sample resume for medical sales representative

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5 Medical Sales Resume Examples to Snag the Job in 2024

Stephen Greet

Medical Sales Resume

  • Medical Sales Resumes by Experience
  • Medical Sales Resumes by Role
  • Write Your Medical Sales Resume

It takes a specialized skill set to promote products, equipment, and services to doctors and medical office managers. That’s where you shine by using your in-depth lead gen, product presentation, and customer acquisition abilities to boost awareness and conversions.

Is your medical sales resume ready to promote those abilities to hiring managers?

While you may be an expert at closing the deal in a healthcare environment, knowing which resume template to choose and what details to put on a concise resume can feel much more confusing. Our medical sales resume examples and cover letter generator will ensure you stand out in today’s job market.

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Medical sales resume example with 5 years experience

Why this resume works

  • Also, catch the recruiter’s attention by demonstrating the ability to enhance client engagement by significant percentages showcasing your effectiveness.

Medical Sales Rep Resume

Medical sales rep resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Furthermore, your familiarity with communication platforms like Mailchimp and Hootsuite underscores your capacity to connect with clients.

Entry Level Medical Device Sales Resume

Entry level medical device sales resume example with retail sales experience

  • Painting an intriguing picture of a results-oriented candidate who takes the initiative, even with little experience, is a healthy career dose. Take Sarah, for example. She recounts the literacy drive she coordinates and collects 2,103 books. Now, if that doesn’t scream initiative and results-driven action, what does?

Medical Supply Sales Resume

Medical supply sales resume example with 6 years of experience

  • For your medical supply sales resume, stick to the essentials: only four sections covering the most critical parts: objective/summary, work experience, skills, and education. And much like Brown, condense your piece into one page.

Medical Device Sales Resume

Medical device sales resume example with 9 years of experience

  • This tailored presentation of accomplishments and technical skills demonstrates prowess in achieving measurable results and is sure to capture the attention of prospective employers.

Related resume examples

  • Sales Associate
  • Car Salesman
  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Representative

Customize Your Medical Sales Resume to Meet the Needs in the Job Description

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

When you’re presenting the features and benefits of medical equipment to office managers, you know the importance of tailoring your message to their needs. The same is true for medical sales resumes.

Will you be doing outbound sales calls? Then, skills in cold calling and phone etiquette may be essential to emphasize in your job skills section. Take this tailored approach to each job you apply to.

Need some ideas?

15 best medical sales skills

  • Cold Calling
  • Negotiation
  • Product Demos
  • Medical Equipment
  • Cross-Selling
  • Account Management
  • Lead Qualification
  • Solution Selling
  • Consultative Selling
  • Customer Service
  • Microsoft Office
  • OptinMonster

sample resume for medical sales representative

Your medical sales work experience bullet points

Specificity is essential in the medical sales industry. Every point you make needs to be backed up with data for doctors to know that your product offerings are the best fit for their practice. 

You’ll want to take that same approach to your medical sales resume by including key metrics that companies will be seeking. For instance, how you acquired more qualified leads or boosted customer retention rates. 

Here are some great metrics for medical sales applicants to put on resumes.

  • Return on investment (ROI): When you put a new sales strategy in place, company leaders will want to know you can generate great returns. 
  • Sales forecast accuracy: Many marketing strategies are based on projections, so being able to conduct forecasting with accuracy will help you stand out. 
  • Sales funnel leakage: It’s not only important that you can get leads but that your sales funnels will help convert them into paying customers. 
  • Customer satisfaction: When you make the sale, are your customers satisfied with the end results? This portion of your sales strategy will show you can retain long-term business. 

See what we mean?

  • Used Mailchimp for targeted email campaigns, generating a 12% increase in prospect engagement and lead generation.
  • Conducted client consultations, utilizing Hootsuite for social media research, resulting in a 29% enhancement in understanding client needs.
  • Collaborated with healthcare institutions to customize sales collateral using DocuSign, leading to a 34% reduction in document processing time.
  • Assisted in the development of visually appealing product brochures using Prezi, which improved engagement rates by 67% during presentations.

9 active verbs to start your medical sales work experience bullet points

  • Collaborated

3 Tips to Write a Top-Notch Medical Sales Resume if You Lack Experience

  • When presenting your sales pitch, you probably lead with your strongest points immediately to grab attention. A career objective can do the same for your resume. For instance, you could write a few sentences on how the target marketing and SEO skills you gained while getting your marketing degree will help you succeed.  
  • Many medical sales jobs require a bachelor’s degree, so listing your educational achievements is a great idea. For example, you could explain how you created a 57% more efficient lead acquisition system using OptinMonster during a marketing class project. 
  • Even if you haven’t worked in sales before, there are still many transferable skills you could list. For instance, positions involving customer service or data management. Or, if you’re transitioning from a medical field, you could explain how your time working in nursing will help you relate to everyday needs in medical environments. 

3 Tips to Elevate Your Medical Sales Resume if You Have Experience

  • As you’ve advanced in your career, you’ve probably gained tons of knowledge in aspects like cross-selling or creating a high-converting sales funnel. Therefore, putting a more significant emphasis on those highly technical aspects of the role will help you stand out. 
  • Today’s medical sales needs are very different from ten years ago. New medical innovations have hit the market, and sales skills like prospecting through social media are much more relevant. Therefore, you should list your most recent work experiences first to ensure you grab the hiring manager’s attention. 
  • You don’t need to list every sales-related position you’ve worked at since it would make your resume too long. Instead, aim for three or four jobs most relevant to medical sales skills, like medical device knowledge and lead qualification. 

You’ll want to keep to a single-page resume . If you’re struggling to narrow down which experiences to list, aim for ones that relate the most to the position’s needs. For instance, if you’ll be doing a lot of lead gen, previous positions involving lead scraping or prospecting would be great to focus on. 

It’s not uncommon for medical sales applicants to be transitioning from medical or customer service fields. In this case, you could include a resume objective explaining how your previous experiences working in a cardiology department will help you promote the features and benefits of related products.

A resume template is a great idea to help you keep a consistent structure for your medical sales resume while speeding up the application process. Just make sure what you write is customized to each job, such as your consultative selling skills for a company that values a customer-centric approach. 

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Medical Sales Representative resume examples for 2024

A medical sales representative resume should emphasize the ability to build strong relationships and communicate effectively. As Hank Boyd , Assistant Dean for Civic Engagement & Clinical Professor of Marketing at the University of Maryland - College Park, notes, "Nothing provides greater leverage in salary negotiations than having documented sales experience." Therefore, it's essential to highlight any relevant experience you have, such as fundraising or recruitment. Additionally, as John Tobon , Adjunct Professor at Florida International University, points out, the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted many workdays online, so proficiency in communication software and the ability to work remotely are also crucial skills.

Furthermore, Ashley Strausser , Career Coach at Denison University, stresses that negotiation is a critical skill for medical sales representatives. Researching and preparing for interviews, developing a strong skill set, and having a well-rounded background can increase earning potential.

In summary, to create a successful medical sales representative resume, you should emphasize your ability to communicate effectively, showcase your relevant experience, and highlight your proficiency in technology and remote work.


Medical Sales Representative resume example

How to format your medical sales representative resume:.

  • Tailor your resume's job title to match the medical sales representative role you're applying for
  • Highlight achievements instead of responsibilities in your work experience section, such as 'Achieved sales quotas for orthopedic extremity products within assigned area' or 'Led District in sales to OBGYN's in first year',
  • Compress your resume to fit on one page, focusing on relevant and impactful experiences, such as 'Promoted a diverse and competitive prescription product line in a highly competitive market' or 'Developed relationships with general practitioners and specialists including oncologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, urologists, and infectious disease specialists.'

Choose from 10+ customizable medical sales representative resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use medical sales representative resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your medical sales representative resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Medical Sales Representative Resume

Medical Sales Representative resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your medical sales representative resume.

Medical Sales Representative Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Montgomery, AL 36043| 333-111-2222 | [email protected]

2. Add relevant education to your medical sales representative resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Medical Sales Representative Education

Medical Sales Representative Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Certificate In Public Relations 2003 - 2004

The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

Medical Sales Representative Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Bachelor's Degree In Business 2005 - 2008

California State University - San Bernardino San Bernardino, CA

3. Next, create a medical sales representative skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an medical sales representative resume

Customer service is the process of offering assistance to all the current and potential customers -- answering questions, fixing problems, and providing excellent service. The main goal of customer service is to build a strong relationship with the customers so that they keep coming back for more business.

Product knowledge is the skill of having better information and knowledge about the product you are selling. Product knowledge is essential for the employees of the companies so they can communicate and inform the customers about the product. Having great product knowledge is essential for a better sales pitch and to give the customer a better and complete idea of the product that will influence him to buy the product eventually.

Cardiology refers to the medical scientific field which researches and treats various issues, developments, diseases, and other afflictions within or related to the human heart and, by extension, some of the circulatory systems within the body, too. Some of the afflictions of the heart include the following: cardiac arrest, hypertension, and various forms of cardiomyopathy. This branch of medicine deals with everything from diagnosis to treatment, whether by way of medical procedures or drug or physical therapy, to post-procedure and further check-ups.

A medical product is a general term for all products, devices, articles, methods, systems, or goods that are used to diagnose or treat patients. They are used primarily by healthcare professionals to diagnose, treat, or prevent illness or injury. This includes exam gloves, swabs, mattresses, lab products, protective clothing, drains, bandages, etc.

Medical devices refer to apparatus for use in medical procedures.

Product demonstrations mean displaying products or services offered by an organization to potential customers. It assists in capturing prospective clients or investors interested in the product. It also helps in addressing more comprehensively the concerns of a specific product.

Product line is a collection of similar or related products that may be under a single brand manufactured by the same company. It may include different varieties of a specific product of a brand which comes in different categories. In other cases, the product line may differ in some characteristics despite being from the same manufacturer.

Top Skills for a Medical Sales Representative

  • Patients , 16.7%
  • Medical Sales , 15.7%
  • Customer Service , 9.0%
  • Sales Territory , 6.3%
  • Other Skills , 52.3%

4. List your medical sales representative experience

The most important part of any resume for a medical sales representative is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of medical sales representatives" and "Managed a team of 6 medical sales representatives over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Promoted portfolio of hypertension products to Northeast and Central Wisconsin Cardiology offices and centers.
  • Promoted to drive Effient and Tribenzor regional launch initiatives with a focus on Clinical and Interventional Cardiology.
  • Ranked 1/20 in the Oncology Sales Force producing over [ ] in sales.
  • Promoted to Hospital and Oncology positions (only 2 representatives in nation requested to manage both).
  • Presented clinical information and led discussions on various types of treatment for hypertension and acute coronary syndrome.
  • Completed 18-month pharmaceutical training program: Pfizer provides the most extensive and rigorous training program in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Re-launched Lyrica with fibromyalgia indication; also promoted for epilepsy.
  • Maintained high sales volumes for Diflucan, Unasyn, Zithromax, Zoloft andAricept.
  • Achieved placement of Zithromax on formulary in all 13 assigned hospitals.
  • Cultivated local and regional thought leaders within cardiology and urology to speak on key products.
  • Prepared proposals utilizing available research, performed analysis and monitored various demographic factor impacting individual proposals.
  • Promoted to Psychiatry Specialty Manager selling an antidepressant to targeted, high volume private practice and hospital-based psychiatrists.
  • Implemented Microsoft Dynamics CRM tool to improve sales close ratio with a 35% increase in closed sales.
  • Worked with technology department to refine CRM functionality on initial project.
  • Identified opportunities for new business by prospecting and establishing consultative relationships with C-Level Executives IT Managers and Attorneys.
  • Managed business expenses and medication samples, within PharmaCode and FDA compliance guidelines.
  • Delivered consistently district-high market share for gold standard product, Viagra.
  • Conducted Pain, Rheumatology, Orthopedic, Arthritis, and Musculoskeletal sales for world's largest research-based biomedical and pharmaceutical company.
  • Recognized as one of Pfizer's fastest growing sales reps in rep class of professionals throughout two-year tenure.
  • Increased Viagra sales by successfully introducing Viagra derivative indicated for pulmonary hypertension.

5. Highlight medical sales representative certifications on your resume

Specific medical sales representative certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your medical sales representative resume:

  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP)
  • Medical Assistant
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Certified Sales Representative (CSR)
  • Sales Management
  • Certified Medical Interpreter - Spanish (CMI)

6. Finally, add an medical sales representative resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your medical sales representative resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common medical sales representative resume skills

  • Medical Sales
  • Customer Service
  • Sales Territory
  • Product Knowledge
  • Ventilation
  • Sales Growth
  • Sales Quota
  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Medical Products
  • Medical Devices
  • Product Demonstrations
  • Product Line
  • Family Practice
  • Home Health
  • Medical Community
  • Develop Strong Relationships
  • Working Independently
  • Territory Management
  • Clinical Data
  • Plastic Surgeons
  • Sales Objectives
  • Internal Medicine
  • Trade Shows
  • Market Share Growth
  • Sales Presentations
  • Call Planning
  • Capital Equipment
  • Medical Professionals
  • Orthopedic Surgeons
  • Pharmaceutical Products
  • Psychiatrists
  • Pulmonologists
  • Surgery Centers
  • Endocrinologists

Medical Sales Representative Jobs

Links to help optimize your medical sales representative resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Medical Sales Representative resume FAQs

What should i put on my resume for medical sales, what should a medical device sales resume look like, search for medical sales representative jobs.

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Medical Sales Representative Related Resumes

  • Associate Sales Representative Resume
  • Direct Sales Representative Resume
  • District Sales Representative Resume
  • Executive Sales Representative Resume
  • Field Sales Representative Resume
  • Inside Sales Representative Resume
  • Marketing/Sales Representative Resume
  • Medical Representative Resume
  • Outside Sales Representative Resume
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Resume
  • Sales Development Representative Resume
  • Sales Representative Resume
  • Sales Representative Internship Resume
  • Senior Sales Representative Resume
  • Specialty Sales Representative Resume

Medical Sales Representative Related Careers

  • Associate Sales Representative
  • Direct Sales Representative
  • District Sales Representative
  • Executive Sales Representative
  • Field Sales Representative
  • Inside Sales Representative
  • Marketing/Sales Representative
  • Medical Representative
  • Outside Sales Representative
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist
  • Professional Healthcare Representative
  • Sales Development Representative
  • Sales Representative
  • Sales Representative Internship

Medical Sales Representative Related Jobs

What similar roles do.

  • What Does an Associate Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Direct Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Field Sales Representative Do
  • What Does an Inside Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Marketing/Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Medical Representative Do
  • What Does an Outside Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist Do
  • What Does a Professional Healthcare Representative Do
  • What Does a Sales Development Representative Do
  • What Does a Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Senior Sales Representative Do
  • What Does a Territory Sales Representative Do
  • Zippia Careers
  • Sales Industry
  • Medical Sales Representative
  • Medical Sales Representative Resume

Browse sales jobs

  • • Exceeded annual sales target by 35%, resulting in a record $2M in revenue for our cutting-edge cardiology equipment.
  • • Successfully negotiated and closed 15+ high-value deals each quarter with leading healthcare institutions.
  • • Implemented a strategic lead generation process that boosted the sales pipeline by 150% within one year.
  • • Led a sales team in competitive market analysis, contributing to a 25% increase in market share.
  • • Developed and maintained relationships with key decision-makers in 50+ medical practices.
  • • Increased sales by 30% within my territory by effectively targeting and securing key accounts.
  • • Orchestrated the launch of a new orthopedic device line contributing to a 40% growth in product portfolio.
  • • Trained and mentored new sales representatives, enhancing team performance and productivity by 20%.
  • • Facilitated workshops on product benefits for clinicians, leading to a 15% uptake in orders from existing clients.
  • • Managed CRM databases, ensuring accurate reporting and tracking of sales funnel activities.
  • • Achieved a consistent record of 90% customer retention rate through exceptional account management.
  • • Contributed to market expansion efforts that resulted in a 20% increase in regional sales.
  • • Coordinated with the marketing department to refine sales strategies, reflecting in improved lead qualification.
  • • Cultivated partnerships with healthcare professionals to understand their needs and match product offerings.

5 Medical Device Sales Representative Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your medical device sales representative resume must clearly demonstrate a robust sales track record. Highlight quantifiable achievements, such as meeting or exceeding sales targets. Ensure your resume showcases your knowledge of medical devices and the healthcare industry. Your ability to build strong customer relationships should also be evident.

All resume examples in this guide

sample resume for medical sales representative


sample resume for medical sales representative

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Medical Device Sales Representative resume example

As a medical device sales representative, you may find it challenging to effectively convey your specialized knowledge and client relationship-building skills within the limited space of a resume. Our guide will show you how to craft a concise yet powerful resume that showcases your expertise and interpersonal prowess, ensuring your qualifications stand head and shoulders above the competition.

  • The most straightforward and effective resume format, ensuring your medical device sales representative resume stands out among numerous candidate profiles;
  • The significance of the top one-third of your resume, including the header, summary or objective, and skills section, and its impact on recruiters;
  • Frameworks and structures used by real medical device sales representative professionals, offering insights on how to enhance your resume with industry-specific expertise;
  • A variety of medical device sales representative resume sections that bolster your profile, showcasing your comprehensive capabilities and distinctiveness.

Gaining insights from the best has never been easier. Explore more medical device sales representative resume examples below:

  • Customer Service Resume Example
  • Furniture Sales Resume Example
  • CVS Store Manager Resume Example
  • Technical Sales Manager Resume Example
  • Convenience Store Manager Resume Example
  • Merchandising Manager Resume Example
  • Sales Clerk Resume Example
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Resume Example
  • Retail Sales Supervisor Resume Example
  • National Account Manager Resume Example

Is there a correct way to format your medical device sales representative resume?

This is a tricky question. While skimming over your resume, recruiters will be looking at your experience and the message your profile conveys. That's why your resume format needs to be clear and concise, serving to supplement and organize your experience. Professional best practices point that the best medical device sales representative resumes:

  • Follow the reverse chronological order, where the most recent experience items are presented first . This is to keep your expertise succinct and to show recruiters your career growth over the years;
  • Have a clearly defined header that includes all relevant contact information and a portfolio or a LinkedIn link. In some countries, it is acceptable to include a professional photo , so that your application is more memorable;
  • Feature the most important medical device sales representative resume sections towards the top, e.g. summary, skills, and experience. That way, recruiters can immediately find information that is relevant to the role;
  • Take up no more than two pages - and two pages are the exception for more experienced professionals. Keep your expertise to the point and use your medical device sales representative resume real estate wisely .
  • Selecting modern, yet simple fonts, e.g. Rubik, Lato, etc., would help your application stand out;
  • Many candidates stick with the tried-and-tested Arial or Times New Roman, but you'd want your medical device sales representative resume to be a bit more unique;
  • The ATS can read all serif and sans-serif fonts, so you should avoid fancy, formal script (or cursive) fonts.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

If you failed to obtain one of the certificates, as listed in the requirements, but decide to include it on your resume, make sure to include a note somewhere that you have the "relevant training, but are planning to re-take the exams". Support this statement with the actual date you're planning to be re-examined. Always be honest on your resume.

Traditional sections, appreciated by recruiters, for your medical device sales representative resume:

  • Clear and concise header with relevant links and contact details
  • Summary or objective with precise snapshot of our career highlights and why you're a suitable candidate for the medical device sales representative role
  • Experience that goes into the nuts and bolts of your professional qualifications and success
  • Skills section(-s) for more in-depth talent-alignment between job keywords and your own profile
  • Education and certifications sections to further show your commitment for growth in the specific niche

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven track record of sales success and meeting or exceeding sales targets in the medical device industry.
  • In-depth knowledge of medical devices, clinical procedures, and regulatory standards within the specific medical field of interest.
  • Strong relationships with healthcare professionals, including surgeons, nurses, and hospital administrators.
  • Ability to articulate complex product features and benefits, demonstrating excellent presentation and negotiation skills.
  • Relevant certifications or training, such as completion of a credible sales training program specific to medical device sales.

What is the resume experience section and how to write one for your past roles

The experience section in a medical device sales representative resume is critical for your profile and overall application. It should not only display your work history, but also highlight your achievements in previous roles .

Many candidates either simply list their duties or provide excessive details about past, irrelevant jobs. A more effective approach involves first examining the job advertisement for keywords - specifically, skills essential for the role . Then, demonstrate these key requirements throughout different parts of your resume, using accomplishments from your roles.

Format each bullet point in your experience section by starting with a strong action verb . Follow this with a description of your role and its impact on the team or organization.

Aim to include three to five bullet points for each role.

Finally, gain insights into how professionals have crafted their medical device sales representative resume experience sections by exploring some best practice examples.

  • Spearheaded negotiations with hospital procurement teams resulting in a 15% increase in market share for our flagship cardiac devices within the first year.
  • Devised and implemented a personalized training program for clinicians at over 30 facilities, enhancing product adoption and customer satisfaction.
  • Leveraged extensive product knowledge to secure a $1.2M deal for the latest MRI-compatible pacemakers, exceeding quarterly sales targets by 40%.
  • Launched a territory expansion strategy for minimally invasive surgical equipment, growing the client base by 25% in three years.
  • Delivered engaging product demonstrations and educational sessions at major industry conferences, contributing to a brand recognition boost.
  • Fostered strong relationships with key decision-makers, resulting in a consistent referral stream and a 30% increase in repeat business.
  • Outperformed sales forecasts by constructing a data-driven sales approach for orthopedic devices, achieving top 5% in the region for sales performance.
  • Collaborated with R&D to provide market feedback, shaping the development of an innovative spinal implant that captured 10% market share within its first year.
  • Managed and expanded a portfolio of 50+ accounts, regularly exceeding sales goals by aligning with customer care standards and product expertise.
  • Pioneered a cloud-based CRM solution for client management, improving tracking and follow-ups, thereby decreasing the sales cycle by 20%.
  • Initiated a cross-functional team effort that resulted in the development of a novel diabetic care medical device, driving sales up by $800K in the first six months.
  • Successfully penetrated an untapped market segment, which involved educating primary care physicians on the benefits of home monitoring blood glucose devices.
  • Employed strategic analysis of competitive landscapes to reposition a line of non-invasive monitoring equipment, achieving a 10% increase in overall sales.
  • Secured a $500K grant for a collaborative clinical study, resulting in enhanced product credibility and a surge in demand from research institutions.
  • Championed a client engagement initiative that improved long-term relationships with key accounts and supported a 95% client retention rate.
  • Drove sales for radiological imaging devices, translating complex technical specifications into approachable concepts for medical staff, resulting in a 35% increase in departmental adoption.
  • Conducted extensive market research on competitive pricing strategies, implementing a pricing optimization plan that boosted sales volume by 18%.
  • Participated in high-stakes RFP processes, successfully negotiating terms that led to a $1M contract with a major health system for state-of-the-art CT scanners.
  • Orchestrated regional sales campaigns for new cardiovascular stents which contributed to a 50% uptick in product trials by cardiologists.
  • Facilitated high-level training sessions for sales teams on product features and benefits, increasing the effectiveness of inbound leads conversion by 25%.
  • Negotiated multi-year supply agreements with health systems, locking in a 20% increase in year-over-year sales revenue for high-margin products.
  • Launched a digital marketing strategy for a wearable patient monitoring device series, which led to a breakthrough in product recognition and a 30% sales boost.
  • Coordinated post-market clinical follow-up studies to validate product efficacy, strengthening brand reputation and catalyzing a 22% increase in physician endorsements.
  • Piloted a customer feedback loop for the R&D team that accelerated the iteration of a new surgical robotics interface, shortening the product development lifecycle by 6 months.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Detail the percentage increase in product sales within your territory during your tenure to demonstrate clear revenue growth.
  • Include the number of new client accounts secured to show your effectiveness in expanding the customer base.
  • Specify the dollar value of the largest sales contract you negotiated to highlight your capability to handle high-stakes deals.
  • Quantify the percentage growth in market share for specific products you were responsible for to indicate your competitive success.
  • List the number of medical device training sessions you've conducted to establish your role in educating and supporting clients.
  • Mention the ranking position you achieved compared to other sales representatives to show your high performance level.
  • Provide the exact number of product demonstrations or presentations you've given to prove your active engagement in sales activities.
  • State the volume of products sold or the number of transactions completed to reflect your efficiency and productivity.

Action verbs for your medical device sales representative resume

Target Illustration

No relevant experience - what to feature instead

Suppose you're new to the job market or considering a switch in industry or niche. In such cases, it's common to have limited standard professional experience . However, this isn't a cause for concern. You can still craft an impressive medical device sales representative resume by emphasizing other sections, showing why you're a great fit for the role:

  • Emphasize your educational background and extracurricular activities to demonstrate your industry knowledge;
  • Replace the typical experience section with internships or temporary jobs where you've gained relevant skills and expertise;
  • Highlight your unique skill set, encompassing both technological and personal abilities;
  • Showcase transferable skills acquired throughout your life and work experiences so far.

Recommended reads:

  • How to List Continuing Education on Your Resume
  • Should You Include Eagle Scout On Your Resume?

If you happen to have some basic certificates, don't invest too much of your medical device sales representative resume real estate in them. Instead, list them within the skills section or as part of your relevant experience. This way you'd ensure you meet all job requirements while dedicating your certificates to only the most in-demand certification across the industry.

Key hard skills and soft skills for your medical device sales representative resume

At the top of any recruiter medical device sales representative checklist, you'd discover a list of technical competencies, balanced with personal skills.

Hard or technical skills are your opportunity to show how you meet the essential responsibilities of the role. The ability to use a particular job-crucial technology or software would also hint to recruiters whether you'd need a prolonged period of on-the-job training - or you'd fit right in the job.

But to land your dream role, you'd also need to demonstrate a variety of soft or people resume skills . Employers care about soft skills as they show how each candidate would fit into the team and company culture.

Both types of skills are specific and to best curate them on your resume, you'd need to:

  • Create a skill section within which you showcase your hard and soft skills and present how they help you succeed.
  • List specific examples of projects, tasks, or competitions, within which your skill set has assisted your results.
  • Soft skills are harder to measure, so think about situations in which they've helped you thrive. Describe those situations concisely, focusing on how the outcome has helped you grow as a professional.
  • Metrics of success - like positive ROI or optimized workplace processes - are the best way to prove your technical and people skills.

Take a look at some of medical device sales representative industry leaders' favorite hard skills and soft skills, as listed on their resumes.

Top skills for your medical device sales representative resume:

Clinical knowledge

Product demonstration

Sales forecasting

CRM software proficiency

Strategic planning

Regulatory compliance

Medical terminology

Market research

Customer service

Negotiation techniques


Active listening

Time management



Emotional intelligence

Mention specific courses or projects that are pertinent to the job you're applying for.

Showcase academic background with education and certifications' sections

Listing your education and certifications should be a rudimentary part of your resume writing.

Including your relevant academic background - in the form of your higher education degree and niche-specific certificates - will prove knowledge of the industry.

For your education section:

  • Start by including your degree, followed by start and graduation dates, as well as the institution;
  • You could include relevant coursework, major/minor , or GPA, only if your've just graduated from college or if this information would further support your application;
  • If you have an "ongoing" degree, you can still list it in case you think your diploma can impress recruiters or it's required;

Follow a similar logic for your certifications section by listing the institution, alongside dates you've obtained the certificate. For some of the most recent and relevant industry certificates , check out the next part of our guide:

The top 5 certifications for your medical device sales representative resume:

  • Certified Medical Device Sales Representative (CMDSR) - Medical Sales College
  • Certified Medical Representative (CMR) - The National Association of Medical Sales Representatives
  • Certified Surgical Equipment Specialist (CSES) - Association of Medical Device Reprocessors
  • Radiology Certified Sales Professional (RCSP) - Radiology Business Management Association
  • Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC) - Health Care Compliance Association

The more time and effort you've put into obtaining the relevant certificate, the closer to the top it should be listed. This is especially important for more senior roles and if the company you're applying for is more forward-facing.

  • Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume
  • When Should You Include Your High School on Your Resume?

Professional summary or objective for your medical device sales representative resume

medical device sales representative candidates sometimes get confused between the difference of a resume summary and a resume objective.

Which one should you be using?

Remember that the:

  • Resume objective has more to do with your dreams and goals for your career. Within it, you have the opportunity to showcase to recruiters why your application is an important one and, at the same time, help them imagine what your impact on the role, team, and company would be.
  • Resume summary should recount key achievements, tailored for the role, through your career. Allowing recruiters to quickly scan and understand the breadth of your medical device sales representative expertise.

The resume objectives are always an excellent choice for candidates starting off their career, while the resume summary is more fitting for experienced candidates.

No matter if you chose a summary or objective, get some extra inspiration from real-world professional medical device sales representative resumes:

Resume summaries for a medical device sales representative job

  • Dynamic medical device sales professional with 8 years of experience in cardiovascular equipment, significantly exceeding sales targets by cultivating strategic relationships with key healthcare providers in the Northeast region. Expertise in product demonstration and clinical education led to a 25% market share increase for flagship pacemaker lines.
  • Accomplished pharmaceutical sales manager pivoting into medical device sales, bringing over a decade of experience in orchestrating high-impact sales strategies that boosted revenue by 40% across the Mid-Atlantic territories. Proven track record in team leadership, product launches, and forging enduring client partnerships.
  • Former registered nurse with 6 years of experience in patient care transitioning to medical device sales, leveraging an in-depth understanding of hospital procurement processes and clinical needs. Instrumental in introducing innovative wound care solutions to healthcare institutions, achieving consistent patient satisfaction.
  • Eager to leverage a robust background in biomedical engineering and a recent Master's in Business Administration to excel in medical device sales. Well-versed in regulatory compliance and product lifecycle management, aiming to contribute to market expansion for cutting-edge therapeutic devices.
  • Seeking to apply a passion for healthcare technology and a keen aptitude for strategic selling as the foundational steps in a rewarding medical device sales career. Determined to utilize strong interpersonal skills and an analytical mindset to drive adoption of life-changing medical solutions.
  • Aspiring to join the medical device industry with a vibrant enthusiasm for improving patient outcomes and a commitment to professional growth. Keen to deploy communication excellence and a quick learning ability in fostering strong relationships with medical professionals and advancing technological innovations within healthcare settings.

Recruiters' favorite additional medical device sales representative resume sections

When writing your medical device sales representative resume, you may be thinking to yourself, " Is there anything more I can add on to stand out? ".

Include any of the below four sections you deem relevant, to ensure your medical device sales representative resume further builds up your professional and personal profile:

  • Books - your favorite books can showcase that you have an excellent level of reading comprehension, creativity, and outside the box thinking;
  • Languages - make sure you've included your proficiency level alongside a relevant certificate or a form of self-assessment;
  • Website link - ensure you've curated your most relevant and recent projects in your professional portfolio (and that the link is a part of your resume header) to support your application;
  • Passions - showing recruiters how you spend your time outside of work and what activities or causes you're invested in.

Key takeaways

  • Invest in a concise medical device sales representative professional presentation with key resume sections (e.g. header, experience, summary) and a simple layout;
  • Ensure that the details you decide to include in your resume are always relevant to the job, as you have limited space;
  • Back up your achievements with the hard and soft skills they've helped you build;
  • Your experience could help you either pinpoint your professional growth or focus on your niche expertise in the industry;
  • Curate the most sought-after certifications across the industry for credibility and to prove your involvement in the field.

medical device sales representative resume example

Looking to build your own Medical Device Sales Representative resume?

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Medical Sales Representative Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Team player – has to work in the interests of KZN Respiratory Team besides implementing national strategies
  • Open to learning and places a focus on personal development
  • Proven sales and customer
  • Achieves territory sales results (sales vs objectives, mkt. share, growth etc.) through the analysis of relevant performance reports and implementation of appropriate actions
  • Delivers required territory promotional effort (# targeted details/product and reach and frequency vs objectives, marketing programs achievements, project management, hospital formulary coverage, message delivery etc.) and ensures timely feedback to district sales management and marketing
  • Maintains and utilizes excellent product knowledge and effective selling skills in order to influence key physicians, pharmacists and other key opinion leaders to support the use of promoted products
  • Identifies, seeks approval and implements business-building opportunities in their territory
  • Ensures compliance with BICL policies, in particular adverse event reporting, Rx&D and PAAB
  • Prior experience in selling would be an assets
  • Strong communication and presentation skills with an ability to understand and effectively transfer knowledge of a scientific and disease-related nature in a selling process
  • Bilingual (in Quebec only)
  • Increase the level of company’s product sales
  • Maintain strong clinical knowledge with continuous self-education; utilize existing evidence for improving J&J’s competitive position
  • Understands the competitive advantage & product benefits as it relates to the product offerings to the customer and communicates the strength of LifeGas’s product solution
  • Maintains up to date sales activities, sales pipeline and account records on prospective and active accounts on Linde’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. Ensures the timely completion and submission of call reports and weekly planner within the CRM tool
  • Knowledgeable & compliant with Linde’s regulatory & legal policies
  • Prior experience in selling would be an asset
  • Calling on hospitals within assigned territory to sell products
  • Occasional cold calling with intent to develop new markets
  • Contacts prospective companies to determine client needs, identify decision makers, set appointments, and close sales
  • Contacts current and prospective clients to market additional healthcare services
  • Works cooperatively with provider personnel to expedite service delivery and ensure appropriate billing for services. Recommends and assists with the development of new or improved services

Professional Skills

  • Selling skills: Implement Alcon’s Global Professional Selling Skills principles during calls to customers to improve effectiveness of calls and increase sales. 5. Administration: Maintain accurate and timeous administration
  • Demonstrate strong one-to-one/meeting selling skills in addition to presentation skills to groups
  • Demonstrated success in effective engagement selling skills in a business-to-business and/ or health care administrator environment
  • Build and foster meaningful business relationships and internal partnerships based upon a team model, using excellent written and communication skills
  • Excellent communication skills: clear and concise messaging
  • Strong business insights and business planning skills
  • Strong organizational and multi-tasking skills are required

How to write Medical Sales Representative Resume

Medical Sales Representative role is responsible for health, messaging, selling, interpersonal, business, planning, nhs, customer, presentation, events. To write great resume for medical sales representative job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Medical Sales Representative Resume

The section contact information is important in your medical sales representative resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Medical Sales Representative Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your medical sales representative resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous medical sales representative responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular medical sales representative position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Medical Sales Representative resume experience can include:

  • Monitors and reports competitor activity including products/services offered, pricing and delivery networks. Assists with the development of promotional materials
  • Well organized with solid communication and business skills
  • Promoting exceptional products using your specialist sales skills to deliver the right outcomes in the new NHS
  • Promoting an exceptional product using your specialist sales skills to deliver the right outcomes in the new NHS
  • A sharp commercial focus complemented by outstanding sales, influencing and relationship-building skills
  • Prior experience in selling and providing exceptional customer satisfaction would be an asset

Education on a Medical Sales Representative Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your medical sales representative resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your medical sales representative experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Medical Sales Representative Resume

When listing skills on your medical sales representative resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical medical sales representative skills:

  • Proven relationship-building skills with key decision makers and key opinion leaders in the health care field
  • Effective time management, planning and administrative skills discipline
  • Good selling, communication, and presentation skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and collaborative approach essential
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and solutions focussed
  • Planning and management of Operational Effectiveness to ensure the most effective territory management

List of Typical Experience For a Medical Sales Representative Resume

Experience for pediatric medical sales representative resume.

  • Experience in a field Sales Representative role/s within a large, multi- layered global organisation
  • Pharmaceutical sales experience is preferable. Knowledge of Respiratory is an asset
  • Working within, and monitoring of, agreed territory expenditure
  • Meeting and/or exceeding sales goals for your territory
  • Understanding of Clinical Trials
  • Willing to be placed in Medan
  • Willing to be based in Semarang
  • Existing Relationships with KOL’s in the therapeutic area would be an advantage
  • Reporting against Job Description in line with departmental systems

Experience For Medical Sales Representative Gastro Resume

  • Detailing of new products and marketing initiatives to the account base in a targeted way
  • Conducting training sessions with external clients e.g. Eye Care Professionals
  • Promoting and providing information to our customers within specified therapeutic areas
  • Disseminating product information to physicians and pharmacists, as well as being a resource to other members within your District and Regional Business Unit
  • Ensuring all other territory administration is completed efficiently as necessary

Experience For Medical Sales Representative Lower Northeast Resume

  • Willing to be based in East Java (Lamongan)
  • Maintaining detailed records including customer calls, administrative tasks, weekly and monthly reports of the local business
  • Attending and organising exhibitions, conferences and meetings
  • Being accountable for own budgets – promotional lunch and stand meetings including general expenses
  • Living in Israel
  • Manages sales operation process including prospecting, lead follow-up, qualifying, positioning, and scheduling of meetings
  • Thorough understanding of the hierarchy of hospital departments such as NICU, Pediatrics, PICU, Nurseries, Nursing Units, Pharmacies and Purchasing
  • To change customers prescribing behaviour by utilising the correct messages, in the right sequence and aligned with the customer’s thinking preference

Experience For Leader of Medical Devices Seeking Medical Sales Representative Resume

  • Responsible for managing the Swiss Medical Governance Committee process to ensure full legal compliance for external sponsoring contracts
  • Execute promotion plan and segmentation and targeting plan according to Business Unit strategy, in line with local legal requirements and GSK guidelines
  • Accountable for monitoring and achieving territory cash sales targets for a specified range of products
  • Een permanente opleiding en begeleiding
  • Een stabiele, werkomgeving gericht op teamwork en persoonlijke ontwikkeling
  • Participation in a 12 to 16 week Sales Training Program starting on your hire date is required. Travel is required

Experience For Medical Sales Representative Resume

  • Physician targeting and segmentation, along with call tracking (reach & frequency)
  • Work as part of a cross functional team, responsible for selling to prescribers (or prescribing influencers) in GP practices, hospitals and retail pharmacy
  • Represents the organization in speaking engagements at internal and external events as needed
  • Responsibility for promoting different products from the company’s portfolio
  • Reports sales activity SALSA (electronic reporting system)
  • Self-motivated, hardworking individual with passion and drive
  • Assists in the administration, implementation, and tracking of sales activities and programs
  • Organizes department files including presentations, spreadsheets, documents and reports
  • Provides information regarding function specific policies and procedures
  • Challenge yourself and strive for excellence with our range of benefits and continuous professional training
  • Min 2-3 years of Detailing
  • Areas to cover: Mafikeng, Killarney, Soweto, JHB Central and the surrounding areas
  • Need to be located and currently living in Ticino
  • ABPI Qualified OR willing to work towards
  • Build a high performing diverse team of people to achieve objectives
  • Customer Centric Selling
  • Je beschikt idealiter over een eerste ervaring als medisch, farmaceutisch of hospitaalafgevaardigde
  • ABPI qualified or willing to study towards this
  • Je hebt reeds ervaring als medisch afgevaardigde
  • Maintain and update territory records of all customers using a fanatical attention to detail
  • Are living in one of the listed regions
  • Sell to healthcare professionals across a number of LHE (Local Healthcare Economy) accounts, always representing the business' high ethical standards
  • Researches prospective customers inside the Dispensary of Hope's CRM and contacts prospects by phone, email, and direct mail to introduce DOH programs
  • Responds to inquiries from prospects and schedules initial sales calls and product demonstrations
  • Put together comprehensive proposals to meet customer and Alcon’s clinical and financial needs
  • Leverage data and customer knowledge to build product discussions around HCP’s and patients’ needs
  • Willingness to business travels
  • Potential management of key accounts with key customers
  • Delivers required territory promotional effort (# targeted details/product vs objectives, marketing programs achievements, project management, hospital formulary coverage, message delivery etc.) and ensures timely feedback to district sales management and marketing
  • Responsible for achieving regional sales budgets according to commercial plans within the respective teams according to therapeutic area and/or product
  • Carry out visits to the specialized health care professionals to advise on the value of GSK products
  • Responsible for managing the regional advertising & promotional budget to support continuous medical education and sponsoring requests for the external health care professionals
  • Cooperation with Sales Representatives
  • Analyze regional market and competitor activities
  • Working within the constraints of relevant Code of Practices, Company Policies and Procedures, and demonstrating commitment to the Companies Core values and agreed Key Competencies
  • Responsible for establishing and maintaining a high knowledge of customer base on territory
  • Responsible for ensuring a high level of product, disease area and competitor knowledge
  • Responsible for the provision of regular feedback, following Sales Strategy and Company Procedures
  • Any other task that might reasonably be requested
  • Maintain close relationships with key accounts, and ensure that the company’s products are meeting their requirements where possible. Appraise current and planned customer needs and advise on the application of company products and services to customer requirements. Resolve customer complaints if they arise
  • Responsible for the understanding and utilization of sales reports and forecasts

List of Typical Skills For a Medical Sales Representative Resume

Skills for pediatric medical sales representative resume.

  • Strong abilities in the following areas: Strong communication, interpersonal, customer engagement and presentation skills
  • Is a team player with strong communication, facilitation and interpersonal skills
  • Use your first-class sales skills to liaise with customers, producing an immediate sales impact and closing deals
  • Hospital sales experience and hospital contracting experience with knowledge of supply chain and contracting
  • Proven experience with securing orders with dispensing practices through discount schemes
  • Prior selling experience would be an asset
  • To effectively optimise the number of calls on target doctor population

Skills For Medical Sales Representative Gastro Resume

  • Interact effectively with other players in your sector to build synergies
  • Solid and strong relationship with physicians
  • Experience and good relationships within the territory
  • Proven ability to positively impact and influence others as well as establish credibility and build strong business relationships
  • Clear and influential communication skills
  • Have a good communication skill
  • Your well-developed social skills are coupled with a robust ability to cope with conflict and capacity to give and take criticism without offence
  • History of strong work ethic including high call volume exceeding industry norms while maintaining call quality
  • Take responsibility for building and maintaining strong relationships with influencers

Skills For Medical Sales Representative Lower Northeast Resume

  • Previous experience working within Pharmaceutical environment in similar role
  • Experience working within the Pharmaceutical Sales environment
  • Applied hospital negotiations and contracting experience in similar sales environment
  • To update and maintain sales tracking systems to maximise effectiveness on territory
  • Relevant experience in medical sales and passion for B2B selling
  • Excellent understanding of the current healthcare system

Skills For Leader of Medical Devices Seeking Medical Sales Representative Resume

  • Experience working in a Medical Sales Role
  • Builds effective customer relationships while adhering to company’s compliance standards
  • Develop and maintain excellent on-going knowledge of disease areas, product and competitors
  • Researches new markets to determine sales potential and an effective sales and marketing strategy
  • Solid track record of sales achievement within the Pharmaceutical industry

Skills For Medical Sales Representative Resume

  • Build synergies with colleagues and customers through effective collaboration
  • Good track record of sales achievement within the Pharmaceutical industry
  • Able to liaise with staff at all levels in an effective and efficient manner
  • Has good business acumen
  • 6 months – 3 years’ experience
  • Experienced Medical Sales Representative o
  • Experienced Medical Sales Representative with demonstrable sales success
  • 3) a valid unendorsed driver's license and
  • Pharma experience and knowledge of the Ticino region
  • Knowledge and experience of territory geography and customers would be ideal
  • Experienced Medical Sales Representative, qualified Nurse or demonstrable sales success
  • Experienced pharmaceutical sales representative
  • Have experience as a Sales Representative / Consultant
  • One to two years experience in cognate field
  • Set priorities and manage multiple stakeholders
  • Result oriented with proven success record
  • Very good knowledge of Greek and English language (both oral and written)
  • Experience as sales representative within pharmaceutical
  • Knowledge of the area and good relationships with the KOLs
  • Good Knowledge of Therapeutic Area
  • Complete Territory Action Plan/Good execution of CMEs
  • Identify and Prioritize Opportunities
  • Professional sales experience gained in a multinational company, preferably in a medical, nutrition or pharmaceutical industry
  • Pharmaceutical Sales experience required
  • Build strong professional relationships; establish credibility and rapport with both internal and external customers
  • Had experience in sales especially in Medical Device industry
  • Pharmaceutical sales experience is preferable
  • Injectable experience is an asset
  • Positively impact and influence others as well as establish credibility and build strong business relationships
  • Launch experience is an asset (removed injectables)
  • Demonstrate a high level of compliance and integrity at all times
  • Previous experience in Medical Sales- or demonstrable Sales success
  • Proven to achieve targets
  • Demonstrating or presenting products to Health Care Professionals including doctors, nurses and pharmacists, meeting both scientific and business needs
  • Identifying, building and developing relationships with GPs
  • Developing and executing a comprehensive territory plan and delivering on brand strategy
  • Analyzing, planning and implementing activities to drive business success in your territory such as sales, expenses and investments in C.E. projects
  • Enterprising, ambitious, engaging
  • Understanding of the private and state ( teaching hospitals ) is key
  • Creating and updating doctor records in a CRM
  • Driving License & ability to travel up to 50% of working time

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Medical Sales Representative Resume

Responsibilities for pediatric medical sales representative resume.

  • Thorough understanding of the hierarchy of hospital departments such as NICU, Pediatrics, Pharmacies, Nurseries and Nursing Units, Purchasing and PICU
  • Implement and execute key marketing strategies
  • Assists in the administration, implementation and tracking of sales activities and programs
  • No qualms with doing cold calls – don’t give up!
  • Execute marketing plans in accordance with established guidelines
  • To improve clinical sales and marketing knowledge of promoted and competitor products
  • Able to work independently as well as a team in promoting Company’s products
  • Continuously assess the market in order to identify new customers and add to the existing customer base to provide lobby of loyal customers

Responsibilities For Medical Sales Representative Gastro Resume

  • Provide feedback on customer business development, competitive activity and product performance to assist in development of Trade marketing plan
  • Abide by driving and Safety rules
  • Health care setting regulatory environment
  • Introduce Abbott’s new products to customers
  • Is analytical, energetic and strive in a highly result-oriented environment
  • Travel overnight as needed. Overnight travel up to 25%

Responsibilities For Medical Sales Representative Lower Northeast Resume

  • Travel and work outside of the parameters of 8am to 5pm, as well as attend both corporate and medical conventions when required, which includes some weekends
  • Initiate and implement within and cross territories sales & marketing program
  • Tenacity, learning agility, drive for results, resilience together with the ability to work autonomously
  • Achieve sales target of assigned products in responsible territories
  • An aptitude for science with the ability to relay complex information in a clear and tailored format

Responsibilities For Leader of Medical Devices Seeking Medical Sales Representative Resume

  • Achievement of Sales Targets and Market Share growth by product portfolio as set out by BUH
  • Complete Sales Management of all customers within the region providing a principle point of contact for Vision Care with the overall aim of developing and growing long-term sales
  • Feedback market intelligence to sales and marketing management
  • Implement Growth strategies for territory and customers
  • Implement quarterly business reviews with Key Accounts
  • Performance Objectives are set and reviewed with the Business Unit Head
  • Meet & or exceed sales goals for your territory

Responsibilities For Medical Sales Representative Resume

  • Completion of CCPE Accreditation would be ideal
  • Disseminating product information to physicians, pharmacists, respiratory educators as well as being a resource to other members within your District and Business Unit
  • Primary call points are the ER, ICU and OR
  • Disseminating product information to physicians, pharmacists, hospitals as well as being a resource to other members within your District and Regional Business Unit
  • Team player who pursues both individual and team goals
  • Military Obligations fulfilled, for male candidates
  • Set Objectives and Goals
  • Areas Lenasia, Vaal, Vanderbijl, Vereenigin, JHB South
  • Areas , JHB , Westrand
  • Hospital and B2b Sales
  • 6) Derma relationships essential
  • Scientific background to be able to explain studies to Specialits such as Pneumologues
  • Work accross organizational, functional, and geographical bounderies to achieve company goals
  • Identify opportunities and solve problems
  • Use computers with ease
  • Knowledge of English – Advantage
  • Have a driver's license
  • Work closely in collaboration with cross functional business areas
  • Establish interactive and tailored dialogue with doctors and pharmacists
  • Grow and develop strong, collaborative customer relationships built on your understanding of their needs and your ability to establish your credibility by satisfying those needs
  • Demonstrable sales success – ideally within the Pharma/Healthcare industry
  • Demonstrable sales success within the Pharma/Healthcare industry
  • Comprehensive knowledge of all products, clinical studies, protocols and guidelines; ability to deliver clinical and scientific benefits and information in a sales environment
  • Participate in professional and industry conventions, seminars and other educational events to support the achievement of business objectives
  • Identify opportunities to develop the business in the territory
  • Implement strategy/sales cycle focus & achieve against set KPI’s
  • Frequently review & analyze sales results and KPI’s
  • Propose & analyze customer investment plans
  • Sales calls planned in advance, accounts covered with appropriate frequency. Call averages consistent with supervisor’s direction
  • To deliver the team performance contract and individual performance plan to meet or exceed sales target within agreed budgets
  • To gain formulary acceptance and increased usage for promoted products in all relevant accounts
  • To prepare and implement account development and territory business plans
  • To maintain an up to date knowledge of the health provision environment
  • Possess positive attitude and goal oriented
  • Proficiency in the English and Bahasa Malaysia language
  • Achieve sales target for Brands in the assigned Territory

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Medical Sales Representative Resume Samples

The Medical Sales Representative is involved in selling medical products to various medical institutions and healthcare professionals. The primary responsibilities that are listed in Medical Sales Representative’s Resume include – traveling to the defined area to sell medical products and drugs, contacting potential customers, arranging appointments with doctors, nursing homes, and pharmacists; cold calling or going door-to-door for selling, delivering presentations, building relationship with staff, researching competitors, taking orders and disbursing products and receipts.

Medical Sales Representative should have proven medical sales record, be familiar with latest medical issues, database, product lines, and statistics; they should use the computers and make calls frequently to generate sales; these professionals should have up-to-date knowledge of emerging medical developments and possess medical office management knowledge. Medical sales representatives need not have any formal education, but employers prefer to hire personnel having a Bachelor’s degree in marketing, sales or medical office management.

Medical Sales Representative Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Medical Sales Representative

Medical Sales Representative I Resume

Summary : An accomplished Medical Sales Representative I with 14 plus years of experience and successfully driving revenue, and net contribution growth. Strong sales experience including training doctors to bill for services, in-service training, Capital Equipment($5k to $20k), B2B, marketing. Call points to doctors, nurses, office managers, and medical assistants. Great communication skills, Acclivus training, training sales team, presentations. Proficient in Spanish.

Skills : Negotiation, Adaptability, Ability Work Under Pressure, Decision Making, Conflict Resolution

Medical Sales Representative I Resume Example

Description :

  • Assisting the Territory Manager in achieving sales results at or above established quotas for total and individual product segments.
  • Additional responsibilities will include managing, directing, and assisting any authorized product distributor. 
  • Supporting Territory Managers, accounts and patients within the geography.
  • Becoming a customer penetration and relationship development specialist to develop innovative design-wins by linking the customer’s technical requirements / needs with the Company's vast design and development options coupled with our extensive product line variants.
  • Becoming a product technical and application knowledge authority. 
  • Establishing rapport with our top accounts, ensuring that the product remains the preferred connector supplier and developing a territory plan to guarantee success and growth.
  • Professionally built strong, solid and trustworthy relationships with targeted physicians, offices and nurses. Incorporated the "platinum rule" with physicians and tailored product presentations to their specific needs and personalities.

Medical Sales Representative IV Resume

Summary : Medical Sales Representative IV with extensive experience of 21 years in the Healthcare domain functioning across multiple platforms, who effectively interacts with sales marketing. A performance was driven individual whose record has demonstrated the ability to achieve outstanding success in building partnerships and maintaining client relationships. Strength in assessing client needs, building trust, and closing deals.

Skills : Relationship Cultivation, Sales/Marketing Tactics, Key Account Management, Strategic Planning & Execution, Mentoring, Liaison, New Product Launches.

Medical Sales Representative IV Resume Example

  • Managed care specialist, gastrointestinal sales specialist, cardiovascular sales specialist.
  • Sales channels: hospitals, teaching institutions, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, allergist, internal med.
  • Achieved sales growth objectives by incorporating product/technical knowledge, customer and multi-product focus, innovation, and creativity.
  • Recipient of AstraZeneca being the best awards, making a difference award, outstanding teamwork, and customer unit representative.
  • Obtained formulary contracts with community-based hospitals in long beach.
  • Team training champion for the managed market, Seroquel XR, AZ policy and procedure, regional advisory, and mentoring trainer for new hires.
  • Launched several novel medications to multiple markets for the treatment of pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and psychotic diseases.
  • Developed brand strategies harmonized with the business objective and customer satisfaction in the following therapeutically areas: respiratory, endocrinology, urology, dermatology and pediatrics.

Summary : Dedicated Medical Sales Representative IV with 27 years of experience in the Healthcare domain. A quick learner and efficient worker, able to effectively and successfully manage multiple responsibilities. Experienced in sales and marketing, management, customer service, medical sales, and retail.

Skills : Customer Acquisition, Referral/Repeat Business Generation, Supervisory experience, Customer Service, Excellent Organizational Skills, Strong Interpersonal Skills, Detail Oriented, Quick Learner, Strong Written Verbal Communication Skills

Medical Sales Representative IV Resume Example

  • Established the career of advancement and achievement with one of the worlds largest research-based pharmaceuticals companies.
  • Managed and grew market share and script volumes for diverse product portfolio.
  • Conducted analysis of the market to identify new opportunities and strengthen relationships with hospitals, medical centers, mental health facilities, specialists, primary provider physicians, nurses, and professional office staffs.
  • Recognized trends within the territory and created corrective action plans, enabling achievement and exceeding of production goals.
  • Served as reliable resource and mentor to junior and new sales professionals.
  • Created a more responsive and market-driven business development strategy for district and territory resulting in winning of numerous president club honors and trip awards.
  • Held full responsibility marketing hospital formulary medications to wide-array of physicians, specialists, nurses, and physician assistants working within the regional hospital, nursing homes, mental health centers, VA hospitals, and military installations.
  • Consistently gained support within designated institutions by district, regional and national levels.

Medical Sales Representative III Resume

Summary : Astute, strategic-minded Medical Sales Representative III with 18 years of experience in the Healthcare domain, with a highly-accomplished record of top-performance and market share expansion in multimillion-dollar territory management for a leading healthcare company. A natural communicator with an extensive knowledge of the marketplace and adept at building long-term relationships. A proven, recognized performer with an award-winning track record

Skills : Microsoft Office, Siebel, PowerPoint, Excel, C-Suite experience, effective territory management, consultative selling skills and training experience.

Medical Sales Representative III Resume Sample

  • Managed a multi-million dollar sales territory to achieve sales goals for enteral formulas, feeding pumps, and plastics.
  • Clients included hospitals, nursing homes, home care companies, surgeons and gi specialists.
  • The territory included two teaching hospitals with residency programs.
  • Received the national pinnacle of excellence award for top performance for sales increase over previous year.
  • Member of the number one district in the country for overall sales increase and key product sales.
  • Ranked third in the country for territory with the largest annual sales increase.
  • Won the Musc contract for the enteral and oral supplements in early 2011 following a highly competitive process. This is a beginning business gain for nestle of $300,000 and was accomplished by working with key decision makers in safety, infection control, physicians, nutrition support committee, pt committee, nursing and clinical staffs.
  • Converted and transitioned 6 hospitals previously dominated by competitors to the nestle nutrition family and the Spikeright safety system in 2010.
  • Gained commitment from Musc GI surgical staff to implement a pre-surgical nutrition plan.
  • Increased 2010 home care sales by 157.74% over 2009 sales by moving patients to Nestle products.

Summary : Medical Sales Representative I with 13 plus years of experience in the Healthcare domain is looking for an opportunity to work in a professional competitive sales environment that focuses on results and values sales skills to achieve success for both the associate and company and provides individual growth opportunities.

Skills : Excellent Social, Networking, Presentation, Negotiation And Closing Team Work, Selfstarter, Strong Organizational, Multitasking, Prioritization And Time Management Results-Driven - Strategic Thinking And Planning

Medical Sales Representative I Resume Format

  • Creating connections between medical company and doctors, pharmacists and hospital teams.
  • Presenting medical presentations to ensure thorough knowledge regarding new medical products on the healthcare market.
  • Hands on knowledge of all medical device offerings addressing medical professionals as an expert on the application and use of the technology.
  • Working independently and within teams to generate meetings with health­care professionals in order to sell the products.
  • Promoting and presenting the company's medical­device products at hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies while managing their accounts.
  • Arranging the demonstration sessions with doctors, pharmacists, and medical teams to introduce the latest.
  • Communicating regularly and maintained strong relationships with medical and the administration staff.
  • Preparing the marketing and sales strategies and tracked progress through regular reporting.

Junior Medical Sales Representative Resume

Objective : A Junior Medical Sales Representative with 3 plus years of sales experience specializing in equipment and medical devices. I am a strong business developer, with a quantified record of achievement in generating new business and salvaging of previously unprofitable territories. Seeking to contribute my experience, skills and expertize to the sales team at prospective companies.

Skills : Launching New Products, Negotiating Contracts, Strategic Planning And Execution, Market And Business Analysis, Solution Selling, Business Development And Revenue Growth.

Junior Medical Sales Representative Resume Template

  • Arranged appointments (8 minimum) with doctors and physical therapists, which may include pre-arranged meetings or regular calling to achieve these appointments.
  • Made presentations to orthopedic surgeons, practice staff, nurses, physical therapists, and nurse case managers.
  • Built and maintained positive working relationships with medical staff and supporting administration staff (e.g. Receptionists).
  • Set up and retrieved devices from patient homes and physical therapy clinics.
  • Kept detailed records of all contacts and reaching these offices/clinics on a regular routine basis.
  • Consistently exceeded quotas established by the regional and national Sales Manager.
  • Organized territory to reduce windshield time and maximize selling skills.
  • Kept up with the latest clinical data supplied by the company and interpreting, presenting and discussing this data with professionals during presentations.
  • Maintained knowledge of new developments in the orthopedic realm, anticipating potential negative and positive impacts business and adapting strategy accordingly.
  • Developed strategies for increasing opportunities to meet and talk to contacts in the orthopedic and physical therapy sector.

Senior Medical Sales Representative Resume

Summary : Senior Medical Sales Representative with over eight years of experience in the pharmaceutical sales market. Proven experience in developing territories, creating new and existing loyal business customers in hospitals, medical offices, medicine administration and distribution centers. Identified potential markets to increment revenue and market share for our business unit.

Skills : Microsoft 8, Excel, Word, PowerPoint.

Senior Medical Sales Representative Resume Format

  • Responsible for promoting, marketing and deliver specialized pharmacy services for respiratory therapy division and biotechnology specialized products with specialist physicians, generate new prescriptions and objectives for pharmacy, include medical and hospital visits on assigned geographic areas.
  • Professional business executive in a specialized pharmaceutical industry.
  • A representative of medical products division, respiratory therapy treatments, and biotechnology specialty drugs.
  • Responsible for delivering specialized pharmacy services and drugs for respiratory therapy specialist physicians, generating new prescriptions, and objectives for pharmacy.
  • Keeping track of recipes dating from case managers and authorized pharmacy staffs behind general processes of each case patient medical office provide.
  • Identifying the potential customers, create new recipes, and promote services, experience and other pharmacy benefits, maintaining trust and credibility with customers to choose our pharmacy from other options available.
  • Meeting the monthly performance goals, prepare action reports and daily work plans.

Medical Sales Representative II Resume

Summary : Medical Sales Representative II with 16 plus years of experience in the Healthcare domain is seeking to obtain a sales position with a progressive organization, which will utilize my strong sales skills, work experience, and personal drive in achieving their goals.

Skills : Motivational Leadership, Territory Management / Growth Relationship Management, Market Share Growth, Product Launch / Education, Account Retention, Consultative Selling, High-Impact Presentations, Mentoring And Coaching

Medical Sales Representative II Resume Sample

  • Responsible for the sale of advanced wound care, medical devices, biologics, hernia mesh, and skin care products in the acute care, long-term care and home health care markets.
  • Responsible for the sales of products across a range of hospital departments and specialties including wound care and hyperbaric centers, or, ICU, NICU, ER, radiation oncology, infection control, catheterization lab, podiatry, orthopedic, cardiac and general surgery.
  • Developing yearly and quarterly business plans with volume goals and strategies to achieve goals.
  • Developing the territory call plans and strategic plans to maximize effectiveness, allowing time to service existing clients and cold calls for new business.
  • Responsible for the development and implementation of protocols, and training programs for clients.
  • Conducting routine in-services and product demonstrations to ensure proper utilization, and improve patient outcomes.
  • Ensuring the knowledge of and compliance with all Quality, Regulatory and integrity policies and guidelines.

Summary : Medical Sales Representative II with 15 years of experience and with the ability to reach key decision makers, educate clients on specific products to provide optimized solutions for patient needs, and consistently generate revenue. Determine potential target market and strategize through statistical analysis. Develop successful marketing strategies and implementation to generate additional revenues.

Skills : Account Management, Business Development, Customer Service, New Business Development, Solutions, B2B, Cold Calling, Sales Management, Territory Management

Medical Sales Representative II Resume Example

  • Responsible for the development, growth, and management of current and new physicians in the metro Illinois area to the Creve Coeur area of Missouri.
  • As the only representative from the company in the territory, primary targets include the psychiatrist, endocrinologist, and neurologist.
  • Holding a leadership role within the district, assuring that the district team members are up to date in the latest information regarding Deplin Metanx and scheduling and promoting peer to peers.
  • Ranked consecutively number one in kansas city district and top 15% of company (ranked 2nd in growth for 2 products currently).
  • Mastered patient focused close on three products not covered by traditional prescription drug plans: sell a medical food with no third party insurance coverage.
  • Qualified and developed new and existing prospects while increasing revenue by selling the entire Pamlab portfolio.
  • Developing relationships with physicians by gaining trust and being accountable and reliable, using these symbiotic relationships to ask physicians for referrals and to leverage business based on these referrals.
  • Changing the doctors prescribing habits by having them use a specialized pharmacy (brand direct health).

Sr. Medical Sales Representative Resume

Summary : Motivated Sr. Medical Sales Representative with 7 plus years of experience and with a history of taking on leadership roles in competitive environments. Skilled networker offering remarkable interpersonal and communication skills. Seeking to build upon acquired skills in challenging new position.

Skills : Business Development, New Business Development, Territory Management, Training

Sr. Medical Sales Representative Resume Example

  • The primary focus is calling on Pulmonologist, Cardiologist, Primary Care Physicians, Pain Clinics, Neurologist and Sleep centers.
  • Promoting the product/service knowledge by way of roundtable seminars, speaker programs, and cold calling.
  • Acquired 25 new accounts at classic sleepcare in the first 6 months of employment, utilize, product knowledge, for territory penetration.
  • Developing and maintain in-depth knowledge of the market, demographic, and managed care information relative to assigned sales territory.
  • Gained over 47% market share (exceeded quota) hitting 115-133% of plan consecutively. Following hippa and medicare guidelines.
  • Specializing in educating physicians on the need for diganostic testing for the treatment of obstructive sleep apena within the territory.
  • Maintaining and applying an in-depth understanding of the industrys current healthcare and patient practices and emerging trends to develop the territorys unique business opportunities.
  • Responsible for sales and product marketing for the entire respiratory based line of services.

Table of Contents

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Stryker Medical Device Sales Overview Guide

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Free: Top 50 Medical Device Sales Interview Questions

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Medical Device Sales Resume: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

Medical Device Sales Resume: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

Each year, tens of thousands of hopeful candidates submit applications to medical device sales roles — often vying for a single position. The unfortunate reality is that over 75% of the candidates get eliminated in the resume screen.

Chances are you already have a resume. But, how do you tailor it specifically for medical device sales?

Positioning your resume for medical device sales is incredibly different than other sales positions you may have applied for. If you submit the same resume for a medical device sales role as you do a SaaS sales role, you most likely will be outcompeted.  Let's go through the basic resume tips and formatting that you should be aware of. Along the way, we'll review a resume* that landed interviews at top firms like Stryker, DePuy Synthes, and Arthrex.

* The names, dates, university, and employer may have been changed to protect the identity of the individual.

Part I: What do top medical device sales companies look for?

It is difficult to craft a resume that stands out if you do not understand what characteristics screeners look for.

A common misconception about medical device sales is that you need medical device sales experience to apply. While it certainly does help, our data suggests otherwise. We analyzed 500+ Associate Sales Representative profiles and concluded that the majority of people who landed these roles did not have any medical device sales experience before joining.

What type of experience did the Associates have? The vast majority had between 0 - 5 years of B2B sales experience, B2C sales experience, marketing experience, or clinical experience. Depending on the company, sales experience or prior work experience may not even be necessary (we break down these statistics in our Company Guides ).

Successful candidates strategically highlight certain soft skills and hard skills on their resumes. In this section, we'll cover both skill sets so that you can tactically incorporate them into your resume.

Medical Device Sales Overview Guide_1

1.1 Soft Skills

  • Communication:  this means that you have demonstrated experience in undergraduate or during your work experience effectively communicating with a variety of stakeholders.
  • Leadership: this means that you encourage others to take the actions they need to succeed.
  • Relationship Builder: this means that you are adept at forming meaningful relationships with your colleagues and customers.
  • Organization: this means that you are logical and organized throughout the sales cycle. You are detail-oriented.
  • Persistence: this means that you continue to pursue a lead even if it is challenging or time-consuming. You are determined to hit your goals.

1.2 Hard Skills

  • Prospecting:  this means that you have experience prospecting for new business and work methodically through the sales process.
  • Sales Expansion: this means that you have a track record of sales 
  • Product Portfolio Analysis:  this means that you have the skills to effectively examine the market-fit of a product and craft a compelling value proposition.
  • Inventory Management: this means that you have a basic understanding of inventory management principles and contract billing.
  • Clinical Experience: this is not necessary to land a role in medical device sales; however, recruiters do like to see candidates with clinical experience.

Part II: Top 5 medical device resume tips

Medical Device Sales Overview Guide_2

Tip #1: Keep it to one page

Your resume should be limited to a single page. It can be difficult to pack all of your accomplishments into a single document. Be sure that you are only including relevant experiences that would lend themselves well to a career in device sales.

Tip #2:  Eliminate fancy formatting

Ensure that each word must be in the same font, we recommend New Times Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Eliminate any fancy formatting or styling from your resume. Medical device sales recruiters prefer a traditional resume.

Tip #3: Use six sections

Most successful medical device sales resumes follow this format: Personal Information, Objective, Education, Relevant Experience, Relevant Certifications, if applicable, and Skills.

Tip #4: Quantify

You live or die by your numbers in sales. A bullet point not backed by numbers does not convincingly persuade the resume reviewer to choose you over another candidate. Highlight revenue growth or sales volume over a certain period of time to make a high-impact.

For example, instead of:

  • Increased market share for [Product #1] and [Product #2] portfolio in South Carolina in 2021.

Transition to:

  • Increased market share by 12% YoY for [Product #1] and [Product #2]  portfolio in South Carolina in 2021, placing in the top 10% in market share growth for the division.

Tip #5: Tie back to the role

Ensure that each piece of content included on your resume can be used as an argument to support your candidacy for a role in medical device sales. If you include a sentence but cannot substantiate why that particular skill or story would be beneficial for the recruiter or hiring manager to know in the context of the role, remove the sentence.

Part III: Stryker Resume Sample

3.1 personal information.

Medical Device Sales Overview Guide_3

The personal information section should be the most straightforward part of your resume. Include your name, address, phone number, and email. Here are a few pointers:

  • Bold your name and increase the font size
  • Keep your email address professional
  • Since you are providing your phone number, ensure that you leave a professional voicemail on your phone prior to submitting your resume. Relatedly, ensure that your voice mailbox is not full.

3.2  Objective

Medical Device Sales Resume Objective

The objective section provides the reader a summary as to why you are pursuing the role. It should include where you have been (eg: current role, past experience) and which role you plan to pursue. You should also use it to highlight your sales metrics or other quantifiable achievements early on in your resume.

Our students have found tremendous success using the following template. Fill in the blue sections with the numbers by substituting one of the phrases listed in the table:

Medical Device Resume Step 1

Here is a completed objective statement tailored for medical device sales:

Growth oriented Sales Associate with two years of experience driving profitable growth thru new business acquisition in the Industrial Supplies industry. Demonstrated success establishing strategic partnerships with customers while consistently exceeding sales targets by 117%. Seeking advancement to a Cardiovascular device sales role to make a tangible impact on patients while growing a territory.

3.3 Education

Medical Device Sales Resume Education

The education section should be fairly simple. If you have more than 2 years of professional work experience, place the Education section below the Relevant Experience section. If you have more than 2 years of work experience, you want to highlight your work experience more so than your education.

Here is what you should focus on in this section:

  • Include the university you attended, your degree, your major and minor, location of the university, and dates attended
  • Include your GPA if > 3.0
  • Include any scholarships received or awards. Indicate the competitiveness of the award, if applicable. For example:
  • Dean's List
  • Latin Honors 
  • Herschel and Caryl Roman Undergraduate Science Scholarship (3 out of 100 awarded)
  • Optional: Include coursework and clubs relevant to medical device sales. For example:
  • Advanced Personal Selling and Negotiation
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology

3.4  Relevant Experience

Medical Device Sales Resume Professional Experience

The relevant experience section should list your relevant professional work experience from most recent to least recent. Focus on quantifying your most important achievements.

Below are some pointers:

  • Include Company Name, Job Title, Location, and Dates Worked
  • Include no more than 5 bullet points in this section per experience
  • Keep each line simple and quantifiable
  • For each sales-related bullet, include key metrics such as deal size, ranking, and % quota 

Each bullet point should tie back to one of the following themes:

  • Highlighting your sales numbers (eg: revenue, sales, EBIDTA)
  • Product and/or territory expansion
  • Customer acquisition and prospecting efforts
  • Development of customer relationships
  • Exceptional customer service
  • Inventory management

If you have a clinical background, consider including the following in your bullet points:

  • Knowledge of hospital, imaging center, urgent care, surgical center, etc.
  • Understanding of Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs), hospital billing and patient systems, etc.
  • Hands on patient care experience

Start each bullet point with an action phrase. Successful action phrases include "Performed at XX% to plan...", "Assessed customer needs to exceed key objectives...", and "Negotiated contractual agreements with X vendors...". 

50 Action Verbs to Use

Spend the majority of your resume efforts framing the relevant experience section.

3.5 Relevant Certifications, if applicable

Relevant certifications should be included in your resume, if applicable, particularly if you have a clinical background. Avoid listing certifications that do not directly correlate to getting a role in medical device sales. For example, omit certifications such as "Google Adwords Certified". This certification is conducive to landing a role in marketing, not medical device sales.

Here are tips for acing this section:

  • Include certification name, certification issuer, and date(s) effective
  • Example certifications:
  • Certified EKG Technician
  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Certified Phlebotomy Technician
  • Certified Clinical Hemodialysis Technician
  • Certified Wound Ostomy Nurse

Medical Device Sales Resume Skills

The skills section should be strictly sales or clinically focused. Provide a brief description of your competency in each skill. Here are several examples:

Sales Focused:  Territory Forecasting, Inventory Management, Salesforce CRM, Contract Negotiation, Lead Generation, Surgical Case Coverage, Customer Acquisition, Prospecting, P&L Modeling

Clinically Focused:  Phlebotomy - IV Therapy, Clinical Data Analysis, Catheterization, Wound Care, Cerner EMR

Implement the strategies above to significantly increase your chance of passing the recruiter resume screen. If you are interested in further improving your chances, take a look at our Medical Device Sales Resume Review to have your resume reviewed by a Current Representative. We are so confident in our process that we offer 50% money back if you don't get interviews .

For more resources on how to break into medical device sales, view our All-In Course or download our Company Guides .

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  5. 5 Medical Sales Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    5 Medical Sales Resume Examples & Guide for 2024. Your medical sales resume must clearly highlight your sales achievements and revenue growth. Include specific metrics to quantify your success in previous roles. Demonstrate your expertise in the medical field by detailing your knowledge of products, industry regulations, and customer ...

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    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the medical device sales representative job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way ...

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    Resume Sales Representative Objective Sample. Right. Relatable customer relationship officer at large Augusta corporation with 1+ year of experience maintaining excellent relations with 15 company clients. Skilled at communication, collaboration, and using CRM software (Hubspot & Salesforce, primarily).

  22. US consumer inflation resumes downward trend as domestic demand cools

    Sales at online retailers dropped 1.2% after surging 2.5% in March. Sales at food services and drinking places, the only services component in the report, gained 0.2%. Economists view dining out ...