• Open access
  • Published: 02 August 2021

Social engineering in cybersecurity: a domain ontology and knowledge graph application examples

  • Zuoguang Wang 1 , 2 ,
  • Hongsong Zhu   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3720-7403 1 , 2 ,
  • Peipei Liu 1 , 2 &
  • Limin Sun 1 , 2  

Cybersecurity volume  4 , Article number:  31 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

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Social engineering has posed a serious threat to cyberspace security. To protect against social engineering attacks, a fundamental work is to know what constitutes social engineering. This paper first develops a domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity and conducts ontology evaluation by its knowledge graph application. The domain ontology defines 11 concepts of core entities that significantly constitute or affect social engineering domain, together with 22 kinds of relations describing how these entities related to each other. It provides a formal and explicit knowledge schema to understand, analyze, reuse and share domain knowledge of social engineering. Furthermore, this paper builds a knowledge graph based on 15 social engineering attack incidents and scenarios. 7 knowledge graph application examples (in 6 analysis patterns) demonstrate that the ontology together with knowledge graph is useful to 1) understand and analyze social engineering attack scenario and incident, 2) find the top ranked social engineering threat elements (e.g. the most exploited human vulnerabilities and most used attack mediums), 3) find potential social engineering threats to victims, 4) find potential targets for social engineering attackers, 5) find potential attack paths from specific attacker to specific target, and 6) analyze the same origin attacks.


In the context of cybersecurity, social engineering describes a type of attack in which the attacker exploit human vulnerabilities (by means such as influence, persuasion, deception, manipulation and inducing) to breach the security goals (such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, controllability and auditability) of cyberspace elements (such as infrastructure, data, resource, user and operation). Succinctly, social engineering is a type of attack wherein the attacker exploit human vulnerability through social interaction to breach cyberspace security ( Wang et al. 2020 ). Many distinctive features make social engineering to be a quite popular attack in hacker community and a serious, universal and persistent threat to cyber security. 1) Compared to classical attacks such as password cracking by brute-force and software vulnerabilities exploit, social engineering exploits human vulnerabilities to bypass or break through security barriers, without having to combat with firewall or antivirus software by deep coding. 2) For some attack scenarios, social engineering can be as simple as making a phone call and impersonating an insider to elicit the classified information. 3) Especially in past decades when defense mainly focus on the digital domain yet overlooks human factors in security. As the development of security technology, classical attacks become harder and more and more attackers turn to social engineering. 4) Human vulnerabilities seem inevitable, after all, there is not a cyber system doesn’t rely on humans or involve human factors on earth and these human factors are vulnerable obviously or can be largely turned into security vulnerabilities by skilled attackers. Moreover, social engineering threat is increasingly serious along with its evolution in new technical and cyber environment. Social engineering gets not only large amounts of sensitive information about people, network and devices but also more attack channels with the wide applications of Social Networking Sites (SNSs), Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet, mobile communication and wearable devices. And large part of above information is open source, which simplifies the information gathering for social engineering. Social engineering becomes more efficient and automated by technology such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. As a result, a large group of targets can be reached and specific victims can be carefully selected to craft more creditable attack. The spread of social engineering tools decrease the threat threshold. Loose office policy (bring your own device, remote office, etc.) leads to the weakening of area-isolation of different security levels and creates more attack opportunities. Targeted, large-scale, robotic, automated and advanced social engineering attack is becoming possible ( Wang et al. 2020 ).

To protect against social engineering, the fundamental work is to know what social engineering is, what entities significantly constitute or affect social engineering and how these entities relate to each other. Study ( Wang et al. 2020 ) proposed a definition of social engineering in cybersecurity based on systematically conceptual evolution analysis. Yet only the definition is not enough to get insight into all the issue above, and further, to server as a tool for analyzing social engineering attack scenarios or incidents and providing a formal, explicit, reusable knowledge schema of social engineering domain.

Ontology is a term comes from philosophy to describe the existence of beings in the world and adopted in informatics, semantic web, knowledge engineering and Artificial Intelligence (AI) fields, in which an ontology is a formal, explicit description of knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships among them (i.e. what entities exist in a domain and how they related). It defines a common vocabulary for researchers who need to share information and includes definitions of basic concepts in the domain and their relations ( Noy and McGuinness 2001 ). In an ontology, semantic information and components such as concept, object, relation, attribute, constraints and axiom are encoded or formally specified, by which an ontology is machine-readable and has capacity for reasoning. In this way, ontology not only introduce a formal, explicit, shareable and reusable knowledge representation but also can add new knowledge about the domain.

Thus, we propose a domain ontology of social engineering to understand, analyze, reuse and share domain knowledge of social engineering.

Organization: “ Methodology to develop domain ontology ” section describes the background material and methodology to develop domain ontology. “ Material and ontology implementation ” section presents the material and ontology implementation. “ Result: domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity ” section is the result: domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity. “ Evaluation: knowledge graph application examples ” section is the evaluation and application of the ontology and knowledge graph. “ Discussion ” section is the discussion. “ Conclusion ” section concludes the paper.

Methodology to develop domain ontology

There is no single correct way or methodology for developing ontologies ( Noy and McGuinness 2001 ). Since ontology design is a creative process and many factors will affect the design choices, such as the potential applications of the ontology, the designer’s understanding and view of the domain, different domain features, anticipations of the ontology to be more intuitive, general, detailed, extensible and / or maintainable.

In this paper, we design the methodology to develop domain ontology of social engineering based on the method reported in work ( Noy and McGuinness 2001 ) with some modification. Protégé 5.5.0 ( Musen and Protégé Team 2015 ) is used to edit and implement the ontology. It should be noted that "entity" in real word are described as "concept" in ontology and "class" in Protégé; "relation" is described as "object property" in Protégé. The methodology is described as Fig.  1 .

figure 1

Overview of methodology to develop domain ontology of social engineering

(1) Determine the domain, purpose and scope.

As described before, the domain of the ontology is social engineering in cybersecurity. The purpose of the ontology, i) for design is to present what entities significantly constitute or affect social engineering and how these entities relate to each other, ii) and for application is to server as a tool for understanding social engineering, analyzing social engineering attack scenarios or incidents and providing a formal, explicit, reusable knowledge schema of social engineering domain. Thus, social engineering itself as a type of attack, measures regarding social engineering defense will not be included here although they are important. Defense will be the theme in our future work.

(2) Consider reusing existing ontologies.

We did a systematic literature survey on social engineering and accumulated a literature database which contains 450+ studies from 1984.9 (time of the earliest literature available where the term "social engineering" was found in cybersecurity ( Wang et al. 2020 )) to 2020.5 Footnote 1 . Few work focus on the social engineering ontology, yet a lot of terms can be obtained from literature survey.

(3) Enumerate important terms in the ontology.

"Initially, it is important to get a comprehensive list of terms without worrying about overlap between concepts they represent, relations among the terms..." ( Noy and McGuinness 2001 ). These terms are useful to intuitively and quickly get a sketchy understanding on a domain, and helpful to develop a core concepts set after due consideration. A total of 350 relevant terms are enumerated from the literature database mentioned in (2). Table  1 shows these terms in a compact layout by length order Footnote 2 .

The next two steps are the most important steps in the ontology design process ( Noy and McGuinness 2001 ).

(4) Define core concepts, concept taxonomy and description.

In work ( Noy and McGuinness 2001 ), this step is to create the class hierarchy for a single concept "Wine". However, the "class, sub-class" hierarchy is a structure typically used to classification, in which only the relation "is a" or "is type of" is described. This is not the purpose of this paper. Thus, differently, we define a set of concepts for entities which significantly constitute or affect social engineering domain and discuss their taxonomy. Then, we define more expressive relations among concepts in next step.

For each core concept, a definition is provided and relevant synonym terms are mentioned, to facilitate the reuse and sharing of domain knowledge. For example, attacker (a.k.a. social engineer) is the party to conduct social engineering attack; it can be an individual or an organization, and internal or external. In Protégé, these concepts are edited in the "Classes" tab. Two Classes "Attacker" and "Social Engineer" are created and because they represent the same class (concept), a description (class axiom) "Equivalent To" is set between them in the "Description" tab. As Fig.  2 shows.

figure 2

Edit concepts and their description

(5) Define relations, relation description and characteristic.

This step we create the relations among concepts based on their definitions. Some relations directly expressed in the definition while some may be implicit and need a explicit description. For example, attack motivation is the factors that motivate (incent, drive, cause or prompt) the attacker to conduct a social engineering attack; thus, a concise relation "motivate" from "attack motivation" to "attacker" can be created. And to be more compatible, two sub-relation "incent" and "drive" or another equivalent relation can be added. In Protégé, these relations are edited in the "Object properties" tab. For above example, "motivate" as an Object property is created; "Attack Motivation" is its Domain and "Attacker" is its Range. Because it represents that a class points to another different class, the relation characteristic "Irreflexive" is set. As Fig.  3 shows.

figure 3

Edit relations, relation description and characteristic

(6) Define other descriptions.

Besides above, other descriptions can be added, such as annotations, axioms, rules. Examples are as follows. For class "Attacker", its definition can be added as a comment in Annotations tab with "rdfs:comment", to facilitate conceptual understanding and later debug. Axioms are statements that are asserted to be true. For relation "motivate", we can create an inverse relation "motivated by" and then set the description (object property axiom) "Inverse Of" against "motivate", to facilitate the knowledge retrieval like "attacker is motivated by certain attack motivation". Ontology can also generate new knowledge by reasoning with rules. Assume that "different attackers are regarded as from the same attack organization if they motivated by the same motivation and attack the same victim", then the following rule can be defined to implement the reasoning. Rule: motivate(?m, ?a) ∧ attack(?a,?v) ∧ motivate(?m, ?b) ∧ attack(?b,?v) ∧ differentFrom(?a, ?b) → same_attack_organization(?a, ?b) . As Fig.  4 shows.

figure 4

Define and apply rules to knowledge reasoning

(7) Validate and revise.

After defining the concepts, relations and related descriptions, a domain ontology is created. Yet it is initial and imperfect. Minor mistakes such as misplacement and typing error may be occurred when large amount of items existed. Illogical or contradictory descriptions may be defined. Some class, relations or descriptions may be absent or superfluous. Thus, an iterative process is necessary for ontology development, validation and revision.

By virtue of the ontology is formal and explicit encoded, any faults that cause logical inconsistency can be found. The built-in reasoner HermiT is used for this reasoning validation. Further, we create instances as the actual data to conduct a deductive validation, as Fig.  4 shows. This is an intuitive method to test whether the ontology (e.g. the rules) is effective, and it also provides a way helpful to adjust descriptions and revise the ontology to achieve the purpose previously.

(8) Result: Ontology.

Finally, a domain ontology of social engineering is developed after iterative revision and validation.

Material and ontology implementation

The background material regarding literature and terms have been mentioned in “ Methodology to develop domain ontology ” section and we will not repeat them here. This section presents the key material and procedures for the ontology implementation, i.e. defining the concepts, relations and other descriptions related.

Define core concepts in the domain ontology

This subsection details 11 core concepts corresponding to entities that significantly constitute or affect social engineering domain. For each concept, the concept definition, synonym term, taxonomy and some other properties are described. Figure  5 shows these entities (concepts). The circular arrow represents an approximate attack cycle for typical attack scenarios: 1) the attacker motivated by certain factors 2) to gather specific information, formulate attack strategy, craft attack method 3) and then through certain medium the attack method is performed and the attack target is interacted with 4) to exploit their vulnerabilities which take effect and lead to attack consequences; 5) the consequence feed back to the attack goal predetermined to satisfy the attack motivation.

figure 5

Core entities (concepts) in social engineering domain

For social engineering, the attacker (a.k.a. social engineer) is the party to conduct a social engineering attack; it is typically motivated by certain factors discussed in “ Attack motivation ” section. Social engineering attackers appear in various forms in reality, such as hackers, phreakers, phishers, disgruntled employees, identity thieves, penetration testers, script kiddies, malicious users. Different criteria can also be used for the attacker’s taxonomy. The attacker identified as an individual person is familiar to the public, yet it does not have to be an individual. The attacker can also be a group or an organization. The attacker can be a real person, or a virtual human role (e.g. a bot), and it can be from internal or external. As Fig.  6 shows.

figure 6

Taxonomy of attacker (social engineer)

Attack motivation

Attack motivation is the factors that motivate (incent, drive, cause or prompt) the attacker to conduct a social engineering attack. It can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Considering that this simple taxonomy does not seem to be significantly helpful to the social engineering analysis, a common list of attack motivations in social engineering may be more intuitive. It includes but is not limited to: 1) financial gain ( Research 2011 ), 2) competitive advantage ( Chitrey et al. 2012 ), 3) revenge ( Research 2011 ), 4) external pressure, 5) personal interest, 6) intellectual challenge, 7) increasing followers or friends in SNSs, 8) image spoiling (denigration, reputation destruction, stigmatization), 9) prank, 10) fun or pleasure, 11) politics, 12) war, 13) religious belief, 14) fanaticism, 15) social disorder, 16) cultural disruption ( Indrajit 2017 ), 17) terrorism, 18) espionage, 19) security test.

Attack goal and object

The attack goal (a.k.a. attack purpose) is something that the attacker wants to achieve by specific attack methods so that the attack motivation can be satisfied. For social engineering, it is some kinds of breaching against cyberspace security. In general, to breach cyberspace security is to breach the security goals (confidentiality, integrity, availability, controllability, auditability, etc.) of the four basic elements of cyberspace (i.e. attack object) ( Wang et al. 2020 ). These four basic elements are Carrier (the infrastructure, hardware and software facilities of cyberspace), Resources (the objects, data content that flows through the cyberspace), Subjects (the main body roles and users, including human users, organizations, equipment, software, websites, etc.), and Operations (all kinds of activities of processing Resources, including creation, storage, change, use, transmission, display, etc.) ( Fang 2018a ; 2018b ). For complex attack scenarios, there may be sub-goals (precondition) exist, which themselves may not breach the cybersecurity.

Social engineering attack goal includes but is not limited to: 1) network intrusion, interception or disruption, 2) gain unauthorized access to information or systems, 3) denial of service, 4) data exfiltration, modification, fabrication or destruction, 5) infrastructure sabotage, 6) obtain physical access to restricted areas. Thus, it can be simply classified as above categories or use other taxonomies as Fig.  7 shows.

figure 7

Taxonomy of social engineering attack goal

Social engineering information

In many attack scenarios, the success of social engineering relies heavily on the information gathered, such as personal information of the targets (victims), organization information, network information, social relation information. In a broad sense, every bit of information posted publicly or leaked in cyberspace or in reality might provide attackers the resource, such as to learn the environment, to discover targets, to find vulnerable human factors and cyber vulnerabilities, to formulate attack strategy, and to craft attack methods. This is also a feature of social engineering compared with classical computer attack. Thus, this paper use "social engineering information" to represent any information that helps the attacker to conduct a social engineering attack.

Social engineering information includes but is not limited to: 1) person name, 2) identity 3) photograph, 4) habits and characteristics, 5) hobbies or interests, 6) job title, 7) job responsibility, 8) schedule, 9) routines, 10) new employee, 11) organizational structure, 12) organizational policy, 13) organizational logo, 14) company partner, 15) lingo, 16) manuals, 17) interpersonal relations, 18) family information, 19) profile in SNSs, 20) posts in social media, 21) connections in SNSs, 22) SNSs group information, 23) (internal) phone numbers, 24) email information (address, format, footer, etc.), 25) username, 26) password, 27) network information, 28) computer name, 29) IP addresses, 30) server name, 31) application information, 32) version information, 33) hardware information, 34) IT infrastructure information, 35) building structure, 36) location information.

Figure  8 presents a taxonomy based on what space the information describes, in which the last level may be more intuitive. Other taxonomies can be also workable, such as publicly accessible information, restricted information; personal information, social relations information and other various environments (cyber, cultural, physical) information.

figure 8

Taxonomy of social engineering information

Attack strategy

Attack strategy is a plan, pattern, or guidance of actions formulated by the attacker for certain attack goal. It is necessary especially for complex social engineering attacks. Usually, social engineering attackers formulate the attack strategy based on their comprehensive understanding on the attack situation, such as resources, environments, targets, vulnerabilities and mediums. There are two common social engineering strategies in literature: forward (usual) strategy and reverse strategy. In forward attack strategy, the attacker directly contacts the targets and delivers attack payloads to them, waiting the targets to trigger the attack and be compromised. However, in reverse social engineering, the targets are prompted to contact the attacker actively for a request or help, and the attacker usually pretends to be a party of legitimate, authoritative, expert or trustworthy in advance. As a result, a higher degree of trust is established and the targets are more likely to be attacked. E.g. The attacker first makes a network failure and then pretends to be a technical support staff; when the targets seek for a help, the attacker convinces them with certain excuses into revealing the password or installing a malicious software.

From the duration perspective, attack strategy can be persistent strategy or short-term strategy. Some other categories are also helpful to label the attack strategies, as Fig.  9 shows.

figure 9

Taxonomy of social engineering attack strategy

Attack method

When the attack strategy existed, attack method is generally according to or guided by it. Attack method is the way, manner or means of carrying an attack out; the attacker crafts and performs it to achieve specific attack goal. Synonyms such as attack vector, attack technique and attack approach are used to convey the same meaning. A common taxonomy in literature is to divide social engineering attacks into human-based and computer-based (or technology-based) ( Damle 2002 ; Redmon 2005 ; Ivaturi and Janczewski 2011 ; Mohd Foozy et al. 2011 ; Maan and Sharma 2012 ). Figure  10 (right) presents 20 attack method instances, in which some methods such as influence, deception, persuasion, manipulation and induction also describe skills frequently used in other methods. In many attack scenarios, multiple social engineering methods can be jointly used; classical attack methods that exploit non-human-vulnerabilities might also be combined to perform social engineering attacks. Besides, there are many auxiliary tricks or cunning actions may be utilized in different methods to assist the attack (e.g. to obtain trust, influence or deceive the targets). Figure  10 shows the overview of these categories and the corresponding instances. It is a non-exhaustive list and it seems impossible to enumerate all the social engineering attack methods, since new attack methods are emerging as the development of cyber technology, the evolution of environment and attackers’ creation.

figure 10

Taxonomy of social engineering attack method

Attack target, victim

Attack target is the party to suffer a social engineering attack and bring about an attack consequence. The attacker applies attack method to the targets, and they become victims once their vulnerabilities were exploited. For attackers, anyone helpful to achieve the attack goal is a potential attack target. And the attacker might select multiple targets in some attack scenarios. The potential attack targets include but is not limited to: 1) new employees, 2) secretaries, 3) help desk, 4) technical support, 5) system administrators, 6) telephone operators, 7) security guards, 8) receptionists, 9) contractors, 10) clients, 11) partners, 12) managers, 13) executive assistants, 14) manufacturers, 15) vendors ( Mitnick and Simon 2011 ). Similar to the attacker, attack target can be an individual, a group or an organization; a real person or a virtual human role; from internal or external. As Fig.  11 shows.

figure 11

Taxonomy of social engineering attack target

Social interaction and attack medium

Social engineering is a type of attack involves social interaction which is defined as the communication between or joint activity involving two or more human roles ( Wang et al. 2020 ). It covers the interpersonal interaction in the real world and user interaction in cyberspace. Attack medium is not only the entity so that the social interaction can implement (through which the target is contacted), but also the substance or channel through which attack methods are carried out. In some social engineering attacks, several different mediums might be used. E.g. The attacker deceives the target through phone to receive an important document, and then carry out phishing attack in the email.

The taxonomies of social interaction can be various according to different criteria. It can be direct (e.g. face to face in the real world) or indirect (e.g. email), real-time (e.g. phone talking) or non-real-time (e.g. email), active or passive (e.g. reverse social engineering). As Fig.  12 shows.

figure 12

Taxonomy of social interaction in social engineering

The attack mediums include but is not limited to: 1) the real world, 2) attach files, 3) letter, 4) manual, 5) card, 6) picture, 7) video, 8) RFID tag, 9) QR code, 10) phone, 11) email, 12) website, 13) software, 14) Bluetooth, 15) pop-up window, 16) instant messenger, 17) cloud service, 18) Voice over IP (VoIP), 19) portable storage drives, 20) short message service (SMS), 21) mobile communication devices, 22) SNSs.

Human vulnerability

Human vulnerability is the human factor exploited by the attacker to conduct a social engineering attack through various kinds of attack methods. This is a distinctive attribute of social engineering compared to classical computer attacks. For social engineering, other types of vulnerability (e.g. software vulnerabilities) can be exploited together with human vulnerability, yet they are non-necessary ( Wang et al. 2020 ). A wide range of human factors can be exploited in social engineering, and a skilled social engineer (attacker) can transform common or inconspicuous human factors into security vulnerabilities exploitable in specific attack scenarios.

In general, human vulnerabilities in social engineering fall into four aspects: 1) cognition and knowledge, 2) behavior and habit, 3) emotion and feeling, and 4) psychological vulnerabilities. And the psychological vulnerabilities can be further divided into three levels: 1) human nature, 2) personality trait and 3) individual character from the evolution perspective of human wholeness to individuation ( Wang et al. 2021 ). Following is a non-exhaustive list of human vulnerabilities, which contains 43 instances of these six categories.

Cognition and Knowledge (8 instances): ignorance, inexperience, thinking set and stereotyping, prejudice / bias, conformity, intuitive judgement, low level of need for cognition, heuristics and mental shortcuts.

Behavior and Habit (4 instances): laziness / sloth, carelessness and thoughtlessness, fixed-action patterns, behavioral habits / habitual behaviors.

Emotions and Feelings (11 instances): fear / dread, curiosity, anger / wrath, excitement, tension, happiness, sadness, disgust, surprise, guilt, impulsion, fluke mind.

Human nature (6 instances): self-love, sympathy, helpfulness, greed, gluttony, lust.

Personality traits (5 dimensions): conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness, neuroticism.

Individual characters (9 instances): credulity / gullibility, friendliness, kindness and charity, courtesy, humility, diffidence, apathy / indifferent, hubris, envy.

Effect mechanism

Social engineering effect mechanism describes the structural relation that what, why or how specific attack effect (consequence) corresponds to specific human vulnerability, in specific attack situation ( Wang et al. 2021 ). Given the attack scenarios and human vulnerabilities, it explains or predicts the attack consequence. E.g. Impression management theory and reciprocity norm explain why new employees (inexperience, helpfulness, etc.) are more vulnerable to give up their username and password to technical support staffs pretended by the attacker, who helps to resolve their network failure first and then request an information disclosure with certain excuses. Social engineering effect mechanisms involve lots of principles and theories in multiple disciplines such as sociology, psychology, social psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience and psycholinguistics. Study ( Wang et al. 2021 ) summarizes six aspects of social engineering effect mechanisms: 1) persuasion, 2) influence, 3) cognition, attitude and behavior, 4) trust and deception, 5) language, thought and decision, 6) emotion and decision-making. Following is a non-exhaustive list of effect mechanisms, which contains 38 instances of these six aspects.

Persuasion (7 instances): similarity & liking & helping in persuasion, distraction in persuasion and manipulation, source credibility and obey to authority, the central route to persuasion, the peripheral route to persuasion, Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion, recipient’s need for cognition in persuasion.

Influence (8 instances): group influence and conformity, normative influence (social validation), informational influence (social proof), social exchange theory, reciprocity norm, social responsibility norm, moral duty, self-disclosure and rapport relation building.

Cognition, Attitude and Behavior (9 instances): impression management theory, cognitive dissonance, commitment and consistency, foot-in-the-door effect, diffusion of responsibility, bystander effect, deindividuation in group, time pressure and thought overloading, scarcity: perceived value and fear arousing.

Trust and Deception (5 instances): trust and take risk, factor affecting trust, factor affecting deception, integrative model of organizational trust, interpersonal deception theory (IDT).

Language, Thought and Decision (4 instances): relation between language and thinking, framing effect and cognitive bias, language invoke confusion: induce and manipulation, indirectness of thought and negative conception expression in language.

Emotion and Decision-making (5 instances): neurophysiological mechanism of emotion & decision, emotion and feelings influence decision making, facial expression & deception leakage, facial action coding, micro expression identify and deception detecting.

Attack consequence

Attack consequence is something that follows as a result or effect of a social engineering attack. The attacker feed it back to the attack goal to decide whether a further attack is required. The taxonomy of attack consequence is similar with the taxonomy of attack goal, as Fig.  13 shows.

figure 13

Taxonomy of social engineering attack consequence

Due to the subclass name in protégé will be converted to node labels in later knowledge graph, considering the intuitive demonstration and data feature, multiple different taxonomies can be used to assist knowledge analysis. Figure  14 (left) shows the implementation of concepts defined above. Table  2 shows the related concepts descriptions set as class axioms in protégé yet not reflected in the Fig.  14 Footnote 3 .

figure 14

Overview of concepts and relations defined in Protégé

Define relations in the domain ontology

Based on the definitions presented in “ Define core concepts in the domain ontology ” section, we extract 22 kinds of relations among the core concepts. Table  3 shows these relations and their Domain (start), direction and Range (end). Figure  14 (right) shows the implementation of these relations in Protégé, and Table  4 shows the related concepts descriptions set as object property (relation) axioms yet not reflected in the Fig.  14 and Table  3 .

Define other descriptions in the ontology

Besides the axioms descriptions for concepts and relations in Tables  2 and 4 , annotations are optional to facilitate the ontology implementation and many comments (a type of annotation) for instances are added in “ Create instances, knowledge base and knowledge graph ” section to help the instances edition and knowledge analysis.

Here three reasoning rules are defined for simple scenario analysis such as unique attacker, victim and attack consequence. Figure  15 . The rule 1 is used to add a new relation: if 1) an attacker crafts and performs certain attack method and 2) the attack method is applied to a target, then a relation "attack" will be created from the attacker to the target (victim). The rules 2 and 3 are used to automatically complete the relations that are not designated explicitly in the instance data but have defined in ontology. This is useful to improve knowledge base and convenient for the instances’ creation. The built-in reasoner HermiT can be used to implement the reasoning. For complex attack analysis, these rules might need some adjustments and other reasoning tools can also be used.

figure 15

Rules defined in the ontology

Above is the key material and ontology implementation after the ontology revise and validation. The supplementary material will lead reviewers / independent researcher to reproduce the result.

Result: domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity

Figure  16 shows the domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity developed in Protégé 3 . The core concepts and their relations is marked inside the red polygon, the outside shows the taxonomies (also as the labels) used, and the right area is the legend for relations (the directed color connection in the figure). To be intuitive and integrative, Fig.  17 presents the ontology in a more clear and concise way.

figure 16

The domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity developed in Protégé

figure 17

The domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity

Overall, 11 core concepts and 22 kinds of relations among them are formally and explicitly encoded / defined in Protégé, together with related description, rules and annotations. For this domain ontology, it can be exported with multiple ontology description language and file formats, such as RDF / XML, OWL / XML, Turtle and JSON-LD, to reuse and share the domain knowledge schema.

Evaluation: knowledge graph application examples

The best way to evaluate the quality of the ontology developed may be problem-solving methods or using it in applications which reflect the design goal ( Noy and McGuinness 2001 ). Corresponding to the purpose of the ontology development presented in “ Methodology to develop domain ontology ” section, this section evaluates the domain ontology by its knowledge graph application for analyzing social engineering attack scenarios or incidents. First, the ontology serve as a machine processable knowledge schema is used to create the instances, generate the knowledge base and build a knowledge graph. Then, 7 knowledge graph application examples are presented for social engineering attack analysis.

Create instances, knowledge base and knowledge graph

An ontology together with a set of instances organized by the knowledge schema defined by the ontology constitutes a knowledge base, which further serve as the data source of a knowledge graph. For this paper, a dataset of social engineering attack scenarios that contains the necessary instance classes such as attacker, victim / target, human vulnerability, social interaction (medium) and attack goal is in demand. Yet there is not such a public dataset available now. Thus, the attack incidents and typical attack scenarios described in work ( Wang et al. 2020 ) and ( Wang et al. 2021 ) are adopted and expanded as material to create instances for each concept defined in the ontology and build the knowledge base. Overall, 15 attack scenarios (Table  5 ) in 14 social engineering attack types are used to generate a relatively medium-small size knowledge base.

The instances and their interrelations described in every attack scenario are dissected and edited in Protégé also, since it is convenient to check the data consistency and revise errors according to the ontology. In this process, we add many comments (for instances of attacker, attack method and victim) to assist the instances creation and knowledge analysis. Figure  18 shows the overview of the knowledge base in Protégé. A total of 224 instances are created in the knowledge base Footnote 4 .

figure 18

The overview of the knowledge base generated in Protégé

Due to the limited functionality of Protégé for data analysis and visualization, we select Neo4j (community-3.5.19) ( Neo4j community edition 3.5.19 2020 ) as the tool to display the knowledge graph and analyze social engineering attacks. Neo4j is easier and faster to represent, retrieve and navigate connected data. And the Neo4j CQL (cypher query language) commands are declarative pattern-matching, which is in human-readable format and easy to learn.

There are mainly two steps to migrate data from Protégé to Neo4j. First, export the ontology and instances in Protégé to RDF/XML or OWL/XML file, with the reasoner enabled to infer and complete the knowledge according to the axioms and rules defined. Then, import the RDF/XML 4 file into Neo4j by the plugin neosemantics (version The detailed scripts and commands used to build the knowledge graph is submitted as supplementary material.

According to the statistic in Neo4j, 1785 triples were imported and parsed, and 344 resource nodes and 939 relations were created in the whole knowledge graph. Figure  19 shows the knowledge graph consist of all instances nodes and their interrelations. The legend for node color is in the left bottom.

figure 19

The knowledge graph generated in Neo4j

In the knowledge graph, the relations craft and perform, apply to, to exploit, have vul, bring about among nodes attacker, attack method, victim, human vulnerability, attack consequence are colored with red, to abstract and denote an attack occurrence (Fig.  19 ), for the convenience of attack analysis.

knowledge graph application examples

By virtue of the domain ontology and knowledge graph, there are at least 7 application examples (in 6 patterns) available to analyze social engineering attack scenarios or incidents Footnote 5 .

Analyze single social engineering attack scenario or incident

The components of a specific social engineering attack scenario can be dissected into 11 classes of nodes with different color. These nodes are interconnected and constitute an intuitive and vivid knowledge graph. By this way, the security researchers can get an insight of an attack quickly from the whole to the part.

A case in point is the knowledge graph of attack scenario 9 (a reverse social engineering attack) as Fig.  20 shows. The left part (of area 2) depicts the contents surrounding the attacker: the attacker9 motivated by espionage to gather and use information about organization structure, new employee and email address; formulate reverse and progressive strategy; craft and perform (red arrow) multiple attack methods to elicit password or other sensitive information, or get access or help to breach cybersecurity. Goal and sub-goals in area 1 form an attack tree structure, which enables to describe the multi-step attacks in progressive strategy or other complex attack scenarios. The middle part (area 2) depicts the attack mediums through which the attack methods are performed, and also the interaction form with targets (victims). The right part depicts the nodes related to victim: the victim9 brings about certain attack consequences, due to he / she has vulnerabilities such as conformity, inexperience and helpfulness, which (are exploited by attack methods and) are taken effect by mechanisms displayed in the right edge nodes. Some relations (suffer, to exploit, explain) are not displayed here to get a clear view, which can be returned by adding CQL expressions, clicking the node (expand / collapse relations) or using the setting "connect result nodes".

figure 20

Analyze single social engineering attack scenario (e.g. scenario 9) by knowledge graph

Analyze the Most exploited human vulnerabilities

As one of the confrontational focuses between social engineering attack and defense, human vulnerability is what attackers want to exploit and what defenders / victims want to eliminate or mitigate. Knowing the frequently exploited human vulnerabilities is of great significance for social engineering defense. The exploited frequency for each human vulnerability in the knowledge base can be counted and ranked by CQL expressions (MATCH, COUNT, ORDER). Figure  21 extracts the top 3 human vulnerabilities most exploited by various kinds of attack methods: credulity, helpfulness and conformity. This suggests that these human vulnerabilities should be watched out in security-related issues and paid more attention in defense measures such as security awareness training.

figure 21

Find the most exploited (top 3) human vulnerabilities

Analyze the Most used attack mediums and interaction forms

Similar to the analysis pattern in “ Analyze the Most exploited human vulnerabilities ” section, the statistic analysis of attack mediums and interaction forms can be executed to get an understanding of where the social engineering attacks are frequently occurred. Figure  22 presents the top 3 mediums most used to perform social engineering attack in the knowledge base: email, website and telephone. This reflects that many social engineering attacks are performed through network and electronic communication, meanwhile reminds us to beware social engineering threat when using these communication mediums.

figure 22

Find the most used (top 3) attack mediums and social interaction

Find additional (potential) threats for victims (targets)

For specific victim (target), knowledge graph can be used to find additional (potential) threats beyond the given scenario. The following analysis pattern can be extracted from the domain ontology and attack scenario analysis:

Namely: the attacker a2 can also employ the attack methods am2 to attack victim v1 (i.e. exploited the victim v1’s vulnerabilities hv ), if a victim v1 has certain human vulnerabilities hv and exploited in scenario S1 meanwhile the hv are found also exploited in another scenario S2 by attacker a2 through attack method am2 .

Figure  23 shows this application where victim7 serves as an example. It depicts that the victim7 has five human vulnerabilities and exploited by attacker7 in scenario7; besides, three of these vulnerabilities can be also exploited by another 5 pairs of attacker and attack method. In short, for victim7 there are 5 additional and potential attack threats, and precautions should be taken against them.

figure 23

For specific victim, find additional threats beyond the given scenario

To evaluate this and the latter two analysis patterns, we extracted all the undirected and acyclic graphs (among red color edges) from an attacker to a victim in the knowledge graph. This treatment generated a clear labeled dataset, meanwhile avoided the subjectivity in the process of labeling. In total, 345 reachable paths (i.e. attack paths) were labeled. Among these attack paths, 177 (attacker, attack method) pairs are labeled. For all the 15 victims, this analysis pattern find 156 new (attacker, attack method) threat pairs beyond the 21 pairs described in Table  5 . Besides, the above analysis pattern recalls 176 pairs without wrong cases. The recall rate is 99.43% and the F1 score is 99.71%. One pair was omitted due to one attack method’s edges to exploit hv were divided and assigned to other attack methods in the same scenario.

Find potential targets for attackers

For specific attacker, knowledge graph can be used to find additional or potential targets beyond the given scenario. Similar to the previous analysis pattern, the following logic was extracted:

research paper social engineering

Namely: the victim v2 can be also attacked by the attacker a1 through attack method am1 or am2 , if a victim v1 has certain human vulnerabilities hv and exploited by attack method am1 crafted by attacker a1 in scenario S1 meanwhile the victim v2 is found also has the same vulnerabilities hv in scenario S2 exploited by attack method am2 .

Figure  24 shows this application where attacker10 serves as an example. It presents that the attacker10 crafts and performs phishing to exploit victim10’s vulnerabilities in scenario10; moreover, another 6 targets have the same vulnerabilities that victim10 has and can be also exploited by attacker10 through phishing (or attack methods in other scenarios). In brief, 6 potential targets are found for attacker10. For practice, it is helpful to notify all the potential targets if attacker10 or phishing is a serious security threat. If this is a penetration testing, Fig.  24 will offer testers more attack targets and attack methods.

figure 24

For specific attacker, find potential targets (victims) beyond the given scenario

For all the 15 attackers, this analysis pattern find 123 new exploitable targets beyond the 15 victims described in Table  5 , and 156 new (attack method, targets) pairs beyond the 21 pairs described in Table  5 . This analysis pattern recalls 176 (attack method, targets) pairs without wrong cases. The recall rate is 99.43% and the F1 score is 99.71%. One pair was omitted due to one attack method’s edges to exploit hv were divided and assigned to other attack methods in the same scenario..

Find paths from specific attacker to specific target

For specific attacker and specific victim which are not in the same attack scenario, knowledge graph can be used to check or find feasible attack paths and potential attack methods. This is a combination of the previous two analysis patterns, and the following pattern was extracted:

research paper social engineering

Namely, the attack path from attacker a1 to target v2 is feasible, if attacker a1 can successfully exploit human vulnerability hv by attack method am1 , meanwhile the target v2 is found has the vulnerability hv .

Figure  25 shows this application where attacker10 and victim13 serve as the examples. The following 4 attack paths is extracted from the knowledge base: (attacker10)-[craft and perform] → (phishing)-[to exploit] → (4 human vulnerabilities) ← [has]-(victim13) . In addition, another 5 attack methods that exploit the victim13’s vulnerabilities but not within the attack paths are also presented in Fig.  25 . These methods are potentially available for attacker10 to reach victim13.

figure 25

For specific attacker and victim, find potential attack paths and methods

For all the 15 attackers and 15 targets, this analysis pattern find 251 new attack paths beyond the 94 paths described in Table  5 , and 123 new (attacker, targets) pairs beyond the 15 pairs described in Table  5 . For all 345 labeled attack paths, this analysis pattern recalls 344 attack paths without wrong cases. The recall rate is 99.71% and the F1 score is 99.85%. One attack path was omitted due to one attack method’s edges to exploit hv were divided and assigned to other attack methods in the same scenario.

Figure  26 summarizes the experiment results and statistic analysis of “ Find additional (potential) threats for victims (targets) ”, “ Find potential targets for attackers ” and “ Find paths from specific attacker to specific target ” section.

figure 26

Experiment results and statistic analysis of “ Find additional (potential) threats for victims (targets) ”, “ Find potential targets for attackers ” and “ Find paths from specific attacker to specific target ” sections

Analyze the same origin attack

In general, the attack method am1 and am2 are similar or related if they have some common features; am1 and am2 might be launched by the same attacker if they have certain crucial common features, e.g they point to the same domain address controlled (by attacker). Further, am1 and am2 is likely to be same-origin and the attacker a1 and a2 is likely in the same attack organization, if above (am1, am2) are launched respectively by two different attackers (a1, a2) who are motivated by the same motivation m to attack different victims (v1, v2) who have the same affiliation. Based on above cognition or assumption, Fig.  27 shows the knowledge graph application example to analyze same origin attack.

figure 27

Analyze the same origin attack by knowledge graph

Besides returning the graph existed in the knowledge base, new relations and nodes can be created. A new relation "same affiliation" is created between victim10 and victim15, since they both have the data property "affiliation" with the equal value. There is a potential relation "same origin attack" between whaling and phishing nodes, because in the whaling attack Trojan horse or back door with encoded domain address "att.eg.net" is used meanwhile this address is also found in the malicious link of phishing attack. Furthermore, due to attacker15 and attacker10 have the same motivation "financial gain" and victim15 and victim10 in the same "Company A", given all these, it can be inferred that these two scenarios compose a same-origin and organized attack. Thus, we create new relation "same origin attack" between the two attack method nodes and relation "in the same organization" between the two attacker nodes.

There are some studies related to social engineering ontology. Simmonds et al. (2004) proposed a conceptualization / ontology for network security attacks, in which components (access, actor, attack, threat, motive, information, outcome, impact, intangible, system administrator) are included. Although some components (e.g. actor, motive, information) are similar to concepts in this paper, the ontology ( Simmonds et al. 2004 ) focuses on network security (and access control), which cannot be used to describe social engineering domain. Oosterloo (2008) presented an ontological chart, in which concepts such as attacker, threat, risk, stakeholder and asset are involved. But this chart is served as a model to summarize and organize aspects related to social engineering risk management, and the purpose is not a formal and explicit description of concepts and relations in social engineering domain. Vedeshin (2016) discussed three phases (orchestration, exploitation, and compromise) of social engineering attacks, in which some classes (such as target, actor, goal, techniques, medium, execution steps and maintaining access) are discussed. However, this taxonomy is used to classify different social engineering attacks. Mouton et al. (2014) described an ontological model of social engineering attack consisted of six entities: social engineer, target, medium, goal, compliance principles and techniques. However, the concept definitions of these entities were not presented and the relations among these entities were also not specified. That is, it does not constitute a domain ontology. Besides, the social engineering definition in Mouton et al. (2014) is proposed form the perspective of persuasion, which describes only a part of social engineering ( Wang et al. 2020 ). As another result, the model does not include some important entities (e.g. human vulnerability) and aspects (e.g. deception and trust). Tchakounté et al. (2020 ) discussed a certain spear phishing scenario / flow and its description logic (DL), yet other social engineering attack types were not involved. Li and Ni (2019) discussed the difficulty to distinguish social engineering attacks (methods) collected from six studies. They identified some core concepts to characterize social engineering attack by aligning these concepts with existing security concepts, and then provided a description logic for a security ontology and attack classification. In the security ontology, social engineer, social engineering attack, human and human vulnerability were respectively aligned as subclass of attacker, attack, asset and vulnerability ; another two concepts attack media and social engineering techniques were also included. However, human is the target yet not the asset that social engineering attacks aim to harm , and according to their text and ontology implementation, social engineering attack and technique seem to refer the same concept. This might be reasons why the concepts’ relations in their work were not aligned. Besides, the domain ontology of social engineering is not the focus of study ( Li and Ni 2019 ), and the above six (or five) concepts are not sufficient to analyze relatively complex social engineering attack incidents / scenarios. Alshanfari et al. (2020) gathered some terms related to social engineering and attempted to organize them by Protégé using method described in Noy and McGuinness (2001) . However, the terms were extracted only from 30 publications from 2015 to 2018 and only three entity classes (attack type, threat and countermeasures) were presented, in which some terms are just related to the class yet are not the instances of it (e.g. guilt, websites in attack type ; sensitive information, password in threat ). Besides, relations among these classes were not described clearly. Thus, this work is mainly oriented to the terms and classification. Nevertheless, we would like to appreciate above works and other researchers who make efforts in this field.

We develop a domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity and conducts ontology evaluation by knowledge graph application.

The domain ontology describes what entities significantly constitute or affect social engineering and how they relate to each other, provides a formal and explicit knowledge schema, and can be used to understand, analyze, reuse and share domain knowledge of social engineering.

The 7 analysis examples by knowledge graph not only show the ontology evaluation and application, but also present new means to analyze social engineering attack and threat.

In addition, the way that 1) use Protégé to develop ontology, create instances and knoledge base 2) and then employ Neo4j to import RDF/OWL data, optimize knoledge base and construct knoledge graph for better data analysis and visualization also provides a reference for related research.

In the ontology, some taxonomies (subclasses) or relations might be verbose or omitted. But as mentioned before, subclass name will be converted to node labels and inverse relations can facilitate the knowledge retrieval, and therefore, users can add or delete them based on specific application requirements.

The material of attack scenarios and the data of ontology+instances offer a dataset can be used for future related research. The knowledge graph dataset (224 instances nodes, 344 resource nodes and 939 relations of 15 attack scenarios) seems small. Yet it covers 14 kinds of social engineering types, and the 6 kinds of analysis patterns have demonstrated the various feasibilities of the proposed ontology and knowledge graph in analyzing social engineering attack and threat.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work which completes a domain ontology for social engineering in cybersecurity, and further provides its knowledge graph application for attack analysis.

Due to the complexity of social engineering domain, the ontology seems impossible perfect in the only once establishment. We throw out a brick to attract a jade and look forward superior studies by researchers in this field.

This paper develops a domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity, in which 11 concepts of core entities that significantly constitute or affect the social engineering domain together with 22 kinds of relations among these concepts are defined. It provides a formal and explicit knowledge schema to understand, analyze, reuse and share domain knowledge of social engineering. Based on this domain ontology, this paper builds a knowledge graph using 15 social engineering attack incidents / typical scenarios. The 7 knowledge graph application examples (in 6 kinds of analysis patterns) demonstrate that the ontology together with the knowledge graph can be used to analyze social engineering attack scenarios or incidents, to find (the top ranked) threat elements (e.g. the most exploited human vulnerabilities, attack mediums), to find potential attackers, targets and attack paths, and to analyze the same origin attacks.

Availability of data and materials

The data and materials of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

The literature database was submitted as supplementary material for review.

Term lists organized by alphabetical order and semantic groups were submitted as supplementary material for review.

The implementation file was submitted as supplementary material (SEiCS-Ontology+instances.owl) for review.

The implementation file was submitted as supplementary material (SEiCS-Ontology+instances-inferred.owl) for review.

All the CQL scripts for these application were submitted as supplementary material for review.

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This work was supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFB0802804) and in part by the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1766215).

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School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

Zuoguang Wang, Hongsong Zhu, Peipei Liu & Limin Sun

Beijing Key Laboratory of IoT Information Security Technology, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, 100093, China

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Zuoguang Wang: investigation, conceptualization, methodology, materials, writing, editing, experiment, validation, review, resources, supervision. Hongsong Zhu: resources, supervision, discussion, funding acquisition. Peipei Liu: discussion, conceptualization. Limin Sun: resources, funding acquisition. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Wang, Z., Zhu, H., Liu, P. et al. Social engineering in cybersecurity: a domain ontology and knowledge graph application examples. Cybersecur 4 , 31 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42400-021-00094-6

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Received : 24 February 2021

Accepted : 28 April 2021

Published : 02 August 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s42400-021-00094-6

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  • Social engineering attack
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A study on the psychology of social engineering-based cyberattacks and existing countermeasures.

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1. Introduction

2. social engineering attacks, 2.1. phishing attack, 2.2. dumpster diving, 2.3. scareware, 2.4. water hole, 2.5. reverse social engineering, 2.6. deepfake, 3. influence methodologies, 3.1. social influence, 3.2. persuasion, 3.3. attitude and behavior, 3.4. trust and deception, 3.5. language and reasoning, 3.6. countering social engineering-based cyberattacks, 3.7. machine learning-based countermeasures, 3.7.1. deep learning, 3.7.2. reinforcement learning, 3.7.3. natural language processing, 4. discussion, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

SEsocial engineering
BECbusiness email compromise
RATremote access Trojan
MLmachine learning
DSDdistributed spam distraction
GANsgenerative adversarial networks
ANNsartificial neural networks
TPBtheory of planned behavior
IDTinterpersonal deception theory
SMSshort message service
NLPnatural language processing
DLdeep learning
DNNdeep neural network
LSTMlong short-term memory
RLreinforcement learning
CRMcyber-resilient mechanism
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ReferenceCompanyDateDetails/DamageBreach Method/Tools
[ ]Saudi Aramco2021The hackers claimed that they had almost 1 terabyte worth of Aramco data and demanded USD 50 million as ransom.Phishing email.
[ ]Microsoft2021Several MS Office users fell for the phishing email scam. Each victim was scammed for USD 100 to 199.Business email compromise (BEC) attack, Phishing email
[ , ]Marriott2020–2018On both occasions, hackers acquired access to millions of guest records. These records included guest names, addresses, contact numbers, and encrypted credit card information.Phishing email, compromised credentials of two Marriott employees, remote access Trojan (RAT), Mimikatz post-exploitation tool.
[ ]Twitter2020Hackers compromised 130 Twitter accounts. Each account had at least 1 million followers. Hackers used 45 highly-influential accounts to promote a Bitcoin scam.Impersonation-based SE attack, spear-phishing attacks.
[ ]Shark Tank2020Shark Tank host lost USD 400,000 after falling for a scam email.Phishing email.
[ ]Toyota2019The Toyota Boshoku Corporation lost USD 37 million after falling victim to a BEC attack.Phishing email (i.e., BEC)
[ ]Energy firm (U.K based)2019The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was deceived and scammed for USD 243,000 by the hackers.Deepfake phishing impersonation
[ , ]Google and Facebook2015–2013The phishing emails cost both Google and Facebook over USD 100 million.Spear
Phishing AttackDescription
SpearTailored attack to target a specific individual. For instance, an employee is targeted to gain access to an organization’s network.
WhalingThe intended target is usually a high-profile individual. The attack requires considerable time to find the opportunity or means to compromise the individual’s credentials.
VishingVishing or voice phishing is an attack based on SE. Vishing is a fraudulent call intended to acquire classified information or credentials of the target individual.
SmishingSmishing is a text message format of a vishing attack. In smishing, the only difference is that it is based on a text message rather than a call.
Impersonation/business email compromise (BEC)BEC is an attack that requires planning and information. In a BES attack, the attacker impersonates a company executive, outsourced resource, or a supplier to acquire classified information, access to an organizational network, etc.
CloneClone phishing is an email-based phishing attack. In these attacks, the malicious actor knows most of the business applications being used by a person or an organization. Based on this knowledge, the attacker will clone a similar email disguised as an everyday email from the application to extract critical information or even credentials from the target.
Social media phishingIn social media phishing, the attacker works by observing the target individual’s social media and other frequently visited sites to collect detailed information. Then, that attacker plans the attack based on acquired information. The attacker can use the gathered information to trick the victim in many ways.
Distributed spam distraction (DSD)The DSD attack is executed in two steps. In the first step, the victim is spammed with phishing emails mirroring an authentic or credible source, i.e., a new letter, magazine, software company, etc. These fake emails contain a link that leads the victim to a web page that is a copy of an authentic and credible company’s website. The second step depends on how the attacker plans to conduct the SE attack, i.e., the fake page could ask the victim for the login information (to garner further or confidential information) to confirm the identity and proceed further.
Types of Social InfluenceDescription
Group influence [ ]Conformity is a variation in behavior to agree with others. A group can influence such behavior. On social media, online groups may be used to influence victims into falling for a SE attack. For example, a social media group with hundreds of subscribers can present a subscriber with a malicious link and influence the victim by informing that every member must go to the link to be a part of this new group for future events and information.
Informative influence/normative influences [ ]In SE attacks, the foe often uses particular information and setups with the help of informational/normative influences. For example, informing the victim about some free software and convincing the victim to install it by providing information on software importance and ease of use. Such an approach can be used to puzzle or manipulate the victim into performing certain actions or revealing information that benefits the foe.
Social exchange theory/reciprocity norm [ , ]Such methods of influence are used in reverse SE attacks. The social exchange theory highlights that people make decisions on the value (intentionally or unintentionally) of a relationship. For example, while working in a corporate environment, coworkers exchange favors based on their relations with each other.
Moral influence/social responsibility [ ]SE attacks use moral influence or social responsibility in two ways. One way is that the foe exploits the victim’s helpful nature to extract information or to gain favor to facilitate the attack. The second way is to exert pressure of social responsibility norms or moral duty on the victim during the SE attack. This pressure of moral duty influences the victim’s behavior. Specifically, if the victim is not keen to offer any help. An example could be an online group to help animals. The malicious actor can identify the individuals who are highly motivated and willing to help. The attacker can target that victim for financial gain or can fabricate a story to target the moral values of the victim to extract information.
Self-disclosure/rapport relation-building [ , ]Research shows that during the process of building social relations, self-disclosure causes a willingness to reveal more to people who show connections to us. Adversaries use this SE method on victims who feel the need to connect with someone special.
Types of PersuasionsDescription
Similarity [ ]The similarity of interests invites likeness and dissimilarity leads to dislike. The criminal tends to use this as an effective approach to gain the trust of the victim. For example, on social media platforms, a foe may join groups that are similar to the groups joined by a potential target. Such similarities can help build a relationship of trust between a hacker and a victim.
manipulation [ , , ]
Research shows that moderate distraction does facilitate persuasion. Distraction is used as an effective tool in manipulation attacks. An example of a distraction-based SE attack is the DSD attack highlighted in .
Curiosity [ ]The majority of individuals are curious by nature. In a SE attack, human curiosity can be exploited in many ways. For example, the attacker can send a phished email or an infected file as an attachment with a curious subject line, i.e., you are fired, annual performance report, employee layoff list, etc.
Persuasion using authority/
credibility [ , ]
Most people tend to comply in front of an authoritarian figure. On the internet, hackers use symbols and logos that reflect authenticity and authority. For example, an official logo of taxation, law enforcement, etc., to show authority and credibility can be an effective approach to initiate a SE attack.
Methods to Influence Attitudes and BehaviorsDescription
commitment [ , ]
The self-presentation theory highlights the fact that every individual presents a likable impression, both internally and to other people. An individual might put a lot of effort into creating a desirable image. Such efforts can be an opening for hackers to conduct SE attacks. For example, an individual’s behavior can be influenced if the social image of that person is threatened.
Cognitive dissonance theory [ , ]The theory highlights the inner conflict when an individual’s behaviors and beliefs are not aligned with each other. Such conflict can influence cognitive biases, i.e., decision-making. A malicious actor can exploit these cognitive biases for extracting confidential information.
Behavior affects
attitude [ ]
The act that once an individual has agreed to a minor request, he/she is more likely to comply with a major request, is known as the foot-in-the-door effect. In essence, people build an image by performing a minor favor; to maintain this image, they tend to agree on the next favor. SE attackers can use such behavior to initiate an attack.
Bystander effect [ ]The bystander effect defines human behavior involving an individual who is reluctant to help when bystanders are present. In SE attacks, victims may be tempted into a specific situation while in a group and exploited later in a private chat to acquire personal or confidential information.
Scarcity/time pressure [ ]In SE attacks, the attacker uses scarcity to enforce a feeling of panic or urgency. This panic/urgency can influence the decision-making abilities of the victim. Due to this confusion, the attacker can persuade the victim into making decisions deemed desirable by the attacker.
Sub-Domains of
Trust and Deception
Trust/relation [ ]Building trust is one of the most crucial parts of SE attacks. An attacker can use multiple means to develop a trusted relationship with the victim. Methods such as influence, persuasion, likeness, reward, etc., can be used to build a trusted relationship with the target. As per the research, once a relationship of trust is developed, the victim does not feel hesitant to be vulnerable in front of the trusted individual. Such a relationship can be a risk-taking behavior that could assist in a SE attack.
Deception/fraud [ , , ]Deception is an intentional act based on strategic interaction by the deceiver. The interpersonal deception theory (IDT) suggests that humans believe that they can identify deception but a majority of the time they do not. The IDT also highlights that the malicious actor takes every action based on a strategic plan to manipulate the victim’s behavior. A SE attack based on deception can rely on several methods, e.g., lying, creating false fiction or narratives, partial truths, dodging questions, giving the impression of misunderstanding, etc.
SUB-Domains of Language/ReasoningDescription
Framing effect/cognitive bias [ ]The phenomena of reflecting cognitive biases, i.e., expressing opinions and decision-making, are influenced by the way a question is asked. This cognitive bias based on language-framing leads to decision manipulation. For example, beef labeled “75% lean” is more preferred by customers as compared to the label “25% fat”. In SE attacks, the cognitive biasing of a victim is exploited by using a pre-planned language framework.
Complicating the thinking process [ , , ]Language plays an integral role in the thought process for social interaction. This reliance can create an opportunity to invoke ‘thinking confusion’ through language. For example, to induce thinking confusion, an attacker can engage his/her victim in a statement with non-grammatical or unclear meaning. Such statements can tempt the victim into acting based on presumption, i.e., a statement “that’s touching to hear” may result in the victim touching his ear. Another example can be an incomplete statement, such as “I can’t hear”, which could encourage the victim to check or adjust the equipment.
No.AttackMethods to Influence VictimsHuman Vulnerability Exploited
1Impersonation, business email compromise (BEC), clone phishingMoral influence social responsibility, similarity, persuasion using authority/credibility, interpersonal deception theory (IDT), complicating the thinking process, curiosityBeing helpful charity, kindness, trying to be acceptable in social norms
2Spear phishing, pretexting, smishing phishing, whaling phishing, vishing phishing deepfakeSimilarity, persuasion using authority/credibility, impression/commitment behavior affects attitude, scarcity, deception/fraud, complicating the thinking processBeing helpful, being obedient to authority, helping nature, panic negligence
3Social media phishing, scareware, reverse-engineering attack, deepfakeGroup influence, informative influence/normative influence, social exchange, theory/reciprocity norm, moral influence/social responsibilityFriendly nature, negligence, trustful nature, credibility
4Waterhole attack, deepfakePersuasion using authority/credibility, framing effect/cognitive bias, complicating the thinking processCuriosity, greed, excitement fear
No.TrainingCyber Security PoliciesCommunication PoliciesCompany EquipmentSpam Filter/
Encrypted CommunicationPassword/Data ManagementIncident Report
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SectionSection Summary
In this section, readers are introduced to the idea and working of SE attacks. To highlight the importance of cyberattacks based on SE, some of the most recent and prominent attacks are presented to the readers in the section.
This section covers the most common types of SE attacks and their methodologies, i.e., phishing, dumpster diving, scareware, water hole, reverse SE.
In this section, the methods to influence or exploit human vulnerabilities to conduct SE attacks are discussed. The section also provides the interconnection between SE attacks, methods of influence, and human vulnerabilities. The mapping of SE attacks, methods of influence, and human vulnerabilities plays a key role in understanding and countering cyberattacks based on SE.
This section presents the reader with recent research on methods to counter SE attacks. The section also provides readers with an elaborate understanding of different countermeasures proposed to counter SE attacks, including the most prominent ML-based methods. The section also covers existing concerns about ML-based countermeasures.
In this section, concerns over recently proposed methods to counter SE attacks are discussed. The section also emphasizes the need for a multidimensional approach to counter SE attacks. The limitations of the paper are also highlighted in this section.
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Siddiqi, M.A.; Pak, W.; Siddiqi, M.A. A Study on the Psychology of Social Engineering-Based Cyberattacks and Existing Countermeasures. Appl. Sci. 2022 , 12 , 6042. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12126042

Siddiqi MA, Pak W, Siddiqi MA. A Study on the Psychology of Social Engineering-Based Cyberattacks and Existing Countermeasures. Applied Sciences . 2022; 12(12):6042. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12126042

Siddiqi, Murtaza Ahmed, Wooguil Pak, and Moquddam A. Siddiqi. 2022. "A Study on the Psychology of Social Engineering-Based Cyberattacks and Existing Countermeasures" Applied Sciences 12, no. 12: 6042. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12126042

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Social Engineering Attacks: Recent Advances and Challenges

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 03 July 2021
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research paper social engineering

  • Nikol Mashtalyar 9 ,
  • Uwera Nina Ntaganzwa 9 ,
  • Thales Santos 9 ,
  • Saqib Hakak 9 &
  • Suprio Ray 9  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNISA,volume 12788))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

2873 Accesses

7 Citations

The world’s technological landscape is continuously evolving with new possibilities, yet also evolving in parallel with the emergence of new threats. Social engineering is of predominant concern for industries, governments and institutions due to the exploitation of their most valuable resource, their people. Social engineers prey on the psychological weaknesses of humans with sophisticated attacks, which pose serious cybersecurity threats to digital infrastructure. Social engineers use deception and manipulation by means of human computer interaction to exploit privacy and cybersecurity concerns. Numerous forms of attacks have been observed, which can target a range of resources such as intellectual property, confidential data and financial resources. Therefore, institutions must be prepared for any kind of attack that may be deployed and demonstrate willingness to implement new defense strategies. In this article, we present the state-of-the-art social engineering attacks, their classification and various mitigation strategies.

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Mashtalyar, N., Ntaganzwa, U.N., Santos, T., Hakak, S., Ray, S. (2021). Social Engineering Attacks: Recent Advances and Challenges. In: Moallem, A. (eds) HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12788. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77392-2_27

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77392-2_27

Published : 03 July 2021

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Social Engineering: Hacking into Humans

International Journal of Advanced Studies of Scientific Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2019

10 Pages Posted: 6 Feb 2019

Shivam Lohani

Birla Institute of Applied Sciences

Date Written: February 5, 2019

In this world of digitalization, the need for data privacy and data security is quite important. The IT companies today prefer their data over everything. Not only for companies, the data privacy important for any individual. But no matter how secure is the company, how advanced is the technology used or how much up to date their software is, there's still a vulnerability in every sector known as ‘Human'. The art of gathering sensitive information from a human being is known as Social Engineering. Technology has increased drastically in the past few years but the threat of Social engineering is still a problem. Social engineering attacks are ince=reasing day by day due to lack of awareness and knowledge. Social engineering is a really common practice to gather information and sensitive data through the use of mobile numbers, emails, SMS or direct approach. Social engineering can be really useful for the attacker if done in a proper manner.'Kevin Mitnik' is the most renowned social engineers of all time. In this paper, we are going to discuss Social Engineering, its types, how it affects us and how to prevent these attacks. Also, many proofs of Concepts are also presented in this paper.

Keywords: Phishing, Baiting, Watering hole, Spear Phishing, SEToolkit, Pre-texting

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Social Engineering Attacks During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sushruth venkatesha.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore, India

K. Rahul Reddy

B. r. chandavarkar.

The prevailing conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted a variety of everyday activities onto platforms on the Internet. This has led to an increase in the number of people present on these platforms and also led to jump in the time spent by existing participants online. This increase in the presence of people on the Internet is almost never preceded by education about cyber-security and the various types of attacks that an everyday User of the Internet may be subjected to. This makes the prevailing situation a ripe one for cyber-criminals to exploit and the most common type of attacks made are Social Engineering Attacks. Social Engineering Attacks are a group of sophisticated cyber-security attacks that exploit the innate human nature to breach secure systems and thus have some of the highest rate of success. This paper delves into the particulars of how the COVID-19 pandemic has set the stage for an increase in Social Engineering Attacks, the consequences of this and some techniques to thwart such attacks.


The twenty-first century has seen an accelerated move of business, media, social interaction, education, etc. onto platforms on the Internet. As a result, the amount and importance of information flowing through the digital landscape has increased exponentially. This has led to increased criminal activity in the cyber-space which has materialized as data-breaches, malware, ransomware and phishing type attacks. There has been concentrated efforts by private organizations and governmental agencies to guard against these attacks and as a result in the past few years, traditional modes of attacks such as hacking have proven to be marginally less successful, but alternate areas of vulnerabilities have been exposed. One such area gaining attention is social engineering and its utilization in all modes of cyber-attacks [ 1 ].

Over the years, there have been a number of attempts to provide a concrete definition to the term ‘Social Engineering Attacks’ in the literature, each being slightly different but having the same overarching meaning. The term has been described by Conteh and Schmick as ‘Human Hacking’, an art of tricking people into disclosing their credentials and then using them to gain access to networks or accounts [ 2 ]. Ghafir et al. have defined the term as a breach of organizational security via interaction with people to trick them into breaking normal security procedures [ 3 ]. The lack of a structured definition has led to works that have focused solely on defining the term. One such work by Wang, Sun and Zhu has defined Social Engineering in cyber-security as a type of attack wherein the attacker(s) exploit human vulnerabilities by means of social interaction to breach cyber security, with or without the use of technical means and technical vulnerabilities [ 4 ]. Going forward, this paper will be using this definition by Wang et al., as the standard definition for the term ’Social Engineering Attack’ (SEA) in this study.

SEAs have traditionally followed a template made up of 4 steps: (1) Target research; (2) Forming a relation with the target; (3) Exploit the relation and formulate an attack; (4) Exit without leaving behind traces [ 5 ]. With time the tools used in each step have evolved. Target research has gone from searching in the target’s dumpster to extracting information from the target on social media platforms [ 6 ]. With the development of Machine Learning, steps (2) and (3) have become automated, with ’social bots’ tracking and engaging with targets on social media [ 7 ]. The wide array of technologies and methodologies used for SEAs and the speed with which they evolve make developing software solution such as spam and bot detectors a game of cat-and-mouse.

The global situation that has come into existence due to the COVID 19 pandemic has changed the equation in this space. The increase in Work-from-home situations, online education, entertainment via online platforms has created a sharp uptick in the number of Internet Users worldwide and also the amount of time spent by users on the Internet. Industry analysts have reported an increase of over 47 percent in the amount of broadband data usage worldwide during the March to May period in 2020, as seen in Fig.  1 below [ 8 ]. This has also reciprocated into an increase in social engineering attacks that use Internet as a medium of contacting the target. Phishing, one of the staples in the SEA arsenal has seen a huge increase, with technology companies such as Google and Microsoft recording trends where the attackers masquerade as officials from organizations working on COVID-19 such as the World Health Organization [ 9 , 10 ]

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Data usage growth year-on-year in percentage terms [ 8 ] 

In this unprecedented situation brought on by the pandemic, having a deeper understanding of the various SEA strategies being deployed is valuable to both organizations and to private citizens. With this theme in mind, the second section of this paper gives an overview of how the participation of individuals in the Internet has changed and how SEAs have evolved as a response to the pandemic. The third section then takes up the task of providing guidelines as to how one can tackle these SEAs. These guidelines are presented based on the demographic that are most affected by these attacks. Guidelines particular to SEAs popular during the COVID-19 pandemic are also covered. The pandemic is currently an evolving situation and this paper aims to be a checkpoint from a time within this time-frame that will aid research and studies that will eventually be carried out after the end of this unprecedented time period.

Social Engineering Attacks During COVID 19

Humans are social creatures. Our society is built upon the cooperation of various groups of people communicating, understanding each other, and building on each other’s strengths. Throughout the history of the human species, this cooperation was only possible when all the parties were present at the same place at the same time. This changed with the invention of the Internet in the late 1960s and the launch of the World Wide Web in 1989. The commercial Internet allowed multitudes of online platforms that provided instant communication with anyone at anytime from anywhere. Technologies like instant messaging, video calling and video conferencing shrunk the world and allowed greater cooperation. Video conferencing especially is a technology that can truly replace the need for physical interactions as it allows the parties communicating to view each other’s facial expressions. The ability to see facial expressions has been proven to be the most important aspect in communication [ 11 ]. But, even with such technologies, the primary mode of human communication remained physical contact. This status-quo is now being forcefully being changed by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There has been a mass migration of human activities and interactions to platforms on the Internet. This sudden increase in activity online, coupled with the mental anguish brought on by the pandemic, creates a perfect storm of conditions for bad actors to carry out SEAs. These bad actors can be a single individual, an organization of cybercriminals or even government-backed entities from various countries around the world. While the main incentive for the bad actors from the first two categories is financial, the incentive for government-backed entities is usually geopolitical in nature [ 12 ]. Google, the technology company, has been tracking phishing attacks deduced to have been originated from such government-backed entities. Figure  2 shows the scale of such attacks based on the number of accounts flagged by Google.

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Accounts that received a “government-backed attacker” warning each month of 2020 [ 9 ]

This section first looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected human activities and the migration to platforms on the Internet. Then it looks at the changes seen in SEAs as a result of the pandemic and finally SEAs that have a theme pointing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Migration of Activities to Online Platforms

The main three activities that lead to humans venturing out of their homes in the modern world are business/work, commerce/shopping, and leisure. Business can be people going to their educational institutions or to their places of work. Commerce can be producers and sellers going to the marketplace to sell their products and consumers going there to procure their needs. Leisure can be a multitude of activities ranging from international tourism to strolls in the park. The COVID-19 global pandemic and the resultant lockdown measure enacted by various governments worldwide has caused disruptions to all such activities. At the height of the pandemic lockdown measure in April 2020, a total of a third of the world’s population was estimated to be under various degrees of quarantine and social distancing measures.

The International Labour Organization(ILO) had estimated that 7.9 percent of the global workforce, that is, nearly 260 million people worked from home on a permanent basis before the COVID-19 pandemic. With the disruption in the normal work schedule brought on by the pandemic, according to the calculations of the ILO, the number of people working from home has the potential to reach 18 percent of the global workforce working from their homes permanently as a result of the pandemic. The report published by the ILO in April of 2020 suggests that this number is mainly made up of artisans, self-employed, business owners, freelancers, knowledge-based workers, and high-income earners [ 13 ]. This increase in remote work can easily be visualized by the spending patterns of various companies as shown in Fig.  3 below. Businesses worldwide have been investing in software products that support remote work and make the process more convenient.

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Spending by business on software during the early stages of the COVID 19 pandemic [ 14 ]

Education is another area that has seen major disruption, with most of the countries closing their educational institutions in the early stages of the pandemic. In late April 2020, the World Economic Forum estimated that a total of 1.2 billion students from 186 countries have seen disruptions in their education brought on by the pandemic [ 15 ]. This has brought on a digital education revolution where the classes have been shifted onto platforms that allow remote learning. These platforms may come as lectures on the radio, as television programs, or full-fledged classroom education on platforms on the Internet. These platforms were used in over 110 countries and able to provide remote education during the pandemic, as seen in the UNESCO-UNICEF-World Bank Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 School Closures [ 16 ]. This study shows that pre-teenage children from over 70 countries have had to attend classes on platforms on the Internet. This is a worrying statistics as, without supervision, these children can become easy victims of Social Engineering Attacks.

Commerce has also seen the big jump onto online platforms that had been slowly going on in the background. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting social distancing measures have become a catalyst for the big migration of commerce onto the Internet. A joint survey conducted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD) and Netcomm Suisse E-commerce Association in October 2020 [ 17 ] in 9 representative countries has given an insight into the situation. The survey showed that consumers in emerging economies saw a greater shift to online shopping, with an increase in the number of customers for most product categories, as shown in Fig.  4 below. This can be seen as a one-to-one relation for the increase in participation on various Internet platforms while becoming a potent medium for Social Engineering Attacks.

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Number of customers on online platforms increased for most product due to COVID-19 [ 17 ]

Leisure activities which include any traveling have been severely curtailed due to the pandemic. In the early stages of the pandemic, when strict quarantine and lockdown measures were enacted, the simple act of going out for a walk was prohibited in man heavily affected areas around the world. This lack of entertainment via outdoor activities has largely been compensated by entertainment via digital media such as television, social media platforms, and on-demand entertainment platforms on the Internet. Brightcove’s Q2 2020 Global Video Index [ 18 ] has reported a staggering 40 percent increase in video content consumption over the three month period from April to June 2020. Reports have also shown a 30 percent increase in the time spent by Indians during the pandemic as compared to before, on over-the-top entertainment platforms on the Internet.

The statistics highlighted so far in this section provide a glimpse of the extent of online migration caused by pandemic and the reaction to it. Next we will see how this change has impacted SEAs

Changes to Social Engineering Attacks During the Pandemic

Cybercrime can be thought of as a business, one with bad intentions. But like any other business entity, the ultimate aim of any cybercriminal is to turn a profit for the work they put in. When cybercrime is seen through such a perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as a new business opportunity. This unique opportunity is exciting to these cybercriminals as the pandemic pushes more people onto the Internet, increasing the number of Users that can be targeted.

As per reports from Google, most SEAs are now carried out as Phishing Attacks via emails or websites [ 9 ]. These attacks deploy multiple tactics using the brand identity of well-known entities by their trademarks such as their company names and logos, to develop phishing websites or send emails that appear authentic and lure users into entering sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, banking details and other details that can help in identifying them. Google has reported that they block more than 100 million phishing email every day, with a claimed accuracy of 99.9 percent [ 19 ].

Microsoft, another major industry player, has reported an increase in email phishing activities, stating that phishing type attacks make almost 70 percent of all attacks. The September 2020 published Digital Defense Report [ 20 ] reports that the attackers deploying SEA are now deploying significant time, money, and effort to develop scams and attack strategies to trick even the users being wary of such attacks. This development can be attributed to an increase in information available to the users about such attacks, heightened awareness among users and technological advancements in detection of attacks. Microsoft based on the telemetry from their business software offerings “Office 365” has reported [ 20 ] that users face three main types of phishing attacks—credential phishing, Business email compromise, or a mix of both.

Credential phishing is carried out by the cybercriminal posing as a well-known service in an email template and trying to lure users into clicking on a link, which takes them to a fake login page. When the users enter their credentials on the page, those credentials can be used to further launch deeper and complex attacks to build a presence inside the organization by using cloud-only APIs and systems. This presence is then used to move around laterally to steal data, money, or otherwise breach the organization. An illustration of the process is shown in Fig.  5  above.

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Outline of a credential phishing attack [ 20 ]

Business email compromise phishing attacks specifically target businesses and are in the limelight in this era of remote work. This type of attack is characterized by techniques that masquerade as someone the target usually takes notice of, such as the company CEO, CFO, or HR personnel. The attack can also involve a business-to-business transaction. For example, the attacker might fraudulently access a company’s system and then act as that company to criminally request payment from another company. An illustration of the attack is showing above in Fig.  6 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is 42979_2020_443_Fig6_HTML.jpg

Outline of a business email compromise attack [ 20 ]

Using phishing attacks as a vehicle to deliver malware or ransomware software is also common. During the pandemic period ransomware attacks are reported to be more common than malware because ransomware attacks can do the same information collection job along with monetary payments from the target paid to decrypt files that the ransomware software encrypts.

The pandemic and the resultant shift of work as well as education online can be seen as a catalyst for an increase in both credential phishing attacks as well as business email compromise attacks. Ransomware attacks have also pipped malware attacks as a result of increased online activity during the pandemic. Although these changes have been recorded during the pandemic, the highlight is the shift in the attack strategies from generic subjects to themes related to the pandemic. This is seen in detail in the upcoming section.

COVID-19 Themed Attacks

The public health emergency brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty present in the general public, and the desire for information on the pandemic presents the ideal opportunity for exploitation by cybercriminals deploying SEAs. When news about the pandemic made headlines in the early months of 2020, SEAs with the over-arching theme about the pandemic shot up in frequency [ 21 ]. This trend is illustrated below in Fig.  6 . Another report produced by consultancy firm Deloitte noted a 254 percent increase in new COVID-19 themed web and sub-domains registered per day in the early stages of the pandemic [ 22 ]. This has led to many government organizations such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the USA and issuing warning about the trend.

Phishing emails that used the pandemic as their lure were seen to have subject lines such as “2020 Coronavirus Updates”, “Coronavirus Updates”, “2019-nCov: New confirmed cases in your City”, and “2019-nCov: Coronavirus outbreak in your city (Emergency)”. The above type of mails were targeting the human nature of curiosity, the instinct to gather information and the fear of missing out. The content of such emails contained attachments that deployed malware and ransomware or lead to fake sites to harvest user credentials. The contents were worded in such a manner that they encouraged users to visit websites that the attackers used to harvest valuable data, such as usernames and passwords, credit card information, and other personal information from the targets [ 23 ]. An example of how phishing emails changed after the pandemic can be seen below in Fig.  7 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is 42979_2020_443_Fig7_HTML.jpg

COVID-19 themed SEAs [ 10 ]

Another common tactic used in phishing emails was the impersonation of trusted sources that provided information about the pandemic such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Center for Disease Control. As a result of this trend, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation released a notice above impersonation of the US CDC by attackers [ 23 ]. Impersonation of WHO was a common trend that was picked up by the security services provided by Google in their email service [ 19 ]. An example of a phishing email impersonating the WHO can be seen in Fig.  8 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is 42979_2020_443_Fig8_HTML.jpg

Modifications to phishing emails in response to the pandemic [ 24 ]

Multiple governments worldwide enacted measures that provided financial respite to their citizen through cash payments which were carried out via platforms on the Internet. This was another area where phishing emails and also in some cases phishing SMS were deployed. Figure  9 depicts one such phishing email example.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is 42979_2020_443_Fig9_HTML.jpg

Phishing email impersonating the WHO [ 19 ]

Other common subject matters used in phishing attack campaigns included notices about mandatory COVID-19 testing, news related to remote work settings, and news regarding social distancing and stay-at-home or quarantine rules and regulations. There was also a marked increase in social media posting about the pandemic that carried misinformation (Fig. ​ (Fig.10 10 ).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is 42979_2020_443_Fig10_HTML.jpg

Phishing SMS [ 23 ]

Tackling Social Engineering Attacks

This paper contains a survey on the affected demographic for Social Engineering attacks. It cover points factors which affect the demographic that are targeted by Social Engineering Attackers. Based on this, the paper provides guidelines to be followed by each of these groups. It also cover the demographic points and the guidelines for attacks during COVID. These guidelines are slightly different because of the reason that these attacks mainly use the fear of the population to their advantage [ 25 ]. The paper notes how these attacks target the vulnerable demographic with tactics involving pandemic panic and fear and presents guidelines considering all these factors.

General Guidelines

These guidelines are aimed towards social engineering attacks in general.

Social Engineering Attacks are most successful against those who were not aware at an early age [ 26 ] about the potential threats and attacks possible by fraudulent and malicious intent. The four major steps in Social Engineering Attacks include [ 27 ]

  • Gathering of information
  • Developing a relationship with the target
  • Exploiting the target based on a targeted attack strategy
  • Execute the Attack.

Affected Demographic

The Demographic analysis can be made based on the four common steps of Social Engineering Attacks mentioned above.

Gathering of Information

Most Social Engineering Attacks are directed towards a very large audience. The information gathered by attackers is of two types. One is the general contact information of as many targets as possible. This is used to make initial approach to these targets. Only after certain reciprocation activity by the targets, the attackers go further with the responding subset of targets. Once they have a lock on the specific targets, the attackers gather the other type of information. This is usually specific to the target [ 27 ]. This includes jargon and other terms that the target can associate themselves with. This information often helps the attacker in the next steps of the Social Engineering attack.

At this step of the Social Engineering Attack, the population which is unaware of the security consequences of information disclosure. The main mistakes made by the targets are that they do not understand the importance of the data to the social engineer, leading to the disclosure of information. These can involve revealing information that, from a security point of view, is apparently harmless from the eyes of the target, but can be beneficial to the attacker.

Developing a Relationship

The willingness of the target to share information and reciprocate plays a very crucial part in the attack. Only the subset of population that reciprocate to the initial approach made by the attackers are further targeted specifically. Based on the information gathered by the attacker in the previous step of the attack, they try to establish a relationship with the target. After foot-printing the target, attackers often use information about the target or any other contact of the target.

In the formation of relationships, an attacker exploits the inherent willingness of a target to be trusted and establishes relationships with them. The attacker will manoeuvre him into a position of confidence when establishing this partnership, which he can then manipulate. Human beings have the willingness to trust and care for others. In order to exploit and influence goals to create authenticity and gain confidence, social engineers often use these attributes. By touch, such as physical or interactive, the act of coercion can be performed. Digital contact is an interaction with media such as the telephone, e-mail or even social media. Manipulations such as overloading, reciprocating, and dissemination of transparency are universal psychological concepts.

Exploiting the Target

Social Engineering Attackers now have access to the target’s information like location or other crucial information by using the relationship and confidence generated with the target through coercion during the previous stage, or by implementing other similar tactics. After gaining the trust, attacker exploits the target to obtain passwords or perform acts that would not occur under normal circumstances. At this point, the attacker could end or carry it forward to the next level.

At this stage, the affected demographic is the population who are unaware of these kinds of attacks and the ones who are gullible to trusting the attackers based on the footprinted information.

Executing the Attack

At this stage, the attackers utilize all the information available to make the final move and cash in from the target. If all the previous stages were successful, the attackers almost always get away with the attack.

We have identified two major factors which must be focused upon to mitigate these attacks: Contact information and Bank transactions. This section contains general guidelines for Social Engineering Attacks:

  • Be extra cautious about controls on payments and wary of emails containing an attachment or connection. Contact the information security or information technology department for a questionable message when in doubt.
  • Reconcile your accounts regularly and confirm by calling a checked number that business partners have received payments. Be vigilant with demands for payment and account changes and pay particular attention to whom you pay.
  • Keep contact details up to date with several workers now working from home, so that your bank can contact you quickly if they suspect a suspicious payment.
  • Don’t trust any requests that come in from email alone for payments or account changes. Often allow callbacks from a record system to the person making the request using a recognized phone number.
  • Often conduct callbacks when changing business partners’ contact details as well. Don’t simply trust an email demanding that a trusted call-back number be updated.

There are also a lot of scope for organisational employees being targets of these attacks. A study [ 23 ] shows that Social Engineering attackers spend time on developing techniques to victimize top officials and experts as well. The following few guidelines can be followed to mitigate those attacks:

  • Wherever possible, allow multi-factor authentication, adding another layer of protection to any applications you use. In addition, a password manager can help deter risky behaviour, such as passwords being stored or exchanged.
  • Try using the Encrypted Network Connection VPN(Virtual Private Network) solution. Accessing IT resources within the organization and anywhere on the internet is secure for the worker.
  • The cybersecurity strategy of companies should be revised and home and remote work included. When the company adjusts to getting more individuals outside the workplace, make sure the strategy is appropriate. For employee access to documents and other information, they need to provide remote-working access management, the use of personal devices, and revised data privacy considerations.
  • Employees can communicate with colleagues using employer-provided IT equipment for official matters. In the context of business IT, there is also a variety of software installed that keeps people safe. The company and the employee could not be completely secured if a security incident has occurred on the personal computer of an employee.
  • Personal devices used to access working networks will leave organizations vulnerable to hacking without the right protections. If information is leaked from a personal computer or hacked, the company would be held responsible.

Tackling Attacks During COVID-19

These guidelines are aimed towards Social engineering attacks during current times, which are focused differently because of everything moving online.

Although the general demographic that was vulnerable to Social Engineering Attacks is still almost the same, the attackers are focusing more on the victims who could be manipulated based on health data. As discussed in the previous sections, gathering information and relationship development are very crucial parts of any Social Engineering Attack. During this global pandemic, everyone has moved to a place of fear. This allows the attackers to look for and target victims with existing health conditions and medical history [ 28 ]. These people are more susceptible for the attack and give out information willingly.

The paper presents few necessary guidelines to be followed by the demographics to overcome Social Engineering attacks during COVID-19 like times:

  • For Phishing attacks: Strong authentication can protect the users from the large number of identity attacks, reducing the possibility of security breaches with strong authentication. For the best protection and user experience, options for password less authentication are recommended. The preferred choice over SMS [ 23 ]/voice authentication is always the use of an authentication app.
  • For Healthcare related fraudulent calls: Verify all incoming calls for the authority. Do not share any information until and unless the contact made by the other person was expected. This is essentially to avoid reciprocation. Most attackers only proceed to attack those who reciprocate initial attempts of contact.
  • Avoid falling for targeted attack strategies: As discussed in the previous sections, the attackers gather information (footprint) about targets. This includes both personal information and that of their close members. This is essentially any information that the attackers can get their hands on. If a suspicious attempt with information of your past health history or that of any family member is made, it is possible that the attackers are targeting the victim based on some health based information received.
  • Health history based attacks: If any malicious attempt is made by quoting health history and medical records of the target or that of their family, trying to get this data validated and verified will help get out of this attacks.

This paper has discussed how the global pandemic has affected the Social Engineering Attacks. The pandemic has moved a range of daily practices to the Internet and online platforms. This increased the fraction of population online. This rise in the presence of people on the Internet is not accompanied by cyber security education and the different forms of attacks that an Internet user can be exposed to on a daily basis. We discuss a variety of these kinds of attacks and propose a few guidelines as to how to avoid and counter these. We present an analysis of the steps taken by these attackers from knowing(foot-printing) a target to successfully executing the attack. We present these guidelines based on the four major steps discussed.

This paper also presents a detailed analysis of COVID-19 themed attacks. Guidelines to avoid these targeted attacks like Phishing attacks, Healthcare related fraudulent calls, Health history based attacks have been presented too.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.

This article is part of the topical collection “Cyber Security and Privacy in Communication Networks” guest edited by Rajiv Misra, R K Shyamsunder, Alexiei Dingli, Natalie Denk, Omer Rana, Alexander Pfeiffer, Ashok Patel and Nishtha Kesswani.

The original online version of this article was revised: Due to incorrect figure caption in figures 2 to 10. Now, they have been corrected.

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A Correction to this paper has been published: 10.1007/s42979-021-00550-7

Contributor Information

Sushruth Venkatesha, Email: moc.liamg@12hturhsusv .

K. Rahul Reddy, Email: moc.kooltuo@ydder_luhar_k .

B. R. Chandavarkar, Email: moc.liamg@ktincrb .


75 Best Quantitative Research Topics and Ideas

Table of Contents

Quantitative research is an important tool that focuses on studying the world around us using numerical data analysis. Numerous academic fields such as social sciences, business, healthcare, and education, frequently employ this research methodology. This strategy aims to help researchers find trends, patterns, and connections among data so they can draw unbiased and fact-based conclusions. If you are searching for the best quantitative research topics for your upcoming project or academic paper, then this article is for you.

Quantitative Research Topics

In this blog, we have shared the top 75 quantitative research paper topics and ideas on a variety of themes. No matter whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, from here, you will undoubtedly find a topic that piques your interest and meets your study objectives. Also, you may learn everything about quantitative research methodology. Keep on reading to discover the possibilities of quantitative research.

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is a scientific study methodology that entails gathering and evaluating numerical data to evaluate a hypothesis or research issue. This kind of study is distinguished by its focus on measurement, statistical analysis, and impartial data assessment.

But, once you learn the intricacies of quantitative research, you will discover that it also has limits, such as its failure to represent the diversity and variety of human experiences, as well as its tendency to oversimplify complicated phenomena. Furthermore, it may not be suited for researching certain sorts of occurrences, such as those that are tough to quantify mathematically or that necessitate a thorough examination of individual experiences.

Different Types of Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research is a systematic and empirical approach to data collection, analysis, and interpretation that employs numerical and statistical methodologies. These strategies are used to test hypotheses, uncover trends, and draw conclusions about populations based on sample data. Quantitative research methods are employed in a variety of disciplines, including the social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and medicine.

Surveys, observational studies, experiments, content analysis, and secondary data analysis are some popular quantitative research methodologies. Find here, the other different types of quantitative research methods utilized in various kinds of studies.

  • Descriptive Research : Surveys, observations, and content analysis are all quantitative research approaches that are often employed in descriptive studies. These strategies are used to methodically collect and analyze data to describe a population or phenomenon.
  • Experimental Research: In experimental research, statistical analysis and Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) are two often employed quantitative research methodologies. By changing one or more variables and tracking how those changes affect other variables, experimental research looks into the cause-and-effect relationship between variables.
  • Correlational Research: Surveys and statistical analysis are two typical quantitative research techniques utilized in correlational studies. The correlational research primarily investigates the relationship between two or more variables without changing them.

What is Quantitative Data Analysis?

Analyzing numerical and statistical data gathered using quantitative research techniques is known as quantitative data analysis. It entails summarizing and interpreting the data, spotting patterns and connections, and coming to conclusions about the population under study using statistical and mathematical methods. Furthermore, it includes methods like factor analysis, regression analysis, inferential statistics, and descriptive statistics.

  • Descriptive Statistics: It summarizes and characterizes the features of a dataset. Examples of descriptive statistics include measures of variability(variance, range, and standard deviation), measures of central tendency(mean, mode, and median), and frequency distribution tables and graphs(histograms, pie charts, and bar graphs)
  • Inferential Statistics: It is used to draw inferences or make predictions about a wider population based on sample data analysis. Examples of inferential statistics are hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, regression analysis, and Analysis of variance (ANOVA).

In quantitative research, both descriptive and inferential statistics are crucial because they enable researchers to interpret the data and derive insightful conclusions about the population under study.

Know How to Choose a Good Quantitative Research Topic

It might be difficult to select a suitable and straightforward topic for a quantitative research paper. However, a few tactics can make your topic selection process easier. If it is challenging for you to identify an ideal quantitative research topic, then follow these steps

  • Determine the research interest: First, consider the titles and examples of quantitative research that pique your interest, either personally or professionally. This could range from healthcare to money, education to social media, or any other topic that excites you to study.
  • Perform a literature review: After determining your research objectives, examine the existing literature on the subject to find out what has been studied previously and where information is currently lacking.
  • Evaluate the topic’s feasibility: It is essential to select a topic you are enthusiastic about, but you also need to think about whether the topic is feasible to do research or not. When you examine the feasibility, you need to take into account aspects like data accessibility, resource availability, and research participant access.
  • Narrow down the topic: After performing a literature study and assessing feasibility, use numerous examples of quantitative research questions to restrict your topic down to a particular research question that can be answered quantitatively.
  • Refine the research question: Finally, make your research question clear, explicit, and measurable. This will help you to shape your research plan and data analysis.

Understand How to Write a Quantitative Research Paper

How to Write a Quantitative Research Paper

To guarantee a systematic and thorough approach, there is a sequence of steps that you must follow while writing quantitative research papers. If you are unsure how to write a quantitative research paper, then adhere to these steps.

  • Create a research question: Before you start your research, develop a clear and precise quantitative research question or idea. However, the question that you create should be specific, measurable, and relevant to your field of study.
  • Build a hypothesis: According to your research question, frame a hypothesis that forecasts the link between the variables under study. Remember, the statistical analysis should be able to test your hypothesis.
  • Select a study design: Your research question and hypothesis will help you with the selection of the study design. Experiments, longitudinal studies, and cross-sectional studies are some common designs.
  • Find a sample: The sample that you choose should be representative of the population under study. Random, stratified, and cluster sampling are examples of sampling techniques.
  • Gather data: Next, collect data precisely and methodically. A few examples of data collection techniques are experiments, observations, and surveys.
  • Perform data analysis: To test the hypothesis and respond to the research question, use statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics like means and standard deviations, as well as inferential statistics like t-tests, ANOVA, and regression analysis, can be used.
  • Interpret results: Take into account the research question and hypothesis, while interpreting the results. It is necessary to form conclusions.
  • Communicate results: Lastly, a clear and succinct communication of the results is necessary. An introduction, literature review, methods section, results section, and discussion section should all be included in a research paper. The data can be visually presented using tables and graphs.

List of Quantitative Research Topics and Ideas

If you are clueless about what topic to select for your quantitative research paper, then make use of the list presented below. In the list, to make the topic selection process simpler for you, we have included incredible qualitative research paper topic ideas on a wide range of subjects.

Quantitative Research Topics on Nursing

In this section, we have shared a collection of quantitative research paper ideas on nursing and its associated branches. If you are pursuing your nursing studies, then you may develop your project on any of these relevant quantitative research titles.

  • Examine the link between nurse staffing levels and healthcare costs in acute care settings.
  • Analyze the influence of nurse-patient communication on patient outcomes in the ICU.
  • Evaluate the factors that contribute to medication errors among nursing staff in acute care settings.
  • Nursing staffing ratios and their impact on patient safety and care quality.
  • Analyze the effect of nurse-led discharge planning on patient outcomes and hospital readmission rates.
  • Examine the impact of collaborative nursing care models on patient outcomes in primary care settings.
  • Discuss the link between nurse burnout and patient satisfaction in hospital settings.
  • Palliative care strategies are beneficial in improving end-of-life care for patients and families.
  • Explore the impact of telehealth treatments on patient outcomes in home health care.
  • Analyze the impact of nurse-led discharge planning on patient outcomes and hospital readmissions.

Psychology Quantitative Research Paper Topics

Psychology quantitative research aims to investigate and create methods and strategies used for measuring human behavior and other traits. It also deals with statistical and mathematical modeling of psychological processes, as well as research study design and data analysis. The following are some psychology topics on which you may conduct quantitative research.

  • Examine the link between parenting styles and childhood obesity.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of exposure therapy in alleviating symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Analyze the correlation between sleep quality and academic achievement among college students.
  • Adult substance use is linked to childhood trauma.
  • Examine the link between early life stress and cognitive functioning in later life.
  • Evaluate the correlation between attachment style and romantic relationship happiness.
  • Explore the link between emotional regulation and substance use in young adults.
  • Discuss the efficacy of behavioral therapies in increasing physical activity among sedentary adults.
  • Assess the relationship between early life stress and cognitive functioning in later life.
  • Examine the correlation between attachment style and romantic relationship happiness.

Quantitative Research Ideas on Education

Quantitative education research provides insightful information about the different aspects of the learning process. Furthermore, examining numerical data will help to make well-informed decisions and adopt effective ways to enhance educational outcomes. Find here, some exclusive quantitative research paper topics on education.

  • Examine the impact of teacher comments on the academic advancement of primary school students.
  • Analyze how inclusive education affects students’ socialization and academic success.
  • Examine how technology affects students’ learning outcomes in STEM education.
  • Analyze how extracurricular activities affect secondary school students’ academic achievement.
  • Discuss how online learning might help students achieve better academically in postsecondary education.
  • Examine how online tutoring affects secondary school students’ learning outcomes.
  • Examine and contrast teaching strategies for non-native speakers of English
  • Explore how class size affects secondary school students’ academic performance.
  • Analyze how parental involvement affects elementary school students’ academic achievement.
  • Discuss the impact of peer tutoring on student academic progress in secondary education.

Quantitative Research Topics on Engineering and Technology

Quantitative research in engineering and technology refers to the scientific field of using mathematical, statistical, and data-analytical methods and techniques to collect, handle, evaluate, and predict several aspects of the relevant sectors. These are some exemplary quantitative research titles on engineering and technology.

  • Create cutting-edge robots for the medical, industrial, and other sectors.
  • Improve cybersecurity defenses against internet threats to safeguard people and businesses.
  • Pay attention to environmentally friendly farming methods including vertical and precision farming.
  • Enhance urban transportation infrastructure, such as driverless cars and smart cities.
  • Improve the efficacy and efficiency of cloud computing and data center infrastructure.
  • Create novel energy-storage technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells or large-capacity batteries.
  • Build 5G networks and other cutting-edge communication systems.
  • Enhance the precision and speed of climate modeling and weather forecasting.
  • Improve the waste management and nuclear power generation’s dependability and safety.
  • Boost the performance and safety of energy extraction methods.

Economics Quantitative Research Paper Ideas

Quantitative economic analysis requires measurement, which includes not just seeing prices, quantities, and other fundamental observations, but also creating economic statistics based on these data. Here are some economics topics to consider for quantitative research paper writing.

  • Discuss the financial aspects of technical advancement and innovation.
  • Explore technology’s effects on income distribution and labor markets
  • Explain the contribution of entrepreneurship to economic growth
  • Examine international trade’s effect on economic expansion
  • Discuss taxation’s implications on economic expansion
  • Focus on the sharing economy’s economics
  • Analyze the effects of income inequality on the economy
  • Discuss globalization’s effects on national economies
  • Examine the reasons for financial crises and their effects
  • Explore the connection between decreasing poverty and economic growth
  • Discuss the role of technology in the modern economy
  • Discuss the economics of healthcare policies.
  • Explore the role of institutions in economic development.
  • Examine the link between education and economic growth.
  • Explore the economics of innovation and technological processes.

Quantitative Research Topics on Social Science

Here, we have included several quantitative research paper topics on social science. You can develop your project on any of the pertinent quantitative research titles suggested below if you are a social science student.

  • Examine how cultural diversity affects teamwork in the workplace.
  • Analyze the connection between results related to mental health and socioeconomic status.
  • Examine how gender affects corporate leadership philosophies.
  • Assess the connection between health outcomes and poverty in low-income areas.
  • Examine how immigration has affected the labor market in developed nations.
  • Discuss how the size of the school affects students’ academic performance in rural areas.
  • Examine how personality factors affect using social media.
  • Analyze how social capital affects rural communities’ economic development.
  • Evaluate how political polarization affects the public’s perception of climate change.

Business and Finance Quantitative Research Ideas

In this section, we have shared some outstanding business and finance quantitative research questions. For your project, you may take into account any of these topics and perform extensive quantitative research.

  • Examine government policies’ impact on the expansion of small businesses.
  • Analyze the efficiency of various pricing techniques in boosting revenue.
  • Explore the effects of globalization on trade between countries.
  • Examine bond prices and interest rate effects.
  • Analyze the impact of acquisitions and mergers on business performance.
  • Explain marketing campaigns’ impact on brand awareness.
  • Examine the relationship between profitability and the size of a corporation.
  • Analyze the efficiency of various investment approaches.
  • Examine the relationship between investor sentiment and market volatility.
  • Explore the efficiency of various media platforms for advertising.

Final Words

Quantitative research will help you to objectively analyze numerical data, generalize large samples, and precisely measure variables. When it comes to creating a quantitative research paper, you may consider any topic of your interest from the list suggested above. But remember, the topic you select should be original, meaningful, feasible, and contain the necessary resources. Once you have chosen a topic, conduct an in-depth study on it and then draft a detailed quantitative research paper. In case, you experience difficulties with handling quantitative research paper topic selection or writing phase, reach out to us immediately. The experienced researchers from our team will guide you in completing your quantitative research project accurately before the deadline.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry C

Additive engineering for high-performance polythiophene gas sensors incorporating functional amine additive with strong binding energy for no2.

Conjugated polymers have strong potential for use in next-generation portable gas sensors owing to their light weight and flexibility. Despite the vast potential of conjugated polymers, for practical applications their reliability and performance in organic gas sensors are insufficient. To enhance the performance of organic gas sensors, herein, amine functional groups were added to the active layer of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). Incorporating a functional additive into polymers is an efficient approach for improving the gas-sensing performance. All P3HT films with amine additives showed higher sensitivity for the target gases than the pristine film, where the P3HT film with tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (TAEA) containing four amine groups afforded the highest responsivity, response, and recovery rates. TAEA incorporation increased the sensitivity from 0.49 %/ppm to 5.3 %/ppm. Amine functional groups can interact strongly with NO2 gas; therefore, the additives were expected to enhance the selectivity for NO2 molecules. However, the addition of a high volume ratio of the amine additive induced precipitation of P3HT owing to the low solubility of the polymer. These nonhomogeneous P3HT films afforded inferior gas-sensing performance, indicating that an appropriate amount of additive is required to enhance the gas-sensor performance.

  • This article is part of the themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers

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S. J. Park, J. Y. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. Jang and Y. D. Park, J. Mater. Chem. C , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4TC01356E

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    Social engineering attacks have posed a serious security threat to cyberspace. However, there is much we have yet to know regarding what and how lead to the success of social engineering attacks. This paper proposes a conceptual model which provides an integrative and structural perspective to describe how social engineering attacks work. Three core entities (effect mechanism, human ...

  4. Social engineering in cybersecurity: a domain ontology and knowledge

    Social engineering has posed a serious threat to cyberspace security. To protect against social engineering attacks, a fundamental work is to know what constitutes social engineering. This paper first develops a domain ontology of social engineering in cybersecurity and conducts ontology evaluation by its knowledge graph application. The domain ontology defines 11 concepts of core entities ...

  5. Defending against social engineering attacks: A security pattern‐based

    1 INTRODUCTION. Social engineering attacks are posting a severe threat to large-scale socio-technical systems. Compared to software vulnerabilities investigated for decades, more and more attackers are using social engineering techniques to exploit people's vulnerabilities to achieve their malicious goals [].According to the Ponemon report [], insider threats have increased in frequency and ...

  6. Social Engineering Attacks Prevention: A Systematic Literature Review

    Social engineering is an attack on information security for accessing systems or networks. Social engineering attacks occur when victims do not recognize methods, models, and frameworks to prevent them. The current research explains user studies, constructs, evaluation, concepts, frameworks, models, and methods to prevent social engineering attacks. Unfortunately, there is no specific previous ...

  7. A Study on the Psychology of Social Engineering-Based ...

    As cybersecurity strategies become more robust and challenging, cybercriminals are mutating cyberattacks to be more evasive. Recent studies have highlighted the use of social engineering by criminals to exploit the human factor in an organization's security architecture. Social engineering attacks exploit specific human attributes and psychology to bypass technical security measures for ...

  8. 3775 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on SOCIAL ENGINEERING. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  9. Social Engineering Attacks: Recent Advances and Challenges

    Social engineering attacks are an urgent security threat, with the number of detected attacks rising each year. In 2011, a global survey of 853 information technology professionals revealed that 48% of large companies have experienced 25 or more social engineering attacks in the past two years [].In 2018, the annual average cost of organizations that were targets of social engineering attacks ...

  10. Social Engineering in Cybersecurity: A Domain Ontology and Knowledge

    Many distinctive features make social engineering to be a quite pop-ular attack in hacker community and a serious, uni-versal and persistent threat to cyber security. 1) Com-pared to classical attacks such as password cracking by. *Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected].

  11. Social engineering in cybersecurity: The evolution of a concept

    This paper offers a history of the concept of social engineering in cybersecurity and argues that while the term began its life in the study of politics, and only later gained usage within the domain of cybersecurity, these are applications of the same fundamental ideas: epistemic asymmetry, technocratic dominance, and teleological replacement.The paper further argues that the term's usages in ...

  12. (PDF) Social Engineering: An Introducction

    known as social engineering or social attacks [1]. Social engineering consists of techniques used to manipulate people into performing actions or divulging. confidential information. It is the ...

  13. (PDF) Analysing Social Engineering Attacks and its Impact

    To summarise, this study aims to improve knowledge, defence, and avoidance of social engineering assaults by providing a comprehensive viewpoint on these attacks. Discover the world's research 25 ...

  14. Defining Social Engineering in Cybersecurity

    Social engineering has posed a serious security threat to infrastructure, user, data and operations of cyberspace. Nevertheless, there are many conceptual deficiencies (such as inconsistent conceptual intensions, a vague conceptual boundary, confusing instances, overgeneralization and abuse) of the term making serious negative impacts on the understanding, analysis and defense of social ...

  15. Overview of Social Engineering Attacks on Social Networks

    Social Engineering has become an emerging threat in virtual communities. Information security is key to any business's growth. ... Ana Ferreira and Al in their research paper- An Analysis of Social Engineering Principles in Effective Phishing talked a lot about the principles of Social Engineering applied in several phishing emails [4]. 3 ...

  16. Understanding and deciphering of social engineering attack scenarios

    Malicious scammers and social engineers are causing great harms to modern society, as they have led to the loss of data, information, money, and many more for individuals and companies. Knowledge about social engineering (SE) is wide-spread and it exits in non-academic papers and communication channels.

  17. Social Engineering: Hacking into Humans by Shivam Lohani :: SSRN

    Social engineering is a really common practice to gather information and sensitive data through the use of mobile numbers, emails, SMS or direct approach. Social engineering can be really useful for the attacker if done in a proper manner.'Kevin Mitnik' is the most renowned social engineers of all time. In this paper, we are going to discuss ...

  18. A Study of Social Engineering Concepts Within a Deceptive Defense

    behavioral deception is the foundation of social engineering, where people that want something from another person could use a form of social engineering. Forms of human manipulation to gain a resource can be considered a form of. social engineering (CompTIA, 2022). It is an attack that has evolved with the.


    Social Engineering is the art of exploiting the human flaws to achieve a malicious objective. ... do not adequately dispose of documents, papers. and even hardware from which can be retr ieved ...

  20. Social Engineering Attacks During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Social Engineering Attacks are a group of sophisticated cyber-security attacks that exploit the innate human nature to breach secure systems and thus have some of the highest rate of success. This paper delves into the particulars of how the COVID-19 pandemic has set the stage for an increase in Social Engineering Attacks, the consequences of ...

  21. Advanced social engineering attacks

    To classify social engineering attacks, we first introduce three main categories: Channel, Operator, and Type. Attacks can be performed via the following channels: • E-mail is the most common channel for phishing and reverse social engineering attacks.. Instant messaging applications are gaining popularity among social engineers as tools for phishing and reverse social engineering attacks.

  22. 75 Best Quantitative Research Topics and Ideas

    Quantitative research in engineering and technology refers to the scientific field of using mathematical, statistical, and data-analytical methods and techniques to collect, handle, evaluate, and predict several aspects of the relevant sectors. ... Here, we have included several quantitative research paper topics on social science. You can ...

  23. (PDF) Social Engineering

    In this chapter, four. modalities of social engineering (i.e., voice call, email, face-to-face, and text. message) are discussed. We explain the psychological concepts that are involved. in social ...

  24. Additive Engineering for High-Performance ...

    Conjugated polymers have strong potential for use in next-generation portable gas sensors owing to their light weight and flexibility. Despite the vast potential of conjugated polymers, for practical applications their reliability and performance in organic gas sensors are insufficient. To enhance the perfor Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers

  25. Social Engineering: A Technique for Managing Human Behavior

    Social engineer ing is a human behavior based tec hnique for. hacking & luring people f or s neaking into someone's security system. Since social. engineering relies heavily on human behavior ...