Formation of Sand Dunes

Many depositional features consist of sand and shingle and are therefore loose and unstable and easily eroded and transported.

Sand dunes are made of wind blown sand and are stabilised by a process called Plant Succession. Long low waves which roll onto the beach. A strong swash deposits beach material which forms a long, flat beach. These type of wave usually form when there is a short fetch

Sand Dunes, figure 1

  • Bare ground is gradually colonised by plants called pioneer species.
  • Pioneer species modify the environment by binding sand or mud with their roots and add nutrient when they die and decay.
  • Creeping plants, with leaves, help keep moisture in the sand/mud. These changes allow other species to colonise.
  • The new invaders modify the environment by providing shade and improve the soil.
  • As the environment changes, different species colonise until it becomes stable.
  • The final community to colonise is the climatic climax community (trees)

Sand Dunes, figure 1

They develop:

  • In sheltered areas where deposition occurs
  • Where salt and fresh water meets
  • Where there are no strong tides or currents to prevent deposition or accumulation

Some of plants are Halophytes – plants that can tolerate saline (salty) conditions.

As mud flats develop, salt tolerate plants (such as eelgrass) begin to colonise and stabilise them.

Halophytes such as cordgrass, help slow down tidal flow and trap more mud and silt.

As sediment accumulates, the surface becomes drier and different plants colonise e.g. sea asters.

Creeks (created by water flowing across the estuary At low tide) divide up the slat marshes.

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Sand dunes: dune slack wetlands

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This video and its companion , created in collaboration with the University of Derby, look at the physical geography of sand dunes using the case study Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve:

Fresh water dune slacks • Salt marshes • Coastal wetlands


Written and developed by: Howard Fox, Toby Tonkin, Sian Davies-Vollum, Rob Parker, Harriet Ridley, Tim Parker

Videography by: Liam Matthews, Rob Parker, Toby Tonkin

Thank you to Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve for enabling us to film this video. School groups wishing to visit this site can do so by first contacting the National Nature Reserve Office:

  • Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve
  • Gibraltar Road
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  • Tel: 01754 762763
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How are sand dunes formed?

Sand dunes are ridges or hills of sand found at the top of a beach , above the usual maximum reach of the waves.

What are sand dunes?

What are the characteristics of sand dunes.

Characteristics of sand dunes

Characteristics of sand dunes

Sand dunes have:

  • a gentle slope on the side the wind blows against
  • a steep side on the sheltered side (30-34 degrees)
  • a crest (top of the sand dune) up to 15 metres

What conditions are needed for a sand dune to form?

The conditions required for sand dune formation are:

  • a large supply of sand
  • a large, flat beach
  • time for the sand to dry, so an extensive tidal range is needed
  • an onshore wind (wind blowing from the sea to the land) for sand to be transported to the back of the beach
  • an obstacle for the dune to form against, e.g. pebble or driftwood

The image below shows Harlech beach, North Wales. Its sizeable tidal range supports the development of sand dunes. The tidal range is the difference between the high tide and the following low tide .

A beach with a large tidal range

A beach with a large tidal range

How does wind transport sand?

Aeolian Transport is the first process of coastal dune formation and involves the movement and weathering of sand particles behind and along the shoreline. Aeolian transportation is when the wind transports sediment . Wind transports sand in 3 ways. These are:

Aeolian transportation

Aeolian transportation

1% of the movement of sand is by suspension when sand is picked up and carried within the wind. 95% of sand movement results from saltation when grains of sand bounce along the beach as they are picked up and dropped by the wind. Finally, 4% of transportation is by creep, when sand grains collide and push each other along.

The video below shows a combination of these transportation processes.

How are sand dunes formed?

As the wind blows up the beach, it will transport material. Larger pieces of sediment will rest against an obstacle, forming a ridge, while smaller particles will settle on the other side. On the side facing the wind, the material begins to reach a crest. This is because the pile of material becomes steep and unstable and begins to collapse. When this happens, smaller particles fall down the other side. Once there is a stable angle (30-34 degrees), the sand stops slipping, and the cycle repeats. As the sand becomes an obstacle, more dunes may form before it— the stronger the wind, the higher the dunes.

How do sand dunes change as you move inland?

How do sand dunes change with distance from the beach?

How do sand dunes change with distance from the beach?

Dunes become taller further inland. Embryo dunes (youngest sand dunes) are only a few metres high whereas mature dunes are up to 15m high. This is because marram grass and other vegetation colonise the sand dune and hold it together with long roots, stopping the migration of the dune. Dunes closer to the beach are more yellow, whereas further away, they are grey due to humous and bacteria from plants and animals being added. A trough separates each dune (dip), called a slack. They are formed by the removal of sediment from the sheltered lee side of the dune and the windward side of the next dune. Slacks can be eroded so much that they reach the water table resulting in the formation of salty dunes. The video below illustrates how vegetation in a dune ecosystem changes as you move inland (vegetation succession).

The 360° aerial image below shows the sand dunes at Morfaa Harlech nature reserve in North Wales.

The image below shows vegetation succession on dunes at Harlech, North Wales.

Sand dune vegetation succession

Sand dune vegetation succession

The video below shows the extent of roots and illustrates how vegetation helps stabilise dunes.

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Vegetation Succession in the UK ( AQA A Level Geography )

Revision note.

Jacque Cartwright

Geography Content Creator

Succession in Ecosystems

  • Ecosystems develop through distinct successions from a ‘ sterile ’ area to a climatic climax community
  • Vegetation succession can be considered:

The evolution of plant communities at a site over time - from pioneer species to climax vegetation

  • At each stage of succession the plant community alters the soil and microclimate, allowing the establishment of another group of species
  • One community of plants is therefore replaced by another as the succession develops
  • Eventually a climax community is reached where the vegetation is in a state of equilibrium with the environment and there is no further influx of new species
  • The process takes hundreds of years and the climax community is dependent on the climate it forms in

Primary succession

Primary succession from bare rock to a climax community over hundreds of years

Seres and climax vegetation

  • The developmental stages of a community are known seral stages and the final stage as the climax community
  • The entire seral communities that gives the site/area its characteristics is called a sere
  • Particular species are associated with each sere, and certain species becoming dominant


Seral succession in a psammosere (sand dunes)

Climax communities

  • If natural conditions are not interrupted, then climatic climax is the final stage that seres reach
  • Climatic conditions include light, soil pH and moisture determines which plants survive
  • For most of the UK this would be deciduous woodland, dominated by Beech, Birch, Ash and Oak


  • This is where the resultant community has been permanently influenced by humans
  • For example, by burning or grazing
  • If vegetation does not reach its climax as a result of interruptions by local factors, such as soil changes or differences in parent rock, the interruptions are known as arresting factors
  • Not all climax communities are the same, and if physical factors such as altitude or water hinder ecosystem development a sub-climax community may result

Primary succession

Secondary succession.

  • Found on new, bare, land surface or in water and various seral stages are passed through before climatic climax is reached
  • It is an orderly sequence of events where one community is replaced by another
  • Biomass is created via decomposition and provides more nutrients to the soil
  • Allowing for more and greater variety of plants and animals to exist at each successive seral stage
  • Lithosere - rock
  • Psammosere - sand dunes
  • Halosere - salt marshes
  • Hydrosere - lakes
  • The first to arrive are known as pioneer species - the trailblazers - often herbs and lichen
  • These early invaders quickly colonise new surfaces as there is no competition from other species
  • They begin to adapt to their environment
  • However, they are short lived and are then replaced by others that outcompete them as conditions improve


Route to climatic climax can occur on land and water and have a distinct pathway

  • If plant succession is halted before reaching dynamic equilibrium a secondary succession occurs
  • Interruptions include fire, disease, climate change and deforestation
  • These events can also alter the final climax community that result
  • Not all climax communities are the same, and if physical factors such as altitude or water hinder ecosystem development, a sub-climax community may result


Flowchart showing various routes to climatic climax community through secondary succession.

NB. Prisere succession is the primary route

The difference between plagio and sub climax succession is that if humans are involved then we get a plagiocliamax community where the vegetation is changed, which changes the climax community. If however, a natural event occurs that halts the succession, then this is called a sub-climax and natural succession will resume at a later date. 

Seral Progression of a Lithosere

  • As an ecosystem moves towards its climax community during succession, it progresses through various steps called a seral stage or  seral progression
  • These stages are dependent on the biotic and abiotic conditions available to it
  • Each stage is an intermediate step, and each community within each stage, is not stable
  • It therefore, has to pass through many developmental stages from simple to complex, to achieve final climax conditions

What is a lithosere?

  • A lithosere is:

Plant succession on exposed rock, usually through natural processes, i.e. glacial retreat, tectonic uplift or volcanic eruption

  • The driving force to seral progression, is the impact that current species have on their own environment
  • Lithosere succession begins with the primary sere of bare rock (prisere), 5 subseres and a climax sere

Subsere communities

  • Lichens photosynthesise to produce sugars for growth and leach organic acids (as waste) which aid to break down the rock surface, further releasing rock minerals for developed growth
  • The now uneven rock surface, begins to hold water
  • As these primary lichens die, they decompose and add humus to the uneven surface
  • Secondary lichens begin to colonise, deepen the uneven surface, allowing more water, and soil particles to accumulate
  • Decomposition to humus, mixes with the increasing soil particles which helps in building layers and improving soil moisture contents further
  • Mosses are taller and faster growing than the lichens, so out-compete them for available light
  • Mosses are rich in organic and inorganic compounds, which are added to the soil, upon their death, increasing soil fertility 
  • As mosses develop in patches, they catch soil particles from the air and contribute to soil depth
  • Their roots penetrate deeply and also secrete acids that aid the sub-surface weathering process of the parent rock
  • Leaf litter and dead grasses add humus to the developing soil, allowing species diversity (small flowering plants, herbaceous and xerophytic plants) to begin colonising
  • These climatic conditions encourage bacterial and fungal growth, which increases rates of decomposition
  • Soil pH begins to change depending on climatic conditions and parent material (chalk produces alkaline soil and moorland becomes acidic)
  • Small shrubs  such as ferns, bracken, brambles and small bushes such as gorse and broom begin to outcompete grasses and small flowering plants
  • The soil deepens and enriches with enough nutrients to begin the slow growing of larger trees such as oak and ash
  • Woodland  develops as the climax stage, and with no environmental changes, the tallest trees will dominate in a state of dynamic equilibrium until circumstances change


Simple model of lithosere succession 

Seral Progression of a Hydrosere

  • Hydrosere is the primary succession sequence that develops in water (aquatic) environments such as lakes and ponds
  • It illustrates the changes within a body of water, and its community, into a terrestrial (land) community e.g. oxbow lake
  • Over time, areas of open freshwater naturally dry out and eventually become woodland by going through seral hydrosere progression
  • Those stages are:
  • Algae colonise open water (e.g. pond) as pioneer species
  • Algal spores are carried by air to the water
  • The algae are followed by zooplankton (small animals that consume algae)
  • After death, both settle to the bottom of the pond, and decay into humus
  • This mixes with silt and clay particles brought into the water through run-off water (or wave action if by the coast), and helps to form soil
  • As soil builds up, the pond becomes shallower
  • As the water level becomes shallower, aquatic plants become rooted and establish themselves, further increasing the depth of sediment
  • Light can penetrate further into the shallower water, allowing submerged plants to photosynthesise
  • Once submerged species colonise, the successional changes become more rapid
  • The low (0.5 -1.5m) water level, allows floating species, such as water lilies, to begin outcompeting submerged species
  • Floating plants have larger and broader leaves, that shade the water's surface, making conditions unsuitable for  submerged species, which begin to disappear
  • These plants decay to form organic mud, making the water even shallower 
  • Also known as the reed, marsh or swamp stage
  • Conditions are now suitable for emergent plants such as reeds, rushes and grasses
  • These plants produce large quantities of leaf litter that resists decay and forms reed peat
  • Reed peat continues to deepen, which helps form water-saturated, marshy land
  • With each successive drop in water levels, grasses and wildflowers begin to form mats of vegetation that extend across the water
  • As numbers of plants and grasses increase, plant transpiration further lowers the water levels 
  • Leaf litter from these plants add to the submerged reed peat levels
  • Eventually, grass peat emerges above the water level and soil in no longer completely waterlogged
  • The soil is drier and becomes ideal for shrubs and wet woodland
  • Shrubs such as brambles, sea buckthorn and hawthorn, along with short trees such as willow, alders and poplars
  • These plants produce shade, lower the water table further through evapo- transpiration, build up soil levels, and the accumulation of humus
  • This type of wet woodland is also known as carr woodland
  • Finally, conditions are suitable for large climax tree species, such as oak, ash and beech
  • These slow-growing tress eventually dominant 
  • Depending on light levels, herbaceous plants, ferns and grasses grow on the woodland floor

In the UK, hydroseres have formed on kettle lakes (shallow lakes formed by retreating  glaciers) and referred to as ' meres ' - Sweetmere in Shropshire and Oak Mere in Cheshire


Simple hydrosere progression

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Author: Jacque Cartwright

Jacque graduated from the Open University with a BSc in Environmental Science and Geography before doing her PGCE with the University of St David’s, Swansea. Teaching is her passion and has taught across a wide range of specifications – GCSE/IGCSE and IB but particularly loves teaching the A-level Geography. For the last 5 years Jacque has been teaching online for international schools, and she knows what is needed to pass those pesky geography exams.

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Mullaghmore Sand Dune Fieldwork

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        Mullaghmore is situated in County Sligo and Bunduff Strand. Just to the south is Bunduff Lough and to the west is coniferous woodland. Mullaghmore is a peninsula with two beaches, a rocky headland which has a castle on the top, a marsh with sand bottomed freshwater lake. There is extensive low lying flat grassland influenced by sand blown in from the beach, which in the summer has an abundance of orchids and a very large area of wooded dunes. Large areas have a Special Area of Conservation protection. However in the 1990’s, the farming practices approached this area and illegally flattened the land to make it easier for farming. The spreading of slurry has affected the natural flora and fauna, trees have been removed and the dunes. The dunes are also coming under attack from tourism development and other activities. Coastal sand dunes in Ireland and Britain may date back to as long ago as the last glaciations. If sand that forms the dunes contains shells of marine organisms the dunes are alkaline. If there are few or no shells in the sand then the dunes become acidic. The conditions needed are a large dry reservoir of sand and a large tidal range to expose the sand, allowing it to dry sufficiently to become available for transport, and strong prevailing onshore winds. The sand must be dry and fine and lots of it is needed for the formation of sand dunes. At least 4.5metres/second of wind are needed to be blowing onshore to provide the dunes with enough sand. The vegetation present helps to stabilise the sand and to trap more sand.

The formation of sand dunes –

         Tides form and storms deposit piles of seaweed and detritus. Amongst this are seeds and colonising plants. These seeds germinate and grow quickly, trapping sand that has been blown from lower down the beach. Over time these mounds of sand are colonised by Couch Grass giving a series of isolated embryo dunes along the top of the beach. As this is happening, a new drift line appears in front of these embryo dunes and this is colonised by pioneer species. The embryo dunes gradually join to give a continuous ridge. As the embryo dunes grow and get larger they are inhabited by Marram Grass which is a very vigorous plant and is very efficient at trapping the sand and the rate of growth of the dune slowly increases. The constant formation of new drift lines, embryo and yellow dunes, gives a series of dunes and hollows. The older dunes continue to get taller until they are no longer receiving new sand. The harsh conditions have been made more favourable. The Marram Grass is still dominant but diversity has increased. The vegetation increases due to the presence of more humus and organic matter, which increases water retention and nutrient availability. At Mullaghmore, the grazing of the cows prevents tall species becoming dominant and maintains high species diversity. Due to blowouts, whole dunes can disappear leaving wet and dry slacks behind the main dunes. The slacks are wet because sand is blown away until the water table is reached. Plants inhabit these areas, but they may have to tolerate water logging for up to 6 months a year. The plants stabilise the sand and allows the succession to start again. If given enough time, tree species such as birch, alder and eventually oak would give rise to dune woodland, which is the climax community.

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Sand dune succession –

This is a preview of the whole essay

         Sand dune succession is the progressive change in vegetation from the initial colonisation of bare ground through to stable climax vegetation. Succession is a sequence of events described as different plant communities. Each sere contains species adapted to the conditions but which change their environment sufficiently to allow the next set of plants to replace them. Later seral stages tend to be diverse, more stable and have greater ground cover reflecting the improvement in the environment, which allows the process to take place. There is primary succession (from bare ground where there was no previous vegetation cover) and secondary succession (where previous vegetations cover has been destroyed e.g. by a forest fire). Humans can impose stable vegetation trough the creation of, for instance, farmland.

Hypothesis –

        Before carrying out our study, we put forward a number of different hypotheses to try and predict what our results would show.

  • The pH level will decrease as you go further inland.
  • Salinity will decrease as you go further inland.
  • Moisture content will increase the further you go inland.
  • The beach will get higher as more sand builds up.

Method –

         Before carrying out the investigation, an equipment list should be checked to ensure that everything that is needed is present.

  • Ranging poles
  • Tape measure
  • Point frame quadrat
  • Thermometer/Hygrometer
  • Soil sample pots
  • Salinity meter
  • Plant species key.

When having carried out the experiment, some further work is to be done at the field centre. There is a separate equipment list for this work.

  • Electronic scales
  • Distilled water
  • Mixing spatulas
  • Baking trays

Working within a group of three students enables you to work efficiently and each have a specific role within the group. Working along a transect across the sand dunes, two ranging poles must be places 10 metres apart. Using a clinometer, from the first ranging pole, line up a point on the second ranging pole and read off the gradient which will be either positive or negative. If the slope is upwards, the gradient will be negative, if it is downwards, the gradient will be positive. At this same point, the wind speed must be measured using an Anemometer. Hold it at the same height at each reading that you take and ensure that you are holding it in the direction of the wind. Keep it steady for 10 seconds at least to make sure that it is an accurate reading. A thermometer with a built in hygrometer must be placed on the ground at the point of the first ranging pole. Remember to reset the hygrometer before each reading. This will record the ground temperature and the humidity. At every point along the transect that you take recordings, a soil sample must also be collected. Using a trowel, dig approximately 5cm below the ground and fill up the collecting pot with soil, label it with the transect number. Remove the first ranging pole from the ground and place it 10 metres past the second. Then take all these same recordings at the point of the second ranging pole. There are four different types of sand dune, and at each one, we took a vegetation count. We made a grid at each sand dune using two tape measures and used a random sampling technique. Getting numbers from a phone book and using them as the coordinates. When having found your coordinate, place your point frame quadrat firmly on the ground. At each point, record what species of plant you have discovered, including bare ground. Take these readings at an embryo dune, a yellow dune, a grey dune and a dune slack. Two recordings from each type of dune must be collected.

        Having collected all of the data, you will carry out further research at the field centre in relation to the soil samples that you have collected.  

  • Weigh the empty crucible [W1]
  • Weigh the crucible filled with wet soil (using distilled water) [W2]
  • Work out the weight of the wet soil [W3 = W2 – W1]
  • Weigh crucible with dry soil [W4]
  • Work out weight of dry soil [W5 = W4 – W1]
  • Work out weight of water [W6 = W3 – W5]
  • Work out the percentage of water [{W6/W5} x 100]
  • Using a salinity meter, measure the soils TDS
  • Using a pH meter, measure the pH of each soil sample.
  • Collect all the data together and place in a suitable table of results.

Results –

         Spearman’s rank to show the relationship between the percentage of water in the soil and the distance from the sea.

r = 1 – 6 x Σd²

        n³ - n

Spearman’s Rank – 95% = 0.4294


Null Hypothesis – there is no association between the 3 species and the 3 types of dune.


Hypothesis – there is an association between the 3 species and the 3 types of dune.

Analysis –

         The Spearman’s rank coefficient correlation results show that there is a relationship between the soil moisture and the distance from the sea. By working out the results, we can see that there is a 95% positive correlation, and that it almost definitely hasn’t occurred by chance. The soil nearest the sea is moist because the when there is high tide, that area may get covered by the sea. The soil furthest from the sea, in the dune slack, is also very moist because there is stagnant water in the dune slack from where it hasn’t evaporated or been soaked up properly by the soil.

        The Chi squared results show us that there is a relationship between the 3 species and the 3 types of dune. The grey dune had the most vegetation present, with the dune slack the least. Given enough time, near the dune slack, tree species such as birch and eventually oak would give rise to dune woodlands, the climax community.

        The sand dune profile that was drawn, shows clearly where the different dunes are located. Between 10 and 20 metres along the beach, is where the yellow dune is present. The land then evens out slightly until 70 metres along the transect when it rises peaking at 120 metres, this is the grey dune. After the grey dune, the slope decreases and settles into the dune slack.

        The scatter graph showing the relationship between soil surface pH and distance from the sea is very irregular. It doesn’t, however, vary below 8.6 or higher than 9.5. This shows that the overall pH is alkaline. It starts off high at a distance of 10 metres from the sea, and fluctuates, until it reaches 40  metres from the sea when it decreases in the space of 20 metres from 9.2 to 8.7, which then remains constant for 20 metres. Increasing again after the constant brings it back up to the starting pH of 9.4 which soon drops again to 9.6 when it reaches 110 metres. Within 10 metres it then increases to its peak of 9.5 where it then fluctuates until we reach the end of the transect and it rests at 8.6 which is verging on a neutral pH.

        The temperature and wind speed scatter graphs were drawn on the same axis, to see if there was any relation between them as well as distance from the sea. The wind speed roughly follows the same pattern as the sand dune profile. Where there is an increase in the gradient, there is also an increase in the wind speed. In the dune slack the wind speed is at its highest, peaking at 3.8m/k. the temperature generally follows the same pattern, except for at a distance of 2 metres from the sea, the temperature is at its lowest, whereas the sand dune profile shows that this is where the yellow dune is present.

        The amount of moisture in the soil varies from, 1.9% to 23.2%. this is a huge range, with the lowest being at point 14 along the transect, which according to the sand dune profile, is at a point of decline into the dune slack. The highest percentage of water was at point 7 along the transect which is the upslope towards the grey dune. Why these are located here will be explained in the conclusion.


Conclusion –

         The sand dune profile is no surprise as to what it looked like. It follows the usual shape of starting with a smaller yellow dune, a larger grey dune at the back and a dune slack behind. There were a number of embryo dunes in front of the yellow dune, but they exceeded our area of collecting data. We can accept our hypothesis because it stated that as more sand is being blown onto the beach, the beach will get higher. This is true because the sand has been caught in the vegetation on the sand dunes, causing them to over time, build up.

In relation to the spearman’s rank correlation, the results were very accurate. 95% chance that it wasn’t a coincidence. The water that was present near the dune slack is from the water table, which often is present above land in the dune slack. While the water that was present in the soil nearer the sea is from where the sea has washed up and the soil soaked it up for nutrients.

        The results that we accumulated from the Chi-squared data were also accurate; it showed that we had a diverse plant species, which is what we expected because the conditions on each type of sand dune are different.

        In our hypothesis we predicted that as you go further inland away from the beach, the pH would decrease. We can accept this because the pH that we took from the first sample was 9.4 and the pH from the last sample was 8.6. There were no real anomalies in this data to prove our hypothesis wrong.

        We predicted that the moisture content will increase as you go inland. From the results that we collected, and the analysis of them, we can see that this is true. There was one anomaly at 140metres inland which gave a reading of 1.9 which is beyond even the first reading.

Evaluation –

        There are a number of limitations that could have caused error in our recordings. The first being human error. This is going to come into account for every experiment that is ever carried out. Limitations that could have affected our results were:

  • The land was undulating and the grass and weeds were in the way which prevented us from laying the tape measure down flat which meant that it wasn’t exactly 10 metres apart. This could have had a huge impact on our results in the case of the tape measure missing a large mound/dune. To improve this we could have used a trundle wheel which would have given us much more accurate data.
  • It was extremely difficult to tell if you were travelling in a straight line along the transect, a way of preventing this would be to use 3 ranging poles and leaving one in the ground at the very end so there is a point to aim for. This has its disadvantages though. If there are lots of sand dunes, when you are just ahead of one, you may not be able to see the end ranging pole. You could also have used a compass to specify what direction we were travelling in.
  • Identifying all the different plant species was difficult and would have been easier if we had a key which would aid us in what to look for in each of the species that we found.
  • The wind speed was  not always accurate because it was taking at different heights due to the different heights of the students working in each group. A way of solving this would be to allocate a mark on the ranging pole so that everyone was to hold the meter at the same height.
  • The ground was very tough and it was hard to stick the ranging poles in the ground. The ranging poles were also not stuck in the same amount of depth. Having a mark near the bottom of the ranging pole approximately 5cm up would aid confusion.
  • When taking collecting our data we came across a dune ridge that was unstable which meant that we weren’t able to collect any data there. We did however carry on to the next point which caused confusion with the sand dune profile because it wasn’t shown.
  • It was difficult to locate the plants that the point-frame quadrat was on, and guess work was sometime used.
  • We only took 3 vegetation readings, if we had taken more we might have been able to see the transaction from each species to the next.

Mullaghmore Sand Dune Fieldwork

Document Details

  • Word Count 2966
  • Page Count 6
  • Level AS and A Level
  • Subject Geography

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a level geography coursework sand dunes

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Geography ~ Sand Dunes

  • Created by: Kennedy01507967
  • Created on: 26-02-17 19:32

Sand Dune Formation

  • Needs a large sediment supply
  • Large tidal range - a lot os f sand exposed to the wind
  • String and continuos winds needed
  • Sand grains transported via saltation
  • Debris blocks wind - thus, depositon of sediment
  • Embryo dunes form once sediment has completly surrounded the debris
  • Pioneer species (plants) grow and binds the sand together 
  • Vegetation also traps sand - helping the dunes to grow

Embryo Dunes

  • Smallest dunes
  • They're the shadow of the debris
  • Pioneer species bind sand together (Example; Prickly Saltwort)
  • High pH (~ 8 - 8.5) because marine shells are made of calcite / calcium carbonate (Alkaline)
  • pH limits plant growth
  • Salinity limits plant growth - no fresh water
  • Plants need long roots to reach the water table; Long roots stablizes the dune further
  • Plants have to be halophytic (salt tolerant)

Foredunes / Yellow Dunes

  • Found behind Embryo dunes
  • Composed mainly of sand
  • Also known as yellow dunes (due to color)
  • Relatively un-compacted 
  • Coastal environments

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A Level Geography- Sand dunes

A Level Geography- Sand dunes

Subject: Geography

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Assessment and revision


Last updated

23 August 2020

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a level geography coursework sand dunes

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