things to say on a wedding speech

26 Wedding Speech Examples: Crafting Your Unforgettable Speech

Wedding speech.

September 6, 2024

Wedding Speech Examples

  • Founder of Bridesmaid for Hire
  • Creator of the #1 Speech & Vow Writing Tools
  • Author of Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire)
  • Creator of 1-800-Bridesmaid

Hi! I'm Jen Glantz

Hi, Friend!   Jen Glantz here. I’m a bestselling author, the first ever bridesmaid for hire and have written over 1000 wedding speeches for people all around the world! Let’s dive into some wedding speech examples to get you inspired for your own!

Welcome to the ultimate guide for crafting the perfect wedding speech! We’ve got you covered with 26 wedding speech examples that’ll have everyone raising their glasses. From heartfelt anecdotes to clever quips, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to deliver a toast that’ll be remembered long after the last dance.

Btw, check out this if you’re looking for a guide on how to write a wedding speech .

Use these additonal resources:

  • Our #1 Wedding Speech Generator
  • A Complete Wedding Speech Guide
  • A list of Wedding Speech Jokes

TL;DR: Key Takeaways for Memorable Wedding Speeches

  • Tailor your speech to the couple and the audience
  • Balance humor with sincerity
  • Keep it concise (3-5 minutes is ideal)
  • Practice your delivery
  • Include personal anecdotes and specific memories
  • Be mindful of cultural sensitivities
  • Consider incorporating multimedia elements
  • Express gratitude and well-wishes
  • Don’t be afraid to show emotion
  • End with a heartfelt toast

Table of Contents

The Importance of a Wedding speech

A wedding speech is a cherished tradition that allows loved ones to express their joy, share meaningful memories, and offer heartfelt wishes to the newlyweds, creating a lasting emotional impact on the couple and guests alike. Beyond its sentimental value, a well-crafted wedding speech has the power to set the tone for the celebration, bringing laughter, tears, and a sense of unity to the gathering, while also providing a beautiful keepsake for the couple to treasure for years to come.

Purpose and Audience

Giving a wedding speech can be scarier than walking down the aisle in six-inch heels. But here’s the secret sauce: know your purpose and your audience. Are you the best man trying to roast the groom without making his new in-laws faint? Or the maid of honor aiming to make everyone cry (in a good way, of course)? Your role sets the tone. And as for the audience, read the room! If Aunt Edna’s pearl-clutching at your mildest joke, maybe dial back the stand-up routine.

Use these resources: Our #1 Wedding Speech Generator | Wedding Speech Guide .

Structure and Content

Structure is your friend. Think of your speech like a sandwich: a tasty intro to grab attention, a meaty middle filled with juicy stories and heartfelt moments, and a satisfying conclusion that’ll leave everyone feeling warm and fuzzy. And please, don’t just Google “ funny wedding jokes ” and call it a day. Your speech should be as unique as the couple’s first dance song.

wedding speech examples

Length and Delivery

Nobody has ever complained that a wedding speech was too short. Aim for the sweet spot of 3-5 minutes. Any longer and you risk losing your audience to the siren call of the open bar. As for delivery, channel your inner Meryl Streep (or The Rock, if that’s more your style). Practice in front of a mirror, your cat, or that judgmental houseplant. And make eye contact! Nothing says “I care” like staring at your shoes for five minutes straight.

Cultural Sensitivity

If you’re at a multicultural wedding, think of yourself as a cultural diplomat in a fancy outfit. Be aware of traditions! What’s hilarious in one culture might be more offensive than pineapple on pizza in another. If you’re not sure, ask! The couple, their families, or even that know-it-all cousin who studied abroad for a semester. Better safe than sorry.


Your speech should be as unique as the couple’s love story. Ditch the generic templates and dig deep into your memory bank.

26 Wedding Speech Examples

Maid of honor wedding speech example – sentimental.

Emma, my incredible best friend and beautiful bride. When we first met in high school, bonding over our shared love of terrible rom-coms and even worse dance moves, I never imagined I’d be standing here today, watching you marry the love of your life. But here we are, and I couldn’t be happier.

Over the years, you’ve been my rock, my confidante, and my partner in crime. You’ve seen me through my best and worst moments, always with a kind word and a warm hug. And when you met Jake, I saw a light in your eyes that I’d never seen before. I knew he was the one for you.

Jake, you’re not just gaining a wife today, but a best friend, a fierce advocate, and a karaoke partner for life. Take care of our girl, and know that you’re getting one of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing.

Emma and Jake, may your love continue to grow, may your laughter never fade, and may your life together be as beautiful as the love you share. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, adventure, and terrible dance moves. Cheers to the happy couple!

Customize your maid of honor wedding speech now >>

Maid of Honor Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Well, folks, as Emma’s maid of honor, I’m contractually obligated to embarrass her in front of all her loved ones. Don’t worry, Emma, I’ll keep it PG-13… mostly.

First off, let’s talk about Emma’s infamous “cooking” phase in college. Did you know that she once set off the fire alarm trying to boil water? Jake, I hope you’ve got the local pizza place on speed dial. And let’s not forget the time she decided to give herself a haircut the night before a big job interview. Spoiler alert: it didn’t go well, but she got the job anyway. That’s our Emma – failing upwards with style!

But for all her questionable life choices, Emma’s made one brilliant decision today – marrying Jake. Jake, you’re getting a woman who can turn any situation into an adventure, even if that adventure involves explaining to the fire department why the smoke alarm is going off… again.

Emma, you’re my best friend, my partner in crime, and now, officially, someone else’s problem. Just kidding! Jake, take care of our girl. And remember, if she ever offers to cook you a romantic dinner, I’ve left the number for poison control under your plate. To the happy couple!

Customize maid of honor wedding speech now >>

sentimental maid of honor speech

Click here if you’re looking for 127 more maid of honor speech examples .

Wedding Vows Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental (Bride’s Perspective)

David, my love, my best friend, my soulmate. As I stand here before you, I am overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude for the journey that has led us to this moment.

From our first awkward date at that tiny coffee shop, to our late-night talks about our dreams and fears, to the day you proposed under a sky full of stars, every moment with you has been a gift. You’ve taught me the true meaning of partnership, of unconditional love, and of finding home in another person.

I vow to stand by your side through all of life’s adventures, to support your dreams as fiercely as you’ve supported mine, and to love you with every fiber of my being. I promise to be your biggest cheerleader, your trusted confidante, and your partner in all things.

I vow to face life’s challenges with you hand in hand, to celebrate our joys and weather our sorrows together. David, I give you my heart, my trust, and my future. I love you today, tomorrow, and always.

Customize your wedding vows now >>

Wedding Vows Wedding Speech Example – Humorous (Groom’s Perspective)

Jessica, my darling, my better three-quarters (let’s be honest here). I stand before you today, ready to embark on the craziest adventure of our lives – marriage.

I vow to love you unconditionally, even when you insist on watching rom-coms for the millionth time, or when you “borrow” my favorite sweatshirt and it mysteriously disappears into the black hole that is your closet.

I promise to be your partner in crime, whether we’re planning our next vacation or trying to figure out how to assemble Ikea furniture without divorcing. I vow to always kill the spiders, open the tight jar lids, and pretend to remember all the names of your cousins at family reunions.

I promise to love you through bad hair days, pizza-for-breakfast days, and “I-have-nothing-to-wear” days. Jessica, I choose you to be my wife, my best friend, and the person I’ll blame when the WiFi isn’t working. Here’s to a lifetime of laughter, love, and trying to figure out what’s for dinner. I love you, even more than I love pizza – and that’s saying something!

short wedding vows example

Need more inspriation? Here are 114 more wedding vow examples .

Best Man Wedding Speech Example  – Sentimental

John, my best friend, my brother in all but blood. Standing here today, watching you marry the love of your life, Sarah, fills me with an indescribable joy.

From our childhood adventures in your backyard treehouse to our college shenanigans and beyond, you’ve been a constant in my life, always there with a laugh, a helping hand, or a word of encouragement when I needed it most.

Sarah, from the moment John met you, I saw a change in him. He became happier, more driven, and even started doing his own laundry – a miracle if I’ve ever seen one. You bring out the best in him, and for that, I’ll be forever grateful.

To John and Sarah, may your love story continue to unfold with the same magic that brought you together. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with endless adventure. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness for two of the most deserving people I know. Cheers!

Customize your best man wedding speech now >>

Best Man Wedding Speech Example  – Humorous

Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don’t know me, I’m Mike, John’s best man and long-suffering friend. I’ve known John since we were kids, and I can honestly say that Sarah is the best thing that’s ever happened to him – apart from me, of course.

John, buddy, I never thought I’d see the day when you’d willingly commit to anything other than your fantasy football league. Yet here we are, and I couldn’t be prouder. Sarah, you truly are a saint for taking on this project of a man. I hope you know what you’re getting into – his idea of cooking is microwaving leftover pizza, and he still thinks axe body spray is an acceptable substitute for a shower.

But in all seriousness, John, you’ve been my best friend through thick and thin. From covering for me when I snuck out in high school to being my wingman at bars (albeit a terrible one), you’ve always had my back. Sarah, thank you for making my best friend the happiest I’ve ever seen him. You two are perfect together, like peanut butter and jelly, or in John’s case, like pizza and more pizza.

To the happy couple! May your love be as endless as John’s appetite and as strong as Sarah’s patience. Cheers!

best man speech example

Over here we have 75 more best man speech examples .

Wedding Officiant Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Emily and Michael, two souls brought together by love and bound by their commitment to each other.

Emily and Michael, your journey to this moment is a testament to the power of love. From your first chance encounter at a local coffee shop, to your first date where you talked until the restaurant closed, to this very moment – your love has grown, deepened, and flourished.

Today, you stand before your friends and family, ready to declare your love and commitment to one another. Marriage is a sacred bond, a promise to love, support, and cherish each other through all of life’s joys and challenges. It is a journey you embark on together, hand in hand, heart to heart.

As you exchange your vows and rings, remember that these are symbols of the unbroken circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning and no end, no giver and no receiver – for each is the giver and each is the receiver.

May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may your union be blessed with happiness, understanding, and compassion. Emily and Michael, it is my honor to officiate your wedding and to be the first to present you as a married couple.

Customize your wedding officiant wedding speech now >>

Wedding Officiant Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Friends, family, and those who got dragged here against their will, we are gathered here today to witness the voluntary imprisonment… I mean, the joyous union of Alex and Jamie.

Now, I’ve known Alex for years, and I can confidently say that Jamie is the best decision Alex has ever made. And that’s including the time Alex decided to get that “No Ragrets” tattoo – which, ironically, they immediately regretted.

Marriage, my friends, is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park, that is. It’s exciting, sometimes scary, and occasionally, you might need to outrun a T-Rex. But with the right partner by your side, even facing down prehistoric predators can be an adventure.

Alex and Jamie, as you embark on this wild journey called marriage, remember these words of wisdom: Always say “I love you,” never go to bed angry, and most importantly, agree on which way the toilet paper roll should go. Trust me, it’s the little things that count.

By the power vested in me by a surprisingly easy online ordination process, I now pronounce you married. You may now kiss your partner and seal your fate… I mean, your love. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the newly married couple! May your marriage be long, happy, and full of laughter – you’re going to need it!

Wedding officiant speech generator

If this wasn’t enough, here are another 50 wedding officiant speech examples .

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My dearest Olivia, my little girl. It seems like only yesterday I was teaching you how to ride a bike, and now here you are, radiant in white, marrying the love of your life.

As I look at you today, I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and love. You’ve grown into an incredible woman – kind, intelligent, and strong. I’ve watched you overcome challenges, achieve your dreams, and now, find a love that makes your eyes light up in a way I’ve never seen before.

Daniel, from the first time Olivia brought you home, I knew you were special. The way you look at her, the way you support her dreams, and the way you’ve become a part of our family – I couldn’t have hoped for a better partner for my daughter.

Olivia and Daniel, as you start this new chapter of your lives together, remember that love is both a gift and a responsibility. Cherish each other, support each other’s dreams, and never forget to laugh together.

To my daughter and new son-in-law, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with endless joy. I love you both. Cheers to the happy couple!

Customize your father of the bride wedding speech now >>

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don’t know me, I’m Olivia’s dad, also known as the guy who’s about to be significantly poorer after today. But hey, who needs retirement anyway?

Olivia, my darling daughter, I’ve been dreading this day since you were born – not because I’m losing you, but because I knew I’d have to make a speech in front of all these people. You couldn’t have just eloped, could you?

I still remember the day you were born. I held you in my arms and thought, “I’m going to have to pay for a wedding someday.” Well, that day has come, and let me tell you, weddings were a lot cheaper 25 years ago.

Daniel, when Olivia first brought you home, I had my doubts. But then I saw how happy you make her, and I realized something important – I can finally cancel her phone plan and car insurance.

In all seriousness, Daniel, you’re the son I never had, mainly because your mother-in-law said one kid was enough. Welcome to the family, son. Remember, our family motto is “We put the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional.”

To Olivia and Daniel, may your love be as strong as the WiFi signal you’ll fight over, and may your marriage be longer than the line for the open bar tonight. Cheers!

Father of the Bride Speeche

Check out these other 25 father of the bride speech examples .

Father of the Groom Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My son, Ethan, and my new daughter-in-law, Sophie. As I stand here today, my heart is full of joy and pride.

Ethan, from the moment you were born, you’ve been a source of endless happiness in our lives. I’ve watched you grow from a curious little boy into the remarkable man you are today. Your kindness, your integrity, and your sense of humor have always made me proud to be your father.

Sophie, from the first time Ethan brought you home, you’ve been a ray of sunshine in our family. The way you love our son, the way you’ve embraced our family as your own – we couldn’t have wished for a more wonderful addition to our family.

Ethan and Sophie, as you begin this new chapter of your lives together, remember that marriage is a partnership. It’s about supporting each other’s dreams, facing challenges together, and finding joy in the simple moments you share.

May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with countless beautiful memories. We love you both dearly. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!

Customize your father of the groom wedding speech now >>

Father of the Groom Wedding Speech Example  – Humorous

Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don’t know me, I’m Ethan’s dad. I’m the guy who taught him everything he knows – except for all the things his mother insisted I was doing wrong.

Ethan, son, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. Not because I’m particularly sentimental, but because I’ve been paying for your car insurance for far too long. Sophie, he’s your responsibility now. No takebacks!

I still remember when Ethan was a little boy, he used to say he wanted to be just like me when he grew up. Well, son, you’ve succeeded – you’re also losing your hair and marrying way out of your league.

Sophie, when Ethan first told us about you, we were thrilled. Not just because you make him happy, but because we finally had hope that someone would teach him how to properly load a dishwasher.

In all seriousness, Ethan and Sophie, you two are perfect for each other. You complement each other like peanut butter and jelly, or in Ethan’s case, like pizza and more pizza. Your mother and I couldn’t be happier to welcome you into our family, Sophie.

To the happy couple! May your love be as strong as Ethan’s Wi-Fi password and may your marriage be longer than the line at the open bar tonight. Cheers!

Father of the Groom Speech

Need more? Check these 75 father of the groom speech examples .

Mother of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My darling Sophia, my beautiful daughter. As I look at you today, resplendent in white, my heart overflows with love and pride.

From the moment I held you in my arms, I knew you were destined for greatness. I’ve watched you grow from a curious little girl into the remarkable woman you are today. Your kindness, your determination, and your infectious laughter have been a constant joy in our lives.

Thomas, from the first time Sophia brought you home, I saw the way her eyes lit up around you. You’ve brought so much happiness into her life, and by extension, into ours. Your gentleness, your humor, and the way you support Sophia in all her endeavors make you the perfect partner for our daughter.

Sophia and Thomas, as you embark on this beautiful journey together, remember that marriage is a partnership built on love, trust, and mutual respect. Support each other’s dreams, face challenges hand in hand, and never forget to find joy in the little moments you share.

May your love continue to grow deeper and stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with countless beautiful memories. We love you both dearly. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!

Customize your mother of the bride wedding speech now >>

Mother of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don’t know me, I’m Sophia’s mom. I’m the one who taught her everything she knows – except for how to pick up her clothes from the floor. Sorry about that, Thomas.

Sophia, my darling daughter, I’ve been preparing for this day since you were born. Not because I’m particularly sentimental, but because I’ve been dreaming of the day I could finally turn your bedroom into my personal yoga studio.

I still remember when Sophia was a little girl, she used to say she wanted to be just like me when she grew up. Well, sweetheart, you’ve succeeded – you’re also marrying someone who can’t load a dishwasher properly. It must be genetic.

Thomas, when Sophia first told us about you, we were thrilled. Not just because you make her happy, but because we finally had hope that someone would teach her how to cook something other than microwaved ramen.

In all seriousness, Sophia and Thomas, you two are perfect for each other. You complement each other like wine and cheese, or in Sophia’s case, like Netflix and procrastination. Thomas, we couldn’t be happier to welcome you into our family.

To the happy couple! May your love be as endless as Sophia’s shoe collection and may your marriage be stronger than the coffee you’ll need to survive her morning crankiness. Cheers!

mother of the bride example

Looking for more? Check out these 75 extra mother of the bride speech examples .

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My dear son, Nathan, and my new daughter-in-law, Emma. Today, as I watch you join your lives together, my heart is filled with an indescribable joy.

Nathan, from the moment you were born, you’ve been the light of our lives. I’ve watched you grow from a mischievous little boy into the compassionate, intelligent, and kind-hearted man you are today. Your sense of humor, your dedication, and your ability to see the best in others have always made me proud to be your mother.

Emma, from the first time Nathan introduced you to us, I knew you were special. The way you love our son, the way you’ve embraced our family as your own – we couldn’t have wished for a more wonderful addition to our family. Your kindness, your strength, and your infectious smile have brought so much joy into Nathan’s life and ours.

Nathan and Emma, as you begin this new chapter of your lives together, remember that marriage is a beautiful journey of love, understanding, and growth. Support each other’s dreams, face life’s challenges together, and always find reasons to laugh together.

May your love continue to deepen with each passing day. May your home be filled with warmth, your hearts with love, and your lives with countless happy memories. We love you both dearly. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and love!

Customize your mother of the groom wedding speech now >>

mother of the groom speech examples

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m Nathan’s mom. I’m the one who spent 18 years trying to teach him basic life skills, most of which I’m pretty sure he’s already forgotten. Emma, good luck with that.

Nathan, my darling son, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. Not because I’m eager to see you married off, but because I’m excited to finally have someone else to call when you can’t figure out how to use the washing machine.

I still remember when Nathan was a little boy, he used to say he wanted to be a superhero when he grew up. Well, son, you’ve sort of succeeded – you’re marrying Emma, and that definitely requires super-human patience.

Emma, when Nathan first told us about you, we were overjoyed. Not just because you make him happy, but because we finally had hope that someone would teach him that vegetables are not, in fact, the enemy.

In all seriousness, Nathan and Emma, you two are perfect for each other. You complement each other like peanut butter and jelly, or in Nathan’s case, like video games and “just five more minutes, Mom!” Emma, we couldn’t be happier to welcome you into our family.

To the happy couple! May your love be as strong as Nathan’s ability to sleep through multiple alarms, and may your marriage be filled with more laughter than the time Nathan tried to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving. Cheers!

Btw, here we have a lot more mother of the groom speech examples for you to explore.

Brother of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My dear sister, Olivia, and my new brother-in-law, Jack. It’s an honor to stand here today and celebrate your love.

Liv, as your big brother, I’ve had the privilege of watching you grow from an annoying little sister (sorry, but it’s true) into the amazing woman you are today. Your kindness, your determination, and your ability to light up any room have always inspired me.

I remember the day you told me about Jack. Your eyes sparkled in a way I’d never seen before, and I knew he must be someone special. Jack, from the moment you became a part of our lives, I’ve seen how happy you make my sister. Your loyalty, your sense of humor, and the way you support Olivia in all her dreams make you the perfect partner for her.

Olivia and Jack, as you start this new chapter of your lives together, remember that marriage is a partnership. It’s about supporting each other, laughing together, and facing life’s challenges hand in hand.

May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with endless adventures. I love you both. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!

Customize your brother of the bride wedding speech now >>

Brother of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don’t know me, I’m Olivia’s brother, also known as the guy who’s been protecting her from spiders and bad boyfriends for the past 28 years. Looks like I can retire from at least one of those jobs now, Jack.

Liv, my dear sister, I’ve been preparing for this speech since the day you were born. Not because I’m particularly eloquent, but because I’ve been gathering embarrassing stories about you for nearly three decades. Don’t worry, I’ll only share the PG-rated ones… maybe.

I still remember when Olivia was five, she declared she was going to marry her pet goldfish. Well, sis, I’m glad to see your taste in life partners has improved significantly. No offense to Bubbles the goldfish, may he rest in peace.

Jack, when Olivia first told us about you, we were thrilled. Not just because you make her happy, but because we finally had someone who could reach the top shelf in the kitchen. Welcome to the family, man. Your official duties include killing spiders, opening tight jars, and pretending to laugh at dad’s jokes.

In all seriousness, Olivia and Jack, you two are perfect for each other. You complement each other like coffee and donuts, or in Olivia’s case, like online shopping and buyer’s remorse.

To the happy couple! May your love be as strong as Olivia’s WiFi password and may your marriage be longer than the list of TV series she’s binge-watched. Cheers!

brother of the bride speech generator

See here for 50+ more brother of the bride speech examples .

Brother of the Groom Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My brother, Ethan, and my new sister-in-law, Madison. It’s an honor and a joy to stand here today and celebrate your love.

Ethan, as your little brother, I’ve always looked up to you. From teaching me how to ride a bike to showing me how to tie a tie, you’ve been my role model and my best friend. Your kindness, your integrity, and your ability to make everyone around you feel valued have always inspired me.

I remember the day you told me about Madison. The way your face lit up when you spoke about her, I knew she was someone special. Madison, from the moment you became a part of our lives, I’ve seen how you bring out the best in my brother. Your warmth, your intelligence, and the way you support Ethan in all his endeavors make you the perfect partner for him.

Ethan and Madison, as you embark on this new chapter of your lives together, remember that marriage is a beautiful journey of love and partnership. It’s about supporting each other’s dreams, facing challenges together, and finding joy in the simple moments you share.

May your love continue to grow deeper and stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with countless beautiful memories. I love you both. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!

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Brother of the Groom Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m Ethan’s younger, funnier, and let’s face it, better-looking brother. I’m also the reason Ethan learned how to share his toys at an early age. You’re welcome, Madison.

Ethan, my dear brother, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. Not because I’m particularly sentimental, but because I finally get to embarrass you in front of all your friends and family. It’s payback time for all those noogies and wedgies, bro.

I still remember when Ethan was ten, he swore he’d never get married because girls had “cooties.” Well, brother, I’m glad to see you’ve finally realized that cooties aren’t real. Or maybe Madison just has really good cootie repellent.

Madison, when Ethan first told us about you, we were thrilled. Not just because you make him happy, but because we finally had hope that someone would teach him that socks don’t belong on the living room floor. Welcome to the family! Your official duties include deciphering Ethan’s handwriting and explaining to him that “fine” never actually means fine.

In all seriousness, Ethan and Madison, you two are perfect for each other. You complement each other like peanut butter and jelly, or in Ethan’s case, like dad jokes and eye rolls.

To the happy couple! May your love be as strong as Ethan’s morning breath and may your marriage be filled with more laughter than the time Ethan tried to give himself a haircut. Cheers!

Brother of groom speech

Head over here for 60 other brother of the groom speech examples .

Sister of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My beloved sister, Emily, and my new brother-in-law, Alex. It’s an honor to stand here today and celebrate your love.

Em, as your big sister, I’ve had the joy of watching you grow from a feisty little girl into the incredible woman you are today. Your compassion, your strength, and your ability to find joy in the smallest things have always inspired me.

I remember the day you told me about Alex. Your eyes sparkled with a happiness I’d never seen before, and I knew he must be someone truly special. Alex, from the moment you became a part of our lives, I’ve seen how you bring out the best in my sister. Your kindness, your sense of humor, and the way you support Emily in all her dreams make you the perfect partner for her.

Emily and Alex, as you begin this new chapter of your lives together, remember that marriage is a beautiful journey of love, growth, and partnership. It’s about supporting each other, laughing together, and facing life’s adventures hand in hand.

May your love continue to deepen with each passing day. May your home be filled with warmth, your hearts with love, and your lives with endless beautiful moments. I love you both dearly. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!

Customize your sister of the bride wedding speech now >>

Sister of the Bride Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Hello everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m Emily’s sister, also known as the one who taught her everything she knows about fashion, makeup, and how to sweet-talk dad into extending her curfew. You’re welcome, Alex.

Em, my dear sister, I’ve been preparing for this speech since the day you were born. Not because I’m a great public speaker, but because I’ve been collecting embarrassing stories about you for the past 25 years. Don’t worry, I’ll only share the ones that won’t make Grandma faint.

I still remember when Emily was seven, she announced she was going to marry her favorite boy band member. Well, sis, I’m glad to see your taste in men has improved. No offense to Justin Timberlake, but I think Alex is a much better choice.

Alex, when Emily first told us about you, we were thrilled. Not just because you make her happy, but because we finally had someone who could reach the top shelf in the kitchen without a stepladder. Welcome to the family! Your official duties include killing spiders, opening tight jars, and pretending to be interested when Emily talks about her latest Netflix obsession.

In all seriousness, Emily and Alex, you two are perfect for each other. You complement each other like wine and cheese, or in Emily’s case, like online shopping and next-day delivery.

To the happy couple! May your love be as strong as Emily’s obsession with taking selfies, and may your marriage be filled with more joy than the time Emily finally learned how to parallel park. Cheers!

sister of the bride speech example

Check out these 33 other sister of the bride speech examples .

Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental

My dear brother, Michael, and my new sister-in-law, Sarah. It’s a privilege to stand here today and celebrate your love.

Mike, as your little sister, I’ve always looked up to you. From protecting me from imaginary monsters under the bed to being my confidant during tough times, you’ve been my hero and my best friend. Your kindness, your perseverance, and your ability to make everyone around you feel valued have always inspired me.

I remember the day you told me about Sarah. The way your eyes lit up when you spoke about her, I knew she was the one. Sarah, from the moment you became a part of our lives, I’ve seen how you bring out the best in my brother. Your warmth, your intelligence, and the way you support Michael in all his endeavors make you the perfect partner for him.

Michael and Sarah, as you start this new chapter of your lives together, remember that marriage is a beautiful journey of love and partnership. It’s about supporting each other’s dreams, facing challenges together, and finding joy in the simple moments you share.

May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with countless beautiful memories. I love you both. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!

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Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech Example – Humorous

Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m Michael’s sister, also known as the one who taught him everything he knows about style, cooking, and how to charm his way out of trouble. You’re welcome, Sarah.

Mike, my dear brother, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. Not because I’m particularly sentimental, but because I finally get to reveal all your secrets in front of your friends and family. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it PG… mostly.

I still remember when Michael was eight, he declared he’d never get married because it would interfere with his career as a professional video game player. Well, bro, I’m glad to see you’ve finally realized that there’s more to life than beating your high score. Although, Sarah, I should warn you – he still gets pretty excited about new game releases.

Sarah, when Michael first told us about you, we were thrilled. Not just because you make him happy, but because we finally had hope that someone would teach him that the laundry basket is not, in fact, an optional piece of furniture. Welcome to the family! Your official duties include deciphering Michael’s grocery lists and explaining to him that “I’m fine” never actually means fine.

In all seriousness, Michael and Sarah, you two are perfect for each other. You complement each other like coffee and donuts, or in Michael’s case, like dad jokes and eye rolls.

To the happy couple! May your love be as strong as Michael’s ability to fall asleep anywhere, anytime, and may your marriage be filled with more laughter than the time Michael tried to assemble IKEA furniture without reading the instructions. Cheers!

sister of the groom

Not enough inspiration? Here are 37 more sister of the groom speech examples . I’m sure you’ll find something there.

Joint Wedding Speech Examples

Joint wedding speeches are a relatively new trend, but according to speechy the have become more popular in the recent years.

So I thought, why not include some examples.

Joint Wedding Speech Example – Sentimental (Best Man and Maid of Honor)

Best Man (James): Good evening, everyone. I’m James, the best man, and standing beside me is the maid of honor, Emily. We’ve known Alex and Sarah since college, and we’re honored to share this special day with them.

Maid of Honor (Emily): When James and I were asked to give a joint speech, we immediately agreed. After all, who better to talk about the bride and groom than their best friends who’ve been there through it all?

James: I’ve known Alex since our freshman year when we were roommates. From day one, I knew he was someone special – kind, loyal, and always up for an adventure.

Emily: And I met Sarah in our first psychology class. Her infectious laugh and compassionate nature made us instant friends.

James: I remember the day Alex met Sarah. He came back to our dorm with this goofy grin on his face, talking about this amazing girl he’d just met.

Emily: Sarah called me that same night, gushing about the cute guy she’d bumped into at the campus coffee shop. Little did they know that their chance encounter would lead to this beautiful day.

James: Over the years, we’ve watched Alex and Sarah’s love grow. They’ve supported each other through tough exams, celebrated each other’s victories, and built a relationship based on trust, respect, and genuine friendship.

Emily: Sarah, you’ve been my rock through so many life events. Your strength and kindness never cease to amaze me. Alex, thank you for loving our girl so completely and for being such a wonderful addition to our friend group.

James: Alex, you’ve been more than a best friend to me – you’re the brother I never had. Sarah, thank you for making my best friend happier than I’ve ever seen him.

Emily: As we stand here today, we’re not just celebrating a wedding. We’re celebrating the union of two incredible individuals who make each other better every single day.

James: To Alex and Sarah, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing year. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with love, and your lives with endless adventures.

Emily: May you always find comfort in each other’s arms, strength in each other’s support, and joy in each other’s smile.

James and Emily (together): To Alex and Sarah – our dear friends, and now, husband and wife. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Cheers!

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Joint Wedding Speech Example – Humorous (Father of the Bride and Father of the Groom)

Father of the Bride (Tom): Good evening, everyone. I’m Tom, Jessica’s dad, and this distinguished gentleman beside me is Bob, Ryan’s father. We’ve been asked to give a joint speech tonight, which is fitting because we’ve been joining forces for years now to keep these two out of trouble.

Father of the Groom (Bob): That’s right, Tom. When our kids first started dating, we thought we’d finally get a break. Little did we know we were just trading one set of headaches for another.

Tom: I remember the day Jessica told us about Ryan. I was thrilled – not just because he made her happy, but because I finally had someone else to blame for the dents in my car.

Bob: And when Ryan introduced us to Jessica, I was ecstatic. I thought, “Finally, someone who might be able to teach my son that socks don’t belong on the coffee table.”

Tom: Over the years, we’ve watched Jessica and Ryan’s relationship grow. They’ve supported each other through thick and thin, good times and bad, and countless pizza deliveries.

Bob: Ryan has always been an, let’s say, “interesting” kid. When he was five, he wanted to be a dinosaur when he grew up. Jessica, I’m glad you’ve managed to slightly adjust his career goals.

Tom: And Jessica, well, she’s always been our little princess. Ryan, I hope you know that “princess” is just a fancy word for “someone who always gets their way.” Good luck with that, son.

Bob: But in all seriousness, we couldn’t be happier to see these two tying the knot. They complement each other perfectly, like peanut butter and jelly, or in their case, like Netflix and procrastination.

Tom: Jessica, sweetheart, you’ve made us proud in so many ways. Your kindness, your intelligence, and your ability to put up with Ryan’s jokes are truly impressive.

Bob: And Ryan, my boy, seeing the man you’ve become and the way you love Jessica fills my heart with joy. Your mother and I couldn’t be prouder.

Tom: As fathers, we’re not losing a daughter and a son today. We’re gaining…

Bob: …a whole lot of expenses. Seriously, do you two know how much grandkids cost these days?

Tom: To Jessica and Ryan, may your love be as strong as our new combined credit card debt, and may your marriage be filled with more laughter than the time Ryan tried to propose and forgot the ring.

Bob: May you always support each other’s dreams, have patience for each other’s quirks, and most importantly, may you always remember whose turn it is to do the dishes.

Tom and Bob (together): To the happy couple! May your love story be long, your arguments short, and may you always remember – we’re just a phone call away… unless you need money or babysitting. Cheers!

Joint Wedding Speech Example

Final Thoughts: Toasting to Your Success

At the heart of every great wedding speech is genuine emotion and a desire to celebrate love. Whether you’re the wise-cracking best man, the sentimental maid of honor, or the parent trying not to ugly-cry through your entire speech, your sincerity will shine through. Don’t let the pressure get to you.

Even if you stumble over a few words or your voice cracks with emotion, in ten years, the only thing people will remember is how much love was in the room. Now go forth and speak your heart out! And if all else fails, just raise your glass and say, “To love, laughter, and happily ever after!” Cheers to you, cheers to the happy couple, and cheers to love in all its beautiful, messy, wonderful forms!

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things to say on a wedding speech


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Hey! I'm Jen Glantz

I started Bridesmaid for Hire 10-years-ago after being a bridesmaid for lots of friends. I’m a nonfiction author and content creator who lives in Brooklyn with Goofy (the dog), Gemma (the baby), and Adam (the husband). I love to share: advice & tips, secrets with strangers, and pizza. I eat a lot of pizza.

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

60 Wedding Toast Quotes for Every Speech

Raise a glass and write these down.

Cristina Montemayor is a freelance writer and makeup artist whose work has appeared on HelloGiggles, Slate, Elite Daily, and Bustle.

things to say on a wedding speech

Photo by David Bastianoni

In This Article

Wedding day jitters  aren’t just for the couple. If you’ve been asked to give a  wedding toast , you may feel just as nervous on the big day as the couple getting married in anticipation of your speech. Public speaking is a nerve-wracking experience on its own, but when someone you’re extremely close to asks you to give a speech on what’s supposed to be the best day of their lives, the pressure is most certainly on. 

Unless you’re a standup comedian or an exceptionally gifted writer,  writing a wedding toast  can feel like a truly daunting task. If you can’t find the words to adequately express the emotions you felt watching these newlyweds get together, tie the knot, and eventually plan a future together, don’t sweat it—just borrow someone else’s. 

Incorporating famous  wedding toast quotes and sayings into your speech is a great trick to get the audience to laugh or tug at their heartstrings, which are both qualities of a memorable toast. Sure, you’ll also want to include a few personal anecdotes, but don’t feel the need to overdo it: The best wedding toasts are short, sweet, and make everyone in the room believe in true love.

If you’re not sure where to start with writing a wedding toast , we’re here to help. Get inspired with these 60 memorable wedding quotes for every speech. 

Classic Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "There is only one happiness in life: To love and be loved." — George Sand
  • "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." — Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • "The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time." — Julia Child
  • "Where there is love there is life." — Mahatma Gandhi
  • "The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now." — Rick Warren
  • "A  happy marriage  is a long conversation which always seems too short." — Andre Maurois
  • "There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage." — Martin Luther
  • "Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." — Oscar Wilde
  • "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." — Audrey Hepburn
  • "When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." — The Alchemist
  • "You don't marry the person you can live with—you marry the person you can't live without." — Unknown
  • "May this marriage be full of laughter, our every day in paradise." — Rumi

Funny Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." — Rita Rudner
  • "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards." — Benjamin Franklin
  • "Marry a man your own age; as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight." — Phyllis Diller
  • "May she share everything with her husband, including the housework." — Unknown Proverb
  • "The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgets that she took him." — Oscar Wilde
  • "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?" — Groucho Marx
  • "By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." — Socrates
  • "Getting married is like trading the adoration of many for the sarcasm of one." — Mae West
  • "Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed." — Albert Einstein
  • "My husband and I have never considered divorce ... murder sometimes, but never divorce." — Dr. Joyce Brothers
  • "Being a good husband is like being a stand-up comic. You need 10 years before you can call yourself a beginner." — Jerry Seinfeld
  • "Marriages are made in heaven. But so again, are thunder and lightning." — Clint Eastwood

Romantic Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." — Mignon McLaughlin
  • "Grow old with me. The best is yet to be, the last of life for which the first was made." — Robert Browning
  • " Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get—only with what you are expecting to give—which is everything." — Katharine Hepburn
  • "In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." — Maya Angelou
  • "Being married is like having somebody permanently in your corner. It feels limitless, not limited." — Gloria Steinem
  • "To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness." — Robert Brault
  • "Love seems the swiftest but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century." — Mark Twain
  • "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." — Romeo and Juliet
  • "You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." — Dr. Seuss

Famous Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." — When Harry Met Sally
  • "The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." — Moulin Rouge
  • "To me, you are perfect." — Love Actually
  • "It’s like at that moment the whole universe existed just to bring us together." — Serendipity
  • "Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy." — My Best Friend’s Wedding
  • "True love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another." — Wedding Crashers
  • "I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone." — The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • "It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other." — Good Will Hunting
  • "May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life. And if you must cheat, then please cheat death. Because I couldn't live a day without you." — Leap Year
  • "To love another person is to see the face of God." — Les Miserables
  • "The heart’s not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love." — Her

Religious Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "Two are better than one." — Ecclesiastes 4:9
  • "Through love serve one another." — Galatians 5:13 
  • "I found the one whom my soul loves." — Song of Solomon 3:4
  • "Follow the way of love." — I Corinthians 14:1
  • "Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away." — Song of Solomon 8:7
  • "Deep love is stronger than life." — Jewish Proverb
  • "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." — 1 John 3:18
  • "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." — Genesis 2:24
  • "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." — Corinthians 13:4-5
  • "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us." — 1 John 4:18-19
  • "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." —Corinthians 13
  • "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." —Proverbs 10:12
  • "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." — 1 Corinthians 13:13
  • "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." — Matthew 19:6
  • "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." — Romans 12:9
  • "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." —Psalm 143:8

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
  • Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips
  • currently on 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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Nail Your Bride Speech With These Tips and Templates

Bride giving speech during wedding reception.

  • Cathryn is an editor at The Knot, where she focuses on all things planning—from inspiration and design, to traditions, to invitations.
  • Before joining The Knot Worldwide, Cathryn spent years as a food editor
  • Cathryn holds a bachelor's degree from Trinity College and a certificate in publishing from Columbia University

You've reached for tissues during tear-jerker father-of-the-bride speeches and already warned your MOH to please not tell that story in her reception address , but do brides give speeches at weddings? A bride speech is not traditional or required—wedding toasts are usually reserved for the father of the bride, the best man and the maid of honor to congratulate the happy couple. But if you're a bride feeling inspired to grab the mic and shout-out your nearest and dearest (new spouse included), then we say go for it. Below, we're outlining what to say, who to thank and the best way to deliver a meaningful wedding speech , so you'll feel confident slotting yourself into the reception speech order of events. (Bonus: We've also got public speaking tips, so you won't drop the microphone—or worse, your champagne flute—with nervous, sweaty palms.)

In this article: Printable Template | How to Write | Examples | Tips | FAQs

Printable Bride Speech Template

Let this printable bride wedding speech template be your quick guide on the go. Tape it above your desk, pin it to your Pinterest board, leave it next to your computer as you search for wedding vendors for those last final touches or fold it up in your purse and look at it while waiting in line at the grocery store to keep those creative juices flowing. You'll find a deeper dive into each step in the next section.

Free, Printable Bride Speech Template, Step-by-Step Outline

How to Write a Bride Speech Step-by-Step

Follow these steps to write a wedding speech from the bride that'll cover all your bases, from the sentimental, to the silly, to the sweet. Plus, the outline—designed by Katelyn Peterson , a wedding vow and speech writer, will help you break up the task into manageable sections and fend off wedding writer's block.

1. Thank Your Guests

The first step when it comes to how to write a killer bride speech: thank your favorite people! The room is filled with loved ones who put in the time, money and effort to support you on your special day, so the first words you say should be a big, heartfelt "thank you."

2. Shout-Out Your VIPs

Your guests of honor—like parents, in-laws and grandparents—deserve extra gratitude. They're truly the folks that have stayed by your side through the ups and downs of wedding planning and life, so they should get a special callout. You can mention a specific moment of support or keep it general.

3. Share a Story About Your Spouse

This is your chance to shed some light on you and your partner's relationship. Whether it's surrounding a moment from the early stages of dating that turned into an inside joke or exemplifying a quality of theirs that is beloved by everyone in the room (generosity, sense of humor etc.), sharing a sweet anecdote about your relationship will remind everyone why they've gathered to celebrate your otherworldly love.

4. Connect the Story to Your Wedding Day

Tie the central theme of the story you choose into the present day to show how far you've come as a couple. Don't worry, you don't need to be a pro short story writer to accomplish this. Even a simple "they've kept me smiling from the day I met them all the way to walking down the aisle today" will help your speech feel cohesive and thought out.

5. Toast to Love

Ask everyone to raise their glasses and toast to love. It'll not only cover the newly minted married couple in the room (that's you, of course), but it also nods to the richness of the sentiment—because the room is also filled with the love between friends and family, new and old, all gathered to honor you.

Bride Wedding Speech Examples

Now that you've got the basic structure down, see it in action with these examples of a bride speech at a wedding. Get inspiration from these classic, short and sweet, and funny bride wedding speech examples to craft an address that feels true to you.

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Classic bride wedding speech example.

Good evening everyone and welcome! My new spouse and I would like to thank you all for being here today to make our day extra special. We'd especially like to thank both of our parents for their consistent support, generosity, and love, not only leading up to this day, but throughout our entire lives.

Northern Michigan is a special place for Charli and me. From first dates spent on the lake to family gatherings every 4th of July weekend, this very location has been the backdrop to our love story. And so it only made sense for us to get married in the same place where it all began. It brings us so much happiness and gratitude to know that the first page of this new chapter as a married couple is being written at my parent's lake house and with all of the most important people in our lives.

Here's a toast to everyone here who has been there for us in the past, who is here for us today and who we know will continue contributing to our love story through each new passing year of our marriage. We love you all. Cheers!

Funny Bride Wedding Speech Example

Just in case you didn't get the picture with the approximately 8,000 hugs I've already given out today, I'd like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart again for coming to our wedding. I'd like to give some special shout-outs to my parents and my new in-laws for always being there for us, now and throughout our lives, including fielding absurd questions such as: "but what if everyone gets lost on their way to our very-clearly-marked-on-Google-Maps ceremony venue?" with the utmost grace and patience.

I'm not sure how many of you know this story, but on Jared and I's second date, we went ice skating. At some point during our laps around the rink, his belt fell off because of a broken buckle—we didn't notice it until a gentleman came up behind us and handed it back to him by saying, "Sir, your belt." The deadpan delivery has us both in fits of laughter—and the broken belt ended up being a fun way for me to get pulled around the rink, no longer relying on my sub-par skating skills.

Illustration of two wedding cakes

Today, I look back on that moment as a metaphor for how he has since "skated" through life with me with humor, spontaneity and shared joy. And also a preview into a long legacy of loveable, questionable wardrobe choices that make him who he is. So, if you see me getting twirled around the dancefloor with a stray belt tonight, just go with it—it's part of our relationship lore.

Cheers to our love and the love that surrounds us—we're so happy you're here.

Short Bride Wedding Speech Examples

Example 1 I'd just like to say thank you all for coming today, especially to my parents and grandparents, who have been there for every milestone—big and small.

I'd also like to draw your attention to the cannoli table getting set up as we speak—it's filled with pastries from our favorite North End Italian bakery that's open until midnight (and we snacked on their cannolis at least once a week when we lived in the neighborhood). We hope they'll be a sweet way to end your evening tonight as it was for us during our dating days.

With that, cheers to how sweet love is.

Example 2 Everyone, thank you so much for coming together with us to celebrate. I'd love to give a special thanks to my brother, who, despite a twice-delayed flight from the other side of the country, made it here today.

As some of you know, we got engaged on the beach below—and I remember how windy that afternoon was. And though it didn't do wonders for our hair, those powerful gusts made us feel so present and in the moment; and later became a symbol of our steady love for each other. So, since tonight is also an especially windy evening, I hope you can reframe the less-than-ideal weather to mean that love is all around you.

Cheers to you all, we love you so much.

Bride Speech Tips

Use these quick tips to help you avoid any speech snafus during both the composition and the delivery. (Don't worry, you'll do great!)

Use the "Thank You Sandwich" Method

When it comes to how to start a bride wedding speech and how to end a bride wedding speech, you'll want to show gratitude for your guests on both ends. The opening line sets the tone, while the last line can be a creative callback to earlier moments in your address. "A callback happens when you reference something from earlier in the speech," says Peterson. For instance, let's say you shared that you and your spouse fell in love while singing the Hall of Oates' song "You Make My Dreams Come True." Then, your last line could be: "Cheers to you all for being here and helping make our dreams come true."

Don't Go Too Hard on the Jokes

There's a time and place for that embarrassing story about your partner in college (it's called the bach party), but your wedding reception is definitely not the occasion to share edgy jokes or awkward anecdotes, Peterson says. Moreover, while incorporating jokes into your bride speech can certainly make it more entertaining, don't feel pressure to make it a "Saturday Night Live" monologue. The key with bride speech jokes, Peterson says, is sprinkling them throughout in a subtle way. "This isn't a comedy act, so you don't need to try too hard," she says. "Instead, add playful tones where it feels natural and where your personality can shine."

Write Your Speech in Advance

While you're busy planning a million other details of your special day (Venue! Flowers! Dress! Cake!), it's easy to forget about writing the bride speech until the last minute. Set aside some intentional time for yourself to write your bride speech ideally a month or two, but at least a week before the wedding to avoid unnecessary stress. Peterson suggests slotting in a few 30-minute speech writing sessions into your schedule. Focus the first session on brainstorming material, then dive into writing and editing in the next couple.

Rely on Practice, Not Memorization

On your wedding day, there's going to be so much going on and emotions will be running high in the best way. The last thing you want is to worry about forgetting your speech. This is why Peterson recommends printing out your speech and bringing two extra copies on the wedding day in case one gets lost. Also, one of the biggest wedding speech mistakes you can make is not practicing. Reciting it a few times at home will do wonders to help you feel confident and allow for moments where you can look up from your paper to gaze upon your loved ones.

Use a Microphone

Make sure everyone can hear your thoughtful address by using a microphone. Yes, they're necessary no matter how small your affair is or how much you can project your voice from your theater-kid days. Pro tip: Remember to move the mic when you move your head so the sound doesn't get lost or muffled.

Bride Speech Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about what to say in a wedding speech when you're the bride? We've got answers below on the basics.

How Long Should a Bride Speech Be?

For a bride speech at the reception, the motto is the shorter, the better. Keep it between two to five minutes, max. There will likely be other speeches for the guests to listen to in the wedding line-up, so you don't want the speeches as a whole to cut into all of the other festivities too much.

Who Does the Bride Thank in Her Speech?

Time is of the essence, so you should only thank the VIP guests—such as your parents, in-laws and grandparents—in your bride speech. Peterson adds: "You can also add a sweet line about how your new spouse has supported you and what you're most excited about in your future together."

It's safe to skip thanking the wedding party and your wedding vendors during the reception (even though it can be tempting to shout-out the stellar work of your incredible vendor team). Thank your wedding party during the rehearsal dinner instead and send handwritten notes or leave a review for vendors after the wedding as a thank-you.

Bride making wedding speech

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How to Write—And Deliver—The Perfect Wedding Speech

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

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If one of your nearest and dearest is tying the knot, it’s possible you may be asked to give a speech during the wedding festivities. And while having an opportunity to share your love and memories at a major milestone event is an honor, there’s no denying that it’s a big ask—especially if public speaking isn’t your forté. A wedding speech presents a unique challenge: There’s no set formula for how the speech should play out, but it often requires sentimentality, a touch of humor, and the good sense to know when to wrap it up.

Are you a member of the wedding party that wants to (or has been asked to) give a toast at an upcoming celebration? Read ahead to learn how to write and prepare for your big moment.

Who Gives a Wedding Speech?

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First off, it’s important to make sure that the couple definitely wants you to give a toast at their celebrations. Traditionally, the maid of honor, best man, and parents of the couple will give a speech at the wedding. However, the couple should explicitly ask these guests well in advance to give a speech so they have plenty of time to prepare. They may also choose additional wedding party members to give toasts at the reception or pre-wedding parties; but if the couple has not asked you to give a speech, do not prepare one. Speeches are carefully placed into a wedding timeline so the day will stay on schedule, and an additional five minutes could cut into strategically timed moments of the celebration.

The to-be-weds also have the right to curate the day as they wish, and occasionally at a rehearsal dinner or welcome party, the couple may open the floor to additional toasts. But if this doesn’t happen, grabbing the mic unexpectedly for an off-the-cuff speech (especially after a few glasses of wine) will not be appreciated.

How to Write a Wedding Speech

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

If you are asked to give a toast, it’s important that you don’t just wing it. “First, recognize that speechwriting is a creative process,” shares Allison Shapira, founder and CEO of Global Public Speaking . “Give yourself plenty of time to be creative (i.e. not the night before, when you already have so much to stress about). Wait for your most creative time of the day, and turn off any distractions. Spend some unrushed time thinking about your relationship to the couple, and what you’d like to say.”

While there’s no exact template to follow, there is a good basic formula to adhere to. “The framework I recommend for a wedding speech is: story, message, blessing,” she shares. “Tell a heartwarming story, share the message or value behind that story, and then offer a blessing or wish for the couple based on that message.”

“Typically, we advise our speakers to try to bring the audience on a journey where you initially try to make them laugh, then get to the real depth of the speech and earn some tears, then bring the whole speech full circle with a deep insight or story about the couple that ends with a funny final punch,” shares Steven Greitzer, CEO and founder of Provenance , an AI company that specializes in helping write personalized wedding vows, ceremonies, and toasts. “It’s important to have a good balance of humor and sentimentality because, if it’s a full roast, it can feel like you’re just doing a standup comedy show for your own benefit and it could lack substance. Or, if it’s too overly emotional, it can get heavy and perhaps a bit too somber for a wedding celebration.”

When choosing a story, Shapira recommends reading the room. “It should obviously be good-natured, without making anyone look bad. And, it all depends on the family dynamics,” she says. “What one family considers good-natured, another family could consider scathing. Choose someone in the audience whom you think could give you some helpful feedback, and practice the speech with them in advance.”

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

Greitzer adds that it's important that both members of the couple are highlighted in the speech. “Great anecdotes showcase who each person was before meeting, their synergy together, and their individual and collective growth,” he shares. If you don’t know one member of the couple very well, don’t be afraid to get creative. “One of the best speeches I’ve seen was from a bridesmaid who hadn’t really been able to spend too much time with her best friend’s fiance because of the pandemic,” Greitzer shares. “She creatively read texts she found in her phone that gave her a hilarious timeline of her friend falling in love.”

If you’re still not sure where to begin, consider giving an AI platform a try to help you form your toast. “The Provenance tools guide speakers to create unique, and personal ceremonies, vows, and toasts without the stress. It’s a partner in your brainstorming process; a way to help you verbalize what you were trying to say—but faster,” explains Greitzer. “Instead of being some outdated, mad-libs-style template, the expert-curated prompts inspire special stories and insights, ultimately weaving your responses together into a custom, editable first draft.”

A final writing tip from Shapira? “I definitely recommend creating an outline but do not recommend writing the speech out word for word. When we script the entire speech, it sounds too formal,” says the public speaking expert. “I recommend first brainstorming the content, rearranging it into a logical structure, then drafting a general outline which you can bring with you to the event. While it may look better to simply give the speech ‘from the heart,’ the stress involved in trying to memorize your speech is simply not worth it.”

How to Deliver a Wedding Speech

Writing a wedding speech is half the battle—next comes your performance. It’s important that your toast has a good flow, feels natural, and doesn’t drag on. Here’s where the idiom “practice makes perfect” rings true. Shapira advises giving yourself a few weeks of rehearsal to make your speech feel authentic and fluid. Her recommendations? “Read your speech out loud and make sure it stays within the time you have allotted. Read it to someone else and get their feedback. Record it and watch it back. We use a tool called AMPLIFY to get AI-based feedback.” She adds, “Don’t memorize the speech, but do read it out loud and make sure it sounds like your voice.”

The ideal length of a toast is between two to four minutes, which translates to around 500 to 1000 words on a page. Still, Greitzer notes, “The perfect length for the wedding toast complies with whatever length the couple wants it to be. Many guests don’t realize that long speeches can impact the whole evening’s timeline and affect the caterer, DJ, and so much more.”

This image may contain Human Person Electronics Phone Mobile Phone Cell Phone Dance Pose and Leisure Activities

While it’s now common to see toasts being read off a phone, both experts agree that it’s much better to print out your speech. “Reading off of a phone comes with the risk of distractions from notifications, a weird backlight that can affect the color of your face in photos, finicky technical difficulties, and having that annoying sound interference with the mic,” says Greitzer. (You also should make sure your speech is legible with a large font and wide spacing so you can easily find your place.)

The final hurdle of giving a wedding toast is getting over your nerves. “Find a quiet place right beforehand to center yourself (perhaps the bathroom or a corner of the room), pause and breathe, and remind yourself why you care about the couple,” recommends Shapira. She also adds—perhaps unsurprisingly—that it’s best to hold back on alcohol consumption ahead of the toast. “No one expects a perfect or professional speech; they want a unique, authentic message. The speech isn’t about you—it’s about the couple. Once you reframe the fact that the center of attention isn’t on you, you can relax.”

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

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things to say on a wedding speech

How to Write a Great Wedding Speech


Being asked to deliver a wedding speech can feel equal parts humbling and terrifying! Not only is there the daunting thought of speaking in front of a crowd, there’s also the overwhelming task of writing a memorable speech that ticks all the right boxes, from humorous to heartfelt. No pressure, right?!

If you’re currently trying to prepare for your wedding speech duties but feeling stuck with writer’s block, we’re here to help. From etiquette tips to wording examples, keep reading for our top tips on writing an epic wedding speech that leaves a lasting impression.


How to Write a Great Wedding Speech: Etiquette Tips

Before you sit down to craft your speech, take a moment to think first about the bigger picture. Whether you’re a bridesmaid, best man or sibling, there are a few etiquette guidelines you should keep in mind to ensure your speech is memorable for all the right reasons. We’ve rounded up the most important “unspoken rules” for a wedding toast below:

  • A great wedding speech strikes the perfect balance between sentimental and light-hearted. If your speech is overly sentimental and gushy, it might feel uncomfortable amongst a large crowd. On the flipside, if it’s too light-hearted and silly, it might come across as disrespectful or insincere. A 50:50 ratio will ensure your speech hits the mark!
  • The sweet spot for any wedding speech is generally between 2-5 minutes. This is the perfect amount of time to deliver a meaningful speech without losing the interest of guests or impacting the reception timeline.
  • While funny anecdotes are a great way to personalise your speech, steer clear of any embarrassing stories (or mentions of ex-partners!) that could make anyone feel uncomfortable. Keep it clean!
  • On that note – some gentle teasing is completely fine if that suits your relationship with the couple, but don’t paint anyone in an unflattering light. Playful humour should only be used if you’re 150% sure it will be well-received! 
  • Don’t copy a speech you found online word-for-word. Templates are a helpful starting point for ideas and inspiration, but the best wedding speeches are always personalised to reflect your relationship with the couple. 
  • Make sure your speech is directed at both of the newlyweds. Even though you’ll probably have a closer relationship with one half of the couple, it’s important to address both parties instead of delivering a one-sided speech. This is their big day, after all!


Gather Your Material

Now that the etiquette guidelines have been set, it’s time to start crafting your speech! Staring at a blank page can be seriously intimidating, so we recommend taking the pressure off and using a brainstorming session to get those creative juices flowing instead.

Grab a notebook and pen and take a trip down memory lane with these helpful prompts below:

  • What are your favourite qualities and personality traits of the bride/groom?
  • What are some examples of those traits in action?
  • How did you meet both halves of the couple?
  • What was your first impression of them, and how has this evolved?
  • What are your favourite memories and experiences together?
  • What do you admire about their relationship?
  • What makes them such a great match?
  • What do you hope for them in the future?

You might find it helpful to look back on old photos or even chat amongst other close friends and family members for further inspiration. Brainstorming your way through these prompts will give you the bones of a memorable, fun and personal speech, with plenty of material to work with.


Structuring Your Speech

Now for the fun part – pulling your speech together! A great wedding speech will usually include the following key elements. You can use these elements as a simple outline to build your speech around:

  • Introduction

Words of thanks

Personal anecdotes

Praise for the relationship


Open your speech by introducing yourself and your relationship to the couple. Your opening line could be as simple as:

“Hi everybody! For those who don’t know me, I’m (name), and I’m (bride/groom name)’s (sister/best man/maid of honour/etc).”

If you’re going for a more humorous approach, you could follow your introduction by cracking a joke to break the ice, such as:

“Just a couple of rules before we begin. If you have a mobile phone – that’s fine, leave it switched on, entertain yourselves. And if anyone texts you any good jokes, could you send them my way?”

“When I first sat down and started reflecting on what I wanted to say here tonight, I kept thinking to myself, ‘I can’t believe (name) is getting married in less than an hour.”

Welcoming guests and sharing some words of appreciation is always a nice touch, especially if the couple isn’t planning on making their own speech. You might want to include a special thanks to guests who have travelled, or for those who have helped with the wedding planning. For example:

“I’d like to thank you all for being here today to celebrate the marriage of (name) to (name), especially for those who have travelled far and wide. I’d also like to thank everyone who has helped in the lead up to the wedding in whatever way possible, big or small – you’ve all played a part to make the day special.”

This is the heart and soul of your speech! Look back on your brainstorming session and pick out some of your favourite memories as you begin to address the couple more personally. You might want to kick things off by talking about your relationship with the person you’re closest to, before sharing a fun anecdote or highlighting their best qualities. For example:

“I’ve known (name) all my life – we’ve laughed together, cried together, and watched way too many episodes of Friends together. I’ll never forget the time we (insert a funny anecdote or favourite memory)”

“I’ve had the privilege of growing up with (name), and so I couldn’t go past this opportunity to share some of my favourite memories of them. We’ve certainly shared some interesting moments – from the time we (insert a funny anecdote), to the time we (insert a favourite memory)”

“For those who know (name) well, I think we can all agree that one of her best qualities is her spontaneous nature. This was definitely highlighted when we (insert a funny anecdote or two).”

Next, you’ll want to expand on your relationship with their partner. For example:

“When (name) introduced me to (name), I had a good feeling about him immediately. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited for my (sister/friend/etc) – he’s funny, kind, intelligent, and most importantly – shares our family’s love for bad jokes and boardgames”

“I remember when (name) returned from his first date with (name). I’m not joking when I say he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face for the next 3 days! And when I met (name) a few weeks later, it all made sense. (Name), you’re an absolute catch, and one of the sweetest people I know. Thank you for being such an amazing partner to my best mate”

“I’ve known (name) for a long time, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen him as happy as he’s been since knowing (name). (Name), you have such a big heart and you truly light up a room. You’ve fit so perfectly into our family and we couldn’t imagine our lives without you in it!”


Next, share some praise for the couple and what you admire about their relationship. This is where you’ll want to bring it back to what this day is all about! For example:

“I think everyone here will agree that you two are a perfect match. From the way (name) supports (name)’s online shopping addiction, to your shared love of dogs and the crazy adventures you take together, I’m so happy that you’ve each found your soulmate and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you.”

“I’ve been lucky enough to watch your relationship grow from the very beginning, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen two people so in love. The way you support each other and experience life together is beautiful to witness, and I just know that your marriage will be filled with passion, happiness and adventure”

End your speech by asking guests to raise their glasses for a toast. This is a great time to include a meaningful quote, words of marriage advice, or wishes for the future. For example:

“So with that being said, I’d like to invite everyone to raise their glasses and toast the newlyweds as they embark on this exciting journey together. Here’s to the happy couple – we love you guys!”

“If everyone could please raise their glasses for the newlyweds – I’d like to wish you both a lifetime of love, happiness, romance and adventure together. Cheers!”

“As you embark on this new chapter together, I wanted to leave you with a quote: A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Ladies and gents, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the newlyweds – cheers!”


Nailing Your Wedding Speech

Once you’ve crafted your wedding speech, remember: practice makes perfect, so alleviate those public speaking nerves by rehearsing your speech until you feel confident and comfortable with the material. Notecards are a great resource to keep you on track, but try not to rely on them – it’s okay not to follow your script word for word. Instead, allow yourself to be swept up in the moment and enjoy the experience!

While it might seem scary, being asked to deliver a wedding speech is actually an honour and shows just how much the newlyweds value your relationship. Simply follow our pointers above, and you’ll be sure to bring down the house with a memorable speech written from the heart.

Looking for more wedding guest tips? Check out our guide on exactly what to write in a wedding card here !

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Wedding Toast Examples

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Perfect Short Wedding Speech Examples To Guide You

Natalia Bayeva


Wedding speeches are a long-time tradition of weddings. And, if you have an important role at a wedding, such as best man, father of the bride or maid of honor, you would be expected to give a speech. While the thought of giving a speech might be nerve-wracking, it might comfort you to know that the best speeches are short and sweet. So, don’t feel any stress or pressure, because short wedding speeches are not only the best, they are easy to deliver.


For your inspiration, we’ve put together a guide as well as some short wedding speeches examples to help you on your way to give the best wedding speech.

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Short Wedding Speeches Examples

Bride’s wedding speech.

“ Hello, everyone! Thanks for sharing this special day with us. A big shoutout to my amazing parents for making my dream wedding a reality. To my incredible groom (name), your joy fills my heart every day. I’m beyond grateful to have you as my husband, and today marks the start of countless joyous celebrations together. Cheers to love and a lifetime of happiness!”

Groom’s Wedding Speech

There are many ways to give groom short wedding speeches. Use this example as a guide to inspire you when writing your own.

“Hello, everyone! Thank you for celebrating this special day with us. A big thanks to our parents for making today possible. Today is beyond special, and we’re overflowing with gratitude. To my love, you’ve been my rock and best friend. Thank you for accepting me, flaws and all. I promise to be there for you always and to love you forever. Cheers to a lifetime of love and joy together!”

Father’s of the Bride Wedding Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this special day. As (bride’s name)’s father, I’m overjoyed and grateful. Today, we gain a son and a supportive family. Thanks for making our dreams come true. I’m confident that (name of groom) will bring endless happiness to my daughter. Here’s to love, security, and many more joyous days ahead! Cheers!”

Father’s of the Groom Wedding Speech

“Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us. I am the happiest man today welcoming a new daughter into my family. Also, I am grateful to her family as well for being the best in-laws ever and supporting us in putting all of this together. I could not have asked for a better day for them, and all I can say is that I wish them the best. To you both, may this day be the beginning of a long and fruitful journey together. My wife and I love you both. Once again, thank you all. Cheers.

Wedding speech for mother of the bride

“Hello everyone. Thank you all for being here. My heart is full today, as you all must know. Watching my daughter take this important step in her life has made me very happy. We are all so happy to support them both in starting this new chapter in their lives. I have dreamed of this day so much; I am grateful to finally be able to see it. (Groom’s name) has been an excellent son-in-law and I am beyond happy to welcome him into our family. I am extremely proud of my daughter and happy to give her to someone who loves her just as much as we do. As we celebrate with you two today, may the sounds of celebration never leave you. All our love.”

Wedding speech for the mother of the groom

Another one of our short simple wedding speeches examples for the mother of the groom.

“Warm greetings to you all. I appreciate the time that you have taken to join us in celebrating (bride and groom). From the day my son introduced me to (name of bride), I have grown to love her as my own daughter, and it has been a joy to watch them grow in love with each other. I used to have a lot of anxiety about my son’s relationships in the past, but when I met (bride), I knew that he had met his match. I am happy to celebrate you both today in not just your union, but the union of our families too. Much love to you both. Cheers everyone!”

Best Man Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please. Today, I stand beside an extraordinary couple, [Couple’s Names], on their special day. To [Bride’s Name], you look absolutely stunning, and [Groom’s Name], well, you clean up pretty well too! Here’s to a lifetime of laughter, love, and countless adventures. May your journey together be as incredible as this celebration. Cheers!”

Maid Of Honor Speech

Ladies and gents, let’s talk about the dazzling duo we’re celebrating today, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. To my gorgeous bestie, you’ve found your lobster! And to the lucky guy who snagged her, good luck – you’re stuck with us now! Here’s to a love that’s as endless as the dance floor tonight. Cheers to the newlyweds!

Looking for the ideal wedding speech? Check out the exceptional work of Wedding Speech Guru , a specialist in crafting heartfelt and memorable speeches that capture the essence of love and joy for your special day.

One-Line Wedding Speech Examples

Crafting the perfect wedding speech is an art. Here are five examples that blend sentiment, humor, and celebration for your inspiration.

Today, we not only witness the union of [Couple’s Names] but also the merging of two hearts that beat as one. Here’s to a love story that transcends time and space.
As I stand before this extraordinary couple, I can’t help but marvel at the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Today, we celebrate not just a wedding but a promise of forever.
In the grand storybook of love, [Couple’s Names] have written a chapter filled with laughter, tears, and endless love. Here’s to turning the page to a beautiful new beginning.
To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your marriage be the masterpiece of a lifetime, painted with strokes of joy, understanding, and boundless love.
As witnesses to the love between [Couple’s Names], let us raise our glasses to a journey that begins today and unfolds into a lifetime of shared dreams and cherished moments.

A toast to love and laughter—here are five heartfelt expressions for raising your glass to the happy couple.

To the couple, may your love be as timeless as the vows you share today and as joyous as the celebration we’re all a part of!
Here’s to love, laughter, and a happily ever after for [Couple’s Names]. May every day be an adventure filled with shared dreams and endless love!
To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your journey together be as sweet as the cake we’re about to devour! Cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!
Let’s raise our glasses to [Couple’s Names], whose love story is as enchanting as today’s setting sun. May your love glow brighter with each passing day!
A toast to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your marriage be as perfect as today’s weather, and your happiness as everlasting as the memories we’re creating!

How To Write a Short Wedding Speech

With this guide, you can create short and sweet wedding speeches that will just flow organically. Write a killer speech that would be easy to read and will convey your love for the couple perfectly.

  • Remember who is in the audience: Whether you are giving short wedding speeches as the best man or groom, it is important to keep your audience in mind. Introduce yourself and acknowledge them. Focusing on the audience and engaging them will help you speak from the heart.
  • Avoid alcohol: While getting some liquid courage can be tempting, it is best to lay off the alcohol until after your speech. Alcohol could turn short funny wedding speeches into something long and nonsensical. This is because you might slur or forget your words under the influence, and this is something you absolutely do not want.
  • Use note cards: Although you are not encouraged to read out your short wedding rehearsal dinner speech completely, note cards are encouraged. With these cues, you can glance at your notes from time to time to help you remember your lines and keep you on track. The audience might not even notice, and your speech would be better for it.
  • Structure your story: Structure your speech in a way that focuses on the bride and groom. Fine one, two or three points about them that you can elaborate upon and stories in which they are the hero. This will keep your message in the right direction, and you can be sure to end on a positive note.

In the next part, we have a list of some of the best short wedding speeches that can help inspire you to write your own.

Example of a Short Wedding Toast

“Cheers to [Couple’s Names]! May your days be filled with love, laughter, and countless joyous moments. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness together!”

How to Make a Short and Sweet Wedding Speech

Focus on key points like expressing happiness for the couple, sharing a brief anecdote, and offering a toast. Keep it concise, heartfelt, and light-hearted for impact.

Is a 1 Minute Wedding Speech Too Short?

No, a 1-minute wedding speech can be perfect. A concise speech ensures guests stay engaged and leaves a lasting impression. Focus on the essentials – expressing joy, sharing a quick story, and toasting the couple.

Not many people are trained public speakers, but it is hard to go wrong with short wedding speeches. Allow these tips and examples to guide you in making the best wedding speeches ever.

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    What Do You Say in a Wedding Speech? The time has come to write a great wedding speech. You go to put your pen to paper — only to realize you are totally unsure of what's most important to say. Here, you'll get advice on how to deliver a great speech that holds meaning, plus tips on what not to say.

  4. 17 Unique Wedding Speech Ideas to Leave Your To-Be-Weds Amazed

    With examples to recreate, get inspired by our favorite wedding speech ideas that span from unique to cool, hand-selected by our Gen Z editor.

  5. Wedding Speeches: How To Write, Free Samples + Etiquette Tips

    Looking for wedding speeches inspiration? Take a look at our ultimate guide to wedding speeches: all the tips, examples, and things to avoid.

  6. 60 Wedding Toast Quotes for Every Speech - Brides

    Incorporating famous wedding toast quotes and sayings into your speech is a great trick to get the audience to laugh or tug at their heartstrings, which are both qualities of a memorable toast...

  7. How to Write Your Bride Speech With Examples & Tips - The Knot

    Follow these steps to write a wedding speech from the bride that'll cover all your bases, from the sentimental, to the silly, to the sweet. Plus, the outline—designed by Katelyn Peterson, a wedding vow and speech writer, will help you break up the task into manageable sections and fend off wedding writer's block. 1. Thank Your Guests

  8. How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech | Vogue

    Whether you’re the father of the bride, best man, or maid of honor, learn how to write—and deliver—a perfect wedding toast.

  9. How to Write a Great Wedding Speech - WedSites Blog

    If you’re currently trying to prepare for your wedding speech duties but feeling stuck with writer’s block, we’re here to help. From etiquette tips to wording examples, keep reading for our top tips on writing an epic wedding speech that leaves a lasting impression.

  10. Short Wedding Speeches: Tips and Examples That Will Inspire You

    Hello, everyone! Thank you for celebrating this special day with us. A big thanks to our parents for making today possible. Today is beyond special, and we’re overflowing with gratitude. To my love, you’ve been my rock and best friend. Thank you for accepting me, flaws and all.