123HelpMe Review: based on real mystery shopping

Johannes Helmold

Writing essays is as easy as counting to three. We can only guess if there is similar logic behind this writing company’s name. It may have been influenced by Beth Hart’s song “Jazz Man” or inspired by a traditional nursery counting rhyme. Whatever the reason, the name is catchy and sticks in the memory. This is probably one of the things the company was trying to achieve – to stand out with its snappy title. At the A*Help team, however, we believe that even the best heading is worth little if it isn’t backed up by quality content. This is what we will check and tell you about in this review: is writing essays with 123HelpMe indeed as easy as counting to three? See How We Test Essay Writing Services for more details about our testing approach.

Quick Overview

123HelpMe can help you tackle midterm chaos by writing excellent academic papers. Despite the upper-average pricing range and limited free services, the company’s high-quality work makes it worth considering.

  • Quality of papers
  • Wide choice of payment options
  • Accumulative loyalty program
  • Somewhat costly
  • Demanding registration

An infographic with a short 123HelpMe review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 82.1/100

Experience review: 123HelpMe Mystery Shopping

We’ve developed some assumptions about the rhymed title of the service. Now it’s time to dive deep between the lines and see what 123HelpMe has prepared for us regarding their services, writing standards, and overall experience. We launched mystery shopping on this platform by placing two confirmed orders. The first was a personal narrative essay, and the second was a memo to the CEO. Along the way, we simulated typical consumer behavior by chatting with the customer support people, asking for refunds, revisions, and all sorts of inquiries a regular user might have. 

The deadlines differed for two papers: we allowed the service six hours to complete the essay, and a week was allotted for writing the business memo. Upon receiving both works, we forwarded them to a US college professor who graded them according to American educational standards. 

Here is our testing and research scenario:

Looking for more essay topics and ideas for inspiration? Check our Best essay writing topics digest . The most popular categories for custom writing assignments according to the weekly market data released by A*Help.

Finally, when all chapters of our journey were on paper, we analyzed everything and came up with the A*Help score, our index of excellence, for the 123HelpMe essay company.

Dr. Sybil Low reveals professional secrets of grading academic writing:

123helpme com essay

I am convinced all teachers practice their methods of grading. Some professors allow students more freedom of expression, while others impose strict guidelines. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that certain elements of an essay remain the same regardless of how we teach or grade. Purpose, voice and tone, plan, style, and narration are among many things that all teachers look at intently. Peter Elbow, a professor of English Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, says in his essay “Voice in Writing Again: Embracing Contraries, Embracing Context” that unique voice and tone are the foundation of every essay. Regardless of complexity, an authentic voice and tone create engaging writing.

123helpme com essay

The name is clearly poetic. But as you know, appearances are often misleading. We don’t want to bring you to incorrect conclusions, so let’s find out if the verses of 123HelpMe complement the title.

Paper Quality – 44.1/50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We can grumble as much as it feels right about the company’s stinginess with free services, pricing, and poor communication with the writer, but all these whines fade away when we see grades for completed essays. It’s one of those moments that dissolve all concerns into irrelevance, and you realize that something is worth every penny you spend. 

123HelpMe wrote a fantastic personal narrative essay. With a minimum passing grade of 60 pts, the score of the personal narrative paper (93.5) calls for no further explanation.

Everything in the essay is close to perfect: integrity, length, spelling, and word choice are flawless. Grammar and punctuation scored a tiny bit lower, and reasoning and logic, traditionally demanding elements of all kinds of essays, reached a very high result of 88. 

Professor Low also speaks highly of the essay’s quality.

Personal essays take work to write, especially portraying something like gratitude. Some people, especially youngsters, feel awkward expressing such intimate things and emotions and find it difficult to pick words. As a result, the story is ambiguous and hard to follow. The connections, prerequisites, and consequences of individual events are lost. However, this student did a great job planning and structuring their piece, presenting each part with the necessary elements. The story is easy to read, and the events and the author’s sentiments are successfully conveyed verbally. The plot itself is not trivial either. All in all, this is an example of beautiful work.

As for the memo, it doesn’t lose very much to the essay (83). Spelling, word choice, and integrity are still excellent. The reasoning is also rock-solid, with 89 points. The things that keep the memo from reaching the essay’s class are punctuation (51) and formatting (75) of the document. The detailed transcript of the assessment is available below. 

Paper 1: Score 93.5 |Comment:| Personal narrative. Document formatting is very good, but there is room for improvement. Document formatting issues: vertical spacing. |Observations:| {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: 100%. {Mechanics:} 96% (spelling 100%, grammar 87%, punctuation 97%, word choice 100%). {Citation formatting:} ungraded. {Reasoning, logic:} 88% (efficiency 92%, acuity 88%, clarity 88%, objectivity 86%) Paper 2: Score 83.0 |Comment:| Memo. Document formatting is very good, but there is room for improvement. Document formatting issues: section headers. |Observations:| {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: 100%. {Mechanics:} 88% (spelling 99%, grammar 100%, punctuation 51%, word choice 100%). {Citation Formatting:} 75%. Reference formatting: Incorrect reference section header. In-text cite grade: seriously deficient (some in-text cites mispunctuated, misformatted; missing 2 in-text cites; ref list incomplete). {Reasoning, logic:} 89% (efficiency 86%, acuity 78%, clarity 93%, objectivity 100%).

Talented writers and their devotion to the cause are the company’s pride, joy, and most significant asset. 

Average paper score: 88.25

123HelpMe Value Review: Value for Money — 17/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

“1, 2, 3: what value do you guarantee?” we asked the service tacitly. 

Value for money, one of the three elements of our A*Help formula, is a meaningful indicator of the best assignment service ’s effectiveness.This is especially true when comparing services from multiple providers, which is the case with essay writing platforms. With all the features and extras at hand, users can find the best deal for them. Likewise, the essay writing companies should know how well their value-for-money package withstands competition. This element is equally important to clients and service providers. Hence, our interest in measuring the platform’s performance in this component is beyond question. 

A screenshot of order form at 123helpme

Unlike many writing companies that try to elbow their way into the business by offering numerous free services, 123HelpMe does not take much trust in the philanthropic ideology of affairs. The service grants free revisions and promises to write your paper in plain American English.The selection of additional offers is impressive, featuring some unique proposals at an affordable cost. For example, if you need an essay in UK English, it is available for an additional cost because it requires specific adjustments. Among other distinctive offers are notifications about the status of your order and editor’s proofreading. The service also prepares a PDF plagiarism report for an extra $5.99 .

Despite quite a peculiar policy in terms of free and paid services, 123HelpMe offers enough for its users, and it’s their decision whether to take advantage of some of them or make do with what’s free. We look at the matter from the users’ perspective, but we can’t question how the company manages its business.  

What we would like to question is the pace that writers chose to work at. Both papers were submitted by their deadlines, but narrowly.The memo was completed one day ahead of the deadline, and the essay arrived only 6 minutes before the closing time. Although we bit our nails while waiting for the papers, there was enough time to request and receive one revision for each writing. The conclusion is to order from 123HelpMe in advance, carefully considering the time you’ll have till your turn-in day.  

How much did our anticipation cost us? We paid $84.98 for the essay and $81.57 for the business memo . All we can state at this point is that the prices are above average in the domain. We believe, though, that the cost should be considered in relation to the quality of the work, which we’ll discuss later in this review. 

The company offers a few convenient ways to lower the cost of your orders. Users can expect to get a 15% discount on their first purchase and automatically become loyalty program members. The rules are simple: the more pages you order from 123HelpMe, the higher your value grows. There are three levels of membership (silver, gold, and platinum), offering 5, 10, and 15% discounts. The referral program also exists, and its conditions are similar to those of competitors: you can get 10% of all orders placed by the people you refer. 

The value-for-money ratio of 123HelpMe is mediocre in our opinion as regular users . The pricing policy, coupled with the dearth of free services, is the main reason for concerns for users looking for a one-time deal. 

Our user experience with 123HelpMe. Overall experience – 21/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

4, 5, 6: will you provide me with some tips? 

The days when a desktop computer was the only way to access the Internet are long gone. Now, it’s within reach, and the applications are endless. For the majority of us, the network is an almighty problem solver. Academic writing is one of the problems many of us face, and we rely on web services to help us cope with it. 

The overall experience of dealing with personal statement writing services consists of several key elements. A good website understands our needs, offers the best and fastest ways to address them, and builds our trust and confidence in the company. We have our eyes set on these things while interacting with and evaluating every essay provider, and the following is what we can tell about 123HelpMe.  

A screenshot of details of our order at 123helpme

The first thing we noticed is that the website requires a user’s phone number to register. There is nothing illicit about this request, but people are reluctant to disclose their personal phone numbers, especially when an email address is also wanted. Moreover, some individuals may even restrain from using the service due to this condition. The potential threats that users expose themselves to by providing their phone numbers are beyond our judgment, but you should pay attention to this requirement.

As for communication with the website, not a single thing made us anxious. The service cares about its customers and goes the extra mile to make them feel valued. As always, we contacted the website’s help desk specialist and our writers with various requests. The customer service was impressive with their professional demeanor. They promptly assisted with our customer journey answering all the questions and responding to inquiries. On the other hand, the writers could have been a little more empathetic to us as their clients and the first hand source of information to build the personal essay.

Among the company’s record-breaking features is its flexibility in offering payment options. PayPal, ApplePay, and all major credit cards are supported. Only GooglePay is missing, but honestly, it’s hard to find a person who can’t live with that.

All in all, 123HelpMe secures a proper level of the overall experience . Helpful support, plenty of payment options, and adequate contact with the writer are valid arguments for us. The phone number necessary for signing up is a bummer but is it heavy enough to break the deal? We don’t think so.    

…and finally 10: will you write for me again?

Yes, writing essays is as easy as counting to three if you entrust it to 123HelpMe . They didn’t make it seem trouble-free with rigid registration and barely met deadlines. Yet, at the end of the day, the quality of work matters most, and at 123HelpMe it’s poetic like its name.

Negativity rank – ***%

It’s natural for any business to have armies of ardent fans and often just as many avid critics. While the former lavish praise upon the service, the latter fiercely rail it. Although we understand opposing views, we never take sides because the truth is always somewhere in between. And the truth is what A*Help is always striving for. 

Negative reviews of an essay writing service can be helpful in two ways: first, they provide unbiased input. Second, they reveal the shortcomings of a product or service users need to consider. For this reason, we gather negative customer feedback from various websites such as Sitejabber, Trustpilot, Reviews.io, and even Reddit. To ensure their credibility, we collect and process users’ opinions and comments by applying filters of sincerity and plausibility. The calculated ratios are then included in our articles and represented as negativity rank. 

In the case of 123HelpMe.org, we were unable to calculate the negativity rank . It’s an extremely rare occurrence in our practice that we fail to find critical feedback of a service. However, there are no evident reasons to assume that the company is somehow involved in filtering unfavorable comments. Our experience confirms that the service is legitimate and reliable, so the absence of negative reviews may simply be a reflection of its high quality. We leave it for your discretion.

123HelpMe Reviews

We always present only accurate and trustworthy statements about writing companies in our reviews. The research includes checking negative comments about the services on websites such as Reviews.io, Sitejabber, and others. We survey users’ feedback, remove presumably prepaid and falsy comments, and illustrate the accumulated data as the negativity rank. For this article about 123HelpMe we did not find any critical feedback on the Internet as it is mentioned above.  

Is 123HelpMe a Scam?

123HelpMe delivered two completed papers of excellent quality exactly on time. There were no hidden charges or deductions. The company fulfilled all commitments, so there are no reasons to think 123HelpMe is a scam.

Is 123HelpMe Legit?

At A*Help, we value our audience and solely review legitimate services with a proven operation history. Thus, 123HelpMe and all other services featured on our website are absolutely legit.

Is 123HelpMe Safe?

Our experience using this service confirmed the platform’s complete safety for users, its services, and its website. Privacy policies are clearly stated on the website and can be found in the appropriate section.

Is 123HelpMe Trustworthy?

This comprehensive review serves as detailed and authoritative proof that 123HelpMe is a user-friendly, trustworthy online essay writing platform that is dedicated to meeting its users’ expectations and fulfilling its commitments without fail.

Is 123HelpMe a Good Service?

The company’s A*Help score is 82.1/100. It was received by examining the platform’s value for money, overall experience from using the website, and the quality of essays they write. Our mystery shopping results show that 123HelpMe sustains high work standards and is a good service for academic assignments.  

123HelpMe Specs

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123HelpMe Review - Can You Rely on It?

Bobby Chernev

Updated · Jan 03, 2024

Bobby Chernev

Bobby Chernev is a highly accomplished individual with a background in history and political science... | See full bio

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123HelpMe takes pride in offering thousands of essays and papers to students, professionals, and writers across multiple industries.

In this 123HelpMe review, we’ll take a look at everything the platform has to offer.

Available papers

About 400,000

Advanced plagiarism checker

Grammar checker

Synonym suggestions

Citation suggestion

Integrated file storage (Google Docs)

Affordable prices

123HelpMe Logo


123helpme com essay

Best for: University students and academic writers and researchers

What Is 123HelpMe?

123HelpMe is a writing platform that offers about 400,000 essays in a ready-to-use database . There is also topic selection help and a few more features packed in an easy-to-use UI.

The platform has been around for almost a decade. Some papers are free to access , so you can read a few samples before committing to a subscription.

123HelpMe Features and Services

The platform offers several tools and resources worth checking out.

Academic Papers Database

One of the main perks of 123HelpMe is the database of free and premium essays — a total of 400,000.

Free texts are marked in gray, highly limited , but unsuitable for researchers. 

Still, there are many other types of 123HelpMe papers available. For example:

  • Social issues

Researchers and students need to pay a membership to access the resources fully. What’s more, essays are also ranked based on their quality:

  • Satisfactory

123HelpMe Grammar Checker /Editor

Once you select a paper, you can use the editor to check for:

  • Grammar mistakes
  • Writing issues
  • Word suggestion
  • Punctuation, etc

Keep in mind that not all functions of the editor are entirely free . For example, you’d have to upgrade your plan to access the Score and Writing issues tools.

However, many users complain the editor isn’t as efficient as advertised, so you should check your texts in another program just in case.

123HelpMe Plagiarism Checker

Every researcher and academic should avoid plagiarism at all costs to successfully pass exams and publish their work.

This checker allows users to compare their pieces with other texts online and see the score.

Unfortunately, the free version compares the sample against a limited number of sources , so the results are incomplete.

So, if you need to be sure of the originality of your text, you’ll have to upgrade your account or head over to another platform for better results.

How It Works

While researching for our 123helpme review , we found out the site offers diverse essay samples to its users.

That includes narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive pieces. Moreover, it covers every topic someone might need for college classes or academic jobs.

Additionally, 123HelpMe gives access to thesis and dissertations, which can be helpful when obtaining professional qualifications. You’ll be amazed by how many niches exist.

You may also come across reports, research papers, annotated bibliographies , and literature reviews , but these aren’t that common.

However, you shouldn’t take an essay and present it as your own. 123HelpMe reviews note that the available pieces only serve as an inspiration to help you get through the writer’ s block and compose your own.

Unlike some of its competitors, 123HelpMe doesn’t offer direct essay writer’s services . Many users are unsatisfied with the available papers and consider them to provide predominantly general information.

Plus, no one knows what sources used are and whether an industry expert wrote the essays, so the quality remains questionable.

Regarding the delivery methods, the site states you can download the files or use Google Docs , but we haven’t seen this option for integration.

The platform guarantees high-quality service and legit essays, although that’s not always the case.

Quality of the Service

123HelpMe reviews state that the texts tend to be poorly written and packed with errors and plagiarism . Additionally, the grammar checker and the accompanying tools don't seem to do any good in correcting them.

Moreover, as there’s virtually no quality check, and it’s unclear when the papers were written, you should keep an eye out for outdated information .

123HelpMe got plenty of poor reviews over the years and turned out to be one of the least-efficient essay writing services.

The service cost partially justifies the low-quality essays you’ll get.

Nonetheless, the sample texts often don’t meet the expectations and are just walls of text containing unreliable data.

123HelpMe Customer Service

Overall, users don’t complain about the platform’s support. Subscribers can reach out to a representative via the “Contact us” form at the homepage’s footer.

Alternatively, the customer service team responds to TrustPilot reviews and, sometimes, to social media comments.

Finally, you may also reach out via email . The working hours aren’t specified, so you’ll have to remain patient if you face an issue.

123HelpMe Pricing

While some free essays are available on the site, you’d have to upgrade for the whole experience. 

There’s no free trial , but you can pay $7 and test the services for a week.

Subscription fees are automatically renewed at the end of the original term. You’ll have to notify the platform seven days before the following payment cycle if you want to cancel.  

The fees are non-refundable if you terminate your membership.

The pricing plans for 123HelpMe services are as follows:

Special offer

$7 for seven days

With this plan, you’ll get access to grammar and spelling checks, citation assistance, and some plagiarism checks. It’s automatically renewed at $29.95 a month.

$9.95/month for a 12-month subscription

This subscription gives you full access to essays, grammar and spelling checkers, citation assistance, and some plagiarism checks. It’s billed $119.40 a year.

$19.95/month for a three-month subscription

This plan gives you full access to documents, plus all of the above. Renews at $59.85 every three months.


Same as the above. The subscription renews every month until you terminate your membership.

123HelpMe Review — Verdict

123HelpMe is a good choice for people looking for inspiration when they get stuck writing their academic papers. The site offers about 400,000 essays on any topic you could think of.

The pricing plans are also affordable, plus you get the first seven days for only $7 to test out the platform.

There are also free grammar and plagiarism checkers, but these aren’t that functional .

Additionally, 123HelpMe doesn’t state whether the essay writer had the necessary qualifications.

Overall, the texts are often unsatisfactory and contain unreliable data.

Bobby Chernev

Bobby Chernev is a highly accomplished individual with a background in history and political science, holding a PhD in the field. From 2019, he joined the TechJury team at their Bulgarian office, bringing his expertise and meticulous attention to detail to the table till 2021. Bobby made significant contributions to the team by providing exceptional editing services, ensuring that every piece of content published on TechJury was not only factually accurate but also grammatically correct. With his extensive knowledge in historical and political matters, Bobby's keen eye for accuracy and precision played a crucial role in maintaining the high standards of quality that TechJury upholds. His dedication to fact-checking and grammatical excellence ensured that readers received reliable information and a seamless reading experience.

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Reviews 3.8.

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Good, and helpful sources. Thanks for such experience.

Date of experience : December 23, 2022

Reply from 123helpme

Hi Athafa, We appreciate you sharing your experience with 123HelpMe! Thank you for choosing our site for your study needs. 123HelpMe Team

The amount of information that is…Leadership

The amount of information that is available is great.

Date of experience : November 26, 2022

Hi Xavier, Thanks for taking the time to leave this review. We're happy to hear 123HelpMe has been helpful to you! 123HelpMe Team

I want to cancel my prime account but can't

I have cancelled my membership but keeps on wanting to take money from my account

Date of experience : April 02, 2023

Hello James, Please contact our Customer Service team directly via email if you have not done so already, we are happy to take a look at your account. Email: [email protected] Thank you! The 123HelpMe Team

I write my own papers but this helps when analysing them

Date of experience : February 22, 2022

Hi Melanie, We're glad you found our site to be helpful in your writing process! Thanks for choosing 123HelpMe!

Terrific Resource

This is a great tool for anyone becoming newly acquainted with academic writing.

Date of experience : May 23, 2022

Hi Patsy, Thanks for your great review! We appreciate you choosing 123HelpMe for your writing needs!

great is everything overall doing a great job i enjoy it

Date of experience : May 14, 2022

Hi Edita, We appreciate your fantastic review! Thanks for choosing 123HelpMe!

This has been very helpful and…

This has been very helpful and convenient

Date of experience : December 06, 2022

Hi Franz! Thanks for your great review! We appreciate you choosing 123HelpMe for your research needs. 🙌 123HelpMe Team

Amazing help

I used a lot this website Important essays

Date of experience : May 21, 2022

Hi Rania, We're so glad you found our essays to be helpful! Thanks for choosing 123HelpMe!

The subscription structure for this company is a scam- just look at their social media and you'll see loads of comments about subscriptions being renewed and no contact from customer services. I signed up for a subscription last year and, even though I absolutely cancelled my subscription within the time frame, I had no response at all from customer services and money was taken from my account for five months. I only received a reply from the company when I threatened to contact ActionFraud, at which point they did cancel the subscription, but claimed they hadn't received any past emails and refused to give a refund for over £200 that had been taken out my account without consent. I replied to customer services twice with screenshots proving I had sent emails within the required time, and predictably received no response. Even ignoring the fact its a scam and there's no way to cancel a subscription other than via email, the essays are appalling quality, plagiarised, badly referenced (if at all) and largely do not appear to have been written by fluent English speakers. Avoid!

Date of experience : August 16, 2022

Hi Cara, We reviewed our records and found only one Customer Service request from you exactly one year ago. All submitted Customer Service tickets receive an automated confirmation email and assigned interaction number (ex. #424470). Our records indicate you canceled your 123HelpMe subscription plan from within your account and not via email. We appreciate your feedback regarding the content in our essay database and are working to provide fresh new content. All essays found in our database are contributed by students and subscribers like yourself. If you have any additional questions about your 123HelpMe subscription account, please feel free to email our Customer Support team at (email: [email protected]) or use the Contact Form linked at the bottom of our website page. Thank you!

Gave highlights to subjects I'm…

Gave highlights to subjects I'm interested in

Date of experience : January 08, 2023

Hi Brigid, Thank you for your detailed review! We're glad to hear you're finding 123HelpMe helpful. 123HelpMe Team

good experience

I have gotten a lot of great ideas and ways to go with my papers

Date of experience : October 10, 2022

Hi Kristine, Thanks for sharing your experience! We're happy to hear 123HelpMe has been helpful in your writing process! 123HelpMe Team

great experience for me

I have great help from this essay I am working on.

Date of experience : February 25, 2023

Hello Beverly, We appreciate you sharing your experience. Happy writing! The 123HelpMe Team

this was very very helpful as we had no idea what to do

Date of experience : April 27, 2022

Hi Julie, We're so happy to hear 123HelpMe was able to provide you with writing inspiration. Happy writing! Thanks so much, The 123HelpMe Team

I have found this help me app to very…

I have found this help me app to very good it has opened my eyes to alot of ideas

Date of experience : October 07, 2022

Hi Opal, Thanks for your review! We're excited to hear 123HelpMe has been helpful for your researching needs. 123HelpMe Team

Experience has been great

Experience has been great. Easy access and quality papers.

Date of experience : August 08, 2022

Hello Reginald, Thank you so much for your feedback. We are glad that 123HelpMe has been helpful to you!

good examples for essays whit citations

Date of experience : May 07, 2022

Hi Olga, Thanks so much for your review! Happy writing!

need the regular free trial price

Date of experience : November 10, 2022

HI Amari, Thanks for your 5-star review, we appreciate you choosing 123HelpMe for your research needs! 123HelpMe Team

Nice app. Very helpful and insightful.

Date of experience : April 15, 2022

Hi Gabreale, Thanks for your review! We're happy to hear you found our site helpful! 123HelpMe Team

Useful but hard to cancel

This site can be useful for essay ideas, their example essays are a good way to see how other students have used similar material and I like to see how they organize it so I can make my own essays more coherent. Obviously don’t copy these essays as your own, they’re available online and easy to check for plagiarism. I can’t say anything about the essay checker and it’s effectiveness since I didn’t use it BUT I am kind of suspicious of it and think they may use essays they have checked as example essays, which you may not want because some honor codes prohibit publication of your work for others to use. Lastly, in order to cancel you can’t do so on their site; you must contact support to cancel. Support usually takes a day or so to reply. I didn’t realize I couldn’t cancel on the site, so when I requested cancelation via support request on the last day of my trial (but before the renewal period) they responded to me the next day. They said that their subscription is non-refundable but they did a “one time courtesy” and canceled the pending charge and subscription. I think that’s kind of predatory of them since there is no way to instantly cancel and I emailed them prior to my trial ending. The refund should not have been a courtesy but an expectation since I made it clear prior to renewal that I didn’t want to be charged further. If they don’t want to process refunds due to that delay, they need to make cancelation via subscriber account on the website an option, with no request involved. They could also offer a “hold” or “skip month” option in your account so you could pause your membership for any reason, including while you wait for them to get back to you about canceling. Plenty of other sites do this, hassle free cancellations make me more likely to return later. At this time even if I thought 123helpme would be helpful in the future, I wouldn’t use it for fear of them not canceling in time & choosing not to refund the charge. If someone emails or puts in a support request any time before the trial period ends, a cancelation and refund shouldn’t be questionable or a courtesy. It should be made abundantly clear that cancelation requires a support request 1-2 days prior to the trial end date… I believe it says you can cancel but doesn’t say how hard it can be. TLDR: the example essays can be useful as a starting point in your own writing, I didn’t use the writing tool but they may be publishing essays that use it, and their cancelation process is a hassle and not in the consumers favor. I would honestly give 4 stars if they changed their cancelation process.

Date of experience : October 18, 2021

Hello Olivia, Thank you for your detailed and informed review! Please note that we will always honor cancellations retroactively for the date and time they were received. Users are also provided the option to cancel their subscriptions themselves by visiting the Account Settings page within their profile and scrolling down to the 'Cancel Membership' link. If you require any further assistance with your trial subscription, we are happy to help! Please feel free to write to us via your existing Support Ticket as needed. Thank you!

Useful ,very good and most simplified english

Date of experience : March 10, 2022

Hello Nozipho, Great to hear that. Thank you for sharing your experience with 123helpme!

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Unsolicited - verified purchase.

123helpme.org has a rating of 4.8 stars from 108 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with 123helpme.org most frequently mention high quality, and research paper. 123helpme.org ranks 63rd among Essay Writing sites.

“It is the best writing company!”

I am a first year student and my friends told me about this writing company and about the fact the skilled writers are working there. My friends were right! I was pleasantly shocked with the quality and time the writers completed my order. It is the best writing company! I received the highest mark in university.

“Written at a high school level”

Importance of Professionalism in Medical Office Repetitive. Elementary. Disappointing. Not worth $7. If it is indicative of the site, I won't ever use them again. I guess if enough people invest $7 one time, they can keep their business afloat.

Reviews (108)

Reviews that mention popular keywords

Thumbnail of user ameliac197

From the business

123HelpMe.org 100% ORIGINAL paper writing service that is always available to help solve your academic problems. We have a team of great advanced writers to craft original papers at reasonable prices, nice discounts and 24/7 support.

  • Visit Website
  • Essay Writing , Homework
  • Weston, Florida, United States
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Company Representative

Thumbnail of user andyh142

123 Help Me Review: Is This Paid Sample Database Any Good?

Summary: Although 123HelpMe is a paid service, it’s not a traditional writing agency – it’s just a database of unoriginal paper samples. If you want to avoid plagiarism, 123HelpMe.com is not the way to go. The general idea is to use their samples to get inspired. However, the samples’ quality and selected topics leave much to be desired.

If you experience difficulties trying to write an original paper, it might be quite helpful to read a good already-written work on the same or similar topic. But to find a helpful paper sample, you need to know exactly where to look for it. Today we share the review of 123helpme.com – one of many online sample databases.

So, what is this service, and do you need it? Is 123HelpMe free or paid? What benefits and features does the service offer? To find answers to these questions, you don’t need to skim dozens of anonymous 123helpme com reviews – just read this one.

123helpme review

123helpme Reviews and Online Reputation

For starters, let’s check out the service’s current online reputation. The thing is, most of the existing 123HelpMe full-text reviews are extremely positive. For one thing, apart from samples, www.123helpme.com also offers custom writing assistance – and the lion’s share of feedback relates to this very aspect. For another thing, these reviews look fake as it seems their sole purpose is to promote the company’s paid services. Instead, real user testimonials on platforms like Reddit, Trustpilot, or Sitejabber draw quite a different picture and tell about dishonest practices and misleading advertising. So, if you wonder is 123HelpMe reliable enough, the answer might not be straightforward.

123helpme.com Essays Services and Features

If you search for a useful academic paper example, sites like 123HelpMe are exactly what you need. You can understand that 123helpme.com is not a standard site with essay writing services at first glance. It doesn’t have a standard order form or customer support chat where you can order a persuasive essay or a business case study crafted for you from scratch by an expert writer. Instead, you are offered access to pre-written academic papers meant for you to use for inspirational and educational purposes.

Website visitors might think that this is an open-access database and be impressed by the 123HelpMe free essays number – the service claims they offer 400.000 samples of essays, research papers, and other academic works. At this point, it might look like this database is a great source of essay ideas, topics, best writing practices, and content structuring examples.

On top of sample papers, they have the “Writing Help” section with several useful features like a blog with writing tips, citation generator, grammar checker (supposedly, it can also detect plagiarism issues), etc.

123helpme writing tools

Things are going so well, and that leads us to the question…

Is 123HelpMe Free Essay Database REALLY Free?

Once you open the sample you like, you’ll be prompted that without the 123HelpMe login, you can only see a small part of the piece. And that’s when the time comes to ask yourself a question – how to get the full version of the paper? Well, de facto 123 HelpMe is not a completely free service, and this is the main sticking point. The need to buy a subscription becomes obvious only when you try to view a full sample. Moreover, even with a subscription, samples are not downloadable. You didn’t expect that, right?

The price for a subscription seems reasonable (more on that – in the next chapter), even with no sign of any additional or welcome discount code.

123helpme.com prices

123HelpMe Account and Membership Options

Once you create an account, you are offered multiple payment options for a premium membership. As you already understood, this is the only way to use the services of the site – they don’t have a single free paper sample, so you have to pay for the account.

While there are several membership options to choose from, a subscription isn’t cheap. Just check out pricing:

  • a week for $7;
  • a month for $29.95;
  • 3 months for $59.85;
  • a year for $119.40.

As you can see, in the long-term plans, the monthly subscription cost decreases from $29.95 to $9.95. Be careful when choosing any plan. Your fees will be charged automatically, so find out in advance how to cancel 123HelpMe subscription.

Is 123HelpMe Safe?

Is 123helpme legit or another scam? Well, the answer depends on what you are counting on. If you just want to read a few essays on a similar topic to cope with some writing difficulties, then 123helpme.com is completely legit. If you just want to download the written paper and submit it as your own, hoping that it would pass the Turnitin check, then this service isn’t a safe option. Hence, the answer to the question “Is 123helpme plagiarism proof?” is a straightforward “No!”

123helpme essay database

Overall Rating

The basic idea of the service is okay: collect many paper samples in one place and let students use them as writing models. However, the implementation is obviously lame. The website’s usability is awful; even signing up and paying for a subscription is counter-intuitive. If you just need to hit the high spots, check out titles for inspiration or topic ideas, 123HelpMe, might be worth using. But more practical use of the service would hardly bring you satisfaction.


  • Best Essay Writing Services

123helpme review

Short overview

To truly understand what this service is all about, customers should read this comprehensive 123HelpMe review. Today I will discuss what services they offer and how customers can avail them. After this, I follow it up with my own and other customers’ experiences. 123HelpMe is a vast writing database with samples of essays, research papers, and other academic writings that students can download and use for their own academic needs at school or college. This online library allows students looking for professional coursework help to search and find whatever essay or paper they want. We tried the website's services before writing our review and cleared a few things regarding their work. The website seems to be legit but there is no way to assess the quality of an individual writer's skill since anyone can upload papers here. There is no way of telling if the papers are original or plagiarized. 123HelpMe offers no custom writing, editing, or proofreading services. All one has to do is register on their website and download the essays of their choice after paying a fee. The quality of their essays is not consistent. Some of their essays are good and some are very unimpressive. It is also extremely difficult to get a response from the customer support team, and refunds are seldom approved. As exciting as the prospect of having an unlimited number of essays to choose from is, the fact that none of them are verified to be original is worrying. To summarize and to answer the question 'Is 123HelpMe good', our response would be no. We don't recommend this service to students.

  • A wide variety of topics to choose from
  • Website is easy to navigate and use
  • Useful free services like plagiarism check and style guides are available
  • Payment options are not specified
  • Customer service isn’t as prompt as advertised
  • Quality of writing is inconsistent

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Overview of 123HelpMe Website

College students have a lot of things to worry about such as filling out applications, writing college essays, finding the best personal statement editor services, and more. Being able to use a website like 123HelpMe would be a great help to students during such a stressful time.

In our 123HelpMe.com review, we have gone over a variety of criteria used by reviewers to judge a website and its services. Some of the things we are yet to talk about are the website and the navigation on it, user experience, and site usability.

The website is well-designed. At first glance, a customer would want to scroll and check out the services further. The navigation is also quite helpful as they have important headings on the very top banner of the page along with a search bar. Customers can also navigate to the home page easily by tapping the logo in the top left corner.

123HelpMe website

The home page starts with sample essays on a variety of topics and then comes a list of the different essay topic categories the website offers. You can then scroll down to read 123HelpMe reviews by customers that can help you determine whether you want to go with the service or not. Overall, they have a solid homepage and website that enriches the customer experience.

Apart from these listed advantages, their website also helps guide customers to their social media profiles as well as a contact page in case of any dissatisfaction. 123HelpMe is trying to build a website that shows customers that they can trust their services. In its few years in the writing services market, the website has done fairly well when compared with other essay companies .

To those customers wondering ‘Is 123HelpMe reliable’, I say yes, to an extent. The website has garnered a decent amount of students looking for academic help in writing and has truthfully attempted to do so as well as it can. However, it needs some major improvements in areas like verification and essay plagiarism checking to make sure that customers get the best services.

Types of Services Offered by 123HelpMe

123HelpMe offers a variety of essays, research papers, and other academic writings for students at a base cost. These sample essays are pre-written and will not be edited or customized for each user. All you have to do is visit 123HelpMe.com, log in or create a new account, look for your topic and download an essay you like after making your payment.

Apart from the broad categories available on the site, you may find essays in topics like science, business, humanities, literature, or social issues. There are a variety of subtopics you can choose from for whatever assignment you have to submit. There is also a useful Writing Help section on the website where you can avail free plagiarism test services, grammar checking services, and more.

You can find an analysis of a random essay sample from this website below.

Title: College - Is It Worth it?

Length: 3 pages

Analysis: Here is an example of a sample essay in which we are writing a review of 123HelpMe. The topic is 'College - Is It Worth it?' - an important question that every high-school graduate has asked themselves. The 1200-word essay starts with an introduction to why there are people on both sides of the argument and a detailed dive into the reasons for this.

The grammar of the anonymous writer was quite good, and they seem to have a good grasp of the English language. They also understand the importance of clarity and precision for the given topic and stick to them throughout the essay. Their writing is simple, with very few mistakes, and no plagiarism. This is a well-written essay with factual arguments and persuasive language. However, reviews of 123HelpMe say that there can be improvements in the sentence structure and overall readability of the essays.

Quality: Good

123HelpMe sample

123HelpMe Review of Offered Guarantees

123HelpMe claims to offer a few guarantees for customers of the website’s services. They are:

  • Refund Policy in case of dissatisfaction
  • 100% Confidentiality of Personal Information
  • Maximum Customer Satisfaction
  • No Hidden Charges
  • 100% Original Content
  • Timely Delivery

Most of the time, the company doesn’t provide refunds. In very extreme scenarios, customer support discusses the possibility of a refund with the company manager independently and the amount of refund is determined based on that.

As for the other guarantees, www.123helpme.com reviews say that not all of them are followed by the company. Customer support is seldom provided on time and there is no guarantee of the writers being Native English speakers since most of the time they are unknown. Content originality can not be guaranteed either because of the same reason.

Customer Support at 123HelpMe

Customer service has always been a challenging area for websites in this particular market. Most online dissertation editing service companies promise 24/7 support, but often fail to respond when clients have urgent queries. Let’s take a look at 123HelpMe support.

Unlike most writing help websites, 123HelpMe doesn’t have an interactive chatbot. Instead, they have a ‘Contact’ section which leads to a form that customers can fill out. In this form, you would have to enter your email address, your name, your subject, and your message. There is no guarantee as to when you will get a response, or if you ever will.

123HelpMe customer support

123 Help Me reviews as well as our personal experience using their website tell us that customers are not going to receive support on time because there is no interactive chatbot or email that customers can contact in case of any queries.

My Experience and Essay Quality

123HelpMe says that it wishes to give you a solution for your academic writing needs within seconds. While that is an exaggeration, it is not very far-fetched. It does take you only a few minutes of searching to find an essay of your choice at a rate of $2 for access.

Same as other people who wrote 123HelpMe reviews, I found my essay quite mediocre and with a few grammatical errors. My personal experience while using 123HelpMe gave me an overall understanding of their essay quality. My topic was ‘The Best Fruits to Enjoy in Summer’ and I found a 1000-word essay on it. It required some basic improvements but seemed to be free of plagiarism.

HelpMe my experience

To wrap up, I think 123HelpMe is a decent choice for students looking for professional coursework help who need last-minute assignments to submit. However, do keep in mind that you will not be getting customized writing and will more or less have to add more content to personalize your essay. If your topic is too specific or belongs to a particular niche, you’ll probably have to do some research of your own.

123 Help Me Reviews of Their Ordering Process

There is no specific ordering process at 123HelpMe, since it’s a library of essays and papers. All you have to do is visit the website, check out the various samples as well as essay topics, select the one you like, log in or register with your details, and pay for full access to the essay. This process is quite straightforward and doesn’t take more than 15 minutes.

123HelpMe ordering process

Pricing and Discounts at 123HelpMe

There is a detailed 123HelpMe review by customers that talks about the pricing and discounts offered on the website. Unlike its custom writing counterparts, 123HelpMe offers a two-day trial to new customers and charges them only $2 for full access to a paper. They also have limited-time offers that allow customers to access multiple essays for just $2.

123HelpMe pricing

There is no pricing page for essays overall but there is independent pricing for each essay. There are also no promo codes except for the limited-time trial option mentioned above. The pricing is very affordable to students who are low on cash. However, the website does deceive customers who don’t pay attention, as they state that they offer “free” essays on their home page, which is false. Customers also have to cancel their two-day trial manually, or else they will be charged in full.

123HelpMe Writers’ Proficiency

123helpme reviews suggest that there is a wide contrast between the quality of essays on the website. Some essays are very well-written with good research and grammar, while others are very basic with not much effort put into them. The website also doesn’t have control over who gets to upload articles, which makes it easier for unskilled writers to try and make a quick buck with disregard for the quality of content they are producing.

123HelpMe writers proficiency

My essay was written by someone with satisfactory English language writing skills as well as decent research skills but they weren’t able to make my essay very engaging. Despite the casual topic, it felt like a heavy and boring read. Customers looking for essays cannot choose a writer and will have to go with whatever material is provided.

23HelpMe Review of Revision Policy

There’s no revision policy at 123HelpMe as they don’t sell writing services. You can buy pre-written papers on this website.

Offers and Extra Services at 123HelpMe

123HelpMe offers a two-day trial period when customers can access an unlimited number of essays for $2, but this is a limited-time offer that isn’t always applicable. Other than this, they have a bunch of free plagiarism test services as well as grammar checks.

Online Reputation

While most 123 Help Me reviews mention that their website provides decent essays at affordable rates, some more specific reviews talk about the few underwhelming aspects of the service. Customers question the authenticity and originality of some essays and wonder how they can verify them. Plagiarism remains a major concern for most of these students. The company doesn’t seem to respond to any of the reviews, positive or negative.

123HelpMe trustpilot

There are 89 mostly positive reviews about 123HelpMe on Trustpilot, while an overall company rating is 4.1. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any reviews about this service of Sitejabber.

Social Media

123HelpMe has a Facebook page, Instagram page, as well as a Twitter profile where they post memes as well as advertise their essays. They stay updated on modern social media trends and create content that engages their followers on all three platforms.

Is 123HelpMe legit?

Yes. 123HelpMe is a legitimate essay platform that offers a variety of pre-written papers for students looking for last-minute solutions for their assignments.

Is 123HelpMe safe?

Yes. 123HelpMe is a safe service offering 100% confidentiality and protected payment methods to customers.

Is 123HelpMe reliable?

Yes. 123HelpMe provides customers with their essays on time and is a very reliable service.

Is 123HelpMe a scam?

No. Although the website and its services can be improved, 123HelpMe is not a scam and is a completely secure service for students to use.

Additional Features

Payment methods, simon kenzie.

cant' believe what a scam of a service this is. My paper was due 3 hours ago and i still havent got it

what you guess did was unprofessional. cooking up answers that didn’t even tally with the question isn't cool at all. next time just tell me you're not upto the task so i can look for someone who is

Ritik Arnold

They help then they disappoint

The customer support team was unresponsive and unhelpful when I raised concerns about the poor quality of the essay I received. They seemed more concerned with deflecting blame than addressing my concerns.

I have used this service for several assignments and the quality has always satisfied me, but I wouldn't say their prices are low compared to some other services.

The essay was not terrible, but it was not outstanding either.

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123HelpMe Review 2024: Our Unbiased Take on the Essay Samples Provider

123helpme com essay

  • Our Experts’ Verdict
  • Our Experience
  • Customer Support
  • Prices & discounts
  • Ordering Process
  • Plagiarism Policy
  • Pros & Cons

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the 123helpme.com reviews say.

123HelpMe is a service rated 3.5 stars based on 108 comments on review sites, which indicates that most customers are not satisfied. Users cite challenging communication with customer support and poor quality of work. 123HelpMe is ranked 38th among essay writing sites, with a score of 3.5 out of 5.0 in our research.

Does it mean that the service offers the best writers possible? No. You see, there are no writers that you can hire at 123HelpMe. Instead of hiring an author to craft your essay from scratch, you get to access a large database of essay samples. The platform also offers a writing tool, which is nothing like an AI essay writer.

So, let’s check out whether a website like that is far better than standard writing services.

123HelpMe: Overview of the Service

One thing missing from the 123 Help Me reviews that we analyzed is any mentions of how confusing the website is. It’s extremely difficult to figure out what’s what there.

You’re welcomed with the statement that with the help of the essay samples and a writing tool, writing your paper from start to finish is easy, like one, two, three. If you scroll down, you’ll find the disciplines that essay samples cover. And there, you can find anything, from economics and religion to psychology and the Internet. But if you want to find any information on the prices or how it all works, you’re completely lost.

Okay, scrolling down. There it is! We can probably find something in the Terms of Service. But things are getting even more confusing there. You get some information about the US e-commerce shops, digital platforms, websites, apps… The 123HelpMe is not even mentioned there. It feels that the Terms of Service were copypasted from somewhere.

However, there’s a mention of Student Brands LLC. Turns out that’s a Los Angeles-based company that owns multiple education-related websites. But you won’t figure that out without extra googling. And yet, there’s no useful information on 123HelpMe or its essays.

123HelpMe: Overview of the Service

Our Thorough Analysis of the 123HelpMe Service

Now, let’s figure out what the service is all about. The FAQ section contains a question on whether 123HelpMe is a resource for lazy cheaters. The service claims it’s not, and we have to agree with that. What makes the service stand out is the fact that you don’t just place an order and have it done by a writer. Instead, you can use the extensive library of essay samples or the writing tool to compose it on your own.

The testimonials on the site make everything clear. They praise the speed of the writing tool or the sample that helped them find a proper word for one of their papers. Sounds quite good. But when you check a random 123HelpMe essay review elsewhere, you get a different picture. The writing tool complicates the work, and the essay samples are not as useful as they seem.

We tested the paper writing tool and checked out one of the texts, and we cannot say that we stayed pleased with the results. There are certain problems with both options offered. And it’s not going to be one of our cheap writing service reviews , for that matter. But we’ll talk about it in detail a bit later.

What About 123HelpMe Customer Service?

There are certain websites where the dialogue offering to get in touch with customer support pops up wherever you go. And it pops up so frequently that it verges more on being obnoxious rather than helpful. We must admit that a pop-up like that would’ve been helpful on the 123HelpMe website. Aside from several sections that we clicked on, our investigation quickly turned into wandering through the website.

Finally, we decided to scroll down and click on the “Contact” option. It’s fair to say that we were appalled by the results. We expected the standard two options: email and live chat. But the only option to get in touch with 123HelpMe is to email them. It would’ve been okay if the site provided all the necessary information that a prospective customer might be interested in. But, unfortunately, it’s not the case.

It’s quite difficult to navigate the website. And if you need an essay urgently and want to know something about the conditions, all you’re left with is the confusing Terms of Service. And even when you sign up with the service, you can reach out to the support team only via email.

Working With the 123HelpMe Writers — No Pun Intended

If you read everything mentioned above, you already know there are no writers at 123HelpMe. So, instead, we are going to focus on the sample essay that we purchased and our experience with the writing tool.

You can find 123HelpMe com reviews claiming that the essays are often of poor quality. We took an essay on Erik Larson’s book “The Devil in the White City.” Honestly, we got a bit frustrated with the way the essay was written. The first three sentences are basically three alterations of one sentence. It looked more like an example of how not to write in English than otherwise.

Now, let’s have a look at the AI writing tool. You can upload your essay or type it down and check it for style, plagiarism, and grammar. That’s available only for premium users. Basically, you get standard writing checkers, only collected in one place.

Working With the 123HelpMe Writers

Prices and the Refund Policy at 123HelpMe

Is 123HelpMe free? The short answer is — no. What seems to be free samples for non-subscribers are not full essays, more like abridged versions. To get access to full versions, you need to subscribe. To make things worse, there’s no free trial. However, you may be lucky to get the first week of using the service for just $7. You read it right, that’s $1 per day. Alternatively, you can opt for one of the three plans: monthly, three-month, and annual. They will cost you $29.95 per month, $59.85 per 3 months, or $119.40 per year.

If those conditions seem unacceptable to you, pay attention to the EssayPro promo code and WritePaper promo code . Based on our experience, these platforms can be a great alternative to 123HelpMe.

Now, what about refunds? While the service states that you can cancel anytime, you cannot find any clear information regarding the 123HelpMe refund. The only information that you can find in the puzzling “Terms of Service” is that one-time purchases can be refunded only within ninety days after the purchase.

However, it’s unclear what can be considered a one-time purchase on the subscription-based service. There’s no option to purchase something. All in all, it seems that if you decide to cancel your subscription, you should not expect a refund. And some reviewers complained about being charged even after the cancellation confirmation.

We recommend paying attention to essaypro promo code and writepaper promo code , it will help you save additional money. According to our experience, we can say that these services provide excellent services and will be a good alternative to 123HelpMe.

Prices and the Refund Policy at 123HelpMe

What Can Be Said About Revision Policy

If there are no writers, there are no revisions. 123HelpMe offers essays that you can use as drafts for your own writing. So, if you decide to use the service, you simply use the materials necessary for your paper. Otherwise, you will have to find the materials on your own. Once again, the service claims that it provides materials for research and inspiration. Yet, you should mind that essay samples do not always contain citations, and thus, it’s difficult to figure out what source materials were used for crafting the paper offered to customers.

Still, you can use the writing tool for revising your own essay. You can check if you have any problems with the writing style. Make sure that your paper doesn’t have grammar or punctuation errors. You can even check it for plagiarism. But, come think of it, you can do all that with free plagiarism, grammar, and style checkers.

Thus, the only reason to pay $29.99 or more per month is that you have all these tools in one place. But, to be fair, the price seems a bit high for something you can get for free.

123HelpMe Deadlines

Just like with the revisions, when there are no writers, there are no revisions. So, be sure to check out the database as soon as you get a writing assignment. Fish out the necessary essay sample, check if it contains necessary citations, and use it as inspiration for your own essay. Basically, rewrite it according to your own style. Then, you can utilize the writing tool to check your paper for grammar, punctuation, and plagiarism.

We agree that it doesn’t sound too fun. Given everything mentioned above, simply writing an essay on your own makes just as much, if not more, sense. If you need a paper urgently or want to delegate crafting your essay to someone else, it’s better to opt for a standard paper writing service. There, your paper will be made according to your deadlines, and you can request revisions.

Is 123HelpMe Plagiarism Free?

Is 123HelpMe plagiarism free? That’s a tricky question. You see, on the surface level, everything seems fine. After all, the service offers a plagiarism checker, so you can make sure that your own essay doesn’t contain plagiarism. If you use it to check some of the essay samples on the website, you will find that they are 100% unique. But that’s because you’re checking them on the website’s plag checker. Use any outside check, and it will label the text as 100% plagiarized. And 123HelpMe.com will appear as a source.

Once again, the service offers papers that you can use for inspiration for your own essay. The plagiarism reports from outside checkers clearly show that papers from 123HelpMe cannot be submitted as such. And this information is plainly stated on the website. So, if you need unique papers that can be submitted as they are, you should definitely look elsewhere.

Summing Up the Advantages and Drawbacks of 123HelpMe Academic Helper

The main and sole positive aspect of 123HelpMe is the extensive database of essay samples you can use as examples for your own papers. The writing tool is pointless, as you can find the offered tools for free. All in all, the service seems a bit misleading, as it is useless when you need actual and urgent help with essay writing.

For comparison, read EduBirdie reviews and PaperCoach reviews , where we checked if those are decent services. This way, you will be able to understand the difference and choose the platform that is right for you.

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Is 123HelpMe legit or not?

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We understand that students, both in high school and college, have loads of different subjects on their curriculum that is why we have a team of writers that are experts in different fields. From science, math, Spanish, French, biology, statistics, algebra, finance, accounting, calculus, economics or in any other field, 123 Help Me can help you get your essay done online. Hire someone to do your essay from our team of experts in which you can rely on anytime. We are one of the best websites that help you with your essay, but will offer you our services at an affordable price. Whether it’s for your high school years, college degree or even a doctorate, we will free you from your worries.

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123HelpMe are considered as one of the best essay websites and are acknowledged by a lot of experts because of the knowledge and skills that our team give to their assignments. Plus, because of our vast team of writers, we also assure that we can tackle any subject given at any level in order to give you a better service. Overall, 123HelpMe ensure 100% satisfaction to our customers and money-back guarantee service. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through our customer service or you can just post your assignment and our writers will contact you as soon as possible.

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123HelpMe Review 2024

When it comes to diversifying essay writing services, 123HelpMe is the rare kind of agency that has invented its own approach to assisting students all over the world. This essay writing service hires contractors, or better to say freelancers, to assist in writing assignments for customers by means of creating paper samples. 123HelpMe reviews point that the path chosen by this writing agency has cut the bulk of potential customers. Instead of writing essays from start to finish, they decided to serve the students who are willing to complete the writing assignments by their own hands. ‘Your paperwork – your responsibility’ – this is the call of accountable students and this academic writing service. The service does not have a live system of order procession. Instead, they’ve created a large database of any possible paper you can imagine. They’ve already written the paper you’re trying to crack all day long. What you can do about it? In today’s 123HelpMe review, we analyze what kind of academic assistance this service offers.

123helpme review

The Best Services

The complete list of best platforms is laid



From $12 per page

As a student, I’ve undertaken numerous academic journeys, from deciphering challenging projects to meeting strict deadlines. GradeMiners.com has emerged as my steadfast companion in this academic maze by providing services designed to lessen our academic difficulties. GradeMiners has established itself as a reliable ally in the literary world by providing painstakingly written essays and priceless advice on challenging subjects. Throughout this review, I won’t just answer the evergoing “is GradeMiners legit?” question but will evaluate it on this academic journey.



From $10 per page

At first sight, it may seem to be an average writing service that offers academic writing services and assists learners with challenging assignments. It is so, but the company tries not only to provide a variety of writing services ― it cares about the satisfaction level of its clients, paying attention to the paper quality and timely delivery.



From $13.28 per page

MasterPapers.com is a well-liked writing service offering expert assistance with various work types. Having an impeccable reputation and thousands of regular customers, it could not but draw our attention. Perfect well-tuned workflow, a rich database of writers, crucial guarantees, and top-notch quality service promote the popularity and relevance of the company, encouraging us to craft unbiased MasterPapers reviews.



From $11.93 per page

PayForEssay.net is a trusted essay writing company offering professional academic assistance to many students across the globe. It has a vast network of certified writers on standby, willing to write stellar academic papers at reasonable rates. This extensive PayForEssay review is honest and covers fundamental aspects like services, writers, and company policies.


From $9.00 per page

Educibly.com is an academic portal providing quality writing assistance to needy students. It is famous for its affordable rates and excellent service delivery. The company functions under formal legal requirements to meet the academic needs of students across the globe. But does it match the high standards as the website claims? My honest Educibly review aims to reveal its fine points and clarify whether its customers receive the service they deserve.



From $11 per page

After thoroughly inspecting the HandMadeWriting service, it’s hard to find a single flaw. The orders are completed on time, the quality of the papers is stable and superb, and the company is always happy to hear from their customers.


According to everything we have seen so far, we can definitely recommend the ordering of essays on EssayUSA. Unlike a lot of other writing platforms, this is the service you can rely on. In addition to a personal approach of qualified and experienced writers, students are offered a full range of guarantees and perfectly written papers.



From $14 per page

My SameDayEssay review is not targeted to promote the brand. Instead, it aims to reveal all the pros and cons of cooperating with a well-known writing company. When exploring the preferable service for thousands of learners, I try to be unbiased and investigate the most vulnerable issues of the service work and decisive factors that make users adhere to the company. Now, I will share my SameDayEssay review based on my own experience.


When looking for a reputable writing service, you have certainly come across EduGenie, a high-rated platform that claims to deliver the assignment in the shortest time at reasonable costs. But is this service really worth your trust and resources? Find this out in my personal EduGenie review!



From $10.88 per page

EssayKeeper is a professional writing service providing custom-made essays. Its team of experienced writers guarantees excellent papers for any academic level and topic difficulty. Students can order the essay 24/7 and get their assignments done on time. And there’s no need to worry about work quality as experts proofread and edit your composition.

Website review

123helpme pros and cons.

Misleading information. Based on our careful evaluation, this service is NOT SAFE for students Trusted by real customers and verified by experts, the following service is a better alternative for secure writing assistance of great quality: HandmadeWriting

123HelpMe’s Design and Interface: How Convenient is it?

Essay writers and quality of final papers, what kind of services 123helpme offers in 2024, payment methods: how to pay for 123helpme services, service price range: essay examples for every taste and pocket, 123helpme’s paper delivery and deadlines, revisions and refunds: does 123helpme hold quality mark, customer support for subscribed buyers.

123HelpMe has ordinary, even simplistic UI/UX interface. On the main screen, you’ll encounter the navigation bar with essay search widget, logo, and the tab that leads to the account page. Then, there is the standard banner that displays the brand mission of 123HelpMe.


The service is proud of the paper database that they’ve accumulated during the years of operation. Basically, the service can be compared to “everything of essays” as the quantity of disciplines which they’ve offered papers to take glance at is impressive. They have clear navigation that points to certain essay areas on the website.


In case you’re not sure whether the paper you wrote complies with the standard of the education facility where it’ll be checked, the service offers extra services that help to get a better grade.


The question “Is 123HelpMe legit?” makes up the frequent question that people google about this essay writing service. The thing is, it’s pretty much legit unless you’re not copying and pasting the works that they display to many other students who’ve paid for the subscription. The service implies that you should only borrow inspiration or general ideas about how the essay you’re looking for should be written.  The service creates writing samples according to all accepted academic standards that currently exist in American colleges and universities. Copying and pasting is the story of order-wait-result essay services that use the help of freelancer pool. 123HelpMe used that help once to create the astounding and polished paper examples you should pay attention to represent similar quality in your writing. 

Seeking a service that ensures your papers are of exceptional quality? Look no further than our comprehensive GradeMiners review , where you’ll discover a platform that consistently delivers high-caliber academic papers.

The service focuses on the ready-to-read essays that are stored in the immense database. Students who ask whether 123HelpMe scam threat is real should keep in mind that the content creation for this service has taken several years and still goes on with new entries being added almost every day. If you’re an inspiration seeker who doesn’t know how to write an essay at all or just wants to have a tip on writing, then 123HelpMe is the safe haven to drop an anchor. In fact, the range of disciplines and types of essays that you could find here is impressive:

  • Essays. The service bundles all kinds of essay examples. They have narrative essays that describe amazing stories about real-life experiences. Descriptive essays are like painting a picture of the subject that you’re going to talk about. And yes, they also have plenty of them. Expository and persuasive essays are also present in the stock of 123HelpMe. Generally, when it comes to essays, this essay writing service has taken care of every topic you’re going to encounter during college or university. 
  • Thesis and Dissertations. If you’re up to getting an academic degree or professional qualification, then you’ll stumble upon this kind of paperwork. Hopefully, 123HelpMe has included it to have a general idea how it should look, which structure should be there, and how to conduct your own research on the investigated topic.
  • Reports, research papers, annotated bibliographies, and literature reviews. These aren’t the most common types of student papers compared to essays and dissertations. However, 123HelpMe is the library of everything when it comes to academic samples, so you’re going to get access to that kind of content after subscription.

According to the official statement made by 123helpme, the company doesn’t have the actively operating staff of writers. No one knows when, where, and by whom the works were written. The core mission of this essay writing service is to perform the research around the web instead of you having to create papers. We guess this is why 123helpme rating keeps above-average for the years of presence on the essay market. They do not promise anything extraordinary in terms of quality, deadlines, and after-completion support like the  best essay writing services  usually do. You can ask ‘is 123helpme reliable and fraud-free’ a thousand times, but you won’t find the answer, at least until you believe the promises the service makes in their terms and policy section.

In 123HelpMe, all modern payment methods are accepted. To see the available payment options, you have to enter your account and hit the subscription plan you like. Then, you’ll see the transaction page.


The whole payment process is simple. Is 123 reliable in terms of transactions? Definitely it is, because the service uses 256-bit encryption for all upcoming transactions. The following data is needed to pay for the subscription:

  • Enter your name and surname
  • Add the correct credit card number
  • Alternatively, you can use PayPal
  • Expiration date and security code (CVC)
  • Check mark on the above conditions and the Terms of Service

After the transaction, you’ll get the access to the database of essays in its full version. Before that, you can only see the samples from the main page.

From the payment perspective, you shouldn’t be worried about the question ‘is 123helpme legal?’. The price subscription net of 123HelpMe is transparent and doesn’t have obvious pitfalls. 123HelpMe prices range from $7 to $29,95. Why does such difference exist? The more long-term your subscription is, the less money you pay in a month.


  • $7 per a week of full access to the service database.
  • $9.95 a month if prepaid for the 1 year subscription.
  • $19.95 for 3 months if prepaid once.
  • $29.95 for 1 month (billed once every 30 days). 

As you can see, 123HelpMe wants you to stimulate long-term cooperation. The longer the subscription period is, the lower the price is. If you want a weekly subscription, the option with $7 a week seems a sweet spot. However, if you decide to take a 12-month access, it will cost you $119.40 in total despite 60% off on the monthly basis, so keep that in mind. 

You’re knocking on the door of a not-that-traditional essay writing agency. The general idea of 123HelpMe is to use the access to all types of essays for inspiration and guidelines. Paid membership occurs once and you’re getting an infinite number of search queries and document openings. The samples help to get the right direction for writing an essay the professor assigned you with a very sharp deadline. We can recommend 123HelpMe as the knowledge database. If you want someone to get their hands dirty to write your paperwork, choose another service – 123HelpMe must be used for consulting, not direct essay-solving. 

Many students who discover the service ask ‘is 123helpme fake?’, and there are all reasons to assume that. You cannot discover the origin of the essays and the expertise of the person who created them. So, the essay in medical field or chemistry written by a freelancer from India obviously cannot offer a sufficient level of content quality. Yet, the correct academic structure will be found in most of the samples – this is what 123HelpMe is all about. The service does not provide any revisions for the papers on demand. You can try contact the support team if you see that an essay is not written according to the standards for this or that type of writing, but most of the time you won’t be so enthusiastic. Refunds for the cancelation of subscription are also not evidently stated. If you’ve paid for a monthly subscription, you could cancel it for the next month. To check whether partial refunds for cancelling somewhere in the middle of a month are possible, contact the support team. 

To contact the support, you should find the Contacts tab in the footer section. When you press the link, you’re going to see the contact form:


You’ll have to leave your name and the subject of the support request. Also, write a brief message that describes your problem. This is the only way you can contact the support, there’s no other one.  Support processes the requests linked to transactions, management of subscriptions, and miscellaneous remarks of the quality of the essays. 

Content quality is not the feature you should wait for from 123HelpMe. Their essays are generic, not much of the creativity will be included. However, if you’re looking for the advice on how the final draft should look like, then choose 123HelpMe. They’ve shown the right direction to thousands of students who were lost in finding the right essay creation strategy. 

What is 123HelpMe?

123HelpMe is the academic writing platform where thousands of college and university sample assignments are stored in a single place. 

Is 123HelpMe legit?

123HelpMe has not been accused of direct fraud. All of their essays are authentic and created on specific demand. They also have transparent payment policies. 

How much does 123HelpMe cost?

The fees for membership are the following:

  • $7 per a week of full access.
  • $9.95 a month for the 1 year subscription.
  • $19.95 for 3 months.
  • $29.95 for 1 month.

Is 123HelpMe scam?

It depends on what you’re looking for. If you seek verified, authentic content, then it’s impossible to say for sure. If you look for essay inspiration and guidance, then no, 123HelpMe is not a scam.

Is 123HelpMe safe?

123HelpMe hasn’t received complaints about security of any data customers give to them, especially the financial details. 

Is 123HelpMe plagiarism-free?

Their papers seem to be plag-free. However, during the years they’ve been operating on the market, subscribers possibly stole content from them in one way or another. 

Are there 123HelpMe discounts?

They do not offer a direct discount system. Yet, the more months you cover during the subscription, the less is the price for a month.

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123HelpMe Review 2024

John Milovich


123HelpMe is rated 1.24 by ScamFighter and is not on our TOP Writing Services

Table of contents

Executive summary.


I came to 123helpme service searching for information on kibin.com and coursehero.com. From the first sight, they seem to be very similar service except for one crucial thing. Is 123helpme safe? The lack of accessible contact information on 123 Helpme indeed raises eyebrows. Their services appeal to a diverse set of individuals, with some users appreciating their automated grading tool, which closely resembles the Grammarly online checker. In contrast, others are intrigued by the extensive essay sample database. The latter is a veritable treasure trove, boasting an impressive collection of over 400,000 samples encompassing various academic writing styles - essays, term papers, coursework, and more. Reflecting on my academic years, if I were a student now, I would give 123helpme.com a try at least once. However, it's critical to delve into a thorough 123helpme.com review before making any commitments. One must know that the extensive, enticing database isn't freely accessible. The majority of essay examples require a paid prescription. Also, it's important to note that the papers are primarily intended for paraphrasing rather than direct submission. Moreover, securing a 123helpme free essay code might be enticing, but one should consider the associated challenges. Canceling the subscription can be troublesome if you've already signed up. Another question, is 123helpme plagiarism? Yes, it is. Turnitin checks online sources and if you copy from there, you will get zero. See the full review to decide if 123helpme is a scam or a decent service.

Service Review

So what is 123helpme, and what can this company offer you? Well, it is not a typical writing service but a platform that provides paid access to essay samples. But is 123helpme legit? The origins of 123helpme date back to 2003, although the identity of the site's owner or operator remains somewhat shrouded in mystery. The core aim of the platform is to supply students with a rich array of essay samples, serving as an invaluable reference or guide in crafting their academic pieces.

The platform prides itself on an impressive repertoire of over 1.5 million essay samples encompassing various categories, including but not limited to argumentative, persuasive, and expository essays. The availability of a 123helpme invite code may attract students seeking assistance with their writing tasks.

Yet, skepticism towards the site's offerings is warranted. Throughout my experience, I've learned to approach such services with a degree of caution. The fact that you have to pay for almost every sample, with no guarantee that the full essay won't be composed by a non-native high school student, seems questionable.

When exploring the 123helpme essays, it's crucial to tread carefully and thoroughly assess all available information. As users, we must ensure we don't compromise the quality of our academic work or find ourselves in risky situations due to a lack of necessary precautions. 123helpme reviews are not good though. The glaring absence of a valid email or phone number further amplifies these apprehensions. Engaging with a platform like 123helpme, with little to no guarantees, indeed appears precarious.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Large sample essay database
  • Good prices. Monthly subscription
  • Online grammar check
  • Almost all papers are prepaid
  • Hard to cancel a subscription
  • No actual quality guarantees
  • No contacts

123helpme Essays: Testimonials

123helpme.com has a mixed online reputation, with many customers expressing concerns about the quality of the essays and the customer service provided by the company. According to SiteJabber and TrustPilot reviews, many students have reported that the essays they downloaded from the site were of poor quality, with many containing errors and lacking proper citations. As you can see, mixed 123helpme reviews indicate that not all students are happy with this company.

123helpme Trustpilot reviews

Along with the concerns above, a significant proportion of 123helpme's clientele has expressed dissatisfaction with the company's customer service. Their disappointments revolve around reported difficulties establishing effective communication with the support team, leading to long, draining wait times and unproductive responses.

These reported issues potentially make a process like getting a 123helpme refund procedure seems daunting, adding to the apprehensions one might have about the service. Moreover, the website design has also drawn criticism. Users have reported it to be rather challenging to navigate, leaving them grappling with locating the appropriate essay samples that cater to their needs.

The platform's interface seems to lack user-friendliness, creating hurdles in effectively utilizing the services it promises. It can turn the otherwise useful process of locating and accessing essays into a tedious and frustrating task.

In essence, while 123helpme may offer a large database of essay samples, the practicality of its services is marred by potential customer service issues and an unwieldy website design, impacting the overall user experience. However, don't expect to find even one honest 123helpme reddit review. These guys are not interested in the truth! Every 123helpme review on this site looks like a fake.

123helpme.com Review: Assurances

When exploring the subject of guarantees, it's important to note that 123helpme.com does not make any assurances regarding the quality of the essays available for download on their platform. This point is particularly significant given that once a user commits to a purchase for accessing an essay, there are no provisions for a refund, even if the user finds the sample's quality subpar. This absence of reliable refund policies and quality guarantees could raise concerns among students, who may rely heavily on these samples to structure and shape their academic work.

This policy, or lack thereof, could be one of the reasons why HelpMe has garnered some negative reviews. These 123 Help Me reviews are genuine expressions of user experience, as the company seems to have adopted an approach that many may view as unfair right from the outset.

When delving into a 123helpme essay review, it's essential to consider these factors. While the platform may offer access to a vast library of essay samples, the lack of quality guarantees and refund options can cast a shadow over the service's overall credibility. It should prompt potential users to exercise caution and thoroughly investigate the platform's offerings, policies, and user feedback before committing.

In conclusion, while 123helpme.com may serve as a potential resource for students, its unclear policies and lack of guarantees could compromise the user's experience. Therefore, potential users should proceed with an informed and cautious approach.

123helpme Review: Scope of Services

There are only two types of help 123helpme.com can provide you with. These are the online proofreader and the sample base.

You click "Get Started" if you want to check your own paper and write something in "Search our database" if you are looking for a sample. 

See the most popular topics there:

  • Argumentative Essay
  • Persuasive Essay
  • Description Essay
  • Informative Essay
  • Personal Narrative Essay
  • Classification Essay
  • Gun Control Marijuana
  • Gay Marriage
  • Death Penalty
  • Global Warming Essay
  • Abortion Essay
  • Stem Cell Research
  • Philosophy of Education
  • American History
  • Frankenstein

Purchase Procedure

The process is very simple. You jot something into the search field and see tons of samples. They are sorted in some kind of color scheme. 

  • Pale gray ones are free essays
  • The orange "good" essays are acceptable for high schools
  • The yellow "better" essays work both for colleges and high schools
  • The purple stands for solid undergraduate papers
  • The blue papers could be used for your Master degree studies and also checked by their editors
  • The turquoise are term papers that were checked by 123helpme editors
  • The green ones are the research papers, the best papers on 123helpme.com

The pale gray free essay samples are very rare, and you might never see them even with a very simple topic. You can see some lines of it on the webpage, but the only way to get the full sample is to upgrade your account to a paid one. 

To get started, just click on one of those options and see the payment form. 

Be attentive as there is a small checkbox for accepting their Terms of Use. As I said before, you will not be able to get your money back according to their Terms.

123 Help Me Essay: Cost Structure

123helpme.com offers a subscription-based model for accessing their essay samples. The subscription costs $29.95 monthly or $59.95 for three months of access. An annual subscription will cost you $119.40. However, it is essential to note that this subscription only provides access to the essay samples and does not include any custom writing services.

123helpme procing

While the subscription cost may seem reasonable, customers should keep in mind that they are paying for access to essay samples that may not be of high quality. Weighing the subscription cost against the potential benefits of using these essays as a reference or guide is essential.

123helpme Essay: Quality of Work

Regarding the paper quality provided by 123helpme.com, the user sentiment, as reflected in numerous online reviews, largely leans towards disappointment. Their papers' quality seems inconsistent, which could pose a significant risk to users relying on them for academic help.

While some papers might meet certain users' standards, the potential for inadequate quality rises sharply if the platform only houses a limited number of papers on a specific topic. Therefore, users must ensure the availability of an ample number of samples on their respective topics before committing to a purchase.

It ensures a sufficient variety and increases the chances of finding a paper that aligns well with the user's requirements. The depth and quality of content should always be a priority when engaging with academic support platforms like 123helpme.com. Careful inspection of the available samples and judicious decision-making can significantly enhance user satisfaction and academic outcomes.

Client Assistance

123helpme.com provides a limited set of options for contacting their support team. Customers can only contact the company via email, and no live chat or phone support is available. This limited customer support can be frustrating for students with urgent questions or concerns about the essay samples they downloaded from the site.

Promotions and Additional Services

123helpme does not have any special features.

123helpme Trustpilot reviews

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  19. 123HelpMe Review 2024 ⚠️ Is it Legit & Safe or Scam?

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