Community based theatres: A case study of the Visit theatre company
  • 87. Influence of Bengali Dramas upon the freedom struggle of India in the British colonial period
  • 88. Roles and responsibilities of the Technical Crew in a successful Theatrical production
  • 89. How dramaturgy can build an amicable relationship between indigenous and emigrant people
  • 90. The cultural boycott of Israel and what it shows about the limits of Cultural solidarity
  • 91. Exoticism in Neo-Burlesque: A negotiation
  • 92. The role of interface developing metaphors in interactive dramaturgy
  • 93. How the Canadian theatre, film and television is affected by the diverse cultural backgrounds of actors with regards to training and performances
  • 94. Exploring Somatic Acting Process: A new emerging body-movement-based acting practice
  • 95. Significance of SAP for contemporary Actor Training in UK theatres
  • 96. Satirical Activism in theatres: How cruel and unusual performances like Capital punishment became a crucial element in American theatres
  • 97. Exploring rural gender identity in American music theatre
  • 98. Understanding Drama as a Method of Communication
  • 99. Moscow art theatre and the contribution of Michael Chekhov in contemporary Russian Dramas
  • 100. Exploring the psycho-physical approach of Michael Chekhov for creating appealing characters

Concluding Reflection

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Literature Thesis Topics

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This page provides a comprehensive list of literature thesis topics , offering a valuable resource for students tasked with writing a thesis in the field of literature. Designed to cater to a wide array of literary interests and academic inquiries, the topics are organized into 25 diverse categories, ranging from African American Literature to Young Adult Literature. Each category includes 40 distinct topics, making a total of 1000 topics. This structure not only facilitates easy navigation but also aids in the identification of precise research areas that resonate with students’ interests and academic goals. The purpose of this page is to inspire students by presenting a breadth of possibilities, helping them to formulate a thesis that is both original and aligned with current literary discussions.

1000 Literature Thesis Topics and Ideas

Literature Thesis Topics

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, browse literature thesis topics, african american literature thesis topics, american literature thesis topics, children’s literature thesis topics, comparative literature thesis topics, contemporary literature thesis topics, diaspora literature thesis topics, english literature thesis topics, feminist literature thesis topics, gothic literature thesis topics, indigenous literature thesis topics, literary theory thesis topics, literature and film studies thesis topics, literature and history thesis topics, literature and philosophy thesis topics, literature and psychology thesis topics, medieval literature thesis topics, modernist literature thesis topics, postcolonial literature thesis topics, postmodern literature thesis topics, renaissance literature thesis topics, romantic literature thesis topics, science fiction and fantasy literature thesis topics, victorian literature thesis topics, world literature thesis topics, young adult literature thesis topics.

  • The evolution of African American narrative forms from slave narratives to contemporary fiction.
  • An analysis of the Harlem Renaissance: Artistic explosion and its impact on African American identity.
  • The role of music and oral tradition in African American literature.
  • A study of code-switching in African American literature and its effects on cultural and linguistic identity.
  • Gender and sexuality in African American women’s literature.
  • The portrayal of race and racism in the works of Toni Morrison.
  • The influence of African spirituality and religion in African American literature.
  • Exploring Afrofuturism through the works of Octavia Butler and N.K. Jemisin.
  • The representation of the family in African American literature post-1960s.
  • The use of southern settings in African American literature: A study of place and identity.
  • Intersectionality in the writings of Audre Lorde and Angela Davis.
  • The depiction of African American men in literature and media: Stereotypes vs. reality.
  • The impact of the Black Arts Movement on contemporary African American culture.
  • Literary responses to the Civil Rights Movement in African American literature.
  • The role of education in African American autobiographical writing.
  • The portrayal of historical trauma and memory in African American literature.
  • Analyzing black masculinity through the works of Richard Wright and James Baldwin.
  • The treatment of racial ambiguity and colorism in African American fiction.
  • The influence of hip-hop and rap on contemporary African American poetry.
  • The narrative strategies used in African American science fiction.
  • Postcolonial readings of African American literature: Transnational perspectives.
  • The evolution of black feminism reflected in literature.
  • The significance of folk motifs in the works of Zora Neale Hurston.
  • The impact of the Great Migration on literary depictions of African American life.
  • Urbanism and its influence on African American literary forms.
  • The legacy of Langston Hughes and his influence on modern African American poetry.
  • Comparing the racial politics in African American literature from the 20th to the 21st century.
  • The role of African American literature in shaping public opinion on social justice issues.
  • Mental health and trauma in African American literature.
  • The literary critique of the American Dream in African American literature.
  • Environmental racism and its representation in African American literature.
  • The adaptation of African American literary works into films and its cultural implications.
  • Analyzing class struggle through African American literary works.
  • The portrayal of African Americans in graphic novels and comics.
  • Exploring the African diaspora through literature: Connections and divergences.
  • The influence of Barack Obama’s presidency on African American literature.
  • Representation of African American LGBTQ+ voices in modern literature.
  • The use of speculative elements to explore social issues in African American literature.
  • The role of the church and religion in African American literary narratives.
  • Literary examinations of police brutality and racial profiling in African American communities.
  • The evolution of the American Dream in 20th-century American literature.
  • An analysis of naturalism and realism in the works of Mark Twain and Henry James.
  • The depiction of the frontier in American literature and its impact on national identity.
  • Exploring postmodern techniques in the novels of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo.
  • The influence of immigration on American narrative forms and themes.
  • The role of the Beat Generation in shaping American counter-culture literature.
  • Feminist themes in the novels of Sylvia Plath and Toni Morrison.
  • Ecocriticism and the portrayal of nature in American literature from Thoreau to contemporary authors.
  • The depiction of war and its aftermath in American literature: From the Civil War to the Iraq War.
  • The treatment of race and ethnicity in the novels of John Steinbeck.
  • The role of technology and media in contemporary American fiction.
  • The impact of the Great Depression on American literary works.
  • An examination of gothic elements in early American literature.
  • The influence of transcendentalism in the works of Emerson and Whitman.
  • Modernist expressions in the poetry of Wallace Stevens and Ezra Pound.
  • The depiction of suburban life in mid-20th-century American literature.
  • The cultural significance of the Harlem Renaissance in the development of American literature.
  • Identity and self-exploration in the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  • Analyzing the concept of alienation in the works of Edward Albee and Arthur Miller.
  • The role of political activism in the plays of August Wilson.
  • The portrayal of children and adolescence in American literature.
  • The use of satire and humor in the novels of Kurt Vonnegut.
  • Exploring the American South through the literature of Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner.
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in American novels from the 1960s to present.
  • Consumer culture and its critique in American post-war fiction.
  • The legacy of slavery in American literature and its contemporary implications.
  • The motif of the journey in American literature as a metaphor for personal and collective discovery.
  • The role of the wilderness in shaping American environmental literature.
  • An analysis of dystopian themes in American science fiction from Philip K. Dick to Octavia Butler.
  • The representation of Native American culture and history in American literature.
  • The treatment of mental health in the short stories of Edgar Allan Poe.
  • American expatriate writers in Paris during the 1920s: Lost Generation narratives.
  • The influence of jazz music on the narrative structure of American literature.
  • The intersection of law and morality in the novels of Herman Melville.
  • Post-9/11 themes in contemporary American literature.
  • The evolution of feminist literature in America from the 19th century to modern times.
  • Examining consumerism and its discontents in the novels of Bret Easton Ellis.
  • The portrayal of American cities in 20th-century literature.
  • The impact of the civil rights movement on American literary production.
  • The use of magical realism in the works of contemporary American authors.
  • The role of fairy tales in the development of child psychology.
  • Representation of family structures in modern children’s literature.
  • Gender roles in classic vs. contemporary children’s books.
  • The evolution of the hero’s journey in children’s literature.
  • Moral lessons and their conveyance through children’s stories.
  • The impact of fantasy literature on children’s imaginative development.
  • Depictions of cultural diversity in children’s books.
  • The use of animals as characters and their symbolic meanings in children’s stories.
  • The portrayal of disability in children’s literature and its impact on inclusivity.
  • The influence of children’s literature on early reading skills.
  • Analysis of cross-generational appeal in children’s literature.
  • The role of illustrations in enhancing narrative in children’s books.
  • Censorship and controversial topics in children’s literature.
  • Adaptations of children’s literature into films and their impact on the stories’ reception.
  • The representation of historical events in children’s literature.
  • Exploring the educational value of non-fiction children’s books.
  • The treatment of death and loss in children’s literature.
  • The role of magic and the supernatural in shaping values through children’s books.
  • Psychological impacts of children’s horror literature.
  • The significance of award-winning children’s books in educational contexts.
  • The influence of digital media on children’s book publishing.
  • Parental figures in children’s literature: From authoritarian to nurturing roles.
  • Narrative strategies used in children’s literature to discuss social issues.
  • Environmental themes in children’s literature and their role in fostering eco-consciousness.
  • The adaptation of classic children’s literature in the modern era.
  • The portrayal of bullying in children’s books and its implications for social learning.
  • The use of humor in children’s literature and its effects on engagement and learning.
  • Comparative analysis of children’s book series and their educational impacts.
  • Development of identity and self-concept through children’s literature.
  • The effectiveness of bilingual children’s books in language teaching.
  • The role of rhyme and rhythm in early literacy development through children’s poetry.
  • Sociopolitical themes in children’s literature and their relevance to contemporary issues.
  • The portrayal of technology and its use in children’s science fiction.
  • The representation of religious themes in children’s books.
  • The impact of children’s literature on adult readership.
  • The influence of children’s literature on children’s attitudes towards animals and nature.
  • How children’s literature can be used to support emotional intelligence and resilience.
  • The evolution of adventure themes in children’s literature.
  • Gender representation in children’s graphic novels.
  • Analyzing the narrative structure of children’s picture books.
  • Cross-cultural influences in the modernist movements of Europe and Japan.
  • The depiction of the Other in Western and Eastern literature.
  • Comparative analysis of postcolonial narratives in African and South Asian literatures.
  • The concept of the tragic hero in Greek and Shakespearean drama.
  • The treatment of love and marriage in 19th-century French and Russian novels.
  • The portrayal of nature in American transcendentalism vs. British romanticism.
  • Influence of Persian poetry on 19th-century European poets.
  • Modern reinterpretations of classical myths in Latin American and Southern European literature.
  • The role of dystopian themes in Soviet vs. American cold war literature.
  • Magic realism in Latin American and Sub-Saharan African literature.
  • Comparative study of feminist waves in American and Middle Eastern literature.
  • The depiction of urban life in 20th-century Brazilian and Indian novels.
  • The theme of exile in Jewish literature and Palestinian narratives.
  • Comparative analysis of existential themes in French and Japanese literature.
  • Themes of isolation and alienation in Scandinavian and Canadian literature.
  • The influence of colonialism on narrative structures in Irish and Indian English literature.
  • Analysis of folk tales adaptation in German and Korean children’s literature.
  • The portrayal of historical trauma in Armenian and Jewish literature.
  • The use of allegory in Medieval European and Classical Arabic literature.
  • Representation of indigenous cultures in Australian and North American novels.
  • The role of censorship in Soviet literature compared to Francoist Spain.
  • Themes of redemption in African-American and South African literature.
  • Narrative techniques in stream of consciousness: Virginia Woolf and Clarice Lispector.
  • The intersection of poetry and politics in Latin American and Middle Eastern literature.
  • The evolution of the epistolary novel in 18th-century England and France.
  • Comparative study of the Beat Generation and the Angolan writers of the 1960s.
  • The depiction of spiritual journeys in Indian and Native American literatures.
  • Cross-cultural examinations of humor and satire in British and Russian literatures.
  • Comparative analysis of modern dystopias in American and Chinese literature.
  • The impact of globalization on contemporary European and Asian novelists.
  • Postmodern identity crisis in Japanese and Italian literature.
  • Comparative study of the concept of heroism in ancient Greek and Indian epics.
  • Ecocriticism in British and Brazilian literature.
  • The influence of the French Revolution on English and French literature.
  • Representation of mental illness in 20th-century American and Norwegian plays.
  • Themes of migration in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean literatures.
  • Gender and sexuality in contemporary African and Southeast Asian short stories.
  • The literary portrayal of technological advances in German and American literature.
  • Comparative study of children’s fantasy literature in the British and Egyptian traditions.
  • The role of the supernatural in Japanese and Celtic folklore narratives.
  • The impact of digital culture on narrative forms in contemporary literature.
  • Representation of the global financial crisis in 21st-century novels.
  • Analysis of identity and self in the age of social media as depicted in contemporary literature.
  • The role of dystopian themes in reflecting contemporary societal fears.
  • Post-9/11 political and cultural narratives in American literature.
  • The influence of migration on shaping multicultural identities in contemporary novels.
  • Gender fluidity and queer identities in contemporary literary works.
  • Environmental concerns and ecocriticism in 21st-century fiction.
  • The resurgence of the epistolary novel form in the digital age.
  • The depiction of mental health in contemporary young adult literature.
  • The role of indigenous voices in contemporary world literature.
  • Neo-colonialism and its representation in contemporary African literature.
  • The intersection of film and literature in contemporary storytelling.
  • Analysis of consumerism and its critique in modern literary works.
  • The rise of autobiographical novels in contemporary literature and their impact on narrative authenticity.
  • Technological dystopias and human identity in contemporary science fiction.
  • The representation of terrorism and its impacts in contemporary literature.
  • Examination of contemporary feminist literature and the evolution of feminist theory.
  • The literary treatment of historical memory and trauma in post-Soviet literature.
  • The changing face of heroism in 21st-century literature.
  • Contemporary plays addressing the challenges of modern relationships and family dynamics.
  • The use of supernatural elements in modern literary fiction.
  • The influence of Eastern philosophies on Western contemporary literature.
  • The portrayal of aging and death in contemporary novels.
  • The dynamics of power and corruption in new political thrillers.
  • The evolution of narrative voice and perspective in contemporary literature.
  • Representation of refugees and asylum seekers in modern fiction.
  • The impact of pandemics on literary themes and settings.
  • Postmodern approaches to myth and folklore in contemporary writing.
  • The critique of nationalism and patriotism in 21st-century literature.
  • The use of satire and irony to critique contemporary political climates.
  • Emerging forms of literature, such as interactive and visual novels, in the digital era.
  • The representation of class struggle in contemporary urban narratives.
  • Changes in the portrayal of romance and intimacy in new adult fiction.
  • The challenge of ethical dilemmas in contemporary medical dramas.
  • Examination of space and place in the new landscape of contemporary poetry.
  • Contemporary reimaginings of classical literature characters in modern settings.
  • The role of privacy, surveillance, and paranoia in contemporary narratives.
  • The blending of genres in contemporary literature: The rise of hybrid forms.
  • The portrayal of artificial intelligence and its implications for humanity in contemporary works.
  • The role of memory and nostalgia in the literature of the Jewish diaspora.
  • Narratives of displacement and identity in the African diaspora.
  • The portrayal of the Indian diaspora in contemporary literature.
  • Cross-cultural conflicts and identity negotiations in Korean diaspora literature.
  • The influence of colonial legacies on Caribbean diaspora writers.
  • The concept of “home” and “belonging” in Palestinian diaspora literature.
  • Exploring the Irish diaspora through literary expressions of exile and return.
  • The impact of migration on gender roles within Middle Eastern diaspora communities.
  • Representation of the Vietnamese diaspora in American literature.
  • Transnationalism and its effects on language and narrative in Chicano/Chicana literature.
  • Dual identities and the search for authenticity in Italian-American diaspora writing.
  • The evolution of cultural identity in second-generation diaspora authors.
  • Comparative analysis of diaspora literature from former Yugoslav countries.
  • The depiction of generational conflicts in Chinese-American diaspora literature.
  • The use of folklore and mythology in reconnecting with cultural roots in Filipino diaspora literature.
  • The representation of trauma and recovery in the literature of the Armenian diaspora.
  • Intersectionality and feminism in African diaspora literature.
  • The role of culinary culture in narratives of the Indian diaspora.
  • Identity politics and the struggle for cultural preservation in diaspora literature from Latin America.
  • The portrayal of exile and diaspora in modern Jewish Russian literature.
  • The impact of globalization on diaspora identities as reflected in literature.
  • Language hybridity and innovation in Anglophone Caribbean diaspora literature.
  • Literary portrayals of the challenges faced by refugees in European diaspora communities.
  • The influence of remittances and transnational ties on Filipino diaspora literature.
  • The use of magical realism to express diasporic experiences in Latin American literature.
  • The effects of assimilation and cultural retention in Greek diaspora literature.
  • The role of digital media in shaping the narratives of contemporary diasporas.
  • The depiction of the African American return diaspora in literature.
  • Challenges of integration and discrimination in Muslim diaspora literature in Western countries.
  • The portrayal of Soviet diaspora communities in post-Cold War literature.
  • The narratives of return and reintegration in post-colonial diaspora literatures.
  • The influence of historical events on the literature of the Korean War diaspora.
  • The role of diaspora literature in shaping national policies on immigration.
  • Identity crisis and cultural negotiation in French-Algerian diaspora literature.
  • The impact of diaspora on the evolution of national literatures.
  • Literary exploration of transracial adoption in American diaspora literature.
  • The exploration of queer identities in global diaspora communities.
  • The influence of the digital age on the literary expression of diaspora experiences.
  • Themes of loss and alienation in Canadian diaspora literature.
  • The role of literature in documenting the experiences of the Syrian diaspora.
  • The role of the supernatural in the works of Shakespeare.
  • The portrayal of women in Victorian novels.
  • The influence of the Romantic poets on modern environmental literature.
  • The depiction of poverty and social class in Charles Dickens’ novels.
  • The evolution of the narrative form in British novels from the 18th to the 20th century.
  • Themes of war and peace in post-World War II British poetry.
  • The impact of colonialism on British literature during the Empire.
  • The role of the Byronic hero in Lord Byron’s works and its influence on subsequent literature.
  • The critique of human rights in the plays of Harold Pinter.
  • The representation of race and ethnicity in post-colonial British literature.
  • The influence of Gothic elements in the novels of the Brontë sisters.
  • Modernism and its discontents in the works of Virginia Woolf and T.S. Eliot.
  • The treatment of love and marriage in Jane Austen’s novels.
  • The use of irony and satire in Jonathan Swift’s writings.
  • The evolution of the tragic hero from Shakespeare to modern plays.
  • Literary depictions of the British countryside in poetry and prose.
  • The rise of feminist literature in England from Mary Wollstonecraft to the present.
  • The portrayal of children and childhood in Lewis Carroll’s works.
  • Analyzing the quest motif in British Arthurian literature.
  • The influence of the Industrial Revolution on English literature.
  • Themes of alienation and isolation in the novels of D.H. Lawrence.
  • The representation of religious doubt and faith in the poetry of John Donne and George Herbert.
  • The role of espionage and national identity in British spy novels.
  • Literary responses to the Irish Troubles in 20th-century British literature.
  • The evolution of comic and satirical plays in British theatre from Ben Jonson to Tom Stoppard.
  • The treatment of death and mourning in the works of Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti.
  • Comparative study of myth and mythology in the works of William Blake and Ted Hughes.
  • The depiction of the British Empire and its legacies in contemporary British literature.
  • The role of landscape and environment in shaping the novels of Thomas Hardy.
  • The influence of music and poetry on the lyrical ballads of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
  • The impact of technology on society as depicted in the novels of Aldous Huxley.
  • The critique of societal norms and manners in Oscar Wilde’s plays.
  • Literary explorations of mental illness in the early 20th century.
  • The intersection of literature and science in the works of H.G. Wells.
  • The role of the sea in British literature: From Shakespeare’s tempests to Joseph Conrad’s voyages.
  • The impact of Brexit on contemporary British literature.
  • Themes of exile and displacement in the poetry of W.H. Auden.
  • The influence of American culture on post-war British literature.
  • The role of the detective novel in British literature, from Sherlock Holmes to contemporary works.
  • The portrayal of the “New Woman” in late 19th-century English literature.
  • The evolution of feminist thought in literature from the 19th century to the present.
  • Analysis of the portrayal of women in dystopian literature.
  • Intersectionality and its representation in contemporary feminist texts.
  • The role of women in shaping modernist literature.
  • Feminist critique of traditional gender roles in fairy tales and folklore.
  • The portrayal of female agency in graphic novels and comics.
  • The influence of second-wave feminism on literature of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Postcolonial feminism in the works of authors from Africa and the Caribbean.
  • The depiction of motherhood in feminist literature across cultures.
  • The impact of feminist theory on the analysis of classical literature.
  • Ecofeminism: exploring the link between ecology and gender in literature.
  • Feminist perspectives on sexuality and desire in literature.
  • The intersection of feminism and disability in literary texts.
  • The role of the female gothic in understanding women’s oppression and empowerment.
  • Representation of transgender and non-binary characters in feminist literature.
  • Feminism and the critique of capitalism in literary works.
  • The representation of women in science fiction and fantasy genres.
  • Analysis of domesticity and the private sphere in 19th-century literature.
  • Feminist reinterpretations of mythological figures and stories.
  • The role of women in revolutionary narratives and political literature.
  • Feminist analysis of the body and corporeality in literature.
  • The portrayal of female friendships and solidarity in novels.
  • The influence of feminist literature on contemporary pop culture.
  • Gender and power dynamics in the works of Shakespeare from a feminist perspective.
  • The impact of digital media on feminist literary criticism.
  • Feminist literary responses to global crises and conflicts.
  • Queer feminism and literature: Exploring texts that intersect gender, sexuality, and feminist theory.
  • The portrayal of women in wartime literature from a feminist viewpoint.
  • Feminist poetry movements and their contribution to literary history.
  • The influence of feminist literary theory on teaching literature in academic settings.
  • Feminist analysis of women’s voices in oral narratives and storytelling traditions.
  • Representation of women in the detective and mystery genres.
  • The use of satire and humor in feminist literature to challenge societal norms.
  • Feminist perspectives on religious texts and their interpretations.
  • The critique of marriage and relationships in feminist novels.
  • Women’s narratives in the digital age: Blogs, social media, and literature.
  • Feminist literature as a tool for social change and activism.
  • The influence of feminist literature on legal and social policy reforms.
  • Gender roles in children’s literature: A feminist critique.
  • The role of feminist literature in redefining beauty standards and body image.
  • The evolution of the Gothic novel from the 18th century to contemporary Gothic fiction.
  • The representation of the sublime and the terrifying in Gothic literature.
  • The role of haunted landscapes in Gothic narratives.
  • Psychological horror vs. supernatural horror in Gothic literature.
  • The portrayal of madness in classic Gothic novels.
  • The influence of Gothic literature on modern horror films.
  • Themes of isolation and alienation in Gothic fiction.
  • The use of architecture as a symbol of psychological state in Gothic literature.
  • Gender roles and the portrayal of women in Victorian Gothic novels.
  • The revival of Gothic elements in 21st-century young adult literature.
  • The depiction of villains and anti-heroes in Gothic stories.
  • Comparative analysis of European and American Gothic literature.
  • The intersection of Gothic literature and romanticism.
  • The influence of religious symbolism and themes in Gothic narratives.
  • Gothic elements in the works of contemporary authors like Stephen King and Anne Rice.
  • The role of curses and prophecies in Gothic storytelling.
  • Gothic literature as social and cultural critique.
  • The representation of death and the afterlife in Gothic novels.
  • The use of dual personalities in Gothic literature.
  • The impact of Gothic literature on fashion and visual arts.
  • The role of secrecy and suspense in creating the Gothic atmosphere.
  • The depiction of the monstrous and the grotesque in Gothic texts.
  • Exploring the Gothic in graphic novels and comics.
  • The motif of the journey in Gothic literature.
  • The portrayal of science and experimentation in Gothic stories.
  • Gothic elements in children’s literature.
  • The role of nature and the natural world in Gothic narratives.
  • Themes of inheritance and the burden of the past in Gothic novels.
  • The influence of Gothic literature on the development of detective and mystery genres.
  • The portrayal of patriarchal society and its discontents in Gothic fiction.
  • The Gothic and its relation to postcolonial literature.
  • The use of folklore and myth in Gothic narratives.
  • The narrative structure and techniques in Gothic literature.
  • The role of the supernatural in defining the Gothic genre.
  • Gothic literature as a reflection of societal anxieties during different historical periods.
  • The motif of entrapment and escape in Gothic stories.
  • Comparative study of Gothic literature and dark romanticism.
  • The use of setting as a character in Gothic narratives.
  • The evolution of the ghost story within Gothic literature.
  • The function of mirrors and doubling in Gothic texts.
  • The portrayal of traditional spiritual beliefs in Indigenous literature.
  • The impact of colonization on Indigenous narratives and storytelling.
  • Analysis of language revitalization efforts through Indigenous literature.
  • Indigenous feminist perspectives in contemporary literature.
  • The role of land and environment in Indigenous storytelling.
  • Depictions of family and community in Indigenous novels.
  • The intersection of Indigenous literature and modernist themes.
  • The representation of cultural trauma and resilience in Indigenous poetry.
  • The use of oral traditions in modern Indigenous writing.
  • Indigenous perspectives on sovereignty and autonomy in literary texts.
  • The role of Indigenous literature in national reconciliation processes.
  • Contemporary Indigenous literature as a form of political activism.
  • The influence of Indigenous languages on narrative structure and poetics.
  • The depiction of urban Indigenous experiences in literature.
  • Analysis of Indigenous science fiction and speculative fiction.
  • The portrayal of intergenerational trauma and healing in Indigenous stories.
  • The role of mythology and folklore in contemporary Indigenous literature.
  • Indigenous authors and the global literary market.
  • The use of non-linear narratives in Indigenous storytelling.
  • Comparative study of Indigenous literatures from different continents.
  • The portrayal of Indigenous identities in children’s and young adult literature.
  • Representation of gender and sexuality in Indigenous literature.
  • The role of art and imagery in Indigenous narratives.
  • The influence of non-Indigenous readerships on the publication of Indigenous texts.
  • Environmental justice themes in Indigenous literature.
  • The depiction of historical events and their impacts in Indigenous novels.
  • Indigenous literature as a tool for education and cultural preservation.
  • The dynamics of translation in bringing Indigenous stories to a wider audience.
  • The treatment of non-human entities and their personification in Indigenous stories.
  • The influence of Indigenous storytelling techniques on contemporary cinema.
  • Indigenous authorship and intellectual property rights.
  • The impact of awards and recognitions on Indigenous literary careers.
  • Analysis of Indigenous autobiographies and memoirs.
  • The role of mentorship and community support in the development of Indigenous writers.
  • Comparative analysis of traditional and contemporary forms of Indigenous poetry.
  • The effect of digital media on the dissemination of Indigenous stories.
  • Indigenous resistance and survival narratives in the face of cultural assimilation.
  • The role of Indigenous literature in shaping cultural policies.
  • Exploring hybrid identities through Indigenous literature.
  • The representation of Indigenous spiritual practices in modern novels.
  • The application of deconstruction in contemporary literary analysis.
  • The impact of feminist theory on the interpretation of classic literature.
  • Marxism and its influence on the critique of 21st-century novels.
  • The role of psychoanalytic theory in understanding character motivations and narrative structures.
  • Postcolonial theory and its application to modern diaspora literature.
  • The relevance of structuralism in today’s literary studies.
  • The intersection of queer theory and literature.
  • The use of ecocriticism to interpret environmental themes in literature.
  • Reader-response theory and its implications for understanding audience engagement.
  • The influence of New Historicism on the interpretation of historical novels.
  • The application of critical race theory in analyzing literature by authors of color.
  • The role of biographical criticism in studying authorial intent.
  • The impact of digital humanities on literary studies.
  • The application of narrative theory in the study of non-linear storytelling.
  • The critique of capitalism using cultural materialism in contemporary literature.
  • The evolution of feminist literary criticism from the second wave to the present.
  • Hermeneutics and the philosophy of interpretation in literature.
  • The study of semiotics in graphic novels and visual literature.
  • The role of myth criticism in understanding modern reinterpretations of ancient stories.
  • Comparative literature and the challenges of cross-cultural interpretations.
  • The impact of globalization on postcolonial literary theories.
  • The application of disability studies in literary analysis.
  • Memory studies and its influence on the interpretation of narrative time.
  • The influence of phenomenology on character analysis in novels.
  • The role of orientalism in the depiction of the East in Western literature.
  • The relevance of Bakhtin’s theories on dialogism and the carnivalesque in contemporary media.
  • The implications of translation studies for interpreting multilingual texts.
  • The use of animal studies in literature to critique human-animal relationships.
  • The role of affect theory in understanding emotional responses to literature.
  • The critique of imperialism and nationalism in literature using postcolonial theories.
  • The implications of intersectionality in feminist literary criticism.
  • The application of Freudian concepts to the analysis of horror and Gothic literature.
  • The use of genre theory in classifying emerging forms of digital literature.
  • The critique of linguistic imperialism in postcolonial literature.
  • The use of performance theory in the study of drama and poetry readings.
  • The relevance of Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony in literary studies.
  • The examination of space and place in urban literature using spatial theory.
  • The impact of surveillance culture on contemporary narrative forms.
  • The application of chaos theory to the analysis of complex narrative structures.
  • The role of allegory in political and religious texts through historical and contemporary lenses.
  • Adaptation theory and the translation of literary narratives into film.
  • The role of the director as an interpreter of literary texts in cinema.
  • Comparative analysis of narrative techniques in novels and their film adaptations.
  • The impact of film adaptations on the reception of classic literature.
  • The portrayal of historical events in literature and film.
  • The influence of screenplay structure on literary narrative forms.
  • The representation of gender roles in book-to-film adaptations.
  • The intertextuality between film scripts and their source novels.
  • The use of visual symbolism in films adapted from literary works.
  • The portrayal of psychological depth in characters from literature to film.
  • The adaptation of non-fiction literature into documentary filmmaking.
  • The impact of the author’s biographical elements on film adaptations.
  • The role of music and sound in enhancing narrative elements from literature in films.
  • The evolution of the horror genre from literature to film.
  • The representation of science fiction themes in literature and their adaptation to cinema.
  • The influence of fan culture on the adaptation process.
  • The depiction of dystopian societies in books and their cinematic counterparts.
  • The challenges of translating poetry into visual narrative.
  • The portrayal of magical realism in literature and film.
  • The depiction of race and ethnicity in adaptations of multicultural literature.
  • The role of the viewer’s perspective in literature vs. film.
  • The effectiveness of dialogue adaptation from literary dialogues to film scripts.
  • The impact of setting and locale in film adaptations of regional literature.
  • The transformation of the mystery genre from page to screen.
  • The adaptation of children’s literature into family films.
  • The narrative construction of heroism in literary epics and their film adaptations.
  • The influence of graphic novels on visual storytelling in films.
  • The adaptation of classical mythology in modern cinema.
  • The ethics of adapting real-life events and biographies into film.
  • The role of cinematic techniques in depicting internal monologues from novels.
  • The comparison of thematic depth in short stories and their film adaptations.
  • The portrayal of alienation in modern literature and independent films.
  • The adaptation of stage plays into feature films.
  • The challenges of adapting experimental literature into conventional film formats.
  • The representation of time and memory in literature and film.
  • The adaptation of young adult novels into film franchises.
  • The role of directorial vision in reinterpreting a literary work for the screen.
  • The cultural impact of blockbuster adaptations of fantasy novels.
  • The influence of cinematic adaptations on contemporary novel writing.
  • The role of censorship in the adaptation of controversial literary works to film.
  • The portrayal of the American Revolution in contemporary historical novels.
  • The impact of the World Wars on European literary expression.
  • The depiction of the Victorian era in British novels.
  • Literary responses to the Great Depression in American literature.
  • The representation of the Russian Revolution in 20th-century literature.
  • The influence of the Harlem Renaissance on African American literature.
  • The role of literature in documenting the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
  • The depiction of colonialism and its aftermath in African literature.
  • The influence of historical events on the development of national literatures.
  • The role of literary works in shaping public memory of historical tragedies.
  • The portrayal of the Holocaust in European and American literature.
  • The use of allegory to critique political regimes in 20th-century literature.
  • The depiction of indigenous histories and resistances in literature.
  • The representation of the French Revolution in romantic literature.
  • Literature as a tool for national identity construction in postcolonial states.
  • The portrayal of historical figures in biographical novels.
  • The influence of the Cold War on spy novels and political thrillers.
  • The impact of migration and diaspora on historical narratives in literature.
  • The role of the ancient world in shaping modern historical novels.
  • The depiction of the Industrial Revolution and its impacts in literature.
  • The role of women in historical novels from the feminist perspective.
  • The representation of religious conflicts and their historical impacts in literature.
  • The influence of myth and folklore on historical narrative constructions.
  • The depiction of the American West in literature and its historical inaccuracies.
  • The role of literature in the preservation of endangered languages and cultures.
  • The impact of digital archives on the study of literature and history.
  • The use of literature to explore counterfactual histories.
  • The portrayal of piracy and maritime history in adventure novels.
  • Literary depictions of the fall of empires and their historical contexts.
  • The impact of archaeological discoveries on historical fiction.
  • The influence of the Spanish Civil War on global literary movements.
  • The depiction of social upheavals and their impacts on literary production.
  • The role of literature in documenting the environmental history of regions.
  • The portrayal of non-Western historical narratives in global literature.
  • The impact of historical laws and policies on the lives of characters in novels.
  • The influence of public health crises and pandemics on literature.
  • The representation of trade routes and their historical significance in literature.
  • The depiction of revolutions and uprisings in Latin American literature.
  • The role of historical texts in the reimagining of genre literature.
  • The influence of postmodernism on the interpretation of historical narratives in literature.
  • The exploration of existential themes in modern literature.
  • The representation of Platonic ideals in Renaissance literature.
  • Nietzschean perspectives in the works of postmodern authors.
  • The influence of Stoicism on characters’ development in classical literature.
  • The portrayal of ethical dilemmas in war novels.
  • The philosophical underpinnings of utopian and dystopian literature.
  • The role of absurdism in the narratives of 20th-century plays.
  • The concept of ‘the Other’ in literature, from a phenomenological viewpoint.
  • The depiction of free will and determinism in science fiction.
  • The influence of feminist philosophy on contemporary literature.
  • The exploration of Socratic dialogue within literary texts.
  • The reflection of Cartesian dualism in Gothic novels.
  • Buddhist philosophy in the works of Eastern and Western authors.
  • The impact of existentialism on the characterization in novels by Camus and Sartre.
  • The use of allegory to explore philosophical concepts in medieval literature.
  • The portrayal of hedonism and asceticism in biographical fiction.
  • The exploration of phenomenology in autobiographical narratives.
  • Literary critiques of capitalism through Marxist philosophy.
  • The relationship between language and reality in post-structuralist texts.
  • The depiction of nihilism in Russian literature.
  • The intersection of Confucian philosophy and traditional Asian narratives.
  • The exploration of human nature in literature from a Hobbesian perspective.
  • The influence of pragmatism on American literary realism.
  • The portrayal of justice and injustice in novels centered on legal dilemmas.
  • The exploration of existential risk and future ethics in speculative fiction.
  • The philosophical examination of memory and identity in memoirs and autobiographies.
  • The role of ethics in the portrayal of artificial intelligence in literature.
  • The literary interpretation of Schopenhauer’s philosophy of pessimism.
  • The reflection of Epicurean philosophy in modern travel literature.
  • The influence of Kantian ethics on the narratives of moral conflict.
  • The representation of libertarian philosophies in dystopian literature.
  • The philosophical discourse on beauty and aesthetics in literature.
  • The exploration of virtue ethics through historical biographical novels.
  • The philosophical implications of transhumanism in cyberpunk literature.
  • The use of literature to explore the philosophical concept of the sublime.
  • The narrative structures of temporality and eternity in philosophical novels.
  • The impact of neo-Platonism on the symbolism in Renaissance poetry.
  • The portrayal of existential isolation in urban contemporary novels.
  • The reflection of utilitarianism in social and political novels.
  • The exploration of ethical ambiguity in spy and thriller genres.
  • The portrayal of psychological disorders in modernist literature.
  • Exploration of trauma and its narrative representation in post-war novels.
  • The use of stream of consciousness as a method to explore cognitive processes in literature.
  • The psychological impact of isolation in dystopian literature.
  • The depiction of childhood and development in coming-of-age novels.
  • Psychological manipulation in the narrative structure of mystery and thriller novels.
  • The role of psychological resilience in characters surviving extreme conditions.
  • The influence of Freudian theory on the interpretation of dreams in literature.
  • The use of psychological archetypes in the development of mythological storytelling.
  • The portrayal of psychological therapy and its impacts in contemporary fiction.
  • Analysis of cognitive dissonance through characters’ internal conflicts in novels.
  • The exploration of the Jungian shadow in villain characters.
  • Psychological profiling of protagonists in crime fiction.
  • The impact of societal expectations on mental health in historical novels.
  • The role of psychology in understanding unreliable narrators.
  • The depiction of addiction and recovery in autobiographical works.
  • The exploration of grief and mourning in poetry.
  • Psychological theories of love as depicted in romantic literature.
  • The narrative portrayal of dissociative identity disorder in literature.
  • The use of psychological suspense in Gothic literature.
  • The representation of anxiety and depression in young adult fiction.
  • Psychological effects of war on soldiers as depicted in military fiction.
  • The role of psychoanalysis in interpreting symbolic content in fairy tales.
  • The psychological impact of technological change as seen in science fiction.
  • The exploration of existential crises in philosophical novels.
  • The depiction of social psychology principles in literature about cults and mass movements.
  • Psychological aspects of racial and gender identity in contemporary literature.
  • The representation of the subconscious in surreal and absurd literature.
  • The application of psychological resilience theories in survival literature.
  • The portrayal of parental influence on child development in family sagas.
  • Psychological theories of aging as explored in literature about the elderly.
  • The depiction of sensory processing disorders in fictional characters.
  • Psychological effects of immigration and cultural assimilation in diaspora literature.
  • The role of narrative therapy in autobiographical writing and memoirs.
  • The portrayal of obsessive-compulsive disorder in narrative fiction.
  • Psychological implications of virtual realities in cyberpunk literature.
  • The representation of psychopathy in anti-hero characters.
  • The exploration of group dynamics and leadership in epic tales.
  • Psychological interpretations of magical realism as a reflection of cultural psyche.
  • The use of literature in the therapeutic practice and understanding of mental health issues.
  • The influence of Christian theology on medieval epic poems.
  • The role of allegory in interpreting medieval morality plays.
  • The depiction of chivalry and courtly love in Arthurian legends.
  • Comparative analysis of the heroic ideals in Beowulf and the Song of Roland.
  • The impact of the Black Death on the themes of medieval poetry and prose.
  • The portrayal of women in medieval romances.
  • The use of dreams as a narrative device in medieval literature.
  • The representation of the otherworldly and supernatural in medieval texts.
  • The function of medieval bestiaries in literature and their symbolic meanings.
  • The influence of the Crusades on medieval literature across Europe.
  • The evolution of the troubadour and trouvère traditions in medieval France.
  • The depiction of feudalism and social hierarchy in medieval narratives.
  • The role of satire and humor in the Canterbury Tales.
  • The impact of monastic life on medieval literary production.
  • The use of vernacular languages in medieval literature versus Latin texts.
  • The portrayal of sin and redemption in Dante’s Divine Comedy.
  • The literary responses to the Mongol invasions in medieval Eurasian literature.
  • The development of allegorical interpretation in medieval biblical exegesis.
  • The influence of Islamic culture on medieval European literature.
  • The representation of Jewish communities in medieval Christian literature.
  • The concept of kingship and rule in Anglo-Saxon literature.
  • The use of landscape and nature in medieval Celtic stories.
  • The role of pilgrimage in shaping medieval narrative structures.
  • The depiction of witchcraft and magic in medieval texts.
  • Gender roles and their subversion in Middle English literature.
  • The literary legacy of Charlemagne in medieval European epics.
  • The portrayal of disability and disease in medieval literature.
  • The use of relics and iconography in medieval religious writings.
  • The medieval origins of modern fantasy literature tropes.
  • The use of cryptography and secret messages in medieval romance literature.
  • The influence of medieval astronomy and cosmology on literary works.
  • The role of manuscript culture in preserving medieval literary texts.
  • The depiction of Vikings in medieval English and Scandinavian literature.
  • Medieval literary depictions of Byzantine and Ottoman interactions.
  • The representation of sermons and homilies in medieval literature.
  • The literary forms and functions of medieval liturgical drama.
  • The influence of classical antiquity on medieval literary forms.
  • The use of irony and parody in medieval fabliaux.
  • The role of the troubadour poetry in the development of lyrical music traditions.
  • The impact of medieval legal texts on contemporary narrative forms.
  • The influence of urbanization on narrative form in Modernist literature.
  • Stream of consciousness technique in the works of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.
  • The role of symbolism and imagery in T.S. Eliot’s poetry.
  • The depiction of the World War I experience in Modernist novels.
  • The impact of Freudian psychology on Modernist character development.
  • The intersection of visual arts and narrative structure in Modernist poetry.
  • The critique of imperialism and colonialism in Modernist texts.
  • The representation of gender and sexuality in Modernist literature.
  • The influence of technology and industrialization on Modernist themes.
  • The use of fragmentation and non-linear narratives in Modernist fiction.
  • The evolution of the novel form in Modernist literature.
  • The role of existential philosophy in shaping Modernist themes.
  • The critique of traditional values and societal norms in Modernist works.
  • The portrayal of alienation and isolation in the Modernist era.
  • The impact of Jazz music on the rhythm and structure of Modernist poetry.
  • The role of expatriate writers in the development of Modernist literature.
  • The influence of Russian literature on Modernist authors.
  • The exploration of time and memory in Modernist narrative techniques.
  • The depiction of urban alienation and anonymity in Modernist literature.
  • The role of patronage and literary salons in the promotion of Modernist art.
  • The impact of cinema on Modernist narrative techniques.
  • The representation of religious doubt and spiritual crisis in Modernist texts.
  • The influence of Cubism on the form and structure of Modernist poetry.
  • The use of irony and satire in the critiques of Modernist society.
  • The interplay between Modernist literature and the emerging psychoanalytic discourse.
  • The depiction of the breakdown of language and communication in Modernist works.
  • The role of the anti-hero in Modernist novels.
  • The impact of existential despair on the themes of Modernist literature.
  • The representation of the New Woman in Modernist fiction.
  • The influence of Eastern philosophies on Modernist thought and writings.
  • The critique of materialism and consumer culture in Modernist literature.
  • The role of myth and narrative reconfiguration in Modernist poetry.
  • The depiction of war trauma and its aftermath in Modernist literature.
  • The representation of racial and ethnic identities in Modernist works.
  • The impact of avant-garde movements on Modernist literary forms.
  • The influence of European intellectual movements on American Modernist writers.
  • The role of the flâneur in Modernist literature and urban exploration.
  • The exploration of linguistic innovation in the works of Gertrude Stein.
  • The critique of historical progress in Modernist narratives.
  • The impact of existentialism on the depiction of the absurd in Modernist theatre.
  • The representation of colonial impact on identity in postcolonial narratives.
  • The role of language and power in postcolonial literature.
  • The portrayal of gender and resistance in postcolonial women’s writings.
  • The depiction of hybridity and cultural syncretism in postcolonial texts.
  • The influence of native folklore and mythology in postcolonial storytelling.
  • The critique of neocolonialism and globalization in contemporary postcolonial literature.
  • The exploration of diaspora and migration in postcolonial narratives.
  • The role of the subaltern voice in postcolonial literature.
  • The impact of postcolonial theory on Western literary criticism.
  • The representation of landscapes and spaces in postcolonial works.
  • The portrayal of historical trauma and memory in postcolonial fiction.
  • The exploration of identity and belonging in postcolonial children’s literature.
  • The use of magical realism as a political tool in postcolonial literature.
  • The depiction of urbanization and its effects in postcolonial cities.
  • The role of religion in shaping postcolonial identities.
  • The impact of apartheid and its aftermath in South African literature.
  • The representation of indigenous knowledge systems in postcolonial texts.
  • The critique of patriarchy in postcolonial narratives.
  • The exploration of linguistic decolonization in postcolonial writing.
  • The portrayal of conflict and reconciliation in postcolonial societies.
  • The depiction of postcolonial resistance strategies in literature.
  • The representation of climate change and environmental issues in postcolonial contexts.
  • The role of education in postcolonial literature.
  • The impact of tourism and exoticism on postcolonial identities.
  • The exploration of economic disparities in postcolonial narratives.
  • The representation of refugees and asylum seekers in postcolonial literature.
  • The portrayal of political corruption and governance in postcolonial works.
  • The depiction of cultural preservation and loss in postcolonial societies.
  • The role of oral traditions in contemporary postcolonial literature.
  • The portrayal of transnational identities in postcolonial fiction.
  • The exploration of gender fluidity and sexuality in postcolonial texts.
  • The depiction of labor migration and its effects in postcolonial literature.
  • The role of the media in shaping postcolonial discourses.
  • The impact of Western pop culture on postcolonial societies.
  • The portrayal of intergenerational conflict in postcolonial families.
  • The depiction of mental health issues in postcolonial contexts.
  • The exploration of postcolonial futurism in African speculative fiction.
  • The representation of native resistance against colonial forces in historical novels.
  • The critique of linguistic imperialism in postcolonial education.
  • The depiction of decolonization movements in postcolonial literature.
  • The use of metafiction and narrative self-awareness in postmodern literature.
  • The role of irony and playfulness in postmodern texts.
  • The exploration of fragmented identities in postmodern novels.
  • The deconstruction of traditional narrative structures in postmodern works.
  • The representation of hyperreality and the simulation of reality in postmodern fiction.
  • The critique of consumer culture and its influence on postmodern characters.
  • The exploration of historiographic metafiction and the reinterpretation of history.
  • The role of pastiche and intertextuality in postmodern literature.
  • The depiction of paranoia and conspiracy in postmodern narratives.
  • The portrayal of cultural relativism and the challenge to universal truths.
  • The use of multimedia and digital influences in postmodern writing.
  • The exploration of existential uncertainty in postmodern philosophy and literature.
  • The role of gender and identity politics in postmodern texts.
  • The depiction of postmodern urban landscapes and architecture in literature.
  • The representation of globalization and its effects in postmodern novels.
  • The portrayal of ecological crises and environmental concerns in postmodern fiction.
  • The critique of scientific rationalism and technology in postmodern literature.
  • The exploration of linguistic experimentation and its impact on narrative.
  • The role of the anti-hero and flawed protagonists in postmodern stories.
  • The depiction of social fragmentation and alienation in postmodern works.
  • The representation of non-linear time and its effect on narrative perspective.
  • The portrayal of the dissolution of boundaries between high and low culture.
  • The use of parody and satire to critique political and social norms.
  • The exploration of subjectivity and the breakdown of the authorial voice.
  • The role of performance and spectacle in postmodern drama.
  • The depiction of marginalization and minority voices in postmodern literature.
  • The representation of the interplay between virtual and physical realities.
  • The portrayal of ephemeral and transient experiences in postmodern texts.
  • The critique of capitalism and neoliberal economics in postmodern narratives.
  • The exploration of human relationships in the context of media saturation.
  • The depiction of dystopian societies and their critiques of contemporary issues.
  • The role of surreal and absurd elements in postmodern storytelling.
  • The portrayal of cultural pastiches and their implications for identity formation.
  • The exploration of narrative unreliability and ambiguous truths.
  • The depiction of multiple realities and parallel universes in postmodern fiction.
  • The representation of anarchism and resistance in postmodern literature.
  • The critique of colonial narratives and their postmodern reevaluations.
  • The exploration of therapeutic narratives in postmodern psychology and literature.
  • The role of chance and randomness in the structure of postmodern plots.
  • The portrayal of artistic and cultural decadence in postmodern settings.
  • The impact of humanism on the themes and forms of Renaissance poetry.
  • The influence of Renaissance art on the literature of the period.
  • The role of court patronage in the development of literary forms during the Renaissance.
  • The depiction of love and courtship in Shakespeare’s comedies.
  • The use of classical myths in Renaissance drama.
  • The portrayal of political power in the plays of Christopher Marlowe.
  • The evolution of the sonnet form from Petrarch to Shakespeare.
  • The representation of women in Renaissance literature and the role of gender.
  • The impact of the Reformation on English literature during the Renaissance.
  • The development of narrative prose during the Renaissance.
  • The influence of Italian literature on English Renaissance writers.
  • The role of allegory in Spenser’s The Faerie Queene .
  • The depiction of the supernatural in Renaissance drama.
  • The exploration of identity and self in Renaissance autobiographical writings.
  • The rise of satire and its development during the English Renaissance.
  • The concept of the tragic hero in Renaissance tragedy.
  • The role of travel and exploration narratives in shaping Renaissance literature.
  • The influence of Machiavellian philosophy on Renaissance literary characters.
  • The representation of religious conflicts and sectarianism in Renaissance texts.
  • The depiction of colonialism and its early impacts in Renaissance literature.
  • The portrayal of the city and urban life in Renaissance literature.
  • The use of rhetoric and persuasion in the sermons and speeches of the Renaissance.
  • The depiction of friendship and societal bonds in Renaissance literature.
  • The influence of Renaissance music on the poetic forms of the time.
  • The role of magic and science in the literature of the Renaissance.
  • The treatment of classical philosophy in Renaissance humanist literature.
  • The representation of nature and the environment in pastoral literature.
  • The depiction of courtly and peasant life in Renaissance drama.
  • The influence of Renaissance literature on later literary movements.
  • The portrayal of villains and their motivations in Renaissance plays.
  • The development of printing technology and its impact on Renaissance literature.
  • The role of language and dialect in the literature of the English Renaissance.
  • The depiction of the New World in Renaissance travel literature.
  • The exploration of moral and ethical issues in Renaissance philosophical writings.
  • The impact of Spanish literature on the Renaissance literary scene.
  • The role of soliloquies in deepening character development in Renaissance drama.
  • The treatment of death and mortality in Renaissance poetry.
  • The representation of court politics and intrigue in Renaissance historical plays.
  • The development of comedic elements in Renaissance literature.
  • The exploration of Renaissance literary criticism and its approaches to interpretation.
  • The exploration of nature and the sublime in Romantic poetry.
  • The role of the individual and personal emotion in Romantic literature.
  • The impact of the French Revolution on Romantic literary themes.
  • The representation of the Byronic hero in Romantic novels.
  • The influence of Gothic elements on Romantic literature.
  • The depiction of women and femininity in the works of Romantic poets.
  • The role of imagination and creativity in Romantic theories of art and literature.
  • The portrayal of childhood and innocence in Romantic literature.
  • The influence of Eastern cultures on Romantic poetry and prose.
  • The interplay between science and religion in Romantic texts.
  • The Romantic fascination with death and the macabre.
  • The depiction of landscapes and rural life in Romantic poetry.
  • The role of folklore and mythology in shaping Romantic narratives.
  • The impact of Romanticism on national identities across Europe.
  • The exploration of exile and alienation in Romantic literature.
  • The critique of industrialization and its social impacts in Romantic writing.
  • The development of the historical novel in Romantic literature.
  • The role of letters and correspondence in Romantic literary culture.
  • The representation of revolutionary ideals and their disillusionment in Romantic texts.
  • The exploration of human rights and liberty in Romantic works.
  • The portrayal of artistic genius and its torments in Romantic literature.
  • The depiction of friendship and romantic love in Romantic poetry.
  • The influence of Romantic literature on the development of modern environmentalism.
  • The role of music and its inspiration on Romantic poetry.
  • The exploration of time and memory in Romantic literary works.
  • The depiction of urban versus rural dichotomies in Romantic texts.
  • The impact of Romanticism on later literary movements such as Symbolism and Decadence.
  • The role of melancholy and introspection in Romantic poetry.
  • The representation of dreams and visions in Romantic literature.
  • The depiction of storms and natural disasters as metaphors in Romantic writing.
  • The exploration of political reform and radicalism in Romantic works.
  • The portrayal of the supernatural and its role in Romantic narratives.
  • The influence of Romantic literature on the visual arts.
  • The depiction of heroism and adventure in Romantic epics.
  • The role of solitude and contemplation in Romantic poetry.
  • The exploration of national folklore in the Romantic movement across different cultures.
  • The critique of reason and rationality in favor of emotional intuition.
  • The depiction of the quest for immortality and eternal youth in Romantic literature.
  • The role of the pastoral and the picturesque in Romantic aesthetics.
  • The exploration of spiritual and transcendental experiences in Romantic texts.
  • The role of dystopian worlds in critiquing contemporary social issues.
  • The portrayal of artificial intelligence and its ethical implications in science fiction.
  • The evolution of space opera within science fiction literature.
  • The depiction of alternate histories in fantasy literature and their cultural significance.
  • The use of magic systems in fantasy novels as metaphors for real-world power dynamics.
  • The representation of gender and sexuality in speculative fiction.
  • The influence of scientific advancements on the development of science fiction themes.
  • Environmentalism and ecocriticism in science fiction and fantasy narratives.
  • The role of the hero’s journey in modern fantasy literature.
  • The portrayal of utopias and their transformation into dystopias.
  • The impact of post-apocalyptic settings on character development and moral choices.
  • The exploration of virtual reality in science fiction and its implications for the future of society.
  • The representation of alien cultures in science fiction and the critique of human ethnocentrism.
  • The use of mythology and folklore in building fantasy worlds.
  • The influence of cyberpunk culture on contemporary science fiction.
  • The depiction of time travel and its impact on narrative structure and theme.
  • The role of military science fiction in exploring warfare and peace.
  • The portrayal of religious themes in science fiction and fantasy.
  • The impact of fan fiction and its contributions to the science fiction and fantasy genres.
  • The exploration of psychological themes through science fiction and fantasy narratives.
  • The role of colonization in science fiction narratives.
  • The impact of science fiction and fantasy literature on technological innovation.
  • The depiction of societal collapse and reconstruction in speculative fiction.
  • The role of language and linguistics in science fiction, such as in creating alien languages.
  • The portrayal of non-human characters in fantasy literature and what they reveal about human nature.
  • The use of science fiction in exploring philosophical concepts such as identity and consciousness.
  • The representation of disabled characters in science fiction and fantasy.
  • The influence of historical events on the development of fantasy literature.
  • The critique of capitalism and corporate governance in dystopian science fiction.
  • The role of political allegory in science fiction during the Cold War.
  • The representation of indigenous peoples in fantasy settings.
  • The impact of climate change on the settings and themes of speculative fiction.
  • The exploration of bioethics and genetic modification in science fiction.
  • The impact of globalization as seen through science fiction narratives.
  • The role of women authors in shaping modern science fiction and fantasy.
  • The exploration of sentient machines and the definition of life in science fiction.
  • The use of archetypes in fantasy literature and their psychological implications.
  • The narrative strategies used to build suspense and mystery in fantasy series.
  • The influence of Eastern philosophies on Western science fiction.
  • The portrayal of family and community in post-apocalyptic environments.
  • The representation of the British Empire and colonialism in Victorian novels.
  • The impact of the Industrial Revolution on the social landscape in Victorian literature.
  • The depiction of gender roles and the domestic sphere in Victorian novels.
  • The influence of Darwinian thought on Victorian characters and themes.
  • The role of the Gothic tradition in Victorian literature.
  • The portrayal of morality and ethics in the works of Charles Dickens.
  • The exploration of class disparity and social mobility in Victorian fiction.
  • The depiction of urban life and its challenges in Victorian literature.
  • The role of realism in Victorian novels and its impact on literary form.
  • The representation of mental illness and psychology in Victorian fiction.
  • The critique of materialism and consumer culture in Victorian literature.
  • The portrayal of children and childhood in Victorian narratives.
  • The exploration of romanticism versus realism in Victorian poetry.
  • The depiction of religious doubt and spiritual crises in Victorian texts.
  • The role of women writers in the Victorian literary scene.
  • The portrayal of the “New Woman” in late Victorian literature.
  • The exploration of scientific progress and its ethical implications in Victorian works.
  • The depiction of crime and punishment in Victorian detective fiction.
  • The influence of aestheticism and decadence in late Victorian literature.
  • The representation of imperial anxieties and racial theories in Victorian novels.
  • The role of sensation novels in shaping Victorian popular culture.
  • The portrayal of marriage and its discontents in Victorian literature.
  • The depiction of rural life versus urbanization in Victorian narratives.
  • The exploration of philanthropy and social reform in Victorian texts.
  • The role of the supernatural and the occult in Victorian fiction.
  • The portrayal of art and artists in Victorian literature.
  • The representation of travel and exploration in Victorian novels.
  • The depiction of the aristocracy and their decline in Victorian literature.
  • The influence of newspapers and media on Victorian literary culture.
  • The role of patriotism and national identity in Victorian writings.
  • The exploration of the Victorian underworld in literature.
  • The depiction of legal and judicial systems in Victorian fiction.
  • The portrayal of addiction and vice in Victorian texts.
  • The role of foreign settings in Victorian novels.
  • The depiction of technological advancements in transportation in Victorian literature.
  • The influence of French and Russian literary movements on Victorian authors.
  • The role of epistolary form in Victorian novels.
  • The portrayal of altruism and self-sacrifice in Victorian narratives.
  • The depiction of servants and their roles in Victorian households.
  • The exploration of colonial and postcolonial readings of Victorian texts.
  • The role of translation in shaping the global reception of classic literary works.
  • The impact of globalization on the development of contemporary world literature.
  • Comparative analysis of national myths in literature across different cultures.
  • The influence of postcolonial theory on the interpretation of world literature.
  • The depiction of cross-cultural encounters and their implications in world novels.
  • The role of exile and migration in shaping the themes of world literature.
  • The representation of indigenous narratives in the global literary marketplace.
  • The portrayal of urbanization in world literature and its impact on societal norms.
  • The exploration of feminist themes across different cultural contexts in literature.
  • The depiction of historical trauma and memory in literature from post-conflict societies.
  • The role of magical realism in expressing political and social realities in Latin American literature.
  • The exploration of identity and hybridity in diaspora literature from around the world.
  • The impact of censorship and political repression on literary production in authoritarian regimes.
  • Comparative study of the Gothic tradition in European and Latin American literature.
  • The influence of religious texts on narrative structures and themes in world literature.
  • The role of nature and the environment in shaping narrative forms in world literature.
  • The exploration of time and memory in post-Soviet literature.
  • The portrayal of love and marriage across different cultural contexts in world novels.
  • The impact of technological changes on narrative forms and themes in world literature.
  • The exploration of human rights issues through world literature.
  • The depiction of war and peace in Middle Eastern literature.
  • Comparative analysis of the tragic hero in Greek tragedy and Japanese Noh theater.
  • The role of traditional folk stories in contemporary world literature.
  • The influence of African oral traditions on modern African literature.
  • The exploration of social justice and activism in world literature.
  • The portrayal of children and childhood in world literature.
  • The depiction of the supernatural and the uncanny in world literary traditions.
  • The impact of colonial histories on contemporary literature in former colonies.
  • The exploration of gender and sexuality in Scandinavian literature.
  • The portrayal of disability and mental health in world literature.
  • The role of food and cuisine in cultural identity as depicted in world literature.
  • Comparative study of poetry from the Middle Eastern and Western traditions.
  • The exploration of death and the afterlife in world religious texts and their literary influences.
  • The portrayal of the artist and the creative process in world literature.
  • The impact of economic crises on characters and plot development in world novels.
  • The exploration of architectural spaces and their symbolism in world literature.
  • The role of multilingualism and code-switching in narrative development in world literature.
  • The depiction of aging and intergenerational relationships in world novels.
  • The influence of classical Chinese literature on East Asian modern narratives.
  • The role of the sea and maritime culture in world literary traditions.
  • The portrayal of identity and self-discovery in YA literature.
  • The representation of mental health issues in YA novels.
  • The evolution of the coming-of-age narrative in modern YA fiction.
  • The role of dystopian settings in YA literature as metaphors for adolescent struggles.
  • The depiction of family dynamics and their impact on young protagonists.
  • The treatment of romance and relationships in YA fiction.
  • The exploration of LGBTQ+ themes and characters in YA literature.
  • The impact of social media and technology on character development in YA novels.
  • The portrayal of bullying and social exclusion in YA fiction.
  • The representation of racial and cultural diversity in YA literature.
  • The use of fantasy and supernatural elements to explore real-world issues in YA fiction.
  • The role of friendship in character development and plot progression in YA novels.
  • The depiction of resilience and personal growth in YA protagonists.
  • The influence of YA literature on young readers’ attitudes towards social issues.
  • The portrayal of disability and inclusivity in YA narratives.
  • The role of sports and extracurricular activities in shaping YA characters.
  • The exploration of historical events through YA historical fiction.
  • The impact of war and conflict on young characters in YA literature.
  • The depiction of academic pressure and its consequences in YA novels.
  • The portrayal of artistic expression as a form of coping and identity in YA literature.
  • The use of alternate realities and time travel in YA fiction to explore complex themes.
  • The role of villainy and moral ambiguity in YA narratives.
  • The exploration of environmental and ecological issues in YA literature.
  • The portrayal of heroism and leadership in YA novels.
  • The impact of grief and loss on YA characters and their journey.
  • The depiction of addiction and recovery narratives in YA literature.
  • The portrayal of economic disparities and their effects on young characters.
  • The representation of non-traditional family structures in YA novels.
  • The exploration of self-empowerment and activism in YA literature.
  • The depiction of crime and justice in YA mystery and thriller genres.
  • The role of mythology and folklore in crafting YA fantasy narratives.
  • The portrayal of exile and migration in YA fiction.
  • The impact of YA literature in promoting literacy and reading habits among teens.
  • The exploration of gender roles and expectations in YA novels.
  • The depiction of peer pressure and its influence on YA characters.
  • The portrayal of escapism and adventure in YA fiction.
  • The role of magical realism in conveying psychological and emotional truths in YA literature.
  • The exploration of ethical dilemmas and moral choices in YA narratives.
  • The depiction of the future and speculative technology in YA science fiction.
  • The portrayal of societal norms and rebellion in YA dystopian novels.

We hope this comprehensive list of literature thesis topics empowers you to narrow down your choices and sparks your curiosity in a specific area of literary studies. With 1000 unique topics spread across 25 categories, from traditional to emerging fields, there is something here for every literary scholar. The diversity of topics not only reflects the dynamic nature of literature but also encompasses a range of perspectives and cultural backgrounds, ensuring that every student can find a topic that resonates deeply with their scholarly interests and personal passions. Utilize this resource to embark on a thought-provoking and intellectually rewarding thesis writing journey.

Literature and Thesis Topic Potential

Literature encompasses a vast and vibrant spectrum of themes and narrative techniques that mirror, critique, and reshape the complex world we live in. For students embarking on the challenging yet rewarding journey of thesis writing, delving into the multitude of literature thesis topics can unlock profound insights and present significant scholarly opportunities. This exploration is not merely an academic exercise; it is a deep dive into the human experience, offering a unique lens through which to view history, culture, and society. Engaging with literature in this way not only enhances one’s understanding of various literary genres and historical periods but also sharpens analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills.

Current Issues in Literature

One prevailing issue in contemporary literary studies is the exploration of identity and representation within literature. This includes examining how narratives portray race, gender, sexuality, and disability. The rise of identity politics has encouraged a reevaluation of canonical texts and a push to broaden the literary canon to include more diverse voices. Such studies challenge traditional narratives and open up discussions on power dynamics within literature.

Another significant issue is the impact of digital technology on literature. The digital age has introduced new forms of literature, such as hypertext fiction and digital poetry, which utilize the interactive capabilities of digital devices to create multifaceted narratives. This shift has led to new interpretations of authorship and readership, as the boundaries between the two blur in interactive media. Thesis topics might explore how these technological innovations have transformed narrative structures and themes or how they affect the psychological engagement of the reader.

Environmental literature has also emerged as a poignant area of study, especially in the context of growing global concerns about climate change and sustainability. This trend in literature reflects an urgent need to address the relationship between humanity and the natural world. Theses in this area could examine narratives that focus on ecological disasters, the anthropocene, or the role of non-human actors in literature, providing new insights into environmental ethics and awareness.

Recent Trends in Literature

The recent trend towards blending genres within literature has led to innovative narrative forms that defy conventional genre classifications. Works that fuse elements of science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction challenge readers to engage with literature in new and complex ways. These hybrid genres often address contemporary issues through the lens of speculative or fantastical settings, offering fresh perspectives on familiar problems. Thesis topics in this area could explore how these blended genres comment on societal issues or how they represent historical narratives through a fantastical lens.

Another noteworthy trend is the increasing prominence of autobiographical and memoir writing, which highlights personal narratives and individual experiences. This shift towards personal storytelling reflects a broader societal interest in authentic and individualized narratives, often exploring themes of identity, trauma, and resilience. Students could develop thesis topics that analyze how these works serve as both personal catharsis and a social commentary, or how they use narrative techniques to blur the lines between fiction and non-fiction.

Global literature, written in or translated into English, has expanded the geographical boundaries of literary analysis and introduced a plethora of voices and stories from around the world. This trend not only diversifies the range of literary works available but also introduces new themes and narrative strategies influenced by different cultural backgrounds. Thesis research could investigate how global literature addresses universal themes through culturally specific contexts, or how it challenges Western literary paradigms.

Future Directions in Literature

As literature continues to evolve, one of the exciting future directions is the potential integration of literary studies with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies could lead to new forms of literary creation and analysis, where AI-generated literature becomes a field of study, or where machine learning is used to uncover patterns in large volumes of text. Thesis topics might explore the ethical implications of AI in literature, the authenticity of AI-authored texts, or how AI can be used to interpret complex literary theories.

Another future direction is the increasing intersection between literature and other disciplines such as neuroscience, psychology, and anthropology. This interdisciplinary approach can deepen understanding of how literature affects the human brain, influences behavior, or reflects cultural evolution. Students could develop theses that examine the neurocognitive impacts of reading fiction, or how literary studies can contribute to our understanding of human culture and societal development.

Finally, the role of literature in addressing and influencing social and political issues is likely to increase. As global challenges like migration, inequality, and climate change persist, literature that addresses these issues not only provides commentary but also raises awareness and fosters empathy. Future thesis topics could focus on how literature serves as a tool for social justice, how it influences public policy, or how it helps shape collective memory and identity in times of crisis.

The exploration of literature thesis topics offers students a panorama of possibilities for deep academic inquiry and personal growth. By engaging deeply with literature, students not only fulfill their academic objectives but also gain insights that transcend scholarly pursuits. This exploration enriches personal perspectives and fosters a profound appreciation for the power of words and stories. The pursuit of literature thesis topics is thus not merely academic—it is a journey into the heart of human experience, offering endless opportunities for discovery and impact.

iResearchNet’s Thesis Writing Services

iResearchNet stands at the forefront of academic support, offering a bespoke thesis writing service tailored to meet the unique needs of students across various disciplines, including literature. Our dedicated team understands the challenges and pressures that come with thesis writing. Therefore, we are committed to providing customized, in-depth support to help students achieve academic excellence and intellectual growth.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: Our team is composed exclusively of professionals who hold advanced degrees in their respective fields. With a deep understanding of academic requirements and a wealth of experience, our writers are well-equipped to handle the most complex topics in literature and beyond.
  • Custom Written Works: Every thesis we produce is crafted from scratch, tailored to the specific requirements and academic standards of the student’s institution. This bespoke approach ensures that each piece is original, thoughtful, and perfectly aligned with the student’s objectives.
  • In-Depth Research: At iResearchNet, we pride ourselves on rigorous and comprehensive research methodologies. Our writers utilize a wide array of sources, including academic journals, books, and credible online resources, to underpin each thesis with a robust theoretical foundation.
  • Custom Formatting: Understanding the importance of proper formatting, we adhere strictly to academic guidelines, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard styles. Correct formatting enhances the clarity and professionalism of the thesis, ensuring it meets all scholarly criteria.
  • Top Quality: Quality is non-negotiable at iResearchNet. Each thesis undergoes a stringent quality check, which includes proofreading, editing, and plagiarism checks to ensure the work is of the highest academic standard.
  • Customized Solutions: Recognizing that each student’s needs are unique, we offer flexible solutions tailored to individual requirements. Whether it’s a specific chapter, a comprehensive thesis, or professional editing services, we adapt our offerings to best support each student.
  • Flexible Pricing: We provide a range of pricing options designed to accommodate students’ budgets without compromising on quality. Our transparent pricing model ensures that students know exactly what they are paying for.
  • Short Deadlines: We understand that students often face tight deadlines. Our team is equipped to handle urgent requests, with the ability to deliver high-quality work within as little as 3 hours.
  • Timely Delivery: Meeting deadlines is a critical part of our service commitment. We ensure timely delivery of all our projects, allowing students to submit their theses with confidence and peace of mind.
  • 24/7 Support: Our support team is available around the clock to assist with any questions or concerns that may arise. This constant availability guarantees that students feel supported at every stage of their thesis writing process.
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  • Easy Order Tracking: Our online platform enables students to track the progress of their thesis easily. This feature ensures transparency and allows students to provide real-time feedback to writers.
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At iResearchNet, we are dedicated to empowering students by providing top-tier academic support tailored to their specific needs. Our comprehensive suite of writing services is designed to alleviate the stress of thesis writing and ensure academic success. Whether you are just starting your thesis or need assistance polishing your final draft, iResearchNet is here to help you every step of the way. With our expert writers, customized support, and commitment to quality, we are your trusted partner in academic achievement.

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Embarking on your thesis journey can be daunting, but you don’t have to tackle it alone. At iResearchNet, we are committed to supporting you through every stage of your academic endeavor with expert guidance and bespoke writing services. Whether you are grappling with complex literature thesis topics or navigating the intricacies of formatting and research, our team is here to ensure your success.

Don’t let the pressure of thesis writing overwhelm you. Take control of your academic future today by choosing iResearchNet as your trusted partner. Our team of seasoned writers is ready to help you craft a thesis that not only meets but exceeds academic standards. With our comprehensive support, flexible pricing, and guarantee of quality, you have everything you need to excel.

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Kampourelli, Vassiliki. "Space in Greek tragedy." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2002.

Geller, Grace. "Translations and adaptations of Euripides' Trojan Women /." Norton, Mass. : Wheaton College, 2010.

Bardel, Ruth. "Casting shadows on the Greek stage : the stage ghost in Greek tragedy." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1999.

Salis, Loredana. "'So Greek with consequence' : classical tragedy in contemporary Irish Drama." Thesis, Ulster University, 2005.

Kavoulaki, Athena. "Pompai : processions in Athenian tragedy." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1996.

Griffiths, Emma Marie. "Trailing clouds of glory : a study of child figures in Greek tragedy." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1999.


Ahern, John N. "Conscience, the Other and the moral community: a study in meta-ethics and tragedy /." Burnaby B.C. : Simon Fraser University, 2006.

Streeter, Joshua Aaron. "Greek Tragedy and Its American Choruses in Open Air Theaters from 1991 to 2014: The Cases of Gorilla Theatre Productions and The Classic Greek Theatre of Oregon." The Ohio State University, 2019.

Hamilton, Christine Rose Elizabeth. "The Function of the Deus ex Machina in Euripidean Drama." The Ohio State University, 2017.

Hanink, Johanna Marie. "Classical tragedy in the age of Macedon : studies in the theatrical discourses of Athens." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2010.

Silverblank, Hannah. "Monstrous soundscapes : listening to the voice of the monster in Greek epic, lyric, and tragedy." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2017.

Hackett, Linda. "Into the hourglass: a teacher's retrospective study of a process-drama approach to Greek tragedy." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=103484.

Powers, Mary Melinda. "A genealogy of corporeal culture in Bakchai." Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2007.

Van, Essen-Fishman Lucy. "Character through interaction : Sophocles and the delineation of the individual." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.

Wilson, Kristi M. "Euripideanism : Euripides, orientalism and the dislocation of the western self /." Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 1999.

Salvador, Evandro Luis. "Tradução da tragédia As Fenícias, de Eurípides, e ensaio sobre o prólogo (vv. 1-201) e o primeiro episódio (vv. 261-637)." [s.n.], 2010.

Polyakov, Maxim. "The power of time : old age and old men in ancient Greek drama." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

Schmakeit, Iris Astrid. "Apollonios Rhodios und die attische Tragödie gattungsüberschreitende Intertextualität in der alexandrinischen Epik /." Groningen : [s.n.], 2003.

Kennedy, Rebecca Futo. "Athena/Athens on Stage: Athena in the Tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles." Connect to this title online, 2003.

Bees, Robert. "Zur Datierung des Prometheus Desmotes." Stuttgart : B. G. Teubner, 1993.

Lampaki, Eleni. "A comparative study of the manuscripts and early printed editions of the Cretan tragedy Erofili and its interludes." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2014.

Auer, Janette Slater William J. "Electra in context: an investigation of a character in fifth century B.C. Athenian tragedy in the social context of the ritual lament and revenge /." *McMaster only, 2005.

George, R. H. "Accommodation and coercion in comedy and tragedy : an analysis of the social and political implications of the development of classical Greek drama." Thesis, University of Essex, 1996.

Roense, i. Simó Anna. "Ésser i tragèdia. Llegir les "Eumènides"." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2011.

Martínez, Garrido Valerià. "Παντοπόρος ἄπορος, el hápax sofocleo como aporía." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2017.

Hazel, Ruth Mary. "The mediation in late twentieth-century English theatres of selected ancient Greek tragedy texts and themes concerned with women and power." n.p, 1998.

Leone, Myriam. "L'oracolo tragico: la maschera del signore di Delfi nella tragedia attica." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2013.

Jendza, Craig Timothy. "Euripidean Paracomedy." The Ohio State University, 2013.

Scapin, Nuria. "'The flower of suffering' : a study of Aeschylus' Oresteia in the light of Presocratic ideas." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2016.

Masciadri, Virgilio. "Eine Insel im Meer der Geschichten : Untersuchungen zu Mythen aus Lemnos /." Stuttgart : Steiner, 2008.

Romero, Rey Sandro. "Género y destino. La tragedia griega en Colombia." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2014.

Homar, Pérez Roser. "El πάθος com a motiu tràgic en els escolis i en les manifestacions artístiques d'època imperial: dansa i novel·la." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2016.

Müller, Enrico. "Die Griechen im Denken Nietzsches." Berlin : De Gruyter, 2005.

Klyve, Gregory Erland. "A commentary on Rhesus 1-526, with an introduction." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1995.

Hýl, Petr. "Slovinské národní divadlo v Lublani." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2009.

Conser, Anna. "The Musical Design of Greek Tragedy." Thesis, 2021.

Widzisz, Marcel Andrew Hubbard Thomas K. "Ritual and civic temporalities in Greek tragedy." 2005.

Widzisz, Marcel Andrew. "Ritual and civic temporalities in Greek tragedy." Thesis, 2005.

"Tragedy and philosophy: the problem of tuchê in Aristotle and Greek tragedy." 2001.

Stathaki, Aktina. "Adaptation and Perfomance of Greek Drama in Post-Apartheid South Africa." Thesis, 2009.

Papoutsis, Natalie Anastasia. "An Ear for an Eye: Greek Tragedy on Radio." Thesis, 2012.

Dixon, Dustin W. "Myth-making in Greek and Roman comedy." Thesis, 2015.

Wise, Amanda Rae. "Ritual and reason : the sacrificial motif in Sophoclean tragedy : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in History in the University of Canterbury /." 2009.

"Convergence and divergence: a comparative study of myth and tragic in Jiuge and Agamemnon." 1999.

Combatti, Maria. "Somatic Landscapes: Affects, Percepts, and Materialities in Select Tragedies of Euripides." Thesis, 2020.

Duchek, Libor. "Katharsis v řecké tragédii." Master's thesis, 2011.

Sanders, Kyle Austin. "The concept of autochthony in Euripides' Phoenissae." Thesis, 2014.

Catenaccio, Claire. "Monody and Dramatic Form in Late Euripides." Thesis, 2017.

Χάλκου, Κατερίνα. "Αρχαιόθεμη νεοελληνική δραματουργία και τεχνικές του θεάτρου εν θεάτρω. "Η βουή" του Παύλου Μάτεσι, "Η τελευταία πράξη" του Ιάκωβου Καμπανέλλη και "Οι ηθοποιοί" του Γιώργου Σκούρτη." Thesis, 2014.

Miss USA pageant resignations: An explainer of the organization's chaos — and what's next

Though Miss USA has filled the void left by Noelia Voigt with the 2023 Miss USA pageant runner-up, Hawaii's Savannah Gankiewicz , the pageant organization's troubles appear to be far from over.

In a historic move earlier this month, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA titleholders both resigned. Miss Teen USA has not announced a replacement for UmaSofia Srivastava .

On May 15, their mothers, Jackeline Voigt and Barbara Srivastava, claimed in a " Good Morning America " interview that the Miss USA organization mistreated their daughters . "The job of their dreams turned out to be a nightmare," Srivastava said, adding, "They were ill-treated, abused, bullied and cornered."

The mothers called for Miss USA CEO and President Laylah Rose to resign, warning others to "really pay attention" to what happened to their daughters and stay away from the pageants.

Both pageants, which fall under the Miss Universe organization, took place in September 2023. They were the first hosted by Rose after Miss USA 2008 Crystle Stewart stepped down from the position a month prior, nearly a year after she faced allegations of rigging the Miss USA 2022 competition.

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They were also the first pageants under JKN Global Group's ownership; the Thai company acquired Miss Universe from the New York-based IMG Worldwide LLC in October 2022.

Here's everything we know about the bombshell Miss USA resignations and what might be next for the embattled pageants.

How did the Miss USA departures start?

According to Claudia Engelhardt , in late April, the Miss USA organization fired two of her colleagues, who were assistant national directors.

Following this, Engelhardt told USA TODAY, she made the "very tough decision" to leave what she calls a "dream job" as the organization's social media director. She shared a lengthy statement on Instagram on May 3 to publicly condemn "current management" for speaking in an "unprofessional and inappropriate" manner to its titleholders and engaging in "workplace toxicity and bullying."

"I was disrespected at my own job," Engelhardt told USA TODAY. "And then to see the way that they were treating the titleholders, I was like, you know what? Enough is enough."

Three days later, Voigt made the bombshell announcement of her resignation.

Miss USA versus Miss America: Everything you need to know about the pageants

Noelia Voigt resigns as Miss USA 2023 titleholder

Eight months following her Miss USA crowning, Voigt announced in a May 6 Instagram post that she was relinquishing her pageant title to preserve her mental health.

"Never could I have imagined the journey that my childhood dream would take me on," Voigt said in a lengthy statement. "Constant and consistent hard work and dedication all lead me to where I am today, and I hope that the last seven years of competing in pageantry and sharing my journey with you all is something that inspires you to never give up on your dreams, whatever they may be."

While Voigt acknowledged that her resignation might "come as a large shock to many," she advised readers to "never compromise your physical and mental well-being. Our health is our wealth."

Read more here: Miss USA Noelia Voigt makes 'tough decision' to step down. Read her full statement.

Noelia Voigt hints at being 'silenced' by Miss USA organization

Voigt's resignation sparked a flurry of online speculation after fans noted a strange detail about her statement.

In the comments of Voigt's Instagram post and elsewhere on social media, users noticed that taking the first letter in each sentence of her statement reveals the phrase "I AM SILENCED" — though this discounts the last three sentences, the first letters of which spell "HIP." It was not immediately clear whether the message was intentional.

Denise White, who's been working with Voigt and ex-Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava since their resignations, confirmed to USA TODAY that the former titleholders are bound by nondisclosure agreements "that are ironclad and in perpetuity."

Read more here: Did Miss USA Noelia Voigt's resignation statement contain a hidden message?

In an interview with USA TODAY, Miss USA 2023 contestant Alexis Loomans alleged that the contracts finalizing contestants' participation in the pageant were sent out on short notice — a submission deadline of approximately four hours — which made it difficult to seek legal counsel to review the terms of the lengthy contract.

"I think it was part of their plan because they knew how horrendous the contract was," Loomans said. "But none of us were going to question it. We were all just so excited to get up on that stage, and so we did, but that is what ultimately trapped Noelia or anyone else who could’ve won."

USA TODAY has reached out to the Miss USA Organization for comment.

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UmaSofia Srivastava resigns as Miss Teen USA 2023 titleholder

Just two days after Voigt's resignation was made public, Srivastava shared a lengthy statement May 8 announcing her departure because her "personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization."

"I am grateful for all the support from my family, my state directors, my sister queens, and the fans who have cheered me on since I won my state title," Srivastava wrote. "I will always look back on my time as Miss NJ Teen USA fondly, and the experience of representing my state as a first generation, Mexican-Indian American at the national level was fulfilling in itself."

Read more here: Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava resigns

Miss USA 2023 contestants back Noelia Voigt, call for 'full transparency' from pageant

In a joint statement shared on social media May 8, dozens of Miss USA 2023 contestants showed solidarity with Voigt.

"Prioritizing one's mental health is of the utmost importance, and we stand behind her," the statement read. "We are asking the Miss USA Organization to release Noelia from the confidentiality NDA clause of her contract, in perpetuity, so that she is free to speak on her experiences and time as Miss USA."

In an interview with USA TODAY, Miss USA 2023 contestants Alexis Loomans and Rachelle di Stasio condemned Voigt's inability to fully disclose her experiences at Miss USA.

"The biggest part about Miss USA is using your voice," Di Stasio said. "That’s your most powerful weapon, and the fact that that’s being taken away...goes against everything that I believe Miss USA represents."

Read more here: Miss USA contestants call for 'full transparency' from pageant amid Noelia Voigt's departure

Noelia Voigt calls Miss USA organization a 'toxic work environment'

Days after Voigt gave up her crown, NBC News and the New York Times obtained a copy of her resignation letter, which was shared with the Miss USA organization.

"There is a toxic work environment within the Miss USA organization that, at best, is poor management and, at worst, is bullying and harassment," Voigt wrote, according to the outlets.

In her resignation letter, Voigt said that Miss USA CEO and President Laylah Rose consistently failed to communicate and that when she did, she was "often cold and unnecessarily aggressive."

She also said she has been diagnosed with anxiety, for which she has been prescribed medication, and deals with "heart palpitations, full body shakes, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, loss of sleep, loss of hair, and more." According to NBC, she attributed these symptoms to "worrying about what Laylah (Rose) will pop up with and choose to harass me about daily."

Miss USA and Teen USA's moms speak out: Voigt and Srivastava were 'abused, bullied and cornered'

Former Miss USA staffer says organization caused winners' mental health decline

Englehardt, the former social media director, blames the Miss USA organization's new owner for Voigt and Srivastava's resignations.

"This stepping down of Noelia and Uma is a direct response to the current ownership and current management of the Miss USA brand," she told USA TODAY . "They are the ones that are responsible for Noelia and Uma's mental health decline. And it was documented that they knew it and they did nothing about it."

She made several claims about the ways the organization's owner, Laylah Rose, allegedly bullied Voigt during her reign.

"The owner (Rose) would constantly weaponize the contract that Noelia signed, the most airtight, egregious, binding contract you'd probably ever see," Engelhardt said. "She would copy and paste every single little clause anytime Noelia would do something that she didn't like and say, 'Well, per your contract, if you don't fix this that I didn't tell you about, we're going to withhold your salary.'"

She added, "And I don't know about you, but to have to live with that all the time, that is the definition of a toxic workplace."

Read more: Former Miss USA staffer's allegations against the pageant organization

Miss Teen USA runner-up Miss NY Teen declines position

On May 11, four days after Srivastava gave back her crown, the first runner-up in the 2023 Miss Teen USA competition revealed she'd declined the invitation to replace Srivastava.

Miss New York Teen USA Stephanie Skinner wrote in an Instagram post, "In light of recent events, I have decided to decline the title of Miss Teen USA 2023. This was not an easy decision. I hope for respect of my choice that this was a decision I never asked to make. Although I do not know exactly what Noelia and Uma went through to lead them to resign, I am sending them immense love and support."

Read more: Miss Teen USA runner-up declines position after UmaSofia Srivastava's resignation

CW says the network is 'evaluating' relationship with Miss USA

On May 13, The CW network announced it's "evaluating its relationship with both pageants" as the Miss USA organization is embroiled in allegations.

Brad Schwartz, CW's programming chief, told USA TODAY the network is "very, very concerned about" the allegations.

"Obviously, we don't condone bullying in any way, shape or form. We're taking it very seriously and gathering information; we don't want to act hastily or improperly," he said. "We want to support the women, but obviously we have a lot of questions about the organization."

Will there be a Miss America in 2024?

The 42nd Miss Teen USA pageant is scheduled for Aug. 1, and the 73rd Miss USA pageant is slated for Aug. 4.

What has the Miss USA organization said?

In a statement shared with USA TODAY on May 8 in response to Srivastava's resignation, Miss USA CEO and President Laylah Rose said, "Our all-encompassing goal at Miss USA is to celebrate and empower women. Our participants make a real difference in this country and around the globe."

Rose's statement continued, "All along, my personal goal as the head of this organization has been to inspire women to always create new dreams, have the courage to explore it all, and continue to preserve integrity along the way. I hold myself to these same high standards and I take these allegations seriously. Please be assured that the well-being of all individuals associated with Miss USA is my top priority."

Previously, in regards to Voigt's resignation, the organization said in a statement: "We respect and support former Miss USA Noelia Voigt’s decision to step down from her duties. The well-being of our titleholders is a top priority, and we understand her need to prioritize herself at this time."

Contributing: Erin Jensen, Gary Levin, Taijuan Moorman, Brendan Morrow and Naledi Ushe, USA TODAY

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Mossavar-rahmani center announces 2024 dunlop undergraduate thesis prize winner.

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Aden Barton.

Courtesy Aden Barton

The Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government (M-RCBG) at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government announced Aden Barton as the 2024 winner of the John T. Dunlop Undergraduate Thesis Prize in Business and Government.

Barton won for his thesis, “The Causal Effect of Welfare Retrenchment: Evidence from Medicaid and SNAP.” He is graduating from Harvard College this week with an A.B. in economics.

The John T. Dunlop Thesis Prize in Business and Government is awarded to graduating seniors who write the best thesis on a challenging public policy issue at the interface of business and government. The prize carries a $2,000 award.

This year’s winning thesis by Barton examines the ongoing Medicaid Unwinding, in which millions have been removed from public insurance based on a state’s caseload prioritization. He finds that disenrollment increases the likelihood of being on private insurance and of being uninsured, and reduces the likelihood of enrollees and disenrollees working in the last week by about 5 percentage points, as individuals likely reduced their labor supply to maintain eligibility. His findings also indicate an increased household financial strain, most conclusively by greatly raising the likelihood individuals delay medical treatment.

In explaining why the center chose to award the John Dunlop Prize to Barton, John A. Haigh, co-director of M-RCBG, said that “Aden’s thesis was impressive in its conception and execution. It represents the type of excellent analysis and policy recommendations at the intersection of business and government that we value so highly here at the center.”

John T. Dunlop, the Lamont University Professor Emeritus, was a widely respected labor economist who served as dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences from 1969 to 1973. An adviser to many U.S. presidents, beginning with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dunlop was secretary of labor under Gerald Ford, serving from March 1975 to January 1976. In addition to serving as secretary of labor, Dunlop held many other government posts, including: director of the Cost of Living Council, (1973-74), chairman of the Construction Industry Stabilization Committee (1993-95), chair of the Massachusetts Joint Labor-Management Committee for Municipal Police and Firefighters (1977-2003) and Chair of the Commission on Migratory Farm Labor (1984-2003). Dunlop served as the second director of the Center for Business and Government from 1987 to1991. The Center, renamed in 2005 as the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, focuses on policy issues at the intersection of business and government. Dunlop died in 2003.

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Sex-worker drama Anora wins Palme d’Or, the Cannes Film Festival’s top honour


The film, from 53-year-old indie filmmaker Sean Baker, is about an American sex worker who marries the son of a wealthy Russian oligarch.

Sean Baker, winner of the Palme d'Or for the film Anora, at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, on May 25, 2024. (Photo: Scott A Garfitt/Invision/AP)

Sean Baker’s Anora, a comic but devastating Brooklyn odyssey about a sex worker who marries the son of a wealthy Russian oligarch, won the Cannes Film Festival’s top award, the Palme d’Or.

The win for Anora marked a coronation for Baker, the 53-year-old indie filmmaker of The Florida Project who used iPhones to make his 2015 film Tangerine. It’s also, remarkably, the fifth straight Palme d’Or won by specialty distributor Neon, following Parasite, Titane, Triangle of Sadness and last year’s winner, Anatomy of a Fall.

Baker accepted the prize with his movie’s star, Mikey Madison, watching in the audience at the Cannes closing ceremony.

“This, literally, has been my singular goal as a filmmaker for the past 30 years, so I’m not really sure what I’m going to do with the rest of my life," said Baker, laughing.

But Baker, the first American filmmaker to win the Palme since Terrence Mallick in 2011 with The Tree of Life, quickly answered that his ambition would remain to “fight to keep cinema alive”. The director said the world needed reminding that “watching a film at home while scrolling through your phone, answering emails and half paying attention is just not the way — although some tech companies would like us to think so”.

“So I say the future of cinema is where it started: In a movie theatre,” said Baker, who dedicated his award to all sex workers “past, present and future”.

The awards were chosen by the nine-member jury led by Greta Gerwig, who told reporters she was “forever changed as a filmmaker because of this experience". Gerwig praised Anora as having the feeling of classical cinema, saying it felt like an Ernst Lubitsch or Howard Hawks film that lead in unexpected directions.

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While Anora was arguably the most acclaimed film of the festival, its win was a slight surprise. Many expected either the gentle Indian drama All We Imagine As Light or the Iranian film The Seed of the Sacred Fig to win. Both of those films also took home prizes.

It wasn’t the only jolt of the closing ceremony, though. Before George Lucas was given an honorary Palme d’Or, his old friend and sometimes collaborator Francis Ford Coppola appeared to present it to him, reuniting two of the most pivotal figures of the last half-century of American moviemaking.

Coppola, who earlier in the festival premiered his self-financed sci-fi epic Megalopolis, called him his “kid brother”. Lucas called Coppola “a big friend and a brother and a mentor”.

“I’m just a kid who grew up in a vineyard in Modesto, California, who makes movies in San Francisco, with my friend Francis,” said Lucas. “It’s definitely a different world. I’ve actually never made a film in Hollywood as a director.”

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All We Imagine As Light about sisterhood in modern Mumbai, won the Grand Prix, Cannes’ second-highest honour. Payal Kapadia’s second feature was the first Indian in competition in Cannes in 30 years.

Afterward, Kapadia urged a wide understanding of Indian cinema, saying “there’s amazing work going on in our country”.

“Not just Bollywood,” said Kapadia.

The jury awarded a special prize to Mohammad Rasoulof’s The Seed of the Sacred Fig, a drama made secretly in Iran. Days ahead of the film’s premiere, Rasoulof, facing an eight-year prison sentence, fled Iran on foot.

His film, which includes real footage from the 2022-2023 demonstrations in Iran, channels Iranian oppression into a family drama. The Cannes crowd met an emotional Rasoulof with a lengthy standing ovation.

Coralie Fargeat’s body horror film The Substance, starring Demi Moore as a Hollywood actress who goes to gory extremes to remain youthful, won for best screenplay.

“I really believe that movies can change the world, so I hope this movie will be a little stone to build new foundations,” said Fargeat. “I really think we need a revolution and I don’t think it has really started yet.”

Some thought Moore, who attended the awards ceremony, might take best actress. But that honour instead went to an ensemble of actors: Karla Sofia Gascon, Zoe Saldana, Selena Gomez and Adriana Paz for Jacques Audiard’s Emilia Perez, a Spanish-language musical about a Mexican drug lord who transitions to a woman.

Gascon, who accepted the award, is the first trans actor to win a major prize at Cannes.

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“This award is not just for me. It’s for all people who are fighting for themselves and their rights,” Gascon told reporters. “We’ve been insulted, denigrated, subjected to a lot of violence without even knowing why. I think this is award is so much more than anyone could imagine.”

Explaining the jury’s unusual choice of giving best actress to an ensemble, Gerwig said each performer was a standout, “but together they’re transcendent”.

Emilia Perez also won Cannes’ jury prize, giving it a rare two awards at a festival where prizes are usually spread around.

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Best actor went to Jesse Plemons for Yorgos Lanthimos’ Kinds of Kindness. In the film, three stories are told with largely the same company of actors. Plemons, a standout in several chapters, didn’t attend the closing ceremony.

Portuguese director Miguel Gomes won best director for his Grand Tour, an Asian odyssey in which a man flees his fiancee from Rangoon in 1917.

“Sometimes I get lucky,” shrugged Gomes.

The Camera d’Or, the prize for best first feature across all of Cannes official selections, went to Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel for Armand, starring The Worst Person in the World star Renate Reinsve. Tøndel is the grandson of Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman and Norwegian actor Liv Ullman.

Last year’s top winners in Cannes went on to considerable arthouse success and awards-season runs through the Oscars. That included the Palme winner Anatomy of a Fall and the Grand Prix winner The Zone of Interest.

Whether this year’s Cannes lived up to that lineup was a regular conversation topic during the festival. But it was a notably eventful Cannes not just for the some of the films — including Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga and Kevin Costner’s Horizon: An America Saga — that screened but for other surrounding dramas.

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Dystopia and glamour collide as Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga premieres at Cannes

After stalling for years in France, the #MeToo movement gained momentum ahead of the festival following allegations by Judith Godreche against two prominent French filmmakers. She brought her short Moi Aussi to the festival.

The wars in Gaza and Ukraine were sometimes referenced in press conferences and in subtly symbolic ways on the red carpet. Festival workers, seeking better protections, protested during the opening night ceremony. The Olympic flame, ahead of its arrival in Paris for the summer games, stopped by. Honorary Palmes were also given to Meryl Streep and the Japanese anime factory Studio Ghibli.

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2 feature films and 2 short films with Singapore participation to screen at 77th Cannes Film Festival

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Japan's Studio Ghibli receives honorary Palme d'Or in Cannes

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    Trending Dissertation Topics & Ideas For 2024. ResearchProspect has prepared a list of trending dissertation topics and ideas in every academic subject to inspire you. In addition to the free topics available in our topics database, we offer 3 free custom dissertation topics to students of all levels.

  4. Film and Theatre Dissertation Topics for FREE

    Film and Theatre Topics - over 40 free, excellent Master & Bachelor dissertation topics will help you get started with your proposal or dissertation. ... If cinemas need to engage with the public and turn them away from made for TV drama, has this been derailed by the 2020 Covid Pandemic?

  5. Research Guides: Theatre Research: Areas & Topics of Study

    Areas & Topics of Study. The pages in this section are designed to assist persons studying specific areas of drama to focus their research. Check out the sections under: Acting and Character Study. Design & Technology. Directing and Stage Management. History, Theory and Criticism. Playwriting & Dramaturgy. Last Updated: May 9, 2024 2:10 PM.

  6. Theatre Arts Theses and Dissertations

    Representation of Land and the Female Body in Polish Dramatic Literature. Dulba-Barnett , Anna (University of Oregon, 2024-03-25) In this dissertation, I map how the authors of canonical Polish dramas from Romanticism to the present construct and solidify the ideals of womanhood and its connection to land and nature.

  7. Dissertations

    Jyana Browne. "Creating a Public: Love Suicide on the Osaka Stage, 1703-1722." Diss. U of Washington, 2017. Graduate, Dissertations. 18th Century, Drama, Japanese, Theater History. Elizabeth Coen. "Staging Theater to Realize a Nation: The Development of German National Theater in the 18th Century."

  8. SQA

    Advanced Higher Drama - project-dissertation Project-dissertation 2023 (All links open as PDF files) Please note: The materials published here were used at the Understanding Standards Drama Webinar in November 2023. A recording of this webinar and further examples of candidate commentary and evidence have been published on the SQA Secure Site.You can access these via your SQA Coordinator.

  9. Drama: Effective library research for dissertations: Welcome

    This guide will introduce you to the skills and techniques you can use for effective library research for your dissertations and research projects. Work through each section using the menu tabs above, or the Next button at the bottom of the page. There will be activities for you to complete as you go so that you can learn by doing and self test ...

  10. Drama (Theses and Dissertations)

    Martin, Jacob Dennis (Trinity College Dublin. School of Creative Arts. Discipline of Drama, 2023) This thesis argues for the diachronic contingency of the priest in modern Irish cinema. This study utilises Richard Kearney?s account of `incarnate? and `excarnate? subjectivity to construct an analogous model for analysing ...

  11. Dissertations and Theses

    Dissertations and Theses. The dissertation is the culminating project for the PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies. A formal proposal for a dissertation should be submitted for the endorsement of the Graduate Faculty. See the department's Graduate Student Handbook for proposal instructions. The Graduate Faculty will review the proposal.

  12. Dissertations & Theses

    To search for print theses and masters dissertations use UR Library Search to search for a title or topic and filter by Format > Book > Theses, Dissertation. 1985-2004, Roehampton Institute of Higher Education (RIHE) Dissertations and theses published between 1985-2004 were awarded by the University of Surrey.

  13. Film and Theatre Studies Research Topics

    Here is our selection of film and theatre research topics that we think you should consider. Topic 1: An Exploration of Gender Role in Blockbuster Films and the Perspectives of Assigning Roles. Topic 2: A Comparative Study of Hollywood and Bollywood: An Exploration of Research of Movies. Topic 3: A Detailed Analysis of the Principles of Making ...

  14. Drama Dissertation Topics

    Example drama dissertation topic 4: Drama in the workplace: Teambuilding through role play. Within direct sales teams within the early 1990s there developed a trend of team-meetings involving role play as a mechanism by which to encourage efficiency and productivity in the workplace. This dissertation revisits this phenomenon twenty years later ...

  15. 350 Best Dissertation Topic Ideas for All Streams in 2024

    Psychology dissertation topics. 1. The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction and Well-being. 2. Investigating the Relationship between Social Media Use and Body Image Disturbance in Adolescents. 3. Exploring the Role of Resilience in Coping with Trauma and Adversity. 4.

  16. Drama Dissertation Help: Topics and Ideas, Writing and Editing

    Custom Drama Dissertation Writing. Crafting a dissertation is the crucial step toward so much desired degree that crown the higher education process. And if we're talking about a degree in Arts, drama dissertation is what you might need to accomplish. Sometimes selecting drama dissertation topics can be a somewhat confusing task.

  17. Dissertations / Theses: 'English drama (Comedy) English ...

    List of dissertations / theses on the topic 'English drama (Comedy) English drama English drama English drama'. Scholarly publications with full text pdf download. Related research topic ideas. ... This thesis examines drama and ideas of equity, judgement, and legality in early modern England. Drama of this age is a product of a society of ...

  18. Drama Dissertation Topics in 2023

    Best Drama Dissertation Topics For College Students. These are the best drama dissertation topic ideas for your dissertation. The representation of gender and sexuality in Shakespearean plays. The use of symbolism in Arthur Miller's plays. The influence of Greek tragedy on modern drama. The role of the chorus in ancient Greek drama.

  19. 100 Excellent Drama Dissertation Topic That Will Definitely Improve

    Drama can be distinguished from plays and other visual displays for television, transistors, and theaters. Students studying literature often choose to study this genre. Drama developed in the sixth century BC thanks to performances meant to pay homage to the deity Dionysus. Drama has its roots in ancient Athens. The play has a tremendous societal

  20. Theatre Studies Dissertation Topics

    General Topics for Theatre Studies Dissertation. 1. How theatre enactment of drama can explore the root causes and human behaviour behind social issues. 2. Influence of Greek and Hindu mythology on Theatrics and Dramaturgy. 3. A discussion on the contribution of William Shakespeare to modern theatre and Drama. 4.

  21. Dissertations / Theses: 'The theory of drama'

    Video (online) Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'The theory of drama.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard ...

  22. 1000 Literature Thesis Topics and Ideas

    This page provides a comprehensive list of literature thesis topics, offering a valuable resource for students tasked with writing a thesis in the field of literature.Designed to cater to a wide array of literary interests and academic inquiries, the topics are organized into 25 diverse categories, ranging from African American Literature to Young Adult Literature.

  23. Dissertations / Theses: 'Greek drama (Tragedy)'

    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Greek drama (Tragedy).' Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago ...

  24. Risks of Too Broad Dissertation Topics in Management

    1 Scope Creep. When your dissertation topic is too broad, you risk falling into the trap of scope creep, where the boundaries of your research continuously expand. This can lead to an overwhelming ...

  25. Editing Service for Thesis and Dissertation Authors

    May 22, 2024. The Department of English's Grant Editing and Consulting Group will be coordinating undergraduate student editors for thesis and dissertation projects this summer. All editors have been trained in editing coursework. Rates start at $25 per hour, and all projects require the project director's written consent. For more information ...

  26. Deion Sanders' son Shilo faces legal mess after filing for bankruptcy

    Deion's son Shilo Sanders facing legal mess after filing for bankruptcy. Colorado football safety Shilo Sanders has been facing questions in court about his personal income and wealth after filing ...

  27. Miss USA pageant resignations: Everything to know about the drama

    Noelia Voigt resigns as Miss USA 2023 titleholder. Eight months following her Miss USA crowning, Voigt announced in a May 6 Instagram post that she was relinquishing her pageant title to preserve ...

  28. Mossavar-Rahmani Center announces 2024 Dunlop Undergraduate Thesis

    The Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government (M-RCBG) at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government announced Aden Barton as the 2024 winner of the John T. Dunlop Undergraduate Thesis Prize in Business and Government. Barton won for his thesis, "The Causal Effect of Welfare Retrenchment: Evidence from Medicaid and SNAP.".

  29. Sex-worker drama Anora wins Palme d'Or, the Cannes Film Festival's top

    The film, from 53-year-old indie filmmaker Sean Baker, is about an American sex worker who marries the son of a wealthy Russian oligarch. Sean Baker, winner of the Palme d'Or for the film Anora, at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, on May 25, 2024. (Photo: Scott A Garfitt/Invision/AP) Sean Baker's Anora, a comic but devastating Brooklyn odyssey ...

  30. Sky voice actor says nobody ever compared her to ScarJo before OpenAI drama

    The agent also provided a statement from her client that claimed that she had never been compared to Johansson before the backlash started. This all "feels personal," the voice actress said ...