Is free college a good idea? Increasingly, evidence says yes

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, douglas n. harris douglas n. harris nonresident senior fellow - governance studies , brown center on education policy , professor and chair, department of economics - tulane university @douglasharris99.

May 10, 2021

  • 10 min read

In just a few short years, the idea of free college has moved from a radical idea to mainstream Democratic thinking. President Biden made free college one of his core campaign planks , and one that the first lady has been promoting for years. In his recent address to Congress, the president also signaled that he is ready for legislative action on a scaled-back version of the idea as part of his American Families Plan .

Two weeks ago, the nonprofit College Promise (CP)—led by Martha Kanter, who served as President Obama’s undersecretary for education—also released a proposal that will influence the free college debate. (Full disclosure: I previously advised the Biden campaign and presently advise CP, but have received no compensation for these efforts.)

In today’s polarized environment, the free college idea stands out for its bipartisan support. A majority of self-identified Republicans has supported the notion of free college in some polls. In fact, one of the first such statewide programs was put in place by Bill Haslam, the former Republican governor of Tennessee. While this could go the way of Obamacare, which faced strong GOP congressional opposition despite the law’s origins with Republican Mitt Romney, free college seems different. Biden’s latest plan only applies to community colleges, which focus on career and vocational education of the sort Republicans support, as opposed to universities, which many Republicans view as hostile battlegrounds in a culture war.

But I am less interested in the politics than the evidence of effectiveness. I have studied college access for many years and run two randomized control trials of financial aid , which produced some of the first causal evidence on free college in Milwaukee. Two years ago, Brookings released the first installment of the Milwaukee work, which I carried out with a team of researchers. Since then, we have collected more data and learned more about how students responded over time. Below, I summarize our just-released study (co-authored with Jonathan Mills), compare our results to other financial aid programs, and then discuss implications for the Biden and CP proposals. Consequently, I conclude that the evidence increasingly favors free college and “open access aid” more generally.

What Did We Learn in Milwaukee?

I developed The Degree Project (TDP) in 2009 as a demonstration program in partnership between the nonprofit Ascendium (then known as the Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation and Affiliates) and Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). TDP offered all first-time 9 th graders in half of MPS high schools $12,000 for college as “last-dollar” aid. Students could use the funds for college if they graduated from high school on time with a GPA of 2.5 and a class attendance rate of 90%. Also, as is the norm with free college programs, students had to fill out the FAFSA and have at least one dollar of unmet need. The aid could be used to attend any of the 66 public, in-state, two- or four-year colleges in Wisconsin. Ascendium provided up to $31 million to fund the grant and, as the main program administrator, sent regular letters to remind students about the program and its requirements. The organization also worked with school counselors to support students becoming eligible for the funds and preparing for college.

TDP was announced to students in the fall of 2011. Using anonymized data, we then tracked students’ high school, college, and life outcomes for eight years, and we recently received data extending through when students were roughly 22 years old. As a rare randomized trial, we could estimate the effects by comparing the control and treatment group outcomes. Here is what we found:

  • For students who met the performance requirements, the program increased graduation from two-year colleges by 3 percentage points . This might seem small, but the denominator here is comprised of low-income 9 th graders. Half of the control group did not even graduate from high school, let alone college. The effect amounts to a 25% increase in two-year degrees.
  • The framing and design of the program as free two-year college changed student decisions in ways consistent with what free college advocates suggest. The $12,000 maximum award amount was selected because it was sufficient to cover tuition and fees for a two-year college degree. The fact that TDP made two-year college free, but only reduced the cost of four-year college, was clearly communicated to students. This appears to explain one of our main results: Student enrollments shifted from four-year to two-year colleges. This is noteworthy given that students could use the funds at either two- or four-year colleges. In fact, students likely would have been able to use more of the $12,000 if they had shifted to four-year colleges. The only plausible reason for shifting to two-year colleges is that they were really attracted to the idea of free college.
  • The “early commitment” nature of the program had some modest positive effects on some high school outcomes . Students learned about TDP in their 9 th grade year, giving them time to change their high school behaviors and college plans. Although it did not improve high school academic achievement, we find that TDP increased college expectations and the steps students took to prepare for college. TDP recipients also reported working harder because of the program (even though this did not show up in the academic measures). This highlights the fact that free college might also help address not only college-going rates, but the long-term stagnancy in high school outcomes.
  • The merit requirements undermined the program’s effectiveness . Though the 2.5 GPA and 90% attendance and other requirements were arguably modest, only 21% of eligible students ended up meeting them. So, they ended up excluding many students. We also tested the two main ways that the merit requirements could have been helpful: (a) merit requirements might provide incentives for students to work hard during high school and better prepare for college, and (b) merit requirements might target aid to students who respond to it most. We find no evidence of either benefit. While students did work harder (see point [3] above), this appears to be due to other elements of the program, not the merit requirements.

Overall, these results suggest that aid is most effective when it is “open access”—that is, aid with early commitment and free college framing, but no merit requirements.

What about the evidence beyond Milwaukee?

Our study also reviews other research on financial aid, including federal aid, state merit aid programs, and the newer “promise scholarship” programs that mimic free college. Our study is not alone in finding that financial aid improves student outcomes. In fact, the vast majority of the most rigorous studies find positive effects on college attendance and college graduation. Given the strong average benefits of college, we can expect follow-up studies to show effects on employment earnings, voting, and other outcomes.

What about the costs? Open access aid is more expensive to be sure. More students receive aid and the aid levels per students are larger than traditional financial aid. Is it worth it? Our analysis suggests it is. We carried out new cost-benefit analyses of multiple programs, including TDP, but also other actively studied programs in: Kalamazoo, Michigan; Knox County, Tennessee; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and one statewide program in Nebraska. We also used estimates of the average effects of aid taken from prior literature reviews. All of these programs pass a cost-benefit test. That is, the effects on college outcomes, and the effects of college outcomes on future earnings, is much larger than the cost to the government and society as a whole. Moreover, it appears that benefits-per-dollar-of-cost are at least as high with open access aid as with more restricted programs. This means that open access aid provides greater total benefits to the community as a whole.

Back to the Free College Proposals

What do these results mean for President Biden’s and CP’s proposals? The table below provides a side-by-side comparison. The main difference is the level of detail. This reflects that the CP plan was designed to align with, and flesh out, the Biden campaign proposal. Perhaps the only substantive difference is that the CP proposal (and the Milwaukee program) includes private colleges. The Biden campaign documents exclude private colleges, though the American Families Plan just says “free community college,” signaling alignment with the CP plan. Both proposals are clearly in the category of open access aid.

Biden Campaign Proposal College Promise
Student eligibility · 2y college: No income requirements · 4y college: Family AGI < $125,000 · 2y college: No income requirements · 4y college: Family AGI < $125,000 · Complete FAFSA · Part-time or full-time · Work requirements optional · State requirements on students “kept to a minimum”
College eligibility · Public only · Public and private · Title IV eligible · Meet accountability requirements based on College Scorecard
State-Federal Contributions · 67% of costs from the federal government · Public colleges: Federal govt contributes 75% of partnership funds; 25% from states · Private colleges: Partnership covers up to 50% of the cost per credit (capped at state avg cost per credit in public colleges); institutions cover remainder
Other · First-dollar (covers more than tuition and fees for some very-low-income students)

There are numerous similarities between these provisions and the Milwaukee program that my team and I studied. All three programs make two-year college free (or nearly so) for all students without income requirements and through early commitment of aid. All three require the FAFSA and high school graduation. Importantly, unlike both the Biden and CP proposals, the Milwaukee program had merit requirements, which undermined its success. This is partly why our evidence is so relevant to the current debate.

Some might wonder why the president has scaled back the proposal to just free community college. This reflects that the idea of free college—even the “scaled back” version—is such a marked departure from past policy, especially at the federal level. Free community college alone would still be arguably the largest shift in federal higher education policy in the past half-century.

Caveats and Concluding Thoughts

We cannot make policy from evidence alone, but it can and should play a key role. Sometimes, policy ideas have such limited evidence of effectiveness that it is difficult to make any plausible case for a large-scale, national program. In other cases, there is enough promise for pilot studies and competitive grants to establish efficacy. With free college, we seem to be well beyond that point. In addition to decades of results on general financial aid programs, we have a growing number of studies on state and local programs that all show positive evidence—the “laboratory of democracy” at work. The idea of a large, federal free-college program therefore has more and more credibility.

A decade ago, it was not at all obvious that this is what the evidence would show. There was really no evidence on free college programs when we started this project back in 2009. Also, there were good reasons to expect that such a large increase in aid would suffer from “diminishing returns”—the idea that the next dollar is less effective than the previous one. This could have made free college more costly than the benefits could justify. Now, we know better.

I do still worry a bit about other factors and challenges. For example, the above analyses can only capture the immediate effects of financial aid, yet a federal free college program is such a marked departure in policy that it could alter political and market forces operating on higher education in unpredictable ways, perhaps even lowering college spending and quality. Also, if the proposal remains focused on community colleges, then this will shift students out of four-year colleges and into colleges that currently have very low completion rates. There are also other ways to increase college affordability and access that do not require free college (e.g., increased Pell Grants and income-based loan repayment), some of which target funds more narrowly to the most disadvantaged students. And there are many details to be worked out as the president’s allies in Congress try to generate sufficient support without (a) sacrificing core principles, or (b) creating new problems that can arise when grafting new federal programs on to widely varying state contexts.

Still, it is not often that an idea comes around that addresses a widely acknowledged problem and has both research support and a fair degree of bipartisan political support. The stars seem aligned to make some form of national free college a reality. The more evidence we see, the more that would seem to be a step forward.

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5 Reasons Why College Should Be Free: The Case for Debt-Free Education

essay on free university

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: January 30, 2020


The cost of college is rising even faster than inflation in the U.S. Many students around the world face financial constraints when it comes to attending college. Because education is such a vital part of life, there are many reasons why college should be free .

Not only do the arguments for debt-free education include personal benefits, but they also show how education helps to positively impact society overall.

Thankfully, the progression in technology is making it possible to increase access to education globally.

However, there is still a long way to go and more schools and countries are weighing the pros and cons of offering an affordable education . The ability to provide free education for all is becoming more of a possibility as time progresses.

College graduates at affordable university

Photo by  Good Free Photos  on  Unsplash

5 reasons why college should be free.

Here are 5 reasons that support the case for debt-free education:

1. Improves Society

When people are more educated, they can solve problems better. This means that society can progress at a faster rate. Additionally, people with education can better understand the history of their society and its current economic conditions. As such, they may be more inclined to participate in politics and improve their country. Also, when more people have access to a college education, the number of employable people for high-skilled jobs increases. This means that more people will join the workforce, which could help lessen the wealth gap between the upper, middle, and lower classes.

2. Widened Workforce

Along with technological progressions comes a shift in the workforce. Most automated jobs are replacing low-skill workers. Automation is spreading quickly across positions that require repetition, like back-office tasks. However, automation is not meant to replace the entire workforce. Instead, the needs of most economies are shifting to require a more skilled workforce, with people who have good analytical skills and creative thinking abilities. These skills are both taught and honed with a college education. If more people could attend college for free , then the workforce will expand. The workforce will also be more agile. In the case of an economic downturn when one industry falters, another generally rises to replace it. Then, workers need to be retrained and taught skills for the job. If more people could enter school and gear their studies towards booming industries, then the population will be more equipped to cope with economic changes.

3. A Boosted Economy

Most students graduate with a massive amount of debt. For example, in the U.S., the average student debt per person is $28,950.

Graduating with significant debt is common in the U.S., where the average student debt is $28,950 per person. This debt can take years to pay off, delaying major life purchases like homes and cars. Without debt, graduates could earn, save, and spend more quickly, stimulating the economy. 

Increased consumer spending boosts demand and creates more employment opportunities, creating a positive economic cycle. Additionally, the fear of debt often deters students from pursuing higher education, so debt-free education could encourage more people to attend college.

4. Increase Equality

Since affordability is a major issue for so many people when it comes to attending college, the playing field has not always been equal. A lot of the brightest minds in the world stem from low-income households, but that shouldn’t hold them back from continuing their education. If there was an equal opportunity to attend school, then everyone would have the chance to go to school. Affordable education is a major step towards equality.

5. More Focus

When students are not worried about money, they can focus better on their studies. Even when students have loans and financial aid, they may find themselves stuck worrying about how they will have to pay them back in the future. This added stress can negatively impact their focus during the time when they are supposed to be learning.

Free education in Germany

Photo by  Christian Wiediger  on  Unsplash

Countries that offer free college.

Many countries understand how debt-free education provides positive outcomes. Therefore, they made tuition-free universities a reality.

Here’s a look at some countries where education is free for everyone, free for just their residents or highly subsidized by the government for foreign exchange students:

  • Free University of Berlin – Known for its programs in humanities and political sciences.
  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich – Offers a wide range of programs in arts and humanities, and physical sciences.
  • Technical University of Munich – Renowned for its engineering and technology programs.
  • Humboldt University of Berlin – Famous for its research and diverse study programs.

Austria (free for EU residents, low cost for non-EU residents)

  • University of Vienna – Known for its rich history and diverse programs, offering low-cost tuition for non-EU students and free for EU residents.
  • Graz University of Technology – Offers various technology and engineering courses with affordable tuition.
  • Johannes Kepler University Linz – Provides a range of programs with low tuition fees for international students.
  • University of Salzburg – Offers comprehensive programs in various fields with affordable tuition fees.
  • University of Helsinki – Offers a broad range of programs and is known for high-quality research.
  • Aalto University – Focuses on engineering, business, and arts.
  • University of Turku – Offers diverse programs and has strong research output.
  • Tampere University – Known for its social sciences and technology programs.

Czech Republic

  • Charles University – One of the oldest universities in Europe, known for its diverse programs.
  • Masaryk University – Offers a wide range of programs and is located in Brno.
  • Czech Technical University in Prague – Specializes in engineering and technology.
  • Palacký University Olomouc – Known for its humanities and social sciences programs.

Spain (free for EU residents, low cost for non-EU residents)

  • University of Granada – Known for its affordable tuition fees and diverse programs.
  • University of Salamanca – Offers a variety of programs with low tuition fees.
  • University of Zaragoza – Known for its affordable education in various fields.
  • University of Valencia – Provides a wide range of programs at affordable costs.

Are There Reasons Why College Shouldn’t Be Free?

While free college education has many benefits, there are also arguments against it. Here are some reasons why college shouldn’t be free:

1 . Increased Strain on Government Budgets: Free college would require significant funding from the government, which could lead to higher taxes or cuts in other important areas like healthcare and infrastructure. Maintaining the quality of education with limited resources can be challenging.

2. Devaluation of Degrees: If everyone can attend college for free, the value of a college degree might decrease. This could lead to an oversupply of graduates, making it harder for individuals to stand out in the job market.

3. Reduced Accountability for Academic Performance: When students don’t pay for their education, they might take it less seriously. Paying tuition can motivate students to perform better academically, as they have a financial stake in their education.

4. Implementation and Sustainability Challenges: Implementing free college programs is complex and requires careful planning. Some countries or institutions that have tried free college faced financial difficulties or had to limit enrollment due to budget constraints.

The Advantages of Online University

With technological advances, online universities are proliferating. Online universities require less overhead costs. Therefore, they are almost always cheaper than traditional schools. However, there are even some that are totally tuition-free.

Founded in 2009, Shai Reshef started the University of the People with the mission to offer an affordable and quality education to anyone around the world. Students from over 200 countries and territories have been in attendance of the online programs.

We have degree programs in Computer Science, Health Science, Education, and Business Administration.

Thanks to a wide network of volunteers and professors from renowned institutions around the world, the education offered parallels that of a traditional American university and is accredited as such.

The Takeaway

T he money for tuition-free or cheaper universities will have to come from somewhere. Arguments against free education include potential tax increases on individuals or businesses, or reallocating funds from other areas like military spending. 

Despite these political considerations, making tuition-free education more widespread offers significant advantages. It promotes equality, stimulates the economy, and creates a more skilled workforce.

At the University of the People, we are dedicated to providing quality, tuition-free education to students globally, embodying the future of accessible and inclusive higher education.

FAQ Section

What are the potential benefits of free college education.

Free college education can increase access to higher education, reduce student debt, and promote social equality. It can also lead to a more educated workforce, driving economic growth and innovation.

Can free college increase access to higher education for all?

Yes, free college can remove financial barriers, making higher education accessible to more people, especially those from low-income backgrounds.

Can free college stimulate economic growth and innovation?

Yes, free college can lead to a more educated workforce, boosting productivity, driving innovation, and stimulating economic growth by filling high-skill job positions.

What are the potential drawbacks of free college education?

Drawbacks include increased strain on government budgets, potential degree devaluation, and reduced academic performance accountability. Implementing and sustaining such programs can be complex and financially challenging.

How does free college impact the job market and workforce?

Free college can lead to a more skilled and educated workforce, but it might also result in an oversupply of graduates, making it harder for individuals to stand out in the job market.

How does free college align with other educational reforms?

Free college can complement other educational reforms aimed at increasing access, reducing inequality, and improving the quality of education. It should be part of a broader strategy that includes vocational training and lifelong learning opportunities.

What are the long-term implications of implementing free college?

Long-term implications include potential changes in government spending priorities, the need for sustainable funding models, and possible shifts in the value and perception of college degrees.

Can free college address the skills gap in certain industries?

Yes, free college can help address skills gaps by making it easier for students to pursue education and training in high-demand fields, thus aligning the workforce with industry needs.

At UoPeople, our blog writers are thinkers, researchers, and experts dedicated to curating articles relevant to our mission: making higher education accessible to everyone.

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University Education Should be Free for all Students- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Jan 25, 2024


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University Education Should be Free for all Students-  IELTS Writing Task 2

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The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

University education should be free for all students. To what extent agree or disagree?

Opinion Essay


Sentences 1&2 – Summarise the topic with the use of synonyms to create a basic understanding.

Sentence 3 – Mention that the essay will understand the need to make university education free.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Talk about how high university fees affect a family and its finances.

Paragraph 2 – Mention the benefits of making university education free, like high attending rates and upliftment of adjacent pointers like happiness index, etc. Mention relevant examples here.

Paragraph 3 – Acknowledge the flipper side of the argument, but talk about the unending advantages of making university education free.

Restate your views.

Sample Essay 1

University education is among the costliest “investments” a person can make. Consequently, there has been a cry to formalize a law to make university education free for everyone in recent times so that everyone can avail it. I feel this is a positive step, and this essay will expand my understanding of why I agree with it.

To begin with, university education costs can run well into hundreds of thousands of dollars, which may not be financially viable for every person. In a realistic scenario, even if a family is well off financially, this can become a burden as many will take educational loans to cover these costs. On top of this, books, accommodation, food, and other essentials are not factored in the tuition fees. Hence, such astronomical education costs can be a pecuniary nightmare.

On the same note, making university education cheaper really unfurls a wave of universal availing of higher education. For instance, many European countries’ public colleges charge zero for their courses. These countries, like Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc., show a very high rate of education, along with other pointers like high per capita income, high happiness index, and low tax evasion rates. Making university education free not only increases education across a country but has a positive direct and indirect effect on so many germane lifestyle pointers.

Some believe that countries, governments in general, benefit from high education rates, while others remark that free university education for all can become an obligation for the government. I feel that there are other means and ways of earning money, and earning money at the cost of a deserving person’s future is outrightly wrong. Additionally, making higher education free has one too many benefits to ignore.

Hence, university education should be free for all students keeping in mind that it is embezzled neither by the country nor the students.

Sample Essay 2

Having a qualification of tertiary education has become essential in the present. It is generally believed that universities should not charge any fees whatsoever. I agree with the given notion considerably, and I will support my angle of view in subsequent paragraphs.

To commence with the agreement side, providing tertiary education for free can elevate the education level of a whole country. To elaborate, providing free education will encourage more and more students to enrol in university courses. Students who cannot afford to pay university fees and, therefore, opt to get jobs after secondary education will also receive an opportunity to educate themselves further. More students enrolling in universities will increase education overall in a country.

Moreover, providing free university education can lead to a country’s prosperous economy. To make it clear, it is generally noticed that people, who are university graduates, have a pay scale significantly higher than that of high school graduates as university students have received specialized education in a specific field and have honed their skills within that particular field. Providing free tertiary education can encourage more and more students to enrol and specialize in a specific area which will help them to secure a hefty paying job. It will eventually help the country’s economy to grow further.

Now, looking at the disagreement side, if higher education is provided for free, students might take it for granted and start to avoid their duties. The number of university dropouts will increase as students have not paid any fees, and they are not losing anything financially by dropping out. There is a possibility that students may get swayed by the lousy influence of their peers and may get involved in immoral activities like bullying or drug trafficking without fearing expulsion as they have not paid any fees.

To conclude, providing free tertiary education can help a nation achieve greater heights in terms of education level and economy, but it may come with a price of students not taking the free education seriously because of not having to pay any fees.

Meaning – give (something) legal or formal status. Example – The government formalized a law to protect our right to privacy.

Meaning – capable of working successfully; feasible. Example – Motorsports are introducing viable financial plans amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Astronomical 

Meaning – (of an amount) extremely large. Example – The college tuition fees are astronomical.

Meaning – make or become spread out. Example – The ship unfurled its sails.

  • Outrightly  

Meaning – wholly and completely. Example – The way he stood against the teacher was outrightly wrong.

Meaning – to steal (money or property) despite being entrusted to take care of it Example – .The conman embezzled a huge amount of money from the poor people.

Meaning – relating to or consisting of money. Example – You should enrich your pecuniary knowledge and take care of your assets.

Meaning – bound to do certain things Example – We have an obligation to fulfil our duties towards our parents and country.

Meaning – the act of avoiding something that you do not want to do or deal with Example – Tax evasion is one of the prevalent crimes in our country.

Meaning – relevant and appropriate Example – His speech was germane to the event of the day.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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essay on free university

Posted on Apr 1, 2022

Having access to academic tuition at university is considered a basic right of everyone by some individuals and they believe that irrespective of their socioeconomic background students should get a chance to study free of charge. To my mind, introducing this idea in most societies may generate some social problems and can also result in universities losing their value. Enabling general access to university education in the modern world can lead to a serious repercussion. To elaborate this, easily accessible academic training will attract huge numbers of students and this will cause imbalance between the number of job hunters and vacancies available. Consequently, the country might end up with a rising population of specialists with a university degree who are unemployed due to the limited number of jobs offered. Furthermore, charging no fees for tertiary education can change students’ attitude towards university education. In other words, it is highly likely that the opportunity to acquire free knowledge at higher education institutions may be taken for granted in a long-term run. As a result, universities might lose their status as a supreme source of obtaining quality education. To illuatrate this, my cousin was granted a chance to study for free by an organization which helped ambitious young people to achieve their dream of studying at higher institutions. Even though he was initially extremely excited about training at university his interest started to decline as he was not paying tuition fees himself and thus did not realize the value of free education. To sum up, free and easily accessible education at the university level has some drawbacks, namely, social problems like unemployment among specialists with a university degree and the change of students’ attitude towards higher education. Therefore, I believe that this is rather a negative development for the society.

Band Score – 5

Concentrate on correct use of articles, punctuation and subject verb agreement.

Use more transitional words.

Since it is an opinion essay, you are also required to write one line of contrast after the two opinionated body paragraphs.

There is a lack of paragraph division. Please take care of it.

Iqbal singh

Some people propose the idea that the cost of tertiary education of all students should be borne by the government to make education more accessible. I, however, do not agree with this proposition because in my opinion, doing so will do more harm than good.

The first and the foremost argument to support my view is that sponsoring the higher education of all students will put an enormous financial burden on government’s shoulders. As government has to spend its limited resources on various crucial aspects of a nation’s growth such as providing health care, developing infrastructure and conducting social welfare schemes, bearing the cost of all prospective students will result in a severe shortage of funds. To generate more funds, the government will have to either levy heavier taxes or reduce its spending on other areas. In both scenarios, the one who will be at a disadvantage is the common man. For example, a raise in taxes will give birth to inflation which will make it extremely difficult for people to even afford basic needs. Similarly, a reduction in governmental spending on pivotal areas will make those people suffer who rely heavily on govermental support.

Yet another argument is that making third-tier education cost free will also result in the system being abused. With college education becoming free, universities will get flooded with non-serious students who will take admission for the sole purpose of enjoying student life. This will not only affect the decorum of universities negatively but will also result in universities producing graduates with severely limited knowledge. This, in turn, can prove to be a hindrance in a country’s progression as the development of any nation relies on how well educated its citizens are. On top of that, implementing this system will also lead to higher drop-out rates. When the students will realise that they are not bound to pay even a single penny from their own pocket, they will not hesitate in leaving their education in the middle and thus wasting governmental resources. To conclude, without a doubt, providing university education to all is of paramount importance today to ensure the success of a nation, but making government bear its financial burden is not a judicious step as it will do more harm than any good. Nevertheless, the government must keep those students in mind who are either studious or extremely poor and help them in getting the college education by offering scholarships and interest-free loans.

Concentrate on correct use of articles, verb forms and punctuation.

Use C2 level of words.

Posted on Feb 22, 2022

Education is the key factor to assess the growth of an individual, society and a nation infact. It brings forth the innate talents of a person, thus making one capable and efficient. The more, the percentage of educated people in a country, the lesser the unemployment and the more developed it is. I believe that the education is also a basic necessity besides the food, clothing and shelter. But unfortunately, due to lack of money or facilities, many children are deprived of being educated. Hence ‘Free university education’ is need of the hour to break the shackles of unemployment and surge ahead.

I opine that each country has to set up an education fund from various taxes collected from the citizens. The best investment any country can make is in its future tax payers. Many destitute who cannot afford to meet the tuition fee expenses gets an access to education, thus increasing the average literacy rate of the country. The employment index goes high, thus increasing the number of tax payers which in turn increases the GDP. We come across many students who do part time jobs to earn a living and save money for studies. Such students can intensively and completely be dedicated to studies, if education is free.

Social equality is brought in the society irrespective of gender, caste, race, rich, poor etc. One can witness a rapid progress in technological innovations thus strengthening the roots of a nation. An educated society brings a major impact on the political system. Wise decisions can be made in electing the eligible and deserving leaders.

I find no significant and justifying reasons to disagree on this subject except for the one reason that some students might take studies for granted if it is provided at free of cost, although it might not be case with many.

To sum up, free education plays an integral role in success of an individual, society and nation as a whole. It helps for a country to grow financially, technologically and in allied areas.

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University Education Should Be Free Essay

In recent years, the number of people who have been attending university greatly increased, consequently, arguments have continued as to whether students should pay for this prerogative or not. With no doubts, everything has its two sides and the problem of whether the university fees should be paid by taxpayers or not is not an exception. Still, there are people who believe that authorities should take the responsibility for funding the university fees. However, others disagree and opine that it is solely the responsibility of students to pay for their higher education that is in a direct connection to their prospering future career and life in general. In this way, it is important to review both sides of this controversial question. So, this essay will focus on evaluating arguments for and against free education in university. First of all, it is essential to assess arguments in favor of making university education free for all interested. First of all, in further, it will inspire more and more people to attend university and, doubtless, this will benefit society as it will lead to a more prolific as well as educated workforce. What is more, generally, researches show that those countries that …show more content…

The reason I think this way is that in this case everyone gets a chance to go to the university and that free education can interest more students in the long run and finally lead to more people getting a higher education. Universities in a number of developing countries are very expensive and this scares a lot of potential students since for most of them, getting university education means that they will have to get student loans and be in debt for a long period of time. If universities would provide free education, then, not only those young people who come from rich families but everyone who wants to study in the university will have an equal opportunity to receive a graduate

Article Summary: The Case Against Free College

They would be prepared for their classes and not worry about their own financial situation or other issues regarding their personal education. In short, free college benefits to students because it makes students more pay attention to their

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People who receive an education are more likely to be successful and live a healthy and happy live; but those do not are more likely to live in poverty. Since it will help the economy to have better equipped citizens, the government should make college education free for

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It will encourage learners to concentrate on their studies, and encourage them to work harder in school. In result, a significant increase in student grades will rise. Therefore, the opportunity will create student, specifically low-income student to have more advantages. Firstly, college should be granted to students freely because it will encourage them to concentrate on their educations.

Why Do Colleges Should Be Free

Colleges should be free .Why? College is a place that students come and have their education. Everyone no matter what; if their poor they should not pay. Whoever don’t tale the advantage of college been free should be kicked out. College is not for games, it’s for to take it serious.

Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Free?

Or another effect that students are not well prepare enough for the real world because they just try to get the degree to graduate and actually not learn anything. If going to college is free, it is similar of students go to elementary, middle or high school, they are just going to school and are not really think ahead of their future. But when students get to college, hopefully they are old enough to realize what is best for them. If free college could happen, students should be thankful for that and try their best to achieve what they want. College should be free because of it can makes a big effect on student 's lives.

Essay: College Should Be Free In The United States

College should be free in the United States for multiple reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to, the following. College is too expensive for the majority of the population of the United States. If college was free, it would let people explore their horizon, and have an easier time finding a desirable career. College has been proven to be effective, and even shown to have been working in the united states for over 100 years.

Education Should Be Free Essay

According to a statement of Aaron Bady, a journalist, regarding education in various universities, he stated that “Public education should be free. If it isn't free, it isn't public education.” The

Persuasive Essay On Why College Should Be Free

Therefore, college should be free for students to educate the community, and develop the

Pros And Cons Of Free College

Opponents of free college tuition claim that if students want to go to a university they can search for a scholarship. Maybe free education could give us more students in universities. But, it would be just like high school again. People who were bad and screw around in high school will be bad and they will do the same. They will negatively affect students who really want to study and work hard.

College Education Should Not Be Free Essay

In the end, free education is never free as the youths will have to pay back for the tuition with excessive taxes. Also, offering free tuition will lower the value of education, and this will translate to lower productivity in the job market. Human beings tend to value the things that they have worked for and therefore offering the education at zero costs means that the students may never take their studies seriously. The government can also adopt different alternatives to the free education without necessarily hurting the economy. Having so many graduates will impact negatively on the job sector.

Free Education Argumentative Essay

Free education should

Should Students Have To Pay For College Essay

College should be free for everyone for the kids with less money, it would help some actually go and be successful in life and they would have more freedom to choose what they want to do. Many smart kids who are more likely to succeed have little money and cannot afford it. Statistics show that kids who are wealthier have a better chance at being more educated because they don't have to worry about not going to a good college. If college was free everyone would have the same opportunities, little money or not. The less fortunate kids who are smarter could get into the big colleges like Harvard and be able to get to the levels they are actually at.

College Education Should Be Free

Sacrifice is the abundance of things for the purpose of getting something else back. Sometimes sacrificing one thing will give back many things. The question is why governments should sacrifice its money on funding colleges and universities and make college education be free of fees? And what things can the government have back by doing this? These days with the rising living coasts and tuition fees, it can be easily expected that an average families with an average income will have to struggle to pay the fees to university to have their child educated.

Argumentative Essay: College Education Should Be Free

“ ( This shows with college tuition being free more people can be happy and less stressful. In addition, college education should be free since it gives students the life that they wanted and concentrating on their studies. College tuition should be free because it could

Essay On Why Education Should Be Free

Education is vital to one’s life and well-being, however since education isn’t free so many kids around the world can’t take advantage of it simply because of their economic status. When people become educated, it allows them to develop different perspectives and would not only see an improvement in their life, but in society as a whole. There’s no doubt that education is the most important thing to enhance the lives of individuals. Without it, kids aren’t able to reach their full potential, causing citizens to experience major issues in life such as a low standard of living, ignorance, and among other things. Education should be free for everyone, regardless of their economic background, because every individual is important and should have the equal opportunity to better themselves.

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University - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

University is a higher education institution that offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in various academic fields. It is a place where students can gain knowledge, skills, and experiences through lectures, seminars, research, and practical activities. Universities are comprised of faculties or schools that specialize in specific areas of study, such as business, engineering, arts, and sciences. They provide an environment for students to explore their interests, develop critical thinking skills, and engage in intellectual discourse with peers and faculty members. Attending university is often considered an important step towards career development and personal growth.

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essay on free university

Students at fake university in Michigan created by ICE can sue US, court rules

Students who enrolled at a fake university set up by federal immigration agents have the right to sue the U.S. government, a federal court has ruled.

A decision last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit means that the hundreds of students who paid tuition at the University of Farmington in Farmington Hills — created by undercover agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — have a legal basis to continue pursuing their claims in court.

In 2020, a lawsuit was filed against the U.S. government in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims by attorneys on behalf of Teja Ravi and other students enrolled at the University of Farmington, which no longer exists after ICE shut it down in 2019 and arrested at least 250 of its students . The suit said the U.S. breached their contract with the students by essentially stealing their tuition money, about $11,000 a year for each student. They are asking for their money back and other punitive damages. But the legal claim was dismissed on technical grounds in 2022 by the Claims Court, which said the case lacked jurisdiction. Three judges with the appeals court overturned that decision on June 25 and remanded the case back to the Claims Court.

"This decision is not just a legal win, but a moral one," Prudhivi Raj, a student at the university, said Friday in a statement. "It underscores that no one, not even the government, is above the fundamental principles of fairness and honesty. ... We are grateful for this outcome and remain steadfast in our commitment to justice."

The Department of Homeland Security, which ICE is a part of, did not return an email this week from the Free Press seeking comment on the court's ruling. ICE has previously said they were trying to combat visa fraud. Attorneys with the Department of Justice are representing them in the case.

ICE started its undercover operation in 2015, creating a fake office on Northwestern Highway near 13 Mile with a website and an admissions process like a regular university. The University of Farmington was even listed on the website of ICE as a school approved by the U.S. government for students. It seemed real to its 600+ students, a majority of them immigrants from India interested in studying technology and science. Many students are able to live and work legally in the U.S. through university programs such as the one the University of Farmington touted. The students had arrived legally in the U.S. and were on F-1 student visa programs when they enrolled. But it was all an elaborate operation by ICE's Homeland Security Investigations to trick foreign-born students they allege were trying to "pay to stay" in the U.S., a claim the students deny. ICE arrested hundreds of students, deported many of them and others left the U.S. on their own.

"The U.S. government (is) refusing to take accountability for the parents separated from their children over this,the couples separated over this, and the financial burden on families," said attorney Anna Nathanson, who represents the students and argued the case in court. "The need for justice is urgent.”

Records reveal the Department of Homeland Security went to great lengths to deceive the students, said their attorneys. The fake university was incorporated in the state of Michigan in January 2016, records with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs show. The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, which was working with the U.S. on its sting operation, also listed the university as legitimate.

The Free Press previously obtained emails and undercover recordings by ICE that revealed in part how the operation was conducted.

Ravi said he had paid $12,500 in tuition to the University of Farmington when he enrolled in March 2018. He and other students became suspicious when classes didn't start and contacted the university to find out what was happening, but were not helped.

Ravi was "informed that he would have a regular class schedule and have regular class," the lawsuit said. "But he was never enrolled in classes or given assignments. As soon as the semester commenced, and he still was not enrolled in classes, he contacted officials at the University to ask about classes and assignment. A university official advised him not worry about it as that was not an issue."

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After hearing a rumor the university may be fake, Ravi "was told by a University official that the rumor was not true," the lawsuit said.

In their decision , the three judges noted that Ravi never got his money back, saying "the allegations of fact we accept as true for purposes of this appeal are straightforward."

The judges said Ravi "paid thousands of dollars to the 'University of Farmington' to enroll as as a student, expecting to take classes. At the time of his enrollment, Mr. Ravi was unaware that the University was not a university at all but had been formed and advertised to offer educational services for money—though not actually provide them—as an undercover operation of ... (DHS) to target fraud involving student visas. The government’s operation eventually came to light, but the government neither provided the paid-for education nor gave Mr. Ravi his money back."

Students said they were entrapped , but ICE officials defended their actions.

Vance Callender, the former special agent in charge of the Detroit office of ICE's HSI at the time who was later placed on leave after agents raided his home in 2022, told the Free Press in 2019 that “HSI special agents , as part of this undercover operation, made it abundantly clear in their interactions with potential University of Farmington enrollees that the school did not offer academic or vocational programs of any kind. The individuals who enrolled in the University of Farmington did so intentionally."

A Free Press report in November 2019 about additional arrests of students sparked outrage from several elected officials against ICE , including then-U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris , U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren , D-Massachusetts, U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , D-New York, and U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin , D-Holly, Michigan, among others.

"This is cruel and appalling," Warren wrote on Twitter, now X, linking to the Free Press story. "These students simply dreamed of getting the high-quality higher education America can offer. ICE deceived and entrapped them, just to deport them."

In 2022, 40 civil rights and social justice groups signed a letter calling upon the Department of Homeland Security's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties to investigate how the department operated the University of Farmington and asked for redress of the students.

Nathanson said the students were "unjustly targeted by this fake ICE university."

She added that the court's ruling last week has implications that go beyond this particular case and could set a legal precedent when the government overreaches in contracts with private parties.

Contact Niraj Warikoo: [email protected] or X @nwarikoo

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ChatGPT Forces Universities To Adapt Or Retreat

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The University of Reading in the UK has revealed that ChatGPT can not only pass university exams but also outperform human students. This discovery is forcing institutions worldwide into an immediate dilemma. Do they fall back on traditional exams and risk irrelevance, or adapt?

The study paints a stark picture of AI's capabilities. Researchers created 33 fake student profiles and used ChatGPT to answer exam questions for first, second and third-year psychology modules.

The results were astonishing:

  • 94% of AI-generated submissions went undetected by markers
  • AI consistently achieved higher grades than human students
  • Only in third-year exams requiring more abstract reasoning did human students outperform the AI

These findings raise significant concerns about the potential for students using AI to undermine academic integrity. The implications are far-reaching, challenging the foundations of how many university courses evaluate student learning.

Adapt Or Retreat?

Some institutions are taking action to mitigate the perceived threat. The University of Glasgow is transitioning from open-book online exams back to in-person exams that are invigilated, for third and fourth-year Life Science students. The university's aim is to assure students, accreditation bodies and future employers that the grades awarded are a true reflection of students' knowledge and abilities.

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While this approach may safeguard against immediate concerns, it raises questions about whether reverting to traditional methods prepares students for a world where AI is increasingly ubiquitous.

Reimagining Assessment

Many educators see this moment as an opportunity for transformative change. They argue that instead of retreating to outdated methods, universities should embrace this challenge as a catalyst for innovation in assessment practices. I asked educators on LinkedIn what they thought of the study.

Dr. Jennifer Chang Wathall, a part-time instructor at the University of Hong Kong, advocates for a complete overhaul of assessment practices. "We need to focus on the process of learning and growth over a period of time; celebrating the strengths and talents of every individual," she argues. "Assessment needs to be reframed as collecting evidence of student learning—a continuous process and measured against a set of qualitative criteria."

This perspective shifts the focus from single high-stakes exams to a more holistic evaluation of a student's learning journey. It acknowledges that in an AI-augmented world, the ability to apply knowledge creatively and adapt to new challenges may be more valuable than the mere retention of information.

Jason Gulya, professor of English at Berkeley College in New York, echoes this sentiment. He sees the rise of AI as a wake-up call for educators. "The answer is not going to be more exams or 'AI-Proof Exams'. The answer is going to be more authentic assessment that prioritizes practicing relevant skills, creativity and critical thinking."

Innovative Approaches

As universities grapple with these challenges, educators are proposing and experimenting with new forms of assessment that are less susceptible to AI manipulation and more aligned with real-world skills. Tim Mousel, a kinesiology professor at Lone Star College in Texas, suggests a range of alternatives to traditional essays:

"Some of the following approaches could replace a written essay: project-based assessments, problem-solving scenarios, oral presentations or debates, collaborative group projects, reflective journals or portfolios, experiential learning assignments, peer teaching or tutoring, creation of original content, interactive simulations or role-playing, and open-ended research projects."

These methods not only make it more difficult for AI to replicate human performance but also foster skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication - abilities that are highly valued in the workplace and less easily replicated by AI.

The Human Element

Despite the challenges posed by AI, many educators see cause for optimism. They argue that the rise of AI in education could actually enhance the value of uniquely human skills and perspectives.

Trey Conatser, director of CELT at the University of Kentucky, offers a nuanced perspective on the role of writing in education: "Findings like these can feel threatening, but they're a provocation to reflect on how writing functions as a way of assessing learning as well as the act of learning itself. We don't have students write to show us what they've already learned, but we have them write so that they can learn through a scaffolded process with meaningful feedback."

This view underscores the importance of the learning process itself, not just the end product. It suggests that even as AI becomes more sophisticated, the journey of learning—with its moments of struggle, breakthrough and growth—remains a uniquely human experience that cannot be replicated by machines.

The Road Ahead

The future of learning isn't about humans versus AI. It's humans working alongside AI to push the boundaries of knowledge and creativity. Universities that adapt their assessment methods to this new reality will be the ones shaping tomorrow's leaders.

The challenge for higher education institutions is to create assessment methods that prepare students for a world where AI is an integral part of professional and personal life. This may involve teaching students how to effectively and ethically use AI tools, while also honing the critical thinking and creative skills that remain uniquely human.

As the dust settles on this latest research, the future that is created needs to look very different from today. The race is on to define what that future will be. The stakes for students, educators and society as a whole could not be higher.

Dan Fitzpatrick

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Here's the new university of minnesota president's plan for the challenges awaiting her.

Rebecca Cunningham takes over as University of Minnesota president on Monday and almost immediately faces big decisions about how the U should run its medical programs and navigate tensions stemming from the war between Israel and Hamas.

Cunningham, a longtime emergency room physician, worked most recently as vice president of research and innovation at the University of Michigan, which reports one of the largest portfolios in the nation. In recent weeks, she has been attending Board of Regents meetings, scheduling introductions with Minnesota lawmakers and meeting with student groups making competing cases for whether the U should divest from Israel and how it should distinguish between free speech and hate speech.

"I'm so excited to be here," Cunningham said. "What is actually happening on the ground is just tremendous, and I've been so impressed all along the way."

Already her research background is being called upon. Two landmark U research papers — one focusing on Alzheimer's disease and another on stem cells — were retracted over concerns about their integrity after researchers elsewhere struggled to duplicate their findings and raised questions about images within them.

The Star Tribune sat down with Cunningham last week to talk about her preparation and plans for tackling some of the most immediate challenges. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Q : It's been a rough week for research at the U, with the news that two major papers were being retracted. What's your analysis of the situation, and how will you prevent that from happening during your tenure?

A: I can speak in broader brushstrokes. Every major institution across the country right now has been facing this. I think it's unfortunate when poor choices are made along the way that can impact the reputation both of research as a whole and cause concern for the public, when the vast majority of researchers are doing amazing research and are publishing with high integrity.

I dealt with this a lot last year, especially in papers from 20-plus years ago, when it maybe wasn't quite so easy to spot all of these inconsistencies. I know that there has been a number of policies and procedures put in place here to try to do more education with faculty in the meantime to help them understand what it really means to alter a figure, and that that will be noticed.

To the prevention side: Faculty, unfortunately, are under a tremendous pressure to publish. And we have to work on the climate and support for them so that we they can focus on feeling good about the science they produced, even when it doesn't produce the results they were hoping for — which is true science.

Q: Have you been involved in the discussions with Fairview Health Services over the future of the U's teaching hospital? Are you expecting any big changes in trajectory?

A: I've been doing learning on the 20 years of detailed negotiations that have been going on, getting familiar with the current, public [letter of intent], have begun to meet the assorted players. That's where we're at for right now, and then it will certainly need to be a focus for these next couple of months. I think everyone wants to see that through, in the timeline it was envisioned.

Q: The university is still navigating tensions over the war between Israel and Hamas and the controversy over hiring a director for the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Have you been consulting on those issues, and what's your approach?

A: I've been updated on them. Obviously, academic freedom is critically important. I have not been involved in the decisionmaking to date. I did get to meet with both the Divest group and the group of Jewish students that [interim] President [Jeff] Ettinger had been meeting with. I think that they were great conversations, and I'm just proud to have students that are engaged and sitting down in this manner, really respectfully looking for collective solutions.

Obviously, we are bound by free speech. We're a public university. However, we have to have a welcoming climate for all of our students and we have to be mindful of when that free speech transitions over into individual harassment. And, more than that, whatever we can do to help our students also just be mindful of how they're coming off to each other … whatever we can do to help our students work toward feeling inclusiveness, even when they disagree, is going to be critical.

Liz Navratil covers higher education for the Star Tribune. She spent the previous three years covering Minneapolis City Hall as leaders responded to the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd’s murder.

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Utah State University Worker Paid for 2 Years He Didn’t Work

By  Ryan Quinn

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A Utah State University Eastern staff member who didn’t show up for work for more than two years was still paid over $157,000 in salary and benefits while his administrator friends covered for him, The Salt Lake Tribune reported . The newspaper said the employee was living with one of the administrators.

The university hired Warren Tyler Agner in July 2021 to support rural local businesses, paying him with state funding and grants, the Tribune reported. Agner continued to receive paychecks even though he was never in the office and multiple staff members complained about his absence to the university.

After receiving a tip, the Utah attorney general’s office prompted the university to start an internal audit in July 2023, the Tribune reported. The university also conducted a human resources investigation; Agner was fired in January, the newspaper reported. Inside Higher Ed was unable to reach Agner Monday.

Affiliates of the university and of the programs Agner was supposed to work in told the Tribune that businesses were not receiving payments they relied on. The newspaper reported that Agner was living with Jamie Cano, who was then the campus’s associate department head over professional and technical education. Cano has since left the university.

Auditors accused Ethan Migliori, who was Agner’s direct supervisor and is still the Eastern director of noncredit training, of helping cover for Agner by doing his work, according to the Tribune . Brian Warnick, the technical education department head, also reportedly supported Agner, saying he would do whatever it took to ensure that his friend had access to health insurance. The audit said Agner had health issues and applied for leave but didn’t say whether that was granted, the newspaper reported.

On Tuesday, the university responded with a statement to Inside Higher Ed : "USU is confident in the action it has taken to hold employees accountable for failing to perform their required duties and failing to comply with USU policies. When issues of noncompliance arise, our system depends on employees reporting issues of concern so they can be properly investigated and addressed. In this case, our system worked, and our grant programs and employee management are stronger as a result. We want to reassure all employees that they should not be afraid to report anything they think is wrong."    

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As microcredential programs slowly gain traction, more universities are looking for leaders to coordinate the efforts

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June 28, 2024

Commuter shuttles available between West Lafayette, Indianapolis starting this fall; other shuttle reminders


For faculty, staff and students who will be spending time at both the West Lafayette and the Indianapolis campus locations, free commuter shuttle services will be available beginning in August. 

Provided by Royal Excursion, six round trips will be offered daily during the week with a reduced schedule on the weekends during the fall and spring semesters. The 50-passenger buses are ADA compliant and include Wi-Fi, collaboration spaces and restrooms.

Schedules are listed on the Purdue Auxiliary Services website , and more information will be added and shared ahead of the fall semester.

Charter shuttles

Departments that have events or travel needs in Indianapolis may need to obtain charter shuttle services rather than rely on the commuter shuttles.  

Location-specific shuttles

Additionally, complimentary shuttles exist to help individuals navigate each location with JagLINE serving Indianapolis and CityBus serving West Lafayette.

Questions about various shuttle services may be sent to Procurement Services at [email protected]

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Human Subjects Office

Medical terms in lay language.

Please use these descriptions in place of medical jargon in consent documents, recruitment materials and other study documents. Note: These terms are not the only acceptable plain language alternatives for these vocabulary words.

This glossary of terms is derived from a list copyrighted by the University of Kentucky, Office of Research Integrity (1990).

For clinical research-specific definitions, see also the Clinical Research Glossary developed by the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials (MRCT) Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard  and the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) .

Alternative Lay Language for Medical Terms for use in Informed Consent Documents

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I  J  K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W  X  Y  Z

ABDOMEN/ABDOMINAL body cavity below diaphragm that contains stomach, intestines, liver and other organs ABSORB take up fluids, take in ACIDOSIS condition when blood contains more acid than normal ACUITY clearness, keenness, esp. of vision and airways ACUTE new, recent, sudden, urgent ADENOPATHY swollen lymph nodes (glands) ADJUVANT helpful, assisting, aiding, supportive ADJUVANT TREATMENT added treatment (usually to a standard treatment) ANTIBIOTIC drug that kills bacteria and other germs ANTIMICROBIAL drug that kills bacteria and other germs ANTIRETROVIRAL drug that works against the growth of certain viruses ADVERSE EFFECT side effect, bad reaction, unwanted response ALLERGIC REACTION rash, hives, swelling, trouble breathing AMBULATE/AMBULATION/AMBULATORY walk, able to walk ANAPHYLAXIS serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction ANEMIA decreased red blood cells; low red cell blood count ANESTHETIC a drug or agent used to decrease the feeling of pain, or eliminate the feeling of pain by putting you to sleep ANGINA pain resulting from not enough blood flowing to the heart ANGINA PECTORIS pain resulting from not enough blood flowing to the heart ANOREXIA disorder in which person will not eat; lack of appetite ANTECUBITAL related to the inner side of the forearm ANTIBODY protein made in the body in response to foreign substance ANTICONVULSANT drug used to prevent seizures ANTILIPEMIC a drug that lowers fat levels in the blood ANTITUSSIVE a drug used to relieve coughing ARRHYTHMIA abnormal heartbeat; any change from the normal heartbeat ASPIRATION fluid entering the lungs, such as after vomiting ASSAY lab test ASSESS to learn about, measure, evaluate, look at ASTHMA lung disease associated with tightening of air passages, making breathing difficult ASYMPTOMATIC without symptoms AXILLA armpit

BENIGN not malignant, without serious consequences BID twice a day BINDING/BOUND carried by, to make stick together, transported BIOAVAILABILITY the extent to which a drug or other substance becomes available to the body BLOOD PROFILE series of blood tests BOLUS a large amount given all at once BONE MASS the amount of calcium and other minerals in a given amount of bone BRADYARRHYTHMIAS slow, irregular heartbeats BRADYCARDIA slow heartbeat BRONCHOSPASM breathing distress caused by narrowing of the airways

CARCINOGENIC cancer-causing CARCINOMA type of cancer CARDIAC related to the heart CARDIOVERSION return to normal heartbeat by electric shock CATHETER a tube for withdrawing or giving fluids CATHETER a tube placed near the spinal cord and used for anesthesia (indwelling epidural) during surgery CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) brain and spinal cord CEREBRAL TRAUMA damage to the brain CESSATION stopping CHD coronary heart disease CHEMOTHERAPY treatment of disease, usually cancer, by chemical agents CHRONIC continuing for a long time, ongoing CLINICAL pertaining to medical care CLINICAL TRIAL an experiment involving human subjects COMA unconscious state COMPLETE RESPONSE total disappearance of disease CONGENITAL present before birth CONJUNCTIVITIS redness and irritation of the thin membrane that covers the eye CONSOLIDATION PHASE treatment phase intended to make a remission permanent (follows induction phase) CONTROLLED TRIAL research study in which the experimental treatment or procedure is compared to a standard (control) treatment or procedure COOPERATIVE GROUP association of multiple institutions to perform clinical trials CORONARY related to the blood vessels that supply the heart, or to the heart itself CT SCAN (CAT) computerized series of x-rays (computerized tomography) CULTURE test for infection, or for organisms that could cause infection CUMULATIVE added together from the beginning CUTANEOUS relating to the skin CVA stroke (cerebrovascular accident)

DERMATOLOGIC pertaining to the skin DIASTOLIC lower number in a blood pressure reading DISTAL toward the end, away from the center of the body DIURETIC "water pill" or drug that causes increase in urination DOPPLER device using sound waves to diagnose or test DOUBLE BLIND study in which neither investigators nor subjects know what drug or treatment the subject is receiving DYSFUNCTION state of improper function DYSPLASIA abnormal cells

ECHOCARDIOGRAM sound wave test of the heart EDEMA excess fluid collecting in tissue EEG electric brain wave tracing (electroencephalogram) EFFICACY effectiveness ELECTROCARDIOGRAM electrical tracing of the heartbeat (ECG or EKG) ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE an imbalance of minerals in the blood EMESIS vomiting EMPIRIC based on experience ENDOSCOPIC EXAMINATION viewing an  internal part of the body with a lighted tube  ENTERAL by way of the intestines EPIDURAL outside the spinal cord ERADICATE get rid of (such as disease) Page 2 of 7 EVALUATED, ASSESSED examined for a medical condition EXPEDITED REVIEW rapid review of a protocol by the IRB Chair without full committee approval, permitted with certain low-risk research studies EXTERNAL outside the body EXTRAVASATE to leak outside of a planned area, such as out of a blood vessel

FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the branch of federal government that approves new drugs FIBROUS having many fibers, such as scar tissue FIBRILLATION irregular beat of the heart or other muscle

GENERAL ANESTHESIA pain prevention by giving drugs to cause loss of consciousness, as during surgery GESTATIONAL pertaining to pregnancy

HEMATOCRIT amount of red blood cells in the blood HEMATOMA a bruise, a black and blue mark HEMODYNAMIC MEASURING blood flow HEMOLYSIS breakdown in red blood cells HEPARIN LOCK needle placed in the arm with blood thinner to keep the blood from clotting HEPATOMA cancer or tumor of the liver HERITABLE DISEASE can be transmitted to one’s offspring, resulting in damage to future children HISTOPATHOLOGIC pertaining to the disease status of body tissues or cells HOLTER MONITOR a portable machine for recording heart beats HYPERCALCEMIA high blood calcium level HYPERKALEMIA high blood potassium level HYPERNATREMIA high blood sodium level HYPERTENSION high blood pressure HYPOCALCEMIA low blood calcium level HYPOKALEMIA low blood potassium level HYPONATREMIA low blood sodium level HYPOTENSION low blood pressure HYPOXEMIA a decrease of oxygen in the blood HYPOXIA a decrease of oxygen reaching body tissues HYSTERECTOMY surgical removal of the uterus, ovaries (female sex glands), or both uterus and ovaries

IATROGENIC caused by a physician or by treatment IDE investigational device exemption, the license to test an unapproved new medical device IDIOPATHIC of unknown cause IMMUNITY defense against, protection from IMMUNOGLOBIN a protein that makes antibodies IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE drug which works against the body's immune (protective) response, often used in transplantation and diseases caused by immune system malfunction IMMUNOTHERAPY giving of drugs to help the body's immune (protective) system; usually used to destroy cancer cells IMPAIRED FUNCTION abnormal function IMPLANTED placed in the body IND investigational new drug, the license to test an unapproved new drug INDUCTION PHASE beginning phase or stage of a treatment INDURATION hardening INDWELLING remaining in a given location, such as a catheter INFARCT death of tissue due to lack of blood supply INFECTIOUS DISEASE transmitted from one person to the next INFLAMMATION swelling that is generally painful, red, and warm INFUSION slow injection of a substance into the body, usually into the blood by means of a catheter INGESTION eating; taking by mouth INTERFERON drug which acts against viruses; antiviral agent INTERMITTENT occurring (regularly or irregularly) between two time points; repeatedly stopping, then starting again INTERNAL within the body INTERIOR inside of the body INTRAMUSCULAR into the muscle; within the muscle INTRAPERITONEAL into the abdominal cavity INTRATHECAL into the spinal fluid INTRAVENOUS (IV) through the vein INTRAVESICAL in the bladder INTUBATE the placement of a tube into the airway INVASIVE PROCEDURE puncturing, opening, or cutting the skin INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG (IND) a new drug that has not been approved by the FDA INVESTIGATIONAL METHOD a treatment method which has not been proven to be beneficial or has not been accepted as standard care ISCHEMIA decreased oxygen in a tissue (usually because of decreased blood flow)

LAPAROTOMY surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the abdominal wall to enable a doctor to look at the organs inside LESION wound or injury; a diseased patch of skin LETHARGY sleepiness, tiredness LEUKOPENIA low white blood cell count LIPID fat LIPID CONTENT fat content in the blood LIPID PROFILE (PANEL) fat and cholesterol levels in the blood LOCAL ANESTHESIA creation of insensitivity to pain in a small, local area of the body, usually by injection of numbing drugs LOCALIZED restricted to one area, limited to one area LUMEN the cavity of an organ or tube (e.g., blood vessel) LYMPHANGIOGRAPHY an x-ray of the lymph nodes or tissues after injecting dye into lymph vessels (e.g., in feet) LYMPHOCYTE a type of white blood cell important in immunity (protection) against infection LYMPHOMA a cancer of the lymph nodes (or tissues)

MALAISE a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, feeling badly MALFUNCTION condition in which something is not functioning properly MALIGNANCY cancer or other progressively enlarging and spreading tumor, usually fatal if not successfully treated MEDULLABLASTOMA a type of brain tumor MEGALOBLASTOSIS change in red blood cells METABOLIZE process of breaking down substances in the cells to obtain energy METASTASIS spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another METRONIDAZOLE drug used to treat infections caused by parasites (invading organisms that take up living in the body) or other causes of anaerobic infection (not requiring oxygen to survive) MI myocardial infarction, heart attack MINIMAL slight MINIMIZE reduce as much as possible Page 4 of 7 MONITOR check on; keep track of; watch carefully MOBILITY ease of movement MORBIDITY undesired result or complication MORTALITY death MOTILITY the ability to move MRI magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic pictures of the inside of the body, created using magnetic rather than x-ray energy MUCOSA, MUCOUS MEMBRANE moist lining of digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary tracts MYALGIA muscle aches MYOCARDIAL pertaining to the heart muscle MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION heart attack

NASOGASTRIC TUBE placed in the nose, reaching to the stomach NCI the National Cancer Institute NECROSIS death of tissue NEOPLASIA/NEOPLASM tumor, may be benign or malignant NEUROBLASTOMA a cancer of nerve tissue NEUROLOGICAL pertaining to the nervous system NEUTROPENIA decrease in the main part of the white blood cells NIH the National Institutes of Health NONINVASIVE not breaking, cutting, or entering the skin NOSOCOMIAL acquired in the hospital

OCCLUSION closing; blockage; obstruction ONCOLOGY the study of tumors or cancer OPHTHALMIC pertaining to the eye OPTIMAL best, most favorable or desirable ORAL ADMINISTRATION by mouth ORTHOPEDIC pertaining to the bones OSTEOPETROSIS rare bone disorder characterized by dense bone OSTEOPOROSIS softening of the bones OVARIES female sex glands

PARENTERAL given by injection PATENCY condition of being open PATHOGENESIS development of a disease or unhealthy condition PERCUTANEOUS through the skin PERIPHERAL not central PER OS (PO) by mouth PHARMACOKINETICS the study of the way the body absorbs, distributes, and gets rid of a drug PHASE I first phase of study of a new drug in humans to determine action, safety, and proper dosing PHASE II second phase of study of a new drug in humans, intended to gather information about safety and effectiveness of the drug for certain uses PHASE III large-scale studies to confirm and expand information on safety and effectiveness of new drug for certain uses, and to study common side effects PHASE IV studies done after the drug is approved by the FDA, especially to compare it to standard care or to try it for new uses PHLEBITIS irritation or inflammation of the vein PLACEBO an inactive substance; a pill/liquid that contains no medicine PLACEBO EFFECT improvement seen with giving subjects a placebo, though it contains no active drug/treatment PLATELETS small particles in the blood that help with clotting POTENTIAL possible POTENTIATE increase or multiply the effect of a drug or toxin (poison) by giving another drug or toxin at the same time (sometimes an unintentional result) POTENTIATOR an agent that helps another agent work better PRENATAL before birth PROPHYLAXIS a drug given to prevent disease or infection PER OS (PO) by mouth PRN as needed PROGNOSIS outlook, probable outcomes PRONE lying on the stomach PROSPECTIVE STUDY following patients forward in time PROSTHESIS artificial part, most often limbs, such as arms or legs PROTOCOL plan of study PROXIMAL closer to the center of the body, away from the end PULMONARY pertaining to the lungs

QD every day; daily QID four times a day

RADIATION THERAPY x-ray or cobalt treatment RANDOM by chance (like the flip of a coin) RANDOMIZATION chance selection RBC red blood cell RECOMBINANT formation of new combinations of genes RECONSTITUTION putting back together the original parts or elements RECUR happen again REFRACTORY not responding to treatment REGENERATION re-growth of a structure or of lost tissue REGIMEN pattern of giving treatment RELAPSE the return of a disease REMISSION disappearance of evidence of cancer or other disease RENAL pertaining to the kidneys REPLICABLE possible to duplicate RESECT remove or cut out surgically RETROSPECTIVE STUDY looking back over past experience

SARCOMA a type of cancer SEDATIVE a drug to calm or make less anxious SEMINOMA a type of testicular cancer (found in the male sex glands) SEQUENTIALLY in a row, in order SOMNOLENCE sleepiness SPIROMETER an instrument to measure the amount of air taken into and exhaled from the lungs STAGING an evaluation of the extent of the disease STANDARD OF CARE a treatment plan that the majority of the medical community would accept as appropriate STENOSIS narrowing of a duct, tube, or one of the blood vessels in the heart STOMATITIS mouth sores, inflammation of the mouth STRATIFY arrange in groups for analysis of results (e.g., stratify by age, sex, etc.) STUPOR stunned state in which it is difficult to get a response or the attention of the subject SUBCLAVIAN under the collarbone SUBCUTANEOUS under the skin SUPINE lying on the back SUPPORTIVE CARE general medical care aimed at symptoms, not intended to improve or cure underlying disease SYMPTOMATIC having symptoms SYNDROME a condition characterized by a set of symptoms SYSTOLIC top number in blood pressure; pressure during active contraction of the heart

TERATOGENIC capable of causing malformations in a fetus (developing baby still inside the mother’s body) TESTES/TESTICLES male sex glands THROMBOSIS clotting THROMBUS blood clot TID three times a day TITRATION a method for deciding on the strength of a drug or solution; gradually increasing the dose T-LYMPHOCYTES type of white blood cells TOPICAL on the surface TOPICAL ANESTHETIC applied to a certain area of the skin and reducing pain only in the area to which applied TOXICITY side effects or undesirable effects of a drug or treatment TRANSDERMAL through the skin TRANSIENTLY temporarily TRAUMA injury; wound TREADMILL walking machine used to test heart function

UPTAKE absorbing and taking in of a substance by living tissue

VALVULOPLASTY plastic repair of a valve, especially a heart valve VARICES enlarged veins VASOSPASM narrowing of the blood vessels VECTOR a carrier that can transmit disease-causing microorganisms (germs and viruses) VENIPUNCTURE needle stick, blood draw, entering the skin with a needle VERTICAL TRANSMISSION spread of disease

WBC white blood cell

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100% happiness guarantee, free paper examples by words:, last added essay samples, winston churchill: leadership amidst world war ii and the evolution of british culture.

Winston Churchill’s leadership during World War II is widely celebrated, yet often examined in isolation from the broader cultural context of Britain during that tumultuous period. To gain a truly unique perspective on his influence, it is essential to explore not just his political and military strategies, but also how his leadership intersected with and influenced British culture, from literature and art to daily life and morale. Churchill's rise to the role of Prime Minister in 1940 came at a […]

Wonder: a Deep Dive into its Essence

Wonder is a profound and multifaceted emotion that transcends cultural boundaries and resonates deeply within human experience. It is more than mere curiosity or amazement; rather, wonder encapsulates the awe-inspiring sensation of encountering something extraordinary, beyond the ordinary scope of everyday life. From ancient philosophical inquiries to modern psychological studies, the concept of wonder has been explored through various lenses, each revealing new facets of its significance and impact on human cognition and emotion. At its core, wonder is characterized […]

Woodrow Wilson and the Transformation of the Democratic Party

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, left an enduring imprint on the Democratic Party, reshaping its trajectory during his tenure from 1913 to 1921. His presidency was a pivotal era of change for the party, driven by his progressive domestic policies, pivotal wartime leadership, and steadfast advocacy for the League of Nations. This essay explores Wilson's profound influence on the Democratic Party and how his leadership precipitated significant ideological and structural evolutions, laying the groundwork for its […]

Who Emerged Victorious in the First Crusade

First cross Hike, central event in medieval history, climaxed in the delight of Jerusalem in 1099. But military expedition, sanctions a papa, Municipal Second in 1095 in Advice Clermont, aimed to demand Saint Earth from Moslem control. Led a few European knowledge and military guidance, Participants of campaign ran into substantial calls on their trip to Jerusalem. The participant of campaign zmusza, it is made from knights and feet of soldiers from the different European regions, did their trip in […]

Why Austria Declared War on Serbia

In the tumultuous summer of 1914, Europe plunged into the depths of World War I, sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo. The chain of events that followed led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia, a move that escalated into a continent-wide conflict. Understanding why Austria chose this path requires examining historical grievances, geopolitical ambitions, and the intricate alliances of the time. Austria-Hungary's decision to declare war on Serbia was primarily driven by a desire […]

When was the Song Dynasty: a Historical Overview of its Timeline and Influence

Dynasty song, moves from 960 at first 1279 Ad, welcomes friend friend often, so as only from périodes more above all in Chinese history. This era was a remark advancements staggering in technology, culture, economy, and administration, abandons the deep affecting trajectory China and world. To understand an inheritance song dynasty, above all to dig in his diagram historical time and multifaceted influence, it had in one flow from his reign. Dynasty song founded Zhao Kuangyin, general, that later became […]

Whispers of the Moors: the Eerie Echoes of Passion in Wuthering Heights

In the windswept corners of the Yorkshire moors, where nature's raw power mirrors the untamed emotions of its inhabitants, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights unfolds as a haunting tale of love and vengeance. But what if we ventured beyond its traditional interpretation, exploring how the spectral atmosphere of the moors shapes the very essence of the characters? This unique perspective delves into the ghostly influences that permeate the novel, blending the supernatural with the raw human passions that drive the narrative. […]

Why do Beets Turn Urine Red? Understanding Beeturia

Beets are not only a nutritious vegetable but also a curious one when it comes to their impact on human physiology. One peculiar effect of consuming beets is the potential for them to turn your urine red, a phenomenon known as beeturia. This condition, while generally harmless, often surprises those who experience it, leading to various questions about its causes and implications. The vivid color of beets is due to pigments called betalains, specifically betacyanins, which are responsible for the […]

When Revolutions Take Shape: the Articles of Confederation and the Science of Governance

The birth of the United States was an era not just of political upheaval but of radical experimentation, where governance was dissected, analyzed, and constructed with the precision of a scientific experiment. The Articles of Confederation, adopted in 1777 and ratified in 1781, were America’s first attempt at creating a cohesive national government. Imagine this document not just as a political framework but as a scientific blueprint—each article a hypothesis, each clause an experiment in the grand lab of democracy. […]

When was the Crusades: Understanding the Timeline of Medieval Holy Wars

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Most popular essay topics.

In this section, you can find free samples of some of the most popular essay topics. The papers are written by English-speaking students from a variety of backgrounds.

Recent Essays Samples

Contemporary couples diversity.

The collage combines images that reflect the diversity of contemporary couples and highlights the differences between couples today and those of 100 years ago. Jan…

Love and Hate: Relationships in Shakespearian Othello and Life

Introduction The chapter titled “Love and Hate” criticizes the idealistic portrayal of love that exists in some media. It typically displays love as two people…

The Abnormal Psychology Case of Billy Milligan

Introduction Billy Milligan is a man known for his multiple personality diagnosis. His case is causing much controversy as to whether his mental disorder was…

The Politics of Prison Siting in Pocatello, Idaho

Introduction Most American states are struggling economically in the post-COVID-19 era. Such struggles are not new, given that the recession has been seriously undermining economic…

Competitive Advantage in Business

Competitive advantage is the ability to offer products or services that are superior to those of competitors in the same local market. This may include…

Loitering Laws: A Focus on Florida and Their Impacts

Introduction Loitering is defined as the act of lingering in a public location for a lengthy period for no apparent reason. The loitering laws in…

Healthcare Manager’s Responsibilities in the Management of Human Resources

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Burglary Under the New York State Penal Code

Introduction Tom Jones was angry after losing the election to Richard Davis. He went to his house while Davis and his family were away celebrating…

The Animal Skulls: Anthropological Discovery

Ancient cultures and living organisms that inhabited the planet before modern humans are particularly interesting to anthropologists. Any discoveries can answer old unsolved questions about…

Russian Cinema and Political Significance of Censorship

Introduction Governments have long recognized cinema’s ability to advance social and political agendas, shape public opinion, and shape national identities. The Russian government has a…

Representing Diversity in Beauty Campaigns: Obligation of Brands?

Abstract Organizations must accurately represent their customer base to serve and appeal to their target demographic. However, many beauty companies overlook the importance of featuring…

The Stock Market: Investment Instrument

Recently, the stock market has become one of the most interesting and main instruments for investing and raising capital by companies and investors. Most companies…

Operation Geronimo Against Terrorism

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Nursing Care: The Ethical Issues

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Psychoanalytic Theories and Their Differences

In psychoanalysis, there are many theories, on the basis of which therapists successfully build their practice. However, those that lose their level of relevance and…

The Lucy v. Zehmer Unintentional Contract

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Policy Change Regarding Multilingualism in US

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Teaching Home Depot Employees Business Etiquette in Nigeria

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The History and Work of Merce Cunningham

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Recruitment and Branding: Apple, Netflix, Google, and Amazon

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Plato’s View of Art: Philosophies of Art and Beauty

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Addictions Within Society: Applying a Critical Lens

Introduction Individuals’ addictions can be discussed as a serious problem faced by the population in many countries in the world, including the United States. Addictions…

The Four Frames of Organizational Change

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King’s Rhetoric in His Letter from Birmingham Jail

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University Essays

Local universities versus foreign universities.

foreign universities instead of local universities. Do the overseas universities really better than local universities? In fact, both universities, local or foreign portray their own uniqueness, from the cost of studying to the environment factors but they are similar in studying and the similarity in experiences. The cost of studying in local universities and foreign universities is greatly different. First, the cost of tuition fees in foreign universities is higher than in local universities. Studying

Universities of the Future

Universities of the Future Universities progress as technology advances. A vision of Universities of the future is only possible with a vision of the technology of the future. With the current pace of technological growth it is almost impossible to imagine what is in store for the future of the university. It is exciting to think of what State U. will become in both the near and distant future. Laptops, wired classrooms, and technologically enriched curriculums are only the beginning.

Xavier University

can be a tough job. For this I have chosen to attend Xavier University because of its admission requirements, cost, academics, and athletics. I am interested in attending Xavier University because of the location of the school. I know that countless colleges are far more affordable than others, and the acceptance rates are more higher. I also know that most of these colleges are HBCUs. Since my sister is currently attending Xavier University and because this college is a historically black college

University Foundation

University Foundation The presentation I choose to summarize is Greg Gissendanner’s presentation on the university foundation. Like most of the other presentations in class, Greg used the standard outline of presenting the unit’s history, mission, organizational structure, funding and financial concerns, and current issues. History. Greg showed that while many foundations look fairly similar today, the history of foundation development took on many different forms at different institutions

Medieval Universities

Medieval Universities The appearance of universities was part of the same high-medieval education boom. Originally universities were institutions where students could attain specialized instruction in advanced studies. These types of studies were not available in the average cathedral schools. Advanced schools existed in the ancient world, but did not promote a fixed curricula or award degrees. The term university originally meant a corporation of guild. All universities were corporations

Compare And Contrast Athabasca University And Open University

Athabasca University and the Open University of China are open universities. Athabasca University is located in the developed country of Canada and the Open University of China (OUC) is in the developing country of China. Athabasca University and the Open University of China have made education more accessible to their citizens. Due to the differences in each country, the online universities have different missions and have been implemented differently. Athabasca University did not start out as

A Big University And A Small University Compare And Contrast

Comparison and Contrast Essay The difference between a big named university with a large campus and a smaller university with a small campus, is there is better food service, a difference in class sizes and the athletic programs of bigger schools are put on a bigger scale than those of small universities. Food service is always a big topic to talk about when you are deciding to pick a college. The reason is that you are going to eat there almost every day. At a big college you have multiple dining

The Idea of a University

The Idea of a University People have long assumed that university is the home of the educated and open minded people. People expand their personal horizons here. The public believes university students can deal with the cultural differences of human beings. The public believes students can deal with these differences because university students are exposed to a wide range of academic subjects including Humanities. Humanities exposes students to world literature, art, and geography. The

Transition To University Essay

All four articles that have been reviewed claim that university is not like school and that students may find the transition from school to higher education difficult. However, the two newspaper articles (Giles 2003; Shimmon 2006) produce no evidence to support the above claim. Alternatively, two journal articles support the claim and produce evidence from surveys. For example, coping with subtle differences in acceptable behaviour (Giles, 2003) or the jump in the level of academic study required

University Of Houston Essay

Established in 1927, the University of Houston is the main open examination college in the dynamic worldwide city of Houston. Every year, we instruct more than 40,750 understudies in more than 300 undergrad and graduate scholarly projects, on grounds and on the web. UH grants more than 8,000 degrees every year, with more than 230,000 graduated class. Area UH is situated in Houston, Texas, the country's fourth-biggest city and the vitality capital of the world. Our understudies frequently test

Plagiarism by University Students

spelling. There are specific skills that aid success in academia, three of which will be discussed in the body of this essay; critical thinking, planning and plagiarism. The first skill that will be identified as a key skill for academic writing at university level is critical thinking. The term ‘critical thinking’ is used in a body of research literature to describe reasonable, elective thinking, focusing on task, people or belief (Ennis, 1993). This definition leads to the understanding that critical

Deakin University Syllabus

May 2012 - Current DEAKIN UNIVERSITY | School of Information and Business Analytics, Faculty of Business and Law, Australia Casual Academic - Burwood Campus Organisational Profile: Deakin University is an Australian university offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and research courses. Deakin is ranked 5 stars for world-class facilities, research and teaching, as well as employability, innovation and inclusiveness. Key Duties: • Conduct lectures, workshops

Comparative Study: University of South Carolina and Furman University

Colleges and universities are often compared to one another by young adults, professors, and parents. The University of South Carolina, or USC, and Furman University are two universities both in South Carolina. The University of South Carolina was founded on December 19th, 1801 by South Carolina’s leaders during the revolution. It is and always has been located in the center of South Carolina in Columbia just a few minutes away from the state house and many other historical sites to see downtown

Christian University Experience

Kachura.Session1.Journal The experiences that comes to mind when I think of something that will influence my academics and goals at Colorado Christian University is what happened during this previous year. I had previously transferred from Gulf Coast to a different college, Post University, doing online classes for the same degree that I am currently pursuing. But this past year has been extremely hard on my family. In May of last year, my grandfather had a boating accident and was pronounced braindead

Choose the Right University

such things as grades, tests, and university acceptance” (Carter). Determining the perfect university has never been an easy step, but we may have to deal with it at some point of our life. High school students are all stressing themselves out to achieve high grades to enter top universities. However, choosing the right university should not be base on the popularity of the schools or academic reasons. As stated in Linda Frum’s Essay, “How to Choose the Right University,” an individual should consider

Comparing Two Universities

and financial aid. At age eighteen a white male student enthusiastically reads aloud to his twenty classmates a passage from Metaphysics, by Aristotle. After graduating at age 22 he gains admittance to the Masters program at the Law School at University of Southern California. Upon graduating he pursues a successful career in entertainment law. He becomes financially secure, and spends the rest of his life tending to the needs of his wife and fostering the growth and development of his children

Building Community in Universities

Universities are becoming extremely active in encouraging community in their university and persuading students to become a part of the whole to get the most out of their college experience. This is shown through encouragement to be involved in numerous groups, dorm bonding activities, Greek life, and numerous other organizations offered in all universities. Building community in your first year of college is viewed and essential to both students and the university according to Katherine

Necessity of Teamwork in Universities

together must be highlighted in order to foster a communicative and a collaborative society. In fact, pinpointing an emphasis on teamwork in universities seems notably demanding on account of three main benefits teamwork can bring: enhancing communication skills, improving leadership and raising responsibility. To begin, teamwork provides opportunities for the university students to enhance communication abilities. Teamwork is an activity done by more than one person with a same goal. The more people there

Essay For Flinder's University

respectively. I’m already studding in the University of Punjab Gujranwala Campus one of the top universities of Pakistan. I want to explore my knowledge and practical skills but research opportunities are very limited in Pakistan. Universities in Pakistan have limited financial resources so universities could not focus on research and practical work. There is no proper channel in Pakistan to polish the talent and skills of students. As Australian Universities are at the forefront in research and practical

College vs university

always compare universities and colleges. A great many students want to go straight to the big or famous universities after they graduate from high schools. Likewise, some people think college students will have less chance than universities students. Also, they always keep in their mind that universities offer a higher level of education than colleges. On the other hand, one of my friends shows evidences to prove that he enjoys his college life, and he thinks studying in a university is not the destination

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1-25 of 2,787 results

Wellesley College

  • Wellesley, MA ·
  • · Rating 3.77 out of 5   637 reviews
  • grade  A+ Overall Niche Grade
  • Acceptance rate 14%
  • Net price $21,362
  • SAT range 1430-1550

#1 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .

Blue checkmark.


637 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I really love it here and am glad that I decided on Wellesley! I'm class of 2026, so I've been on campus for about two years now and each year, I've been able to meet some of the best professors and... .

Read 637 reviews.

Overall Niche Grade : A+ ,

Acceptance Rate : 14% ,

Net Price : $21,362 ,

SAT Range : 1430-1550 ,

Tulane University

  • New Orleans, LA ·
  • · Rating 3.77 out of 5   1,685 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 11%
  • Net price $50,263
  • SAT range 1370-1510

#2 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


1685 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says Tulane University is such an incredible place for so many reasons. Because it is not said enough, the quality of professors here is absolutely unbelievable. The campus is beautiful, the students are... .

Read 1685 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 11% ,

Net Price : $50,263 ,

SAT Range : 1370-1510 ,

Macalester College

  • Saint Paul, MN ·
  • · Rating 3.82 out of 5   478 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 28%
  • Net price $36,095
  • SAT range 1340-1500

#3 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


478 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says I'm only a freshman, so take my opinions with that in mind, but I am immensely fortunate to have chosen to attend Mac. Students that go to this school are kind and from countless backgrounds and... .

Read 478 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 28% ,

Net Price : $36,095 ,

SAT Range : 1340-1500 ,

California State University - Northridge

  • · Rating 3.75 out of 5   5,108

Campus (formerly MTI College)

  • · Rating 4.18 out of 5   166

American Career College - Los Angeles

  • · Rating 4.04 out of 5   189

Trinity University

  • San Antonio, TX ·
  • · Rating 3.71 out of 5   754 reviews
  • grade  A Overall Niche Grade
  • Acceptance rate 31%
  • Net price $30,038
  • SAT range 1310-1470

#4 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


754 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Senior says Amazing! I am so glad I decided to attend Trinity after high school. Since then I have made lifelong friendships and memories with so many people from all corners of the globe, not just the United... .

Read 754 reviews.

Overall Niche Grade : A ,

Acceptance Rate : 31% ,

Net Price : $30,038 ,

SAT Range : 1310-1470 ,

Colby College

  • Waterville, ME ·
  • · Rating 3.88 out of 5   655 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 8%
  • Net price $16,951
  • SAT range 1430-1540

#5 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


655 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Senior says I've had an enjoyable time here! Very close community feel to the college. And A+ professors and outcomes. The college is changing at a huge pace (more prestigious, larger student body, changing... .

Read 655 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 8% ,

Net Price : $16,951 ,

SAT Range : 1430-1540 ,

Carleton College

  • Northfield, MN ·
  • · Rating 3.89 out of 5   545 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 17%
  • Net price $31,494

#6 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


545 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says The community at Carleton is amazing, and I already have a very close group of friends that I find myself going everywhere and doing everything with after just one term. I can't think of any friends... I was surprised to learn more about the social scene; weekends are far more lively than I expected, and this was definitely something I appreciated. Profs are personable, and I feel as though I could approach any of them during office hours if I was struggling or even just to have a conversation about interesting course material. The school's... .

Read 545 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 17% ,

Net Price : $31,494 ,

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Grinnell College

  • Grinnell, IA ·
  • · Rating 3.73 out of 5   456 reviews
  • Net price $33,467
  • SAT range 1380-1530

#7 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


456 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I love Grinnell in a lot of regards. I love the international diversity, and the academics are everything I was hoping they would be when I applied. I do think, however, Grinnell is too quick to take... (meal replacement chicken tenders, student work hours, etc.) from us students. It's the little things that keep us going given we're just young adults trying to get by in a teeny tiny town in the... from us students when they're making budget cuts. It's easy to forget that we thrive off of small pleasures since we live in the middle of nowhere! .

Read 456 reviews.

Net Price : $33,467 ,

SAT Range : 1380-1530 ,

Smith College

  • Northampton, MA ·
  • · Rating 3.71 out of 5   925 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 23%
  • Net price $30,790
  • SAT range 1370-1520

#8 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


925 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Senior says Smith College is an incredible place that balances rigorous academics with a supportive community. As a student, I've found the small class sizes and dedicated professors truly enriching. The campus... .

Read 925 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 23% ,

Net Price : $30,790 ,

SAT Range : 1370-1520 ,

National University

  • La Jolla, CA ·
  • · Rating 3.98 out of 5   1,182 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 55%
  • Net price $30,527
  • SAT range 750-1170

#9 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


1182 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says Attending National University fully online has been a unique experience for me. While I miss the in-person interactions and campus atmosphere, I appreciate the flexibility and convenience that their... .

Read 1182 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 55% ,

Net Price : $30,527 ,

SAT Range : 750-1170 ,

Colorado College

  • Colorado Springs, CO ·
  • · Rating 3.67 out of 5   801 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 16%
  • Net price $33,178
  • SAT range 1260-1480

#10 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


801 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says This is a fabulous school! Great area and convenient to the old downtown with restaurants and shops. The people are amazing and the academics are top tier. A small school with a big impact! Close to... .

Read 801 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 16% ,

Net Price : $33,178 ,

SAT Range : 1260-1480 ,

Reed College

  • Portland, OR ·
  • · Rating 3.86 out of 5   299 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 30%
  • Net price $33,106
  • SAT range 1320-1500

#11 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


299 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Definitely a rigorous school, fairly niche social setting as well. After my first year, I feel like a more solider writer and am able to entertain more ideas and theories. .

Read 299 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 30% ,

Net Price : $33,106 ,

SAT Range : 1320-1500 ,

Indian Capital Technology Center - Muskogee

  • Muskogee, OK ·
  • · Rating 5 out of 5   4 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 100%
  • Net price $3,733
  • SAT range —


4 Niche users give it an average review of 5 stars.

Featured Review: Other says ICTC has a wide variety of classes and courses to take. Furthering your education should start here. This campus has amazing staff and everyone goes out of their way to help. The school is in a good... .

Read 4 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 100% ,

Net Price : $3,733 ,

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Michigan Technological University

  • Houghton, MI ·
  • · Rating 3.8 out of 5   1,064 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 94%
  • Net price $18,235
  • SAT range 1130-1350

#12 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


1064 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says An awesome school for those who love the outdoors and being close to everything on campus. All of the academic buildings on campus are within a 15 minute walk from my dorm, making getting to class... .

Read 1064 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 94% ,

Net Price : $18,235 ,

SAT Range : 1130-1350 ,

Kenyon College

  • Gambier, OH ·
  • · Rating 3.69 out of 5   417 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 34%
  • Net price $43,044
  • SAT range 1350-1510

#13 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


417 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says I am a proud graduate of Kenyon College. I am currently a physician approaching the end of my career. I still cherish my education at Kenyon for teaching me how to think, communicate and write. ... .

Read 417 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 34% ,

Net Price : $43,044 ,

SAT Range : 1350-1510 ,

University of Dayton

  • Dayton, OH ·
  • · Rating 3.9 out of 5   1,487 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 74%
  • Net price $30,590
  • SAT range 1140-1350

#15 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


1487 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Other says I am a parent of a current student and have another one who will attend in the fall. We could not be happier with our experience at UD! Our child is thriving academically, the classes are... .

Read 1487 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 74% ,

Net Price : $30,590 ,

SAT Range : 1140-1350 ,

Wheaton College - Illinois

  • Wheaton, IL ·
  • · Rating 4 out of 5   693 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 88%
  • Net price $29,961
  • SAT range 1250-1430


693 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Senior says Wheaton College is a great place to learn in a safe and warm environment. The professors are so loving and the students are caring as well. The professors provide thoughtful feedback to students and... .

Read 693 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 88% ,

Net Price : $29,961 ,

SAT Range : 1250-1430 ,

Bryn Mawr College

  • Bryn Mawr, PA ·
  • · Rating 3.92 out of 5   453 reviews
  • Net price $39,072
  • SAT range 1280-1520

#17 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


453 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says Bryn Mawr is in a quiet suburban area 20 minutes from Philadelphia by train. On campus, there is a great focus on academics and community activities. Most students are either international or from... .

Read 453 reviews.

Net Price : $39,072 ,

SAT Range : 1280-1520 ,

Wabash College

  • Crawfordsville, IN ·
  • · Rating 4.21 out of 5   182 reviews
  • grade  A minus Overall Niche Grade
  • Acceptance rate 61%
  • Net price $22,976
  • SAT range 1130-1320

#18 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


182 Niche users give it an average review of 4.2 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says Wabash has created an awesome atmosphere for me to grow and develop into a better person and help me achieve academically. .

Read 182 reviews.

Overall Niche Grade : A minus ,

Acceptance Rate : 61% ,

Net Price : $22,976 ,

SAT Range : 1130-1320 ,

New Mexico Tech

  • Socorro, NM ·
  • · Rating 3.56 out of 5   562 reviews
  • Net price $10,429
  • SAT range 1110-1320

#19 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


562 Niche users give it an average review of 3.6 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says The school is very good, it challenges me daily which is obviously good! The down side is I can’t make many friends here and the town is very small which makes it hard to do anything fun, but overall... .

Read 562 reviews.

Net Price : $10,429 ,

SAT Range : 1110-1320 ,

Foothill College

  • Los Altos Hills, CA ·
  • · Rating 3.99 out of 5   524 reviews
  • Net price $11,013


524 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says In my almost three quarters studying here, I love the environment and how everyone is doing their own business. I am a part of a program called Puente and I love it! I think it made me have a better... .

Read 524 reviews.

Net Price : $11,013 ,

St. Olaf College

  • · Rating 3.71 out of 5   804 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 57%
  • Net price $26,171
  • SAT range 1300-1480

#20 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .

804 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says When I first arrived at St. Olaf last fall, I was overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed with orientation, money, housing, and classes. More than these though, I was overwhelmed with the amount of kind... .

Read 804 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 57% ,

Net Price : $26,171 ,

SAT Range : 1300-1480 ,

Furman University

  • Greenville, SC ·
  • · Rating 3.64 out of 5   614 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 67%
  • Net price $33,370
  • SAT range 1260-1430

#21 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


614 Niche users give it an average review of 3.6 stars.

Featured Review: Other says Furman University is abound with so many opportunities both academically and socially. The Furman Advantage focuses on giving students research, internship, and study abroad opportunities. Classes... The campus itself is gorgeous. Without a doubt one of the prettiest in the country. It lends itself to a happy and healthy vibe. The city of Greenville is the most charming and aesthetic city with... Lastly, this school is part of the Duke Endowment which allows the school to invest in its students and the university. Furman still gives excellent merit and even a few full-rides. .

Read 614 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 67% ,

Net Price : $33,370 ,

SAT Range : 1260-1430 ,

Las Positas College

  • Livermore, CA ·
  • · Rating 3.84 out of 5   643 reviews
  • Net price $5,342


643 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I love LasPo! The faculty are very well-read and supportive, there's a lot to do in terms of student life and campus activities/extracurriculars, and there's a lot of diversity. The campus itself is... .

Read 643 reviews.

Net Price : $5,342 ,

Hendrix College

  • Conway, AR ·
  • · Rating 3.78 out of 5   502 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 60%
  • Net price $22,626
  • SAT range 1110-1340

#22 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


502 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says It was a life-changing experience that inspired me to the best I can be both academically and professionally. Hendrix College professors are passionate, determined, and experts in their fields. They... .

Read 502 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 60% ,

Net Price : $22,626 ,

SAT Range : 1110-1340 ,

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  • Worcester, MA ·
  • · Rating 3.77 out of 5   790 reviews
  • Net price $46,876

#23 Best Colleges with No Application Fee in America .


790 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says WPI as a school was fantastic. There was always a huge amount of support from professors and faculty. We could even speak with the principal about our goals and dreams in life. The STEM classes were... .

Read 790 reviews.

Net Price : $46,876 ,

University of California - Merced

  • · Rating 3.65 out of 5   2,250

Azusa Pacific University

  • · Rating 3.78 out of 5   2,797

Chapman University

  • · Rating 3.7 out of 5   2,303

Showing results 1 through 25 of 2,787

Colleges With No Application Fee

Paying for college is hard enough. You don’t want to pay to  apply  to schools. The easiest way to keep your application costs down? Apply to one of these colleges with no application fee, and save your money for tuition.

What Is an Application Fee?

Most colleges require applicants to pay a fee for consideration for admission. Application fees typically average around $50, but they can range anywhere from $20 - $90, depending on the college.

Students generally apply to more than one college, and these fees quickly add up.

Why Do Many Colleges Charge Application Fees?

Colleges use fees to cover the cost of the admissions process. Colleges need to pay the individuals that take the time to read your applications, discuss prospective students, and perform any necessary follow-up.

Many schools receive thousands of applications each year, which demand extensive—and expensive—work on their part. Instead of using the schools’ operating budgets, they pass the cost on to the applicants.

Schools also want to eliminate students that aren’t interested in their programs. Some worry that free college applications will encourage people to apply to schools indiscriminately, creating extra work that wastes the time of the admissions department.

Benefits of Applying to Colleges With No Application Fees

Colleges that are free to apply to are often just as respected and selective as schools with application fees, although their tuition can be equally expensive. Therefore, it is always important to carefully research the schools you are interested in attending.

Application fees aren’t the only costs associated with the admissions process. You’ll likely have to pay for standardized tests and additional score reports. Many students also invest in test preparation, and some try to visit their top choices.

There’s no downside to free college applications, and it can help you make the most of your overall budget.

Other Ways to Keep College Application Costs Down

Interested in a school but scared off by the application fee? Try one of these strategies:

1. Apply for fee waivers

If you come from a low-income family, you may be eligible for a fee waiver. You can request these through the ACT and SAT boards or the National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC). The websites for these organizations allow you to search the colleges that interest you and see whether they accept this waiver.

Some schools have processes and criteria for discounting fees, so check each school’s website. In addition to low-income applicants, they may accept requests from minority or veteran students.

2. Apply early decision

Know exactly where you want to go? Consider one of the early application options . You will not only benefit from a smaller applicant pool, but you also won’t have to apply elsewhere if you get in.

3. Be smart and selective

While in the middle of the college admissions process, it can often feel as though the schools have all the power. They don’t. You decide which schools get your money and consideration.

Limit the number of applications you submit. The number of colleges  varies between people, but be selective with your list.

Budgeting for college applications isn’t fun, but it is necessary. At Niche, we believe in helping you make the most of your college dollars.  The top-notch colleges on this list with no application fee can make the process easier.

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University Essay

My idea of ideal university.

Since long ago I have been thinking about good and bad features of modern higher education , and tried to imagine how the ideal higher educational institution , the ideal university should look like. Here I shall share some thoughts concerning this subject.

Ideal university , in my opinion, is primarily a place for studying. It may sound obvious, but in fact it is very important idea – the universities in their present condition have turned into places where students are engaged in all kind of personal and social activities except for studying. Well, maybe not except, but there is really way too much attention paid to things like socialization, extracurricular activities, clubs, sporting events and so on and so forth. They should be reduced to a minimum. A higher educational institution is a place to obtain information, not communicate.

Students, if they have to be teamed up into groups, should be grouped according to their knowledge and abilities – weak with the weak, strong with the strong, in order to ensure that every one of them can compete with those who are of roughly the same level.

And, what is most important, the curriculum. The modern curriculum of any direction shows the signs of trying to include things that have no connection with what the student is supposed to be learning. Separately these inclusions don’t occupy much time, but together they eat up a good deal of time and effort every student spends to get his degree. Because of the fact that about 90% of what is…

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Essays on University

Essays on University

Feeling stuck when writing an essay on University? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. University essays require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write an effective essay on University, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own!

Essay examples

Essay topics, information.

Higher education refers to the level of learning that takes place at universities, colleges or degree-awarding institutions, which a person can attend after he or she completes high school or secondary school education. Higher education provides students with further knowledge on specific areas and awards …

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Life is nothing but full of unpredictable endeavours; some who are blessed may not stay as wealthy while some have none are not permanently subjected to nothing. People make their own destiny with the decisions they make, their life progresses with the …

University life can be a great experience. It can be fun and educational and, on the other hand, full of hardships. First-year students at university face a lot of challenges. These challenges can be divided into groups of which three are making adjustments, security and …

While some people prefer to find a job right away after graduation from school, others make a decision to continue their education at college or university. This way is not easy because it requires some sacrifices – financial and personal. But people choose this road …

Academic excellence guarantees a successful life. Do you agree? This topic also has been discussed with my upper six this year and they have written their version of the article. This sample answer shows beside the appropriate approach and language, how ideas should be generated …

Independence of Student in University Life “Away from home”, a rather simple and common phrase that is no stranger to most of the university students whom are studying overseas. Since young, as a child, we were living under the shades of our parents, handled with …

During this era, students who have completed their secondary studies may want to further their studies in local universities or foreign universities. The students may either find a job after leaving their school or further their studies in university. Some of the well to do …

It took three decades of war, ethnic conflict and loss of thousands of lives for Sri Lankans to realize the importance of unity. Sri Lanka now stands in a position where the country is gradually recovering from brutal wounds of war and this is high …

I have always wanted to study music up to the highest education level possible for two reasons; one to use the education for life and secondly to live off the education.  Education for me is just more than attaining good grades. Education for me is …

Dudley Ransford Brandyce Grant was an educationalist who specialized in the theory of early childhood school development in Jamaica. He is regarded by many as the ‘Father of Early Childhood Education in Jamaica’. Born in Santa Marta, Colombia on September 15, 1915 he immigrated to …

Education has been free for the secondary degree since 1977 and for full clip undergraduate degree at the University of Mauritius since 1988. The State provides equal support for instruction, on occasion striving tight budgets and even subsidising a great portion of the outgo in …

Essay Outline Argument: Although budding a new university is bound to bring about many benefits to us as a community, it is also bound to come With its pack of disadvantages. Support 1: With a new university in my community, there will be many advantageous. …

There are a number of models and frameworks used in the analyses of competitiveness of engineering universities in the context of internationalization and globalization. Although much can be derived from such analyses, it is argued that universities that can be harnessed to provide competitive advantage …

Organizational Framework This Chapter consists of History of the company, mission and vision of the company, Nature of the company, size of the company, organizational chart, strategic trust and program, critical business and system management as well as strategic concern and IT used. Name of …

a. I think women are better listeners than men Pro: ·Women give advice from their own experiences ·Listen intently ·Women are compassionate ·Women are supportive · Want to know all the facts Con: ·They talk way too much about one thing ·Have a tendency to …

In recent times, the discrimination of polytechnic education in Nigeria in the area of employment and even in admission has always created panic among polytechnic graduates and the youths in general. Various questions have been raised by students in the polytechnics and other similar institutions …

Opportunity analysis and critical issues hidden in this case As the increasing pace of globalization, more and more companies seek opportunities to involve in the international trade. Expanding the market share and maximize the profits is the purpose of those companies. However, it is unlike …

Having a degree is one of the most admired achievements in the life of an individual. It is the basis of how your future will be. If you have a nice and much known degree then you have the greater chances of being hired the …

The day is not vey far when the Indian travellers can criss-cross the globe with just a few clicks. Taking e-commerce and information technology services a step further, the Indian trevel industry is composing itself to usher in the era of e-ticketing. On-line booking involves …

College is a time when most individuals are experiencing major changes and begin to explore new perspectives. The transition in becoming more independent, creating new insights and peer influence are key factors in changing the perspective of an individual. Students are faced with new ideas …

Liz Addison, expresses her opinion on community colleges, which she believes that the community college system should be regarded as one of America’s uniquely great institutions, not only because community colleges lets students have a place to start their higher education, but also because community …

The intent of this chapter is to give the reader a general position of the context in which the survey is conducted. The chapter will travel, from planetary to specific, by giving a general description of the educational system in Egypt runing from its doctrine, …

As two countries that have different cultures, economics, and politics, Russia and United Kingdom have developed their own education systems respectively, which have their differences and in certain circumstances similarities. In the paragraphs that follow, some major aspect of these will be covered. This essay …

Hope was further raised that he was heralding a change of direction when he proposed the Lemmas- O’Neil talks. However, his rhetoric was soon seen as empty promises when he appeared to maintain Storming perceived west of the Ban policy with his failure to site …

Statement of Purpose I have always aspired to choose a career in a field that really stimulates me and holds a natural appeal to me. Today as I stand at the pathway of learning, I have with out hesitation chosen the field that excites me …

Everything happens for a reason and this I can prove by looking back at previous experiences which made vital contributions to my personality. My name is (insert name of student here) and I am aiming for a good position in your credible university as a …

The wonders that science and technology have unfolded before us are not limited to time and space . My aim in life is to accumulate this diverse knowledge from all over the world. With this cherished goal in my mind, I wish to state in …

The higher education in remote area has been limited by the geographic condition. An argument that has been raised is that the university education should be accessable for students who live in remote areas. This argument is justified in my view, as outlined in the …

The intent of this survey was to analyze freshman pupil perceptual experiences related to Campus Recreation ( CR ) engagement and develop linkages between entree, satisfaction and academic continuity. This chapter reviews the literature sing collegial pupil continuity and diversion. The subjects include campus diversion …

The present thrust of university education is geared towards student’s independence, offering programs with part time study options to suit individual requirements and needs. For the fact that part time student’s performance complements the complexities of their drive and support system, the move to put …

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Applying To A University Admission Essay

Type of paper: Admission Essay

Topic: Disabilities , Science , Sports , Education , Students , Teamwork , Banking , American Sports

Published: 01/13/2020


I am genuinely excited to be applying to your university and hope that you will consider me favorably for admission. Overall, I would describe myself as an excellent student and have a good relationship with my teachers and peers. I have a strong aptitude for my and science, and I am planning to study computers and software engineering. Because I have had to overcome certain disabilities such as Dyslexia from a young age, I have had to learn to work harder than many other to get A’s and B’s, and this experience has left me with a string ability and determination to overcome any difficulties or obstacles. It has also given me a string social conscience and a desire to help others in the community with problems and disadvantages in life.

In describing my own background, I first want to mention that I was diagnosed with Dyslexia at age eleven and with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) when I was in 8th Grade. I struggled in school for several years before that as my mother attempted to get the schools refused to recognize these problems, which did not happen until I was in middle school. I understand what it is to feel humiliated and incompetent because of learning disabilities that go unrecognized, and this is not something I will ever forget.

Since there is no cure for this condition, I had to learn to live with it and work around it, and over the years I taught myself several techniques to help me accomplish this. Over time, then, I learned to cope with the dyslexia and went from a being C or D student in English to getting A’s and B’s. I have been getting mostly A’s in all my subjects along with a few B’s, and have a very strong aptitude for math and science. This experience has left me very determined and hardworking, and because I survived it I now feel that there is nothing that seems impossible to me. It has caused me to be driven to achieve the best and not to settle for anything less, but then I was left with no choice except to overcome these disabilities or let them overcome me.

In my extracurricular activities, I played football starting in my freshmen year through junior year and then became a manager of the football team. I also volunteer with the local fire department, the Food Bank and the little league baseball team, and the Food Bank. I also volunteer as an assistant coach with my younger brother’s baseball team and sometimes as a math and science tutor. I find that I really enjoy working in activities that are of service to the community, especially helping children, the disabled and the elderly. I now that there is a great deal of hunger, poverty and homelessness in this society, especially because of the current recession, and have seen this firsthand.


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Northwestern University Graduate Student Political Theory Workshop

Political theory conference 2024.

The  Northwestern Graduate Student Political Theory Conference  is a biennial conference that invites graduate students and a keynote speaker to convene with the Northwestern political theory community around a given theme. Details of past conferences  can be found here .

essay on free university

Contesting Narratives: Myth, Memory, and Histories

October 31–november 1, 2024, scott hall, room 212, keynote speaker: prof. linda m.g. zerilli, university of chicago, call for papers.

Building on political theory’s increased attention to marginalized experiences, embodied narratives, and thought at the periphery, this conference invites papers from a multitude of perspectives on the role of narrative in political theory. Our conference will revolve around three non-exhaustive primary themes and we will orient our four panels around variations of these themes. 

The first theme asks how the canonization of political theory produces certain myths and narrative arcs, and how alternative modes of narration harbor resistance and critique. Do certain dominant modes of interpretation in political theory privilege linear narratives and a developmental understanding of the history of political thought? How can alternative styles, registers, and voices contribute to political theorizing in the present, and what do they reveal about registers of speech that have historically been marginalized and even erased? Can fables, myth, and poetry capture fractured identities, meanings, and revelations in novel ways and open up possibilities? What is the role of non-literary modes of narration?

The second theme focuses on the myths and histories that structure and condition formations of power, such as states and empires, and how they shape and legitimize the establishment of hierarchies and domination. How do founding myths about the people, the nation-state, and regimes position the present, and how do they mediate the colonial past and possible futures? How does memory animate the past and present workings of empire? How do different conceptions of time, such as chronos and kairos , condition the shared myths and memory?  Can insurgent storytelling disrupt linear temporalities?

The third theme investigates the role of narrative in identity formation, with particular attention to the encoding of the body and processes of memory. What role does narrative play in the rendering of trauma, creation of desires, and construction of individual subjectivity and communal identity? What kinds of affect do different modes of narrative emit? Whose traumas and stories are represented, and how, and whose are not? How do archives create or reproduce silences, omissions, and dominant frameworks? 

We welcome papers that approach these questions from a variety of perspectives (historical, critical, normative, comparative) in political theory and related disciplines in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. We especially encourage interventions from postcolonial, feminist, indigenous, and non-Western thought. 

The conference will offer attendees the chance to share their research on thematically-linked panels (see above) of around three participants. Northwestern’s political theory graduate students will serve as paper discussants. 

The deadline for submitting proposals is August 5 . Paper proposals should be around 350 words and should be formatted as a PDF document for blind review. Please submit a second PDF including your name, institutional affiliation, and your paper title. Decisions will be made and applicants will be notified by mid-August . Full papers will be required by early-October in order to be distributed to discussants and other panelists and attend ees.

Each presenter will receive a $300 stipend for their participation. 

For further information, please contact Jinxue Chen, Amanda Fu, and Charlotte Mencke at [email protected] .

A pdf of this call for papers is available here .

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