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In this programming assignment, you'll practice creating classes in Kotlin and using conventions to simplify working with them.


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programming assignment rationals

Programming Assignment

This assignment is to design and implement a C programming project of rational numbers. Suppose a rational number p/q is represented by two relatively prime integers p and q , where q is a non-zero positive integer. In the case of p/0 , set this number to rational number 0/1 . The followings are rational number operations you will define and implement:

Addition: a/b + c/d = (ad + bc) / bd.

Subtraction: a/b - c/d = (ad - bc) / bd.

Multiplication: a/b ´ c/d = ac/bd.

Division: a/b ¸ c/d = ad/bc.

Absolute value: |a/b| = |a|/|b|.

Rational conversion from two integers: (p, q) Þ p/q.

Print a rational number.

If rational number p/q that p and q are not relatively prime, simplify p/q by dividing both p and q by their greatest common division. If p/q is a negative rational number, simplify the rational number as p<0 and q>0 . In the main program, declaration and input four rational number variables a , b , c , and d of and compute the following expressions:

a ´ b

a   ¸ b

a ´ |d - b| - (b + c ¸ a)  ¸ |b + a - c ´ d |

Eulidean algorithm for computing the great common divisor of two integers m and n is given below for your reference:

// GCD: greatest common divisor

int gcd( int m, int n) {

    m = abs(m);

    n = abs(n);

    if (m % n == 0) return n;

    else return gcd(n, m % n);

Submit the assignment report report_11_dxxxxxxx.pdf and four project files, DEV++ project file ( ), a header file (rational_number_dxxxxxxx.h ) for data type definition and function specification of rational numbers, a source file ( rational_number_dxxxxxxx.c ) for function implementation of rational numbers, and a main program file ( rational_number_main_dxxxxxxx.c ). In this assignment, you need not to include pseudo code and flowchart in the report. However, please write a report to explain (1) why and how this assignment is implemented as a project, (2) how you input two integers or one integer, then convert it to a rational number. and (3) after each operation how to make the result as a rational specified in the problem. The report takes 20% of the scores and the project implementation takes 80% of the scores.

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Rational Numbers in C++ Assignment Sample

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    Programming Assignment. This assignment is to design and implement a C programming project of rational numbers. Suppose a rational number p/q is represented by two relatively prime integers p and q, where q is a non-zero positive integer. In the case of p/0, set this number to rational number 0/1.The followings are rational number operations you will define and implement:

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