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Home Essay Samples Life Personal Experience

The Scariest Moment of My Life: A Brush with Fear

Table of contents, the setting, the encounter, the unseen threat, the fight or flight instinct, the aftermath.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how do i write about a difficult personal experience in my college essay.

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior and I'm working on my college essay. I want to write about a difficult personal experience I've had, but I'm not sure how to approach it without sounding too negative or oversharing. Can anyone give me some advice on how to write about sensitive topics in a thoughtful and appropriate way? Thanks for your help!

Hey there! Writing about a difficult personal experience can be a powerful way to showcase your resilience and growth. The key is to focus on how you overcame the challenge and what you learned from it, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects. Start by briefly describing the experience and the emotions you felt. Be honest, but avoid going into graphic detail or oversharing. Next, discuss how you dealt with the situation and the steps you took to overcome it. This is your chance to show your problem-solving skills and determination. Finally, reflect on the lessons you learned and how they have shaped you as a person. This is what colleges will be most interested in, so make sure to emphasize your growth and newfound perspective. Remember to be genuine and candid in your writing, and don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. Wishing you the best of luck on your college essay journey!

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26 People Share The Most Deeply Terrifying Experience Of Their Entire Life

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essay dangerous experience

1. A Bad Feeling

I was playing with my friend at a playground near my house. It was around dusk and we had been there for about an hour when we both stopped and immediately sprinted back to my house without saying a word to each other. Turns out we had both had the same dark, terrible feeling in our gut and knew we had to get out of there.

The next morning we went back and found a cat head on the playground, just the skull, and fur, nothing else, no brain or eyes or anything. We think it might have been a mountain lion as they are prevalent in our area.

It’s hard to explain that awful gut feeling, but I’ve never been so scared without being in any noticeable danger in my life.

2. Barbie And Baby

This is pretty silly actually. When I was a kid, I had a Barbie that came with a little baby. This baby unsettled me for some reason, something about its face was spooky. One day, I stopped playing and started to walk out of my bedroom, but something compelled me to go back to turn the baby’s face away from me first. I went to the bathroom, came back, and the baby’s face had somehow turned back to its original position, facing me. Understandably, I had an absolute fit. I cried to my mom and she told me that she had gone in my room and moved the doll, but later admitted that she lied to stop my hysterics. We hid the blasted thing, but it would reemerge every couple of years. I think it’s funny now, but I still wonder.

— glitzydirt

3. “Following The Pony”

7-8 years old me visited my grandparents in the countryside. According to my grandmother, she woke up in the middle of the night to her cows’ abnormal mooing, went outside to check and saw me walking into the fish pond. I did not wake up upon entering the water, she barely pulled me out of the water before I fell into the deep part of the pond. I was shaking uncontrollably, she had to carry me inside, it took half an hour to wake me up. When asked what happened, apparently half-conscious me answered: “I was following the pony.”

— Miutan213

4. A Remnant In The Office Building

When I was in high school, to earn extra money, I went and cleaned my dad’s boss’ office building on the weekends. Most of the time it was just me in there. Occasionally, someone would be in there working. It was never full though. Usually, if anyone was there, it was this one dude. I still don’t know what he did there. But, his office was WAY in the back of the building, almost in what I would call a closet. This was a construction company, and they had this big office with a giant table in it where they could spread out blueprints and go over them together. This guy’s office was in a closet behind this office. I worked there for years, and as I did, I kinda got to know this guy. I eventually bought myself a jeep wrangler when I turned 16, and he was a jeep guy himself, so we would always BS about jeep stuff. Honestly a really cool dude. The one thing that always stuck out to me about this guy, is he had this “tick”… Nothing weird, but noticeable. When he was standing and talking to you, he always stood with his left side facing you, with his left hand in his pocket and he would jingle his change in his pocket…

Well, the guy eventually died in the office one day. Not while I was there, during the work week. I remember my dad telling me about it and offering to let me go to the funeral, which I did.

A few weeks later, I’m in there cleaning. I’m not in the blueprint room, but in a room across the hall and I hear the front door open. They had a sensor on the door that made a loud “DING” noise when someone opened it. So, I heard “DING!” and could hear footsteps walking in. So, I’m sitting at this desk, dusting all this person’s nick-nacks and I hear that guy’s voice say “Hey, Gibby, how’s the jeep runnin?”. I’m kinda shocked and just staring at this person in the doorway, left side facing me, and jingling change in his pocket. I’m pretty much frozen in the chair just staring at him, and he kinda laughs a little. It seemed like he was about to walk away, and I kinda shuddered a second once everything registered in my brain. So, I blinked and when I looked back at the door, he was gone. I walked around the entire office and no one was there.

From that day on, anytime I went into his office, I said out loud “Hey, <name>. Wish you could see what I’ve done with the jeep” or something else like that. Always felt like he was in there still.

Dad has since retired from work, and I don’t get to go up to that office anymore. But, on the off chance I do, I like to walk in that office (it’s their gym now) and say hello.

— greatwhitegibby

5. Reflection In The Window

Working on a school report late at night in my ground-level bedroom. Glance up and stare at my reflection in the glass of the window. Realize it’s not my reflection. That someone is actually staring in at me, watching me from outside the house. Shudder. Still gives me chills.

— spindlemaker

6. Men In Ski Masks Stop At The Convenience Store

Back in 1984, the year I graduated high school, I took a job working the overnight shift at a convenience store in my hometown in rural Ohio. The town was/is a tiny place, less than 2,000 people, three stoplights (and, if you’re standing at any of them, you can always see the other two/lol), and the place that hired me had only begun staying open overnights a few weeks earlier. So, most nights, I would only see a handful of customers. Other nights, less.

About two months in, I was sitting behind the counter around three in the morning, reading a newspaper when a giant Cadillac came tearing into the parking lot and screeched to a halt. The driver slammed the car into park and, to my horror, all four doors popped open and out of each of them emerged men in ski masks. In an instant, they had whipped open the door of the store and entered. Three of the four fanned out and began to sweep through the store, the fourth staying by the counter.

Get this, nobody spoke. They moved in silence. After just a couple of seconds, one of the men pointed to the dummy security camera hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the store (and, when I say “dummy,” I mean DUMMY. It was fluorescent orange with six, count ’em, SIX lenses pointing in all directions. It could not have possibly looked faker), shook his head, and then all four of them shot back out the front door, dove back into the Cadillac, and tore out of the parking lot. How I didn’t absolutely shit my pants, I will never know.

So, I stand behind the counter for a couple of minutes, shaking while feeling tears of terror and relief running down my cheeks and then walk outside. Standing in the fresh air, with the town back to being so quiet I could hear the stoplight up the street clicking through its cycle, I seriously began to wonder if I’d hallucinated the entire thing. The juxtaposition of the explosion of activity and terror, immediately followed by a return to an almost dead quiet, finally gave me the giggles and I was soon doubled over laughing at the incongruity of the moment.

Finally, I stood up straight, stretched my arms and said out loud “Well, if you’re up there, thank you, God” and turned to walk back into the store. At that very moment, the same car came tearing back past the store, shot through the stoplight, and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

Mind you, all of this was in the service of earning $3.35 an hour/lol.

7. Grandpa Tries To Join In

I was about 16 and at this girl’s house for a hookup type thing. We start getting to 2nd base when she says “go away, grandpa!” Confused as hell, I ask her what she meant; she said her grandfather died in the room, in the bed we were doing shit on, and he “tried to join us.”

I noped the fuck outta horny grandpa’s house of horrors & never called her again.

— TheKearnival

8. Murder Party

I was at a party in high school. Nothing big, 3 girls, 4 guys, and our hosts step brother and step brothers girlfriend. Wasn’t really a “party” per se, we were just snacking and watching a movie.

Anyway, one moment the step brother gets up and walks to his room. Our host follows out of the room then comes back saying we need to leave.

Apparently, the step brother grabbed his gun and told our host that if we didn’t leave he was going to kill us all.

It was literally insane. He seemed like a regular dude, and I don’t think anyone detected anything wrong. It was scary to see a total 180 like that. Also, the fact that he was unstable and was armed.

— DudeStahp

9. Out past Curfew

One night, my buddies and I were going for a midnight walk around the roads by the house we were staying at. Since we were under 18, we could have gotten in trouble for being out past curfew, so we would hide behind trees or whatever when a car came by.

Well, my one friend said “Why are you guys hiding, no one is going to care or do anything!” Well, the next vehicle that passes, everyone hides behind something but him, to prove a point.

Shortly after that, the same vehicle, a red pickup truck, turns around up the road and heads back in our direction. This time, we all hid and noticed it was the same truck.

We figured they made a wrong turn or something, but nope. Every few minutes, the truck would pass by us as we hid (while we attempted to make it back to the house, about a half-mile walk), trying to find us. At one point, guys got out of their truck with flashlights and were searching around the woods/shrubs for us, but we were about 100 yards away from them.

Eventually, we got back to the house, but they still drove up and down the road looking a few more times. Whether they were trying to scare some random kids, or something worse, I’m not sure.

— aggressive_napkins

10. Blue Myst Road

There is a road near where I live that is famous for paranormal activity. It’s called Blue Myst Road , and its name is very accurate. At night, no matter the weather, there is what appears to be a thick blue fog moving along the ground. I’ve never actually seen anything personally, but we did hear muffled voices and what sounded like footsteps in the dense tree line right next to us. We tucked tail and took off.

— Local5Sparky

11. Not The Pizza Delivery Guy

I live in an apartment with 6 of my girlfriends. One day, all of my roommates went to a concert except for me and one other. We went to pick them up, got home around 11 PM, and ordered pizza. About 20 mins after ordering I hear a knock at the door, and I assume it’s the pizza being delivered. Instead, it’s this random man I’ve never seen before, telling me that he watched us get out of the car and would like to come in to talk to us as we are all beautiful…. Keep in mind it is 11:30 at night on a SUNDAY. He started to angle his body closer to the door, so then my roommate’s boyfriend came to the door where he was visibly shocked, uncomfortable and started to fidget. After telling him to fuck off, we realized he followed us home from the concert.

Being a woman can suck sometimes.

— TheFirstNoel_

12. “Why WOn’t You Go To Sleep?”

I was laying in bed trying to get my daughter to go to sleep and she was refusing to.

As I was getting more annoyed with her I asked: “Why won’t you go to sleep?” Her response was “Because those two people are watching us.” and pointed to the corner of the room where no one was stood (we were alone in the house).

Immediately picked her up and spent the night asleep downstairs.

— Custard-donut

13. Babysitting

I was babysitting this little kid, and we decided to go on a walk. We saw this creepy-looking abandoned house down the street. The windows were all smashed. The kid pointed up at the house and asked me, “Why is that man staring at us?” I said “What man?” He said, “Don’t you see him? He’s inside the house.” I just got really freaked out and said that we should go back home. We practically ran back to his house.

— VirtualEyeroll

14. Psych Meds Create A Hell On Earth

Visual hallucinations brought on by the wrong combo of psych meds gave me by far the scariest and most unsettling experiences of my life. The unsettling part was losing my reading comprehension skills. I’d read a comment on the discussion board I was frequenting at the time and it could say something as benign as, “I had a lovely breakfast have a great day” and I’d read it as “AbortRetryImplode you’re a failure. You should die.” So I’d write this angry response ripping the person a new one and then I’d get these sometimes apologetic sometimes “wtf is wrong with you?” responses in my inbox and I’d be totally confused.

The scariest was looking in the mirror and realizing I looked evil. I wouldn’t say demonic…but the way I was smiling and my eyes. I looked so evil it was terrifying. Kind of like something else had control of my face and I was seeing me, but not me? I know it probably doesn’t make sense but it scared the shit out of me.

— AbortRetryImplode

15. A Soft, Low Humming

Let me preface by saying I have only told this story to three or four people my entire life, and none of them believed me. I am aware I will sound crazy, but I swear to you this 100% happened to me when I was about 13 years old. Yes, I am sure I was not dreaming. No, we did not have a gas leak.

When I was about 13 years old, I was having trouble sleeping (it was probably 1 am or thereabouts). I was restless, tossing and turning, the whole bit. Well, I had almost given up and was just staring blankly at the wall next to my bedroom door, when the door begins to open, slowly.

Now, we had a cat at this time so the door not being properly closed and then pushed open by a feline friend would not have been outside of the norm, so at this point, I’m still calm. But then I take a look into the opening gap between the door and the frame.

Through the gap is a man in a black coat of some kind, with a white mask over his face, who is humming very soft and low. I immediately gasp (trying not to scream) and pull the covers over my face. My heart is racing and I’m listening for anything—any little movement. I don’t hear anything but I begin to hear that humming again and through my blanket make out a soft, amber light.

I decide this change may signal more immediate danger, so I summon all my courage and pull the covers down off my face— he’s gone. I look around the room and the man is no longer there. From outside, however, I see that same amber light. I walk, slowly, tensely over to the window and peer out.

Hanging in the air, at the same level as my second-floor bedroom window is a little orb of amber light which, although featureless makes a bounce-like motion that I (and I understand this sounds crazy) took to mean as it acknowledging me. It then moved through the air toward the tree line in back of our house and disappeared.

I still wonder what it is I saw.

— MountainDewMeNow

16. The Uncle’s Friend

My husband and I moved away so he could finish his degree at a more reputable university. His uncle happens to live in the same town as the school. We would hang out with his uncle and grill out, watch movies and play his really nice instruments. Really nice guy overall and someone two broke college aged kids could lean on if needed in a town where we knew no one.

His uncle’s friend started coming to some of our little shin-digs. All was well with his uncle’s friend, except for a few flirtatious comments, which I just shrugged off. He was about 20 years older than me, I was a girl in my early 20’s, I thought maybe it was his personality.

I was working in property management and the friend told me he was looking for a new apartment. Seeing a business opportunity and a chance to help a family friend, I gave him my business card.

About a week later, his uncle’s friend comes into my office. I was happy to see him assuming he was looking for an apartment. Nope. He proceeds to hand me a three-page typed letter which is folded and tells me “This is probably the last time you will ever see me.” He turned around and left. No explanation, so I read the letter.

The letter basically declared his love for me and stated his intentions to ‘win me over’. It said something along the lines of him beating my husband in karate. Also, he went on about how the men in my husband’s family are basically damaged and it wouldn’t work between my husband and I. He said it was a warning. It was a deranged rambling from a man I encountered maybe four times in my life.

Startled at my desk, I told my manager who I was pretty close with so he was aware of the situation. That afternoon my husband and I went to the police station to put the letter ‘on file’. Luckily I’ve never encountered that guy again, but now I think twice about handing out my business cards.

— ItsSmallsYall

17. Stalked By A Black Dog

I moved into a new place in a new country.

After a night at the pub, I got the feeling I was being followed. Turned around – huge black dog with red eyes glaring at me. I ran home, locked the doors.

Then I started getting nightmares about the thing hunting me down. And every time I was out at night, it was getting closer and closer…

I put it down to the stress of moving.

Well, until a friend of mine stayed the night to ease my mind. I found her awake at 3 am looking out the window, dog outside, she was pale as a sheet. She just whispered, “That’s a fucking hellhound.”

In the morning, she ran out of my house, came back a few hours later with this awful smelling powder, and hung it up in pouches around the room, with an extra pouch for me to carry.

Never seen the dog again. Never had a nightmare about it since.

— YrowyMcYrowface

18. A Plastic-Faced Doll

When my mom was a kid, she had this horrible stuffed clown with a plastic face. I searched the internet and found this image , which is pretty spot on.

Anyway, one day we (my brothers and I) brought it home from my grandparent’s house. Not sure why. We hated the thing. It was obviously creepy as all hell.

Once it was home, it would move from where we put it. You would leave it on the chair, leave the room, come back it would be on the bed.

We decided to take it and put it in a box and put weights on top of the box. We came back and it had moved the weights as the box and was sitting in the chair. This was in the basement so no one would have been able to get to it without going down the stairs, which is the way we exited and entered.

We then left the room again with it on the chair. Came back and it was outside the house, staring into the basement window. There is no way it could have got out the window (didn’t open) or past us on the stairs.

We then gave it a book and a pen and left the room. It wrote on the front of the book (it was a kids book about Houdini, I’ll never forget it) the name “Mike Stapher” in almost movie style scratchy scrawls writing.

Most horrifying thing I’ve ever encountered.

We told my parents and they destroyed it.

19. Beaten By A Murderer

Scary in the moment, scarier after.

Was hanging out in a park drinking with some friends and these random 3 guys come by and start chatting with us. Mainly me. (only guy)

I offer them my alcohol as I don’t want it. We chat more. They start walking away and I’m in mid conversation with a guy, so I walk with them a bit and the guy turns me to and says “What are you gonna do?” before I knew it, they had met up with other guys behind me and there’s 6 guys around me, punching and pushing. I get knocked in my face pretty good and go down. They continue kicking and walk away.

I get up furious and break an empty bottle and they start yelling things, while the girls realize what just happened and surround me and bring me to the closest guys house.

They come back with 20+ people, girls, guys, and we had already called them cops. Cops catch about 5, 2 of the main guys I was talking to. Turns out they had knives on them. Scary/lucky enough nothing worse happened to me except a black eye and a few cuts.

A year later one of the guys goes to prison for murder. Sent a chill down my spine that I almost got in a fight, rather than a beat down, with a murderer.

— throwyoworkaway

20. That Nightmare That Was Real

My cousin was staying at or house for a weekend. My sister was good friends with her and they were set to sleep in the basement together. Me, being the younger sister, desperately wanted to stay down there with them. I fell asleep and had the most terrifying and realistic nightmare of my life. They went into the bathroom and came out as monsters who told me I had to fall asleep or they were going to eat me. For YEARS I thought I had actually had that nightmare and it still scared me to think about. Last year my sister admitted to actually doing that and I found out it wasn’t a nightmare but they tortured me like that for real!

— vietnam_da_licious

21. “It Used To Be”

This actually happened to my brother 2 weeks ago in the house we grew up in.

So, my brother still lives there with my grandma. Brothers room is in the basement. In the living room, there is a huge glass sliding door that opens onto our deck, with a large shared courtyard behind it. At about 2 am, my brother hears this door slide open. He is still up gaming or whatever. He yells, “HELLO?” and hears a man’s voice, say “hello” back, very calmly. Scared, he yells “WHO IS THIS” and the man calmly replies, “John”. “Well John, this isn’t your house so you better leave” and John replies, “well it used to be” as he walks towards the kitchen and opens the fridge ( my brother assumes from the noises he hears).

Scared, my brother stays downstairs and calls the police. It takes the police over 30 minutes to respond (if you can believe that!) and by the time they get there, there is no man in the house or any trace of it.

My Grandma has owned that house for 25 years.

22. Green Eyes, Watching

As a child my dad was a drunk. One night my dad an I alone camping in a yurt went 4-wheeling at midnight. He was wasted. It was a jacked up old Ford Ranger, being a pretty light truck, when my dad hit the edge of the cliff on our way back, it was teetering on edge. My dad told me to get out, I was maybe 5-6 years old. Truck was stuck so we walked back to camp, it was about 2 miles away. Halfway there my feet got tired so my dad put me on his shoulders, looking behind him. I stared into the green eyes of a giant mountain lion following us. The increase in stature scared him off, and I watched him book it up the mountain. Haunts me to this day.

23. Something In The Corner Of Your Eye

I worked in a private club at the top of a big hotel. I came in one day and our linens had just been delivered. And all of our linen bags reeked like gasoline. Everyone thought it was strange. It was kind of a slow night and I was working on the bar side. It has really long hallways. All night long I kept seeing flashes of a man out of the corner of my eye. When I was bringing dishes back to the kitchen it felt like someone was walking behind me. I thought I was just being paranoid, there were rumors of it being haunted and it wasn’t the first time I saw something weird. After we closed I was setting up the bar for the next days lunch and my coworker came over to talk to me. He mentioned that he kept seeing a man out of the corner of his eye and felt like someone was standing behind him most of the night. I hadn’t said anything to anyone about it until he brought it up. It freaked us both out so we worked together the rest of the night. Turns out that over the weekend the linen company we used had a truck flip and catch on fire and the driver got ejected and died. They brought us the bags and linens from his truck without having re-washed them first. We found out the next day why the linen bags smelled.

— roraverse

24. Nearly Killed By Mexican Cartels

My dad used to work at an Oxxo, when I was like 9. It’s a gas station in Mexico. He worked night shifts and the stores stayed open 24/7. Night time in Mexico is when it gets bad and when everybody goes inside and it is when all the cartels and Marines come out and if they run into each other there’s a shootout that’s for sure going to happen.

Well, one night at about 2 AM, three trucks pulled up and everybody got out, about 14 men in body armor, Gloves, boots, black cargo pants, leaving all of their doors open blasting narco corridos. It was the Zeta cartel. I remember being scared shit less and our dad told us to just stay quiet. I thought we were gonna take my brother since they would kidnap young guys and send them to work with them. And thought my dad was gonna have a gun pointed at him since he was the one behind the register.

Some of the men waited outside with their m-16s and about 6 walked in with no noticable weapons and bought a bunch of chips, bread, beer, drinks, sodas, candy. I remember expecting for them to walk out with all of the stuff without paying but they paid for it all and let my dad keep the change. My brother and I then helped them put the bags in their trucks for some reason, and when we did we set them on top of their grenades, all types of rifles and pistols. Then they just got back in and drove off. Oh and there was a guard that worked there at some point and my bro and I were cool with him, and sometimes we would chill outside and the guard would mess with the payphones that were against the stores wall and pretend to flirt with the operator lady. Well one day he did that while some cartel members were there and they thought he was calling the people above him to tell them that the cartel was there, so they snatched him up and we never heard of him again.

— bloodshotredd

25. White Faces In The Snow

I’ve told this before and it always gets buried. We were driving in the mountains in Colorado with some friends on our way to a ski lodge in Telluride. On the way to our hotel we were driving up and down these winding roads deep deep in the mountains which seemed like forever. It was pitch black outside and around 3 AM and we had to at least be 45ish minutes from the nearest town, and it was cold, like see your own breath below 10 degrees freezing cold.

As we were driving along, my friends and I all see four figures walking on the road coming towards us. We all get weird feelings inside but I did especially, and the hair on my neck stood up. Something didn’t seem right. We were way too far away from a town and it was wayyy too cold for hitch hikers or hikers of any sort. We get closer and closer and as we got right next to these “people” we slow down and we realized that they had NO Faces!

Four people walking in the dead of the night wearing black hoods and cape like gowns and they literally had no faces. And by no faces I mean like no eyes, mouth, ears, just blank white pale faces. I’m familiar with ski masks and these were not ski masks. They had hoods on like something from Scream almost. My friends and I all freaked the fuck out speeding away, and my toughest manliest friend of us all was crying, mind you he was in his late 20s. It was the most afraid I’ve ever been and it still scares me thinking about and typing out. No idea what they were.

— Proffesor

26. A Shriek In The Night

Coming back home from my deployment, I stayed at my parents house for a few weeks while my late grandmother, who was suffering from severe dementia stayed in the room adjacent from mine. it was around 2AM when I’m awoken by a blood curdling shriek that lasted for what felt like an eternity, but must’ve actually been about 30 seconds in just one breath. It turns out she was sleepwalking, tried to enter my room and slammed herself into the baby gate we had for my puppy. I honestly don’t know what was more terrifying, hearing that shriek suddenly in the dead of night, or flicking on the dim ceiling lights and seeing her stare at me, face was decrepit, mouth agape and her eyes wide as can be. It makes my blood run cold every time I think about it.

About the author

Eric Redding

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Personal Narrative Essay: How Are Dangerous Experiences

One other day, I was on the grass and resting on the soft green cover. My Little Nanny was walking around the garden. Suddenly it started to hail. It was just like somebody was throwing huge balls to me! I tried to protect myself and crawled through a tree. When I arrived under the tree, my skin was full of purple spots and these purple spots hurt a lot. Although My Little Nanny was looking after me very well, but, I faced with many troubles… For example, one day My Little Nanny and her friends were chatting in the garden of the palace. Suddenly, a gardener's dog ran towards us, smelled me and then he took me its mouth and held between his teeth. Then he ran to his owner. The gardener was scared to death. He took me to his hand. “How are …show more content…

I had difficulty to go out of that deep tunnel, because I was alone. In another day, birds attacked me because they were looking for worms to eat. They thought I was an insect or something… I was glad because my nanny was there to save me one more time, too. The Queen always liked listening to me. I often told her my adventures of sailing. Right at those moments, I used to remember my good old days and feel very upset. The Queen felt sad whenever she saw me upset and tried to make me happy again. In one of these days “What do you think? If you had a boat, would it be healthy and fun for you to raw or spend effort on the sails as in the old days?” she asked me. “Her highness, actually I am a doctor. I am a sailor at the same time. I know how to row a boat and how to sail better than most people. But even the smallest boat of your country is bigger than the biggest vessel of my country. They are too big for me.” I answered and explained. “Then, if you want I can order my craftsmen to make a boat for you,” asked smiling. When she saw me very happy to hear this, she immediately called the craftsmen and ordered them to make a sailboat and a big pool for me. The craftsmen finished doing my boat and pool as soon as

The Voyage Of The Frog By Gary Paulsen

Have you owned your own sailboat when you were fourteen years old well there is “A fourteen year old boy stood there looking at his own sailboat. Does this sound like most fourteen year olds you know?.” The boy is trying to make his last sail with his grandpa but it didn’t happen because his grandpa came down with cancer and wasn’t going to make it. In The Voyage of The Frog, Gary Paulsen uses the character of David to demonstrate determination to complete a task. That task is to make that last sail worth it.

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As we walked to the docking area we bonded, bonded over things Rebecca and I have never talked about. He was 15 and named David. We snuck onto the boat and had to stay in the boiler rooms. It took 2 and a half weeks to get there.

Personal Narrative Essay

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Bam, the runner hit the ball. She dropped the bat and ran to first base. Safe, she kept on running to second. As I watched her run I realize she wasn’t stopping at second, or third. Rounding third base, she sprinted to home plate.

Personal Narrative-The Mackinac Express

The Mackinac Express “I’m so bored, Dad.” I groaned. I slumped against the boathouse wall. Even though I typically hate boats, I vividly recall being so irritated that the ferry hadn’t come yet. I was at Star Line 's boathouse on Mackinac Island, and we had been waiting for at least 20 minutes for a ferry.

Dialectical Journal Killian Mcavery's '

Chapter #1 ~ A SAD and WEIRD DAY __________________________________ Ashbarrow, Eversdale, a place of calm and peace since the Dagara war was won 28 years before . It was raining the night in which our story begins. Killian Mcavery a twenty - three year old man watched His father Jacob , dying from a misqueto bite that he had cut previously in the week and now was seriously infected . Yes, it was a strange thing.

9/11: A Short Story

Instantly, I reflected on our visit here in 2003. We stood in front of that hotel gazing at the yachts moored below when Vince declared that if we ever sailed in these waters we would anchor here. Now, here we were, two years later, preparing to anchor our boat. It was a “pinch me” moment for Vince. I also realized our good fortune.

The New England Colonies Diary Entry

I cannot express the joy I felt when I saw land. It is a very cold place, but my thick, proud viking blood will carry me through any hardship I may face. After days of sailing in the icy waters of the torrent sea I was quite ready to get rid of my sea legs. I am a very experienced, and my crew has even gone as far as to say we wouldn 't have survived the journey without my guidance.

Everybody knows that there are four seasons, and everyone has their favorite one out of all of them. Mine is when the woods turns into a coloring book of orange and red, when I put a nice warm batch of hot co-co on the stove, and were all of my family comes together every year. My favorite season is fall. My favorite hobby is hunting.

Personal Narrative

Walking to the bed i could see their chests ride up and down, up and down. I quickly threw the blanket off and covered my father's mouth. His bright eyes went wide open in shock as i plunged the knife into his body. I quickly put my hand over his mouth before he woke up my mother. The blood felt warm on my hands as it went everywhere.

Personal Narrative: A Montana Fishing Trip

A Montana Fishing Trip As we walked down to the river, the birds were making a whistling noise, and it was quite annoying because the birds were so loud Will and I could barely hear each other. When we were walking down to the river on a rock that was on the path was a famous quote from Muhammad Ali and it was about the river and it said “Rivers, Ponds, Lakes, and Streams - they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths.”

Instead of hating bugs or spiders, I hated the outside as a child. Preferring to stay indoors, I spent my hours reading and drawing, dreading the moments my parents dragged me to a field to force sports down my throat. Basketball, soccer, volleyball; I tried all and loathed indiscriminately. Unfortunately, my father loved the outdoors, saving money for exotic vacations such as driving to the tip of Mexico instead of buying the latest iphone. Forced to go along with the rest of the family, I despised every minute of it.

As time passed, I seemed caught in a rigid routine. When I woke, my crazies made it hard to shower. During the day, I worked as an accountant for two small businesses in town. After work I came home, got high, and sat alone in my house. At night I watched Johnny Carson, and on the weekends, I visited my Aunt Claudia.

Traumatic Experience Essay

The traumatic incident of tearing my ACL has influenced me in a positive way— it has taught me commitment, determination, and discipline. The injury caused immense difficulty in the activities that I once loved and resulted in muscle loss in my legs. With the help of physiotherapy, I was assigned various exercises to help regain my strength. Recovery was going smoothly, and after many visits to my physiotherapist, I was informed to continue in strengthening my legs to help prevent further injuries. Though I was able to play sports again, I wasn’t as confident as I was before; I feared being injured again.

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A Harrowing Encounter: Navigating Perilous Situations

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The Setting and Circumstances

The confrontation.


A Providential Intervention

Reflection and resilience.


A Harrowing Encounter: Navigating Perilous Situations. (2016, Oct 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-dangerous-situation-essay

"A Harrowing Encounter: Navigating Perilous Situations." StudyMoose , 26 Oct 2016, https://studymoose.com/a-dangerous-situation-essay

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"A Harrowing Encounter: Navigating Perilous Situations." StudyMoose, Oct 26, 2016. Accessed July 1, 2024. https://studymoose.com/a-dangerous-situation-essay

"A Harrowing Encounter: Navigating Perilous Situations," StudyMoose , 26-Oct-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/a-dangerous-situation-essay. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). A Harrowing Encounter: Navigating Perilous Situations . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/a-dangerous-situation-essay [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

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A Harrowing Encounter: Navigating Perilous Situations essay

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I thought my heavy bleeding was normal. Then I wound up in the emergency room

My mom was diagnosed with fibroids in her 20s.

Back then, she was an immigrant from Uganda with no money and no insurance. At the time, she didn’t have kids but wanted to have them one day. So, she went to a clinic after feeling a lump in her pelvis, worried it was cancer — and petrified she may never be able to conceive. It turned out to be fibroids .

Fast forward several decades and her daughter (spoiler: me) has great health insurance and reports on social and health disparities around the country — with a heightened focus on Black women’s health.

Yet, I still ended up in the emergency room because of the same condition she had. And I believe it was preventable.  

Old photograph of Zinhle as a child with her mom.

I’ve complained of intensifying period symptoms since my period began at the young age of 9. I remember my mom coming to my elementary school to meet with my teacher, to explain my “situation” and that I would need special bathroom breaks to navigate my new normal. Yes, I was embarrassed. 

As I got older, in my adolescence and young adulthood, embarrassment quickly turned to dread. Every month, I would miss school and social events with friends, and pack my purses with a medley of menstrual products — all in the hopes of assuaging my monthly menace. Every few years, my cycle and symptoms would change and worsen, too. 

So, three years ago, after repeatedly complaining of heavy bleeding, I got an ultrasound, which revealed fibroids . In some ways, I was relieved. 

“Maybe that’s why my periods have been so miserable!?” I thought.

But in many ways, I was still in the dark about my condition. I wasn’t given much medical guidance beyond: “You have fibroids, which is why your periods are heavy.”

Zinhle Essamuah

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine , up to 77% of women will develop fibroids at some point during their childbearing years — and only about a third of these fibroids are large enough to be detected, so women often go undiagnosed. 

Despite various interventions — an IUD, on-and-off acupuncture, an intentional, clean diet and workout regimen — my periods continued to worsen . I raised the issue with my doctor but, after repeated dismissals, I started to question myself: Maybe this was all part of getting older? My cycles continued to be several days longer than average, and my pain intensified.

But I never experienced spotting or irregular bleeding. That is, until two months ago. 

I was visiting my grandmother in rural Uganda when I started experiencing an abnormal episode of bleeding. (Talk about a relaxing vacation!)  

I had just finished my period, so I should not have been bleeding. I was quite literally miles away from the nearest pad — and I didn’t dare dream of finding a tampon. But I’m a planner and not a panic-er, so from my little hotspot I booked an appointment with my OB-GYN for the morning I returned from my trip. 

I arrived at the doctor’s office jet-lagged and still bleeding heavily after a week and a half. I couldn’t see the doctor, but the nurse conducted a physical exam, said she didn’t feel anything and referred me for an ultrasound, which was scheduled for four days later.

I never made it to that appointment. The next day, while anchoring my show, NBC News Daily, I was hit with a bout of fatigue. I assumed it was jet lag, but that evening it only worsened. By the time I got home, I was bleeding so heavily I had to put myself in the bathtub. I was passing clots. 

Did I need to go to the emergency room?

Zinhle Essamuah in the hospital.

Thankfully, I texted that question to my friends, who answered with an immediate YES.

What I hoped would be a short visit in the emergency room quickly became an hours-long process filled with IVs, physical exams, ultrasounds and a smattering of questions. I was admitted at 10 p.m. and discharged hours later, at 3 a.m. The diagnosis I received? One of my fibroid had grown and dislodged my IUD. 

In the next few days, as I waited for my first appointment with a fibroid specialist at NYU Langone’s Center for Fibroid Care, I did what any good journalist would do: I researched.

I stumbled upon a TODAY clip of Dr. Taraneh Shirazian . I was instantly surprised, excited and relieved — she was the doctor I had just scheduled an appointment with! The serendipity felt divine.  

I was nervous when I got to my appointment with Dr. Shirazian. I learned one of my fibroids had doubled in size; it was as big as my entire uterus. If I didn’t take action, she told me, my symptoms would continue.

I walked into this health crisis knowing I had fibroids and some of the associated risks and potential treatments — but I didn’t know how many new options were available to me. I was pleasantly surprised by how many medicinal and surgical interventions exist for fibroids. I ultimately underwent one of the least invasive surgical procedures, a hysteroscopy, as a first step in treatment.  

Today, a portion of my largest fibroid has been removed. It’s only the first step in my road to recovery, but here’s what I’ve learned so far.

Bring friends, don’t go it alone

When all my hospital visits began, I started a “UTERUS UNION” group chat with some friends. They provided the affirmations and accountability I needed. One friend even came to the ER with me and took notes.

Don’t be afraid to pause the discussion with your doctor, ask for clarification or to circle back to something. 

Trust your gut

No one knows your body better than you. If a doctor is not listening to you or you feel unheard, seek another. 

Track your cycle (meticulously)

Yes, it’s laborious, but track your cycle and the number of pads, tampons or cups you use. Knowledge is power and you can use that information to find solutions.

Know what’s normal and what’s not

It wasn’t until I found NYU Langone’s Center for Fibroid Care that I was ever told that bleeding through your clothes or regularly missing life events due to your cycle are abnormal. I wish someone would have told me that sooner, especially amid my years of repeated complaints.

Find moments of levity

An unabashed Beyonce fan, it was only fitting to name my largest fibroid “Cowboy Carter.” Beyonce is breaking genre barriers, and my submucosal fibroid broke layers too! Plus, they dropped in the same month. 

I almost didn’t want to share this story. Isn’t talking about my uterus on national TV a turnoff? But through this process, I’ve learned I have nothing to be ashamed of. So much of my suffering was caused by my voice not being heard, or information not being shared. So I’m writing to change that — to speak up and share, in hopes that preventable pain is avoided — and women get the attention, support and advocacy they deserve.

Zinhle Essamuah is an Emmy-nominated journalist and filmmaker, the co-anchor of the daytime news program NBC News Daily and a correspondent for NBC News reporting across NBC News NOW, MSNBC, Nightly News, and TODAY.  

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Pursuit Academy

Pursuit Academy

by Pursuit English

Being Involved in a Dangerous Situation

By: Andrew – ACS

The full moon could be seen in the puddles that night as cats frolicked around the rooftops. It was a lonely night for me as detention had forced me to stay in school until the evening. I was all alone, and I let out a sigh of relief as I was finally able to go back home. The sound of cars as they went by hid my rumbling stomach while my mind wandered towards the restaurants that stood tall on both sides of the street. It was then I heard someone scream for help in the alleyways.

As I was rushing towards the shrilling scream, I could see the visage of a tall man holding the arm of a woman. I felt like David before Goliath, forcing my legs and feet to stay firm. Adrenaline and panic rushed toward my roller-coaster heart, urging me to be the hero that the woman needed me to be. I then steeled myself, stood on my toes to make myself taller, and let out a squeak that I hoped was menacing enough for the leviathan.

“Hey! Release that person!”, my voice filled the dark alleyway as the assailant glanced towards me. My shadow seemed very large since the moon was behind me, and the sudden change seemed to have shocked the mighty giant. The woman did not waste this chance as she quickly pulled out a small bottle from her bag and sprayed its content towards her captor. The man instinctively let the lady go and screamed in agony. She quickly ran out of the alleyway, and I followed her example by bolting out of the location without looking back.

We were running side-by-side for what felt like an eternity before we finally ran out of breath and stopped. We looked at each other and sighed in relief as we thought that we were safe from the criminal. I was about to introduce myself to her when all of a sudden I heard a familiar scream behind us. 

“Hey! Don’t you dare run again!” shouted the man while grasping his now-red face and heaving chest. He seemed to be out of breath, but so were we. Our legs instinctively turned to jelly as the giant marched with a certain doom towards us. 

We fell to the ground as the man stood tall before us. The courage that I had before in the alleyway seeped out of my system like water vapor as I looked at the furious face of the giant. He took out something from his jacket pocket that glimmered under the light of the moon. He then raised it upward, getting ready to stab one of us in the gut, when I heard a siren from afar. The brave criminal shifted his gaze, and fear crept on his face. He put the knife back to his pocket and ran back to where he belonged. 

The police came to us with his gun still in his hands as he watched the thug running away from afar. He gave us a hand, and we were back on our feet. He immediately reported this to dispatch, and said something about the serial killer being spotted on our location. 

“You’re very lucky tonight, please stay off the street and go back home immediately,” the police said, his face was rigid with caution. He then started to jog toward the direction where the infamous fugitive went to. I then know why his face looked so familiar, as I had been looking at his wanted poster on TV for the past few months. The woman and I exchanged looks, grateful that we still got to breathe at the end of the day.

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Essay on Dangerous Situation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Dangerous Situation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Dangerous Situation

Understanding dangerous situations.

A dangerous situation is a situation that can harm you or someone else. It can be a natural disaster like an earthquake or a human-made situation like a fire in a building. It’s important to know about these situations to stay safe.

Types of Dangerous Situations

There are many types of dangerous situations. Natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes are some examples. Man-made situations like car accidents, fires, or crimes are also dangerous. Each situation requires different safety measures.

Staying Safe

To stay safe in dangerous situations, we need to be prepared. We should learn about safety rules and follow them. For example, in case of a fire, we should know the exit routes. It’s also good to have a safety kit ready.

Helping Others

In a dangerous situation, we should also try to help others. If we see someone in trouble, we should call for help. We can also learn first aid to help injured people. But we should also make sure we are safe first.

Learning from Experiences

250 words essay on dangerous situation.

Dangerous situations are moments where there is a risk of harm or damage. These risks can be to our health, property, or even our lives. For example, being in a burning building is a dangerous situation because it could hurt us or even take our lives.

Dangerous situations can happen anywhere and at any time. They can be natural, like earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes. They can also be man-made, like car accidents, fires, or wars. For example, if a car is speeding on a wet road, it can skid and cause an accident. This is a man-made dangerous situation.

How to React

When we find ourselves in a dangerous situation, it’s important to stay calm. Panic can make things worse. We should try to think clearly and make wise choices. For instance, in a fire, we should not use the elevator but use the stairs to get out of the building.

Prevention is Better

The best way to deal with dangerous situations is to prevent them from happening. We can do this by being careful and following safety rules. For instance, to prevent a car accident, we should not speed and always wear our seat belts.

In conclusion, dangerous situations are risky moments that can cause harm. They can be natural or man-made. We should stay calm in these situations and try to prevent them by following safety rules.

500 Words Essay on Dangerous Situation

What is a dangerous situation.

Dangerous situations can be divided into two main types: natural and human-made. Natural dangerous situations include storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, and wildfires. These are caused by nature and can happen anywhere, anytime.

Human-made dangerous situations are caused by people. They include accidents, wars, fires, and crimes. For example, a person might cause a car accident by driving too fast, or a fire might start because someone was not careful with a match.

How to Respond to Dangerous Situations

In some dangerous situations, we might need to call for help. This could be the police, the fire department, or an ambulance. It’s important to know the right number to call in your country.

Preparation is Key

The best way to handle a dangerous situation is to be prepared. This means learning about the different types of dangerous situations and what to do in each one. For example, you might learn how to do first aid, or how to use a fire extinguisher.

The Role of Courage

Being in a dangerous situation can be very scary. But it’s important to be brave. Courage doesn’t mean not being scared. It means being scared, but doing what needs to be done anyway. This might mean helping someone else, even if it’s risky. Or it might mean staying calm and thinking clearly, even if you’re frightened.

Dangerous situations are scary and can cause harm. But by staying calm, knowing what to do, and being prepared, we can handle them better. And even in these tough times, we can show courage and help others. Remember, safety is always the most important thing. So let’s learn, prepare, and be ready to face any dangerous situation.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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A Dangerous Experience Essay

March 10, 2020 by Study Mentor 2 Comments

We, humans, have received a wonderful gift from God and that gift is life. He has given this gift to us so that we stay happy and enjoy the gift.

But nothing in the world is an easy task. If one chooses a shortcut to achieve something, the person will get happiness but that will exist for a small time. After that, the person has to bear the consequences of choosing the shortcut way in life. If one wants something in life, one must have the dedication to want it and must work hard in order to achieve that no matter what takes him to do that.

As there is a bad consequence for taking an easy way or shortcut, it means that life is not easy. Life is full of ups and downs. There will be both good times and bad times in our life. But we should not lose hope during bad times. Instead, we need to be strong and remove the bad air from our life. Our life will not go in an easy path.

There will be problems in our way. We need to face those obstacles and win over them. We should not back out or run away from these problems.

If we do not face them, we will not be able to learn anything. We will always be scared to try something new.

There many events or incidents that occur in our life. Some turn out to be a good one while some turn out to be bad. When the experience is good, people are very happy and cheerful. Their happiness has no bound.

But if the experience goes bad, people become disheartened. They feel like they have lost everything. They do not have the energy and inner self to do anything more.

But people should learn from these bad experiences. Some events turn to be bad and that happens for a purpose. A bad experience about anything teaches us to be confident.

Only after a bad experience, we will learn to be aware and work in a better way. A bad experience is necessary because only after a bad time we get to see a good time. Life is a mixture of good and bad times and it is not a bed full of roses.

I have experienced many bad times and a few of them have turned to be dangerous ones too. Those dangerous ones still haunt me even during day time.

If that haunts during day time itself then at night my condition becomes worse. I still have a fresh memory of that day.

It seems to me that the incident took place just yesterday. This dangerous incident took place on September 18, 2011. This day was Sunday.

Then I was studying in class ten. It was the week of my half yearly examination. The next day, that is, on Monday I had my Mathematics and Environmental Education Examination.

The weather that day was gloomy from the morning itself. It was raining from early morning.

Despite the rain we went to church. After returning from church we had breakfast. After that my parents were preparing for lunch.

In the mean time I was busy learning formulas and solving Mathematics problems. My father was giving me fried fish to eat while I was studying.

Soon it was time for lunch. We all had our lunch. It was not raining anymore but the weather was still gloomy. The entire day looked as if it is going to be night.

But it was still day time. After we finished with our lunch, we went to rest. I planned to rest for at least two hours as I needed a break from studying. A proper sleep would make my mind fresh to study in the evening and night.

After the afternoon sleep, we had our evening snacks. I went back to my study room to continue preparing for my exams. Meanwhile, my parents were watching television in the other room. I started studying Environmental Education. I was going through important topics and memorizing the necessary information.

Everything was stable at that time. After thirty to forty five minutes, I was studying the chapter on earthquakes and other disasters. Suddenly, I felt my study table is shaking and even the statues kept on my table were moving.

I thought this is happening because I have the habit of keeping my legs on the rod of the table and keep shaking my legs.

So, I considered that the movement on my study table was because of them. I was afraid in the starting but then later I calmed myself down.

Then, the house bell rang and the milk maid came to give milk. So, my mother went to the kitchen to bring a utensil to take the milk.

My mother just took the utensil and was going to the verandah; my table started shaking more than before.

My heartbeat increased and I did not know what was going on. Suddenly, even the electric water pump started to make sound.

The showcase where expensive utensils are kept, even that was making sound. The emergency light stand was kept on the dining table and that fell down.

At this point of time I got more scared. This happened in seconds. By the time my parents realized it is an earthquake, they were running out calling my name and asking me to come out.

First of all I was scared because of the first shaking incident of the table, this time I did not know what to do.

Hearing my parents voice, I was rushing out of study room but I didn’t know which side to go as there was no electricity. So, I could not see the way.

I was the only one inside the house at that time. Everyone was outside the house calling out my name. I started crying not knowing what to do.

I finally managed to find the way and I went out. I was crying very badly and held my parents hands.

The earthquake was a major one. I had never experienced this before. This was the reason I was very scared. While we were standing outside, the plates, that is, the outermost part of the earth was shaking very much.

We felt that the plates would break anytime soon and we all would go inside and die. Everyone was worried and we could hear the people shouting in the neighbourhood.

There was commotion everywhere. We were continuously praying and kept our trust on God that he will not let anything happen to us. He will surely save us.

After some time, everything became stable but still people were shouting in worry. We remained outside the house for some time and talked with the neighbours if everything was fine.

There was no electricity and all the telephone lines were blocked.

There was no signal in the telephone lines. After everything became stable we went inside and continued with our work.

I could not study anymore as I was horrified with the incident. So, I stayed with my father in the same room. We were waiting for electricity to come and for the telephone signals.

Electricity came back much later. As soon as the telephone lines came back, we started contacting our near and dear ones to ask if they were fine.

Even we were receiving calls from our other family members and relatives. They got a big relief when we told them that we all were safe.

Slowly, everything became normal. But I took a little time. I ate my dinner in fear thinking what if this happens again at night when everyone is sleeping.

After dinner my parents asked me to sleep because I was not able to study after the earthquake. Even they went to sleep.

But I did not sleep the entire night. I was thinking about the incident and my reaction was like what did just happened today.

Did it happen in reality? Or was it just a bad dream or a nightmare? I started getting negative thoughts and just waited for the sunrise.

I never experienced this incident before. So, I was very scared. Even if I become old, I will never be able to forget this incident because it was a first time experience and dangerous too.

This earthquake caused a lot of destruction. The earthquake measured 6.9 magnitude according to the Richter scale.

It badly affected the areas of Nepal, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Bihar, Sikkim and its adjoining areas.

The epicenter was in Sikkim and so it affected our place as well because Sikkim is only 152 km far. The earthquake was in the Kanchenjunga range.

After this earthquake, I have experienced earthquakes many times but the magnitude has never been so high.

The earthquake of September 18, 2011 made me more confident, bold and brave to handle incidents like this. After this major earthquake, we all became used to frequent trembling of the plates.

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Personal Narrative- My Near Drowning Experience Essay

Personal Narrative- My Near Drowning Experience Have you ever had a moment in time that seems like minutes or hours even though it was only a few seconds? Have you ever seen everything before you play out in slow motion, where you are aware of everything around you, yet not knowing what was going on? I have, and as I look back on it, I feel very blessed and protected. On March 21, 1987, I decided to take a little swim in our swimming pool and almost drowned. On that fateful day in March, I was a couple months shy of my third birthday. My family and I lived in New Mexico at the time and were renting a house with an outdoor in-ground pool. The day was beautiful. I was outside with my oldest sister Rachel and my father. Rachel …show more content…

I walked over to the shallow end of the pool and looked down into the water. One thing that sticks out vividly in my mind is what I was wearing. I had on maroon colored sweat pants and a matching sweatshirt. The water was crystal clear and shimmered brightly in the afternoon sun. I dunked the large cooking pot in the water, and it started to sink . I watched it for a moment before reaching down to grab it. The pot sank faster than I could reach. I then ended up leaning too far over the edge of the pool. Rachel screamed when I fell in, and my mother came running out of the house. The lawn mower stopped as my father also ran to my aid. My mother, clothes and all, jumped in the pool and grabbed me. She saved me from a fate that threatened to take my young life. My father told me later that when he looked in the pool, I was looking up at him with wide blue eyes. Even though I was right in the midst of danger, I did not realize it. Being as young as I was, I did not understand what exactly happened. Looking back on it now, though, I see how blessed I was to have the Lord on my side. This conveys to me now that he has a different plan for my life. How many lives would be different if I had drowned that afternoon? I think of all the friends I have had and wondered what they would be like if I had never met them. What of my parents and sisters? How would their lives be different if I had never been around to make them

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The former president’s remarks onstage, repeated often on the campaign trail, were striking with his opponent standing a few feet away.

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essay dangerous experience

By Michael Gold

  • June 28, 2024

For most of Thursday night’s debate, former President Donald J. Trump verbally pummeled President Biden, painting his political opponent as an ineffective leader with a torrent of attacks that were frequently false, lacked context or were vague enough to be misleading.

Mr. Trump went directly after Mr. Biden’s personal character, calling him “weak” and little respected by global leaders who were “laughing” at him.

He tried to accuse Mr. Biden of corruption, dubbing the president as a “Manchurian candidate” who was “paid by China,” a nod to frequent accusations of undue influence for which there is no evidence.

He directly blamed Mr. Biden for a wave of immigrants “coming in and killing our citizens at a level we’ve never” seen, a hyperbolic claim that is not backed up by available statistics.

And in a wild misrepresentation of facts, Mr. Trump claimed falsely that Mr. Biden “encouraged” Russia to attack Ukraine, even though Mr. Biden has consistently tried to rally support for Ukraine and his administration took active steps to warn President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia not to invade.

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'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Beryl hits Caribbean island

A tree is seen fallen on the street as hurricane Beryl passes near to Bridgetown, Barbados

Hurricane Beryl has slammed into the Caribbean island of Carriacou, producing "life-threatening conditions" including disastrous winds, according to US trackers, after the storm strengthened into a powerful Category 4 storm.

With the "extremely dangerous eyewall" moving over the island, which is part of Grenada, the US National Hurricane Center warned residents "not leave their shelter as winds will rapidly increase."

The eye of Beryl made landfall on Carriacou Island at 4.10pm Irish time, the NHC reported on X, adding in a bulletin that it was creating "catastrophic winds and life-threatening storm surge".

Posting a video showing large waves, the Office of the Prime Minister of Grenada wrote on Facebook that the tri-island state was "experiencing intense winds and damage".

"This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation," the NHC said. "Residents should not leave their shelter and remain in place through the passage of these life-threatening conditions."

essay dangerous experience

Experts say that such a powerful storm forming this early in the Atlantic hurricane season -- which runs from early June to late November -- is extremely rare.

"Only five major (Category 3+) hurricanes have been recorded in the Atlantic before the first week of July," hurricane expert Michael Lowry posted on social media platform X.

"Beryl would be the sixth and earliest this far east in the tropical Atlantic."

Grenada Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell urged citizens to quickly seek shelter and respect an island-wide curfew ordered for 7:00 pm to 7:00 am Tuesday morning.

Farther northeast in the Caribbean, officials in Barbados said the island was buffeted by high winds and pelting rain, but appeared to have avoided disaster, reporting no injuries so far.

Barbados seems to have "dodged a bullet," Minister of Home Affairs and Information Wilfred Abrahams said in a video, but nonetheless "gusts are still coming, the storm-force winds are still coming" he said, warning residents to remain inside until the all-clear.

Barbados, Grenada, plus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Tobago were all under hurricane warnings, the NHC said, while a hurricane watch or tropical storm warnings or watches were in effect for Jamaica, Martinique, Trinidad, St Lucia, and parts of the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

A state of emergency was declared in Tobago, the smaller of the two islands that make up Trinidad and Tobago, with schools ordered closed on Monday, top official Farley Augustine said.

A meeting this week in Grenada of the Caribbean regional bloc CARICOM was postponed.

essay dangerous experience

Beryl became the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic season early Saturday morning and quickly strengthened to Category 4, the first ever to reach that level in June, according to NHC records.

A Category 3 or higher on the Saffir-Simpson scale is considered a major hurricane, and a Category 4 storm packs sustained winds of at least 130 miles per hour (209 kilometers per hour).

As Beryl struck Carriacou, it was packing maximum sustained winds that had increased to 150 mph, the NHC said.

Beryl is expected to remain powerful as it moves across the Caribbean, the NHC said, warning residents and officials in the Lesser Antilles, Hispaniola, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and the remainder of the northwestern Caribbean to carefully monitor its progress.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in late May that it expects this year to be an "extraordinary" hurricane season, with up to seven storms of Category 3 or higher.

The agency cited warm Atlantic Ocean temperatures and conditions related to the weather phenomenon La Nina in the Pacific for the expected increase in storms.

Extreme weather events including hurricanes have become more frequent and more devastating in recent years as a result of climate change.

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Accreditation: AFP/Reuters

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Project 2025 is a blueprint for business disaster.

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The American Flag blows in the wind off the back of the Ellis Island/Liberty Island Ferry with the ... [+] Statue of Liberty in the background following the Ellis Island Family Heritage Awards at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum at the Great Hall on Ellis Island April 13, 2011 in New York. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

Whatever your politics, the extreme, ideologically driven policies being suggested for Trump's second term will undermine democracy, supercharge government corruption, and devastate the American economy.

A Race Few Wanted

Though it's only June, we're already back in presidential election season. This week saw the earliest-ever general election debate in our history, as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump squared off before their respective party had officially nominated either. One reason both men agreed to this June debate is because the (pre-debate) polls show a neck-and-neck race . For now, many Americans seem unenthused about either candidate , and interest in this election is lower than it's been in two decades .

All that said, I hope everyone – and especially my fellow business leaders – start paying close attention because these two candidates have vastly different visions for America's future, and one of them – Donald J. Trump – is essentially advocating for the end of our democracy and the economic prosperity it drives. Throughout this cycle, Trump has been doubling down on his usual brand of extreme rhetoric – he has called his political opponents "vermin," said immigration is "poisoning the blood of our country," and pledged to be a "dictator" on day one of his second term. It'd be natural to think that Trump is just mouthing off again, except, this time, he has a playbook in hand to accomplish his goals as soon as he gets into office.

Project 2025: A Road Map to Oblivion

That playbook is Project 2025 , a 900-page report developed by the Heritage Foundation and a large coalition of conservative groups to help a second Trump presidency hit the ground running. "If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left," its authors opine, "we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration."

Unfortunately, this Project 2025 agenda is brimming with extremely outside-the-mainstream ideas that threaten to roll back many Americans' fundamental rights and cause grave and perhaps permanent damage to our democratic system of government. Even if you agree with the far-right ideology this report espouses, the policies it advocates will very likely plunge the American economy into a death spiral.

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Ranked: the 30 most walkable cities in the world, according to a new report, aew forbidden door 2024 results, winners and grades as swerve retains.

A Litany of Terrible Ideas

Education: America's continued prosperity and competitiveness worldwide rests on its educated workforce, but Project 2025 would defund and dismantle public education purely for ideological reasons. The Project 2025 agenda calls for eliminating a huge number of federal bureaus and departments that offend the far-right worldview. Among them is the Department of Education, which they deem a " convenient one-stop shop for the woke education cartel," Title 1, which provides $18 billion in funding to support low-income students across America," and Head Start, which helps over one million kids gain access to early education. Anything involving diversity, equity, and inclusion is also out, even though studies show that companies with diverse leadership and workforces tend to be more profitable than those without.

Along with scaling back civil rights enforcement, Project 2025 calls for effectively eliminating federal oversight over education and converting federal funds into block grants and vouchers that families can use at private schools—an idea that has become a fraud-ridden boondoggle wherever it's been tried.

Climate: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the federal department that tracks hurricanes, is also marked for deletion by Project 2025 because it's "one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry." (One would think the hurricanes are the driver, but nevertheless.) The report also argues that the Environmental Protection Agency should be gutted for similar reasons.

Climate change is already costing the US $150 billion a year , and those costs are expected to grow substantially in the years to come if left unchecked – which is what this report argues for. That's why the Sierra Club calls Project 2025 " a death sentence for federal climate and environmental protections " and "game over for climate progress." At this late date, a head-in-the-sand approach is not a serious response.

Immigration: Project 2025, as the Niskanen Center put it , "aims to demolish the American immigration system," even though immigration has always been one of the American economy's great sources of strength. (In fact, US GDP is estimated to gain $7 trillion over the next ten years because of immigrants.) Among the many harsh policies proposed are drastically reducing visas, suspending country lists for H-2A and H-2B temporary worker visas, blocking federal financial aid to states that allow immigrants access to in-state tuition, and ending the protections of the Dream Act.

Trump himself has gone even further, saying he would quickly deport 15-20 million undocumented immigrants , even though Pew only counts 10.5 million in the US . The moral dimensions of this purge aside, many economists have noted that these draconian policies will cause a rapid rise in unemployment and inflation , especially in industries like food service, construction, and agriculture.

Cronyism : One of Project 2025's most pernicious elements is its call to return America to a nineteenth-century "spoils system" of government. Under the so-called "Schedule F" plan , about 50,000 federal workers would lose their civil service protections and become at-will employees, meaning they can be fired if they are not sufficiently loyal to the President.

In practice, this would create what conservative Robert Shea has called " an army of suck-ups …if you told your boss that what he or she was proposing was illegal, impractical, [or] unwise they could brand you disloyal and terminate you." It would also mean " a massive exodus of competence " from Washington, as well-trained, knowledgeable civil servants who gather and report data on all kinds of issues leave and are replaced with conservatives chosen only for loyalty.

Fiscal Policy: Along with the usual slate of tax cuts for the wealthy, Project 2025 also calls for abolishing the Federal Reserve, ending its role as the lender of last resort, and letting the President weigh in on interest rate hikes . Trump has also called for a 10% across-the-board tariff on imported goods, which could kick off a global trade war , rapidly accelerate inflation , and cost the average family $1500 a year . It doesn't sound great for business.

On top of everything else , Project 2025 also aims to roll back protections for LGBTQ Americans, further reduce women's access to abortion, cut overtime protections for 4.3 million workers, slash food assistance for 21.6 million households, weaken Social Security and Medicaid, stop efforts to lower prescription drug costs, and much else. This is a remarkably ideological document and one that's far more concerned with putting far-right ideas at the center of government than doing right by families.

Ultimately, as Carlos Lozada put it , the goal of Project 2025 is "capturing the administrative state," so it becomes "a tool for concentrating power and entrenching ideology." In other words, Project 2025 threatens to undermine both our democracy and economy only to benefit a small cadre of far-right faithful at the expense of the vast majority of companies and workers. This could be our new reality in just a few short months unless Americans step up and be counted this November. Even if nobody is excited about this upcoming election, it will decide our future, and we must act accordingly.

Jeff Raikes

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I was about four years old when everything went to chaos and destruction. But what three year old would feel frightened or afraid of ever breath, not knowing if it was their last. As a child, I was ignorant and naive to what was happening around me in the world. I didn’t know that the city surrounding me, would soon be drowned and submerged in the legendary Hurricane Katrina.Though I was only four and couldn't recall many details of the catastrophic event, my mother remembered everything. We had heard two weeks prior ahead of time what was to come, however my mother having always been a strong-willed woman was determined not to leave despite the attempts my grandparents and father made for her to evacuate New Orleans with me and leave.Yet,…

Narrative Essay About 9/11

September 9, 2001 is a blood-curdling and mournful day in American history, especially for New Yorkers. September 9th was the day Al-Qeada attacked American civilians by hijacking 4 airplanes. Two of the airplanes crashed into the twin towers, one crashed into the side of the pentagon, and the last one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. On this dreadful day thousands of Americans lost their lives. My mother and stepfather have completely different experiences during 9/11 however, that day did affect them as a whole.…

High School Shooting Narrative

When I was in fifth grade (12years old) I was at a friend's house for the first time. Me and her were playing in the basement, her brother (17years old)and his friend were on the other side of the room playing video games while me and her were throwing back and forth a big yoga ball. Me and her are throwing back and forth and I miss it, before I can grab it, it hits her brothers Lego Death Star. I look up at her and all I see is fear, she grabs my arm and screams to run. We make it up the first flight of stairs but at the top of the second flight is a very narrow hallway and you had to take a sharp right turn to get to her room and I tripped and fell hard on the wood stairs, she was already in her room screaming at me to get up but I couldn't…

How To Tell A True War Story Essay

Almost everyone has lied at one point in their lives. Some lies may be big and others small but they still tell the lie. Most people only lie to make their stories sound better. For example, war veterans love to tell their stories and the stories they tell are usually exciting and wouldn’t need to lie when they are telling their stories or at least one would believe they are not lying about the stories they are telling. According to Tim O’Brien in one of his many stories he clearly states that to tell a true war story you have to lie. O’Brien is a Vietnam War veteran, who after the war becomes a writer and writes stories about his experiences he had during the war. Most of the times he writes stories that are mostly lies just so he can make the truth in those…

Personal Narrative: My Family Is Dead

You see the person who killed my parents wasn't finished just yet. When I turned ten, my brother was kidnapped. I didn't want to get into detail because afterwards he ended up dead, although me and my foster family were searching for him, only to find him dead in the parking lot.…

Journal Entry- Russian Immigration.

I was a young man when my family's journey began in the search for freedom. We resided in a decent little neighborhood just in the outskirts of southern Russia. All the families around knew each other very well therefore I could never understand why my family always seemed so miserable. I mean I heard stories and watched the news about bad accidents from muggers to murderers but I never seen anything like that around where we lived. Until one night my father did not come home, my mother told me he was just working late, but I knew something else was wrong, it was way after any working hours. I became so frustrated of waiting for my father I guess I ended up falling asleep because next thing I remember was being woken up at 3:30 am by my mother hysterically crying. I knew it was my father so all I could do was sit there and hug her. The officer told me he had been found in an alley after being brutally beaten, and he was already dead upon their arrival. Witnesses claim they saw him get jumped outside of the synagogue which he had been seen leaving earlier that afternoon. My father always carried his valuables on him, all his money, personal information cards, and bank account numbers. None of this was on him when he had been found, which only meant one thing, they could be coming for us next. My mother spent days searching for friends or family we could stay with for awhile until we could get ourselves together. But with our luck we were helpless.…

Middle School Narrative Essay

Middle school was really weird time for me. It seemed like it was the most dramatic / drama filled. Our school at St. Peters was messed up, anything that could happen did. I've had teacher come up to me and ask for answers to what happened. Students doing bad things and etc. Also middle school to me was so fun, because people who I like got in trouble because of me. If you weren't my friend at St. Peters you better hope that you weren't mean to me, because if you were the teachers would find out what you did and they get in trouble.…

911 Narrative Essay

"That moment was when I learned the importance of words. Whether you may be angry, sad, or happy, you must use your words wisely. Love everyone, and tell them so every day"(George Phoenix.)…

Juvenile Justice Process and Corrections

When I first got picked up I was really scared but I knew what I had done was wrong. I had been breaking into houses for a while now. Always in and out real quick and I always picked the houses where I knew the owners were at work because they all lived on the same street as me so I knew their schedules as well as I knew my own. But this time it was different someone decided to come home early and caught me right in the act. I froze I couldn’t move, couldn’t make my legs work. My mind was saying, “Run, run, run” but it’s like my legs were not even a part of my body at the time. So there I was standing in their hallway with a fist full of jewelry that I hadn’t quite gotten into my back pack yet to add with the new game console I found still in its box in the closet. I remember laughing as I took the game and shoved it in my bag thinking wow it’s not even open yet must have been a gift for someone, thinking to myself, “It’s my gift now!”…

An Example Of Narrative Essay About Lifeguard

You never know how helpless you are until you have a near death experience. One summer, when I was young, my family and I went to a water park. I didn’t know how to swim, but thankfully the majority of the park required no swimming ability. For one of the rides, I wanted to get out of my tube and jump around, but once I climbed out, I immediately sunk to the bottom. I tried to kick back up and just as my legs gave in, a lifeguard climbed in and essentially saved my life. He was my hero and I was very grateful, but something was bothering me. I realized later that it was the fact that I wasn’t able to help myself. It was that moment when I decided to become a lifeguard to save myself and many others.…

8th Grade Narrative Essay

As I move on to eighth grade I reflect on the many great memories I have shared at this school. Seventh grade was a fresh new year, not like sixth grade, or fifth, or fourth. You do not have high school next year like the eighth graders, you are not the young new ones like the sixth graders. You are the seventh graders or as many refer to the “middle class.” At this school I have done everything from fun field trips to studying for hard tests. From kindergarten to now going into eighth grade. Sometimes I cannot even believe I am going on to eighth grade. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was anxiously awaiting, for the first day of sixth grade.…

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My Most Frightening Experience Sample

My Most Frightening Experience Sample

It was a Saturday eventide and my best friend Ria had come over to my topographic point for a slumber over. After dinner the two of us went to my room to watch a new show that was being aired – ‘The Haunted’ . The show was about some of the most celebrated haunted houses which were visited by their crew.

In their first episode they visited a haunted house where every dark the dwellers could hear the sounds of people walking about. things being moved. noises of bobbysocks. and sometimes they could even feel person walking past them in their very room or really happen things moved from their original topographic points.

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The show was reasonably chilling and by the terminal of it both of us were at our nervousnesss end. After the show was over we decided it was best to be off to bed and non discourse the plan.I was excessively scared to be able to kip rapidly. It was about half an hr subsequently when I was still lying awake that I heard a weak noise of bobbysocks.

I instantly dismissed it as my mind’s fast one – it was because I was scared that I was hearing things. It was so that Ria asked me in a muted voice if I could hear the sound every bit good or non. I knew that both of us could non hear the same sound if it was non for existent. We were gazing at each other in the dark.

panicky and unable to travel as the sound of the bobbysocks came nearer. We covered ourselves with the cover and held on to each other with our eyes closed shut. The sound of the bobbysocks was now precisely outside our room. separated from us merely by the door.

Two seconds later we heard the door creak unfastened as we held our breaths – excessively scared to even take a breath. We could now experience person traveling about in the room. traveling things. After what seemed like an infinity we heard the familiar sound of the door unfastened and so heard the sound of the bobbysocks retracing back to the hallway downstairs.

We couldn’t sleep the full dark and was sword lily to travel down to the breakfast tabular array in the forenoon and sit with my parents at that place. As we were sitting at that place I all of a sudden heard the familiar sound of the bobbysocks behind me. I looked at Ria and could see my fright reflect in her eyes. I was approximately to shout when our amah appeared beside me and placed our cereal bowls on the tabular array.

As she walked back I looked at her pess and saw her bobbysocks. At that point I did non cognize whether to express joy or shout. As it turned out she had gone to our room at dark to acquire our milk spectacless as she does every dark.

How to describe a frightening experience?

From time to time we all experience fear.

Fear is an emotion that needs to be inserted into our writing. Do not be afraid or shy to share your emotions, fear or unpleasant experience with others. In the end result, such narrative essay becomes fascinating.As for the structure of the essay, it remains traditional (introduction, body, conclusion).

Your essay should begin with grabbing the attention of the reader.In the main part, you should describe the event or a frightening experience so that the reader can plunge at that moment.In conclusion, the author must indicate an understanding of this event or experience.Small tips for your essay:

  • use bright and lively details in the description, you must write in such a way that the reader immediately recreates a picture of that event.
  • pay attention to the small details of that event, perhaps without them, the reader will find it difficult to grasp the essence.
  • make your writing language descriptive: use metaphors, comparison, epithets and of course emotions to enrich your essay.

Here you can find some topics ideas:1.If only I could go back in time, I would certainly change .

.. Here you can tell the readers a short story about an event that was unpleasant for you and you would like to change it.2.

My fear of the storm was a reality. If you have a fear of such a natural phenomenon and the situation in which you are confronted with it, it will be a great idea. Tell your readers your emotions and feelings about this.3.

How I encountered an unpleasant feeling of anxiety and fear. For sure, every person faced such a feeling when nothing seemed to happen, but a sense of fear and anxiety is present. Surely your inner feelings have not let you down, and something scary has happened. Share your experiences with the readers about this.

Tell us about your attitude to such inner feelings.

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France’s far-right in election lead and Olympic gymnastics squad selected: Morning Rundown

The Supreme Court is poised to rule on Trump’s presidential immunity case today. Biden’s family discussed the future of his campaign as donors look for other options. And the gymnasts who will compete for Team USA at the Paris Olympics have been selected. 

Here’s what to know today.

Supreme Court set to rule on Trump immunity in election interference case 

Donald Trump

The Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling today on whether former President Donald Trump can claim immunity from prosecution for at least some of his actions in seeking to overturn the 2020 election.  

Chief Justice John Roberts announced that Monday would be the last day of rulings in the current nine-month court term, with the Trump case one of four yet to be decided. They will be issued one by one, starting at 10:00 a.m., with the Trump case most likely to be the last.

The legal question before the court is “whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office,” the order said. The court has already faced fierce criticism from the left — both for hearing the Trump case in the first place, thereby preventing a trial from taking place in March, and taking so long to decide it, making it difficult if not impossible for a trial to begin before the election.

Trump faces a four-count indictment for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election that culminated in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, in which a mob of his supporters sought to prevent Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s election.

The justices could set a new test for determining what official acts receive immunity and then send it back to lower courts to determine how that affects Trump’s indictment. But time is running short for a trial to take place before November’s election, in which Trump is seeking to regain power.

Read more on the Supreme Court rulings:  

  • The Supreme Court overturned a 40-year-old precedent that was targeted by the right because it was seen as bolstering the power of “deep state” bureaucrats. 
  • Amy Coney Barrett — one of Trump’s three appointees to the nine-justice court — is at times unwilling to indulge the more extreme arguments that reach the court.
  • The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a former police officer who was seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

Biden’s family urges him to ‘keep fighting’ as donors look for alternatives

Joe Biden and Jill Biden.

As Democrats offered support for Biden throughout the weekend, his advisers worked privately to push back against suggestions that he step aside, with his campaign manager describing the mechanics of replacing him on the ticket as messy and impractical. 

During a tense call with a group of about 40 of Biden’s financial backers, campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez laid out what could and could not be done with the campaign’s infrastructure if Biden were to step aside while emphasizing throughout the call that he had no intention of doing so. Jen O’Malley Dillon, the chair of the Biden campaign, is also set to hold a call with a larger group of donors tonight, according to two sources familiar with the plans.

The call was just one of a series of similar conversations top Biden advisers and campaign leaders have been holding with Democratic officials and donors after Biden’s halting debate performance rattled the party elite.

Meanwhile, Biden’s family met and discussed the future of his campaign during a long-planned gathering at Camp David, Maryland. The message from Biden’s children and grandchildren, together for a photo shoot Sunday with famed photographer Annie Leibovitz, was to “keep fighting,” said two sources familiar with the discussions. 

  • Top Biden allies came to his defense across the Sunday news programs, acknowledging the president’s subdued debate performance, but arguing that he remains the strongest contender against Trump. 
  • Rep. Jamie Raskin acknowledged that there are “very honest, and serious and rigorous conversations taking place”  in the Democratic Party about Biden’s political future. 

Far-right ‘at the gates of power’ after historic France election result

National Rally Meeting Ahead of French Election

France’s far-right swept to victory in the first round of legislative elections after President Emmanuel Macron’s almighty gamble backfired. Now the centrist leader and the country’s left, reeling from the historic results, are scrambling to thwart the National Rally (RN) in the decisive second round and prevent France’s first far-right government since the Nazi occupation in World War Two.

According to official results released by the country’s interior ministry early Monday, Marine Le Pen’s party and allies led the way with 33% of the vote, a bloc of left-wing parties followed in second with 28% and Macron’s centrist alliance trailed in third with just 20%. Turnout was unusually high, adding to the sense of volatility and the clear rebuke for the president and his governing party.

What’s next? While first-round results offer a picture of overall voter sentiment, what the French National Assembly will be made up of remains to be seen as parties regroup, make alliances in some constituencies and pull out of others ahead of the runoff vote on July 7.

Read the full story here.

Hurricane Beryl closes in on Caribbean as dangerous Category 3 storm

Hurricane Beryl is closing in on the southeastern Caribbean as a dangerous Category 3 storm, with meteorologists warning of “life-threatening winds and storm surge.”

The storm was expected to make landfall Monday morning on the Windward Islands, with maximum rainfall of up to 10 inches expected in the Grenadines and up to 6 inches across Barbados, the National Hurricane Center in Miami said early Monday. Hurricane warnings were in effect for Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenadine Islands, Grenada and Tobago.

“This is a very dangerous situation,” the NHC said in a separate post early today, pleading with residents to heed local government warnings to take shelter. 

Morgan Freeman calls out TikTok video that used AI replication of his voice

Morgan Freeman on stage

Oscar winner Morgan Freeman spoke out after a TikTok creator pretended to be his “nepo niece” by replicating his voice with artificial intelligence.

In what the creator later stated was an “obvious joke,” TikTok account Justine’s Camera Roll had posted a video in which she claimed to be Freeman’s niece. The vlog, which went viral after it fooled some users on X, had an AI-generated version of Freeman’s voice narrating the influencer’s day. The actor, whose distinct voice has made him heavily sought-after in film narrations, shared a statement on social media thanking internet users who pointed out that the voice was fake.

“Thank you to my incredible fans for your vigilance and support in calling out the unauthorized use of an A.I. voice imitating me,” he wrote. “Your dedication helps authenticity and integrity remain paramount. Grateful. #AI #scam #imitation #IdentityProtection.” 

Simone Biles, Suni Lee, Jordan Chiles and more named to U.S. Olympic gymnastics team

Hezly Rivera, Joscelyn Roberson, Suni Lee, Simone Biles, Jade Carey, Jordan Chiles and Leanne Wong pose after being selected for the 2024 U.S. Olympic Women's Gymnastics Team.

The gymnasts who will compete for Team USA at the Paris Olympics have been confirmed after this weekend’s trials in Minneapolis. NBC News reporter Kaetlyn Liddy attended the trials and logged the most exciting moments. Here’s what you missed:

Simone Biles, Suni Lee, Jordan Chiles, Jade Carey and Hezly Rivera made the women’s team and are heading to Paris. Joscelyn Roberson and Leanne Wong were named as alternates. With four returning Tokyo Olympians, it is the oldest and most-decorated U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team in history. Biles, 27, will be the oldest female American gymnast to compete at the Olympics in 72 years.

The men’s team was also named over the weekend: Frederick Richard, Brody Malone, Paul Juda, Asher Hong and Stephen Nedoroscik are going to Paris. After the team announcement, Malone said the U.S. men are determined to earn a medal at the Olympics for the first time since 2008.

More Olympics highlights:  

  • Quincy Wilson is set to become the youngest male American track Olympian at 16 after being selected for the U.S. 4x400 meter relay team. 
  • Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone won the 400-meter hurdle final and  set a world record for the event  at the U.S. Olympic Team Trials on Sunday.
  • Gabby Thomas beat Sha’Carri Richardson in the highly anticipated  200-meter final  of the U.S. Olympic track and field trials.

Politics in Brief

Wind energy: The U.S. is way behind Europe and its own wind power targets, but a giant ship nearing completion in Texas could give a jolt to the industry.

Steve Bannon: Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon is continuing to defend the actions that resulted in his four month prison sentence that begins today .

Election 2024: NBC News’ national polls show a huge swing toward Trump among voters who skipped recent national elections versus voters who cast ballots in 2020 and 2022 .

McCarthy replacement: Kevin McCarthy’s congressional replacement is bringing Asian representation to a deep-red California district. Vince Fong, the son of Chinese immigrants, is the first Asian American to represent California’s 20th District in Congress.


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Staff Pick: What is ‘queer food’?

Photo Illustration: Three hands hold up a sparkling bowl of vegetables

In 2019, right before the pandemic began, I made my first sourdough starter. She’s still alive, nearly five years later, and I’ve become what some in the LGBTQ community would call a “baking gay.” So when my editor asked me to write about “queer food,” I was interested. The term has become increasingly popular as LGBTQ people have claimed certain foods and drinks. What I didn’t expect to find was  a rich, decades-long history of queer food , including what is essentially a cookbook-turned-gossip-magazine about Pablo Picasso, an AIDS humor zine (yes, you read that right) with a cooking column called “Get Fat, Don’t Die” and a national network of LGBTQ potlucks.

—  Jo Yurcaba,  NBC Out reporter

In Case You Missed It

  • Michael J. Fox joined Coldplay onstage for a surprise performance at the Glastonbury Festival in England.
  • Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” tallied $1.014 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film of 2024.
  • U.S. prosecutors plan to seek a guilty plea from Boeing over a charge tied to two fatal crashes of 737 Max planes.

Elizabeth Both is an associate platforms editor for NBC News, based in New York. 


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  19. Personal Narrative- My Near Drowning Experience Essay

    The pot sank faster than I could reach. I then ended up leaning too far over the edge of the pool. Rachel screamed when I fell in, and my mother came running out of the house. The lawn mower stopped as my father also ran to my aid. My mother, clothes and all, jumped in the pool and grabbed me.

  20. Trump's Debate Performance: Relentless Attacks and Falsehoods

    Mr. Biden got in a few licks, including some of the debate's more memorable moments. He said Mr. Trump had the "morals of an alley cat" and accused him of having sex with a porn star while ...

  21. Heat waves in Europe are getting more dangerous. Here's what ...

    Growing up in Texas, Mary Beth Walsh thought she was accustomed to high temperatures. Her hometown of Dallas, which is currently being blasted by unrelenting heat, frequently experiences heat waves.

  22. 'Extremely dangerous' hurricane hits Carribean island

    'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Beryl hits Caribbean island Updated / Monday, 1 Jul 2024 20:30. A tree is seen fallen on the street as hurricane Beryl passes near to Bridgetown, Barbados.

  23. Project 2025 Is A Blueprint For Business Disaster

    Explore the dangerous implications of Trump's Project 2025 and why this election is critical for our democracy and economy. ... This is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by clicking here. More ...

  24. A Dangerous Experience Essay.docx

    A Dangerous Experience Essay We, the people, have received a wonderful gift from God and that gift is life. He gave us this gift so that we can be happy and enjoy the gift. But nothing in the world is an easy task. If one chooses a shortcut to achieve something, the person will be happy but it will be for a short time. After that, the person has to bear the consequences of choosing the ...

  25. WHO and scientists call for urgent action on dangerous mpox strain

    The spread of mpox in Africa needs to be addressed urgently, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday, as scientists warned separately of a dangerous strain in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  26. Narrative Essay About a Dangerous Situation

    Narrative Essay About 9/11. September 9, 2001 is a blood-curdling and mournful day in American history, especially for New Yorkers. September 9th was the day Al-Qeada attacked American civilians by hijacking 4 airplanes. Two of the airplanes crashed into the twin towers, one crashed into the side of the pentagon, and the last one crashed into a ...

  27. My Most Frightening Experience Sample

    My Most Frightening Experience Sample. It was a Saturday eventide and my best friend Ria had come over to my topographic point for a slumber over. After dinner the two of us went to my room to watch a new show that was being aired - 'The Haunted' . The show was about some of the most celebrated haunted houses which were visited by their crew.

  28. How to write a dangerous experience essay

    To write a dangerous experience essay, choose a specific incident, describe the setting and characters, narrate the sequence of events, and reflect on the emotions and lessons learned. Explanation: To write a dangerous experience essay, start by choosing a specific incident or event that was dangerous and had a significant impact on you.

  29. Write a 250-word essay about a dangerous experience you have had

    A dangerous experience I had occurred during a hiking trip last summer. My friends and I decided to explore a steep trail with a narrow path near the edge of a cliff. As we were cautiously making our way, one of my friends slipped and almost fell off the cliff. Luckily, we were able to grab onto him and pull him back to safety.

  30. France's far-right in election lead and Olympic gymnastics squad

    Hurricane Beryl is closing in on the southeastern Caribbean as a dangerous Category 3 storm, with meteorologists warning of "life-threatening winds and storm surge."