Writing a Research Paper Introduction (with 3 Examples)

Nail your research paper's introduction! Learn to captivate and inform readers from the start—our guide shows how!

how to write a introduction for a research paper example

Ertugrul Portakal

Apr 12, 2024

Writing a Research Paper Introduction (with 3 Examples)


A catchy and informative introduction is essential in academic writing, especially if you want your readers to have background information about your paper. However, writing an interesting and informative introduction can sometimes be a time-consuming and tiring process. If you don't know where to start when crafting an introduction, no need to worry - we've got you covered!

In this article, we will explain step by step what an introduction is in academic writing and how to write it!

Ready? Let's start!

  • An introduction is a paragraph that provides information about your entire paper and aims to attract and inform the reader.
  • Before writing an introduction or even starting your paper, you need to research academic sources.
  • The first one or two sentences of an introduction paragraph should be a hook to attract the reader's attention.
  • Afterwards, you need to prepare the reader for your argument by giving background information about your topic.
  • Finally, you should state your argument about your topic with a thesis statement.
  • If you are writing a longer paper, you can inform your readers about the map of your paper.
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What is an Introduction in a research paper?

In any academic writing, including essays and research papers, an introduction is the first paragraph that the reader will encounter. This paragraph should both attract the reader's attention and give them the necessary information about the paper. In any academic paper, the introduction paragraph constitutes 10% of the paper's total word count. For example, if you are preparing a 3,000-word paper, your introduction paragraph should consist of approximately 300 words. You should also write sentences within these 300 words that will attract the reader's attention and provide them with information about the paper.

Importance of an Introduction Paragraph

The biggest function of an introduction paragraph is to prepare the reader for the author's thesis statement. A traditional introduction paragraph begins with a few sentences or questions that will catch the reader's attention. After attracting the reader's attention, necessary background information on the subject is given. Finally, the author explains to the readers what the whole paper is about by stating the thesis. A thesis statement is the final sentence that summarizes the main points of your paper and conveys your claim.

First Things First: Preliminary Research

When working on any academic writing type, it is essential to start by researching your topic thoroughly before beginning to type. What sets academic writing apart from other writing types is the requirement for it to be written using accurate information from reliable sources.

Researching academic sources can be a time-consuming and unnecessary process. One has to read through hundreds of pages, review dozens of articles and verify the accuracy of each source. However, if you're looking to reduce your workload and maximize efficiency by automating repetitive tasks such as literature review, ZenoChat is the perfect solution for you. With its web search feature, ZenoChat can use the entire internet as a data source. Additionally, by activating the "scholar" option of the ZenoChat web search feature, you can ensure that it only uses academic sources when generating output.

How to Create an Introduction for Academic Writing?

Creating an introduction paragraph that is interesting, informative, and conveys your thesis is an easier process than it seems. As long as you have sufficient information about your topic and an outline , you can write engaging introductions by following a few simple steps. Let's take a closer look at how to write an introduction for academic writing.

1-) Start with a Catchy Hook

Your first sentence is one of the factors that most influence a reader's decision to read your paper. This sentence determines the tone of your paper and attracts the reader's attention. For this reason, we recommend that you start your introduction paragraph with a strong and catchy hook sentence.

  • Avoid long and complex sentences
  • Use clear and concise sentences
  • Write a sentence that will spark the reader's curiosity
  • You can ask questions that will encourage the reader to read the remaining paragraph
  • Avoid fact or overly broad sentences
  • Avoid using dictionary definitions as your hook

2-) Give Background Information

After writing a strong hook sentence, you need to provide basic information about your topic so that the reader can understand what they will learn about when they read your paper. In this section, you can benefit from opinions that support or oppose your argument. Additionally, this section should refer to the body paragraphs of your writing.

  • You can write a background information sentence for each body paragraph.
  • The information here should be concise and compact
  • Avoid talking about your evidence and results unless necessary.

3-) State Your Thesis 

After attracting the reader's attention and providing background information, it is time to present your approach and argument towards the topic with a thesis statement. A thesis statement usually comprises one or two sentences and communicates the paper's argument to the reader. A well-written thesis statement should express your stance on the topic.

  • Avoid merely stating a fact
  • Claim your argument

4-) Tell Reader About Your Paper

Although you need to move on to body paragraphs after the thesis statement in short papers, it will be useful to add a few sentences that will guide the reader in your longer papers. This way, your readers can better understand which arguments they will encounter on which pages and the course of your paper. That leads the reader to clearly understand and follow your content.

Let’s Wrap it Up

Writing an interesting and informative introduction is usually a long process that requires a lot of rewriting. You may need to rewrite a sentence dozens of times so that your words and sentences clearly describe your paper and argument. Fortunately, you can generate state-of-the-art introductions using AI tools and use them with a little editing.

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Example Introduction #1

“Should social media platforms be banned from collecting their users' data?”

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Example Introduction #2

“Do electric vehicles decrease overall emissions?”

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Example Introduction #3

“Is graffiti an act of vandalism or the creation of art?”

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Home » Research Paper Introduction – Writing Guide and Examples

Research Paper Introduction – Writing Guide and Examples

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Research Paper Introduction

Research Paper Introduction

Research paper introduction is the first section of a research paper that provides an overview of the study, its purpose, and the research question (s) or hypothesis (es) being investigated. It typically includes background information about the topic, a review of previous research in the field, and a statement of the research objectives. The introduction is intended to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the research problem, why it is important, and how the study will contribute to existing knowledge in the field. It also sets the tone for the rest of the paper and helps to establish the author’s credibility and expertise on the subject.

How to Write Research Paper Introduction

Writing an introduction for a research paper can be challenging because it sets the tone for the entire paper. Here are some steps to follow to help you write an effective research paper introduction:

  • Start with a hook : Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing statement, a question, or a surprising fact that will make the reader interested in reading further.
  • Provide background information: After the hook, provide background information on the topic. This information should give the reader a general idea of what the topic is about and why it is important.
  • State the research problem: Clearly state the research problem or question that the paper addresses. This should be done in a concise and straightforward manner.
  • State the research objectives: After stating the research problem, clearly state the research objectives. This will give the reader an idea of what the paper aims to achieve.
  • Provide a brief overview of the paper: At the end of the introduction, provide a brief overview of the paper. This should include a summary of the main points that will be discussed in the paper.
  • Revise and refine: Finally, revise and refine your introduction to ensure that it is clear, concise, and engaging.

Structure of Research Paper Introduction

The following is a typical structure for a research paper introduction:

  • Background Information: This section provides an overview of the topic of the research paper, including relevant background information and any previous research that has been done on the topic. It helps to give the reader a sense of the context for the study.
  • Problem Statement: This section identifies the specific problem or issue that the research paper is addressing. It should be clear and concise, and it should articulate the gap in knowledge that the study aims to fill.
  • Research Question/Hypothesis : This section states the research question or hypothesis that the study aims to answer. It should be specific and focused, and it should clearly connect to the problem statement.
  • Significance of the Study: This section explains why the research is important and what the potential implications of the study are. It should highlight the contribution that the research makes to the field.
  • Methodology: This section describes the research methods that were used to conduct the study. It should be detailed enough to allow the reader to understand how the study was conducted and to evaluate the validity of the results.
  • Organization of the Paper : This section provides a brief overview of the structure of the research paper. It should give the reader a sense of what to expect in each section of the paper.

Research Paper Introduction Examples

Research Paper Introduction Examples could be:

Example 1: In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in various industries, including healthcare. AI algorithms are being developed to assist with medical diagnoses, treatment recommendations, and patient monitoring. However, as the use of AI in healthcare grows, ethical concerns regarding privacy, bias, and accountability have emerged. This paper aims to explore the ethical implications of AI in healthcare and propose recommendations for addressing these concerns.

Example 2: Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. The increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has resulted in rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and other environmental impacts. In this paper, we will review the scientific evidence on climate change, discuss the potential consequences of inaction, and propose solutions for mitigating its effects.

Example 3: The rise of social media has transformed the way we communicate and interact with each other. While social media platforms offer many benefits, including increased connectivity and access to information, they also present numerous challenges. In this paper, we will examine the impact of social media on mental health, privacy, and democracy, and propose solutions for addressing these issues.

Example 4: The use of renewable energy sources has become increasingly important in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. While renewable energy technologies offer many benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and energy independence, they also present numerous challenges. In this paper, we will assess the current state of renewable energy technology, discuss the economic and political barriers to its adoption, and propose solutions for promoting the widespread use of renewable energy.

Purpose of Research Paper Introduction

The introduction section of a research paper serves several important purposes, including:

  • Providing context: The introduction should give readers a general understanding of the topic, including its background, significance, and relevance to the field.
  • Presenting the research question or problem: The introduction should clearly state the research question or problem that the paper aims to address. This helps readers understand the purpose of the study and what the author hopes to accomplish.
  • Reviewing the literature: The introduction should summarize the current state of knowledge on the topic, highlighting the gaps and limitations in existing research. This shows readers why the study is important and necessary.
  • Outlining the scope and objectives of the study: The introduction should describe the scope and objectives of the study, including what aspects of the topic will be covered, what data will be collected, and what methods will be used.
  • Previewing the main findings and conclusions : The introduction should provide a brief overview of the main findings and conclusions that the study will present. This helps readers anticipate what they can expect to learn from the paper.

When to Write Research Paper Introduction

The introduction of a research paper is typically written after the research has been conducted and the data has been analyzed. This is because the introduction should provide an overview of the research problem, the purpose of the study, and the research questions or hypotheses that will be investigated.

Once you have a clear understanding of the research problem and the questions that you want to explore, you can begin to write the introduction. It’s important to keep in mind that the introduction should be written in a way that engages the reader and provides a clear rationale for the study. It should also provide context for the research by reviewing relevant literature and explaining how the study fits into the larger field of research.

Advantages of Research Paper Introduction

The introduction of a research paper has several advantages, including:

  • Establishing the purpose of the research: The introduction provides an overview of the research problem, question, or hypothesis, and the objectives of the study. This helps to clarify the purpose of the research and provide a roadmap for the reader to follow.
  • Providing background information: The introduction also provides background information on the topic, including a review of relevant literature and research. This helps the reader understand the context of the study and how it fits into the broader field of research.
  • Demonstrating the significance of the research: The introduction also explains why the research is important and relevant. This helps the reader understand the value of the study and why it is worth reading.
  • Setting expectations: The introduction sets the tone for the rest of the paper and prepares the reader for what is to come. This helps the reader understand what to expect and how to approach the paper.
  • Grabbing the reader’s attention: A well-written introduction can grab the reader’s attention and make them interested in reading further. This is important because it can help to keep the reader engaged and motivated to read the rest of the paper.
  • Creating a strong first impression: The introduction is the first part of the research paper that the reader will see, and it can create a strong first impression. A well-written introduction can make the reader more likely to take the research seriously and view it as credible.
  • Establishing the author’s credibility: The introduction can also establish the author’s credibility as a researcher. By providing a clear and thorough overview of the research problem and relevant literature, the author can demonstrate their expertise and knowledge in the field.
  • Providing a structure for the paper: The introduction can also provide a structure for the rest of the paper. By outlining the main sections and sub-sections of the paper, the introduction can help the reader navigate the paper and find the information they are looking for.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Write an Introduction for a Research Paper

Sumalatha G

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Writing an introduction for a research paper is a critical element of your paper, but it can seem challenging to encapsulate enormous amount of information into a concise form. The introduction of your research paper sets the tone for your research and provides the context for your study. In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective introduction that grabs the reader's attention and captures the essence of your research paper.

Understanding the Purpose of a Research Paper Introduction

The introduction acts as a road map for your research paper, guiding the reader through the main ideas and arguments. The purpose of the introduction is to present your research topic to the readers and provide a rationale for why your study is relevant. It helps the reader locate your research and its relevance in the broader field of related scientific explorations. Additionally, the introduction should inform the reader about the objectives and scope of your study, giving them an overview of what to expect in the paper. By including a comprehensive introduction, you establish your credibility as an author and convince the reader that your research is worth their time and attention.

Key Elements to Include in Your Introduction

When writing your research paper introduction, there are several key elements you should include to ensure it is comprehensive and informative.

  • A hook or attention-grabbing statement to capture the reader's interest.  It can be a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic, or a compelling anecdote that relates to your research topic.
  • A brief overview of the research topic and its significance. By highlighting the gap in existing knowledge or the problem your research aims to address, you create a compelling case for the relevance of your study.
  • A clear research question or problem statement. This serves as the foundation of your research and guides the reader in understanding the unique focus of your study. It should be concise, specific, and clearly articulated.
  • An outline of the paper's structure and main arguments, to help the readers navigate through the paper with ease.

Preparing to Write Your Introduction

Before diving into writing your introduction, it is essential to prepare adequately. This involves 3 important steps:

  • Conducting Preliminary Research: Immerse yourself in the existing literature to develop a clear research question and position your study within the academic discourse.
  • Identifying Your Thesis Statement: Define a specific, focused, and debatable thesis statement, serving as a roadmap for your paper.
  • Considering Broader Context: Reflect on the significance of your research within your field, understanding its potential impact and contribution.

By engaging in these preparatory steps, you can ensure that your introduction is well-informed, focused, and sets the stage for a compelling research paper.

Structuring Your Introduction

Now that you have prepared yourself to tackle the introduction, it's time to structure it effectively. A well-structured introduction will engage the reader from the beginning and provide a logical flow to your research paper.

Starting with a Hook

Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing hook that captivates the reader's interest. This hook serves as a way to make your introduction more engaging and compelling. For example, if you are writing a research paper on the impact of climate change on biodiversity, you could start your introduction with a statistic about the number of species that have gone extinct due to climate change. This will immediately grab the reader's attention and make them realize the urgency and importance of the topic.

Introducing Your Topic

Provide a brief overview, which should give the reader a general understanding of the subject matter and its significance. Explain the importance of the topic and its relevance to the field. This will help the reader understand why your research is significant and why they should continue reading. Continuing with the example of climate change and biodiversity, you could explain how climate change is one of the greatest threats to global biodiversity, how it affects ecosystems, and the potential consequences for both wildlife and human populations. By providing this context, you are setting the stage for the rest of your research paper and helping the reader understand the importance of your study.

Presenting Your Thesis Statement

The thesis statement should directly address your research question and provide a preview of the main arguments or findings discussed in your paper. Make sure your thesis statement is clear, concise, and well-supported by the evidence you will present in your research paper. By presenting a strong and focused thesis statement, you are providing the reader with the information they could anticipate in your research paper. This will help them understand the purpose and scope of your study and will make them more inclined to continue reading.

Writing Techniques for an Effective Introduction

When crafting an introduction, it is crucial to pay attention to the finer details that can elevate your writing to the next level. By utilizing specific writing techniques, you can captivate your readers and draw them into your research journey.

Using Clear and Concise Language

One of the most important writing techniques to employ in your introduction is the use of clear and concise language. By choosing your words carefully, you can effectively convey your ideas to the reader. It is essential to avoid using jargon or complex terminology that may confuse or alienate your audience. Instead, focus on communicating your research in a straightforward manner to ensure that your introduction is accessible to both experts in your field and those who may be new to the topic. This approach allows you to engage a broader audience and make your research more inclusive.

Establishing the Relevance of Your Research

One way to establish the relevance of your research is by highlighting how it fills a gap in the existing literature. Explain how your study addresses a significant research question that has not been adequately explored. By doing this, you demonstrate that your research is not only unique but also contributes to the broader knowledge in your field. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize the potential impact of your research. Whether it is advancing scientific understanding, informing policy decisions, or improving practical applications, make it clear to the reader how your study can make a difference.

By employing these two writing techniques in your introduction, you can effectively engage your readers. Take your time to craft an introduction that is both informative and captivating, leaving your readers eager to delve deeper into your research.

Revising and Polishing Your Introduction

Once you have written your introduction, it is crucial to revise and polish it to ensure that it effectively sets the stage for your research paper.

Self-Editing Techniques

Review your introduction for clarity, coherence, and logical flow. Ensure each paragraph introduces a new idea or argument with smooth transitions.

Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and awkward sentence structures.

Ensure that your introduction aligns with the overall tone and style of your research paper.

Seeking Feedback for Improvement

Consider seeking feedback from peers, colleagues, or your instructor. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improving your introduction. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to refine your introduction and make it more compelling for the reader.

Writing an introduction for a research paper requires careful thought and planning. By understanding the purpose of the introduction, preparing adequately, structuring effectively, and employing writing techniques, you can create an engaging and informative introduction for your research. Remember to revise and polish your introduction to ensure that it accurately represents the main ideas and arguments in your research paper. With a well-crafted introduction, you will capture the reader's attention and keep them inclined to your paper.

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  • Dissertation

How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation Introduction

Published on September 7, 2022 by Tegan George and Shona McCombes. Revised on November 21, 2023.

The introduction is the first section of your thesis or dissertation , appearing right after the table of contents . Your introduction draws your reader in, setting the stage for your research with a clear focus, purpose, and direction on a relevant topic .

Your introduction should include:

  • Your topic, in context: what does your reader need to know to understand your thesis dissertation?
  • Your focus and scope: what specific aspect of the topic will you address?
  • The relevance of your research: how does your work fit into existing studies on your topic?
  • Your questions and objectives: what does your research aim to find out, and how?
  • An overview of your structure: what does each section contribute to the overall aim?

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Table of contents

How to start your introduction, topic and context, focus and scope, relevance and importance, questions and objectives, overview of the structure, thesis introduction example, introduction checklist, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about introductions.

Although your introduction kicks off your dissertation, it doesn’t have to be the first thing you write — in fact, it’s often one of the very last parts to be completed (just before your abstract ).

It’s a good idea to write a rough draft of your introduction as you begin your research, to help guide you. If you wrote a research proposal , consider using this as a template, as it contains many of the same elements. However, be sure to revise your introduction throughout the writing process, making sure it matches the content of your ensuing sections.

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Begin by introducing your dissertation topic and giving any necessary background information. It’s important to contextualize your research and generate interest. Aim to show why your topic is timely or important. You may want to mention a relevant news item, academic debate, or practical problem.

After a brief introduction to your general area of interest, narrow your focus and define the scope of your research.

You can narrow this down in many ways, such as by:

  • Geographical area
  • Time period
  • Demographics or communities
  • Themes or aspects of the topic

It’s essential to share your motivation for doing this research, as well as how it relates to existing work on your topic. Further, you should also mention what new insights you expect it will contribute.

Start by giving a brief overview of the current state of research. You should definitely cite the most relevant literature, but remember that you will conduct a more in-depth survey of relevant sources in the literature review section, so there’s no need to go too in-depth in the introduction.

Depending on your field, the importance of your research might focus on its practical application (e.g., in policy or management) or on advancing scholarly understanding of the topic (e.g., by developing theories or adding new empirical data). In many cases, it will do both.

Ultimately, your introduction should explain how your thesis or dissertation:

  • Helps solve a practical or theoretical problem
  • Addresses a gap in the literature
  • Builds on existing research
  • Proposes a new understanding of your topic

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Perhaps the most important part of your introduction is your questions and objectives, as it sets up the expectations for the rest of your thesis or dissertation. How you formulate your research questions and research objectives will depend on your discipline, topic, and focus, but you should always clearly state the central aim of your research.

If your research aims to test hypotheses , you can formulate them here. Your introduction is also a good place for a conceptual framework that suggests relationships between variables .

  • Conduct surveys to collect data on students’ levels of knowledge, understanding, and positive/negative perceptions of government policy.
  • Determine whether attitudes to climate policy are associated with variables such as age, gender, region, and social class.
  • Conduct interviews to gain qualitative insights into students’ perspectives and actions in relation to climate policy.

To help guide your reader, end your introduction with an outline  of the structure of the thesis or dissertation to follow. Share a brief summary of each chapter, clearly showing how each contributes to your central aims. However, be careful to keep this overview concise: 1-2 sentences should be enough.

I. Introduction

Human language consists of a set of vowels and consonants which are combined to form words. During the speech production process, thoughts are converted into spoken utterances to convey a message. The appropriate words and their meanings are selected in the mental lexicon (Dell & Burger, 1997). This pre-verbal message is then grammatically coded, during which a syntactic representation of the utterance is built.

Speech, language, and voice disorders affect the vocal cords, nerves, muscles, and brain structures, which result in a distorted language reception or speech production (Sataloff & Hawkshaw, 2014). The symptoms vary from adding superfluous words and taking pauses to hoarseness of the voice, depending on the type of disorder (Dodd, 2005). However, distortions of the speech may also occur as a result of a disease that seems unrelated to speech, such as multiple sclerosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

This study aims to determine which acoustic parameters are suitable for the automatic detection of exacerbations in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by investigating which aspects of speech differ between COPD patients and healthy speakers and which aspects differ between COPD patients in exacerbation and stable COPD patients.

Checklist: Introduction

I have introduced my research topic in an engaging way.

I have provided necessary context to help the reader understand my topic.

I have clearly specified the focus of my research.

I have shown the relevance and importance of the dissertation topic .

I have clearly stated the problem or question that my research addresses.

I have outlined the specific objectives of the research .

I have provided an overview of the dissertation’s structure .

You've written a strong introduction for your thesis or dissertation. Use the other checklists to continue improving your dissertation.

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The introduction of a research paper includes several key elements:

  • A hook to catch the reader’s interest
  • Relevant background on the topic
  • Details of your research problem

and your problem statement

  • A thesis statement or research question
  • Sometimes an overview of the paper

Don’t feel that you have to write the introduction first. The introduction is often one of the last parts of the research paper you’ll write, along with the conclusion.

This is because it can be easier to introduce your paper once you’ve already written the body ; you may not have the clearest idea of your arguments until you’ve written them, and things can change during the writing process .

Research objectives describe what you intend your research project to accomplish.

They summarize the approach and purpose of the project and help to focus your research.

Your objectives should appear in the introduction of your research paper , at the end of your problem statement .

Scope of research is determined at the beginning of your research process , prior to the data collection stage. Sometimes called “scope of study,” your scope delineates what will and will not be covered in your project. It helps you focus your work and your time, ensuring that you’ll be able to achieve your goals and outcomes.

Defining a scope can be very useful in any research project, from a research proposal to a thesis or dissertation . A scope is needed for all types of research: quantitative , qualitative , and mixed methods .

To define your scope of research, consider the following:

  • Budget constraints or any specifics of grant funding
  • Your proposed timeline and duration
  • Specifics about your population of study, your proposed sample size , and the research methodology you’ll pursue
  • Any inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Any anticipated control , extraneous , or confounding variables that could bias your research if not accounted for properly.

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George, T. & McCombes, S. (2023, November 21). How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation Introduction. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/introduction-structure/

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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

  • 4. The Introduction
  • Purpose of Guide
  • Design Flaws to Avoid
  • Independent and Dependent Variables
  • Glossary of Research Terms
  • Reading Research Effectively
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea
  • Broadening a Topic Idea
  • Extending the Timeliness of a Topic Idea
  • Academic Writing Style
  • Applying Critical Thinking
  • Choosing a Title
  • Making an Outline
  • Paragraph Development
  • Research Process Video Series
  • Executive Summary
  • The C.A.R.S. Model
  • Background Information
  • The Research Problem/Question
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Citation Tracking
  • Content Alert Services
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Primary Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Tiertiary Sources
  • Scholarly vs. Popular Publications
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Insiderness
  • Using Non-Textual Elements
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Common Grammar Mistakes
  • Writing Concisely
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Footnotes or Endnotes?
  • Further Readings
  • Generative AI and Writing
  • USC Libraries Tutorials and Other Guides
  • Bibliography

The introduction leads the reader from a general subject area to a particular topic of inquiry. It establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose of the work in the form of the research problem supported by a hypothesis or a set of questions, explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine the research problem, highlighting the potential outcomes your study can reveal, and outlining the remaining structure and organization of the paper.

Key Elements of the Research Proposal. Prepared under the direction of the Superintendent and by the 2010 Curriculum Design and Writing Team. Baltimore County Public Schools.

Importance of a Good Introduction

Think of the introduction as a mental road map that must answer for the reader these four questions:

  • What was I studying?
  • Why was this topic important to investigate?
  • What did we know about this topic before I did this study?
  • How will this study advance new knowledge or new ways of understanding?

According to Reyes, there are three overarching goals of a good introduction: 1) ensure that you summarize prior studies about the topic in a manner that lays a foundation for understanding the research problem; 2) explain how your study specifically addresses gaps in the literature, insufficient consideration of the topic, or other deficiency in the literature; and, 3) note the broader theoretical, empirical, and/or policy contributions and implications of your research.

A well-written introduction is important because, quite simply, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. The opening paragraphs of your paper will provide your readers with their initial impressions about the logic of your argument, your writing style, the overall quality of your research, and, ultimately, the validity of your findings and conclusions. A vague, disorganized, or error-filled introduction will create a negative impression, whereas, a concise, engaging, and well-written introduction will lead your readers to think highly of your analytical skills, your writing style, and your research approach. All introductions should conclude with a brief paragraph that describes the organization of the rest of the paper.

Hirano, Eliana. “Research Article Introductions in English for Specific Purposes: A Comparison between Brazilian, Portuguese, and English.” English for Specific Purposes 28 (October 2009): 240-250; Samraj, B. “Introductions in Research Articles: Variations Across Disciplines.” English for Specific Purposes 21 (2002): 1–17; Introductions. The Writing Center. University of North Carolina; “Writing Introductions.” In Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guide. Peter Redman. 4th edition. (London: Sage, 2011), pp. 63-70; Reyes, Victoria. Demystifying the Journal Article. Inside Higher Education.

Structure and Writing Style

I.  Structure and Approach

The introduction is the broad beginning of the paper that answers three important questions for the reader:

  • What is this?
  • Why should I read it?
  • What do you want me to think about / consider doing / react to?

Think of the structure of the introduction as an inverted triangle of information that lays a foundation for understanding the research problem. Organize the information so as to present the more general aspects of the topic early in the introduction, then narrow your analysis to more specific topical information that provides context, finally arriving at your research problem and the rationale for studying it [often written as a series of key questions to be addressed or framed as a hypothesis or set of assumptions to be tested] and, whenever possible, a description of the potential outcomes your study can reveal.

These are general phases associated with writing an introduction: 1.  Establish an area to research by:

  • Highlighting the importance of the topic, and/or
  • Making general statements about the topic, and/or
  • Presenting an overview on current research on the subject.

2.  Identify a research niche by:

  • Opposing an existing assumption, and/or
  • Revealing a gap in existing research, and/or
  • Formulating a research question or problem, and/or
  • Continuing a disciplinary tradition.

3.  Place your research within the research niche by:

  • Stating the intent of your study,
  • Outlining the key characteristics of your study,
  • Describing important results, and
  • Giving a brief overview of the structure of the paper.

NOTE:   It is often useful to review the introduction late in the writing process. This is appropriate because outcomes are unknown until you've completed the study. After you complete writing the body of the paper, go back and review introductory descriptions of the structure of the paper, the method of data gathering, the reporting and analysis of results, and the conclusion. Reviewing and, if necessary, rewriting the introduction ensures that it correctly matches the overall structure of your final paper.

II.  Delimitations of the Study

Delimitations refer to those characteristics that limit the scope and define the conceptual boundaries of your research . This is determined by the conscious exclusionary and inclusionary decisions you make about how to investigate the research problem. In other words, not only should you tell the reader what it is you are studying and why, but you must also acknowledge why you rejected alternative approaches that could have been used to examine the topic.

Obviously, the first limiting step was the choice of research problem itself. However, implicit are other, related problems that could have been chosen but were rejected. These should be noted in the conclusion of your introduction. For example, a delimitating statement could read, "Although many factors can be understood to impact the likelihood young people will vote, this study will focus on socioeconomic factors related to the need to work full-time while in school." The point is not to document every possible delimiting factor, but to highlight why previously researched issues related to the topic were not addressed.

Examples of delimitating choices would be:

  • The key aims and objectives of your study,
  • The research questions that you address,
  • The variables of interest [i.e., the various factors and features of the phenomenon being studied],
  • The method(s) of investigation,
  • The time period your study covers, and
  • Any relevant alternative theoretical frameworks that could have been adopted.

Review each of these decisions. Not only do you clearly establish what you intend to accomplish in your research, but you should also include a declaration of what the study does not intend to cover. In the latter case, your exclusionary decisions should be based upon criteria understood as, "not interesting"; "not directly relevant"; “too problematic because..."; "not feasible," and the like. Make this reasoning explicit!

NOTE:   Delimitations refer to the initial choices made about the broader, overall design of your study and should not be confused with documenting the limitations of your study discovered after the research has been completed.

ANOTHER NOTE: Do not view delimitating statements as admitting to an inherent failing or shortcoming in your research. They are an accepted element of academic writing intended to keep the reader focused on the research problem by explicitly defining the conceptual boundaries and scope of your study. It addresses any critical questions in the reader's mind of, "Why the hell didn't the author examine this?"

III.  The Narrative Flow

Issues to keep in mind that will help the narrative flow in your introduction :

  • Your introduction should clearly identify the subject area of interest . A simple strategy to follow is to use key words from your title in the first few sentences of the introduction. This will help focus the introduction on the topic at the appropriate level and ensures that you get to the subject matter quickly without losing focus, or discussing information that is too general.
  • Establish context by providing a brief and balanced review of the pertinent published literature that is available on the subject. The key is to summarize for the reader what is known about the specific research problem before you did your analysis. This part of your introduction should not represent a comprehensive literature review--that comes next. It consists of a general review of the important, foundational research literature [with citations] that establishes a foundation for understanding key elements of the research problem. See the drop-down menu under this tab for " Background Information " regarding types of contexts.
  • Clearly state the hypothesis that you investigated . When you are first learning to write in this format it is okay, and actually preferable, to use a past statement like, "The purpose of this study was to...." or "We investigated three possible mechanisms to explain the...."
  • Why did you choose this kind of research study or design? Provide a clear statement of the rationale for your approach to the problem studied. This will usually follow your statement of purpose in the last paragraph of the introduction.

IV.  Engaging the Reader

A research problem in the social sciences can come across as dry and uninteresting to anyone unfamiliar with the topic . Therefore, one of the goals of your introduction is to make readers want to read your paper. Here are several strategies you can use to grab the reader's attention:

  • Open with a compelling story . Almost all research problems in the social sciences, no matter how obscure or esoteric , are really about the lives of people. Telling a story that humanizes an issue can help illuminate the significance of the problem and help the reader empathize with those affected by the condition being studied.
  • Include a strong quotation or a vivid, perhaps unexpected, anecdote . During your review of the literature, make note of any quotes or anecdotes that grab your attention because they can used in your introduction to highlight the research problem in a captivating way.
  • Pose a provocative or thought-provoking question . Your research problem should be framed by a set of questions to be addressed or hypotheses to be tested. However, a provocative question can be presented in the beginning of your introduction that challenges an existing assumption or compels the reader to consider an alternative viewpoint that helps establish the significance of your study. 
  • Describe a puzzling scenario or incongruity . This involves highlighting an interesting quandary concerning the research problem or describing contradictory findings from prior studies about a topic. Posing what is essentially an unresolved intellectual riddle about the problem can engage the reader's interest in the study.
  • Cite a stirring example or case study that illustrates why the research problem is important . Draw upon the findings of others to demonstrate the significance of the problem and to describe how your study builds upon or offers alternatives ways of investigating this prior research.

NOTE:   It is important that you choose only one of the suggested strategies for engaging your readers. This avoids giving an impression that your paper is more flash than substance and does not distract from the substance of your study.

Freedman, Leora  and Jerry Plotnick. Introductions and Conclusions. University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Introduction. The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper. Department of Biology. Bates College; Introductions. The Writing Center. University of North Carolina; Introductions. The Writer’s Handbook. Writing Center. University of Wisconsin, Madison; Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for an Argument Paper. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; “Writing Introductions.” In Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guide . Peter Redman. 4th edition. (London: Sage, 2011), pp. 63-70; Resources for Writers: Introduction Strategies. Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Sharpling, Gerald. Writing an Introduction. Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick; Samraj, B. “Introductions in Research Articles: Variations Across Disciplines.” English for Specific Purposes 21 (2002): 1–17; Swales, John and Christine B. Feak. Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Skills and Tasks . 2nd edition. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2004 ; Writing Your Introduction. Department of English Writing Guide. George Mason University.

Writing Tip

Avoid the "Dictionary" Introduction

Giving the dictionary definition of words related to the research problem may appear appropriate because it is important to define specific terminology that readers may be unfamiliar with. However, anyone can look a word up in the dictionary and a general dictionary is not a particularly authoritative source because it doesn't take into account the context of your topic and doesn't offer particularly detailed information. Also, placed in the context of a particular discipline, a term or concept may have a different meaning than what is found in a general dictionary. If you feel that you must seek out an authoritative definition, use a subject specific dictionary or encyclopedia [e.g., if you are a sociology student, search for dictionaries of sociology]. A good database for obtaining definitive definitions of concepts or terms is Credo Reference .

Saba, Robert. The College Research Paper. Florida International University; Introductions. The Writing Center. University of North Carolina.

Another Writing Tip

When Do I Begin?

A common question asked at the start of any paper is, "Where should I begin?" An equally important question to ask yourself is, "When do I begin?" Research problems in the social sciences rarely rest in isolation from history. Therefore, it is important to lay a foundation for understanding the historical context underpinning the research problem. However, this information should be brief and succinct and begin at a point in time that illustrates the study's overall importance. For example, a study that investigates coffee cultivation and export in West Africa as a key stimulus for local economic growth needs to describe the beginning of exporting coffee in the region and establishing why economic growth is important. You do not need to give a long historical explanation about coffee exports in Africa. If a research problem requires a substantial exploration of the historical context, do this in the literature review section. In your introduction, make note of this as part of the "roadmap" [see below] that you use to describe the organization of your paper.

Introductions. The Writing Center. University of North Carolina; “Writing Introductions.” In Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guide . Peter Redman. 4th edition. (London: Sage, 2011), pp. 63-70.

Yet Another Writing Tip

Always End with a Roadmap

The final paragraph or sentences of your introduction should forecast your main arguments and conclusions and provide a brief description of the rest of the paper [the "roadmap"] that let's the reader know where you are going and what to expect. A roadmap is important because it helps the reader place the research problem within the context of their own perspectives about the topic. In addition, concluding your introduction with an explicit roadmap tells the reader that you have a clear understanding of the structural purpose of your paper. In this way, the roadmap acts as a type of promise to yourself and to your readers that you will follow a consistent and coherent approach to addressing the topic of inquiry. Refer to it often to help keep your writing focused and organized.

Cassuto, Leonard. “On the Dissertation: How to Write the Introduction.” The Chronicle of Higher Education , May 28, 2018; Radich, Michael. A Student's Guide to Writing in East Asian Studies . (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Writing n. d.), pp. 35-37.

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Starting Your Research Paper: Writing an Introductory Paragraph

  • Choosing Your Topic
  • Define Keywords
  • Planning Your Paper
  • Writing an Introductory Paragraph

The Dreaded Introductory Paragraph

Writing the introductory paragraph can be a frustrating and slow process -- but it doesn't have to be.  If you planned your paper out, then most of the introductory paragraph is already written.  Now you just need a beginning and an end.

  for writing thesis statements.

Here's an introductory paragraph for a paper I wrote.  I started the paper with a factoid, then presented each main point of my paper and then ended with my thesis statement.


1st Sentence   I lead with a quick factoid about comics.
2nd & 3rd These sentences define graphic novels and gives a brief history. This is also how the body of my paper starts.
4rd Sentence This sentence introduces the current issue. See how I gave the history first and now give the current issue? That's flow.
5th Sentence Since I was pro-graphic novels, I gave the opposing (con) side first. Remember if you're picking a side, you give the other side first and then your side.
6th Sentence Now I can give my pro-graphic novel argument.
7th Sentence This further expands my pro-graphic novel argument.
8th Sentence This is my thesis statement.
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  • Last Updated: Feb 12, 2024 12:16 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.astate.edu/papers

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It’s the roadmap to your essay, it’s the forecast for your argument, it’s...your introduction paragraph, and writing one can feel pretty intimidating. The introduction paragraph is a part of just about every kind of academic writing , from persuasive essays to research papers. But that doesn’t mean writing one is easy!

If trying to write an intro paragraph makes you feel like a Muggle trying to do magic, trust us: you aren’t alone. But there are some tips and tricks that can make the process easier—and that’s where we come in.

In this article, we’re going to explain how to write a captivating intro paragraph by covering the following info:  

  • A discussion of what an introduction paragraph is and its purpose in an essay
  • An overview of the most effective introduction paragraph format, with explanations of the three main parts of an intro paragraph
  • An analysis of real intro paragraph examples, with a discussion of what works and what doesn’t
  • A list of four top tips on how to write an introduction paragraph

Are you ready? Let’s begin!


What Is an Introduction Paragraph? 

An introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of an essay , paper, or other type of academic writing. Argumentative essays , book reports, research papers, and even personal  essays are common types of writing that require an introduction paragraph. Whether you’re writing a research paper for a science course or an argumentative essay for English class , you’re going to have to write an intro paragraph. 

So what’s the purpose of an intro paragraph? As a reader’s first impression of your essay, the intro paragraph should introduce the topic of your paper. 

Your introduction will also state any claims, questions, or issues that your paper will focus on. This is commonly known as your paper’s thesis . This condenses the overall point of your paper into one or two short sentences that your reader can come back and reference later.

But intro paragraphs need to do a bit more than just introduce your topic. An intro paragraph is also supposed to grab your reader’s attention. The intro paragraph is your chance to provide just enough info and intrigue to make your reader say, “Hey, this topic sounds interesting. I think I’ll keep reading this essay!” That can help your essay stand out from the crowd.

In most cases, an intro paragraph will be relatively short. A good intro will be clear, brief, purposeful, and focused. While there are some exceptions to this rule, it’s common for intro paragraphs to consist of three to five sentences . 

Effectively introducing your essay’s topic, purpose, and getting your reader invested in your essay sounds like a lot to ask from one little paragraph, huh? In the next section, we’ll demystify the intro paragraph format by breaking it down into its core parts . When you learn how to approach each part of an intro, writing one won’t seem so scary!


Once you figure out the three parts of an intro paragraph, writing one will be a piece of cake!

The 3 Main Parts of an Intro Paragraph

In general, an intro paragraph is going to have three main parts: a hook, context, and a thesis statement . Each of these pieces of the intro plays a key role in acquainting the reader with the topic and purpose of your essay. 

Below, we’ll explain how to start an introduction paragraph by writing an effective hook, providing context, and crafting a thesis statement. When you put these elements together, you’ll have an intro paragraph that does a great job of making a great first impression on your audience!

Intro Paragraph Part 1: The Hook

When it comes to how to start an introduction paragraph, o ne of the most common approaches is to start with something called a hook. 

What does hook mean here, though? Think of it this way: it’s like when you start a new Netflix series: you look up a few hours (and a few episodes) later and you say, “Whoa. I guess I must be hooked on this show!” 

That’s how the hook is supposed to work in an intro paragrap h: it should get your reader interested enough that they don’t want to press the proverbial “pause” button while they’re reading it . In other words, a hook is designed to grab your reader’s attention and keep them reading your essay! 

This means that the hook comes first in the intro paragraph format—it’ll be the opening sentence of your intro. 

It’s important to realize  that there are many different ways to write a good hook. But generally speaking, hooks must include these two things: what your topic is, and the angle you’re taking on that topic in your essay. 

One approach to writing a hook that works is starting with a general, but interesting, statement on your topic. In this type of hook, you’re trying to provide a broad introduction to your topic and your angle on the topic in an engaging way . 

For example, if you’re writing an essay about the role of the government in the American healthcare system, your hook might look something like this: 

There's a growing movement to require that the federal government provide affordable, effective healthcare for all Americans. 

This hook introduces the essay topic in a broad way (government and healthcare) by presenting a general statement on the topic. But the assumption presented in the hook can also be seen as controversial, which gets readers interested in learning more about what the writer—and the essay—has to say.

In other words, the statement above fulfills the goals of a good hook: it’s intriguing and provides a general introduction to the essay topic.

Intro Paragraph Part 2: Context

Once you’ve provided an attention-grabbing hook, you’ll want to give more context about your essay topic. Context refers to additional details that reveal the specific focus of your paper. So, whereas the hook provides a general introduction to your topic, context starts helping readers understand what exactly you’re going to be writing about

You can include anywhere from one to several sentences of context in your intro, depending on your teacher’s expectations, the length of your paper, and complexity of your topic. In these context-providing sentences, you want to begin narrowing the focus of your intro. You can do this by describing a specific issue or question about your topic that you’ll address in your essay. It also helps readers start to understand why the topic you’re writing about matters and why they should read about it. 

So, what counts as context for an intro paragraph? Context can be any important details or descriptions that provide background on existing perspectives, common cultural attitudes, or a specific situation or controversy relating to your essay topic. The context you include should acquaint your reader with the issues, questions, or events that motivated you to write an essay on your topic...and that your reader should know in order to understand your thesis. 

For instance, if you’re writing an essay analyzing the consequences of sexism in Hollywood, the context you include after your hook might make reference to the #metoo and #timesup movements that have generated public support for victims of sexual harassment. 

The key takeaway here is that context establishes why you’re addressing your topic and what makes it important. It also sets you up for success on the final piece of an intro paragraph: the thesis statement.

Elle Woods' statement offers a specific point of view on the topic of murder...which means it could serve as a pretty decent thesis statement!

Intro Paragraph Part 3: The Thesis

The final key part of how to write an intro paragraph is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the backbone of your introduction: it conveys your argument or point of view on your topic in a clear, concise, and compelling way . The thesis is usually the last sentence of your intro paragraph. 

Whether it’s making a claim, outlining key points, or stating a hypothesis, your thesis statement will tell your reader exactly what idea(s) are going to be addressed in your essay. A good thesis statement will be clear, straightforward, and highlight the overall point you’re trying to make.

Some instructors also ask students to include an essay map as part of their thesis. An essay map is a section that outlines the major topics a paper will address. So for instance, say you’re writing a paper that argues for the importance of public transport in rural communities. Your thesis and essay map might look like this: 

Having public transport in rural communities helps people improve their economic situation by giving them reliable transportation to their job, reducing the amount of money they spend on gas, and providing new and unionized work .

The underlined section is the essay map because it touches on the three big things the writer will talk about later. It literally maps out the rest of the essay!

So let’s review: Your thesis takes the idea you’ve introduced in your hook and context and wraps it up. Think of it like a television episode: the hook sets the scene by presenting a general statement and/or interesting idea that sucks you in. The context advances the plot by describing the topic in more detail and helping readers understand why the topic is important. And finally, the thesis statement provides the climax by telling the reader what you have to say about the topic. 

The thesis statement is the most important part of the intro. Without it, your reader won’t know what the purpose of your essay is! And for a piece of writing to be effective, it needs to have a clear purpose. Your thesis statement conveys that purpose , so it’s important to put careful thought into writing a clear and compelling thesis statement. 


How To Write an Introduction Paragraph: Example and Analysis

Now that we’ve provided an intro paragraph outline and have explained the three key parts of an intro paragraph, let’s take a look at an intro paragraph in action.

To show you how an intro paragraph works, we’ve included a sample introduction paragraph below, followed by an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses.

Example of Introduction Paragraph

While college students in the U.S. are struggling with how to pay for college, there is another surprising demographic that’s affected by the pressure to pay for college: families and parents. In the face of tuition price tags that total more than $100,000 (as a low estimate), families must make difficult decisions about how to save for their children’s college education. Charting a feasible path to saving for college is further complicated by the FAFSA’s estimates for an “Expected Family Contribution”—an amount of money that is rarely feasible for most American families. Due to these challenging financial circumstances and cultural pressure to give one’s children the best possible chance of success in adulthood, many families are going into serious debt to pay for their children’s college education. The U.S. government should move toward bearing more of the financial burden of college education. 

Example of Introduction Paragraph: Analysis

Before we dive into analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of this example intro paragraph, let’s establish the essay topic. The sample intro indicates that t he essay topic will focus on one specific issue: who should cover the cost of college education in the U.S., and why. Both the hook and the context help us identify the topic, while the thesis in the last sentence tells us why this topic matters to the writer—they think the U.S. Government needs to help finance college education. This is also the writer’s argument, which they’ll cover in the body of their essay. 

Now that we’ve identified the essay topic presented in the sample intro, let’s dig into some analysis. To pin down its strengths and weaknesses, we’re going to use the following three questions to guide our example of introduction paragraph analysis: 

  • Does this intro provide an attention-grabbing opening sentence that conveys the essay topic? 
  • Does this intro provide relevant, engaging context about the essay topic? 
  • Does this intro provide a thesis statement that establishes the writer’s point of view on the topic and what specific aspects of the issue the essay will address? 

Now, let’s use the questions above to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this sample intro paragraph. 

Does the Intro Have a Good Hook? 

First, the intro starts out with an attention-grabbing hook . The writer starts by presenting  an assumption (that the U.S. federal government bears most of the financial burden of college education), which makes the topic relatable to a wide audience of readers. Also note that the hook relates to the general topic of the essay, which is the high cost of college education. 

The hook then takes a surprising turn by presenting a counterclaim : that American families, rather than students, feel the true burden of paying for college. Some readers will have a strong emotional reaction to this provocative counterclaim, which will make them want to keep reading! As such, this intro provides an effective opening sentence that conveys the essay topic. 

Does the Intro Give Context?

T he second, third, and fourth sentences of the intro provide contextual details that reveal the specific focus of the writer’s paper . Remember: the context helps readers start to zoom in on what the paper will focus on, and what aspect of the general topic (college costs) will be discussed later on. 

The context in this intro reveals the intent and direction of the paper by explaining why the issue of families financing college is important. In other words, the context helps readers understand why this issue matters , and what aspects of this issue will be addressed in the paper.  

To provide effective context, the writer refers to issues (the exorbitant cost of college and high levels of family debt) that have received a lot of recent scholarly and media attention. These sentences of context also elaborate on the interesting perspective included in the hook: that American families are most affected by college costs.

Does the Intro Have a Thesis? 

Finally, this intro provides a thesis statement that conveys the writer’s point of view on the issue of financing college education. This writer believes that the U.S. government should do more to pay for students’ college educations. 

However, the thesis statement doesn’t give us any details about why the writer has made this claim or why this will help American families . There isn’t an essay map that helps readers understand what points the writer will make in the essay.

To revise this thesis statement so that it establishes the specific aspects of the topic that the essay will address, the writer could add the following to the beginning of the thesis statement:

The U.S. government should take on more of the financial burden of college education because other countries have shown this can improve education rates while reducing levels of familial poverty.

Check out the new section in bold. Not only does it clarify that the writer is talking about the pressure put on families, it touches on the big topics the writer will address in the paper: improving education rates and reduction of poverty. So not only do we have a clearer argumentative statement in this thesis, we also have an essay map!  

So, let’s recap our analysis. This sample intro paragraph does an effective job of providing an engaging hook and relatable, interesting context, but the thesis statement needs some work ! As you write your own intro paragraphs, you might consider using the questions above to evaluate and revise your work. Doing this will help ensure you’ve covered all of your bases and written an intro that your readers will find interesting!


4 Tips for How To Write an Introduction Paragraph

Now that we’ve gone over an example of introduction paragraph analysis, let’s talk about how to write an introduction paragraph of your own. Keep reading for four tips for writing a successful intro paragraph for any essay. 

Tip 1: Analyze Your Essay Prompt

If you’re having trouble with how to start an introduction paragraph, analyze your essay prompt! Most teachers give you some kind of assignment sheet, formal instructions, or prompt to set the expectations for an essay they’ve assigned, right? Those instructions can help guide you as you write your intro paragraph!

Because they’ll be reading and responding to your essay, you want to make sure you meet your teacher’s expectations for an intro paragraph . For instance, if they’ve provided specific instructions about how long the intro should be or where the thesis statement should be located, be sure to follow them!

The type of paper you’re writing can give you clues as to how to approach your intro as well. If you’re writing a research paper, your professor might expect you to provide a research question or state a hypothesis in your intro. If you’re writing an argumentative essay, you’ll need to make sure your intro overviews the context surrounding your argument and your thesis statement includes a clear, defensible claim. 

Using the parameters set out by your instructor and assignment sheet can put some easy-to-follow boundaries in place for things like your intro’s length, structure, and content. Following these guidelines can free you up to focus on other aspects of your intro... like coming up with an exciting hook and conveying your point of view on your topic!

Tip 2: Narrow Your Topic

You can’t write an intro paragraph without first identifying your topic. To make your intro as effective as possible, you need to define the parameters of your topic clearly—and you need to be specific. 

For example, let’s say you want to write about college football. “NCAA football” is too broad of a topic for a paper. There is a lot to talk about in terms of college football! It would be tough to write an intro paragraph that’s focused, purposeful, and engaging on this topic. In fact, if you did try to address this whole topic, you’d probably end up writing a book!

Instead, you should narrow broad topics to  identify a specific question, claim, or issue pertaining to some aspect of NCAA football for your intro to be effective. So, for instance, you could frame your topic as, “How can college professors better support NCAA football players in academics?” This focused topic pertaining to NCAA football would give you a more manageable angle to discuss in your paper.

So before you think about writing your intro, ask yourself: Is my essay topic specific, focused, and logical? Does it convey an issue or question that I can explore over the course of several pages? Once you’ve established a good topic, you’ll have the foundation you need to write an effective intro paragraph . 


Once you've figured out your topic, it's time to hit the books!

Tip 3: Do Your Research

This tip is tightly intertwined with the one above, and it’s crucial to writing a good intro: do your research! And, guess what? This tip applies to all papers—even ones that aren’t technically research papers. 

Here’s why you need to do some research: getting the lay of the land on what others have said about your topic—whether that’s scholars and researchers or the mass media— will help you narrow your topic, write an engaging hook, and provide relatable context. 

You don't want to sit down to write your intro without a solid understanding of the different perspectives on your topic. Whether those are the perspectives of experts or the general public, these points of view will help you write your intro in a way that is intriguing and compelling for your audience of readers. 

Tip 4: Write Multiple Drafts

Some say to write your intro first; others say write it last. The truth is, there isn’t a right or wrong time to write your intro—but you do need to have enough time to write multiple drafts . 

Oftentimes, your professor will ask you to write multiple drafts of your paper, which gives you a built-in way to make sure you revise your intro. Another approach you could take is to write out a rough draft of your intro before you begin writing your essay, then revise it multiple times as you draft out your paper. 

Here’s why this approach can work: as you write your paper, you’ll probably come up with new insights on your topic that you didn’t have right from the start. You can use these “light bulb” moments to reevaluate your intro and make revisions that keep it in line with your developing essay draft. 

Once you’ve written your entire essay, consider going back and revising your intro again . You can ask yourself these questions as you evaluate your intro: 

  • Is my hook still relevant to the way I’ve approached the topic in my essay?
  • Do I provide enough appropriate context to introduce my essay? 
  • Now that my essay is written, does my thesis statement still accurately reflect the point of view that I present in my essay?

Using these questions as a guide and putting your intro through multiple revisions will help ensure that you’ve written the best intro for the final draft of your essay. Also, revising your writing is always a good thing to do—and this applies to your intro, too!


What's Next?

Your college essays also need great intro paragraphs. Here’s a guide that focuses on how to write the perfect intro for your admissions essays. 

Of course, the intro is just one part of your college essay . This article will teach you how to write a college essay that makes admissions counselors sit up and take notice.

Are you trying to write an analytical essay? Our step-by-step guide can help you knock it out of the park.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How to Write a Research Introduction

Last Updated: December 6, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,654,570 times.

The introduction to a research paper can be the most challenging part of the paper to write. The length of the introduction will vary depending on the type of research paper you are writing. An introduction should announce your topic, provide context and a rationale for your work, before stating your research questions and hypothesis. Well-written introductions set the tone for the paper, catch the reader's interest, and communicate the hypothesis or thesis statement.

Introducing the Topic of the Paper

Step 1 Announce your research topic.

  • In scientific papers this is sometimes known as an "inverted triangle", where you start with the broadest material at the start, before zooming in on the specifics. [2] X Research source
  • The sentence "Throughout the 20th century, our views of life on other planets have drastically changed" introduces a topic, but does so in broad terms.
  • It provides the reader with an indication of the content of the essay and encourages them to read on.

Step 2 Consider referring to key words.

  • For example, if you were writing a paper about the behaviour of mice when exposed to a particular substance, you would include the word "mice", and the scientific name of the relevant compound in the first sentences.
  • If you were writing a history paper about the impact of the First World War on gender relations in Britain, you should mention those key words in your first few lines.

Step 3 Define any key terms or concepts.

  • This is especially important if you are attempting to develop a new conceptualization that uses language and terminology your readers may be unfamiliar with.

Step 4 Introduce the topic through an anecdote or quotation.

  • If you use an anecdote ensure that is short and highly relevant for your research. It has to function in the same way as an alternative opening, namely to announce the topic of your research paper to your reader.
  • For example, if you were writing a sociology paper about re-offending rates among young offenders, you could include a brief story of one person whose story reflects and introduces your topic.
  • This kind of approach is generally not appropriate for the introduction to a natural or physical sciences research paper where the writing conventions are different.

Establishing the Context for Your Paper

Step 1 Include a brief literature review.

  • It is important to be concise in the introduction, so provide an overview on recent developments in the primary research rather than a lengthy discussion.
  • You can follow the "inverted triangle" principle to focus in from the broader themes to those to which you are making a direct contribution with your paper.
  • A strong literature review presents important background information to your own research and indicates the importance of the field.

Step 2 Use the literature to focus in on your contribution.

  • By making clear reference to existing work you can demonstrate explicitly the specific contribution you are making to move the field forward.
  • You can identify a gap in the existing scholarship and explain how you are addressing it and moving understanding forward.

Step 3 Elaborate on the rationale of your paper.

  • For example, if you are writing a scientific paper you could stress the merits of the experimental approach or models you have used.
  • Stress what is novel in your research and the significance of your new approach, but don't give too much detail in the introduction.
  • A stated rationale could be something like: "the study evaluates the previously unknown anti-inflammatory effects of a topical compound in order to evaluate its potential clinical uses".

Specifying Your Research Questions and Hypothesis

Step 1 State your research questions.

  • The research question or questions generally come towards the end of the introduction, and should be concise and closely focused.
  • The research question might recall some of the key words established in the first few sentences and the title of your paper.
  • An example of a research question could be "what were the consequences of the North American Free Trade Agreement on the Mexican export economy?"
  • This could be honed further to be specific by referring to a particular element of the Free Trade Agreement and the impact on a particular industry in Mexico, such as clothing manufacture.
  • A good research question should shape a problem into a testable hypothesis.

Step 2 Indicate your hypothesis.

  • If possible try to avoid using the word "hypothesis" and rather make this implicit in your writing. This can make your writing appear less formulaic.
  • In a scientific paper, giving a clear one-sentence overview of your results and their relation to your hypothesis makes the information clear and accessible. [10] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source
  • An example of a hypothesis could be "mice deprived of food for the duration of the study were expected to become more lethargic than those fed normally".

Step 3 Outline the structure of your paper.

  • This is not always necessary and you should pay attention to the writing conventions in your discipline.
  • In a natural sciences paper, for example, there is a fairly rigid structure which you will be following.
  • A humanities or social science paper will most likely present more opportunities to deviate in how you structure your paper.

Research Introduction Help

how to write a introduction for a research paper example

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Use your research papers' outline to help you decide what information to include when writing an introduction. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
  • Consider drafting your introduction after you have already completed the rest of your research paper. Writing introductions last can help ensure that you don't leave out any major points. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write a introduction for a research paper example

  • Avoid emotional or sensational introductions; these can create distrust in the reader. Thanks Helpful 50 Not Helpful 12
  • Generally avoid using personal pronouns in your introduction, such as "I," "me," "we," "us," "my," "mine," or "our." Thanks Helpful 31 Not Helpful 7
  • Don't overwhelm the reader with an over-abundance of information. Keep the introduction as concise as possible by saving specific details for the body of your paper. Thanks Helpful 24 Not Helpful 14

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  • ↑ https://library.sacredheart.edu/c.php?g=29803&p=185916
  • ↑ https://www.aresearchguide.com/inverted-pyramid-structure-in-writing.html
  • ↑ https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/introduction
  • ↑ https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/PlanResearchPaper.html
  • ↑ https://dept.writing.wisc.edu/wac/writing-an-introduction-for-a-scientific-paper/
  • ↑ https://writing.wisc.edu/handbook/assignments/planresearchpaper/
  • ↑ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3178846/

About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

To introduce your research paper, use the first 1-2 sentences to describe your general topic, such as “women in World War I.” Include and define keywords, such as “gender relations,” to show your reader where you’re going. Mention previous research into the topic with a phrase like, “Others have studied…”, then transition into what your contribution will be and why it’s necessary. Finally, state the questions that your paper will address and propose your “answer” to them as your thesis statement. For more information from our English Ph.D. co-author about how to craft a strong hypothesis and thesis, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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This is where you describe briefly and clearly why you are writing the paper. The introduction supplies sufficient background information for the reader to understand and evaluate the experiment you did. It also supplies a rationale for the study.

  • Present the problem and the proposed solution
  • Presents nature and scope of the problem investigated
  • Reviews the pertinent literature to orient the reader
  • States the method of the experiment
  • State the principle results of the experiment

It is important to cite sources in the introduction section of your paper as evidence of the claims you are making. There are ways of citing sources in the text so that the reader can find the full reference in the literature cited section at the end of the paper, yet the flow of the reading is not badly interrupted. Below are some example of how this can be done:     "Smith (1983) found that N-fixing plants could be infected by several different species of Rhizobium."     "Walnut trees are known to be allelopathic (Smith 1949,  Bond et al. 1955, Jones and Green 1963)."     "Although the presence of Rhizobium normally increases the growth of legumes (Nguyen 1987), the opposite effect has been observed (Washington 1999)." Note that articles by one or two authors are always cited in the text using their last names. However, if there are more than two authors, the last name of the 1st author is given followed by the abbreviation et al. which is Latin for "and others". 

From:  https://writingcenter.gmu.edu/guides/imrad-reports-introductions

  • Indicate the field of the work, why this field is important, and what has already been done (with proper citations).
  • Indicate a gap, raise a research question, or challenge prior work in this territory.
  • Outline the purpose and announce the present research, clearly indicating what is novel and why it is significant.
  • Avoid: repeating the abstract; providing unnecessary background information; exaggerating the importance of the work; claiming novelty without a proper literature search. 
  • << Previous: ABSTRACT
  • Next: METHODS >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 4, 2023 9:33 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/scientificwriting

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Research Paper Introduction Examples

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Looking for research paper introduction examples? Quotes, anecdotes, questions, examples, and broad statements—all of them can be used successfully to write an introduction for a research paper. It’s instructive to see them in action, in the hands of skilled academic writers.

Let’s begin with David M. Kennedy’s superb history, Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929–1945 . Kennedy begins each chapter with a quote, followed by his text. The quote above chapter 1 shows President Hoover speaking in 1928 about America’s golden future. The text below it begins with the stock market collapse of 1929. It is a riveting account of just how wrong Hoover was. The text about the Depression is stronger because it contrasts so starkly with the optimistic quotation.

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“We in America today are nearer the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land.”—Herbert Hoover, August 11, 1928 Like an earthquake, the stock market crash of October 1929 cracked startlingly across the United States, the herald of a crisis that was to shake the American way of life to its foundations. The events of the ensuing decade opened a fissure across the landscape of American history no less gaping than that opened by the volley on Lexington Common in April 1775 or by the bombardment of Sumter on another April four score and six years later. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The ratcheting ticker machines in the autumn of 1929 did not merely record avalanching stock prices. In time they came also to symbolize the end of an era. (David M. Kennedy, Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929–1945 . New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 10)

Kennedy has exciting, wrenching material to work with. John Mueller faces the exact opposite problem. In Retreat from Doomsday: The Obsolescence of Major War , he is trying to explain why Great Powers have suddenly stopped fighting each other. For centuries they made war on each other with devastating regularity, killing millions in the process. But now, Mueller thinks, they have not just paused; they have stopped permanently. He is literally trying to explain why “nothing is happening now.” That may be an exciting topic intellectually, it may have great practical significance, but “nothing happened” is not a very promising subject for an exciting opening paragraph. Mueller manages to make it exciting and, at the same time, shows why it matters so much. Here’s his opening, aptly entitled “History’s Greatest Nonevent”:

On May 15, 1984, the major countries of the developed world had managed to remain at peace with each other for the longest continuous stretch of time since the days of the Roman Empire. If a significant battle in a war had been fought on that day, the press would have bristled with it. As usual, however, a landmark crossing in the history of peace caused no stir: the most prominent story in the New York Times that day concerned the saga of a manicurist, a machinist, and a cleaning woman who had just won a big Lotto contest. This book seeks to develop an explanation for what is probably the greatest nonevent in human history. (John Mueller, Retreat from Doomsday: The Obsolescence of Major War . New York: Basic Books, 1989, p. 3)

In the space of a few sentences, Mueller sets up his puzzle and reveals its profound human significance. At the same time, he shows just how easy it is to miss this milestone in the buzz of daily events. Notice how concretely he does that. He doesn’t just say that the New York Times ignored this record setting peace. He offers telling details about what they covered instead: “a manicurist, a machinist, and a cleaning woman who had just won a big Lotto contest.” Likewise, David Kennedy immediately entangles us in concrete events: the stunning stock market crash of 1929. These are powerful openings that capture readers’ interests, establish puzzles, and launch narratives.

Sociologist James Coleman begins in a completely different way, by posing the basic questions he will study. His ambitious book, Foundations of Social Theory , develops a comprehensive theory of social life, so it is entirely appropriate for him to begin with some major questions. But he could just as easily have begun with a compelling story or anecdote. He includes many of them elsewhere in his book. His choice for the opening, though, is to state his major themes plainly and frame them as a paradox. Sociologists, he says, are interested in aggregate behavior—how people act in groups, organizations, or large numbers—yet they mostly examine individuals:

A central problem in social science is that of accounting for the function of some kind of social system. Yet in most social research, observations are not made on the system as a whole, but on some part of it. In fact, the natural unit of observation is the individual person…  This has led to a widening gap between theory and research… (James S. Coleman, Foundations of Social Theory . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990, pp. 1–2)

After expanding on this point, Coleman explains that he will not try to remedy the problem by looking solely at groups or aggregate-level data. That’s a false solution, he says, because aggregates don’t act; individuals do. So the real problem is to show the links between individual actions and aggregate outcomes, between the micro and the macro.

The major problem for explanations of system behavior based on actions and orientations at a level below that of the system [in this case, on individual-level actions] is that of moving from the lower level to the system level. This has been called the micro-to-macro problem, and it is pervasive throughout the social sciences. (Coleman, Foundations of Social Theory , p. 6)

Explaining how to deal with this “micro-to-macro problem” is the central issue of Coleman’s book, and he announces it at the beginning.

Coleman’s theory-driven opening stands at the opposite end of the spectrum from engaging stories or anecdotes, which are designed to lure the reader into the narrative and ease the path to a more analytic treatment later in the text. Take, for example, the opening sentences of Robert L. Herbert’s sweeping study Impressionism: Art, Leisure, and Parisian Society : “When Henry Tuckerman came to Paris in 1867, one of the thousands of Americans attracted there by the huge international exposition, he was bowled over by the extraordinary changes since his previous visit twenty years before.” (Robert L. Herbert, Impressionism: Art, Leisure, and Parisian Society . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988, p. 1.) Herbert fills in the evocative details to set the stage for his analysis of the emerging Impressionist art movement and its connection to Parisian society and leisure in this period.

David Bromwich writes about Wordsworth, a poet so familiar to students of English literature that it is hard to see him afresh, before his great achievements, when he was just a young outsider starting to write. To draw us into Wordsworth’s early work, Bromwich wants us to set aside our entrenched images of the famous mature poet and see him as he was in the 1790s, as a beginning writer on the margins of society. He accomplishes this ambitious task in the opening sentences of Disowned by Memory: Wordsworth’s Poetry of the 1790s :

Wordsworth turned to poetry after the revolution to remind himself that he was still a human being. It was a curious solution, to a difficulty many would not have felt. The whole interest of his predicament is that he did feel it. Yet Wordsworth is now so established an eminence—his name so firmly fixed with readers as a moralist of self-trust emanating from complete self-security—that it may seem perverse to imagine him as a criminal seeking expiation. Still, that is a picture we get from The Borderers and, at a longer distance, from “Tintern Abbey.” (David Bromwich, Disowned by Memory: Wordsworth’s Poetry of the 1790s . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, p. 1)

That’s a wonderful opening! Look at how much Bromwich accomplishes in just a few words. He not only prepares the way for analyzing Wordsworth’s early poetry; he juxtaposes the anguished young man who wrote it to the self-confident, distinguished figure he became—the eminent man we can’t help remembering as we read his early poetry.

Let us highlight a couple of other points in this passage because they illustrate some intelligent writing choices. First, look at the odd comma in this sentence: “It was a curious solution, to a difficulty many would not have felt.” Any standard grammar book would say that comma is wrong and should be omitted. Why did Bromwich insert it? Because he’s a fine writer, thinking of his sentence rhythm and the point he wants to make. The comma does exactly what it should. It makes us pause, breaking the sentence into two parts, each with an interesting point. One is that Wordsworth felt a difficulty others would not have; the other is that he solved it in a distinctive way. It would be easy for readers to glide over this double message, so Bromwich has inserted a speed bump to slow us down. Most of the time, you should follow grammatical rules, like those about commas, but you should bend them when it serves a good purpose. That’s what the writer does here.

The second small point is the phrase “after the revolution” in the first sentence: “Wordsworth turned to poetry after the revolution to remind himself that he was still a human being.” Why doesn’t Bromwich say “after the French Revolution”? Because he has judged his book’s audience. He is writing for specialists who already know which revolution is reverberating through English life in the 1790s. It is the French Revolution, not the earlier loss of the American colonies. If Bromwich were writing for a much broader audience—say, the New York Times Book Review—he would probably insert the extra word to avoid confusion.

The message “Know your audience” applies to all writers. Don’t talk down to them by assuming they can’t get dressed in the morning. Don’t strut around showing off your book learnin’ by tossing in arcane facts and esoteric language for its own sake. Neither will win over readers.

Bromwich, Herbert, and Coleman open their works in different ways, but their choices work well for their different texts. Your task is to decide what kind of opening will work best for yours. Don’t let that happen by default, by grabbing the first idea you happen upon. Consider a couple of different ways of opening your thesis and then choose the one you prefer. Give yourself some options, think them over, then make an informed choice.

Using the Introduction to Map out Your Writing

Whether you begin with a story, puzzle, or broad statement, the next part of the research paper introduction should pose your main questions and establish your argument. This is your thesis statement—your viewpoint along with the supporting reasons and evidence. It should be articulated plainly so readers understand full well what your paper is about and what it will argue.

After that, give your readers a road map of what’s to come. That’s normally done at the end of the introductory section (or, in a book, at the end of the introductory chapter). Here’s John J. Mearsheimer presenting such a road map in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics . He not only tells us the order of upcoming chapters, he explains why he’s chosen that order and which chapters are most important:

The Plan of the Book The rest of the chapters in this book are concerned mainly with answering the six big questions about power which I identified earlier. Chapter 2, which is probably the most important chapter in the book, lays out my theory of why states compete for power and why they pursue hegemony. In Chapters 3 and 4, I define power and explain how to measure it. I do this in order to lay the groundwork for testing my theory… (John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics . New York: W. W. Norton, 2001, p. 27)

As this excerpt makes clear, Mearsheimer has already laid out his “six big questions” in the research paper introduction. Now he’s showing us the path ahead, the path to answering those questions.

At the end of the research paper introduction, give your readers a road map of what’s to come. Tell them what the upcoming sections will be and why they are arranged in this particular order.

Learn how to write an introduction for a research paper .


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how to write a introduction for a research paper example

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > How to write an introduction for a research paper

How to write an introduction for a research paper

Beginnings are hard. Beginning a research paper is no exception. Many students—and pros—struggle with how to write an introduction for a research paper.

This short guide will describe the purpose of a research paper introduction and how to create a good one.

a research paper being viewed on a Acer TravelMate B311 2-in-1 on desk with pad of paper.

What is an introduction for a research paper?

Introductions to research papers do a lot of work.

It may seem obvious, but introductions are always placed at the beginning of a paper. They guide your reader from a general subject area to the narrow topic that your paper covers. They also explain your paper’s:

  • Scope: The topic you’ll be covering
  • Context: The background of your topic
  • Importance: Why your research matters in the context of an industry or the world

Your introduction will cover a lot of ground. However, it will only be half of a page to a few pages long. The length depends on the size of your paper as a whole. In many cases, the introduction will be shorter than all of the other sections of your paper.

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Why is an introduction vital to a research paper?

The introduction to your research paper isn’t just important. It’s critical.

Your readers don’t know what your research paper is about from the title. That’s where your introduction comes in. A good introduction will:

  • Help your reader understand your topic’s background
  • Explain why your research paper is worth reading
  • Offer a guide for navigating the rest of the piece
  • Pique your reader’s interest

Without a clear introduction, your readers will struggle. They may feel confused when they start reading your paper. They might even give up entirely. Your introduction will ground them and prepare them for the in-depth research to come.

What should you include in an introduction for a research paper?

Research paper introductions are always unique. After all, research is original by definition. However, they often contain six essential items. These are:

  • An overview of the topic. Start with a general overview of your topic. Narrow the overview until you address your paper’s specific subject. Then, mention questions or concerns you had about the case. Note that you will address them in the publication.
  • Prior research. Your introduction is the place to review other conclusions on your topic. Include both older scholars and modern scholars. This background information shows that you are aware of prior research. It also introduces past findings to those who might not have that expertise.
  • A rationale for your paper. Explain why your topic needs to be addressed right now. If applicable, connect it to current issues. Additionally, you can show a problem with former theories or reveal a gap in current research. No matter how you do it, a good rationale will interest your readers and demonstrate why they must read the rest of your paper.
  • Describe the methodology you used. Recount your processes to make your paper more credible. Lay out your goal and the questions you will address. Reveal how you conducted research and describe how you measured results. Moreover, explain why you made key choices.
  • A thesis statement. Your main introduction should end with a thesis statement. This statement summarizes the ideas that will run through your entire research article. It should be straightforward and clear.
  • An outline. Introductions often conclude with an outline. Your layout should quickly review what you intend to cover in the following sections. Think of it as a roadmap, guiding your reader to the end of your paper.

These six items are emphasized more or less, depending on your field. For example, a physics research paper might emphasize methodology. An English journal article might highlight the overview.

Three tips for writing your introduction

We don’t just want you to learn how to write an introduction for a research paper. We want you to learn how to make it shine.

There are three things you can do that will make it easier to write a great introduction. You can:

  • Write your introduction last. An introduction summarizes all of the things you’ve learned from your research. While it can feel good to get your preface done quickly, you should write the rest of your paper first. Then, you’ll find it easy to create a clear overview.
  • Include a strong quotation or story upfront. You want your paper to be full of substance. But that doesn’t mean it should feel boring or flat. Add a relevant quotation or surprising anecdote to the beginning of your introduction. This technique will pique the interest of your reader and leave them wanting more.
  • Be concise. Research papers cover complex topics. To help your readers, try to write as clearly as possible. Use concise sentences. Check for confusing grammar or syntax . Read your introduction out loud to catch awkward phrases. Before you finish your paper, be sure to proofread, too. Mistakes can seem unprofessional.

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Good Introduction

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how to write a introduction for a research paper example

In the realm of effective writing , a good introduction is the compass that guides readers through the vast landscape of your content. It’s the gateway to your ideas, the spark that ignites curiosity, and the cornerstone upon which the rest of your work stands. In this article , we will explore the art of crafting captivating introductions, understand what makes them effective, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to master this essential skill.

What is a Good Introduction?

A good introduction is more than just a few lines of text; it’s an invitation, a promise, and an initial impression. This crucial element sets the context for your piece and establishes the theme you intend to explore. It’s the bridge that connects your readers to the heart of your content, using a combination of proper nouns , simple sentences , and carefully chosen verbs to engage them from the very beginning. By avoiding clichés and embracing literary devices like metaphors , you can infuse your introduction with a unique flair that captures attention and sustains interest.

Good Introduction Examples for Essays

Crafting a strong introduction for an essay is essential to engage the reader and set the tone for the rest of the paper. Here are several examples of effective introductions for different types of essays:

1. Narrative Essay

Title: “The Day That Changed Everything” Introduction: It was a crisp autumn morning, and the air was filled with the promise of something extraordinary. As I walked to school, the crunch of leaves underfoot mirrored the swirling thoughts in my mind. Little did I know that this day would mark the beginning of a journey that would shape my future in unimaginable ways. The events that unfolded not only altered the course of my life but also taught me invaluable lessons about resilience and the power of a positive mindset.

2. Argumentative Essay

Title: “The Importance of Renewable Energy” Introduction: In the face of escalating climate change, the need for renewable energy sources has never been more critical. Fossil fuels, the backbone of our current energy infrastructure, are depleting rapidly while contributing significantly to global warming. By transitioning to renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, we can reduce our carbon footprint and create a sustainable future. This essay will argue that the benefits of renewable energy far outweigh the costs and that immediate action is necessary to combat environmental degradation.

3. Expository Essay

Title: “The Evolution of Technology in Education” Introduction: Technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, and education is no exception. From the advent of the internet to the proliferation of smartphones, digital tools have transformed how we learn and teach. This essay will explore the evolution of technology in education, examining its impact on teaching methodologies, student engagement, and access to information. By understanding these changes, we can better appreciate the role of technology in shaping the future of education.

4. Descriptive Essay

Title: “A Day at the Beach” Introduction: The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden hue across the tranquil waters of the ocean. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore created a soothing symphony, while the salty breeze invigorated my senses. As I stepped onto the soft, warm sand, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. This essay will paint a vivid picture of a perfect day at the beach, capturing the sights, sounds, and sensations that make it an unforgettable experience.

5. Compare and Contrast Essay

Title: “Public vs. Private Schools: Which is Better?” Introduction: Choosing the right school for a child is a crucial decision that parents face, often torn between public and private education. Public schools, funded by the government, offer a diverse environment and standardized curriculum, while private schools boast smaller class sizes and specialized programs. This essay will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of public and private schools, helping parents make an informed choice based on their child’s needs and aspirations.

Good Introduction Examples for Interview

Making a strong first impression is crucial in interviews. Below are the examples tailored for different types of interviews, each demonstrating how to effectively introduce yourself and set a positive tone for the conversation.

1. Job Interview

“Good morning, Mr. Smith. My name is Jane Doe, and I am thrilled to be here today. With a background in digital marketing and five years of experience at ABC Corporation, I have developed a strong skill set in SEO, content strategy, and social media management. I am particularly excited about this opportunity at XYZ Company because of your innovative approach to digital marketing and commitment to sustainable practices. I am eager to bring my expertise and passion to your team.”

2. College Admission Interview

“Hello, Dr. Johnson. My name is John Doe, and I am a high school senior at Greenfield High School. I have always been passionate about environmental science, which is why I am excited about the possibility of joining the Environmental Studies program at your university. Over the past few years, I have participated in various science fairs, won awards for my research on renewable energy, and volunteered with local environmental organizations. I believe that your program’s emphasis on hands-on learning and community involvement will be the perfect environment for me to grow academically and personally.”

3. Media/Press Interview

“Good afternoon, Ms. Brown. Thank you for having me. My name is Sarah Lee, and I am the author of ‘The Modern Entrepreneur.’ I have spent the last decade building and advising startups in the tech industry, and my book aims to provide practical advice and insights to aspiring entrepreneurs. I am excited to share my journey and the lessons I have learned along the way with your audience today.”

4. Panel Interview

“Good morning, everyone. My name is Michael Harris, and I am honored to be here today. I bring over ten years of experience in project management, specializing in large-scale IT implementations. In my previous role at Tech Solutions Inc., I successfully led a team that delivered a multi-million-dollar project on time and under budget. I am particularly impressed by your company’s innovative projects and am eager to discuss how my background and skills can contribute to your ongoing success.”

5. Informational Interview

“Hi, Ms. Taylor. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today. My name is Emily Clark, and I am currently a junior at State University majoring in Business Administration. I am very interested in learning more about career paths in human resources, especially in talent acquisition and development. I have completed internships at two companies where I assisted with recruitment and training, and I am eager to hear about your experiences and any advice you might have for someone starting out in this field.”

Good Introduction Examples for Research Papers

A compelling introduction for a research paper is essential to engage your readers and clearly state the purpose and significance of your research. Here are some effective introduction examples for different types of research papers:

1. Scientific Research Paper

Title: “The Effects of Climate Change on Marine Biodiversity” Introduction: Climate change is rapidly altering the world’s ecosystems, with profound implications for marine biodiversity. Rising temperatures, ocean acidification, and altered circulation patterns are impacting species distribution, reproductive cycles, and ecosystem stability. This research aims to analyze the specific effects of these changes on marine life, focusing on coral reefs, fish populations, and plankton communities. By understanding these impacts, we can better inform conservation strategies and policy decisions to protect our oceans.

2. Social Sciences Research Paper

Title: “The Impact of Social Media on Teen Mental Health” Introduction: In recent years, social media has become an integral part of teenagers’ lives, raising concerns about its impact on their mental health. Studies suggest a correlation between excessive social media use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness among teens. This research seeks to explore these relationships further, examining how social media influences self-esteem, peer relationships, and emotional well-being. Through surveys and interviews, we aim to identify both the positive and negative effects of social media on adolescent mental health.

3. Literature Review Research Paper

Title: “The Evolution of Feminist Themes in 20th Century Literature” Introduction: Feminist literature has undergone significant transformations throughout the 20th century, reflecting broader social and political changes. From the early suffragette movement to contemporary discussions of gender equality, feminist writers have continually challenged traditional norms and advocated for women’s rights. This literature review examines key works and authors that have shaped feminist discourse, analyzing how themes of empowerment, identity, and resistance have evolved over time. By tracing these developments, we gain insight into the ongoing struggle for gender equality and its representation in literature.

4. Historical Research Paper

Title: “The Causes and Consequences of the Industrial Revolution” Introduction: The Industrial Revolution marked a turning point in human history, profoundly transforming economies, societies, and daily life. Originating in Britain in the late 18th century, it brought about unprecedented technological advancements and industrial growth. This research investigates the underlying causes of the Industrial Revolution, including innovations in agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing. Additionally, it explores the social and economic consequences, such as urbanization, labor conditions, and the rise of capitalism. Understanding these factors provides valuable lessons for contemporary economic development and technological change.

5. Medical Research Paper

Title: “Advancements in Gene Therapy for Genetic Disorders” Introduction: Gene therapy represents a groundbreaking approach to treating genetic disorders, offering hope for conditions previously considered incurable. By directly targeting and correcting defective genes, this technology has the potential to revolutionize medicine. This research paper explores recent advancements in gene therapy, focusing on techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 and viral vector delivery systems. We will examine clinical trials and case studies to assess the efficacy and safety of these treatments, and discuss the ethical considerations and future directions of gene therapy in medical practice.

Good Introduction Examples for Paragraphs

Crafting a strong introductory sentence for a paragraph is essential to engage the reader and clearly introduce the main idea. Here are some effective introduction examples for different types of paragraphs:

1. Descriptive Paragraph

Introduction: The sunset over the mountains was a breathtaking spectacle. As the sun dipped below the horizon, it painted the sky with brilliant shades of orange, pink, and purple, casting a warm glow over the serene landscape.

2. Narrative Paragraph

Introduction: On my first day of high school, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. As I walked through the bustling hallways, the unfamiliar faces and towering lockers made me realize that this was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

3. Expository Paragraph

Introduction: Photosynthesis is a vital process that sustains life on Earth. Through this process, plants convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen, providing energy for themselves and oxygen for other living organisms.

4. Persuasive Paragraph

Introduction: Implementing a four-day workweek can significantly improve employee productivity and well-being. Studies have shown that reducing the number of working days leads to higher job satisfaction, lower stress levels, and increased efficiency.

5. Analytical Paragraph

Introduction: The symbolism in George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ serves as a powerful critique of totalitarian regimes. By using farm animals to represent historical figures and events, Orwell effectively illustrates the corruption and hypocrisy inherent in such systems.

Good Introduction Examples for Informative Essays

An effective introduction for an informative essay engages the reader and clearly presents the topic and purpose of the essay. Here are some examples for different informative essay topics:

1. Health and Wellness

Title: “The Benefits of Regular Exercise” Introduction: Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and improving overall well-being. From reducing the risk of chronic diseases to enhancing mental health, the positive impacts of physical activity are well-documented. This essay will explore the numerous benefits of regular exercise, providing insights into how different types of physical activities can contribute to a healthier and happier life.

2. Technology

Title: “The Rise of Artificial Intelligence” Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries and reshaping the future of work. From healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment, AI technologies are revolutionizing the way we live and operate. This essay will provide an overview of AI, including its history, current applications, and potential future developments, highlighting the profound impact it has on our society.

3. Environmental Science

Title: “The Importance of Biodiversity Conservation” Introduction: Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, is crucial for the stability and resilience of ecosystems. It supports ecosystem services that are vital for human survival, such as food, clean water, and disease regulation. This essay will discuss the importance of biodiversity conservation, the threats to biodiversity, and the strategies that can be employed to protect and preserve our planet’s natural heritage.

4. Education

Title: “The Role of Technology in Modern Education” Introduction: Technology has become an integral part of modern education, enhancing the learning experience in numerous ways. From interactive digital tools to online resources, technological advancements are making education more accessible and engaging for students worldwide. This essay will examine the role of technology in education, exploring its benefits, challenges, and the future potential of tech-enhanced learning environments.
Title: “The Impact of the Industrial Revolution” Introduction: The Industrial Revolution was a pivotal period in history that dramatically changed the way people lived and worked. Originating in Britain in the late 18th century, it led to significant advancements in technology, manufacturing, and transportation. This essay will delve into the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution, exploring how it shaped modern society and set the stage for future technological progress.

Good Introduction Examples for Speech

Creating a captivating introduction for a speech is crucial to grab the audience’s attention and set the tone for your message. Here are some effective introduction examples for different types of speeches:

1. Motivational Speech

Title: “Overcoming Adversity” Introduction: Good morning, everyone. Imagine standing at the base of a mountain, looking up at the peak shrouded in clouds. The journey seems daunting, almost impossible. Yet, with each step, you grow stronger, more determined. Today, I want to share with you the incredible power of resilience and how we can overcome any adversity by taking one step at a time, no matter how insurmountable it may seem.

2. Informative Speech

Title: “The Future of Renewable Energy” Introduction: Hello and thank you for joining me today. As we stand on the brink of a climate crisis, the need for sustainable energy solutions has never been more urgent. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, offer a promising path forward. In this speech, we will explore the latest advancements in renewable energy, the benefits they bring, and how they can help us build a more sustainable future.

3. Persuasive Speech

Title: “The Case for Universal Healthcare” Introduction: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Imagine a world where no one has to choose between paying for food or life-saving medication, where everyone has access to quality healthcare regardless of their financial situation. Universal healthcare can make this vision a reality. Today, I will present compelling reasons why our country should adopt a universal healthcare system, highlighting the moral, economic, and social benefits it offers.

4. Commemorative Speech

Title: “Honoring Our Veterans” Introduction: Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather to honor the brave men and women who have served our country. Their courage, sacrifice, and dedication have preserved our freedoms and protected our way of life. As we reflect on their contributions, let us remember the profound impact they have had on our nation. Join me in paying tribute to our veterans and expressing our deepest gratitude for their service.

5. Entertaining Speech

Title: “The Joys and Challenges of Parenting” Introduction: Hello everyone, and thank you for being here today. Parenting is an incredible journey filled with laughter, love, and, let’s be honest, a fair share of chaos. Whether it’s the hilarious moments of toddler antics or the heartwarming milestones, being a parent is an adventure like no other. In this speech, I’ll share some amusing anecdotes and insights into the joys and challenges of raising children, celebrating the unique experiences that come with being a parent.

Good Introduction Examples for a Presentation

Creating a strong introduction for a presentation is essential for engaging your audience and setting the tone for your topic. Here are some effective introduction examples for various types of presentations:

1. Business Presentation

Topic: Innovative Marketing Strategies “Good morning, everyone. Thank you for being here today. My name is John Smith, and I am the Marketing Director at XYZ Company. Today, I am excited to share with you some innovative marketing strategies that have been driving our recent success. By leveraging data analytics, social media trends, and creative content, we have developed a comprehensive approach to reach and engage our target audience more effectively. Let’s dive in and explore how these strategies can transform your marketing efforts.”

2. Educational Presentation

Topic: The Impact of Technology on Education “Hello, and welcome to today’s session on the impact of technology on education. My name is Jane Doe, and I am a professor of Educational Technology at ABC University. Over the past decade, technology has revolutionized the way we teach and learn, offering new opportunities and challenges. Today, we will explore how digital tools, online learning platforms, and innovative teaching methods are shaping the future of education. I look forward to discussing these exciting developments with you.”

3. Scientific Presentation

Topic: Advances in Renewable Energy “Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Dr. Emily Green, and I am a researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Today, I am thrilled to present recent advances in renewable energy technologies that are paving the way for a sustainable future. From solar and wind power to innovative storage solutions, these breakthroughs have the potential to drastically reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Let’s explore the latest research and its implications for our planet.”

4. Motivational Presentation

Topic: Overcoming Adversity “Hello, everyone. My name is Michael Johnson, and I am honored to be here with you today to talk about overcoming adversity. Life is full of challenges, but it’s how we respond to these obstacles that defines our success. Drawing from my own experiences and the stories of remarkable individuals, I will share strategies and mindsets that can help you navigate difficult times and emerge stronger. Let’s embark on this journey together.”

5. Product Launch Presentation

Topic: Introducing the New XYZ Smartphone “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Sarah Lee, and I am the Chief Product Officer at XYZ Tech. It is with great excitement that I introduce to you our latest innovation, the XYZ Smartphone. This cutting-edge device is designed to revolutionize your mobile experience with its advanced features, sleek design, and unparalleled performance. Join me as we unveil the key features and benefits that make the XYZ Smartphone a game-changer in the tech world.”

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Self Introduction For Job

4. Self Introduction for an Interview Example

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5. Professional Self Introduction Example

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6. Student Self Introduction Example

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How to Write a Good Introduction?

How to Write a Good Introduction

Writing a good introduction is essential for grabbing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for your entire piece. Whether you’re writing an essay, article, or any other type of content, a strong introduction can make a significant impact. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting a compelling introduction:

1. Start with a Hook

A hook is a sentence or two that grabs the reader’s attention and makes them want to keep reading. Some effective hooks include:

  • A startling fact or statistic: Present an intriguing fact that relates to your topic.
  • A relevant quote: Use a quote from a famous person or an expert in your field.
  • A question: Pose a thought-provoking question that encourages the reader to think about the topic.
  • A brief anecdote or story: Share a short, interesting story that introduces the topic.

2. Provide Background Information

After hooking your reader, provide some context or background information. This helps the reader understand the topic and sets the stage for the main points of your content. Be concise and relevant, avoiding unnecessary details.

3. State Your Thesis or Main Idea

Clearly state your thesis or the main idea of your piece. This is the central point you will be making in your writing. Ensure that your thesis is specific and concise, giving the reader a clear understanding of what to expect.

4. Outline the Structure

Briefly outline the structure of your content. Mention the main points you will cover in the order they will appear. This gives the reader a roadmap of your piece and helps them follow your argument or narrative.

How do I start a good introduction?

Begin with a hook to grab attention, provide relevant background information, and clearly state your thesis or main point.

What makes an effective hook in an introduction?

An effective hook can be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, a question, or a brief anecdote related to your topic.

How long should an introduction be?

Typically, an introduction should be around 10% of the total length of your essay or presentation.

Why is background information important in an introduction?

Background information sets the context, helping the reader understand the topic and why it is important.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of your essay, usually one or two sentences.

How can I make my introduction engaging?

Use clear and vivid language, connect with your audience’s interests, and present a compelling thesis.

What should be avoided in an introduction?

Avoid vague statements, overly broad generalizations, and detailed explanations that belong in the body of your text.

Can an introduction include questions?

Yes, posing a question can engage the reader and encourage them to think about the topic from the beginning.

How do I transition from the introduction to the body?

Use a smooth transition sentence that links your introduction to the first main point of your body text.

What are common mistakes in writing introductions?

Common mistakes include being too verbose, lacking a clear thesis, and failing to engage the reader’s interest.


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How to Determine the Scope of Research | Examples & Tips

how to write a introduction for a research paper example


What is the scope of a study, what is a research scope example, what is the purpose of the research scope, what considerations are relevant to the research scope, how do i write the scope in a report.

The scope of a research project is one of the more important yet sometimes understated aspects of a study. The scope of the study explains what the researchers are examining and what environment they are studying.

This article explains the general purpose of the research scope, how it informs the broader study at hand, and how it can be incorporated in a research paper to establish the necessary transparency and rigor for your research audience.

how to write a introduction for a research paper example

Scientific knowledge very rarely, if ever, produces universal axioms. The boiling point of water changes depending on the amount of pressure in the air and, by extension, the altitude you are at relative to sea level when you boil water. What looks like polite behavior in a given culture may look rude in another. The definition of beauty is bound to change as people get older.

Similarly, research findings that aren't contextualized are less persuasive. If you are reading a study that looks at interactional patterns between parents and their children, it's important to have a clear sense of the theoretical lens , data collection , and analysis in order to determine the extent to which the findings are applicable across contexts.

In a nutshell, the scope tells you what the researchers are looking at and are not looking at. It provides the context necessary to understand the research, how it was conducted, and what findings it generated.

Conversely, establishing the bounds of the scope also clarify what research inquiries are not addressed in the study, ensuring that the study's argumentation is clearly grounded in the theory, data, and analysis.

Let's imagine an example of a research study examining best practices for mental health. The research design centers on a survey study with a target population of college students with part-time jobs in addition to their coursework.

The researchers can focus on any number of things affecting mental health, including lifestyle factors such as sleep, socioeconomic factors such as income, and even influences further afield like the political alignment of friends and family.

Certainly, any of these things can have a profound impact on one's mental health. But when there are so many things to examine, it's necessary to narrow down what the research project at hand should examine.

The scope of the study can come down to any number of things, including the researchers' interest, the current state of theoretical development on the subject of mental health, and the design of the study, particularly how the data is collected. It might even boil down to influences like geographical location, which can determine the kind of research participants involved in the study.

All of these factors can inform an explicit description of the scope, which might look like this if found in the methodology section of a paper:

"In this study, the researchers focused on surveying college students over four months, roughly the same time frame as a semester at a university in the United States. Surveys were distributed to all college students, but this paper will narrow the data analysis to those students who reported having part-time jobs. This refined lens aligns with our interest in examining work-related factors contributing to negative mental health outcomes, as established in previous studies."

The above example of a study's scope highlights what the researchers focused on during the study and while analyzing the data. The researchers chose to study a narrow subset of their data to generate insights most applicable to their research interests. The researchers might also analyze the proportion of students that reported having part-time jobs to give a broader description of the study body, but they clearly focus on understanding the mental health of students with part-time jobs.

Moreover, the narrow scope allows the researchers to focus on a small number of elements in the relationship between mental health and work, which allows the researchers to make deeper contributions to this specific part of the conversation around students' mental health.

Defining the scope of the study benefits both the researcher and their audience. Ultimately, establishing transparency in a research project focuses the data collection and analysis processes and makes the findings more compelling and persuasive.

Describing the scope can clarify what specific concepts should be used and examined during the course of the study. A good scope can keep the researcher focused on what data to collect and what ancillary developments, however interesting or useful, should be discarded or left to another study. Setting a clear scope can greatly help researchers maintain a coherent fit between their research question, collected data, and ultimate findings. Journal editors and reviewers often reject papers for publication because of a lack of fit between these important elements, which highlights the value of a clear research scope for conducting rigorous research.

In logistical terms, a well-defined scope also ensures the feasibility of a study by limiting the researcher's lens to a small but manageable set of factors to observe and analyze during the course of the study. Conversely, an unfocused study makes the collection of data a significant challenge when the researcher is left to document as much as possible, potentially gathering all kinds of data that may not be relevant to a given research question , while not gathering enough of the appropriate data that can address a research inquiry.

The research audience also requires an understanding of the scope of the study to determine the relevance of the findings to their own research inquiry. Readers of research bring their own assumptions and preconceived notions about what to look at in a given context. A well-written scope, on the other hand, gives readers clear guidance on what to look for in the study's analysis and findings.

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Besides the research area being studied, the scope of a study has a clear description of most of the following aspects. Understanding what makes rigorous research and what readers of research look for in a well-crafted study will be useful for describing the scope of a research project.

Target population

The kind of research participants you are including in a study informs what theories are relevant and how the study should be designed. Are you researching children, young adults, or older professionals? Do they belong to a specific culture or community? Are they connected or related to each other in some way or do they just happen to belong to the same demographic?

Because qualitative, social science research seldom yields universal theories, it's important to narrow the scope of a study down to a specific set of the population. The more specific the scope, the more that the findings and resulting theoretical developments can be appropriately contextualized and thus inform how other researchers can build on those insights.

Geographical location

The geographical location covered by the study provides a necessary context for any study in the social sciences. Even if you narrow the targeted population to a specific demographic, what is true for that population in one country or region may not be true for another.

As a result, a scope that describes the location of the study explains where the findings are most relevant and where they might be relevant for further study.

Data collection

If you are conducting observational or ethnographic research , it may seem like you are facing a firehose when it comes to collecting data. Even interviews , focus groups , and surveys can provide a torrent of data, much of which may not be relevant to your inquiry if the study design isn't refined.

Without a sufficiently defined scope that identifies what aspects of the world you are looking at, the data you collect may become unmanageable at best. When crafting your study, develop the scope to determine the specific topics and aspects worth exploring.

how to write a introduction for a research paper example

In academic publishing , reviewers and editors need a clear understanding of the scope of the study in a manuscript when evaluating the research. Despite its importance, however, the scope doesn't necessarily have its own explicit section in a research paper.

That said, you can describe the study's scope in key areas of your research writing. Here are some of the important sections in a typical research paper for academic writing where a description of the scope is key.

Literature review

Any study disseminated for academic publishing requires a thorough understanding of the current research and existing theories that are relevant to your study. In turn, the literature review also defines the aspects of the phenomenon or concepts that you can study for the purpose of theoretical development.

Rely on the key theories in the literature review to define a useful scope that identifies key aspects of the theoretical framework that will inform the data collection and analysis .

Problem statement

A well-crafted problem statement generally sets the stage for what knowledge is missing and what novel and interesting insights can be uncovered in new research. As a result, a clear understanding of the research scope helps define the problem that a new research project seeks to address.

When incorporating a problem statement in your research paper, be sure to explicitly detail the rationale for problematizing the phenomenon you are researching.

Research question

Research questions define the relationships between the relevant concepts or phenomena being explored, and thus provide evidence of a scope that has been thoughtfully planned. Use the wording of your research question to highlight what is the central focus and, thus, the scope of the study.

At minimum, the scope of the study should narrow the focus of data collection and data analysis to the study of certain concepts relevant to addressing the given research question. Qualitative research methods can often result in open-ended data collection that can yield many insights, only a few of which may directly address the research inquiry.

Narrowing the collection of data to a set of relevant criteria can help the researcher avoid any unnecessary rabbit holes that might complicate the later analysis with irrelevant information.


Research scope and limitations go hand in hand because, together, they define what is studied within a research project and what is not. Moreover, a good description of the study's scope can also provide direction, by way of the description of limitations, about what inquiries other researchers could pursue next.

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Purpose of an analytical essay, how to structure an analytical essay, how to write an analytical essay, example of an analytical essay.

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Do you know how to write an analytical essay? Or what does it mean? Knowing about this write-up is crucial for you as a student. Analytical essays require meticulous research and analysis of the topic. It can be a challenging experience for a student. However, worry not, as you are on the right platform here you will find a comprehensive guide to writing an analytical essay. So, let us start understanding its meaning by reading the following section.

There is no specific analytical essay definition, it is one of the seven types of essays in which you must write about a topic and conduct a deep analysis. In these write-ups, you have to explore a topic that can be challenging. So, you can also narrow down your subject into tiny bits to make your research convenient. Such essays often deal with creative writing like, arts, literature, film, global trends and more. To make your research process easy, you can take help of newspapers or internet sites. It can also help you to collect evidence for the essay.

Now, you must have understood the meaning of analytical essays. However, for deep understanding, you should also know what is the purpose of an analytical essay. So, read the next section to gain knowledge about it.

Analytical essays are based on in-depth research and analysis. This write-up aims at presenting a clear argument about the subject through evidence. Their purpose is to promote critical thinking and self-belief in a student. You learn about different viewpoints, when you begin your research for this analysis essay.Therefore, they induce critical thinking and compel the student to consider diverse perspectives to conclude.They can be challenging sometimes, but they genuinely improve your skills. It also encourages healthy discussion in the classroom by promoting effective learning.

So, now you must understand the purpose that analytical essays serve. Now, read the next section to know how you can structure your essay. Also, read our other blog on how to write a comparative essay .

Do you know how to structure an analytical essay? No? Then, read the following pointers and clear your doubts about the steps to writing an analytical essay.

Structure Of An Analytical Essay


It is very crucial to know how to write an analytical essay introduction. In this initial part, you should introduce the reader to the subject of your write-up. You can frame some catchy sentences, or you can also put up a question to hook the attention of the reader. In this step, you can also mention some background information to make it more informative. However, remember that the introduction part is always the most significant section that makes the first impression of your essay, so write it accordingly.

The next major part of this analytical paper is the main body of the essay, where you showcase your analysis and research. In this step, you can divide the entire part into small paragraphs and separate the data accordingly. You can create an outline to understand how you will divide information into different paragraphs. In addition, you also have to remember that you relate your content with the thesis statement, and it does not contradict it.

Do you know how to write a conclusion in an analytical essay? It is the final part, where you have to summarize everything you have written in your essay. In this, you restate the main topic and give a brief about it. You can write it in a way that your readers are satisfied enough and do not have any doubts. However, remember that you do not introduce anything new in it, as it will only lead to confusion and vagueness for readers.

So, that was it with the structure part you must have understood all about analytical essay structure. Now, for the next section, you will find six tips for writing an effective analytical essay.

Do you want to know the secret of how you can write an effective essay? If yes, Read the following pointers to know how to start an analytical essay and write it in a way that shine.

Frame Catchy Title

First and foremost, frame a catchy title to make the first impression on your professors. For that purpose, you can choose something attractive that hooks the attention. You can start with a question for that remember that your purpose is to compel the readers to read the whole write-up. In addition, you should know how to write a thesis for an analytical essay, as it is also a part of the introduction only.

Do Proper Research

The next step is to carry out proper research about the subject. As you know, research is the foremost thing in an analytical essay. You should gather every detail about the topic, try to find the material from your college library, or ask your teachers and professors for materials. Use all such resources and do your research. Remember that it can also help you with analytical essay topics.

Create an Outline

The next step after gathering the information is to make an analytical essay outline. It is a significant step where you plan your whole document. In this part, you have to plan how you will divide your information in the main body of your essay. It is a crucial step that many students miss, and it leads their documents to look unstructured and baseless. Therefore, never miss this step if you want to get an A+ in your essay.

Create First Draft

Now, when you have everything planned, you can create your first draft. You can now actually start your writing part. In this part, you have to frame the introduction as well, and for that, you can take the help of an analytical essay introduction example. Begin with writing a rough draft so you do not make any mistakes in the final one. However, remember to use formal language in your write-up for better results.

Review First Draft

After you have completed writing the first draft, it is now time for you to review it. It is a crucial step as you can point out the mistakes that you might have made. Due to this step, writing the final draft becomes easy. You can take the help of your teachers to gather feedback, or you can also do it yourself. However, never miss this step because it can lead to blunders in your final draft.

Proofread the Essay

After you have completed your write-up, proofreading comes into play. Many of the students miss this step, and thus, they face rejection in their document submission. Proofreading saves you from any lingering errors you might have made while writing. In addition, it also helps you to point out any spelling or grammatical errors. Therefore, do not miss this step if you do not want your document rejected.

That was it, with this part, you might have got some insight into how the experts write their essays. Follow these steps and see the difference for yourself. Also, read our other blog on how to write a narrative essay . Now, for the next part, you will find some of the examples that could help you in proper understanding.

Struggling with writing an analytical essay? Go through the following analytical essay example to see how the experts draft their perfect document and frame the analytical essay format.

Topic: Is Artificial Intelligence a Blessing or Curse?

  • Briefly describe artificial intelligence for better understanding.
  • Thesis Statement: Artificial intelligence is a blessing in disguise for youth.

Body Paragraph 1

  • AI has made life convenient for people by saving much of their time.
  • It has improved access to education, healthcare, entertainment and more.

Body Paragraph 2

  • AI is a blessing for the youth that can help them in their education.
  • It has made it convenient for teachers and students to access the resources.

Remind the reader about the advantages of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is the main target of the people, but little do they know about its advantages and benefits like...

So, from the above example, you must have understood how you can write an analytical essay. Hence, go through the above example and frame your essay accordingly. However, you can also use essay typer tools or seek an expert's assistance for an effortless experience. Read the following section to know how you can make your task convenient.

Get Our Expert’s Assistance for Your Write-up

You must have solved many of your queries from this comprehensive guide about how to write an analytical essay. However, if you still have any issues, you can take the help of our experts, who will help you draft your perfect analytical essay. Global Assignment Help can provide you with an efficient write-up that stands out. Our expert writers are highly experienced and educated individuals who have never failed to deliver a single document on time. So, stop wasting your time and get an essay writing service now.

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Qualitative Research Skills In The Marketing Research Process

Published 25 Jun 2024


The marketing research process helps analyze the problems involved in developing a specific marketing campaign related to an organization's specific product. A number of steps are involved in the marketing research process, and differences exist in the management and research problem. Those steps and differences are identified here, along with the evaluation of qualitative techniques used for primary data collection.

Steps involved in the marketing research process

The processes involved in marketing research are identifying the problem, setting the research aims and objectives, determining the design of the research, planning the sample, collecting the required data, analyzing those data, and formulating conclusions from the analysis.

Identification of the problem: In order to initiate the market research process, the identification of the problem experienced by the organization needs to be defined. The problem statement should be taken into consideration so that it can find a way to deal with the problems and resolve it properly (FLEACĂ, et al. 2016).

Identifying research aims and objectives: In the next step, research objectives and aims need to be defined so that the extent of the research problem can be determined. The research aim can illustrate the significance of the problem statement.

Research Design Planning: After defining the objectives and the problems related to the marketing research process, the research design needs to be determined. As the needed information is to be collected and analyzed, the specific procedure should be developed, and Research Design can be a master plan for it (Benzo et al. 2017).

Sample planning: It can be found that in order to collect the proper and first-hand information, the population or number of samples is to be defined. The target population and the right representation of samples need to be taken into consideration.

Data Collection process: Data collection is needed to resolve the problem regarding marketing research. Both primary and secondary data can be considered in developing market research methods (Kennedy, 2017). Whereas human interaction can be used as the primary data source, secondary data sources are comprised of reports, articles, journals, and other Publications.

Data analysis: In order to generate the research, the collected data needs to be analysed so that the right outcome can be generated properly. The respondents' responses need to be categorized properly so that the data transfer to the data storage media can be developed properly. Moreover, the right analytical technique needs to be chosen so that the outcome will be right.

Conclusion formulation: This is the final stage of the marketing research process, where the information is interpreted and conclusions drawn to be used for managerial decision-making. In fact, the Research report will be developed based on this segment.

Differences of the management and research problem in the given context

Management and research problems are dependent on action-oriented problems where research problem involves the Collection of data, sampling, and the analysis of collected data. The management research problem can be identified as one of the problems which are experienced by the management of a specific organisation (Birks, 2016). On the other hand, the research problem can be developed on many aspects unrelated to the organization. In the given context, thus, the research problem would be different as it is related to the problems of marketing research and its problems

Application and evaluation of qualitative techniques for primary data collection

Primary Data collection is one of the most effective techniques that can be helpful in terms of making sure that real-time data related to a particular subject is incorporated in the research. In this case, the researcher needs to make sure that he or she asks the right questions to the right stakeholders who will be considered as the research participants. However, there are several techniques related to primary qualitative data collection, such as the following.

Individual Interview—Interviews are the most popular technique for qualitative research. In this case, researchers can acquire more detailed information from individuals who are directly related to a topic or situation (Horrocks, 2018). Creating a list of questions and making appointments with the participants are activities related to this technique.

Focus Groups—This technique allows research to obtain information that can be easily generalized. Statements from individuals are critically analyzed, as different people in the same location can provide contrasting information. The main activities are gathering a group of participants and creating a list of questions.

Observations—Observation can be regarded as the easiest way of collecting qualitative data. In this case, the researcher sees a certain situation or event just to understand the changes or developments that are visible to the naked eye (Choi, 2018). However, there are no guarantees that the researcher will understand specific changes in a detailed manner.

The success of any business organisation largely depends on how the company and its management are able to align themselves with changes in the internal and external environment. However, understanding the environment is very important, and in this case, different research questions can be very helpful in understanding the alignment of the different business environments. The report effectively provided the opportunity to learn about such techniques.

Read also: Need marketing assignment help? Our professionals are ready to boost your grades.

Are there certain actions or behaviors during the activity that you did particularly well or that you would wish to improve?

It can be said that I was very excited when I got the opportunity to execute this assignment, and therefore, I decided to put my best foot forward in the execution of this assignment. However, during the execution phase, I understood that I had issues with my time management skills. In this case, I faced some difficulties in managing my other personal commitments while being aligned with my academic commitments, and therefore, I think that there is some room for improvement in terms of time management, and I must make timetables in order to accommodate my different commitments. I will try to make sure that I can cut down on my commitments so that the important activities are on top of my list in terms of allocating time.

In what ways do you think you could improve your own practice in relation to gathering data, analysing information, and using intelligence?

I think that the most effective way to improve my research skills is by ensuring I can access all effective online sources. In my opinion, as technology develops, all the literature sources will be available online; therefore, to effectively execute secondary data collection, the online sources must be accessed. It can be said that the internet is also helpful in terms of primary data, which is quantitative in nature. There are several websites and platforms in the internet that can be used for online chat and this will be helpful in gathering information from participants who live far from the researcher.

However, in order to be effective in gathering data from these online techniques, one has to be aware of the websites and how they access them from different browsers. In this case, I will also look to improve my research skills and make sure that I am able to surf the internet and learn about different platforms related to data collection.

  • Benzo, R., Mohsen, M.G. and Fourali, C., 2017. Marketing research: planning, process, practice. Sage.
  • Birks, D.F., 2016. Marketing research. In The Marketing Book (pp. 188-212). Routledge.
  • FLEACĂ, E., FLEACĂ, B. and Maiduc, S., 2016. Fostering Organizational Innovation based on modeling the marketing research process through an event-driven process chain (EPC). TEM J, 5, pp.460-466.
  • Kennedy, A.M., 2017. Macro-social marketing research: philosophy, methodology and methods. Journal of Macromarketing, 37(4), pp.347-355.
  • King, N., Horrocks, C. and Brooks, J., 2018. Interviews in qualitative research. SAGE Publications Limited.
  • Roulston, K. and Choi, M., 2018. Qualitative interviews. The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection, pp.233-249.

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How to Write a Cover Letter [Tips with Examples]

As a writer, I did my fair share of job hunting. Despite my experience and expertise, I often struggled with impressing interviewers due to my lackluster cover letters. Limited resources and time constraints left my cover letters far from impressive. However, things changed when I mastered the art of writing compelling cover letters. Soon, I started receiving interview calls and eventually landed my dream job. In this article, I will share these cover letter writing techniques with you, so you too know how to write a cover letter and can effortlessly land the job of your dreams.

What is a Cover Letter and What does it Contain?

A cover letter is a one-page business letter that you submit along with your resume when applying for a job. Its primary purpose is to persuade the employer that you are an excellent candidate for the role. It complements your resume by clearly linking your experience and interests to the position you're applying for. Essentially, the cover letter is your chance to convince the employer to invite you for an interview.

A typical cover letter contains several key elements, each serving a specific purpose in showcasing your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Here’s a breakdown of what a cover letter typically includes:

Your Contact Information: Name, address, phone number, and email address.

Date: The date you are writing the letter.

Employer’s Contact Information: Name, title, company, and address of the person you are addressing the letter to.

2. Salutation

Address the letter to a specific person if possible (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Hiring Manager,”).

3. Introduction

Opening Statement: A brief introduction mentioning the job you are applying for and how you found out about the position.

Hook: A compelling reason why you are interested in the job and the company.

First Paragraph: Explain why you are a good fit for the role. Highlight key qualifications and experiences that align with the job requirements.

Second Paragraph: Provide specific examples of your accomplishments and how they relate to the job. Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your impact.

Third Paragraph: Discuss your knowledge of the company and why you are excited about this particular opportunity. Show that you have researched the organization and explain how your goals align with its mission and values.

5. Conclusion

Closing Statement: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and the company. Summarize why you are a strong candidate.

Call to Action: Mention your desire for an interview and provide your contact information again. Indicate that you will follow up within a certain timeframe.

Thank You: Express gratitude for the reader’s time and consideration.

6. Signature

Closing Phrase: Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely”, or “Best regards”.

Signature: Leave space for your handwritten signature (if submitting a hard copy) and then type your name below it.

How to Write a Cover Letter For a Job in 5 Steps!

Firstly, it’s crucial to streamline the process of crafting a cover letter, but that doesn’t mean using the same cover letter for every job position or even the same position at different companies. Customization is key to standing out.

Step 1. Research the Company- AIPal

Open the job listing you want to apply for, typically found on platforms like LinkedIn or Indeed. These platforms usually provide a detailed job description outlining the requirements and responsibilities.

To begin, I will write a cover letter for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile, which is a remote job listing I found on LinkedIn.

To proceed effectively, I will copy the job description and input it into AIPal to extract key keywords. These keywords are crucial as they highlight the skills and attributes the employer is seeking for the role.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter.

To refine your keyword research, you can ask AIPal to extract keywords and categorize them into tiers.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter. Assign them in three tiers ranging from the most important to least important.

This way, you'll identify the most critical keywords, which should be emphasized more in your cover letter, and less important keywords, which can be mentioned once or twice.

This approach will give me a comprehensive understanding of what the job entails and what qualities I should emphasize in my cover letter.

Step 2. Choose a template- WPS Office

Choosing a cover letter template is important because it gives you a clear structure to follow, saving you time and ensuring your letter looks polished. It guides you on what information to include, from your skills to your qualifications, making it easier to customize each letter for different job applications. Templates also help keep your letter organized and visually appealing, which is key to making a positive impression on employers.

WPS Office has been a godsend in this regard, offering plenty of cover letter templates. I followed these steps to find the desired cover letter for the Marketing Manager position:

Open WPS Office and click on "New" on the left side pane.

Next, simply click on the “All” tab in the left side pane. This will display numerous templates available on WPS Office for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

To save time browsing through all the options, simply search for "cover letter". This filters out irrelevant templates and helps find the right cover letter template for the job post in context.

Upon finding the suitable template for the job post, click on it to preview.

To start customizing the selected template, click the "Download" button at the top right corner, which will launch it in the WPS Writer interface for editing.

Header and Salutation

Headers and salutations are essential in a cover letter for their role in setting a professional tone. The header provides your contact details and the date, ensuring easy communication and formal presentation.

Salutations, like "Dear Hiring Manager," personalize your letter and demonstrate attention to detail, addressing the recipient directly and showcasing professionalism from the start.

One of the standout features of WPS templates is its ready-made header, which enhances the visual appeal of your cover letter. It includes sections for your contact information, the date, and the recipient's details.

Addressing the recipient by name whenever possible adds a personal touch; if that information isn't available, a generic greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager" remains professional and appropriate. Ensuring the document is error-free further underscores your professionalism and attention to detail.

Step 3. Introduction- Your Opening Sentences

Starting your cover letter with a compelling introduction is crucial. It’s your chance to grab the hiring manager's attention and make a strong first impression. A well-crafted opening should highlight your enthusiasm, showcase your qualifications, and give a hint of your personality.

Here are a few key things to keep in mind to create an engaging and effective cover letter introduction:

Expressing genuine passion for the role or the company can make a strong impact. For example, in a sales manager position:

Dear Mr. Brown, my name is Anna and I’m excited about the opportunity to help your company exceed its sales targets. My five years of experience as a Sales Representative at XYZ Inc. have equipped me with the skills needed to drive results. Last year, we surpassed our KPIs by 50%, and I’m eager to bring this success to your team.

Referrals can add credibility to your application. For instance, in an architectural position:

I was thrilled to learn about this job opportunity from John Doe, who has been with your firm for five years. John and I collaborated on an architectural project for over a year, and he recommended I apply for this role, believing I’d be a great fit.

Demonstrating your knowledge about the company shows dedication. For example, in a social worker position:

I have always admired the work your organization does with vulnerable communities. Your commitment to social justice resonates with my professional values, and I believe my previous experience as a social worker aligns perfectly with your mission.

Starting with a significant accomplishment can immediately capture interest. For example, in a public relations position:

As a Public Relations Representative at Company XYZ, I enhanced the company’s reputation and public image, resulting in a 40% increase in customer satisfaction. I am eager to bring my proven track record of success to your organization as the Head of Communications.

Step 4. Body- the Most Important Part

The body of your resume is where you showcase your qualifications, experience, skills, and achievements to demonstrate why you're the ideal candidate for the job. Structuring this section effectively is crucial to capturing the attention of hiring managers and persuading them to consider you for the position.

Here’s how to craft a compelling resume body:

Start with a Strong Summary or Objective Statement:

Begin your resume with a concise summary or objective that highlights your career goals and what you bring to the table. This helps recruiters quickly understand your professional background and aspirations. For example:

Results-driven marketing professional with 8+ years of experience in digital marketing strategies and campaign management. Proven track record of increasing brand awareness and revenue growth through innovative marketing initiatives. Seeking to leverage my skills and expertise to contribute to the continued success of ABC Company.

Highlight Key Skills:

List relevant skills that align with the job requirements. Use bullet points to make them easy to scan. Focus on both technical skills (e.g., software proficiency, languages) and soft skills (e.g., communication, leadership). For example:

Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO/SEM Optimization

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Social Media Marketing

Analytical Skills

Team Leadership

Add Keywords:

In the body of the cover letter, it's crucial to incorporate keywords extracted from the job description. These keywords highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and attributes that align with what the employer is seeking. For example, if the job description emphasizes "digital marketing strategy," "customer acquisition," and "social media management," your cover letter should showcase your expertise in these areas.

My experience in developing and implementing robust digital marketing strategies, coupled with a proven track record in customer acquisition and social media management, aligns perfectly with the goals outlined for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile.

Detail Your Work Experience:

Include your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. For each job, provide the following details:

Job Title and Company: Clearly state your position and the organization you worked for.

Dates of Employment: Specify the period you worked there.

Key Responsibilities: Outline your main duties and responsibilities in concise bullet points. Focus on achievements and quantify results where possible. For example:

Managed a team of 5 digital marketers to execute SEO and PPC campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic and a 25% growth in lead generation.

Achievements: Highlight specific accomplishments that demonstrate your impact. Use metrics to quantify your achievements whenever feasible. For example:

Led a successful rebranding campaign that increased brand recognition by 40% and led to a 15% increase in customer engagement.

Education and Certifications: List your educational background, including degrees, diplomas, and relevant certifications. Mention any honors or awards received. Include the name of the institution, degree/certification earned, and dates attended.

Skills and Expertise: Elaborate on any additional skills or expertise that are relevant to the job. This could include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, or proficiency in certain tools or methodologies.

Professional Development: Include any professional development activities, workshops, or seminars you have attended that are relevant to your career.

Step 5. Closing & Salutation

A strong conclusion to your cover letter is essential to leave a positive and lasting impression on a prospective employer. It serves as your final opportunity to express enthusiasm, reinforce your qualifications, and prompt the hiring manager to take action. Here’s how to effectively end your cover letter.

Show self-assurance in your skills and how they align with the job requirements. This demonstrates to the employer that you are a competent and enthusiastic candidate. For example:

I am confident that my project management experience and problem-solving abilities make me a perfect fit for your team. I thrive in dynamic environments and am eager to contribute to your company's success.

Let your passion for the role and the industry shine through. Mentioning your enthusiasm can make you a more memorable candidate. For instance:

My lifelong passion for animal welfare drives my dedication to providing top-notch veterinary care. I am excited to bring this passion to your clinic and contribute to the well-being of your patients.

Highlight how your skills and experiences align with the job responsibilities. This helps the employer see the direct benefits of hiring you. For example:

With seven years of experience managing senior accounts, I am skilled at anticipating client needs and handling situations with discretion. I am eager to bring this expertise to your team and help grow your client base.

Share your career aspirations and how they align with the company’s growth. This shows your long-term interest in the organization. For example:

I look forward to leveraging my sales experience to identify new markets and build strong customer relationships. My goal is to grow within your company and eventually lead the account management team.

Align your personal values with the company’s mission to show you’re a cultural fit. For example:

I admire ArcherTech's commitment to supporting local businesses and have innovative marketing ideas to increase profitability in this sector. I am excited to discuss these ideas further.

Emphasize relevant technical skills, especially those mentioned in the job description. This highlights your readiness to contribute effectively. For example:

I bring extensive experience with CAD software and can create integrated 360-degree renderings for client presentations. My past successes in this area can help boost your sales by 150% over the next two quarters.

Encourage the employer to take the next step, such as scheduling an interview. Express gratitude and indicate your eagerness to discuss your application further. For example:

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how my skills can contribute to your team. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

End your letter with a formal and courteous closing. Suitable options include "Best", "Sincerely", "Respectfully", and "Thank you".

Here's a template for Closing & Salutation:

This is the best approach I can suggest for writing a great cover letter, but I highly recommend using WPS Office templates for this. The AI features in AIPal and WPS Office can help extract keywords and assist with writing, while the templates provide pre-written content tailored to the position you're applying for. This approach minimizes effort and frustration, especially when a job requires a cover letter, ensuring your application meets all necessary requirements effectively.

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Edit PDF files with the powerful PDF toolkit.

Microsoft-like interface. Easy to learn. 100% Compatibility.

Boost your productivity with WPS's abundant free Word, Excel, PPT, and CV templates.

How to Proofread your Cover Letter- WPS Office

WPS Office is an all-around solution for various tasks, including writing a cover letter and securing your dream job. Beyond helping you create a polished cover letter, WPS Office also excels in proofreading it. With its AI-powered Proofreader, WPS Office ensures your cover letter is error-free and impactful.

WPS AI: To assist you in polishing your content:

WPS AI Proofreader is an essential tool for perfecting your cover letter with ease and confidence. As you craft your application, WPS AI Proofreader ensures your writing is polished to perfection. It goes beyond simple spell checks, offering real-time error detection for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. This means you can focus on expressing your skills and achievements effectively, without worrying about typos or awkward phrasing. With customizable settings and intuitive correction options, WPS AI Proofreader tailors its suggestions to fit your writing style, ensuring your cover letter maintains professionalism and clarity.

AIPal Chatbot: For ideas and consultation

AIPal is a great web-assistant throughout the process of refining and perfecting your cover letter through its robust proofreading and consultation capabilities. This AI-powered tool not only identifies grammatical errors and punctuation issues but also provides insightful suggestions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your ideas. AIPal ensures that your cover letter maintains a cohesive flow and communicates your qualifications effectively to potential employers.

1. How long should a Cover Letter be?

A cover letter should ideally be between half a page and a full page in length, with a word count ranging from 250 to 400 words. It is typically divided into three to six paragraphs. It's important to keep it brief and focused on relevant details.

2. What tone should I use in my Cover Letter?

To effectively convey the right tone in your cover letter, aim for a balance that is both professional and friendly.

Avoid overly formal language while maintaining a polished demeanor.

Tailor your communication style to fit the company's culture, showing genuine enthusiasm for the position without coming across as boastful or overly eager.

Use confident and positive language to articulate your qualifications clearly, avoiding jargon, informal expressions, or humor that could be misinterpreted.

This approach will ensure your cover letter reflects professionalism and authentic interest in the position.

3. Should I include references in my cover letter?

Typically, you do not need to include references in your cover letter unless the employer specifically requires them. Concentrate on highlighting your relevant qualifications and explaining why you are a strong match for the position.

Create An Impactful Cover Letter With WPS Office

Creating a compelling cover letter can often be the decisive factor in securing your dream job. It needs to showcase your expertise clearly and coherently, leaving no doubt about your suitability for the role. WPS Office provides a reliable solution where you can gather all the necessary information for when you are figuring out how to write a cover letter and ensure your cover letter resonates at the right level.

From templates perfectly tailored to the job position to extracting crucial keywords and summarizing job descriptions, WPS Office equips you with everything essential for writing a successful cover letter. Download AIPal today to streamline your job hunting journey and alleviate some of the frustrations along the way.

  • 1. How to make a cover letter for a resume in WPS Office Word
  • 2. New Cover Letter Template Free Download 2024
  • 3. Latest 10 Free Cover Letter Template for 2024
  • 4. Editable & Printable Sample Cover Letter for Job Application Word Format
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1. Introduction

2. giwaxs methodology of bl17b, 3. conclusion.

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how to write a introduction for a research paper example

beamlines \(\def\hfill{\hskip 5em}\def\hfil{\hskip 3em}\def\eqno#1{\hfil {#1}}\)


Open Access

GIWAXS experimental methods at the NFPS-BL17B beamline at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility

a National Facility for Protein Science in Shanghai, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Pudong District, People's Republic of China * Correspondence e-mail: [email protected]

The BL17B beamline at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility was first designed as a versatile high-throughput protein crystallography beamline and one of five beamlines affiliated to the National Facility for Protein Science in Shanghai. It was officially opened to users in July 2015. As a bending magnet beamline, BL17B has the advantages of high photon flux, brightness, energy resolution and continuous adjustable energy between 5 and 23 keV. The experimental station excels in crystal screening and structure determination, providing cost-effective routine experimental services to numerous users. Given the interdisciplinary and green energy research demands, BL17B beamline has undergone optimization, expanded its range of experimental methods and enhanced sample environments for a more user-friendly testing mode. These methods include single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder crystal X-ray diffraction, wide-angle X-ray scattering, grazing-incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering (GIWAXS), and fully scattered atom pair distribution function analysis, covering structure detection from crystalline to amorphous states. This paper primarily presents the performance of the BL17B beamline and the application of the GIWAXS methodology at the beamline in the field of perovskite materials.

Keywords: synchrotron radiation ; X-ray ; GIWAXS ; perovskite cells .

NREL shows the highest confirmed conversion efficiency for research cells used in a range of photovoltaic technologies from 1976 to the present.

( ) Schematic diagram of GIWAXS on the BL17B beamline at the SSRF. ( ) The nucleation and crystallization process of perovskite films (Zhu , 2024 ). ( ) Cs and Rb addition dictate the growth of perovskite films (Dang , 2019 ). ( ) GIWAXS measurements and schematic models showing the reduced-dimensional hybrid perovskite (RDP) formation for the three distinct fabrication conditions (Zhang , 2018 ).

The standard bending magnet front-end layout of SSRF.

Characteristics of the source and parameters

Energy (Gev) Natural emittance (nm rad) Magnetic field (T) Bend radius (m) Parameters of the souce
σ (µm) σ ′ (µrad) σ (µm) σ ′ (µrad)
3.5 3.9 1.2726 9.1673 70 114 22 1.97

Beamline details

Beamline BL17B
Source type Bend magnet (BM)
Collimating mirror 2.8 mrad Rh/Si Si/Si
Focusing mirror 2.8 mrad Rh/Si
Monochromator Double-crystal monochromator (DCM), Si(111)
Energy range 5–23 keV, 2.5–0.6 Å
Energy resolution (Δ ) ≤3 × 10 (12.4 keV)
Focused beam size (FWHM) ≤120 µm × 180 µm (H × V, 12 keV)
Focused beam divergence ≤1.5 mrad × 0.2 mrad (H × V, 12 keV)
Flux ≥3 × 10 photons s (300 mA, 12 keV)
Goniometer ARINAX MD2 Mini-Kappa MK3
Cryocapability 80–400 K, LN Oxford Cryosystem 800
Sample mounting robot Irelec CATS
Detector Pilatus3S 2M

The BL17B beamline station utilizes synchrotron radiation as the X-ray source, offering advantages such as high flux, high collimation and tunable wavelength. Equipped with a two-dimensional area Pilatus detector, the experimental station not only rapidly acquires crystallographic information but also detects diffraction signals both in-plane and out-of-plane, providing detailed orientation distribution information for the same crystal plane. This capability facilitates time-resolved in situ experiments. By altering the incident angle, scattering signals from the surface to the bulk can be obtained. Therefore, experiments employing the synchrotron-radiation-based GIWAXS methodology have significantly contributed to the advancement of energy storage materials.

1.1. Experimental station

Layout of the experimental station: (1) attenuator, (2) slit, (3) ion chamber, (4) fast shutter, (5) co-axis microscope, (6) robot, (7) goniometer, (8) fluorescence detector, (9) cryocooler, (10) Pilatus detector.

The MD2 diffractometer system boasts a high-precision air-bearing rotation axis with a programmable controller, enabling the issuance of shutter commands based on the rotation axes' speed and position. The comprehensive beamline control system integrates slits, light intensity detectors and scatter blockers, among other components. External attachments to the diffractometer include a liquid nitro­gen cooling apparatus and an adjustable bracket for fluorescence detection. The low-temperature cooling equipment for the sample consists of a cold head, a liquid nitro­gen dewar, a pump, a cold head controller, a liquid nitro­gen level controller and a manual controller. The cold head's adjustable temperature range spans from 80 to 500 K (Oxford Cryostream 800 series), facilitating in situ studies of temperature effects on the sample. A user-friendly goniometer head allows for easy manual installation of a standard test sample, enhancing operational efficiency.

Pilatus S3 2M detector parameters

Type 3 × 8 CMOS
Area (mm) 254 mm × 289 mm
Pixel size 172 µm × 172 µm
Number of pixels 1475 × 1679
Dynamic range 1048576
Readout time 0.0023 s
Highest resolution (Å) 0.83 Å

Schematic diagram of the software user interface.

2.1. Sample preparation

Schematic illustration of different deposition methods ( one-step spin-coating, two-step spin-coating, vapor deposition and anti-solvent engineering) (Choi , 2020 ).

BL17B experimental users can select the most appropriate preparation method based on the characteristics of their samples. For in situ sample testing, it is recommended that the sample substrate area does not exceed 2 cm × 2 cm, the substrate is typically a silicon wafer or a glass slide, and the sample on the substrate should be uniformly coated with a thickness on the micro-nanometre scale.

2.2. Experimental method

( ) Photograph of the portable control station and ( ) diagram of the software user interface. ( ) An example of a diffraction pattern recorded in the GIWAXS experiment.

Currently, the GIWAXS testing methods at the BL17B beamline are categorized into offline experiments and in situ experiments. Offline experiments refer to testing pre-prepared samples directly on the sample stage in the laboratory. Our designed sample stage can accommodate ten samples at once for automatic testing, significantly enhancing testing efficiency compared with the traditional method of testing individual samples sequentially. The method described in this paper greatly improves the testing throughput. In addition, in situ experiments encompass in situ spin-coating, heating and variations in environmental atmosphere. When in situ spin-coating and heating tests are required, the multifunctional control station is positioned between the X-ray beam and the detector, and the sample to be tested is securely placed and fixed on the sample stage. The motion control system and the spin-coating and heating device are used to accurately adjust the platform to achieve the desired X-ray exposure on the sample. The spin-coating and heating system is a fixture on the motion system, capable of heating the spin coater. The sample is placed on the spin head, either mechanically secured or attached with specific adhesives to ensure full contact with the spin head without obstructing incident and diffracted light.

Relevant parameters of experimental devices

Equipment Parameter
Spin coater (vac-sorb) Maximum speed 9999 r.p.m.
Precision index ±1 r.p.m.
Single maximum time 50 min
Heating apparatus Temperature control range Room temperature ∼423 K
Effective thermal area π × 2.5  cm
Atmosphere hood Shield π × 6 × 18 cm
Available gas N , CO,
Pipette Eppendorf 100 µL/200 µL/1000 µL

Schematic diagram of and . ( ) test, ( ) heating, ( ) spin coating and ( ) atmosphere environment.

In GIWAXS testing, beam cutting is the first and most crucial step. Beam cutting refers to aligning the sample parallel to the X-ray beam and partially blocking the beam to ensure that the light can impinge on the sample surface in a grazing incidence manner during testing. Firstly, the sample is positioned lower than the beam so that the detector fully receives the beam, resulting in the highest detector count. In the second step, the sample position is raised along the Z -axis until the detector count decreases to half of the previous count, indicating that half of the beam is blocked. Finally, the sample is oscillated around the Y -axis within a small angular range. It can be observed that, when the sample is perfectly parallel to the beam, the beam is least obstructed, resulting in the maximum detector count. This angle is set as 0°, and afterward the incident angle can be controlled by tilting the sample stage. For testing perovskite thin film samples, an incident angle of 0.3° is typically chosen, as it achieves a good balance between diffraction signal and background signal. If it is necessary to limit the penetration depth, the incident angle can be adjusted accordingly. Additionally, the penetration ability of X-rays is closely related to their wavelength. Beamline BL17B usually employs X-rays with two wavelengths, 10 keV and 18 keV. The use of 18 keV X-rays provides a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the two-dimensional diffraction pattern, but it also has a higher penetration power and is less sensitive to changes in incident angle. Therefore, when performing angle-resolved tests, 10 keV X-rays are typically selected.

2.3. Scientific highlights of GIWAXS

Typical achievements in GIWAXS research at the BL17B beamline.

This article outlines the performance of the BL17B beamline station and the methodology of GIWAXS, including experimental testing, auxiliary facilities, data acquisition and user achievements. BL17B is a high-throughput structural analysis beamline with a high degree of automation, enabling rapid, scalable and efficient sample collection and structural determination. A portable/integrated/high-precision GIWAXS testing device developed based on this beamline allows for various in situ experiments, such as in situ coating, heating and atmospheric conditions. This device facilitates real-time monitoring of the crystallization and decomposition processes of perovskites, providing valuable support for the development of more stable and efficient perovskite solar cells.


We thank the staff of the NFPS and SSRF team for design, installation and continuing collaboration. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Professor Yang Yingguo for his expert guidance and invaluable assistance on the design of the GIWAXS equipment.

Funding information

The following funding is acknowledged: Chinese Academy Science (CAS) Key Technology Talent Program (grant No. 2021000022).

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) Licence , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original authors and source are cited.

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