• Aug 8, 2019

Writing Your Personal Statement: Biomedical Sciences

oxford university biomedical science personal statement

Now we’ve entered August I know a lot of year 12s will be thinking about the university application process and wondering how to make their personal statement stand out, especially to the top universities. So, I thought it might be helpful to talk about the personal statement I did for Biomedical Sciences, although it will hopefully be helpful for other subjects too!

What a personal statement has to convey is how interested you are in the subject, it doesn’t have to make you look like an expert of course - that’s what university is for! As long as you show that you’re interested in your subject beyond what you learn as part of your A-levels you’re on the right track.

In my personal statement, I showed my interest by talking mostly about the EPQ I was doing (which was about gestational diabetes) and a few articles I had read for it. If you haven’t done an EPQ, other things you can talk about are books you’ve read, podcasts you’ve listened to or documentaries you’ve watched, if it inspired an interest in a topic relating to Biomed then it's relevant. If you’re stuck for ideas look at the books under ‘preparatory reading’ here:https://www.ox.ac.uk/sites/files/oxford/media_wysiwyg/Introductory_Reading_for_Biomedical_Sciences1.pdf. You’ll see a lot of these actually read like novels,so are great for introducing you to a topic you might never have looked at before like neuroscience!

It’s also important you don’t just list things you’ve read/seen/listened to: you need to talk about what you took away from it and, if you can, try to offer some critical analysis. When doing this, make sure to justify any opinions you put forward to strengthen your statement. It's probably better to only mention a few of these ‘supra-curricular’ activities so you can better develop them.

You’ll also need to talk about your A-levels, and while it may be helpful to mention a topic or two from Biology that you’re hoping to expand on at university, the main thing I spoke about in relation to my A-levels was the transferrable skills they’d developed that would help me to thrive at university. This is particularly important if one of your A-levels isn’t as relevant to your subject - for example, I did English Literature at A-level, so in my personal statement one thing I mentioned was how I’d had to work in groups and so had grown more confident and developed teamwork skills.

The most important thing, though, is to not stress too much and overthink it - if you are truly interested in your subject it will definitely shine through. Also, it’s a personal statement, so don’t try to write as someone else! This is a chance for tutors/admissions teams to get an insight into you as a person - so definitely make sure it's all your own work! Don’t stress - as long as you write truthfully (and remember to spellcheck!) your personal statement will be more than fine!

#PersonalStatement #science #biomedicalsciences #biomed #application

  • The Application Process
  • Personal Statements

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Whether you need inspiration for your personal statement, something to think about before your interview or whether you are simply intellectually curious, you might find the suggested reading and resources below useful and entertaining. They are intended to give you an idea of the kind of material you might engage with during a course at Oxford. We've also included links to the University's current research to give you an idea of how academic research can impact upon society. 

Remember, these are only suggestions for further reading, so please don't feel restricted to only reading what we recommend! We have also compiled the best of our cross-curricular digital resources to support learning and exploration in our Digital Resource Hub . 

You can also enjoy an insight into what it's like to study at Oxford by exploring our free podcasts and videos. These include public lectures covering a wide range of subjects, plus teaching resources, interviews with leading academics, and more. You can watch and listen on your computer, or download files via our  podcasts page .

You may also like to have a look at our Medium channel for articles about Oxford research, covering topics from the weirdest plants in the Botanical Garden to how to teach a computer to recognise your cat. 

Archaeology and Anthropology

Suggested reading for Archaeology and Anthropology .

You may also like to take a look at the website Discover Anthropology .

Oxford research: 

  • Reconnecting Indigenous Nations with their Material Heritage
  • Who Needs Migrant Workers
  • Endangered Archaeology video  

Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular)

Read the  recommended reading list for Biochemistry. 

At present we do not produce a reading list for students applying for Biology but we encourage you to read New Scientist , National Geographic or any other Biology materials which you find interesting.

  • Putting ticks on the map
  • Poetry in motion
  • Defeating dengue with GM mosquitoes
  • The loneliness of the long-distance seabird
  • Balancing conservation and commerce in the world’s forests
  • The surprising uses of silk
  • Bringing back the large blue butterfly - Jeremy Thomas
  • Preserving Endangered Trees: A Chilean case study 
  • Jatropha Curcas in the Global Race for Biofuels
  • Peru's Data Collectors
  • Researching the Reef: fish and coral of the Caribbean

Biomedical Sciences

Introductory Reading for Biomedical Sciences .

  • Bringing together universities, industry and the NHS to benefit people in the Oxfordshire region and beyond
  • Restoring Sight With Gene Therapy
  • Cooling babies to save lives
  • Innovative genomics
  • Helping diabetes sufferers
  • Transforming the diagnosis of Tuberculosis
  • Mending broken hearts
  • The million women study
  • Helping the brain to control Parkinson’s
  • Combining cultures
  • Preventing strokes

Research videos: 

  • The TOBY Trial - Cooling Babies  
  • Tackling and tracking TB through DNA analysis
  • "Bionic eye" trial in Oxford  
  • Fighting Arthritis: the development of anti-TNF therapies  
  • The Paternal Age Effect: Identifying reproductive risks 

Introductory reading for Chemistry .

You may also like to read Chemistry World magazine , and view other resources from the Royal Society of Chemistry .

  • Turning orange into grapefruit
  • Fuel cells inspired by nature video
  • Chemistry in the garden video

Classical Archaeology and Ancient History

There is no reading list for students applying for Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, as we encourage students to engage with whatever they find interesting about the ancient world. If you are interested in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, this will include the historical and archaeological evidence through which we learn about that world.

As well as visiting your local museum, or other museums, you may wish to explore some websites which have excellent links to historical and archaeological materials, such as the British Museum or Oxford’s own Ashmolean Museum's collection highlights , or the BBC Radio 4 archives , for example for the programme ‘In Our Time’, covering material from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome .

There are also many social media sites which you can join such as Classics Confidential, Classics Outreach and Classics International.

  • Classics for the people
  • Endangered archaeology video
  • Conserving by copying: 3D Printing Tutankhamun's Tomb video

There is no reading list for students applying for Classics, as we encourage students to read as widely as possible about any Classics materials they find interesting (in literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, and/or philology), and to think critically about their reading. You may also wish to explore some websites which have excellent links to materials about the ancient world, such as the British Museum or the BBC Radio 4 archives , for example for the programme ‘In Our Time’, covering material from  Ancient Greece  and  Ancient Rome .

Classics and English

There is no reading list for students applying for Classics, as we encourage students to read as widely as possible about any Classics materials they find interesting (in literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, and/or philology), and to think critically about their reading. You may also wish to explore some websites which have excellent links to materials about the ancient world, such as the  British Museum  or the  BBC Radio 4 archives , for example for the programme ‘In Our Time’, covering material from  Ancient Greece  and  Ancient Rome .

For the English Literature element of the course, we recommend that you read as widely as possible, and think critically about all the texts – literary or not – that you read. Read more about this in our  examples of interview questions . You can find literary resources on our  Great Writers Inspire site . You may also like to look at literary websites and listen to radio programs such as BBC Radio 4's ' In Our Time '.

  • Dramatic research
  • Making Britain
  • Digitising Jane Austen's fiction manuscripts
  • On the joy of not rehearsing Shakespeare video

Classics and Modern Languages

There is no reading list for students applying for Classics, as we encourage students to read as widely as possible about any Classics materials they find interesting (in literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, and/or philology), and to think critically about their reading. You may also wish to explore some websites which have excellent links to materials about the ancient world, such as the  British Museum  or the  BBC Radio 4 archives , for example for the programme ‘In Our Time’, covering material from  Ancient Greece  and  Ancient Rome . There are also many social media sites which you can join such as Classics Confidential, Classics Outreach and Classics International. 

Please view the guidance on the FAQs section of the  Modern Languages faculty website  under the heading 'How best to prepare for the entrance procedure'. You can also find reading lists on the individual pages of the following languages: 

  • Modern Greek
  • Shedding new light on Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin
  • Writing Brecht, living well

Classics and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

There is no reading list for students applying for Classics, as we encourage students to read as widely as possible about any Classics materials they find interesting (in literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, and/or philology), and to think critically about their reading.

You may also wish to explore some websites which have excellent links to materials about the ancient world, such as the  British Museum  or the  BBC Radio 4 archives , for example for the programme ‘In Our Time’, covering material from  Ancient Greece  and  Ancient Rome .

Suggested reading for Asian and Middle Eastern Studies can be found on the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies website by following the relevant links below:

  • BA in Arabic
  • BA in Sanskrit
  • BA in Persian
  • BA in Turkish
  • Recreating an experience of ancient Egypt
  • Helping the UK understand China

Computer Science

Introductory reading for prospective applicants to Computer Science can be found on the departmental website.

You may also like to look at our GeomLab website which will introduce you to some of the most important ideas in computer programming in an interactive, visual way through a guided activity.

  • Securing the internet of the future
  • Putting out ‘Digital Wildfires’ before they take hold
  • The friendly face of robots
  • Safety by design
  • Computers at the heart of the matter
  • 60 Years of Computer Science
  • Oxford and Cybersecurity 1 – the Internet and Policy
  • Oxford and Cybersecurity 2 – Trusted Computing
  • Oxford and Cybersecurity 3 – The Academic Edge

Computer Science and Philosophy

Introductory reading for prospective applicants to Computer Science can be found on the departmental website.

There are many introductions to philosophy: Myles Burnyeat and Ted Honderich’s ‘Philosophy’ as it is a very useful collection. Martin Hollis ‘An Invitation to Philosophy’ and Simon Blackburn’s ‘Think’ are also recommended but feel free to pick up any introductory or beginners’ text.

Earth Sciences

At present we do not produce a reading list for students applying for Earth Sciences but we encourage you to read New Scientist , National Geographic or any other relevant materials which you find interesting.

  • Preserving an exceptional fossil site for future generations
  • Understanding oil-rich strata
  • Influencing global policy on mercury
  • Reducing toxic mercury emissions video
  • Tracking Life 40 Degrees South video
  • Volcano hunting, Italy to Peru video

Economics and Management

An indispensable introduction to economic analysis, both for those who have not studied it at school and for those who have is ‘The Economist’ or the Economics pages of newspapers. Paul Krugman’s writings are highly recommended. Begg, Fischer and Dornbusch’s ‘Economics’ is one of the introductory textbooks widely used at Oxford.

You can find the Economics reading list and Management reading list  online. 

Oxford research:

  • The value of mutuality
  • Geometry to the rescue
  • Research led to Supreme Court ruling on removal of UK employment tribunal fees video
  • The surprising uses of auctions video

Engineering Science

At present we do not produce a reading list for students applying for Engineering Science but we encourage you to read any relevant materials which you find interesting. Here are some online resources you may like to use to test your knowledge:

  • Isaac Physics :  this website contains lots of maths and physics problem solving questions.
  • British Physics Olympiad : this website contains lots of past papers and solutions of problem solving type questions.
  • Next time, education centre : this website contains some quite fun questions designed to make you think about physical concepts.
  • I want to study Engineering : this website is just as useful for all applicants not just those applying to engineering.
  • Brilliant.org : this website has some resources to test your mathematical and physics knowledge.
  • Providing the technology for ‘space refrigerators’
  • Improving hospitals’ ‘early warning’ systems
  • Data scientists to the rescue
  • Driverless cars video
  • Delivering drugs better - using sound video

English Language and Literature

English and modern languages.

Please visit the guidance on the FAQs section of the  Modern Languages faculty website  under the heading 'How best to prepare for the entrance procedure'. You can also find reading lists on the individual pages of the following languages: 

European and Middle Eastern Languages

Please visit the guidance on the FAQs section of the Modern Languages faculty website under the heading 'How can I prepare myself for the entrance procedure?'. This advice can be applied to both the European and the Middle Eastern elements of the course. You can also find reading lists on the individual pages of the following languages:

Suggested reading for Asian and Middle Eastern Studies can be found on the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies website by following the relevant links below:

Experimental Psychology

Please view the  suggested reading for Experimental Psychology. This document also includes reading suggestions for those interested in the Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics course.

Research videos:

  • Improving Access to Psychological Therapies: Using evidence to change policy
  • Spread the word
  • How people with depression see faces
  • From the Minds of Babes: New frontiers in paediatric pain

The following list is suggested as a starting point and is not exhaustive and nor does it mean that you must read these. 

  • Barthes, Roland , Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography  (Vintage) 
  • Crow, Thomas, The Rise of the Sixties: American and European Art in the Era of Dissent  (Everyman )
  • Stallabrass, Julian, Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introductions  (Oxford University Press) 
  • Smith, Terry, Contemporary Art: World Currents (Laurence King Publishing)

We strongly encourage all students to attend exhibitions and look at art works as much as possible. Public art galleries like Tate Modern, the Whitechapel, and the Serpentine in London, the Ikon in Birmingham, the Liverpool Tate, the Whitworth in Manchester, the Baltic in Gateshead, the Arnolfini in Bristol, and Tramway in Glasgow are all excellent places to see contemporary art and to find out more about it.

Other excellent resources include:

  • the UK-wide exhibition listings
  • the online edition of the US journal Artforum  
  • the excellent repository of moving image and sound art, called UBU Web

It is also a good idea to look at journals such as:

An indispensable introduction to contemporary issues in Geography is the Royal Geographical Society 'Geographical Magazine'. Reading 'The Economist' is also highly recommended.

  • Managing the risk of surface water flooding
  • Smartphones become Smart Stones
  • The value of a green and pleasant land
  • Getting critical
  • How changes to inland waters impact regional climates
  • Calculating the risks of coastal flooding and cliff erosion
  • How global warming is changing tropical forests
  • Climate Network
  • Avoiding infrastructure failure
  • Stopping floods on the cheap: A success story from Yorkshire

The best way to prepare for a History degree is to read the history books which interest you, either related to your school work or ranging beyond it – and be prepared to discuss your views of those books and their arguments.  To find such material, you might want to follow up on references made in your school or college text books, or your History teacher may also be able to recommend particular works for you to read on topics that you find most interesting.

One good way of broadening your historical horizons is to read one of the popular History magazines: History Today or BBC History , which has weekly podcasts . You may like to look at the books which are being reviewed in the quality press.

You may also like to explore the websites of public institutions which have excellent links to historical materials, such as the British Museum or BBC Radio 4 archives .

Lastly, delving into some historical sources can be a great way to develop your ideas and understanding. You could try exploring literature, art, music or even films produced by different societies, and consider what these can tell us about the people of that time.

  • Looking back to understand the recent economic crisis

History (Ancient and Modern)

There is no reading list for students applying for Ancient and Modern History, as we encourage students to read as widely as possible about any period of history, ancient and/or modern, that they find interesting. (View 'History' above). For the ancient world, you may also wish to explore websites which have excellent links to historical materials, such as the British Museum or Oxford’s own Ashmolean Museum , the BBC Radio 4 archives , for example for the programme ‘In Our Time', covering material from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome .

History and Economics

An indispensable introduction to economic analysis, both for those who have not studied it at school and for those who have is ‘ The Economist ’ or the Economics pages of newspapers. Paul Krugman’s writings are highly recommended. Begg, Fischer and Dornbusch’s ‘Economics ’ is one of the introductory textbooks widely used at Oxford.

History and English

One good way of broadening your historical horizons is to read one of the popular History magazines:  History Today  or  BBC History , which has  weekly podcasts . You may like to look at the books which are being reviewed in the quality press. You may also like to explore the websites of public institutions which have excellent links to historical materials, such as the  British Museum  or  BBC Radio 4 archives . Lastly, delving into some historical sources can be a great way to develop your ideas and understanding. You could try exploring literature, art, music or even films produced by different societies, and consider what these can tell us about the people of that time.

History and Modern Languages

Please visit the guidance on the FAQs section of the  Modern Languages faculty website  under the heading 'How best to prepare for the entrance procedure'. You can also find reading lists on the individual pages of the following languages:

History and Politics

Politics is a very wide-ranging subject. In addition to newspapers and weeklies, Jonathan Wolff’s 'An Introduction to Political Philosophy' is recommended; and also, for interesting and up-to-date insights into recent political developments in a number of countries, the series of texts produced by Macmillan publishers at regular intervals called ‘Developments in British (French, German, East European etc.) Politics’ .

One good way of broadening your historical horizons is to read one of the popular History magazines:  History Today  or  BBC History , which has  weekly podcasts . You may like to look at the books which are being reviewed in the quality press.

You may also like to explore the websites of public institutions which have excellent links to historical materials, such as the  British Museum  or  BBC Radio 4 archives .

History of Art

A reading list for prospective applicants to History of Art can be found on the History of Art departmental website .

You may also find it interesting to explore the following resources:

  • BBC Radio 4 'In Our Time' - Culture archive
  • BBC Arts coverage

Human Sciences

Introductory reading lists can be found on the Institute of Human Sciences website .

  • Who needs migrant workers

We recommend that you start by reading the court reports in broad sheet newspapers.

As the reading lists for the degree course change each year it isn't always advisable to buy text books in advance, but you may find one or more of the books from this list useful when preparing your application Introductory reading for Law . It can be useful to look at the list of law academics on the departmental website and follow the links to their latest publications. All lecturers have their own lists, which change from year to year and include books and journal articles.

You may also like to read the BBC's website Law in Action , and download their podcasts. Other recommendation are the Guardian's law pages and the Counsel magazine .

  • Research led to Supreme Court ruling on removal of UK employment tribunal fees
  • Tackling Adolescent to Parent Violence
  • Research in Westminster: Human Rights law and the treatment of rape victims

Materials Science

There is no set text and students should read widely around the subject. Introductory reading for prospective applicants to Materials Science can be found on the departmental website.

Students may also wish to read the New Scientist magazine which may be available in your school or local library.

Running an internet search on Nanoscience or Nanotechnology will give useful background information in the sciences. Here are some further resources to test your knowledge:

  • Isaac Physics :  This website contains lots of maths and physics problem solving questions.
  • British Physics Olympiad : This website contains lots of past papers and solutions of problem solving type questions.
  • Next time : This website contains some quite fun questions designed to make you think about physical concepts.
  • I want to study Engineering : This website is just as useful for all applicants not just those applying to engineering.
  • Brilliant.org : This website has some resources to test your mathematical and physics knowledge.

Oxford research:  

  • A new material for reconstructive surgery


Reading lists for prospective Mathematics applicants can be found on page 12 of the departmental prospectus, available to download from the Maths Department website .

  • Influencing HIV/AIDS policy in India through mathematical modelling
  • Helping the ‘Greeks’ to run faster
  • Mathematics in the design and manufacture of novel glass products
  • Mathematical solutions for industry
  • Sharing the beauty of networks video
  • A computer model of the heart video

Mathematics and Computer Science

Reading lists for prospective Mathematics applicants can be found on page 12 of the departmental prospectus, available to download from the  Maths Department website .

Introductory reading for prospective applicants to Computer Science can be found on the departmental website. You may also like to look at our  GeomLab website  which will introduce you to some of the most important ideas in computer programming in an interactive, visual way through a guided activity.

Mathematics and Philosophy

Reading lists for prospective Mathematics and Philosophy applicants can be found on page 18 of the departmental prospectus, available to download from the  Maths Department website .

Mathematics and Statistics

Reading lists for prospective Mathematics and Statistics applicants can be found on page 12 of the departmental prospectus, available to download from the  Maths Department website .

  • Statistical expertise in drug discovery

Prospective students for Medicine may like to start by looking at the introductory reading list below. You may also be interested in the Oxford Medical School Gazette, for more information about the Gazette and subscription offers for Sixth Form students please visit  the Medicine website .

Introductory Reading for Medicine

  • The TOBY Trial - cooling babies
  • "Bionic eye" trial in Oxford
  • Fighting Arthritis: the development of anti-TNF therapies
  • The Paternal Age Effect: Identifying reproductive risks

Modern Languages

Please view the guidance on the FAQs section of the Modern Languages faculty website under the heading 'How best to prepare for the entrance procedure'. You can find reading lists on the individual pages for of following languages: 

Modern Languages and Linguistics

Please visit the guidance on the FAQs section of the Modern Languages faculty website under the heading 'How best to prepare for the entrance procedure'. You can also find reading lists on the individual pages of the following languages: 

You can also download the  Introductory reading list for Linguistics .

  • Improving treatment of speech disorders
  • Saving the world’s threatened languages
  • Voice analysis for everyone: health monitoring by phone video

Please refer to this recommended reading list for Music .

  • Medieval plainsong gets a contemporary makeover
  • Composing Opera for Children
  • Searching for Schumann video

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Suggested reading for Asian and Middle Eastern Studies can be found on the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies website by following the relevant links below:

  • BA in Arabic
  • BA in Chinese
  • BA in Japanese
  • BA in Persian
  • BA in Turkish

Suggested reading lists for BA Egyptology and Near Eastern Studies, BA Hebrew Studies and BA Jewish Studies are currently in development and will hopefully be available in the near future.

Philosophy and Modern Languages

There are many introductions to philosophy: Myles Burnyeat and Ted Honderich’s ‘ Philosophy ’ as it is a very useful collection. Martin Hollis ‘ An Invitation to Philosophy ’ and Simon Blackburn’s ‘ Think ’ are also recommended but feel free to pick up any introductory or beginners’ text.

Please visit the guidance on the FAQs section of the  Modern Languages faculty website  under the heading 'How best to prepare for the entrance procedure' for the Modern Languages element of this course. You of also find reading lists on the individual pages for the following languages: 

Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)

We always recommend that students read widely around their subject, deepening their knowledge and understanding, to help prepare for their application. Tutors will be looking for evidence of students' academic potential, as well as their commitment and motivation for their course, so will certainly be looking for evidence that a student has really engaged with their subject, and has a passion for studying it. This is particularly important for courses like PPE, as many students will not have studied any of these three subjects at their school or college.

The very best preparation is a reasonable grasp of the workings of the social and political world in which we live. For PPEists, reading newspapers, watching TV and listening to radio news and current affairs programmes are not optional activities – they are crucial to success at the subject. Students should read a good quality daily newspaper, and ‘ The Economist ’ weekly is also highly recommended – this offers unparalleled quantity and quality analysis of current events.

Politics is a very wide-ranging subject. In addition to newspapers and weeklies, Jonathan Wolff’s ' An Introduction to Political Philosophy ' is recommended; and also, for interesting and up-to-date insights into recent political developments in a number of countries, the series of texts produced by Macmillan publishers at regular intervals called ‘ Developments in British (French, German, East European etc.) Politics ’.

An indispensable introduction to economic analysis in use both for those who have not studied it at school and for those who have is ‘ The Economist ’ or the Economics pages of newspapers. Paul Krugman’s writings are highly recommended. Begg, Fischer and Dornbusch’s ‘ Economics ’ is one of the introductory textbooks widely used at Oxford.

Oxford research:   

Philosophy and Theology

At present we do not produce a specific Theology reading list for people who are considering making an application, though we always advise prospective candidates to read beyond what they are reading in school and to explore areas that interest them.

  • Empires of Faith video

There are many suitable sources for reading. Popular science books are normally readily available at your local library, as are copies of the New Scientist or other scientific periodicals. Anything that takes your interest will be valuable; we have no set reading list.

However, for general preparation prospective candidates can view the suggestions on the Physics department website . We also recommend maths preparation .

There is also lots of information on the internet, on sites such as www.physics.org  or through some of the excellent science blogs. The University of Oxford publishes a science blog and our department also runs a project called Galaxy Zoo which is part of the Zooniverse community of projects , which allows members of the public to contribute to astrophysics research. Large scientific organisations such as CERN and NASA publish a lot of good material online, for example the Astronomy Picture of the Day website . Here are some further resources to test your Physics knowledge:

  • Isaac Physics : This website contains lots of maths and physics problem solving questions.
  • Brilliant.org : This website has some resources to test your mathematical and physics knowledge.

iTunesU can also be a very useful resource, as it has a range of physics content, from public talks to undergraduate lectures, from a variety of reputable sources.

  • Near-perfect distance measurement
  • Cheaper, smaller, super-resolution
  • To the Zooniverse and beyond
  • Particle accelerator physics for the masses
  • A revolution in solar power technology
  • How to be certain of uncertainty in climate and weather forecasts
  • How do quantum physicists affect industry? video

Physics and Philosophy

However, for general preparation prospective candidates can view the suggestions on the  Physics department website . We also recommend  maths preparation .

There is also lots of information on the internet, on sites such as  www.physics.org . or through some of the excellent science blogs. The University of Oxford publishes a  science blog  and our department also runs a project called  Galaxy Zoo  which is part of the  Zooniverse  community of projects , which allows members of the public to contribute to astrophysics research. Large scientific organisations such as CERN and NASA publish a lot of good material online, for example the  Astronomy Picture of the Day website . Here are some further resources to test your Physics knowledge:

Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics (PPL)

Please follow this link for the suggested reading list for Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics. This document also includes suggested reading for Experimental Psychology.

  • Building consensus on Developmental Language Disorder
  • Voice analysis for everyone: health monitoring by phone

Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

At present we do not produce a specific Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies reading list for people who are considering making an application, though we always advise prospective candidates to read beyond what they are reading in school and to explore areas that interest them.

Theology and Religion

You may also find it interesting to explore the BBC Radio 4 archives of the ' In Our Time ' program, especially the Religion and Philosophy archives .

  • Empires of Faith

Further information

  • Wall of Faces
  • Undergraduate Admissions on X
  • Undergraduate Admissions Instagram

Staircase 12

Staircase 12 is an online hub of resources brought to you by University College . It's full of tips and ideas on how to stretch yourself beyond the school syllabus. So why not check out the  Reading Bank , and Resource Hub , or to find out why all this is important in the first place, check out the ‘Explore your Subject’ top tips page .

The Bookshelf

The Worcester Bookshelf project is all about sharing books that we love about our subjects with you. We suggest books that we love - you tell us what you think of them. Every term we will release a new list of six books that our tutors and academics would like to share with you. If you are in year 10, 11 or 12 at a UK state school and would like to find out more, simply email [email protected] .

Digital Resource Hub

We have compiled the best of our digital resources to support learning and exploration. These resources can help inspire you to think broadly as well as enable you to explore your passions and interests further, and to discover more about Oxford.

Follow us on social media

Follow us on social media to get the most up-to-date application information throughout the year, and to hear from our students.

YouTube icon

U2 Tuition

How to Write a Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Tips for starting your biomedical science personal statement.

Writing your personal statement can feel like a mammoth task and knowing where to start can be really tricky. It is important, however, to not get too wrapped up in what a perfect biomedical sciences personal statement should be and instead think about what will make you and your passion for the subject stand out .

Everyone’s personal statement will be different as there is no one way to write it, but there are some essential components that your biomed personal statement should include. Committing to a three or four year degree course at a top university is no walk in the park; you need to be invested in pursuing what you are applying to for at least the next 3/4 years, therefore showing your passion for biomedical sciences is one of the most important components of your personal statement.

But what does this mean and how do you portray this on one side of A4? Mention specific topics/ themes that you like about biomedical sciences , showcase some subject knowledge, highlight super-curriculars that you have engaged with as well as writing about any extracurriculars, personal interests and skills that you have that will make you a fantastic candidate to study biomedical sciences at a top uni.

checklist for Biomedical Science personal statement preparation

Showing My Passion for Biomedical Science?: The Importance of Super-Curriculars

Most top unis, including Oxbridge, will be less interested in your extracurricular activities and more interested in how you can prove your passion for biomedical sciences. Super-curriculars are the best pieces of evidence you can provide – they show that you have gone above and beyond your school syllabus and taken initiative to broaden your knowledge.

These may include things like reading books related to the subject, listening to podcasts, reading magazine and newspaper articles, completing MOOCs (massive online open courses), watching documentaries, attending taster days or any relevant work experience you have undertaken . By no means do you need to do all of these but having a couple of examples will be an excellent way to make your biomedical science statement standout.

Having said this, it is most important to engage with what you’re genuinely interested in rather than what you feel you should be reading, watching, listening to and so on – this way your pure interest will shine through naturally without it feeling forced. If invited to interview as well, this will make it much easier for you to talk about your personal statement as it will all be things you enjoyed.

Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Need to boost your super-curriculars?

Our co-curricular division, Minds Underground, was built out to support top students approaching university/ Oxbridge applications and looking to stretch beyond the curriculum. You could try:

Our University Prep Virtual Summer Schools (e.g. Medicine, Biology) - Each is hosted by 2 Oxbridge graduates and will provide loads of exciting content for personal statements and interviews

Online Research Experiences e.g. Research Projects with a PhD Researcher in Pharmacology & Biotechnology; AstraZeneca/ Cambridge

Medical/ STEM Extension Sessions : We run a weekly Medical and STEM Club, designed to give students exposure to exciting ‘beyond the syllabus’ topics they could mention in their personal statement

Book recommendations for Biomedical Sciences

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot – this book tells the story of a woman who died in 1951 from cervical cancer whose legacy continues to this day with the HeLa cell line. Taken from Henrietta’s tumour while she was still alive, it was cultured in a lab and found to be immortal. Having been used in an array of biomedical research since then, the ethical issues and dilemmas raised in this book provide insight into some of the arguments and discussions that are dominant within the field of bioethics.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks – this book by the neurologist Oliver Sacks provides a series of case studies of some of the most notable patients of Sacks’ career; despite this book being particularly fascinating to those interested in neuroscience and psychology, this is an interesting read for anyone entering the field of biomedical science.

The Epigenetic Revolution by Nessa Carey – epigenetics is the study of differences between genetically identical organisms which have non-identical phenotypes; this book provides a detailed and fascinating insight into the relatively new discipline of epigenetics.

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre – an engaging analysis of the current state of science; particularly recommended if you are interested in research and how science can often be “lost” behind money, media and business.

biomedical science personal statement book recommendations

Podcast Recommendations for Biomedical Sciences

New Scientist Weekly

Instant Genius

What about my extra-curriculars?

When it comes to extra-curriculars, it can be tempting to write a list of everything you’ve done to show how well-rounded you are, however, it is better to only mention a couple and relate it back to why you should be offered a place to study biomedical sciences. For example, being a prefect equips you with leadership and teamwork skills which would be useful during group project and practical classes; completing a Duke of Edinburgh award would provide you with problem solving skills, again important during practical classes and also when critically appraising primary papers.

Addressing the universities’ selection criteria

To make your whole personal statement shine even brighter you should address specific selection criteria from the course webpage on the universities’ websites. The University of Oxford’s Medical Sciences Division website says they are looking for biomed candidates who show “intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm” , as illustrated by your examples of seeking out super-curriculars for instance. Similarly, communication skills can be shown through jobs that you may have had – “I have worked in my local charity shop for 2 years, talking with customers and colleagues helped me to develop my interpersonal skills.”

How Do I Start Drafting and Structuring My Biomed Personal Statement?

You can never have too many drafts of your personal statement. It is best to start early so you have time to edit and adapt and improve. Often when you think you have a final copy you can go back and make even more improvements. Having a break and coming back with a fresh pair of eyes can help you spot gaps or errors or can even help you reduce the character count (as UCAS has a strict limit on characters so it is important to keep your paragraphs concise and to the point). Make sure to create links between each section/ paragraph to make the whole personal statement flow as one, instead of it reading like a list of what you’ve done and why you should be given a place to study biomedical sciences.

If you are struggling with the structure of the statement it is a good idea to simply write whichever paragraph you can and then come back at the end to order your paragraphs and create links. You may want to write your ending before you’ve written your introduction – there is no right or wrong way to do this, it just has to be yours.

How Do I End My Personal Statement?

Concluding your personal statement for biomedicine can feel just as hard as starting it but at this point you are almost there! If you can, it is good to conclude with a punchy sentence, something that nicely rounds up what you have been saying throughout: that you are a passionate biomedical scientist who is excited to pursue a biomedical sciences degree. You could refer back to what makes you the ideal biomed candidate and use keywords from the degree course webpages to help.

Here is an example:

In conclusion, my unwavering passion for biomedical science, coupled with my commitment to ongoing learning and contributing meaningfully to the field, drives my aspiration to embark on this transformative journey of academic growth, making me eager to bring my unique perspective, dedication, and skills to the vibrant and innovative community of biomedical researchers.

Applying to Oxford Biomed? Here's What You Should Also Do

Oxbridge and other top universities will use your personal statement as a component of their short-listing procedure. Oxford will use your personal statement to generate questions for the interview to which you may be invited. For biomed, these questions relating to your biomedical science personal statement are likely to be ice breakers as the interviewers will expect you to be comfortable talking about your personal statement and anything that you have mentioned within it. Therefore, it is important that you write your statement with the expectation that you will be asked to expand upon and explain every single sentence.

Biomedical Personal Statement Example

My fascination with the intricacies of life has propelled my journey towards understanding the complexities of the human body. The captivating narratives of Oliver Sacks' "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" ignited my interest in neuroscience, prompting me to explore the underlying mechanisms of neurological disorders. This curiosity laid the foundation for my journey into the field of biomedical science. As I delved into the world of biomedical science, Nessa Carey's "The Epigenetic Revolution" provided a profound insight into the dynamic interplay between genetics and the environment. This exploration sparked my curiosity about epigenetic modifications and their implications for human health. It served as a thematic link, bridging my interest in neuroscience to the broader realm of genetics and molecular biology. Eager to complement my theoretical knowledge with practical insights, I actively sought diverse experiences. I love the New Scientist weekly podcast, which offers a dynamic platform for me to stay abreast of cutting-edge discoveries and emerging trends in biomedical research. An episode titled "Decoding the Brain: Unravelling the Mysteries of Neurodegenerative Diseases" particularly resonated with me, connecting seamlessly with my earlier fascination with neuroscience and serving as a catalyst for my interest in the molecular underpinnings of neurodegenerative disorders. This exposure not only expanded my knowledge but also honed my ability to critically evaluate scientific discourse, a skill integral to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of biomedical sciences. My research experience in Dr. Smith's lab, underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in unravelling the complexities of biomedical challenges. The laboratory work, focusing on cellular signalling pathways, provided a tangible link between theoretical concepts and practical applications discussed in the podcast episode. Recognising the importance of staying at the forefront of scientific advancements, I undertook a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on advanced techniques in molecular biology. This experience not only deepened my understanding of molecular techniques but also acquainted me with the global community of aspiring scientists and researchers. The collaborative spirit within the online cohort mirrored the interdisciplinary approach I envision for my future in biomedical sciences, reinforcing the theme of collaboration and its pivotal role in scientific progress. Exploring topics through podcasts like "The Biomedical Odyssey" has been instrumental in contextualising classroom learning within the broader scope of real-world applications. For instance, I found a podcast episode on "CRISPR: Gene Editing and the Future of Medicine" particularly fascinating. The prospect of precise gene editing raises questions that extend beyond the laboratory into the realm of bioethics. Exploring the ethical considerations associated with CRISPR prompted me to grapple with fundamental questions about the balance between scientific progress and moral responsibility. In addition to my academic pursuits, I have actively sought opportunities to engage with the broader scientific community. Attending conferences, such as the International Conference on Biomedical Sciences, allowed me to interact with eminent researchers and gain insights into the multifaceted nature of contemporary biomedical challenges. These experiences have not only broadened my perspective but have also reinforced my commitment to contributing meaningfully to the field, connecting my academic endeavors to the broader scientific community. In conclusion, my journey in biomedical science has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, a commitment to hands-on learning, and an unwavering curiosity about the frontiers of scientific discovery. Armed with a solid foundation, a critical mindset, and an eagerness to contribute to the ever-evolving field, I am poised to embark on the next chapter of my academic journey in biomedical sciences.

The best biomedical personal statements are original and personal to you, showcasing your passion for pursuing a degree in biomedical sciences and encompassing what you are genuinely interested in.

By Evie (Biomedical Science, University of Oxford)

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Looking for a BioMed Personal Statement Tutor or Support For Your Wider Biomedical Science Application?

Biomed personal statement tutoring.

U2’s Oxbridge-educated mentors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in a Biomedical personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidates own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxford BioMed Tutoring

We also offer tutoring for students looking for support throughout the Oxford application process (book a free consultation to discuss options). We have a large team of Oxford Biomedical Science tutors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxford Biomed tutor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study Biomed at the University of Oxford and are well-placed to guide students through biomed personal statement curation, the BMAT and the interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the tutor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular Biomedical Science application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate. Mentors ensure each student refines their interests within Biomedical Science, and is exposed to a range of key themes and topics. Together, we build a case for the student, solidifying the stance and direction they will take during interview. We also provide extensive admissions test and interview preparation support.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and tutor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , Medicine or Biology Summer School and Oxbridge mock interview days . Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

How to Write a Biology Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

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26 October 2023

5 minutes read

Crafting the Perfect Biomedical Science Personal Statement for Oxford


Dirghayu Kaushik


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  • Introduction

Your personal statement is your opportunity to shine when applying to top universities like Oxford for a biomedical science degree. Crafting a compelling biomedical science personal statement can be challenging, but with the right guidance, you can stand out from the crowd.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key elements of a successful personal statement, share examples, and provide valuable tips to help you succeed in your application.

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  • What Is a Biomedical Science Personal Statement?

Your biomedical science personal statement is a crucial part of your UCAS application to Oxford University. It’s a chance to showcase your passion for biomedical science, your suitability for the program, and your enthusiasm for learning about the complexities of the human body. Admissions tutors want to see evidence of your intellectual curiosity and dedication to the field.

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  • Writing Your Biomedical Science Personal Statement

1. Start with a Strong Opening

Your opening should grab the reader’s attention. Consider sharing a personal anecdote or a moment that ignited your passion for biomedical science. For example:

“From a young age, I was captivated by the intricate workings of the human body. Watching a documentary about the human brain’s astounding complexity was my ‘Eureka’ moment, inspiring me to pursue a career in biomedical science.”

2. Highlight Your Academic Achievements

Discuss your academic journey, including A-levels, coursework, or any summer schools you attended. Emphasize your passion for biology and chemistry, and how these subjects have prepared you for studying biomedical sciences at Oxford.

“During my A-levels, I delved deep into biology and chemistry, gaining a profound understanding of the biochemical processes that govern the human body. My coursework in genetics and cellular biology further fueled my passion for biomedical science.”

3. Showcase Your Curiosity and Enthusiasm

Share instances where your intellectual curiosity drove you to explore beyond the standard syllabus. Mention any EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) you undertook or books, podcasts, or documentaries related to biomedical science that you’ve delved into.

“Beyond the confines of my A-level syllabus, I undertook an EPQ on ‘The Future of Genetic Engineering,’ delving into the ethical implications and potential breakthroughs in the field. This project not only deepened my knowledge but also sharpened my critical thinking skills.”

4. Demonstrate Your Skills

Discuss your teamwork skills, problem-solving abilities, and time management. Show how you’ve worked harmoniously in diverse mechanisms, whether in a laboratory setting or during positions of responsibility, such as being a prefect or mentor.

“As a prefect in my secondary school, I honed my leadership and teamwork skills by organizing events and fostering a sense of community among students. These experiences have prepared me to collaborate effectively with peers in the rigorous academic environment of Oxford.”

5. Mention Relevant Experiences

If you’ve had the opportunity to shadow a biomedical scientist or work on projects related to the field, highlight these experiences. Describe what you’ve learned and how they’ve influenced your decision to pursue a biomedical sciences degree.

“Shadowing a biomedical scientist at a local hospital allowed me to witness the practical applications of my academic knowledge. It reinforced my desire to work in a laboratory setting, conducting research that can directly impact patient care.”

6. Express Your Career Aspirations

Convey your long-term goals and how a degree in biomedical sciences from Oxford will help you achieve them. Mention your keen interest in areas like neuroscience, genetics, or cellular biology.

“My ultimate goal is to contribute to the field of neuroscience by researching neurodegenerative diseases and developing treatments that can improve the lives of patients. Oxford’s renowned medical sciences division is the ideal place to nurture my passion and make a meaningful impact.”

7. Reflect on Your Motivation

Discuss what drives you to pursue a career in biomedical science and how you plan to contribute to the field. Show that you don’t take the complexity of the human body for granted and are determined to make breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment.

“The intricate and often enigmatic nature of the human body is a source of endless fascination for me. I realize the profound responsibility that comes with studying biomedical science, and I am driven to uncover its secrets and advance our understanding for the betterment of healthcare.”


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  • Biomedical Science Personal Statement Examples

Crafting a compelling personal statement can be challenging, but it becomes easier when you have examples to draw inspiration from. Below are excerpts from real biomedical science personal statements that highlight different aspects of a successful application.

Example 1: Passion for Patient Care

“My journey into the world of biomedical science began during my high school years when a family member was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. Witnessing their struggle ignited a passion within me to pursue a career that would allow me to contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions.

Through rigorous coursework and voluntary work at a local clinic, I have come to realize that biomedical science is the bridge between my love for biology and my desire to make a tangible difference in people’s lives.”

This example demonstrates how personal experiences can shape one’s commitment to biomedical science, emphasizing the desire to make a direct impact on patient care.

Example 2: Research Enthusiasm

“During my A-levels, I undertook a research project exploring the potential applications of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in treating genetic disorders. The excitement of conducting experiments and analyzing data convinced me that a career in biomedical science was my calling. I’m eager to delve deeper into the world of genetics and contribute to groundbreaking research that can revolutionize healthcare.”

This example showcases a student’s enthusiasm for research and how their academic endeavors have led them to pursue a career in biomedical science.

Example 3: Interdisciplinary Interest

“What fascinates me most about biomedical science is its interdisciplinary nature. It combines elements of biology, chemistry, and medicine to unravel the mysteries of the human body.

My interest in this field has been further fueled by my involvement in a summer school program, where I had the opportunity to collaborate with students from diverse backgrounds. This experience reinforced my belief that addressing complex healthcare challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach.”

This example emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of biomedical science and how collaboration with peers from various fields can enhance one’s understanding and capabilities.

Example 4: The Pursuit of Innovation

“In an era of rapid scientific advancement, I am eager to be at the forefront of innovation in biomedical science. From my involvement in science podcasts and documentaries to my exploration of genetically targeted therapies, I am constantly seeking ways to stay updated on the latest developments. I aspire to be a part of the next wave of breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment.”

Here, the applicant underscores their commitment to staying current with advancements in the field and their ambition to contribute to future innovations.

Example 5: Global Perspective

“My passion for biomedical science extends beyond borders. Volunteering in medically underserved communities during a gap year opened my eyes to global healthcare disparities.

I am driven to not only excel academically but also use my skills to address healthcare challenges in diverse settings. Oxford’s reputation for fostering a global perspective aligns perfectly with my aspirations.”

This example illustrates the applicant’s global outlook and their desire to use their biomedical science education to make a positive impact on a broader scale.

Crafting a standout biomedical science personal statement for Oxford requires time, effort, and a genuine passion for the subject. Be sure to tailor your statement to reflect your unique experiences and aspirations. With the right approach, you can increase your chances of securing a place in one of the top universities for biomedical sciences in the world. Good luck!

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the ideal length for a biomedical science personal statement?

Your personal statement should be no longer than 4,000 characters or 47 lines. It’s important to be concise while conveying all necessary information.

Q2: Can I mention extracurricular activities in my personal statement?

Yes, if they are relevant to your passion for biomedical science or demonstrate skills like teamwork and leadership.

Q3: What if I have no prior experience in biomedical science?

That’s okay. Highlight your enthusiasm, curiosity, and any related experiences or coursework that show your commitment to the field.

Q4: Should I mention Oxford specifically in my personal statement

Yes, mentioning why you want to study at Oxford and what you admire about their program can strengthen your statement.

Q5: Can I get professional help with my personal statement?

While it’s important to write your personal statement yourself, you can seek guidance from teachers, advisors, or tutors to improve it.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction
  • • What Is a Biomedical Science Personal Statement?
  • • Writing Your Biomedical Science Personal Statement
  • • Biomedical Science Personal Statement Examples
  • • Conclusion
  • • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements

Your Personal Statement is the first demonstration of your character that the admissions teams at Oxford and Cambridge will see. Your perfect Personal Statement can only be written by yourself as it has to convey exactly who you are, why you want to study at Oxbridge and why you deserve to be there. But that doesn't mean help isn't available. There are many things to learn that can improve the effectiveness of your statement when implemented correctly. One of the best ways to get a deeper understanding of what makes a good Personal Statement is to read successful statements that have transferable qualities. This page features over 25 Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements from a whole variety of subjects. Read through them and learn what makes them so good (as well as the mistakes that some make), so that you can create a strong base for your own writing.

Why are Personal Statements Important?

Your personal statement is essentially you introducing yourself to the Oxbridge admissions teams and explaining why you should be given an offer on their courses. It’s a piece of writing that will have a lasting impact throughout the application process, so you need to make the best first impression.

The admissions teams aren’t just interested in the achievements that you have made or the grades you have earned; they are looking for applicants with the right attitude for the course. They need applicants who can go the extra mile, have a true understanding of the subject and have the qualities needed to become successful in their chosen field. All of these things can be expressed in a well-written personal statement.

How To Prepare for your Personal Statement

Your personal statement may not be prepared for in the same way as an entrance exam, but there are still things you can do both before and during the writing process.

Firstly, it’s a good idea to view examples of successful personal statements, such as the 25 + available below. It helps to view those related to your chosen subject, but there are still benefits to looking through as many as possible. 

Beyond this, learning specific techniques and advice from experts will also help. Our Premium Oxbridge Programmes provide a wide variety of support, including books and courses, all of which are designed to help you write the perfect personal statement. View our courses page to find out everything that we can do to help your application. 

Download our FREE 80-Page Personal Statement Starter Guide

We have developed an 80-page E-Book filled with expert Personal Statement Advice. Inside, you’ll find guides on planning and writing your personal statement, as well as our full collection of 25+ Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements. 

To access all this for free, just enter your name and email address and you’ll be sent the guide directly to your inbox. 

Successful Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

Successful humanities personal statements, cambridge law ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, oxford law ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford law & french ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford economics & management ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge economics ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, cambridge land economy ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge classics ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford classics ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, cambridge pbs ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, oxford psychology ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge philosophy ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford ppe ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge english ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, oxford english language & literature ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford modern languages ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford geography ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford history ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, successful science personal statements, cambridge medicine ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford medicine ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, cambridge veterinary medicine ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, kcl dentistry ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, cambridge natural sciences (bio) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, cambridge natural sciences (phy) ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford physics ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford chemistry ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, cambridge engineering ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford engineering ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge maths & physics ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford computer science ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, personal statement posts from our blog.

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Successful Personal Statement Example For Computer Science At Oxford

Read through a successful Computer Science Personal Statement for Oxford with a full analysis by Oxbridge Tutors. Find out why the Personal Statement helped the candidate to receive an Oxford offer.

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Biomedical sciences personal statements

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On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study biomedical sciences and related courses at university.

These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get some ideas and inspiration for your own personal statement.

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Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

My goal in studying Biomedical Science is to achieve a deeper knowledge of the human body. I respect people who dedicate their lives to help others in need and using their knowledge for the greater good. Since I was born and raised in the Philippines, I understand the need for Biomedical Science especially in lower economically developed countries where health issues such as malaria and tuberculosis have affected the country. Having an awareness of this issue at a young age has led to my curiosity in Biomedical Science.

I believe independence is a key attitude for university. Studying Biology and Chemistry required me to think logically and learning mechanisms in chemistry often involved critical thinking. I try to consolidate my understanding by further research such as studying the mechanism for diazotisation. Likewise, practical work such as dissections and ester synthesis has taught me to be patient. I have learnt to work in a standardised manner whilst being structured in collecting and recording data. Similarly I have learnt to be efficient in my studies and research when I was completing my EPQ on the ethics of drug trials. Whilst researching, I have learnt to work within deadlines and manage my workload in a productive manner which I believe is a key necessity for studying science.

I was also fortunate to do work shadowing in my local hospital focusing on endoscopy, surgery and A&E. I shadowed several medical professionals and I learnt how important it is for them to work together harmoniously especially in diagnosis and prognosis. This experience has helped me understand the responsibilities that a healthcare professional must adhere to ranging from providing a good standard of care and being honest and open whilst acting with integrity.

In addition, I am currently completing my DofE Gold award which allowed me to develop my skills in decision making. This involved both teamwork and individual tasks which required me to be patient and resilient in duties such as cook work and map reading. Similarly, I travelled to Ecuador in the summer of 2014 where I undertook voluntary work. This gave my additional insight to problems that other poorer countries face. During my time there, I gained confidence in speaking and socialising with other people whilst working as a team to achieve a task such as making cement. I try my best and seize hold of every opportunity given to me. In Ecuador, I realised I have a privileged life and I have grown to become more grateful for the things we take for granted.

Whilst in secondary school, when I was a prefect, I was responsible for helping younger students. I enjoyed mentoring and assisting the lower years as it helped with my development of leadership and communication skills. I also have a passion for photography . It is a way to express feelings and provides a way to develop my creativity and relieve stress. Moreover, I am learning to play the ukulele and the demand for time and effort has made me develop a sense of persistence and commitment to learn new skills.

I hope to continue my development and aim to understand the spectrum of knowledge that Biomedical Science offers. I am a self-motivated, determined individual and I look forward to the academic and social challenges of university. I am aware of the demands and difficulties of a science based career but my aspiration to learn Biomedical Science has only been strengthened by my paramount desire to help others.

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Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Since studying science at primary school level, I have been compelled by the complex and dynamic nature of...

Health is the most important aspect of life; without health all else is useless. Although often unseen, bi...

I have always aspired to pursue a career that shows my passion for science. As my learning developed, I re...

The human body has never ceased to astound me with its diverse mechanisms each working to maintain our lif...

oxford university biomedical science personal statement

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10 Top Tips for an Oxford Human Sciences Personal Statement 

Your Oxford Human Sciences personal statement is a crucial component in your Oxford application. It gives you a chance to articulate why you’re particularly interested in Human Sciences and to distinguish yourself from other applicants. While Oxford admissions tutors are most interested in your academic performance and ability, a great personal statement could make all the difference between you and a candidate with the same grade. Additionally, it offers the Oxford interviewer a focal point to base discussions around your personality and interests. Ultimately, they can deduce your commitment to the subject you’re applying for. 

To help guide you through the process, our Oxford application experts have compiled a list of top 10 tips. It includes everything you should and should not do for your Human Science Personal Statement for the 2024/25 application cycle. 

human sciences Oxford personal statement

Human Sciences is an interdisciplinary degree course which enables students to study humans from multiple interconnecting perspectives across the biological and social sciences. Underlying the degree concept is the recognition that it is important to understand connections among biological, social, and cultural phenomena in order to address the major issues and problems humans face in a rapidly changing world. When planning out your Oxford Human Sciences personal statement, make sure you research Oxford’s achievements and use it as a guide to illustrate your interest in Human Sciences. 

Top 5 Tips for an Oxford Human Sciences Personal Statement

Tell your story.

Your story of how you considered a degree in Human Sciences’ and why you applied to Oxford should be what distinguishes you from other applicants. Outline why you want to pursue a degree in Human Sciences. Consider your future career plans, extra-curricular work. Also address why you chose to study at Oxford over all other universities.

What makes you suitable

Your application should demonstrate what makes you an ideal candidate to study Human Sciences at Oxford. What skills or experience do you have? Since it’s such a varied degree, are there any experiences you can draw on that not only make you suitable for studying Human Sciences but also to be an Oxford University student. 

Read around the subject you’re applying for

The competition at Oxford will be great. Extracurricular reading is a good way to stand out from other students and this can range from reading books or journals. A typical book is ‘The Selfish Gene’ by Richard Dawkins, or a podcast such as ‘ Hidden Brain .’ Be sure to have some things to talk about as you may be questioned at an interview.

oxbridge personal statements

Proofread & read your work out loud

Once you’re happy with the content of your draft, check it and then check it again! Useful people to ask to proofread your work include a teacher in the field, a current Oxford student, and a student who is studying Human Sciences. Oxbridge Mind also offer a personal statement check . By allowing people to take a look at your Human Sciences Oxford personal statement, they would be able to pick up mistakes or name improvements that you may have missed.

Why Human Sciences

What was it that first got you interested in Human Sciences? Consider why you would be an ideal Oxford candidate too. What skills or experience do you have? Examples include analytical and critical thinking skills. What careers will this degree open for you and how does this align with your own plans for the future.

human sciences personal statement Oxford

Top 5 things to AVOID for your Oxford Human Sciences Personal Statement

Writing a list of achievements.

Reflect and expand on some key points to demonstrate your understanding and what you have learnt from them rather than listing achievements which will appear tedious. Talk about the skills you have gained from the work you have undertaken. How have these skills furthered your desire to study Human Sciences, and to study at Oxford University.

Don’t write anything that isn’t true

Don’t exaggerate. You may be asked to provide evidence of your stated achievements, or if you are interviewed you may be asked detailed questions about things you’ve mentioned. It will reflect poorly on you if you are unable to answer questions about your Human Sciences Oxford personal statement. 

Copying someone else’s personal statements

Don’t plagiarise. Do not copy someone else’s UCAS personal statement or use something you have found on the internet. UCAS uses software to check every personal statement for plagiarism.

Not reflecting on or justifying your point

Write succinctly and explain points without repeating yourself. Examples include analytical skills, and other transferable skills. Remember, quality is always better than quantity- it’s better to expand on a few points than to list every point you can without going into detail.

Don’t sound unprofessional

Steer clear of slang, clichés and quotes. It will sound repetitive to Oxford admissions tutors to hear about how students are “passionate” about their subject or that they have a “thirst for knowledge”. Write about your personal experience with your Human Sciences’ journey, and allow the Oxford admissions tutors to do the rest.

If you’re unsure whether you’ve covered everything in your Human Sciences Oxford personal statement, why not book a personal statement check where our experts will give you feedback within 24 hours and you can even have a 1-1 online session on how to improve your statement.

→What is Oxford Human Sciences?

Oxford Human Sciences is an interdisciplinary field of study that combines aspects of biology, psychology, anthropology, and sociology to better understand human behavior and health. Students studying Human Sciences at Oxford University will explore the social, cultural, biological, and evolutionary aspects of human beings, as well as how they interact with their environment.

→What should I include in my Oxford Human Sciences personal statement?

Your personal statement should highlight your academic background and relevant experiences, as well as your motivation for studying Human Sciences at Oxford. You should also demonstrate your critical thinking skills, ability to analyze complex issues, and passion for understanding human behavior.

→How long should my Oxford Human Sciences personal statement be?

Oxford University recommends that your personal statement should be no longer than 4,000 characters, or about 500 words. It is important to be concise and focus on the most relevant and compelling aspects of your experience and qualifications.

→What qualities are Oxford Human Sciences admissions looking for in applicants?

Oxford Human Sciences admissions are looking for applicants who demonstrate a strong academic record, critical thinking skills, creativity, and a genuine interest in understanding human behavior. They also value experiences that demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.

→How important is the personal statement in the Oxford Human Sciences admissions process?

The personal statement is an important part of the Oxford Human Sciences admissions process, as it provides admissions officers with insights into your academic background, experiences, and motivation for studying Human Sciences. It is an opportunity to showcase your unique perspective and strengths as an applicant.

→Can I get help with my Oxford Human Sciences personal statement?

Yes, there are a range of resources available to help you with your personal statement, including online guides, writing workshops, and tutoring services. However, it is important to ensure that the content of your personal statement is entirely your own and reflects your own thoughts and experiences.

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Medical Biosciences Personal Statement Example – Imperial College London

Home » Application Guide » Medical Biosciences Personal Statement Example – Imperial College London

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Welcome to our collection of Medicine Personal Statement Examples! We’ve searched far and wide to find personal statements from successful applicants all around the UK and asked them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their work for your own inspiration. Today’s subject is from Aneesha, who studies Medical Science at Imperial College London.

Aneesha had a applied to a selection of top medical schools in the UK before receiving an offer from both Imperial and King’s College London .

UniversityKing’s College LondonImperial College LondonUniversity of OxfordUniversity of Southampton
Offer? YesYes

Of course, Aneesha chose the former, so let’s read the personal statement that got her a place at Imperial College London, or skip straight to her feedback to learn what made her personal statement a success!

Please be aware that these examples are meant purely for the sake of inspiration, and should absolutely NOT be used as a model around which to base your own personal statement. UCAS have a rather strict system that detects plagiarism .

Imperial Medicine Personal Statement Example

Whole personal statement.

Medical Science appeals to me because of its mutability. Particularly, the opportunity to continually learn and apply new innovations to help the human body function fascinates me. A teacher opened my eyes to how science is linked with all aspects of our life, prompting me to choose Biology at my A/Level. Human Biology in particular interested me. I realised how the various organ systems need to work in tandem to keep our bodies functioning.   Visiting a Surgical Intensive Care Unit opened my eyes to instances in which congenital disorders destabilised the functioning of the entire body, which I was not able to glean from my textbooks.

Seeing an ETU function highlighted how stressful a medical career can be. Often, a single doctor on shift had to prioritise among patients who had been waiting for hours, and were heckling the doctor. I was impressed by their ability to keep calm and make swift decisions based on a range of symptoms. A highlight of my work experience was being able to see a Caesarean section delivery. I saw how everyone from the nurses to the surgeons contributed towards the procedure. Observing how the team supported the mother, calmly explaining what she could expect, and holding her hand through the pain, opened my eyes to the level of empathy and reliability required in this profession.

Shadowing a consultant in a Paediatric Preliminary Care Unit, I witnessed her dismiss a child’s concerns about an abdominal pain, and spoke to the mother in medical terms which did not effectively communicate the problem to her. On the other hand, another demonstrated how good communication can work wonders in drawing a patient out, with relatively simple questions like, “Have you eaten lunch yet?” This proved to be a highly thought-provoking experience, highlighting the importance of communication in medical practice.

During a project to raise funds for a local orphanage, we visited and spent hours with the children. I realised that what made them happiest was not the items we donated, but the fact that we spent time with them. The realisation that care is more valued than material items was humbling.

I wish to study abroad as repeated closure of local universities due to student unrest is discouraging and challenging. I wish to study in England as I have previously lived in the UK for a period of 5 years, and I am acclimated to the culture and language. English is also the main language of instruction of my current school. I hence believe that England would be a solid environment to be in whilst away from home.

Ranking second in the country at my GCE O/Level and maintaining a high academic level in my A/Level years has given me the confidence that I am able to cope with the academic demands of a medical degree.


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Imperial Medicine Personal Statement Example Analysis

Now, let’s go section by section and see what Aneesha has to say about what she wrote:  



Beginning with what fascinates me about the course and including real life experience to back it up demonstrates my enthusiasm and excitement for my chosen degree, as well as an understanding of what a career in medicine could involve. An introduction needs to quickly get the point across that you have a genuine reason for joining this course and that you would be an asset to the university for this reason. This is especially true when your explanation dives deeper into actual subject knowledge rather than staying surface level. If you plan on specialising into a specific area, mention it (although you need to be careful not to come off as stuck in your ways and unable to explore new fields).

In terms of improvements, I could’ve introduced my other reason for studying medicine in my introduction. As I have chosen to write my personal statement in a narrative style, my motivation for studying medicine is laid out chronologically, however I feel that introducing these ideas earlier on could improve the overall structure of my personal statement and make me appear to be a more diverse candidate.

These two paragraphs both cover my ‘work experiences’ and generally have a similar format, so I felt it was best to discuss them together. In these paragraphs, I have reflected on my experiences in hospital and a clinical environment, which demonstrates that I am able to learn from experience. It also demonstrates a realistic understanding of a career in medicine and its challenges. A general rule of thumb is that any work experience like this needs to be discussed in-depth when writing a personal statement. It’s the most relevant and some of the most challenging work experience you can do pre-med school. It’s also good to focus more on what you learnt and witnessed compared to the work you actually did. The lessons learnt from the professionals are more valuable than any amount of assisting and busy-work you likely had to do during your time there!

The biggest flaw with this section is with the structure. I feel that these paragraphs may seem a little disjointed, as I have taken different experiences and written them without including any statement tying these experiences together. These experiences aren’t too different from each other, so it shouldn’t have been too hard to find a theme that links them together and explains how everything discussed helped me grow as a person.

In my “work in a local orphanage” paragraph, I have demonstrated that I am able to work in a professional capacity, which is always a sign of a good candidate early on ( voluntary work is always a good look as well). I have also reflected on this experience and tied it back to how this experience is of value to develop skills necessary in my career of choice. Best of all, it shows the humility that anyone needs when working in medicine, as it is primarily a human subject.

It’s a very short section though, so I could have brought in more examples of work placements and how these experiences have shaped me, and reflected further on how these experiences helped me develop my understanding of myself and my capabilities. These wouldn’t have had to have been as in-depth as my work experience discussion, but mention more examples of learning experiences will show a more well-rounded character on the page.

In my “why do I want to study abroad” paragraph, I have highlighted a few reasons why I have chosen to leave home and learn in a completely new environment. I have also demonstrated that I feel confident in being able to acclimatise myself to this new environment. This may not be the most relevant information to provide in a personal statement, although it does display a great strength of my character and the skill of perseverance.

However, I feel that I could have highlighted what about the education system and course delivery in the UK interests me, and how I feel that this academic environment would be the best place for me to complete my degree and develop my skills. One piece of advice I can definitely give is this: UK applicant’s don’t really need to add a section like this to their personal statements!

As a school prefect, dealing with my peers who faced issues such as stress, mental health concerns, and coming to terms with a horrific terrorist bombing, I was required to be an empathic listener and someone who was willing to actively help my fellow students. I understood my capacity to help, but knew my limitations. The emotional demand also taught me how to keep myself healthy whilst helping.

Music is my outlet, and I find time to play in a number of orchestras and sing chorally. Playing with the Sri Lanka Symphony Orchestra, I have been able to meet people of various social strata, ethnicities, religions and sexualities. As leader of my school orchestra, I learned the value of being organized and punctual, and how to lead a team, which I feel are transferable in my career of choice.

These paragraphs again link together fairly closely, so it’s easier to analyse them together. In this “school/extra-curricular activities” section, I have demonstrated my academic capabilities as well as the skills I have developed in teamwork, communication , leadership and resilience , all of which are invaluable . While I have not gone too in-depth into any of these, it’s not really that necessary as they are all just smaller things that combine into a larger selection of skills and life lessons.

This paragraph could have been improved if I had linked it back to my paragraph on my work experience, and how the characteristics I developed linked back to my observations and reflections of a clinical environment. Having many individual experiences only gets you so far in your personal statement, almost anyone can go and do some of these things. The strength of them come from what you learn from them and how you can use all these experiences together to become a better medical worker. There are also some areas here that aren’t strictly necessary. If I had needed more space in other areas of the statement, this would have been the first place to make cuts.

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Having seen the emotional and intellectual demand associated with medicine I feel it is a career which is both stimulating and ultimately rewarding. This is why I hope to follow this discipline through my life.

In my conclusion, I have briefly summed up all of the ideas I brought out through my personal statement, which links my paragraphs together and highlights what I feel are the key aspects of this statement. This is exactly what a conclusion should do. There’s no need to add extra information or anything else in the last moments of you statement, all you need to do is reflect upon and summarise what you’ve said.

This conclusion could have been further strengthened if I had mentioned a few key areas of my statement more specifically, in order to further demonstrate my understanding of what I feel are the most important segments. The reader wants to know that you fully understand what you’ve written and are genuine about the points you’ve made. The conclusion is the perfect place to do this, so being more specific, although not overly detailed, is a good idea.

Final Thoughts

I think my personal statement is honest and reflective, and the narrative style I have written it in demonstrates my journey in arriving at the conclusion I have. I feel that I have addressed several important questions such as why I have chosen this degree, what I have done to further my understanding of my chosen career, and how my personal experiences have shaped me in a way that lead to my choices. I also feel the answers I have provided are effective and convincing, using my real world experience to prove my commitment and skill in the field of medicine.

I feel that the structure of my personal statement is a little disjointed at times, as I have written about a number of experiences without linking them together. Providing the links in your development is the best way to legitimise what you have said and make for a more believable and engaging story. This problem is highlighted in my conclusion, which could have pointed out the key points in my statement better. This would have helped round out the statement and make the important parts of what I said stick out in the reader’s mind after they finished reading.

So there you have it! This personal statement helped Aneesha get a place at imperial College London! Everyone has different experiences and abilities, so you may not be able to relate to everything that was said in this personal statement. However, the information and advice provided by Aneesha is universal and will help any applicant write a better personal statement!  

Be sure to check out more Medicine Personal Statement Analyses to see advice from all different kinds of applicants, including Ali Abdaal himself! Or if you want to get started on your own statement, check out 6med’s Medicine Mastery Bundle for all the support and resources you’ll ever need for your medicine application!

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Biomedical science personal statement example 2.

Looking back to when I was studying GCSE’s I remember fondly my science classes and recall my enthusiasm to participate and absorb the knowledge being taught by my teachers. These classes exposed me to a lot of different and amazing topics, Homeostasis being one of them which held my attention and curiosity completely. This process intrigued me due to the biological reactions that are linked between every organ, tissues and cells of our body which keep us alive. Studying Biomedical Sciences would teach me a vast array of different topics like Anatomy, Cellular Biology and Pharmacology which would give me a further understanding on the functions of life.

Studying Biology at A- level has answered only a few of my queries about the human body and has improved my analytical skills. Studying chemistry at A- level has improved my logical skills as we learned complex chemical reactions like the formation of aspirin from acid anhydrides.

I have completed the EPQ which is on “How does antibacterial resistance happen and can it be replaced by alternatives?” This topic involved researching about the different mechanisms on how antibiotic resistance is spread between bacteria which caused a new strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Researching and completing my EPQ improved my organisational skills which I believe is essential for this university course. I have also read several articles like “Hepatitis C- working towards a treatment” by Rebecca Grey which is from the Biological Sciences Review and “World's first malaria vaccine on course for 2015” which is by Andy Coghlan which is from the magazine New Scientist, these articles are very informative and have increase my knowledge of diseases.

At my college I am a Subject Representative for Biology. This involves me planning and organising learner forums which allow us to recommend to teachers how to improve the teaching of Biology. Also as a subject representative I helped introduce new students to the Biology A-Level course.

I have completed my work experience at Royal Brompton Hospital and at a GP’s surgery. These work experiences were in different environments which taught me different skills and knowledge. In the hospital work experience I got to observe a real CT scan of a patient suffering from cystic fibrosis.

Seeing the image of the lungs of a cystic fibrosis sufferer and comparing it to the lungs of a normal person fascinated me and it makes me want to understand how the excess build-up of mucus in the cystic fibrosis sufferer affects the biological reactions in the body. At the GP’s surgery I had got to witness an electrocardiogram of an elderly person which helped me understand the different stages of the heart cycle.

I volunteer at a charity shop every week. This has helped me to contribute to my community. Working at the charity shop has improved my communication skills a lot as I am dealing with many varied customers. I have also raised money for charities for example I helped to raise over £300 for the “Catholic Worker Farm” I did this by advertising around the school by making posters and having a short presentation at tutorial.

I am also part of the College’s Debating Club in which we debate often about current topics. I came in second place in the colleges debating tournament which was held at my college. This has helped to make me a more confident and articulate person.

I was elected unanimously for my College’s Student Council which reflects my leadership skills and I was also part of my College’s girl’s football club; this helped to improve teamwork skills and motivational skills.

Finally In conclusion I believe that if given the opportunity I can flourish into a successful student excelling in every avenue of the topic that I will be chosen to study. I believe studying about the human body and life is a never ending journey because as we evolve so does science and the people who research it.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by missbs18 for application in 2014.

missbs18's university choices St George's Hospital Medical School Queen Mary, University of London King's College London The University of Warwick University College London

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

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Hope you like it :)

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Statement of Purpose 

The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen degree program, noting the experiences that shaped your research ambitions, indicating briefly your career objectives, and concisely stating your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Your degree program of interest may have specific guidance or requirements for the statement of purpose, so be sure to review the degree program page for more information. Unless otherwise noted, your statement should not exceed 1,000 words. 

Personal Statement

Please describe the personal experiences that led you to pursue graduate education and how these experiences will contribute to the academic environment and/or community in your program or Harvard Griffin GSAS. These may include social and cultural experiences, leadership positions, community engagement, equity and inclusion efforts, other opportunities, or challenges. Your statement should be no longer than 500 words.

Please note that there is no expectation to share detailed sensitive information and you should refrain from including anything that you would not feel at ease sharing. Please also note that the Personal Statement should complement rather than duplicate the content provided in the Statement of Purpose. 

Visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a Personal Statement is required. The degree program pages will be updated by early September indicating if the Personal Statement is required for your program.

Writing Sample 

Please visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a writing sample is required. When preparing your writing sample, be sure to follow program requirements, which may include format, topic, or length. 

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