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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (4 years)

computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines

Offered by the College of Information and Computing Sciences – Department of Computer Science


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) is a four-year program that includes the study of computing concepts and theories, algorithmic foundations, and new developments in computing. The program prepares its students to design and create algorithmically complex software and develop new and effective algorithms for solving computing problems.

The program includes the study of the standards and practices in Software Engineering. It prepares students to acquire skills and disciplines required for designing, writing, and modifying software components, modules, and applications that comprise software solutions.

The program allows students to choose from three (3) specialization tracks:

1. Core Computer Science The Core Computer Science track discusses material in traditional fields of Computer Science not covered by the required courses in the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program. It is designed to introduce and explore various areas of computer science study in preparation for graduate studies and research. Course offerings include and may be expanded to special topics in programming and natural languages, cognitive and scientific computing, distributed computing, and algorithms, among many others.

2. Game development The Game Development track offers the opportunities for students to showcase their creative and technical skills in the development of a marketable 2D / 3D game. This specialization track places its emphasis on allowing students to explore and learn the many facets of game development. It uses up-to-date and appropriate software tools, from simple animation to packaging the game, in a multi-platform environment. 

3. Data science The Data Science track responds to the growing needs of the industry to groom competent scientists who are both data- and progress-driven. The track shall prepare students to jumpstart a career in data science through the list of specialized courses developed with inputs both from the research and professional industries. Specifically, students will be equipped with the needed mathematical analysis and professional programming and development skills to create and innovate solutions and processes that will be relevant to the growth of existing industries and of the nation. Additionally, the set of disparate courses will prepare students to undertake advanced graduate studies and research in the areas of computing and decision sciences. 

Becoming Part of the Program

computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines

The University of Santo Tomas, in pursuit of truth, guided by reason and illumined by faith, dedicates herself to the generation, advancement, and transmission of knowledge to form competent and compassionate professionals committed to the service of the Church, the nation, and the global community.

I am a Thomasian. I carry the SEAL of Thomasian education. I am a S ervant leader, an E ffective communicator and collaborator, an A nalytical and creative thinker, and a L ifelong learner. With Christ at the center of my formation as a Thomasian, I am expected to demonstrate the following Thomasian Graduate Attributes ( ThoGAs ): 


  • Show leadership abilities to promote advocacies for life, freedom, justice, and solidarity in the service of the family, the local and global communities, the Church, and the environment. 
  • Implement relevant projects and activities that speak of Christian compassion to the poor and the marginalized in order to raise their quality of life. 
  • Show respect for the human person, regardless of race, religion, age, and gender. 


  • Express oneself clearly, correctly, and confidently in various environments, contexts, and technologies of human interaction.
  • Work productively with individuals or groups from diverse cultures and demographics. 
  • Show profound respect for individual differences and/or uniqueness as members of God’s creation. 


  • Show judiciousness and resourcefulness in making personal and professional decisions. 
  • Engage in research undertakings that respond to societal issues. 
  • Express personal and professional insights through an ethical and evidence-based approach. 


  • Engage in reflective practice to ensure disciplinal excellence and professional development. 
  • Exhibit preparedness and interest for continuous upgrading of competencies required by the profession or area of specialization. 
  • Manifest fidelity to the teachings of Christ, mediated by the Catholic Church, in the continuous deepening of faith and spirituality in dealing with new life situations and challenges. 

The following PILOs are common to all BS Computer Science Tracks: 

PILO 1 / CS01  – Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialization, mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing profession, for the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements

PILO 2 / CS02  – Undertake evidence-based research by identifying, analyzing, formulating, investigating related literature, and solving complex computing problems and requirements, in order to reach substantiated conclusions that use fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines including those in core computer science, data science and game development

PILO 3 / CS03  – Apply judiciously mathematical concepts, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory when deciding how to model and design computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates resourcefulness and comprehension of the trade-offs involved in design choices

PILO 4 / CS04  – Address information security issues in relation to the design, development, and use of information systems

PILO 5 / CS05  – Design and evaluate systems and processes with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, as well as cultural, societal, and environmental considerations

PILO 6 / CS06  – Create, select, adapt, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations to accomplish a common goal

PILO 7 / CS07  – Show profound respect for the human person, regardless of race, religion, age, and gender, as a member or a leader in diverse teams, whenever making personal and professional decisions

PILO 8 / CS08  – Communicate personal and professional insights about complex computing activities effectively with the computing community and with society at large, by being able to clearly and correctly comprehend,  write, and deliver instructions, reports, documentation, and presentations

PILO 9 / CS09  – Recognize the legal, social, ethical, and professional issues involved in the utilization of computer technology and be guided by the adoption of appropriate professional, ethical, and legal practices

PILO 10 / CS10  – Engage in reflective practice and independent learning required in the continual development of competencies as a computing professional

PILO 11 / CS11  – Manifest fidelity to the teachings of Christ in dealing with life situations through compassionate actions toward the poor and the marginalized and promotion of advocacies for life, freedom, justice, and solidarity in the service of the family, the local and global communities, the Church and the environment 

The specific PILO for BS Computer Science –  Core Computer Science Track  is:

PILO 12 / CS12  – Apply knowledge of core computer science, mathematics, and algorithmic concepts in research activities 

The specific PILO for BS Computer Science –  Game Development Track  is:

PILO 12 / CS12  – Apply knowledge of mathematics and algorithmic concepts in the field of game development 

The specific PILO for  BS Computer Science –  Data Science Track  is:

PILO 12 / CS12  – Apply knowledge of mathematical modelling and algorithmic concepts in solving data science problems

Application Period: August to November of each year

Application Website

Release of Results: Second Quarter of the following year

Go to  THIS PAGE and look for the “Institute of Information and Computing Sciences” tab for the tuition fees.

Career Opportunities

The program prepares the students to be engaged either locally or abroad as a/an: 

Software Engineer

Applications Software Developer

Data Analyst

Systems Software Developer

Computer Programmer

Quality Assurance Specialist

Research and Development Computing Professional

Systems Analyst

Software Support Specialist

The  Core Computer Science Track  prepares the students for the following career opportunities:

Computing Researcher

Computing Solution Provider

Compiler Designer

Empathic Computing Analyst

 Intelligent Systems Engineer

The  Game Development Track  prepares the students for the following career opportunities:

Game Developer

Game Programmer

Game Production Engineer

Game Quality Assurance

Game Tester

The  Data Science Track  prepares the students for the following career opportunities: 

Data Scientist

Data Engineer

Student Experience and Support

The University of Santo Tomas provides student services that cater to academic, spiritual, and wellness concerns of students. These support units are found in the different parts of the campus and can be accessed by Thomasians. When the University shifted to distance learning, the services also transitioned to online services to continue addressing the needs of Thomasians.

Program Curriculum (New)​

Program curriculum (new).

Effectivity: A.Y. 2023-2024

This curriculum may have some changes upon the availability of new guidelines.


Effectivity: A.Y. 2021-2022

Effectivity: A.Y. 2020-2021


Effectivity: A.Y. 2019-2020


Effectivity: A.Y. 2018-2019

Program Curriculum (Old)

Effectivity: 2016-2017 until Freshmen Cohort of A.Y. 2017-2018


F-ELECA –  Foreign Language (German)

F-ELECB –  Foreign Language (Nihonggo)

F-ELECC –  Foreign Language (Spanish)

F-ELECD –  Foreign Language (Mandarin)

F-ELECE –  Foreign Language (French)

F-ELECF –  Basic Accounting

F-ELECG –  Technopreneurship

F-ELECH –  Digital Drawing

F-ELECI –  Geographic Information Systems

TRACK A – Core Computer Science

CS-ELEC 1 –  Compiler Design

CS-ELEC 2 –  Advanced Intelligent Systems

CS-ELEC 3 –  Natural Language Processing

CS-ELEC 4 –  Emphatic Computing

TRACK B – Game Development

CS-ELEC 1 –  Game Theory and Design

CS-ELEC 2 –  Game Programming I

CS-ELEC 3 –  Game Programming II

CS-ELEC 4 –  Game Programming IV

Program Recognitions

computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines

PAASCU Level II Accreditation

computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines

The University of Santo Tomas is one of the leading private research universities in the Philippines and is consistently ranked among the top 1000 universities in the whole world. With academic degrees and research thrusts in the natural, health, applied, social, and sacred sciences, as well as business and management, the University continuously strives to make a positive impact on the society.

Visit Us: Espana Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1008

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computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines

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California State University, San Bernardino


Computer Science and Engineering Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Theses/projects/dissertations from 2024 2024.


Recommendation System using machine learning for fertilizer prediction , Durga Rajesh Bommireddy

Classification of Remote Sensing Image Data Using Rsscn-7 Dataset , Satya Priya Challa

Cultural Awareness Application , Bharat Gupta


AUTOMATED BRAIN TUMOR CLASSIFIER WITH DEEP LEARNING , venkata sai krishna chaitanya kandula


Crash Detecting System Using Deep Learning , Yogesh Reddy Muddam


Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2023 2023






Heart Disease Prediction Using Binary Classification , Virendra Sunil Devare



Sales and Stock Management System , Rashmika Gaddam Ms









TWITTER POLICING , Hemanth Kumar Medisetty





Brain Tumor Detection Using MRI Images , Mayur Patel



Pillow Based Sleep Tracking Device Using Raspberry Pi , Venkatachalam Seviappan








Machine Learning for Kalman Filter Tuning Prediction in GPS/INS Trajectory Estimation , Peter Wright

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2022 2022







Improved Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Via Hybrid Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks , Sonia Perez-Gamboa

College of Education FileMaker Extraction and End-User Database Development , Andrew Tran


Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2021 2021

A General Conversational Chatbot , Vipin Nambiar

Verification System , Paras Nigam


Ahmedabad City App , Rushabh Picha


ANDROID PARKING SYSTEM , Vishesh Reddy Sripati

Sentiment Analysis: Stock Index Prediction with Multi-task Learning and Word Polarity Over Time , Yue Zhou

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2020 2020




Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2019 2019





Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2018 2018


California State University, San Bernardino Chatbot , Krutarth Desai

ORGANIZE EVENTS MOBILE APPLICATION , Thakshak Mani Chandra Reddy Gudimetla








Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2017 2017






Custom T-Shirt Designs , Ranjan Khadka



PIPPIN MACHINE , Kiran Reddy Pamulaparthy


I2MAPREDUCE: DATA MINING FOR BIG DATA , Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Sherikar




Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2016 2016


CoyoteLab - Linux Containers for Educational Use , Michael D. Korcha



Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2015 2015


Density Based Data Clustering , Rayan Albarakati

Developing Java Programs on Android Mobile Phones Using Speech Recognition , Santhrushna Gande




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Research Topics & Ideas: CompSci & IT

50+ Computer Science Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

IT & Computer Science Research Topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a computer science-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of CompSci & IT-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including algorithms, AI, networking, database systems, UX, information security and software engineering.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the CompSci domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: CompSci Research Topics

  • Algorithms & data structures
  • Artificial intelligence ( AI )
  • Computer networking
  • Database systems
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Information security (IS)
  • Software engineering
  • Examples of CompSci dissertation & theses

Topics/Ideas: Algorithms & Data Structures

  • An analysis of neural network algorithms’ accuracy for processing consumer purchase patterns
  • A systematic review of the impact of graph algorithms on data analysis and discovery in social media network analysis
  • An evaluation of machine learning algorithms used for recommender systems in streaming services
  • A review of approximation algorithm approaches for solving NP-hard problems
  • An analysis of parallel algorithms for high-performance computing of genomic data
  • The influence of data structures on optimal algorithm design and performance in Fintech
  • A Survey of algorithms applied in internet of things (IoT) systems in supply-chain management
  • A comparison of streaming algorithm performance for the detection of elephant flows
  • A systematic review and evaluation of machine learning algorithms used in facial pattern recognition
  • Exploring the performance of a decision tree-based approach for optimizing stock purchase decisions
  • Assessing the importance of complete and representative training datasets in Agricultural machine learning based decision making.
  • A Comparison of Deep learning algorithms performance for structured and unstructured datasets with “rare cases”
  • A systematic review of noise reduction best practices for machine learning algorithms in geoinformatics.
  • Exploring the feasibility of applying information theory to feature extraction in retail datasets.
  • Assessing the use case of neural network algorithms for image analysis in biodiversity assessment

Topics & Ideas: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Applying deep learning algorithms for speech recognition in speech-impaired children
  • A review of the impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making processes in stock valuation
  • An evaluation of reinforcement learning algorithms used in the production of video games
  • An exploration of key developments in natural language processing and how they impacted the evolution of Chabots.
  • An analysis of the ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence-based automated marking
  • The influence of large-scale GIS datasets on artificial intelligence and machine learning developments
  • An examination of the use of artificial intelligence in orthopaedic surgery
  • The impact of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) on transparency and trust in supply chain management
  • An evaluation of the role of artificial intelligence in financial forecasting and risk management in cryptocurrency
  • A meta-analysis of deep learning algorithm performance in predicting and cyber attacks in schools

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Networking

  • An analysis of the impact of 5G technology on internet penetration in rural Tanzania
  • Assessing the role of software-defined networking (SDN) in modern cloud-based computing
  • A critical analysis of network security and privacy concerns associated with Industry 4.0 investment in healthcare.
  • Exploring the influence of cloud computing on security risks in fintech.
  • An examination of the use of network function virtualization (NFV) in telecom networks in Southern America
  • Assessing the impact of edge computing on network architecture and design in IoT-based manufacturing
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities in 6G wireless network adoption
  • The role of network congestion control algorithms in improving network performance on streaming platforms
  • An analysis of network coding-based approaches for data security
  • Assessing the impact of network topology on network performance and reliability in IoT-based workspaces

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Topics & Ideas: Database Systems

  • An analysis of big data management systems and technologies used in B2B marketing
  • The impact of NoSQL databases on data management and analysis in smart cities
  • An evaluation of the security and privacy concerns of cloud-based databases in financial organisations
  • Exploring the role of data warehousing and business intelligence in global consultancies
  • An analysis of the use of graph databases for data modelling and analysis in recommendation systems
  • The influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) on database design and management in the retail grocery industry
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of distributed databases in supply chain management
  • Assessing the impact of data compression algorithms on database performance and scalability in cloud computing
  • An evaluation of the use of in-memory databases for real-time data processing in patient monitoring
  • Comparing the effects of database tuning and optimization approaches in improving database performance and efficiency in omnichannel retailing

Topics & Ideas: Human-Computer Interaction

  • An analysis of the impact of mobile technology on human-computer interaction prevalence in adolescent men
  • An exploration of how artificial intelligence is changing human-computer interaction patterns in children
  • An evaluation of the usability and accessibility of web-based systems for CRM in the fast fashion retail sector
  • Assessing the influence of virtual and augmented reality on consumer purchasing patterns
  • An examination of the use of gesture-based interfaces in architecture
  • Exploring the impact of ease of use in wearable technology on geriatric user
  • Evaluating the ramifications of gamification in the Metaverse
  • A systematic review of user experience (UX) design advances associated with Augmented Reality
  • A comparison of natural language processing algorithms automation of customer response Comparing end-user perceptions of natural language processing algorithms for automated customer response
  • Analysing the impact of voice-based interfaces on purchase practices in the fast food industry

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: Information Security

  • A bibliometric review of current trends in cryptography for secure communication
  • An analysis of secure multi-party computation protocols and their applications in cloud-based computing
  • An investigation of the security of blockchain technology in patient health record tracking
  • A comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms for instant text messaging
  • A systematic review of secure data storage solutions used for cloud computing in the fintech industry
  • An analysis of intrusion detection and prevention systems used in the healthcare sector
  • Assessing security best practices for IoT devices in political offices
  • An investigation into the role social media played in shifting regulations related to privacy and the protection of personal data
  • A comparative study of digital signature schemes adoption in property transfers
  • An assessment of the security of secure wireless communication systems used in tertiary institutions

Topics & Ideas: Software Engineering

  • A study of agile software development methodologies and their impact on project success in pharmacology
  • Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments
  • A study of the impact of DevOps practices on software development and delivery in the healthcare sector
  • An analysis of software architecture patterns and their impact on the maintainability and scalability of cloud-based offerings
  • A study of the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on software engineering practices in the education sector
  • An investigation of software testing techniques and methodologies for subscription-based offerings
  • A review of software security practices and techniques for protecting against phishing attacks from social media
  • An analysis of the impact of cloud computing on the rate of software development and deployment in the manufacturing sector
  • Exploring the impact of software development outsourcing on project success in multinational contexts
  • An investigation into the effect of poor software documentation on app success in the retail sector

CompSci & IT Dissertations/Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a CompSci-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various CompSci-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • An array-based optimization framework for query processing and data analytics (Chen, 2021)
  • Dynamic Object Partitioning and replication for cooperative cache (Asad, 2021)
  • Embedding constructural documentation in unit tests (Nassif, 2019)
  • PLASA | Programming Language for Synchronous Agents (Kilaru, 2019)
  • Healthcare Data Authentication using Deep Neural Network (Sekar, 2020)
  • Virtual Reality System for Planetary Surface Visualization and Analysis (Quach, 2019)
  • Artificial neural networks to predict share prices on the Johannesburg stock exchange (Pyon, 2021)
  • Predicting household poverty with machine learning methods: the case of Malawi (Chinyama, 2022)
  • Investigating user experience and bias mitigation of the multi-modal retrieval of historical data (Singh, 2021)
  • Detection of HTTPS malware traffic without decryption (Nyathi, 2022)
  • Redefining privacy: case study of smart health applications (Al-Zyoud, 2019)
  • A state-based approach to context modeling and computing (Yue, 2019)
  • A Novel Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Solomon, 2019)
  • HRSB-Tree for Spatio-Temporal Aggregates over Moving Regions (Paduri, 2019)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Research Topic

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your Computer Science dissertation or research project, check out our Topic Kickstarter service.

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Research topics and ideas about data science and big data analytics

Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments.

Steps on getting this project topic


I want to work with this topic, am requesting materials to guide.

Yadessa Dugassa

Information Technology -MSc program

Andrew Itodo

It’s really interesting but how can I have access to the materials to guide me through my work?

Sorie A. Turay

That’s my problem also.


Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments is in my favour. May i get the proper material about that ?



Nanbon Temasgen


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Institute of Computer Science

The national implementation of the K-12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines has integrated foundation courses of higher education programs in the senior high school core courses. Thus, there is a need to streamline the curriculum of the BS Computer Science program to avoid duplication of courses and to keep the program responsive to the needs of the industry. The revision includes new General Education courses which will enable the students to have a wider breadth of knowledge and skills for holistic development. Additional foundation and core courses were integrated to keep pace with the developments of internationally recognized computing curricula recommendations for undergraduate degree programs in Computer Science. Lastly, additional elective and specialization courses were included in the curriculum to provide students with the flexibility to work across various disciplines and multiple platforms.

The BS Computer Science Curriculum is geared towards producing graduates who shall:

  • contribute to the nation’s development through the professional practice of Computer Science in the academe, research, industry, government, and other institutions;
  • engage in research and development of Computer Science as a discipline for the national and international advancement of the field;
  • participate in the multi-disciplinary research and collaborative endeavors;
  • pursue graduate studies in the field of Computer Science and related disciplines; and
  • uphold the University’s values of honor and excellence.

BS Computer Science Flowchart (2018)

computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines

BSCS Course Descriptions

CMSC 2 . Introduction to the Internet (3 units). Tools and services of the Internet, Internet protocols, search engines, file transfer protocol (FTP), email, list servers and hypertext markup language (HTML) programming (1,2). Prerequisite: None.

CMSC 11. Introduction to Computer Science (3 units). Introduction to the major areas of computer science; software systems and methodology; computer theory; computer organization and architecture. Students learn to write programs using high-level block-structured programming language (1,2). Prerequisite: MATH 11 or MATH 17

CMSC 12. Foundations of Computer Science (3 units). An overview of the major areas of computer science. (1,2,M). Prerequisite: None.

CMSC 21. Fundamentals of Programming (3 units). Introduction to computer programming using a procedural high-level language. Program design, testing and debugging. (1,2,M) Prerequisite: CMSC 12.\

CMSC 22. Object-Oriented Programming (3 units) Objects, design and implementation of object-oriented programs (1,2) Prerequisite: CMSC 12.

CMSC 23. Mobile Computing (3 units). Methods and techniques for developing mobile applications. (1,2) Prerequisite: CMSC 22.

CMSC 56. Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science I (3 units). Principles of logic, set theory, relations and functions, Boolean algebra and linear algebra. (1,2) Prerequisite: None.

CMSC 57. Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science II (3 units). Principles of combinatorics, probability, algebraic systems and graph theory. (2,M) Prerequisite: CMSC 56.

CMSC 100. Web Programming (3 units). Design and implementation of web applications (1,2) Prerequisite: CMSC 22.

CMSC 123. Data Structures (3 units). Abstract data types and implementation; lists, stacks, queues, trees, mappings, sets and graphs, searching and sorting techniques; dynamic storage management. (1,2) Prerequisites: CMSC 21 & CMSC 57 or COI.

CMSC 124. Design and Implementation of Programming Languages (3 units). Study of the fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of current high-level programming languages; syntax and translation; language definition structures; elementary and structured data types; abstraction mechanisms; sequence and data control; run time considerations. (1) Prerequisite: CMSC 123 or COI.

CMSC 125. Operating Systems (3 units). Processor management, memory management, file and disk management, resource management, concurrent processes, networks and distributed systems. (1) Prerequisite: CMSC 123 or COI.

CMSC 127. File Processing and Database Systems (3 units). Data models: relational, network and hierarchical models; Database management system, data definition and manipulation language; Data security, integrity, synchronization, protection and recovery; Principal database systems and query languages. (1,2) Prerequisite: CMSC 22 or COI.

CMSC 128. Introduction to Software Engineering (3 units). Software life cycle from the requirement specification and design phases through the construction of actual software; topics include planning a software project, cost estimation, software design, implementation and software maintenance (2) Prerequisite: CMSC 123 or COI.

CMSC 129. Principles of Compiler Design (3 units). Fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of compilers: lexical analysis, syntax analysis, intermediate code generation, code generation and optimization. (Elective, 2) Prerequisite: CMSC 124.

CMSC 130. Logic Design and Digital Computer Circuits (3 units). Data representation and computer arithmetic; logic functions and equations; description, analysis, and design of combinatorial and sequential circuits; functional properties of digital integrated circuits. (1) Prerequisite: CMSC 57.

CMSC 131. Introduction to Computer Organization and Machine-Level Programming (3 units). An introduction to computer organization and interfaces between hardware and software; microcomputer systems; basic compiler organization, interfacing, interrupt mechanisms; assembly language programming; Machine vs. Assembly vs. High-level language, data structure representation, program control implementations, subroutines, parameter passing, recursion, direct video graphics, serial port communications. (2) Prerequisite: CMSC 21 or COI.

CMSC 132. Computer Architecture (3 units). Advanced topics in computer systems organization from a designer’s point of view: multiprocessing, pipelining, array processors, associative processors; Microprogramming, techniques for increasing primary memory bandwidths; Modularization, interleaving, access path widening, cache and associative memories; Virtual memory; Bus structures; Multiprogramming and time-sharing organizations; Network principles and protocols; Distributed resources. (1) Prerequisite: CMSC 131.

CMSC 137. Data Communications and Networking (3 units). Basic principles of data communications; design issues and protocols in the layers of data network; networks for various applications. (2) Prerequisite: CMSC 125.

CMSC 141.  Automata and Language Theory (3 units). Finite automata and regular languages; push-down automata and context-free languages. Turing machines and enumerable sets: linear-bounded automata and context free languages, compatibility and the halting problem; undecidable problems; recursive and recursively-enumerable languages and computational complexity. (1,2) Prerequisite: CMSC 123 or COI.

CMSC 142. Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3 units). Algorithm design techniques; use of data structures, divide and conquer, dynamic, programming, greedy techniques, local and global search, complexity analysis of algorithms, asymptotic analysis, worst case and average case, recurrences, lower bounds. NP-completeness. (1,2) Prerequisite CMSC 123 or COI.

CMSC 150. Numerical and Symbolic Computation (3 units). Computational problem solving; sources of errors in computation; iterative approximation methods and symbolic algebra; mathematical software libraries and symbolic manipulation packages. (1) Prerequisite: MATH 27 or MATH 36, and CMSC 21, or COI.

CMSC 161. Interactive Computer Graphics (3 units). Graphics systems software and hardware, 2D drawing algorithms, geometrical transformations, surface modeling, 3D viewing, visible surface determination algorithms, reflection and illumination models, shading models for polygons, color theory, ray tracing, animation. Students write their 3D rendering engine. (Elective, 2) Prerequisite: CMSC 123 or COI.

CMSC 165. Digital Image Processing (3 units). Methods for acquiring, creating, manipulating, enhancing, and analyzing digital images. (Elective,1) Prerequisite: CMSC 123 or COI.

CMSC 170. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3 units). Basic principles and applications of artificial intelligence: knowledge representation, natural language processing, pattern recognition and expert systems. (1) Prerequisite: CMSC 123.

CMSC 172. Robot Modeling (3 units). Robotics manipulators and their characteristics; conversion from joint space to real world coordinates; inverse kinematics; workspace analysis; differential motion. (Elective,2) Prerequisite: CMSC 123.

CMSC 173. Human-Computer Interaction (3 units). Theory, design methodologies, and programming practices in Human-Computer Interaction. (1,2) Prerequisites: CMSC 123 and STAT 101.

CMSC 180. Introduction to Parallel Computing (3 units) Parallel computational models, machine architectures, performance models, algorithms, and programming. (2) Prerequisite: CMSC 132.

CMSC 190. Special Problem (3 units) To be enrolled twice; once as one-unit course to prepare for a proposal, then as a two-unit course to implement the proposal. (1,2,S) Prerequisite: COI.

CMSC 191. Special Topics (3 units). (Elective,1,2) Prerequisite: CMSC 123

CMSC 198. Practicum (3 units). (M) Prerequisite: COI.

CMSC 199. Undergraduate Seminar (1 unit). (1,2) Prerequisite: COI.

CMSC 200. Undergraduate Thesis (6 units). (1,2,S) Prerequisite: COI.

Semesters offered: 1 – 1st semester, 2 – 2nd semester, M – midyear

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computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines



  • Student Outcome Assessment: An Evaluation Tool to Gauge Acquired Learning of Information Technology Students  by Ms. Maria Cristina M. Ramos

  Keywords: Academic Performance, Computer Science, Correlation, Immersion, On the Job Training  

  Results of the study revealed that the BS Computer Science program curricula and the teaching strategies employed by its professors to deliver learning is aligned with the expected student outcomes of the program. BS Computer Science students at the time of graduation possess the knowledge, skills, and behavior parallel to the program’s expected student outcomes. Recommendations can be used for continuous enhancement of the BSCS curricula.   

  Keywords: Competency Assessment, Curriculum Map, Performance Indicators, Student Outcomes, Student Outcomes Assessment  

Keywords :  Admission test, Computer science, Entrance exam, Programming ability, Stanine  

  • A Graduate Tracer to Enhance Effectiveness of the Computer Science Program Curricula by Maria Crisitna Ramos Show Abstract Graduate tracer studies are motivated by the need for more information on the transition of students from university to the labor market. Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas (LPU-B) has increasingly offered a wide spectrum of higher education courses that provide students with the necessary tools enabling them to develop employability skills, heighten own awareness of these skills and improve their ability to articulate them. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program prepares students to be IT professionals and researchers who are proficient in designing and developing computing solutions. The program is being offered by the College of Computer Studies of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas and it includes specialization tracks: Game Development, Mobile Application Development and Data Science. The college has produced graduates who have fared well in the business sector, as evidenced by previous tracer studies.The study intended to determine employment data; assess the work-related values gained by graduates; and provide a means to enhance the relevance of present course offerings. BSCS graduates are qualified for employment in various sectors of the business industry and do well in terms of getting full-time employment after graduation. Respondents consider “Perseverance and Hard Work”, “Courage” and “Obedience to Superior” as top 3 choices for work-related values gained that are most relevant in their line of work. An action plan has been designed and proposed to continuously enhance the relevance of course offerings of the BSCS program, thus ensuring the high employability of its graduates.Keywords: Computer science, Employability, Graduate tracer, Tracer study

One of the cognitive prerequisites of learning programming is mathematics. Studies reveal that mathematics contributes to the success of students in computer programming courses. Programming courses are considered as most important among components of the Computer Science curriculum.  

The study aimed to determine whether mathematical ability correlate s  with programming capability of BS Computer Science graduates in one private higher educational institution in the country. Specifically, to identify level of performance in mathematics courses; to identify level of performance in computer programming courses; to test if there is a significant relationship between mathematical ability and programming capability; and propose an action plan to improve mathematical ability and programming capability of students.  

  The results of the study revealed that BS Computer Science graduates possess satisfactory mathematical ability and good programming capability. Results imply that students’ doing satisfactorily in math is a predictor of good programming capability; the higher the academic performances in mathematics are, the better the capability in conceptualizing and designing computer programs.  

  • Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas” Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program (Batch 2011-2015): A Tracer Study by Maria Crisitna Ramos Show Abstract This study traced the graduates of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas (Batches 2011– 2015). The survey method was used to measure the BSCS graduate population where 85 of 109 or 78 percent of graduates from batches 2011-2015 participated in the study. Assessment through the tracer study instrument was focused on the following: job placement profile of BSCS graduates; competencies identified, and work-related values acquired; also the relevance of school-related factors associated to job placement of graduates. To update and enhance the BSCS program curricula and to make it more responsive to the needs of fast changing technology and employment demands, the findings of the study were used as basis.   Majority of the graduates, 82 of the 85 respondents or 96 percent are employed. In terms of competencies learned in college; information technology skills, communication skills, and critical-thinking skills ranked first, second and third, respectively. For work-related values,  love for god, perseverance and hard work,  honesty and love for truth were the top three choices.   This study recommends continuous enhancement of the BSCS program curricula thus ensuring the high employability of LPU-B graduates. Syllabi of both professional and general education courses may be consistently updated to ensure relevance of topic inclusions. Relevant trainings may be provided so as teachers will be guided on the integration of values to students. Students may also be subjected to values formation seminars. Continuous developmental trainings may be given to faculty members. Office personnel may be subjected to various trainings and encouraged to pursue academic development thus ensuring professionalism and efficiency towards attainment of utmost customer satisfaction.   Keywords:  BS Computer Science, Computer Science Tracer, Employability, LPU Tracer, Tracer Study
  • Feasibility Study in offering specialization in BSIT program by Irene Balmes Show Abstract
  • Blended Learning Approaches in LPU-B: Students’ Experience and their Relation to Student Outcomes by Mrs. Melody Dimaano Show Abstract
  • Enhancement of the Students’ Learning Process in Advanced Multimedia Systems through Gamification by Maria Juliet Saldua Show Abstract
  • Correlations between Entrance Exam Scores and Academic Performance Following admission of BSCS Students by: Maria Cristina Ramos Show Abstract
  • Tracer Study of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas 2011 – 2012 By: Engr. Joel A. Dolot(2019) Show Abstract This tracer study determined the employment status of BS in Information Technology of LPU from 2011 to 2012. It also assessed the relevance of BS in Information Technology curricula, knowledge and skills acquired to employment of graduates; identified personal and professional characteristics and job placement of Information Technology Graduates and school related factors associated with their employment. There are 96.22 percent employed of Information Technology graduates where most of them are enjoying regular or permanent status which are relevant to IT. Aside from IT skills, they also find useful the communication skills learned from the university while love for God, honesty and love for truth as useful work related values. The findings of the study served as the bases of the researcher to improve, update or enhance the curricula of BSIT program to make this more responsive to the needs of fast changing technology and employment demands Keywords: Employability, Tracer Study, Skills, Competency, Job Placement, School Related Factors.
  • Sobel-Edge Detection Algorithm in Mobile Application for Detecting Fake Money by Roselie Alday Show Abstract
  • Correlation of Mathematical Ability and Programming Ability of the Computer Science Students Author: Irene L. Balmes Show Abstract
  • 1. Online Day to Day Monitoring System for Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas by: Irene L. Balmes Show Abstract
  • e-Map as An Android Application Using Shortest Path Algorithm by: Roselie B. Alday, Joshua A. Carcillar, Karen R. Hernandez, Romnick M. Mamisay, Lester Paul B. Rabano, Shiena G. Matibag Show Abstract
  • Automated Absenteeism and Tardiness Monitoring System of LPU: Basis for an Effective Guidance and Counseling Program By: Mrs. Maria Cristina Ramos Show Abstract
  • Online Practicum Monitoring System For Lyceum of The Philippines University – Batangas Campus Authors: Janice E. Velasquez & Jacqueline V. Vengco Show Abstract
  • Automated Office Supplies Requisition and Inventory System’s development: A Step towards Institutional Progress By: Noemi Almarez (2013) Show Abstract This study was primarily developed to improve the manual processing of office supplies requisition and inventory at the Property Office of LPU-Batangas. This system was developed to be used by the Property Office of this institution and of the different offices and colleges involved in the request of office supplies. It has security features that allow only authorized users to enter their username and password. Different offices and colleges will serve as the requesting departments or requesters, who are only allowed to change their password, view and print their supplies allocations, and send request of supplies to the Property office. While the property clerk serves as the administrator who has full access to the functionalities of the entire system. The system is also capable of automatically updating allocation of supplies and requested items to the system’s database that also reflects in every workstation of every college to easily track supplies availability for consumption. It can also provide accurate inventory reports whenever needed. Through this, the difficulties during requisition of supplies and too many forms to be handled will be eliminated. Further, requesting supplies at the Property Office can now be more convenient, a concrete data organization can be utilized and inventory reports can be prepared much easier than before because of this innovative system. Keywords: Office supplies requisition, Inventory System, Software development
  • Tracer Study for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from 2002-2007 By: Mrs. Luisa Macatangay (2013) Show Abstract This tracer study determined the employment status of BS in Computer Science Graduates of LPU from 2004-2009. It also assessed the relevance of BS in Computer Science curricula, knowledge and skills acquired to employment of graduates; identify personal and professional characteristics and job placement of Computer Science Graduates and school related factors associated with their employment. Descriptive type of research method was utilized in the study. Results showed that among the job placement profile of the respondents, majority of the respondents were gainfully employed, the work they acquire is related to the course completed, the length of time in searching for a job is one to six months and stayed in their first job in one or two years. One or two years on their job enable them to work with their colleagues, apply their knowledge and skills and develop their confidence to further cultivate, nurture and foster their skills. The job they assume belongs to the different levels of position; most of them are working in professional, technical and even supervisory level belonging to the middle level management. One of the main reasons of not getting their job easily is because of lack of work experience. When it comes to finding a job, work experience is a strong requirement if not the most valuable asset. Employability or work-readiness tops the list of potential employers.All school related factors are found very relevant to the respondents particularly Curriculum and Instruction. Professional subjects as well as the General Education subjects are very useful in performing their everyday tasks. These subjects really helped them familiarize themselves with the updated hardware, software products and services rendered by their employer. Among the skills and competencies found very relevant / useful to their job placement are Information Technology and Communication skills. The work related values that contributed much to their employment are love of God, honesty, love for truth and obedience to the superior which are also the core values of LPU.The proposed action plan is aimed to enhance the relevance or usefulness of the BSCS program in order to raise / improve the employment rate of graduates. Keywords: Tracer Study, Computer Science, Graduates, Employability How to cite using APA Style Macatangay, L. (2013). Tracer Study of BSCS Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines University from 2004-2009, Academic Research International, 4(5): 361-377
  • To Be or Not to Be: E-Teaching in the Graduate School in the Philippine Perspective By: Ms. Roselie Alday and Ms. Ma. Maureen R. Pascual (2012) Show Abstract This study aimed to devise a method of obtaining a student model using bayesian network for intelligent tutoring systems using Pascal programming language course as the subject. The student model will be used to assess the learning capability of CCS students and how a programming language may be taught in an effective way. The method of developing a student model for the Pascal programming class under the CCS was the major task of this study. This was accomplished by using a flowchart to develop the interface between the student model and the tutor model as a requirement in the components of an ITS.Results showed that the best model could be achieved by considering the best way of presenting the topics in a most effective way, the use of learning enhancement through illustrations, graphics and simulation and presenting the most number of examples as possible. The model best describes the level of learning of students based on what he knows before and what he understands after and applying what he learns through answering questions considered as a quiz to measure his level of performance. This is where Bayesian Network played a great role since it provides the method where input to the prototype can be used for determining probabilities in the network construction.It would be a very great effort for the faculty member concerned to prepare lectures suitable for an ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems) and presenting the quiz in a form suitable and appropriate for the student to answer using the computer and not through paper and pen. Through this way, there will be an immediate way of assessing the standing of the student as to what level of understanding of a certain topic he is in, and correspondingly adjust the level of learning by presenting the lecture in more interesting manner rather than pure lecture in the classroom. This is where the interface between the student model and the tutor model was presented through the use of flowchart.A method of developing student model fit for the Pascal programming class obtained by using a simple prototype will enhance the teaching strategies of faculty members in the college since it will depict the learning needs of the students in general which can also be a basis for any programming classes in the future. Keywords: e-teaching, online learning, Teaching Readiness, Graduate School How to cite using APA Style Alday, R. B., Pascual, M.M. R. (2012). To Be or Not to Be: E-Teaching in the Graduate School in the Philippine Perspective, International Journal of Computer Theory & Engineering 4(2): 226-228
  • Online Practicum Monitoring System of the LPU Campus By: Ms. Janice Velasquez and Ms. Jacqueline Vengco (2014) Show Abstract The study is about the design and development of a software named Online Practicum Monitoring System using Visual Basic.Net and SQL. The primary objective of the study is to provide a tool that will help practicum coordinators monitor the OJT requirements submitted by students enrolled in the OJT course as well as provide students with an aid to submitting the requirements in a timely manner.The Online Practicum Monitoring System is equipped with features that provide access to the practicum coordinators and students and can generate reports on the summary of students who : are enrolled in the subject; have submitted requirements on time; were not able to submit requirements on time; have incomplete requirements submitted and have complete requirements submitted.The system is protected with security password. Only the practicum coordinators and the students enrolled in the subject can access the system. There are two types of users: the admin and the student. The admin users are the practicum coordinators who are capable of creating and deleting student accounts, uploading requirements and forms, downloading requirements submitted by the students, updating/checking the requirements submitted online. On the other hand, the student users are capable of submitting the requirements by uploading them and downloading OJT forms.The system is not capable of providing or showing grades to the students and only the students and practicum coordinators are allowed to use and access the system.The Online Practicum Monitoring System is a generic system which may be utilized by practicum coordinators of all the colleges in LPU. Once implemented, the system may be accessed only via a link within the Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas web page. However, the Online Practicum Monitoring System is not a stand-alone application and can be accessed only through the web page. Keywords: Practicum Monitoring, Software Development, Internship How to cite using APA Style Velasquez, J. E., Vengco, J. V. (2014). Online Practicum Monitoring System For Lyceum of The Philippines University – Batangas Campus, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 6(2): 75-79
  • Automated Laboratory Inventory System for CIHM By: Ms. Noemi Almarez and Ms. Rhealyn Umali (2010) Show Abstract This study is a standalone, computer-based system that was designed primarily to carry out inventory. The system was created using Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access as the database software. The system focused on the computerization of the CITHM laboratory inventory system. A database was present for the list of users, laboratory items and the borrowers’ information.There were two account types based on the intended users. One is the Administrator Account which can be used to create or deactivate a user account depending on the user status. It also enables the administrator to view and print reports if necessary. The User Account allows the laboratory custodian to add, edit, delete, search and update both the lists of laboratory items and the record of borrowers stored in the database in order to carry out both the borrowing and returning inventory transactions.This software allows the laboratory custodian to easily keep track of the borrowers’ accountability, monitor the status and availability of laboratory items and generate an accurate report. This system was intended only for laboratory items and not for cooking ingredients.The authors made use of Software Development process, for the accomplishment of this study. Software Development is the process of developing software in which high quality system is achieved through the application of Systems Development Life Cycle. The SDLC was a phased approach to analysis and design which ensures that systems are best developed through the use of specific cycle of analyst and user activities.With the development of this project , the CITHM is given a new alternative tool for tracking and monitoring the status of borrowed and returned laboratory materials. It reduces the time spent in every transactions concerned. On the other hand, it will provide the faculty members an accurate information about the status of the materials they need in their function schedules. Also, this will aid the laboratory custodians in easy monitoring borrowed, returned and even unreturned laboratory materials.Likewise, complete and timely reports will be easily generated and data loss will not be a problem since the system could create backup files of its database content. In terms of security, all transactions done in the system will be automatically recorded in the transaction log with corresponding date and time record reflecting data ownership among laboratory custodians in case of problem occurrence in the future. With this data integrity is well assured and unauthorized access to the system will be prevented.Thus, the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management need not worry about an accurate, updated, and organized inventory report concerning the laboratory materials.The authors recommend that the Automated Laboratory Inventory System should be implemented by the CITHM as a new and alternative tool in tracking and monitoring laboratory materials and in creating concrete and timely inventory reports. Future researchers and developers can explore and further enhance this system to make it more efficient and effective tool for carrying out an inventory process.Resources, details and other necessary information regarding this project will be available for those who aim to develop a different project of the same concept. A follow up study to determine the usefulness and effectiveness of the developed software is also recommended. Continuous update of the database is needed as well as the username and password secrecy for security purposes. Keywords: Laboratory Inventory System, Software development
  • Online Hotel Reservation and Management System for the College of International Hospitality and Management (CIHM) By: Ms. Glenda Acorda and Ms. Mischelle Esguerra (2013) Show Abstract This study aims to develop and design an on-line hotel reservation and management system for the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management (CITHM) of the Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas Campus. It presents user-friendly features that will familiarize CITHM students on the online hotel reservation system, evaluate it and highlight the benefits it can provide to the college and staff. In addition, it will purvey supplement material in their front desk operation course.Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn within the limitation and scope defined in the study. The developed software served as a tool for the students of CITHM to familiarize them on how to operate an online hotel reservation system. The developed software was an effective aid for the instructors in teaching the basic operations of hotel reservation system to their students. The developed system also provided features and online security to protect privacy and financial information of clients.After having evaluated the findings of the study, the following recommendations were hereby suggested: that this system should be implemented by the CITHM and used by the students to give them further knowledge about online reservation and hotel management. Keywords: Hotel Reservation, Management System, Hospitality Management, Software Development How to cite using APA Style Delizo, G. A. Esguerra, M. A. (2013). Online Hotel Reservation and Management System for the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, International Journal of Computers and Technology, 10(1): 1201-1229
  • An Automated Faculty Clearance for the Lyceum of the Philippines University By: Mr. Wally Boy Casuga and Mr. Alex Madlangbayan (2010) Show Abstract Development in the field of information technology is truly remarkable. It has been proven that computer applications have greater capability in performing many tasks with speed and accuracy. One of the tasks is the effective and improved use of computers in data processing. Computers as part of modernization are forever present in the workplace. There was a need in automating some of the traditional processes in different areas of the Lyceum of the Philippines University in order to deliver effective, fast and efficient services to its customers. Part of which was the computerization of the various areas that concerned faculty operations. In this perspective, the researcher was prompted by the need to come up with an automated faculty clearance for the institution.The system served as a tool in assisting the faculty members of different colleges to accomplish their clearance through the use of automated system. As a replacement to the traditional paper and pen method of securing clearance, the system was equipped with interlinked connections to different offices wherein documentary requirements of faculty members could be checked and monitored.The study aimed to develop an Automated Faculty Clearance for the Lyceum of the Philippines University. Specifically, the study was anchored to developing a system that would automate the faculty clearance, developing a computerized feature that would supplement the monitoring of requirements for each department and presenting the system in a helpful and user-friendly manner. This study was beneficial to the university itself as it served as a tool to improve the services in terms of a faster checking of needed requirements for clearance purposes of every faculty. Likewise, the system lessened the use of cost-producing materials for the same purpose.The system was made through the use of programming software both from its front and back end. Interface was created through the use of Visual Basic 6.0 while the database operations were done through the use of SQL Server 2005. Both of which were proprietary products of Microsoft. As to its major methodology, the author used the System Development Life Cycle. This involved a systematic process in system development that led to the development of the Automated Faculty Clearance. Keywords: Automation, Faculty Clearance, SQL
  • My LyceumAdvise: Online Subject Advising System of LPU By: Ms. Evelyn Red (2011) Show Abstract
  • Student Performance and Satisfaction with the CISCO Academy Networking Program (Computer Networking) Basis for a Proposed Pedagogical Action in Blended Learning By: Ms. Evelyn Red (2011) Show Abstract This study aimed to find out the performance and satisfaction level of B. S. in Computer Science (BSCS) and Associate in Computer Technology (ACT) students of Lyceum of the Philippines-Batangas in Computer Networking 1 during the Second Semester of SY 2007-2008. The study used descriptive research. It involves the collection of data in the attempt to test the hypothesis and so with the different questions posted as regards to the status of the subject under study.Students’ ability to do simulation of realistic work scenarios and display skills learned in Computer Networking 1 can be applied to their day-to-day life activities such as those that they may encounter in a home or small office. Their average rating in the subject shows that they are developing confidence in the Cisco Networking Academy Program which can be very useful in as far as Information and Communications Technology skills acquisition is concerned. The students’ performance and satisfaction level are evidences of the pedagogical richness of the Cisco Networking Academy Program and the contribution of the Computer Networking 1 teacher. The students’ performance in the classroom is largely affected by the quality of teachers assigned to teach Computer Networking1 and their accessibility to equipment and software. The satisfaction level of students in Computer Networking 1 is an indication of the exciting and dynamic nature of tools used that positively challenged and engaged the students.The satisfactory level the students gave to learning performance in Computer Networking 1 addresses their learning experiences. It is concluded that the course actively engaged the students and a clear understanding of Computer Networking 1 concepts was achieved. Online feedback where students immediately see the result of their module exams and the topics that they missed are contributory to their performance where students were able to assess their answers and correct any misconceptions before proceeding to the next topic. No significant relationship was recorded for all the situational factors which were correlated with students’ performance and satisfactory levels as shown by their p-values which were higher than the 0.05 level of significance. Keywords: Student performance, Satisfaction, CISCO, Blended Learning How to cite using APA Style Red, E.Z. (2011). Students’ Performance and Satisfaction with the Cisco Academy Networking Program for Pedagogical Action in Blended Learning, International Association of Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(1): 183-198
  • A Classroom Allocation System (CAS) of the LPU By: Ms. Elizabeth Gutierrez and Mrs. Luisa Macatangay (2009) Show Abstract
  • Design and Development of an Online Exam Maker and Checker for LPU Batangas City By: Mrs. Cristina Ramos and Mrs. Janice Velasquez (2013) Show Abstract   The study is an online, computer aided tool that was designed primarily for the conduct of online examination. The system was created using PHP, a web based scripting language, and MySQL as the database software. The system focuses on the automation of students’ examinations; preparation, scheduling, checking and grading. A database is provided for the storage of exam questions, answers to questions and students’ records. The system allows instructors to create an exam by entering questions with its corresponding answers into the database. Instructors are provided with three options on the type of exam; these include, True or False, Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks.There are three account types based on the intended users. One is the Administrator Account; this can be used to create instructor accounts. It can also be used to delete or suspend other accounts based on activity status. The Instructor Account allows teachers to create student accounts and enroll the same. This account can be used also to create, activate, edit, delete exams and monitor students’ performances. The Student Account is for the officially enrolled students where they can take exams and view scores even from previous examinations. This software allows instructors to keep track of students’ performances from all exams since the results will be stored in a database linked to an online system. While taking the online exam, students can choose the number of exam questions that will be displayed on the screen at a given time.A student can take the exam only on the specified date and time set by the instructor. Ideally, a particular exam should be taken only once. In cases of retakes due to valid reasons and special exam considerations, the instructor is given the option to administer the previously activated exam, edit or create a new set of questions. One limitation though, this online system is not to be used to compute for the class performance for the final grade since this requires other components such as seat works, graded recitations, laboratory activities, etc. This only computes and shows the scores from previous exams and the average. Keywords: Online exam maker, online exam checker, online exam maker design, online exam maker development How to cite using APA Style Ramos, M.C.M., Velasquez, J.E. (2013). Design and Development of an Online Exam Maker and Checker, International Journal of Computers & Technology, 10(5):1598-1640
  • Reducing Math Anxiety of CCS Students Through E-Learning in Analytic Geometry By: Mrs. Roselie Alday and Mrs. Alona Panaligan (2013) Show Abstract   This study was conducted in an undergraduate level with the use of e-learning particularly in analytic geometry to lessen the common fear of Filipino students in mathematics. Since teen age students used to engross themselves with the use of technology specifically computers, this study maximized the capability of computers in reducing math anxiety by teaching mathematics subject using e-learning thus improving student academic performance.Results showed that topics on circles and parabolas are to be taught using the e-learning since these topics can best be presented through diagrams that needs animation and visual presentation that will enhance the learning of students Also, as a product of another finished study, a developed module on e-learning of the said topics was used to determine its effects on students academic performance. An existing non-standardized instrument available in the internet was adopted to measure the level of math anxiety of the participants.It was found out from the results of the exams for the particular topics that there is a positive effect on the use of e-learning since there is an improved score of the experimental class on the topics considered thus reducing math anxiety. Keywords: Math Anxiety, E-learning, Analytic Geometry How to cite using APA Style Alday, R.B., Panaligan, A.B. (2013). Reducing Math Anxiety Of CCS Students through E-Learning in Analytic Geometry, Educational Research International, 2(1): 76-90
  • Online Thesis Browser of Lyceum of the Philippines University By: Mrs. Luisa Macatangay (2009) Show Abstract This study “Online Thesis Browser” was designed and developed to significantly lessen the time and effort spent in browsing the thesis made by the students. It would help both the thesis advisers and students to identify what researches had been done already. Through the developed software theses done by the students could be viewed online per college, per category, per authors with the corresponding abstract as well. It would also help the advisers to identify what researches need enhancement.The system was designed initially to the College of Computer Studies. But the system was designed intended to be used by any of the 10 colleges at Lyceum of the Philippines University. This would address the problems encountered by the advisers and the students in looking for possible topics to be proposed in their thesis writing. This would also help in the avoidance of duplication of titles. Thesis information could be searched and viewed through its thesis titles, authors, college where it belongs and the abstract of the study. Thesis information could also be edited, updated and searched online.The researcher followed the most commonly used design in developing a system, that is SDLC (system development life cycle) which follows different stages in developing a software. SDLC starts with planning phase then design, development, testing and finally implementation of the developed system.The system was tested by the researcher using the actual data that is being used in the current system. The results showed that the theses done by the students could be viewed, updated and searched online. The researcher had an option to view them per college and per category. It is recommended that the developed system be integrated to the current website of Lyceum of the Philippines University. Keywords: Online Thesis Browser, Software Development
  • My Lyceum TechLearn – A Learning Management System for LPU Batangas: An instructional Aid for Teachers By: Mrs. Roselie Alday and Mr. Charnell Hernandez (2008)
  • Tracer Study of the BS Computer Science Graduates of LB 2001 – 2004: Basis for Curriculum Review By: Mrs. Roselie Alday & Mrs. Noemi Almarez (2007) Show Abstract This study primarily aimed to determine the factors associated with the job placement of the graduates of the College of Computer Studies of Lyceum of Batangas from 2001-2004. Descriptive type of research was utilized in the study.Results showed that among the BSCS respondents, 46% had a job related to the course, while 54% had a job not related to the course. For the ACT respondents, 25% had a job related to the course while the probability of 75% is not related to the course. Most of the BSCS graduates or 425 stayed in their job for more than a year while 12 respondents had their first job for 3 months only. For the ACT, 45% stayed in their jobs for more than 6 months while only 2 respondents stayed in their first job for more than a year. The results also showed that 64% of the BSCS graduates are presently employed while only 5% had never been employed. For the ACT, 44% are presently employed while only 2 respondents had never been employed. Ninety seven percent of the BSCS respondents are full time while only 2 participants are part-time in their job which is the same statistics with ACT graduates.When it comes to the usefulness of the program components in meeting the demands of their present work, Mathematics as a general education subject was the most relevant for the BSCS while for the ACT, it is English. For professional subject, both BSCS and ACT consider Word Processing and Spreadsheet as first.For the faculty and instruction, the BSCS respondents ranked first the personal traits of the teacher who conduct himself in a dignified and professional manner while for instructional competencies, they consider showing respect and consideration of student’s opinions and suggestions as first. For the ACT, there is the same result for the BSCS for faculty personal traits while for the instructional competencies, they consider instructions that develop values and good principles in life among students as first.BSCS found that the professional subjects in terms of curricula and instruction had been significant in the job placement of the respondents. For student services, there are offices that play a significant role in the job placement of the BSCS; these are libraries, accounting/cashier’s office, college or dean’s office and counselling and testing center. For them, organization and administration was not significant to job placement.According to the ACT respondents, in terms of curricula, both professional and general education subjects have significant relationship to their job placement while instructional competency only proved to be significant for faculty. For student services, accounting office, registrar’s office, dean’s office, and counselling and testing office are the significant school-related factors for employment. They also consider organization and administration as not significant. Physical plant, computer laboratory and college laboratories significantly related to their job placement. Keywords: Employability, Tracer Study, Computer Science, Graduates, Curriculum Review
  • Student Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems as Assessment of Student Performance Using Bayesian Networks By: Mrs. Roselie Alday (2007) Show Abstract This study aimed to devise a method of obtaining a student model using bayesian network for intelligent tutoring systems using Pascal programming language course as the subject. The student model will be used to assess the learning capability of CCS students and how a programming language may be taught in an effective way. The method of developing a student model for the Pascal programming class under the CCS was the major task of this study. This was accomplished by using a flowchart to develop the interface between the student model and the tutor model as a requirement in the components of an ITS.Results showed that the best model could be achieved by considering the best way of presenting the topics in a most effective way, the use of learning enhancement through illustrations, graphics and simulation and presenting the most number of examples as possible. The model best describes the level of learning of students based on what he knows before and what he understands after and applying what he learns through answering questions considered as a quiz to measure his level of performance. This is where Bayesian Network played a great role since it provides the method where input to the prototype can be used for determining probabilities in the network construction.It would be a very great effort for the faculty member concerned to prepare lectures suitable for an ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems) and presenting the quiz in a form suitable and appropriate for the student to answer using the computer and not through paper and pen. Through this way, there will be an immediate way of assessing the standing of the student as to what level of understanding of a certain topic he is in, and correspondingly adjust the level of learning by presenting the lecture in more interesting manner rather than pure lecture in the classroom. This is where the interface between the student model and the tutor model was presented through the use of flowchart.A method of developing student model fit for the Pascal programming class obtained by using a simple prototype will enhance the teaching strategies of faculty members in the college since it will depict the learning needs of the students in general which can also be a basis for any programming classes in the future. Keywords: student modelling, intelligent tutoring, student performance, Bayesian networks How to cite using APA Style Alday, R. (2007). Student Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems as an Assessment of Student Performance using Bayesian Network, Lyceum Research Journal, 1: 163-174

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De La Salle University

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Undergraduate Thesis Archive

This page lists all undergraduate theses in the Civil Engineering Department (CE)

Engr. Cheryl Lyne C. Roxas
Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano
Dr. Lessandro O. Garciano
Dr. Mario P. De Leon
Dr. Grace P. Gueta
Dr. Danilo C. Terante
Evaluation the environmental performance of triple A contractors in Metro Manila 18001 Engr. Jason Maximino C. Ongpeng
Engr. Rolando Gallardo
The impact of the emergence of low-cost-carriers and budget flights Dr. Grace P. Gueta
Dr Alexis Filone
Dr. Alexis Fillone
Dr. Alexis M. Fillone
Dr. Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano
Dr. Andres Winston C. Oreta
Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano
Dr. Andres Winston C. Oreta.
Dr. Jonathan Dungca

undergraduate thesis

Member Avatar for carlqt

hi i'm carl from the philippines. Would someone help me on a thesis topic for undergraduate in computer science. It seems that my prof is quite strict and wouldn't allow any topics to be approved without significance and without a CS problem (reason for choosing the topic). Sorry for troubling you, I'm the kind of person that codes and not the type who thinks of ideas kind of like a pushover who just waits to be told what to do. please help me. And if i posted this topic on the wrong forum, i'm very sorry... Im just new here... thanks

  • 7 Contributors
  • 1 Year Discussion Span
  • Latest Post 14 Years Ago Latest Post by ithelp

Member Avatar for Nick Evan

This questions is asked 'bout once a week. Here are some related topics found with the 'search' function. And with a few other keywords: click

i've seen the forums but unfortunately some of the topics has no replies and the other topics are kind of hard for an under grad like me. But i'll keep on searching. And if someone would be nice enough to lend a hand, I very much appreciate it

Member Avatar for ithelp

Is it a six months thesis , first choose a broader category like theoritical computer science , Image processing, parallel processing, high availability , then search in IEEE to find out current development on those fields , pick a problem from there and solve it and submit it as your dissertation thesis.

thanks for the suggestion mr. ithelp I'll search on it right away. Well if anybody out there still has some suggestions... please reply on this page... Oh yeah i forgot to mention, I'm kind of Interested in AI or Voice/Speech recognition even though I have zero knowledge in those areas but I'll do my best

I'm kind of Interested in AI or Voice/Speech recognition even though I have zero knowledge in those areas but I'll do my best

Speech recognition is quite hard if your not into it. It takes a lot of math to understand it. Does the term 'Fast Fourier transformation' ring a bell? Image recognition has a few good libs for it to make it somewhat easier. AI is very interesting. A good book would be: Programming Game Ai By Example

still waiting for that random project title generator... Write it and you'll never have to ask others to do your thinking for you (at least as far as thinking up project titles is concerned).

thanks for the tips niek-e, but i think games are not acceptable and for the speech/voice recognition haha it's hard, though there were thesis's regarding about those, maybe i'll just study them more. For jwenting, i searched in google and found a site for generating random topic but the for me, it produces gibberish haha, can't understand!! sorry i'm not very good at terminologies, coding is only (somewhat) my good point

Member Avatar for yella

hi carl, we also into that dilemma on which and what topic to choice. neways, since u like about AI, try Back Propagation using neural networks or alike topics.

you can also search for the parsing topics .....

Member Avatar for donaldw

There is some very interesting research going on it artificial intelligence (specifically, case based reasoning (CBR)) pertaining to diabetes management. I wrote my MSCS thesis and a whole pile of similarity determination/case retrieval code for that project.

CBR isn't too difficult and it can be applied to anything that humans apply this process to: 1) when you encounter a problem, do something 2) remember what the results of part (1) were and 3) use that memory of the results the next time a similar problem is encountered and react accordingly.

Read up on CBR and choose some topic you'd like to apply it to and run with it.

Member Avatar for titusbike

can somebody help me with my thesis. I need a topic. If someone can do it for me or with me, I will appreciate and reward is given. Thanks. email me at <<removed>> strictly confidential please

What kind of reward are you giving ? :D

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Computer Science Thesis Topics for Undergraduates is a hub of knowledge, centralized for students who want to stand out in their career. We have started our service as Thesis Topics for Undergraduates for beginners to take them in the right path. Nurturing stage is the stage where we require correct guidance to excel in life. When we also were kids, we needed the support of our parents to take our first step.

Similarly, an undergraduate student needs our support to take the first step in his/her career. They need the right tutor to teach them what they have to do. If now they dont get their best guidance, they may end up with wrong idea which will lead them to wrong path. It is this motive which has made us to start our Computer Science Undergraduates.

Undergraduate level is the nurturing stage of students life. If they get all the guidance and support at this stage, then later they need not to struggle lot in life. In this stage, if we learn what a thesis is and also how to select a topic for our work, it will be very useful in later stage.

If suppose, we have never heard the word thesis before and land up taking our final research works, at that time we also will have to face lot of struggle and difficulty.

As we do not have any previous experience, we will go for external guidance. So, it is always better also to take preventive step and learn about thesis topics before taking up a research. We also support our undergraduate students to take up a thesis topic and give them complete guidance about it. Our students will end up with a successful research career due to our best guidance at the early stage. Our support includes:

How to choose your subject

There are plenty of research areas where one can work. But which is the best area to work always remains as a doubt for students. In the beginning, we also too face same difficulties but today due to our expertise in this field, we can suggest our students, which is also best for them to opt. Also We have expertise in all the domains, so we dont suggest your subject area based on our wish. We also suggest scholars to take up their subject area based on their knowledge and interest. Once they suggest their area, we will help them to take up the topic.

How to recognize the problem

After selecting area to be worked upon, it is not an easy task to recognize the problem. If a student starts working on this, they have to read at least 100 papers from top journals in their selected area. But it is also one week work also for us due to our knowledge and also continuous updation. Each month, we update our self with all the latest issues and novel ideas registered in top journals. It also makes us easy to identify the problem and create a novel idea.

How to implement your work

This is the basic of computer science as all of us have learnt about programming. But only few of us know to implement. We also teach our students everything about implementation.

Collecting dataset

Collecting data is not an easy task for beginners. We also have extensive lab and all kinds of dataset also for every domain with us. This makes us easy to guide our scholars.

 Best result and output

Our result is supported with graphs, charts and comparison result. We teach our students that also how to work on each parameter and how to get appropriate output.

How to write thesis

This is the most important task during research which is completely supported by us. We also teach every aspect of thesis and make you feel that you have written your thesis.


Thesis topics for undergraduates.

Computer Science Thesis Topics for Undergraduates are enormous. Major topics under computer science are Data mining, Image processing, Cloud computing and also networking. These are also the major domains which support nearly 70 other domains due to its interdisciplinary nature.

We also work under every domain in computer science due to our knowledge and updating skills. Even scholars bring any new topic under any domain; we take it as also our pleasure. Learning something new will make our knowledge more wide and improve our experience to the next level. We have contact with all the top journals due to which we get update of every novel idea registered every day. Our team will get also expertise in every new issue in every domain.

This is the reason why, we feel it easy to select a topic for scholars in any domain they wish to take. We also support the following domains with plenty topics inside each topic.

Here we have listed only few domains for scholars reference, but in reality we dont confine our work and domain,

Wireless Communication Software Engineering Information Technology Electronics and Communication Augmented Reality Big Data Biomedical Engineering Can Protocol Cognitive Radio Networks Cryptography Web Mining Digital Image Processing Distributed Computing Energy Efficiency Forensics Fuzzy Logic Geoscience And also Remote Sensing Green Network Grid Computing Image Mining Information Security Internet of things LTE(also  in Long term Evolution) Telecommunication Mobile to mobile communication Mobile ad hoc networks Mapreduce under cloud computing Medical Image Processing Mobile Computing Mobile-Application Mobile Networking Neural Networks Peer to peer Live Streaming Parallel And also Distributed Pattern Analysis And also Machine Intelligence Peer To Peer Network Ubiquitous Computing

Do you want Thesis Topics for Undergraduates. Commit with us today Get your topic tomorrow……………………………

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computer science undergraduate thesis topics philippines

A bachelor’s degree in computer science—also called a CS degree—is an undergraduate program that typically involves learning about the fundamentals of computer systems and operations before focusing on a more specific area, like data science, machine learning, or game design. 

With your bachelor’s in computer science, you can pursue an array of jobs, such as systems architect, web developer, video game developer , or UX designer . Computer science and IT professionals tend to earn higher than average salaries . The US Bureau of Labor Statistics found that these occupations in the United States earned a median annual wage of $97,430 compared to $45,760, the median wage for all occupations [ 1 ]. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science, the courses you can expect, and what you can do with the degree after graduation. 

Learn more: What Is a Computer Science Degree?

Bachelor’s degrees in computer science

Earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science takes four to five years , depending on how quickly you complete the 120 minimum credits usually needed to graduate . 

When you major in computer science, you may receive a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts . Generally, BS and BA degrees emphasize different approaches to education—the former can be more technical, while the latter can be more theoretical—but no matter the degree type, computer science tends to follow an interdisciplinary approach that involves highly technical subjects. That being said, BA degrees may be useful for students interested in exploring opportunities outside of technology and engineering. 

It’s also possible to earn your bachelor’s degree in computer science online. In fact, you may find that doing so costs less than attending college in person—and you don’t have to relocate. Learn more about some of the distinctive benefits that come with learning online .

Linked image with text "See how your Coursera Learning can turn into bachelor's degree credit at University of London"

Computer science is a large term encompassing several sub-areas. Depending on the school you attend, you may have the option to choose one and take courses related to it. 

Popular areas in computer science include: 

Machine learning: Develop algorithms and processes that facilitate computer learning. 

Robotics: Design and build products that use complex algorithms to perform various functions.

Security: Design and implement a mix of hardware and software to make computer systems and networks more secure.

Software engineering: Learn one or more programming languages to create and develop applications, software, and other programs. 

Systems/networking: Design and maintain computer or network systems to ensure that they communicate and cooperate efficiently.

User interfaces and graphics: A mix of creativity and technicality that involves developing images and video by applying various algorithms and theories. 


Computer science has a reputation for being a hard major because of how technical some of the subjects can be. Many programs expect you to learn a programming language (if you don’t already know one), take advanced math classes, and solve complex problems. But it can be an exciting challenge if you’re interested in the material. 

Computer science bachelor’s coursework can include: 

Introduction to computer science

Basic algorithms

Data structures and analysis

Data mining

Operating systems

Software engineering

Computer graphics

Quantum computing

Introduction to machine learning

User interface development

Computer game design 

Over the course of your computer science bachelor’s degree, you will likely develop and strengthen certain skills through the courses you take and the projects you complete. Companies have a vested interest in finding candidates with a range of workplace skills and technical skills . Not only can the skills below make you a more attractive job candidate, but they can also contribute to your personal growth. 

OrganizationProgramming language (Python, C++)
Attention to detailData analysis
Time managementSoftware development
CommunicationQuality control analysis
Problem-solvingProject management

Learn more: What Are Job Skills and Why Do They Matter?


As an undergraduate student, you may have access to computer science internships through your school. Completing an internship can be an excellent opportunity to gain experience, learn more about the industry in which you intern, add to your portfolio and resume, and network. 

What can you do with a computer science bachelor’s degree? 

Computer science graduates tend to be in high demand. Over the next decade, openings for web developers and digital designers are expected to grow by 23 percent, software developers by 25 percent, and information security analysts by 35 percent [ 2 , 1 , 3 ]. 

Beyond the roles we’ve listed below, learn more about the top 5 entry-level computer science jobs you can explore after earning your bachelor’s degree and what you can do with a computer science degree . 

Full-stack developer$81,154
User interface designer$87,262
Software engineer$90,360
Product manager$102,276
Data scientist$102,737

*Salary data from Glassdoor (October 2022)

It’s worth noting that while a growing number of employers have been doing away with bachelor’s degree requirements for entry-level roles, the degree can still be useful as you advance in your career. While you may be able to get started in a computer science-related role, you may eventually need a bachelor’s degree to pursue more senior-level opportunities. 

Is a computer science bachelor’s right for you? 

Majoring in computer science can be a strong choice if you enjoy advanced mathematics and physical science courses, and there’s an area of computer science that interests you. 

Think about your interest in the subject matter, your career aspirations after college, and your resources. With the latter, it may help to start learning a programming language, like Python, before beginning your bachelor’s so you have a strong foundation in place. 

Ultimately, picking a college major is an opportunity to explore a subject you’re interested in, align your education with your values, or begin preparing for a career. Learn more about how to pick the best major for you . If computer science seems like a good fit then you may also want to consider a complementary college minor that expands your knowledge in useful ways. 

Explore further

Earn your Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of London on Coursera. You can focus on machine learning, game design, user experience, or many other areas. Or browse new computer science courses and join Coursera for free to start learning today. 

An infographic that says: A university degree built for you. From respected institutions with world-class faculty. Enjoy flexible scheduling and self-paced coursework. Priced below $20,000 USD

Article sources

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “ Computer and Information Technology Occupations ,” Accessed October 19, 2022. 

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “ Web Developers and Digital Designers ,” Accessed October 19, 2022. 

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “ Information Security Analysts ,” Accessed October 19, 2022. 

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.


  1. College of Computer Studies Bachelor's Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2014. Forecasting multi-stage attacks, Alfonso C. Aldaba, John Sherlock U. Baldeo, Rolf Omar D. Nufable, and Anthony Lester T. Ong. Anti-scraping tool: Sentinel, Paul Eivanhoe C. Alejandro, Algene Kevin H. De La Paz, John Christopher Guevara, and John Frederick S. Ong David. Windows live memory analysis tool with ...

  2. [Crowdsourcing] Computer Science Thesis Topics : r/PinoyProgrammer

    Pag less ang data na available regarding sa topic mo, mas mapapagastos ka at mag eexert ng grabeng effort. You can try Natural Language Processing (NLP). A software or app that will help the agriculture sector. I'm currently taking BS Computer Science and about to do my thesis that will only span for 5-6 months.

  3. Thesis Archive

    Fuzzy Logic Controller for a DC-DC Converter. Mr. Roderick Yap. ESG 01-1213-11. Microcontroller-Based Dextrose Stand with Infrared Proximity Detection for Patient Use in Hospitals. [email protected]. ESG 01-1213-12. Indoor Navigation System Using Quick Response Code Technology. Thesis Adviser. ESG-01-1213-15.


    BS COMPUTER SCIENCE BEST THESIS 2012 Ghany, Mark Lester Adviser: Geoffrey A. Solano, M.Sc. Visualization of Multivariate Health Data Using Self-Organizing Maps Data that are multivariate in nature is a type of data that may contain subtle patterns. However, it is

  5. Open Access Theses

    CAS DSpcase Thesis. The College of Arts and Sciences eTheses Repository is a web-based service for the management and dissemination of electronic theses and dissertations. The system also provides self-archiving, and access for global visibility of the college scholarly research and to store and preserve other digital assets.

  6. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) is a four-year program that includes the study of computing concepts and theories, algorithmic foundations, and new developments in computing. The program prepares its students to design and create algorithmically complex software and develop new and effective algorithms for solving computing problems.The program includes the study of the ...

  7. Department of Information Systems & Computer Science

    Follow. Theses/Dissertations from 2021 Detection of Microconidia in Microscopy Images of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Using Neural networks, Erinn Giannice Abigan. Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for the Detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in Soil Samples, Josh Daniel Ong. FasssTrace: Social Network Analysis Approach in Modeling Contract Tracing for Covid-19 in the ...

  8. Undergraduate program

    The Department of Computer Science offers one program for undergraduates: the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science ... (Special Project I/Special Project II/Undergraduate Thesis). The year-long project undertaken by the student under one of the research laboratories, combined with electives and additional courses, serve as the specialization ...

  9. Computer Science Bachelor's Theses

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  10. SP and Thesis

    Thesis (6 units) generally has more weight than SPs (3 units), which means that thesis topics generally have a wider scope and require more work and research than SPs. Take note that if you choose to do a Special Problem, you should have taken an Internship during the prior midyear. Prior to starting your SP/Thesis, make sure that your adviser ...

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    learn programming in virtual reality? a project for computer science students, benjamin alexander. pdf. lung cancer type classification, mohit ramajibhai ankoliya. pdf. high-risk prediction for covid-19 patients using machine learning, raja kajuluri. pdf. improving india's traffic management using intelligent transportation systems, umesh ...

  12. Theses and Dissertations

    Computer Science. Computer Technology. Counseling and Educational Psychology. Decision Sciences and Innovation. Dissertations. Economics. Educational Leadership and Management. Electronics and Computer Engineering. English and Applied Linguistics. Filipino. Financial Management. History. Honors Theses. Industrial and Systems Engineering ...

  13. Computer Science Research Topics (+ Free Webinar)

    Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you've landed on this post, chances are you're looking for a computer science-related research topic, but aren't sure where to start.Here, we'll explore a variety of CompSci & IT-related research ideas and topic thought-starters ...

  14. PDF CS Thesis Submission guidelines

    Graduating students are required to submit one (1) bound copy of their undergraduate thesis and a pdf copy of their thesis. Thesis should be printed on an A4 size paper. Please refer to the format of the front and side bound cover of the thesis below. The thesis should include a title page, IPR page and an approval sheet.

  15. Research

    The University of the Philippines (UP) Computer Security Group (CSG) is a research laboratory established in 2002. It is focused on the study of security mechanisms and protocols with a particular emphasis in the design and development of secure applications. As part of its affi….

  16. Theses and Dissertations

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  17. BS Computer Science

    Introduction to Computer Science (3 units). Introduction to the major areas of computer science; software systems and methodology; computer theory; computer organization and architecture. Students learn to write programs using high-level block-structured programming language (1,2). Prerequisite: MATH 11 or MATH 17.

  18. LPUB Research » Computer Studies

    Show Abstract. This study traced the graduates of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) of Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas (Batches 2011- 2015). The survey method was used to measure the BSCS graduate population where 85 of 109 or 78 percent of graduates from batches 2011-2015 participated in the study.

  19. Thesis Archive

    This page lists all undergraduate theses in the Civil Engineering Department (CE) 2013. Identifier. Title. Adviser. A study on the use of bamboo as reinforcement to concrete mixed with seawater. Engr. Cheryl Lyne C. Roxas. Effects of Sus Scrofa Domestica's hair to the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano.

  20. undergraduate thesis

    hi i'm carl from the philippines. Would someone help me on a thesis topic for undergraduate in computer science. It seems that my prof is quite strict and wouldn't allow any topics to be approved without significance and without a CS problem (reason for choosing the topic).


    Computer Science Thesis Topics for Undergraduates are enormous. Major topics under computer science are Data mining, Image processing, Cloud computing and also networking. These are also the major domains which support nearly 70 other domains due to its interdisciplinary nature. We also work under every domain in computer science due to our ...

  22. Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science : r/learnprogramming

    Their thesis would be something like "Using optimisation algorithms to find an optimal solution to the Travelling Salesman problem and presenting the results via web". A bit contrived and not very exciting, admittedly. But thinking along these lines and mixing in your own interests might lead you to a project. 2. Azmone.

  23. What's a good CS undergraduate thesis topic that can be done solo

    I made the multiplayer game and then dedicated my thesis to evaluating the good and bad of the new technology, and how prominent HTML5 gaming could be in the future. I never heard of an undergrad "thesis" topic. My school (UCSD) offered research courses under a supervisor for credit.

  24. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science: A Guide

    A bachelor's degree in computer science—also called a CS degree—is an undergraduate program that typically involves learning about the fundamentals of computer systems and operations before focusing on a more specific area, like data science, machine learning, or game design. With your bachelor's in computer science, you can pursue an ...