• Essay On India Of My Dreams

India of My Dreams Essay

500+ words essay on india of my dreams.

All of us love our country and have a strong attachment to this ancient land of ours. We want to see a prosperous and happy India. Each one of us has a dream of how India should develop and progress. Just as Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister had said at the time of independence that he had to solve 300 million problems (the population of India at that time); similarly, each one of us may have thought about the “India of my dreams”. The Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi also expressed his thoughts on this topic. Now, their thoughts are published in the form of a book named “India of my Dreams”. Here, we have provided an Essay on India of My Dreams which is a sample essay. Students can take ideas from this essay and then write an Essay on India of their dreams by putting their own thoughts into words.

India of My Dreams

The India of my dreams will be a place full of peace and harmony. People will be filled with compassion, happiness and enthusiasm. I see an India where each individual will have a strong value system, where all human beings are equal. Everyone will have his or her role in the governance of the country directly as well as indirectly. I dream of an India which has people who are self-contained, self-reliant communities with truthful and transparent lives with good health, education and lives.

I dream of India as a country where everyone has access to education. There are children who belong to poor families and cannot afford education because of the costs of education. For such children, education should be provided freely. Moreover, education should be provided irrespective of gender discrimination. The girl child should be given equal opportunities similar to the boy child.

Women Empowerment

The India of my dreams includes women who are respected everywhere. They have power and rights equal to men. They are treated as an extremely important member of the family where they can take decisions and have financial independence. They must get a safe environment where they don’t have to worry about crimes such as rape, physical assault, kidnapping, acid attack, domestic violence, dowry system, sexual harassment at the workplace, etc. They must feel safe and protected so that they can utilise their full potential and energy in the right direction. This would enable them to showcase their talent and thus contribute to the development of the nation.

Corruption-Free India

Corruption is the biggest hurdle in the path of the development of our country. If our government and political system become corruption-free, then our country will develop fast. The bribery system will come to an end and all bureaucrats will function with integrity and accountability. Every government servant will take responsibility for their work. So, the India of my dream will be corruption free.

Employment Opportunities

Creating employment opportunities for youth is one of the key factors that contribute to the development of a nation. India which I dream of should have enormous opportunities for youth so they can be easily employed. There should be jobs in every sector so that one can work in the area of his/her interest. In this way, India will reach great heights.

Clean, Green and Pollution-Free Environment

The India of my dreams will be clean, green and healthy for everyone. People will enjoy the greenery, fresh air and pollution-free environment. The highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene will be maintained in the India of my dreams. Citizens will actively participate in making India clean so everyone gets a healthy environment.

This is my India — a great country, a land of peace, prosperity and truthfulness where no one is afraid of speaking the truth and where there is no corruption. It will be a country where women are respected and people from all religions coexist and where every citizen is proud to be an Indian. It will be a country free from violence, terrorism, hunger and suffering.

Essays Topics for Students Practise

After writing an essay on the India of my dreams, students must practise essays on similar topics. To help them with this, we have provided a few essay topics as suggestions:

  • Essay on Mahatma Gandhi
  • Essay on the First Prime Minister of India
  • Essay on Bhagat Singh
  • Essay on Freedom Fighters

Frequently Asked Questions on India

Who is known as the ‘father of nation’ in india..

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is known as the ‘Father of the Nation’. Gandhiji played a key role in gaining India’s independence from British rule in 1947 by peaceful means and spreading the message of non-violence.

What is the capital of India?

New Delhi is the national capital of India. It is situated in the north-central part of the country on the west bank of the Yamuna River.

Describe the Indian National Flag.

The Indian National Flag is a horizontal tricolour. It contains saffron colour (kesaria) at the top, white in the middle and green at the bottom in equal proportion. In the centre of the white band is a navy-blue wheel which represents the chakra. The top saffron colour indicates the strength and courage of the country. The white middle band indicates peace and truth with Dharma Chakra. The green shows the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land.

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india of my dreams in 2047 essay in english

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  • India of My Dreams Essay


Essay on India of My Dreams

Everyone has dreams to make his/her country big and democratically successful. A country where there is equality in all areas, and for all genders, it witnesses progress. Like others, I also have a dream for my India and the way it should be, so I can be proud to live and the coming generation too. Furthermore, a country where there is no discrimination of caste, color, gender, and economic status, sees development in a true sense. People in such countries also progress well in all senses.

Descriptive Essay India of My Dreams

The India of my dreams would be a country that is entirely self-sufficient in all areas. I want India to be technologically advanced, agriculturally advanced as well as scientifically better. Every barren land in the country, which has not witnessed crop in ages, would be cultivated for achieving food grains. I am proud of my country, where agriculture is the backbone and pushes the GDP ahead. 

I am proud that I live in a country with so rich soil containing suitable minerals that help in agriculture and promote farming. Different states of India have different varieties of soil, such as Gujarat has black soil that is suitable for growing cotton, Kerala has soil that is suitable for rice cultivation, and so on. One of the best things that happened in the country was the Green Revolution, offering intensive agricultural programs for farmers.

Women Empowerment

My biggest dream is to see women’s empowerment in all areas. I am happy to see women are becoming independent and can take up family responsibilities. However, many things need to work for women’s empowerment, such as stopping female feticide, promoting safety and equality in the organisation, etc. In rural areas of India, there are still many cases of women feticide and physical attack, endangering a woman’s life. 

The patriarchy is still in existence in many places in India, that needs to be taken into consideration. Several jobs are still not open for women. For things to change in a better way, along with the government and other citizens, women as a community should also normalise certain things to change the mindset of the people and the society. For instance, generally, everywhere, the delivery person that comes to our door are men. There are nearly zero women who accept such jobs. Instead, they choose to be a housewife, which should not be the ideal situation. Society should normalise things for women that men have done for decades. Various types of reservations are also provided in education or jobs to uplift women and encourage better participation.

Thankfully, the Indian government, along with NGOs and social groups, are working towards the safety and empowerment of women in India. I want women in my country to be free from social stigma and live independent lives.

Empowering Poor

The rich are becoming richer, and the poor are becoming poorer. The middle class has been standing in the same situation ever since. This should not be the ideal situation for India. The more this gap will be, the more our country and people will suffer. India of my dreams should be a place where poor people get empowerment, face no poverty, do not starve, and get the proper roof to live. 

Poor kids should get an education, so they are confident in facing the world and living a successful life. There should be no gap between the rich and the poor. The national income should be distributed rationally among different sections of society. In my opinion, socialism is the only remedy that can help to overcome the problem.

Employment Opportunity

The India of my dream should be where every individual should get employment opportunities. People must have a decent job that offers good pay, which will help in fulfilling dreams. Unfortunately, many young people with great talent are unable to find the right job due to corruption, quota, and reference.

Reservation has been the major hindrance in the path of growth of deserving candidates. Many of the young experts end up shifting abroad for job opportunities, helping the growth of the GDP of the respective country. India of My dream is a place where the deserving candidate must get a job. A country where young experts get a proper job will certainly witness profitable growth of GDP.

No More Caste Discrimination

Right from independence until now, caste discrimination has been the major hurdle in the growth of Indian society. In many villages of the country, some people still face caste discrimination issues. It is certainly shameful to see how people are denied their rights due to the caste issue. Thankfully, certain social groups work hard to bring down caste discrimination and give equal opportunities to people.

Reservation is also the major factor in promoting caste discrimination. The deserving candidate, be it of any caste, has to suffer more, and the non-deserving ones, be it of any caste, get admission easily into top-notch colleges of India. Students shift abroad for their higher studies or their jobs. They think that the education system of India is not up to the mark and the employment industry is also not very welcoming to keep the students in their company.

I want India to be corrupt-free, which will help in the growth of the nation. One of the reasons the country, even after all these years, is not able to develop is because of the corruption practised by people. No matter how big or small the work is, you need to give the money to get it done.

However, there are government policies that strike hard on such people who look for a bribe to perform the task. I dream of a country where people perform a task without taking any bribes.

Good Infrastructure and Sanitation

I dream of India, which has good infrastructure and sanitation. There are many villages, which lack poor sanitation and infrastructure. The Government of India needs to work on these, so people get what they deserve. Adequate sanitation is very important; it helps people in the village, especially women, to avoid going to open places and face health issues.

The Indian defence forces should be equipped with technologically advanced weapons. All the three military units, the army, the navy, and the air force, should be given extra attention by the government of India as the defence force of any nation is the most significant part of any country. The soldiers should be well-trained and have enough facilities, especially those serving at the borders.

India of my dream should be an ideal country, which I can be proud of and live with confidence. I want the coming generation to have a better life and get everything they deserve for living in this country. I want my country to be politically sound and unbiased, the democracy of my country to be the strongest and successful. Corruption should be eliminated from every aspect of our lives. 

Taxes should be practically and judicially imposed, the difference between rich and poor should be eliminated, and there should not be any kind of inequalities. This dream nation should be the dream of every citizen living here, and then only the desired result will be seen. Every citizen should work and act accordingly so that our future generation will be proud of the nation they are born in, and the other countries of the world will take inspiration from India.


FAQs on India of My Dreams Essay

1) Why is India's Dream of becoming self-reliant difficult?

Many obstacles make this country less self-reliant. The first thing is the high tax levied by the government. There are taxes an individual needs to pay for running a business, and most of the profit is taken away by the taxes. People take a step back to invest in the business. However, the time has come where the government is stepping in to offer assistance on a monetary basis, helping young investors to come up with ideas and work on producing products in and for India.

2) Will caste discrimination ever be eliminated in India?

No, caste discrimination in India may never be eliminated. This is because people are caste-oriented, and they prefer accepting others based on caste. This discrimination has led to many problems in various places of India like mob lynching, social isolation, and others.

3) What are the major challenges in achieving the India of our dreams?

Various social, economic, political, and cultural concerns exist in our country. India being a vast and diverse country with a huge population, it is difficult but not impossible to achieve the India of my dreams. Also, the efforts made for betterment are few and everyone just wants their desired results with no efforts by them. This is what makes it altogether a dream to be achieved.

4) What are the factors that stop India from being a developed nation?

Various negative factors stop India from flourishing as a developed nation are corruption, poverty, illiteracy, employment issues, etc. Efforts need to be placed in order to eliminate the above factors for a better tomorrow.  

5) What does the India of my dreams look like?

India of my dreams will be developed, advanced, happy, peaceful, filled with harmony, and equality in every aspect of life. It will be a place to live in where everyone would be content with what they have and there is understanding within the fellow citizens.

Essay on India of My Dreams for Students and Children

500 words essay on india of my dreams.

India is a country where people of all cultures and religions coexist together. I suppose that each of us has dreamt about some version of India. Obviously, we may dream about anything at any time, and as Indian citizens, we are continuously looking for methods to improve our country and see a better India. Peace and prosperity are my hopes for our great country. India will be a great country when every citizen follows the rule of law, supports the nation with their families, and does something to make India a better place.

The India of my dream would be a country where women are safe and walk freely on road. Also, it will be a place where there is freedom of equality to all and everyone can enjoy it in their true sense. Furthermore, it would be a place where there is no discrimination of caste, color, gender , creed, social or economic status, and race. In addition, I see it as a place that sees an abundance of development and growth.

Essay on India of My Dreams

How can we make our dream India possible?

If we collectively look into everything, we will be able to identify the causes and solutions to all of the world’s problems. Similarly, building a great nation and resolving its deep-rooted problems is an attainable goal. India must have the following characteristics in order to become a Great Country:

  • Law That Is Just and Effective
  • Society of Peace
  • Equality of opportunity for everyone
  • Uncorrupted systems
  • Unbiased educational system

When these things become a reality, the entire country will take notice, and everyone will have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy and prosperous life. That is why we must all work together to bring about change in our country and contribute to improving people’s lives. Every person must work with their family and society, as well as support our government, which is also doing its bit by providing adequate education, transportation, food for everybody, and employment opportunities to all segments of society.

Technological Advancement

I would like to see India become more scientifically, technologically, and agriculturally sophisticated. I want to see an India where rationality and scientific ideas triumph over blind faith and bigotry. Because the present age is the age of science and information technology, I would like to bring India to the pinnacle of scientific and technical advancement. Scientific and technological developments are required since they are a critical stepping stone in the development of a country.

Women Empowerment

There is a lot of discrimination against women. But, still, the women are stepping out of their houses and making a mark on different fields and on society. In addition, there are a lot of areas that need to be worked upon whether it is female feticide or restricting them to the household task. Besides, many NGO and social groups have come forward to promote women empowerment .

However, we have to work hard to change the mindset of society. I dream of India as a country that sees women as its assets, not as liabilities. Also, I want to place women on an equal level as men.

Though there are many initiatives by the government to promote education. But there are many people who do not realize its true importance. The India of my dream will be a place where education will be mandatory for all.

I wish there were no uneducated people in India of my dreams. I would like to see India implement a system of education that allows every individual to earn a living. In my dream India, I would like the people of my country to appreciate the value of education and to encourage their children to pursue school rather than working in menial professions at a young age.

Employment Opportunities

Although there are many educated people in India. But, due to corruption and many other reasons they are unable to get a decent job. Besides, there are many employment opportunities in the country but they are either limited or don’t pay well enough. One of the reasons for this is weak industrial growth in the country.

In addition, reservation is a hindrance in this path as most of the deserving candidates lose their good opportunities because of it. Many of these deserving candidates go abroad and work for the economic growth of other countries . The Indian of My dream will be a place where the deserving candidate will get the job first rather than reserved candidates.

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Caste Discrimination

Though India got independence in 1947, still we are not able to get complete independence from caste, religion, and creed discrimination. It is shameful to see how in certain parts of the country the people of the lower section of the society are denied the basic rights .

However, there are various social groups that speak for their rights and help them to oppose this oppression. Besides, I dream of an India where there is no discrimination of any kind.

Corruption is one of the major reasons that are hindering the growth of the nation . Instead of making an effort to serve the growth of the country the officials and politicians are busy filling their own pockets. So, I dream of an India where the minister and official are dedicated to their work and wholly for the development of the country.

A big number of well-educated persons appear to be unemployed as a result of politicians’ severe corruption and harshness. Because of the reservation system, the majority of deserving individuals have been denied the opportunity. My hope for India is that deserving applicants, not reserved candidates, receive the correct jobs. I would also like to see India become a place where the government’s primary focus is on the benefit of the country.

In conclusion, the India of my dream will be an ideal country where every citizen will be equal. Also, there is no discrimination of any type. In addition, it will be a place where women are seen as equals to men and respected equally.

Gender Discrimination and Inequality

It’s terrible to see how, despite showing themselves in every aspect of life, women are still regarded as inferior to males. My ideal India will be one in which women are protected in all circumstances, good or bad. There will be no more torture, domestic violence, or male dominance over women. Women will be able to pursue their dreams with greater freedom. In my future country, they should be treated equally and have the right to care. It would be a location where the safety of women would be of the first importance.

Medical Support

The sole goal of the medical profession shall be to protect people free from discomfort and sickness, with proper regard and respect for age and with all due consideration for the health of all the best medical facilities available. Not for profit, but for the sake of service. The elderly would be properly cared for, and life would appear to be worth living for as long as they lived. People in my ideal country would be born healthy, hopeful, and happy, and they would live happily ever after.

FAQs about Essay on India of My Dreams

Q.1 Why India of my dream is difficult to achieve? A.1 India of my dream is difficult to achieve because there are many social, religious, and political problems. Only after getting rid of them, we can think about the India of my dream.

Q.2 Does corruption is the only hindrance in the path of development in India? A.2 No, there are many other hindrances in the path of development of India but corruption is a hindrance.

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My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English | Best 10 Lines, 100, 150, 500 & 1000 words

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This is a detailed article about the My vision for India in 2047 Essay in English . By following the samples of essays and postcard writing on my vision for India in 2047, you can complete your school and tuition projects. Short 10 lines essays for classes 2,3,4. Medium 300-350 words for classes 5,6,7,8. And long, over 1000 words for class 9,10,11,12. Hope you found your ideal one, and make sure to leave a comment on which one is your favorite.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English:

India is a developing country, and still has a lot of development left. Our country is about to complete 100 years 2048 of its independence and sovereignty, the 100-year ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ inspiration that will make Indians bigger and stronger.

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In 1000 Words :

You can find a detailed essay on My Vision For India In 2047 in 1000 words here. If you are a class 9th or 10th student or higher students, you can apply it anywhere.


Like others, I also have a fantasy for my nation India and I can be glad for it for the cutting edge as it ought to be. The year 2047 will be a milestone year for seeing India through the prism of development, growth, gender, equality, employment, and different issues.

My vision for India in 2047:

My vision for India is to be well managed in all fields like improving poverty, measures to cut down unemployment, pollution control, hunger-Free India, medical facilities in remote areas, no child labor & free schools for poor children, no place for communal violence, self-reliant India, and many more.

While discussing vision, we anticipate doing such things which assist our vision with turning out to be valid.

1. Health & Fitness:

My vision for India in 2047 is to improve Health System by providing good facilities to people. People are also aware of health & Fitness. The most important thing in life is health. In 2047, I want medical treatment to be cheaper so that even the poorest of the poor are not left without treatment. Everyone was able to get timely medical help.

2. Education:

The public authority attempts to spread schooling, however, there are numerous who don’t understand its actual significance. My vision for India in 2047 will be that education will be mandatory for all.

3. Cast Discrimination:

India was freed in 1947, yet, we have not had the option to accomplish total freedom from race and religion. My vision for India in 2047 is a place where there is no segregation.

4. Women Empowerment:

Women are leaving their homes and leaving an impression in different fields and society. My vision for India in 2047 is to make women more attractive and self-sufficient.

We have to try to change the outlook of our society. My view of India is a country that considers women as its assets, not as a liability, also, I wanted to keep women on an equal footing with men.

5. Employment:

There are many educated people in India. But, due to corruption and other reasons, they are not getting suitable jobs. My vision for India in 2047 will be a place where qualified candidates will get jobs first rather than reserved candidates.

Moreover, since India is a developing country, some industries will grow and many will get job opportunities there as well.

6. Corruptions:

Corruption is a focal point that is hindering the development of the country, and the innumerable prospects for India in 2047 where the clergy and the authorities have surrendered themselves to their work and are opposed to the development of the country.

7. Child Labour:

Some parts of India are still very poor and the education rate is very low. In all those places, children are busy leaving school and working. My vision for India in 2047, is that there is no child labor, but they are studying.

8. Farming:

Farmers are said to be the backbone of our nation, they provide food and necessities. It enables people to survive and engage in physical activity. Farmers should be protected by providing training facilities on seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers so that they can use their knowledge to grow more crops and give people a reason to rely heavily on products from agriculture.

The development of industries such as high-quality machine building, modified equipment, and industrial areas are also very important.

9. Science & Technology:

With the help of science and technology, India reached the Mongol planet first. I want India to make a lot more progress in all these areas by 2047.

10. Pollution:

I want India to keep the environment clean and healthy for people, plants, and animals. Let him do the pollution control system that should be followed and be free from various kinds of pollution.

Our flora and fauna are also important to meet our basic needs as farmers and to keep us healthy and active.


The India of my vision in 2047 will be an ideal country. Also, there is no discrimination of any type. In addition, it is a place where women are seen as equal to men and respected equally.

The next twenty-five years will be highly crucial not just for our country but also for us as citizens of India. The excursion could take extreme however the objective vows to remunerate. We will observe a nation so strong yet so joined together.

My Vision For India In 2047 10 Lines :

This is the section for My vision for India in 2047 essay in English in 10 lines or 150 words.

My vision for India in 2047 essay in 10 Lines:

  • Our country India was freed from British subjugation on the fifteenth of August 1947. 75 years of freedom are concluding.
  • In this viewpoint, India needs to beat corruption, poverty, unemployment, lack of healthy sustenance, and illiteracy.
  • We should guarantee safe schooling for women and children and guarantee equivalent opportunities for all.
  • There should be no segregation of creed, gender, social or economic status, and standing.
  • We should be independent in food and shelter for all.
  • By 2047 we should turn into the biggest economy on the planet.
  • We should accomplish feasible advancement with environmentally friendly power and a sound India.
  • We should make it harmless to the ecosystem, sans carbon, and green advancement by utilizing assets.
  • Our nation should be created based on protection power, innovation, and gifted labor.
  • May my nation be a place that is known for harmony, thriving, and honesty.

My Vision for India In 2047 Essay In English 500 Words:

This 500 words section is for my vision for India in 2047 essay in English.

In a world where Artificial General Intelligence is on the rise, what are the implications for India?

India has always been ahead of its time in terms of technology and innovation. With AI assistants and personal assistants becoming more popular, India will be able to lead the way in an era where AI dominates human life.

How Technology Will Shape the Future of India:

India is considered to be one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world with a large population and a booming economy. With the help of technology, India is expected to become more economically competitive and can provide better opportunities for its citizens.

India has been using technology to solve problems since ancient times. The country has made use of technology in various aspects such as agriculture, healthcare, education, and even sports. There are many ways that India has used technology to improve its quality of life over time.

The future of India will be shaped by how it uses technology in various sectors such as transportation, healthcare, and education.

The Indian Economy in 2047:

The Indian economy is expected to be one of the most important economies in the world in 2047.

The Indian Economy in 2047 is an essay about how India will be a leading economic power by 2047. This essay discusses how the Indian economy will change due to globalization and how India’s citizens will benefit from it.

The Indian Media in 2047:

The Indian Media in 2047 is the first book of its kind that takes a long-term view of the Indian media landscape in the year 2047. It covers a wide range of topics such as the rise and fall of print, digital, and social media; how content is created and consumed; how news becomes fake or authentic; how audience engagement happens; and more.

This introduction includes information on what this book covers, what it is called, who wrote it, and where to buy it.

Conclusion: India’s Future is Bright

India’s future is bright. The country has been a part of the world’s fastest-growing economies in recent years. India’s GDP has grown at a rate of 7-8% for the past few years. The country is also home to one of the world’s largest populations with over 1 billion people.

The population and economy are expected to grow even further in the coming years. With this growth, India will be able to provide better opportunities for its citizens and become an even more attractive destination for global businesses.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 700 Words:

This 700 words section is for my vision for India in 2047 essay in English.

Introduction: What is India’s Future?

India is one of the most populous countries in the world, but its population is still on a rise. In 2047, India will be home to over 1 billion people.

My vision for India in 2047 Essay in English

The future of India is uncertain, but there are some things that I believe will happen. India will be more diverse than ever before with a greater number of ethnicities and religions in the country. There will be more opportunities for women to work and contribute to society in different ways. More young people will continue to study abroad and return with new skillsets and knowledge about other cultures that can help grow their own country.

What are the Effects of the Demographics that You See Today?

The effects of the demographics that we see today are going to have a significant impact on the future.

In order to get a better idea, let’s look at some of the most important demographic factors in the United States.

The U.S. population is projected to reach 400 million by 2050, which means that it will be twice as large as it was in 1950.

What will be the Economic Conditions Like in 2047?

The world is changing fast and so are the economic conditions. It is predicted that in 2047, the world will be a very different place than it is now.

In 2047, we can expect to see a lot of changes in economic stability. The economic growth will be slower and there will be more people who have financial difficulties as well as a decline in the standard of living.

What do People Think about India’s Future?

India is often called the next superpower. The country has the third-largest population in the world and is growing rapidly. In 2047, India’s population will be around 1,2 billion people.

What do people think about India’s future? India is often called the next superpower. In 2047, India’s population will be around 1,2 billion people.

The future of India is uncertain, but it will be a fascinating time to watch. In the future of India, we have seen a lot of change in the past few decades. From being a developing nation to one that is growing at an exponential rate. We are seeing changes in our culture and how we live our lives.

A key aspect of this change has been the rise of technology and its impact on society as a whole. Technology is not just affecting us in the workplace, but also in how we live our lives outside work as well. The future is uncertain for India, but it will be an interesting time to watch!

My Vision For India 2047 Letter :

Sub:- My Vision For India In 2047

Honorable Prime Minister of India,

Shri Narendra Modi Ji,

This is a letter about what I want to see that in the next five years at 100 years of our Independence. Our country India was liberated on 15th August 1947 from 200 years of oppression and slavery by the British. This year marks the 75th anniversary of independence. On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, the whole country will celebrate ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. On this occasion, I want to express my vision for India in 2047.

My vision for India in 2047 is that India should be liberated from Corruption, crime, poverty, illiteracy, and all that India lingers behind.

My vision for India is harmony, peace, truthfulness, and honesty after 100 years of freedom.

There will be no kids who will ask for begging, no youngster will be constrained into child labor work.

I want to see that in the next five years, my vision is that India will become a strong country inside and outside India where women can eat safely and walk the streets effectively. An India where everyone gets holistic and significant material and shelter.

I think unemployment is one of the biggest problems in India. My biggest dream is to see in India that no one else is unemployed.

My vision for India in 2047 there is no qualification of caste, color, gender, or economic status. Everybody gets minutes for work and lands Positions. There ought not to be any contrast between the rich and poor. I want to consider India to be a high-level country.

— Your Name

— Your School

My Vision For India In 2047 Postcard:

In this letter, I share my vision for India in 2047.

India is a country with a diverse culture and people who are eager to learn. India has the potential to be one of the most prosperous countries in the world but it’s not there yet.

My vision for India in 2047 is one where we have achieved enough economic prosperity that every citizen can live an average life with dignity and happiness. We have achieved this through innovation, entrepreneurship, and hard work.

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Vision for India in 2047 Essay – 10 Lines, 100, 500, 1000 Words

  • Entrance Exams
  • November 6, 2023

India in 2047 Essay in English – As India approaches its centenary of independence in 2047, a vision of an advanced, thriving nation emerges. A harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, the India of 2047 embodies progress and inclusivity.

Here are few sample essays on “ India in 2047 “. Envisioning India’s progress in the next 24 years is an exciting prospect. This article delves into the nation’s envisioned future across different essay lengths: 10 lines, 100 words, 500 words, and 1000 words.

India in 2047 Essay in 10 Lines

In 2047, India stands as a vibrant and progressive nation, celebrating its centenary of independence with immense pride and unity. The country has achieved remarkable economic growth, becoming one of the world’s leading economies. Technological advancements have transformed India into a hub of innovation, with cutting-edge research and development in various fields.

  • In 2047, India will celebrate its 100 years of independence, marking a century of progress and development.
  • India aims to achieve a high standard of living and improved nutrition, focusing on the overall well-being of its people.
  • The nation envisions eradicating poverty, corruption, and social disparities, ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens.
  • Women’s empowerment and gender equality will be fundamental principles, fostering a society where women are self-reliant and influential. And Equality should prevail regardless of caste, color, gender, or religion.
  • Every child will have access to quality education, and child labor will be completely eradicated.
  • India aspires to be a peaceful and harmonious nation, promoting understanding and unity among its diverse religious and cultural communities.
  • Environmental sustainability is a priority, with a focus on renewable energy and conservation.
  • The nation aims for self-sufficiency in food production and energy, ensuring stability and security in these crucial sectors.
  • Technological innovation and scientific advancements will propel India to the forefront of global progress, contributing significantly to various fields.
  • Ultimately, India’s vision for 2047 is to emerge as a compassionate, inclusive, and prosperous nation, setting an example for the world with its achievements and ideals.

Also See – As One Journey Ends Another Begins Essay in English – 10 Lines & 500 Words

500 Words Essay on My Vision for India in 2047

In 2047, India envisions a future of prosperity and progress on multiple fronts. Technological advancements will have revolutionized the nation, positioning it as a global powerhouse in innovation.


India, with its rich history, cultural diversity, and resilience, is poised for a transformative future in 2047, on the centenary of its independence. My vision for India in 2047 is one where the nation stands as a global leader in various aspects, reflecting progress, inclusivity, and sustainable development. This vision encompasses economic prosperity, technological innovation, social harmony, and environmental sustainability.

Economic Prosperity

In 2047, I envision India as an economic powerhouse, with a thriving and inclusive economy. The GDP has surged to unprecedented levels, driven by a robust manufacturing sector, a burgeoning services industry, and a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. The nation has managed to strike a balance between economic growth and social welfare, ensuring that wealth is distributed equitably.

  • Shift to Renewable Energy: India in 2047 will lead the world in sustainable energy. A significant focus will be on transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing pollution, and promoting clean technologies to combat climate change.
  • Advanced Transportation: In 2047, India will boast an efficient and eco-friendly transportation system. Modern infrastructure, smart cities, and green public transport will alleviate traffic congestion and promote environmental sustainability.
  • Technology Hub: India envisions itself as a global technology leader by 2047. It will be a hub for innovation, contributing to artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration, fostering economic growth and global recognition.
  • Education Hub: India’s education system will undergo a holistic transformation, nurturing creativity and critical thinking. The nation will become a prominent education hub, ensuring quality education for all, fostering a skilled and empowered population.

Technological Innovation

India’s technological landscape in 2047 is marked by innovation and leadership. The country is at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration. Indian tech companies rival global giants, and the nation is recognized for its contributions to solving global challenges through innovation.

The digital divide has been eradicated, with every citizen having access to the internet and the latest technologies. Smart cities, advanced healthcare, and efficient transportation systems have become the norm, improving the quality of life for all.

Social Harmony and Inclusivity

My vision for India in 2047 prioritizes social harmony and inclusivity. The country has made significant strides in eradicating poverty and ensuring access to quality education and healthcare for all. The education system has been revamped, with a focus on holistic development, creativity, and critical thinking.

Gender equality is a cornerstone of this vision, with women actively participating in all sectors of society. India is a place where diverse communities coexist harmoniously, respecting each other’s cultures, languages, and traditions. Discrimination based on caste, religion, or gender is a thing of the past.

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is a core pillar of my vision for India in 2047. The nation has adopted green technologies and renewable energy sources, significantly reducing pollution and its carbon footprint. Conservation efforts have protected natural habitats, and the country is a global leader in wildlife preservation and sustainable agriculture.

India’s commitment to environmental responsibility is evident in its actions to combat climate change, ensuring that future generations inherit a cleaner and healthier planet.

Global Leadership

In 2047, India has become a key player on the global stage. The nation actively engages in diplomacy to foster strong relationships with countries around the world. As a responsible nuclear power, India plays a significant role in promoting global peace and security.

Moreover, India actively participates in international organizations, addressing pressing global challenges, from climate change to poverty alleviation and healthcare access. It is a beacon of hope and a model of success for countries striving to achieve similar goals.

My vision for India in 2047 is one of progress, inclusivity, and sustainability. India has emerged as a global leader in economics, technology, social harmony, and environmental responsibility. As the nation celebrates its centenary of independence, it stands as an inspiration for the world, demonstrating that a diverse and vibrant country can achieve remarkable growth while prioritizing the well-being of its citizens and the planet. With the dedication of its people and leaders, India’s future is indeed bright and promising.

Short Essay on India@2047 – 100 Words

In 2047, India has emerged as a flourishing nation, marking its 100th year of independence with remarkable achievements. The country has become a global economic powerhouse, harnessing technological innovation and sustainable practices. Significant improvements in education, healthcare, and gender equality have raised the quality of life for its citizens.

In 2047, India stands as a testament to progress and transformation. A century after independence, it thrives in innovation and technology, leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution with a highly educated workforce. India’s economy is a powerhouse, attracting global investments. Its rich culture makes it a top tourist destination. Education and sustainability are priorities, eradicating poverty and discrimination.

India fosters peace, prosperity, and environmental responsibility. Overall, my vision for India in 2047 is one of prosperity, progress, sustainability, and social responsibility. By emphasizing education, innovation, and global cooperation, India can inspire and motivate the world. It is a beacon of hope, inspiring the world with its achievements, setting a path to a brighter future for all.

My Vision for India in 2047 Essay

My vision for India in 2047 is one of prosperity, inclusivity, and progress. In this vision, I see India as a global leader in various fields, from technology and education to environmental sustainability. We envision a nation where every citizen has access to quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, regardless of their background.

India, on the occasion of its centenary of independence in 2047, stands at the precipice of transformation and opportunity. It’s a nation that has journeyed through trials and triumphs, and my vision for India in 2047 is one of a thriving, inclusive, and prosperous country. As we look ahead, we envision a India that has overcome its challenges and become a global leader in multiple domains. This essay explores this vision across several key areas.

In 2047, India’s economy has risen to new heights. It is one of the world’s strongest, with a diverse and booming industrial sector, a dynamic services industry, and a robust agricultural foundation. The country is characterized by balanced growth and equitable wealth distribution.

The nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reflects this robust growth, with innovation and entrepreneurship driving economic success. India has emerged as a global business hub, attracting investments from all corners of the world. Smart economic policies, foreign investments, and a skilled workforce have played pivotal roles in this achievement.

My vision for India in 2047 prioritizes education as a cornerstone of progress. The country has undergone a transformation in its education system, with a focus on holistic development, critical thinking, and creativity. Quality education is now accessible to every child, regardless of their background.

India has become an education hub, with universities and institutions of higher learning that are world-renowned. The youth are empowered with knowledge and skills, making them competitive on the global stage. Continuous learning, research, and innovation are encouraged to foster intellectual growth.

India in 2047 places a high premium on the health and well-being of its citizens. The country has eradicated preventable diseases and improved access to healthcare services for all. A comprehensive healthcare system ensures that every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic status, has access to quality medical care.

Maternal and child health, in particular, have received special attention, resulting in reduced maternal and infant mortality rates. Public health awareness and preventive measures have led to a healthier and longer life expectancy for all Indians.

Caste Discrimination

My vision for India in 2047 is one of an egalitarian society where caste discrimination is relegated to the annals of history. The nation has made significant progress in addressing social inequalities. Strict legal measures and societal awareness have played pivotal roles in reducing discrimination based on caste, color, or creed.

The nation has witnessed increased social mobility and inter-caste marriages, fostering unity and inclusivity. India is a country where every individual has an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background.

The agricultural sector, which has been the backbone of India for centuries, has seen significant changes in my vision for 2047. Farmers are the lifeline of the nation, and they are empowered with the latest farming techniques and technologies. The government has implemented policies that provide farmers with fair prices for their produce and protect their rights.

India’s agriculture is sustainable and environmentally responsible, prioritizing organic farming and reducing the use of harmful chemicals. The nation’s agricultural output is more than sufficient to meet its needs and contribute to global food security.

The Development of Numerous Fields

In 2047, India has witnessed the development of numerous fields that have propelled it to the forefront of global progress. Here are some key areas:

Science and Technology: India is a global leader in science and technology, with significant contributions in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, space exploration, and renewable energy. Indian scientists and researchers are at the forefront of groundbreaking discoveries and innovations, impacting various industries.

Infrastructure: The country’s infrastructure is state-of-the-art, featuring modern transportation systems, smart cities, and advanced healthcare facilities. This not only enhances the quality of life for the citizens but also makes India an attractive destination for foreign investors and tourists.

Culture and Tourism: India’s rich cultural heritage is celebrated and preserved. The nation continues to be a top tourist destination, attracting travelers from around the world. Its cultural diversity is a source of pride and unity among its people.

Green Initiatives: India has embraced sustainability and environmental responsibility. The adoption of green technologies and renewable energy sources has significantly reduced pollution and the nation’s carbon footprint. India is a global leader in wildlife preservation, conservation, and sustainable agriculture.

Social Harmony: India stands as a model of social harmony, where different religions and cultures coexist peacefully. Religious and cultural diversity is celebrated, and the nation’s festivals and traditions are a source of unity and joy.

Science and Technology

Science and technology are integral to my vision for India in 2047. The country has invested heavily in research and development, fostering innovation and scientific breakthroughs. India is a global leader in various scientific fields, contributing to solutions for global challenges.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is in full swing, and India is at its forefront. The nation actively participates in technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration. Indian tech companies rival global giants, and the country is recognized as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.

In 2047, India has successfully addressed the issue of unemployment by creating ample job opportunities across various sectors. The economic growth, technological advancements, and a skilled workforce have led to low unemployment rates. The government’s proactive approach to job creation and the promotion of entrepreneurship have fueled this success.

India is a place where every individual has the chance to contribute to the nation’s growth and prosperity. The nation’s youth are empowered with the skills and knowledge to thrive in the job market and pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations.


My vision for India in 2047 includes a nation that is corruption-free. India has implemented stringent anti-corruption measures and established a transparent and accountable government. These efforts have significantly reduced corruption at all levels of society, promoting a culture of integrity and honesty.

The elimination of corruption has enhanced the efficiency of government services and improved the overall quality of life for the citizens. It has also made India an attractive destination for business and investment, fostering economic growth and development.

Environmental sustainability is a central theme of my vision for India in 2047. The nation has taken significant steps to reduce pollution and its environmental impact. Green technologies, renewable energy sources, and conservation efforts have significantly lowered pollution levels and carbon emissions.

India is committed to being one of the cleanest countries in the world. Efforts to preserve natural habitats, wildlife, and promote sustainable agriculture have led to a healthier and more ecologically balanced environment.

In 2047, my vision for India is one of a nation that has overcome its challenges and harnessed its potential for transformation. The country has become a global leader in economics, science and technology, education, and environmental sustainability. It prioritizes the well-being of its citizens, with a focus on eradicating poverty, discrimination, and corruption. India celebrates its cultural diversity, fosters social harmony, and sets an example for the world in various fields.

As India celebrates its centenary of independence, it stands as an inspiration to the world, showcasing the power of determination and collective effort in shaping a brighter future for all its citizens. The vision for India in 2047 is a testament to the nation’s potential and a source of hope for generations to come.

Through these efforts and ideas, we hope to create a brighter, more equitable future for all Indians by the year 2047. From our @ Examupdates  site students can learn  essay  on different topics and boost their essay writing skills.

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My Vision For India In 2047

My Vision For India In 2047 Paragraph In English: A Bright And Prosperous Future

My Vision For India In 2047: India, with its rich history and diverse culture, is a nation with great potential. As we approach the centenary of India’s independence in 2047, it is essential to have a clear vision for the future of the country. India, a land of rich cultural heritage, diversity, and innovation, has made significant strides in various fields since its independence in 1947.

As the country approaches its centenary year, it is natural to wonder what the future holds for India. My vision for India in 2047 is one of progress, prosperity, and unity. In the following paragraphs, I will outline my ideas and aspirations for India as it moves towards its 100th year of independence. In this article, we will outline a comprehensive plan for India’s future, covering critical areas such as education, infrastructure, social progress, and technology.

In this blog, we include the My Vision For India In 2047, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover the My Vision For India In 2047 belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class. You can read more essays in 10 lines, and Essay Writing about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… My Vision For India In 2047 is also available in different languages.

My Vision For India In 2047

My Vision For India In 2047

Education And Employment

Education is the foundation of a nation’s growth and prosperity. India must ensure access to quality education for all its citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status. We need to prioritize job creation, reduce unemployment rates, and promote entrepreneurship and innovation. With the proper investment in education and employment, India can create a skilled and productive workforce, contributing to the nation’s economic growth.

Infrastructure And Development

India needs to develop a robust infrastructure, including transportation, communication, and energy. Improving transportation infrastructure is essential for better connectivity across the country, making it easier to transport goods and people. Developing smart cities and promoting sustainable development can enhance the quality of life for citizens while reducing our carbon footprint. We also need to invest in healthcare facilities to ensure the health and well-being of our citizens.

Social And Cultural Progression

Reducing poverty and social inequality should be a priority for India. We must work towards advancing gender equality and empowering women to participate fully in society. We need to promote diversity and inclusivity, recognizing and celebrating the richness of our cultural heritage. Encouraging arts and culture can help preserve our heritage while also contributing to the nation’s growth.

Technology And Digital Transformation

Technology can be a game-changer in India’s development journey. We need to harness the power of technology and promote digital literacy to make India a truly digital nation. We should work towards building a robust digital economy and fostering innovation in technology. Investment in research and development can help India become a leader in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the internet of things.

In conclusion, India’s vision for the future must be comprehensive and inclusive, covering critical areas such as education, infrastructure, social progress, and technology. India has the potential to become a leading economic and cultural force in the world. With the right investments and policies, India can become a beacon of hope, offering a bright and prosperous future to all its citizens. Let us all work towards building a better India in 2047, a nation we can all be proud of.

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FAQs On My Vision For India In 2047

Question 1. My Vision For India In 2047 In 1000 Words

My Vision For India In 2047 In 1000 Words

India is a land of diversity, culture, and innovation. As the country approaches its centenary year of independence in 2047, there is much to look forward to. My vision for India in 2047 is one of progress, prosperity, and unity. In the following paragraphs, I will outline my ideas and aspirations for India as it moves towards its 100th year of independence.

  • One of the most critical areas for India’s growth is its economy. In 2047, I envision India as a thriving economic powerhouse, with a GDP that ranks among the top three in the world. India will achieve this by focusing on innovation, research, and development, and by leveraging its strengths in sectors like information technology, healthcare, and manufacturing.
  • I believe that India can become a leader in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, which will provide a significant boost to the economy.
  • However, economic growth alone is not enough. It is essential to ensure that this growth is inclusive and benefits all sections of society. In 2047, India will be a society that values and promotes equality and social justice. The government will implement policies that reduce income and wealth inequality, improve access to education and healthcare, and provide employment opportunities for all.
  • It will also prioritize the development of rural areas, which have traditionally been neglected, by improving infrastructure, providing access to clean water and sanitation, and promoting sustainable agriculture.
  • Another critical aspect of my vision for India in 2047 is environmental sustainability. Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action.
  • India will take a leadership role in addressing this challenge by reducing its carbon footprint, investing in renewable energy, and promoting sustainable practices. The government will implement policies that encourage the use of electric vehicles, reduce waste, and protect natural resources like forests and water bodies.
  • In 2047, India will also be a society that values and promotes diversity and pluralism. India’s strength lies in its diversity, and it is crucial to preserve and celebrate this diversity.
  • The government will take steps to promote cultural exchange and understanding, create opportunities for people of all backgrounds, and protect the rights of minority communities. The education system will emphasize the importance of diversity and tolerance, ensuring that future generations grow up in a society that respects and celebrates differences.
  • Finally, my vision for India in 2047 is one of global leadership. India has the potential to become a leader in the world, not just in terms of economic and technological prowess, but also in promoting peace, cooperation, and sustainable development.
  • India will play an active role in shaping global agendas and promoting international cooperation on issues like climate change, poverty reduction, and conflict resolution. India will also be a champion of human rights and democracy, promoting these values at home and abroad.

In conclusion, my vision for India in 2047 is one of progress, prosperity, and unity. India will be a thriving economy that benefits all sections of society, promotes environmental sustainability, values diversity and pluralism, and plays a leadership role in the world. Achieving this vision will require sustained effort and commitment from all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and the private sector. But with the right policies and actions, India can realize its full potential and become a beacon of hope and inspiration for the world.

Question 2. My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 400 Words

Answer: India has come a long way since its independence in 1947. In the last 75 years, it has made remarkable progress in various fields, such as technology, education, healthcare, and infrastructure. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve our ultimate vision for India in 2047.

My vision for India in 2047 is of a developed nation with a strong economy, inclusive society, and sustainable environment. India should be a country that leads the world in innovation and technology while maintaining its cultural roots.

One of the primary goals of my vision for India in 2047 is to eliminate poverty and inequality. India must focus on creating more employment opportunities and providing better education and healthcare facilities to all its citizens. There should be equal opportunities for men and women, irrespective of their caste, religion, or social status.

Question 3. My Vision For India In 2047 In 150 Words

Answer: My vision for India in 2047 is a country that has eliminated poverty and inequality, become a global leader in innovation and technology, and created a sustainable environment. India should focus on building a strong economy by becoming a manufacturing hub, attracting foreign investments, and increasing exports. We need to promote clean and green transportation systems, reduce our carbon footprint and invest in renewable energy sources.

We should create a world-class education system that empowers its citizens with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the 21st century. India should celebrate its diversity, promote inter-cultural exchange, and become a leader in the field of arts and culture. With concerted effort and a commitment to achieving this vision, India can become a shining example for the rest of the world.

Question 4. My Vision For India In 2047 In 500 Words

Answer: My vision for India in 2047 is a country that has achieved inclusive and sustainable development, ensuring a high standard of living for all its citizens. It is a country that is economically strong, socially inclusive, environmentally sustainable, and culturally vibrant.

India has made remarkable progress in the last 75 years since its independence, but we still have a long way to go. One of the primary goals of my vision for India in 2047 is to eliminate poverty and inequality.

India should focus on creating more employment opportunities, providing better education and healthcare facilities, and ensuring equal opportunities for men and women, irrespective of their caste, religion, or social status. We should aim for a society where everyone has access to basic needs and is free from discrimination.

Question 5. My Vision For India In 2047 Letter Writing

Answer: Dear Fellow Indians,

As I sit down to pen my thoughts on my vision for India in 2047, I am filled with hope and optimism for our great nation. In just a few decades, India has made tremendous progress in various fields, from science and technology to healthcare and education. However, I believe there is still a long way to go to achieve our full potential and become a truly developed and inclusive country.

My vision for India in 2047 is of a nation that is prosperous, equitable, and sustainable. Here are some of the key areas where I believe we need to focus our efforts:

  • Education and Skill Development: I envision an India where every child has access to quality education and skill development opportunities, regardless of their socio-economic background. We need to invest more in our education system and create a workforce that is equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
  • Healthcare: I believe that every citizen of India has the right to affordable and quality healthcare. We need to ensure that our healthcare system is robust, well-equipped, and accessible to all.
  • Environment and Sustainability: We need to take urgent action to address climate change and environmental degradation. I envision an India where we prioritize sustainability in all our policies and practices and work towards a greener and cleaner future for generations to come.
  • Inclusive Growth: We need to ensure that our economic growth is inclusive and benefits all sections of society. We must create more job opportunities and empower marginalized communities to participate in and benefit from our development.
  • Technology and Innovation: India has the potential to become a global leader in technology and innovation. We need to foster an ecosystem that promotes research and development and encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.


Essay on My Vision For India In 2047

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Vision For India In 2047 in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Vision For India In 2047


In 2047, India will celebrate a century of independence. My vision for India is of a nation that is prosperous, inclusive, and globally respected.

By 2047, I envision India as a global leader in education. Every child, irrespective of their background, will have access to quality education.

I dream of a healthy India with universal healthcare. Every citizen will have access to affordable and quality healthcare services.

India will be at the forefront of technological advancements. We will lead in areas like AI, robotics, and space exploration.

In 2047, my vision for India is of a country that is prosperous, inclusive, and globally respected.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on My Vision For India In 2047

250 Words Essay on My Vision For India In 2047

In 2047, India will celebrate its centenary of independence, a significant milestone in the nation’s history. My vision for India in 2047 is of a nation that has fully embraced the possibilities of the future while retaining the richness of its cultural past.

Technological Prowess

By 2047, I envision India as a global leader in technology, with advancements in AI, robotics, and renewable energy. The country will have a robust digital infrastructure supporting a vibrant economy, where technology is used to solve pressing issues like poverty, education, and health care.

Sustainable Development

Sustainability will be at the heart of India’s development strategy. Cities will be green and smart, with a focus on renewable energy, waste management, and eco-friendly transportation. Rural areas will also see sustainable growth, with advancements in agri-tech ensuring food security.

Social Equality

My vision for India includes a society where equality is the norm. Discrimination based on caste, religion, or gender will be a thing of the past. Education and employment opportunities will be accessible to all, leading to a reduction in income disparity.

Global Leadership

India, in 2047, will be a formidable force on the global stage, not just in terms of economic power but also as a leader in global peacekeeping and diplomacy. The country will play a key role in tackling global challenges like climate change and terrorism.

In conclusion, my vision for India in 2047 is of a technologically advanced, sustainable, and inclusive nation that is a global leader in every sense. This vision is not just a dream, but a goal that can be achieved with collective effort and determination.

500 Words Essay on My Vision For India In 2047

In the year 2047, India will celebrate a century of independence, a significant milestone that prompts us to envision a future filled with progress and prosperity. My vision for India in 2047 is that of a superpower, which excels not just in economic growth, but also in social and human development.

Economic Prosperity

By 2047, I envision India as a thriving economic powerhouse, leading the world in various sectors. The Indian economy should be a blend of manufacturing prowess, technological innovation, and service industry dynamism. We should be at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data to drive economic growth.

However, economic growth should not come at the expense of the environment. The vision for India in 2047 should be rooted in sustainable development. We should aim to be a global leader in renewable energy, with a significant portion of our energy needs being met by solar and wind power. Our cities should be models of green urban planning, with efficient waste management systems, clean public transportation, and ample green spaces.

Social Equity

In 2047, India should be a society that upholds the principles of equality and social justice. The caste, religious, and gender disparities that have plagued our society for centuries should be a thing of the past. Education should be a fundamental right, accessible to all, irrespective of their socio-economic backgrounds. Our education system should foster creativity, critical thinking, and a spirit of inquiry, rather than rote learning.

Healthcare for All

Universal healthcare is another crucial aspect of my vision for India in 2047. We should have a robust healthcare infrastructure, with state-of-the-art facilities available even in the remotest corners of the country. Health insurance should be a right, not a privilege, ensuring that no Indian is denied medical care due to financial constraints.

Finally, by 2047, India should be a global leader, not just in terms of economic might, but also in terms of soft power. Our rich cultural heritage, democratic values, and commitment to peace and diplomacy should make us a beacon of hope in a fractured world.

The vision for India in 2047 is ambitious, but achievable. It requires concerted efforts from all sections of society, as well as visionary leadership. As we gear up to celebrate a century of independence, let us commit ourselves to building an India that is prosperous, sustainable, equitable, and a leader on the global stage. This is my vision for India in 2047, a vision that I believe we can turn into reality.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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india of my dreams in 2047 essay in english

india of my dreams in 2047 essay in english

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English

My vision for India in 2047: It’s been 100 years since our independence, and I want my country to be a superpower by 2047. We want to be the most powerful economy in the world. We must enrich the defense sector. As a common countryman, I dreamed of our country’s 100 years of independence, as described in the,  my vision for india in 2047 essay in english.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English

In 2047, India is going to celebrate its 100 years of independence from British rule. As true patriotic countrymen, we always dream of making the country big and democratically successful. So the coming 25 years are very significant for India’s growth.

My vision for India in 2047 is that I want to see my country free from all the social evils like poverty, corruption, unemployment, and malnutrition. Where everyone will get equal opportunity based on their knowledge and skills, no matter what their background or religion is.

I want to see the women of my country be more empowered. They can make their own decision. Nobody is compelled to do anything in order to prove themselves to society. I dreamed of an India where education, from primary school to higher education, is free for all. No child should be forced into child labor.

I dreamed of an India where all the religions together would make our society stronger. I imagined a clean India free of all forms of pollution. We should be more sophisticated and established in the field of science and technology.

If we do not take action in the present, the dream will remain a dream. to make our country a superpower by the 100th anniversary of its independence in 2047. Every citizen should be responsible for society, and they should be punctual in their duties.

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Essay On My Vision For India In 2047

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My Vision For India in 2047 150 Words

It is my goal for India to become a powerful nation both internally and externally in the next 25 years by providing the necessary education to everyone and the opportunity to find a good job.

My vision for India of 2047 is a fully developed country where everyone has employment and no one goes hungry or needy. I also envision an India without corruption.

As I imagine India in 2047, I see it as a clean, healthy, and environment-friendly nation free of corruption and pollution. I envision it as the perfect nation for all others.

A powerful India within and outside of the country is what I envision in the next five years. This is an India where women have access to safe food and can safely walk along the streets. It is an India in which everyone has access to proper shelter and clothes.

In 2047, the government would be able to provide sufficient food for the entire population and women would be able to exercise the same rights as men, regardless of their employment status.

Toward the year 2047, my goal is for India to become the world’s most established and developed economy.

India should always be well and peaceful, regardless of whether one is rich or poor.

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047

My Vision For India in 2047 Essay 250 Words

It is known that in 2047 our country will celebrate 100 years of independence from India, and during this remaining time, I want to see the country overcome its problems such as corruption, unemployment, illiteracy and hunger. After finishing my studies in India, I intend to return whenever possible. It would be fantastic to see a high point in the region reached.

Everyone dreams of making their country great and democratic. Whatever we dream of doing, we become exactly that. In the same way, how we envision the future India will determine what it is like in 2047. Our efforts need to be combined in order to make India a better place in the future.

In order for India to move from being one of developing countries to one of developed countries, we have to make it self-sufficient. 2047 will mark 100 years of Indian independence, so it is a very important year for India.

The country we build now will be our country in 2047. In the next few years, we expect India to become a powerful country both internally and externally, free from poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, corruption, terrorism, and other evils. Our main objective as a developing country should be to strengthen our economy through radical economic reforms.

It is still common for women to experience discrimination in many places but they are still making their way out of their homes, and I envision India in 2047 as an empowered nation where women are empowered.

We need to change the mindset of the people now, so that women have as much freedom as men. In my opinion, we need to make India a country that gives women equal rights.

Women are now making their mark in different fields outside the home. Nevertheless, they remain behind men in some places even today. I envision India in 2047 as one in which women are empowered more and more. Not only do men contribute to the country’s development, but also women.

The poor children of 2047 should also receive adequate education and there should be no difference between the rich and the poor. This will make us appear as a powerful nation to everyone, making us the most powerful country in the world by 2047.

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047

Essay on My Vision For India in 2047 500 Words

We will celebrate the 100th anniversary of our independence in 2047. How can we maintain our attitude toward India when 100 years of independence will define the India of 2047? I will share my vision for India in 2047 today. In 2047, we want our India to be one of the strongest countries in the world where women are safe and everyone enjoys equal freedom. There should be a sense of brotherhood and love throughout India. There should be no distinctions based on caste, color, economic status, or race.

Education has been promoted by the government ever since independence, but some people fail to understand the importance of it. By 2047, I hope that India will become a country where education is important for everyone, so that every person can get an education. Education is an essential part of any country’s economic and social development.

In the present day, women are making a mark in a variety of fields outside the home. However, there are still some places where women lag behind men. In 2047, I envision an empowered and empowered India for women. The development of the country is not solely a men’s responsibility, but also a woman’s responsibility.

The mindset of the society needs to be changed now. As a result, women can contribute fully to the country’s development.

The number of educated people in India has increased in recent years, but they do not get good jobs because of corruption and many other factors. With today’s unemployment rate at an all-time high, getting a job as qualified becomes more and more difficult.

Despite having a high diploma, he cannot find a job today. The right person will get the job first and according to his merit in the India of 2047, not because it is reserved. Towards a better future for India. On their own.

The partition of the country in 1947 resulted in independence, but we were not able to be free from racism, religion, and belief. In some parts of the country, there is still discrimination against people of different races and religions. By elevating religion, we can contribute to the building of the India of 2047 based on a nondiscriminatory policy.

Providing people with good health facilities is my vision for India in 2047 in order to improve the health care system. In order to make India independent and healthy, we need to be stress-free and disease-free.

The corruption problem is one of the major obstacles to the country’s development. The corruption problem is one of the major obstacles to the country’s development. A country’s development is hindered by corruption. However, I would like to see India free of corruption by 2047 so that the country can advance.

Hard work and honesty can make our dreams for our country, India, come true. There are so many things we can do to make our country a better place to live in.

To make our nation great before 2047, every individual in the country needs to contribute their visions, thoughts, and reactions to make our country a great country.

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Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In English {Step by Step Guide}

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In English

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In English

Hello Friend, In this post “ Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In English “, We will read about My Vision For India In 2047 as an Essay in Details. So…

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“ India will be a developed economy, On the basis of love and harmony.”

“Everywhere is happiness, People love each other India free of hunger & fear, It Is the vision of my India 2057 “.


Our country India became free from the slavery of 200 years of British on 15th August 1947. Independence is about to complete 75 years.

On this occasion, the entire country is celebrating the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.  Through Azadi ka, Amrit Mahotsav India is celebrating the glorious history of its people, culture, and achievements.

After 25 years, in the year 2047, it will be 100 years since the country got independence. In the coming 25 years the “Amrit Kaal” for the country.

The goal of this “Amrit Kaal” is to build an India that has all the modern infrastructure of the world. Our country in 2047 will be what we create today. I would share my vision for India in 2047.

My Vision For India In 2047

The India of my vision where women are safe and walk freely on road. Also, it will be a place where there is freedom of equality for all and everyone.

It would be a place where there is no discrimination of caste, color, gender, social or economic status, and race. I see it as a place that sees an abundance of development and growth.

It is my vision that India would be self-sufficient in food and the women of India of 2047 as empowered.

Who has equal rights with men, with whom there is no discrimination in the Job? Poor children should get an education. There should be no continue to be the land of peace.

Although the country is on the path of continuous development for the last 75 years, but in the coming 25 years, we Indians will have to become as powerful as we were never before.

With regard to the years 2047, we have to set a target that after completing 100 years of independence, where do we see India.

My Vision For India In 2047 Postcard Writing In English

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In Hindi

Essay On Unsung Heroes Of Freedom Struggle

For this, everyone will have to work together for the development of the country so that the spirit of unity arises in us and gets rid of fragmented thinking. In fact, the goal of this “Amrit Kaal” is to build an India that has all the modern.

I envision India as the most advanced country in the medical sciences and defense industry. My Country produces weapons that could neutralize any nuclear missiles fired toward it.

The infrastructure of the world, so that we keep on navigating the path of development. So now it is the duty of all of us to get involved in rebuilding the new India of our dreams.

Don’t delay any longer. Today, celebrating 75 years of independence, every India is dreaming of a new India. An India that is fully developed, where every youth has employment, where no one is dying of poverty and starvation.

Like everyone, I also see the India of 2047 as a corruption-free India. I see that in 2047 there is no hatred in the name of caste and religion in the country.

In 2047, every girl who walks the streets of India is absolutely safe. Today India is not dependent on any other country in any field.

I envision the Indian economy as the most established and developed economy in the world. I envision all the major cities of my country turning into fully developed cities.

I see the women of India of 2047 as empowered, who have equal rights with men, with whom there is no discrimination in the job. I see medical facilities in India easily accessible to the general public.

It is my vision that every child of India will be educated in 2047, which will definitely be meaningful. for this, we all should start making efforts from now on.

We need to forget our differences and move forward. If we make efforts with unity, then India will definitely become self-reliant and by 2047, the title of Vishwaguru will definitely be in its name.


The India of my vision where women are safe and walk freely on road, where no discrimination of caste, color, gender, social or economic status. I want to see India in 2047 as an ideal country that shines like a Kohinoor in all countries.

These are just a few of the glimpses of the Vision 2047 I have for my India . We all should work together to achieve it in the next 25 years. Then India will definitely become self-reliant.

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India of My Dreams Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

May 7, 2022 by ReadingJunction Leave a Comment

India of My Dreams Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article you will read ‘India of My Dreams Essay’ for students and children in 1000 words. It includes various points needed to make our dream India in 2047.

Lets start this India of My Dreams Essay…

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India of My Dreams Essay

Everyone in this world has a vision or a dream related to their future, and so do I, but it’s not about my future but the future of my country. India is a country that is rich in different types of culture and diversity. 

It is a large country where people of different castes, different creeds, cultures, religions, and even people speaking different languages live together. For this reason, India is known to be one of the best countries in the world unity in diversity .

Like everyone who dreams about the future of their country, I too dream of seeing India as one of the most advanced and most developed nations in the world. A country where there is no corruption , no poverty , and a 100 percent literacy rate. 

My dream country is where women are protected against domestic crime, and no more domination or violence is shown towards the female gender. 

When males and females are given equal opportunity in nation building, it would add to faster growth and development of the country. 

My dream in India would be when education is provided to everyone along with employment to the deserving candidates. In that manner, crimes and illegal activities can be easily reduced.

Points Needed to Make Our Dream India Possible in 2047

Women empowerment.

The India of my dreams would be one where women are respected everywhere and are treated with equal rights and power as men. Women should have financial independence and decision-making powers in their family . 

They must feel safe and protected wherever they go so that they can work with their total energy and potential. Women must be paid equally to do the same work as men so that they can have a chance to pursue a better lifestyle for their families.

Advance Medical Facilities

The primary aim of medical facilities should be to provide better health care for people and protect them from diseases and sickness. Proper health care facilities should be provided to people of all age groups and of all economic backgrounds. 

District hospitals should have all the latest equipment and should provide high-quality treatment so that people don’t need to travel to major cities for their treatment. All the staff of the hospital should be adequately trained and have sufficient knowledge to deal with any issue.

Excellent Education Systems

Education is the major factor that can effectively help in nation-building. Though there are a lot of initiatives made by the government to promote education in the country, a lot of people are either unaware of it or don’t realise their importance. 

The India of My Dreams would be where there are no uneducated people in the country anymore. Education should be mandatory to achieve a 100% literacy rate. 

If we implement an education system that allows everyone proper education, we can also be able to provide employment to everyone to earn money.

Employment Opportunity

India is a country with a population of over 100 crores. This is a reason for unemployment for most people, as there are not enough jobs for everyone. 

Most people are educated in the country, but due to corruption, heavy competition, and many other reasons, a lot of people are not able to get a good job. 

Apart from that, less pay and fewer opportunities in other sectors are also reasons for unemployment. Reservation is also a major issue, due to which deserving candidates are unable to get the job they deserve. 

The India of My Dreams would be a nation where jobs would be provided based on knowledge, skills, and talent, and no partiality should be given to this.

No Caste Discrimination

The people of India are still struggling with issues like caste discrimination , religious discrimination, and religious feelings. This is the major reason that people from the lower section of society are not able to get good social status and respect. 

The nation should give them better status and allow them to have equal rights as others. My dream India shall not have any discrimination among the people.

No Corruption

Corruption is one of the major reasons why we are unable to see proper growth and development in our country. 

Due to corruption, a large number of people are unable to get jobs, and even the basic infrastructure and society are not functioning properly. 

I would like to see India become a strong nation where the primary focus of the government officials and politicians would be to benefit society.

No Gender Inequality

In our country, women are still regarded as inferior to men. They are not given proper economic and social status. They are not given proper protection, and they are still tolerating torture, domestic violence, and dominance. 

In the India of My Dreams, women should be able to pursue their rights and dreams freely with full support and enthusiasm. They should be given importance and should be treated equally to men.

Peaceful Society

Day by day, the number of crimes is increasing in the country. This is mainly because of improper education and employment that people are committing minor crimes.

There should be strict rules along with penalty charges and punishment like imprisonment to control crime. 

There are many organisations working on creating a peaceful society by educating people about basic things. I dream of a peaceful country where there is no harm to anyone.

The India of My Dreams should be an ideal country where we see a nation of growth and development in all fields. 

I hope our coming generation will get all the things we have dreamt of seeing in our dream India. A politically sound and unbiased country where everyone enjoys equal rights and opportunities. 

The difference between rich and poor and between males and females should be eliminated. Every citizen should work to make our nation proud on a global level so that all other countries can be inspired by India.

I hope you liked this India of My Dreams Essay.

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India Of My Dreams Essay

The India of my dreams is developed and progressive in which each person is treated equally and has the opportunity to reach their full potential. It is a place where people of all backgrounds and cultures come together in harmony, and wherein schooling and healthcare are without difficulty reachable to all. This is the India that I dream of, and it is possible to make it a reality if all of us work together. Here are a few sample essays on ‘India Of My Dreams’ .

India Of My Dreams Essay

100 Words Essay On India Of My Dreams

In my dream, India is a land of prosperity and progress where every individual is able to live a life of dignity and happiness. Quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities are accessible to all. The streets are clean, safe, and the environment is well-protected. The government is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of its citizens. In this India, every person is free to pursue their aspirations without any fear or discrimination. The rich cultural diversity of the country is celebrated and unity and harmony are cherished values. This is the India that I dream of, where every citizen can live their best life.

200 Words Essay On India Of My Dreams

The India of my dreams is a nation where every individual is able to reach their full potential and contribute to the collective progress of the country. This India is free from poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Every citizen has access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities. The government is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of its citizens. The environment is well-protected, and the country is a leader in sustainable development.

To achieve this vision, we must prioritize the needs of the most marginalized members of society. This includes providing access to education, healthcare, and other essential services for disadvantaged communities. We must also address systemic issues such as corruption and inequality, and work towards building a just and fair society for all.

Furthermore, investing in infrastructure development, including transportation, energy, and communication systems, is crucial. This will not only improve the quality of life for all Indians but also drive economic growth and development. Additionally, sustainable development and protection of natural resources must be given the highest priority for the benefit of future generations.

I am convinced that with the right efforts and policies, we can create the India of our dreams. A nation where every individual can lead a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. A country that is respected and admired on the global stage, and a shining example of what is possible when we work together towards a common goal.

500 Words Essay on India of My Dreams

In the India of my dreams, every person has access to quality education and healthcare, the economy is strong and provides opportunities for all, and the government is transparent and accountable to the people. However, there are also challenges that go against this vision, such as the recent passing of the Citizenship Amendment Act and the ongoing issues of discrimination and violence towards women and religious minorities. Additionally, the current Indian economy is facing challenges such as high unemployment rates and a lack of sustainable development. To make the India of my dreams a reality, it is crucial to address these challenges and work towards creating a nation where every person is able to lead a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.

My Contributions

As a young college student, I always felt a sense of responsibility to give back to my community and make a difference in the world. So, when I heard about an opportunity to work with an NGO focused on improving the lives of underprivileged children in rural India, I knew it was something I had to pursue.

I joined the NGO as a volunteer and was immediately struck by the dire living conditions of the children and their families. Many of them had no access to basic necessities like clean water, healthcare, and education. I was determined to make a difference and began working tirelessly to raise awareness about their plight and to secure funding for various projects.

One of our main initiatives was to build a school in a remote village that had no access to education. It was a challenging task, but with the support of local leaders and the community, we were able to secure the funding and resources needed to construct the school. The school opened its doors to the children, and it was a truly heartwarming sight to see the excitement and hope on their faces as they walked through the doors of their new school.

We also focused on providing access to clean water and sanitation facilities for the community. We drilled wells and installed hand pumps, and also constructed toilets and bathrooms. This greatly improved the overall health and wellbeing of the community and it was very satisfying to see the positive impact of our efforts.

In addition to these projects, we also provided medical assistance to the community by setting up a free clinic, providing regular check-ups and vaccinations. We also provided vocational training and job opportunities to the youth.

Working with the NGO was an incredibly rewarding experience, and I am proud of the difference that we were able to make in the lives of the children and their families. It was a challenging journey, but it has shown me the power of hard work, determination and the positive impact that one person can make when they work towards a common goal.

Now, as I look back on my time with the NGO, I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that I was able to make a difference and contribute to the betterment of the nation. I believe that the work of NGOs can be a powerful force for change and I hope to continue to be involved in this kind of work in the future, to make a difference to the nation.

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My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English

My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English : India is an ancient country, but the Republic of India as we know it is relatively new. Born on 15th August 1947, India was subjected to the tyrannical rule of the British , which was responsible for the death of crores of Indians and for looting hundreds of crores of rupees, making India a poor nation and Indians destitute. Thus, the day of Independence was a jubilant one, marking the end of the era of India’s subjugation.

The Government of India, on the eve of the 75th Independence Day of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the remaining 25 years to the 100th Independence Day will be observed as “Azadi ka Amrit Kaal”. This period will be characterised by the unprecedented growth of the nation. This makes the year 2047 an important year for India. Thus, we bring to you a My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English.

My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English

A My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English is as follows.

India is an ancient country, but the Republic of India as we know it is relatively new, born on 15th August 1947 after nearly 200 years of subjugation by the British. India’s freedom was hard to attain, mainly because the British possessed sophisticated weaponry and had a better political system. Thus, many Indians had given up their lives to make India free again. Every Independence Day, we celebrate this very spirit of our Freedom Fighters. 

India became Independent after a long and arduous struggle. Before the British arrived in India, India was known as a Golden Bird because of the wealth it had and the prosperity it observed. But, for the period of 200 years under British rule, India was robbed of millions of rupees, crores of Indians were killed, millions became poor and malnourished, and multiple man-made famines took place. India’s progress was taken aback significantly. This makes the eve of Independence an important day for all Indians.

My Vision for India in 2047 is that India recovers itself to become the Golden Bird once again. It is also that India eliminates poverty, joblessness, caste-based discrimination, corruption, illiteracy, social ills, and social taboos and becomes inclusive, progressive, growth-oriented, etc. My vision for India in 2047 also includes it becoming a highly developed nation with clean roads, streets without garbage, high-rise buildings, and good public services such as education, medical facilities, social security, etc. It must also be free of crime, murder, discrimination between men and women, uneducated people, etc.

My Vision for India in 2047 is also that it must become a developed country. All Indians, by 2047, must have a decent income so that they can feed their families and children. Clean drinking water, which is not available in many places, must be available to all, since, without water, life cannot be sustained. It also includes the social discrimination that has plagued our country that must also go away. All persons, be it a man or a woman, a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jain, Buddhist, an Upper Caste or Lower Caste must be equal citizens contributing equally to the country. 

My vision for India in 2047 also includes an India which is digitally more advanced. As per my vision, all Indian cities must become smart cities by 2047, which will include smart traffic management, walkable localities, Housing and inclusiveness, developed open spaces such as parks, recreational spaces and playgrounds, smart public transport, citizen-friendly & cost-effective governance, smart mobility, smart management of resources and much more. 

The Village is the basic unit of India. But at this point, they are in a seriously bad condition. They lack basic infrastructure and facilities such as proper roads, public schools and hospitals, better management of resources, public institutions, lighted streets, or even pucca houses. Since the villages are abodes of traditional ideas and many regressive views, my vision for India in 2047 also includes such a village society that is progressive to accommodate modern ideas and ideals.

India is on the path to becoming one of the greatest countries in the world. It has been growing at high rates for many years. It has substantially reduced poverty, hunger, crime, corruption, social ills, malnutrition, infant mortality etc., and has increased the quality and quantity of public services such as schools, hospitals, vocational centres etc. 

The twenty-first century is rightly described as the Asian Century. It has witnessed a huge deal of growth in many Asian countries and India is at its forefront. However, we lag behind many Asian countries which started off as poor but have progressed significantly to become one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world. Thus, Indians need to work hard to catch these countries and improve their social indicators. It is the duty of every Indian to make the twenty-first century not only the Asian Century but the Indian Century.

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Essay on My Vision for India in 2047 for Class 9, 10

Essay on My Vision for India in 2047: Many times school teachers provide students with an assignment on multiple topics.

Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 7 May 2024

Essay on My Vision for India in 2047 : Many times school teachers provide students with an assignment on multiple topics. Usually, the topics allotted are essays that are required to be completed by the students. Therefore, here we have provided the essay on “ My Vision For India in 2047 “.In this article, we have segregated the same essay on the basis of the class to which the students belong. The first category is of the students coming from class 9 and the second category would belong to the students of 10th standard.

The essays will be on the same topic that is on “ My Vision for India in 2047 ” but the content would be specified according to the audience. Therefore, the students and the parents can take reference from the below essays and can implement the ideas if found correct.

Essay on My Vision for India in 2047

The forthcoming paragraphs will consist of the essay on ‘My Vision for India in 2047’.As mentioned in the above paragraphs, there will be two major sections in the article. The first section will provide the same essay for the 9th-class students and the second one will be for the students of the 10th standard. Prior to writing the essay on the topic, the students are advised to create a format which will consist of :


Afterwards, they should add some points in each of the main headings above. Most importantly, the students should write some important points in the main body for instance the problem faced by the people of India and their solutions. In addition to this, the main body should also include the sectors which are currently growing and will be in demand in the future. Finally, the student can move on to the conclusion part. In the conclusion paragraph, the students can mainly focus on the growing sectors of India.

Essay on My Vision for India in 2047 for Class 9 Students

The essay on “My Vision for India in 2047” for the 9th-class students is as follows:

Our beloved Country India will achieve 100 years of Independence from the Britishers in the year 2047. Now the coming next 25 years will play a significant role in the success of India globally. The government of India has also termed the coming 25 years of India as the “Azadi ka Amrit Kaal”. These coming 25 years have been seen by the government as well as the citizens of our country as the game-changing era for our country. The government of India has come up with multiple policies that will change the face of our country globally in the coming years. These policies will surely make India a developed and most importantly a nation which is independent with respect to all needs in the year 2047.

Today the whole world is watching us and can see how India is prospering in various fields. India can be seen moving forward in the fields such as Defence, Information Technology, Space and many Foreign Policies. In 2047, I envision India as one of the top nations which have the best technology and a major participant in contributing to the world in every field.

India @2047

In the year 2047, I visualize India as one of the top countries in the world. I especially want pollution to be eradicated from India as pollution is one of the major problems in our country today. Today the pollution level of Delhi, which is the capital city of our Country, is the worst among many countries. This is basically caused by diesel and petrol cars. Pollution is rising day by day. Therefore, the one and only solution to this problem is replacing them with electric cars. I want these petrol and diesel cars to be replaced by electric cars in India in the year 2047. In addition to this, the government can also use CNG cars instead of them.

Poverty is another issue which will be completely eradicated from every society in India in the year 2047. The current situation in India is not good with respect to poverty. Poverty can be seen in every part of India. Many people and children are dying due to this. Furthermore, poverty is due to many reasons. One of the reasons is that the people are not educated. Due to the lack of education, people are not getting jobs and the result of this is poverty.

I see India as poverty free in the year 2047 as the current government has taken massive steps to reduce poverty in India. The government has initiated many courses to teach the skills to the students so that they can join the manufacturing industries. In the year 2047, India would be free of poverty due to the current policies initiated by the government of India.

In the 100th year of independence, I see India as a country which is full of opportunities for the young people of India. In addition to this, I see India as the most prosperous country where every citizen is poverty free. I want to see my country in 2047 as a country which provides equal opportunity to male and female citizens of the nation. My vision for India in 2047 is a country where its citizens can breathe clean air. A country which does not rely on any other country to fulfil the basic needs of its citizens.

Essay on My Vision for India in 2047 for Class 10 Students

The Essay for the 10 th class students on ” My Vision for India in 2047″ has been provided below:

Since its Independence, India has seen many changes in the terms of technology, science, Space programs or when we talk about defence establishments. We are already in the 75th year of Independence and are looking forward to the 25 years ahead. We are in the phase of continuous development. India has gone through a famous economic depression in the year 1991. Afterwards, we reached the stage in which we have become the world’s 5th largest economy in the world. There is no doubt about us that we have achieved many goals in the span of 15 years only. In addition to this, the current government of India under the leadership of honourable Prime Minister Mr Nareandra Modi has set the goal to make India one of the most developed countries in the coming 25 Years.

In the year 2047, I see India as a country which is one of the most developed nations in the world. My vision for India in the year 2047 is that it has completely neutralised air pollution all over our country. I see Indian citizens in 2047 using public transport as their conveyance used to travel to their work and back home. I visualize Indian cities completely free of petrol and diesel vehicles. I see people using bicycles as a substitute for visiting the places near them. In 2047, people will completely switch to electric vehicles and CNG vehicles. As a result, we will see fewer diseases related to air pollution. There will be fewer citizens who will die of strokes and lung cancer which are caused by Air Pollution.

One of my visions for India in 2047 is that there we will see women empowered. We have currently experienced that most Indian women are not independent in terms of finance and many other important aspects. They are not included in making a decision whether we see this in the workplace or in our home. They are just limited to household chores. But the current Indian government has taken many impressive steps to empower the woman of our nation. Today, women are taking initiative by joining many multinational companies and getting paid a decent salary. Therefore, if we talk about the year 2047, then I am sure that we will see Indian women who will be definitely financially empowered and independent. They will surely overtake the men in building our nation in the year 2047.

Above all, I want India to be independent in all fields in the year 2047. I envision India as the world’s most developed nation. In the 100th year of Independence, I see India as the largest economy in the whole world. Furthermore, I visualize my country as a superpower. I see it as the nation which is there to support each and every nation which is in mid of a crisis. India in 2047 is also the nation which will completely abolish cast discrimination. Cast Discrimination is also one of the problems of today’s India. Many people are exploited due to this and are not given equal opportunities in various fields. However, the cases have come down drastically in recent years.

On this Independence day, the honourable PM addressed the nation from the Red Fort and laid the base for the coming 25 years. As we have seen our developments in recent years India is destined to be the superpower in the year 2047.

Vision for India @ 2047

Apart from the above points of Pollution and women’s empowerment, the students referring to the above essay can also include the following points:

  • Information Technology -India will lead all the other countries in the field of Information Technology in the year 2047.
  • Manufacturing of Defence Equipment -In the field of defence, India is not self-reliant and is dependent on many foreign countries. In 2047, India will be an independent country and manufacture its own defence equipment.
  • Digitising the remote areas of the country. In 2047, India will be covered by the Internet even to the farthest villages.
  • Space Programme -ISRO has been making endeavours to launch various satellites and land on the moon. India will surely be ahead of Developed countries in the space program in the year 2047.
  • Vaccines and Medicine Manufacture r-In the 100th year of Independence, India will also be seen as the largest producer of Medicines and vaccines across the world.

Pankaj Bhatt

1 thought on “Essay on My Vision for India in 2047 for Class 9, 10”

Great great great great simply one world for the Country…. ☘️ Great ???????? India

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India of my Dreams in 2047 Essay in English

India of my Dreams in 2047 Essay

India of my dreams in 2047.

"A healthy country is a wealthy nation.''

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