
How to Create and Use a Gantt Chart for PhD Studies

Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a common tool used in the project management field. It is used for schedule planning of a project and its tasks and activities. It shows the tasks, their start and end dates, and the duration needed to complete them.

A PhD is a project and may last from as few as three years to as long as six years depending on the university and department a student is enrolled in.

In order to successfully complete a PhD program, one needs to plan when each of the tasks will be completed from the word go. A Gantt chart is very useful in doing this.

A PhD student can create one comprehensive Gantt chart or several smaller Gantt charts for each of the major deliverables.

This article discusses a Gantt chart for a general PhD program that has both coursework and dissertation components.

Benefits of a Gantt chart for planning PhD studies

Steps involved in creating a gantt chart for phd studies, how to effectively use the phd gantt chart, final thoughts on the phd gantt chart.

Creating a Gantt chart at the beginning of PhD studies has the following benefits:

  • It is easy to create. A student can use the traditional pen-and-paper method or existing digital tools or softwares to create a Gantt chart.
  • It is easy to read. The visual presentation of the Gantt chart makes it easy for the student to read and know what is expected of him at any point in time.
  • A Gantt chart makes it easy to monitor progress of PhD studies. The user can choose to use different colors for tasks that have already been completed, tasks that are close to completion, and tasks that require more time and effort to complete.
  • It forms the basis for monthly, weekly, and daily planning of the PhD studies. Depending on how detailed a student wants to go in terms of planning, the Gantt chart comes in handy when writing out the monthly, weekly and even daily plans.

Step 1: List all the deliverables expected of your PhD program. In this example, the PhD program has the following requirements:

  • Coursework, divided into 4 modules each lasting 2 weeks. All 4 modules need to be completed within the first year of study.
  • A comprehensive written exam at the end of the fourth module.
  • An oral exam once a student passes the written exam.
  • Submission of a concept note.
  • Submission of a research proposal once a student passes the oral exam.
  • Writing a business management case study.
  • Three journal papers.
  • At least two conference papers.
  • A dissertation.

Step 2: For each of the requirements listed above, note the start and end dates. For the above example, the PhD program lasts a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years. Assuming the minimum of 3 years (beginning January 2021), the activities’ start and end dates are as follows:

Step 3: Using the above information, create the Gantt chart using Microsoft Word, Powerpoint or Excel.

The following are useful resources for creating a Gantt chart using:

  • Microsoft Powerpoint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp0vr6OkW8Y
  • Microsoft Excel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00s5efQWrgU&t=10s
  • Microsoft Word: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F90RdA5X4G0

The Gantt chart created from the above data is shown below. The chart was created using Microsoft Powerpoint.

PhD Gantt chart

Step 4: Once the Gantt chart is complete, print it out and hang it on the wall of your study room/area. This serves as a constant reminder of the tasks that need to be done at any point in time, as well as of the progress that has been made so far.

The greatest strength in using the Gantt chart for PhD studies lies in its ability to help one plan ahead. Using the Gantt chart above as an example, the user can plan as follows:

  • At the beginning of every month, look at what is required of you. For instance, the student above needs to complete module one of the coursework and at the same time start working on proposal writing.

The student can plan for module one in advance by going through the course structure and expected readings, and reading in advance before the start of the module so that he is able to follow and understand what is being taught. If there are pre- and post-module exams, the student can also prepare for them in advance.

Preliminary tasks for proposal writing can include: discussing your proposed topic with your supervisor, and searching for and quick review of literature to identify the gap that your topic will be addressing. All these can be done in the first month before the actual proposal writing starts.

  • The Gantt chart can help you identify the skills that are required for the successful completion of your dissertation. For instance, the student above is expected to write a Business Management case study by June of year 2.

If the student does not have case study writing skills, he can start looking for courses that teach case study writing and complete them way before the deadline for the case study. Same case for skills such as preparing and writing a journal paper, writing a conference paper, data analysis using softwares such as Stata, SPSS, NVivo etc.

  • The Gantt chart can help you plan for academic-related events such as conferences.

In the example provided above, the student is expected to attend two scientific conferences (in November of year 2 and March of year 3) and make presentations.

The student can start looking for conferences related to his field that are held during the proposed times and mark the key dates and requirements of the conferences (for instance, abstract submission deadlines, abstract submission guidelines, registration deadlines etc).

  • The Gantt chart can help you create monthly and weekly plans for longer tasks such as proposal writing.

In the above sample Gantt chart, proposal writing and defense spans a period of 15 months. By March of the second year, the student is expected to defend his proposal. This may seem like such a long period of time but in reality it is not. This is because it is not the only task that the student will undertake during this period. As a result, it is easier to focus on the tasks at hand and forget about the tasks that seem to have adequate time.

Proposal writing is a daunting task and requires constant reading and updating. To ensure that the student submits his proposal in time, he can create monthly and weekly plans for the task. An example of monthly planning for the proposal writing is provided in the table below:

The monthly plan is based on assumptions, for instance, that the supervisor will review the document within the scheduled timeframe. This may or may not hold, depending on the supervisor.

It is therefore important to allow ample time for such factors that are out of your own control in order to ensure that the task is completed by the deadline.

The monthly plans can further be broken down into weekly (and even daily) plans, for instance:

  • Number of papers to read per week (day).
  • Number of words to write per week (day).
  • How many citations and bibliographies to insert (update) every week (day).
  • Number of additional articles to search and add to your library each week etc.

Each of these tasks contributes to the overall proposal writing and make the task completion easier and faster than waiting for the last few months to do it all at once.

A PhD is a medium- to long-term project depending on how long it takes to finish. It therefore requires effective and careful planning from the start of the program to ensure that each deliverable is completed within the stipulated time. The Gantt chart is an easy-to-create, and easy-to-use planning tool that can be used by all PhD students. Not only does it save the student time but it also gives him peace of mind knowing the progress of each and every task required.

Grace Njeri-Otieno

Grace Njeri-Otieno is a Kenyan, a wife, a mom, and currently a PhD student, among many other balls she juggles. She holds a Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Economics and has more than 7 years' experience with an INGO. She was inspired to start this site so as to share the lessons learned throughout her PhD journey with other PhD students. Her vision for this site is "to become a go-to resource center for PhD students in all their spheres of learning."

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A PhD timeline for finishing quickly [Free Gantt Download]

Navigating the labyrinthine journey of a PhD program is no small feat.

From the day you step into your graduate program as a bright-eyed doctoral student, you’re immediately thrust into a complex weave of coursework, research, and milestones.

By the second year, you’ve transitioned from coursework to research, laying the groundwork for your dissertation—a pivotal component in your scholarly endeavour. 

Come the third year, you face the critical oral examination, a hurdle that could make or break years of hard work.

But how does one streamline this multifaceted journey? The answer lies in a well-planned PhD timeline.

This blog serves as an invaluable guide for any PhD student looking to complete their doctoral studies efficiently, walking you through each milestone from coursework to graduation.

How to Begin with the PhD Timeline Planning?

Planning your PhD timeline is an essential first step in your PhD program.

Success in any PhD program depends, to a large extent, on effective time management and keeping track of progress through a thoughtfully crafted PhD timeline. 

Start with outlining all your major requirements:

  • coursework,
  • dissertation,
  • and the expected time needed for each task.

I also highly recommend factoring in failure time – give yourself a little bit of wiggle room for when things, invariably – go wrong. 

It’s crucial to remain realistic about the time you can commit daily or weekly while keeping long-term goals in mind.

Regular check-ins on your PhD timeline and supervisor will help you stay on track and allow you to adapt if necessary.

Adjustments may be needed as you progress through your PhD program, but having a timeline as a guide can make the journey less daunting and more achievable. 

Elements to include in a 3-year PhD timeline

The initial stage in this timeline typically involves coursework, often lasting one year, where the student engrosses themselves in advanced study in their chosen field.

Once the coursework is done (USA PhDs), they focus on proposing, conducting, and presenting their initial research.

By the end of the second year, most students should have a clear direction for their dissertation, a core component of the PhD process.

In this third and final year of the PhD timeline, the student focuses primarily on completing their dissertation, which involves collecting data, analyzing results, and organizing their research into a substantial, original, and cohesive document that contributes to contemporary knowledge in their field.

Regular reviews and modifications of the PhD timeline may also be necessary to accommodate various unpredictable circumstances, thus making this timeline both a guide and a flexible workplan.

It is a significant tool in successfully navigating the maze of becoming a PhD holder. 

Create Your PhD Timeline for a 3 year completion

Creating a timeline for a 3-year PhD program requires careful planning, as you’ll have multiple milestones and tasks to complete.

This timeline may vary depending on your specific field, institution, or country, but here is a general outline you can use as a starting point:

Free Gantt chart excel template

Here is a free template you can modify for your own research:

Example Gantt chart for a USA PhD

Here are some common steps involved in completing a PhD, which I’ll use to create the Gantt chart:

PhD timeline USA PhD Gantt Chart

  • Orientation and Coursework (Semester 1) : Familiarization with the university, department, and coursework.
  • Coursework (Semester 2) : Continued coursework and possible teaching/research assistantships.
  • Select Advisor and Research Topic : Usually done towards the end of the first year or the beginning of the second year.
  • Preliminary Research : Initial research and literature review.
  • Complete Coursework (Semester 3) : Wrap up any remaining required courses.
  • Research Proposal : Develop a full research proposal including methodology.
  • Qualifying Exams : Exams to transition from a Ph.D. student to a Ph.D. candidate.
  • Begin Research : Start of actual research based on the approved proposal.
  • Conduct Research : Data collection, experiments, and analysis.
  • Intermediate Review : A review to assess the progress of the research.
  • Write Papers : Start writing papers and possibly publishing in journals.
  • Finalize Research : Final experiments and data analysis.
  • Write Dissertation : Writing the actual Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Dissertation Defense : Defending the dissertation before the committee.
  • Graduation : Completing all requirements and graduating.

Example Gantt chart for a UK, European and Australian PhD

For Ph.D. programs outside the United States, especially in Europe and some other parts of the world, students often go straight into research without the need for coursework. Here are some common steps for such programs:

PhD timeline UK PhD Gantt Chart

  • Orientation : Familiarization with the university and department.
  • Select Advisor and Research Topic : Usually done at the beginning of the program.

Wrapping up

The journey to earning a PhD is complex and demanding, filled with academic milestones from coursework to research to dissertation writing.

The key to a smooth and efficient doctoral journey lies in well-planned time management—a structured PhD timeline.

This blog serves as an invaluable guide, offering detailed tips for planning out each academic year in both U.S. and international PhD programs. It emphasizes the importance of starting with an outline of major requirements and factoring in “failure time” for unforeseen challenges.

For those looking to navigate their PhD journey in three years or beyond, having a flexible but comprehensive timeline can be the compass that guides them successfully through the academic labyrinth.

Whether you’re just starting out or already deep into your research, the principles and strategies outlined here can help streamline your path to that coveted doctoral hood.

gantt chart for phd dissertation

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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gantt chart for phd dissertation

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Planning the timeline and progress of your doctoral dissertation (or Masters/undergraduate thesis)

One of my PhD students lamented this week with me that she had a lot to juggle (taking children to and from schools and to and from activities, etc.) and that she needed a strategy to make her research move forward. I had been planning to write this blog post for a while, since this is the one question I get asked the most by doctoral students (“ how do I plan my unstructured time over the summer ” being the other one).

Do you have one like this but for dissertations? From how to pick your topic to how to plan your chapters or something similar? 🙂 — Mariana Miguélez (@Scherezadda) March 27, 2018

I had to rush to get this blog post done because my student is 2 years away from the deadline her university has imposed for her thesis defence, which is why I sat down with her last night to show her how I do things. I have two other PhD students at exactly the same stage (2 years to defense) so I figured I might as well finish this blog post.

While I’ve suggested that people read one (or more) of the books that I’ve digested myself (check my Writing a Doctoral Dissertation page), one of the main things I teach my students is how to apply backcasting techniques to develop a project plan . I was trained as a project manager, and I worked in that capacity for a number of years, so I understand exactly the kind of work that needs to be done to develop good project plans.

There are a few resources for students, which I mentioned on Twitter earlier today (October 5th, 2018), many of which are listed in the thread that will appear if you click anywhere on the tweet shown below. Thanks to everyone who responded to my query, though I think many of them were professors describing their own process, which is not the same as having a doctoral dissertation (ONE GOAL) to finish in X number of years. My students are doing theirs in the 3 papers’ model, which is a bit closer to the day-to-day life of a professor, but still, the trajectory is quite different. Anyhow, here are some recommendations (click on the tweet to expand the entire thread).

Everyone: one of my PhD students today asked me how to plan her day/week/month/time table. Can you tweet me your process before I tweet/thread mine? Thanks! (I'm off to dinner because I've already written 460 words). — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 3, 2018

The core planning strategy I would thus recommend doctoral, masters and undergraduate students is to engage in a combination of Gantt Chart Design and project backcasting techniques .

The Gantt chart is a technique I learned in graduate school when I took project management courses. This is a hypothetical Gantt chart for my doctoral student, covering about 15 months.


What I suggested to her was to use backcasting techniques to plan backwards from her goal (PhD thesis defense) to intermediate goals. This post explains how I backcast a project https://t.co/wAmyejeoa0 since her dissertation is a 3-papers one, I suggested she uses that model. — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

For Gantt Chart templates, you can see Dr. Emma Sheppard’s here.

Project planning for research students https://t.co/ku7shfB5uL excellent template by @DrESheppard which may be of interest to students from undergrad, Masters and PhD levels. pic.twitter.com/ujQVlYocH7 — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) September 3, 2018

Here is another resource that you can use to create Gantt Charts.

To do Gantt charts you can use Excel or Microsoft Project (which is how I learned to do them), or Visio (which has been bought by the evil company and is now Microsoft Visio). I liked this detailed approach that uses connectors between milestones and tasks https://t.co/xVjNmM1q7c — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

Hugh Kearns and Maria Gardiner have lots of resources on their site, and have published books on this as well.

I just realised @ithinkwell and @ithinkwellHugh have excellent FREE templates on their website https://t.co/Q859jNiM6Q for PhD students to plan their trajectories, etc. #PhDChat (thanks, Maria and Hugh!) — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

Dr. Patrick Dunleavy’s book “ Authoring a PhD ” is incredible and really does help students who are planning their PhD process. I recommend it to my own doctoral students.

And of course I would be remiss if I forgot to recommend Dr. Ellie Mackin Roberts (my coauthor for a forthcoming book on research planning) and her website. Ellie has A TON of downloadable printables for you to plan your own research. She is fantastic.

Both for doctoral students AND for post-PhD folks, my coauthor Dr. @EllieMackin has an entire website for research planning https://t.co/unXMqmaf2Z she offers FREE downloadable printable templates that you can use to plan your own research. — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

In the end, the process I recommended to my students and that I do myself is – set a target defense date and then work backwards and plan tasks, activities, and intermediate goals. For example, I have asked my students to plan submission dates for their 3 papers (to be sent to journals) and then schedule fieldwork and data analysis accordingly. This process has worked well, and I hope my description of the process will help my students and others!

In a subsequent blog post I’ll describe how to go from long-term goals (submit paper X by Y date) to daily tasks. That blog post will definitely apply to doctoral students and post-PhD folks.

If you liked this blog post, you may also be interested in my Resources for Graduate Students page, and on my reading notes of books I’ve read on how to do a doctoral degree.

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By Raul Pacheco-Vega – October 6, 2018

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Library Guides

Dissertations 1: getting started: planning.

  • Starting Your Dissertation
  • Choosing A Topic and Researching
  • Devising An Approach/Method
  • Thinking Of A Title
  • Writing A Proposal

Planning Your Time

The dissertation is a large project, so it needs careful planning. To organise your time, you can try the following:  

Break down the dissertation into smaller stages to complete (e.g., literature search, read materials, data collection, write literature review section…). 

Create a schedule. Working backwards from your deadline, decide when you will complete each stage. 

Set aside time to regularly work on the dissertation. 

Consider what times of day you are most alert and what makes a suitable space to study. 

Identify a specific task to work on. 

If overwhelmed, try to identify one task that needs doing rather than focusing on the larger project. 

Leave time to redraft, proof-read, format, and complete the reference list. 

Gantt Charts

As the dissertation project involves certain processes to take place simultaneously, rather than in a sequence, you can use a Gantt chart to organise your time.  

A Gantt chart is a bar chart which shows the schedule for a project. The project is broken down into key tasks/elements to be completed. A start and finish date for each task/element of the project is given. Some tasks are scheduled at the same time or may overlap. Others will start when a task has been completed. 

To produce a Gantt chart, you can use Word, Excel (see example in the attachment) or an online planner.

  • Tom's Planner . There's  an example  for you to use to complete your plan. 
  • Excel:  example of Gantt Chart in Excel . This is an example of a Gantt chart which can be used to generate a plan of work (timeline) for your dissertation. You can download and edit it as you please. The chart has been created by the University of Leicester. 

Gantt chart using Excel

Research Data Management

This video helps you to understand the importance of research data management and how you can plan, organise, store, preserve, and share your data.

  • Link to video on Research Data Management
  • Feedback Form Please give us feedback on our videos!
  • << Previous: Thinking Of A Title
  • Next: Writing A Proposal >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 1, 2023 2:36 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.westminster.ac.uk/starting-your-dissertation



5 Types of GANTT Charts for PhD

“GANTT chart is so crucial for PhDs. It helps them to divide, manage and arrange their PhD goals. Universities seek one from every student. So what are those 5 types of PhD GANTT charts that every PhDs need? Let’s find out.”  

A doctorate is the highest academic honor that every graduate is willing to achieve. Unfortunately, only some can manage to go for it. The journey of PhD is full of hurdles and hassles that students are often unaware about.    

It’s more an honor and thus difficult to achieve too but not impossible, certainly. Scholars often get stuck, fail and eventually drop their PhD, because of the lack of a single basic thing– planning. Every PhD is similar– Everyone has to do research, that’s it. 

However, it’s so true that doing research in some fields– like life science and biology or any other STEM subject – is quite hard and lengthy. But the sheer process is the same. Students fail because they fail to structurize their work. 

So how can we greatly succeed in our PhD endeavor? The answer is simple— by planning your work– not in mind, on paper actually in your daily life, for a year and the entire tenure of PhD. That looks nearly impossible, right?  

Planning your entire PhD, research work and writing assignments aren’t that difficult. Using a GANTT chart or preparing your own, you can manage all the stuff easily. You can design your goals and track them for your entire PhD. 

In this article, I’m gonna explain 5 types of PhD GANTT charts that every PhD student should know about.  

Stay tuned. 

5 Types of GANTT chart for PhD

36 months gantt chart for phd , phd gantt chart for research , gantt chart for thesis writing , gantt chart for daily schedule, progressive research chart.

Every scholar must have a 36-months (3-year) GANTT chart for their PhD. And let me tell you that universities also ask for one. So you must have it. Usually, the ideal PhD duration is 3 years, though students can ask for an extension. 

Along with their research project, universities ask to submit a fully planned GANTT chart for 3 years. In this planner, you have to enlist all your goals, research work, objectives and progress you would make each month. 

You have to decide and draw how much time you would give to each assignment/task. And accordingly, you have to work. Major goals in this chart would be

  • Course work
  • Pre-research work
  • Research work
  • Post-research work 
  • Thesis writing 
  • Research paper writing 
  • Thesis submission. 

Each goal has an individual task too— For instance, during the pre-research phase one has to prepare their PhD research title, synopsis, and research project and send them for approval. I have enlisted all goals, individual tasks and time required to achieve each in this GANTT template. Download it. 

Preparing this chart will help you to monitor, assist and track your PhD progress in a real-time manner. Keep in note that this is a kind of goal-achiever chart, mark each goal as “complete” you achieve.  

Image of 36 Months GANTT chart for PhD.

Research has been such a crucial parameter in PhD. Every research starts with sample collection and ends with data collection. The stepwise process of PhD research included many other important steps. 

One trait of research is ‘uncertainty’. Research is a highly unpredictable process, no one, literally– no one can predict the results and define the time frame. However, you have to make a time frame for your research. 

Put simply, you have to allot time to every research goal, which certainly increases the probability of maximizing your chances of success. So what should be the process here? 

Divide your research process into steps (our previous article will help with this). Understand the importance of each research goal and accordingly allot time. For example, 6 months for sample collection or 3 months for validation, etc. 

Then go to the GANTT chart planner and prepare a chart for a research goal against the time required. You can also add other elements like real-time monitoring, color code and progress graph. That’s totally up to you. 

Here I have one for you. Please visit it and download it. 

GANTT chart image for the research.

This PhD research planner template would increase your chances of success. 

Yet another crucial goal of any PhD is thesis writing, and it should progress simultaneously with your research. Meaning, you should have to write in your free time during/while you do lab research.   

PhD thesis is a mountainous task of writing 200 pages– structured and organized assignment. Common thesis parts are– the introduction, review of literature, methodology, results and discussion, interpretation and references. 

Besides many other things are also included in the thesis, to know more read this article— How to Write a PhD thesis?

As we aforesaid, research is an uncertain process but not writing. You can manage and control your PhD writing assignments by only preparing a single GANTT chart. Note that writing for PhD takes a huge proportion of your time. 

So planning for writing a thesis is crucial too. Prepare a chart for thesis writing goals against the time required– For instance, 2 months for introduction, 7 months for review of the literature and so on. 

 Give each writing goal a different color and monitor the progress. Check out this GANTT chart for more detail. 

GANTT chart image for thesis.

What is the ultimate goal of any research scholar? To achieve the PhD degree, right? No. it’s to achieve the PhD degree in a given time. I.e. in three years. Hence, to complete such a huge task in a given time frame you have to manage things at a micro-level. 

Zero-date planning and micro-management help you to get success in a quick time. Now, you may wonder how it’s possible. The simple answer is by planning every day, 365 days of the year 1,095 days of the entire tenure. 

My ultimate advice to every PhD student who wishes to succeed in their research is to prepare and manage your daily schedule. The importance of a daily schedule and how to manage it is explained in our previous article, here it is— What should be a daily routine for PhD Students? Our proven checklist .

Plan your day on an excel sheet in the form of a GANTT chart. Try hard to follow it every day and you would see magical results in the long run. Daily planning (using this simple GANTT chart) helps every one of our PhD research students. 

Prepare your daily schedule– activities you are doing, want to do and you have to do, give it a specific time and stamp it in the form of a chart. The fun part is you can use different colors to track your activities. 

For example, Read if fails to achieve a goal or green for achieved goals. Take a quick look at one of my student’s GANTT daily charts.  


The image of the GANTT chart for the daily schedule.

Every PhD should have a progressive research chart there on their PhD. You have to lead it and apply to monitor how much progress you have done in your semester or in a year. It’s progressive means you have to update your goals, otherwise, it will consider it as “failed”  and mark it as unachieved. 

I plan to prepare one progressive and real-time chart, when you set a start and end date, it starts the tik-tik toward a deadline. I will update it later in this article. 

Wrapping up

After reading all these, you wonder if it’s difficult to prepare all this stuff and manage. Let me tell you that you do not need to waste your time on such things. Just focus on your research. We already have “ready-to-use templates” in a single place. 

Please visit this page to access a single or all GANTT chart. You can use it. I hope you like this article. Please share it and don’t forget to check out our templates. 

Dr Tushar Chauhan

Dr. Tushar Chauhan is a Scientist, Blogger and Scientific-writer. He has completed PhD in Genetics. Dr. Chauhan is a PhD coach and tutor.

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How to Create a Research Timeline for Your Thesis

How to Create a Research Timeline for Your Thesis

  • 5-minute read
  • 21st May 2023

Beginning a dissertation can feel both thrilling and overwhelming. One of the best things you can do to prepare for the exciting journey of doing a dissertation is to design a comprehensive timeline as your guide. Here we will take you step by step through creating your thesis timeline and provide some example templates, so you’ll be well-prepared to begin your dissertation work.

Reasons for Creating a Timeline

There are many benefits to crafting a detailed dissertation timeline. In addition to helping with time management and meeting crucial deadlines, your timeline will also help you stay motivated by reviewing the tasks you have completed as you progress. A thorough timeline will be valuable during your dissertation proposal and useful if you are applying for grants or other additional funding.

Ste0ps for Creating a Timeline for Your Thesis:

  • Research and record all requirements and deadlines.

Before you write out your timeline, ensure you know all of your program’s requirements and deadlines. Academic institutions often require you to complete your dissertation within a specified timeframe.

There are likely several recommended or mandatory deadlines for approval of certain items by your adviser (and possibly the rest of your committee members). Gather all these dates beforehand so you can allot an appropriate amount of time to meet your deadlines.

It will be beneficial to meet with your adviser to understand when you are expected to complete the major phases of your dissertation work and to confirm that there aren’t any other requirements or deadlines that you may not be aware of.

  • List all of your tasks and bundle them into phases.

Now that you’ve assembled your dates, working backward from your deadlines is a good rule of thumb. List all of the required tasks that must be completed to meet each milestone, from coming up with your research questions to writing each chapter of your dissertation .

Even though your list will be unique to your research project, it can help to refer to a thesis checklist . It’s also helpful to assemble tasks into different phases (e.g., dissertation proposal, research recruitment). Grouping tasks into phases gives anyone looking at your timeline a quick overview of your research plan.

  • Organize your tasks into a schedule and assign task deadlines.

Now it’s time to build your timeline. There are many different free templates available online, from straightforward lists of deliverables to colorful options with room for notes and customization.

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A popular organizational approach for thesis timelines is a Gantt chart , which is a type of bar chart often used in project management in which the length of the bar corresponds to the time the task will take. The best choice for you will depend on the specifics of your research study and personal preferences. Whichever option you select, make sure you can easily edit and revise it as need be.

Sanity-Saving Tips:

●  Pay attention to your work style. Some people are more productive when writing in short bursts, while others write better after taking time to get into the zone. Some people choose to start writing parts of their thesis while still conducting research, while others prefer to focus on one phase at a time. Set yourself up for success by reflecting on what type of schedule will help you create the best quality work.

●  Schedule breaks. Almost everyone will work better after a well-deserved break. Make sure to schedule regular breaks into your timeline, as well as provide enough time to sleep, eat well, and do anything else you need to do to safeguard your well-being. 

●  Always have a plan B. Your dissertation is an extensive endeavor with many moving parts. It’s impossible to anticipate and plan for every conceivable event, but it’s helpful to expect something may occur that will cause a deviation from your original timeline. Perhaps study recruitment takes longer than you expected, or one of your committee members gets sick and you have to postpone your dissertation proposal. After you draft your timeline, check that it is not so strict that any disruption will cause a total derailment of your plan. Aim to strike a balance between goals that will inspire you to progress steadfastly and have some leeway in your timeline for the inevitable curveball that life will throw at you somewhere along the way.

Following these three steps will help you draft a timeline to steer the course of your dissertation work: research and record all requirements and deadlines; work backward from your dissertation deadline and assemble your task lists; and organize your tasks into a timeline.

Don’t forget to include ample time for editing and proofreading your dissertation . And if you are interested in any help from us, you can try a sample of our services for free . Best of luck in writing your dissertation!

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Planning your PhD research: A 3-year PhD timeline example

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Planning out a PhD trajectory can be overwhelming. Example PhD timelines can make the task easier and inspire. The following PhD timeline example describes the process and milestones of completing a PhD within 3 years.

Elements to include in a 3-year PhD timeline

The example scenario: completing a phd in 3 years, example: planning year 1 of a 3-year phd, example: planning year 2 of a 3-year phd, example: planning year 3 of a 3-year phd, example of a 3 year phd gantt chart timeline, final reflection.

Every successful PhD project begins with a proper plan. Even if there is a high chance that not everything will work out as planned. Having a well-established timeline will keep your work on track.

What to include in a 3-year PhD timeline depends on the unique characteristics of a PhD project, specific university requirements, agreements with the supervisor/s and the PhD student’s career ambitions.

For instance, some PhD students write a monograph while others complete a PhD based on several journal publications. Both monographs and cumulative dissertations have advantages and disadvantages , and not all universities allow both formats. The thesis type influences the PhD timeline.

Furthermore, PhD students ideally engage in several different activities throughout a PhD trajectory, which link to their career objectives. Regardless of whether they want to pursue a career within or outside of academia. PhD students should create an all-round profile to increase their future chances in the labour market. Think, for example, of activities such as organising a seminar, engaging in public outreach or showcasing leadership in a small grant application.

The most common elements included in a 3-year PhD timeline are the following:

  • Data collection (fieldwork, experiments, etc.)
  • Data analysis
  • Writing of different chapters, or a plan for journal publication
  • Conferences
  • Additional activities

The whole process is described in more detail in my post on how to develop an awesome PhD timeline step-by-step .

Many (starting) PhD students look for examples of how to plan a PhD in 3 years. Therefore, let’s look at an example scenario of a fictional PhD student. Let’s call her Maria.

Maria is doing a PhD in Social Sciences at a university where it is customary to write a cumulative dissertation, meaning a PhD thesis based on journal publications. Maria’s university regulations require her to write four articles as part of her PhD. In order to graduate, one article has to be published in an international peer-reviewed journal. The other three have to be submitted.

Furthermore, Maria’s cumulative dissertation needs an introduction and conclusion chapter which frame the four individual journal articles, which form the thesis chapters.

In order to complete her PhD programme, Maria also needs to complete coursework and earn 15 credits, or ECTS in her case.

Maria likes the idea of doing a postdoc after her graduation. However, she is aware that the academic job market is tough and therefore wants to keep her options open. She could, for instance, imagine to work for a community or non-profit organisation. Therefore, she wants to place emphasis on collaborating with a community organisation during her PhD.

You may also like: Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

Most PhD students start their first year with a rough idea, but not a well-worked out plan and timeline. Therefore, they usually begin with working on a more elaborate research proposal in the first months of their PhD. This is also the case for our example PhD student Maria.

  • Months 1-4: Maria works on a detailed research proposal, defines her research methodology and breaks down her thesis into concrete tasks.
  • Month 5 : Maria follows a short intensive course in academic writing to improve her writing skills.
  • Months 5-10: Maria works on her first journal paper, which is based on an extensive literature review of her research topic. At the end of Month 10, she submits the manuscript. At the same time, she follows a course connected to her research topic.
  • Months 11-12: Maria does her data collection.

gantt chart for phd dissertation

Maria completed her first round of data collection according to plan, and starts the second year of her PhD with a lot of material. In her second year, she will focus on turning this data into two journal articles.

  • Months 1-2: Maria works on her data analysis.
  • Months 3-7: Maria works on her second journal paper.
  • Month 7: Maria attends her first conference, and presents the results of her literature-review paper.
  • Month 8: Maria received ‘major revisions’ on her first manuscript submission, and implements the changes in Month 8 before resubmitting her first journal paper for publication.
  • Month 9: Maria follows a course on research valorisation to learn strategies to increase the societal impact of her thesis.
  • Months 9-12: Maria works on her third journal paper. She uses the same data that she collected for the previous paper, which is why she is able to complete the third manuscript a bit faster than the previous one.

gantt chart for phd dissertation

Time flies, and Maria finds herself in the last year of her PhD. There is still a lot of work to be done, but she sticks to the plan and does her best to complete her PhD.

  • Month 1: Maria starts a second round of data collection, this time in collaboration with a community organisation. Together, they develop and host several focus groups with Maria’s target audience.
  • Month 2: Maria starts to analyse the material of the focus group and develops the argumentation for her fourth journal paper.
  • Month 3: Maria presents the results of her second journal paper at an international conference. Furthermore, she helps out her supervisor with a grant application. They apply for funding to run a small project that is thematically connected to her PhD.
  • Months 4-9: Maria writes her fourth and final journal article that is required for her PhD.
  • Month 10: Maria writes her thesis introduction .
  • Month 11: Maria works on her thesis conclusion.
  • Month 12 : Maria works on the final edits and proof-reading of her thesis before submitting it.

gantt chart for phd dissertation

Combining the 3-year planning for our example PhD student Maria, it results in the following PhD timeline:

gantt chart for phd dissertation

Creating these PhD timelines, also called Gantt charts, is easy. You can find instructions and templates here.

Completing a PhD in 3 years is not an easy task. The example of our fictional PhD student Maria shows how packed her timeline is, and how little time there is for things to go wrong.

In fact, in real life, many PhD students spend four years full-time to complete a PhD based on four papers, instead of three. Some extend their studies even longer.

Furthermore, plan in some time for thesis editing, which is a legitimate practice and can bring your writing to the next level. Finding a reputable thesis editor can be challenging, so make sure you make an informed choice.

Finishing a PhD in 3 years is not impossible, but it surely is not easy. So be kind to yourself if things don’t work out entirely as planned, and make use of all the help you can get.

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Gantt Chart for Dissertation – Important Ingredient for Dissertation Success

Published by Ellie Cross at January 26th, 2023 , Revised On October 9, 2023

A dissertation is an important part of academic life. You may have spent a lot of time thinking about it, researching it, and writing it. And because of that, you want to put your best foot forward.

You want to make sure that your dissertation is well-organized, easy to read, and compelling. One way you can do this is by using a Gantt chart for your dissertation.

Gantt Chart for Dissertation 

The Gantt chart is one of the most important and useful tools for dissertation writing or even in project management. It enables the planner to develop a detailed schedule showing all the planned work, activities, milestones, and deliverables. 

The Gantt chart is not just a simple table with dates, but it is a graphical representation of a project plan that can be used to show relationships between tasks. For example, the Gantt chart shows when something has to be done and how long it takes to finish this task. It also shows how long other tasks take before they can start or after they are completed. 

The basic concept behind the Gantt chart is that there must be sufficient time allocated for each task within a given time scale so that there is no interference between different tasks being carried out simultaneously by students. 

With the help of a research Gantt chart , you can create a visual roadmap that shows how your project will be completed. This is especially important when you have many tasks to complete.

When Using a Gantt Chart for a Dissertation?

Gantt charts are really helpful for project management. It is often used in business management, engineering and construction, software development, and other fields where projects must be managed.

Sometimes, it is possible to use these charts even if there are no deadlines set for your tasks. This can be useful if you want to understand how much time different types of activities take and how they affect each other.

We use them because they help us visualize our workload and plan our resources accordingly:

  • They help us see which activities depend on each other so we can better coordinate them.
  • They allow us to see what parts of our project are delayed easily.
  • They show whether or not we have enough resources at our disposal.
  • They help us decide when we should reschedule some activities if necessary.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

How to Create a Gantt Chart

Creating a Gantt chart for a dissertation is simple. First, you need to enter your task names, durations, and start dates into an Excel spreadsheet and then use the built-in tools to insert a Gantt chart. There are the following steps:

  • Start with a blank Gantt chart and customize it according to your needs.
  • Add tasks in the form of boxes that represent activities in your project plan. If more than one person is involved in an activity, add lines between them for each step in the process.
  • Add resources (people or equipment) by clicking on the “Resources” tab at the top of the page, selecting from a drop-down menu, or typing in a name manually if you know it already. You can also search for specific names from here if needed and assign resources to tasks by clicking on them once they’ve been added.
  • Use different colours for each task or phase of your project. This makes it easy to see at a glance whether each phase is on track or behind schedule.

Dissertation Planning Template

You can plan your dissertation with the dissertation planning template. This is not a strict structure. It is just a guide. You can adapt it to suit your needs as long as you clearly understand what you want to achieve before you start writing.

The Dissertation Planning Template has Five Main Sections:

Introduction – and overview of the problem and why it is important.

Research question(s) – clearly defined research questions will be investigated during the project.

Objectives – specific objectives that need to be met to achieve the research goals. These may include several smaller objectives (e.g., data collection methods).

Literature review – an analysis of existing literature related to your topic and any gaps in understanding. This section should also include any relevant theory (e.g., theories from other disciplines) and methodologies used within those disciplines which could be applied to your project (if applicable).

Methodology – an outline of how you will address each research objective in relation to your chosen methodology.

Why Choose a Dissertation Gantt Chart Template?

There are many reasons why you would want to use a Gantt chart for a dissertation template rather than creating one yourself:

They Save Time  

Creating a dissertation Gantt chart takes time, effort, and knowledge using Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint software. Therefore, you may find it easier to use an existing template instead of creating one from scratch if you do not have much experience with these programs.

They Look Professional

Gantt chart templates will make your final presentation look more professional using the best dissertation.

Gantt Charts Help Prevent Problems from Arising.

By using a Gantt chart template, you can spot potential problems before they arise. Such as missing deadlines or conflicting tasks and taking action immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a gantt chart for a dissertation.

A Gantt Chart for a dissertation is a visual timeline that outlines the research tasks, milestones, and deadlines. It helps students plan and manage their dissertation projects efficiently.

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Gantt Chart for a Research Project Proposal: Step-by-step guide


In project management, there are few tools as effective and illuminating as the Gantt chart . This simple yet powerful visual tool is invaluable for anyone overseeing a complex task, including research project proposals. It is particularly beneficial in the early stages of a project, where meticulous planning is required to ensure that all elements of the project are understood, accounted for, and scheduled appropriately. Therefore, whether you're an academic researcher, a project manager in a corporate setting, or even a student planning your thesis, understanding how to create and use a Gantt chart can be a significant asset.

What is a Gantt Chart and what is it used for?

A Gantt chart, named after its creator, Henry Gantt, an American mechanical engineer and management consultant, is a type of bar chart that visually represents a project schedule. It was first developed in the early 20th century and has since become a staple in project management across various fields and industries. Today, it's used by project managers in sectors like construction, software development, research and development, and more.

At its core, a Gantt chart consists of two main components: tasks and time. The tasks related to the project are listed on the vertical axis, while the horizontal axis represents time. Each task is represented by a horizontal bar, the length of which corresponds to the duration of the task.

Make your own Gantt chart in Gleek .

Gantt charts are incredibly useful for planning and scheduling projects, tracking progress, and managing dependencies between tasks. They provide a clear visualization of the project timeline and help to identify potential bottlenecks and overlaps. This makes them an ideal tool for coordinating teams, allocating resources, and keeping stakeholders informed.

The versatility of Gantt charts solves numerous problems faced by project managers. They simplify complex projects by breaking them down into manageable tasks and visualizing their sequence and duration. This can help in avoiding over-scheduling, underestimating deadlines, and mismanaging resources.

Whether you're a seasoned project manager or a student working on a research proposal, mastering the use of Gantt charts can significantly streamline your project planning process and enhance your team's productivity.

Components needed for Research project proposal diagram

Creating an effective research project proposal diagram requires several key components. These elements provide a comprehensive overview of the project, including its timeline, tasks, and significant milestones.

Project Stages: Each stage of your research project should be clearly defined. This can include the literature review, methodology development, data collection and analysis, results compilation, proposal drafting, peer review, and final edits.

Timeline: The timeline provides a visual representation of the project's duration. It should outline the start and end dates of the project, as well as the estimated completion time for each stage.

Tasks: Each task within the project stages should be clearly outlined. This includes what needs to be done, who is responsible for it, and when it should be completed.

Milestones: Milestones mark significant achievements or phases in your project. These can help track progress and ensure that the project is moving forward as planned.

Dependencies: Dependencies show the relationship between different tasks. It's crucial to highlight how the delay in one task can impact others.

Status: The status of each task and stage helps monitor the project's progress. It can indicate whether a stage is completed, in progress, or yet to start.

Notes/Comments: Any additional information, observations, or feedback about the project can be included here. This could be insights gained during the research, changes made to the project plan, or issues that have arisen.

By incorporating these components into your diagram, you can create a well-structured, transparent, and efficient project proposal.

Creating a Research project proposal Gantt chart using the Gleek App

Step 1: launching gleek and selecting 'new diagram'.

First, launch Gleek.io in your web browser. Once you're in, select 'New Diagram' from the options available. In the diagram type, choose 'Gantt'.


Step 2: Defining Research Goals

The research project initiates with an active phase dedicated to defining research goals, which commenced on December 15, 2023, lasting for a week. This phase involves brainstorming, outlining objectives, and establishing the research's overarching scope.


Step 3: Literature Review Phase

Transitioning to the next stage, we have the completed 'Literature Review' phase spanning two weeks. This phase entails an in-depth analysis, sourcing relevant publications, synthesizing existing knowledge, and aligning it with the predefined research goals.


Step 4: Methodology Design Phase

Progressing to the 'Methodology Design' phase, currently active for three weeks, this stage intricately structures the research approach. It involves designing methodologies, frameworks, and strategies based on insights gleaned from the literature review, ensuring a robust research plan.


Step 5: Data Collection Phase

Following the planning stages is the critical 'Data Collection' phase, slated for four weeks. This phase involves meticulously gathering and assembling primary data, employing various methodologies such as surveys, experiments, or interviews, aligning with the established research framework.


Step 6: Data Analysis Phase

Post-data collection, the active 'Data Analysis' phase spans three weeks. This phase engages in thorough data examination, statistical analysis, and deriving insights from the accumulated information. It involves identifying patterns, correlations, or trends relevant to the research objectives.


Step 7: Results Compilation Phase

Subsequently, the 'Results Compilation' phase consolidates and organizes the analyzed data over two weeks, presenting it in a coherent format. This phase involves preparing comprehensive reports, graphs, or summaries, showcasing the findings derived from the data analysis stage.


Step 8: Drafting Proposal Phase

Advancing further, the active 'Drafting Proposal' phase, extending over three weeks, involves crafting the research proposal. It includes outlining the research problem, detailing methodologies, and structuring a cohesive proposal aligned with the project's objectives.


Step 9: Peer Review Phase

Upon completion of the draft, the two-week 'Peer Review' phase gathers insights and constructive feedback from peers or subject experts. It involves peer evaluations, discussions, and recommendations aimed at refining and enhancing the proposal's quality.


Step 10: Final Edits

Finally, the one-week active 'Final Edits' phase focuses on meticulous revisions, addressing feedback, and ensuring the proposal's completeness, accuracy, and compliance with set standards. This stage includes proofreading, formatting, and polishing the final document.


Step 11: Proposal Submission Milestone

The 'Proposal Submission' milestone, set for May 15, 2024, marks the conclusive stage, signifying the submission of the crafted and refined research proposal for evaluation and potential implementation.


Hurray, You Did It!

And there you have it! Your Research Project Proposal Gantt Chart is now complete.


This comprehensive diagram, with its clearly defined stages, tasks, timeline, dependencies, resources, and status, provides a holistic view of your research project. It not only serves as a visual representation of the entire project but also acts as a roadmap guiding you from the initial brainstorming phase to the final proposal submission. Utilizing such a diagram can greatly enhance your project planning and execution, ensuring all aspects are considered, dependencies are taken into account, and milestones are tracked. It fosters better coordination, communication, and understanding among team members, leading to more efficient and effective project management.

About Gleek.io

Gleek.io is a powerful tool that can further enrich your project planning needs. It's an intuitive app designed to help you visualize complex ideas, processes, and systems through various types of diagrams. Whether you need to create a flowchart, UML diagram, or even a Gantt chart like the one we've just built, Gleek.io makes the process straightforward and hassle-free.

With its keyboard-centric approach, Gleek.io allows you to create diagrams faster than traditional drag-and-drop tools. You can quickly jot down your ideas and see them evolve into structured diagrams in real-time, making it an ideal tool for brainstorming sessions, project planning, and presentations.

In conclusion, Gleek.io is more than just a diagramming tool. It's a platform that enables you to visualize your thoughts, communicate complex ideas simply, and manage your projects more effectively. Give it a try for your next project and experience the difference it can make!

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Research projects & dissertations

Managing a research project.

The following guide has been created for you by the  Student Learning Advisory Service . For more detailed guidance and to speak to one of our advisers, please book an  appointment  or join one of our  workshops . Alternatively, have a look at our  SkillBuilder  skills videos.   

The stages of a research project

The basic stages involved in undertaking a university research project are as follows:

1. Choose your research area

Usually, it is best choose an area that you have already studied or are studying within your academic field. Not only will this help you identify potential research, but you can be confident in finding a suitable supervisor and reliable sources within the university. Choosing an area that you also find particularly interesting will help sustain your engagement. 

2. Conduct preliminary research (scope out the topic)

Survey current research surrounding your chosen subject area. Reflect on it carefully, and take advice from academic staff to establish what has already been written on your chosen subject area. This will enable you to identify what you can do that has not been done before.

3. Decide your research topic

Clearly define and delineate your research topic. The more clearly you do so the more confidence and clarity you will have in what you are trying to achieve, and the easier it will be for you to monitor your progress. If you’re uncertain what you’re trying to achieve, how will you know whether you’re on course or not?

At this stage you might also formulate a provisional research question – that is, the question your research will answer:

Research topic: Investigate ‘A’ and ‘B’ to see if/how they interrelate.

Research Question: ‘To what extent is A caused by B?’

4. Decide your methodology

As you are deciding your topic, you should be investigating and considering your research methodology – how you will conduct your research. Is it going to be experimental, observational, theoretical, textual, qualitative, quantitative? Will it involve human subjects? Are there ethical considerations – specific protocols, procedures or approaches to follow? Think about the research method you have chosen; what advantages does it give? What insights might it yield? What difficulties might it pose? How has it been used before in your field of study?

5. Submit/present your research proposal for approval

Most schools have a formal deadline for receiving research proposals/dissertation plans, and a formal approval process. In some cases this is an assessment stage – so make sure you know exactly what you need to submit, and when, in order to progress with your project. Your school will have given you guidance about what your proposal should include. Generally, the common elements are:

  • Your main research question/problem/title
  • Questions or concerns that will help you solve your main research problem
  • A brief literature review or list of key texts/sources
  • An overview of your methodology
  • A timeline showing your main research project tasks

6. Finalise your topic and methodology

You may need to revise your research plan in the light of feedback you receive during the approval process. Many students are overambitious in their aims; academic staff have a much clearer idea of what is achievable and necessary in terms of a successful research project, so be guided by their advice. You may also need to modify your methodology in the light of your initial research, or a pilot study. It may be necessary, for example, to alter a questionnaire that isn’t generating the data you were expecting.

7. Conduct your research (fieldwork)

This might take place in a laboratory, in a library or archive, at a computer, on the streets or in a field. Whatever the location, this is the practical activity of collecting raw information or data. Be aware that what you think you are going to find out, and what you actually do find out, can often be very different, so be prepared to alter your research aims/question accordingly.

8. Analysis/data processing

Whatever your research topic, you will need to analyse and process the information you have collected in order to make sense of it. This might involve statistical analysis, generating graphs, charts or tables, organising information into categories, or critical appraisal of texts or events. As well as finding out something, you need to understand what it means within your academic field.

9. Writing up

This is the process of producing the written document – your dissertation or thesis – upon which your research project will be assessed. Allow enough time to improve and revise your work through a series of drafts, and to edit and proof-read the final document – including ensuring that any graphs/images referred to in the text are properly numbered and labelled, and that your referencing is error-free – before formatting and binding the finished document. Do not underestimate how long the writing up process will take.

10. Submission

All academic research projects are time constrained, so you will have a specific deadline for submitting your work. With longer research projects, you will also have intermediate deadlines (e.g. progress/upgrade boards). Consequently, you will need to time-manage each stage of your work to ensure that you complete the overall project on time.

Project managing your research

Any complex project involving multiple activities and deadlines requires some form of management. Using simple project management techniques will allow you to keep control of your research project – to schedule your work more effectively, to identify how much time you have to spend on each stage, to create intermediate milestones that will tell you if you’re on schedule or not (and allow you to respond accordingly) and give you a clear overview of your progress.

One simple but highly effective technique is to produce a Gantt chart. This provides you with a clear visual plan of your research project, based on scheduling the different stages involved against a time base. The example below (Figure 1) is based on the ten basic research project stages, scheduled against two (hypothetical) formal deadlines – submission of the proposal in week 10 and submission of the finished dissertation in week 24:  

Figure 1: Simple research project Gantt chart    

This example is typical of an undergraduate or taught Masters’ dissertation. Longer research projects (PhD, Masters by research, etc.) will generally have more activities spread over a longer timeframe (See below, Figure 2, for an example of a project plan for a humanities PhD).  

Figure 2: Humanities PhD example Gantt chart

In project management, the scheduling of individual activities is always worked backwards from the deadline. Thus, the amount of time that you have to complete each task is a function of the overall project schedule. As shown above, some tasks have to be carried out consecutively (i.e., you can’t start the next task until you’ve completed the previous one), but other tasks can be carried out at the same time, or started before the previous task has been completed, (e.g. you might be able to start analysing your data whilst you’re still collecting it). What you also need to bear in mind with undergraduate dissertations is that your research project constitutes only one part (25%) of your academic activities, and that you’ll be working on other assignments, reading, exam revision, etc, at the same time. As such, it is important that you make full use of the available time period and balance your priorities accordingly.

Tip: With longer-term projects such as these, it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated. Try to dedicate some time to your project every day/week (depending on your other academic commitments) and break your tasks down into smaller chunks so that they are more manageable. The Pomodoro technique can also be helpful for generating small bursts of concentration. If you are struggling, maybe read an article on your topic to remind yourself of your interest in the area, or talk to fellow students or your supervisor(s).    

Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Subcategory
  • Get started in seconds

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Embarking on your dissertation journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. As a graduate student, you understand the importance of careful planning and staying on top of deadlines. That's where ClickUp's Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template comes to the rescue!

With ClickUp's Gantt chart template, you can:

  • Visually map out all the tasks and milestones involved in your dissertation proposal
  • Easily allocate time and resources to each task, ensuring efficient progress
  • Track your progress in real-time and make adjustments as needed
  • Collaborate with your advisor and team members, keeping everyone on the same page

Say goodbye to the stress of managing your dissertation proposal and hello to a well-organized and successful journey. Get started with ClickUp's Gantt chart template today!

Benefits of Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Planning and organizing your dissertation proposal has never been easier with the Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template. Here are some of the benefits you'll experience:

  • Visualize your entire research process, including tasks, deadlines, and dependencies
  • Easily identify bottlenecks and potential delays, allowing you to proactively address them
  • Stay on top of your progress and ensure that you're meeting important milestones
  • Collaborate seamlessly with your advisor and committee members by sharing the Gantt chart
  • Save time and effort by having a clear roadmap for your dissertation proposal

Main Elements of Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template

ClickUp's Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart template provides a comprehensive solution for managing your research project from start to finish.

Here are the key elements of this template:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of your dissertation proposal with status options like Complete, In Progress, and To Do.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields such as Project Phase, Project Progress, and Attachment to capture specific details about your research and easily update project information.
  • Gantt Chart View: Visualize your project timeline and dependencies in the Project Gantt view. Easily adjust task durations, assign resources, and keep track of project milestones.
  • Project Plan View: Get a high-level overview of your entire project in the Project Plan view. Organize tasks by phases, set due dates, and monitor progress.
  • Template Guide View: Access the Template Guide view to get step-by-step instructions and best practices for using this template effectively.

With ClickUp's Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart template, you can streamline your research process and stay on track for successful completion.

How to Use Gantt Chart for Dissertation Proposal

Creating a {{Title}} can be a breeze with these {{Steps_Random #}} steps:

1. Determine your objectives

Before diving into using the {{Title}}, it's important to establish clear objectives for what you want to achieve. Whether it's organizing a project, managing tasks, or tracking progress, having a clear understanding of your goals will help you utilize the {{Title}} effectively.

Use {{Feature_1}} in ClickUp to write down and organize your objectives.

2. Set up the {{Title}} template

Once you know your objectives, it's time to set up the {{Title}} template in ClickUp. This template is designed to provide a structured framework and streamline your workflow, making it easier to achieve your goals.

Use {{Feature_2}} in ClickUp to create a customized {{Title}} template.

3. Customize the template to fit your needs

Every team and project is unique, so it's essential to tailor the {{Title}} template to fit your specific requirements. Add or remove sections, adjust fields, and customize the layout to ensure the {{Title}} aligns perfectly with your workflow.

Use {{Feature_3}} in ClickUp to customize the fields, layout, and sections of your {{Title}} template.

4. Start using the {{Title}}

Now that your {{Title}} template is ready, it's time to start utilizing it. Assign tasks, set due dates, add descriptions, and track progress using the various features available in ClickUp.

Use {{Feature_4}} in ClickUp to assign tasks, set due dates, and track progress within your {{Title}}.

5. Collaborate and communicate effectively

Effective collaboration is key to successfully using the {{Title}}. Encourage team members to provide updates, share relevant documents, and communicate progress through comments, mentions, and conversations.

Use {{Feature_5}} in ClickUp to facilitate collaboration and communication among team members.

6. Monitor and optimize your workflow

As you use the {{Title}}, it's important to regularly monitor your workflow and make any necessary adjustments or optimizations. Analyze data, identify bottlenecks, and implement improvements to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity.

Use {{Feature_6}} in ClickUp to monitor your workflow, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your processes.

With these {{Steps_Random #}} steps, you'll be able to make the most of the {{Title}} in ClickUp and achieve your objectives with ease.

add new template customization

Get Started with ClickUp’s Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Graduate students working on their dissertation proposals can use the Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template to effectively plan and manage their research projects.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a detailed plan for your dissertation proposal:

  • Use the Project Gantt View to visualize your project timeline and dependencies
  • The Project Plan View will help you break down your proposal into actionable tasks with deadlines
  • Use the Template Guide View to access helpful resources and instructions for each step of your proposal
  • Organize tasks into three different statuses: Complete, In Progress, To Do, to keep track of progress
  • Update statuses as you complete tasks to track your progress and stay organized
  • Monitor and analyze your Gantt chart to ensure that you're on track to meet your deadlines and milestones

Related Templates

  • Inventory Control Teams Gantt Chart Template
  • Video Production Gantt Chart Template
  • Film Editors Gantt Chart Template
  • Textile Artists Gantt Chart Template
  • Angular Gantt Chart Template

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How to use a Gantt chart for a research project

gantt chart for phd dissertation

Using a Gantt chart for a research project can give all stakeholders a better understanding of timelines and the resources needed for each task.  With all project activities neatly laid out within a timeline and every minor detail accounted for, a Gantt chart provides your team with the framework for successful project operations.

In this article, we’ll discuss a Gantt chart and how you can use it in a research project to maximize efficiency and promote greater transparency. We’ll also share how you can use monday.com’s project management Work OS to simplify the management of any research project further.

What is a Gantt chart?

A Gantt chart is a bar chart popularized in the early 1900s by Henry Gantt. It lets you establish a detailed project plan according to when you need each task completed.

If done correctly, a Gantt chart creates a realistic time frame for a project by establishing a start date for the whole project and each task. Then, you can pair these start dates with an estimation of how long the task will take, broken down by days, weeks, or months.

What makes a Gantt chart unique is that it establishes dependency relationships between all relevant tasks, which can help you better understand necessary workflows.

For example, let’s say you’re creating a research proposal. One of your tasks is to promote awareness and garner support for the proposal on social media. However, before you can do that, you need to create informational materials you can distribute and have the proposal outline ready for viewing. Since these necessities are clearly outlined in the Gantt chart, you can plan your project timeline accordingly.

How can you use a Gantt for research projects?

Research projects are vast undertakings that require a lot of your time, effort, and brain power. Sometimes it’s easy to get sidetracked or confused about what comes next in your research or how you should put it together.

A clear understanding of objectives and deadlines can help you organize even the most complex research project undertakings. Even better, a Gantt chart provides clear step-by-step instructions with dependency relationships marked to ensure every team member understands their responsibilities.

A Gantt chart ensures all research project team members clearly understand objectives, deadlines, and task dependency relationships.

Best practices for planning and scheduling a research project

Understanding the best practices for planning and scheduling a research project can help you get the most out of your Gantt chart . A few best practices include:

  • Have a clear goal : Before sitting down to plan your research project, ask yourself some crucial questions. What are you trying to achieve? Why are you trying to achieve it? When do you need to complete it?
  • Use scheduling tools : Use task and resource scheduling tools when possible to reduce the risk of human error.
  • Get the team involved :  Gather your team together for a brainstorming session, if possible, when developing a list of tasks required to meet your final objective.
  • Consider dependency relationships :  Consider the dependency relationships between objectives carefully and be realistic about time frames. Ensuring your team has enough time to successfully and thoroughly complete each task from the beginning sets your research project up for success.
  • Identify potential issues : Identify risks and potential roadblocks in your schedule and have a backup plan for each to ensure a steady workflow with minimal pushbacks.
  • Consider resource requirements : Consider the resources necessary to complete each task. Remember to include work hours as resources and schedule each team member appropriately to achieve objectives in the desired time frame.
  • Plan for reporting : Assign specific times, or interval periods, for progress reports and compare these with your initial estimations. If these reports show alterations are necessary, don’t be afraid to make changes.
  • Identify KPIs :  Before the research project begins, identify key performance metrics and track them as you go to define your success clearly. You may find using a relevant tool or platform the easiest way to track performance metrics.

Having the right tools can increase efficiency, decrease downtime, and ensure objective deadlines are not only met but exceeded.

Managing research projects on monday.com

monday.com’s robust project management Work OS makes managing research projects easier by:

  • Centralizing projects from start to finish : Our Work OS lets you centralize all projects from conception to completion, with customizable dashboards that show you the information you deem most important. Quickly assess risks, bottlenecks, and roadblocks to keep your research project moving forward.
  • Streamlining project workflows : Streamline workflows by automating routine tasks and assigning teammates to the work they’re most qualified for. Then, track individual and project-wide progress in real-time with regular task updates. Use color coding to make task management even more straightforward.
  • Enabling communication across teams :  Our Work OS promotes communication between project members and across different teams, so all stakeholders know where things stand at all times. You can share documents, leave notes, and work together in real-time for more effective communication that allows you to exceed every deadline and meet every objective.

monday.com can provide your team with a Gantt chart view to make project management easier. Get started with monday.com’s powerful Work OS by building a research project workflow from scratch or try a few of our other templates for managing research projects easier.

Related templates

A basic Gantt chart can help you plan your research project in detail. On monday.com, you can add a Gantt View to any type of project board. Below are some of our recommended templates from our Template Center that you can use to fine-tune other essential aspects of your research project.

Keyword power tools template

Our  Research Power Tools Template uses a Gantt chart format to help you visualize project timelines, manage project resources, and monitor each phase of your research projects from one platform.

Publication and journals template

Our  Publications and Journals Template is an excellent tool for content publishing companies. You can use our template to:

  • Manage your publication process: Our template enables whole-process management from submission to approval. Easily track article status and monitor writer workload to ensure you meet publishing deadlines.
  • Visualize your publishing pipeline: Customizable dashboards allow you to receive a high-level overview of all current and upcoming articles and where they stand.
  • Track individual contributions: Ensure each writer meets minimum contributions and isn’t given too large a workload by tracking individual contributions.

By now, you should have a working idea of Gantt charts and how they increase transparency and efficiency in project management. However, if you still have questions, we’ve answered a few FAQs below.

How do you create a dissertation in a Gantt chart?

To create a Gantt chart for a dissertation, you should first understand your timeline and deliverables. Once you’ve written these down, create detailed task lists of how you’ll accomplish each deliverable and consider dependency relationships between each. Finally, use the Gantt chart to outline your dissertation from start to finish.

What should be in a dissertation timeline?

In a dissertation timeline, you should include the following:

  • Role assigning (if applicable)
  • Research tasks
  • Experiments, social or scientific (if applicable)
  • Data collection and analysis
  • First draft completion
  • Submission to the advisor (first) and dean (at completion)

How do you create a Gantt chart in Word?

You can create a Gantt chart in Microsoft Word by:

  • Opening a new Word document
  • Change the document orientation from vertical to horizontal
  • Insert a bar graph into your document
  • Make format alterations as necessary to make the graph look like a Gantt chart
  • Insert information and customize as necessary

Any team can increase transparency in their research projects with monday.com

Using a Gantt chart to create a detailed project timeline can help increase transparency and promote greater efficiency in your organization’s research projects.

When you pair a Gantt chart with monday.com’s robust project management system, you have the tools you need to meet deadlines, complete objectives, and exceed expectations.

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How to write a Research Proposal: Creating a Gantt chart

  • Components of a research proposal
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  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • Sage Research Methods LibGuide This link opens in a new window
  • Managing sources
  • Request a literature search
  • Research proposal - examples
  • Creating a Gantt chart
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  • Academic writing

What is a Gantt chart

Some University departments require students to create a Gantt chart to represent a schedule for the research project. The Gantt chart shows the timelines of the various steps of the project including their dependencies and any  resources needed . In other words, the chart depicts when an event is supposed to take place in your project by providing an outline regarding the order in which the various tasks  need to be performed .

An example of a Gantt chart.

gantt chart for phd dissertation

Gantt chart on Moodle

How to create a Gantt chart - videos

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  • Last Updated: Apr 30, 2024 1:02 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/research_proposal
  • Dissertation
  • Dissertation Gantt Chart

Dissertation Gantt Charts

Organize Your Dissertation Tasks Properly with Template.net’s Free Printable Dissertation Gantt Chart Templates. Choose from Professional Document Samples Online that Come with Premade Project Tasks, Details, Bars, Start and End Dates, Length of the Week, and Quarterly Goals that You can Edit to Your Proper Specifications.

Free Dissertation Gantt Chart Template, Printable, Download

Whether for project or postgraduate education degrees, get professionally-written dissertation Gantt charts from Template.net’s free printable Gantt chart templates. Choose from fillable template examples for research proposals, PhD research, dissertation timelines, and project management that come with original content and simple outlines that are easily editable using our document editor tool. All template samples are downloadable for free and printable on any compatible printing devices.

Customize Dissertation Gantt Chart Online for Free and Download

Customize dissertation Gantt chart examples online to your specifications including the plan and timeline by replacing or editing the pre-written content to your own requirements. Choose your Gantt chart template to help your dissertation as a PhD student for a master thesis university requirement, a construction project, marketing plan, or geography dissertation requirement. All templates are downloadable for free using PDF file format.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who uses a dissertation gantt chart.

In most cases, the users of dissertation gantt charts are postgraduate and masters students. However, there are also professionals and companies that utilize such a document, especially for their project management or research activities. 

What details that I should include in my dissertation Gantt chart?

1. Company or student complete name 2. Company or student address 3. Dissertation project or thesis title  4. Deliverables or activities 5. Timeline 6. Remarks  

What are the advantages of utilizing a dissertation Gantt chart?

1. Provides better communication among team members 2. Provides clarity of the goals and objectives 3. Guides users to the right timeline of the deliverables  

Who is the inventor of the Gantt chart?

Henry Laurence Gantt invented the gantt chart, and it is considered one of the innovative techniques in project management during the 1920s. 

How do you prepare a dissertation?

1. Create a dissertation gantt chart 2. Set your goals and objectives 3. Research your assigned topic 4. Brainstorm with team members 5. Present your dissertation   

Upgrade to Business

Parallel Solving of Two-Player Tierable Abstract Strategy Games

Eecs department, university of california, berkeley, technical report no. ucb/eecs-2024-139, may 20, 2024, http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/techrpts/2024/eecs-2024-139.pdf.

Many abstract strategy games have a large number of positions, with a significant fraction of games loopy in nature. Previous efforts to develop solvers in GamesmanClassic for these loopy tier games have utilized single-threaded approaches, which does not take advantage of the parallelism necessary to solve large games. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the design and development of a parallelized loopy solver for generic tierable games. It elaborates on the loopy solving algorithm, explores sources of parallelism, addresses synchronization issues, and details optimizations that enhance the solving process. Furthermore, it showcases the application of this algorithm in solving Quixo and endgames of Chinese Chess, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.

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  6. Dissertation Timeline Gantt Chart Template

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  2. A PhD timeline for finishing quickly [Free Gantt Download]

    Submit the finalized thesis. PhD Thesis: Graduation: Complete any remaining formalities. PhD Awarded: ... Example Gantt chart for a USA PhD. Here are some common steps involved in completing a PhD, which I'll use to create the Gantt chart: Year 1. Orientation and Coursework (Semester 1): Familiarization with the university, department, and ...

  3. Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

    Manually creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in PowerPoint is a bit easier than in Excel. Therefore, I will explain the process here. First, you need to open a blank PowerPoint slide. Then click on Insert (1.), then Chart (2.). A popup will appear.

  4. Planning the timeline and progress of your doctoral dissertation (or

    The Gantt chart is a technique I learned in graduate school when I took project management courses. This is a hypothetical Gantt chart for my doctoral student, covering about 15 months. What I suggested to her was to use backcasting techniques to plan backwards from her goal (PhD thesis defense) to intermediate goals.

  5. PDF The University of Manchester Library My Learning Essentials

    Take a look at this example dissertation plan which takes the format of a Gantt chart: Managing your time Example dissertation plan Gantt charts can be created in Excel but there are some online tools that make it even easier. When creating your own Gantt chart, bear in mind, each stage can take varying lengths of time. To give

  6. Dissertations 1: Getting Started: Planning

    As the dissertation project involves certain processes to take place simultaneously, rather than in a sequence, you can use a Gantt chart to organise your time. A Gantt chart is a bar chart which shows the schedule for a project. The project is broken down into key tasks/elements to be completed. A start and finish date for each task/element of ...

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    The illustration of the GANTT chart for the thesis. GANTT chart for daily schedule. What is the ultimate goal of any research scholar? To achieve the PhD degree, right? No. it's to achieve the PhD degree in a given time. I.e. in three years. Hence, to complete such a huge task in a given time frame you have to manage things at a micro-level.

  8. Dissertation Gantt Chart

    Dissertation Gantt Chart - A Visual Way to Track your Dissertation Progress Published by Ellie Cross at January 26th, 2023 , Revised On October 9, 2023 A dissertation Gantt chart is an essential tool for any student completing a doctoral degree.

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    Contents. Why a clear PhD research timeline matters. Step 1: Decide what to include in your PhD timeline. Step 2: Discuss your provisional PhD timeline with your supervisor/s. Step 3: Design your PhD timeline. Step 4: Regularly update your PhD timeline.

  10. How to Create a Research Timeline for Your Thesis

    A popular organizational approach for thesis timelines is a Gantt chart, which is a type of bar chart often used in project management in which the length of the bar corresponds to the time the task will take. The best choice for you will depend on the specifics of your research study and personal preferences. Whichever option you select, make ...

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    Hi! This is my first ever video and I talk about one of my favourite planning tools: The Gantt Chart! This is an introductory video and I made this as an aid...

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    Maria is doing a PhD in Social Sciences at a university where it is customary to write a cumulative dissertation, meaning a PhD thesis based on journal publications. Maria's university regulations require her to write four articles as part of her PhD. ... Example of a 3 year PhD Gantt chart timeline. Combining the 3-year planning for our ...

  13. How to use a Gantt chart for PhD studies

    Do you use a Gantt chart for your PhD studies? If not, watch this video to learn why you should create one and how to use it for effective management of your...

  14. My PhD journey in a Gantt chart incl. Open Science practices

    Plan and monitor your PhD with a Gantt chart and include all of your activities in implementing Open Science practices to ensure efficiency and societal impact of your research work and efforts. This Gantt chart provides you with an example and template plan for your Ph.D. from thesis proposal writing to the thesis defense. Start with planning ...

  15. Gantt Chart for Dissertation

    The Gantt chart is one of the most important and useful tools for dissertation writing or even in project management. It enables the planner to develop a detailed schedule showing all the planned work, activities, milestones, and deliverables. The Gantt chart is not just a simple table with dates, but it is a graphical representation of a ...

  16. How I Made My PhD Completion Plan on Excel

    Then the sheet is set up to automatically create a Gantt chart like this one: I've colour coded the chart based on three PhD Aims and general thesis writing. You'll notice that the dark bars indicate my percentage progress like I mentioned earlier, so if a bar is half way across, then the task is 50% complete.

  17. Gantt Chart for a Research Project Proposal: Step-by-step guide

    At its core, a Gantt chart consists of two main components: tasks and time. The tasks related to the project are listed on the vertical axis, while the horizontal axis represents time. Each task is represented by a horizontal bar, the length of which corresponds to the duration of the task. Make your own Gantt chart in Gleek.

  18. Managing a Research Project

    Figure 1: Simple research project Gantt chart This example is typical of an undergraduate or taught Masters' dissertation. Longer research projects (PhD, Masters by research, etc.) will generally have more activities spread over a longer timeframe (See below, Figure 2, for an example of a project plan for a humanities PhD).

  19. Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template

    With ClickUp's Gantt chart template, you can: Visually map out all the tasks and milestones involved in your dissertation proposal. Easily allocate time and resources to each task, ensuring efficient progress. Track your progress in real-time and make adjustments as needed.

  20. How to use a Gantt chart for a research project

    You can create a Gantt chart in Microsoft Word by: Opening a new Word document. Change the document orientation from vertical to horizontal. Insert a bar graph into your document. Make format alterations as necessary to make the graph look like a Gantt chart. Insert information and customize as necessary.

  21. How to write a Research Proposal: Creating a Gantt chart

    Some University departments require students to create a Gantt chart to represent a schedule for the research project. The Gantt chart shows the timelines of the various steps of the project including their dependencies and any resources needed.In other words, the chart depicts when an event is supposed to take place in your project by providing an outline regarding the order in which the ...


    GANTT CHART FOR Ph.D. DEGREE BY YEAR OF PROGRAM ... 14 Thesis submission to Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS) x 15 Viva x 16 Doing corrections and endorsement by supervisor x 17 Binding and submission to kulliyyah and CPS x 18 Senate endorsement of degree (Ph.D.) x ...

  23. Dissertation Gantt Charts

    Customize Dissertation Gantt Chart Online for Free and Download. Customize dissertation Gantt chart examples online to your specifications including the plan and timeline by replacing or editing the pre-written content to your own requirements. Choose your Gantt chart template to help your dissertation as a PhD student for a master thesis ...

  24. Tech Reports

    This report provides a comprehensive overview of the design and development of a parallelized loopy solver for generic tierable games. It elaborates on the loopy solving algorithm, explores sources of parallelism, addresses synchronization issues, and details optimizations that enhance the solving process. Furthermore, it showcases the ...