Essay on “A Street Beggar” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

A Street Beggar

Essay No. 01

Beggary is a slur on the face of every society. They are seen everywhere. Outside temples, schools and in the market places, they are seen demanding money. Usually their condition is deplorable. They wear dirty rags with begging bowls in their hands. Everyone takes pity on them and gives them a coin or two. The beggars include lepers and handicapped children and women. Some of them are quite healthy and strong.

Beggary is increasing day by day. It has become an organised profession of some of the people of underworld. Many people belonging to low class of society are forced into beggary. There are people who steel children and after making them physically handicapped put them into this profession. They become the bosses and inflict all the cruelties upon these unfortunate children to become their earners for all their lives. They only arrange for their paltry food to keep them alive and capable to beg. This is really pitiable. There are some beggary homes present in some cities financed by the Govt. but they are not enough and they are not properly managed. Unless some strict laws are made by the Government banning beggary at public places, outside bus and railway stations, schools and temples, the menace will continue. This is one of many evils of our society and unless steps are taken to control all of them people will have to suffer about them.

There are some religious sanctions in it’s favour. We are asked to give away alms to the needful to ward off our sufferings. The spirit of giving away alms is good but the way it is exploited by some selfish people is deplorable. Some very healthy youths are seen asking for money. Why ? Cant they work ? They can, but they have made it a profession as it is an easy going work. They can get coins anywhere without toiling for them. This trend should be discouraged and such people caught and put to some work otherwise they are to be a permanent slur on this society.

Essay No. 02

Beggars are a great nuisance in India. There are many kinds of beggars. There are some able-bodied beggars. They take to begging because they do not apply their energy to a gainful profession.

There are others who really deserve. They consist of disabled, diseased and old people. There are others who simply pose to be disabled. Sometimes, they are the agents of a cheat who gets this work out of them.

The beggars live in colonies outside a town. These colonies are very dirty localities. All sorts of vices are practiced there. While the woman goes out begging, her husband gambles and drinks.

Certain States have made laws against begging. The Government should chalk out a definite plan to solve this problem and take legal against this nuisance.

Essay No. 03

Beggars are a common sight in almost every town, city and village of India. The beggars wander from one place to another for alms and food. The main places where they beg are temples, roadsides markets, etc. Some beggars become a nuisance when they constantly follow a person for alms.

Most of the times people give alms to beggars not because they pity them but toward them off. Some of them are healthy and do not deserve our charity. There are a few who genuinely need it as they are crippled, lame, dumb or handicapped and cannot earn their living any other way. These are the one who evoke real pity in a person’s heart.

Sometimes a beggar gets alms by singing in trains and buses. A leper can be seen being carried in a manually driven cart from one place to other begging alms.

This does not mean that all beggars need alms, as some inspite of being in good health, beg just because then they will not have to work and then there are others who on the pretext being a beggar steal jewellery and money from people. These beggars can be seen in indulging in various shady activities like gambling and drug abuse. We should try to find ways to club this as it is a social blot.

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Essay on Beggars for Students in English [500+ Words Essay]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Beggar: A beggar is forced to beg money or food as they have no income source. They don’t have access to the basic needs of life. Lack of employment, poverty are a few of the significant causes of begging, which is not a good sign for a developing country.

Essay on Street Beggar 500 Words in English

Below we have provided an essay on Beggars in English, written in easy and simple words for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 school students.

A beggar is someone who begs for alms from other people. This is mainly because a beggar has no source of income other than begging. He is forced to beg for money or food from other people in order to feed his family. Many beggars are also disabled and thus do not possess the ability to fend for themselves, another section of beggars includes old people who have been abandoned by their family and are too weak or diseased to earn a living. Unfortunately, most beggars are children.

Children have the ability to invoke sympathy from people. Thus, families often send children to beg and fend for the entire family. Another category of children who beg is part of child trafficking rackets. In some cases, families are forced into begging when an unfortunate event like the death of the bread earner or loss of assets due to natural disasters occur. Beggars often live in slums or on the roadside or below a bridge.

They do not have access to basic living conditions like clean water or sanitation. They cannot afford education for their children or the cost of a hospital when they fall sick. Beggars are found everywhere. More commonly, they can be seen in traffic signals or outside temples, mosques, or churches. These religious places are particularly targeted as this is where people are more likely to donate for charity.

When children beg instead of going to school, the nation loses out on the opportunity of not only another bright mind, but it is also a drawback for the literacy efforts. Lack of employment is the major cause of begging. As much as many people consider beggars to be a burden on the country, we must understand that ignoring the problem will not solve it. It is our responsibility to explore the causes and find a solution to the problem plaguing our society today.

Factors which lead to Begging in India

Poverty is by far the major cause noticed across the country. As per data by the Ministry of Social Justice, there are about 4 lakh beggars in the country. The highest number of beggars are found in the state of West Bengal. This means that more than 4 lakh people do not have a fixed source of income and are vulnerable to exploitation. They do not have access to education, water, food, or even a roof over their head.

Unemployment is another significant cause leading to begging. There is huge competition for unorganized sector jobs in the country. The demand is lesser than the supply. With no education, manual labour and other unorganized sector jobs are the only options for beggars. Contractors use this compulsion to their advantage and pay very less, especially to children and women. This leads to not being able to earn enough to feed the entire family.

Thus, they are forced to beg for help. Further, unskilled labour opportunities are few and far apart. The government has failed in providing them with productive opportunities. Vices are yet another cause of concern. Often, families do earn enough for sustenance if the earnings are appropriately managed. But, when they indulge the money in gambling, drinking, and other vices, they fail to take care of their family. These not only forces children to drop out of schools, but it also leads to young hands begging for food.

Eradicating Begging

The union government has developed a centrally sponsored Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) for children in need of care and protection (CNCP), including those caught begging. Implementation of parts JJ Act or the Juvenile Justice Act, which can help in eradicating begging, has been implemented in various states.  But the Delhi HC declared in 2018 that begging is not a crime. However, no particular efforts have been taken by the government to target and eradicate begging particularly.

This is the reason why the government came under fire for shifting beggars when US President Donald Trump visited India. It is necessary that we, as a society, support the government in the eradication of begging as a practice. Instead of attacking the problem from its roots, we are presently trying to find temporary solutions.  We must find ways to prevent children from begging to begin effectively. This has a major impact on the development of the child. As citizens, we must not encourage children who are begging by giving money.

Further, any such cases of begging should be reported to the government as it is not only child abuse but also child labour.  Further, the government must implement mechanisms to provide unskilled employment to able-bodied beggars. This will not only provide them with an income, but it will also help them contribute to the nation’s productive activities. Those with vices must be rehabilitated if required. Further, abandoning old aged parents must be made a crime. Old age homes must be arranged for them.


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English Essay on “A Street Beggar” complete Paragraph and Speech for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Classes.

A street beggar.

Essay No. 01

We often come across poor beggars. They are a common sight. If we go to the bazaar to make purchases, we inevitably find some beggars there. They appear saluting us. A beggar requests for a few coins from us. We have to help him. The poor fellow’s plight is deplorable. He sits in the street demanding something.

Usually such people are blind, lame or lepers or persons suffering from different diseases. Some of them are even cripples and have some bodily defect.

The beggars usually are found in filthy rags. They have a begging bowl or a stick in their hand. They, sometimes, go from door to door and beg. Sometimes they get alms, but at other doors none cares for them.

The outward look of the beggars is very sickening. They do not have good look, as otherwise, the people may not take pity on them and pay them a few coins. Some people scold them and others do not treat them well. But he bears all this maltreatment. He goes about his trade as usual and never cares for anyone.

Some of the beggars are cheaters. They may be considered to be wolves in sheep’s clothing. They commit thefts and do not have good morals. They do not use the collected money in useful pursuits. But we cannot distinguish such people from the good natured fellows who are really very poor. Because of these cheats sometimes the deserving beggars are deprived of the help which they would have otherwise got.

Beggary is not a good custom. The government has already passed laws to end this malpractice. But none cares for the laws. Such poor people have got to be properly settled in life. The government is helping them properly. It is taking care of them in poor homes. The poor homes give them proper training in various trades. They are asked to work and live.

The government is going out of way to end this menace, but these people seldom co-operate. Therefore, those who do not obey are arrested and trained.

Essay No. 02

Street Beggars

Street-beggars are common sight in big cities. Clad in rags, shivering in cold, they could be seen everywhere begging in the name of God. One obvious reason for this evil is illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. There are quite a few who take to begging because of it. But another reason is that begging has become quite a paying profession.

Many evil practices have come into existence because of it. Kids are kidnapped and sold to be trained and used for begging.

They suffer and their oppressors enjoy. Broadly speaking, beggars are of two types -able – bodied and disabled. The able-bodied can work and earn their livelihood, but in the earliest stages they did not get work and now they do not want to work. They find begging easier and more profitable.

The disabled, some due to natural causes and others due to their mentors, have no option. Beggars are great nuisance and are a blot on humanity. They even indulge in many criminal activities. These must be apprehended and taught some craft-land made to work. The kidnappers, the sellers and the owners who make the kids beg, should be given exemplary punishments. It is our moral duty to help the weak, hungry and the suffering people. But by dispensing alms as charity, we do not help them. We should help to educate and rehabilitate them.

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Very good essays for such classes and for competitive exams. There is dire need of such topics for aspirations students.

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Essay on street beggars for students

Essay on Street Beggars | Short Essay on Street Beggars for Students

One of the dangerous social issue of today is street begging. Beggary has become a profession where the leagues of professional beggars are seen here and there!. The following short Essay on Street beggars explains the issues and  ills of street begging, causes and remedial measures for street beggary

Essay on Street Beggars | Street Beggars & their Issues Essay for Students

Begging is a cause of concern for society. While beggars are usually found at the traffic signals, in front of the temples and other such places some of them also roam around from street to street to beg for alms, money and food. These are the worst kind of beggars as they intrude on the residential areas and disrupt peace.

Street Beggars: Despised by Residents

Street beggars usually have particular areas assigned to them. They visit these areas from time to time to beg for a living. These beggars are dressed in rags and carry a shabby bag on their shoulder. Women are usually seen carrying a small child in their arms which is a tactic to invoke pity. Small kids in torn clothes also go around from street to street begging for food, clothes and money.

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Some elderly men are seen dressed as saints carrying a bowl in one hand and a stick in another as they go begging from street to street. They mostly move in groups singing religious songs and pleading for food and money. Many a times, such beggars ring the door bells of the residents and ask them to help them monetarily. This is quite annoying as it hampers the privacy of the people. They often narrate their sad stories to the residents who help them out of pity.

It is very difficult to figure out whether the story being told by these beggars is genuine or fake. Such people start out with begging and often go on and get involved in crimes such as theft, robbery and even murder. Street beggars are more likely to get involved in such bigger crimes. Since they get to know about the whereabouts and the financial status of the residents of the areas they visit frequently it is easier for them to carry out thefts and robbery.

In places such as Delhi, where the weather conditions are extreme, the life of beggars is the worst. They have to face the adverse effects of heat and cold. Things get even worse during the rainy season. Beggars suffer from illnesses caused due to exposure to extreme weather. The news of beggars living on the footpath dying due to heat wave, cold and heavy rainfall is quite common. They certainly lead a very difficult life

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Begging is one of the major issues in our society. The government must take stringent steps to stop the same. In addition to that, the wholesome community level steps be taken to control or stop the beggary at community level. This all is possible only with concrete government steps only.

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Example essay on Street Beggars

Street beggars are commonly found in almost every city and village. The number of street beggars is constantly increasing because of the higher poverty level. We can see them mostly in markets, places of worship, and banks of the rivers. They also keep roaming from streets to streets and knock doors of the houses in search of food or money. Most of the beggars are living in such a poor condition that they immediately accept what they get. Some are too stubborn that for instance, if they ask for the money, they might refuse to take food.

There are a lot of generous people out there who donate money to street beggars generously. Some people even distribute food to them every day or once a week. However, the problem is that some people hesitate from helping street beggars. They feel irritated by them so they push them away if they come near them to ask for money. Also, a few people think that street beggars are mostly fit and healthy so they don’t deserve anything. The beggars who are considered to be more deserving are mostly handicapped, dumb, or blind. It might be true to some extent because such people are not able to earn any living.    

But this thought process of people is now being manipulated in a lot of regions of the world. A lot of criminals kidnap people and cut their body parts. Then they leave them on the streets to beg from people. Such innocent people need protection and safety to make sure that they don’t end up begging on the streets helplessly. Moreover, street beggars know a lot of ways to attract passers. So, a few of them start singing sweet or religious songs in their melodious voice. Such beggars are mostly found around religious centers because they understand the psychology of humans. This way, people feel bound to help them in any possible way.

Some street beggars even wait for the festivals to get some money from the women who are more generous and emotional than men. They keep themselves informed about any event or festival that is going to happen and reach there to ask women for help. However, the appearance of street beggars is mostly the same. They wear torn dresses, dirty shoes, and have long hair. We can see a lot of them barefooted running or walking on roads. A lot of beggars have a pair of tongs in their hands which they use to get some attention from people. It is equally likely for street beggars to be involved in smoking, drinking, gambling, or other criminal activities.

In a nutshell, street beggars are everywhere and now it is becoming one of the biggest issues. The authorities and people, who have enough money and resources, should help the deserving street beggars. However, the criminal activities, which are being promoted due to the increased number of beggars, also need to be stopped. There should be a proper check and balance and the legislation should also help handle this situation by making proper laws.

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essay a street beggar

Beggars Essay

Beggars are known to be one of the most miserable people on earth. They depend on others for the fulfillment of their needs. They are treated badly and are deprived of the basic necessities. Beggars roam around from street to street or sit at a particular place each day begging people to offer them food and money. They are looked down upon. We must ask beggars to work instead of giving them money and encouraging them to beg.

Long and Short Essay on Beggars in English

Below we have provided short and long essay on beggars of varying lengths in English to help you with the topic in your exams.

These beggars Essays have been written in simple English language for you to make it easy to remember and presented.

After going through these beggars essay you will know the concerns of beggars; how difficult and uncertain is the life of a beggar; what steps are taken by the government to eliminate the practice of begging.

These essays will prove helpful in your school and college assignments wherein you need to write an essay, take part in debate or give a speech on beggars.

Essay on the Life of a Beggar – Essay 1 (200 words)

Beggars beg for a living. They usually do not have a house to live in. While some of them reside in slum areas many are denied entry even at such places. They lead their lives living on the footpath. In the big cities, footpath and road side areas are the only places they get to sleep and lead their lives.

During the day time, the beggars sit on the footpath asking the passers-by to lend them food and money. At night, they sleep at the same place as they have nowhere to go. Some beggars put on tents on the footpath where they leave their kids and keep their belongings. However, the place is occupied illegally and is often wrecked by the police. And these beggars are once again forced to live on the footpath without any roof on their head.

In places such as Delhi, where the weather conditions are extreme, the life of beggars is the worst. They have to face the adverse effects of heat and cold. Things get even worse during the rainy season. Beggars suffer from illnesses caused due to exposure to extreme weather. The news of beggars living on the footpath dying due to heat wave, cold and heavy rainfall is quite common. They certainly lead a very difficult life.

Essay on Street Beggars – Essay 2 (300 words)


Begging is a cause of concern for the society. While beggars are usually found at the traffic signals, in front of the temples and other such places some of them also roam around from street to street to beg for alms, money and food. These are the worst kind of beggars as they intrude the residential areas and disrupt peace.

Street Beggars: Despised by Residents

Street beggars usually have particular areas assigned to them. They visit these areas from time to time to beg for a living. These beggars are dressed in rags and carry a shabby bag on their shoulder. Women are usually seen carrying a small child in their arms which is a tactic to invoke pity. Small kids in torn clothes also go around from street to street begging for food, clothes and money.

Some elderly men are seen dressed as saints carrying a bowl in one hand and a stick in another as they go begging from street to street. They mostly move in groups singing religious songs and pleading for food and money. Many a times, such beggars ring the door bells of the residents and ask them to help them monetarily. This is quite annoying as it hampers the privacy of the people. They often narrate their sad stories to the residents who help them out of pity.

It is very difficult to figure out whether the story being told by these beggars is genuine or fake. Such people start out with begging and often go on and get involved in crimes such as theft, robbery and even murder. Street beggars are more likely to get involved in such bigger crimes. Since they get to know about the whereabouts and the financial status of the residents of the areas they visit frequently it is easier for them to carry out thefts and robbery.

Begging is one of the major issues in our society. The government must take stringent steps to stop the same.

Essay on Life of a Beggar in India – Essay 3 (400 words)

India is engulfed with many problems and begging is one of them. Statistics reveal that about half a million people in our country are beggars. Here is a look at the way these beggars lead their lives and what invokes them to choose begging as a way of life.

Beggars Lead a Miserable Life

Beggars in India lead an extremely miserable life. They are seen draped in shabby and torn clothes and are mostly barefoot. Irrespective of the season, beggars are seen clad in minimal clothing. It is heart-wrenching to see small kids with bare minimal clothes seeking alms and food in extreme weather conditions. Pregnant women and those carrying small kids in their arms and a bowl in their hand asking for money and food to eat is also a common sight in India.

Elderly and physically handicapped beggars are seen sitting on wheel chair asking people for help. These beggars do not have any home. Even the people living in the slum areas deny permission to them. They mostly lead their lives on the footpath begging and trying hard to make their ends meet. The extreme weather conditions of our country make things all the more worse for them. Many of these beggars fall sick and die due to extreme cold, hot and rain.

The condition of most of the beggars in India is as bad as it looks. However, there are many who have accumulated a good amount of money by way of begging and are no longer poor. They can very well afford a good lifestyle but they choose to live in rags and continue to beg for a living as that is what they can do best. Not only do these people beg themselves but also involve all their family members in this hideous task. Despite having enough money, most such beggars do not send their children or grandchildren to school and force them to beg.

Difficult to Distinguish between Beggars

There are some beggars who are genuinely deprived of the basic necessities and need to beg for their livelihood. They have no other means of fulfilling their needs. On the other hand, there are beggars who have good amount of wealth and are also physically fit to do different kinds of work to earn money. However, they still choose to beg as it means easy income for them. In such a scenario it becomes difficult for people to distinguish between the needy and the fake.

Whether one is needy or not, he must not resort to begging. Begging must be banned by the government of India.

Essay on Causes of Child Beggars in India – Essay 4 (500 words)

Begging is a grave problem and it becomes graver when there are young children involved in the same. In India, the number of child beggars is huge. At an age when these young minds should be nurtured with love and care, given good education and involved in healthy activities, most of them are deprived of all this and are forced to beg for their livelihood. Those involved in begging cannot see beyond this work. They tend to involve their entire family in begging – be it their wives, children, grandchildren or any other family member.

Main Causes of Child Beggars in India

Here is a look at some of the main causes of child beggars in India:

  • Acute Poverty

Poverty is one of the main reasons that forces one to beg. A person who gets into begging seldom comes out of it. He involves his entire family in this profession. Young kids are especially considered good for this work and are thus forced to beg.

  • Lack of Education

Illiteracy is another reason for the rise in child beggars in our country. A person who is well-educated would never get involved in this work and nor would he force his children to beg.

  • Unemployment

The problem of unemployment in India has also led to the rise in the number of child beggars. People here feel that there is no use of studying hard and acquiring degrees as they wouldn’t get good job due to the problem of unemployment. This is why they involve their children in begging from the very beginning.

  • Refugee Community

Refugees who come from other countries because of different reasons find it hard to get a job and thus indulge in begging to meet their needs. They especially send their children for begging giving rise to child beggars.

  • Abandoned Children

Many children especially females are abandoned by their families immediately after their birth. Such children often get involved in begging as it is the easiest means to get food and money.

  • Religious Sentiments of Indians

Indians are superstitious by nature. They seldom deny money to child beggars carrying bowl with the pictures of God and oil in it. It is said that donating money this way wards of evil. This is another reason beggars send their children to beg from street to street.

  • Begging Gangs and Rackets

Child beggars are considered a good catch by those who run begging rackets. Young children are said to be good for this work mainly because people feel pity looking at their innocent faces deprived of the basic necessities and offer them food and alms. Thus, these gang leaders look for more and more children to involve them in begging.

The NGOs involved in fighting the rights of children and ensuring a safe and sound environment to nurture them well have raised concern over the rise in the number of child beggars. However, they cannot overcome this problem without help and support from the Indian government. We hope the government of our country understands the severity of this problem and takes stringent steps to eradicate it. We, as general public must also contribute towards discouraging this practice.

Essay on Problems of Beggars in India/Beggar Problem in India – Essay 5 (600 words)

Beggars are a common sight in India. You can easily spot beggars roaming around on the streets, near traffic signals, outside religious places, malls and many other places. While many of the beggars begging for their livelihood in India are of Indian origin, a good number of them also come from Bangladesh. This is because they find India as a more easy and lucrative ground for this work. From the condition of their clothes, footwear and overall look and behaviour one can easily make out that the beggars in India lead a very wretched life.

Problems Faced by Beggars in India

Beggars in India face numerous problems. Some of these problems are severe and can even be beyond our imagination. Here is a look at some of the main problems faced by beggars in India:

  • No Food; No Shelter

Beggars in India lead their entire life living on the road side. Their whole family sits on the road side during the day begging the passers-by for food and money and sleeps on the footpath or underneath a tree near the same place as it grows dark. Food, cloth and shelter are the basic needs of the human beings and beggars are denied even these basic needs. Such is the life of these poor people.

  • Poor Hygiene

Living on the roadside, the beggars do not have access to good quality food, clean drinking water as well as water which is clean enough to bath or good enough for sanitation purpose. They do not bathe for days and roam around in the same clothes for weeks without washing them. They, thus, suffer from poor hygiene.

  • Poor Health Condition

Poor hygiene leads to poor health condition. Besides, these people do not have proper shelter and are faced with adverse climatic conditions such as strong heat wave, heavy downpour and chilling cold. Eating healthy food is beyond question for them. All this has a severe impact on their health and leads to various illnesses.

  • Lack of Medical Facilities

When these poor people fall ill they do not even have access to good medical facilities to get themselves cured. They cannot afford the enormous fee charged by the private doctors. While some of them don’t visit the doctors at all and wait for the condition to get better on its own others go to the government dispensaries or hospitals that are over-crowded with patients and lack proper patient care.

Illiteracy is the main problem. Beggars are mostly illiterate and do not make any effort to send their children to school either. Instead of providing education to their kids they force them to beg on the street. This gives rise to the illiteracy as well as crime rate. Education can change a person for good but these people do not understand this.

  • Begging Rackets

There are gangs that force people to beg. They kidnap young children or give a ransom to the poor families in their exchange and engage them in begging. These gangs divide areas and send beggars for begging in their respective areas. At the end of each day, they take away a substantial amount of cash and kind collected by the beggars. The beggars are helpless in this case. The worst part is that these gang leaders even make these beggars handicapped to invoke pity of the public and get more alms.

Begging is a serious problem and the problems faced by the beggars in India are no less. Even though the government is taking measures to stop it and many NGOs have been formed to eradicate this problem nothing concrete has been done yet.

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Essay on Life of A Street Beggar | Short Paragraph (200 Words)

December 20, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

The street beggar is indeed a sad sight. Some are young children, some are men, and some are women, with children in their arms. Some are physically challenged.

We see so many of them on our streets. But what can we do? Can we give food, cloths, money to all of them? It is reality that we can’t do anything for them, but as we can take initial step to decrease the numbers of count of the street beggar in India.

Many street beggars sleep on the footpath or on railways platforms at night. Some of them sleep in empty bogies in the railways work sheds. They live from day to day and hand to mouth.

Very often they go without food for days. They have no place to bathe and so always look dirty. The worst time for them is when it rains or when it is very cold. Some of them die due to the severity of season.

Many of them have families, and every member of the family begs. This because they are not able to afford education for their children. So the children learn to beg from an early age

We hear many cruel stories about street beggars. Sometimes their parents purposely cut off the hands or fingers of their children to force them to beg. People take pity on their state and give them money.

India is developing country, but indeed our country has not taken any crucial step to stop poverty, there is incredible rise among street beggars.

Essay on Street beggar

Do we encourage them? Yes, by giving them money or anything we encourage them. The beggars know very well at last they will get `something, and we prove their tendency to right.

Yes I’m concern about people sympathies, but one should understand the worst effect of it. We should not encourage them.

Especially the temple authority should take initial step to stop the beggars to beg in front of temple. Like in the Jammu, at “Vaishno Devi” temple there is a warning board that one should not encourage the beggars.

As long as the government and NGO’s do not take purposeful steps in this regard, these unfortunate people will continue living such pathetic lives.

Table of Contents

Life of  Street Beggar

Life of Beggar is very typical; they live in the society only to fulfill their basic needs (food, cloths, and shelter). They have no future motto to do so.

A beggar wakes up in the morning, and his primary goal throughout the day is to get at least one time meal (food).

Usually they wake up early in the morning, and start their business (begging). All beggars have their choice of area to beg. Most of them are found on the traffic signal, as soon as the cars (vehicles) stop they turn to be active and start begging.

By knocking the mirror of the vehicle they usually attract the individual. It is very common to see a lady with small baby. Really has become a fashion that a lady will carry a small baby, just to get attention from the individuals.

In whole day the beggar earns up to 100 to 200 rupees (It is not approximation) it’s a just assumption.  Most of the individuals don’t give any money to them, instead of giving biscuits or eatable product.

In fact it is good that one should provide some eatable things instead of money.

Nowadays begging is turned to be a business for many of them. Couples of year back, a beggar was interviewed by reputable media channel, and the beggar revealed that he has bought a flat, just by begging.

Short Paragraph on Street Beggar

You can see many beggars wandering here and there. They are found in plenty at bus stops, in markets and streets. Even though begging is a crime in India, the number of beggars goes on increasing. Many of them are lame, crippled or blind. They deserve our sympathy.

But a majority of them are healthy and do not deserve our sympathy. Some even pretend to be handicapped. I know a beggar who visits our street every day.

He comes in rags with shaggy hair and old, torn shoes. He has only one leg and moves on crutches. He carries a begging bowl. He begs for alms a sing-song way. He always sings devotional songs.

His voice is very sweet. People pity him and give him money, flour, flood or clothes. Many times, when he shivers with cold, I give him clothes.

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Essay on Street Beggars

essay a street beggar

Street beggars are a common sight in big cities. Clad in rags, shivering in cold they could be seen everywhere begging in the name of God.

One obvious reason for this evil is illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. There are quite are quite a few who take to begging because of it. But another reason is that begging has become quite a paying profession. Many evil practices have come into existence because of it. Kids are kidnaped and sold to be trained and used for begging. At times they are brutally crippled, made lame, blind etc. These get more alms as their miserable plight arouses people’s sympathy. They suffer and their oppressors enjoy.

Broadly speaking beggars are of two types-able bodies and disabled. The able-bodied can work and earn their livelihood but at the earlies stages they did not get work and now they do not want to work. They fine begging easier and more profitable. The disabled, some due to natural causes and others due to their mentors-have no option.

Beggars are a great nuisance. They are blot on humanity. They even indulge in many criminal activities. These must be apprehended and taught some craft and made to work. The kidnappers, the sellers and the owners who make the kids beg, should be given exemplary punishments.

It is our moral duty to help to the weak, the hungry and the suffering people. But by dispensing alms as charity, we do not help them. We should help to educate and rehabilitate them.

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Biden’s Get-Tough-on-China Tariffs May Backfire

A grocery shopping cart in an empty parking lot.

By Steven Rattner

Mr. Rattner is a contributing Opinion writer. He served as counselor to the Treasury secretary in the Obama administration.

The tide of globalization is receding, at least from American shores. Two successive presidents have come down firmly on the side of tariffs rather than trade agreements as the preferred mechanism for managing international commerce.

History shows that we should proceed with caution. While there are political and security reasons for tariffs, America’s new protectionist stance will raise prices, limit consumer choices and risk our growth.

The past aggressive and widespread imposition of levies of this sort has made clear that restraining trade brings with it serious risks to economic prosperity, both for the United States and for other affected countries.

Last week, after lying low on this front for most of his term, President Biden announced a raft of new tariffs on selected Chinese imports, including electric cars, solar panels, steel and aluminum. While the tariffs cover only $18 billion of imports, they are, by design, meant to keep Chinese products, like electric vehicles, from entering the U.S. market. In doing so, he has in large measure aligned his trade policy with that of his predecessor Donald Trump.

It’s not hard to understand the reasons for this. While the U.S. economy continues to grow (albeit a bit slowly) and create jobs (at a fast pace), Americans are dissatisfied; polls show that a majority of voters surveyed said the state of the economy is poor.

In a search for culprits, eyes often turn to the growing number of inexpensive imports, particularly from China. No doubt decades of increased trade have caused some losers. Entire domestic manufacturing industries — from furniture to electronics to toys to bicycles — have essentially disappeared. And now our ability to compete in new sectors, like electric vehicles and solar panels, is in grave doubt.

Moreover, as political tensions with China have grown, so have concerns about the national security implications of trade. China is a major source of critical minerals such as lithium and cobalt, essential ingredients in many batteries. And the increase in tariffs on Chinese semiconductors is only the latest in a string of policies intended to support domestic manufacturing of chips, which are key components in everything from autos to military equipment.

In that context, at least some of Mr. Biden’s new tariffs targeted at China make sense. But others — like the increase in the duties on certain aluminum and steel products to 25 percent from between zero and 7.5 percent — seem motivated by Mr. Biden’s desire to outflank his opponent in Rust Belt swing states. They will increase the cost of these materials for American industry, hampering efforts to rebuild our manufacturing strength.

In addition, the Biden administration announced that it would be extending Trump-era tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese imports, including consumer electronics, furniture, clothing and shoes.

While Mr. Biden’s relatively surgical attack on specific Chinese products is far more defensible than Mr. Trump’s wildly broad-brush approach, the sharp reversal in U.S. trade policy over the past seven years brings with it legitimate worries about growth, inflation and the overall number of American jobs.

Every student in an introductory economics course learns about David Ricardo’s 200-year-old theory of comparative advantage: the idea that by specializing in the products that they can produce most efficiently and then trading with others, nations can be better off.

In the wake of the 1929 stock market crash, Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley tariffs. Though pitched as a means of protecting workers and farmers during a downturn, the tariffs triggered a wave of global protectionism that exacerbated the Great Depression and contributed to an estimated two-thirds decline in global trade.

Lesson learned, trade liberalization began, and successive accords brought tariffs down sharply, often to minimal levels. That culminated with the North American Free Trade Agreement, which went into effect in 1994, and the admission of China to the World Trade Organization in 2001.

As macroeconomists argued, the resulting increase in trade brought consumers in the United States and elsewhere less expensive and often superior goods, helping fuel strong economic growth and moderate inflation.

What macroeconomists missed were the microeconomic effects. While trade aided overall prosperity, significant pockets of American workers — particularly in manufacturing — lost their jobs or found their wages cut. One study , for which the Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist David Autor was a co-author, found that the “China shock” cost us nearly one million manufacturing jobs and 2.4 million jobs in total. Little was done to assist affected workers.

Without a doubt, Mr. Trump’s full-throated opposition to free trade contributed to his 2016 election, and he lost no time in carrying out his agenda, even on some imports from allies like Japan and European nations, including steel and aluminum, washing machines and solar panels.

The general problem with tariffs is that study after study has shown that they raise prices for consumers and probably cost more jobs than they save, particularly as affected countries retaliate.

Mr. Trump declared victory when China promised to purchase an additional $200 billion of American products — a promise it didn’t keep.

Mr. Trump is now making a far more aggressive package of tariffs the centerpiece of his campaign. He has proposed imposing at least a 60 percent levy on all imports from China and a 10 percent tariff on imports from everywhere else. This month, he added a 200 percent duty on vehicles made in Mexico by Chinese companies to his laundry list of protectionist policies.

While I’m not predicting another Great Depression, Mr. Trump’s trade agenda, were it put in place, would have a far worse impact on the global economy than Mr. Biden’s more tailored approach.

The new protectionism has already put the prospect of further trade agreements on ice. Washington insiders joke that the position of United States trade representative should be retitled United States anti-trade representative. The current trade representative, Katherine Tai, said falsely last week that the evidence of tariffs leading to higher prices had been “largely debunked.”

Not so. Mr. Biden was correct in 2019 , when he criticized Mr. Trump for this quixotic trade war. “President Trump may think he’s being tough on China,” Mr. Biden said in a campaign speech. “All that he’s delivered as a consequence of that is American farmers, manufacturers and consumers losing and paying more.” (Ms. Tai later walked back her recent comment.)

A Goldman Sachs analysis found that from the start of 2018 to the start of 2020, prices of tariff-targeted goods rose by about 4 percent and the prices of nontargeted goods fell 1 percent. Numerous studies have found that those higher prices were borne almost entirely by American companies and consumers — not by Chinese exporters. A Tax Foundation analysis concluded that the Trump tariffs cost 166,000 jobs.

Retaliation, the inevitable result of tariff imposition, has already begun. The “buy American” provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act helped spur Europe to add its own “buy European” requirements to its new green infrastructure bill. All told, the number of worldwide protectionist trade interventions roughly doubled in 2020 and has remained elevated, according to Global Trade Alert.

We need a better approach. Tariffs can be used to temporarily shelter nascent domestic industries — much as Alexander Hamilton proposed when he served as our first Treasury secretary. They can be used judiciously to address unfair trading practices. And they can be used when national security is genuinely at risk.

However, we also need to resume removing trade barriers, not increase them. Among other things, we need the World Trade Organization to function, but the Trump and Biden administrations have blocked all candidates for its appellate body and chosen to act unilaterally, rather than through the W.T.O.

I’m hoping that when the election dust settles, we can get back to what David Ricardo explained so clearly two centuries ago.

The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips . And here’s our email: [email protected] .

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Steven Rattner is a contributing Opinion writer and the chairman and chief executive of Willett Advisors. He was a counselor to the Treasury secretary in the Obama administration. @ SteveRattner • Facebook


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