Northeastern University Graduate Programs

8 Careers You Can Pursue with a Doctorate in Education

8 Careers You Can Pursue with a Doctorate in Education

Industry Advice Education

By earning a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree, you’re preparing yourself for a career with lasting impact—on students, on the future of a college or university, on your community, or on the trajectory of a nonprofit trying to improve other communities locally and abroad.

You’re also positioning yourself for advancement. Professionals who earn an EdD are qualified for roles leading and operating schools at the elementary, high school, or college level. They learn to lead in a way that can be transferred to the front of a classroom or at the ground level of an organization.

An EdD signals to employers that you’re a thought leader; that you’re someone who’s demonstrated the capacity to identify a problem, examine issues from multiple perspectives, and offer relevant insights for practical solutions. With your doctorate in hand, you’re prepared to take on a leadership role across a variety of industries.

Here’s a look at the types of positions EdD graduates pursue and eight of the top careers available in the field. 

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Learn how an EdD can give you the skills to enact organizational change in any industry.


What Type of Positions Do EdD Students Pursue?

Northeastern’s EdD students cultivate their leadership skills in the program by integrating practice and insights from experienced faculty and high-achieving peers . They come from diverse fields, including business, criminal justice, healthcare, military, human services, and the nonprofit sector. Their job titles and careers are just as diverse, with students working as policymakers, systems analysts, and administrative leaders within higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies.

Top Careers for Doctor of Education Graduates

1. college president.

Average Annual Salary: $272,203

Presidents are the top leaders of a college or university. They establish and execute on their school’s strategic vision, spearhead fundraising, attend student events, and deliver speeches to a variety of constituents, such as donors, lawmakers, government, and faculty, to raise the profile of the institution both locally and abroad. They also collaborate with senior administrators, faculty, and staff to devise new ways to support students and improve their learning environment while maintaining high academic standards. Depending on the type of public or private institution they lead, college presidents can earn impressive seven-figure salaries . 

2. Chief Learning Officer

Average Annual Salary: $152,225

In education, top executive roles include positions like “chief learning officer”—a senior-level professional who develops and drives strategies that help his or her college or university meet critical business goals. Chief learning officers (CLOs) focus on creating strategies for training, learning, and development, and typically oversee an institute’s latest technologies, such as its online learning platform.

Average Annual Salary: $148,783

A provost—or vice president, depending on the college or university—is a senior-level academic administrator who tends to be second in command after the president. Provosts work closely with deans and department heads, and help determine their institution’s academic goals and priorities, as well as how to allocate the resources necessary to support those initiatives. They often oversee daily operations and work to hire and retain a diverse faculty. 

4. School Superintendent

Average Annual Salary: $116,931

Superintendents are the top executives of a school district. They’re responsible for establishing and overseeing their district’s budget, staffing, infrastructure, and spending. Superintendents collaborate closely with a school board to develop and implement new policies and programs in line with the district’s short- and long-term goals, as well as allocate the financial and human resources necessary to achieve the district’s overarching vision.

5. Elementary, Middle, and High School Principal

Average Annual Salary: $95,310

Principals oversee the daily operations of an elementary, middle, or high school. They hire teachers and staff, manage the budget, and enforce disciplinary rules when necessary. Principals also develop and assess educational programming aimed at achieving student learning outcomes, all while striving to create and maintain a positive learning environment. More than 11,000 principal positions are expected to emerge by 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

A principal’s salary might differ depending on whether he or she works at an elementary, middle, or high school. The mean wages for principals at each level, according to PayScale are:

  • Elementary School : $81,095
  • Middle School : $87,989
  • High School : $92,197

6. Academic Dean

Average Annual Salary: $90,339  

Deans work at the senior administrative level of a college or university. The role varies depending on the institution, but deans often manage faculty and staff, set academic goals, implement strategic planning, oversee their department’s budget, help fundraise, support research initiatives, and foster student development. Some departments you might find them in are:

  • Admissions : Those working in admissions develop and lead recruitment initiatives for a college or university. They evaluate applications, decide the number of students who should be admitted to the school, who those students should be, and communicate with prospects and their families.
  • Research : A dean of research often oversees faculty and collaborates with them to create a strategy for developing short- and long-term research initiatives. They also work to secure research funding, oversee the research budget, and establish key industry partnerships.
  • Student Affairs : The student affairs office typically oversees a variety of different departments, such as residence life, athletics, student support services, and diversity and inclusion. A dean of student affairs typically establishes and evaluates nonacademic programs that foster and enrich the student experience, as well as handle disciplinary issues and communicate with students’ parents or legal guardians.
  • Advancement : The advancement office—also known as “development” or “alumni relations” depending on the school—is responsible for securing funding for the college or university from potential donors, including alumni, government policymakers, corporations, and foundations. They nurture and maintain those relationships, ensuring all gifts received are being used as intended.

7. Professor

Average Annual Salary: $78,470

Postsecondary teachers, or professors, work at the college or university level, developing course curricula, instructing students in a specific area of study, and assessing their progress. When they’re not teaching, professors are often conducting research, writing scholarly papers, or attending conferences.

Professors’ salaries vary based on where they are on the tenure track and their area of expertise. The median salary for a professor based on rank, according to PayScale, is:

  • Instructor : $49,510
  • Lecturer: $51,101
  • Assistant Professor : $67,021
  • Associate Professor : $76,250
  • Professor : $87,018

Salaries range further depending on the professor’s focus. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , the top 10 highest-paying subjects—and what those subjects offer in terms of average annual wage—are:

  • Law : $111,140
  • Engineering : $101,720
  • Economics : $101,720
  • Health Specialties : $97,370
  • Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Science : $90,860
  • Physics : $90,800
  • Architecture : $86,980
  • Forestry and Conservation Science : $86,900
  • Agricultural Sciences : $84,640
  • Business : $83,960

8. Executive Director of Education

Average Annual Salary: $73,640

Executive directors are often the senior leaders of a nonprofit organization or business. They work closely with a board of directors but are the ones who make the daily operational decisions. Executive directors hire and manage staff, handle external relations, engage volunteers, oversee the budget—including all fundraising initiatives—and develop policies, programs, and strategies that guide the organization’s mission and purpose. 

What Can You Do with a Doctorate in Education from Northeastern?

When you earn your EdD from Northeastern , you’re not only advancing your own work, you’re joining a top-tier university and pursuing a rigorous education with an entrepreneurial orientation toward making our world a better place. You’re joining a vast network of students and alumni in the EdD, which spans more than 2,000 professionals across many domains of education. You’re gaining access to engaging faculty who understand the importance of professional experiences in a growing leadership capacity, and who are prepared to offer you personal attention to support your professional development.

With your EdD, you can make a difference in the lives of children, communities, and organizations, as you transform your problem of practice into a plan for change and action.

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in September of 2017. It has since been updated for accuracy and relevance. 

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Doctor of Education

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What Can You Do With a PhD?

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Why Do a PhD? Benefits and Career Directions

Are you thinking about a PhD as the next stage in your educational and professional development? It’s an exciting road to travel with many potential benefits and opportunities. But you have to earn it first so considering what’s involved is important.

Requirements for a PhD award vary greatly globally and from institution to institution. PhD applicants are expected to have gained at least an Honours degree and sometimes a Master’s degree to be eligible to apply for a PhD programme.

It’s best to find out as much as possible about not only what you can expect during the PhD process but also what will be expected of you. Will the commitments in terms of time, effort and money prove worthwhile? Identifying the pros and cons will help you to weigh up whether this is the right step for you.

The on-going impacts of COVID -19 have to be taken into account. Not only have teaching and learning practices altered in Higher Education but so have ways of working and connecting with each other as technological change advances more rapidly. Sudden shifts and uncertainties mean that flexibility must be factored into any PhD planning, such as supervision or research having to be carried out online.

This article will outline possible career paths and prospects that can follow on from having a PhD as well as the benefits during the process.

First of all ask yourself- Is a PhD right for me?

Do some self-assessment:.

  • what your educational experiences and achievements are up to now
  • identify what you liked and disliked
  • what you were good/skilled at, what you found difficult

Talk to others

Whilst there is no ‘typical’ PhD experience as everyone’s paths differ, it’s helpful to talk to those who have done or are doing a PhD about what is involved. You can make contacts through networks and online forums and find out more about their experience. Read articles and other relevant documents including university publications plus online sources. There is a wide range of websites offering case studies of career stories from what people have done with their PhD.

What parts of doing a PhD appeal to you?

It could be spending time in libraries and archives, fieldwork and interviews, running experiments, analysing data, problem-solving, creative thinking, writing and communicating your findings to others. It’s just as important to ask yourself which parts of it don’t appeal and consider how you would handle those aspects.

Once you’ve done this assessment you can think more about what a PhD might lead to.

Benefits of the PhD experience

The skills you gain and improve during a PhD are transferable and applicable to a wide range of careers. Prospective employers look for those with experience of doing research and a PhD is a research-based degree. What you researched might be directly related to jobs you apply for but it doesn’t need to be: it’s the fact that you have research experience that counts.

Employers also look for those with good written and spoken communication skills (online and face to face) and who can plan and deliver presentations. These could be for team meetings, conferences or sales pitches. Whilst doing a PhD, you will be networking not just within your university but in other areas. In recent years, networking skills have become more important in the work environment. Having networking experience, whether it’s ‘working the room’ at a conference or meeting or attending an online event will boost your potential and help you stand out.

You can develop your networks by attending conferences, talks and other events apart from regular contact with other students and tutors. These may be online given COVID restrictions but opportunities for face- to- face events have increased in the second half of 2021. These contacts can provide useful support and also share work opportunities. There are many online study and research forums  that can help you through your PhD and also offer opportunities for  finding work whilst you are studying  and post-graduation. Some of these online forums may be arranging small-scale physical meet-ups.

Considering Career Possibilities

Whilst a PhD is often seen as professional training for academia, this is just one possibility. In the UK less than half of PhD graduates become academics and this figure can lower in other countries.

As with any career ambitions, assessment of all that is involved. Academics are expected to do much more than research, teach and supervise students.

If this is what you’re aiming for, start preparing by taking up opportunities for  part-time teaching  that might fit into your schedule. This is valuable work experience even if you later decide not to go into academia.

Outside Academia

There are many options in the professions, business and management, public sector and more. From small and local, to large and global, many companies and institutions seek highly qualified personnel. Think about the  types of organisations  you could work for: everything from large multinationals, NGOs, charities, local and national government, regulatory bodies and agencies, SMEs (small to medium enterprises with under 250 employees). The vast majority of companies in the UK are SMEs and offer excellent career progression opportunities.

Different employment sectors have their specific features but increasingly overlap as economic, technological and political changes come into play. Whilst we can distinguish the public and private sectors these have shown degrees of convergence in recent years.

The Professions

These typically involve prolonged training and formal qualifications such as accountancy, civil service, law and medicine. Having a PhD is considered to be  indicative of professional development  but additional training may be required for your chosen area.


This category encompasses all forms of working for yourself, whether setting up a small business by yourself or with others, doing consultancy work or a mix of these.

The self-employed account for around 15% of the labour force in the UK.

There are possibilities of freelance working within academia as well as in other areas, by packaging and selling your expertise and skills. The advantages include being ‘your own boss’, taking on work you choose and being free of the 9 to 5 routine.

There are also challenges, with responsibilities for legal compliance and taxation. There may be long working hours without the ‘cushion’ of secure monthly income and paid holidays.

In the past decade, digital entrepreneurship has rapidly expanded with new start-ups coming online all the time. This trend has increased over the past 18 months as more people lost jobs and decided to set up their own businesses from home.

It’s likely that the gig economy will continue to develop and you may consider if you want to enter this as a sole proprietor or as an employee if self-employment is not your preferred career route.


This includes charities, NGOs and community interest companies. As in other sectors, some are small and local whilst others are global, eg. Oxfam. NGOs might focus on one area or multiple parts of the world but a specific theme such as human rights or the environment. There are openings at different levels and whilst they may rely on volunteers they do have paid positions in fund-raising, advocacy, administration, marketing and management.

The skills and experience gained by a PhD graduate can certainly be applied elsewhere, particularly if you keep an open mind and your eyes on the jobs market from the early days of your  doctoral journey . You can upgrade your employability profile by networking and taking advantage of your university’s employability support and opportunities including gaining some work experience. This is always a big bonus and increasingly required by employers.

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Dr. Ruth Cherrington

Ruth Cherrington has a long record as a higher education professional. She has been a lecturer, trainer and employability adviser both in the UK and abroad. Ruth has always been committed to maximizing the professional development of those she works with. Another strand to her career is as a writer, with a wide range of publications to her name. Ruth enjoys travelling to meet former students and colleagues across the world. LinkedIn

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12th March 2021 at 11:16 pm

I am an environmental chemist working in the waste management industry. I have an MSci degree, and hope to stay in this industry. I am curious if pursuing a PhD will improve my job prospects later down the line, or would working towards a chartership be more valuable?

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3rd February 2023 at 2:47 pm

Pursuing a Ph.D. doesn’t only polish your skills, But also gives you a new form of understanding the demand for knowledgeable people required by industries. If you look outside towards different companies offering you more money and benefits, Ph.D. works as fuel to reach higher posts. In the education sector, there is a demand for Ph.D. professors. If you have an industry experience with a Ph.D. your hourly wage varies from around £70 to £100 an hour. I wish you best of luck

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Exploring Careers as a PhD

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Are you thinking of pursuing a PhD, or are you currently in the middle of a program? Ever wonder what life can look like on the other side of defending your dissertation? Well, the path is not all too linear, and your first job may not be your last job; however, it may be a door to a world of opportunities. Check out this alumni profile from the graduate school to spark innovation within your own exploration: Alumni Profiles Series: Jeannie Karl | The Graduate School (

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10 PhD in Psychology Jobs

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Careers in psychology can last for decades, so you definitely want to pick the right path before you get started.

Psychology is a huge field, and jobs after a PhD in psychology cover a huge spectrum of interests, specialties, and industries.

You’re probably already well aware that those kind of qualifications don’t come cheap. According to 2020 data from NCES, the six or seven years you will spend in grad school getting that PhD or PsyD will run you anywhere from $73,000 to over $155,000 depending on the university.

Before you fork over that kind of cash, you probably want to know what jobs you can get with a PhD in psychology.

PhD in psychology careers are both lucrative and fulfilling. But they require specialization and focus, so you need to think about what area you want to concentrate in before you begin your PhD in psychology program.

These 10 doctorate in psychology jobs are some of the options on the table after you graduate.

1. Clinical Psychologist

Doctorate in psychology jobs don’t get any more iconic than work as a clinical psychologist. You want the office with a couch and people laying on it telling you about their childhood? This is the PhD in psychology career you pick to get it.

Clinical psychologists work directly with individuals and groups who need professional psychoanalysis to help them through mental health issues. Private practice isn’t the only option in this role, though. Plenty of clinical psychologists work in hospitals, clinics, and larger rehabilitation or long-term care facilities. You have a wide range of subspecialties you can choose from, ranging from addiction issues to couples counseling. Or you can remain a generalist, and enjoy the variety of challenges that walk in the door needing your assistance.

2. Research Psychologist

If you aren’t as much of a people-person, but are fascinated by behaviors and thought processes, then becoming a research psychologist may be the right pick for you. Research psychologists don’t engage in one-to-one therapy work, but instead investigate the causes and cures of mental illness in general. That can involve devising and executing psychological experiments, or mining huge databases of behavioral data to uncover trends.

3. Industrial/Organizational Psychologist

I/O psychologists make their mark in the psychology of work. Businesses and other organizations need to understand how group psychology effects productivity, happiness, and cohesion in the workplace. There is a science to workplace dynamics. A doctorate in psychology gives you the toolset to understand how groups interact under the hierarchy and pressure of a factory floor, a hospital ward, or a trading desk. Public and private companies can pay out big bucks for the right kind of advice to make their organizations more efficient and effective.

An online PhD degree can make it easy for you to build up the practical experience you need in this specialty even while you are still studying.

4. Forensic Psychologist

With shows like Criminal Minds and the popular CSI series making a splash in popular culture, a lot of people are pursuing a PhD in psychology with the idea of becoming a forensic psychologist. If you want to understand exactly how twisted and dark the human brain can become, a doctorate is definitely in your future.

But forensic psychologists aren’t usually chasing shadowy figures into dark allies and deducing where serial killers work and play. Forensic psychology is really a specialty that has to do with the psychology of law and legal process. That goes far beyond criminal justice, extending to jury evaluation in civil trials, public policy analysis, and even reviewing laws before they are passed to assess the impact on individuals and society.

5. Educational Psychologist

The human brain is in many ways a learning machine. How we process, absorb, and interpret the world around us is a constant consideration for all psychologists. But educational psychologists specialize in understanding how we acquire, process, and interpret knowledge.

Many educational psychologists work in schools, offering counseling to children, but it’s a broader role than that. Psychologists in this job may evaluate textbooks and curricula to make sure they are optimized for delivering information, or evaluate standardized tests to be sure they are accurately measuring knowledge. Educational policy and legislative development lean heavily on research pioneered by these doctorate in psychology jobs.

6. Developmental Psychologist

Developmental psychology is also concerned with how the brain learns and grows, but it’s a field with bigger fish to fry than just educational matters. It’s the study of mental processes across the lifespan, as the brain and sensory systems grow, mature, and eventually began to deteriorate. Developmental psychologists study and diagnose developmental mental health disorders, playing an important role in pediatric healthcare. But they are also active in researching some of the biggest issues at the other end of the lifespan, looking for ways to cure or treat Alzheimer's and other age-related psychological issues.

7. Social Psychologist

If you’ve ever wondered why a meme goes viral, the social psychology might be the PhD in psychology career for you.

Social psychologists take on some of the most fascinating challenges in the field: they specialize in how individuals both influence and are affected in their thinking by interacting with others. Group think is a thing, and how it happens is the province of the social psychologist. They examine how cultures come from shared thought patterns, and how those patterns both fulfill and constrain the thoughts of people within them.

Understanding social interactions and psychological effects is important for big companies, governments, and healthcare organizations. Social psychology researchers also have plenty of impact on marketing and sales campaigns, right down to picking out the colors for product logos.

8. Health Psychologist

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, health psychology has developed into one of the most fascinating branches of the field. The world has turned into a showcase of reactions to the coronavirus, from panic to outright denial, providing data that will feed future health psychology PhD dissertations for decades.

But it’s also a moment in which more people than ever need the kind of help and advice that health psychologists can offer. From counseling patients on ventilators and in isolation to advising public health agencies on the best campaigns to increase vaccine acceptance rates, health psychologists have had their shining moment thrust upon them. With new recognition of the importance of professional PhD counseling in healthcare, that moment isn’t likely to fade anytime soon.

9. Sports Psychologist

Becoming a sports psychologist is a dream job for any sports fan. Since there are a lot of sports fans in the United States, that makes it a particularly tough field to get into. But the rewards are massive.

Sports psychologists can and do work with pro athletes in any kind of competitive event, including big names who play for major teams. They might work for the teams themselves, advising on team building and coaching processes. In other cases, they work with individual athletes to maximize performance or help with injury recovery.

But sports psychologists play important roles in rehab and assisting amateur athletes, too. Not everyone needs to work for an NBA team to get satisfaction and deliver real results in this field.

10. Neuropsychologist

We saved the toughest job for last. Neuropsychologists explore the boundaries between the mental and the physical. They study the physiological processes underlying thoughts, perceptions, and feelings for a better understanding of how people think. That gives them an edge in determining when problems are purely psychological, or have a basis in physical injury or disease.

The reverse is also true, and neuropsychologists play an important role in research by helping the field of brain science interpret findings of imaging and experiments by translating them into effects on mental processes. New understanding of traumatic brain injury and diseases like Alzheimer's come out of neuropsychology research. It’s one of the most rewarding PhD in psychology jobs you will find.

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Educating Engineers

What Can You Do with a PhD in Engineering?

As technological advancements drive innovation across industry sectors, the value of a doctoral degree in engineering has never been more apparent. 

To navigate Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering career opportunities, you’ll need a deep understanding of what the degree entails and how it can be leveraged in various industries. Take an in-depth look at the potential career paths, salary expectations, and industry demands for individuals who have achieved the highest level of academic excellence in engineering.

What Is a PhD in Engineering?

A PhD in Engineering is considered the pinnacle of academic achievement in the engineering field. It involves several years of advanced study and intensive research, culminating in a dissertation that contributes new knowledge to the field. 

Candidates for a PhD in Engineering develop a strong foundation in both theoretical and applied aspects of their chosen specialization, which can range from electrical and mechanical engineering to biomedical and environmental engineering.

Specializations Within Engineering

  • Electrical engineering: This field focuses on the technology of electricity, especially the design and application of circuitry and equipment for power generation and distribution, machine control, and communications.
  • Mechanical engineering: This field deals with the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.
  • Civil engineering: This field encompasses the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.
  • Chemical engineering: This field involves turning raw materials into valuable products through chemical processes, often related to industries like pharmaceuticals, energy, and environmental management.
  • Biomedical engineering: This field combines engineering principles with medical and biological sciences to design and create equipment, devices, computer systems, and software used in healthcare.

PhD programs encourage engineers to push the boundaries of scientific research, leading to innovations that drive industries forward and improve the quality of life globally. Through rigorous research, PhD students in engineering gain unparalleled expertise and a unique skill set that prepares them for a range of careers in academia, industry, and beyond. The degree not only enhances a candidate’s technical abilities but also develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills, which are crucial in high-level positions across sectors.

Why Earn a PhD in Engineering?

Earning a PhD in Engineering is a strategic decision that can significantly elevate a professional’s career trajectory. This advanced degree is designed for those who aspire to lead in innovation, influence future technologies, and contribute to academic knowledge. 

Compelling reasons to pursue this prestigious degree include the following:

  • Leadership opportunities: A PhD in Engineering equips individuals with the skills necessary to take on leadership roles in research, academia, and industry settings.
  • High-level research: This degree provides the platform to conduct groundbreaking research that can transform industries and improve societal outcomes.
  • Academic credentials: Earning a PhD is often essential for those aiming to teach at the university level and influence the next generation of engineers.
  • Competitive edge: In a market where advanced technical skills are increasingly valued, a PhD distinguishes individuals as experts in their field.
  • Potential for Innovation: PhD holders often drive innovation, applying their research to solve complex problems in new, innovative ways.

Potential Careers with a PhD in Engineering

A PhD in Engineering opens up a diverse array of career paths, each offering unique opportunities to apply advanced skills and knowledge. 

Academic Careers

  • University professor: Professors not only teach future engineers but also conduct research and publish their findings, contributing significantly to their fields.
  • Research scientist: These professionals primarily focus on conducting experiments and studies to advance knowledge in engineering, often working in university labs or research institutions.

Industry Careers

  • Senior engineer: This role involves leading complex projects, developing new technologies, and innovating solutions to engineering problems.
  • Research and development manager: Managers in R&D oversee the development of new products and technologies, ensuring projects meet scientific and commercial benchmarks.
  • Chief technology officer: As a top executive, a CTO shapes the technological direction of a company, making strategic decisions that impact the organization’s future.

Government and Nonprofit Careers

  • Policy advisor: These professionals use their expertise to help shape policies that govern technology and engineering practices, often working with governmental bodies.
  • Program manager for governmental research grants: They oversee large-scale research projects funded by government grants, ensuring that projects align with governmental goals and regulations.


  • Tech company founder: PhD holders can leverage their advanced knowledge and research skills to start tech companies, driving innovation in the marketplace.
  • Consultant: Expert consultants provide specialized knowledge and strategic advice to businesses, helping to solve specific engineering problems or improve processes.

These careers illustrate the vast potential of a PhD in Engineering, highlighting how individuals can leverage their advanced training and research capabilities in various impactful ways. Whether in academia, industry, government, or entrepreneurship, PhD holders in engineering are well-equipped to lead and innovate in their respective fields.

Where Do PhD in Engineering Professionals Work?

Professionals with a PhD in Engineering are found across a wide range of environments, each offering unique opportunities and challenges. Their advanced skills and in-depth knowledge allow them to adapt to various work settings:

  • Academic institutions: Many PhD holders in engineering choose academic careers, working as professors, lecturers, or researchers in universities and colleges.
  • Corporate research and development: Large technology firms often employ PhD engineers to lead innovative projects and develop new products.
  • Government agencies: Federal and state agencies hire PhD engineers for expertise in public infrastructure projects, environmental regulation, and policy development.
  • Private research institutes: These organizations focus on specific technological advancements and employ PhD engineers to push the boundaries of what is scientifically possible.
  • Startup ventures: Entrepreneurial PhD holders might start their own companies or join startup teams to bring innovative ideas to market rapidly.

PhD in Engineering Careers Salary Information

Beyond salaries for engineers with bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees , salaries for PhD in Engineering holders vary widely depending on the field of specialization, location, and type of employment. 

Average Salary

  • National average: According to Payscale, the median annual salary for someone with a PhD in Engineering is approximately $148,000 as of 2024.
  • Entry-level vs. experienced: Entry-level positions for PhD holders may start lower, around $90,000 annually, but with experience, professionals can earn upwards of $200,000 annually, especially in managerial or specialized roles.

Highest PhD in Engineering Career Salaries

  • Chief technology officer: CTOs can earn a median salary of around $110,000 to $250,000 per year, depending on company size and location.
  • Engineering research manager: Managers in research positions can expect salaries in the range of $90,000 to $170,000 annually.

PhD in Engineering Career and Job Growth Information

The job market for PhD in Engineering holders is influenced by the continual advancement of technology and the growing need for innovation across multiple sectors. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides insights into the projected growth and demand for engineering professionals with a doctoral degree .

  • Overall growth: The BLS projects that employment of engineers will grow by about 7% from 2022 to 2032, reflecting significant opportunities in specific advanced fields.
  • High-demand fields: Areas such as industrial and mechanical engineering are expected to see the strongest growth rates.
  • Technological innovation: Rapid advancements in areas like artificial intelligence, robotics, and renewable energy continue to drive demand for highly skilled engineers capable of leading cutting-edge research and development projects.

These growth rates indicate not only the resilience of engineering careers but also the expanding opportunities for those with advanced degrees to influence future innovations and technological developments.

Preparing for a Career with a PhD in Engineering

Earning a PhD in Engineering is just the beginning of a lifelong journey in this dynamic field. Preparing for a successful career with this degree involves continuous learning and skills development:

  • Advanced technical skills: Continuous updates to one’s knowledge in specific engineering disciplines are crucial, especially with the rapid pace of technological change.
  • Professional networking: Building strong professional networks through conferences, seminars, and professional associations can open up new opportunities and collaborations.
  • Interdisciplinary knowledge: As engineering increasingly intersects with other fields like data science, healthcare, and environmental science, understanding these areas can provide a competitive edge.
  • Soft skills development: Leadership, communication, and project management skills are vital for career advancement, especially in roles that involve leading teams or managing large-scale projects.

By actively engaging in these areas, PhD holders in engineering can enhance their career prospects and stay relevant in a rapidly evolving job landscape.

PhD in Engineering Careers FAQ

What are the top industries hiring phds in engineering.

  • Technology sector: Companies in software, hardware, and electronics frequently seek PhD engineers for their expertise in innovation and development.
  • Biomedical and healthcare: With advancements in medical technology, PhD engineers are increasingly in demand to develop new medical devices and systems.
  • Environmental and energy: Companies focused on sustainability and renewable energy solutions often recruit PhD engineers to lead research and development in these critical areas.
  • Automotive and aerospace: These industries require sophisticated engineering solutions, making them prime employers of PhD-level engineers.

How important is industry experience for PhD holders?

  • Critical for career advancement: While academic prowess is valuable, practical industry experience is often crucial for career advancement, especially in roles outside academia. It enhances problem-solving skills and understanding of real-world applications.
  • Bridging theory and practice: Gaining industry experience helps bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, making PhD holders more effective and innovative in their roles.

Can I switch industries easily with a PhD in Engineering?

  • Highly adaptable skills: The advanced research skills and technical knowledge acquired during a PhD program are often transferable across different industries.
  • Need for additional training: While switching industries is feasible, it may require additional training or certifications, depending on the specific demands of the new industry.

Discover More About PhD in Engineering Programs

A PhD in Engineering is more than just an academic achievement; it is a gateway to a range of prestigious and impactful careers across various industries. From leading cutting-edge research in biomedical engineering to driving innovations in renewable energy, the opportunities available to PhD holders are both diverse and rewarding. 

By staying informed about industry trends, continuously developing their skills, and leveraging their specialized knowledge, individuals with a PhD in Engineering can look forward to a dynamic and fulfilling career path that not only advances their personal ambitions but also contributes significantly to societal progress.

Whether you are considering embarking on this educational journey or are seeking to maximize your career potential with a PhD, the engineering field offers a robust platform for both professional growth and significant contributions to global challenges.

What Can You Do with a PhD in Psychology?

what can you do with a phd

Key Takeaways

  • A PhD in psychology will open career opportunities in the fields of research psychology, psychotherapy, forensic psychology, neuropsychology, and even management consultancy.
  • Psychology positions have a projected job growth of 6% over the next decade.
  • Those who earn a PhD in psychology work in medical settings, government agencies, educational institutions, or in private practice.

If you’re passionate about building a successful career in psychology, earning a doctorate in psychology could get you there. For those who are passionate about the subject but wonder, “What can you do with a PhD in psychology?“, we’ll help you explore your options so you can decide whether a PhD in psychology is worth the shot. 

Woman writing down notes as she talks to her patient during a therapy session

Featured Programs

With a PhD in psychology, you can pursue various career paths, including research psychology, psychotherapy, forensic psychology, neuropsychology, and even management consultancy. Alternatively, a doctorate also helps you pursue different areas of specialization within the field of psychology.

If you are considering a PhD degree in psychology, you’ve likely already earned your bachelor’s and master’s degrees. However, to progress further into the roles of research, academia, authorship, or lectureship, you have to take the next step. If you’re already employed in a field of psychology, earning a PhD helps you level up.

While a doctoral degree gears you up to become a licensed clinical psychologist, there are plenty of other career options to explore. Here’s a list of the most popular career pathways you can pursue with a PhD in psychology, along with their salaries and growth statistics.

Psychological Researcher

Psychological researchers, or research psychologists, deeply understand the human mind. Their primary duties include conducting experiments to test procedures to explore various aspects of psychology. This includes selecting candidates for clinical trials, administering tests, and carefully observing and documenting the outcomes of their research.

By the time they are done with PhD, psychological researchers are capable enough to review existing literature and contribute to scholarly discussions. Some may serve at universities, while others may work for hospitals or government agencies. If you’re passionate about research and writing, this might be a pretty lucrative field with tons of career opportunities.

  • National average salary: $99,577 per year
  • Growth: Projected to grow 14% from 2018 to 2028

Clinical Director or Supervisor

The clinical director is one of the most highly paid yet growing careers in psychology . Clinical supervisors monitor psychologists and other mental health professionals to oversee the quality of clinical care provided. They establish best practices for the workplace and check whether the institution complies with regulations in the mental health field.

As a clinical director, you’ll serve in various settings, including mental health clinics, hospitals, universities, or even private practices. Also, these professionals arrange development opportunities for staff members, gather feedback from patients, and delegate cases to team members.

  • National average salary: $120,761 per year
  • Growth: Projected to grow 28% from 2021 to 2031

Woman writing down on her clipboard as a woman in her couch talks during a therapy session


Like clinical psychologists, psychotherapists support individuals with mental health conditions and help them live a fulfilling life. Unlike clinical psychologists, psychotherapists diagnose more general mental health issues. They closely monitor their client’s behaviors, emotions, and thoughts to develop specific treatment plans for them.

Additionally, they use different tools and therapeutic techniques to develop coping strategies for their patients and improve the way they regulate emotions. A PhD in psychology potentially makes you a perfect fit to deal with the complexity involved in psychotherapy. Ultimately, you understand your clients better to know where they’re coming from.

  • National average salary: $115,281 per year
  • Growth: Projected to grow 6% from 2022 to 2032  

Psychometrics Specialist

A psychometric specialist looks at assessments to gather information about a patient’s personality, symptoms, and cognitive abilities. They often join hands with mental health specialists to facilitate research or diagnose and treat patients. On top of that, these professionals play a key role in collecting data for research and ensuring its accuracy.

They use a combination of interviews, examinations, and standardized tests to gather data about a patient’s psychological state and decode it to help clinicians and researchers reach conclusions. As a psychometric specialist, you’ll work in research or educational institutions, clinics, government agencies, or independently as a consultant.

  • National average salary: $62,264 per year
  • Growth: Projected to grow 6% from 2018 to 2028 

Human Resource Director

If you would rather work in an organizational setting, a PhD in psychology also helps build a mindset that prepares you to work in HR. HR directors are highly paid individuals responsible for shaping the recruitment and selection process in an organization. They create and implement corporate policies in areas like talent management, employee relations, and workplace culture.

With a PhD in psychology, you bring a deep understanding of human behavior, emotions, and motivation to the role. Plus, as an HR director, you can use the knowledge from your doctorate to develop thoughtful policies, systems, and resources to support employee well-being.

  • National average salary: $116,601 per year
  • Growth: Projected to grow 7% from 2021 to 2031

Marketing Director

With a PhD in psychology, you can also serve as a business or marketing director and build a fruitful career. Marketing directors use the knowledge of psychology to bridge the gap between relevant products and customers. Serving at multiple profit or non-profit sectors, these graduates contribute to public relations, management, and technical services.

As a marketing director, your background in psychology equips you with the right knowledge of consumer behavior and effective ways to communicate with them. This, in turn, helps you develop successful marketing campaigns that resonate perfectly with your audience.

  • National average salary: $120,014 per year
  • Growth: Expected to grow 10% from 2018 to 2028

Woman explaining with the help of a whiteboard while a man listens intently, while sitting down

Management Consultant

Management consultancy is another productive career path you can choose after a doctorate in psychology. Management consultants improve an organization’s efficiency, productivity, and performance. With a deep understanding of psychology, you can easily identify and deal with the underlying issues and patterns within your company.

Plus, management consultants provide feedback and recommendations on addressing employee and business management problems. They might also join hands with top-level management to devise practical solutions that align with the company’s core values.

  • National average salary: $108,555 per year 
  • Growth: Projected to grow 10% from 2022 to 2032

Forensic Psychologist

Forensic psychology is a rapidly growing field  that requires individual practitioners to obtain a state license. Psychologists in this field work closely with law enforcement to investigate crimes. For a license, you need to complete a doctoral degree from an APA-approved program and have clinically-supervised work experience.

Licensed forensic psychologists assist legal professionals with addressing the psychological aspects of the cases they’re dealing with. For instance, they conduct evaluations, assessments, and psychological testing to understand the case. Once they have come up with logical reasons, they present their findings and opinions to judges and juries.

  • National average salary: $87,877 per year
  • Growth: Expected to grow 6% between 2021 and 2031

Behavioral Health Specialist

As the name suggests, behavioral health specialists counsel and support individuals with behavioral or mental health problems. They use therapeutic techniques to help patients develop new behaviors and cope with their existing condition. Most importantly, they use their psychological knowledge to identify the root causes of their patient’s behaviors.

If you have a PhD in behavioral health, you can work with patients who have severe mental illness or developmental disorders like autism. The advanced degree helps you set developmental goals for your patients and implement evidence-based treatment plans to guard their well-being.

  • National average salary: $54,663 per year
  • Growth: Projected to grow 9% between 2018 and 2028

Addiction Counselor

PhD in psychology also enables you to serve as an addiction counselor, where you support patients on their journey to recovery from addictive behaviors. Typically, addiction counselors guide through the rehabilitation process and help manage withdrawal symptoms. They often work together with medical professionals to effectively detoxify clients from drugs and alcohol.

In addition to one-on-one counseling sessions, addiction counselors arrange group therapy sessions. This provides clients with peer support and learning about new experiences and coping mechanisms. They monitor clients throughout the rehabilitation process till they finally achieve sobriety.

  • National average salary: $65,310 per year
  • Growth: Projected to grow 18% from 2022 to 2032

Prerequisites for Earning a PhD in Psychology

If you’ve made up your mind and want to earn a PhD in psychology, you’ll generally need at least a bachelor’s degree to get in. While some institutions may also require a master’s degree as a prerequisite, it largely depends on the program you’re opting for. Some universities offer combined master’s and doctoral degrees, so you get both degrees at once.

However, the most integral part of your PhD program is the area you’ve chosen. When applying, it’s recommended to thoroughly research the specialties the universities on your radar are offering. This isn’t just about coursework since the topics of your dissertation will also depend on your chosen concentration.

Plus, to make sure you quickly get through the admission process, it’s important to prepare for it beforehand. While the specific requirements depend on your university, here’s a list of some basic prerequisites when applying for a PhD in psychology:

  • A bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field
  • A master’s degree (depending on the institution)
  • Strong academic record
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Relevant research experience or coursework
  • Statement of Purpose (SoP)
  • Interview (as a part of the application process)

Person using their laptop while their notebook, papers and phone are in her table

Benefits of Earning a PhD in Psychology

Even if you’re sure about earning a PhD in psychology, it’s best to take a look at the benefits to check whether they align with your future goals. While the time required to complete a PhD may be significant, the benefits you reap make it worthwhile. Here’s an overview of the pros of getting a PhD in psychology:

Obtaining a License

Earning a doctorate in psychology is the only path to practice independently as a licensed psychologist. A license allows you to diagnose and treat mental disorders and provide therapy sessions to clients.

Better Employment Opportunities

Many employers, including those in the educational sector, prefer PhD holders over candidates with a master’s in psychology . This is due to years of experience and practice acquired through a doctoral program. For instance, PhD holders are often preferred for faculty positions, research roles, and leadership positions.

Skill Development

PhD holders are seen as authorities in the field of psychology  and research. Through extensive training and coursework, PhD students develop advanced knowledge and skills in areas like research methodology, statistical analysis, and clinical assessments.

High Paying Positions

Doctoral degree holders in psychology are paid way higher than those with bachelor’s degrees. The difference in salary reflects the higher earning potential that comes with advanced degrees in psychology. For instance, candidates with a PhD may easily qualify for higher paying positions in academia, clinical practice, research, or consulting.

Related Questions

What do you learn in a doctorate program for psychology.

In a doctorate program in psychology, you dig deeper into the field of psychology. For instance, you study research theories and methods and do your own research for a dissertation. Most PhD programs also allow you to gain hands-on experience in real clinical settings through an internship program.

Where can you work with a doctorate in psychology?

Fortunately, you can choose from plenty of workplace options once you get your PhD in psychology. You may work as a psychologist in a clinic or even begin practicing privately. Some individuals with a doctorate serve at government agencies, hospitals, and even educational institutions.

How long does it take to get a PhD in psychology?

Generally, getting a PhD in psychology takes around 5-8 years , including some hands-on experience and a year-long internship. However, it’s worth noting that PhD programs are highly competitive. So, the earlier you prepare for your dream university for your psychology degree , the sooner you can secure a spot.

We hope we’ve adequately answered the question “What can you do with a PhD in psychology?” for you and you have more clarity about whether this is the right path for you. Whether you’re into clinical practice, research, or social service, a doctorate in psychology can accommodate your personal preferences if you pick the right area for yourself.

psychology schools guide

  • Psychology Programs

what can you do with a phd

What Can I Do With a PhD in Psychology? – PhD in Psychology Career Options

Professionals who earn their Ph.D. in psychology have many more career options available to them than Masters level and Bachelors prepared individuals.

Not only are incomes generally higher with a Ph.D. but jobs are more plentiful and varied after the completion of doctoral level training. Also, in order to actually be considered a psychologist, a doctoral degree in psychology is generally mandatory .

Doctoral prepared professionals generally choose between applied psychology careers and research oriented careers . Applied psychology careers consist of the professional delivering psychological services directly to clients.

Psychologists deals with the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders. They also frequently provide preventative services for various entities. Some psychologists also apply psychological theories to help businesses overcome challenges and improve workplace productivity.

Other doctoral level professionals choose to dedicate their careers to conducting research. In many universities, doctoral level faculty only spend a small amount of time teaching classes as they spend the majority of their time engaged in research. They often manage laboratories, recruit research trainees, and publish their findings in academic journals.

Research psychologists also spend a lot of time giving talks about their research findings, attending conferences, and more experienced professionals are sometimes called upon to give peer reviews for well-respected academic and professional journals.

Additionally, many research psychologists also find themselves writing grant applications to get funding for their research projects.

What are the Career Options With a PhD in Psychology?

Listed below are some of the popular career options that you can pursue with a PhD in psychology:

Clinical Psychologist

Industrial organizational psychologist, forensic psychologist, rehabilitation psychologist, experimental psychologist, school psychologist.

  • Sports Psychologist
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Social Psychologist
  • Child Psychologist
  • Mental Health Psychologist

Clinical psychologists often work in private practice providing evaluations and treatment for individuals who are experiencing mental health issues. However, you will also find a significant amount of these professionals working in hospitals, clinics, residential facilities, and other institutions that provide mental health services. A clinical psychologist in these settings might be a practitioner or an administrator.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, clinical psychologists earn an average mean wage of $102,740 annually, as of May 2023.

Companies hire industrial-organizationalpPsychologists to develop strategies to increase productivity and improve employee retention rates. These professionals focus on organizational structure, employee recruitment and selection, job satisfaction, and the development of better machines and systems for employee comfort. Industrial-organizational psychologists identify methods that work best in the workplace and make recommendations for improvement.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, industrial-organizational psychologists earn an average mean wage of $144,610 annually, as of May 2023.

Forensic psychologists take psychological insights and apply that to legal matters. This specialized area of psychology focuses on criminal and civil matters to include law enforcement, jury selection, probation and parole, victim advocacy, family law, mental status competency, risk assessments, civil commitments, juvenile delinquency, insurance claims, and many other areas of the justice system.

Careers for forensic psychologists are diverse and can include functioning as a court consultant, providing mental health services in correctional facilities, working with law enforcement, or providing victim advocacy.

Although a specific wage for a forensic psychologist was not noted, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Forensic Science Technicians who also serve as Expert Witnesses, earn an average mean wage of $147,585 annually, as of January 2024.

Rehabilitation psychologists work with people who have suffered a significant loss or are struggling with adjusting to life with a disability. These professionals focus on the psychological aspects of loss, disability, and rehabilitation.

Typical clients could include someone who has recently become a paraplegic, is dealing with cancer, or is experiencing a chronic medical condition. Practitioners give their clients the support that they need as they adjust to their new life with the condition.

Researchers in the field of rehabilitation psychology explore how various factors, including biological, social, and environmental issues, affect people with disabilities and other chronic illnesses.

According to ZipRecruiter, the related field of rehabilitation counselor earns an average mean wage of $95,854 annually, as of January 2024.

Experimental psychologists are professionals who specialize in the study of human behavior and cognition. Their research generally explores thinking, learning, attention, motivation, and other cognitive functions. Although they do work with humans, they also study animals such as rats, monkeys, and pigeons.

Experimental psychologists can work in research settings, as consultants for businesses, and are even called upon to develop strategies to help lessen the psychological impact of high intensity training on military personnel.

School psychologists are employed by public school districts, private schools, and learning centers to help students overcome challenges related to disabilities, emotional issues, social adjustment, or other behavioral problems that impede learning. They evaluate the effectiveness of the educational process for students and use available resources as well new strategies to help students improve performance.

School psychologists also help students indirectly by working with teachers, parents, and school administrators to create individualized educational programs for students who are struggling to learn.

In many school districts, they also help administrators with the development of programs for Gifted learners. The goal of school psychologists in this role is to support teachers and parents in implementing individualized instructional strategies for students.

Some professionals specialize in working with specific groups of students such as children with Learning Disabilities, Gifted learners, or Adult learners.

According to ZipRecruiter, school psychologists earn an average mean wage of $92,813 annually, as of January 2024.

Sports psychologists are qualified professionals who help athletes to overcome problems, improve performance and achieve their goals. They draw their knowledge from many fields such as physiology, biomechanics, psychology, and kinesiology.

Sports psychologists explore the link between the psychological and physical factors that affect performance and try to establish what issues are preventing athletes from performing at full potential.

Their role may also involve acting as a consultant, a trainer or a therapist. Therapy may be needed for issues such as career transitions, eating disorders or off-field problems that effect on-field performance.

Working as a trainer may include assistance with rehabilitation after an injury. Athletic teams often consult with sports psychologists or employ one to help with various issues such as group dynamics and leadership issues.

Some sports psychologists become researchers who explore issues such as factors that lead to success, the effects of athletic participation on individuals or the psychological effects of a physical injury.

According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA), sports psychologists can expect to earn between $60,000 and $180,000 a year, with some annual salaries reaching $100,000.

What is the Job Outlook for Psychology Careers?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicates that although the employment growth of psychologists is expected to grow by 6 percent from 2022 to 2032, career prospects are far better for those who have a doctoral degree in psychology.

Related Reading

  • How to Prepare for a Career in Psychology
  • Top Psychology PhD Programs That Don’t Require GRE
  • What is the Difference Between a Master’s and a PhD in Psychology
  • Associate Degrees
  • Bachelors Degrees
  • Masters Degrees
  • PhD Programs
  • Addiction Counselor
  • Criminal Psychologist
  • Family Therapist
  • General Psychologist
  • Health Psychologist
  • Industrial-Organizational
  • See More Careers
  • Applied Psychology
  • Business Psychology
  • Child Psychology
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Educational Psychology
  • Industrial Psychology
  • Sports Psychology
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  • Clinical Psychology Degree
  • Cognitive Psychology Degree
  • Forensic Psychology Degree
  • Health Psychology Degree
  • Mental Counseling Degree
  • Social Psychology Degree
  • School Counseling Degree
  • Behavioral Psychologist Career
  • Clinical Psychologist Career
  • Cognitive Psychologist Career
  • Counseling Psychologist Career
  • Forensic Psychologist Career
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5 Careers to Pursue With Your PhD in Physics


Often the first and sometimes only career that comes to mind when students consider pursuing their Ph.D. in Physics is a job in academia. Teaching at a college or university can be a noble and rewarding career – but your professional options are not limited exclusively to the realm of a classroom or lab.

Keep reading for data about the fields in which physicists end up working and for a detailed look at the potential career paths that are open to people with an advanced degree in physics.

The Data Shows Career Diversity

One study performed by the American Institute of Physics (AIP), surveyed 503 physicists about their careers working in the private sector, 10-15 years after earning their Ph.D. The data collected revealed a several commonalities. First, the vast majority of mid-career Ph.D. physicists were working in the STEM fields. The most common fields were physics and engineering , followed by education, computer software, and business. Other fields included education (non-physics), non-STEM, other STEM, computer hardware, and medicine.

Additionally, the study found that physicists' careers in the private sector relied heavily on skills such as solving complex problems, managing projects, and writing for a technical audience. Across the board, the study found that the physicists felt their work was rewarding, as they found the work intellectually stimulating and challenging, and enjoyed collaborating with smart professional colleagues.

While the possibilities are vast and varied for those graduating from physics Ph.D. programs , the following are examples meant to demonstrate the range of fields and careers that are available to you.

Research and Development Engineer (Physics)

Job Description: According to AIP, about half of Research and Development Engineers work in the private sector (51 percent) , with 31 percent working in government, 16 percent the academic sector, and 2 percent in other areas. These engineers are responsible for overseeing, conducting, and applying research activities and experiments for organizations . They also will take the results, summarize them and disseminate their findings. They might also be responsible for developing technical documentation for projects.

  • Skills Highlighted : Ability to work on a team, project management, technical problem solving, programming, basic physics principles
  • Average Salary: $103,140 (as of July 2018)

Data Scientist (Non-STEM)

Job Description : AIP found that the vast majority of Data Scientists work in private industry (82 percent), a smaller portion working for the government (15 percent), and only 2 percent in the academic and 1 percent in other sectors. Data Scientists are responsible for taking large amounts of data and mining for patterns and information hidden within the data sets. They use statistical analysis to review the data, learn about how a business performs, and to build AI tools that automate certain processes within the company. They might also be responsible for creating various machine learning-based tools or processes , including recommendation engines and automated lead scoring systems.

  • Skills Highlighted : Ability to work on a team, technical writing, technical problem solving, programming, design and development, specialized equipment.
  • Average Salary : $131,847 (as of August 2018)

Quantitative Developer (Business)

Job Description : Virtually all Quantitative Developers (often referred to as quants) are working in private industry (95 percent) . AIP found that 5 percent found employment in other sectors. A job as a Quantitative Developer will require an interest in working in finance, math, and technology. You will also need experience with computer programming languages such as Matlab, C++, Java, C#, Q, Perl, Python and others. The majority of the work is creating, implementing, and analyzing mathematical models that are used to drive trading decisions. Developers also analyze risk models, create and develop new software for automated trading, and work alongside traders and other financial analysts in the company.

  • Skills Highlighted : Ability to work on a team, technical problem solving, project management, programming, advanced math, simulation and modeling, perform quality control.
  • Average Salary : $124,552 (as of August 2018)

Systems Engineer (Computer Software)

Job Description: According to AIP, almost all Systems Engineers work in the private sector (94 percent) , with small portions working in hospital or medical facilities (3 percent), academic settings (3 percent), or government (1 percent). Systems Engineers work alongside a team of highly technical engineers to ensure the quality, performance, and security of software infrustructures. The are responsible for installing, configuring, testing, and maintaining operating systems , application software, and system management tools. They monitor and test the systems, working to identify potential problems and creating and implementing solutions.

  • Skills Highlighted : Ability to work on a team, technical writing and problem solving, programing, advanced math, simulation and modeling, perform technical support.
  • Average Salary: ( $92,586 as of August 2018)

Medical Physicist (Medicine)

Job Description: AIP found that 74 percent of Medical Physicists worked in the private sector, and the remaining 26 percent worked in a hospital or medical facility. Medical physicists use a variety of analytical, computer-aided and bioengineering techniques, as well as analytical skills and applied science to aid doctors and medical staff in diagnosing and treating patients. They are responsible for helping to plan and ensure the safe and accurate treatment of patients. Often they will provide training and advice on advanced medical technologies such as radiotherapy, tomography, and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and lasers.

About 85% of medical physicists are involved with "some form of therapy," according to Physics Today , a publication of the AIP.

  • Skills Highlighted : Ability to work on a team, technical writing and problem solving, programming, advanced math, work with clients, design and development, simulation and modeling, applied research.
  • Median Salary: ( $185,000 as of 2012)

A Ph.D. in Physics Can Take You Far

Your career options post-doctorate are far from restricted to a classroom, a lab, or academia. Upon completion of your Ph.D. program, you will be equipped with the expertise to complement any number of professional teams in a variety of sectors. You could have the option of working in private industry, for government agencies, in hospitals and medical facilities, or if you desire, in a research lab or as a tenured professor.  

The only question that remains is – what will you choose to do next? Start pursuing your advanced degree in physics in order to make one of these careers a reality!


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PhD in Psychology Further Your Understanding of Psychology

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Understand the Human Experience from a Biblical Worldview with an Online PhD in Psychology

Do you want to deepen your knowledge in psychology and use your research to contribute to the field of understanding human behavior? Liberty University’s PhD in Psychology can provide rigorous research training that can better prepare you for a career in academia and research. An online PhD in Psychology is ideal for students who want to bring new knowledge of human behavior to the field and find new ways to help people heal, grow, and thrive.

Liberty’s PhD in Psychology is designed to prepare you to evaluate research and to understand the truth about human behavior from a biblical worldview. Our mission is to  Train Champions for Christ , and we fulfill this mission by training professionals to use science and biblical values to understand the full breadth of the human experience. Our unique, biblically-based approach to this field can help prepare you to make a positive impact on those you work with.

With Liberty’s PhD in Psychology, you can take part in optional face-to-face on-campus intensives that will allow you to meet faculty and other students while you develop your professional and research skills.

Military Friendly School

What Will You Study in Our PhD in Psychology Degree?

Liberty’s online PhD in Psychology is designed to build on your previous study and experience in human psychology and develop you into a researcher and psychologist who demonstrates ethical and academic excellence while integrating biblical values into your practice.

Through this program, you will:

  • Learn how an appreciation of biblical values enhances psychiatric practice by putting human value at the forefront of technique and theory.
  • Develop a grounded critical approach to psychiatric research and theory while integrating a biblical worldview into approaches to current issues in psychology.
  • Master psychiatric research and writing techniques that can establish your work in the study of human behavior.
  • Complete dissertation research through your program with mentorship from your professors so that you have the option to present research at conferences.

Through this program, you will be encouraged to become a thought leader on a variety of topics related to the human experience. Our goal is to help you venture into the world of psychiatric research and practice and offer insights based on biblical foundations of truth that can help people heal and thrive.

Featured Courses

  • PSYC 510 — Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology I
  • PSYC 710 — Psychological Research and Biblical Worldview
  • PSYC 716 — Theories and Research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
  • PSYC 775 — Teaching of Psychology

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the  School of Behavioral Sciences .
  • View the  Graduate Behavioral Sciences Course Guides   (login required).
  • View the  PhD in Psychology Dissertation Handbook
  • The online PhD in Psychology is a non-clinical, non-licensure program.

Why Choose Liberty’s Online Degree?

To help you meet your educational goals in a way that fits your life, our online PhD in Psychology provides scheduling flexibility and keeps affordability in mind. Our PhD in Psychology’s online format allows you to take your classes from home without traveling to campus. However, this program still provides a community of psychology professionals and the ability to take optional intensive courses to allow you to connect in person.

Throughout this program, Liberty incorporates a biblical worldview into your instruction. This perspective in your research and practical training in psychology can help you develop professional and academic excellence without compromising an ethical appreciation for human life. Additionally, our caring faculty are devoted to helping you grow personally and academically.

With our online PhD in Psychology, you can learn effective clinical techniques, essential behavioral theory, and develop your research and writing expertise. You can be equipped with a thorough understanding of human thought and behavior while developing your own research to further the field.

Earning a PhD in Psychology online with Liberty means that you will be trained to engage with research and psychiatric practice critically and biblically. If you are interested in becoming a thoughtful, articulate, and research-focused professional, then this is the program for you.

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Potential Career Opportunities for PhD in Psychology Graduates

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Degree Options for Our PhD in Psychology Program

Focus your studies in psychology with a specialization.

Behavioral Health Leadership

Through the  PhD in Psychology – Behavioral Health Leadership , you can hone your research and leadership skills as you prepare to pursue administrative and management positions in mental and behavioral health organizations.

View the Degree Completion Plan .

Developmental Psychology

Through the online  PhD in Psychology – Developmental Psychology , you can learn about research theory related to human development, including cognitive development, social development, and language development.

General Psychology

The online PhD in Psychology – General Psychology provides an in-depth study of advanced psychiatric research and practice while giving you room to customize your course content.

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

In the online  PhD in Psychology – Industrial/Organizational Psychology  track, you will study human behavior in organizations and the workplace. You will focus on deriving principles of individual, group, and organizational behavior and applying that knowledge to developing solutions for challenges in the workplace.

Social Psychology

In the online  PhD in Psychology – Social Psychology  track, you can learn about research and theory related to social processes and relationships, attitudes, and other constructs related to social psychology.

In the online  PhD in Psychology – Theology  track, you can learn how to study the Bible and integrate that study of the Bible with research in psychology to further your understanding of psychological concepts.

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Admission Information for Our PhD in Psychology

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Send official college transcripts (mailed as sealed, unopened copies or sent via a direct electronic transcript system). A regionally or nationally accredited master’s degree with at least a 3.0 GPA is required for admission in good standing.
  • Contact information  for 2 recommenders is required (approved recommenders are the student’s former college professors or supervisors).
  • Statement of Purpose  is required (1,000-1,500 words, double spaced).
  • Departmental approval is required.
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your doctoral degree after the last day of class for your master’s degree.
  • Complete a Master’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show that you are within 6 credit hours of completion for a 30-48 credit hour master’s degree or within 9 credit hours of completion for a 49+ credit hour master’s degree.
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new doctoral degree.

Transcript Policies

Official college transcript policy.

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

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We want to help you find the doctoral degree you want – at a price you’ve earned. As a thank-you for your military service, Liberty University offers eligible current and former service members like you or your spouse multiple pathways to earn a doctoral degree for only $300/credit hour . Find out how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity as you work toward your goal of reaching the pinnacle of your profession – for less.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there opportunities to interact in-person with peers.

You can meet faculty and fellow students in person through optional on-campus intensives.

Can I have an impact through this degree?

Through your dissertation, you can contribute to the understanding of human experience and behavior.

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DNP vs. Ph.D. in Nursing: What’s the Difference?

Daniel Bal, MS.Ed

  • DNP vs. PH.D. Nursing Compared

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Education and Certification

Salary and Career Outlook

  • Which Is Best?

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

what can you do with a phd

Nurses who have already earned a masters degree and are looking to pursue the next step in their education have two options: doctor of nursing practice (DNP) and doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in nursing.

Both degrees offer nurses a variety of professional opportunities, allowing them to utilize their expertise to benefit the field of nursing.

This guide outlines the differences in earning a DNP vs. a Ph.D. in nursing, and what opportunities lay ahead for graduates of either program. In understanding the roles and responsibilities of each, nurses can determine which degree is right for them.

DNP and Ph.D. in Nursing Key Similarities and Differences

A DNP and Ph.D. are both terminal degrees, meaning they are the highest degree a nurse can earn. Regardless of their choice of program, interested nurses need a bachelor of science (BSN) degree in nursing, an active and unencumbered registered nurse (RN) license, and clinical experience before gaining admittance to either doctorate program.

While a DNP and Ph.D. are both advanced degrees, they prepare nurses for different roles within the nursing field. DNP programs focus on educating nurses who want to pursue leadership roles in a clinical setting. Ph.D. programs provide nurses with an education to pursue academic or research-based positions.

What is a DNP?

A DNP is an advanced degree for nurses who want to become experts in clinical nursing. The degree is an alternative to research-centric doctoral programs, and provides nurses with skills and training to work at an advanced level in the nursing field.

What is a Ph.D. in Nursing?

Earning a Ph.D. in nursing prepares graduates for work either in academia or research settings. Graduates often pursue faculty positions with academic institutions or in a career that involves performing research in a medical laboratory.

Source: Payscale

Popular DNP Programs

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

The roles of a nurse with a DNP vs. a Ph.D. in nursing are fundamentally different. The former focuses on clinical work, whereas the latter is geared more toward research and education.

Their duties revolve around those two major areas. As such, DNPs are more likely to work with patients, while Ph.D graduates focus on educating nurses and analyzing medical practices.

What Can You Do With a DNP?

Nurses with a DNP are considered expert clinicians who are prepared for the highest level of nursing practice.

Upon earning the degree, nurses can choose to focus on leadership and administrative roles (e.g., nurse administrator, public health, healthcare policy, informatics) nursing education (e.g.,clinical nurse specialist, nurse educator), or clinical care (e.g.,certified registered nurse anesthetist, nurse practitioner).

After earning a DNP, nurses’ responsibilities may include:

  • Diagnose and treat patients
  • Prescribe medications
  • Order various diagnostic tests
  • Handle patient complains
  • Consult on complex cases
  • Implement policy changes

Keep in mind that some DNP programs are for roles (clinical nurse specialist, nurse educator) that will not have authorization to perform some of the above responsibilities.

What Can You Do With a Ph.D. in Nursing?

Nurses with a Ph.D. often focus on the areas of education and research. They may design studies and conduct research on clinical practices, nursing education, health systems, and public policy.

People with a Ph.D. in nursing often find employment in academic, business, or governmental settings. Overall, nurses with a Ph.D.can:

  • Design, conduct, and publish research
  • Develop new nursing knowledge and methods
  • Utilize research results to improve nursing outcomes
  • Write proposals and apply for grants to fund research
  • Mentor and advise students
  • Compose curriculum for nursing courses

Education Prerequisites

When looking to earn either a DNP or Ph.D., most programs require applicants to have similar prerequisites. Institutions often look for candidates who have attained an undergraduate degree, are actively able to practice nursing, and can meet certain academic requirements.

How to Earn a DNP

To apply for a DNP degree program, candidates need a BSN or master of science in nursing (MSN) from an accredited institution, a GPA of at least 3.0, and an active nursing license.

Once enrolled, students can choose an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) role such as clinical nurse practitioner (CNP), clinical nurse specialist (CNS), certified nurse-midwife (CNM), or certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA).

CNPs and CNSs then choose a population focus (i.e., neonatal, pediatrics, womens health, psychiatric-mental health). DNP candidates often focus on a research or capstone project throughout their entire program.

The program can last 2-4 years, and full-time students are able to earn their degree faster than their part-time counterparts. Students participate in courses on informatics, health policy, healthcare delivery systems, evidence-based practice, and project management.

Learners must also complete a total of 1,000 clinical hours, 500 of which can stem from a previous masters program that resulted in national certification. Learners with previous hours may become more common as some programs, like CRNA, transition from MSN to DNP-only.

How to Earn a Ph.D. in Nursing

To get accepted to a Ph.D. program, candidates need a BSN or MSN from an accredited program, a 3.0 to 3.5 minimum GPA, and an active nursing license. Applicants must also provide a CV or resume, professional references, and a personal statement.

The length of a Ph.D. program ranges from 4-6 years depending on the status of the student (full-time vs. part-time). The curriculum revolves around theory, analysis, and statistics, with students taking classes in grant writing, research design, and research methods. Since their work takes place within education and research, Ph.D. candidates are not required to complete clinical hours.

Upon program completion, DNP and Ph.D. graduates may benefit from a higher earning potential. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a steady need over the next decade for nurses with advanced training.

Ultimately, degree type, specialization, and population focus dictate the average annual salary and the type of demand nurses should anticipate.

$107,000 Average Annual DNP Salary

$99,000 Average Annual Ph.D. in Nursing Salary

DNP in Nursing Salary and Career Outlook

While the average salary of nurses with DNPs is approximately $107,000, their chosen specialization impacts their earning potential and demand. DNP-holders working a CRNAs average $164,340 per year, according to July 2022 Payscale data, while those who work in pediatrics earn $92,030 .

Not only do CRNAs earn the highest average salary, but they are also one of the most in-demand specializations; the BLS projects a job growth rate of 45%, significantly higher than the 9% average for all other professions.

Another main factor that influences DNP earning potential is years of experience. Entry-level nurses earn an average annual salary of approximately $87,000 , according to July 2022 Payscale data. Whereas those with more than 20 years of experience can earn upwards of $187,000 depending upon the specialization.

Ph.D. in Nursing Salary and Career Outlook

Much like nurses with a DNP, the salary of one with a Ph.D. varies based on focus. According to the BLS , nurse educators with a Ph.D. can receive upwards of $125,930 annually.

While all nurses with advanced degrees continue to be in demand, Ph.D. graduates who choose to become educators can especially benefit from this need. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing , nursing schools had to turn away over 80,000 qualified applicants in 2019 due to the shortage of educators.

Many states are looking to provide incentives to nurses who choose to become educators, thereby increasing the benefit of selecting this role.

DNP vs. Ph.D. in Nursing: Which Degree is Right For Me?

Deciding which degree works best depends upon a nurse’s personal and professional goals. The degrees lead nurses down two fairly distinct paths – one clinical and one research-oriented.

DNP and Ph.D. graduates are both in high demand and have above-average earning potential. The degrees differ in time commitment and responsibilities.

Nurses who prefer to work in a clinical capacity either directly with patients or in a nursing leadership role should pursue a DNP. Graduates often find themselves in a variety of clinical settings, such as hospitals, specialty practices, or public health offices.

Learners more interested in preparing future nurses or conducting research that aids in the development of new and effective nursing methods should pursue a Ph.D. Nurse Ph.D. graduates often use their expertise in settings such as colleges and universities, research facilities, medical laboratories, and government agencies.

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How to tackle the PhD dissertation

Finding time to write can be a challenge for graduate students who often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. Mabel Ho provides some tips to make the process less daunting

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Writing helps you share your work with the wider community. Your scholarship is important and you are making a valuable contribution to the field. While it might be intimidating to face a blank screen, remember, your first draft is not your final draft! The difficult part is getting something on the page to begin with. 

As the adage goes, a good dissertation is a done dissertation, and the goal is for you to find balance in your writing and establish the steps you can take to make the process smoother. Here are some practical strategies for tackling the PhD dissertation.

Write daily

This is a time to have honest conversations with yourself about your writing and work habits. Do you tackle the most challenging work in the morning? Or do you usually start with emails? Knowing your work routine will help you set parameters for the writing process, which includes various elements, from brainstorming ideas to setting outlines and editing. Once you are aware of your energy and focus levels, you’ll be ready to dedicate those times to writing.

While it might be tempting to block a substantial chunk of time to write and assume anything shorter is not useful, that is not the case. Writing daily, whether it’s a paragraph or several pages, keeps you in conversation with your writing practice. If you schedule two hours to write, remember to take a break during that time and reset. You can try:

  • The Pomodoro Technique: a time management technique that breaks down your work into intervals
  • Taking breaks: go outside for a walk or have a snack so you can come back to your writing rejuvenated
  • Focus apps: it is easy to get distracted by devices and lose direction. Here are some app suggestions: Focus Bear (no free version); Forest (free version available); Cold Turkey website blocker (free version available) and Serene (no free version). 

This is a valuable opportunity to hone your time management and task prioritisation skills. Find out what works for you and put systems in place to support your practice. 

  • Resources on academic writing for higher education professionals
  • Stretch your work further by ‘triple writing’
  • What is your academic writing temperament?

Create a community

While writing can be an isolating endeavour, there are ways to start forming a community (in-person or virtual) to help you set goals and stay accountable. There might be someone in your cohort who is also at the writing stage with whom you can set up a weekly check-in. Alternatively, explore your university’s resources and centres because there may be units and departments on campus that offer helpful opportunities, such as a writing week or retreat. Taking advantage of these opportunities helps combat isolation, foster accountability and grow networks. They can even lead to collaborations further down the line.

  • Check in with your advisers and mentors. Reach out to your networks to find out about other people’s writing processes and additional resources.
  • Don’t be afraid to share your work. Writing requires constant revisions and edits and finding people who you trust with feedback will help you grow as a writer. Plus, you can also read their work and help them with their editing process.
  • Your community does not have to be just about writing!  If you enjoy going on hikes or trying new coffee shops, make that part of your weekly habit.  Sharing your work in different environments will help clarify your thoughts and ideas.

Address the why

The PhD dissertation writing process is often lengthy and it is sometimes easy to forget why you started. In these moments, it can be helpful to think back to what got you excited about your research and scholarship in the first place. Remember it is not just the work but also the people who propelled you forward. One idea is to start writing your “acknowledgements” section. Here are questions to get you started:

  • Do you want to dedicate your work to someone? 
  • What ideas sparked your interest in this journey? 
  • Who cheered you on? 

This practice can help build momentum, as well as serve as a good reminder to carve out time to spend with your community. 

You got this!

Writing is a process. Give yourself grace, as you might not feel motivated all the time. Be consistent in your approach and reward yourself along the way. There is no single strategy when it comes to writing or maintaining motivation, so experiment and find out what works for you. 

Suggested readings

  • Thriving as a Graduate Writer by Rachel Cayley (2023)
  • Destination Dissertation by Sonja K. Foss and William Waters (2015)
  • The PhD Writing Handbook by Desmond Thomas (2016).

Mabel Ho is director of professional development and student engagement at Dalhousie University.

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Have I Fallen Out of Love or Am I Depressed?

Or what to consider when you've lost some interest in your partner

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Verywell Mind / Getty

Am I Falling Out of Love…or Is it a Sign of Depression?

  • Do People Fall Out of Love When They're Depressed?
  • Can Depression Make You Think You're Not in Love?

Overlapping Symptoms

Is depression a reason to end a relationship, seeking professional help, self-reflection and communication, coping strategies.

Every relationship has a natural ebb and flow, but if you're stuck in what feels like an endless low point, you might wonder, "Am I falling out of love , or am I depressed?" The answer to that question can sometimes be much more complicated than expected.

"People often fall out of love when they are depressed because they no longer feel connected to themselves and their partner," says licensed therapist Abbey Sangmeister, MSEd, LPC, ACS . "Depression creates a fog around us that does not allow us to see or feel clearly, which can cause us to feel that no one loves us, we feel or don’t have the energy to love and give, or feel overall numb and disconnected." 

Your love life and your emotions are intricately interconnected, which is why it's sometimes challenging to tell whether you're experiencing changes in how you feel about your partner or if it might be something more serious like depression.

Plus, depression can affect your life and relationships in complex ways. Problems in your romantic relationships can sometimes be a source of deep sadness or even feelings of depression. So how can you tell if what you are feeling means you're no longer in love or if it's a symptom of depression (or a combination of the two)?

Understanding the difference between the two is vital, not only for the health of your relationship but for your own mental health. After all, the sooner you recognize the signs of depression, the sooner you can get help and find relief.

At a Glance

Falling out of love with someone can be a painful, heartbreaking experience. Feeling depressed can also affect how you feel about your relationships since it causes symptoms like loss of interest, sadness, irritability, and social withdrawal. Keep reading to get advice from experts on why falling out of love can be mistaken for depression, and whether depression is ever a reason to walk away from a relationship.

So, what does falling out of love actually feel like? Psychologists have introduced various frameworks to help define and categorize love . One of the best-known theories is Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love , which conceptualizes love as having three main components: passion, intimacy, and commitment.

When you think about what it feels like to "fall out of love," what you might actually be describing is the loss of passion. It's the gradual decline in the intense feelings of excitement, attraction, and physical chemistry that are the hallmarks of the early stages of a relationship . 

It's normal for those feelings to lessen over time and the other two components of Sternberg's theory, intimacy and commitment, to take center stage. However, it’s a more serious sign when all three of these elements start to disappear.

Common signs that you might be falling out of love include:

  • Not enjoying spending time with your partner
  • Feeling irritated by your partner's presence, quirks, and habits
  • Losing interest in what's going on in your partner's life
  • Not feeling attracted to them anymore
  • Not sharing details of your life or talking about how you are feeling
  • Feeling happier when you are not with them
  • Thinking about being alone or with someone else

Here's where it gets complicated— symptoms of depression can contribute to some of these feelings. You might feel irritated with your partner because, well, you just feel more irritated in general lately. Or you might not want to spend time with them because being around other people takes more energy than you can give right now. 

"People who are depressed can fall out of love like anyone else. Depression may not directly cause someone to fall out of love, but depression is complex and can impact thinking, mood, self-esteem, energy, desire, and more," explains Susan Trotter, PhD , a relationship expert and coach. Trotter also notes that this often results in more conflict, fewer shared activities, less intimacy, and greater isolation.

Susan Trotter, PhD

When these things are occurring, they can, of course, affect how we feel about someone and they can change how we interact in and approach a relationship. This can subsequently lead someone to fall out of love–or at least think and feel like they have fallen out of love.

Figuring out what's really going on means you'll need to take a closer look at how you're feeling and decide whether it represents a change in how you view your relationship or a change in the state of your mental health. In either case, figuring out the cause can help you better decide how to tackle the problem, whether that means seeing a couples therapist, seeking treatment for depression, or breaking up with your partner.

Do People Fall Out of Love When They're Depressed?

Depression might not be the reason why you fall out of love with someone, but it can play a major part in how you feel about yourself, your partner, and your relationship.

Depression can impact many different areas of your life, including how you feel about others, your emotions, and your relationships. After all, it’s hard to feel connected with other people (your partner included) when you’re feeling isolated, sad, and hopeless. 

It can also be challenging to feel many of the emotions that normally happen in a happy, healthy relationship , like joy, excitement, and anticipation. It might not necessarily mean the relationship has changed, but how you feel about it may have shifted, making it much harder to appreciate the good things.

Social withdrawal is another common symptom of depression. When you are depressed, you may find yourself pulling away from your partner. This makes it tough to maintain feelings of intimacy and closeness.

Because you feel less connected to your partner, it's easy to see why this might seem a lot like falling out of love.

Depression doesn't always cause a person to fall out of love, but the way it manifests can create problems in a relationship. You might feel more irritable and short-tempered around your partner. You might not feel like doing things you used to enjoy, so you might turn down opportunities to spend time together. 

How your partner responds to these symptoms can also damage your relationship. They might interpret your reactions as rejection or start to behave in ways that undermine the closeness that you once shared. 

However, it's important to remember that depression and love are complex. Your own experience of depression is unique, and how it affects your relationship can depend on a wide variety of factors. Depression can make you feel like you're falling out of love, but communicating your needs, seeing support, and getting professional help can help you navigate these challenges without jeopardizing your relationship.

Can Depression Make You Think You're Not in Love?

Unfortunately, depression can make you believe a lot of things that aren’t really true. It might tell you that you deserve to be miserable or that you don’t deserve to be loved. It might even make you think that you aren’t really in love at all.

According to therapist and coach Christina Granahan, LICSW , the symptoms of depression, particularly the numbing and sense of isolation that accompanies depression, can cause people to lose touch with feelings of love and connection with their partner. "Depression makes us think a lot of things that aren’t necessarily true. It can make us feel alone, like we don’t belong, like we’re unloved, or a victim of someone else," she notes.

Some characteristics of depression that might make you think you aren’t really in love at all include:

A Loss of Interest

A loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy or that used to be important to you is one of the hallmark symptoms of depression. Such disinterest is common when you find yourself drifting away from your partner. So if you find yourself losing interest in spending time with your partner, it’s normal to wonder if the root of this sudden loss of interest says more about your state of mind or the state of your relationship.

Changes in How You See Yourself

Depression also contributes to issues with poor self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. You might find yourself wondering what your partner sees in you. Or you might start to think that you don't deserve their attention. You might even feel like you are burdening them. To cope, you might push them away or even try to convince yourself that you aren't in love with them at all. 

Negative Thinking

Depression also leads to distorted, negative thoughts that can make symptoms worse and exacerbate issues in your relationship. Small things that used to not bother you suddenly start to seem much worse than they really are.

You might find yourself misinterpreting your partner's actions, jumping to conclusions , or engaging in all-or-nothing thinking . Such thoughts ultimately undermine your connection and may cause you to think that you aren't in love with your partner like you were before.

Reduced Libido

Depression can significantly impact things like energy levels and libido, but changes in your relationship can have a similar effect. The social withdrawal that often accompanies depression can lead to a lower desire for physical closeness with your partner. If your partner doesn’t understand how this might be a sign of depression, they might interpret this as a loss of interest in the relationship as well.

Even more confusing is the fact that depression and falling out of love can share some remarkably similar symptoms. Common feelings you might experience with both include:

  • Sadness or emptiness
  • Emotional numbness
  • Losing interest in spending time together
  • Having a hard time concentrating
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Feelings of guilt or anger
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

Researchers have even found that the emotions people experience at the end of a relationship are very similar to clinical depression. So it's no wonder that feeling depressed can make you think you're relationship might be on the rocks (and vice versa).

Symptoms are more persistent

Symptoms affect many areas of life

Loss of interest in many activities

Feelings may come and go

Symptoms are focused specifically on your partner

Loss of interest in your relationship but not in other enjoyable activities

Sangmeister notes that leaving a relationship may be the right choice if your partner is contributing to feelings of depression. Before doing so, however, she suggests talking to a licensed mental health professional. This can help clarify your decision, explore ways to work on the relationship, and make clear decisions that are right for your life and well-being.

"It is important to distinguish whether your mental health–and in this case, depression–is making you want to end a relationship or if you are struggling because of the relationship," Trotter says. Ending it may be your best option if you're struggling because of the relationship. But if it's your depression causing these feelings, it's important to dig deeper into your feelings and symptoms.

"Ending a good relationship could be self-sabotaging and self-destructive if it’s actually a good relationship, and there are many things you can do to stabilize your depression, such as therapy, medication, groups, and more," Trotter explains.

If you do decide to end a relationship, it's important to remember that breaking up can also trigger additional feelings of depression and grief. Both experiences are connected to painful life events—including the end of important relationships in your life. 

It's normal to experience things like sadness, loneliness , and emotional distress when a relationship is over. You'll need to go through a period of adjustment where you allow yourself to process the experience and take steps to heal. Having social support is important, but you should also reach out to a mental health professional if you are experiencing symptoms of depression or prolonged grief following a breakup.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, it's important to talk to a licensed mental health professional. They can help you better understand your emotional experience, including whether it is really depression–or a sign that your relationship is in trouble. 

"If depression is significantly impacting you and your relationship, the first step is to seek treatment, which might include therapy and medication to help alleviate symptoms and help you create better strategies for managing your depression," Trotter suggests.

A therapist can evaluate your symptoms and give you perspective on the emotional states you are experiencing. Therapy can also help you understand how depression might be affecting your connection with your partner. 

In addition to treating depression, couples therapy can also be beneficial. By working with a therapist, your partner can learn more about what you are experiencing, and you can strengthen your connection, build greater intimacy , and resolve conflicts more effectively.

If you’re struggling to tell if you’re actually falling out of love or if you might be depressed, it’s important to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. As you engage in this self-reflection, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you feel like you and your partner don't share the same emotional connection you once had?
  • Are you avoiding spending time with your partner because your differences seem too great to overcome?
  • Have you stopped planning your future together?
  • Have you stopped caring about the things that matter to your partner?
  • Do the unique traits and behaviors that used to seem cute, quirky, and charming suddenly seem like red flags or deal-breakers ?
  • Do you feel happier when you are alone than when you are together?

If you answered yes to many of these questions,  there's a good chance that your feelings for your partner have changed. This doesn't mean that you aren't also dealing with symptoms of depression, but it does indicate that it might be time to evaluate your relationship and think about what steps you want to take next.

If you answered no to many or most of these questions, it might be because your recent moods and feelings are linked to symptoms of depression more than a sudden shift in how you feel about your partner. 

In either case, communication is critical. Talk to your partner about what’s going on with you emotionally so you can make a plan for your next steps. This might include finding ways to rebuild your connection by spending more time together and talking more often. It might involve you seeking professional treatment for your depression. If the relationship is worth holding on to, it may also mean talking to a couples therapist.

If you’re struggling with your love life or experiencing symptoms of depression (or both), finding ways to cope with these challenges is essential. 

With good treatment, effective communication, and motivation, couples can enjoy a happy and healthy relationship even when one of the partners has depression. 

Relationships change over time, and it isn't uncommon for people to lose romantic feelings and experience breakups. The key is knowing how to handle these feelings, knowing when it's worth it to try to salvage a relationship, and when to move on.

  • Communicate: Discussing what you’re experiencing with your partner is an important first step. "It is also important for you to talk with your partner about what you’re experiencing so that they can better understand it," Trotter says. 
  • Care for yourself : Make sure that you are doing things to support your emotional well-being. " Self-care is critically important and taking even small steps to improve connection and intimacy will also help to alleviate the overwhelming feeling of disconnection," Trotter suggests. Even taking small daily steps like eating balanced meals, getting plenty of rest, and treating yourself kindly can help you feel better and gain more perspective on your situation.
  • Reconnect : If you’ve decided to try to fall back in love, start taking steps toward rebuilding your connection with your partner. Remind yourself of their good qualities, take time to appreciate them, and start spending more time together.
  • Consider couples therapy : Talking to a relationship professional can also help. "Working to improve healthy communication is also important, and couples therapy may be an effective way to help you with that," says Trotter. 

Keep in Mind

If you're worried that you've fallen out of love, it can be hard to decode what you're experiencing if you suspect you might also be depressed. Are you depressed because of the relationship, or are symptoms of depression affecting your relationship in negative ways? 

It's important to work with a mental health professional to sort out your feelings, build a greater awareness of what you are experiencing, and make the right decision about how to cope, Granahan suggests. 

She also says getting help and support to deal with depression is what matters most. "Some of us might need to stay in a healthy, life-giving relationship as part of the healing. Enlist the help of trusted allies–including professionals–to help you make these decisions if you aren't sure, but healing comes first."

Sorokowski P, Sorokowska A, Karwowski M, et al. Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 countries . The Journal of Sex Research . 2021;58(1):106-115. doi:10.1080/00224499.2020.1787318

Sheets VL. Passion for life: Self-expansion and passionate love across the life span . Journal of Social and Personal Relationships . 2014;31(7):958-974. doi:10.1177/0265407513515618

Sharabi LL, Delaney AL, Knobloch LK. In their own words: How clinical depression affects romantic relationships . Journal of Social and Personal Relationships . 2016;33(4):421-448. doi:10.1177/0265407515578820

National Institute of Mental Health. Depression .

Verhallen AM, Renken RJ, Marsman JC, Ter Horst GJ. Romantic relationship breakup: An experimental model to study effects of stress on depression (-like) symptoms . PLoS ONE . 2019;14(5):e0217320. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0217320

Field T. Romantic breakup distress, betrayal and heartbreak: A review . Int J Behav Res Psychol . 2017;5(2):217-225. doi:10.19070/2332-3000-1700038

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

PhD on Circular and climate neutral pavement strategies– an assessment framework

Job information, offer description.

Are you fascinated by the question of how society can be carbon-neutral and fully circular in 2050? And are you interested in quantifying a range of environmental effects? Do you want to do so with improved methods such as prospective LCA and material flow analysis? Would you like to know how circular pavement strategies contribute to climate targets? Job Description You will do research on assessing innovations in relation to circularity and climate change with focus in road infrastructure. Major aim of the PhD position is to develop a framework to assess the environmental footprints of circular roads building on prospective life cycle assessment and material flow analysis, and to apply this framework to assess contributions to circularity and climate targets (2030; 2050). You will develop an approach to compare eco-efficiencies of technological innovations and current and future road pavement scenarios. By applying this approach you will be able to answer questions like: To what extent does lifetime extension and improved circularity of roads help to reach climate neutrality? How much can be gained in terms of GHG reduction compared to the current situation? This PhD position will involve close collaboration with the Circularity and Sustainability Impact group at TNO, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research. The PhD research will contribute to and profit from an Internal TNO research program on technological innovations for extended asphalt lifetime. You will work in both institutes (TU/e in Eindhoven, TNO in Utrecht) and will be part of the multidisciplinary project team of the TNO research program. The Technology, Innovation, and Society (TIS) group at Eindhoven University of Technology straddles natural science, social science and humanities disciplines and provides a stimulating and collaborative environment. The TIS group is part of the Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS). Research at TIS concerns how humans and societies bring about technological change, and how technological innovations change society. With ~25 tenured staff and a large group of postdocs and PhD candidates, researchers in the TIS group try to bridge the engineering and social sciences in a systems perspective on sustainability transitions. The TIS staff teaches in the BSc program 'Sustainable Innovation', the MSc programs 'Sustainable Energy Technologies' and 'Innovation Management', and in university-wide programs for engineers.


  • A master's degree (or an equivalent university degree) in natural or technical sciences with a clear affinity towards environmental topics.
  • A research-oriented attitude.
  • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English (C1 level).
  • Prepared to work in two locations.
  • Experience with Life Cycle Assessment and/or Material Flow Analysis is an advantage.

Additional Information

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you:

  • Full-time employment for four years, with an intermediate evaluation (go/no-go) after nine months. You will spend 10% of your employment on teaching tasks.
  • Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539).
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
  • High-quality training programs and other support to grow into a self-aware, autonomous scientific researcher. At TU/e we challenge you to take charge of your own learning process .
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities.
  • An allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
  • A Staff Immigration Team and a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) for international candidates.

About us Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-five position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow. Curious to hear more about what it's like as a PhD candidate at TU/e? Please view the video. Information Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more? You can contact the daily supervisor for this position dr. Mara Hauck ( [email protected] ). Prof.dr. Heleen de Coninck and prof.dr. Mark Huijbregts (TNO/Radboud University) are intended supervisors that award the doctoral degree. Visit our website for more information about the application process or the conditions of employment. You can also contact the hiring manager Hanneke Huijs-Palmen ( [email protected] ). Are you inspired and would like to know more about working at TU/e? Please visit our career page . Application We invite you to submit a complete application by using the apply button. The application should include a:

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation to apply and qualifications for the position. Why you want us, and why we would want you.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of any publications, grades for your MSc and BSc thesis, and the contact information of three references.

We look forward to receiving your application. The vacancy will remain open until June 2nd. First round of interviews will be held in week 25 (online).

Work Location(s)

Where to apply.


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  30. PhD on Circular and climate neutral pavement strategies- an assessment

    Do you want to do so with improved methods such as prospective LCA and material flow analysis? ... Major aim of the PhD position is to develop a framework to assess the environmental footprints of circular roads building on prospective life cycle assessment and material flow analysis, and to apply this framework to assess contributions to ...