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Internet Addiction

Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff

More a popular idea than a scientifically valid concept, internet addiction is the belief that people can become so dependent on using their mobile phones or other electronic devices that they lose control of their own behavior and suffer negative consequences. The harm is alleged to stem both from direct involvement with the device—something that has never been proven—and from the abandonment of other activities, such as studying, face-to-face socializing, or sleep.

  • What Is Internet Addiction?
  • Signs of Excessive Internet Use
  • Internet Use and Mental Health
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There is much debate in the scientific community about whether excessive internet use can be classified as a true addiction. In an addiction to substances such as drugs or alcohol , consumption ceases being pleasurable but continues and is difficult to escape even as the likelihood of harm to the body and life mounts. In the case of internet use, there is no clear point at which being online becomes non-pleasurable for most individuals. In part for this reason, behavioral "addictions," including using the internet, remain controversial: Experts debate where the line should be drawn between passionate absorption in any activity—say, devoting a lot of time to playing the cello or reading books—and being stuck in a rut of compulsivity that stops being useful and detrimentally affects other areas of life.

In preparing the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , psychiatrists and other experts debated whether to include internet addiction. They decided that there was not enough scientific evidence to support inclusion at this time, although the DSM-5 does recognize Internet Gaming Disorder as a condition warranting further study.

Most often, the word “addiction” is used in the colloquial sense. Common Sense Media finds that 59 percent of parents “feel” their kids are addicted to their mobile devices—just as 27 percent of the parents feel that they themselves are. Sixty-nine percent of parents say they check their own devices at least hourly, as do 78 percent of teens. Spending a lot of time on the internet is increasingly considered normal behavior, especially for adolescents. Much of their social activity has simply moved online. Like any new technology, the computer has changed the way everyone lives, learns, and communicates. It is possible to be online far too much, even though this does not constitute a true addiction in the eyes of most clinicians. 

Internet content creators leverage the ways in which the brain works to rally consumers '  attention . One simple example: A perceived threat activates your fight-or-flight response, a part of the brain known as the Reticular Activating System mobilizes the body for action. So online content exploits potential dangers—violence, natural disaster, disease, etc.—to attract and hold your attention.  

Problematic or excessive internet use can indeed pose a serious problem. It can displace such important needs as sleep, homework, and exercise, often a source of friction between parents and teens. It can have negative effects on real-life relationships. 

The idea of internet addiction is a particular concern among parents, who worry about the harmful effects of screen time and often argue about device use with their children. According to a 2019 survey conducted by Common Sense Media, children aged 8 to 12 now spend 5 hours a day on digital devices, while teens clock more than 7 hours—not including schoolwork. Teen screen time is slowly ticking upward, and most teens take their phones to bed with them.


Whether classified as an addiction or not, heavy use of technology can be detrimental. It can impair focus, resulting in poor performance at school or work. Excessive internet consumption also makes it more difficult for people to communicate normally or to regulate their emotions. They spend less time on non-internet-related activities at the cost of relationships with friends, family, and significant others.

One way to assess whether you’re using the internet too much is to ask yourself if your basics needs (or your child’s, if they are the concern) are being met. Do you sleep enough, eat healthy, get enough exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and spend time socializing in-person? The real harm of screen time may lie in missed opportunities for growth and connection.

Excessive screen time can be particularly harmful to a developing brain: It decreases focus and attention span while increasing the need for more constant stimulation and instant gratification. Those who use the internet excessively may feel anxious if their access to their device gets restricted. They tend to be more impulsive and struggle to recognize facial and nonverbal cues in real life.

Internet use becomes a problem when people start substituting online connections for real, physical relationships. The effects of technology on relationships include increased isolation and loneliness . Defaulting to online communication also denies us the opportunity to hear someone’s voice and read their facial cues in-person; it can also lead to poorer outcomes and miscommunication. Experts recommend that we save the important conversations for when we can be face-to-face for just this reason.   

Online content has been designed to elicit specific “checking habits,” which can result in distraction and poor performance at school or work. Constantly checking your smartphone or another device can also lead to relationship-sabotaging behaviors, like phubbing (snubbing loved ones for the instant gratification of checking the internet on your device). As more time is spent online, less is devoted to the natural pleasures of everyday life.  

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Excessive use of the internet is known to negatively impact a person’s mental health. It has been associated with mental health issues, such as loneliness, depression , anxiety , and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Research suggests that people are likely to use the internet more as an emotional crutch to cope with negative feelings instead of addressing them in proactive and healthy ways.

This is a subject of debate at present. While internet addiction is not in the DSM-V, it is clearly a behavior that negatively impacts mental health and cognition for many, and many struggle to cut back on their time online. The term "addiction" is often used as a shorthand for, “My child spends a lot of time on social media , texting friends, or playing video games, and I’m worried how it will affect his or her future development and success.” At the same time, many people label it a behavioral addiction, engaging reward circuitry seen in other problematic behaviors such as gambling.

Time online is also sometimes used as an escape from boredom or relief from loneliness or other unpleasantness. Occasionally, excessive screen time masks a state of depression or anxiety. In such cases, digital engagement becomes an attempt to remedy the feelings of distress caused by true mental health disorders that could likely benefit from professional or other attention.

Given how much people rely on technology to complete everyday tasks, from online schooling to paying bills to ordering food to keeping in touch with loved ones who are far away, it isn’t feasible to stop using the internet altogether. In most cases, the goal should be to reduce the time spent online. Many of those who’ve struggled to balance internet use with other activities recommend such simple “digital detox” measures as leaving devices in the kitchen or any other room but the bedroom at night. Cognitive behavioral therapy can also help address addiction-like behaviors, like constant checking habits. 


Amidst growing concerns about the increased amount of time people are spending online, the “digital detox” has become a popular way to cope. A digital detox involves temporarily abstaining from using devices, like computers and smartphones. Someone may go on a digital detox in order to re-engage with a passion or activity, focus more on in-person interactions, or break free of a pattern of compulsive or excessive use. Digital detoxes also allow more time for self-care that a person may have been neglecting in order to stay plugged into the internet, which can lead to lower stress levels and better sleep.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer. You may want to digitally detox if you notice that you’re experiencing sleep disruptions due to staying up late or waking up early to be on a device, if the internet is making you feel depressed, or if the constant need to be connected causes you stress. Other signs may include feeling anxious if you can’t locate your phone, having FOMO ( fear of missing out) if you’re not checking the internet or social media, struggling to focus without (or due to) constant checking behaviors, etc.

Unlike other detoxes where the goal is to abstain completely, digital detoxes are more flexible and tailored to the individual. It may not be possible due to work or personal obligations to shut your devices off entirely for long periods of time. If it’s time for a digital detox , there are some strategies you can try: Block off non-screen time during the day and/or night, set a “digital curfew” for using devices at night or on weekends, specify digital-free spaces in your home (e.g., the bedroom or dinner table), and use the additional time in fulfilling ways (e.g., socialize, rekindle old interests, volunteer, etc.).

Use the internet and social media with purpose; set time limits on your unstructured use to avoid going down long and unfulfilling rabbit holes. Take advantage of the extra free time you suddenly have. Spend more time socializing in-person and volunteer. Rekindle old interests or take up a new hobby. Go outside. Pay more attention to how you are feeling, both physically and emotionally.

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Essay On Internet Addiction

argumentative essay internet addiction

Essay on the Types of Internet Addiction

Net compulsion, general addiction, relationship addiction, compulsive web surfing, essay on the symptoms of internet addiction, essay on the causes of internet addiction, social influences, self-medication, emotional patterns, compulsive behavior, essay on the effects of internet addiction, relationship issues, decreased productivity, disassociation and instant gratification, essay on the prevention of internet addiction, admit the fact, limit computer time, avoid send messages and mails, start a hobby.

Unfortunately, many people are addicted to the internet. The usage of internet has increased to a great extent that it started interfering in other key areas of life such as – education, work, and relationship, physical and emotional health. When internet becomes a priority, the individual no longer participate in life outside the virtual world.

Internet addiction is a compulsive disorder that interferes with normal living. It causes severe stress and relationship problems with family and friends.

There are different forms of addiction involved with over-use of internet, and it is essential to identify the category. Most of the times, internet addiction is characterized by a compulsive desire to interact online through cybersex, gambling, gaming, social networking and compulsive surfing.

Here is the detailed description of different types of internet addiction.

This type of internet addiction takes place in fantasy role playing sites and adult chat rooms. Watching internet pornography is the most common type of cybersex addiction.

This type of addiction includes compulsive gaming, gambling, trading stocks, shopping or excessive use of internet that interferes with personal and professional well-being.

Some people play on computer obsessively, such as – Solitaire, programming a computer etc. They enjoy playing offline games and stay in front of computer for long period. Such addiction is called general addiction and can be treated easily.

There are lot of people who have multiple social media accounts and chat rooms. These people take part in social networks and virtual messages with the purpose of having online relationships. They enjoy more with online friends than with family members or real friends.

Compulsive web surfing is a disorder where individuals keep on surfing the web or database to a point. They do not give time to friends, family members or regular work at home.

Not all the users who surf web become addicted to the internet. In some cases, excessive usage of internet is not associated with internet addiction. Internet is one of the best sources of information and there are many ways in which it can be used in a healthy way.

Now, the question is – how to recognize healthy internet use and unhealthy internet use?

Well, the level of internet usage differs from person to person and we should consider multiple factors to determine what level of internet usage is unhealthy. Some people depend on internet for professional work and use excessively. However, this does not mean that the person is internet addicted. Some people might use internet to connect with their family members who are staying far away. This too does not necessarily mean that the person is addicted.

Unhealthy usage of internet can often be characterized by the decision of the individual to interact online instead of the person in real life. The decision to spend time online without any purpose is a warning signal that the person is addicted. Using internet for long hours with the purpose of spending time can cause negative consequences in individuals in terms of broken relationship, increased anxiety, reduced productivity or financial distress.

Internet addiction can be manifested in both physical and emotional symptoms. However, the symptoms vary from person to person. Individuals should watch for warning signals that internet addiction may be developing.

Internet addiction can be diagnosed with some of the below symptoms.

  • Compulsive urge to use internet for increased amount of time to achieve browsing satisfaction. Individuals who lack control in computer usage often suffer from internet addiction.
  • If you are staying online for more time than you have decided, it means there is something wrong. Using internet as a way of escaping reality or negative mood can be a sign of internet addiction.
  • If you feel depressed, stressed or irritated when not using internet, you are suffering from severe internet addiction. You might have an addiction of internet if you are isolating yourself from family and friends to spend time online.
  • If you have trouble focusing on regular work or you have found that your online time has made you slack on the daily tasks, you may be suffering from internet addiction.

If you are using internet to reduce stress or boost your mood, it means you are seriously addicted to internet. Many people with internet addiction fail to achieve relationship connections normally and end up with unproductive results. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should schedule appointment with physiatrist.

It is hard to say what causes internet addiction. To understand how internet addiction causes, you should first compare it with different types of addictions such as drug addiction, relationship addiction etc. drug addicts feel normal, if their drug needs are fulfilled. Similarly, internet addict feel normal by surfing internet for longer periods.

Internet addiction is a newer phenomenon and there is no clear definition of internet addiction. More research needs to be conducted to know the primary causes of internet addiction. The causes can vary with gender, age and personality.

Some of the possible causes of internet addiction are as below –

Society plays an important role in different types of behavioral issues, such as internet addiction, drug addiction, TV addiction etc. If the individual’s friends or family members are constantly engaged in a particular activity, such behavior is socially acceptable. Internet addiction seems to be common among people who interact more online in the form of online games, chat rooms, social media etc.

This is another possible cause of internet addiction. Someone who is addicted to a substance is prone to become addicted to other activities. People with mental disorder like – depression, stress, anxiety may self-medicate by using internet to relieve their symptoms. For example – people with depression, anxiety, stress or any other mental condition may use alcohol or other substance to feel better.

The emotions and thinking pattern of person play a vital role in driving addiction behaviors. Thoughts and emotions tank on the top of list, when it comes to any form of addiction. It is all about how the person handles difficult emotions. As an escape mechanism, people who are suffering from anxiety or depression can easily get lost in the virtual world. When a person experiences the feelings of loneliness and finds relief while online, the seed of internet addiction starts to sprout.

An internet activity that encourages a compulsive behavior is another possible reason behind internet addiction. For example – online casinos and gambling sites encourage the individual to play again and again. Some people are information addict and do not stop themselves from browsing the web and reading informational articles.

People who are shy find it difficult to interact with others and many develop internet addiction. They often feel that meeting people online is less intimidating than direct communication. A lot of people have a strong desire for human connection and it is high in people suffering with social anxiety. Chat rooms and social media sites give them an opportunity to connect with others without facing the fear of direct communication. When they communication online, they can control how they are perceived by others.

People become addicted to the internet because they receive a positive feeling. Someone with right mix of addictive personality and poor emotional health could get addicted if internet happens to fall into their life.

People who spend hours on the internet start to see some negative effects in their lives. In a survey, it was found that internet addicts spend more than 60% of their time online. Addiction comes out as a compulsive need to engage in an activity that poses threat to other areas of life. The idea of internet addiction seems to be silly, especially in those who do not have any kind of disorder.

As said above, addictive behavior can be defined as something that increases tolerance levels or the need to spend more time. People who spend unusual amount of time online meet all the key criteria for addiction. The effects of internet addiction tend to become apparent with time.

Some of the possible effects of internet addiction are –

This is the most common effect of internet addiction. When someone is immersed in online activities for a longer period, it means they are not interested in real world activities. The changes become more apparent in terms of friends, family and beloved ones. Certain types of internet addiction such as online casino, gambling, rummy etc poses certain threats to stability in relationship.

Similarly, continuous web surfing can cause threat to close relationships. Loss of relationship in person’s life results in loss of self-identity and connection with life.

An individual who spends lot of time online may get isolated from family and friends. In some cases, the effects of internet addiction results in conditions involving loneliness and depression. Lack of social interaction can have an effect on the physical and mental condition of the individual. A with other addictions, the longer an individual uses, the severe are the symptoms.

The effects of internet addiction can be so severe that the person doesn’t feel the need of social interaction. As the screen time increases, the person may lack physical exercise – as a result of which his/her health starts to decline.

People suffering with internet addiction remain online just to avoid some important activities such as making a call or completing their office work. These people often go out less frequently and do not interact much with others. Moreover, they have low rates of productivity as they either put off doing the work or unable to do the work.

Surfing aimlessly or playing games for hours wastes a lot of precious time. Internet addicts are wrapped up with online activities and fail to notice that how time has gone by.

Internet addicts become heavily involved in online community with the purpose of escaping from real life problems. For example – if someone is involved in online social network, they use it to avoid having to deal with face to face interactions in real world. Internet addicts may even have a poor impulse control, which means they cannot stop themselves from clicking on the links or checking emails.

The advent of social media has created an obsession to share personal life with the world. People expect others to drop everything to respond to a text or email. Many people have trouble living in the moment because they are too busy sharing moments with others.

As said above, depression could be one of the possible causes of internet addiction. Depressed people may use internet as a self-medication to feel better, as it allows them to ignore the problems they are facing currently. Remember that they feel better for a time being only. Internet addiction can worsen the symptoms of depression when they logout. They still have to face their problems and deal with them, rather than putting them off.

Besides the above effects, internet addicts may notice decreased levels of personal hygiene. They hardly care about their looks. Internet addicts tend to feel zoned out after several hours of internet usage. Moreover, they may develop physical symptoms such as – back, shoulder, joints and hand pain. Some people even develop poor eyesight issues due to prolonged hours in front of computer.

When it comes to technology, you should create a healthy work-life balance. There are some simple ways to prevent internet addiction and live a healthy life.

To seek help with internet addiction disorder, you should be given a mental test to assess your dependency on the internet. The most common assessment to make diagnosis of internet addiction include – problematic internet use questionnaire, compulsive internet use scale and internet addiction test.

Many of us surf the internet and there is a fine line between casual surfing and compulsive surfing. If you fear that you may lose interest in real life activities as you prefer to be on the internet, you may be on your way to addiction.

Here are some proven ways to prevent internet addiction.

If you are using internet for prolonged hours, you should first admit that you are at risk of internet addiction. You are not the only one with the problem. Internet addiction has become a prominent issue and large group of people are facing this issue. Do not be embarrassed to accept or share your problem with others.

To prevent internet addiction, set aside some time for computer use. If you have a laptop, do not use it on holidays. Keep it somewhere and try not to go near it. Keep the screen closed, if you are not using it. When the computer is no looking at you, you are less likely to use it.

Use an alarm clock as time to limit computer usage time. You can even program your computer in such a way that it shuts down automatically after 30-40 minutes.

Call people instead of messaging them or sending an email. This will keep you way from computer. If you are in college or office, try doing work together with a friend or colleague. Make copies of information needed. If you have to browse same information again and again, you should consider copying the information, rather than browsing again and again. This will stop you from using the internet again and again.

Get involved in a hobby or class that keeps you away from computer, laptop, smartphones and other internet enabled devices. You can even make a habit of going to concerts, events, film screening etc happening in your city. Make sure that you get involved in those activities for long period. If you are not interested in a hobby or event, you can help with meals. Cook something for your family to stay away from internet. Avoid eating meals at computer. Instead, eat at a separate place to avoid going online.

You can go for a short trip with your family or even friends. Instead of watching TV or getting involved in individual things – you should spend some time with your family. You can even watch a movie along with your family or go out for an evening walk.

All the above things will help you prevent internet addiction. Remember that you are not the only one suffering from internet addiction. There are hundreds of people suffering from internet addiction and it can be treated easily.

Internet addiction refers to the compulsive need to stay online that interferes with normal life and may affect relationships. It can negatively affect personal relationships with beloved ones as well as cause negative impact on life. By spending hours on the internet, the development of social skills may be impacted negatively.

There are a number of ways to prevent and treat internet addiction. Some of the popular ways to treat internet addiction are – psychotherapy, counselling, support groups etc. The main objective of internet addiction treatment is to reduce the compulsion to use internet and reach a point where the individual uses internet for certain period. The individuals should be able to use internet as a ‘Choice’ and not ‘Compulsion’.

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Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice

Hilarie cash.

a reSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program, Fall City, WA 98024

Cosette D Rae

Ann h steel, alexander winkler.

b University of Marburg, Department for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Gutenbergstraße 18, 35032 Marburg, Germany

Problematic computer use is a growing social issue which is being debated worldwide. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) ruins lives by causing neurological complications, psychological disturbances, and social problems. Surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated alarming prevalence rates between 1.5 and 8.2% [1]. There are several reviews addressing the definition, classification, assessment, epidemiology, and co-morbidity of IAD [2-5], and some reviews [6-8] addressing the treatment of IAD. The aim of this paper is to give a preferably brief overview of research on IAD and theoretical considerations from a practical perspective based on years of daily work with clients suffering from Internet addiction. Furthermore, with this paper we intend to bring in practical experience in the debate about the eventual inclusion of IAD in the next version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).


The idea that problematic computer use meets criteria for an addiction, and therefore should be included in the next iteration of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) , 4 th ed. Text Revision [ 9 ] was first proposed by Kimberly Young, PhD in her seminal 1996 paper [ 10 ]. Since that time IAD has been extensively studied and is indeed, currently under consideration for inclusion in the DSM-V [ 11 ]. Meanwhile, both China and South Korea have identified Internet addiction as a significant public health threat and both countries support education, research and treatment [ 12 ]. In the United States, despite a growing body of research, and treatment for the disorder available in out-patient and in-patient settings, there has been no formal governmental response to the issue of Internet addiction. While the debate goes on about whether or not the DSM-V should designate Internet addiction a mental disorder [ 12 - 14 ] people currently suffering from Internet addiction are seeking treatment. Because of our experience we support the development of uniform diagnostic criteria and the inclusion of IAD in the DSM-V [ 11 ] in order to advance public education, diagnosis and treatment of this important disorder.


There is ongoing debate about how best to classify the behavior which is characterized by many hours spent in non-work technology-related computer/Internet/video game activities [ 15 ]. It is accompanied by changes in mood, preoccupation with the Internet and digital media, the inability to control the amount of time spent interfacing with digital technology, the need for more time or a new game to achieve a desired mood, withdrawal symptoms when not engaged, and a continuation of the behavior despite family conflict, a diminishing social life and adverse work or academic consequences [ 2 , 16 , 17 ]. Some researchers and mental health practitioners see excessive Internet use as a symptom of another disorder such as anxiety or depression rather than a separate entity [e.g. 18]. Internet addiction could be considered an Impulse control disorder (not otherwise specified). Yet there is a growing consensus that this constellation of symptoms is an addiction [e.g. 19]. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) recently released a new definition of addiction as a chronic brain disorder, officially proposing for the first time that addiction is not limited to substance use [ 20 ]. All addictions, whether chemical or behavioral, share certain characteristics including salience, compulsive use (loss of control), mood modification and the alleviation of distress, tolerance and withdrawal, and the continuation despite negative consequences.


The first serious proposal for diagnostic criteria was advanced in 1996 by Dr. Young, modifying the DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling [ 10 ]. Since then variations in both name and criteria have been put forward to capture the problem, which is now most popularly known as Internet Addiction Disorder. Problematic Internet Use (PIU) [ 21 ], computer addiction, Internet dependence [ 22 ], compulsive Internet use, pathological Internet use [ 23 ], and many other labels can be found in the literature. Likewise a variety of often overlapping criteria have been proposed and studied, some of which have been validated. However, empirical studies provide an inconsistent set of criteria to define Internet addiction [ 24 ]. For an overview see Byun et al . [ 25 ].

Beard [ 2 ] recommends that the following five diagnostic criteria are required for a diagnosis of Internet addiction: (1) Is preoccupied with the Internet (thinks about previous online activity or anticipate next online session); (2) Needs to use the Internet with increased amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction; (3) Has made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use; (4) Is restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use; (5) Has stayed online longer than originally intended. Additionally, at least one of the following must be present: (6) Has jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet; (7) Has lied to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet; (8) Uses the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression) [ 2 ].

There has been also been a variety of assessment tools used in evaluation. Young’s Internet Addiction Test [ 16 ], the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) developed by Demetrovics, Szeredi, and Pozsa [ 26 ] and the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) [ 27 ] are all examples of instruments to assess for this disorder.

The considerable variance of the prevalence rates reported for IAD (between 0.3% and 38%) [ 28 ] may be attributable to the fact that diagnostic criteria and assessment questionnaires used for diagnosis vary between countries and studies often use highly selective samples of online surveys [ 7 ]. In their review Weinstein and Lejoyeux [ 1 ] report that surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated prevalence rates varying between 1.5% and 8.2%. Other reports place the rates between 6% and 18.5% [ 29 ].

“Some obvious differences with respect to the methodologies, cultural factors, outcomes and assessment tools forming the basis for these prevalence rates notwithstanding, the rates we encountered were generally high and sometimes alarming.” [ 24 ]

There are different models available for the development and maintenance of IAD like the cognitive-behavioral model of problematic Internet use [ 21 ], the anonymity, convenience and escape (ACE) model [ 30 ], the access, affordability, anonymity (Triple-A) engine [ 31 ], a phases model of pathological Internet use by Grohol [ 32 ], and a comprehensive model of the development and maintenance of Internet addiction by Winkler & Dörsing [ 24 ], which takes into account socio-cultural factors ( e.g. , demographic factors, access to and acceptance of the Internet), biological vulnerabilities ( e.g. , genetic factors, abnormalities in neurochemical processes), psychological predispositions ( e.g. , personality characteristics, negative affects), and specific attributes of the Internet to explain “excessive engagement in Internet activities” [ 24 ].


It is known that addictions activate a combination of sites in the brain associated with pleasure, known together as the “reward center” or “pleasure pathway” of the brain [ 33 , 34 ]. When activated, dopamine release is increased, along with opiates and other neurochemicals. Over time, the associated receptors may be affected, producing tolerance or the need for increasing stimulation of the reward center to produce a “high” and the subsequent characteristic behavior patterns needed to avoid withdrawal. Internet use may also lead specifically to dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens [ 35 , 36 ], one of the reward structures of the brain specifically involved in other addictions [ 20 ]. An example of the rewarding nature of digital technology use may be captured in the following statement by a 21 year-old male in treatment for IAD:

“I feel technology has brought so much joy into my life. No other activity relaxes me or stimulates me like technology. However, when depression hits, I tend to use technology as a way of retreating and isolating.”


What is so rewarding about Internet and video game use that it could become an addiction? The theory is that digital technology users experience multiple layers of reward when they use various computer applications. The Internet functions on a variable ratio reinforcement schedule (VRRS), as does gambling [ 29 ]. Whatever the application (general surfing, pornography, chat rooms, message boards, social networking sites, video games, email, texting, cloud applications and games, etc.), these activities support unpredictable and variable reward structures. The reward experienced is intensified when combined with mood enhancing/stimulating content. Examples of this would be pornography (sexual stimulation), video games (e.g. various social rewards, identification with a hero, immersive graphics), dating sites (romantic fantasy), online poker (financial) and special interest chat rooms or message boards (sense of belonging) [ 29 , 37 ].


There is increasing evidence that there can be a genetic predisposition to addictive behaviors [ 38 , 39 ]. The theory is that individuals with this predisposition do not have an adequate number of dopamine receptors or have an insufficient amount of serotonin/dopamine [ 2 ], thereby having difficulty experiencing normal levels of pleasure in activities that most people would find rewarding. To increase pleasure, these individuals are more likely to seek greater than average engagement in behaviors that stimulate an increase in dopamine, effectively giving them more reward but placing them at higher risk for addiction.


Many researchers and clinicians have noted that a variety of mental disorders co-occur with IAD. There is debate about which came first, the addiction or the co-occurring disorder [ 18 , 40 ]. The study by Dong et al . [ 40 ] had at least the potential to clarify this question, reporting that higher scores for depression, anxiety, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, and psychoticism were consequences of IAD. But due to the limitations of the study further research is necessary.


There is a general consensus that total abstinence from the Internet should not be the goal of the interventions and that instead, an abstinence from problematic applications and a controlled and balanced Internet usage should be achieved [ 6 ]. The following paragraphs illustrate the various treatment options for IAD that exist today. Unless studies examining the efficacy of the illustrated treatments are not available, findings on the efficacy of the presented treatments are also provided. Unfortunately, most of the treatment studies were of low methodological quality and used an intra-group design.

The general lack of treatment studies notwithstanding, there are treatment guidelines reported by clinicians working in the field of IAD. In her book “Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment”, Young [ 41 ] offers some treatment strategies which are already known from the cognitive-behavioral approach: (a) practice opposite time of Internet use (discover patient’s patterns of Internet use and disrupt these patterns by suggesting new schedules), (b) use external stoppers (real events or activities prompting the patient to log off), (c) set goals (with regard to the amount of time), (d) abstain from a particular application (that the client is unable to control), (e) use reminder cards (cues that remind the patient of the costs of IAD and benefits of breaking it), (f) develop a personal inventory (shows all the activities that the patient used to engage in or can’t find the time due to IAD), (g) enter a support group (compensates for a lack of social support), and (h) engage in family therapy (addresses relational problems in the family) [ 41 ]. Unfortunately, clinical evidence for the efficacy of these strategies is not mentioned.

Non-psychological Approaches

Some authors examine pharmacological interventions for IAD, perhaps due to the fact that clinicians use psychopharmacology to treat IAD despite the lack of treatment studies addressing the efficacy of pharmacological treatments. In particular, selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been used because of the co-morbid psychiatric symptoms of IAD (e.g. depression and anxiety) for which SSRIs have been found to be effective [ 42 - 46 ]. Escitalopram (a SSRI) was used by Dell’Osso et al . [ 47 ] to treat 14 subjects with impulsive-compulsive Internet usage disorder. Internet usage decreased significantly from a mean of 36.8 hours/week to a baseline of 16.5 hours/week. In another study Han, Hwang, and Renshaw [ 48 ] used bupropion (a non-tricyclic antidepressant) and found a decrease of craving for Internet video game play, total game play time, and cue-induced brain activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after a six week period of bupropion sustained release treatment. Methylphenidate (a psycho stimulant drug) was used by Han et al . [ 49 ] to treat 62 Internet video game-playing children diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. After eight weeks of treatment, the YIAS-K scores and Internet usage times were significantly reduced and the authors cautiously suggest that methylphenidate might be evaluated as a potential treatment of IAD. According to a study by Shapira et al . [ 50 ], mood stabilizers might also improve the symptoms of IAD. In addition to these studies, there are some case reports of patients treated with escitalopram [ 45 ], citalopram (SSRI)- quetiapine (antipsychotic) combination [ 43 ] and naltrexone (an opioid receptor antagonist) [ 51 ].

A few authors mentioned that physical exercise could compensate the decrease of the dopamine level due to decreased online usage [ 52 ]. In addition, sports exercise prescriptions used in the course of cognitive behavioral group therapy may enhance the effect of the intervention for IAD [ 53 ].

Psychological Approaches

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a client-centered yet directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving client ambivalence [ 54 ]. It was developed to help individuals give up addictive behaviors and learn new behavioral skills, using techniques such as open-ended questions, reflective listening, affirmation, and summarization to help individuals express their concerns about change [ 55 ]. Unfortunately, there are currently no studies addressing the efficacy of MI in treating IAD, but MI seems to be moderately effective in the areas of alcohol, drug addiction, and diet/exercise problems [ 56 ].

Peukert et al . [ 7 ] suggest that interventions with family members or other relatives like “Community Reinforcement and Family Training” [ 57 ] could be useful in enhancing the motivation of an addict to cut back on Internet use, although the reviewers remark that control studies with relatives do not exist to date.

Reality therapy (RT) is supposed to encourage individuals to choose to improve their lives by committing to change their behavior. It includes sessions to show clients that addiction is a choice and to give them training in time management; it also introduces alternative activities to the problematic behavior [ 58 ]. According to Kim [ 58 ], RT is a core addiction recovery tool that offers a wide variety of uses as a treatment for addictive disorders such as drugs, sex, food, and works as well for the Internet. In his RT group counseling program treatment study, Kim [ 59 ] found that the treatment program effectively reduced addiction level and improved self-esteem of 25 Internet-addicted university students in Korea.

Twohig and Crosby [ 60 ] used an Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) protocol including several exercises adjusted to better fit the issues with which the sample struggles to treat six adult males suffering from problematic Internet pornography viewing. The treatment resulted in an 85% reduction in viewing at post-treatment with results being maintained at the three month follow-up (83% reduction in viewing pornography).

Widyanto and Griffith [ 8 ] report that most of the treatments employed so far had utilized a cognitive-behavioral approach. The case for using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is justified due to the good results in the treatment of other behavioral addictions/impulse-control disorders, such as pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating-disorders [ 61 ]. Wölfling [ 5 ] described a predominantly behavioral group treatment including identification of sustaining conditions, establishing of intrinsic motivation to reduce the amount of time being online, learning alternative behaviors, engagement in new social real-life contacts, psycho-education and exposure therapy, but unfortunately clinical evidence for the efficacy of these strategies is not mentioned. In her study, Young [ 62 ] used CBT to treat 114 clients suffering from IAD and found that participants were better able to manage their presenting problems post-treatment, showing improved motivation to stop abusing the Internet, improved ability to control their computer use, improved ability to function in offline relationships, improved ability to abstain from sexually explicit online material, improved ability to engage in offline activities, and improved ability to achieve sobriety from problematic applications. Cao, Su and Gao [ 63 ] investigated the effect of group CBT on 29 middle school students with IAD and found that IAD scores of the experimental group were lower than of the control group after treatment. The authors also reported improvement in psychological function. Thirty-eight adolescents with IAD were treated with CBT designed particularly for addicted adolescents by Li and Dai [ 64 ]. They found that CBT has good effects on the adolescents with IAD (CIAS scores in the therapy group were significant lower than that in the control group). In the experimental group the scores of depression, anxiety, compulsiveness, self-blame, illusion, and retreat were significantly decreased after treatment. Zhu, Jin, and Zhong [ 65 ] compared CBT and electro acupuncture (EA) plus CBT assigning forty-seven patients with IAD to one of the two groups respectively. The authors found that CBT alone or combined with EA can significantly reduce the score of IAD and anxiety on a self-rating scale and improve self-conscious health status in patients with IAD, but the effect obtained by the combined therapy was better.

Multimodal Treatments

A multimodal treatment approach is characterized by the implementation of several different types of treatment in some cases even from different disciplines such as pharmacology, psychotherapy and family counseling simultaneously or sequentially. Orzack and Orzack [ 66 ] mentioned that treatments for IAD need to be multidisciplinary including CBT, psychotropic medication, family therapy, and case managers, because of the complexity of these patients’ problems.

In their treatment study, Du, Jiang, and Vance [ 67 ] found that multimodal school-based group CBT (including parent training, teacher education, and group CBT) was effective for adolescents with IAD (n = 23), particularly in improving emotional state and regulation ability, behavioral and self-management style. The effect of another multimodal intervention consisting of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), family therapy, and CT was investigated among 52 adolescents with IAD in China. After three months of treatment, the scores on an IAD scale (IAD-DQ), the scores on the SCL-90, and the amount of time spent online decreased significantly [ 68 ]. Orzack et al . [ 69 ] used a psychoeducational program, which combines psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral theoretical perspectives, using a combination of Readiness to Change (RtC), CBT and MI interventions to treat a group of 35 men involved in problematic Internet-enabled sexual behavior (IESB). In this group treatment, the quality of life increased and the level of depressive symptoms decreased after 16 (weekly) treatment sessions, but the level of problematic Internet use failed to decrease significantly [ 69 ]. Internet addiction related symptom scores significantly decreased after a group of 23 middle school students with IAD were treated with Behavioral Therapy (BT) or CT, detoxification treatment, psychosocial rehabilitation, personality modeling and parent training [ 70 ]. Therefore, the authors concluded that psychotherapy, in particular CT and BT were effective in treating middle school students with IAD. Shek, Tang, and Lo [ 71 ] described a multi-level counseling program designed for young people with IAD based on the responses of 59 clients. Findings of this study suggest this multi-level counseling program (including counseling, MI, family perspective, case work and group work) is promising to help young people with IAD. Internet addiction symptom scores significantly decreased, but the program failed to increase psychological well-being significantly. A six-week group counseling program (including CBT, social competence training, training of self-control strategies and training of communication skills) was shown to be effective on 24 Internet-addicted college students in China [ 72 ]. The authors reported that the adapted CIAS-R scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group post-treatment.

The reSTART Program

The authors of this article are currently, or have been, affiliated with the reSTART: Internet Addiction Recovery Program [ 73 ] in Fall City, Washington. The reSTART program is an inpatient Internet addiction recovery program which integrates technology detoxification (no technology for 45 to 90 days), drug and alcohol treatment, 12 step work, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), experiential adventure based therapy, Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT), brain enhancing interventions, animal assisted therapy, motivational interviewing (MI), mindfulness based relapse prevention (MBRP), Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR), interpersonal group psychotherapy, individual psychotherapy, individualized treatments for co-occurring disorders, psycho- educational groups (life visioning, addiction education, communication and assertiveness training, social skills, life skills, Life balance plan), aftercare treatments (monitoring of technology use, ongoing psychotherapy and group work), and continuing care (outpatient treatment) in an individualized, holistic approach.

The first results from an ongoing OQ45.2 [ 74 ] study (a self-reported measurement of subjective discomfort, interpersonal relationships and social role performance assessed on a weekly basis) of the short-term impact on 19 adults who complete the 45+ days program showed an improved score after treatment. Seventy-four percent of participants showed significant clinical improvement, 21% of participants showed no reliable change, and 5% deteriorated. The results have to be regarded as preliminary due to the small study sample, the self-report measurement and the lack of a control group. Despite these limitations, there is evidence that the program is responsible for most of the improvements demonstrated.

As can be seen from this brief review, the field of Internet addiction is advancing rapidly even without its official recognition as a separate and distinct behavioral addiction and with continuing disagreement over diagnostic criteria. The ongoing debate whether IAD should be classified as an (behavioral) addiction, an impulse-control disorder or even an obsessive compulsive disorder cannot be satisfactorily resolved in this paper. But the symptoms we observed in clinical practice show a great deal of overlap with the symptoms commonly associated with (behavioral) addictions. Also it remains unclear to this day whether the underlying mechanisms responsible for the addictive behavior are the same in different types of IAD (e.g., online sexual addiction, online gaming, and excessive surfing). From our practical perspective the different shapes of IAD fit in one category, due to various Internet specific commonalities (e.g., anonymity, riskless interaction), commonalities in the underlying behavior (e.g., avoidance, fear, pleasure, entertainment) and overlapping symptoms (e.g., the increased amount of time spent online, preoccupation and other signs of addiction). Nevertheless more research has to be done to substantiate our clinical impression.

Despite several methodological limitations, the strength of this work in comparison to other reviews in the international body of literature addressing the definition, classification, assessment, epidemiology, and co-morbidity of IAD [ 2 - 5 ], and to reviews [ 6 - 8 ] addressing the treatment of IAD, is that it connects theoretical considerations with the clinical practice of interdisciplinary mental health experts working for years in the field of Internet addiction. Furthermore, the current work gives a good overview of the current state of research in the field of internet addiction treatment. Despite the limitations stated above this work gives a brief overview of the current state of research on IAD from a practical perspective and can therefore be seen as an important and helpful paper for further research as well as for clinical practice in particular.


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The Internet Argumentative Essay

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Information , Internet , World , Children , Video Games , Life , Development , Family

Words: 1300

Published: 12/05/2019


The internet has been hailed as one of the greatest innovations of the 20th century and has caused what can only be termed as a revolution. The internet is available in most countries worldwide and is available to over 120 million people globally, which is approximately 2% of the world’s population (Saisan et al., 1). This is because the internet has been the driving force of information technology and is responsible for the major lifestyle change that has been experienced in the world today. The internet possesses two characteristics which have been vital to its success: it is the richest source of information; it provides a fast and interactive form of communication. These two characteristics have literally transformed the world into a global village. The internet has become indispensible in the running of our daily lives in virtually all sectors of our lives. The use of the internet should however be limited, because overusing the internet can have negative effects especially on social relations with other people and child development. Each person uses the internet in a different manner because it is a huge information resource (Saisan et al., 1). Some people choose to use it for entertainment, work, games, or research. Certain psychologists argue that overusing the internet can result in internet addiction. The internet is also being used by many people to relieve stress, anxiety, or depression. After a difficult day, the internet is popularly used to entertain and comfort. (Dreyfus 50) points out that for some people who develop internet addiction; it becomes an unhealthy means of coping with negative emotions. Instead of dealing with negative emotions, the internet is used as a means of escape. The internet addict develops an unhealthy dependence on the internet and is unable to deal with unfavorable emotions healthily. The internet presents a great opportunity for the propagation of other compulsive behaviors. For example, it offers an opportunity for addiction to online gaming. Online gaming is a big industry and it is projected to reach $ 19 billion by the year 2013 (Guan and Subrahmanyam 1). A research study by Cheng et al., (2), was carried out to investigate life satisfaction experienced by gamers on different levels of personality dimensions. It was found that the neuroticism often experienced by these gamers negatively affected the satisfaction they derived from life. It was therefore concluded that there was a negative relationship between the frequency of internet surfing and satisfaction in life (Cheng et al., 3).Teenagers are much more vulnerable to internet addiction as found by (Saisan et al., 2). This is because adolescence is a difficult period characterized by self-exploration and identity crisis. Teenagers who are facing developmental challenges are more likely to use the internet as a coping mechanism. Other compulsive behaviors which can be encouraged by the internet include addiction to pornography and cybersex. The addict may be engaged in visiting adult sites, adult chat-rooms, or fantasy sites. In addition, one may become addicted to cyber relationships where friends on messaging, social networking sites, and chat-rooms are more significant than real life friends. Other studies however, reveal that computer gaming assists in cognitive development of the individual (Dreyfus 52). These studies outline that cyber relationships, social networking, and online gaming are relaxing activities which do not necessarily result in addiction. These studies, however, do concur that excessive use of the internet may have negative effects on relationships (Dreyfus 52).

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Young children need an adult’s supervision to validate the information that they have heard, felt, and seen (Guan and Subrahmanyam 1). Unfortunately, the internet does not contain any form of controls or checks to verify reliability of information. This means that children who use the internet are bombarded by information and are therefore their ability to differentiate between what is real and what is unreal, because reality in the virtual world cannot be ascertained (Akin and Iskender 138).

Some school children who are highly engaged in online activities demonstrate academic problems which may be a direct result of these activities. These students lack skills in writing because they plagiarize the projects. Moreover, the informal language used popularly in emails spills over in formal writing in essays among high school students (Saisan et al., 1).

It can be debated that the internet has been an enriching resource for intellectual and innovative work. However, the internet is often abused by children who neglect vital social activities like chores, quality time with adults, and homework. Dreyfus suggests that internet users will progressively lose the skills and the forbearance to conduct themselves favorably in the real world (53). In addition, the proliferation of illicit content on the internet like hate speech, pornography, bias, violence, and inappropriate content is easily accessible by children.

Pornography is an especially sensitive concern especially with regards to children because they are often drawn into this illegal and lucrative trade (Dreyfus 53). Pornography destroys the innocence of children by exposing them to adult activities and also harms them physically especially where they are exposed to pedophiles or child traffickers. It encourages the children to lose their inhibitions, teaches them to engage in sexual activities, or used to blackmail the children.

Online victimization and sexual solicitation are grave concerns whose incidences have been increasing steadily in the past years. A form of online victimization is online harassment where the victim is threatened or subjected to offensive behavior which is of a non-sexual nature (Guan and Subrahmanyam 1). Cyber bullying is also a form of harassment which can be described as the online mode of traditional bullying. Sexual solicitation occurs when one invites an individual to divulge sexual information, participate in sexual acts, or sexual talk. A recent study amongst 10-15 year olds reports that approximately 33 percent had experienced online harassment while another 15 percent had received sexual solicitations (Guan and Subrahmanyam 1).

It cannot be denied that the internet has revolutionized and contributed greatly to global development. Business can now be conducted across the world from any location in real time, and one can communicate with a friend in a faraway land cheaply, and in real time too. However, these remarkable developments have also been responsible for the proliferation of social decay and risks with which it is associated. Overusing the internet can result in internet addiction, and it also propagates other forms of addiction like online gaming and cybersex. The internet can also damage the cognitive development of a child due to the lack of adult validation of what the child is exposed to online. It blurs the sense of reality in exposed children, thus distorting his/her cognitive development. It also contributes to unhealthy social development as more time is spent online than in the real world. This stunts ability to relate to others in the real world. The internet is also a lucrative ground for cyber bullies, sexual solicitors, and pedophiles preying on innocent children or people. Due to these factors, it is important that the use of the internet be limited or regulated so as to control the negative effects it may propagate.

Works Cited

Akin Ahmet and Iskender Murat. Internet Addiction and Depression, Anxiety and Stress. International Online Journal of Educational Resources, 2011, 3 (1): 138-148 Cheng Shu, Tsai Hsing, Tzung Yeh. The Risk Factors of Internet Addiction-A Survey of University Freshmen. Psychiatry Research, 2009, 167, (3):294-299 Dreyfus Hubert. On the Internet. 2001, New York: Routledge, 2009.Print. Shu-Sha Angie Guan and Kaveri Subrahmanyam. Youth Internet Use: Risks and Opportunities: Negative Aspects of Internet Use. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2009; 22(4):351-356. Web. 23 November 2011. Saisan Joanna, Smith Melinda, Segal Jeanne . Internet Addiction. Web. 23 November 2011.


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