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What Is a Business Plan?

Understanding business plans, how to write a business plan, common elements of a business plan, how often should a business plan be updated, the bottom line, business plan: what it is, what's included, and how to write one.

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

why is business planning good

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A business plan is a document that details a company's goals and how it intends to achieve them. Business plans can be of benefit to both startups and well-established companies. For startups, a business plan can be essential for winning over potential lenders and investors. Established businesses can find one useful for staying on track and not losing sight of their goals. This article explains what an effective business plan needs to include and how to write one.

Key Takeaways

  • A business plan is a document describing a company's business activities and how it plans to achieve its goals.
  • Startup companies use business plans to get off the ground and attract outside investors.
  • For established companies, a business plan can help keep the executive team focused on and working toward the company's short- and long-term objectives.
  • There is no single format that a business plan must follow, but there are certain key elements that most companies will want to include.

Investopedia / Ryan Oakley

Any new business should have a business plan in place prior to beginning operations. In fact, banks and venture capital firms often want to see a business plan before they'll consider making a loan or providing capital to new businesses.

Even if a business isn't looking to raise additional money, a business plan can help it focus on its goals. A 2017 Harvard Business Review article reported that, "Entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than the otherwise identical nonplanning entrepreneurs."

Ideally, a business plan should be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect any goals that have been achieved or that may have changed. An established business that has decided to move in a new direction might create an entirely new business plan for itself.

There are numerous benefits to creating (and sticking to) a well-conceived business plan. These include being able to think through ideas before investing too much money in them and highlighting any potential obstacles to success. A company might also share its business plan with trusted outsiders to get their objective feedback. In addition, a business plan can help keep a company's executive team on the same page about strategic action items and priorities.

Business plans, even among competitors in the same industry, are rarely identical. However, they often have some of the same basic elements, as we describe below.

While it's a good idea to provide as much detail as necessary, it's also important that a business plan be concise enough to hold a reader's attention to the end.

While there are any number of templates that you can use to write a business plan, it's best to try to avoid producing a generic-looking one. Let your plan reflect the unique personality of your business.

Many business plans use some combination of the sections below, with varying levels of detail, depending on the company.

The length of a business plan can vary greatly from business to business. Regardless, it's best to fit the basic information into a 15- to 25-page document. Other crucial elements that take up a lot of space—such as applications for patents—can be referenced in the main document and attached as appendices.

These are some of the most common elements in many business plans:

  • Executive summary: This section introduces the company and includes its mission statement along with relevant information about the company's leadership, employees, operations, and locations.
  • Products and services: Here, the company should describe the products and services it offers or plans to introduce. That might include details on pricing, product lifespan, and unique benefits to the consumer. Other factors that could go into this section include production and manufacturing processes, any relevant patents the company may have, as well as proprietary technology . Information about research and development (R&D) can also be included here.
  • Market analysis: A company needs to have a good handle on the current state of its industry and the existing competition. This section should explain where the company fits in, what types of customers it plans to target, and how easy or difficult it may be to take market share from incumbents.
  • Marketing strategy: This section can describe how the company plans to attract and keep customers, including any anticipated advertising and marketing campaigns. It should also describe the distribution channel or channels it will use to get its products or services to consumers.
  • Financial plans and projections: Established businesses can include financial statements, balance sheets, and other relevant financial information. New businesses can provide financial targets and estimates for the first few years. Your plan might also include any funding requests you're making.

The best business plans aren't generic ones created from easily accessed templates. A company should aim to entice readers with a plan that demonstrates its uniqueness and potential for success.

2 Types of Business Plans

Business plans can take many forms, but they are sometimes divided into two basic categories: traditional and lean startup. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) , the traditional business plan is the more common of the two.

  • Traditional business plans : These plans tend to be much longer than lean startup plans and contain considerably more detail. As a result they require more work on the part of the business, but they can also be more persuasive (and reassuring) to potential investors.
  • Lean startup business plans : These use an abbreviated structure that highlights key elements. These business plans are short—as short as one page—and provide only the most basic detail. If a company wants to use this kind of plan, it should be prepared to provide more detail if an investor or a lender requests it.

Why Do Business Plans Fail?

A business plan is not a surefire recipe for success. The plan may have been unrealistic in its assumptions and projections to begin with. Markets and the overall economy might change in ways that couldn't have been foreseen. A competitor might introduce a revolutionary new product or service. All of this calls for building some flexibility into your plan, so you can pivot to a new course if needed.

How frequently a business plan needs to be revised will depend on the nature of the business. A well-established business might want to review its plan once a year and make changes if necessary. A new or fast-growing business in a fiercely competitive market might want to revise it more often, such as quarterly.

What Does a Lean Startup Business Plan Include?

The lean startup business plan is an option when a company prefers to give a quick explanation of its business. For example, a brand-new company may feel that it doesn't have a lot of information to provide yet.

Sections can include: a value proposition ; the company's major activities and advantages; resources such as staff, intellectual property, and capital; a list of partnerships; customer segments; and revenue sources.

A business plan can be useful to companies of all kinds. But as a company grows and the world around it changes, so too should its business plan. So don't think of your business plan as carved in granite but as a living document designed to evolve with your business.

Harvard Business Review. " Research: Writing a Business Plan Makes Your Startup More Likely to Succeed ."

U.S. Small Business Administration. " Write Your Business Plan ."

why is business planning good

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What is a Business Plan? Definition, Tips, and Templates

AJ Beltis

Published: June 07, 2023

In an era where more than 20% of small enterprises fail in their first year, having a clear, defined, and well-thought-out business plan is a crucial first step for setting up a business for long-term success.

Business plan graphic with business owner, lightbulb, and pens to symbolize coming up with ideas and writing a business plan.

Business plans are a required tool for all entrepreneurs, business owners, business acquirers, and even business school students. But … what exactly is a business plan?


In this post, we'll explain what a business plan is, the reasons why you'd need one, identify different types of business plans, and what you should include in yours.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a documented strategy for a business that highlights its goals and its plans for achieving them. It outlines a company's go-to-market plan, financial projections, market research, business purpose, and mission statement. Key staff who are responsible for achieving the goals may also be included in the business plan along with a timeline.

The business plan is an undeniably critical component to getting any company off the ground. It's key to securing financing, documenting your business model, outlining your financial projections, and turning that nugget of a business idea into a reality.

What is a business plan used for?

The purpose of a business plan is three-fold: It summarizes the organization’s strategy in order to execute it long term, secures financing from investors, and helps forecast future business demands.

Business Plan Template [ Download Now ]


Working on your business plan? Try using our Business Plan Template . Pre-filled with the sections a great business plan needs, the template will give aspiring entrepreneurs a feel for what a business plan is, what should be in it, and how it can be used to establish and grow a business from the ground up.

Purposes of a Business Plan

Chances are, someone drafting a business plan will be doing so for one or more of the following reasons:

1. Securing financing from investors.

Since its contents revolve around how businesses succeed, break even, and turn a profit, a business plan is used as a tool for sourcing capital. This document is an entrepreneur's way of showing potential investors or lenders how their capital will be put to work and how it will help the business thrive.

All banks, investors, and venture capital firms will want to see a business plan before handing over their money, and investors typically expect a 10% ROI or more from the capital they invest in a business.

Therefore, these investors need to know if — and when — they'll be making their money back (and then some). Additionally, they'll want to read about the process and strategy for how the business will reach those financial goals, which is where the context provided by sales, marketing, and operations plans come into play.

2. Documenting a company's strategy and goals.

A business plan should leave no stone unturned.

Business plans can span dozens or even hundreds of pages, affording their drafters the opportunity to explain what a business' goals are and how the business will achieve them.

To show potential investors that they've addressed every question and thought through every possible scenario, entrepreneurs should thoroughly explain their marketing, sales, and operations strategies — from acquiring a physical location for the business to explaining a tactical approach for marketing penetration.

These explanations should ultimately lead to a business' break-even point supported by a sales forecast and financial projections, with the business plan writer being able to speak to the why behind anything outlined in the plan.

why is business planning good

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Free Business Plan [Template]

Fill out the form to access your free business plan., 3. legitimizing a business idea..

Everyone's got a great idea for a company — until they put pen to paper and realize that it's not exactly feasible.

A business plan is an aspiring entrepreneur's way to prove that a business idea is actually worth pursuing.

As entrepreneurs document their go-to-market process, capital needs, and expected return on investment, entrepreneurs likely come across a few hiccups that will make them second guess their strategies and metrics — and that's exactly what the business plan is for.

It ensures an entrepreneur's ducks are in a row before bringing their business idea to the world and reassures the readers that whoever wrote the plan is serious about the idea, having put hours into thinking of the business idea, fleshing out growth tactics, and calculating financial projections.

4. Getting an A in your business class.

Speaking from personal experience, there's a chance you're here to get business plan ideas for your Business 101 class project.

If that's the case, might we suggest checking out this post on How to Write a Business Plan — providing a section-by-section guide on creating your plan?

What does a business plan need to include?

  • Business Plan Subtitle
  • Executive Summary
  • Company Description
  • The Business Opportunity
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Target Market
  • Marketing Plan
  • Financial Summary
  • Funding Requirements

1. Business Plan Subtitle

Every great business plan starts with a captivating title and subtitle. You’ll want to make it clear that the document is, in fact, a business plan, but the subtitle can help tell the story of your business in just a short sentence.

2. Executive Summary

Although this is the last part of the business plan that you’ll write, it’s the first section (and maybe the only section) that stakeholders will read. The executive summary of a business plan sets the stage for the rest of the document. It includes your company’s mission or vision statement, value proposition, and long-term goals.

3. Company Description

This brief part of your business plan will detail your business name, years in operation, key offerings, and positioning statement. You might even add core values or a short history of the company. The company description’s role in a business plan is to introduce your business to the reader in a compelling and concise way.

4. The Business Opportunity

The business opportunity should convince investors that your organization meets the needs of the market in a way that no other company can. This section explains the specific problem your business solves within the marketplace and how it solves them. It will include your value proposition as well as some high-level information about your target market.


5. Competitive Analysis

Just about every industry has more than one player in the market. Even if your business owns the majority of the market share in your industry or your business concept is the first of its kind, you still have competition. In the competitive analysis section, you’ll take an objective look at the industry landscape to determine where your business fits. A SWOT analysis is an organized way to format this section.

6. Target Market

Who are the core customers of your business and why? The target market portion of your business plan outlines this in detail. The target market should explain the demographics, psychographics, behavioristics, and geographics of the ideal customer.

7. Marketing Plan

Marketing is expansive, and it’ll be tempting to cover every type of marketing possible, but a brief overview of how you’ll market your unique value proposition to your target audience, followed by a tactical plan will suffice.

Think broadly and narrow down from there: Will you focus on a slow-and-steady play where you make an upfront investment in organic customer acquisition? Or will you generate lots of quick customers using a pay-to-play advertising strategy? This kind of information should guide the marketing plan section of your business plan.

8. Financial Summary

Money doesn’t grow on trees and even the most digital, sustainable businesses have expenses. Outlining a financial summary of where your business is currently and where you’d like it to be in the future will substantiate this section. Consider including any monetary information that will give potential investors a glimpse into the financial health of your business. Assets, liabilities, expenses, debt, investments, revenue, and more are all useful adds here.

So, you’ve outlined some great goals, the business opportunity is valid, and the industry is ready for what you have to offer. Who’s responsible for turning all this high-level talk into results? The "team" section of your business plan answers that question by providing an overview of the roles responsible for each goal. Don’t worry if you don’t have every team member on board yet, knowing what roles to hire for is helpful as you seek funding from investors.

10. Funding Requirements

Remember that one of the goals of a business plan is to secure funding from investors, so you’ll need to include funding requirements you’d like them to fulfill. The amount your business needs, for what reasons, and for how long will meet the requirement for this section.

Types of Business Plans

  • Startup Business Plan
  • Feasibility Business Plan
  • Internal Business Plan
  • Strategic Business Plan
  • Business Acquisition Plan
  • Business Repositioning Plan
  • Expansion or Growth Business Plan

There’s no one size fits all business plan as there are several types of businesses in the market today. From startups with just one founder to historic household names that need to stay competitive, every type of business needs a business plan that’s tailored to its needs. Below are a few of the most common types of business plans.

For even more examples, check out these sample business plans to help you write your own .

1. Startup Business Plan


As one of the most common types of business plans, a startup business plan is for new business ideas. This plan lays the foundation for the eventual success of a business.

The biggest challenge with the startup business plan is that it’s written completely from scratch. Startup business plans often reference existing industry data. They also explain unique business strategies and go-to-market plans.

Because startup business plans expand on an original idea, the contents will vary by the top priority goals.

For example, say a startup is looking for funding. If capital is a priority, this business plan might focus more on financial projections than marketing or company culture.

2. Feasibility Business Plan


This type of business plan focuses on a single essential aspect of the business — the product or service. It may be part of a startup business plan or a standalone plan for an existing organization. This comprehensive plan may include:

  • A detailed product description
  • Market analysis
  • Technology needs
  • Production needs
  • Financial sources
  • Production operations

According to CBInsights research, 35% of startups fail because of a lack of market need. Another 10% fail because of mistimed products.

Some businesses will complete a feasibility study to explore ideas and narrow product plans to the best choice. They conduct these studies before completing the feasibility business plan. Then the feasibility plan centers on that one product or service.

3. Internal Business Plan


Internal business plans help leaders communicate company goals, strategy, and performance. This helps the business align and work toward objectives more effectively.

Besides the typical elements in a startup business plan, an internal business plan may also include:

  • Department-specific budgets
  • Target demographic analysis
  • Market size and share of voice analysis
  • Action plans
  • Sustainability plans

Most external-facing business plans focus on raising capital and support for a business. But an internal business plan helps keep the business mission consistent in the face of change.

4. Strategic Business Plan


Strategic business plans focus on long-term objectives for your business. They usually cover the first three to five years of operations. This is different from the typical startup business plan which focuses on the first one to three years. The audience for this plan is also primarily internal stakeholders.

These types of business plans may include:

  • Relevant data and analysis
  • Assessments of company resources
  • Vision and mission statements

It's important to remember that, while many businesses create a strategic plan before launching, some business owners just jump in. So, this business plan can add value by outlining how your business plans to reach specific goals. This type of planning can also help a business anticipate future challenges.

5. Business Acquisition Plan


Investors use business plans to acquire existing businesses, too — not just new businesses.

A business acquisition plan may include costs, schedules, or management requirements. This data will come from an acquisition strategy.

A business plan for an existing company will explain:

  • How an acquisition will change its operating model
  • What will stay the same under new ownership
  • Why things will change or stay the same
  • Acquisition planning documentation
  • Timelines for acquisition

Additionally, the business plan should speak to the current state of the business and why it's up for sale.

For example, if someone is purchasing a failing business, the business plan should explain why the business is being purchased. It should also include:

  • What the new owner will do to turn the business around
  • Historic business metrics
  • Sales projections after the acquisition
  • Justification for those projections

6. Business Repositioning Plan

businessplan_6 (1)

When a business wants to avoid acquisition, reposition its brand, or try something new, CEOs or owners will develop a business repositioning plan.

This plan will:

  • Acknowledge the current state of the company.
  • State a vision for the future of the company.
  • Explain why the business needs to reposition itself.
  • Outline a process for how the company will adjust.

Companies planning for a business reposition often do so — proactively or retroactively — due to a shift in market trends and customer needs.

For example, shoe brand AllBirds plans to refocus its brand on core customers and shift its go-to-market strategy. These decisions are a reaction to lackluster sales following product changes and other missteps.

7. Expansion or Growth Business Plan

When your business is ready to expand, a growth business plan creates a useful structure for reaching specific targets.

For example, a successful business expanding into another location can use a growth business plan. This is because it may also mean the business needs to focus on a new target market or generate more capital.

This type of plan usually covers the next year or two of growth. It often references current sales, revenue, and successes. It may also include:

  • SWOT analysis
  • Growth opportunity studies
  • Financial goals and plans
  • Marketing plans
  • Capability planning

These types of business plans will vary by business, but they can help businesses quickly rally around new priorities to drive growth.

Getting Started With Your Business Plan

At the end of the day, a business plan is simply an explanation of a business idea and why it will be successful. The more detail and thought you put into it, the more successful your plan — and the business it outlines — will be.

When writing your business plan, you’ll benefit from extensive research, feedback from your team or board of directors, and a solid template to organize your thoughts. If you need one of these, download HubSpot's Free Business Plan Template below to get started.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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The importance of business plan: 5 key reasons.

The Importance of Business Plan: 5 Key Reasons

A key part of any business is its business plan. They can help define the goals of your business and help it reach success. A good business plan can also help you develop an adequate marketing strategy. There are a number of reasons all business owners need business plans, keep reading to learn more!

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

What Is a Business Plan?

5 reasons you need a well-written business plan, how do i make a business plan, key takeaways.

A business plan contains detailed information that can help determine its success. Some of this information can include the following:

  • Market analysis
  • Cash flow projection
  • Competitive analysis
  • Financial statements and financial projections
  • An operating plan

A solid business plan is a good way to attract potential investors. It can also help you display to business partners that you have a successful business growing. In a competitive landscape, a formal business plan is your key to success.

why is business planning good

Check out all of the biggest reasons you need a good business plan below.

1. To Secure Funding

Whether you’re seeking funding from a venture capitalist or a bank, you’ll need a business plan. Business plans are the foundation of a business. They tell the parties that you’re seeking funding from whether or not you’re worth investing in. If you need any sort of outside financing, you’ll need a good business plan to secure it.

2. Set and Communicate Goals

A business plan gives you a tangible way of reviewing your business goals. Business plans revolve around the present and the future. When you establish your goals and put them in writing, you’re more likely to reach them. A strong business plan includes these goals, and allows you to communicate them to investors and employees alike.

3. Prove Viability in the Market

While many businesses are born from passion, not many will last without an effective business plan. While a business concept may seem sound, things may change once the specifics are written down. Often, people who attempt to start a business without a plan will fail. This is because they don’t take into account all of the planning and funds needed to get a business off of the ground.

Market research is a large part of the business planning process. It lets you review your potential customers, as well as the competition, in your field. By understanding both you can set price points for products or services. Sometimes, it may not make sense to start a business based on the existing competition. Other times, market research can guide you to effective marketing strategies that others lack. To have a successful business, it has to be viable. A business plan will help you determine that.

4. They Help Owners Avoid Failure

Far too often, small businesses fail. Many times, this is due to the lack of a strong business plan. There are many reasons that small businesses fail, most of which can be avoided by developing a business plan. Some of them are listed below, which can be avoided by having a business plan:

  • The market doesn’t need the business’s product or service
  • The business didn’t take into account the amount of capital needed
  • The market is oversaturated
  • The prices set by the business are too high, pushing potential customers away

Any good business plan includes information to help business owners avoid these issues.

why is business planning good

5. Business Plans Reduce Risk

Related to the last reason, business plans help reduce risk. A well-thought-out business plan helps reduce risky decisions. They help business owners make informed decisions based on the research they conduct. Any business owner can tell you that the most important part of their job is making critical decisions. A business plan that factors in all possible situations helps make those decisions.

Luckily, there are plenty of tools available to help you create a business plan. A simple search can lead you to helpful tools, like a business plan template . These are helpful, as they let you fill in the information as you go. Many of them provide basic instructions on how to create the business plan, as well.

If you plan on starting a business, you’ll need a business plan. They’re good for a vast number of things. Business plans help owners make informed decisions, as well as set goals and secure funding. Don’t put off putting together your business plan!

If you’re in the planning stages of your business, be sure to check out our resource hub . We have plenty of valuable resources and articles for you when you’re just getting started. Check it out today!


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why is business planning good

The importance of a business plan

why is business planning good

Business plans are like road maps: it’s possible to travel without one, but that will only increase the odds of getting lost along the way.

Owners with a business plan see growth 30% faster than those without one, and 71% of the fast-growing companies have business plans . Before we get into the thick of it, let’s define and go over what a business plan actually is.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a 15-20 page document that outlines how you will achieve your business objectives and includes information about your product, marketing strategies, and finances. You should create one when you’re starting a new business and keep updating it as your business grows.

Rather than putting yourself in a position where you may have to stop and ask for directions or even circle back and start over, small business owners often use business plans to help guide them. That’s because they help them see the bigger picture, plan ahead, make important decisions, and improve the overall likelihood of success. ‍

Why is a business plan important?

A well-written business plan is an important tool because it gives entrepreneurs and small business owners, as well as their employees, the ability to lay out their goals and track their progress as their business begins to grow. Business planning should be the first thing done when starting a new business. Business plans are also important for attracting investors so they can determine if your business is on the right path and worth putting money into.

Business plans typically include detailed information that can help improve your business’s chances of success, like:

  • A market analysis : gathering information about factors and conditions that affect your industry
  • Competitive analysis : evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors
  • Customer segmentation : divide your customers into different groups based on specific characteristics to improve your marketing
  • Marketing: using your research to advertise your business
  • Logistics and operations plans : planning and executing the most efficient production process
  • Cash flow projection : being prepared for how much money is going into and out of your business
  • An overall path to long-term growth

What is the purpose of a business plan?

A business plan is like a map for small business owners, showing them where to go and how to get there. Its main purposes are to help you avoid risks, keep everyone on the same page, plan finances, check if your business idea is good, make operations smoother, and adapt to changes. It's a way for small business owners to plan, communicate, and stay on track toward their goals.

10 reasons why you need a business plan

I know what you’re thinking: “Do I really need a business plan? It sounds like a lot of work, plus I heard they’re outdated and I like figuring things out as I go...”.

The answer is: yes, you really do need a business plan! As entrepreneur Kevin J. Donaldson said, “Going into business without a business plan is like going on a mountain trek without a map or GPS support—you’ll eventually get lost and starve! Though it may sound tedious and time-consuming, business plans are critical to starting your business and setting yourself up for success.

To outline the importance of business plans and make the process sound less daunting, here are 10 reasons why you need one for your small business.

1. To help you with critical decisions

The primary importance of a business plan is that they help you make better decisions. Entrepreneurship is often an endless exercise in decision making and crisis management. Sitting down and considering all the ramifications of any given decision is a luxury that small businesses can’t always afford. That’s where a business plan comes in.

Building a business plan allows you to determine the answer to some of the most critical business decisions ahead of time.

Creating a robust business plan is a forcing function—you have to sit down and think about major components of your business before you get started, like your marketing strategy and what products you’ll sell. You answer many tough questions before they arise. And thinking deeply about your core strategies can also help you understand how those decisions will impact your broader strategy.

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2. To iron out the kinks

Putting together a business plan requires entrepreneurs to ask themselves a lot of hard questions and take the time to come up with well-researched and insightful answers. Even if the document itself were to disappear as soon as it’s completed, the practice of writing it helps to articulate your vision in realistic terms and better determine if there are any gaps in your strategy.

3. To avoid the big mistakes

Only about half of small businesses are still around to celebrate their fifth birthday . While there are many reasons why small businesses fail, many of the most common are purposefully addressed in business plans.

According to data from CB Insights , some of the most common reasons businesses fail include:

  • No market need : No one wants what you’re selling.
  • Lack of capital : Cash flow issues or businesses simply run out of money.
  • Inadequate team : This underscores the importance of hiring the right people to help you run your business.
  • Stiff competition : It’s tough to generate a steady profit when you have a lot of competitors in your space.
  • Pricing : Some entrepreneurs price their products or services too high or too low—both scenarios can be a recipe for disaster.

The exercise of creating a business plan can help you avoid these major mistakes. Whether it’s cash flow forecasts or a product-market fit analysis , every piece of a business plan can help spot some of those potentially critical mistakes before they arise. For example, don’t be afraid to scrap an idea you really loved if it turns out there’s no market need. Be honest with yourself!

Get a jumpstart on your business plan by creating your own cash flow projection .

4. To prove the viability of the business

Many businesses are created out of passion, and while passion can be a great motivator, it’s not a great proof point.

Planning out exactly how you’re going to turn that vision into a successful business is perhaps the most important step between concept and reality. Business plans can help you confirm that your grand idea makes sound business sense.

A graphic showing you a “Business Plan Outline.” There are four sections on the left side: Executive Summary at the top, Company Description below it, followed by Market Analysis, and lastly Organization and Management. There was four sections on the right side. At the top: “Service or Product Line.” Below that, “Marketing and Sales.” Below that, “Funding Request.” And lastly: “Financial Projections.” At the very bottom below the left and right columns is a section that says “Appendix.

A critical component of your business plan is the market research section. Market research can offer deep insight into your customers, your competitors, and your chosen industry. Not only can it enlighten entrepreneurs who are starting up a new business, but it can also better inform existing businesses on activities like marketing, advertising, and releasing new products or services.

Want to prove there’s a market gap? Here’s how you can get started with market research.

5. To set better objectives and benchmarks

Without a business plan, objectives often become arbitrary, without much rhyme or reason behind them. Having a business plan can help make those benchmarks more intentional and consequential. They can also help keep you accountable to your long-term vision and strategy, and gain insights into how your strategy is (or isn’t) coming together over time.

6. To communicate objectives and benchmarks

Whether you’re managing a team of 100 or a team of two, you can’t always be there to make every decision yourself. Think of the business plan like a substitute teacher, ready to answer questions any time there’s an absence. Let your staff know that when in doubt, they can always consult the business plan to understand the next steps in the event that they can’t get an answer from you directly.

Sharing your business plan with team members also helps ensure that all members are aligned with what you’re doing, why, and share the same understanding of long-term objectives.

7. To provide a guide for service providers

Small businesses typically employ contractors , freelancers, and other professionals to help them with tasks like accounting , marketing, legal assistance, and as consultants. Having a business plan in place allows you to easily share relevant sections with those you rely on to support the organization, while ensuring everyone is on the same page.

8. To secure financing

Did you know you’re 2.5x more likely to get funded if you have a business plan?If you’re planning on pitching to venture capitalists, borrowing from a bank, or are considering selling your company in the future, you’re likely going to need a business plan. After all, anyone that’s interested in putting money into your company is going to want to know it’s in good hands and that it’s viable in the long run. Business plans are the most effective ways of proving that and are typically a requirement for anyone seeking outside financing.

Learn what you need to get a small business loan.

9. To better understand the broader landscape

No business is an island, and while you might have a strong handle on everything happening under your own roof, it’s equally important to understand the market terrain as well. Writing a business plan can go a long way in helping you better understand your competition and the market you’re operating in more broadly, illuminate consumer trends and preferences, potential disruptions and other insights that aren’t always plainly visible.

10. To reduce risk

Entrepreneurship is a risky business, but that risk becomes significantly more manageable once tested against a well-crafted business plan. Drawing up revenue and expense projections, devising logistics and operational plans, and understanding the market and competitive landscape can all help reduce the risk factor from an inherently precarious way to make a living. Having a business plan allows you to leave less up to chance, make better decisions, and enjoy the clearest possible view of the future of your company.

Business plan FAQs

How does having a business plan help small business owners make better decisions.

Having a business plan supports small business owners in making smarter decisions by providing a structured framework to assess all parts of their businesses. It helps you foresee potential challenges, identify opportunities, and set clear objectives. Business plans help you make decisions across the board, including market strategies, financial management, resource allocation, and growth planning.

What industry-specific issues can business plans help tackle?

Business plans can address industry-specific challenges like regulatory compliance, technological advancements, market trends, and competitive landscape. For instance, in highly regulated industries like healthcare or finance, a comprehensive business plan can outline compliance measures and risk management strategies.

How can small business owners use their business plans to pitch investors or apply for loans?

In addition to attracting investors and securing financing, small business owners can leverage their business plans during pitches or loan applications by focusing on key elements that resonate with potential stakeholders. This includes highlighting market analysis, competitive advantages, revenue projections, and scalability plans. Presenting a well-researched and data-driven business plan demonstrates credibility and makes investors or lenders feel confident about your business’s potential health and growth.

Understanding the importance of a business plan

Now that you have a solid grasp on the “why” behind business plans, you can confidently move forward with creating your own.

Remember that a business plan will grow and evolve along with your business, so it’s an important part of your whole journey—not just the beginning.

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Now that you’ve read up on the purpose of a business plan, check out our guide to help you get started.

The information and tips shared on this blog are meant to be used as learning and personal development tools as you launch, run and grow your business. While a good place to start, these articles should not take the place of personalized advice from professionals. As our lawyers would say: “All content on Wave’s blog is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice.” Additionally, Wave is the legal copyright holder of all materials on the blog, and others cannot re-use or publish it without our written consent.

why is business planning good

10 Qualities of a Good Business Plan Explained

why is business planning good

8 min. read

Updated June 14, 2024

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What makes a good business plan? 


Goals met, milestones achieved, objectives accomplished. 

Forget the old-fashioned thinking of evaluating plans like a college term paper. You don’t get points for writing style, formatting, or completeness. 

A good business plan shows you can get results. But what does that look like in practice? What should you focus on when writing? 

Well, I’ve narrowed it down to 10 key qualities. Qualities I’ve found make for the best business plans and, ultimately, more successful businesses.

  • 1. It fits the business need

You have to consider why you need a business plan in the first place. Business plans aren’t one-size-fits-all . Form follows function. 

Not all business plans have to be pretty

Most business plans exist to help run the company , not to be presented to outsiders. They don’t have to be polished and formal; they just need to work for you and be easy to review, revise, and run your business. 

Write it for your audience

A business plan being shown to outside investors does, in fact, have to look good, read well, and be presentation-worthy. It needs good summaries and descriptions to validate the idea, the team, the market, and other key elements. It should also describe how you intend to exit in the future. 

The business plan to support a loan application also needs summaries and descriptions. They need to reassure a lender about risk, usually with assets, often with the owner’s personal financial statements, and past performance on credit ratings and debt repayment. 

2. It’s realistic and can be implemented

The second measure of a good or bad business plan is realism. You don’t get points for ideas that can’t be implemented. Setting unrealistic and unachievable goals is a waste of time.  

For example, a brilliantly written, beautifully formatted, and excellently researched business plan for a product that can’t be built is not a good business plan. A plan that requires millions of dollars of investment but lacks a management team to get that investment is not a good plan. 

A plan that ignores a fatal flaw is not a good plan. Make sure your goals are achievable.

For example, if you share a financial forecast , is it realistic? Based on current revenue, can you realistically achieve your goals? If you’ve brought in $200,000 annually in revenue for the last few years, don’t expect to jump to $400,000 in the next quarter. 

Make a plan for increasing revenue—but in increments that make sense and are achievable.  Look at changes in revenue drivers, such as traffic, web views, sales per store, etc. Get into the details. 

Link your projected increases to actions and events, such as milestones, promotions, a new product launch, or a new location. Think of the power of cause and effect. Increases are more real when they result from activities and events, not just out of the blue. 

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3. It’s specific and measurable

Every business plan should include tasks, deadlines, dates, forecasts, budgets, and metrics. These will make your plan measurable .

Ask yourself: 

  • How will we know if we followed the plan?
  • How will we track actual results and compare them against the plan? 
  • How will we know if we are on track or not?

While high-end strategy can be fun to develop, good planning depends more on what, when, who, and how much. These are the concrete specifics that offer visibility into the real progress toward your goals. 

  • 4. It clearly defines responsibilities for implementation

You have to be able to identify a single person who will be responsible for every significant task and function. A task that doesn’t have an owner isn’t likely to be implemented. 

You should be able to review a business plan and recognize who is responsible for implementation at every point. If you don’t, you have a gap and need to fill it.

Avoid sharing responsibilities between different people or groups because this reduces accountability. Match every important task or function with one person in charge and accountable. 

Again, if you don’t have that person right now, don’t just ignore it. Mention in your plan that it’s a known gap, when you intend to address it, and if you have anyone in mind.

  • 5. It clearly identifies assumptions

Business plans are always wrong. They’re written by humans who are making guesses about the future. Humans tend to guess wrong. 

So, your business plan must clearly address assumptions upfront. 

Did you assume the company will increase productivity by 10% this year because it did the last few years? Do you assume the market won’t change much? No new competitors? Do you assume that your technology will reduce your direct costs? Do you assume growth in your social media impact? 

Share your thoughts on why this is achievable based on past factors, but also clarify that you’re guessing. 

You may need to update or refine these areas of your plan after a few months. By flagging them as assumptions from the start, you won’t be surprised when you over or underperform and are prepared to revisit and adjust. 

  • 6. It defines strategy and tactics

In the real world, a small business can’t do everything, so it has to do the right things. You can’t please everybody, so you need to please the right people. That is the essence of strategy. 

A strategy defines what problem you solve, the solution you offer, the relevant target market, and why you are the one to do it. 

How you treat strategy in a business plan depends on the nature and objective of the plan itself. 

Strategy can be as simple as a bulleted list taking up a page or two of a lean business plan. It could also be one or more slides in a pitch deck or a more detailed formal chapter of a traditional plan. 

The plan defines the strategy so you can refer back to it as often as necessary. It might be there for management value or to explain to outsiders. And who will be using or looking at it will dictate how it needs to be presented. 

Get into the details

Strategy is useless without the key tactics . 

Tactics might be pricing, distribution, marketing, financial plans, sales plans, etc. Make sure the tactics you choose are directly in service of executing your strategic goal. 

You should be able to explain how every action you take relates to your overall business strategy. And don’t leave tactics without developing concrete specifics, milestones, budgets, tasks, responsibility assignments, tracking, and how you’ll follow up. 

  • 7. It incorporates a monthly review schedule

Good business plans include timing and schedules for regular updates. You anticipate the need for a regular monthly review . 

You know your plan is not perfect and needs to be revised to accommodate ongoing results. Real business plans need to be kept fresh. 

  • 8. It includes essential numbers

Sure, there is a place for a simpler one-page business plan and other shorter plan summaries. Investors, banks, and strategic partners might want that kind of simple summary to quickly understand your business. 

But real business runs on cash, and keeping your business in cash requires thorough financial planning. 

You need budgets and tracking. 

So a real business plan includes essential financial projections , including sales, costs of sales, expenses, profits, and cash flow.  

You track sales, costs, and expenses to monitor related budgets and progress toward goals. You also track cash flow factors such as accounts receivable and inventory to look for indications of change that might require management actions. 

Remember that management is about constant course corrections. This is why you include a regular monthly review of the plan against your actual results. 

9. It’s clear and simple

Keep it simple. 

Most businesses need and will use a lean business plan , which can be just a few pages of bullet point lists (strategy, tactics, milestones, etc.) and tables (sales, costs, expenses, profits, cash flow). 

Don’t use a business plan to show off. 

A business plan is about the business, not the science. Avoid industry jargon and long technical explanations. Investors and bankers will have experts review your details, but they don’t expect to find them all in the plan document.

Related Reading: How long should your business plan be?

  • 10. Easy to communicate with the right people

Again, form follows function. 

For example, an internal plan to manage your business is not lengthy and formal. Instead, it links key elements together to make them easy for team members to access and work on. 

If you do have to present the plan, make the text business-appropriate.

Take the time and trouble to avoid typos and spelling errors. Use outlines and summaries to make the more important points easy to find. Make font sizes clean and large enough for older readers. Have somebody else read it before you finish. 

This makes it professional and shows respect for the reader and the business situation. It should also be presented in a format that lends itself to sharing, like a website or PDF document. 

Security is important too. Is the plan safely locked away from the prying eyes of outsiders? Most business plans live online or on local networks where team members can access and manage.  Some are online, and outsiders can see them. In both cases, use security safeguards. 

Ongoing planning process: it’s about the management it causes

U.S. president and military strategist Dwight D. Eisenhower is often quoted as saying: 

The plan is useless, but planning is essential .

The key point is that no clear criteria exists to tell you if a business plan is good or bad. 

What makes a business plan useful (good) is the management that comes out of it. The regular reviews and revisions that help you stay on track. That’s good planning , as opposed to just a good plan.

Content Author: Tim Berry

Tim Berry is the founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software , a co-founder of Borland International, and a recognized expert in business planning. He has an MBA from Stanford and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dame. Today, Tim dedicates most of his time to blogging, teaching and evangelizing for business planning.

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Table of Contents

  • 2. It’s realistic and can be implemented
  • 3. It’s specific and measurable
  • 9. It’s clear and simple
  • Ongoing planning process: it’s about the management it causes

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Table of Contents

What is a business plan, the advantages of having a business plan, the types of business plans, the key elements of a business plan, best business plan software, common challenges of writing a business plan, become an expert business planner, business planning: it’s importance, types and key elements.

Business Planning: It’s Importance, Types and Key Elements

Every year, thousands of new businesses see the light of the day. One look at the  World Bank's Entrepreneurship Survey and database  shows the mind-boggling rate of new business registrations. However, sadly, only a tiny percentage of them have a chance of survival.   

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of small businesses fail in their first year, about 50% in their fifth year.

Research from the University of Tennessee found that 44% of businesses fail within the first three years. Among those that operate within specific sectors, like information (which includes most tech firms), 63% shut shop within three years.

Several  other statistics  expose the abysmal rates of business failure. But why are so many businesses bound to fail? Most studies mention "lack of business planning" as one of the reasons.

This isn’t surprising at all. 

Running a business without a plan is like riding a motorcycle up a craggy cliff blindfolded. Yet, way too many firms ( a whopping 67%)  don't have a formal business plan in place. 

It doesn't matter if you're a startup with a great idea or a business with an excellent product. You can only go so far without a roadmap — a business plan. Only, a business plan is so much more than just a roadmap. A solid plan allows a business to weather market challenges and pivot quickly in the face of crisis, like the one global businesses are struggling with right now, in the post-pandemic world.  

But before you can go ahead and develop a great business plan, you need to know the basics. In this article, we'll discuss the fundamentals of business planning to help you plan effectively for 2021.  

Now before we begin with the details of business planning, let us understand what it is.

No two businesses have an identical business plan, even if they operate within the same industry. So one business plan can look entirely different from another one. Still, for the sake of simplicity, a business plan can be defined as a guide for a company to operate and achieve its goals.  

More specifically, it's a document in writing that outlines the goals, objectives, and purpose of a business while laying out the blueprint for its day-to-day operations and key functions such as marketing, finance, and expansion.

A good business plan can be a game-changer for startups that are looking to raise funds to grow and scale. It convinces prospective investors that the venture will be profitable and provides a realistic outlook on how much profit is on the cards and by when it will be attained. 

However, it's not only new businesses that greatly benefit from a business plan. Well-established companies and large conglomerates also need to tweak their business plans to adapt to new business environments and unpredictable market changes. 

Before getting into learning more about business planning, let us learn the advantages of having one.

Since a detailed business plan offers a birds-eye view of the entire framework of an establishment, it has several benefits that make it an important part of any organization. Here are few ways a business plan can offer significant competitive edge.

  • Sets objectives and benchmarks: Proper planning helps a business set realistic objectives and assign stipulated time for those goals to be met. This results in long-term profitability. It also lets a company set benchmarks and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) necessary to reach its goals. 
  • Maximizes resource allocation: A good business plan helps to effectively organize and allocate the company’s resources. It provides an understanding of the result of actions, such as, opening new offices, recruiting fresh staff, change in production, and so on. It also helps the business estimate the financial impact of such actions.
  • Enhances viability: A plan greatly contributes towards turning concepts into reality. Though business plans vary from company to company, the blueprints of successful companies often serve as an excellent guide for nascent-stage start-ups and new entrepreneurs. It also helps existing firms to market, advertise, and promote new products and services into the market.
  • Aids in decision making: Running a business involves a lot of decision making: where to pitch, where to locate, what to sell, what to charge — the list goes on. A well thought-out business plan provides an organization the ability to anticipate the curveballs that the future could throw at them. It allows them to come up with answers and solutions to these issues well in advance.
  • Fix past mistakes: When businesses create plans keeping in mind the flaws and failures of the past and what worked for them and what didn’t, it can help them save time, money, and resources. Such plans that reflects the lessons learnt from the past offers businesses an opportunity to avoid future pitfalls.
  • Attracts investors: A business plan gives investors an in-depth idea about the objectives, structure, and validity of a firm. It helps to secure their confidence and encourages them to invest. 

Now let's look at the various types involved in business planning.

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Business plans are formulated according to the needs of a business. It can be a simple one-page document or an elaborate 40-page affair, or anything in between. While there’s no rule set in stone as to what exactly a business plan can or can’t contain, there are a few common types of business plan that nearly all businesses in existence use.  

Here’s an overview of a few fundamental types of business plans. 

  • Start-up plan: As the name suggests, this is a documentation of the plans, structure, and objections of a new business establishments. It describes the products and services that are to be produced by the firm, the staff management, and market analysis of their production. Often, a detailed finance spreadsheet is also attached to this document for investors to determine the viability of the new business set-up.
  • Feasibility plan: A feasibility plan evaluates the prospective customers of the products or services that are to be produced by a company. It also estimates the possibility of a profit or a loss of a venture. It helps to forecast how well a product will sell at the market, the duration it will require to yield results, and the profit margin that it will secure on investments. 
  • Expansion Plan: This kind of plan is primarily framed when a company decided to expand in terms of production or structure. It lays down the fundamental steps and guidelines with regards to internal or external growth. It helps the firm to analyze the activities like resource allocation for increased production, financial investments, employment of extra staff, and much more.
  • Operations Plan: An operational plan is also called an annual plan. This details the day-to-day activities and strategies that a business needs to follow in order to materialize its targets. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of the managing body, the various departments, and the company’s employees for the holistic success of the firm.
  • Strategic Plan: This document caters to the internal strategies of the company and is a part of the foundational grounds of the establishments. It can be accurately drafted with the help of a SWOT analysis through which the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats can be categorized and evaluated so that to develop means for optimizing profits.

There is some preliminary work that’s required before you actually sit down to write a plan for your business. Knowing what goes into a business plan is one of them. 

Here are the key elements of a good business plan:

  • Executive Summary: An executive summary gives a clear picture of the strategies and goals of your business right at the outset. Though its value is often understated, it can be extremely helpful in creating the readers’ first impression of your business. As such, it could define the opinions of customers and investors from the get-go.  
  • Business Description: A thorough business description removes room for any ambiguity from your processes. An excellent business description will explain the size and structure of the firm as well as its position in the market. It also describes the kind of products and services that the company offers. It even states as to whether the company is old and established or new and aspiring. Most importantly, it highlights the USP of the products or services as compared to your competitors in the market.
  • Market Analysis: A systematic market analysis helps to determine the current position of a business and analyzes its scope for future expansions. This can help in evaluating investments, promotions, marketing, and distribution of products. In-depth market understanding also helps a business combat competition and make plans for long-term success.
  • Operations and Management: Much like a statement of purpose, this allows an enterprise to explain its uniqueness to its readers and customers. It showcases the ways in which the firm can deliver greater and superior products at cheaper rates and in relatively less time. 
  • Financial Plan: This is the most important element of a business plan and is primarily addressed to investors and sponsors. It requires a firm to reveal its financial policies and market analysis. At times, a 5-year financial report is also required to be included to show past performances and profits. The financial plan draws out the current business strategies, future projections, and the total estimated worth of the firm.

The importance of business planning is it simplifies the planning of your company's finances to present this information to a bank or investors. Here are the best business plan software providers available right now:

  • Business Sorter

The importance of business planning cannot be emphasized enough, but it can be challenging to write a business plan. Here are a few issues to consider before you start your business planning:

  • Create a business plan to determine your company's direction, obtain financing, and attract investors.
  • Identifying financial, demographic, and achievable goals is a common challenge when writing a business plan.
  • Some entrepreneurs struggle to write a business plan that is concise, interesting, and informative enough to demonstrate the viability of their business idea.
  • You can streamline your business planning process by conducting research, speaking with experts and peers, and working with a business consultant.

Whether you’re running your own business or in-charge of ensuring strategic performance and growth for your employer or clients, knowing the ins and outs of business planning can set you up for success. 

Be it the launch of a new and exciting product or an expansion of operations, business planning is the necessity of all large and small companies. Which is why the need for professionals with superior business planning skills will never die out. In fact, their demand is on the rise with global firms putting emphasis on business analysis and planning to cope with cut-throat competition and market uncertainties.

While some are natural-born planners, most people have to work to develop this important skill. Plus, business planning requires you to understand the fundamentals of business management and be familiar with business analysis techniques . It also requires you to have a working knowledge of data visualization, project management, and monitoring tools commonly used by businesses today.   

Simpliearn’s Executive Certificate Program in General Management will help you develop and hone the required skills to become an extraordinary business planner. This comprehensive general management program by IIM Indore can serve as a career catalyst, equipping professionals with a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business environment.

What Is Meant by Business Planning?

Business planning is developing a company's mission or goals and defining the strategies you will use to achieve those goals or tasks. The process can be extensive, encompassing all aspects of the operation, or it can be concrete, focusing on specific functions within the overall corporate structure.

What Are the 4 Types of Business Plans?

The following are the four types of business plans:

Operational Planning

This type of planning typically describes the company's day-to-day operations. Single-use plans are developed for events and activities that occur only once (such as a single marketing campaign). Ongoing plans include problem-solving policies, rules for specific regulations, and procedures for a step-by-step process for achieving particular goals.

Strategic Planning

Strategic plans are all about why things must occur. A high-level overview of the entire business is included in strategic planning. It is the organization's foundation and will dictate long-term decisions.

Tactical Planning

Tactical plans are about what will happen. Strategic planning is aided by tactical planning. It outlines the tactics the organization intends to employ to achieve the goals outlined in the strategic plan.

Contingency Planning

When something unexpected occurs or something needs to be changed, contingency plans are created. In situations where a change is required, contingency planning can be beneficial.

What Are the 7 Steps of a Business Plan?

The following are the seven steps required for a business plan:

Conduct Research

If your company is to run a viable business plan and attract investors, your information must be of the highest quality.

Have a Goal

The goal must be unambiguous. You will waste your time if you don't know why you're writing a business plan. Knowing also implies having a target audience for when the plan is expected to get completed.

Create a Company Profile

Some refer to it as a company profile, while others refer to it as a snapshot. It's designed to be mentally quick and digestible because it needs to stick in the reader's mind quickly since more information is provided later in the plan.

Describe the Company in Detail

Explain the company's current situation, both good and bad. Details should also include patents, licenses, copyrights, and unique strengths that no one else has.

Create a marketing plan ahead of time.

A strategic marketing plan is required because it outlines how your product or service will be communicated, delivered, and sold to customers.

Be Willing to Change Your Plan for the Sake of Your Audience

Another standard error is that people only write one business plan. Startups have several versions, just as candidates have numerous resumes for various potential employers.

Incorporate Your Motivation

Your motivation must be a compelling reason for people to believe your company will succeed in all circumstances. A mission should drive a business, not just selling, to make money. That mission is defined by your motivation as specified in your business plan.

What Are the Basic Steps in Business Planning?

These are the basic steps in business planning:

Summary and Objectives

Briefly describe your company, its objectives, and your plan to keep it running.

Services and Products

Add specifics to your detailed description of the product or service you intend to offer. Where, why, and how much you plan to sell your product or service and any special offers.

Conduct research on your industry and the ideal customers to whom you want to sell. Identify the issues you want to solve for your customers.

Operations are the process of running your business, including the people, skills, and experience required to make it successful.

How are you going to reach your target audience? How you intend to sell to them may include positioning, pricing, promotion, and distribution.

Consider funding costs, operating expenses, and projected income. Include your financial objectives and a breakdown of what it takes to make your company profitable. With proper business planning through the help of support, system, and mentorship, it is easy to start a business.

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Why You Should Write a Business Plan

Susan Ward wrote about small businesses for The Balance for 18 years. She has run an IT consulting firm and designed and presented courses on how to promote small businesses.

why is business planning good

To Test the Feasibility of Your Business Idea

To give your new business the best chance of success, to secure funding, to make business planning manageable and effective, to attract investors, frequently asked questions (faqs).

The Balance / Getty Images

A business plan  is the blueprint for your business. Starting a business without a business plan is like building a house without a blueprint. Yet, unlike a house, a business isn't static. We often make the mistake of thinking of a business plan as a single document that you put together once when you're starting out and never touch again. But as the business develops, so should its business plan. In fact, any particular business may have multiple business plans as its objectives change.

Writing a business plan is time-consuming, but it's essential if you want to have a successful business that's going to survive the startup phase.

Key Takeaways

  • Writing a business plan reveals how tenable your idea is.
  • Updating and amending a business plan as the business develops and its goals change is vital to your success.
  • A good business plan helps you define your target market, competitive advantage, optimum pricing strategies, and better prepares the business for upcoming challenges.
  • A business plan helps you secure funding and attract new investors.

Writing a business plan is the best way—other than going out and doing it—to test whether an idea for starting a business is feasible. In this sense, the business plan is your safety net. If working through a business plan reveals that your business idea is untenable, it will save you a great deal of time and money.

Often, an idea for starting a business is discarded at the marketing analysis or competitive analysis stage , freeing you to move on to a new (and better) idea.

Unfortunately, many prospective business owners are so convinced that their idea for a product or service is a can't-miss proposition, that they don't take the time to do the necessary research and work through a proper business plan. The more you know about your industry, your prospective customers, and the competition, the greater the likelihood that your business will succeed.

Writing a business plan will ensure that you pay attention to the broad operational and financial objectives of your new business and the small details, such as budgeting and market planning. The process will ultimately make for a smoother startup period and fewer unforeseen problems as your business gets up and running.

The exercise of budgeting and market planning will help you define your  target market , your unique selling proposition, optimum pricing strategies, and outline how you intend to sell and deliver your products to customers. In addition, developing a budget for implementation will assist with determining your startup and operating capital requirements.

According to the Small Business Administration, one of the most-cited reasons why businesses fail is inadequate planning. By starting too soon and without a sufficient plan, your business is setting itself up for failure.

Most new businesses need startup and operating capital to get off the ground. Without a well-developed business plan, there is no chance of getting  debt financing from established financial institutions such as banks or  equity financing  from angel investors.

Established businesses often need money, too, to buy new equipment or property, or because of market downturns. Having an up-to-date business plan gives you a much better chance of getting the money you need to keep operating or expand.

Even an angel investor will want to ensure their money is going to a business that knows what it's doing. The easiest way to prove this is via a well-developed business plan.

Investors and financiers are always looking at the risk of default, and word of mouth is no substitute for written facts and figures in a properly prepared business plan.

A business plan is essential if you're thinking of starting a business, but it's also an important tool for established businesses. Viable businesses are dynamic; they change and grow. Your company's original business plan needs to be revised as you set new goals .

Reviewing the business plan can also help you see what goals have been accomplished, what changes need to be made, or what new directions your company's growth should take.

Whether you want to shop your business to venture capitalists or attract angel investors , you need to have a solid business plan. A presentation may pique their interest, but they'll need a well-written document they can study before they'll be prepared to make any investment commitment.​​​

Be prepared to have your business plan scrutinized. Both venture capitalists and angel investors will want to conduct extensive background checks and competitive analyses to be certain that what's written in your business plan is indeed the case.

What are the sections of a business plan?

A comprehensive business plan should include the following sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Competitor analysis
  • Industry analysis
  • Product and services description
  • Financial data

What is the purpose of a business plan?

A business plan has four main purposes:

  • Tests the feasibility and model of your business idea
  • Attracts investors
  • Sets a plan for growth
  • Identifies capital needs

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The Undeniable Importance of a Business Plan

We often hear about business plans in the context of early-stage companies; however, constructing excellent business plans is difficult and time-consuming, so many entrepreneurs avoid them. But, is this a mistake?

While most people may be aware of the “soft” arguments for and against writing a business plan, in this article, a Toptal Finance Expert takes a data-driven approach to addressing the debate. In it, he finds strong evidence to support the notion that writing an excellent business plan is time well spent.

The Undeniable Importance of a Business Plan

By Sean Heberling

Sean has analyzed 10,000+ companies, built complex models, and helped facilitate $1+ billion in investment transactions.


Executive Summary

  • Individuals who write business plans are 2.5x as likely to start businesses.
  • Business planning improves corporate executive satisfaction with corporate strategy development.
  • Angels and venture capitalists value business plans and their [financial models](https://www.toptal.com/finance/tutorials/what-is-a-financial-model).
  • Companies who complete business plans are 2.5x as likely to get funded.
  • Even if a small-scale early-stage venture seeking just $250,000 in capital spent almost $40,000 on business planning and another almost $40,000 on capital raising, it should still expect to "break even" on a probability-weighted basis.
  • Larger early-stage ventures enjoy extraordinary probability-weighted returns on investment from business planning. Because the target net capital so greatly exceeds the money spent on business planning, the prospective ROI is huge.
  • Company Overview: An explanation of why your company is relevant and the need you are addressing.
  • Market Overview: A description of the state of your market and its important trends, a detailed description of your customers, and a description of your current competitors and their advantages.
  • Product/Service Overview: A description of your product(s), how they compete with other brands, why they are needed, and why customers will pay a fair economic value for it.
  • Financial Projections: Three thorough financial plans with conservative, moderate, and optimistic assumptions.
  • The process of writing forces the author to ask introspectively how they reached their conclusions and each of the sub-conclusions along the way because they must explain their logic to a cynical reader.
  • The written author needs to support all conclusions with facts and logic to prove that they are not "making it up" or relying upon popular "myths."
  • Outlined reports and outlined business plans are not generally subject to the same level of reader scrutiny.

We often hear about business plans in the context of early-stage companies , but constructing excellent business plans is difficult and time-consuming, so many entrepreneurs avoid them. That’s a mistake, as there is strong evidence demonstrating that business plans generate positive returns on time and money invested .

The business world has long debated the importance of business plans, and most involved understand the “soft” arguments. However, this article delves into the data to conclude that writing an excellent business plan is time well spent. I developed a similar view over my 20+ year financial career , during which I have analyzed well over 10,000 different types of companies. I have noticed that while a business plan may not be required for a venture to become successful, having one does seem to greatly improve the probability of successful outcomes.

Expert Opinions Support the Value of Business Planning

Expert opinions support the four following conclusions:

  • Angels and venture capitalists value business plans and their financial models.

Individuals Who Write Business Plans Are 2.5x More Likely to Become Entrepreneurs

Many people have business ideas over the course of their careers, but often, these ideas never come to fruition, or they get lost amidst our daily obligations. Interestingly, studies support the notion that those who write business plans are far more likely to launch their companies. Data from the Panal Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics in fact suggests that business planners were 2.5x as likely to get into business . The study, which surveyed more than 800 people across the United States who were in the process of starting businesses, therefore concluded that “writing a plan greatly increased the chances that a person would actually go into business.”

Of course, causation of this phenomenon is hard to pin down. There are several different possible reasons why this correlation between writing business plans and actually starting a business may exist. But William Gartner, Clemson University Entrepreneurship Professor and author of the Panal Study, believes that “‘research shows that business plans are all about walking the walk. People who write business plans also do more stuff.’ And doing more stuff, such as researching markets and preparing projections, increases the chances an entrepreneur will follow through.”

Research shows that business plans are all about walking the walk. People who write business plans also do more stuff. And doing more stuff, such as researching markets and preparing projections, increases the chances an entrepreneur will follow through.

William Bygrave, a professor emeritus at Babson College, reached a similar conclusion despite having previously shown “that entrepreneurs who began with formal plans had no greater success than those who started without them.” Bygrave does admit, however, that “40% of Babson students who have taken the college’s business plan writing course go on to start businesses after graduation, twice the rate of those who didn’t study plan writing.”

Business Planning Improves Corporate Executive Satisfaction

Another important way in which business plans can provide tangible help is by aligning everyone in an organization with the vision and strategy going forward. And this, in turn, has important ramifications on corporate executive satisfaction. A study by McKinsey & Company which surveyed nearly 800 corporate executives across a range of industries confirms this conclusion. In it, McKinsey found that “formal strategic-planning processes play an important role in improving overall satisfaction with strategy development. That role can be seen in the responses of the 79 percent of managers who claimed that the formal planning process played a significant role in developing strategies and were satisfied with the approach of their companies, compared with only 21 percent of the respondents who felt that the process did not play a significant role. Looked at another way, 51% of the respondents whose companies had no formal process were dissatisfied with their approach to the development of strategy, against only 20% of those at companies with a formal process.”

A chart of what role the formal planning process plays in a company next to a chart showing the percentage of respondents who are dissatisfied with their company's approach to the development of strategy

Of course, not all planning is equal. Planning just for the sake of planning doesn’t have the desired effects. As McKinsey itself noted in their study, “Just 45% of the respondents said they were satisfied with the strategic planning process. Moreover, only 23% indicated that major strategic decisions were made within its confines. Given these results, managers might well be tempted to jettison the planning process altogether.” As such, entrepreneurs and business managers should take the time and effort required to put together a well-written and well-researched business plan. Later in the article, I outline some of the elements of a well-written plan.

Business Plans and Their Financial Models Are Valuable to Angels and Venture Capitalists

Many entrepreneurs will eventually need to raise outside capital to grow and develop their businesses. In my experience, a business plan is a crucial tool in maximizing the chances of raising money from external investors. A well-written plan not only helps investors understand your business and your vision, but also shows them that you’ve taken the time to carefully assess and think through the issues your business will face, as well as the more detailed questions surrounding the economics and fundamentals of your business model.

Nathan Beckford, CFA, is the CEO of FounderSuite, the funding stack used by startups in Y Combinator, TechStars, 500s, and more to raise over $750 million. Nathan illustrates the above point nicely in an email he wrote to me recently: “Prior to starting Foundersuite.com, I ran a startup consulting business called VentureArchetypes.com. For the first few years, our primary business was cranking out bold, bullish, beautifully-written business plans for startups to present to investors. Around the mid-2000s, business plans started to go out of favor as the ‘Lean Startup’ methodology became popular. Instead of a written plan, we saw a huge uptick in demand for detailed financial models. Bottom line, I still see value in taking time to be contemplative and strategic before launching a startup. Does that need to be in the form of a 40-page written document? No. But if that’s the format that best works for you, and it can help you model scenarios and ‘see around the corner’ then that’s valuable.”

Nathan and I have frequently interacted, as I maintain a subscription to FounderSuite, software I use when running capital campaigns for early-stage companies on whose boards I sit, or when raising capital for my own firm’s investment projects. Nathan’s feedback is helpful, as he frequently interacts with thousands of entrepreneurs simultaneously running capital campaigns, providing him with a great perspective on which approaches work and which don’t. Clearly, he sees that financial models and business plans in some form help entrepreneurs raise capital.

Companies Who Complete Business Plans Are 2.5x as Likely to Get Funded

Following the section above, naturally, if business plans are useful to outside investors, these are therefore likely to also increase one’s chances of successfully raising capital. A study by Palo Alto Software confirms this hypothesis. The study showed that although 65% of entrepreneurs had NOT completed business plans, the ones who had were twice as likely to have secured funding for their businesses.

A chart comparing elements of companies with business plans to companies with no business plan

This study surveyed 2,877 entrepreneurs. Of those, 995 had completed business plans, with 297 of them (30%) having secured loans, 280 of them (28%) having secured investment capital, and 499 of them (50%) having grown their businesses. Contrast these percentages with the results for the 1,882 entrepreneurs who had not completed business plans, where just 222 of them (12%) had secured loans, 219 of them (12%) had secured investment capital, and 501 of them (27%) had grown their businesses. (Note that the percentages among the business plan population sum to over 100% because of some overlap between each of the sub-categories.) These results led the study authors to conclude that “Except in a small number of cases, business planning appeared to be positively correlated with business success as measured by our variables. While our analysis cannot say that completing a business plan will lead to success, it does indicate that the type of entrepreneur who completes a business plan is also more likely to run a successful business.”

Calculating the Return on Investment for Business Planning

The data and studies outlined above all serve to prove something that I have come to understand very clearly throughout my career. Nevertheless, I still often find that startups struggle with the idea of having to put together a business plan, and in particular with the option of hiring an outside professional to help them do that. As such, I quantified the ROI of such an activity, using data and numbers based on my many years of business consulting. The results of the exercise are summarized in the table at the end of the section, but there are two overarching conclusions:

  • Even a small-scale early-stage company can “afford” to pay a finance expert $191 per hour both to create a business plan and to guide the capital raising process, at worst “breaking even” on the investment.
  • Larger early-stage companies can expect significant returns on investments in business planning, perhaps as much as 6,700% (67x the amount of money invested).

Diving into the analysis, my inputs included:

  • My professional experience with writing business plans. I have spent 25 - 200 hours apiece creating business plans I feel comfortable sharing with founders, advisors, and investors.
  • Data from the Palo Alto study discussed earlier in this article. This study showed that 30% of early-stage ventures with business plans had secured funding, 2.5x as great as the 12% of early-stage ventures without business plans who managed to secure funding despite the absence of such plans.
  • The hourly rate for a finance expert x (150 to 200 hours) for one round of financing, OR
  • 10% of the amount of capital targeted

My analysis illustrates the following:

  • Early-stage companies should expect to spend $4,000 - $40,000 on business planning, including the financial modeling associated with it.
  • Early-stage companies should expect to spend $30,000 - $200,000 for an initial round of financing between $250,000 and $2 million in size, resulting in net financing of $200,000 - $1.8 million.
  • Even if a small-scale early-stage venture seeking just $250,000 in capital spent almost $40,000 on business planning and another almost $40,000 on capital raising, it should still expect to “break even” on a probability-weighted basis. In other words, because the odds of success with a professional business plan are 2.5x greater than without one, small-scale early-stage ventures can justify such a significant investment. This also assumes NO additional odds for success from engaging a professional to coordinate the fundraising effort. I suspect that doing so may push the odds of success from 12% without a business plan and 30% with a business plan to above 50%. It is also likely that a smaller-scale venture may require significantly fewer hours for business planning and capital raising that what is outlined in the “worst case” below.
  • Larger early-stage ventures enjoy extraordinary probability-weighted returns on investment from business planning. Because the target net capital so greatly exceeds the money spent on business planning, the prospective ROI is huge, and this analysis just assumes ONE round of equity financing. Most successful startups will experience several rounds of financing.

A table showing calculations on return of investment in business planning

Thoughts on Writing an Excellent Business Plan

An extensive overview of how to write an excellent business plan is beyond the scope of this article. However, here are two key thoughts that have emerged from my years of experience with startups.

First, there are four common elements to an excellent business plan. In Alan Hall’s Forbes article, “ How to Build a Billion Dollar Business Plan: 10 Top Points ,” he interviews Thomas Harrison, Chairman of Diversified Agency Services, an Omnicom division that has purchased “a vast number of firms,” to share his views on the key elements of a great business plan. Although each of these ten elements is essential, I reorganized the list into four broad categories:

1. Company Overview

  • An explanation of why your company is relevant and the need are you addressing
  • A description of corporate priorities and the processes to achieve them.
  • An overview of the various resources, including the people that will be needed, to deliver what’s expected by the customer.

2. Market Overview

  • A description of the state of your market and its important trends.
  • A detailed description of your customers.
  • A description of your current competitors and their advantages. Which ones will you displace?

3. Product/Service Overview

  • A description of your products, how they compete with other brands, and why they are needed.
  • An explanation of why customers will pay a fair economic value for your product or service. This element is conspicuously absent from some of today’s most expensive unicorns. Companies such as Uber and Tesla are losing massive amounts of money on rapidly growing sales because these companies may not be selling their services/products for fair economic value. Of course, sales grow rapidly when customers can buy your services/products for far less than their fair economic values!

4. Financial Projections

  • Conservative
  • Each scenario should have realistic and achievable sales, margins, expenses, and profits on monthly, quarterly, and annual bases. Again, these elements appear to be conspicuously absent from some of today’s most expensive unicorns.

A diagram showing four key elements to an excellent business plan

Second, written business plans are superior to those just “outlined.” As an adjunct professor of finance for Villanova University, I require my students to write research reports prior to developing slide decks to present their findings from a full semester of industry research. The process of writing forces the authors to ask themselves how they reached their conclusions and each of the sub-conclusions along the way because they must explain their logic to cynical readers. The written authors need to support their conclusions with facts and logic to prove that they are not “making it up” or relying upon popular “myths.” Outlined reports and outlined business plans are not generally subject to the same level of reader scrutiny. Therefore, written business plans are superior to those just “outlined.” Outlined plans are often kept on 10-12 slide decks, and the slide deck is an important tool in the capital raising process, but the written business plan that stands behind it will differentiate an entrepreneur from their seemingly infinite competition.

Parting Thoughts

Some argue that many public multi-billion-dollar companies such as Apple or Google never had formal business plans before they started, but this argument is flawed because most of these companies likely developed business plans either during the solicitation of venture capital or during the process of going public. Apple and Google were both funded with venture capital, and soliciting venture capital involves business planning. The founders of Apple and Google likely created financial projections and outlined strategic paths.

Moreover, Apple and Google are both public companies, and going public involves business planning. Underwriters employ research analysts creating financial forecasts based on business plans projected by management at the companies going public. Buy-side firms purchasing and holding shares in newly public companies create forecasts based upon the business plans projected by public company management teams.

Admittedly, you don’t need a written business plan to have a successful company. You may not even need a business plan at all to have a successful company. However, the probability of success without a business plan is much lower. Angels and venture capitalists like to know about your business plan, and public companies need to project business plans to persuade underwriters and investors to purchase their securities.

Further Reading on the Toptal Blog:

  • Creating a Narrative from Numbers
  • Business Plan Consultants: Who They Are and How They Create Value
  • Building a Business Continuity Plan
  • Building the Next Big Thing: A Guide to Business Idea Development
  • Mission Statements: How Effectively Used Intangible Assets Create Corporate Value

Understanding the basics

Why it is important to have a business plan.

Expert opinions and numerous studies show that business plans improve corporate satisfaction, are useful for angel investors and venture capitalists, and increase a company’s chances of raising capital by 2.5x.

What are the benefits of a business plan?

Individuals who write business plans are 2.5x as likely to start businesses. Moreover, business planning improves corporate executive satisfaction with corporate strategy development. Finally, investors value business plans, making the chances of raising capital 2.5x greater.

What does an investor look for in a business plan?

The four key sections of a business plan are: the company overview, a market overview, your product/service overview, and the financial projections.

  • BusinessPlan

Sean Heberling

Bryn Mawr, PA, United States

Member since October 18, 2017

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Nine reasons why you need a business plan

Building a great business plan helps you plan, strategize and succeed. Presented by Chase for Business .

why is business planning good

Making the decision to create a new business is an exciting yet stressful experience. Starting a business involves many tasks and obstacles, so it’s important to focus before you take action. A solid business plan can provide direction, help you attract investors and ensure you maintain momentum.

No matter what industry you plan on going into, a business plan is the first step for any successful enterprise. Building your business plan helps you figure out where you want your business to go and identify the necessary steps to get you there. This is a key document for your company to both guide your actions and track your progress.

What is the purpose of a business plan?

Think of a business plan like a roadmap. It enables you to solve problems and make key business decisions, such as marketing and competitive analysis, customer and market analysis and logistics and operations plans.

It can also help you organize your thoughts and goals, as well as give you a better idea of how your company will work. Good planning is often the difference between success and failure.

Here are nine reasons your company needs a business plan.

1. Prove your idea is viable

Through the process of writing a business plan, you can assess whether your company will be successful. Understanding market dynamics, as well as competitors, will help determine if your idea is viable.

This is also the time to develop financial projections for your business plan, like estimated startup costs, a profit and loss forecast, a break-even analysis and a cash flow statement . By taking time to investigate the viability of your idea, you can build goals and strategies to support your path to success.

A proper business plan proves to all interested parties—including potential investors, customers, employees, partners and most importantly yourself — that you are serious about your business.

2. Set important goals

As a business owner, the bulk of your time will mostly likely be spent managing day-to-day tasks. As a result, it might be hard to find time after you launch your business to set goals and milestones. Writing a business plan allows you to lay out significant goals for yourself ahead of time for three or even five years down the road. Create both short- and long-term business goals. 

3. Reduce potential risks

Prevent your business from falling victim to unexpected dangers by researching before you break ground. A business plan opens your eyes to potential risks that your business could face. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself the hard questions that may need research and analysis to answer. This is also good practice in how your business would actually manage issues when they arise. Incorporate a contingency plan that identifies risks and how you would respond to them effectively.

The most common reasons businesses fail include:

  • Lack of capital
  • Lack of market impact or need
  • Unresearched pricing (too high or low)
  • Explosive growth that drains all your capital
  • Stiff competition

Lack of capital is the most prevalent reason why businesses fail. To best alleviate this problem, take time to determine how your business will generate revenue. Build a comprehensive model to help mitigate future risks and long-term pain points. This can be turned into a tool to manage growth and expansion.

4. Secure investments

Whether you’re planning to apply for an SBA loan , build a relationship with angel investors or seek venture capital funding, you need more than just an elevator pitch to get funding. All credible investors will want to review your business plan. Although investors will focus on the financial aspects of the plan, they will also want to see if you’ve spent time researching your industry, developed a viable product or service and created a strong marketing strategy.

While building your business plan, think about how much raised capital you need to get your idea off the ground. Determine exactly how much funding you’ll need and what you will use it for. This is essential for raising and employing capital.

5. Allot resources and plan purchases

You will have many investments to make at the launch of your business, such as product and services development, new technology, hiring, operations, sales and marketing. Resource planning is an important part of your business plan. It gives you an idea of how much you’ll need to spend on resources and it ensures your business will manage those resources effectively.  

A business plan provides clarity about necessary assets and investment for each item. A good business plan can also determine when it is feasible to expand to a larger store or workspace.

In your plan, include research on new products and services, where you can buy reliable equipment and what technologies you may need. Allocate capital and plan how you’ll fund major purchases, such as with a Chase small business checking account or business credit card .

6. Build your team

From seasoned executives to skilled labor, a compelling business plan can help you attract top-tier talent, ideally inspiring management and employees long after hiring. Business plans include an overview of your executive team as well as the different roles you need filled immediately and further down the line.

Small businesses often employ specialized consultants, contractors and freelancers for individual tasks such as marketing, accounting and legal assistance. Sharing a business plan helps the larger team work collectively in the same direction. 

This will also come into play when you begin working with any new partners. As a new business, a potential partner may ask to see your business plan. Building partnerships takes time and money, and with a solid business plan you have the opportunity to attract and work with the type of partners your new business needs.

7. Share your vision 

When you start a business, it's easy to assume you'll be available to guide your team. A business plan helps your team and investors understand your vision for the company. Your plan will outline your goals and can help your team make decisions or take action on your behalf. Share your business plan with employees to align your full staff toward a collective goal or objective for the company.  Consider employee and stakeholder ownership as a compelling and motivating force. 

8. Develop a marketing strategy

A marketing strategy details how you will reach your customers and build brand awareness. The clearer your brand positioning is to investors, customers, partners and employees, the more successful your business will be.

Important questions to consider as you build your marketing strategy include:

  • What industry segments are we pursuing?
  • What is the value proposition of the products or services we plan to offer?
  • Who are our customers?
  • How will we retain our customers and keep them engaged with our products or services and marketing?
  • What is our advertising budget?
  • What price will we charge?
  • What is the overall look and feel of our brand? What are our brand guidelines?
  • Will we need to hire marketing experts to help us create our brand?
  • Who are our competitors? What marketing strategies have worked (or not worked) for them?

With a thoughtful marketing strategy integrated into your business plan, your company goals are significantly more in reach.

9. Focus your energy

Your business plan determines which areas of your business to focus on while also avoiding possible distractions. It provides a roadmap for critical tradeoffs and resource allocation.

As a business owner, you will feel the urge to solve all of your internal and customers’ problems, but it is important to maintain focus. Keep your priorities at the top of your mind as you set off to build your company.

As a small business owner, writing a business plan should be one of your first priorities. Read our checklist for starting a business, and learn how to take your business from a plan to reality. When you’re ready to get started, talk with a Chase business banker to open a Chase business checking or savings account today.

For Informational/Educational Purposes Only: The views expressed in this article may differ from other employees and departments of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Views and strategies described may not be appropriate for everyone and are not intended as specific advice/recommendation for any individual. You should carefully consider your needs and objectives before making any decisions and consult the appropriate professional(s). Outlooks and past performance are not guarantees of future results.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender, ©2023 JPMorgan Chase & Co

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Objectives in Workforce Planning

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  • The Importance of Business Implementation
  • Process of Succession Planning

Planning in business is essential to success. When a company has a planning process and a plan to follow, leaders are better equipped to prepare for the future. A business plan creates a focus for the company, uniting employees toward common goals. When everyone works together, it’s easier to manage time and resources, to position the company for growth.

Planning and Goals

Planning helps a business identify its goals, according to Management Study Guide . Preparing for the future allows business leaders to consider the impact they would like the company to have and to find a way to get there. When a team works together to set goals, it allows everyone to be on the same page, working toward a common, shared purpose. Workers are better able to recognize ways to work to achieve goals, as well as behaviors to avoid that could prevent the company from reaching its objectives.

Manage Time Efficiently

If a company doesn’t know what it’s working to achieve, leaders won’t know where to focus their efforts. When a business plan isn’t in place, a company often wastes time on tasks that bring little or no added value to the bottom line, according to Tim Berry at Bplans . Planning allows a business to determine which responsibilities are most important, so that proper time can be allocated to completing them.

Allocate Resources

Employees can only handle so many projects at one time. Having a plan to guide the direction of the company allows managers to choose assignments for employees to work on that make the most sense to meet the objectives of the business. When everyone works together on projects that can have the most impact, it puts the company in a better position to achieve success.

Prepare for Uncertainty

When a company has a plan in place, management is better-equipped to handle uncertainty. Plans can be created to handle possible future scenarios, so that the company is prepared for any situation with a list of resources. Ambiguous circumstances can bring a company down, but proper preparation can be the key to staying afloat during hard times.

Grow Existing Business

Proper planning allows management to expand the business. When a plan is in place, management is able to easily review the strengths and weaknesses of the company. This allows leaders to map out areas into which the business could successfully expand. Having a strategic plan makes it easier to identify opportunities for new business.

Remember to readdress your strategic plans as time goes on, because a variety of factors can affect what you originally planned for. The importance of planning can not be understated, regardless of your goals.

  • Management Study Guide: Advantages of Planning
  • Bplans: 10 Benefits of Business Planning for All Businesses

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What Is Business Strategy & Why Is It Important?

overhead view of business strategy meeting

  • 20 Oct 2022

Every business leader wants their organization to succeed. Turning a profit and satisfying stakeholders are worthy objectives but aren’t feasible without an effective business strategy.

To attain success, leaders must hone their skills and set clear business goals by crafting a strategy that creates value for the firm, customers, suppliers, and employees. Here's an overview of business strategy and why it's essential to your company’s success.

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What’s a Business Strategy?

Business strategy is the strategic initiatives a company pursues to create value for the organization and its stakeholders and gain a competitive advantage in the market. This strategy is crucial to a company's success and is needed before any goods or services are produced or delivered.

According to Harvard Business School Online's Business Strategy course, an effective strategy is built around three key questions:

  • How can my business create value for customers?
  • How can my business create value for employees?
  • How can my business create value by collaborating with suppliers?

Many promising business initiatives don’t come to fruition because the company failed to build its strategy around value creation. Creativity is important in business , but a company won't last without prioritizing value.

The Importance of Business Strategy

A business strategy is foundational to a company's success. It helps leaders set organizational goals and gives companies a competitive edge. It determines various business factors, including:

  • Price: How to price goods and services based on customer satisfaction and cost of raw materials
  • Suppliers: Whether to source materials sustainably and from which suppliers
  • Employee recruitment: How to attract and maintain talent
  • Resource allocation: How to allocate resources effectively

Without a clear business strategy, a company can't create value and is unlikely to succeed.

Creating Value

To craft a successful business strategy, it's necessary to obtain a thorough understanding of value creation. In the online course Business Strategy , Harvard Business School Professor Felix Oberholzer-Gee explains that, at its core, value represents a difference. For example, the difference between a customer's willingness to pay for a good or service and its price represents the value the business has created for the customer. This difference can be visualized with a tool known as the value stick.

The value stick has four components, representing the value a strategy can bring different stakeholders.

The value stick framework

  • Willingness to pay (WTP) : The maximum amount a customer is willing to pay for a company's goods or services
  • Price : The actual price of the goods or services
  • Cost : The cost of the raw materials required to produce the goods or services
  • Willingness to sell (WTS) : The lowest amount suppliers are willing to receive for raw materials, or the minimum employees are willing to earn for their work

The difference between each component represents the value created for each stakeholder. A business strategy seeks to widen these gaps, increasing the value created by the firm’s endeavors.

Increasing Customer Delight

The difference between a customer's WTP and the price is known as customer delight . An effective business strategy creates value for customers by raising their WTP or decreasing the price of the company’s goods or services. The larger the difference between the two, the more value is created for customers.

A company might focus on increasing WTP with its marketing strategy. Effective market research can help a company set its pricing strategy by determining target customers' WTP and finding ways to increase it. For example, a business might differentiate itself and increase customer loyalty by incorporating sustainability into its business strategy. By aligning its values with its target audiences', an organization can effectively raise consumers' WTP.

Increasing Firm Margin

The value created for the firm is the difference between the price of an item and its cost to produce. This difference is known as the firm’s margin and represents the strategy's financial success. One metric used to quantify this margin is return on invested capital (ROIC) . This metric compares a business's operating income with the capital necessary to generate it. The formula for ROIC is:

Return on Invested Capital = Net Operating Cost After Tax (NOCAT) / Invested Capital (IC)

ROIC tells investors how successful a company is at turning its investments into profit. By raising WTP, a company can risk increasing prices, thereby increasing firm margin. Business leaders can also increase this metric by decreasing their costs. For example, sustainability initiatives—in addition to raising WTP—can lower production costs by using fewer or more sustainable resources. By focusing on the triple bottom line , a firm can simultaneously increase customer delight and margin.

Increasing Supplier Surplus & Employee Satisfaction

By decreasing suppliers' WTS, or increasing costs, a company can create value for suppliers—or supplier surplus . Since increasing costs isn't sustainable, an effective business strategy seeks to create value for suppliers by decreasing WTS. How a company accomplishes this varies. For example, a brick-and-mortar company might partner with vendors to showcase its products in exchange for a discount. Suppliers may also be willing to offer a discount in exchange for a long-term contract.

In addition to supplier WTS, companies are also responsible for creating value for another key stakeholder: its employees. The difference between employee compensation and the minimum they're willing to receive is employee satisfaction . There are several ways companies can increase this difference, including:

  • Increasing compensation: While most companies hesitate to raise salaries, some have found success in doing so. For example, Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments, increased his company's minimum wage to $80,000 per year and enjoyed substantial growth and publicity as a result.
  • Increasing benefits: Companies can also decrease WTS by making working conditions more desirable to prospective employees. Some offer remote or hybrid working opportunities to give employees more flexibility. Several have also started offering four-day work weeks , often experiencing increased productivity as a result.

There are several ways to increase supplier surplus and employee satisfaction without hurting the company's bottom line. Unfortunately, most managers only devote seven percent of their time to developing employees and engaging stakeholders. Yet, a successful strategy creates value for every stakeholder—both internal and external.

Business Strategy | Simplify Strategy to Make the Greatest Business Impact | Learn More

Strategy Implementation

Crafting a business strategy is just the first step in the process. Implementation takes a strategy from formulation to execution . Successful implementation includes the following steps :

  • Establish clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Set expectations and ensure employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities
  • Delegate work and allocate resources effectively
  • Put the plan into action and continuously monitor its progress
  • Adjust your plan as necessary
  • Ensure your team has what they need to succeed and agrees on the desired outcome
  • Evaluate the results of the plan

Throughout the process, it's important to remember to adjust your plan throughout its execution but to avoid second-guessing your decisions. Striking this balance is challenging, but crucial to a business strategy's success.

How to Formulate a Successful Business Strategy | Access Your Free E-Book | Download Now

Learn More About Creating a Successful Business Strategy

Business strategy constantly evolves with changing consumer expectations and market conditions. For this reason, business leaders should continuously educate themselves on creating and executing an effective strategy.

One of the best ways to stay up-to-date on best practices is to take an online course, such as HBS Online's Business Strategy program. The course will provide guidance on creating a value-driven strategy for your business.

Do you want to learn how to craft an effective business strategy and create value for your company's stakeholders? Explore our online course Business Strategy , or other strategy courses , to develop your strategic planning skills. To determine which strategy course is right for you, download our free flowchart .

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6 Reasons Why Business Planning is Important


A business plan is not just a document. It is a holistic analysis of your company, the environment it operates in, and a route map to achieving success based on the resources available. Unfortunately, the image most of us have is of a 30-page bound document. The focus is on ‘the output' when the real value in a business plan is the business-planning process itself. Business planning is an essential element of running any successful business, particularly given the growing uncertainty all businesses face coupled with ongoing changes in consumer behaviour.

Here are six reasons why business planning is so important:

1. To plan for an uncertain future

Business planning is vital to help you manage your business more effectively. By committing your thoughts to a plan, you can understand your business better and also chart specific courses of action that need to be taken to improve your business. A plan can also detail alternative future scenarios, set specific objectives and goals, and list the resources required to achieve these goals. In short, it can help ensure that you are prepared for all sorts of eventualities.

2. To help grow your business

In an ideal world, all businesses would be self-financing in exploiting business opportunities. In reality, few are afforded this luxury, and hence, will be required to secure external investment eventually. The production of a credible business plan is one of the primary requirements for any entrepreneur seeking investment to grow.

3. To commit to a particular course of action

A business plan can help a company assess future opportunities, choose one, and then commit to a particular course of action. By committing to one opportunity, all other options are effectively marginalised and the company is aligned to focus on key deliverables.

4. To manage cash flow

Careful management of cash flow is a fundamental requirement for all businesses. The reason is quite simple-many businesses fail, not because they are unprofitable, but because they ultimately become insolvent (i.e., are unable to pay their debts as they fall due).

5. To value a business

Given that valuing firms is notoriously difficult and subjective, a well-written plan will clearly highlight the opportunity for any prospective investors, explain the value of the business, and increase the likelihood of a successful exit by the current owner.

6. To ensure all bases are covered

When you start a new business, the temptation is to spend time on the idea and then react to events as they come up rather than focusing on what is important. The very creation of a business plan ensures that you cover all the various bases you need to when taking an idea from conception through to launch.

As you'll have garnered from the above, business planning is an essential activity, regardless of the stage of business you're at. The very process of producing a  custom business plan  enables management to give due consideration to the various factors that mesh together to create the opportunity they are seeking to explore, as well as the resources required and the key drivers needed for success.

Alan Gleeson,  Palo Alto

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I Started Over 300 Companies. Here Are 4 Things I Learned About Scaling a Business. It takes a delicate balance of skill, hard work and instinct to grow a successful business. This serial entrepreneur loves the unique challenge; here are the key lessons she's learned along the way.

By Dr. Christina Rahm Edited by Maria Bailey Jun 26, 2024

Key Takeaways

1. business success is only possible with passion, 2. your mission, vision and value statements are more important than a business plan.

  • 3. Hiring is essential to scaling a business — so take it seriously

4. Incentivize for good performances and good attitudes

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Starting a business requires a delicate balance of risk, passion, intel, research and confidence in yourself. You have to trust your instinct — and rest on the hard work you've done to prepare for business growth . You also have to weigh potential risks against the confidence and belief that you have what it takes to succeed. I know this dance well; I've started over 300 businesses.

I believe business development is my greatest strength. Building businesses is the outlet for my many interests, from humanitarianism to scientific research and design. I've always enjoyed the unique challenges of business leadership , defining a company's "why" and navigating the choppy waters as a company takes off and grows. It's not for everyone, but it's definitely for me. Business ownership is how I do my part to improve the world around me.

With so many businesses under my belt , I've learned much about scaling companies. Here are my top four tips for successful business growth.

Related: 7 Strategies to Scale Your Small Business and Achieve Sustainable Growth

Every business is unique, and learning what works will require trial and error. For every win I've experienced, there's been at least one failure. Every loss is an excellent opportunity to learn — so trust me when I say I've learned a lot.

My businesses continue to grow because my passion for my work has never faltered. Success is rooted in an insatiable desire to make your dreams come true through every hardship and failure you encounter.

I am passionate about producing products that meet the needs of its customers while also contributing to the greater good. That means creating products that support the health of individuals, animals, and the earth, with environmental attention also paid to land, air, and water conservation. And that means creating sustainable solutions that challenge the status quo scientifically and artistically. This is my calling, which drives me to work hard every day.

No successful entrepreneur can stand behind a business they have no passion for. Having the numbers to prove your dream can reap actual monetary value is one thing. But before that, when it's just you against the world, passion is a vital life source for staying afloat.

Each of my many companies shares one mission: to drive positive change and make a difference in people's lives worldwide. Based on the products and services offered and the teams I assembled, I defined each company's vision (how we'll achieve the mission) and values (the factors that drive our decision-making).

Mission, vision and value work are imperative to achieving business success. They allow you to differentiate your businesses from competitors and ensure that the same compass leads your entire team and makes decisions that positively impact the greater team.

It's far easier to know the "why" and figure out the "how" than to understand the "how" and fabricate the "why." When you genuinely care for the mission you're pursuing, you bring creativity when figuring out the "how," encouraging innovation within the process. Your business plan can come later.

Related: Why I Didn't Go on Shark Tank — and How That Decision Actually Helped Me Scale

3. Hiring is essential to scaling a business, so take it seriously.

You can't achieve growth without a team supporting the business, so hiring is essential when scaling. Your employees need to understand your company's philosophy, and you should emphasize the importance of only hiring employees who align with that philosophy. An employee who ignores the company mission is a burden, and filtering those employees out during the hiring process is imperative. I will vouch for a candidate with less experience and more internal alignment with my company's philosophy than the latter. You want to build a team, not a workforce.

I also practice progressive policies for hiring employees with varied backgrounds and am open to second-chance hiring . Look for the right person to fill each role, and don't exclude people with records, disabilities, or unique experiences. An open hiring policy dramatically expands your pool of candidates and gives you a better chance of finding the perfect fit. If you are too set on hiring employees with pristine backgrounds, you are cutting your company short of massive potential. Employees with differing experiences and viewpoints are essential to innovation. Make a character judgment without letting bias hinder your decisions.

Once you have built your team, you must retain that talent. Don't expect that everyone that works for you views their job as their calling. That kind of view is naive and, frankly, egotistical. Incentivize your employees to work their hardest and bring good vibes to the office, then reward them.

I have no problem compensating for good attitudes just as much as I do good performances. Positive attitudes, a can-do outlook, and a sense of urgency work wonders when your team works towards lofty growth goals. And if you comprise your staff of individuals you care for personally and wish to see thrive, then bonuses and incentives should be a joy to hand out. It means you did your job during the interview process.

I even allow employees to bring their kids and animals to work when needed. Not many CEOs take this approach for fear of being viewed as "weak." However, I encourage entrepreneurs to promote inclusivity at the office and to foster a welcoming environment. I'm willing to accommodate my employee's needs because I value their contributions and want them to know that. The traditional workplace setting was designed for a cookie-cutter type of employee, a mold that not everyone can fit. Celebrate diversity among your staff and encourage a work environment that suits everyone.

To successfully scale a business, I've learned that you need to focus on what matters the most: the passion and mission behind the company and the people who make it function. Invest in those things first, then watch as your business grows.

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

Founder of DRC Ventures

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Why is a business plan important and what should it include?

Why is a business plan important and what should it include?

Posted: Tue 12th Mar 2019

How do you go from a bright idea to a successful business? Planning. It's easy to imagine successful entrepreneurs played it by ear and got lucky. People often change direction but planning's a crucial part of testing a start-up idea and building a business.

This guide examines why you should write a business plan, what it needs to include and how to use it. We've also highlighted additional resources that can help you go through the process.

Why write a business plan?

Business plans provide accountability. They allow business owners to sense-check what they're doing and why. They provide an opportunity to get ideas out of your head and start working on them.

"Not having to report to anyone is attractive when you start up. As you grow it can be tricky not to have a sounding board. A business plan can be useful for that," said Jonathan Bareham , co-founder of accountancy firm Raeden.

He highlights the role of goal setting in the planning process. Why are you starting a business? Is it because you want a good work-life balance? Do you want to make an environmental impact? It's likely a combination of factors. Writing down your motivation provides a reference for big decisions and makes sure you don't lose focus.

Business plans help explain what you're doing to other people. The process of writing everything down makes sure you can answer key questions about what you're doing.

Hiring people, opening a premise or buying equipment requires significant investment. Planning and justifying what you're going to spend is important. Sharing them externally helps reassure partners, whether you're looking to borrow money or win over a mentor.

What basic things should a business plan include?

Whatever format and length you decide on there are several common topics to cover in a business plan. Bareham outlines five points to include:

A summary of what you're going to do

Details of the market you're going into

What you have that other businesses don't (your unfair advantage)

A cash-flow forecast

Personnel needed

Business owners need to think about the strengths and weaknesses they have, he added. Be honest and make sure you identify where you will need help.

Your cash-flow forecast is crucial. It shows the money coming into your business from customers and what you're spending. This includes costs like buying raw materials, office space, marketing and paying employees. This plan will evolve into a document you look at regularly when the business is up and running.

Enterprise Nation founder Emma Jones compares having a business plan to a route map and uses the acronym 'I'm off' as a memory aid on what to include:

Operations: What kit do you need?

Friends: A support network

You can tailor your business plans to specific audiences and we'll go into the main formats in the next section.

Watch this detailed video with Enterprise Nation adviser and accountant Jonathan Bareham sharing tips on business plans, cash flow, accounts and more.

why is business planning good

What business plan format should I use?

There are several formats you can use to create a business plan. It's important to pick the one that's right for your situation. The key considerations are what you know so far and how you're going to use the plan.

You'll generally cover the sections we outlined in the section above but the amount of detail can vary.

If the plan's for the benefit of the business owner you need to think about how much you can know at this point. There are lots of assumptions around sales and costs that you won't know until they're tested. This will limit the level of detail you can include.

The audience is important too. You could write a five-page summary if the business plans just for you. If the business plan's for raising investment or applying for a loan it's going to require more detail and might be 15-20 pages long.

Organisations like the Prince's Trust and Start Up Loans , which offer start-up funding, have templates that they prefer or require applicants to fill out.

David Abrahamovitch, founder and CEO of London café-bar and restaurant company GRIND, told Enterprise Nation  that his founding team didn't create a business plan until they needed to borrow money. He believes a formal business plan doesn't provide much value at the concept stage.

"Business plans absolutely have their place but I see people who are spending months writing a business plan. They're worried about who's going to copy their idea about trademarks. All of these things are important, but at the moment you don't have a business. You don't have a brand to protect. You're worried about the wrong things. "You have to get to the minimum viable form of that business as quickly as possible and just test it."

Abrahamovitch added that things like pop-up stores and online tools mean the barriers to entry are lower than ever, reducing the risk of testing an idea.

What a traditional business plan looks like

What we're calling 'traditional business plans' are A4 documents that cover the key elements of your business. These include five main elements:

The executive summary: Summarise the main points of your business plan. Showcase what you're doing and sell your vision to the reader.

Opportunity analysis: Describe the business opportunity. Look at the size of the market, customer segments, competitors and the key trends.

Marketing: Highlight the key messages you want to communicate to customers and detail the channels you will use to reach them (telemarketing, social media etc.). Provide an idea of cost for this activity and, if possible, the level of business you expect to generate.

Logistics: Plan where and how you are going to operate your business. Include plans for manufacturing, transportation, office costs, staff needed etc.

Finance: Make sure that you detail all your associated costs - both your estimated start-up costs as well as your running costs. Include a cash-flow forecast that shows how your business will become sustainable.

Additional information like the founders' CVs can be included in your appendix. This often depends on what evidence your audience requires and may not be relevant for a document that's used internally.

Presentation is important because it provides credibility. Think about adding company logos, a cover page and other touches that make the document look professional.

Abrahamovitch said writing a business plan is useful to examine what's working, how much energy things take up and the margin of different products when you've tested ideas.

"Distill that down into its simplest form and put that in a business plan," he said. "Talk about how you're going to scale it. That's where it really adds value."

The lean canvas model

The length of traditional business plans can be intimidating. You may also lack the information to complete the document if you haven't started trading yet.

Lean canvas and business model canvas allow you to create a business plan on a single page. The structure examines whether a business idea is viable. The nine boxes capture entrepreneurs' key assumptions, covering topics like metrics and marketing channels.

Lean canvas is designed to provide a snapshot of your idea and challenge the assumptions you've made. It's not meant to be perfect. The inventor of lean canvas model suggests taking 20 minutes to fill everything out.

Test your assumptions through research

Launching and growing a small business is really exciting because you don't know what's going to happen. However, writing a business plan can be daunting as there are so many things you don't know yet.

Make phone calls and search the internet to strengthen your assumptions. It's possible to find information on standard services like accountants, renting desks or buying raw materials.

There are other aspects that are more difficult to predict. Projecting sales, for example, is one of the trickiest parts of forecasting. You love your product but will customers flock to the business?

One opportunity to solve this problem is to do a small amount of test trading. Paying for a market stall may cost you a thousand pounds after you pay for the stock and a location. But the investment may pay dividends if it gives you a reality check on what customers are willing to pay and how popular your offering is. What's the least you can spend to learn the most?

Research competitors offerings too. What are people paying for related products?

Service-based business can have the opportunity to trial their offering part-time. Perhaps you can take on a client while still working your day job.

Make sure you justify any forecasts in your business plan and provide a logical explanation of how you came to your conclusions.

Will a business plan guarantee success?

No. But business plans will help crystallise your goals and test your assumptions. The framework is really useful to develop ideas, particularly if they've been rattling around in your head for some time.

Make sure you return to your business plan regularly. Reinforcing your original goals will help keep you on track. Forecasting is a skill. Check your projections against performance and try to figure out what assumptions were correct and where there were issues.

The way you use business plans will evolve over time. Filling in a lean canvas might work if you have an idea and haven't started working on it yet. Eventually, you might need to create a business plan to land investment or it can provide an opportunity to reassess what you do.

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Americans still waiting on biden broadband plan; rural high-speed internet stuck in dems’ red tape.

Not a single home connected three years after enactment

Residents in rural America are eager to access high-speed internet under a $42.5 billion federal modernization program, but not a single home or business has been connected to new broadband networks nearly three years after President Biden signed the funding into law, and no project will break ground until sometime next year.

Lawmakers and internet companies blame the slow rollout on burdensome requirements for obtaining the funds, including climate change mandates, preferences for hiring union workers and the requirement that eligible companies prioritize the employment of “justice-impacted” people with criminal records to install broadband equipment.

The Commerce Department, which is distributing the funds under the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program, is also attempting to regulate consumer rates, lawmakers say. This puts them at odds with internet providers and congressional Republicans, who say the law prohibits such regulation.

The slow pace of funding allocation and compliance will push the project start dates for modernizing rural internet access to 2025 and 2026, according to a timeline officials outlined in a House budget hearing.

Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr said the program’s goal of providing high-speed internet to most underserved areas will not be fully realized until 2030, nine years after its enactment.

Rural areas have been waiting a long time for broadband service. Many rely on slow internet that travels over copper lines and are unable to transmit large amounts of data. Some areas have no internet at all.

“There hasn’t been a single shovel’s worth of dirt that has even been turned towards connecting people,” Mr. Carr said.

As of this month, nine states and the District of Columbia have been approved for the BEAD program. President Biden signed the funding into law in November 2021 as part of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. All 56 states and territories have submitted initial proposals seeking a portion of the $42.5 billion.

Alan Davidson , who runs the program as head of the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration, praised the pace of the BEAD program. He told lawmakers in May that the first two years were consumed by “planning and preparation.”

Mr. Davidson said 2024 “is a year of execution — the year for which we’ve been planning.”

States and territories approved for funding, he said, “will be embarking on the challenge and subgrantee selection processes that will fund providers to build networks.”

On May 15, Mr. Davidson told Congress that the program “is really a 2025, 2026 shovels-in-the-ground project.”

Critics say the deployment of funding is taking far too long and government requirements are thwarting the approval process and threatening to derail broadband projects.

Mr. Carr accused the NTIA of taking too much time to approve applications from states.

“They just put too many steps in the process,” he said. “The addition of a substantive wish list of progressive ideas they’ve layered in certainly didn’t help with the timeline.”

Senators have repeatedly written to Mr. Davidson to complain about funding requirements related to labor, climate change, and diversity, equity and inclusion that they said were added to the BEAD program after it was signed into law.

“As numerous states and stakeholders have articulated, current BEAD rules divert resources away from bringing broadband service to rural America and are inconsistent with NTIA’s statutory authority in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,” 11 Republican senators wrote to Mr. Davidson . “NTIA’s failure to resolve these concerns will prolong the digital divide and put billions of scarce taxpayer dollars at risk.”

The letter outlines a list of stipulations for obtaining the funds that lawmakers say are not part of the law and should be eliminated.

They include:

• Preference for hiring union workers, who are scarce in some rural areas.

• Requiring providers to prioritize “certain segments of the workforce, such as individuals with past criminal records,” when building broadband networks.

• Requiring eligible entities to “account not only for current [climate-related] risks but also for how the frequency, severity, and nature of these extreme events may plausibly evolve as our climate continues to change over the coming decades.”

Lawmakers also protested provisions in the BEAD program giving preference to government-owned networks, which critics say put taxpayers at risk and have sustained financial losses around the country.

“Time and time again, such networks have squandered public dollars and left taxpayers holding the bag,” the National Taxpayers Union said in a letter to Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican.

A separate group of senators, all Republicans, wrote to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to say that the BEAD program requirements conflict with congressional intent and would deter broadband deployment. One of the contested provisions allows only expensive fiber internet to qualify for funding, which could make rural and remote connections much harder and far more costly.

The senators said the program’s nine-step review process “is likely to mire State broadband offices in excessive bureaucracy and delay connecting unserved and underserved Americans as quickly as possible.”

They disputed a requirement added by NTIA that eligible states participate in federal digital equity programs, which “aim to ensure that all people and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy.”

The letter cited BEAD’s planning section on “climate resiliency,” which senators said requires extensive research, reporting and justifications “that are typically well beyond the focus or expertise of State broadband offices.”

The NTIA did not immediately respond to an inquiry about the complaints concerning the BEAD program requirements.

In a June 11 letter to Mr. Davidson , Sen. Eric Schmitt, Missouri Republican, accused the BEAD program of attempting to regulate broadband service rates, which he said violates the law.

Mr. Schmitt also accused Mr. Davidson of “aggressively insisting” that states, in this instance Virginia, offer a low-cost option “at a pre-set price” as a condition for receiving any of the federal funding.

Rate setting is illegal outside public utilities, and Mr. Davidson and Ms. Raimondo deny that they are engaging in rate regulation. Ms. Raimondo told senators at a budget hearing that low-cost proposals from states seeking BEAD funding “have to satisfy us.”

Mr. Schmitt accused Mr. Davidson and Ms. Raimondo of “engaging in double talk” on their rate demands and threatened to “use the fullest extent of our oversight authority” to hold them accountable.

In the meantime, the Biden administration is celebrating the rollout of the funding that started this year.

In April, Mr. Biden announced the approval of billions of dollars in funding for Kansas, Nevada and West Virginia to begin planning and implementing the high-speed internet rollout under the BEAD program.

“Today’s announcements mark another milestone in the effort to close the digital divide across America,” Mr. Davidson said.

• Susan Ferrechio can be reached at [email protected] .

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Why you need a written business plan.

Forbes Finance Council

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CFP®, CEPA®, CVGA®, at Heritage Investors, LLC, is a financial educator, wealth manager, author, and speaker. More at  FinanciallySimple.com.

Imagine setting out on a road trip without knowing where you wanted to go. There are immediate and inherent problems with this idea. First, without knowing where you’re going, you can’t possibly chart a course to arrive there. Likewise, without defining a clear destination, you would have no idea of how long your trip will be, how much fuel is required, or even what your necessary budget for food and lodging should be. With so many problems being raised by failing to clearly define your destination, why would you ever take such a trip? You wouldn’t. Yet, an alarming number of small-business owners are doing just that.

Many entrepreneurs are operating businesses with no formal business plan in place. Although you may know how to “run” a business, a fully developed and well-written business plan is an absolute necessity. But why? I mean, couldn’t the time spent developing a business plan be used to grow your business? Technically, yes. However, there are many reasons why taking the time to flesh out one of your organization’s most salient documents is helpful.

At some point, you’re probably going to need funding for your business. Whether this comes in the form of investors or securing a business loan from your bank, you likely won’t see a penny without showing a well-thought-out business plan. Bankers and investors alike need answers to questions surrounding profitability and revenue generation. But even before requesting funds from lenders and investors, a carefully crafted business plan will inform you of just how much capital you’ll need to raise for long-term viability.

Additionally, your business plan can assist with making sound business decisions. Ideally, you will have thought of every aspect of your business — including growth and upgrade scenarios — when writing out your business plan. If you did, your business plan can provide a step-by-step approach to all your major business decisions. However, even if you didn’t think of everything, you still have a basic guide to help you determine if and when you should expand to a new location or upgrade processes, systems and software, and whether it makes more sense to buy or lease. This also applies to handling management issues, human resources and creating value for your clients.

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Next, working through the process of drafting a fully developed business plan forces you to take an objective look at your business. As business owners, we’re often too emotionally invested in our businesses to truly see them as they are. Your business is your baby, and your baby is often ugly. As you write your business plan, you’ll begin to notice all of the weaknesses that exist in your company. I even encourage my clients to let others look at their business plans just so they can poke holes in them. The more clearly you see your business, the better equipped you are to improve it.

Finally, a written business plan is an excellent communication device. With this one document, you can effectively communicate exactly what your business is and how it functions to anyone. As I mentioned earlier, your plan tells financiers how much capital you need and how it can be repaid. But your business plan can also help you acquire new talent, gain inroads with vendors and suppliers, and even attract potential clients. 

Whether you’re just starting your business or if you’ve been operating for years, a business plan is your road map. A written business plan takes your vision and creates a clear path for making it a reality. If you’re thinking, “Well, I’ve made it this long without it,” you may be surprised to learn that a meta-analysis of studies on the growth of more than 11,000 companies found that planning actually improved company performance. In fact, it benefited businesses that were already on their feet even more so than it did startups.

One likely reason for this finding is that established companies have the benefit of knowing exactly who their customers are and what they need or want. On the other hand, startups are often making educated guesses. This is also the reason that business owners need to review and update their business plans from time to time.

If you don’t have a written business plan, now is the time to remedy that. Consider who will read your business plan and how you want them to respond, and write your plan accordingly. Let trusted friends and family review your plan throughout the process, looking for areas that can be improved upon. Once you’re able to effectively answer all questions about your business, then your business plan should be ready.

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Student-loan borrowers who were set to get debt cancellation or lower payments through Biden's new repayment plan won't get it — for now. Here's what you need to know.

  • Two federal judges blocked parts of the SAVE income-driven, student-loan repayment plan on Monday.
  • The rulings mean that student-loan forgiveness and lower payments set to begin in July cannot move forward.
  • The Justice Department is appealing the rulings, and the courts have yet to make final decisions. 

Insider Today

Legal challenges against President Joe Biden's student-debt relief efforts are back — and the latest rulings are bad news for his new repayment plan.

On Monday evening, district courts in Kansas and Missouri handed down rulings blocking parts of the new SAVE income-driven repayment plan , first introduced last summer with the goal of giving borrowers more affordable payments and a shorter timeline for loan forgiveness.

The first lawsuit was filed in March in Kansas by 11 GOP state attorneys general, and the second was filed in April in Missouri by seven GOP state attorneys general. In both cases, the plaintiffs requested that the courts block the SAVE plan and the loan forgiveness that comes with it, arguing that the relief is beyond the administration's authority.

Monday's district court rulings were different, but both dealt blows to the SAVE plan. Kansas Judge Daniel Crabtree ruled that new provisions through SAVE set to go into effect July 1, like lower monthly payments, cannot be implemented as the legal process progresses. Missouri Judge John Ross ruled that the plan's provision to cancel student debt for borrowers with original balances of $12,000 or lower who made as few as 10 years of qualifying is now blocked, as well.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona condemned the rulings on Monday, saying in a statement that "the Department of Justice will continue to vigorously defend the SAVE Plan."

"Republican elected officials and special interests sued to block their own constituents from being able to benefit from this plan – even though the Department has relied on the authority under the Higher Education Act three times over the last 30 years to implement income-driven repayment plans," Cardona said.

"While we continue to review these rulings, the SAVE plan still means lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers - including more than 4 million borrowers who owe no payments at all, and protections for borrowers facing runaway interest when they are making their monthly payments," he added.

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Here's what borrowers should know about the rulings.

First ruling: No new payment reforms

Student-loan borrowers who have already enrolled in SAVE can continue making the payments the plan calculated for them. However, the new provisions set to go into effect July 1 — including cutting undergraduate borrowers' payments in half and forgiveness credit for period of deferment of forbearance — are halted.

Here's why: Kansas' Crabtree ruled , in part, in favor of the attorneys general, and he explained in his ruling that the SAVE plan's monthly payment cap and shortening of the payment period for forgiveness "overreach any generosity Congress has authorized before."

However, Crabtree ruled to preserve the provisions of SAVE that have already gone into effect because the plaintiffs failed to adequately show how they suffered harm from parts of the plan already in place. For example, the Education Department outlined in June 2023 its intention to cap monthly payments and announced the shorter timeline to forgiveness a month in advance, leaving the attorneys general with time to challenge the plan earlier.

"All of this is to ask why: if these parts of the SAVE Plan promised an irreparable harm to plaintiffs, why didn't they move to enjoin the SAVE Plan before they took effect?" Crabtree wrote.

However, with regards to the new SAVE provisions set to go into effect July 1, Crabtree ruled that the plaintiffs succeeded in showing harm because there was no delay in challenging the plan's unimplemented provisions, and any forthcoming relief would be irreversible.

So rather than reversing or altering any of the provisions through SAVE already implemented, Crabtree decided to halt any new measures that have yet to be implemented until the court makes a final decision.

Second ruling: No student-loan forgiveness

While thousands of borrowers have already received student-loan forgiveness through the SAVE provision, which cancels debt for borrowers with original balances of $12,000 or less, no more borrowers will be able to partake in that relief for now.

Missouri's Ross handed down a different ruling regarding SAVE. He first said that Missouri's argument that the plan would harm student-loan company MOHELA — based in Missouri — due to lost revenue has standing, given it was the same conclusion the Supreme Court reached when it struck down Biden's first attempt at broad debt relief last summer.

With regards to the fate of SAVE, Ross decided that while already implemented provisions of SAVE can remain, any future student-loan forgiveness through the plan is blocked. He wrote that Congress did not account for the scale of loan forgiveness under SAVE, and as a result, the attorneys general have "a 'fair chance' of success on the merits on their claim that the Secretary has overstepped its authority by promulgating a loan forgiveness provision as part of the SAVE program."

He also said that even without allowing student-loan forgiveness, the other provisions, like lower payments and limited interest accrual, will still provide relief to borrowers. Since the attorneys general did not adequately argue why the other provisions should be blocked, Crabtree said he would only place a preliminary injunction on the debt cancellation.

Cardona said on Tuesday that the Justice Department will appeal the rulings.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement that the Education Department will "continue to enroll more Americans in SAVE and help more students and borrowers access the benefits of the plan that remain available, including $0 payments for anyone making $16 an hour or less, lower monthly payments for millions more borrowers, and protecting borrowers from runaway interest if they are making their monthly payments."

Watch: Why student loans aren't canceled, and what Biden's going to do about it

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    Interpublic Group (NYSE:IPG) is planning to sell its digital marketing agency, R/GA, to Indian IT and consulting giant Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the Wall Street Journal reported. While the ...

  28. Trump's weird words: What's behind his rally rants

    In Donald Trump's rally-speak — the far-fetched stories he uses to entertain his loyalists — President Biden will be "jacked up" with drugs on debate night, fictional killer Hannibal Lecter is "a wonderful man," and sharks are bad.. Oh, and Trump won the 2020 election. Why it matters: Trump's bombastic speeches have always mixed anger, falsehoods, conspiracy theories and vague, sweeping plans.

  29. Quiet Vacationing: New Work Trend Is Bad for ...

    The whole quiet-vacationing discourse got kicked up by a recent Harris Poll survey on out-of-office culture. It found that 28% of workers said they'd taken time off work without telling their ...

  30. Student-Loan Forgiveness Through SAVE Plan Is ...

    Here's why: Kansas' Crabtree ruled, in part, in favor of the attorneys general, and he explained in his ruling that the SAVE plan's monthly payment cap and shortening of the payment period for ...