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112 Safety Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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When it comes to writing essays on safety, there are countless topics to choose from. Whether you're writing about workplace safety, road safety, or personal safety, there are plenty of important issues to explore. To help you get started, here are 112 safety essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The importance of workplace safety training for employees
  • The impact of technology on workplace safety
  • Strategies for preventing workplace accidents
  • The role of safety regulations in ensuring workplace safety
  • The dangers of distracted driving
  • How to promote safe driving habits among teenagers
  • The importance of wearing a seatbelt while driving
  • The dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Strategies for preventing car accidents
  • The impact of speed limits on road safety
  • The benefits of using public transportation for safety
  • The importance of wearing a helmet while riding a bike or motorcycle
  • Strategies for preventing bike accidents
  • The dangers of texting while driving
  • The impact of weather conditions on road safety
  • The benefits of defensive driving courses
  • The role of law enforcement in ensuring road safety
  • The dangers of aggressive driving
  • Strategies for preventing pedestrian accidents
  • The importance of crosswalks and traffic signals for pedestrian safety
  • The impact of urban planning on pedestrian safety
  • The benefits of walking or biking to work for personal safety
  • The dangers of using public transportation in unsafe areas
  • Strategies for preventing muggings and assaults in public spaces
  • The role of security cameras in ensuring public safety
  • The importance of reporting suspicious behavior to authorities
  • The impact of crime rates on public safety
  • The benefits of community policing for neighborhood safety
  • The dangers of domestic violence and strategies for prevention
  • The role of shelters and support services for victims of domestic violence
  • The importance of teaching children about personal safety
  • The impact of social media on personal safety
  • Strategies for preventing cyberbullying and online harassment
  • The dangers of sharing personal information online
  • The benefits of self-defense classes for personal safety
  • The role of law enforcement in preventing violence against women
  • The importance of workplace safety for pregnant women
  • The impact of workplace stress on safety
  • Strategies for preventing workplace harassment
  • The dangers of workplace discrimination and strategies for prevention
  • The benefits of diversity training for workplace safety
  • The role of mental health in workplace safety
  • The importance of ergonomic furniture for workplace safety
  • The dangers of working in extreme temperatures
  • The benefits of regular breaks for workplace safety
  • The importance of safety equipment in the workplace
  • The impact of workplace culture on safety
  • Strategies for preventing falls in the workplace
  • The dangers of exposure to hazardous materials
  • The benefits of proper training for handling hazardous materials
  • The role of safety audits in ensuring workplace safety
  • The importance of emergency response plans in the workplace
  • The impact of workplace violence on safety
  • Strategies for preventing workplace violence
  • The dangers of working alone in isolated areas
  • The benefits of security measures for workplace safety
  • The role of first aid training in workplace safety
  • The importance of fire safety in the workplace
  • The impact of workplace ergonomics on safety
  • Strategies for preventing repetitive strain injuries in the workplace
  • The dangers of overexertion and stress in the workplace
  • The benefits of a healthy work-life balance for safety
  • The role of management in promoting workplace safety
  • The importance of communication in ensuring workplace safety
  • The impact of teamwork on workplace safety
  • Strategies for preventing accidents in the workplace
  • The dangers of complacency in the workplace
  • The benefits of creating a safety culture in the workplace
  • The role of safety committees in ensuring workplace safety
  • The importance of safety training for new employees
  • The impact of safety incentives on workplace safety
  • Strategies for preventing workplace injuries
  • The dangers of working at heights
  • The benefits of fall protection equipment for workplace safety
  • The role of safety signs and labels in the workplace
  • The importance of emergency evacuation drills in the workplace
  • The impact of workplace inspections on safety
  • Strategies for preventing electrical hazards in the workplace
  • The dangers of exposure to noise in the workplace
  • The benefits of proper ventilation for workplace safety
  • The role of personal protective equipment in the workplace
  • The importance of regular safety meetings in the workplace
  • The impact of workplace accidents on productivity
  • Strategies for preventing accidents in the construction industry
  • The dangers of working with heavy machinery
  • The benefits of proper training for operating machinery
  • The role of safety checklists in the construction industry
  • The importance of proper lifting techniques for construction workers
  • The impact of working at night on safety in the construction industry
  • Strategies for preventing falls from scaffolding
  • The dangers of exposure to asbestos in the construction industry
  • The benefits of wearing hearing protection in the construction industry
  • The role of safety harnesses in preventing falls in the construction industry
  • The importance of safety barriers on construction sites
  • The impact of weather conditions on safety in the construction industry
  • Strategies for preventing accidents in the manufacturing industry
  • The dangers of working with heavy machinery in the manufacturing industry
  • The benefits of proper training for operating machinery in the manufacturing industry
  • The role of safety checklists in the manufacturing industry
  • The importance of proper lifting techniques for manufacturing workers
  • The impact of working at night on safety in the manufacturing industry
  • Strategies for preventing accidents in the healthcare industry
  • The dangers of exposure to infectious diseases in the healthcare industry
  • The benefits of wearing personal protective equipment in the healthcare industry
  • The role of hand hygiene in preventing infections in the healthcare industry
  • The importance of proper disposal of medical waste in the healthcare industry
  • The impact of workplace stress on safety in the healthcare industry
  • Strategies for preventing workplace violence in the healthcare industry
  • The dangers of working long hours in the healthcare industry

With so many safety essay topic ideas to choose from, you're sure to find a topic that interests you and allows you to explore important issues related to safety. Whether you're writing about workplace safety, road safety, or personal safety, there are plenty of important issues to explore and discuss. So get writing and start exploring the world of safety today!

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Occupational Health and Safety Blog

What is Health and Safety Policy and Its Key Elements

Health and safety are paramount considerations in any organization. Protecting the well-being of employees, customers, and stakeholders is a moral obligation and a legal requirement. That’s where a comprehensive health and safety policy comes into play. A health and safety policy is a written statement that outlines an organization’s commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment. It establishes the framework for managing risks, assigns responsibilities, and sets health and safety performance objectives.

This blog will delve into a health and safety policy concept, exploring its significance and the key elements that make it effective. Understanding these elements is crucial for organizations to establish a robust health and safety management system, comply with legal requirements, and foster a safety culture throughout the workplace. So, let’s explore what a health and safety policy entails and the essential components it should encompass.

Health and Safety Policy

A health and safety policy is a written statement that sets out an organization’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of its employees, customers, and other stakeholders. The policy should outline the company’s approach to managing health and safety risks and detail the responsibilities of employees, managers, and other organization members.

An effective health and safety policy should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains relevant and reflects the organization’s changing needs. The policy should be communicated to all employees and easily accessible so everyone knows their responsibilities.

A health and safety policy is an important part of any organization’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of its employees, customers, and other stakeholders. An effective policy should be reviewed and updated regularly to remain relevant and reflect the organization’s changing needs. The policy should be communicated to all employees and easily accessible so everyone knows their responsibilities.

Every organization should have a clear policy for managing health and safety so that everybody associated with the organization knows its health and safety aims and objectives and how they will be achieved. For a policy to be effective, it must be honored in the spirit and the letter. A good health and safety policy will also enhance the organization’s performance in areas other than health and safety, help the workforce’s personal development, and reduce financial losses. 

Health And Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy Legal Requirements 

Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work (HSW) Act and the Employers’ Health and Safety Policy Statements (Exception) Regulations 1975 require employers with five or more employees to prepare and regularly review a written health and safety policy together with the necessary organization and arrangements to carry it out and to bring the policy and any revision of it to the notice of their employees. 

This does not mean that organizations with four or fewer employees do not need a health and safety policy – it simply means that it does not have to be written down. The number of employees is the maximum, whether full-time, part-time, or seasonal. 

This obligation on employers was introduced by the HSW Act and is related to the employer’s reliance on the Act on self-regulation to improve health and safety standards rather than on enforcement alone. A good health and safety policy involves developing, monitoring, and reviewing the standards needed to address and reduce the risks to health and safety produced by the organization. 

The law requires that the written health and safety policy should include the following three sections:

  • A health and safety policy statement of intent which includes the health and safety aims and objectives of the organization; 
  • The health and safety organization detailing the people with specific health and safety responsibilities and their duties; 
  • Health and safety arrangements are in place regarding systems and procedures.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations also requires the employer to ‘make and give effect to such arrangements as are appropriate, having regard to the nature of their activities and the size of their undertaking, for the effective planning, organization, control, monitoring, and review of the preventative and protective measures. It further requires that these arrangements be recorded when there are five or more employees.

When an inspector from the Health Service Executive (HSE) or Local Authority visits an establishment, they will likely wish to see the health and safety policy as an initial indication of the management attitude and commitment to health and safety. There have been prosecutions due to the absence of a written health and safety policy. (Such cases are usually brought before the courts because of additional concern.) 

HSE Policy

Key elements of a health and safety policy

A health and safety policy outlines an organization’s commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for its employees, visitors, and stakeholders. While specific requirements may vary depending on the industry and jurisdiction, here are key elements typically included in a comprehensive health and safety policy:

1. Policy Statement Of Intent 

The health and safety policy statement of intent is often referred to as the health and safety policy statement or simply (and incorrectly) as the health and safety policy. It should contain the aims (which are not measurable) and objectives (which are measurable) of the organization or company. Aims will probably remain unchanged during policy revisions, whereas objectives will be reviewed, modified, or changed yearly.

The statement should be written in clear and simple language to be easily understood. It should also be fairly brief and broken down into a series of smaller statements or bullet points. The statement should be signed and dated by the most senior person in the organization. This will demonstrate management’s commitment to health and safety and give Authority to the policy. It will indicate where ultimate responsibility lies and how frequently the policy statement is reviewed. 

The most senior manager is normally the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or the Managing Director. It is the responsibility of the CEO, under the HSW Act, to ensure that the health and safety policy is developed and communicated to all employees in the organization. They will need to ensure the following: 

  • Key functions of health and safety management , such as monitoring and audit, accident investigation, and training, are included in the organizational structure; adequate resources are available to manage health and safety effectively; 
  • The production of various health and safety arrangements in terms of rules and procedures; 
  • Arrangements for the welfare of employees; the regular review and, if necessary, updating of the health and safety policy. 

The policy statement should be written by the organization and not external consultants, as it must address the organization’s specific health and safety issues and hazards. In large organizations, it may be necessary to have health and safety policies for each department and/or site, with an overarching general policy incorporating the individual policies. Local authorities and multinational companies often use such an approach.

Key Elements Of Health And Safety Policy

The following points should be included or considered when a health and safety policy statement is being drafted: 

  • The aims, which should cover health and safety, welfare, and relevant environmental issues; 
  • The position of the senior person in the organization or company who is responsible for health and safety (usually the chief executive); 
  • The names of the Health and Safety Adviser and any safety representatives or other competent health and safety persons; 
  • A commitment to the basic requirements of the HSW Act (access, egress, risk assessments, safe plant and systems of work, use, handling, transport, and handling of articles and substances, information, training, and supervision); 
  • A commitment to the additional requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (risk assessment, emergency procedures, health surveillance, and employment of competent persons); 
  • Duties towards the wider general public and others (contractors, customers, students, etc.); 
  • The principal hazards in the organization; specific policies of the organization (e.g., smoking policy, violence to staff, etc.); 
  • A commitment to employee consultation, possibly using a safety committee or plant council; 
  • Duties of employees (particularly those defined in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations); 
  • Specific health and safety performance targets for the immediate and long-term future; a commitment to provide the necessary resources to achieve the objectives outlined in the policy statement.

Health and safety performance targets are an important part of the statement of intent because:

  • They indicate that there is management commitment to improve health and safety performance; 
  • They motivate the workforce with tangible goals resulting in individual or collective rewards; 
  • They offer evidence during the management system ‘s monitoring, review, and audit phases. 

The type of target chosen depends very much on the areas that need the organization’s greatest improvement. The following list, which is not exhaustive, shows common health and safety performance targets:

  • A specific reduction in the number of accidents, 
  • Incidents (not involving injury) and cases of work-related ill-health (perhaps to zero); 
  • A reduction in the level of sickness absence; 
  • A specific increase in the number of employees trained in health and safety; 
  • An increase in the reporting of minor accidents and ‘near miss’ incidents;
  • A reduction in the number of civil claims; 
  • No enforcement notices from the HSE or Local Authority; 
  • A specific improvement in health and safety audit scores; 
  • The achievement of a nationally recognized health and safety management standard such as OHSAS 18001

The policy statement of intent should be posted on prominent notice boards throughout the workplace and brought to the attention of all employees at induction and refresher training sessions. It can also be communicated to the workforce during team briefing sessions, at ‘toolbox’ talks conducted at the workplace, or by email, intranet, newsletters, or booklets. It should be a permanent item on the agenda for health and safety committee meetings, where it and its related targets should be reviewed at each meeting. 

Safety Policy

2. Organization Of Health And Safety

This policy section defines the names, positions, and duties of those within the organization or company with specific responsibility for health and safety. Therefore, it identifies those health and safety responsibilities and the reporting lines through the management structure. This section will include the following groups together with their associated responsibilities: 

  • Directors and senior managers (responsible for setting policy, objectives, and targets); 
  • Supervisors (responsible for checking day-to-day compliance with the policy); 
  • Health and safety advisers (responsible for giving advice during accident investigations and on compliance issues); 
  • Other specialists, such as an occupational nurse, chemical analyst, and an electrician (responsible for giving specialist advice on particular health and safety issues); 
  • Health and safety representatives (responsible for representing employees during consultation meetings on health and safety issues with the employer); 
  • Employees (responsible for taking reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions); 
  • Fire marshals (responsible for the safe evacuation of the building in an emergency); 
  • First aiders (responsible for administering first aid to injured persons).

Some of the specialists mentioned above may be employed on a consultancy basis for smaller organizations. For the health and safety organization to work successfully, it must be supported from the top (preferably at the Board level) and some financial resources made available.

It is also important that certain key functions are included in the organization’s structure. These include:

  • Accident investigation and reporting; 
  • Health and safety training and information; 
  • Health and safety monitoring and audit; 
  • Health surveillance; 
  • Monitoring of plant and equipment, their maintenance, and risk assessment; 
  • Liaison with external agencies, management, and/or employee safety committees – the management committee will monitor day-to-day problems and any employee health and safety committee concerns.  

The role of the health and safety adviser is to provide specialist information to managers in the organization and to monitor the effectiveness of health and safety. Procedures. The adviser is not ‘responsible’ for health and safety or its implementation; that is the role of the line managers. 

Finally, the job descriptions, which define the duties of each person in the health and safety organizational structure, must not contain responsibility overlaps or blur chains of command. Each individual must be clear about his/her responsibilities and the limits of those responsibilities. 

Health And Safety Policies

3. Arrangements For Health And Safety

The arrangements section of the health and safety policy gives details of the specific systems and procedures used to assist in implementing the policy statement. This will include health and safety rules and procedures and providing facilities such as first-aid room and washrooms. It is common for risk assessments (including COSHH, manual handling, and personal protective equipment (PPE) assessments) to be included in the arrangements section, particularly for those hazards referred to in the policy statement. Arrangements for fire and other emergencies and for information, instruction, training, and supervision must also be covered. Local codes of practice (e.g., for forklift truck drivers) should be included.

The following list covers the more common items normally included in the arrangements section of the health and safety policy:

  • Employee health and safety code of practice; 
  • Accident and illness reporting and investigation procedures; emergency procedures, first aid; 
  • fire-drill procedure; procedures for undertaking risk assessments; control of exposure to specific hazards (noise, vibration, radiation, manual handling, hazardous substances, etc.); 
  • Machinery safety (including safe systems of work, lifting, and pressure equipment); 
  • Electrical equipment (maintenance and testing); 
  • Maintenance procedures; permits to work procedures; use of PPE; 
  • Monitoring procedures, including health and safety inspections and audits; 
  • Procedures for the control and safety of contractors and visitors; provision of welfare facilities; 
  • Training procedures and arrangements; catering and food hygiene procedures; 
  • Arrangements for consultation with employees; 
  • Terms of reference and constitution of the safety committee; procedures and arrangements for waste disposal. 

Safety And Health Policy

4. Review Of Health And Safety Policy

The health and safety policy must be monitored and reviewed regularly. A series of benchmarks need to be established for this to be successful. Such benchmarks, or examples of good practice, are defined by comparison with the health and safety performance of other parts of the organization or the national performance of the occupational group of the organization. The HSE publishes an annual report, statistics, and a bulletin, all of which may be used for this purpose. Typical benchmarks include accident rates per employee and accident or disease causation. 

There are several reasons to review the health and safety policy. The more important reasons are: 

  • Significant organizational changes may have taken place; 
  • There have been changes in key personnel;  
  • There have been changes in legislation and/or guidance; 
  • New work methods have been introduced; 
  • There have been alterations to working arrangements and/or processes. There have been changes following consultation with employees; 
  • The monitoring of risk assessments or accident/incident investigations indicates that the health and safety policy is no longer totally effective; 
  • Information from manufacturers has been received; 
  • Advice from an insurance company has been received; 
  • The findings of an external health and safety audit; enforcement action has been taken by the HSE or Local Authority; 
  • A sufficient period of time has elapsed since the previous review. 

Positive health and safety performance promotion will achieve far more than simply preventing accidents and ill health. It will: 

  • Support the overall development of personnel; 
  • Improve communication and consultation throughout the organization; 
  • Minimize financial losses due to accidents and ill health, and other incidents; 
  • Directly involve senior managers in all levels of the organization;
  • Improve supervision, particularly for young persons and those on occupational training courses; 
  • Improve production processes; 
  • Improve the public image of the organization or company. 

It is apparent, however, that some health and safety policies appear to be less than successful. There are many reasons for this. The most common are: 

  • The statements in the policy and the health and safety priorities are not understood by or properly communicated to the workforce; 
  • Minimal resources made available for the implementation of the policy; 
  • Too much emphasis on rules for employees and too little on management policy; 
  • A lack of parity with other activities of the organization (such as finance and quality control) due to mistaken concerns about the costs of health and safety and the effect of those costs on overall performance. This attitude produces a poor health and safety culture; 
  • Lack of senior management involvement in health and safety, particularly at the board level; 
  • Employees are concerned that their health and safety issues are not being addressed or receiving adequate health and safety information. This can lead to low morale among the workforce and, possibly, high absenteeism, high labor turnover; 
  • Inadequate or no PPE; 
  • Unsafe and poorly maintained machinery and equipment; 
  • A lack of health and safety monitoring procedures. 

A successful health and safety policy will likely lead to a successful organization or company.

What Is A Health And Safety Policy

Health And Safety Policy Checklist

The following checklist is intended to aid the writing and review of a health and safety policy. It is derived from HSE Information.

General policy and organization

  • Does the statement express a commitment to health and safety, and are your obligations towards your employees made clear? 
  • Does it say which senior manager is responsible for implementing it and keeping it under review, and how will this be done? 
  • Is it signed and dated by you or a partner or senior director? 
  • Have the views of managers and supervisors, safety representatives, and the safety committee been considered? 
  • Were the duties set out in the statement discussed with the people concerned and accepted by them, and do they understand how their performance will be assessed and what resources they have at their disposal? 
  • Does the statement make clear that cooperation on the part of all employees is vital to the success of your health and safety policy? 
  • Does it say how employees are to be involved in health and safety matters, for example, by being consulted, taking part in inspections, and sitting on a safety committee? 
  • Does it show clearly how the duties for health and safety are allocated, and are the responsibilities at different levels described? 
  • Does it say who is responsible for the following matters (including deputies where appropriate)? Reporting investigations and recording accidents; fire precautions; fire drill and evacuation procedures; first aid; safety inspections; the training program; ensuring that legal requirements are met, for example, regular testing of lifts and notifying accidents to the health and safety inspector. 

 Arrangements that need to be considered 

  • Keeping the workplace, including staircases, floors, ways in and out, washrooms, etc., in a safe and clean condition by cleaning, maintenance, and repair;
  • The requirements of the Work at Height Regulations; 
  • Any suitable and sufficient risk assessments. 

 Plant and substances 

  • Maintenance of equipment such as tools, ladders, etc. (are they in a safe condition?); 
  • Maintenance and proper use of safety equipment such as helmets, boots, goggles, respirators, etc.; 
  • Maintenance and proper use of plant, machinery, and guards; regular testing and 
  • Maintenance of lifts, hoists, cranes, pressure systems, boilers, and other dangerous machinery, emergency repair work, and safe methods of carrying out these functions; 
  • Maintenance of electrical installations and equipment; 
  • Safe storage, handling, and, where applicable, packaging, labeling, and transport of flammable and/or hazardous substances;  
  • Controls of work involving harmful substances such as lead and asbestos; 
  • The introduction of the new plant, equipment, or substances into the workplace by examination, testing, and consultation with the workforce; 
  • Exposure to non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. 

Other hazards 

  • Noise problems – wearing of hearing protection and control of noise at source; 
  • Vibration problems – hand-arm and whole-body control techniques and personal protection; 
  • Preventing unnecessary or unauthorized entry into hazardous areas; lifting of heavy or awkward loads; 
  • Protecting the safety of employees against assault when handling or transporting the employer’s money or valuables; 
  • Special hazards to employees when working on unfamiliar sites, including discussion with site manager where necessary; 
  • Control of works transport, for example, fork-lift trucks, by restricting use to experienced and authorized operators or operators under instruction (which should deal fully with safety aspects)—driving on public roads while at work.

What Is Safety Policy


  • Ensuring that fire exits are marked, unlocked, and free from obstruction; 
  • Maintenance and testing of fire-fighting equipment, fire drills, and evacuation procedures; 
  • First aid, including name and location of the person responsible for first aid and deputy, and location of the first-aid box. 


  • Giving employees information about the general duties under the HSW Act and specific legal requirements relating to their work; 
  • Giving employees necessary information about substances, plants, machinery, and equipment with which they come into contact; 
  • Discussing with contractors, before they come on-site, how they plan to do their job, whether they need any equipment from your organization to help them, whether they can operate in a segregated area or only when part of the plant is shut down, and, if not, what hazards they may create for your employees and vice versa.


  • Training employees, supervisors, and managers enable them to work safely and carry out their health and safety responsibilities efficiently. 


  • Supervise employees as necessary for their safety – especially young workers, new employees, and employees carrying out unfamiliar tasks.

Keeping check 

  • Regularly inspect the workplace, machinery appliances, and working methods. 

In conclusion, a health and safety policy is a vital document that demonstrates an organization’s commitment to protecting the well-being of its workforce and stakeholders. It is a roadmap for managing health and safety risks, outlining responsibilities, and setting objectives. The key elements of a comprehensive policy include a clear statement of intent, an organized structure for health and safety responsibilities, and well-defined arrangements for implementing procedures and controls.

Regular review and updating of the policy ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Organizations can create a safe and healthy work environment by prioritizing health and safety through a well-crafted policy while enhancing overall performance and minimizing potential risks.

Essay Curve

Essay Curve

Essay on Safety – 10 Lines, 100, 200, 500, 1500 Words

Short Essay on Safety

Essay on Safety: Safety is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. In this essay, we will explore the importance of safety and the measures that can be taken to ensure the well-being of individuals in various environments. From implementing safety protocols to promoting awareness and education, it is crucial to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and injuries. Let’s delve into the significance of safety and how it can be effectively maintained in our communities.

Table of Contents

Safety Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by introducing the topic of safety and why it is important in all aspects of life. You can mention how safety measures are put in place to protect individuals from harm and ensure their well-being.

2. Provide statistics or examples to highlight the significance of safety in different settings such as workplaces, schools, homes, and public spaces. This will help to emphasize the need for safety precautions and measures.

3. Discuss the different types of safety hazards that individuals may encounter in their daily lives. This can include physical hazards, such as accidents and injuries, as well as environmental hazards like pollution and natural disasters.

4. Explain the importance of following safety guidelines and protocols to prevent accidents and injuries. Emphasize the role of individuals in ensuring their own safety and the safety of others around them.

5. Discuss the role of organizations and institutions in promoting safety through policies, training programs, and safety equipment. Highlight the importance of creating a safe work environment and the benefits of investing in safety measures.

6. Provide tips and strategies for staying safe in different situations, such as driving, working with machinery, handling chemicals, and participating in sports or recreational activities. Encourage readers to be proactive in identifying potential hazards and taking steps to mitigate risks.

7. Discuss the impact of safety on overall well-being and quality of life. Explain how feeling safe and secure can contribute to mental and emotional health, as well as productivity and performance in various aspects of life.

8. Conclude the essay by summarizing the key points and reiterating the importance of prioritizing safety in all aspects of life. Encourage readers to take responsibility for their own safety and to advocate for safety measures in their communities.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Make sure that your writing is concise and engaging, and that your arguments are well-supported with evidence and examples.

10. Consider including personal anecdotes or real-life examples to make your essay more relatable and impactful. This can help to drive home the importance of safety and motivate readers to take action to protect themselves and others.

Essay on Safety in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Safety is a top priority in every aspect of life, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. 2. Ensuring safety requires awareness, preparation, and adherence to rules and guidelines. 3. Safety measures are in place to prevent accidents, injuries, and harm to individuals. 4. It is important to follow safety protocols and procedures to protect oneself and others. 5. Safety training and education are essential for understanding potential risks and how to mitigate them. 6. Regular maintenance and inspections of equipment and facilities are necessary to ensure safety. 7. Emergency preparedness and response plans are crucial for handling unexpected situations. 8. Safety culture promotes a mindset of prioritizing well-being and taking proactive measures to prevent harm. 9. Reporting hazards and concerns promptly is key to maintaining a safe environment. 10. Everyone has a role to play in promoting safety and creating a secure environment for all.

Sample Essay on Safety in 100-180 Words

Safety is a crucial aspect of our daily lives, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. It is important to prioritize safety to prevent accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. By following safety guidelines and protocols, we can create a secure environment for ourselves and those around us.

In the workplace, safety measures such as wearing protective gear, following proper procedures, and attending safety training can prevent accidents and ensure a healthy work environment. At home, simple measures like installing smoke detectors, keeping fire extinguishers handy, and securing windows and doors can prevent accidents and emergencies.

In public spaces, being aware of our surroundings, following traffic rules, and avoiding risky behaviors can help keep us safe. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, and by being proactive and cautious, we can prevent unnecessary harm and protect ourselves and others. Remember, safety first!

Short Essay on Safety in 200-500 Words

Safety is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, whether we are at home, work, or out in the community. It is essential to prioritize safety to prevent accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. By implementing safety measures and following guidelines, we can create a secure environment for ourselves and those around us.

One of the most important places where safety should be a top priority is in the workplace. Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment for their employees. This includes ensuring that all necessary safety equipment is available and in good working condition, providing proper training on how to use equipment safely, and implementing safety protocols to prevent accidents. Employees also play a crucial role in workplace safety by following safety guidelines, reporting any hazards or concerns, and participating in safety training programs.

Safety is also paramount in our homes. Simple measures such as installing smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers can help prevent accidents and save lives. It is important to regularly check and maintain these safety devices to ensure they are functioning properly. Additionally, practicing fire safety, such as not leaving candles unattended or overloading electrical outlets, can help prevent fires in the home.

When out in the community, it is important to be aware of our surroundings and take precautions to ensure our safety. This includes being cautious when walking alone at night, avoiding dangerous neighborhoods, and being mindful of potential hazards such as uneven sidewalks or poorly lit areas. It is also important to follow traffic laws and wear seatbelts while driving to prevent accidents on the road.

In today’s digital age, online safety is also a growing concern. It is important to protect personal information online, such as passwords and financial information, to prevent identity theft and fraud. Being cautious of phishing scams and not clicking on suspicious links can help prevent falling victim to online scams.

Overall, safety should be a top priority in all aspects of our lives. By taking simple precautions and following safety guidelines, we can create a secure environment for ourselves and those around us. Whether at work, home, or out in the community, prioritizing safety can help prevent accidents and ensure a safer and healthier future for everyone.

Essay on Safety in 1000-1500 Words

Safety is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. It is essential to ensure the well-being and protection of individuals from harm, injury, or danger. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of safety, the various measures that can be taken to promote safety, and the role of individuals, organizations, and governments in ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

First and foremost, safety is crucial for maintaining a healthy and secure environment for individuals to live, work, and play. It is the responsibility of everyone to prioritize safety in all aspects of their lives, as it can prevent accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. By being aware of potential hazards and taking necessary precautions, we can reduce the risks of harm and ensure the well-being of ourselves and those around us.

One of the key ways to promote safety is through education and awareness. By educating individuals about potential hazards and how to prevent accidents, we can empower them to make informed decisions and take necessary precautions to stay safe. This can be done through safety training programs, workshops, and campaigns that raise awareness about safety practices and guidelines.

In addition to education, implementing safety measures and protocols is essential for creating a safe environment. This includes installing safety equipment, such as fire alarms, smoke detectors, and first aid kits, in homes, workplaces, and public spaces. It also involves following safety protocols and guidelines, such as wearing seat belts while driving, using protective gear in hazardous work environments, and practicing proper hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases.

Furthermore, creating a culture of safety within organizations and communities is crucial for promoting a safe environment. This involves fostering a mindset of safety first, where individuals prioritize safety in all their actions and decisions. By promoting safety as a core value, organizations can create a positive safety culture that encourages employees to take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.

Moreover, governments play a vital role in ensuring safety through legislation and regulations. Governments have the power to enforce safety standards and guidelines that protect individuals from harm and hold organizations accountable for maintaining a safe environment. By implementing and enforcing safety regulations, governments can prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities, and promote a culture of safety within society.

In conclusion, safety is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives that should not be taken for granted. It is essential to prioritize safety in all aspects of our lives, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. By educating individuals, implementing safety measures, creating a culture of safety, and enforcing safety regulations, we can promote a safe environment for everyone. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, and by working together, we can create a world where individuals can live, work, and play without fear of harm or danger.

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Health and Safety Policy - Development and Implementation

On this page, why should i have an occupational health and safety (ohs) policy statement, what is a policy, what makes an effective policy statement, who should write the policy, how is the policy implemented, how can the policy be effectively implemented, how should the policy be communicated, how can the effectiveness of the policy be monitored, how and when should the policy be reviewed, what is an example of a policy checklist to review an existing or new policy.

Canadian health and safety legislation requires employers to have a health and safety program in their workplace. A written occupational health and safety policy helps define and promote an effective OHS program. Such a policy should communicate the employer’s commitment to a healthy and safe workforce, be signed by senior management, be reviewed regularly, and updated as needed.

This document will assist in writing and applying an OHS policy for the workplace.

CSA Standard Z45001-19 “Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use” defines an OHS policy as “ intentions and direction of an organization, as formally expressed by its top management.”

The Gage dictionary defines “policy” as “a plan of action; a course or method of action that has been deliberately chosen and that guides or influences future decisions.”

In other words, an occupational health and safety policy guides actions. A policy indicates the degree of an employer's commitment to health and safety. The statement of the employers' obligation should be to meet, or ideally exceed, their legal duties.

There are many differences in form and content of corporate policies. Their style, however, is not as important as the clarity with which they identify functional responsibilities over authority.

To be effective, a policy should:

  • acknowledge that the employer is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety,
  • involve senior management and worker representatives in the preparation of the policy,
  • hold all levels of management accountable for carrying out health and safety responsibilities,
  • commit the organization to be, at a minimum, compliant with all applicable OHS legislation and other requirements,
  • be seen as consistent with the workplace's objectives of operating in an efficient and predictable manner,
  • commit to protecting the health and safety of workers by eliminating hazards and reducing risks as much as possible,
  • be relevant and appropriate to the nature, scale and OHS hazards and risks associated with the organization’s needs (not adopted from another workplace),
  • provide a foundation for OHS goals and targets
  • be of  equal importance to the organization's other policy objectives,
  • be well-documented, posted, communicated, and available to all relevant parties (including workers and interested external parties), and
  • continually improve.

The policy should also cover:

  • the responsibilities of appropriate personnel in maintaining a healthy and safe workplace to protect the well-being of all persons in the organization,
  • the accountabilities of all levels of management for carrying out health and safety responsibilities,
  • the importance of consultation and co-operation between management and employees for effective implementation of policy and any related programs,
  • commitment to monitor the policy’s effectiveness by having a method for setting and reviewing OHS objectives and targets, and
  • commitment to provide adequate funds and details of how resources such as money or staffing will be available.

An employer may delegate the preparation of the policy. The policy should be written in consultation with the health and safety committee or representative, workers or their representatives, and the involvement of management. However, the written policy statement is a pledge to employees and therefore the employer is ultimately responsible for its content.  It should be approved, dated, and signed by the senior executive of the organization (e.g., the president or chief executive officer).

Often OHS policies are implemented using one or more written procedures.  Procedures are defined as a “specified way to carry out an activity or a process” by the CSA Standard Z45001-19 “Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use”.

These are some of the major items to consider. The procedure should:

  • state the arrangements that are in place to support and implement it. Items such as safety meetings, safe working procedures, occupational hygiene, and education and training should be outlined.
  • address the types of hazards associated with the organization. Depending on the types of tasks performed and the hazards present, it may be necessary for the employer to become fairly specific and detailed in outlining hazards.
  • discuss the active and ongoing participation of employees in helping to achieve the objectives.
  • be amended from time to time. They must keep pace with the changes occurring at the workplace, industry “good practice” guidelines,  and applicable legislation, codes, or standards.
  • OHS responsibilities are clearly defined, assigned, communicated, and applied throughout the organizational structure,
  • methods of accountability are established,
  • procedures and program activities that support the OHS policy are implemented, and
  • financial and other resources are provided, and
  • responsibilities for carrying out the policy objectives are clearly communicated and understood within the workplace.

While the assignment of responsibilities must be a complete list customized to the type of work and organizational structure, avoid being too specific that it makes people become too legalistic in interpreting the policy. For example, it may not be necessary to list the specific type of personal protective equipment that must be worn by a worker in a policy - simply state that all workers must use the personal protective equipment specified by the employer and as required by the nature of the work. As needed, this level of detail may be conveyed in a procedure.  Procedures are generally more flexible, and this method allows  changes to be made as circumstances warrant.

Responsibility should be extended throughout the organizational structure to ensure policy objectives will become integrated into all activities. For example, a policy could specify:

  • individual responsibilities,
  • legal responsibilities,
  • accountability systems,
  • promotion of health, safety, and well-being awareness,
  • education and training needs,
  • reporting and correcting health and safety deficiencies, and
  • injury and illness control information.

The policy must be communicated to relevant parties in languages they understand. Ways in which the OHS policy and responsibilities can be communicated include through:

  • orientation (induction) and on-going training,
  • health and safety committees,
  • job descriptions,
  • website, notice board postings, and reminders,
  • safety talks, meetings, and refresher training,
  • senior management attendance at safety meetings, and
  • demonstration of senior management commitment through effective review and response to committee recommendation inspection reports, incident investigations, and health and safety program evaluations.

After the OHS policy has been prepared and implemented, it must be monitored to assess its effectiveness.  The policy must be updated where improvements are needed.  Some ways to monitor the effectiveness of the OHS policy include:

  • Using key performance indicators to track progress in meeting OHS goals and targets (e.g., ensuring preventive maintenance is completed, safety meetings are held, and inspections are completed, situations reported are addressed appropriately and in a timely manner),
  • Training effectiveness reviews,
  • Regularly auditing and reviewing the OHS policy and program

How often the policy must be reviewed must be established. The frequency may be required by applicable OHS legislation. It is recommended that the OHS policy be reviewed at least annually. A review may also be conducted before the scheduled revision date, especially when there is a change to the workplace that affect the policy, or the health and safety of workers.

The OHS policy must be recommunicated to all relevant parties whenever it is revised.

In review, here is a sample of a series of questions that could be used as a "Yes / No" checklist:

  • Does the statement express a commitment to health, safety, and well-being? Are obligations towards employees made clear?
  • Does it say which senior officer is responsible for seeing that it is implemented and for keeping it under review, and how this will be done?
  • Is it signed by a senior executive?
  • Have the views of managers and supervisors, safety professionals, and health and safety committees or representatives, and workers been taken into account?
  • Were the duties set out in the statement discussed with the people concerned? Do they understand how their performance is to be assessed and what resources they have to carry out their tasks safely?
  • Does the statement make clear that cooperation on the part of all workers is vital to the success of the health and safety policy?
  • Does it say how workers are to be involved in health and safety matters, for example, by being consulted, by taking part in inspections, or by participating on a health and safety committee?
  • Does it show clearly how the duties for health and safety are allocated, and are the responsibilities at different levels described?
  • Does it say who is responsible for the following matters?
  • Investigation reports and incident records.
  • Fire precautions and evacuation procedures.
  • Safety inspections.
  • Education and training program.
  • Ensuring legal requirements are met.
  • Is management solely responsible for providing a healthy and safe working environment?
  • Is the employer's concern for health and safety as great as concern for financial and marketing matters?
  • Does it include the names of individual managers who are responsible for making the safety policy work in specific areas or departments?
  • Does it state the employer's duty to give education and training in health and safety to all workers?
  • Does it outline the development and maintenance of health and safety roles and procedures?
  • Does it include planned programs for health and safety at work?
  • Does it ensure that health and safety matters will be taken into account when planning new methods processes or premises?
  • Does it include arrangements for disclosing information, including multilingual information, on health and safety and well-being matters?
  • Do all workers have copies of their employer's health and safety policy?
  • Are health and safety committees or representatives consulted about periodic revisions and updating of the employer's health and safety policy?
  • Has the policy been reviewed with the health and safety committee?
  • Does it state who will review the policy and how often it will be reviewed?
  • Are there effective arrangements for drawing the policy to the attention of all workers?
  • Is the delegation of duties logical and successive throughout the organization?
  • Is it clear that the ultimate responsibility for safety rests with senior management?
  • Are the responsibilities of senior managers written into the policy or into job descriptions?
  • Are there procedures and controls in place that ensure accountability?
  • Is health and safety performance an essential ingredient of performance appraisals?
  • Do line managers understand and accept the nature of their health and safety responsibilities?
  • Are there arrangements for liaison with contractors?
  • Are all individuals aware of their legal responsibilities?
  • Fact sheet last revised: 2022-10-04

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safety policy essay

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  • The Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety
  • Public Safety Decision-Making and Political Issues
  • Strategic Program for the Employees Safety
  • Theoretical Justification of Safety
  • Priority Patient Safety Issues
  • Workplace Health and Safety: the Protection of Employees’ Rights
  • The Culture of Patient Safety in Hospitals
  • Human Safety and All-Round Personal Protection
  • Health and Safety Laws in the Oil and Gas Sector
  • Communication Technology and Fire Safety
  • Occupational Health and Safety: Accident Causation Models
  • Unprofessional Behaviour and Patient Safety
  • Patient Safety in Hospitals
  • Employees’ Safety and International Civil Aviation Acts
  • Food Safety: Washing Contact Surfaces and Cooking
  • Forest Hills Hospital: Patient Safety Improvement
  • School Violence and Safety Measures
  • Accreditation and Quality Tools for Patient Safety
  • Higher Education Student and Campus Safety
  • Food Safety at Introducing of New Meal
  • Safety Concept in the Airline Industry
  • Threats to Patient Safety and Nursing Shortage
  • Safety and Health Regulatory Problems
  • Patient Care Quality and Safety in American Hospitals
  • Ford Pinto: Measuring Safety
  • Workplace Accidents, Diseases and Safety Policies
  • Health and Safety for Road Workers in Queensland
  • Workers’ Safety in Petrochemical Industry
  • Windows Live Family Safety Tool for Home Protection
  • Violence as Community Safety Issues and Solutions
  • Safety in Elevators and Escalator Maintenance Contracts
  • Food Safety and Health Violation at Workplace
  • Alcoa Corporation’s Workplace Safety Practices
  • Product Safety and Information Assurance
  • Patient-Centred Care, Safety, and Risk Management
  • Occupational Health and Safety and Workplace Accidents
  • Safety Measures and Working Conditions
  • Risk Management and Patient Safety
  • Ethics and Decision-Making in Public Safety
  • Public Safety and Communication
  • Casa Vasca Restaurant’s Food Safety and Sanitation
  • Safety Pyramid Theory: Myth or Reality
  • Safety and Older Drivers Dilemma
  • Safety Engineering and Management Master Program
  • ADNOC Distributions Service Stations: Safety Assessment
  • Smart Tech Company’s Workplace Safety Rules
  • Patient Safety and Change Implementation in Nursing

Safety Writing Prompts

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  • Aircraft Cabin Crew Safety and Health Policy
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  • Nursing Safety and Quality Promotion and Standards
  • VTI Group Mining and Minerals: Work Health and Safety Management System
  • Financial Decision-Making in Public Safety Agencies
  • Public Safety Finance: Challenges and Strategies
  • Occupational Health and Safety Knowledge Dissemination
  • Hospital Design and Safety Measures
  • National Transportation Safety Board Accident
  • Nuclear Power Plants’ Safety Strategy Implementation
  • American National Patient Safety Goals
  • Safety in the Modern World
  • Public Safety: Qualitative and Quantitative Studies
  • Public Safety Surveys by Local Security Agencies
  • Driverless Cars and Safety Concerns
  • Denver International Airport and Safety Concerns
  • Runway Incursions and Safety in Aviation
  • Personal Concerns on the Daily Safety
  • The Ras-Laffan Emergency & Safety College
  • RTC Training at the Ras-Laffan Emergency & Safety College
  • Nursing Informatics and Client Safety
  • Telehealth and Its Impact on Patient Safety
  • Depression & Patient Safety: Speak Up Program
  • Traffic Safety Education and Ways of Improvement
  • Guns and Violence: Safety Vs. Civil Rights Organizations
  • The Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the United States
  • The Ras Laffan Emergency and Safety College: Fire Safety Management Plan
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  • Fire Prevention: “Development a State-wide Fire and Life Safety Education Program”
  • Toxicological Applications: Occupational Safety and Health Professional

Most Interesting Safety Topics to Write About

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  • Child Safety, Nutrition and Health
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  • Safety Issues and Harmful Effects on People at the Silresim Site
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  • Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems
  • Risk and Safety Management: Nuclear Life Cycle
  • Buildings Under Construction: Safety Issues
  • Fire Safety Strategy for Multi-Storey Buildings
  • Sleep Disorders: Sleep Deprivation of the Public Safety Officers
  • Independent Arts and Crafts Festival: Event Safety
  • System Safety Engineering: Hazard Analysis
  • Community Safety: Fire Among Migrant Workers Problem
  • Connecting Moral Agency and Patient Safety in HCE
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  • Patient Safety: Evidence Translation
  • Pillars of a Safety Management System
  • Kitchen Safety Assessment and Potential Corrections
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  • Management of Occupational Safety and Health in Primary School in Libya
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  • Promoting Patient Safety and Quality
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  • Safety, Health and Environmental Issues in Liquefying Methane from Algerian Natural Gas
  • Qantas Airways: Cross Culture and Safety Management
  • Legislations and Their Contributions to Football Safety
  • Multi-Hospital Systems: Experience in Safety Net Hospitals
  • Civil Engineering Assessment: Fire Safety in Buildings
  • Marine Surveying, Inspection and Safety Practices

Essay Questions on Safety

  • What Is an Example of a Safety Issue?
  • What Are the Five Types of Safety?
  • What Are the Common Safety Issues That We Should Be Aware Of?
  • What Are the Safety Issue in a Workplace?
  • What Is Risk in Safety and How to Avoid It?
  • What Are the Top Three Health and Safety Risks?
  • How Important Is Safety for Mental Health?
  • How Do You Manage Safety Risks?
  • What Is Accident in Safety?
  • What Is Personal Safety and What Issues It Can Have?
  • How Do You Maintain Safety in the Workplace?
  • What Are the Safety Tips for Construction Workers?
  • What Are the Four Areas of Safety?
  • Why Is Safety at Work Important?
  • What Are Benefits of Safety?
  • What Is the Full Meaning of Safety?
  • What Is Safety Policy and What Are Its Effects?
  • What Are the Fire Safety Guidelines?
  • What Is the First Rule of Fire Safety?
  • What Is the Importance of Web Safely?
  • Who Is Responsible for Air Safety?
  • What Are the Online Safety Rules?
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Short Essay on Safety First [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s session, you will learn to write short essays on the popular term ‘Safety First.’ There are going to be three individual sets of short essays written on the topic covering different word limits.  

Feature image of Short Essay on Safety First

Short Essay on Safety First in 100 Words

Safety is the most important measure to take in our lives for any kind of emergency. We are often told about safety first. Safety means protection. We always try to avoid dangers or stay away from any harm. We work very carefully so that we do not get harmed by any problem.

Danger can come at any moment and any place. We are unaware as to when it will attack us. So having safety is our first and foremost priority. Whenever we are at home or outside, we must remember about it. We must never hurry into anything because that can cause us lots of risks. Also, we must keep a safety kit or a first aid box handy. This will help us to tackle any emergency when needed.

Short Essay on Safety First Example

Short Essay on Safety First in 200 Words

Safety means any kind of protection that we observe regularly. And safety first also means making safety our biggest priority. Maintaining safety is extremely important to us. It will keep our family and society safe and sound.

The country must have responsible citizens who can maintain safety. So being safe is for the good of everyone. We must always maintain safety measures. Be it in our home or outside, it will help us to live much better. Today we observe how difficult it is to walk peacefully on the roads. It is because people do not follow safety measures.

Some bike riders drive very rashly. They do not care about the pedestrians or people walking on the road. Often it creates accidents. These accidents are fatal and can kill them as well. The drivers do not consider driving safely and slowly. They drive the car or the bus at full speed. As a result, many people daily meet accidents on the roads.

Even animals are not free of these dangers. Little kids and aged people feel scared to go alone on the roads. Even in our homes, we forget to follow safety measures. So we face several problems and are hurt severely. The dangers can become serious if we ignore our safety. So safety first is our greatest duty to everyone in our country.

Short Essay on Safety First in 400 Words

Safety means protection from any sort of danger. The term safety first is, at present, a frequently used term. Safety is something that we prioritize first. Whenever there is danger, we must take an immediate measure of safety to survive the situation. Thus keeping safety as our biggest priority is the best task to do in our lives. We will stay prepared for any hazards that may arrive on our way.

Unfortunately, people nowadays do not consider safety as the primary need. As a result, we often face severe disasters. The biggest danger takes place outside our homes when we are on the road. The bike riders dive their bikes at high speed. They drive rashly over the roads and highways. Hence it becomes very difficult for the aged and the pedestrians to walk on the roads.

Anytime they can meet an accident, and can also die on spot. Similarly, for other vehicles like a bus or a car, we observe the same picture. The buses collide with other trucks and cars while breaking the traffic rules. It is a bad habit to violate the traffic rules and traffic signals for personal benefits. Maintaining safety on roads is for the benefit of everyone. We must follow the signals and use a zebra crossing while moving to a different route. Walking in between vehicles in a hurry or jumping down a bus while it’s moving can cause serious harm. 

Even on rail lines, we must be cautious. It is always advisable never to cross a rail line while a train is approaching. Similarly, standing near the door while the train is running at full speed can cause tremendous destruction. Some people often take selfies while standing on railways and even use them as fun places. However, it is stupid to take such things lightly. Everyone should remember the safety that can help them to live better.

Safety first applies to our household as well. If there is a little child or an aged person in the house, then these safety measures become very important. One must keep away all sharp objects, fire, oil, and other poisonous goods from their reach. Burners and cylinders should be switched off to avoid any danger. The doors should be closed so that babies cannot crawl outside the house.

Also, basic hygiene is a part of safety. Keeping the house clean will make it safe. Keeping a first aid box and some emergency medicines will protect us from any immediate need. Hence these basic yet important tips can enable us to live better. 

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Making Schools Safe for Students

National Institute of Justice Journal

High-profile school shootings, like the one at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, have raised concerns that schools can be dangerous places for students. Yet the data suggest that school crime rates have dropped nationwide since the early 1990s and that the student victimization rate declined by 70% from 1992 to 2013 ( see exhibit 1 ). [1]

To the general public, though, thoughts on school safety are often shaped by high-profile school shootings and other tragic incidents that dominate a news cycle. For educators, however, issues such as bullying, harassment, and school discipline policies are at the forefront of their thoughts and can affect school safety on a daily basis.

“It is very important that we continue working to understand and prevent mass shooter events,” said Phelan Wyrick, director of the Crime and Crime Prevention Research Division within NIJ’s Office of Research and Evaluation. “However, we cannot allow the saliency of mass shooter events to overshadow the importance of a wide range of more common safety issues that schools face.”

Image containing statistics related to school safety

Shootings are just one of many traumatic events that children may face at school. They may also be threatened or injured by a weapon, be bullied, be physically assaulted, or be affected by natural disasters.

In support of stakeholder efforts to ensure that students are safe in school, NIJ has funded numerous initiatives over the years that evaluate school safety practices. These efforts range from how to prevent tragic incidents like school shootings to how to promote a positive school environment where day-to-day challenges, like bullying and harassment, can be reduced.

Historical School Safety Efforts

Although federal programs and policies related to school safety can be traced to the early 1970s, the United States did not begin collecting national data on school violence until 1989, [2] when the School Crime Supplement was added to the National Crime Victimization Survey. The School Crime Supplement was conducted for a second time in 1995 and then became a biannual survey starting in 1999.

A series of school shootings in the late 1990s, including the one that occurred at Columbine High School, led to new programs that examined the thinking, planning, and other pre-attack behaviors of school shooters. One such program was the Safe School Initiative led by the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Secret Service.

As part of this initiative, NIJ supported a 2002 study that explored the behavior of student-attackers in an effort to identify information that could help communities prevent future attacks. [3] The study evaluated 37 incidents of targeted school violence in the United States between December 1974 and May 2000. It found that these 37 attacks were rarely sudden or impulsive. In 95% of the cases, the attacker had developed the idea to harm before the attack.

Perhaps most importantly, the study found that 93% of the evaluated attackers behaved in a way that caused others to be concerned or that indicated a need for help. In fact, in more than 75% of the cases examined, the attacker had told a friend, schoolmate, or sibling about the idea before taking action. But the person who was told about the attack rarely brought the information to an adult’s attention.

“That’s the critical element if we’re going to prevent, reduce, or head off these types of incidents from occurring,” Wyrick said. “We need to have mechanisms in place, school cultures amenable to folks reporting that information.”

The study also showed that there was no accurate profile of a school shooter. The shooters came from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds and ranged in age from 11 to 21 years old. Some came from intact families with ties to the community and others came from foster homes with histories of neglect. The academic performance of attackers ranged from excellent to failing.

Evaluating School Safety Technology

School security measures have increased since the Columbine shooting. Today, nearly 100% of schools serving 12- to 18-year-olds use at least one safety or security measure. [4] This includes locked doors, security cameras, hallway supervision, controlled building access, metal detectors, and locker checks. However, use of these measures varies by factors such as the school’s population and location.

NIJ has long supported studies on school safety technology, including one by Sandia National Laboratories. Released in 1999, The Appropriate and Effective Use of Security Technologies in U.S. Schools covered the effectiveness of a variety of school safety technologies. The report also provided basic guidelines for law enforcement agencies and school administrators as they decide which security technologies should be considered when developing safe school strategies. It helped schools and law enforcement partners analyze their vulnerability to violence, theft, and vandalism, and suggested possible technologies to address these problems effectively.

Overall, the report stated that security technologies are not the answer to all school security problems. No two schools will have identical and successful security programs, meaning that a security solution for one school cannot just be replicated at other schools with complete success. However, many pieces of technology can be excellent tools if applied appropriately.

More recently, NIJ has supported other school safety technology evaluations through the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI). This initiative includes a report from the Library of Congress outlining federal school safety efforts between 1990 and 2016 and two complementary projects by the RAND Corporation and Johns Hopkins University, which assess current school technology and outline school needs.

These CSSI reviews of school safety technology shared a major conclusion: No one technology, school climate intervention, or other school safety strategy can guarantee school security or eliminate the underlying cause of school violence. An integrated approach that includes emergency response plans, drills, a positive school climate, and situational awareness is called for, and school security plans must be tailored to the needs of each individual school.

Comprehensive School Safety Initiative

Safety and security technology is just one tool in a comprehensive program that each school should develop to create a safe learning environment for students and staff. NIJ’s CSSI aims to make clear that there is no one solution to ensuring students are safe in school.

Developed following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, CSSI is one of NIJ’s latest and largest investments in school safety research. Projects funded through CSSI examine different factors from the individual, school, community, and family levels that affect school safety.

A unique program of research for NIJ, CSSI provided funding for both implementation and evaluation as well as research projects that examine root causes. Under a directive from Congress, NIJ allocated approximately $75 million per year between fiscal years 2014 and 2017. Two-thirds of that funding went toward implementing school safety projects, and one-third went toward studying the impact of each program and the causes and consequences of school-related violence. Some CSSI projects have concluded and some are ongoing. They have covered or aim to address a wide range of school safety subjects, including school resource officer training, assessments of social media threats, bullying prevention, and positive behavioral interventions, among other topics.

This initiative will compile a large amount of information over a very short period of time, but the next few years will bring a wealth of knowledge on the effectiveness of school safety practices.

“We’re trying to move the field further and more quickly with so much information in such a short period of time,” said Mary Carlton, an NIJ social science analyst.

Through CSSI, NIJ has funded 96 studies with a focus on K-12 schools. These grant-funded projects are taking place in more than 30 states and more than 2,700 schools. The initial projects are still in the final stage, so it is too soon to assess the impact of the initiative. It may take six to seven years, if not longer, for the projects to reach their conclusions and for the results to be disseminated. Even after the last set of findings is published, taking that body of work and synthesizing it for the field may require another year or so of work, said Nadine Frederique, an NIJ senior social science analyst.

Moving Forward

School shootings are frightening and make headlines. However, today’s students are less likely to be threatened or injured with a weapon at school, including a gun, than they were 10 years ago.

But educators and public safety officials continue to grapple with the challenge of creating and maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for students. Threats to schools and student safety continue from both inside and outside the school and from adults and other individuals, including students.

NIJ has sponsored numerous studies on the issues of school safety and school climate over the past 25 years and continues to support efforts to improve the safety of students in school. The outcomes of CSSI-funded research will provide valuable context for school officials in the coming years. The 96 projects funded through this effort examine a variety of school safety issues and offer an opportunity for educators, the community, and law enforcement to better understand the factors that most affect school safety.

About This Article

This article was published as part of NIJ Journal issue number 281 , released June 2019

[note 1] National Institute of Justice, “ School Safety: By the Numbers ,” Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, November 2017, NCJ 251173.

[note 2] Mary Poulin Carlton, Summary of School Safety Statistics , Comprehensive School Safety Initiative Report, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, July 2017, NCJ 250610.

[note 3] Robert Fein et al., Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates , Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program, and U.S. Secret Service, National Threat Assessment Center, July 2004.

[note 4] Carlton, Summary of School Safety Statistics .

About the author

Blair Ames is a digital journalist and contractor with Leidos.

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  • Summary of School Safety Statistics
  • NIJ Journal Issue No. 281

Scaling up public transport usage: a systematic literature review of service quality, satisfaction and attitude towards bus transport systems in developing countries

  • Original Research
  • Open access
  • Published: 26 September 2024

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safety policy essay

  • Eugene Sogbe   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9243-3481 1 ,
  • Susilawati Susilawati   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1831-6743 2 &
  • Tan Chee Pin   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0162-3763 3  

Urban sprawl driven by urbanisation has contributed to a sharp rise in privately owned vehicles and competition for restricted resource space. The utilisation of private vehicles has increased, particularly in developing countries, and this phenomenon leads to many negative externalities, including traffic congestion and emissions. To encourage the use of sustainable modes such as public transport, it is essential for policymakers and transport authorities to carefully examine the determinants influencing public transport usage and apply successful policies and procedures. This review offers a valuable understanding of the contemporary knowledge regarding the determinants influencing bus transport usage. It systematically reviews 104 papers published since 2000 on service quality, satisfaction, and attitudes towards bus transport. The review shows that safety, security, comfort, reliability and accessibility are the most substantial determinants shaping users' views on service quality and satisfaction. This is particularly evident in situations like waiting at the bus stop, being on board the bus, and specific instances while walking to their destination. The results indicate that challenges with first-mile and last-mile connectivity are apparent, and further exploration in the context of developing countries is needed to understand these challenges, necessitating further investigation. It also demonstrates instrumental aspects such as convenience and social-symbolic aspects such as social standing, influencing attitudes towards public transport usage. It concludes by suggesting potential paths for future research and discusses the impacts of the results on policy decisions.

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1 Introduction

Urban sprawl driven by urbanisation has contributed to a sharp rise in privately owned vehicles and competition for restricted resource space (Yu et al. 2019 ; Li et al. 2020a ). Too many private vehicles on the road network lead to negative externalities, including congestion and emissions. Several of these external effects linked to the heightened utilisation of private vehicles can be addressed by reducing their usage to more viable modes of transport, like public transport (hereinafter, PT). Prior studies have documented the merits of using PT for individuals and cities through the promotion of good health, energy conservation and emission reduction, reduction in vehicular accidents, traffic congestion reduction, and provision of jobs (Nguyen-Phuoc et al. 2021 ; Cheranchery and Maitra 2018 ; van Soest et al. 2020 ; Truong and Currie 2019 ).

PT has experienced a decrease in usage in recent times (Boisjoly et al. 2018 ; Miller et al. 2018 ). This decline was exacerbated when many countries battled the COVID-19 outbreak (Jenelius and Cebecauer 2020 ; Sogbe 2021 ; Tirachini and Cats 2020 ). A decrease in PT usage is caused by many factors, including the built environment (BE), public policy, extent of economic development, and acquisition and utilisation of privately owned vehicles (Zhang et al. 2022 ). However, de Oña ( 2021 ) noted that service quality (hereinafter, SQ), satisfaction and behavioural intention or attitude towards PT are three crucial factors influencing a mode shift. Poor SQ (e.g., reliability, comfort) leads to a satisfaction gap and, subsequently, a negative attitude towards PT (Cheranchery and Maitra 2018 ). Thus, passengers’ satisfaction with PT and the ability to entice new users through a mode shift hinges on the quality of service (van Lierop and El-Geneidy 2016 ). This suggests that knowing the dimensions of PT usage and improving on them can mitigate the acquisition and use of private vehicles, which are competitors to PT and threats to the environment and human survival.

Pourbaix ( 2011 ) estimated an 80% global increase in daily urban travel using private vehicles by 2025, with the growth occurring in developing countries. Similarly, the World Health Organization ( 2011 ) noted that private vehicle usage in emerging countries is expected to supersede that of developed nations by 2030. Recent studies have confirmed these earlier projections (Saxena and Gupta 2023 ; Soltani 2017 ; Ntim et al. 2022 ). Besides, travel requirements in emerging and developed nations may differ due to differences in vehicle ownership, transport systems, infrastructure, and economic status. It is, therefore, necessary to apply successful policies and procedures to increase PT usage. However, this requires a thorough understanding of extant knowledge, clear-cut lacunae, and disagreements that must be resolved. Policymakers and transport authorities may lack the knowledge to make informed judgments without a complete and systematic research evaluation.

As far as we know, no systematic literature review focused on these three factors influencing PT usage. In a prior review, Das and Pandit ( 2013 ) reviewed aspects of bus transport service that impact users' perceived quality of service. This contributed significantly to the SQ factors that define the level of service of PT. However, while their study emphasised service factors, it did not provide a clear-cut methodology, and the selected literature is not exhaustive. de Ona and de Ona ( 2015 ) presented a review of SQ, providing an extensive review of methodologies deployed in the study of SQ and the merits and demerits of the methods. However, it focused more on the methodologies than the SQ attributes. Besides, most selected papers focused on SQ in the aviation industry. van Lierop et al. ( 2018 ) analysed important factors (i.e., satisfaction and loyalty). Their study provided insights into the features that encourage PT users to remain committed to using it. However, the scope of their review was limited by geographical boundaries, with only two papers from Africa and Asia each. Ojo ( 2019 ) subsequently provided a literature review of SQ attributes and the methodologies deployed. It highlighted the need to identify important attributes concerning the type of PT, regional context, and culture. However, the study limited the review to 2015; therefore, information about SQ from 2016 to the publication date, 2019 and subsequent years have been excluded.

This study aims to systematically review and examine existing literature on the attributes influencing PT usage, focusing specifically on three important factors: SQ, satisfaction and attitude towards PT usage within the context of developing countries to address the specific needs and concerns of passengers. It identifies and discusses the attributes based on qualitative (subjective) and quantitative (objective) assessments and the impact on the utilisation of PT. It should be mentioned that this research focused on public buses, including bus rapid transit (BRT), as these modes of transport are dominant and synonymous with most developing countries (Nguyen-Phuoc et al. 2021 ; Cheranchery and Maitra 2018 ).

The ensuing sections of this paper are structured as follows: Sect.  2 , which contains the methodology, provides the scope of the review and presents the strategy for the systematic literature search and selection. It is followed by Sect.  3 , which presents the results and the influence of SQ, satisfaction, and attitude towards PT usage. Section  4 offers future research directions and policy implications, including a synopsis of the evidence.

2 Methodology

The study adopted a systematic literature search using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines (Moher et al. 2015 ). The search was done in January 2023 and updated in July 2023. The data source repositories were TRID: TRIS and ITRD, Scopus, Web of Science, Inspec, Compendex and GeoBase. Having identified the keywords following an exploratory review, a search using Boolean operators was carried out:

(“public transport” OR “public transport usage” OR ridership) AND (factors AND “developing country”).

2.1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

The criteria for including or excluding selected papers in the systematic review were as follows:

Papers were included if they focused on research conducted in developing countries.

Papers not in English were excluded.

Papers related to COVID-19 and PT were excluded. The study recognises the broader context of declining PT usage and the concurrent rise in private car usage in developing countries, as highlighted in the literature even before the pandemic outbreak. Moreover, it is essential to emphasise that while COVID-19 has undoubtedly impacted PT usage patterns in the short term, it is transient, and its long-term implications are uncertain. It is possible that some changes observed during the pandemic, such as increased remote work and a preference for private transportation to maintain social distancing, may persist to some extent even after the pandemic has subsided. However, historical trends suggest that PT remains a vital component of urban transportation systems, and factors such as population growth, urbanisation, environmental concerns, and congestion will continue to drive demand for efficient PT solutions. Therefore, while COVID-19 may have influenced PT usage patterns in the short term, its long-term impact remains to be seen, and other factors, such as SQ, satisfaction, and attitude towards PT, are most likely to play a significant role in shaping future trends.

Papers that combined SQ and satisfaction of various modes, including paratransit, were excluded.

Only peer-reviewed research or journal articles were included.

Papers on SQ, satisfaction, and attitudes towards public bus transport, including BRT in developing countries, were included. This is because bus transport is a widespread means of transportation synonymous with many developing countries.

Papers published between 2000 and 2023 were considered.

The search in the repositories mentioned above yielded the following results: TRID: TRIS and ITRD (15,000), Scopus (32,010), Web of Science (3752), Inspec (1603), Compendex (2012) and GeoBase (1558). Further details of the search process and results are provided in Table  1 and Fig.  1 . This resulted in a total of 55,935 articles gathered, with subsequent field restrictions applied, leading to 2483 records (refer to Table  1 ). This number was imported into Rayyan (Ouzzani et al. 2016 ), and 962 duplicates were removed, leaving 1521 records. The authors then screened titles and abstracts to determine whether they focus on (i) SQ and satisfaction with public bus transport and (ii) attitudes towards PT. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed above. This was done to narrow the selection to articles aligned with the topic, resulting in 335 chosen for full-text review. Of these, 13 articles were unavailable, leaving 322 for full-text review. In the full-text review, 92 records were excluded for lacking relevance to the research theme, 67 for combining SQ and satisfaction of different modes, 35 for focusing on paratransit and related modes, and 30 for concentrating on the built environment as a factor. The snowballing method identified 10 additional studies from reference lists, of which 6 were retained following the same criteria. The systematic search produced an extensive body of literature on the subject, with a final selection of 104 papers for the review. The PRISMA flow diagram in Fig.  1 depicts the number of records at each stage and the reasons for exclusion and inclusion.

figure 1

PRISMA flow diagram

Various pieces of information were documented from each of the records. Initially, general details, including author(s) and publication year, were extracted to provide the research’s context and scope. Subsequently, we scrutinised the methodologies employed for data analysis (such as SEM), the data source (primary or secondary), approaches for collecting data (such as questionnaires or interviews), and the sample size. Finally, data were compiled on the constructs that were assessed.

3.1 Patterns in literature

China leads in publications, accounting for nearly a quarter of all studies (23), followed by India with under one-fifth (18), Brazil (7), Ghana (6), Vietnam (5), Bangladesh (6), and Ethiopia (6). Other countries collectively share the remaining research. Azerbaijan is transcontinental, with 1 study and 1 review article focusing on developing countries. It is evident that research predominantly centres on Asian countries, and there is a dearth of research in developing nations beyond Asia. These countries can potentially introduce fresh perspectives to the research on the subject. Figure  2 illustrates the publication count by country, while Fig.  3 shows the geographical distribution.

figure 2

Distribution of publications by country (by July 2023)

figure 3

Distribution of publications by continent (by July 2023)

3.2 Methodological approaches and empirical findings in PT research

The articles in this literature review utilised qualitative and quantitative data and data analysis methods. Quantitative data involves collecting data through surveys, experiments, or statistical analysis. On the other hand, qualitative data provides insights into attitudes, opinions, behaviours, or motivations and is often gathered through interviews or observations. The plurality of studies analysed in this review relied solely on quantitative data (98). In two cases, qualitative data was used. Mogaji and Nguyen ( 2021 ) utilised semi-structured interviews to investigate the level of contentment of passengers with disabilities. In addition, Simangunsong et al. ( 2023 ) used interviews to assess the perception of BRT users. In four cases, qualitative data was integrated with quantitative data. Thai and Quan ( 2023 ) combined interviews and surveys to analyse the determinants influencing urban individuals' inclination to utilise buses. Kacharo et al. ( 2022 ) studied the safety and security of female passengers using focus group discussions and questionnaires. Araya et al. ( 2022 ) combined a questionnaire survey, ethnographic observations and document reviews to evaluate the safety and security of women on public buses. Finally, Busco et al. ( 2023 ) examined the connection between bus transport and social exclusion using surveys and focus group discussions. The majority of studies relied on primary data sources (94); however, a few utilised secondary sources, including data gathered by transit agencies (7) or initially gathered for different research projects (3). The primary method of data collection in most cases was through questionnaire surveys.

There are vast differences in sample sizes, with the least being 29 respondents from a questionnaire survey (Ganji et al. 2021 ) and the highest being 588,000 from a transit agency entry data (Guzman et al. 2019 ). Common analysis methods deployed include the service quality (SERVQUAL) model and service performance (SERVPERF) model, which have been widely used, structural equation modelling (SEM), importance performance analysis, different kinds of regression analysis and machine learning algorithms such as random forest (RF) and gradient boost decision trees (GBDT).

While most studies leaned towards quantitative analysis, a few incorporated qualitative data, demonstrating a balanced exploration of the subject matter. Moreover, the range of sample sizes across studies underscores the diversity in research approaches, from smaller-scale surveys to extensive transit agency data analysis. This variation reflects the complexity and breadth of the topic under investigation, accommodating different methodological requirements and research objectives. A spectrum of techniques was employed in terms of analysis methods. The diversity of research methodologies and analytical approaches showcased in the literature contributes to a comprehensive understanding of PT usage dynamics and SQ assessment. Researchers can glean valuable insights into the complex interplay between SQ, passenger satisfaction, and mode choice behaviour by exploring qualitative and quantitative findings.

The literature debates the best possible methodology for examining SQ dimensions and satisfaction. The SERVQUAL model established by Parasuraman et al. ( 1985 ) measures commuter differences in appreciation and expectation of SQ dimensions. Nonetheless, Cronin and Taylor ( 1992 ), as cited by Esmailpour et al. ( 2020 ), highlighted that the measure of commuters' expectations is not of the essence and, in lieu, put forward the SERVPERF model, which utilises performance perception to measure SQ. Matzler et al. ( 2004 ), cited by Zhang et al. ( 2019a ), highlighted that, albeit salient, IPA has a linear and symmetric association between satisfaction as a dimension and satisfaction in general, which they claimed is a distorted supposition. The authors made a case for the three-factor theory as a better alternative to eliminate distortions.

Similarly, Tuan et al. ( 2022 ) indicated that the IPA has crucial conceptual and methodological constraints, favouring the three-factor theory. Zheng et al. ( 2022 ) made a case for the three-factor theory, arguing that the other methods, including linear regression, are flawed because they presume linearity and symmetricity for SQ dimensions. Fang et al. ( 2021 ) shared the same viewpoint concerning IPA; however, by contrast, they added that the three-factor theory also has the same weakness as IPA in determining the hierarchy of significance of commuter satisfaction and, therefore, proposed GBDT and Impact Asymmetry Analysis (IAA).

3.3 Identifying qualitative and quantitative factors that impact perceptions of SQ and satisfaction

Over time, researchers have employed a broad array of factors to examine the utilisation of PT. Among these, SQ and satisfaction encompass a vast number of studies. In this section, we present a summary of these factors, which were informed by qualitative and quantitative assessments, and their impact on utilising bus transport.

Nathanail ( 2008 ) posited that the SQ of PT is assessed through two leading indicators. The objective indicator, provided by operators, is a quantitative metric for comparison with standards or past performance. The subjective indicator, derived from surveys, offers qualitative measures, capturing users' perceptions by evaluating the gap between actual and ideal service levels. Quantitative factors are typically measured using numerical data. For example, frequency—quantifying the regularity and frequency of PT services, indicating how often vehicles are available, travel time—assessing the duration it takes PT vehicles to travel between stops or destinations, etc. and qualitative factors involve subjective assessments of availability or passenger comfort. Although these two measures exist, a plurality of the studies employed qualitative factors. On the other hand, very few researchers have focused on measuring these factors quantitatively. The SQ and satisfaction factors that significantly impact PT usage overlap. Nonetheless, we discuss them separately for clarity.

Cronin and Taylor ( 1992 ) defined SQ as “an attitude that reflects a comprehensive, long-term evaluation.” Parasuraman et al. ( 1985 ) provided a historical definition of SQ: “SQ perceptions result from comparing consumer expectations with actual service performance.” This has led to the widely embraced perspective that excellent SQ entails delivering performance that either meets or surpasses customers' expectations of the service. Commuter perception constitutes a crucial aspect of SQ. In our analysis, 47 papers assessed commuters’ perception of SQ. Most papers examined SQ with various factors, such as availability, reliability, safety, security, cleanliness, etc. Table 2 summarises the literature on SQ, which is incorporated in this review.

Two factors that featured prominently in most papers in the review are the perception of passengers regarding their safety (30) and security (19) during transit, with one paper each considering quantitative insights. The authors asserted that safety and security are the most influential determinants of public bus usage and are strongly associated with gender (Ikhlaq et al. 2017 ; Alomari et al. 2023 ; Suman et al. 2016 ; Deb and Ali Ahmed 2018 ; Houria and Farès, 2019 ; Adom-Asamoah et al. 2021 ; Nguyen-Phuoc et al. 2021 ; Busco et al. 2022 , 2023 ; Araya et al. 2022 ; Kacharo et al. 2022 ; Verma et al. 2020 ). Safety and security have an overarching impact on other latent attributes (Wang and Zhu 2014 ), and this is reflected while on-board the bus (Hu et al. 2015 ; Orozco-Fontalvo et al. 2019 ; Yarmen and Sumaedi 2016 ) or while waiting at the bus stop or station, especially at night (Busco et al. 2022 ; Esmailpour et al. 2020 ; Suman et al. 2016 ; Noor and Iamtrakul 2023 , 2024 ). Addressing safety and security concerns is vital for building public trust, encouraging ridership, and creating a positive experience for passengers using PT.

Another significant qualitative factor in this review is service reliability (20), with 19 papers measuring qualitative aspects. Chakrabarti and Giuliano ( 2015 ) defined reliability “as one which consistently operates according to its schedule or plan.” The varying aspects of this factor complicate it. For example, the arrival and departure of PT may be timely, but disparities in the dwell time over the period may lead to delays and impact schedule adherence, potentially affecting the reliability of the service about meeting predetermined schedules. While timely performance significantly influences passengers’ use of bus services (Deepa et al. 2022 ; Cheranchery and Maitra 2018 ; Randheer et al. 2011 ; Sam et al. 2018 ; Das and Pandit 2015 ), in-vehicle time poses a significant obstacle to the use of bus services (Maitra et al. 2015 ; Thai and Quan 2023 ; Shen et al. 2016 ). In-vehicle time refers to the duration passengers spend travelling inside the bus or other PT vehicles. This time spent in transit can significantly influence passengers' decisions regarding bus services. Factors such as longer travel times or perceived inefficiencies during the journey can pose obstacles or challenges that may deter individuals from utilising bus services. Therefore, understanding and addressing issues related to in-vehicle time is crucial for improving the attractiveness and efficiency of bus services. In addition, waiting time indirectly impacts passengers’ perception of the reliability of PT (Hu et al. 2015 ; Chaudhary 2020 ; Fu et al. 2018 ). As demonstrated through the various studies, a reliable PT system contributes to increased ridership and positively impacts overall transportation behaviour. The ability of PT to adhere to schedules, provide consistent service, and minimize disruptions plays a pivotal role in shaping users' perceptions and preferences. Addressing and improving reliability issues can be crucial for promoting PT's widespread and sustainable use.

Affordability as a qualitative factor involves the assessment of user perceptions of the cost of PT services. In our review, 16 papers examined affordability, with twelve considering qualitative insights. The authors opted for varied terminologies to label this attribute. Most authors measured affordability as fare (6), cost or coined travel cost (7), ticket price (2), pricing or price (2) and affordability (1). Many PT users view affordability as a deciding factor. A principal reason for using PT is low bus fares (Kacharo et al. 2022 ; Birago et al. 2017 ; Alomari et al. 2023 ; Sam et al. 2014 ) and an increment in transport fares engender a decrease in PT usage (Maitra et al. 2015 ; Joewono et al. 2016 ; Adom-Asamoah et al. 2021 ) and low-income earners are the hardest hit by the increases (Toro-González et al. 2020 ). This indicates that for most passengers, the use of PT is contingent on affordability.

In 14 papers, the authors asserted that commuters’ perceived comfort is a significant driver of PT usage. Some of these papers examined the overall influence of comfort on PT usage and its association with in-vehicle crowding (Saleem et al. 2023 ; Sam et al. 2014 ; Deepa et al. 2022 ; Thai and Quan 2023 ; Atombo and Wemegah 2021 ; Birago et al. 2017 ; Houria and Farès, 2019 ; Adom-Asamoah et al. 2021 ), in-vehicle comfort, precisely seating comfort, the temperature inside the bus and facilities at the station (Deb and Ali Ahmed 2018 ; Shen et al. 2016 ; Alomari et al. 2023 ; Esmailpour et al. 2020 ; Hu et al. 2015 ). In our review, eight papers evaluated crowdedness in the bus or at stations (Shen et al. 2016 ; Deb and Ali Ahmed 2018 ; Maitra et al. 2015 ; Chaudhary 2020 ). Shen et al. ( 2016 ) highlighted that crowdedness substantially influences commuters’ perception of comfort and has a more pronounced effect on commuters standing than those seated.

In our review, 16 papers measured accessibility, with nearly all (13) considering qualitative insights. Aspects considered include the ease with which passengers can navigate PT systems, such as information availability or ease of use (Busco et al. 2023 ; Houria and Farès, 2019 ; Ikhlaq et al. 2017 ). Other qualitative factors include cleanliness inside the bus and seats (8) (Deepa et al. 2022 ; Chaudhary 2020 ; Saleem et al. 2023 ; Hu et al. 2015 ; Birago et al. 2017 ), availability (9) (Adom-Asamoah et al. 2021 ; Hu et al. 2015 ; Atombo and Wemegah 2021 ), driver behaviour, speed and customer care.

Regarding quantitative factors, three papers measured accessibility by considering aspects such as service coverage (Insani et al. 2021 ) and the number of vehicles in service (Toro-González et al. 2020 ; Rabay et al. 2021 ). Challenges with transfers, access and egress modes can deter commuters from using PT. Insani et al. ( 2021 ) noted that switching between buses contributes to extended travel time, posing a distinct drawback for PT users, and integration with other modes of PT is recommended. Toro-González et al. ( 2020 ) concluded that increasing the number of vehicles in operation results in a rise in PT demand. Nonetheless, this depends on the speed of the vehicles. Four papers measured affordability (Guzman et al. 2019 ; Rabay et al. 2021 ; Toro-González et al. 2020 ; Insani et al. 2021 ). One paper each measured indirect aspects of reliability and frequency of PT; Insani et al. ( 2021 ) measured waiting and travel time, while Toro-González et al. ( 2020 ) measured the frequency of arrival and departure.

Other researchers advocated and used a combination of qualitative and quantitative assessments. Combining these measures could offer a more practical and dependable tool for assessing transit SQ (de Ona and de Ona 2015 ). In our review, two papers used both measures to assess commuters’ perception of SQ and satisfaction. Rong et al. ( 2022 ) measured perceived and actual time-related factors such as stopping, dwell, waiting, and travel times. In addition to time-related factors, Suman et al. ( 2016 ) measured connectivity, cost, security, punctuality, accessibility, comfort and safety.

3.3.1 Satisfaction

While SQ involves a cognitive assessment of the variance between initial expectations and perceived performance, satisfaction is its emotional equivalent. It pertains to the customer's contentment or dissatisfaction with the service (Carvalho Dos Reis Silveira et al. 2022 ). Table 3 shows a summary of the literature on satisfaction, which is incorporated in this review. In our review, 52 papers examined commuters' satisfaction with PT usage. Virtually, all the papers used a range of service factors, such as accessibility, reliability, and cleanliness, to mention a few. In some instances, we observed that alternative factors like passenger expectation (2) and perceived value (2) were considered satisfaction factors. Also, mood, emotions and cognitive activities (1) were used as satisfaction attributes. In urban environments characterised by high population density and extensive PT networks, factors influencing commuters' satisfaction with PT services are of paramount importance. Geographical nuances, social dynamics, and the nature of PT offerings are pivotal in shaping passengers' experiences and perceptions.

Commuters face many challenges when utilising bus transport across diverse urban landscapes, from bustling metropolises to smaller urban centres. Accessibility is critical, particularly for individuals with disabilities or mobility limitations. Ramps for wheelchairs (Ali and Abdullah 2023 ; Ji and Gao 2010 ), accessible stations (Jayakumar et al. 2023 ; Chaisomboon et al. 2020 ; Girma 2022 ), information accessibility regarding signage about routes, schedules, and facilities (Nguyen and Pojani 2023 ; Han et al. 2022 ; Girma et al. 2022 ), information regarding announcements to inform passengers about stops, transfers, and other relevant information (Fang et al. 2021 ; Lan et al. 2022 ; Fu and Juan 2017) and technological accessibility regarding real-time information through apps or displays, assisting passengers in planning their journeys (Mendez et al. 2019 ; Bose and Pandit 2020 ; Li et al. 2020b ). These are essential elements ensuring inclusivity and ease of use for all passengers.

In the rapidly urbanising environments of developing countries, where PT infrastructure may be limited and urban congestion is common, the comfort of passengers during their transit journeys becomes paramount. Factors such as comfort while waiting and riding (Githui et al. 2009 ; Zhang et al. 2019b ; Nwachukwu et al. 2019 ; Tuan et al. 2022 ), the temperature in the bus (Wu et al. 2016 ; Freitas 2013 ), seating comfort (Andaleeb et al. 2007 ; Githui et al. 2009 ) and ventilation (Esmailpour et al. 2020 ), and the condition of vehicles (Umme et al. 2022 ; Singh 2016 ) significantly influence passenger satisfaction. The qualitative insights gleaned from 32 examined papers shed light on how these comfort-related factors impact passenger perceptions and contribute to their overall satisfaction with bus transport services. Studies conducted by Andaleeb et al. ( 2007 ), Allen et al. ( 2019 ), Nwachukwu et al. ( 2019 ), and others highlighted the tangible effect of improved comfort measures on passenger satisfaction, emphasising the importance of addressing these factors within the unique context of developing country urban settings.

Furthermore, safety and security concerns loom large in commuters' minds, influencing their overall satisfaction with bus transport. Whether waiting at a bus stop (Sun et al. 2020 ; Zhang et al. 2019a ) or navigating through crowded vehicles (Ali and Abdullah 2023 ), passengers prioritise their well-being and peace of mind. Enhancing safety measures and providing a secure environment can significantly improve the attractiveness of bus transport services.

Affordability is another pressing issue, especially in urban areas where the cost of living may be high. Passengers evaluate the financial accessibility of bus transport services, weighing fares against their budgetary constraints. As such, pricing strategies and fare structures are pivotal in shaping commuters' perceptions of affordability and satisfaction.

In addition to these qualitative factors, quantitative metrics such as reliability, comfort, and availability also come into play. On-time performance, seating comfort, and frequency of services directly impact passengers' experiences and satisfaction levels. PT operators must maintain high standards across these dimensions to meet urban commuters' diverse needs and expectations. Table 4 shows the categorisation of qualitative and quantitative factors influencing satisfaction.

3.4 Attitude towards PT

Private car ownership and usage are often considered deterrents to PT utilisation. Reza Jalilvand et al. ( 2012 ) highlighted that a person's attitude influences their actions, and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) suggests attitudes impact behavioural intentions (Ajzen 1991 ). Scholars have thus explored the attitudes and intentions of non-PT users, particularly private car users. Social-symbolic, affective and instrumental aspects influence the acquisition and use of cars (Gatersleben 2007 ). In our review, the papers on attitudes towards PT usage are scanty, and most travel behaviour research to date has primarily centred on instrumental aspects. Table 5 shows a summary of the literature on attitudes towards bus transport usage, which is incorporated in this review.

Four papers focused on instrumental aspects, while one paper focused on social-symbolic aspects. The instrumental aspects assessed include cost, flexibility, safety, reliability, travel time, direct lines, comfort, speed and convenience (Tao et al. 2019 ; Al-Ayyash and Abou-Zeid 2019 ; de Magalhães and Rivera-Gonzalez 2021 ; Li et al. 2019b ) and social-symbolic aspects such as success and status (Li et al. 2019a ). The intention of car users to use PT is considerably influenced by cost, reliability, comfort, travel time, and connectivity and enhancing these factors will boost the intention to use PT (Li et al. 2019b ; de Magalhães and Rivera-Gonzalez 2021 ).

In addition to understanding the factors influencing attitudes towards PT usage, it is crucial to consider the implications of these attitudes for PT policy and planning. For instance, emphasising instrumental aspects such as cost, reliability, and comfort highlights the importance of improving SQ to encourage PT adoption among private car users. Similarly, the recognition of social-symbolic aspects, such as perceptions of success and status associated with car ownership, underscores the need for targeted marketing and messaging campaigns to challenge prevailing cultural norms and promote the social desirability of PT usage. By addressing instrumental and social-symbolic factors, policymakers and urban planners can develop more effective strategies to incentivise PT usage and reduce reliance on private cars.

3.5 Evolution and trends in PT SQ and satisfaction research

Until the last two decades, few studies on PT SQ and satisfaction were conducted in emerging countries. The rapid growth of urban populations and increased income levels resulting from economic improvement generated a significant demand for individual mobility, hence the increased need for assessing this subject.

According to our review, the service factors influencing PT usage investigated over the decades are no different from those assessed today except for a few variations and additions. Before 2020, the investigation predominantly involved qualitative assessments of SQ and satisfaction factors. Since 2020, there has been a shift towards quantitative assessments, including accessibility, reliability, affordability, and transfers.

Since time immemorial, SQ factors like cleanliness, accessibility, reliability, comfort, affordability, etc., have been used in assessing SQ. However, in the last couple of years, researchers introduced factors which impact service reliability into the analysis, such as frequency, waiting time, turning frequency, stopping frequency, travel time, arrival interval, on-time performance, punctuality, information and transfer convenience.

The methodology for data collection and data analysis on the subject has also evolved from SERVQUAL and SERVPERF models and descriptive statistics (Aniley and Negi 2010 ; Randheer et al. 2011 ) to more robust methods such as SEM and ML algorithms like GBDT and RF (Nguyen-Phuoc et al. 2021 ; Lan et al. 2022 ; Fu 2022 ). With technological advancements, different data collection methods have been adopted, such as using social media, ticketing data, PT data, and automatic vehicle location (AVL) data (Rong et al. 2022 ; Suman et al. 2016 ; Tavares et al. 2021 ; Zheng et al. 2021 ; Rabay et al. 2021 ).

An emerging trend involves examining the preferences of different commuter groups. The extant literature revealed disparities in the desired quality and satisfaction of SQ dimensions among PT users. This diversity among commuters has led researchers and practitioners to emphasise heterogeneity in the PT market. Segmenting commuter groups can help transport authorities provide tailored services to meet the satisfaction of specific user groups (Allen et al. 2019 ) and allocate resources effectively for targeted interventions (Fu 2022 ). Our review revealed that such disaggregation has been chiefly conducted for youth, students, tourists, groups considered vulnerable (such as older people, women, and people with disabilities, PWD’s) and more recently, for captive and choice riders.

Based on the scarce literature available regarding segmentation according to elderly passengers, it can be inferred that elderly passengers’ satisfaction is greatly influenced by station broadcast, driver’s habit, punctuality, awnings, complaint handling, safety and security, driver courtesy, information services, waiting time with station broadcast being the most important (Yuan et al. 2019 ; Chaisomboon et al. 2020 ; Lan et al. 2022 ; Busco et al. 2023 ). Moreover, older public bus users encounter deficiencies in bus stop infrastructure, accessibility and information (Busco et al. 2023 ).

Researchers have explored segmentation based on the frequency of PT usage, dividing commuters into frequent and occasional riders. Fang et al. ( 2021 ), Tuan et al. ( 2022 ), Cheranchery and Maitra ( 2018 ) and Maitra et al. ( 2015 ) investigated the relationship between bus service dimensions and overall satisfaction for both rider groups. Aside from finding notable variance in how these groups perceived SQ, they found dimensions both groups prioritise in common: availability and accessibility (Tuan et al. 2022 ), waiting area, driver's behaviour, complaint handling, stop announcements (Fang et al. 2021 ).

Concerning students, diverse factors influence their satisfaction with PT. Agyeman and Cheng ( 2020 ) found that frequent breakdowns and extended travel times hinder school bus transport, affecting pupils' learning environment, while for university students, reliability and punctuality are of concern when using public buses (Javid and Al-Kasbi 2021 ). Furthermore, fare, comfort, reliability, and safety are vital attributes that impact the choice of PT (Sam et al. 2014 ) and fear of sexual harassment caused female students to avoid public buses (Nguyen and Pojani 2023 ). Jomnonkwao et al. ( 2022 ) switched the scope slightly by focusing on parents' perceptions of school bus SQ, highlighting that infrastructure, information, and safety dimensions influence their views.

Regarding youth commuters, there is proof that enhancing factors like performance, comfort, and assurance would boost satisfaction among youth PT passengers. What’s more, Busco et al. ( 2023 ) concluded that young PT users lack safety and SQ and face issues of harassment on PT systems. Nwachukwu et al. ( 2019 ) are the sole researchers who examined tourists' satisfaction. According to their results, tourists are discontent with PT usage, citing several SQ factors, particularly accessibility.

In our review, only two papers investigated the travel satisfaction of disabled travellers. Mogaji and Nguyen ( 2021 ) found gender-based disparities in travel satisfaction, noting that disabled women's satisfaction was more influenced by security, vulnerability, and the need for assistance compared to disabled men, while high floors in PT vehicles, crowded conditions, and untrained staff are factors affecting PT usage for people with disabilities (Ali and Abdullah 2023 ). Moreover, they also emphasised the lack of sufficient space for mobility aids in PT as a prominent challenge.

The segmentation also considered the viewpoint of female commuters. From the literature, safety and security are major quality issues and a significant barrier to public bus usage, given that a substantial portion of women experiences sexual molestation and psychological and physical violence often perpetrated by conductors and male co-passengers on buses and at bus stops (Busco et al. 2023 ; Saigal et al. 2021 ; Kacharo et al. 2022 ; Verma et al. 2017 ; Orozco-Fontalvo et al. 2019 ; Araya et al. 2022 ; Umme et al. 2022 ). In a recent review, Noor and Iamtrakul ( 2023 ) highlighted the prevalence of harassment on PT and the lack of responsive policy support to address this issue in developing countries. Figure  4 shows a schematic representation of the evolution and trends in PT SQ and satisfaction research in developing countries.

figure 4

Evolution and trends in PT SQ and satisfaction research in developing countries

4 Future research directions and policy implications

4.1 synopsis of the evidence.

The results in Sect.  3 reveal that using PT for commuting is affected by various SQ factors, satisfaction-related aspects, and attitudes. These effects span pre-commute, commute, and post-commute phases. We highlight the attributes which have been discussed in this literature review.

Safety and security stand out as one of the crucial dimensions influencing users' perception of SQ and satisfaction. This finding contrasts with van Lierop et al. ( 2018 ) conclusions, who concluded that safety is not such a strong indicator of satisfaction in developed countries like those in Europe.

Commuters’ perception of reliability also correlates with usage and satisfaction. Overall, this aspect wields a substantial impact on satisfaction. This observation is consistent with the findings of van Lierop et al. ( 2018 ), who highlighted that enhancing the onboard experience is only advantageous if passengers are content with the service's reliability. On the other hand, comfort is a crucial factor during both the pre-commute and commute phases.

The convenience of individuals accessing and using PT services is crucial in determining PT systems' overall effectiveness and inclusivity. Accessibility, according to the review, is among the most critical attributes that impact satisfaction. Improving accessibility in PT is essential for creating a system that is convenient, equitable, and capable of meeting the population's diverse needs.

Affordability is another important factor. Many PT users are motivated by its affordability, and any rise in cost disproportionately affects individuals in the lower income brackets (Adom-Asamoah et al. 2021 ).

Availability is a significant service factor for frequent and occasional users, especially in developing countries (Tuan et al. 2022 ). Passengers anticipate a PT system that offers easy access without prolonged waiting times or difficulties reaching their desired destinations.

Another notable factor is crowdedness, which illustrates how a single SQ attribute can affect others. Crowdedness affects both comfort and safety on buses and can contribute to incidents of harassment against female passengers (Orozco-Fontalvo et al. 2019 ).

Challenges with first-mile and last-mile (hereinafter, FM/LM) connectivity are apparent, yet they are underexplored in the context of developing countries, necessitating further investigation. Other underexplored factors include connectivity (how well different modes of transportation are connected), transfers (the process of switching between various modes of transport), waiting environment (the conditions while waiting for transport) and waiting facilities (amenities provided for passengers while waiting). Climate change and heat stress can significantly impact the comfort and accessibility of PT in various ways. As temperatures rise due to climate change, extreme heat events become more frequent, posing challenges for passengers and the transport infrastructure. Rising temperatures due to climate change can lead to increased heat stress, especially during heatwaves, making waiting at outdoor transit stops uncomfortable and prolonged exposure to high temperatures while waiting for transit or during the journey can result in heat-related illnesses, affecting the well-being of passengers. Fraser and Chester ( 2017 ) posited that the design of transit systems, including the placement of stops and schedules, contributes to environmental exposure and may pose potential health risks, particularly during periods of extreme heat due to access and waiting. Improving the aesthetics of bus stops and incorporating diverse design elements can positively impact the thermal comfort of bus riders by enhancing their perception of beauty and pleasantness (Dzyuban et al. 2022 ). Addressing the effect of climate change on PT comfort and accessibility requires a comprehensive approach that involves collaboration between transit agencies, urban planners and policymakers. Sustainable and resilient solutions can increase the overall PT SQ in the face of changing climate conditions.

Until 2000, limited studies investigated SQ and commuters' satisfaction; since then, researchers focused primarily on qualitative assessments of the factors. The turning point for quantitative and qualitative assessments began in 2020 due to technological advancements that aided data collection procedures. As mentioned in Sect.  3 , there is a difference in how frequent and occasional users perceive SQ and their satisfaction. Further understanding of occasional users and improvements in these aspects can entice them to increase usage. In addition, the attitudes of private car users can provide valuable insights into their preferences, perceptions, and behaviours related to using PT systems.

4.2 Future research directions

Historically, transport researchers have explored the factors that influence PT usage. While our review uncovers valuable information, it also highlights significant areas that require further investigation. The first of these areas concerns exploring a less studied population group: private car users. Given the rise of private car acquisition and usage in developing countries, as mentioned in the introduction, shifting attention to this group is crucial. Recent attempts (Li et al. 2019a , b ; Al-Ayyash and Abou-Zeid 2019 ; Tao et al. 2019 ; De Magalhães and Rivera-Gonzalez 2021 ) have begun to address this, yet their approaches have been somewhat limited. For example, the target population for Al-Ayyash and Abou-Zeid ( 2019 ) included only university students and staff, which may not represent generalisability. Particular focus is required on SQ, satisfaction, and attitude towards PT. These areas are crucial for transport authorities and policymakers to intervene effectively.

The second area highlighted in the literature is problems with connectivity—FM/LM, but there is a paucity of literature. PT involves multiple journey stages, including waiting, walking, and switching between different modes, causing inconvenience (Park et al. 2021 ). The literature on transfers and satisfaction is scanty and conflicting. Das and Pandit ( 2015 ) noted more than two, Andaleeb et al. ( 2007 ) highlighted no transfers, and Li et al. ( 2020b ) indicated transfer convenience. Future studies must further probe transfers and their influence on PT usage and satisfaction. In addition, research should explore how transit authorities can adopt adaptive measures and sustainable practices to ensure that PT remains a reliable and comfortable option for all, even in the face of changing climate conditions.

Additional research avenue pertains to data collection methodologies. Qualitative research, such as interviewing individuals central to the subject, yields insights into PT usage factors. While most studies used questionnaires, there is potential for qualitative approaches. This approach aids in comprehending underlying influences by delving into the motivations behind mode shifts. For example, Mogaji and Nguyen ( 2021 ) investigated disabled commuters' satisfaction with PT using semi-structured interviews. Mystery shopping (MS) can also be employed for data collection. While MS in PT is known and implemented in practice, its exploration in academic literature remains limited, with only a few papers currently available (Voß et al. 2020 ). de Ona and de Ona ( 2015 ) and Voß et al. ( 2020 ) argued that using questionnaires in academic settings frequently lacks in-depth justification.

Finally, an area that may be explored is Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), which is gaining attention in developed countries and emphasising car access over ownership. Integrating bus transit within MaaS initiatives holds significant potential for enhancing urban mobility by providing users with seamless, multimodal transportation options. Several key factors influence the successful integration of bus transit into MaaS ecosystems, each playing a crucial role in shaping the accessibility, efficiency, and sustainability of PT networks.

Technology integration : One of the fundamental aspects of integrating bus transit into MaaS platforms is the seamless integration of technology. Users can conveniently access, plan, and pay for their bus journeys by leveraging mobile applications, contactless payment systems, and real-time tracking (Lyons et al. 2020 ). This technological integration enhances the overall user experience and encourages the adoption of bus transit as part of MaaS solutions.

Interoperability : Another critical factor is interoperability, which ensures the smooth integration of various transport modes within MaaS platforms. By enabling users to seamlessly switch between buses, trains, ridesharing, and micro-mobility services, interoperability enhances the flexibility and convenience of multimodal travel (Bushell et al. 2022 ). This interoperability requires collaboration between different transport providers and the development of common standards for data exchange and service integration.

Data sharing : Collaboration and data sharing among stakeholders are essential for optimizing bus transit services within MaaS ecosystems. By sharing data on routes, schedules, fares, and occupancy levels, transit agencies and technology providers can improve the efficiency and reliability of bus services (Chen and Acheampong 2023 ). Therefore, service integration is somewhat linked to the integration of data, which is indispensable for enabling service providers to make informed operational decisions (Kamargianni and Goulding 2018 ). This data-driven approach enables better planning, real-time monitoring, and predictive analytics, leading to more responsive and customer-centric transit operations.

Physical integration : This involves the physical infrastructure and connectivity between different modes of transport within a MaaS system, such as buses, trains, bikes, and ride-sharing services. Physical integration ensures seamless transfers and convenient access for passengers, enhancing the overall efficiency and attractiveness of the transit network (Saliara 2014 ).

Fare integration : It involves integrating fare payment systems across various modes of transport within a MaaS ecosystem. This allows passengers to use a single ticket or payment method to access different transit modes, including buses, trains, and ride-sharing services (Audouin 2019 ). Fare integration simplifies the passenger payment process, reduces transactional barriers, and encourages multimodal usage, ultimately enhancing public transport systems' overall efficiency and user experience.

Policy and regulation : Supportive policies and regulations play a crucial role in enabling the integration of bus transit into MaaS initiatives. Policies that promote open data standards, fare integration schemes, and public–private partnerships create an enabling environment for innovation and collaboration. Clear regulatory frameworks and support from central governments help address legal and governance issues and facilitate the implementation of MaaS solutions (Smith et al. 2018 ).

Partnerships and collaboration : Collaboration among public and private sector stakeholders is essential for driving innovation and fostering collective action towards integrating bus transit with MaaS initiatives. Partnerships between transit agencies, technology providers, urban planners, and community organisations enable the exchange of information, the consolidation of resources, and collaborative decision making (Merkert et al. 2020 ). Collaborative efforts contribute to developing integrated, user-centric MaaS solutions that address the diverse needs of urban populations.

4.3 Policy implications

The review offers a valuable understanding of the contemporary knowledge regarding the determinants influencing PT usage and the approach used to research them in developing countries. In this concluding section, we recommend enhancing the commuting experience and promoting greater utilisation of PT.

Identifying distinct SQ and satisfaction concerns while investigating ways to curb the rise in private vehicle usage can raise awareness among policymakers, transport operators, and transport authorities. Emphasising the alignment of SQ improvements with passengers' needs and expectations is crucial. This user-centric approach can foster more inclusive and customer-focused PT systems, as commuting experiences affect travellers' subjective well-being (De Vos et al. 2013 ). There are several instances where SQ improvements have an impact on ridership (with experiences also related to developed countries). For example, enhancements in comfort-related features of the Chicago transit system led to a notable 5% rise in the number of riders, equivalent to 15 million additional trips per year over 5 years (Foote 2004 ), enhancing the speed and frequency of buses in Ireland led to a decrease in car usage, reducing it from 34 to 22% (Redman et al. 2013 ), the introduction of an Integrated Ticketing System in cities such as London, New York, Haifa, Washington, Madrid, Chicago, various locations in Italy, San Francisco, Quebec, Montreal, and Seoul resulted in an increase in weekday patronage for both subway and bus services (Suman and Bolia 2019 ). SQ improvements are needed, and discourse on this subject requires attention.

In numerous developing countries, entrepreneurs primarily lead transport services, receiving limited governmental backing (Yeboah and Asibey 2019 ). Investments in transport infrastructure are necessary to curtail growing private car use for commuting. PT authorities should allocate resources towards sustainable modes of transport. For example, substantial investments in Australia's bus systems in recent decades have resulted in significant increases in ridership, primarily attributed to extensive service reorganisation and frequency improvements. Among these investments, BRT systems have demonstrated notable impacts at the corridor level, contributing to a 40% increase in new passengers from car drivers, a 17% increase from car passengers, and a 27% growth in new trips (Currie and Wallis 2008 ).

Data availability

Data sharing does not apply to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.


Automatic fare collection

Analysis of Variance

Automatic vehicle location

Cluster analysis

Confirmatory factor analysis

Customer satisfaction index analysis

Discrete choice experiment

Discriminant function analysis

Exploratory factor analysis

First-mile last-mile

Gradient boosting decision trees

Impact asymmetry analysis

Importance performance analysis

Importance-satisfaction analysis

Latent class cluster analysis

Level of Conformity

Multi-criteria decision making

Machine learning

Multinomial logit

Ordinal logit regression

Principal components analysis

Not available

Partial least squares

Penalty reward contrast analysis

  • Public transport

Random forest

Revealed preference

Structural equation modelling

Service quality (based on expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm)

Stated preference

  • Service quality

Urban transport passenger survey

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This manuscript is part of Eugene Sogbe's PhD research project. The authors sincerely thank Prof. Stefan Voß, the Editor-in-Chief, and two anonymous reviewers for their insightful feedback on the original manuscript. However, the authors acknowledge full responsibility for the contents of this paper.

Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions. This research was funded by Sunway Bhd. under the Scientific and technological approach to assessing the impact of elevated canopy walkways and bus rapid transit (BRT) on traffic in the Bandar Sunway project [Project ID: MRD-000006 and Grant code: 2600006-113-00].

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Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, 47500, Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia

Eugene Sogbe

Monash Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Research Hub (M-CRInfra), School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, 47500, Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia

Susilawati Susilawati

Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, 47500, Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia

Tan Chee Pin

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E. Sogbe: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, writing—original draft, writing—review and editing, validation, resources, investigation, and visualization. S. Susilawati: supervision, writing—review and editing, project administration, and funding acquisition. C. P. Tan: supervision and data curation.

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Sogbe, E., Susilawati, S. & Pin, T.C. Scaling up public transport usage: a systematic literature review of service quality, satisfaction and attitude towards bus transport systems in developing countries. Public Transp (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12469-024-00367-6

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Accepted : 06 August 2024

Published : 26 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12469-024-00367-6

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Safety in the Modern World Essay

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Nowadays, we live in a relatively peaceful world compared to the life of past generations. Despite that, there are numerous sources of danger whose impact on society should be reduced to maintain safety. The latter remains extremely important in various settings as people face risks of injuries and assaults in many situations.

The term “safety” can be explained in different ways. In general, being safe involves being protected from various risks. For instance, in the video on safety in Abu Dhabi, police officers maintain safety by catching a highway lawbreaker whose behavior on the road poses a threat to other drivers and pedestrians (MOIUAE, 2015). When it comes to a citizen or urban safety, this term relates to a more specific situation in which the government is acting through the defense and law-enforcement agencies to exercise its responsibilities and improve its citizens’ quality of life. The importance of safety in the world cannot be overstated as it remains the key element of a happy and prosperous life. With the development of modern technology, cyberspace safety has become a separate area of attention (Hollman, Bickford, & Hollman, 2017). Reducing the key risks that people face at the workplace or on the streets, specialists from different countries enable citizens to focus on their key tasks and responsibilities. The opportunity of every citizen to make positive contributions to society can be limited due to the presence of various factors, and maintaining safety remains an essential task. The existence of safety responsibility can be regarded as a factor that encourages specialists in socially significant fields to become more task-oriented and work with total efficiency. Within this framework, safety has a heavy influence on social life and well-being.

The effects of global safety on prosperity and the economy are numerous since safety runs through all aspects of life. On the one hand, the necessity to maintain safety involves significant financial contributions because successful safety management requires research. On the other hand, the ability to create a safe environment can be regarded as a key to the future, helping to save and grow money.

All people can contribute to the safety of their cities and other citizens. I believe that the key role of any citizen, including me, is to display vigilance and report the presence of suspicious individuals or objects as soon as possible (Kvalheim, Antonsen, & Haugen, 2016). Apart from that, common citizens can contribute to safety by attracting the attention of authorities to circumstances that can cause dangerous situations in the future. For example, such factors include faulty traffic lights, the lack of traffic signs, and other problems that can pose a threat to the safety of common people. To put it in other words, even though the government is supposed to play the key role in protecting people’s safety and health, a part of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of common citizens who are not expected to leave potential sources of danger unattended.

The government that collects taxes is responsible for managing financial resources and allocating enough money to create a strong safety control system. Apart from that, authorities are supposed to set high standards for the work of power-wielding agencies. Another area of governmental responsibility is providing such agencies with enough resources to perform orchestrated actions. Importantly, the video posted by MOIUAE (2015) illustrates the power of coherence and collaboration in neutralization.

In the end, authorities play a key role in maintaining safety because they have the power to set standards and compliance requirements. However, active citizens can also contribute to safety by reporting actual dangerous situations and potential threats. Therefore, safety can be seen as everyone’s responsibility.

Hollman, A., Bickford, S., & Hollman, T. (2017). Cyber insecurity: A post-mortem attempt to assess cyber problems from IT and business management perspectives. Journal of Cases on Information Technology , 19 (3), 42-70.

Kvalheim, S. A., Antonsen, S., & Haugen, S. (2016). Safety climate as an indicator for major accident risk: Can we use safety climate as an indicator on the plant level? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , 18 (1), 23-31.

MOIUAE. (2015). Abu Dhabi… Safe city [Video file]. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 29). Safety in the Modern World. https://ivypanda.com/essays/safety-in-the-modern-world/

"Safety in the Modern World." IvyPanda , 29 May 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/safety-in-the-modern-world/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Safety in the Modern World'. 29 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Safety in the Modern World." May 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/safety-in-the-modern-world/.

1. IvyPanda . "Safety in the Modern World." May 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/safety-in-the-modern-world/.


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3 Takeaways From Kamala Harris’s Interview on MSNBC

In her first one-on-one cable TV interview since becoming the nominee, the vice president repeatedly dodged direct questions and stuck firmly on message.

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Kamala Harris smiling as she walks to Air Force Two.

By Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein covers Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. He reported from Washington.

  • Published Sept. 25, 2024 Updated Sept. 26, 2024, 9:01 a.m. ET

As Vice President Kamala Harris parses out the details of her agenda, she has favored broad strokes over detailed policy papers. Only recently has she begun sitting for interviews, which have elicited few details about what her presidential administration might look like.

Little about that careful approach changed during a 25-minute interview with Stephanie Ruhle of MSNBC that was broadcast on Wednesday night. It was Ms. Harris’s first one-on-one interview on cable television since becoming the Democratic nominee.

In her discussion with a friendly interviewer, the vice president again presented herself as a champion of the middle class and hit many of the same themes from her pro-business economic speech earlier in the day. She largely avoided direct questions about how she would govern and why some voters remain fond of former President Donald J. Trump’s stewardship of the economy.

Here are three takeaways from Ms. Harris’s interview.

Harris had roundabout answers to open-ended questions.

Ms. Ruhle’s first question was about how Ms. Harris might respond to people who hear her proposals and say, “These policies aren’t for me.” The MSNBC host’s second was about why voters tend to tell pollsters that Mr. Trump is better equipped to handle the economy.

Ms. Harris responded to the fairly basic and predictable questions with roundabout responses that did not provide a substantive answer.

Instead of offering any explanation for why Mr. Trump polls better on the economy — a matter that has vexed Democrats as President Biden has overseen a steadily improving economy — Ms. Harris instead blasted Mr. Trump’s record. She blamed him for a loss of manufacturing and autoworker jobs and said his tariff proposals would serve as an added sales tax on American consumers.

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