
Essay on Entertainment

Students are often asked to write an essay on Entertainment in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Entertainment

What is entertainment.

Entertainment is an activity that provides joy and amusement. It includes various forms like music, movies, sports, and games. It’s a way to relax and escape from daily stress.

Types of Entertainment

There are many types of entertainment. Movies and TV shows entertain us visually. Music provides auditory entertainment. Sports and games engage us physically and mentally.

The Importance of Entertainment

Entertainment is important as it brings happiness, reduces stress, and helps us learn new things. It also strengthens bonds when shared with family and friends.

Entertainment and Technology

Technology has transformed entertainment. Now, we can enjoy movies, music, and games on our devices, making entertainment more accessible and diverse.

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250 Words Essay on Entertainment


Entertainment, a ubiquitous aspect of human life, serves as a powerful tool for relaxation, education, and social interaction. It is the medium through which we escape the mundanity of everyday life, immerse ourselves in different worlds, and experience a wide spectrum of emotions.

The Evolution of Entertainment

Historically, entertainment was limited to live performances, such as theater, music, and dance. The advent of technology has dramatically transformed this landscape. Today, we can access a plethora of entertainment forms, from movies and music to video games and virtual reality, all at our fingertips.

The Psychological Impact of Entertainment

Entertainment plays a vital role in our psychological well-being. It helps reduce stress, provides a means for self-expression, and fosters creativity. Moreover, it can influence our attitudes and perceptions, making it a potent tool for social change.

Entertainment and Society

Entertainment also serves as a reflection of society. It can both shape and be shaped by cultural, political, and social contexts. Entertainment mediums like films, books, and music often mirror societal issues, providing a platform for discourse and potential change.

In conclusion, entertainment is more than just a means of amusement. It is a dynamic construct that has evolved with time, impacting our psychological health and societal structures. As we continue to explore new forms of entertainment in the digital age, we must also consider its profound influence on our lives.

500 Words Essay on Entertainment

The concept of entertainment, as a means of occupying one’s leisure time with activities that bring pleasure and relaxation, has been a part of human life since time immemorial. From the ancient Greek dramas to today’s virtual reality games, entertainment has evolved with society, reflecting cultural shifts and technological advancements.

Traditional Forms of Entertainment

Historically, entertainment was largely communal. People gathered in public spaces for theatrical performances, sport events, and musical concerts. These activities not only provided amusement but also served as an important medium for social interaction and cultural exchange. Literature, too, was a significant source of entertainment, with epic poems, novels, and short stories capturing the imagination of readers and transporting them to different worlds.

The Impact of Technology on Entertainment

The advent of technology revolutionized the entertainment industry. The invention of the printing press democratized access to literature, making books affordable and widely available. The emergence of radio and television brought entertainment into the domestic sphere, allowing individuals to enjoy music, news, and shows from the comfort of their homes. Furthermore, the rise of the internet and digital platforms has drastically changed the way we consume entertainment. Streaming services like Netflix and Spotify offer a plethora of choices at our fingertips, while social media platforms provide a stage for user-generated content.

The Future of Entertainment

The future of entertainment is being shaped by advancements in artificial intelligence and virtual reality. AI is being used to create hyper-personalized content, tailoring recommendations based on individual preferences. Virtual reality, on the other hand, promises immersive experiences, blurring the line between the virtual and real world.

The Role of Entertainment in Society

Entertainment plays a crucial role in society. It provides a much-needed break from the mundane, offering an escape into realms of fantasy and adventure. It fosters creativity and imagination, provoking thought and inspiring ideas. Moreover, entertainment has the power to influence societal norms and values. Movies, TV shows, and music often reflect and comment on societal issues, shaping public opinion and driving social change.

Entertainment and Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced world, entertainment also serves as a stress-buster. Engaging in leisure activities, be it watching a movie, reading a book, or playing a video game, can have therapeutic effects, reducing anxiety and improving mood. Research has shown that entertainment can contribute to mental wellbeing, underscoring its importance in our lives.

In conclusion, entertainment, in its various forms, has been and continues to be an integral part of human existence. Its evolution mirrors the progression of society, and its impact extends beyond mere amusement. As technology continues to evolve, the face of entertainment is set to change, promising exciting possibilities for the future.

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essay on means of entertainment

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50, 100, 500 Words Essay on Entertainment In English

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An entertainment activity, such as a show, is something that entertains or is enjoyable for an audience. In order to live a tension-free life, we must keep engaging ourselves. We will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is no problem in life that can affect your quality of life if you are entertained.

“The entertainment industry is vast and is a reflection of the society we live in” (Karrine Steffans).

50 Words Essay on Entertainment

Human life is filled with entertainment. Happy hormones are released as a result. Our mental health is maintained by it. An individual’s nature is determined by how he or she entertains himself or herself. the entertainment industry is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress in today’s hectic world. world. 

Without entertainment, our lives are also colorless. Entertainment appeals to everyone, whether they are kids, young people, or old people. Different mediums are used by different people to entertain themselves or to be entertained.

100 Words Essay on Entertainment

We can escape the daily monotony of our mundane lives by enjoying entertainment. Nowadays, life is very complicated and tiring, and people often seek relief from these troubles.

Dance, singing, watching television, and other entertainment activities are often used to refresh them and give them a break. People often engage in these activities to recharge their minds and take a break from their daily routine. It is also problematic when people are exposed to too much entertainment, as it hinders their ability to concentrate their power.

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500 Words Essay on Entertainment

As a form of entertainment, it is anything that is capable of holding the attention and interest of an audience, as well as giving them pleasure and delight. Whether it is an idea or a task, the most effective way to keep an audience’s interest is to engage them with an activity or event created over thousands of years specifically to do so. 

essay on means of entertainment

There are many forms of entertainment that hold people’s attention since they all have different tastes and preferences. Most forms are recognizable and familiar, however, because people have varying tastes in entertainment. Cultures around the world have forms of performance including storytelling, music, drama, dance, and other kinds of performance that originated in royal courts and became sophisticated over time and became available to all.

Modern entertainment industries record and sell entertainment products, which accelerates the process. In modern entertainment, an individual can choose a private performance from a large selection of prerecorded products; a banquet for two; a party for any number or size; or even a performance for thousands.

A very strong association has developed between amusement and entertainment, so fun and laughter have become common understandings. Despite this, there are a number of serious purposes behind some entertainments. This could be seen in various kinds of ceremonies, celebrations, religious festivals, or even satire. It may therefore be possible to achieve insight or intellectual growth through what appears to be entertainment.

Adding entertainment to a private leisure activity or recreation is the role of an audience. As an audience member, you may play a passive role, such as watching a play, opera, television show, or film; or you may play an active role, such as playing a game in which the participant/audience roles are routinely reversed. Scripted, formal entertainment such as performances at theatres and concerts; or unscripted and spontaneous, such as children’s games, can take place in public or privately.

There have been many forms of entertainment throughout history, evolving due to changes in culture, technology, and fashion. Stage magic is an example of a form of entertainment that has persisted over the centuries. The stories in films and video games are still told, dramas are presented, and music is still played despite the use of newer media. It is possible to enjoy a number of consecutive days of entertainment at a festival devoted to music, film, or dance.

The public realm has been removed from some activities once viewed as entertaining, for example punishments. Earlier skills such as fencing and archery, now considered serious sports and professions by many, have also developed as entertainment with a broader appeal to a wider audience.

 Similar to this, other necessary skills, such as cooking, have been staged as global competitions, broadcast for entertainment, and even transformed into performances among professionals. An individual or group may view entertainment as work, while another may view it as entertainment.

Entertainment’s familiar forms transcend different media and are capable of being remixed in seemingly endless ways. In this way, many themes, images, and structures have remained relevant and timeless.

However, entertainment can be distinguished from other activities, such as teaching and marketing, despite the fact that they can use the appeal of entertainment to achieve their goals. There are times when entertainment combines both. Entertainment has been recognized as an invaluable and influential influence by scholars, as well as in other fields such as museology, which has benefitted from its increasing sophistication.


There are advantages and disadvantages to entertainment media. There are some forms of media, however, that encourage the divide between American culture and individual values, despite their potential to bring society together.

It is the primary mission of the media, in general, to communicate information to the public. To achieve its mission, media propaganda must do what it takes to continue to discuss or accept a topic. The media affects and prejudges many who are not aware.

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104 Entertainment Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Entertainment is a vast and diverse industry that encompasses a wide range of topics and interests. From music and movies to television shows and video games, there is something for everyone to enjoy. If you're looking for inspiration for an entertainment essay, look no further. Here are 104 topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The impact of social media on the music industry
  • The evolution of superhero movies in Hollywood
  • The rise of streaming services and their impact on traditional television
  • The influence of TikTok on popular culture
  • The role of diversity in the entertainment industry
  • The portrayal of mental health in movies and TV shows
  • The impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer behavior
  • The future of virtual reality in gaming
  • The representation of women in video games
  • The cultural significance of reality TV shows
  • The role of nostalgia in the success of reboots and remakes
  • The rise of K-pop and its global impact
  • The impact of piracy on the film industry
  • The importance of representation in children's television programming
  • The influence of technology on the music production process
  • The impact of the #MeToo movement on the entertainment industry
  • The role of music festivals in shaping music trends
  • The portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters in mainstream media
  • The impact of celebrity culture on society
  • The role of humor in political satire shows
  • The influence of fashion in music videos
  • The impact of CGI on the film industry
  • The rise of true crime documentaries on streaming platforms
  • The role of nostalgia in the success of retro video games
  • The portrayal of mental illness in literature and film
  • The influence of social media influencers on consumer behavior
  • The impact of censorship on the entertainment industry
  • The future of live events in a post-pandemic world
  • The portrayal of race and ethnicity in Hollywood
  • The impact of product placement in movies and TV shows
  • The role of music in shaping cultural identity
  • The influence of celebrity chefs on food trends
  • The impact of fan communities on the success of TV shows and movies
  • The representation of disability in the media
  • The role of nostalgia in the success of retro toys and games
  • The influence of book adaptations on popular culture
  • The impact of streaming services on the music industry
  • The portrayal of gender roles in romantic comedies
  • The role of animation in children's entertainment
  • The influence of memes on internet culture
  • The impact of celebrity scandals on their careers
  • The representation of aging in Hollywood
  • The role of influencers in promoting fashion trends
  • The impact of viral challenges on social media
  • The portrayal of mental health in music lyrics
  • The influence of online gaming communities on player behavior
  • The impact of censorship on art and creativity
  • The role of nostalgia in the success of retro fashion trends
  • The portrayal of addiction in movies and TV shows
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  • The representation of body image in fashion magazines
  • The influence of fan theories on the success of TV shows
  • The impact of diversity in casting on audience reception
  • The portrayal of mental illness in music lyrics
  • The role of nostalgia in the success of retro music genres
  • The influence of streaming services on the popularity of foreign films
  • The impact of celebrity activism on social change
  • The representation of gender identity in fashion advertising
  • The role of fanfiction in shaping popular culture
  • The influence of social media on the success of independent artists
  • The impact of piracy on the music industry
  • The portrayal of race and ethnicity in literature
  • The role of nostalgia in the success of retro TV shows
  • The influence of memes on the humor of internet culture
  • The impact of celebrity endorsements on political campaigns
  • The representation of mental health in fashion campaigns
  • The role of influencers in promoting beauty trends
  • The influence of online communities on the success of viral videos
  • The impact of censorship on the portrayal of sexuality in media
  • The portrayal of addiction in music lyrics
  • The role of nostalgia in the success of retro film genres
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School Essay

Essay On Modern Means Of Entertainment

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  • Reading time: 4 mins read

After working for the whole day we get tired, both mentally and physically. We get bored with our regular hectic schedule. To get rid of this boredom and tiredness, we are always in search of some or other type of entertainment . Different ways of entertainment energize our minds and body. There were limited sources of entertainment in the olden days, but in this modern age, a number of different means are available at our fingertips. Every person has different likes and dislikes. One likes to get entertained as per one’s likings

The means of entertainment in the olden days were very few. They were hunting, dancing, painting animal fights, celebrating festivals , horse riding, etc. But with the inventions and discoveries of science, the trend changed totally. Man is basically experimental and a curious animal. He started discovering different types of equipment to obtain happiness. The modern instruments of entertainment include telephone, radio, cinema , television , tape recorder, video camera, video game, and the most popular internet. The telephone is an important source of communication.

Today, we cannot think about world without a phone and mobile. It’s part and parcel of our life We can listen to music on the radio or tape recorder. Television has become an important member of our routine. We can see pictures, listen to music and get knowledge about the world with its help. Computers and internet facilities have revolutionized our life. You can get information as well as entertainment through internet. Who does not like to play video games or computer games? You can find new friends , discuss about some issues or listen to anything of your choice.

Apart from these electronic equipments there are other means of entertainment too. Games are a good source of spending our leisure time. They refresh us as well as keeps us physically fit. Painting, dancing, visiting different places, mountaineering, swimming, reading are some other options. Still, many new means are discovered every day. We will be in constant search of different channels of entertainment.

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Entertainment in Our Modern World

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essay on means of entertainment

The Film as Art and Entertainment Essay

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Film and culture.

The film has been termed as a cultural mirror; a reflection of society’s attitudes, values, philosophies, and lifestyle. The film could be seen as a product of culture since the filmmakers are people of that particular real-time. Compared to the general public, filmmakers are considered to be atypical, more politically liberal, less devoted to practice religion, and more willing to embrace the changing social attitudes. Thus the tendencies of their movies to support radicalism and subvert traditional values like those perpetrated by the Christians, Bradley, M., et al .,

The film industry is one of the fastest-growing cultural communicator industries. The effect of movies in the modern world cannot be assumed. It’s currently rated as the most powerful cultural communicator. As culture is defined as the processes that produce behaviors, practices, meanings, and institutions of our social existence, movies being a modern cultural communicator have a direct effect in shaping society’s beliefs and practices. Viewers not only get entertained by movies but may unknowingly enter into a life of escapism with distorted values and lifestyles. These effects from an idealized life may include; rationalizing violence, romanticizing views on love and passion as well as creating distortions on the view of oneself and others, Smith, G. (1999).

An example is a western culture which for the last three hundred years has moved from a Christian-dominated culture to a more general anti-Christian secularism. As movies become part of our culture, they inevitably convey values and beliefs. It’s a complex process to try and differentiate if the entertainment media reflects or shapes society. When films address contemporary issues in society and have them treated as per current perspective, then they may be considered to reflect the society.

In some of the instances, in the process of portraying and representing culture, the film ends up glamorizing and popularizing the ideas, attitudes, beliefs, and values within the culture. In this way, film shapes culture and as it portrays and reflects on some of these values, they become infiltrated into people’s minds and this can lead to certain dangers. It’s thus possible to say that film is not just a mirror of the society but also a cultural byproduct of a culture they helped to create, Bradley, M., et al .,(1996).

Some of the distortions associated with film include; promotion of individualism, and stereotyping males and females as well as institutions such as family and religion. The pressing danger associated with the film is that viewers may blindly enter into the film just to be entertained but unknowingly enter into a life that that is portraying distorted values and lifestyles. In this case, the distorted values and lifestyle will not be generally accepted. The filmmaker thus finds it easy to defend themselves in arguing that they represent culture.

Filmmakers cannot represent every concept of culture in a single movie and thus when the movies they represent are not part of universally accepted moral standings, then they stand to be justified that they are representing values and beliefs of the minority. Unfortunately, to attract the attention of the viewers, they will idealize life in areas such as passion and love that is romanticized, violence that is rationalized, and distorted views of others and oneself., Smith, G. (1999).

Thus, movies can be considered to educate and influence the audience for better or worse. Compared to dreams that reflect personal desires, fantasies, and subconscious thoughts and feelings, movies also reflect collective fantasies, desires, dreams, subconscious and nightmares of the experiences. In the same way, it is possible to learn about an individual from the symbols in a dream, so it is possible to understand customs and social values of the society by learning from the subconscious and conscious messages learned from the movies, Bradley, M., et al.,( 1996).

People’s inner intelligence and their outward experiences in real life push them to behave ethically- honest, loving, nonviolent, and self-restrained. In the film industry, consequences associated with unethical actions are not real as actors do not experience being cheated or murdered.

The more extreme acts such as violence in movies are, the more interesting the movie is. In real life, being truthful is considered the best and simple way to live while the opposite, deceit and lying are considered to complicate things. Certainly stealing, killing, lying, cheating often happen in society and so the movies only portray what is happing in society. Although these acts may not happen in real life as they are portrayed in the movies they provide vicarious lessons.

Movies are enjoyed for leisure. They have resulted in the growth of culture globally and have communicated to the world through one common language. The film can thus be viewed to be just but an expression of the spirit of that particular age. Unfortunately, as the media; television, newspapers, magazines, music, popular literature, and film define reality by expressing meaning to history experienced by the ordinary citizens, they do so by defining what is important and is worthy to be viewed or read publicly. Thus the film industry carries enormous power to shape society. We may not necessarily agree with them in the manner in which life is portrayed in the film, but it may be a generally accepted fact that the language of the films is to a more extent the language of our times, Smith, G. (1999).

Recognizing dangers associated with the film should not push viewers away from the film industry but instill the desire to enter into the film industry with an educated mind. Since the film is a cultural communicator both of what is generally accepted by the majority and also what is accepted by the minority, the filmmaker may be perceived as not holding any responsibility as a moralist.

A critique of the justification would question the origin of the phrase “responsibility as a moralist” if the general public opinion doesn’t hold. The silent message from the phrase is that there is what is generally accepted by society at a particular time and that’s why it’s possible to have commonly accepted rules and regulations. It is then logical to conclude that since the film is to send out messages to the general public that has a set of generally accepted norms, then the filmmaker has the responsibility of not portraying his/her identity to the public domain to woe them into his/her view.

Bradley, M., Cuthbert, B. & Lang, P. Picture media and emotion: Effects of a sustained affective context. Psycho-physiology, 33, (1996): 662–670.

Smith, G. Local emotions, Global moods and film structure. In C. Plantinga & G. Smith (Eds.), Passionate views: Film, cognition and emotion. Baltimore, M. D: Johns Hopkins University Press.. (1999).

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IvyPanda. (2021, August 25). The Film as Art and Entertainment. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-film-as-art-and-entertainment/

"The Film as Art and Entertainment." IvyPanda , 25 Aug. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/the-film-as-art-and-entertainment/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'The Film as Art and Entertainment'. 25 August.

IvyPanda . 2021. "The Film as Art and Entertainment." August 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-film-as-art-and-entertainment/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Film as Art and Entertainment." August 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-film-as-art-and-entertainment/.


IvyPanda . "The Film as Art and Entertainment." August 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-film-as-art-and-entertainment/.

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Essay on entertainment.

766 words | 3 page(s)

In this modern era, there are many ways a person can be entertained including simple ways like reading a book to more complicated ways like video games. People can also watch various forms of visual media like television shows or movies. Technology has given us the ability to do all these things on mobile devices as well, like Kindle readers, playing games or streaming video on your phone, or streaming video on your laptop. You can also still actually pick up a physical book or go to the movie theater and be entertained those ways. From all these choices, you can pick and choose. Let’s say you’re trying to decide between reading a book, like Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone, and watching the movie adaptation of the book. Which do you choose? Which one is better? Books are better, when you compare them to movies.

The first reason that books are better than movies is that they stimulate your mind and imagination. As you read the book, you begin to image what the characters and setting look like, what the characters might sound like, and what different places might be like. You create a picture in your mind, putting your creativity to work. If there’s a mystery or a problem in the story – like trying to figure out about the Mirror of Erised, or what’s going on between Quirrel and Snape – your brain goes to work paying attention to details that might help you solve the mystery. The movie, on the other hand, does a lot of that creative work for you. You see the characters and how they look and sound; you see what and hear what Hermione, Ron, and Harry are like. You see the setting and what different places are like, like Platform 9 ¾ or Diagon Alley. Because it’s already presented to you visually and audibly, you don’t have to as much. You may still be challenged to solve the mystery, but that’s about it.

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Another reason that books are better than movies is that you can physically interact with books, both physically and electronically. You can underline or highlight favorite parts or quotations in books and revisit those parts again and again; you can even do that with ebooks, as most e-readers have those abilities, too. Rewinding a DVD over and over again doesn’t really have the same effect. Also, you can make notes and write in the margins of books. Whenever Dumbledore says something really wise and meaningful to Harry, I underline it. If I think I’ve found a clue to the mystery, I might make a note of it in the margin, to see if I was right later when the mystery is solved in the story. You can’t do that with a movie, unless you keep a journal and make notes about the movie in a journal which, again, doesn’t have the same effect as it does in a book.

Another thing about books that’s better than movies is that print books are simple and truly portable. Sure, you can watch a movie on your phone, but in a lot of cases, you have to have access to wifi, and your phone’s battery will die. You can watch DVDs on most laptops, so the Internet connection isn’t such a big deal, but again: the battery will die. Books don’t have to be charged and don’t have to have wifi. As long as you have enough light to see, you can read a book. Also, phones and laptops and other mobile devices can crash, lose data, and otherwise malfunction. Books don’t crash, lose data, or otherwise malfunction. Your print book isn’t going to get a virus or have corrupted files. It’s also much easier to skip parts or save your place in a book than it is on video.

Ultimately, these reasons for books being better than movies have to do with them being tangible. You watch a movie, and that’s it; that’s the experience. But when you read a book, especially when you’re reading a print book, there’s so much more interaction. Watching a movie is more passive and static, while reading a book is more active and dynamic. Reading a book stimulates your mind, while movies do a lot of the mental work for you. You can physically interact with books. They are truly portable and simple; though movies can be, too, it can get complicated. To me, these reasons make books better than movies.

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Essays On Entertainment

Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Entertainment.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Entertainment. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Entertainment on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Entertainment, and much more. Keep on reading!

The Inception of Television: Television has always been a medium for educating, spreading awareness and mainly entertaining for over four decades now and will go on for decades to come. But the question faced today by the audience is whether television has lost its authenticity and innocence that it once had when it came to […]

Company History Harrah’s Timeline 1937: Bill Harrah opens his first bingo parlor in Reno, Nevada. 1946: Bill Harrah opens Harrah’s Club at its present location on North Virginia Street in downtown Reno.1955-56: Harrah’s purchases several clubs at Lake Tahoe in Stateline, Nevada, beginning what would become today’s Harrah’s Lake Tahoe.1959: Harrah’s begins expansion of Lake […]

CSI although partly being classed under the genre of police drama cannot be truly classified as this, because although it is revolved around the police world, It does not follow the tradition of a police series. A normal police series would follow you average police man/force. CSI follows the almost “behind the scenes” processes of […]

Although film, TV, and radio have common ethical considerations, their application varies depending on the content, audience, and broadcast time. For example, portraying murder on Nickelodeon is unsuitable due to its focus on children’s programming. This is because parents do not want their young children exposed to such content. The station is dedicated to programming […]

Presenter Halloween was benchmark for all other Horror films to base themselves on. Made in 1978 it followed on from what Psycho had created. Not only did it develop several concepts from other movies, such as the killer hiding in the darkness. This is shown in Dracula (item 2) and Halloween relies heavily on this. […]

‘Does the closing sequence of ‘Goodfellas’ (Scorsese, 1990)’ adhere to the narrative and generic conventions of the gangster film?Martin Scorsese’s epic ‘Goodfellas’ (1990) is in some aspects a classic gangster movie using many generic and narrative conventions of the gangster genre throughout the film. Nevertheless Scorsese’s masterpiece challenges the audiences’ expectations of the gangster genre […]

Marketing is whereby a company decides what will be of interest and importance to their target client and creates campaigns to capture this and draw the client in. The three main points of marketing is to identify the customer, keep the customer and satisfy the customer. Marketing is important for a film as it must […]

Film posters come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours. Some have appealing pictures on that target a particular age group, some are for a general audience, but they all use the same things on the poster. Anchorage, Alliteration and Eye catching devices. You can find them at a wide range of places, […]

Viewers approach the film ‘Notting Hill’ with many expectations. It stars Hugh Grant as a shy London bookseller called William Thacker who has never had much luck with women and Julia Roberts as Anna Scott, a major Hollywood star. Both Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts are well-known for their starring roles in romantic comedies and […]

1. What are Harrah’s brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats? Strengths General – Strong and consistent revenue growth over the past years and reliable stock market performance allowing for Harrah’s to gain a leading market position. – Harrah’s national presence with a network of 26 casino locations in all “traditional” and most of the new […]

Thus, a comprehensive marketing communication plan will be created that integrates advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing as part of a cohesive marketing mix. The plan has undergone extensive research to consider the following factors: Marketing analysis: evaluating the needs, characteristics, and environment of Panama and its competitors while defining the target group. […]

1. Sports have exploded across the globe in every aspect to the game. The author says that commercial sports have become global in scope for two reasons. First, those who control, sponsor, and promote them seek new ways to expand markets and maximize profits. Second, transnational corporations with production and distribution operations in multiple countries […]

Not only is Disney a producer of media but it also distributes its and others’ media products through a variety of channels, operates theme parks and resorts, and produces, sells, and licenses consumer products based on Disney characters and other intellectual property. CEO Michael Eisner has been instrumental in many of these changes. How can […]

Jin’s first appearance was within Tekken 3, where he is introduced as a boy “claiming to be Heihachi’s grandson”. According to official canon, during the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Jun Kazama and Kazuya Mishima were intimate, and Jun found herself pregnant afterwards. Jun disappeared into a remote mountain location where she raised Jin […]

Education is about learning past events; about knowing historical figures; about learning important facts and information about the country you live in. Education is about learning of the world around us… Or so one would like to think. Education in America today has become a conglomerate of corporate distortion. The US Government cuts federal spending […]

In analyzing the current situation of Cirque du Soleil, we will evaluate the ‘four Ps’ – product, price, promotion, and place. Cirque du Soleil specializes in circus shows that showcase dancing, acrobatics, costumes, singing, and acting all at once. To keep their product fresh and unique, they introduce a new show once every few years […]

The Marketing Plan The National Basketball Association (NBA) is one of the four major professional sports leagues in the United States, with 30 teams representing 28 US markets and one in Canada. Additionally, the NBA also oversees properties such as the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA, comprised of 14 teams); NBA Development League (NBADL, comprised […]

Media reports say some parts of the community where offended by the gags that draw upon drugs deaths and Down syndrome children. Chris Lilley brings to life Jonah Takalua, a rebel schoolboy from Tonga with the odds stacked against him, Mr. G, an ego-driven Drama teacher and Ja’mie King, a posh private schoolgirl on a […]

“Rah rah rah! Tiger, Tiger, Sis, Sis, Sis! Boom, Boom Boom! Aaaah! Princeton, Princeton, Princeton! ” Just like anything else, cheerleading has quite a history behind it. From the first chants at Princeton University to one of today’s most popular National pastimes, cheerleading has come a long way the past ten decades. In ancient times […]

Originating in South America, tango is a dance that has spread across the world from Europe to various different societies. Its beginnings were in the low-class regions of Argentina and Uruguay, but it has since become a popular dance amongst the mid and high societies worldwide. This report will provide an overview of the history […]

Strictly Ballroom Essay Image enables us to perceive the nature of different worlds from various perspectives and angle view. The audience has the advantage of perceiving the nature of the world in each text, from his/her own perspective. Image formulates an understanding about worlds and the use of satire and other language techniques, which allow […]

Contents Introduction2 The Language of Newspapers2 Analysis of Newspaper Headlines2 Headline Evolution2 Headline Functions2 Headline Styles2 Headline Forms2 Headline Variants2 Headline Language2 Conclusion2 Bibliography2 Introduction In today’s hectic world one of the most important factors is information. The means of information provision are quite different which can be summarized in one word: mass media. The […]

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Home / Essay Samples / Entertainment

Essays on Entertainment

An entertainment essay focuses on a great range of topics that are related to fun leisure activities, whichever form they take: outdoor activities, team sports, amusement parks, cinematography, animation, theater, reading, playing table games or video games, painting, dancing. Entertainment is important for enjoying our lives, for stress management, social bonding. For children, it is even more vital since playing with other kids helps develop social interaction and communication skills and contributes to the development of healthy psychological traits. Given all these, it is obvious that entertainment deserves to be explored in greater detail. Check out the essays listed below for an overview of relevant topics, for example of proper content structuring, referencing, language use.

The Negative Effects of Video Games: Exploring the Impact

Video games have become an integral part of modern entertainment, enjoyed by people of all ages. While they offer numerous benefits, including cognitive development and entertainment, it is essential to acknowledge and examine their negative effects. This essay delves into the adverse consequences of video...

"Do the Right Thing": Exploring Themes of Race and Social Injustice

Spike Lee's iconic film, "Do the Right Thing," released in 1989, remains a powerful and thought-provoking examination of racial tension and social injustice in America. Set in the sweltering heat of a Brooklyn neighborhood, the film unfolds over a single day, portraying the interactions among...

The Benefits of Playing Video Games for Children

In recent years, video games have become a ubiquitous part of children's lives. While concerns about their potential negative effects persist, this essay will focus on the numerous benefits of playing video games for children. Beyond mere entertainment, video games offer a range of cognitive,...

What Makes a Hero: Beyond Capes and Costumes

Heroes have been a part of human culture and mythology for centuries, embodying virtues, courage, and selflessness. In today's complex and interconnected world, the definition of a hero has evolved beyond the traditional image of a caped crusader or a legendary figure. Modern heroes come...

Video Games and Violence: Debunking the Myth

For decades, the debate over whether video games cause violence has raged on, fueled by sensationalized media stories and political rhetoric. However, a substantial body of research and expert opinion has consistently refuted this notion. In this essay, we will examine the evidence and arguments...

"The Hunger Games": Katniss and Peeta Relationship

The Hunger Games, authored by Suzanne Collins, is a dystopian novel that has captivated readers worldwide. One of its central themes is the evolving relationship between the main characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. This essay delves into the intricacies of their relationship, exploring its...

Modern Hero: Examples of the Heroic Archetype in the Media

Heroes have been a central archetype in storytelling throughout human history. In modern media, this archetype takes on new forms and dimensions, reflecting the values and challenges of our time. This essay explores the concept of the hero in contemporary media by examining three distinct...

What is a Hero: Exploring the Depths of Heroism

The concept of heroism has captivated the human imagination for centuries. From ancient myths and legends to modern-day superheroes, heroes are central figures in our stories and culture. But what truly defines a hero? In this essay, we will embark on a journey to explore...

Video Games and the Objectification of Women

Video games have become a pervasive and influential form of entertainment, shaping the cultural landscape and impacting millions of players worldwide. While the gaming industry has made significant strides in terms of graphics, storytelling, and gameplay, it also faces criticism for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and...

"The Social Dilemma": Unpacking the Impact of Social Media

The Social Dilemma is a thought-provoking documentary-drama hybrid film that delves into the hidden mechanisms and consequences of social media platforms. Released in 2020, this film provides a sobering analysis of how social media algorithms, user data, and digital addiction are reshaping our societies. In...

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  • Film Analysis
  • The Blind Side
  • Boyz N The Hood
  • Fast Fashion
  • Forrest Gump
  • Freedom Writers
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Boys and Girls
  • In Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Martian
  • The Maze Runner
  • The Hunger Games
  • Do The Right Thing
  • One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
  • Supersize Me
  • Schindler's List
  • Citizen Kane
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Children of Men
  • Film Editing
  • Jasper Jones
  • Stranger Than Fiction
  • Alfred Hitchcock
  • Indian Horse
  • Dance Performance Review
  • Movie Analysis
  • Roller Coaster
  • Social Media

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