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Web Development Dissertation Topics – Based on Latest Technology Trends

Published by Owen Ingram at December 29th, 2022 , Revised On August 16, 2023

Web development is one of the most common research areas among students for information technology. A career in this field of web design and web development offers a lot of opportunities and is quite rewarding.

Many IT students choose to research a topic relating to web development, yet many frequently need help in selecting an appropriate topic to write their dissertation , and this is where our topic service and dissertation writing service come into the picture.

If you are an undergraduate, Master or PhD student, the distinctiveness of the topic should be your first consideration. It would be best if you remembered that your paper must be entirely original as you write it. An issue that has previously been covered cannot be rewritten even though you could explore it from a different angle or a fresh perspective. 

So let’s take a look at the following web development topics and suggestions to see if any of the ideas motivate you.

Web Development Dissertation Topics & Ideas

  • Bringing a 19th-century web gateway into the new millennium
  • The best strategy to enhance and safeguard e-commerce
  • A website that won’t crash even if several users login simultaneously
  • How to increase the accessibility of a web portal while still selling all the extensive material
  • A gadget with a speedier internet connection than other gadgets
  • The following stage is correctly exploiting LTE connections in web development
  • How to improve a website’s usability so visitors stay longer
  • The efficient means of putting an end to online bullying
  • Make social networking more appealing to encourage individuals to begin living online
  • How to reconcile the real and virtual worlds
  • A network that works well and is bug-free
  • Creating a gateway that will enable new forms of interpersonal communication
  • A tool that will assist a user in keeping their identity secure online
  • A survey of website development technologies
  • Analyze the online Russian web development market operating on up-work farming assistant web services
  • Web accessibility for people with cognitive impairments: A study of the UK web development industry
  • Web development and performance comparison between Node.js vs. Python Web development technologies. Evaluation of site categories based on the layout type
  • Development of integrated access control for software product line engineering
  • Web development learning multi-attribute decision-making model for ranking web development frameworks
  • An intelligent system for making recommendations regarding web development education
  • A fusion of machine learning and web development
  • Modern web-building techniques for adaptable websites
  • An assessment of web development frameworks and their performance
  • Web application development technologies for automated dashboard analysis and design
  • Using experiential and collaborative learning techniques to examine the effect of SEO techniques on web development

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Hundreds of different options may influence your thoughts, and you could start to find yourself completely clueless and directionless. To complete the dissertation that gets you a high academic grade, you must ensure that the topic is original and that you have enough material to support it.

If you are looking for help with your dissertation or thesis and whether you need a dissertation written in the UK or another country, you can hire a qualified writer online with ResearchProspect. Our team of professionals will come up with appealing web development dissertation topics for your convenience, and write a winning thesis paper on the selected title. 

Free Dissertation Topic

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Academic Level Select Academic Level Undergraduate Graduate PHD

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find web development dissertation topics.

To find web development dissertation topics:

  • Follow industry trends and emerging technologies.
  • Explore challenges like UX/UI, security, or accessibility.
  • Analyze open source projects and their impact.
  • Consider performance optimization or mobile development.
  • Consult professionals for real-world insights.
  • Select a topic that aligns with your passion and career aspirations.

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  • How It Works

master thesis web application

Mas­ter­’s Thes­is

Preliminary Note:  According to the Master regulations, the final paper in the Master program in Computer Science is the Master’s Thesis.

In a Master’s Thesis, candidates show their ability to independently perform scientific research on an appropriately challenging theme that also gives them the opportunity to develop their own ideas. On the basis of the "state-of-the-art" processes, the students must systematically apply the methods of computer science.

The Master’s Thesis must be written in the student's specialization area. The thesis advisor ensures that the objectives of the thesis can be reached within the intended time period. Advisors are available for consultation throughout the entire development of the thesis. They should regularly check that the work is progressing well and should also counteract any potentially negative developments, such as the student not meeting the objectives or exceeding the given time limit. They also give timely advice when the student is writing the thesis, and before the student submits the completed thesis.

All candidates must report the starting date of a Master’s Thesis to the Examination Office; the thesis topic and the starting date of the official processing period are then documented by the thesis advisor and forwarded to the Examination Office. The knowledge required for the thesis and how to acquire this knowledge should be clarified prior to when the topic is granted. For a Master’s Thesis, graduate students are first formally obliged to design a work plan. Approximately one month of full-time work (5 ECTS) is intended for this starting phase. The work plan (called a “Proposal”) must explore the thesis topic thoroughly enough and lay out a detailed plan for the following research on the thesis topic. The Proposal must explain this proposed research through detailed contents and depth as well as a complete depiction of the considered aspects. The Proposal must contain the following elements: a description of the task to be completed, the reasons behind working on the thesis, a clear formulation of the objectives, a description of the work necessary to reach the goal, and an accompanying timetable and preliminary outline of the written thesis. The work plan must be countersigned by the thesis advisor and submitted for approval to the Examination Office together with the application for the Master's Thesis. From this point on, the planned processing time is five months, whereas the start of the processing period agreed upon with the thesis advisor takes the one-month processing period for the work plan into account.

The written thesis is the main component of the final research. It should contain an incisive, understandable description of the completed research task, the research results, and the approach used to reach the result. In a thesis, candidates must also justify their decisions on which research methods or alternative solution approaches were used. The Master's Thesis must be written in the style of a scientific treatise. This includes in particular a summary, an outline, a description of the "state-of-the-art", and a bibliography of the literature used for the thesis. If software was designed and implemented during the thesis research, the structure, work methods and interfaces of the software must also be described precisely. Although it is not necessary to include the software documents in the written thesis, the software system, including the source code, must be available to the thesis advisor for review. Candidates must submit the written thesis in print to the examination office. Their advisor receives an additional copy in a common electronic format (PDF). 

The thesis defense, meaning an open-audience presentation followed by scientific discussion, is also an element of the Master’s Thesis. During the defense, the candidate must explain his/her research results concisely in a 30- to 45-minute presentation and then answer questions posed by a professional audience (usually during an advanced seminar held by the advisor). Ideally, the defense should be held soon after submission of the thesis.

To determine the grade granted for the thesis, the various achievements presented in the thesis are evaluated individually and internally. In general, the following individual achievements are divided into the categories listed below, arranged from the top down in order of the grade-relevant importance of the individual aspects.

Research Results . The results of the research work are given the highest priority and can come in various forms: theorems, software products, hardware products, empirically derived statements, or a mixture thereof. The approach employed to reach the results are also evaluated when the quality of the results are assessed.

Written Thesis. The written thesis, the main component of the research work, is given second priority. Here the evaluation includes determining how understandably graduates present the findings and research method to expert readers, and how well they concentrated on essential details and excluded non-essential details. The form, graphics, language and style of the thesis are also assessed.

Work method . The evaluation of the work method includes determining how purposefully and independently the candidate performed the research.

Presentation and discussion. Here, the committee evaluates the preparation of the presentation, the visual aids used for the presentation (such as slides), the candidates’ rhetorical skills and their ability to handle critical questions.

Due to the nature of the field of computer science, a Master’s Thesis that is written in cooperation with other institutes or (industrial) university-external parties is no rarity. And sometimes candidates write their thesis on a topic at an institute that corresponds to their minor subject. In both of these cases, the thesis advisor must inspect the research topic carefully and ensure that the candidate is given competent "on-site support". If the Master’s Thesis is written in a minor subject and an advisor in this minor subject takes on the role of the candidate’s supervisor, a university instructor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Paderborn must first determine that the research topic is plausible, and this instructor must supervise the thesis together with the advisor in the minor subject. Merely including the Computer Science Department advisor’s name as the secondary advisor when submitting the completed written thesis is not sufficient.

If the Master’s Thesis is written outside the university, such as at an external company, the thesis advisor must ensure that the candidate is not negatively affected by company-internal constraints (deadlines, financial dependence, non-disclosure agreements for concealing trade secrets). In this sense, “freedom of education” must be guaranteed. Companies are notified that the research work (the written thesis) is, by general rule, open to all readers. In special cases (such as when a patent is pending), a certain limited time period between the end of the research and the actual publication of the thesis can be determined. The in-company advisor/reviewer must make the entire research work available.

When submitting the thesis, candidates pledge to archive a public copy of the thesis for up to at least 5 years. The Computer Science Department, meaning the university in general, does not archive the submitted, accepted written thesis.

master thesis web application

Master thesis

Goal of a master thesis.

The master thesis project is the final step in your studies before graduation. As such its intention is to show what you have learned in your studies by applying your knowledge and capabilities in an independent scientific work. In that sense, the master thesis project becomes the crown of your academic career so far and will lay the first cornerstone for your future career.

More formally, the master thesis project is a course like any other with the only distinction that you are working independently, most often as part of a larger team or research group. The aims of the master thesis project are described in detail at the corresponding course plans. Generally, you should show that you can independently plan and carry out a project in Mathematics and present the results, in a written report and orally at a presentation, including a discussion of the prerequisites, methodology, approach and results of the work.

Components of a master thesis project

The main outcome is a project report (master thesis). Here, you will present the findings and results of your project in a scientific manner. However, the goals of a master thesis project are much broader than that: You shall show a number of capabilities, knowledge and attitudes indispensable for a scientist or engineer. Thus, further activities are required where you must show your abilities in mathematical communication. This consists of an oral presentation and discussion of your work and of being an opponent at other thesis presentations.

How to find a project

Once you are eligible for starting a master thesis project you can begin to search for a suitable project. Projects can be carried out at KTH, most often at the Department of Mathematics, or at other collaborating departments at KTH. But many projects are done at a company or other external institutions or authorities. It is also possible that you are carrying out your master thesis project abroad. It is recommended to start the search well ahead of time. Remember, you will not be the only one looking for a project! Also keep in mind that the project must have sufficient scientific level and scope. Before starting the administrative process (master thesis project application, signing of necessary agreements, and much more), you need to submit a project proposal and get it approved by your examiner.

In order to find a project proposal you may consult KTH’s Degree Project Portal . You may also look at company web sites where you will often find proposals, too. Another source of information are your professors. Often, they will have offers or can guide you to colleagues who might have interesting proposals.

More details and the administration

For each of the programs and study tracks, certain special rules apply. Before you start it is important you keep the following in mind:

  • The project is 30 credits — usually 5 months of full-time work.
  • You need to have at least 60 credit points on advanced level before you can start your project.
  • You need an advisor and an examiner. The examiner should normally be from KTH.
  • Before you start you and the examiner need to fill out a form. This form can be downloaded here (link to be added).
  • The grading is generally Pass/Fail. Exceptions may apply.
  • Link to latex style file .

More information specific to the various directions can be found at the following webpages:

Mathematics (TMAKM)

  • Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing (COMA)
  • Applied Mathematics, Mathematics of Data Science (DAVE)
  • Applied Mathematics, Financial Mathematics (FIMA)
  • Applied Mathematics, Optimization and Systems Theory (OPSY)

Examples of typical master theses

Scientific computing (coma), mathematics of data science/statistics (dave), financial mathematics (fima), optimization and systems theory (opsy).

Open Access Theses and Dissertations

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About OATD.org

OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,224,867 theses and dissertations.

About OATD (our FAQ) .

Visual OATD.org

We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the OATD.org collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.

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My master project: thesis entitled"Design and Implementation of a University E-portal Application"

Profile image of Tammam Abdulelah


Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications

Elaine Rodrigues

Acta Didactica Napocensia

Crista Mohammed

Olufemi Oyelami

presentation at 1st International Scientific Conference …

Panagiotis Kenterlis

Journal of Global Research in Computer Science

Abeena Azad

International Research Journal of Computer Science

Wole Olatokun

EDULEARN Proceedings

Darina Tothova

Sara Perrella

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal

Psychology and Education

MD. Ahasan Habib

International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering

WARSE The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology IJSRCSEIT

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications


IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering

Ahmed Aliyu

Cecilia Mercado

Robertas Damasevicius

terrence villena

Norio Iriguchi

JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science)

diana rahmawati

Educause Quarterly

Elizabeth Boling

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Your studies

Thesis application forms.

Detail image of a wall

To be able to register for your thesis/degree project, you need to fill out the web form ”Thesis application form” and have it approved. You also need to meet the requirements that are stated in the regulations.

Thesis application form

Once you have filled out the web form it needs to be approved by the examiner and Head of programme/Director of master's programme. You must do this at least four weeks before your estimated start date. The application form apply to students on both bachelor of science in engineering, shipping, civil engineering and master's programmes.

Erasmus and Bilateral students are exempted from getting a signature/approval from the Director of master’s programme since they don’t belong to a programme. Web form: Thesis application form

Are you unsure about something in the web form or is something not working? In that case, please use the contact form on the start page for more help. If you can´t reach the start page, please use the contact form in the Service Portal:

Thesis form support - in the Service Portal

Info videos

Here you will find short info videos on how to fill in the web form "Thesis application form" Chalmers Play

Thesis application exemption form

In some cases you should use the exemption form, "Thesis application exemption form":

  • If the main field of study for the course does not match with the main field of study for the programme (Applies only to 30 and 60 credit theses/degree projects)
  • If you want to register on an older programme code that is no longer given

The completed form must be digitally signed by the examiner and Head of programme/Director of master's programme. It must be sent in at least four weeks before your estimated start date. This is done by the person who last signed the document.

The document must then be sent to: [email protected] .

Please note! We only accept a digitally signed exemption form.

Register for your thesis/degree project in Ladok

When your form is received and everything is correct, it will be included in Ladok showing that you are expected to do your thesis/degree project. You are then responsible for registering on the course yourself (just as with other course registration). The registration opens Monday three weeks before the course instance starts and closes Tuesday of the second week of the course instance.

Ladok: Study documentation system

For those who have not completed their thesis/degree project

To re-register for a thesis/degree project you have started but not finished (with the same course code as before), use the services in Ladok for students. Select “My education" and "Change to another course instance.” You should not fill in a new form. If this does not work, you are welcome to contact us at our contact address.

Questions and answers about how to fill out the forms

Questions and answers, for questions, please contact:.


master thesis web application

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Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Faculty of business, economics and social sciences, institute for innovation research.

  • Chair of Technology Management

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  • Information on Master Theses

Guide on Application for a Master Thesis


You would like to write your master thesis at the chair of technology management? Here you will find all necessary information for your application.

General Information

  • Before you can be registered for a master thesis, you have to ensure that you have at least obtained 60 credit points through completed modules. Before that topics are not allowed to be assigned.
  • Normally students are able to choose the chair they would like to write their thesis at. Since our ressources are limited, please be informed that we can't accept all applications.
  • Your application will only be considered binding, if you receive a positive response from us.
  • If you wish to write your master thesis in summer semester , please submit your application between 01. and 15.01. of a year to us.
  • If you wish to write your master thesis during winter semester , please submit your application between 01. and 15.07 . of a year to us.
  • In addition, master theses can be accepted during a semester depending on the free capacities.

Application Documents

As per the above-stated deadline, you have to submit the following documents to us:

  • Why do you wish to write your master thesis at the chair of technology management?
  • Which focus of research are you most interested in?
  • Optional: Which topic would you like to elaborate on in your master thesis?
  • 2. A brief personal data sheet.
  • 3. A current transcript of results from QIS, which must not be notorised.
  • 4. Application form for a master thesis

Further information on our research focus can be found in the section research.

Please send your application complete and on time solely via E-Mail to: techman[at]bwl.uni-kiel.de


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    2.1 Web application Web application is a client-server application where a browser acts as the client and a web-server as the server. Web application logic is distributed between the client and the server, data storage is performed mainly on the server. Data is exchanged over the net-work using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

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    literature. In Section 3 an overview of the application context of the thesis, web application development, is given and the general testing considerations in the web application context are discussed. Section 4 presents the empirical research for the thesis. Section 5 is reserved for synthetization and discussion of the research results.

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    Basic experience with web application design and development Knowledge of ASP MVC, .NET, Java Script, HTML, C#, SQL. Python knowledge is an advantage. Database knoweldge Excellent English skills, German is an advantage. This position is subject to the collective agreement for workers and employees in the electrical and electronics industry.

  11. Submitting the electronic copy of your master's thesis

    Guidelines for the web application 'Master's thesis' in KU Loket. Under the section 'Master's thesis', select the thesis for which you would like to upload information.If you have registered only one master's thesis in your ISP, this field will automatically contain the correct information.

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    plemented a web-based (WebCT) system for research man-agement among the postgraduate students from 2005 to 2006 (3). The SciPro (Supporting Scientific Processes in Thesis Writing) system, which was developed at Stockholm Uni-versity, is an online ICT support system for administra-tion and supervision of the bachelor, master, and PhD the-sis.

  13. PDF Guarda: A web application firewall for WebAuthn transaction authentication

    This thesis presents Guarda, a firewall for integrating transaction authentication into a new or existing web service with relatively few code changes. The firewall intercepts all HTTP traffic sent to the web service, and based on the configuration, anyrequestsdeemed safeareproxieddirectlyto thewebservice.

  14. Web Development Dissertation Topics & Titles

    Web Development Dissertation Topics - Based on Latest Technology Trends. Published by Owen Ingram at December 29th, 2022 , Revised On August 16, 2023. Web development is one of the most common research areas among students for information technology. A career in this field of web design and web development offers a lot of opportunities and is ...

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    web applications based on CMS systems. This approach is based on the creation of two CMS-oriented languages (which are located at di erent levels of abstraction, and are used to both quickly model a web application and provide a common ground for the creation of additional CMS-oriented languages), and a mechanism for the processing of models

  16. Master Thesis

    1. Goals. In a Master's Thesis, candidates show their ability to independently perform scientific research on an appropriately challenging theme that also gives them the opportunity to develop their own ideas. On the basis of the "state-of-the-art" processes, the students must systematically apply the methods of computer science. 2.

  17. Master thesis

    The master thesis project is the final step in your studies before graduation. As such its intention is to show what you have learned in your studies by applying your knowledge and capabilities in an independent scientific work. In that sense, the master thesis project becomes the crown of your academic career so far and will lay the first ...

  18. OATD

    You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses: Google Scholar; NDLTD, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not. Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published ...

  19. My master project: thesis entitled"Design and Implementation of a

    Saif ur-Rehman Butt, "Web Portal solution is better than having only distributed applications using intranet", a master thesis at the university of engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan, 2006. 10.Marc Friedenberg, "Design and development of a geo-collaborative web-portal", A thesis in information science and technology, College of ...

  20. Thesis application forms

    The application form apply to students on both bachelor of science in engineering, shipping, civil engineering and master's programmes. Erasmus and Bilateral students are exempted from getting a signature/approval from the Director of master's programme since they don't belong to a programme. Web form: Thesis application form

  21. PDF Web application firewall

    already has application firewalling implementations. The WAF will be implemented as a plugin for a popular open source web application firewall called ModSecurity, which was chosen for its maturity, popularity and XML (Extensible Markup Language) support. The research questions for this master thesis are:

  22. SiROP

    SiROP is a web portal scientists use to post their open positions and theses online. Students can search by scientific topic and apply online. ... ETH Zurich (ETHZ), Master Thesis. Health Information Systems (incl. Surveillance) Artificial intelligence for predicting neurological recovery post-cardiac arrest 2024-08-30.

  23. JavaScript Performance Learning Path

    Building Blazingly Fast Applications. Identify performance bottlenecks while minimizing page load times. Learn the techniques to build high-performing JavaScript applications by understanding code execution at the lowest levels.

  24. Guide on Application for a Master Thesis

    If you wish to write your master thesis during winter semester, please submit your application between 01. and 15.07. of a year to us. In addition, master theses can be accepted during a semester depending on the free capacities. As per the above-stated deadline, you have to submit the following documents to us: 1.