is to whom it may concern appropriate for a cover letter

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Should You Use “To Whom It May Concern” In Your Cover Letter

Recruiter-backed alternatives to 'To Whom It May Concern'. Learn how to personalize your cover letter with tailored greetings, and get tips on researching the hiring manager's name to make a strong, professional first impression.

4 months ago   •   6 min read

One of the hardest parts of writing a cover letter is getting the greeting right. After all, it’s a letter, so you have to address it to someone...

But who do you address it to? You may have heard that it’s not a good idea to use “to whom it may concern” in your cover letter. But if you can’t use that phrase, what should you use instead?

One easy answer is “Dear hiring manager.” It’s to-the-point and respectful without being as impersonal.

However, if you can find the person’s name, that’s even better— and these days, with all the information available on company websites and LinkedIn, people may expect that if you care about getting this job, you’ll do enough research to learn their name.

In this article, we’ll discuss when you might be able to get away with using “to whom it may concern,” why it’s usually a bad idea, alternatives to this phrase, and how to become an expert researcher to find the name of the person who will be hiring you.

Let’s get started!

Key advice from a recruiter to keep in mind when trying to decide if you should start your cover letter with ‘To whom it may concern’

When it’s ok to use a generic greeting like “to whom it may concern”

Although "To whom it may concern" is seen as as outdated or impersonal in modern job markets, there are specific situations where you may still want to use it:

Formal or traditional industries

In academia, where traditions are respected, using "To Whom It May Concern" demonstrates an understanding of and respect for established protocols.

Research the culture of the industry or organization. If their communication typically uses a formal tone, you’re good to go.

Large organizations with unknown recipients

When you’re applying to a multinational corporation where you’re not exactly sure who will be reviewing your letter, and the company's communication style is generic. In this case, you can also use “Dear Hiring Manager” or one of the other alternatives we suggest later in this article.

With large organizations, you can use “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Hiring Manager” as a safe option when the company structure is complex and you can’t identify a specific person. However, try to at least send your greeting to the department (e.g., "To Whom It May Concern in the Marketing Department").

When personalization is not possible

If the job listing provides no specific contact information and your research yields no results.

It's better to use a generic yet respectful greeting than to guess incorrectly. However, if you can find any information at all, drop the generic greeting like a hot potato.

In cultures where it’s the norm

In certain cultures or regions, formal greetings are still the norm, especially in conservative sectors.

Understand the larger cultural context of the company. In some global markets, "To Whom It May Concern" is still standard practice.

When not to use a generic greeting

Even though there are a few cases where you can get away with it, the majority of the time using "To Whom It May Concern" is not your best option. Here are some situations where you should avoid it at all costs:

In modern, informal industries

In tech startups or creative fields like advertising or design, where more casual and innovative cultures thrive.

Many modern industries value personality and creativity. Using a generic and formal tone in your cover letter can suggest a lack of effort or research in understanding the company's culture.

When information is available

If the job listing includes the name of the hiring manager or if you've found the hiring manager through research.

In these cases, not using the hiring manager’s name can come across as lazy or imply that you don’t pay attention to details.

Small to mid-sized companies

Smaller organizations where teams are closely-knit and the hiring process is personal.

Using a generic salutation in more personal settings can imply a lack of genuine interest in the company and its people— not a great look.

Companies that emphasize personal connection

Organizations that value individuality and personal connection, which is often highlighted in their job postings or company culture pages.

A generic greeting may raise red flags with these companies, who often look for candidates who live out their values of personalization and individuality.

To sum up: if you’re not 100% sure that you can use “To Whom It May Concern,” don’t use it.

The best alternatives for “to whom it may concern”

Even if you need to use a generic phrase, there are way better options for the beginning of your cover letter than “to whom it may concern” in most cases.

Your choice depends on the information you have about the job posting and how comfortable you are with using informal/personal language. Here are some alternatives worth considering:

“Dear Hiring Manager”

This is one of the best ways to address the reader of a cover letter when you don’t know the recipient’s name. It’s professional, maintains respect for their role, respects their privacy, and is widely accepted.

“Dear [Job Title]”

If you're applying for a specific role but don't have a name, addressing the cover letter to the job title (or the job title’s supervisor) can work.

While "Dear Hiring Manager" is a more widely accepted way to start, "Dear [Job Title]" is specific and directly addresses the role you’re applying for.

You can use this alternative when you're aware of the job title for which you're applying and the company’s org chart. For instance, "Dear Marketing Manager" when applying for a marketing position.

“Hello [Department Name]”

This one is a good choice when you know the department you're applying to but not the individual. It demonstrates that you've done some research to identify the relevant department.

Use this when you know the specific department you’re applying to but don’t know the name of the hiring manager. For example, "Hello Marketing Department" when applying for a marketing role.

“Dear [Company Name] [Department Name] Team”

When you want to address a group of people, such as the entire HR team or a department, this option works well. It shows that you recognize the collaborative nature of the workplace and hiring process.

Choose this when you believe your cover letter may be reviewed by a team or multiple individuals within the organization. For example, "Dear ABC Company HR Team."


This is a versatile and friendly alternative that maintains a polite tone (while avoiding assumptions).

Use "Greetings" when you have very limited information about the hiring manager or when you want to maintain a neutral and respectful tone.

“Hello Hiring Team”

If the company you’re applying for has a very casual company culture, and you know that a team will be reviewing applications, you can acknowledge their collective effort with this casual and friendly greeting.

Make sure that the company truly supports a casual approach. In some industries (like finance or law) or more formal companies, this is too informal and may be seen as disrespectful.

Strategies for finding the hiring manager's name

For many cover letters, your best bet is to find the name of the person who will actually be reviewing your application. You can often find the hiring manager’s name by following these steps:

Start with the job posting

Review the job posting or advertisement carefully. Sometimes, the name or contact information of the hiring manager is provided. Look for any details that indicate who you should address your application to.

Check the company website

Visit the company's official website and navigate to the "About Us" or "Contact Us" section. Look for executive profiles, department heads, or a directory that may list the hiring manager's name.

Social media

Check the company's social media profiles, especially LinkedIn and Twitter, for any mentions or posts by the hiring manager. They may share updates or insights that can help you identify them. On LinkedIn, search for the company's page and explore employee profiles to identify the hiring manager or relevant department head. Sometimes, LinkedIn profiles include details about their roles.

(Pro tip: before you reach out on LinkedIn, make sure you run your profile through LinkedIn Review so you’re ready to impress your potential future boss!)

Company directory

Some organizations maintain an online company directory with contact information for employees. Search for this directory on the company's website and see if you can find the hiring manager's name and title.

Contact the HR department

If all else fails, you can call or email the company's HR department and politely inquire about the name of the hiring manager or the appropriate contact person for the job application.

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is to whom it may concern appropriate for a cover letter

is to whom it may concern appropriate for a cover letter

Cover Letters 101: Should You Address Your Letter ‘To Whom It May Concern’?

W hen applying for jobs, the way you start your cover letter sets the tone for a good first impression. Many applicants wonder if they should stick with the old “To Whom It May Concern.” This phrase has been around for ages, but times have changed, and so have the expectations in the job market. Here’s why “To Whom It May Concern” might not be the best idea anymore and offers some smart alternatives to help your application catch an employer’s eye.

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Key Takeaways

  • “To Whom It May Concern” might be considered outdated and overly impersonal in today’s job market.
  • Personalizing your cover letter by addressing it to a specific person shows initiative and attention to detail.
  • There are several strategies to find the appropriate contact person if the job listing doesn’t provide a name.
  • Alternatives to “To Whom It May Concern” can help make a positive impression on your potential employer.
  • Tailoring your approach can enhance your career prospects and contribute to long-term wealth by increasing your chances of securing well-suited positions.

How To Make a Good Impression Beyond ‘To Whom It May Concern’

The job application process is your opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism, attention to detail and communication skills. Starting off on the right foot can have a positive impact on your career trajectory and, by extension, your long-term financial success. Here are some tips and alternatives to “To Whom It May Concern” that can help you make a lasting impression:

1. Do Your Homework

Before addressing your cover letter, take the time to research the company and find out who the hiring manager or the head of the department is. LinkedIn and the company’s website are excellent resources for this. Addressing the letter directly to this person shows that you’ve made an effort to understand the company and its team.

2. Use a Specific Job Title

If you cannot find a specific name, addressing the letter to a job title or department can still personalize your approach. For example, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Human Resources Department” are preferable to the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern.”

3. Opt for a Warm Greeting

In cases where a direct name or title isn’t available, consider starting with a warm, yet professional greeting. “Dear Team at [Company Name]” can convey both respect and a personal touch.

4. When in Doubt, Ask

If the job listing provides a contact number or email for queries, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for the name of the hiring manager. This not only provides you with the correct name but also demonstrates your proactive nature.

Alternatives to ‘To Whom It May Concern’

If “To Whom It May Concern” isn’t cutting it, try these more personal options. They show you’re paying attention and you care:

  • “Dear Hiring Manager,”
  • “Dear [Department] Team,”
  • “Dear [Company Name] Team,”
  • “Greetings,”

Adding a personal touch right from the start can make your cover letter shine. After you’ve picked your opening, don’t forget to personalize the rest of your letter too.

When ‘To Whom It May Concern’ Is the Right Choice

There are few situations in job applications where “To Whom It May Concern” might still fit. This can happen when you’re applying to a large organization where the hiring team is not specified and you’ve exhausted all resources trying to find a certain contact.

It can also be relevant when submitting general inquiries to a company’s career department without applying for a specific role. In these cases, “To Whom It May Concern” can act as a formal and respectful way to address your cover letter, showing that you’ve made an effort to be professional in the absence of those details.

Make Small Changes To See Big Results

Taking the time to personalize your cover letter is more than a mere formality; it’s an investment in your career. By showing that you care about the details and are genuinely interested in the position, you’re more likely to capture the attention of potential employers. This not only increases your chances of landing an interview but also positions you as a strong candidate in a competitive job market.

Choosing a different opening for your cover letter is a simple change that can have big rewards. It can help you stand out and show you’re serious about the job. This can lead to interviews and, eventually, job offers. Landing a job that matches your skills and goals can really boost your happiness at work and your financial security. Choosing to skip “To Whom It May Concern” could be a small step toward a bigger, better career .

Editor's note: This article was produced via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of GOBankingRates' editorial team.

This article originally appeared on : Cover Letters 101: Should You Address Your Letter ‘To Whom It May Concern’?

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To Whom It May Concern: How (Not) to Use It in Your Cover Letter

is to whom it may concern appropriate for a cover letter

When writing a cover letter or business email, you might be tempted to use the generic "To Whom It May Concern" salutation. However, this outdated greeting can make your message seem impersonal in today's professional world.

While "To Whom It May Concern" is still acceptable in some situations, it often implies you didn't take the time to find the right contact person or are sending a mass email rather than a tailored message.

This article will explain when it's appropriate to use "To Whom It May Concern", provide alternatives for your cover letter or email greeting, and share tips on finding the right person to address to make a stronger first impression.

When Is It Appropriate to Use "To Whom It May Concern"?

There are still some scenarios where using this generic salutation is appropriate when writing business correspondence. One instance is when you are sending a letter of recommendation or reference and you don't know the recipient's name or title. In this case, using "To Whom It May Concern" as the greeting can be used, as the recommendation letter may be passed on to various people

Another situation where "To Whom It May Concern" is acceptable is when you are writing to a company or department and don't have a specific contact person or point of contact. If you are unable to find the name of the person you are addressing, this generic greeting that can be used.

In general, formal documents that you intend to send to an institution or company can start with this greeting if they are not meant to introduce yourself. For example, filling a complaint, a job verification letter, or the recommendation letter mentioned above. If you do not know the recipient, as long as you keep it formal , the greeting is not a huge deal in these types of messages.

However, applying for a job is a much more personal matter, and avoiding being generic can make you stand out. It is not totally wrong to start a cover letter for a job with “To whom it may concern”  if no name is provided in the job posting and you can't find one after carefully reviewing the job posting, but it is certainly not the best move. 

to whom it may concern 1

How to Format "To Whom It May Concern" Correctly

Here's how to format "To Whom It May Concern" correctly in your letter or email:

  • Capitalize the first letter of each word in the phrase "To Whom It May Concern". While this may not be grammatically necessary since it's not a proper noun or title, it's considered standard practice and helps maintain a formal tone.
  • Use a colon, not a comma, after the phrase "To Whom It May Concern". The colon signifies that the salutation is complete and the body of your letter or email is about to begin.
  • Double space before beginning the body of your letter, email, or cover letter. This helps visually separate the salutation from the main content and improves readability. In some cases, such as when the body of your letter is very short, it's acceptable to single space for cosmetic reasons.

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Why You Should Avoid "To Whom It May Concern" in Your Cover Letter

When applying for a job, your cover letter is often the first impression you make on hiring managers and recruiters. As mentioned before, using a generic greeting like "To Whom It May Concern" may come across as lazy and impersonal, suggesting that you didn't take the time to find the right person to address.

Today, with internet access and professional networking sites like LinkedIn, it's usually possible to find a specific person to address by name in email or letter. Taking a few extra minutes to research the company and find the hiring manager or recruiter responsible for the position can make a significant difference in how your application is perceived.

If you can't find and don't know the name of the person you should address, consider using alternatives like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Department] Team". These greetings are more engaging and targeted than "To Whom It May Concern" while still maintaining a professional tone suitable for business correspondence.

to whom it may concern 2

What to Write Instead of "To Whom It May Concern" in a Cover Letter

Let’s expand on some possible alternatives to replace “To Whom It May Concern”, so that you have an arsenal of less formal options for when you are writing your next cover letter.

  • Dear [Hiring Manager's Name]: Take the time to look up the name of the recruiter or hiring manager online. Check the job listing, company website, or LinkedIn to find the right person to address your cover letter to. Using their name shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the position.
  • Dear [Department] Team: If you can't find the hiring manager's name, you can address your cover letter generally to the most relevant team, such as "Dear Marketing Team" or "Dear Human Resources Team." This approach still demonstrates that you've tailored your application to the specific department you'd be working with.
  • Dear [Job Title] Hiring Manager: Another option is to reference the position you're applying for in your salutation. For example, "Dear Marketing Coordinator Hiring Manager" or "Dear Social Media Intern Hiring Manager." By using the job title or department, you show that you've carefully considered how your skills align with the role

Other Cover Letter Salutation:  FAQs

There are many different ways in which you can start a cover letter, and so, there are many different questions that can arise. Here are some of them.

How do I find the hiring manager's name and email?

To find the hiring manager's name, start by carefully reviewing the job posting for any mention of the person you should address your application to. If no name is provided, search the company website or LinkedIn for the relevant department head or recruiter. You can also try contacting the company, either calling or sending an email, and asking for the name of the person handling the position you're applying for. 

to whom it may concern 3

Is it acceptable to use "Dear Sir or Madam" in a cover letter?

While "Dear Sir or Madam" is a traditional generic greeting, it's best to avoid using it in modern business correspondence. This salutation, just like “To Whom It May Concern”, may come across as outdated and impersonal, and it also assumes the recipient's gender. Instead, opt for a more inclusive and targeted greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Department] Team".

What's the best generic greeting to use if I don't have a name?

If you can't find the hiring manager's name or email, the best generic greeting to use in your cover letter is "Dear Hiring Manager." This salutation is professional, concise, and targeted to the person responsible for reviewing your application. Other acceptable options, as discussed above,  include  "Dear [Department] Team" or "Dear [Job Title] Hiring Manager".

To Whom It May Concern: Conclusion

To sum up, while "To Whom It May Concern" has been a standard salutation for business correspondence when you don't know the recipient's name, it's important to understand when it's appropriate to use and when it's better to opt for an alternative.

When it comes to your cover letter, it's crucial to make every effort to find the full name of the specific person you want to address. Tailoring your salutation to the hiring manager, recruiter, or relevant department head shows that you've taken the time to research the company and are genuinely interested in the position. If you can't find a name, opt for a more targeted greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager" rather than the generic "To Whom It May Concern."

Remember, your cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression and demonstrate your fit for the role. By avoiding generic salutations and instead tailoring each cover letter to the specific job and company, you'll set yourself apart from other applicants and increase your chances of having a successful process. So, even if you don't have a name, take the extra step to personalize your greeting and show your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

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To Whom It May Concern: Definition, Synonyms, and Examples

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Hannah Yang

to whom it maya concern

Whenever you write a professional letter or email, it’s important to start with the right salutation.

One common professional greeting is the phrase “To Whom It May Concern.” So what exactly does this phrase mean, and when is it appropriate to use it?

This article explains the meaning of “To Whom It May Concern,” offers some alternatives to consider, and gives you examples of this phrase in action.

To Whom It May Concern Definition

To whom it may concern meaning, how to format “to whom it may concern”, is it who, whom, or whomever it may concern, to whom it may concern alternatives, when to write “to whom it may concern”, to whom it may concern examples, conclusion on to whom it may concern.

“To Whom It May Concern” is a greeting used at the beginning of a letter or email when the identity of the reader is unknown. It functions as a generic salutation that can be addressed to anybody reading the letter.

You can use “To Whom It May Concern” whenever you’re writing a letter and you don’t know who the recipient will be.

For example, you might use this greeting when you’re writing a cover letter for a job application and you don’t know the name of the person who will be reviewing your letter. It’s safer to write “To Whom It May Concern” than to address your letter to the wrong person.

Before the advent of the digital age, “To Whom It May Concern” was a common greeting in professional correspondence. It was a lot harder to look up the names of specific people at companies and organizations without access to the internet.

These days, however, it’s a lot easier to look up the name of the person you’re writing to, whether it’s a hiring manager, a prospective client, or the head of a department or committee. As a result, “To Whom It May Concern” has started to feel like a stuffy and old-fashioned phrase.

As a good rule of thumb, you should avoid writing “To Whom It May Concern” whenever you can use a more modern alternative.

It’s standard practice to capitalize the first letter of each word in the phrase “To Whom It May Concern.”

You should follow the phrase with a colon, rather than a comma.

The salutation of a letter should always have an entire line to itself. Then skip the next line and start the first paragraph of your letter on the line after that.

formatting to whom it may concern

The correct phrase should always be “To Whom It May Concern,” not “To Who It May Concern” or “To Whomever It May Concern,” which are both grammatically incorrect.

To Who It May Concern

Who and whom are both pronouns, but they’re used in different ways. Who refers to the subject of a sentence, while whom refers to the object of a sentence.

In this case, consider the question: “ Whom might this letter concern?” The subject of this question is the letter, while the object of this sentence is the person the letter concerns.

Because “To Whom It May Concern” refers to the object of the sentence (the reader), not the subject of the sentence (the letter), it is grammatically incorrect to use who instead of whom .

To Whomever It May Concern

Whomever and whom are both object pronouns, so they could both be acceptable in the sentence “ Whom might this letter concern?”

However, “To Whom It May Concern” is a standard phrase that people are used to seeing, so using a new variation will look strange and unprofessional. As a result, it’s considered incorrect to use “To Whomever It May Concern.”

If you don’t like the idea of using “To Whom It May Concern” at the beginning of your letters, you’re not alone. In many contexts, this phrase can feel overly formal or even outdated, so it’s becoming increasingly common to use synonyms instead.

Here are four common alternatives you can use instead.

1. “Dear/Hello/Hi [Name of Person You’re Addressing]”

It’s always better to address a letter to a specific person than to leave the greeting generic. Avoid the mistake of using “To Whom It May Concern” when you should already know whom your letter will concern.

Personalizing your letter for a single contact person proves you did your research and looked up who you’re writing to. It also shows that you respect the recipient of your letter enough to acknowledge them.

If you’re writing a cover letter, for example, you can comb through the job description to see who the role reports to. Many job descriptions include the name of either the hiring manager or the person who will be your future boss.

You can also check the company’s website to find the right name to use. Professional networking websites like LinkedIn can also provide you with the right name.

When all else fails, you can contact one of the company’s customer service representatives to ask if they’ll disclose the name of the hiring manager. Going the extra mile to personalize your letter will help you make a positive first impression right off the bat.

2. “Dear/Hello/Hi [Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr./Professor] [Last Name]”

If you’re writing informally, it might be fine to address someone simply by their first name. If it’s a more formal letter, however, it might be safer to use that person’s title, followed by their last name.

However, this option can be risky. It’s important to be careful not to use the wrong title for the person you’re writing to.

You want to avoid calling someone “Mr.” or “Mrs.” if they prefer to go by “Dr.” You should also be careful to avoid misgendering the person you’re addressing, so try to avoid using gendered language without double-checking their preferences.

3. “Dear/Hello/Hi [Role of Person You’re Addressing]”

If you can’t find a name to address your letter to, you can use a job title or role instead.

For example, many job applicants start their cover letters with the phrase “Dear Recruiter,” “Dear Search Committee,“ “Dear Recruiting Department,“ “Dear Recruiting Manager,“ “Dear Hiring Manager,” or “Dear Hiring Team.”

If you’re writing to a customer service team, you can use “Dear Customer Service Manager“ or another equivalent.

If you’re writing to a team or a large group of people, you can use a simple “Hi team,” “Dear [name of the team],” “Hi all,” or “Hi everyone.”

If you’re writing to your network of contacts, you can even use “Dear Friends” or “Dear Friends and Family.“

4. “Hello/Hi There/Greetings”

In the twenty-first century, it’s becoming increasingly common to go with a simple salutation like “Hello,” “Hi there,” or “Greetings.” These are all friendlier, more casual ways to begin a letter or email.

This informal greeting will make your letter feel more personalized and modern than using “To Whom It May Concern.”

to whom it may concern alternatives

Here are four common situations where it’s appropriate to use “To Whom It May Concern.”

1. Cover Letter

Many job applications require you to write a cover letter explaining why you’re a good fit for the role.

Often, there are many people who read a cover letter: a recruiter, a hiring manager, the person the role reports to, and more. If you don’t know who exactly will be reviewing your cover letter, it’s standard to open your letter with “To Whom It May Concern” as a greeting to all potential readers.

As we mentioned earlier, you should always try to research the name of the person who will be reading your cover letter and address them by name if possible. “To Whom It May Concern” should be your last resort.

2. Recommendation Letter and 3. Referral Letter

If you work in an academic environment, a student might ask you to write them a recommendation letter for a job or school application.

In corporate settings, a colleague might ask you for a recommendation or referral to a different job opportunity.

Both of these situations might require you to address a letter to someone you don’t know, and it’s often hard to find the name or title of the person who will be reading your letter. In this scenario, it’s perfectly acceptable to use “To Whom It May Concern” instead of a more personal greeting.

4. Letter to a Prospective Client

If you’re in a client-facing role, you might have to contact potential clients to see if they are interested in your products or services.

When you’re reaching someone who makes decisions for an entire company, team, or organization, you might not know the name of the individual in charge until after they reply to your letter.

It’s reasonable to use “To Whom It May Concern” when writing to prospective clients whose names you don’t know. However, you should also consider using a more modern greeting, such as a simple “Hello.”

when to use to whom it may concern

Let’s look at some examples of how to use “To Whom It May Concern” in action.

Example 1: Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to express my interest in the summer internship program at [Company Name].

I learned about your company through the student career center at my school and through speaking to other students who have interned with your company. I am passionate about the work you do, and I believe that I could be a great fit for your team.

Example 2: Academic Recommendation Letter

It is with much enthusiasm that I recommend [Student’s Name] for admission at your institution.

I have been [Student’s Name]’s English instructor for the past two years. She has been a wonderful participant in my classes, and she has demonstrated exceptional writing skills.

Example 3: Job Referral Letter

I am writing to recommend [Colleague’s Name] to your company. I have worked with him for the past seven years at [Current Company], where I was his manager. He is a dependable and hardworking colleague who would be an asset to any team.

Example 4: Prospecting Letter

I’m a big fan of your organization’s work, and I was wondering if you might be in the need of [Professional Services]. I’m a freelance [Job Title], and I’m writing to introduce myself and to tell you about the services my company offers. I would love the opportunity to work with you.

A letter or email is often your first impression. Make the right impression by running your emails through a grammar checker like ProWritingAid .

is to whom it may concern appropriate for a cover letter

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Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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To Whom It May Concern: How To Use It With Examples

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  • To Whom It May Concern
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To Whom It May Concern has become a controversial phrase. Some people think it’s lazy to use this greeting since the recipient’s name is usually somewhere on the internet, while others say that you can’t always know who the recipient will be, so “To Whom It May Concern” is the best choice.

In this article, we’ll cover when and how to use “To Whom It May Concern,” as well as alternatives and examples to help you pull all our tips together.

Key Takeaways:

“To Whom It May Concern” is appropriate to use:

When lodging a formal complaint

A letter of recommendation

A letter of introduction

You should not use this phrase when writing a cover letter or a letter on your own behalf.

To find the recipient’s name you should check the job listing, check the company’s website, and use networking websites before using the phrase.

How To Write

When to use “to whom it may concern”

Example use of the phrase, when not to use “to whom it may concern”, how to find the recipient’s name, alternative ways to say “to whom it may concern”, example of alternatives ways to say “to whom it may concern”, what does “to whom it may concern” mean, to whom it may concern faq, final thoughts.

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Here are some examples of when it is appropriate to use “To Whom It May Concern:”

To lodge a formal complaint. When you aren’t satisfied with a situation, voicing a concern in a formal letter is an excellent way for you to do it. However, you might not know who you will need to address.

A letter of recommendation. Sometimes, a friend or coworker might need to list someone who knows them well as a reference , but they might be unsure who you will need to write the letter to.

A letter of introduction . In times where you need to introduce yourself or another individual to a large group via email, “To Whom It May Concern” can be an option to address a general audience.

A letter of interest . When you’re trying to find out about potential job positions that aren’t publically listed, you can send a letter of interest to sell yourself. However, you may not have a specific recipient in mind. Using “To Whom It May Concern” can be useful in these situations, but we still recommend using one of its alternatives instead.

A prospecting letter. People who work in sales and business development need to reach out to potential clients. Some companies are wary about giving away too many personal details to an outside salesperson.

In those cases, using a generic salutation like “To Whom It May Concern” may be appropriate — but it’s not exactly the most appealing first line of a sales pitch.

When using “To Whom It May Concern,” capitalize every word in the phrase. Then, follow it with a colon and double-space before you begin typing the body of your text.

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to bring to your attention how unsatisfied I am with your company’s customer service. On the morning of October 1, 2020, I made a call to your company’s customer service line and was treated rather rudely. It is appalling to me that a company with your standing would allow such unprofessionalism to take place. I have been a faithful client of your store, and feel completely devastated by this behavior. I expect your full cooperation and hope this issue can be resolved. Sincerely, Jane Smith

The phrase “To Whom It May Concern” sounds impersonal, and you never want your letter to sound too impersonal, even if it is formal. If possible, avoid using this phrase at all costs.

“To Whom It May Concern” is considered to be dated and too generic. Hiring managers want to make sure that the person they are bringing in is driven and will stop at nothing to get the job done.

In short, here are the times when not to use “To Whom It May Concern:”

You’re writing a cover letter . The point of a cover letter is to set yourself apart from the competition. When you begin your letter with an archaic phrase like “To Whom It May Concern,” you do stand out — just for all the wrong reasons.

You’re writing any letter on your own behalf. When you’re writing a recommendation letter for a friend or a letter of introduction for someone else, it’s fine to use “To Whom It May Concern.” That’s because you don’t know how the letter will be used or who it will be sent to; those decisions are up to whoever you gave the letter to.

You have literally any information about the recipient. Using “To Whom It May Concern” is basically admitting that you have no idea who this letter will concern — and that’s concerning for the recipient. If you’re sending a letter to an unknown entity in some department, for example, at least label it to “Dear [Department Name].”

Remember that rather than writing, “To Whom It May Concern,” including the recipient’s name in your letter or email shows that you are willing to put in the leg work and get the job done.

Read the job listing carefully . Go back to the original job posting and see if there is more information about the person you need to contact. Typically, companies and career websites will include the contact information at the bottom of the page .

Check the company’s website. Another way to verify a company’s personnel is to go directly to the source. Go to their official website and look through the “About Us” page– chances are you will find what you are looking for.

Use networking websites. You can also use a professional networking website such as LinkedIn. These pages are filled with business professionals. Search for the company’s profile. Usually, you will be able to find the appropriate person with a bit of research.

Call the company. As a last resort, reach out to the company’s main line or customer service number and ask for the hiring manager’s name.

If you are still unable to find the name of your prospective employer after taking all of these steps, you may then use the phrase “To Whom It May Concern” or one of the much more appealing alternatives below.

The good news is you are not stuck using this expression. When you are trying to greet someone, there are countless alternatives that can be used instead of saying, “To Whom It May Concern.” The great thing about the English language is that it allows us different ways to say the same something.

Here is a list of alternatives you can use in place of “To Whom It May Concern:”

Dear [Name of Potential Boss] – use a full name or a Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]

Dear Recruiting Team

Dear [Job Title You’re Applying For] Hiring Team/Committee/Manager

Dear Hiring Manager

Dear Recruiter

Dear Recruiting Manager

Dear Recruiting Department

Dear Human Resources Manager

Dear [Name of the Department You’re Applying To]

Dear Personnel Manager

Try to avoid using the phrase “ Dear Sir or Madam ,” just like “To Whom It May Concern.” This, too, is considered to be an outdated way of addressing a recipient.

If you cannot find the recipient’s name and do not want to risk sounding too generic, you can always call them by their official titles, such as a hiring manager, a recruiter , or a human resources manager .

Dear Product Department, I hope this finds you well. I am writing to find out more about your company and if you have any openings. I saw your booth at the job fair last week, and from what I have learned, it could be a great place to work. Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Joe Smith
Dear Hiring Manager, My name is Jane Smith, and I recently applied for the Project Manager opening at your company. I wanted to take this time to formally introduce myself to you and your staff. And I am excited about this opportunity. I am sure that my background and skills will make me an ideal candidate for this position and your company. Would it be possible for us to set up an appointment to meet this week? I would love to get to know you and discuss what I plan to bring to your organization. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you. Best Regards, Jane Smith

“To Whom It May Concern” is typically used as a salutation at the beginning of a letter or email. It is generally used to speak to someone whose name you do not know but would like to address in the message.

“To Whom It May Concern” is now considered outdated. Back in the day, when a company posted a job, all you had access to was the company’s name and a brief description of the position you were applying to at the company.

It was highly uncommon for companies to list the hiring manager’s name. There was no easy way for you to gain access to this information — therefore, people would address the letters to whomever the message concerned, hence the phrase.

Now, however, having information about any company is as simple as clicking a button. Most businesses or corporations have an entire section dedicated to their staff. Here you will be able to find the names you need.

Though using the phrase may be considered standard practice, some hiring managers might view it as laziness on behalf of the applicant. However, there are certain instances where it is considered entirely appropriate to use this phrase.

What is the correct way to write “To Whom It May Concern?”

The correct way to write “To Whom It May Concern” is to capitalize the first letter of each word. Be sure to always use “whom” instead of “who” or “whomever.”

It’s also more appropriate to follow the phrase with a colon rather than a comma and add two spaces before beginning your message. Using this phrase suggests a formal letter and should only be used when you’re sending something to an unknown recipient.

Is “To Whom It May Concern” rude?

No, “To Whom It May Concern” is not rude. It is the proper address to use when you’re uncertain who it is you’re addressing.

However, if you know the person you are addressing, using the phrase to whom it may concern is inappropriate and may be considered rude.

Should I use “To Whom It May Concern”?

Yes, if you don’t know the name of the individual you are addressing, you should use “To Whom It May Concern.” However, before choosing to use this phrase, you should consider looking for a point of contact to receive your cover letter and resume .

You can do this in any number of ways, including checking the job posting, using the company website, asking another contact, or contacting customer service or human resources .

Do you write “To Whom It May Concern” in capital letters?

Yes, you should write “To Whom It May Concern” in capital letters. Although this may seem out of the norm, you would want to capitalize the name of the person you are addressing.

Since to whom it may concern is used in place of a person’s name, you should capitalize the entire phrase in place of the individual’s name.

How do you address a letter to an unknown person?

If the letter is formal, you should address a letter to an unknown person with the phrase “To Whom It May Concern.” Typically, this phrase is used in business correspondences when the other party is unknown.

Most commonly, this can be used when submitting a job application or cover letter when the job posting is unclear on who will review your application.

It might take you some time, but if you set your mind to it and put a little effort, chances are you will find the names you are looking for. However, it is essential to know that you really cannot go wrong with any of these alternatives.

Keep in mind that this isn’t about adding more pressure to your pursuit of finding a job. It’s about opening your eyes and showing you that every little detail is essential and speaks volumes to any future employer about the person they will be hiring.

Readers Digest – To Whom It May Concern: What it Means and How to Use it

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Melissa is an exceptionally hard-working, creative individual, with great organizational and time management skills. She has been writing and researching professionally for over seven years. She graduated with a BA in English from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.

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Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong

11 min read · Updated on April 24, 2024

Jen David

Greet your future employer professionally with these cover letter salutations

Cover letters – some recruiters love them; some recruiters hate them. Unfortunately, you'll rarely know which type of recruiter you're contacting, so the safest bet is always to send one, just in case. 

The aim of a cover letter is to make the reader want to find out more about you, so in this article, we're looking at starting strong. 

Which are the best cover letter salutations to make a great first impression?

What is a cover letter salutation?

When we say “salutation,” we mean the opening line of the letter where you greet the person you're writing to. For example, when you write to thank your aunt for the jumper she knitted for Christmas, you might use “Dear Aunt Betty” as your salutation. These days, the salutation may refer to the opening of an email as much as to the opening of a handwritten or printed letter. 

While cover letter salutations generally refer to the opening line of your epistle, some people also refer to the sign-off as a salutation as well, so we'll look at that at the end of the article. 

Considerations when choosing cover letter salutations

A cover letter is a formal business document that you use to try to make yourself more memorable. Remember, though, you want to be remembered for the right reasons and not the wrong ones! 

Starting your letter “Yo!” or “Hey” doesn't convey the impression of a competent professional who knows the unspoken rules of office writing etiquette. 

While not everyone is a natural writer, relying instead on personality, speech, and body language, cover letters depend very much on the written word. In fact, a cover letter, along with your resume, is part of your personal sales brochure. You need to choose the right words to sell yourself effectively. 

Stick to these guidelines, and you can't go far wrong.

Keep it formal and professional

Your tone should be aligned with the tone you'd use when speaking to a teacher, religious leader, or grandma, not the tone you'd use with your mates or kid brother. This is the first impression you'll make on your potential employer, so it's important to show that you can communicate professionally , with respect, and in line with workplace norms. 

Personalize wherever possible

Bonus points if you know, or can find out, the name of the person who will be reading the letter. If you can address them by name, you're instantly showing that you've made the effort, done your research, and have taken the time to write a personalized letter rather than firing the same one off to multiple vacancies. 

Always use a salutation

Even if you can't find out the recipient's name, never leave the greeting line blank. It conveys the impression of someone who lacks attention to detail or is just plain lazy. Not a great impression to create on someone you need to impress! 

This doesn't just apply to the cover letter salutation but to the entire document. Punctuation is important as it enables your reader to accurately interpret your meaning. Use capital letters for names and add a comma after the salutation. Get a trusted friend or family member to check over your letter when it's written to help you give it the polish it needs. 

Options for cover letter salutations

Let's take a look at some different salutations you could use on your cover letter. 

Dear Mr Donnelly 

Addressing the hiring manager by name is the ideal option. If it's not given in the job posting or provided by the person connecting you, it's fine to resort to good old Google. You may find their name on the company website or be able to track them down on LinkedIn. It's also perfectly acceptable to contact the company directly and ask them who you should address your application to.

If you're lucky enough to know the name of the hiring manager, you should always use it in the cover letter salutation. Bear these considerations in mind, though: 

Double and triple check the spelling – even the most common names sometimes have unconventional spellings 

Default to “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss” plus their surname and use the generic “Ms” if you're not sure whether “Mrs” or “Miss” would be most appropriate

Reflect the gender-neutral title “Mx” if that's what you find online or on the job advert

Dear Doctor Foster

If the recipient has a professional title, it's recommended you use that instead of “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss.” Examples could include “Dear Professor Dumbledore,” “Dear General Eisenhower,” or “Dear Doctor House.” 

While the formal “Dear Ms Farrell” is the preferred and most formal option, if you only have the hiring manager's first name, it's perfectly acceptable to use it to open the letter. Again, check the spelling. A slightly less formal salutation here isn't a reason to take a less formal tone throughout the rest of the letter, however. This is a suitable salutation for a job application email, as you can get away with a slightly more relaxed approach in an email.

Dear HR team

If you need a greeting for a cover letter to an unknown recipient, this is a popular option. It's not ideal, but your letter is likely to be forwarded to the right department at least. If you can't find the name of the hiring manager, this is a viable Plan B. 

Dear hiring manager

This is an alternative cover letter greeting when you have no name available. It's better than leaving a blank space, but it's far from warm and personal. Additionally, your letter may not find its way to the right person if the company has different teams hiring for different roles. Try to avoid this unless you've run out of other options.

Dear Sir / Madam

This cover letter salutation is falling out of favor. It's not just impersonal; it doesn't even address a specific team or department. Still, it's better than an overly casual greeting or a blank space. 

How NOT to address a cover letter

As we've already said, there are some greetings that are just too informal to use as cover letter salutations. There are others, however, that tread a very fine line. We'd advise avoiding these openings, as they're either too colloquial or too stuffy. 

To whom it may concern

We're not in the 19th century anymore. Trim your whiskers and relegate this stuffy greeting to history, it's too impersonal even for the most uptight offices. 

Using “dear” on its own, with no name or further greeting attached, gives the wrong vibe. It sounds like a combination of your old aunt, someone unfamiliar with the English language, and someone who's forgotten to fill in a blank on their template. Literally, anything is better than nothing after the word “dear.”

Hi, hello, hi there!

While these cover letter salutations certainly aren't stuffy or over-formal, they fall too far in the other direction. They're friendly and casual but too much for an initial introduction. Save these for the interview. 

Expert tip: Read this article to find out more about cover letter mistakes to avoid: 10 of the Worst Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid  

Cover letter closing salutations

How you end is just as important as how you begin. After all, you want to end on a high! Before you come to an abrupt end, you'll want to do both of these things: 

Thank the reader for their time and consideration 

Add a call to action, for example, directing them to look at your resume or give you a call

Cover letter salutations to close 

You've started strong and used the body of the email to convince the hiring manager that you're the ideal candidate for the role. Now, it's time to choose your sign-off. 

Yours sincerely, yours truly

These two phrases should be your go-to sign-offs for a formal business letter. If you've started your letter with the recipient's name, choose sincerely; otherwise, choose truly. 

Best regards, kind regards, regards

These are all acceptable closing phrases but better suited to an email than a full letter. They veer towards the casual and aren't generally considered the best letter-writing etiquette. 


This is a polite way of signing off a letter, although not especially conventional or formal. While it's better than no closing at all, it would be wiser to choose a more formal option. 

How NOT to sign off a cover letter 

Just as there are ways not to start a cover letter, there are ways not to sign off. 

Well, it's polite but way too informal. “Thank you” would be better, but a line within the body of the letter saying that you appreciate the time they take to consider your application would be best. 

Just no. You're not taking leave of a friend you've just dropped in on; you're addressing your potential future employer. A more formal and respectful tone is needed. 

However you choose to end your cover letter, remember to finish with your name – and leave space above to sign it if you intend to print it out.

Cover letter examples

Below you'll find two cover letter examples with strong salutations, one a traditional letter and one an email, that you can use for inspiration. 

Traditional cover letter example

Dear Ms Searle, 

Re: Sales Manager vacancy 

Having seen your advertisement for a Sales Manager on LinkedIn, I would like to outline my professional experience and strong track record. I believe I can make a very significant contribution to Acme Corp.

In addition to extensive experience in a sales environment, I also have a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and a proven ability to meet targets. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I am a natural people person, communicating effectively with a diverse range of people and demonstrating excellent negotiation and influencing skills. My leadership abilities mean that I am able to successfully engage and motivate teams – my current team has surpassed its Q1 targets by 23%. 

I am driven, ambitious, and keen to progress my career in a growing and innovative business such as Acme Corp. I am confident that my strong work ethic, combined with my sales results and integrity, will enable me to play a key role in your success. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration. 

Yours sincerely,

Email cover letter example 

Dear Liz, 

Re: Assistant Security Manager vacancy (ref: 12345)

Having read your advertisement for an Assistant Security Manager with interest, I am writing to outline my extensive professional experience. I believe that I possess the talents necessary to make a positive contribution to your hotel.    

I have a comprehensive understanding of security and a commitment to exceptional service. As a Police Officer, I led teams of up to 6 personnel, overseeing security patrols and managing performance. Colleagues would recommend me for my ability to build and motivate teams to achieve exceptionally high standards and positive outcomes. 

As a manager, I take pride in providing training and development opportunities across the team to improve individual skill levels and ensure the achievement of organizational objectives.

The position at Acme Hotel is particularly appealing to me as I believe it will make the best possible use of my security and leadership skills whilst providing opportunities for further development. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, 

Choose the right cover letter salutations to set the right tone

As you can see, there are several options for opening and closing a cover letter. Make sure you choose one that is professional, has the right amount of formality, and shows you understand corporate communication. 

At TopResume, we create impactful resumes that land jobs. If you need help with your cover letter, we can do that, too! Why not contact us for a strong start on your journey towards a new career? 

Recommended reading: 

Resume vs Cover Letter: How They're Different

What is the perfect cover letter length?

How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

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  16. Avoid To Whom It May Concern on a Cover Letter

    The biggest problem with "To Whom It May Concern" is that it's an incredibly generic greeting. Even if it's not be the case, many recruiters read this phrase and think of someone sending 100 cover letters that are exactly the same to 100 different companies. If you want a hiring manager to give you a job interview opportunity, you want ...

  17. To Whom It May Concern: Definition, Synonyms, and Examples

    Example 3: Job Referral Letter. To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to recommend [Colleague's Name] to your company. I have worked with him for the past seven years at [Current Company], where I was his manager. He is a dependable and hardworking colleague who would be an asset to any team. Example 4: Prospecting Letter. To Whom It May Concern:

  18. How To Professionally Use 'To Whom It May Concern

    Tips for addressing correspondence. Consider following the tips below to ensure you're using the phrase 'To Whom It May Concern' to the best of its potential: 1. Capitalise the phrase. The proper way to write this salutation is to capitalise the first letter of each word: 'To Whom It May Concern'.

  19. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  20. To Whom It May Concern: What You Should Write Instead (+Tips)

    When using "To Whom It May Concern," capitalize the first letter of each word, follow the phrase with a colon, and skip the next line before starting your letter. When you must use the "To Whom It May Concern" salutation, format it properly. Do this by following relevant capitalization, punctuation, and spacing rules.

  21. To Whom It May Concern: How To Use It With Examples

    In this article, we'll cover when and how to use "To Whom It May Concern," as well as alternatives and examples to help you pull all our tips together. Key Takeaways: "To Whom It May Concern" is appropriate to use: When lodging a formal complaint. A letter of recommendation. A letter of introduction

  22. How To Use "To Whom It May Concern" in Letters (Examples)

    It is acceptable in formal or professional correspondence. "To Whom" and "Concern" refer to whoever the recipient is; "It" refers to the correspondence; and "May" implies the probability that any party may receive it. It is a known traditional salutation, although it is slowly becoming obsolete. It allows you to write a letter ...

  23. A Guide To Using "To Whom it May Concern" in a Cover Letter

    Starting a cover letter with "To whom it may concern" may be suitable when you're not sure who to address your correspondence to. Sometimes, though, using this phrase in your introduction letter may make you seem overly formal or unprepared. Exploring other expressions to incorporate can help you make a good first impression of your abilities ...

  24. Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong

    As we've already said, there are some greetings that are just too informal to use as cover letter salutations. There are others, however, that tread a very fine line. We'd advise avoiding these openings, as they're either too colloquial or too stuffy. To whom it may concern. We're not in the 19th century anymore.