• What is a PhD?

Written by Mark Bennett

A PhD is a doctoral research degree and the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve. The degree normally takes between three and four years of full-time work towards a thesis offering an original contribution to your subject.

This page explains what a PhD is, what it involves and what you need to know if you’re considering applying for a PhD research project , or enrolling on a doctoral programme .

The meaning of a PhD

The PhD can take on something of a mythic status. Are they only for geniuses? Do you have to discover something incredible? Does the qualification make you an academic? And are higher research degrees just for people who want to be academics?

Even the full title, ‘Doctor of Philosophy’, has a somewhat mysterious ring to it. Do you become a doctor? Yes, but not that kind of doctor. Do you have to study Philosophy? No (not unless you want to) .

So, before going any further, let's explain what the term 'PhD' actually means and what defines a doctorate.

What does PhD stand for?

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. This is one of the highest level academic degrees that can be awarded. PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin term (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor. Traditionally the term ‘philosophy’ does not refer to the subject but its original Greek meaning which roughly translates to ‘lover of wisdom’.

What is a doctorate?

A doctorate is any qualification that awards a doctoral degree. In order to qualify for one you need to produce advanced work that makes a significant new contribution to knowledge in your field. Doing so earns you the title 'Doctor' – hence the name.

So, is a PhD different to a doctorate? No. A PhD is a type of doctorate .

The PhD is the most common type of doctorate and is awarded in almost all subjects at universities around the world. Other doctorates tend to be more specialised or for more practical and professional projects.

Essentially, all PhDs are doctorates, but not all doctorates are PhDs.

Do you need a Masters to get a PhD?

Not necessarily. It's common for students in Arts and the Humanities to complete an MA (Master of Arts) before starting a PhD in order to acquire research experience and techniques. Students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) don't always need an MS/MSc (Master of Science) to do a PhD as you'll gain training in lab techniques and other skills during your undergraduate degree.

Whether a Masters is a requirement for a PhD also varies by country. Australian PhDs may require a Masters as the equivalent of their own 'honours year' (where students work on research). US PhD programmes often include a Masters.

We have a whole guide dedicated to helping you decide whether a PhD without a Masters is the right route for you.

The origin of the PhD

Despite its name, the PhD isn't actually an Ancient Greek degree. Instead it's a much more recent development. The PhD as we know it was developed in nineteenth-century Germany, alongside the modern research university.

Higher education had traditionally focussed on mastery of an existing body of scholarship and the highest academic rank available was, appropriately enough, a Masters degree.

As the focus shifted more onto the production of new knowledge and ideas, the PhD degree was brought in to recognise those who demonstrated the necessary skills and expertise.

The PhD process – what's required to get a PhD?

The typical length of a PhD is three to four years full-time, or five to six years part-time.

Unlike most Masters courses (or all undergraduate programmes), a PhD is a pure research degree. But that doesn’t mean you’ll just spend years locked away in a library or laboratory. In fact, the modern PhD is a diverse and varied qualification with many different components.

Whereas the second or third year of a taught degree look quite a lot like the first (with more modules and coursework at a higher level) a PhD moves through a series of stages.

A typical PhD normally involves:

  • Carrying out a literature review (a survey of current scholarship in your field).
  • Conducting original research and collecting your results .
  • Producing a thesis that presents your conclusions.
  • Writing up your thesis and submitting it as a dissertation .
  • Defending your thesis in an oral viva voce exam.

These stages vary a little between subjects and universities, but they tend to fall into the same sequence over the three years of a typical full-time PhD.

The first year of a PhD

The beginning of a PhD is all about finding your feet as a researcher and getting a solid grounding in the current scholarship that relates to your topic.

You’ll have initial meetings with your supervisor and discuss a plan of action based on your research proposal.

The first step in this will almost certainly be carrying out your literature review . With the guidance of your supervisor you’ll begin surveying and evaluating existing scholarship. This will help situate your research and ensure your work is original.

Your literature review will provide a logical jumping off point for the beginning of your own research and the gathering of results . This could involve designing and implementing experiments, or getting stuck into a pile of primary sources.

The year may end with an MPhil upgrade . This occurs when PhD students are initially registered for an MPhil degree and then ‘upgraded’ to PhD candidates upon making sufficient progress. You’ll submit material from your literature review, or a draft of your research findings and discuss these with members of your department in an upgrade exam . All being well, you’ll then continue with your research as a PhD student.

PhDs in other countries

The information on the page is based on the UK. Most countries follow a similar format, but there are some differences. In the USA , for example, PhD students complete reading assignments and examinations before beginning their research. You can find out more in our guides to PhD study around the world .

The second year of a PhD

Your second year will probably be when you do most of your core research. The process for this will vary depending on your field, but your main focus will be on gathering results from experiments, archival research, surveys or other means.

As your research develops, so will the thesis (or argument) you base upon it. You may even begin writing up chapters or other pieces that will eventually form part of your dissertation .

You’ll still be having regular meetings with your supervisor. They’ll check your progress, provide feedback on your ideas and probably read any drafts your produce.

The second year is also an important stage for your development as a scholar. You’ll be well versed in current research and have begun to collect some important data or develop insights of your own. But you won’t yet be faced with the demanding and time-intensive task of finalising your dissertation.

So, this part of your PhD is a perfect time to think about presenting your work at academic conferences , gaining teaching experience or perhaps even selecting some material for publication in an academic journal. You can read more about these kinds of activities below.

The third year of a PhD

The third year of a PhD is sometimes referred to as the writing up phase.

Traditionally, this is the final part of your doctorate, during which your main task will be pulling together your results and honing your thesis into a dissertation .

In reality, it’s not always as simple as that.

It’s not uncommon for final year PhD students to still be fine-tuning experiments, collecting results or chasing up a few extra sources. This is particularly likely if you spend part of your second year focussing on professional development.

In fact, some students actually take all or part of a fourth year to finalise their dissertation. Whether you are able to do this will depend on the terms of your enrolment – and perhaps your PhD funding .

Eventually though, you are going to be faced with writing up your thesis and submitting your dissertation.

Your supervisor will be very involved in this process. They’ll read through your final draft and let you know when they think your PhD is ready for submission.

All that’s left then is your final viva voce oral exam. This is a formal discussion and defence of your thesis involving at least one internal and external examiner. It’s normally the only assessment procedure for a PhD. Once you’ve passed, you’ve done it!

Looking for more information about the stages of a PhD?

How do you go about completing a literature review? What's it like to do PhD research? And what actually happens at an MPhil upgrade? You can find out more in our detailed guide to the PhD journey .

Doing a PhD – what's it actually like?

You can think of the ‘stages’ outlined above as the basic ‘roadmap’ for a PhD, but the actual ‘journey’ you’ll take as a research student involves a lot of other sights, a few optional destinations and at least one very important fellow passenger.

Carrying out research

Unsurprisingly, you’ll spend most of your time as a PhD researcher… researching your PhD. But this can involve a surprisingly wide range of activities.

The classic image of a student working away in the lab, or sitting with a pile of books in the library is true some of the time – particularly when you’re monitoring experiments or conducting your literature review.

Your PhD can take you much further afield though. You may find yourself visiting archives or facilities to examine their data or look at rare source materials. You could even have the opportunity to spend an extended period ‘in residence’ at a research centre or other institution beyond your university.

Research is also far from being a solitary activity. You’ll have regular discussions with your supervisor (see below) but you may also work with other students from time to time.

This is particularly likely if you’re part of a larger laboratory or workshop group studying the same broad area. But it’s also common to collaborate with students whose projects are more individual. You might work on shorter projects of joint interest, or be part of teams organising events and presentations.

Many universities also run regular internal presentation and discussion groups – a perfect way to get to know other PhD students in your department and offer feedback on each other’s work in progress.

Working with your supervisor

All PhD projects are completed with the guidance of at least one academic supervisor . They will be your main point of contact and support throughout the PhD.

Your supervisor will be an expert in your general area of research, but they won’t have researched on your exact topic before (if they had, your project wouldn’t be original enough for a PhD).

As such, it’s better to think of your supervisor as a mentor, rather than a teacher.

As a PhD student you’re now an independent and original scholar, pushing the boundaries of your field beyond what is currently known (and taught) about it. You’re doing all of this for the first time, of course. But your supervisor isn’t.

They’ll know what’s involved in managing an advanced research project over three years (or more). They’ll know how best to succeed, but they’ll also know what can go wrong and how to spot the warning signs before it does.

Perhaps most importantly, they’ll be someone with the time and expertise to listen to your ideas and help provide feedback and encouragement as you develop your thesis.

Exact supervision arrangements vary between universities and between projects:

  • In Science and Technology projects it’s common for a supervisor to be the lead investigator on a wider research project, with responsibility for a laboratory or workshop that includes several PhD students and other researchers.
  • In Arts and Humanities subjects, a supervisor’s research is more separate from their students’. They may supervise more than one PhD at a time, but each project is essentially separate.

It’s also becoming increasingly common for PhD students to have two (or more) supervisors. The first is usually responsible for guiding your academic research whilst the second is more concerned with the administration of your PhD – ensuring you complete any necessary training and stay on track with your project’s timetable.

However you’re supervised, you’ll have regular meetings to discuss work and check your progress. Your supervisor will also provide feedback on work during your PhD and will play an important role as you near completion: reading your final dissertation draft, helping you select an external examiner and (hopefully) taking you out for a celebratory drink afterwards!

Professional development, networking and communication

Traditionally, the PhD has been viewed as a training process, preparing students for careers in academic research.

As such, it often includes opportunities to pick up additional skills and experiences that are an important part of a scholarly CV. Academics don’t just do research after all. They also teach students, administrate departments – and supervise PhDs.

The modern PhD is also viewed as a more flexible qualification. Not all doctoral graduates end up working in higher education. Many follow alternative careers that are either related to their subject of specialism or draw upon the advanced research skills their PhD has developed.

PhD programmes have begun to reflect this. Many now emphasise transferrable skills or include specific training units designed to help students communicate and apply their research beyond the university.

What all of this means is that very few PhD experiences are just about researching and writing up a thesis.

The likelihood is that you’ll also do some (or all) of the following during your PhD:

The work is usually paid and is increasingly accompanied by formal training and evaluation.

Conference presentation

As a PhD student you’ll be at the cutting edge of your field, doing original research and producing new results. This means that your work will be interest to other scholars and that your results could be worth presenting at academic conferences .

Doing this is very worthwhile, whatever your career plans. You’ll develop transferrable skills in public speaking and presenting, gain feedback on your results and begin to be recognised as an expert in your area.

Conferences are also great places to network with other students and academics.


As well as presenting your research, you may also have the opportunity to publish work in academic journals, books, or other media. This can be a challenging process.

Your work will be judged according to the same high standards as any other scholar’s and will normally go through extensive peer review processes. But it’s also highly rewarding. Seeing your work ‘in print’ is an incredible validation of your PhD research and a definite boost to your academic CV.

Public engagement and communication

Academic work may be associated with the myth of the ‘ivory tower’ – an insular community of experts focussing on obscure topics of little interest outside the university. But this is far from the case. More and more emphasis is being placed on the ‘impact’ of research and its wider benefits to the public – with funding decisions being made accordingly.

Thankfully, there are plenty of opportunities to try your hand at public engagement as a PhD student. Universities are often involved in local events and initiatives to communicate the benefits of their research, ranging from workshops in local schools to public lectures and presentations.

Some PhD programmes include structured training in order to help students with activities such as the above. Your supervisor may also be able to help by identifying suitable conferences and public engagement opportunities, or by involving you in appropriate university events and public engagement initiatives.

These experiences will be an important part of your development as a researchers - and will enhance the value of your PhD regardless of your career plans.

What is a PhD for – and who should study one?

So, you know what a PhD actually is, what’s involved in completing one and what you might get up to whilst you do. That just leaves one final question: should you do a PhD?

Unfortunately, it’s not a question we can answer for you.

A PhD is difficult and uniquely challenging. It requires at least three years of hard work and dedication after you’ve already completed an undergraduate degree (and probably a Masters degree too).

You’ll need to support yourself during those years and, whilst you will be building up an impressive set of skills, you won’t be directly progressing in a career.

But a PhD is also immensely rewarding. It’s your chance to make a genuine contribution to the sum of human knowledge and produce work that other researchers can (and will) build on in future. However obscure your topic feels, there’s really no such thing as a useless PhD.

A PhD is also something to be incredibly proud of. A proportionately tiny number of people go on to do academic work at this level. Whatever you end up doing after your doctorate you’ll have an impressive qualification – and a title to match. What’s more, non-academic careers and professions are increasingly recognising the unique skills and experience a PhD brings.

Other PhDs - do degree titles matter?

The PhD is the oldest and most common form of higher research degree, but a few alternatives are available. Some, such as the DPhil are essentially identical to a PhD. Others, such as the Professional Doctorate or DBA are slightly different. You can find out more in our guide to types of PhD .

Is a PhD for me?

There’s more advice on the value of a PhD – and good reasons for studying one – elsewhere in this section. But the following are some quick tips if you’re just beginning to consider a PhD.

Speak to your lecturers / tutors

The best people to ask about PhD study are people who’ve earned one. Ask staff at your current or previous university about their experience of doctoral research – what they enjoyed, what they didn’t and what their tips might be.

If you’re considering a PhD for an academic career, ask about that too. Are job prospects good in your field? And what’s it really like to work at a university?

Speak to current PhD students

Want to know what it’s like studying a PhD right now? Or what it’s like doing research at a particular university? Ask someone who knows.

Current PhD students were just like you a year or two ago and most will be happy to answer questions.

If you can’t get in touch with any students ‘face to face’, pop over to the Postgraduate Forum – you’ll find plenty of students there who are happy to chat about postgraduate research.

Take a look at advertised projects and programmes

This may seem like a strange suggestion. After all, you’re only going to study one PhD, so what’s the point of reading about lots of others?

Well, looking at the details of different PhD projects is a great way to get a general sense of what PhD research is like. You’ll see what different PhDs tend to have in common and what kinds of unique opportunity might be available to you.

And, with thousands of PhDs in our database , you’re already in a great place to start.

Read our other advice articles

Finally, you can also check out some of the other advice on the FindAPhD website. We’ve looked at some good (and bad) reasons for studying a PhD as well as the value of a doctorate to different career paths.

More generally, you can read our in-depth look at a typical PhD journey , or find out more about specific aspects of doctoral study such as working with a supervisor or writing your dissertation .

We add new articles all the time – the best way to stay up to date is by signing up for our free PhD opportunity newsletter .

Ready to find your PhD?

Head on over to our PhD search listings to learn what opportunities are on offer within your discipline.

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2024 Best Grad Schools in the United States for Doctorate Degrees

Choosing the best grad school for you, higher than average earnings, taking out student loans, more ranking factors that are important, one size does not fit all, top doctorate degree schools in the united states, rest of the top 50 best doctorate degree schools in the united states, narrow doctorate degree schools by region, rocky mountains, middle atlantic, great lakes, new england, plains states, far western us, other u.s. territories, rest of the top 15% doctorate degree schools in the united states.

51 Waco, TX
52 College Station, TX
53 Waltham, MA
54 Bethlehem, PA
55 Washington, DC
56 San Diego, CA
57 Minneapolis, MN
58 La Mirada, CA
59 Blacksburg, VA
60 Washington, DC
61 Cleveland, OH
62 Philadelphia, PA
63 Raleigh, NC
64 Madison, NJ
65 Forest Grove, OR
66 Chapel Hill, NC
67 Davis, CA
68 East Lansing, MI
69 Glenside, PA
70 Yankton, SD
71 Fairfield, CT
72 Philadelphia, PA
73 River Forest, IL
74 Rolla, MO
75 Hoboken, NJ
76 Bronx, NY
77 Athens, GA
78 Omaha, NE
79 Tacoma, WA
79 Boston, MA
81 Amherst, MA
82 Duluth, MN
83 Irvine, CA
84 Pittsburgh, PA
85 Glassboro, NJ
86 Columbus, OH
87 Scranton, PA
88 Bloomington, IN
89 Rochester, NY
90 Birmingham, AL
91 Santa Clara, CA
92 Malibu, CA
93 Coral Gables, FL
94 Las Vegas, NV
95 New York, NY
96 Troy, NY
97 New Brunswick, NJ
98 Winchester, VA
99 Clemson, SC
100 Newark, DE
101 Saint Louis, MO
102 Rapid City, SD
103 Azusa, CA
104 Cincinnati, OH

Honorable Mentions

105 Columbia, SC
106 San Diego, CA
107 Houghton, MI
108 Auburn, AL
109 New Orleans, LA
110 San Francisco, CA
111 Stockton, CA
112 Minneapolis, MN
113 Fullerton, CA
114 Dallas, TX
115 Scottsdale, AZ
116 Northampton, MA
117 Chicago, IL
118 Iowa City, IA
119 San Diego, CA
120 Erie, PA
121 Chestnut Hill, MA
122 Santa Cruz, CA
123 San Bernardino, CA
124 Irvine, CA
125 Lawrence, KS
126 Slippery Rock, PA
127 Chicago, IL
128 Davenport, IA
129 Knoxville, TN
130 Rochester, NY
131 West Chester, PA
132 Newark, NJ
133 Oxford, OH
134 Pittsburgh, PA
135 Los Angeles, CA
136 Portland, OR
137 Pullman, WA
138 Seattle, WA
139 Bismarck, ND

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  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →

PhD Programs

  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management

Students in our PhD programs are encouraged from day one to think of this experience as their first job in business academia—a training ground for a challenging and rewarding career generating rigorous, relevant research that influences practice.

Our doctoral students work with faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University. The PhD program curriculum requires coursework at HBS and other Harvard discipline departments, and with HBS and Harvard faculty on advisory committees. Faculty throughout Harvard guide the programs through their participation on advisory committees.

How do I know which program is right for me?

There are many paths, but we are one HBS. Our PhD students draw on diverse personal and professional backgrounds to pursue an ever-expanding range of research topics. Explore more here about each program’s requirements & curriculum, read student profiles for each discipline as well as student research , and placement information.

The PhD in Business Administration grounds students in the disciplinary theories and research methods that form the foundation of an academic career. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program has five areas of study: Accounting and Management , Management , Marketing , Strategy , and Technology and Operations Management . All areas of study involve roughly two years of coursework culminating in a field exam. The remaining years of the program are spent conducting independent research, working on co-authored publications, and writing the dissertation. Students join these programs from a wide range of backgrounds, from consulting to engineering. Many applicants possess liberal arts degrees, as there is not a requirement to possess a business degree before joining the program

The PhD in Business Economics provides students the opportunity to study in both Harvard’s world-class Economics Department and Harvard Business School. Throughout the program, coursework includes exploration of microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, probability and statistics, and econometrics. While some students join the Business Economics program directly from undergraduate or masters programs, others have worked in economic consulting firms or as research assistants at universities or intergovernmental organizations.

The PhD program in Health Policy (Management) is rooted in data-driven research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issues facing a wide range of organizations. Coursework includes the study of microeconomic theory, management, research methods, and statistics. The backgrounds of students in this program are quite varied, with some coming from public health or the healthcare industry, while others arrive at the program with a background in disciplinary research

The PhD program in Organizational Behavior offers two tracks: either a micro or macro approach. In the micro track, students focus on the study of interpersonal relationships within organizations and the effects that groups have on individuals. Students in the macro track use sociological methods to examine organizations, groups, and markets as a whole, including topics such as the influence of individuals on organizational change, or the relationship between social missions and financial objectives. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program includes core disciplinary training in sociology or psychology, as well as additional coursework in organizational behavior.

Accounting & Management  

Business economics  , health policy (management)  , management  , marketing  , organizational behavior  , strategy  , technology & operations management  .

what to get a phd in

  • PhD in USA – A Guide for 2020/21
  • Finding a PhD

A PhD in USA takes approximately 5 – 6 years of full-time study and can cost between $12,000 – $45,000 per academic year. PhD programs in USA differ from that in the UK and Europe in that students must first take taught classes, coursework and exams before starting their research project.

Why Do a PhD in USA?

The United States has long had some of the most distinguished universities and advanced PhD programmes in the world. Combined with curriculum flexibility, rigorous teaching methods, vast funding opportunities, breathtaking campuses and significant career prospects, it’s no wonder that it is one of the most sought-after study destinations for research students.

In addition to comprehensive training standards, here are a few other reasons why a student may choose to undertake their PhD in the United States:

  • Longer learning timeframes – A PhD in the US lasts longer than a PhD in the UK or Europe. This allows students to more confidently transition from undergraduate to postgraduate studies; more commonly referred to as ‘graduate studies’ in the US. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about your subject, research methods and academic writing in general before starting your research project.
  • World-class universities – It’s no secret that some of the most well-known higher education institutions that continue to dominate global rankings are based in the United States. Although many factors go into determining whether a position is right for you, a PhD at a high-ranking American university will undeniably have many benefits, from excellent learning standards to access to innovative equipment and deep expertise.
  • International network – The US has long been a popular choice among PhD students around the world. As such, the US hosts a diverse and multicultural learning environment in which many research students will quickly feel at home.
  • Opportunities – With over 4,000 universities in the US, we can safely say you will have plenty of opportunities to find the ideal combination of project, supervisor and university that works for you.

Universities in USA

Universities in the United States can be divided into two types: public universities and private universities.

Public universities are financed by the state in which they are based. Because of this, public universities charge less for students from within the state and more for students from outside the state, including international students.

Private universities are not financed by their state, but by private donors, research funds and tuition fees. For this reason, private universities generally charge higher tuition fees than public universities and require all students to pay the same amount, regardless of whether they come from out-of-state or abroad.

According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 , eight of the top ten universities in the world are located in the United States. These are:

1 UK University of Oxford
2 USA Stanford University
3 USA Harvard University
4 USA California Institute of Technology
5 USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6 UK University of Cambridge
7 USA University of California, Berkeley
8 USA Yale University
9 USA Princeton University
10 USA The University of Chicago

Method of Study

The main difference between a PhD in the US and a PhD in Europe lies in the program structure. Whereas a European PhD essentially consists of a single phase lasting three to four years , an American PhD consists of three different phases, each with its own time frame.

  • Phase One – The first phase lasts approximately two years and focuses on building a basic foundation for the doctoral student. This phase consists largely of taught components such as lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions, in which the student learns more about theoretical concepts and research methods within their discipline.
  • Phase Two – The second phase can be considered an assessment phase, which runs both periodically alongside and at the end of the first phase. Here, students complete coursework and take exams on the basis of the material they have covered of which they must pass in order to proceed to the third phase.
  • Phase Three – The third phase lasts approximately three years and resembles the European PhD structure. During this period, the student undertakes an independent research project, including forming a research design, conducting experiments, writing a thesis (more commonly referred to in the USA as a dissertation) and sitting a viva exam.

Teaching Requirements

Besides structure, a key difference between a PhD program in the US and in Europe is the focus on teaching requirements. In the US, doctoral students are expected to lecture, lead tutorials, host laboratory sessions, mark coursework and provide office hours for undergraduate students. Although students studying in European will likely contribute to these at some point during their study, this would normally be on a voluntary basis and involve less time commitment.

Research Flexibility

Another difference is project flexibility. In Europe, students typically apply to a PhD project predetermined by a supervisor, and although there may be some scope to adapt the project, depending on the funding provider , it will usually be limited to how the project is carried out rather than what it is about. In the US, however, a student applies to become a doctoral candidate within a department rather than applying for a particular research project. This is because students are expected to decide on their thesis topic (also commonly referred to as a dissertation research topic) near the end of their first phase after they have developed a better understanding of their subject and know where their interests lie. Therefore, research students in the US generally have more flexibility and influence in the direction of their research than students in the United Kingdom or Europe.

PhD Admission Requirements in USA

PhD admission into US universities can be highly competitive, both because of the limited number of positions and the large number of annual applicants.

The eligibility requirements for a doctoral program in the USA can generally be divided into four sections:

How to Apply for a PhD in USA

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) – in the US, a scoring system known as Grade Point Average is used to measure academic ability. A student’s GPA is calculated as a weighted score of the subjects they study during their undergraduate degree; an equivalent score is calculated by universities for international applicants. Although universities rarely set minimum GPA requirements for doctoral study, it’s worth being aware that a GPA of 3.0 is equivalent to a UK second class honours (2:1); the typical entry requirement for UK universities.
  • Graduate Records Exam (GRE) – most universities will require you to take a series of examinations known as Graduate Records Exams, which are used to determine your suitability for graduate study. GREs will assess your analytical, reasoning and critical thinking skills as well as your depth of your subject.
  • Student aptitude – in addition to academic ability, US universities also look for characteristics of a strong researcher. These include traits such as engaging in the subject in your own time, e.g. by attending talks and conferences, demonstrating a high degree of independence and enthusiasm, and a general passion for your subject.
  • English Language Proficiency – international students whose first language is not English must sit language exams such as IELTS or TOELF to demonstrate their English language proficiency.

International students will also require a F1 student visa in order to study in the US, however, you would typically apply for this after you have secured a place into a doctorate program.

How to Apply for PhD in USA

When applying for a PhD position at a graduate school, the application process will differ between universities, however, they will all typically ask for the following:

  • Academic CV – a short document summarising your educational background and current level of experience .
  • Personal statement – a document which outlines why you believe you are suitable for PhD study and your passion for the subject.
  • Academic transcripts – a complete breakdown of the modules and their respective marks you have taken as part of your previous/current degree.
  • GRE scores – a transcript of your Graduate Records Exam results.
  • Research statement – a condensed version of a research proposal outlining your general research interests, if required.
  • Recommendation letters – references from several academic referees who endorse your qualities as a person, your abilities as a student and your potential as a doctoral researcher.

Application Deadlines and Fees

Since PhD programs in the United States have taught components, they commence at the same time as all other taught degrees, and therefore share the same application deadlines and start dates. This corresponds to an application period that typically begins in August and ends in February. Admission decisions are typically made in April, with successful students starting in August/September.

When you apply to a graduate school, you will be expected to pay a fee for each doctorate application to cover the school’s administrative costs for processing your application. The fee varies from university to university, but typically ranges from $50 to $100 .

Funding your PhD in USA

It’s very common for a PhD student to receive financial aid in the form of a PhD scholarship; in fact, this will be the case for the vast majority of students in the US.

PhD funding can be ‘fully funded’ covering the student’s graduate program tuition fees, accommodation and living costs, or ‘partially funded’ covering the student’s tuition fee only in part or full.

Besides funding, a graduate student can take on an assistantship, such as a graduate teaching assistant or research assistant, in which they take on a part-time salaried position at the university alongside their studies.

Due to the international and collaborate nature of American universities, there are also a number of international scholarships available, such as the Fulbright Scholarship and the AAUW International Fellowship .

PhD Duration in USA

In the US, a PhD takes approximately 5 – 6 years to complete if studying full-time, and 8 – 10 years if studying part-time.

If you already have a Master’s degree, your first phase can be shortened by one year at the discretion of the university.

Cost of a PhD in USA

The cost of a PhD program in the US can vary considerably depending on the type of university, i.e. whether it’s a public or private university, the doctoral course, i.e. whether it’s in a STEM subject such as computer science, engineering or a non-STEM subject, and whether you are a home or international student.

In general, however, the typical annual tuition fee for a PhD in the US is between $12,000 and $45,000 per academic year.

As with any doctoral degree, additional costs may include travel for collaborations, bench fees, accommodation and living expenses.

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9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

June 23, 2021 | 15 min read

By Andy Greenspon

Andy Greenspon

The ideal research program you envision is not what it appears to be

Editor's Note:  When Andy Greenspon wrote this article, he was a first-year student in Applied Physics at Harvard. Now he has completed his PhD. — Alison Bert, June 23, 2021

If you are planning to apply for a PhD program, you're probably getting advice from dozens of students, professors, administrators your parents and the Internet. Sometimes it's hard to know which advice to focus on and what will make the biggest difference in the long-run. So before you go back to daydreaming about the day you accept that Nobel Prize, here are nine things you should give serious thought to. One or more of these tips may save you from anguish and help you make better decisions as you embark on that path to a PhD.

1. Actively seek out information about PhD programs.

Depending on your undergraduate institution, there may be more or less support to guide you in selecting a PhD program – but there is generally much less than when you applied to college.

On the website of my physics department, I found a page written by one of my professors, which listed graduate school options in physics and engineering along with resources to consult. As far as I know, my career center did not send out much information about PhD programs. Only after applying to programs did I find out that my undergraduate website had a link providing general information applicable to most PhD programs. This is the kind of information that is available all over the Internet.

So don't wait for your career center or department to lay out a plan for you. Actively seek it out from your career center counselors, your professors, the Internet — and especially from alumni from your department who are in or graduated from your desired PhD program. First-hand experiences will almost always trump the knowledge you get second-hand.

2. A PhD program is not simply a continuation of your undergraduate program.

Many students don't internalize this idea until they have jumped head-first into a PhD program. The goal is not to complete an assigned set of courses as in an undergraduate program, but to develop significant and original research in your area of expertise. You will have required courses to take, especially if you do not have a master's degree yet, but these are designed merely to compliment your research and provide a broad and deep knowledge base to support you in your research endeavors.

At the end of your PhD program, you will be judged on your research, not on how well you did in your courses. Grades are not critical as long as you maintain the minimum GPA requirement, and you should not spend too much time on courses at the expense of research projects. Graduate courses tend to be designed to allow you to take away what you will find useful to your research more than to drill a rigid set of facts and techniques into your brain.

3. Take a break between your undergraduate education and a PhD program.

You are beginning your senior year of college, and your classmates are asking you if you are applying to graduate school. You think to yourself, "Well, I like studying this topic and the associated research, and I am going to need a PhD if I want to be a professor or do independent research, so I might as well get it done as soon as possible." But are you certain about the type of research you want to do? Do you know where you want to live for the next five years? Are you prepared to stay in an academic environment for nine years straight?

Many people burn out or end up trudging through their PhD program without a thought about what lies outside of or beyond it. A break of a year or two or even more may be necessary to gain perspective. If all you know is an academic environment, how can you compare it to anything else? Many people take a job for five or more years before going back to get their PhD. It is true though that the longer you stay out of school, the harder it is to go back to an academic environment with lower pay and a lack of set work hours. A one-year break will give you six months or so after graduation before PhD applications are due. A two-year gap might be ideal to provide time to identify your priorities in life and explore different areas of research without having school work or a thesis competing for your attention.

Getting research experience outside of a degree program can help focus your interests and give you a leg up on the competition when you finally decide to apply. It can also help you determine whether you will enjoy full-time research or if you might prefer an alternative career path that still incorporates science, for example, in policy, consulting or business — or a hybrid research job that combines scientific and non-scientific skills.

I will be forever grateful that I chose to do research in a non-academic environment for a year between my undergraduate and PhD programs. It gave me the chance to get a feel for doing nothing but research for a full year. Working at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in the Space Division, I was the manager of an optics lab, performing spectroscopic experiments on rocks and minerals placed in a vacuum chamber. While my boss determined the overall experimental design, I was able to make my own suggestions for experiments and use my own discretion in how to perform them. I presented this research at two national conferences as well — a first for me. I was also able to learn about other research being performed there, determine which projects excited me the most, and thus narrow down my criteria for a PhD program.

4. Your current area of study does not dictate what you have to study in graduate school.

You might be studying the function and regulation of membrane proteins or doing a computational analysis of the conductivity of different battery designs, but that doesn't mean your PhD project must revolve around similar projects. The transition between college or another research job to a PhD program is one of the main transitions in your life when it is perfectly acceptable to completely change research areas.

If you are doing computation, you may want to switch to lab-based work or vice versa. If you are working in biology but have always had an interest in photonics research, now is the time to try it out. You may find that you love the alternative research and devote your PhD to it, you might hate it and fall back on your previous area of study — or you may even discover a unique topic that incorporates both subjects.

One of the best aspects of the PhD program is that you can make the research your own. Remember, the answer to the question "Why are you doing this research?" should not be "Well, because it's what I've been working on for the past few years already."While my undergraduate research was in atomic physics, I easily transitioned into applied physics and materials science for my PhD program and was able to apply much of what I learned as an undergraduate to my current research. If you are moving from the sciences to a non-STEM field such as social sciences or humanities, this advice can still apply, though the transition is a bit more difficult and more of a permanent commitment.

5. Make sure the PhD program has a variety of research options, and learn about as many research groups as possible in your first year.

Even if you believe you are committed to one research area, you may find that five years of such work is not quite what you expected. As such, you should find a PhD program where the professors are not all working in the same narrowly focused research area. Make sure there are at least three professors working on an array of topics you could imagine yourself working on.

In many graduate programs, you are supposed to pick a research advisor before even starting. But such arrangements often do not work out, and you may be seeking a new advisor before you know it. That's why many programs give students one or two semesters to explore different research areas before choosing a permanent research advisor.

In your first year, you should explore the research of a diverse set of groups. After touring their labs, talking to the students, or sitting in on group meetings, you may find that this group is the right one for you.

In addition, consider the importance of who your research advisor will be. This will be the person you interact with regularly for five straight years and who will have a crucial influence on your research. Do you like their advising style? Does their personality mesh with yours? Can you get along? Of course, the research your advisor works on is critical, but if you have large disagreements at every meeting or do not get helpful advice on how to proceed with your research, you may not be able to succeed. At the very least, you must be able to handle your advisor's management of the lab and advising style if you are going to be productive in your work. The Harvard program I enrolled in has professors working on research spanning from nanophotonics to energy materials and biophysics, covering my wide range of interests. By spending time in labs and offices informally chatting with graduate students, I found an advisor whose personality and research interests meshed very well with me. Their genuine enthusiasm for this advisor and their excitement when talking about their research was the best input I could have received.

6. Location is more important than you think — but name recognition is not.

The first consideration in choosing a PhD program should be, "Is there research at this university that I am passionate about?" After all, you will have to study this topic in detail for four or more years. But when considering the location of a university, your first thought should not be, "I'm going to be in the lab all the time, so what does it matter if I'm by the beach, in a city, or in the middle of nowhere." Contrary to popular belief, you will have a life outside of the lab, and you will have to be able to live with it for four or more years. Unlike when you were an undergraduate, your social and extracurricular life will revolve less around the university community, so the environment of the surrounding area is important. Do you need a city atmosphere to be productive? Or is your ideal location surrounded by forests and mountains or by a beach? Is being close to your family important? Imagine what it will be like living in the area during the times you are not doing research; consider what activities will you do and how often will you want to visit family.

While many of the PhD programs that accepted me had research that truly excited me, the only place I could envision living for five or more years was Boston, as the city I grew up near and whose environment and culture I love, and to be close to my family.

While location is more important than you think, the reputation and prestige of the university is not. In graduate school, the reputation of the individual department you are joining — and sometimes even the specific research group you work in — are more important. There, you will develop research collaborations and professional connections that will be crucial during your program and beyond. When searching for a job after graduation, other scientists will look at your specific department, the people you have worked with and the research you have done.

what to get a phd in

At the Asgard Irish Pub in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Andy Greenspon talks with fellow graduate students from Harvard and MIT at an Ask for Evidence workshop organized by Sense About Science. He grew up near Boston and chose to go to graduate school there.

7. Those time management skills you developed in college? Develop them further.

After surviving college, you may think you have mastered the ability to squeeze in your coursework, extracurricular activities and even some sleep. In a PhD program, time management reaches a whole new level. You will not only have lectures to attend and homework to do. You will have to make time for your research, which will include spending extended periods of time in the lab, analyzing data, and scheduling time with other students to collaborate on research.

Also, you will most likely have to teach for a number of semesters, and you will want to attend any seminar that may be related to your research or that just peaks your interest. To top it all off, you will still want to do many of those extracurricular activities you did as an undergraduate. While in the abstract, it may seem simple enough to put this all into your calendar and stay organized, you will find quickly enough that the one hour you scheduled for a task might take two or three hours, putting you behind on everything else for the rest of the day or forcing you to cut other planned events. Be prepared for schedules to go awry, and be willing to sacrifice certain activities. For some, this might be sleep; for others, it might be an extracurricular activity or a few seminars they were hoping to attend. In short, don't panic when things don't go according to plan; anticipate possible delays and be ready to adapt.

8. Expect to learn research skills on the fly – or take advantage of the training your department or career center offers.

This may be the first time you will have to write fellowship or grant proposals, write scientific papers, attend conferences, present your research to others, or even peer-review scientific manuscripts. From my experience, very few college students or even PhD students receive formal training on how to perform any of these tasks. Usually people follow by example. But this is not always easy and can be quite aggravating sometimes. So seek out talks or interactive programs offered by your department or career center. The effort will be well worth it when you realize you've become quite adept at quickly and clearly explaining your research to others and at outlining scientific papers and grant proposals. Alternatively, ask a more experienced graduate student or your advisor for advice on these topics. In addition, be prepared for a learning curve when learning all the procedures and processes of the group you end up working in. There may be many new protocols to master, whether they involve synthesizing chemicals, growing bacterial cells, or aligning mirrors on an optical table. In addition, the group may use programming languages or data analysis software you are unfamiliar with. Don't get discouraged but plan to spend extra effort getting used to these procedures and systems. After working with them regularly, they will soon become second nature. When I first started my job at Johns Hopkins, I felt overwhelmed by all the intricacies of the experiment and definitely made a few mistakes, including breaking a number of optical elements. But by the end of my year there, I had written an updated protocol manual for the modifications I had made to the experimental procedures and was the "master" passing on my knowledge to the next person taking the job.

9. There are no real breaks.

In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. But in a PhD program, your schedule becomes "whenever you find time to get your work done." You might be in the lab during regular work hours or you might be working until 10 p.m. or later to finish an experiment. And the only time you might have available to analyze data might be at 1 a.m. Expect to work during part of the weekend, too. Graduate students do go on vacations but might still have to do some data analysis or a literature search while away.

As a PhD student, it might be hard to stop thinking about the next step in an experiment or that data sitting on your computer or that paper you were meaning to start. While I imagine some students can bifurcate their mind between graduate school life and everything else, that's quite hard for many of us to do. No matter what, my research lies somewhere in the back of my head. In short, your schedule is much more flexible as a PhD student, but as a result, you never truly take a break from your work.

While this may seem like a downer, remember that you should have passion for the research you work on (most of the time), so you should be excited to think up new experiments or different ways to consider that data you have collected. Even when I'm lying in bed about to fall asleep, I am sometimes ruminating about aspects of my experiment I could modify or what information I could do a literature search on to gain new insights. A PhD program is quite the commitment and rarely lives up to expectations – but it is well worth the time and effort you will spend for something that truly excites you.


Andy greenspon.

Doctorate in Psychology (Ph.D. and Psy.D.) – everything you need to know in 2024

What’s in this guide, ph.d. or psy.d..

  • Why get a doctorate in psychology?

Entry Requirements

  • PhD in psychology jobs
  • How long does it take to study?

How to choose a program

How much does it cost, earning potential , find your degree.

By psychologyjobs.com Staff Writer

A doctorate in psychology is a terminal degree typically lasting 4-7 years. It prepares graduates for independent research, clinical practice, or university-level teaching careers in psychology.

There are many reasons you may want to pursue a doctorate degree in Psychology, the following guide will provide everything you need to know; from the options, costs, timeframes, career advantages and more.

what to get a phd in

First up, what are the two types of doctorate degree you can get and what are the differences?

The two doctorate degrees you can get in psychology are Ph.D. and Psy.D.

In simple terms, a Ph.D. in psychology is more research-focused, while a Psy.D. emphasizes clinical practice. The best choice between the two depends on your career goals and whether you prefer research and academia or direct clinical work.

Why study for a doctorate in psychology?

  • Doctorate-level psychologists typically have higher earning potential compared to those with a master’s degree or bachelor’s degree in the field.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge and expertise in your chosen area of specialization within psychology.
  • Potentially make significant contributions to the field.
  • Advanced career opportunities in various settings, such as academia, research institutions, government agencies, hospitals, and private practice.
  • Connect with other professionals, researchers, and academics in the field of psychology, expanding your professional network

The minimum requirements to study a doctorate degree in psychology will vary from institution to institution. However, there are several common requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree:  all programs require applicants to have completed a  bachelor’s degree , in psychology or a related field. Some programs may accept candidates with a degree in another discipline if they have completed prerequisite coursework in psychology.
  • Master’s degree : Some doctoral programs require applicants to have a  master’s degree in psychology  or a related field. Others may admit students directly from their bachelor’s degree and incorporate a master’s degree into the doctorate program.
  • GPA : Many programs have a minimum GPA requirement, usually 3.0 or higher. Some competitive programs require a higher GPA.
  • Letters of recommendation : Applicants typically need to submit letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can speak to their academic and research abilities.
  • Research experience : Prior research experience is often valued by doctoral programs in psychology. This may include experience working on research projects, completing a thesis, or participating in research internships or assistantships.
  • Personal statement:  Applicants usually need to submit a personal statement or statement of purpose that outlines their academic and research interests, career goals, and why they are interested in the specific doctoral program.

Doctorate in psychology jobs

  • Addiction Counselor
  • ABA Therapist
  • Mental Health Therapist
  • Licensed Mental Health Conselor
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
  • School Psychologist
  • Organizational Psychologist
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Sports Psychologist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Research Psychologist
  • Professor of Psychology
  • Child Psychologist

*Outside of the licensed psychologist jobs listed above many of the above roles  do not require a doctorate but it is important to note that employers for these roles are increasingly favoring candidates with a doctorate. 

How Long Does It Take To Study?

For the majority of students, a doctorate in Psychology may take anywhere from 4-7 years to finish, which will include a research dissertation and most likely residency or an internship in clinical or medical environments.

what to get a phd in

By far and away the question our career coaches get asked most frequently about doctorate degrees is how to choose a program. The choice of institutions and programs is truly overwhelming.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Accreditation – Ensuring the program is accredited by the American Psychological Association . Accreditation affects the quality of education you will receive, your eligibility for professional licensure, and your job prospects after graduation.
  • Program Focus and Curriculum –  Different programs may emphasize various aspects of psychology, such as clinical practice, counseling, research, or specific subfields like neuropsychology or health psychology. Match the program’s strengths and curriculum to your career interests and goals. Investigate whether the program offers courses and training that are critical to your desired career path.
  • Faculty Expertise – Look into the backgrounds and areas of expertise of the faculty within the program. Consider how these align with your research interests or the professional skills you wish to acquire. Having mentors who are experts in your area of interest can provide invaluable guidance and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Research Opportunities – For those interested in research, evaluate the resources available, such as labs, funding, and support for attending conferences or conducting fieldwork. Check if the program encourages or requires publications and what kind of support it offers to achieve these milestones.
  • Clinical Training and Internships – For clinically oriented programs, look at the quality and variety of their practicum and internship placements. These are often required for licensure.
  • Funding and Financial Support – Understand the types of financial support offered by the program, including teaching and research assistantships, fellowships, and grants. Funding can significantly impact your experience by allowing you to focus more fully on your studies and research without needing to seek employment externally.
  • Alumni Success and Networking Opportunities –  Investigate where alumni of the program are currently working. This can give you a sense of the program’s reputation and effectiveness in placing graduates in jobs. Additionally, networking opportunities through alumni networks, professional associations, and academic conferences can be critical for career development.
  • Program Size and Student Support Services – Consider the size of the program and the ratio of faculty to students, which can affect the amount of individual attention and mentoring you receive.
  • Location – Certain locations might offer better practicum, internship, and employment opportunities in your field of interest due to the presence of significant healthcare facilities, research institutions, or industries.

Depending upon the institution, method of study, location and type of program then you can expect to pay $25,000-$80,000 per year to study for a doctorate in psychology.

An online program would likely fall at the lower end of this range whilst an out of state student in a private university might expect to pay the upper end of this range.

Many psychology doctoral programs, particularly in research-oriented universities, offer funding packages to their students. These can include full or partial tuition waivers, health insurance coverage, and a stipend to help with living expenses

The average salary for an individual with a doctorate in psychology is $114,768.

Earning potential varies considerably by specialty, location and industry but we see roles requiring a doctorate advertised in the $80,000-$130,000 range.

  • PhD in Organizational Psychology
  • PhD in Educational Psychology
  • PhD in Forensic Psychology
  • PhD in Counseling Psychology
  • PhD in Behavioral Psychology
  • PhD in Child Psychology
  • PhD in Clinical Psychology
  • PhD in Neuropsychology
  • PhD in Sports Psychology

Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Ph.D. Commencement robing Martin West and Christopher Cleveland

Additional Information

  • Download the Doctoral Viewbook
  • Admissions & Aid

The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice.

Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will collaborate with scholars across all Harvard graduate schools on original interdisciplinary research. In the process, you will help forge new fields of inquiry that will impact the way we teach and learn. The program’s required coursework will develop your knowledge of education and your expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods needed to conduct high-quality research. Guided by the goal of making a transformative impact on education research, policy, and practice, you will focus on independent research in various domains, including human development, learning and teaching, policy analysis and evaluation, institutions and society, and instructional practice.   

Curriculum Information

The Ph.D. in Education requires five years of full-time study to complete. You will choose your individual coursework and design your original research in close consultation with your HGSE faculty adviser and dissertation committee. The requirements listed below include the three Ph.D. concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; and Human Development, Learning and Teaching . 

We invite you to review an example course list, which is provided in two formats — one as the full list by course number and one by broad course category . These lists are subject to modification. 

Ph.D. Concentrations and Examples

Summary of Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Colloquia  In year one and two you are required to attend. The colloquia convenes weekly and features presentations of work-in-progress and completed work by Harvard faculty, faculty and researchers from outside Harvard, and Harvard doctoral students. Ph.D. students present once in the colloquia over the course of their career.

Research Apprenticeship The Research Apprenticeship is designed to provide ongoing training and mentoring to develop your research skills throughout the entire program.

Teaching Fellowships The Teaching Fellowship is an opportunity to enhance students' teaching skills, promote learning consolidation, and provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty on pedagogical development.

Comprehensive Exams  The Written Exam (year 2, spring) tests you on both general and concentration-specific knowledge. The Oral Exam (year 3, fall/winter) tests your command of your chosen field of study and your ability to design, develop, and implement an original research project.

Dissertation  Based on your original research, the dissertation process consists of three parts: the Dissertation Proposal, the writing, and an oral defense before the members of your dissertation committee.

Culture, Institutions, and Society (CIS) Concentration

In CIS, you will examine the broader cultural, institutional, organizational, and social contexts relevant to education across the lifespan. What is the value and purpose of education? How do cultural, institutional, and social factors shape educational processes and outcomes? How effective are social movements and community action in education reform? How do we measure stratification and institutional inequality? In CIS, your work will be informed by theories and methods from sociology, history, political science, organizational behavior and management, philosophy, and anthropology. You can examine contexts as diverse as classrooms, families, neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, religious institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, and more.

Education Policy and Program Evaluation (EPPE) Concentration

In EPPE, you will research the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy affecting early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education in the U.S. and internationally. You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more. Your work will be informed by theories and methods from economics, political science, public policy, and sociology, history, philosophy, and statistics. This concentration shares some themes with CIS, but your work with EPPE will focus on public policy and large-scale reforms.

Human Development, Learning and Teaching (HDLT) Concentration

In HDLT, you will work to advance the role of scientific research in education policy, reform, and practice. New discoveries in the science of learning and development — the integration of biological, cognitive, and social processes; the relationships between technology and learning; or the factors that influence individual variations in learning — are transforming the practice of teaching and learning in both formal and informal settings. Whether studying behavioral, cognitive, or social-emotional development in children or the design of learning technologies to maximize understanding, you will gain a strong background in human development, the science of learning, and sociocultural factors that explain variation in learning and developmental pathways. Your research will be informed by theories and methods from psychology, cognitive science, sociology and linguistics, philosophy, the biological sciences and mathematics, and organizational behavior.

Program Faculty

The most remarkable thing about the Ph.D. in Education is open access to faculty from all Harvard graduate and professional schools, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Learn about the full Ph.D. Faculty.

Jarvis Givens

Jarvis R. Givens

Jarvis Givens studies the history of American education, African American history, and the relationship between race and power in schools.

Paul Harris

Paul L. Harris

Paul Harris is interested in the early development of cognition, emotion, and imagination in children.

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. 

Luke Miratrix

Luke W. Miratrix

Luke Miratrix is a statistician who explores how to best use modern statistical methods in applied social science contexts.

what to get a phd in

Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor studies the economics of education, with a particular interest in employer-employee interactions between schools and teachers — hiring and firing decisions, job design, training, and performance evaluation.

Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli

Paola Ucelli studies socio-cultural and individual differences in the language development of multilingual and monolingual students.

HGSE shield on blue background

View Ph.D. Faculty


The following is a complete listing of successful Ph.D. in Education dissertations to-date. Dissertations from November 2014 onward are publicly available in the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) , the online repository for Harvard scholarship.

  • 2022 Graduate Dissertations (265 KB pdf)
  • 2021 Graduate Dissertations (177 KB pdf)
  • 2020 Graduate Dissertations (121 KB pdf)
  • 2019 Graduate Dissertations (68.3 KB pdf)

Student Directory

An opt-in listing of current Ph.D. students with information about their interests, research, personal web pages, and contact information:

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Student Directory

Introduce Yourself

Tell us about yourself so that we can tailor our communication to best fit your interests and provide you with relevant information about our programs, events, and other opportunities to connect with us.

Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Doctor of Philosophy in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Callie Sung

The Human Element of Data and AI

Gahyun Callie Sung's journey to HGSE and the LIT Lab is reflected in her research into data and using AI to improve student outcomes

Mary Laski

Improving the Teacher Workforce

With her research work, doctoral marshal Mary Laski, Ph.D.'24, is trying to make teaching in K–12 schools more sustainable and attractive

Highest Paying Doctorate Degrees [2024 Guide]

We’ve identified the 25 highest paying doctorate degrees. Compare salaries and job prospects.

Highest Paying Doctorate Degrees

Completing a PhD may open up doors in terms of career advancement. Plus, it may not take as long as you think to complete if you enroll in the shortest doctoral programs .

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

The following list contains the highest paying doctorate degrees along with career outlook and job growth statistics.

25 Highest Paying Doctorate Degrees

All career statistics and salary data are provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics .

Click on the area of study you’re interested in to jump to that section.

Aerospace Engineering

Chemical engineering, pharmacology, business administration, cybersecurity, electrical engineering, data science, biochemistry, information security assurance, biomedical engineering, information technology and computer science, occupational therapy, criminal justice, engineering, organic chemistry.

While all of these industries are growing, some provide better job prospects than others.

immunologist checking a young patient

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $208,000
  • Job Growth: 4%

One of the more specialized high paying doctorate programs is in immunology. Immunology is the study of disease prevention and immunity. Due to the specialized nature of the study here, jobs are typically well paid and much more specific.

A person who has studied immunology may be expected to work in research or academia but is also likely to land high-paying roles within the medical industry and at hospitals. The demand for this area of expertise is also rising faster than the average job growth, meaning there should be plenty of opportunities for graduates.

A PhD in immunology is a lot of hard work and is, therefore, suited to someone who already has considerable experience working in the medical industry. Those with an academic background in medicine should consider applying for an immunology program.

physicists researching in a laboratory

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $129,850
  • Job Growth: 7%

Of the three main sciences, physics can be the one that is the most fruitful for taking a doctorate. People who take a PhD in physics are likely to land themselves a position as either a researcher or a professor.

There are also several other high paying positions that are possible for someone who takes this career path, including more specialized roles or becoming lead physicists and consultants.

Physics is also one of the job markets that is predicted to see a considerable amount of growth for the next 10 years. Pursuing a physics doctorate can be perfect for someone who already has experience in physics or someone who already has either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the subject combined with some practical experience.

aerospace engineer checking a plane

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $118,610
  • Job Growth: 3%

Aerospace engineering is a field that would likely attract those who already have a background in either science or engineering. It is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and demand for jobs is expected to increase as the years roll by. So the length it takes to get a PhD should be taken into consideration so you can quickly enter this field during its booming growth.

The doctorate focuses on the engineering of various different types of spacecraft and can be incredibly demanding. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the salary potential for this field is as high as $171,220.

math professor teaching in a university

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $110,860

Math may not be the glamorous subject to study at doctorate level, but it can open up a wide range of potentially lucrative career options.

Math can allow students to work in various sectors of the economy and business, and they may also work in research or as a math lecturer or professor at a top university.

team of professionals in a meeting

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $109,760
  • Job Growth: 5%

Taking a doctorate in management can be a logical step in the career of someone who has a history of working in business, project management, or the economy as well as several other sectors.

Earning this doctorate can open up chief executive roles within companies and roles like chief operations officer and supply chain management. It may also lead to regional and national management roles.

chemical engineer working in a laboratory

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $108,540

Another engineering-based field that presents doctorate students with some big money career options is chemical engineering. The field combines a number of different disciplines, including all of the sciences, math, and statistics, as well as engineering.

It is a complex doctorate to take, but the rewards may be worth the effort, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing salaries up to $168,960 available in this field.

economics analyst working on her computer

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $108,350
  • Job Growth: 14%

One of the most popular PhDs to take is in economics. Economics is a social science that studies and theories about the production and consumption of goods and the effect that this has on society and the economy.

Taking a PhD in economics may open up a lot of doors. Working in the financial sector is usually lucrative, and a doctorate in economics can help give you an edge over competitors in what is a notoriously feisty industry. Top earners can make around $198,230 per year.

Economics analysis is a skill that is highly sought after, especially in the medical, legal, and education sectors.

While on the face of it, some people may believe that studying economics leaves you consigned to an office for the majority of your working life, the reality is that it can open up a lot of doors in a lot of different sectors. It may also provide you with a lot of travel opportunities and chances to meet new people.

A doctorate in economics may be perfect for someone who already has some experience in the field or for someone who has studied economics, math, finance, or business to a higher level and wants to take the next step in their academic and professional career.

pharmacist checking details of a medicine on computer

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $107,270
  • Job Growth: 6%

Pharmacology is big business these days, and taking a doctorate in the subject may lead to some lucrative opportunities. It is expected that someone who wants to study pharmacology will have a background in the subject with a master’s degree being heavily preferred.

There are a lot of pre-requisites for getting onto a pharmacology doctorate program, but the Bureau of Labor Statistics is showing salaries going as high as $164,980.

business professional working in the office

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $103,650

Getting a doctorate in business administration can open up a lot of doors. Students who end up taking their doctorate in business administration often end up working as leading and chief executives as well as entrepreneurs and financial advisors.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, salaries for someone with a doctorate in this field can be as high as $208,000. It can be ideal for someone who has a background in business or economics who wants to take the next step in their career.

IT specialist working on her computer

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $103,590
  • Job Growth: 31%

As the world of IT continues to grow, so does the demand for more and more cybersecurity. The field is one of the fastest-growing in the world, and getting a doctorate in the subject may land you a range of different high paying jobs.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roles like IT managers can offer doctorates a salary of up to $208,000. This sector is also constantly growing, and as such, the demand and the salaries should continue to grow as time passes.

electrical engineer working on wires

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $100,830

When it comes to job demand, electrical engineering is one of the safest career paths to go down. Electrical engineering has a huge impact on our day-to-day lives.

Most of our day-to-day electrical appliances exist as a result of electrical engineering, and taking a doctorate in the field may open the door to some pretty lucrative research and project management positions. It is advised that someone who takes a PhD in electrical engineering already have practical experience in the field.

school principal checking the students before going on a field trip

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $98,490

A doctorate in education can open up a lot of different career options in that sector. A lot of doctors of education end up working in either research or in top positions at schools as principals and superintendents.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for someone working in education administration with a doctorate is around the $199,400 mark. A number of doctor of education programs do not require a dissertation .

data specialists checking the data room

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $98,230

Data is quickly becoming the most valuable commodity on the planet, and as such, the demand for data specialists and researchers is growing at an impressive rate.

Data science doctorates offer a gateway into these positions, and they usually come with some pretty high salaries. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, salary for a data scientist can go as high as $165,230, and with this field ever-expanding, the demand for these positions should continue to increase.

biochemist working in a laboratory

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $94,270

Biochemists study the chemical and physical makeup of living organisms. Due to the specialized nature of the subject, research positions in this sector typically pay incredibly well.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, biochemist doctorates can start out at around $67,710 but can increase up to $169,860 or more. This doctorate may suit someone with a background in chemistry or some other science discipline.

IT engineers working in data center

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $92,870

Information assurance is a new discipline that has been created as a result of the times we live in. Information assurance is effectively another type of cybersecurity that is designed to protect people’s data from third parties and other potentially dangerous sources.

A background in any sort of computer or data-related field can be ideal for getting onto an information assurance course. Due to the increasing demand for data protection, jobs in this sector can be particularly lucrative, and the demand for these jobs is expected to increase as time rolls on.

The demand for experts in this industry is very high and is only predicted to grow over the next decade.

biomedical engineer working in a laboratory

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $92,620

Biomedical engineering is becoming an incredibly popular field of research. It is an ever-growing and developing industry, and as such, the demand for expertise in the area is on the rise.

Getting a PhD in biomedical engineering is likely to secure you a lucrative research job for a university or a job in a hospital or the medical industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average salary in this field for a senior position ranges from $127,980 to $169,860.

statistician analyzing data and working on her laptop

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $92,270
  • Job Growth: 35%

Statistics is one of the most versatile doctorates available today. Statistics are used in a wide range of different sectors, including finance, research, business, health care, government, and many others.

A doctorate in statistics can be ideal for someone who has a background in math or business. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top salary for someone working in statistics can be as high as $150,840.

computer programmers having a conversation

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $91,250
  • Job Growth: 11%

The world of IT is constantly growing, and as it does, the demand for experts grows with it. Getting a doctorate in information technology and computer science can be an incredibly lucrative career move, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing top earners taking home as high as $208,00.

The jobs that can be accessed, such as chief technology officers or research roles within the industry, tend to be incredibly well-paid. This doctorate attracts people who have backgrounds in IT-related fields, such as computer science or computer programming.

occupational therapist helping a patient during therapy session

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $86,280
  • Job Growth: 16%

For someone who already has experience working in occupational therapy, earning a doctorate in the field can be a huge benefit. Not only can it open the door for them to move up in the industry, but it can also expand their knowledge of the subject area.

It can provide them with theory-based research while also working on their leadership and management skills. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, occupational therapists holding a doctorate degree may reach a salary as high as $122,670.

The job growth for this doctorate is also incredibly high, which means it may be an excellent career path to enter in terms of job security.

forensic expert investigating a crime scene

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $86,110

The number of career options that are available to someone who has a doctorate in criminal justice is typically vast. Working as a criminologist, a criminal justice researcher, or a federal law agency admin can earn graduates a lot of money.

This course of study is best suited for someone who already has real-world experience working in the criminal justice or law sector.

engineering project manager supervising a construction

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $83,160

Engineering jobs are almost always in demand, and while there are a lot of high paying jobs available for those who have an undergraduate or master’s degree, taking a doctorate in the field can really help you advance your career.

An engineering degree is already one of the highest paying associate degrees , highest paying bachelor degrees , as well as one of the highest paying masters degrees , but the doctorate can be perfect for someone who already has experience working in engineering and wants to take that next step in their career.

A director of engineering job title and other project management positions may offer some very high salaries, about $208,000 or more, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

psychologist talking to a young child

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $82,180

With the stigma around mental health finally disappearing, the demand for jobs in psychology is on the rise. While a normal degree or masters in psychology may allow you to get jobs as a psychiatrist or a psychologist, higher-paying positions can become available following a doctorate.

It may also open up roles in research and as a university lecturer in the subject. The doctorate is suited to someone who already has their masters in psychology or who has a significant amount of experience working in the field.

philosophy professor teaching in a university

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $80,790
  • Job Growth: 9%

Getting a degree in philosophy can potentially lead to a surprisingly lucrative career in research or working as a lecturer. The doctorate is suited for someone who wants to work in research and who has a background in philosophy or religious studies.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, salaries in this field are around $80,790 per year working in a research role, and up to $180,360 for college professors.

geologist examining a rock

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $79,300

Organic chemistry, perhaps more than any of the other sciences, can open up a lot of different career options for doctorates. As well as research and academic positions, someone who studies organic chemistry may be able to land a job in a number of different areas, including geology, the pharmaceutical industry, and engineering.

Organic chemistry is a notoriously difficult subject to study, though, so it is vital that you have a solid background in chemistry and some work experience before attempting to join the program. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, salaries can go as high as $139,650 in this field.

professional writers checking the manuscript before printing in a publishing house

  • Annual Median Salary (Bureau of Labor Statistics): $69,000
  • Job Growth: 2%

A doctorate in English can open a range of different academic doors for potential students. A PhD in English may be perfect for someone who already has an academic background in the subject and can also be perfect for qualified teachers and writers looking to take the next step in their career.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a doctorate in English may qualify you for a potential career in a lecturing position with salaries as high as $180,360, as well as positions within the publishing industry.

What Are the Different Types of Doctorate Degrees?

Different Types of Doctorate Degrees

There are six common types of terminal degrees.

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) – Traditionally reserved for those who want to remain in the world of academia, Ph.D. degrees focus on maximizing your ability to impart this advanced knowledge to incoming students. Outside of teaching, Ph.D. candidates also focus on pushing the limits of research and theoretical study within their chosen fields.
  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) – The DBA experience is all about turning your terminal research in the areas of finance, marketing, accounting, and other related fields into applicable real-world skills. DBA graduates traditionally work in the corporate sector as executive officers and other ranking members of various managerial teams.
  • Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) – PsyD students aim to provide clinical services within a wide range of settings, including group, familial, medical, scholastic, and even corporate environments. Earning this degree can give you the power to serve as a practicing clinician or specialized counselor.
  • Doctor of Education (EdD) – Capturing an EdD degree is the first step toward a leadership role within the corporate and administrative side of the education field. Working as a principal, district supervisor, or even regional superintendent all fit into the professional path of this degree.
  • Doctor of Social Work (DSW) – If you’re interested in educating others on the best practices and leading theories of modern social work and community interaction, then a DSW program could be your option. Holders of this degree research and educate others in the social work field via hands-on training in the classroom and the office, as well as provide answers and guidance in unique or exceptional social issue cases.
  • Doctor of Public Health (DPH) – Like most of the other degrees in this review, earning a DPH is all about the desire to lead others in a chosen workplace environment. In this case, that means maintaining residency as an administrator or public health coordinator at a hospital or a similar clinical setting.

The type of doctorate degree you will want to earn depends on your career goals and primarily whether you want to teach the subject or continue working in your field.

Campus or Online: Which One Is Right for You?

doctorate student studying on her computer in a college library

It’s no big secret that whichever doctorate route you choose, you will most likely be rewarded for your hard work and research via ample compensation. However, you can make this process a little easier on yourself by focusing on a path – either online or on-campus – that suits your unique needs and daily requirements.

While the appeal of the traditional college experience is the major selling point for the on-campus approach, working on your degree from home is a flexible alternative that can shape and mold itself to your current personal and professional schedule by allowing you to work on your research and coursework at your own pace.

Adding in that these doctorate programs often waive Graduate Record Examination (GRE) minimum scores based on your GPA, as well as reduce or completely remove residency requirements, is further proof that this approach is at least worth your consideration as you plan out your academic future.

Questions Related to Earning a Doctorate

Doctorate degrees

Here are our answers to a few more questions you might have.

How Much Do PhD Graduates Earn?

PhD Graduates make on average close to $100,000, with some job positions paying nearer the $70,000 mark and others going well about $208,000 (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

There may be some who question whether it is worth taking the time to invest in a PhD. Doctorate programs require a lot of time and effort, but studies suggest that PhD students typically earn more and find it easier to attract higher-paying jobs than those with just an undergraduate or a master’s degree.

What Are the Highest Paying Degrees?

Highest Paying PhD Degrees

A lot of degrees can lead to well-paying jobs. The more specialized a degree is in a certain field, the higher the chances are that it will be well paying. These degrees currently tend to be those in the engineering sector, as these are the ones that offer the most in-demand jobs.

What Is the Highest Paying PhD Degrees?

Once again, this one will depend on how specialized your PhD is and how in-demand that expertise is at a given time. Engineering PhDs tend to be evergreen, while there is an increasing demand for those with PhDs and knowledge in computer science and other IT related subjects.

PhDs usually provide those who have them with a lot of the highest paying jobs opportunities.

Are There Any Degrees Higher than a PhD?

higher degrees than PhD

No, there are no higher degrees than a PhD.

A PhD, also regularly referred to as just a doctorate, is as high as you can go academically. It is a specialized research doctorate that demonstrates a high level of expertise in a field. Most people who obtain their PhD tend to stay on at universities as either a member of a research team or as a lecturer.

Do you need a masters to get a PhD ? While many PhD programs require you to earn a masters first, it is possible to earn your PhD without having earned a masters. These are the direct entry bachelor’s to PhD programs offered by some universities.

Getting Your Doctorate Degree

Getting Your Doctorate Degree

It is important that you take the time to do your research into what doctorate will help your career the most. Once you have done this, you can begin to find the right university and program for you and begin the next step in your academic and professional career.

Now that you understand your career prospects and doctorate opportunities, it’s time to lay out the blueprint for a successful future.

Outside of conducting research on each of the areas that interest you, feel free to use the search tool below to find accredited universities that offer online doctoral programs in your chosen field.

When paired up with the rest of what you’ve learned here, there’s nothing that can stop you from finding the right school – and program of study – to fit your personal and professional goals moving forward.

what to get a phd in

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Studying a PhD in The USA - The Complete Guide

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The USA is a favourable postgraduate study destination for international students due to the high standard of academic study and the wide variety of subjects. By undertaking a PhD in the USA, you will find yourself becoming an internationally recognised expert in your chosen field.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the USA is considered the highest awarded degree in many US universities and institutes for most fields of study. For many international students, it's a dream course that offers an exciting new life chapter.

Attending Grad School for a PhD in the USA is not the same as undertaking a PhD in Europe or the UK , it can often be a different experience. However, studying abroad will improve your global cultural understanding in addition to your network of contacts for your future career. A PhD degree is often required when you apply for high-level management jobs, government expert positions, and careers like a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields.

There are a multitude of reasons why the United States is a fantastic choice for your PhD studies. Here’s everything you need to know about studying a PhD in the USA.

Studying a PhD in the USA

1. PhD course length

The total length of a PhD in the USA is between 4-8 years for full-time students and 8-10 years for part-time students, depending on your field of study. PhDs can be completed in 4-5 years for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject. Students typically dedicate 1-4 years on coursework, followed by 2-4 years of dissertation work. In the USA, the academic year is divided into two teaching semesters: August to December and January to May. 

Having a longer duration for your PhD allows for greater opportunities to adjust to your course and find your footing. This enables you to concentrate on developing a more comprehensive understanding of your chosen subject at a more relaxed pace.

2. World-class universities

The US repeatedly tops the charts of worldwide ranking universities , so what better place to do your PhD studies? Although rankings shouldn’t be the main deciding factor when making your PhD choice, they're a great indicator of educational expertise.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the location for your PhD. Does the university have a high employability rate after graduation? Are you wanting to go public or private university? What kind of research facilities do they have? 

Be sure to do some research before making a decision on your perfect place of study.

3. International community

The United States is a popular choice for international students from all over the world – making it an inspirational and cosmopolitan choice for your PhD studies. No matter what your choice of academic study is, you are guaranteed to find a diverse community that welcomes students from all backgrounds. 

4. Affordable tuition fees 

There are various tuition fee options available for PhD students regardless of your budget. The American higher education system is often associated with high fees and substantial student debt, but in fact, studying at an American university isn't always expensive, and many institutions offer affordable courses. For instance, PhD costs range from $28,000 to $55,000 annually, which shows that finding a PhD course that’s more affordable is possible. 

5. Student experience

American universities typically have vibrant campus communities with a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs and organisations. As a student, you will have the opportunity to engage in various social, cultural and recreational activities alongside your academic studies.

6. Student support

American universities typically provide comprehensive support services to assist you on your PhD journey. These services may include academic advising, counselling, career services, libraries, writing centres and various student organisations aimed at fostering your personal and professional development.

7. Land of opportunity

It's fair to say that student life in the USA offers something for everyone, regardless of what you're looking for from a PhD. With 50 states, six time zones, and thousands of higher-education providers, there's an opportunity waiting for every individual across the globe.

So let’s take a look at some of the key factors to consider when studying for a PhD in the USA.

Studying a PhD in the USA: top tips

Who is eligible for a phd in the usa.

To be eligible for PhD in the USA, generally students should have completed a graduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0, provide proof of English language proficiency, GRE scores and other supporting documents.  The eligibility criteria for a PhD in the USA can vary depending on the specific university and program. 

Can I get a PhD without a masters degree?

Yes, you can pursue a PhD without having a masters. Universities in the USA do not require a masters for you to apply. Because of the graduate programs in the US, you will receive your masters degree once you have completed your coursework stage. This practice combines the masters and PhD into one.

The eligibility criteria and requirements for direct entry PhD programs vary among institutions and fields of study, so it is advisable to check the entry requirements of the specific university or course you are interested in.

How to apply for a PhD in the USA

When applying for your chosen subject in the USA, you should expect to provide relevant information and statements to the university. This will include:

Completed application form – provided by your preferred university.

A personal statement – on why you want to study the subject, your research interests and career goals. Be sure to include any extracurricular activities and achievements within the body of your statement.

References – universities will expect that your referees will recommend you for the chosen course.

Test scores and grades – you will generally need to submit scores from standardised tests like the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). 

English language proficiency – international applicants whose native language is not English usually need to provide proof of English language proficiency through tests like the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It varies from institution to institution, but international students in the USA are required to have a TOEFL score of about 90.

Samples of work – it is recommended that you provide some work you have done that is relevant to your chosen subject. You may even be asked to complete a small task during the application process.

The application fee. 

Method of study

Compared to the UK and Europe , studying a PhD in the USA involves several key differences. Students in the USA are usually in direct contact with their professor, compared with those in the UK where students might find that their PhD program is headed by a professor who gives them a little less flexibility to change their research and study areas. There can be several cultural differences between UK, Europe, and USA university lifestyles. US students are expected to undertake a great deal of teaching and marking, as opposed to PhD students in Europe. 

As a result, you may have less free time outside of the university when pursuing a PhD in the USA.

Application for PhD In USA

When applying for your chosen subject, you should expect to provide relevant information and statements to the university. This might include:

A personal statement on why you want to study the subject. Be sure to include any extra-curricular activities and achievements within the body of your statement.

References. Universities will expect that your referees will recommend you for the chosen course.

Test scores and grades. It is important that you provide a list of your awarded grades from previous courses you have studied.

Samples of work. It is recommended that you provide some work you have done that is relevant to your chosen subject. You may even be asked to complete a small task during the application process.

UK and Europe students decide on their PhD thesis subject area before they apply . While taking classes at a graduate level, prospective PhD students in the USA spend up to a year or two deciding on their specific research subject. It is normal to apply for up to six institutions for a PhD in the USA, and students apply to each institution separately as there is no central organisation. 

Students in the UK and Europe are expected to apply with an understanding of the subject already, usually in the form of a masters degree, and be ready to start studying at the PhD level straight away. In the USA it is expected that students do not have an in-depth understanding of their subject as they usually only have an undergraduate degree when they apply. 

When should I start applying for a PhD in the USA?

Deadlines for applications to PhD programs in the USA tend to be between December and February, and institutions should let you know about your application by April. Most US institutions recommend that you apply as far in advance as you possibly can to give them, and you, plenty of time to make arrangements. 

Universities in the USA do not require a masters for you to apply as well. Because of the graduate programs in the US, you will receive your masters degree once you have completed your coursework stage. This practice combines the masters and PhD into one.

It varies from institution to institution, but international students in the USA are required to have a TOEFL score of about 90.

Funding your PhD in USA

PhD students are very likely to receive financial support in the form of PhD scholarships ; some USA PhD students also receive PhD studentships .

Making your PhD application in plenty of time allows you more time to apply for and arrange your PhD funding. Many students find that funding can cover much, or all, of the cost of their PhD studies in the USA, which ranges between $28,000 and $40,000. Deadlines for funding applications can be as early as December before starting your studies in the Autumn/Fall. 

There are two types of PhD funding: fully funded, which pays for the student's graduate school tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses, or partially funded, which pays for the student's tuition only partially or fully.

Can a PhD be fully funded?

Yes, many top universities in the USA offer fully funded PhD programs for eligible students. This funding pays for the student's graduate school tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses. Partially funded PhDs only cover the student's tuition in part or in full.

Some PhD students will receive a stipend from their institution with an assistantship position, but this varies between institutions and between departments within institutions. Other students can find funding from both their own and the American government, and there are plenty of American government schemes like The Fulbright Program that offer funds.

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what to get a phd in

How long does it take to study a PhD in the USA?

For part-time students in the USA, a PhD can take eight to ten years, but it usually takes five to six years for full-time students. PhDs can be completed in four to five years rather than five or six for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject.

Top 10 ranked American universities

Based on 2024 Times Higher Education's World University Rankings data, the following table shows which US universities rank the highest.



Stanford University



Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)



Harvard University



Princeton University



California Institute of Technology (Caltech)



University of California, Berkeley



Yale University



University of Chicago



John Hopkins University



University of Pennsylvania

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what to get a phd in

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PhD Degree Requirements

This webpage provides a quick overview of the requirements for our PhD program. More detailed information can be found in the Psychology Graduate Guide . This webpage and the Graduate Guide supplement the Psychology PhD requirements defined in the Stanford Bulletin and the policies for all Stanford graduate education as defined in the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures Handbook . 

The most important component of our PhD program is engaging in scientific research. Students in our PhD program conduct in-depth research in at least one of five areas of study: Affective , Cognitive , Developmental , Neuroscience , or Social Psychology. All students are expected to spend at least half of their time engaged in research. Each quarter, students should register for 8 - 10 research units (PSYCH207: Graduate Research) and take no more than 10 units of coursework.

The sections below outline program requirements regarding coursework and teaching, as well as key milestones towards a PhD degree.

Course Requirements

  • Teaching Requirements  
  • Key Program Milestones

Core Courses, Statistics/Methods Courses, and Advanced Units must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of B- or higher. Click each requirement to open the relevant sections in the Graduate Guide.  

Professional Seminar 

All incoming students are required to take PSYCH207 in the first quarter (Year 1 Autumn). This is a course taught by the Department Chair with guest lectures from faculty across all areas, and serves to introduce the first-year students to the Department. 

  • PSYCH 207: Professional Seminar for First-Year Ph.D Students

As a part of PSYCH 207, first-year students are also expected to meet with their advisor(s) early in the fall quarter of the first year to discuss mentorship expectations. 

Core Courses

Students are required to complete 4 of the following Core Courses by the end of Yr 3.

  • PSYCH 202: Cognitive Neuroscience
  • PSYCH 205: Foundations of Cognition
  • PSYCH 211: Developmental Psychology
  • PSYCH 213: Affective Science
  • PSYCH 215: Mind, Culture, and Society

Statistics / Methods Courses

Students must complete PSYCH 251 and one additional statistics/methods courses by the end of Year 2. At least one of the two courses must be taken in the first year. 

  • PSYCH 251: Experimental Methods (Required) 
  • PSYCH 249: Large-Scale Neural Network Modeling for Neuroscience
  • PSYCH 252: Statistical Methods for Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • PSYCH 253: Measurement and the Study of Change in Social Science Research
  • PSYCH 289: Longitudinal Data Analysis in Social Science Research

Some students may wish to take advanced courses in Statistics or CS not listed above; please consult with your advisor and send an inquiry to the Student Services Manager. These requests may be reviewed by the DGS and/or the GPC.

Advanced Units / PhD Minor  

Students must complete 12 units of advanced graduate coursework (“Advanced Units”, or AU), or complete a PhD Minor by the end of Year 4.  

Students and their advisor(s) should discuss the course requirements and create a plan together for completing the Advanced Units. To this end, rising 2nd year students must submit an Advanced Courses Form by the first Monday in October (usually the first Monday of the Fall Quarter) of the 2nd year. 

Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) Statu s

Students should apply for Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) status once they have accumulated 135 units of residency and have filed a Dissertation Reading Committee form . Students in TGR status should register for PSYCH 802: TGR Dissertation (0 units) and take no more than 3 units of coursework per quarter. Typically, students transition to TGR in the Winter quarter of 5th year. 

For more information about Course Requirements, consult the Graduate Guide and the Stanford Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures Handbook .

Teaching Requirements

All students serve as teaching assistants for at least 5 Psychology courses during their graduate study, regardless of the source of their financial support. Of these 5 TAships, students must apply for 2 of their TAships to be in one of the two tracks: 

  • PSYCH 1 Track (2 quarters of Introduction to Psychology)  
  • STATS Track (2 quarters of core statistics/methods course: PSYCH 10, PSYCH 251, PSYCH 252, PSYCH 253).  

Students can review the Department's complete  TA policy  for more details. Questions about TA assignments or TA policy should be directed to the Student Services Manager. 

Program Requirements and Milestones

Year 1: First Year Project (FYP)

At the end of their first year of graduate study, students must submit a written report of their first-year research activities, called the First Year Project (FYP) by June 1 The FYP is submitted to their advisor, second FYP reader (another faculty), and the students’ services manager. Students are also expected to present the results of their FYP in their area seminar. 

Year 2: Admission to Candidacy

In our department, a student’s application for candidacy must be filed as soon as all requirements for Year 1 and Year 2 are completed (and by the end of the 2nd year). The decision to advance a student to candidacy is made based on a holistic assessment of the student’s progress in the program. For more information, please refer to the Graduate Guide, section on Admission to Candidacy. 

Conferral of a masters degree: Graduate students in the Department of Psychology who have completed (a) the first-year and second-year course requirements and (b) at least 45 units of Psychology courses may apply for a conferral of the MA degree.

Master of Arts Degree in Psychology (Optional)

Graduate students in the Department of Psychology who have completed (a) the first-year and second-year course requirements and (b) at least 45 units of Psychology courses may apply for conferral of the MA degree. The application should be reviewed with the Student Services Manager. The  application process  typically occurs in 2nd or 3rd year.

Year 3: Research Plan and Dissertation Reading Committee   

Students in Year 3 are expected to:

(1) Form a dissertation reading committee (due Feb 1): The research committee includes the dissertation advisor and at least 2 additional faculty members, for a total of 3 members, at least two of whom should have primary appointments in the Psychology Department. 

(2) Schedule and hold the 3rd Year Committee Meeting to take place in Winter or Spring quarter (before June 1), and submit a research plan to their committee 2 weeks before the meeting

(3) After the committee meeting, submit the Research Plan to the Student Services Manager and report the meeting date using the Committee Meeting Google Form .

Year 4: Area Review and Research Roadmap (ARRR) and Committee Meeting

Students in Year 4 are expected to:

(1) Schedule and hold the 4th Year Committee Meeting in the Winter quarter and submit an Area Review & Research Roadmap (ARRR) to the committee two weeks before the meeting.

(2) After the committee meeting, submit the ARRR to the Student Services Manager and report the meeting date using the Committee Meeting Google Form . 

Final Year: Oral Examination and Dissertation  

Students in Year 3 and above are expected to hold a committee meeting every year. In their final year, students must form their Oral Examination Committee including identifying an external chair. Students must submit the Oral Exam Form to the Student Services Manager at least 2 weeks before the anticipated defense and follow the standard Department protocol for reserving a room for their defense.

Individual Development Plan

Every year, each graduate student completes an Individual Development Plan (IDP) and has a meeting with their advisor to discuss the IDP and set an Action Plan for the coming year. The goal of the IDP is for the student to step back from their daily tasks, reflect on the larger picture, discuss these topics with their mentor, and make an action plan for achieving their goals going forward. The IDP meeting must occur by June 1 each year. 

The IDP process has 4 steps:

1. Student completeness the IDP Self-Reflection form  

2. Student prepares the IDP Meeting and Action Plan form and schedules a one-on-one meeting with the advisor. 

3. Student and Advisor(s) complete the Action Plan (pages 3-4 of the IDP Meeting and Action Plan form ). 

4. Student submits the IDP Meeting Google Form to report the meeting to the Student Services.

Students can also use the IDP meeting to discuss mentorship expectations and schedule additional meetings if further conversations are needed. Note that first-year students must schedule a separate meeting with their advisors to discuss Mentorship Expectation as a part of their ProSem requirement

Graduation Quarter

Registration for Graduation Quarter is required for the term in which a student submits a dissertation or has a degree conferred. Please consult the Registrar's Academic Calendar for the quarterly deadlines for submitting dissertations; they are strict, and missing the deadline can have serious funding implications. For more information, please refer to the Graduate Guide and Registrar's Office website .

PhD Program Timeline At-A-Glance

  • FYP Proposal and name of 2nd reader due to Student Services

End of Fall Quarter 

  • Complete the mentorship expectations meeting with advisor
  • FYP due to Student Services, advisor, and 2nd reader

Summer of 1st Year

  • Meet and receive feedback from advisor and 2nd reader
  • Submit  Advanced Units coursework form  to Student Services

June 1  

  • IDP Meeting Due

By the end of 2nd Year

  • Submit  Candidacy Form  to Student Services
  • Submit  Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee form  to Student Services
  • Schedule 3rd Year Committee Meeting
  • Hold Committee Meeting (Research Plan to committee 2 weeks before meeting), and report meeting to Student Services; IDP Meeting
  • Schedule 4th Year Committee Meeting
  • Submit ARRR to the committee two weeks before the meeting
  • Hold Committee Meeting
  • Report meeting to Student Services
  • IDP Meeting

2 weeks before Defense: 

  • Submit the  Oral Exam form  to Student Services

End of Spring Quarter: 

  • Oral Examination
  • Submit Dissertation 
  • Schedule and hold a 5th Year Committee Meeting 
  • Guide to Applying for Graduate School

The process of preparing for and applying to a PhD program can be overwhelming. The University of Pennsylvania has created this webpage to help prospective PhD students think through the process so you can put together a strong application.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree one may obtain within a particular field of study. This ranges from studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields; Social Science fields such as Education, Economics, Political Science, and Sociology; as well as Humanities fields such as English, History, Music, Philosophy, and more. The PhD degree aims to prepare people to think critically, develop research, and produce scholarship that may be used for further research or implementation . The PhD historically prepared students to take on faculty roles in colleges and universities, and that is still the goal for many students pursuing the PhD. However, today the PhD is a sought-after degree in many other industries including pharmaceutical research, arts organizations and other nonprofits, publishing, government policy, big tech, finance, and more.

  • Who can apply to a PhD program?   PhD education is available to people from various educational, occupational, socioeconomic, and demographic backgrounds.
  • Who should get a PhD?  People interested in uncovering new ideas, solutions, or processes within a specific area of study through conducting independent research.
  • Why is it important for diverse candidates to become PhD holders?   Our world thrives on heterogeneous ideas and experiences, which is why it is indispensable to include students with diverse perspectives in our PhD programs. These students will generate important and original research.

Most PhD programs are fully funded, meaning that for a specific number of years, the program will pay for your tuition and fees and health insurance, as well as provide you with a stipend for living expenses . The structure of this funding varies by field. Below is an outline of general funding information as well as trends according to field of study.

  • Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships: Part-time service that provides teaching and research training opportunities within your area of study.
  • Funding packages provided through faculty research grants: Many STEM fields fund students through research grants awarded to faculty. In these cases, students perform research alongside the faculty. 
  • Fellowships: Internal or external merit-based funding. Some fellowships require an application while others are given via nomination. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing fellowship opportunities. Winning a competitive fellowship looks good on your resume.
  • Grants: Requires an application with supporting materials of either your grades, scholarly work, and/or anticipated research. These are available through internal and external means. Grants greatly vary so be sure to always understand the requirements. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing grant opportunities. Winning a competitive grant looks good on your resume.
  • Employment: For example, serving as a residential advisor, on-campus jobs, etc. Some PhD programs restrict additional employment, so be sure to check before applying for jobs.
  • The funding opportunities described here often can be combined.

Choosing a school or program that provides the most potential funding may be a challenging decision. The value of the same amount of funding will differ depending on the cost of living in different geographic locations. Admitted applicants should investigate cost-of-living tools (available on the web) and be sure to understand how their funding will be structured. Ask questions when you are admitted, such as: 

  • Could you share more about your program’s funding mechanism?
  • For how long is funding guaranteed? How does that compare to the average time-to-completion? Historically, what percentage of students have received funding beyond the guaranteed funding package?
  • Does funding cover tuition, fees, books, health insurance?
  • Does the funding rely on teaching, research, or other service? How much and for how long? 

Choosing a program for your studies is a personal decision that should reflect not only your research interests, but your work style, and interests outside of the classroom. Here we have identified five key tips to consider when selecting schools. 

  • Ask about which programs are strong in your area of interest, which have high completion rates, and which have career outcomes that align with your goals. 
  • Explore the websites of the professional academic associations in the field(s) that interest you. Many will have a directory of doctoral programs and other resources for graduate students. For example, see the American Economic Association’s list of graduate programs and their preparing for graduate school page .
  • Conduct a general internet search with terms related to your research interest.
  • Determine your geographic and personal preferences. Does the area meet your community needs? Is it important that the university aligns with your sociopolitical values? Do you prefer a large city or a smaller/college town? Is there a particular region(s) that has better access to resources needed to conduct your research?
  • Access your current or former university career center. These services are often still available for former students!
  • As you narrow your choices, try to identify at least 3 faculty in the programs of interest with whom you’d like to study. Also note how many of them have tenure. If relevant, research which of those faculty are taking on advisees in your year of matriculation.
  • Read articles from faculty with similar research interests.
  • Note the number of awards, publications, and service activities of faculty.
  • Identify research opportunities funded by both your program and university at large.
  • Connect with current and former students in the program for informational interviews.
  • Connect with campus Diversity Offices.
  • Whenever possible, before submitting your applications, make an appointment to visit the campuses and department(s) that interest you.
  • Use  LinkedIn  to see what graduates of your program are doing and how they are involved in their communities.
  • Estimate your feasible cost of living by geographic location and compare to the funding package offered.
  • Consider availability of health insurance, childcare, housing, transportation, and other fringe benefits.
  • Connect with a local bank or your prospective university’s financial services office for budgeting, savings, and other financial wellness advice.
  • Research the career outcomes for PhD graduates from the institutions that interest you in your specific field.
  • Your First Year in a Ph.D. Program
  • What Does Academic Success Mean and How to Achieve it?  (STEM)
  • Pathways to Science  (STEM)
  • 7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates  (Industry)
  • During your undergraduate/master’s education, you should pursue coursework and/or research that will prepare you for the higher expectations of a PhD program; for example, taking a research methods course, pursuing a summer research experience, or conducting research with a professor at your home institution.
  • Identify instructors who could write a letter of recommendation. Share with those instructors your interest in doctoral studies; faculty can be excellent resources for advice as well as recommendations!
  • Experiences outside of higher education can also strengthen your PhD application. These may range from project management to volunteer work.
  • Develop soft or hard skills. A soft skill that is most useful from the first day of your PhD program is networking. This is necessary not only for meeting other students but also to find collaborators with similar research interests and selecting faculty for your dissertation committee. Learning how to negotiate will also serve you well when approaching collaborative projects. Hard skills related to your field might include learning statistical analysis software, economic theory, a foreign language, or search engine optimization. In short, identify a few soft and hard skills that you can familiarize yourself with prior to your program’s start date.
  • Finally, prepare by identifying leading researchers and practitioners in your field , exploring peer-reviewed literature and/or publications, and gain familiarity with research methods.
  • Typically, PhD applications are due 10-12 months in advance of the program’s start date (i.e. apply in November to start the following September). A good rule of thumb is to begin your application process 6 months before the deadline. 
  • The availability of reduced application fees or fee waivers varies and sometimes depends on financial status and/or experiences (AmeriCorps, National Society of Black Engineers, attending certain conferences, etc.). If you are interested in a reduced fee or waiver, reach out to the program coordinator for details.
  • Be sure to address all the specific questions/topics in the statement prompt. 
  • Clearly state why you want to pursue a PhD.
  • Propose your research interest.
  • Identify the faculty you’d like to study under. 
  • Discuss the unique qualities/experiences you offer to the program/school.
  • Outline what you hope to do with your degree.
  • Ask for recommendation letters early in the process, at least 2-4 weeks before the deadline. A good letter takes time to write!
  • Provide recommenders with your resume, information about the program, your statement of purpose and/or information about your research interests and research goals.
  • Consider your current/former instructors, supervisors, colleagues. These should be people who can speak to your work ethic, academic abilities, and research interests.
  • Test scores (i.e. TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, etc.) may or may not be required.
  • All transcripts including those for coursework completed abroad and transfer credits. Some programs require official transcripts, which take longer to procure.
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Writing sample (field dependent): Include a graduate-level sample and update any statements, statistics, etc. as needed. It is highly encouraged that you edit your previous work.
  • Diversity statement: Many institutions offer an optional short statement where students can expand on their diverse backgrounds and experiences that may contribute to the diversity interests/efforts of the school.
  • Dress professionally, even if the interview is virtual. You don’t necessarily need to wear a suit but dress pants/skirt and a blouse/button down shirt would be appropriate.  
  • Develop an engaging elevator pitch, a 30-60 second summary of your research interests and what you hope to gain by becoming a student at that particular university. Practice your pitch with a career counselor, faculty advisor, or friends, and ask for honest feedback.
  • Prepare 2-3 questions to ask during the interview. These could include questions about program expectations, the experience and success of their PhD students, and (academic/financial/mental health) support for PhD students.
  • Some interview programs will include multiple activities including a social event. Be sure to maintain a professional attitude: do not drink too much and keep conversation on academic/professional topics.
  • This is also your opportunity to decide whether this campus is a good fit for you.
  • Academia Insider  is a good resource. 

Unlike undergraduate and master’s level education, coursework is just one component of the degree. A PhD comes with additional expectations: you must independently conduct scholarly research in your field of study, train in specific activities such as teaching or lab/field research, pass “milestone” requirements along the way, such as comprehensive exams, and complete the process by writing a dissertation. Furthermore, some fields require you to write multiple articles (number varies by field/program) for conference presentation and/or peer-reviewed publication.

There are other important elements as well:

  • Student/Advisor relationship. This is one of the most valuable relationships you can have as a PhD student. Your faculty advisor not only assists you with learning how to approach your research topic, but also typically serves as the lead supervisor of your dissertation research and writing, and ideally mentors you throughout the PhD experience. The selection process of choosing your advisor varies so be sure to know what is expected of you as a student and what is expected of the faculty member. Whenever possible, it is important to align your personality and work style with that of your faculty advisor. Many universities publish expectations for the PhD student/faculty advisor relationship;  AMP’ed  is Penn’s guide.
  • Other relationships: Your faculty advisor is far from the only important person during your PhD career. Other faculty members will also serve on your dissertation committee and be potential mentors. Students in your program can also provide good advice and guidance along the way.
  • Coursework: Most programs have a number of required courses all students must take regardless of research interests. Once you have finished this requirement, the classes you choose should closely align with your research topic. Choose courses that will help you learn more about your dissertation topic and research methods. It is a good idea to discuss elective course selection with your advisor. 
  • The dissertation is a large-scale, written document that explores a narrow research topic of your choice. It is the final step before receiving your degree and must be presented and “defended” to your dissertation committee (made up of faculty members) for approval. Defending means that you have to answer in-depth questions about your topic. While this might sound daunting, the dissertation is simply a demonstration of all the knowledge and expertise you have acquired through your PhD education. 
  • Networking comes in many forms and includes connections with your fellow classmates, faculty members, and scholarly community. Formal networking events typically take place at academic conferences, where scholars and students present research. Increasing your academic circle will not only allow you to have study buddies, but offer you the opportunity to collaborate on articles or even gain employment. Your school’s career center can provide best practices for effective networking. 

Explore  graduate programs at the University of Pennsylvania  and click on the programs that interest you to learn more about admissions and academic requirements.

Upcoming Penn information sessions and recruitment events include:

  • Fontaine Fellows Recruitment Dinner (by invitation only): every March
  • Summer Virtual Series for undergraduates thinking about graduate school: June-July, 2024
  • DEEPenn STEM  (Diversity Equity Engagement at Penn in STEM): October 11-13, 2024. Application deadline is May 24, 2024.
  • DivE In Weekend  (Diversity & Equity Initiative for Mind Research): October 18-20, 2024. Application due May 30, 2024.
  • IDDEAS@Wharton  (Introduction to Diversity in Doctoral Education and Scholarship): April 2025. Application opens in November 2024.

National conferences to explore:

  • The Leadership Alliance  supports students into research careers
  • McNair Scholar Conferences
  • SACNAS , the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the U.S.
  • ABRCMS , the annual biomedical research conference for minoritized scientists
  • The PhD Project  for students interested in business PhD programs

The Gradcafe

  • Majors & Careers
  • Online Grad School
  • Preparing For Grad School
  • Student Life

The Top 10 Easiest PhDs: Tuition, Duration, and Financial Aid

Lisa Marlin

If you’re wondering what the easiest doctorate degree is, this really depends on your definition of easy.

You may find a lengthy research dissertation challenging, or you may love writing and struggle with mathematical or analytical assignments. Equally, depending on your lifestyle, a flexible program that allows you to study online at your own pace could be much more manageable. Or it may be better to go all-in on an accelerated program that you can finish in a short space of time.

With all these factors and more in mind, you can learn about the easiest PhDs available today across various fields.

Table of Contents

The Easiest PhD Majors

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and we all excel in different areas. Having said that, a significant proportion of people find math and science challenging, so many people will find the following majors the easiest PhDs to get:

  • Religion/Theology

However, the easiest PhD for you could be quite different. If you have a head for numbers but don’t do so well with languages, you mind find a PhD in mathematics or engineering much easier.

Your interests also come into play: it’s always easier to apply yourself to a topic that you’re passionate about.

The Easiest PhD Programs

We’ve ranked the following programs based on various criteria to find the easiest doctoral degrees across a range of disciplines while mostly staying away from courses heavy in maths and science, as areas that people typically find challenging.

We looked for programs that offer a high level of flexibility, making it easy to fit your studies around other parts of your life. We also prioritized shorter programs that allow you to earn your doctorate in record time and progress with your career and avoided those with lengthy dissertation requirements.

Walden University, The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences

PhD in Education – Higher Education Leadership and Policy (Self-Designed)

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Walden University was named first in the USA  for PhD Education graduates. This is one of the easiest PhD programs to get into, as the University has an acceptance rate of 100%. It is also one of the shortest PhD programs in the field, offering a fast-track option that allows you to transfer up to 50% of your total credits and finish the program sooner.

  • Courses include: Leading the future of education, education law, policy & governance, and higher education in the 21st century.
  • Credits: 86 quarter credits
  • Duration: 3-8 years
  • Delivery: Online
  • Tuition : $692 per quarter hour
  • Financial aid: Grants, scholarships, and loans
  • Acceptance rate: 100%
  • Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Capella University

PhD in Psychology – General Psychology

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Capella University offers a wide range of online programs for students looking for ongoing education with a high degree of flexibility, including being able to study at their own pace. This PhD in Psychology is also one of the easiest online PhD programs, as it gives you the option to complete the doctorate in as little as five quarters.

  • Courses include: Ethics & multicultural issues in psychology, advanced inferential statistics, and quantitative research methods in psychology.
  • Credits: 87
  • Duration: 5-9 quarters
  • Tuition : $545
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, employer discounts, and military benefits

The University of Florida, Department of Classics

PhD in Classical Studies

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The US News & World Report named the University of Florida one of the top 5 public research universities  in the USA for 2023. With a focus on the humanities, many people will find this PhD program relatively easy, focusing on subjects like languages, culture, and history.

  • Courses include: Greek prose composition, the roman tradition, and Latin prose composition.
  • Credits: 60
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Delivery: On-campus
  • Tuition : $12,744
  • Financial aid: Fellowships, scholarships, and teaching assistantships
  • Acceptance rate: 31%
  • Location: Gainesville, Florida

Faulkner University

Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities

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Faulkner University was founded on Christian principles and offers many flexible programs designed to help students balance their education with their other commitments. This is one of the easiest PhD programs because you can complete it in just 48 credit hours while gaining a global intellectual and spiritual perspective through courses covering thought, ideas, and literature in the Western tradition.

  • Courses include: Scholarly inquiry & writing in the humanities, historical investigations, and literary analysis.
  • Credits: 48
  • Duration: 3 years+
  • Tuition : $650 per semester hour
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, grants, federal work-study, and loans
  • Acceptance rate: 76%
  • Location: Montgomery, Alabama

Regent University

PhD in Renewal Theology

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Regent University is a popular private institution that offers programs in over 150 areas of study, including some easy PhD programs that can be completed with very flexible study arrangements. This theology doctorate program aims to create future church leaders with a global outlook based on a Renewal approach to history and contemporary issues.

  • Courses include: Advanced hermeneutics, renewal theology, and advanced cosmogony & anthropology.
  • Duration: 4 years+
  • Delivery: Online (with 2-week on-campus residency each fall)
  • Tuition : $670 per credit
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, grants, and loans
  • Acceptance rate: 50%
  • Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Boston University, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College

Online Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy (PP-OTD)

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Boston University is a private institution ranked #1  in occupational therapy by the US News & World Report. This PP-OTD is one of the easiest doctorate degrees in physical therapy because you can complete it in just 18 months. It aims to equip practicing therapists for higher leadership roles capable of innovatively addressing the field’s key challenges.

  • Courses include: Social policy & disability, health promotion & wellness, and evaluating clinical theory & research.
  • Credits: 33-37
  • Duration: 18 months
  • Tuition: Varies
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, employer reimbursement, and federal loans
  • Acceptance rate: 20%
  • Location: Boston, Massachusetts

The University of Tennessee Knoxville, College of Social Work

Doctor of Social Work (DSW) in Clinical Practice & Leadership

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The College of Social Work is a higher education institution that strives to provide exemplary education in social work. It’s also heavily involved in international projects, which allows students to develop a global perspective on the sector. You could consider this DSW to be an easy doctorate degree, as an accelerated program designed to train existing clinical social workers in advanced clinical practice and leadership.

  • Courses include: Neuroscience for clinical practice, psychopathology & psychopharmacology, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, grants, federal work-study, graduate assistantships, veteran services, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 78%
  • Location: Knoxville, Tennessee

New York University, School of Law

Juris Doctor (JD)

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New York University is one of the largest private universities in the country, with campuses and academic centers across the globe. In this JD program, students enjoy a strong blend of theory of law and practice through the school’s more than forty legal clinics.

  • Courses include: Constitutional law, survey of criminal procedure, and international law.
  • Credits: 83
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Tuition : $73,216
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, fellowships, veteran benefits, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 21%
  • Location: New York City, New York

North Carolina State University, College of Design

Doctor of Design (DDes)

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NC State University is among the top 1% of universities worldwide, according to the Center for World University Rankings. This program encourages practicing professionals to develop innovative concepts and promote them more generally in the design community and society. It is an easy doctorate degree in design in that you can complete it in three years or even less.

  • Courses include: Research methods in design, case study analysis in design, and design for health & wellbeing.
  • Credits: 57
  • Delivery: Online (with one week of on-campus study every semester)
  • Tuition : $505.28
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, grants, student employment, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 46%
  • Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

Frontier Nursing University

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

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Frontier Nursing University is a not-for-profit institution with several accolades for nursing education, ranking third  for online master’s family nurse practitioner programs. The program is designed for working professionals and emphasizes evidence-based practice, with a quality improvement project in collaboration with your chosen clinical site. With this easy doctorate program, you can earn the highest nursing qualification in mere 15-18 months.

  • Courses include: Epidemiology & biostatistics, ethics & health policy, and leadership & organizational dynamics.
  • Credits: 30
  • Duration: 15-18 months
  • Delivery: Online (with 3-day on-campus orientation)
  • Tuition: $19,380
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, grants, employer benefits, veteran benefits, and loans
  • Acceptance rate: 66%
  • Location: Versailles, Kentucky

What’s the Difference Between a Professional Degree and a Doctorate?

A PhD program largely focuses on theoretical learning and the analytical aspects of the discipline you’re studying. It typically involves extensive research presented in a lengthy thesis or dissertation, often proposing a new theory or innovative findings.

On the other hand, a professional doctorate or master’s degree emphasizes gaining knowledge for practical applications and does not typically involve a dissertation. While a PhD can make you an erudite scholar well-equipped to work in research or academia, a professional degree typically leads to a career path as a professional in the industry, government, or nonprofit sector.

FAQs about the Easiest PhDs

Which phd is the easiest to get.

The PhD you’ll find easiest will depend on your own strengths and weaknesses and your passions. Generally, most people will find doctorates in the arts and humanities the easiest. Flexible programs that can be completed online and accelerated ones with a shorter overall time commitment are the easiest to complete in terms of meeting other life commitments.

Which Subject Is Easy for a PhD?

Subjects like the humanities, education, theology, and psychology are generally considered the easiest, mostly because they involve less quantitative research and rely on qualitative study methods.

Final Thoughts

The easiest PhD for you will depend on your own talents, weaknesses, and which practical aspects of the program will make it easiest for you to earn your doctorate. Many people find the arts and humanities easier than science and math, though your passion for any subject can make studying it relatively easy. Having the flexibility to study online , at your own pace, or alternatively, in a shorter, more intensive period like a 1-year PhD program  can also make it easier to finish your PhD.

Although easiness is one factor to consider when choosing the right PhD for you, it certainly isn’t everything. Most importantly, you should opt for the program that matches your interests and is most likely to help you achieve your career and life goals.

Want to explore more options? Check out our list of the highest paying PhDs  to learn about the programs that will give you the best return on your investment.

Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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Academic Degrees , Education Degree News

Considering a PhD in Education? Here’s What You Need to Know

what to get a phd in

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: December 17, 2018


For anyone looking to pursue a career in education in academia or research, a Ph.D. in education is the degree to seek. A doctorate degree in education is a terminal degree in the field, which means it is the highest level degree you can get. So the natural next question is, “What can you do with a Ph.D. in education?

Here, we will share Ph.D. in education jobs, as well as answer all your big questions surrounding a doctorate degree in education.

what to get a phd in

What is a Ph.D. in education?

A doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in education is a graduate degree that is well-suited for anyone who wants to focus their career on academics or research. Just like a Ph.D. in education is a terminal degree, so is a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree.

Although it can be confusing when faced with two terminal degrees in the same field, it helps to clarify when we understand what each of their focus is. An EdD in education is more hands-on and practice-oriented, which means that it’s of use to those who want to work in education, for the government, or in a non-profit organization.

A Ph.D. in education is theoretically-focused and more study-based, in comparison. For this reason, it’s best for anyone looking to work in research or academia at the university level.

There are more differences between the two, including:

  • A Ph.D. in education takes four years to complete, while an EdD takes two.
  • A Ph.D. requires doing a dissertation, while an EdD doesn’t.
  • A Ph.D. focuses on developing new research. EdD students, on the other hand, use existing research to guide decisions about issues within their area of study.
  • A Ph.D. requires taking 90 credits, whereas an EdD requires 60.

Why Earn a Ph.D. in Education?

There are many reasons why a Ph.D. in education is valuable and worthy of your effort. Here’s why:

1. It’s one of the most highly respected credentials in education, and as mentioned, it is a terminal degree (which means its the highest level that you can achieve in this field).

2. You’ll use research-based methods to solve problems and identify gaps in your specialization of choice.

Plus, you will have the expertise and credentials to publish in professional journals and/or present your findings at conferences around the world.

3. You’ll be advancing in an area of education in which you’re passionate.

Are you fascinated by childhood development? Or do you have a passion for classroom management? If you have a desire to advance a particular field in education, a Ph.D. is an excellent way to do so.

4. You’ll earn respect in your field and gain personal satisfaction.

Since a Ph.D. in education requires doing a dissertation, that alone is not an easy feat! Accomplishing it will surely give you a rewarding feeling. Plus, being called Doctor isn’t so bad either. Just like any degree, a Ph.D. in education involves a certain skill set . Some learned along the way, and some you may have naturally. These are some skills involved in a Ph.D. in education:

Technical skills:

Analysis and problem-solving, project management and organization, research and information management, and written and oral communication are all important in such a research-based degree.

Soft skills:

Interpersonal and leadership skills, self-management and work habits, concentration, and patience are all important personal skills to have when you’re spending lots of time on one specific topic.

The Doctorate in Education Salaries You Can Expect

Did you know that in America, Ph.D. graduates will earn $1.3 million more than BA holders in their working lifetimes? There are all kinds of career options for Ph.D. education graduates.

Here are some examples of typical careers for Ph.D. in education holders, as well as their average salaries in the US:

  • Clinical, Counseling and School Psychologists: $79,820
  • Education Teachers, Postsecondary: $80,56 0
  • Survey Researchers: $59,870 
  • Sociologists: $86,110
  • Training and Development Specialists: $62,700

Many PhD in education graduates want to become professors. Here’s what the average annual salaries look like around the globe for professors in the top-paying countries (in their equivalent USD):

Denmark: $109,600

Switzerland: $185,000

UK: $110,000

US: $102,400

Finland: $95,000

Canada: $93,000


France: $82,000

There are other career options as well, such as school administrator, superintendent, curriculum coordinator, and principal.

what to get a phd in

What are the Requirements?

Considering that a Ph.D. in education is the highest level you can achieve in education, it means that you will already have a bachelor’s under your belt, and in most cases, a master’s degree, as well. In other words, you probably like being a student. There are lots of years of studying that get dedicated to earning a Ph.D. If you plan on doing a doctorate in education, earning a master’s degree in education can be the right first step.

Another important thing to know is that almost all Ph.D. candidates have background experience in research. So if education is your field of interest, getting a Ph.D. will mean coming to the table with previous research experience from your undergraduate (and potentially graduate) degrees.

Every institution may differ on their prerequisites for enrolling in their Ph.D. in education program. Be sure to consult directly with your school of choice to find out what they are.

Where Can I Earn My Ph.D. in Education?

There are many schools that offer Ph.D. in education programs. Just like most subjects, there are going to be online /on-campus options as well as throughout the world. Some are even fully funded.

Online programs

University of the People has a Master’s in Education (M.Ed) degree. This could be a great choice for those of you who may be aiming for a Ph.D. in education but only have a BA. The next step is getting that MA. So, why not choose a tuition-free program ?

Liberty University, Walden University, University of Colorado, and the University of Nebraska are just a few popular universities that offer a Ph.D. in Education. Here’s a look at some of the most affordable online Ph.D. programs.

Studying in Europe

Studying in Europe can be both exciting and low-cost . Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Finland offer free doctorate tuition for university students, regardless of their nationality! France offers low-cost Ph.D. tuition fees. If you want to see some specific schools in these countries, look at this list.

Fully-funded Programs

Fully-funded sounds wonderful, and it is! But, it doesn’t mean there are no costs associated. Fully-funded actually means that your tuition is covered, but you’ll still have to cover costs for textbooks and supplies, living expenses, and other fees.  no cost. That said, it’s still an awesome option. One condition: it has to be on campus. Why? Because you need to pay with your time — by teaching and performing research.

University of Michigan School of Education, Vanderbilt Peabody College, and Steinhardt School at NYU all offer tuition-free on-campus Ph.D. in education programs.

Online vs On-campus

You might be wondering what it’s like to get your Ph.D. online, as compared to on-campus institutions. Like all degrees, there are advantages and disadvantages to earning your degree entirely online. In regards to a Ph.D. in education, you will need to consider a few things.

Online Ph.D. programs are best suited to students who work better solo. They are also great for those who have worked in the field for some time and want to advance in their area of study. And, of course, it’s the best option for those who work and are raising families. On the other hand, you aren’t in the presence of peers and professors that can be a valuable resource in the research-driven program of a Ph.D.

Earning a Ph.D. on-campus has its pros and cons, too.. While they’re generally more expensive than online programs, on-campus Ph.D. programs allow you to communicate face-to-face with your professors, supervisors, and other students.

What You Can Expect to Study in a Ph.D. in Education

Completing a Ph.D. means doing your dissertation, or research thesis. Naturally, it is going to be based on the field of study that you are most interested in. You can specialize in a certain area. Some common specialization options for a Ph.D. in education are:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Special Education
  • Adult Education
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Educational Psychology

Aside from the research involved in planning and executing your thesis, you will also have professional development activities and coursework relevant to your area of study. They’re designed to help give you the skills needed to succeed in your research and your future career in education.

While the curriculum is going to vary according to your specialization, there are some general core courses that most PhDs in education involve. You will likely take the following: group psychology, leadership, learning models, ethics, education and globalization, and analytics courses as part of your curriculum.

Is a Ph.D. in Education for Me?

If you choose to study for a Ph.D. in education, chances are you’re passionate about teaching and learning, and everything in between. Even if you’re not looking to stand in front of a lecture hall and teach, you may wish to improve upon the field of education as a whole through research and other means. With a Ph.D. in Education, you open the door to that possibility and many more.

How you choose to earn your degree is up to you. Whether you conclude upon enrolling online or on-campus, prepare yourself for lots of reading, writing, researching, and communicating. Whatever you chose, we’re sure you’ll give it your best shot. Here’s to reaching the top in the field of education!

At UoPeople, our blog writers are thinkers, researchers, and experts dedicated to curating articles relevant to our mission: making higher education accessible to everyone.

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How to Get a PhD

Last Updated: May 20, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Carrie Adkins, PhD . Carrie Adkins is the cofounder of NursingClio, an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog that connects historical scholarship to current issues in gender and medicine. She completed her PhD in American History at the University of Oregon in 2013. While completing her PhD, she earned numerous competitive research grants, teaching fellowships, and writing awards. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 691,470 times.

A PhD, short for Doctor of Philosophy, may help you secure a position as a college or university professor, a researcher in a government or industrial laboratory, a consultant, or an independent practitioner. [1] X Research source If you have the curiosity to explore a subject in depth and the tenacity to do so for many years, applying for a graduate PhD program may be an excellent step in reaching your full potential. By learning the steps necessary to complete your prerequisite education, apply to graduate schools, and complete the work, you'll be well on your way.

Completing Prerequisite Education

Step 1 Complete an undergraduate degree in a broad field.

  • Generally, it's recommended that students interested in pursuing advanced degrees should develop a wide skill-base during their undergrad. In other words, while you may ultimately be interested in studying Zoology, an undergrad degree in basic Biology might provide you with a diverse base that you'll be able to narrow in your future studies.
  • Many universities offer majors designed to funnel you into an advanced degree. Pre-law majors and Pre-med majors are two notable examples of this. Talk to your academic advisor about your interest in pursuing a PhD after you graduate, if you've yet to select a major.

Step 2 Develop a close relationship with at least one faculty member.

  • A good way to develop a relationship with a professor is to take multiple classes with her and join her lab, or research team. Go to office hours, introduce yourself, and express your interest in advanced degree work. Most professors are more than happy to work with a talented student who shows a sincere interest in their work.
  • It's also a good idea to forge relationships with graduate students at your school. Speak to graduate students and faculty about their experiences at the school, even if you plan on going elsewhere for your advanced degree. Many will be happy to let you know about the advantages and disadvantages of studying for and obtaining a Ph.D. It can be a great way to get insider information and get ahead of the game.

Step 3 Obtain experience in the field with a research internship.

  • Work-study programs in your field of interest can also be extremely attractive of graduate applications. If you're studying English, try to secure employment in the Writing Lab, rather than the cafeteria to give yourself an edge and valuable experience.

Step 4 Make contacts in your field.

  • National and regional conferences, such as the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), allow dedicated undergrads the opportunity to rub elbows with experts and contribute to the discussion.

Step 5 Start researching graduate programs in your junior year.

  • Look for programs with a good reputation, but give more weight to the faculty and the research interests of the other graduate students at prospective schools. What you're looking for in an advanced degree program is camaraderie and common ground, not an arbitrary ranking on some "prestigious" list.
  • The applications are expensive--sometimes $50 or $80 dollars each--so you won't be able to apply to all programs. Try to select a range of programs to apply to: choose a few big dream schools with great facilities and prestigious faculty and lots of competition to see if you can't get in. Apply to smaller programs that you'd also be happy attending. Apply to as many as you can afford to give yourself the best chance.
  • For some fields, a master's degree will be a more appropriate subsidiary or even terminal degree. At worst, a master's degree can be an excellent primer for the graduate school life, especially if teaching assistantships or fellowships are available.

Applying to Graduate Programs

Step 1 Take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) general or subject test

  • While most Master's programs only require the general test, which is like an advanced version of the SAT, some Ph.D programs will require that you take the subject test, which is given in several sections, including biology, literature, and other fields. It's a much more difficult test than the general--the reading list for the Subject test in lit is several hundred authors from a variety of periods. Make sure you take the correct test for the program to which you're applying. [5] X Research source
  • Schedule your test early in the application season, to give yourself enough time to retake it, if necessary. The test can be somewhat expensive, more than $100, so start studying now with a good-quality commercial study guide.
  • When you arrive for the test, you can arrange to have your scores sent directly to the graduate programs you'll be applying to. This has the advantage of cutting out an extra step in your application process, but also ensures that the school will see your scores, good or bad. If you're worried about your score, arrange to have them sent to you instead.

Step 2 Secure letters of recommendation from people familiar with your work.

  • It's important to ask for these letters as early as possible, preferably at least 3 months before you need to submit your applications. Professors will be inundated with letter-writing requests at the last minute, increasing the possibility of them writing a poor evaluation. Don't be one of those students.

Carrie Adkins, PhD

Carrie Adkins, PhD

" Ask well in advance, and supply any materials that might help them ," adds Carrie Adkins, PhD in History. "Professors can only write so many thorough, detailed letters of recommendation, so if you help them out by asking a month or two before the deadline and providing them with your CV and statement of purpose, you’ll be more likely to get their best efforts ."

Step 3 Write a statement of purpose.

  • If you're planning on applying to lots of schools, it can be a time-saver to write a "form" version of your letter, allowing space to customize the letter for more specific programs. It's very important to tailor each statement of purpose to the particular program to which you're applying. This demonstrates your seriousness and interest in the school. Each letter should read as if you're only interested in studying at that school.

Step 4 Assemble your application packets and submit them by the deadline.

  • a completed application form
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
  • Recent GRE scores
  • Statement of Purpose
  • TOEFL or IELTS scores (for international students)
  • 2-3 Letters of Recommendation

Step 5 Apply for teaching or research assistantships.

  • Applying for financial aid will often involve supplementary application materials, like a teaching statement, research statement, or other short writing prompts. Research the specific requirements at each university for specific instructions when applying for financial aid.
  • If full funding isn't an option, consider applying for need-based scholarships. Often, these are available to minority applicants or students in financial straits. Likewise, the application fee can often be waived. Contact individual departments when you're applying to check about need-based application waivers.

Completing Your Degree

Step 1 Choose a major professor and committee.

  • Choose people who you can work with, and who share a common research interest, as well as people you get along with personally. Personal differences often pop up during these kinds of working relationships, making it important to avoid them in the beginning.
  • Your proposed academic advisor/research supervisor should ideally be named in your statement of purpose, with the reasons you want to work with that person. Those reasons should show that you know something about that person's background and why he or she would make an effective advisor.

Step 2 Submit a plan of study.

  • The names and signatures of your committee members , the program director, and the student. You'll also need your student ID number and other personal information.
  • A brief statement of your academic and research goals . This will typically be a super-condensed version of your research question or thesis statement, probably no more than 50-100 words.
  • A list of the required courses you'll take over the next two years, listing course number, title, department, and instructor, as well as the semester you intend to take the course. Most programs require around 12 hours of required coursework for an advanced degree.
  • A list of the elective courses you'll take , with corresponding course numbers, titles, departments, and instructors, as well as the semester you intend to take the course. Most programs require somewhere between 20 and 30 elective hours for an advanced degree.
  • Dissertation hours . When you've passed your preliminary examinations, your coursework will change to independent research and dissertation work, but you'll still be registered for a course with a course number and a particular number of credit hours, with your major professor or thesis chair as the instructor. This information will also need to be included on the plan of study form.

Step 3 Complete the requisite coursework.

  • In graduate school, the course load is usually somewhat less than the undergraduate degree, because of the intensity of the coursework and other research or teaching responsibilities. A "full load" is usually considered 6 or 9 hours, though you'll be doing 20 or more hours of teaching or research in a given week. [6] X Research source
  • For a PhD student, a typical coursework semester might involve three courses: a required core class and two elective courses. Typically, elective courses will still be in the department the student is studying, if not the particular program. For example, a comparative lit PhD studying Medieval literature may take a 20th century poetry course in the English department as an elective, though probably not a biology class.

Step 4 Complete your written examination.

  • The written examination, sometimes called the "prelim," will typically be submitted to the department chair by your major professor, then administered to you toward the end of your second year of classes. When you pass the exam, you'll be considered "Post-Prelim" and may begin the process of completing your dissertation. [7] X Research source

Step 5 Begin performing research and collecting data.

  • Start with a research question. A research question is what you'll hope to answer over the course of your dissertation research. It needs to be narrow, but with broad-reaching implications. A starting research question might be something like, "How are women represented during the silver age of American comic book publishing?" or "What are the implications of spontaneous genetic mutation during breeding in drosophila, and what effect might this have on cancer research?"

Step 6 Explore the literature in your research field.

  • As you complete your coursework and add complexity to the topic in which you're interested, you'll likely change and add depth to your initial research interest. That's fine. Let the research grow your understanding of the topic, and change the way you approach it. That means you're on the right track.

Step 8 Prepare a doctoral dissertation/thesis

  • In the humanities , several semesters following your coursework and preliminary examination will be devoted to completing the research involved with your interests. During this time, you'll be expected to periodically update your committee on your progress, providing them with literature reviews and outlines, depending on your arrangement. You may also be expected to publish supplementary papers periodically in academic journals.
  • In the sciences , you'll spend your post-prelim semesters doing lab work, or other field work depending on your field of study. The time will be spent collecting data and performing experiments to move your research forward, to be collected in the dissertation, and probably published in peer-reviewed journals.

Step 9 Prepare for the oral defense of your dissertation

  • Most "defenses" are cordial affairs, not debates, though you should expect to be pressed and argued with regarding your methods, your conclusions, and other aspects of your work. The best way to prepare for your defense is to know your dissertation and your research inside and out.
  • At a successful defense, you'll need to present yourself and your work well both orally and in writing to earn recognition as a PhD candidate and a researcher. Practice delivering your main point quickly and your overall presentation or paper with confidence.

Funding Your Research

Step 1 Apply for departmental grants or additional appointments.

  • In the hard sciences , money is allocated to provide different labs, projects, and individuals money on a competitive case-by-case basis. To apply, you'll typically write a detailed proposal of your research goals and submit it to the department.
  • In the humanities , it's also common to seek subsequent teaching appointments in tangential fields: if your research involves the representation of women in comic books, and you've been teaching in the English department, why not pick up a special-topics course in Women's Studies?

Step 2 Apply for private research grants.

Surviving the Process

Step 1 Avoid petty competition and departmental rivalry.

  • Don't Try to do everything at once. Because you will spend several years to earn your doctorate, it's important to slow down and do everything with the attention to detail the process deserves. You don't want to get your dissertation hung up because of a silly documentation error you rushed through.

Step 3 Be tenacious and display initiative.

  • During the time you spend working on your doctorate, you'll face a variety of challenges. The lab's funding may be cut. You may lose grant money. Your paper may get rejected from a conference. Fail early and fail often. Create opportunities for yourself and work around the challenges.

Step 4 Stay organized.

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  • ↑ https://www.findaphd.com/guides/what-is-a-phd
  • ↑ https://drexel.edu/soe/resources/career-path/how-to-get-doctorate-degree/
  • ↑ https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/dec/essay.phd.html
  • ↑ http://www.cs.unc.edu/~azuma/hitch4.html
  • ↑ https://math.berkeley.edu/graduate/phd-program/preliminary-exam

About This Article

Carrie Adkins, PhD

Before you can get a PhD, you'll need to complete your prerequisite education and take the GRE, or Graduate Record Exam. You will also need letters of recommendation from 1 or 2 distinguished professors in your field to submit with your application. Once you are admitted to graduate school, you should seek out funding opportunities, like grants or teaching positions. To earn your PhD, you will need to take courses, pass written and oral exams, conduct original research in your field, and write a dissertation. For more ways to get your PhD for free, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How Long Does it Take to Get a Psychology PhD?

Obtaining a PhD in psychology comes with a number of benefits, from the freedom to start your private practice to the chance to dive deep into research.

But if you’re charting out the next steps of your academic journey, the big question is, “How long does a PhD in psychology take?”

Ultimately, it depends on a handful of factors, but you can expect to be in school anywhere from five to seven years. 1,2 Let’s break down the timeline together and explore why earning a doctorate in psychology may be well worth the commitment. 

Get Your PhD in Psychology Degree

Psychology PhD Program Overview

A doctorate of philosophy in psychology is a terminal degree that helps prepare graduates for a range of professional pathways. It’s often seen as an ideal choice for students who hope to gain teaching experience or produce fresh insights through scientific research. 3 PhDs in psychology may also earn their licensure and work directly with clients in clinical settings, such as a mental health clinic or a private practice.

PhD in psychology programs may vary from institution to institution. Yet, they’re typically broken down into four primary categories:

  • Methods and statistics
  • Assessment and treatment of mental health conditions
  • Research – Research is an integral component of PhD in psychology programs. Throughout your program, you may fine-tune your ability to gather information, perform interviews, work with participants of your selected study (or studies), gather and evaluate data, conduct literature reviews, and present results.
  • Clinical practice and research – The knowledge and skills you obtain through coursework and research are taken from theory into practice through supervised training and/or a doctoral internship. Depending on the school, you may also have the opportunity for teaching assistantships.
  • Dissertation – Your dissertation and dissertation defense are the key to the completion of your PhD and a culmination of your academic coursework, research, and hands-on training. While some may compare a dissertation to a thesis, dissertations are much more substantial in scope and typically come in between 100 and 300 pages. 7 If you’re unsure about your focus, we have the top 10 clinical psychology research topics to explore for your dissertation.

Stages of the PhD Program

The phases of a PhD in psychology also range from school to school. Graduate students can expect the following:

  • Comprehensive exams
  • Research proposal
  • Dissertation research
  • Dissertation defense

Does this mean you’ll manage each of these one at a time? Not necessarily. You might attend a morning lecture, teach for an hour, see a patient for an intake assessment, and spend your evening working on your dissertation.

Factors Affecting the Duration of a PhD in Psychology

Several factors may influence your particular answer to “How long does a PhD in psychology take?” These may include:

  • Part-time vs. full-time status
  • Job obligations
  • Family obligations
  • Domestic circumstances
  • Extenuating circumstances that occur during your program
  • Area of specialization

The duration of your graduate program may also be contingent upon the strength of your relationship with your mentor/doctoral advisor and, importantly, what you bring to the program, such as time management skills, motivation, and momentum. 8

The Role of Internships and Practical Experience

Internships and clinical practicums are crucial to gaining the skills and confidence required to transition from your doctoral program into the “real” world.

The type of hands-on experience you gain—and where it will occur—will depend on your program and discipline, but PhD in psychology students usually observe a licensed clinical psychologist in action or work directly with clients or groups of clients. In both scenarios, you typically have the opportunity to ask questions and request feedback. 9

Where do these internships and practicums take place? In a range of settings, such as:

  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Substance abuse facilities
  • Private practices
  • Correctional facilities

The PhD in Clinical Psychology program at Alliant International University, for example, pairs doctoral candidates with clinical practicum opportunities within the community to further your professional development.

As mentioned, a PhD in psychology usually takes between five and seven years, plus, in most cases, a one-year internship. Bear in mind, however, that the factors noted above could potentially delay completion.

5 Tips for Staying on Track

There are several ways to remain on track throughout your graduate studies: 10

  • Establish regular meetings with your mentor/dissertation advisor to evaluate your progress
  • Set firm deadlines
  • Select a manageable research topic
  • Work at building a support system, inside and outside of your program
  • Decompress with regular breaks, whether that means exercise, a staycation, or a quick weekend away

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), studies suggest that picturing the completion of your PhD and your future success can boost your motivation. Getting a PhD in psychology is no easy feat, but you are making a difference in the lives of others.

How We Support Our PhD Students

Alliant International University is intent on ensuring students receive the support they need to thrive throughout their academic journeys. We offer a number of resources to nourish your well-being, including libraries, labs, and online databases. Add an encouraging faculty to the list, and you can rest assured that we’ll help you stay on track.

Elevate Your Academic Career at Alliant International University

“How long does it take to get a psychology PhD” is case by case, much in the way your clients may be in the future. However long it does take is incomparable to what you may gain from your program, from in-depth knowledge of the brain to the finest research techniques.

Alliant International University nurtures these very things. We offer two doctoral degrees in Psychology: a PsyD and a PhD in Clinical Psychology . Both come equipped with attributes that can help students flourish—during their PhD degree programs and after.

Imagine your future in psychology by exploring our doctoral programs today.

  • Kendra Cherry, MSEd. “Different Timelines for Doctorate-Degree Options in Psychology.” Verywell Mind, November 7, 2023. https://www.verywellmind.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-phd-in-psychology-2795131.  
  • “Home.” Alliant Intl University. Accessed April 20, 2024. https://www.alliant.edu/psychology/clinical-psychology/phd.  
  • “Doctoral Degrees in Psychology: How Are They Different, or Not so Different?” American Psychological Association. Accessed April 20, 2024. https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/psn/2016/01/doctoral-degrees .
  • “Psychology Doctorate Phd Defined: Explore Academic, Internship and Research Requirements for a Psychology Phd.” Psychologist, March 24, 2021. https://www.psychologist-license.com/types-of-psychologists/psychologist-doctorate-phd/.  
  • “Best Doctorate in Psychology (Ph.D.. and Psy.D.).” Psychology.org | Psychology’s Comprehensive Online Resource, April 12, 2024. https://www.psychology.org/degrees/phd/.  
  • “Daily Activities of a Clinical Psychology Phd Student.” Simply Mental Health, November 13, 2022. https://simplymentalhealth.ca/2022/11/13/daily-activities-of-a-clinical-psychology-phd-student/.  
  • "How Long Is a Dissertation? Here’s the Average Length.” Dissertation Team. Accessed April 20, 2024. https://us.dissertationteam.com/blog/how-long-is-a-dissertation/.&nbsp ;
  • Young, Sonia N, William R Vanwye, Mark A Schafer, Troy A Robertson, and Ashley Vincent Poore. “Factors Affecting Phd Student Success.” International journal of exercise science, January 1, 2019. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6355122/.  
  • “Internships and Practicums.” Psychology.org | Psychology’s Comprehensive Online Resource, April 10, 2024. https://www.psychology.org/resources/internships-and-practicums/.  
  • “Revive Your Drive--Six Empirically Supported Techniques for Getting Excited about Grad School Again.” American Psychological Association. Accessed April 20, 2024. https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2008/09/grad-school.&nbsp ;

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You Cheated, She Found Out — Now What?

Twelve simple steps that just might win her back..

  • Erica Goodstone, PhD

Last updated on Jun 23, 2024

Husband calling wife after he cheated, and she found out

You got yourself into a situation that felt great at first but started to eat at you. The other person seemed so appealing, so exciting, so understanding, and so different from your wife or long-term partner. This other person played up to you, flattered your faltering ego, and provided the hot physical intimacy you had been craving but not receiving at home.

You thought you were so cool and could have your cake and eat it too. You thought you had covered your tracks so well and that your wife would never find out. And you even rationalized that if she did know, she loves you so much she would get angry for a while and then just easily forgive and forget.

All those little lies become bigger and bigger and have you tied up in knots. 

How do you get your wife back after you've cheated? 

RELATED: Believe It Or Not, It's Totally Possible To Move On From An Affair

What a shock it must have been for you to discover that your wife is smarter than you thought, more sensitive than you imagined, and capable of a rage and distance you never thought possible. Suddenly, your wife has come out of hiding and revealed to you the passionate and emotional woman you didn't know was there. And just when you begin to feel that passion returns toward your wife, she is half out the door or sending you flying with your suitcase in hand.

 What can you possibly say or do to gain back the love trust and puppy-eyed adoration of this woman whose hand you took in marriage? What would it take for her to be able to re-establish a sense that she is okay, that she is a beautiful, sexy, and desirable woman, and that you will love and cherish her for the rest of your life?

If you chose to have an affair with another person because your marriage had become boring, uninteresting, and monotonous, then perhaps you have chosen the right path. Because of this one action, whether your infidelity happened only one night or over a series of months or years, you have created a situation in which your marriage will no longer be monotonous and dull.

He cheated, she found out and is walking away

If your wife does not immediately throw you out of the house or insist that you pack up and leave, then you will probably be experiencing a living nightmare for the next few weeks, months, or even years. Sometimes the painful war-like connection remains indefinitely with nobody filing for divorce. Sometimes the jealousy and rage seem to peak and fall, always lurking in the background about to explode.

So, what can a reasonable man do once he has crossed the line of infidelity, his wife has discovered the truth, and he cannot turn back the clock?

RELATED: How To Know If Your Relationship Can Go Back To Normal After Cheating

12 steps to getting your wife back — without any guarantee of positive results

  • Admit your guilt and express your sincere sorrow that you have betrayed her trust.
  • Express your empathy in words and actions and body language
  • Show her in every way possible that you did not comprehend the enormity of what you did
  • Make a continual effort in words and deeds to prove to her that you will never cross that line again
  • Listen to her, over and over again, as she expresses her intense emotional pain at being betrayed
  • Explain to her how your emotional insecurity led you to seek someone else's flattery and approval
  • Tell her how much you need her love and you long for her tender affection and forgiveness
  • Insist that you will do everything you possibly can to make the marriage work
  • Encourage her to join you in marriage counseling , sex therapy, or an intensive group experience
  • Open your heart to her, share your fears, your emotional fragility
  • Above all, listen to her, listen to her, listen to her, and listen some more
  • And whether or not she joins you in counseling, seek help for your unresolved relationship and sexual issues
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RELATED: 12 Tough Things You Must Do When Your Husband Cheats

Cheating happens for many reasons. When we feel misunderstood, lonely, neglected, or just bored, the affections of a new person can be most appealing. But there is a reason you chose to marry your wife. If you ever loved her, and you probably still do, the cheating may have just been a pastime and you may have believed that nobody would ever know about it.

Once your secret has been revealed, you may with all your heart just want to get your marriage back to the way it was. You may miss the trust and love you had received from your wife but perhaps had taken it for granted. And now, your spouse or beloved betrayed partner may not be able to forgive and forget.

She can't decide what to do after she found out he cheated

The result may be that you have to split up. But once you have given it your all and followed these suggestions, you may not be able to repair the damage that has been done. However, you may be wiser now and maybe finally ready to commit to a new relationship without the desire and need for infidelity.

RELATED: How To Bring Butterflies Back To Your Long-Term Relationship

Erica Goodstone, Ph.D. , is a psychotherapist, marriage counselor, certified sex therapist, somatic body psychotherapist, and board certified life, health and wellness coach.

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Online PhD in English Pursue the Pinnacle of English, Writing, Composition, and Literary Analysis

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Enhance Your Expertise in Literature, Research, and Writing with Liberty’s PhD in English Online Program

Do you want to deepen your understanding of literary theory, rhetoric, and advanced writing techniques? If so, Liberty University’s online Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English may be the right degree for you! This program gives you the opportunity to engage with complex texts, develop original research, and contribute to scholarly discussions in the field of English studies.

Our curriculum provides a comprehensive exploration of textual analysis and the historical development of the English language. As you pursue your doctorate in English, you can hone your analytical skills and contribute your own research to the existing body of academic knowledge – potentially influencing both scholarly and public discourse.

This program may be an ideal option if you’re hoping to one day teach English, literature, or related classes at the collegiate level. Not only can you enrich your own comprehension of important texts – you can prepare to guide the next generation of college students through studies in literary theory, writing, and more.

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  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Why Choose Liberty’s PhD in English Online Program?

By partnering with Liberty for your PhD in English, you can benefit from the flexibility of our 100% online courses and no set login times. Our goal is to provide you with the freedom to balance your studies with other commitments, like your job or family. At Liberty, you can engage with course materials and submit assignments from anywhere with an internet connection – allowing you to fit school into your schedule!

Additionally, our doctorate in English online is led by faculty who are leaders in academia, scholarship, and industry. Our professors are not only academically accomplished but also bring a wealth of real-world experience to their teaching. With their support, you can gain deep insights into various literary periods and genres, enhancing your critical thinking and analytical abilities.

In addition to core courses, Liberty University offers the unique opportunity to tailor your PhD in English through elective courses. This flexibility allows you to explore areas of personal interest or professional relevance, making your educational journey both diverse and comprehensive. From research and writing to assorted English classes, you can customize your degree with electives that align with your career goals and academic interests.

What Will You Study in Our Doctorate in English Online?

In this PhD program, you will engage with a variety of critical and theoretical frameworks through courses on research and literary theory. Building on these foundational studies, you can learn how to conduct advanced textual analysis – allowing you to analyze and interpret complex literary texts with precision. Additionally, you can come to understand the historical context for your studies by exploring the origin and evolution of the English language, enriching your comprehension of how it has developed over time.

Your coursework will also include an in-depth exploration of both British and American literature, where you will study significant works and authors from each tradition. Furthermore, the program emphasizes the Christian literary tradition, focusing on important Christian writers, key theological underpinnings, pivotal historical moments in Christian literary history, and influence on Western literature. This unique focus provides an additional dimension to your literary studies, giving you the chance to explore the interplay between faith and literature.

A unique component of our PhD in English is the opportunity to tailor your education through elective courses. This flexibility can help enable you to pursue specialized interests and complement your core studies with topics that align with your academic and career goals. The culmination of your studies will be the completion of a dissertation, where you will conduct original research and work to contribute new knowledge to the field of English literature. This rigorous scholarly project can help showcase your expertise and form a foundation for your future academic or professional pursuits.

Potential Career Opportunities

  • Literary agent

Featured Courses

  • ENGL 602 – Methods and Materials of Research
  • ENGL 701 – Advanced Textual Analysis*
  • ENGL 705 – Origin and Evolution of English*
  • ENGL 715 – Seminar in British Literature*

*Course guide coming soon

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the College of Arts and Sciences .
  • View the Graduate Arts and Sciences Course Guides (login required) .

Degree Completion Plan (PDF)

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Eligible current and former military service members and their spouses may qualify for a special rate of $300/credit hour ( learn more ) .

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Admission Information for Our Online PhD in English Degree

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • *Accepted degrees: English, Composition, American Literature, British Literature, World Literature, Rhetoric, Linguistics, Journalism, Professional Writing
  • Writing sample (minimum of 6 pages – can be from previous academic coursework)
  • Departmental approval
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your doctoral degree after the last day of class for your master’s degree.
  • Complete a Master’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show that you are within 6 credit hours of completion for a 30-48 credit hour master’s degree or within 9 credit hours of completion for a 49+ credit hour master’s degree.
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new doctoral degree.

Transcript Policies

Official college transcript policy.

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

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Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

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  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees

Military Tuition Discount

We want to help you find the doctoral degree you want – at a price you’ve earned. As a thank-you for your military service, Liberty University offers eligible current and former service members like you or your spouse multiple pathways to earn a doctoral degree for only $300/credit hour . Find out how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity as you work toward your goal of reaching the pinnacle of your profession – for less.

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At least 35 of America’s billionaires are PhDs. As academic jobs become scarce, doctorates should get down to business

Ph.D. graduates are increasingly choosing careers in the private sector.

Samantha Dewalt is managing director of the Lehigh@NasdaqCenter, an exclusive education-industry partnership between Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center in San Francisco .

Traditionally, a doctoral degree is regarded almost exclusively as a passport to scholarly distinction and academic tenure. Any person who committed the time, energy, and expense to attain a PhD appeared inevitably destined for the academy, free to pursue knowledge without commercial intent.

So goes the standard rationale—and training—for a doctorate. Candidates are groomed for careers in academia, where they will research, teach, and publish. That tradition, though well-intentioned, is overdue for a drastic expansion.

Saving research from ‘the valley of death’

Such an expansion has already begun. In December, the National Science Foundation awarded $100 million to 18 academic institutions all across the U.S. to “speed and scale research into products and services that benefit the nation.” The first-ever Accelerating Research Translation awards are designed to enable university scholars to convert academic innovation into commercial value and societal purpose. Each school awarded will partner with a mentoring institution of higher education already equipped with “a robust ecosystem for translational research.”

Lehigh University is among the recipients of the abovementioned National Science Foundation awards, with Carnegie Mellon University acting as its peer mentor. The $6 million award will be earmarked specifically to increase the translation of scientific discoveries in engineering, science, health, humanities, business, education, and other disciplines—by faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers into prototypes, products, and programs that will benefit society.

Meanwhile, as the supply of jobs in academia struggles to keep up with the demand, more PhDs are turning to careers in industry. In 2020, The Princeton Review warned, “If it’s your ambition to become a professor, you should be aware that the PhD. track is no guarantee of a life in  academia .” As such, candidates will need to be prepared differently. 

Make no mistake: Some college graduates bearing PhDs have proven highly enterprising. It is estimated that the private sector now employs about as many PhD graduates as educational institutions.

Most research finds that between one-third and one-half of all PhD graduates globally stay in academia , while others may migrate to the private sector. Almost daily, some entrepreneurial PhDs launch new ventures that eventually hit the jackpot. Indeed, Forbes  has reported that “at least” 35 U.S. billionaires obtained a PhD before plunging into business.

But let’s face it: Academics are rarely trained to be entrepreneurs. They typically focus on conducting research, publishing manuscripts, and at times, developing intellectual property, but without cultivating the business knowledge or resources to turn innovations into viable market solutions. And it’s a shame when university research languishes on the shelf, never reaching the market—the so-called “valley of death”.

How America’s top universities are doing it

Universities are amping up efforts to educate PhD students about how to better capitalize on a doctoral degree. At Lehigh University, we have conducted a competitive analysis of what other higher education institutions, particularly those highly regarded for entrepreneurial activity, are doing to engage PhD students in entrepreneurial courses and programs. Among the schools we studied were Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Dartmouth, and UC Berkeley. Overall, our analysis identified a need—and opportunity—to transform PhD education.

More particularly, we found that although most of these top-tier universities offer entrepreneurship education for graduate and undergraduate students alike, few target PhD students. We also learned that because most of the graduate courses in entrepreneurship originate in business or engineering schools, few are truly interdisciplinary. We also found that PhD students are more likely to participate in entrepreneurial activity if they have faculty advisors who are themselves entrepreneurs or at least entrepreneurial-minded.

Stanford University particularly stands out as an exemplary entrepreneurial environment for students. It benefits from education-industry partnerships that provide access to the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley. UC Berkeley distinguishes itself, too, for its emphasis on interdisciplinary entrepreneurial development and close collaboration with nearby startup incubators.

Dartmouth College pioneered the first engineering   PhD innovation program  that provides entrepreneurial training to turn research discoveries into market solutions. The PhD fellows take additional coursework in business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and spend up to six months at an industry internship. 

Entrepreneurship education should be democratized. Other universities should follow the examples set by the top-tiers. All students—even those on a budget—should have access to the equivalent of an Ivy League experience.

Our university is taking a step in this new direction, to better expose our PhD students to entrepreneurial experiences and career pathways. Last fall, we introduced a hands-on, real-world, interdisciplinary course on entrepreneurship for PhD students. Built on a model designed by the National Science Foundation, the course is offered for credit and available to graduate students across disciplines through Lehigh@NasdaqCenter, partnering with the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Lehigh’s Office of Technology Transfer. 

It’s time for doctorates to get down to business. More PhDs should treat the ideas that emerge from scholarship as entrepreneurial opportunities. But first, they must know how to harness all that valuable education in the service of both our society and our economy.

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How Your Ph.D. Prepares You to Be an Entrepreneur

You can deploy skills you develop as a grad student and postdoc in a variety of careers, including working for a start-up or founding your own, Chris Smith writes.

By  Chris Smith

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Innovation has become a hot topic in economic circles over the past few years. In March 2022, the United States’ National Science Foundation created its first new directorate in over 30 years : Technology, Innovation and Partnerships , or TIP. The passing of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 helped fund the directorate, the mission of which is to “advance U.S. competitiveness​ and societal impact by nurturing partnerships that​ drive and accelerate diverse innovation ecosystems, technology translation and development, and workforce development.” The U.S. is investing heavily in research and innovation—which you can take advantage of as a Ph.D. researcher working in academia or beyond.

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars already contribute much to research and innovation in the United States through their work on a variety of projects supported by the federal government and industry partners. But despite that fact, few consider a career focused on the leading edge of innovation: entrepreneurship.

Being willing to push the boundaries of human knowledge and forge new ideas into products is essential for entrepreneurs. And to secure backing, entrepreneurs must also work to articulate the value they and their products bring to individuals, organizations and the nation. Fortunately, plenty of resources are available to assist in those efforts, although many graduate students and postdocs may not be aware of them.

To encourage more technology commercialization and entrepreneurship, in the latter half of the 20th century the federal government established two funding programs for academics and others seeking to either move full-time to a start-up company or obtain funding to develop and commercialize new technologies. The Small Business Innovation Research program supports the growth of start-up companies, while the Small Business Technology Transfer program is aimed at technology commercialization.

Both the National Institutes of Health and NSF fund grants from both programs, and both offer a variety of other mechanisms to foster an innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in the United States. In addition, NIH provides numerous resources to educate people about entrepreneurship and special programs like the Small Business Transition Grant for New Entrepreneurs (see a webinar on the program here ), which helps researchers interested in transitioning to entrepreneurship via a mentor.

American universities also offer an increasing number of programs that either focus on training Ph.D.s for careers in the technology transfer space or assist them in learning how to commercialize technological and other innovations coming from their research work, as our Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship here at Virginia Tech seeks to do. In addition, NSF’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps) provides a seven-week experiential training program that prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory and toward commercialization by engaging in customer discovery and other activities. Such programs can be a bridge between traditional academic research and exploring an entrepreneurial career or employment in the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Many academics may mistakenly believe that entrepreneurial skills are only relevant if one is planning to run a start-up company. Yet most faculty members running research groups at large universities are effectively leading small businesses inside their institutions. They must articulate a value proposition to get hired and ultimately secure funding for their research. In addition, most faculty leaders or principal investigators are in charge of hiring those who work in their labs and must manage these individuals and their projects toward a larger, common goal. A faculty leader must create a vision for their group and think strategically about how the various projects align toward both short- and long-term goals. This is entrepreneurship in an academic research context.

And just as an entrepreneurial mindset is essential to a successful academic career, it is also extremely useful for any scholar looking to create their own company, independent of their institution.

Entrepreneurial Skills From Your Ph.D. or Postdoc

Ph.D. training offers graduate students and postdocs many experiences to help them navigate entrepreneurship and/or working in a start-up company, such as the following.

  • Project planning and management. Completing a doctoral dissertation involves extensive project planning and management skills, from ideation to execution and dissemination. This directly translates to the ability to plan and manage large projects as an entrepreneur.
  • Independent work. Ph.D. students, and especially postdocs, often work independently with minimal oversight, building the drive and accountability needed to accomplish tasks without rigid external deadlines—a crucial skill for entrepreneurs.
  • Networking and collaboration. Entrepreneurs thrive on networking. Similarly, Ph.D. students and postdocs benefit from building strong connections—engaging with industry professionals, attending conferences and collaborating across disciplines to enhance their network. Such connections can lead to job opportunities, collaborations and funding.

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  • Thirst for knowledge. A core requirement for a Ph.D. is an insatiable desire to learn and expand one’s knowledge base. Entrepreneurs must constantly step out of their comfort zones and learn new skills, making this thirst for learning invaluable for Ph.D.s and postdocs looking to focus on entrepreneurship as a career.
  • Research skills. Doctoral training equips individuals with the ability to seek out, evaluate and synthesize quality information from various sources—a vital skill when navigating the unfamiliar territories of entrepreneurship.
  • Curiosity about the big questions. Starting a business requires asking and answering big questions about target audiences, value propositions and strategic direction. Ph.D.s are trained to take disparate information and craft cohesive narratives to address complex inquiries. Successful entrepreneurs do the same.
  • Problem-solving. Overcoming research obstacles and failed experiments hones problem-solving abilities in Ph.D.s and postdocs. As entrepreneurs constantly face new challenges, this skill is indispensable for finding innovative solutions.
  • Resilience and adaptability. Entrepreneurship involves risk-taking and overcoming failures. Ph.D. students and postdocs learn resilience by navigating setbacks. This adaptability prepares them for a dynamic marketplace for their products and ideas and the post-Ph.D. job market itself, where flexibility and the ability to pivot are critical.

In essence, the rigorous training and self-driven nature of doctoral programs and postdoc positions cultivate skills like project management, working both independently and collaboratively, learning agility, strategic thinking and problem-solving—all of which are invaluable assets for successful entrepreneurship. The key to honing these skills is taking increased agency in your projects so that you learn all aspects of the process of identifying a gap in knowledge or application, scoping out the current landscape of that area and working toward a solution. It is certainly not easy work, but it can help you in graduate school, postdoctoral training and beyond.

In sum, by embracing an entrepreneurial mindset in your job search, you identify opportunities in industry, start-ups, government or nonprofits or create your own position through entrepreneurship. And even if you don’t decide to go that direction, innovative thinking and treating one’s career development like a start-up can propel you to professional growth and success. The fact that cultivating the entrepreneurial skills I’ve described can also be significantly helpful for an academic researcher means leaning into them is a win-win for any graduate student or postdoc.

Chris Smith is the postdoctoral affairs program administrator at Virginia Tech. He serves on the National Postdoctoral Association’s Board of Directors and is a member of the Graduate Career Consortium—an organization providing an international voice for graduate-level career and professional development leaders.

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Mental Health and Career Transitions

Grad students and postdocs about to embark on a job search can sustain their well-being by taking a holistic approach

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  1. How to get a PhD: Steps and Requirements Explained

    what to get a phd in

  2. How to get a PhD: Steps and Requirements Explained

    what to get a phd in

  3. How Long Does It Take To Get a PhD?

    what to get a phd in

  4. A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

    what to get a phd in

  5. How to Get A PhD: A Step-by-Step Guide

    what to get a phd in

  6. The Advantages Of Getting A PhD In 2024

    what to get a phd in


  1. How to get PhD admission at IIT || How to prepare for PhD admission in IIT

  2. Is PhD End

  3. I secured 9 PhD offers in Europe

  4. How a philosophy major got inspired to become a chiropractor, write books, get PhD in Chiropractic

  5. Tips to get PhD/Int-PhD admission in IITs, IISER,IISc and other institutes

  6. GET PhD Thesis and Dissertation Writing Services #phd #thesiswritingservices #phdthesis


  1. The Doctorate Quiz: Which Program Is Right for Me?

    Find out which doctorate program is best for you based on your career, field, and time commitment. Take a short quiz to compare PhD and professional doctorate options and learn about different formats and schools.

  2. PDF GRAD Guide to Applying to Ph.D. Programs

    A Ph.D. is a research degree that involves the production of original knowledge and scholarship. Doctoral degrees have traditionally been regarded as training programs for academics. As such, a Ph.D. program differs from undergraduate or Master's studies. Most Ph.D. programs involve some initial coursework (specific requirements for ...

  3. Explained: What Is a PhD Degree?

    A PhD is a doctoral research degree and the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve. Learn what a PhD involves, how to apply, and what you need to know before starting a PhD project in any subject.

  4. What's the Best PhD to Get? (With 21 Jobs to Consider)

    Learn about the benefits of pursuing a Ph.D. and the best Ph.D. degrees to get in various fields. Explore 21 jobs that require a Ph.D. and their average salaries, duties and requirements.

  5. 2024 Best Grad Schools in the U.S. for Doctorate Degrees

    Find out which grad schools have the best doctorate programs based on objective factors such as earnings, debt, demand, and resources. Compare the top 20 schools and see their rankings, salaries, and locations.

  6. PhD Programs

    The PhD program in Health Policy (Management) prepares students to effect powerful change rooted in data-driven research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issues facing a wide range of organizations. Coursework includes the study of microeconomics theory, management, research methods, and statistics.

  7. What Is a PhD?

    A PhD is a terminal degree that requires advanced coursework, comprehensive exams, and a dissertation. Learn about the benefits, costs, requirements, and fields of study for earning a PhD.

  8. PhD in USA

    In general, however, the typical annual tuition fee for a PhD in the US is between $12,000 and $45,000 per academic year. As with any doctoral degree, additional costs may include travel for collaborations, bench fees, accommodation and living expenses. A PhD in USA takes 5-6 years, costs between $12-45k per year and has a different structure ...

  9. Considering an MD-PhD program? Here's what you should know

    Cost of attendance. Most MD-PhD programs grant entrants tuition-free training. In addition, most students in those tracks earn a stipend, which according to the AAMC report, can be as high as $38,000 annually. Harvey believes that the potential savings on education shouldn't be your top motivation for entering an MD-PhD program.

  10. Doctorate in Psychology (Ph.D. and Psy.D.) Program Guide

    The median BLS salary for psychologists include both graduate and undergraduate level occupations. According to Payscale, of the 25 people reporting in September 2023, the average salary for graduates with a Ph.D. in psychology is $95,000. September Payscale data for 2023 reports the average salary for graduates with a Psy.D. as $92,000.

  11. How to Apply for a PhD in the US: Advice from a Successful Applicant

    Start searching for the PhD programs that you will apply to ahead of time, at least one year before. Start preparing for the standardized tests at least seven to eight months before the application deadlines. Spend some time researching the work of faculty members that you would like to work with.

  12. 9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

    9. There are no real breaks. In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. But in a PhD program, your schedule becomes "whenever you find time to get your work done."

  13. Doctorate in Psychology (Ph.D. and Psy.D.)

    The two doctorate degrees you can get in psychology are Ph.D. and Psy.D. In simple terms, a Ph.D. in psychology is more research-focused, while a Psy.D. emphasizes clinical practice. The best choice between the two depends on your career goals and whether you prefer research and academia or direct clinical work.

  14. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice. Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides ...

  15. 25 Highest Paying Doctorate Degrees [2024 Guide]

    PhD Graduates make on average close to $100,000, with some job positions paying nearer the $70,000 mark and others going well about $208,000 (Bureau of Labor Statistics). There may be some who question whether it is worth taking the time to invest in a PhD. Doctorate programs require a lot of time and effort, but studies suggest that PhD ...

  16. Find Online Doctoral Programs From Top Universities

    According to the BLS, people with a bachelor's degree as their highest credential earned a median salary of around $74,000 in 2022, while those with a master's degree earned a median salary of around $86,000. However, people with a doctoral degree earned much more, with a median annual salary of around $108,000.

  17. Studying a PhD in The USA: The Complete Guide

    1. PhD course length. The total length of a PhD in the USA is between 4-8 years for full-time students and 8-10 years for part-time students, depending on your field of study. PhDs can be completed in 4-5 years for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject. Students typically dedicate 1-4 years on coursework, followed by 2-4 ...

  18. PhD Degree Requirements

    Students must complete 12 units of advanced graduate coursework ("Advanced Units", or AU), or complete a PhD Minor by the end of Year 4. Students and their advisor (s) should discuss the course requirements and create a plan together for completing the Advanced Units. To this end, rising 2nd year students must submit an Advanced Courses ...

  19. Guide to Applying for Graduate School

    The PhD historically prepared students to take on faculty roles in colleges and universities, and that is still the goal for many students pursuing the PhD. However, today the PhD is a sought-after degree in many other industries including pharmaceutical research, arts organizations and other nonprofits, publishing, government policy, big tech ...

  20. The Top 10 Easiest PhDs: Tuition, Duration, and Financial Aid

    Walden University was named first in the USA for PhD Education graduates. This is one of the easiest PhD programs to get into, as the University has an acceptance rate of 100%. It is also one of the shortest PhD programs in the field, offering a fast-track option that allows you to transfer up to 50% of your total credits and finish the program sooner.

  21. All You Need to Know if you are considering a PhD in Education

    A Ph.D. in education takes four years to complete, while an EdD takes two. A Ph.D. requires doing a dissertation, while an EdD doesn't. A Ph.D. focuses on developing new research. EdD students, on the other hand, use existing research to guide decisions about issues within their area of study. A Ph.D. requires taking 90 credits, whereas an ...

  22. How to Get a PhD in Psychology (10 Steps)

    A PhD in Psychology is the ultimate degree—a symbol of your commitment to the discipline and a representation of your knowledge and skills. Held by top-tier researchers, instructors in higher education, and clinical practitioners alike, a clinical psychology PhD may help you and the people and organizations you might one day serve. 1. While the benefits of a PhD in Psychology may be clear to ...

  23. How to Get a PhD (with Pictures)

    Completing Prerequisite Education. Complete an undergraduate degree in a broad field. To qualify for a PhD program, you will need a solid record of undergraduate coursework from a reputable university. [2] This degree should demonstrate your potential for both advanced coursework and independent research.

  24. How Long Does it Take to Get a Psychology PhD?

    PhD in psychology programs may vary from institution to institution. Yet, they're typically broken down into four primary categories: Academic coursework - Academic coursework is the foundation of PhD in psychology programs. Most states require psychologists to complete a minimum of 60 semester hours of coursework, while some graduate ...

  25. You Cheated, She Found Out

    You got yourself into a situation that felt great at first but started to eat at you. The other person seemed so appealing, so exciting, so understanding, and so different from your wife or long ...

  26. Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to

    Anybody graduates from a college — you go in there for two years or four years. If you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country."

  27. Online Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English

    Enhance Your Expertise In Literature, Research, And Writing With Liberty University's 100% Online PhD In English. June 18, 2024. Chat Live (800) 424-9595 Request Info ...

  28. At least 35 of America's billionaires are PhDs. As academic ...

    The PhD fellows take additional coursework in business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and spend up to six months at an industry internship. Entrepreneurship education should be democratized.

  29. How your Ph.D. or postdoc prepares you for entrepreneurship (opinion)

    You can deploy skills you develop as a grad student and postdoc in a variety of careers, including working for a start-up or founding your own, Chris Smith writes. Innovation has become a hot topic in economic circles over the past few years. In March 2022, the United States' National Science Foundation created its first new directorate in over 30 years: Technology, Innovation and ...

  30. Get started with SQLite3 in Python Creating Tables & Fetching Rows

    This will avoid the experimentation we do leaving us with different results. By running the Python file above, we reset the state of the database and should get the same results in the next section. A statement like this in a production system would be very costly as the entire table is rebuilt every time we insert rows.