Career Sidekick

26 Expert-Backed Problem Solving Examples – Interview Answers

Published: February 13, 2023

Interview Questions and Answers

Actionable advice from real experts:

picture of Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Former Recruiter

examples of problem solving competency answers


Dr. Kyle Elliott

Career Coach

examples of problem solving competency answers

Hayley Jukes


Biron Clark

Biron Clark , Former Recruiter

Kyle Elliott , Career Coach

Image of Hayley Jukes

Hayley Jukes , Editor

As a recruiter , I know employers like to hire people who can solve problems and work well under pressure.

 A job rarely goes 100% according to plan, so hiring managers are more likely to hire you if you seem like you can handle unexpected challenges while staying calm and logical.

But how do they measure this?

Hiring managers will ask you interview questions about your problem-solving skills, and they might also look for examples of problem-solving on your resume and cover letter. 

In this article, I’m going to share a list of problem-solving examples and sample interview answers to questions like, “Give an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem?” and “Describe a time when you had to solve a problem without managerial input. How did you handle it, and what was the result?”

  • Problem-solving involves identifying, prioritizing, analyzing, and solving problems using a variety of skills like critical thinking, creativity, decision making, and communication.
  • Describe the Situation, Task, Action, and Result ( STAR method ) when discussing your problem-solving experiences.
  • Tailor your interview answer with the specific skills and qualifications outlined in the job description.
  • Provide numerical data or metrics to demonstrate the tangible impact of your problem-solving efforts.

What are Problem Solving Skills? 

Problem-solving is the ability to identify a problem, prioritize based on gravity and urgency, analyze the root cause, gather relevant information, develop and evaluate viable solutions, decide on the most effective and logical solution, and plan and execute implementation. 

Problem-solving encompasses other skills that can be showcased in an interview response and your resume. Problem-solving skills examples include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical skills
  • Decision making
  • Research skills
  • Technical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Adaptability and flexibility

Why is Problem Solving Important in the Workplace?

Problem-solving is essential in the workplace because it directly impacts productivity and efficiency. Whenever you encounter a problem, tackling it head-on prevents minor issues from escalating into bigger ones that could disrupt the entire workflow. 

Beyond maintaining smooth operations, your ability to solve problems fosters innovation. It encourages you to think creatively, finding better ways to achieve goals, which keeps the business competitive and pushes the boundaries of what you can achieve. 

Effective problem-solving also contributes to a healthier work environment; it reduces stress by providing clear strategies for overcoming obstacles and builds confidence within teams. 

Examples of Problem-Solving in the Workplace

  • Correcting a mistake at work, whether it was made by you or someone else
  • Overcoming a delay at work through problem solving and communication
  • Resolving an issue with a difficult or upset customer
  • Overcoming issues related to a limited budget, and still delivering good work through the use of creative problem solving
  • Overcoming a scheduling/staffing shortage in the department to still deliver excellent work
  • Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues
  • Handling and resolving a conflict with a coworker
  • Solving any problems related to money, customer billing, accounting and bookkeeping, etc.
  • Taking initiative when another team member overlooked or missed something important
  • Taking initiative to meet with your superior to discuss a problem before it became potentially worse
  • Solving a safety issue at work or reporting the issue to those who could solve it
  • Using problem solving abilities to reduce/eliminate a company expense
  • Finding a way to make the company more profitable through new service or product offerings, new pricing ideas, promotion and sale ideas, etc.
  • Changing how a process, team, or task is organized to make it more efficient
  • Using creative thinking to come up with a solution that the company hasn’t used before
  • Performing research to collect data and information to find a new solution to a problem
  • Boosting a company or team’s performance by improving some aspect of communication among employees
  • Finding a new piece of data that can guide a company’s decisions or strategy better in a certain area

Problem-Solving Examples for Recent Grads/Entry-Level Job Seekers

  • Coordinating work between team members in a class project
  • Reassigning a missing team member’s work to other group members in a class project
  • Adjusting your workflow on a project to accommodate a tight deadline
  • Speaking to your professor to get help when you were struggling or unsure about a project
  • Asking classmates, peers, or professors for help in an area of struggle
  • Talking to your academic advisor to brainstorm solutions to a problem you were facing
  • Researching solutions to an academic problem online, via Google or other methods
  • Using problem solving and creative thinking to obtain an internship or other work opportunity during school after struggling at first

How To Answer “Tell Us About a Problem You Solved”

When you answer interview questions about problem-solving scenarios, or if you decide to demonstrate your problem-solving skills in a cover letter (which is a good idea any time the job description mentions problem-solving as a necessary skill), I recommend using the STAR method.

STAR stands for:

It’s a simple way of walking the listener or reader through the story in a way that will make sense to them. 

Start by briefly describing the general situation and the task at hand. After this, describe the course of action you chose and why. Ideally, show that you evaluated all the information you could given the time you had, and made a decision based on logic and fact. Finally, describe the positive result you achieved.

Note: Our sample answers below are structured following the STAR formula. Be sure to check them out!


examples of problem solving competency answers

Dr. Kyle Elliott , MPA, CHES Tech & Interview Career Coach

How can I communicate complex problem-solving experiences clearly and succinctly?

Before answering any interview question, it’s important to understand why the interviewer is asking the question in the first place.

When it comes to questions about your complex problem-solving experiences, for example, the interviewer likely wants to know about your leadership acumen, collaboration abilities, and communication skills, not the problem itself.

Therefore, your answer should be focused on highlighting how you excelled in each of these areas, not diving into the weeds of the problem itself, which is a common mistake less-experienced interviewees often make.

Tailoring Your Answer Based on the Skills Mentioned in the Job Description

As a recruiter, one of the top tips I can give you when responding to the prompt “Tell us about a problem you solved,” is to tailor your answer to the specific skills and qualifications outlined in the job description. 

Once you’ve pinpointed the skills and key competencies the employer is seeking, craft your response to highlight experiences where you successfully utilized or developed those particular abilities. 

For instance, if the job requires strong leadership skills, focus on a problem-solving scenario where you took charge and effectively guided a team toward resolution. 

By aligning your answer with the desired skills outlined in the job description, you demonstrate your suitability for the role and show the employer that you understand their needs.

Amanda Augustine expands on this by saying:

“Showcase the specific skills you used to solve the problem. Did it require critical thinking, analytical abilities, or strong collaboration? Highlight the relevant skills the employer is seeking.”  

Interview Answers to “Tell Me About a Time You Solved a Problem”

Now, let’s look at some sample interview answers to, “Give me an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem,” or “Tell me about a time you solved a problem,” since you’re likely to hear different versions of this interview question in all sorts of industries.

The example interview responses are structured using the STAR method and are categorized into the top 5 key problem-solving skills recruiters look for in a candidate.

1. Analytical Thinking

examples of problem solving competency answers

Situation: In my previous role as a data analyst , our team encountered a significant drop in website traffic.

Task: I was tasked with identifying the root cause of the decrease.

Action: I conducted a thorough analysis of website metrics, including traffic sources, user demographics, and page performance. Through my analysis, I discovered a technical issue with our website’s loading speed, causing users to bounce. 

Result: By optimizing server response time, compressing images, and minimizing redirects, we saw a 20% increase in traffic within two weeks.

2. Critical Thinking

examples of problem solving competency answers

Situation: During a project deadline crunch, our team encountered a major technical issue that threatened to derail our progress.

Task: My task was to assess the situation and devise a solution quickly.

Action: I immediately convened a meeting with the team to brainstorm potential solutions. Instead of panicking, I encouraged everyone to think outside the box and consider unconventional approaches. We analyzed the problem from different angles and weighed the pros and cons of each solution.

Result: By devising a workaround solution, we were able to meet the project deadline, avoiding potential delays that could have cost the company $100,000 in penalties for missing contractual obligations.

3. Decision Making

examples of problem solving competency answers

Situation: As a project manager , I was faced with a dilemma when two key team members had conflicting opinions on the project direction.

Task: My task was to make a decisive choice that would align with the project goals and maintain team cohesion.

Action: I scheduled a meeting with both team members to understand their perspectives in detail. I listened actively, asked probing questions, and encouraged open dialogue. After carefully weighing the pros and cons of each approach, I made a decision that incorporated elements from both viewpoints.

Result: The decision I made not only resolved the immediate conflict but also led to a stronger sense of collaboration within the team. By valuing input from all team members and making a well-informed decision, we were able to achieve our project objectives efficiently.

4. Communication (Teamwork)

examples of problem solving competency answers

Situation: During a cross-functional project, miscommunication between departments was causing delays and misunderstandings.

Task: My task was to improve communication channels and foster better teamwork among team members.

Action: I initiated regular cross-departmental meetings to ensure that everyone was on the same page regarding project goals and timelines. I also implemented a centralized communication platform where team members could share updates, ask questions, and collaborate more effectively.

Result: Streamlining workflows and improving communication channels led to a 30% reduction in project completion time, saving the company $25,000 in operational costs.

5. Persistence 

Situation: During a challenging sales quarter, I encountered numerous rejections and setbacks while trying to close a major client deal.

Task: My task was to persistently pursue the client and overcome obstacles to secure the deal.

Action: I maintained regular communication with the client, addressing their concerns and demonstrating the value proposition of our product. Despite facing multiple rejections, I remained persistent and resilient, adjusting my approach based on feedback and market dynamics.

Result: After months of perseverance, I successfully closed the deal with the client. By closing the major client deal, I exceeded quarterly sales targets by 25%, resulting in a revenue increase of $250,000 for the company.

Tips to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

Throughout your career, being able to showcase and effectively communicate your problem-solving skills gives you more leverage in achieving better jobs and earning more money .

So to improve your problem-solving skills, I recommend always analyzing a problem and situation before acting.

 When discussing problem-solving with employers, you never want to sound like you rush or make impulsive decisions. They want to see fact-based or data-based decisions when you solve problems.

Don’t just say you’re good at solving problems. Show it with specifics. How much did you boost efficiency? Did you save the company money? Adding numbers can really make your achievements stand out.

To get better at solving problems, analyze the outcomes of past solutions you came up with. You can recognize what works and what doesn’t.

Think about how you can improve researching and analyzing a situation, how you can get better at communicating, and deciding on the right people in the organization to talk to and “pull in” to help you if needed, etc.

Finally, practice staying calm even in stressful situations. Take a few minutes to walk outside if needed. Step away from your phone and computer to clear your head. A work problem is rarely so urgent that you cannot take five minutes to think (with the possible exception of safety problems), and you’ll get better outcomes if you solve problems by acting logically instead of rushing to react in a panic.

You can use all of the ideas above to describe your problem-solving skills when asked interview questions about the topic. If you say that you do the things above, employers will be impressed when they assess your problem-solving ability.

More Interview Resources

  • 3 Answers to “How Do You Handle Stress?”
  • How to Answer “How Do You Handle Conflict?” (Interview Question)
  • Sample Answers to “Tell Me About a Time You Failed”

picture of Biron Clark

About the Author

Biron Clark is a former executive recruiter who has worked individually with hundreds of job seekers, reviewed thousands of resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and recruited for top venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies. He has been advising job seekers since 2012 to think differently in their job search and land high-paying, competitive positions. Follow on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Read more articles by Biron Clark

About the Contributor

Kyle Elliott , career coach and mental health advocate, transforms his side hustle into a notable practice, aiding Silicon Valley professionals in maximizing potential. Follow Kyle on LinkedIn .

Image of Hayley Jukes

About the Editor

Hayley Jukes is the Editor-in-Chief at CareerSidekick with five years of experience creating engaging articles, books, and transcripts for diverse platforms and audiences.

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Interview Questions

50 Interview Questions About Problem Solving (With Answers)

Problems often arise at work. Can you solve them? Here are 50 interview questions about problem solving to know about.

March 22, 2024

Working in a company, you’ll be tasked with projects to work on that solve problems. Maybe you’ll need to solve a problem to help achieve a specific goal or create a solution to a problem that helps your business’ customers. Either way, problem solving is an important skill in the workplace. This post will include 50 interview questions about problem solving with answers to help you prepare for these types of interviews.

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What is problem solving?

Problem solving is a critical soft skill that involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues or obstacles effectively and efficiently. It encompasses a series of steps including understanding the problem, brainstorming potential solutions, evaluating the pros and cons of each option, and implementing the most viable solution. Problem solving is not only about finding quick fixes but also about foreseeing potential challenges and addressing them proactively. It requires creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure, making it a highly valued skill in personal and professional contexts alike. Whether it's navigating interpersonal conflicts, troubleshooting a technical issue, or overcoming logistical hurdles, adept problem solvers are equipped to tackle a wide array of challenges, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and improvement.

problem solving

Why problem solving is important in the workplace

1. enhances adaptability.

In today's fast-paced work environment, the ability to engage in effective problem solving is crucial. It allows employees to adapt quickly to changes, challenges, and unexpected situations. By developing strong problem-solving skills, individuals can analyze issues, identify solutions, and implement strategies efficiently, ensuring the smooth operation of workplace processes.

2. Promotes Innovation

Problem-solving skills are the backbone of innovation within the workplace. When employees are equipped to tackle challenges creatively, they can generate novel ideas and solutions that drive the company forward. This skill not only aids in overcoming immediate obstacles but also contributes to the long-term development and competitiveness of the organization.

3. Improves Team Collaboration

Effective problem solving often requires a collaborative effort. When team members possess strong problem-solving skills, they can work together more effectively, sharing insights, and combining their expertise to find the best solutions. This not only leads to better outcomes but also fosters a culture of cooperation and mutual respect among colleagues, enhancing overall workplace morale and productivity.

solving hard problems

5 Tips for Answering Problem-Solving Interview Questions

Problem-solving is a critical skill that employers look for in candidates across various industries. Demonstrating your ability to tackle challenges effectively can set you apart from other applicants. Here are five tips to help you showcase your problem-solving skills during an interview:

1. Use the STAR Method

Structure your responses using the Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR) method. Start by describing a specific situation or problem you encountered, outline the task you needed to accomplish, detail the actions you took to address the problem, and finish with the results of your efforts. This method helps you deliver a concise and compelling story that highlights your problem-solving prowess.

2. Highlight Your Analytical Skills

Employers want to see that you can analyze a situation and come up with a logical solution. When answering questions, talk about how you break down complex problems into manageable parts. Mention any tools or techniques you use, such as SWOT analysis, root cause analysis, or critical thinking strategies, to diagnose issues and develop solutions.

3. Show Adaptability

Problem-solving often requires flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Share examples of how you've had to adjust your approach when faced with new information or unforeseen challenges. This demonstrates your resilience and willingness to pivot your strategy to achieve the best outcome.

4. Emphasize Collaboration

Many problems are too complex for one person to solve alone. Talk about times when you've collaborated with others to tackle a challenge. Highlight your ability to listen to different perspectives, integrate feedback, and work as part of a team to find innovative solutions. This shows that you value diverse input and can leverage collective intelligence to overcome obstacles.

5. Reflect on Lessons Learned

Finally, don't shy away from discussing problems that didn't go as planned. Reflecting on what didn't work and what you learned from those experiences can be just as powerful as showcasing your successes. It demonstrates self-awareness, accountability, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Be sure to end on a positive note by explaining how these lessons have enhanced your problem-solving abilities moving forward.

By following these tips and preparing thoughtful, specific examples, you'll be able to convincingly demonstrate your problem-solving skills in your next interview. Remember, it's not just about the problems you've solved, but how you've solved them that will impress potential employers.

working towards a solution

1. Can you describe a situation where you had to solve a difficult problem at work?

In a previous role, our company faced a significant customer dissatisfaction issue due to a software glitch that caused frequent service disruptions. As the project manager, I had to lead a cross-functional team to identify the root cause, develop a solution, and implement it swiftly to restore customer satisfaction. It involved collaborating with the IT team, customer support, and product development to conduct a thorough analysis, prioritize fixes, and communicate transparently with customers to manage expectations and regain trust.

2. How do you approach complex problems in your professional life?

I approach complex problems by first breaking them down into smaller manageable components to gain clarity on the issue. Then, I gather relevant data, analyze trends, and identify patterns to understand the underlying factors contributing to the problem. Collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds helps gain different perspectives and insights. I also prioritize actions based on urgency and impact, continuously evaluate progress, and adapt strategies as needed to achieve effective solutions.

3. What is your process for identifying the root cause of a problem?

My process for identifying the root cause involves asking probing questions, conducting thorough research, gathering data and feedback from stakeholders, analyzing trends and patterns, and using problem-solving techniques such as root cause analysis (RCA) or the "5 Whys" method. I focus on understanding the systemic issues rather than just addressing symptoms to ensure long-term solutions.

4. Can you give an example of a creative solution you've implemented to address a challenging issue?

In a project where budget constraints were hindering progress, I proposed implementing a lean approach by prioritizing essential features, streamlining workflows, and optimizing resource allocation. This creative solution allowed us to deliver key functionalities within budget and timeline constraints while maintaining quality and stakeholder satisfaction.

5. How do you prioritize problems that need to be solved?

I prioritize problems based on their impact on organizational goals, customer experience, urgency, and resource availability. I categorize issues into immediate, short-term, and long-term priorities, considering the potential risks and benefits of solving each problem. Regularly reassessing priorities ensures alignment with evolving business needs and strategic objectives.

6. What tools or methods do you typically use for problem-solving?

I utilize various problem-solving tools and methods depending on the complexity of the issue, including brainstorming sessions, fishbone diagrams, SWOT analysis, process mapping, data analytics, and project management software. Collaborative platforms and communication tools also facilitate effective teamwork and information sharing during problem-solving processes.

7. How do you involve others in the problem-solving process?

I involve others in the problem-solving process by fostering a culture of collaboration, open communication, and shared responsibility. This includes seeking input and perspectives from team members, encouraging diverse ideas and approaches, delegating tasks based on strengths, providing support and resources, facilitating brainstorming sessions or workshops, and recognizing contributions to promote a sense of ownership and accountability in problem-solving efforts.

8. Can you share an experience where you had to solve a problem under a tight deadline?

In a previous project, we faced a critical technical issue just days before a major product launch. The issue threatened the functionality of key features, risking customer satisfaction and revenue. To solve it, I organized a rapid-response team, conducted round-the-clock troubleshooting, prioritized tasks based on impact, and delegated responsibilities efficiently. Despite the tight deadline, we collaborated effectively, leveraged expertise from various departments, and implemented a temporary workaround to ensure a successful product launch. Post-launch, we continued refining the solution for a permanent fix.

9. How do you ensure that a solution is both effective and efficient?

I ensure that a solution is both effective and efficient by aligning it with predefined objectives and success criteria, conducting thorough analysis and testing, seeking feedback from stakeholders, and evaluating its impact on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost, time, quality, and customer satisfaction. Continuous monitoring and iteration allow me to optimize the solution's efficiency while maintaining its effectiveness over time.

10. What is the biggest problem you have solved in your career?

One of the biggest problems I solved in my career was optimizing a supply chain process for a multinational company. The challenge involved reducing lead times, improving inventory management, and enhancing supplier relationships to meet growing customer demands and reduce costs. By implementing data-driven strategies, process improvements, and cross-functional collaboration, we achieved significant improvements in efficiency, cost savings, and customer service levels, contributing to the company's overall success.

11. How do you deal with uncertainty when solving problems?

When faced with uncertainty, I adopt a structured approach by gathering relevant information, conducting scenario analysis, identifying potential risks and opportunities, and developing contingency plans. I also leverage past experiences, seek input from subject matter experts, and remain adaptable and open to alternative solutions. Clear communication, ongoing evaluation, and agile decision-making help navigate uncertainty effectively and mitigate potential impacts.

12. Can you describe a time when you had to solve a problem without all the necessary information?

In a project where critical data was unavailable due to technical issues, I had to make decisions and implement solutions based on limited information. To address this challenge, I leveraged available data, conducted qualitative analysis, consulted with experts, and communicated transparently with stakeholders about the uncertainties and risks involved. Despite the constraints, we managed to implement a temporary solution and later refined it based on additional insights and data.

13. How do you measure the success of a solution?

I measure the success of a solution by defining clear metrics and KPIs aligned with the problem's objectives and desired outcomes. This includes assessing factors such as cost savings, time efficiency, quality improvement, customer satisfaction, revenue generation, and impact on organizational goals. Regular performance monitoring, data analysis, feedback collection, and stakeholder evaluations help track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that the solution delivers measurable benefits.

14. What do you do if your initial solution to a problem fails?

If my initial solution to a problem fails, I conduct a thorough analysis to understand the root cause of the failure, gather feedback from stakeholders, and reassess the problem and its context. I then iterate and refine the solution, incorporating lessons learned, alternative approaches, and additional insights to develop a more effective and robust solution. Continuous improvement, flexibility, and resilience are key elements in overcoming setbacks and achieving successful outcomes.

15. How do you adapt your problem-solving strategies in a rapidly changing environment?

In a rapidly changing environment, I adapt my problem-solving strategies by staying informed about industry trends, technological advancements, and market dynamics. I prioritize agility, collaboration, and innovation, regularly reassessing priorities, adjusting strategies, and leveraging emerging tools and methodologies to address evolving challenges effectively. Flexibility, quick decision-making, and a proactive approach to change enable me to navigate uncertainties and drive successful problem resolution.

16. Can you give an example of a time when you had to use data analysis for problem-solving?

In a marketing campaign analysis project, we noticed a significant drop in conversion rates for a particular segment of our target audience. To identify the underlying issue, I conducted a detailed data analysis using customer demographics, behavior patterns, and campaign performance metrics. By correlating data points and conducting A/B testing, we discovered that the drop in conversion was due to a mismatch between the messaging in the campaign and the preferences of that specific audience segment. This data-driven insight allowed us to adjust our marketing strategy effectively and improve conversion rates.

17. How do you differentiate between symptoms and root causes of a problem?

To differentiate between symptoms and root causes of a problem, I employ techniques such as the "5 Whys" method, root cause analysis, and process mapping. By asking probing questions and digging deeper into the factors contributing to the problem, I can identify underlying causes rather than just addressing surface-level symptoms. This approach ensures that solutions target the root of the problem, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.

18. Can you discuss a time when you had to solve a problem collaboratively with a team?

In a product development project, we encountered challenges related to compatibility issues between different software components, leading to performance issues and customer complaints. To address this, I facilitated collaborative problem-solving sessions with cross-functional teams, including developers, QA testers, and product managers. Through open communication, brainstorming, and sharing of expertise, we identified the root causes, developed a coordinated action plan, and implemented solutions that resolved the compatibility issues, improving product performance and customer satisfaction.

19. How do you handle feedback on your problem-solving efforts?

I value feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement. When receiving feedback on my problem-solving efforts, I actively listen, seek to understand perspectives, and appreciate constructive criticism. I use feedback to reflect on my approach, identify areas for enhancement, and incorporate suggestions into future problem-solving endeavors. Embracing feedback fosters continuous learning, enhances problem-solving skills, and contributes to achieving better outcomes.

20. What role does critical thinking play in your problem-solving process?

Critical thinking is integral to my problem-solving process as it enables me to analyze situations objectively, evaluate information, identify patterns, and make informed decisions. By applying logical reasoning, sound judgment, and evidence-based analysis, I can discern between relevant and irrelevant data, assess risks, consider alternative solutions, and anticipate potential outcomes. Critical thinking enhances problem-solving effectiveness by promoting thoroughness, accuracy, and strategic decision-making.

21. How do you stay motivated when faced with a complex problem?

When faced with a complex problem, I stay motivated by breaking the problem down into manageable tasks, setting realistic goals, and focusing on incremental progress. I maintain a positive mindset, leverage my problem-solving skills and past successes, seek support and collaboration from colleagues or mentors, and celebrate small victories along the way. Staying organized, maintaining a clear vision of the desired outcome, and reminding myself of the impact of solving the problem keep me motivated and determined to overcome challenges.

22. Can you describe a situation where you had to change your approach to solve a problem effectively?

In a project involving customer feedback analysis, my initial approach focused solely on quantitative data analysis to identify trends and patterns. However, I realized that the qualitative aspect of customer feedback, such as sentiments and specific comments, provided valuable insights that were missed in the quantitative analysis alone. To address this, I changed my approach by integrating qualitative data analysis techniques, such as sentiment analysis and thematic coding, into the process. This holistic approach led to a more comprehensive understanding of customer perceptions and facilitated more targeted problem-solving strategies.

23. How do you balance the need for quick solutions with the need for thorough problem-solving?

Balancing the need for quick solutions with thorough problem-solving involves prioritizing tasks based on urgency and impact. For urgent issues requiring immediate resolution, I focus on quick, interim solutions to address critical aspects and mitigate immediate risks. Simultaneously, I allocate time and resources for in-depth analysis, root cause identification, and long-term solutions to prevent recurrence and optimize outcomes. Effective time management, clear prioritization, and strategic decision-making enable me to strike a balance between speed and thoroughness in problem-solving.

24. Can you discuss a time when you had to solve a problem with limited resources?

In a project where budget constraints limited our ability to hire additional staff, I faced the challenge of increasing operational efficiency without increasing costs. To address this, I conducted a thorough analysis of existing processes, identified inefficiencies, and proposed automation solutions using available software tools. By leveraging technology and optimizing workflows, we were able to streamline operations, reduce manual tasks, and improve productivity without exceeding the budget.

25. What strategies do you use to prevent problems from occurring in the first place?

Proactive problem prevention involves risk assessment, continuous monitoring, and implementing preventive measures. I regularly conduct risk assessments to identify potential issues, develop contingency plans, and implement controls to mitigate risks. Additionally, I emphasize continuous improvement, encourage open communication within teams, and promote a culture of accountability and learning from past experiences to prevent recurring problems.

26. How do you communicate complex problems (and solutions) to stakeholders who may not be familiar with the details?

When communicating complex problems and solutions to stakeholders, I use a structured approach that involves breaking down technical information into easily understandable concepts. I focus on highlighting the impact, benefits, and relevance of the problem and proposed solutions to the stakeholders' interests and objectives. Utilizing visual aids, such as charts, graphs, and diagrams, helps clarify complex information, facilitate discussions, and ensure stakeholders grasp key points effectively.

27. Can you share an example of a time when you solved a problem that significantly benefited your organization?

In a cost optimization initiative, I identified inefficiencies in supply chain management that were leading to increased procurement costs and delayed deliveries. By analyzing data, negotiating contracts with vendors, and implementing process improvements, we streamlined supply chain operations, reduced procurement costs by 20%, and improved delivery timelines. This solution not only saved the organization substantial resources but also enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

28. How do you incorporate feedback into your problem-solving process?

Incorporating feedback into the problem-solving process is essential for continuous improvement. I actively seek feedback from stakeholders, team members, and subject matter experts throughout the problem-solving journey. I analyze feedback to identify areas for enhancement, consider alternative perspectives and solutions, and iteratively refine strategies based on input received. Regular feedback loops ensure that solutions are well-informed, aligned with stakeholder expectations, and optimized for effectiveness.

29. What is the most unconventional problem-solving method you’ve successfully used?

In a project where traditional problem-solving methods were insufficient, I applied design thinking principles to generate innovative solutions. By conducting empathy interviews, brainstorming sessions, and prototyping ideas, we identified creative solutions that addressed user needs more effectively. This unconventional approach led to breakthrough solutions that significantly improved user experience and product performance.

30. How do you ensure that your solution aligns with the overall goals of your organization?

Aligning solutions with organizational goals involves understanding strategic objectives, engaging stakeholders, and evaluating solutions based on their impact on key performance indicators. I ensure alignment by conducting thorough analyses, seeking input from relevant stakeholders, and assessing how proposed solutions contribute to organizational priorities, such as cost reduction, revenue growth, customer satisfaction, or market expansion. Regular alignment checks and feedback loops help validate that solutions remain aligned with overarching goals.

31. Can you describe a problem you solved that had a positive impact on your team’s performance?

In a team performance improvement project, I identified communication barriers and lack of collaboration as key challenges impacting productivity. I implemented team-building activities, fostered a culture of open communication and collaboration, and facilitated regular feedback sessions. These interventions resulted in improved teamwork, enhanced morale, and increased productivity, leading to measurable performance improvements and positive outcomes for the team and organization.

32. How do you decide when to tackle a problem on your own or to seek help?

I assess the complexity, urgency, and impact of the problem to determine whether I can address it independently or if seeking help is necessary. If the problem requires specialized expertise, collaboration, or resources beyond my capabilities, I proactively seek assistance to ensure efficient and effective problem-solving. I prioritize transparency and open communication to foster a collaborative problem-solving approach.

33. How do you keep track of multiple problems that need to be solved at the same time?

To manage multiple problems simultaneously, I utilize organization tools such as task lists, project management software, and prioritization techniques. I categorize problems based on urgency, importance, and dependencies, establish clear timelines and milestones for each, and regularly review progress to adjust priorities as needed. Effective delegation, communication, and collaboration with team members also contribute to successful management of multiple problem-solving efforts.

34. Can you explain how you evaluate potential solutions to a problem?

When evaluating potential solutions, I consider factors such as feasibility, effectiveness, cost, impact, and alignment with objectives. I conduct thorough analyses, gather relevant data and insights, assess risks and benefits, and compare alternative solutions based on predefined criteria. I prioritize solutions that are practical, sustainable, and aligned with strategic goals, and I seek input from stakeholders and subject matter experts to ensure comprehensive evaluation and informed decision-making.

35. How do you deal with resistance when implementing a solution?

Addressing resistance during solution implementation requires effective communication, stakeholder engagement, and change management strategies. I proactively communicate the rationale behind the solution, its benefits, and the expected outcomes to gain buy-in and mitigate resistance. I listen to concerns, address objections, and involve stakeholders in the decision-making process to foster ownership and collaboration. I also provide support, training, and feedback mechanisms to facilitate smooth adoption and implementation of the solution.

36. Can you describe a time when you had to solve a problem outside of your area of expertise?

In a cross-functional project, I encountered a technical issue that required expertise beyond my domain. Recognizing the challenge, I collaborated with experts from relevant departments, sought their insights, and leveraged their knowledge to understand the problem thoroughly. By facilitating interdisciplinary discussions, conducting research, and learning from experts, I gained the necessary understanding to contribute effectively to problem-solving and drive successful outcomes for the project.

37. How do you ensure that your problem-solving efforts are inclusive and consider diverse perspectives?

Inclusive problem-solving involves valuing diverse perspectives, fostering open dialogue, and creating an environment where everyone's input is respected and considered. I actively seek input from team members with varying backgrounds, experiences, and expertise, encourage brainstorming sessions, and facilitate discussions that promote diverse viewpoints. I promote inclusivity by practicing active listening, empathy, and respect for different opinions, ensuring that solutions are comprehensive, innovative, and reflective of diverse perspectives.

38. Can you share a situation where you had to use emotional intelligence in problem-solving?

During a project with tight deadlines and high stakes, I encountered interpersonal conflicts among team members that were impacting productivity and morale. Recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence, I employed active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution skills to understand each team member's perspectives, address underlying issues, and foster a collaborative and supportive environment. By acknowledging emotions, managing conflicts constructively, and promoting effective communication, I successfully mitigated tensions, restored team cohesion, and achieved project objectives.

39. How do you manage stress and pressure when solving critical problems?

Managing stress and pressure during critical problem-solving involves prioritization, time management, self-care, and resilience-building strategies. I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, break down complex problems into manageable steps, and set realistic expectations and timelines. I practice stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, exercise, and time management, seek support from colleagues and mentors, and maintain a positive mindset to navigate challenges effectively and maintain focus on problem-solving objectives.

40. Can you explain a time when you had to prioritize long-term solutions over quick fixes?

In a previous project, we encountered recurring quality issues that required immediate attention. While quick fixes could address the immediate symptoms, I advocated for a comprehensive root cause analysis to identify underlying systemic issues. By prioritizing long-term solutions, we implemented process improvements, updated quality control measures, and provided training to team members. This approach not only resolved the immediate issues but also prevented future occurrences, leading to sustainable improvements and long-term success.

41. How do you adapt your problem-solving approach based on the audience or stakeholders involved?

Adapting problem-solving approaches involves understanding stakeholders' preferences, priorities, and communication styles. For technical audiences, I focus on data-driven analyses, detailed reports, and solution feasibility. When engaging non-technical stakeholders, I emphasize clear explanations, visual aids, and real-world examples to ensure understanding and alignment. I tailor communication channels, formats, and frequency to suit stakeholders' preferences, fostering collaboration, buy-in, and successful problem resolution.

42. Can you discuss a time when you had to use negotiation skills in problem-solving?

During a project negotiation, conflicting interests arose between departments regarding resource allocation and project timelines. To resolve the impasse, I facilitated negotiations by identifying common goals, exploring compromise options, and advocating for win-win solutions. Using active listening, empathy, and persuasive communication, I bridged differences, built consensus, and reached agreements that satisfied all parties' needs. This collaborative approach not only resolved conflicts but also strengthened relationships and promoted cooperation.

43. How do you incorporate new technologies or methodologies into your problem-solving toolkit?

Incorporating new technologies and methodologies into problem-solving requires continuous learning, experimentation, and adaptation. I stay updated on industry trends, attend training sessions, and seek opportunities to apply emerging technologies such as data analytics, automation, and AI in problem-solving. I collaborate with experts, conduct pilot projects, and evaluate results to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of new approaches. By embracing innovation, I enhance problem-solving capabilities, drive efficiencies, and deliver value to organizations.

44. Can you describe a time when your problem-solving led to innovation within your organization?

In a project focused on streamlining operations, I identified inefficiencies in existing processes and proposed innovative solutions leveraging digital tools and automation. By collaborating with cross-functional teams, conducting workflow analyses, and piloting new technologies, we implemented streamlined workflows, reduced manual tasks, and improved efficiency. This innovation not only optimized operations but also enhanced employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and organizational competitiveness.

45. How do you ensure that your solutions are sustainable and environmentally friendly?

Ensuring sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions involves considering ecological impacts, resource conservation, and long-term viability. I prioritize sustainable practices such as waste reduction, energy efficiency, and eco-friendly materials in solution design. I collaborate with sustainability experts, conduct lifecycle assessments, and integrate environmental considerations into decision-making processes. By promoting green initiatives, I contribute to environmental stewardship, corporate social responsibility, and positive societal impact through problem-solving efforts.

46. Can you share an example of a cross-functional problem you solved?

In a previous role, we faced a cross-functional challenge related to customer retention. The marketing team identified a decline in customer engagement, while the sales team noticed an increase in churn rates. Collaborating with both teams, I led a comprehensive analysis to identify root causes. We discovered that misaligned messaging between marketing campaigns and sales interactions was confusing customers. By implementing a unified communication strategy, aligning marketing messages with sales processes, and enhancing customer touchpoints, we improved customer satisfaction, reduced churn rates, and increased revenue.

47. How do you mentor others in developing their problem-solving skills?

Mentoring others in problem-solving involves providing guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for skill development. I mentor by sharing my problem-solving experiences, providing frameworks, and encouraging critical thinking. I offer constructive feedback, challenge assumptions, and encourage diverse perspectives to foster creativity and innovation. I also create learning opportunities such as workshops, case studies, and collaborative projects to help mentees apply problem-solving techniques in real-world scenarios and enhance their skills over time.

48. Can you describe a situation where you had to overcome significant obstacles to solve a problem?

In a complex project, we encountered unforeseen technical challenges that threatened project timelines and deliverables. Despite initial setbacks and resource constraints, I led the team in brainstorming sessions, leveraging expertise from various departments, and exploring alternative solutions. We overcame obstacles by fostering collaboration, adopting agile methodologies, and prioritizing problem-solving efforts. Through perseverance, resilience, and adaptability, we successfully resolved technical issues, met project milestones, and delivered high-quality outcomes.

49. How do you balance logic and intuition in your problem-solving process?

Balancing logic and intuition in problem-solving involves leveraging analytical thinking and creative insights. I start by gathering data, analyzing facts, and applying logical frameworks to understand the problem's scope and complexity. Then, I tap into intuition by brainstorming ideas, exploring unconventional approaches, and considering potential outcomes from different perspectives. I combine rational decision-making with gut instincts, test hypotheses, and validate solutions to ensure effectiveness and innovation in problem-solving.

50. Can you discuss a time when you had to revisit and revise a solution based on new information or outcomes?

In a strategic initiative, we implemented a new process to streamline operations and improve efficiency. However, after implementation, we noticed unexpected challenges and suboptimal results. Recognizing the need for continuous improvement, I initiated a review process, gathered feedback from stakeholders, and conducted performance evaluations. Based on new insights and outcomes, we revisited the initial solution, identified areas for enhancement, and revised the process to address gaps and achieve desired outcomes effectively. This iterative approach ensured that our solutions remained adaptive, responsive, and aligned with evolving needs and objectives.

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examples of problem solving competency answers

Problem-Solving Interview Questions & Answers


  • Updated July 13, 2023
  • Published March 9, 2020

A job interview is a great moment for interviewers to evaluate how candidates approach challenging work situations . They do this by asking problem-solving questions. These types of questions are commonly asked during interviews since problem-solving skills are essential in most jobs. In any workplace, there are challenges, and when hiring new personnel, hiring managers look for candidates who are equipped to deal with this.

Problem-solving questions are so-called behavioral interview questions . Behavioral interview questions are strategic type of questions that require you to provide an answer that includes an example situation that you experienced in your career. These questions focus on specific work situations that you experienced and how you responded.

A basic example of a behavior question about problem-solving is ‘ tell me about a time you solved a problem at work .’ As you can see, the interviewer is looking for you to explain a situation and how you approach it, and how you solved it. Furthermore, the interviewer is interested in what you learned from that experience. Answering behavioral questions requires some work because you need to provide the interviewer with a strong answer to convince them that you’re the right person for the job.

The rationale behind asking problem-solving questions is to discover how you approach complex and challenging situations and if you can provide an effective solution. Interview questions about your past behavior might sound challenging, but they are actually a great opportunity for you to show that you’re a fit for the position. With the right preparation, you can use your answers to problem-solving questions to your advantage.

What Are Problem-solving Interview Questions?

Basically, problem-solving skills relate to your ability to identify problems, issues, obstacles, challenges, and opportunities and then come up with and implement effective and efficient solutions. However, this is a broad definition of problem-solving abilities. Depending on the position and field you’re applying for a position in the interviewer can focus on different aspects of problem-solving.

Examples of problem-solving competencies are:

Taking initiative.

Taking initiative means that you step up to the plate when needed and that you take action without being asked to do so. People who take the initiative demonstrate that they can think for themselves and take action whenever necessary. Furthermore, you actively look for opportunities to make a difference in the workplace.

Creative thinking

Creative thinking means that you’re able to look at something in a new way to find a solution. People who are creative have the ability to come up with new ways to carry out their tasks, solve problems, and meet challenges. Creative people are original thinkers and are able to bring unorthodox perspectives to their work.


Resourcefulness is the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome challenges in your work. Furthermore, people who are resourceful are original in their ways of thinking to overcome challenges.

Analytical thinking skills

These skills refer to the ability to gather data, break down a complex problem, weigh pros and cons, and make logical decisions. People who possess analytical thinking skills help the company overcome challenges and are able to spot potential issues before they become actual problems.


Determination can be described as the firmness of purpose or resoluteness. Specifically, people who are determined are persistent and do not give up easily or when they have a setback. Determination gives these people the motivation to push through and keep moving forward.


People who are result-oriented have their full focus on getting to the desired outcome.

Problem-solving behavioral interview questions

As discussed in the introduction, problem-solving questions fall into the behavioral category of interview questions . These questions ask you to provide specific examples of past work experiences. For interviewers, understanding your past professional performance is the best way to gauge your future job performance.

Behavioral questions are focused on the desired skills or competency area, such as in this case, problem-solving. Other common competency areas for which behavioral questions are used are teamwork , communication , time management , creative thinking skills , leadership , adaptability , conflict resolution , etc.

Behavioral job interview questions usually start with the following:

  • Give me an example of
  • Tell me about a time when you
  • What do you do when
  • Describe a situation where

Examples of problem-solving behavioral interview questions:

  • Give me an example of a time you had to solve a difficult problem at work.
  • Tell me about a time when you identified and fixed a problem before it became urgent.
  • What was the best idea you came up with at your last position?
  • Describe a situation where you find a creative way to overcome an obstacle.

As you can see, the questions mentioned above require you to discuss your past behavior in a professional work environment. The reason for asking behavioral job interview questions instead of just asking traditional ones is that the most accurate predictor of future performance is your past performance in similar situations .

The interviewer wants to discuss previous work situations and wants you to elaborate on them to get to know you better. Solid interview preparation will help you give the answers that the interviewer is looking for. This starts with doing your research and thoroughly reviewing the job description . Doing so can help you understand what type of problem-solving skills are required to successfully perform the job you’re interviewing for.

By preparing example scenarios to questions you expect based on your research , you can give exactly the information that he or she is looking for. In other words, you need to relate your answers to the job requirements and company culture of the organization where you’re applying for a position.

To answer behavioral questions about your problem-solving skills, you need to ensure that you provide the interviewer with specific details about the situation you were in, your task in that situation, the action you took, and the specific results that came out of those actions. In short, this is called the STAR-method of providing an answer. The STAR method is discussed in more detail later on in this article.

Why Interviewers Ask Problem-solving Interview Questions

Problem-solving skills are required in most job positions. This means that a lot of hiring managers will try to assess your problem-solving skills during your interview. The main reason for asking you about situations in which you used your problem-solving skills is to get an understanding of how you work.

The interviewers want to get questions answered, such as:

  • Are you results-oriented, and are you proactively involved in your work?
  • Do you look for different ways to contribute?
  • Are you an individual that others can count on to increase team performance?
  • Are you a self-starter, or do you need someone to give you instructions?

Most likely, the interviewers look for a self-starting person with general problem-solving skills that can be used in different situations. A proven track record of solving problems such as those required in the position you’re interviewing for will definitely help convince the interviewer. Therefore, make sure you prepare answers to questions you expect in advance.

For example, someone who works as a customer service representative should be able to deal with a frustrated or angry customer . They need to be able to solve these problems and know how to handle such situations. Other examples of positions where problem-solving skills are essential are, for instance, accounts or project managers. They need to be flexible in their approaches and should be able to handle a change in deadlines. Another example is, for instance, a logistic manager who should be able to fix an inefficient logistics process.

The Interviewers’ Goal When Assessing Your Problem-solving Skills

There are several underlying reasons why interviewers use behavioral questions to assess your problem-solving skills. The main one, of course, is that they want to hire a person who’s able to perform the job.

Instead of hiring the person that they ‘like’ they need something better to figure out which candidate is the right fit for the job. By analyzing your behavior in past situations that are similar to the ones that are required in the role that you’re applying for, they try to do just that. Below we discuss a couple of important elements employers consider when making a hiring decision.

Costs of making a bad hiring decision

Employers want to make sure that they hire the right person for the job. For a company, making a bad hiring decision is not only about losing money, but it can also lead to a decrease in productivity and morale. Hiring a bad candidate could lead to leaving a bad impression on customers/clients, but also with coworkers.

Furthermore, time will be lost if the company needs to search for another candidate after a bad hire. Therefore, employers do everything to avoid such situations. Behavioral questions are regarded as a preventative way to make sure that the right person with the right fit for the company is hired .

Specific details of your behavior

By asking behavioral questions about your problem-solving skills, the interviewers try to uncover specific details of your behavior. They want to find out if you are able to clearly identify a problem and if you are able to come up with an efficient and effective solution when needed.

Of course, they got your resume already and maybe even a motivational letter or letter of recommendation . Still, the interviewer can only assess your hard skills and educational levels based on these documents.

Essential soft skills , such as problem-solving, are easier to assess during job interviews with the help of behavioral interview questions. Therefore, include real-life work scenarios in your answers that demonstrate how you have used the skills required for the position that you’re interviewing for. The interviewer wants to assess if you possess the skills required to perform the day-to-day tasks and deal with challenges that you will encounter in the workplace.

Your (past) behavior as a predictor of your future job performance

Questions about your problem-solving skills and the answers you give are used to determine the chances of your future success in the job that you’re interviewing for.

Specific behavioral problem-solving questions such as ‘ tell me about a time you had to solve a problem at work. What steps did you take before deciding on how to solve the problem, and why? ‘ give the interviewer more insight into your professional behavior and in turn, your future job performance .

Another way to assess your behavior is by asking hypothetical questions. If you, for instance, do not have certain experience yet, the interviewer could ask you a question along the lines of ‘ What would you do if you were caught off-guard by a problem that you had not foreseen? Which steps would you take to address the problem? ‘. As you can see, this question is hypothetical in nature. The interviewer wants to hear which steps you would take to address a possible complexity in your work. Based on your answer, the interviewer will assess if your approach is suitable for the position for which you’re interviewing.

It’s therefore important that you prepare for frequently asked interview questions that you can expect during your interview. By preparing the right example answers on how you have solved problems in your previous jobs and how you would solve problems in the job you’re applying for, you can provide a concise answer without missing important details.

Avoid making a wrong hiring decision

Questions that gauge your professional behavior help employers assess your future job performance. In other words, this helps them make a better hiring decision. A perfect resume or cover letter is not enough to impress seasoned interviewers.

By asking behavioral problem-solving questions, the interviewer tries to uncover your previous work patterns. The information in your answers gives them more insight into your approach to critical situations and if this approach matches the ones required for the position you’re applying for.

By preparing the right way, you can make sure that your example answer situations include aspects of the most important job requirements. Of course, the interviewer is looking for candidates that fit the job description , so make sure that your answers relate to the job requirements.

What Interviewers Look for in Successful Candidates

In short, interviewers look for candidates who have the right work approach to succeed within their company and in that particular position. This is also why we can’t emphasize the importance of being able to demonstrate your skills through solid example scenarios enough .

The right preparation will help you get there. Your goal is to demonstrate that you are capable of taking on the day-to-day tasks required for the position and have the potential to grow . For example, if you are able to work in and deal with transitions in fast-paced environments such as financial markets . And can you handle the complex situations that you will encounter? Are you able to deal with such transitions effectively? In this case, you need to show adaptability and problem-solving skills through example scenarios of how you did so in the past.

Problem-solving behavioral questions are used to get insights into how you approach problems at work, if you take the initiative, and if you possess the right creative and critical thinking skills . Basically, the interviewers want to get the following questions answered:

  • Do you take the initiative?
  • Can you communicate effectively?
  • Are you able to adequately respond to problems or issues that occur during your work?
  • Can you perform in stressful and unexpected situations?
  • Are you able to adjust to changing work environments?
  • Can you assist your coworkers or team when needed?
  • Are you flexible in your approaches to situations at work?

Red Flags for Interviewers Assessing Your Problem-solving Skills

When answering questions about your problem-solving skills, there are certain things you need to look out for. Below we discuss a couple of warning signs that interviewers consider when you answer their questions. Ensure that you avoid these at all costs to avoid making the wrong impression.

1. Not answering the question or not providing enough detail

If you answer a question with ‘I can’t recall a situation where I encountered such a problem ,’ this is considered a red flag. This could mean that you did not prepare well and that you’re not taking the interview seriously. Furthermore, the interviewer could interpret such an answer as you may avoid dealing with challenging situations.

If you cannot provide specific details or examples about what you claim in your resume or cover letter, this can be considered a red flag too. If you, for instance, claim that you have successfully solved problems and used critical thinking skills in your work, you need to make sure you’re able to back this up through clear examples of times you did so. Failing to do so could lead to a quick elimination of your candidacy for the position. If the interviewer has trouble verifying your employment history, this is considered a warning sign.

2. Canned responses to questions

Preparing answers is key to success for any interview. However, this means preparing original, effective, and relevant answers that are related to the position you’re interviewing for.

Generic answers to behavioral problem-solving questions such as ‘ tell me about a time you had to solve an issue with a customer ‘ are considered warning signs. An example of a generic answer to that particular question is ‘t his one time I had to deal with an angry customer who had complaints about the pricing of a product. I calmed her down and made the sale ‘. As you can see, this answer does not provide much insight into your problem solving skills, thought process, and how you approach the situation.

If you give a generic answer, you can expect more follow-up questions from the interviewer. However, it’s better to prepare strong answers to impress the interviewer that you actually possess the required skills for the job.

3. Answers that focus on problems, not solutions

The reason for asking specific behavioral-problem solving questions is to assess how you approach and solve problems. It’s, therefore, important that your answers focus on the solution, not the problem . Of course, it’s important that you are able to spot and identify problems, but finding a solution is essential. If your answers focus on problems too much, you can come across as too negative for the job.

Negativity, in any form, in your answers, is considered a red flag. This can be talking negatively about a problem you had to solve but also talking inappropriately about previous employers or co-workers. Negative undertones never impress interviewers the right way. Therefore, focus on how you solve problems and put yourself in the best light possible.

4. Too stressed or uncomfortable during an interview

Interviewers know that almost everybody is slightly uncomfortable when put on the spot during a job interview. However, when you’re too stressed to provide a good answer, this can be viewed as an indicator that you do not handle stressful situations well. Of course, remaining calm under pressure while still being able to solve problems is essential for positions in which problem-solving skills are required.

5. Failing to respond effectively

Failing to respond effectively to interview questions comes across weak. It’s therefore important that you prepare for your interview by thoroughly analyzing the job description and try to understand what kind of problems you will be solving in the position that you applied for. This research will help you choose the right examples from your past that are most likely to impress the interviewer.

Therefore, research the job and organization and make notes of the required skills and experiences you think the company values. This allows you to tailor your answers to your situation.

Also, think about possible follow-up questions the interviewer might ask you. Because you already know what examples you will use in your answers to questions you expect , if you prepare the right way, you can figure out which follow-up questions are likely to be asked. For instance, if you’re preparing for the interview question, ‘ tell me about a time you solved a problem at work ,’ you can expect the interviewer to follow up with, ‘ what steps did you take to solve the situation?’.

6. Not taking responsibility or minimizing the significance of a problem

When a problem is identified but not addressed, this could quickly escalate into a bigger problem. Employees who do not take responsibility or those who leave things for later might not be result-oriented and engaged in their work.

Another way of taking responsibility is to show self-awareness. It’s common for interviewers to ask you about a time that you failed, especially in situations where you needed to solve problems. They are interested in what went wrong in a work situation, if you took responsibility for your actions, and what you learned from that situation. Not taking responsibility for, for instance, a  project that may have failed , is considered a warning sign.

Self-awareness and being to reflect on situations is an important characteristic to possess in the workplace. Interviewers want to hire candidates that can admit errors or who made thoughtful mistakes trying to solve problems in the past and tried to fix them. Employers know that candidates are human and make mistakes, just like everybody else. It’s important that your answers show that you take responsibility for situations and describe the actions you took to repair any problems or challenges.

Frequently Asked Problem-solving Interview Questions

Below you can find commonly asked behavioral problem-solving questions . These questions are divided into regular questions and hypothetical questions. Learn everything you need to know about common interview questions that are frequently asked during job interviews .

Problem-solving interview questions:

  • Tell me about a time you faced an unexpected challenge at work and how you dealt with it.
  • Describe a time a customer approached you with a problem or concern. How did you respond?
  • Tell me about a time you had to change your planned course of action at the last moment. How did you re-evaluate your priorities?
  • What was the best idea you came in in your last position?
  • Tell me about a time you had to solve a difficult problem.
  • What’s the most significant improvement that you have made in the last year?
  • Tell me about the most innovative new idea that you have implemented in the workplace.
  • Have you ever improved the workflow of a project based on your analysis? How did you do this?
  • Describe a situation in which you anticipated a potential problem and applied preventive measures.
  • Tell me about a time you faced a significant obstacle you had to overcome to succeed in a project.
  • When you’re working on several projects, it’s tricky to deliver excellent service to all of them. How do you go about prioritizing the needs of a client?
  • Describe a situation in which you had to analyze information and make a recommendation.
  • What do you consider your greatest achievement in the workplace? Why?
  • Describe a situation in which you needed to motivate others to get something done.

Hypothetical problem-solving interview questions:

  • How would you approach a situation in which you had to analyze information to make a recommendation to a client?
  • Tell me how you would handle a situation in which you have a deadline you cannot meet.
  • How would you handle a conflict with a co-worker?
  • A frustrated client calls you to discuss a problem. How do you deal with such a situation?
  • How would you handle a situation in which you would need to convince someone to change their decision?

Preparing Answers to Problem-solving Interview Questions

There are several steps that you can take to prepare for problem-solving questions. Here you can find a job interview checklist . To get started, you can consider the following steps.

Step 1: Research

Before your interview, it’s important that you thoroughly research the position and company. Read the job description carefully to find specific skills that a candidate needs to possess to successfully perform the job. Think of skills such as adaptability , communication , and problem-solving. Also, read the company website to get more information about their mission statement and who their main clients are. Furthermore, check their LinkedIn pages and other content/news related to the company.

Your research will help you identify the required skills, qualities, and experience for the position. In turn, you can use this information to make an educated guess about what kind of interview questions you can expect .

Step 2: Write down the required skills, competencies, and experience

Behavioral questions such as those about problem-solving skills are a great opportunity for you to show why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Based on the skills and competencies that you have identified during your research, you can start preparing answers. Rank the skills on importance in relation to the requirements for the position.

Step 3: Create a list of past work experiences related to the position’s requirements

Everybody knows that it’s hard to come up with strong answers when you’re put on the spot during an interview. Therefore, come up with strong examples to questions you expect ahead of your interview.

Create a list of past work experiences and tailor them to the required skills and competencies for the job—highlight successful situations where you demonstrated behavior related to these required skills and competencies . Focus on delivering a concise and to-the-point answer.

Step 4: Prepare successful and challenging answer examples

Effective problem-solving skills are essential in the workplace. Therefore, your answers must demonstrate that you have successfully identified problems, proposed solutions, evaluated several options, and finally implemented a solution. However, it’s also likely that the interviewer will ask you about a time you have failed to solve a problem . Interviewers ask you about failures to assess whether or not you learn from your mistakes and if you’re self-aware enough to acknowledge times you failed. Also, it helps them identify if you take calculated and smart risks.

Step 5: Use the STAR method to structure your answers

The STAR method allows you to concisely provide the interviewer an answer by logically walking them through the situation. STAR is an acronym that stands for a situation ( S ), your task ( T ) in that situation, the actions ( A ) you took, and what results ( R ) you got based on your actions. These are the basic steps you take in your walkthrough.

Below we discuss the STAR interview technique in more detail.

STAR Interview Technique For Problem-Solving Interview Questions & Answers

By using the STAR method, you can give an answer that includes exactly what the interviewer is looking for. Below, the STAR acronym is broken down into each step.

Start your answer by explaining the situation that you faced. The start of your answer ‘story’ should answer questions such as:

  • What was the situation/problem?
  • Who was involved?
  • Why did the situation happen at that time?

It’s important to provide context around what problem needed to be solved. Furthermore, make sure to provide relevant details.

Next, explain your specific role in the task ahead. Include important details, such as specific responsibilities. Focus on giving the interviewer an understanding of your task in solving the problem. This part of your answer should answer questions such as:

  • Why were you involved in that specific situation?
  • What’s the background story?

After you describe your task, it’s time to specifically discuss the actions you took to solve the problem. Give the interviewer a step-by-step description of the actions you took. This part of your answer should answer questions such as:

  • What steps did you take to resolve the situation you were in?
  • Why did you choose to complete your tasks this way?

Finish your answer by discussing the results you got from your actions. Detail the outcomes of your actions and ensure to highlight your strengths . Also, make sure to take credit for your behavior that led to the result. Focus on positive results and positive learning experiences. This part of your answer ‘story’ should answer questions such as:

  • What exactly happened?
  • What did you accomplish?
  • How did you feel about the results you got?
  • What did you learn from the situation?
  • How did this particular situation influence who you are as a professional today?

Sample Answers to Problem-solving Questions

Below you will find some example questions. The examples are already written in STAR format so that you can clearly see how you can structure your answers. However, these are ‘general’ examples. Do not forget to structure your own answers in a way that includes enough detail to convince the interviewer that you’re the right person for the job!

Problem-Solving Example 1: ‘ Tell me about a time you had to resolve a disagreement with a coworker.’

‘Personally, I believe that communication is essential in such a situation to find a way that works for both of us. Finding a compromise is the main goal to get the work done to the best of our ability.

Task & Action

In my current position as a financial consultant, I encountered such a situation recently. A colleague disagreed with the way I wanted to handle an issue that we encountered along the way. To address this issue, I scheduled a meeting with him to discuss the situation. I asked him about his points of view and how he thought we should go about the project.

Even though we had differences in the way we felt like how the project should be approached, we quickly came to the conclusion that our goal was the same; providing our client with a high-quality final product within the set deadline.

We talked about the project and the specific aspect about which we had a difference. I explained my point of view and that I had already encountered a similar issue in the past. Ultimately, my colleague agreed to tackle the issue using my proposed method. His insights gave me a good suggestion which we incorporated into the project. After that, we successfully worked together and finalized the project in time and according to the quality level that we both were proud of.’

Why this is a strong answer:

  • The provided example is concise and relevant to the workplace where problem-solving skills are important
  • This answer shows important skills such as being proactive, problem-solving, persuasion, and adaptability .
  • The answer shows that you’re a team player as well and that you listen to the input of others for the better of a project’s result.

Note : There’s always a chance that interviewers ask you follow-up questions about how you convinced your colleague. Make sure that you are able to answer those questions as well.

Problem-Solving Example 2: ‘ Tell me about a time you had to solve a challenging problem at work .’

‘In my position as a business development manager at ABC Software, I’m responsible for organizing all client events and conferences. ABC Software is a major player in the IT market, and during our events, we invite industry experts to speak on market developments. These events are used to attract new clients but also to maintain our relationship with our existing ones.

Over the last two years, we analyzed our attendee data and found that our event attendance dropped by almost 10%. Furthermore, we discovered that the retention rate of our clients also decreased. When we had to plan the next event, my team and I knew that we had to get our attendance levels back up in order for the events to stay successful. The goal was to get our networking event popular and recurring again.

I had an idea why the attendance levels dropped but to get more information, I interviewed several sales consultants as well. The main feedback was that we should focus more on attracting new clients through social media channels. I communicated this with our marketing team, and we decided to also reach out to our client base and ask them what they would like to see on our future events. This led to interesting new insights on topics and speakers that we could invite, plus we also received input on how to improve networking possibilities during our events. Based on our research and feedback, I created a new plan of action to market our events through our social media channels to increase exposure.

After launching our marketing campaign, we immediately gained online traction, leading to an increase in advance registrations. For that specific event, we saw a total increase in attendance of 20% in comparison to the previous year. An online survey showed that the attendees were happy with how the way the new event was structured, and 80% of respondents said that it would be likely that they would recommend our events within their network.

My approach to increasing attendance at our events did not go unnoticed. I was asked by my department director to make a presentation about how I tackled this problem and present this to the board.’

  • This example shows that you can identify issues and understand your responsibility to address them.
  • The provided example is related but also relevant to the workplace. It’s also concise, which is perfect.
  • This answer shows important skills, such as being proactive, teamwork , adaptability , problem-solving skills, and creativity .
  • Taking responsibility to find out why the event attendance dropped and subsequently taking action turned out successful gives more weight to the situation.

Problem Solving Example 3: ‘Describe a time a customer approached you with a problem or concern. How did you respond?’

‘In one instance, a customer came to me with an issue. She had recently purchased a product from our store, which broke shortly after she got it home. She was understandably upset and wanted to know what could be done.

In response, I apologized for any inconvenience and asked her to explain what had happened. After hearing her story, I promised to help her as much as possible. Next, I checked the item’s warranty status in our system.

I was able to offer her a replacement or a refund since the product was still under warranty , and I helped her find an identical item in our store and processed the exchange for her. The customer decided she wanted a replacement, so I explained our return policy to her in case this ever happened again in the future.

My customer thanked me for my help and seemed more satisfied at the end of the transaction; I was glad I was able to turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one.’

  • This example shows that you understand what great customer service is.
  • The provided example is concise and to the point; it describes a situation and the actions you took to resolve it.
  • This answer shows essential skills, such as being proactive, customer service, and problem-solving skills.

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Problem solving competency questions

examples of problem solving competency answers

Are you looking to improve your problem solving competency questions for an interview? Or have you applied for a new job and want to prepare for the interview?

In this blog post, we go over the importance of asking problem solving competency questions. We then follow with examples of problem solving interview questions and answers.

What is problem solving competency questions?

Problem solving interview questions test how well candidates respond to problems.

Problem-solving competency questions involve a variety of skills, including analytical thinking, creativity and decision-making. A successful candidate must be able to identify a problem and propose a creative solution.

Why ask problem solving interview questions?

The importance of problem solving competency questions in an interview is that they highlight a candidate's ability to apply their knowledge and skills to new situations.

They also show how an individual approaches problems, which is important for team scenarios. Also to test how well an applicant can think on their feet and provide creative solutions when faced with challenges or obstacles.

What type of interview questions should I ask candidates for problem solving skills?

Recruiters should test to see how applicants will approach a problem and how they think through the problem. The recruiter wants to see if the applicant can find creative solutions to solve problems.

Recruiters are also looking for how well applicants communicate their thoughts and ideas while solving the problem. They want to know if you understand what they are asking or not.

The best questions are often situational questions that require creativity, analytical skills, verbal communication skills, and attention to detail.

The types of questions asked are important too. These include:

Behavioural Focused interview questions

In an interview setting, some questions have been proven to be better predictors of future performance than others. These questions are behavioural focused interview questions .

By focusing on past situations the candidate can demonstrate how they would approach situations specific to your organisation.

These questions help recruiters determine whether an individual has the ability and aptitude to solve problems and make decisions in a variety of situations.

Interview tests

Tests that are most likely to assess problem-solving skills are situational judgement tests. Also, any that assess reasoning, such as inductive reasoning or diagrammatic reasoning tests .

These tests are used as a way of gauging how well candidates can think through and solve problems. The tests also help to find out if the candidate is able to apply their knowledge to new and different scenarios. They also help assess how creative the applicant is, and what their ability is for generating ideas.

Examples of problem solving questions

A series of questions that evaluate a candidate’s problem-solving skills will help you assess the extent to which they can creatively solve problems. You can then evaluate their ability to think outside the box and identify potential solutions.

Candidates should be asked about a time when they solved a problem in a creative way. Or likewise, a time when they were able to come up with an idea that was not immediately obvious.

Below we look at a variety of practice examples of problem solving interview questions.

Example questions:

  • Talk about an example of a situation when you realized you won't be able to meet the set deadline.
  • What is your most stressful situation and how did you handle it?
  • In your opinion, what makes you a great problem solver?
  • What do you do in a situation when you cannot seem to find the right solution to a problem?
  • When faced with an urgent problem, how do you react? Are you the type of person who jumps right into solving problems or carefully assesses first?
  • Give us an example of a situation that would be different if given another chance.
  • Tell us about the decisions you have had to make in your current job
  • Tell about a time when you were able to develop a different problem-solving approach. What steps did you follow?
  • Tell us about a time when you identified a potential problem and resolved the situation before it became a serious issue.
  • Do you follow any specific processes or steps while solving a problem?
  • When preparing for your interview, think of a time when you successfully solved a problem and include: What the problem was, what steps you took to solve the problem and the outcome.
  • Discuss a problem at your current job which you yet have to solve
  • Tell me about a time you had to solve a problem at work before deciding on how to solve it and why (give the interviewer more insight)
  • Talk about an incident where you came across an unexpected challenge at work
  • Discuss a time when you found a creative way to overcome an obstacle
  • Describe two improvements you have made in the last six months
  • Tell me about a situation in which you came up with a need and went above the call of duty to get things done

How to answer problem solving competency questions?

There are 3 types of problem solving competencies: knowledge, skills and experience.

  • Knowledge can be seen as what you know when you have all the information needed.
  • Skills can be seen as how well you use your knowledge. When you can apply it in a way that others cannot.
  • Experience refers to how much time and effort you have put in for this type of task. When there is no one else who has more experience than you on this particular topic or skill set.

The best type of problem solving answers are those that have a logical and sequential flow. They should try to follow the question and answer it. In some cases, they can even offer more than one solution for a given problem.

In order to provide the best type of answer, they need to know what type of logic is being applied in the question. For example, if it's a math problem then they should be able to find a mathematical solution that will lead them to the desired result.

So what qualities should recruiters look out for to determine if someone is a good problem solver? Successful problem solving candidates should be able to demonstrate the following in their answers:

Exploring and understanding

Candidates should be able to observe, interact, search for information and find limitations to understand and solve a problem.

Candidates should demonstrate how they can handle problems and gather information in a situation

Planning and executing

Candidates should be able to reach a problem solving plan, and demonstrate how they execute it.

Recruiters are interested in how the candidate handles specific situations.

Monitoring and reflecting

Candidates should monitor their solution to their problem and reflect on the outcome. They should demonstrate critical evaluation of their decisions. Can they see where they could have improved? Are they able to improve a similar situation for a future scenario?

Employers believe that people who are passionate about their job and if they go wrong somewhere, they have always the thought in mind that what they would do or could do if given another chance to rectify the mistake.

It is important to be straightforward and accept mistakes even when there are bad decisions made. Employers want candidates who are willing to make changes for different solutions in order to tackle the problem.

Best way to approach problem solving

Problem solving competency questions can be tricky and can lead to some common mistakes. These mistakes can be easily avoided by following these simple guidelines:

1) State the problem: There is power in stating the problem. A clear and concise problem statement forces you to think about the issue and figure out the best ways to solve it.

2) Consider all possible solutions: You should always consider all possible solutions before you decide on a final answer. There may be more than one solution that solves the problem.

3) Evaluate your options: When evaluating your options, consider how they impact each other as well as any unintended consequences. This will help you understand how a solution will affect a person, place, or thing outside of the situation at hand.

Examples of problem solving answers

Below we highlight some brief examples of some answers that help recruiters identify good problem-solving skills.

What steps do you follow to study the problem before making a decision? Why?

I have to make decisions and I try my best not to do so without studying the problem first. This has caused me a lot of stress, but it's also taught me how important it is to prepare before making any decision.

In order to make a decision, I first have to understand the problem and why it exists. The first step is studying the problem and figuring out what information you need in order to make an informed decision. The challenges lay with the many different perspectives on how something should be handled. Therefore, it's important for me not only to hear from those with expertise but also other employees who may not necessarily know as much about the subject as myself.

The decisions I have had to make in my current job are the time I spend on new projects, what tasks I take on, and how much time it takes me to complete them. These decisions are also influenced by the number of people in my team.

Describe a time when you had to solve a problem without all the necessary information beforehand.

When I have a list of pros and cons to help me make a decision, I start by considering whether the cons will hinder me from achieving my desired outcome or cause unnecessary burdens somewhere else. For example: when deciding between two options for work-related projects, one might be more time-intensive but yield greater results in the long run. While another may offer a better short-term return on investment.

First, it's helpful to determine which option is best suited for you and your personal interests before making any rash decisions.

Problem solving questions assesses a candidate's analytical thinking skills. Interviewers may ask the candidate to solve an analytical problem, either alone or as a group, and then judge the answer based on its correctness and the thought process behind it.

As well as assessing candidates' ability to use critical thinking, problem solving is useful for many other skills.

These include analysing what candidates know, determining what is relevant, and analysing how they reach their decisions.

In order to get a good feel for an applicant's problem solving abilities, recruiters can pose a few critical thinking questions. These questions will help you understand the way candidates think and react to challenges to solve problems.

In an interview setting, asking a candidate to solve a problem can be the best way to gauge their ability to think critically and creatively on their feet.

For more information on interview questions to get the top candidates, feel free to read our post on Dive for Results Interview Questions .

If you liked this post and found it useful, please share and tag us on your social media. Happy recruiting, or good luck with your interview!

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Problem solving interview questions (and answers)

25 problem-solving interview questions to uncover how your candidates approach complex situations and provide effective solutions.

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25 good problem solving questions

  • Describe a situation where you encountered a problem at work or in your personal life and how you resolved it.
  • How do you approach solving everyday challenges in your role?
  • Share an example of a time when you identified a problem before it became critical.
  • How do you handle situations where you don’t have enough information to make a decision?
  • Describe a time when you collaborated with others to solve a problem successfully.
  • How do you prioritise multiple problems that demand your attention simultaneously?
  • Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult team member while working on a project.
  • How do you handle situations when you encounter resistance to your proposed solutions?
  • Share an example of a time when you had to think outside the box to find an innovative solution.
  • How do you ensure that solutions you implement are sustainable and won’t lead to new problems down the line?
  • Describe a time when you used data analysis to solve a complex problem.
  • Share an example of a time when you had to make a critical decision under time pressure.
  • How do you encourage a culture of continuous improvement within a team or organisation?
  • Describe a situation where you had to lead a team through a particularly complex problem-solving process.
  • How do you approach solving problems that require cross-functional collaboration?
  • Share an example of a time when you had to deal with a high-stress problem-solving situation with limited resources.
  • How do you handle situations where you must navigate competing priorities and interests to find the best solution?
  • Describe a time when you proactively identified potential problems before they became evident and implemented preventive measures.
  • How do you foster a culture of problem-solving and innovation within a team or organisation?
  • Share an example of a time when you had to develop a comprehensive solution to a multifaceted problem.
  • How do you encourage team members to take ownership of the problems they encounter and find solutions independently?
  • Share an example of a time when you had to navigate through conflicting information to arrive at an optimal solution.
  • How do you stay updated on the latest problem-solving techniques and methodologies?
  • Describe a time when you had to lead a team through a crisis, demonstrating exemplary problem-solving skills.
  • How do you handle situations where you must make decisions without a clear precedent or established procedure?

1. Describe a situation where you encountered a problem at work or in your personal life and how you resolved it.

What to look for:

Look for a clear explanation of the problem and a logical approach to solving it.

Suggested answer:

“At my previous job, we faced a communication issue within the team. I scheduled a team meeting to discuss the problem openly and find a collaborative solution. We implemented regular team catch-ups, and it significantly improved communication.”

2. How do you approach solving everyday challenges in your role?

The candidate should demonstrate a systematic and proactive approach to problem-solving.

“I start by gathering all relevant information, breaking down the problem into smaller parts, and then brainstorming potential solutions. Once I evaluate each option, I choose the best course of action and monitor its progress.”

3. Share an example of a time when you identified a problem before it became critical.

A candidate who shows attentiveness and the ability to anticipate issues.

“In my last project, I noticed that the team was falling behind on deadlines due to inefficient task allocation. I proactively suggested a more balanced workload distribution, which helped us meet our milestones.”

4. How do you handle situations where you don’t have enough information to make a decision?

Look for candidates who can demonstrate adaptability and a willingness to seek additional information.

“When faced with insufficient data, I research and seek input from colleagues or experts in the field. By gathering more information, I can make a more informed decision.”

5. Describe a time when you collaborated with others to solve a problem successfully.

A candidate who can effectively work in a team and value diverse perspectives.

”During a group project, we encountered technical challenges. I encouraged open communication, allowing everyone to share their ideas. By combining our strengths, we developed a solution that addressed the issues effectively.”

6. How do you prioritise multiple problems that demand your attention simultaneously?

The ability to assess urgency, importance, and impact to make informed decisions.

“I use a priority matrix to evaluate the urgency and importance of each problem. High-impact and time-sensitive issues take precedence, while lower-priority problems are scheduled for later.”

7. Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult team member while working on a project.

The candidate’s ability to handle interpersonal conflicts and foster collaboration.

“In a previous project, a team member and I had conflicting ideas. I organised a one-on-one discussion, actively listened to their concerns, and found common ground. We adjusted our approach and worked together more smoothly afterward.”

8. How do you handle situations when you encounter resistance to your proposed solutions?

The candidate should demonstrate persuasive communication skills and a willingness to consider alternative viewpoints.

“I try to understand the reasons behind the resistance and address any concerns. I provide data and examples to support my solution and highlight its benefits. If needed, I’m open to adjusting my proposal based on constructive feedback.”

9. Share an example of a time when you had to think outside the box to find an innovative solution.

Creativity and resourcefulness in problem-solving.

“During a product development phase, we faced budget constraints that prevented us from acquiring expensive software. I researched open-source alternatives and successfully integrated a cost-effective solution that met our requirements.”

10. How do you ensure that solutions you implement are sustainable and won’t lead to new problems down the line?

Candidates who demonstrate a long-term perspective and consider potential consequences.

“To ensure sustainable solutions, I conduct thorough risk assessments and engage stakeholders to anticipate any unintended side effects. Regular evaluations help me identify potential issues and make necessary adjustments.”

11. Describe a time when you used data analysis to solve a complex problem.

The candidate’s ability to leverage data-driven insights to make informed decisions.

“In a marketing campaign, I analysed customer behaviour data to identify the best-performing channels. By reallocating resources based on the analysis, we increased ROI significantly.”

12. Share an example of a time when you had to make a critical decision under time pressure.

The ability to stay composed, think rationally, and prioritise the most important factors.

“During a project deadline crunch, we discovered a significant flaw in our initial approach. I quickly gathered the team, assessed potential alternatives, and made a calculated decision that allowed us to meet the deadline with a strong outcome.”

13. How do you encourage a culture of continuous improvement within a team or organisation?

Candidates who actively seek opportunities for growth and foster a learning mindset among colleagues.

“I promote continuous improvement by organising regular team retrospectives, where we openly discuss successes and challenges. I also encourage ongoing learning and development, such as workshops or online courses.”

14. Describe a situation where you had to lead a team through a particularly complex problem-solving process.

Leadership qualities, such as delegation, communication, and motivating team members.

“In a merger project, we faced intricate integration challenges. I divided the team into smaller groups, assigned specific responsibilities, and ensured transparent communication across all units. Through effective leadership, we successfully navigated the complexities.”

15. How do you approach solving problems that require cross-functional collaboration?

The ability to bridge communication gaps and align goals among diverse teams.

“When dealing with cross-functional challenges, I set up joint meetings, clearly define objectives, and ensure everyone’s voice is heard. By promoting a collaborative environment, we can collectively solve the problem with each team’s unique expertise.”

16. Share an example of a time when you had to deal with a high-stress problem-solving situation with limited resources.

Resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness in demanding situations.

“In a crisis management situation, we had to address a sudden supply chain disruption with limited time and resources. I coordinated closely with suppliers, secured alternative sources, and prioritised essential products to minimise the impact on customers.”

17. How do you handle situations where you must navigate competing priorities and interests to find the best solution?

Candidates who demonstrate diplomacy, negotiation skills, and the ability to find win-win solutions.

“In situations with competing priorities, I gather input from all stakeholders, identify common ground, and find a solution that meets the core needs of each party. Effective communication is vital to ensure understanding and buy-in.”

18. Describe a time when you proactively identified potential problems before they became evident and implemented preventive measures.

The ability to foresee challenges and take proactive measures to avoid them.

“In a software development project, I conducted extensive testing and risk analysis before the launch. This allowed us to identify and address potential bugs early, resulting in a smoother product release.”

19. How do you foster a culture of problem-solving and innovation within a team or organisation?

Candidates who promote a growth mindset, experimentation, and continuous improvement.

“I encourage my team to see setbacks as opportunities to learn and innovate. We hold regular brainstorming sessions, where all ideas are welcome, and we celebrate experimentation, even if it leads to failure.”

20. Share an example of a time when you had to develop a comprehensive solution to a multifaceted problem.

The ability to analyse complex situations, break them down into manageable parts, and synthesise a cohesive solution.

“During a business expansion, we faced challenges in scaling operations, hiring new talent, and adapting our marketing strategy. I worked closely with different departments, utilised data analysis, and developed a detailed roadmap that addressed each aspect systematically.”

21. How do you encourage team members to take ownership of the problems they encounter and find solutions independently?

Candidates who empower their team members and trust them to take initiative.

“I promote a culture of ownership by assigning challenging tasks and providing guidance when needed. I ensure team members know they have the authority to make decisions and take responsibility for their outcomes.”

22. Share an example of a time when you had to navigate through conflicting information to arrive at an optimal solution.

The ability to critically assess data and reconcile different perspectives to make informed decisions.

“In a strategic planning process, I received conflicting data from various departments. I organised a meeting to discuss the discrepancies, validate the information, and reach a consensus. The collaborative effort led to a well-informed decision.”

23. How do you stay updated on the latest problem-solving techniques and methodologies?

Candidates who prioritise continuous learning and professional development.

“I regularly attend workshops, webinars, and industry conferences to learn about emerging problem-solving approaches. I also participate in online forums and read relevant books to stay informed about the latest best practices.”

24. Describe a time when you had to lead a team through a crisis, demonstrating exemplary problem-solving skills.

Leadership under pressure, quick decision-making, and the ability to maintain team morale during challenging times.

“During a product recall crisis, I assembled a crisis management team, ensuring constant communication and support. We worked around the clock to identify the root cause, implement corrective actions, and maintain transparency with customers, which eventually led to a successful resolution.”

25. How do you handle situations where you must make decisions without a clear precedent or established procedure?

Candidates who can display confidence, adaptability, and strategic thinking in ambiguous situations.

“In uncharted territory, I rely on my ability to gather insights, analyse potential outcomes, and consult with experienced colleagues. I understand that bold decisions may be necessary, and I take responsibility for the consequences while learning from the experience.”

Remember, the suggested answers are just examples, and the quality of a response will vary based on the individual’s experiences and capabilities. 

As a recruiter, try to focus on the candidate’s thought process, problem-solving approach, adaptability, and ability to learn from past experiences when evaluating their responses. Look for real-life examples that demonstrate their problem-solving skills and how they apply them to various situations.

How to measure problem solving skills

Assessing problem-solving skills in candidates involves evaluating their analytical thinking, creativity, and ability to implement practical solutions. 

Analytical thinking:

Evaluate a candidate’s analytical skills by assessing their ability to break down complex problems into manageable components. Inquire about their process for gathering and analysing relevant information.

Creativity in solutions:

Assess a candidate’s creativity in generating innovative solutions to problems. Inquire about instances where they approached challenges from different perspectives, leading to creative and effective solutions.

Decision-making process:

Effective problem-solving often involves decision-making. Evaluate a candidate’s decision-making process by asking about how they weigh pros and cons and reach well-founded conclusions in problem-solving scenarios.


Assess a candidate’s resourcefulness in finding solutions with limited resources. Inquire about situations where they demonstrated the ability to achieve goals despite constraints or challenges.

Implementation skills:

Effective problem solvers not only identify solutions but also implement them successfully. Inquire about instances where candidates have taken initiative and implemented practical solutions to address specific challenges.

Collaborative problem-solving:

Evaluate a candidate’s ability to work collaboratively on problem-solving initiatives. Inquire about experiences where they contributed to group problem-solving efforts and how they facilitated collaboration within a team.

Learning from mistakes:

Assess a candidate’s ability to learn from mistakes and setbacks. Inquire about instances where they encountered challenges, and evaluate their capacity to adjust their approach and improve based on those experiences.

Time management:

Effective problem solvers can manage their time efficiently. Ask candidates about situations where they had to solve problems within tight deadlines and how they prioritised tasks to achieve successful outcomes.

These points provide a comprehensive framework for assessing problem-solving skills in candidates. A strong problem solver can positively impact an organisation by addressing challenges proactively and contributing to continuous improvement.


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Problem-solving interview questions and answers

Use these sample problem-solving interview questions to discover how candidates approach complex situations and if they can provide effective solutions.

Christina Pavlou

An experienced recruiter and HR professional who has transferred her expertise to insightful content to support others in HR.

problem-solving interview questions

10 good problem-solving interview questions

  • Describe a time when you had to solve a problem without managerial input. How did you handle it, and what was the result?
  • Give an example of a time when you identified and fixed a problem before it became urgent.
  • Share a situation where you predicted a problem with a stakeholder. How did you prevent it from escalating?
  • Describe a time when you faced challenges in doing your job efficiently. How did you overcome them?
  • Recall a time when you successfully used crisis-management skills.
  • How would you handle a new project with great revenue potential but potential legal implications for the company?
  • How do you determine when to solve a problem on your own or ask for help?
  • Describe a time when you faced a difficult situation at work that required critical thinking and decision-making under pressure.
  • Have you ever used intuition or prior experience to anticipate and address a problem effectively? Provide an example.
  • Share an example of a project or task that initially seemed overwhelming. How did you approach it, and what strategies did you use to ensure successful completion?

1. Describe a time when you had to solve a problem without managerial input. How did you handle it, and what was the result?

This question assesses candidates’ ability to take initiative and solve problems independently. Look for their problem-solving approach, the actions they took, and the outcome of their efforts.

Sample answer:

“In my previous role, we encountered a sudden technical issue that disrupted our operations. As the team lead, I gathered all available information, analyzed the root cause, and facilitated a brainstorming session with the team. We implemented a temporary workaround and collaborated with the IT department to resolve the issue. Our proactive approach ensured minimal disruption, and we were able to restore normal operations within 24 hours.”

2. Give an example of a time when you identified and fixed a problem before it became urgent.

This question evaluates candidates’ ability to anticipate and address problems proactively. Look for their ability to identify potential issues and take preventive measures.

“While working as a project manager, I noticed a potential bottleneck in our production process that could have led to delays if left unaddressed. I conducted a thorough analysis, identified the root cause, and proposed process improvements. By implementing these changes proactively, we eliminated the bottleneck and increased efficiency. As a result, we consistently met project deadlines, and our team’s productivity significantly improved.”

3. Share a situation where you predicted a problem with a stakeholder. How did you prevent it from escalating?

This question assesses candidates’ ability to identify and mitigate potential conflicts. Look for their communication and problem-solving skills in managing stakeholder relationships.

“While working on a cross-functional project, I anticipated a miscommunication issue that could arise with a key stakeholder due to conflicting expectations. I scheduled a meeting with the stakeholder, listened to their concerns, and facilitated a discussion among the team members. By proactively addressing the issue, we established clear communication channels, built trust, and ensured a smooth collaboration throughout the project.”

4. Describe a time when you faced challenges in doing your job efficiently. How did you overcome them?

This question evaluates candidates’ ability to handle challenges and find solutions to improve efficiency. Look for their problem-solving strategies and their adaptability to overcome obstacles.

“In a previous role, I faced a situation where the workload significantly increased due to unexpected circumstances. To maintain efficiency, I assessed the situation, identified tasks that could be delegated, and communicated with my colleagues to seek their support. By redistributing responsibilities and fostering a collaborative environment, we successfully managed the increased workload without compromising quality or missing deadlines.”

5. Recall a time when you successfully used crisis-management skills.

This question assesses candidates’ ability to remain calm and make effective decisions under pressure. Look for their problem-solving approach and their ability to handle high-stress situations.

“In a previous role as a customer service representative, we experienced a sudden surge in customer complaints due to a product quality issue. I quickly coordinated with relevant departments, identified the root cause, and developed an action plan. By prioritizing urgent cases, maintaining open communication with affected customers, and providing timely updates, we regained customer satisfaction and prevented further damage to our brand reputation.”

6. How would you handle a new project with great revenue potential but potential legal implications for the company?

This question assesses candidates’ ability to balance potential risks and rewards. Look for their ethical considerations, problem-solving approach, and willingness to seek guidance when faced with legal implications.

“If faced with a project that carries both revenue potential and potential legal implications, I would approach it with caution and thorough evaluation. I would research and seek legal guidance to fully understand the implications and compliance requirements. I would then collaborate with legal experts, cross-functional teams, and stakeholders to develop a comprehensive plan that minimizes legal risks while maximizing revenue potential.”

7. How do you determine when to solve a problem on your own or ask for help?

This question assesses candidates’ judgment and collaboration skills. Look for their ability to assess situations and make decisions about when to seek assistance.

“When faced with a problem, I first evaluate its complexity and impact on the project or task at hand. If it’s within my capabilities and doesn’t significantly hinder progress, I take the initiative to solve it on my own. However, if the problem is complex or could have a significant impact, I believe in seeking help from relevant team members or subject matter experts. Collaboration often leads to more comprehensive and effective solutions.”

8. Describe a time when you faced a difficult situation at work that required critical thinking and decision-making under pressure.

This question assesses candidates’ ability to think critically and make sound decisions in challenging situations. Look for their problem-solving approach, decision-making process, and the outcomes of their decisions.

“In a previous role, I faced a tight deadline for a project with limited resources. It required careful resource allocation and prioritization. I gathered all available data, analyzed the project requirements, and consulted with team members. Through strategic planning and effective delegation, we managed to complete the project successfully within the given timeframe, exceeding client expectations.”

9. Have you ever used intuition or prior experience to anticipate and address a problem effectively? Provide an example.

This question assesses candidates’ ability to leverage intuition and past experiences to navigate problem-solving situations. Look for their ability to reflect on past situations, apply lessons learned, and make informed decisions.

“In a previous role, I noticed a recurring issue in our supply chain that had caused delays in the past. Drawing upon my prior experience, I anticipated the problem and suggested process improvements to streamline the supply chain. By implementing these changes, we minimized delays and improved overall efficiency, resulting in cost savings for the company.”

10. Share an example of a project or task that initially seemed overwhelming. How did you approach it, and what strategies did you use to ensure successful completion?

This question assesses candidates’ ability to tackle complex projects and break them down into manageable tasks. Look for their problem-solving approach, organization skills, and ability to persevere in the face of challenges.

“I once undertook a project that involved a significant amount of data analysis and reporting within a tight deadline. Initially, it felt overwhelming, but I broke it down into smaller tasks and created a detailed timeline. I prioritized the most critical aspects and sought assistance from colleagues with specialized skills. Through effective time management, collaboration, and diligent effort, we successfully completed the project on time and delivered high-quality results.”

Why you should ask candidates problem-solving interview questions

Employees will face challenges in their job. Before you decide on your next hire, use your interview process to evaluate how candidates approach difficult situations.

Problem-solving interview questions show how candidates:

  • Approach complex issues
  • Analyze data to understand the root of the problem
  • Perform under stressful and unexpected situations
  • React when their beliefs are challenged

Identify candidates who are results-oriented with interview questions that assess problem-solving skills. Look for analytical and spherical thinkers with the potential for technical problem solving.

Potential hires who recognize a problem, or predict one could potentially occur, will stand out. Candidates should also demonstrate how they would fix the issue, and prevent it from occurring again.

These sample problem-solving interview questions apply to all positions, regardless of industry or seniority level. You can use the following questions to gauge your candidates’ way of thinking in difficult situations:

Tips to assess problem-solving skills in interviews

  • During your interviews, use hypothetical scenarios that are likely to occur on the job. It’s best to avoid unrealistic problems that aren’t relevant to your company.
  • Examine how candidates approach a problem step-by-step: from identifying and analyzing the issue to comparing alternatives and choosing the most effective solution.
  • Pay attention to candidates who provide innovative solutions. Creative minds can contribute fresh perspectives that add value to your company.
  • When problems arise, employees should show commitment and a can-do attitude. Test candidates’ problem-solving skills in past situations. If they were determined to find the best solution as soon as possible, they will be great hires.
  • Most complex situations require a team effort. Candidates’ previous experiences will show you how they collaborated with their colleagues to reach decisions and how comfortable they felt asking for help.
  • If you’re hiring for a technical role, ask questions relevant to the work your future hires will do. Technical problem-solving interview questions, like “How would you troubleshoot this X bug?” will reveal your candidates’ hard skills and their ability to effectively address problems on the job.
  • No answer. If a candidate can’t recall an example of a problem they faced in a previous position, that’s a sign they may avoid dealing with difficult situations. Canned answers. A generic answer like “Once, I had to deal with a customer who complained about the pricing. I managed to calm them down and closed the deal,” doesn’t offer much insight about the candidate’s thought process. Ask follow-up questions to get more details.
  • Focus on the problem, not the solution. Identifying the problem is one thing, but finding the solution is more important. Candidates who focus too much on the problem may be too negative for the position.
  • Feeling stressed/uncomfortable. It’s normal to feel slightly uncomfortable when put on the spot. But, if candidates are so stressed they can’t answer the question, that’s an indicator they don’t handle stressful situations well.
  • Superficial answers. Candidates who choose the easy way out of a problem usually don’t consider all aspects and limitations of the situation. Opt for candidates who analyze the data you’ve given them and ask for more information to better dig into the problem.
  • Cover up the problem or minimize its significance. Unaddressed problems could quickly escalate into bigger issues. Employees who leave things for later mightn’t be result-oriented or engaged in their jobs.

In conclusion, problem-solving interview questions provide valuable insights into candidates’ abilities to approach challenges, think critically, and provide effective solutions. By asking these questions and considering the tips provided, you can assess candidates’ problem-solving skills and make informed hiring decisions that align with your organization’s needs.

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Problem-Solving Interview Questions And Answers (With Examples)

  • How To Answer Tell Me About Yourself?
  • Elevator Pitch
  • Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?
  • What Are Your Career Goals?
  • When Can You Start?
  • How Do You Define Success?
  • Describe Your Work Ethic
  • Where Are Your Current Duties?
  • What Are Your Learning Goals?
  • Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation
  • What Is Your Desired Salary?
  • What Makes You Unique?
  • Why Are You The Best Person For This Job?
  • Reasons For Termination
  • What Are Your Work Values
  • How To Make A Hard Decision?
  • What Are You Most Proud Of?
  • Personal Code Of Ethics
  • Problem Solving Interview Questions
  • Taking Initiative Example
  • How Do You Prioritize Your Work
  • Explain Gaps In Employment
  • Most Rewarding College Experience
  • What Is Your Work Style
  • Tell Me About A Time When You Made A Mistake On The Job
  • Tell Me About Gaps In Employment
  • What Are You Passionate About
  • What Skills Would You Bring To The Job
  • Who Is Your Mentor?
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Find a Job You Really Want In

Summary. Problem-solving questions are used to focus on a candidates past experience with managing conflicts and overcoming obstacles in the workplace. When answering these questions, be sure to make your answer relevant to the position that you are applying to and be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to provide examples from previous experiences.

Are you in the process of searching for a new job ? If so, you might be getting ready to meet with a hiring manager or a recruiter for a job interview. And if you’re like the majority of job candidates, this stage of the job search process is probably making you feel a fair bit of trepidation.

And no wonder! The interview is a completely necessary step for any job search, but that doesn’t make it any less nerve-wracking to meet with a prospective employer and answer questions about your personality , skills, and professional background.

Key Takeaways:

Being able to solve problems is a skill that almost all job positions need.

Problem-solving questions assess a candidate’s ability to think on their feet, handle pressure, and find creative solutions to complex problems.

Make sure your answer to a problem-solving question tells a story of you as an effective team player.

Problem Solving Interview Questions And Answers (With Examples)

What Is a Problem-Solving Interview Question?

How to answer a problem-solving interview question, eight examples of common problem-solving interview questions and answers, interviewing successfully, curveball questions, problem-solving faq.

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A problem-solving interview question is a question that focuses on a candidate’s past experience with managing conflicts and overcoming unexpected obstacles in the workplace.

Problem-solving questions can come up in many different forms. As a general rule, however, they will be aimed at uncovering your ability to handle stress and uncertainty in a wide variety of contexts.

When you’re answering problem-solving interview questions, there are a few important tips to keep in mind:

Make your answers relevant to the position that you’re applying to. Always bear in mind that the fundamental goal of any interview question is to provide a hiring manager with a glimpse inside the mind of a candidate.

By asking you a problem-solving question, your interviewer is trying to understand whether or not you’re the type of person that could be relied upon under pressure or during a crisis. Every role, furthermore, comes with its own particular type of pressure.

Be honest about your strengths ( and weaknesses ). Hiring managers tend to be quite good at reading people. Therefore, if you give them a bogus response, they’re very likely to see through that – and to subsequently consider you to be untrustworthy.

Of course, it can be tempting at the moment to fabricate certain details in your response in the attempt to make yourself seem like a better candidate. But inventing details – however small – tends to backfire .

Tell stories that will portray you as a team player. Hiring managers and employers are always on the lookout for job candidates who will collaborate and communicate well amongst a broader team.

Be sure to provide examples of moments in which you took charge. Leadership skills are another key quality that hiring managers and employers seek out in job candidates. And being presented with a problem-solving question, as it turns out, is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your own leadership skills.

Now that we understand the basic principles of problem-solving interview questions and how to respond to them, we’re finally ready to break down some real-world examples. So without any further preamble, here are eight examples of common problem-solving interview questions (as well as some examples of how you might answer them):

Can you tell me about a time when you encountered an unexpected challenge in the workplace? How did you go about dealing with it?

Explanation: With this question , your interviewer will be attempting to get a sense of how well you’re able to adapt to unexpected difficulties. The critical thing to remember when you’re answering this question – as we briefly discussed above – is to recall an incident that will be directly relevant to the role and the organization that you’re applying to.

Here’s an example of a high-quality response to this question:

“I remember a particular day at my previous job when an important deadline was pushed up at the very last minute. As the project manager , it was my responsibility to implement the necessary steps that would enable us to meet this new and truncated deadline. “Many of my peers began to hang their heads, resigning themselves to their belief that there was no hope to meet the new deadline. But I’ve always prided myself on my ability to adapt and thrive within a dynamic and quick-paced work environment – and that’s precisely the personal skill set that I channeled on this occasion. In the end, I reorganized my team’s priorities so that we were able to accommodate the new deadline.”

How would you say you typically respond to problems in general, and in the workplace in particular?

Explanation: This question is primarily designed to gauge a candidate’s ability (or lack thereof) to remain cool, calm, and collected under pressure. The ideal response to this question, in other words, will include a brief personal anecdote that illustrates your level-headedness and your ability to make rational, clear decisions during times of uncertainty.

“I would say that one of the primary qualities that sets me apart from the crowd of other candidates is my ability to remain calm and centered when conditions in the workplace become chaotic. “Looking back, I think that I first began to cultivate this ability during my tenure as a product manager working with a major Silicon Valley start-up. That was a particularly stressful period, but it was also quite instructive – I learned a great deal about staying positive, focused, and productive after an unexpected challenge presented itself. “These days, when I’m confronted by an unexpected problem – whether it’s in my personal life or in my professional life – I immediately channel the conflict management skills that I’ve been honing throughout the duration of my career. This helps a great deal, and my skills in this regard are only continuing to improve.”

Can you tell me about a time when you’ve had to settle a workplace dispute between yourself and a manager or colleague?

Explanation: Always keep in mind that one of the fundamental goals of any problem-solving question is to help a hiring manager gain a clearer sense of a candidate’s ability to work with others.

This question, in particular, is designed to give your interviewer a clearer sense of how well you’re able to communicate and compromise with your colleagues. With that in mind, you should be sure to answer this question in a way that will display a willingness to be fair, empathetic, and respectful to your teammates.

“I recall an incident in my last job in which one of my colleagues felt that I had not provided him with adequate resources to enable him to be successful in a particular project. I was acting as team leader for that particular project, and so it was my responsibility to ensure that everyone in my team was equipped for success. Unfortunately, I had to learn through the proverbial grapevine that this particular colleague bore some ill will toward me. I’ve never been one to participate in idle gossip, and so I decided to speak with this person so that we could begin to find a solution and address his grievances. So I crafted an email to him asking him if he would be interested in joining me for coffee the following day. He accepted the invitation, and during our coffee break, we were able to talk at length about the damage that he felt had been done to him. We devised a mutually agreeable solution on the spot. From then on, we had no significant problems between us.”

Are there any steps that you’ll regularly take during the early stages of a new project to ensure that you’ll be able to manage unexpected problems that occur down the road?

Explanation: This question, above all, is designed to test your ability to plan ahead and mitigate risk. These are both essential qualities that employers typically seek out in job candidates, particularly those who are being vetted for a management or leadership role.

When you’re answering this question, it’s important to emphasize your ability to look ahead towards the future and anticipate potential risks. As with the previous examples that we’ve already examined, the best way to communicate this ability is to provide your interviewer with a concrete example from your previous work history.

“I live my life – and I conduct my work – according to a single, incredibly important motto: “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” I’m a firm believer, in other words, of the primacy of careful planning. Without it, projects are almost always doomed to fail. “In my previous role as a marketing content writer with a major software company, I strived to apply this motto to my work every single day. “Here’s an example: About a year ago, I was responsible for overseeing and launching a new content strategy aimed at driving up consumer engagement. From the very outset, I understood that that particular project could be run off the rails if we did not take into account a considerable number of factors. “I won’t bore you with all of the nitty-gritty details, but the point is that this was a particularly sensitive project that required diligent and careful risk assessment. “Having realized that, my colleagues and I devised a comprehensive and flexible strategy for managing many risks that we envisioned would be awaiting us down the road. That initial step – looking ahead towards the future and mapping out the terrain of potential hazards – proved to be an essential measure for the success of the project.”

Do you consider your problem-solving capabilities to be above average?

Explanation: Hiring managers are always on the lookout for job candidates that stand out from the crowd. It’s even better when they can find a job candidate who knows that they stand out and who expresses that knowledge by being confident in their abilities.

At the same time, it’s never in a job candidate’s best interests to come across as egotistical or arrogant. When you’re responding to a question like this (that is, a question that’s focused on your ability to assess your own talents), it’s important to do your best to come across as self-assured but not pompous.

“Yes, all things considered, I would say that I have a talent for risk assessment, problem-solving, and risk mitigation. “That said, I can’t claim complete ownership over these abilities. In most cases, my demonstrated success in managing risk and solving problems in the workplace can be attributed at least as much to my team members as it can to me. For me to be able to be a successful problem-solver, it helps to be surrounded by colleagues whom I can trust.”

How would you describe your typical immediate reaction to unexpected challenges? Do you prefer to jump straight into the problem-solving process, or do you more commonly take some time to analyze and assess the problem before you dive in?

Explanation: This question is aimed at gauging your patience levels. This one can be a bit tricky because employers will sometimes prefer different responses – it all depends on the type of position and employer you’re applying for.

If you’re applying for a role in a quick-paced working environment that demands swift action , it will benefit you to describe your problem-solving strategy as unflinching and immediate.

If, on the other hand, the role you’re applying to does not demand such immediate action, it will probably be better to describe yourself as a more removed and relaxed problem solver.

But as always, you should never lie to your employer. Most of us will fall somewhere in the middle of these two types of problem solvers and will thereby have no difficulty painting ourselves honestly as one or the other.

However, if you’re definitely one type or the other, then you should describe yourself as such. This will make it much more likely that you’ll end up in a position that will be maximally rewarding both for you and for your employer.

“In most cases, my response to an unexpected problem will entirely depend on the nature of the problem at hand. If it demands immediate action, then I’ll dive right in without hesitation. “If, however, I determine that it would be more beneficial to take a step back and analyze the nature of the problem before we begin to meddle with it, then that’s exactly what I’ll do. “Generally speaking, I would say that I prefer the latter approach – that is, to take a step back and think things through before I begin to try to find a solution. In my experience, this makes it much easier for everyone involved to arrive at a practical and sustainable solution. “That said, I’m also perfectly capable of jumping straight into a problem if it demands immediate attention.”

Can you tell us about a time in which you had to explain a technically complicated subject to a client or customer? How did you approach that process, and how did it turn out?

Explanation: Strong communication skills are essential in the modern workplace. That means that employers tend to seek out job candidates that communicate well with their colleagues and individuals who have varying professional backgrounds and skill sets, including clients, customers, and third-party professionals.

“I recall an incident from many years ago – while I was working as a software engineer for a prominent robotics company – in which I found myself in the position of having to describe incredibly complex engineering details to a client. “This client had no prior experience in software engineering or artificial intelligence, so I had to relate this esoteric information more or less in layman terms. “Thankfully, I was able to employ some useful metaphors and analogies to communicate the information in a manner that this client could appreciate and understand. We went on to establish a successful collaborative partnership that flourished for four years.”

How would you rate your ability to work and succeed without direct supervision from your managers?

Explanation: Employers always tend to place a high value on job candidates who are self-motivated and can maintain high levels of productivity without constant supervision.

This is especially true now that the COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly made it necessary for so many millions of employers to transition to a remote workforce model. This question is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to stay focused and motivated while working remotely or without supervision.

“I’ve always considered myself – and my resume and references will support this – to be an exceptionally self-motivated individual, even when I’m working from home. “In fact, like many employees, I often find that my productivity levels tend to increase when I’m working remotely. I strive to set a positive example for my colleagues, even when we’re not all working under the same roof.”

Generally speaking, the best strategy for success in interviewing for a new job is doing your research beforehand. That means that you should be intimately familiar with the role, department, and company that you’re applying to before you step into the room (or log on to the Zoom meeting ) on the day of your interview.

When you preemptively take the time to carefully research the organization as a whole – and the responsibilities of the job opportunity in particular – you’ll minimize your chances of being caught off guard by an unexpectedly difficult question .

Still, there is only so much background information that you can uncover about an organization and a role before a job interview. No matter how carefully you prepare and how much background research you conduct, there are very likely going to be curveball questions during your job interview that you can’t predict.

In fact, many employers prefer to ask curveball questions (in addition to more run of the mill job interview questions) because they provide an insightful glimpse into a job candidate’s analytical thinking skills – not just their ability to memorize and recite answers to more common interview questions .

To that end, many hiring managers will ask job candidates to answer one or more problem-solving questions during a typical job interview. In contrast to traditional interview questions (such as: “Why do you think that you would be a good fit for this role?”

Or: “What do you consider to be your greatest professional achievement up to the current moment?”), problem-solving questions are specifically designed to assess a job candidate’s ability to think on their feet, handle real pressure, and find creative solutions to complex problems.

They’re also commonly referred to as analytical skills interview questions because they’re designed to gauge a candidate’s ability to make analytical decisions in real-time.

What are problem-solving skills?

Problem-solving skills include skills like research, communication, and decision making. Problem-solving skills allow for you to identify and solve problems effectively and efficiently. Research skills allow for you to identify the problem.

Communication skills allow for you to collaborate with others to come up with a plan to solve the problem. Decision making skills allow you to choose the right solution to the problem.

Why do interviewers ask problem-solving interview questions?

Interviewers ask problem-solving interview questions to see how candidate will approach and solve difficult situations. Interviewers want to see how you handle stress and uncertainty before hiring you for a position. Problem-solving is an important part of the everyday workday so they need to be sure you are capable of solving problems.

How do you solve a problem effectively?

To solve problems effectively you should first break the problem down and try different approaches. Breaking the problem up into different parts will help you have a better understanding and help you decide what your next step is going to be.

Once you see the different parts of the problem, trying different approaches to solve the problem can help you solve it faster. This will also help you determine the appropriate tools you need to solve the problem.

U.S. Department of Labor – Interview Tips

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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20 competency-based interview questions and answers to evaluate top talent

Combine interviews with skills tests for optimal candidate assessment.

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Do you need to hire a new employee for your business? To avoid hiring the wrong applicant, you must evaluate your candidate’s competency, skills, and behavior first. 

It’s well worth using a data-driven skill assessment method that includes Cognitive Ability or Situational Judgment tests after you source applicants. Then, you can discover if your candidates’ values and competencies match your company’s mission and vision. But which interview questions are ideal for setting the correct tone during the interview?

It can be difficult to find the right questions to ask, so we’ve gathered 20 competency-based interview questions in this article for your reference. Select from our list to evaluate your candidates’ skills and behavior.

Table of contents

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Ask candidates some of these 20 competency-based interview questions about projects, skills, and teamwork to evaluate their experience and aptitudes.

1. Could you tell us about a time you led a complex project? How did you handle it?

With this competency-based interview question, you can test your candidates’ management and project leadership skills. When responding, applicants should talk about a time they led a project and explain the steps they used to complete it. For example, an editor might lead a project by reading a style guide, learning about editing tools, and thinking about ways to provide feedback to writers.

Only 48% of employees consider their leadership high-quality, but you can manage this shortage by finding applicants with project leadership skills. The optimum way to assess your candidates’ leadership and project management skills is to use our Leadership & People Management, and Project Management skill tests .

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2. Have you ever helped a manager resolve an issue? Which method did you use?

Problem solving is a critical part of completing projects and assisting managers. Since this skill can help applicants achieve quality work, consider if they have a method to achieve this goal.

Some applicants may use software to handle project problems and help their manager solve them. Others might collaborate with team members to find the correct strategy and present the technique to their manager.

If you want to discover more about your applicants’ problem solving skills, you can ask them follow-up questions about the outcome of their efforts or use our Problem solving test .

3. Can you tell me about a time you learned something new to complete a task?

Upskilling and learning new abilities are essential in all roles as they can help candidates handle challenging or new tasks. Applicants should be able to name what they learned and how it enabled them to complete the project.

For example, a software engineer might learn a new programming language, framework, or more about Git version control software to handle complex projects.

Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions to learn more about your candidates’ upskilling methods. You will notice that applicants hone their skills in different ways, such as by completing training courses or reading books. 

4. Describe a time you had to handle a customer’s difficult request.

To assess your candidates’ communication skills and customer service abilities, ask them this competency-based interview question. When dealing with customers and handling their requests, applicants should know how to:

Empathize with a customer

Use active listening

Avoid making a promise they can’t keep

Keep calm during the interaction

Offer options to handle the problem

examples of problem solving competency answers

One data-driven method to assess applicants’ communication and customer service skills is to use our Communication and Customer Service tests . These tools will show which candidates can read the customer’s non-verbal cues, use professional etiquette, and improve customer satisfaction.

5. Could you tell us about a time you used attention to detail to complete a project?

Many projects require applicants to use attention to detail. Some examples of tasks that need extra focus and attention include writing articles with correct grammar for clients and programming with clean code.

Since it’s a skill that can enhance the quality of the candidate’s output, attention to detail is crucial for candidates. Check whether your applicants have attention to detail with our Attention to Detail test or ask them for work samples from side projects to check their accuracy.

6. Could you explain how you’ve increased your company’s revenue?

Applicants who can increase your company’s revenue are the ones to consider for your vacancy. They may achieve this goal in many ways. For instance, an HR professional might hire capable talent who increases the company’s profits. A software developer might fix an issue, enhance the user experience, and increase an app’s users.

Ask whether applicants have yielded good financial results for their organization to learn if they match your company’s expectations.

7. Can you tell us about a time you increased your output or the quality of your work?

Candidates should aim to enhance the quality of their work and output for customers since it can help to improve the company-client relationship. Whether applicants complete training courses or seek support from their manager, they should have a method to improve their work.

Be wary of candidates who think their work doesn’t need improving, and consider hiring candidates willing to undergo training with your company.

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8. Describe a time you collaborated successfully with a team.

Teamwork is a critical factor that can help companies complete complex projects. For example, a teacher could collaborate with other staff on their team to create fun and exciting lesson plans. Your applicants should understand the value of teamwork and explain how their efforts led to good results. 

Communication is an essential part of working on a team. Consider if your candidates communicate efficiently or use communication tools to discuss projects with team members. Use our Communication skills test if you need extra statistics or candidate data to assess your applicants.

9. Name a time you had to make a challenging decision in the workplace.

Not all workplace decisions are easy to make, but making difficult decisions is a crucial process. With this question, you can check whether your candidates have experience making decisions that require analytical skills and business knowledge.

The methods each applicant uses to make challenging decisions will differ — some may gather statistical data to help them proceed with a decision, others might hold a meeting with their team and gather opinions.

It’s worth considering that each decision-making process can depend on the context, but you can ask candidates to provide a five-step method that helps them with this goal. You can also assess applicants with skill tests such as our Problem solving or Critical Thinking tests .

10. Can you tell us about a time you had to work under pressure?

It can be impossible to avoid working under pressure in the workplace, but candidates should have methods that make this process easier. Some candidates might eliminate as much uncertainty as possible to help them make decisions faster under pressure. Other interviewees might take regular breaks and return to work when they feel most productive.

Ask more questions related to working under pressure to check if your candidates’ output improved with their stress management strategies, and consider if their methods match your company’s expectations.

11. Could you tell me about a time you used a creative strategy to solve a problem?

With this competency-based interview question, you can test your applicants’ problem-solving skills. Since each circumstance is unique, candidates will provide different answers. However, you should expect candidates to mention a time they thought of a unique method to solve a problem . 

For example, some applicants might alter project management strategies with Excel spreadsheets to clarify a process. Others might ask team members to switch roles for a day to understand each other’s duties. To determine their strategy’s effectiveness, ask questions like, “How did your creative method help you achieve the desired output?”

12. Have you ever had to handle changes in the workplace? Explain how you did it.

Encountering change in a work environment is generally inevitable, but it’s not impossible to navigate. Many methods can help team members handle workplace changes , including:

Staying positive

Establishing new targets

Accepting and transitioning to changes

For example, sales representatives might have to stay eager to adopt new software systems, achieve new sales targets with the help of the systems, and accept and transition to the changes.

Be cautious of applicants who resist or find workplace change difficult — if your company offers a fast-paced environment, these candidates might not match your requirements.

13. Could you tell us about a time you supported a struggling team member?

Being a team player often requires candidates to support junior or inexperienced team members. Candidates should know that while they shouldn’t sacrifice their targets to help co-workers, they should offer the correct advice to assist them.

One prime example of effective teamwork is an accounts payable team providing accounting tools and methods to help accounts receivable teams quickly process client payments.

Listen for responses that explain the outcomes of the candidate’s support. For example, the accounts receivable team members will have improved their client payment processes due to the extra advice, tools, and methods.

14. Name a time you failed to complete a project. What did you learn?

Project failures can have many causes. Candidates might underestimate the time required to complete a project or lack the resources to handle it efficiently. They may have to get more input from the client or manager, or they may have misunderstood the project brief. In these cases, candidates may have learned to:

Create accurate deadlines using time management methods

Request timely support from their manager 

Check that they understand the project brief and ask questions if they don’t

Find the correct resources to handle the project

examples of problem solving competency answers

If candidates use the STAR method to structure their answers, you can expect them to explain the result of their acquired knowledge. They should mention the situation and specific task when responding to the question, as well as the action and results they achieved. When discussing the results, they may explain that they encounter fewer problems when estimating project deadlines and notice that their clients are happier with their work.

15. Describe your biggest work-related achievement so far.

This competency-based interview question will help you learn if your candidate is determined and ambitious enough to achieve significant career milestones. Each candidate will have a different work-related achievement, so you will receive different answers.

For example, an editorial assistant might receive a promotion to a junior editor role upon honing their editorial skills and learning about the company. Or after showing their skills in challenging projects, a software developer might become a project maintainer.

One way to assess answers is to consider how your candidates achieved their most significant goals. If their methods match your organization’s expectations, you should consider inviting them to a second interview.

16. Share a time you experienced a conflict while working with your team.

Although 26% of employees consider work conflict a common occurrence, your candidates should understand how to handle team disagreements. Team conflicts can happen for several reasons:

Candidates might find it difficult to work with team members who underperform

They might feel demotivated by co-workers who lack motivation

Applicants might find it difficult to collaborate with team members due to differences in personality or work styles

Some applicants might communicate with team members, while others might create plans to efficiently manage the conflict.

To assess your applicants, consider if your applicants’ conflict management methods match your company’s values, mission, and vision. 

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17. Have you ever used leadership skills to complete a project with a team?

If hiring a team leader or manager, ask candidates this competency-based interview question to understand their leadership abilities. Candidates should have experience with team lead and project management duties, and show management ability when they respond.

Consider if your applicants can communicate with their team, use appropriate task management strategies, delegate projects, and offer feedback to team members before you decide to hire someone.

18. Could you tell us about a time you used time management skills for a project?

Since time management ensures teams complete projects on time for clients, your candidates must have this skill. Whether they use time-tracking software or set small targets to achieve their milestones, your candidates should understand how to manage their time.

Check if your candidates understand why time management is important, and use our Time Management test for a straightforward candidate assessment method. 

19. Have you ever had to change your communication style to suit different team members?

Employees must interact with team members, stakeholders, and other teams in the company to complete their work. They should use the right communication style for each individual they communicate with.

For example, a software engineer might have to communicate with a non-technical team member about their project. It’s easy for them to achieve this if they use jargon-free language to share the appropriate information. What’s also ideal is to ensure the team member understands the facts by asking them a few questions.

Since using the correct communication style is important for candidates, check their skills with a Communication skills test.

20. Describe a time you had to collaborate with a team member whose methods differed from yours.

Not every team member will have the same working style as your applicant, so it’s worth checking if they can efficiently work with a diverse group of employees. Ask your applicants if they can compromise when team members use different methods.

To review your applicants’ responses to this competency-based interview question, check if their methods match your company’s project management methods.

For a simpler hiring process, we recommend using competency-based interview questions after you send all applicants a skills assessment. When your candidates have completed the assessment, you can use the results to make insightful decisions about which candidates to invite to an interview.

Skills tests have many benefits when you use them before the interview. This approach helps you:

Hire an applicant based on their skills

Reduce the chances of hiring the wrong applicant

Compare two candidates with similar competencies

Ensure you reap the benefits of skills testing methods to reduce your time-to-hire metrics and hire the best professional.

With competency-based interview questions, you can learn about your candidates’ abilities, experience, and project completion methods and find the best expert for your team. Pair this with skills tests for a winning combination to evaluate and hire applicants.

Skills tests provide the data-driven method many companies adopt to find top professionals. Try TestGorilla for free and find candidates that match your role and company.

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  • Behavioral Interviews

20+ Competency-Based Interview Questions (+ How to Answer)

20+ Competency-Based Interview Questions (+ How to Answer)

A few years ago, I was preparing for a job interview and reading about different interview questions. When I encountered the term “competency-based interview questions,” I freaked out.

Yet another group of questions I knew nothing about. Behavioral, situational, brain-teaser questions, and now competency-based? I couldn’t keep up.

To my surprise, I found out that competency-based interview questions are a variation of behavioral questions. They’re designed specifically to test your competencies and skills based on real-life events and evidence from the past.

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to answer competency-based interview questions with confidence.

You’ll read about:

  • What competency-based interview questions are
  • What competencies they assess
  • 24 common competency-based questions (with sample answers)
  • How to answer them

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What Are Competency-Based Interview Questions?

Competency-based interview questions are a version of behavioral interview questions . As their name suggests, they aim to assess your competencies or skills. And to do this, they use the context of the past situations from your work experience.

The trick with answering these questions is that you don’t need to elaborate on why you’re a good fit, at least not explicitly. Instead, you need to prove your skills and competency levels.

Why interviewers ask competency-based questions and what they want to hear

Interviewers want to know if you’ve got what it takes to do the job well. They want to know that you have the necessary skills and that they can trust you with all the duties and responsibilities of a role.

But instead of just looking at your resume and assuming you do or don’t have specific skills they are looking for, the best way for them to discover this is to ask directly. They want to hear a story about your competencies or skills — they’re interested in real past situations in which you displayed them.

More info in the video below:

What competencies do these questions assess?

Apart from technical, on-the-job skills, which will completely depend on the type of position you’re applying for, competency-based interview questions typically assess your:

  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Adaptability

To best prepare to talk about these skills, think about particular situations in which you displayed them.

Common Competency-Based Interview Questions and Sample Answers

Questions that assess teamwork skills:

“Describe a time when you had to work closely with someone whose personality was very different from yours.”

“tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between team members.”, “can you provide an example of how you have contributed to team success”, “share an experience where you had to rely on your team to accomplish a task.”.

Questions that assess leadership skills:

“Tell me about a time you had to lead a team through a difficult situation.”

“describe an instance where you had to take charge of a project. what was the outcome”.

  • How have you motivated others in a professional setting?”

“Give an example of a time when you had to provide feedback to a team member. How did you handle it?”

Questions about problem-solving:

“Give me an example of a challenging problem you faced and how you solved it.”

“describe a situation where you had to think on your feet to extricate yourself from a difficult situation.”, “tell me about a time when you identified a potential problem and took preventative measures.”, “explain a scenario where you had to use data or analytics to solve a problem.”.

Questions about communication skills:

“Can you provide an example of a time when you had to explain a complex topic to a non-expert audience?”

“tell me about a time when your communication skills improved a situation.”, “describe a situation where you had to negotiate with someone. how did you achieve your objectives”, “share an experience where you had to gather input from others to make a decision. how did you communicate your decision”.

Questions that assess adaptability:

“Describe a time when you had to adjust to changes you were not expecting.”

“tell me about a time when you had to learn something new within a short deadline.”, “give an example of how you have successfully managed multiple tasks at once.”.

  • Explain a situation where you had to change your approach because your initial plan was not effective.”

Questions that test the willingness to take initiative:

“Tell me about a time when you took the initiative to address an issue before it became a problem.”

“describe an instance where you went above and beyond what was expected of you.”, “can you give an example of a project or idea that was implemented primarily because of your efforts”, “share a time when you identified a need and took steps to fulfill it without being asked.”.

Let’s break them down.

Questions that assess teamwork skills

Interviewers want to make sure you’re easy to work with and that you can get along and collaborate with others. Key skills they’ll look for in teamwork questions include:

  • Active listening
  • Collaboration
  • Motivation and inspiration
  • Conflict resolution

Here are some questions they might ask based on those competencies.

For a full guide on how to answer teamwork questions, read How to Answer Teamwork Interview Questions (Tips and Examples) .

Questions that assess your leadership skills

Interviewers will ask these questions to gauge your potential for success in leadership, especially if you’re applying for management positions.

In your answers, you’ll need to find a way to prove you’re reliable, capable of leading others, and generating results. Some key skills assessed by leadership questions are:

  • Decision-making

Questions you might hear:

“How have you motivated others in a professional setting?”

For a full guide on how to answer leadership questions, check out this article: Behavioral Interview Questions: Leadership [How to Answer + Examples] .

Questions about problem-solving

Problem-solving skills are crucial because your success in the role will depend on them to a large extent. They’re important because they directly impact your efficiency, the ability to innovate and adapt, customer satisfaction, stress management, and decision-making.

Here, interviewers will focus on skills like:

  • Technical knowledge
  • Leadership potential
  • Adaptability and innovation
  • Productivity

Questions you can expect:

For more details about answering problem-solving questions, check out this comprehensive guide: Answering Problem-Solving Interview Questions: Tips and Examples .

Questions about your communication skills

Communication, in one way or another, is one of the key skills you’ll need in just about any position — even if it doesn’t require speaking to customers. You’ll still need to communicate with your teammates and managers daily, in written or verbal form. Recruiters will gauge your communication skills, such as:

  • Verbal and written communication
  • Body language
  • Clear expressions of ideas
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Adaptability to different communication styles or channels

Questions they might ask:

Questions that assess your adaptability

Interviewers want to know you have what it takes to successfully keep up with trends, crises, changes, and innovations.

What they’ll assess with adaptability questions:

  • Willingness to learn
  • Flexibility
  • Open-mindedness
  • Proactiveness
  • Maintaining focus and professionalism.

Questions to expect:

“Explain a situation where you had to change your approach because your initial plan was not effective.”

Questions that test your willingness to take initiative.

Everyone wants a doer on their team. This is why you’ll want to prove you’re a self-starter, able to take initiative and proactively work on different challenges you might face.

Skills interviewers might assess for questions about initiative:

  • Proactively seeking solutions
  • Taking ownership of tasks and responsibilities
  • Identifying opportunities
  • Seeking out new projects to contribute to

Common questions:

Those covered all the basic competencies and skills you’ll be asked about, but we do have a few additional detailed guides:

  • Answering Behavioral Interview Questions: Intercultural Fluency
  • Answering Behavioral Interview Questions: Work Ethic
  • Conflict Resolution Interview Questions: Example Answers & Tips
  • Behavioral Interview: What It Is & How to Prepare (Tips)

How to Answer Competency-Based Interview Questions?

Use the star method.

Here’s a guide on how to answer these questions using the STAR format:

The STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result) method will help you craft a compelling story in which you’ll be able to elaborate on all the relevant details.

By picking a story from your past and telling it through the STAR framework, you’ll show examples of putting your competencies into practice. Your answers will automatically become more believable.

S stands for Situation — briefly describe the context of the situation you found yourself in.

T stands for Task — say what your task was in that situation.

A stands for Action — elaborate what and how exactly you did something in order to fix a problem, overcome a challenge, or achieve a result. This is supposed to be the longest part of your answer.

R stands for Results — recap what the results of your actions were. Bonus points for including lessons learned from that experience.

For example:

Situation: In my first company, I struggled with meeting deadlines. Then, I became a part of a serious project and my role in it was critical.

Task: I had to make sure that I delivered everything on time so my colleagues could take over.

Action: So a month before the project kicked off, I installed a time tracker. I started tracking every single type of task that I did so that I had a rough idea of how much time I’d need for similar tasks in the future. I started logging in time and taking notes to identify roadblocks and distractions. This actually helped, and within two weeks I was able to successfully estimate how much time I’d need to complete different tasks. Plus, I tested my hypothesis several times. So when that important project kicked off, I could give my team my estimates and deliver my part on time.

Result: I managed to hand in my materials 2 days ahead of the deadline and my manager was so happy that she complimented me in front of the entire company. That experience taught me the importance of taking proactive steps to solve my challenges.

For another example of the STAR method, check out this video:

Be specific

It’s important to be specific in your answers and provide as much detail as you can. This will help:

  • Demonstrate your experience and capabilities. If you provide enough details, your stories will be more credible.
  • Make you more persuasive. The specific examples will help to support your claims.
  • Show that you’re a good fit. By providing specific details that are directly connected to the role, you’ll make it easier for them to realize you’re the best candidate for the role.
  • Become clear and effective. Interviewers will understand exactly what you’re trying to say and they’ll have no doubt about your capabilities and experiences.

Stay relevant

It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to talk about how you saved the day with your technical knowledge if the interviewer is asking about your communication skills, right?

That’s why you need to pay attention to the relevancy of your answers.

For each question you get, try to get to the bottom of it. Think about why they ask it and what group of skills/competencies they’re trying to assess. Then, choose an example demonstrating exactly that competency (check out the questions and sample answers above — we outlined targeted skills for each question group).

Structure your answers to be clear and to the point, and avoid unnecessary details that do not add value to your response.

Because you’ll be using the STAR format, it will be easy. Remember that the Action part of the answer needs to be the longest and you can fit in the most details here. Other elements should contain only the necessary information.

But generally, you’ll want to be direct, and concise, and make your answer 2–3 minutes long max.

Reflect positively on your experiences

As with any other answer to any other interview question, you need to stay enthusiastic and reflect positively on your experiences.

Badmouthing or talking negatively about previous employers and situations will backfire, and you’ll end up looking like a villain.

This is why you’ll want to focus on the positives, like achievements you accomplished, results you brought, or lessons you learned (especially for uncomfortable questions like those about failure or weaknesses). Sure, there are negative experiences you went through, but what counts is your resilience and the ability to learn from your mistakes.

This will demonstrate your growth and a proactive approach to challenges.

How to Prepare for Competency-Based Interview Questions in Advance

Perform a thorough self-assessment.

Before your interview (and we mean days before), sit down and think about your work experience so far.

Write down these details:

  • Your biggest strengths
  • Accomplishments you’re most proud of
  • Your key skills and competencies
  • Your failures
  • Your biggest weaknesses

Writing them down will give you a holistic view of your career so far.

Then, for the purpose of competency-based interview questions, go through the list and try to remember the situations in which you displayed these qualities or experienced failures.

Research the company and the role

Align your answers with the company or the role you’re applying for.

This is best done by researching them before the interview.

For the company, check out their website, social media, news, and reviews by current and former employees in order to gather an impression of what the culture is like and what are its values.

For the role, focus on the job ad. Extract keywords, and check if your experience is a good fit for filling in the gaps. If so, try to align your answer so it demonstrates the key values and competencies they’re looking for.

A full guide to researching a company is here: The Job-Seeker’s Guide to Company Research .

Prepare “general” answers that illustrate your most relevant competencies and skills

Prepare a few stories with different skills and competencies you could use. Then, think of ways to reuse those stories to answer different interview questions.

Don’t use the exact same story to answer several questions, but find ways to modify them and use them for different questions you might get.

For example, if you closed a $100K deal by jumping in and solving a client’s problem, you could use that story to illustrate your analytical skills, customer focus, persuasion, or problem-solving skills.

Of course, if you get a question about both customer focus and analytical skills, you can’t use the same answer, but having many backup versions for each story will make you covered in any case.

Summary of the Main Points

  • Competency-based interview questions are a variation of behavioral interview questions.
  • They test your competencies and skills important for the role, based on real events from your past.
  • They assess key competencies and skill groups like teamwork, communication, leadership, problem-solving, adaptability, and initiative.
  • To answer them, you should use the STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result) method.
  • Your answers should be specific, relevant, concise, and positive.


Need a hand? There are 3 ways we can help you:

  • Learn how to turn more job interviews into job offers here . (Rated with 4.9/5 by 1,000,000 users)
  • Learn how to answer “What Are Your Salary Expectations?”
  • Discover 12+ Job Interview Tips & Tricks (Verified Expert Advice)

How are competency-based interview questions different from behavioral interview questions?

Behavioral interview questions dive into your past experiences and behaviors to predict how you’ll behave in similar situations in the future. Competency-based interview questions are very similar in the sense that they also will inquire about past situations, but more focus will be placed on your skills and competencies and how you displayed them. Common competencies include problem-solving, communication, leadership abilities, initiative, and adaptability. Basically, competency-based interview questions are just a variation of behavioral interview questions.

Can they ask me competency-based questions to assess some technical, job-specific skills?

Yes, especially in interviews for roles that require extensive technical knowledge (but it doesn’t have to be only technical — it can go deep into expertise of any kind). They’ll ask these questions to identify your technical competencies, specific problem-solving, and tools you’ve used so far. For example, if you’re interviewing for a Content Marketer position, they might ask you about your experience with SEMRush or Ahrefs, or how you tackled a certain problem in WordPress. For software development roles, they might ask how you solved an issue in Python, or what’s your experience with different software development processes like Agile methodology.

Are competency-based questions usually focused on hard or soft skills?

They can focus both on hard and soft skills. For hard skills, they’ll focus on specific technical problems you solved, your experience with certain tools, or industry-specific knowledge. For soft skills, they’ll mainly inquire about your teamwork skills, problem-solving, analytical skills, communication, leadership, or adaptability. Depending on the role you’re applying for, they might place more focus on competency-based questions about hard or soft skills. For example, certain roles, like Customer Service, require highly developed soft skills. For these roles, hard skills are usually secondary and related to platforms used in these roles, which can be learned quickly. But if you’re applying for a role in software development, your hard skills will, of course, be the critical element and a priority.

How to answer competency-based questions if I have little or no experience?

You can draw from your experiences at school or uni, from your private life, private lessons, volunteering experiences, hobbies, sports, and similar. This is easier to do with soft skills, as you certainly solved a problem or communicated something successfully in your private life or at school. It might be trickier for hard skills, but you can rely on your experience with the technologies and tools you used and practiced with during your studies.

How to answer competency-based questions if I’m aiming to change careers?

You can focus on transferable skills — the skills you acquired in your previous work and life experiences, which you could put to use in this new setting. When giving examples, tailor them to fit the role and industry you applied for. Highlight your ability to learn and adapt, and show your enthusiasm and motivation. It’s also completely ok to say something like “I’ve never been in that situation before, but there was a time when…” and continue the answer by giving a similar situation you experienced, highlighting the competency or skill the interviewer is looking for. Or, you can say “I’ve never been in that situation before, but here’s how I’d handle it…”

examples of problem solving competency answers

Maja Stojanovic

Briana Dilworth

Fact Checked By:

Michael Tomaszewski

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The STAR Method Interview Questions + Answers and Examples (2024 Guide)

The STAR Method Answers to Competency Interview Questions

Understand Competency Based Interview Questions and learn how to use the STAR Method to answer any Competency and Behaviour question like a pro!

Have you been asked STAR interview questions at a competency or behaviour style interview and failed to answer successfully?

Don’t worry you are not alone.

We have been coaching clients to success in job interviews for the past 18 years and we see so many candidates who struggle to give top scoring answers to these tough interview questions.

As we will see below there is a range of reasons for this however the most important fault is lack of structure. In this guide we will show you some tough competency STAR interview questions and we teach you all about the STAR method, a powerful and well recognised technique for answering not just competency but any interview question like an expert.

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Accurate questions, brilliant competency and behaviour STAR examples, expert advice and much more. 92% success.

In this article

What is the star method, star interview questions – what are they and are they different, 9 star example interview questions, what is a competency or behaviour.

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What is the star method for answering interview questions.

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  • Sample STAR Answer to Inspire Your Interview Success

STAR Method Example for Problem Solving Competency

  • Remember: You Must Include the Correct Behaviours in Your STAR Answer

7 Key Strategies to Keep in Mind When Answering STAR Interview Questions

  • How to Answer Any STAR Interview Question With 100% Confidence

The STAR Method is a simple way to structure answers to competency and behavioural interview questions. It stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result and is a widely accepted format to present your examples and stories when being interviewed. We go into this in more detail below.

You may come across the phrase STAR interview questions however in practice these are the same as competency based or behaviour questions and are phrased in the same way. They simply ask you to provide details of a past action, task or performance and your interviewing panel will listen for phrases and keywords to demonstrate what they call ‘positive behaviours’.

Here is a selection of some difficult STAR interview questions taken from the InterviewGold online training system. Take a few moments and see how you would answer, what examples would you use?

1. Describe a time when your leadership skills made a difference. (Leadership Get Answer )

2. Tell us about a change you made which resulted in an improved customer experience. (Changing and Improving Get Answer )

3. Talk me through a time when you had to communicate to a large group. Tell me how did you get your message across effectively? (Communication Get Answer )

4. Give me an example of a time when you showed initiative at work. (Achieving Results Get Answer )

5. Describe a time when you had to make rapid changes to your plans so as to complete an important task on time. (Planning and Organising Get Answer )

6. Tell me about a time you used your political know how and expertise to initiate a difficult project. (Delivering at Pace Get Answer )

7. Talk me through a situation which shows your ability to make optimum use of the resources available to you while delivering top quality service to your clients. (Managing a Quality Service Get Answer )

8. Tell me about a coaching or mentoring strategy you designed and introduced. What part did you play and what was the outcome? (Leadership Get Answer )

9. Describe a time when you successfully challenged someone whose views you knew were incorrect. Tell me what happened and how you convinced them to accept your opinion. (Accountability and Professionalism Get Answer )

These STAR interview questions explore whether you bring the correct positive behaviours to the role, whether you have demonstrated them before or if not if you have taken steps to acquire them.

You may typically be asked follow up questions such as ‘ What have you learned from this experience? ’ or ‘ What would you do differently next time ?’

In terms of answers to STAR interview questions, you must use the STAR method and below you will learn more about it and how this powerful formula can bring professional structure to your interview answers.

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A competency or behaviour is a skill or ability that is required in order to carry out the role and forms the Person Specification, which will accompany the Job Description. Many will be the same across various levels within an organisation but the depth of experience required and complexity within each will increase the higher the role. There are a limited number of these although they may be called different names by different organisations.

For example, in the Civil Service Success Profiles framework you will come across a behaviour / competency called Making Effective Decisions. This may be referred to as simply Decision Making by other organisations however it is the same thing.

Other common competencies are Leadership, Communicating, Collaborating and Partnering (Team Work), Managing a Quality Service, Managing Successful Relationships, Delivering at Pace, Changing and Improving.

Employers Love STAR Competency Interview Questions – Why is that?

Put simply they remove the risk of bias.

In the past managers would often hire based on gut-feeling . They might give the job to someone based on how they looked or dressed or how they spoke. While there still remains a risk of human bias Competency Interviewing reduces this dramatically.

In addition, past behaviour is taken as an indicator of future performance . In other words, if you have successfully done it once, you can do it again. Employers believe that they get more qualified candidates who will perform better in the role.

There is so much advice out there now both online and offline; videos, blogs, books etc.

And yet why do so many people get answering these questions wrong?

We constantly see clients who come to us for interview coaching and who have had poor experiences in a competency interview.

Quite often a client will have had feedback saying that their answers were not detailed enough . They are surprised by this because they will have talked and talked in the interview so how can they not have given enough detail?

Other will have prepared and yet are stumped because the questions they prepared for don’t come up exactly as they planned. They get asked the question in a different format and just go blank.

However the top problem we see is poor structure and this is where the STAR method comes into play.

Put simply the STAR technique is a way to structure your answer. It is recommended for use by most organisations including Government, Civil Service, banks and the NHS.

S.T.A.R. stands for Situation + Task + Action + Result

Start by describing the SITUATION you were involved in. You can use an example from your current or previous job, education, personal experience or any relevant event. Always choose the most appropriate and business orientated example you have and one that best fits the role for which you are being interviewed. Choose an example that allows you to demonstrate the significance of your experience, the most difficult, complex, largest and successful problem, situation or task that you then successfully resolved. Give enough detail for the interviewer to understand what was involved but no more than a few sentences. Include your role, the organisation and when the example took place.

Briefly describe what you were tasked with, your responsibilities and assignments for the situation, the objectives and desired outcomes. Once again a sentence or two is sufficient.

This will be the section that the interviewer is most interested in and you should detail the actions you took to resolve the problem, situation or task. Describe all of the actions, detailing each stage and in the correct, logical order showing your thought processes, how you reached your conclusions and the steps you completed.

This is the most important part of your answer, because it allows you to highlight in detail what your response was and to clearly show your skills in a real-life scenario.

Remember they want to know about the actions you took , so if you are discussing a group project or task, describe what you did rather than the achievements of the team.

You may feel as if you are being overly descriptive but this is necessary in order to demonstrate that you have the experience of the action you are describing; do not assume that the interviewer will guess or infer what you did merely from your describing the context.

The Result is the second most important part of your answer as a successful outcome proves that your actions were effective. Refer back to the Task, making sure that the intended outcomes match the actual Result. Talk about what you accomplished, what you delivered in terms of benefit, what you learnt and if appropriate, what you would do differently next time.

Give evidence to prove success and this can be in the form of figures or numbers, anything that will show just what a winning outcome you delivered. Third party feedback is another great token of evidence so mention positive feedback you received from your manager, team or others.

Finally, talk about what you learned and how this learning will help you in the job being recruited for.

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How to use the star method to make your interview answers really stand out.

Here’s a secret – it’s all in the Story!

Would you read a book that was boring? No, probably not and you would not recommend it to your friends.

And how many pages would you read before you concluded it was boring? Some might persevere to the end, but most would give up after maybe 20 or 30 pages.

The point I am trying to make is that your answer, your story must be gripping and it must grab the attention of the Interviewers in the first few sentences.

2 Key Factors That Make a Good Interview Answer Great

Almost all Competency Based and Behavioural Interview Questions ask you to provide an example that details a situation you have taken part in.

As straightforward a request as this is, not being prepared with a solid example may cause you to ramble, which could result in a poor score.

The best and most effective way to deliver a high scoring competency interview answer depends on:

  • Choosing the right structure
  • Choosing the right example

As regards the right structure we have looked at using the STAR method above. In the InterviewGold online training system we teach two other formulas, the IPAR and CARL methods, both of which are powerful techniques which you an use an an alternative to STAR.

Tips on Choosing Examples for Your STAR Interview Answer

Choosing the right example is vital. It must be relevant and real and here are our top tips:

Relevant: Make sure that the example is relevant to the role for which you are being interviewed and clearly relates to the competency being explored. For example, if talking about Making Effective Decisions you should make specific reference to what the decision was, what data you gathered and used, what process you followed and how you met the objectives successfully while dealing with obstacles.

Complex: The task or project must be sufficiently complex for the role. It should also have been long enough in duration and complex enough in terms of actions completed to adequately demonstrate the skills required at this level. Choose one where you had to use other competencies at the same time. In addition make sure that you can talk about problems or obstacles overcome.

Impact: Choose an example with impact in terms of scale, reach, growth, results delivered or improvement made.

Not sure what examples to talk about in your STAR interview answers? InterviewGold gives you detailed lessons with lots of ideas of examples to choose.

Sample STAR Interview Answer to Inspire Your Interview Success

So let’s look at how to use the STAR method in a practical example. We will choose the Problem Solving competency however the method can be used for any competency or skill. Use this example to inspire your own interview answers; think about your own situation and the role you are being interview for and search for relevant and real examples you can use.

How would you answer the question? Can you think of any examples of when you used these skills successfully?

Keep in mind that your answer should be told in a story format to keep the interviewer’s interest. Here is an example situation forming part of an answer using the STAR method.

Competency Question: Tell me about a time when you used your initiative to resolve a complex problem. What was involved and what actions did you take?

Last year while working as Customer Focus Manager with ABC Products Ltd in London, I successfully implemented a new process which reduced the time taken to process customer refunds from 14 days to 2 days, saving over £100,000 annually in agent time and gaining a 50% uplift in customer approval ratings.

In that single opening they are hooked, they know what your story is about, they know you have done something great and they want to hear more.

The next part of the answer is the Task and this should be summarised in no more than 1 or 2 sentences.

Our customer refund process was taking 14 days and was using up an excessive amount of agent time and resources. I was tasked with reducing this to 2 days with the added benefit of saving time and resources.

That’s all they need to know – no more.

I initiated the project by firstly clearly defining the objectives and the procedures.

I completed a walk-through of the existing system and identified where problems were occurring.

I interviewed the agents involved to gather their input into both the current system and their ideas of what they thought would work well. I believed this to be vital as I knew I needed to get them on my side in order to implement the new process.

With all that knowledge, I designed a new process and created a brief that both analysed the problem and outlined the potential benefits of the new process. I then forwarded this to four software companies who specialise in the system we needed.

I considered their alternative approaches and compared each in terms of cost and ease of functionality, discussing with the agents. After having a demonstration and on hands testing, I selected our preferred supplier.

After presentation and consultation with my management team I organised a project team tasked with implementing this new system.

I set up a process for internal and external feedback and communication, ensuring that everyone involved was on board and up to speed.

Throughout, I successfully managed the team members, updated and revised project milestones as necessary and in the end delivered a system that performed superbly.

We always like to see some numbers which demonstrate the scale of the project. So you can simply repeat the outcome that you used in your Introduction as this emphasis the great success you had.

I was very pleased with the outcome. I reduced the time taken to process customer refunds from 14 days to 2 days, saving over £100,000 annually in agent time. It was also a great result from the customers point of view and we gained a 50% uplift in customer approval ratings for the team. Even more pleasing was the fact that the Board of Directors awarded me a prize for top performing team leader as a result of this project.

As you can see this answer is punchy, exciting and demonstrates more clearly the actions completed in a step by step way.

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Remember: You Must Include the Correct Behaviours in Your STAR Interview Answer

When creating interview answers using the STAR method keep in mind that the other key feature of Competency Based Interviews is that your answers will be scored against pre–determined results. These are called Behaviours and can be positive and negative. For example, looking at Communication skills, the positive behaviours the interviewer will look for may include:

  • Develops messages using structure and logical order
  • Tailors content of messages to meet the needs and interests of the audience
  • Conveys messages in a clear and concise manner in language appropriate to the receiver
  • Checks understanding of the audience and adapts messages and tone accordingly
  • Uses most effective channels as appropriate to the situation

STAR method behaviours for Leadership for example will require you to show an ability to be a role model, to engage with your team effectively and to promote inclusivity and diversity. Ultimately you will need to show that you have inspired and motivated those around you to achieve goals both within your department and outside.

STAR answers created for you in minutes

1. Use Real Examples

When considering how to answer, I strongly recommend using authentic examples from your past experiences, as opposed to giving a fabricated or made up account.

2. Avoid Stock Answers

It is tempting to use a competency answer from a book or online and pass it off as your own. I strongly recommend against this. Instead, use the methods and advice outlined here to develop your own personal answers. This will help you avoid a potentially awkward situation during your interview, should you be asked to elaborate on a particular point.

3. Keep it Relevant

You should also take great care to ensure that your answers are relevant to the question being asked. They need to contain a sufficient amount of detail. Show a strong command of the core competency and clearly demonstrate that you are skilled at using it.

4. Check the Job Description and Person Specification

Study the job description and person specification thoroughly so that you completely grasp exactly what core competencies are essential to the position. Use this information to develop and rehearse relevant examples of past situations where you applied these skills.

5. It’s all about I

Always make liberal use of ‘I’. In fact, every one of your answers should be in the first person; always choose ‘I’ over ‘we,’ even in cases where you are discussing a past team collaboration.

6. Review your CV

Carefully examine your resume / curriculum vitae to fully prepare your responses, and devise competency interview answers which correspond to your highlights and achievements. Doing this will provide you with plenty of useful information that you can then use effectively no matter what type of competency question you are asked.

7. Get Jotting

Even making a bulleted list in advance as opposed to devising full answers can be helpful. This will ensure your examples will be fresh and at the forefront of your thoughts during the interview.

Answer Any STAR Competency Interview Question With 100% Confidence

STAR interview questions

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It’s time to stop worrying. With InterviewGold’s powerful ANSWER BUILDER you will have perfectly structured STAR interview answers written for you with just a few clicks.

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Problem Solving Interview Questions and Answers

What Are Problem Solving Interview Questions?

Why do employers ask problem solving interview questions, top tips for answering problem solving interview questions, final thoughts, problem solving interview questions and answers.

Updated May 13, 2024

Dr Sunny Kleo

All products and services featured are independently selected by WikiJob. When you register or purchase through links on this page, we may earn a commission.

When you have an interview coming up, it’s worth thinking about the types of questions to expect.

Interviews can have varied formats and focus on different things. Some will be relaxed with the aim of getting to know you as a candidate; others will be highly focused on skills and knowledge.

One particular type of interview you will want to spend time preparing for is one based on problem-solving questions, as there are techniques you can practice beforehand.

These questions are designed to see how well you can collect the right data, analyze it logically and come to an effective resolution.

Problem-solving questions will also focus on how well you can manage multiple points of view and how you deal with conflict.

Companies use these kinds of questions to ferret out which candidates are able to think nimbly in a wide range of scenarios.

Sometimes these questions are formatted as situational judgment tests which help employers predict how you might behave in the future.

Problem-solving questions also aim to test your critical thinking and decision-making skills. Spend time thinking about the type of role you are applying for.

You can then work out which types of problems you are most likely to face – and prepare for questions that demonstrate your skills around those issues.

At any interview, you will be asked a variety of questions.

Some are designed to see how keen you are – they will test your company knowledge and the depth of the research you have done. Other questions, like problem-solving ones, are designed to test specific competencies , like mental agility and lateral thinking.

Problem-solving questions are important for employers because they can’t always predict the projects you will be working on, so they need to know you have a wide skill set.

In an ever-changing world, having a workforce that’s able to solve unexpected problems is a real benefit, so try and demonstrate this ability in your answers.

These types of problem-solving interview questions are especially popular in the technical industries.

They are also used by companies like management consultancies, which often work on a huge variety of projects.

Because they don’t deal with the same problems over and over, they need to test how good you are in being creative with new or unusual situations.

Problem Solving Interview Questions – Sample Questions and Answers

It’s a good idea to practice problem-solving questions so that you improve in confidence and are able to answer them fluently.

Remember your communication skills are being assessed in any interview, so how you explain your decision-making process is also important.

Here are some sample questions and answers for problem-solving situations that are designed to help you prepare for upcoming interviews.

You can practice answering these examples with a friend or someone you trust to give you helpful feedback on your performance.

“Have You Ever Been in a Dispute With a Colleague? What Did You Do to Resolve It?”

This type of question is designed to test your team-working abilities as well as how you are able to deal with stress or difficult situations.

The interviewer wants to know if you are able to show respect and empathy, while also sorting out the actual problem.

This question also helps the interviewer understand how well you learn from stressful situations. In this example, they would want to see how you might take action to minimize future disruptions with colleagues.

Sample Answer

In my last job, I had a colleague who was consistently late for project meetings I was leading . At first, I tried a couple of gentle reminders of good practice/time-keeping when sending the agenda out for these weekly meetings. After I found this was not working, I decided to speak to this colleague directly and asked him to join me for coffee at a nearby cafe. I was able to broach the issue in a more casual environment and this took the pressure off, as we weren’t surrounded by colleagues. We had time to get to know each other a bit too. I checked in to see if there was any particular reason for his repeated lateness and it turned out that he had a regular meeting just before mine at a different worksite. A quick fix was to move my meeting to a different day, which resolved the issue simply. Now I always check that new meetings I’m planning are held at convenient times for all attendees.

"How Do You React to Unexpected Challenges? Do You Have a Preferred System?"

This question looks at whether you are a planner or if you tend to jump straight into solutions. Depending on the job you are after, your interviewer may want to hear different types of answers.

If you’re applying for a role that requires analysis and deep thinking, you probably want to lean towards a reply that shows you have a methodical system for dealing with unexpected challenges.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in working in a fast-paced environment and the job description uses words like ‘nimble’ and ‘agile’, you would do better to describe your personal system for dealing with challenges as decisive and swift.

The best answers probably lie somewhere in the middle of these two extremes, and most of us do genuinely find that we could respond either way. A good response is one that shows balance.

I’m aware that every challenge will have its nuances. Rather than have a generic system, I like to custom my approach to match what has gone wrong. For example, if an immediate solution is obvious and straightforward, I’ll implement it without over-thinking things. This happened recently when our IT system went down – I quickly directed the interns to use phone lines in order to call our clients who were expecting deliveries that same day. I’m also able to assess and take my time to fix unexpected problems that require a little more finesse – there was a situation recently when one of our clients canceled a large order. I called meetings with the team and the client separately, to work out what had gone wrong before offering a considered solution, which I’m glad to say worked really well as the client came back on board.

Five Frequent Problem-Solving Interview Questions and Answers

"Tell Me About a Situation Where Things Went Wrong on the Day of a Big Deadline or Event?"

This question aims to explore how well you work under stress or time pressures. A good answer will show conceptual skills in problem-solving – thinking creatively and flexibly under pressure.

Not only do you have to show that you can utilize other people and work with them, but you also need to show a task focus, so that the deadline or function goes off without a hitch.

Again there is an opportunity here to show you can learn from mistakes, so think of an example that identifies a way in which you were able to avoid the situation recurring.

I work well to tight deadlines and often find that I am able to keep calm when others are losing their heads. As I often work in high-pressure scenarios, I’m regularly called upon to mediate between colleagues when there is a disagreement over how to handle sensitive matters. One example which comes to mind is when we had to hire several high-profile models for an ad campaign we were running. Two of them nearly came to blows when they disagreed over their styling. I had to step in, calm them down and work out a compromise where they agreed to stay on set and finish their assignments within the time frame of our schedule. It was certainly a hair-raising day but I was able to get the ad we wanted and without any further drama happening. Since that occasion, I’ve made sure to keep all agents on standby so that issues like this don’t arise again.

"What Would You Do if You Strongly Disagreed With a Colleague About How to Handle a Delicate Matter?"

This question not only explores your ability to demonstrate empathy, but it may also touch on issues of ethical responsibilities and the necessity to be discreet when necessary.

Employers want to know you are self-aware and able to reflect on important issues, rather than being overly bullish when it’s not appropriate.

Showing that you can employ a delicate touch is really important in certain roles like HR, so your interviewer will want to know how good your soft skills are.

You can also use a question like this as an opportunity to demonstrate your powers of persuasion or other transferable skills, so make sure you pick a strong example when you answer.

There was a recent situation where one of our team’s assistants was being monopolized by one particular person. We knew we had to address the issue as there was a backlog of work that just wasn’t getting done. My office partner wanted to handle the matter in a very up-front way, but I didn’t think that was the best approach. I persuaded her to take a more discreet route and stopped her from making a scene. I knew that the person who was causing the issue had certain problems at home – which were likely to be impacting his work and focus. Without giving away his private situation, I suggested that we speak to the monopolized assistant first, to see if he had any thoughts or preferences about how the matter was handled. This helped defuse the situation, as it turned out the assistant was happy to put in overtime to clear some of the backlog. It meant we didn’t have to confront our colleague right away. In fact, this bought us enough time so that some of his home and childcare issues were actually resolved. A month down the line, there was no longer an issue of the assistant being monopolized.

"How Are You Proactive About Avoiding Problems?"

This question asks the interviewee to show their ability to mitigate risk – particularly important in management roles or ones where leadership matters.

Your ability to understand human nature, to plan ahead and focus on having multiple backup solutions in place is being assessed.

When answering this question, you can also demonstrate your ability to think creatively and laterally.

Remember, almost every employer wants to hire someone who shows initiative and makes their lives easier.

I recently had to organize multiple networking events for our biggest departments. I knew that we would have an issue with incentivizing some of our busier sales staff to attend – as previous events had been rather tame. I collated some feedback from last year and applied the lessons learned. For example, I tried to ‘gamify’ the event and made sure there were enough aspects of the party that would appeal to a range of attendees. Not only did I hire top-notch caterers (and promote this fact), but I also organized entertainment to work the crowd and create a buzz to make sure that people stayed around – not just popped their heads in, as they’ve done in the past. One extra incentive, which hadn’t been used at our events before, was a raffle/goody bag concept which tied in with the next away day and even helped boost attendance there too.

There are many useful tips for preparing for an interview. While you can’t always predict exactly what you will be asked, you can practice your technique, answering commonly used questions in logical and analytical ways.

One of the most important things you need to do is give examples when answering each question – showing how you have demonstrated the problem-solving skill they are asking for.

To help with this, make sure you have created a mental bank or list of relevant work experience situations you can easily refer to.

It can help to think about the structure of what you’re going to say before you launch into answering an interviewer’s question – this also makes you look more considered.

One useful way to do this is by using the STAR technique where you break what you say into four sections:

  • The overall Situation
  • The Task at hand
  • The Action taken
  • The Results obtained

This helps you to avoid rambling and finishing off your answer in a weak way, which can happen when you don’t plan out what you want to say.

On an assessment day or in a group context , you may have to face problem-solving questions as a team.

Sometimes you will have to do a group task and then face questions on your processes afterward. Try and describe these in a step-by-step way and show self-awareness by linking your actions to competencies you believe are strong in you as a candidate.

When you are answering problem-solving questions in a group, make sure you stand out and say your part, but also show strong teamwork by praising or including quieter members. You should definitely avoid interrupting or criticizing team members at all costs.

One final tip is to avoid giving vague, generic answers. You can pose follow-up questions to clarify an interview question if you’re not sure exactly what they are asking.

It’s better to do this and then give a targeted answer, rather than waffle and hope you hit the right bases because you weren’t quite sure what the interviewers were looking for.

Being able to solve problems is a key work skill and one that every employer wants to see. While it’s important to practice your ability to answer these questions, do make sure you go into the interview with fresh energy so that your answers don’t sound too rehearsed.

Problem-solving interview questions are designed to push you and give you an opportunity to showcase your skills. If you plan for a range of questions and have a set of strong examples to draw upon, you will feel confident no matter what you are asked.

It can really impress interviewers if you answer problem-solving questions with positivity and enthusiasm. A willingness to engage with the issues they come up with shows that you are ready for the workplace and are able to creatively adapt to unexpected scenarios as they invariably occur.

You might also be interested in these other Wikijob articles:

Problem Solving Technique, Skills & Examples (2024 Guide)

Or explore the Interview Advice / Interview Questions sections.

What Are Problem-Solving Skills? (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

examples of problem solving competency answers

By Mike Simpson

Problem-solving skills are important not just for work. In the words of Karl Popper , “All life is problem-solving.”

What on earth does that mean? Simply that being alive means facing challenges. With problem-solving skills, you can navigate issues with greater ease, making hard times, well, less hard.

But what are problem-solving skills? How do you know if you have them or not? Why do they matter to your job search? And what should you do if you don’t feel yours are up to snuff? Luckily, we’re about to get into all of that.

If you’re curious about the world of problem-solving skills, here’s what you need to know.

What Are Problem-Solving Skills?

Before we dig into any examples, let’s focus first on an important question: what are problem-solving skills.

To answer that question, let’s start with the barebones basics. According to Merriam-Webster , problem-solving is “the process or act of finding a solution to a problem.” Why does that matter? Well, because it gives you insight into what problem-solving skills are.

Any skill that helps you find solutions to problems can qualify. And that means problem-solving skills aren’t just one capability, but a toolbox filled with soft skills and hard skills that come together during your time of need.

The ability to solve problems is relevant to any part of your life. Whether your writing a grocery list or dealing with a car that won’t start, you’re actually problem-solving.

The same is true at work, too. Most tasks actually involve a degree of problem-solving. Really? Really.

Think about it this way; when you’re given an assignment, you’re being asked, “Can you do this thing?” Doing that thing is the problem.

Then, you have to find a path that lets you accomplish what you need to do. That is problem-solving.

Yes, sometimes what you need to handle isn’t “challenging” in the difficulty sense. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t count.

Besides, some of what you need to do will legitimately be hard. Maybe you’re given a new responsibility, or something goes wrong during a project. When that happens, you’ll have to navigate unfamiliar territory, gather new information, and think outside of the box. That’s problem-solving, too.

That’s why hiring managers favor candidates with problem-solving skills. They make you more effective in your role, increasing the odds that you can find solutions whenever the need arises.

How Are Problem-Solving Skills Relevant to a Job Search?

Alright, you probably have a good idea of what problem-solving skills are. Now, it’s time to talk about why they matter to your job search.

We’ve already touched on one major point: hiring managers prefer candidates with strong problem-solving skills. That alone makes these capabilities a relevant part of the equation. If you don’t show the hiring manager you’ve got what it takes to excel, you may struggle to land a position.

But that isn’t the only reason these skills matter. Problem-solving skills can help you during the entire job search process. After all, what’s a job search but a problem – or a series of problems – that needs an answer.

You need a new job; that’s the core problem you’re solving. But every step is its own unique challenge. Finding an opening that matches your skills, creating a resume that resonates with the hiring manager, nailing the interview, and negotiating a salary … those are all smaller problems that are part of the bigger one.

So, problem-solving skills really are at the core of the job search experience. By having strong capabilities in this area, you may find a new position faster than you’d expect.

Okay, you may be thinking, “If hiring managers prefer candidates with problem-solving skills, which ones are they after? Are certain problem-solving capabilities more important today? Is there something I should be going out of my way to showcase?”

While any related skills are worth highlighting, some may get you further than others. Analysis, research, creativity, collaboration , organization, and decision-making are all biggies. With those skills, you can work through the entire problem-solving process, making them worthwhile additions to your resume.

But that doesn’t mean you have to focus there solely. Don’t shy away from showcasing everything you bring to the table. That way, if a particular hiring manager is looking for a certain capability, you’re more likely to tap on what they’re after.

How to Highlight Problem-Solving Skills for Job Search

At this point, it’s ridiculously clear that problem-solving skills are valuable in the eyes of hiring managers. So, how do you show them that you’ve got all of the capabilities they are after? By using the right approach.

When you’re writing your resume or cover letter , your best bet is to highlight achievements that let you put your problem-solving skills to work. That way, you can “show” the hiring manager you have what it takes.

Showing is always better than telling. Anyone can write down, “I have awesome problem-solving skills.” The thing is, that doesn’t really prove that you do. With a great example, you offer up some context, and that makes a difference.

How do you decide on which skills to highlight on your resume or cover letter? By having a great strategy. With the Tailoring Method , it’s all about relevancy. The technique helps you identify skills that matter to that particular hiring manager, allowing you to speak directly to their needs.

Plus, you can use the Tailoring Method when you answer job interview questions . With that approach, you’re making sure those responses are on-point, too.

But when do you talk about your problem-solving capabilities during an interview? Well, there’s a good chance you’ll get asked problem-solving interview questions during your meeting. Take a look at those to see the kinds of questions that are perfect for mentioning these skills.

However, you don’t have to stop there. If you’re asked about your greatest achievement or your strengths, those could be opportunities, too. Nearly any open-ended question could be the right time to discuss those skills, so keep that in mind as you practice for your interview.

How to Develop Problem-Solving Skills If You Don’t Have Them

Developing problem-solving skills may seem a bit tricky on the surface, especially if you think you don’t have them. The thing is, it doesn’t actually have to be hard. You simply need to use the right strategy.

First, understand that you probably do have problem-solving skills; you simply may not have realized it. After all, life is full of challenges that you have to tackle, so there’s a good chance you’ve developed some abilities along the way.

Now, let’s reframe the question and focus on how to improve your problem-solving skills. Here’s how to go about it.

Understand the Problem-Solving Process

In many cases, problem-solving is all about the process. You:

  • Identify the problem
  • Analyze the key elements
  • Look for potential solutions
  • Examine the options for viability and risk
  • Decide on an approach
  • Review the outcome for lessons

By understanding the core process, you can apply it more effectively. That way, when you encounter an issue, you’ll know how to approach it, increasing the odds you’ll handle the situation effectively.

Try Puzzles and Games

Any activity that lets you take the steps listed above could help you hone your problem-solving skills. For example, brainteasers, puzzles, and logic-based games can be great places to start.

Whether it’s something as straightforward – but nonetheless challenging – as Sudoku or a Rubik’s Cube, or something as complex as Settlers of Catan, it puts your problem-solving skills to work. Plus, if you enjoy the activity, it makes skill-building fun, making it a win-win.

Look for Daily Opportunities

If you’re looking for a practical approach, you’re in luck. You can also look at the various challenges you face during the day and think about how to overcome them.

For example, if you always experience a mid-day energy slump that hurts your productivity, take a deep dive into that problem. Define what’s happening, think about why it occurs, consider various solutions, pick one to try, and analyze the results.

By using the problem-solving approach more often in your life, you’ll develop those skills further and make using these capabilities a habit. Plus, you may find ways to improve your day-to-day living, which is a nice bonus.

Volunteer for “Stretch” Projects

If you’re currently employed, volunteering for projects that push you slightly outside of your comfort zone can help you develop problem-solving skills, too. You’ll encounter the unknown and have to think outside of the box, both of which can boost critical problem-solving-related skills.

Plus, you may gain other capabilities along the way, like experience with new technologies or tools. That makes the project an even bigger career booster, which is pretty awesome.

List of Problem-Solving Skills

Alright, we’ve taken a pretty deep dive into what problem-solving skills are. Now, it’s time for some problem-solving skills examples.

As we mentioned above, there are a ton of capabilities and traits that can support better problem-solving. By understanding what they are, you can showcase the right abilities during your job search.

So, without further ado, here is a quick list of problem-solving skill examples:

  • Collaboration
  • Organization
  • Decision-Making
  • Troubleshooting
  • Self-Reliance
  • Self-Motivation
  • Communication
  • Attention to Detail
  • Brainstorming
  • Forecasting
  • Active Listening
  • Accountability
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Critical Thinking
  • Flexibility

Do you have to showcase all of those skills during your job search individually? No, not necessarily. Instead, you want to highlight a range of capabilities based on what the hiring manager is after. If you’re using the Tailoring Method, you’ll know which ones need to make their way into your resume, cover letter, and interview answers.

Now, are there other skills that support problem-solving? Yes, there certainly can be.

Essentially any skill that helps you go from the problem to the solution can, in its own right, be a problem-solving skill.

All of the skills above can be part of the equation. But, if you have another capability that helps you flourish when you encounter an obstacle, it can count, too.

Reflect on your past experience and consider how you’ve navigated challenges in the past. If a particular skill helped you do that, then it’s worth highlighting during a job search.

If you would like to find out more about skills to put on a resume , we’ve taken a close look at the topic before. Along with problem-solving skills, we dig into a variety of other areas, helping you choose what to highlight so that you can increase your odds of landing your perfect job.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, problem-solving skills are essential for professionals in any kind of field. By honing your capabilities and showcasing them during your job search, you can become a stronger candidate and employee. In the end, that’s all good stuff, making it easier for you to keep your career on track today, tomorrow, and well into the future.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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10 problem-solving interview questions to find the best candidate

Sophie Heatley, Content Writer

| 03 Oct 2018

| 5 min read

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10 problem-solving interview questions to find the best candidate

An interview is a good chance to evaluate how candidates approach difficult situations and by asking problem-solving questions you can separate those that are results orientated from those that crumble under pressure. Asking the right sorts of questions will also reveal a person's suitability for the role and company they are trying to enter. 

That being said, this can be hard to assess when you first meet someone, so here are 10 problem-solving competency questions to solve your problem of what to ask:

Problem-solving interview question examples

Question 1: describe a situation where you had to solve a problem. what did you do what was the result what might you have done differently.

This question tests their problem-solving ability. As an employer, you want to hire people that get things done and when faced with a problem actively solve it. There are three steps to solving a problem:

  •     Identify
  •     Analyse
  •     Implement

A good answer should show that the applicant took the initiative, didn’t act thoughtlessly and was willing to ask questions and work as a team. Ideally their actions were in that order.

examples of problem solving competency answers

Question 2: Give an example of a situation in which you saw an opportunity in a potential problem. What did you do? What was the outcome?

This question tests if they see opportunities in problems. Every business has problems, both minor and major, and you should be able to trust your employees to identify and solve them. Problems are opportunities for improvement, both for an individual and a company as a whole.

Essentially you are looking for an answer that recognises this. Whether they solved a problem single-handedly or flagged the issue to a superior, you are looking for applicants who played a key part in arriving at a solution.

Question 3: What steps do you take before making a decision on how to solve a problem, and why?

This question tests how they problem solve before making a decision. A strong answer showcases that the candidate is considered in their decision-making and has a formal process of thought, instead of becoming overwhelmed and acting rashly. You should be looking for those that have a formalised process that makes sense, and that shows that they don’t just ask for help the entire time.

examples of problem solving competency answers

Question 4: Give an example of a time that you realised a colleague had made a mistake. How did you deal with this? What was the outcome?

This question tests their interpersonal skills . The best type of employees have great interpersonal skills and help others to succeed. Therefore, a good answer should show the candidate was diplomatic and constructive – someone that helps their colleagues to solve problems and doesn’t just highlight them.

Anyone that proceeds to say unsavoury things about previous co-workers should be treated with caution – respect and kindness are core attributes in the workplace.

This question tests their problem-solving strategies. An impressive answer will showcase awareness of problem-solving strategies, although these may differ from person to person.

You don’t want to hire someone that is constantly asking for help and knowing that a candidate has given some thought to potential strategies will provide you with assurance. Problem-solving strategies could vary from data-driven or logical methods to collaboration or delegation.

Question 6: Describe the biggest work-related problem you have faced. How did you deal with it?

This question tests how they tackle big problems. It reveals three things about a candidate:

1. What they are willing to share about a previous employer.

2. What they consider to be a big problem.

3. How they problem solve.

You want a candidate to be appropriate when discussing their current (or former role) and be positive. Of course what constitutes a big problem is relative, but you should be wary of candidates that sound like they might become overwhelmed by stress or blow things out of proportion.

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Question 7: Tell me about a time where you have been caught off-guard by a problem that you had not foreseen? What happened?

This question tests how they deal with pressure. Even the most careful minds can crash into an unforeseen iceberg, but it is how they deal with it that matters. This question should be a chance for you to catch a glimpse of a candidate’s character and personality. Ideally, you want an answer that shows the following:

  • Calmness – They don’t overreact
  • Positivity – They don’t complain or blame others
  • Solutions – They use problem-solving skills

Question 8: Describe a time where you developed a different problem-solving approach. What steps did you follow?

This question tests their creative problem-solving skills and initiative. If your company was complete you wouldn’t be hiring. Someone that takes initiative and thinks outside of the box can help your business progress and stay ahead of the competition. Creative initiative is a definite bonus as you don’t want an office filled with like-minded people, after all, it’s the new ideas that change the world.

examples of problem solving competency answers

Question 9: Tell me about a time when you became aware of a potential problem and resolved it before it became an issue.

This question tests their ability to identify problems and solve them. Having foresight is important quality and it’s much more than wearing glasses. Foresight is about identifying issues before they actually become issues. Being able to see into the future and red-flagging a problem, is something that you should not only value, but covet – being thoughtful helps avoid disaster.

Question 10: Describe a personal weakness that you had to overcome to improve your performance at work? How did you do it?

This question test their self-awareness and dedication. Self-awareness is crucial to growth and becoming a better employee. A good answer is one that shows a candidates willingness to improve, whether that be learning new skills or honing their talents. This is a hard problem-solving interview question so a successful response is a testament to their ability.

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Examples of Competency-Based Interview Questions and Answers

examples of problem solving competency answers

Table of Contents

Why is it important to prepare for competency-based interviews.

Competency interview questions showcase the candidate’s skills, abilities, and behaviours relevant to the job. Employers will try to identify these competencies in any interview since these skills are particularly important for organisations and specific job roles. The job description often lists the key skills needed in a particular role, allowing candidates to outline all core competencies in the first few lines of their resumes.

To measure a candidate’s suitability, recruiters ask these competency-based questions to help them draw examples from candidates’ past experiences with examples of when they relied on particular competencies. The logic behind these interviews is simple: the past ability to use a skill in a specific situation is a good indicator of the candidate’s potential to be successful in the new role and the future. These interviews aim to help candidates picture themselves in situations where they can clearly show their skills and how they handle difficult situations or perhaps share their logical solutions for challenges they face.

Competency questions are essential for recruiters since they help properly evaluate candidates and find the right fit for their organisation. Asking these questions makes comparing hundreds of candidates more straightforward and provides hiring managers insight into one’s working style, strengths and weaknesses. The answers recruiters receive can help them predict the future behaviours of the candidates in specific situations.

List of Common Competency-Based Interviews and How to Answer Them

Once you know how to respond, answering these questions is a straightforward task. The answers to these questions should revolve around the candidate’s skills and core competencies, attitudes and behaviours.

Typical competency interviews will determine whether a candidate has the needed skills, such as problem-solving abilities, leadership behaviours, and conflict-resolution skills. Below, you can read about examples and possible ways to answer these questions that can help you succeed in the interview .

Describe a Time When You Worked Under Pressure

This competency-based question is among the most commonly asked interview questions. The goal of the question is to help recruiters assess your performance in a crisis and see whether it is challenging for you to come up with solutions during a crisis. Your example needs to reflect how you manage these crisis situations and the positive outcomes you have reached. Showing your forward planning, initiative, and problem-solving abilities can help recruiters see the evidence of your practical and calm approaches under pressure.

What is Your Biggest Career Achievement So Far?

Addressing your most significant career achievement means adding specific details with as much relevant information and data as possible to make answering competency-based questions more compelling. It is a good idea to explain the challenges you have encountered while on your way to making the most significant achievement in your career, as well as what action steps you took to address them.

This can showcase your problem-solving abilities and your key competency to overcome challenges and obstacles that may arise. For example, if you’ve led a team to launch a new product, explain the steps you took to ensure timely delivery, effective collaboration and communication.

Share a Situation Where You Identified a Problem Before it Became a Significant Issue

Problem-solving skills are always challenging to describe as they are a combination of different soft and hard skills, as well as adaptability, knowledge and innovation.

Problem-solving abilities showcase your leadership potential, productivity, and ability to make effective decisions. The hiring managers will want to know how you recognise obstacles and how you analyse information to overcome obstacles.

For example, suppose you are applying for a leadership role. In that case, you may want to share how you’ve handled interpersonal challenges within a team and how you modified complex processes to improve your team’s productivity. Additionally, suppose you are working in the customer service industry. In that case, you can explain how you’ve solved a customer’s problem and share knowledge on implementing a system to make everyone’s job easier.

Tell me About a Challenging Decision You Had to Make at Work

This question allows you to provide more insight into handling difficult situations and making decisions. It will help hiring managers understand that you can make complex decisions and strive to bring a positive outcome out of every situation. The interviewers want to see that you are ready to approach challenging situations and make difficult decisions logically and clearly.

Describe a Project Where You Had to Work Under Tight Deadlines

Preparing for competency-based interview questions will demonstrate your readiness for the specific role requirements. Adhering to tight deadlines is one requirement in every job role and is an essential component in multiple industries. Hiring managers want to determine how you strive to achieve company goals and approach these deadlines, as it can be a critical factor in determining whether you are ready for the high flow of demands of the job you are applying for.

The recruiters ask this question to assess whether you can complete all tasks when required and how well you will perform in your role overall. When you tell your story, ensure that you address the importance of the deadlines by giving the full context of the situation, including the potential challenges in meeting the deadline and how you overcame these challenges.

Make a List of Specific Situations You have Demonstrated Key Competencies

Key competencies are essential benchmarks for assessing candidates’ suitability for a specific role, and competency-based questions help determine the skills and traits of a candidate. It is essential to identify the situations in which you have demonstrated your abilities in your prior work and education and during your free time.

Key competencies are used to evaluate candidates during the recruitment process. This is why it is essential to identify all situations where you have used your critical competencies and match them to your skills and experience. Some of the key competencies that you should address and provide examples for include:

  • Ethics 
  • Responsibility 
  • Commercial awareness 
  • Decision-making
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Trustworthiness
  • Problem-solving  
  • Organisational skills 
  • Time management skills

From an Interview to a Dream Job with Olive Recruit

Olive Recruit is a people-led company that puts candidates at the heart of everything we do. We aim to impact people’s lives through consistent and constant collaboration in supporting candidates to find their dream jobs while also helping clients find A-players for their open positions.

Our team of professionals can guide you on your career journey and support you through the job-seeking process by providing support, advice, and positive results. We can also advise you on how to answer competency questions as well.

Find our office in Bristol to seek more information, or contact us today so we can start your career journey together.

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What Are Problem-Solving Skills? Definition and Examples

Zoe Kaplan

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Forage puts students first. Our blog articles are written independently by our editorial team. They have not been paid for or sponsored by our partners. See our full  editorial guidelines .

Why do employers hire employees? To help them solve problems. Whether you’re a financial analyst deciding where to invest your firm’s money, or a marketer trying to figure out which channel to direct your efforts, companies hire people to help them find solutions. Problem-solving is an essential and marketable soft skill in the workplace. 

So, how can you improve your problem-solving and show employers you have this valuable skill? In this guide, we’ll cover:

Problem-Solving Skills Definition

Why are problem-solving skills important, problem-solving skills examples, how to include problem-solving skills in a job application, how to improve problem-solving skills, problem-solving: the bottom line.

Problem-solving skills are the ability to identify problems, brainstorm and analyze answers, and implement the best solutions. An employee with good problem-solving skills is both a self-starter and a collaborative teammate; they are proactive in understanding the root of a problem and work with others to consider a wide range of solutions before deciding how to move forward. 

Examples of using problem-solving skills in the workplace include:

  • Researching patterns to understand why revenue decreased last quarter
  • Experimenting with a new marketing channel to increase website sign-ups
  • Brainstorming content types to share with potential customers
  • Testing calls to action to see which ones drive the most product sales
  • Implementing a new workflow to automate a team process and increase productivity

Problem-solving skills are the most sought-after soft skill of 2022. In fact, 86% of employers look for problem-solving skills on student resumes, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2022 survey . 

It’s unsurprising why employers are looking for this skill: companies will always need people to help them find solutions to their problems. Someone proactive and successful at problem-solving is valuable to any team.

“Employers are looking for employees who can make decisions independently, especially with the prevalence of remote/hybrid work and the need to communicate asynchronously,” Eric Mochnacz, senior HR consultant at Red Clover, says. “Employers want to see individuals who can make well-informed decisions that mitigate risk, and they can do so without suffering from analysis paralysis.”

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Problem-solving includes three main parts: identifying the problem, analyzing possible solutions, and deciding on the best course of action.

>>MORE: Discover the right career for you based on your skills with a career aptitude test .

Research is the first step of problem-solving because it helps you understand the context of a problem. Researching a problem enables you to learn why the problem is happening. For example, is revenue down because of a new sales tactic? Or because of seasonality? Is there a problem with who the sales team is reaching out to? 

Research broadens your scope to all possible reasons why the problem could be happening. Then once you figure it out, it helps you narrow your scope to start solving it. 

Analysis is the next step of problem-solving. Now that you’ve identified the problem, analytical skills help you look at what potential solutions there might be.

“The goal of analysis isn’t to solve a problem, actually — it’s to better understand it because that’s where the real solution will be found,” Gretchen Skalka, owner of Career Insights Consulting, says. “Looking at a problem through the lens of impartiality is the only way to get a true understanding of it from all angles.”


Once you’ve figured out where the problem is coming from and what solutions are, it’s time to decide on the best way to go forth. Decision-making skills help you determine what resources are available, what a feasible action plan entails, and what solution is likely to lead to success.

On a Resume

Employers looking for problem-solving skills might include the word “problem-solving” or other synonyms like “ critical thinking ” or “analytical skills” in the job description.

“I would add ‘buzzwords’ you can find from the job descriptions or LinkedIn endorsements section to filter into your resume to comply with the ATS,” Matthew Warzel, CPRW resume writer, advises. Warzel recommends including these skills on your resume but warns to “leave the soft skills as adjectives in the summary section. That is the only place soft skills should be mentioned.”

On the other hand, you can list hard skills separately in a skills section on your resume .

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Forage Resume Writing Masterclass

Learn how to showcase your skills and craft an award-winning resume with this free masterclass from Forage.

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Skills you’ll build: Resume writing, professional brand, professional summary, narrative, transferable skills, industry keywords, illustrating your impact, standing out

In a Cover Letter or an Interview

Explaining your problem-solving skills in an interview can seem daunting. You’re required to expand on your process — how you identified a problem, analyzed potential solutions, and made a choice. As long as you can explain your approach, it’s okay if that solution didn’t come from a professional work experience.

“Young professionals shortchange themselves by thinking only paid-for solutions matter to employers,” Skalka says. “People at the genesis of their careers don’t have a wealth of professional experience to pull from, but they do have relevant experience to share.”

Aaron Case, career counselor and CPRW at Resume Genius, agrees and encourages early professionals to share this skill. “If you don’t have any relevant work experience yet, you can still highlight your problem-solving skills in your cover letter,” he says. “Just showcase examples of problems you solved while completing your degree, working at internships, or volunteering. You can even pull examples from completely unrelated part-time jobs, as long as you make it clear how your problem-solving ability transfers to your new line of work.”

Learn How to Identify Problems

Problem-solving doesn’t just require finding solutions to problems that are already there. It’s also about being proactive when something isn’t working as you hoped it would. Practice questioning and getting curious about processes and activities in your everyday life. What could you improve? What would you do if you had more resources for this process? If you had fewer? Challenge yourself to challenge the world around you.

Think Digitally

“Employers in the modern workplace value digital problem-solving skills, like being able to find a technology solution to a traditional issue,” Case says. “For example, when I first started working as a marketing writer, my department didn’t have the budget to hire a professional voice actor for marketing video voiceovers. But I found a perfect solution to the problem with an AI voiceover service that cost a fraction of the price of an actor.”

Being comfortable with new technology — even ones you haven’t used before — is a valuable skill in an increasingly hybrid and remote world. Don’t be afraid to research new and innovative technologies to help automate processes or find a more efficient technological solution.


Problem-solving isn’t done in a silo, and it shouldn’t be. Use your collaboration skills to gather multiple perspectives, help eliminate bias, and listen to alternative solutions. Ask others where they think the problem is coming from and what solutions would help them with your workflow. From there, try to compromise on a solution that can benefit everyone.

If we’ve learned anything from the past few years, it’s that the world of work is constantly changing — which means it’s crucial to know how to adapt . Be comfortable narrowing down a solution, then changing your direction when a colleague provides a new piece of information. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone, whether with your personal routine or trying a new system at work.

Put Yourself in the Middle of Tough Moments

Just like adapting requires you to challenge your routine and tradition, good problem-solving requires you to put yourself in challenging situations — especially ones where you don’t have relevant experience or expertise to find a solution. Because you won’t know how to tackle the problem, you’ll learn new problem-solving skills and how to navigate new challenges. Ask your manager or a peer if you can help them work on a complicated problem, and be proactive about asking them questions along the way.

Career Aptitude Test

What careers are right for you based on your skills? Take this quiz to find out. It’s completely free — you’ll just need to sign up to get your results!

Step 1 of 3

Companies always need people to help them find solutions — especially proactive employees who have practical analytical skills and can collaborate to decide the best way to move forward. Whether or not you have experience solving problems in a professional workplace, illustrate your problem-solving skills by describing your research, analysis, and decision-making process — and make it clear that you’re the solution to the employer’s current problems. 

Looking to learn more workplace professional skills? Check out Two Sigma’s Professional Skills Development Virtual Experience Program .

Image Credit: Christina Morillo / Pexels 

Zoe Kaplan

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Competency Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your next job interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples focused on how competent you are in your profession.

Competency was updated by Christine Pasqueretta on March 7th, 2018. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

Tell me the ways in which you brought value to your most recent position.

How to Answer

Answer example.

Community Answers

This question offers another way for the interviewer to ask about your recent successes and bragging points. The interviewer wants to know which top skills you will highlight if you had to narrow down where you brought the most value. Perhaps you influenced changes that saved the company money. Maybe you were the top grossing sales person on the floor. Think of your strengths in action! If you are reliable, talk about how consistent your work has been and how you are in constant support of your coworkers. If you have a strong work ethic, share how you accomplished a project in the midst of harsh obstacles.

"There were several ways I was able to bring value to my most recent company. First, I successfully surpassed each sales goal in my department. Second, I was able to motivate other members of my team and share my sales techniques with them. Third, I introduced two new procedures to the sales manager that helped us eliminate employee idleness between sales calls."

"My organizational skills made an incredible impact on my current company. Upon my arrival, I quickly implemented new filing systems for both physical and digital files. I also introduced the use of Trello, a project management app that we use office-wide."

"In my last position, I brought value through delivering an increased customer base. My ability to build strong relationships helped me secure and maintain all new business."

"Most recently, I developed a marketing campaign across platforms to launch our newest collaboration. Not only did the option sell out in record time, but it also got featured on some different "best holiday gift" lists, which helped also get our name out there. I have helped increase exposure by over 124%, and engagement in our fashion challenges has followed suit. To sum it up, I bring both financial value as well as vision and experience in long-term planning of strategies and promotions that will increase engagement and ultimately revenue."

"I cared deeply about delivering value to the businesses I supported in my last position. I worked hard to understand the business so I could position my talents to serve the group best. By learning more, I was able to be a better partner to deliver successful practices across the group."

"I believe I bring value in many ways to my current organization. As a sales rep, obviously, I bring financial value. I've been among the top three sales reps since starting in the role. Also, my pod transacts the most frequently and has the lowest claim rate, meaning we are making good deals and not costing ourselves money on the backend just to get the front end "yes." I also helped create a community within the organization that spearheads tackling projects that impact the culture and productivity of the company."

"I pride myself on having been a key part of saving the department when the board put it on the chopping block. Due to the community I'd created in my tenure as a Spanish teacher, I had dozens of students and their parent's rally on my behalf, and behalf of the department as a whole, to speak out against cutting the elementary Spanish department. I believe this indicates how impactful I've been as a teacher and all I've contributed to my students' education, as well as to the department and district as a whole by helping save the program."

Anonymous Answer

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Rachelle's Feedback

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25 Competency Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Competency interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

1. Tell me the ways in which you brought value to your most recent position.

Written by Christine Pasqueretta

Written by Rachelle Enns on May 4th, 2019

Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

2. how do you deal with conflict on your team.

The interviewer is looking to hear about your ability to communicate with your team and professionally handle issues when they arise. Think of an example where you worked closely with your team to resolve a conflict. You could also offer a scenario where you mediated an issue between two coworkers. Show that you can keep your head on your shoulders when dealing with conflict.

"I have strong conflict management skills and in my current position, have had to exercise those skills from time to time. We are in a high-stress, highly commissioned work environment which can cause a lot of unnecessary conflict among the team. When a conflict arises, I like to deal with it swiftly, openly, and with poise. Transparency and openness are how I lead my team, so I will call a group meeting where we express concerns and get it all out on the table."

"When there is conflict, I will address the issue head-on, with expediency, and open communication. Hearing the problem before deciding on a solution, and perhaps most importantly, hearing the parties out is most important. I believe in allowing the stakeholders have a say in what they think will work best for them, and then work together to create a solution that will work best for everyone."

"Conflict is a normal part of running a business. It can help to offer clear, open, and honest communication among team members. To prevent conflict, as much as possible, I manage my team with those particular values."

"I think a bit of conflict is good for a team: we all have a right to voice our opinions and know it's okay to disagree. As we disagree, we find new spaces for growth and new directions to take because of those uncomfortable conversations. As long as it remains in check and everyone behaves as adults and treats one another and our differing opinions with respect, conflict can be very beneficial."

"Conflict in teams is inevitable, especially when you work long hours or are in danger of hitting specific sales targets. I handle conflict with respect, and the intent to understand the other person by listening."

"In a sales environment, competition is necessary and its integral to the fiber of the organization. However, it can prove problematic, especially among those on the same team who are supposed to work collaboratively, but ultimately are competing. On one occasion, the two buyers who reported to me got into a verbal argument. I calmly pulled them both off the floor to a private room. We were able to get to the heart of the issue. It boiled down to one feeling the other was trying to be his manager when he had no authority over him. By communicating job tasks and making a clear division of power, we solved the issue."

"We often have philosophical differences in how we approach teaching, so these typically came to a head during curriculum writing. When we disagree, I try to take a leadership role and mediate the disagreement. Let everyone; myself included, have their few minutes to speak on the issue and then see where we can find common ground. Usually, there's at least a sliver of commonality, and we can all get through the disagreement."

examples of problem solving competency answers

Stephanie's Feedback

3. Why are you the best candidate for this position?

Bragging about yourself in an interview can be tough to do, but this is your time to shine! Which characteristics and career accomplishments have made you a stand-out candidate? Perhaps you have received some academic awards or have been given special accolades in your most recent position. There is nobody like you, and now you need to express that to the interviewer.

"I am the best candidate for you because I have a consistent history of exceeding my targets and goals for the past three years. I have been promoted two times in the last year which is nearly unheard of in my current company. In addition to these successes, I have excellent cold calling skills which I will put to work immediately after being hired by your company."

"I am the best candidate because I have the right type of administration background, education, and experience. I know that I can jump right in and get going with very little training time."

"I have the necessary experience, skill sets, and high level of ambition to add great value to this department. I come well trained in inventory management, team leadership, and productivity methods. In addition to this, I have led teams up to 50 individuals with minimal employee turnover."

"In my current role, I have worn every hat in the marketing department. I manage the website, social media marketing, planning and running promotions, and all written copy that is published by the company. Because of my involvement in so many different areas of the company, I feel that I can bring a unique advantage and insight that other applicants won't deliver."

"I feel that I am the best candidate for you because I am looking for a company that I can stay with for the long haul, something that you mentioned you value earlier as well. Retail can see a lot of employee turnover as colleges start up in the fall. This path is a long-term career option for me, and I would like to be groomed into a regional manager role one day."

"I smiled when I read the job description because it was as though you had written it with me in mind. I know that I am the best candidate for this role because I have three years of exceeding my sales goals, inside and outside sales experience, and I know the industry. Also, I was the fastest promoted in my previous position and have led the rollout of new markets in my current position, making me ideally positioned for helping you continue to build your sales organization, markets, and exceed financial metrics."

"I am ready for a change and have always targeted this district as my dream one. I am passionate about teaching, about the language, and about making learning fun. I know that I will be a valuable asset to the school and district by breathing life into the program. I work well with others and am constantly innovating, so I look forward to doing that in your premiere district."

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Kevin's Feedback

4. What skills did you learn in your most recent position that will help you in this new role?

Before answering this question, you need to know which critical skills are a must in this new role. Review the job description, compare it to your most recent job, and give examples that demonstrate your competency in these skills. For instance, if the interviewing company is looking for someone with experience in a particular technology, talk about how you learned the ins and outs of this technology in your past job. If the company is looking for someone with excellent customer service skills, give an example of how you learned to meet the needs of customers in your last role by listening and positively communicating with them.

"In my current role, I grew my sales skills an immense amount. I was pretty good at sales previously, but the amount of training I have gained in cold calling, prospecting, and pipeline building has been incredible. I look forward to taking this knowledge and applying it to this role with your company."

"I learned the ins and outs of the accounting system in my most current role. I was responsible for migrating our information into the same system, so I spent a good amount of time researching and training within it."

"In my most recent position, I learned how to be a better strategic manager, and I think this will help me better balance being both tactical and strategic in this new role."

"I've been in both inbound and outbound marketing, and in my current role, I plan the entire content marketing schedule and strategy, in collaboration with the owner of the business. Because it's such a small business, and because of my hand in the entire marketing strategy, I feel as though I am equipped to jump in just about any role in the company."

"I learned the art of upselling! Coming here today I see that you have many items available to upsell which means I can easily take my current skills and apply them here."

"In my most recent position, I learned the ins and outs of, which I understand are what you use as your CRM. I am accustomed to detailing my conversations, calls, and follow-up tasks within the CRM but I also have some experience in customizing fields and setting various alerts and reminders. We house everything in, rather than in the CRM, emails, and chats. It helps increase productivity."

"I've learned classroom management, curriculum development, and also working well in other people's spaces. I have refined the art of coming in on a tight schedule, but developing a consistent routine with my students so they know what to expect, that we'll have fun and get down to business all at once, and how to pack the most punch into my shortened class periods. These are all valuable skills that make me the best candidate for your position."

examples of problem solving competency answers

Cindy's Feedback

examples of problem solving competency answers

Marcie's Feedback

5. Give me an example of a challenge you overcame in your last position.

Demonstrate your positive approach to problem-solving. Show that you are proactive and competent when it comes to challenging workplace situations. Perhaps you went over and above to meet a tight deadline while taking over the responsibilities of a co-worker who was out sick. Another example could be that you trained yourself on a new software that was difficult to understand. In your answer, focus on the steps you took to overcome the challenge, rather than the challenge itself. The interviewer wants to hear that you are determined and able to problem solve.

"The biggest challenge that I overcame in my last position was that I was brand new to the industry. I had sales experience; however, I knew very little about the oil and energy industry. I took my evenings and weekends to study hard on industry background, and trends. It didn't take me long to feel comfortable and confident when speaking with potential clients. All it took was some time and dedication!"

"When starting my last role, there were 35 critical leadership openings in the business. It was causing a huge challenge for the businesses to function and meet their key initiatives. I worked closely partnering with talent acquisition to accomplish the successful hiring and training of all roles."

"My last challenge was to complete product testing within a deadline that was very tight. I was able to keep the test cells running 24 hours a day by monitoring their status from my laptop at home and by asking team members on later shifts to stop by and make sure they could hear it running."

"In my last position, I was tasked with fixing a very broken website. So, I not only learned WordPress, but shopped other providers and learned that WooCommerce was not the best fit for our needs, and migrated the site over to Shopify. I had to teach myself some basic code, as I had minimal resources or support within my organization. In any event, I got the site up and running and working better than ever!"

"When I first arrived in my position, the inventory management in our store was out of control. Clothing was stashed in the back room, in every nook and cranny imaginable. I decided to take hold of that project immediately, setting a new standard for the floor sales staff."

"I would say the biggest challenge I overcame in my previous position was my lack of outside sales experience. I had inside sales and account management but had never done a cold pitch. At first, it was uncomfortable, but as I became more confident in the company and my knowledge of the industry, I learned what an asset I could be in outside sales. By meeting prospects face-to-face, I could assess not only their sincerity and level of interest but also connect on a personal level. What's ironic is the thing that gave me the greatest pause about taking the position became my favorite part of the job. It's something I look forward to continuing to do daily with your organization, should I be offered the position."

"The district was running a referendum to pass what would get cut from the budget and had a list of proposed cuts; elementary Spanish was at the top of the list. Being told that, purely for budgetary reasons, my job and department would be gone was quite a challenge. We saved the program, in large part due to the support of my current and former students and their families."

6. What decisions did you routinely make in your last position?

The interviewer would like to know more about the types of decisions you are accustomed to making in the workplace. The way you answer this question will give them a good idea of your level of experience, seniority, and ability to handle the decision-making requirements in this possible position. If the job you are interviewing for requires you to be decisive and quick on your feet, you will need to be able to provide examples of how you have done these things in the past. If you worked in tech support, you faced with problems that you needed to find solutions for regularly. If you worked as a sales rep, you might have required knowing how to negotiate and make decisions on prices and benefits you can give your customers. You may have faced decisions that became so routine you didn't think twice! Refer to these decisions and be sure to highlight how they have prepared you for a role like this one.

Written by Christine Pasqueretta on May 4th, 2019

"In my previous position I was quite often required to make decisions on staff scheduling as well as hiring and terminating. I feel that role prepared me quite well for a position like this one. I have well-honed decision-making skills and my intuition, when it comes to hiring, has been elevated."

"In my previous role, as an executive assistant, I routinely made decisions on vendors, locations, caterers, and airlines. I thoroughly enjoy making those types of decisions as I am decisive and a great researcher."

"I routinely make decisions around hiring, career advancement, associate development, and talent management. I am very comfortable in these areas."

"I was responsible for planning the content calendar which included emails, blog post topics, and timing, social media posts, in addition to actually executing the plans. That means everything from creating a copy, to choosing images, and the like. Also, I collaborated with management to decide what promotions and sales we will be running and when."

"I regularly made decisions regarding pricing and discounts for customers. I had a standard set of criteria that I created, and I tried to let that guide me for consistency."

"On a day-to-day level, I chose the city of focus, prioritization of prospects, and delegation of tasks. The higher-level decisions I made were regarding hiring and assignment of new hires. I also had a large influence on the employee terminations. I feel that these two sets of responsibilities have positioned me well for this role and I look forward to continuing to leveraging my experience while learning from the more seasoned members of the staff."

"I write my lesson plans, execute them, and tweak them as I go through the day from class to class. Classroom management is obviously a big part of my job. Since I like to have fun with my students' learning methods, it's especially important to make sure that we're being energetic but staying on task and learning."

7. How do you deal in uncomfortable situations?

Often, our work environment holds the possibility for awkward or tense situations. It can be challenging to know how to respond when you have a coworker who is moody, or when your coworker lacks social skills and continuously asks inappropriate questions. The interviewer wants to know that you can keep your cool in situations like these.

"I have had my share of awkward situations and having raised two kids, I am no stranger to them! In the workplace, if an uncomfortable situation arises I tend to face the issue head-on, but tactfully. Sweeping things under the rug rarely helps. I have no problem being open with my team or colleagues if I am not feeling comfortable in a particular situation."

"I have learned over the years that if something makes me uncomfortable, I better dive right into it. Change and growth happen outside of your comfort zone. I embrace this!"

"Uncomfortable situations do not weigh on me. I have learned how to face my problems and persevere, and I never take my feelings home with me. I encourage this mentality with my team as well."

"I try to avoid conflict, but I have a high tolerance for discomfort. I've learned to try to let the people in question sort it out, but have no problem rolling up my sleeves and diving in to help mediate the problem."

"When working with the public so much, awkward situations are going to arise. I have had my fair share and knew enough to either walk away or fake it till I made it! A smile and nod can do wonders!"

"As ridiculous as this sounds, I am comfortable in awkward situations because I've had decades of awkward family dinner parties when one side didn't get along well with the other! I've learned to be the go-between who smoothes things out while finding common ground where all parties can agree. While the foundations are odd, this has proven a beneficial skill in the workplace."

"Uncomfortable situations don't phase me. It takes a lot to make me uncomfortable, and I just roll with whatever awkward thing is happening and try to either make it normalized, especially in the case of a student, change the conversation, or address the root of the awkwardness. It's all part of the gig."

8. Name a few things you were asked to do in your most recent position that you weren't necessarily trained to do. How did you cope?

The interviewer wants to know how you approach a situation when you do not necessarily possess the knowledge to complete a task. Most of us ask others for help, or conduct research to find the answer. Highlight to the interviewer that you are competent when it comes to leading yourself to the right answer. Show that you do not get frustrated; rather, you take it as an opportunity to grow.

"When I first started my current role, I was asked to present to my team about an idea I wanted to implement that would save the company money and time. I had never done this before and the idea of presenting made me a bit nervous. I spent a good deal of time researching viable business solutions. I played around with PowerPoint and watched some YouTube videos on how to put together an engaging slide show. It turned out great and I learned a lot from the experience."

"I worked for a lean organization that had a lot of crossover between HR, Marketing and IT. Often, I would be asked to perform the functions of a department for which I did not work. We are all on the same team so I would figure out what to do and get it done, then later recommend a process to better handle the type of situation in the future."

"I was regularly asked to participate in internal ISO audits, which I had never done before, so I had to learn the standards and how to run an audit appropriately. I was also promoted to a team lead and had a direct report to monitor. This role was my first supervisory position, so I had never approved time sheets or handled employment-related concerns. I asked for advice when possible, and researched on my own time whenever necessary."

"I was not trained specifically on most of my job, so it's all self-taught or intuitive. I have taught myself PhotoShop, and that's been helpful in both social media and email campaigns. I have also taught myself WordPress which is the basis of the new website I created, and manage, for my employer."

"I had minimal training going into my new role. I received training on the POS system but nothing formal surrounding sales scripts, the return policy, or merchandising. Through many online tutorials and YouTube videos, I taught myself how to sell! I also memorized the return policies in the first week."

"Having worked in a startup, I am no stranger to "figure it out on the fly" type of mentality, almost to the point where I was figuring things out as I went more than I was implementing the training I had received. One example that comes to mind was dealing with a seemingly exciting prospect who went dark. I decided to hop in the car and show up at their door to have the conversation face-to-face. This tactic was unheard of in my company, but my gut said I had to do it. It turned out very well, and I was able to overcome a ton of objections that would have taken dozens of phone calls."

"I'd say the best example of tackling something not explicitly in training would be working with students with exceptionalities. Sure, I have training in theory, but every single child is different as it is, so when there is an additional layer like a diagnosis or challenge to overcome, the learning in the college classroom is quite different than application in the daily class. I've found it's best to read their file, talk to their previous teachers and family as necessary, and then take it as it comes, just like any other kiddo."

9. What feedback did you receive from your most recent manager?

Every manager has a different approach to giving feedback. Some prefer to save it for the performance review while others dish it out on the regular. Your response to feedback is much more important than the feedback itself. Even if it was negative, if you can take it as constructive criticism, you can improve yourself and your skills.

"My manager told me that I was spending too much time on the details of a project. I realized that I could be such a perfectionist that I lose track of time and am often hyper-focus on things that just aren't that important. I'm learning to prioritize the steps I need to take, and the required tasks when working on a bigger project."

"My last performance review was positive. I was given kudos for completing tasks on schedule and occasionally ahead of schedule."

"As a manager, I most often give feedback to my team, so when I receive feedback, it feels great. Recently my operations director asked me to give more detailed notes in our CRM. He felt that I wasn't as thorough as I could be. Since then I have readily implemented his feedback."

"My most recent supervisor commended how hard I worked and gave me additional responsibilities beyond what I was hired to do, which was a huge compliment. I feel highly of my work ethic and talent. The areas for improvement she pointed out where not getting caught up in the details of a project, which I know I can spend too much time on."

"I frequently received and gave feedback on my last job. I proactively scheduled a weekly touch base with my manager to seek out feedback and connect on pressing issues. The feedback was often positive, and I would take the lead navigating situations I was unclear on by enlisting the expertise of my peers."

"My manager and the company as a whole had the philosophy of on the fly feedback. Something my manager pointed out to me was that I could get possessive about a project and want to complete it entirely on my own, rather than bringing in help when I should. Since then, I have worked to determine the best partners for any given project, collaboratively work on an outline and delegation of tasks, a simple project management system, and scheduled check-ins so we are all held accountable and can ensure we are each making it happen in a timely fashion. I appreciated this feedback. It's helped me address something that has been hindering my growth and productivity for some time."

"I'm happy to say that I typically have received glowing reports from my Principals. The main area for improvement noted would be incorporating more standardized type testing into my teaching. I suppose it's a necessary evil, so I've begun doing cumulative unit tests four times per year so I can assess how they're learning, what they're retaining, and what we need to work on more."

10. How did you go about suggesting changes in your most recent company?

The interviewer would like to see that you proactively go after what you want and that you will act as a positive change-agent when you see room for improvement in the workplace. The worst way to answer this question would be to say 'I didn't have the power to change anything in the organization, so I quit.' This question is not an opportunity to complain about your previous job or company! Think about personal changes you could make that would have made your job easier, improved your skills or furthered your education. You cannot change others, but there is always the option to develop yourself!

"My previous company did not allow for a lot of employee feedback or input so I chose to focus on ways that I could better my performance instead. I took many weekend workshops on various topics such as Excel, Communication in the Workplace, The Art of Negotiations, and some human resource related courses as well. My boss did notice an improvement in my performance, so I formally suggested that the company pay for every employee to take one course per year. They agreed and implemented my suggestion. I believe it's easier to 'do' rather than 'tell.' My example of performance improvement was what they needed to make some changes."

"In my previous role, I had regular one on one meetings with my supervisor. In those meetings, I would offer suggestions. I was always prepared to go into detail on my ideas, and the analytics to back them up, should my ideas pique any interest. Never ask for a change without being able to justify it."

"I would keep a running list of areas for improvement, and as the opportunity arose to bring them up in a tactful manner, I would voice the appropriate, related concern. If anything were pressing, I'd make sure to raise my concern immediately."

"Marketers are known creative types, so we always love to explore alternate scenarios and ways to improve a process. I keep up to take on technology trends and would often suggest we open a free trial of the latest and greatest. Sometimes we would permanently implement the recommendation, other times we would toss it."

"I currently work in a franchise environment so there can be a lot of red-tape surrounding change. I have made suggestions for small changes such as adding a flashing "open" sign to the front door, handing out napkins rather than leaving dispensers out to prevent waste and that type of thing."

"When starting my most recent position, I would have the occasional 8 AM check-in with the COO, who was my direct boss. I was able to give him direct feedback on what I saw, as a newcomer. Many times, he took my suggestions on how to change things, but there were plenty of times when we just had to leave the situation alone. I trusted that he had a plan, or that my feedback was at least heard and perhaps change would be made at a later juncture."

"If asked, I can readily suggest change; however, I avoid unsolicited recommendations."

11. How has your current job changed over the years?

The interviewer wants to know more about your career progression. Additional responsibilities, promotions, and changes in your job title all indicate that you were competent and successful in your role. This question gives you an opportunity to go more in-depth about how your job has evolved. If nothing has changed much over the past couple of years in your position, focus on what you have learned. Are you better at managing teams now that you have gone from supervising one to five people? Are you exceptionally good at problem-solving now that you've learned to troubleshoot IT related problems? Talk about how the changes in your job have taught you new skills and helped you develop the ones you already have.

"When I initially started my job four years ago I was a junior level associate. Today, I am responsible for leading a team of 8 junior associates. My role does not look the same at all, and I am thankful for the growth opportunity that my current company has offered me. In addition to the change in leadership responsibilities, I have also enjoyed two major promotions. I attribute this to hard work and dedication."

"Change is a constant in my current role as I work with a rapidly growing organization. In the beginning, I was the one doing the bulk of the administrative work where over the years, I began leading a team to accomplish those same goals. You could say I grew professionally as much as the business did!"

"I have grown exponentially in my position. I went from a one-person show to a department of three, with me in charge. We have increased our product line offerings, so my team has had to increase its workload repeatedly."

"In my current role, I was initially hired to write blog posts, take photos, and execute social media copy that had already been planned out for me. A few months in, I was tasked with planning the posts as well. Now, I am in charge of planning out the marketing calendar for the entire year, including all posts, topics, and promotions."

"Initially, I was hired as a part-time sales associate. I graduated college and received a promotion to full-time key holder, then assistant manager. My role now includes correspondence with our corporate head office, interviewing candidates, and training new hires. I love to learn new process and look forward to the challenges this role will offer."

"Since graduating, I have held various positions, always leaving one for another with greater responsibility, whether within the same organization or another. I have learned a lot in each position, and without any of the previous ones, I would not have earned the promotions I have enjoyed to date. I began as the lowest on the totem pole and have since lead teams from one to five direct reports; I began in inside sales and had since piloted an outside sales program that previously did not exist. I am grateful for all of the lessons I have learned in each position that have equipped me for the next move I'm looking to make, and I look forward to using this knowledge to make an impact at ABC if given the opportunity."

"In the past near-decade of teaching, I've seen the shift towards more standardized testing and quieter, less exciting methods of teaching. I have seen my job almost be eliminated a few times for budgetary concerns, despite the rhetoric that the board values the department- something the community made clear that they do value. All the while, I've done everything I can to evolve with the times but keep in mind the needs of my students."

12. How do you explain complicated concepts to those who may not understand?

The interviewer wants to know that you are capable of explaining complex ideas without being condescending to your co-workers or talking over their heads. Give the interviewer an example of how you break down information to make it more easily digestible for the average person. Think of a presentation about a complex topic, as a proposal to solve a challenging problem. The solution may seem obvious to you, but everyone else in the room is scratching their heads trying to figure out what you're saying. When you can define key terms and phrases to make them more relevant to your audience, you have skill! Not everyone can do this. Prepare an example that demonstrates your communication skills and your ability to convey complex information in easy to understand terms.

"I find that when there is a complicated concept to teach, visual aids are always the way to go. Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners and that presentations with visual components are 43% more persuasive? I took a course on creating effective info-graphics and will often implement those in my presentations."

"Keep it simple silly! If you cannot explain a concept simply, then you do not understand it well enough. I recently rolled out a complex compensation plan with many anomalies. I took the approach to share a broad overview and provide detail for reference. I often try to make analogies or share complex information in the form of a story."

"I try to use written and verbal examples. If possible, I like to have hands-on examples, but that is not always feasible. Communicating in more than one way helps those with different learning styles."

"I often have to explain things to others outside of marketing, the how and the why, but not get stuck in the minutiae. It comes down to keeping it simple and talking in their terms while remembering what motivates them: sales, operations, or what have you. Keep it short and sweet. We can dive in in further detail later, but just give an overview that plays to their interests and move on."

"If a concept is difficult to explain, or understand, I will find visual aids to help. Most people are visual learners who will better understand if they see the concept in action."

"I find the best way to explain a topic is a multifaceted approach. If possible, I like to send a quick email memo summarizing or teasing what we'll be talking about, so the team comes in with the right mindset. Then, a quick overview in person, check for understanding or questions. I then recap and summarize or clarify, followed by asking for another summary of what we've discussed from another teammate. Then, I wrap up clarifying any outstanding issues. Following this, I send out an email blast that summarizes what we talked about, the questions asked, and asking for feedback or questions. This process allows for various types of learners to be engaged, and I find that giving collateral to review later is impactful to all. We all need a quick reminder sometimes."

"This one's easy. I have to target my language to 8-year-olds every single day. Just break it down in simple terms and give them more credit than you initially want to. If you can't explain it to a kid, you may not understand it as well as you think."

13. Give an example of when you used your listening skills to complete a task properly, or solve a problem.

The interviewer wants to see that you have strong listening skills. They want to know that you aren't the type to interrupt before hearing your co-workers out. You know that asking for clarification can save you a lot of grief down the road! Show that you are one to check for full understanding when you are navigating new territory. Highlight to the interviewer that you are the type to listen and troubleshoot problems in a collaborative style attentively. Someone with excellent listening skills will: - Give the speaker their full attention - Maintain proper eye contact - Show invested interest by nodding or agreeing - Avoid interrupting - Ask for clarification if needed - Make statements such as "If I understand you correctly..." or "Do you mean that you want..." Give an example that demonstrates how you avoided miscommunication by using your stellar listening skills!

"If I understand you correctly..."

"I often use very sharp listening skills when the executive needs something. She rattles off her needs so fast that I can barely keep up sometimes! I have now taken to recording our conversations on my iPhone so that I can revert to her needs, ensuring I don't skip a beat. Her previous assistant did not do this, and she appreciates my ingenuity and willingness to implement new methods of working."

"Listening skills can serve you well in any role. In a heated meeting where two groups were debating about a specific issue they were having, I sat back to listen carefully to identify the root problem. Both teams were passionate about the work so could not hear over their defense mechanisms. As their leader, I was able to hear through this and recommend solutions for them to be successful working together."

"I was in a meeting when our owner and the operations manager and I were discussing how branding would look for the following calendar year. It was clear that the other two were not understanding one another, and I was the junior marketing person in the room. Never the less, to accomplish our task, I had to work as the mediator without making them feel like I was biased. I listened very carefully and reworded what each of them said in order to get us all on the same page. By using careful listening and tact, we left the meeting all on the same page, which gave us a great way to start off the year."

"Active listening is a key quality to have. I recently hosted a district retail meeting with a team that seems unhappy and discontent. I listened as they explained their issues. While some things I could not change, some of their concerns were easily rectified just by understanding the issue."

"Listening is crucial to closing a sales deal. I make the prospect feel as though they're my most important call of the day, listening to what they're saying, and not saying, and clarifying their statements. Not only is it helpful to help uncover any potential objections on the spot, but also it helps to confirm their understanding and reinforce a resolution."

"Even when I disagree initially with a colleague or even a student, I make sure not to show it. Rather, I wait to hear them out. If needed, I ask pointed questions to see if what I'm hearing is what they meant to communicate. Once it's clear that we understand one another, we can go from there; even if there is a disagreement, at least there is an understanding. This example applies to building curriculum, scheduling classes, or even answering homework questions. Clarifying questions and active listening will always go a long way."

14. Tell me about an achievement you are proud of. What skills did you use to achieve this goal?

The interviewer would like to know that you are capable of setting goals and reaching them. The person who aims to achieve more and more every day is the exact person that every manager wants to hire! Discuss an example of when you overcame obstacles to reach a career related goal that seemed impossible. Or, share a time when you received an award, and talk about the most challenging parts of achieving that award. Highlight your determination and focus.

"My company has a President's Club for all top sales reps. When you reach PC level, you earn a trip to Mexico! Last year I told myself that I was going to reach the President's Club level, no matter what it took. I worked an average of 50 hours per week, I doubled my cold calling numbers, and utilized areas of our Salesforce program that most people in our company don't even know. Mixing my strong determination with sound technical skills, and willingness to push through, I made it! I was proud of this achievement."

"I recently earned my Degree in Business Administration while working full time. This goal I set for myself so that I could readily earn an Executive Assistant position like this one."

"After recently hiring an entirely new team of people to roll out a critical project, I realized they needed to learn to work together. I created a leadership training program and cross-functional work group sessions to bring this team closer at an accelerated pace. It was a challenge to schedule and break the ice early, but we did it well."

"I am proud of the fact that I started this marketing career from scratch. My background is in service and sales, but I knew I needed something different and wanted to utilize my creative mind, so I leaped out on my own. The last two positions I landed because of creativity, perseverance, and hard work, which is the best way to get anything in life."

"I am proud to have won an award for highest sales in my district. My ability to analyze market trends and engage customers are the two skills I attribute this honor to the most."

"I'm proud of the fact that I was promoted the fastest in the organization's 5-year history, and followed that up by setting another record in fastest promotion to deal closed. When I took this position, I set the goal for promotion within twelve months. I was able to achieve that within six months. As you can see, I set lofty goals for myself and am sure to create milestones and check-ins with managers to ensure I'm hitting the targets along the way to achieve those goals."

"I am proud of having been chosen to be a mentor to new hires in the department. I think I've informally mentored and exhibited leadership since day one, and to be recognized for being a great teacher and being able to train and shape the new additions to the department is an awesome pat on the back."

15. Are you capable of handling disputes in a professional manner? How do you respond to customer complaints?

If you are interviewing for a customer or client facing role, you must show off your conflict management abilities. The interviewer wants to know that you are capable of handling uncomfortable situations while nurturing valued client relationships and still keeping the company's best interests in mind. Give an example of a time you successfully resolved a customer-related issue.

"Last week, a customer called me very angry regarding a glitch in one of our software products. I listened and told them I would be happy to help. I asked more questions to understand the problem and then suggested once I had a better idea of what might solve it. The customer was very relieved and grateful that I took the time to listen and make sense of the issue. I was able to de-escalate the issue very quickly. I believe that most customer complaints come to a resolution through a gentle and collaborative approach."

"I can always handle disputes professionally. In a call center, you have to learn to put yourself in the customer's shoes and recognize that you are not personally responsible for the problem. Once I separate emotions from the situation, I can speak calmly and clearly over the phone."

"As uncomfortable as customer complaints are, it's part of my favorite part of the job, because I get to problem solve and get creative with our clients' needs. If the complaint is due to employee behavior, I handle that concern discreetly and never in front of the client."

"I'm capable of handling disputes professionally and have plenty of years of experience, from my jobs in the service industry to sales, and marketing. Though I no longer work directly with customers often, I do see the complaints when a marketing campaign didn't live up to their expectations, or we didn't deliver on a deadline. I believe customer service to be of the utmost importance and pride myself on understanding the situation and always going above and beyond to make sure the customer is happy."

"I handle customer complaints with extreme care! Customers and clients are the lifeblood of any retail business, so it is important to hear them by empathizing, understanding and initiative to resolve the issues they bring to you."

"Unfortunately, customer complaints happen all too often, but that's part of the job. One instance that comes to mind is when we were expected to update a feature set for a particular client. We missed the deadline. I called the client to let him know that we would have an in-between solution, but his ideal deadline was not feasible. Understandably, he was pretty livid. By demonstrating active listening, legitimizing his concerns, and assuring him of a more realistic timeline, as echoed by the stakeholders in the project, I was able to calm him down."

"I'm comfortable handling parental complaints when they occasionally happen. I know, as a parent myself, that almost any concern or complaint stems from looking out for what they believe the best interest of their child to be, and I can certainly empathize with that. I approach all complaints or concerns with delicacy and an open heart and make sure they feel heard and understood. By doing so, we can always find a better path forward together."

16. Do you have confidence in your communication skills? What is your communication style?

Strong communication makes all the difference when it comes to workplace success. Never underestimate the importance of being able to express yourself adequately. Efficiently communicating through body language, and written or oral communication can make a huge difference in the relationships with your coworkers, your boss, and your clients! Assure the interviewer that you are confident in your communication abilities. You can refer to any communications course or workshop that you have taken. Or, you can discuss a time when a manager told you that you had excellent communication skills! Reaffirm your answer by describing your communication style in a few words. Some great options are: - Professional - Diplomatic - Respectful - Attentive - Logical - Energetic - Objective - Sincere - Adaptable - Mature - Tactful - Personable - Perceptive - Sophisticated - Consistent - Conscientious - Ethical - Trustworthy

"I have always been a strong communicator; however, after I took a weekend long communications workshop last year, I can confidently say that my communication skills are above average. I would describe my communication style as respectful, energetic, and sincere."

"As an administrative assistant, if I am not effectively communicating, a lot can go wrong. I like to address complicated topics by breaking them down into simple to understand terms and turning large roadblocks into smaller goals to prevent anyone in the office from feeling overwhelmed."

"I do have confidence in my communication skills. I have always had to speak in front of teams, some small, some large. I am comfortable speaking to groups, and I tend to get positive responses from my audience."

"I had better have confidence in my communication skills, seeing as I am in marketing! But yes, I do. I would say I'm rather direct, but try to gather as much information as possible before approaching an issue. Once I have it, I am direct and to the point. I find it gets things done effectively and without any convulsion."

"Communication is everything! When my last company acquired another business, there was a great deal of change going on at once. People felt uneasy and out of the loop. I recommended implementing various communication methods to help everyone learn what was going on in a timely fashion and introduce transparency into the mix. People were happy to be apart of what was happening at the moment."

"I'd say that communication is one of my most significant assets. As an English major, I have trained academically in productive written discussion and verbal arguments. I also have given over a dozen large and small group presentations, including a keynote speaking engagement in front of several hundred attendees, so I would say I'm comfortable presenting. In the workplace, I have been a part of teams both in a subordinate and leading role, and I would describe communication as one of my skills in the office as well. I am professional and respectful, yet I am also able to meet the audience where they may be. For instance, I have experience dealing with anyone from a truck driver or warehouse employee to the CEO of an organization and can adapt my tone and presentation style, written or oral, to the audience."

"I'm a powerful communicator. I am a great active listener, which helps me be effective in communicating with both adults and students alike."

17. How did you maintain a good relationship with your most recent boss?

The interviewer wants to know that you are capable of maintaining a harmonious relationship with those who are considered your leaders. If your relationship with your boss wasn't fantastic, what efforts did you take to make it better? Here are some suggestions: - Try to understand what your boss values the most - Keep your cool, even when you want to lose it - Anticipate their needs and stay one step ahead - Take leadership opportunities to show your worth - Adapt to their preferences Some basic ground rules for a stable working relationship with your boss are open communication, proactive listening, and not taking things personally. Discuss the ways that you cultivated a healthy relationship with your boss.

"My current boss is a very particular individual. Over the years I have taken the time to understand her preferences, her stress triggers, and what she enjoys seeing in my work. I find that if I stay one step ahead and maintain a positive attitude, we can work productively together."

"I value having a strong working relationship with my boss. I want to learn what they do and take on as much work to help our team as possible. I scheduled regular update meetings with my boss and went the extra mile wherever I could."

"Communication. I always let my boss know where I stood on projects. Sometimes the communications were daily, sometimes weekly, depending on the situation. There were never any surprises."

"I genuinely like my current boss. I reached out to her specifically because I liked her, her company, and platform. We have good communication and can give each other honest and open feedback, which I think is important for our relationship as well as the business."

"I maintained a great relationship with my most recent boss by readily accepting feedback and implementing it immediately. He is a very busy person, and I learned early on that he needed to know that his advice meant something to me."

"I find it important to understand what motivates my boss and what his pain points are. I can not only make myself more valuable by taking some items off of his plate, but I can also help collaborate on issues with him. Spending time understanding who he is as a person, so we develop a strong rapport, allows us to work collaboratively and effectively, all the while enjoying our time together."

"I find maintaining good relationships with bosses pretty natural. I show them respect as well as maintain interest in their professional opinion and personal life and treat them with kindness. It's a pretty sure fire way to stay in good standing. I ask her opinion on my curriculum, to be observed and evaluated, and for feedback. All of these factors culminate in a solid relationship based on mutual respect."

18. Tell me about a time when you took a creative approach to solving a problem.

The interviewer wants to see that you are capable of creative solutions to everyday problems. Think of a time when you had a fantastic suggestion in the workplace. Employers love to hire candidates who are innovative, and able to implement their ideas. Focus more on your creative approach, rather than the problem itself.

"Our company canceled this year's annual holiday party due to budget cuts. Everyone was disappointed because it's a fun way to get to know your teammates on a different level. I decided to take my team out, on my dime, because it is a significant way to build engagement and excitement. They appreciated the gesture, and I was happy with how well they performed in the weeks to come."

"Last week we were all systems down. A complete technical crash! In our office, we have all glass walls, so I made the recommendation that using dry erase markers, we turn our walls into a giant project management board. It worked well, and we ended up keeping the notes on the walls for an extra few days."

"I like thinking outside the box. I was once tasked with better tracking our inventory to make sure small parts, like nuts and bolts, were ordered on time and not too early causing a surplus. I spent time counting how many screws were in a full bin vs. avg how many we used per day. I then took a piece of red electrical tape and made a line on the bin that would give us a rough estimate of a week's worth of screws left, enough time to order and receive some more. A simple and free solution."

"Black Friday, two years ago, my company at the time launched its new website. I noticed it was going rather haywire when people were trying to place orders, so rather than basking in the glory of a turkey leftover breakfast, I was on the phone with our backup provider in India getting the ordering issues sorted out. Since our website builder is in the US, they were off that day, but knowing that it was just another Friday evening in India, I was able to get the problem resolved and get our orders pushed through."

"Creativity is the best way to solve problems. Two associates were having trouble understanding the work that the other one did, and this was impacting the overall group. I pitched that the two individuals switch roles for two weeks to better understand their impact on the organization's success. They both came out of the experience having felt a new appreciation for another's job, and now they are cross-trained too!"

"Our sales organization was struggling with the buyers and salespeople. We were supposed to be working collaboratively, but it became a finger pointing battle when a deal would fall apart. I suggested that, instead of having the buyers and salespeople report to different bosses and essentially working against one another, we switch it up to force collaboration. We reorganized the sales teams, so there were pods where a salesperson worked with two buyers, and they were a team. They became experts on the same customers, and their financial targets were tied. Very quickly the attitude shifted in the office, and people were teaching each other and learning from one another rather than pointing and placing blame."

"I have a student mainstreamed for only Spanish and no other specials. He doesn't have an aide for it, either, and while he's very good at language, following all classroom instructions isn't easy for him without one on one instruction. So rather than let him flounder, I made him my assistant. I was able to give him one on one instruction, he got to be a special helper by passing out papers or organizing students, felt like a million bucks, and was super engaged in the lesson every single day."

19. When have you taken an unusual risk in the workplace? What was the outcome?

The interviewer wants to know that you are capable of taking calculated risks in the workplace and that you understand the difference between a calculated risk and a risky choice. Think of a work-related risk, like trying out a new idea to solve a problem. You may even take on a new responsibility for which you are not trained, which is a little bit of a risk. Give an example that shows you are thoughtful and strategic when taking risks. Do you weigh the pros and cons first? Are you considering how it will affect others? Do you believe in the company's bottom line? These are all things that the interviewer will be looking for in your answer.

"Last month I took an unusual risk by taking an outside sales call when I am an inside sales employee. My client asked me to meet him because he had some additional business he was thinking of giving our company but wanted to make sure we had strong rapport before he handed the business over. I met him in person, and we got along so well that he gave me an additional $1M in annual business. I knew it was a risk because my boss preferred that I stay on inside sales accounts but I knew the reward was greater than the potential risk, so I took it. Well worth it!"

"I once took a risk and rearranged the file room without asking. It seemed like we were running back and forth and I thought an alternate layout might make it run more efficiently. I was right. My boss commented on the layout and was impressed with my diligence."

"I took a risk this year by hiring a candidate who did not meet all of the requirements for the job; however, she showed more initiative and grit than I had seen in a long time. I trained her on the areas for which she was lacking, and she ended up outperforming some of my more tenured staff."

"I once took a risk to pivot my career out of marketing and into a sales role, with the intent of rounding out my business experience for future growth. It was a risk because it was something I had never done before and something I did not want to do long term. Having done it, it made me a better leader in the marketing director role I am in today."

"Probably the most unusual risk I've taken was applying unsolicited to the current position I have. My boss, the owner of the company, didn't have a position posted but I reached out pitching my services. She said it was perfect timing, interviewed, and hired me. It goes to show that taking some unusual steps or risks are often worth it!"

"I certainly took a risk by leaving my strategic account management position to take an entry sales position in another organization. While it was risky, I wanted to get into sales and a startup environment. My family thought I was nuts. It worked out great, as I got basic sales experience, and earned a promotion within months. I was then headhunted out of that position to a strategic senior account executive role."

"I had put my neck out for a classroom teacher when a parent was complaining about how she handled a situation with her son. The teacher was a first-year teacher, and I was in the class at the time of the incident. It was controversial that I got involved, but I was not about to see a good teacher get railroaded for something that was not her fault. The outcome was positive, and though uncomfortable at first, it led to a great rapport between the mother and teacher once they were through the controversy. I am happy to have played a part in that and will always put myself in the crosshairs to do what is right."

20. In your opinion, why is it important to develop relationships with coworkers?

This answer may seem obvious to you because enjoying your time with coworkers is sometimes the best part of the job! If you aren't a naturally social person, this question may seem more challenging to answer. Talk to the interviewer about how you develop relationships with coworkers when you start a new job. Think about what is important to you about these relationships. Do your co-workers motivate you when you feel overworked? Do your coworkers give you a reason to show up to work when your boss has been giving you a hard time?

"I value my relationships with my coworkers because we support each other and make each other laugh when the work environment becomes intense. I have a coworker that I eat lunch with every day. We've helped each other out by simply listening to what's going on in each other's lives. It's nice to have colleagues who understand you on a personal level."

"People are the bread and butter of any organization. Our ability to work well together determines our success. Therefore, it is critical to create great working relationships."

"As a manager who runs a team of 15 people, I fully understand that coworkers can make or break you if you have to depend on their work to do yours. It is always best to have friendly working relationships with them."

"To accomplish anything in a job, you need your team members. They are who you rely on to get a project done, to call in when you need advice, and to help pick up the slack when you're in a pinch. If you don't have a good rapport with your co-workers, you won't be able to do any of those things, and therefore, you cannot be as effective at your job."

"You spend more times with your coworkers than anyone else! If you don't get along, you are in for a very long week. I get along with my coworkers by being courteous, helpful, and respectful of their time. I show up to my shift when expected, bring them coffee after my lunch break, or assist with product questions when they come up."

"Culture is an important aspect of any organization. I've had toxic workplace cultures where it feels like high school, and I've had pleasant collaborative ones also. It's essential to me to like at least some of the people I work with, so I make a point to grab a coffee, lunch, or a drink with the ones who seem like-minded."

"To get anything done, you need to have a good relationship with your teammates. For me in particular, I know that I have to have a strong relationship as much as possible with the classroom teachers since I conduct my lessons in their classrooms. I need to make sure that we have a mutually respectful relationship."

21. How do you handle a larger than average workload?

The interviewer wants to know that you can handle the workload required of you in this position and that you will not become overwhelmed if/when workloads unexpectedly increase. When workloads increase, stress levels do too. How do you react? Here are some suggestions on how to handle a large workload: - List your tasks and prioritize them - Think of which jobs add to the company's bottom line, and start there (Closest to the money!) - Exhale. Relax for a minute and collect yourself - Organize your tasks by which ones you can complete independently and which ones you need help with - Take sufficient breaks, so you do not exhaust yourself - Communicate your struggles with your leadership or team

"When I have a large workload on my plate, I do not stress over the tasks that are in front of me. Rather, I make a simple plan of which tasks are a high priority and which tasks are a lower priority. The higher priority tasks, I complete first. Through this system, I can focus on my tasks individually, rather than stress out by the multitude of tasks ahead of me."

"When I have a large workload on my plate, I do not stress over the tasks that are in front of me. Rather, I make a simple plan of which tasks are a high priority and which tasks are a low priority. The higher priority tasks, I complete first. Through this system, I can focus on my tasks individually, rather than stress out by the multitude of tasks ahead of me."

"I first take a step back and make a list of all the deliverable work that I have. Then, I prioritize the list by deadline and ease of completion. I always try to hit the easy tasks first and get them off my to-do list. Feeling like I am making progress keeps me motivated."

"I always make lists and have a pretty good handle on what I have on my plate, but when the list starts to get long, I just make sure to work more hours if needed, or get strategic about double dipping the projects to be most effective. I try to balance my work and a home life well so that if the situation arises in which I need to spend more time at work, I feel I'm balanced and prepared to tackle the stressful, long hours."

"With enthusiasm! Having a large workload is part of being in retail. I prioritize the work and enlist additional resources where necessary."

"I learned in both college, but especially in my account management role, that I do best with a larger than usual workload. I do a better job time managing and just crank out the work. Obviously, I need a balance to this overload, so I don't burn out, but I enjoy the challenge of extra work in the same amount of time."

"My workload is packed but consistent. The only time it gets hectic is if we've had a lot of assessments and I've fallen behind in grading. My work schedule leaves no room for error; I have a class starting at the same time the previous one ends. So, I am accustomed to having an incredibly full workload."

22. How do you deal with stressful situations in the workplace?

Ah, the challenge of stress management! Your ability to manage stress will directly influence your ability to do your job successfully. Before answering this question, think of some ways you have learned to deal with stress at work. You can't always take a break when you need it, so what will you do? Some workplace stress management strategies are: - Track your primary stress factors and make a plan for overcoming those - Establish boundaries with distracting coworkers - Breathing exercises, or meditation - Be sure to recharge your emotional batteries throughout the day - Express your stress to your manager/supervisor - Ask for help

"I've learned some helpful breathing techniques that I can do while I'm at work. Even when I'm feeling rushed or overwhelmed by a situation, I can slow down my breathing and remain calm. Once I understood that it was okay for me to take a minute for myself, I learned to handle workplace stressors in a whole new way."

"I tend to work best under stressful situations. For example, the pressure of deadlines from my boss often drive me to work faster and better. I am resistant to stress and able to focus on the work that needs to get accomplished."

"When stressed, I try to take a break, re-focus, and then get back to work. I also like listening to music in my office when it's appropriate. Not all businesses are OK with that, and I understand."

"Stressful situations are bound to happen, and I typically take them as they come and they don't ruffle me too much. I know it's part of the creative process and it's going to pass soon enough."

"Retail can be very stressful, especially during the holiday season, Black Friday, and other major sales. I resist the stress by being prepared, taking one task at a time, and encouraging teamwork."

"I do well under pressure or stress, within reason. I obviously need to balance myself and my workload out, as much as possible, or it can become an overwhelming workplace vibe. I know myself and my triggers pretty well, so when I feel like there's too much on my plate, I know how to center myself and just dig in and get through it, knowing I'll come out better on the other side."

"I take stressful situations in stride, as much as possible. I'm a mom, a teacher... not a whole lot can phase me at this point, honestly."

23. Do you consider yourself a patient person? How do you increase your patience level in challenging situations?

The interviewer would like to know if you consider yourself a patient individual. Impatience can cause a lot of stress and anxiety in coworkers, so it is essential that you can showcase your ability to remain patient and professional in workplace situations. Patience is indeed a virtue but can be challenging to maintain when it seems that situations continue to push your buttons. Show the interviewer that you possess the ability to keep your cool in challenging conditions.

"I do consider myself a patient person. I would rate myself an 8/10 for patience because I certainly have room to grow, but I do have a very long fuse. If I need a boost of patience in a challenging situation, I will take a step away, count to 10 and then return to the situation. I recently read a book, 'The Power of Patience' by M.J. Ryan which also gave me some excellent new methods for coping with stress."

"I am fairly patient, with other people. I tend to be impatient with myself if I am not finishing a project as fast as I think I should be. But, I am learning to be patient with myself as well. I find that breathing exercises, and closing my eyes for a few seconds can help me regroup."

"I was once managing a group that could not quite get along, and it tested my patience a bit because it prevented us from staying on track and focusing on the goals. I went above and beyond in helping the group get along by scheduling lunches as a team and helping to mediate situations that needed it."

"I feel I'm pretty patient overall but obviously have my limits. When I feel my limits pushed, I try to take a step away to regain the composure needed to approach the situation with a level head. If that isn't an option, I will take a sip of water and a few deep yoga breaths and try to approach the situation from another angle."

"I am patient, depending on the situation and with those who need it. For instance, I am patient with an elderly customer who is moving slowly at the till; where I won't allow someone rude just to walk over me. An instance of this will be if a customer is disrespectful to me, or opening packaging on the floor. I am always professional; however, I am unafraid to approach a situation head-on. "

"I certainly can be patient, but I would say it's more of a learned skill than something innate. I have worked to become more patient and not demonstrate my frustration or impatience with others. I know when others push me it's counterproductive, so I remind myself of that when dealing with others. I know when I'm running out of patience and am proactive asking for some time to regroup as appropriate."

"I am quite patient both as a teacher and a mom. I'm used to getting my buttons pushed. I take it in stride and always try to get the student to explain what's going on and why they're having trouble, get them "using their words" and de-escalate the situation. If I'm frustrated, I make sure not to show it and just take a deep breath."

24. Have you requested extra responsibilities in any of your previous roles?

The interviewer wants to see that you have a desire to learn, grow, and try on new challenges! No hiring authority wants to hire the complacent employee so show them you are willing to see opportunity when it arises! Your willingness to take on additional tasks, with a positive attitude, gives the interviewer all the more reason to want to get to know you better. Hiring managers are looking for people who will be proactive and help to carry the team. Here are some ways you can gain extra responsibilities in the workplace: - Talking to your boss about your career goals and having a conversation about new tasks that may help to get you there - Offering to take work off of a colleague's plate, if they seem stressed. - Studying hard to become an SME (Subject Matter Expert) in software or topic that your boss would find useful - Just jumping in and take on a new responsibility!

"In my current role I asked my boss if I could take over the social media marketing. We are a small company, and my supervisor was struggling with it. Being a millennial, I am always on social media, and I understand what types of posts gain attention. After taking over the task, I grew our Instagram following from just 400 to 2000 in 2 months! I am always game for taking on new tasks, especially when they are in my wheelhouse."

"Most of the time, yes. I don't like to get "bored" or have an empty to-do list. Working hard makes the time go by faster. I don't ask for more work when I have a full load and am staring at overtime possibilities, though."

"To be an excellent manager and leader, I need to show that not only am I proactive, but that being so will positively impact career growth. I need to lead by example, so I am always looking for more projects or responsibilities."

"I like to take it on myself to figure out the fastest way to get something done while maintaining my high standards. Then, I continue to innovate on that. I like being efficient and effective. The most recent addition to my responsibilities includes planning all promotions for the annual calendar and coordinating with sales on how they will pitch and execute those promotions."

"I ask for extra responsibilities all of the time! I am constantly seeking out new ways that I can learn more and exceed customer expectations in my role."

"Yes, I will request extra responsibilities when it's appropriate. I will on occasion ask 'what more can I do?' or 'what's next?' I like going above and beyond, and I always have my eye on the end game prize. I know that often the way to get there, faster, is to request the extra responsibilities and demonstrate my want for it."

"I often seek out more responsibility, either in mentorship or curriculum writing, for example. Even if it's nothing specific or mandated, I take on these responsibilities willingly. I want to help better the department and myself. Also, I am the freshman girl's soccer coach at the district's high school."

25. With the ongoing changes in this industry, how do you keep your knowledge current?

Employers expect employees to stay up-to-date on their respective field, and today's technology makes this reasonably easy! List several ways that you receive your industry knowledge and stay on top of trends. Tell the interviewer about those daily update emails you receive from professional organizations, conferences you attend, seminars you have taken, and professional organizations you of which you are involved. Lastly, it's a great idea to ask the interviewer what resources they refer to for industry trends. That question can start up a great conversation, and you may learn a thing or two as well.

"Every morning I listen to the podcast Rise & Grind because I find the information to be fresh, and valuable. In addition to this podcast, I also subscribe to a couple of industry blogs. One is ABC, and the other is XYZ. I greatly value the information shared among fellow professionals. What resources do you prefer to stay on top of industry trends and changes?"

"I am an avid reader. I read about the industry news through various resources online. I am a member of many key associations that allow me the opportunity to attend industry conferences, receive newsletters and network with top professionals in my field."

"I follow a multitude of management thought leaders on social media. I also read a lot of books. My favorite people to gain knowledge from including Warren Buffett, Mark Cuban, and Tony Robbins. Which are your favorite ways to stay up to date on trends in management?"

"I am a member of several professional associations and receive regular marketing e-magazines. I also follow multiple influencers on LinkedIn including Grant Cardone and Neil Patel."

"It's so easy to stay up to date these days, so I have Google alerts set for industry trends. In addition, social media is really a great way to keep your finger on the pulse of things. As silly as it sounds, Instagram lets you see what is trending, and who is trending, so that you can pay attention to upcoming styles on the runway that will hit stores in the next 12-18 months. I love to create some "look-alike" outfits in my department based on what big celebrities are wearing. It drives interest and sales for our department, and shows we are up to date on trends and news."

"I have Google News alerts set up for industry-specific keywords, am subscribed to multiple newsletters, and follow the three leading industry associations on social media. I also receive their quarterly updates. Also, I love to learn about the latest OEM trends and always draw on the experience of my industry contacts who have been working in the industry as long as I have been alive."

"Like all teachers, I do continuing education hours both through the district in-service days, as well as seek out additional learning opportunities. At an in-service event a few years ago, I was introduced to TPRS, which teaches you how to teach language through telling stories. As a result, I've plugged into their community, and it's been a great resource for me. Also, we have bi-weekly departmental meetings, and I am currently enrolled in grad school to get my masters, beginning next fall."


  1. Jane Davis Long on LinkedIn: 26 Expert-Backed Problem Solving Examples

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  1. Defining the Problem


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  4. Problem Solving session 1

  5. Problem Solving Process

  6. Problem Solving session 2


  1. 26 Expert-Backed Problem Solving Examples

    The example interview responses are structured using the STAR method and are categorized into the top 5 key problem-solving skills recruiters look for in a candidate. 1. Analytical Thinking. Situation: In my previous role as a data analyst, our team encountered a significant drop in website traffic.

  2. 8 Common Problem-Solving Interview Questions and Answers

    2. Tell me about a time when you faced an unexpected challenge at work. Tip: For this question, you'll want to choose a specific example from your work history to demonstrate your ability to be flexible while solving problems. To stay focused, you can use the STAR method to answer this question.

  3. Top 20 Problem Solving Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

    MIKE'S TIP: When you're answering this question, quantify the details. This gives your answer critical context and scale, showcasing the degree of challenge and strength of the accomplishment. That way, your answer is powerful, compelling, and, above all, thorough. 2. Describe a time where you made a mistake.

  4. 50 Interview Questions About Problem Solving (With Answers)

    Demonstrating your ability to tackle challenges effectively can set you apart from other applicants. Here are five tips to help you showcase your problem-solving skills during an interview: 1. Use the STAR Method. Structure your responses using the Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR) method.

  5. Problem-Solving Interview Questions & Answers

    Examples of problem-solving competencies are: ... Step 4: Prepare successful and challenging answer examples. Effective problem-solving skills are essential in the workplace. Therefore, your answers must demonstrate that you have successfully identified problems, proposed solutions, evaluated several options, and finally implemented a solution. ...

  6. 55 Competency Based Interview Questions, Answers and Examples (2024

    Competency interview answers - Problem Solving examples you can talk about. Problem solving means being proactive and positive. It is best to show that you are aware of and look for issues constantly, you don't shy away and wait for instructions or worse wait until the problem gets bigger before you do something about it.

  7. Problem-Solving Interview Questions: How-to + Examples

    To put these skills to the test, recruiters use "problem-solving" job interview questions, also known as analytical questions. Here are some common ones: Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a difficult problem. Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.

  8. 25 Problem Solving Interview Questions & Answers

    4. Tell me about a time where you had to analyze a set of data and then make a recommendation. 5. When a problem requires a quick solution, how do you respond? 6. When it comes to problem solving, are you a strong collaborator? 7. When you cannot seem to find the right solution to a problem, how do you deal? 8.

  9. Problem solving competency questions

    Problem solving interview questions test how well candidates respond to problems. Problem-solving competency questions involve a variety of skills, including analytical thinking, creativity and decision-making. A successful candidate must be able to identify a problem and propose a creative solution.

  10. Problem solving interview questions & answers

    1. Describe a situation where you encountered a problem at work or in your personal life and how you resolved it. What to look for: Look for a clear explanation of the problem and a logical approach to solving it. Suggested answer: "At my previous job, we faced a communication issue within the team.

  11. 10 Proven Problem-solving Interview Questions [+Answers]

    Problem-solving interview questions show how candidates: Approach complex issues. Analyze data to understand the root of the problem. Perform under stressful and unexpected situations. React when their beliefs are challenged. Identify candidates who are results-oriented with interview questions that assess problem-solving skills. Look for ...

  12. Problem-Solving Interview Questions And Answers (With Examples)

    Problem-solving questions are used to focus on a candidates past experience with managing conflicts and overcoming obstacles in the workplace. When answering these questions, be sure to make your answer relevant to the position that you are applying to and be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to provide examples from previous ...

  13. 20 competency-based interview questions and answers

    9. Name a time you had to make a challenging decision in the workplace. Not all workplace decisions are easy to make, but making difficult decisions is a crucial process. With this question, you can check whether your candidates have experience making decisions that require analytical skills and business knowledge.

  14. 20+ Competency-Based Interview Questions (+ How To Answer)

    Questions about problem-solving: "Give me an example of a challenging problem you faced and how you solved it.". "Describe a situation where you had to think on your feet to extricate yourself from a difficult situation.". "Tell me about a time when you identified a potential problem and took preventative measures.".

  15. 7 Competency Interview Questions (With Sample Answers)

    7 competency interview questions and answers. Here are seven competency interview questions and example answers that you can use to prepare for a meeting with a hiring manager: 1. Describe a time when you worked under pressure. Some positions require completing multiple tasks with strict deadlines. A successful answer demonstrates your ability ...

  16. Answers and Examples (2024 Guide)

    1. Use Real Examples. When considering how to answer, I strongly recommend using authentic examples from your past experiences, as opposed to giving a fabricated or made up account. 2. Avoid Stock Answers. It is tempting to use a competency answer from a book or online and pass it off as your own. I strongly recommend against this.

  17. Problem Solving Interview Questions and Answers

    Problem Solving Interview Questions - Sample Questions and Answers. It's a good idea to practice problem-solving questions so that you improve in confidence and are able to answer them fluently. Remember your communication skills are being assessed in any interview, so how you explain your decision-making process is also important.

  18. What Are Problem-Solving Skills? (Examples Included)

    While any related skills are worth highlighting, some may get you further than others. Analysis, research, creativity, collaboration, organization, and decision-making are all biggies. With those skills, you can work through the entire problem-solving process, making them worthwhile additions to your resume.

  19. 10 problem-solving interview questions to find top talent

    1. What they are willing to share about a previous employer. 2. What they consider to be a big problem. 3. How they problem solve. You want a candidate to be appropriate when discussing their current (or former role) and be positive. Of course what constitutes a big problem is relative, but you should be wary of candidates that sound like they ...

  20. How to Answer Interview Questions About Problem Solving

    Asking problem solving interview questions is good way to assess a candidates problem solving skills and evaluate how they approach a difficult situation. Examples of problem solving questions: Describe a difficult problem you had to solve in your last job. Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a ...

  21. Examples of Competency-Based Interview Questions and Answers

    Typical competency interviews will determine whether a candidate has the needed skills, such as problem-solving abilities, leadership behaviours, and conflict-resolution skills. Below, you can read about examples and possible ways to answer these questions that can help you succeed in the interview. Describe a Time When You Worked Under Pressure

  22. What Are Problem-Solving Skills? Definition and Examples

    Problem-Solving Skills Definition. Problem-solving skills are the ability to identify problems, brainstorm and analyze answers, and implement the best solutions. An employee with good problem-solving skills is both a self-starter and a collaborative teammate; they are proactive in understanding the root of a problem and work with others to ...

  23. 25 Competency Interview Questions & Answers

    3. Why are you the best candidate for this position? 4. What skills did you learn in your most recent position that will help you in this new role? 5. Give me an example of a challenge you overcame in your last position. 6. What decisions did you routinely make in your last position? 7.