Why Is Patriotism Important? (13 Reasons)

How do we find a nation’s true spirit?

It’s often found in a deep sense of patriotism, where people show enduring loyalty to their country and their fellow citizens. This love for one’s country goes beyond just celebrating national holidays; it’s seen in how people treat each other and work for the community every day.

But can patriotism hold strong in our connected, modern world?

We’ll look into this as we dive into the story of patriotism and its importance in building a strong society and keeping the national spirit alive.

Table of Contents

Patriotism Fosters National Unity

When patriotic feelings are genuine and inclusive, they can transcend individual interests and foster a collective identity. This sense of unity is essential for a nation’s stability and growth, as united citizens are more likely to work together towards common goals and support one another in times of need.

The roots of national unity through patriotism can be found in various elements:

  • Shared celebrations, such as national holidays and historical milestones, where citizens come together irrespective of their backgrounds.
  • Collective memories and stories of a nation’s past which imbue a common sense of heritage and destiny.
  • National symbols like the flag, anthem, and emblems evoke feelings of connection to one’s homeland.

However, for patriotism to truly unite, it must be inclusive and respectful of the nation’s diversity. It should not only celebrate common histories and shared symbols but also honor the various cultures, languages, and traditions that contribute to the nation’s identity.

Patriotism Strengthens Social Cohesion Among Citizens

Patriotic sentiment plays a pivotal role in reinforcing the bonds between people, as it promotes mutual respect and cooperation. One of the most compelling effects of social cohesion is the collective will to rise above individual differences for the greater welfare of the community.

Consider, for example, the following dimensions:

  • Mutual support and understanding during national crises, such as natural disasters or economic downturns, are tangible expressions of patriotism.
  • Sports events where athletes represent their nation and feelings of patriotism help overcome internal divisions and solidify the sense of a larger community.
  • Acts of charity and goodwill are often driven by a love of one’s fellow citizens and a desire to see the nation thrive.

To achieve social cohesion, patriotism must be built on a foundation of trust and a shared vision for the future. While it’s about celebrating who we are as a nation, it should also be about committing to what we can become.

It’s this forward-looking, constructive patriotism that can knit a tight social fabric, making society resilient against forces that would otherwise tear it apart.

Patriotism Encourages Civic Responsibility

Civic responsibility encapsulates everything from obeying laws to being a good neighbor. It’s the acknowledgment that one’s actions contribute to the greater whole and the commitment to act in ways that uphold and nurture the ideals of the nation.

This is the bedrock upon which democratic societies are built, and patriotism is the fervor that keeps the spirit of civic duty alive.

Here is how patriotic feelings can foster democratic engagement:

  • Voting in elections is an expression of the right and responsibility to shape the nation’s future.
  • Participation in local councils or town hall meetings where community decisions are made.
  • Advocacy for policies that one believes will benefit the nation and ensure its prosperity.

Patriotism Supports Democracy, Freedom, and Justice

The patriotic spirit is often intertwined with a nation’s core values: democracy, freedom, and justice. It serves as a constant reminder to citizens and leaders alike that the nation’s foundation rests on democratic ideals and the unyielding pursuit of freedom for all its members.

When patriotism is oriented toward such principles:

  • It encourages vigilance against threats to democratic freedoms.
  • It supports the quest for justice, ensuring that all citizens are treated fairly.
  • It calls for active defense of rights and liberties, even when it is challenging to do so.

In this respect, patriotism can be seen as a form of accountability. It compels citizens to champion free speech, advocate for equal rights, and contribute to creating laws and practices that embody the nation’s ideals.

Patriotism Helps Preserve Our Cultural Heritage

Patriotism can be a driving force behind the conservation and celebration of a nation’s cultural heritage, like traditions, customs, monuments, and artifacts that have been handed down through generations.

The role of patriotism in cultural conservation can be highlighted in three key areas:

EducationIncorporating national history and heritage into school curricula to foster appreciation in young minds.
RestorationRestoring historical landmarks and sites that define a nation’s journey through time.
FestivalsOrganizing cultural festivals and events that showcase the nation’s diverse artistic and cultural expressions.

By engaging in these activities, citizens enrich the nation’s cultural landscape and deepen the communal sense of belonging.

Patriotism Fosters Common Identity in Diversity

Patriotism acknowledges that while individuals may come from different backgrounds, they all share the same national identity. This inclusive approach to patriotism is critical for ensuring that all members of society feel valued and recognized.

Here are examples of how diverse groups demonstrate their patriotism:

  • Local communities that celebrate both national holidays and festivals from different cultures within the nation.
  • National sports teams that comprise players from various ethnicities, illustrating how a unified identity can shine above individual differences.
  • Civil society initiatives that encourage dialogue and understanding across different community lines to build a more cohesive national identity.

Patriotism is an invitation to every citizen to see themselves as an integral part of the national story. This sense of belonging is more than just feeling at home; it’s about knowing that one contributes to and has a stake in the welfare and future of the country.

Patriotism Lifts Our National Spirit in Difficult Times

Tough times reveal the strength of a nation’s spirit as people draw together with a shared sentiment of overcoming adversity. This collective determination is grounded in patriotism, the bond that fosters resilience and maintains society’s morale.

In everyday life, whether facing economic hardship, health crises, or environmental disasters, a patriotic resurgence often follows, with symbols such as the national flag hoisted high as a beacon of unity.

When faced with such challenges:

  • Community drives collaborate to support the most affected.
  • There is increased visibility of national symbols and expressions of solidarity.
  • Stories of national heroes from past and present are shared to lift spirits and motivate.

Strikingly, national morale is not just a feeling but an actionable force that motivates individuals to work collectively for the nation’s recovery and prosperity, exemplifying the power of a patriot’s love for their country, even in the face of daunting challenges.

Patriotism Drives Greater Participation in Volunteering

Patriotic citizens often manifest their love for their country through acts of service and volunteerism. These selfless acts of giving back are seen as building blocks for stronger communities, which, in turn, contribute to a stronger nation.

By devoting time and resources to bettering society, patriots demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of their fellow citizens and, hence, to the nation as a whole.

Volunteerism through a patriotic lens:

  • Youth Engagement : Young people inspired by patriotic education programs engage in community service, gaining life skills and an understanding of their role in society.
  • Disaster Response : Patriots frequently step up in the wake of disasters, providing aid to those affected, illustrating a readiness to serve beyond one’s immediate interests.
  • Environmental Stewardship : Recognizing the value of their national landscapes, patriotic individuals often partake in environmental conservation efforts, understanding the importance of preserving their homeland for future generations.

The commitment displayed by volunteers is a testament to the ingrained belief that every citizen plays a part in the nation’s fabric.

Patriotism Fuels Honor for Military Service and Sacrifices

Recognizing the sacrifices of service members and veterans is fundamental, not only as a sign of respect and gratitude but also in reaffirming the values they defend. These values, including liberty and security, are pillars that patriotic citizens cherish.

On a practical level, support for service members can take various forms:

  • Veteran support programs aimed at assisting with healthcare, education, and employment.
  • Public ceremonies and moments of silence that pay respect and keep the memory of their sacrifices alive.
  • Encouragement from the community through letters and care packages to those currently serving.

Furthermore, such patriotism promotes generational cohesion. Younger citizens learn the importance of service and sacrifice, drawing on these examples to inform their understanding of what it means to be a part of their country. It’s a perpetual cycle of respect and recognition , renewing the patriotic spirit with each act of honor given to these brave men and women.

Patriotism Plays a Role in the Country’s Growth

Individuals driven by patriotic feelings are often vested in the nation’s development, viewing progress as a shared responsibility. This sense of duty manifests in various aspects of national life, from economic innovation to societal welfare.

Key drivers of patriotic development include:

  • Business owners prioritizing domestic growth and job creation.
  • Scientists and educators nurturing a homegrown knowledge base.
  • Citizens advocating for policies that lead to sustainable progress.

Each stride in development is a stepping stone toward a more prosperous future, guided by the patriotic impulse to contribute positively to the nation’s welfare. Moreover, as people work together to tackle common challenges, the process itself weaves a stronger social fabric, enhancing the nation’s resilience.

Patriotism Fosters Fair Government and Representation

Patriotism can provide a moral compass that encourages leaders to act in the best interests of their fellow citizens, upholding the principles of transparency and accountability. It also empowers citizens to demand that their government lives up to the ideals it stands for, creating a balanced check and a society that strives for integrity.

Key aspects of ethical governance influenced by patriotism include:

  • Advocacy for anti-corruption measures and policies that prevent abuses of power.
  • Encouraging the electorate to learn about and engage with political processes.
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion so that all segments of society have a voice.

Ethical governance is the cornerstone of any society that seeks to serve its people effectively. Patriotic engagement in ensuring fairness within these systems underlines the belief that everyone has a role to play in shaping what their country stands for and how it functions. In this way, patriotism and good governance are intertwined, each reinforcing the other.

Patriotism Creates Stewardship of the National Environment

Being a steward of the environment means recognizing the value of our natural surroundings not only for their beauty but also for the vital resources they provide that sustain life and the nation’s identity.

Here’s how patriotic stewardship of the environment can manifest:

  • Locals who participate in clean-up initiatives at parks and beaches protecting the natural beauty for which their country is known.
  • Educational programs that teach the importance of conservation and biodiversity emphasizing how these efforts connect to national pride.
  • Policies that prioritize sustainable development reflecting a responsibility towards future generations.

Respecting and caring for the nation’s environment is an expression of love for one’s homeland. It represents a recognition that the health and beauty of a country’s landscapes are integral to its heritage and the well-being of its people.

Patriotism is Enhancing the Nation with Critical Insight

Genuine patriotism is not blind allegiance; rather, it encompasses the desire to see one’s country improve and flourish while also maintaining the ability to critically assess its direction and leadership. This balanced view means recognizing both strengths and weaknesses, celebrating the former, and being committed to ameliorating the latter.

Consider the following expressions of critical patriotism:

  • Engaging in productive debates and dialogues concerning national policies and decisions.
  • Advocacy and activism aimed at addressing social issues and injustices within the country.
  • Participation in civic life with the objective of influencing positive change and reform.

Critical patriotism is about caring enough to hold one’s country to high standards and contributing towards realizing its greatest potential. It’s a form of love that looks to the future and asks, “ How can we do better? ”

Final Thoughts

In our increasingly connected yet sometimes divided world, patriotism stands out as the common thread that intertwines our diverse stories into one vibrant narrative. Through these stories—yours, mine, and ours—we find the courage to tackle today’s challenges and the hope to create a shared future.

Let’s continue discussing patriotism openly and thoughtfully. By understanding its significance, we learn more about our nation’s heart and our collective spirit as its people.

Here’s to our country’s love in all its forms and to the conversations that help us understand and honor its richness.

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  • Patriotism Essay


Essay on Patriotism

Patriotism is more than just a word; it's a feeling that resides deep within the hearts of individuals who share a common bond with their country. In simple terms, patriotism is the love and devotion one has for their homeland. This essay explores the essence of patriotism, its significance in our daily lives, and how it contributes to the overall growth and prosperity of a nation.

Defining Patriotism

At its core, patriotism is about love and loyalty to one's country. It's the recognition of the values, culture, and shared history that bind people together. This sentiment is not limited to grand gestures or extraordinary acts; it often finds expression in simple, everyday actions that collectively contribute to the betterment of society.

Love for the Land

Patriotism begins with a genuine love for the land one calls home. It's about appreciating the natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and resources that make a country unique. Whether it's the rolling hills, expansive plains, or the sparkling waters that surround us, patriotism involves recognizing and cherishing the inherent beauty of our homeland.

Cultural Identity

A strong sense of patriotism is closely tied to cultural identity. It's the pride in the traditions, languages, and customs that have been passed down through generations. Embracing and celebrating cultural diversity fosters a sense of unity, enriching the fabric of the nation with a tapestry of different backgrounds and experiences.

Shared History

Patriotism is also rooted in a shared history that forms the foundation of a nation. Understanding the struggles, triumphs, and challenges faced by previous generations fosters a sense of continuity and responsibility. By acknowledging the sacrifices made by those who came before us, we honor their legacy and contribute to the ongoing narrative of our country.

Individual Responsibility and Civic Duty

One of the essential aspects of patriotism is the recognition of individual responsibility and civic duty. It's not just about enjoying the benefits of living in a particular country; it's about actively participating in its growth and development. This can range from voting in elections to volunteering in local communities, each act contributing to the collective well-being of the nation.

Patriotism in Daily Life

While grand displays of patriotism, such as national celebrations and parades, are noteworthy, it is in the small, everyday actions that the true essence of patriotism is often found. Acts of kindness, respect for fellow citizens, and a commitment to upholding shared values are all expressions of patriotism in daily life.

Respecting Differences

A patriotic individual understands the importance of unity in diversity. Respecting the differences among fellow citizens, whether they be cultural, religious, or ideological, is a testament to a mature and inclusive patriotism. It involves fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and accepted, contributing to a stronger and more harmonious society.

Environmental Stewardship

Caring for the environment is another manifestation of patriotism. Recognizing that the health of the land directly impacts the well-being of its inhabitants, a patriotic person takes measures to protect and preserve natural resources. This can involve sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and a commitment to reducing one's ecological footprint.

Education and Knowledge

Promoting education and knowledge is a patriotic act that invests in the future of a nation. By valuing learning, supporting educational initiatives, and encouraging intellectual curiosity, individuals contribute to the development of a knowledgeable and skilled population. A well-educated society is better equipped to face challenges and drive innovation, ensuring the continued progress of the nation.

Economic Contribution

Contributing to the economic prosperity of the country is an integral part of patriotism. This involves not only being a responsible consumer but also actively participating in the workforce. Whether through entrepreneurship, hard work, or innovation, individuals play a crucial role in building a robust and thriving economy that benefits everyone.

National Pride and Unity

Patriotism fosters a sense of national pride and unity. This pride extends beyond individual accomplishments to a collective celebration of the achievements of the entire nation. It's about recognizing and highlighting what makes the country unique and exceptional, fostering a shared sense of identity that transcends individual differences.

Challenges and Criticisms

While patriotism is generally seen as a positive force, it is essential to acknowledge that blind nationalism and exclusionary practices can emerge if taken to extremes. A healthy patriotism embraces diversity and encourages open dialogue, recognizing that different perspectives contribute to the strength and resilience of a nation.

Patriotism: A Historical Perspective

An essay on patriotism seems incomplete without delving into the historical context, particularly the role of freedom fighters. They are the heroes of times when the quest for freedom ignited the spirits of individuals who sought independence in economic, social, political, and cultural aspects.

India's Patriots

The history of India’s freedom struggle shines through the immortal courage of heroic personalities like Veer Damodar Savarkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and many more. These great patriots fought for the country and against the atrocities perpetrated on the countrymen.

Singing slogans of ‘Vande Mataram’, ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’, ‘Jay Hind’, these patriots went to the cross for the country with a smile on their faces and pride in their hearts. A very inspiring quote by Swami Vivekanand, says, “Do you love the country? Then, come, let us struggle for higher and better things; look not back, no, not even if you see the dearest and nearest cry. Look no back, but forward!”

The gist of Swami Vivekanand’s thought is that when you have started your journey on the path of the country’s welfare, then there must not be any looking back. All you need is to create a list of the priority things that you want to do for your country. Once you accomplish one thing just move ahead with the next one. The slogans like Jai Hind or Bharat Mata ki Jai work as your motivation on the path of doing something for the country. So, are you prepared to do something special for the nation?

Patriotism in Different Roles

People express their patriotism in different ways and in different roles. Soldiers, scientists, doctors, politicians, and other citizens express their patriotism through their hard work in their profession.

Indian soldiers are role models for the youth of India. Highly scrupulous, positively secular, completely apolitical, with an ethos of working hard, simple needs and frugal habits, a soldier is the epitome of courage and unflinching devotion to the country.

Mangalyaan or Mars Orbiter Mission is one of the best examples of scientists' devotion toward the country. In the pandemic situation, the hardship of doctors and nurses proves their devotion towards their country.

Patriotism does not always mean that you have to sacrifice your life for your country; contributing good service towards the country and its people is also equivalent to your sacrifice.

Mathunny Mathews has set a great example of patriotism. Mathews was an Indian, a resident in Kuwait, and was one of the people credited with the safe airlift evacuation of about 1, 70,000 Indians from Kuwait during the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Only celebrating the flag hoisting ceremony on 15th August and 26th January, posing for photos with the flag, and posting on social media doesn’t imply that you are a true patriot. A real patriot is a person who has a true love for his country. He fights against the atrocities upon his countrymen by insiders or outsiders of the country.

Patriotism by Freedom Fighters

An essay on patriotism seems incomplete without the mention of freedom fighters. They are the heroes of the times when we all wanted to get freedom. We all need freedom in economic, social, political, and cultural aspects. These were the people who did not give a second thought before offering complete sacrifice to stay in a free country.

Patriotism is a simple yet profound celebration of love for our country. It encompasses a range of sentiments, from appreciation of the land and culture to a commitment to individual responsibility and civic duty. Patriotism is not a static concept; it evolves as societies grow and change. By embodying the principles of patriotism in our daily lives, we contribute to the collective well-being of our nation, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. In the end, patriotism is about recognizing the beauty in our shared journey and working together to build a stronger, more united society. Explore the meaning of patriotism, its significance, and the diverse ways in which people express their love for their country. Learn about the role of patriotism in the lives of individuals, from freedom fighters to modern-day citizens, and understand how it contributes to the development of a nation.


FAQs on Patriotism Essay

1. How is patriotism important for a country?

Patriotism helps in promoting brotherhood and belongingness among the citizens of a country. Corruption takes a back seat when the feeling of fraternity exists among the citizens. Also, the love for one’s country creates a feeling of responsibility towards the countrymen and brings forth the best of their services, in various fields.

For example, when an IAS officer is a true patriot at heart, he will ensure that there is no corruption in his immediate system and best efforts are being delivered by his team. Similarly, doctors, soldiers, scientists, and people from every walk of life put their best efforts into serving their countrymen, when they have patriotism deep down in their hearts.

2. What are the important points to be written in an essay on patriotism?

The following outlines will help you write an essay on patriotism in your own words.

What is the meaning of patriotism in simple words?

How is patriotism different from nationalism?

Who were the great patriots of India?

Role of patriotic personalities in India’s freedom struggle.

Showcasing patriotism on Independence Day and Republic Day through social media posts is not always a sign of true patriotism.

How does patriotism play a role in the development of a nation?

These are the basic points for this essay topic, and you may add more examples of patriotic personalities and emphasize the role of patriotism in safeguarding the interests of a nation, in your essay, depending upon the required word count.

3. How can I express my patriotism?

There are many ways to express your patriotism. Some common examples include:

Participating in civic duties, such as voting and volunteering.

Obeying the law and respecting the national symbols.

Educating yourself about your country's history and culture.

Supporting your country's athletes and teams in international competitions.

Contributing to social causes and community development efforts.

4. Is patriotism the same as nationalism?

No, patriotism and nationalism are not the same. Patriotism is a positive feeling of love and pride for one's country, while nationalism can be a more extreme and exclusionary ideology that emphasizes the superiority of one's own nation over others.

5. Can patriotism be dangerous?

Yes, patriotism can be dangerous if it is used to justify harmful actions, such as discrimination against other countries or groups of people. It is important to remember that patriotism should be combined with other values, such as tolerance, respect for human rights, and a commitment to international cooperation.

6. What are some good examples of patriotism in history?

There are many examples of people who have expressed patriotism in positive ways throughout history. Some famous examples include:

Martin Luther King Jr.'s fight for civil rights in the United States.

Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent resistance to British rule in India.

Nelson Mandela's fight against apartheid in South Africa.

The volunteers who helped rebuild communities after natural disasters.

7. What are some common arguments against patriotism?

Some people argue that patriotism is outdated, irrelevant, or even harmful. Some common arguments against patriotism include:

It can be used to justify war and violence.

It can lead to blind obedience and a lack of critical thinking.

It can be used to exclude and discriminate against minority groups.

It can be a form of tribalism that creates divisions between people.

Essay on Patriotism for Students and Children

500+ words essay on patriotism.

Essay on Patriotism: Patriotism refers to the passionate love one has for their country. This virtue pushes to citizens of a country to work for their country selflessly and make it better. A truly developed country is made up of true patriots. In other words, patriotism means keeping the country’s interest first and then thinking about oneself. Patriotism can be specifically seen during times of war. Moreover, it helps in building the nation stronger. There are other significances of patriotism as well.

Essay on Patriotism

Significance of Patriotism

Usually, we refer to our country as our motherland. This further proves that we must have the same love for our country as we have for our mother. After all, our country is no less than a mother; it nurtures us and helps us grow. Everyone must possess the virtue of patriotism as it makes it better.

In addition, it also enhances the life quality of the citizens . It does that by making people work for the collective interest of the country. When everyone works for the betterment of the country, there would be no conflict of interest. Thus, a happier environment will prevail.

After that, peace and harmony will be maintained through patriotism. When the citizens have the spirit of brotherhood, they will support one another. Hence, it will make the country more harmonious.

In short, patriotism does have great importance in developing the country. It eliminates any selfish and harmful motives which in turn lessens corruption. Similarly, when the government becomes free of corruption , the country will develop faster.

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Great Patriots of India

India has had a fair share of patriots from the very beginning. The struggle for independence gave birth to various patriots. These patriots have made a lot of sacrifices for the county to flourish and prosper. Their names have gone down in history and are still taken with respect and admiration. Some of the greatest patriots of India were Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad.

what is the importance of patriotism essay

Rani Lakshmi Bai was one of the most famous patriots of the country. Her courage and bravery are still talked about. Her name always comes up in the revolt of 1857. She revolted against the British rule and to fight for independence. She gave her life fighting on the battlefield for our country.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh is another name that is synonymous with patriotism. He was determined to free India from the clutches of the British rule. He was a part of several freedom struggles. Similarly, he also started a revolution for the same. He dedicated his life to this mission and died as a martyr for the love of his country.

Maulana Azad was a true patriot. The first education minister of India played a great role in the freedom struggle. He traveled through cities and created awareness of the injustices by the British. He united people through his activism and led India to freedom.

In conclusion, these are just a few who were patriots of the country. They lived for their country and did not hesitate before devoting their lives to it. These names are shining examples for the generations to come. We must possess patriotism and work for our motherland to see it succeed.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is patriotism important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Patriotism is important for the development of a country. It helps in nation-building and driving people to work for the betterment of the country. Furthermore, it fights corruption as well.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name some of the patriots of India.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”India has had a lot of true patriots, especially during the British reign. Some of the renowned ones were Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad.”} }] }

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Essay on Patriotism | Patriotism Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Patriotism in English: What is Patriotism Essay ?  Patriotism is best defined by stating that it refers to the quality of a person supporting his country and ready to defend his country. A patriot never thinks twice before devoting his life to the liberation of the country. Patriotism is the secret behind a flourishing country. The sacrifices that a man makes for Patriotism are commendable, and that makes a patriot immortal .  We have compiled some long and short essay about patriotism for the use of the readers.

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Long and Short Essays on Patriotism in English for Students and Kids in English

Given below is an extended essay on Patriotism 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Patriotism in English 500 Words

The immense passionate love and affection one has for his country are known as patriotism. It is a virtue that pushes the citizens of the country to work for their country devotedly and selflessly. A country cannot be called a developed nation only if it succeeds in the field of economy and literacy; true patriots are the backbone of the country. True patriotism is only when one thinks about his country before he thinks about himself. It is tested in crucial times like war, pandemic, natural disasters and national emergencies.

The citizens of the country claim their country as their motherland and therefore have the same love and affection for their countries as they have for their mother.

Moreover, with the real sense of patriotism, comes the sense of responsibility. It helps one work for the country to build a better future for the country and the countrymen. It promotes fraternity and helps the citizens to stay in harmony with one another. Patriotism even helps in removing corruption and selfishness amongst the countrymen.

India had glorious patriots that helped in bringing independence to the country. The Patriots made a lot of sacrifices for their motherland and helped the country prosper and flourish. Some of the greatest Indian patriots are Maulana Azad, Bhagat Singh, Rani Lakshmi Bai and many other notable personalities.

The patriots have no fear of losing their lives on the battlefield for their country for doing some good to the country. Also, patriotism does not necessarily mean fighting for the country and shedding blood. True love for the country and thinking about the progress of the country is patriotism.

Not all who show or try to explain are patriots. Many pseudo-patriots like to take undue advantage of the situation. They neither do have any discipline or character nor do they have any sense of morality and sacrifice. They live in their fictitious world created by them. They are instead the enemies of the country.

A true patriot is respected even after his death. The soul of the patriot is immortal and deserves immense respect. A famous quote by Shakespeare is very relatable to this context, it says, “Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death once.”

Patriots like Shivaji, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jawaharlal Nehru are even remembered for their deeds today. They were the face of the fearless, and they fought for their motherland and contributed to her independence.

Essay for Patriotism

Short Essay on Patriotism in 150 Words English

Patriotism is a beautiful feeling and is a virtue. It is the act of loving and defending one’s country. A true patriot will never think about his life before acting any action that will do his country some good.

Being a patriot does not mean that one has to be violent in his actions, one can protest silently, and that protest is more effective.

The future of the country depends on the young. If young citizens are enthusiastic about their country and are real patriots, the progress of the country is guaranteed.

Not everyone who tries to claim themselves is a patriot; some false patriots like to take advantage of the situations and be selfish enough to look for the profit they will derive by speaking for or against the case.

We must keep in mind that because of true patriotic leaders like Netaji, Nehru, Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Bhagat Singh and many other eminent personalities, our country is free today.

10 Lines on Patriotism Essay in Engish

  • An act of being courageous and being ready to sacrifice for one’s own country is called Patriotism.
  • Patriotism does not necessarily mean being violent or outrageous, and protests can be done silently.
  • Showcasing love for the country on occasions like Republic Day, Independence Day, etc. is not true Patriotism.
  • Being proud of the country and thinking about the country’s welfare is what a true patriot does.
  • Patriotism can neither be spoon-fed nor can be taught, and it is one of the purest feelings that a man develops on his own.
  • Patriotism helps to build up bonds with fellow countrymen and also helps in promoting the idea of fraternity.
  • The slightest sense of responsibility and love for the country amongst the kids must be respected and guided by the teachers and the elders to make them a dependable and admirable patriot of the nation.
  • The pride that one takes while expressing love about their motherland is also an essay sign of Patriotism.
  • We should always keep notice of false patriots who live in their shell and only know how to take undue advantage of the situation.
  • The citizens must imbibe in them the virtue of Patriotism to help the country prosper.

FAQ’s on Patriotism Essay

Question 1. How to define Patriotism?

Answer: One’s love for the country without blindly following all the cultural and ceremonial believes is called Patriotism.

Question 2. Why is Patriotism important?

Answer: Patriotism helps in the development of the country and helps the country prosper. It also helps in preserving the country’s image and make it a better place to live in.

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What Is Patriotism? Definition, Examples, Pros and Cons

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Simply stated, patriotism is the feeling of love for one’s country. Demonstrating patriotism—being “patriotic”—is one of the necessities of being the stereotypical “ good citizen .” However, patriotism, like many well-intentioned things, can be harmful when taken to an extreme .

Key Takeaways

  • Patriotism is the feeling and expression of love for one’s home country, along with a feeling of unity with those who share those feelings
  • Though it shares patriotism’s love of country, nationalism is the belief that one’s home county is superior to all others
  • While considered a necessary attribute of good citizenship, when patriotism becomes politically mandatory, it can cross a line

Patriotism Definition

Along with love, patriotism is the feeling of pride, devotion, and attachment to a homeland, as well as a feeling of attachment to other patriotic citizens. The feelings of attachment may be further bound up in factors like race or ethnicity , culture, religious beliefs, or history.

Historic Perspective

Patriotism originated some 2,000 years before the rise of nationalism in the 19th century. Greek and especially Roman antiquity provide the roots for a philosophy of political patriotism that conceives of loyalty to the “patria,”—the power that the male head of a family exercised over his children—like loyalty to a political conception of the republic. It is associated with the love of law and common liberty, the search for the common good , and the duty to behave justly toward one’s country. The Roman meaning of patria is repeated in the context of the Italian city-states of the 15th century, such as Naples and Venice, as representing the common liberty of the city, which can only be safeguarded by the citizens’ civic spirit.

To Renaissance period Italian diplomat, author, philosopher, and historian Niccolò Machiavelli , the love of common liberty enabled citizens to see their private and particular interests as part of the common good and helped them to resist corruption and tyranny. While this love of the city is typically intermixed with pride in its military strength and cultural superiority, it is the political institutions and way of life of the city that form the distinctive focal point of this kind of patriotic attachment. To love the city is to be willing to sacrifice one’s own good—including one’s life—for the protection of common liberty.

While patriotism is evident throughout history, it was not always considered a civic virtue. In 18th-century Europe, for example, devotion to the state was considered a betrayal of devotion to the church.   

Other 18th-century scholars also found fault with what they considered excessive patriotism. In 1775, Samuel Johnson , whose 1774 essay The Patriot had criticized those who falsely claimed devotion to Britain, famously called patriotism “the last refuge of the scoundrel.”

Arguably, America’s first patriots were its Founding Fathers who had risked their very lives to create a nation that reflected their visions of freedom with equality. They summarized this vision in The Declaration of Independence :

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

In that single sentence, the Founders dispelled the long-held belief of the ruling British Monarchy that an individual’s pursuit of personal happiness was nothing more than a disloyal act of self-indulgence. Instead, they acknowledged that the right of each citizen to pursue personal fulfillment was essential to the qualities, such as ambition and creativity, that would fuel the nation’s economy. As a result, the pursuit of happiness became and remains the force behind America’s entrepreneurial system of free-market capitalism .  

The Declaration of Independence further states, “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” In this phrase, the Founding Fathers rejected the autocratic rule of monarchs and confirmed the revolutionary principle of “government of the people, by the people” as the basis of American democracy and the reason the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution begins with the words “We the People.”

Examples of Patriotism

There are countless ways of showing patriotism. Standing for the National Anthem and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance are obvious ones. Perhaps more importantly, many of the most beneficial acts of patriotism in the U.S. are those that both celebrate the country and make it stronger. A few of these include:

  • Participating in the representative democracy by registering to vote and voting in elections .
  • Volunteering for community service or running for elected government office.
  • Serving on juries.
  • Obeying all laws and paying taxes.
  • Understanding the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities contained in the U.S. Constitution.

Patriotism vs. Nationalism

While the words patriotism and nationalism were once considered synonyms, they have taken on different connotations. While both are the feelings of love people feel for their country, the values upon which those feelings are based are very different.

Feelings of patriotism are based on the positive values the country embraces—like freedom, justice, and equality. The patriot believes that both the system of government and the people of their country are inherently good and work together for a better quality of life.

In contrast, feelings of nationalism are based on a belief that one’s country is superior to all others. It also carries a connotation of distrust or disapproval of other countries, leading to the assumption that other countries are rivals. While patriots do not automatically denigrate other countries, nationalists do, sometimes to the point of calling for their country’s global dominance. Nationalism, through its protectionist beliefs, is the polar opposite of globalism .

Historically, the effects of nationalism have been both positive and negative. While it has driven independence movements, like the Zionist movement that created modern Israel, it was also a key factor in the rise of the German Nazi Party , and the Holocaust . 

Patriotism versus nationalism arose as a political issue when U.S. President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron verbally sparred over the meaning of the terms.

At a rally on October 23, 2018, President Trump defended his populist “Make America Great Again” platform and protectionist policies of tariffs on foreign imports, officially declaring himself a “nationalist":

“A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much,” he said. “And you know what? We can't have that. You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It's called a nationalist. And I say, really, we’re not supposed to use that word. You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, OK? I’m a nationalist.”

President Macron, speaking at the 100th Armistice Day ceremony in Paris on November 11, 2018, offered a different meaning of nationalism. He defined nationalism as “putting our nation first, and not caring about the others.” By rejecting the interests of other countries, Macon asserted, “we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential, its moral values.”

Pros and Cons of Patriotism

Few countries survive and prosper without some degree of patriotic feelings among their people. A love of country and shared pride bring the people together, helping them endure challenges. Without shared patriotic beliefs, colonial Americans may not have chosen to travel the road to independence from England. More recently, patriotism brought the American people together to overcome the Great Depression and achieve victory in World War II .

The potential downside of patriotism is that if it becomes a mandatory political doctrine, it can be used to turn groups of people against each other and can even lead the country to reject its fundamental values.

A few examples from United States history include:

As early as 1798, extreme patriotism, spurred by fears a war with France, led Congress to enact the Alien and Sedition Acts allowing the jailing of certain U.S. immigrants without due process of law and restricting the First Amendment freedoms of speech and the press .

In 1919, early fears of Communism triggered the Palmer raids resulting in the arrest and immediate deportation without trial of more than 10,000 German- and Russian-American immigrants.

After the December 7, 1941, Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor , the Franklin Roosevelt administration ordered some 127,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry imprisoned in internment camps for the duration of World War II.

During the Red Scare of the early 1950s, the McCarthy era saw thousands of Americans accused without evidence by the government of being communists or communist sympathizers. After a series of so-called “investigations” conducted by Senator Joseph McCarthy, hundreds of those accused were ostracized and prosecuted for their political beliefs.

  • Johnson, Samuel (1774). “ The Patriot .” SamuelJohnson.com
  • “ Nationalism .” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Plato.stanford.edu
  • Boswell, James, Hibbert, “The Life of Samuel Johnson.” Penguin Classics, ISBN 0-14-043116-0
  • Diamond, Jeremy. “ Trump embraces 'nationalist' title at Texas rally .” CNN (October 23, 2018)
  • Liptak. Kevin. “ Macron rebukes nationalism as Trump observes Armistice Day. ” CNN (November 12, 2018)
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Essays on Patriotism

When it comes to writing an essay on patriotism, the topic you choose can make a big difference. Patriotism is a broad and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of ideas, emotions, and actions. Choosing the right topic is essential for crafting a compelling and engaging essay that captures the essence of patriotism. In this guide, we will discuss the importance of the topic, provide advice on choosing a topic, and offer a detailed list of recommended essay topics, divided by category.

Patriotism is a concept that holds different meanings for different people. It is not only about love for one's country, but also about the values and principles that one believes in. Writing an essay on patriotism allows you to explore and express your thoughts on these important ideas. The topic you choose will shape the direction of your essay and influence the way your audience perceives your perspective on patriotism.

When choosing a topic for your patriotism essay, it's important to consider your own interests and beliefs. Think about what aspects of patriotism are meaningful to you and what you want to communicate to your audience. Consider topics that are relevant and timely, as well as those that offer opportunities for in-depth exploration and analysis. Additionally, make sure to choose a topic that is manageable within the scope of your assignment and that allows you to present a compelling argument or narrative.

Recommended Patriotism Essay Topics

When writing an essay about patriotism, it's important to choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant. Here is a list of patriotism essay topics categorized by different themes:

Historical Perspectives

  • The role of patriotism in the American Revolution
  • Patriotic symbolism in the Civil War
  • Patriotism in World War I and II
  • The impact of patriotism on the founding of a nation

Modern Perspectives

  • The relationship between patriotism and nationalism
  • Patriotism in the context of globalization
  • The influence of patriotism on contemporary politics
  • The role of social media in shaping patriotic sentiment

Cultural Perspectives

  • Patriotism in literature and the arts
  • Patriotic traditions and celebrations around the world
  • Patriotism in popular culture and media
  • Immigrant perspectives on patriotism

Ethical and Philosophical Considerations

  • The ethics of patriotism and its implications
  • Patriotism vs. cosmopolitanism: a philosophical debate
  • The role of patriotism in shaping moral values
  • Patriotism and the concept of duty

Personal Reflections

  • My personal journey with patriotism
  • Family traditions and patriotism
  • Patriotism and identity: a personal exploration
  • How my perspective on patriotism has evolved over time

Global Perspectives

  • Comparative analysis of patriotism across different cultures
  • The role of patriotism in international relations
  • Patriotism and global citizenship
  • Patriotism and the challenges of multiculturalism

Social and Political Implications

  • The impact of patriotism on social cohesion
  • Patriotism and protest movements
  • The role of patriotism in promoting social change
  • The intersection of patriotism and social justice

Education and Patriotism

  • The role of patriotism in the school curriculum
  • Patriotism and civic education
  • Teaching patriotism in a diverse classroom
  • Patriotism and the challenge of historical accuracy

Psychological Perspectives

  • The psychology of patriotism
  • Patriotism and identity formation
  • The impact of patriotism on mental health
  • Patriotism and group dynamics

Environmental Considerations

  • Patriotism and environmental conservation
  • The role of patriotism in sustainable development
  • Patriotism and climate change activism
  • The intersection of patriotism and ecological ethics

These recommended essay topics cover a wide range of perspectives on patriotism, offering ample opportunities for exploration and analysis. Whether you are interested in historical, cultural, philosophical, or personal reflections on patriotism, there is a topic that will suit your interests and allow you to craft a compelling and thought-provoking essay.

Remember to choose a topic that resonates with you personally and provides a platform for expressing your thoughts and ideas in a meaningful way. With the right topic, your patriotism essay has the potential to spark important conversations and inspire critical thinking about the concept of patriotism in today's world.

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Patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to one's country. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings, language relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects.

Niccolò Machiavelli, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jürgen Habermas, Johann Gottfried von Herder, etc.

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104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples

Welcome to our list of patriotism essay ideas! Choose among positive and negative topics on patriotism and make sure to check out our patriotism essay examples.

🔝 Top 10 Patriotism Essay Ideas to Write about

🏆 best patriotism topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting patriotism topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about patriotism, ❓ questions related to patriotism.

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  • Patriotism, Diversity, and Multiculturalism
  • Social Media’s Effect on National Sentiment
  • What Happens to Patriotism in Times of Crisis?
  • Does Patriotism Foster Civic Engagement?
  • The Line Between Patriotism and Nationalism
  • The Role of Literature, Music, and Art in Nation-Building
  • What’s the Connection Between Patriotism and Identity?
  • National Flags and Anthems as Expressions of Patriotism
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  • Summary of the Movie “Patriot” by Roland Emmerich Therefore, the paper aims to summarize the plot and the characters of the film “Patriot” in the framework of those historical events.
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/

"104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.

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Essay on Patriotism: Samples for Students in 100, 250, 500 Words

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  • Oct 13, 2023


Essay on Patriotism: Patriotism can be defined as one’s love and loyalty towards their country. Everybody loves to serve their country and take it to new heights. These people are referred to as patriots. The feeling of patriotism allows a set of people to come closer. It must be promoted for the betterment of the country as well as the people residing there. 

what is the importance of patriotism essay

Those who are true patriots work towards building their nation in whichever way they can. Here are essays on Patriotism of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Patriotism essay as per your interest. 

Also Read: Maharana Pratap: The Patriotic Hero of the Century

Essay on Patriotism in 100 Words

Patriotism in India is a fervent devotion and love for one’s country, deeply ingrained in its rich history and diverse culture. It transcends mere flag-waving and extends to an unwavering commitment to the nation’s progress. Patriotism finds expression in the sacrifices made by countless freedom fighters for India’s independence, serving as a timeless inspiration.

This sentiment is not confined to any particular religion, caste, or creed; it unites Indians from all backgrounds. It is evident in the respect for the national flag and anthem, symbolizing the collective pride of  1.4 billion people.

Patriotism isn’t blind allegiance; it involves constructive criticism and an earnest desire for India to reach greater heights. It fuels the spirit of nation-building, fostering unity in diversity and preserving the values that make India unique. In a rapidly changing world, patriotism remains the bedrock upon which India’s future is built, reminding all Indians of their duty to their beloved motherland.

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Essay on Patriotism in 250 Words

Patriotism is a powerful force that has shapes a country’s history and continues to influence its present. In this essay, we will explore the significance of patriotism in India, its historical roots, and its manifestations in contemporary society.

Historical Roots of Patriotism

India’s rich history of patriotism can be traced back to its struggle for independence against British colonial rule. Visionaries like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Subhas Chandra Bose inspired millions with their unwavering love for the nation. Their sacrifices and dedication instilled a deep sense of patriotism in the hearts of Indians.

Diverse and United

India’s diversity in culture, language, and religion is a testament to its unity in diversity. Patriotism in India transcends these differences, binding the nation together. Indians take pride in their heritage, from the majestic Himalayas to the serene backwaters of Kerala. This love for the motherland fosters a sense of belonging and unity.

Modern Expressions of Patriotism

Today, patriotism finds expression in various forms. Indians celebrate their independence on August 15th with flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades, and cultural events. Social media has provided a platform for citizens to express their love for India, and campaigns like “Make in India” promote economic patriotism by supporting indigenous products.

Patriotism in India is a deep-seated emotion that binds its people together. Rooted in history, it has evolved to suit the modern world. As India continues to progress, patriotism remains a guiding force, reminding citizens of their responsibilities and the importance of unity in building a brighter future for the nation.

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Essay on Patriotism in 500 Words 


Patriotism in India is an enduring sentiment deeply etched into the collective psyche of its citizens. This essay explores the multifaceted dimensions of patriotism, tracing its historical roots, examining its contemporary expressions, and highlighting the challenges and responsibilities it entails.

Historical Legacy of Patriotism

1. The Freedom Struggle: Patriotism in India finds its origins in the arduous struggle for independence from British colonial rule. Visionaries like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Subhas Chandra Bose became iconic symbols of unwavering love for the nation. Their sacrifices and dedication stirred the hearts of millions, laying the foundation for modern Indian patriotism.

2. Iconic Moments: The Salt March, Quit India Movement, and Dandi March stand as enduring symbols of patriotic fervor. These historic events not only marked milestones in the journey towards independence but also demonstrated the power of non-violent resistance and unity.

Diverse and Unified

1. Unity in Diversity: India’s remarkable diversity in culture, language, religion, and geography is a testament to its unity in diversity. Despite these differences, Indians share a common bond of love for the motherland. This sense of belonging transcends regional and cultural boundaries.

2. Cultural Expressions: India’s rich cultural tapestry, from the majestic Himalayas to the vibrant festivals of Holi and Diwali, serves as a canvas for expressions of patriotism. Songs, dances, and traditional rituals celebrate the nation’s heritage and its people’s attachment to it.

1. National Celebrations: Independence Day and Republic Day are grand celebrations that unite the nation. Flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, and cultural performances showcase the pride Indians take in their country’s achievements.

2. Economic Patriotism: Initiatives like “Make in India” promote economic patriotism by encouraging the consumption of indigenous products. Supporting local businesses and industries is seen as a way to contribute to the nation’s growth.

Challenges and Responsibilities

1. Upholding Democratic Values: Patriotism must go hand in hand with upholding democratic values. Respecting the Constitution, ensuring equal rights, and promoting social justice are crucial aspects of being a patriotic Indian.

2. Tackling Divisions: While patriotism unites, it can also be misused to promote division and intolerance. Indians must be vigilant against divisive ideologies that threaten the nation’s unity.

3. Environmental Responsibility: Protecting India’s natural heritage is an essential facet of patriotism. Preserving forests, rivers, and wildlife ensures a sustainable future for the country.

Patriotism in India is a timeless bond that has withstood the test of time. Rooted in a history of struggle, it has evolved to encompass the vast diversity of the nation. 

As India continues to progress on the global stage, patriotism remains a guiding force, reminding citizens of their responsibilities and the importance of unity in shaping a brighter future for the nation. It is a sentiment that continues to inspire and define India’s identity in the modern world.

Ans. Patriotism arises organically and holds great importance in safeguarding a nation’s cultural and historical legacy. It involves a deep sense of pride in being a representative of one’s country. Patriotism encompasses a profound love for the nation and a willingness to endure any hardship for the sake of one’s homeland.

Ans. The top 5 points of a best patriot are a unique fondness for one’s native land, a feeling of personal connection to the nation, a particular care for the welfare of the country and readiness to make sacrifices to advance the nation’s welfare.

Ans. The term “patriot” refers to an individual who harbors a deep affection for their homeland and is willing to courageously uphold and protect it. This definition has remained constant since the word was introduced to the English language in the 16th century, although it has faced occasional scrutiny and debate over the years.

We hope that this blog essay on Patriotism has given you some known and unknown facts and secrets about Patriotism. For more amazing reads on essay writing , follow Leverage Edu. 

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Aditi Gupta

A bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, I am an enthusiastic writer. I love to write about impactful content which can help others. I love to binge watch and listen to music during my free time.

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Essay on Patriotism | Importance | Concept | 100, 150, 200, 300 & 500 Words

Essay on Patriotism edumantra.net

Patriotism is a word that gives rise to the feelings of love and respect for one’s country. It is an emotion that can be felt by people of all ages or social statuses. Whether it’s singing the national anthem at a sports event or hoisting the flag on Independence Day, patriotism is an essential part of our lives. Let’s see 5 amazing examples of essay on patriotism.

Essay on Patriotism – 100 + Words

Patriotism is the feeling of love and loyalty for our country. It connects us to our nation. When we are patriotic, we care about our country’s well-being. Patriots help their country make progress. Being patriotic means respecting our flag. It also means appreciating our culture. Being a patriot also means being proud of our country’s achievements. Patriots work together to overcome challenges of any nation. Patriotism teaches us to be responsible citizens. It is a value that should be nourished and celebrated by people of all ages and backgrounds. Patriotism is a feeling we should all aim for. We can show it in different ways, like going to national events or supporting those in need. It’s our duty as citizens to join hands and safeguard our country’s values and freedoms, so that future generations can benefit from them.

Essay on Patriotism | All Class | 150 + Words

Patriotism is a special feeling of love and loyalty towards our own country. It means caring deeply about our nation and wanting to make it better. Being patriotic is like having a strong bond with our mother . We show our love for our country by respecting our flag, appreciating our history, and valuing our traditions. Patriotism is not just for certain groups of people, it is something that everyone can feel. It reminds us to be proud of our country’s achievements and to work together to overcome challenges. When we are patriotic, we understand that we have a responsibility to contribute our part to the progress of our nation. Furthermore, patriotism inspires us to stand up for what is right and just for the good of our country. When faced with challenges or threats to our nation’s safety, patriotism motivates us to act and defend it. In conclusion, patriotism is being patriotic means loving and supporting our nation, and it is something that anyone can embrace.

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essay for patriotism edumantra.net

Essay on Patriotism | All Class | 200 + Words

Patriotism is the expression of love and devotion towards one’s country. It is the reflection of pride that we feel for our nation and its rich heritage as citizens. When we are patriotic, we deeply care about our country’s well-being and want to make it a better place. Patriotism is not just a word, it’s an emotion that connects us to our nation. It’s the feeling of pride we get when we see our flag flying high. We are filled with respect when we listen to our national anthem being played. Patriotism is important because it gives us a sense of identity and purpose. We become invested in our country’s future and work towards making it better for ourselves and generations to come. Patriotism also promotes unity among people from different backgrounds All people living in a country share a common love for their country. Furthermore, patriotism inspires us to stand up for what is right and just for the good of our country. When faced with challenges or threats to our nation’s safety, patriotism motivates us to take action and defend it. Patriotism motivates us to protect the rights and freedoms that our nation stands for. It inspires us to be good global citizens and to represent our country with dignity and respect. In summary, patriotism is an important quality that unites us as a nation. Let’s welcome patriotism and work hard to improve our country for future generations.

Essay for Patriotism

  When we think of the importance of patriotism, four kinds of people haunt our mind. People of the first kind are those who are chauvinists. They are obsessed with the idea of patriotism. They are practically fascists like Hitler and Mussolini. Such people may be imperialistic like Churchill. The second kind of people is traitors like Quisling. But unlike Quisling, such people generally remain hidden under the surface. Many of them may pose to be great patriots but actually they may be outright traitors. The third kind of people may be just indifferent to the idea of patriotism and they may maintain this indifferent attitude at all times even in the times of calamities and natural disasters. The fourth kind of people, who may be the commonest, may be of the type who remain indifferent to the idea generally but rise to occasion in time of war, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, and famines or other disasters and national calamities. To these kinds may be added a fifth kind. Such people may be more dangerous and treacherous than ordinary traitors. These are the people who engage themselves in antinational activities such as terrorism, communalism, fake currency making, scams, smug selling sensitive military and other information to the enemies of the country, etc.  We must bear in mind that the nation whose people do not have the spirit of patriotism in them, will just disintegrate sooner or later, we must bow to our country which is our motherland where we are born and which supplies us everything we need.  The man who does not love his country is just a dead soul as Sir Walter Scott has said:-

`Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said?  “This is my own, my native land!”

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Essay on Patriotism | all Class | 300 + Words

Patriotism is not just a word, it’s an emotion that fills our hearts with pride and love for our country. It serves as an inspiration to people all around the world who share similar feelings towards their homeland. It’s not about blind loyalty or following the government blindly, but rather it means to appreciate the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. Patriotism also means standing up for what is right for your country. There have been several patriots who came before us and to work towards creating a better future for generations after us. Being patriotic is important because it instills a sense of unity among citizens of a country. Patriotism also helps in preserving national identity and culture. By celebrating traditions and customs unique to our country, we can embrace diversity while still maintaining a strong sense of belonging. Moreover, patriotism promotes accountability among leaders. When citizens demand change or improvement in their society, they do so out of love for their country and its people. There are certain ways in which we can express ourselves as great patriots. One way to show patriotism is by serving in the military or working for the betterment of society. Another way to express patriotism is by respecting national symbols like flags, anthems, and monuments. It is important to remember that patriotism should never be used as an excuse for hatred towards other countries or cultures. True patriots are those who celebrate diversity and promote unity among their fellow citizens. As citizens of our respective countries, it is essential to understand how our actions impact others around us. We must strive towards creating a peaceful environment where everyone can live together harmoniously without any discrimination based on caste, creed, race, or religion. Whether we are students, teachers, doctors, or farmers, we all can be patriotic and contribute in our ways. It can be through small acts of kindness, volunteering for community service, or actively participating in the democratic process. It’s also important to acknowledge that patriotism can bring unity amongst people who share similar values and beliefs. It may also divide those who don’t agree with each other politically or socially. Therefore, any discussion on patriotism must consider the diverse perspectives of different groups. In conclusion, being patriotic means loving your country wholeheartedly but at the same time respecting other cultures and people around you. Let us all become true patriots by working together to make this world a better place

essay on patriotism in English edumantra.net

Essay on Patriotism- 500 + Words

Patriotism, a word that carries immense significance and pride in one’s nation. It is more than just waving flags or singing national anthems; it is an emotion that ignites the fire of love for our country within us. Patriotism comes in many forms and shapes, ranging from acts of sacrifice to simply respecting the laws and institutions of our land. Through this essay on patriotism, we will dive deeper into what patriotism means to us, its importance, benefits, types, and how we can express it in our everyday lives.

What is patriotism?

Patriotism is the devotion and love one feels for their country. It is a deep-rooted emotion that inspires individuals to take pride in their nation’s culture, history, and achievements. Patriotism can be expressed in various ways, from serving in the military to simply following traffic rules. At its core, patriotism is about acknowledging and respecting the values that our country stands for. It means putting aside our individual interests for the greater good of society. Being patriotic doesn’t mean blindly following everything our government does; it means holding them accountable when they fail to uphold those values. Patriotism also involves recognizing and celebrating diversity within our communities while still uniting under a common identity as citizens of a particular country. By embracing each other’s differences, we can work towards creating an inclusive society where everyone feels valued and respected. Patriotism isn’t just about loving your country; it’s about actively working towards making it better. Whether through community service or political activism, every person has a role to play in building a healthier, more prosperous nation.

Definition of patriotism

Patriotism can be defined as the love and devotion that a person has towards their country. It involves recognizing the value and importance of one’s country, its culture, traditions, history, and people. Patriotism is also about showing respect for the symbols and institutions of one’s nation. However, there are different perspectives on what patriotism truly means. Some view it as blind loyalty to one’s government or political leaders while others see it as standing up against injustices perpetrated by those in power. Regardless of how it is interpreted, patriotism plays a significant role in shaping national identity and fostering social cohesion among citizens. It inspires individuals to contribute positively to their communities through acts of service, volunteerism, or civic engagement. In essence, patriotism should be viewed not only as an emotional attachment but also an active commitment towards making society better for all citizens.

The different types of patriotism

Patriotism can take on different forms depending on the individual and their beliefs. Some may express it through their love for their country’s history and culture, while others may show it by serving in the military or community. One type of patriotism is civic patriotism, which involves a commitment to upholding the values and principles of one’s country, such as democracy, freedom, and justice. It often entails being an active participant in society by voting, volunteering, or speaking out against injustice. Another form of patriotism is cultural patriotism which focuses on celebrating and preserving a country’s unique traditions, customs, arts & literature. This kind of Patriotism highlights the importance placed upon language, symbols, and art that have helped shape national identity over time. Militaristic patriotism typically centers around supporting military action taken by one’s government in order to protect its citizens from foreign threats or enemies. This kind of Patriotism has more direct connections with armed forces because they are seen as protecting one’s homeland from external dangers.

essay writing on patriotism edumantra.net

The importance of patriotism

Patriotism is an essential aspect of any nation’s culture and identity. It helps to create a sense of unity and belonging among citizens, which is crucial for the development and progress of any country. Patriotism also plays a vital role in promoting national values, traditions, and ideals. One significant importance of patriotism is that it fosters national unity among citizens. When people feel proud to be part of their country, they tend to work towards its prosperity with zeal and enthusiasm. This results in social cohesion, which leads to the stability necessary for sustained growth. Another critical importance of patriotism is that it promotes respect for national institutions such as the government, military forces, judiciary systems etc. Such collective admiration fosters trust among citizens in these institutions resulting in better governance, security as well as law enforcement within state borders. Furthermore, patriotism encourages individuals to participate actively in civic duties such as voting during elections. It emphasizes on citizen participation not only during elections but other forms like volunteering or serving on community boards. This creates trust between governments and citizens leading to stronger democracies where people have more power over decision-making processes. While patriotism has its flaws when taken too far; it serves primarily important roles within nations by fostering loyalty, respect, and appreciation from people living there. Such virtues promote shared goals resulting in peaceful coexistence amongst all groups living within the state borders.

The benefits of patriotism

Patriotism may seem like an abstract concept, but it actually has tangible benefits for both individuals and society as a whole. Here are some of the advantages that come with being patriotic: Firstly, patriotism fosters a sense of unity and belonging among citizens. When people feel connected to their country and its values, they are more likely to work together towards common goals. This can lead to stronger communities, better governance and ultimately, a more prosperous nation. Secondly, patriotism instills a sense of pride in one’s heritage and culture. By celebrating the unique aspects of their country’s history and traditions, citizens can develop a greater appreciation for diversity while also preserving their own identity. Thirdly, patriotism encourages civic engagement and participation in public life. When people care about what happens in their community or country they’re motivated to participate in democracy through voting or volunteering which is essential for maintaining healthy democracies. Studies have shown that patriotic individuals tend to have higher levels of well-being than those who lack national pride. This could be because feeling rooted in something larger than oneself provides comfort during difficult times. In short , Patriotism brings many individual benefits such as fostering unity, bolstering self-esteem, civic duty, and improved well-being

How to Express Patriotism

Expressing patriotism is a personal choice that can take many forms. One way to express patriotism is by flying the flag of your country outside your house or on your car. This simple act shows everyone that you are proud of where you come from and support its values. Another way to express patriotism is by participating in community events such as parades or festivals celebrating national holidays. These events bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and pride for their shared heritage. Furthermore, supporting local businesses and products made in your home country can also be viewed as a form of patriotism. By choosing to buy locally-made goods, you are contributing to the growth and success of your nation’s economy. Additionally, volunteering for causes that support veterans, first responders, or other public servants who risk their lives for the safety and well-being of others can show gratitude towards those who have sacrificed so much for our nation. Expressing patriotism doesn’t have to be grandiose gestures; it can be small actions that reflect one’s love and appreciation for their homeland.

What patriotism means to me

Patriotism means different things to different people, and for me, it’s all about love for my country. It’s the feeling of pride that comes with being a part of something bigger than myself – a nation with its own unique culture, history, and values. To me, patriotism is also about responsibility. As citizens, we have a duty to contribute positively to our society and work towards making it better for future generations. This could mean volunteering in our communities or getting involved in politics to help shape policies that benefit everyone. Another aspect of patriotism that resonates with me is the idea of unity. Despite our differences in race, religion or political beliefs, we are all united by our love for this country. Patriotism reminds us that we are stronger when we stand together as one nation under God. Patriotism inspires gratitude within me – gratitude for the sacrifices made by those who came before us to secure the freedoms and opportunities we enjoy today. It motivates me to do my part in preserving these rights and ensuring they remain available for generations to come. Patriotism is more than just waving flags on Independence Day or singing national anthems; it’s an enduring commitment towards building a better tomorrow while honoring our past heritage.

How to express patriotism

Expressing patriotism can be as simple as displaying the national flag on special occasions or singing the national anthem with pride. However, there are other ways you can show your love for your country. Firstly, being an active and responsible citizen is a great way to express patriotism. This includes paying taxes, obeying laws, and participating in community service activities. Secondly, supporting local businesses and products can also be seen as a form of patriotism. By doing so, you are contributing to the growth of your country’s economy. Thirdly, educating yourself about your country’s history and culture is vital in expressing patriotism. Knowing about significant events that shaped the nation and celebrating cultural festivals helps promote unity among citizens. Spreading positivity about your country through social media platforms or personal interactions also shows how much you care for it. Highlight its achievements and progress as well as acknowledge its shortcomings while striving towards positive change. Expressing patriotism goes beyond just waving flags or reciting anthems; it requires one to actively participate in building a better nation.

Patriotism is a vital element that every citizen of any country should embrace. It brings about unity, helps us to appreciate our heritage and culture, and motivates us to work towards the development of our nation. Patriotism instills in us the sense of responsibility and encourages us to contribute towards making our nation a better place for ourselves and future generations. As citizens, we must strive to promote harmony amongst fellow nationals irrespective of their religion, race or background. Therefore, let’s all express patriotism through various means such as volunteering for community service projects or actively participating in national events. Let’s take pride in our country by promoting peace and unity wherever we find ourselves. Ultimately it is up to each individual patriot to decide how they want their love for their country expressed but always remember that expressing patriotism goes beyond just words – it requires actions.

1.What does patriotism imply in everyday life? Ans : Patriotism manifests in various ways in everyday life. Here are some examples of what patriotism implies in our daily lives: 1) Being patriotic means understanding and following the laws of our country. It implies that we respect the rules and regulations set forth by our government and strive to be law-abiding citizens. 2) Patriotism involves actively participating in civic duties. This can include voting in elections, voicing our opinions on important matters, and staying informed about current events. By engaging in these activities, we contribute to the democratic process and help shape the future of our country. 3) Patriotism extends to our local communities. It implies being actively involved in community service, volunteering, and supporting local initiatives. By giving back to our community, we contribute to its well-being and foster a sense of unity among its members. 4) Patriotism implies embracing the diversity that exists within our country. It means treating all individuals with respect and fairness, regardless of their background, ethnicity, religion, or beliefs. By promoting inclusivity, we strengthen the fabric of our society and work towards a more harmonious nation. In essence, patriotism in everyday life means being an active and engaged citizen who contributes positively to the betterment of our country. It involves upholding the values, principles, and responsibilities that come with being a member of our nation.

2. How is patriotism much better than nationalism? Even though nationalism is a negative concept, why do people follow it? Ans : Patriotism and nationalism are two related but distinct concepts, and their differences lie in their underlying principles and implications. While patriotism can be seen as a positive and inclusive love for one’s country, nationalism often carries more negative connotations and can lean towards exclusionary and aggressive tendencies. Patriotism, at its core, represents a deep love, pride, and loyalty towards one’s own country. It emphasizes a sense of belonging and a desire to contribute to the well-being of the nation. nationalism tends to focus on the superiority and interests of one’s nation over others. It can lead to an exclusionary mindset, fostering divisions and animosity towards those who are perceived as different. Nationalism often prioritizes the pursuit of power and dominance, potentially leading to aggression, discrimination, and conflict. Despite the negative aspects associated with nationalism, some people may still follow it for various reasons. These reasons can include historical factors, a sense of collective identity, economic concerns, or political manipulation. Nationalism can sometimes be used as a tool by individuals or groups to exploit emotions, promote divisive ideologies, or gain power. Additionally, people might be influenced by cultural conditioning, social pressures, or a lack of exposure to alternative perspectives.

3. How important are nationalism and patriotism to having a better nation? Ans : Nationalism and patriotism are important for building a better nation because they foster unity, promote development, and contribute to social stability. They instill a sense of pride and collective identity among citizens, motivating them to work together for their country’s progress. Nationalism and patriotism also help preserve a nation’s cultural heritage and encourage civic responsibility. However, it is important to promote a balanced and inclusive form of nationalism and patriotism that respects diversity and promotes global cooperation.

4. Why is nationalism better than pseudo-liberalism? Ans : Nationalism and pseudo-liberalism are different concepts, so it is not accurate to say one is better than the other. However, pseudo-liberalism, which is an extreme form of liberalism, can have negative consequences. It may prioritize individual freedoms without considering the well-being of society as a whole. In contrast, nationalism, when expressed positively and inclusively, can foster unity and collective progress. It promotes social cohesion and a commitment to the nation. Striving for a balanced approach that respects both individual rights and the needs of the community is important.

5. Which is better for a state, patriotism or nationalism? Ans : Patriotism, with its emphasis on love and loyalty towards one’s country while respecting diversity, is generally considered better for a state than extreme nationalism. Patriotism promotes unity, civic responsibility, and a strong society, while extreme nationalism can lead to divisions and conflicts. Striking a balance and promoting a healthy form of patriotism allows for a united and inclusive state that values cooperation and respects individual rights.

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patriotism , feeling of attachment and commitment to a country , nation, or political community . Patriotism (love of country) and nationalism (loyalty to one’s nation) are often taken to be synonymous, yet patriotism has its origins some 2,000 years prior to the rise of nationalism in the 19th century.

Greek and especially Roman antiquity provide the roots for a political patriotism that conceives of loyalty to the patria as loyalty to a political conception of the republic. It is associated with the love of law and common liberty, the search for the common good , and the duty to behave justly toward one’s country. This classical Roman meaning of patria reemerges in the context of the Italian city republics of the 15th century. Here, patria stands for the common liberty of the city, which can only be safeguarded by the citizens’ civic spirit. For Niccolò Machiavelli , the love of common liberty enabled citizens to see their private and particular interests as part of the common good and helped them to resist corruption and tyranny . While this love of the city is typically intermixed with pride in its military strength and cultural superiority, it is the political institutions and way of life of the city that form the distinctive focal point of this kind of patriotic attachment. To love the city is to be willing to sacrifice one’s own good—including one’s life—for the protection of common liberty.

In contrast to the classical republican conception of patriotism, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Considerations on the Government of Poland can be seen as an early example of the link between nationalism and patriotism. While Rousseau advocated the love of the nation and the celebration of national culture , he believed that national culture is valuable primarily because it helps foster loyalty to the political fatherland. Thus, Rousseau’s nationalism stemmed from and served his typically republican emphasis on securing citizens’ loyalty to their political institutions.

A more explicit link between nationalism and patriotism can be found in the work of German philosopher Johann Gottfried von Herder . In Herder’s view, patriotism refers not to a political virtue but to a spiritual attachment to the nation. In this context, fatherland becomes synonymous with the nation and its distinct language and culture, which give it unity and coherence . Thus, instead of linking patriotism to the preservation of political liberty, Herder associates love of one’s country with the preservation of a common culture and the spiritual unity of a people. While in the classical republican tradition, “fatherland” is synonymous with political institutions, for Herder, the nation is prepolitical and love of one’s national culture is a natural inclination that allows a people to express their distinctive character. On this account, patriotism is associated with the exclusive attachment to one’s own culture and thus stands in opposition to cosmopolitanism and cultural assimilation. Freedom is equated not with the fight against political oppression but with the preservation of a unique people and patriotic sacrifice with the desire to secure the long-term survival of the nation.

This association between patriotism and the exclusive attachment to one’s nation has led critics to view the sentiment of patriotic pride as morally dangerous, giving rise to a chauvinism that is incompatible with cosmopolitan aspirations and the recognition of the equal moral worth of all human beings. More sympathetic approaches to patriotism have sought to ground it in new forms of loyalty that are compatible with universal values, respect for human rights , and tolerance of ethnic and national differences. At the heart of this renewed interest in patriotism lies the belief that to be stable, democratic societies require a strong sense of allegiance on the part of their citizens. Not only does the high degree of pluralism that characterizes contemporary societies potentially give rise to tensions and disagreements among citizens that may destabilize the polity, modern democratic states committed to a degree of equality rely on the willingness of citizens to make sacrifices for the common good, be it in terms of the everyday redistribution of income to meet welfare needs or the provision of collective goods and services such as education or health care. Hence, in the eyes of advocates of new forms of patriotism, stable democratic societies require a strong sense of solidarity.

The most prominent example of this search for new forms of solidarity is German philosopher Jürgen Habermas ’s notion of Verfassungspatriotismus (constitutional patriotism), which seeks to ground the loyalty of citizens not in the idea of a prepolitical, homogeneous community but in a commitment to universal liberal principles as enshrined in the constitution of the modern liberal state. To ensure that citizens who subscribe to different cultural, ethnic, and religious forms of life can coexist in and identify with their own country on equal terms, Habermas argues that the modern constitutional state must ensure that its political culture does not favor or discriminate against any particular subculture. To achieve this, it is vital to differentiate the majority culture from a shared political culture grounded in respect for fundamental constitutional principles and basic law . On this account, membership of a nation of citizens no longer rests on an appeal to a shared language or a common ethical and cultural origin but merely reflects a shared political culture based on standard liberal constitutional principles. Habermas’s attempt to ground patriotism in an attachment to universal liberal principles is also associated with what is at times referred to as cosmopolitan patriotism, which seeks to construct a postnational identity based on the recognition of democratic values and human rights as conceptualized within a particular constitutional tradition.

Such cosmopolitan patriotism is said by advocates such as British-born American philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah to give rise to a rooted cosmopolitanism that couples attachment to one’s homeland and cultural particularities with an appreciation of different places and different people and a robust respect for the equal moral worth of all human beings. Advocates of forms of constitutional patriotism often cite the United States as an example of a nonnational polity held together by an expressly political patriotism. American political theorist John Schaar, for instance, referred to American patriotism as “covenanted patriotism,” a form of patriotic attachment characterized by a commitment to the principles and goals set out in the founding covenant and the duty to carry on the work of the Founding Fathers . Another strand of contemporary thought appeals to the classical republican principles of love of liberty, active citizenship, and self-sacrifice for the common good in their attempt to formulate new forms of solidarity that do not depend on the idea of a prepolitical, ethnically homogeneous nation.

However, critics of such attempts to generate new, nonexclusionary forms of solidarity have expressed doubts about the extent to which patriotic sentiments can be reconciled with a commitment to universal principles. While critics of constitutional patriotism have questioned the feasibility of Habermas’s attempt to decouple the political culture from the wider majority culture, pointing to the extent to which the political culture of even as culturally diverse a society as America draws on national symbols and myths that are laden with prepolitical meanings, commentators such as British philosopher Margaret Canovan have argued that classical republican patriotism was much more illiberal and hostile to outsiders than modern proponents of the republican tradition suggest. According to Canovan, not only is the patriotic virtue celebrated in the classical republican tradition primarily a military virtue, the republican preoccupation with the education and socialization of citizens to systematically instill loyalty and commitment to the state is liable to be seen by many contemporary liberals as an unacceptable form of manipulation and indoctrination. Furthermore, advocates of both constitutional and modern republican patriotism typically presuppose the existence of established political boundaries and common political institutions that have their origins in the rise and consolidation of the nation-state. Thus, the extent to which patriotism can be reconciled with a commitment to universal values, respect for human rights, and tolerance of ethnic and national differences remains contested.


Essay on Patriotism And Nationalism

Students are often asked to write an essay on Patriotism And Nationalism in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Patriotism And Nationalism

What is patriotism.

Patriotism is the love for one’s country. It means caring about the people and the land. When you are patriotic, you feel proud of your country’s good things. You also want to make your country a better place. Patriots respect their country’s flag and history. They celebrate national holidays and help others in their community.

What is Nationalism?

Nationalism is a stronger feeling than patriotism. It is not just love for a country but also the belief that one’s country is better than others. Nationalists often want their country to be the most powerful. They may think their country’s needs are more important than other countries’.

Differences Between Them

Patriotism and nationalism are different. While patriotism is about loving your country, nationalism involves thinking your country is superior. Nationalism can lead to not liking other countries or their people. Patriotism is about being proud but still respecting other nations.

Why They Matter

Both feelings can bring people together. They make citizens work for their country’s good. But too much nationalism can cause arguments with other countries. It’s important to love your country while also being kind and fair to others. This way, everyone can live together in peace.

250 Words Essay on Patriotism And Nationalism

Understanding patriotism.

Nationalism is similar to patriotism because it involves loving your country. But it’s a bit stronger. Nationalism is when people think their country is the best and sometimes they don’t want to join with other countries or care about what happens to them. It’s like being on a sports team and only wanting your team to win, without worrying about the other teams.

Patriotism and nationalism may seem alike, but there’s a big difference. Patriotism is about loving your country and still being friendly with other countries. Nationalism can lead to thinking your country is better than others and not wanting to help or be friends with them. It’s good to love your country, but it’s also important to be kind and fair to people from other places.

Loving your country is a wonderful thing. It can make people work together and do great things for their nation. But when love for a country turns into thinking it’s better than others, it can cause arguments and even fights. It’s best to find a balance, loving your country while also being a good friend to other countries. This way, everyone can live together in peace.

500 Words Essay on Patriotism And Nationalism

Patriism is a feeling of love and pride for one’s country. It is when people support their country and feel happy to be a part of it. A patriot shows love for their country in many ways, like flying the flag, celebrating national holidays, and respecting the laws. It’s like being part of a big family where everyone looks out for each other and wants the best for their home.

Nationalism Explained

Nationalism is also a feeling of strong connection to one’s country, but it is a bit different from patriotism. Nationalism is more about believing that your country is better than others and sometimes putting your country’s interests above everything else. It can make people feel very proud, but it can also lead to thinking less of other countries or people from different places.

The Good Side of Patriotism

When nationalism can be harmful.

Sometimes nationalism can cause problems. When people think their country is the best and no other country is good, it can lead to arguments or even fights with others. Nationalism can make people not want to learn from other cultures or work with other countries. It’s important to love your country but also to be open-minded and kind to others, no matter where they come from.

The Balance Between Patriotism and Nationalism

It’s important to find a balance between patriotism and nationalism. Loving your country is a good thing, but it should not make you think less of other places or people. Being patriotic means you care about your country and want to see it do well, but you also understand that other countries and their people are important too.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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What Is Patriotism Essay? – Definitions, Topics, Examples

patriotism essay topics ideas and tips

Do you want to write a patriotism essay and don’t know where to start? Don’t worry about it too much! We are here to help you write the best patriotism essay possible in the shortest amount of time. We will explain the concept of patriotism and clarify why it is essential, discuss patriotism essay examples, and then provide you with some topics. Some tips and tricks are included and the end of the blog post. They should make it much easier to write a patriotic essay.

What Is Patriotism Essay?

Why is patriotism important is it the same as nationalism, good patriotism examples make for good essays, patriotism essay list of 68 topics, get our patriotism essay examples, the importance of patriotic essay examples, tips for the best essay on patriotism.

The first thing we want to discuss is the definition of the patriotism essay. What is patriotism essay? Defining patriotism is a very difficult thing to do. Some would tell you that it is the love and devotion one feels for their country. Others would tell you that it is just a set of principles. And then there are others who consider patriotism to be just a special feeling. You will need to know all these definitions if you want to write a patriotism definition essay. However, in most cases, you will be required to write an essay on patriotism, not on its definition. That means you will have to decide what patriotism means specifically to you. It will influence the way you write the academic paper, of course. However, no approach is wrong, simply because patriotism has different meanings to different people. That applies to everything from a speech on patriotism to patriotism in a sentence prompt.

In some cases, you may be required to write a ”what does patriotism mean to me essay.” That is a bit more complicated because you need to understand why patriotism is important. It also means you have to know the differences between it and nationalism. Be aware that nationalism is not simply the love for the people who live in a country. And patriotism is not the love for the country. The reality is that patriotism is a moral principle, a feeling, or a level of loyalty to the country. On the other hand, nationalism is a political ideology that protects the interests of everything a nation stands for: people, language, traditions, industry, etc.

When writing an article on patriotism, it is important to realize that the patriotism essay ideas you come up with are very important. You want a topic that is both interesting and original. You want something you can write about, so make sure the topic you choose has plenty of information about it online. However, make sure to narrow down the topic – unless you want to write a short novel on it. You can find plenty of examples of American patriotism all over the Internet, so you have a lot of topics to choose from. Ensure the topic is something your classmates didn’t think about. You can read some patriotism essay examples to get an idea of how experienced writers organize their writing and their ideas. Don’t hesitate to look at the winners of a patriotism essay contest. You’ll find a lot of neat ideas. And you also learn how a proper patriotism essay is written.

We have answered the “why is patriotism important” question and helped you pick the right topic. But we are prepared to do much more. We have asked our experienced patriotism essay writers to compile a list of topics for our readers. Patriotism is a broad concept, and there are many standpoints that you can perceive it. If you want to write a patriotism essay or you need patriotism ideas, here are some topics that you can write about:

  • What is true patriotism?
  • Do Americans still practice true patriotism?
  • Can patriotism be related to extremism?
  • American heroes and their patriotic acts.
  • The uniqueness of American patriotism
  • How is American patriotism different from that of other countries?
  • Does patriotism change the way we treat foreigners?
  • How did American patriotism start?
  • How to reach patriotism to children and teenagers
  • Movies that portray patriotism
  • How music has helped to explain the concept of patriotism.
  • Is dissent the highest form of patriotism?
  • Dying for your country: patriotism or suicide?
  • What does patriotism mean to you?
  • How does patriotism affect our relationship with people from other countries?
  • Difference between patriotism and nationalism
  • President John F. Kennedy’s We Choose To Go To The Moon speech and how it portrays patriotism.
  • The true definition of patriotism
  • How the entertainment industry teaches true patriotism.
  • What is blind patriotism?
  • Are patriots racists?
  • Is the patriotism level in the country declining or increasing?
  • Patriotism 100 years ago and now: what has changed?
  • What role does patriotism play in genocide?
  • How is patriotism reflected in our day-to-day lives?
  • How did patriotism help to galvanize World War I?
  • Xenophobia is an act of patriotism, true or false?
  • The difference between patriotism and cosmopolitanism
  • How does patriotism influence the kind of products we use?
  • Do people consider patriotism when choosing the kind of car to buy?
  • Rock n Roll and patriotism
  • Patriotic acts that people need to emulate
  • Breaking the law in the name of patriotism: can that be regarded as patriotism?
  • Misconceptions about patriotism
  • How the government and other people have exploited patriotism for their selfish use
  • Is patriotism taught in school?
  • Why patriotism should or should not be taught in schools
  • Is American patriotism the same as blind patriotism?
  • Is terrorism also a form of patriotism?
  • How to encourage people to be more patriotic
  • Is patriotism important? Why?
  • What are the benefits of patriotism?
  • How is patriotism portrayed in literary works?
  • What is/are the correlation(s) between patriotism and colonialism?
  • What is/are the correlation(s) between patriotism and nationalism?
  • Patriotism and realism: How to connect one with another
  • Are there limits to what you should do as a true patriot?
  • What is the meaning of overwhelming patriotism?
  • How to pursue your American dream as a patriot
  • The national anthem and the national pledge and how it helps you to be more patriotic
  • Examples of patriotism during the American Revolution.
  • Compare and contrast patriotism and xenophobia.
  • Are conscientious objectors traitors?
  • What patriotism means to me?
  • The worst case of ethnic chauvinism.
  • What does true patriotism mean?
  • Patriotism still matters in the modern world. (excellent pride in one’s country essay topic)
  • The difference between patriotism and nationalism.
  • Teens and patriotism today.
  • The importance of Independence Day.
  • Why are we proud of our patriots?
  • Veterans and their tales of patriotism.
  • Is patriotism a good thing?
  • What is national chauvinism?
  • Discussing the pledge of allegiance in schools.
  • Patriotism is an excuse for war.
  • Is patriotism stronger than the love for family?
  • Avoiding western chauvinism and learning from our mistakes.

These topics are excellent starting points for any high school or college student. Remember that finding amazing patriotism examples is important — the more interesting the tale, the better the essay. There are many ways to state your ideas and express your views about patriotism in essays by presenting facts and deducing a conclusion.

A group of people can pick a topic from different patriotism essay ideas and write entirely different essays. There are different ways patriotic essays can be written. It all depends on how the writer views the topic.

If the essay is a narrative essay like the President John F. Kennedy’s ‘We Choose To go To the Moon speech;’

  • Narrate every bit of the event. Paint a mental picture of the event so that the reader can understand the history of the essay.
  • After narrating the event, draw out parts of the story that relate to patriotism.
  • One after the other, explain how these parts that you have drawn relate to patriotism.

When you are writing a patriotic essay that expresses your viewpoint on an issue, the writing style will be different. In essays like “Is American patriotism the same as blind patriotism?” you are expected to present the essay in a detailed and logical manner. You can do that by using the guide below:

  • Introduce the essay by explaining the topic. In the example above, you will explain American patriotism and blind patriotism.
  • After the introduction, you will present facts to explain both American and blind patriotism.
  • Provide correlation(s) between the facts that you have presented.
  • End the essay by stating your viewpoint about the subject matter.

There are patriotism essays ideas that require you to take sides on an issue. “Does patriotism change the way we treat foreigners?” is an example of a patriotic essay that needs you to pick aside. To write a similar or more convincing patriotic essay;

  • State facts and do not come from an emotional place.
  • Be clear on where you stand from the beginning.
  • Present your facts that support your stand on the argument.

If you want to write a patriotic essay to persuade people to do something, this is where you apply your emotions. Applying your emotions helps others to relate better and get interested in the message you’re trying to pass.

  • Give reasons why you are writing the essay.
  • Explain the personal and collective benefits of the essay topic.

Did you know that the best way to learn how to write an amazing patriotism essay is to read the best patriotic essay examples you can find? The truth is that you can learn most of the things simply by carefully reading works written by seasoned writers. You will quickly understand the concepts of patriotism and will also get the chance to see how a good patriotism essay is structured. Don’t miss the chance to write down all the ideas you deem important. Bottom line, you can read an excellent essay on what makes America great, and then replicate its structure and ideas in your own writing. However, make sure you avoid plagiarism.

  • The first tip , we can give you is to choose the best topic possible. For example, why not write a ‘dissent is the highest form of patriotism’ essay?
  • Second , don’t forget to list the values of patriotism in the intro. Each paragraph of the essay body should discuss and support a single idea. The conclusion is used to sum everything up, and further support your position.
  • Third , don’t forget to make effective use of the five-paragraph essay structure (intro, three body paragraphs, conclusion).
  • The last tip , and perhaps the most important one is to get help when you need it.

There are many seasoned academic writers who know exactly how to write an amazing patriotic essay, master’s thesis , or any other paper you might possibly need. Don’t hesitate to get help, especially if you are running out of time!

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100 Patriotism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Patriotism is a deep love and devotion for one's country. It is the feeling of pride and loyalty towards the nation, its history, culture, and values. Writing an essay on patriotism can be a great way to express your love for your country and explore different aspects of what it means to be a patriot.

Here are 100 patriotism essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started:

  • The importance of patriotism in a nation's development
  • How can patriotism inspire positive change in society?
  • Exploring the history of patriotism in your country
  • The role of patriotism in times of crisis
  • Patriotism vs. nationalism: understanding the difference
  • The impact of patriotism on individual identity
  • How can patriotism promote unity and solidarity among citizens?
  • The relationship between patriotism and democracy
  • Celebrating national holidays as an expression of patriotism
  • The role of patriotism in shaping national policies and laws
  • The connection between patriotism and military service
  • Patriotism in times of war: a double-edged sword
  • The influence of patriotism on national symbols and emblems
  • The role of education in fostering a sense of patriotism
  • Patriotism in popular culture: movies, music, and literature
  • The role of patriotism in preserving national heritage and traditions
  • Patriotism and globalization: challenges and opportunities
  • The impact of social media on patriotic sentiments
  • Patriotism and diversity: celebrating different cultures within a nation
  • The relationship between patriotism and civic engagement
  • The role of patriotism in promoting environmental conservation
  • Patriotism and economic development: how they are interconnected
  • Exploring the concept of cosmopolitan patriotism
  • The influence of patriotism on international relations
  • Patriotism and human rights: can they coexist?
  • The role of patriotism in shaping national identity
  • The impact of patriotism on individual freedoms and rights
  • Patriotism and political ideology: a complex relationship
  • The connection between patriotism and social justice
  • Patriotism and dissent: can they go hand in hand?
  • The role of patriotism in times of political turmoil
  • Patriotism and immigration: navigating conflicting loyalties
  • The impact of patriotism on public discourse and debate
  • Patriotism and extremism: drawing the line between love and hate
  • Exploring the dark side of patriotism: xenophobia and exclusion
  • The role of patriotism in shaping public opinion and attitudes
  • Patriotism and memory: how history shapes our sense of identity
  • The impact of patriotism on national security and defense
  • Patriotism and education: teaching children to love their country
  • The role of patriotism in promoting social cohesion and harmony
  • Patriotism and cultural heritage: preserving traditions for future generations
  • The influence of patriotism on national pride and self-esteem
  • Patriotism and social responsibility: how can citizens give back to their country?
  • The role of patriotism in promoting peace and reconciliation
  • Exploring the connection between patriotism and sports
  • The impact of patriotism on tourism and national branding
  • Patriotism and technology: how digital platforms shape our sense of identity
  • The role of patriotism in promoting democracy and human rights
  • Patriotism and leadership: how can politicians inspire a sense of national pride?
  • The influence of patriotism on public policy and decision-making
  • Patriotism and the media: how news outlets shape our sense of loyalty
  • The role of patriotism in promoting cultural exchange and understanding
  • Patriotism and religion: navigating the intersection of faith and love for country
  • The impact of patriotism on mental health and well-being
  • Patriotism and social activism: how can citizens advocate for change?
  • The role of patriotism in shaping national narratives and myths
  • Patriotism and public service: the importance of giving back to your community
  • Exploring the connection between patriotism and art
  • The impact of patriotism on economic growth and prosperity
  • Patriotism and technology: how can innovations bring citizens together?
  • The role of patriotism in promoting environmental sustainability
  • Patriotism and social media: can digital platforms foster a sense of national pride?
  • The influence of patriotism on cultural diplomacy and soft power
  • Patriotism and globalization: how can love for country coexist with a global mindset?
  • The role of patriotism in promoting intergenerational dialogue and understanding
  • Patriotism and civic engagement: how can citizens get involved in their communities?
  • The impact of patriotism on public health and well-being
  • Patriotism and diplomacy: how can love for country shape international relations?
  • Exploring the connection between patriotism and philanthropy
  • The role of patriotism in promoting social justice and equality
  • Patriotism and technology: how can digital innovations foster a sense of national identity?

In conclusion, patriotism is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be explored in various ways through essays. These 100 patriotism essay topic ideas and examples can help you delve into different aspects of love for country and its implications on society, politics, culture, and individual identity. Whether you choose to focus on historical perspectives, contemporary issues, or personal reflections, writing about patriotism can be a powerful way to engage with your country's past, present, and future.

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What Does Patriotism Mean in America Today?

July 4 th generally conjures images of barbeques, fireworks, and large, billowing flags. But due to large protests against police brutality, concerns of COVID, and an upcoming election that symbolizes both fear and hope for many, the holiday this year looks very different. This Independence Day, instead of a celebration of patriotism, we wanted to dedicate some time to reflecting on it. We invited three of our political science authors to answer the following questions: What does patriotism mean in America today? Given that definition, should Americans be patriotic today? Below are their thoughtful responses.

LaFleur Stephens-Dougan author of Race to the Bottom: How Racial Appeals Work in American Politics

what is the importance of patriotism essay

Reflecting on what patriotism means to me so close to the celebration of our nation’s Independence Day is a weighty endeavor.  In my opinion, patriotism in the United States is fraught with contradiction, especially for Black Americans. Black Americans have made countless contributions to the United States, a country they love, but are still engaged in a centuries-old struggle for economic, political, and social equality.  As the child of Black immigrants, who came to this country voluntarily, I am acutely aware of the sacrifices that African Americans have made on behalf on all of us, essentially serving as the nation’s conscience—the keepers of democracy. 

Patriotism means loving one’s country so much that you hold it accountable to the ideals that it proclaims.  You call on patriots to strive to live out stated ideals: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. According to the Declaration of Independence, this trifecta of inalienable rights was given to all humans by their creator, and, government was formed to protect these  rights  for all citizens.  Yet, some 244 years later after that document was penned, Black people are disproportionately dying at the hands of the state, and sometimes at the hands of civilians, who question whether Black people should jog (Ahmaud Arbery), walk home from the store (Trayvon Martin), or ask for help (Renisha McBride).

Of course, the Declaration of Independence was authored primarily by Thomas Jefferson, himself a slaveholder.  He surely did not perceive African Americans as beneficiaries of the ideals he had mind.  Still, Black people remain America’s moral conscience.  Even amidst a global pandemic that has disproportionately harmed African Americans, that same community and their allies rightly protest to hold the country accountable to its own stated ideals.  As we reflect on Independence Day 2020, there’s nothing more patriotic than that, in my humble opinion.

Rachel Blum, author of How the Tea Party Captured the GOP: Insurgent Factions in American Politics

what is the importance of patriotism essay

The protests following the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by their own government have brought two warring visions of American patriotism into sharp relief: patriotism as a characteristic and patriotism as an action. In this first vision patriotism is a characteristic that is possessed by a certain group of people (patriots). These patriots consider themselves to be the only “real” Americans — the only ones deserving of the full rights and protections of citizenship. Here’s the catch: membership in the patriot class is almost exclusively reserved for native-born, English-speaking whites. Conceived in this way, patriotism is just another tool for discriminating between “us” and “them.”  In the second vision, patriotism is an active state of caring for the country you call home and the people in it. Caring for your country is different from blindly loving it, or swearing fealty to its leaders. It bears more resemblance to the way members of a family care for one another: paying attention, taking responsibility for one another’s well-being, having difficult conversations about problematic behaviors, and protecting one another from abuse. The question is not whether Americans today should be patriotic, but which vision of patriotism we will choose.

Benjamin I. Page, coauthor of Democracy in America? What Has Gone Wrong and What We Can Do About It

what is the importance of patriotism essay

Patriotism can be thoughtful or shallow; loving or hostile; encompassing or exclusive; uplifting or complacent. It can be subservient or independent. Judging by our public discourse, Americans today may seem to have sunk into the lowest sort of exclusive and xenophobic patriotism. Our ills, from the pandemic to terrorism to poverty, are blamed on “foreign” scapegoats – China, Muslims, Mexican immigrants. The bully pulpit is used to bully. A debased vision of national greatness celebrates racism, nativism, sexism, and go-it-alone nationalism.

But studies of public opinion make clear that this rancid rhetoric from politicians and shouters does not reflect the views of most ordinary Americans. To most, patriotism means inclusive love of family, friends, community, and country – in all their diversity and messiness – without hatred of the “other.” To most, patriotism allows for criticism, seeks progress, and embraces cooperation rather than conflict with the wider world. On this Independence Day it is quite possible to love our country while working to replace officials and abate the noxious noise that bombards us.

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Essay On Patriotism – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Patriotism For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘patriotism’ in english for kids, a paragraph on ‘patriotism’ for kids, short essay on ‘patriotism’ in 250 words for children, long essay on ‘importance of patriotism’ for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

Patriotism refers to the love for one’s own country. It is a quality that every citizen should possess from an early age. Kids can develop a passion for their nation from a young age by writing a patriotism essay for classes 1, 2 and 3. When a child writes patriotic essay in English, they also refine their creative writing skills. It also lays the foundation of their English grammar and helps structure their thoughts. Essay writing plays a very important role in your child’s development; the earlier a child is introduced to it, the better it is.

Your child needs to remember a few important points while writing on patriotism. Let us help your child with how to write an essay on patriotism.

  • Let your child structure the ideas they want to write while referring to patriotism in the first step.
  • The second step is to note the ideas to form an outline to cover all the points while writing the essay.
  • In the third step, they will make short and simple sentences from the pointers.
  • Motivate your kid not to get too deep writing about any single idea. It will help them to stick to the word count.
  • Help your kid write with the flow, making them cherish the essay writing process.
  • Your little one can write about the great freedom fighters who fought for our country’s independence.
  • Help your child write down the different ways how they can show love for their country today.

One’s devotion to their country is known as patriotism. Let us help your child write a few lines on patriotism and frame an essay for classes 1 and 2 in 10 lines:

  • Patriotism is a feeling of love, devotion, and support for one’s country.
  • A person who loves their country and is willing to do anything for it is known as a patriot.
  • Each of us should have this feeling in us.
  • Before independence, true patriots, who are also our freedom fighters, fought for our country’s freedom.
  • The freedom fighters didn’t think about their own lives but about the country.
  • They considered their country as their motherland, and they loved her like a child loves their mother.
  • In the present day, soldiers’ love for the country is commendable.
  • Common citizens like us can live in peace only because the soldiers risk their lives to safeguard our country.
  • Every person should love their country.
  • There are different ways to show our love and respect for the country, like honesty, helping keep our city clean, etc.

Patriotism is a feeling or emotion every child should connect with pride. Let us help your child write a short paragraph on patriotism:

Patriotism is a feeling that is highly valued. A person who loves their motherland is known as a patriot. Everyone should have this feeling of devotion in them towards their country. Before independence, many freedom fighters didn’t think about their lives and fought for the country’s independence. They were the true patriots. In the present day, soldiers’ love for the country is worth mentioning. Common citizens like us can live in peace only because of the soldiers who risk their lives to protect the country. We can show our love for the country by being honest, keeping our city clean, and helping needy people during disasters or natural calamities.

Patriotism refers to one’s feeling of attachment to their country. Parents and teachers should teach this emotion to kids from a very early age. Writing a short paragraph on patriotism is a good way of doing it:

A person who loves and supports their country is known as a patriot. Patriotism is a highly honoured feeling. Each of us should have this love in us for our country. When India was under the British Raj, freedom fighters didn’t think about their own life and fought for independence. Names of many prominent freedom fighters are found in texts and are famous all across. Some of them are Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Rani Lakhmi Bai, Maulana Azad. In the present day, soldiers’ love for the country is worth mentioning. Like us, other people in the country can live in peace only because our soldiers guard our borders and protect the country. They carry out their duties in challenging terrains that are risky to survive. A feeling of patriotism cannot be forced into a person. It comes from within. However, upbringing and the atmosphere can play a pivotal role in infusing sentiments of patriotism in kids. When each person in the country loves the nation, then the nation blossoms. When each person is loyal to their motherland, corruption vanishes. The common people can also show their love and support for their homeland by embracing traits like honesty and helping others. We can become true patriots by safeguarding the country’s assets. We should stop anyone from badmouthing our country. We should give the hand of help when needed by anyone, like during natural calamities or disasters. We should maintain cleanliness around us, so whenever foreign tourists visit our country, they praise our habits and the beauty of the country.

Feeling of patriotism among the citizens is important for a country. Let us help your kid write an amazing essay for class 3 on patriotism.

What Is Patriotism?

Patriotism is one’s love, devotion, support, and care for their country. Having patriotic feelings for one’s nation is very important for a child’s growth.

Qualities Of A Patriotic Person

A patriotic person has qualities that define them. Let us discuss some of them below.

  • A patriot loves their country more than themselves.
  • They support their country in good and bad.
  • For a patriotic person, their country is their motherland.
  • They feel proud of their country’s culture, tradition, constitution, and legacy.
  • They take care of the country’s assets, like their own belongings.
  • They speak up when they see any wrong happening in the country.
  • They have a willingness to serve their country and fellow citizens whenever required.

Significance Of Patriotism

Patriotism plays a major role in the growth of a country. It brings the citizens together and helps build a strong nation. Having a true patriotic spirit is an admirable quality in any person.

Great And Famous Patriots Of India

Our country has witnessed great patriots who have been famous. Heroic personalities like Subhash Chandra Bose, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Damodar Savarkar, Mahatma Gandhi, and many others have walked in this country. These great men did not step back when it came to their love and services for the country. They didn’t think twice about sacrificing their lives for the sake of their nation. It is important to mention that besides the famous patriots, there have been many, many freedom fighters who have served the country with equal devotion. My great grandfather, Sushil Kumar Mukherjee, is one of them who fought for the independence of India. We feel proud to display the “Tamra Patra” he received. It was an award given to freedom fighters by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

How To Become A True Patriot?

There was a time when freedom fighters fought for the country’s independence. Many sacrificed their lives to free their motherland from the clutches of the British Raj. In today’s time, soldiers are the true patriots as they have been protecting our nation from the evil eyes of the enemies. We, the common people, do not have to do any such thing. We can show our love and respect for our country in various ways. Firstly, it becomes very important to become an honest person. When each of us becomes honest and sincere, we can drive away corruption from all levels in the country. We can become true patriots by safeguarding the country’s assets. We should also speak up when we see anyone badmouthing our country. We should offer a helping hand when someone needs help. We should maintain cleanliness around us, so whenever foreign tourists visit our country, they praise our habits and the beauty of our country.

Through writing an essay on patriotism, your child will have feelings of patriotism for their country from a tender age. Writing about patriotism instils a love for the country in your child from a young age.

We hope the above essay will help your child write an amazing essay on patriotism and allow them to infuse feelings of nationalism towards the country. Essay writing is an activity that is extremely beneficial for your little ones. Besides improving their writing skills, this activity also helps to strengthen little ones’ fine motor skills.

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Essay on Importance of Patriotism in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Importance of Patriotism: To be a patriot means to zealously love and support one’s country and its interests. In other words, a patriot is someone who is loyal to his motherland, its people, and the political system and works for its development. Being patriotic does not mean abiding by the words of the individuals who are in power. It is the loyalty towards the country and its political system and not towards any political leader.

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In India, Patriotism is closely associated with nationalism though the two differ slightly. Patriotism is identified with valor, sacrifice and indomitable love for the motherland. It had played a significant role in freedom struggle and still does in keeping the nation united against any threat.

Long and Short Essay on Importance of Patriotism in English

Here are short and long essay on Importance of Patriotism of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments.

After reading the Importance of Patriotism essay you will know what is patriotism and significance of patriotism.

You can select any Essay according to your requirement for the school/college debate, essay writing competitions or other similar occasions.

Short Essay on Importance of Patriotism – Essay 1 (200 words)

Patriotism is the love and respect for one’s country. It is not about blindly following the beliefs and cultural values of the country. It is to take pride in one’s origin and work for the prosperity of the country. Patriotism is very important. The feeling must especially be born in the youth of the country so they act as responsible citizens. Youth is the future of the nation and for the bright future of the country it is important for them to protect and preserve the nation and act in its best interest to make it outshine.

We should stop complaining about the flaws of our government and instead work for the growth and development of the country. It is better to be the change first to bring the change. It is important to love the nation we live in and focus more on what it has given to us and what we can give back to it. We need to be united and stand together for the progress of the country for its improvement.

It is important to show patriotism in our actions and be proud of the country we live in. We all need to always stay united and devoted for the betterment of our nation.

Importance of Patriotism

Essay on Importance of Patriotism: Love of the Country – Essay 2 (300 words)


Patriotism is the feeling of love and devotion for one’s country and a sense of alliance and brotherhood with its citizens. It is to unconditionally support and respect the nation. Patriotism develops naturally and is important for the protection of a country’s culture and historical heritage. It is to take pride in representing one’s nation.

Patriotism: Love of the Country

Love of the nation and the zeal to submit oneself to any kind of hardships for the sake of one’s county is patriotism. It inspires people to live, love, fight and die for the country. For a patriot, no sacrifice is big enough when it comes to protect the honour of his country. He can even sacrifice his life for his nation. Freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Jawaharlal Nehru and many more fought for the freedom of our nation. They were true patriots that invoked the feeling of patriotism in numerous other citizens.

Love of the country can be a combination of many different aspects related to one’s nation such as cultural, political, traditional or historical aspects. Some define patriotism as the attachment to one’s land. Patriotism involves love for the citizens of the nation and the urge to live in harmony with all regardless of gender, ethnicity, race and religion. We cannot love our country without loving its people. The unity and oneness among people can only lead to the progress and development of the nation. Patriotism also involves serving the nation. It is about going ahead and volunteering to serve the nation and its people whenever need be. It is about abiding the laws and acting responsibly by paying taxes.

To conclude, we can say patriotism primarily means to serve the nation and its citizens. It is to stay united and make our nation a better place to live in. It is to take pride in our nationality.

Essay on Importance of Patriotism and Love for My Country – Essay 3 (400 words)

Patriotism is the feeling of love and respect for one’s country and a sense of comradeship with its citizens. It is the attachment to one’s land – its cultural, historical, social and political aspects.

The Feeling of Patriotism

Patriotism is not just love and respect for one’s country but also the will to serve it. A true patriot is an active worker who works for the progress and development of his country. He takes pride in representing his nation. A patriot is one who fights for the freedom and peace of his country. There are occasions when one has to selflessly serve the nation and sacrifice personal pleasure and leisure. Patriots don’t even hesitate to scarify their life for the nation.

Mahatma Gandhi and other prominent leaders of his era infused the feeling of patriotism in Indians due to which we gained independence from the British rule. There are many patriots who selflessly serve the nation and do not hesitate to sacrifice their comfort and happiness for their motherland. Indian army men are the best examples of true patriots.

Patriots Serve the Nation Selflessly

We have also seen many patriots in the past. Subhash Chandra Bose, Tipu Sultan, Bhagat Singh, Rani Lakshmibai, Jawaharlal Nehru and Chandrashekhar Azad are some of the great patriots of India. A true patriot may not think that his country is the best but still love his country and work hard to make it a better place. Patriots work for the betterment of their country and welfare of their fellow beings.

It is our moral duty to support and love our own mother land. The feeling of patriotism is important for many reasons. Without the feeling of patriotism our country would not develop. Imagine if the soldiers did not fight for the country selflessly then it would be hard for the country to protect itself from the enemies jeopardizing its safety.

We owe the freedom of our country to the patriots who fought for our country and those guarding it. Without them we would not enjoy the independence. We must be proud of the achievements our nation attained in the past and should also be proud of the present achievements. We must work hard for its development and prosperity.

If we do not have patriotic feelings or develop patriotic feelings in our children then who is going to step forward to eradicate social evils or fight for the country? Love for the country is the feeling that naturally develops like the love for family. I love my country very much and am proud of it.

Essay on Patriotism in India and Youth – Essay 4 (500 words)

Patriotism is the feeling of love, respect and pride for one’s country. The elderly citizens of India, especially those who have seen the hardships during the freedom struggle, feel that the youth of the country are not patriotic. However, this is not true. The thought process of the youth of the country is just a bit different from the earlier generations.

The youth of India doesn’t believe in blindly following the idea of loving everything about the nation. They believe in themselves and own up the responsibility towards nation. They show love in their actions by working hard and making their country a better place in whatever way they can.

Contribution in Country’s Development: A Reflection of Love

While there may be some youngsters who sit back and criticize the government and the system of the country most of them work hard to make the country a better place to live. Our country has developed rapidly as we all are united and have worked together for the progress of the nation. We have better education system, improved healthcare, better infrastructure and a stable economy.

It is the efforts of the youth of our country that have paid off. The youth today is hardworking and intelligent and is serving the country in its own unique way. Their contribution in various fields that has led to the development of the country is their reflection of love for the country.

Youth of India Raises Voice to Eradicate Evil

The youth of India is not diplomatic or political. It is direct in its approach and voices its opinion straight from the heart. Youth wants the country to be a better place by eliminating the bad. They want to end social evils like rapes, corruption and terrorism.

The youth of India is constantly active on social media and raises voice on various social issues like depression, suicides, trolling and other such evils that harm the people of our society. They should not be misunderstood or underestimated as they are the future of the nation.

Accepting Change for Country’s Development

Youth is the most important part of the country and they do not want to damage their nation or its image. They don’t want to destroy the culture but want to change with the changing time and that’s what progress is. Youth is ready to accept western culture and ideas that benefit our society. Overall youth is interested in the development of the nation. They want the nation to develop not only economically but also culturally. They are more thoughtful, supportive and appreciative towards the natives of their community.

Patriotism among youth is seen in socio-economic and political terms. They are well educated and independently vote for their ideal leaders. They not only just vote for their leaders but are also capable of criticizing and questioning them when required. They are well aware that it is the government of people, for the people and by the people.

Youth wants the country to be a safe and better place where they can live freely. They want their voice to be heard, understood and accepted in the society. They love their country and want to work in the favour of the nation and its people.

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Long Essay on Importance of Patriotism – Essay 5 (600 words)

Patriotism is the feeling of love for one’s motherland. Patriotism lies in our actions. It is the zeal with which we work towards the betterment of the nation. It is the pride that we feel in representing our nation. One who is ready to actively support his country and is ready to do anything for it is a patriot. It is the natural attachment and the feeling of respect for the land where we are born and grow.

Importance of Patriotism in Life

It is important to practice patriotism in everyday life and volunteer to work for the progress of the nation. This includes paying taxes, obeying the laws, voting and being active to bring about social and economic welfare. It is standing up for views and ideas in the favour of the community.

Patriotism is the kind of motivation that motivates people to work hard for the progress of the nation. It is to never let go of the unity in diversity and to dutifully stand in the face of any kind of tyranny. It is the desire and passion to serve the nation in any way one can.

  • Common Good: Patriotism is important for the welfare of the community. It is a common commitment that the citizens make by accepting their responsibility to work together with other members of the community for the welfare and progress of the nation. Everyone shares equal rights here and the progress and development of every single individual leads to the development of our country.
  • Loyalty: The concept of patriotism includes loyalty towards the country and its constitution. Patriots are loyal to their motherland. It is like being loyal to the family. A family would break if we have internal disputes and are not loyal to one another. Same way it is important to remain loyal to our nation.
  • Love and Affection: Patriotism is not only the love for the country but also the love for the citizens of the nation. It includes the feeling of love and affection for the people and being united even in diversity.
  • Equal Rights: In a direct democracy, all the citizens have equal rights and the government represents the will of all the people. Irrespective of the caste, religion, community and sex of the individual the laws for all the citizens are the same. It is enjoying the same rights and unity in diversity. A patriot will always actively participate in the elections by voting to choose his leader or change his leader for the welfare of his community. It lends strength to the people of the nation.
  • End of Evils: Patriotism must be seen in every action of the citizens. We must not indulge in unlawful acts such as cheating on customers, paying less tax, seeking bribe, exploiting the vulnerable, adding more water to the milk and other corrupt practices.
  • Philanthropic Act: Patriotism reflects in philanthropic acts. Serving our fellow citizens is the best we can do. We must help people in need and relieve suffering by giving time, effort or money. It is to voluntarily act to improve the quality of life of people around.

So modern day patriotism is not just about sacrificing life for the country but it is to act responsibly for the welfare of the nation and its citizens. It is not just to accept ideas but also to take stand for your own ideas and opinions. Patriotism can be practiced in our day to day actions by doing small deeds to serve our nation. The progress and development of community, city, state or the nation depends on its people.

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Patriotism

Patriotism is identified by a sense of responsibility and love towards the motherland and fellow citizens. The principle of service before self is eccentric to patriotism.

Short and Long Essays on Patriotism in English

I am giving below three essays of different word lengths for my readers.

Patriotism Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) The feeling of love and respect for the country and its people is called patriotism.

2) A patriotic is a person that always chooses the nation before everything.

3) Patriotism is the devotion and attachment to the nation.

4) A true patriot can even sacrifice his life for the country.

5) Patriotism is a feeling that encourages people to contribute to the nation.

6) Honesty, bravery, and courage can be found in a patriotic person.

7) Patriotism is helpful in a country’s development and growth.

8) Patriotic citizen is respected everywhere.

9) Soldiers are the true patriot of our nation.

10) Patriotism helps to establish peace and harmony in society.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – What is Patriotism and its Significance


Patriotism is a feeling that encourages service to the motherland as the utmost priority. Responsibility for the nation becomes more significant than one’s own personal life or issues. Patriotism in one line could be expressed as ‘service before self’ where service refers to the ‘service to the nation.’

Identifiers of Patriotism

There are some certain identifiers of patriotism. They are clear signs indicating the existence of patriotism in a person or in a community. Some of the most prominent identifiers are listed below –

  • Unconditional love for the nation.
  • A general concern for the state of fellow citizens.
  • Zeal to protect the nation from external threats as well as internal conflicts.
  • Unity among the masses belonging to different backgrounds, keeping in mind the larger interest of the nation.
  • A sense of accountability to the state of the nation.
  • A sense of service towards the nation and its people.
  • Upholding the principles of democracy and the rights of fellow citizens at all costs.

Significance of Patriotism

Patriotism is an important prerequisite for the progress of a nation, more significantly so for a nation as culturally diverse as India. It is patriotism that unites Indians belonging to different religions and cultures and compels them to work for the overall good of the nation and its people.

Patriotism unites people, who keep service to the nation before self and protect the rights of each other, upholding the principles of democracy.

Patriotism is at the core of national development. It unites people to defend their nation and also to work for its growth and prosperity.

Essay 2 (300 – 400 Words) – Patriotism and its Examples

The word ‘patriotism’ had been eccentric to the Indian freedom struggle, even long before that. It was patriotism that had united people from different backgrounds together. In this essay we will understand a simple definition of patriotism; some examples of patriotism and its significance.

Patriotism in Simple Words

In simple words, patriotism is a sense of responsibility, love, and respect towards one’s nation. It is also identified by a sense of unity as well as concern for other citizens. A patriot puts the nation first, before his/her own issues. It is identified by a deep sense of duty towards the nation even above self.

Examples of Patriotism

Indian freedom struggle is the best example of patriotism. When East India came to India, the latter was a disintegrated group of small to large kingdoms, having their own governance and rules.

Subsequent British atrocities and unjust trade policies instilled unrest among the original inhabitants of the continent. This unrest consequently led to a territorial unity arising more out of the need of the time than anything else.

Kingdoms and their subjects knew that they have to stay united if they ever have to fight the British out of their land. This developed the concept of one nation that is India and zeal to defend her freedom and the right of her inhabitants. This feeling of risking ones’ own life for the freedom of the nation and her people is nothing but patriotism.

The history of Indian freedom struggle is replete with many patriots who never gave it a second thought before sacrificing their lives and belongings for the freedom of the motherland.

Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Mahatma Gandhi, Lala Lajpat Rai are few patriotic names that have given their all to the service of the nation.

Modern Day Patriotism

Patriotism today has become a broader concept than it was a century before. Today, patriotism is in participating in national development and taking part in national festivals, enthusiastically. It is not necessarily identified by fighting for the nation and for the rights of its people, but also by working for its improvement and ensuring the prevalence of democracy.

Patriotism is an essential requirement for democracy to be established and for it to be successful. India is a perfect example of how patriotism acts as the binding principle between different communities, who together participate in nation-building keeping the interest of the nation before self.

Essay on Patriotism

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Types and Qualities of Patriotism

Patriotism is a sense of love for one’s motherland and ethnic roots. There is much similarity between patriotism and nationalism, but the former includes a patriotic and unconditional love for the motherland. It is an ideology that inspires citizens to defend their motherland till their last breath.

Types of Patriotism

There are primarily two types of patriotism namely, blind patriotism and constructive patriotism, that we will discuss now.

  • Blind Patriotism

Blind patriotism is identified by a strong and assertive love for the nation and heritage, often compromising with human rights. Let us understand it with a simple example – Self-declared patriotic groups harassing couples at market places and parks, in the name of preserving the conservative culture of the land, is an example of blind patriotism. People of groups with blind patriotism; tend to think that their ideology is in the best interest of the nation, even if it sidelines the basic principles of democracy and human rights.

  • Constructive Patriotism

Unlike blind patriotism, constructive patriotism has democratic principles at its core. There is a feeling of oneness and a sense of responsibility towards fellow citizens. There is also an urge to contribute to the nation’s progress and growth as well as its safety. The concept of constructive patriotism is to put the interest of the nation before self. It is constructive patriotism that compels a soldier to defend his/her national borders as a primary duty. His/her own family comes after the service to the nation and its safety.

Qualities of Patriotism

There are few qualities of patriotism that are evident in the person or in the society. When we talk about the qualities of patriotism, it must be kept in mind that it is constructive patriotism that we are talking about. Following are some of the qualities of patriotism –

  • Love for the nation

Patriotism includes an undeniable love for the nation. There is a visible zeal in the person or community, for doing something for their motherland. It could be anything from defending territories to helping fellow citizens to take part in national activities.

  • Concern for Fellow Citizens

This is also an important quality of patriotism identified by a sense of responsibility and accountability towards fellow citizens. For example, a soldier defends the boundaries keeping in mind that he/she is defending the millions of families of fellow citizens. Similarly, a patriot will always long for helping fellow citizens in need. There is a general sense that the nation is not separate from its inhabitants and the interest of both needs to be protected.

  • Sense of Sacrifice

This is indeed the most important characteristic of patriotism. A true patriot never hesitates in sacrificing his/her own life to the service of the nation. There is even a sense of pride in sacrificing all for the nation. Patriots don’t repent their losses; rather they derive pleasure from the sacrifices.

  • Taking part in nation-building

You don’t necessarily need to be a soldier or a revolutionary to be a patriot. You can be a simple citizen engaged in his/her day to day activities, yet be patriotic. If you take part in nation-building activities, participate in national festivals, keeping always the growth of the nation and concern for fellow citizens, you too are very much a patriot.

Patriotism must be viewed together with unity, love for the nation and citizens, and also an urge to do something for the nation. It is not a separate entity but the inclusion of many nationalistic feelings and activities with the interest of the nation and its people at the core.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . The word patriotism has been derived from the Latin word ‘Patria’ that means country.

Ans . We should stand in attention whenever national anther is sung.

Ans . We can show love to our country by becoming good and responsible citizens of the nation.

Ans . East Germany is stated as the least patriotic country in the world.

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In defense of a reasonable patriotism

Subscribe to governance weekly, william a. galston william a. galston ezra k. zilkha chair and senior fellow - governance studies.

July 23, 2018

  • 22 min read

This essay is adapted from remarks delivered by William Galston at the Estoril Political Forum on June 25, 2018. Galston was invited to deliver the forum’s Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture on the topic of “Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Democracy.”


In this essay, adapted from a lecture I recently delivered on the topic of “Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Democracy,” I will defend what I term a “reasonable patriotism,” and I will argue that separate and distinct political communities are the only sites in which decent and—especially—democratic politics can be enacted.

I begin with some conceptual clarifications.

Cosmopolitanism is a creed that gives primary allegiance to the community of human beings as such, without regard to distinctions of birth, belief, or political boundaries. The antithesis of cosmopolitanism is particularism , in which one’s primary allegiance is to a group or subset of human beings with shared characteristics. There are different forms of particularism reflecting the varying objects of primary allegiance—communities of co-religionists (the Muslim ummah ), ethnicity, and shared citizenship, among others.

Patriotism denotes a special attachment to a particular political community, although not necessary to its existing form of government. Nationalism , with which patriotism is often confused, stands for a very different phenomenon—the fusion, actual or aspirational, between shared ethnicity and state sovereignty. The nation-state, then, is a community is which an ethnic group is politically dominant and sets the terms of communal life.

Nationalism, with which patriotism is often confused, stands for a very different phenomenon—the fusion, actual or aspirational, between shared ethnicity and state sovereignty.

Now to our topic. We gather today under a cloud. Throughout the West, nationalist forces—many tinged with xenophobia, ethnic prejudice, and religious bigotry—are on the rise. The recent Hungarian election featured nakedly anti-Semitic rhetoric not heard in Europe since the 1940s. Citizens are being invited to discard unifying civic principles in favor of divisive and exclusionary particularism.

It is tempting to respond by rejecting particularism root and branch and pinning our hopes on purely civic principles—to embrace, that is, what Jurgen Habermas has called “constitutional patriotism.” But matters are not, and cannot be, so simple.

The United States is often seen as the birthplace and exemplar of a civic order. You are or become an American, it is said, not because of religion or ethnicity but because you affirm, and are prepared to defend, the community’s basic principles and institutions. “All men are created equal.” “We the People.” What could be clearer?

And yet, the very document that famously holds certain truths to be self-evident begins by invoking a concept that is far from self-evident—namely, a distinct people may dissolve the political bands that have connected it to another people and to assume a “separate and equal standing” among the nations of the earth to which it is entitled by nothing less than “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.” The equality and independence of peoples is grounded in the same sources as the rights of individuals.

But what is a people, and what separates it from others? As it happens, John Jay, the least known of the three authors of the Federalist, went the farthest toward answering this question. In Federalist 2, he wrote that “Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established their general liberty and independence.”

This description of the American people was only partly true at the time. It did not apply to African Americans, not to mention Catholics and those many denizens of the colonies for whom German was the language of daily life. It is much less true today. Nonetheless, it calls for reflection.

We can read Jay to be suggesting that certain commonalities foster the identity and unity of a people and that the absence of these commonalities complicates this task. Religious differences can be divisive, especially when they are linked to controversial ideas about government, as Catholicism was until the middle of the past century and Islam is today. The absence of a shared language makes it more likely that linguistic sub-communities will think of themselves as separate peoples, as was the case throughout much of Canada’s history and remains the case in Belgium today. Conversely, participation in shared struggle can forge popular unity and foster civic equality.

It is no accident, I suggest, that the strands of universality and particularity are braided through the history of American peoplehood, as they are I suspect, for political communities throughout the West. Nor is it an accident that during periods of stress—security threats and demographic change, for example—the latent tension between these strands often reemerges. A reasonable patriotism gives particularity its due without allowing the passions of particularism to drown out the voice of broader civic principles.

There is a difference between cosmopolitanism and universalism. We speak of some principles as universal, meaning that they apply everywhere. But the enjoyment of these principles requires institutions of enforcement, most often situated within particular political communities. In this vein, the U.S. Declaration of Independence attributes certain rights to all human beings but adds immediately that securing these rights requires the establishment of government s . Note the plural: not only will there be a multiplicity of governments, but they may assume a variety of forms, all legitimate as long as they defend rights and rest on the consent of the governed.

As you can see, there is no contradiction, at least at the level of principle, between universal principles of right and patriotic attachment to particular communities. For many Americans and Europeans, in fact, their country’s willingness to defend universal principles intensifies their patriotic pride. Universality denotes the range in which our principles apply; it has nothing to do with the scope of our primary allegiance.

By contrast, there is a contradiction between patriotism and cosmopolitanism. You cannot be simultaneously a citizen of the world and of a particular country, at least in the sense that we must often choose between giving pride of place to humanity as a whole as opposed to some subset of humanity.    

There is a contradiction between patriotism and cosmopolitanism. You cannot be simultaneously a citizen of the world and of a particular country, at least in the sense that we must often choose between giving pride of place to humanity as a whole as opposed to some subset of humanity.

This formulation assumes what some would contest—that the phrase “citizen of the world” has a discernible meaning. In a much-discussed speech, British Prime Minister Theresa May declared that “If you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.” On the surface, this is obviously true, because there is no global entity to be a citizen of . But if we dig a bit deeper, the matter becomes more complicated.

For example, we can observe many kinds of cosmopolitan groups—scientists and mathematicians, for example, whose quest for truth depends on principles of evidence and reason that take no account of political boundaries. As the son of a scientist, I have vivid memories of conferences in which hundreds of colleagues (the term itself is revealing) gathered—it didn’t really matter where—to discuss their latest experiments, wherever they were conducted, on fully common ground. Similarly, I suspect we have all heard of the organization “Doctors without Borders,” which rests on the principle that neither human need nor medical responsibility respects national boundaries.

There is a form of cosmopolitanism, finally, that may be observed among some government officials—the belief that it is their duty to maximize human wellbeing, regardless of the nationality of those who stand to benefit. This global utilitarianism, defended by philosophers such as Peter Singer, shaped the thinking of some officials who successfully urged then-Prime Minister Tony Blair to throw open Britain’s immigration gates after the EU expansion of 2004, without availing himself of the extended phase-in period that the terms of accession permitted. As subsequent events showed, there is a tension between global utilitarianism and the expectation that leaders will give priority to the interests of their own citizens. Indeed, it is hard to imagine a political community in which the belief in the legitimacy of collective self-preference does not hold sway—which is not to say that most citizens attach a weight of zero to the interests of human beings beyond the borders of their community, or that they should do so. Self-preference is one thing, moral obtuseness another.

There is a distinction, on which I need not dwell at length, between liberal and populist democracy. Of late, we have heard much about a “democracy deficit” in the European Union and throughout the West. Unelected bureaucrats and experts, it is alleged, are making decisions over the head and against the will of the people. Populist democrats endorse this complaint, at least in principle, because they believe that all decisions should ultimately be subject to the people’s judgment. The referendum is the purest expression of this conception of democracy.

Liberal democracy, by contrast, distinguishes between decisions that the popular majorities should make, either directly or through their elected representatives, and issues involving rights, which should not be subject to majority will. The defense of fundamental rights and liberties is not evidence of a democracy deficit no matter how intensely popular majorities may resent it. Along with independent civil society, institutions such as constitutional courts give life to democracy, so understood. It is this conception of democracy on which I rely in the remainder of my remarks.

How patriotism can be reasonable

The philosopher Simon Keller argues at length against the proposition that patriotism is “a character trait that the ideal person would possess,” at least if one’s conception of the good or virtuous human being includes a propensity to form and act upon justified belief rather than distorted judgments and illusions. The core of Keller’s thesis is that patriotic attachment leads patriots to deny unflattering truths about their country’s conduct, hence to maintain their attachment in “bad faith.” Patriotism should yield to truth, in short, but it doesn’t.

Keller has put his finger on a dangerous tendency, one that I suspect most of us can feel within ourselves. It is often hard to acknowledge that one’s country has erred, perhaps even committed hideous crimes. Sometimes monsters masquerade as patriots and manipulate patriotic sentiments to serve their own ends.

Just as patriots can go astray, they can also acknowledge their mistakes and do their best to make reparations for them. No one ever accused Ronald Reagan of being deficient in patriotism, but he was the president who formally apologized to Japanese-Americans on behalf of the country for their unjust internment during World War II.

But just as patriots can go astray, they can also acknowledge their mistakes and do their best to make reparations for them. No one ever accused Ronald Reagan of being deficient in patriotism, but he was the president who formally apologized to Japanese-Americans on behalf of the country for their unjust internment during World War II.

In classic Aristotelian fashion, patriotism can be seen as a mean between two extremes—blinding zeal for one’s country at one end of the continuum, culpable indifference or outright hostility at the other. Or, if you prefer, we can see patriotism as a sentiment that needs principled regulation. Carl Schurz, who left Germany for the United States after the failed 1848 revolution, became a Union general during the Civil War and then a U.S. senator. Attacked on the Senate floor as too willing to criticize his adopted country, Schurz replied, “My country, right or wrong: if right, to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right.” This is the voice of the reasonable patriot.

Patriotism does not mean blind fidelity, no matter what. It means, rather, caring enough about one’s country to try to correct it when it goes astray and, when that is not possible, making a difficult choice. A number of non-Jewish German patriots left their country in the 1930s because they could not stand what Hitler was doing to their Jewish fellow-citizens, did not want to be complicit, and hoped to ally themselves with external forces that might eventually bring down Hitler’s evil regime.

In sum: I can believe that my country has made serious mistakes that must be acknowledged and corrected without ceasing to be a patriot. I can believe that my country’s political institutions are evil and need wholesale replacement without ceasing to be a patriot. I can believe that other objects of regard (my conscience, or God) on occasion outrank my country without ceasing to be a patriot. The fact that zealous patriotism can have terrible consequences does not mean that reasonable and moderate patriotism does so.

The fact that zealous patriotism can have terrible consequences does not mean that reasonable and moderate patriotism does so.

Despite these arguments, it is understandable that morally serious people may continue harbor doubts about the intrinsic value of a sentiment that can yield evil. Even so, it is possible to endorse patriotism as an instrumental good—as necessary to the preservation of political communities whose existence makes the human good possible.

Another well-known philosopher, George Kateb, hesitates to take even this step. Patriotism, he argues, is an intellectual mistake because its object, one’s country, is an “abstraction”—that is, a “figment of the imagination.”  Patriotism is a moral mistake because it requires (and tends to create) enemies, exalts a collective form of self-love, and stands opposed to the only justified morality, which is universalist. Individuals and their rights are fundamental; one’s country, he says, is at most a “temporary and contingent stopping point on the way to a federated humanity.”

Intellectuals, especially philosophers, should know better, Kateb insists. Their only ultimate commitment should be to Enlightenment-style independence of mind, not just for themselves, but as an inspiration to all. In this context, “A defense of patriotism is an attack on the Enlightenment.” From this standpoint, it is hard to see how civic virtue can be instrumentally good if the end it serves—the maintenance of one’s particular political community—is intellectually and morally dubious.

But Kateb is too honest an observer of the human condition to go that far. While the existence of multiple political communities guarantees immoral behavior, government is, he acknowledges, not just a regrettable fact but a moral necessity: “By providing security, government makes possible treating other persons morally (and for their own sake).” It would seem to follow that the beliefs and traits of character that conduce to government’s security-providing function are ipso facto instrumentally justified, as civic virtues. That is the basis on which a reasonable patriotism may be defined and defended. Yes, the individual community that makes moral conduct possible is embedded in an international system of multiple competing communities that invites, even requires, immoral behavior. But as Kateb rightly says, rather than positing and acting on a non-existent global community, “One must learn to live with the paradox.”  As long as we must, there will be a place for patriotism.

Isn’t it better to spread, hence mitigate, the threat of tyranny with multiple independent states so that if some go bad, others remain to defend the cause of freedom?

One more step, and I reach the end of this strand of my argument. The existence of multiple political communities is not just a fact that moral argument must take into account; it is preferable to the only non-anarchic alternative—a single global state. Dani Rodrik, a politically astute economist, spells out this case. There are many institutional arrangements, none obviously superior to others, for carrying out essential economic, social, and political functions. But some may be better suited than others to particular local circumstances. Groups will strike varying balances between equality and opportunity, stability and dynamism, security and innovation. In the face of Joseph Schumpeter’s famous description of capitalist markets as “creative destructive,” some groups will embrace the creativity while others shrink from the destruction. All this before we reach divisions of language, history, and religion. Individual countries struggle to contain these differences without repressing them. How likely is it that a single world government could preserve itself without autocracy or worse? Isn’t it better to spread, hence mitigate, the threat of tyranny with multiple independent states so that if some go bad, others remain to defend the cause of freedom?

These questions answer themselves. If the human species best organizes and governs itself in multiple communities, and if each community requires devoted citizens to survive and thrive, then patriotism is not the way-station to the universal state. It is a permanent requirement for the realization of goods that human beings can know only in stable and decent polities.

Why impartiality is not always right

One familiar line of objection to patriotism rests on the premise that partiality is always morally suspect because it violates, or at least abridges, universal norms. By treating equals unequally for morally arbitrary reasons, goes the argument, we give too much weight to some claims and too little to others.

Critics note that patriots are devoted to a particular political order because it is their own and “not only” because it is legitimate. That’s true, but so what? My son happens to be a fine young man; I cherish him for his warm, caring heart, among many other virtues. I also cherish him above other children because he is my own. Am I committing a moral mistake? I would be if my love for my son led me to regard other children with indifference—for example, if I voted against local property taxes because he is no longer of school age. But it is perfectly possible to love one’s own without becoming morally narrow, or unreasonable, let alone irrational.

It is perfectly possible to love one’s own without becoming morally narrow, or unreasonable, let alone irrational. This is so because a certain degree of partiality is both permissible and justified.

This is so because a certain degree of partiality is both permissible and justified. Two philosophers’ examples will make my point. If I’m sunbathing on a beach and hear two young swimmers—my son and someone else—crying out for help, I should want to rescue both if I can. But suppose I can’t. Does anyone really think that I’m obligated to flip a coin to decide which one? On what theory of human existence would that be the right or obligatory thing to do?

But now the second example. As I’m walking my son to school, I see a boy in danger of drowning in the local swimming-hole, where he is unwisely playing hooky. Although I’m pretty sure I can rescue him, it will take time to pull him out, dry him off, calm him down, and return him to his parents. In the process, my son will be late for school and miss an exam he has worked hard to prepare for. Does anyone think that this harm would justify me in turning my back on the drowning boy?

These considerations apply not only to individual agents, but also to governments. There are situations in which one country can prevent a great evil in another, and do so at modest cost to itself. In such circumstances, the good that can be done for distant strangers outweighs the burden of doing it. In this vein, Bill Clinton has said that his failure to intervene against the genocide in Rwanda was the biggest mistake of his presidency.

What’s going on is obvious, I think: in ordinary moral consciousness, both partial and impartial claims have weight, the proper balance between which is determined by facts and circumstances. While it is hard (some would say impossible) to reduce this balance to rules, there is at least a shared framework—based on the urgency and importance of conflicting interests—to guide our reflections. As a rule of thumb, we can presume that because human beings tend too much toward partiality, we should be careful to give non-partial claims their due. But that doesn’t mean that they should always prevail.

Why patriotism is not so different from other loyalties

Sensing the danger of proving too much, the critics of patriotism draw back from the root-and-branch rejection of partiality. Instead, they try to drive a wedge between patriotism and other forms of attachment.

George Kateb does not offer a generalized critique of partial attachments. Instead, he argues, patriotism represents the wrong kind of partiality, because its object—one’s country—is an abstraction, and a misleading one at that. Individuals are real; countries aren’t. Individuals are worthy of special attachments in a way that countries are not. That is why he works so hard to drive a wedge between love of parents and love of country.

A country is, among other things, a place, a language (one’s “mother tongue”), a way of life, and a set of institutions through which collective decisions are made and carried out. One can love these things reasonably, and many do.

I disagree. While love of parents and of country are not the same, it does not follow that one’s country cannot be a legitimate object of affection. To be sure, a country is not a person, but it begs the question to say that love is properly directed only to persons. It abuses neither speech nor sense to say that I love my house and for that reason would feel sorrow and deprivation if disaster forced me to leave it. (I have had such an experience.) A country is, among other things, a place, a language (one’s “mother tongue”), a way of life, and a set of institutions through which collective decisions are made and carried out. One can love these things reasonably, and many do.

Consider immigrants who arrive legally in the U.S. from impoverished and violent lands. Their lives in their new country often are arduous, but they at least enjoy the protection of the laws, the opportunity to advance economically, and the right to participate in choosing their elected officials. Is it unreasonable for them to experience gratitude, affection, and the desire to perform reciprocal service for the country that has given them refuge?

Kateb is clearly right to insist that citizens don’t owe their “coming into being” to their country in the way that children owe their existence to their parents. But here again, his conclusion does not follow from his premise. Surely we can love people who are not responsible for our existence: parents love their children, husbands their wives. Besides, refugees may literally owe their continuing existence to countries that offer them sanctuary from violence. Is it less reasonable and proper to love the institutions that save our life than the individuals who give us life?

As another philosopher, Eamonn Callan, has suggested, if patriotism is love of country, then the general features of love are likely to illuminate this instance of it. Among his key points: “love can be admirable when directed to objects whose value is severely compromised and admirable then not despite but because of the compromised value.”  An example of this is the love of parents for an adult child who has committed a serious crime, a bond that demonstrates the virtues of constancy and loyalty. This does not mean that parents are free to deny the reality of their child’s deeds or to make up bogus excuses for them. To do that would be to surrender both intellectual and moral integrity. But to say that parental love risks crossing the line in these ways is not to say that parents are required to turn their backs on criminals who happen to be their children, or to cease all efforts to reform them. (Nor is it to fault parents who have wrenchingly concluded that they must cut these ties.)

Conclusion: the last full measure of devotion

There is one more objection to my conception of reasonable patriotism: it is irrational to choose a life that puts you at heightened risk of dying for your country. The objector may say that there is nothing worth dying for, a proposition I reject. More often, the suggestion is that even if there are things that warrant the sacrifice of one’s life (one’s children, for example), one’s country is not in this category. Children are concrete and innocent, while countries are abstract (“imagined communities,” in Benedict Anderson’s phrase) and problematic.

Must a political community be morally unblemished to be worth killing or dying for? The United States was a deeply flawed nation when it went to war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The servicemen on the Normandy beaches harbored none of the dulce et decorum est illusions that led young Englishmen to welcome the outbreak of the first world war; the GIs fought against pure evil in the name of a partial good. They were neither wrong nor deceived to do so, or so I believe.

Suppose one’s country is attacked and thousands of fellow-citizens die. Is everything done in response an expression of delusion? Not at all: some reactions are necessary and justified; others are excessive and illegitimate. I favored retaliation against the Taliban, which asked some Americans to kill and die for their country. Most Americans agreed, and I think we were right. Attacking those who did not attack us was—and is—another matter altogether.

As long as we have multiple communities, and as long as evil endures, citizens will face choices they would rather avoid, and patriotism will be a necessary virtue.

Lurking behind the critique of patriotism is the longing for an unattainable moral purity in politics. I take my stand with Max Weber, with the ethic of responsibility that embraces the necessary moral costs of maintaining our collective existence—all the more so when our government rests on the consent of the governed. It is only within decent political communities that citizens can hope to practice the ordinary morality we rightly cherish. As long as we have multiple communities, and as long as evil endures, citizens will face choices they would rather avoid, and patriotism will be a necessary virtue.

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What is patriotism?

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'Right or wrong, our country' is a popular but flawed expression of patriotism; a morally responsible patriot, on the other hand, tries to protect and improve her country’s moral character

Naval officer Stephen Decatur is said to have once exclaimed, during a toast: “Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but right or wrong, our country!” 

While dinner toasts may fail to capture a speaker’s considered views, “right or wrong, our country!” has been repeated so often that we can safely assume it resonates widely, whether or not it reflects a position Decatur earnestly held. But  is  a true patriot someone who says, “right or wrong, our country!”? And is that what a patriot  should  say? These are the questions that interest me here.  


Iskra Fileva

There is a view of patriotism, perhaps the dominant view, on which the answer is “yes.” Patriotism on this view involves unquestioning loyalty to one’s country.  

This is not to suggest that loyalty is all there is to patriotism. There are varieties of blind allegiance that hardly anyone would recognize as patriotism. Consider the attitude of two soldiers described by Shakespeare in  Henry V . At one point in the play, the king, in an attempt to boost the morale of his troops, disguises himself as an ordinary soldier. He approaches two men, Williams and Bates, and says, “Methinks I could not die anywhere so contented as in the King’s company, his cause being just and his quarrel honourable.” Williams replies, “That’s more than we know.” Bates goes further: “Ay, or more than we should seek after. For we know enough if we know we are the King’s subjects. If his cause be wrong, our obedience to the King wipes the crime of it out of us.”

We may have sympathy with the (all too human) tendency to fight for one’s group. Still, to have a weak concern at best for what is right and just objectively speaking is irresponsible, morally so. A person who disregards morality for the sake of one’s own aims is an egoist. A person who disregards it for the sake of one’s nation is a tribalist and a jingoist.   

Williams and Bates here see themselves as hitmen for the king, but without a moral burden. They are following the orders of an authority figure. Whether or not one can avoid responsibility by pleading this kind of defense is a question I leave to one side (the strategy didn’t work for Eichmann); more importantly for present purposes, patriots on the view under consideration are  advocates  for and  champions  of their country. They do not wash their hands of responsibility, as King Henry’s troops do. Rather, like advocates, they prefer that their country be in the right; but like champions, they are prepared to defend it come what may. They do this, presumably, because they love their country and care about its plight. Blindly carrying out orders, as Bates and Williams do, without consideration of the justice of the cause or a sense of responsibility for the outcome, is not yet patriotism on the view under discussion.

Patriotism thus understood is an improvement over Bates’s and Williams’s attitude, but is it a good thing?  

We may have sympathy with the (all too human) tendency to fight for one’s group. Still, to have a weak concern at best for what is right and just objectively speaking is irresponsible, morally so. A person who disregards morality for the sake of one’s own aims is an egoist. A person who disregards it for the sake of one’s nation is a tribalist and a jingoist.

To be sure, it is rare for a properly socialized person to openly flaunt moral imperatives, so a groupish person may be inclined, instead, try to persuade herself that her side always was and always will be in right. But to assert such a thing is irresponsible too, morally speaking, and not too different from maintaining that we, personally, like the biblical Jesus, can do no wrong. The flaw in this type of reasoning is much easier to recognize in the individual case compared to the collective one, but there is a flaw in both cases, and of a similar origin.  

Is it morally irresponsible, then, to be a patriot?

Some wish to argue that it is. It has been suggested that patriotism is not a good attitude to have or to teach to our children and that perhaps, many an unjust war would be prevented but for the idea that patriotism is commendable.

Though I, personally, consider myself a cosmopolitan humanist, I think the above conclusion is far too quick. There is a vision of patriotism that’s morally defensible and that may have advantages over my own cosmopolitan leanings. One can argue, and plausibly, that patriots care about their country’s moral standing. They would not want their country to get embroiled in unjust wars or the perpetration of atrocities for which history may judge it harshly, and for which future generations may bear national guilt.

It is something like this second idea of patriotism that general Schurz seems to have had in mind when, in  The Policy of Imperialism , he admonishes readers to stick to true patriotism and amends the popular exclamation associated with Decatur’s after-dinner toast to: “Our country—if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.” The writer  G. K. Chesterton , perhaps more poignantly, writes in this regard, “‘My country, right or wrong’” is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, “My mother, drunk or sober.”

The reason I think that patriotism—in this version—has advantages over my cosmopolitan stance is that in a world of rampant tribalism, patriots of the second kind are well positioned to provide an antidote to blind loyalty of the morally irresponsible variety.

This vision of patriotism, however, is far less popular than the first. Why?    

I think it is because we tend to suspect that the person who claims to be concerned with objective morality and impartial justice lacks loyalty; that she doesn’t see herself as “one of us.” Perhaps, she engages in a pseudo-intellectual attempt to demonstrate refined moral sensibilities by rejecting her roots. Maybe, she is even ashamed of the members of her group.

And it is true that one  may  criticize what one takes to be one’s country’s moral failings due not to a loving and patriotic concern for the nation’s “moral soul,” but for other reasons including not only a serious commitment to moral principles—which no morally serious person can oppose—but less honorable motives. There may well be people who seek to show that they, personally, are not narrow-minded xenophobes by disparaging their own country.

A default assumption to the effect that one’s own nation is in the wrong is not morally sound either, of course. A cause doesn’t become morally just because it is adopted by an adversary any more than it becomes morally right because it is adopted by our group. But the morally responsible patriot knows this and acts accordingly. She is not someone who tries to prove her own ethics credentials by denigrating her country but rather, someone who tries to protect and improve her country’s moral character.

Perhaps, patriotism  à la  Decatur is popular, because we feel certain that patriots of this kind, particularly among compatriots, have their hearts in the right place, and this is what we care about. Or maybe, we think it is morally permissible, objectively speaking, to side with one’s own group no matter what. Consider the old joke about loyal friends: A good friend, they say, would help you move a couch. A  really  good friend would help you move a body.

It is unclear that friendship is the analogy relevant here. Family relations may be a better analogy. It may be permissible for us—though why, precisely, is a separate question—to care more about the well-being and reputation of our friends than we do about their moral characters. Family members, on the other hand, bear at least some responsibility for each other, including for each other’s moral failings. Suppose, however, that friendship  were  the relevant analogy. The second and more important point is that the question is not whether a really good friend would help you move a body but whether she would help you commit murder and other offenses.

It is difficult to see how a true friend would do  that . Same for a true patriot.  

Iskra Fileva is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Colorado Boulder. This essay appeared originally in the Blog of the American Philosophical Association .

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What is the difference between nationalism and patriotism?

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Assistant Professor of Political Science, Westminster College

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During his presidency, Donald Trump said, “We’re putting America first … we’re taking care of ourselves for a change,” and then declared, “ I’m a nationalist .” In another speech , he stated that under his watch, the U.S. had “ embrace[d] the doctrine of patriotism .”

Trump is now running for president again. When he announced his candidacy, he stated that he “ need[s] every patriot on board because this is not just a campaign, this is a quest to save our country.”

One week later he dined in Mar-a-Lago with Nick Fuentes , a self-described nationalist who’s been banned from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms for using racist and antisemitic language .

Afterward, Trump confirmed that meeting but did not denounce Fuentes, despite calls for him to do so .

The words nationalism and patriotism are sometimes used as synonyms, such as when Trump and his supporters describe his America First agenda. But many political scientists , including me , don’t typically see those two terms as equivalent – or even compatible.

There is a difference, and it’s important, not just to scholars but to regular citizens as well.

A comic depicting Superman talking to people about treating others with respect and dignity.

Devotion to a people

To understand what nationalism is, it’s useful to understand what a nation is – and isn’t.

A nation is a group of people who share a history, culture, language, religion or some combination thereof.

A country , which is sometimes called a state in political science terminology, is an area of land that has its own government.

A nation-state is a homogeneous political entity mostly comprising a single nation. Nation-states are rare , because nearly every country is home to more than one national group. One example of a nation-state would be North Korea , where almost all residents are ethnic Koreans.

The United States is neither a nation nor a nation-state. Rather, it is a country of many different groups of people who have a variety of shared histories, cultures, languages and religions.

Some of those groups are formally recognized by the federal government, such as the Navajo Nation and the Cherokee Nation . Similarly, in Canada, the French-speaking Québécois are recognized as being a distinct “ nation within a united Canada .”

Nationalism is, per one dictionary definition, “ loyalty and devotion to a nation .” It is a person’s strong affinity for those who share the same history, culture, language or religion. Scholars understand nationalism as exclusive , boosting one identity group over – and at times in direct opposition to – others.

The Oath Keepers and Proud Boys – 10 of whom were convicted of seditious conspiracy for their role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol – are both examples of white nationalist groups, which believe that immigrants and people of color are a threat to their ideals of civilization.

Trump has described the events that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, as having occurred “ Peacefully & Patrioticly ”. He has described those who have been imprisoned as “ great patriots ” and has said that he would pardon “ a large portion of them ” if elected in 2024.

There are many other nationalisms beyond white nationalism. The Nation of Islam , for instance, is an example of a Black nationalist group. The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center have both characterized it as a Black supremacist hate group for its anti-white prejudices.

In addition to white and Black racial nationalisms , there are also ethnic and lingustic nationalisms, which typically seek greater autonomy for – and the eventual independence of – certain national groups. Examples include the Bloc Québécois , the Scottish Nationalist Party and Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales , which are nationalist political parties that respectively advocate for the Québécois of Québéc, the Scots of Scotland and the Welsh of Wales.

Devotion to a place

In contrast to nationalism’s loyalty for or devotion to one’s nation, patriotism is, per the same dictionary, “ love for or devotion to one’s country .” It comes from the word patriot , which itself can be traced back to the Greek word patrios , which means “of one’s father.”

In other words, patriotism has historically meant a love for and devotion to one’s fatherland , or country of origin.

Patriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people who live within it. Nationalism refers to devotion to only one group of people over all others.

An example of patriotism would be Martin Luther King Jr.’s “ I Have a Dream ” speech, in which he recites the first verse of the patriotic song “ America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee) .” In his “ Letter from Birmingham Jail ,” King describes “nationalist groups” as being “ made up of people who have lost faith in America .”

George Orwell, the author of “ Animal Farm ” and “ Nineteen Eighty-Four ,” describes patriotism as “ devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life.”

He contrasted that with nationalism, which he describes as “the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests.”

Nationalism vs. patriotism

Adolf Hitler’s rise in Germany was accomplished by perverting patriotism and embracing nationalism. According to Charles de Gaulle , who led Free France against Nazi Germany during World War II and later became president of France, “ Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first .”

The tragedy of the Holocaust was rooted in the nationalistic belief that certain groups of people were inferior. While Hitler is a particularly extreme example , in my own research as a human rights scholar , I have found that even in contemporary times, countries with nationalist leaders are more likely to have bad human rights records.

After World War II, President Harry Truman signed the Marshall Plan , which would provide postwar aid to Europe. The intent of the program was to help European countries “ break away from the self-defeating actions of narrow nationalism .”

For Truman, putting America first did not mean exiting the global stage and sowing division at home with nationalist actions and rhetoric . Rather, he viewed the “principal concern of the people of the United States” to be “the creation of conditions of enduring peace throughout the world.” For him, patriotically putting the interests of his country first meant fighting against nationalism.

This view is in line with that of French President Emmanuel Macron , who has stated that “ patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism .”

“ Nationalism,” he says, “is a betrayal of patriotism .”

  • US politics
  • Human rights
  • George Orwell
  • Political science
  • Nationalism
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Donald Trump
  • Harry Truman
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • America First
  • "America First"
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Importance of Patriotism

Do you love your country? If you ever ask this question to a citizen of any country, the possibility of getting a negative answer is almost zero. We all love the country we’ve born in. Why do you love your country? It is difficult to answer this question. Just like we love our home, we also love our country. You may not be able to give an explanation for patriotism.

Do you think it is good to be a patriot? Do you get any benefit for being a patriot? The answer is yes. Even if we don’t realize it, we get a lot of benefits from being a patriot. It is hence, considered important to be a patriot. To help you understand better, below mentioned are some of the key points about the advantages of being a patriot.

importance of patriotism

Benefits of Being a Patriot

  • Empowers a nation – When a person loves his country, he will be ready to work hard for his nation. A true patriot understands the role of a citizen in the development of a nation. Hence, a nation occupied by patriots will always be in the path to success.
  • Promotes Peace and Harmony – The nation in which the citizens believe in patriotism will always be peaceful. Rather than wasting their time on unwanted rivalry and jealousy, they will concentrate more on hard work and harmony. This will also lead to the development of a nation.
  • Helps to Eliminate the Social Evils – Countries across the globe suffer from many social evils like corruption. This can be reduced to a certain extent with the help of patriotism. True patriots will definitely realize the harm these social evils are causing to the development and productivity of their nation. thus, they will try all the methods to eliminate these evils completely from society.
  • Helps to Motivate People – Motivation plays a very important role in the life of a person. No matter whether it is professional or personal, you need to feel motivated to move ahead. A patriot doesn’t need this motivation from other. The love for his country will make him self-motivated due to which he will be ready to work hard for his country.
  • Promotes Equality – Even though people speak a lot about gender equality and equality of the basic rights, not all the people are provided with these rights. The practice of equality will get properly established only in those countries where the majority of the citizens are patriots. The citizens in such countries believe in only one religion and that is patriotism.
  • Reduces the Rate of Emigration – A lot of people emigrate from their countries every year in search of good jobs, salaries, a better standard of living, and so on. This will not happen in the case of patriotism. Spreading the essence of patriotism in people will urge them to strive harder for their nation without leaving their country.
  • Selfless Dedication – One of the major reasons which pull a nation backward is the act of selfishness in people. Patriotism evokes selfless dedication in a citizen. Such a person will also be ready to help others without any expectations. Instead of working for money and position, patriots spend their time and effort for the betterment of their nation.

Also read: Importance of nationalism

In short, patriotism plays a very important role in the development of a nation. True patriots will help others understand the benefits of living in tranquillity. However, there are also cases where the excessive love for one’s own country resulted in wars and downfall of the entire nation. Thus, it is clear that patriotism to a certain extent can be considered healthy for both the citizens and their country.

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How States Are Testing the Church-State Divide in Public Schools

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Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters has ordered educators in his state to teach the Bible, a move that adds to a list of recent actions by state leaders who are testing the limits of the separation of church and state in public schools.

Walters, who’s built a national profile as an outspoken critic of “woke indoctrination,” sent a June 27 memo to the state’s district superintendents directing them to incorporate the Bible into lessons for 5th through 12th grades as “one of the most historically significant books and a cornerstone of Western civilization.”

“This is not merely an educational directive but a crucial step in ensuring our students grasp the core values and historical context of our country,” Walters wrote, later adding that “immediate and strict compliance is expected.”

The directive follows a slate of recent actions by conservative state officials related to religion in public schools. Most recently, Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry, a Republican, signed a bill to require all public schools to display a copy of the Ten Commandments in every classroom , a law that has since been challenged in court by civil liberties groups.

Supporters of those state actions argue they are not solely religious and therefore constitutional. Opponents call them a canary in a coal mine to test how far leaders can assert religious texts and practices into public education.

Like those previous decisions, Walter’s directive was met with near-immediate condemnation from organizations that advocate for pluralism and minority religions.

“This is textbook Christian Nationalism: Walters is abusing the power of his public office to impose his religious beliefs on everyone else’s children,” said a statement from Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. “Not on our watch.”

Here are three examples of recent state actions related to religion and education that are stirring controversy.

1. A mandate to teach the Bible in public schools

At a June 27 state board of education meeting where he announced his Bible directive, Walters also condemned a recent decision by the Oklahoma Supreme Court that deemed plans for a Catholic-run charter school a violation of the state and federal constitutions.

“You’re not going to find the separation of church and state in the Constitution,” he said in the livestreamed meeting. “It’s not there.”

He framed the Bible requirement as a way to comply with the state’s learning standards. The religious text provides foundational knowledge necessary to understand the nation’s founding, the Federalist Papers, the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., ethics, and comparative religion, Walters said. His memo said the state may provide materials for schools to teach the Bible “to ensure uniformity in delivery” and that additional directions for “monitoring and reporting implementation” would follow.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters presides over a special state Board of Education meeting to discuss the U.S. Department of Education's "Proposed Change to its Title IX Regulations on Students' Eligibility for Athletic Teams" on April 12, 2023, in Oklahoma City.

Courts have ruled that schools can teach the Bible alongside other texts as an academic, but not devotional, exercise. While Walters seemed to frame his directive in academic terms, critics are skeptical because of his past history of support for conservative Christian causes like prayer in schools and his failure to mention any other significant religious texts that are also woven through literature and history, like the Torah and the Quran.

“It’s a very worrisome step toward state imposition of religion,” said James W. Fraser, professor of history and education at New York University and pastor emeritus of Grace Church in East Boston, Mass.

The Oklahoma directive and other state decisions come during a divisive election year and “a time of extraordinary social, cultural, religious change,” in which religious diversity is growing alongside a trend of Americans not identifying as religious at all, Fraser said.

“As Christianity, and especially Protestantism, becomes not the majority, it’s not surprising to see things that suggest, ‘Oh, if we can’t win people’s hearts and minds, we’ll at least impose it on them.’”

2. Empowering public schools to hire religious chaplains

Three states, Louisiana, Florida, and Texas, have passed laws empowering schools to hire religious chaplains or bring them on as volunteers.

“Faith leaders and civic organizations are important additional resources for students who may be facing challenges or need to build community and camaraderie,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said in an April 18 statement as he signed the chaplain bill. “I’m pleased to be able to expand the variety of options that students have at their disposal in school and we have no doubt that these options will enhance the experiences of our students.”

Texas’ school chaplain law, enacted in June 2023, required every school board to take a recorded vote on whether they would adopt a school chaplain policy. The law allows schools to pay chaplains with their share of state funding for school safety and child well-being, or to allow them to work in schools on a volunteer basis. It does not limit the religion of the chaplains schools can hire.

The law gives districts discretion in selecting chaplains and determining their involvement in school programs. During debate on the measure, lawmakers rejected an amendment that would have prohibited school chaplains from proselytizing. They also rejected language, since included in some other states’ chaplain bills, that would have required parental approval for students to seek counseling from chaplains.

Proponents of school chaplains say they will help schools address growing concerns about student mental health and shortages of school counselors and social workers.

“I can’t think of a better qualified person if they’re dealing with a crisis and if the parents are good with it and it comes from a similar faith that they have,” Mineola, Texas, Superintendent Cody Mize told local news station CBS19 after his school board voted to approve a chaplain policy. “To be able to work with someone like-minded in their faith, I think that’s a huge benefit for our kids.”

Critics, including faith-related groups like the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, argue that it’s not the role of public schools to promote students’ spiritual formation. Chaplain bills, which have been considered or passed in at least 15 states, have very few requirements about who is eligible to serve as a chaplain and very few protections to ensure students don’t feel a sense of religious coercion, they argued.

“These are public schools. They’re one of our great remaining institutions where people can come together from diverse backgrounds and we try as best we can to convey an equal dignity in that space,” Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, a former campus chaplain at Princeton University and the president and CEO of the Interfaith Alliance, told Education Week in March . “This disrupts that.”

3. Requiring public schools to display religious texts

Louisiana’s new Ten Commandments law requires all public schools and colleges in the state to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom no later than Jan. 1. Lawmakers in Arizona, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia have all introduced similar bills, Education Week reported earlier this month.

Similarly, Louisiana joined 17 states last year in requiring or explicitly allowing schools to display the national motto, “In God We Trust,” on classroom walls.

“I mean, look, this country was founded on Judeo Christian principles and every time we steer away from that, we have problems in our nation,” Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry, a Republican, said in a June 21 interview on Fox News.

"In God We Trust" is seen on a wall at South Park Elementary in Rapid City, S.D., on July 23, 2019. When students return to public schools across South Dakota this fall there should be a new message displayed in a common area, a cafeteria, entryway or other prominent location. A new state law that took effect this month requires all public schools in the state's 149 districts to paint, stencil or otherwise display the national motto "In God We Trust." The South Dakota lawmakers who proposed the law said the requirement was meant to inspire patriotism in the state's public schools.

The Bible describes Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God in a revelation on Mount Sinai. Moses, whom Landry described as “the original lawgiver,” is depicted on the walls of the U.S. Supreme Court, he said. (The building’s features also depict Confucius, Solon, and a scene from The Iliad.) The Ten Commandments are part of understanding the history of American laws, Landry argued.

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a similar Kentucky law in the 1980 case of Stone v. Graham , ruling that the state’s required classroom displays of the Ten Commandments violated the First Amendment’s establishment clause, which prohibits the government from establishing religion.

To comply with the establishment clause, the Supreme Court has held that government actions must have a secular purpose and not create an “excessive entanglement” of the state and religion.

While supporters of Louisiana’s new law argue that it has a purpose beyond the promotion of religion, plaintiffs in a June 25 federal lawsuit argue that it violates the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution and is unfair to students from minority religious and nonreligious backgrounds.

“The state’s main interest in passing H.B. 71 was to impose religious beliefs on public-school children, regardless of the harm to students and families,” reads the lawsuit, whose plaintiffs include clergy members and families of various religious backgrounds. “The law’s primary sponsor and author, Representative Dodie Horton, proclaimed during a debate over the bill that it ‘seeks to have a display of God’s law in the classroom for children to see what He says is right and what He says is wrong.’”

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North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction Kirsten Baesler announces the gathering of a task force to look into future options the state has for the assessment of students during a press conference May 8, 2015, at the state Capitol in Bismarck, N.D.

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Dropping Out Is Biden’s Most Patriotic Option

If he believes that Trump is a unique threat, the choice is clear.

Photo-illustration of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on the presidential-debate stage

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Joe Biden says he ran for president in 2020 because of Charlottesville. He says he ran because he saw the threat Donald Trump posed to the country and the threat he posed to democracy. If Biden truly believes that, he needs to end his reelection campaign. Indeed, dropping out could be the most patriotic gesture of his long career in public service, and every senior Democratic official and leader in the country should be pressuring him to act immediately.

Read: A disaster for Joe Biden

Throughout last night’s debate , Trump lied; obfuscated; and made bizarre, unsupported arguments about the economy, foreign policy, abortion, and the January 6 riot. A halfway competent opponent would have capitalized on these many, many errors. But Biden could barely speak coherently. The catastrophe of the incumbent’s performance is almost impossible to capture in words; you have to watch.

According to reporting by The New York Times , the campaign believed that the debate would “provide an opportunity to go on the offensive on issues like immigration and abortion access.” When asked about the latter—Biden’s best issue—he rambled about his worst issue, immigrant crime. You can read for yourself:

There’s many young women who’ve been—including the young woman who was just murdered and he went to the funeral—the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, they talk about that but here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, it’s just ridiculous and they can do nothing about, they try to arrest them when they cross state lines.

Before the debate , the president spent a week with a full slate of advisers at Camp David: former Chief of Staff Ron Klain, current Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, White House senior adviser Anita Dunn, and campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon. This performance was rehearsed .

It should be the last straw. The president went into this debate as a historically unpopular candidate. At this point in his presidency, a lower percentage of Americans support him than have supported any other president since at least Harry Truman. He’s running behind Democratic candidates for Senate in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin .

When the Times ’ Ezra Klein argued in February that Biden should step down , he was shot down by countless White House staff and Democratic leaders who claimed that Biden was up to the challenge of campaigning. And when Biden outperformed expectations at the State of the Union, speculation about his capacity to effectively campaign became more subdued.

But not anymore. Last night, Biden’s advisers were clearly underwhelmed with his performance; during the debate, they began leaking that he had a cold. After the event, when pressed repeatedly by Anderson Cooper on CNN, even Vice President Kamala Harris was forced to concede that the president’s showing had been lackluster. “He’s losing,” one prominent Democratic Party operative, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue, told me by direct message. “The campaign said this debate would help him and it did not. Now he has no credible argument for how he’s going to turn the race around by November, especially since the convention is going to be a shit show.”

The problem facing the country is twofold. First, because the primaries are over, Biden would have to voluntarily step aside; there’s no other way for his party to nominate someone else. And second, there’s a first-mover disadvantage at play. No one wants to stick out their neck and end up as the laughingstock of the party—as Representative Dean Phillips of Minnesota did when he briefly challenged Biden for this year’s Democratic nomination. And for those closest to Biden—Jill Biden, Val Biden, Mike Donilon, Ted Kaufman, and all those who joined him at Camp David this week—the question will be whether they can put the needs of their country above their loyalty to the current president.

In their recent book, The Hollow Parties , the political scientists Daniel Schlozman and Sam Rosenfeld discuss the weakening of the Democratic and Republican establishments. In another age, no party apparatus would have allowed an aging, frail Joe Biden to get to this point. I recently asked Schlozman why the Democratic Party hasn’t simply replaced Biden—why Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison hasn’t called Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, or any number of other Democrats and tried to whip up support for them as potential replacements for Biden.

As a political scientist, Schlozman hates questions like this, so he answered me somewhat facetiously: He cited “the old joke of ‘Why is Profiles in Courage such a short book?’ ‘Because we don’t see these kinds of behaviors very much.’”

But what’s needed right now is exactly that kind of bravery: uncommon fortitude in the face of atrophied party institutions that have lost the power to prevent the rise of candidates such as Trump, and, more to the point, Biden’s continued presence in the race.

What exactly happens if Biden drops out? Well, there are two options. Either he drops out and endorses another candidate, or he allows the party to decide at the convention. Ideally, he would do the latter, to allow a competitive process to determine his successor as the Democratic nominee.

Either way, I have no illusions that any of this would be orderly. Speeding through a nominating process in a month and a half because the incumbent has decided he’s incapable of victory is going to be chaotic, and the Democrats could end up with a candidate with serious vulnerabilities.

But as Biden showed last night, the party most certainly has a flawed candidate now. The Democrats need to be able to find a nominee who’s actually able to mount a vigorous challenge to Trump and the singular threat he poses to American democracy.

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NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track

If you'd like to become a reviewer for the track, or recommend someone, please use this form .

The Datasets and Benchmarks track serves as a venue for high-quality publications, talks, and posters on highly valuable machine learning datasets and benchmarks, as well as a forum for discussions on how to improve dataset development. Datasets and benchmarks are crucial for the development of machine learning methods, but also require their own publishing and reviewing guidelines. For instance, datasets can often not be reviewed in a double-blind fashion, and hence full anonymization will not be required. On the other hand, they do require additional specific checks, such as a proper description of how the data was collected, whether they show intrinsic bias, and whether they will remain accessible. The Datasets and Benchmarks track is proud to support the open source movement by encouraging submissions of open-source libraries and tools that enable or accelerate ML research.

The previous editions of the Datasets and Benchmarks track were highly successful; you can view the accepted papers from 2021 , 2002 , and 2023 , and the winners of the best paper awards 2021 , 2022 and 2023

CRITERIA. W e are aiming for an equally stringent review as the main conference, yet better suited to datasets and benchmarks. Submissions to this track will be reviewed according to a set of criteria and best practices specifically designed for datasets and benchmarks , as described below. A key criterion is accessibility: datasets should be available and accessible , i.e. the data can be found and obtained without a personal request to the PI, and any required code should be open source. We encourage the authors to use Croissant format ( https://mlcommons.org/working-groups/data/croissant/ ) to document their datasets in machine readable way.   Next to a scientific paper, authors should also submit supplementary materials such as detail on how the data was collected and organised, what kind of information it contains, how it should be used ethically and responsibly, as well as how it will be made available and maintained.

RELATIONSHIP TO NeurIPS.  Submissions to the track will be part of the main NeurIPS conference , presented alongside the main conference papers. Accepted papers will be officially published in the NeurIPS proceedings .

SUBMISSIONS.  There will be one deadline this year. It is also still possible to submit datasets and benchmarks to the main conference (under the usual review process), but dual submission to both is not allowed (unless you retracted your paper from the main conference). We also cannot transfer papers from the main track to the D&B track. Authors can choose to submit either single-blind or double-blind . If it is possible to properly review the submission double-blind, i.e., reviewers do not need access to non-anonymous repositories to review the work, then authors can also choose to submit the work anonymously. Papers will not be publicly visible during the review process. Only accepted papers will become visible afterward. The reviews themselves are not visible during the review phase but will be published after decisions have been made. The datasets themselves should be accessible to reviewers but can be publicly released at a later date (see below). New authors cannot be added after the abstract deadline and they should have an OpenReview profile by the paper deadline. NeurIPS does not tolerate any collusion whereby authors secretly cooperate with reviewers, ACs or SACs to obtain favourable reviews.

SCOPE. This track welcomes all work on data-centric machine learning research (DMLR) and open-source libraries and tools that enable or accelerate ML research, covering ML datasets and benchmarks as well as algorithms, tools, methods, and analyses for working with ML data. This includes but is not limited to:

  • New datasets, or carefully and thoughtfully designed (collections of) datasets based on previously available data.
  • Data generators and reinforcement learning environments.
  • Data-centric AI methods and tools, e.g. to measure and improve data quality or utility, or studies in data-centric AI that bring important new insight.
  • Advanced practices in data collection and curation that are of general interest even if the data itself cannot be shared.
  • Frameworks for responsible dataset development, audits of existing datasets, identifying significant problems with existing datasets and their use
  • Benchmarks on new or existing datasets, as well as benchmarking tools.
  • In-depth analyses of machine learning challenges and competitions (by organisers and/or participants) that yield important new insight.
  • Systematic analyses of existing systems on novel datasets yielding important new insight.

Read our original blog post for more about why we started this track.

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: May 29, 2024
  • Full paper submission and co-author registration deadline: Jun 5, 2024
  • Supplementary materials submission deadline: Jun 12, 2024
  • Review deadline - Jul 24, 2024
  • Release of reviews and start of Author discussions on OpenReview: Aug 07, 2024
  • End of author/reviewer discussions on OpenReview: Aug 31, 2024
  • Author notification: Sep 26, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: Oct 30, 2024 AOE

Note: The site will start accepting submissions on April 1 5 , 2024.


Q: My work is in scope for this track but possibly also for the main conference. Where should I submit it?

A: This is ultimately your choice. Consider the main contribution of the submission and how it should be reviewed. If the main contribution is a new dataset, benchmark, or other work that falls into the scope of the track (see above), then it is ideally reviewed accordingly. As discussed in our blog post, the reviewing procedures of the main conference are focused on algorithmic advances, analysis, and applications, while the reviewing in this track is equally stringent but designed to properly assess datasets and benchmarks. Other, more practical considerations are that this track allows single-blind reviewing (since anonymization is often impossible for hosted datasets) and intended audience, i.e., make your work more visible for people looking for datasets and benchmarks.

Q: How will paper accepted to this track be cited?

A: Accepted papers will appear as part of the official NeurIPS proceedings.

Q: Do I need to submit an abstract beforehand?

A: Yes, please check the important dates section for more information.

Q: My dataset requires open credentialized access. Can I submit to this track?

A: This will be possible on the condition that a credentialization is necessary for the public good (e.g. because of ethically sensitive medical data), and that an established credentialization procedure is in place that is 1) open to a large section of the public, 2) provides rapid response and access to the data, and 3) is guaranteed to be maintained for many years. A good example here is PhysioNet Credentialing, where users must first understand how to handle data with human subjects, yet is open to anyone who has learned and agrees with the rules. This should be seen as an exceptional measure, and NOT as a way to limit access to data for other reasons (e.g. to shield data behind a Data Transfer Agreement). Misuse would be grounds for desk rejection. During submission, you can indicate that your dataset involves open credentialized access, in which case the necessity, openness, and efficiency of the credentialization process itself will also be checked.


A submission consists of:

  • Please carefully follow the Latex template for this track when preparing proposals. We follow the NeurIPS format, but with the appropriate headings, and without hiding the names of the authors. Download the template as a bundle here .
  • Papers should be submitted via OpenReview
  • Reviewing is in principle single-blind, hence the paper should not be anonymized. In cases where the work can be reviewed equally well anonymously, anonymous submission is also allowed.
  • During submission, you can add a public link to the dataset or benchmark data. If the dataset can only be released later, you must include instructions for reviewers on how to access the dataset. This can only be done after the first submission by sending an official note to the reviewers in OpenReview. We highly recommend making the dataset publicly available immediately or before the start of the NeurIPS conference. In select cases, requiring solid motivation, the release date can be stretched up to a year after the submission deadline.
  • Dataset documentation and intended uses. Recommended documentation frameworks include datasheets for datasets , dataset nutrition labels , data statements for NLP , data cards , and accountability frameworks .
  • URL to website/platform where the dataset/benchmark can be viewed and downloaded by the reviewers. 
  • URL to Croissant metadata record documenting the dataset/benchmark available for viewing and downloading by the reviewers. You can create your Croissant metadata using e.g. the Python library available here: https://github.com/mlcommons/croissant
  • Author statement that they bear all responsibility in case of violation of rights, etc., and confirmation of the data license.
  • Hosting, licensing, and maintenance plan. The choice of hosting platform is yours, as long as you ensure access to the data (possibly through a curated interface) and will provide the necessary maintenance.
  • Links to access the dataset and its metadata. This can be hidden upon submission if the dataset is not yet publicly available but must be added in the camera-ready version. In select cases, e.g when the data can only be released at a later date, this can be added afterward (up to a year after the submission deadline). Simulation environments should link to open source code repositories
  • The dataset itself should ideally use an open and widely used data format. Provide a detailed explanation on how the dataset can be read. For simulation environments, use existing frameworks or explain how they can be used.
  • Long-term preservation: It must be clear that the dataset will be available for a long time, either by uploading to a data repository or by explaining how the authors themselves will ensure this
  • Explicit license: Authors must choose a license, ideally a CC license for datasets, or an open source license for code (e.g. RL environments). An overview of licenses can be found here: https://paperswithcode.com/datasets/license
  • Add structured metadata to a dataset's meta-data page using Web standards (like schema.org and DCAT ): This allows it to be discovered and organized by anyone. A guide can be found here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/dataset . If you use an existing data repository, this is often done automatically.
  • Highly recommended: a persistent dereferenceable identifier (e.g. a DOI  minted by a data repository or a prefix on identifiers.org ) for datasets, or a code repository (e.g. GitHub, GitLab,...) for code. If this is not possible or useful, please explain why.
  • For benchmarks, the supplementary materials must ensure that all results are easily reproducible. Where possible, use a reproducibility framework such as the ML reproducibility checklist , or otherwise guarantee that all results can be easily reproduced, i.e. all necessary datasets, code, and evaluation procedures must be accessible and documented.
  • For papers introducing best practices in creating or curating datasets and benchmarks, the above supplementary materials are not required.
  • For papers resubmitted after being retracted from another venue: a brief discussion on the main concerns raised by previous reviewers and how you addressed them. You do not need to share the original reviews.
  • For the dual submission and archiving, the policy follows the NeurIPS main track paper guideline .

Use of Large Language Models (LLMs): We welcome authors to use any tool that is suitable for preparing high-quality papers and research. However, we ask authors to keep in mind two important criteria. First, we expect papers to fully describe their methodology, and any tool that is important to that methodology, including the use of LLMs, should be described also. For example, authors should mention tools (including LLMs) that were used for data processing or filtering, visualization, facilitating or running experiments, and proving theorems. It may also be advisable to describe the use of LLMs in implementing the method (if this corresponds to an important, original, or non-standard component of the approach). Second, authors are responsible for the entire content of the paper, including all text and figures, so while authors are welcome to use any tool they wish for writing the paper, they must ensure that all text is correct and original.


Reviewing will be single-blind, although authors can also submit anonymously if the submission allows that. A datasets and benchmarks program committee will be formed, consisting of experts on machine learning, dataset curation, and ethics. We will ensure diversity in the program committee, both in terms of background as well as technical expertise (e.g., data, ML, data ethics, social science expertise). Each paper will be reviewed by the members of the committee. In select cases where ethical concerns are flagged by reviewers, an ethics review may be performed as well.

Papers will not be publicly visible during the review process. Only accepted papers will become visible afterward. The reviews themselves are also not visible during the review phase but will be published after decisions have been made. Authors can choose to keep the datasets themselves hidden until a later release date, as long as reviewers have access.

The factors that will be considered when evaluating papers include:

  • Utility and quality of the submission: Impact, originality, novelty, relevance to the NeurIPS community will all be considered. 
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  1. Importance of Patriotism Essay for Students and Children in English

    February 14, 2024 by Prasanna. Importance of Patriotism Essay: Patriotism is the feeling of attachment and love to one's country. It encompasses devotion and robust support for the nation. A patriot is one who keeps their country's flag flying high and showing respect. Love and dedication towards a country is an integral part of our growth ...

  2. Why Is Patriotism Important? (13 Reasons)

    Patriotism Supports Democracy, Freedom, and Justice. The patriotic spirit is often intertwined with a nation's core values: democracy, freedom, and justice. It serves as a constant reminder to citizens and leaders alike that the nation's foundation rests on democratic ideals and the unyielding pursuit of freedom for all its members.

  3. Patriotism Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Patriotism. Patriotism is more than just a word; it's a feeling that resides deep within the hearts of individuals who share a common bond with their country. In simple terms, patriotism is the love and devotion one has for their homeland. This essay explores the essence of patriotism, its significance in our daily lives, and how it ...

  4. Essay on Patriotism for Students and Children

    Essay on Patriotism: Patriotism refers to the passionate love one has for their country. This virtue pushes to citizens of a country to work for their country selflessly and make it better. A truly developed country is made up of true patriots. In other words, patriotism means keeping the country's interest first and then thinking about ...

  5. Patriotism Essay for Students and Children in English

    Short Essay on Patriotism in 150 Words English. Patriotism is a beautiful feeling and is a virtue. It is the act of loving and defending one's country. A true patriot will never think about his life before acting any action that will do his country some good. Being a patriot does not mean that one has to be violent in his actions, one can ...

  6. What Is Patriotism? How Is It Different from Nationalism?

    Patriotism is the feeling and expression of love for one's home country, along with a feeling of unity with those who share those feelings. Though it shares patriotism's love of country, nationalism is the belief that one's home county is superior to all others. While considered a necessary attribute of good citizenship, when patriotism ...

  7. Patriotism Short and Long Essays

    Recommended Patriotism Essay Topics. When writing an essay about patriotism, it's important to choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant. Here is a list of patriotism essay topics categorized by different themes: Historical Perspectives. The role of patriotism in the American Revolution; Patriotic symbolism in the Civil War

  8. 104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples

    Roman Patriotism in Ridley Scott's "Gladiator". The gladiator Maximus, and the general in one person, embodies the greatest Roman patriotism, in the name of which he sacrifices his wife and son, loses his liberty and wastes his precious life. Comparison of Ethnicity and Racism in "Country Lovers" and "The Welcome Table".

  9. Essay on Patriotism: Samples for Students in 100, 250, 500 Words

    Essay on Patriotism in 100 Words. Patriotism in India is a fervent devotion and love for one's country, deeply ingrained in its rich history and diverse culture. It transcends mere flag-waving and extends to an unwavering commitment to the nation's progress. Patriotism finds expression in the sacrifices made by countless freedom fighters ...

  10. Essay on Patriotism

    Importance of Patriotism. Patriotism is important because it fosters unity and helps in nation-building. It encourages citizens to contribute positively to their country's prosperity. ... 500 Words Essay on Patriotism The Concept of Patriotism. Patriotism, in its simplest form, can be defined as the love and devotion one feels for their ...

  11. Essay on Patriotism in English for Children and Students

    Short Essay on Patriotism 300 words. Patriotism is the feeling of love and respect for one's country. Patriots are known to love their country unconditionally and are proud of it. Every country in the world has its set of patriots - people who are ready to do anything for their country. However, the spirit of patriotism seems to be fading ...

  12. Essay on Patriotism

    Essay on Patriotism | Importance | Concept | 100, 150, 200, 300 & 500 Words 7 The importance of patriotism. Patriotism is an essential aspect of any nation's culture and identity. It helps to create a sense of unity and belonging among citizens, which is crucial for the development and progress of any country. Patriotism also plays a vital ...

  13. Patriotism

    patriotism, feeling of attachment and commitment to a country, nation, or political community. Patriotism (love of country) and nationalism (loyalty to one's nation) are often taken to be synonymous, yet patriotism has its origins some 2,000 years prior to the rise of nationalism in the 19th century. Greek and especially Roman antiquity ...

  14. Essay on Patriotism And Nationalism

    Differences Between Them. Patriotism and nationalism are different. While patriotism is about loving your country, nationalism involves thinking your country is superior. Nationalism can lead to not liking other countries or their people. Patriotism is about being proud but still respecting other nations.

  15. What Is Patriotism Essay?

    And patriotism is not the love for the country. The reality is that patriotism is a moral principle, a feeling, or a level of loyalty to the country. On the other hand, nationalism is a political ideology that protects the interests of everything a nation stands for: people, language, traditions, industry, etc.

  16. 100 Patriotism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Here are 100 patriotism essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started: The importance of patriotism in a nation's development. How can patriotism inspire positive change in society? Exploring the history of patriotism in your country. The role of patriotism in times of crisis.

  17. What Does Patriotism Mean in America Today?

    Conceived in this way, patriotism is just another tool for discriminating between "us" and "them.". In the second vision, patriotism is an active state of caring for the country you call home and the people in it. Caring for your country is different from blindly loving it, or swearing fealty to its leaders.

  18. Essay On Patriotism

    Long Essay On 'Importance Of Patriotism' For Kids. Feeling of patriotism among the citizens is important for a country. Let us help your kid write an amazing essay for class 3 on patriotism. What Is Patriotism? Patriotism is one's love, devotion, support, and care for their country. Having patriotic feelings for one's nation is very ...

  19. Essay on Importance of Patriotism in English for Children and Students

    Essay on Importance of Patriotism: Love of the Country - Essay 2 (300 words) Introduction. Patriotism is the feeling of love and devotion for one's country and a sense of alliance and brotherhood with its citizens. It is to unconditionally support and respect the nation. Patriotism develops naturally and is important for the protection of a ...

  20. Patriotism Essay For School Students And Children In 600+ Words

    Essay on Patriotism: Learn Writing a Perfect Essay in 600+ Words. This article is about the essence of patriotism in our country. It highlights some of the essential qualities that are needed to develop patriotism and also talks about the importance of patriotism, how it helps in the progress of the nation and how we can make people understand ...

  21. Essay on Patriotism for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    1) The feeling of love and respect for the country and its people is called patriotism. 2) A patriotic is a person that always chooses the nation before everything. 3) Patriotism is the devotion and attachment to the nation. 4) A true patriot can even sacrifice his life for the country. 5) Patriotism is a feeling that encourages people to ...

  22. In defense of a reasonable patriotism

    Introduction. In this essay, adapted from a lecture I recently delivered on the topic of "Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Democracy," I will defend what I term a "reasonable patriotism ...

  23. What is patriotism?

    There is a view of patriotism, perhaps the dominant view, on which the answer is "yes." Patriotism on this view involves unquestioning loyalty to one's country. This is not to suggest that loyalty is all there is to patriotism. There are varieties of blind allegiance that hardly anyone would recognize as patriotism.

  24. What is the difference between nationalism and patriotism?

    In contrast to nationalism's loyalty for or devotion to one's nation, patriotism is, per the same dictionary, "love for or devotion to one's country."

  25. Importance of Patriotism

    Benefits of Being a Patriot. Empowers a nation - When a person loves his country, he will be ready to work hard for his nation. A true patriot understands the role of a citizen in the development of a nation. Hence, a nation occupied by patriots will always be in the path to success. Promotes Peace and Harmony - The nation in which the ...

  26. 60 Best Patriotic Quotes for 2024: Quotes About Patriotism

    Patriotic quotes about America. 1. "Where liberty dwells, there is my country." —Benjamin Franklin 2. "America. It is the only place where miracles not only happen, but where they happen ...

  27. How States Are Testing the Church-State Divide in Public Schools

    The religious text provides foundational knowledge necessary to understand the nation's founding, the Federalist Papers, the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., ethics, and comparative religion ...

  28. Dropping Out Is Biden's Most Patriotic Option

    There's many young women who've been—including the young woman who was just murdered and he went to the funeral—the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, they talk about ...

  29. Analysis and commentary on CNN's presidential debate

    Read CNN's analysis and commentary of the first 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta.

  30. Call For Datasets & Benchmarks 2024

    However, we ask authors to keep in mind two important criteria. First, we expect papers to fully describe their methodology, and any tool that is important to that methodology, including the use of LLMs, should be described also. For example, authors should mention tools (including LLMs) that were used for data processing or filtering ...