Overpopulation Essay

500 words essay on overpopulation.

Overpopulation refers to an undesirable condition in which the number of existing human being exceeds the actual carrying capacity of the earth. It has many causes which range from a decline in the death rate to early marriages and more. The overpopulation essay will throw light on this issue.

overpopulation essay

Ill-Effects of Overpopulation

The ill-effects of overpopulation are quite severe. The first one is that natural resources deplete at a faster level. Our planet can produce only a limited amount of water and food . Thus, overpopulation causes environmental damage including deforestation, pollution, etc.

Similarly, there is the degradation of the environment which happens because of the overuse of resources like coal, oil, natural gases and more. As a result, the quality of air also gets affected in this manner.

In developing countries, overpopulation puts a strain on resources. Thus, it gives rise to conflicts and tension. It also causes more diseases that become harder to control. Next up, we have the issue of unemployment.

Moreover, it rises due to overpopulation. There is more number of people than job opportunities. As a result, unemployment gives rise to crimes like theft and more. We also have pandemics and epidemics which happen due to overpopulation.

It is because overcrowded and unhygienic living gives rise to infectious diseases . Another ill-effect is malnutrition and starvation. When there are scarce resources, these diseases will likely to be on the rise.

Most importantly, we have a shortage of water which makes it tougher for people to get access to clean water. Similarly, lower life expectancy also happens because of the boom in population, especially in less-developed nations.

We also witness faster climate change as nations continue to develop their industrial capacities. Thus, they emit industrial waste which gives rise to global temperatures . It will keep getting worse if things are not checked immediately.

Solutions of Overpopulation

There are many solutions which we may take up to prevent overpopulation. The best measure is family planning to keep the overpopulation check. In order to do that, one can ensure proper spacing between the births of the children.

Further, limiting the number of children as per income and resources must also be important. Similarly, it is essential to increase resources. The government must make the horrors of overpopulation reach the public through the use of media.

Moreover, better education can help implement social change which can curb overpopulation. Next up, knowledge of sex education must be made mandatory in schools so students learn young about everything they need to know.

Most importantly, it is essential to empower women so they can break out of poverty. This way, they can learn about reproductive health and make better decisions. Another solution can be government incentives.

Many governments of countries already have various policies which relate to tax exemptions for curbing overpopulation. For instance, some waive a certain part of income tax for married couples with one or two children.

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Conclusion of Overpopulation Essay

All in all, overpopulation is no less than a curse that poses a permanent threat to the development of any country. It is essential to stop the flood of population. In order to do that, one must indulge in proper family planning and creating balance in society for a better world.

FAQ of Overpopulation Essay

Question 1: What is the main cause of overpopulation?

Answer 1: It is believed that the main cause of overpopulation is poverty. When there is a lack of education resource which coupled with high death rates, it results in impoverished areas witnessing large booms in population.

Question 2: How is overpopulation affecting the world?

Answer 2: Overpopulation is affecting the world as it is outpacing the ability of the planet earth to support it. It also has environmental and economic outcomes which range from the impacts of over-farming on global warming.

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Overpopulation Essay: Causes and Solutions

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Essay on Overpopulation

Kunika Khuble

Introduction to Overpopulation

Our planet has experienced an extraordinary population increase, highlighting the pervasive challenge of overpopulation. Earth is home to over 8 billion individuals, a staggering number that is continuously increasing. This surge, which reflects an exponential growth trajectory, is pushing us into an era where the implications of overpopulation are looming ominously over our collective future.

The relentless surge in global population poses a formidable challenge to the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems and the well-being of its inhabitants. Overpopulation, defined as the condition where the number of individuals in a given area surpasses the environment’s capacity to support them, has become a pressing concern on a global scale. As we navigate the 21st century, the world witnesses unprecedented demographic shifts and exponential population growth. This essay explores the complex issues of overpopulation, analyzing its root causes and significant effects on the environment and society and outlining workable strategies to lessen its effects. Recognizing and treating overpopulation is essential to building a sustainable future for future generations in a world where human footprints are considerably larger than the planet’s natural boundaries.

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Causes of Overpopulation

Causes of Overpopulation

Here are some of the primary factors contributing to this global predicament:

  • High Birth Rates : In many regions, particularly developing countries, cultural and religious factors often encourage more prominent families. Limited access to family planning and education further maintains high birth rates.
  • Decreased Death Rates : Healthcare, sanitation, and medicine advances have significantly reduced mortality rates worldwide. This has increased life expectancy, contributing to a larger overall population.
  • Migration : Rural-to-urban migration within countries and international migration from less developed to more developed regions also contribute to population density. Urban centers often attract people for better opportunities and resources, leading to overcrowding.
  • Social Norms and Expectations : Societal norms that favor larger families or place value on male offspring can lead to larger populations. In some cultures, having more children is considered a form of security or status.
  • Improved Quality of Life : Economic growth and technological advancements have improved living standards, leading to better healthcare and increased food production. While positive, these advancements also contribute to sustaining larger populations.
  • Political and Economic Factors : Instability, conflict, and economic disparities can influence population growth. In some cases, political or economic conditions encourage higher birth rates.

Effects of Overpopulation

Overpopulation exerts profound and multifaceted effects on our planet, impacting the environment, society, and economies in ways that demand urgent attention and thoughtful intervention.

A. Environmental Impact

Resource Depletion:

  • The surge in population strains water resources, leading to over-extraction from rivers and aquifers, exacerbating water scarcity.
  • Expanding urbanization and agriculture encroach upon valuable ecosystems, depleting fertile land and threatening biodiversity.
  • Meeting the demands of a burgeoning population places immense pressure on agricultural systems, depleting soil fertility and stressing food production.

Pollution and Climate Change:

  • High population density areas often experience increased industrial activity and vehicle emissions, contributing to air pollution and respiratory diseases.
  • Rapid population growth results in heightened waste production, challenging waste management systems and contributing to pollution.
  • Overpopulation-related increases in carbon emissions speed up the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and harsher weather.

Loss of Biodiversity:

  • The expansion of human habitats leads to habitat destruction, threatening the existence of numerous plant and animal species.
  • Overpopulation contributes to the illegal wildlife trade, further endangering already vulnerable species.

B. Social and Economic Ramifications

Strain on Infrastructure and Public Services:

  • Basic infrastructure, including transportation, healthcare, and sanitation, struggles to keep pace with the growing demands of an expanding population.
  • Public services, such as education and healthcare, face challenges in delivering quality services to an increasing number of people.

Unemployment and Poverty:

  • High-population-density areas often experience elevated levels of unemployment as job opportunities fail to match the pace of population growth.
  • Overpopulation can contribute to a cycle of poverty, where limited resources are stretched thin, hindering social and economic mobility.

Social Unrest and Migration Issues:

  • As marginalized people compete for opportunities and resources, social unrest may result as they demand fair access to basic services.
  • Overpopulation can drive internal and international migration, strain host communities, and create geopolitical tensions.

C. Impact on Healthcare Systems

Spread of Diseases:

  • Living in close quarters with little access to medical facilities fosters an environment that is conducive to the quick spread of infectious diseases. Overpopulation makes it harder to regulate and stop the spread of diseases in both remote rural areas and heavily populated urban centers.
  • The repercussions of this extend far beyond the immediate health crisis, affecting societal well-being and economic stability.

Lack of Access to Healthcare:

  • In regions grappling with overpopulation, disparities in healthcare access become glaringly apparent. Limited resources and overstretched healthcare infrastructures make it difficult for individuals, particularly in marginalized communities, to access essential medical services.
  • This perpetuates health inequalities and poses a formidable barrier to overall societal development.

D. Educational Challenges

Overcrowded Schools:

  • The surge in school-aged children strains educational institutions, leading to overcrowded classrooms and overburdened educators. This not only hampers the quality of education but also diminishes the learning experience for students.
  • Overpopulation in schools is a barrier to achieving the essential goal of providing quality education for all, hindering intellectual growth and perpetuating cycles of poverty.

Limited Resources for Education:

  • Overpopulation places immense pressure on educational resources, ranging from textbooks and classroom space to qualified teachers.
  • These resources are necessary for delivering a robust education, hindering the development of critical skills for individuals to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape. As a result, the cycle of poverty persists, further deepening social inequalities.

Regional Disparities

Regional disparities play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of this global predicament, influencing and exacerbating the challenges faced by different parts of the world.

1. Population Density in Different Regions

The global population distribution is far from uniform, with some regions grappling with high population density while vast, uninhabited expanses mark others. For instance, mega-cities in Asia and Africa witness a concentration of people that strains urban infrastructure and resources. In contrast, sparsely populated areas in North America and Australia present a stark contrast, raising questions about the equitable utilization of the Earth’s finite resources.

2. Impacts on Developed and Developing Nations

Overpopulation affects developed and developing nations differently, amplifying existing disparities. Developed nations often grapple with aging populations, where declining birth rates and increasing elderly citizens pose economic and social challenges. On the other hand, developing nations face the brunt of rapid population growth, straining limited resources, and hindering efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. To close this gap, one must have a sophisticated awareness of the particular difficulties that every group of countries faces.

3. Migration Trends

Overpopulation prompts migration patterns that further contribute to regional imbalances. Individuals and families from densely populated regions often seek economic and social opportunities by migrating to less crowded areas. Whether internal or international, this movement can lead to challenges such as overcrowded urban centers, cultural clashes, and stress on public services. Examining these migration trends provides insights into the complex interplay between overpopulation and regional dynamics.

Here’s a structured overview of potential solutions:

1. Education and Family Planning

  • Importance of Education : When it comes to providing people, particularly women, with information about family planning, reproductive health, and the effects of overpopulation, education is essential. Investing in education, particularly for girls, has proven to correlate with lower fertility rates, contributing to a gradual decrease in population growth.
  • Access to Family Planning Services : Education is crucial for educating people, especially women, about family planning, reproductive health, and the repercussions of overpopulation.

2. Sustainable Development

  • Renewable Energy and Resource Management : Embracing renewable energy sources and implementing efficient resource management strategies can alleviate resource strain. This includes investing in renewable energy technologies, adopting sustainable agricultural practices, and managing water resources effectively.
  • Eco-friendly Technologies : Encouraging the adoption of eco-friendly technologies across industries can minimize environmental degradation. Innovations in waste management, cleaner production processes, and green infrastructure are critical in reducing the ecological footprint of human activities.

3. Government Policies

  • Population Control Measures : Governments can implement policies that promote responsible family planning, such as incentives for smaller families, awareness campaigns, and reproductive health services. Additionally, policies that support women’s rights, gender equality, and empowerment contribute to lower birth rates.
  • Economic Incentives for Sustainable Practices : Governments can introduce economic incentives for businesses and individuals adopting sustainable practices. Tax breaks, subsidies, and investment in green technologies encourage a shift toward environmentally friendly choices.

Case Study: China’s One-Child Policy

China’s population boom in the late 20th century sparked worries about resource shortages and long-term economic viability. In response to these problems, the Chinese government implemented the One-Child Policy in 1979.


Under the One-Child Policy, most urban couples were restricted to having only one child. This policy was enforced through a combination of financial penalties, employment repercussions, and, in some cases, forced sterilizations. While the policy faced criticism for its strict measures and human rights concerns, it significantly impacted population growth.

The One-Child Policy successfully curbed China’s population growth. From 1980 to 2015, China’s population growth rate dropped from 1.2% to 0.5% . The policy prevented an estimated 400 million births. The aging population, gender inequality brought on by the cultural desire for male children, and societal problems brought on by the compulsory implementation were among the unanticipated results that drew criticism for the program.

Revisions and Abandonment

Recognizing the challenges and social implications, the Chinese government gradually relaxed the policy in the late 20th century. In 2015, the policy was officially replaced with a two-child policy, and in 2016, the government allowed all couples to have two children.

Lessons Learned

The One-Child Policy in China serves as a reminder of how crucial it is to weigh population control strategies’ long- and short-term effects. While the policy effectively addressed immediate concerns, its rigid implementation led to unintended social and demographic challenges. This case study emphasizes the need for a balanced and adaptable approach considering population management’s cultural, ethical, and social dimensions.

Current Status

Even after the abandonment of the One-Child Policy, China continues to grapple with demographic challenges, including an aging population and gender imbalances. The experience offers valuable insights into the complexities of implementing population control measures and underscores the importance of a comprehensive and flexible approach.

Future Outlook

Several key elements shape the future outlook:

  • Projected Population Growth: As we project into the future, population estimates vary, but most agree that the world’s population will continue to grow. By 2050, estimates suggest a global population nearing 10 billion people. This growth trajectory will significantly impact global resource demands, environmental stability, and socio-economic structures.
  • Resource Strain and Environmental Impact: The strain on resources will intensify with a burgeoning population. From food and water scarcity to increased energy demands and heightened pressure on ecosystems, overpopulation will exacerbate environmental degradation and climate change. Addressing these challenges requires immediate action and innovative solutions.
  • Technological Innovations and Sustainable Practices: The future outlook is not bleak. Advancements in technology offer promising solutions. From sustainable energy sources to innovations in agriculture and waste management, technological advances provide avenues for mitigating the impacts of overpopulation. Embracing eco-friendly practices and renewable technologies will be crucial for a sustainable future.
  • Socio-economic Transformations: Overpopulation will continue to influence socio-economic landscapes. It will shape job markets, healthcare systems, urban planning, and social services. Governments and societies must adapt policies and structures to accommodate the changing demographics and address inequalities exacerbated by population pressures.
  • Global Collaboration and Responsibility: The future hinges on global cooperation. Overcoming the challenges of overpopulation requires collaborative efforts among nations, organizations, and individuals. Initiatives focused on education, equitable resource distribution, and sustainable development must be globally embraced and supported.
  • Ethical Considerations and Human Rights: Balancing population control measures with ethical considerations and human rights remains paramount. Upholding individual autonomy while addressing the collective challenge of overpopulation necessitates respectful, inclusive, and rights-based approaches.
  • Urgency of Action: The urgency to act cannot be overstated. Delayed action will exacerbate the challenges posed by overpopulation, magnifying its impact on future generations. Immediate steps toward sustainable practices, population education, and policy adaptations are imperative.

Overpopulation is a formidable global challenge, intricately weaving its impact through health and education. Urgent action necessitates comprehensive strategies to address overcrowded living conditions, strained healthcare systems, and compromised educational opportunities. As we navigate these complexities, fostering sustainable development requires a shared commitment to equitable access, robust healthcare infrastructure, and educational reforms. Only through concerted efforts can we pave the way for a balanced future where individuals thrive, societies prosper, and the shadows of overpopulation recede.


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Harvard International Review

Public Health and Overpopulation: The United Nations Takes Action

With the world’s population rising faster than ever before, will our population growth outpace our resource reserves? How can the dangerous effects of overpopulation be managed without diminishing the major improvements in our quality of life that come about thanks to population growth?

The UN projects that over half of the Earth’s population growth in the next three decades will occur in the continent of Africa. This is due to the fact that, from 2010 to 2015, Africa’s population grew at a rate of 2.55 percent annually, with the continent still maintaining the highest pace of population growth among other continents. The UN predicts that, behind Africa, Asia will be the second greatest donor to future international population growth, with an expected addition of approximately one billion people by 2050. In contrast, within every European nation, fertility rates are currently below the population replacement level, which is approximately two children per woman. In most of Europe, fertility rates have remained beneath replacement level for decades. The global population grew fourfold in the past 100 years, so what impact could increased population growth have in the future? Will there be mass-migration? Overcrowding in already densely populated or resource-rich areas? Poor living conditions and sanitation similar to Industrial Revolution era slums?

The global population is currently rising at a steady rate. The number of humans existing on Earth has never been as high as it is now. In 1800, Earth had approximately 1 billion inhabitants, which rose to 2.3 billion in 1940, then 3.7 billion in 1970, and approximately 7.5 billion today. In the last five decades, Earth has experienced an extreme population boom. This phenomenon is known as overpopulation, where the condition in which the amount of humans currently existing on Earth outstrips future resource availability and earth’s carrying capacity. Throughout human history, birth and death rates have always counterbalanced each other, which ensured that Earth had a maintainable population growth level. However, in the 1960s, the global population increased at an unparalleled rate. This brought about a variety of apocalyptic predictions, most prominently, a revival of the Malthusian trap panic.

Paul R. Ehrlich’s 1968 novel, The Population Bomb , eerily echoes Thomas R. Malthus’s landmark 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population . Ehrlich’s novel proposes theories regarding potential outcomes for when agricultural growth does not keep pace with population growth. Ultimately his theories say that the world’s food supply will inevitably become inadequate for feeding the general population, whose numbers would continue to swell until famine, disease epidemics, war, or other calamities took root. These Malthusian predictions about out-of-control population growth have resulted in a variety of detrimental global impacts, particularly the emergence of extreme reproductive control measures, which have taken center stage on an international scale. Today, despite the fact that population scientists mostly agree that Malthus’s forecasts were overblown, the lingering prevalence of these fears have contributed to millions of forced sterilizations in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Indonesia, Bangladesh and India, as well as China’s two-child policy . Overall, this has left many wondering whether extreme population growth projections are legitimate or merely groundless panic perpetuated by alarmists.

The Demographic Transition

In reality, rising birth rates and population booms are components of a four-step process called the demographic transition, which the Earth is currently undergoing. Most developed nations have already made this transition, but other countries are currently experiencing this change. In the 1700s, the entire world was undergoing the first stage of the demographic transition. During this time, the continent of Europe was in even poorer condition than the modern-day definition of a developing region, and was afflicted with inferior public health, sustenance, and medical facilities. Birth rates were higher; however, death rates were also higher. For this reason, population growth remained largely stagnant.

Statistically, in the 1700s, women birthed four to six children. However, on average, only two survived to adulthood. When the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the mid-18th century, the Earth experienced the most significant shift in human lifestyles since the Agricultural Revolution. The Industrial Revolution altered every aspect of society, and fostered a greater sense of global interconnectedness. For example, many peasants became factory workers, manufactured products became widely available due to mass production, and countless scientific advancements improved existing methods of transportation, communication, and medicine.

Gradually, this economic development created a middle class and, after the work of union activists, ultimately raised the standard of living and health care for the impoverished labor demographic. Thus began the second transition stage. The increased availability of better foodstuffs, sanitation, and medicine directly contributed to lower death rates, causing a population explosion that doubled Great Britain’s population from 1750 to 1850. In the past, families tended to have more children because not all were expected to survive, but when child mortality rates decreased, the third transition stage was launched. This stage involves reduced conception rates and slowing population growth. Ultimately, a balance was established, with fewer deaths and births, creating a stable population growth rate and signifying the attainment of the fourth and final stage of the demographic transition.

Even as birth rates have decreased dramatically, Earth’s population is still rising at an alarming rate because the humans conceived during the population boom of the 1970s and 1980s are currently having more children; however, the current average number of children per family remains two and a half, while it was five during the late 1970s. As this generation ages and its fertility diminishes, the rate of population growth will likely continue to decrease in every nation. Most of the world’s countries have reached the fourth stage of the demographic transition. In approximately 80 years, developed countries will experience a reduction in fertility from over six children to fewer than three children. Malaysia and South Africa reached this point in 34 years, Bangladesh in 20 years,  and Iran in 10 years. If developing countries are afforded more support, they will reach this point much faster.

Overall, most scientists postulate that human population growth will eventually come to an end, and the UN predicts that Earth’s population will not exceed twelve billion. Some of the major causes of population growth are reduced infant mortality rates, increased lifespans, higher fertility rates, advances in science and technology, and improved access to proper medical care. With the UN’s continued assistance, concurrent with overpopulation, the development level of the global community will increase, and the number of people living in poverty will decrease. Nonetheless, an ever-expanding human population is an immense social and economic challenge that necessitates the alignment of different national interests, especially with regards to reproductive rights, resource availability, and environmental concerns.

The United Nations Takes Action

In 1969, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was established in order to lead the UN in implementing population programs fundamentally based on the notion of family planning, or the “human right of individuals and couples to freely determine the size of their families” without governmental interference or legislation. In 1994, at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, the designated objectives of the UNFPA were determined in greater depth. It was decided that the UNFPA would specifically focus on the gender and human rights elements of population issues; consequently, the UN Population Fund was granted the lead role in aiding nations in fulfilling the Conference’s Programme of Action.

The three most significant sections of the UN Population Fund mandate are “Reproductive Health,” “Gender Equality,” and “Population and Development.” The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) works to confront the interconnected global issues posed by population growth, which is primarily fueled by rising fertility rates, increased longevity, and greater international migration. The UN produces the official demographic approximations and predictions for every country and all regions of the world. The UNFPA specifically addresses global population by compiling data and statistics regarding migration, fertility, marriage, regional development, urbanization, world population projections, and national population policies.

In November 2012, the UNFPA declared family planning a global human right; however, approximately 12 percent of 15 to 49-year-old women internationally are not afforded access to family planning. This is considered an egregious modern-day human rights infringement. The UNFPA aids various UN bodies like the Commission on Population and Development, and endorses the implementation of the Programme of Action undertaken by the International Conference on Population and Development (IPCD) in 1994. The UNFPA has been successful in urging international cooperation on the issue of securing family planning as a human right, pushing the UN to hold three conferences concerning the issue of population, along with two special sessions of the General Assembly and a summit in 2019 .

The Way Forward

Ultimately, apocalyptic population growth fears are overblown, and as such, draconian population control regulations are unnecessary. We have witnessed progress on an international scale in this area, perhaps most notably with China revoking its infamous, longstanding one-child policy just seven years ago. However, a broader global focus on guaranteeing family planning as a human right remains essential. In the words of economist Julian Simon, “Whatever the rate of population growth is, historically it has been that the food supply increases at least as fast, if not faster.” Since Ehrlich’s initial fear-mongering regarding an overpopulation-​induced Armageddon, the planet’s population has more than doubled . However, annually, famine deaths have dropped by millions. Today’s famines are war-induced, not caused by natural resource consumption. As production rose, prices fell and calorie consumption increased, which decreased malnutrition worldwide. In Simon’s words, human ingenuity is the “ ultimate resource .” Therefore, the enactment of heavy-handed population-​control regulations is not only abhorrent, but is also irrational and unsupported by scientific evidence.

Sophia Scott

Sophia Scott

Sophia Scott is a staff writer for the Harvard International Review. She is interested in global health & health equity, along with the intersections between science and policy.

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104 Overpopulation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Overpopulation is a pressing issue that affects societies around the world. With the global population steadily increasing, it is important to address the challenges and consequences of overpopulation. If you are tasked with writing an essay on overpopulation, it can be helpful to have a list of topic ideas to choose from. Here are 104 overpopulation essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The causes and consequences of overpopulation
  • The impact of overpopulation on the environment
  • Overpopulation and resource depletion
  • Overpopulation and food security
  • Overpopulation and urbanization
  • Overpopulation and poverty
  • Overpopulation and healthcare
  • Overpopulation and education
  • Overpopulation and immigration
  • Overpopulation and social unrest
  • Overpopulation and climate change
  • Overpopulation and economic development
  • Overpopulation and natural disasters
  • Overpopulation and wildlife extinction
  • Overpopulation and water scarcity
  • Overpopulation and energy consumption
  • Overpopulation and pollution
  • Overpopulation and deforestation
  • Overpopulation and biodiversity loss
  • Overpopulation and land degradation
  • Overpopulation and waste management
  • Overpopulation and transportation
  • Overpopulation and public health
  • Overpopulation and global security
  • Overpopulation and sustainable development
  • Overpopulation and gender equality
  • Overpopulation and reproductive rights
  • Overpopulation and family planning
  • Overpopulation and government policies
  • Overpopulation and technological advancements
  • Overpopulation and social inequality
  • Overpopulation and cultural diversity
  • Overpopulation and migration patterns
  • Overpopulation and urban planning
  • Overpopulation and housing shortages
  • Overpopulation and public services
  • Overpopulation and job opportunities
  • Overpopulation and social services
  • Overpopulation and social welfare programs
  • Overpopulation and income inequality
  • Overpopulation and quality of life
  • Overpopulation and population control measures
  • Overpopulation and sustainable agriculture
  • Overpopulation and renewable energy
  • Overpopulation and waste reduction
  • Overpopulation and green technologies
  • Overpopulation and carbon footprint
  • Overpopulation and water pollution
  • Overpopulation and air pollution
  • Overpopulation and noise pollution
  • Overpopulation and soil erosion
  • Overpopulation and desertification
  • Overpopulation and climate change adaptation
  • Overpopulation and disaster preparedness
  • Overpopulation and emergency response
  • Overpopulation and conflict resolution
  • Overpopulation and peacebuilding
  • Overpopulation and international cooperation
  • Overpopulation and diplomacy
  • Overpopulation and humanitarian assistance
  • Overpopulation and sustainable development goals
  • Overpopulation and sustainable cities
  • Overpopulation and smart growth
  • Overpopulation and green infrastructure
  • Overpopulation and sustainable transportation
  • Overpopulation and green building
  • Overpopulation and renewable resources
  • Overpopulation and waste management strategies
  • Overpopulation and recycling initiatives
  • Overpopulation and composting programs
  • Overpopulation and energy efficiency
  • Overpopulation and clean energy technologies
  • Overpopulation and carbon capture
  • Overpopulation and reforestation
  • Overpopulation and wildlife conservation
  • Overpopulation and marine protection
  • Overpopulation and sustainable fishing practices
  • Overpopulation and biodiversity conservation
  • Overpopulation and habitat restoration
  • Overpopulation and species preservation
  • Overpopulation and ecosystem restoration
  • Overpopulation and climate change mitigation
  • Overpopulation and disaster risk reduction
  • Overpopulation and emergency preparedness
  • Overpopulation and humanitarian aid
  • Overpopulation and peacekeeping missions
  • Overpopulation and conflict resolution efforts
  • Overpopulation and peacebuilding initiatives
  • Overpopulation and sustainable development projects
  • Overpopulation and green technology innovations
  • Overpopulation and renewable energy solutions
  • Overpopulation and waste reduction measures
  • Overpopulation and recycling programs
  • Overpopulation and composting initiatives
  • Overpopulation and energy efficiency improvements
  • Overpopulation and carbon capture projects
  • Overpopulation and reforestation efforts
  • Overpopulation and wildlife conservation programs
  • Overpopulation and marine protection efforts
  • Overpopulation and biodiversity conservation projects
  • Overpopulation and habitat restoration initiatives

These overpopulation essay topic ideas and examples can help you explore the complex issues surrounding overpopulation and its impacts on society, the environment, and the economy. By choosing a topic that interests you and conducting thorough research, you can write a compelling essay that sheds light on this important global challenge.

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Overpopulation Myth: New Study Predicts Population Decline This Century

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overpopulation today essay

Human overpopulation is one of the biggest myths we keep needing to debunk. The reason is because this belief has an insidious effect, in some cases leading to profound acts of evil.

How so? First, let's start with the obvious. A belief in human overpopulation is often rooted in racism. Today, those who claim the world is overpopulated point to Africa, India, and Southeast Asia -- in other words, places where impoverished people of color live. They never point to New York City, London, or Paris. Back in the 1840s, the English thought that there were too many Irish people, which is why they didn't bother helping to feed them during the potato famine.

Second, a belief in overpopulation is factually incorrect. Humans are not cockroaches or bacteria. We do not reproduce exponentially until the food runs out. Instead, as a nation becomes richer and more developed, people naturally have fewer children, choosing to invest more of their time and resources into raising one or two children instead of ten. That's been the pattern in every rich country around the world, including the United States .

Despite this, global population models often projected that humanity would continue growing well into the 22nd Century before peaking at around 11 or 12 billion people and then declining. But some demographers are starting to question this. Last year, Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson wrote a book called Empty Planet that claimed that the human population would peak and decline this century, beginning in roughly 30 years. Now, a new study confirms this view.

The Incredible Shrinking Man

Published in The Lancet , a study from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projects that the world population, which now stands at 7.8 billion, will peak in 2064 at 9.7 billion (95% CI: 8.8 billion to 10.9 billion) then fall by 2100 to 8.8 billion (95% CI: 6.8 billion to 11.8 billion). If the UN's Sustainable Development Goals are met, which include education and access to contraception, the authors project a population of 6.3 billion (95% CI: 4.8 billion to 8.7 billion) by 2100, smaller than it is today.

Shockingly, the paper predicts that some countries will see their populations cut in half or more by 2100. Poland, for instance, currently has a population of just under 38 million and is projected to fall to 15.4 million (95% CI: 12 million to 21 million) by the end of the century. (Part of the reason for the dramatic decline in Eastern European populations is due to emigration.) Even China is expected to shrink by roughly half, from 1.4 billion today to 732 million (95% CI: 456 million to 1.5 billion).

A Smaller, Older World

Such a demographic shift will have enormous implications . Not only will the world be smaller, it will be older. How do we keep the global economy healthy if there are far more older, retired people than younger, working people? How will we pay for the healthcare of all the elderly people? Will we need an army of robots to take care of them? Japan is already headed in that direction .

By now, the overpopulation myth should be dead and buried. There isn't a single scrap of data to support it. Instead, we should focus on reality and the consequences that accompany it.

Source : Stein Emil Vollset et al. "Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study." Lancet . Published online: July 14, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30677-2

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overpopulation today essay

Alex Berezow, PhD

Former Vice President of Scientific Communications

Dr. Alex Berezow is a PhD microbiologist, science writer, and public speaker who specializes in the debunking of junk science for the American Council on Science and Health. He is also a member of the USA Today Board of Contributors and a featured speaker for The Insight Bureau . Formerly, he was the founding editor of RealClearScience.

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Is the Earth really overpopulated?

| November 14, 2022 | Leave a Comment

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Image from The Overpopulation Project

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: February 26

Year of Publication: 2018

Publisher: The Overpopulation Project - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Yes, for two main reasons.  First, people are rapidly displacing wildlife species across the globe, initiating a mass extinction event . Second, we are degrading ecosystems that provide essential, irreplaceable environmental services that future generations will need to live decent lives. Both these trends are driven, in large part, by immense and unprecedented numbers of human beings. Because there are too many of us to share the Earth fairly with other species and with future human generations, Earth is overpopulated.

Deforestation in Madagascar- a habitat destruction that have threatened many of Madagascar’s endemic species or driven them to extinction

Overpopulation already exists for billions of poor people living under insecure conditions around the world: on unsuitable land, in unsafe houses, lacking fresh water, or living in severely polluted environments. Natural catastrophes such as drought, flooding, or earthquakes may kill people, but overpopulation does too, by severely increasing people’s vulnerability . But the news media rarely reports this fact.

Overpopulation exists today in crowded mega-cities where many residents have never seen a wild landscape. Even small green spots are disappearing in densely populated urban areas, which will become increasingly crowded as population growth and urbanization continue. The negative effects of crowding and lack of connection to nature are well documented .

Slums in Rio de Janeiro, in one of the world's densest megacities, where overpopulation apparently exists.

We are currently 7.8 billion people and the United Nations predicts an increase of almost 3.5 billion by 2100 if current trends continue. Our overpopulation is obvious if we compare the population in 1960 (3 billion) to today’s and ask questions such as: “How serious a problem would climate change be if we had kept our population at 3 billion?” “How many fewer people would have died due to famine, conflict and war?” “How much less pollution and plastic garbage would there have been?” and “How much less food would have been needed and how many millions of acres of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other ecosystems would have been spared conversion to agricultural use?”

overpopulation today essay

Studies suggest that a future population of 11 or 12 billion could require a doubling of global food production. Tens of millions of people around the world already go to bed hungry every night. Continued population growth, combined with the uncertainties of climate change, could lead to much greater food insecurity in the years ahead. Meanwhile, the attempt to feed ever more people will inevitably come at the expense Earth’s remaining biodiversity, shrinking wild lands and extinguishing many thousands of species. Human beings have no right to act so selfishly and destructively. Earth is their home, too.

It is important to realize that overpopulation exists in many rich countries with too high rates of consumption as well as in many poor countries with too high fertility rates. Every effort should be made reduce consumption rates as well as high birth rates; in combination, these two measures would create a much better future for people on the planet.

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The word ‘overpopulation’ is rarely used by political leaders, the news media, or even many environmentalists. But a recent international survey showed that people in many countries consider overpopulation to be a serious problem. In this case, common people seem to be out in front of their leaders. They are also more willing to consider futures that do not rely on endless growth—an ecological impossibility on a finite planet.

The good news is that it is possible to end global population growth, fairly and without coercion. The right policies have already helped dozens of nations stabilize their populations, and many others have made substantial progress toward doing so. Ending population growth and then allowing population levels to decline as a result of lower fertility levels are necessary steps toward creating ecologically sustainable societies. They will help enable future populations, human and nonhuman, to flourish far into the future.


Do you want to learn more about the  solutions for overpopulation and actions towards sustainability ? What actions we need to take on individual, community, national and global level? Check out the Overpopulation Project’s  list of solutions !

Introduction: Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot

OVER book front cover alternate

The following essay was written by William Ryerson, President of Population Media Center, as the Introduction to Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot. 

MOST CONVERSATIONS ABOUT POPULATION begin with statistics—demographic data, fertility rates in this or that region, the latest reports on malnutrition, deforestation, biodiversity loss, climate change, and so on. Such data, while useful, fails to generate mass concern about the fundamental issue affecting the future of the Earth. In reality, every discussion about population involves people, the world that our children and grandchildren will live to see and the health of the planet that supports all life. In my roles as president of Population Media Center and CEO of the Population Institute, I spend most of my time in developing countries, where many of my friends and acquaintances are educated and prospering. But I also know individuals who are homeless, unemployed, or hungry. The vast majority of people in these societies, regardless of their current status, do not enjoy a safety net. They live from day to day in hopes that their economic circumstances will improve. Abstract statistics on poverty are irrelevant to families struggling to secure the food, water, and resources needed to sustain a decent life. Those who blithely dismiss the challenges posed by population growth like to say that we could physically squeeze 7 billion people into an area the size of Texas. They don’t stop to consider the suffering already caused by overpopulation. The population debate is not about the maximum number of people that could be packed onto the planet. The crucial question is: How many people can the Earth sustain, at a reasonable standard of living, while leaving room for the diversity of life to flourish? There is no precise answer to this question, but the facts overwhelmingly support one conclusion: We cannot go on the way we are going. We are already doing severe and irreparable harm to the planet. Something has to give. If we cannot live sustainably with 7.2 billion people, how are we going to support billions more by the end of this century? The United Nations’ latest “medium-variant” projection indicates that we could have 10.9 billion people by 2100, but that may be an underestimation. Fertility rates in many parts of the world are not falling as fast as previously anticipated. In some countries, both developed and developing, fertility rates are actually on the rise again. In 2014 the global total fertility rate—the average number of children born to each woman during her lifetime—was 2.5. If this rate were to remain unchanged, demographers suggest that we could have 27 billion people on the planet by the end of the century. Given our limited inheritance of soil, water, and arable land, sustaining a global population of that size is not even remotely possible. As vividly illustrated by this book, human numbers and activity are already destroying the planet’s ecological integrity—running roughshod over myriad other species. But it’s not just the environmental damage we’re inflicting that should concern us. Equally appalling is how our actions threaten humanity’s future prospects. We have passed a crucial tipping point. Our quest for greater and greater material prosperity is now impoverishing future generations. The Global Footprint Network estimates that humans already use 150 percent of the Earth’s renewable capacity annually, and it estimates further that by 2030 we will need “two planets” to sustain us. Further growth simply deepens the crisis of ecological “overshoot” as we draw down Earth’s carrying capacity, and it comes at the direct expense of our own children and grandchildren. Is that any kind of way to behave? If you care about people, you must care about what we are doing to the planet. If you care about what we are doing to the planet, you must also care about human numbers. Given a planet with infinite space and resources, population growth could, arguably, be a blessing. We do not live on such a planet. However, there was a time when the Earth and its resources appeared boundless. Some people still adhere to that anachronistic belief. If nothing else, the photographs in this book should shatter that illusion. Many of us today do recognize that the Earth and its resources are limited, yet too many people still cling to the notion that modern science and technology will enable us to defy physical limits. In the Middle Ages, alchemists sought in vain for a “philosopher’s stone” that would convert base metals into gold. They never succeeded. Why? Because what they were looking for did not, and could not, exist, because its existence would have violated the physical laws governing the universe. Modern-day alchemists are trying to find ways of sustaining perpetual growth in a finite and increasingly resource-constrained world, searching for a scientific or technological breakthrough that will enable us to keep growing indefinitely. Like the philosopher’s stone, it does not exist. Our faith in breakthroughs is misplaced, as amply demonstrated by the past three hundred years of scientific and technological advances that have accelerated, not slowed, the degradation of the natural world. Even if scientists were to develop a relatively cheap, abundant, and clean form of energy that powered continuous economic and population growth, it would only accelerate the rate at which humanity is destroying the ecological systems that make the planet habitable. In the meantime, while we are waiting for magical breakthroughs, we are in a headlong race to extract and consume fossil fuels at whatever the cost to the Earth. Scientists warn that we will fry the planet if we burn all the world’s known reserves of coal, gas, and oil, but that concern has not slowed the relentless exploration for more fossil fuels. An ever-expanding human population and rising demand for products and services makes humanity’s hunger for fossil fuels utterly insatiable. Some cling to the notion that we can achieve sustainability by reducing consumption in the overdeveloped world. As meritorious as that idea may be, it has no critical mass of support. A growing number of political leaders are supporting the idea of “greener” or “smarter” growth, but there is not a single politician of significant stature in the world calling for slower economic growth, no growth (a steady-state economy), or de-growth. Yes, there are individuals who are trying to reduce their carbon and ecological “footprints,” but their numbers, for the moment, are dwarfed by the growing numbers of people who want to expand their ecological footprint through additional consumption. Much of humanity, of course, desperately needs a larger share of Earth’s resources. More than 2 billion people in the world live on less than $2 per day. Nearly a billion people go to bed hungry every night. About half the people in the world do not have access to toilets or other means of modern sanitation. I do not know of anyone who would deny these people a better quality of life, but if world population continues to grow as currently projected, many, if not most, of these people will never have their most basic needs realized, let alone fulfill their aspirations. The world is not that bountiful. I wish it were, but it is not. If we have any hope of bringing about a genuine balance between what humans demand of nature and what nature can reasonably provide for humanity, we must take crucial steps. Starting with the first step, we must devote more resources to preventing unplanned pregnancies through expanded access to contraceptives. Women everywhere should have the means to time, limit, or space their pregnancies. But greater access to contraceptives alone will not suffice. In those countries where population growth is most rapid today, girls and women lack reproductive choice; they live in traditionally male-dominated societies where large families are still the norm. Large-family norms, misinformation, and cultural barriers account for most decisions to not use contraception. If we do not enable girls to remain in school and delay marriage until adulthood, provide accurate information, and empower women in the developing world, then we will have failed countless individuals. Moreover, in the face of this humanitarian failure, fertility rate declines may continue only very slowly, or not at all—but certainly not fast enough to avoid the kind of human suffering that results when countries are overpopulated. In many parts of the world, child marriage is still prevalent. It is estimated that some 14,000 girls become child brides each day. In some areas, particularly poor rural communities, parents require their daughters—who have not yet reached puberty—to wed men who are twice or three times their age. Child brides do not enjoy reproductive choice in any meaningful sense. Most are condemned, if they survive childbirth, to having many children, and their families are condemned, in turn, to a life of continued poverty and deprivation. As important as it is to reduce unplanned pregnancies in the developing world, it is just as important to do so in the overdeveloped world, where the per capita consumption of resources is so much greater. Nearly half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, and while America’s teenage pregnancy rate is declining, it remains the highest among industrialized nations. Shockingly, several state legislatures in recent years have slashed support for family planning, resulting in dozens of clinics having to either close their doors or limit services. These individual and community-level actions, in aggregate, have global consequences. The leading scientists of the world are concerned that we are approaching as many as nine planetary tipping points, which, if surpassed, would cause irreparable harm to the environment and the well-being of future generations. We have already crossed one boundary in terms of greenhouse gas emissions; the climate is changing, and we have already inflicted incalculable harm on posterity as a result. Because of population growth and changing diets, the world’s demand for food is projected to rise by 70–100 percent over the next forty years. No one knows how we will meet that demand. Cultivated farmlands already occupy a land mass the size of South America, and ranchlands used for livestock grazing occupy a land mass the size of Africa. There’s very little arable land left; most of it is in the form of tropical forests, which if cut down to expand agriculture would accelerate biodiversity loss and further complicate efforts to rein in greenhouse gas emissions. Water scarcity in many parts of the world has already reached crisis proportions. Demand for water is expected to outstrip supply by 40 percent within the next twenty years. As one research organization put it, we will need the equivalent of 20 Nile Rivers—which we do not have—to meet demand. By 2030, an estimated 3.9 billion people, nearly half the world’s population, will be living in areas of high water stress. We live today in a “Catch 22” world, where addressing one urgent problem often exacerbates another. If we double food production to feed a growing world, we expand greenhouse gas emissions. If we discover and exploit more fossil fuels, we fry the planet. If we reduce our water consumption, we curtail our food production. If we grow the world’s middle class, we increase the pressure on Earth’s natural ecosystems. There is, however, one exception to our “Catch 22” world, and that concerns population. Viewed from almost any angle, addressing population is a win-win proposition. By empowering girls and women in the developing world and expanding family planning services and information everywhere, we produce a world of good: Fertility rates decline; maternal and child health improve; food security increases; poverty decreases; education and economic opportunities expand; and degradation of the environment is curtailed. In discussions about family planning and its many benefits, the health of nature is often an afterthought. Far too often it is overlooked entirely. We tend to see the well-being of people as somehow distinct from the well-being of the Earth. Some even see the environment as being in “competition” with humans. The obvious truth, although unacknowledged by some, is that we are not separate or distinct from nature. Our hopes and our fate are inextricably linked to the fate of the natural world. We are part of a complex web of interdependent life, and our welfare depends upon the health of the whole. When life took hold on this planet it produced millions of species that have lived and evolved and produced both wondrous beauty and diversity. We modern humans are both products of and beneficiaries of that evolutionary process. We are, however, acting as ungrateful beneficiaries. Scientists tell us that we are exterminating our fellow plant and animal species at a rate that is a hundred or even a thousand times faster than the natural rate of extinction. Leading biologists now warn that human numbers and activity are triggering the “sixth mass extinction,” the largest since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. As a young man, after earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in biology with a specialization in ecology and evolution, my interest in moths and butterflies was so strong that I seriously considered becoming a lepidopterist. Many of the species that piqued my interest as a college student are now in danger of becoming extinct. Even the common Danaus plexippus, otherwise known as the monarch butterfly, is fast approaching endangered status. Its winter habitat in Mexico has shrunk dramatically. Biologists warn that herbicide use is decreasing availability of the milkweed plants, limiting a primary food source for monarchs and thus diminishing their numbers. But it’s not just the monarch butterfly that is imperiled. Every year there are fresh reports about the senseless slaughter of elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, and other “megafauna.” Some of their population decline is attributable to poachers seeking to harvest ivory or other body parts, but much of the dramatic decline has been caused by an ever-increasing loss of habitat. Many of these animals live in areas, like sub-Saharan Africa, where human fertility rates equate to a doubling of the human population every thirty or forty years. In my college days, we were taught that, since the end of the last Ice Age about 12,000 years ago, humans have been living in the Holocene Epoch, but our impact upon the planet and its environment has become so great that some geologists today suggest we change the epoch’s name to the “Anthropocene,” or “Age of Man.” To most scientists, that development is a frightening prospect; it means that we are changing the planet—for the worse—on a global scale. Some scientists, though a distinct minority, insist that we can “manage” this change; that we can strike a balance with nature that will allow us to feed, clothe, and meet the economic aspirations of an additional 3 or 4 billion people moving forward. As well illustrated by the photographs in this book, that line of thought reflects the worst kind of wishful thinking. Our 7.2 billion on the planet are already doing grave harm to the biosphere. Several decades ago, a cartoon character named “Pogo” made popular the oft-quoted saying: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” We might say this today in regards to the challenge the world faces, only it’s not a comic matter. If we are to reduce severe poverty, defeat hunger, and bring about a sustainable world, we must achieve change on a global scale, beyond just our consumption habits, and that change must begin with us. This conviction led me to work for the Population Institute more than forty years ago and subsequently spurred me to establish the Population Media Center fifteen years ago. Despite the widespread belief that simply making contraceptives more widely available can stabilize world population, there are other reasons why women in the developing world end up having more children than they might otherwise desire, as revealed through the Demographic and Health Surveys supported by USAID (United States Agency for International Development). In reality, many of these women have no reproductive choice. Child brides often have nothing to say about how many of their own children they will have or when. Some women abstain from using contraceptives because of misinformation or blatant lies about the possible side effects or risks of using modern methods of contraception. Still other women have more children than they want because of fatalism, or religious teachings, or insistent in-laws who want more grandchildren. At the Population Media Center (PMC) we create long-running serial dramas (soap operas) that serve to educate women about their contraceptive choices. Using a methodology based upon the “social learning” theories of the great Stanford psychologist Albert Bandura and the programs developed by Miguel Sabido, the vice president of Televisa in Mexico, we work with in-country teams to develop long-running dramas, generally broadcast via radio, that provide positive role models for men and women in the developing world. Our listening audiences learn from popular “transitional” characters who are torn between good and bad influences. In the process the characters and the listening audience discover the benefits of family planning and small family norms. Our programs also address the deeper social stereotypes that demean women and effectively deny them reproductive choice. When girls are educated, women are empowered, and gender equity is achieved, women tend to have smaller, healthier families. By changing attitudes and behavior toward girls and women we can improve their lives, the well-being of their families, and prospects for the planet and our posterity. At PMC we also use the “Sabido methodology,” as it is now known, to achieve positive social change with respect to environmental conservation. In Rwanda, our radio programs have encouraged farmers to participate in reforestation programs aimed at restoring natural habitats and preserving the land for future generations. Similarly, we can use our programs to alter harmful consumption patterns or promote sustainable agricultural practices. The potential is enormous. WHILE THE OBSTACLES before humanity are real, we should be careful not to overestimate the difficulty of following the path of the United Nations’ lowest population projections, which show a possible global stabilization as soon as the year 2050. Achieving this stabilization is a challenge, but it is far from an insurmountable one. The United Nations estimates that it would cost an additional $3.5 billion per year to provide contraceptive information and services to the more than 220 million women in the developing world who want to avoid a pregnancy but who are not using a modern method of contraception. (That’s less than 4 percent of what Americans spend on beer each year.) That’s a very small price to pay for a more sustainable world. Combine that investment with efforts through entertainment mass media and other means to change attitudes and behavior towards girls and women in the developing world, and we can stabilize world population at 8.3 billion and then begin a gradual reduction in the total number of humans on the planet as soon as 2050. If we can hew to the United Nations’ low variant demographic projection, by 2100 global population would be back down to 6.7 billion—more than 4 billion fewer than can be expected in the business-as-usual, medium variant projection of the human population trajectory. Such numbers may seem incomprehensible but the reality is that these two possible futures—one of 6 billion versus 10 billion humans to feed, clothe, educate, and employ—is the difference between a world of scarcity and nightmarish suffering for much of humanity and a world in which it may be possible to balance the needs of people and nature. Put another way, a population difference of 4 billion—the result of either staying complacent or working hard to share family planning tools and information around the globe—is 46 percent more than the current combined populations of North America, Central America, South America, Oceania, Europe, and Africa (roughly 2.7 billion)! While I am deeply concerned about the future of humanity and the planet, I’m not a pessimist. It’s not too late. There are things that we can do to achieve a harmonious world and many of the steps that are required, like PMC’s radio programs, do not require an enormous investment of resources. Time, however, is beginning to run out. Given the central role that population dynamics will play in determining the welfare of future generations, what the world needs today is a wake-up call. This book is that wake-up call. The photographs to follow are emotionally jarring. The thoughts expressed herein are not reassuring; they are deeply provocative. But that is the nature of wake-up calls. The way that human numbers and behavior are transforming the Earth, undermining its ability to support the human family and the rest of life, is apparent for all to see. The reality of this urgent moment calls us to think, to care, and to act.

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IELTS Overpopulation Essay

This model essay is about  overpopulation in cities . You specifically have to talk about the  problems  of overpopulation, and suggest some  solutions  to this problem.

Note that this question specifically asks you what governments and individuals can do.

Here is the question:

Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

Organising a Problems & Solutions Essay

Note that this overpopulation essay question specifically asks you what governments and individuals can do.

Overpopulation Essay

You MUST, therefore, write about what both of these can do in order to fully answer the question.

Note as well that you must talk about  serious  problems.

The easiest way to organize a problems and solutions essay is as follows:

Body 1: Problems

Body 2: Solutions

In this essay, a separate paragraph has been written about government and individual solutions, so it is organized as follows:

Body 2: Solutions - Government

Body 3: Solutions - Individuals

Model Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Overpopulation Essay - Sample Answer

Many countries of the world are currently experiencing problems caused by rapidly growing populations in urban areas, and both governments and individuals have a duty to find ways to overcome these problems.

Overpopulation can lead to overcrowding and poor quality housing in many large cities. Poorly heated or damp housing could cause significant health problems, resulting in illness, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Another serious consequence of overcrowding is a rising crime rate as poor living conditions may lead young people in particular to take desperate measures and turn to crime or drugs.

In terms of solutions, I believe the government should be largely responsible. Firstly, it is vital that the state provides essential housing and healthcare for all its citizens. Secondly, setting up community projects to help foster more community spirit and help keep young people off the street is a good idea. For example, youth clubs or evening classes for teenagers would keep them occupied. Finally, more effective policing of inner city areas would also be beneficial.

Naturally, individuals should also try to address these problems. One way is to put pressure on the government to ensure they tackle the problems by, for instance, forming action groups to lobby the government and request intervention and adequate funding. They could also form Neighbourhood Watch areas to try and help reduce the high levels of crime.

Therefore, it is clear that the problems caused by overpopulation in urban areas are very serious. Yet if governments and individuals share a collective responsibility, then it may well become possible to offer some solutions.

(260 words)

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Overpopulation in World Essay in English for Children and Students

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Overpopulation refers to a situation where the number of humans in a particular place becomes more than the carrying capacity of that particular place. In a broader perspective the term overpopulation is also used for planet earth, because of the incessant rise in human population.

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There are various factors responsible for overpopulation like – low mortality rate; better public amenities; availability of food and habitat etc. A few social factors like illiteracy, poverty and no family planning are also responsible for overpopulation in developing or underdeveloped nations.

Long and Short Essay on Overpopulation in World in English

Below we have provided long and short essay on overpopulation in world. These overpopulation in world essay have been written in simple language covering all the vital topics under the heading overpopulation.

After going through the following essays you will know the causes of overpopulation in world; causes of overpopulation in India and other developing countries; what are the social effects of overpopulation; effects of overpopulation on health; what are the solutions of overpopulation etc.

Short Essay on Overpopulation in World (200 words) – Essay 1

Overpopulation is the overcrowding of earth due to unregulated population growth of humans. There are many economical and social factors leading to overpopulation. It could result from low mortality rate, high birth rate, illiteracy, lack of family planning, large scale migration etc. Also, depletion of natural resources at one place results in overpopulation at some other place, where the resources are abundant.

An improvement in the past century in basic healthcare facilities and amenities has led to a decline in mortality rate, thus causing the population to grow consistently and is set to continue growing in to the next century.

Overpopulation, despite being a significant global issue, doesn’t get its due consideration. Still not much is being done by the world, to regulate population or to counter its effects. Overpopulation can serious hamper the growth of a nation, causing issues like – unemployment, scarcity of resources, habitat destruction and law and order problems among others.

Necessary steps must be taken to keep the world population under control, so that no place on earth gets overcrowded with humans and become scarce in vital resources, making survival difficult. Along with the mentioned effects, overpopulation also indirectly affects the environment up to large extent.

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Essay on Causes of Overpopulation in World (300 words) – Essay 2


Overpopulation is the growing cause of concern throughout the world. It refers to an increase in population over a specific area, so much so, that the particular area becomes overcrowded, beyond its natural capacity. There are many reasons for overpopulation will we will discuss further in the essay.

Causes of Overpopulation in World

There could be various factors causing overpopulation in the world. Large scale immigration of people from one place to another because of political, communal or other issues may cause overpopulation at a particular place. People migrate to neighboring country to escape political upheaval or military conflicts on their own soil.

There is also a trend of migration from underdeveloped or developing countries to the developed nations. Mostly, labour class undertakes such migration in search of better financial opportunities. This migration however causes the population of the host nation to swell up.

Another significant factor that has been contributing to the population growth in the world is high life expectancy due to better medical facilities and development in medical science. People, today are dying less due to diseases, those had been claimed millions of lives in the past century.

Causes of Overpopulation in India and other Developing Countries

The main causes for overpopulation in India and other similar developing countries differ slightly from that of the world. Overpopulation in India is caused by factors like poverty, ignorance, lack of family planning, child labour, and reduced mortality rate, interstate immigration etc.

Poverty in India is considered to be one of the prime causes of overpopulation. Poverty leads to illiteracy and lack of awareness on issues like – contraceptive use and family planning; this, leading to a uncontrolled population growth in deprived areas.

The cause of overpopulation in the world is many and they differ from place to place. At one place migration might causing it, at another place it might have been caused due to poverty. Whatever the cause may be, we must take necessary steps to reduce overpopulation.

Essay on Effects of Overpopulation in World (400 words) – Essay 3

There are many effects of overpopulation in the world. Overpopulation in a place causes scarcity of available resources leading to deprivation and poverty. Moreover, it also causes unemployment, as the number of persons in need of a particular job, large outgrows the total number of actual vacancies. Two of the most common effects of overpopulation- social and health are discussed below.

Effects of Overpopulation in World

  • Social Effects of Overpopulation

There are a variety of social effects of overpopulation, ranging from, poverty, unemployment, poor hygienic conditions and a scarcity of resources for a community. When the population of a particular area rises beyond the destined capacity of that place, then a number of changes in the society are witnessed.

For example, if a fresh water resource is used by more people than it can sustain; then such situation often results in conflicts. People tend to fight with each other over the use of resources.

Overpopulation also leads to scarcity of food and unemployment, causing large scale poverty, hunger and poor hygiene.

  • Effects of Overpopulation on Health

Overpopulation also has an adverse effect on health of an individual, due to scarcity of food and other resources. The food and other resources, those had been available in abundance, become scarce, when the population of a place grows beyond a specific limit. Moreover, overpopulation is directly related to unemployment and latter could be directly associated to malnutrition and depleting health conditions.

Many people living in a crowded area also results in habitat destruction, reducing the quality of air and other vital parameters, resulting in poor health condition. As more people start living in an area, it becomes imperative to cut down trees and clear vegetation to make houses for them. Thus, begins the vicious cycle of materialistic growth compromising the health and fitness of humans.

People residing in populated areas are often seen living in poor health and hygienic conditions with no access to basic health amenities, clean air and clean water.

Overpopulation in area causes evident social and health effects on the individuals and the society as a whole. From poor health and hygiene conditions to natural resource depletion, unemployment and increase in criminal activities – overpopulation has a hand in all these adversities. It therefore becomes important that we take necessary remedial measures before the populations goes beyond the specified limit.

Essay on Solutions of Overpopulation in World (500 words) – Essay 4

The problem of overpopulation is grave, but as every problem has a solution, so overpopulation too has solutions; though, it may take some time before the results are evident, but the effort would be worth it. Below, the solutions for overpopulation in the world, India and other developing countries along with the government’s efforts in reducing overpopulation are discussed below.

Solutions of Overpopulation in World

Solutions to eliminate overpopulation in the world are discussed below. For the convenience of understanding, in this heading we will discuss the matter of overpopulation only in developed countries.

The main reason behind the concentration of population over a particular area in developed countries is the availability of resources and better growth opportunities. People tend to concentrate over the place where irrigation, water, electricity and other amenities are available in abundance. Necessary efforts must be made by the respective government to make the basic public amenities to the people in their native place of residence.

Any political or military conflict must be resolved quickly by the intervention of world community to prevent cross border migration and population complications at other places.

Solution of Overpopulation in India and other Developing Countries

The main causes of overpopulation in India and other countries are poverty, illiteracy and lack of basic knowledge about family planning. Majority of population in India and other developing nations, still reside in villages, where they lack basic education and other facilities than the cities.

People residing in villages still shy from talking on issues like family planning and use of contraceptives is considered a taboo. Therefore, awareness through education seems to be the only appropriate solution for a developing country like India.

People must be told about the significance of family planning and that shying away from it will only aggravate their financial crisis and reduce their social status. It is indeed more economical and practical to feed a family of four than a family of six or ten members. Also, they must be insisted to use contraceptives and that it is necessary for their family’s welfare and overall health.

What is Government doing about Overpopulation?

The government’s agenda to eliminate overpopulation include acting up on the root causes – education and health care. Despite making a number of reforms in these two sectors, the government is also making efforts to make people aware of family planning. A well trained team of doctors and paramedical staff in the primary health centers across the country are educating people about the advantages of a small family and its overall effects on the nation’s growth.

They also teach people about the use of contraceptives to eliminate the possibility of conception. The government is also distributing free contraceptives to remote locations through the PHCs.

The most important solutions to overpopulation are education and awareness of people. The more educated and aware the people are, the more remote will be the possibility of overpopulation. The government has made considerable effort towards keeping the population under control but a lot more still needed to be done.

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Long Essay on Overpopulation in World (600 words) – Essay 5

Overpopulation in the world is a global phenomenon and is more evident in developing and underdeveloped countries. Even the developed countries witness a large influx of migratory population from the developing and under developed countries. In the following essay we will discuss on the causes of overpopulation, the problems of overpopulation, state of overpopulation in India and other developing countries and the solution of overpopulation.

What Causes Overpopulation?

1) Illiteracy

Illiteracy is one of the main causes of overpopulation in any country over the world. The countries lacking on the front of education have more population growth than others.

2) Lack of Awareness

Lack of public awareness about family planning issues is one of the prime reasons for overpopulation. People are not aware of the effects of overpopulation and its effects on the society and nation. The act is in disregard to their own financial constraints.

3) Poor Health Facilities

Poor condition of basic health amenities is also a prime cause of overpopulation. Absence of a medical professional and non availability of contraceptives, leads to incessant growth in population.

Problems related to the Overpopulation

1) Resources Depletion

Overpopulation causes the depletion of resources over a particular area. As the number of people using a specific resource increases, its fast consumption results in rapid depletion. Vital resource like food and water become scarce in case of overpopulation. Even the basic health and transport facilities become rare.

2) Unemployment

Unemployment is one of the most severe consequences of overpopulation. If the number of people in an area increases beyond limit; however, the number of vacancies in different sectors, by and large remain the same, thereby increasing unemployment. Thus, unemployment becomes a significant ill effect of overpopulation.

Poverty is the next consequence of unemployment caused by overpopulation. However, poverty is also related to scarcity resources and basic amenities of health and education, caused by overpopulation. A crowded place will always have poor employment opportunities, leading to poverty. It is considered as one of the most prominent consequences of population explosion, by the economists of the world.

4) Poor Law and Order

Factors like poverty, unemployment, depletion of natural resources result in poor law and order condition. People fight with each other over vital resources like water and food. Unemployment leads to poverty forcing people to take up illegal professions of robbery and theft, to meet their requirements.

Overpopulation in India and other Developing Countries

Overpopulation in India and similar developing countries is a great cause of concern, as it has many adverse effects on the nation’s progress and growth. All the development loses its sheen due to overpopulation. The state of public transport system and other basic amenities degrades quickly due to large number of people using them.

Overpopulation Solutions

Making the people aware of the ill effects of overpopulation is the most significant method to eliminate the latter. This awareness must be brought by education and advertising through different modes of communication. When people understand that the quality of life depends on the total number of family members, and the lesser the members the more good the finances will be; the fight against overpopulation will become much easier.

Overpopulation leads to various social, economical and developmental issues. It is therefore imperative that the world comes together on the issue of overpopulation and take necessary steps towards eliminating it. Unless the population of the world is kept under control, it would not be possible to achieve the development that the world seeks.

More Information:

  • Essay on World Population Day
  • Essay on Population
  • Essay on Population Growth
  • Essay on Family Planning in India
  • Paragraph on Population

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  • Population Growth Essay


Essay on Population Growth

One of the major problems the world is facing is the problem of the exponential growth of the population. This problem is the greatest one. Most countries in the world are showing a steep rise in population figures. The world’s resources are limited and so they cannot support a population beyond a certain limit. There has been news about the scarcity of food grains and the paucity of jobs mounting across the world. The number of human beings is multiplying at a steady rate. The world population has already crossed the six billion mark and it is expected to double in the next three or four decades. 

If the population continues to grow at this rate then the economy of the overpopulated countries will be unable to cope up with the growth of the population. Every attempt to bring peace, comfort and welfare to everybody’s door will be thwarted and misery will become prominent if the population is not kept within proper limits. Except for a few countries, all countries are facing a population boom. Currently, the largest populated country in the world is China and India is the second-largest populated country. India represents 17% of the world’s population. Other countries like Bangladesh, Japan, Indonesia and some countries of Europe are threatened to be burst into the seams by population explosion.

Causes of Population Growth

The major cause of population growth is the decrease in death rate and rise in the life span of the average individual. Earlier, there was a balance between the birth and death rate due to limited medical facilities, people dying in wars, and other calamities. The rapid spread of education has made people health conscious. People have become aware of the basic causes of diseases and simple remedies for them.

Illiteracy is another cause of an increase in population. Low literacy rate leads to traditional, superstitious, and ignorant people. Educated people are well aware of birth control methods. 

Family planning, welfare programs, and policies have not fetched the desired result. The increase in population is putting tremendous pressure on the limited infrastructure and negating the progress of any country.

The superstitious people mainly from rural places think that having a male child would give them prosperity and so there is considerable pressure on the parents to produce children till a male child is born. This leads to population growth in underdeveloped countries like India, Bangladesh. 

Poverty is another main reason for this. Poor people believe that the more people in the family, the more will be the number of persons to earn bread. Hence it contributes to the increase in population. 

Continuous illegal migration of people from neighbouring countries leads to a rise in the population density in the countries. 

Religion sentiment is another cause of the population explosion. Some orthodox communities believe that any mandate or statutory method of prohibition is sacrilegious. 

Impact Due to Population 

The growth of the population has a major impact on the living standards of people. Overpopulation across the world may create more demand for freshwater supply and this has become a major issue because Earth has only 3% of freshwater. 

The natural resources of Earth are getting depleted because of the exponential growth of the population. These resources cannot be replenished so easily. If there is no check on the growth of population then there will be a day in the next few years when these natural resources will run out completely. 

There is a huge impact on the climatic conditions because of the growth of the population. Human activities are responsible for changing global temperature. 

Impact of Overpopulation on Earth’s Environment

The Earth's current population is almost 7.6 billion people, and it is expanding. It is expected to surpass 8 billion people by 2025, 9 billion by 2040, and 11 billion by 2100. The population is quickly increasing, far surpassing our planet's ability to maintain it, given existing habits.

Overpopulation is linked to a variety of detrimental environmental and economic consequences, including over-farming, deforestation, and water pollution, as well as eutrophication and global warming. Although many incredible things are being done to increase human sustainability on our planet, the problem of too many people has made long-term solutions more difficult to come across.

Overpopulation is mostly due to trends that began with a rise in birth rates in the mid-twentieth century. Migration can also result in overcrowding in certain areas. Surprisingly, an area's overcrowding may arise without a net increase in population. It can happen when a population with an export-oriented economy outgrows its carrying capacity and migratory patterns remain stable. "Demographic entrapment" has been coined to describe this situation.

Some Major Effects of the High Population are as Follows

The rapid growth of the population has caused major effects on our planet. 

The rapidly growing population in the world has led to the problem of food scarcity and heavy pressure on land resources. 

Generating employment opportunities in vastly populated countries is very difficult. 

The development of infrastructural facilities is not able to cope up with the pace of a growing population. So facilities like transportation, communication, housing, education, and healthcare are becoming inadequate to provide provision to the people. 

The increasing population leads to unequal distribution of income and inequalities among the people widened.

There will be a large proportion of unproductive consumers due to overpopulation. 

Economic development is bound to be slower in developing countries in which the population is growing at a very fast rate. This also leads to low capital formation. Overpopulation makes it difficult to implement policies. 

When there is rapid growth in a country then the government of that country is required to provide the minimum facilities for the people for their comfortable living. Hence, it has to increase housing, education, public health, communication and other facilities that will increase the cost of the social overheads.

Rapid population growth is also an indication of the wastage of natural resources. 

Preventive Measures

To tackle this problem, the government of developing countries needs to take corrective measures. The entire development of the country depends on how effectively the population explosion is stemmed. 

The government and various NGOs should raise awareness about family planning and welfare. Awareness about the use of contraceptive pills and family planning methods should be generated. 

The health care centres in developing and under-developed countries should help the poor people with the free distribution of contraceptives and encourage the control of the number of children. 

The governments of developing countries should come forward to empower women and improve the status of women and girls. People in rural places should be educated and modern amenities should be provided for recreation. 

Education plays a major role in controlling the population. People from developing countries should be educated so that they understand the implications of overpopulation.

Short Summarised Points On Population Growth

Based on the number of deaths and births, population growth might be positive or negative. 

If a country's birth rate outnumbers its death rate, the population grows, whereas more ends result in a drop.

There are 7.7 billion people on the earth, and India, with 1.3 billion people, is the second-most populous country after China.

Mumbai, the Bollywood capital, is India's most populous city, with a population of 12 billion people. Delhi, India's most populous city, comes in second with 11 billion inhabitants.

The advancement of knowledge in science, medicine, and technology has resulted in lower mortality and higher fertility, resulting in population rise.

Factors contributing to India's population expansion, such as mortality and fertility rates, child marriage, a lack of family planning, polygamy marriage, and so on, have wreaked havoc on the ecosystem.

Industrialization, deforestation, urbanisation, and unemployment have all been exacerbated by population expansion. These causes degrade our environment and contribute to societal health issues.

Pollution, global warming, climate change, natural catastrophes, and, most importantly, unemployment are all caused by the population.

To keep population increase under control, individuals must have access to education and be aware of the dangers of overpopulation.

The government must raise public awareness about illiteracy and educate individuals about the need for birth control and family planning.

Overpopulation may lead to many issues like depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution and degradation and loss of surroundings.  All countries must take immediate steps to control and manage human population growth.


FAQs on Population Growth Essay

1. What Do You Mean By Population Growth and How is it a Threat to the World?

Population growth refers to the rapid increase in the number of people in an area. It is a threat to the world because the world’s resources are limited and it cannot support a population beyond a certain limit.

2. What are the factors of Population Exponential Growth?

The factors for the exponential growth of the population are illegal migration from other countries, illiteracy, lack of awareness of contraceptive methods, poverty, lack of basic amenities, religious sentiments and superstitions. 

3. What steps should India take to reign in population growth?

Family planning and welfare must be made more widely known by the Indian government. Women and girls should be given more power. Free contraceptives should be distributed and people should be educated at health care centres. In schools and colleges, sex education should be required. Some more points to ponder are given below:

1. Social Actions

The minimum age for marriage is 18 years old.

Increasing women's status

Adoption of Social Security and the Spread of Education

2. Economic Interventions

Increased job opportunities

Providing financial incentives

3. Additional Measures

Medical Services

Legislative Initiatives

Recreational Resources

Increasing public awareness

4. What Impact Does Overpopulation Have on Our Planet?

Overpopulation is linked to a variety of detrimental environmental and economic consequences, including over-farming, deforestation, and water pollution, as well as eutrophication and global warming. Although many incredible things are being done to increase human sustainability on our planet, the problem of too many people has made long-term solutions more difficult to come across. Because of the exponential rise of the human population, the Earth's natural resources are depleting. Overpopulation has a significant impact on climatic conditions. The fluctuating global temperature is due to human activity.

5. What are the impacts on the population?

The influence of population expansion on people's living conditions is significant. Overpopulation around the world may increase demand for freshwater, which has become a big issue given that the Earth only possesses 3% freshwater. Because of the exponential rise of the human population, the Earth's natural resources are depleting. These materials are not easily replenished. If population growth is not slowed, these natural resources will run out altogether in the next several years. The population explosion has had a significant impact on climatic conditions. The fluctuating global temperature is due to global warming and needs to be regulated immediately as glaciers have already started melting and global temperature is rising at an alarming rate.

Overpopulation is a big problem today in many major urban centers. What are the causes, and possible solutions?

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Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Court

Jurists who preach fidelity to the Constitution are making decisions that flatly contradict our founding document’s text and ideals.

Black and white photo of the Supreme Court building

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F orget Donald Trump . Forget Joe Biden. Think instead about the Constitution. What does this document, the supreme law of our land, actually say about ​​lawsuits against ex-presidents?

Nothing remotely resembling what Chief Justice John Roberts and five associate ​justices declared​ in yesterday’s disappointing Trump v. United States decision​. The Court’s curious and convoluted majority opinion turns the Constitution’s text and structure inside out and upside down, saying things that are flatly contradicted by the document’s unambiguous letter and obvious spirit.​

Imagine a simple hypothetical designed to highlight the key constitutional clauses that should have been the Court’s starting point: In the year 2050, when Trump and Biden are presumably long gone, David Dealer commits serious drug crimes and then bribes President Jane Jones to pardon him.

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Is Jones acting as president, in her official capacity, when she pardons Dealer? Of course. She is pardoning qua president. No one else can issue such a pardon. The Constitution expressly vests this power in the president: “The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States.”

But the Constitution also contains express language that a president who takes a bribe can be impeached for bribery and then booted from office: “The President … shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” And once our hypothetical President Jones has been thus removed and is now ex-President Jones, the Constitution’s plain text says that she is subject to ordinary criminal prosecution, just like anyone else: “In cases of Impeachment … the Party convicted shall … be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”

Obviously, in Jones’s impeachment trial in the Senate, all sorts of evidence is admissible to prove not just that she issued the pardon but also why she did this—to prove that she had an unconstitutional motive , to prove that she pardoned Dealer because she was bribed to do so. Just as obviously, in the ensuing criminal case, all of this evidence surely must be allowed to come in.

But the Trump majority opinion, ​written by Roberts, says otherwise​, ​proclaim​ing that “courts may not inquire into the President’s motives.” ​In a later footnote all about bribery, the Roberts opinion says that criminal-trial courts are not allowed to “admit testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing the official act itself. Allowing that sort of evidence would invite the jury to inspect the President’s motivations for his official actions and to second-guess their propriety.”

​​But ​​​such an inspection is​​​​ exactly what the Constitution itself plainly calls for​​​. An impeachment court and, later, a criminal court would have to​​ determine whether Jones pardoned Dealer because she thought he was innocent, or because she thought he had already suffered enough, or because he put money in her pocket for the very purpose of procuring the pardon. The smoking gun may well be in Jones’s diary—her “private records”​—​or in a recorded Oval Office conversation with Jones’s “advisers,” as​ was the case in the Watergate scandal​​​. Essentially, the​ Court ​in Trump v. United States ​is declaring the Constitution itself unconstitutional​.​​ Instead of properly starting with the Constitution’s text and structure, the ​​Court has ended up repealing them​​.

In a quid-pro-quo bribery case—money for a pardon—Roberts apparently would allow evidence of the quid (the money transfer) and evidence of the quo (the fact of a later pardon) but not evidence of the pro: evidence that the pardon was given because of the money, that the pardon was motivated by the money. This is absurd.

In the oral argument this past April, one of the Court’s best jurists posed the issue well: “Giving somebody money isn’t bribery unless you get something in exchange, and if what you get in exchange is [an] official act … how does [the case] go forward?” The answer, of course, is by allowing evidence of all three legs of the bribery stool—the quid (the money), the quo (the official act), and the pro (the unconstitutional and vicious motive). Yet Roberts’s majority opinion entirely misses the thrust of this oral-argument episode.

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This is astonishing, because the impressive jurist who shone in this oral exchange was none other than the chief justice himself. John Roberts, meet John Roberts.

And please meet the John Roberts who has long believed that the judiciary shouldn’t be partisan. Over the course of his career, Roberts has repeatedly said that there are no Republican justices or Democratic justices, no Trump justices or Obama justices or Biden justices—there are just justices, period. Yet the ​​Court​ in Trump v. United States ​ split along sharply partisan lines—six Republican​ appointees,​​ three of whom were named to the Court by Trump himself,​ versus three Democrat​ic appointees​​​. ​Roberts failed to pull these sides together​​.

This is precisely the opposite of what happened in the celebrated ​​​decision United States v. Nixon ​​, also known as the Nixon-tapes case, in which​ the Court​—including three justices appointed by Richard Nixon himself—issued a unanimous no-man-is-above-the-law ruling against the president. (A fourth Nixon appointee—William Rehnquist, for whom a young Roberts later clerked—recused himself.) The ​opinion​​​ also made clear that presidential conversations with top aides are indeed admissible when part of a criminal conspiracy.

​​​​Yesterday’s liberal dissenters came much closer to the constitutional mark, but they, too, made mistakes. ​The​ir​​ biggest blunder in Trump was relying on a 1982 case, Nixon v. Fitzgerald , that simply invented out of whole cloth broad immunity for ex-presidents in civil cases. If liberal precedents lacking strong roots in the Constitution, such as Roe v. Wade , are fair game for conservatives, then mistaken conservative precedents ​ought to​​ be fair game for liberals. Fitzgerald made stuff up, and ​the liberals should have said​ so.

No one is above the law​—or, at least, no one should be​. Not presidents, not ex-presidents, and not justices either. Because the Constitution itself is our highest law, jurists across the spectrum must prioritize that document’s letter and spirit above all else. In Trump v. United States , the Court failed to do this and also failed to live up to America’s highest ideals: nonpartisan justice and the rule of law.

The Issue of the Overpopulation Essay

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The issue of overpopulation is getting more heated nowadays. The planet is not able to sustain the ever-growing population. Considering those problems, specialists from varied fields of science have engaged in an active debate regarding fertility control. The following paper aims at observing the key arguments for and against the position “the world would be better off with fewer people”.

Addressing the key arguments for the position “the world would be better off with fewer people”, it important to note that they are integrated around the concept of scarcity. Particularly, the proponents of fertility control support their position by the fact that the degrading environment is no longer able to provide for the needs of so many people, and with the duration of time and increase of the population, the problem will become much worse.

Next, they state that without interference into the state of affairs with the environment, people may even lose their habitat and thus, the planet will not be able to support life at all. Another argument is that the size of the population is not the only problem since its structure is also of great importance. This means that the countries with a growing population face social problems because their governments are not able to provide economical and political security to their citizens (Parker, Seager & Lind, 2009).

Further, the key arguments against the position“the world would be better off with fewer people” are based on the idea of more efficient distribution of resources and “technological improvement” in the developing courtiers (Parker et al., 2009, para 28). The opponents of population control state that technology is able to solve the problem of scarcity and environmental pollution. Furthermore, they quote the opinions of scientists who present the data demonstrating demographic development and the number of people the planet is capable of sustaining. Based on the findings of those specialists, the opponents of population control state that the planet is able to provide for the larger population.

In addition, people supporting this position argue that poor countries have appeared in such a situation, not because of the size of their population, but because “they lack some combination of modern technology, efficient economic systems (including public agencies as well as markets), equitable distribution of wealth and constitutional and accountable government” (Parker et al., 2009, para 34). Finally, those who oppose fertility control make an emphasis on the ethical and moral implications of the issue.

Speaking about my own position on the issue, it is necessary to note that I tend to support the proponents of population control. Scarcity is an important variable that should be taken into account when important decisions regarding the future of humanity are made. People should understand that resources are limited including clean water, food, fuel, etc., and for that reason, family planning is the only way to improve the situation. No one would want to see their children starving, being unemployed, and having no meaningful purpose in their life. Similarly, no honest person would want to see one’s fellow humans in such a situation. Therefore, the time has come to interfere into the family planning matters just the same as they did in China.

In conclusion, since the resources of the planet are getting more and more limited, humanity must develop a strategy that will improve the situation. Definitely, the opponents of population control have some strong arguments to support their position, but the facts of reality demonstrate that mandatory family planning has become necessary.

Parker, J., Seager, J, & Lind, M. (2009). Too many people? Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 30). The Issue of the Overpopulation. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-issue-of-the-overpopulation/

"The Issue of the Overpopulation." IvyPanda , 30 Jan. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/the-issue-of-the-overpopulation/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Issue of the Overpopulation'. 30 January.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Issue of the Overpopulation." January 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-issue-of-the-overpopulation/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Issue of the Overpopulation." January 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-issue-of-the-overpopulation/.


IvyPanda . "The Issue of the Overpopulation." January 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-issue-of-the-overpopulation/.

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overpopulation today essay

Pune teen, who killed 2 with Porsche, submits 300-word essay on road safety

The minor driver of the pune car crash that killed two techies submitted a 300-word essay on road safety, complying with his bail conditions..

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Pune Porche accident case: Plea in court seeks release of minor from observation home

  • Teen is accused of drunk driving causing death of two techies
  • Juvenile Board directed him to write 300-word essay as bail condition
  • He was granted bail by High Court, ruling his detention illegal

The 17-year-old boy involved in the fatal Pune Porsche crash that killed two techies has submitted a 300-word essay on road safety to the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB), complying with his bail conditions, an official said on Friday.

He submitted the essay to the JJB on Wednesday, the official said news agency PTI.

The teenager was previously released from an observation home after the Bombay High Court ruled his detention illegal . Initially, following the May 19 accident in Kalyani Nagar, the JJB ordered him into the care of his parents and assigned the essay as part of his bail.

Police allege the teen was driving a Porsche under the influence of alcohol when he collided with a two-wheeler, resulting in the deaths of the two software engineers. Public outcry erupted over his seemingly lenient bail terms, prompting the police to request a revision from the JJB. The board then sent him to an observation home on May 22.

However, the High Court ultimately deemed his detainment unlawful and emphasised the proper enforcement of juvenile justice laws, leading to his release.

Meanwhile, on July 2, a Pune court granted bail to the father and grandfather of the juvenile, who were accused of kidnapping and wrongfully confining their family driver and forcing him to take responsibility for the crash.

The boy's father, Vishal Agarwal, a prominent builder, and his grandfather were arrested in May and have been under judicial custody since then. Since Agarwal was arrested in a separate cheating case, he remains behind bars, but the grandfather was released.

According to police, the teen's father and grandfather allegedly kidnapped their family driver hours after the crash, wrongfully confined him at their bungalow, and tried to force him to admit that he, and not the juvenile, was behind the wheel when the accident took place.

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Guest Essay

Bill Maher: Why I Want an Open Convention

A picture of a “Biden-Harris” sign on the concrete.

By Bill Maher

Mr. Maher is the host of “Real Time” and the author of “What This Comedian Said Will Shock You.”

Over the past few years, many people have told me I should stop making Biden-is-old jokes because “it just helps Trump” — as if voters wouldn’t have noticed his age otherwise. I can’t ignore the obvious; none of us can. And I’m not going to mindlessly echo mendacious talking points like, “He has a cold.” If he had a cold, why was he out campaigning the next morning instead of putting his 81-year-old body to bed?

As Joe Biden himself would say, “Here’s the deal”: What happened at the debate last week wasn’t a tragedy; it was a blessing in disguise. I called on Mr. Biden to step aside almost a year ago, warning that he would be forever known as “Ruth Bader Biden” if he didn’t. Since then, each time I would bring up that idea, publicly or privately, people would dismiss it out of hand: Get on board, they’d say. The Democrats will never replace him. It’s off the table.

Well, now it’s on the table, where it always should have been. And far from being some kind of disaster for the Democratic Party, it plays right into what works best in 21st-century American culture. Americans like new .

When Barack Obama announced he was running for president in 2007, many said he hadn’t been around long enough, not realizing that his youth and inexperience were some of the best things he had going for him. He was new, and we weren’t tired of him. And he didn’t have an endlessly long record to pick over.

If our presidential politics were a TV show, it would be a series past its prime in desperate need of new characters. The term “jumping the shark” derives from an infamous episode of “Happy Days,” when the Fonz literally jumped over a shark while water-skiing in his leather jacket. The show had been on so long, and the story lines had grown so tired that the producers found themselves stretching the limits of reality to drum up interest.

Donald Trump talks about sharks a lot. I see this as an omen. Democrats can no longer afford to suspend disbelief.

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