Colleges That Require SAT Essay | We Compiled the Comprehensive List

Increasingly, colleges across the United States are showing preference to applicants that have sat and passed the non-compulsory SAT with essay test.  Given that the SAT with essay is technically an optional extra, its importance can be underestimated or overlooked entirely. Nevertheless, students that take the SAT essay at high school (or later) are statistically more likely to get into their preferred colleges than those who take the basic SAT without the essay alone.

But which colleges require the SAT essay as a fundamental prerequisite for successful college admissions and does the SAT essay matter ? How many other colleges recommend the SAT essay as a preferable educational achievement, though will still consider applications from those that did not take the SAT essay?

An Overview of the Optional SAT Essay

The SAT essay was added to the test in March 2016 as non-compulsory, which has since been taken by millions of high school  students and adult learners across the US. The SAT essay is an non-compulsory additional section to the standard test, which gives students 50 minutes to read and to critically analyze a passage of text and scrutinize the author’s argument.

Put simply, you write a brief passage of text of your own, analyzing how well or otherwise the author got their point across, and your justifications for your arguments. Test scores are then assigned, in accordance with the quality of your  responses.

Taking the SAT with the essay costs slightly more, though it’s a small price to pay - given how many colleges and universities recommend the SAT essay. Of course, in each scenarios you need to be familiar with ways to study for the SAT and know when to take the SAT .

Note: don’t fall into the trap of assuming the school you take the SAT at will automatically sign you up for the essay portion of the test. If you want to take the SAT with essay, you’ll need to indicate this at the time of your application.

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Prep Tips for SAT Test and SAT Essay Takers

Whether you plan on taking the base SAT alone or the SAT with essay, we strongly recommend checking out these top-rated SAT prep books and look at the  different states SAT scores   to get your started. In addition, we also reviewed a series of popular SAT prep courses that provide a detailed overview of what to expect on the day.

There’s no such thing as being too prepared - getting started on your test prep 3-6 months ahead of time comes highly recommended.

How Much Does SAT Essay Score Matter?

It's generally recommended to aim for an SAT essay score of at least a 6 out of 8 on Reading, Analysis, and Writing.

Combined with a good overall SAT score in the 75th percentile, this should be more than enough to be considered eligible by colleges that require the SAT essay.

Which Schools Require or Recommend the Optional SAT Essay?

The list of universities and colleges that require the SAT essay is changing all the time. While some universities consider SAT and SAT essay scores alongside other criteria, some have made the SAT essay a fundamental requirement for all applicants.

What’s interesting to note is that while more schools than ever before expect students to take the non-compulsory writing portion, the vast majority of Ivy League schools are excluded from the list. Harvard University, MIT, Princeton and so on - none of these elite colleges require the essay as standard.

It’s therefore a case of considering the schools and colleges you want to apply for, before deciding whether or not to take the test with the optional essay section.

Should You Take the SAT with the Optional Essay Portion?

Some academics argue that if you’re going to take the test at all, you may as well take the essay while you’re at it. The additional cost is negligible and it’s not as if a huge amount of additional test prep is necessary. Plus, it’s true to say that any additional accolades on your educational profile could come in useful at a later date.

If you’re still undecided as to whether to take the SAT essay or skip it, consider the following before making your final decision:

1. Do any of the schools you’re interested in or colleges require or recommend the essay? If not, is there a chance they may require the non-compulsory SAT with essay at some point in the future?

2. If you are planning to apply to a college or university under a scholarship program, have you checked whether a specific SAT score and essay score is required?

3. Even if the college you want to apply to doesn’t formerly require the SAT essay, could a good essay SAT score give you an advantage over your rival applicants?

4. Could taking the non-compulsory SAT essay also give you an advantage over rival candidates in the future where job opportunities and promotion prospects are concerned?

yellow pencil writing

What’s important to remember is that even if the non-compulsory SAT essay isn’t a formal requirement, this doesn’t mean it couldn’t prove helpful in other ways. 

By taking the non-compulsory SAT essay, you demonstrate to college boards and employers alike that you’re committed to both your education and your personal development. Something that could prove instrumental in giving you the edge over rival applicants - both when looking to get into college and job seeking.

SAT Essay  FAQs:

1. how do you start an sat essay.

  • Check out the following when creating your SAT essay.
  • Distinguish the SAT essay scoring system.
  • Study sample passages and SAT Essay prompts.
  • Choose professional writing and editorial Outlets.
  • Prep with Practice Essays to improve your writing skills.
  • Read your test day SAT Essay passage thoroughly.
  • Commence with an Outline.

2. Can you skip the SAT essay?

Students aren't required to take the SAT Essay. This is non- compulsory, but many colleges, recommend or require the sat essay. If you don't register for the SAT with Essay at first, you can add it later. You can use an SAT fee waiver to take the SAT or the SAT with Essay.

3. Can the SAT essay hurt your score?

The SAT writing score is produced by the multiple-choice section of the exam, while your SAT essay score hails from a brand new part of the exam. This can be the SAT Essay section, which stands untreated and does not affect your SAT score in multiple-choice sections.

4. What to expect when taking SAT essay?

SAT Essay comprises of one passage between 650 and 750 words that you read and respond to. To create or write your essay, you need to be very focus on how the author uses evidence, reasoning, and other rhetorical techniques to build an argument and make it convincing.

5. Do colleges look at SAT essay scores?

In line with the College Board's SAT Suite of Assessments Annual Report, 68% of test-takers opted to make an essay. Some schools don't require the essay. They may recommend taking it. Other schools may not just study your essay score with the admissions process.

what colleges want sat essay

Leonard Haggin

I created this site to help students like you learn from the experiences my team had learned during our extensive academic careers. I am now studying Law at Stanford, but I also make time to write articles here in order to help all you fellow students advance in your academic careers and beyond. I hope our efforts on Study Prep Lounge will arm you with the knowledge you need to overcome whatever trial or test you find in front of you.

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Colleges That Require the SAT Essay (2020): A Complete List

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The SAT essay has been through a lot of changes in recent years. In the new SAT, it exists as a separate section from the rest of the sections. You may have heard that not all schools require it, even the ones that require standardized test scores. Why is that? Also, just because it isn’t required, does that mean you don’t have to do it? And what’s a good essay score, anyway?

First, a few things about the SAT and ACT optional essays:

  • The essay portion is scored completely separately from the Math and Reading sections (or, in the case of the ACT, the Math, Reading, and Science sections). That means your total score is not affected by your SAT Essay or ACT Essay (Writing) score.
  • The SAT Essay is graded by two College Board readers who each give it a score between 1 and 4 on three different aspects: reading, analysis, and writing. That means the highest possible SAT Essay grade is an 8|8|8. The ACT Writing section is also scored by two readers, each out of 6 (for a high score of 12).
  • You have the choice to take the SAT and ACT with or without the essay. If you opt to take the essay version, the test is slightly longer and slightly more expensive.

Second, the most important thing you can take away from this post is: don’t assume you need to take the SAT or ACT with the essay ! The number of schools that require it is low, and fewer and fewer schools are even recommending it. In recent years, schools like the California Institute of Technology, Claremont McKenna College, and the University of Michigan have all stopped asking for it. Princeton University started asking for a graded paper instead.

In short? Unless you know you’re going to score well, based on past experience or a diagnostic test, or you’re applying to certain schools, reconsider if preparing for the ACT/SAT Essay is a good use of your test prep time or if you should just skip it altogether.

Which Schools Want to See the SAT Essay/ACT Writing?

A very small number of schools outright require the SAT Essay or ACT Writing. They are:

  • All of the University of California schools
  • The United States Military Academy
  • University of Montana-Western
  • Martin Luther College
  • Soka University of America

That’s it! Of course, the University of California system is huge and includes heavy hitters like Berkeley, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and more. If you’re considering applying to any of these schools, you’ll need to take the SAT Essay. Otherwise, unless these remaining schools are on your list, you don’t explicitly need to take the essay as part of the SAT.

However, in college admissions, required isn’t the end of the line. A good number of additional schools recommend the SAT Essay. For these schools, you won’t be automatically turned away without the essay, but it’ll help your chances to have it present.

You might be surprised to learn that most of the very top schools – Harvard University, Yale University, Brown University, etc. – are not terribly interested in the SAT Essay, even though they care quite a bit about your overall SAT score (or ACT score). That’s in part because highly selective schools ask high school applicants for extensive essays, which they use to evaluate applicant’s proficiency with written English.

The colleges and universities that recommend the SAT Essay are:

  • Abilene Christian University
  • Austin College
  • Berry College
  • Chapman University
  • Colby College
  • Concordia College-Moorhead
  • Duke University
  • Michigan State University
  • Oregon State University
  • Simmons University
  • Stanford University
  • Stony Brook University-SUNY
  • Taylor University
  • University at Buffalo-SUNY
  • University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

If any of these schools are on your list, you should seriously consider including the essay in your SAT or ACT test prep plans. Still, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Should You Take the SAT or ACT Essay?

While you could, of course, make your decision about taking the SAT Essay based on the schools to which you know you’re applying, the majority of students take the SAT or ACT before they’ve finalized their college lists. For that reason, you may need to decide whether to take the essay without knowing whether you’re planning to apply to any of the above schools.

So, if you’re signing up for the SAT or ACT soon, consider the following:

Advantages of Taking the SAT Essay or ACT Writing

The biggest advantage to taking the SAT Essay is that you cover all your bases. If you decide to apply to any of the schools on the required or recommended lists, you won’t have to go back and take it again or risk rejection for not having taken it.

Similarly, the SAT Essay can provide another data point for admissions officers about the strength of your academic profile and application—if you do well. An above-average essay or writing score can help prove your writing abilities to colleges.

On the flip side, not taking the SAT Essay at all will limit the number of schools to which you can apply and be a competitive applicant. While many selective schools do not care about the essay, some do, and they’re always looking for a reason to reject applicants. Not having an essay score could sink your application at Duke or Stanford.

Disadvantages of Taking the SAT Essay or ACT Writing

The biggest potential downside to taking the SAT Essay is that you might not score well, and colleges that don’t require or recommend the essay will have a piece of information that doesn’t show you in your best light. Given that most schools don’t want the essay, having a poor SAT Essay score can be a risk that isn’t worth taking.

Another disadvantage to taking the essay or writing portion is that you’ll be in the room longer. Fortunately, both sections come at the end of their respective tests, so it won’t tire you out for the rest of the test, but knowing that you’re going to be there an extra hour can affect students’ performance on the sections that matter most.

Similarly, another advantage to not taking the Essay portion is not having to prepare for it! College Board and ACT readers are looking for very specific elements, so you’ll need to spend time preparing, just as you would for the other sections. That’s time that might be better spent on the rest of the test, schoolwork, or extracurricular activities.

Who Should Take the SAT with Essay?

Those are the big-picture considerations for whether to take the SAT Essay or ACT Writing section, but it’s also worth thinking about the specifics of your college application. Much like decisions about the SAT Subject Tests, it’s important to consider your unique application. Are you someone who should definitely take the SAT with essay? Probably? Or definitely not?

Do the colleges you’re interested in require the SAT Essay?

If you’re interested in any of the above colleges that have an SAT or ACT essay requirement, you should take it. It won’t be the most important factor in your application, but not having it will be a huge red flag to these schools that you’re not serious about them because you didn’t take the time to read and understand their requirements.

Do the colleges you’re interested in recommend the SAT Essay?

Require is easy; recommend is a bit more complicated. When it comes to college admissions, it’s best to take colleges at their word. So, while schools like Michigan State may not turn you away with no SAT Essay score, they’ll be disappointed you don’t have it, unless you have a compelling reason like financial hardship. Duke University in particular has dropped numerous hints that they frown upon applications without the essay section.

Note that even some test-optional schools, like Coby, recommend the SAT or ACT essay. Of course, these schools are test-optional, so you don’t need to submit any standardized test essay at all. But because they care so much about writing skills, they want to see the essay; otherwise, even if you have a very high score, they may be insufficiently impressed.

Are you applying to any scholarships that require an SAT with Essay?

On top of that, colleges may not be the only thing you’re applying to this year! Because standardized tests play a big role in many scholarships – both offered by colleges and by external institutions – you should always check to see if any scholarships for which you’re planning to apply require you to submit SAT Essay or ACT Writing score reports.

Will the SAT Essay enhance your application?

Lastly, if you’re someone who excels in writing and feels comfortable with the SAT Essay, you might decide that taking it will boost your application! Although the essay won’t be factored into your total SAT score, it may still make a positive impact if you struggle in other areas. For some students, a writing test is something they definitely want colleges to see!

Final Thoughts

The most important thing to keep in mind about the writing sections of the SAT and ACT is that you need to do what’s best for your college goals and strategy. Remember that you don’t need to do the Essay section at every test date, so it may be that you want to take a first pass at the test and decide about the essay later. Or, you may know that it’s going to be required by one or more of your colleges, so you want to get a jump right away.

At the end of the day, wherever you’re applying, the SAT Essay or ACT Writing is just one part of your application, one that seems to hold less importance every year. While it’s important to take all parts of the process seriously, this isn’t one of the ones worth stressing about.

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Which Colleges Require the SAT Essay?

what colleges want sat essay

Tests can be intimidating. And for some students, adding a timed essay is downright terrifying. So as you sign up for the SAT, it’s easy to look at that optional essay and say “fuh-getta-bout-it.”

I mean, who in their right mind would willingly sit for a fifty-minute essay?—Well, maybe you.

Before you immediately say no—or yes—to the optional essay portion, you need to consider which colleges require the SAT essay. Your decision will depend upon where you plan to continue your education.

Table of Contents

Why Some Colleges Have Dropped Essay

Several colleges have dropped the SAT essay as a requirement. One of the main factors behind this decision is concern about creating financial hardship or extra stress for students. Many school districts are providing in-school testing for high school students free of charge. But it does not always include the essay section. This means students who want to take the essay may need to sign up and pay for it on their own.

If your high school does not offer the essay portion as part of testing, you can visit the College Board registration page to find a testing center. Registering for the SAT essay portion is an additional $17. The SAT costs $47.50 with an allotted time of 3 hours. If you choose to add the essay, you will pay $64.50 and be given an additional fifty- minute session to end the day. There are fee waivers available for students who qualify due to financial hardship.

Should You Take the SAT Essay?

There are some schools that will not consider the SAT essay with your application. California Institute of Technology and Georgetown University are two well-known schools that have recently announced your essay will not be considered with your application—they won’t even look at it. However, as grandma always said—don’t put all your eggs in one basket. In other words, you may want to leave your options open by writing that essay.

If you decide not to take the SAT essay you are limiting the schools that you can apply to. Yes, many schools have dropped the requirement. But if you decide not to take the essay, you limit your college options. Even if the schools on your current college list don’t require it, things can change. Finding the right college is a process. You may discover your ideal school does require the essay.

Several schools that no longer require the SAT either recommend it or make it optional and will consider it with your application. If a school recommends the essay, they are politely telling you that it will be a factor in your application. Schools that consider the essay optional or even those that say it is not required still look for evidence of your academic abilities.

Most colleges, even those that have dropped the essay requirement, have stressed that evaluating writing skills continues to be an important part of their selection process. They will seek a writing sample in some form. The SAT essay is a good opportunity to display your writing skills. And, because the prompt and format is always the same, you have opportunities to practice so you go into it well-prepared .

Top College SAT Essay Requirements

In the chart below, I have compiled a list of the top-ranked U.S. colleges and their SAT essay requirements. If you don’t see your school here, check the College Board SAT Policies page. Remember that colleges and universities often re-evaluate and make changes to their policies. Use this as a guide, but always check your prospective school’s admissions page for the most updated requirements.

RankCollege or UniversitySAT Essay Requirements
1Harvard UniversityOptional – “you may choose to submit with or without the writing component”
2Yale UniversityOptional – “self report (your) essay or writing subscore on your application”
3Stanford UniversityNot Required
4Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNot Required
5Princeton UniversityNot Required
6California Institute of TechnologyNot Required—will not be considered
7University of PennsylvaniaNot Required
8Brown UniversityOptional
9Dartmouth CollegeNot Required
10Duke UniversityRecommended
11Williams CollegeNot Required
12Georgetown UniversityNot Required—will not be considered
13Cornell UniversityNot Required
14University of California, BerkeleyRequired
15Columbia UniversityNot Required
16Amherst CollegeRecommended
17Bowdoin CollegeTest Optional School—may submit any scores that accurately reflect your academic abilities
18University of ChicagoOptional—you may choose to submit your scores, but the essay “will not be an essential part of the application review”
19Pomona CollegeOptional
20Northwestern UniversityNot Required
21University of Notre DameNot Required
22University of Michigan, Ann ArborNot Required
23Harvey Mudd CollegeNot Required
24Swarthmore CollegeNot Required—will not be considered
25Johns Hopkins UniversityOptional
26Claremont McKenna CollegeNot Required—will not be considered
27United States Military AcademyRequired
28Rice UniversityOptional
29Bates CollegeOptional—along with all other test options
30University of Southern CaliforniaOptional—will be considered
31United States Naval AcademyOptional—will be considered
32Vanderbilt UniversityOptional
33Tufts UniversityNot Required—may submit
34University of VirginiaNot Required
35Washington University in St. LouisNot Required

As you look at which colleges require the SAT essay, it is clear that many of the top schools have dropped the requirement. But essays continue to be considered if you submit them with your application. My best advice—and your least limiting option—is to sign up, prepare for, and take the essay portion. It is a well-spent $17 and fifty minutes of your time when compared to your future.


What Is the SAT Essay?

College Board

  • February 28, 2024

The SAT Essay section is a lot like a typical writing assignment in which you’re asked to read and analyze a passage and then produce an essay in response to a single prompt about that passage. It gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your reading, analysis, and writing skills—which are critical to readiness for success in college and career—and the scores you’ll get back will give you insight into your strengths in these areas as well as indications of any areas that you may still need to work on.

The Essay section is only available in certain states where it’s required as part of SAT School Day administrations. If you’re going to be taking the SAT during school , ask your counselor if it will include the Essay section. If it’s included, the Essay section will come after the Reading and Writing and Math sections and will add an additional 50 minutes .

What You’ll Do

  • Read a passage between 650 and 750 words in length.
  • Explain how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience.
  • Support your explanation with evidence from the passage.

You won’t be asked to agree or disagree with a position on a topic or to write about your personal experience.

The Essay section shows how well you understand the passage and are able to use it as the basis for a well-written, thought-out discussion. Your score will be based on three categories.

Reading: A successful essay shows that you understood the passage, including the interplay of central ideas and important details. It also shows an effective use of textual evidence.

Analysis: A successful essay shows your understanding of how the author builds an argument by:

  • Examining the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and other stylistic and persuasive techniques
  • Supporting and developing claims with well-chosen evidence from the passage

Writing: A successful essay is focused, organized, and precise, with an appropriate style and tone that varies sentence structure and follows the conventions of standard written English.

Learn more about how the SAT Essay is scored.

Want to practice? Log in to the Bluebook™ testing application , go to the Practice and Prepare section, and choose full-length practice test . There are 3 practice Essay   tests. Once you submit your response, go to , where you’ll see your essay, a scoring guide and rubric so that you can score yourself, and student samples for various scores to compare your self-score with a student at the same level.

After the Test

You’ll get your Essay score the same way you’ll get your scores for the Reading and Writing and Math sections. If you choose to send your SAT scores to colleges, your Essay score will be reported along with your other section scores from that test day. Even though Score Choice™   allows you to choose which day’s scores you send to colleges, you can never send only some scores from a certain test day. For instance, you can’t choose to send Math scores but not SAT Essay scores.

Until 2021, the SAT Essay was also an optional section when taking the SAT on a weekend. That section was discontinued in 2021.

If you don’t have the opportunity to take the SAT Essay section as part of the SAT, don’t worry. There are other ways to show your writing skills as part of the work you’re already doing on your path to college. The SAT can help you stand out on college applications , as it continues to measure the writing and analytical skills that are essential to college and career readiness. And, if you want to demonstrate your writing skills even more, you can also consider taking an AP English course .

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10 Best Colleges That Require SAT Essay

When building your list of potential future schools, pay close attention to the best colleges that require SAT essay scores.

Many of these highly competitive programs help you study academic excellence while diversifying your employable and leadership skills.

If you’re searching for the ideal program with great SAT, ACT, and other standardized testing scores, these ten educational institutions are for you.

Each of the schools we included in this guide meets the following criteria:

  • An average yearly cost of no more than $42,000
  • An expected median starting salary no lower than $45,000
  • Have accredited programs by recognized bodies

1. Cameron University

4 Year; Lawton, OK

Average Annual Cost: $8,421

Cameron University is one of the many schools that require students to submit their SAT scores upon enrollment.

These scores can guarantee you’re entering the right program for your needs to guarantee your future success.

Since academics are a fundamental aspect of the programs available at this school, you’ll find many competitive programs.

Cameron University houses 45+ programs that lead to associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degrees.

You’ll also have lifelong learning opportunities, making it easier to continue improving your employable skills, even after finding your ideal career.

Currently, there are three major schools of thought at the Cameron University, namely:

  • School of Arts and Sciences (Art, Music, Theatre Arts, Military Science, Computing, Communication, English, and many more)
  • School of Graduate and Professional Studies (Psychology, Business, Education, Sports and Exercise Science, and many more)
  • Office of Teaching and Learning

2. University of North Alabama

4 Year; Florence, AL

Average Annual Cost: $13,699

The University of North Alabama requires students to submit their standardized testing scores because they’re known for academic excellence and flexibility.

Students can build a learning pathway that best suits their every need with their programs.

Whether you want to study entirely on campus, online, or with hybrid course options, there are many pathways to consider.

The University of North Alabama specializes in post-secondary education, workforce development, and international programs .

You’ll find numerous remarkable studying opportunities to help you get a jumpstart in a career of your choosing, whether you want a bachelor’s degree, graduate degree, or certificate.

Interestingly, students can also obtain a unique micro-credential that assists them with furthering their overall education.

Student life is also important at the University of North Alabama, as they help students feel like they’re part of a community.

You’ll find a collection of fraternities, sororities, and endless student clubs and organizations.

There are also numerous extracurriculars and sporting opportunities that students can choose from at the University of North Alabama.

3. Rice University

4 Year; Houston, TX

Average Annual Cost: $16,076

If research is where your heart lies, Rice University is one of the leading opportunities for academically oriented students.

Along with offering some of the most widely competitive programs across the United States, they also require SAT scores upon application.

This allows the school to select a specific group of students to offer enrollment to on an annual basis.

At Rice University, you’ll be studying on a 300-acre campus in Houston, Texas.

It’s also one of the most prestigious schools, according to the U.S. News & World Report, which has ranked it within the top 20 universities in the United States.

Rice University is unique because it unlocks the door to numerous unforgettable learning opportunities while offering a community-centric environment.

Students can attend courses with a six-to-one student-to-teacher ratio, giving you more personalized learning environments.

You’ll also be studying amongst an incredibly diverse student body, giving you access to lifelong opportunities and friends you won’t soon forget.

Regarding academics, students can choose from 50+ undergraduate majors across six avenues of study at Rice University.

You’ll find degree programs in architecture, natural sciences, engineering, humanities, social sciences, and music.

In addition, students can dive into minors, pre-professional programs, and interdisciplinary studies with their comprehensive curriculum options.

4. Grambling State University

4 Year; Grambling, LA

Average Annual Cost: $16,964

Grambling State University surely has a sufficient number of academic programs for students to explore.

That said, you will be required to submit your standardized testing scores along with your application to be considered.

Many of the school’s programs are competitive and allow students to learn the ins and outs of specialties across numerous industries.

At Grambling State University, students can enroll in several colleges in arts and science, business, education, and professional studies.

You can also consider the honors college for students that excel beyond what’s expected, allowing you to earn specialized degrees.

In addition to undergraduate programs, you’ll also find graduate studies and continuing education opportunities.

Along with its exclusive academics, Grambling State University is well known for its numerous athletic opportunities.

Students can explore top-ranked teams in basketball, football, track and field, cross country, and more.

There are also numerous student organizations to enroll in, allowing you to find like-minded lifelong friends.

5. Texas A&M University

4 Year; College Station, TX

Average Annual Cost: $18,919

Texas A&M is filled with remarkable learning opportunities for students looking for prestigious higher learning.

Located in College Station, students can live amongst 69,000 other students on and off campus.

With 133 undergraduate programs, 175 master’s degree programs, and 92 doctoral degrees, it’s one of the most prestigious learning institutions in the entire state.

A major tenet of studying at Texas A&M University is that every student works to become a leader in their specific industry.

You’ll have access to fabulous research opportunities, leadership programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and modernized campus tools.

Not to mention, Texas A&M University has a global presence in countries including Qatar, Mexico, and Costa Rica.

6. Tarleton State University

4 Year; Stephenville, TX

Average Annual Cost: $20,307

Thanks to their partnership, Tarleton State University is a fantastic option for students interested in earning a Texas A&M-quality degree at a different institution.

Located an hour outside Fort Worth, Texas, Tarleton is home to over 100 undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate programs.

Students will be able to find unique and standard areas of study within seven colleges, which include business, education and human development, liberal and fine arts, agriculture, science and mathematics, and business.

Tarleton State University is also home to several online degree programs and fabulous on-campus course offerings.

You can opt to study entirely on your own time, which can be more cost-effective, especially if you would have to otherwise live on campus.

7. Saint Louis University

4 Year; Saint Louis, MO

Average Annual Cost: $25,039

Saint Louis University takes a unique approach to education, ensuring students have access to fundamental academic and personal development opportunities.

After submitting your mandatory SAT scores with your application, you’ll be on your way to becoming a part of the nation’s oldest Jesuit universities.

Saint Louis University is a fantastic option for students interested in international education, as they also have a campus in Madrid, Spain, for international studies.

On average, this school is home to 13,000 students annually searching for a transformative and rigorous avenue of study.

Saint Louis University currently offers 97 bachelor’s degree programs and 126 master’s and doctoral programs.

Some schools of thought students can explore at Saint Louis University are law, medicine, education, public health and social justice, philosophy, arts and sciences, health sciences, and social work .

8. Georgetown University

4 Year; Washington, DC

Average Annual Cost: $32,108

Georgetown University is one of the many non-test optional schools in the United States that requires students to put their best foot forward.

They require both SAT, ACT, and any other standardized testing required for your specific area of study.

It’s also important to note they’re the single oldest Jesuit and Catholic university, offering a diverse learning environment for every student.

At Georgetown University, you’ll become a part of a student body comprised of 17,000 students from 135+ countries.

The campus is also remarkable, filled with unforgettable buildings and architecture that will make an impression.

Aside from their prestigious academics, students can also experience fulfilling campus life with 350+ organizations and clubs.

9. Carnegie Mellon University

4 Year; Pittsburgh, PA

Average Annual Cost: $36,775

Carnegie Mellon is a well-known university in the United States with renowned educational courses accessible to all students with SAT scores.

With 14,500+ currently enrolled students from 100+ countries, you’ll be a part of a diverse student body.

In addition, the school is home to 1300+ faculty members, speaking to the quality of education students will receive.

At Carnegie Mellon University, students can dive into numerous areas of study, including fine arts, computer science, engineering, public policy, and computer science.

There are also dozens of interdisciplinary and pre-professional programs students can dive into.

10. Howard University

Average Annual Cost: $41,388

Howard University is a great place to start if you’re searching for the best private university that requires SAT scores.

The school was founded in 1867 and is home to 14 schools and colleges of thought.

You’ll find a complete list of 143+ undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs.

In addition, Howard is a leader for students in STEM, unlocking the door to an endless number of unforgettable career options.

Whether you want to go into nursing, allied health sciences, or engineering, the options are endless.

Consider Colleges That Require SAT Essay Scores Today!

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SAT School Day with Essay

If you are taking a state-provided SAT, you may be required, or have the option, to answer an essay question as part of your test. The SAT Essay is a lot like a typical college writing assignment that asks you to analyze a text. It shows colleges that you're able to read, analyze, and write at the college level.

The SAT Essay asks you to use your reading, analysis, and writing skills. You'll be asked to:

  • Read a passage.
  • Explain how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience.
  • Support your explanation with evidence from the passage.

SAT Essay Overview

  • Total questions: 1 prompt, with points to consider and directions
  • Time allotted: 50 minutes to read and analyze the passage and to develop a written response

What the SAT Essay Measures

The SAT Essay shows how well you understand the passage and use it as the basis for a well-written, well-thought-out response. Your essay will be scored on three dimensions, each on a 2–8 scale:

  • Reading: A successful essay shows that you understood the passage, including the interplay of central ideas and important details. It also shows effective use of textual evidence.
  • Examining the author's use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive techniques (or other elements of your choosing)
  • Supporting your claims and points effectively
  • Focusing on those features of the passage that are most relevant for completing the task
  • Writing: A successful essay is cohesive, organized, and precise, uses an appropriate style and tone, has varied sentences, and observes the conventions of standard written English.

The Essay Prompt

The prompt shown below is nearly identical to the one that will appear on the SAT.

As you read the passage below, consider how [the author] uses:

  • Evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.
  • Reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.
  • Stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.

Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [their] audience that [author's claim]. In your essay, analyze how [the author] uses one or more of the features listed above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of [their] argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with [the author's] claims, but rather explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [their] audience.

The Essay Passage

All passages have these things in common:

  • Written for a broad audience
  • Argue a point
  • Express subtle views on complex subjects
  • Use logical reasoning and evidence to support claims
  • Examine ideas, debates, or trends in the arts and sciences or in civic, cultural, or political life
  • Always taken from published works

All the information you need to write your essay will be included in the passage or in notes about it.

SAT Essay Scoring Guide

Score Reading Analysis Writing
4 The response demonstrates thorough comprehension of the source text.

The response shows an understanding of the text's central idea(s) and of most important details and how they interrelate, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the text.

The response is free of errors of fact or interpretation with regard to the text.

The response makes skillful use of textual evidence (quotations, paraphrases, or both), demonstrating a complete understanding of the source text.
The response offers an insightful analysis of the source text and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the analytical task.

The response offers a thorough, well-considered evaluation of the author's use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or feature(s) of the student's own choosing.

The response contains relevant, sufficient, and strategically chosen support for claim(s) or point(s) made.

The response focuses consistently on those features of the text that are most relevant to addressing the task.
The response is cohesive and demonstrates a highly effective use and command of language.

The response includes a precise central claim.

The response includes a skillful introduction and conclusion. The response demonstrates a deliberate and highly effective progression of ideas both within paragraphs and throughout the essay.

The response has a wide variety in sentence structures. The response demonstrates a consistent use of precise word choice. The response maintains a formal style and objective tone.

The response shows a strong command of the conventions of standard written English and is free or virtually free of errors.
3 The response demonstrates effective comprehension of the source text.

The response shows an understanding of the text's central idea(s) and important details.

The response is free of substantive errors of fact and interpretation with regard to the text.

The response makes appropriate use of textual evidence (quotations, paraphrases, or both), demonstrating an understanding of the source text.
The response offers an effective analysis of the source text and demonstrates an understanding of the analytical task.

The response competently evaluates the author's use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or feature(s) of the student's own choosing.

The response contains relevant and sufficient support for claim(s) or point(s) made.

The response focuses primarily on those features of the text that are most relevant to addressing the task.
The response is mostly cohesive and demonstrates effective use and control of language.

The response includes a central claim or implicit controlling idea.

The response includes an effective introduction and conclusion.

The response demonstrates a clear progression of ideas both within paragraphs and throughout the essay.

The response has variety in sentence structures. The response demonstrates some precise word choice. The response maintains a formal style and objective tone.

The response shows a good control of the conventions of standard written English and is free of significant errors that detract from the quality of writing.
2 The response demonstrates some comprehension of the source text.

The response shows an understanding of the text's central idea(s) but not of important details.

The response may contain errors of fact and/or interpretation with regard to the text.

The response makes limited and/or haphazard use of textual evidence (quotations, paraphrases, or both), demonstrating some understanding of the source text.
The response offers limited analysis of the source text and demonstrates only partial understanding of the analytical task.

The response identifies and attempts to describe the author's use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or feature(s) of the student's own choosing, but merely asserts rather than explains their importance;

Or one or more aspects of the response's analysis are unwarranted based on the text.

The response contains little or no support for claim(s) or point(s) made.

The response may lack a clear focus on those features of the text that are most relevant to addressing the task.
The response demonstrates little or no cohesion and limited skill in the use and control of language.

The response may lack a clear central claim or controlling idea or may deviate from the claim or idea over the course of the response.

The response may include an ineffective introduction and/or conclusion. The response may demonstrate some progression of ideas within paragraphs but not throughout the response.

The response has limited variety in sentence structures; sentence structures may be repetitive.

The response demonstrates general or vague word choice; word choice may be repetitive. The response may deviate noticeably from a formal style and objective tone.

The response shows a limited control of the conventions of standard written English and contains errors that detract from the quality of writing and may impede understanding.
1 The response demonstrates little or no comprehension of the source text.

The response fails to show an understanding of the text's central idea(s), and may include only details without reference to central idea(s).

The response may contain numerous errors of fact and/or interpretation with regard to the text.

The response makes little or no use of textual evidence (quotations, paraphrases, or both), demonstrating little or no understanding of the source text.
The response offers little or no analysis or ineffective analysis of the source text and demonstrates little or no understanding of the analytical task.

The response identifies without explanation some aspects of the author's use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or feature(s) of the student's choosing;

Or numerous aspects of the response's analysis are unwarranted based on the text.

The response contains little or no support for claim(s) or point(s) made, or support is largely irrelevant.

The response may not focus on features of the text that are relevant to addressing the task;

Or the response offers no discernible analysis (e.g., is largely or exclusively summary).
The response demonstrates little or no cohesion and inadequate skill in the use and control of language.

The response may lack a clear central claim or controlling idea.

The response lacks a recognizable introduction and conclusion.

The response does not have a discernible progression of ideas.

The response lacks variety in sentence structures; sentence structures may be repetitive. The response demonstrates general and vague word choice; word choice may be poor or inaccurate. The response may lack a formal style and objective tone.

The response shows a weak control of the conventions of standard written English and may contain numerous errors that undermine the quality of writing.

SAT Essay Practice

To practice for the SAT Essay:

  • Download Bluebook™ .
  • Go to Practice and Prepare on the Bluebook homepage, and select SAT Essay Practice . (You can access the essay practice with the same sign-in credentials provided by your school.)
  • After you've finished the practice test in Bluebook, go to My Practice and sign in with the same credentials provided by your school to view your essay response, prompt, self-scoring rubric, and additional student sample essays.

SAT Practice Essays and Score Explanations—Digital

These full-length official SAT practice essay prompts—and their score explanations—were written by the same people who wrote the SAT. Download them to get started.

SAT Practice Essay 1—Digital

This full-length, official SAT practice essay was written by the same people who wrote the SAT. Download it to get started.

SAT Practice Essay 1 Score Explanations—Digital

Download student sample essays—and the explanations that show why they received the score they did—for SAT Practice Essay 1.

SAT Practice Essay 2—Digital

Sat practice essay 2 score explanations—digital.

Download student sample essays—and the explanations that show why they received the score they did—for SAT Practice Essay 2.

SAT Practice Essay 3—Digital

Sat practice essay 3 score explanations—digital.

Download student sample essays—and the explanations that show why they received the score they did—for SAT Practice Essay 3.

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  • What Do Colleges Look For in an Essay? | Examples & Tips

What Do Colleges Look For in an Essay? | Examples & Tips

Published on September 27, 2021 by Meredith Testa . Revised on May 31, 2023.

As part of the college application process , colleges ask prospective students for a personal essay in order to learn more about them. They want to see context on each student’s background, positive traits that the student could bring to campus, and examples of the student demonstrating those qualities.

That means that you, as an applicant, have a great opportunity to make a positive impression on the admissions officers with your essay. You should aim to write an essay that

  • Humanizes you
  • Makes your application memorable and differentiates you from other applicants
  • Demonstrates your unique positive traits

Table of contents

Context: what sets you apart, positive character qualities, proof: show, don’t tell, two strategies for finding your essay’s topic, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Your application will probably be similar to many other students’ applications. There will likely be many students from the same geographical area as you with comparable grades and test scores who have similar interests. Admissions officers will use your essay to see how you stand out from the crowd.

The context that admissions officers are looking for could be anything about you that differentiates you from other students. It could include your ethnic or socioeconomic background, your values, your passions, or anything else that sets you apart from your peers. International students may want to write about why they want to study in the US.

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Of course, it’s important to show your best qualities in the essay. Admissions officers want students who can demonstrate specific positive character traits.

Self-reflection and vulnerability

Self-reflection is a sign of maturity, and it can elevate an application from good to excellent. Colleges already have a list of each applicant’s accomplishments, so a student who can admit their mistakes—and prove that they’ve learned from them—will seem more human and likable.

Some students are hesitant to show their flaws, but keep in mind that colleges know you aren’t perfect. If your essay is just about how fabulous you are, you might come across as inauthentic or, worse, arrogant.

Initiative is one of the top qualities that colleges look for. Students who show initiative will likely bring that take-charge attitude with them to college, where it will help them contribute to the campus.

The essay should always involve you taking some kind of action—it shouldn’t just be about things that happened to you. For example, rather than writing about how it was emotionally difficult for you when several family members caught COVID, write about specific coping strategies you developed during that time or ways that you contributed to the family while they needed you.

“Show, don’t tell” means that you should always aim to prove something rather than just state it. This is especially important to avoid sounding arrogant when writing about yourself . For example, don’t just tell admissions officers that you’re hardworking; show them by detailing how you accomplished a goal through hard work.

So how do you actually write all that? The first step is choosing a good topic . Here are two effective ways to choose a topic that meets expectations and impresses admissions officers.

Option 1: Start with your qualities

One approach is to start by thinking of positive character traits you possess and then finding examples of times you demonstrated those traits.

Option 2: Start with a story

You could also approach your topic selection in the opposite way: start with a story, then work backwards to show how it demonstrates your positive qualities.

  • He is independent, as his parents were often preoccupied and couldn’t help him in the same ways that his peers’ parents could.
  • He is unflappable, as dealing with emergencies has always been a regular part of his life.
  • He is empathetic, as he realizes that some people are going through difficult times that aren’t necessarily obvious to outsiders.

Whatever you choose to write about, your essay should give admissions officers plenty of proof that you’re a desirable candidate. And make sure your essay has a memorable introduction and ends effectively to grab the reader’s attention.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

Colleges want to be able to differentiate students who seem similar on paper. In the college application essay , they’re looking for a way to understand each applicant’s unique personality and experiences.

In your application essay , admissions officers are looking for particular features : they want to see context on your background, positive traits that you could bring to campus, and examples of you demonstrating those qualities.

College application essays are less formal than other kinds of academic writing . Use a conversational yet respectful tone , as if speaking with a teacher or mentor. Be vulnerable about your feelings, thoughts, and experiences to connect with the reader.

Aim to write in your authentic voice , with a style that sounds natural and genuine. You can be creative with your word choice, but don’t use elaborate vocabulary to impress admissions officers.

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Testa, M. (2023, May 31). What Do Colleges Look For in an Essay? | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

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Do You Need The SAT For College Admission? What To Know

Matt Whittle

Expert Reviewed

Updated: Apr 29, 2024, 3:57am

Do You Need The SAT For College Admission? What To Know

Standardized test scores, once a staple of college admission requirements, have become less critical in recent years. Now, students can get into test-optional colleges without SAT scores, though some institutions still require candidates to provide exam scores for admission.

This guide provides valuable insights for students questioning the necessity of the SAT and ACT for college entry. Learn about common admission requirements, school policies on standardized admission tests, and colleges that don’t require SAT or ACT scores.

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Do You Need To Take the SAT or ACT To Get Into College?

Not all schools require candidates to submit SAT or ACT scores for admission. In recent years, many admissions departments have revised their requirements, shifting to test-optional or test-blind policies. Remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated this trend. “However,” notes college admissions counselor David Clingenpeel, “we are now seeing some institutions backtracking this change and requiring applicants to submit scores.”

FairTest reports that as of 2024, more than 1,900 accredited, four-year colleges and universities—including prestigious institutions like Stanford and Princeton—have removed this requirement from their admission criteria. Check out our list of the best test-optional colleges for more examples.

In most cases, if you perform well on a standardized admission test, you can still submit your scores to a test-optional college to bolster your application. But you won’t be penalized for omitting standardized test scores.

That said, many colleges still require the ACT or SAT for admission , so make sure to check with your prospective school to confirm its policies.

Should You Take Both the SAT and the ACT?

While applicants who perform well on standardized testing may consider taking the SAT and ACT, the time required to study and prepare for two separate tests may create diminishing returns.

Both exams have distinct formats, structures and content focuses, requiring you to dedicate significant time and energy to each test. This could potentially hurt both of your scores if you spread yourself too thin.

Moreover, test takers must pay fees to complete the SAT and ACT exams , so taking both tests could become expensive. Nonetheless, if your schedule and budget permit, sitting for both exams allows you the choice of which result to submit if you score significantly better on one test or the other.

What Do “Test-Optional” and Similar Policies Mean?

  • Test-optional: Test-optional schools do not require candidates to submit scores from standardized exams, instead allowing applicants to include test results if they believe the scores bolster their chances of admission.
  • Test-flexible: Test-flexible schools still require candidates to provide relevant exam scores, but applicants can submit results from other exams, like Advanced Placement® tests, instead of the SAT or ACT.
  • Test-blind: Colleges and universities may adopt test-blind policies, though this option is less common than test-optional. Test-blind institutions specify that applicants should not provide ACT or SAT scores—even if they are strong—as their admissions departments will ignore the exam results.

Should You Take Standardized Exams When Applying Test-Optional?

If you have the time to prepare for the SAT and can afford the $60 registration fee, taking the exam can still be worthwhile for prospective students. Some learners may even qualify for fee waivers, and some schools or districts cover the cost for their students.

Strong SAT scores can boost a candidate’s chances of admission, especially if they have limited extracurricular activities or low high school GPAs. Applicants who take the SAT or ACT and are unhappy with their scores can omit the results from their admissions materials for test-optional schools.

The risk of taking the SAT is fairly low, while the potential reward can be high, as strong scores can improve your chances of admission and help you qualify for more institutional aid. While the time invested in preparing may be in vain if a test taker becomes unsatisfied with their exam results, test-optional schools will never know about the applicant’s scores.

Some states require all students to take the SAT or ACT as a requirement for high school graduation. When researching colleges that do not require the SAT, also look into whether your state requires standardized tests to graduate from high school.

Will Applying Test-Optional Hurt My Chances at Admission?

Generally speaking, omitting test scores when applying to test-optional schools does not negatively affect your chances of gaining admission, as applicant reviews are becoming more holistic than in previous years. However, students who choose not to include test scores may receive increased scrutiny on other materials, such as GPA, letters of recommendation, essays and extracurricular activities.

Admissions departments review all aspects of a candidate’s academic materials. If you believe your standardized test scores would improve your chances, they’re probably worth including.

When To Take the SAT or ACT

If you plan to apply to a test-optional school, you should still take the SAT or ACT if you:

  • Live in a state that requires taking the SAT or ACT for high school graduation
  • Have a low GPA or lack extracurricular activities that prospective schools seek
  • Feel your admission essay isn’t strong enough, but you excel at standardized tests
  • Attended home school

Similarly, you can choose not to supply standardized exam scores to test-optional schools if you:

  • Live in a state that does not require the SAT or ACT to graduate from high school
  • Believe your application materials, such as your GPA and extracurricular activities, are strong enough to stand on their own
  • Were unavailable to complete the SAT or ACT while in high school
  • Received unsatisfactory test scores
  • Underperform on standardized tests

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the SAT

Can you go to college without the sat.

Yes—many colleges and universities have now made standardized admission tests like the SAT and ACT optional for applicants. That said, strong scores can improve your application profile, and choosing not to take the test limits your application options to test-optional and test-blind schools, so it may be advantageous to take the SAT even if it’s not mandatory.

Is the SAT still required for 2024?

It depends on where you apply. According to FairTest, more than 1,900 accredited, four-year schools don’t require applicants to submit SAT scores. Data from the National Center for Education Statistics indicates that this amounts to more than 70% of bachelor’s-granting schools. However, some institutions still require the SAT or ACT for admission, and in certain states, students must pass one of these tests to graduate from high school.

What happens if you don’t take the SAT?

With an increasing number of U.S. higher education institutions embracing test-optional or even test-blind policies, you can still get into college if you don’t take the SAT. However, if you don’t submit scores, application reviewers will place more weight on other aspects of your profile, such as your GPA, course selection, extracurricular activities and essay, so it’s important to make sure these aspects are as strong as possible. Additionally, some scholarships require SAT scores, so you may miss out on some funding sources if you don’t take the test.

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Matt Whittle has experience writing and editing accessible education-related content in health, technology, nursing and business subjects. His work has been featured on, and

Veronica Beagle is the managing editor for Education at Forbes Advisor. She completed her master’s in English at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Before coming to Forbes Advisor she worked on education related content at and Red Ventures as both a copy editor and content manager.

How Much Time Should You Spend on Each Component of Your College Application?

How Much Time Should You Spend on Each Component of Your College Application?

Whats Inside?

What is the importance of balanced time management, what components are involved in the college application timeline.

Applying to college can be difficult because there are so many considerations. Standardized test scores, personal essays, and other parts of your application demand careful attention and significant time. Effective time management is compulsory for submitting a strong application. Sufficient time for each component is vital to improving your academic and personal achievements. 

You can ensure a polished and competitive application by devoting the right amount of time to each aspect. A well-planned approach helps you highlight your strengths and demonstrate your passions and potential. By prioritizing your time wisely, you can confidently present your best self to potential colleges and universities, increasing your chances of acceptance.

what colleges want sat essay

The college application process is varied, with each component playing an important role in representing a well-rounded and capable candidate. Effective time management is essential to ensure no part of your application is neglected. According to a 2023 survey by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), 78% of college admissions officers consider time management skills an important quality in applicants.

Understanding how much time to allocate to each component allows you to maximize efficiency and present a strong application. This balanced approach allows you to show your academic achievements, personal growth, and extracurricular activities, ultimately increasing your chances of standing out in a competitive applicant pool.


By understanding each component's specific requirements and deadlines, students can create a personalized timeline to stay organized and on track. The college application timeline typically includes various components that require careful planning and time management to ensure a successful application submission. 

Standardized Test Preparation

Standardized tests, such as the SAT or ACT, often hold significant weight in college admissions. While the exact time commitment can vary based on individual needs and goals, it's generally recommended to begin preparing well in advance. SAT Tutoring can help you improve your scores efficiently through test preparation, making it an essential aspect of the college application. 

Many students benefit from enrolling in SAT Tutoring programs several months to a year before their desired test date. Consistent practice and familiarity with the test format are key to achieving optimal scores. Additionally, if necessary, students should factor in time for retakes, as many colleges consider the highest score obtained.

Preparing Your Essay

The personal essay demonstrates your personality, experiences, and aspirations to the admissions committee. Allocate 1-2 weeks for brainstorming topics, 3-4 weeks for drafting, and 2-3 weeks for revisions. Seek teacher, mentor, or editor feedback to ensure a clear, compelling, and error-free essay highlighting your strengths.

Gathering Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation provide valuable insight into your academic abilities and character. Request them from teachers and mentors 2-3 months in advance. Spend 1-2 weeks identifying and approaching recommenders, then allocate 1-2 weeks for follow-up and timely submission. Effective communication and much time are essential for securing strong letters.

Completing the Application Form

The application form requires attention to detail and accuracy. Spend 1-2 weeks filling out basic information and compiling a list of activities and achievements. Then, review and edit for accuracy and completeness, ensuring all sections are filled out correctly and reflect your accomplishments.

Preparing for Interviews

Preparation is key to making a positive impression in interviews. Spend 2-3 weeks researching common questions and practicing responses. Then, allot time for fake interviews with teachers, mentors, or friends to build confidence and improve presentation skills . This preparation will help you stand out and leave a lasting impression.

Final Review and Submission

Before submitting your application, conduct a thorough final review to prevent mistakes and ensure a polished application. Allocate 1-2 weeks to proofread every component, use a checklist to ensure completeness, and submit the application a few days before the deadline to avoid last-minute technical issues.

what colleges want sat essay

How far in advance should I start my college application process?

It's advisable to start the college application process at least six months to a year before the application deadlines. This timeline allows ample time for test preparation, writing essays, gathering recommendations, and completing all necessary forms.

Can SAT tutoring significantly improve my test scores?

Yes, SAT Tutoring can provide personalized guidance, strategies, and practice to help improve your test scores. Tutors can identify your weaknesses and tailor their teaching methods to address your specific needs, leading to better performance on test day.

What should I do if I don’t have enough time for all the application components?

If you’re short on time, prioritize the components that carry the most weight in the admissions process, such as standardized test scores, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. Desire help from teachers, mentors, or professional services to manage your workload effectively.

Guiding the college application process requires careful planning and time management. By understanding how much time to devote to each component, you can ensure that every aspect of your application is given the attention it deserves. From standardized test preparation and personal essays to letters of recommendation and interviews, each part plays a vital role in your overall application.

Start early, stay organized, and desire help when needed to present a compelling and well-rounded application. Remember, the effort you invest in each component can significantly impact your chances of admission to your dream college.

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What is a Good SAT Essay Score?

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Students taking the latest version of the SAT have a lot of questions about the Essay section in particular. When the College Board redesigned the SAT in 2016, the Essay section was the aspect of the test that changed most substantially.

As a result, it is the section that is least understood. Keep reading to learn how we approach setting a good target score for this often enigmatic section of the SAT.

What Is the SAT Essay?

Students taking the optional Essay section are provided with a written argument and asked to analyze it. Check out the College Board’s example prompt with sample graded responses to get a sense of what the exam looks like.

Is the SAT Essay Required?

This is the only optional section of the SAT. It does not impact your overall score out of 1600. Instead, your Essay grade stands alone on your score report.

While the College Board does not require the SAT Essay, certain schools do. 

Schools that Require the SAT Essay

  • All of the University of California schools
  • Benedictine University
  • City University London
  • Delaware State University
  • DeSales University
  • Dominican University of California
  • Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
  • Howard University
  • John Wesley University
  • Kentucky State University
  • Martin Luther College
  • Molloy College
  • Schreiner University
  • Soka University of America
  • Southern California Institute of Architecture
  • Texas A&M University—Galveston
  • United States Military Academy (West Point)
  • University of North Texas
  • West Virginia University Institute of Technology
  • Western Carolina University

what colleges want sat essay

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Additionally, these schools do not require the SAT Essay but recommend it.

Schools that Recommend the SAT Essay

  • Abilene Christian University
  • Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • Allegheny College
  • Amherst College
  • Art Institute of Houston
  • Augsburg University
  • Austin College
  • Caldwell University
  • California State University, Northridge
  • Central Connecticut State University
  • Central Michigan University
  • Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
  • Coastal Carolina University
  • Colby College
  • College of Wooster
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
  • Corban University
  • Cornerstone University
  • Dallas Christian College
  • Duke University
  • Eastern Illinois University
  • Eastern Nazarene College
  • Easternn University
  • Endicott College
  • Five Towns College
  • Gallaudet University
  • George Washington University
  • Georgia Highlands College
  • Greenville University
  • Gwynedd Mercy University
  • High Point University
  • Hofstra University
  • Holy Family University
  • Husson University
  • Indiana University South Bend
  • Indiana University Southeast
  • Indiana Wesleyan University
  • Inter American University of Puerto Rico: Barranquitas Campus
  • Juilliard School
  • Keiser University (West Palm Beach)
  • Lehigh University
  • Madonna University
  • Manhattan College
  • Marymount California University
  • Massachusetts Maritime Academy
  • McMurry University
  • Mercy College
  • Modern College of Design
  • Montana Tech of the University of Montana
  • Morehouse College
  • Mount Saint Mary College
  • Mount St. Joseph University
  • National-Louis University
  • New Jersey City University
  • Nichols College
  • North Park University
  • Occidental College
  • Ohio University
  • Oregon State University
  • Purdue University Northwest
  • Randall University
  • Randolph-Macon College
  • Reading Area Community College
  • Rowan University
  • Rutgers University—Camden Campus
  • Rutgers University—Newark Campus
  • Saint Michael’s College
  • Seton Hill University
  • Shiloh University
  • Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
  • Silver Lake College of the Holy Family
  • Southern Illinois University of Carbondale
  • Southern Oregon University
  • Spring Hill College
  • Sul Ross State University
  • SUNY Farmingdale State College
  • SUNY University at Stony Brook
  • Tarleton State University
  • Texas A&M International University
  • Texas A&M University
  • Texas State University
  • The King’s College
  • United States Air Force Academy
  • University of Evansville
  • University of La Verne
  • University of Mary Hardin—Baylor
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • University of Minnesota: Twin Cities
  • University of New England
  • University of Northwestern—St. Paul
  • University of the Virgin Islands
  • University of Toledo
  • University of Washington Bothell
  • VanderCook College of Music
  • Virginia Union University
  • Wabash College
  • Webb Institute
  • Webber International University
  • Wesleyan College
  • William Jewell College

Should You Take the SAT Essay Section?

We recommend taking the Essay section just in case you want to apply to one of the schools that requires or recommends it. If you’re absolutely sure you won’t apply to any of these schools, you can skip it. Just know that you can’t retake the SAT essay alone, so if you change your mind and want to apply to a school that requires the Essay section, you’ll have to retake the whole test.

How Is the SAT Essay Scored?

Your essay will be evaluated on three criteria—Reading, Analysis, and Writing.

The Reading grade is meant to gauge how well you understand the passage content. Did you absorb the information you just read? Especially when the details are not intuitive, your readers will be checking to see that you read closely and caught the nuance of the piece.

The Analysis score relates to how well you represented the argument that the writer made. Your goal in the Essay section should be to determine what the writer’s main argument is and describe how they present it. 

Finally, your score in Writing reflects your own command over the English language. Your capacity to write clear, well-structured sentences that use a wide range of vocabulary will determine this grade.

Two readers each give the essay a score between 1 and 4, depending on how well each reader thinks you did in the three categories. Their grades are then summed to give you a three-part grade. The highest grade you can receive is 8, 8, 8, while the lowest possible score is 2, 2, 2. To give an example, one student may score a 5, 4, 4, which would mean that their readers submitted the following feedback:

Reading 3 2
Analysis 2 2
Writing 2 2

What’s a Good, Average, and Bad SAT Essay Score?

In 2019, the mean score on the Reading and Writing for the SAT Essay was a 5. For the Analysis section, the mean score was a little lower at 3, simply because Analysis is a skill that high school students spend less time honing than Reading or Writing.

For a detailed breakdown of how 2019’s test takers performed, here are a few score distributions:

sat essay reading score distribution chart

Here’s a rough breakdown of the percentile scores based on the most recent College Board data. Here’s how this chart works: say you scored a 6 on the Reading section. According to the data, that means that you performed better than 70% of other essay writers.

SAT Essay Score Percentile Rankings

8 99 99+ 98
7 96 99 93
6 70 93 53
5 48 79 33
4 18 51 9
3 8 32 4
2 0 0 0

Source: College Board and CollegeVine data analysis

How Should You Understand and Improve Your SAT Essay Score?

Unless your SAT Essay score is rock-bottom, you should not feel the need to retest just to improve your Essay score. If you received a low score that you feel isn’t representative of your writing abilities, focus on crafting stellar college essays instead of retaking the SAT just for the Essay section.

If you were unhappy with your SAT Essay score AND your overall SAT score, however, then you should consider retaking the test with the Essay section. 

Here are a few tips on how to improve your SAT Essay score:

1. Annotate the passage. Read carefully. Start by boxing the main argument of the passage, then put a star next to three or four places where the author employs a strategy to win the readers over. These may include:

  • Refuting a counter argument
  • Raising a question
  • Providing anecdotal evidence
  • Using statistics to support a claim
  • Citing historical examples
  • Employing rhetorical devices, such as metaphor

2. State the main point of the passage author. Make it clear that you understand what the author is trying to say by stating their thesis clearly in your essay response. No one reading your essay should have any doubt as to what you think the main point of the passage is.

Make the author’s thesis clear at the beginning of your response as well as in your concluding paragraph. Tie back to it often within your body paragraphs too.

3. Outline before you write. Spend 3-5 minutes organizing your thoughts. Build up 2-4 points about the argument’s structure. Think of yourself as a debate coach. Give feedback on the persuasion tactics the author used. Which ones were most effective? What could they have done to sway their audience even more?

Remembered the strategies you starred when you were annotating? These are the building blocks of the author’s argument, and your essay should provide analysis of how effectively these building blocks were used.

4. DO NOT include your personal opinion. The essay exists to assess whether you can analyze an argument. It has nothing to do with your personal views. If you find yourself defending or disagreeing with the passage, that is a good sign that you are missing a chance to analyze the argument’s structure.

5. Proofread your essay. Give yourself 2 minutes towards the end of the section to improve the language you used. Search for spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as weak word choice. Replace monosyllabic words like “good” and “is” with more dynamic vocabulary, such as “striking” or “constitutes.” This is a quick and easy way to boost your Writing score.

For more advice on how to study for the Essay section, check out our How to Get a Perfect Score on the SAT Essay and The Ultimate Guide to the New SAT Essay .

Want to know how your SAT score impacts your chances of acceptance to your dream schools? Our free Chancing Engine will not only help you predict your odds, but also let you know how you stack up against other applicants, and which aspects of your profile to improve. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to gain access to our Chancing Engine and get a jumpstart on your college strategy!

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Whether you've never written an SAT Essay or didn't get the score you wanted on your last test, you can benefit from knowing more: both about the essay itself, and what really matters when the graders are reading your essay.

To introduce you to what you'll have to do, we've gathered up these 15 tips to master the SAT essay . If you can reliably follow all these points, you'll be able to get at least a 6/6/6 on the SAT essay—guaranteed.

UPDATE: SAT Essay No Longer Offered

In January 2021, the College Board announced that after June 2021, it would no longer offer the Essay portion of the SAT (except at schools who opt in during School Day Testing). It is now no longer possible to take the SAT Essay, unless your school is one of the small number who choose to offer it during SAT School Day Testing.

While most colleges had already made SAT Essay scores optional, this move by the College Board means no colleges now require the SAT Essay. It will also likely lead to additional college application changes such not looking at essay scores at all for the SAT or ACT, as well as potentially requiring additional writing samples for placement.

What does the end of the SAT Essay mean for your college applications? Check out our article on the College Board's SAT Essay decision for everything you need to know.

The Challenge

The SAT Essay is a very short assignment. You only get 50 minutes to read a 650-750 word passage, analyze the devices the author uses to structure her/his argument, and write a full-fledged essay —and it can pass in a flash if you don't have a method for attacking it.

Writing an SAT essay requires a very specific approach that's unlike the essays you've been writing for English class in school. The goal of this strategy is to cram in as many as possible of the desired components in the 50 minutes you've got. In this article, we give you 15 key tips for the SAT essay.

The first five tips in this article relate to what the College Board tells us about what's a good essay. The next five are truths that the College Board doesn't want you to know (or doesn’t make explicit). And the last five tips for SAT essay writing show you how to build an SAT essay, step by step.

What the College Board Does Tell You: 5 Tips

The College Board explains the main components of the successful SAT Essay in its scoring criteria. Here they are, condensed:

#1: Give a Clear Thesis

The SAT essay rubric states: "The response includes a precise central claim.”

What this means is that your essay needs to make a clear argument that the reader can easily identify.  All you have to do to create your "precise central claim" is to identify the main idea of the passage and list the methods the author uses to support it.

Fortunately, the SAT provides you with the passage’s main idea, so you don’t have to go hunting for it yourself. I've bolded the claim in this (fake) sample prompt so you can see this for yourself:

Write an essay in which you explain how Sam Lindsay builds an argument to persuade her audience that more works of art should feature monsters . In your essay, analyze how Lindsay uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of her argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Lindsay’s claims, but rather explain how Lindsay builds an argument to persuade her audience.

Now, here's an example of a thesis statement for an essay responding to this prompt:

In the article “Monsters Monsters Everywhere,” Sam Lindsay uses personal anecdotes, vivid language, and appeals to emotion to persuade her audience that more works of art should feature monsters.

It's fine to copy the exact words describing the author’s central claim from the prompt into your thesis statement—in fact, this guarantees that the graders will see that your thesis is there and on-topic.

#2: Include Both an Introduction and a Conclusion

The SAT essay rubric states: "The response includes a skillful introduction and conclusion.”

Including an introduction paragraph in your essay is absolutely essential to getting a Writing score above a 4 (out of 8). The introduction paragraph introduces the reader to what you’ll be talking about and allows you to set up the structure for the rest of the essay. Plus, an introduction can be a pretty good indicator of the quality for the rest of the essay—a poorly constructed introduction is often a warning that the essay that follows will be equally discombobulated.

It's best to have both an introduction and a conclusion, but if you’re running short on time and can only have one, definitely pick the introduction. The main reason for this is that a good introduction includes your thesis statement. For the SAT essay, your thesis (or your "precise central claim") should be a statement about what devices the author uses to build her/his argument.

Introductions can be tricky to write, because whatever you write in that paragraph can then make you feel like you’re locked into writing just about that. If you’re struggling with the introduction paragraph, leave yourself 10 blank lines at the beginning of the essay and jump into writing your body paragraphs. Just make sure you remember to go back and write in your introduction before time’s up!

#3: Use Effective Language and Word Choice

There are a couple of parts of the Writing score section on the SAT essay rubric that pertain directly to style.

The SAT essay rubric states this about a perfect-Writing-score essay: "The response is cohesive and demonstrates a highly effective use and command of language."

For most of us, "command of language" is an area that takes a long time to develop, so unless your language skills are really rough or you're prepping at least a year ahead of time (or both), you'll probably get more out of focusing on the other components of the essay.

The SAT essay rubric also states: “The response has a wide variety in sentence structures. The response demonstrates a consistent use of precise word choice. The response maintains a formal style and objective tone.”

This basically boils down to: don't be repetitive and don't make grammar mistakes. In addition, you should avoid using first person statements like "I" or "My" in the essay, along with any other informality. You're writing the equivalent of a school paper, not an opinion piece.

Bad (Too informal):

“I think that Sam’s super persuasive in this article cause she’s just so passionate. It made me feel kinda bad that I don’t really monster it up in my everyday life.”

Good (Formal):

“Lindsay’s passionate defense of how drawing monsters 'allows us to laugh at our personal foibles' causes her audience to put themselves in her shoes and empathize with her position.”

Finally, try to use different words to describe the same idea—don't use "shows" 15 times. Take the chance to show off your vocabulary ( if, and only if , the vocabulary is appropriate and makes sense) . This component is the biggest reason why revising your SAT Essay is essential—it's fast and easy to change repeated words to other ones after you're finished, but it can slow you down during writing to worry about your word choice. If you're aiming for a top score, using advanced vocabulary appropriately is vital.

#4: Only Use Information From the Passage

All the relevant information is in the passage, so avoid getting drawn into the topic and using your outside knowledge—you want to be sure to show that you’ve read the passage.

In real life, there are many ways to support a thesis, depending on the topic. But on the SAT, there's one kind of correct support: specific details drawn from the passage you’re asked to analyze . We'll show you more below.

#5: Focus Your Essay on Relevant Details

You don’t have to mention every single detail that makes the argument effective. In fact, your essay will be more coherent and more likely to score higher in Analysis if you focus your discussion on just a few points . It's more important to show that you're able to pick out the most important parts of the argument and explain their function that it is to be able to identify every single persuasive device the author used.

Think about it as if you were asked to write a 50-minute essay describing the human face and what each part does. A clear essay would just focus on major features—eyes, nose, and mouth. A less effective essay might also try to discuss cheekbones, eyebrows, eyelashes, skin pores, chin clefts, and dimples as well. While all of these things are part of the face, it would be hard to get into detail about each of the parts in just 50 minutes.


And this is the eye, and this is the other eye, and this is the...other eye...and the other eye...and the other...wait...what's going on here?

What the College Board Doesn’t Tell You: 5 Secrets

Even though the SAT essay has clearly stated, publicly-available guidelines, there are a few secrets to writing the essay that most students don't know and that can give you a major advantage on the test.

#1: Read the Prompt Before the Passage

Why? Because the prompt includes the description of the author’s claim. Knowing what the author’s claim is going into the article can help keep you focused on the argument, rather than getting caught up in reading the passage (especially if the topic is one you're interested in).

#2: Your Facts Must Be Accurate…But Your Interpretation Doesn’t Have to Be

A big part of the Analysis score for the SAT essay is not just identifying the devices the author uses to build her argument, but explaining the effect that the use of these devices has on the reader . You don’t have to be completely, 100% accurate about the effect the passage has on the reader, because there is no one right answer. As long as you are convincing in your explanation and cite specific examples, you’ll be good.

Here's an example of an interpretation about what effect a persuasive device has on the reader (backed by evidence from the passage):

Lindsay appeals to the emotions of her readers by describing the forlorn, many-eyed creatures that stare reproachfully at her from old school notebook margins. The sympathy the readers feel for these forgotten doodles is expertly transferred to Lindsay herself when she draws the connection between the drawn monsters and her own life: “Often, I feel like one of these monsters—hidden away in my studio, brushes yearning to create what no one else cares to see.”

Now, you don't necessarily know for sure if "sympathy for the doodles" is what the author was going for in her passage. The SAT essay graders probably don't know either (unless one of them wrote the passage). But as long as you can make a solid case for your interpretation, using facts and quotes from the passage to back it up , you'll be good.

#3: You Should Write More Than One Page

This has always been true for the SAT essay, but for the first time ever, the College Board actually came out in The Official SAT Study Guide and explicitly said that length really does matter . Here's the description of a one-paragraph, 120-word-long student response that received a Writing score of 2/8 (bolding mine).

“Due to the brief nature of the response , there is not enough evidence of writing ability to merit a score higher than 1. Overall, this response demonstrates inadequate writing .” (source: The Official SAT Study Guide , p. 176 )

You’ll have one page for (ungraded) scrap paper that you can use to plan out your essay, and four pages of writing paper for the essay—plan on writing at least two pages for your essay .

#4: Be Objective When Reading the Passage

Being able to stay detached while reading the passage you'll be writing the essay about can be tricky. This task might be especially difficult for students who were used to the old SAT essay (which pretty much made it mandatory for you to choose one side or the other). You’ll have to practice reading persuasive essays and gaining objectivity (so that you are able to write about how the argument is constructed, not whether it’s good or bad).

A good way to practice this is to read news articles on topics you care deeply about by people who hold the opposite view that you do . For instance, as a composer and violist/violinist, I might read articles about how children should not be encouraged to play musical instruments, since it holds no practical value later on in life (a view I disagree with vehemently). I would then work on my objectivity by jotting down the central ideas, most important details, and how these details relate to the central ideas of the article .

Being able to understand the central ideas in the passage and details without being sidetracked by rage (or other emotions) is key to writing an effective SAT essay.


Don't let the monster of rage distract you from your purpose.

#5: Memorize and Identify Specific Persuasive Techniques

Once you’re able to read articles objectively (as discussed in point #4 above), the next step is to be able to break down the essay passage's argument . To do this successfully, you'll need to be aware of some of the techniques that are frequently used to build arguments.

The SAT essay prompt does mention a few of these techniques (bolding mine):

As you read the passage below, consider how Lindsay uses

  • evidence, such as facts or examples , to support claims.
  • reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.
  • stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion , to add power to the ideas expressed.

It’s certainly possible to wing it and go into the test without knowing specific names of particular persuasive devices and just organically build up your essay from features you notice in the article. However, it's way easier to go into the essay knowing certain techniques that you can then scan the passage for .

For instance, after noting the central ideas and important details in the article about how more works of art should feature monsters, I would then work on analyzing the way the author built her argument. Does she use statistics in the article? Personal anecdotes? Appeal to emotion?

I discuss the top persuasive devices you should know in more detail in the article " 6 SAT Essay Examples to Answer Every Prompt ".

How to Get All the Necessary Components in 50 Minutes: 5 Step-By-Step Strategies

When you write an SAT essay, you only have 50 minutes to read, analyze, and write an essay, which means that you need a game plan going in. Here's a short step-by-step guide on how to write an effective SAT essay.

#1: Answer the Prompt

Don’t just summarize the passage in your essay, or identify persuasive devices used by the author—instead, be sure to actually analyze the way the author of the passage builds her argument. As  The Official SAT Study Guide states ,

"[Y]our discussion should focus on what the author does, why he or she does it, and what effect this is likely to have on readers."

College Board makes a point of specifying this very point in its grading rubric as well—an essay that scores a 2 (out of 4) or below in Analysis " merely asserts, rather than explains [the persuasive devices'] importance. " If you want to get at least a 3/4 (or a 6/8) in Analysis, you need to heed this warning and stay on task .

#2: Support Your Points With Concrete Evidence From the Passage

The best way to get a high Reading score for your essay is to quote from the passage appropriately to support your points . This shows not only that you’ve read the passage (without your having to summarize the passage at all), but also that you understand what the author is saying and the way the author constructed her argument.

As an alternative to using direct quotations from the passage, it’s also okay to paraphrase some of what you discuss. If you are explaining the author's argument in your own words, however, you need to be extra careful to make sure that the facts you're stating are accurate —in contrast to scoring on the old SAT essay, scoring on the new SAT essay takes into account factual inaccuracies and penalizes you for them.

#3: Keep Your Essay Organized

The SAT essay rubric states: “The response demonstrates a deliberate and highly effective progression of ideas both within paragraphs and throughout the essay.”

The main point to take away from this is that you should follow the standard structure for an SAT essay (introduction-body-body-conclusion) . Using a basic four- to five-paragraph essay structure will both keep you organized and make it easier for the essay graders to follow your reasoning—a win-win situation!

Furthermore, you should connect each paragraph to each other through effective transitions. We'll give you ways to improve your performance in this area in the articles linked at the end of this article.

#4: Make Time to Read, Analyze, Plan, Write, and Revise

Make sure you allocate appropriate amounts of time for each of the steps you’ll need to take to write the essay—50 minutes may seem like a long time, but it goes by awfully quick with all the things you need to do.

Reading the passage, analyzing the argument, planning your essay, writing your essay, and revising are all important components for writing an 8/8/8 essay. For a breakdown of how much time to spend on each of these steps, be sure to check out our article on how to write an SAT essay, step-by-step .


#5: Practice

The more you practice analysis and writing, the better you’ll get at the task of writing an SAT essay (as you work up to it a little at a time).

It's especially important to practice the analysis and writing components of the essay if you are a slow reader (since reading speed can be difficult to change). Being able to analyze and write quickly can help balance out the extra time you take to read and comprehend the material. Plus, the time you put into working on analysis and writing will yield greater rewards than time spent trying to increase your reading speed.

But don't forget : while it’s okay to break up the practice at first, you also really do need to get practice buckling down and doing the whole task in one sitting .

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning of improving your SAT essay score. Next, you actually need to put this into practice with a real SAT essay.

Looking to get even deeper into the essay prompt? Read our complete list of SAT essay prompts and our detailed explanation of the SAT essay prompt .

Hone your SAT essay writing skills with our articles about how to write a high-scoring essay, step by step and how to get a 8/8/8 on the SAT essay .

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Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school.

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Abortion United Evangelicals and Republicans. Now That Alliance Is Fraying.

The southern baptist convention, long a bellwether for american evangelicalism, voted to oppose the use of in vitro fertilization..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

From “The New York Times,” I’m Sabrina Tavernise. And this is “The Daily.”

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the country, voted at its annual gathering last week to condemn IVF fertility treatments. Today, my colleague Ruth Graham on the story behind the vote the Republicans scrambled and prompted, and what it could eventually mean for the rest of the country.

It’s Monday, June 17.

So, Ruth, you write about religion for “The Times” and you were covering the big annual meeting of Southern baptists last week. And they made a pretty big decision. Tell us about it.

The Southern Baptist Convention, it’s the biggest Protestant denomination in the United States. They have almost 13 million members, more than 45,000 churches. It’s a huge group.

And Southern Baptists know their political power. And they are basically a barometer of evangelical sentiment in the US. You know, what they say kind of indicates what the typical evangelical cares about in any given moment. And fun for reporters, they all meet once a year in this giant gathering that any church can send delegates to. The delegates are called messengers.

So this year that meeting was in Indianapolis. There were almost 11,000 messengers there in the convention center. And one of the important political topics they took on this year was something they have never discussed as a full body before, and that’s the ethics of in-vitro fertilization.

OK. So this very important conference of Southern Baptists takes up IVF. In other words, the medical procedure that allows people to get pregnant through fertilization in a lab. So what do they say?

So a lot of Southern Baptists historically have not taken issue with IVF per se at all. They view it as a technology used to create life. You know, it’s used by families who desperately want to be parents, and they view that as a positive thing.

But the procedure does involve, typically, the production of more embryos than will be used by the couple that created them. And those embryos end up sometimes discarded, sometimes frozen indefinitely, sometimes donated, but not used in the way that they were originally created to be used. So some Southern Baptists do take issue with discarding those excess embryos. And the reason is they say life begins at conception.

This is sort of a core anti-abortion belief. The moment that the sperm meets the egg, that is the stuff of life. There’s a verse in Psalms, “You created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

And you’ll hear that cited in Christian anti-abortion spaces a lot as evidence that God cares about and views as fully human human beings at the very moment of conception. And that would include these frozen embryos.

Right. If you truly believe that life begins at conception, you probably would not agree to abortion at any stage of gestation. And that same logic would apply to IVF. So when this issue gets raised at the conference, what happens? What are people saying?

So there’s a resolution that comes to the floor. Resolutions in Southern Baptist language are nonbinding. This would not be a ban. It’s just a statement of concern that’s meant to summarize Southern Baptist opinion on this particular topic.

So the language that’s proposed calls on Southern Baptists to reaffirm the value of human life. And then it narrows in on human life in an embryonic stage. And it urges them to just use reproductive technologies, fertility treatments that are consistent with that view of human life.

What does that mean?

They’re actually walking a pretty fine line here. They stopped short of saying that a Southern Baptist should never use IVF under any circumstances. They’re calling attention to these excess embryos and saying that, you know, Baptists really should only use reproductive technology with attention to life at this embryonic stage. And the resolution also goes so far as to ask Baptists to call on their governments to restrain these kind of technologies that violate the dignity of, as they put it, quote, “frozen embryonic human beings.”

Hm. So they’re also actually asking people to pressure their governments to respect this position, basically?

That’s right. It’s light on specifics, but that’s the suggestion.

But Ruth, why did they decide to raise this issue now? I mean, IVF obviously has been around for a long time,

Right. So back in February, there was a case that reached the Alabama Supreme Court that had started when a group of families in the state filed this wrongful death claim over a mistake at a fertility clinic where their frozen embryos were accidentally destroyed. They sue, and the state Supreme Court ends up ruling not only in their favor, but says really clearly that frozen embryos should be considered children. So the Chief Justice writes, “Even before birth, all human beings have the image of God and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing His glory.”

So really putting out this religious argument for human life in embryonic form. So that case lands like a bomb.


The stunning decision from Alabama’s Supreme Court has enormous and immediate consequences for fertility care.

And it really caught a lot of people off guard. You know, all along the spectrum.

A third fertility clinic in Alabama has shut down after the state Supreme Court ruled embryos are children.

The court offered no clear roadmap for what is and isn’t legal.

And it just places this question about the ethics and the legal aspects and all of this, it just puts IVF into the national conversation.

We’re concerned that with the new ruling, we may have to limit fertilization of eggs, which will limit success of treatment, limit efficiency, increase cost, and of course, risk to patients.

It’s a stressful process already. And I don’t need the added stress, and no woman does, of whether or not this might be moral to go through to have children when this is my only path.

And there’s this really strong backlash to the idea that embryos should be protected with the force of the law as full human beings. Because IVF is broadly popular, including among many Republican voters.

Alabama House of Representatives and the Senate have passed a law that restores access to in vitro fertilization. Doctors at clinics have told ABC News the new language will give them enough reassurance to resume IVF without facing legal risks.

Ultimately, the state legislature, the Republican governor work really quickly to reinstate it in the state. But it opens up this new conversation among conservative evangelicals who are broadly anti-abortion. And they’re starting to think should we think about this IVF conversation in the same way that we’ve thought about abortion? Should we be pushing on this more?

So most of the country takes the lesson from the Alabama case that IVF is not something to be interfered with. But for some in the evangelical community, they take the opposite lesson, it sounds like.

That’s right. For some evangelicals, this feels like the perfect moment to bring IVF into the abortion conversation and start to turn the tide against it. One of these people is an ethicist in Kentucky. His name is Andrew Walker. He works at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. It’s a major Southern Baptist seminary in Louisville.

And he’s been wanting to bring IVF into sort of the mainstream Southern Baptist consciousness for a while. He first started writing about it about five years ago. He actually published an essay in a sort of mainstream evangelical publication about it, got a lot of pushback, never felt it was the right moment to bring a resolution to the meeting, but he’s had this tucked in the back of his mind because he has this pretty clear conviction that IVF does not comport with Christian anti-abortion values.

So when the Alabama ruling happens, and the backlash, and the broader conversation, Andrew Walker thinks, you know, this is the moment. So he calls his friend and mentor, Dr. Al Mohler, who’s the president of the seminary where they both work. And he says, let’s do it.

Let’s start crafting a resolution for the meeting this year. And we’ll see if it gets forward. We’ll see if it gets discussed. We’ll see if it gets approved. But we’ve got to strike while the iron is hot here.

And did Baptists like Walker understand that a resolution like this would have potentially quite bad implications for mainstream Republican politicians? Like, wasn’t that the lesson of Alabama?

Yes. And I talked with both Dr. Walker and Dr. Mohler about this. And they both said they were completely aware of that. They didn’t love it, but they both felt that that was not their highest priority. That was not their highest responsibility.

And if anything, Dr. Mohler said this in particular, he wanted to nudge Republicans on the issue. He actually said he wanted to do more than nudge Republicans. He wanted to call them out. And so this would be a really high profile way to show to Republicans, look, we’ve got thousands of mainstream Southern Baptists in a room here who are all expressing collective alarm and opposition to IVF as it’s commonly practiced.

OK. So Baptist leaders nevertheless put this proposal to a vote on the floor. Tell us about how that went, when they put this proposal in front of thousands of other evangelicals.

It was really dramatic.


We’re in this cavernous convention hall where, over the course of the last few days, there’s been singing of hymns. People have heard sermons. There’s been prayers. They’ve sent missionaries out. They’ve been sort of together in the work of making their convention what they want it to be.

Microphone 3A, would you give us your name, your church, and proceed with your discussion?

Yes. Daniel Taylor, messenger —

And then there’s this incredibly dramatic discussion and debate about the ethics of something so personal.

Thank you, Mr President. I rise to speak in favor of this amendment, out of both a heart for the unborn and for those stricken with infertility.

Anyone is allowed to come to the microphone under Southern Baptist rules. And you had two men come to the microphone to share really personal stories —

From my friends, the initial steps of IVF yielded six viable embryos. Four of the embryos were implanted and two were frozen for a time. Only one survived to term, their son and my godson. Because of him, I thank God for IVF.

One has a godson born via IVF.

I have a son because of IVF. I have another son 20 weeks old in my wife’s womb because of IVF.

The other has one child and his wife pregnant with a second via IVF.

I am for the sanctity of life and for the sanctity of embryos. I am against the idea that this technology is so wicked that it cannot be employed.

And both spoke about just loving these children and seeing the technology as a blessing from God.

I thank the authors of the resolution and the committee for the opportunity for the SBC to be a voice of biblical truth and clarity in this pressing cultural issue.

A woman came to the microphone, sort of on the other side.

In addition to my living children, I am the mother of four babies that I never got to hold. Two of those babies we adopted as embryos. Nothing in the process of IVF upholds the sanctity of life. There is no way to describe the treatment of embryos at any point in the IVF process as ethical or dignified.

To share that she had participated in embryo adoption, meaning that she had another family’s embryos implanted in her womb to try to bring those pregnancies to fruition. And in this case, she miscarried both times. But she had done that out of a sense of really moral obligation to these embryos as human life.

And it was quiet. I mean, people are really listening to these really personal stories and wrestling with them. This is personal for a lot of people in that room. But at the end of all this, it’s time to vote on the resolution.

So in the end, the language has been really carefully crafted to kind of bring Southern Baptists along on this argument. So it affirms that God loves all children, no matter the circumstances of their conception. It expresses empathy for couples trying to conceive. It says it’s a good and positive thing to want to have children, to expand your family.

And then it arrives at this point of saying that IVF, as it’s commonly practiced, is not an ethical option for Southern Baptists in most circumstances. So this resolution comes to a vote, to the thousands of people in that room. They’re all sitting in folding chairs. They raise their little orange ballots in favor or against. And the resolution passes overwhelmingly.

So this resolution ultimately passes. But how important is it really if it’s just an expression of sentiment, it’s not actually a directive to do something?

It’s hugely significant. This is the first major public statement that this group of influential evangelicals, frankly, influential Republican voters have made on this issue. And it really sets them up on a collision course with mainstream Republicans.

We’ll be right back.

So Ruth, you said that this vote really sets evangelicals on a collision course with mainstream Republicans. What did that look like?

So mainstream Republicans, in the wake of the Alabama ruling, have really circled the wagons to try to show that they are not only totally comfortable with IVF, but are going to go to great lengths to preserve it. And they see it as pro-family. They know that’s how most of their constituents view it. They want to really show that they see that as totally separate from the conversation about abortion and that they are going to be the ones to preserve access to IVF. And so on the very same day this happened in Indianapolis, in Washington —

I want to yield to the senator from Alabama, Senator Britt.

Thank you so much.

— Senator Katie Britt of Alabama, she’s an evangelical Christian, she gets up on the floor of the Senate and gives this impassioned speech supporting IVF.

I was proud to join my colleague from Texas in introducing The IVF Protection Act. I am —

She, with Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, has put forward this bill that they say is intended to protect IVF access by blocking Medicaid funding to states that ban it outright. Democrats say that actually would not have done anything to fix the problem. And there are these kind of jockeying bills. But still, she gets up on the Senate floor —

Look, as a mom, I know firsthand that there’s no greater joy in this life than that of being a mother. IVF helps aspiring parents —

— and speaks, as a mom, as she puts it, in defense of IVF.

IVF access is fundamentally pro-family.

She’s wearing this really prominent cross necklace. And she talks about how supporting IVF is pro-family, that that’s the pro-family point of view.

We all have loved ones, whether they’re family members or friends, who have become parents or grandparents through IVF.

And she puts out a statement the same day, with Senator Cruz, and it’s signed by all of her Republican colleagues, including Josh Hawley, Marsha Blackburn, every conservative across the spectrum in the Senate signs on to this support for IVF.

So even the most conservative Republicans in Congress are coming out with this position that’s really at odds with evangelicals.

That’s right. IVF is hugely popular. Fertility treatments are widely used, including by evangelicals. Most people don’t even think negatively about this stuff, let alone want to ban it. So it’s a real dilemma for Republicans to watch evangelicals potentially turn in this direction.

So there’s pressure from the Southern Baptist Convention on mainstream Republicans, which I have to imagine is making Democrats pretty happy. I mean, I saw President Biden out there with a fundraising email the day that the Southern Baptists voted.

That’s right. I mean, Democrats are really leaning into reproductive rights right now. They’re putting abortion measures on ballots in November. They know that’s going to attract their voters. It’s going to attract independents.

They’re pointing out these restrictions. They’re talking about this stuff. And the vote last week from the Southern Baptists is another suggestion that there’s this movement out there that doesn’t just want to regulate at 15 weeks, not just at 12 weeks, not just at 6 weeks, but, you know, all the way down to the embryo in the lab. So I think Democrats see an opportunity here to exploit this growing divide between evangelicals and Republicans, at least on this issue.

And this is all going to be all the more salient ahead of a very important presidential election. I mean, we’re really hurtling down the tracks toward a big decision point for people.

Yeah, that’s exactly right. The Republican Party and American evangelicals have been in lockstep really since the 1970s. And now for Republicans, there’s this question about whether or not it’s still politically advantageous for them to follow where the anti-abortion movement is going on this stuff, because they’re pushing into places that are really deeply unpopular among the American population overall.

And the anti-abortion movement itself at this point is pretty divided on where it’s going to go next. So we saw the Supreme Court last week on Thursday, they maintained access to the abortion pill. There were divisions even within the anti-abortion movement over whether or not to bring that case forward. Some within that movement were skeptical of it. So you’re seeing sort of confusion and disagreement even internally on where to go after the overturning of “Roe v. Wade.”

Ruth, what about the broader population of evangelical Christians? There were 10,000 people at the Southern Baptist Conference voting on this. But what about everybody else? Where are they on this?

I think that’s still a really open question at this point. I talked to this young pastor from Georgia at the meeting, who was saying, you know, I don’t want to go back to the people in my church and tell them that the creation of their children and grandchildren comes from these immoral means. And the language of the resolution was careful around that, but it’s still going to be really hard to get that across and to just translate it for the people in the pews. And if you’re an ordinary Southern Baptist kind of reading the headlines and even reading the text of this, it’s a tough one.

At the same time, talking with Andrew Walker about this, who co-wrote the resolution, he acknowledged that a lot of Southern Baptists have not really thought about this stuff in terms of ethics and morality and connected it to the abortion question. But when he has one-on-one conversations with people about the topic and sort of walks them through, basically, the logic of the resolution, he said almost everyone comes away from those conversations with, at the very least, a sort of skepticism and a level of critical thinking around fertility treatments that they didn’t come in with. And that suggests that there’s at least sort of an openness to thinking differently about fertility treatments.

And the reason all this matters is obviously evangelicals are this hugely influential voting bloc. They’re used to having the power to turn their theological beliefs into policy. And when they come together, you get this political force, the same political force that worked for decades over a lot of obstacles and was eventually successful in overturning “Roe v. Wade.”

Now, IVF is different than abortion. IVF is extremely popular, including, at this point, among evangelical Christians. But if we find out that evangelicals are persuadable on IVF, it doesn’t just have implications for their personal spiritual lives. If this is the beginning of a moral awakening on IVF, and that’s a big if, it would have real implications for the rest of the country.

Ruth, thank you.

Here’s what else you need to know today. On Friday, the Supreme Court struck down a ban on bump stocks which enable semiautomatic rifles to fire at speeds rivaling those of machine guns. The decision, by a vote of 6 to 3, split along ideological lines, had the effect of erasing one of the government’s rare firearm regulations that came from a mass shooting. Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, said that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had exceeded its power when it prohibited the device by issuing a rule that classified bump stocks as machine guns. And —


— tens of thousands of demonstrators crowded onto streets in France on Saturday to denounce the rise of the country’s far right as the nation prepared to vote in snap elections set to take place later this month. French president Emmanuel Macron shocked the country last week by announcing that he was dissolving the lower house of Parliament after his party was clobbered by far right opponents in a vote to seat the next European Parliament. Critics, including some in Macron’s own party, warned that the president’s move to call snap elections opened the door to empowering the far right in France for the first time since World War II.

Today’s episode was produced by Rob Szypko, Sydney Harper, Stella Tan, Aastha Chaturvedi, and Rachelle Bonja. It was edited by Marc Georges and Lisa Chow, contains original music by Dan Powell and Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Alyssa Moxley. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.

That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Sabrina Tavernise. See you tomorrow.

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Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Ruth Graham

Produced by Rob Szypko ,  Sydney Harper ,  Stella Tan ,  Asthaa Chaturvedi and Rachelle Bonja

Edited by Marc Georges and Lisa Chow

Original music by Dan Powell and Marion Lozano

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

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The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest denomination of Protestant Christians in the United States, voted at an annual gathering last week to oppose the use of in vitro fertilization.

Ruth Graham, who covers religion, faith and values for The New York Times, discusses the story behind the vote, the Republican scramble it prompted and what it could eventually mean for the rest of the country.

On today’s episode

what colleges want sat essay

Ruth Graham , who covers religion, faith and values for The New York Times.

A room full of people sitting on blue plastic chairs are holding up orange leaflets.

Background reading

How baptists and the Republican Party took different paths on I.V.F.

Here’s what to know about the vote .

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We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Ruth Graham is a national reporter, based in Dallas, covering religion, faith and values for The Times. More about Ruth Graham



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