Top 20 Problem Solving Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

By Mike Simpson

When candidates prepare for interviews, they usually focus on highlighting their leadership, communication, teamwork, and similar crucial soft skills . However, not everyone gets ready for problem-solving interview questions. And that can be a big mistake.

Problem-solving is relevant to nearly any job on the planet. Yes, it’s more prevalent in certain industries, but it’s helpful almost everywhere.

Regardless of the role you want to land, you may be asked to provide problem-solving examples or describe how you would deal with specific situations. That’s why being ready to showcase your problem-solving skills is so vital.

If you aren’t sure who to tackle problem-solving questions, don’t worry, we have your back. Come with us as we explore this exciting part of the interview process, as well as some problem-solving interview questions and example answers.

What Is Problem-Solving?

When you’re trying to land a position, there’s a good chance you’ll face some problem-solving interview questions. But what exactly is problem-solving? And why is it so important to hiring managers?

Well, the good folks at Merriam-Webster define problem-solving as “the process or act of finding a solution to a problem.” While that may seem like common sense, there’s a critical part to that definition that should catch your eye.

What part is that? The word “process.”

In the end, problem-solving is an activity. It’s your ability to take appropriate steps to find answers, determine how to proceed, or otherwise overcome the challenge.

Being great at it usually means having a range of helpful problem-solving skills and traits. Research, diligence, patience, attention-to-detail , collaboration… they can all play a role. So can analytical thinking , creativity, and open-mindedness.

But why do hiring managers worry about your problem-solving skills? Well, mainly, because every job comes with its fair share of problems.

While problem-solving is relevant to scientific, technical, legal, medical, and a whole slew of other careers. It helps you overcome challenges and deal with the unexpected. It plays a role in troubleshooting and innovation. That’s why it matters to hiring managers.

How to Answer Problem-Solving Interview Questions

Okay, before we get to our examples, let’s take a quick second to talk about strategy. Knowing how to answer problem-solving interview questions is crucial. Why? Because the hiring manager might ask you something that you don’t anticipate.

Problem-solving interview questions are all about seeing how you think. As a result, they can be a bit… unconventional.

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill job interview questions . Instead, they are tricky behavioral interview questions . After all, the goal is to find out how you approach problem-solving, so most are going to feature scenarios, brainteasers, or something similar.

So, having a great strategy means knowing how to deal with behavioral questions. Luckily, there are a couple of tools that can help.

First, when it comes to the classic approach to behavioral interview questions, look no further than the STAR Method . With the STAR method, you learn how to turn your answers into captivating stories. This makes your responses tons more engaging, ensuring you keep the hiring manager’s attention from beginning to end.

Now, should you stop with the STAR Method? Of course not. If you want to take your answers to the next level, spend some time with the Tailoring Method , too.

With the Tailoring Method, it’s all about relevance. So, if you get a chance to choose an example that demonstrates your problem-solving skills, this is really the way to go.

We also wanted to let you know that we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview. After all, hiring managers will often ask you more generalized interview questions!

Click below to get your free PDF now:

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FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


Top 3 Problem-Solving-Based Interview Questions

Alright, here is what you’ve been waiting for: the problem-solving questions and sample answers.

While many questions in this category are job-specific, these tend to apply to nearly any job. That means there’s a good chance you’ll come across them at some point in your career, making them a great starting point when you’re practicing for an interview.

So, let’s dive in, shall we? Here’s a look at the top three problem-solving interview questions and example responses.

1. Can you tell me about a time when you had to solve a challenging problem?

In the land of problem-solving questions, this one might be your best-case scenario. It lets you choose your own problem-solving examples to highlight, putting you in complete control.

When you choose an example, go with one that is relevant to what you’ll face in the role. The closer the match, the better the answer is in the eyes of the hiring manager.


“While working as a mobile telecom support specialist for a large organization, we had to transition our MDM service from one vendor to another within 45 days. This personally physically handling 500 devices within the agency. Devices had to be gathered from the headquarters and satellite offices, which were located all across the state, something that was challenging even without the tight deadline. I approached the situation by identifying the location assignment of all personnel within the organization, enabling me to estimate transit times for receiving the devices. Next, I timed out how many devices I could personally update in a day. Together, this allowed me to create a general timeline. After that, I coordinated with each location, both expressing the urgency of adhering to deadlines and scheduling bulk shipping options. While there were occasional bouts of resistance, I worked with location leaders to calm concerns and facilitate action. While performing all of the updates was daunting, my approach to organizing the event made it a success. Ultimately, the entire transition was finished five days before the deadline, exceeding the expectations of many.”

2. Describe a time where you made a mistake. What did you do to fix it?

While this might not look like it’s based on problem-solving on the surface, it actually is. When you make a mistake, it creates a challenge, one you have to work your way through. At a minimum, it’s an opportunity to highlight problem-solving skills, even if you don’t address the topic directly.

When you choose an example, you want to go with a situation where the end was positive. However, the issue still has to be significant, causing something negative to happen in the moment that you, ideally, overcame.

“When I first began in a supervisory role, I had trouble setting down my individual contributor hat. I tried to keep up with my past duties while also taking on the responsibilities of my new role. As a result, I began rushing and introduced an error into the code of the software my team was updating. The error led to a memory leak. We became aware of the issue when the performance was hindered, though we didn’t immediately know the cause. I dove back into the code, reviewing recent changes, and, ultimately, determined the issue was a mistake on my end. When I made that discovery, I took several steps. First, I let my team know that the error was mine and let them know its nature. Second, I worked with my team to correct the issue, resolving the memory leak. Finally, I took this as a lesson about delegation. I began assigning work to my team more effectively, a move that allowed me to excel as a manager and help them thrive as contributors. It was a crucial learning moment, one that I have valued every day since.”

3. If you identify a potential risk in a project, what steps do you take to prevent it?

Yes, this is also a problem-solving question. The difference is, with this one, it’s not about fixing an issue; it’s about stopping it from happening. Still, you use problem-solving skills along the way, so it falls in this question category.

If you can, use an example of a moment when you mitigated risk in the past. If you haven’t had that opportunity, approach it theoretically, discussing the steps you would take to prevent an issue from developing.

“If I identify a potential risk in a project, my first step is to assess the various factors that could lead to a poor outcome. Prevention requires analysis. Ensuring I fully understand what can trigger the undesired event creates the right foundation, allowing me to figure out how to reduce the likelihood of those events occurring. Once I have the right level of understanding, I come up with a mitigation plan. Exactly what this includes varies depending on the nature of the issue, though it usually involves various steps and checks designed to monitor the project as it progresses to spot paths that may make the problem more likely to happen. I find this approach effective as it combines knowledge and ongoing vigilance. That way, if the project begins to head into risky territory, I can correct its trajectory.”

17 More Problem-Solving-Based Interview Questions

In the world of problem-solving questions, some apply to a wide range of jobs, while others are more niche. For example, customer service reps and IT helpdesk professionals both encounter challenges, but not usually the same kind.

As a result, some of the questions in this list may be more relevant to certain careers than others. However, they all give you insights into what this kind of question looks like, making them worth reviewing.

Here are 17 more problem-solving interview questions you might face off against during your job search:

  • How would you describe your problem-solving skills?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you had to use creativity to deal with an obstacle?
  • Describe a time when you discovered an unmet customer need while assisting a customer and found a way to meet it.
  • If you were faced with an upset customer, how would you diffuse the situation?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to troubleshoot a complex issue.
  • Imagine you were overseeing a project and needed a particular item. You have two choices of vendors: one that can deliver on time but would be over budget, and one that’s under budget but would deliver one week later than you need it. How do you figure out which approach to use?
  • Your manager wants to upgrade a tool you regularly use for your job and wants your recommendation. How do you formulate one?
  • A supplier has said that an item you need for a project isn’t going to be delivered as scheduled, something that would cause your project to fall behind schedule. What do you do to try and keep the timeline on target?
  • Can you share an example of a moment where you encountered a unique problem you and your colleagues had never seen before? How did you figure out what to do?
  • Imagine you were scheduled to give a presentation with a colleague, and your colleague called in sick right before it was set to begin. What would you do?
  • If you are given two urgent tasks from different members of the leadership team, both with the same tight deadline, how do you choose which to tackle first?
  • Tell me about a time you and a colleague didn’t see eye-to-eye. How did you decide what to do?
  • Describe your troubleshooting process.
  • Tell me about a time where there was a problem that you weren’t able to solve. What happened?
  • In your opening, what skills or traits make a person an exceptional problem-solver?
  • When you face a problem that requires action, do you usually jump in or take a moment to carefully assess the situation?
  • When you encounter a new problem you’ve never seen before, what is the first step that you take?

Putting It All Together

At this point, you should have a solid idea of how to approach problem-solving interview questions. Use the tips above to your advantage. That way, you can thrive during your next interview.

FREE : Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet!

Download our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you word-for-word sample answers to some of the most common interview questions including:

  • What Is Your Greatest Weakness?
  • What Is Your Greatest Strength?
  • Tell Me About Yourself
  • Why Should We Hire You?

Click Here To Get The Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Analytical Skills Interview Questions for Assessment


Interview questions that test analytical skills can be difficult to create. We know – we’ve designed an entire platform around assessing analytical skills for programmers,  data analysts ,  data scientists  and data engineers. Some candidates have the technical skills and experience but might not have the analytical and critical thinking skills to be successful in a role.

Figuring Out Which Candidates Have The Right Technical Skills

That’s where analytical interview questions that assess analytical and problem-solving skills come in.


What are Analytical Skills?

In every data-related job role today, and even non-technical job roles, you will see “strong analytical skills” or something of that nature listed as a requirement. Here’s an  example from a job posting on our website for an Analytics Consultant  role.

The definition of analytical skills may differ according to the job at hand and may touch a wide variety of situations. The type of “analytical skills” we are referring to in this article does not involve the use of data analytics tools, but rather the process of analytical thinking and reasoning.

Analytical skills encompass a candidate’s ability to break down a complex problem and associated data and apply critical thinking to solve the problem or make a decision. Critical thinking, reasoning and problem-solving are closely associated with  analytical skills .

critical thinking skills

These 5 critical thinking skills are analytical skills (courtesy of

Analytical skills involve deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is the process of reaching a conclusion based on one or more givens. Inductive reasoning involves taking specific data or information and making predictions based on that.

Those with strong analytical skills will consider how key elements within disparate information relate to one another and are more likely to notice crucial patterns and details.

Characteristics of Analytical Questions Interviews

When creating a line of analytical skills questioning for interviews, you’ll want to craft questions that help you find out among other things:

  • How and why a candidate would gather data from different sources
  • Their approach to evaluating that data and information, especially in light of gaps or challenges
  • Their thinking behind how to communicate results of evaluations and key findings
  • Their critical thinking process behind making judgments that will help the business

First and foremost, analytical skills assessments should be challenging. They should provoke introspection and thoughtfulness on the part of the candidate. And yes, the questions should make the candidate squirm a little. After all, when on the job they are sure to meet with difficulties and you want to know how they will handle these in advance.

Analytical skills interview questions go beyond pure job skills and experience. They evaluate a candidate’s ability to assess the impact of their actions and decisions.

One popular type of interview question is “behavioral”. These types of questions are geared towards discovering how a candidate handles pressure, stress or conflict. An interviewer will ask the candidate to describe a troubling situation and how they handled the problem. In doing so, they hope to gain insight into the candidate’s thought process and approach to problem-solving, what role they play in results and decisions and their understanding of the impact.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer to these questions. You are looking for how a candidate responds to a situation or problem.

One thing that analytical skills interview questions are NOT is a series of brain-teasers. Brainteaser questions are all the rage in technical job interviews these days. These kinds of questions simply do not measure a candidate’s ability to problem-solve or think rationally and critically.  Nor or they a measure of success on the job.

While analytical skills are required for many types of jobs, in this article we focus on data-related job roles and the types of  analytics skills  questions you might want to ask of candidates for data science,  data engineering , data analyst and machine learning roles.

Brain teaser

Brainteasers such as this one do not assess critical thinking. (Courtesy of Analyticsvidha)

10 Analytical Questions in Interviews for Data Science Roles

Analytics skills are part and parcel of the data science process. Anyone working on a data science or  advanced analytics team  must demonstrate intellectual curiosity, comfort with uncertainty and an ability to apply rational critical thinking to solve problems.

So what types of questions might you ask to assess these traits?

We’ve put together a list of 10 example questions:

1. Tell me about a time when you had multiple important projects to finish and how you prioritized them.

This question provides an overview as to how a candidate weighs different factors and information, their approach to analyzing them to determine priorities and outcomes.

2. Imagine a situation in which a teammate wants to solve a problem in a certain way, but your boss has a very different approach in mind. Your colleague comes to you asking for help in deciding on the right approach. What do you do?

This question examines multi-layered analytical thinking. The candidate must weigh a number of possible factors and outcomes and do a bit of scenario analysis at a technical, professional and business impact level.

3. What do you think are the criteria to say whether a developed data model is good or not?

This question combines a bit of analytical thinking as it would apply to the job at hand allowing you to assess technical skills as well.

4. When do you think you should retrain a model? Is it dependent on the data?

As with the previous question, this open-ended question will give you insights into 0n-the-job critical thinking and associated decision-making skills.

5. How do you identify a barrier to performance?

This simple question reveals how a candidate would approach a real-world problem on the job. It will also give you insight as to how a candidate defines personally what a challenging situation is.

6. How do you clean up and organize large datasets?

The answer to this question will reveal a candidate’s ability to organize and think about an approach to work based on their knowledge and judgment of what it will take to analyze data and information accurately and meaningfully.

7. Why are you interested in analytics?

The answer to this question will likely reveal the building blocks of a candidate’s approach to problem-solving and critical thinking and how far they are willing to go to solve problems.

8. How would you come up with a solution to identify plagiarism?

This kind of question will give you an insight both into technical ability and a candidate’s ability to use those skills to solve an open-ended problem.

9. What are the steps in a typical analytics project?

This question won’t necessarily give you deep insight into a candidate’s thought process, but it will allow you to evaluate if they have a process at all. You can ask further questions with some of the steps they enumerate to gauge analytical skills.

10. Provide a real-world challenge from your company and ask the candidate to solve it.

There’s nothing more revealing about a candidate’s analytical thought process then observing how they apply it to a real-world situation, especially one that impacts your company. For this reason, real-world challenges are core to QuantHub’s platform.

Criteria for Evaluating Answers to Analytical Interview Questions

When interviewing for data-related roles, you will want to look for candidates to provide examples of problem-solving methods, to describe what steps they take to identify barriers to achieving their goal, and use of benchmarks or comparisons to judge their decisions and the impact of their approach and actions.

Candidates should also exhibit good and fair fact-based judgment in their conclusions and processes. They should also be able to envision a solution (s) to any problem and what the fall out from that solution might be.

Ikea job interview

Generally speaking, candidates who fall into the following traps should be questioned with respect to analytical capabilities:

  • Lack of fact-checking
  • Too many assumptions
  • Not enough creative or lateral thinking/tunnel vision
  • Difficulty explaining a specific approach and technical details of their approach
  • Don’t dig deep enough into a problem and ask questions for clarity or more information
  • Can’t provide examples of analytical skills from previous experience or don’t use the whiteboard when appropriate to demonstrate skills

The Bottom Line on Analytical Interview Questions

As a recruiter or hiring manager, or even as a candidate, it’s critical to recognize that while technical skills are a core component of performance in data science roles, these can be learned. What is more difficult to learn on the job however are the kinds of analytical skills described previously.

So be sure to include analytical interview questions that get to the heart of a candidate’s ability to solve your business problems rationally and responsibly.

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Top 25 Analytical Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

Editorial Team

Analytical Interview Questions and Answers

Before attending an analytical interview, you must identify what it entails. Whether it’s a business analyst interview, data entry interview, analytical chemistry, financial analyst, or any other, you must put in the effort and prepare to realize a positive outcome.

Analytical interview questions help test an interviewee’s ability to think logically and analyze data. They examine a candidate’s reaction when you present them with complex situations. Still, they measure a candidate’s ability to think logically, evaluate pros and cons and analyze data.

Before going for an analytical interview, be aware that the process entails testing your ability to find solutions that solve problems. To some extent, almost every job you apply for requires some basic knowledge of analytical skills. Some positions that utilize analytical thinking include market strategist, investment expert, business professionals, and marketing managers, among many others.

You cannot deliver and be productive at your job without adequate analytical skills. For many positions, it is beneficial to use an analytical skill test. Below are a sample of analytical questions and examples of possible answers.

1.  Why Do You Have An Interest In This Role? 

I’ve always been passionate about analyzing data and have been an analyst for five years .  My interest started in high school, where I developed an interest in this field. It is my English teacher who played a role in helping me identify the problem-solving skills that led me to this career path.

2.  Why Did You Choose This Course?

I’ve always loved to analyze situations because it helps me come up with solutions to complex problems. I know that this position demands that I have excellent analytical skills that will prepare me for leadership and managerial roles.

I recently enrolled in an introductory course as a financial analyst to better groom myself for the job market. I believe a career in this industry needs someone with proper critical skills who can find lasting solutions to any arising challenges.

I also chose a career in analytics because of the numerous opportunities that will propel me to a successful career. I thoroughly enjoy analyzing data, monitoring stock markets, and assisting people in making sound financial choices.

3. Why Do You Need A Job In Our Company? 

I am passionate about analysis with five years of working experience. I have always desired to apply the skills gained in a successful forward-moving company like yours. My desire to work with you started long ago while still on campus. When I saw your advertisement, I could not resist and had to make my application.

Working in your organization will be a dream come true as it will allow me to utilize my skills and positively contribute to your business.

4. What Qualities Do You Need To Succeed In This Role? 

  • Excellent research skills that entail data collection and analysis,
  • IT competency and computer proficiency,
  • Good written and oral communication skills to help compile interpreted data,
  • Problem-solving abilities to overcome arising challenges within the workplace and demystify complex issues,
  • Organizational skills to help meet set deadlines irrespective of the workload,
  • Intervention skills that simplify complex information and break down technical data.

5. Share An Instance Where You Faced A Challenge, But The Information Given Was Scanty. How Did You Tackle This Challenge?

My current job description involves developing improved processes within the department to help improve efficiency while minimizing overhead costs. I analyzed our databases to understand what worked or did not work in the past.

One specific process we used would involve updating information on the cloud and Google Sheets. However, I noticed irregularities on further analysis as most critical information was missing on both applications. I shared this oversight with my boss, who tasked me with updating information on both databases. Keenly updating data has helped improve accuracy when analyzing data.

If I don’t have adequate information when handling a task, I look at our written policies and procedures to determine whether the information there can help solve the matter. Previous challenges have led us to update our policies to correspond with modern technological processes.

6. How Do A Situation’s Pros And Cons Influence Your Decision-Making Process? 

Looking analytically at the advantages and disadvantages helps me assess the positive and negative sides of a situation to help me make better decisions. As much as possible, I try to simplify the process by critically analyzing both options. If the benefits outweigh the cons, I move forward with that decision and implement it.

For example, there are instances where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages by only one aspect. So I had to delve deeper into understanding how this choice would impact our business. Apart from the financial aspect, I also analyzed other related factors and realized that such a decision would be costlier in the long run and negatively impact the company. So we opted to forego that decision and found a more appropriate solution to our current challenges.

7. What Procedure Do You Use When Troubleshooting An Issue? 

First, I always strive to understand the genesis of a problem and how it came about. From there, I analyzed each step to see if I had missed doing something that led to the current crisis. After that, I try to integrate different ways to fix the problem by testing multiple available options. Hopefully, at this juncture, a solution is imminent. If not, I always backtrack to identify anything I may have missed, and when an answer isn’t forthcoming, I involve my seniors.

8. Which Type Of Metrics Do You Usually Track, And How Do You Integrate Them Into Your Decision-Making Processes? 

I have been using analytical applications to track websites, page clicks, and site visitors for a long time. My team and I use these crucial metrics to develop campaigns that attract potential customers to our brand. It helps us track the performance of a new marketing strategy in terms of traffic and engagement on our website. We use these metrics to decide on the trajectory of our next campaign and if we need to stop current promotions that aren’t working as we had hoped they would.

9. Share An Instance That Led You To Take Risks To Achieve Your Desired Goal. What Was Your Approach, And Outcome? 

Recently, my department needed to devise a solution for our company website because our contact page wouldn’t load despite our attempts to resolve the matter. Unknown to us, something in our coding was amiss that we had previously not noticed. I brought it up in our departmental meeting, where I became responsible for analyzing the problem further to get to its root. With my background in IT, I was able to rectify the oversight and restore our contact page. Under normal circumstances, we would first carry out assessments, but since it was an emergency, we had to act fast, which paid off.

10. From Your Experience, Can You Say Integrating An Elaborate Procedure Is Always Necessary For Your Job?

I know that I am highly productive when I follow a detailed procedure at work. Testing and developing a comprehensive approach helps me work better while saving time. It also allows me to adjust an existing process based on evolving technologies. It is cheaper and faster to modify a current business process than blindly using a trial and error approach. From my understanding, I advocate that a detailed work process is necessary and helps improve efficiency at work.

11. How Do You Integrate Recommendations When Your Boss Needs Your Input On A Field You Are Not An Expert In? 

In an earlier role, my manager asked for my opinion on implementing new software. Before giving my feedback, I did thorough online research and checked out reviews from previous customers who’ve used similar software. I also looked at various new software components while comparing them with our company’s specific needs.

I studied the pros and cons of the software’s effectiveness on our business processes. I then consulted the finance department about the budget to ensure we could afford it without straining our existing budget.

Having analyzed all these factors, I then approached my manager with my honest opinion. He took my advice and recommendations, thereby implementing that software. It was a beneficial move that improved efficiency and productivity and helped save precious time. 

12. Which Major Challenges Have You Encountered At Work, And How Did You Manage Them? 

Soon after college, I got an internship position at Detex International. My greatest challenge at the time was the workload. I was a fresh graduate with no work experience, so the assignment was overwhelming.

I had to adjust and formulate a workable solution to that challenge.

First, I learned to prioritize urgent tasks and complete them immediately, allowing me to concentrate on the more complex, time-consuming tasks. I always create a checklist to ensure I don’t forget essential processes. Handling easier duties first helped me work faster without losing my enthusiasm. Within a month, I organized my work schedule and won the best intern award that season. The organization’s management invited me to apply for a long-term position once I graduated, an offer that I humbly accepted.

13. Describe Your Day-To-Day Work Routine As An Analyst? 

My daily responsibilities revolve around creating and preparing materials for the department, analyzing, interpreting, compiling data, and contacting clients or stakeholders. Whenever I get out of the office, I create time to visit a client or hold a meeting with company stakeholders. I regularly meet with my team to be at par and discuss various options for tackling existing projects.

To effectively meet my targets, I create a weekly to-do list that helps me prepare for my weekly tasks. Early preparation helps me be more effective and productive. Each day before leaving the office, I dedicate an hour to going through my online analysis journals and industry newsletters that I have subscribed to.

14. Briefly Describe Your Work-Related Experience? 

I have worked as an analyst for the last five years, having joined my previous role as an intern. I obtained most of my experience in handling financial study for the company. My work experience taught me to utilize technology and software to analyze data.

Dedication and leadership skills have also helped me rise through the ranks to head a department. Leading a team has helped enhance my managerial skills. I have also learned how to identify and utilize skills in others while placing suitable candidates for different roles. Learning to work in a team has helped me meet deadlines and improve efficiency at work.

15. From Your Experience, What Strategies Are Beneficial For This Role? 

Data analysis can become overwhelming as it requires a high level of accuracy. One beneficial strategy for success is teamwork. When each team member handles their area of specialization professionally, the outcome is a success because it brings together individuals specializing in different skills, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

16. What Is The Greatest Setback You Foresee In This Role, And What Strategies Do You Have To Help You Overcome It? 

I have created time to study your organization and am pleased with my findings. Most of the challenges I have come across in the past are adequately taken care of here. I cannot pinpoint any specific issue at the moment. However, with your guidance, I can always find solutions to any arising challenges. 

17. How Do You Motivate Yourself At The Workplace?

I stay focused through meditation and discipline, which are traits I have developed over a prolonged period. I love achieving success in everything I do, which drives me to stay committed despite any challenges I may be facing.

18. Share An Experience Where You Failed At Work And The Lessons You Derived From That Experience?

In my last role, my responsibilities included a project that proved too overwhelming for me. My greatest mistake was handling it alone instead of involving my teammates. The experience left me feeling stressed as I worked long hours and still could not meet the set milestones. The outcome was a rushed project that was below the standard, resulting in me receiving a warning letter. I was under probation, which almost led me to lose my job.

From then on, I learned the benefits of teamwork. Had I involved others, we would have done a better job as each member would contribute their area of specialization and make work lighter. From that day onwards, I learned the skills within each member where I could delegate tasks to the most qualified candidates.

19. What Are Thoughts On Analytical Risk?

Risk fascinates me as it helps me work hard to develop solutions to complex challenges. From experience, I have learned to mitigate risk and forecast workable solutions within short periods. Too much risk is dangerous as it may lead to massive losses or bankruptcy.

20. How Do You Document Data And Organize Your Files? 

While paperwork can be repetitive, I appreciate its role in compiling data. I have devised strategies to help me organize files and documents, allowing my team to retrieve data efficiently. I save essential files on the cloud and Google drive ensuring that relevant individuals can access sensitive data.

21. How Do You Maintain Relevance In Your Work Strategies While Ensuring You Remain Tech Savvy?

My passion for analysis helps me go out of my way to update my knowledge on the subject. The frequent introduction of new applications and software makes me dedicate considerable time to learning and remaining relevant in this field.

From time to time, I enroll in online classes to sharpen my skills, attend industry workshops, and network with experts in this industry. I also learn a lot from my mentors through webinars and seminars on different analysis topics.

22. How Do You Deal With Pressure? 

First, I identify the source of the pressure. Suppose the cause is workload. I devise a strategy on how I will effectively handle it. I also try to remain calm and have learned to multitask. Dealing with distractions has also helped me utilize my time wisely and ensure I meet set goals and maintain productivity.

23. Why Do You Believe That You Are The Best Candidate For This Role? 

I always dedicate time and effort to sharpen my skills. I consider myself a resilient, determined and capable candidate who can thrust your company to greater heights. My long-term working experience makes me an ideal candidate to improve efficiency and productivity.

24. In Your View, What Is The Best Approach To Mitigate Risk?

The most effective way to minimize risk at work is to prioritize risk control by testing new strategies to determine their impact before integrating them.

25. What Procedure Do You Utilize For Risk Identification? 

First, I understand the business goals and then create strategies for identifying potential risks. I research to determine if the company has adequate tools and staffing available to handle any emerging threats. A well-equipped company with proper machinery, software applications, and staffing has a better chance of minimizing and adequately addressing unexpected risks.

Job recruiters ask analytical questions to assess your level of critical thinking skills and if you can get solutions to complex problems within the workplace. Ensure your answers reflect your ability to compile and critically analyze information while creating workable cost-effective solutions. Expect recruiters to ask you theoretical and case-specific questions. If the opportunity presents itself, ask follow-up questions to understand better what is expected of you when you get hired. Asking questions eliminates assumptions while showing the interviewer of your interest. Don’t forget that analytical thinkers always prioritize facts over assumptions.

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Top 17 Problem-Solving Interview Questions for Freshers & Experienced Professionals

Problem Solving Interview Questions

Problem-solving skills are essential for success in almost any job position. Employers are in search of individuals who possess the ability to think critically, tackle obstacles and situations systematically, and develop efficient resolutions. In this guide, you will get different problem-solving interview questions and answers and valuable tips to equip you to prepare for your upcoming interview.

Table of Contents

What are Problem-Solving Interview Questions?

Problem-solving interview questions are questions that focus on a candidate’s aptitude for collecting information, evaluating an issue, considering its advantages and disadvantages, and arriving at a sound conclusion. Employers use these questions to understand and analyze one’s critical thinking abilities and ability to make informed decisions.

These questions are designed to assess a candidate’s critical thinking and decision-making skills. You can develop the right attitude and approach to solving a problem by checking out this complete guide on what are problem-solving skills .

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Problem-Solving Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Below are the common problem-solving interview questions you might likely come across as a fresher. You can also check out this interview preparation course to equip yourself with common interview etiquette .

Q1. When faced with a problem, what is your action plan?

Answer: When I encounter a problem, my first step is to explore how others have successfully addressed similar challenges. This research provides me with diverse solutions, enabling me to choose the most fitting approach for both myself and the organization. Subsequently, I collaborate with my managers and colleagues, ensuring clear communication as we implement the selected solution.

Q2. What factors do you implement to weigh the pros and cons of a decision?

Answer: When evaluating decisions, I consider various factors, such as the potential impact the decision has on both short-term and long-term goals, assess the risks involved, seek input from relevant team members, and how relevant the decision aligns with the organization’s goals and values. With this comprehensive approach, anyone can make a well-informed decision.

Q3. How do you know when to seek assistance or tackle an issue on your own?

Answer: I evaluate the complexity and urgency of the issue. If it’s something I can handle within a stipulated time frame, I will address it on my own. However, for more complex or time-sensitive issues, I promptly seek help from colleagues or supervisors to ensure a quick and effective resolution.

Q4. Describe a situation when you identified an issue early on and resolved it before it got out of hand?

Answer: In my previous position as an intern, I discovered inaccuracies in the data during a project. Without hesitation, I took it upon myself to thoroughly examine and resolve these discrepancies to ensure precise outcomes. This valuable experience taught me the importance of attention to detail and enhanced my commitment to quality work.

Q5. Describe a situation when you had a task but lacked the abilities needed to finish it?

Answer: In my entry-level role, I successfully managed a sudden increase in customer inquiries caused by a website glitch. I worked with the team to address the issue, prioritized urgent cases, communicated transparently with customers, and provided temporary solutions until a permanent fix was implemented. This situation demonstrated my proficiency in managing high-pressure situations and delivering exceptional service to customers.

Q6. Describe a situation where you handled a crisis well?

Answer: During my internship as a client relations specialist, we encountered an unforeseen rise in customer discontentment due to concerns about the quality of our products. Working closely with relevant departments, I identified the root cause and devised a plan of action. By prioritizing urgent cases and maintaining open communication with affected customers while providing prompt updates, we effectively restored their satisfaction and prevented any further damage to our brand reputation.

Q7. Give an example of a challenging circumstance you experienced at work that called for quick thought and decisive action?

Answer: In a previous internship role, I faced a challenging project with strict deadlines and limited resources. To overcome this obstacle, I employed strategic resource allocation techniques, prioritized tasks effectively, and worked closely with my team members. Through careful planning and delegating responsibilities efficiently, not only did we meet clients’ expectations, but we surpassed the client’s expectations by delivering the completed project within the given deadline.

Q8. How would you respond to a disappointed and angry client?

Answer: When faced with an unhappy client, my focus is to remain calm and positively interact with them to prevent the situation from getting worse. I start by engaging in dialogue to comprehend the reasons for their discontentment, gathering all the essential information needed for effective problem-solving.  Once I have a clear understanding of the issue at hand, I reassure the customer that we are dedicated to resolving it quickly. By providing frequent updates throughout the resolution process, we strive to keep our clients informed and build trust in our efforts toward finding a satisfactory solution.

Q9. What metrics do you usually use to monitor your strategies? 

Answer: I use key performance indicators (KPIs) particular to the objectives of the project or work at hand to keep monitoring my methods. Conversion rates, customer satisfaction ratings, and project schedules are a few examples of these KPIs. By monitoring these metrics regularly, I can evaluate the performance of my strategies and alter them based on data as necessary.

Q10. How would you assess the impact of potential issues?

Answer: To evaluate the effects of potential problems, I utilize a methodical strategy. Initially, I determine the type and extent of the issue by assessing its potential to cause disruptions or hinder project objectives. Then, I consider how it may impact related tasks and timelines. After prioritizing these issues based on severity and their overall impact on goals, I create contingency plans proactively and allocate resources efficiently. This approach allows me to effectively manage challenges before they escalate, ultimately minimizing any negative consequences for the success of the project.

Also Read: Common Interview Questions for Freshers .

Problem-Solving Questions with Answers for Experienced Candidates

Here are some problem-solving questions and answers for experienced individuals.

Q11. How would you approach a new idea that has enormous profit potential but could have legal ramifications for the business?

Answer: When faced with a project that involves both financial opportunities and possible legal consequences, I would prioritize caution and thorough evaluation. I would conduct in-depth research and seek guidance from legal specialists to fully understand the implications and compliance requirements involved.  Then, I would collaborate with lawyers, cross-functional teams, and stakeholders to develop a comprehensive plan that minimizes potential legal risks while maximizing revenue possibilities.

Q12. Give an example of a work or project that looked too big at first. What methods did you employ to guarantee its effective completion and how did you approach it?

Answer: In a former position, I was tasked with an assignment that demanded thorough data analysis and timely reporting. Despite feeling overwhelmed at first, I tackled the project by dividing it into manageable tasks. Moreover, I devised a comprehensive schedule to ensure the project stayed on course.  By prioritizing crucial components and collaborating with team members who possessed specialized skills in certain aspects, we successfully accomplished the task together in an efficient manner. With effective time management skills and dedicated effort from our team’s collaboration, we met the deadline and had exceptional results.

Q13. Have you ever solved a problem without managerial input? What was the outcome and how did you handle it?

Answer: In a previous position, I encountered a technical challenge that disrupted our operations. As the leader of the team, I took charge by collecting information and analyzing the problem. Together with my team, we conducted a brainstorming session to come up with potential solutions and collaborated with the IT department to resolve it. Our proactive approach helped minimize any further disruptions and enabled us to restore normalcy within 24 hours.

Q14. How do you respond when your supervisor asks for your opinion or recommendation?

Answer: When my supervisor asks for my input, I make sure to offer a thoughtful response. To start, I evaluate the circumstances and take into account any pertinent details while also considering possible consequences. Then, I communicate my perspective directly and succinctly and back it up with evidence or illustrations. Furthermore, I remain receptive to constructive feedback, promoting an environment of cooperation where ideas can be shared for the best course of action.

Q15. How do you assess a solution’s effectiveness?

Answer: Evaluating the effectiveness of a solution involves a systematic assessment procedure. To begin, specific metrics and key performance indicators are established in accordance with the nature and goals of the problem at hand. These indicators are continuously monitored, comparing data before and after implementation to detect any positive changes or discrepancies. Gathering feedback from individuals involved, such as team members and end-users, offers valuable perspectives on how well the solution is performing in practical settings. Consistent reviews and necessary adjustments guarantee and support long-term objectives effectively.

Q16. Describe how you learn from your experiences. 

Answer: Once a project or task is completed, I take time to conduct a thorough evaluation. By looking back at both achievements and difficulties encountered, I identify key factors that contributed to success or hindered progress. This introspection allows me to identify areas for development and fine-tune my approach for future ventures. Furthermore, getting feedback from my colleagues and supervisors offers unique viewpoints that contribute to a more holistic understanding of the experience.

Q17. Do you consider yourself a great problem solver?

Answer: I possess strong problem-solving abilities. My approach to challenges is proactive, breaking down complex problems into manageable parts. By examining the underlying causes and utilizing both creativity and critical thinking, I have a history of developing successful solutions. Moreover, I am open to collaborating with others and appreciate diverse viewpoints that contribute to comprehensive problem-solving approaches. While there is always room for growth, my past achievements showcase my determination to confront obstacles head-on and devise innovative resolutions.

Also Read: Behavioral Interview Questions .

Problem-Solving Interview Questions: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Below are relevant tips to aid you in answering problem-solving interview questions.

  • Avoid Giving Easy Responses- Individuals who opt for easier responses are considered to lack critical thinking.
  • Avoid Giving Hasty Responses- Take your time in addressing the issue at hand and make sure you have a thorough understanding of it. If there are any unclear points, ask for clarification before giving your response. This shows that you value accuracy and precision.
  • Avoid Taking Too Much on One Question- It is important to be brief and thorough when responding within a reasonable timeframe.

When answering an analytical question during an interview, endeavor to demonstrate the right mindset for solving problems. Problem-solving interview questions are an opportunity for you to showcase your analytical skills, creativity, and ability to handle challenges. You can make the right impression by preparing thoroughly, practicing different types of questions, and emphasizing your problem-solving ability.

Drop us a comment below if this blog has been helpful to you. Also, check out how to ace interviews with proven tips .

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Shobha Saini, the Head of Human Resources at Internshala, has maintained a stellar track record in employee relations and talent acquisition. With eight exceptional years of experience, she specializes in strategic planning, policy-making, and performance management. A multi-talented individual, she has played a major role in strategizing HR practices in the organization.

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15 Common Problem-Solving Interview Questions

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In an interview for a big tech company, I was asked if I’d ever resolved a fight — and the exact way I went about handling it. I felt blindsided, and I stammered my way through an excuse of an answer.

It’s a familiar scenario to fellow technical job seekers — and one that risks leaving a sour taste in our mouths. As candidate experience becomes an increasingly critical component of the hiring process, recruiters need to ensure the problem-solving interview questions they prepare don’t dissuade talent in the first place. 

Interview questions designed to gauge a candidate’s problem-solving skills are more often than not challenging and vague. Assessing a multifaceted skill like problem solving is tricky — a good problem solver owns the full solution and result, researches well, solves creatively and takes action proactively. 

It’s hard to establish an effective way to measure such a skill. But it’s not impossible.

We recommend taking an informed and prepared approach to testing candidates’ problem-solving skills . With that in mind, here’s a list of a few common problem-solving interview questions, the science behind them — and how you can go about administering your own problem-solving questions with the unique challenges of your organization in mind.

Key Takeaways for Effective Problem-Solving Interview Questions

  • Problem solving lies at the heart of programming. 
  • Testing a candidate’s problem-solving skills goes beyond the IDE. Problem-solving interview questions should test both technical skills and soft skills.
  • STAR, SOAR and PREP are methods a candidate can use to answer some non-technical problem-solving interview questions.
  • Generic problem-solving interview questions go a long way in gauging a candidate’s fit. But you can go one step further by customizing them according to your company’s service, product, vision, and culture. 

Technical Problem-Solving Interview Question Examples

Evaluating a candidates’ problem-solving skills while using coding challenges might seem intimidating. The secret is that coding challenges test many things at the same time — like the candidate’s knowledge of data structures and algorithms, clean code practices, and proficiency in specific programming languages, to name a few examples.

Problem solving itself might at first seem like it’s taking a back seat. But technical problem solving lies at the heart of programming, and most coding questions are designed to test a candidate’s problem-solving abilities.

Here are a few examples of technical problem-solving questions:

1. Mini-Max Sum  

This well-known challenge, which asks the interviewee to find the maximum and minimum sum among an array of given numbers, is based on a basic but important programming concept called sorting, as well as integer overflow. It tests the candidate’s observational skills, and the answer should elicit a logical, ad-hoc solution.

2. Organizing Containers of Balls  

This problem tests the candidate’s knowledge of a variety of programming concepts, like 2D arrays, sorting and iteration. Organizing colored balls in containers based on various conditions is a common question asked in competitive examinations and job interviews, because it’s an effective way to test multiple facets of a candidate’s problem-solving skills.

3. Build a Palindrome

This is a tough problem to crack, and the candidate’s knowledge of concepts like strings and dynamic programming plays a significant role in solving this challenge. This problem-solving example tests the candidate’s ability to think on their feet as well as their ability to write clean, optimized code.

4. Subarray Division

Based on a technique used for searching pairs in a sorted array ( called the “two pointers” technique ), this problem can be solved in just a few lines and judges the candidate’s ability to optimize (as well as basic mathematical skills).

5. The Grid Search 

This is a problem of moderate difficulty and tests the candidate’s knowledge of strings and searching algorithms, the latter of which is regularly tested in developer interviews across all levels.

Common Non-Technical Problem-Solving Interview Questions 

Testing a candidate’s problem-solving skills goes beyond the IDE . Everyday situations can help illustrate competency, so here are a few questions that focus on past experiences and hypothetical situations to help interviewers gauge problem-solving skills.

1. Given the problem of selecting a new tool to invest in, where and how would you begin this task? 

Key Insight : This question offers insight into the candidate’s research skills. Ideally, they would begin by identifying the problem, interviewing stakeholders, gathering insights from the team, and researching what tools exist to best solve for the team’s challenges and goals. 

2. Have you ever recognized a potential problem and addressed it before it occurred? 

Key Insight: Prevention is often better than cure. The ability to recognize a problem before it occurs takes intuition and an understanding of business needs. 

3. A teammate on a time-sensitive project confesses that he’s made a mistake, and it’s putting your team at risk of missing key deadlines. How would you respond?

Key Insight: Sometimes, all the preparation in the world still won’t stop a mishap. Thinking on your feet and managing stress are skills that this question attempts to unearth. Like any other skill, they can be cultivated through practice.

4. Tell me about a time you used a unique problem-solving approach. 

Key Insight: Creativity can manifest in many ways, including original or novel ways to tackle a problem. Methods like the 10X approach and reverse brainstorming are a couple of unique approaches to problem solving. 

5. Have you ever broken rules for the “greater good?” If yes, can you walk me through the situation?

Key Insight: “Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.” It’s unconventional, but in some situations, it may be the mindset needed to drive a solution to a problem.

6. Tell me about a weakness you overcame at work, and the approach you took. 

Key Insight: According to Compass Partnership , “self-awareness allows us to understand how and why we respond in certain situations, giving us the opportunity to take charge of these responses.” It’s easy to get overwhelmed when faced with a problem. Candidates showing high levels of self-awareness are positioned to handle it well.

7. Have you ever owned up to a mistake at work? Can you tell me about it?

Key Insight: Everybody makes mistakes. But owning up to them can be tough, especially at a workplace. Not only does it take courage, but it also requires honesty and a willingness to improve, all signs of 1) a reliable employee and 2) an effective problem solver.

8. How would you approach working with an upset customer?

Key Insight: With the rise of empathy-driven development and more companies choosing to bridge the gap between users and engineers, today’s tech teams speak directly with customers more frequently than ever before. This question brings to light the candidate’s interpersonal skills in a client-facing environment.

9. Have you ever had to solve a problem on your own, but needed to ask for additional help? How did you go about it? 

Key Insight: Knowing when you need assistance to complete a task or address a situation is an important quality to have while problem solving. This questions helps the interviewer get a sense of the candidate’s ability to navigate those waters. 

10. Let’s say you disagree with your colleague on how to move forward with a project. How would you go about resolving the disagreement?

Key Insight: Conflict resolution is an extremely handy skill for any employee to have; an ideal answer to this question might contain a brief explanation of the conflict or situation, the role played by the candidate and the steps taken by them to arrive at a positive resolution or outcome. 

Strategies for Answering Problem-Solving Questions

If you’re a job seeker, chances are you’ll encounter this style of question in your various interview experiences. While problem-solving interview questions may appear simple, they can be easy to fumble — leaving the interviewer without a clear solution or outcome. 

It’s important to approach such questions in a structured manner. Here are a few tried-and-true methods to employ in your next problem-solving interview.

1. Shine in Interviews With the STAR Method

S ituation, T ask, A ction, and R esult is a great method that can be employed to answer a problem-solving or behavioral interview question. Here’s a breakdown of these steps:

  • Situation : A good way to address almost any interview question is to lay out and define the situation and circumstances. 
  • Task : Define the problem or goal that needs to be addressed. Coding questions are often multifaceted, so this step is particularly important when answering technical problem-solving questions.
  • Action : How did you go about solving the problem? Try to be as specific as possible, and state your plan in steps if you can.
  • Result : Wrap it up by stating the outcome achieved. 

2. Rise above difficult questions using the SOAR method

A very similar approach to the STAR method, SOAR stands for S ituation, O bstacle, A ction, and R esults .

  • Situation: Explain the state of affairs. It’s important to steer clear of stating any personal opinions in this step; focus on the facts.
  • Obstacle: State the challenge or problem you faced.
  • Action: Detail carefully how you went about overcoming this obstacle.
  • Result: What was the end result? Apart from overcoming the obstacle, did you achieve anything else? What did you learn in the process? 

3. Do It the PREP Way

Traditionally used as a method to make effective presentations, the P oint, R eason, E xample, P oint method can also be used to answer problem-solving interview questions.  

  • Point : State the solution in plain terms. 
  • Reasons: Follow up the solution by detailing your case — and include any data or insights that support your solution. 
  • Example: In addition to objective data and insights, drive your answer home by contextualizing the solution in a real-world example.
  • Point : Reiterate the solution to make it come full circle.

How to Customize Problem-Solving Interview Questions 

Generic problem-solving interview questions go a long way in gauging a candidate’s skill level, but recruiters can go one step further by customizing these problem-solving questions according to their company’s service, product, vision, or culture. 

Here are some tips to do so:

  • Break down the job’s responsibilities into smaller tasks. Job descriptions may contain ambiguous responsibilities like “manage team projects effectively.” To formulate an effective problem-solving question, envision what this task might look like in a real-world context and develop a question around it.  
  • Tailor questions to the role at hand. Apart from making for an effective problem-solving question, it gives the candidate the impression you’re an informed technical recruiter. For example, an engineer will likely have attended many scrums. So, a good question to ask is: “Suppose you notice your scrums are turning unproductive. How would you go about addressing this?” 
  • Consider the tools and technologies the candidate will use on the job. For example, if Jira is the primary project management tool, a good problem-solving interview question might be: “Can you tell me about a time you simplified a complex workflow — and the tools you used to do so?”
  • If you don’t know where to start, your company’s core values can often provide direction. If one of the core values is “ownership,” for example, consider asking a question like: “Can you walk us through a project you owned from start to finish?” 
  • Sometimes, developing custom content can be difficult even with all these tips considered. Our platform has a vast selection of problem-solving examples that are designed to help recruiters ask the right questions to help nail their next technical interview.

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10 standard puzzles asked during Analytics Interviews

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

Illustration by Analytics puzzles on the top of an interviewer's mind

  • Published on February 15, 2017
  • by Amit Paul Chowdhury

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

The analytics industry predominantly relies on professionals and analysts who not only excel in extensive use of statistics and Data handling tools but also exhibit excellent problem-solving skills. However, a fresher entering the domain doesn’t necessarily have to know all these skills in advance. So, most of these interviews entail puzzles, logical reasoning problems, and questions that help in testing a candidate’s lateral thinking. This assessment enables the interviewer to assert the candidate’s logical reasoning problems and questions to test lateral thinking, which is an important part of most analytics job interviews.

Most of the puzzles asked during analytics-based interviews can be generalized into 3 sections – technical, straightforward, and the ones unsolvable. It’s advisable for aspiring candidates to practice these puzzle sets in advance, so as to gain more proficiency. The most ideal approach to solving these puzzles is to focus on the data provided while developing a structured approach. Most importantly, you must be able to explain your approach to the interviewer. Let us glance through some of the most common puzzles that baffle candidates appearing for analytics interviews.

You can also test yourself on data science interview puzzles at the mock assessment in MachineHack.

1. There are 5 lanes on a race track. One needs to find out the 3 fastest horses among total of 25. Find out the minimum number of races to be conducted in order to determine the fastest three.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This is one of the most common interview puzzles asked by analytics interviewers . This puzzle tests interviewee’s approach to solving the problem. The approach entails conducting 5 races where each race group would involve 5 horses. In the ensuing step, a sixth race is conducted between winners of first 5 races to determine the 3 fastest horses (marked A1, B1, A=and C1). The seventh race is conducted between horses B1, C1, second and third horse from the horse A1’s group (A2, A3), second horse from horse B1’s group (B2). The horses that finish 1 st and 2 nd in the seventh race, are actually the 2nd and the 3rd fastest horses among all horses.

2. There are 3 mislabeled jars, with apple and oranges in the first and second jar respectively. The third jar contains a mixture of apples and oranges. You can pick as many fruits as required to precisely label each jar. Determine the minimum number of fruits to be picked up in the process of labeling the jars.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This is another tricky puzzle where you must really churn your brain. A noticeable aspect in this puzzles is the fact that there’s a circular misplacement, which implies if apple is wrongly labelled as Apple, Apple can’t be labelled as Orange, i.e., it has to be labeled as A+O. We are acquainted with the fact that everything is wrongly placed, which means A+O jar contains either Apple or Orange (but not both). The candidate picks one fruit from A+O, and let’s assume he gets an apple. He labels the jar as apple, however, jar labelled Apple can’t have A+O. Thus, the third jar left in the process should be labelled A+O. Basically, picking only one fruit helps in correctly labeling the jars.

3. There are 8 batteries, but only 4 of them work. You have to use them for a flashlight which needs only 2 working batteries. To guarantee that the flashlight is turned on, what is the minimum number of battery pairs you need to test?

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

To solve this problem, the first step involves naming the batteries, for instance, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. In this problem, you can’t compare 2 items directly. If a combination of two batteries fail to turn the light on, it means either one or both the batteries aren’t working. The candidate has to approach the puzzle in a circular manner.

The batteries are put test consecutively in the order AB, BC, and AC. At most, one of the three batteries between A, B, And C is working, only if none of the pairs work. This also implies that at least three batteries between D, E, F, G, and H must be functional. DE combination is tried next. If they don’t work, at least 2 out of F, G, and H must work. Similarly, try the combinations FG, GH, and FH to positively asset which batteries really work.

4. 10 coins are placed before you on a table, while you stay blindfolded. The candidate is permitted to touch the coins, however conditions to the puzzle dictates that he can’t really determine which way up they are by feel. 5 coins are placed heads up, while the other 5 are kept tails up, without the interviewee knowing which ones are which. If you’re allowed to flip the coins any number of times, how would you build two piles of coins each with the same number of heads up.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This is another common analytics puzzle revolving around coins. This problem can be solved by initially creating two piles of coin, with 5 randomly selected coins in each pile. Let’s assume the first pile looks like H, H, H, H, T and the other pile can be imagined as T, T, T, T, H. The final bit in solving the puzzle involves flipping all coins in the second pile to finally obtain same number of heads. This common coin puzzles tends to pose confusion in the candidates mind.

5. Two trains, separated by a distance of 80km, are running towards each other on the same track at a speed of 40kmph. A bird takes its flight from train X and flies towards train Y at a constant speed of 100kmph. Once it reaches train Y, it turns and start flying back toward strain X. The bird keeps flying to and forth till both the trains collide. Determine the distance travelled by the bird.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This is another common analytics-based puzzle where the candidate has to use his quick thinking and mathematical skills to find the answer. Ideally the problem should take a minute for solving. The problem can be solved mathematically in the following few steps:

Velocity of approach for two trains = (40+40)km/hr

Time taken for the trains to collide = 80km/80km/hr = 1hour

The total distance travelled by the bird = 100km/hr * 1hr = 100km

Through this puzzle, the interviewer is testing your approach. Consider yourself rejected if the approach you took involves calculating distance from X to Y, and then Y to X, and so on.

6. A birthday cake has to be equally divided into 8 equal pieces in exactly 3 cuts. Determine the way to make this division possible.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This puzzle is not really difficult to solve if you really put your mind to work. The approach entails slicing the cake horizontally down the centre, followed by making another division vertically through the centre. The two divisions made across horizontal and vertical directions will give you 4 equal pieces of the cake.

In the final step, simply stack the 4 pieces one above the other, and then make the third division, splitting the stack into half. This gives you the 8 equal pieces of cake, along with answer to your puzzle.

7. You pull out 2 balls, one after another, from a bag which has 20 blue and 13 red balls in total. If the balls are of similar colour, then the balls are replaced with a blue ball, however, if the balls are of different colours, then a red ball is used to replace them. Once the balls are taken out of the bag, they are not placed back in the bag, and thus the number of balls keep reducing. Determine the colour of last ball left in the bag.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This puzzle usually seems like a tough one to answer, but solving it once makes one realize that the procedure was actually simple. If the candidate pulls out 2 red balls, he replaces them with a blue ball. On the other hand, if he draws one red and one blue, it is replaced with a red one. This implies that the red ball would always be in odd numbers, whether the candidate removes 2 together, or removes 1 while adding 1. This also indicates that the last ball to stay in the bag would be a red one. The interviewer is merely testing the approach the candidate applies in solving this common analytics puzzle.

8. There are 2 jugs with 4 litres and 5 litres of water respectively. The objective is to pour exactly 7 litres of water in a bucket. How can it be accomplished?

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This question can be rated of medium difficulty and shouldn’t ideally take more than 2 minutes to answer. The approach here is to initially fill the 5L jug with water and empty the same into the 4L jug. The 5L jug will be left with 1L of water, which is poured into the bucket. Meanwhile, empty the 4L jug.

The above step is repeated, so that the bucket now is filled with 2L of water. Finally, fill the 5L jug with water and empty the same into the bucket. The bucket will now have 7L of water, as you add % L directly to the previously collected 2L of water in the bucket.

9. There are 10 stacks of 10 coins each, where each coin weighs 10gms. However, one of the stacks is defective, and that stack contains coins which weigh 9gms. Determine the minimum number of weights needed to identify the defective stack.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This is another tricky puzzle, asked commonly during analytics-based interviews . To solve this problem, the trick lies in creating a weighted stack for measurement, which will enable the candidate to identify the defective stack in one measurement.

A coin is taken from the first stack, 2 from the second, 3 from the third, and so on. This will give a total of 55 coins in hand. If none of them are defective, they would weigh 550gms together. However, if stack 1 turns defective, the total weight would stand at 549gms; defect in stack 2 would result in a total weight of 548gms; and so on. Therefore, just one measurement can help the candidate identify the faulty stack.

10. There are 3 switches in a room, where one of them is assigned for a bulb in the next room. You can’t see whether the bulb is on or off, until you leave the room. Find the minimum number of times you have to go into the room to identify which switch corresponds to the bulb in the other room.

analytical problem solving interview questions for freshers

This question has been asked several times during different analytics-based interviews . The person has to initially turn on the first switch and keep it on for 2-3 minutes. Next, turn off the first switch and turn on the second one. Rush to the other room as soon as you turn on the second switch.

If the bulb is glowing, the second switch corresponds to the light bulb; however, if the bulb doesn’t glow, but touching it feels warm, the first switch is the one that turns the bulb on. If it’s neither lit, nor warm, then the third switch is the desired switch. So, a person must go only once to the other room to find out the accurate switch.

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Paul Dobson

How to Answer Analytical Skills Interview Questions

interview questions on analytical skills

In this article, we're looking at how to answer analytical skills interview questions.  

Follow these tips and you'll be an interview pro in no time.

What are analytical skills?

Analytical skills are the skills we employ to assess situations, solve problems and make smart decisions.   

Most of us use analytic skills in a variety of settings (even if we're not aware of it!).

Examples of analytical skills

You probably have more analytical skills than you realise. Here are some examples of skills that fall into the 'analytical' category:  

  • Logical reasoning
  • Creative solution development
  • Critical thinking
  • Forecasting and planning
  • Evaluating  

Why are analytical skills important?

Analytical skills are useful in practically every role within almost every industry. Analytical skills are essential soft skills that are transferable and versatile.  

People with strong analytical skills tend to be able to work independently, take initiative and exhibit self-reliance. These qualities are valuable to businesses, as those with analytical skills can usually help companies progress.

Analytical skills example interview questions

Interviewers are highly likely to be interested in your analytical skills, but they probably won't use the term' analytical skills' in their questions.   

  • Here are some common interview questions that assess analytical skills:
  • Describe a situation where you didn't have enough information to solve a problem. What did you do?
  • Describe a time when you had to make an important decision at work. What approach did you take?
  • Explain how you would solve X problem
  • What is your approach to problem solving?
  • Describe a time you used creativity to solve a problem
  • How do you choose between two courses of action?

How to answer analytical interview questions

You might have noticed that the above interview questions are competency-based. That means questions that inspect your skills by reviewing your lived work experiences.   

The best way to answer competency-based interview questions are with the STAR format (Situation / Task / Action / Result)  

STAR examples

You can use the STAR examples as inspiration for your responses to analytical skills interview questions.  

How would you modify these examples to your experiences?  

Question 1: Describe a situation where you didn't have enough information to solve a problem. What did you do?

Situation: I was asked to provide guidance on a new client's marketing strategy. Their objective was to increase sales. However, I wasn't sure about the client's target audience, meaning I couldn't make a good recommendation.  

Task: I needed to learn more about the client's target audience.   

Action: I spoke with the client at length about their existing customers and consumers, including their demographics, interests and purchasing patterns. At the end of the discussion, I had a much better understanding of who the client needed to appeal to.   

Result: Based on our discussion, I was able to put together a marketing plan that involved raising brand awareness amongst the target audience on relevant social media platforms and driving sales through social advertising. 

Question 2: Describe a time when you had to make an important decision at work. What approach did you take?

Situation: I was asked to evaluate a new item of project management software and decide whether the business should replace our existing software.  

Task: I needed to identify each software's benefits, including each product's cost-effectiveness.  

Action:  I undertook a benefits analysis of the two products, identifying the features required by our team.   

Using a scoring methodology based on cost and features, I was able to identify the best product for our team  

Comparing features and price with the needs of our business, I identified that our existing software was cheaper but also lacked some key features, which the team was replacing with other technology.   

On the other hand, while comparatively more expensive, the new piece of software was much more bespoke and had all the features we needed - meaning there would be fewer bottlenecks in operations and better business results.   

Result: I opted to replace our software with the new software - our business now has fewer bottlenecks, and we have seen an overall increase in productivity.

Question 3: Describe a time you used creativity to solve a problem

Situation: As a team leader, I ensure that my team is engaged and motivated. Every year, the company takes the team out for a staff-wide party. However, during Covid, this was not possible.   

Task: I wanted to keep up morale and maintain my team's engagement levels during a time when this was difficult to achieve. I needed to find a creative solution to the problem.  

Action: I reflected on what made the usual annual event so special - people enjoyed the feeling of togetherness and letting loose.   

So, I arranged for everyone to receive a half-day off and asked them to get dressed in smart attire. I sent round a selection of mini wines to team members' homes, and then assigned people to breakout rooms so they could enjoy spending time together. We also did Zoom activities like quizzes, awards and charades.   

Result: It was a much more low-key event than usual, but I ensured that I gave my team a space to relax and enjoy time together. I received positive feedback from my team - we have retained 90% of the department's staff since the event occurred.

Final thoughts

Feel more confident about answering analytical skills interview questions?   

Check out how to answer these other competency-based interview questions:  

  • Delivering at pace
  • Managing a quality service
  • Prioritising your workload
  • Leadership  

Remember, when you apply through Eden Scott, you receive tailored interview training to help you feel fully prepared.

Time to find a new job? Take the first step: upload your CV today!

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