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Significance of the Study – Examples and Writing Guide

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Significance of the Study

Significance of the Study


Significance of the study in research refers to the potential importance, relevance, or impact of the research findings. It outlines how the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge, what gaps it fills, or what new understanding it brings to a particular field of study.

In general, the significance of a study can be assessed based on several factors, including:

  • Originality : The extent to which the study advances existing knowledge or introduces new ideas and perspectives.
  • Practical relevance: The potential implications of the study for real-world situations, such as improving policy or practice.
  • Theoretical contribution: The extent to which the study provides new insights or perspectives on theoretical concepts or frameworks.
  • Methodological rigor : The extent to which the study employs appropriate and robust methods and techniques to generate reliable and valid data.
  • Social or cultural impact : The potential impact of the study on society, culture, or public perception of a particular issue.

Types of Significance of the Study

The significance of the Study can be divided into the following types:

Theoretical Significance

Theoretical significance refers to the contribution that a study makes to the existing body of theories in a specific field. This could be by confirming, refuting, or adding nuance to a currently accepted theory, or by proposing an entirely new theory.

Practical Significance

Practical significance refers to the direct applicability and usefulness of the research findings in real-world contexts. Studies with practical significance often address real-life problems and offer potential solutions or strategies. For example, a study in the field of public health might identify a new intervention that significantly reduces the spread of a certain disease.

Significance for Future Research

This pertains to the potential of a study to inspire further research. A study might open up new areas of investigation, provide new research methodologies, or propose new hypotheses that need to be tested.

How to Write Significance of the Study

Here’s a guide to writing an effective “Significance of the Study” section in research paper, thesis, or dissertation:

  • Background : Begin by giving some context about your study. This could include a brief introduction to your subject area, the current state of research in the field, and the specific problem or question your study addresses.
  • Identify the Gap : Demonstrate that there’s a gap in the existing literature or knowledge that needs to be filled, which is where your study comes in. The gap could be a lack of research on a particular topic, differing results in existing studies, or a new problem that has arisen and hasn’t yet been studied.
  • State the Purpose of Your Study : Clearly state the main objective of your research. You may want to state the purpose as a solution to the problem or gap you’ve previously identified.
  • Contributes to the existing body of knowledge.
  • Addresses a significant research gap.
  • Offers a new or better solution to a problem.
  • Impacts policy or practice.
  • Leads to improvements in a particular field or sector.
  • Identify Beneficiaries : Identify who will benefit from your study. This could include other researchers, practitioners in your field, policy-makers, communities, businesses, or others. Explain how your findings could be used and by whom.
  • Future Implications : Discuss the implications of your study for future research. This could involve questions that are left open, new questions that have been raised, or potential future methodologies suggested by your study.

Significance of the Study in Research Paper

The Significance of the Study in a research paper refers to the importance or relevance of the research topic being investigated. It answers the question “Why is this research important?” and highlights the potential contributions and impacts of the study.

The significance of the study can be presented in the introduction or background section of a research paper. It typically includes the following components:

  • Importance of the research problem: This describes why the research problem is worth investigating and how it relates to existing knowledge and theories.
  • Potential benefits and implications: This explains the potential contributions and impacts of the research on theory, practice, policy, or society.
  • Originality and novelty: This highlights how the research adds new insights, approaches, or methods to the existing body of knowledge.
  • Scope and limitations: This outlines the boundaries and constraints of the research and clarifies what the study will and will not address.

Suppose a researcher is conducting a study on the “Effects of social media use on the mental health of adolescents”.

The significance of the study may be:

“The present study is significant because it addresses a pressing public health issue of the negative impact of social media use on adolescent mental health. Given the widespread use of social media among this age group, understanding the effects of social media on mental health is critical for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies. This study will contribute to the existing literature by examining the moderating factors that may affect the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes. It will also shed light on the potential benefits and risks of social media use for adolescents and inform the development of evidence-based guidelines for promoting healthy social media use among this population. The limitations of this study include the use of self-reported measures and the cross-sectional design, which precludes causal inference.”

Significance of the Study In Thesis

The significance of the study in a thesis refers to the importance or relevance of the research topic and the potential impact of the study on the field of study or society as a whole. It explains why the research is worth doing and what contribution it will make to existing knowledge.

For example, the significance of a thesis on “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare” could be:

  • With the increasing availability of healthcare data and the development of advanced machine learning algorithms, AI has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by improving diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes. Therefore, this thesis can contribute to the understanding of how AI can be applied in healthcare and how it can benefit patients and healthcare providers.
  • AI in healthcare also raises ethical and social issues, such as privacy concerns, bias in algorithms, and the impact on healthcare jobs. By exploring these issues in the thesis, it can provide insights into the potential risks and benefits of AI in healthcare and inform policy decisions.
  • Finally, the thesis can also advance the field of computer science by developing new AI algorithms or techniques that can be applied to healthcare data, which can have broader applications in other industries or fields of research.

Significance of the Study in Research Proposal

The significance of a study in a research proposal refers to the importance or relevance of the research question, problem, or objective that the study aims to address. It explains why the research is valuable, relevant, and important to the academic or scientific community, policymakers, or society at large. A strong statement of significance can help to persuade the reviewers or funders of the research proposal that the study is worth funding and conducting.

Here is an example of a significance statement in a research proposal:

Title : The Effects of Gamification on Learning Programming: A Comparative Study

Significance Statement:

This proposed study aims to investigate the effects of gamification on learning programming. With the increasing demand for computer science professionals, programming has become a fundamental skill in the computer field. However, learning programming can be challenging, and students may struggle with motivation and engagement. Gamification has emerged as a promising approach to improve students’ engagement and motivation in learning, but its effects on programming education are not yet fully understood. This study is significant because it can provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of gamification in programming education and inform the development of effective teaching strategies to enhance students’ learning outcomes and interest in programming.

Examples of Significance of the Study

Here are some examples of the significance of a study that indicates how you can write this into your research paper according to your research topic:

Research on an Improved Water Filtration System : This study has the potential to impact millions of people living in water-scarce regions or those with limited access to clean water. A more efficient and affordable water filtration system can reduce water-borne diseases and improve the overall health of communities, enabling them to lead healthier, more productive lives.

Study on the Impact of Remote Work on Employee Productivity : Given the shift towards remote work due to recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, this study is of considerable significance. Findings could help organizations better structure their remote work policies and offer insights on how to maximize employee productivity, wellbeing, and job satisfaction.

Investigation into the Use of Solar Power in Developing Countries : With the world increasingly moving towards renewable energy, this study could provide important data on the feasibility and benefits of implementing solar power solutions in developing countries. This could potentially stimulate economic growth, reduce reliance on non-renewable resources, and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Research on New Learning Strategies in Special Education : This study has the potential to greatly impact the field of special education. By understanding the effectiveness of new learning strategies, educators can improve their curriculum to provide better support for students with learning disabilities, fostering their academic growth and social development.

Examination of Mental Health Support in the Workplace : This study could highlight the impact of mental health initiatives on employee wellbeing and productivity. It could influence organizational policies across industries, promoting the implementation of mental health programs in the workplace, ultimately leading to healthier work environments.

Evaluation of a New Cancer Treatment Method : The significance of this study could be lifesaving. The research could lead to the development of more effective cancer treatments, increasing the survival rate and quality of life for patients worldwide.

When to Write Significance of the Study

The Significance of the Study section is an integral part of a research proposal or a thesis. This section is typically written after the introduction and the literature review. In the research process, the structure typically follows this order:

  • Title – The name of your research.
  • Abstract – A brief summary of the entire research.
  • Introduction – A presentation of the problem your research aims to solve.
  • Literature Review – A review of existing research on the topic to establish what is already known and where gaps exist.
  • Significance of the Study – An explanation of why the research matters and its potential impact.

In the Significance of the Study section, you will discuss why your study is important, who it benefits, and how it adds to existing knowledge or practice in your field. This section is your opportunity to convince readers, and potentially funders or supervisors, that your research is valuable and worth undertaking.

Advantages of Significance of the Study

The Significance of the Study section in a research paper has multiple advantages:

  • Establishes Relevance: This section helps to articulate the importance of your research to your field of study, as well as the wider society, by explicitly stating its relevance. This makes it easier for other researchers, funders, and policymakers to understand why your work is necessary and worth supporting.
  • Guides the Research: Writing the significance can help you refine your research questions and objectives. This happens as you critically think about why your research is important and how it contributes to your field.
  • Attracts Funding: If you are seeking funding or support for your research, having a well-written significance of the study section can be key. It helps to convince potential funders of the value of your work.
  • Opens up Further Research: By stating the significance of the study, you’re also indicating what further research could be carried out in the future, based on your work. This helps to pave the way for future studies and demonstrates that your research is a valuable addition to the field.
  • Provides Practical Applications: The significance of the study section often outlines how the research can be applied in real-world situations. This can be particularly important in applied sciences, where the practical implications of research are crucial.
  • Enhances Understanding: This section can help readers understand how your study fits into the broader context of your field, adding value to the existing literature and contributing new knowledge or insights.

Limitations of Significance of the Study

The Significance of the Study section plays an essential role in any research. However, it is not without potential limitations. Here are some that you should be aware of:

  • Subjectivity: The importance and implications of a study can be subjective and may vary from person to person. What one researcher considers significant might be seen as less critical by others. The assessment of significance often depends on personal judgement, biases, and perspectives.
  • Predictability of Impact: While you can outline the potential implications of your research in the Significance of the Study section, the actual impact can be unpredictable. Research doesn’t always yield the expected results or have the predicted impact on the field or society.
  • Difficulty in Measuring: The significance of a study is often qualitative and can be challenging to measure or quantify. You can explain how you think your research will contribute to your field or society, but measuring these outcomes can be complex.
  • Possibility of Overstatement: Researchers may feel pressured to amplify the potential significance of their study to attract funding or interest. This can lead to overstating the potential benefits or implications, which can harm the credibility of the study if these results are not achieved.
  • Overshadowing of Limitations: Sometimes, the significance of the study may overshadow the limitations of the research. It is important to balance the potential significance with a thorough discussion of the study’s limitations.
  • Dependence on Successful Implementation: The significance of the study relies on the successful implementation of the research. If the research process has flaws or unexpected issues arise, the anticipated significance might not be realized.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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What is the Significance of a Study? Examples and Guide

Significance of a study graphic, showing a female scientist reading a book

If you’re reading this post you’re probably wondering: what is the significance of a study?

No matter where you’re at with a piece of research, it is a good idea to think about the potential significance of your work. And sometimes you’ll have to explicitly write a statement of significance in your papers, it addition to it forming part of your thesis.

In this post I’ll cover what the significance of a study is, how to measure it, how to describe it with examples and add in some of my own experiences having now worked in research for over nine years.

If you’re reading this because you’re writing up your first paper, welcome! You may also like my how-to guide for all aspects of writing your first research paper .

Looking for guidance on writing the statement of significance for a paper or thesis? Click here to skip straight to that section.

What is the Significance of a Study?

For research papers, theses or dissertations it’s common to explicitly write a section describing the significance of the study. We’ll come onto what to include in that section in just a moment.

However the significance of a study can actually refer to several different things.

Graphic showing the broadening significance of a study going from your study, the wider research field, business opportunities through to society as a whole.

Working our way from the most technical to the broadest, depending on the context, the significance of a study may refer to:

  • Within your study: Statistical significance. Can we trust the findings?
  • Wider research field: Research significance. How does your study progress the field?
  • Commercial / economic significance: Could there be business opportunities for your findings?
  • Societal significance: What impact could your study have on the wider society.
  • And probably other domain-specific significance!

We’ll shortly cover each of them in turn, including how they’re measured and some examples for each type of study significance.

But first, let’s touch on why you should consider the significance of your research at an early stage.

Why Care About the Significance of a Study?

No matter what is motivating you to carry out your research, it is sensible to think about the potential significance of your work. In the broadest sense this asks, how does the study contribute to the world?

After all, for many people research is only worth doing if it will result in some expected significance. For the vast majority of us our studies won’t be significant enough to reach the evening news, but most studies will help to enhance knowledge in a particular field and when research has at least some significance it makes for a far more fulfilling longterm pursuit.

Furthermore, a lot of us are carrying out research funded by the public. It therefore makes sense to keep an eye on what benefits the work could bring to the wider community.

Often in research you’ll come to a crossroads where you must decide which path of research to pursue. Thinking about the potential benefits of a strand of research can be useful for deciding how to spend your time, money and resources.

It’s worth noting though, that not all research activities have to work towards obvious significance. This is especially true while you’re a PhD student, where you’re figuring out what you enjoy and may simply be looking for an opportunity to learn a new skill.

However, if you’re trying to decide between two potential projects, it can be useful to weigh up the potential significance of each.

Let’s now dive into the different types of significance, starting with research significance.

Research Significance

What is the research significance of a study.

Unless someone specifies which type of significance they’re referring to, it is fair to assume that they want to know about the research significance of your study.

Research significance describes how your work has contributed to the field, how it could inform future studies and progress research.

Where should I write about my study’s significance in my thesis?

Typically you should write about your study’s significance in the Introduction and Conclusions sections of your thesis.

It’s important to mention it in the Introduction so that the relevance of your work and the potential impact and benefits it could have on the field are immediately apparent. Explaining why your work matters will help to engage readers (and examiners!) early on.

It’s also a good idea to detail the study’s significance in your Conclusions section. This adds weight to your findings and helps explain what your study contributes to the field.

On occasion you may also choose to include a brief description in your Abstract.

What is expected when submitting an article to a journal

It is common for journals to request a statement of significance, although this can sometimes be called other things such as:

  • Impact statement
  • Significance statement
  • Advances in knowledge section

Here is one such example of what is expected:

Impact Statement:  An Impact Statement is required for all submissions.  Your impact statement will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, Global Editors, and appropriate Associate Editor. For your manuscript to receive full review, the editors must be convinced that it is an important advance in for the field. The Impact Statement is not a restating of the abstract. It should address the following: Why is the work submitted important to the field? How does the work submitted advance the field? What new information does this work impart to the field? How does this new information impact the field? Experimental Biology and Medicine journal, author guidelines

Typically the impact statement will be shorter than the Abstract, around 150 words.

Defining the study’s significance is helpful not just for the impact statement (if the journal asks for one) but also for building a more compelling argument throughout your submission. For instance, usually you’ll start the Discussion section of a paper by highlighting the research significance of your work. You’ll also include a short description in your Abstract too.

How to describe the research significance of a study, with examples

Whether you’re writing a thesis or a journal article, the approach to writing about the significance of a study are broadly the same.

I’d therefore suggest using the questions above as a starting point to base your statements on.

  • Why is the work submitted important to the field?
  • How does the work submitted advance the field?
  • What new information does this work impart to the field?
  • How does this new information impact the field?

Answer those questions and you’ll have a much clearer idea of the research significance of your work.

When describing it, try to clearly state what is novel about your study’s contribution to the literature. Then go on to discuss what impact it could have on progressing the field along with recommendations for future work.

Potential sentence starters

If you’re not sure where to start, why not set a 10 minute timer and have a go at trying to finish a few of the following sentences. Not sure on what to put? Have a chat to your supervisor or lab mates and they may be able to suggest some ideas.

  • This study is important to the field because…
  • These findings advance the field by…
  • Our results highlight the importance of…
  • Our discoveries impact the field by…

Now you’ve had a go let’s have a look at some real life examples.

Statement of significance examples

A statement of significance / impact:

Impact Statement This review highlights the historical development of the concept of “ideal protein” that began in the 1950s and 1980s for poultry and swine diets, respectively, and the major conceptual deficiencies of the long-standing concept of “ideal protein” in animal nutrition based on recent advances in amino acid (AA) metabolism and functions. Nutritionists should move beyond the “ideal protein” concept to consider optimum ratios and amounts of all proteinogenic AAs in animal foods and, in the case of carnivores, also taurine. This will help formulate effective low-protein diets for livestock, poultry, and fish, while sustaining global animal production. Because they are not only species of agricultural importance, but also useful models to study the biology and diseases of humans as well as companion (e.g. dogs and cats), zoo, and extinct animals in the world, our work applies to a more general readership than the nutritionists and producers of farm animals. Wu G, Li P. The “ideal protein” concept is not ideal in animal nutrition.  Experimental Biology and Medicine . 2022;247(13):1191-1201. doi: 10.1177/15353702221082658

And the same type of section but this time called “Advances in knowledge”:

Advances in knowledge: According to the MY-RADs criteria, size measurements of focal lesions in MRI are now of relevance for response assessment in patients with monoclonal plasma cell disorders. Size changes of 1 or 2 mm are frequently observed due to uncertainty of the measurement only, while the actual focal lesion has not undergone any biological change. Size changes of at least 6 mm or more in  T 1  weighted or  T 2  weighted short tau inversion recovery sequences occur in only 5% or less of cases when the focal lesion has not undergone any biological change. Wennmann M, Grözinger M, Weru V, et al. Test-retest, inter- and intra-rater reproducibility of size measurements of focal bone marrow lesions in MRI in patients with multiple myeloma [published online ahead of print, 2023 Apr 12].  Br J Radiol . 2023;20220745. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20220745

Other examples of research significance

Moving beyond the formal statement of significance, here is how you can describe research significance more broadly within your paper.

Describing research impact in an Abstract of a paper:

Three-dimensional visualisation and quantification of the chondrocyte population within articular cartilage can be achieved across a field of view of several millimetres using laboratory-based micro-CT. The ability to map chondrocytes in 3D opens possibilities for research in fields from skeletal development through to medical device design and treatment of cartilage degeneration. Conclusions section of the abstract in my first paper .

In the Discussion section of a paper:

We report for the utility of a standard laboratory micro-CT scanner to visualise and quantify features of the chondrocyte population within intact articular cartilage in 3D. This study represents a complimentary addition to the growing body of evidence supporting the non-destructive imaging of the constituents of articular cartilage. This offers researchers the opportunity to image chondrocyte distributions in 3D without specialised synchrotron equipment, enabling investigations such as chondrocyte morphology across grades of cartilage damage, 3D strain mapping techniques such as digital volume correlation to evaluate mechanical properties  in situ , and models for 3D finite element analysis  in silico  simulations. This enables an objective quantification of chondrocyte distribution and morphology in three dimensions allowing greater insight for investigations into studies of cartilage development, degeneration and repair. One such application of our method, is as a means to provide a 3D pattern in the cartilage which, when combined with digital volume correlation, could determine 3D strain gradient measurements enabling potential treatment and repair of cartilage degeneration. Moreover, the method proposed here will allow evaluation of cartilage implanted with tissue engineered scaffolds designed to promote chondral repair, providing valuable insight into the induced regenerative process. The Discussion section of the paper is laced with references to research significance.

How is longer term research significance measured?

Looking beyond writing impact statements within papers, sometimes you’ll want to quantify the long term research significance of your work. For instance when applying for jobs.

The most obvious measure of a study’s long term research significance is the number of citations it receives from future publications. The thinking is that a study which receives more citations will have had more research impact, and therefore significance , than a study which received less citations. Citations can give a broad indication of how useful the work is to other researchers but citations aren’t really a good measure of significance.

Bear in mind that us researchers can be lazy folks and sometimes are simply looking to cite the first paper which backs up one of our claims. You can find studies which receive a lot of citations simply for packaging up the obvious in a form which can be easily found and referenced, for instance by having a catchy or optimised title.

Likewise, research activity varies wildly between fields. Therefore a certain study may have had a big impact on a particular field but receive a modest number of citations, simply because not many other researchers are working in the field.

Nevertheless, citations are a standard measure of significance and for better or worse it remains impressive for someone to be the first author of a publication receiving lots of citations.

Other measures for the research significance of a study include:

  • Accolades: best paper awards at conferences, thesis awards, “most downloaded” titles for articles, press coverage.
  • How much follow-on research the study creates. For instance, part of my PhD involved a novel material initially developed by another PhD student in the lab. That PhD student’s research had unlocked lots of potential new studies and now lots of people in the group were using the same material and developing it for different applications. The initial study may not receive a high number of citations yet long term it generated a lot of research activity.

That covers research significance, but you’ll often want to consider other types of significance for your study and we’ll cover those next.

Statistical Significance

What is the statistical significance of a study.

Often as part of a study you’ll carry out statistical tests and then state the statistical significance of your findings: think p-values eg <0.05. It is useful to describe the outcome of these tests within your report or paper, to give a measure of statistical significance.

Effectively you are trying to show whether the performance of your innovation is actually better than a control or baseline and not just chance. Statistical significance deserves a whole other post so I won’t go into a huge amount of depth here.

Things that make publication in  The BMJ  impossible or unlikely Internal validity/robustness of the study • It had insufficient statistical power, making interpretation difficult; • Lack of statistical power; The British Medical Journal’s guide for authors

Calculating statistical significance isn’t always necessary (or valid) for a study, such as if you have a very small number of samples, but it is a very common requirement for scientific articles.

Writing a journal article? Check the journal’s guide for authors to see what they expect. Generally if you have approximately five or more samples or replicates it makes sense to start thinking about statistical tests. Speak to your supervisor and lab mates for advice, and look at other published articles in your field.

How is statistical significance measured?

Statistical significance is quantified using p-values . Depending on your study design you’ll choose different statistical tests to compute the p-value.

A p-value of 0.05 is a common threshold value. The 0.05 means that there is a 1/20 chance that the difference in performance you’re reporting is just down to random chance.

  • p-values above 0.05 mean that the result isn’t statistically significant enough to be trusted: it is too likely that the effect you’re showing is just luck.
  • p-values less than or equal to 0.05 mean that the result is statistically significant. In other words: unlikely to just be chance, which is usually considered a good outcome.

Low p-values (eg p = 0.001) mean that it is highly unlikely to be random chance (1/1000 in the case of p = 0.001), therefore more statistically significant.

It is important to clarify that, although low p-values mean that your findings are statistically significant, it doesn’t automatically mean that the result is scientifically important. More on that in the next section on research significance.

How to describe the statistical significance of your study, with examples

In the first paper from my PhD I ran some statistical tests to see if different staining techniques (basically dyes) increased how well you could see cells in cow tissue using micro-CT scanning (a 3D imaging technique).

In your methods section you should mention the statistical tests you conducted and then in the results you will have statements such as:

Between mediums for the two scan protocols C/N [contrast to noise ratio] was greater for EtOH than the PBS in both scanning methods (both  p  < 0.0001) with mean differences of 1.243 (95% CI [confidence interval] 0.709 to 1.778) for absorption contrast and 6.231 (95% CI 5.772 to 6.690) for propagation contrast. … Two repeat propagation scans were taken of samples from the PTA-stained groups. No difference in mean C/N was found with either medium: PBS had a mean difference of 0.058 ( p  = 0.852, 95% CI -0.560 to 0.676), EtOH had a mean difference of 1.183 ( p  = 0.112, 95% CI 0.281 to 2.648). From the Results section of my first paper, available here . Square brackets added for this post to aid clarity.

From this text the reader can infer from the first paragraph that there was a statistically significant difference in using EtOH compared to PBS (really small p-value of <0.0001). However, from the second paragraph, the difference between two repeat scans was statistically insignificant for both PBS (p = 0.852) and EtOH (p = 0.112).

By conducting these statistical tests you have then earned your right to make bold statements, such as these from the discussion section:

Propagation phase-contrast increases the contrast of individual chondrocytes [cartilage cells] compared to using absorption contrast. From the Discussion section from the same paper.

Without statistical tests you have no evidence that your results are not just down to random chance.

Beyond describing the statistical significance of a study in the main body text of your work, you can also show it in your figures.

In figures such as bar charts you’ll often see asterisks to represent statistical significance, and “n.s.” to show differences between groups which are not statistically significant. Here is one such figure, with some subplots, from the same paper:

Figure from a paper showing the statistical significance of a study using asterisks

In this example an asterisk (*) between two bars represents p < 0.05. Two asterisks (**) represents p < 0.001 and three asterisks (***) represents p < 0.0001. This should always be stated in the caption of your figure since the values that each asterisk refers to can vary.

Now that we know if a study is showing statistically and research significance, let’s zoom out a little and consider the potential for commercial significance.

Commercial and Industrial Significance

What are commercial and industrial significance.

Moving beyond significance in relation to academia, your research may also have commercial or economic significance.

Simply put:

  • Commercial significance: could the research be commercialised as a product or service? Perhaps the underlying technology described in your study could be licensed to a company or you could even start your own business using it.
  • Industrial significance: more widely than just providing a product which could be sold, does your research provide insights which may affect a whole industry? Such as: revealing insights or issues with current practices, performance gains you don’t want to commercialise (e.g. solar power efficiency), providing suggested frameworks or improvements which could be employed industry-wide.

I’ve grouped these two together because there can certainly be overlap. For instance, perhaps your new technology could be commercialised whilst providing wider improvements for the whole industry.

Commercial and industrial significance are not relevant to most studies, so only write about it if you and your supervisor can think of reasonable routes to your work having an impact in these ways.

How are commercial and industrial significance measured?

Unlike statistical and research significances, the measures of commercial and industrial significance can be much more broad.

Here are some potential measures of significance:

Commercial significance:

  • How much value does your technology bring to potential customers or users?
  • How big is the potential market and how much revenue could the product potentially generate?
  • Is the intellectual property protectable? i.e. patentable, or if not could the novelty be protected with trade secrets: if so publish your method with caution!
  • If commercialised, could the product bring employment to a geographical area?

Industrial significance:

What impact could it have on the industry? For instance if you’re revealing an issue with something, such as unintended negative consequences of a drug , what does that mean for the industry and the public? This could be:

  • Reduced overhead costs
  • Better safety
  • Faster production methods
  • Improved scaleability

How to describe the commercial and industrial significance of a study, with examples

Commercial significance.

If your technology could be commercially viable, and you’ve got an interest in commercialising it yourself, it is likely that you and your university may not want to immediately publish the study in a journal.

You’ll probably want to consider routes to exploiting the technology and your university may have a “technology transfer” team to help researchers navigate the various options.

However, if instead of publishing a paper you’re submitting a thesis or dissertation then it can be useful to highlight the commercial significance of your work. In this instance you could include statements of commercial significance such as:

The measurement technology described in this study provides state of the art performance and could enable the development of low cost devices for aerospace applications. An example of commercial significance I invented for this post

Industrial significance

First, think about the industrial sectors who could benefit from the developments described in your study.

For example if you’re working to improve battery efficiency it is easy to think of how it could lead to performance gains for certain industries, like personal electronics or electric vehicles. In these instances you can describe the industrial significance relatively easily, based off your findings.

For example:

By utilising abundant materials in the described battery fabrication process we provide a framework for battery manufacturers to reduce dependence on rare earth components. Again, an invented example

For other technologies there may well be industrial applications but they are less immediately obvious and applicable. In these scenarios the best you can do is to simply reframe your research significance statement in terms of potential commercial applications in a broad way.

As a reminder: not all studies should address industrial significance, so don’t try to invent applications just for the sake of it!

Societal Significance

What is the societal significance of a study.

The most broad category of significance is the societal impact which could stem from it.

If you’re working in an applied field it may be quite easy to see a route for your research to impact society. For others, the route to societal significance may be less immediate or clear.

Studies can help with big issues facing society such as:

  • Medical applications : vaccines, surgical implants, drugs, improving patient safety. For instance this medical device and drug combination I worked on which has a very direct route to societal significance.
  • Political significance : Your research may provide insights which could contribute towards potential changes in policy or better understanding of issues facing society.
  • Public health : for instance COVID-19 transmission and related decisions.
  • Climate change : mitigation such as more efficient solar panels and lower cost battery solutions, and studying required adaptation efforts and technologies. Also, better understanding around related societal issues, for instance this study on the effects of temperature on hate speech.

How is societal significance measured?

Societal significance at a high level can be quantified by the size of its potential societal effect. Just like a lab risk assessment, you can think of it in terms of probability (or how many people it could help) and impact magnitude.

Societal impact = How many people it could help x the magnitude of the impact

Think about how widely applicable the findings are: for instance does it affect only certain people? Then think about the potential size of the impact: what kind of difference could it make to those people?

Between these two metrics you can get a pretty good overview of the potential societal significance of your research study.

How to describe the societal significance of a study, with examples

Quite often the broad societal significance of your study is what you’re setting the scene for in your Introduction. In addition to describing the existing literature, it is common to for the study’s motivation to touch on its wider impact for society.

For those of us working in healthcare research it is usually pretty easy to see a path towards societal significance.

Our CLOUT model has state-of-the-art performance in mortality prediction, surpassing other competitive NN models and a logistic regression model … Our results show that the risk factors identified by the CLOUT model agree with physicians’ assessment, suggesting that CLOUT could be used in real-world clinicalsettings. Our results strongly support that CLOUT may be a useful tool to generate clinical prediction models, especially among hospitalized and critically ill patient populations. Learning Latent Space Representations to Predict Patient Outcomes: Model Development and Validation

In other domains the societal significance may either take longer or be more indirect, meaning that it can be more difficult to describe the societal impact.

Even so, here are some examples I’ve found from studies in non-healthcare domains:

We examined food waste as an initial investigation and test of this methodology, and there is clear potential for the examination of not only other policy texts related to food waste (e.g., liability protection, tax incentives, etc.; Broad Leib et al., 2020) but related to sustainable fishing (Worm et al., 2006) and energy use (Hawken, 2017). These other areas are of obvious relevance to climate change… AI-Based Text Analysis for Evaluating Food Waste Policies
The continued development of state-of-the art NLP tools tailored to climate policy will allow climate researchers and policy makers to extract meaningful information from this growing body of text, to monitor trends over time and administrative units, and to identify potential policy improvements. BERT Classification of Paris Agreement Climate Action Plans

Top Tips For Identifying & Writing About the Significance of Your Study

  • Writing a thesis? Describe the significance of your study in the Introduction and the Conclusion .
  • Submitting a paper? Read the journal’s guidelines. If you’re writing a statement of significance for a journal, make sure you read any guidance they give for what they’re expecting.
  • Take a step back from your research and consider your study’s main contributions.
  • Read previously published studies in your field . Use this for inspiration and ideas on how to describe the significance of your own study
  • Discuss the study with your supervisor and potential co-authors or collaborators and brainstorm potential types of significance for it.

Now you’ve finished reading up on the significance of a study you may also like my how-to guide for all aspects of writing your first research paper .

Writing an academic journal paper

I hope that you’ve learned something useful from this article about the significance of a study. If you have any more research-related questions let me know, I’m here to help.

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How To Write Significance of the Study (With Examples) 

How To Write Significance of the Study (With Examples) 

Whether you’re writing a research paper or thesis, a portion called Significance of the Study ensures your readers understand the impact of your work. Learn how to effectively write this vital part of your research paper or thesis through our detailed steps, guidelines, and examples.

Related: How to Write a Concept Paper for Academic Research

Table of Contents

What is the significance of the study.

The Significance of the Study presents the importance of your research. It allows you to prove the study’s impact on your field of research, the new knowledge it contributes, and the people who will benefit from it.

Related: How To Write Scope and Delimitation of a Research Paper (With Examples)

Where Should I Put the Significance of the Study?

The Significance of the Study is part of the first chapter or the Introduction. It comes after the research’s rationale, problem statement, and hypothesis.

Related: How to Make Conceptual Framework (with Examples and Templates)

Why Should I Include the Significance of the Study?

The purpose of the Significance of the Study is to give you space to explain to your readers how exactly your research will be contributing to the literature of the field you are studying 1 . It’s where you explain why your research is worth conducting and its significance to the community, the people, and various institutions.

How To Write Significance of the Study: 5 Steps

Below are the steps and guidelines for writing your research’s Significance of the Study.

1. Use Your Research Problem as a Starting Point

Your problem statement can provide clues to your research study’s outcome and who will benefit from it 2 .

Ask yourself, “How will the answers to my research problem be beneficial?”. In this manner, you will know how valuable it is to conduct your study. 

Let’s say your research problem is “What is the level of effectiveness of the lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) in lowering the blood glucose level of Swiss mice (Mus musculus)?”

Discovering a positive correlation between the use of lemongrass and lower blood glucose level may lead to the following results:

  • Increased public understanding of the plant’s medical properties;
  • Higher appreciation of the importance of lemongrass  by the community;
  • Adoption of lemongrass tea as a cheap, readily available, and natural remedy to lower their blood glucose level.

Once you’ve zeroed in on the general benefits of your study, it’s time to break it down into specific beneficiaries.

2. State How Your Research Will Contribute to the Existing Literature in the Field

Think of the things that were not explored by previous studies. Then, write how your research tackles those unexplored areas. Through this, you can convince your readers that you are studying something new and adding value to the field.

3. Explain How Your Research Will Benefit Society

In this part, tell how your research will impact society. Think of how the results of your study will change something in your community. 

For example, in the study about using lemongrass tea to lower blood glucose levels, you may indicate that through your research, the community will realize the significance of lemongrass and other herbal plants. As a result, the community will be encouraged to promote the cultivation and use of medicinal plants.

4. Mention the Specific Persons or Institutions Who Will Benefit From Your Study

Using the same example above, you may indicate that this research’s results will benefit those seeking an alternative supplement to prevent high blood glucose levels.

5. Indicate How Your Study May Help Future Studies in the Field

You must also specifically indicate how your research will be part of the literature of your field and how it will benefit future researchers. In our example above, you may indicate that through the data and analysis your research will provide, future researchers may explore other capabilities of herbal plants in preventing different diseases.

Tips and Warnings

  • Think ahead . By visualizing your study in its complete form, it will be easier for you to connect the dots and identify the beneficiaries of your research.
  • Write concisely. Make it straightforward, clear, and easy to understand so that the readers will appreciate the benefits of your research. Avoid making it too long and wordy.
  • Go from general to specific . Like an inverted pyramid, you start from above by discussing the general contribution of your study and become more specific as you go along. For instance, if your research is about the effect of remote learning setup on the mental health of college students of a specific university , you may start by discussing the benefits of the research to society, to the educational institution, to the learning facilitators, and finally, to the students.
  • Seek help . For example, you may ask your research adviser for insights on how your research may contribute to the existing literature. If you ask the right questions, your research adviser can point you in the right direction.
  • Revise, revise, revise. Be ready to apply necessary changes to your research on the fly. Unexpected things require adaptability, whether it’s the respondents or variables involved in your study. There’s always room for improvement, so never assume your work is done until you have reached the finish line.

Significance of the Study Examples

This section presents examples of the Significance of the Study using the steps and guidelines presented above.

Example 1: STEM-Related Research

Research Topic: Level of Effectiveness of the Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) Tea in Lowering the Blood Glucose Level of Swiss Mice ( Mus musculus ).

Significance of the Study .

This research will provide new insights into the medicinal benefit of lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ), specifically on its hypoglycemic ability.

Through this research, the community will further realize promoting medicinal plants, especially lemongrass, as a preventive measure against various diseases. People and medical institutions may also consider lemongrass tea as an alternative supplement against hyperglycemia. 

Moreover, the analysis presented in this study will convey valuable information for future research exploring the medicinal benefits of lemongrass and other medicinal plants.  

Example 2: Business and Management-Related Research

Research Topic: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Social Media Marketing of Small Clothing Enterprises.

Significance of the Study:

By comparing the two marketing strategies presented by this research, there will be an expansion on the current understanding of the firms on these marketing strategies in terms of cost, acceptability, and sustainability. This study presents these marketing strategies for small clothing enterprises, giving them insights into which method is more appropriate and valuable for them. 

Specifically, this research will benefit start-up clothing enterprises in deciding which marketing strategy they should employ. Long-time clothing enterprises may also consider the result of this research to review their current marketing strategy.

Furthermore, a detailed presentation on the comparison of the marketing strategies involved in this research may serve as a tool for further studies to innovate the current method employed in the clothing Industry.

Example 3: Social Science -Related Research.

Research Topic:  Divide Et Impera : An Overview of How the Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Prevailed on Philippine Political History.

Significance of the Study :

Through the comprehensive exploration of this study on Philippine political history, the influence of the Divide et Impera, or political decentralization, on the political discernment across the history of the Philippines will be unraveled, emphasized, and scrutinized. Moreover, this research will elucidate how this principle prevailed until the current political theatre of the Philippines.

In this regard, this study will give awareness to society on how this principle might affect the current political context. Moreover, through the analysis made by this study, political entities and institutions will have a new approach to how to deal with this principle by learning about its influence in the past.

In addition, the overview presented in this research will push for new paradigms, which will be helpful for future discussion of the Divide et Impera principle and may lead to a more in-depth analysis.

Example 4: Humanities-Related Research

Research Topic: Effectiveness of Meditation on Reducing the Anxiety Levels of College Students.

Significance of the Study: 

This research will provide new perspectives in approaching anxiety issues of college students through meditation. 

Specifically, this research will benefit the following:

 Community – this study spreads awareness on recognizing anxiety as a mental health concern and how meditation can be a valuable approach to alleviating it.

Academic Institutions and Administrators – through this research, educational institutions and administrators may promote programs and advocacies regarding meditation to help students deal with their anxiety issues.

Mental health advocates – the result of this research will provide valuable information for the advocates to further their campaign on spreading awareness on dealing with various mental health issues, including anxiety, and how to stop stigmatizing those with mental health disorders.

Parents – this research may convince parents to consider programs involving meditation that may help the students deal with their anxiety issues.

Students will benefit directly from this research as its findings may encourage them to consider meditation to lower anxiety levels.

Future researchers – this study covers information involving meditation as an approach to reducing anxiety levels. Thus, the result of this study can be used for future discussions on the capabilities of meditation in alleviating other mental health concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the difference between the significance of the study and the rationale of the study.

Both aim to justify the conduct of the research. However, the Significance of the Study focuses on the specific benefits of your research in the field, society, and various people and institutions. On the other hand, the Rationale of the Study gives context on why the researcher initiated the conduct of the study.

Let’s take the research about the Effectiveness of Meditation in Reducing Anxiety Levels of College Students as an example. Suppose you are writing about the Significance of the Study. In that case, you must explain how your research will help society, the academic institution, and students deal with anxiety issues through meditation. Meanwhile, for the Rationale of the Study, you may state that due to the prevalence of anxiety attacks among college students, you’ve decided to make it the focal point of your research work.

2. What is the difference between Justification and the Significance of the Study?

In Justification, you express the logical reasoning behind the conduct of the study. On the other hand, the Significance of the Study aims to present to your readers the specific benefits your research will contribute to the field you are studying, community, people, and institutions.

Suppose again that your research is about the Effectiveness of Meditation in Reducing the Anxiety Levels of College Students. Suppose you are writing the Significance of the Study. In that case, you may state that your research will provide new insights and evidence regarding meditation’s ability to reduce college students’ anxiety levels. Meanwhile, you may note in the Justification that studies are saying how people used meditation in dealing with their mental health concerns. You may also indicate how meditation is a feasible approach to managing anxiety using the analysis presented by previous literature.

3. How should I start my research’s Significance of the Study section?

– This research will contribute… – The findings of this research… – This study aims to… – This study will provide… – Through the analysis presented in this study… – This study will benefit…

Moreover, you may start the Significance of the Study by elaborating on the contribution of your research in the field you are studying.

4. What is the difference between the Purpose of the Study and the Significance of the Study?

The Purpose of the Study focuses on why your research was conducted, while the Significance of the Study tells how the results of your research will benefit anyone.

Suppose your research is about the Effectiveness of Lemongrass Tea in Lowering the Blood Glucose Level of Swiss Mice . You may include in your Significance of the Study that the research results will provide new information and analysis on the medical ability of lemongrass to solve hyperglycemia. Meanwhile, you may include in your Purpose of the Study that your research wants to provide a cheaper and natural way to lower blood glucose levels since commercial supplements are expensive.

5. What is the Significance of the Study in Tagalog?

In Filipino research, the Significance of the Study is referred to as Kahalagahan ng Pag-aaral.

  • Draft your Significance of the Study. Retrieved 18 April 2021, from http://dissertationedd.usc.edu/draft-your-significance-of-the-study.html
  • Regoniel, P. (2015). Two Tips on How to Write the Significance of the Study. Retrieved 18 April 2021, from https://simplyeducate.me/2015/02/09/significance-of-the-study/

Written by Jewel Kyle Fabula

in Career and Education , Juander How

Last Updated May 6, 2023 10:29 AM

the significance of the study in research

Jewel Kyle Fabula

Jewel Kyle Fabula is a Bachelor of Science in Economics student at the University of the Philippines Diliman. His passion for learning mathematics developed as he competed in some mathematics competitions during his Junior High School years. He loves cats, playing video games, and listening to music.

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the significance of the study in research

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What is the Significance of the Study?


  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • August 25, 2020

Significance of the Study

  • what the significance of the study means,
  • why it’s important to include in your research work,
  • where you would include it in your paper, thesis or dissertation,
  • how you write one
  • and finally an example of a well written section about the significance of the study.

What does Significance of the Study mean?

The significance of the study is a written statement that explains why your research was needed. It’s a justification of the importance of your work and impact it has on your research field, it’s contribution to new knowledge and how others will benefit from it.

Why is the Significance of the Study important?

The significance of the study, also known as the rationale of the study, is important to convey to the reader why the research work was important. This may be an academic reviewer assessing your manuscript under peer-review, an examiner reading your PhD thesis, a funder reading your grant application or another research group reading your published journal paper. Your academic writing should make clear to the reader what the significance of the research that you performed was, the contribution you made and the benefits of it.

How do you write the Significance of the Study?

When writing this section, first think about where the gaps in knowledge are in your research field. What are the areas that are poorly understood with little or no previously published literature? Or what topics have others previously published on that still require further work. This is often referred to as the problem statement.

The introduction section within the significance of the study should include you writing the problem statement and explaining to the reader where the gap in literature is.

Then think about the significance of your research and thesis study from two perspectives: (1) what is the general contribution of your research on your field and (2) what specific contribution have you made to the knowledge and who does this benefit the most.

For example, the gap in knowledge may be that the benefits of dumbbell exercises for patients recovering from a broken arm are not fully understood. You may have performed a study investigating the impact of dumbbell training in patients with fractures versus those that did not perform dumbbell exercises and shown there to be a benefit in their use. The broad significance of the study would be the improvement in the understanding of effective physiotherapy methods. Your specific contribution has been to show a significant improvement in the rate of recovery in patients with broken arms when performing certain dumbbell exercise routines.

This statement should be no more than 500 words in length when written for a thesis. Within a research paper, the statement should be shorter and around 200 words at most.

Significance of the Study: An example

Building on the above hypothetical academic study, the following is an example of a full statement of the significance of the study for you to consider when writing your own. Keep in mind though that there’s no single way of writing the perfect significance statement and it may well depend on the subject area and the study content.

Here’s another example to help demonstrate how a significance of the study can also be applied to non-technical fields:

The significance of this research lies in its potential to inform clinical practices and patient counseling. By understanding the psychological outcomes associated with non-surgical facial aesthetics, practitioners can better guide their patients in making informed decisions about their treatment plans. Additionally, this study contributes to the body of academic knowledge by providing empirical evidence on the effects of these cosmetic procedures, which have been largely anecdotal up to this point.

The statement of the significance of the study is used by students and researchers in academic writing to convey the importance of the research performed; this section is written at the end of the introduction and should describe the specific contribution made and who it benefits.

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What Is The Significance Of The Study?

What Is The Significance Of The Study

In the vast landscape of academia, every research study serves a purpose beyond just adding to the pile of existing knowledge. It’s about unraveling mysteries, solving problems, and making the world a little better. But before diving into any research, one crucial question needs answering: What is the significance of the study? Let’s embark on a journey to understand the importance of this question and how it shapes the landscape of research.

What Is The Importance Of Studying?

Table of Contents

Studying is a fundamental aspect of human learning and development, playing a crucial role in various aspects of life. Its importance spans across personal, academic, professional, and societal domains. Here’s a breakdown of why studying is essential:

  • Academic Achievement: Studying is essential for academic success. It helps students grasp concepts, retain information, and demonstrate their understanding through assessments. Whether it’s preparing for exams, completing assignments, or engaging in class discussions, studying forms the backbone of academic achievement.
  • Skill Development: Studying isn’t just about memorizing facts; it’s also about developing critical skills such as problem-solving, analytical thinking, and communication. Through studying, individuals hone these skills, which are invaluable in both academic and real-world settings.
  • Personal Growth: Studying expands one’s horizons and fosters personal growth. It exposes individuals to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, challenging them to think critically and question assumptions. Additionally, studying encourages self-discipline, time management, and perseverance, all of which are essential qualities for personal success.
  • Career Advancement: In today’s competitive job market, continuous learning is essential for career advancement. Studying allows individuals to acquire new knowledge, skills, and qualifications, making them more competitive and marketable to employers. Whether it’s pursuing higher education, attending professional development courses, or staying updated on industry trends, studying is crucial for career growth.
  • Intellectual Stimulation: Studying stimulates the mind and fosters intellectual curiosity. It allows individuals to delve into topics of interest, explore complex ideas, and engage in meaningful intellectual discourse. This intellectual stimulation not only enriches one’s understanding of the world but also enhances cognitive abilities and overall mental well-being.
  • Societal Contribution: Studying plays a vital role in advancing society as a whole. Through research, innovation, and knowledge dissemination, studying drives progress in various fields, from science and technology to arts and humanities. Additionally, educated individuals are better equipped to contribute positively to their communities, advocate for social change, and address pressing global challenges.

The significance of a study lies in its ability to address a specific problem or question, contribute to existing knowledge, and have practical applications or implications for various stakeholders. Let’s delve into each aspect with relevant examples:

Addressing a Specific Problem or Question

  • Example: A study on the impact of social media usage on mental health among teenagers addresses the pressing concern of rising mental health issues in young people attributed to excessive screen time and online interactions.

Contributing to Existing Knowledge

  • Example: A research project investigating the effects of climate change on biodiversity builds upon previous studies by providing new insights into how changing environmental conditions affect different species and ecosystems. By adding to the body of knowledge on this topic, the study contributes to our understanding of the complex interactions between climate and biodiversity.

Practical Applications or Implications

  • Example: A study on the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing workplace stress offers practical implications for employers and employees alike. By demonstrating the positive impact of mindfulness practices on employee well-being and productivity, the study informs organizational policies and practices aimed at promoting a healthier work environment.

Informing Policy Decisions

  • Example: Research on the economic impact of renewable energy adoption provides policymakers with valuable insights into the potential benefits of transitioning to sustainable energy sources. By quantifying the economic advantages and environmental benefits of renewable energy investments, the study informs policy decisions related to energy planning and resource allocation.

Addressing Social or Health Issues

  • Example: Research into how well vaccination campaigns work to lower the spread of diseases is important for public health. This kind of study looks at how good vaccination plans are at stopping diseases from spreading. It also figures out what stops people from getting vaccinated. With this information, health programs can do better at preventing outbreaks and keeping communities safe from diseases.

Fostering Innovation and Progress

  • Example: Research on the development of artificial intelligence algorithms for medical diagnosis advances technological innovation in healthcare. By harnessing the power of machine learning and data analytics, the study enables more accurate and efficient diagnosis of medical conditions, leading to improved patient outcomes and advancements in medical practice.

What Is The Significance Of The Study And Statement Of The Problem?

The significance of the study and the statement of the problem are two critical components of any research endeavor, as they lay the foundation for the entire study. Let’s explore their significance individually:

Significance of the Study

  • The significance of the study articulates why the research is important and why it matters. It provides justification for conducting the study and highlights its relevance in the broader context of academia, society, or a specific field.
  • Significance is about identifying the value and impact of the research in terms of its potential contributions to knowledge, practical applications, policy implications, or societal relevance.
  • Without a clear understanding of the significance of the study, researchers may struggle to convey the importance of their work to stakeholders, peers, and the broader community.
  • A well-defined significance statement serves as a guiding principle throughout the research process, helping researchers stay focused on the overarching goals and objectives of their study.

Statement of the Problem

  • The statement of the problem defines the specific issue or question that the research seeks to address. It clarifies the scope and boundaries of the study by identifying the key variables, concepts, or phenomena under investigation.
  • The problem statement highlights the gap or deficiency in existing knowledge that the research aims to fill. It identifies the research gap by demonstrating what is currently unknown, unresolved, or underexplored in the literature.
  • A well-crafted problem statement provides a clear and concise description of the research problem, making it easier for readers to understand the purpose and rationale behind the study.
  • By defining the problem upfront, researchers can effectively plan their research design, methodology, and data collection strategies to address the identified research gap.
  • The statement of the problem serves as a roadmap for the research, guiding the selection of research questions, hypotheses, and analytical approaches to be used in the study.

How Do You Write The Significance Of Research?

Writing the significance of research involves clearly articulating why the study is important, relevant, and worthy of attention. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write the significance of research:

  • Identify the Problem or Issue

Begin by clearly defining the problem, question, or issue that the research seeks to address. This sets the stage for explaining why the research is necessary.

  • Review Existing Literature

Conduct a thorough review of existing literature in the field to understand what has already been studied and what gaps or limitations exist in current knowledge.

  • Highlight the Gap in Knowledge

Identify the specific gap or deficiency in existing research that the study aims to fill. This could be a lack of research on a particular topic, conflicting findings in the literature, or unanswered questions that need further exploration.

  • Explain the Relevance and Importance

Clearly articulate why the research is important and relevant in the broader context. Consider the potential implications of the research for theory development, practical applications, policy decisions, or societal impact.

  • Demonstrate Potential Contributions

Explain how the research will contribute to advancing knowledge in the field. This could involve providing new insights, validating existing theories, developing innovative methodologies, or addressing practical problems.

  • Consider Stakeholder Perspectives

Identify the stakeholders or audiences who will benefit from the research findings. Consider their perspectives and interests when explaining the significance of the research.

  • Emphasize Practical Applications

Highlight any practical applications or real-world implications of the research. This could include informing policy decisions, improving practices, addressing societal challenges, or benefiting specific industries or communities.

  • Provide Justification for Conducting the Study

Offer a compelling rationale for why the research is worth undertaking. This could involve emphasizing the urgency of the problem, the potential benefits of finding a solution, or the intellectual merit of exploring a novel research question.

  • Be Concise and Clear

Write the significance of research in a clear, concise, and compelling manner. Avoid jargon or technical language that may obscure the message and focus on communicating the importance of the research in accessible terms.

  • Revise and Refine

Review and revise the significance of research to ensure clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness. Solicit feedback from peers, mentors, or colleagues to refine your argument and strengthen your rationale.

In the ever-evolving world of research, the significance of each study lies in its ability to push the boundaries of knowledge, address pressing issues, and make a meaningful impact on the world.

By understanding why a study matters, researchers can ensure that their work contributes meaningfully to the collective pursuit of knowledge and progress. 

So the next time you embark on a research journey, remember to ask yourself: What is the significance of the study? The answer could shape the course of history.

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How To Write a Significance Statement for Your Research

A significance statement is an essential part of a research paper. It explains the importance and relevance of the study to the academic community and the world at large. To write a compelling significance statement, identify the research problem, explain why it is significant, provide evidence of its importance, and highlight its potential impact on future research, policy, or practice. A well-crafted significance statement should effectively communicate the value of the research to readers and help them understand why it matters.

Updated on May 4, 2023

a life sciences researcher writing a significance statement for her researcher

A significance statement is a clearly stated, non-technical paragraph that explains why your research matters. It’s central in making the public aware of and gaining support for your research.

Write it in jargon-free language that a reader from any field can understand. Well-crafted, easily readable significance statements can improve your chances for citation and impact and make it easier for readers outside your field to find and understand your work.

Read on for more details on what a significance statement is, how it can enhance the impact of your research, and, of course, how to write one.

What is a significance statement in research?

A significance statement answers the question: How will your research advance scientific knowledge and impact society at large (as well as specific populations)? 

You might also see it called a “Significance of the study” statement. Some professional organizations in the STEM sciences and social sciences now recommended that journals in their disciplines make such statements a standard feature of each published article. Funding agencies also consider “significance” a key criterion for their awards.

Read some examples of significance statements from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) here .

Depending upon the specific journal or funding agency’s requirements, your statement may be around 100 words and answer these questions:

1. What’s the purpose of this research?

2. What are its key findings?

3. Why do they matter?

4. Who benefits from the research results?

Readers will want to know: “What is interesting or important about this research?” Keep asking yourself that question.

Where to place the significance statement in your manuscript

Most journals ask you to place the significance statement before or after the abstract, so check with each journal’s guide. 

This article is focused on the formal significance statement, even though you’ll naturally highlight your project’s significance elsewhere in your manuscript. (In the introduction, you’ll set out your research aims, and in the conclusion, you’ll explain the potential applications of your research and recommend areas for future research. You’re building an overall case for the value of your work.)

Developing the significance statement

The main steps in planning and developing your statement are to assess the gaps to which your study contributes, and then define your work’s implications and impact.

Identify what gaps your study fills and what it contributes

Your literature review was a big part of how you planned your study. To develop your research aims and objectives, you identified gaps or unanswered questions in the preceding research and designed your study to address them.

Go back to that lit review and look at those gaps again. Review your research proposal to refresh your memory. Ask:

  • How have my research findings advanced knowledge or provided notable new insights?
  • How has my research helped to prove (or disprove) a hypothesis or answer a research question?
  • Why are those results important?

Consider your study’s potential impact at two levels: 

  • What contribution does my research make to my field?
  • How does it specifically contribute to knowledge; that is, who will benefit the most from it?

Define the implications and potential impact

As you make notes, keep the reasons in mind for why you are writing this statement. Whom will it impact, and why?

The first audience for your significance statement will be journal reviewers when you submit your article for publishing. Many journals require one for manuscript submissions. Study the author’s guide of your desired journal to see its criteria ( here’s an example ). Peer reviewers who can clearly understand the value of your research will be more likely to recommend publication. 

Second, when you apply for funding, your significance statement will help justify why your research deserves a grant from a funding agency . The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), for example, wants to see that a project will “exert a sustained, powerful influence on the research field(s) involved.” Clear, simple language is always valuable because not all reviewers will be specialists in your field.

Third, this concise statement about your study’s importance can affect how potential readers engage with your work. Science journalists and interested readers can promote and spread your work, enhancing your reputation and influence. Help them understand your work.

You’re now ready to express the importance of your research clearly and concisely. Time to start writing.

How to write a significance statement: Key elements 

When drafting your statement, focus on both the content and writing style.

  • In terms of content, emphasize the importance, timeliness, and relevance of your research results. 
  • Write the statement in plain, clear language rather than scientific or technical jargon. Your audience will include not just your fellow scientists but also non-specialists like journalists, funding reviewers, and members of the public. 

Follow the process we outline below to build a solid, well-crafted, and informative statement. 

Get started

Some suggested opening lines to help you get started might be:

  • The implications of this study are… 
  • Building upon previous contributions, our study moves the field forward because…
  • Our study furthers previous understanding about…

Alternatively, you may start with a statement about the phenomenon you’re studying, leading to the problem statement.

Include these components

Next, draft some sentences that include the following elements. A good example, which we’ll use here, is a significance statement by Rogers et al. (2022) published in the Journal of Climate .

1. Briefly situate your research study in its larger context . Start by introducing the topic, leading to a problem statement. Here’s an example:

‘Heatwaves pose a major threat to human health, ecosystems, and human systems.”

2. State the research problem.

“Simultaneous heatwaves affecting multiple regions can exacerbate such threats. For example, multiple food-producing regions simultaneously undergoing heat-related crop damage could drive global food shortages.”

3. Tell what your study does to address it.

“We assess recent changes in the occurrence of simultaneous large heatwaves.”

4. Provide brief but powerful evidence to support the claims your statement is making , Use quantifiable terms rather than vague ones (e.g., instead of “This phenomenon is happening now more than ever,” see below how Rogers et al. (2022) explained it). This evidence intensifies and illustrates the problem more vividly:

“Such simultaneous heatwaves are 7 times more likely now than 40 years ago. They are also hotter and affect a larger area. Their increasing occurrence is mainly driven by warming baseline temperatures due to global heating, but changes in weather patterns contribute to disproportionate increases over parts of Europe, the eastern United States, and Asia.

5. Relate your study’s impact to the broader context , starting with its general significance to society—then, when possible, move to the particular as you name specific applications of your research findings. (Our example lacks this second level of application.) 

“Better understanding the drivers of weather pattern changes is therefore important for understanding future concurrent heatwave characteristics and their impacts.”

Refine your English

Don’t understate or overstate your findings – just make clear what your study contributes. When you have all the elements in place, review your draft to simplify and polish your language. Even better, get an expert AJE edit . Be sure to use “plain” language rather than academic jargon.

  • Avoid acronyms, scientific jargon, and technical terms 
  • Use active verbs in your sentence structure rather than passive voice (e.g., instead of “It was found that...”, use “We found...”)
  • Make sentence structures short, easy to understand – readable
  • Try to address only one idea in each sentence and keep sentences within 25 words (15 words is even better)
  • Eliminate nonessential words and phrases (“fluff” and wordiness)

Enhance your significance statement’s impact

Always take time to review your draft multiple times. Make sure that you:

  • Keep your language focused
  • Provide evidence to support your claims
  • Relate the significance to the broader research context in your field

After revising your significance statement, request feedback from a reading mentor about how to make it even clearer. If you’re not a native English speaker, seek help from a native-English-speaking colleague or use an editing service like AJE to make sure your work is at a native level.

Understanding the significance of your study

Your readers may have much less interest than you do in the specific details of your research methods and measures. Many readers will scan your article to learn how your findings might apply to them and their own research. 

Different types of significance

Your findings may have different types of significance, relevant to different populations or fields of study for different reasons. You can emphasize your work’s statistical, clinical, or practical significance. Editors or reviewers in the social sciences might also evaluate your work’s social or political significance.

Statistical significance means that the results are unlikely to have occurred randomly. Instead, it implies a true cause-and-effect relationship.

Clinical significance means that your findings are applicable for treating patients and improving quality of life.

Practical significance is when your research outcomes are meaningful to society at large, in the “real world.” Practical significance is usually measured by the study’s  effect size . Similarly, evaluators may attribute social or political significance to research that addresses “real and immediate” social problems.

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  • 20 July, 2022

The significance of a study is its importance . It refers to the contribution(s) to and impact of the study on a research field. The significance also signals who benefits from the research findings and how.

Purpose of writing the significance of a study

A study’s significance should spark the interest of the reader. Researchers will be able to appreciate your work better when they understand the relevance and its (potential) impact. Peer reviewers also assess the significance of the work, which will influence the decision made (acceptance/rejection) on the manuscript. 

Sections in which the significance of the study is written


In the Introduction of your paper, the significance appears where you talk about the potential importance and impact of the study. It should flow naturally from the problem , aims and objectives, and rationale .

The significance is described in more detail in the concluding paragraph(s) of the Discussion or the dedicated Conclusions section. Here, you put the findings into perspective and outline the contributions of the findings in terms of implications and applications.

The significance may or may not appear in the abstract . When it does, it is written in the concluding lines of the abstract.

Significance vs. other introductory elements of your paper

In the Introduction…

  • The problem statement outlines the concern that needs to be addressed.
  • The research aim describes the purpose of the study.
  • The objectives indicate how that aim will be achieved.
  • The rationale explains why you are performing the study.
  • The significance tells the reader how the findings affect the topic/broad field. In other words, the significance is about how much the findings matter.

How to write the significance of the study

A good significance statement may be written in different ways. The approach to writing it also depends on the study area. In the arts and humanities , the significance statement might be longer and more descriptive. In applied sciences , it might be more direct.

a. Suggested sequence for writing the significance statement

  • Think of the gaps your study is setting out to address.
  • Look at your research from general and specific angles in terms of its (potential) contribution .
  • Once you have these points ready, start writing them, connecting them to your study as a whole.

b. Some ways to begin your statement(s) of significance

Here are some opening lines to build on:

  • The particular significance of this study lies in the… 
  • We argue that this study moves the field forward because…
  • This study makes some important contributions to…
  • Our findings deepen the current understanding about…

c. Don’ts of writing a significance statement

  • Don’t make it too long .
  • Don’t repeat any information that has been presented in other sections.
  • Don’t overstate or exaggerat e the importance; it should match your actual findings.

Example of significance of a study

Note the significance statements highlighted in the following fictional study.

Significance in the Introduction

The effects of Miyawaki forests on local biodiversity in urban housing complexes remain poorly understood. No formal studies on negative impacts on insect activity, populations or diversity have been undertaken thus far. In this study, we compared the effects that Miyawaki forests in urban dwellings have on local pollinator activity. The findings of this study will help improve the design of this afforestation technique in a way that balances local fauna, particularly pollinators, which are highly sensitive to microclimatic changes.

Significance in the Conclusion

[…] The findings provide valuable insights for guiding and informing Miyawaki afforestation in urban dwellings. We demonstrate that urban planning and landscaping policies need to consider potential declines.

A study’s significance usually appears at the end of the Introduction and in the Conclusion to describe the importance of the research findings. A strong and clear significance statement will pique the interest of readers, as well as that of relevant stakeholders.

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How to Write Significance of the Study in a Project Research Paper

How to Write Significance of the Study in a Project Research Paper

When you write your thesis or research paper, there is a section of your introduction that is allotted to the significance of the study. The purpose of this section is to state why your study was needed and the contribution of your research to your field.

In this guide, you will learn the meaning of the significance of the study in your research paper and how to write one.

What is the Significance of the Study?

The significance of the study is basically a written statement that explains why your research was important. It justifies why your research was needed, the impact of your research in your field, its contribution, and how others (audience) would benefit from it.

Also referred to as the rationale of the study, the significance of the study is important to communicate why your research is important to your reader. It is important to make clear the significance of your study for easy comprehension by the readers.

Tips for writing the significance of the study

Reflect on the Problem Statement When writing this section of your paper, first reflect on what contribution your research is making to your field, the gaps in knowledge in your research field, and why your work should be published.

Your problem statement should be reflected in the introduction of the significance of the study. Your research problem statement can guide you to identify specific contributions your research is making to your field of study.

Write from a general contribution to a specific contribution Write your significance of the study in an inverted pyramid format. Start with your research contribution to society as a whole, and then proceed to narrow it down to a specific individual or group of people.

When writing your statement of study, the length should not be more than 500 words for a thesis and around 200 words for a research paper.

However, note that writing the significance of study depends on your subject area and your content as there is no single way of writing a perfect significance of study.

An Example of Significance of Study

This study's findings will further reveal how management-employee bilateral relationships can be strengthened while improving workplace productivity. The findings would be of major importance in assessing how collective bargaining can be a major tool in improving workplace performance in a developing economy like Nigeria. Collective bargaining would help both management and employees bargain on terms and conditions of service and resolve their grievances without leading to strikes, lock-outs, and other forms of industrial actions. The best approach in negotiating on the bargaining table is to provide employees with the importance of collective bargaining as the best method of settling the industrial conflict, which will improve their productivity and lead to higher organizational performance.

The significance of the study is used in academic writing by students and researchers to communicate the importance of a research problem. This section describes specific contributions made to your field of study and who benefits from it. Also, the extent to which the study matters and its potential benefits to people, researchers, departments and other fields are discussed here. This statement is written at the end of your introduction and should be well attended to.

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How to Discuss the Significance of Your Research

How to Discuss the Significance of Your Research

  • 6-minute read
  • 10th April 2023


Research papers can be a real headache for college students . As a student, your research needs to be credible enough to support your thesis statement. You must also ensure you’ve discussed the literature review, findings, and results.

However, it’s also important to discuss the significance of your research . Your potential audience will care deeply about this. It will also help you conduct your research. By knowing the impact of your research, you’ll understand what important questions to answer.

If you’d like to know more about the impact of your research, read on! We’ll talk about why it’s important and how to discuss it in your paper.

What Is the Significance of Research?

This is the potential impact of your research on the field of study. It includes contributions from new knowledge from the research and those who would benefit from it. You should present this before conducting research, so you need to be aware of current issues associated with the thesis before discussing the significance of the research.

Why Does the Significance of Research Matter?

Potential readers need to know why your research is worth pursuing. Discussing the significance of research answers the following questions:

●  Why should people read your research paper ?

●  How will your research contribute to the current knowledge related to your topic?

●  What potential impact will it have on the community and professionals in the field?

Not including the significance of research in your paper would be like a knight trying to fight a dragon without weapons.

Where Do I Discuss the Significance of Research in My Paper?

As previously mentioned, the significance of research comes before you conduct it. Therefore, you should discuss the significance of your research in the Introduction section. Your reader should know the problem statement and hypothesis beforehand.

Steps to Discussing the Significance of Your Research

Discussing the significance of research might seem like a loaded question, so we’ve outlined some steps to help you tackle it.

Step 1: The Research Problem

The problem statement can reveal clues about the outcome of your research. Your research should provide answers to the problem, which is beneficial to all those concerned. For example, imagine the problem statement is, “To what extent do elementary and high school teachers believe cyberbullying affects student performance?”

Learning teachers’ opinions on the effects of cyberbullying on student performance could result in the following:

●  Increased public awareness of cyberbullying in elementary and high schools

●  Teachers’ perceptions of cyberbullying negatively affecting student performance

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●  Whether cyberbullying is more prevalent in elementary or high schools

The research problem will steer your research in the right direction, so it’s best to start with the problem statement.

Step 2: Existing Literature in the Field

Think about current information on your topic, and then find out what information is missing. Are there any areas that haven’t been explored? Your research should add new information to the literature, so be sure to state this in your discussion. You’ll need to know the current literature on your topic anyway, as this is part of your literature review section .

Step 3: Your Research’s Impact on Society

Inform your readers about the impact on society your research could have on it. For example, in the study about teachers’ opinions on cyberbullying, you could mention that your research will educate the community about teachers’ perceptions of cyberbullying as it affects student performance. As a result, the community will know how many teachers believe cyberbullying affects student performance.

You can also mention specific individuals and institutions that would benefit from your study. In the example of cyberbullying, you might indicate that school principals and superintendents would benefit from your research.

Step 4: Future Studies in the Field

Next, discuss how the significance of your research will benefit future studies, which is especially helpful for future researchers in your field. In the example of cyberbullying affecting student performance, your research could provide further opportunities to assess teacher perceptions of cyberbullying and its effects on students from larger populations. This prepares future researchers for data collection and analysis.

Discussing the significance of your research may sound daunting when you haven’t conducted it yet. However, an audience might not read your paper if they don’t know the significance of the research. By focusing on the problem statement and the research benefits to society and future studies, you can convince your audience of the value of your research.

Remember that everything you write doesn’t have to be set in stone. You can go back and tweak the significance of your research after conducting it. At first, you might only include general contributions of your study, but as you research, your contributions will become more specific.

You should have a solid understanding of your topic in general, its associated problems, and the literature review before tackling the significance of your research. However, you’re not trying to prove your thesis statement at this point. The significance of research just convinces the audience that your study is worth reading.

Finally, we always recommend seeking help from your research advisor whenever you’re struggling with ideas. For a more visual idea of how to discuss the significance of your research, we suggest checking out this video .

1. Do I need to do my research before discussing its significance?

No, you’re discussing the significance of your research before you conduct it. However, you should be knowledgeable about your topic and the related literature.

2. Is the significance of research the same as its implications?

No, the research implications are potential questions from your study that justify further exploration, which comes after conducting the research.

 3. Discussing the significance of research seems overwhelming. Where should I start?

We recommend the problem statement as a starting point, which reveals clues to the potential outcome of your research.

4. How can I get feedback on my discussion of the significance of my research?

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The Palgrave Handbook of Research Design in Business and Management pp 103–108 Cite as

Establishing Rationale and Significance of Research

  • Judith Hahn  

2255 Accesses

1 Citations

This chapter builds on the first five chapters in this handbook that explained the research design typology. The focus here is on establishing rationale and significance of research. This chapter is intended to serve as a guide for practitioners to apply and integrate the research design typology layers into a scholarly manuscript. In contrast to the broad scope of the first five chapters, this chapter concentrates on how to integrate specific components of the typology regardless of which ideology the researcher holds on the continuum (positivist, post-positivist, pragmatist, interpretivist, or constructivist).

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Katz, M. (2010). Toward a new moral paradigm in health care delivery: Accounting for individuals. American Journal Of Law and Medicine , 36 (1), 78–135.

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Kinney, E. (1995). Protecting consumers and providers under health reform: An overview of the major administrative law issues. Health Matrix (Cleveland, Ohio: 1991) , 5 (1), 83–140.

Matteson, L. & Lacey F. M. (2011). Doing your literature review: Traditional and systematic techniques . London: Sage

Mclean, T. R. (2006). The future of telemedicine and its Faustian reliance on regulatory trade barriers for protection. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine , 16 (2), 443–509.

Saxton, J. & Johns, M. (2010). Barriers to change in engineering the system of health care delivery. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , 15 (3), 437–463.

The Ethics of Using QI Methods to Improve Health Quality and Safety (2006). Hastings Center Report , Vol. 36, pp. S1–S40.

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© 2015 Kenneth D. Strang

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Hahn, J. (2015). Establishing Rationale and Significance of Research. In: Strang, K.D. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Research Design in Business and Management. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137484956_7

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137484956_7

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, New York

Print ISBN : 978-1-349-47906-1

Online ISBN : 978-1-137-48495-6

eBook Packages : Palgrave Business & Management Collection Business and Management (R0)

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An Easy Introduction to Statistical Significance (With Examples)

Published on January 7, 2021 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on June 22, 2023.

If a result is statistically significant , that means it’s unlikely to be explained solely by chance or random factors. In other words, a statistically significant result has a very low chance of occurring if there were no true effect in a research study.

The p value , or probability value, tells you the statistical significance of a finding. In most studies, a p value of 0.05 or less is considered statistically significant, but this threshold can also be set higher or lower.

Table of contents

How do you test for statistical significance, what is a significance level, problems with relying on statistical significance, other types of significance in research, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about statistical significance.

In quantitative research , data are analyzed through null hypothesis significance testing, or hypothesis testing. This is a formal procedure for assessing whether a relationship between variables or a difference between groups is statistically significant.

Null and alternative hypotheses

To begin, research predictions are rephrased into two main hypotheses: the null and alternative hypothesis .

  • A null hypothesis ( H 0 ) always predicts no true effect, no relationship between variables , or no difference between groups.
  • An alternative hypothesis ( H a or H 1 ) states your main prediction of a true effect, a relationship between variables, or a difference between groups.

Hypothesis testin g always starts with the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. Using this procedure, you can assess the likelihood (probability) of obtaining your results under this assumption. Based on the outcome of the test, you can reject or retain the null hypothesis.

  • H 0 : There is no difference in happiness between actively smiling and not smiling.
  • H a : Actively smiling leads to more happiness than not smiling.

Test statistics and p values

Every statistical test produces:

  • A test statistic that indicates how closely your data match the null hypothesis.
  • A corresponding p value that tells you the probability of obtaining this result if the null hypothesis is true.

The p value determines statistical significance. An extremely low p value indicates high statistical significance, while a high p value means low or no statistical significance.

Next, you perform a t test to see whether actively smiling leads to more happiness. Using the difference in average happiness between the two groups, you calculate:

  • a t value (the test statistic) that tells you how much the sample data differs from the null hypothesis,
  • a p value showing the likelihood of finding this result if the null hypothesis is true.

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the significance of the study in research

The significance level , or alpha (α), is a value that the researcher sets in advance as the threshold for statistical significance. It is the maximum risk of making a false positive conclusion ( Type I error ) that you are willing to accept .

In a hypothesis test, the  p value is compared to the significance level to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis.

  • If the p value is  higher than the significance level, the null hypothesis is not refuted, and the results are not statistically significant .
  • If the p value is lower than the significance level, the results are interpreted as refuting the null hypothesis and reported as statistically significant .

Usually, the significance level is set to 0.05 or 5%. That means your results must have a 5% or lower chance of occurring under the null hypothesis to be considered statistically significant.

The significance level can be lowered for a more conservative test. That means an effect has to be larger to be considered statistically significant.

The significance level may also be set higher for significance testing in non-academic marketing or business contexts. This makes the study less rigorous and increases the probability of finding a statistically significant result.

As best practice, you should set a significance level before you begin your study. Otherwise, you can easily manipulate your results to match your research predictions.

It’s important to note that hypothesis testing can only show you whether or not to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. It can never “prove” the null hypothesis, because the lack of a statistically significant effect doesn’t mean that absolutely no effect exists.

When reporting statistical significance, include relevant descriptive statistics about your data (e.g., means and standard deviations ) as well as the test statistic and p value.

There are various critiques of the concept of statistical significance and how it is used in research.

Researchers classify results as statistically significant or non-significant using a conventional threshold that lacks any theoretical or practical basis. This means that even a tiny 0.001 decrease in a p value can convert a research finding from statistically non-significant to significant with almost no real change in the effect.

On its own, statistical significance may also be misleading because it’s affected by sample size. In extremely large samples , you’re more likely to obtain statistically significant results, even if the effect is actually small or negligible in the real world. This means that small effects are often exaggerated if they meet the significance threshold, while interesting results are ignored when they fall short of meeting the threshold.

The strong emphasis on statistical significance has led to a serious publication bias and replication crisis in the social sciences and medicine over the last few decades. Results are usually only published in academic journals if they show statistically significant results—but statistically significant results often can’t be reproduced in high quality replication studies.

As a result, many scientists call for retiring statistical significance as a decision-making tool in favor of more nuanced approaches to interpreting results.

That’s why APA guidelines advise reporting not only p values but also  effect sizes and confidence intervals wherever possible to show the real world implications of a research outcome.

Aside from statistical significance, clinical significance and practical significance are also important research outcomes.

Practical significance shows you whether the research outcome is important enough to be meaningful in the real world. It’s indicated by the effect size of the study.

Clinical significance is relevant for intervention and treatment studies. A treatment is considered clinically significant when it tangibly or substantially improves the lives of patients.

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If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Correlation coefficient


  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Types of interviews
  • Cohort study
  • Thematic analysis

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Survivorship bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Nonresponse bias
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Statistical significance is a term used by researchers to state that it is unlikely their observations could have occurred under the null hypothesis of a statistical test . Significance is usually denoted by a p -value , or probability value.

Statistical significance is arbitrary – it depends on the threshold, or alpha value, chosen by the researcher. The most common threshold is p < 0.05, which means that the data is likely to occur less than 5% of the time under the null hypothesis .

When the p -value falls below the chosen alpha value, then we say the result of the test is statistically significant.

A p -value , or probability value, is a number describing how likely it is that your data would have occurred under the null hypothesis of your statistical test .

P -values are usually automatically calculated by the program you use to perform your statistical test. They can also be estimated using p -value tables for the relevant test statistic .

P -values are calculated from the null distribution of the test statistic. They tell you how often a test statistic is expected to occur under the null hypothesis of the statistical test, based on where it falls in the null distribution.

If the test statistic is far from the mean of the null distribution, then the p -value will be small, showing that the test statistic is not likely to have occurred under the null hypothesis.

No. The p -value only tells you how likely the data you have observed is to have occurred under the null hypothesis .

If the p -value is below your threshold of significance (typically p < 0.05), then you can reject the null hypothesis, but this does not necessarily mean that your alternative hypothesis is true.

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Bhandari, P. (2023, June 22). An Easy Introduction to Statistical Significance (With Examples). Scribbr. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/statistical-significance/

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Statistical significance or clinical significance? A researcher's dilemma for appropriate interpretation of research results

Hunny sharma.

Department of Community and Family Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

It is incredibly essential that the current clinicians and researchers remain updated with findings of current biomedical literature for evidence-based medicine. However, they come across many types of research that are nonreproducible and are even difficult to interpret clinically. Statistical and clinical significance is one such difficulty that clinicians and researchers face across many instances. In simpler terms, the P value tests all hypothesis about how the data were produced (model as whole), and not just the targeted hypothesis that it is intended to test (such as a null hypothesis) keeping in mind how reliable are the of the research results. Most of the times it is misinterpreted and misunderstood as a measure to judge the results as clinically significant. Hence this review aims to impart knowledge about “P” value and its importance in biostatistics, also highlights the importance of difference between statistical and clinical significance for appropriate interpretation of research results.


Currently, in the publish or perish era where most of the researches are judged based on their statistically significant findings, it is often difficult for young researchers to interpret the correct findings of the research. The recent development of high-speed and more sophisticated computing power, utilizing high-end computers and statistical software packages, has resulted in a significant increase in the use of statistical methods, tests for hypothesis testing and reporting to the health literature. Unluckily, the appropriate interpretation of research results from the clinical point of not received similar interest.[ 1 ] This imbalance from decades to determine the actual importance of statistical and clinical significance and publication of such results in reputed indexed journals had led researchers to consider statistically significant results also as a clinically important one. It is essential to understand that publications in reputed indexed journals do not indicate that appropriate study design or statistics methods were used. This dilemma of the young researchers creates obstacles in their clinical decision-making and ultimately affects their role in Evidence-based practice.[ 2 ]

Researchers must realize that a clinical study is valuable and is of importance to clinical practice when the results are appropriately interpreted. Every year hundreds of studies and clinical trials are conducted to test different hypothesis. These trials are entirely dependent on appropriate statistical tests to assess whether new therapies or treatment protocol are better in clinical practice as compared to the usual approach or methods. Researchers should understand what is the importance of both statistical and clinical significance.[ 3 ]

When looking from a clinical point of view, the statistically significant difference among groups is not of prime importance. If a well-conducted study shows a difference in treatment options within two groups, it is of prime importance to know whether that difference is of clinically importance or not.[ 4 ] Since sample size and measurement variability can easily influence the statistical results, a nonsignificant outcome does not imply that the new therapy or treatment protocol is not clinically useful.[ 5 , 6 ]

Hence this review aims to impart knowledge about “ P ” value and its importance in biostatistics, also highlights the importance of difference between statistical and clinical significance for appropriate interpretation of research results.

What does P value infer?

In simpler terms, the P value tests all hypothesis about how the data were produced (the whole model), not just the targeted hypothesis that it is intended to test (such as a null hypothesis).[ 7 ]

The P value is the likelihood that if every model assumption, including the test hypothesis, were correct, the chosen test statistic would have been at least as large as its observed value.[ 7 ]

The most common threshold value for the “ P ” we find in biomedical literature is 0.05 (or 5%), and most often the P value is distorted into a dichotomous number where results are considered “statistically significant” when P falls on or below a cut-off (usually 0.05) and otherwise its declared “nonsignificant”.[ 7 ]

Why are “ P ” values not enough?

According to Ron Wasserstein, ASA's executive director, the P value was never meant to substitute the scientific reasoning, which is of greater interest. P value, which is a number whose value can range from zero to one in relation to a threshold value, represents the probability that the difference between the groups is not by chance. A well-reasoned and scientifically driven explanation will always remain the basis of reporting scientific outcomes.[ 8 ]

On what factors does the “ P ” value depend?

It should be borne in mind that the “ P ” value only represents that to what extent the data are inconsistent or incompatible with a given specific statistical model (i.e., null hypothesis). Hence it only aims to accept or reject the null hypothesis rather than focusing on the research hypothesis. From a statistical point of view, it measures the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis.[ 9 ]

With the advancement in biostatistics, it is now clear that the “ P ” value can easily be affected by various factors like sample size, the magnitude of the relationship and error. Each of these factors can work independently or in combination to distort the study findings based on “ P ” values.[ 10 ]

(1) Effect of error on “ P ” values

In general, two types of errors that is, systematic and random error effects the “ P ” value.

“Systematic errors,” that is, “Non-random errors” of certain significant magnitude distorts the research results towards a specific direction or can result in altered observed association in either direction. This type of error generally occurs when a single examiner takes the measurement leading to an unintended bias of deviating the research results to his/her expectations or may also result from modification of the measuring technique. Hence, Systematic error is a systematic flaw in the measurement of a variable due to methodological error leading to underestimation or overestimation of measurements. The extent of systematic errors can be determined by re-examination and re-measurement of a certain sufficient number (i.e., 20%, not always applicable) of individuals again by material and method used in the agreement. Some statistical tests like paired t -test, the intraclass correlation and the Bland-Altman method can also help in the determination of systematic errors.[ 10 , 11 , 12 ]

A “random error” is defined as a variability of the data which cannot be explained. Random errors of high magnitude means trouble in reproducibility of the measurements, which may result in questionable methodology and questionable examiners’ ability. This occurs randomly across the population, ultimately distorting the results. Random errors can be minimized by taking a large number of samples or measurements. Let us understand this by taking an example of measuring Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) of the population. While measuring the MUAC of each individual in the population, random error may exhibit itself in the form of random MUAC among individuals that is, less or more MUAC measured as compared to the actual measurement. This may be a result of how the tape was held while taking the measurement, at what position it was measured (ideally midway between the olecranon process and the acromion), and who was the researcher who took the measurement. Random error can be reduced by incorporating a large number of samples or measurements that is, the more study participants are included in these measurements, the smaller the effect of random error will become.[ 10 ]

(2) Effect of sample size on “ P ” values

It is well known that the P value depends on the sample size to a vast extent. More the sample size less will be the variability of the measurement or data, and more precise will be the measurement for the study population. With an increase in sample size, the magnitude of random error decreases and the study is more likely to find a significant relationship if it exists.[ 10 ]

(3) Effect of magnitude of relationship between groups on “ P ” values

P -value also relies on the magnitude of difference or relationship between the groups compared. In simpler terms, if the magnitude of difference between the two groups is more substantial, then it will be easy to detect and will have a small P value.[ 10 ]

What are the American Statistical Association (ASA) principal statements on statistical significance and P values?

ASA on 8 th March 2016, in the event of the growing concern of misuse and misinterpretation of P values, gave six principal statements to improve conduct and interpretation of quantitative research and increase research reproducibility. The six principal statements issued regarding significance and P value which are as follows:

  • P -value shows the extent of incompatibility of the data with the stated statistical model.[ 8 ]
  • P -value is neither the measure of the probability of the studied hypothesis being true nor is the representation of the probability that study data were produced by random chance alone.[ 8 ]
  • It is extremely important to note that any business model, policy decision, or conclusion related to any scientific study or experiment should not be based on the P value and merely on the fact whether it passes a specific threshold or not.[ 8 ]
  • It is the moral duty of the authors and researchers to report the research or experimental findings to its full extent and with transparency.[ 8 ]
  • A P value is neither represents the importance of research results nor is the representation of the effect size of the study.[ 8 ]
  • P -value does not give a sufficient measure of evidence regarding a model or “hypothesis”.[ 8 ]

What are clinically significant outcomes?

The term “clinically significant” can be used for the researches in which clinically relevant results or outcomes are used to assess the effectiveness or efficacy of a treatment modality. When used the term “clinically significant” findings are those who make the patient improves the quality of life and makes him/her feel, function well.[ 13 ]

Clinically significant findings are those which improve medical care resulting in the improvement of individual's physical function, his/her mental status, and ability to engage in social life. The term improvement of quality of life in medical care deals with both subjective and objective terms. Here the term objective deals with improvement in performance status, duration of remission of disease, and prolongation of life-span, while subjective improvement in quality-of-life deals with improved mood, attitude, physical and social activity, feeling of general wellbeing, and the alleviation of distressing symptoms like pain, weakness, and discomfort.

Since statistical significance results do not necessarily mean that the results are clinically relevant and lead to improvement in the quality of life of the individuals. Hence, many outcomes can be statistically significant but not clinically relevant in a clinical point of view. Hence, clinicians and researchers should give importance to both statistical and clinical significance.[ 13 ]

A clinically relevant intervention justifies the effects which over-benefits the associated costs, harm, and the inconveniences caused to the individuals for whom it is targeted. The main difference between statistical and clinical significance is that the clinical significance observes dissimilarity between the two groups or the two treatment modalities, while statistical significance implies whether there is any mathematical significance to the carried analysis of the results or not.

Different studies can have a similar statistical significance but may differ significantly in clinical significance. Let's consider an example of two different chemotherapy agents for cancer. The first study estimates to increase the survival of treated patient with Drug A (Less Expensive than usual chemotherapeutic agents) by five years ( P = 0.01) and alpha being 0.005, similarly a Second study utilizing Drug B (Expensive than usual chemotherapeutic agents) estimates to increase the survival of treated patient by mere five months ( P = 0.01) and alpha being 0.005. In both cases, the statistical test is significant, but Drug B only increases the survival by only five months which is not clinically significant as compared to Drug A which increases survival by five years, nor useful in terms of cost-effectiveness and superiority when compared to already available chemotherapeutic agents.[ 14 , 15 ]

Hence from the above description of statistically significant and clinically significant results, it is clear that both the notations have the importance of their own. The statistically significant results may not of clinical importance, vice versa the results which are of clinical importance may not be statistically significant. It is high time now that the researchers, journal editors, and readers should take a keen interest in looking beyond the threshold “ P ” value and also consider the results from a clinical point of view rather than just assessing the worth of research by considering the “ P ” values. All the researchers should also take into account the design, sample size, effect size of the study, bias incorporated, and reproducibility of the study while analyzing the study results. An aware researcher with a logically and critically thinking mind is in the best position to evaluate research results and thereby applying them to practice evidence-based medicine. Logically, discussion of the clinically significant research results will increase discussion and understanding of the new treatment modalities and will help in the upliftment of evidence-based practice.

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The rise of the inclusive consumer

The American consumer is undeniably becoming more inclusive. Responding to our survey 1 McKinsey Inclusive Consumer Survey, October 2021. in October 2021, two out of three Americans told us their social values now shape their shopping choices. And 45 percent—likely representing well over a hundred million shoppers 2 Extrapolated data: 45 percent of 270 million US residents over 18 years old would be about 120 million. —believe retailers should actively support Black-owned businesses and brands. This 45 percent represents the inclusive consumer.

About the authors

This article is a collaborative effort by Pamela Brown, Tiffany Burns , Tyler Harris, Charlotte Lucas, and Israe Zizaoui, representing views from McKinsey’s Retail Practice.

Large consumer and retail players from Nordstrom to Yelp are moving quickly to serve this group of influential customers. Indeed, while inclusive consumers tend to be younger, female, and more racially diverse, they include men and women across ethnic backgrounds, income levels, and age groups. Given this diverse and ubiquitous representation, the inclusive consumer holds the unique power to influence all demographic groups (Exhibit 1).

The inclusive consumer is more likely than other shoppers to buy Black-owned brands out of a desire to support diverse entrepreneurs on their growth journeys and small businesses in general (Exhibit 2). Like many other consumers today, they base their shopping choices less on traditional advertising and more on social media, friends’ recommendations, and the stories of those who founded the brands they admire. They are also more likely than other shoppers to care about sustainability and quality. 3 McKinsey Inclusive Consumer Survey, October 2021.

Where the inclusive consumer may be headed

Inclusive consumers are a large and influential population, and they want to spend more on Black-owned brands, which they know are underrepresented on store shelves. However, finding the brands and the products remains a barrier. Indeed, one in five inclusive consumers cited not finding the products they wanted as a reason for not buying from Black-owned brands. This plays out in the bigger picture of US retail spending as well. While about 14 percent of the US population identifies as Black, 4 “Quick facts,” United States Census Bureau, July 1, 2019. Black-owned brands rang up only about $83 billion in sales in 2020 5 Estimated with consumer-reported proportion of holiday shopping with Black-owned brands and National Retail Federation data on 2020 holiday spending of $790 billion. —less than 1.5 percent of $5.4 trillion 6 “Sales for U.S. retail trade sector over $5,411.0 billion,” United States Census Bureau, January 28, 2021. of retail spending. In our survey, about 21 percent of inclusive consumers said they had pledged to devote at least 15 percent of their retail spending to Black-owned brands in an effort to turn the tides. 7 McKinsey Inclusive Consumer Survey, October 2021.

Most retailers will need to make changes to meet the needs of inclusive consumers. Fewer than half of these shoppers say they know which products on retail shelves are from Black-owned brands, and a third don’t know where to go to purchase Black-owned brands. 8 McKinsey Inclusive Consumer Survey, October 2021. About 45 percent of the inclusive consumers we surveyed said they would value relevant labeling on store shelves and the ability to filter website results to find Black-owned brands. About a third would value additional sources of information, such as curated lists of products, a database of Black-owned brands, and recommendations from influencers.

Major retailers are now joining social influencers and other stakeholders to spread the word. Growing support for Black-owned brands is evident in social media and traditional media: a wide range of publications, from New York magazine and GQ to Harper’s Bazaar 9 “The 42 best gifts to shop from Black-owned businesses now and forever,” Harper’s Bazaar , November 17, 2021. and whowhatwear.com, published a curated holiday list of products from Black-owned brands in November 2021. In the same month, Oprah’s “favorite things” list 10 “Oprah’s favorite things 2021 list is here!,” Oprah Daily, November 23, 2021. focused on products from small businesses, many of which are owned by women and people of color.

How retailers could attract the inclusive consumer

In a marketplace being transformed by digitization, social change, and a global pandemic, leading retailers and brand managers know that they must keep meeting evolving consumer preferences to stay relevant. Major retailers are now reviewing how they work—from operations and merchandising to hiring and HR practices—and starting to move the needle. Retailers should consider actions in five main areas to bring the inclusive consumer through their doors and onto their websites.

Action 1: Reshape shelves. Retailers can first and foremost demonstrate a commitment to the inclusive consumer by evaluating and reimagining the brands on their shelves. Many are already taking strong action, reimagining their merchandising mix to make shelves and the brands that sit on them more representative. For example, more than 28 national retailers, including Gap, Macy’s, and Sephora, have signed the Fifteen Percent Pledge’s call for 15 percent of retail shelf space to be dedicated to Black-owned brands. Some of these retailers have doubled their assortments of Black-owned brands in just a year, opening their doors to almost 400 brands. 11 Elizabeth Segran, “In one year, the 15% Pledge got 385 Black-owned brands on the shelves of Macy’s, Gap, Sephora, and more,” Fast Company , July 7, 2021. In addition to introducing Black-owned brands, retailers could also review their planograms and product placement: for example, Ulta Beauty is intentional about placing Black-owned brands in prime locations in stores and creates dedicated efforts to increase Black-owned brands’ features in circular advertising and email marketing. 12 Liz Flora, “Camille Rose expands to Ulta Beauty as retailer makes Black-owned brand push,” Glossy, April 12, 2021.

Retailers can first and foremost demonstrate a commitment to the inclusive consumer by evaluating and reimagining the brands on their shelves.

Action 2: Switch up sourcing. Retailers, especially those who are vertically integrated, could also demonstrate commitment to the inclusive consumer by doubling down on diversity in their supply chain. For example, Best Buy has committed to spending at least $1.2 billion with businesses owned by members of the Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) community and other diverse businesses by 2025. 13 “Best Buy commits to spending $1.2 billion with BIPOC and diverse businesses by 2025,” Business Wire, June 24, 2021. The commitment includes plans to increase all forms of spending with businesses from nearly every corner of the company—from how it brings goods and services to stores to where and how it advertises. Supplier diversity is not limited to retailers and can also be considered broadly by most brands and companies. For example, in 2020, the Coca-Cola Company committed to spending an additional $500 million over five years with Black-owned suppliers, more than doubling the company’s previous commitment. 14 “Coca-Cola Company commits $500 million in additional spending with Black-owned suppliers,” Coca-Cola Company, October 10, 2020. These actions show an increasing commitment to diversity across the supply chain, and these types of commitments will likely grow in future years as consumers begin calling for similar levels of diversity in the supply chain as they are calling for on shelves.

Action 3: Map it out. Inclusive consumers consistently say that not knowing which brands are Black-owned or where to shop for them are barriers to spending as much as they would like on brands from diverse founders. And wayfinding is their resounding answer. Retailers could help consumers identify Black-owned brands with clear labeling on shelves and websites, the ability to filter website search results, and curated lists of products, for example.

Sephora responded to these needs by creating a dedicated tab on its website to share Black-owned brands’ stories and products and by enhancing its online site, which features Black-owned brands on its browsing pane, provides a filter for shoppers looking for Black- and BIPOC-owned brands, and provides curated lists of recommended products, including a “Sephora Favorites” bundle in Black-owned beauty. 15 Kori Hale, “Sephora’s planning to double down on Black-owned brands,” Forbes , January 25, 2021. Google is also actively working on multiple initiatives to support Black-owned brands, including a tool that allows Black-owned businesses to identify themselves in maps, listings, and Google business-profile searches. 16 Keyword , “Standing with the Black community,” blog entry by Sundar Pichai, Google, June 3, 2020; “Supporting Black-owned businesses,” Google for Small Business, 2021. Additionally, Google has launched the ByBlack platform, which consists of both a national Black business directory (powered by the US Black Chambers) and a national certification as a Black-owned business (in partnership with American Express). This tool provides Black entrepreneurs access to a community with valuable business resources (including Google trainings) and a way to help reach new customers.

Action 4: Share the stories. Inclusive consumers care about what is on shelves, but they want more. They want to learn about founders’ stories, for example, and support the missions of small businesses. Further, our research shows that inclusive consumers are more likely than other shoppers to buy Black-owned brands based on recommendations from friends, and retailers that incorporate founder stories into marketing and digital placements are more likely than those that don’t to attract the inclusive consumer’s eye. Nordstrom, for example, introduced “Concept 012: Black_Space,” which includes a dedicated shop developed, designed, and curated by Black voices to amplify Black representation through in-store buildouts and merchandising. The concept is further supported with an online site experience that includes video content created by Black curators to represent their perspectives. 17 “New Concepts @Nordstrom launches Concept 012: Black_Space,” Nordstrom, February 22, 2021.

Action 5: Ditch the big-brand playbook. Introducing and cultivating smaller brands takes different capabilities and mindsets  than retailers may be accustomed to when working with larger, more established brands. Unlike big brands, small brands come with more variability in experience and know-how, as well as growing pains as they enter the bigger retail stage. Retailers that are committed to fostering smaller brands will need to work differently, creating teams that understand how these brands operate. For example, those with experience working with small brands know that everyday requirements from retailers, such as buy sizes and inventory systems, can have large-scale repercussions on small brands with limited working capital or team capacity to meet these terms. A retailer that seeks to help smaller brands can boost the odds of success by adapting its playbook and its teams to suit their needs.

The time is now

In the years ahead, millions more consumers will likely join the ranks of inclusive consumers, rewarding businesses that pursue inclusion and avoiding those that don’t.

Businesses that meet the needs of inclusive consumers will likely do more than raise revenues and loyalty—they may also earn dividends in other areas of the business, including attracting and retaining talent. About 70 percent of the US-based employees we surveyed in August 2020 said their sense of purpose is largely defined by work, and nearly two-thirds said COVID-19 had caused them to reflect on their purpose in life, and nearly half were reconsidering the kind of work they do. (For more on this topic, please see Naina Dhingra, Andrew Samo, Bill Schaninger, and Matt Schrimper “ Help your employees find purpose—or watch them leave .”)

Whether employees or customers, the inclusive consumer is changing the imperative for retail. The evidence is overwhelming: the inclusive consumer is leading the pack, influencing consumers across demographics, and voting with their pocketbooks for retailers that support diverse entrepreneurs and their products. (For more on this topic, please see “ The Black unicorn: Changing the game for inclusivity in retail .”)

Pamela Brown is a partner in McKinsey’s New Jersey office, where Charlotte Lucas and Israe Zizaoui are consultants; Tiffany Burns is a partner in the Atlanta office; and Tyler Harris is an associate partner in the Washington, DC, office.

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UC Irvine-led research team shows importance of under-recognized genetic factor lipoprotein(a) in predicting heart disease in a large multiethnic US population

Irvine, Calif., April 14, 2024 – In what is the largest, most ethnically diverse long-term study of a U.S. population, a University of California, Irvine research team found that an under-recognized genetic cholesterol-like particle called lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] can help predict future cardiovascular disease.

The study, published online today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology , revealed that elevated levels of Lp(a) forecasted future atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) events, especially heart attacks and revascularizations, as well as strokes and coronary heart disease deaths in a cohort of more than 27,000 adults from five major U.S. prospective studies of cardiovascular disease who were followed for an average of 21 years.

The investigators, led by Nathan D. Wong, PhD, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at UC Irvine and director of the Heart Disease Prevention Program in the Division of Cardiology at the UC Irvine School of Medicine, found that compared to persons with Lp(a) levels below the 50 th percentile, those with levels at or above the 90 th percentile (averaging 53 mg/dL) had a 46% higher risk of overall ASCVD events. More importantly, Lp(a) was an even stronger predictor of ASCVD events in those with diabetes. Among those with diabetes at baseline, this risk was 92% higher, while risks for future heart attacks, revascularizations, strokes and coronary heart disease deaths were 66%, 68%, 26% and 32% higher, respectively. 

“Lp(a) stands out as the most powerful genetic risk factor for cardiovascular disease, affecting one in five individuals, yet fewer than 1% of Americans know their levels,” said Wong. “Our study supports recent U.S. recommendations calling for Lp(a) to be measured at least once in every adult,” said Wong.     

Featuring a participant pool comprising 55% women and 36% African American participants, along with Asian and Hispanic representation, the study marks the largest and most ethnically diverse long-term U.S. study investigating the relation of Lp(a) with cardiovascular outcomes.   

“Our findings also indicate that elevated Lp(a) levels similarly predict outcomes in women and men and across race/ethnic groups,” said Wenjun Fan, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of epidemiology and medicine at UC Irvine and a key co-author of the study. “African American and South Asian populations have higher Lp(a) levels than other race/ethnic groups, emphasizing its further importance in these groups.”

While current U.S. recommendations advocate for intensified efforts to reduce overall cardiovascular disease risk, including with statin and other preventive therapies in those with Lp(a) levels of 50 mg/dL (or 125 nmol/L) or higher, Wong notes that several new RNA-targeted therapies that reduce Lp(a) by up to 80-100% are currently in development, with results from ongoing clinical trials examining their impact on cardiovascular outcomes due out in the next few years.

This research further documents the crucial role of Lp(a) in cardiovascular disease, emphasizing the importance of its measurement in all adults for identifying those who can benefit from risk-reduction efforts. “The failure to screen and identify those with Lp(a)-associated risks represents a missed opportunity to address this threat not only with our existing repertoire of treatments but with promising therapies currently in development that will be able to target Lp(a) in the future,” said Wong.

Lipoprotein(a) and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in a Large US Pooled Cohort

About the UCI School of Medicine

Each year, the UCI School of Medicine educates more than 400 medical students and nearly 150 PhD and MS students. More than 700 residents and fellows are trained at the UCI Medical Center and affiliated institutions. Multiple MD, PhD and MS degrees are offered. Students are encouraged to pursue an expansive range of interests and options. For medical students, there are numerous concurrent dual degree programs, including an MD/MBA, MD/MPH, or an MD/MS degree through one of three mission-based programs: the Health Education to Advance Leaders in Integrative Medicine (HEAL-IM), the Program in Medical Education for Leadership Education to Advance Diversity-African, Black and Caribbean (PRIME LEAD-ABC), and the Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC). The UCI School of Medicine is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Accreditation and ranks among the top 50 nationwide for research. For more information, visit medschool.uci.edu .

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Related Faculty/Staff

Director, UCI Heart Disease Prevention Program (Preventive Cardiology)

Professor, Department of Medicine, UCI School of Medicine


Iran’s Attacks Bring Long Shadow War With Israel Into the Open

The volley of drones and missiles was the first time that Tehran directly attacked Israel from its own territory, one expert said.

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A building reduced to rubble in Damascus, Syria.

By Cassandra Vinograd

  • April 14, 2024

For decades, Israel and Iran have fought a shadow war across the Middle East , trading attacks by land, sea, air and in cyberspace. The barrage of drones and missiles Iran launched at Israel on Saturday — though nearly all were shot down or intercepted — represented a watershed in the conflict.

It was the first time that Iran directly attacked Israel from its own territory, according to Ahron Bregman, a political scientist and expert in Middle East security issues at King’s College in London, who called it a “historic event.”

Iran has largely used foreign proxies such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia to strike Israeli interests, while targeted assassinations of Iranian military leaders and nuclear scientists have been a key part of Israel’s strategy. Here is a recent history of the conflict:

August 2019: An Israeli airstrike killed two Iranian-trained militants in Syria, a drone set off a blast near a Hezbollah office in Lebanon and an airstrike in Qaim, Iraq, killed a commander of an Iran-backed Iraqi militia. Israel accused Iran at the time of trying to establish an overland arms-supply line through Iraq and northern Syria to Lebanon, and analysts said the strikes were aimed at stopping Iran and signaling to its proxies that Israel would not tolerate a fleet of smart missiles on its borders.

January 2020: Israel greeted with satisfaction the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani , the commander of the foreign-facing arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, in an American drone strike in Baghdad.

Iran hit back by attacking two bases in Iraq that housed American troops with a barrage of missiles, wounding about 100 U.S. military personnel .

2021-22: In July 2021, an oil tanker managed by an Israeli-owned shipping company was attacked off the coast of Oman, killing two crew members, according to the company and three Israeli officials. Two of the officials said that the attack appeared to have been carried out by Iranian drones.

Iran did not explicitly claim or deny responsibility, but a state-owned television channel described the episode as a response to an Israeli strike in Syria.

In November 2021, Israel killed Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh , and followed up with the assassination of a Revolutionary Guards commander, Col. Sayad Khodayee , in May 2022.

December 2023: After Israel’s bombardment of Gaza began in response to the Oct. 7 Hamas-led assault, Iranian-backed militias stepped up their own attacks . And late last year, Iran accused Israel of killing a high-level military figure, Brig. Gen. Sayyed Razi Mousavi , in a missile strike in Syria.

A senior adviser to the Revolutionary Guards, General Mousavi was described as having been a close associate of General Suleimani and was said to have helped oversee the shipment of arms to Hezbollah. Israel, adopting its customary stance, declined to comment directly on whether it was behind General Mousavi’s death.

January 2024: An explosion in a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, killed Saleh al-Arouri , a Hamas leader, along with two commanders from that group’s armed wing, the first assassination of a top Hamas official outside the West Bank and Gaza in recent years. Officials from Hamas, Lebanon and the United States ascribed the blast to Israel , which did not publicly confirm involvement.

Hezbollah, which receives major support from Iran, stepped up its assaults on Israel after Mr. al-Arouri’s death. Israel’s military hit back at Hezbollah in Lebanon, killing several of the group’s commanders .

March and April: An Israeli drone strike hit a car in southern Lebanon, killing at least one person. Israel’s military said it had killed the deputy commander of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile unit. Hezbollah acknowledged the death of a man, Ali Abdulhassan Naim, but did not provide further details.

The same day, airstrikes killed soldiers near Aleppo, northern Syria, in what appeared to be one of the heaviest Israeli attacks in the country in years. The strikes killed 36 Syrian soldiers, seven Hezbollah fighters and a Syrian from a pro-Iran militia, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based group that tracks Syria’s civil war.

Israel’s military did not claim responsibility. But the country’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, wrote on social media, “We will pursue Hezbollah every place it operates and we will expand the pressure and the pace of the attacks.”

Three days later, strikes on an Iranian Embassy building in Damascus killed three top Iranian commanders and four officers, an attack Iran blamed on Israel.

Matthew Mpoke Bigg contributed reporting.


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    the significance of the study in research

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    The significance of the study articulates why the research is important and why it matters. It provides justification for conducting the study and highlights its relevance in the broader context of academia, society, or a specific field. Significance is about identifying the value and impact of the research in terms of its potential ...

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    An important consequence of interpreting significance as a carefully developed argument for the importance of your research study within a larger domain is that it reveals the advantage of conducting a series of connected studies rather than single, disconnected studies. Building the significance of a research study requires time and effort.

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    research methods that are especially useful or methods to avoid. Signi cance. The signi cance of a study is built by formulating research questions and hypothe-. ses you connect through a careful ...

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