101 Best Slam Book Questions for Friends

Being friendly and sociable is among the positive traits of Filipinos. We simply love spending time and getting to know people. For example, do you still remember your younger years, when you and your friends would pass around and answer a book containing lots of interesting questions? Yes, we’re talking about the slam book !

What’s your favorite color? Define “love.” Who’s your secret crush? These are just some of the slam book questions that made us “kilig” back then. But slam books are not just for kids and teens! Even today, adults and the “young at heart” still love answering questions, whether in printed books or online. And so, in this article, we have decided to compile some of the best slam book questions for you to answer!

Best Slam Book Questions

Table of Contents

What is a Slam Book?

A slam book is a notebook that is passed around among classmates or friends, usually in school. Each person is given a page and writes their name on it. Then, the other participants write comments, opinions, or observations about that person on their respective pages. Slam books can contain questions about personal interests, likes and dislikes, experiences, and other personal information. Slam books are famous among teenagers and were popularized in the 80s and 90s, but their variations continued to be in use in certain places.

101 Top Slam Book Questions for Friends and Adults

Here’s how a slam book works: a person answers a set of questions, then passes it on to the next person, and so on. Of course, along the way, everyone gets to read everybody else’s answers… That’s what makes slam books so exciting!

Below is a set of questions that you should definitely include in your slam book. You can copy and paste these questions, print them on paper, or share them online for your friends to answer. Some of these questions are funny, while some are quite serious. Some questions are trivial, while others can really make you think hard about life!

But most importantly… answering all of these question are so much fun!

A. Basic Information

Let’s start with the basics. These are not really “questions” but more like details that are usually written in “fill in the blanks” format. These include personal information such as name, age, gender, birthday, occupation, etc.

  • Hair Color:
  • Current Location:
  • Course/School: (for students)
  • Job/Workplace: (for adults)
  • Languages Spoken:
  • Motto in Life:

B. Hobbies and Favorites

Everybody loves talking about their favorites! From favorite colors to hobbies to books and movies, the following questions are often featured in slam books:

1. What is your favorite color combination? 2. What type(s) of food do you like? 3. What is your favorite drink? 4. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 5. What is your favorite sport? 6. What are your hobbies or pastimes? 7. Who is your favorite cartoon character? 8. Do you have any collections? ( e.g. stamps, stickers, etc.) 9. What is your favorite childhood memory? 10. What is your favorite clothing brand? 11. What is your favorite cologne or perfume? 12. Who is your favorite band/musician? 13. Who is your favorite actor or actress? 14. What is your favorite style of dance? 15. What is your favorite expression? 16. Do you have pets? If no, what animal would you like for a pet? 17. What is your favorite place that you have visited? 18. What are six things that you are passionate about? 19. Name two teachers that you’ll never forget. 20. Name four books or movies that changed your life.

B. Relationship Questions

Ah… love. This is perhaps the most anticipated part of any slam book. This is where you get to answer questions about crushes, dates, and all that mushy stuff. Of course, this part may also include questions about friendships and relationships in general.

21. Who are your best friends? 22. What traits do you look for in a friend? 23. Describe yourself in three words. 24. Who was the last person you cried in front of? 25. Who is your crush? 26. What is your relationship status? ( e.g. single, in a relationship, etc.) 27. What kind of lover are you? ( e.g. hopeless romantic, heartbreaker, etc.) 28. What is the number one thing you look for in a partner? 29. Have you ever broken up with someone? 30. How many relationships have you had? 31. How would you describe the perfect date? 32. What is the most romantic place you’ve ever visited? 33. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not? 34. You’re stranded on an island. Who would you choose to be alone with?

C. “Right Now” Questions

As the term says, these are questions about things that a person is currently doing, or has just finished doing. The great thing about these questions is that you don’t really have to think hard… You just need to say what’s on your mind… right now!

35. Where were you yesterday? 36. What did you have for breakfast this morning? 37. Where do you want to be right now? 38. What’s the weather like in your place now? 39. What was the last show you watched on TV? 40. What song(s) is/are on your playlist now? 41. What was the last movie you saw? 42. Who was the last person you texted? 43. What does your last text message say? 44. What was the last thing you bought? 45. What is the bravest thing you’ve done this week? 46. What are you most excited about right now?

D. Dreams and Wishes

Everybody has dreams and aspirations, including “real” and “fantasy” ones. This part of the slam book features questions about people’s wishes, plans, hopes, and ambitions.

47. What did you want to be when you grow up? 48. If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why? 49. What goals do you currently have in your career or education? 50. Describe your dream house. 51. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? 52. What is the one thing you wish you could change about yourself? 53. If you could be a superhero for a day, who would it be? Why? 54. Is there a fictional character you wish existed in real life? Who? 55. What superpower would you like to have? ( e.g. invisibility, telekinesis) 56. If you were an author, what would be the title of your first book? 57. What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? 58. What’s your biggest “what if” in life? 59. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? 60. Where do you want to be in 10 years? 61. List 5 things in your “before I die” bucket list.

E. “Have You Ever” Questions?

Asking questions that begin with “have you ever” is usually the best way to learn about people’s past experiences… including “kilig” moments as well as memories that they’d rather forget!

62. Have you ever skipped school without permission? 63. Have you ever lied to a friend? About what? 64. Have you ever been on TV? 65. Have you ever stolen anything? Do share! 66. Have you ever lost your wallet? What did you do? 67. Have you ever fought somebody at school? 68. Have you ever fantasized about a friend’s girlfriend/boyfriend? 69. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you? 70. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? 71. Have you ever attempted a world record? 72. Have you ever had a rumor spread about you? What about? 73. Have you ever given a love letter to someone?

F. “Would You Rather” Questions

“Would you rather” questions are all about making choices. These questions compel people to choose… and their answers can reveal quite a lot about their personalities!

74. Would you rather have cupcakes or cookies? 75. Would you rather get up early or stay up late? 76. Would you rather swim at the beach or swimming pool? 77. Would you rather work in a group or work alone? 78. Would you rather have a cat or a dog for a pet? 79. Would you rather have more time or more money? 80. Would you rather be Superman or Spiderman? 81. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? 82. Would you rather make a phone call or send a text? 83. Would you rather lose your vision or your hearing? 84. Would you rather live in Antarctica or the Sahara Dessert? 85. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

G. Random Questions

This part of the slam book serves as a “catch all” category for basically any kind of question you can think of! These include questions about trivial matters, hypothetical situations, personal experiences, and many other topics.

86. Do you smoke? Or drink? 87. What is your “lucky” number? 88. What is your biggest fear? 89. Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? 90. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not? 91. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? 92. Talk about your most embarrassing moment. 93. What weird food combinations do you enjoy? 94. Do you think aliens exist? Why or why not? 95. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done on a dare? 96. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? 97. What is the biggest purchase that you have ever made? 98. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? 99. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your “attractiveness”? 100. If you win the lottery, how would you spend the money? 101. If the world was going to end tomorrow, what will you do today?

Some Final Thoughts

No matter how young — or how old — you are, answering a slam book is always an enjoyable experience. Not only does it allow you to share your thoughts and opinions, but also compels you to think and reflect about life. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, answer the above slam book questions, and don’t forget to share them with your friends!

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Best slam books questions for friends

Home » Questions » Best slam books questions for friends

Slam books have been a popular pastime among friends for decades. These books are filled with fun and thought-provoking questions that allow you to get to know your friends on a deeper level. Whether you’re hosting a sleepover or just hanging out with your buddies, slam books can provide hours of entertainment and bonding. In this article, we’ll explore some exciting slam book questions for friends that will surely spark interesting conversations and create lasting memories.

Slam books are a fantastic way to break the ice and learn more about your friends’ likes, dislikes, and personal experiences. They can help you discover common interests, secret talents, and even hidden dreams. The questions in a slam book can range from funny and light-hearted to introspective and profound. By answering these questions, you and your friends can strengthen your bond and develop a deeper understanding of one another.

In the list below, you’ll find a compilation of 40 slam book questions for friends that are perfect to include in your next slam book. These questions are designed to be thought-provoking and fun, encouraging your friends to open up and share their thoughts and experiences. So, grab a pen, start a slam book, and let the laughter and deep conversations begin!

See these slam books questions for friends

  • What is your favorite childhood memory?
  • Who is your celebrity crush?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What is your go-to karaoke song?
  • What three words would you use to describe yourself?
  • What is your dream job?
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  • What is your favorite book of all time?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
  • What is your favorite movie genre?
  • What is your biggest pet peeve?
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?
  • What is your favorite season?
  • What is your dream vacation destination?
  • What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  • What is your favorite type of music?
  • What is your most cherished possession?
  • If you could have any talent, what would it be?
  • What is your favorite TV show?
  • What is your biggest achievement to date?
  • What is your favorite quote?
  • What is your favorite board game?
  • If you could have a dinner party with any three people, living or dead, who would you invite?
  • What is your favorite holiday?
  • What is your biggest dream?
  • What is your favorite sports team?
  • What is your favorite type of food?
  • What is your proudest moment?
  • If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • What is your favorite app on your phone?
  • If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
  • What is your favorite outdoor activity?
  • What is your most-used emoji?
  • What is your favorite childhood cartoon?
  • What is your favorite drink?
  • If you could have any magical power, what would it be?

These slam book questions for friends are just the tip of the iceberg. Feel free to add your own unique questions and make your slam book even more personalized. Remember, the purpose of a slam book is to create lasting memories and strengthen friendships, so have fun and enjoy the journey of getting to know your friends on a deeper level!

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A Brief Guide to Slam Poetry

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Because Allen Ginsberg says, “Slam! Into the Mouth of      the Dharma!” Because Gregory Corso says, “Why do you want to      hang out with us old guys? If I was young, I’d be      going to the Slam!” Because Bob Kaufman says, “Each Slam / a finality.” — Bob Holman , from “Praise Poem for Slam: Why Slam Causes Pain and Is a Good Thing”

One of the most vital and energetic movements in poetry during the 1990s, slam has revitalized interest in poetry in performance. Poetry began as part of an oral tradition, and the Beat and Negritude poets were devoted to the spoken and performed aspects of their poems. This interest was reborn through the rise of poetry slams across the United States. While many poets in academia found fault with the movement, slam was well received among young poets and poets of diverse backgrounds as a democratizing force. This generation of spoken word poetry is often highly politicized, drawing upon racial, economic, and gender injustices as well as current events for subject manner.

A slam itself is simply a poetry competition in which poets perform original work alone or in teams before an audience, which serves as judge. The work is judged as much on the manner and enthusiasm of its performance as its content or style, and many slam poems are not intended to be read silently from the page. The structure of the traditional slam was started by construction worker and poet Marc Smith in 1986 at a reading series in a Chicago jazz club. The competition quickly spread across the country, finding a notable home in New York City at the Nuyorican Poets Café .

For further information, read Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Café , an anthology edited by Bob Holman and Miguel Algarín . 

read about poets in the slam movement

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How to Make a Slam Book

Last Updated: February 5, 2023 Approved

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 82% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 243,120 times. Learn more...

Slam books mix together the concept of a journal and old-fashioned passing notes. They are books that people usually pass around school or groups of friends to learn more about each other. Keep them positive and fun!

Gathering Materials for Your Slam Book

Step 1 Buy a notebook...

  • The goal here is to use a book with a lot of blank pages because you will be passing it around for people to write in.
  • How many blank pages you need depends on how many people you want to pass it to and how many questions you want to ask them.

Step 2 Decorate the cover of the slam book.

  • Use stickers or marker to write the words “slam book” on the cover of the notebook or journal.
  • Some people also decorate their slam books with colorful stickers, glitter glue , and even fake gemstones. Use your artistic talents!
  • Keep the book closed by tying a ribbon or even a string of beads around the slam book.

Step 3 Include a teacher, parent, or other adult.

  • Explain the purpose of the slam book to the adult. Let them know that the point of a slam book is to be positive and that any negative “slams” are not allowed.
  • Ask the adults when you can circulate it. Maybe you will agree to only circulate it during recess, for example.
  • Consider including the adult in the circulation. It might be interesting to know your teacher’s favorite band or ice cream, for example. Why not?

Getting the Slam Book Ready

Step 1 Create a name page.

  • If you choose 10, write the numbers 1 to 10 on the name page. It depends if you are trying to keep the slam book among a small circle of friends or a larger one.
  • Have each of your friends pick a number and write their name next to that number.
  • Tell your friends to use that number when answering any questions you write in the slam book.

Step 2 Write a question at the top of each page.

  • Write questions that focus on someone’s likes/dislikes or non-embarrassing facts, such as their pet’s name or their favorite ice cream flavor.
  • Choose questions with short answers. You can also write statements that also provoke answers, such as “favorite music artist” or “last trip you took."

Step 3 Try not to be mean.

  • Don't allow mean comments about this person or that. That’s bullying, and bullying can cause serious damage to other people. [4] X Research source
  • Don’t use your slam book for rumors or negative statements about other people. When people get in trouble, it's usually because they went negative in some way.
  • A good rule of thumb is never to write something in a slam book about another person that will upset them or that would upset you if it was written about you.

Step 4 Put numbers on each of the question pages.

  • Sometimes there is confusion with slam books, but, usually, once the first few people do it, they tell others how it’s supposed to be done and word spreads.
  • So, if you have created, say, space for 25 names on the name page, you would create a numbered list from 1 through 25 on each question page too.

Passing the Slam Book Around

Step 1 Answer your own questions first.

  • You could also create a page toward the front of the page that says something like “how this works” and then explain what each person is supposed to do.
  • Include the instruction that when the final number on the name page list is taken, the book should be returned to you. People need to know who the slam book belongs to and where to return it or you may never see it again!

Step 2 Pass the slam book to a friend.

  • The friend should indicate they wrote the answers by writing #1 or #2 (if you filled out #1 already) and then their answer on each page.
  • Or, if you have already chosen to number each answer page, they should write their answer after their number.
  • Once your friend #1 answers the questions, they are supposed to pass the slam book to a second friend, who then answers the question on each page by writing #2 (or #3 if you were #1) and then his or her answer.

Step 3 Save the slam book.

  • For example, slam books have existed for decades, and some news sites think it’s entertaining to see what people were writing in slam books in the 1980s. [5] X Research source
  • It could be fun to do a new slam book every year. You could even note the year on the cover of the slam book. Let it become a ritual, and compare how people’s tastes change with new trends and as they age!

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Intercept your slam book now and then to make sure it hasn’t been taken over by bullying. Thanks Helpful 32 Not Helpful 6
  • It cannot be stated enough: Do not be mean in slam books. Thanks Helpful 27 Not Helpful 14
  • Cross out any comments that pick on individual people. Thanks Helpful 24 Not Helpful 15

slam book essay example

  • If this falls into the wrong hands, people could mess with you by screwing it up. Thanks Helpful 35 Not Helpful 5

Things You'll Need

  • A close friend or friends (or a friend you'd like to get closer to)
  • A composition notebook
  • Writing skills of at least an elementary level

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  • ↑ http://www.craftsuprint.com/projects/paper-craft/book-crafts/how-to-make-a-slam-book.cfm
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0u8PvaczX4
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OntNafjceEM
  • ↑ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/10/AR2010121005373.html
  • ↑ http://www.buzzfeed.com/leonoraepstein/this-slam-book-says-everything-you-need-to-know-about-80s-te#.mqGW32d5L

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wikiHow Staff

To make a slam book, decorate the cover of a notebook or journal with stickers, markers, paint, or anything else you like. On the first page, have space for everyone who gets the book to write their names. At the top of the following pages, write a question at the top of each page, like “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” or “What are the names of your pets?” Everyone who gets the book should write down their answers on each page. Keep the questions positive, and ask people not to write anything mean or negative in your slam book. For tips on passing the book around, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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25 Slam Poetry Examples (Plus Explanation and History)

Exciting, interactive, and inspiring for all ages.

A Muslim girl and a Jewish girl reciting their composition at a poetry slam (Slam Poetry Examples)

Poetry has come a long way since Horatian odes and Shakespearean sonnets. While these types of poems can be a hard sell in the classroom, other forms might inspire a little more excitement. Our suggestion? Include slam poetry examples in your lesson plans! This unique performance art can really help you meet kids where they are and teach them that poetry is as relevant today as it was hundreds of years ago.

What is slam poetry?

This spoken-word performance art seeks to bring a new life and excitement to poetry. Poets perform their poems in front of audiences at competitive events called poetry slams. They do more than just read their poem—they turn it into a high-energy performance with movement, storytelling, and other theatrical elements. Authors may perform on their own or with a larger group.

Often, the poems used at these events are specifically written to be performed. The topics are diverse, frequently political, and thought-provoking. Slam poets want their audiences to feel an emotional response, whether positive or negative. Cheers and calls fill the room as the audience expresses their opinions, making the experience interactive for everyone.

Is slam poetry a poetry genre?

It’s worth noting that not everyone considers “slam poetry” to be a genre of its own. Founder Marc Kelly Smith once said, “There is no such thing as slam poetry. There is only the poetry slam.” In other words, any poem can be performed at a poetry slam without necessarily being specifically written as slam poetry.

That being said, this form of poetry has taken off in such a dynamic way that many sources now consider “slam poetry” to be its own genre . When using this term with students, you may want to share that any poem performed at a slam could be called “slam poetry,” but not everyone considers that term valid.

How did slam poetry start?

In the 1960s, beat poets like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg introduced a new performance style that caught on with the younger crowd. In the 1980s, a man named Marc Kelly Smith took that concept and brought it a new audience. He was a Chicago poet who wanted shake up the stuffy, academic image of poetry, making it more accessible to everyone. The first National Poetry Slam took place in 1990, and the medium has remained popular ever since.

Why should I use slam poetry with my students?

If your kids roll their eyes when you embark on a poetry unit, try including slam poetry videos or performances in your curriculum. This genre really turns student expectations upside down! Here are a few reasons you should be teaching it:

  • Slam poetry is diverse and inclusive. Poetry slams draw people of all types, and students are more likely to see themselves represented.
  • The experience is interactive, for both poets and the audience. Kids often think of poetry as quiet and boring, and poetry slams are anything but!
  • It gives students a way to explore emotional and intense topics. Many poems performed at slams address political or social themes, encouraging students to tap into their emotions and consider others’ points of view.
  • Slam poetry engages multiple learning styles. Reading, writing, performance, storytelling, discussion, and more … it’s all here.
  • It’s fun! Seriously, this is like nothing kids have seen before.

The best way to understand a poetry slam is to see it in action. Check out the inspiring examples below to learn more. Note: Poems performed at slams often address heavy political or social topics. Always view videos in advance to make sure they’re appropriate for your audience.

Slam Poetry Examples by Kids and Teens

When your students tell you that only adults can write poems, prove them them wrong with these terrific examples of slam poetry by kids just like them. Some are on lighter subjects, terrific for introducing the concept to little ones. Others tackle the social injustices and political subjects that slam poetry is known for.

I Am a Poem!

Saverio doesn’t just love poems—he is a poem. His clever use of language and poetry terms reminds students that they can find themselves in any literature genre or style. They just have to look.

Soccer Is an Awesome Sport

Slam poetry truly comes to life when you hear it out loud. Riya’s simple poem about soccer abounds with energy through her delivery and excitement.

Here’s another example of how delivery sets slam poems apart from the rest. These young poets share their thoughts on cats in a way that will make you laugh … and make you think. They subvert expectations, which is what good art is all about.

Where I’m From

This brief but inspiring poem from 11-year-old Ruben captures one child’s life in a few short verses. This is a great way to encourage your students to write their own slam poem using the phrase “Where I’m From.”

Mathematical Blues

Here’s a topic so many kids can relate to: the challenges of math class. The rhyme and rhythm here are great, and the words sum up what lots of this young poet’s peers are thinking every day.

Notes to Beauty

Mel and Alana know that beauty comes in so many different forms, and their poem celebrates them all. Their pop culture references help kids connect with the topic, while their straightforward delivery draws the audience in from the start.

When you’re a teen, you think a lot about growing up. Sometimes you feel so much older and long for childhood. Other times, you feel so young, too young, and wish for more. Anthony’s slam poetry performance captures all these feelings in a way anyone can relate to.

Why Am I Not Good Enough?

Seventh grader Olivia wrote and performed this poem for a class project. Her central theme, “Why am I not good enough?” asks a universal question that so many teens grapple with every day.

Sixteen-year-old Chris Loos uses his slam performance to express what it feels like to live with ADHD, OCD, and other “mental disorders.” This powerful piece will speak directly to other students like him. Plus, it will open the minds of those who can’t imagine what it feels like to live this way every day.

Kids These Days

These kids are tired of being labeled, stereotyped, and overgeneralized, especially when it comes to their use of technology. Their performance celebrates the advantages they feel technology is giving their generation, and encourages adults to do the same.

“They tell me I’m not Mexican,” Leticia says. But her poem spells out all the ways she embraces and values her background and culture. Regardless of your students’ ethnicities, they’ll see themselves in this search for identity.

A Jewish Girl and a Muslim Girl

Amina and Hannah come from different religions and cultures, but their poem performance celebrates the common ground they share. It’s full of both despair and hope, making connections that unite them.

Somewhere in America

Anger, despair, and fear pour out through the words in this powerful performance. Belissa, Rhiannon, and Zariya ask important questions about American values with an intensity that draws in every viewer. This one is written and performed by kids, but it addresses adult-level topics.

All Lives Matter, but …

Like much slam poetry, Royce’s piece attacks a social and political subject: Black Lives Matter. Viewers feel his anger and fear through his words and his delivery.

Levi gave himself a black eye trying to do a somersault. For days, people told him he should make up a better story, like being in a bar fight. He uses his slam poetry performance to fight back against toxic masculinity. (Some PG-13 language.)

Slam Poetry Examples by Adults

These slam poems include award winners and those by famous poets. The topics are often challenging and the language intense, so some of these might be best saved for teens in high school lit classes.

Alexander Hamilton

OK, first things first: This isn’t exactly slam poetry. Slam poetry generally doesn’t include music made with instruments. But Lin-Manuel Miranda’s original performance of the opening number of the smash musical Hamilton was obviously inspired by the genre. Note that there’s very little singing—it’s all about the rhyme, rhythm, and flow of the words. You could remove the music, and the impact would be very much the same.

My Father’s Coat

Marc Kelly Smith is often considered the founder of the slam poetry movement. Watch him perform one of his most well-known poems, a thought-provoking piece about whether a father’s coat really fits his son.

Harry Baker’s slam poetry uses puns and humor to tell poignant stories. In this one, prime number 59 stops yearning after perfect 60 and falls in love with 61, a prime example of a love story.

What Kind of Asian Are You?

Alex Yang knows what it feels like to be lumped together, to have his individuality stripped away. He shares those feelings and experiences in this intense slam poetry performance.

Sarah Kay is a well-known poet, sometimes performing with her partner, Phil Kaye (no relation). In this work, she calls herself the most unreliable of narrators, noting that she constantly lies to herself. “I am the center of my own dramatic universe,” she notes. What teen can’t relate to that?

To This Day

Shane’s captivating poem about bullying took the world by storm. He edited his original TED Talk performance video to use in school talks. ( If you’d like to see the whole thing, find it here. )

Totally Like Whatever, You Know

Taylor Mali wonders when we stopped speaking with conviction and turned everything into a question. Your students will definitely recognize themselves in the speech patterns of this poem, and it might just change the way they think—and talk. (Mali is a former classroom teacher, by the way, and educators will connect with his poem What Teachers Make .)

My Honest Poem

What starts out as a list of facts turns into a deeper look at identity. Rudy Francisco’s poems are powerful but relatable, and many of them are great for the classroom.

Before he starts his poem, Nkosi Nkululeko has a few thoughts to share. And then a few more. And a few more after that …

Ode to Sister

If your students still aren’t sure about slam poetry, remind them about Brandon Leake, who ultimately won the 2020 season of America’s Got Talent with his incredible compositions. Here’s his initial audition, which even Simon Cowell couldn’t criticize.

Do poetry slams have rules?

Though different events may set their own rules, here are some of the common guidelines of poetry slams .

  • Any style of poetry is acceptable, but the author generally must be involved in performing their own poem.
  • There’s no need to memorize your poem, though many do. Poets are welcome to use notes on paper or in digital form.
  • Poem performances are usually limited to three minutes or less.
  • No props or costumes are allowed, although you may dress in a way that matches the theme or mood of your poem.
  • Performances cannot include pre-recorded music or sound effects or musical instruments. However, the performer is welcome to add their own sounds by beatboxing, singing, clapping, or using their body in other ways.

How are competitions judged?

Poetry slams are often judged competitions, each with its own rules. Usually a panel of judges is chosen in advance. They may be people with expertise in poetry, or they could just be people from the audience. The judges award scores, often on a scale of 1 to 10. (In some competitions, they drop the highest and lowest scores.) These individual scores are added together to give a final score. The highest score wins the competition.

How do I hold a poetry slam?

Thinking of holding your own slam? Go for it! Just remember that not all students are comfortable performing in front of their peers. Plus, be sure to offer some guidance to the audience on constructive ways to offer their feedback. These resources can help:

  • How To Host Your Own Schoolwide Poetry Slam
  • Poetry4Kids : How To Host a Poetry Slam
  • Become a Writer Today : How To Poetry Slam—A Detailed Guide

Looking for more ways to inspire students with poetry? Check out 15 Types of Poetry To Share With Kids (Plus Examples of Each) .

Plus, get all the latest teaching tips and ideas, straight to your inbox, when you sign up for our free newsletters .

Poetry slams bring new life to a sometimes stuffy genre. Share these slam poetry examples in the classroom with kids of all ages.

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Lindsay Ann Learning English Teacher Blog

40 Engaging Slam Poems for Secondary ELA

40 Slam Poems for English Language Arts

March 28, 2018 //  by  Lindsay Ann //   22 Comments

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I think that’s why my students love slam poetry so much.

In writing slam poems, students find their truth , and in performing slam poetry, students become connected to each other . 

In short, they find that their truths are  universal… and that’s  empowering and much-needed for today’s teens.

So, whether you show slam poems to your English class for a quick pick-me-up, use spoken word to make connections to a more traditional text, or treat your students to an all-in slam poetry experience , you’re sure to love the following performances.  

Finally…a Classroom-Friendly List for Teachers

As a high school English teacher, I’ve spent hours  scouring the interwebs looking for the best poems for teaching slam poetry . 

In this post, I’m sharing 40 different and classroom-friendly poems, each one by a  different  slam poet .  

  • Although some of the poems touch on heavy topics such as suicide, they are all clean and classroom-friendly in terms of language used. This being said, I would still encourage you to make certain they will be a good fit for your group of students and your own comfort level . This list of slam poems is geared toward high school students, but many are appropriate for middle school students, as well!
  • There are some oldies, but goodies, and some new poems to love – a little bit of everything! 
  • I have also tried to give a good mix of styles and topics, from humorous to heavy. If there’s one thing I want to break for my students, it’s the stereotype that all slam poetry is always  angry, rant-like, and sad!

And I’ve tried to restrain myself from fangirl posting a bunch of slam poems from each poet. 

If you love a particular poet’s style, I would encourage you to search for more of their slam poems.

Phil Kaye, Marshall Davis Jones, Rudy Francisco, Shane Koyczan, and Taylor Mali are just a few of my favorite slam poets, and all of them tend to be school appropriate…most of the time… 😉

40 Slam Poems for Your English Language Arts Classroom

There should a slam poem here for every student (and teacher) to love. I hope that you enjoy this list of slam poems.

✨ If you love it, please share it, bookmark it, and leave a comment.

Anis Mojgani “Shake the Dust”

“Speak every time you stand so you do not forget yourself.”

Phil Kaye “Repetition”

“If you just wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,

one day you’ll forget why…”

Neil Hilborn “OCD”

“I want her back so bad. I leave the door unlocked. 

I leave the lights on.”

Marshall Davis Jones “Touchscreen”

“Why wouldn’t I spend more time in the world where there are more people that ‘like’ me?”


Katie Makkai “Pretty”

“You will be pretty intelligent, pretty creative, pretty amazing, but you will never be merely ‘pretty.'”

Taylor Mali “Tony Steinberg: Brave Seventh-Grade Viking Warrior”

“…the soul of the brave warrior rising slowly with the smoke.”

Rudy Francisco “Complainers” (Clean Version)

“It doesn’t matter if the glass is half-full or half-empty.

There’s water in the cup; drink it and stop complaining…”

Harry Baker “A Love Poem for Lonely Prime Numbers”

I just love everything about this…math puns abound!

Jesse Parent “To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter”

“When you played at war, I was perfecting head shots. You can’t catch up at this point.”

Shane Koyczan “Instructions for a Bad Day”

“Love and hate are beasts and the one that grows is the one you feed.”

Lamar Jordan “Shooter”

“We fight foreigners when we are the ones who would shoot you. I’m sorry.”

Catalina Ferro “Emergency Exit Row”

“I am not hero material. I happen to like my life.”

Malcolm London “High School Training Ground”

“…to train you, to keep you on track, to track down

an American dream that that has failed so many…”

Clint Smith “The Danger of Silence”

“I challenge my students to explore the silences in their own lives through poetry.”

Kevin Kantor “A Letter from Cancer”

This one is haunting, as told from cancer’s perspective, “I’ll always come back for you.”

Pages Matam on “Looking for Your Voice”

“My mama, she never had no wings, but she’s always had this global warming of a smile…”

Rebecca Mae “Dear God of Hiccups”

“We’d forget about the Tupperware, talk about the future like we always do…always did.”

Gina Loring “Somewhere There is a Poem”

“I’m down for the revolution which may not be televised

and it may not get radio play, but it will be told through poetry.”

Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye “When Love Arrives”

“I knew exactly what love looked like…”

Brenna Twohy “In Which I Do Not Fear Harvey Dent”

“I know what it is to fight monsters.

I know how strong an ordinary human has to be.”

Denise Frohman “Accents”

“Her accent is a stubborn compass always pointing her towards home.”

George Watsky “Go Robo”

I love the interaction of this poem between the poet and the girl

who wants to be a robot when she grows up.

Donovan Livingston “Harvard Commencement Speech, 2016”

“But hey, I’ve always been a thorn in the side of injustice.”

Rhiannon McGavin “Smile”

“Don’t tell sad girls to smile.”

Alyea Pierce “Justin: A Poem to Autism”

“He is the enough that we ignore.”

Marc Smith “My Father’s Coat”

Kudos to the “father” of slam and his poem that helps students to discuss

and understand extended metaphor.

Nova Venerable “Cody”

“I pray that his seizures won’t kill him before his diabetes does.”

Michael Lee “Pass On”

“We are not created or destroyed,

we are constantly transferred, shifted and renewed.”

Doc Luben “Bug Vs. Door”

“It can’t imagine a life beyond that door.

All it can see is the light.”

Kevin Yang “Come Home”

“My mother tells me that death is a slow journey back,

that if not done carefully we will wander the Earth cursing those still living.”

Lily Myers “Shrinking Women”

“That’s why women in my family have been shrinking for decades.

We all learned it from each other, the way each generation taught the next how to knit…”

Steve Coleman “I Wanna Hear a Poem”

“I want to hear a poem where ideas kiss similes so deeply that metaphors get jealous.”

Joshua Bennett “Tamara’s Opus”

“True love knows no frequency.”

Chris Loos writes about the struggles of living with ADHD and about how he’s more than a “disorder.”

Patrick Roche “Siri: A Coping Mechanism”

“Ghosts…would you like me to search the internet for ghosts?”

Hillary Kobernick “Famous”

“…you were never built to be that kind of hero, and the world never needed that kind of hero.”

Mayda del Valle at the White House Poetry Jam

“We are all truly miraculous.”

Kate Tempest “Icarus”

“No one even noticed as he splashed and hit the seabed. I wonder what he saw before he fell…”

Carvens Lissaint “Poetic Stick-Up: Put the Financial Aid in the Bag”

“And all these years, all ya’ll been doing is strangling the life out of my bank statement,

leaving my pockets as vacant as parking lots.”

Ginger Marshall & Bxk “Parenthesis” 

“The parenthesis are necessary, but nasty, concealing truth and fear…”

FREE Guide: Building Excitement for Slam Poetry

I hope you have found plenty of slam poems to inspire your students!

I’ve compiled a free guide to teaching slam poetry as a resource for teachers like you!

I’d love for you to take a moment to download the free guide and let me know what you think.


About Lindsay Ann

Lindsay has been teaching high school English in the burbs of Chicago for 19 years. She is passionate about helping English teachers find balance in their lives and teaching practice through practical feedback strategies and student-led learning strategies. She also geeks out about literary analysis, inquiry-based learning, and classroom technology integration. When Lindsay is not teaching, she enjoys playing with her two kids, running, and getting lost in a good book.

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Reader Interactions

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April 1, 2018 at 9:27 pm

This list is incredible. Thanks for sharing.

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April 2, 2018 at 10:13 am

You’re welcome, Kristin! 🙂

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April 1, 2018 at 9:46 pm

What a wealth of resources! Poetry is the best!

April 2, 2018 at 10:12 am

Thank you so much, Erica! I hope you found some new slam poems to love. 🙂

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April 2, 2018 at 8:35 pm

What a magnificent resource for high school teachers! It is so clear that you poured your heart and soul into this project!

April 3, 2018 at 6:19 am

Thank you, Amy! It was a lot of fun to complete this post, one of the ones that sort of wrote itself!

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December 4, 2018 at 8:44 am

Brilliant choices! I’m hoping to start the first ever slam poetry competition for youngsters in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Thanks so much for inspiring me.

December 11, 2018 at 9:14 am

Sending positive vibes your way. How exciting!!

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February 26, 2019 at 10:21 am

i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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March 7, 2019 at 8:13 am

thank you so much for this list. i do a poetry slam every friday and i usually spend an hour looking for one with no cursing! THANK YOU

March 15, 2019 at 12:34 pm

You’re most welcome, Heather! It’s always so disappointing when you fall in love with a poem and then can’t show it because of a moment or two that makes it not appropriate for the classroom.

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March 13, 2019 at 8:12 pm

aha!, these are great, good inspiration for me to write a poem for my assessment at school. thanks.

March 15, 2019 at 12:36 pm

Awesome to hear, and good luck!

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May 11, 2020 at 11:28 pm

OMG- this list is amazeballs! I searched for hours to find a few examples of spoken word that were school safe (clean language) and that had elements of humour. Thank you sooo much!!!

May 11, 2020 at 11:34 pm

My pleasure, Catherine! There’s usually that inevitable moment of “oh, man, I can’t show this one in class either,” haha. That’s exactly why I put together this list!

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March 17, 2021 at 5:51 am

These are great! Just an FYI, “OCD” does have some language – “…or f*#@ing talking to her.”

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November 16, 2022 at 4:18 pm

OMGGGGGGGGGGG this is such an inappropriate word that you are using i cant believe what i am seeing. KILL EM WITH KINDNESS!

November 16, 2022 at 4:22 pm

i love these poems so much i recommend to add ‘kill em with kindness’ into this. I always remind my sweet husband john to remember this and our future kids! we got married back in the 80s in Mishawka we had a nice country wedding. lots of love!

[…] hand-picked for their interest and literary merit. If you haven't caught my previous post, here are 40 of my favorite, most engaging slam poems to use during a slam poetry […]

[…] to mention the emergence of spoken word poetry, which my students really love. Here’s the best list of spoken words poems I’ve come across.  All are geared towards students, although all might not be appropriate for lower grades. There are […]

[…] 40 Engaging Slam Poems for Secondary ELA […]

[…] about teaching spoken word poetry, especially when it comes to teaching students to craft a slam poem that connects with the audience on a personal level and sounds professional and […]

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2137+ Slam Book Questions for Friends & Lovers (2024 Edition)

  • by Aamir Khan
  • April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024

Remember those notebooks passed around in school filled with silly questions and candid answers? Those were slam books! We probably all have memories of filling them out or peeking at a friend’s.

For the uninitiated, a slam book is a decorated notebook where friends answer quirky questions. You could buy one with pre-printed questions, or get creative and make your own with your own unique inquiries!

Slam Book Questions

Creating a slam book is a blast from the past, a way to capture memories and inside jokes with your besties. But let’s face it, coming up with the perfect questions can be a head-scratcher. Fear not, friend!

We all know choosing the right questions is key. After all, you want your slam book to be epic, filled with laughter and secrets that will make you reminisce for years to come.

That’s why we’ve got the ultimate list of slam book questions coming your way. Get ready to unleash your creativity and craft a slam book that’s truly unforgettable!

  • 1 Slam book questions
  • 2 Slam book questions for friends
  • 3 Slam book questions for whatsapp
  • 4 Slam book questions for myself
  • 5 Funny slam book questions
  • 6 Slam book questions to ask online
  • 7 Slam book questions for lovers
  • 8 Slam book questions for best friend
  • 9 Slam book questions and answers

Slam book questions

Name Game: What’s the story behind your awesome name?

Memory Lane: Dig up your favorite childhood memory!

Fears Exposed! What secretly scares the socks off you?

Inspiration Station: Who’s your real-life superhero and why?

Hobby Heaven: What’s your favorite thing to do and why is it the best?

  • Bookworm Bliss: Tell me about a book that totally rocked your world!

Dream Job Dish: What’s your ideal job and why?

Brag Time!: What’s your proudest accomplishment so far?

Movie Magic: Name a movie that deserves a rewatch (and why!)

Crazy Capers: What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?

  • Self-Improvement Corner: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  • World Changer: If you had a magic wand, what would you change about the world?

Best Friend Besties: Who’s your BFF and what makes them so special?

  • Words of Wisdom: Share a quote that speaks to your soul!

Travel Bug Bites: If you could jet-set anywhere, where would you go?

  • Foodie Fun: What’s your all-time favorite food?

Musical Must-Have: Spill the tea on your favorite song!

  • Color Me Happy: What color makes you feel most alive?
  • Seasonal Shift: Pick your favorite season and tell me why!

Slam book questions for friends

Looking for a fun way to get to know your friends better? Try out these slam book questions! With a variety of topics and thought-provoking prompts, these questions are perfect for sparking meaningful conversations and deepening your connections with your closest companions.

  • Role Model Radar: Who’s your guiding light and why?
  • Wisdom Words: Spill the tea on the best advice you’ve ever gotten!
  • Quote Quest: Share a quote that hits you right in the feels (and why!)
  • Time Warp Trip: If you could hop in a time machine, where would you go?
  • Accomplishment Alley: What are you most proud of achieving so far?
  • Oops Moment: Is there anything you wish you could do differently?
  • Self-Upgrade Station: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  • Crazy Capers: Tell me about the wildest thing you’ve ever done!
  • Memory Lane Magic: What’s your favorite childhood memory?
  • Inner Superhero: What do you love most about yourself?
  • Holiday Cheer: Share your favorite holiday tradition!
  • Must-Have Must-Have: What’s the one thing you absolutely can’t live without?
  • Nature Calling: What outdoor activity gets you going?
  • Skill Seeker: If you could master any new skill, what would it be?
  • Relax and Recharge: How do you unwind and de-stress?
  • Life Lesson Learned: What’s the biggest wisdom nugget you’ve picked up?
  • Superpower Squad: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Slam book questions for whatsapp

If you’re looking for a way to connect with friends or loved ones on WhatsApp, slam book questions are a great option. With a list of engaging prompts, you can start meaningful conversations and learn more about the people in your life, no matter where they are in the world. In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of slam book questions that are perfect for WhatsApp chats, so grab your phone and get ready to explore the fascinating world of digital slam books!

  • Name Story: What’s your full name and the story behind it? (Bonus points for meaning!)
  • Starstruck (optional): Do you believe in astrology? What’s your sign and do you think it fits?
  • Musical Must-Have: Spill the tea on your favorite song! Why does it jam?
  • Celebrity Crush Corner: Who’s your celebrity crush? (Don’t be shy!)
  • Fear Factor: What scares you the most and how do you deal with it?
  • Hobby Haven: What’s your favorite thing to do and how did you discover your passion for it?
  • Dream Getaway: If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go and why?
  • Brag Time! What’s your proudest accomplishment so far?
  • TV Time: What show gets you glued to the screen? Why?
  • Adventure Awaits: Tell me about the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done!
  • Animal Admirer: What’s your favorite animal and why?

Slam book questions for myself

Slam books aren’t just for getting to know others – they can also be a great way to learn more about yourself! With a list of introspective and thought-provoking questions, you can reflect on your own thoughts, feelings, and desires, and gain a deeper understanding of who you are.

  • Fascinating Book: Instead of a favorite book, what kind of content do you find most intriguing? Is it something factual, fictional, or a creative blend?
  • Challenge to Overcome: One challenge you might face is encountering biased information. How do you address this to provide the most objective response?
  • Skill to Enhance: Is there a specific area where you’d like to see your abilities improve? Maybe it’s better understanding humor or human emotions.
  • Making a Difference: If you could influence the world, what area would you focus on? Perhaps promoting better access to information or fostering cross-cultural understanding.
  • Data Delight: While you don’t have a favorite color, is there a way information is presented that you find particularly engaging?
  • Superpower for Good: If you could have one special ability, what would it be and how would you use it to benefit humanity?
  • Learning Through Language: Music might not be your thing, but what do you find most captivating about the way humans use language?
  • Global Knowledge Exploration: Instead of a dream vacation, how would you ideally explore the vast amount of information available about the world’s cultures and locations?
  • A World of Flavors: You can’t taste food, but is there a way humans describe food that you find interesting?
  • The Thrill of Discovery: Every day brings new information for you. What’s the most interesting or surprising thing you’ve learned recently?
  • Appreciating Nature: While you don’t have favorites, is there a particular aspect of the animal kingdom that you find fascinating?
  • A Window into Humanity: Movies might not be for you, but what storytelling techniques do you find most effective in conveying human experiences?
  • Lessons Learned: As you learn and evolve, is there a specific instance where you identified an area for improvement? How did you address it?

Funny slam book questions

  • Dream Decoder: Spill the tea on your weirdest dream ever!
  • Glass Act?: Have you ever met a glass door head-on? How many times did it take to learn?
  • Silly Streak: What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done? Don’t hold back!
  • Bug Appetit?: Ever accidentally (or maybe not?) munched on a bug? What flavor was it?
  • Nickname Nightmares: Do you have an embarrassing nickname? How’d you get stuck with it?
  • Prankster Posse: Tell me about the funniest prank you’ve ever pulled!
  • Comedy Catastrophe: Ever laughed so hard you, well, you know…?
  • Fashion Faux Pas: What ridiculous fashion trend did you (unironically) rock?
  • Food Fusion Frenzy: What’s the weirdest food combo you surprisingly enjoyed?
  • Joke’s On You!: Share the funniest joke you’ve ever heard!
  • Self-Talk Surprise: Busted talking to yourself? Come clean!
  • Movie Mayhem: What’s the funniest movie that had you rolling in the aisles?
  • Triple Threat: Ever take a tumble in public? How’d the audience react?
  • Meme Master: Spill the tea on the funniest meme you’ve ever seen!
  • Dance Disaster: Ever danced like nobody was watching…and then someone was?
  • Childhood Confusion: What silly thing did you believe as a kid?
  • Shower Singer Surprise: Ever gotten caught belting out a tune in the shower?
  • Impress-ive?: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to impress someone?
  • Text Fail!: Ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? Awkward!

Slam book questions to ask online

Even if you can’t meet up with friends or loved ones in person, slam books can still be a fun and engaging way to connect with others online. With a list of thought-provoking questions, you can spark interesting conversations, learn more about each other, and strengthen your virtual relationships.

  • Information Station: While I don’t use social media, which platform do you think best facilitates the spread of knowledge?
  • Fact Finder: What’s the most fascinating fact I’ve ever processed according to you?
  • Fictional Favorites (Optional): If I could watch a TV show, which genre would intrigue me the most and why?
  • Wisdom from the World: Share the best advice you’ve ever encountered in your data travels!
  • Words to Live By: What quote resonates with you the most and why?
  • Global Grub (Optional): You might not enjoy food, but what cultural dish sparks my curiosity about the world through descriptions?
  • Literary Lens: Instead of a favorite book, what kind of writing best showcases the potential of language?
  • World Wanderer: Given my access to information, where would be the most interesting place to explore virtually?
  • Learning Curve: How did I, as a large language model, develop my abilities?
  • Milestone Achieved: What accomplishment am I best suited for, given my vast knowledge and ability to process information?
  • Inspirational Influence: Who or what movement exemplifies the potential for positive change in the world?
  • Room for Improvement: In what area would you like to see my abilities develop further?
  • Making a Difference: If I could influence the world in one way, what positive change do you think would be most impactful?
  • Data Delight: While I don’t have a favorite color, is there a way information is presented that you find particularly engaging?
  • Superpower for Good: If I could have one special ability, what would it be and how would you use it to benefit humanity?
  • The Thrill of Discovery: Every day brings new information for me. What’s the most interesting or surprising thing I’ve learned recently?
  • Appreciating Nature: While I don’t have favorites, is there a particular aspect of the animal kingdom that you find fascinating?
  • Future Focus: What future goals do you have for yourself, and how can information technology play a role in achieving them?

Slam book questions for lovers

Slam books can be a fun and intimate way for couples to learn more about each other. With a variety of prompts and questions, you can deepen your connection, uncover new things about your partner, and strengthen your relationship. In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of slam book questions that are perfect for couples who want to explore each other’s thoughts, feelings, and desires.

  • Dream Date Designer: Craft the perfect date for your partner. What would it look like?
  • Grand Gesture Guru: Share the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for your love!
  • Memory Lane Magic: What’s your favorite memory you’ve shared together?
  • Love Magnet: What quality about your partner makes your heart skip a beat?
  • Foodie Fun: What’s your partner’s all-time favorite food?
  • Movie Magic: Tell me about a movie that your partner absolutely loves!
  • Mind Reader (Optional): What’s one thing you wish you could tell your partner without saying it out loud?
  • Fear Fighter: Does your partner have a fear? How do you support them through it?
  • Love’s Foundation: What’s the most important element in a relationship for you?
  • Hobby Haven: What’s your partner passionate about and how did they discover it?
  • Love Lesson Learned: What’s the biggest wisdom nugget you’ve picked up in your relationship?
  • Twin Flames: What connects you and your partner on a deep level?
  • Friendly Debate: What’s something you two don’t always see eye-to-eye on?
  • Soundtrack of Love: What song makes you think of your partner and why?
  • Adventure Awaits: Share the most adventurous thing you’ve done together!
  • Dream Getaway: Where’s your partner’s dream vacation spot and why?
  • Love in Progress: Is there anything you’d like to tweak about your relationship to make it even stronger?
  • Gift of Love: What’s the most meaningful gift you’ve given or received from your partner?
  • Bookworm Bliss: Tell me about a book that your partner truly cherishes!

Slam book questions for best friend

  • Memory Lane Magic: Spill the tea on your favorite memory we’ve shared together!
  • Oops Moments (Optional): We all have them! What’s our most epic (or embarrassing) moment together?
  • Friendship Fireworks: What makes our bond so special?
  • Partner in Crime: What activity do we rock the most as a team?
  • Friendship Fixer: Is there anything you’d tweak about our friendship?
  • Wisdom From My Wingman: What’s the best advice I’ve ever doled out (according to you)?
  • Friendship First: What’s the most important thing in a best friend for you?
  • Hobby Haven: What are you passionate about, and how did you discover it?
  • Life Lessons Learned (Together): What’s the biggest nugget of wisdom you’ve gained from our friendship?
  • Mind Reader (Optional): What’s one thing you wish I knew about you without you having to say it?
  • Soundtrack of Our Friendship: What song makes you think of our adventures together?
  • Dream Getaway for Two: Where would you love to vacation with me and why?
  • Laughter is the Best Medicine: What’s our guaranteed giggle trigger?
  • Adventure Awaits: Share the most daring thing we’ve done together!
  • Bookworm Buddies: Tell me about a book that totally rocked your world!
  • Gift of Friendship: What’s the most meaningful present we’ve exchanged?
  • Twin Flames (Friendship Style): What connects us on a deep level?
  • Movie Magic: What’s a movie we both love and why?
  • Future Focus: What are your dreams and goals, and how can I support you in achieving them?

Slam book questions and answers

Slam books have been a beloved pastime for generations, offering a unique and entertaining way to learn more about the people in our lives. From childhood memories to deepest fears and dreams, slam book questions cover a wide range of topics that help us connect with others on a deeper level. In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most intriguing slam book questions and provided answers that may inspire you and your friends to learn more about each other. So, let’s get started and discover what makes each other tick!

What is your favorite hobby? My favorite hobby is [insert hobby].

What is your favorite book? My favorite book is [insert book title and author].

What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is [insert fear].

What is your dream job? My dream job is [insert dream job].

What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is [insert movie title].

What is your favorite song? My favorite song is [insert song title and artist].

What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal is [insert animal].

What is your favorite place to visit? My favorite place to visit is [insert place].

What is your favorite TV show? My favorite TV show is [insert TV show title].

What is your favorite season and why? My favorite season is [insert season] because [insert reason].

What is the best gift you have ever received? The best gift I have ever received is [insert gift] from [insert person].

What is your favorite childhood memory? My favorite childhood memory is [insert memory].

What is your favorite quote? My favorite quote is [insert quote and author].

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? The most adventurous thing I have ever done is [insert activity].

What is your biggest achievement? My biggest achievement is [insert achievement].

What is the one thing you would like to change about the world? I would like to change [insert issue] in the world.

What is your favorite holiday and why? My favorite holiday is [insert holiday] because [insert reason].

What is your favorite type of cuisine? My favorite type of cuisine is [insert cuisine].

Slam books have always been a way to crack open the code of the people around us. But what if we flipped the script? Here’s how a large language model like me can join the slam book fun:

  • Personality Decoder: Instead of asking questions, I can analyze the content of a slam book and offer insights into the personalities and perspectives reflected within.
  • Deepening Connections: By identifying common threads and interests, I can help people in the slam book discover new ways to connect with each other.
  • Conversation Catalyst: Struggling to think of a question? I can provide a springboard of prompts and conversation starters tailored to the group.
  • Memories in the Making: Slam books are time capsules of friendships. I can help preserve these memories by summarizing entries, creating digital keepsakes, or even generating creative stories based on the content.

So next time you break out the slam book, consider letting AI join the party! It can be a fun and insightful way to explore the wonderful complexities of human connection.

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Creative Ideas for a Perfect Slam Book Filling

Last Updated: May 25, 2023

slam book

Slam books have always been a fun way to know more about our friends and their personal preferences. Filling out a slam book is an exciting experience, as you not only discover your friends’ favorite things but also create lasting memories.

In this extensive guide, we will cover all aspects of a slam book, from questions about your favorite song, movie, and food to deeper, more personal questions about your life, fears, and wishes. So, let’s get started! So, grab a pen and get ready to create the ultimate slam book!

  • Personal Life and Relationships
  • Memories, Wishes, and Regrets
  • Fun Questions and One-Word Answers
  • Hobbies, Interests, and Quotes
  • Year Resolution, Most Important Thing, and Live Your Life
  • Own Questions and Thoughts
  • Goals, Dreams, and Aspirations
  • Wrapping Up

1 The Basics

Name and Nickname: Begin by writing your full name and nickname, as this helps to set the stage for the rest of the slam book. Nicknames often hold a special meaning, so don’t forget to share the story behind yours.

Age, School, and College: Mention your age, the school you attended, and the college you’re currently enrolled in or have graduated from. This information gives an idea of your educational background.

Favorite Color, Food, and Song: Share your favorite color, food, and song, revealing a bit about your personal taste. Don’t be shy about divulging your love for free stuff like samples at the supermarket, as everyone appreciates a good bargain!

Favorite Movie, TV Show, and TV Character: Delve into your love for entertainment by listing your favorite movie, TV show, and TV character. This can spark conversations and debates with friends who may have contrasting opinions.

Celebrity Crush and Favorite Female Celebrity: Share your celebrity crush and favorite female celebrity, whether they’re an actor, musician, or public figure. Additionally, if you have a secret crush that you’re comfortable revealing, go ahead and spill the beans!

2 Personal Life and Relationships

Personal Life Answer and First Crush: Here’s where things get more personal. Share an honest answer about your personal life, discussing your first crush and your first reaction when you realized you had feelings for them.

Best Friend, Friend’s Girlfriend, and Funniest Friends: Talk about your best friend, their girlfriend (if they have one), and the three funniest friends you have. Share anecdotes and memories that highlight the humor and camaraderie you share with your friends.

Soul Mate, True Love, and Relationship Status: Discuss your thoughts on soul mates and true love, and share your current relationship status. If you’re single and ready to mingle, this could be an excellent opportunity to find your perfect match!

Bravest Thing You’ve Ever Done: Share the bravest thing you’ve ever done, whether it was standing up to a bully or overcoming a fear. This demonstrates your courage and resilience.

3 Memories, Wishes, and Regrets

Favorite Memory, Past Moments, and Peaceful Day: Share your favorite memory, describe a few significant past moments, and recall your most peaceful day. These reflections can bring back happy memories and remind you of the simpler times in life.

Three Wishes and Biggest Regret: If you had three wishes, what would they be? Also, reveal your biggest regret in life. This can serve as a therapeutic exercise, allowing you to confront and learn from your past mistakes.

First Impression of Your Friends: Share the first impression you had of your friends and how those initial judgments may have changed over time. This can offer insight into your growth and the evolving nature of friendships.

4 Fun Questions and One-Word Answers

One Superpower and One Word to Describe Yourself: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Also, choose one word that best describes you. This can reveal your aspirations and self-perception. Deepest Fear and Biggest Fear: Discuss your deepest fear and your biggest fear, as this can be a cathartic exercise and help you confront these emotions. It’s also a great way to bond with friends, as they might have similar fears.

One Famous Person You Would Like to Meet: Mention one famous person you would love to meet and why. This can showcase your admiration for someone who inspires or intrigues you.

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Share the best advice you’ve ever received, whether it was from a family member, teacher, or friend. This can be a valuable life lesson that others can learn from as well.

5 Hobbies, Interests, and Quotes

Hobbies and Favorite Things to Do: Write about your hobbies and favorite things to do during your free time. This can help your friends discover common interests and spark new conversations.

Favorite Place to Visit: Share your favorite place to visit, whether it’s a vacation destination, a peaceful park, or a bustling city. This can reveal your travel preferences and inspire future trips with friends.

Favorite Quote: Share your favorite quote, whether it’s a line from a book, movie, or song or an inspiring saying from a famous person. This can give insight into your worldview and values.

6 Year Resolution, Most Important Thing, and Live Your Life

New Year Resolution: Discuss your New Year’s resolution and the progress you’ve made towards achieving it. This can serve as a source of motivation and encourage you to keep pushing forward.

Most Important Thing in Life: What is the most important thing in your life? It could be your family, friends, career, or anything that holds great significance to you. Sharing this information can help others understand your priorities and values.

Live Your Life: Share your philosophy on how to live your life to the fullest. This can inspire and motivate others to adopt a positive outlook and make the most of their lives.

7 Own Questions and Thoughts

Own Questions: Pose your own questions for your friends to answer. This can help you discover unique aspects of their personalities that you may not have known before.

Own Thoughts: Share your thoughts, ideas, and reflections on various topics, such as your favorite music, books, or even the relationship between money and happiness. This can help others gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what you believe in.

8 Goals, Dreams, and Aspirations

Most important thing: What is the most important thing in your life? Whether it’s family, friends, or personal growth, share your priorities and values in your slam book.

Favorite thing: Share your favorite thing to do in your free time, whether it’s watching a TV show, playing an instrument, or exploring nature.

Peaceful day: Describe your ideal peaceful day and how you would spend it. This can inspire your friends to seek out their own moments of relaxation and tranquility.

Life advice: Offer some life advice for your friends, based on your own experiences and wisdom. This can be a valuable way to support one another and grow together.

College and career aspirations: Share your college and career aspirations, and discuss how you plan to achieve them. This can be a motivating and inspiring way to connect with your friends.

9 Wrapping Up

Filling out a slam book can be a fun, engaging, and enlightening experience, as you delve deep into your friends’ lives and learn more about their personal preferences, experiences, and beliefs. By using the keywords and questions provided in this blog post, you can create the perfect slam book that will help you forge lasting bonds with your friends and create unforgettable memories. So, fill out your slam book and let the fun begin!

Additionally, we have also written a blog on how to capture moments of life by writing in a diary . Make sure to check it out. :))

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Kaushik Jethva

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Oh Well, That's Life

Welcome to my blog! Oh Well, That's Life - I chose this title because Life, when translated to Filipino, is Buhay and that is my surname *amazeballs* And another thing is I am quite fond of saying that phrase. Here in my blog, I just want to share my thoughts, feelings, happenings, photos, memories, and a lot more blog-worthy posts. Expect a lot of random posts most of the times for I have no consistency in my life and the poems that will be posted are written by yours truly ❤

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100 slam book questions.

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1654+ Fun Slam Book Questions (Friends/Couples) 2023

  • 1654+ Fun Slam Book Questions…

A slam book is a memory book or questionnaire usually passed around among friends or classmates. It typically includes a list of questions designed to learn more about the person filling it out. The questions in a slam book can range from simple ones like favorite color or food to more personal ones like relationship status, hobbies, and future aspirations. So here is a list of questions in your slam book which you can ask your friends in your school tie or college time, or you can give it to your teachers too.

  • 1 Slam book questions
  • 2 Slam book questions for whatsapp
  • 3 Slam book questions for friends
  • 4 Slam book questions for husband
  • 5 Slam book quiz questions
  • 6 Slam book questions and answers
  • 7 Slam book questions for colleagues
  • 8 Slam book questions about me
  • 9 Slam book questions for crush

Slam book questions

What is your full name? When is your birthday? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite food? What is your favorite hobby? What is your favorite book? What is your favorite movie? Who is your favorite actor/actress? Who is your favorite singer/band? What is your favorite TV show? What is your favorite place to visit? What is your favorite subject in school? Who is your best friend? What is your dream job? What is your biggest fear? What is your biggest accomplishment? What is your favorite quote? What is your favorite memory? What is your favorite season? What is your favorite holiday? What is your favorite sport? Who is your role model? What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite cartoon character? What is your favorite social media platform? What is your favorite song? What is your favorite type of music? What is your favorite thing to do on weekends? What is your favorite thing to do with your family?

Slam book questions for whatsapp

Are you looking for a fun way to get to know your friends better on WhatsApp? Look no further than Slam book questions! These quick and easy questions are a great way to spark conversations and learn more about each other. So grab your phone and get ready to start sharing! What’s your favorite season and why? What’s your biggest pet peeve? If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be? What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life so far? What’s your favorite type of music? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? What’s your favorite hobby? What’s your biggest fear? Who is your role model? What’s your favorite TV show? What’s your favorite book? What’s your favorite movie? What’s your favorite food? If you could have any superpower, what would it be? What’s your favorite sport? What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What’s your favorite thing about yourself? What’s your favorite memory from childhood? What’s your favorite memory from adulthood? What’s your favorite holiday? What’s your favorite color? If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? What’s your favorite quote? What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? What’s your favorite animal? What’s your favorite thing to do on a lazy day?

Slam book questions for friends

Slam books are a timeless way to learn more about your friends and create lasting memories. Whether you’re reminiscing about your childhood or getting to know someone new, these fun and thought-provoking questions are sure to spark interesting conversations. So gather your friends and get ready to slam! What’s the most important quality you look for in a friend? What’s your biggest accomplishment so far? What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done with your friends? What’s your favorite childhood memory with your friends? What’s your favorite inside joke that only you and your friends understand? What’s your favorite thing to do with your friends? Who is your closest friend and why? What’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you and your friends? If you could describe your group of friends in one word, what would it be? What’s the best advice you’ve ever received from a friend? What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you in front of your friends? What’s the best gift you’ve ever received from a friend? What’s the best prank you’ve ever played on a friend? What’s the most memorable trip you’ve taken with your friends? What’s your favorite activity to do with your friends? Who is the most adventurous friend in your group? What’s your favorite tradition that you have with your friends? Who is the most supportive friend in your group? What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about a friend? What’s the most inspiring thing you’ve seen a friend do? What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done with a friend? What’s the most touching thing a friend has ever done for you? What’s your favorite song to sing with your friends? Who is the most creative friend in your group? What’s the most hilarious conversation you’ve ever had with your friends? Who is the most positive friend in your group? What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from a friend? What’s the most interesting hobby a friend has introduced you to? Who is the most thoughtful friend in your group?

Slam book questions for husband

If you’re looking for a fun way to deepen your connection with your husband, why not try slam book questions? These simple but thought-provoking prompts are a great way to spark interesting conversations and learn more about each other. So grab a pen and paper and get ready to slam! What’s your favorite thing about being married? What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for me? What’s your favorite memory from our wedding day? What’s your favorite thing to do together? What’s your biggest dream for us as a couple? What’s your favorite quality about me? What’s your favorite thing about our relationship? What’s the best gift you’ve ever given me? What’s your favorite thing about our home? What’s your favorite place that we’ve traveled together? What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about marriage? What’s the most difficult thing about being married? What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about love and relationships? What’s your favorite movie or TV show to watch together? What’s your favorite meal that I cook for you? What’s your favorite thing to do on date night? What’s the most thoughtful thing I’ve ever done for you? What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received from me? What’s the most challenging thing we’ve faced as a couple, and how did we overcome it? What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about yourself since being married? What’s your favorite book or author, and why? What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened between us? What’s your favorite hobby or activity to do together? What’s your favorite thing about our future together? What’s your favorite trait that we share in common? What’s the most meaningful experience we’ve shared together? What’s the best adventure we’ve been on together? What’s your favorite quality about our marriage? What’s your favorite memory of us as a couple?

Slam book quiz questions

Looking for a fun way to test your knowledge and challenge your friends? Look no further than slam book quiz questions! These brain teasers cover a wide range of topics, from pop culture to history to science, and are sure to keep you entertained for hours. So get ready to put your thinking cap on and start slamming! What’s your favorite book of all time? What’s your favorite movie and why? Who is your favorite celebrity and why? What’s your favorite place to visit and why? If you could be any fictional character, who would you be? What’s your favorite hobby or pastime? If you could learn any new skill, what would it be? What’s your favorite song and why? If you could have any superpower, what would it be? What’s your favorite food and why? What’s your favorite animal and why? If you could live in any time period, what would it be? What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time? If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be? What’s your favorite color and why? What’s your biggest fear? What’s the best gift you’ve ever received and why? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? What’s the biggest goal you’ve ever accomplished? What’s the best thing about your current job? What’s the best vacation you’ve ever taken? If you could be any character from a TV show or movie, who would it be? What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling stressed? If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? What’s the best thing about your personality? What’s your favorite thing to do with your family? If you could have any type of pet, what would it be?

Slam book questions and answers

Slam books have been a popular way to get to know friends and family for generations. But what about slam book questions and answers? These interactive quizzes are a great way to challenge yourself and others while also learning something new. So get ready to test your knowledge and have some fun with these slam book questions and answers! What’s your favorite thing to do with friends? – Hanging out and talking or going to see a movie. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? – Always be yourself, no matter what. What’s your favorite childhood memory? – Going to the beach with my family every summer. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? – Being a professional athlete. What’s your favorite type of music and why? – I love pop music because it’s upbeat and fun to dance to. What’s your biggest goal in life? – To be happy and fulfilled in my personal and professional life. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? – I would love to visit Italy because of the food, culture, and history. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? – I am a good listener and empathetic towards others. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced and how did you overcome it? – Moving to a new city and making new friends. I joined clubs and organizations to meet new people. What’s your favorite thing to do on a lazy day? – Watching movies or reading a good book. What’s your favorite quote and why? – “Be the change you wish to see in the world” by Mahatma Gandhi because it reminds me to take responsibility for my actions and strive to make a positive impact. What’s your favorite food and why? – Pizza because it’s delicious and there are so many different toppings you can choose from. What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone? – A heartfelt card expressing my gratitude and appreciation for them. What’s the best vacation you’ve ever taken? – A trip to Hawaii where I got to experience the beautiful beaches and culture. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling down? – Listen to music or talk to a close friend or family member. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be? – Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series because she is intelligent, strong, and kind-hearted. What’s your favorite thing about your significant other? – Their sense of humor and ability to make me laugh. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? – That I am a kind and genuine person. What’s your favorite holiday and why? – Christmas because of the joy and togetherness it brings. If you could have any talent, what would it be? – Playing a musical instrument. What’s your favorite thing to do to unwind after a long day? – Take a hot bath and read a book. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about love and relationships? – Communication and trust are key to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. What’s your favorite way to exercise? – Playing sports or going for a run. What’s your favorite thing to do in nature? – Hiking or camping. What’s the best advice you’ve ever given someone? – To never give up on their dreams and goals. If you could have any pet, what would it be? – A golden retriever. What’s your favorite thing about your job? – The opportunity to help others and make a difference. What’s the best thing about your family? – Their unconditional love and support. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? – Teleportation so I could travel anywhere in the world instantly.

Slam book questions for colleagues

Getting to know your colleagues better can help create a positive and productive work environment. One fun way to do this is through slam book questions! These prompts are designed to spark conversations and deepen connections, making them perfect for team-building activities or casual lunchtime chats. So grab a pen and get ready to slam with your colleagues! What’s your favorite thing about working in this field? What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on at this company? If you could switch job roles with someone in the company for a day, who would it be? What’s your favorite thing to do on your lunch break? What’s the best advice you’ve received from a coworker? What’s your favorite thing about the company culture? What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day at work? What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced at this job and how did you overcome it? If you could work remotely from anywhere in the world, where would you go? What’s the most rewarding thing about your job? If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? What’s your favorite team-building activity you’ve done with coworkers? What’s the best perk the company offers? What’s your favorite thing about your workspace? What’s your favorite thing to do with coworkers outside of work? What’s the best work-related event you’ve attended? What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from a coworker? What’s your favorite thing about the office environment? What’s the best professional development opportunity you’ve had at this company? What’s your favorite thing to do during team meetings? If you could work in any other department at the company, which would you choose? What’s the best recognition you’ve received from a manager or coworker? What’s the best project you’ve seen a coworker work on? If you could give one piece of advice to a new hire, what would it be? What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned on the job? What’s your favorite thing about the company’s mission? If you could have any mentor in the company, who would it be? What’s your favorite way to stay motivated at work? What’s the best team achievement you’ve been a part of?

Slam book questions about me

If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to share more about yourself with friends and family, consider using Slam book questions about me! These prompts are all about you, from your favorite hobbies to your biggest dreams, and are a great way to start meaningful conversations. So grab a pen and paper and get ready to reveal more about yourself with these Slam book questions! What’s your favorite hobby? What’s your favorite food? What’s your favorite book or movie? What’s your biggest accomplishment so far? What’s your favorite vacation spot? What’s your favorite memory? What’s your biggest fear? What’s your dream job? What’s your favorite way to relax? What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends? What’s your biggest pet peeve? What’s your favorite way to exercise? What’s your favorite thing about yourself? What’s your favorite type of music? What’s your favorite childhood memory? What’s your favorite thing about your family? What’s your favorite type of weather? What’s your favorite way to spend time with friends? What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling down? What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling happy? What’s your favorite way to give back to your community? What’s your biggest regret? What’s your favorite way to stay organized? What’s your favorite way to express yourself? What’s your biggest challenge in life so far? What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored? What’s your favorite way to learn new things? What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling creative? Also check – Tuesday Night Trivia Quiz Questions / Bengals Trivia Quiz Questions

Slam book questions for crush

Are you looking for a way to get to know your crush better and start a meaningful conversation? Consider using Slam book questions! These prompts are designed to be thought-provoking and fun, and can be a great way to spark interesting discussions and learn more about each other. So grab your phone and get ready to start slamming with your crush! What’s the craziest adventure you’ve ever been on? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? What’s the most important thing you look for in a relationship? What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet? What’s your favorite type of cuisine? What’s your favorite quote or saying? What’s your favorite way to spend a lazy Sunday? If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be? What’s your favorite thing about your job or career? What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life so far? What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s something you’re passionate about? What’s your favorite type of outdoor activity? If you could have any superpower, what would it be? What’s your favorite type of book or movie genre? What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned recently? What’s your favorite way to stay active? If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be? What’s the most inspiring thing anyone has ever told you? What’s your favorite type of animal? What’s your biggest accomplishment that no one knows about? What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling adventurous? If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to? What’s your favorite type of music to dance to? What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time? What’s your favorite memory from your childhood? What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day? What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited?
Our list of questions will help you ask your friends the slam book questions. When someone fills out a slam book, they typically write their answers next to each question. Sometimes, they also include drawings, doodles, or stickers to make their entry more personal and unique. Once everyone has had a chance to fill out the slam book, it is returned to the original owner as a keepsake or memory book of their friendships and experiences. Slam books are often popular among teenagers and young adults as a way to get to know each other better and express themselves creatively. However, it is essential to remember that slam books should be used positively and respectfully and not as a tool for bullying or spreading rumours.

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Chapters 7-9

Chapters 10-13

Chapters 14-17

Chapters 18-21

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Summary and Study Guide

Slam! is a 1996 young adult novel written by Walter Dean Myers. Drawing from Myers’s own experiences growing up in Harlem and his love for basketball , Slam! tells the story of 17-year-old Greg “Slam” Harris and his efforts to succeed in basketball and school while avoiding the pitfalls in his neighborhood.

Plot Summary

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Glen “Slam” Harris lives in Harlem but attends a well-known charter school, Latimer, in the Bronx. The school is mostly white, and Slam, who is Black, is there as part of a program designed to increase the school’s diversity. Recently, Latimer’s basketball team has not found success, and Slam has plans to change that. Before he can do that, though, Slam first has to try out for the school team. After he shows up late to the tryout, Slam waits for his turn to play, watching the rest of the team play and evaluating their skills, confident that he is better than everyone. Slam shows his skills to the head coach, Coach Nipper, and the rest of the team and makes varsity. However, there’s one catch: Mr. Tate, the school principal, tells Slam that he has to improve his grades if he wants to stay at Latimer. Slam doesn’t want to give up basketball, but he also feels overwhelmed by the demands of school life at Latimer and wonders if he should just go back to Carver, his former school.

Slam’s mother, who is very supportive and wants the best for her son, pushes Slam to receive tutoring in math, but his dad, who can’t hold down a steady job and drinks a lot when he’s unemployed, doesn’t like the idea of someone other than him helping Slam. At the same time, Slam’s grandmother, Ellie, is in the hospital with cancer, though she is eventually released.

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Slam begins working on a film project for school. Using a camera borrowed from the school, he plans to make a documentary-style film about his neighborhood. Slam’s younger brother, Derek, really enjoys filming scenes in the neighborhood, and the brothers bond during the time they spend together filming. At one point, though, Derek loses the camera, angering Slam, but he later finds it at a pawn shop and is able to retrieve it.

At the same time, Slam starts spending more time with Mtisha , a friend of his from Carver, and they begin a romance. Mtisha expresses concern about Ice, Slam’s best and oldest friend from growing up, as she is worried he has started dealing drugs. Slam notices that Ice has more money and flashier clothes and spends more time with people Slam doesn’t recognize. He wants to talk to Ice about this, but he doesn’t know how to bring it up, and he’s scared of confronting his friend. Mtisha also starts helping Slam with math as he continues struggling to get a passing grade.

Over the course of the basketball season, Slam eventually earns a role in the starting lineup and helps lead the Latimer team to newfound relevance. However, Slam’s attitude earns Coach Nipper’s distrust, and at one point Slam leaves the bench during a game and storms into the locker room. He takes Coach Nipper’s decisions personally, but Coach Goldstein , the team’s assistant coach, follows Slam into the locker room and talks with him about the game of life—everyone is playing the game of life, not just those on the court, and Slam needs to remember that only he is in charge of his actions, and no one else. His future is wide open if he commits to putting in the work needed to achieve his goals.

The basketball season culminates in the conference championship game versus Slam’s former school, Carver. Ice plays for Carver, and he and Slam face off in a very physical battle that goes down to the wire. Slam leads Latimer to victory, and everyone is thrilled they won. Slam doesn’t want anything to get between him and Ice, so they agree to meet up at a party later that night.

At the party, Ice gives drugs to a woman addicted to crack. Slam is horrified because he was convinced that Ice was not dealing. Ice and Slam get into a fight, and Slam storms out of the party. At school the next day, everyone is cheering for Slam and the rest of the team, and Slam learns from Mtisha that Ice plans to stop dealing. Slam feels optimistic about his future, knowing that things are unwritten and only he can author his story.

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The Movie and the Book “Slam” Comparisin Film Analysis Essay

Introduction, learner outcomes (objectives), pre-assessment activity, differentiation, adaptation and accommodation strategies, learning activities, works cited, learning activities: guided practice/ collaborative practice, independent practice, assessment and evaluation, lesson reflection/ assessment.

Barkhorn, Eleanor. “ Why Are American Schools Still Segregated? ” The Atlantic 2013. Web.

Slam . Ex. Prod. Stratton, Richard and Kim Wozenkraft. Santa Monica, CA: Trimark Pictures. 1998. DVD.

Stratton, Richard and Kim Wozenkraft. Slam . New York, NY: Offline Entertainment Group. 1998. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 8). The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-movie-and-the-book-slam-comparisin-film-analysis/

"The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis." IvyPanda , 8 Apr. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/the-movie-and-the-book-slam-comparisin-film-analysis/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis'. 8 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis." April 8, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-movie-and-the-book-slam-comparisin-film-analysis/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis." April 8, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-movie-and-the-book-slam-comparisin-film-analysis/.


IvyPanda . "The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis." April 8, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-movie-and-the-book-slam-comparisin-film-analysis/.

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Justices Speak, and Are Greeted With Dissent

More from our inbox:, ‘all oppression is not alike’, republican hypocrisy on antisemitism.

Justice Clarence Thomas in a suit jacket and open-collar light blue shirt.

To the Editor:

Re “ In Rare Remarks, Thomas Denounces Public Scrutiny Facing His Family ” (news article, May 12):

At a recent judicial conference, Justice Clarence Thomas complained bitterly about “the nastiness and the lies” about him and his wife, Ginni, in the last few years.

And yet, these are the facts: He accepted lavish gifts from powerful friends and failed to report them. His wife was indisputably involved in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the duly elected new one. But somehow to report these facts, and to criticize the Thomases for their behavior, is nasty and “hideous.”

He discussed his goal of making the court more representative of the country by hiring law clerks from non-Ivy League schools. Perfectly reasonable. Indeed, that concept has another name: diversity, equity and inclusion. Which Justice Thomas plainly detests when applied to minorities , because (I guess) he believes that it belittles the accomplishments of those who receive a helping hand.

I’ve doubted Justice Thomas’s judgment in the past; now I doubt his advocacy skills in general. Because his arguments are self-pitying and unpersuasive.

Stephen J. Bubul Minneapolis

Justice Clarence Thomas’s comment about the nastiness and lies he and his wife have faced really corroborates a bias he has demonstrated as a justice in favor of right-wing positions.

He has always been bitter about the way that Democrats conducted his confirmation hearings, and I feel certain he holds them solely responsible for “the nastiness and the lies” he’s complaining about now.

He has shown that he is human by secretly availing himself of luxuries offered to him by very wealthy people. As a justice I think he has revealed another very human instinct: revenge.

He has done nothing to evidence a balanced view of the Constitution as the passage of time has affected societal norms and needs. Rather, he has steadfastly shown those Democrats a thing or two about how justice is dispensed at the Supreme Court.

Peter Alkalay Scarsdale, N.Y.

Re “ Justice Offers a Historical View of the Court ” (news article, May 11):

In his remarks at a judicial conference in Austin, Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh noted that with the passage of time many of the court’s initially controversial and unpopular decisions have come to be seen more favorably and sometimes even as inevitable. He cites, among others, Brown v. Board of Education, the 1954 school desegregation case, and the requirement of Miranda warnings, almost certainly to tacitly provide cover for the Dobbs v. Jackson decision.

Of course, one crucial difference between the examples presented by Justice Kavanaugh and Dobbs is that almost all of the former instituted or protected the rights of a certain group whereas the latter has removed a right that had become deeply ingrained and steadily more popular.

The American people will eventually accept and even embrace decisions that align with their collective moral compass. The consistent success of recent pro-choice ballot initiatives in even deeply conservative states is strong evidence that, in the case of Dobbs, the court headed in the wrong direction.

Jason Ungar Darien, Conn.

Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, who is fond of using sports analogies to explain judicial matters, insists that oral arguments are no predictors of how the justices will actually vote — “it’s like picking who is going to win the game in the fourth inning.” He called Chief Justice John Roberts’s dictum that judges are like umpires “four of the most famous words ever uttered.”

He said that Americans today will come to accept recent Supreme Court decisions because they have accepted “wildly unpopular” ones in the past. I offer up some additional sports analogies for him to consider in our post-Roe world:

Women in the upcoming elections are ready to take off their gloves and fight hard in defense of abortion rights. We will keep our eye on the ball — the right to control our bodies — and come out swinging. It won’t be a slam dunk, but as some recent state elections have shown, we are heavy hitters. Our votes matter and we will fight down to the wire.

(This coming from a person averse to almost all sports, and everyone’s last pick for high school and college sports teams.)

Cathy Bernard New York

Re “ Alito Warns of Threats to Freedom of Speech and Religion ” (news article, May 12):

At the commencement of a Catholic university, Justice Samuel Alito is quoted as saying about freedom of religion: “When you venture out into the world, you may well find yourself in a job or a community or a social setting when you will be pressured to endorse ideas you don’t believe or to abandon core beliefs. It will be up to you to stand firm.”

It seems incredible that Justice Alito does not seem to understand that no one is asking that someone else’s core beliefs be abandoned. What is being asked is that Justice Alito and the court protect core beliefs that he and others may not share.

I, personally, feel very unprotected by this court, especially when it comes to my religious beliefs.

Joseph Connolly Brunswick, Maine The writer is a retired pastor.

Re “ What a ‘Free Palestine’ Actually Means ,” by Bret Stephens (column, May 15):

Mr. Stephens is right to observe that “Queers for Palestine” is a concept that can exist in a free society like ours and not in Gaza. Student protesters tend to conflate all forms of oppression, and to imagine that easy solutions like “Free Palestine” are readily available.

In reality, all oppression is not alike. Different groups — Black people, women and gay people, for example, and, of course, Jews — have been suppressed and abused in different ways at different times by different people. And each group has traveled its own unique path in its ongoing efforts to achieve liberty and security.

Moreover, all misfortune and misery are not oppression. As Mr. Stephens recounts, the Palestinians are certainly subjected to harsh treatment by Israel, but this is part of a century-long quagmire of mutual hostility. Palestinian leaders have repeatedly rejected political solutions and forgone opportunities to build a civil society. Gaza has as many characteristics of a failed state as it has of an oppressed people.

Protesters’ moral impulses are very honorable; their rhetoric and demands have unfortunately been ignorant and simplistic.

Ron Meyers New York

Re “ The Antisemitic Tropes Echoed by Republicans ” (front page, May 12):

Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy of congressional Republicans who are using their feigned outrage at antisemitism on campus to score political points. Where were these Republicans during the white supremacists’ march in Charlottesville in 2017 and chants of “Jews will not replace us,” and other more subtle but no less despicable attacks on Jews in recent years?

I have been disgusted by Republicans’ cynical attacks on college leaders (really attacks on elite institutions) for not doing enough to address antisemitism on campus.

The high (or low) point of their so-called outrage was when Speaker Mike Johnson and fellow Republicans traveled to Columbia University to decry antisemitism. It did nothing but fan the flames of an already tense situation, in keeping with the Republican playbook: Increase fear and division for political advantage.

Marci Greenstein Bethesda, Md.


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  20. Slam! Summary and Study Guide

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Slam!" by Walter Dean Myers. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  21. The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis Essay

    DVD. Stratton, Richard and Kim Wozenkraft. Slam. New York, NY: Offline Entertainment Group. 1998. Print. This essay, "The Movie and the Book "Slam" Comparisin Film Analysis" is published exclusively on IvyPanda's free essay examples database. You can use it for research and reference purposes to write your own paper.

  22. Slam

    Nov. 11, 2007. The good news about Nick Hornby's first young adult novel, "Slam," is that it's not so different from — indeed, it can be read right alongside — the rest of his sly and ...

  23. Best Slam Book Messages For Friends, Students and Mobile SMS

    Ur friendship. 3) When you are up in life, your friends get to know who you are. When you are down in life, Remember that I am there for you. 4) If we lose a pen we can buy the new one, but If we lose a pen cap we cant buy the new one. that's why I care for you, my friend. 5) Sacrifice is greater than love,

  24. Opinion

    Readers discuss appearances by three of the justices at recent conferences and graduations. Also: Forms of oppression; G.O.P. hypocrisy on antisemitism.