How to Pass the PeopleAnswers/ Infor Talent Science Assessment

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Infor Talent Science Assessment tests, also known as People Answers Assessments, are a series of online pre-employment tests assembled of cognitive questions and a behavioral questionnaire. Employers use this assessment to select the most qualified job candidate for a certain position.

The Infor Talent Science practice tests offered on this page are designed to sharpen the skills needed to pass both the Infor Talent behavioral exam and cognitive tests, each contains detailed answers and explanations:

  • Personality Test Practice- take a full behavioral exam and discover if your score matches the behaviors required for the position, and how to improve your answers to be found most suitable.
  • Cognitive Test Practice- sharpen numerical and verbal skills assessed by people answers/ Infor Talent Science, with full cognitive tests and additional practice for verbal and numerical subjects.

Personality Test Practice

  • A full Behavioral Questionnaire
  • Customized score report for your position 
  • Practice tests for specific traits

Cognitive Test Practice

  • Two full-length cognitive ability tests 
  • Over 690 verbal and numerical reasoning questions
  • Detailed answers for every question

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The Info Talent Science Preparation Pack was created by our experienced psychometric experts, based on thorough research and after getting feedback from hundreds of candidates.  If you have any additional questions about the assessments, feel free to  send us an email , we usually reply within 24 hours.

What Is PeopleAnswers/ Infor Talent Science?

PeopleAnswers is a company that provides an employment software entirely web-based, which allows employers to monitor and assess job candidates using cognitive and behavioral pre-employment tests . Your employer may ask you to complete one or both of these exams.

PeopleAnswers was bought by Infor in January 2014, a business software company with 70,000 corporate clients worldwide. Therefore, the PeopleAnswers pre-employment exam is now known as the Infor Talent Science Assessment.

Infor Talent Science questionnaires are taken by over 20 million job applicants each year, and are widely used by companies like Foot Locker, Audi, Gold's Gym, Panera, The Cheesecake Factory, Yahoo, Dunkin' Donuts, Neiman Marcus, Walgreens , Lowes , and Hertz.

Infor Talent Science Behavioral Questionnaire

Info Talent Science Behavioral Questionnaire assesses candidates' behavioral tendencies to predict work performance. This questionnaire was developed by scientists and industrial psychologists based on behavioral theories and evaluates 26 behavioral characteristics related to Leadership ambition, flexibility within a changing work environment, and empathy with fellow coworkers.

PeopleAnswers' personality test is not timed, but it usually takes about 25 minutes to complete. On each question, you must choose one response out of seven responses ranging from 'Strongly Agree' to 'Strongly Disagree'.

These are the kind of questions you could be asked:

  • Co-workers describe me as assertive.
  • It is okay to not follow directions in order to complete a task better.
  • I like to support others and to help them succeed.
  • Supervisors know that I work better independently than as part of a team. 

How to Answer Behavioral Questions?

The most important tip when answering personality questions is knowing the required characteristics for your position. In other words, how the ideal candidate would answer.

For example, if you are applying for a sales position, one of the most crucial requirements is the ability to be assertive. So, it is important to choose answers that reflect that- on question number one, that would be choosing strongly agree (ratings 6-7).  

The full Infor Talent Science Test Preparation provides practice tests and feedback reports customized to your position, so that you can ensure you choose answers that show you are the most suitable candidate for the role. 

Infor Talent Science Cognitive Test

PeopleAnswers' cognitive ability test consists of 60 questions on verbal and numerical reasoning subjects: number sequences, verbal analogies, and math word problems, under a time limit of 10 minutes. 

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How to Pass The PeopleAnswers/ Infor Talent Science Assessment?

Over 20 million job seekers fill out PeopleAnswers’ ( now Infor Talent Science ) employment surveys each year. Foot Locker, Audi, Gold’s Gym, Panera, The Cheesecake Factory, Yahoo, Dunkin’ Donuts, Neiman Marcus, Walgreens, Lowes, and Hertz all employ these questionnaires. PeopleAnswers’ employment software is available in over 16 languages and is web-based.

Behavioral theories were used to build the PeopleAnswers technique by scientists and industrial psychologists. As a result, the organization gives the traditional pre-employment test a behavioral twist. Infor, a business software provider with 70,000 corporate clients worldwide, purchased PeopleAnswers in January 2014.

Take PeopleAnswers Practice Test Now

Table of Contents

What is PeopleAnswers/ Infor Talent Science Employment Test?

PeopleAnswers has two different tests:

Cognitive ability

Personality test.

They are used during the job application process to assess how suitable a candidate is for a role. Your employer may ask you to take one or both.

What is on the PeopleAnswers tests?

The cognitive ability test has 60 questions. These will test your aptitude and intelligence. They can include questions such as:

  • Number sequences
  • Verbal analogies
  • Math word problems

The personality test consists of 230 questions about how you perform in a work environment. It assesses how you see yourself at work. It may touch on:

  • Leadership skills
  • Timekeeping
  • Obeying orders

How is the PeopleAnswers Test Scored?

The cognitive ability test is scored based on how many answers you get right.

  • The personality test will judge your answers on the following three areas:
  • Leadership ambition
  • Flexibility within a changing work environment
  • Empathy with fellow coworkers

How Do I Pass for PeopleAnswers Test?

The best way to pass the PeopleAnswers test is to prepare well. For this, we highly recommend using the services of a test preparation company like Job Test Prep. They have information about the test.

They also offer a tailored prep pack specifically for the PeopleAnswers tests that includes timed practice tests, study materials, answers, and explanations.

Tips to Pass a Personality Assessment Test

Knowing what information an employer is looking for and how to approach a personality test can help you when you’re asked to take one.

It’s understandable that you’d want to provide the correct answers to a personality test. It is important to keep in mind that personality is a subjective evaluation. The following tips can help.

  • Honest answers are important – Personality tests sometimes include scale-based questions. You might be asked to rate your agreement by putting a number between one and five, where five is “strongly agree” and one is “strongly disagree.” Since you cannot change who you are, tell the truth.
  • Try to avoid repeating yourself too often – Answer honestly, but think about how you really feel about a particular statement. Your answers should not all be on one extreme, since an employer may interpret this as a lack of diversity.
  • Examine the job description – The purpose of personality tests is to determine whether you are suitable for a particular position. It is crucial that you keep the qualities the employer is looking for in the back of your mind while you are taking the personality test. Certain job characteristics are indicative of success, including attention to detail. Be sure to pay attention to the questions that align with the job posting, as those will determine whether you pass or fail. For instance, if the job posting mentioned “ability to work well on a team,” focus on questions about your willingness to cooperate.
  • Think about taking a practice test – If you know ahead of time that you will be taking a personality test, you might want to take a practice test. An online personality test is available in various formats. The advantage of a practice test is you can get comfortable with the types of questions you will be asked and how they are phrased so there are no surprises when you take the actual exam. It is also a good idea to practice if you easily get nervous before taking exams.
  • Don’t rush – Read the instructions and each question carefully before selecting your answer. The question may change as the exam continues, so make sure you know what it is asking. Let yourself have enough time to choose a response that fits your personality and what you value.
  • Questions about honesty and integrity may also be included in personality tests . During your employment, you may face ethical challenges, so employers will want to know what you value. You may be asked to describe your character instead of your personality.

How Do You Prepare for the PeopleAnswers Personality Test?

A person may feel intimidated by the prospect of revealing hidden aspects of their personality. Nevertheless, if you have concerns about the test, remind yourself that there’s a good chance you already possess many of the competencies required for the job, and you should find yourself passing.

The revision you can do isn’t as extensive for tests like numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning. After all, you are who you are— changing your personality before the test isn’t possible.

Understand which competencies are key

There will be key competencies for every position. If you work in finance, for example, you need analytical skills. If you work in consulting, you need interpersonal skills. You can build the ideal profile for the position by responding appropriately to questions that assess these key areas. In this case, you and the employer need to know up front that you aren’t suited for the role.

But don’t exaggerate

There is a limit to how much a company can have in terms of strengths. Being assertive, for example, implies you are pursuing your goals through dominance rather than diplomacy. A personality test is not a good place to exaggerate your behavior. That could cause people to lessen their interest in you.

Don’t second guess

Answer the question as you would like it to appear. This is an assessment of consistency in your responses. Your chances of doing well are good if you’re right for the job and the employer is right for you.

Examples of Strongly Agree and Strongly Disagree Questions on Job PeopleAnswers Tests

Listed below are some questions on which you are likely to find strong agree or strongly disagree responses on a job assessment test:

  • “I never make a mistake at work”
  • “I prefer working alone rather than as a part of a team”
  • “I need little to no supervision to complete my tasks”
  • “I enjoy being a leader”
  • “I am never bothered by criticism”
  • “I handle stress well at work”
  • “I am never late to work”
  • “My friends would describe me as dependable”
  • “Your previous boss would describe you as hard-working”
  • “I can easily adapt to changes in my routine”
  • “I prefer working on multiple projects at once, rather than focusing on one thing at a time”
  • “Sometimes, rules can be broken for the greater good”
  • “I would never take the blame for a coworker’s mistakes”
  • “I thrive in team situations”

For more prep materials along with answers and explanations, head to Job Test Prep .

Sarah Duncan

Sarah is an accomplished educator, researcher and author in the field of testing and assessment. She has worked with various educational institutions and organisations to develop innovative evaluation methods and enhance student learning. Sarah has published numerous articles and books on assessment and learning. Her passion for promoting equity and fairness in the education system fuels her commitment to sharing insights and best practices with educators and policymakers around the world.

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Learn about the different types of questions asked in the PeopleAnswers/ Infor Talent Science Assessment Test with this sample practice test. Good luck!

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Learn about the different types of questions asked in the Progressive Pre-Employment assessment with this sample practice test. Good luck!

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Free assessment tests to get you prepared, how to pass the peopleanswers/infor talent science assessment: the comprehensive guide.

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  • PeopleAnswers Assessments are designed to evaluate a candidate's cognitive abilities, personality traits, and job-related skills through a series of psychometric tests.
  • Success in the hiring process requires strong problem-solving abilities, effective communication skills, and a good cultural fit with the organization.
  • Thorough preparation is crucial, as it helps candidates understand the test format, practice relevant questions, and develop strategies for time management and accurate responses.
  • By preparing diligently, candidates can enhance their performance on the assessment, showcasing their suitability for the role and increasing their chances of being hired.

What is PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment

The PeopleAnswers Assessment , now known as the Infor Talent Science Assessment , is a comprehensive pre-employment evaluation tool used by numerous companies to screen and select the most suitable job candidates. This assessment comprises two primary components: a behavioral questionnaire and a cognitive ability test. Here’s a detailed explanation of the format and primary objectives of each component.

Format of PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment

  • Format : The behavioral section is a personality test that evaluates candidates based on 26 behavioral traits. This test is not timed but typically takes around 25 minutes to complete.
  • Content : Candidates are presented with statements and must choose their level of agreement on a seven-point scale ranging from 'Strongly Agree' to 'Strongly Disagree'. For example, statements might include "Co-workers describe me as assertive" or "I like to support others and help them succeed".
  • Objective : The goal is to predict work performance by assessing behavioral tendencies such as leadership ambition, adaptability, and empathy. These insights help employers determine if a candidate's personality aligns with the company culture and job requirements.
  • Format : This section consists of 60 questions focused on verbal and numerical reasoning. The test is timed, with a total duration of 10 minutes, making it a rapid assessment of cognitive skills.
  • Content : The questions cover areas such as number sequences, verbal analogies, and math word problems. For example, candidates might be asked to solve problems involving arithmetic calculations or to identify relationships between words in analogies.
  • Objective : The primary objective of the cognitive ability test is to measure a candidate’s problem-solving skills and ability to process information quickly and accurately. These abilities are crucial for roles that require critical thinking and analytical skills.

Primary Objectives of PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment

The main objectives of the PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment are:

  • By combining behavioral and cognitive assessments, employers can get a holistic view of a candidate's capabilities and potential for success in the role. This helps in identifying individuals who are not only skilled but also a good cultural fit for the organization.
  • The assessment aims to predict how well a candidate will perform in a given job by evaluating both their cognitive abilities and personality traits. This predictive capability helps in making informed hiring decisions.
  • By using standardized assessments, employers can streamline the hiring process, making it more efficient and objective. This ensures a fair evaluation of all candidates based on their skills and behaviors.
  • By selecting candidates who are a better fit for the job and the company culture, organizations can reduce employee turnover. Employees who are well-matched to their roles are likely to be more satisfied and stay longer with the company.

Significance and Usage

Infor Talent Science assessments are used by over 20 million job applicants annually and are employed by well-known companies such as Foot Locker, Audi, Panera, and The Cheesecake Factory. This widespread use underscores the assessment's reliability and effectiveness in helping employers make better hiring decisions.

Preparation Tips

  • Understand Job Requirements : Tailor your responses to reflect the desired traits for the position.
  • Practice Cognitive Skills : Sharpen your numerical and verbal reasoning abilities through practice tests.
  • Answer Honestly : While it's important to align your answers with the job requirements, ensure that your responses are genuine to avoid any inconsistencies.

How Test Is Different

The PeopleAnswers Assessment stands out in the realm of pre-employment testing due to its unique combination of behavioral and cognitive evaluations, its scientific foundation, and its adaptability across various industries and job roles. Here’s a detailed comparison highlighting its differences from other assessment tests:

Combination of Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments

1. Integrated Evaluation :

  • PeopleAnswers Assessment : This assessment uniquely combines a behavioral questionnaire with cognitive ability tests to provide a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate’s suitability for a role. The behavioral part assesses personality traits and work behavior, while the cognitive part evaluates problem-solving and reasoning skills.
  • Other Tests : Many other assessments focus solely on one aspect, such as cognitive abilities (e.g., Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test) or personality traits (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). This singular focus can limit the depth of understanding of a candidate’s overall capabilities.

Scientific and Research-Based Approach

2. Foundation in Behavioral Science :

  • PeopleAnswers Assessment : Developed by industrial psychologists and behavioral scientists, this assessment is grounded in extensive research and behavioral theories. It evaluates 26 specific behavioral traits that are predictive of job performance.
  • Other Tests : While other tests like the Hogan Personality Inventory or DiSC also have scientific underpinnings, they may not integrate cognitive assessments as seamlessly with behavioral evaluations. The scientific rigor and comprehensive nature of PeopleAnswers make it particularly effective for predicting job success.

Industry and Role Adaptability

3. Versatility Across Industries :

  • PeopleAnswers Assessment : Widely used by diverse companies such as Foot Locker, Audi, and The Cheesecake Factory, this assessment is designed to be adaptable across various job roles and industries. It helps employers identify candidates who fit specific roles, from retail to corporate positions.
  • Other Tests : Some assessments, like technical skills tests (e.g., coding tests for software developers), are highly specialized and applicable to specific job functions. They may not provide the broad applicability seen with PeopleAnswers assessments.

Focus on Predicting Cultural Fit and Job Performance

4. Emphasis on Cultural Fit :

  • PeopleAnswers Assessment : This test goes beyond assessing skills and knowledge by focusing on cultural fit and behavioral alignment with the company’s values. It predicts how well a candidate will integrate into the work environment and their potential long-term success.
  • Other Tests : Tests such as the Caliper Profile also emphasize personality and behavioral traits but may not combine this with cognitive assessments to the same extent. The dual focus of PeopleAnswers on both behavioral and cognitive aspects provides a more holistic view of a candidate.

Detailed Preparation Insights

5. Preparation and Feedback Mechanisms :

  • PeopleAnswers Assessment : Offers detailed feedback and preparation resources, including practice tests for both the behavioral and cognitive sections. This allows candidates to understand their strengths and areas for improvement, enhancing their readiness for the actual test.
  • Other Tests : While many tests offer practice materials (e.g., SHL or AON assessments), the integration of cognitive and behavioral practice tests in PeopleAnswers provides a more comprehensive preparation approach.

The PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment differentiates itself from other tests through its integrated approach combining behavioral and cognitive evaluations, its scientific and research-based foundation, its adaptability across various industries and roles, its emphasis on cultural fit and job performance, and its comprehensive preparation resources. These features make it a powerful tool for employers looking to make informed and strategic hiring decisions, ensuring they select candidates who not only possess the necessary skills but also align well with the company’s culture and long-term goals.

Jobs Assessed with Test

 Infor Talent Science Assessment is widely utilized across various industries and job roles to ensure that candidates not only have the necessary skills but also align with the company’s culture and values. Here are some job positions that typically require this assessment and explanations for its use in these contexts:

  • Companies : Foot Locker, Neiman Marcus, Walgreens
  • Reason : In retail, customer interaction and sales skills are crucial. The assessment evaluates traits like assertiveness, empathy, and customer service orientation, ensuring that candidates can effectively engage with customers and drive sales.
  • Companies : Panera, The Cheesecake Factory, Dunkin' Donuts
  • Reason : The fast-paced nature of the food service industry requires employees who can handle stress, work efficiently, and maintain a positive attitude. The behavioral assessment helps identify candidates who can thrive in such environments and provide excellent customer service.
  • Companies : Hertz, Yahoo
  • Reason : Customer service roles demand strong communication skills, patience, and problem-solving abilities. The cognitive and behavioral assessments ensure that candidates possess the necessary traits to handle customer inquiries and complaints effectively.
  • Companies : Audi, Lowe's
  • Reason : In corporate settings, it’s essential to have employees who can think critically, solve complex problems, and work well in teams. The cognitive test assesses numerical and verbal reasoning skills, while the behavioral questionnaire evaluates traits like teamwork and leadership.
  • Companies : Gold's Gym
  • Reason : These roles require individuals who are not only knowledgeable about fitness but also motivational and supportive. The assessment helps identify candidates who can inspire clients and create a positive and encouraging environment.
  • Companies : Various large corporations with extensive supply chains
  • Reason : Logistics roles require excellent organizational and problem-solving skills. The cognitive test ensures candidates can handle the complexities of logistics operations, while the behavioral test assesses their ability to lead teams and manage stress.
  • Companies : Various IT and tech companies
  • Reason : Technical support roles demand strong analytical skills and the ability to communicate technical information clearly. The assessment helps identify candidates who can efficiently troubleshoot issues and provide excellent technical support.

Why the Assessment is Used

1. Predicting Job Performance :

  • The dual focus on cognitive and behavioral traits allows employers to predict how well a candidate will perform in a given role. This holistic approach ensures that candidates are not only capable of performing tasks but also fit well within the company culture.

2. Reducing Turnover :

  • By identifying candidates whose personalities align with the company’s values and the job’s demands, employers can reduce turnover rates. Employees who fit well are likely to be more satisfied and stay longer with the company.

3. Enhancing Team Dynamics :

  • Understanding the behavioral traits of potential hires helps in building teams that work well together. It ensures that new employees can collaborate effectively with existing team members, enhancing overall productivity.

4. Streamlining the Hiring Process :

  • The standardized format of the PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment provides a consistent and objective measure of candidates’ abilities and traits. This helps in making the hiring process more efficient and fair.

5. Customization for Specific Roles :

  • The assessment can be tailored to focus on the traits most relevant to specific roles, ensuring that candidates possess the exact qualities needed for success in their intended positions.

Skills Assessed

The PeopleAnswers Assessment , now known as the Infor Talent Science Assessment, evaluates a combination of cognitive abilities and behavioral traits to predict job performance and cultural fit. Here’s a detailed look at the skills assessed and their relevance to job performance:

Behavioral Skills

  • Assessment : Measures a candidate’s desire and capability to take on leadership roles and responsibilities.
  • Relevance : Critical for positions that require managing teams, making strategic decisions, and guiding projects to successful completion. High leadership ambition correlates with proactive management and effective team leadership.
  • Assessment : Evaluates a candidate’s ability to adapt to changing environments and work conditions.
  • Relevance : Important for roles in dynamic industries or fast-paced environments where change is constant. Flexibility ensures employees can handle new challenges and shifting priorities without losing productivity.
  • Assessment : Assesses a candidate’s ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Relevance : Essential for customer service roles and positions requiring teamwork. Empathetic employees tend to foster better workplace relationships and provide superior customer experiences.
  • Assessment : Measures the degree to which a candidate can assert their opinions and take charge when necessary.
  • Relevance : Important in sales, management, and any role that requires negotiation or influencing others. Assertiveness helps in driving initiatives and achieving goals through decisive actions.
  • Assessment : Evaluates a candidate’s ability to work well within a team.
  • Relevance : Crucial for collaborative environments where teamwork is key to success. Employees who score high in teamwork contribute to a cohesive work environment and collective problem-solving.
  • Assessment : Measures honesty and adherence to moral and ethical principles.
  • Relevance : Essential across all job roles to ensure trustworthiness and reliability. High integrity reduces risks related to unethical behavior and enhances the company’s reputation.

Cognitive Skills

  • Assessment : Tests the ability to understand and work with numbers, including basic arithmetic, number sequences, and data interpretation.
  • Relevance : Important for roles in finance, engineering, and any job requiring quantitative analysis. Strong numerical reasoning skills ensure accurate data handling and financial decision-making.
  • Assessment : Evaluates the ability to understand and reason using concepts framed in words.
  • Relevance : Crucial for positions requiring clear communication, comprehension of complex information, and critical reading skills. High verbal reasoning abilities support effective communication and problem-solving.
  • Assessment : Assesses the ability to analyze and solve problems using logic.
  • Relevance : Important for technical, analytical, and managerial roles where logical thinking and problem-solving are essential. Strong logical reasoning skills help in diagnosing issues and creating effective solutions.

Relevance to Job Performance

The PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment is designed to provide a comprehensive profile of a candidate’s suitability for a role by assessing these skills. Here’s how they relate to job performance:

  • Predictive Validity : The assessment helps predict how well a candidate will perform in a specific role by matching their cognitive and behavioral profiles to those of successful employees in similar positions.
  • Cultural Fit : By evaluating behavioral traits, the assessment ensures that candidates will fit well within the company’s culture, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.
  • Performance Metrics : Employers use these assessments to identify candidates who are likely to meet or exceed performance metrics, contributing to overall business success.
  • Skill Alignment : Ensures that the skills and traits of the candidates align with the job requirements, reducing the risk of hiring mismatches and enhancing productivity.

The PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment is a valuable tool for employers to identify candidates who possess the right blend of cognitive abilities and behavioral traits. By ensuring a good fit between the candidate and the job, employers can enhance job performance, reduce turnover, and foster a positive workplace culture. Candidates preparing for this assessment should focus on demonstrating the relevant skills and traits through practice and understanding the job requirements.

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Companies that Use the Test

The PeopleAnswers Assessment , now known as the Infor Talent Science Assessment, is utilized across a variety of industries to evaluate candidates for different roles. This assessment is particularly valued for its ability to combine cognitive and behavioral insights, making it versatile and effective for diverse job functions. Here’s a detailed look at which industries and specific employers use this assessment, along with examples:

Retail Industry

1. Foot Locker

  • Reason for Use : Foot Locker employs the PeopleAnswers Assessment to identify candidates who can thrive in a fast-paced retail environment. The assessment helps in evaluating traits like customer service orientation, teamwork, and sales capabilities.
  • Application : The assessment is used for roles such as Sales Associates, Store Managers, and Customer Service Representatives.

2. Neiman Marcus

  • Reason for Use : For a luxury retailer like Neiman Marcus, it is crucial to hire candidates who exhibit high levels of customer service, attention to detail, and sales acumen. The behavioral and cognitive assessments help in selecting candidates who can provide a premium customer experience.
  • Application : The assessment is used for positions such as Sales Associates, Personal Shoppers, and Department Managers.

Hospitality and Food Service Industry

3. The Cheesecake Factory

  • Reason for Use : The Cheesecake Factory uses the assessment to ensure that employees can handle the high-pressure environment of a busy restaurant while maintaining excellent customer service standards.
  • Application : The assessment is used for roles like Servers, Hosts, and Kitchen Staff.

4. Panera Bread

  • Reason for Use : Panera Bread seeks to hire individuals who can offer friendly, efficient service and work well within a team. The PeopleAnswers Assessment helps in identifying candidates with the right behavioral traits and cognitive skills for these roles.
  • Application : The assessment is used for positions such as Cashiers, Food Service Associates, and Shift Supervisors.

Fitness and Health Industry

5. Gold's Gym

  • Reason for Use : Gold's Gym employs the assessment to find fitness instructors and staff who are not only knowledgeable about fitness but also motivational and supportive to clients.
  • Application : The assessment is used for roles like Personal Trainers, Group Fitness Instructors, and Front Desk Staff.

Automotive Industry

  • Reason for Use : Audi uses the assessment to ensure that candidates for various roles within the company possess the necessary technical skills and align with the company’s values and customer service standards.
  • Application : The assessment is used for positions such as Sales Consultants, Service Advisors, and Technicians.

Hospitality and Leisure Industry

  • Reason for Use : Hertz utilizes the assessment to find candidates who can provide excellent customer service and manage the demands of car rental operations efficiently.
  • Application : The assessment is used for roles like Customer Service Representatives, Rental Sales Agents, and Operations Managers.

Pharmacy and Health Retail

8. Walgreens

  • Reason for Use : Walgreens employs the PeopleAnswers Assessment to select candidates who can deliver excellent customer service and operate effectively in a retail pharmacy environment.
  • Application : The assessment is used for positions such as Pharmacy Technicians, Store Associates, and Shift Leads.

Why It Is Used in These Contexts

  • The PeopleAnswers Assessment provides a comprehensive profile of a candidate’s abilities and traits, allowing employers to make informed hiring decisions. This predictive capability is crucial for roles requiring specific behavioral and cognitive skills.
  • By assessing both cognitive and behavioral traits, employers can predict which candidates are likely to perform well in their roles. This leads to better job performance and higher productivity.
  • The assessment helps in identifying candidates who fit well within the company culture, which can reduce turnover rates. Employees who are a good fit are more likely to stay with the company longer.
  • Understanding the behavioral traits of potential hires helps in building cohesive teams. It ensures that new employees can work well with existing team members, enhancing overall workplace harmony.

The PeopleAnswers/Infor Talent Science Assessment is a versatile tool used by a wide range of industries to evaluate candidates for various roles. By combining cognitive and behavioral assessments, it helps employers predict job performance, improve hiring decisions, and build strong, cohesive teams. Understanding its application across different industries and job roles can help candidates prepare effectively and align their skills with employer expectations.

Scoring Model used in PeopleAnswers Test

 The PeopleAnswers Assessment Tests  employs a sophisticated scoring model designed to evaluate both cognitive abilities and behavioral traits of candidates. The results are used to predict job performance and cultural fit within the organization. Here's a detailed explanation of how the scoring model works and its implications for the hiring process:

Behavioral Questionnaire Scoring

  • Assessment : The behavioral section consists of a series of statements to which candidates respond on a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from 'Strongly Disagree' to 'Strongly Agree'.
  • Traits : The assessment evaluates 26 specific behavioral traits such as leadership ambition, flexibility, empathy, and teamwork.
  • Scoring : Each response is scored based on how well it aligns with the desired traits for the role. Higher scores indicate a closer match to the ideal behavioral profile for the position.
  • Ideal Profile : Employers create an ideal behavioral profile for each role, based on successful employees in similar positions.
  • Comparison : Candidate scores are compared to this ideal profile to determine how well they fit the role. A closer match indicates a higher likelihood of success in the job.

Cognitive Ability Test Scoring

  • Sections : The cognitive ability test includes 60 questions covering verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and logical problem-solving.
  • Timing : The test is timed, typically allowing 10 minutes to complete all questions.
  • Accuracy : Candidates are scored based on the number of correct answers. Each correct answer contributes to the overall score.
  • Speed : The time taken to complete the test can also be a factor, with quicker, accurate responses being rated more favorably.
  • Relative Performance : Scores are often converted into percentile rankings to compare a candidate’s performance relative to a normative group. For example, a score in the 90th percentile indicates that the candidate performed better than 90% of the comparison group.

Interpretation of Results

  • Overall Evaluation : A composite score may be generated that combines the behavioral and cognitive scores to provide an overall evaluation of the candidate’s fit for the role.
  • Weighting : Different roles may weight cognitive and behavioral traits differently. For instance, a technical role might prioritize cognitive abilities, while a customer service role might focus more on behavioral traits.
  • Fit Score : The results are interpreted to generate a 'fit score' which indicates how well the candidate aligns with the job requirements and company culture.
  • Decision Making : Employers use this fit score to make informed hiring decisions, often prioritizing candidates with higher fit scores for interviews and further evaluation.

Impact on Hiring Process

  • Initial Screening : The assessment is often used as an initial screening tool to filter out candidates who do not meet the basic requirements for the role. High-scoring candidates are typically moved forward to the next stages of the hiring process.
  • Job Performance : The assessment’s scoring model is designed to predict job performance accurately. Candidates with higher scores are statistically more likely to perform well and stay longer in the position.
  • Cultural Fit : By assessing both cognitive and behavioral traits, the assessment helps ensure that candidates will not only perform their job duties effectively but also integrate well into the company culture.
  • Retention Rates : Effective use of the assessment can lead to lower turnover rates by selecting candidates who are a good fit both in terms of skills and culture. This reduces the costs associated with hiring and training new employees.

The PeopleAnswers Assessments use a detailed and structured scoring model to evaluate candidates. By combining cognitive and behavioral evaluations, it provides a comprehensive overview of a candidate’s potential fit for a role. This approach helps employers make more informed hiring decisions, ultimately leading to better job performance and lower turnover rates. Candidates should prepare thoroughly for both sections of the test to enhance their chances of scoring well and progressing in the hiring process.

Sample Test Questions

The PeopleAnswers Assessment Test , now known as the Infor Talent Science Assessment, includes a variety of questions designed to evaluate both cognitive abilities and behavioral traits. Here are some examples of the types of questions you might encounter, along with recommended answers and considerations for job seekers:

Behavioral Questionnaire Sample Questions

  • Question : "Co-workers describe me as assertive."
  • Recommended Answer : Strongly Agree (if the job requires assertiveness, such as in sales or leadership roles).
  • Consideration : Understand the key traits required for the position you are applying for. Assertiveness may be crucial for roles requiring proactive communication and decision-making.
  • Question : "It is okay to not follow directions in order to complete a task better."
  • Recommended Answer : Disagree (for most positions, following directions and adhering to protocols is important).
  • Consideration : Employers value candidates who can follow instructions, especially in roles with strict guidelines or safety protocols.
  • Question : "I like to support others and to help them succeed."
  • Recommended Answer : Strongly Agree (important for teamwork and collaborative roles).
  • Consideration : Emphasize your ability to work well in a team and support colleagues, which is valuable in most workplace environments.
  • Question : "Supervisors know that I work better independently than as part of a team."
  • Recommended Answer : Neutral to Disagree (depending on the role; some positions value teamwork over independence).
  • Consideration : Tailor your response based on the job requirements. Roles that require collaboration may not favor high independence.

Cognitive Ability Test Sample Questions

  • Question : "If a company’s profit increases by 20% each year, what will be the profit after 2 years if the current profit is $100,000?"
  • Recommended Answer : $144,000 (First year: $100,000 * 1.20 = $120,000; Second year: $120,000 * 1.20 = $144,000).
  • Consideration : Practice basic arithmetic and percentage calculations to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Question : "Choose the word that best completes the analogy: 'Doctor is to Hospital as Teacher is to ______.'"
  • Recommended Answer : School.
  • Consideration : Familiarize yourself with common analogies and practice identifying relationships between words.
  • Question : "Identify the next number in the series: 2, 6, 12, 20, __."
  • Recommended Answer : 30 (Pattern: add consecutive even numbers: 2+4=6, 6+6=12, 12+8=20, 20+10=30).
  • Consideration : Enhance your ability to recognize patterns and sequences by practicing similar problems.

Considerations for Job Seekers

  • Research the key traits and skills required for the job you are applying for. This will help you tailor your answers to reflect the qualities the employer is looking for.
  • Regularly practice numerical and verbal reasoning problems. There are many online resources and practice tests available to help you improve these skills.
  • While it is important to align your answers with the job requirements, ensure that your responses are genuine. Inconsistent answers can be flagged and might negatively impact your assessment.
  • For the cognitive ability test, practice working under timed conditions. This will help you manage the time pressure during the actual assessment.
  • If possible, take practice tests and seek feedback to identify areas where you need improvement. This will help you perform better in the actual assessment.

Practice Assessment Test

How to succeed on the test.

Practicing before taking a PeopleAnswers Assessment Test is a strategic investment in a candidate's success.

It not only enhances familiarity with the test but also enables candidates to fine-tune their skills, manage time effectively, and build the confidence needed to perform at their best. Regular, targeted practice is a key component of successful test preparation.

Here's a detailed breakdown of why practicing is important and how it helps job candidates pass the test:

  • Familiarity with Test Format: Practicing exposes candidates to the specific format of the assessment, including the structure of the questions, the time constraints, and any unique features of the test. This familiarity helps reduce anxiety and nervousness during the actual test, allowing candidates to navigate the assessment with more confidence.
  • Understanding Question Types: Different assessments include various question types, whether they are related to cognitive abilities, personality traits, or job-related skills. Practicing enables candidates to understand the types of questions they might encounter, whether it's numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, situational judgment, or others. Recognizing question patterns allows candidates to develop effective strategies for each type.
  • Identifying Areas of Weakness: Through practice, candidates can identify their strengths and weaknesses in different areas assessed by the test. Recognizing areas of weakness allows candidates to focus their efforts on improvement, whether it involves brushing up on certain skills or learning specific strategies to approach particular question types more effectively.
  • Time Management Skills: Assessment tests are often timed, and effective time management is crucial. Practicing helps candidates develop strategies for allocating time wisely across different sections, ensuring that they can complete the test within the given timeframe. This is particularly important for cognitive aptitude tests where time pressure is a common factor.
  • Building Confidence: Confidence plays a significant role in test performance. As candidates practice and become more comfortable with the test format and question types, their confidence levels increase. This heightened confidence positively impacts their ability to approach questions calmly, make reasoned decisions, and perform optimally.
  • Improving Performance: Regular practice contributes to skill improvement and enhances overall performance. Whether it's refining mathematical abilities, honing critical thinking skills, or becoming more adept at interpreting graphs and data, candidates who practice consistently are likely to see improvement in the areas assessed by the test.
  • Reducing Test Anxiety: Assessment tests can be stressful, especially if candidates are unprepared. Practicing serves as a form of stress inoculation, helping candidates manage anxiety by providing a sense of control and preparedness. Familiarity with the test conditions and content contributes to a more relaxed and focused test-taking experience.
  • Customizing Study Strategies: Through practice, candidates can determine which study methods and strategies work best for them. Some may benefit from more frequent, shorter practice sessions, while others may prefer more extended study periods. Understanding one's optimal study approach can maximize the effectiveness of preparation efforts.

Practice is crucial for success in assessment tests as it familiarizes individuals with the test format, refines their skills, and enhances their confidence.

Why Prepare with JobTestPrep Practice Materials

  • Realistic Test Simulation: JobTestPrep provides practice tests that accurately replicate the format and difficulty level of the actual test, allowing you to prepare effectively for the real assessment.
  • Eliminate Stress by Practicing Time Management Practice: Practicing with time limits helps you improve your speed and accuracy during the test, ensuring you can efficiently complete all sections within the allotted time.
  • Get Detailed Feedback and Customized Study Plan: JobTestPrep's practice tests offer detailed feedback and personalized study plans based on your performance, enabling targeted improvement and optimized study time.

Practice Assessment Test Now

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Am learning a lot. Thank you very much my friend. Bless you.

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This information is excellent the way you explain it, thank you!

Thanks a MILLION. I've learnt so much. You are a very good teacher. Thank you!!

Thank you for the Video. I just aced the assessment. I was a little scared though because only about 5 of the questions from here came but I wouldn't have passed this if not of this video, gracias.

Next Step: Prepare for the Assessment Test

Getting ready for the PeopleAnswers Assessment Test might seem challenging, but engaging in thorough practice beforehand is a pivotal step that can markedly elevate your likelihood of success. By dedicating time to practice, you not only familiarize yourself with the test format but also enhance your skills and confidence, ultimately positioning yourself for a more successful outcome in the assessment process.

Using JobTestPrep practice materials can be an effective way to prepare for the employment assessment test , helping you to build confidence and increase your chances of success. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your chances and succeed on the test.

What is included in the Test Pack:

Personality Test Practice

  • A full Behavioral Questionnaire
  • Customized score report for your position 
  • Practice tests for specific traits

Cognitive Test Practice

  • Two full-length cognitive ability tests 
  • Over 690 verbal and numerical reasoning questions
  • Detailed answers for every question

All the best on your job interview and assessment test! Good luck & I truly hope you will get hired soon!

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Top 25 Infor Interview Questions & Answers

Get ready for your interview at Infor with a list of common questions you may encounter and how to prepare for them effectively.

infor talent science problem solving questions

Infor, a global leader in enterprise software solutions, is known for providing industry-specific applications and innovative technologies to over 68,000 organizations worldwide. With a strong focus on user experience, Infor has made waves in the world of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and automation. As a company that values innovation and growth, Infor is constantly on the lookout for talented individuals to join their team. In this article, we will explore some of the most common interview questions that potential candidates can expect when vying for a position at this cutting-edge organization.

Infor Hiring Process

The Infor hiring process typically begins with an initial phone or video interview with an HR representative, where candidates discuss their background, experience, and knowledge of the company. This is followed by a technical interview with a hiring manager or a panel of interviewers, focusing on programming languages, problem-solving, and project management. Some candidates may also be asked to complete a case study or mock assignment. The final stage often involves a more in-depth interview with higher-level managers, discussing the candidate’s previous work and skills in detail. Throughout the process, communication with the recruiter may vary, and some candidates have reported a lack of feedback or updates.

Common Infor Interview Questions

1. can you discuss your experience with cloud-based software development, and how it would apply to working on infor’s products.

Cloud-based software development is an essential skill in today’s tech-driven business environment. It’s a game-changer that allows for increased collaboration, scalability, and cost efficiency. When hiring for a role that involves working on their products, the company wants to assess your experience and proficiency in this area. They want to understand how you’ve used these technologies in the past, and how you might apply that knowledge to improve and innovate their own offerings.

How to Answer:

Start by discussing your experience with cloud-based software development, focusing on specific projects or roles where you utilized this skill. Highlight how these experiences have honed your understanding of the process, from design to implementation. Then, connect this knowledge to how it would benefit working on any company’s products without mentioning Infor specifically. If unfamiliar with their products, express confidence in quickly learning and mastering new platforms due to your technical background.

Example: In my previous experience, I’ve extensively worked on developing and managing cloud-based software solutions using platforms like AWS and Azure. This involved designing scalable architectures, optimizing for performance, ensuring data security, and implementing continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

This experience would be directly applicable to working on Infor’s products, which are primarily cloud-based enterprise software solutions. My understanding of building robust, secure, and efficient cloud systems can help in enhancing the reliability and performance of these products. Additionally, my familiarity with DevOps practices would enable faster and more reliable delivery of updates and new features.

2. How would you approach optimizing the performance of a large-scale enterprise software system like those offered by Infor?

Employers want to see that you understand the complexities involved in operating and optimizing large-scale software systems. This involves not only technical skills, but also strategic thinking, problem-solving, and a thorough understanding of the users’ needs. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking for evidence that you can identify potential issues, devise a plan to address them, and execute that plan effectively to enhance performance.

When answering this question, illustrate your experience with similar systems. Discuss the key areas such as load balancing, database tuning, and system scalability. Highlight your problem-solving skills by sharing a situation where you had to optimize a complex software system. If you’re new, outline the steps you would take – identifying bottlenecks, understanding user requirements, implementing changes and monitoring performance.

Example: Optimizing the performance of a large-scale enterprise software system like those offered by Infor would involve several key strategies. Firstly, I’d conduct a thorough performance audit to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the current system. This could include analyzing database queries, server response times, and application code.

Once these areas have been identified, we can prioritize changes based on their potential impact. For instance, optimizing complex database queries or introducing caching mechanisms could significantly improve system responsiveness. Similarly, refactoring inefficient code or upgrading hardware infrastructure might also yield significant improvements.

In addition, it’s crucial to consider scalability as part of any optimization strategy. As the system grows, it should maintain its performance levels without requiring proportionate increases in resources. Therefore, implementing scalable architectures such as microservices or cloud-based solutions could be beneficial. Lastly, continuous monitoring and regular performance testing are essential to ensure that the system maintains optimal performance over time.

3. Describe your experience working with teams in different time zones or locations, and how that might translate to collaborating with global teams at Infor.

Working with global teams demands effective communication, cultural sensitivity, and a flexible work schedule. When a company asks you about your experience in this area, they’re trying to determine if you have these skills. They want to know if you can collaborate with teams across different time zones, manage the challenges of language barriers, and understand the cultural nuances that might affect how you communicate and work with others. They’re also looking for signs that you’re adaptable and can manage your time effectively when dealing with a team that works in a different time zone.

When answering this question, share specific examples of your experience working with globally dispersed teams. Discuss the tools and strategies you used to ensure effective communication and time management across different time zones. Highlight any language skills or cultural sensitivity training you have that helped foster better global collaborations. If possible, provide instances where your efforts led to successful project completion or team collaboration. This will demonstrate your aptitude for managing cross-cultural teams effectively.

Example: In my previous experience, I’ve had the opportunity to work with teams located across different time zones. This required a high level of communication and coordination skills to ensure that everyone was on the same page despite the geographical differences. For instance, in one project, we utilized collaborative tools like Slack for real-time communication and Trello for task management which helped us stay organized and efficient.

Translating this to Infor, I understand that it’s a global company with teams spread across various locations. My past experiences have equipped me with the ability to adapt quickly to different time zones, respect cultural differences, and find common ground to foster effective collaboration. Furthermore, I am comfortable using digital platforms to coordinate tasks, share updates, and maintain open lines of communication. These skills would be beneficial in ensuring smooth operations and successful project execution at Infor.

4. Explain a challenge you’ve faced while integrating multiple software systems, and how you overcame it.

The question is meant to test your problem-solving skills and your ability to handle the intricacies of software integration. As a software company, they’re interested in how you navigate difficulties in the integration process, as this is a common challenge in the industry. Your ability to overcome these challenges can directly impact the efficiency and success of their operations.

Reflect on instances where you’ve tackled software integration challenges. Highlight your problem-solving skills, detailing the steps you took to identify and rectify issues. Talk about collaboration if it was a team effort. Even if you haven’t faced this specific challenge, discuss similar scenarios where you troubleshooted complex technical problems. Stress your ability to learn from these experiences and apply those lessons in future situations.

Example: One significant challenge I faced was during a project where we were integrating an ERP system with a CRM platform. The two systems had different data formats and structures, which made it difficult to synchronize information between them seamlessly. To overcome this, I led my team in creating a middleware solution that could convert the data from one format to another. We also used APIs to ensure real-time communication between both systems.

The process wasn’t without its difficulties – we encountered issues related to data duplication and inconsistencies. However, by implementing robust error handling and logging mechanisms, as well as setting up strict validation rules for data entry, we managed to resolve these problems effectively. This experience taught me the importance of thorough planning, testing and problem-solving skills when dealing with software integration challenges.

5. How have you previously utilized data analytics to drive business growth and inform decision-making processes?

The heart of this question lies in your understanding of harnessing the power of data analytics to create value. It’s about how well you can turn raw data into actionable insights, leading to strategic decisions that push the business forward. Your ability to use data analytics can help the company innovate, improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experience, and ultimately, increase revenues.

Be ready to share specific examples from your past experience where you used data analytics to drive growth. You could talk about how you analyzed sales trends, customer behavior or market research and turned these insights into actionable strategies. Show the interviewer that you’re capable of interpreting complex data and using it to make informed decisions. If you haven’t had direct experience with this, explain how you would approach such a situation based on your knowledge and skills.

Example: In my previous experience, I led a project to optimize our marketing efforts by analyzing customer behavior data. We had been using a one-size-fits-all approach for our email campaigns, but I believed we could improve engagement rates by segmenting our audience and personalizing content.

I used analytics tools to identify patterns in purchase history, browsing activity, demographic information, and other key metrics. This allowed us to create distinct customer segments and develop tailored messaging strategies for each. By implementing these changes, we saw a 25% increase in open rates and a 15% increase in click-through rates over six months, leading to an overall boost in sales.

This project not only drove growth, but also informed future decision-making processes. The insights gained from the data analysis helped shape our broader marketing strategy and encouraged a more data-driven culture within the organization.

6. Can you provide an example of when you had to develop a creative solution for a customer’s unique business needs using existing technology?

The true measure of an IT professional isn’t just their technical skills, but their ability to use those skills to solve real-world problems. This question is designed to examine your creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It’s not just about knowing the technology, but understanding how to apply it in innovative ways to meet the unique needs of each customer.

Start by recalling a specific instance where you had to creatively utilize existing technology to address a unique customer need. Highlight how you identified the problem, brainstormed potential solutions, and ultimately implemented the successful one. Focus on your communication with the client throughout this process, emphasizing how you ensured their needs were met efficiently and effectively. This will demonstrate both your technical skill and client-focused approach.

Example: In my previous experience, I worked with a client who was struggling to manage their inventory effectively. They were using an outdated system that didn’t provide real-time updates or accurate forecasting, leading to frequent stockouts and overstocking issues. Understanding the limitations of their existing technology, I suggested integrating it with a cloud-based inventory management solution.

I chose this approach because it would not only address their immediate needs but also offer scalability for future growth. The integration allowed them to track inventory levels in real time, automate reordering processes, and generate predictive analytics for better demand planning. This creative use of existing technology significantly improved their inventory management efficiency without requiring a costly system overhaul. It’s a testament to how understanding both business needs and technological capabilities can lead to innovative solutions.

7. Describe your experience managing project timelines and budgets, and how this skill will be valuable for projects at Infor.

The essence of project management is ensuring that tasks are completed on time and within budget. By asking about your experience in this area, the interviewer wants to gauge your ability to efficiently allocate resources, manage time effectively, and keep projects on track. They want to be sure that you can handle the pressures of managing complex projects, which are essential skills for any role at a dynamic and fast-paced technology company.

Start by outlining your experience in managing project timelines and budgets, providing specific examples. Highlight instances where you successfully delivered projects within budget and on time. Discuss the methods or tools you’ve used to stay organized and track progress. Tie these experiences back to how they will be beneficial at Infor, emphasizing adaptability, strategic planning skills and your ability to work under pressure. Remember, it’s not just about having these skills; it’s about demonstrating how they have positively impacted previous roles and how they can benefit future projects.

Example: In my previous experience, I have managed multiple projects simultaneously, each with varying scopes and budgets. For instance, in one project, we had a tight deadline and budget, but by using effective resource allocation and prioritization strategies, I was able to deliver the project on time and within budget. This involved constant communication with team members and stakeholders, tracking progress against milestones, and making necessary adjustments along the way.

This skill will be valuable at Infor as it aligns with the company’s commitment to delivering high-quality solutions efficiently. My ability to manage timelines and budgets effectively can contribute to maintaining this standard of excellence while ensuring client satisfaction. Furthermore, my experience in adapting to changes and managing risks during the project lifecycle would be beneficial for navigating through any potential challenges that may arise during project execution at Infor.

8. Discuss your understanding of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems and how they can benefit businesses across various industries.

Businesses are constantly on the lookout for ways to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage. By asking this question, the hiring managers aim to gauge your understanding of ERP systems, which are powerful tools that can help companies achieve these objectives. They want to know if you can articulate how these systems integrate various business functions, improve data accessibility, and ultimately lead to better decision-making and business outcomes.

Prepare by reviewing the basics of ERP systems and their benefits such as streamlining processes, improving data collection, and supporting strategic planning. Bring up specific experiences where you’ve used an ERP system to help a business improve its operations if possible. If not, discuss how your understanding of these systems will allow you to assist businesses in different industries to become more efficient and effective.

Example: ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning systems, are integrated software solutions designed to manage and streamline the various processes within a business. They encompass areas such as finance, human resources, supply chain management, customer relationship management, and more. By integrating these functions into one system, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and make more informed decisions.

For example, in manufacturing industries, an ERP system can help coordinate production schedules with inventory levels, ensuring that the right materials are available at the right time for production. This reduces waste and downtime, leading to increased productivity and profitability. In retail industries, ERP systems can integrate sales data with inventory management, allowing for real-time tracking of stock levels and automatic reordering when necessary, reducing the chance of stockouts or overstocking.

In essence, ERP systems provide a holistic view of business operations, enabling better planning, improved resource allocation, and ultimately, enhanced performance across all facets of the organization.

9. How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and advancements to ensure you’re always offering cutting-edge solutions to clients?

The technology industry is in a constant state of flux, with new trends and advancements emerging every day. As a result, businesses must ensure their teams are always up-to-date and prepared to offer the most innovative solutions to clients. By asking this question, the hiring manager wants to gauge your commitment to continuous learning, your ability to keep pace with the rapidly evolving tech landscape, and how you incorporate this knowledge into your work to drive client success.

Keep abreast of industry trends by reading trade journals, attending webinars, and participating in professional networks. You can explain how this information informs your interactions with clients. Highlight an instance where your knowledge about a new trend or advancement provided a solution to a client’s problem. This displays proactivity and commitment to continuous learning which are crucial in offering cutting-edge solutions to clients.

Example: I believe it’s crucial to stay current with industry trends and advancements in order to deliver the most innovative solutions. I regularly read relevant tech publications, follow influential people within the industry on social media, and participate in webinars and online forums. This helps me keep an eye on emerging technologies and methodologies that could benefit our clients.

In addition, I also attend conferences and networking events whenever possible. These platforms not only provide insights into the latest developments but also offer a chance to discuss these topics with peers and experts. For instance, at a recent cloud computing conference, I learned about new strategies for optimizing data storage which we were able to implement for a client, significantly improving their efficiency.

Lastly, I invest time in continuous learning by taking up certification courses related to my field. This formal education complements my self-guided learning, ensuring I have a comprehensive understanding of both established practices and cutting-edge innovations.

10. What strategies have you employed to successfully close deals and maintain long-lasting relationships with key stakeholders?

This question is a way for potential employers to gauge your ability to not only secure new business, but also to sustain those relationships over time. The longevity of client relationships often speaks to a professional’s skills in communication, problem-solving, and understanding customer needs. By asking about your strategies, they’re looking for insight into your approach and methods, and whether these align with the company’s values and objectives.

When addressing this question, highlight your strategic thinking and communication skills. Discuss specific strategies you’ve used to close deals – perhaps incorporating data analysis or tailoring proposals to client needs. Then, talk about maintaining relationships by being a reliable point of contact, providing excellent customer service, and proactively checking in with stakeholders. Remember to include examples where these strategies resulted in successful long-term business relationships.

Example: In my experience, the most effective strategy for closing deals and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders is a combination of clear communication, understanding their needs, and delivering value. For instance, I once worked on a complex deal that involved multiple stakeholders with varying interests. To ensure everyone was aligned, I initiated regular meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and reiterate our shared goals. This not only helped in keeping everyone informed but also built trust among all parties.

Moreover, I believe in adopting a consultative approach rather than a transactional one. By understanding the stakeholder’s business, challenges, and objectives, I am able to propose solutions that are tailored to their specific needs. This has often led to long-term partnerships as it demonstrates that we are invested in their success. Lastly, post-deal, I maintain regular contact to check-in, provide updates, and offer continued support, which further solidifies the relationship.

11. Share an example where you led a team through a complex software implementation process and what lessons you learned from the experience.

This question is looking to gauge your leadership skills, technical aptitude, and problem-solving abilities. Software implementation can be a challenging process, often demanding clear communication, delegation, and collaborative problem-solving. By asking about your experience with complex software implementation, hiring managers are trying to determine how you handle project management, team dynamics, and unforeseen challenges.

Reflect on past experiences where you successfully led a team through intricate software implementation. Discuss the strategies, tools, and methodologies used to make the process smoother. It’s also crucial to share lessons learned from these situations, such as the importance of communication or flexibility in adjusting plans. If you haven’t had this experience before, talk about your potential approach to similar situations based on your understanding and skills.

Example: In a previous project, I led a team of developers in implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for a large manufacturing company. The complexity arose from the need to customize the software to meet unique business processes and integrate it with existing systems. This involved extensive requirement gathering, iterative development, rigorous testing, and careful deployment.

The main lesson learned was the importance of clear communication and stakeholder engagement. We faced some resistance due to changes in work processes, but by involving key users early on and maintaining open lines of communication, we were able to address concerns promptly and ensure buy-in. Additionally, thorough documentation proved invaluable for training and future enhancements.

Another crucial takeaway was the necessity of robust change management strategies. Despite meticulous planning, unexpected issues arose during implementation. However, having a solid strategy allowed us to respond quickly and effectively, minimizing disruptions. These experiences reinforced my belief that successful software implementation is not just about technical prowess, but also effective leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

12. How do you balance technical expertise with strong communication skills when presenting product offerings to non-technical audiences?

This question is designed to explore your ability to translate complex technical concepts into digestible language for non-technical audiences. It’s all about bridging the gap between the world of technology and the everyday business user. It tests your ability to be an effective communicator who can influence decision-making by clearly articulating the benefits of a product or solution, without overwhelming the audience with technical jargon.

To answer this, display your ability to simplify complex technical concepts into digestible information. Discuss instances where you’ve had to explain complicated topics to non-technical colleagues or clients and how you ensured they understood. Highlight your patience, empathy, and listening skills as key factors in effective communication. Also, emphasize your proficiency with various presentation tools that aid comprehension.

Example: Balancing technical expertise with strong communication skills is all about understanding the audience and tailoring the message to their level of knowledge. For instance, when presenting product offerings to non-technical audiences, I focus on explaining the benefits and value that our products can bring to them or their business rather than delving into complex technical details.

For example, if we have a software solution that uses machine learning algorithms to optimize supply chain operations, instead of going deep into how the algorithm works, I would explain how this feature can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enable better decision-making based on real-time data. This approach allows me to leverage my technical expertise to understand the product deeply while using effective communication to make it understandable and appealing to non-technical stakeholders.

13. Based on your understanding of Infor’s suite of products, which one do you believe has the most potential for growth? Why?

This question is designed to assess if you’ve done your homework about the company’s offerings. Understanding the product line, its strengths, and areas for growth shows your commitment and interest in the company. It also gives the interviewer insight into how you evaluate products and services, which can be critical for roles in product development, marketing, and strategy.

To answer this question effectively, you’ll need to research Infor’s product suite thoroughly. Understand the unique features and benefits of each product, as well as their current market trends and potential growth areas. Showcase your understanding by linking a specific product’s features with relevant industry needs or future trends. Make sure to support your reasoning with factual information. This will not only demonstrate your knowledge about the company’s products but also your analytical thinking skills.

Example: In my opinion, Infor CloudSuite has the most potential for growth. This is primarily due to the increasing demand for cloud-based solutions across industries. Businesses are seeking ways to streamline their operations and reduce costs, and moving to the cloud offers a viable solution. With its industry-specific functionalities, Infor CloudSuite can cater to unique business needs in different sectors, which gives it an edge over generic cloud solutions.

Moreover, as businesses increasingly embrace digital transformation, they require integrated systems that can handle complex tasks efficiently. Infor CloudSuite’s ability to integrate with other applications and systems makes it highly adaptable and scalable, which is crucial for growing businesses. Additionally, with the ongoing trend of remote work, the need for secure and accessible cloud-based platforms is more prominent than ever, positioning Infor CloudSuite well within the market.

14. Describe a situation where you managed expectations and delivered difficult news to a client regarding their project scope or timeline.

In the world of project management, it’s imperative to be able to manage client expectations and deliver tough news when necessary. This question is designed to gauge your communication skills, your ability to maintain professional relationships while dealing with challenges, and your knack for finding solutions when the original plan doesn’t work out. It’s about assessing your honesty, integrity, and problem-solving abilities in a real-world business scenario.

When answering this, it’s crucial to demonstrate your communication and problem-solving skills. Discuss a specific time when you had to deliver tough news regarding project scope or timeline. Highlight how you managed the situation professionally by being transparent, empathetic, and proactive in offering solutions. Show your ability to maintain client relationships even during challenging times. Remember to focus on the resolution and what you learned from that experience.

Example: In one of the projects I was managing, we had to integrate a new software system into our client’s existing infrastructure. However, during the development phase, we encountered several unforeseen technical issues that significantly impacted the project timeline. I immediately scheduled a meeting with the client to discuss these challenges and their implications on the project scope and timeline.

During the meeting, I explained the situation in detail, ensuring they understood the technical aspects and why it led to the delay. I also presented a revised project plan, highlighting how we intended to resolve the issues and the new estimated completion date. Despite the difficult news, the client appreciated the transparency and proactive communication. This experience reinforced the importance of managing expectations and maintaining open lines of communication, even when facing setbacks.

15. If given limited resources, how would you prioritize feature development for a new software product based on market demands and user feedback?

This question is all about gauging your ability to balance business needs with user requirements, a key skill for any role involved in product development. It’s about understanding not only your technical prowess but also your strategic thinking and prioritization skills. The interviewer wants to determine how you would make tough decisions when resources are limited, and still deliver a product that meets market demands and satisfies users.

Your response should highlight a mix of analytical and decision-making skills. Start by explaining how you would gather necessary data, such as market trends, competitor analysis, and user feedback. Then, discuss your criteria for prioritization like potential impact, feasibility, and alignment with strategic objectives. Stress on the importance of communication in conveying decisions to stakeholders. If possible, provide an example where you successfully managed resource allocation under similar circumstances.

Example: Prioritizing feature development with limited resources would involve a strategic approach that balances market demands, user feedback and the overall business objectives. I would start by conducting an in-depth analysis of the market trends to understand what features are currently in demand. This could be done through competitive analysis, surveys or industry reports.

Simultaneously, I’d leverage user feedback to identify which features are most requested or have the potential to significantly improve user experience. These insights can be gathered from various channels like customer support interactions, social media, forums, or direct user interviews.

Once this data is collected, I would use a prioritization framework such as RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) or MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have). These frameworks help quantify the value and effort required for each feature, making it easier to decide where to allocate resources. The goal is to prioritize those features that align closely with our product vision, offer maximum value to our users, and ensure we remain competitive in the market.

16. Can you explain your familiarity with microservices architecture and its benefits for scalable software solutions?

Understanding microservices architecture is critical for anyone building or maintaining modern, scalable software solutions. It’s a method of developing software systems that are more modular, flexible, and easy to manage. This question is meant to evaluate your technical knowledge and your ability to apply this architecture in real-world software development scenarios. It also checks if you can articulate the benefits of using such an approach, such as enhanced scalability, faster time-to-market, and improved productivity due to its decentralized and autonomous nature.

To answer this question, highlight any direct experience you’ve had with microservices architecture. If it’s been a part of your past projects, illustrate how it helped in achieving scalability and managing complex systems efficiently. You can also mention its benefits like independence in deployment, language-agnostic development, fault isolation and continuous delivery. If you lack direct experience, express your understanding about the concept and relate it to principles you have used in software solutions.

Example: I have extensive experience working with microservices architecture, which involves designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services. This approach is especially beneficial for scalable software solutions due to its flexibility and efficiency. For instance, if one service requires more resources, it can be scaled without impacting the other services in the system.

Moreover, microservices enhance productivity by allowing teams to work on different services simultaneously using the technologies best suited for their specific tasks. They also improve fault isolation: if a single microservice fails, the others will continue functioning, thus minimizing downtime. Furthermore, they facilitate continuous integration and delivery, making deployments faster and reducing the risk associated with large-scale changes.

17. Tell us about a time when you identified and rectified a security vulnerability within an application or system.

Security is paramount in the world of technology and digital systems. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, companies need IT professionals who are proactive in identifying and rectifying potential vulnerabilities. This question is aimed at understanding your problem-solving skills, your knowledge of security protocols, and your ability to act swiftly and effectively to safeguard the company’s digital assets.

Start by describing the situation clearly, then discuss the actions you took to identify the vulnerability. Highlight your problem-solving skills and detail how you resolved it. Mention any measures taken to prevent future occurrences. If you haven’t faced this exact scenario, explain similar experiences where you’ve identified potential issues and proposed solutions proactively.

Example: In one of my previous engagements, I was part of a team that developed an internal application for our organization. During the testing phase, I noticed some irregularities in how user authentication was being handled. Specifically, the system allowed multiple failed login attempts without any form of account lockout or delay mechanism. This presented a potential vulnerability as it could be exploited through brute force attacks.

I immediately brought this to the attention of our team lead and suggested implementing measures such as account lockouts after a certain number of unsuccessful attempts and progressive delays on repeated logins. We also introduced multi-factor authentication to strengthen the security further. After these changes were implemented, we conducted penetration tests and confirmed that the vulnerability had been effectively mitigated. This experience underscored the importance of proactive identification and rectification of security vulnerabilities to me.

18. How do you ensure that product updates and enhancements align with clients’ needs while adhering to industry best practices?

This question is a litmus test to assess your ability to balance customer needs with industry standards. It’s about understanding the nuanced dance between innovating to meet the unique demands of your clients and ensuring that your product maintains its integrity and continues to adhere to industry best practices. It also gauges your ability to communicate and collaborate with clients effectively, incorporate their feedback, and implement changes that benefit both the customer and the product’s long-term success.

Start by emphasizing your commitment to understanding client needs through regular communication, feedback sessions or user surveys. Highlight your ability to analyze this information and use it to guide product development decisions. Additionally, stress the importance of staying updated with industry best practices, either through continuous learning, networking or attending relevant industry events. Show how you balance these two aspects – client needs and industry standards – in your decision-making process.

Example: To ensure that product updates and enhancements align with clients’ needs, it’s crucial to maintain open communication channels for feedback. This could involve conducting regular customer surveys or setting up a dedicated platform where users can suggest improvements. For example, at Infor we have an online community forum where customers can share their experiences and ideas.

In terms of adhering to industry best practices, I believe in the importance of staying updated on current trends through continuous learning and professional development. Regular participation in industry conferences, webinars, and workshops is essential. Furthermore, incorporating standard methodologies such as Agile or Lean into our development process ensures that we are following a structured approach that minimizes risks and enhances efficiency.

Ultimately, striking a balance between meeting client expectations and following industry standards requires a thorough understanding of both aspects, combined with a proactive approach towards innovation and improvement.

19. Describe the most challenging negotiation you’ve conducted, and how your approach resulted in a favorable outcome for all parties involved.

Negotiation skills are key in almost every role within a company, whether you’re dealing with clients, suppliers, or internal stakeholders. The ability to negotiate successfully hinges on your capacity to understand and navigate complex dynamics, relationships, and interests to arrive at a solution that benefits everyone. By asking about your experience with challenging negotiations, hiring managers are looking to gauge your problem-solving abilities, strategic thinking, and interpersonal skills.

Start by reflecting on past negotiations that posed significant challenges, focusing particularly on those which had successful outcomes. Ensure your answer is structured and narrates the process from understanding the needs of all parties to reaching a mutually beneficial agreement. Highlight your negotiation strategy, emphasizing key skills like patience, communication, problem-solving, and flexibility. Don’t forget to mention how you maintained professional relationships during this process and the positive impact it had for everyone involved.

Example: One of the most challenging negotiations I’ve conducted was with a key supplier who wanted to increase prices by 20%. This would have significantly impacted our bottom line and product competitiveness. My initial approach involved understanding their rationale behind the price increase, which turned out to be due to increased production costs on their end.

I proposed an alternative solution that involved adjusting our order quantities and delivery schedules to help them optimize their production process and reduce costs. After several rounds of discussions, we agreed on a compromise: a smaller price increase in exchange for longer-term contract stability and adjusted order parameters. This resulted not only in cost savings for us but also ensured consistent supply and better production planning for the supplier, creating a win-win situation for both parties.

20. What methods have you used to assess market opportunities and develop successful go-to-market strategies for new products?

This question is designed to probe your strategic thinking and your understanding of product marketing. As a company that often releases new products, it’s critical for the team to include members who can effectively analyze market opportunities and devise successful launch strategies. By asking this question, the hiring team wants to ensure you have the skills and experience to contribute to these important initiatives.

You should highlight your analytical abilities and strategic thinking. Discuss any experiences you’ve had with market analysis, like using SWOT or PESTLE analyses, to identify potential opportunities. Talk about how you have used these insights to create successful product launch strategies. If possible, provide specific examples where your strategies led to clear business outcomes. If you’re less experienced, outline the steps you would take to assess a market and devise a strategy.

Example: In assessing market opportunities for new products, I have used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods include conducting market sizing and segmentation analysis to understand the potential customer base and their needs. This involves analyzing industry reports, sales data, and customer surveys. Qualitatively, I use techniques such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces framework to evaluate competitive dynamics and potential barriers to entry.

When developing go-to-market strategies, I consider factors like target customers, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and marketing communication plans. For instance, in launching a SaaS product, I led a cross-functional team to identify our key buyer personas based on demographic and psychographic profiles. We then developed a tiered pricing model that catered to different customer segments and chose direct online selling as our primary distribution channel due to its cost-effectiveness and scalability. Our marketing plan focused on content marketing and SEO to drive organic traffic, supplemented by targeted paid advertising campaigns. The launch was successful, with strong initial adoption rates and positive user feedback.

21. Share an example of when you had to adapt quickly to changing project requirements and how this flexibility contributed to a successful outcome.

Project requirements can change in a flash, and businesses need to be ready to pivot. By asking this question, they’re seeking to understand your adaptability skills. They want to know if you can handle change without becoming overwhelmed, if you’re flexible and resilient, and if you can stay focused on the end goal despite shifts in the project plan. Your ability to adapt and thrive in changing circumstances is a valuable asset in today’s fast-paced business environment.

In your response, you should highlight a specific instance when you had to quickly adjust to changing project requirements. Discuss the initial plan and what changed unexpectedly. Then, explain how you adapted by implementing new strategies or approaches and mention the positive outcome that resulted from these changes. This could include meeting tight deadlines, satisfying client needs, or achieving targeted results. Show how your flexibility and problem-solving skills contributed to the success of the project.

Example: In one of my previous projects, we were developing a software solution for a client. Midway through the project, the client decided to change their business model which required significant changes in our software design and functionality. This was quite challenging as it meant revising most of the work that had already been done.

To adapt quickly, I immediately convened a meeting with my team to discuss the new requirements and how they affected our initial plan. We then re-evaluated our resources, timelines, and responsibilities. By being proactive, open-minded, and flexible, we managed to redesign the software to fit the new business model without compromising on quality or exceeding our deadline. The client was extremely satisfied with our response and the end product, leading to more projects from them in the future. This experience demonstrated the importance of flexibility and quick adaptation in managing successful projects.

22. How have you previously utilized automation tools to streamline software development processes and improve efficiency?

Hiring managers ask this question because they are keen to understand your practical experience with automation tools in software development. In a tech-driven world, efficiency is key, and automation plays a significant role in streamlining processes, reducing human error, and increasing productivity. Your ability to use these tools effectively can directly impact the speed and quality of software development, making it a vital skill for the role.

Reflect on specific instances where you’ve used automation tools in your previous roles. Speak about the software development processes that were streamlined and how efficiency was improved as a result. Be sure to highlight both the technical aspects, like which tools you used, and the impact it had on project timelines or productivity. If you’re new to using automation tools, share your strategies for learning new technologies swiftly and effectively.

Example: In one of my previous projects, I utilized Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment which significantly improved the efficiency of our software development process. We were able to automate our build and testing processes, allowing us to detect issues early in the development cycle. This not only reduced the time spent on manual testing but also helped maintain code quality.

Additionally, I’ve used Ansible for configuration management across different environments. It enabled us to manage configurations and deployments uniformly, reducing human error and saving a significant amount of time that was previously spent on repetitive tasks. These automated tools have proven invaluable in streamlining our operations and improving overall productivity.

23. Can you discuss your experience working with complex data migrations and ensuring data integrity throughout the process?

This question is asked to assess your technical skills and experience with one of the most critical aspects of many IT projects – data migration. Data integrity is at the heart of successful operations, and mishandling of data migration can lead to significant business disruptions. By asking this question, the interviewer is keen to understand your approach to safeguarding the accuracy and consistency of data during migration processes.

When preparing for this question, consider past experiences where you’ve implemented complex data migrations. Discuss the specific tools and strategies you used to maintain data integrity throughout these processes. Highlight your attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and any measures you took to prevent or resolve issues. If you’re new to such tasks, talk about relevant courses or certifications you’ve completed that equipped you with necessary technical knowledge in database management and migration.

Example: In my previous experience, I was responsible for a large-scale data migration project where we transitioned from an old CRM system to a new one. The complexity of this task was heightened due to the vast amount of historical customer and transactional data that needed to be migrated without any loss or corruption.

To ensure data integrity, I first conducted a thorough audit of the existing data to identify any inconsistencies or errors. Next, I created detailed mapping rules to guide the transformation of data into the format required by the new system. During the migration process, I implemented several validation checks at different stages to catch any discrepancies early on. Post-migration, I performed comprehensive testing to confirm that all data had been accurately transferred and that there were no issues with the functionality of the new system. This meticulous approach ensured not only successful data migration but also maintained high standards of data integrity throughout the process.

24. Tell us about a time when you successfully managed multiple stakeholders with competing priorities during a project.

Collaboration and stakeholder management are key ingredients to any project’s success. The question is designed to test your ability to navigate complex dynamics and conflicting interests. It seeks to understand how you balance the needs and expectations of different groups, while ensuring the project stays on track. This insight is critical in revealing your interpersonal skills, strategic thinking, and decision-making capabilities, all of which are essential in a dynamic and collaborative environment.

Focus on a specific instance where you successfully managed various stakeholders with competing interests. Highlight your communication and conflict resolution skills, explaining how you balanced different priorities to achieve project goals. Demonstrate your ability to remain calm under pressure, make informed decisions, and ensure all parties felt heard and valued. Include details about the strategies or tools you used for project management and stakeholder engagement.

Example: In one of my previous projects, I was tasked with overseeing the development of a new software application. This involved managing various stakeholders including developers, designers, product managers and clients, each having different priorities. The developers were focused on ensuring code quality and maintainability, while the designers wanted to ensure user-friendly interfaces. On the other hand, the product managers were concerned about delivering the project within the set timeline, and the client’s priority was functionality.

To manage these competing priorities, I initiated regular communication channels where everyone could voice their concerns and needs. I also implemented a transparent task management system that allowed all stakeholders to see the progress and understand how individual tasks contributed to the overall goal. By prioritizing open communication and transparency, we were able to align our efforts towards achieving the common goal. Despite the initial challenges, the project was completed successfully and met all stakeholder requirements.

25. Explain your understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies, and how they can be leveraged within Infor’s solutions to enhance business outcomes.

The essence of this question lies in your understanding of complex, cutting-edge technologies and your ability to apply them in practical, business-enhancing ways. Just as importantly, it gauges your ability to explain these technologies in a way that’s accessible to non-technical stakeholders. By asking this, an interviewer wants to assess your technical knowledge, strategic thinking, and communication skills, all of which are crucial in driving product innovation and improving client outcomes.

You should explain your understanding of AI and machine learning in simple terms, highlighting how they can provide data-driven insights or automation. Then, discuss their potential applications within the context of business solutions – for example, improving efficiency, enhancing customer service, or making more accurate predictions. Showcase any relevant experience you have with these technologies and conclude by emphasizing your eagerness to apply this knowledge to enhance Infor’s offerings.

Example: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are advanced technologies that enable machines to mimic human intelligence, learn from experiences, adjust to new inputs, and perform tasks that normally require human intellect. They can be leveraged within Infor’s solutions to enhance business outcomes in a variety of ways.

For instance, AI and ML could be used in Infor’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to automate repetitive tasks, predict trends, and make data-driven decisions. This would not only increase efficiency but also reduce errors and improve accuracy. Furthermore, these technologies could be utilized in Infor’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions for predictive analytics, customer segmentation, and personalized marketing, which would lead to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.

In addition, AI and ML could potentially transform Infor’s Supply Chain Management (SCM) solutions by optimizing inventory management, demand forecasting, and logistics planning. This would result in cost savings, enhanced operational efficiency, and ultimately, improved profitability for businesses using Infor’s solutions.

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15 Common Problem-Solving Interview Questions

HackerRank AI Promotion

In an interview for a big tech company, I was asked if I’d ever resolved a fight — and the exact way I went about handling it. I felt blindsided, and I stammered my way through an excuse of an answer.

It’s a familiar scenario to fellow technical job seekers — and one that risks leaving a sour taste in our mouths. As candidate experience becomes an increasingly critical component of the hiring process, recruiters need to ensure the problem-solving interview questions they prepare don’t dissuade talent in the first place. 

Interview questions designed to gauge a candidate’s problem-solving skills are more often than not challenging and vague. Assessing a multifaceted skill like problem solving is tricky — a good problem solver owns the full solution and result, researches well, solves creatively and takes action proactively. 

It’s hard to establish an effective way to measure such a skill. But it’s not impossible.

We recommend taking an informed and prepared approach to testing candidates’ problem-solving skills . With that in mind, here’s a list of a few common problem-solving interview questions, the science behind them — and how you can go about administering your own problem-solving questions with the unique challenges of your organization in mind.

Key Takeaways for Effective Problem-Solving Interview Questions

  • Problem solving lies at the heart of programming. 
  • Testing a candidate’s problem-solving skills goes beyond the IDE. Problem-solving interview questions should test both technical skills and soft skills.
  • STAR, SOAR and PREP are methods a candidate can use to answer some non-technical problem-solving interview questions.
  • Generic problem-solving interview questions go a long way in gauging a candidate’s fit. But you can go one step further by customizing them according to your company’s service, product, vision, and culture. 

Technical Problem-Solving Interview Question Examples

Evaluating a candidates’ problem-solving skills while using coding challenges might seem intimidating. The secret is that coding challenges test many things at the same time — like the candidate’s knowledge of data structures and algorithms, clean code practices, and proficiency in specific programming languages, to name a few examples.

Problem solving itself might at first seem like it’s taking a back seat. But technical problem solving lies at the heart of programming, and most coding questions are designed to test a candidate’s problem-solving abilities.

Here are a few examples of technical problem-solving questions:

1. Mini-Max Sum  

This well-known challenge, which asks the interviewee to find the maximum and minimum sum among an array of given numbers, is based on a basic but important programming concept called sorting, as well as integer overflow. It tests the candidate’s observational skills, and the answer should elicit a logical, ad-hoc solution.

2. Organizing Containers of Balls  

This problem tests the candidate’s knowledge of a variety of programming concepts, like 2D arrays, sorting and iteration. Organizing colored balls in containers based on various conditions is a common question asked in competitive examinations and job interviews, because it’s an effective way to test multiple facets of a candidate’s problem-solving skills.

3. Build a Palindrome

This is a tough problem to crack, and the candidate’s knowledge of concepts like strings and dynamic programming plays a significant role in solving this challenge. This problem-solving example tests the candidate’s ability to think on their feet as well as their ability to write clean, optimized code.

4. Subarray Division

Based on a technique used for searching pairs in a sorted array ( called the “two pointers” technique ), this problem can be solved in just a few lines and judges the candidate’s ability to optimize (as well as basic mathematical skills).

5. The Grid Search 

This is a problem of moderate difficulty and tests the candidate’s knowledge of strings and searching algorithms, the latter of which is regularly tested in developer interviews across all levels.

Common Non-Technical Problem-Solving Interview Questions 

Testing a candidate’s problem-solving skills goes beyond the IDE . Everyday situations can help illustrate competency, so here are a few questions that focus on past experiences and hypothetical situations to help interviewers gauge problem-solving skills.

1. Given the problem of selecting a new tool to invest in, where and how would you begin this task? 

Key Insight : This question offers insight into the candidate’s research skills. Ideally, they would begin by identifying the problem, interviewing stakeholders, gathering insights from the team, and researching what tools exist to best solve for the team’s challenges and goals. 

2. Have you ever recognized a potential problem and addressed it before it occurred? 

Key Insight: Prevention is often better than cure. The ability to recognize a problem before it occurs takes intuition and an understanding of business needs. 

3. A teammate on a time-sensitive project confesses that he’s made a mistake, and it’s putting your team at risk of missing key deadlines. How would you respond?

Key Insight: Sometimes, all the preparation in the world still won’t stop a mishap. Thinking on your feet and managing stress are skills that this question attempts to unearth. Like any other skill, they can be cultivated through practice.

4. Tell me about a time you used a unique problem-solving approach. 

Key Insight: Creativity can manifest in many ways, including original or novel ways to tackle a problem. Methods like the 10X approach and reverse brainstorming are a couple of unique approaches to problem solving. 

5. Have you ever broken rules for the “greater good?” If yes, can you walk me through the situation?

Key Insight: “Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.” It’s unconventional, but in some situations, it may be the mindset needed to drive a solution to a problem.

6. Tell me about a weakness you overcame at work, and the approach you took. 

Key Insight: According to Compass Partnership , “self-awareness allows us to understand how and why we respond in certain situations, giving us the opportunity to take charge of these responses.” It’s easy to get overwhelmed when faced with a problem. Candidates showing high levels of self-awareness are positioned to handle it well.

7. Have you ever owned up to a mistake at work? Can you tell me about it?

Key Insight: Everybody makes mistakes. But owning up to them can be tough, especially at a workplace. Not only does it take courage, but it also requires honesty and a willingness to improve, all signs of 1) a reliable employee and 2) an effective problem solver.

8. How would you approach working with an upset customer?

Key Insight: With the rise of empathy-driven development and more companies choosing to bridge the gap between users and engineers, today’s tech teams speak directly with customers more frequently than ever before. This question brings to light the candidate’s interpersonal skills in a client-facing environment.

9. Have you ever had to solve a problem on your own, but needed to ask for additional help? How did you go about it? 

Key Insight: Knowing when you need assistance to complete a task or address a situation is an important quality to have while problem solving. This questions helps the interviewer get a sense of the candidate’s ability to navigate those waters. 

10. Let’s say you disagree with your colleague on how to move forward with a project. How would you go about resolving the disagreement?

Key Insight: Conflict resolution is an extremely handy skill for any employee to have; an ideal answer to this question might contain a brief explanation of the conflict or situation, the role played by the candidate and the steps taken by them to arrive at a positive resolution or outcome. 

Strategies for Answering Problem-Solving Questions

If you’re a job seeker, chances are you’ll encounter this style of question in your various interview experiences. While problem-solving interview questions may appear simple, they can be easy to fumble — leaving the interviewer without a clear solution or outcome. 

It’s important to approach such questions in a structured manner. Here are a few tried-and-true methods to employ in your next problem-solving interview.

1. Shine in Interviews With the STAR Method

S ituation, T ask, A ction, and R esult is a great method that can be employed to answer a problem-solving or behavioral interview question. Here’s a breakdown of these steps:

  • Situation : A good way to address almost any interview question is to lay out and define the situation and circumstances. 
  • Task : Define the problem or goal that needs to be addressed. Coding questions are often multifaceted, so this step is particularly important when answering technical problem-solving questions.
  • Action : How did you go about solving the problem? Try to be as specific as possible, and state your plan in steps if you can.
  • Result : Wrap it up by stating the outcome achieved. 

2. Rise above difficult questions using the SOAR method

A very similar approach to the STAR method, SOAR stands for S ituation, O bstacle, A ction, and R esults .

  • Situation: Explain the state of affairs. It’s important to steer clear of stating any personal opinions in this step; focus on the facts.
  • Obstacle: State the challenge or problem you faced.
  • Action: Detail carefully how you went about overcoming this obstacle.
  • Result: What was the end result? Apart from overcoming the obstacle, did you achieve anything else? What did you learn in the process? 

3. Do It the PREP Way

Traditionally used as a method to make effective presentations, the P oint, R eason, E xample, P oint method can also be used to answer problem-solving interview questions.  

  • Point : State the solution in plain terms. 
  • Reasons: Follow up the solution by detailing your case — and include any data or insights that support your solution. 
  • Example: In addition to objective data and insights, drive your answer home by contextualizing the solution in a real-world example.
  • Point : Reiterate the solution to make it come full circle.

How to Customize Problem-Solving Interview Questions 

Generic problem-solving interview questions go a long way in gauging a candidate’s skill level, but recruiters can go one step further by customizing these problem-solving questions according to their company’s service, product, vision, or culture. 

Here are some tips to do so:

  • Break down the job’s responsibilities into smaller tasks. Job descriptions may contain ambiguous responsibilities like “manage team projects effectively.” To formulate an effective problem-solving question, envision what this task might look like in a real-world context and develop a question around it.  
  • Tailor questions to the role at hand. Apart from making for an effective problem-solving question, it gives the candidate the impression you’re an informed technical recruiter. For example, an engineer will likely have attended many scrums. So, a good question to ask is: “Suppose you notice your scrums are turning unproductive. How would you go about addressing this?” 
  • Consider the tools and technologies the candidate will use on the job. For example, if Jira is the primary project management tool, a good problem-solving interview question might be: “Can you tell me about a time you simplified a complex workflow — and the tools you used to do so?”
  • If you don’t know where to start, your company’s core values can often provide direction. If one of the core values is “ownership,” for example, consider asking a question like: “Can you walk us through a project you owned from start to finish?” 
  • Sometimes, developing custom content can be difficult even with all these tips considered. Our platform has a vast selection of problem-solving examples that are designed to help recruiters ask the right questions to help nail their next technical interview.

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20 Infor Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for the types of questions you are likely to be asked when interviewing for a position at Infor.

infor talent science problem solving questions

Infor is a global software company that specializes in enterprise software solutions for a variety of industries. If you’re interviewing for a position at Infor, you can expect to be asked questions about your experience with enterprise software, your industry knowledge, and your problem-solving skills.

In this article, we’ll provide some sample Infor interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your interview.

Infor Interview Process

The interview process at Infor can vary depending on the position you are applying for. However, most positions will require at least one phone screen and one in-person interview. The phone screen is usually conducted by a recruiter and lasts about 30 minutes. During this time, they will ask you questions about your experience and skills. The in-person interview is usually with the hiring manager and lasts about an hour. They will ask you more detailed questions about your experience and skills. Overall, the interview process is not too difficult, but it is important to be prepared.

  • What is your experience with cloud-based software?
  • When have you had to deal with a dissatisfied customer and how did you handle it?
  • Why do you want to work at Infor?
  • How would you describe your leadership style?
  • Tell me about a time when you were unsuccessful in achieving a business goal, what happened?
  • Do you know of any trends in the ERP software industry that we should be aware of?
  • Tell us about some of your achievements as an engineer.
  • Have you ever worked on a technical project that required extensive collaboration between multiple departments?
  • Describe a situation where you had to explain something complicated to someone who was not very tech savvy.
  • What are three things you think we could improve upon here at Infor?
  • What do you consider to be your biggest strength?
  • Give an example of a time when you used data analysis to make a decision.
  • How much experience do you have working with ERP systems?
  • Are you comfortable working remotely?
  • Can you tell me about a time you were able to successfully persuade someone to buy a product or service they weren’t interested in?
  • If hired, what kind of goals would you set for yourself?
  • How do you keep up with technological advancements?
  • Do you have experience managing teams?
  • The position requires extensive travel, would you be comfortable with traveling 85% of the year?
  • What do you think our company does better than other companies in this industry?

1. What is your experience with cloud-based software?

Infor is a cloud-based software company, so it’s important that you have experience with this type of technology. Your answer should include your knowledge about the benefits of cloud-based software and how you’ve used it in previous roles.

Example: “I’ve worked with cloud-based software for five years now, and I find it to be an efficient way to work. It allows me to access my projects from anywhere, which has been helpful when traveling for work or on vacation. Cloud-based software also makes collaboration easier because everyone can see what others are working on. In my last role, we used cloud-based software to manage our inventory, sales and customer service.”

2. When have you had to deal with a dissatisfied customer and how did you handle it?

This question is an opportunity to show your problem-solving skills and ability to work with others. When answering this question, it can be helpful to mention a specific situation where you had to deal with a customer who was upset or dissatisfied with the service they received. It can also be beneficial to explain how you handled the situation and what steps you took to resolve the issue.

Example: “In my previous role as a sales associate at a retail store, I encountered a customer who returned a pair of shoes that were worn. The customer expected us to give them a full refund for the shoes because they were worn. However, our company policy stated that we could only offer a partial refund if the shoes were worn.

I spoke with the customer about our return policy and offered to exchange the shoes for another pair in their size. They agreed to the exchange and left the store satisfied.”

3. Why do you want to work at Infor?

This question is a great way for the interviewer to learn more about your interest in their company. They want to know that you have done some research on the organization and are excited about working there. When preparing for this question, make sure to read up on the company’s mission statement and values. Use these as examples of why you would be a good fit for Infor.

Example: “I am very interested in working at Infor because I believe it is an innovative company with a strong commitment to its employees. I was impressed by the company’s dedication to providing equal opportunities for all employees regardless of race, gender or religion. I also love how Infor encourages its employees to take risks and try new things. I feel like this type of culture will allow me to grow both personally and professionally.”

4. How would you describe your leadership style?

This question is an opportunity to show your potential employer that you are a strong leader. When answering this question, it can be helpful to describe the qualities of a good leader and how they apply to you.

Example: “I believe a good leader should have confidence in their team members’ abilities. I am always looking for ways to help my employees grow and develop their skills. I also think it’s important to be approachable and open to feedback from others. I make myself available to my team members so they know they can come to me with any questions or concerns.”

5. Tell me about a time when you were unsuccessful in achieving a business goal, what happened?

This question is a great way to assess your problem-solving skills and ability to learn from mistakes. When answering this question, it can be beneficial to highlight how you used the experience to improve yourself or your work.

Example: “In my previous role as an IT manager for a large company, I was tasked with creating a new system that would allow employees to access their emails on any device. After several months of development, we launched the program but found out that many users were having issues logging in. We realized that the issue was due to the fact that our servers weren’t able to handle the amount of traffic the new email system generated. To fix the issue, we had to upgrade our servers, which cost the company thousands of dollars.”

6. Do you know of any trends in the ERP software industry that we should be aware of?

This question is a great way to test your knowledge of the industry and how you can apply it to an organization. Your answer should include any trends that you are aware of, as well as how they may affect Infor’s business.

Example: “I have noticed that many companies are moving away from on-premise software solutions in favor of cloud-based ones. This is because there are so many benefits to using a cloud solution, including lower costs, increased scalability and more flexibility. I think this trend will continue for quite some time, which means Infor needs to ensure its products are available through the cloud.”

7. Tell us about some of your achievements as an engineer.

This question is a great way to show the interviewer your skills and abilities as an engineer. You can talk about any projects you worked on that were successful or how you helped your team succeed.

Example: “I recently completed a project where I had to create a new system for our company’s inventory management software. The old system was outdated, so we needed something more efficient. My team and I spent several months researching different systems and creating prototypes. We finally came up with a solution that streamlined our inventory process and saved us time and money. It also allowed us to track our inventory in real-time.”

8. Have you ever worked on a technical project that required extensive collaboration between multiple departments?

This question can help the interviewer gain insight into your ability to work with others and communicate effectively. Use examples from previous experiences where you worked with other departments or individuals to complete a project successfully.

Example: “In my last role, I was tasked with creating an inventory management system for our company’s warehouse. This required collaboration between multiple departments including sales, shipping and receiving and accounting. My team and I met regularly to discuss progress on the project and make sure we were all on the same page. We also communicated frequently with each department to ensure they had everything they needed to do their jobs.”

9. Describe a situation where you had to explain something complicated to someone who was not very tech savvy.

This question is a great way to show your communication skills and how you can break down complex ideas into simple terms. When answering this question, it’s important to remember that the person you’re speaking with may not be as familiar with technology as you are. Try to use examples from previous jobs where you had to explain something complicated to someone who was unfamiliar with the topic.

Example: “At my last job, I worked on a team of developers who were creating an app for a client. The client would often call me asking questions about what we were doing and why. I always made sure to speak clearly and in layman’s terms when talking to them so they could understand what we were working on. Eventually, they started asking more technical questions, which showed me that they were starting to understand our process.”

10. What are three things you think we could improve upon here at Infor?

This question is a great way for the interviewer to see how you would fit into their team. It also allows them to get an idea of your leadership skills and willingness to help improve processes within the company. When answering this question, it’s important to be honest about what you think could use improvement but also show that you’re willing to work hard to make those improvements happen.

Example: “I think we can improve upon our customer service by making sure all employees are trained on the latest software updates. I’ve noticed some confusion when customers call in with questions about new features or changes to existing ones. Another thing I think we should improve upon is our communication between departments. I notice there are times where one department doesn’t know something because they didn’t communicate with another department. Lastly, I think we need to improve upon our time management. There have been several instances where projects were due before other projects were completed.”

11. What do you consider to be your biggest strength?

This question is a great way for the interviewer to learn more about your personality and how you view yourself. It’s important to be honest, but also highlight something that will help you succeed in this role.

Example: “My biggest strength is my ability to work well with others. I am always willing to collaborate with other team members and ask questions if I need help understanding something. This has helped me build strong relationships with my coworkers and managers over the years, which makes it easier to get along with everyone.”

12. Give an example of a time when you used data analysis to make a decision.

This question is a great way to show your problem-solving skills and how you use data analysis in your daily work. When answering this question, it can be helpful to describe the steps you took to analyze the data and what conclusions you came to that led to an effective decision.

Example: “At my previous job, I was tasked with analyzing sales numbers for our company’s website. After looking at the data, I noticed that we were selling more products on certain days of the week than others. This information helped me determine that we should hire additional employees during those busy days to ensure customers received their orders as quickly as possible.”

13. How much experience do you have working with ERP systems?

ERP systems are a common component of many businesses, so the interviewer may ask this question to see how much experience you have with them. If you don’t have any previous experience working with ERP systems, consider describing your familiarity with them and what you hope to learn if hired.

Example: “I’ve worked in IT for over 10 years now, but I haven’t had the opportunity to work with Infor’s ERP system before. However, I am familiar with some of its components, such as APO and Business Warehouse, which I think will help me get up to speed quickly.”

14. Are you comfortable working remotely?

Working remotely is a common practice in the IT industry. Employers ask this question to make sure you’re comfortable working from home or another remote location. They want to know that you can still be productive and meet deadlines when not in an office setting. Use your answer to show that you are self-motivated and able to work independently. Explain how you will stay on top of your responsibilities even if you aren’t in the office.

Example: “I am very comfortable working remotely. In my last role, I was often asked to work from home because we were short-staffed. I actually prefer working from home because it gives me more time to focus without distractions. I find that I’m much more productive when I don’t have to commute to work. I also like being able to set my own hours so I can balance my work with other obligations.”

15. Can you tell me about a time you were able to successfully persuade someone to buy a product or service they weren’t interested in?

This question can give the interviewer insight into your communication skills and ability to persuade others. Use examples from previous jobs or personal experiences where you were able to convince someone to change their mind about a product or service.

Example: “In my last role, I was working with a client who wasn’t interested in our software because it didn’t have all of the features they wanted. Instead of trying to sell them on the entire program, I asked questions to learn more about what they needed and found out that we had a different version of the software that could meet their needs. We ended up selling them that version instead.”

16. If hired, what kind of goals would you set for yourself?

This question is an opportunity to show your ambition and enthusiasm for the role. It’s a good idea to mention some of the skills you’d like to develop, or how you plan to contribute to the company’s success.

Example: “I would start by learning as much as I can about Infor products and services. I’m already familiar with many of them, but there are always new developments in technology that require us to adapt our strategies. I also want to make sure my team members have all the resources they need to succeed. For example, if one of my colleagues needs help with a project, I’ll do everything I can to support them.”

17. How do you keep up with technological advancements?

As a developer, you need to be able to keep up with technological advancements. This question helps the interviewer determine how much effort you put into staying current in your field and whether you can adapt to new technologies quickly. Use examples from past experience where you’ve learned about new technology or researched emerging trends.

Example: “I have always been passionate about learning new things, so I subscribe to several tech blogs and newsletters that help me stay on top of what’s happening in the industry. In my last role, I was one of the first people to learn about a new development platform because I subscribed to an email newsletter that announced it. I then spent time researching the product and found out that our company would soon offer it as an alternative to our current system.”

18. Do you have experience managing teams?

This question can help the interviewer determine your leadership skills and how you interact with others. Use examples from previous experience to highlight your ability to lead a team, delegate tasks and motivate employees.

Example: “In my last role as an IT manager, I had five other technicians on my team. We worked together to solve client issues and troubleshoot problems. I also helped train new hires and provided feedback on their performance. In this role, I learned that it’s important to provide constructive criticism when necessary and praise employees for their work.”

19. The position requires extensive travel, would you be comfortable with traveling 85% of the year?

Travel is a common requirement for many positions in the IT industry. Employers ask this question to make sure you are comfortable with frequent travel and that it won’t negatively impact your work performance. When preparing for an interview, think about how much time you spend on the road each year. If you have experience traveling frequently, explain what strategies you use to stay productive while on the road.

Example: “I am very comfortable with frequent travel. In my previous position, I traveled 85% of the year. To remain productive while on the road, I always bring along my laptop so I can complete work tasks during downtime. I also try to get plenty of sleep before leaving town so I’m well-rested when arriving at my destination.”

20. What do you think our company does better than other companies in this industry?

This question is a great way for the interviewer to see how you view their company and its place in the industry. It also gives them insight into your knowledge of the company, which can be helpful if they are considering hiring you. When answering this question, it’s important to focus on what you know about Infor and its products or services. You should also try to include some specific examples of why you think Infor does these things better than other companies.

Example: “I’ve used Infor software before, so I have first-hand experience with the quality of the product. I think one thing that sets Infor apart from other companies in this industry is the level of customer service provided by the company. Whenever I had questions about my software, I was able to get help quickly and easily. The support team was always friendly and knowledgeable, which made me feel confident using the software.”

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Infor Talent Science Reviews & Pricing

Infor Talent Science Software Tool

  • Talent Assessment Tools
  • Behavioral Assessment Tools
  • Employee Goal Setting Software
  • Employee Retention Software
  • HR Management Software
  • HRIS Systems
  • Pre-Employment Assessment Tools
  • Talent Acquisition Software
  • Talent Intelligence Software
  • Talent Management Systems

What is Infor Talent Science?

Industry Specialties: Health Care, Retail, Hospitality, Financial Services

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Infor Talent Science Pricing

Based on our most recent analysis, Infor Talent Science pricing starts in the range of $500 - $1,000.

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$:$10 or less
$$:$10 - $100
$$$:$100 - $500
$$$$:$500 - $1,000
$$$$$:$1,000 or more

Training Resources

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Infor Talent Science Benefits and Insights

Key differentiators & advantages of infor talent science.

  • Improved Retention:  Increase retention from between 10% to 45% using predictive data and big data turnover analysis to enable role-specific success. 
  • Single-value Assessment Approach:  Save time evaluating potential hires by mapping candidate scores from previous assessments to present behavioral benchmarks in the system. 
  • Data-confident Decisions:  Leverage accurate candidate scores and role alignment data to make optimal hiring decisions. Gain actionable insights that add value to hiring decisions. 
  • Ph.D. I/O Support:  Rely on industrial and organizational psychologists to review and validate auto-generated talent selection criteria and recommend industry-specific recruiting patterns. Leverage a scientific assessment process developed by Ph.D. experts to evaluate candidates equitably. 
  • Bias Elimination:  Leverage a data-driven perspective based on skill, knowledge and competencies to hire the right person for the job without letting unconscious bias seep into the process. 
  • High Scalability:  Apply tailored hiring criteria that best reflect present employee populations to improve hiring success. Adjust candidate assessment benchmarks according to changes in organizational structures. 

Industry Expertise

Infor talent science reviews.

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for Infor Talent Science:

of users would recommend this product

Infor Talent Science has a ' great ' User Satisfaction Rating of 89% when considering 20 user reviews from 2 recognized software review sites.

Synopsis of User Ratings and Reviews

Based on an aggregate of Infor Talent Science reviews taken from the sources above, the following pros & cons have been curated by a SelectHub Market Analyst.

  • Predictive Analytics: Provides insights into a candidate's potential for success in a specific role, reducing the risk of bad hires and improving employee retention.
  • Reduced Time to Hire: Streamlines the hiring process by quickly identifying top candidates, allowing companies to fill open positions faster.
  • Improved Quality of Hire: Helps organizations make data-driven hiring decisions, leading to a higher quality of candidates who are a better fit for the company culture and job requirements.
  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: Offers a positive and engaging experience for candidates, improving employer branding and attracting top talent.
  • Bias Reduction: Helps mitigate unconscious bias in the hiring process by focusing on objective data and job-related criteria.
  • Limited Customization: The assessments offered by Infor Talent Science might not be as customizable as some users require, potentially leading to a mismatch between the assessment content and the specific requirements of certain roles or industries.
  • Implementation Challenges: Integrating Infor Talent Science with existing HR systems or workflows can pose technical challenges for some organizations, requiring additional IT support and resources during the implementation phase.
  • Cost Considerations: Depending on the size of the organization and the desired level of service, the cost of using Infor Talent Science might be a concern for some businesses, especially smaller ones with limited budgets.

Researcher's Summary:

Infor Talent Science is a cloud-based talent management solution that leverages predictive analytics to assist companies in making more informed decisions regarding hiring, developing, retaining, and redeploying their workforce. The platform's core functionality revolves around assessments that evaluate candidates' behavioral traits and cognitive abilities to predict their potential for success in specific roles. While Infor Talent Science has received positive feedback for its comprehensive features and ease of use, some users have expressed concerns about its cost and limitations.

Users appreciate the platform's ability to provide insights into candidates' behavioral tendencies, which can help identify individuals who are likely to thrive in collaborative environments and contribute to team productivity. The use of role-specific performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) further enhances the platform's ability to match candidates with suitable positions, leading to improved person-job fit and reduced turnover. However, the platform's premium pricing structure may pose a challenge for smaller organizations with limited budgets. Additionally, while Infor Talent Science offers a range of features, it may not seamlessly integrate with all existing HR systems, potentially requiring additional investment in middleware or custom integrations.

Infor Talent Science is well-suited for medium to large enterprises seeking a robust talent management solution that emphasizes predictive analytics and behavioral assessments. Organizations with complex hiring needs and a focus on building high-performing teams are likely to benefit the most from the platform's capabilities. However, smaller businesses or those with tighter budget constraints may need to carefully evaluate the cost-benefit ratio before committing to Infor Talent Science.

Key Features

  • Behavioral Insights:  Capture internal performance spectrums to develop and set role-based hiring benchmarks. Evaluate candidates based on 13 different quality metrics and 24 core characteristics based on employee data and performance KPIs to match applicants within predefined impact ranges. 
  • Talent Assessments:  Evaluate candidates based on scientific assessments and align response patterns with organizational DNA to identify best matches. Accurately pinpoint applicants' cognitive abilities by applying adaptive testing that automatically calibrates difficulty levels of questions and cross-examines with trick questions. 
  • Role-specific Predictive Profiles:  Evaluate key qualities and characteristics of candidates to determine compatibility for different open positions. Objectively grade scores and view similarities or differences between candidate scores and performance characteristics. 
  • Onboarding Management:  Designs the first 90 days of integrating new hires based on work preferences, including motivators, struggles and management's ability to increase performance. Bring new hires up to speed by making reports directly available to new hires and allow managers to track rack role acclimatization progress on the activity tracking dashboard. 
  • Interview Tool Kit:  Use auto-generated questionnaires developed by Ph.D. I/O psychologists. Rely on the system to auto-assign question sets to suitable candidates and job profiles. Measure alignment during interviews by tracking how candidates respond with a quick reference to ideal answers. 
  • Development Reports:  Assess strengths and opportunities of new hires to assist with coaching and career development. Access performance insight from the onboarding period to identify different positions or better-aligned departments for new hires. 
  • ATS Integration:  Connect the platform with existing applicant tracking systems to streamline talent acquisition. Transfer applications and candidate profiles from recruiting systems or ATS to the platform where candidates can complete assessments. 


  •  Requires strong IT support for implementation and licensing. 
  •  The platform isn’t extensively intuitive. 
  •  Assessments are time-consuming and can result in candidate drop-offs. 

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Infor Talent Science molded our recruiting structure by helping us make better hires through our organization. Turnover has improved, and we've seen our culture shine through our employees more than ever.

- Nancy Bueno

Recruiting & Onboarding Specialist at Gibsons Restaurant Group

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    PeopleAnswers Test Practice. The Info Talent Science Preparation Pack was created by our experienced psychometric experts, based on thorough research and after getting feedback from hundreds of candidates. If you have any additional questions about the assessments, feel free to send us an email, we usually reply within 24 hours.

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    Personality test. The personality test consists of 230 questions about how you perform in a work environment. It assesses how you see yourself at work. It may touch on: Leadership skills. Timekeeping. Teamwork. Obeying orders. Take PeopleAnswers Practice Test Now.

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    Infor Talent Science assessments are used by over 20 million job applicants annually and are employed by well-known companies such as Foot Locker, Audi, Panera, and The Cheesecake Factory. This widespread use underscores the assessment's reliability and effectiveness in helping employers make better hiring decisions. ... Logical Problem-Solving ...

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    Hi there, and welcome to SelectHub's ultimate Infor Talent Science review. We're here to give you a detailed tour and our honest, unbiased opinions about Infor's predictive talent analytics solution, Infor Talent Science. If you're more of a binge-watcher than a bookworm, good news! We've also recorded a 10-part video series.

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    Infor Talent Science is a cloud-based Predictive Talent Analytics solution that helps your business ensure the right people are in the right positions. Attend an Intro to Talent Science webinar to learn how and why Talent Science can help you hire candidates that are the best behavioral fit for your company.

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    AT. Angela T. Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.) 7/16/2024. 5.0 out of 5. "INFOR Talent Science has changed our hiring landscape!" WRH partners with INFOR Talent Science by providing behavioral insights into our selection process. INFOR's predictive and talent analytics solutio... Read more. Verified User Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)

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    I think this trend will continue for quite some time, which means Infor needs to ensure its products are available through the cloud.". 7. Tell us about some of your achievements as an engineer. This question is a great way to show the interviewer your skills and abilities as an engineer.

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    Key differentiators & advantages of Infor Talent Science. Improved Retention: Increase retention from between 10% to 45% using predictive data and big data turnover analysis to enable role-specific success. Single-value Assessment Approach: Save time evaluating potential hires by mapping candidate scores from previous assessments to present behavioral benchmarks in the system.

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    Proven predictive insights for your workforce. Since 2001, hundreds of millions of job candidates and employees have completed the Infor Talent Science assessment. As the pioneer of merging scientifically-sound talent assessment tools with big data technology, we have the experience and expertise to help clients meet their business objectives.

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    Infor Talent Science is a powerful cloud-based talent analytics software that helps businesses identify the right candidate, retain top performers and develop their workforce through customized predictive models. The software leverages large quantities of behavioral and performance data to provide unparalleled insights into employee behavior ...

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    Infor HR applications recognized for personalization and customization. Infor is recognized as a Leader in the 2020 HCM Value Matrix for personalization and customization in its HR applications. For the report, Nucleus Research evaluated HCM vendors based on their products' usability, functionality, and overall value. executive brief.