Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB 4 Kelas 12 Tentang Do You Know How to Apply for a Job

contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda – Berikut adalah Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB 4 Kelas 12 Tentang Do You Know How to Apply for a Job yang terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan ganda. Dengan adanya soal latihan ini semoga bisa sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan latihan sebelum menghadapi ujian.

1. What is the definition of application letter? a. A formal letter that is typically written to apply for a job * b. A formal letter to show your strength and weaknesses c. A letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. d. A type of letter written to address any type wrong doing, offence, grievance, resentment arising out of a product, service etc. e. A letter written to publicise and ultimately sell a product or a service to the consumers

2. The parts of an application letter are.. a. Sender’s address, date, addressee, salutation, body of letter, complimentary closing, signature & full name * b. Sender’s address, date, addressee, complimentary closing, body of letter, closing, signature & full name c. Sender’s address, addressee, date, salutation, body of letter, complimentary closing, signature & full name d. Sender’s address, addressee, date, salutation, body of letter, complimentary closing, signature & full name e. Addressee, sender’s address, date, salutation, body of letter, complimentary closing, signature & full name

3. The applicant should do the following after the interview session, except.. a. Contact the company to find out the result b. Ask for feedback c. Ask the company what we need to do when we start the job d. Resend the application letter to the same company * e. Send a thank you note showing you are grateful for the opportunity

4. What is the purpose of writing the letter? a. To managing a team of work b. To explain about qualification c. To considered d. To apply for a job position * e. To describe some job

5. What is the indication of part 6 about the application letter? a. Greeting b. Opening paragraph c. Middle paragraph d. The Address of the company e. Closing paragraph *

6. Don’t forget to attach your … in your application letter and don’t forget to include all the trainings that you have attended. a. Appear b. Qualification c. Resume/CV * d. Strength e. Be suited

7. “Interested candidate, please bring your CV and …”. The underlined word has the same meaning with.. a. Correspondence b. Applicant * c. Owner d. Worker e. Leader

8. A person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop, bank, restaurant is.. a. Retired b. Owner c. Cashier * d. Surgeon e. Bank clerk

9. Where do you find the information of the job vacancy? a. Encyclopedia book b. Story book c. Newspaper * d. Article book e. Journal net

10. What should you do firstly to apply the job? a. Writing essay b. Writing short story c. Writing letter d. Writing application letter * e. Writing sad letter

BACA JUGA : Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB 3 Kelas 12 Tentang Creating Captions

11. Job vacancy in Indonesia.. a. Melamar kerja b. Lowongan kerja * c. Kerja full time d. Pekerjaan didambakan e. Mengirim pekerjaan

12. What will you attach in application letter? a. Money b. Papers c. Message d. Curriculum vitae * e. News information

13. Aliya has just graduated from the University. She has left her internship and looks for the new place to gain experience. With her Bachelor degree, she wants to get both quite good money and field-meaningful skill for her future job. First thing first, these are things she can do as a starter, except..

a. Find some job ads in Then have some eyes on both interesting and challenging career b. Create an interesting CV and then compose a meaningful yet brief job application letter which makes any company would love to read to c. Connect with everyone you know, because you never know which contact may be able to help you with your job search or put you in touch with someone who can d. Create profiles on LinkedIn and other networking sites which portrays you in a professional light will provide recruiters with a strong positive impression e. Accept the job just because it was offered to you, but do carefully evaluate it and if you decline, do so politely *

14. Aliya doesn’t know what job application letter is. Can you find the definition of it to help her make one.. a. It is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experience to an employer *

b. It is a document used to list one’s qualifications and apply for employment which works in much the same way as a resume c. It is a magazine or thin book with pictures that gives you information about a product or service d. It is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product e. It is a type of informal letter concerning personal matters sent from one individual to another

15. Aliya has graduated with the title of S. Psi (Bachelor of Psychology in Indonesia). She now thinks to work to be as follows, except..

a. A medical doctor * b. A human resources development staff c. A marketing manager d. A counselor e. A rehabilitation specialist

16. Aliya has less confident due to her average GPA. She has lots of competitors with quite impressive GPA. She remembers that she has two internships during her study. What should she do to make her confidence tops others..

a. She had better ask for a recommendation letter for her magnificent work during the internships * b. She should take a Master degree to improve her GPA into at least 3.8 c. She ought to find a lower grade company to lessen the competitors d. She has to prepare some money to bribe the Human Resources Development manager e. She needs to rethink about being an employee

17. Aliya has finally got a call for her application letter. These are things she needs to prepare for her first interview, except..

a. Choose your outfit! Make sure it is cleaned and pressed and you have the appropriate accessories and shoes to go with it b. Practice greeting your interviewer with friendly smile and firm handshake c. Study your resume and know everything about it.They may pick things out from it and ask you to elaborate d. Research and find out or see one of my other articles. You’ll want to have your answers ready and practice them e. Ask trivia questions only to get the interviewer’s attention *

18. During the interview, Aliya was asked, “Hi, Aliya? How do you do?” The best response for the question above is..

a. Hi, Sir/ Mam? How are you doing? Great? I am so happy to finally have you in the interview b. Hello? How do you do, Sir/Mam? * c. Hello, there? I am in a great mood to be interviewed today. Thank you. d. Hi! I am good e. Hello? So, I am happy for this interview today. Can I tell you more how I feel today?

19. In the second question, the interviewer asked Aliya. “Why would you like to work for our organisation? Why should we employ you?” The best response for the question above is..

a. I firmly disbelieve in taking a personal approach to each project so I knew I had to apply b. Giving back and volunteering is a significant part of my own personal values without being paid c. I’ve read employee testimonials and heard of your enthusiasm for discouraging employee growth through no training at all d. I have a friend telling that the management supports continuing education and learning on the job while rewarding hard work * e. No one correct

20. “What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?” Aliya’s best response is..

a. My strength is my flexibility to handle change. I was able to turn around a negative working environment and develop a very supportive team b. I can be too critical of myself. I often feel I could have done more, even if objectively, I’ve done well c. I’m naturally shy. Now, in group settings, I always start conversations with the quieter folks d. I default to believing that I can solve any problem on my own. I did a lot of self-reflection afterward e. I’m not familiar with the latest version of software. However, I believe that my greatest strength is my writing skills *

BACA JUGA : Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB 2 Kelas 12 Tentang Why Don’t You Visit Seattle

21. In the last question, the interviewer asked Aliya, “How do you feel about working as part of a team?”, and Aliya response is..

a. I believe that I have a lot to contribute to a team. I love to help resolve group issues through research and communication * b. I’ve found that the best engineers are the ones who can work as a team My mentor at my last job taught me valuable communication skills c. I prefer contributing different perspectives. The synergy between team members can’t surely produce creative and productive results d. I’ve participated on sports teams. This has really helped me in my professional life, since I know how to be competitive e. I will try even if I have to

22. Dear sir, This expression is used for.. a. Salutation/greeting * b. Opening c. Closing d. Body e. Weaknesses

23. Sincerely, This part of the letter is called.. a. Salutation/greeting b. Opening c. Closing * d. Body e. Weaknesses

24. A person who receives the letter is called.. a. The applicant b. The writer of the letter c. The employee d. The recipient * e. The owner

25. The first thing you should write in application letter is.. a. Salutation/greeting b. Introduction c. Recipient’s name d. Your name, address, and date * e. Closing

26. I wait for having an … to meet you to further discuss about my qualification and capacity. The appropriate word for completing the text is.. a. Application b. Employment c. Interest d. Opportunity * e. Partner

27. I appreciate your interest and your consideration. This sentence is usualy in.. a. Salutation/greeting b. Opening c. Closing * d. Body e. Weaknesses

28. What is the meaning of the word “requirement”? a. Termuat di koran b. Terlampir c. Halaman d. Persyaratan * e. Pertimbangan

29. What is the meaning of the word “qualification”? a. Agar b. Persaingan c. Jenis keterampilan * d. Kecocokan e. Pertimbangan

30. What is the meaning of the word “resume”? a. Termuat di koran b. Terlampir c. Persyaratan d. Kelebihan e. Daftar riwayat hidup *

Itu lah Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB 4 Kelas 12 Tentang Do You Know How to Apply for a Job semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi bahan latihan untuk mengasah materi lebih dalam. Semoga bermanfaat.

Latihan Soal Online

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Application Letter - Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12

Latihan 20 soal pilihan ganda Application Letter - Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 dan kunci jawaban.

Mulai Latihan >

What is the synonymnr the word enclosed?

A. inserted

B. excluded

C. revealed

D. rejected

Apa arti kata dari complimentary close

A. salam penutup

B. melengkapi penutup

C. salam pembuka

D. pujian penutup

Lilis Handayani

Jl. A. Yani 389

Surabaya, 65151

April 19, 2009

Mr. Frank Peterson, Personnel Manager

Jeans and Co.

Jl. Raya Pandaan 186

Pandaan Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, 98502

Dear Mr. Peterson:

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a local branch manager, which appeared in the Jawa Pos on Sunday, June 15. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qulifications match this position’s requirements.

My current position, managing the local branch of a national shoe retailer, has provided the oportunity to work under a high – pressure, team environment, where it is essential to be able to work closely with my colleagues in order to meet sales deadlines.

In addition to my responsibilities as manager, I also developed time management tools for staff using Access and Excel from Microsoft’s Office Suite.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited for this position. Please call me after 4.00 p.m. to suggest a time we may meet. I can be reached via telephone number 031 – 858564 or by email at [email protected].

Whom was the letter addressed?

A. Frank Peterson

B. Jeans and Co

C. Personnel Manager

D. Lilis Handayani

Dian Sastrowardoyo

Jalan Elang 89

Tangerang Selatan 19837

October, 30th 2018

PO BOX 1393

To whom it may concern,

I’m applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post. As shown in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer graduated from Universitas Indonesia on 2007.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the development of a successful Petrochemical Company. In addition, I have excellent managerial and communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This background, combined with over ten years of Ethylene Plant Operation as Project Management, has given me a unique perspective that would be particularly valuable in meeting the responsibilities of this position, as described in your position. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.

What is the job position that applicant applied for?

A. Project Manager

B. General Manager

C. Chemical Engineer

D. Academician

E. Secretary

Where does Mr. Chan live?

March 18, 2019

Mr. William Chan

Personnel Manager

Wong and Lim Consulting

PO Box 583, Kwai Chung

Dear Mr. Chan,

I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 1 March 2019.

My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland China.

Currently I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, graduating in 2019. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Marketing and strategic Management.

During my study, I have had the post of Executive in Management Society. While leading and organizing Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment.

Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides excellent training. Your organization produces a high-quality service, and I can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.

I am available for interview at any time. I look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Wong Wai Man Wilfred

Encl : Resume

A. In the city of China

B. In the city of Hong Kong

C. In the city of England

D. In the city of Malaysia

E. In the city of Singapore

What does “application letter” mean in Indonesian?

A. surat undangan

B. surat lamaran pekerjaan

C. surat bisnis

D. pengumuman

We look forward to hearing for you.

The statement above is in …. part of application letter.

A. enclosure

B. salutation

C. closing paragraph

D. opening paragraph

What is the synonym the words in order to ?

A. although

I am interested to see your advertisement seeking a new account service executive as I have been looking for such an opportunity and believe my skills and experience would be a good match for ABC advertising.

The text is part of application letter at ….

A. salutation

C. enclosure

What is the synonym of the words look forward?

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Job Application Letters Kelas 12 SMA Dilengkapi dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Pada kurikulum 2013, kelas XII SMA dan SMK terdapat materi pembelajaran tentang surat lamaran kerja (job application letter). Materi ini diajarkan tentunya karena pertimbangan buat langkah ke depan lulusan untuk mempersiapkan diri mereka dalam melamar pekerjaan. Jadi peserta didik diharapkan mampu memahami dan menguasai kompetensi surat lamaran kerja dengan baik. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya menyajikan contoh soal job application letters yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat bagi siswa kelas 12 untuk menguji seberapa jauh kalian memahami berbagai jenis informasi di dalam surat lamaran kerja (job application letter). Selamat belajar.

This text is is for questions 1 and 2 .

Dear Mr. Louis,

I would like to apply for the position of Fashion Designer posted on your company's website. 

I have attached my application letter, resume, examples of my design as you wish, and other documents for your review. I had experiences of designing a lot of fashion products when I was at senior high school and university. I am a member of a young designer association in the city. I believe that my qualification suits the advertised position.

I can be contacted at 0901398567345 or [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from  you about scheduling a selection test or interview. 

Yours sincerely,

Sadana Putra Purnama

Question 1.

How did Sadana find out about the job vacancy?

  • A. From a friend
  • B. From his e-mail
  • C. From a newspaper
  • D. From Mr. Louis' recommendation
  • E. From Mr. Louis' company website
  • A. To sell them to customers.
  • B. To make his designs popular.
  • C. To complete the requirements.
  • D. To show them to other applicants.
  • E. To prove that he is a famous designer. 
  • A. A manager
  • B. A housekeeper
  • D. Front office staff
  • E. A waiter
  • A. Culinary
  • C. Hospitality
  • D. Food and Beverage Service
  • E. Management
  • A. The copy of her employee card. 
  • B. A list of tools used in hospitality service.
  • C. Estimated service tips.
  • D. Her certificates of training.
  • E. A report of hotel room damage. 
  • A. A production manager
  • B. A quality controller
  • C. Sewing Production Staff
  • D. A quality control manager
  • E. An embroidery machine technician
  • B. At school
  • C. At PT Busana Kita
  • D. At LPK Harapan Bumi
  • E. At PT Johan and Levi Apparel
  • A. is a fresh graduate
  • B. is suitable for the position
  • C. is able to only work individually
  • D. has worked for a national company for years
  • E. will send the letter to the company via e-mail
  • A. Be familiar with sewing machines.
  • B. Understand various types of embroidery.
  • C. Understand how to input computer designs.
  • D. Know how to operate embroidery machines.
  • E.  Know how to repair embroidery machine problems. 
  • A. Offering job
  • B. Applying for a job
  • C. Explaining one's skills
  • D. Stating one's career objective
  • E. Informing about one's education
  • A. By attending an internship
  • B. By working for Sehat Waluyo Hospital
  • C. By following forum discussions
  • D. By holding community service activities
  • E. By joining the National Student Physiotherapy Association 
  • A. She is excellent at leadership.
  • B. She is active at community service activities.
  • C. She became the president of a student's association.
  • D. Her educational background matches the vacant job.
  • E. She has created a program that provides first aid training.
  • A. She can work for Sehat Waluyo Hospital.
  • B. She will graduate in May 2021.
  • C. She can send her application letter.
  • D. The employer accepts her as an internship student.
  • E. The employer opens a new job vacancy for physiotherapy graduates.
  • A. Because Mr. Bondan is the owner. 
  • B. Because Mr. Bondan decides what job is vacant.
  • C. Because Mr. Bondan is the engineer supervisor.
  • D. Because Mr. Bondan is in charge of hiring people.
  • E. Because Mr. Bondan needs information from Rinto.
  • A. the applicant is good at repairing scooter.
  • B. the applicant can work well, individually.
  • C. the job vacancy is advertised in a newspaper.
  • D. the interview invitation can be sent via e-mail.
  • E. the applicant is a fresh graduate.
  • A. The applicant's skills.
  • B. The offered job vacancy.
  • C. The enclosed documents.
  • D. The applicant's educational background.
  • E. The applicant's wish to have an interview.

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contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

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Job Application Letter – Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

  • Posted by by Citra Agusta Putri Anastasia
  • Juni 29, 2022

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan Gap Year ini membahas cara membuat job application letter, cover letter, dan curriculum vitae, beserta contoh soal dan pembahasan.

Halo Sobat Zenius! Apa kabar? Di artikel Materi Bahasa Inggris ini, gue mau ngajak elo ngebahas tentang materi job application letter kelas 12 nih, mulai dari pengertian, konsep sampai struktur dan contohnya. Yuk baca artikel ini sampai selesai!

Bicara soal struktur application letter, gue punya cerita menarik nih tentang job application bagaimana gue bisa jadi content writer di Zenius. Singkatnya begini guys , gue lulus kuliah pada tahun 2019. Setelah lulus, gue langsung jadi ‘pengacara’. Acara gue ya…ngelamar kerja ke sana kemari. Hehehe.

Sampai suatu ketika, gue lihat informasi tentang lowongan kerja sebagai content writer di Zenius. Langsung aja deh gue kirim job application letter sesuai persyaratan yang diminta. Waktu itu, gue ngelamar Zenius di aplikasi pencari kerja bernama Kalibrr.

Contoh situs untuk job application letter.

Setelah bikin akun, gue mulai mengisi data diri, kontak, riwayat pendidikan sampai Curriculum Vitae (CV) yang gue jadiin satu sesuai struktur job application letter. Setelah semua data sudah lengkap, gue klik tulisan ‘Apply’ di bagian bawah lowongan kerja. 

Muncullah beberapa dokumen yang perlu di- upload dan sudah ready, seperti job application letter, cover letter dan curriculum vitae. 

Gue klik “Submit Application”, selesai deh…tinggal nunggu tanggapan dari Zenius.

Akhirnya gue jadi penulis konten yang lagi elo baca ini! :”) Tentunya, kelolosan gue juga bergantung pada usaha gue dalam memaksimalkan job application letter, cover letter dan curriculum vitae yang dibutuhkan.

Nah, buat Sobat Zenius, di artikel ini gue mau nge- share struktur application letter, sampai contoh soal dan pembahasan yang ada di materi surat lamaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 12. Eits, tapi sebelum lebih jauh, nggak ada salahnya kalau elo yang belum punya aplikasi Zenius, buat download app Zenius yuk. Langsung klik aja banner yang ada di bawah ini ya guys!

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Perbedaan Cover Letter dan Job Application Letter

Sebelum gue kasih tau apa itu job application letter, elo perlu tau dulu nih apa perbedaan cover letter dan application letter?

Sebenarnya, job application letter dan cover letter beda tipis sih. Secara struktur, nggak ada yang beda. Isi job application letter adalah perkenalan, riwayat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, dan achievements.  

Cuma, cover letter menjabarkan secara singkat. Sementara itu, bagian-bagian application letter lebih menjelaskan secara rinci.

Fungsi application letter untuk menerangkan tentang skills, pengalaman kerja, dan tanggung jawab dari pekerjaan sebelumnya secara terperinci.

Intinya, isi body cover letter lebih singkat, sedangkan job application letter lebih rinci.

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Struktur Job Application Letter

Struktur job application letter sebenarnya nggak jauh beda dari cover letter. Berdasarkan materi application letter kelas 12, berikut struktur surat lamaran yang benar, antara lain:

  • Applicant information, yaitu informasi dasar pengirim surat. Isinya berupa nama lengkap, kontak, dan alamat.
  • Date, yakni tanggal berapa nulis surat.
  • Recipient information , yaitu informasi mengenai penerima surat. Isinya berupa nama penerima, posisinya di perusahaan, nama perusahaan, alamat perusahaan, dan kontak perusahaan.
  • Greetings, yakni berupa salam kepada penerima surat. Bisa menyapa dengan “Dear, Ms…”
  • Introduction. Isi dengan nama lengkap , posisi saat ini sebagai apa ( fresh graduate atau kerja), posisi apa yang dilamar, dan dari mana mendapat info loker tersebut.
  • Skills. Sebutin apa aja kemampuan yang punya selama bekerja atau berorganisasi.
  • Achievements. Tulis pencapaian yang pernah diraih, tapi nggak usah muluk-muluk. Cukup ceritain rintangan yang pernah dihadapi di organisasi atau pekerjaan sebelumnya, dan bagaimana mengatasinya. Tulis juga paling doing the best dalam hal apa.
  • Experience. Tulis pengalaman kerja atau organisasi yang pernah dijalani sebelumnya.
  • Value to the company. Jabarin apa yang bisa kasih ke perusahaan buat mencapai tujuan. Poin ini bisa bikin perusahaan tertarik sama lamaran kerja .
  • Expectations. Tutup surat dengan mengatakan ekspektasi pada perusahaan yang dilamar. Berharap agar dikontak balik buat lanjut tahap selanjutnya.
  • Willingness to work. Tunjukkan kemauan buat berdedikasi di perusahaan tersebut.
  • Sign off. Bisa nulis “Sincerely,” atau “Yours sincerely”.
  • Signature. Tulis tanda tangan di bawah sign off. Setelah itu, tulis nama terang di bawah tanda tangan.
  • Attachments. Setelah semua yang gue tulis di atas beres, lampirkan CV melalui attachments buat dikirim ke perusahaan .

Biar makin paham, elo bisa lihat contoh job application letter yang utuh di bawah ini:

Jakarta, August 20, 2021

Subject: Application for Employment

Attention To Head of HRD Zenius Education

Jl. Kuningan Raya No. 18 Jakarta

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of SEO Writer which your company has advertised on Kalibr. Through the skills and experiences listed below, I believe to be a strong candidate for this job.

Having professional and academic experience in creative writings and media, I am able to create articles considering SEO and human friendliness.

I’m a Bachelor of Communication graduate from London School of Public Relation, Jakarta, Indonesia, specialized in Creative Media & Writings.

I am a fresh graduate. Even though I just graduated, I am able to learn new things quickly, of course with an enthusiasm of working in a field that I love. I am growth minded too.

I hope I meet the expectation to be a candidate for this job. For further questions, please feel free to contact me on 0812 111 111. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Arieni Mayesha

Catatan : Isi job application letter sesuai kebutuhan posisi yang dilamar dan pengalaman asli elo . Ingat, kalau bikin surat yang lebih ke perkenalan, bisa menggunakan cover letter. Kalau memang niatnya mau nonjolin skills dan achievements, elo menggunakan job application letter. Jadi, gunakan surat sesuai kebutuhan berkasnya.

Kemajuan teknologi bikin cara melamar kerja jadi berubah. Kalau dulu nih, orang-orang kudu capek-capek pergi naik bis, jalan ke sana kemari, ngedatengin perusahaan-perusahaan buat ngelamar kerja.

Generasi sekarang udah disediain fasilitas berupa teknologi. Kalau mau ngelamar kerja, tinggal download aplikasi pencari kerja, milih lowongan posisi yang lagi dibuka, apply lamaran, dan tinggal klik ‘Send’. Selesai deh, elo udah resmi ngelamar kerja tanpa harus capek-capek pergi ke sana kemari dan berkeringat.

Selain melalui cara di atas, bisa juga nyari lowongan pekerjaan melalui situs resmi perusahaan yang diincar. 

Biasanya, kalau lagi buka lowongan kerja, perusahaan bakal nampilin posisi yang lagi dibuka di situs resmi bahkan akun media sosial resminya. Info lowongan tersebut udah termasuk syarat yang dibutuhkan, deskripsi pekerjaan, dan ke email mana lamaran harus dikirim.

Kali ini, gue bakal jelasin cara membuat application letter dalam bahasa Inggris melalui email. Gue kasih dulu blank space buat gambaran ya.

job application letter. Contoh email berisi lamaran kerja.

Nah, elo pasti bakal menghadapi tampilan kayak gini ketika akan mengirim email. 

Terus, gimana caranya nulis job application letter via email ? Soalnya, elo nggak mungkin cuma ngirim berkasnya doang, tanpa ngisi body email. 

Gue kasih tahu nih cara membuat application letter dalam bahasa Inggris:

  • Isi kolom ‘To’ dengan email penerima . Ketika menemukan info lowongan kerja, kan udah disebutin tuh, email lamarannya dikirim ke mana. Biasanya, alamat email yang dicantumkan adalah alamat email HRD atau pimpinan perusahaan. Isi kolom ‘To’ dengan alamat email tersebut.
  • Ingat untuk mengisi subject . Isi subject harus nyambung dengan konteks email yang akan dikirim. Isi subject- nya dengan format: Nama Lengkap – Posisi yang dilamar. 
  • Isi body email . Wajib hukumnya untuk mengisi body email . Isi dengan struktur job application letter sebagai berikut:
  • Greetings. Buka dengan menyapa penerima e-mail. Misalnya, kalau ingin ngelamar jadi tutor Bahasa Inggris di Zenius Education, tapi nggak tahu nama spesifik HRD-nya, bisa nulis, “Dear HR of Zenius Education,”. Ingat , akhiri dengan koma ya, bukan titik.
  • Introduction. Kenalin diri, dan kasih tahu dapat info lowongan itu dari mana.

Contoh: My name is Cinta Sendiriwati and I discovered that Zenius Education is currently searching for an English Tutor from

  • Short background. Kasih tahu posisi sekarang jadi apa, dan ceritakan secara singkat tentang riwayat pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja , kalau sudah pernah kerja.

Contoh: I am interested in applying for this position. I possess a bachelor degree in English Education and have been teaching in a school for two years.

  • Conclusion. Kasih tahu kalau sudah ngelampirin berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan.

Contoh: Hereby I have attached my resume and certificates below to prove my capabilities. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Sign off. Tulis dengan ‘Sincerely,’. Cantumkan nama di bawahnya, ya.

Kalau digabung secara utuh, struktur job application letter di atas jadi kayak gini:

Contoh job application letter lewat email.

Catatan: Job application letter email emang lebih singkat dibandingkan job application letter atau cover letter. 

Soalnya, poin-poin penjabarannya udah ada di cover letter atau job application letter yang dilampirkan di email . 

Jadi, apa yang ditulis di badan email ini cuma jadi pengantar singkat aja buat ngasih tahu alasan kenapa ngirim email tersebut.

Baca Juga : Making Requests, Accepting and Declining – Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Contoh Soal Application Letter

Tadi kita udah belajar banyak tentang job application letter bahasa Inggris . 

Sekarang, saatnya uji pengetahuan elo dengan menjawab latihan soal application letter berikut:

Dear Mr. Amiruddin,

I read your ad regarding a vacancy for an English Teacher. I would be glad to apply for the role.

Teaching has always been my passion, and I have always been great with students. I have been a teacher at Sun and Moon School for 5 years. I have also taught class VI and VII for 2 years earlier. …

I have attached my resume for your consideration, and request you to consider my application for the role. If you find it suitable, please feel free to contact me at the below mentioned contact details.

Yours sincerely,

Alvin Alamsyah

Please fill the blank with a proper self promotion!

A. I might not have much experience, but I know I’m suitable for this position.

B. I’m confident that my qualifications and experience match your requirements.

C. Teaching isn’t really my passion but I know my qualification will meet your criteria.

D. I’m pretty sure that my qualification will match your criteria even though I have little experience with teaching.

E. It is important for me to inform you that my education is different from the one mentioned in the requirement.

Menurut elo , apa jawabannya?

Soal di atas merupakan contoh job application letter. Nama pelamarnya adalah Alvin Alamsyah. Alvin bermaksud buat ngelamar kerja sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris di tempat Mr. Amiruddin.

Dalam job application letter yang udah dibikin, Alvin menjabarkan passion- nya dalam mengajar anak-anak. 

Dia juga menuliskan pengalaman kerjanya sebagai guru di Sun and Moon School selama lima tahun. Sebelum ngajar di Sun and Moon School, Alvin pernah ngajar siswa kelas VI dan VII selama dua tahun. 

Selanjutnya, elo perlu mengisi bagian yang rumpang, berupa self promotion Alvin.

Namanya aja promosi kan, jadi Alvin perlu menuliskan hal baik tentang dirinya yang relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar, biar Mr. Amiruddin tertarik buat menerima lamarannya. Kita lihat satu per satu jawabannya:

Alvin ngerasa nggak punya banyak pengalaman, tapi dia pantang mundur aja buat ngelamar posisi sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris. Jawaban ini nggak meyakinkan banget, karena Alvin nggak menunjukkan kelebihan yang dia miliki. Bahkan dia ngaku kalau nggak punya banyak pengalaman. So, opsi A salah.

Alvin merasa percaya diri kalau kualifikasi dan pengalamannya cocok dengan apa yang dibutuhkan perusahaan. Jawaban ini bersifat positif, karena Alvin yakin bahwa dirinya adalah kandidat yang tepat. Kita keep dulu opsi B.

Alvin mengaku dirinya sesuai kriteria yang dibutuhkan, tapi ngomong kalau mengajar bukanlah passion- nya. Pernyataan ini kontradiktif, karena di dalam surat yang dia tulis, Alvin menjelaskan bahwa dirinya punya passion dalam mengajar. So, opsi C salah.

Kalimat ini maknanya sama dengan opsi A, kalau Alvin mengakui dirinya nggak banyak pengalaman. Sedangkan, perusahaan nyari orang yang berpengalaman. Jadi, opsi D bukan jawaban yang benar.

Biasanya, lowongan kerja untuk posisi guru akan membutuhkan orang yang latar belakang pendidikannya sesuai dengan posisi tersebut. Sedangkan, jawaban ini menunjukkan kalau Alvin punya latar belakang pendidikan yang beda dari kriteria yang dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu, opsi E salah.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. I’m confident that my qualifications and experience match your requirements.

Baca Juga : Direct and Indirect Speech – Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Finally, itu dia pembahasan tentang materi job application letter kelas 12 , mulai dari struktur application letter, sampai tips memasukkan skills dan cara agar email dilirik recruiter . Nah, buat Sobat Zenius yang ingin ningkatin nilai rapor dan makin paham semua materi pelajaran kelas 10, 11, 12, elo bisa bergabung dengan paket Aktiva Sekolah Zenius lho.

Di paket Aktiva Sekolah, elo bisa dapetin akses ribuan video belajar premium, live class, try out, rangkuman materi hingga latihan soal yang intensif. Jadi bisa banget elo manfaatin buat ningkatin nilai rapor dan pemahaman untuk semua materi belajar SMA. Yuk, langsung aja klik informasi lengkapnya pada banner di bawah ini, sekarang!

Langganan Zenius

Nah, buat elo yang mau memperdalam materi application letter kelas 12, setelah download aplikasi Zenius buat akses materi beserta soal , jangan lupa klik banner video materi belajar di bawah ini ya!

Pelajari materi Bahasa Inggris di video materi belajar Zenius

Baca Juga : Offering Help and Responding – Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Originally published: December 3, 2021 Updated by: Arieni Mayesha & Rizaldi Abror

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Soal application letter

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With reference to your advertisement in Today’s time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior Assistant post.

My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.

Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.

Yours faithfully,

Harry Clarks

1. Why does the sender write the letter?

A. To apply for a certain position

B. To provide inputs for the company.

C. To give information about his speciality

D. To convince the readers about his experience.

2. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?

A. Wait for the response of the recipient .

B. Call the recipient for the confirmation.

C. Work as a marketing specialist.

D. Complete his firs degree

3. “…I enclose my curriculum vitae..” The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning to…

C. Confine.

D. Encircle

225 New Station Road,

March 2, 2007

To: The Manager,

Navajivan Trading Co.

Dear Sir, ,

In response to your advertisement in “The Times of India” of today that you are on the lookout for enterprising and capable men who can take up market research for you, I respectfully offer myself as candidate for the post. I give below in brief my qualifications and experience in the line for your kind consideration.

I am a diploma holder in commercial courses from S.D. College of Commerce, Agra, and had taken marketing as my .special subject of study. I have worked as a field investigator with Messrs Kirpal Marketing and Trading Co., Agra for about two years on a salary of Rs. 1 800/-p.m. and had the privilege of winning laurels from my superiors in regard to my work as well as general conduct.

I am a young man of about 24 years and possess good health and personality. I have pleasing manners, hardworking disposition and keenness for outdoor jobs. I am unmarried and can be posted to any area of the country for market study. I can speak, beside Hindi, Punjabi, and English, some southern languages too. I can join immediately.

I shall highly appreciate if an opportunity is given to me to explain my experience to you in person during my interview. Would you kindly let me know the time and date when it will be convenient for you? Thanking you, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

B.K. Bhalla

4. What position does Bhalla apply for?

A. A candidate of a reporter in ‘The Times of India’.

B. A candidate of a market researcher.

C. A candidate of a field investigator.

D. A candidate of a university lecturer.

5. What will the company most probably do before inviting Bhalla to an interview?

A. To ask him to hold a press conference.

B. To admit him directly as a new employee.

C. To find information from his former employer.

D. To send back his application letter without notice.

6. “I give below in brief my qualifications …” (paragraph 1). The antonym of the phrase “brief” is …

Dini Aminarto

Jalan Elang 89

Tangerang Selatan 19837

October, 30th 2018

PO BOX 1393

To whom it may concern,

I’m applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post. As shown in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer graduated from Universitas Indonesia on 2007.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the development of a successful Petrochemical Company. In addition, I have excellent managerial and communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This background, combined with over ten years of Ethylene Plant Operation as Project Management, has given me a unique perspective that would be particularly valuable in meeting the responsibilities of this position, as described in your position. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.

7. Who wrote the application letter?

a. Project Manager

b. Jakarta Post

c. Dini Aminarto

d. Chemical Engineer

8. What is the job position that applicant applied for?

b. General Manager

c. Chemical Engineer

d. Academician

9. Where did the company advertise the job opening?

b. Jakarta Globe

d. Jakarta Post

10. What are the skills that applicant presented on the application letter?

a. Managerial and communication skills

b. Accounting and managerial skills

c. Public speaking and communication skills

d. Bahasa Indonesia and English

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Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Job Application Letter ( Pilihan Ganda & Essay )

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Job Application Letter ( Pilihan Ganda & Essay )

Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris di smp atau sma anda akan menemukan materi tentang application letter atau job vacancy.

Materi ini akan membahas tentang surat lamaran kerja yang di tulis oleh seorang pelamar dan dikirimkan ke tempat yang membuka sebuah lowongan pekerjaan.

Ada banyak hal yang akan dibahas dalam materi application letter, mulai dari bagaimana penulisan yang benar, struktur dan masih banyak lagi.

Terkadang materi ini juga berhubungan dengan beberapa materi bahasa inggris lainnya, seperti job interview,  curriculum vitae dan lainnya.

Untuk membantu anda memahami tentang Job Application Letter, anda bisa melihat beberapa soal yang telah kami kumpulkan tentang materi ini.

Soal-soal dibawah ini bisa anda baca dan pahami dengan baik. Selain itu soal dibawah ini juga bisa anda dapatkan atau download dalam bentuk pdf atau dokumen, Terimakasih.

SOAL 1 : Job Application Letter

Berikut ini 10 soal tentang materi Job Application Letter beserta jawaban. Untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak soal, anda bisa mendownload soal melalui link download yang tersedia pada bagian bawah.

With reference to your advertisement in Today’s time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior Assistant post.

My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.

Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.

Yours faithfully,

Harry Clarks

1. Why does the sender write the letter?

A. To apply for a certain position.

B. To provide inputs for the company.

C. To give information about his speciality.

D. To convince the readers about his experience.

2. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?

A. Wait for the response of the recipient.

B. Call the recipient for the confirmation.

C. Work as a marketing specialist.

D. Complete his firs degree

3. “…I enclose my curriculum vitae..”  The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning to…

C. Confine.

D. Encircle

Taylor, Inc.

694 Rockstar Lane

Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor’s new computer center  just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level  programmer at the center.

I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. I am a fresh graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an  Associate’s Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad  range of courses, I served as a computer consultant at the college’s computer  center where I helped train computer users on new systems.

I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at  (9191) 233-1552, or at  [email protected].

Raymond Krick

4. Why did Mr. Krick write the letter?

a. To apply for a job.

b. To ask for some information.

c. To introduce himself to Taylor.

d. To explain his educational background.

5. How does Mr. Krick know the vacancy?

a. From the radio.

b. From a colleague.

c. From a newspaper.

d. From the television.

6. What will the Human Resources Director probably do after reading the letter?

a. Evaluate the salary offered.

b. Start working at Taylor, Inc.

c. Promote Mr. Krick to be a manager.

d. Ask Mr. Krick to come for an interview

7. What is the synonym of the word ‘fresh’?

225 New Station Road,

Agra – 7

March 2, 2007

To: The Manager,

Navajivan Trading Co.

Dear Sir, ,

In response to your advertisement in “The Times of India” of today that you are on the lookout for  enterprising and capable men who can take up market research for you, I respectfully offer myself as candidate for the post. I give below in brief my qualifications and experience in the line for your kind consideration.

I am a diploma holder in commercial courses from S.D. College of Commerce, Agra, and had taken marketing as my .special subject of study. I have worked as a field investigator with Messrs Kirpal Marketing and Trading Co., Agra for about two years on a salary of Rs. 1 800/-p.m. and had the privilege of winning laurels from my superiors in regard to my work as well as general conduct.

I am a young man of about 24 years and possess good health and personality. I have pleasing manners, hardworking disposition and keenness for outdoor jobs. I am unmarried and can be posted to any area of the country for market study. I can speak, beside Hindi, Punjabi, and English, some southern languages too. I can join immediately.

I shall highly appreciate if an opportunity is given to me to explain my experience to you in person during my interview. Would you kindly let me know the time and date when it will be convenient for you? Thanking you, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

B.K. Bhalla

8. What position does Bhalla apply for?

A. A candidate of a reporter in ‘The Times of India’.

B. A candidate of a market researcher.

C. A candidate of a field investigator.

D. A candidate of a university lecturer.

9. What will the company most probably do before inviting Bhalla to an interview?

A. To ask him to hold a press conference.

B. To admit him directly as a new employee.

C. To find information from his former employer.

D. To send back his application letter without notice.

10. “I give below in brief my qualifications …” (paragraph 1). The antonym of the  phrase “brief”  is …

Kunci Jawaban 10 Soal Job Application Letter

Download soal job application letter.

Untuk mendapatkan soal Job Application Letter lebih banyak lagi, anda bisa mendownload dokumen dibawah ini melalui link download yang tersedia. Selain soal, tersedia juga kunci jawaban yang lengkap dari setiap soal materi Job Application Letter.

Download 50+ Soal Job Application Letter

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Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 (Offering Help, If + Suggestions, Job application letter, Singular & Plural Nouns)

Part i multiple choice, part ii essay.

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 (Offering help, if + suggestions, job application letter, singular & plural nouns)

Kunci jawaban soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 (offering help, if + suggestions, job application letter, singular & plural nouns)

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BRILIO » Ragam

33 contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris beserta kunci jawaban, contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris pilihan ganda., application letter sendiri merupakan sebuah surat yang sering digunakan untuk mencari pekerjaan..

12 Oktober 2022 04:43

Application letter 1

Taylor, Inc. 694 Rockstar Lane Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor’s new computer center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level programmer at the center. I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. I am a fresh graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I served as a computer consultant at the college’s computer center where I helped train computer users on new systems.

I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at (9191) 233-1552, or at [email protected].

Raymond Krick

1. Why did Mr. Krick write the letter?

a. To apply for a job. b. To ask for some information. c. To introduce himself to Taylor. d. To explain his educational background.

2. How does Mr. Krick know the vacancy?

a. From the radio. b. From a colleague. c. From a newspaper. d. From the television.

3. What will the Human Resources Director probably do after reading the letter?

a. Evaluate the salary offered. b. Start working at Taylor, Inc. c. Promote Mr. Krick to be a manager. d. Ask Mr. Krick to come for an interview

4. What is the synonym of the word ‘fresh’?

a. Old b. New c. Urgent d. Present

Application letter 2

With reference to your advertisement in Today’s time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior Assistant post. My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electronic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction. Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and recent photograph.

Yours faithfully,

Harry Clarks

5. Why does the sender write the letter?

A. To apply for a certain position. B. To provide inputs for the company. C. To give information about his speciality. D. To convince the readers about his experience.

6. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?

A. Wait for the response of the recipient. B. Call the recipient for the confirmation. C. Work as a marketing specialist. D. Complete his firs degree

7. “…I enclose my curriculum vitae..” The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning to…

A. Hedge. B. Attach. C. Confine. D. Encircle

Application letter 3

78 Jalan Balai Raya East Jakarta April 2, 2007

Ms. Dina Siregar. Directory of Administration Navaro Inc. 27 Jalan Edelweis. Jakarta

Dear Ms. Siregar,

Your advertisement in March 30 issue of the ‘Republika’ was attractive because I believe I have the proven skills you are requiring for an administrative assistant. I am Linda and I’m 22 years old. I recently completed a three course Apple Computer System. These specialization skills have proven valuable in my work for the past eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at Galaxy Building. Since ‘proven skills’ are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with you. Please phone me in the afternoon between and 5 p.m. at (021) 4733756 to let me know the day and time most convenient for you.

8. What position is needed?

A. Receptionist. B. Interviewer. C. Chief accountant. D. Administrative assistant.

9. What doe’s the applicant hope after sending the letter?

A. She will be a” manager. B. She will start training. C. She will receive the salary. D. She will be interviewed.

10. “… proven skills” (line 5). The word ‘proven’ has a closest meaning to …

A. acknowledged B. external C. internal D. outcome

Application letter 4

225 New Station Road, Agra – 7 March 2, 2007 To: The Manager, Navajivan Trading Co.

In response to your advertisement in “The Times of India” of today that you are on the lookout for enterprising and capable men who can take up market research for you, I respectfully offer myself as candidate for the post. I give below in brief my qualifications and experience in the line for your kind consideration. I am a diploma holder in commercial courses from S.D. College of Commerce, Agra, and had taken marketing as my .special subject of study. I have worked as a field investigator with Messrs Kirpal Marketing and Trading Co., Agra for about two years on a salary of Rs. 1 800/-p.m. and had the privilege of winning laurels from my superiors in regard to my work as well as general conduct. I am a young man of about 24 years and possess good health and personality. I have pleasing manners, hardworking disposition and keenness for outdoor jobs. I am unmarried and can be posted to any area of the country for market study. I can speak, beside Hindi, Punjabi, and English, some southern languages too. I can join immediately. I shall highly appreciate if an opportunity is given to me to explain my experience to you in person during my interview. Would you kindly let me know the time and date when it will be convenient for you? Thanking you, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

B.K. Bhalla

11. What position does Bhalla apply for?

A. A candidate of a reporter in ‘The Times of India’. B. A candidate of a market researcher. C. A candidate of a field investigator. D. A candidate of a university lecturer.

12. What will the company most probably do before inviting Bhalla to an interview?

A. To ask him to hold a press conference. B. To admit him directly as a new employee. C. To find information from his former employer. D. To send back his application letter without notice.

13. “I give below in brief my qualifications …” (paragraph 1). The antonym of the phrase “brief” is …

A. long B. short C. concise D. simple

Application letter 5

Mr. William Chan Personenel Manager Wong and Lim Consulting PO Box 583, Kwai Chung Kowloon

Dear Mr. Chan,

I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hongkong Polytechnic University on 1 March 2005. My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland China. Currently I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hongkong Polytechnic University, graduating in 2005. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Marketing and strategic Management. During my studies I have had the post of Executive in management Society. While leading and organizing Management Society. While leading and organizing Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment. Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides excellent training. Your organization produces a high-quality service, and I can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure. I am available for interview at any time. I look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Wong Wai Man Wilfred

15. What skills and personnel qualities are required?

A. Leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment B. Fluent spoken and written Mandarin C. Have known about environment D. Hard worker E. Willing to work overtime

16. What is the name of the company or organization Wong Wai man Wilfred applying to?

A. Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited B. Hong Kong Polytechnic University C. Marketing and Strategic Management D. Wong and Lim Consultant E. Executive in the Management Society

17. Where does Mr. Chan live?

A. In the city of China B. In the city of Hong Kong C. In the city of England D. In the city of Malaysia E. In the city of Singapore

18. Who send the letter?

A. Mr. Chan B. Mr. Wong C. Mrs. Lim D. Mr. Wong Wai Man Wilfred E. Mr. Kwai Chung

19. What does Mr. Wilfred enclose the application letter?

A. Address B. Job interview C. Resume D. Reputation E. Skills

20. How does Mr. Wilfred know this ad?

A. From Wong and Lim Consulting B. From Student Affairs Office notice board C. From Lucky Star Garment Manufactory D. From Hong Kong Polytechnic University E. From Management Society

21. What subject of study have relevant to Management Trainee?, except …

A. Operations Management B. Human Resources Management C. Accounting D. Marketing and Strategic Management E. Management Society

Application letter 6

Dini Aminarto Jalan Elang 89 Tangerang Selatan 19837

October, 30th 2018 PO BOX 1393 JKB 11013

To whom it may concern,

I’m applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post. As shown in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer graduated from Universitas Indonesia on 2007. My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the development of a successful Petrochemical Company. In addition, I have excellent managerial and communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English. This background, combined with over ten years of Ethylene Plant Operation as Project Management, has given me a unique perspective that would be particularly valuable in meeting the responsibilities of this position, as described in your position. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dini Aminarto

22. Who wrote the application letter?

A. Project Manager B. Jakarta Post C. Dini Aminarto D. Chemical Engineer

23. What is the job position that applicant applied for?

A. Project Manager B. General Manager C. Chemical Engineer D. Academician

24. Where did the company advertise the job opening?

A. Kompas B. Jakarta Globe C. Tribun D. Jakarta Post

25. What are the skills that applicant presented on the application letter?

A. Managerial and communication skills B. Accounting and managerial skills C. Public speaking and communication skills D. Bahasa Indonesia and English

26. How many years the applicant was working as Project Management?

A. 2 years B. 8 years C. 15 years D. 10 years

27. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure. The word “capable” has the same meaning to…

A. Irresponsible B. Awkward C. Competent D. Professional

28. What the applicant has enclosed along with the application letter?

A. Resume B. Biography C. Photo D. Certificate

29. Is there any information when the applicant graduated?

A. Yes, it’s on 2010. B. Yes, it’s on 2007. C. Yes, it’s on 2005. D. No.

Application letter 7

Amar Mundi Jl. S Alauddin Makassar 087042689998

February 15,2014 Ms Rosmayana SMAN 123 Pettarani Office Makassar

Dear Ms Yana,

Thank you for posting your need for a teaching on I am available to fill this opening and can (30) … working immediately after hiring. I (31) … obtained my degree from Makassar State University. As a graduate in English Education, I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow me to blend with your school. From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have (32) … spoken and written English skills. I look forward to an opportunity to meet you and further discuss my qualification.

Very truly yours,

30. A. begin B. pass C. lose D. stop

31. A. totally B. recently C. discussed D. intensively

32. A. excellent B. ordinary C. common D. normal

33. Why does the sender write the letter?

Magang: Muhammad Reza Ariski

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20 Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Beserta Jawaban Lengkap~Part4

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40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban disusun dari berbagai soal seperti soal uas bahasa inggris kelas 12 dan kunci jawaban, soal bahasa inggris kelas 12 pdf, soal bahasa inggris dan jawabannya, soal uas bahasa inggris kelas 12 semester 2, ujian sekolah bahasa inggris kelas 12, contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 12 smk dan jawabannya, dan download soal bahasa inggris kelas 12.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban

Edo: “Good morning Siti, do you want my help?” Siti: “Oh, great!…………….” Edo: “Thank you” Siti: “You’re welcome.”
Messi: “Shall I bring your bags to you house?” Ronaldo: “Yes, please!”
Indah: “You are so pale, are you sick?…………” Pute: “Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.”
Guest: “Excuse me, but…………….?” Staff: “Of course Ma’am. What can I do for you?” Guest: “Someone just stole my purse off my shoulder outside the hotel” Staff: “Are you OK?” Guest: “Yes, just shaken up a bit.” Staff: “Why don’t you sit down here and I’II call the police for you.” Guest: “Thank you; I appreciate you help.” Guest: “I don’t understand what the taxi driver is trying to say. Could you translate for me?” Staff: “Of course sir, I’d be delighted to help.”

soal bahasa inggris kelas 12 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawaban

Dani: “Good morning jane, do you want help me?” Julia: “ ………………. “ Dani: “Thank you.” Julia: “You’re welcome”
Andik: “Shall I carry your luggage to your apartement?” Bolang: “Yes, please!”
Indah: “The box you brought looks very heavy. ………….” Putriani: “Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.”
Andra: “Your cupboard looks heavy. Would I help you?” Agnes: “……………………Thanks a lot.”
Bolang: “Abu, where are you?” Abu: “I’m in the house. What’s matter?” Bolang: “Oh …………. “ Abu: “I’d like to help you. For what?”
Romy: “May I help you?” Rafael: “Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself . Thanks.”
Sizuka: “Will you me to build a snowman?” Nobita: “Yes, of course………….”
Mr. Razak: “Andra, come here please!” Andra: “Yes, sir. I’m coming.” Mr. Razak: “(19) ………………….. the goods to the shop, pleasure?” Andra: “With pleasure, Sir.” Mr. razak: “Don’t forget to put into the correct case!” Andra: “(20) ……………………., Sir.” Mr. Razak: “Thanks.”
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Contoh Application Letter Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Struktur dan Cara Membuatnya 

Chalimatu Sadiyah Aljauza

JAKARTA, - Contoh application letter Kelas 12 penting untuk diketahui siswa kelas sebagai surat lamaran kerja atau sekadar tugas sekolah. Berikut materi application letter kelas 12 dalam bahasa Inggris .

Penulisan surat lamaran kerja dilakukan secara persuasif, yaitu meyakinkan pihak lain bahwa segala persyaratan dan kualifikasi yang dimiliki pelamar kerja memenuhi atau sesuai dengan harapan pihak lain.

Contoh Application Letter dalam Bahasa Inggris, Begini Cara Membuatnya

Dikutip dari buku ‘Koresponden Bisnis Modern’ terbitan Gelora Aksara Pratama, berikut beberapa poin penting dalam membuat contoh application letter kelas 12:

Kenali Kebutuhan Perusahaan

5 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja di PT yang Baik beserta Strukturnya

Cari tahu hal-hal apa saja yang dicari perusahaan, orang seperti apa yang mereka inginkan, serta keahlian apa saja yang mereka butuhkan. Selanjutnya, tonjolkan kebutuhan perusahaan dalam surat lamaran kalian dan tunjukan kepada perusahaan bahwa kalian sanggup memberikan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan.

Gunakan Bahasa Formal

7 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Benar, Biar Dilirik HRD

Hindari menggunakan bahasa informal, dingin, kaku, dan tidak alami. Jangan pula terlalu mendetail, cukup cantumkan informasi yang penting saja. Singkat tapi padat, jangan lupa tunjukan bahwa kalian merasa antusias dan bersemangat untuk mengisi posisi tersebut.

Editor : Puti Aini Yasmin

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60 Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 & Jawabannya

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 – Selain Bahasa Indonesia dan Matematika, mata pelajaran yang juga di uji kan pada Ujian Nasional adalah Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, bagi para siswa siswi kelas 12 perlu mempersiapkan hal tersebut dengan cara belajar materi mulai dari kelas 10 sampai 12 Semester Gasal, Try Out dan lain sebagainya.

Sementara itu, soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 1 juga kemungkinan besar akan masuk di UN Bahasa Inggris. Jadi, mempelajari kumpulan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris bisa menjadi salah satu cara mempersiapkan diri menghadapi UN Bahasa Inggris.

Berikut kami berhasil mengumpulkan beberapa latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 1 atau Semester Gasal. Jadi, untuk kalian yang baru naik dari kelas 11 ke kelas 12, bisa mempelajari soal-soal ini untuk persiapan menghadapi UTS Bahasa Inggris.

Latihan soal ini terdiri dari soal-soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay. Disamping itu, dalam menyajikan contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 1 juga kami sertakan kunci jawaban, sehingga kalian bisa koreksi.

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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1

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Selain itu, ada juga beberapa materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 yang mungkin masih diajarkan pada kelas 12 Semester Gasal. Materi-materi yang diajarkan pada Semester 1 atau Semester Ganjil, nantinya akan dijadikan soal UTS kelas 12 Semester 1.

Oleh karena itu, pastikan kalian memahami setiap materi yang diberikan oleh Guru Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, untuk persiapan menghadapi UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 1, kalian bisa mengerjakan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris berikut ini :

1. If we write a personal letter and we want to tell the events that happen two weeks ago, so the language feature used in personal letter is …

A. Future Perfect Tense B. Futures Perfect Tense C. Present Continous Tense D. Simple Past Tense E. Simple Present Tense

2. “Sincerely Yours”

is called as … in a letter

A. Complimentary Close B. Salutations C. Signature D. Salutation E. Closure

3. What are the structure of personal letter?

A. Date -> Address -> Salutation -> Introduction -> Body -> Closure -> Complementary Close -> Signature -> Postscript B. Date -> Address -> Salutation -> Introduction -> Closure -> Body -> Complimentary Close -> Signature -> Postscript C. Date -> Address -> Salutation -> Introduction -> Body -> Complimentary Close -> Closure -> Signature -> Postscript D. Date -> Salutation -> Address -> Body -> Introduction -> Closure -> Complimentary Close -> Signature -> Postscript E. Date -> Salutation -> Address -> Body -> Introduction -> Closure -> Complimentary Close -> Signature -> Postscript

4. ” I would like to a apoligize for my behaviour last time. After some reflection it is obvious that it was not your false that I broke up with my boyfriend and maybe it was the best for us. Sorry that I was angry to you and blame you. I think I was just sad. I hope tha this will not damage our friendship and that we can move past this moment. I understand how you must feel “

What is the letter about?

A. The writer would like to forgive about her friend’s behaviours B. The writer would like to forgive about his friend’s behaviour C. The writer would like to apologize about her boyfriend’s behaviour D. The writer would lik to apologize about her behaviour E. The writer would like to apoligize about her boyrfriend’s behaviour

5. 46 Riverview Park Glentown Dublin 23

What a part of a letter ?

A. Head of Letters B. Address C. Greeting D. Postscript E. Body

6. “The Football team is doing really well this season. We have reached the semi-final of the Cup. The new Goalkeeper we got after you left is great. He has not let in a goal in the last three matches”

The text shows part of a letter, called as ….

A. Introductions B. Closure C. Body D. Postscript E. Address

7. “Dear, Raisa … “

is called ass …. in a letter

A. Signature B. Closure C. Complimentary Close D. Body E. Salutation

8. Wich on is included in informal letter

A. Retirement Letter B. Promotion Letter C. Personal Letter D. Application Letter

9. What is the communicative purpose of letter?

A. To communicate directlyes B. To amuse the readers through the text C. To communicate through written symbols D. To communicate directly E. To tell the readers about past event

10. What is the definition of letter?

Gambar Soal no 10

A. A letter is a collection of poetries B. A letter is a collection of photos C. A letter is a piece of painting, poetry or text sent by mail D. A letter is a collection of photos E. A letter is a piece of handwritten or printed text

11. Lisa : …. to carry these books to your room, Sir? Teacher : No, thanks. I can do it myself

A. Do you mind B. Can you help me C. May I help you D. Do you want E. Would you help me

12. Marta : It’s very cold here …. Shinta : Sure. No Problem

Which is the best answer to complete the conversation?

A. Can you leave now? B. Would you mind if i turn on the fan? C. Could you close the door? D. May you leave now? E. Would you turn of the fan?

13. Billy : Man, where are you? Salman : I’m in the house. What’s matter? Billy : Oh, …. Salman : I’d like to help you. for what?

A. Could I possibly ask you to help me? B. Would you like some help? C. Let me help you D. Yes I can E. Sorry, I can’t help you

14. Please, complete the dialogue below

Jony : Good morning, Sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy? Shopkeeper : Of course, dear. We have the book that you want. …… to show the self? Jony : I am fine, Sir. I can find by myself. I have other books to find, too Shopkeeper : Thank you. Take your time Jony : Thank you, Sir

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. May I B. Would you like me C. Do not go D. Can you E. I would like

15. Please, complete the dialogue below

Andi : I heard there will be a concert tonight. Would you like to go with me? Sam : I’m afraid, I cannot Andi : Why? I think you really love the band Sam : Yes, I do. But I have many works at home Andy : Let me help you, then Sam : ……. Andy : Never mind. That’s what friend should to

What should Sam say?

A. I don’t need your help B. I really appreciate your help C. Don’t worry D. I will go, too E. I am fine, Thank you

16. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….

Ronald : You look so busy …… Marry : No, thank you. I can handle them

A. Yes, please B. I will leave you alone C. Would you like some help? D. Do you want to help me? E. Sure, I would like to

17. The suitable respond to complete the dialogue is …

John : Hello, Jean.Where have you been? Jean : Hi, John. I just bought few kilograms of apples in the market John : Do you need some help to carry the apples? Jean : ….

A. Of course, that’s very kind of you B. I will help you C. I don’t know D. Why? E. Good bye

18. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….

David : Hi, Susan. Do you want me to buy an ice cream? Susan : Oh great!. ….. I’d love one

A. No, thanks B. Yes, Please C. Never mind D. Don’t brother E. Not for me

19. The underlined expression expresses ….

Mr. Win : Hell, Miss Wilis. Would you like a cup coffee? I’m just making some Miss Wilis : Oh, yes please. That would be lovely

A. Refusing an offer B. Offering something C. Asking an offer D. Accepting an offer E. Offering help

20. The underlined sentence expresses …

Rina : May I help you? Jessica : Hmmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks

A. Offering help B. Giving help C. Refusing an offer D. Asking help E. Hoping an offer


Download contoh soal uts bahasa inggris xii / i pdf.

Setelah mengetahui kumpulan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 1 beserta kunci jawabannya. Sesuai janji diatas, kami juga bakal membagikan file PDF berisi latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 1.

Latihan soal ini bisa dimanfaatkan oleh para Guru Bahasa Inggris dalam membuat soal UTS nantinya. Atau bagi para murid juga bisa menggunakan nya sebagai latihan soal. Langsung saja download file melalui tautan di bawah ini :

Demikianlah informasi dari mengenai kumpulan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 1. Melalui latihan soal diatas, kalian para siswa siswa kelas 12 bisa mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi UTS Bahasa Inggris di Semester Gasal.

Sementara itu, bagi para Guru Bahasa Inggris di kelas 12, kumpulan soal diatas bisa dijadikan referensi dalam membuat pertanyaan atau soal-soal untuk Ulangan Tengah Semester Gasal.

sumber gambar :


contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 dan Kunci Jawaban

Ilustrasi Anak Belajar

Contoh soal ujian sekolah bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan pembahasannya bisa membantu detikers mengulang materi pelajaran menjelang tes di pengujung tahun ajaran. Apa saja soal yang biasa keluar di ujian?

Dilansir dari Fokus UN, USBN, SBMPTN Mapel Pilihan Fisika 2018 oleh Tim Study Center, sejumlah soal yang keluar yakni terkait materi pemahaman teks, ide pokok paragraf, kata hubung, kata ganti, ekspresi, dan sinonim.

Berikut contoh soal ujian sekolah bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan pembahasannya yang bisa detikers pelajari:



Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

  • 1. Mr. Bean: Hello, Miss Smith. Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm just making some.

Miss Smith: Yes, please, that would be lovely.

Mr. Bean: How do you take it?

Miss Smith: With milk and sugar, please.

Mr. Bean: Here you are.

Miss Smith: Thank you.

The underline expression expresses...

A. Offering something B. Accepting an offer C. Refusing an offer D. Declining an offer E. Offering help

Jawaban: B. Accepting an offer

  • 2. Indy: The box you brought looks very heavy. ......................................

Putri: Sure, it's very kind of you. Thanks.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is...

A. Would you like to help me? B. Would you love to help us? C. Could you bring it for me? D. Would you like me to help you? E. Would you like me to bring it for my self?

Jawaban: D. Would you like me to help you?

  • 3. The student ... I teach is Budi.

A. What B. Whom C. Which D. Who E. Whose

Jawaban: B. Whom

  • 4. Do you bring the book ... I gave it to you yesterday?

A. When B. That C. Where D. How E. Which

Jawaban: E. Which

This text is for questions 5 to 8

Nowadays, the police have been applying the new regulation concerning the use of seat belts. In European countries, this regulation has been applied for a long time. However, this new regulation has become controversial and is an interesting topic to discuss. Here are some arguments.

The use of seat belts has been proven to reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident. Sealt belt has become a standard component in cars. The research shows that most car accident will cause an injury to the head. Frequently, drivers or the passengers driving without seat belts die because of this. By wearing the seat belts, the injury will not happen since belts restrain our body on the car seat when the accident happens.

Unfortunately, many cars, especially the old ones, don't have the seat belts. This is because the traffic conditions in the past were unlike the recent traffic conditions. The designer of old cars did not consider seat belts as an important part. Besides, the driver wearing the seat belt will think that they are completely safe so they may drive carelessly. They are safe, indeed, but how about safety of other?

The seat belt is only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents. It doesn't mean that we are completely safe. In short, our safety depends on ourselves.

  • 5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Old cars do not use seat belts B. The old cars have seat belts for their safety C. The drivers wear seat belts may drive carefully D. The traffic conditions in the past were similar to the recent E. The old cars' designer considered a seat belt as an important part


Ide utama paragraf ke-3 adalah mobil tua tidak menggunakan sabuk pengaman. Jadi, jawabannya yaitu old cars do not use seat belts. Jawaban: A

  • 6. What is the function of seat belts?

A. The reduce the traffic conditions B. To become a standard component in cars C. To reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident D. To prevent the drivers driving cars carefully E. To increase the risk of injury in car accidents

Fungsi sabuk pengaman seperti yang dijelaskan dalam teks adalah untuk mengurangi risiko luka atau kematian bila terjadi kecelakaan. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat yaitu to reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident. Jawaban: C Hide quoted text

  • 7. Who considered a seat belt as an unimportant part?

A. Police B. People C. Drivers D. Passengers E. Old cars designer

Dari teks tersebut, dijelaskan bahwa para desainer mobil tua tidak melihat bahwa sabuk pengaman adalah bagian yang penting (the designer of old car didn't consider seat belt as an important part). Jadi, jawabannya adalah old cars' designer. Jawaban: E

  • 8. "... that they are completely safe" (paragraph 3)

What does the word 'they' refer to?

A. Cars B. Seat belts C. Drivers D. Designers E. Others

Kata they pada kalimat "... that they are completely safe" merujuk pada para pengemudi. Jadi, jawabannya adalah drivers. Jawaban: C

This text is for questions 9 and 10

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer together. Effective as of December 5th 2021, our official name will be:


The substitution of the "West" in our name, replacing "Cianjur", is the result of an agreement we reached with Cianjur Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of "Cianjur" in our name.

We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a change form our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer to our consumers.

  • 9. Who issues the announcement?

A. Green Miles West Company B. Green Miles West Customers C. Cianjur Gardening Association D. The partnership of Green Miles West E. The loyal partner of Milestone and Ever Green

Teks pengumuman tersebut ditulis perusahaan Green Miles West yang mengumumkan bahwa mulai 5 Desember 2021, nama resminya menjadi Green Miles West dari yang sebelumnya Green Miles Cianjur. Jawaban: A

  • 10. The word "substitution" has closest in meaning to...

A. Merger B. Insertion C. Development D. Replacement E. Improvement

Kata substitution memiliki arti yang sama dengan replacement, dan juga ditandai dengan kata "...replacing 'Cianjur'," yang itu menggantikan. Jawaban: A.

Bagaimana detikers, apakah bisa mengerjakan semua contoh soal ujian sekolah bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan pembahasannya di atas dengan benar? Semangat belajar!

20 Contoh Soal US Matematika Kelas 6 SD Plus Jawaban dan Pembahasan, Yuk Kerjakan!

20 contoh soal ujian sekolah pai kelas 9 smp, belajar dan perkuat hafalan yuk, 15 contoh soal ujian sekolah matematika kelas 9 smp plus jawaban dan pembahasan, 20 contoh soal ujian sekolah pjok kelas 6 sd lengkap dengan kunci jawaban, prokes diperketat, sekolah di polman gelar ujian secara langsung, jelang ujian sekolah,guru smk-sma di kalsel wajib tes antigen, buku soal terstruktur bantu siswa siap hadapi ujian sekolah, komisi x minta kemendikbud cari solusi terkait soal ujian 'anies diejek mega'.

Kacau! Putaran Uang Judi Online di RI Sentuh Rp 327 T

Universitas Indonesia

contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Universitas Syiah Kuala

contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

Universitas Diponegoro

contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

Universitas Sumatera Utara

contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

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Kunci Jawaban

70 soal ujian sekolah bahasa inggris kelas 12 sma / smk, kunci jawaban latihan usp usbn uas 2024, simak selengkapnya  pembahasan soal dan jawaban latihan usp, us, uas dan usbn untuk pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 12 sma / smk semester genap..., penulis: dhita mutiasari | editor: dhita mutiasari.

70 SOAL Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA / SMK, Kunci Jawaban Latihan USP USBN UAS 2024

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID -   Berikut ini adalah soal Ujian Satuan Penddidikan (USP) atau ujian sekolah (US) materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA / SMK Semester 2 (Genap) tahun 2024.

USP pada penerapan kurikulum merdeka disebut Ujian Sekolah (US) atau Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) atau Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional ( USBN )pada kurikulum 2013 sebelumnya.

Soal Ujian Sekolah disajikan beserta kunci jawaban berbentuk pilihan ganda.

Selain itu, soal dan jawaban yang dibahas sebagai referensi bahan belajar bagi siswa belajar dirumah.

Simak selengkapnya  pembahasan soal dan jawaban Latihan USP , US, UAS dan USBN untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA / SMK semester genap dilansir dari berbagai sumber:

It seems many people are still out on the question of whether TV advertising influences children. After …(1)… 20 international studies on children as consumers, Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology at University College, London, found there was no evidence to support calls for stricter …(2)… on the advertising of sweet, toys, and other goods …(3)… children. The studies …(4)… indicated that children are far more sophisticated consumers that is imagined popularity and that is no esoteric knowledge which advertisers can employ …(5)… demands in children. … (6)…, they showed that authoritative parenting styles laying down rules and expectations, but explaining …(7)… and valuing the child’s point of view – nurture responsibility in children. Professor Furnham concluded that it was not advertising that …(8)…. children, but irresponsible parenting.

1.      A. Calculating B. Estimating C. Predicting D. Analyzing E. Regarding

2.      A. Instruction B. Controls C. Commands D. Indicators E. Information

3.      A. Aimed at B. Aiming at C. Are aimed at D. Aim at E. Which aims at

4.      A. Analyzed B. Were analyzed C. Were analyzing D. They were analyzed E. It analyzed

5.      A. Created B. Creation C. To create D. Creator E. Creative

6.      A. However B. Therefore C. In conclusion D. Meanwhile E. Furthermore

7.      A. Decisive B. Decide C. Decisions D. Decidedly E. Decisiveness

8.      A. Harmed B. Is harming C. Had harmed D. Was harming E. Has been harming

ujian sekolah

Bahasa inggris, kelas 12 sma, kunci jawaban, soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa inggris, soal bahasa inggris.

4 Rangkaian Body Care Terbaik dari SHIRAYURI, Rawat Rambut dan Badan Secara Optimal


Berita populer.


30 Soal USBN Kelas 9 SMP Mata Pelajaran Agama Katolik Lengkap Kunci Jawaban


30 Soal USBN Agama Katolik Kelas 9 SMP Lengkap Kunci Jawaban


30 Soal USBN Agama Islam Kelas 9 SMP Lengkap Kunci Jawaban 2024


30 Soal USBN PAI Kelas 9 SMP Lengkap Kunci Jawaban


70 SOAL Ujian Sekolah PPKN Kelas 12 SMA / SMK, Kunci Jawaban Latihan USP USBN UAS 2024

Jasa Pasang CCTV Free Instalasi dan Setting Online - Depok Jawa Barat

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Kunci Jawaban

30 soal & kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 semester 2: the students are in the classroom, 30 latihan soal & kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 semester 2 kurikulum merdeka: the students are in the classroom their teacher is teaching., editor: tim tribunnewsmaker.

30 Soal & Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2: The Students Are In The Classroom

TRIBUNNEWSMAKER.COM - 30 latihan soal & kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka: the students are in the classroom their teacher is teaching.

Materi ini bisa dijadikan siswa pembelajaran di rumah dengan belajar 30 kunci jawaban yang udah tersedia, sebelum menghadapi Ujian Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA semester genap.

Terdapat Ketentuan pada kurikulum 2013 siswa harus melewati Penilaian Tengah Semester dalam ujian Kelas 12 SMA .

Agar siswa lebih siap dan terbiasa untuk menghadapi ujian sekolah atau ulangan akhir semester 1 dan 2 nantinya.

Tak menutup kemungkinan soal-soal pada latihan ini juga akan muncul dalam ulangan sekolah semester 1 dan 2.

Berikut contoh soal latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Kurikulum Merdeka untuk belajar di rumah :

A. Pilihan Ganda

I. Jawablah dengan benar soal-soal berikut ini!

My sister … (1) to cook. … (2) I have a great idea for lunch every day. … (3) Cook oxtail soup for today. I invited my friends to our house to try this soup. … (4) liked it very much and told … (5) the sister opened a restaurant because she thought many people would like this soup and she would make a lot of money with … (6).

a. lvoe b. love c. full of love d. love e. interlacing

a. that b. that c. you d. I e. we

Sumber: Tribun Pontianak

Berita terkini, berita populer.


40 Soal & Kunci Jawaban IPS Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1:Permintaan yang Didukung Oleh Daya Beli


15 Soal & Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8 SMP Semester 1: Contoh Slogan Bertema Pendidikan

40 soal & kunci jawaban ips kelas 7 smp semester 1: salah satu ciri utama kajian geografis adalah.


25 Soal & Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Sunda Kelas 8 SMP Semester 1: Kalimah di Luhur Kaasup Kana Kalimah


15 Soal Essay & Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1:Salah Satu Karyaku yang Termasyhur Adalah

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  • Kamis, 18 April 2024


Terbaru! Soal Asesmen Madrasah (AM) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Soal Asesmen Madrasah Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 (Freepik/Freepik)

DISTRIK NEWS - Simak contoh soal terbaru Asesmen Madrasah (AM) Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 12 Madrasah Aliyah ( MA ) yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban berikut ini.

Contoh ini bisa kamu gunakan sebagai bahan belajar kamu di rumah.

Kamu bersama teman atau orang tua mu bisa menggunakan contoh ini sebagai referensi belajar untuk menghadapi ujian.

Baca Juga: 15 Soal Pilihan Ganda Asesmen Madrasah (AM) Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI) Kelas 9 MTs Disertai Kunci Jawaban, Pelajari Disini Yuk

Perhatikan dengan seksama uraian 20 soal Asesmen Madrasah mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini.

1) The text is for no 1 to 3 main ingredients:

1. 250 gr cod or any white meat fish 2. 125 gr tapioca or corn flour 3. 2 table spoon soya sauce 4. Salt and pepper 5. 1 table spoon oil 6. For type kapal selam, you need 3 hard boiled eggs slice half Soup ingredients: 7. 5 Chilies. . .* 2 tbsp Ebi 8. 100 gr palm sugar. * 250 ml sugar 9. 2 tbsp sugar. *1tbsp tamarind 10. Salt and pepper 11. 2 tbsp soya sauce Method Boil all soup ingredients into sauce pan Serving

1. Blend all ingredients into food processor until they are smooth like a dough, you could put splash of water if you need it.

2. Put enough fish cake into your hand and put half boiled egg in the middle and cover it with the dough and put into boiled water until floating. 3. Drain all the water, deep fry it and add some of the soup.

The text tells us about .....?

a. How to make pempek palembang b. How to eat pempek palembang c. The soup ungredients to make pempek palembang d. How to prepare to make pempek palembang e. The equipment needed to make pempek palembang

Jawaban Benar : A

Baca Juga: Soal Esai Asesmen Madrasah (AM) SKI Bagi Siswa Kelas 9 MTs Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban, Mari Belajar Disini

2) The following are the main ingredients, you need to make pempek palembang, except ...

BELAJAR, Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban Asesmen Madrasah (AM) IPA Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas 9 Lengkap Disertai Kunci Jawaban

Artikel Selanjutnya

Belajar, soal pilihan ganda dan kunci jawaban asesmen madrasah (am) ipa kurikulum merdeka kelas 9 lengkap disertai kunci jawaban.

Editor: Rizki Akbar Gustaman

Sumber: Berbagai sumber

asesmen madrasah

Bahasa inggris, artikel terkait.

BELAJAR, Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban Asesmen Madrasah (AM) IPA Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas 9 Lengkap Disertai Kunci Jawaban

40 Soal Pilihan Ganda Asesmen Madrasah (AM) IPA Kurikulum Merdeka Bagi Siswa Kelas 9 Dilengkapi dengan Kunci Jawaban, Mari Belajar

Sesuai Kisi-kisi Nasional, Soal Asesmen Madrasah (AM) SKI Kelas 9 MTs Lengkap Disertai dengan Kunci Jawaban, Mari Belajar

Sesuai Kisi-kisi Nasional, Soal Asesmen Madrasah (AM) SKI Kelas 9 MTs Lengkap Disertai dengan Kunci Jawaban, Mari Belajar

Soal Esai Asesmen Madrasah (AM) SKI Bagi Siswa Kelas 9 MTs Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban, Mari Belajar Disini

Soal Esai Asesmen Madrasah (AM) SKI Bagi Siswa Kelas 9 MTs Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban, Mari Belajar Disini

15 Soal Pilihan Ganda Asesmen Madrasah (AM) Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI) Kelas 9 MTs Disertai Kunci Jawaban, Pelajari Disini Yuk

15 Soal Pilihan Ganda Asesmen Madrasah (AM) Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI) Kelas 9 MTs Disertai Kunci Jawaban, Pelajari Disini Yuk


contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

Jawaban General Manajer PT. Y Menetapkan Bahwa Karyawan Dilarang Menerima Cinderamata Dalam Bentuk Apa Pun dari Supplier dan Rekan Bisnis

contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

Bagaimana Anda Menerapkan Wawasan Nusantara Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari Jika Dikaitkan Dengan Jurusan atau Prodi yang Anda Ambil Sekarang?

contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

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Hasil Analisis Terhadap Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Kasus yang Ada di Menu Laboratorium Pembelajaran Pada Portal Guru Pintar? Simak Disini Yuk

Latihan Soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Esay Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) Kelas 10 Tingkat SMA dan MA Lengkap Kunci, Bikin Nilai Kamu Bagus

Latihan Soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Esay Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) Kelas 10 Tingkat SMA dan MA Lengkap Kunci, Bikin Nilai Kamu Bagus

Yuk Belajar dengan Giat, Berikut Ini di Sajikan Soal UTS Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) Kelas 10 SMA/MA Include Kunci Jawaban

Yuk Belajar dengan Giat, Berikut Ini di Sajikan Soal UTS Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) Kelas 10 SMA/MA Include Kunci Jawaban

Yuk Pahami Inilah Soal UTS Mata Pelajaran PKN Kelas 10 SMA/MA Ada Kunci Jawabannya Loh, Semangat Belajar

Yuk Pahami Inilah Soal UTS Mata Pelajaran PKN Kelas 10 SMA/MA Ada Kunci Jawabannya Loh, Semangat Belajar

Belajar Bersama Teman, Ini Soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) Kelas 10 SMA/MA di Lengkapi Kunci Jawaban

Belajar Bersama Teman, Ini Soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) Kelas 10 SMA/MA di Lengkapi Kunci Jawaban

Auto Nilai Bagus, Ini Jawaban Diskusikanlah Isu Makroekonomi Indonesia Selama Satu Tahun Terakhir yang Anda Ketahui, Yuk Perhatikan

Auto Nilai Bagus, Ini Jawaban Diskusikanlah Isu Makroekonomi Indonesia Selama Satu Tahun Terakhir yang Anda Ketahui, Yuk Perhatikan

Ayo Pahami Ini Soal Pilihan Pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) pada Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Kelas 10 SMA/MA dengan Kunci Jawaban

Ayo Pahami Ini Soal Pilihan Pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) pada Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Kelas 10 SMA/MA dengan Kunci Jawaban

Analisislah Bagaimana Menanggulangi Penjajahan dalam Era Digital Saat Ini dan Bagaimana Agar Keterlaksanaannya Smart and Good Citizen, Ini Jawabannya

Analisislah Bagaimana Menanggulangi Penjajahan dalam Era Digital Saat Ini dan Bagaimana Agar Keterlaksanaannya Smart and Good Citizen, Ini Jawabannya

Humas bisa berada di bidang kerja apa saja seperti pemasaran, periklanan, publisitas dan propaganda, setujukah, tugas 1 karya ilmiah 041107745, ini jawaban rumusan permasalahan rangkuman minimal 5 jurnal bereputasi dan minimal 5 buku terbitan 10 tahun terakhir, contoh surat tuntutan kronologi kasus pembunuhan mahasiswa universitas bumi, buatlah surat tuntutan berdasarkan kasus pada tugas 1 berdasarkan kasus.., tugas ruang kolaborasi 2 modul 1.2 nilai dan peran guru penggerak surat terimakasih untuk rekan cgp yang sangat menginspirasi, harlah pmii ke-64 tahun: ini harapan ketua tanfidziyah pcnu, gp ansor dan demisioner pmii kabupaten serang, pejuang toga persiapkan diri kamu dengan baik, beasiswa lpdp kementerian keuangan tahun 2024 akan segera buka pendaftaran tahap 2.


  1. Contoh Soal Application Letter Kelas 12

    contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

  2. Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Bab 4

    contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

  3. Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Application Letter

    contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

  4. 6 Contoh Application Letter Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

  5. Materi Application Letter Kelas 12

    contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda

  6. Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris Tentang Application Letter

    contoh soal application letter bahasa inggris kelas 12 pilihan ganda


  1. Application Letter

  2. BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas 12

  3. BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas 12

  4. BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas 11

  5. Application Letter

  6. BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas 12


  1. 49 Contoh Soal Application Letter dan Jawabannya

    Disamping diberikan contoh soal pilihan ganda application letter dan jawabannya, agar lebih bisa menguasai berbagai macam type dan model pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggirs, berikut juga diberikan beberapa contoh soal application letter essay beserta jawabannya. ... Tidak semua soal bahasa inggris kelas 12 kurikulum 2013 ini menjelaskan ketiga ...

  2. Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB 4 - Berikut adalah Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB 4 Kelas 12 Tentang Do You Know How to Apply for a Job yang terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan ganda. Dengan adanya soal latihan ini semoga bisa sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan latihan sebelum menghadapi ujian. 1. What is the definition of application letter?

  3. Application Letter

    Surabaya, 65151. April 19, 2009. Mr. Frank Peterson, Personnel Manager. Jeans and Co. Jl. Raya Pandaan 186. Pandaan Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, 98502. Dear Mr. Peterson: I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a local branch manager, which appeared in the Jawa Pos on Sunday, June 15. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my ...

  4. Soal Bahasa Inggris Job Application Letters Kelas 12 SMA Dilengkapi

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya menyajikan contoh soal job application letters yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat bagi siswa kelas 12 untuk menguji seberapa jauh kalian memahami berbagai jenis informasi di dalam surat lamaran kerja (job application letter). Selamat belajar.

  5. Soal Application Letter (HOTS)

    Exercise 2. Arrange the following application letter into correct order. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Part a. My co-workers and fellow students have describe me as analytical and ambitious, someone who focuses on results. I feel these characteristics make me a good match for your company, its goal of 'results you can build ...

  6. 33 Contoh soal application letter bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawaban

    3 Contoh surat ulang tahun bahasa Inggris untuk teman, bikin haru. 25 Contoh soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban. 50 Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 beserta jawabannya. 25 Contoh soal FPB dan KPK Matematika beserta kunci jawaban. 25 Contoh soal present continuous tense lengkap dengan jawabannya.

  7. UH 2 Application Letter Kelas XII

    Tangerang Selatan 19837. October, 30th 2018. PO BOX 1393. JKB 11013. To whom it may concern, I'm applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post. As shown in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer graduated from Universitas Indonesia on 2007.

  8. Soal PG Application Letter Download Free PDF

    Baca juga: Download Soal Pilihan Ganda Personal Letter Answer key Berikut kunci jawaban untuk soal PG application letter download free PDF di atas. 1. d. print media publisher 2. b. journalism 3. c. The applicant qualification in editing content. 4. c. To give more personal information. 5. a. first paragraph 6. c. Human resources manager 7. b.

  9. Job Application Letter

    Job Application Letter - Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12. by Citra Agusta Putri Anastasia. Juni 29, 2022. 3. Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan Gap Year ini membahas cara membuat job application letter, cover letter, dan curriculum vitae, beserta contoh soal dan pembahasan. Halo Sobat Zenius!

  10. Contoh Soal Application Letters

    Application Letters - Bahasa Inggris SMA. Sampel materi untuk guru yang ingin cari soal latihan. Temukan bank soal lengkap dan update dengan cara mendaftar gratis. Kirim soal-soal ini ke murid di kelas Bapak/Ibu Guru lewat Google Classroom, dalam bentuk kuis online, tautan kuis, file kuis, atau cetak langsung! 1.

  11. Soal application letter

    Soal application letter. 1. Multiple Choice. With reference to your advertisement in Today's time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior Assistant post. My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods, like cameras and ...

  12. Soal Application Letter Terbaru 2021 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Lengkap

    Baca Juga: Lengkap, Bocoran Soal UAS dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Materi Application Letter. Materi tersebut juga diprediksi bakal keluar saat UAS semester 1 tahun ini. Berikut adalah soal application letter Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 yang diprediksi muncul saat UAS dilansir dari kanal YouTube Tari Setya pada Kamis, 12 November 2021.

  13. Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Job Application Letter ( Pilihan Ganda & Essay )

    Ada banyak hal yang akan dibahas dalam materi application letter, mulai dari bagaimana penulisan yang benar, struktur dan masih banyak lagi. Terkadang materi ini juga berhubungan dengan beberapa materi bahasa inggris lainnya, seperti job interview, curriculum vitae dan lainnya. Untuk membantu anda memahami tentang Job Application Letter, anda bisa melihat beberapa soal yang telah kami ...

  14. Soal UAS 2021 Application Letter Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1

    Answer: c. Itulah soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester 1 tahun 2021 tentang application letter. Semoga dapat dipahami dengan baik. Disclaimer: Artikel ini berisi soal dan kunci jawaban terbuka yang dapat dieksplorasi oleh siswa dalam persiapan UAS .***. Simak update artikel pilihan lainnya dari kami di Google News Ringtimes Banyuwangi.

  15. Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 (Offering Help, If + Suggestions, Job

    Kali ini Dimensi Bahasa Inggris akan membagikan soal evaluasi dari materi offering help, if + suggestions, singular - plural nouns dan job application letter. Berikut soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 (offering help, if + suggestions, job application letter, singular & nouns)

  16. 33 Contoh soal application letter bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawaban

    Contoh soal application letter Bahasa Inggris pilihan ganda. Application letter 1. Taylor, Inc. 694 Rockstar Lane. Durham, NC 27708. Dear Human Resources Director: I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor's new computer center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level programmer at the center.

  17. 20 Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 ...

    20 Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Beserta Jawaban Lengkap~Part4 untuk siswa SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat - Soal-soal pilihan ganda b. Inggris kelas xii semester ganjil K13 edisi revisi postingan ini berisikan materi yang diambil dari Bab 4, seperti soal mengenai application letter, serta soal mengenai construct application letter.

  18. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Dan Kunci Jawaban

    Demikian 40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat, semakin sering latihan semakin terbiasa dengan cara penyelesaian soal. Practice Makes Perfect! Baca Juga Kumpulan soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kurikulum 2013. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban.

  19. Latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

    Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat ialah B karena stagnant di sini bermakna 'sedikit berubah atau bergerak'. Nah, itulah 10 soal untuk latihan persiapan Ujian Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris kelas 12. Semoga membantu ya! Kalau 10 soal masih belum cukup, kamu bisa mencoba mengasah kemampuan dengan ruanguji.

  20. Contoh Application Letter Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Struktur dan

    Contoh Application Letter dalam Bahasa Inggris, Begini Cara Membuatnya. Dikutip dari buku 'Koresponden Bisnis Modern' terbitan Gelora Aksara Pratama, berikut beberapa poin penting dalam membuat contoh application letter kelas 12: Kenali Kebutuhan Perusahaan. Baca Juga. 5 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja di PT yang Baik beserta Strukturnya.

  21. 60 Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 & Jawabannya

    Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1. Sebagai siswa kelas 12 atau kelas 3 SMA / SMK / MAN / Sederajat, pada Semester Gasal kalian akan menerima materi Bahasa Inggris seputar Makking Suggestion, Making Request, Giving Instruction, Narrative Text, Procedure Text dan lain sebagainya. 60 Contoh Soal Try Out Kelas 6 Terbaru 2024 : Semua Mapel.

  22. Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 dan Kunci ...

    Jakarta - . Contoh soal ujian sekolah bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan pembahasannya bisa membantu detikers mengulang materi pelajaran menjelang tes di pengujung tahun ajaran. Apa saja soal yang biasa keluar di ujian? Dilansir dari Fokus UN, USBN, SBMPTN Mapel Pilihan Fisika 2018 oleh Tim Study Center, sejumlah soal yang keluar yakni terkait materi pemahaman teks, ide pokok paragraf, kata hubung ...

  23. SOAL PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Semester 1, Kunci Jawaban Latihan

    SOAL PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Semester 1, Kunci Jawaban Latihan UAS Pilihan Ganda soal dan jawaban Latihan UAS, UKK dan PAS untuk siswa kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA / SMK / MA pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil

  24. 70 SOAL Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA / SMK, Kunci Jawaban

    Selain itu, soal dan jawaban yang dibahas sebagai referensi bahan belajar bagi siswa belajar dirumah. Simak selengkapnya pembahasan soal dan jawaban Latihan USP, US, UAS dan USBN untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA / SMK semester genap dilansir dari berbagai sumber:. It seems many people are still out on the question of whether TV advertising influences children.

  25. 30 Soal & Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2: The

    Tak menutup kemungkinan soal-soal pada latihan ini juga akan muncul dalam ulangan sekolah semester 1 dan 2. Berikut contoh soal latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Kurikulum Merdeka untuk belajar di rumah : A. Pilihan Ganda. I. Jawablah dengan benar soal-soal berikut ini! My sister … (1) to cook. … (2) I have a great idea for lunch every ...

  26. Terbaru! Soal Asesmen Madrasah (AM) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Madrasah

    DISTRIK NEWS - Simak contoh soal terbaru Asesmen Madrasah (AM) Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 12 Madrasah Aliyah yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban berikut ini. Contoh ini bisa kamu gunakan sebagai bahan belajar kamu di rumah. Kamu bersama teman atau orang tua mu bisa menggunakan contoh ini sebagai referensi belajar untuk menghadapi ujian.