
How to Write a Cover Letter for A Poetry Submission

Cover letters are the resumes of the literary world. They offer a brief introduction of your writing career while also providing a pitch to the editor about why your submission is the best fit for the magazine, journal, or press. 

When writing a cover letter, it’s important to think about your audience: the editor. They will be searching through hundreds—if not thousands—of submissions, and in the words of Aladdin: They will be looking for the “diamonds in the rough.” Depending on the size and staff of the magazine or press as well as how prestigious and reputable it is, the submission process will take them months to complete, so keeping the cover letter short, concise, and informative will ensure that your letter is considered and that it makes an impression with the editor. 

Here are the steps to writing a strong cover letter that you can use as a template for any cover letter you need in your writing career. 

Provide your contact information

At the upper left-hand corner of your document, type your residential address, your phone number, and your email. Make sure you check that it is accurate because, for magazines that don’t use Submittable , your contact information is the only way they can reach you. 

Write the greeting and body

First, begin with the date. Next, write the salutation to the magazine, press, or publishing company. You can also address the poetry editor to personalize the greeting. Look at this template as an example of how to format it. 

The next step is to write the body of the letter. In the above example, you’ll notice he mentions the names of his poems as well as previous poets the magazine has published. This proves to the magazine that you are an avid reader of their work. This isn’t necessary to include, but it does get you bonus points with the editor. 

Depending on their guidelines, you might want to mention how many poems you’re sending. You can also mention that you are sending this to other publications and will alert them if it’s published anywhere else: This is an expectation every publication has for poets who are submitting simultaneously . Most magazines accept simultaneous submissions, but some don’t. 

After this first paragraph, include a short biography in the second paragraph. This bio should be around five sentences. A short bio is better than a longer one due to the volume of submissions they receive. If they want a longer bio, they’ll let you know when they accept your work.   

Also, for the bio, highlight your best-published work and major awards or prizes. If you haven’t received any yet, don’t worry about it: When a magazine is truly interested in your poetry, your work is the most important thing: not the cover letter. 

Write the closing

Last but not least, close the letter with: “Thank you for considering my work. I look forward to hearing from you soon.” Then include your name at the end. 

Overall, you just need three paragraphs for a typical cover letter. However, to submit your poetry book to literary presses, you’ll want to tailor the letter and make it longer, so you can give a synopsis of the work. In general, it’s usually best to keep the cover letter a page long. For large publishing companies such as Andrews McMeel Publishing , you’ll want to write a pitch or proposal rather than a cover letter. 

Provide exactly what they want

Before you send out your letter, make sure you double-check the submission guidelines and then make a checklist of everything you need, or just scan the letter to make sure you provided exactly what they asked for. Sometimes your submission could be discarded just because you didn’t fulfill the requirements. For example, some literary presses want to “judge blindly,” which basically means they want to give judges the manuscripts and poems without any contact information or names of the poets. This ensures the submission process is fair, and that there are no biases based on gender, publication history, or many other factors that can cloud an editor or judge’s decision. 

Tips to consider for literary magazines

Some literary magazines or presses care about credentials and past publication history. They want established poets rather than novice and up-and-coming poets, so for these magazines, a well-crafted cover letter can make a difference in receiving an acceptance rather than a rejection. 

Thankfully, the majority of literary magazines are not concerned about past publication history: They are just interested in stellar literary work, so your chances of getting published are high even if you don’t have a history of publication credits. However, once they choose the best work, and they have their editorial meetings and are debating whose work will be printed, it’s possible they will consider your publication career, and that’s where they will take into consideration your cover letter. 

I was the editor-in-chief for the literary magazine of the program where I received my MFA in creative writing, and I never cared about whether the writer was well-known or unknown: I just cared about the work, so let me assure you that if you send your poetry to a small literary magazine, your chances of being published increase. Most students of graduate and undergraduate literary presses and magazines are just looking for the best poetry and prose. 

The purpose of submitting is to get your beautiful poetry into the hands of readers. No matter how large or how small the audience, sharing your work with the world is the reward and the joy of being published. 


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Alex Knepper's Newsletter

How to write a cover letter for poetry submissions, plus a downloadable template.

how to write a poetry submission cover letter

If you are looking to submit your poetry for publication, you may come across a request for a cover letter.

A cover letter’s main purpose is to give context for your poetry. You will want to explain why you are writing, and what you are submitting.

WHY You’re Writing

It may seem obvious that you are submitting your poetry in the hopes of getting published. But it is essential that you still state the obvious.

State why you are writing— “I am writing for your consideration of my poetry for publication in your literary magazine”. Easy Peasy.

WHAT You’re Submitting

Make sure then, to include the titles of the poems you are submitting, in quotations. And also reference the publication you are submitting to, the title of the publication in italics.

But that is not nearly enough information, so we will want to include a few more things.

Include your contact information and relevant social media accounts, especially if you have a significant following

Reference or link your other published works (if you have none, not to worry, this doesn’t necessarily count against you)

Give a little context for you, as a poet. Have you studied poetry? Who is your favorite poet? Is there a form that you particularly enjoy? Do your views align with the publication you are submitting to?

The cover letter requires a little bit of research as well. It will behoove you to read past issues of the publication and reference what you enjoyed reading. Nothing is more flattering than talking to a fan, so become a fan.

On the flip side, you must remember that you are asking someone to take time to read and consider your work. The least you can do is read their work, and as the Editor the publication *is* their work.

These are the essential steps to writing your cover letter. But here are a few other things to keep in mind…

Less is More

Keep it relevant

Address the Editor Directly if possible. A name is always better than, To Whom it May Concern. With a little research, it should not be difficult to figure out who the editor is.

Be Respectful & Humble*

* I say be humble with the utmost trepidation. So I will define it here: Be Humble in Deference to the Editor. Not in regards to your own achievements. Do you see the difference? Acknowledging the prestige and “rank” of the editor does not mean that you have to downplay yourself.

Still need help? Not to worry! Click here for a simple template to help you write your cover letter.

Now tell me below in the comments, what is the thing that makes you the most nervous when submitting your work?

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Further Reading:

How to Write a 50-Word Author Bio

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission , Masterclass

Sample Letters for Poetry Submissions , Writer’s Digest

how to write a poetry submission cover letter

Ready for more?


Submission Series: How It’s Done.

So you’ve never submitted your poems to literary magazines before. Where do you start? It can definitely feel intimidating (and time-consuming) the first time you send your work out to potential publishers; but once you’ve gone through the steps a few times, it just becomes another part of your writing routine. To help you get going, here are some tips to guide you through the process and proper etiquette.

Before You Submit Your Work

This might seem obvious but it bears saying aloud: read lots of literary magazines!  This is essential homework if you’re going to start submitting work to them. This helps you to know what is being published by these journals, and what they’re looking for. Two great resources for discovering literary magazines are  NewPages  and  Chill Subs , which maintain a fairly comprehensive database of listings and publish reviews of literary magazines. And, most of all, consider subscribing to literary magazines, if you can. Regularly reading the new issues of journals in which you hope to publish can often lead to breakthroughs in your work. Remember: there are no good writers without good readers. Here are some helpful resources and links:

  • NewPages  posts calls for submissions for magazines in their classified section.
  • Duotrope  &  Chill Subs  both house databases containing information about thousands of literary magazines and journals, so you don’t have to scour the interwebs all by yourself.
  • We’ve even gotten into this data compilation action ourselves by running a quarterly  “Where to Submit” blog series  to let you know who is currently open and looking for your poems & manuscripts!

A Duotrope account also comes with the ability to log your submissions and responses on the site, which helps you track your submissions while also contributing data to the statistical information that Duotrope gathers & provides for each lit mag profile.

Start a little smaller at first: submit to literary magazines that focus on work by emerging and/or unpublished writers. You can always find this information on the publication’s website.

Most literary magazines and journals receive submissions online (some exclusively) and many of those use the submission management platform Submittable for receiving and responding to those submissions. So, you should also go ahead and set up your free Submittable account. Other literary magazines either receive submissions by email or through an alternative submission management platform.

How to Craft a Cover Letter

Most literary magazines and journals will ask you to include a brief cover letter to accompany the packet of poems you’re submitting. Although most publications will not disqualify a submission based on the cover letter, it is important to make a professional first impression. There is definitely an art to the submission cover letter, so here are some tips for how to do it right:

Use the appropriate editor’s name in your opening address (you can find this on their website, usually on the masthead page),

Briefly state your intention (“I am submitting my poems XYZ for consideration for a future issue of Lit Mag Name .”)

If this is a simultaneous submission , let them know here, but you don’t have to say where else you’re sending your work. (“These poems are simultaneous submissions but I will inform you promptly should they be accepted elsewhere and need to be withdrawn.”)

Do not describe your poems or give your life story . If you choose, you can give a very brief third-person biographical note (generally 50–100 words). But this is usually optional.

Briefly thank the editor(s) for considering and reading your work.

Close with your first and last name, and your contact information.

Cover Letter Template:

Dear [Insert Editor Name],

I would like to submit my poems [insert poem titles] for consideration for a future issue of [ Insert Magazine/Journal Title ]. I have also included a brief biographical note below, should that be needed.

[Insert brief bio here.]

This is a simultaneous submission. Thank you so much for reading my work!

[Your Name]

[Your Mailing Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

How to Track Submissions

This is so incredibly important to remember: you are responsible for keeping track of your submissions! This is the information you need to keep a detailed record of:

The titles of the poems you submitted.

The title of the publication to which you submitted them.

The date you submitted the poems.

The submission fee you paid (if any).

The type of response you receive (acceptance, personalized rejection, form rejection, or author withdrawal).

We recommend keeping a spreadsheet customized for this purpose. If you simultaneously submit poems to multiple places (which is standard practice, but check the guidelines), and one or more of those poems are accepted by a publication, you will have to know which places you need to withdraw those accepted poems from. It is your responsibility to keep track of this. It is also your responsibility to withdraw those accepted poems from the lit mags still considering them in a timely manner — which means the same day you receive the acceptance for the poem(s) in question.

What to Expect (When You’re Waiting & Waiting & Waiting)

It will take anywhere from two months to one year for literary magazines to send you a response. Check the submission guidelines for this information. Many times, they will let you know how long they tend to hold onto submissions before responding. They will also let you know when it is acceptable to query about a submission — do not do this before the prescribed response time has lapsed. You don’t want to annoy the editors who are often working on hundreds of submissions at any given time.

You will want to make sure you are checking your email account regularly, so that when you do receive a response, you are able to get to it right away. Always check your spam or junk folder because sometimes they get erroneously filtered there! It’s also a good idea to log in to your Submittable account at least once a week to check the status of your current submissions because sometimes those emails can go astray.

If you receive an acceptance, don’t leave the literary magazine waiting! Make sure you respond to their message as soon as possible — in the precise manner and with the exact information they request — so that you don’t end up missing out on this publishing opportunity. Some publishers have a shorter turnaround time for issue production, so letting them know they have permission to publish your work sooner rather than later will be most helpful for the editors. If an accepted poem is simultaneously submitted elsewhere, you need to make sure you withdraw the accepted poem (from the lit mags still considering it) as soon as possible. If another publisher sends you an acceptance letter for the same poem, you’ll find yourself in an uncomfortable situation where you have to disappoint one editor or the other. If you receive a rejection, first of all, don’t take it personally. Allow yourself to feel the disappointment briefly, then let it go. There will be more of these than you will want to count. Second, do not reply to a rejection letter, unless it is absolutely clear that the letter has been personalized.

Best Practices

The best advice we can give you is this: always read the submission guidelines! They will be slightly different for each publication. Make sure you follow them, or your submission could be disqualified without being read. Here are a few terms you will need to become familiar with:

Blind submissions: If a publication says that submissions must be blind, that means that no identifying information is allowed to appear on your submission document: no name or contact information, either within the document or even in the file name.

Simultaneous submissions: This refers to submitting the same poems to multiple publications at the same time. Most journals accept this practice, but you must inform them about it in your cover letter. And, as mentioned numerous times above, you must also be responsible about withdrawing poems promptly if they are accepted at one publication while under consideration at others.

Finally, this is a very important thing to remember for first-timers: posting your poems to Facebook, Instagram, a blog, etc. will count as “previously published” for a literary journal. Most of them (not all — check the guidelines) will only consider work that is entirely unpublished. So, if you want to publish specific poems in literary journals or magazines, do not post them online in any form before publication.

Did you know that Tell Tell Poetry also offers Submission Support services? Reach out to us here for more information. We’re wishing you the best of luck with your poetry submissions!

Pssst. We’re launching a submission course soon! Drop an email to [email protected] if you’re interested in hearing more when we launch!

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The Watering Hole

How to Write a Poetry Cover Letter

We always get questions about cover letters and it’s only because of our work on both sides of the desk (poet and organizer) that we’ve began to understand this a little better. Yes, we work for The Watering Hole, but we have also worked for The South Carolina Review , Yemassee , among others. We’ve been through hundreds of cover letters. Hopefully, this will demystify them for you.

Cover letters change shape based on what you are applying for. Sometimes poetry submissions lay out exactly what they are looking for in a cover letter. Often they don’t. Always, check that organization’s guidelines.

In general for poetry retreats, residencies, and fellowships , the poetry is read first, then the editors make a shortlist of acceptances, after which the cover letters are read, and more cuts are made. However, for publication , the cover letters are only read a month after all acceptances have been made, when editorial assistants copy and paste bio information for the publication. Clearly, these need not be comprehensive. The poetry is most important. Check out these sample below. Note the “business letter” format, which we’ll discuss further at the end.

Cover letters can be anywhere from 30 words to 2.5 pages, depending on whether you are applying for publication (30 words to 1 page), retreat (up to 1 page), fellowship and residency (up to 2 pages), job (up to 2.5 pages), and so on.

Definites for Publication: You definitely need to end the cover letter with a list your submission poems’ titles. The cover letter’s primary function is to match the blind poems (which don’t name the author) with the author’s cover letter (which does name the author and all contact info). The editorial assistants separate these parts during reading and judging and need to be able to put them back together easily.

Optional for Publication: Optional elements to include for a publication cover letter would be a 30-75 word professional bio, and 3-5 places where you’ve been published. (Really? No more than 5? Yes. Really. Definitely. No flex zone. ) If you haven’t been published yet, feel free to say that. Journals jump at the chance to “discover” a hot new poet.

Definites for Other Programs: On the other hand, for retreats, fellowships, and residencies the cover letter is very important. This is helps determine who makes the short-shortlist. In addition to the information above, these cover letters would add a brief aesthetics statement of who’s influenced your art and what you seek to accomplish within your poems (to contextualize the poems in your submission); what you do; where you work; and any work you do in the arts community. The acceptance committee is trying to find out what kind of person you are, whether you work well with other artists on a regular basis, how your personality and personal goals jive with the retreat’s spirit and objectives, how you can enhance and be enhanced by that community of artists, whether there might be any issues that could disrupt the feelings of community (i.e. ego, belligerence towards equals, etc.), whether you are the best fit for their program. You have to tailor the letter to their interests and goals. As we mentioned before, always check the organizations requirements.

Sidenote for Longer Cover Letters: After having read a ton of these, in longer cover letters, everyone says the same thing. “I’ve been writing since x grade/year. Since my teacher read x poem, it’s been my passion. love love blah blah blah. I write for love, expression, revolution. I couldn’t breathe. Writing is my air.” Everybody has this story. Cut it. Don’t tell your passion: give evidence of it. Think about what would be the best evidence in a court of law. Think FACTS=PASSION. Think FACTS=CHARM. “Since 2014, I have participated in a small livingroom reading group, which led to my interest in Afrofuturism. That has resulted in a publication in Pluck titled ‘Superwoman gives up tights.’” This method will help you say something that is unique to you and will therefore make you stand out.

Definites for Everyone: Finally, pay close attention to following the “business letter” format, even for e-mailed submissions—your name and address, e-mail, phone, their name and address, e-mail, phone, date, Dear Name of Actual Person In Charge, letter, Sincerely, your name and brief list of 1-3 resume affiliations/titles. A little bit of professionalism goes a long way.

If you are applying to our ANTHOLOGY SUBMISSIONS , the deadline is March 31, 2015. Since we are a budding grassroots organization, we don’t have a street address just yet, so don’t worry about that part of the cover letter you write for us.

Anyway, I hope this provides some clarity. I’ve included a sample below. Feel free to steal it. Good luck, poets! Hit us if you have any questions.

P.S. Don’t play with the font. Single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point is standard. The smallest you can go is 11.5. Any smaller than that and people over the age of 50 get angry. And  never put poems in the body of an e-mail. Always attach them as a Word document, unless you are told specifically to do otherwise.

Sample Publication Cover Letter:

[Your Name] [Your Street Addy] [Your Town, State, Zip] [Your E-mail Addy] [Your Phone Number] [Your website if you have one]

[Name of Editor] <—-You want the editor or poetry editor [Job Title] [Journal/Magazine Title] [Department if applicable] [Their Street Addy] [Their Town, State, Zip] [Their Country if outside of the U.S.]

March 1, 2015 <—-This should be the date that you send the submission

Dear [Name of Editor]:

I’ve enclosed my [fiction/nonfiction/poetry] submission for publication in [Journal/Magazine Title]. Included are [Titles of Poems]. My work has appeared in [3-5 Titles of other publications] among others . [*If submitting via mail] I’ve included an SASE for [response only/the return of my manuscript].

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name] [Your Title if applicable] [1-3 affiliated organizations or universities]

[Short Professional Bio written in the third person in case of publication] Ex. Jane Smith was born and raised in Camden, S.C. After graduating from Hilman College, she has studied poetry at VONA, Breadloaf, and The Watering Hole. Muffet currently works as an insurance agent and hosts open mic nights in Memphis, T.N.

^ ^ ^ If you choose to integrate this bio into the body of your letter (instead of the postscript), use the first person I.

If you need query letter help, check out our article on that!


' src=

This is good information and very useful. I have always wondered the difference in cover letters for different submission types. Thanks

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Super helpful!

' src=

Very helpful and concise. Advice from successful experience. Thank you so much

' src=

Thank you for this. Can you show us an example of a Cover Letter (with aesthetics statement)?

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This was very informative! Thank you

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Ditto all of the above.

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This was excellent and helpful. Thank you so much ..

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Jane Friedman

The Perfect Cover Letter: Advice From a Lit Mag Editor

cover letter for magazine or journal

Today’s guest post is from Elise Holland, co-founder and editor of 2 Elizabeths , a short fiction and poetry publication.

When submitting your short-form literature to a magazine or journal, your cover letter is often the first piece of writing an editor sees. It serves as an introduction to your thoughtfully crafted art. As such, it is significant, but it shouldn’t be intimidating or even take much time to write.

As editor at 2 Elizabeths , I see a variety of cover letters every day; some are excellent, and others could stand to be improved. There are a few key pieces of information to include, while keeping them short and sweet. In fact, a cover letter should only be a couple of paragraphs long, and no more than roughly 100-150 words.

A little research goes a long way

Seek out the editor’s name, and address the letter to him/her, as opposed to using a generic greeting. Typically, you can find this information either on the magazine or journal’s website, or in the submission guidelines.

Read the submission guidelines thoroughly. Many publications will state in their guidelines the exact details that need to be included in a cover letter. With some variation, a general rule of thumb is to include the following:

  • Editor’s name (if you can locate it)
  • Genre/category
  • Brief description of your piece
  • If you have been published previously, state where
  • Whether your piece is a simultaneous submission (definition below)

Terms to Know

The term simultaneous submission means that you will be sending the same piece to several literary magazines or journals at the same time. Most publications accept simultaneous submissions, but some do not. If a publication does not accept them, this will be stated in their guidelines.

Should your work be selected for publication by one magazine, it is important to notify other publications where you have submitted that piece. This courtesy will prevent complications, and will keep you in good graces with various editors, should you wish to submit to them again in the future.

The term multiple submission means that you are submitting multiple pieces to the same literary magazine or journal.

Cover Letter That Needs Work

Dear Editor, Here is a collection of poems I wrote that I’d like you to consider. I have not yet been published elsewhere. Please let me know what you think. Bio: John Doe is an Insurance Agent by day and a writer by night, living in Ten Buck Two. He is the author of a personal blog, LivingWith20Cats.com. Best, John Doe

What Went Wrong?

John Doe didn’t research the editor’s name. A personal greeting is always better than a simple “Dear Editor.” Additionally, John failed to include the word count, title and a brief description of his work.

There is no need to state that John has not yet been published elsewhere. He should simply leave that piece of information out. (Many publications, 2 Elizabeths included, will still welcome your submissions warmly if you are unpublished.)

John included a statement asking the editor to let him know what he/she thinks about his work. Due to time constraints, it is rare that an editor sends feedback unless work is going to be accepted.

Unless otherwise specified by the magazine or journal to which you are submitting, you do not need to include biographical information in your cover letter. Typically, that information is either requested upfront but in a separate document from the cover letter, or is not requested until a piece has been selected for publishing.

Cover Letter Ready to Be Sent

Dear Elise, Please consider this 1,457-word short fiction piece, “Summer.” I recently participated in the 2 Elizabeths Open Mic Night, and am an avid reader of the fiction and poetry that you publish. “Summer” is a fictitious tale inspired by the impact of a whirlwind, yet meaningful, romance I experienced last year. In this story, I gently explore the life lessons associated with young love, with a touch of humor. This is a simultaneous submission, and I will notify you if the piece is accepted elsewhere. Thank you for your consideration. Kindest Regards, John Doe

What Went Right?

In this letter, John includes all pertinent information, while keeping his letter clear and concise. In his second sentence, John also briefly states how he is familiar with the magazine. While doing this isn’t required, if done tastefully, it can be a nice touch! Another example might be: “I read and enjoyed your spring issue, and believe that my work is a good fit for your magazine.”

I hope these sample letters help you as you send your short works to magazines and journals for consideration. While you’re at it, I hope you will check out 2 Elizabeths ! We would love to read your work.

Elise Holland

Elise Holland is co-founder and editor of 2 Elizabeths , a short fiction and poetry publication. Her work has appeared in various publications, most recently in Story a Day . Through 2 Elizabeths, Elise strives to create value and visibility for writers, through writing contests , events , and more!


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[…] view post at https://janefriedman.com/perfect-cover-letter-advice-lit-mag-editor/ […]

[…] To get into literary magazines, you need a cover letter, so Elise Holland lays out how to write the perfect cover letter for a literary magazine. […]

Diane Holcomb

Love this! The letter is short and to the point, and covers all the necessary information. Great tips! I always worry that the only publishing credit I have is the winning entry in a short story contest through the local paper. Should I mention that? And writing conferences I’ve attended?

Jane Friedman

As Elise says, it’s OK if you’re unpublished. Don’t worry about it. But feel free to mention your winning entry. If the writing conferences would likely be known to the journals’ editors, you might mention one or two.

[…] recently wrote a full article on the perfect cover letter, here. Check it out for clear, simple instructions, along with sample […]

[…] publication. Her work has appeared in various publications, most recently in Story a Day, and at JaneFriedman.com.  Through 2 Elizabeths, Elise strives to create value and visibility for writers, through writing […]


Thanks for the concise and useful information! I’ve heard that it’s also a good idea to include a sentence or two that makes it clear that you are familiar with the kind of work the magazine has published in the past. Is this generally advised, or would you consider it nonessential unless specified in the submission guidelines?


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How to Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission

Ready to submit your poems for publication? Write a strong cover letter to introduce yourself and your work and give one more reason for editors to choose you.

A cover letter is part and parcel of poetry submission as each poet needs an introduction and a few words of their bio and creative method. A cover letter is a resume in the literary world that can vary from two brief paragraphs to a couple of pages, depending on the requirements and guidelines. In this article, we’ll cover everything from small details, like fonts and length of a cover letter, to broader topics, like content and do’s and don'ts of a poetry submission cover letter.

What is a Cover Letter for Submitting a Poem?

Any literary magazine, anthology, poetry competition, or poetry fellowship requires poets to submit their work plus a cover letter with some details about the poems submitted and the author themselves. Although a cover letter format is generally similar (introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion), the length and other elements may vary depending on its purpose.

You can rest assured that an editorial office makes any publication-related decisions based on your poetry. The poetry is always read first. However, later in the selection process, when deciding which to choose and which to reject, cover letters become the critical tiebreaker.

Typically, cover letters for publication will make do with just 30 words while applications for poetry retreat, poetry residency, or a job will require 1 to 2.5 pages. Submission requirements contain all the information regarding the format of a cover letter.

What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission

It is important to include your personal information along with all information required by the organization’s descriptions. In almost all cases, poetry reading before publication is blind. Therefore, editorial assistants will later need to quickly match poems with the author’s cover letter and bio.

  • List your submitted poems’ titles;
  • Professional bio (30-75 word) (optional);
  • 3-5 places where you’ve been published, or say you will be published (optional).
  • Professional bio (30-75 word);
  • 3-5 places where you’ve been published, or say you haven’t been published yet;
  • Aesthetics statement (your artistic influences and some context for your poems)
  • A few words about your personal bio (what you do, where you work, and any work you do in the art community).

Writing a Cover Letter for Poetry Submission

Even if you know nothing of writing poetry cover letters, it is common sense to stick to a business letter format. What you must remember at all times, though, is to start your cover letter by reading the submission instruction first. Read the organization’s submission requirements before you start writing, and after you proofread a piece several times. Make sure you include all of the specific information requested of you. After you have included it all, double-check the instructions again to see if you followed them correctly. In many cases, applicants find out that they missed an important part, or two, of the instructions.

Provide Your Contact Information. Many magazines, such as the Poetry Foundation , have stopped accepting paper submissions and invite poets to send their work via email. Although your email submission contains your email address, include all your contact information at the upper left-hand corner of your document to be on the safe side and ensure that a magazine or a journal can reach you. Nowadays, they don’t need to know your residential address. Normally, your valid email and working phone number are enough for any organization.

A sound piece of advice is to “include your name in the subject line so the editor can easily find your message in their inbox if they are looking for it again.”

Write a Greeting. Personalized greetings are favored over generic ones. ‘Dear Sirs’ is a big no-no. There’s no reason why an editor should be a man.

A good rule of thumb is to look for the current editor’s name on the organization’s website or Submittable page. If you cannot find the editor’s name, say ‘Dear editor’ or ‘Dear editors.’

Address All Requested Information in the Body Paragraphs. The guiding principle of writing body paragraphs in a poetry cover letter is brevity. Rely on the requirements but address each item on the list briefly and succinctly.

The staple element of all poetry cover letters is the content of a submission.

  • If you include less than three pieces, add a short sentence for each poem. If your submission has more than four poems, try to come up with a common theme(s) and describe it in 2-3 sentences under 100 words.
  • If you include your bio, do it briefly: “I am a poet from New Brunswick currently studying at New York University.”
  • If you want or are asked to add a more extended biography, include your pronouns, your primary form of employment, your most significant awards, and your level of education/city of residence. Keep it under 100 words.
  • If you include your publication history, 2 to 5 places are more than enough. If you have had multiple publications, pick the most impressive ones but don’t give them all.
  • If you submit your poetry to other publications, mention it briefly, too.
  • If you’re an avid reader of the magazine, you can mention a few poets or poems you like the most.

Close with Some Nice Words. It is ok to finish off on a dry, unimaginative note, like “Thank you for considering my work. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.” However, you can add some vitality to your letter and make it more memorable. Tell them what you love the most about their organization. Thank them for their time. Try not to step over a fine line between familiarity and niceness and not to tumble down into rigidity and formality.

A Basic Template for a Poetry Cover Letter

[Your Name] [Your Postal Address] [Your E-mail Address] [Your Phone Number] [Your Website or Social Media] [Name of Editor] [Job Title] [Journal/Magazine Title] [Department if applicable] [The date when you send the submission]

Dear [Name of Editor]: I’ve enclosed my poetry/fiction submission for publication in [Journal/Magazine Title]. Included are [Titles of Poems]. My work has appeared in [3-5 Titles of other publications], among others. Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Short Professional Bio is written in the third person in case of publication] Enola Holmes was born in Hawaii and raised in Washington, D.C. After graduating from New York University, she became a self-taught poet. Holmes currently works as a freelance copywriter and volunteers as a vet in Soho, NY.

To expand on the template , ALWAYS read the description on the organization’s website, follow their instruction, and add what is required.

Sample Cover Letter for Poetry Submission

Sample 1: Here’s a cover letter for the submission of four poems with explicit instructions not to include a biography.

To the readers and editors of Poetry Foundation,

I write to offer my four poems for submission in Poetry Magazine. To elaborate, the poem ‘Japanese Nocturne’ refers to the mass destructive events of WWII. ‘Apples and Figs’ appeared as a response to a recent Trump political decision and the sense of alienation some people are experiencing now while ‘Dressed to Impress’ and ‘Hope’ touch on the theme of migration and globalization. I hope you enjoy the work, and thank you for considering my submission.

Sample 2: This cover letter also includes a short bio as required by the submission instruction.

I have included two poems – ‘Cat Forgotten’ and ‘Leaves on the Ground’ – from my recent manuscript. Both poems are connected by the theme of loneliness in the digital era and alienation in urban spaces. Among my current loves is Patrick Melbourne’s ‘Love Deterred’ and Felicia Jones’ ‘Given and Forgotten’ published in your magazine. If you accept my submission for publication, it would be an incredible honor for me. These poems have been submitted to another publication as well.

Bio: Enola Holmes (she/her) is a poet and multimedia artist. She was shortlisted for the 2019 National Book Foundation Award and is a finalist for the 2020 PEN/Hemingway Award for the poetry collection Silver Bells and Cockle Shells (Hawaii Publishing Books, 2019). Holmes has been awarded American Library in Paris Visiting Fellowship in 2018 and Vermont Studio Center Residency in 2019. Her work has been published in Slate and Playboy. Holmes received a BA in Creative Writing from NYU.

Tips on Writing a Cover Letter for Poetry Submission

You are probably aware that editors and editorial assistants read tons of applications and submissions daily. It means they have developed inevitable fatigue to trite and banal introductions and approaches. Therefore, you must follow the rules of cover letter writing, but at the same time, you need to try and infuse some vitality and freshness into these few simple paragraphs.

Here are the rules you must follow:

Always support your words with facts. Avoid describing your biography in banal phrases like “I have always loved poetry, and I cannot live without writing.” To stand out from the others, show your emotion and passion through facts. “After I read Langston Hughes for the first time I got infatuated with Harlem Renaissance, which resulted in a publication in Black Poetry titled ‘Born Again with a Retrograde Mercury.’”

Stay on topic. Although earlier, a cover letter was referred to as a resume of the literary world,’ it should not be as detailed as a formal resume. The exact number of earlier publications and/or awards is given for a reason. Don’t include exhaustive lists of all your awards and residencies. Add only the most impressive items.

Avoid small talk. You absolutely must skip any pleasantries if you believe they are part of common formalities. Editors do not expect you to entertain them. Rather, they appreciate if applicants are polite and to the point.

Control your tone. Respect is expressed not only through proper greetings, good grammar, and error-free writing. Show respect by not acting as if you submitted exceptional work that cannot help but be accepted. But also don’t act as if you expect your poems to be rejected! Neither overconfidence nor self-doubt will pay off.

Choose adequate fonts. Single-spaced, Arial or Times New Roman, 12 point is standard. Any smaller fonts are difficult to read. Any larger fonts are irritating.

Some technical details. If you submit your poetry online, insert your cover letter in the body of an email, and add your poems as a separate attachment (as a pdf-file or Word file) unless you are explicitly told to do otherwise.

Your Take-Away

We prepared this material to help you not to smudge the memorable impression your poetry made on editors. If you believe your poetry is strong enough to be published in a magazine or a journal, polishing your cover letter will seal the deal. Just follow the rules and give your cover letter a thorough read-through, double-checking all publication requirements. However, remember that getting published demands time and effort. It often takes publishers months to respond. Poets get rejected more often than not. So don’t get disheartened and keep submitting. Often poetry publication is a matter of taste of an editorial office. Eventually, all writers can find their publishers.

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Literary Agent

How to Write a Submission Cover Letter That Will Wow Literary Agents

As a writer, you spend countless hours perfecting your manuscript, pouring your heart and soul into every word. But did you know that the cover letter you include with your manuscript submission is just as …

Written by: Adam

Published on: November 20, 2023

Author writing a cover letter draft on a pad

The purpose of a submission cover letter is to introduce yourself and your work to literary agents. It gives you the opportunity to make a strong first impression and convince the agent that your manuscript is worth their time and consideration. While the content of your manuscript is undoubtedly important, a well-written cover letter can help it stand out from the slush pile and increase your chances of getting noticed.

Understanding the purpose of a cover letter for manuscript submission

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of writing a cover letter for manuscript submission, it’s crucial to understand its purpose. A cover letter serves as a professional introduction to your work and provides a glimpse into your writing style and personality. It should be concise, engaging, and tailored specifically to the agent or agency you’re submitting to.

When a literary agent receives a submission, they often have limited time to review each one. A well-crafted cover letter can pique their interest and make them eager to delve into your manuscript. Think of it as a teaser, enticing them to read further. It’s your chance to showcase your writing skills and convince the agent that you’re not only a talented writer but also a professional who understands the industry.

Essential elements of a cover letter for manuscript submission

Now that you understand the purpose of a cover letter, let’s explore the essential elements that should be included. First and foremost, your cover letter should be professional in tone and format. Use a standard business letter format with your contact information at the top, followed by the agent’s details and the date. Address the agent by name if possible, as it shows you’ve done your research and personalized the letter.

Next, introduce yourself and mention the title of your manuscript. Briefly explain why you chose to submit to that particular agent or agency. This demonstrates that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in working with them. Highlight any relevant writing credentials or experience you have that make you uniquely qualified to write the manuscript. Keep this section concise and focus on the most impressive aspects of your background.

Finally, provide a brief summary or pitch of your manuscript. This should be a compelling and concise overview that captures the essence of your story and leaves the agent wanting to know more. Avoid giving away too much detail or spoiling the plot. Instead, focus on intriguing the agent and creating a sense of curiosity. Think of this section as a movie trailer – it should leave the agent eager to dive into your manuscript and discover the full story.

Tips for writing an attention-grabbing opening paragraph

The opening paragraph of your cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression and grab the agent’s attention. Start with a compelling hook that will immediately engage the agent and makes them curious about your manuscript. It might be an intriguing question, a shocking statistic or a captivating anecdote. The key is to make the agent want to keep reading.

After the hook, briefly introduce yourself and your manuscript. Mention any relevant writing credentials or experience that make you stand out. Highlight why you chose to submit to that particular agent or agency. Show them that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in working with them. This personal touch can make a significant impact and show the agent that you’ve put thought into your submission.

Remember to keep the opening paragraph concise and to the point. Agents receive numerous submissions every day, so they appreciate brevity. Avoid rambling or providing unnecessary information. Instead, focus on crafting a strong and attention-grabbing opening that leaves the agent eager to read more.

How to showcase your writing credentials and experience

When it comes to writing a cover letter for manuscript submission, showcasing your writing credentials and experience is essential. This section allows you to demonstrate your expertise and convince the agent that you’re a talented writer who is worth their consideration. Here are a few tips to help you effectively showcase your credentials:

Highlight any relevant writing achievements: Focus on the writing credentials that are most relevant to your manuscript and the genre you’re targeting. This could include published (or self-published) works, writing awards, or any other accomplishments that demonstrate your skill and experience (such as building an audience on social media).

Provide details but be concise: While it’s important to provide some context and details about your writing credentials, remember to keep it concise. Agents have limited time, so make sure to highlight the most impressive aspects without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

Tailor your credentials to the agent or agency: Research the agent or agency you’re submitting to and tailor your writing credentials accordingly. If they have a particular interest or speciality, highlight any relevant experience you have in that area. This shows the agent that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in working with them.

By effectively showcasing your writing credentials and experience, you can establish yourself as a credible and talented writer. This increases the agent’s confidence in your abilities and makes them more likely to consider your manuscript.

Crafting a compelling summary of your manuscript

Perhaps the most crucial part of your cover letter for manuscript submission is the summary of your manuscript itself. This section is your chance to give the agent a taste of what your story is about and entice them to read further. Here are a few tips to help you craft a compelling summary:

Keep it concise: Your summary should be brief, typically no more than a few paragraphs. Focus on the main plot points and the core themes of your story. Avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary details or subplots.

Capture the essence of your story: Your summary should give the agent a clear idea of what your story is about and what makes it unique. Highlight the main conflict, the protagonist’s journey, and any intriguing elements that set your manuscript apart.

Create a sense of curiosity: The goal of your summary is to leave the agent wanting to know more. Don’t give away all the details or spoil the ending. Instead, create a sense of curiosity that compels the agent to dive into your manuscript and discover the full story.

Crafting a compelling summary takes time and careful consideration. It’s often helpful to draft multiple versions and seek feedback from trusted peers or writing groups. Remember, your summary is your manuscript’s first impression, so make it count.

Do’s and don’ts of writing a cover letter for manuscript submission

To wrap up our guide on writing a submission cover letter, let’s go over some essential do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Address the agent by name if possible.
  • Tailor your cover letter to the agent or agency you’re submitting to.
  • Highlight your most relevant writing credentials and experience.
  • Keep your cover letter concise and to the point.
  • Proofread your cover letter for any grammatical or spelling errors.


  • Ramble or provide unnecessary information.
  • Oversell or exaggerate your writing credentials.
  • Give away too much detail or spoil the plot in your manuscript summary.
  • Forget to personalise your cover letter for each submission.
  • Forget to follow the submission guidelines provided by the agent or agency.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure that your cover letter is professional, engaging, and tailored to the agent you’re submitting to. Remember, the goal is to get a foot in the door, make a good first impression and convince the agent that your manuscript is worth their time and consideration.

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How to write a covering letter

When you send your poems for submission to a magazine, you will generally have to include a covering letter..

Some magazines will tell you what they want from your covering letter, others won’t. If they do tell you, stick to their suggested content – editors want to know that you will be easy to work with, and following their advice is a good start!

Some magazines accept postal submissions, others accept email submissions. However you are submitting your work, keep the covering letter short and polite. If you are writing a letter, make sure you format it correctly. If you are writing an email, you don’t need to worry so much about the layout, but don’t become too chatty!

As well as checking what the editors want from a covering letter, check all the submissions guidelines very carefully. How many poems do they want? Do they specify formatting? Do they want the poems in the body of an email or as an attachment?

Below are some guidelines if you are starting to send out your work.

– DO see if you can find the editor’s name. If you can, address the letter to them. And make sure it’s the current editor!

– If you can’t find the editor’s name, DO say ‘Dear editor’ or ‘Dear editors’.

– DO keep it short – editors are often very pushed for time.

– If it’s an email, DO include your name in the subject line so the editor can easily find your message in their inbox if they are looking for it again.

– If it’s an email, they will have your email address. There’s no need for any other contact details. If it’s a letter, DO give a postal address and email address in the top right hand corner.

– If you are submitting by post, DO include your name and postal or email address on each poem. That way, if the poems get separated from the covering letter, the editor will still know who to contact.

– DO give your full name and the names of your poems. Pay attention to whether they have asked for your poems in the body of an email, or as an attachment. If your poem has unusual formatting which gets lost in the email, paste it in the body of the email and include an attachment as well, and explain why you have done this.

– You could include a very brief biography, e.g. ‘I am a poet from Newcastle currently studying at university.’

– You could also give a brief publication history – don’t include everything, just 2-4 places you have been pleased to see your work published. Don’t worry if you haven’t been published anywhere yet – if the editor likes you work, they will be pleased to discover a new talent!

– If you have read and enjoyed the magazine before DO say so – and you could list a couple of poems or a feature you particularly liked. (It’s a good idea to read any magazines you’re submitting to, as it will give you a sense of whether your work will fit).

– DO thank the editor for their time.

– If you are accepted, DO send a short email thanking the editor/s for their decision. You can be excited and enthusiastic – it’s nice for editors to feel like they have made someone’s day!

– DON’T say ‘Dear Sirs’! There’s no reason why an editor should be a man.

– DON’T meander off the point – the editor just wants to know who you are and what your poems are called.

– DON’T act like you expect your poems to be accepted – and don’t act like you expect your poems to be rejected!

– If you are rejected, you DON’T need to respond. If you feel like you should, keep it to a short email thanking the editor/s for their time. You could also say you are looking forward to reading the magazine/ book/ website etc. Careful not to sound reproachful – sending rejections is a horrible job and that will just make the editor feel uncomfortable.

– DON’T be disheartened if your poem is rejected – editors are just people with subjective tastes, and if they have rejected your poem it doesn’t mean it isn’t a good piece of work! It just means it wasn’t to their taste. Send it out somewhere else instead.

Good luck with your submissions! You can find ideas of places to send your work on our list of Poetry Opportunities .

Published April, 2015

14 thoughts on “ How to write a covering letter ”

If submitting by letter is it also acceptable to use a letterhead (with name, adress and contact details in bottom centre)? Instead of a plain sheet with the adress at the top right-hand corner.

Hi Em, as long as your contact details are clear then that would be fine.

“In particular, tell us who your target audience is and provide a rationale for why we are the best publisher for your work. An outline of the entire work and an estimate of the length of the prospective manuscript. Please be sure that your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address are on the submission “

This is what the guidelines say but I am really disturbed with the thought with how to write it. What about potential audience what am I supposed to write? I am doing this for first time and if only I get an example of how this thing as a whole is to be written that would be great. For now rest all points are clear except for the above mentioned 3. I want to know how to write about potential audience and why the publisher is best to publish me. Also there is nothing stated in the guidelines if it has to be attachment or e mail text what way do I do it? The who thing with attachment? Publisher Guidelines from Andrews Mcmeel

Please do clarify this and i would be really thankful

I appreciate your commitment towards poets

Thanks for your comment. If you have questions about a specific job, it’s always best to ask the employer directly – we don’t want to give you bad advice!

Our best guess? By ‘potential audience’ they might mean is your work aimed at young children, young adults, adults etc.; men, women etc.; LGBTQ audiences; audiences who like dogs; audiences who are also fans of X Y Z other writers… any indication of who you have in mind when reading your work!

We would guess they would prefer a cover letter as an attachment but hopefully it won’t matter too much. Do get in touch with them and ask.

Best of luck!

Young Poets Network

I just read one of your commenters Ajay sounds great i wanted to know about the same by meaning of attaching the cover letter do you mean only the manuscript or entire like our details and all requirements if so what should be the mail content? That cant be kept empty right? Andrews is real confusing

Thanks for your comment! It depends on the submission guidelines from the particular magazine you’re submitting to. Normally, though, you would attach a cover letter and, separately, your poems. In your email, you could write something short such as:

‘Dear [name of editor(s)], Please find attached 3 poems for your consideration and a covering letter. Thank you for your time. Best wishes, [your name]’.

Does that help? Best of luck!

Should you sign a cover letter with attached poems?

It depends! If you’re printing out your cover letter and sending it in the post, it might be nice to sign the cover letter, though most poetry magazines won’t mind whether you do or don’t. If you are submitting over email or Submittable then you shouldn’t need to sign anything. Do always check the submissions guidelines though.

Hope this is helpful!

Best of luck,

Helen at Young Poets Network

Hi, I want to submit my poems for publication in a magazine but their submission guidelines do not include a bio. should I send one anyway? plus, they did not indicate whether the cover letter should be sent as an attachment or in the body of the email. what’s the most professional way to do so?

Our top tip is to follow the submissions guidelines to a T. So, if they don’t mention a bio, then you don’t need to send one.

As for the cover letter: normally, if you are emailing your poems over, it’s most common to include your cover letter in the body of the email – unless they’ve specifically said to attach it. However, if they haven’t said either way, then it shouldn’t hurt your chances whatever you do!

thanks for the prompt response. it’s very helpful

No worries – best of luck!

Hi Little Poet, I just recently started watching your videos on Youtube. My, my, my, how I have been helped with your insights about things. Please let me know if I can be on your mailing list. I love you Little Poet. I really do. Isn’t life wonderful when something or someone just comes into your life and blesses you really good?

I’m pleased to hear you’ve found Young Poets Network useful! I’ll add you to our mailing list.

All the best,

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Cover letter for poetry submission

I am thinking about submitting a few of my poems to a literary magazine. I saw that they are asking for a cover letter for my poetry. Could someone advise me on what they are looking for, and how to write one that sounds professional? I heard that cover letters can sometimes influence an editor’s decision, so I just don’t want to screw this up.

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Manuscript? Here are the Tips and Examples

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Table of Contents

A cover letter is often the first thing an editor reads when reviewing your submission. As your first pitch to the editor, the cover letter helps them gauge the suitability of your manuscript for publication in their journal. Imagine your work shaping the future of your field, gathering citations, and sparking discussions. A powerful cover letter is thus the first step to making that vision into a reality.   

In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective cover letter and explain how you can get it right every time with examples. First, let us get started with the basics!  

Getting the Basics Right  

When writing a cover letter, it is crucial to address the editor by their correct and complete name¹ . If there are multiple co-editors, you can address your letter to the right person, based on their specialization or designated responsibilities. If unsure, it is okay to go with a more general salutation, such as “Dear Editors”¹ .   

Presenting your Research  

Provide a clear and concise title for your submission and specify whether it is an article, communication, review, perspective, or a manuscript belonging to some other category. If the journal guideline recommends, consider including a list of all authors in the manuscript.   

After covering the preliminary information, briefly explain your paper’s central theme or focus to give the editor an idea of its contents. Ensure this stays a brief outline, without going into too much detail.   

Conveying the Importance of Your Work  

How you communicate the impact of your work can make or break your cover letter. To make a strong impression on the editor, articulate the significance of your research clearly, emphasizing its relevance to the field. Additionally, show how your work aligns with the journal’s scope and mission.  

Including a Formal Declaration  

Some journals require a set of declarations from you to ensure that your manuscript adheres to its ethical code and the larger ethical standards of scientific publishing. Here are the required declarations in a cover letter:  

  • Originality of work:  
  • Confirm that your work is original and has not been published elsewhere. This tells the editor your research is unique.  
  • Conflict of interest statement:  
  • Be clear about any potential conflicts of interest. This includes any personal, financial, or professional connections that might affect your research.  
  • Funding source (if applicable):  
  • Tell where your research funding came from, if any. This includes any support or grants from organizations.   

Including Personal Suggestions for Reviewers on a Separate Page (optional)  

If there is no part of the submission process that collects researcher suggestions for reviewers, and there are special requests from the researcher for reviewers (e.g., recommending the inclusion or suggesting the exclusion of a specific reviewer, etc.), you may also make a note about this in the cover letter.  

Combining these five points, here is a good example of a cover letter for researchers’ reference:  

Example of a Cover Letter

(This image is intended to demonstrate the norms of formatting and tone of expression in a cover letter, it is to be used only by the researcher as a reference in writing² .)  


A strong cover letter can go a long way in ensuring success for researchers looking to publish their manuscripts! Your cover letter is the opening act, setting the stage for how editors perceive your manuscript. So, look at it not as just another formality but as a crucial opportunity to make a strong impression.   

Understanding what to include, what is optional, and what is best left unsaid can be tricky. That is where our team of experts at Elsevier Language Services can step in. We will provide personalized recommendations and expert guidance to help you craft a cover letter that perfectly complements your manuscript. Reach out to us today to make a great first impression and embark on a successful academic journey!  


  • Nicholas, D. (2019). How to choose a journal and write a cover letter. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, 13(5), 35. https://doi.org/10.4103/sja.sja_691_18  
  • Loyola University Chicago. (n.d.). JCSHESA Sample Cover Letter. https://ecommons.luc.edu/jcshesa/cover_letter_template.pdf  

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How to Write a Cover Letter [Tips with Examples]

As a writer, I did my fair share of job hunting. Despite my experience and expertise, I often struggled with impressing interviewers due to my lackluster cover letters. Limited resources and time constraints left my cover letters far from impressive. However, things changed when I mastered the art of writing compelling cover letters. Soon, I started receiving interview calls and eventually landed my dream job. In this article, I will share these cover letter writing techniques with you, so you too know how to write a cover letter and can effortlessly land the job of your dreams.

What is a Cover Letter and What does it Contain?

A cover letter is a one-page business letter that you submit along with your resume when applying for a job. Its primary purpose is to persuade the employer that you are an excellent candidate for the role. It complements your resume by clearly linking your experience and interests to the position you're applying for. Essentially, the cover letter is your chance to convince the employer to invite you for an interview.

A typical cover letter contains several key elements, each serving a specific purpose in showcasing your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Here’s a breakdown of what a cover letter typically includes:

Your Contact Information: Name, address, phone number, and email address.

Date: The date you are writing the letter.

Employer’s Contact Information: Name, title, company, and address of the person you are addressing the letter to.

2. Salutation

Address the letter to a specific person if possible (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Hiring Manager,”).

3. Introduction

Opening Statement: A brief introduction mentioning the job you are applying for and how you found out about the position.

Hook: A compelling reason why you are interested in the job and the company.

First Paragraph: Explain why you are a good fit for the role. Highlight key qualifications and experiences that align with the job requirements.

Second Paragraph: Provide specific examples of your accomplishments and how they relate to the job. Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your impact.

Third Paragraph: Discuss your knowledge of the company and why you are excited about this particular opportunity. Show that you have researched the organization and explain how your goals align with its mission and values.

5. Conclusion

Closing Statement: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and the company. Summarize why you are a strong candidate.

Call to Action: Mention your desire for an interview and provide your contact information again. Indicate that you will follow up within a certain timeframe.

Thank You: Express gratitude for the reader’s time and consideration.

6. Signature

Closing Phrase: Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely”, or “Best regards”.

Signature: Leave space for your handwritten signature (if submitting a hard copy) and then type your name below it.

How to Write a Cover Letter For a Job in 5 Steps!

Firstly, it’s crucial to streamline the process of crafting a cover letter, but that doesn’t mean using the same cover letter for every job position or even the same position at different companies. Customization is key to standing out.

Step 1. Research the Company- AIPal

Open the job listing you want to apply for, typically found on platforms like LinkedIn or Indeed. These platforms usually provide a detailed job description outlining the requirements and responsibilities.

To begin, I will write a cover letter for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile, which is a remote job listing I found on LinkedIn.

To proceed effectively, I will copy the job description and input it into AIPal to extract key keywords. These keywords are crucial as they highlight the skills and attributes the employer is seeking for the role.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter.

To refine your keyword research, you can ask AIPal to extract keywords and categorize them into tiers.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter. Assign them in three tiers ranging from the most important to least important.

This way, you'll identify the most critical keywords, which should be emphasized more in your cover letter, and less important keywords, which can be mentioned once or twice.

This approach will give me a comprehensive understanding of what the job entails and what qualities I should emphasize in my cover letter.

Step 2. Choose a template- WPS Office

Choosing a cover letter template is important because it gives you a clear structure to follow, saving you time and ensuring your letter looks polished. It guides you on what information to include, from your skills to your qualifications, making it easier to customize each letter for different job applications. Templates also help keep your letter organized and visually appealing, which is key to making a positive impression on employers.

WPS Office has been a godsend in this regard, offering plenty of cover letter templates. I followed these steps to find the desired cover letter for the Marketing Manager position:

Open WPS Office and click on "New" on the left side pane.

Next, simply click on the “All” tab in the left side pane. This will display numerous templates available on WPS Office for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

To save time browsing through all the options, simply search for "cover letter". This filters out irrelevant templates and helps find the right cover letter template for the job post in context.

Upon finding the suitable template for the job post, click on it to preview.

To start customizing the selected template, click the "Download" button at the top right corner, which will launch it in the WPS Writer interface for editing.

Header and Salutation

Headers and salutations are essential in a cover letter for their role in setting a professional tone. The header provides your contact details and the date, ensuring easy communication and formal presentation.

Salutations, like "Dear Hiring Manager," personalize your letter and demonstrate attention to detail, addressing the recipient directly and showcasing professionalism from the start.

One of the standout features of WPS templates is its ready-made header, which enhances the visual appeal of your cover letter. It includes sections for your contact information, the date, and the recipient's details.

Addressing the recipient by name whenever possible adds a personal touch; if that information isn't available, a generic greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager" remains professional and appropriate. Ensuring the document is error-free further underscores your professionalism and attention to detail.

Step 3. Introduction- Your Opening Sentences

Starting your cover letter with a compelling introduction is crucial. It’s your chance to grab the hiring manager's attention and make a strong first impression. A well-crafted opening should highlight your enthusiasm, showcase your qualifications, and give a hint of your personality.

Here are a few key things to keep in mind to create an engaging and effective cover letter introduction:

Expressing genuine passion for the role or the company can make a strong impact. For example, in a sales manager position:

Dear Mr. Brown, my name is Anna and I’m excited about the opportunity to help your company exceed its sales targets. My five years of experience as a Sales Representative at XYZ Inc. have equipped me with the skills needed to drive results. Last year, we surpassed our KPIs by 50%, and I’m eager to bring this success to your team.

Referrals can add credibility to your application. For instance, in an architectural position:

I was thrilled to learn about this job opportunity from John Doe, who has been with your firm for five years. John and I collaborated on an architectural project for over a year, and he recommended I apply for this role, believing I’d be a great fit.

Demonstrating your knowledge about the company shows dedication. For example, in a social worker position:

I have always admired the work your organization does with vulnerable communities. Your commitment to social justice resonates with my professional values, and I believe my previous experience as a social worker aligns perfectly with your mission.

Starting with a significant accomplishment can immediately capture interest. For example, in a public relations position:

As a Public Relations Representative at Company XYZ, I enhanced the company’s reputation and public image, resulting in a 40% increase in customer satisfaction. I am eager to bring my proven track record of success to your organization as the Head of Communications.

Step 4. Body- the Most Important Part

The body of your resume is where you showcase your qualifications, experience, skills, and achievements to demonstrate why you're the ideal candidate for the job. Structuring this section effectively is crucial to capturing the attention of hiring managers and persuading them to consider you for the position.

Here’s how to craft a compelling resume body:

Start with a Strong Summary or Objective Statement:

Begin your resume with a concise summary or objective that highlights your career goals and what you bring to the table. This helps recruiters quickly understand your professional background and aspirations. For example:

Results-driven marketing professional with 8+ years of experience in digital marketing strategies and campaign management. Proven track record of increasing brand awareness and revenue growth through innovative marketing initiatives. Seeking to leverage my skills and expertise to contribute to the continued success of ABC Company.

Highlight Key Skills:

List relevant skills that align with the job requirements. Use bullet points to make them easy to scan. Focus on both technical skills (e.g., software proficiency, languages) and soft skills (e.g., communication, leadership). For example:

Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO/SEM Optimization

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Social Media Marketing

Analytical Skills

Team Leadership

Add Keywords:

In the body of the cover letter, it's crucial to incorporate keywords extracted from the job description. These keywords highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and attributes that align with what the employer is seeking. For example, if the job description emphasizes "digital marketing strategy," "customer acquisition," and "social media management," your cover letter should showcase your expertise in these areas.

My experience in developing and implementing robust digital marketing strategies, coupled with a proven track record in customer acquisition and social media management, aligns perfectly with the goals outlined for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile.

Detail Your Work Experience:

Include your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. For each job, provide the following details:

Job Title and Company: Clearly state your position and the organization you worked for.

Dates of Employment: Specify the period you worked there.

Key Responsibilities: Outline your main duties and responsibilities in concise bullet points. Focus on achievements and quantify results where possible. For example:

Managed a team of 5 digital marketers to execute SEO and PPC campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic and a 25% growth in lead generation.

Achievements: Highlight specific accomplishments that demonstrate your impact. Use metrics to quantify your achievements whenever feasible. For example:

Led a successful rebranding campaign that increased brand recognition by 40% and led to a 15% increase in customer engagement.

Education and Certifications: List your educational background, including degrees, diplomas, and relevant certifications. Mention any honors or awards received. Include the name of the institution, degree/certification earned, and dates attended.

Skills and Expertise: Elaborate on any additional skills or expertise that are relevant to the job. This could include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, or proficiency in certain tools or methodologies.

Professional Development: Include any professional development activities, workshops, or seminars you have attended that are relevant to your career.

Step 5. Closing & Salutation

A strong conclusion to your cover letter is essential to leave a positive and lasting impression on a prospective employer. It serves as your final opportunity to express enthusiasm, reinforce your qualifications, and prompt the hiring manager to take action. Here’s how to effectively end your cover letter.

Show self-assurance in your skills and how they align with the job requirements. This demonstrates to the employer that you are a competent and enthusiastic candidate. For example:

I am confident that my project management experience and problem-solving abilities make me a perfect fit for your team. I thrive in dynamic environments and am eager to contribute to your company's success.

Let your passion for the role and the industry shine through. Mentioning your enthusiasm can make you a more memorable candidate. For instance:

My lifelong passion for animal welfare drives my dedication to providing top-notch veterinary care. I am excited to bring this passion to your clinic and contribute to the well-being of your patients.

Highlight how your skills and experiences align with the job responsibilities. This helps the employer see the direct benefits of hiring you. For example:

With seven years of experience managing senior accounts, I am skilled at anticipating client needs and handling situations with discretion. I am eager to bring this expertise to your team and help grow your client base.

Share your career aspirations and how they align with the company’s growth. This shows your long-term interest in the organization. For example:

I look forward to leveraging my sales experience to identify new markets and build strong customer relationships. My goal is to grow within your company and eventually lead the account management team.

Align your personal values with the company’s mission to show you’re a cultural fit. For example:

I admire ArcherTech's commitment to supporting local businesses and have innovative marketing ideas to increase profitability in this sector. I am excited to discuss these ideas further.

Emphasize relevant technical skills, especially those mentioned in the job description. This highlights your readiness to contribute effectively. For example:

I bring extensive experience with CAD software and can create integrated 360-degree renderings for client presentations. My past successes in this area can help boost your sales by 150% over the next two quarters.

Encourage the employer to take the next step, such as scheduling an interview. Express gratitude and indicate your eagerness to discuss your application further. For example:

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how my skills can contribute to your team. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

End your letter with a formal and courteous closing. Suitable options include "Best", "Sincerely", "Respectfully", and "Thank you".

Here's a template for Closing & Salutation:

This is the best approach I can suggest for writing a great cover letter, but I highly recommend using WPS Office templates for this. The AI features in AIPal and WPS Office can help extract keywords and assist with writing, while the templates provide pre-written content tailored to the position you're applying for. This approach minimizes effort and frustration, especially when a job requires a cover letter, ensuring your application meets all necessary requirements effectively.

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Boost your productivity with WPS's abundant free Word, Excel, PPT, and CV templates.

How to Proofread your Cover Letter- WPS Office

WPS Office is an all-around solution for various tasks, including writing a cover letter and securing your dream job. Beyond helping you create a polished cover letter, WPS Office also excels in proofreading it. With its AI-powered Proofreader, WPS Office ensures your cover letter is error-free and impactful.

WPS AI: To assist you in polishing your content:

WPS AI Proofreader is an essential tool for perfecting your cover letter with ease and confidence. As you craft your application, WPS AI Proofreader ensures your writing is polished to perfection. It goes beyond simple spell checks, offering real-time error detection for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. This means you can focus on expressing your skills and achievements effectively, without worrying about typos or awkward phrasing. With customizable settings and intuitive correction options, WPS AI Proofreader tailors its suggestions to fit your writing style, ensuring your cover letter maintains professionalism and clarity.

AIPal Chatbot: For ideas and consultation

AIPal is a great web-assistant throughout the process of refining and perfecting your cover letter through its robust proofreading and consultation capabilities. This AI-powered tool not only identifies grammatical errors and punctuation issues but also provides insightful suggestions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your ideas. AIPal ensures that your cover letter maintains a cohesive flow and communicates your qualifications effectively to potential employers.

1. How long should a Cover Letter be?

A cover letter should ideally be between half a page and a full page in length, with a word count ranging from 250 to 400 words. It is typically divided into three to six paragraphs. It's important to keep it brief and focused on relevant details.

2. What tone should I use in my Cover Letter?

To effectively convey the right tone in your cover letter, aim for a balance that is both professional and friendly.

Avoid overly formal language while maintaining a polished demeanor.

Tailor your communication style to fit the company's culture, showing genuine enthusiasm for the position without coming across as boastful or overly eager.

Use confident and positive language to articulate your qualifications clearly, avoiding jargon, informal expressions, or humor that could be misinterpreted.

This approach will ensure your cover letter reflects professionalism and authentic interest in the position.

3. Should I include references in my cover letter?

Typically, you do not need to include references in your cover letter unless the employer specifically requires them. Concentrate on highlighting your relevant qualifications and explaining why you are a strong match for the position.

Create An Impactful Cover Letter With WPS Office

Creating a compelling cover letter can often be the decisive factor in securing your dream job. It needs to showcase your expertise clearly and coherently, leaving no doubt about your suitability for the role. WPS Office provides a reliable solution where you can gather all the necessary information for when you are figuring out how to write a cover letter and ensure your cover letter resonates at the right level.

From templates perfectly tailored to the job position to extracting crucial keywords and summarizing job descriptions, WPS Office equips you with everything essential for writing a successful cover letter. Download AIPal today to streamline your job hunting journey and alleviate some of the frustrations along the way.

  • 1. 9+ Printable Word Cover Letter Template Free Download
  • 2. Latest 10 Free Cover Letter Template for 2024
  • 3. How to make a cover letter for a resume in WPS Office Word
  • 4. Editable & Printable Sample Cover Letter for Job Application Word Format
  • 5. New Cover Letter Template Free Download 2024
  • 6. Editable & Printable Sample Cover Letter for Job Application Word Format

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Poetry & Poets

Explore the beauty of poetry – discover the poet within

How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

Cover letters are important and much more than just a formality. When writing a cover letter for poetry, you need to strike the perfect balance between your creativity and professionalism. A clear and concise letter will ensure that you’re taken seriously and help your work stand out.

Before you start, read and study the poetry journal or press which you’re submitting your work to. You should aim to show them you’re thoroughly familiar with their publication and that you’re a serious candidate. Be sure to include a sample of your work, and always share how your particular work relates to their publication.

Begin your cover letter by introducing yourself as a poet and highlighting any experiences and published material you’ve had. This should be brief and to the point, as you don’t want to bore the journal editor. You can also describe your end goal, which should further provide an insight into you and your objectives.

How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

When discussing your work, don’t focus too much on yourself or sound egotistical instead, focus on the content of your work. Every poem you submit should have a brief explanation as to why it should be included in the journal. Explain why you think it’s a suitable fit for their publication and help the editors to visualise the poem which you’re offering.

End your cover letter by ‘selling’ yourself and your work. Reflect upon what makes your work unique, why their publication should consider it and how you’d bring something different to the table. Provide clear and concise contact information so they can reply to your submission, as well as asking to hear back from them.

As with any cover letter, grammar is key. It’s important to take your time and think carefully about the language you’re using. Be mindful of how to make your writing sound natural, and don’t be afraid to use poetic language. However, it is advised to keep it professional and not go overboard with this.

Using the correct tone is also essential. You need to project yourself as serious, while still demonstrating your creative flair. Aim to come across as confident, thus deciphering your seriousness without offending anyone. Before submitting an application, ensure that you proof-read it to identify and amend any mistakes.

Analyse Your Poetry

How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

One of the most important parts of writing a cover letter for poetry is to analyse your work. Re-read every poem and consider how it adds value to the journal, as well as its quality. Comparing each piece to your previously published work can help you to gauge how competitive they are.

Be honest with yourself. On the one hand, if you think the quality isn’t up to scratch, don’t submit it yet. On the other hand, if you think your work is below average for the journal, consider revising it and creating something more special. You’ll never make a good impression if you submit average work.

Make sure you provide structure to your reviews and back up any feedback with an explanation. Ultimately, you need to have a strong enough case to convince the journal editor to include your work.

Proofread and Finalise

Prior to submitting your work, it is essential that you proofread your cover letter and the poetry you’ve chosen. Ask yourself the following questions: are the poems that you’re submitting up to the standard of the journal, and does your cover letter succinctly explain each piece and why it should be included?

How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

Remember that cover letters and poems should be revised, so don’t be disheartened if you receive feedback and are asked to amend your work until it’s right. If a publisher or journal requests a revision of your work, respect this and take it on board. If you believe their comments are unfair or invalid, explain your argument in a polite manner to initiate conversation.

When you’re happy and confident in the work you’re submitting, attach the poetry to your cover letter and submit it. But don’t forget to back up your work and store it in case the journal or magazine needs it in the future.

Stay Organised

With the sheer number of poetry journals, it can be overwhelming trying to track each submission – and you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity because your cover letter went astray. It is advised to deck out a filing system which works best for you.

It’s important to remember any individual publications’ guidelines, which often include accepted file formats and the size of documents. And when you’re ready to send a submission, or if you’re contacted for further details by the journal, always ensure that you send the full and correct pieces.

Be Ready to Receive Feedback

How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

When you’re ready to submit your cover letter and poems, be prepared to receive feedback. Whilst some magazines and journals will reply to each submission, many don’t – so don’t take it to heart if you don’t hear back. It’s part of the process, and you should use it to help improve your work and crack on with the next piece.

That said, it is important to read any replies you do get, but try not to be deterred by criticism. Use feedback to hone and perfect your work, as well to gain and improve your skills.

Celebrate Your Successes

Whilst submitting to poetry journals is often a slow and sometimes challenging process, it is important to celebrate your successes as well as learning from mistakes. If your work is accepted for publication, enjoy this and appreciate what you have achieved. Use any online press or reviews to promote your work accordingly.

It’s also worth following the editors of poetry journals or magazines on social media, when possible. Alternatively, you could even engage in conversations with them. This will demonstrate your passion and enthusiasm, and also provide useful connections.

Focus on Your Goals

How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

When writing a cover letter for poetry, it is essential that you stay focused and think long-term. Don’t lose sight of your goals, such as wanting to publish a book one day or receiving more national recognition. It’s important to remember that the publication process takes time and to keep at it until you get the result you want.

Likewise, focus on the bigger picture. Publications keep records of your submissions and often will offer other projects – such as collaborations – if you’ve been accepted before or if you’ve stayed on their radar. As long as you keep writing, and submitting carefully crafted work, you should eventually reach your desired outcome.

Utilising Technology

Whilst writing cover letters can be a very personable experience, there are several tools which can help you when applying to poetry journals. For example, consider using an online submission tracker so you can keep better records; or you could even use web design software to create an effective website which showcases your successes and material.

In addition, utilise the productivity apps and services which are available, as well as signing up for notifications when possible. Keeping organisation of applications and submissions is important so you can keep track of your progress and make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

Seeking Advice

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel like you need it. Find a mentor or someone to talk to who has experience with submitting poetry and can offer guidance. Alternatively, there are several online forums which can help you to understand the publication process, as well as workshops and courses which may be offered by your local area.

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Minnie Walters

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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The Greensboro Review

Fiction - Robert Watson Literary Awards 2024

The submission period for our annual literary contest, the Robert Watson Literary Prizes, is June 1 to August 1 . If you are looking to submit work between November 1 – January 1, please see guidelines for our General Submissions .

Winners of the Fiction and Poetry Prizes will each receive a $1000 cash award and publication in The Greensboro Review .

Special Note on Entry Fees: Please subscribe (or purchase a one-year gift subscription) via UNC Press/Duke University Press , our publishing partners. Then, return to Submittable to submit to the contest for no additional charge. You will need an active subscription to have your work considered for publication and to be eligible to receive the award and prize money.  

Contest Guidelines:

  • Entries must be previously unpublished. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know immediately via Submittable if your work is accepted elsewhere. Please submit only once per genre during each submission period.
  • Length restrictions: Please include no more than 7,500 words or 25 typed, double-spaced pages for fiction. Each story counts as one entry. 
  • Please include your name, mailing address, email, and phone number in your cover letter and on the first page of your manuscript. Fiction submissions should also include word count and page numbers.
  • Entry is included for new or current subscribers; writers must be active subscribers to be eligible for publication and the prize money. Please visit https://uncpjournals.dukeupress.edu/the-greensboro-review to purchase your subscription ($15) via Duke University Press, then visit Submittable to submit your work.
  • All manuscripts meeting the above requirements and submitted by August 14 will be considered for the award as well as for publication in The Greensboro Review . A group of finalists will be selected for publication in the issue, with awards in each genre awarded to works from those selected stories/poems.
  • Winning manuscripts will appear in print in the Spring issue of The Greensboro Review and may be featured on greensbororeview.org .
  • Official announcement of the prizes will be made when the Spring issue is released (with prizewinning authors notified upon selection).
  • All manuscripts not accepted for publication by The Greensboro Review will be released to the authors by December 31. Entries must be submitted via Submittable ; no email submissions are accepted.

The Greensboro Review seeks new writing from authors representing a wide range of identities in terms of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability, age, class, citizenship, nationality, regionality, education, and publication history. We love featuring the work of previously unpublished writers and showcasing those whose work may be risk-taking or overlooked. Our journal remains faculty- and student-run, with new graduate student editors on staff each year, so writing you submit will always be read by fresh eyes from a variety of editorial aesthetics. With that in mind, the work you’ll find in our pages rarely conforms to any one theme, subject, or style—and we encourage you to read a recent issue to get a sense of what we publish. We look forward to reading your work!

how to write a poetry submission cover letter


  1. Creative Cover Letter For Poetry Submission

    how to write a poetry submission cover letter

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission

    how to write a poetry submission cover letter

  3. Sample Cover Letters for Poetry Submissions

    how to write a poetry submission cover letter

  4. How to Write a Poetry Cover Letter

    how to write a poetry submission cover letter

  5. Sample Cover Letter: Best Examples Of A Cover Letter For Poetry

    how to write a poetry submission cover letter

  6. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission

    how to write a poetry submission cover letter


  1. Sample Cover Letters for Poetry Submissions

    Over time, as with writing poems, you will find that you develop your own style and voice with these simple little letters. Traditional Mail Cover Letter Sample. Dear Poetry Editor. Please consider the enclosed poems—"Watching the Ice Melt," "My Father," and "Relevant"—for possible inclusion in a future edition of Dayton Quarterly.

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission

    Most poetry publications allow writers of all levels to submit poetry, provided that the writers abide by the submission guidelines. The specific submission process will vary among publishing companies, but in nearly all cases, you'll want to preface your submission with a cover letter addressed to the publisher's poetry editor.

  3. How To Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission in 6 Steps

    3. Use direct, respectful language. Throughout your cover letter, try to use direct language. In addition, try to only include necessary information or details that a journal specifically requests. This can allow you to keep your cover letter brief and concise in respect of editors' time as they consider your work. 4.

  4. How To Write Cover Letter For Poetry Submission

    Your cover letter should be both concise and persuasive, and provide the recipient with the key reasons why they should consider publishing your poetry. When writing a cover letter for poetry submission, you should include the following essential elements: your contact information, a short personal introduction, the title and word count of the ...

  5. How To Write A Cover Letter For Submitting Poetry

    4. Be Confident and Passionate. 5. Convey Your Knowledge and Expertise. 6. End with a Testimonial. Submitting poetry is a great way to share your writing, build a portfolio of published works, and reach a wider audience. A well-crafted cover letter, sent alongside your submission, can go a long way to helping get your poetry accepted.

  6. How to Write a Cover Letter for A Poetry Submission

    Write the greeting and body. First, begin with the date. Next, write the salutation to the magazine, press, or publishing company. You can also address the poetry editor to personalize the greeting. Look at this template as an example of how to format it. The next step is to write the body of the letter.

  7. How to Write a Cover Letter for Poetry Submissions

    Make sure then, to include the titles of the poems you are submitting, in quotations. And also reference the publication you are submitting to, the title of the publication in italics. But that is not nearly enough information, so we will want to include a few more things. Include your contact information and relevant social media accounts ...

  8. How To Write A Poetry Cover Letter

    13. Write Useful Reviews. 14. Set Up a Blog or Website. 15. Learn from Others. Writing a cover letter for a poetry submission can be intimidating and overwhelming. However, it is a critical part of the poetry publishing process. An impressive and insightful cover letter can help an editor to quickly evaluate a submission and make a favorable ...

  9. How To Write A Cover Letter For Your Poetry or Prose Submission

    Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash. Note: This article was updated in July 2020. Cover letters are a requirement for almost every lit mag submission process. In this article, we'll go over ...

  10. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission

    This part of your letter should only be a few sentences long. You should say what you are submitting: "Attached please find three poems for the New Voices contest: 'Strawberry Spring,' 'The End' and 'With the Lilies.'". You should also include some credits, awards or other professional information if you have any.

  11. Submission Series

    Cover Letter Template: Dear [Insert Editor Name], I would like to submit my poems [insert poem titles] for consideration for a future issue of [Insert Magazine/Journal Title]. I have also included a brief biographical note below, should that be needed. [Insert brief bio here.] This is a simultaneous submission. Thank you so much for reading my ...

  12. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Literary Journal Submission

    What your cover letter should do is indicate your professionalism so the editor can get past the cover letter and on to the story. It should be a gateway, not a barrier. It should be a gateway ...

  13. How to Write a Poetry Cover Letter

    Cover letters can be anywhere from 30 words to 2.5 pages, depending on whether you are applying for publication (30 words to 1 page), retreat (up to 1 page), fellowship and residency (up to 2 pages), job (up to 2.5 pages), and so on. Definites for Publication: You definitely need to end the cover letter with a list your submission poems ...

  14. The Perfect Cover Letter: Advice From a Lit Mag Editor

    When submitting your short-form literature to a magazine or journal, your cover letter is often the first piece of writing an editor sees. It serves as an introduction to your thoughtfully crafted art. As such, it is significant, but it shouldn't be intimidating or even take much time to write. As editor at 2 Elizabeths, I see a variety of ...

  15. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Poetry Submission

    Typically, cover letters for publication will make do with just 30 words while applications for poetry retreat, poetry residency, or a job will require 1 to 2.5 pages. Submission requirements contain all the information regarding the format of a cover letter. Our builder is a perfect way to get a cover letter in just about 8 minutes.

  16. How to Write a Submission Cover Letter That Will Wow Literary Agents

    Use a standard business letter format with your contact information at the top, followed by the agent's details and the date. Address the agent by name if possible, as it shows you've done your research and personalized the letter. Next, introduce yourself and mention the title of your manuscript.

  17. How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry Submission

    4. Reading the Guidelines. 5. Correspondence. 6. Know Your Rights. Writing a successful poetry submission requires a lot of preparation and thought. A poet must take the time to write a compelling cover letter in order to stand out among the competition. A cover letter is an important part of the poetry submission process, as it serves as the ...

  18. PDF Sample Cover Letter in APA Style for Manuscript Submission

    Permission is pending from the publisher for the poetry that is reproduced. will be serving as the corresponding author for this manuscript. All of the authors listed in the byline have agreed to the byline order and to submission of the manuscript in this form. I have assumed responsibility for keeping my coauthors informed of our progress ...

  19. [Help] What do I write for the cover letter of a poetry ...

    Key aspects of submissions cover letter: Include the name of the editor and the name of the publication. Be sure to change it before each submission. Look at the pub's masthead if you need the editor's name. Include the # of poems and their titles (unless titles aren't relevant). Say if the poems are previously published.

  20. How to write a covering letter

    If it's a letter, DO give a postal address and email address in the top right hand corner. - If you are submitting by post, DO include your name and postal or email address on each poem. That way, if the poems get separated from the covering letter, the editor will still know who to contact. - DO give your full name and the names of your ...

  21. Cover letter for poetry submission : r/writing

    Thank you for considering my poem (s), <titles> for inclusion in an upcoming issue of <magazine name>. I look forward to your decision. <Bio here, including other publications>. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Mithalanis. Alter to various levels of specificity as stated in submission guidelines.

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Manuscript

    A cover letter is often the first thing an editor reads when reviewing your submission. As your first pitch to the editor, the cover letter helps them gauge the suitability of your manuscript for publication in their journal. Imagine your work shaping the future of your field, gathering citations, and sparking discussions.

  23. How To Write A Cover Letter For A Poetry Submission

    20. Networking Through Social Media. Writing an effective cover letter when submitting a poetry submission is an important step that should not be overlooked. It allows the editor or publisher to quickly understand what you are submitting and why it is suitable for their publication. Learning the necessary ingredients and executing them with ...

  24. Cover Letter Templates and Examples for 2024

    The best cover letter templates offer a structured framework for developing a well-organized document. Our cover letter templates can save you time and give you a significant jump start. Rather than beginning from scratch, you can focus your efforts on customizing the content to fit your specific situation and the requirements of the particular ...

  25. How to Write a Cover Letter [Tips with Examples]

    As a writer, I did my fair share of job hunting. Despite my experience and expertise, I often struggled with impressing interviewers due to my lackluster cover letters. Limited resources and time constraints left my cover letters far from impressive. However, things changed when I mastered the art of writing compelling cover letters. Soon, I started receiving interview calls and eventually ...

  26. How To Write A Cover Letter For Poetry

    Analyse Your Poetry. One of the most important parts of writing a cover letter for poetry is to analyse your work. Re-read every poem and consider how it adds value to the journal, as well as its quality. Comparing each piece to your previously published work can help you to gauge how competitive they are.

  27. How to Address a Cover Letter

    Addressing a speculative cover letter. When writing a speculative cover letter that isn't in response to a job posting, the principles are much like the above. You may or may not know the name of the person you're trying to reach. If you do, so much the better. Include the name.

  28. The Greensboro Review Submission Manager

    Each story counts as one entry. Poetry entries can include any number of poems up to 10 pages, but we recommend 5 to 7 poems per submission. (Please note that we rarely publish individual poems longer than 2 pages.) Please include your name, mailing address, email, and phone number in your cover letter and on the first page of your manuscript.