STAR Journals

journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

Open Journals in Education (OJED) at STAR Scholars Network publishes high-quality peer-reviewed, open-access journals based at research universities. 

OJED journals are indexed in major academic databases to ensure quality and maximize article discoverability and citation.

Journal of International Students

Journal of International Students (JIS) is a Scopus-ranked (Q1) quarterly peer-reviewed publication on international education (Print ISSN 2162-3104 & Online ISSN 2166-3750). As an independent multilingual journal based in Baltimore, Maryland (USA), we aim to actively speak to the most consequential conversations in international and global education. 

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journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education

The Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education (JCIHE) is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society's (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG). HESIG supports development, analysis, and dissemination of theory-, policy-, and practice-related issues that influence higher education. Accordingly, JCIHE (Print ISSN 2151-0393 & Online ISSN 2151-0407) publishes work from the complementary fields of comparative, international, and development education addressing these issues. It is indexed in major academic databases to maximize article discoverability and citation (Google Scholar H5 index: 4 ; H5 Median: 7).

journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress

The Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress (JUMP) is a refereed interdisciplinary publication (Print ISSN 2574-3465 & Online ISSN 2574-3481) dedicated to the educational, economic, and social progress of minority and underrepresented communities around the world. JUMP strives to provide space for a meaningful, intentional, and actionable scholarship that aims to advance social justice.

journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

Journal of Trauma Studies in Education

The Journal of Trauma Studies in Education (JTSE) is an online open-access academic peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the generation of knowledge regarding mental health and well-being, with a focus on the impact of traumatic stress within the context of Pre K-12 and postsecondary education. 

journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education

As a Scopus-indexed publication,  the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education (Online ISSN 2690-0408, Print ISSN 2166-2681) emerges as a pivotal platform for scholars keen on shaping the educational landscape through groundbreaking research. JISE stands at the forefront of educational exploration, bridging diverse disciplines and content areas to address critical issues in education. The journal, published bi-annually, invites national and international scholars to contribute their insights. It employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process overseen by an esteemed national and international editorial board, ensuring the publication of high-caliber articles.

Supported by the Center for Excellence in Education at Arkansas State University, United States

journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education

The  International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education  (Print ISSN 2474-2546 & Online ISSN 2474-2554)   is a scholarly publication that seeks to create conversations about education, especially policy, practice, and research of teaching, among scholars across the academic disciplines and across national and cultural borders. Behind this rigorously peer-reviewed journal is a vision that defines scholarship – its function, process, and view of quality – differently. We strive to foster a community of educators who need and value access, equity, and interaction across borders in educational conversation.

Higher Education Politics and Economics

Higher Education Politics and Economics  is an academic, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal on higher education featuring research from a range of perspectives, including education finance, political science, social science, policy, and law to critically examine dynamics in the nexus of social, political, and economic forces shaping major changes in higher education in the US and around the world (Print ISSN 2577-7270 & Online ISSN 2577-7289).

journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

Journal of School Administration Research and Development

The Journal of School Administration Research and Development (JSARD) (ISSN: 2470-850X, online & ISSN: 2470-8496, print) is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal that supports the development and dissemination of research and scholarship in the area of K-12 (primary and secondary) school administration and leadership. JSARD publishes scholarly articles on topics pertinent to school leaders, such as innovative practices and/or programs, professional development, hiring practices, leadership principles, equity issues, improving student achievement, and assessment and grading.

American Journal of STEM Education

American Journal of STEM Education: Issues and Perspectives is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes empirical research, reviews, and practitioner opinions related to issues and perspectives in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.  The journal is peer-reviewed through a blind review process that utilizes a national and international editorial board and peer reviewers. The journal aspires to advance research and practices in the field of STEM education through a collection of quality, relevant, and advanced interdisciplinary articles in all related fields.

American Journal of Medicine and Health Studies

The American Journal of Medicine and Health Studies publishes original research that significantly contributes to the prevention of severe, long-lasting diseases and the advancement of individual and community health. It covers areas such as prevention and infectious diseases, addiction medicine, behavioral health, community health, COVID-19, critical care medicine, environmental health, family medicine, mental health, public health, respiratory medicine, and more. It aims to bridge the gap between research findings and the application of those findings in clinical and public health practices, fostering the improvement of health outcomes on a global scale.

STAR Scholar Books

The STAR Scholars Network (SSN) press seeks to explore new ideas and best practices related to international student mobility, study abroad, exchange programs, student affairs from the US and around the world, and from a wide range of academic fields, including student affairs, international education, and cultural studies. Many titles are published by Routledge and other university presses. 


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Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Education

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journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

Gamze Mercan Zümrüt Varol Selçuk

  • Alcántara-Rubio, L., Valderrama-Hernández, R., Solís-Espallargas, C., &Ruiz-Morales, J. (2022). Theimplementation of theSDGs in universities: A systematicreview. EnvironmentalEducationResearch, 28(11), 1585-1615.
  • Bezeljak, P., Scheuch, M., & Torkar, G. (2020). Understanding of sustainability and education for sustainable development among pre-service biology teachers. Sustainability, 12(17), 6892.
  • Biedenweg, K., Monroe, C. M., &Wojcik, D. J. (2013). AcrosstheSpectrum: ResourcesforEnvironmentalEducators. In M. Monroe & M. Krasny (Eds.). North AmericanAssociation of Environment Education.
  • Castro, G. D. R., Fernandez, M. C. G., &Colsa, A. U. (2021). UnleashingtheconvergenceamiddigitalizationandsustainabilitytowardspursuingtheSustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A holisticreview. Journal of CleanerProduction, 280, 122204.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2019). Eğitim araştırmaları: Nicel ve nitel araştırmanın planlanması, yürütülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi (2. Basım). İstanbul: Eğitim Danışmanlığı ve Araştırmaları Merkezi (Edam).
  • FEE Global. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom
  • Greer, K., King, H., & Glackin, M. (2023). The ‘web of conditions’ governing England’s climate change education policy landscape. Journal of Education Policy, 38(1), 69-92.
  • Karama, M. J. (2016). A comparativesurvey of environmentaleducationgoalsbetweenthe UNESCO frameworkand 10th gradePalestinecurriculum. International Journal of CurriculumandInstruction, 8(2), 1-17.
  • Kassas, M. (2002). Environmentaleducation: Biodiversity. TheEnvironmentalist, 22, 345-351.
  • Kayhan, A. K. (2013). Birleşmiş Milletler Çevre Programı üzerine bir inceleme. PublicandPrivate International LawReview, 33(1), 61-90.
  • Kopnina, H. (2020). Educationforthefuture? Critical evaluation of educationforsustainabledevelopmentgoals. TheJournal of EnvironmentalEducation, 51(4), 280-291.
  • Kopnina, H., & Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (Eds.). (2015). Sustainability: key issues. Routledge.
  • Live &Learn EE. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom
  • Marouli, C. (2021). Sustainability education for the future? Challenges and implications for education and pedagogy in the 21st century. Sustainability, 13(5), 2901.
  • Miles, M. B.,&Huberman, A. M. (2015). Nitel veri analizi (Çev. S. Akbaba Altun & A. Ersoy). Pegem Akademi.
  • NAAEE- Global. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom
  • Onopriienko, K., Onopriienko, V., Petrushenko, Y., &Onopriienko, I. (2021). Environmental education for youth and adults: A bibliometric analysis of research. In E3s web of conferences (Vol. 234, p. 00002). EDP Sciences.
  • Özdemir, O. (2007). Yeni bir çevre eğitimi perspektifi: Sürdürülebilir gelişme amaçlı eğitim. Eğitim ve Bilim, 32(145), 23-39.
  • Steele, W., &Rickards, L. (2021). Sustainabledevelopmentgoals in highereducation. Springer International Publishing.
  • Stein, S., Andreotti, V., Suša, R., Ahenakew, C., &Čajková, T. (2022). From “education for sustainable development” to “education for the end of the world as we know it”. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54(3), 274-287.
  • Teksöz, G. (2014). Geçmişten ders almak: Sürdürülebilir kalkınma için eğitim. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 31(2), 2-73.
  • Tilbury, D. (1995). EnvironmentalEducationforSustainability: Definingthenewfocus of environmentaleducation in the 1990s. EnvironmentalEducationResearch, 1(2), 195-211.
  • Tilbury, D., Goldstein, W., &Ryan, L. (2003). Towardsenvironmentaleducationforsustainabledevelopment: Thecontributions of NGOs in theAsia-Pacific Region. International Review of EnvironmentalStrategies, 4(1), 59-73.
  • UNDP. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom
  • UNEP. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom
  • UNESCO. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom
  • WWF. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom
  • Yıldırım, A.,& Şimşek, H. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Zinkunegi-Goitia, O., &Rekalde-Rodríguez, I. (2022). Employability within an Education for Sustainability Framework: The Ocean i3 Case Study. Education Sciences, 12(4), 277.

Environmental Education in Non-Governmental Organizations: The Significant Contributions of United Nations Units

The understanding of environmental education initially focused on outdoor learning experiences. However, it has evolved into a nature-centered approach that addresses broader environmental issues through comprehensive curriculum development. Initially, it pivoted around extracurricular learning environments, emphasizing teacher roles and enhancing students' knowledge through outdoor activities. As environmental concerns intensified, this education began to also emphasize nature conservation. This study examines the roles and contributions of United Nations units (UNESCO, UNEP, and UNDP) in advancing environmental education and investigates the influence of global NGOs in this domain. The primary objective is understanding the importance of the "Education for Sustainable Development" framework within environmental education and discerning the impact of NGOs on its trends. Results are expected to underline the significance of a nature-centric educational approach and the increasing role of international organizations in molding its future trajectory.

Environmental education , out-of-school education , nature conservation education , United Nations Units (UN Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO , United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP , United Nations Development Programme - UNDP) , Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Primary Language English
Subjects Informal Learning, Development of Environmental Education and Programs, Specialist Studies in Education (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Early Pub Date October 19, 2023
Publication Date October 20, 2023
Published in Issue
APA Mercan, G., & Varol Selçuk, Z. (2023). Environmental Education in Non-Governmental Organizations: The Significant Contributions of United Nations Units. Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Education, 7(3), 102-111.
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IRA Academico Research

IRA Academico Research is a publisher reviewing and publishing academic research. We're a publisher member of the Publishers International Linking Association Inc. (PILA)-Crossref, USA.

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IRA International Journal of

Education and Multidisciplinary Studies

The journal regularly reviews the works on education, pedagogy, language teaching, instructional methodologies, educational psychology, educational foundations, learning management, and allied studies.

ISSN 2455-2526 | DOI 10.21013/jems OCLC No. 953422331 | ZDB No. 2861289-9 Publication Frequency: Quarterly

Recent articles

A study of the evolution of zhuge liang’s image in english versions of sanguo yanyi from the perspective of retranslation hypothesis.

By Mingzhu Huang, Lifeng Gu, Juan Wang | Published in Vol.19, No. 03 (2023) | DOI: 10.21013/jems.v19.n3.p3

Sanguo Yanyi, one of the renowned masterpieces in Chinese literature, has been translated into over twenty other languages, including three complete English translations produced separately in the 1920s, 1990s and 2010s. Throughout the historical process of these English translations, it has been observed that the character portrayals vary due to different social and cultural backgrounds. This research focuses specifically on the character of Zhuge Liang and aims to examine the evolution of his portrayal by comparing the strategies employed by translators in these three English translations. Adopting a diachronic perspective, the study collects descriptions of Zhuge Liang’s image from each translation and explores the underlying reasons for the differences in his image construction. The findings not only shed light on the evolution of Zhuge Liang’s image but also confirm the supplementarity nature of the retranslation hypothesis. By revealing how social and cultural factors influence character interpretation, this study enhances our understanding of the intricate relationship between translation and the construction of literary characters.

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An Analysis of the Linguistic Features of English Advertisements: A Case Study of Inclusion & Diversity-Open by Apple Inc.

By Yang Ming, Zhong Yongle | Published in Vol.19, No. 03 (2023) | DOI: 10.21013/jems.v19.n3.p2

Advertisements permeate various aspects of our daily lives, and people often employ them to achieve a range of objectives, such as marketing and appeal. This article will examine an advertisement Inclusion & Diversity-Open, released by Apple. Inc, as the subject of this study, aims to analyze its linguistic features from four perspectives: writing techniques, lexical features, syntactic features, and rhetorical devices. Additionally, based on this ad, the author gives a profound reflection, urging each individual to work together to achieve diversity and inclusivity.

Loopholes and Plugging the Loopholes: An Investigation of the Incidents of Attending a University or College by Means of Fraudulence

By Li Jiaxin, Zhang Yuhui, Gao Yuxuan | Published in Vol.19, No. 03 (2023) | DOI: 10.21013/jems.v19.n3.p1

The incident of “attending a University or college by the means of Fraudulence” has not only trampled on the bottom line of educational fairness and social justice but also the dignity of national laws and administrative regulations. There are three main reasons for the repeated occurrence of “attending a college by the means of Fraudulence”: firstly, the lack of strict audit in the admission process of college entrance examination; secondly, the lack of strict review in the admission process of college freshmen; thirdly, the lack of strict supervision in the cultivation process of college talents. In order to effectively prevent the recurrence of the incident of “attending a University or college by the means of Fraudulence”, education administration should join with universities and social third-party organizations to plug the loopholes in the admission process of college entrance examination with systematic audit mechanism, the loopholes in the admission process of new students in universities with systematic review mechanism, and the loopholes in the cultivation of talents in universities with systematic supervision mechanism.

Integrating Chinese Culture into Middle School English Teaching by Telling China’s Stories Well in English

By Wang Juan et al. | Published in Vol.19, No. 02 (2023) | DOI: 10.21013/jems.v19.n2.p7

With continuous globalization, the relationship between language and culture has undergone new changes. English has become an international lingua franca and a means for communicators to express local culture in cross-cultural communication. Today, as different cultures are increasingly intertwined, China now needs to present itself and tell its story to the world, which is the call of The Times for mutual learning and common development among civilizations around the world. It is also a realistic call for building confidence in Chinese culture and educating people through political and moral education under the great changes that have never been seen in a century. Facing the new requirements of educational development in this era, English teaching in middle schools must undertake the mission of cultivating socialist successors who have an international vision and a sense of community of human destiny.

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Call for Papers: Education and Multidisciplinary Studies

A quarterly call for papers rolling over every quarter for the Year 2021 is open for papers on Education and Multidisciplinary Studies

IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies  is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication reviewing and publishing the works on  education, pedagogy, language teaching, instructional methodologies, educational psychology, educational foundations, learning management, and allied studies.

Journal's Identifiers:

ISSN 2455-2526 | DOI 10.21013/jems OCLC No. 953422331 | ZDB No. 2861289-9

The journal published FOUR issues in a calendar year in the manner as follows:

Quarter 01 Issue: The journal issue remains 'in-press' from 11th of January to 10th of April for the quarter Jan-March.

Quarter 02 Issue: The journal issue remains 'in-press' from 11th of April to 10th of July for the quarter April-June.

Quarter 03 Issue: The journal issue remains 'in-press' from 11th of July to 10th of October for the quarter July-September.

Quarter 04 Issue: The journal issue remains 'in-press' from 11th of October to 10th of January for the quarter Oct.-December.

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Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches

Welcome to the Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA). We are a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal dedicated to offering comprehensive online-only submission services for academics, researchers, and professionals worldwide. Our commitment is to publish original research papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case studies, conference reports, book reviews, essays, and relevant reports, reflecting a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary perspectives.

JESMA takes pride in its globally diverse editorial team. With leadership from Turkey and representation from countries like the United States, Spain, the UK, Portugal, and the UAE, our team ensures a multidisciplinary dialogue in education. Our Editorial Board further amplifies this diversity, featuring scholars from regions such as the UK, Ireland, China, South Africa, Canada, and beyond.

As a leading international publication in education, JESMA promotes avant-garde research and champions educational scholarship. Every submission undergoes a meticulous peer-review process.

We value diversity and welcome submissions from scholars worldwide. Publishing biannually in March and September, we provide ample opportunities for contributions.

JESMA upholds the highest ethical standards in research. Authors are expected to adhere to rigorous scholarship standards and obtain necessary consents for research involving human subjects.

For detailed author guidelines and submission protocols, please refer to our  Author Guidelines  on the JESMA website. Information about our editorial board can be accessed here , and our digital archiving policy is available here .

Join us in our mission to reshape education's future and promote multidisciplinary scholarship. We eagerly await your contributions and the ensuing academic discourse.

JESMA's Priority Topics:

  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Counseling and student services
  • Disabilities and gifted education
  • Educational management
  • Elementary and early childhood education
  • Higher education
  • Information and technology
  • Reading, English, and communications
  • Rural education and small schools
  • Science, mathematics, and environmental education
  • Social studies and social science education
  • Teaching and teacher education
  • Urban education

Peer Review Policy: All submissions to JESMA undergo a rigorous review process, starting with an initial assessment by the editor, followed by double-blind peer review from at least two anonymous referees.

For any queries or further details, please email us directly at  [email protected] .

No announcements have been published.

Vol 4, No 1 (2024)

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Table of Contents


  1. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies

    journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

  2. Global Academic and Scientific Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies

    journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

  3. Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies

    journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

  4. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research

    journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

  5. eLearning conocimiento en red: Vol 6, No 1 (2019) Multidisciplinary

    journal of multidisciplinary studies in education

  6. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research volume9

    journal of multidisciplinary studies in education


  1. Speaker at ICMIDISR-2024 || Department of Management Studies || Best MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR

  2. Multidisciplinary Free and Fast Journal #civilengineering #mechanicalengineering #aerospace

  3. Teaching more than English: Multi-literacies in young learners’ classroom by Anna Parr-Modrzejewska

  4. Difference between multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary education

  5. 2nd sem(Multidisciplinary Studies/G) Foundation of Education Syllabus Analysis

  6. What is the difference between interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of Gender Studies?


  1. Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Education » About -

    Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Education About JMSE is an international, peer-reviewed, non-profit, professional scientific journal that accepts manuscripts related to the field of education.

  2. STAR Journals

    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education. As a Scopus-indexed publication, the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education (Online ISSN 2690-0408, Print ISSN 2166-2681) emerges as a pivotal platform for scholars keen on shaping the educational landscape through groundbreaking research.

  3. Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Education » Submission

    Abstract. The understanding of environmental education initially focused on outdoor learning experiences. However, it has evolved into a nature-centered approach that addresses broader environmental issues through comprehensive curriculum development.

  4. Towards a didactic model for multidisciplinary teaching

    In this article, multidisciplinary teaching is distinguished from the wider approach of multidisciplinary education that includes the dimension of students’ learning. Through a didactic frame, the article zooms in on how teachers plan and implement multidisciplinary teaching in their practices.

  5. IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary...

    IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing scholarly research on Education and Allied Studies.

  6. Call for Papers: Education and Multidisciplinary Studies

    Call for Papers: Education and Multidisciplinary Studies. IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies. A quarterly call for papers rolling over every quarter for the Year 2021 is open for papers on Education and Multidisciplinary Studies.

  7. Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches

    Welcome to the Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA). We are a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal dedicated to offering comprehensive online-only submission services for academics, researchers, and professionals worldwide.

  8. Full article: Multidisciplinary education through faculty members

    Multidisciplinary education as an encompassing concept. Faculty members (n = 4) conceptualised multidisciplinary education as a broad concept, which encompassed teaching or learning activities that involved multiple disciplines.