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Lee Mu-jin(이무진) – The Assignment Song (과제곡)

2021년 가장 핫했던 싱어송라이터 ‘이무진’의 자작곡입니다.

이무진은 전공은 실용음악인데, 이 노래는 과제 제출용으로 만들었다고 해요.

교수님이 이 곡을 듣고 많이 웃으셨고 결국 A+받았다고 해요.

This is a self-composed song by singer-songwriter Lee Moo-jin, who was the hottest in 2021.

He majored in practical music, and he made this song for assignment submission.

His professor laughed a lot after hearing this song and eventually got an A+.

예 교수님 과제는 다섯 개군요 (네?)

아뇨 불만 없어요 다 해올게요 (네…)


심지어 창작 과제가 두 개라고요? (아)

잠을 줄여서라도 해야죠 암요 (암요)


어 궁금하진 않지만

질문은 없냐 시기에 여쭤보자면

학생들에게 다 이런 과제를 내주시나요

Oh, professor, you gave five assignments. (What?)

No, I have no complaints. I will do all of them. (Ah…)

(Are you saying) there are even two assignments for making songs? (ㅜㅜ)

I must do even if I sleep less, of course. (of course)

Uh, I’m not curious, but

because you asked if I have questions, so I am asking

Do you give this assignment to all students?

  • 과제 assignment 
  • 불만 complain, dissatisfaction
  • 창작 creation; creative 
  • 잠을 줄이다 to reduce sleeping, to sleep less
  • 여쭤보다 to ask
  • 과제를 내다 to set a task

이 노래는 교수님이 쓰라 해서 쓰는 노래

솔직히 대충 만들었네

다음 주엔 인간적인 양의 과제를

받았음 해 그랬음 해 oh

This song is what I made because my professor asked me to do

To be honest, I made a halfhearted attempt 

I hope I get a humane amount of assignment next week

I hope oh

  • V-라(고) 하다 to ask/command/order somebody to do something
  • 솔직히 to be honest
  • 대충 Doing something insincerely and half-heartedly.
  • 인간적인 humane

교수님 죄송합니다

이런 가사를 썼기에

교수님 죄송합니다

기타야 사과드려

Professor, I’m sorry

for writing these lyrics

Professor, I’m sorry

Play the guitar to apologize

  • 사과 드리다 to offer an apology

과제를 받았지만

또 다른 할 일이 산처럼 쌓여 있었기에

미루고 미루다

하루 전 날에 애써 만든

I got the assignments

but I had lots of other things to do

procrastinate and procrastinate

I tried hard to make it the day before (deadline)

  • 산처럼 쌓여 있다 to be piled up as much as a mountain –> to have a lot
  • 미루다 to postpone, to put off, to delay
  • 애써 만들다 to tried hard to make something

이 노래는 교수님이 쓰라 해서

쓰는 노래 솔직히 대충 만들었네

다음 주엔 인간적인 양의 과제를

받았음 해 그랬음 해 어

This song is what I made because my professor asked me to do

To be honest, I made a halfhearted attempt 

I hope I get a humane amount of assignment next week

교수님 죄송합니다

이런 가사를 썼기에

교수님 죄송합니다

진짜 진짜

Professor, I’m sorry

for writing these lyrics

Professor, I’m sorry

Really, really

아 진짜 죄송합니다
(교수님 죄송합니다 이런 가사를 썼기에)

아 진짜 죄송합니다
(교수님 죄송합니다 이런 가사를 썼기에)


oh I’m really sorry
(Professor, I’m sorry for writing these lyrics)

oh I’m really sorry
(Professor, I’m sorry for writing these lyrics)


그렇게 잠도 안 자고

밤 새 가며 다 하고

박카스 빈 병을 늘어나기만 하고

원래 피곤한 얼굴에 더해진

다크서클은 고장이 났나

이른 아침 일교시 기타를 메고 등교해

강의실 문을 똑똑똑 안녕하세요

과제 몇 개 해왔냐는 교수님의 질문에

다 해왔어요

(그걸 진짜 다 해왔어요?)

I didn’t even sleep much 

I went all night to finish all

The empty bottles of energy drinks are just increasing

Dark circles added to my originally tired face are something wrong?

Early in the morning before the first class I go to school carrying my guitar on my shoulder

Knock knock knock on the lecture room door, Hi

To the professor’s question how many assignments I have done

(I said) I’ve done it all

(Did you really do all?)

  • 밤을 새다 (=밤새우다) to stay up all night
  • 박카스 Bacchus, the name of energy drink
  • 늘어나다 to increase
  •  피곤하다 to be tired
  • 이른 아침 early morning
  • 1(일)교시 the first class
  • 메다 to carry on one’s shoulder
  • 등교하다 to go to school

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  • 예 교수님 과제는 5개군요 (네?) Yes Professor, there are 5 assignments (Yeah?)
  • 아뇨 불만 없어요 다 해올게요 (네) No, no complaints, I’ll do everything (Yes)
  • 심지어 창작 과제가 2개라구요? (아) Even two creative assignments? (Ah)
  • 잠을 줄여서라도 해야죠 암요 (암요) I will do it even if I sleep less,  of course (of course)
  • 어 궁금하진 않지만 Oh I’m not curious
  • 질문은 없냐 시기에 여쭤보자면 but you ask me if I have any questions, so I ask
  • 학생들에게 다 이런 과제를 내주시나요 Do you give all these assignments to students?
  • 이 노래는 교수님이 쓰라 해서 쓰는 노래 This song is a song my professor told me to write
  • 솔직히 대충 만들었네 Honestly, I made it roughly
  • 다음 주엔 인간적인 양의 과제를 받았음 해 I hope next week I get as much homework as a human can do
  • 그랬음 해 어 I hope so
  • 교수님 죄송합니다 Professor, I’m sorry
  • 이런 가사를 썼기에 I wrote these lyrics
  • 교수님 죄송합니다 I’m sorry, Professor
  • 기타야 사과드려 Guitar, say sorry
  • 과제를 받았지만 I got the assignment,
  • 또 다른 할 일이 산처럼 쌓여 있었기에 Because there were other things to do, piled up like a mountain
  • 미루고 미루다 After procrastinating
  • 하루 전 날에 애써 만든 that I made the day before
  • 교수님 죄송합니다 Sorry professor
  • 진짜 진짜 Really really
  • 아 진짜 죄송합니다 Oh I’m really sorry
  • 죄송합니다 Sorry
  • 그렇게 잠도 안 자고 I don’t even sleep like that
  • 밤 새가며 다 하고 I do it all night long
  • 박카스 빈 병은 늘어나기만 하고 The empty bottle of Bacchus is increasing
  • 원래 피곤한 얼굴에 더해진 다크서클은 Dark circles originally added to a tired face
  • 고장이 났나 Is there a problem
  • 이른 아침 1교시 기타를 메고 등교해 Early in the morning, I go to school with my guitar in the first class
  • 강의실 문을 똑똑똑 안녕하세요 Hello, knock on the classroom door
  • 과제 몇 개 해왔냐는 교수님의 질문에 When the professor asks how many assignments you have done
  • 다 해왔어요 I’ve done it all
  • (그걸 진짜 다 해왔어요?) (Have you really done it all?)

assignment song lee moo jin

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assignment song lee moo jin

  • The Assignment Song (과제곡) (교수님 죄송합니다)

(교수님, 죄송합니다) (gyosunim, joesonghamnida) 죄송합니다, 교수님, 죄송합니다 joesonghamnida, gyosunim, joesonghamnida

예, 교수님 과제는 다섯개군요 (네?) ye, gyosunim gwajeneun daseotgaegunyo (ne?) 아니요, 불만 없어요 다 해올게요 (네) aniyo, bulman eopseoyo da hae-olgeyo (ne)

심지어 창작 과제가 두개라구요? (아) simjieo changjak gwajega dugaeraguyo? (a) 잠을 줄여서라도 해야죠 암요 (암요) jameul juryeoseorado haeyajyo amyo (amyo)

어, 궁금하진 않지만 eo, gunggeumhajin anjiman 질문은 없냐 시기에 여쭤보자면 jilmuneun eomnya sigie yeojjwobojamyeon 학생들에게 다 haksaengdeurege da 이런 과제를 내주시나요? ireon gwajereul naejusinayo?

이 노래는 교수님이 쓰라 해서 i noraeneun gyosunimi sseura haeseo 쓰는 노래 솔직히 대충 만들었네 sseuneun norae soljiki daechung mandeureonne 다음 주엔 인간적인 양의 과제를 da-eum juen in-ganjeogin yang-ui gwajereul 받았음 해 그랬음 해, 어 badasseum hae geuraesseum hae, eo

교수님, 죄송합니다 gyosunim, joesonghamnida 이런 가사를 썼기에 ireon gasareul sseotgie 교수님, 죄송합니다 gyosunim, joesonghamnida

기타야, 사과드려 gitaya, sagwadeuryeo

과제를 받았지만 또 다른 할 일이 gwajereul badatjiman tto dareun hal iri 산처럼 쌓여 있었기에 sancheoreom ssayeo isseotgie 미루고 미루다 mirugo miruda 하루 전 날에 애써 만든 haru jeon nare aesseo mandeun

진짜, 진짜 jinjja, jinjja 아, 진짜 죄송합니다 a, jinjja joesonghamnida 아, 진짜 죄송합니다 a, jinjja joesonghamnida 죄송합니다 joesonghamnida

그렇게 잠도 안 자고 geureoke jamdo an jago 밤 새가며 다 하고 bam saegamyeo da hago 박카스 빈 병은 늘어나기만 하고 bakaseu bin byeong-eun neureonagiman hago 원래 피곤한 얼굴에 더해진 다크서클은 wollae pigonhan eolgure deohaejin dakeuseokeureun 고장이 났나? gojang-i nanna?

이른 아침 일교시 기타를 메고 등교해 ireun achim ilgyosi gitareul mego deunggyohae 강의실 문을 똑똑똑 안녕하세요 gang-uisil muneul ttokttokttok annyeonghaseyo 과제 몇 개 해왔냐는 교수님의 질문에 gwaje myeot gae haewannyaneun gyosunimui jilmune 다 해왔어요 da haewasseoyo

(그걸 진짜 다 해왔어요?) (geugeol jinjja da haewasseoyo?)


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Most played from LEE MU JIN

  • Episode (에피소드)
  • Ordinary Confession (잠깐 시간 될까)
  • Rain And You
  • Come Rest With Me
  • No One (Is there anybody)
  • Propose (청혼하지 않을 이유를 못 찾았어)
  • Reference (참고사항)
  • Traffic Light (신호등)

Related playlists

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  • BIRDS OF A FEATHER Billie Eilish
  • Creep Radiohead
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  • Big Dawgs (feat. Kalmi) Hanumankind
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  • Rolling In The Deep Adele

assignment song lee moo jin


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assignment song lee moo jin

  • Lee Moo-jin

2021. 5. 14.

2021. 7. 17.

2021. 8. 26.

2021. 9. 14.

2021. 12. 03.

2022. 6. 23.

2023. 5. 9.

2023. 12. 13.

2024. 4. 2.

2018. 07. 20.

2021. 06. 18.

2021. 12. 12.

2022. 02. 28.

2022. 11. 06.

2022. 12. 06.

2023. 09. 08.

2023. 10. 28.

2023. 11. 04.

2023. 11. 11.

2023. 11. 26.

2023. 12. 02.



File:Million Mar...

/No. 30 /No. 29
/No. 63
/ No. 11
/ No. 20

Since 2007, has been selecting the ‘popular song that shone this year’ based on a public opinion survey conducted on Koreans the end of each year. An online survey was conducted in 2007, a 1:1 individual interview survey through household visits from 2008 to 2009, and an individual interview survey (face-to-face interview conducted by the researcher) from 2010 to 2019. survey period is usually conducted three times in July, September, and November, so sometimes songs in the first half of the year are at a disadvantage in the survey. As a special matter, in 2014, two interviews were conducted only between October and November.



( 23 years old)

(Current ) [2]
[3] |63kg [4] | | 270mm

( )
(Department of Music, / ) [5]
(From the debut date )
[7] , [8] , Murilla [9] , lion [10] , fox [11] , deep [12] , [13] , Mujunjang [14] , tight [15] , which side is [16]
[17] [18]
| [19]| | | [20]| |
hello. This is singer-songwriter Lee Moo-jin who talks while playing guitar. What Moojin Lee always says when introducing himself.

2. activity

2.1. album list

2.2. broadcast, 2.2.1. singer gain - exhibition of unknown singers, 2.2.2. famous singer.

2.2.3. Mystery Music Show Mask Singer

2.2.4. Enduring classics

2.2.5. limousine service, 2.2.6. national children's song project baby singer, 1 time, episode 2, 3rd time, 4 times, 5 times, 2.2.7. playlist, episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, episode 4, episode 5, playlist concert, 2.3. broadcast.

season 5 [34]
[40] [41]
- [42]
[43] [44]

2.4. music broadcast

  • 2021.05.09 KBS Open Concert
  • 2021.05.15 MBC show! Music Core
  • 2021.05.17 Arirang TV Simply K-Pop
  • 2021.07.23 KBS You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook
  • 2021.12.17 2021 KBS Song Festival: WITH
  • 2021.12.31 2021 MBC Gayo Daejejeon: TOGETHER
  • 2022.02.25 KBS You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook [45]
  • 2022.03.04 KBS You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook [46]
  • 2022.04.22 KBS You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook
  • 2022.07.08 Dingo Music House with Yamaha
  • 2022.12.31 2022 MBC Gayo Daejejeon: With Love
  • 2023.04.02 KBS The Seasons - Jay Park's Drive #
  • 2023.05.11 Mnet M Countdown
  • 2023.05.12 KBS Music Bank
  • 2023.05.13 MBC Music Core
  • 2023.05.14 SBS popular music
  • 2023.05.21 KBS The Seasons - Choi Jeong-hoon's Park at Night #
  • 2023.11.19 KBS Open Concert #
  • 2024.05.03 KBS The Seasons - Zico's Artist

2.5. preview

  • 2021.02.14 JTBC News Room <Culture Seat>
  • 2024.04.04 SBS The story of that day where we were bitten by each other < Lee Yuk-sa > #
  • 2021.02.18 Episode 1026 Kim Eana's Starry Night with Singer Gain TOP3
  • 2021.02.23 TOP3 of Kim Hyun-jung's news show singer gain topic!
  • 2021.02.23 Hwajeong Choi's Power Time with Singer Gain TOP3
  • 2021.02.23 Jungsoo Yoon, Changhee Nam's Mr. Radio
  • 2021.02.25 Doosi Escape Cultwo Show Singer Gain TOP3
  • 2021.03.02 Jung Eun-ji's song plaza touching again with singer again TOP3
  • 2021.03.10 Naver Now P.O and Minho 's Brrr Friends
  • 2021.03.31 Naver Now god 's lunch attack
  • 2021.04.05 Naver Now Ravi 's question mark
  • 2021.05.18 Arirang TV Super K-pop
  • 2021.05.19 This beautiful morning is Kim Chang-wan
  • 2021.05.19 Kim Eana's Starry Night
  • 2021.05.21 Noon Song of Hope Shinyoung Kim with Moojin Lee & Jieun Yang
  • 2021.05.22 Exciting night, this is Park So-hyun
  • 2021.05.25 Naver Now Jukjae ’s night studio (night ensemble room)
  • 2021.05.26 Jeon Hyoseong 's dreaming radio
  • 2021.05.27 Two o'clock Escape Cultwo Show
  • 2021.05.28 Park So-hyun's love game
  • 2021.05.31 Naver Now It's a song by Hong Kyung-min , Lee Se-jun, and Kim Jong- seo
  • 2021.06.09 Naver Now god 's lunch attack
  • 2021.06.09 Naver Now Ravi 's question mark
  • 2021.06.10 Defense FM Biscuit and Star Candy Part 1 Part 2
  • 2022.06.27 Jeongsoo Yoon Nam Chang- hee's Mr. Radio
  • 2022.06.29 In the starry night by Eana Kim
  • 2022.06.30 Two O'Clock Escape Cultwo Show
  • 2022.11.24 Raise the volume of Haze
  • 2022.11.30 Youngchul Kim 's Power FM
  • 2022.12.02 GOT7 Youngjae 's best friend
  • 2023.01.12 Two o'clock Escape Cultwo Show
  • 2023.04.04 Special DJ GOT7 Youngjae 's close friend
  • 2023.05.11 GOT7 Youngjae 's close friend
  • 2023.05.12 Increase the volume of Haze #
  • 2023.05.22 Wendy’s Young Street #
  • 2023.05.30 2 o’clock escape cult two show # [47]
  • 2023.06.01 Park So-hyun’s Love Game #
  • 2023.07.01 2 o’clock escape cult two show #
  • 2023.11.14 Lee Eun-ji’s Song Plaza #
  • 2023.12.12 Choi Hwa-jeong’s Power Time # [48]
  • 2023.12.13 2 o’clock escape cult two show #
  • 2023.12.18 Turn up Chungha’s volume #
  • 2024.03.15 2 o’clock escape cult show # [49]
  • 2024.04.02 Park So-hyun’s Love Game #
  • 2024.04.03 GOT7 Youngjae’s close friend #

2.7. pictorial

  • VOGUE KOREA March 2021 issue
  • W Korea April 2021 issue
  • Marie Claire Korea April 2021 issue
  • Atstyle April 2021
  • Singles April 2024 issue
  • Singles on the way home from work LIVE April 2024 issue

2.8. animated movie

  • 2023.06.10 MapleStory 2023 SUMMER SHOWCASE NEW AGE

2.10. advertisement

  • Maxim in 2021
  • 2021 Music Cow
  • 2021 Baba Fashion × Billboard
  • 2021 minarisingsingju
  • 2021 Paris Baguette
  • Lotte Castle in 2022 (sound source collaboration)

2.11. performance activity

  • Participated in the work (song) of the cheering song for the 2030 Busan Expo. # #

3.1. awards


3.2. #1 on music shows

5.1. cheering

6. controversies and incidents, 6.1. traffic light plagiarism controversy, 7. digression.

  • There are many elements in a song, but the most important thing is what is left in the heart of the listener after listening to his song, so he focuses most on what kind of story his song contains.

File:Lee Moo-jin...

  • I like hamburger and vanilla latte the most. [52]
  • I don't believe in the MBTI , so I've never tested it. There are MBTI people who don't believe in MBTI , but they don't believe in it either. [53]
  • Double eyelids form when you are tired from not being able to sleep . Because of this, people are misunderstood as having undergone double eyelid surgery . [54] #One #2 #3
  • cucumber I cannot eat cucumber because I am allergic to mucus . He also explained that he could not eat watermelon because it was full of cucumber-like mucus.
  • Soju wave. I'm not good at drinking beer .
  • I like mint chocolate . But her favorite Baskin Robbins ice cream is Pistachio Almond and her mom is Alien .
  • When asked whether it was Jajangmyeon or Jjamppong, I couldn't choose and chose Jjamjjamyeon .
  • If I were to be reincarnated again, I would like to be reborn as a cat . The reason is said to be because of the sole jelly .
It's best not to know VS Walking with a dog you don't know dog vs cat Reading the Tripitaka Koreana once VS Doing the colonoscopy 10,000 times Exposure of private life VS Living with exposure Squeeze VS Squeeze Math VS Science Pizza VS Hamburger Seasoned VS Fried
  • When I was in elementary school, I went to the local cultural center to learn the guitar, and when asked why I didn't bring a guitar, I said, "When I go to school, they give me workbooks, but they don't give me a guitar?" said and said that she went home as it was. Afterwards, when I told my mother, she gave me a guitar that I could feel the soul of my father. He was so excited that he put away everything from studying and playing, and practiced by himself playing a cool-looking song in his room, and this was his beginning. As she revealed later, when she was in elementary school, her music teacher recognized 'I have a talent for music!', and from then on, she gradually developed her dream of becoming a musician.
  • In the first year of high school, he had a history of volunteering with a youth cultural solidarity company and a performance team affiliated with Goyang City. After his activities, he was selected as an excellent volunteer and was awarded. A photo of him at the awards ceremony was reported in the local newspaper . [55]
  • hardworking singer. [56] Since she was little, she loved to sing [57] From the time he started receiving professional training, his vocals, as well as his own color and style, have been noticeably captured by looking for his videos since 2019 on YouTube.
  • Currently majoring in Practical Music, Faculty of Music, Seoul Institute of the Arts [58] He is a current student in the class of 20.
  • At the beginning of the hallway video at Seoul Institute of the Arts, pointing to a water purifier and saying, "It's a water purifier, not quiet, is it?" This is a parody of the original Seoul Institute of the Arts corridor video .
  • Uploaded by YouTuber Enjoy Couple, he appeared in the comments section of the video of Son Min -soo playing Lee Moo- jin and said , "..Are you me?" I commented, and after that, JTBC It was also mentioned in Episode 7 of Baedalyo-Mysterious Record Shop .
  • Later, on April 1, 2021, to commemorate April Fool's Day, he appeared in a video titled "Hello, this is Enjoy Couple" as the substitute for Son Min-soo of the actual Enjoy Couple . Another collaboration video was released on April 6th, and on the 8th, a video of him singing a duet song with Son Minsu was uploaded.
  • On April 4, 2021, an incident occurred in which the video 'Traffic Light', which had been uploaded to his YouTube channel , went down for a while due to YouTube's unknown algorithm . As many of Lee Moo-jin's songs were uploaded to JTBC's YouTube channel, the copyright of the video was not Lee Moo-jin's. [59] It happened because of the wrong automatic recognition. After that, he filed a complaint to YouTube and the video came back.
  • In March 2021, the number of subscribers to his YouTube channel exceeded 100,000, and many fans are wondering if he really applied for the silver button .
  • It is said that he played the guitar only as a hobby and practiced hard for practical music and further education. She said that she practiced listening more than singing, and as a result, he was able to sing naturally.
  • When making a song, there is a habit of drawing a story by looking at something and empathizing with it.
  • In June of my third year of high school, I belatedly started preparing for practical music and entrance exams in earnest. At the end of the trial , he passed the Seoul Institute of the Arts , Donga University of Media and Arts , Seokyeong University , and Myongji Junior College at the same time, and entered the Department of Practical Music at the Seoul Institute of the Arts as a 20th class.
  • Due to the performance video of Baekseok University of the Arts, the wrong information that he entered Baekseok Arts University as a 19th grader is spreading, but it is not true.
  • The entrance exam song I sang during the practical exam at Seoul Institute of the Arts was Jae Jin's Ain't about love , and the vocal academy teacher said, "Is this really your song?" She recommended it, and she herself said, "This is completely my song?" [60]
  • It is said that he practiced an average of 10 hours a day in the vocal academy practice room. [61]
  • After passing Dong-A Broadcasting University's first round of admission, in the second interview, when asked, "If you were accepted into many universities at the same time, which university would you like to go to?", he answered Seoul Institute of the Arts , but failed. Of course, that's not the only reason, but it's a big reason. Afterwards, I re-applied on time, and in the second interview after passing the first round, the interviewer said, "Why did the person who wants to go to Seoul Institute of the Arts come to our school to take the exam?" [62] He said, "I came here because I wanted to join Dong-a." He replied that he eventually passed ... However, this is not an accurate question or answer as it was explained in a situation where, due to the nature of the entrance briefing session, a short answer was required within a short period of time.
  • You can see her singing with her classmates on the YouTube channel called Seoul Institute of the Arts Class of 20 Vocal . #
  • When he was in a slump while doing music, he strengthened his mind by listening to comforting music .
You tend to make a lot of mistakes, A slump is never a time to eat away at me. You can think of it as a time to harden me . Because this is like a physiological phenomenon that everyone has at least once in their life, 'It's too hard!', 'I want to give up!' not getting stronger! I think you should feel that.
  • According to the testimony of a middle school classmate, even in middle school, he was known as a funny and good-singing friend and a friendly senior at school. Also, according to his cousin, he was a nice and funny kid who only liked to sing from a young age.
  • When he was in middle school and high school, the name of the school band he led was the Limousine Band.
  • Among his now organized Instagram videos, there is a video of him suddenly playing the guitar and singing Jason Mraz's I'm Yours while giving a short free-talk in English to a foreigner he meets for the first time at an outdoor bar table on the streets of Itaewon . Through this, we can see that love for Jason Mraz has continued for quite some time.
  • He described himself as a "seed of interest". The heck of a lot when he gets a lot of support and attention on stage, he feels so good. It seems to be a typical stage constitution.
  • The YouTube channel name and profile picture are quite unique. The channel name is 'I am Lee Moo-jin' and the profile picture is a picture of the person's face distorted.
  • During the contact with the artist after passing the Sing Again preliminaries, the artist asked for a word to describe himself to fit in the blank of “I am OOO. ” " [63] and sent it to the author. Afterwards, he finally said, "I'm a singer like a yellow traffic light ." He introduced himself on the air.
  • During the Sing Again finals, I secretly replied to fans ' Instagram DMs and received a warning from the artist. [64]
  • During the shoot for Sing Again, I had work at school, so I got on the subway and dozed off, and when I got off the subway, an unknown lady followed me and said, " Student! Student! Wait a minute!" He said two roll cakes for about 15,000 won each. [65] She bought it and said , "Isn't it very difficult? I'm watching you closely. Cheer up a little more. I know how you feel." She patted him on the back and left. He said he cried out loud while eating the roll cake at home . [66]
  • Both his parents and younger sister have fair skin, and he also said that he was on the white side when he was young. However, he said that he never returned to normal after he had been playing naked in the countryside when he was young and was burnt like that.
  • Before K-Pop Star season 6 [67] had applied to However, it was said that it failed in the first round of the finals and was edited even on the broadcast.
  • Joined the Korea Music Performers Association as the 29,999th member.
  • On August 22, 2021 , he achieved No. 1 on Inkigayo without appearing on the show .
  • On September 1, 2021, on Instagram live broadcast, he said that he had read the document , and mentioned that there were many mistakes.
  • He is the owner of the Genesis GV80.
  • Lee Moo-jin's unofficial [68] The signature sound is "Leemujin Service!" [69]
  • I tend to write songs based on my own experiences. < Traffic Lights > and <Notes> are representative examples.
  • Recently, he is active singing his own song < Traffic Light > in more diverse ways. In fact, if you listen to Lee Moo-jin live, you will find new melodies and fancy techniques. [70]

8. external link

  • DC Inside Lee Moo-jin Minor Gallery
  • Naver Fan Cafe Infinite : A fan cafe that Lee Moo-jin himself joined. [71] [72]


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Lee Mujin on Being Billboard K-Pop 100 Rookie of the Year: ‘I’m Still Hungry for More’

"Traffic Light" was the longest No. 1 on the Billboard K-Pop 100 in 2021.

By Billboard Korea Staff

Billboard Korea Staff

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Lee Mujin, Billboard Korea

At the turn of the year 2021, no one expected that the “Rookie of the Year” on the year-end Billboard K-Pop 100 would go to a male solo artist. Major entertainment companies had introduced brand-new bands such as aespa, ENHYPEN, Treasure and STAYC at the end of 2020 and most of us had our attention on them. To our surprise, a young male singer showed that he was not an ordinary rookie singer by setting the record for most No. 1 appearances on the Billboard K-Pop 100 in 2021. This up-and-coming star singer is Lee Mujin, who was the runner-up in Sing Again , JTBC’s music competition show.

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Sing Again is a rebirth talent show for unknown singers, including those who have released popular original soundtracks and singers who have been short-lived and have been forgotten, to be given a second chance to “sing again.” Among the contestants, Lee Mujin, or Singer No. 63 (the rules of the program did not allow singers’ names to be revealed) was captivating for the viewers. Lee was a 21-year-old art college student and the only professional experience he had was singing original soundtrack “Walk” for the webtoon Goyang Voice , For the very first competition, he sang “No One” released in 1988 by Han Young Ae, also known as the mother of Korean Blues. When he sang the very first verse with “hello,” all the judges were in awe. Super Junior’s Kuhyun commented that “Lee nailed the performance with that very first word,” which resonated with the listeners. Lee Mujin’s “No One” debuted at No. 91 on the Billboard K-Pop 100 dated Dec. 12, 2020, and peaked at No. 53. It was the very first Sing Again song to chart and remain on the chart for two months. For the other songs he sang, he was acclaimed by the judges as “he is a precious singer,” “he’s got the modern yet classic vibe” and “his voice is as soulful as the ’70s singer Al Green.”

Since the show ended in February 2021, he has been flaunting his talent more than ever. He sang for the original soundtrack of a popular TV series Hospital Playlist and Now, We Are Breaking Up . He also worked with other musicians by singing “Scent of the day” for the producer Cho Kyu-man’s soundtrack project [Refresh 21] and “Fall in Fall” for VIBE’s 20th-anniversary project. In the midst of a busy schedule, he didn’t forget to write and release his own music and continued to prove his talent as a singer-songwriter. So far, he has released two singles — “Traffic Light” and “The Assignment Song” — as well as the most recent collaboration “When It Snows” with Heize as a featured artist. Then, suddenly, his “Traffic Light” released back in May made it to the top of the Billboard K-Pop 100 on Sept. 11 by replacing AKMU and IU’s “Nakka,” which had been leading the chart for four consecutive weeks. On top of that, it managed to keep its No. 1 spot for eight weeks in a row despite the release of “Next Level” and “Savage” by the popular girl group aespa. The song became the longest No. 1 on the Billboard K-Pop 100.

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Below is Billboard Korea ‘s interview with Rookie of the Year Lee Mujin:

Your “Traffic Light” was very popular this year. Did you have any idea this was going to happen?

Actually, I liked “The Assignment Song” better, so I was surprised to find that “Traffic Light” was more well-received. I studied applied music in school but I have always been interested in popular music as well. I had an opportunity to analyze the Korean music industry and what kind of music people demand, and based on my analysis, I had expected that it would take some time for people to get used to “Traffic Light.” I mean, brass is not very common in many songs these days. But I was wrong and people didn’t find the song that unusual. I’m really thankful for that.  

It’s definitely not easy for a new artist to make No. 1 on a chart. How do you feel about it?

I’m not really big on associating numbers and music but I have to admit that they still mean something important. The numbers show me how much my music is loved and that makes me truly happy. But I sure will not stop here. I’m still hungry for more.

You debuted with such huge success. Does that give you pressure when you write songs?

To be honest, it doesn’t. Whether my songs lead the charts or not, I just enjoy the process of making music and having people enjoy listening to them. The only thing I’m looking forward to and perhaps a little nervous about is the day I have my own concert to sing only the songs written by me. “What if I don’t sing well’ and “I can’t wait for that day” are two things on my mind. I like the fact that my songs exist in this world. For me, that’s more important than having my songs heard by many people. I don’t want to be phased out. I want to sing for as long as I can.

What kind of accomplishment would make you feel satisfied?

I think I’d be more satisfied to have my songs remain in people’s memory for a long time than achieving certain numerical goals like how many people listen to my song, how long my song stays atop or how much money I make off royalties.

Another notable success of “Traffic Light” is that it was loved by all generations. It was also one of the most popular requests on many radio shows. You must have gotten all kinds of responses through all this. How do you take people’s feedback?

Comments from professors or experts definitely are helpful because there are things that can be missed when you listen just for fun. But when it comes to feedback from the general public, whether they are positive or not, I don’t let that affect me too much because it’s just their taste of music. It’s totally up to them to enjoy the song or not. Yang Hee Eun once said, “A song only belongs to a singer until it’s complete and presented to people.”

You’ve always said in interviews that you want to make “music that is easy to listen to.” What kind of music is that for you?

I guess it’s not very easy to define since everyone has a different taste. For me, it’s not about genre. It’s the kind of music that you can play or sing with comfort. You can see such comfort in heavy metal music too. In my opinion, Jason Mraz and Stevie Wonder are musicians with the ability to do all kinds of genres who still look very comfortable doing any kind of music.

Based on your songs released so far, one can say all your music has an interesting story.

Melodies can get old, but stories never die. I spend more time on stories as they are very important in any song. My music is a gateway to my emotions. I like to tell untold stories and express my thoughts in my songs. I thought I have quite some experience in love to write about it in a song, but it’s not easy. I might be just avoiding it because there are already too many songs about love. Oh, but actually “When It Snows” released in early December is about love.

Anything you have experienced recently that you want to write about?

I want to make a song about “aftershocks.” They could be smaller vibrations of the ground you feel before the main shock or the aftermath of the earthquake in a different region. I’m not sure when it will be released but I’m working on something like this.

Have you thought about singing a song written by another musician?

I wanted to get a song from AKMU’s Lee Chan Hyuk. I used to write casual and cute songs, but I felt the kind of music he writes is out of my league. Also, there’s a Japanese duo called Yorushika. They are mostly active online and their videos get billions of views. One is a vocalist and the other one is a composer and I’d like to get a song from the composer.

On Sing Again you describe yourself as “a singer like the yellow traffic light” because the way it only lights up for three seconds but tries its best, for every chance it gets resembles you. Now that you have more opportunities to perform, how would you describe yourself?

There’s no other way to describe me than “I’m Lee Mujin.” This is how I wanted to introduce myself on the show but because of the rules, I couldn’t.

Why did you choose Sing Again among so many audition shows?

I just wanted to be ready before I present myself to the world. That was the show when I felt I was ready and I decided to take the opportunity to prove myself.

You seem to be more excited with the guitar in your hands. Do you feel better when you sing with the guitar?

Not necessarily. I do feel more ready to sing when I strap on my guitar. It’s more fun too. But recently, I’ve lost my interest in playing the instrument. I’m starting to feel like it’s taken for granted and some people even assume that I can’t sing without one.

During the shoot, I noticed you have “I am Lee Mujin” engraved on your guitar.

On Sing Again , I had a guitar from a maker called Dame. I had taken on a part-time job to save money and bought that guitar for my college admission test. They are usually for beginners. I found out that the same model was sold out after the show and the company contacted to thank me and gave it to me as a present.

When did you first start playing the guitar?

I think I was in 5th or 6th grade. I took a class at a local community center, but they never gave me a guitar. You would expect to see the instrument when you sign up for a piano or drum lesson. So I got home pretty upset and my father gave me his old guitar to learn with.

Your father must have some kind of musical influence on you then?

When I was in elementary school TVXQ and Big Bang were the two major K-pop acts of the time. But my father would be playing in his car Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or the classics of Kim Hyun-sik. Naturally, I was exposed to diverse music and that’s how I developed interest in music, I think.

Whether it’s the liberating style when he plays his guitar or the rhythmical groove in his performances, the list of reasons so many people fell in love with Lee Mujin is endless – or in Korean, “Mugoogmujin,” also the name of his fan club. However, it’s inarguably his voice that instantly captivates the listener’s heart as he can easily mesmerize with the first verse of “Hello.” When Lee covered ‘‘Whistle”(1988) by Lee Moon Sae, singer and producer You Heeyeol gave him the highest praise by saying “While the song poses its original vibe, it sounds like it belongs to Singer No.63. It’s a song by the current generation. Whatever he sings, he will be able to make it his style.” Throughout the competition, everyone across generations couldn’t get enough of Lee as he provided the older audience a chance to reminisce and the younger with a new and exciting take on old songs.  

I would say your voice was one of the key factors in your success at Sing Again . Do you consider yourself a born or made vocalist?

I worked really hard on my vocals. I was really bad at singing. I listened to a lot of music and studied each singer’s interpretation and style. I did countless covers for practice and put in so much time perfecting them. There were times I got tired at studying the theories but it didn’t stop me from training and finding my own tone. I think this is how I became more comfortable with any genre I sing. I don’t necessarily have a dynamic vocal range, but I think I’m good at details.

It’s quite interesting that you are in your 20s but you mostly covered songs from the ’70s and ’80s. What’s on your typical playlist?

I listen extensively including songs with their copyrights expired (copyright to a song is expired 70 years after the song is released) and the ones that are just released. As long as they are easy to listen to, I enjoy all kinds of genre.

You’ve been part of many concerts following the show Sing Again . What was your first concert like?

The reason I wanted to be a singer is to sing on a stage and interact with my fans. That’s how important communication is to me. I used to pay for a small underground space to perform or just volunteer to sing. So it’s been fantastic being able to perform on much bigger stages. Eventually, I really want to sing at 88 Jandi Madang where Jason Mraz had his concert a couple years ago. He’s one of my favorite artists and I was very inspired by him. Watching him on that stage made me think I also want to be up there. I’m sure I’ll get a chance in the future.

If you hadn’t become a singer, what would you be doing now?

I once considered becoming a music therapist. Singers generally interact with people who listen to their music but music therapists on the other hand, interact with a very specific group of people. I thought that was something that could make me happy.

It’s almost like you debuted this year. What would you say is the most critical moment in your life that made this possible?

It’d have to be when I first received a compliment for singing a folk song. It was during my music class in elementary school. We were supposed to sing this folk song as a class. Everyone shied away and I ended up finishing the entire song with the teacher. He told me I had a good voice and I should consider singing, including folk songs. [ Laughs ] Since then, I really got into music because it was the first thing that anyone told me I was good at. Then, there is when I got into Seoul Institute of the Arts to major in Applied Music – on the second try. This was the moment that helped me not give up on music. And finally, I’d have to say that every moment is critical for my career. One thing I’m thankful to myself for is the fact that I’m constantly thinking about what kind of music I want to make. This is what drives me.

How would you define the year 2021?

For me, this year has been a wonderful beginning of my career in music and I wish to continue on that journey. And I’ll be able to find out how everything turns out down the road. The true judge of yourself is not the public but only the “future” you. If there are no regrets, that must mean I didn’t do so bad.

“I’m Lee Mujin.”

“The only thing I’m looking forward to and perhaps a little nervous about is the day I have my own concert to sing only the songs written by me.”

“One thing I’m thankful to myself is the fact that I’m constantly thinking about what kind of music I want to make”

“My music is gateway to my emotions. I like to tell untold stories and express my thoughts in my songs.”

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  • Lee Mujin (이무진)

About Lee Mujin (이무진)

Lee Mujin is a South Korean singer-songwriter who rose to fame by finishing in 3rd place on the music audition show Sing Again in 2020, and then cemented his breakout fame though his 2021 single ‘Traffic Light’, which spent three weeks at number one on South Korea’s Gaon Digital Chart and spent a record-breaking 7 weeks on the Billboard K-Pop 100 Chart.

assignment song lee moo jin

무인도의 디바 (Castaway Diva) OST, Pt.1


Firefly (from “Ditto” Original Soundtrack)


사내맞선 OST (Business Proposal Original Soundtrack) Part.1


지금, 헤어지는 중입니다 OST (Now, We Are Breaking Up Original Soundtrack) Part.9


가을 타나 봐 (Fall in Fall) (REVIBE Vol.4)

  • ⇽ Back to List of Artists

assignment song lee moo jin

  • Male singers
  • Male songwriters
  • Male soloists
  • BPM Entertainment
  • 2021 debuts
  • 1.1 2022: BPM
  • 2.1 Mini albums
  • 2.2 Digital singles
  • 2.3 Collaborations
  • 2.5 Participation releases
  • 3 Writing credits
  • 4.1 Concert participation
  • 5.1 Reality shows
  • 5.2 Variety shows
  • 6 Awards and nominations
  • 8 References
  • 9 Official links

2022: BPM [ ]

On March 1, 2022, BPM announced that Lee Mujin had signed with them. [1]

Discography [ ]

[ ] (2022) [ ] " (2021) " (2021) " (2021) " (2021) " (2023) " (2023) " (2023) " (2023) " (2024) " (2024) " (2024) [ ] " (with , Onestar, Lee Jin Sung, Kim Heejae & An Nyeong) (2024) [ ] (2018) " ("Rain and You") (2021) (2021) " ("Sweet") (2022) (2022) (2022) " ("Rest") (2023) (2023) (2023) [ ] (2022) ("가을 타나 봐") (2022)

Writing credits [ ]

  • All credits adapted from KOMCA, unless stated. [2]
Artist Song Album Type
"Is There Anybody" Arranging
"Lying On The Sea" Arranging
"Side Road"
"Traffic Light" Writing
"The Assignment Song"
"When It Snows"
Baby Singer "Crosswalk" Writing
"Room No.8"
"To. Greedy"
" " Writing
"Ordinary Confession"
"Rest" " "
"Summer In Korea" "Music in the Trip OST Part.2"
"Grow Up (Prod. Lee Mujin)" Writing

Concerts [ ]

Concert participation [ ].

  • Yeosu Expo OTT Music Festival (2024) [3]

Filmography [ ]

Reality shows [ ].

  • Sing Again (JTBC, 2020)
  • Famous Singers (JTBC, 2021)

Variety shows [ ]

  • New Festa (JTBC, 2022) - guest (ep. 2)
  • Music Universe K-909 (JTBC, 2023) - guest (ep. 13)

Awards and nominations [ ]

Year Recipient Award Won
K Global Heart Dream Awards
2022 Lee Mujin K Global Vocal Award Won

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  • 1 IOK Company
  • 3 Chanelle Moon


  1. ATEEZ San

    assignment song lee moo jin

  2. Lee Mujin opens YouTube channel with “Traffic Light” & “The Assignment

    assignment song lee moo jin

  3. Lee Mujin(이무진)

    assignment song lee moo jin

  4. Lee Mujin (이무진)

    assignment song lee moo jin

  5. Lee Mujin (이무진)

    assignment song lee moo jin

  6. [Eng|Rom|Han|中字] Lee Mujin

    assignment song lee moo jin


  1. [Eng|Rom|Han|中字] Lee Mujin

    Original video: Mujin Instagram: morilla_lmjMy Instagram: forleemujinPlease like, comment, share and subscribe if you enjoyed...

  2. Lee Mujin (이무진)

    Honestly, it's roughly made. Next week, I hope a humane amount of assignmеnts. Is given to us. I hope it's like that (nеxt week) [Chorus] Professor, I'm sorry. For writing lyrics like this ...

  3. Lee Mujin (이무진)

    과제곡 (교수님 죄송합니다) [The Assignment Song] Lyrics. [이무진 "과제곡 (교수님 죄송합니다)" 가사] [Intro] (교수님 죄송합니다. 죄송합니다 교수님 ...

  4. Lee Mu-jin (이무진)

    교수님이 이 곡을 듣고 많이 웃으셨고 결국 A+받았다고 해요. This is a self-composed song by singer-songwriter Lee Moo-jin, who was the hottest in 2021. He majored in practical music, and he made this song for assignment submission. His professor laughed a lot after hearing this song and eventually got an A+.

  5. [Lyrics/Eng sub]The Assignment Song(I'm Sorry, Professor)

    #fanmade #translation #lyrics #Eng_sub #caption Please understand this translation is not confirmed by Lee Mujin. original video: L'OCCITANE STAY X MUJIN LEE...

  6. Lee Mujin

    Genius Romanizations - Lee Mujin - 과제곡 (The Assignment Song) (Romanized) Lyrics: (Gyosunim cwesongamnida / Chwesongamnida gyosunim chwesongamnida) / Ye gyosunim gwajeneun dasotgaegunyo (ne?)

  7. Lee Mujin (이무진) lyrics with translations

    Songs Translations; 8번 연습실 (Room No.8) (8beon yeonseubsil) Transliteration: I Miss You: 信号灯 (Shingōtō) 가을 타나 봐 (Fall in Fall) (ga-eul tana bwa) 과제곡 (교수님 죄송합니다) (The Assignment Song) (gwajegog) English Russian +2: 누구 없소 (nugu eobs-so) English: 눈이 오잖아 (When It Snows) (nun-i ojanh-a ...

  8. The Assignment Song (과제곡)

    Lee Mujin. The Assignment Song (과제곡) Single • 2021. 1 song • 3 minutes, 50 seconds. 1. The Assignment Song (과제곡 (교수님 죄송합니다)) 6.2M plays. 3:50. New recommendations Song Video Search. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute Autoplay. Add similar content to the end of the queue. Autoplay is on ...

  9. The Assignment Song

    Lee Mujin · Song · 2021

  10. [Eng|Rom|Han|中字] Lee Mujin

    Original video: Lee Mujin Instagram: morilla_lmj My Instagram: forleemujin Please like, comment, share and subscribe if you en...

  11. Lee Mujin (이무진) イムジン

    Lee Mujin(이무진) イムジン - The Assignment Song (과제곡)(Sketchbook) リクエストしていただいたものになります!リクエストありがとうございました⭐️ ...

  12. The Assignment Song

    Listen to The Assignment Song by Lee Mujin. See lyrics and music videos, find Lee Mujin tour dates, buy concert tickets, and more!

  13. [K-pop] "Assignment song" / Lee, Mu-jin

    I got the assignment, 또 다른 할 일이 산처럼 쌓여 있었기에. Because there were other things to do, piled up like a mountain. 미루고 미루다. After procrastinating. 하루 전 날에 애써 만든. that I made the day before. 이 노래는 교수님이 쓰라 해서 쓰는 노래. This song is a song my professor told me to ...

  14. The Assignment Song (과제곡) (교수님 죄송합니다)

    Posts relacionados. LEE MU JIN - The Assignment Song (과제곡) (교수님 죄송합니다) (Letra y canción para escuchar) - 이 노래는 교수님이 쓰라 해서 / 쓰는 노래 솔직히 대충 만들었네 / 다음 주엔 인간적인 양의 과제를 / 받았음 해 그랬음 해, 어 / / 교수님, 죄송합니다 / 이런 가사를 ...

  15. assignment song

    Traffic Light. 2021. 5. 14. 2nd single

  16. Lee Mu-jin

    Lee Mu-jin (Korean: 이무진; born December 28, 2000) is a South Korean singer and songwriter.He rose to fame after appearing on the music audition show Sing Again in 2020, in which he finished in 3rd place. [2] His 2021 single, "Traffic Light", spent three weeks at number one on South Korea's Gaon Digital Chart. [3]Since 2022, he is the main host on KBS music web show, LeeMujin Service.

  17. Lee Moo-jin

    This is singer-songwriter Lee Moo-jin who talks while playing guitar. What Moojin Lee always says when introducing himself. South Korean singer -songwriter. ... On March 19, 2021, his self-composed song 'Assignment Song' was first released as a teaser for Singer Famous Singer Exhibition on Naver TV. His hyper-realistic lyrics, emotional acting ...

  18. The Assignment Song : MyGuitarSP [English]

    The Assignment Song - LEE MU JIN5 page / 3:40 ※Watch the video and check the difficulty level! #교수님죄송합니다 ... The Assignment Song - LEE MU JIN. 5 page / 3:40 ※Watch the video and check the difficulty level! #교수님죄송합니다 ...

  19. The Assignment Song

    Learn how to play The Assignment Song - Lee Mu Jin on the piano. Our lesson is an easy way to see how to play these Sheet music. Join our community.

  20. Lee Mujin Interview on Being Billboard K-Pop 100 Rookie of the Year

    12/23/2021. Lee Mujin Billboard Korea. At the turn of the year 2021, no one expected that the "Rookie of the Year" on the year-end Billboard K-Pop 100 would go to a male solo artist. Major ...

  21. Lee Mujin (이무진) Lyrics, Songs, and Albums

    About Lee Mujin (이무진) Lee Mujin is a South Korean singer-songwriter who rose to fame by finishing in 3rd place on the music audition show Sing Again in 2020, and then cemented his breakout ...

  22. The Assignment Song

    Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of The Assignment Song - Lee Mu Jin for The Assignment Song by Lee Mu Jin arranged by dozar00 for Piano, Organ (Mixed Trio) Scores. Courses. Start Free Trial Upload Log in. Spring into savings: Get 90% OFF 16: 15: 41. View offer. Off. 100%.

  23. Lee Mujin

    Lee Mujin (이무진) is a South Korean singer-songwriter under BPM Entertainment. He made his solo debut on May 14, 2021 with the digital single "Traffic Light". On March 1, 2022, BPM announced that Lee Mujin had signed with them.[1] All credits adapted from KOMCA, unless stated.[2] Yeosu Expo OTT Music Festival (2024)[3] Sing Again (JTBC, 2020) Famous Singers (JTBC, 2021) New Festa (JTBC ...