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How to research animal, enrichment and stuffs in planetzoo

  • Thread starter Willyphua
  • Start date Nov 8, 2019


I can't find it, can someone tell me where is it located?  

Build a research center, hire a vet, then in your zoo window one of the tabs is research. You can assign your vet to research an animal, but you have to have that animal in a habitat before you can research it.  



Play the tutorial in career mode, it shows you how.  

I am playing sandbox mode  

Willyphua said: I am playing sandbox mode Click to expand...


Chante Goodman

Community manager.

  • Dev Post  

Yes, we really do recommend playing the Career Mode, as it will teach you some tips and tricks for all other modes!  

Actually I have play the franchise mode when planet zoo release it planet zoo deluxe beta game back then. I guess only career mode I haven yet play  

Planet Zoo Wiki

Vet Research

Vet Research is a tab in the Zoo screen. It allow players to unlock more game content. Player first need to build a Research Centre and have a Veterinarian working.

  • 1 Description
  • 2.1 Disease Topics
  • 2.2 Habitat Animal Topics
  • 2.3 Exhibit Animal Topics
  • 2.4 Walkthrough Exhibit Animal Topics
  • 3 References

Description [ ]

Veterinarians will visit the Research Centre to undertake their research. Only one veterinarian can use a Research Centre at a given time. This process takes time and a veterinarian may need to visit a Staff Room to take a break.

They can also be called to a higher priority task unless research has been set as their only available task type (in their info panel under Employment tab). Veterinarians that have been called away from their research will return to it when they can.

Rewards [ ]

Disease topics [ ].

There are a lot of Disease in the game. Each disease has their own section in the Vet Research tab. Leveling up on these topics reduce the chance of animal catching the disease, reduce recovery time, as well as time until death.

  • Level 1: Advanced Diagnosis.
  • Level 2: Advanced Treatment.
  • Level 3: Advanced Pharmacology.

Habitat Animal Topics [ ]

Habitat Animal Topics varies a lot between animals. They can have from 6 (example Bactrian Camel and Indian Peafowl ) to 10 (example Bornean Orangutan and Bonobo ) levels, depend on which animal.

Each level may add from 2 to 4 research items. These include: Toy Enrichment , Food Enrichment , Fun Facts, upgraded Food Level, Education Bonus, Breeding Research.

Exhibit Animal Topics [ ]

Exhibit Animal Topics all have 5 levels. Enrichment options are unlocked at level 1, 3 and 5. Unlike Habitat Animals, enrichment are not shared among exhibit animals.

  • Level 1: Fun fact, breeding research +15%, exhibit enrichment level 1.
  • Level 2: Fun fact, breeding research +30%, education bonus +50%.
  • Level 3: Fun fact, education bonus +33%, exhibit enrichment level 2.
  • Level 4: Fun fact, breeding research (?%), exhibit enrichment level 1.
  • Level 5: Fun fact, education bonus +25%, exhibit enrichment level 3.

Walkthrough Exhibit Animal Topics [ ]

Exhibit Animal Topics all have 5 levels. Enrichment options are unlocked at level 1, 3 and 5. Although being an Exhibit animal, some Walkthrough Exhibit shares the same exhibit. As such, unlocked enrichments are shared among species with interspecies enrichment. (Notably Grasslands Animal Pack butterflies).

  • Level 1: Fun fact, breeding research (?%), exhibit enrichment level 1.
  • Level 2: Fun fact, breeding research (?%), education bonus +50%.

References [ ]

  • 1 Grasslands Animal Pack
  • 2 Walkthrough Exhibit
  • 3 Africa Pack

A Beginner's Guide to Planet Zoo – The Basics

A Beginner's Guide to Planet Zoo – The Basics

Learn the basics to playing Planet Zoo

Hayo Zookeepers!

We were delighted to celebrate the launch of Planet Zoo: Console Edition yesterday and welcome players on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S into the Planet Zoo family.

With so many of you playing for the first time, we’ve put together a Beginner’s Guide to Planet Zoo series to help you get started and find your feet in the world of zoo simulation.

This first guide focuses on the very basics of Planet Zoo, including game modes, difficulty settings and some basic controls.

how to do research planet zoo

In Planet Zoo you can create, manage, research and develop the zoo of your dreams across four different game modes.

Career Mode

Embark on a globe-trotting campaign mode and progress through a career in zoo management. If you’re new to Planet Zoo, we recommend starting with Career Mode to help you learn the basics.

Career Scenarios

  • Complete objectives to achieve bronze, silver and gold star awards.
  • Unique scenarios from around the world for you to complete.
  • Story driven with colourful characters.

Timed Scenarios

  • Complete objectives against the clock.
  • Bronze, silver and gold stars are awarded based on how long it takes you to complete all objectives.
  • Objectives will need to be maintained once completed or they risk uncompleting themselves.
  • Unlock in game scenery statues for each scenario based on your awarded stars.

Franchise Mode

Build a network of connected zoos around the globe and trade your animals online.

  • Build a series of connected zoos all around the world.
  • Trade habitat animals with other players on the Animal Market.
  • Take part in Community Challenges.*
  • Conservation Credits are shared between all the zoos in your Franchise, but cash is not.
  • You must be online to play this mode.

*Community challenges will be coming to Planet Zoo: Console Edition on April 2nd 2023.

Challenge Mode

Put your skills to the test and build your zoo offline with a full economy and challenges.

  • Start your zoo from scratch.
  • Full animal and economy simulation.
  • Optional challenges to complete.

Sandbox Mode

Let your imagination run wild in the freedom of Sandbox mode and build your dream zoo with no restrictions.

  • Build a zoo without limits.
  • Optional animal and economy settings to customise your experience.
  • Limitless creativity.

Difficulty Settings

how to do research planet zoo

Once you select your chosen game mode, you’ll be presented with a few settings, including the difficulty.

Planet Zoo features three difficulty settings allowing you to control the challenge and alter how difficult the game is, choosing between easy, medium or hard.

These difficulty settings are available in all game modes and the difficulty is set before a new scenario or zoo is started. Don’t worry though, if you’re finding it too much of a challenge, the difficulty can also be changed mid-game through the settings menu.

Each difficulty setting modifies the challenge you’ll face in a few different ways, with Easy providing a more laid back experience and Hard giving a more realistic representation of the animals and how they need to be cared for.

Easy Difficulty

  • Animal welfare is more easily maintained.
  • It takes longer for animals to get stressed.
  • Animals take longer to die when their needs are critical.
  • Animals never get bored of enrichment items.
  • Guests learn more from education sources.
  • Guest happiness drops at a slower rate.
  • Guests won't request refunds.
  • Guests are more willing to spend cash.
  • 5* Guest Happiness Rating requires an average happiness of 80%.
  • Staff take longer to get tired.
  • Staff can move faster.
  • Staff get a larger happiness boost from training.

Medium Difficulty

  • 5* Guest Happiness Rating requires an average happiness of 85%.

Hard Difficulty

  • Animal welfare is harder to maintain.
  • Animals get stressed faster.
  • Animals will die quicker when an issue is critical.
  • Animals get bored of enrichment items.
  • Guests learn less from education sources.
  • Guest happiness drops at a faster rate.
  • Guests request refunds.

Zoo Location

how to do research planet zoo

Along with difficulty, when selecting Franchise, Challenge or Sandbox modes, the location of your zoo is also chosen when a zoo is first opened. In Career mode, the location of the zoo is set by the narrative.

A zoo's location is defined by the continent and biome it is set in, with the location presenting different modifications to the gameplay.

The choice of continent and biome will impact the following:

  • The weather and temperature experienced in your zoo.
  • The immediate suitability of the environment for animals.
  • The probability of animals appearing on the market.
  • North America
  • South and Central America
  • Tundra – cold polar and mountainous regions.
  • Taiga – a cool biome defined by its coniferous trees.
  • Temperate – varied temperature and mixed tree types.
  • Grassland – warm vast open areas of grass.
  • Tropical – warm and often humid these biomes include rainforests.
  • Desert – hot and arid.
  • Aquatic – used for animal suitability but is not selectable as a zoo location.

Navigating Your Zoo

how to do research planet zoo

The controls of Planet Zoo have been built from the ground up to be accessible and intuitive – including on gamepads.

The best way to learn how to move around your zoo and navigate the various in-game menus is to complete the tutorial as part of Career Mode. This tutorial has been designed to equip you with all the tools you need to get started with Planet Zoo and will introduce you to Bernie Goodwin as you help complete renovations of the beloved zoo, Goodwin House.

Many of Planet Zoo's controls can be customised on PC to your personal preference through the Controls tab in the Settings menu.

Basic movement of the cursor and camera is controlled through your mouse, with the camera panning as you move to the edge of the screen. Most menus and objects can be interacted with by simply left clicking on them to open further interaction options.

Here are some other basic inputs to get you started:

Select, ConfirmLeft Click
Cancel, Close, DeleteEsc, Right Click
Pan Camera ForwardW
Pan Camera BackwardS
Pan Camera LeftA
Pan Camera RightD
Change Simulation SpeedO
Enter Group Edit ModeR
Open Zoo Management Menus0-9
Open Heat MapsH
Open Multi-SelectI
Duplicate Object/BuildingCtrl+D
Delete Selected ObjectDelete

Planet Zoo: Console Edition - PlayStation Controller Map

We’ve already gone into some more detail on gamepad gameplay which you can find in our Controller Guide .

Camera Modes

There are a few different ways that you can view and move around your zoo.

The game camera is available in the following modes:

  • Standard mode - rotates the camera around a fixed point in front of it.
  • Freelook mode - rotates the camera around itself.
  • Explore mode - slow camera movement at a fixed height above the terrain.
  • Scenic mode - places the camera at a chosen location, around which it will move for great vistas of the zoo. Different movement paths, zoom and speed levels can be selected. Additionally, camera effects can be enabled.
  • Cinematic mode - opens an editor in which custom camera paths can be created for highly detailed showcased of a zoo.

Planet Zoo also features some specialised camera modes, allowing you to snap the camera to your animals, view security camera feeds and even look through a guest’s own eyes in first person mode!

You now know enough of the basics to start diving into one of Planet Zoo’s game modes, but your Education meter isn’t full yet! Head to part 2 of our series and learn everything you need to know about how to build your own zoo .

Planet Zoo: Console Edition is available to buy now on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S .

Follow our social channels for the latest news and info about Planet Zoo.

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Planet Zoo – Research Guide

1 31

Research is critical and that’s why it’s getting its own information.

What is Research?

If you are in Sandbox Mode then you probably don’t have to worry about this. Research is the most critical column to creating a good zoo. There are two types of research:

Veterinary Research

– For every vet you have is every research you can do. Vets can research a specific animal or a specific medical  thing  like a virus, bacteria, or condition.

– Researching an animal will provide new enrichment, nutrition, and more.

– Researching a medical topic thing will provide better diagnosis, treatment, and pharmacology (it’ll help when your animals get sick)

Mechanic Research

– For every mechanic you have is every research you can do. Mechanics can research a specific theme or a specific construction  thing  like habitats, barriers, or food shops.

– Researching things like habitats, barriers or food shops will yield blueprints, extra objects, and more.

– Researching themes will yield scenery and blueprints to that respective theme.


He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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A sunset scene with giraffes in Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo guide: Tips I wish I would’ve known sooner

Planet Zoo is a very good game for very good people, but disaster can strike at any moment.

If you’ve played the original Zoo Tycoon series and Frontier’s previous sim title, Planet Coaster , you’ll have a decent idea of what to expect from Planet Zoo . That said, this game has its own quirks.

To help you cut it as a zoo manager, I’ve assembled tips – from keyboard shortcuts to obscure menus to financial advice – that would’ve made life easier for me. Hopefully, they’ll work wonders for you too.

General tips for Planet Zoo

Here are the best general tips for Planet Zoo:

  • From time to time, other players’ avatars will come visit your zoo. Big tip: this isn’t just for show! It’s super easy to overlook, but you can actually earn conservation credits – a coveted resource used to get new animals from the Animal Market – just by saying hi to these VIPs. Whenever you see a “ visiting player ” alert on the left-hand side of the UI, click it, and then you’ll get a prompt to greet them. Your reward? 20 credits!
  • Note: you’ll need to have an online connection to see visiting players, and there’s a daily limit on how many conservation credits you can pile up this way. It’s worth the trouble.
  • You can also get credits from daily logins . Click “Franchise” from the main menu.
  • If it seems like there’s a way to visit other zoos , well, there isn’t – not really . Your best bet is to take a look at the Steam Workshop where users can upload their custom-made items, many of which are as detailed as the official assets. I’d love for Frontier Developments to implement a hassle-free system that lets players tour zoos up-close.

Planet Zoo: How to earn free conservation credits

  • To earn more conservation credits (and to feel better about yourself), consider breeding and releasing critically endangered species : the Bornean orangutan, Chinese pangolin, gharial, Himalayan brown bear, Lehmann’s poison frog, Lesser Antillean iguana, red ruffed lemur, West African lion, western chimpanzee, and western lowland gorilla.
  • It’s possible to breed an albino baby, but it’s up to chance. There’s even an achievement.

Best building tips for Planet Zoo

Here are the best tips for building in Planet Zoo:

  • You can add cool-looking windows to your wood, brick, and concrete walls (just to name a few). To do so, click on a wall or habitat, then hit “edit barrier,” and look near the bottom right of your screen for a “Window” option. From here, you can toggle glass windows on and off, and – once researched by Mechanics – even use one-way glass.

Planet Zoo: How to insert windows in walls

  • As for making barriers climb-proof , many walls are inherently resistant to would-be climbers (you can hover your mouse over a barrier type to see this info). But for habitat barriers like Wood Logs, one of my personal favorite designs, you can stop animals from climbing out by heading into the “edit barrier” menu, clicking on the right-hand tab found toward the bottom of your screen, and selecting one of the “Climb Proof” options. Just be sure to choose the correct direction (pick “both” if you’re unsure).

Planet Zoo: How to make walls climb-proof

  • Do you prefer building paths on a grid ? Same! And there’s a way to do in Planet Zoo . First, with the path-laying tool open, you’ll want to click “Align to Grid” at the bottom of your screen – doing so will give your cursor a blue grid. You’ll then need to click on an existing path or building in your zoo to sample it as a point of reference. Once you do that, you’re free to plop down perfectly-spaced paths to your heart’s content.

Planet Zoo: How to build straight paths on a grid

  • Want a more believable-looking zoo? You can make elevated pathways and stairs using the keyboard shortcuts “u” and “j” to raise/lower a pathway while the path building tool is active. Alternatively, you can click to lay down a path, continue holding the left mouse button down, and drag your mouse up to raise the walkway.

Planet Zoo: How to raise paths and build stairs

  • Okay, so say you made an ugly walkway. Say you want to get rid of all the evidence and take out the witnesses. How do you go about that? To delete a path , open up the path tool (from the bottom) and just click “Delete Path” – you can then erase by clicking.
  • Bonus tip: you can remove water much the same way (or by clicking your scroll wheel).

Planet Zoo: How to delete a path

  • Are you getting a “ terrain modification failed ” error when you try to place paths? This was driving me nuts too. Try turning off the “Flatten Terrain” and “Tunneling” toggles inside the path-laying menu. If you still can’t make new paths that connect to your existing ones, try deleting the original path and starting again with those options off.

Planet Zoo: How to fix the "terrain modification failed" error

  • There’s a trick to get your barriers/fences to sit nicely near your paths . The toggle is called “Snap Alongside Barriers” and it’s located in the path tool, so open that up. You’ll then need to click the right-hand tab and scroll down the list to find the option.

Planet Zoo: How to snap fences to paths

  • Okay, just a few more control tips: you can painlessly decrease/increase the size of the terrain painter and the terrain sculptor using the bracket keys, [ and ] respectively.
  • You can also raise/lower objects by holding the shift key while moving them around. This is so helpful for larger structures that are comprised of multiple smaller pieces (like caves made of rocks) or getting trees to sit in your zoo at variable heights.
  • Also, if you want fine control over objects when rotating them, hold the Z key.

Planet Zoo: How to raise and lower objects

  • There’s a vital HUD element that’ll be way too easily overlooked by anyone who skips the tutorial in Planet Zoo ‘s Career mode. See the radar button in the bottom left-hand corner? Learn it. Love it. Clicking the radar will give you access to lots of valuable info. You can see temperature heat maps, water quality, areas with (and without) electricity, details on how your staff buildings are negatively impacting guests, and more.

Planet Zoo: How to check the temperature

  • If it seems as if items like education boards, speakers, and benches are constantly breaking down , hire more Security guards. (Also, you’ll need to replace them.) I discovered this tidbit after watching a teen stomp on one of my benches. The little jerk!

Planet Zoo: How to stop items from constantly breaking

  • If you’re the type of person who reads guides before buying a game to get a feel for it, first: me too ! Second: here’s an image of all the animals in Planet Zoo . (Note: the pygmy hippo, Thomson’s gazelle, and Komodo dragon are Deluxe Edition exclusives.)

Complete Planet Zoo animal list

Best tips for making money in Planet Zoo

Here are the best tips for money-making in Planet Zoo:

  • How do you make more money? Well, if you’re just starting out, don’t bite off more than you can chew . Make a single habitat, get your animals situated, and have your Veterinarians research the species so that you can add the appropriate enrichment toys and feeders.
  • Education matters too. Vet research goes hand in hand with increasing your education rating and your guests’ willingness to donate money (the primary source of income).
  • You’ll want to make ample use of the Conservation Education Board (throughout your zoo), the Exhibit Education Board (near exhibits), the Habitat Education Stand (near habitats), and Educational Speakers (all over). And Donation Boxes, of course.
  • I’d also strongly discourage building Food and Drink stalls while your zoo is still getting off the ground. They’re pricey to construct, and Vendor wages quickly add up. That said, I would consider building an Information Center – they sell umbrellas and audio guides.

Planet Zoo: How to raise your education rating

Best habitat tips for Planet Zoo

Here are the habitat best tips for Planet Zoo:

  • If you’re wondering what size a habitat should be , it depends on the species. Find their Zoopedia file and click the “Natural Habitat” tab for exact details about their land, water, climbing, and temperature needs. (Speaking of, don’t forget heaters and coolers.)
  • To figure out the size of a habitat before you transfer any animals, click on the habitat you want to inspect and tab over to “Terrain” – you’ll see the land and water area.

Planet Zoo: How to figure out the habitat size

  • How do you know which plants to use in a habitat ? Click on an animal, switch to their “Environment” tab, and note the specific Continents and Biomes listed here. Now, go into the “Nature” menu (found at the bottom of the screen) and use the filter button to show only those Continents and Biomes. Note: this isn’t 100% foolproof.
  • If a plant is ill-suited, after you plop it down, you’ll see a little red warning symbol in your animal’s “Environment” tab. You can remove them right from this menu by clicking the red X.

Planet Zoo: How to find the right plants

  • What about food, water, and enrichment items ? The latter require Vet research for each species (though certain items overlap). Once again, filtering is your best bet.
  • Click on the “Habitat” button at the bottom of the screen, then filter by species. Done !

Planet Zoo: How to find the correct food, water, and enrichment items

  • Don’t neglect habitat walls ! They’ll deteriorate over time – especially if you play Planet Zoo at high speed – and your critters will cause a ruckus. Here are a few pointers.
  • If you select a habitat, you can then click “Call Mechanic” to fix it up. Easy peasy.
  • Or you can click on a habitat, swap to the right-most tab (“Maintenance”), and change the “Routine Visits” option from “Once a year” to something more regular.
  • If you have a bunch of habitats, you might want a summary. Click the “Zoo” button on the bottom left of the screen, then mouse over to the “Animals” page, then switch to the “Habitats” tab. Got me? Good. From here, you’ll see how every habitat barrier is doing, and you can click on the little destination icon to pull up individual habitat pages.

Planet Zoo: How to repair habitat walls

  • Is an animal’s Nutrition rating lower than you’d like? You may want to bump up your food quality. The more you research a species (with Vets), the better food you’ll be able to produce, but there’s more to it – you have to manually change the meal plan.
  • Click on a habitat, then switch to the “Animals” tab, and change the food quality from Grade 1 to Grade 2 or Grade 3. If you don’t have these options yet, you need to do more research. The higher the grade, the pricier the food, so don’t go bankrupting yourself.

Planet Zoo: How to raise food quality

  • Unlike other tycoon games, you can’t manually feed animals or clean habitats.
  • If your keepers aren’t feeding animals properly , it’s worth explaining their behavior, because it can seem nonsensical. “ Keepers will work out how much food they need to prepare for a habitat based on how many animals are in the habitat. They will then prioritize filling enrichment feeders before standard feeders. This can mean that if all of the prepared food is placed in enrichment feeders, the standard feeders won’t be filled.”
  • If keepers aren’t cleaning habitats well enough, you may want to promote your existing staff or bring on some fresh faces to help out. You can increase a staff member’s rating by opening the Zoo menu (at the bottom of the screen), going to the “Staff” tab, and putting your cursor next to an employee’s star rating. You’ll see a little arrow appear.  

Planet Zoo: How to clean habitats

  • Too many bundles of joy? Take a chill pill. You can give your animals contraceptives . Click on the “Zoo” button at the bottom, then head to the “Animals” tab. On the far right, there’s a “Contraception” toggle. Note: you can reverse this at any time.

Planet Zoo: How to deal with too many babies

  • There’s a Zoopedia shortcut to save you from having to scroll down the usual list. Click on an animal in your zoo to bring up their welfare summary. Now, look for this icon:

Planet Zoo: Zoopedia shortcut

  • Selling and trading animals in Planet Zoo is a two-step process. First, locate the animal, click on them to bring up their summary, and look for a “Send animal to storage in Trade Centre” button below the “Call Vet” and “Call Keeper” buttons. Click it!

Planet Zoo: How to send an animal to the Trade Centre

  • Next, open up the Animal Trading menu (it’s on the bottom of the screen, right above your zoo’s money) and head to the “Animal Storage” tab. From here, you’ll be able to trade or release to the wild for conservation credits, or quick trade for cold hard cash.
  • Note: you can’t ditch your juveniles/infants. You’ll need to raise your animals until they reach adulthood/sexual maturity before selling them off. Good luck!

Planet Zoo: How to sell animals for money and conservation credits

  • If you’ve started exploring other players’ blueprints and you can’t figure out why they’re locked, you may be missing upgrades. Remember: vets and mechanics can research.
  • To take nice screenshots, press the G key to hide the interface and then hit F12.

What? You want more Planet Zoo tips? I’m spent! This Himalayan brown bear breeding program doesn’t run itself. For more inspiration, go hit up the subreddit and see what other keepers are up to.

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how to do research planet zoo

Planet Zoo: 10 beginner’s tips and tricks for becoming the ultimate zookeeper

Image of Josh Challies

After a long wait,  Planet Zoo  has arrived on console to bring the popular zoo management game to a new player base. With so much to take in, it can be daunting—but we’re here to help.

Planet Zoo   has everything you need in a zoo builder, including an expansive  list of animals  you can add, hours of entertainment in campaign and scenario modes, and a Sandbox where you can let your creative freedom run wild.

If you want to create a zoo that even David Attenborough would be proud of, we’ve outlined some of the best tips for beginners in  Planet Zoo.

Play the campaign

Though it may be tempting to dive straight into Franchise or Sandbox mode to build the zoo of your dreams, the campaign and timed scenarios are a great way to learn all sorts of skills you need to call upon.

From the very basics, like raising enclosure fences and ensuring your animals have access to clean water, to the more advanced, the campaign is the perfect guide to begin your journey—and there are some fantastic buildings and designs you can take inspiration from.

Start small

Elephants in an enclosure in Planet Zoo: Console Edition.

Animals like elephants are likely at the top of your list in  Planet Zoo  for creatures you want to add to your zoo, but the best tactic is to start small and build from there. After all, if you were opening a zoo in real life, you probably wouldn’t start with the largest land mammal in the world.

Aardvark’s, Ostriches, and Warthogs are great options to start off with, along with the added bonus of getting Species Enrichment if paired in an enclosure with other animals (more on that later), and it isn’t expensive to build the perfect environment for any of them.

Avoid large carnivores early on

Similarly to the above, lions and tigers may be among the most eye-catching and famous animals you want to add to your zoo in  Planet Zoo,  but they are also the most costly. In  Planet Zoo,  feeding carnivores is a lot more expensive than feeding the non-meat eaters.

Adding a large carnivore to your zoo too early can quickly deplete your funds and leave you with your back against the wall, struggling to make ends meet, so I highly recommend steering clear until you are much more established.

Make use of the Workshop

Snow covers a zoo in Planet Zoo.

Planet Zoo  has a staggering amount of build items you can use to create your own buildings, shelters, and anything else you can think of, though it can also be daunting. If, like me, you’re not the most creative player, the  Planet Zoo  Workshop is the place for you.

In the Workshop, you can save and download designs created by other players to add to your zoo. Just be careful in Franchise mode, as you need to have researched all the specific parts included in the build to place it.

Buy animals for cash

There are two forms of currency in Planet Zoo, with cash being the primary one and the most easy to make, while the other is Conservation Credits—which are earned by selling animals on the marketplace or releasing them to the wild.

Conservation Credits are an extremely valuable resource in Planet Zoo and should be saved for the very best animals with high genetics, rare patterns, or ones that are just overly expensive. As such, don’t use your Conservation Credits early on when adding basic animals.

The downside, however, is that animals purchased with cash cannot be later released in the wild to earn Conservation Credits. Instead, use them as your breeding animals and release the offspring.

Don’t forget Donation Boxes

Pandas inside an enclosure in Planet Zoo: Console Edition.

Cash is king in  Planet Zoo,  and while entrance tickets, merchandise, and food may seem like the primary money makers, Donation Boxes can single-handedly drive your zoo to success—so don’t forget to place them.

As a general rule, you should add at least one Donation Box per enclosure and should position the Donation Box in an area where guests have the best view of the animals. You can also use Education items in the area to increase the donation amounts.

Pay attention to social requirements

Once you have built the perfect enclosure in  Planet Zoo,  there are many animal requirements that won’t vary. Social requirements, however, fluctuate regularly, so you keep a very close eye on this.

Each animal has a social requirement, which is how many adult animals can be in a group, and it’s easy to tick over the threshold when baby creatures grow up. Similarly, more guests can result in higher foot traffic around an enclosure, increasing stress.

You can always stop animals from breeding by using contraceptives, or trade the offspring away for Conservation Credits, and use one-way glass on exhibit walls to reduce the stress.

Always research

California Sea Lions in Planet Zoo from the North American Animal Pack.

When playing in Franchise, the Campaign, or Timed Scenarios, not all items are available immediately and have to be researched. When adding a new animal to your zoo, be sure to start vet research immediately.

Similarly, mechanic research is extremely beneficial as it unlocks one-way glass, more buildings, stronger fences, and more.

To get the best out of research, you can have one vet and a mechanic at your zoo who are solely dedicated to the research and do not complete any other tasks.

Use work zones

As your zoo grows, the number of employees on your payroll increases, too, and it can be easy to lose track. Once your zoo is big enough, it can be a mess trying to ensure everything gets the attention it needs—but work zones are the solution.

Using work zones, you can divide up areas of your zoo and assign workers to dedicate themselves to those zones—just make sure you include a Staff Room in the work zone so that your workers can get a well-deserved rest.

Read the Zoopedia

Planet Zoo’s  Zoopedia is full of vital information on animals. The Zoopedia details their requirements, biome, continent, and other useful tidbits of information, including what other species they can be paired with to gain an enrichment bonus.

When designing a new enclosure, make sure to check out the Zoopedia to find out the minimum size required for the animal you want to add, as well as whether they need areas for swimming or climbing.

A Giraffe in Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo: A Beginners Guide To Habitats, Exhibits And Animal Care


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Dragon age’s treatment of elves is what makes it great, elden ring: shadow of the erdtree map fits in the middle of the lands between.

Planet Zoo can seem overwhelming when you first begin but by breaking down the individual aspects of zoo management it becomes much easier to understand. While there are masses of in-depth options to explore in order to run a highly efficient zoo, the most important thing about the game is the animals themselves.

Related: Planet Zoo Australia: 10 Tips For Timed Scenarios

If you care for your animals well you'll draw in visitors and prevent a lot of issues. Neglected animals, on the other hand, will attract protestors and have a huge negative effect on your reputation and in turn your profits. So with this in mind here's our simple guide to making sure your animals have the very best care.

Preparing Habitat Animals

kangaroos lying down in an appropriate habitat.

Animals in habitats are the main focus of many career zoos in particular, so getting these right is essential. The best way to do this is to use the animal information you can access by clicking on them.

After a while, you'll become more aware of the needs of common animals but to begin with, the easiest way to start is to build a reasonable size habitat and simply add an animal into it. Putting your animal into quarantine before moving them into an exhibit can help prevent issues but isn't essential. When you are just starting out there is less risk, especially if you only have one animal. However, when adding an extra animal at a later time, it becomes more essential to make sure they aren't bringing in a contagious disease.

Related: Planet Zoo Aquatic: Guide To Creating The Perfect Penguin Enclosure

To build a basic exhibit you just need a fence. While open fences allow visitors to see more if the entire fence is open it can cause animals distress. A good choice for a starting fence is the log barrier. It's cheap, you can add glass to specific panels to create viewing areas, and you can add anti-climb barriers if required. The habitat overlay is helpful here to identity if animals will be able to escape your enclosure.

Once the animal is in the exhibit and unboxed, you can pause the game to stop any negative effects of the inappropriate environment while you sort it out. Simply click on the animal and you'll see their information displayed in a window with different tabs.

Getting The Essentials Right

text boxes showing the suitability of a habitat.

The window you see in the screenshot above is your blueprint for getting the correct habitat. If you follow the prompts on each tab you can't go wrong. However, it's worth noting that you don't need to make everything optimal to keep welfare high.

Start with the terrain and focus on this first. The terrain has a huge effect on the welfare of your animals and is the easiest and cheapest way to make a habitat appropriate. Therefore it's worth taking the time to experiment with the terrain paint to ensure each of the terrain bars is green.

You'll also need to make sure you add a food and water source as well as a shelter. The navigable area section will tell you if an animal requires swimming space or climbing space and if the habitat is too small.

Once this screen looks green, as in the above screenshot, the main part is done. You can now move onto foliage and enrichment.

Adding The Extras

A south american habitat.

Once you click the foliage tab you'll see a list of the continents and biomes appropriate for the animal in your exhibit. Use these to filter the foliage and then place trees, plants, or bushes as required.

As soon as the bar for coverage hits green you can stop. Often this can be as little as one to two pieces of greenery. While most animals will tolerate more, this isn't essential and can be added later.

Related: Planet Zoo Aquatic Pack Overview: Pick Up A Penguin

The other additions are enrichment items but often these will have to be researched. It's a good idea to try and research the initial level of each animal as soon as you can so you can at least add some enrichment to their habitats. It's also worth checking what other animals unlocked enrichment items are suitable for as there is often overlap. For instance, all big cats will have very similar enrichment needs.

Exhibit Animals

A crowd around aquatic exhibit animals.

Exhibit animals are the easiest to care for and can attract a large crowd. You simply need to add them to the exhibits and make sure you set the correct temperature and humidity, as shown on the animal's welfare tab.

Once this is done, research will unlock extra items you can add to the exhibits to increase welfare. While not essential, it will raise welfare significantly, even just adding one option, and doesn't cost anything.

Most prebuilt animal exhibits come with display screens for education. Sell the ones you don't need for a refund then make sure you set the others to show information for the correct animal.

Ongoing Care

The view inside a lemur exhibit showing a lemur and climbing frame as well as a water pipe.

All animals will need zookeepers to make regular visits to them in order to replenish food, water, and clean the exhibit or habitat. There are a few things you can do to make this process more efficient. These are setting work zones, placing keeper huts in accessible places, and making sure visits are frequent.

You can make visits more efficient by grouping exhibits in small clusters and adding a keeper hut and staff room in a central location. We recommend a small keeper hut for one to two keepers and a large one for three to four. This minimizes staff's waiting time and the amount of time they spend walking around. If you see a lot of queueing notifications you can add an extra hut where required.

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Work zones will also ensure animals are visited properly. We recommend starting by setting up two exhibits along with the closest keeper hut and staff room per keeper and keeping an eye on their workload. Some animals, especially those in large herds, are more work than others and may require one keeper just to maintain their habitat, while others can be grouped together. While setting up work zones don't forget to add your exhibits as these also require keeper attention and can be easy to miss. It's also good to have an extra keeper with no work zone who can fill in the gaps caused by other keepers' breaks.

Using the water pumps or placing small pools of water can also help since these will not require frequent replenishment, meaning animals always have access to drinking water. However, water placed as part of the terrain will require a water filtration unit placed within range or will need replacing once it gets dirty, to avoid any diseases entering your enclosure.

Maintaining Standards

A capuchin monkey with an ice block of food.

Once you've set up the enclosures, work zones, and paths the main thing you need to do is keep an eye on your notifications to head off any issues that crop up. The most common problems are diseases, hygiene, and food or water issues. You may also encounter fights, inbreeding, and injuries.

Infected or injured animals can be clicked on and sent to quarantine, or have a vet attend to them immediately. This is essential to stop the illness from spreading. A shortage of food or water or a dirty habitat is usually a keeper issue but can be a layout problem. If a habitat requires a lot of cleaning then it may need a keeper assigned just to that one location. If food or water is running low try increasing the size or number of food bowls and ensure they are all accessible. You can also add water pumps to keep a better supply of freshwater. Watch your animals and check they can eat or drink from them.

If you have issues with inbreeding , fights, or overcrowding then selling or releasing animals is the answer. Sometimes with small groups of animals, it may be required to replace one of your breeding age animals, or to apply contraception to prevent younger animals from inbreeding once they age up.

If you have a good setup from the start and keep an eye on your population, most issues can be prevented before they even crop up.

If you want more help with your zoo planning make sure to check out our other Planet Zoo articles.

Next: Planet Zoo - A Complete Guide

A Beginner's Guide To Starting A Zoo From Scratch

Planet zoo - a complete guide, a beginner's guide to building custom shops.

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San Diego's newest giant pandas take off from China, marking 1st pair to enter US in 21 years

The pandas won't be viewable to the public for several more weeks while they acclimate.

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SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- San Diego's newest giant pandas are en route from China to California, according to Chinese state media - marking the first time Beijing has granted new panda loans to the United States in two decades.

The two pandas, Yun Chuan and Xin Bao , left the Bifengxia base of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan province on Wednesday night, taking a chartered flight to their new home, according to state broadcaster CCTV.

The rare loan was finalized in February , just months after Chinese leader Xi Jinping suggested sending pandas to the San Diego Zoo as "envoys of friendship between the Chinese and American peoples."

Xin Bao, a female born in July 2020, is a "gentle and well-behaved" panda, while Yun Chuan, a male born in July 2019, is "smart and lively," CCTV reported.

They were given a celebratory farewell at the Chinese base, attended by American and Chinese dignitaries, including performances and a gift exchange, according to a statement from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.

To ensure their health and safety on the journey, their team has prepared meals of fresh bamboo, bamboo shoots, fruits, vegetables and a specially-made cornbread known as "wotou," CCTV reported.

Five breeders and veterinary experts from both countries are also on the flight, with the Chinese experts staying on for three months after the pair arrive to help them "adapt to the new living environment," according to CCTV.

RELATED: Why China's giant pandas left the US

The pandas won't be viewable to the public for several more weeks while they acclimate - and once veterinary teams confirm they're ready to meet their excited American fans, the zoo will share their debut date, it said.

China loans pandas to more than 20 countries under a program often referred to as "panda diplomacy." Its panda loans with Washington stretch back to 1972 - though the number of loans have decreased in recent years as US-China relations have worsened.

The San Diego Zoo, one of the world's most renowned, was the first American institution to carry out cooperative research on giant pandas with China. Since 1994, it has worked with the Sichuan conservation center to study the species' behavior, genetics, artificial breeding, nutrition and disease prevention.

Fewer than 2,000 giant pandas remain in the wild, according to the World Wildlife Fund, which lists the species as vulnerable.

But the zoo has had no pandas for the past few years - it returned its last two pandas to China in 2019, after its loan agreement ended.

Yun Chuan's mother, Zhen Zhen, was born at San Diego Zoo in 2007 to parents Bai Yun and Gao Gao, according to a press release issued by San Diego Zoo in April.

RELATED: San Diego Zoo's giant pandas moving to China

Grandmother Bai Yun was born in China in 1991, and arrived at the San Diego Zoo in 1996. She returned to China in 2019 at the age of 27, according to Chinese state media.

The Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, DC, also sent its three pandas back to China last November - marking the end of more than 50 years of Chinese pandas being housed at the zoo. The end of its program had left Zoo Atlanta as the only other US zoo to feature pandas.

Chinese leader Xi hinted at this newest loan last November, after extensive talks with President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in San Francisco.

"We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States on panda conservation, and do our best to meet the wishes of the Californians so as to deepen the friendly ties between our two peoples," he said at the time.

(The-CNN-Wire & 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.)

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The Ocean and Climate Change

Our ocean is changing. With 70 percent of the planet covered in water, the seas are important drivers of the global climate. Yet increasing greenhouse gases from human activities are altering the ocean before our eyes. NASA and its partners are on a mission to find out more.

The map above shows sea surface temperature anomalies on August 21, 2023, when many areas were more than 3°C (5.4°F) warmer than normal. On that date, much of the central and eastern regions of the equatorial Pacific were unusually warm, the signature of a developing El Niño. As has been the case for weeks, large patches of warm water were also present in the Northwest Pacific near Japan and the Northeast Pacific near California and Oregon. Portions of the Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans also showed unusual warmth.

The ocean is warming

Rising greenhouse gas concentrations not only warm the air, but the ocean, too. Research shows that around 90 percent of the excess heat from global warming is being absorbed by the ocean. Ocean heat has steadily risen since measurements began in 1955, breaking records in 2023 . All this added heat has led to more frequent and intense marine heat waves. The image visualizes sea surface temperature anomalies in August 2023. Warm colors (red, orange) show where the ocean was warmer than normal. Cool colors (blues) show where temperatures were cooler. The red swath in the Eastern Pacific was due to an El Niño event. El Niño is a climate phenomenon in the tropical Pacific that results in warmer than normal sea surface temperatures leading to weather impacts across the planet. Credit: NASA

Sea levels are rising

Global sea levels have risen more than 4 inches (101 millimeters) since measurements began in 1992, increasing coastal flooding in some places. As ocean water warms, it expands and takes up more space. The added heat in the air and ocean is also melting ice sheets and glaciers, which adds freshwater to the ocean and further raises sea levels. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission , launched in 2022, and Sentinel 6 Michael Freilich , launched in 2020, are providing unparalleled views of sea level rise on top of decades of data from other missions. The video shows a 21-day average of sea surface height anomalies highlighting ocean eddies and currents as imaged by the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite. The red and orange colors indicate where the sea surface was higher than normal and the blues are where it was lower than normal. Credit: NAS

Explore Earth's Vital Signs

The ocean is getting a little greener

Recent research found that over the past 20 years, the tropical ocean turned greener. Ocean color reflects the life that is found in it. Green colors often correspond to phytoplankton, microscopic plant-like organisms that form the center of the ocean's food web. Observations of changes in phytoplankton populations due to climate change are a key part of the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission , which launched in 2024.

A composite satellite image of southern Africa and its surrounding water is shown highlighting three different views the satellite provides. The first view on the left shows a true color view with blues and turquoise water and white clouds. The middle view has green colors swirling around the coast and pink colors further out into the water. The last view has rainbow colors with red, yellow and green along the coast and blue and purple further out into the water. The land is different shades of brown.

Ocean warming is altering hurricanes

Hurricanes need warm water to form and strengthen. Recent research points to warmer ocean temperatures as a key factor causing more storms to rapidly intensify. One way to detect rapid intensification before it happens may be through a change in lightning around the eye of the storm. Plus, higher sea levels worsen storm surge flooding when a storm travels over a coastline. NOAA’s GOES-East satellite captures the rapid intensification of Hurricane Lee on Sept. 7, 2023.  Credit: NASA/NOAA

Three images are shown side by side of the same coral reef at different times. The first shows yellow-colored branching corals. The middle shows the same corals but they are now white. The last image shows the same corals again but they are now brown and fragmented.

Ocean acidification and heating are altering marine ecosystems

Carbon dioxide and heat are both absorbed by the ocean as greenhouse gas levels increase. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in the ocean, the water becomes more acidic. This makes it harder for corals and some other marine life to grow shells and protect themselves. Marine heat waves are complicating the matter by making it too warm for many corals to survive. Satellites are providing important data to scientists measuring such changes in ocean environments. When corals are stressed from changes in their environment, they turn white, or "bleach." Sometimes the coral is able to recover, but other times the bleaching event leads to its death. This image shows the decay of a healthy coral reef to a reef between 2014 and 2015 in the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa. Credit: NOAA/ XL Catlin Seaview Survey

White-colored sea ice is shown with many dark-colored cracks.

Sea ice is thinning and shrinking

Melting sea ice does not affect sea levels, but it does impact global temperatures. Sea ice is light-colored and reflects sunlight back into space; open water is darker and absorbs more sunlight. Warming ocean waters melt sea ice from below, and warmer air helps melt it from above. As ice cover thins and shrinks, more ocean is exposed and less sunlight is reflected, further warming the water and air. Satellites help monitor changes in sea ice which is an area of research for upcoming missions in the Earth Systems Observatory . A photograph of Arctic sea ice breaking up as seen during an overhead flight during NASA’s Operation IceBridge in March 2011. Credit: NASA

Explore the Earth Systems Observatory

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El Niño can add to the heat

El Niño occurs when the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean become warmer than normal. This periodic ocean warming can add to the long-term global warming that has already accumulated, making a hot year even hotter. That’s because ocean temperatures are major drivers of global temperatures, as seen in 2023 . A visualization showing sea surface height anomalies in the Pacific Ocean in June 2023 based on satellite data. The red and orange colors show a higher-than-normal sea surface height. The blue areas were lower than normal. Credit: NASA

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A photograph of Earth from the International Space Station. At the top of the image, the Earth is curved has a blue line dividing it from black-colored space. At the middle and bottom of the image, the Earth has blue and turquoise-colored water around various green islands. On the sides of the image are various instruments on the space station.

Ocean circulation may be changing

Ocean currents are vital transporters of heat around the planet. As the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melt, the excess fresh water running into the ocean could disrupt the balance of temperature and salinity that drive deep ocean currents. NASA satellite mission s are monitoring the ocean for changes in heat transport as glaciers continue to melt and the ocean warms. Clouds trace out islands in the Caribbean Sea in this photo taken by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station.  Credit: NASA

Read More About Ocean Circulation

Key Satellites and Missions

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Aqua is collecting data about Earth's water cycle.

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Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On (GRACE-FO)

GRACE-FO is tracking Earth’s water movement across the planet.

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Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is measuring the height of the ocean.

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Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT)

SWOT is providing the first global survey of Earth’s surface water and measuring how it is changing over time.

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Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE)

PACE is measuring key variables related to cloud formation, particles and pollutants in the air, and microscopic, floating marine life.

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Earth System Observatory

NASA’s Earth System Observatory is a series of satellites working in tandem to create a 3D, holistic view of Earth, from bedrock to atmosphere.

Latest News and Research

Nasa mission flies over arctic to study sea ice melt causes.

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How NASA Spotted El Niño Changing the Saltiness of Coastal Waters

Vanishing corals: nasa data helps track coral reefs.

A healthy coral reef. Credit: Jeremy Cohen, Penn State University

Is the Wilkins Ice Shelf Weakening?

Key ocean and climate resources.

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NASA Sea Level Change

NASA’s Sea Level Change portal provides key data, stories, and tools related to NASA’s sea level research.

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NASA Earthdata - Ocean

NASA’s Earthdata provides open access to ocean and other datasets produced by NASA satellites and its partners.

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Estimating Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Consortium

ECCO combines state-of-the-art ocean circulation models with global ocean datasets to estimate ocean circulation and its role in the climate.

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State of the Ocean on NASA Worldview

NASA Worldview State of the Ocean visualizes real data from satellites to show sea surface temperatures and anomalies, and chlorophyll on a daily basis.

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Ocean Color

Ocean Color provides key data, stories, and tools related to NASA’s Ocean Biology Processing Group’s research.

Climate Kids

The ocean covers about 70% of Earth’s surface. So, it’s not surprising that it plays a large part in Earth’s environment. As Earth warms, water in the ocean soaks up energy (heat) and distributes it more evenly across the planet. The ocean also absorbs carbon dioxide from Earth’s atmosphere. The additional heat and carbon dioxide in the ocean can change the environment for the many plants and animals that live there.

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Mechanics take so long to research!

Is there anything that can help speed up research for the mechanics? They take forever! I know with vets if you have the research centre next to the animal's habitat, it's a bit faster, as they go to the habitat for the research, but I was wondering if anything can help the mechanics research faster.

edit: I'm in challenge btw, I already have all research done for franchise.


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  1. Research Centre

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  2. How to research animal, enrichment and stuffs in planetzoo

    A. Nov 8, 2019. #2. Build a research center, hire a vet, then in your zoo window one of the tabs is research. You can assign your vet to research an animal, but you have to have that animal in a habitat before you can research it.

  3. how does vet research work in Planet zoo and what does it get you

    Explore the mechanics of vet research in Planet Zoo and discover its benefits for your virtual zoo.

  4. Mechanic Research

    Mechanic Research is a tab in the Zoo screen. It allow players to unlock more game content. Player first need to build a Workshop and have a Mechanic working. Mechanics will visit the Workshop to undertake their research. Only one mechanic can use a Workshop at a given time. This process takes time and a Mechanic may need to visit a Staff Room to take a break. They can also be called to a ...

  5. Planet Zoo: The Comprehensive Guide

    Research is the most critical column to creating a good zoo. There are two types of research: Veterinary Research - For every vet you have is every research you can do. Vets can research a specific animal or a specific medical thing like a virus, bacteria, or condition - Researching an animal will provide new enrichment, nutrition, and more

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  7. How do I get vets to research exhibit animals? :: Planet Zoo General

    Em keep in mind that research works this way. Vet goes from the lab to the exhibit/habitat with the researched animal then returns to the lab and researching stuff rince repeat. So it can take some time if the lab is far away. Of course your exhibits need an road connection or no research will b doable. #6.

  8. Vet Research

    Vet Research is a tab in the Zoo screen. It allow players to unlock more game content. Player first need to build a Research Centre and have a Veterinarian working. Veterinarians will visit the Research Centre to undertake their research. Only one veterinarian can use a Research Centre at a given time. This process takes time and a veterinarian may need to visit a Staff Room to take a break ...

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    - For every mechanic you have is every research you can do. Mechanics can research a specific theme or a specific construction thing like habitats, barriers, or food shops. - Researching things like habitats, barriers or food shops will yield blueprints, extra objects, and more.

  11. What is advanced research bonus? : r/PlanetZoo

    What is is? It is used to acumulate the research progres or the more advanced research you have the faster you research stuff? I can't find anything about it online. It's when you have a vet research something already at its highest level (when you get the gold Erlenmeyer flask). It raises the education gained by your guests from the ...

  12. Advanced Research? :: Planet Zoo General Discussions

    So, as far as I know, advanced research is pointless. I have speakers at max volume throughout my zoo, that and a few education screens here and there I'm already at 5 stars. Renewable power lowers their running costs at $0 as well, so it's more cost-efficient to have a ton of education items than having to pay expensive vet salaries. #5.

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    Best building tips for Planet Zoo. Here are the best tips for building in Planet Zoo: You can add cool-looking windows to your wood, brick, and concrete walls (just to name a few). To do so, click ...

  14. Does anyone know how to get the mechanic to do research ...

    There is a green bar on each research subject, it shows you how much more you need to research before you finish that level. It is a lot slower than the animal research. If you want them to go quicker, train your mechanics and also when you click on them you can uncheck certain jobs for them to do.

  15. Franchise Quick Start Guide : r/PlanetZoo

    ADMIN MOD. Franchise Quick Start Guide. Hey everyone! Today I am writing this Quick Start guide to help you with starting a successful franchise in Planet Zoo. This guide was written for those who either decided to jump right into things or did follow the tutorial but may still be stuck and have questions. I will try and lay these out as neatly ...

  16. How to research for animal enrichment items? : r/PlanetZoo

    Hi! I'm playing in franchise mode, and figured out that there are barely any enrichment items available. I twittered PlanetZoo, and was told that I have to do research. Problem is, I have no idea how to do that. Tried to research habitats but it didn't do anything. Can someone help me? Have a vet, go into vet research once the animal is in ...

  17. Planet Zoo

    Planet Zoo Guides. Once you've got the basics down it's time to expand your knowledge and your profits. These guides will help you earn more money, find out more about the animals in your zoo, and offer tips and tricks for completing specific tasks. Maintaining Animal Welfare While Maximizing Profit. Tips For Timed Scenarios.

  18. Planet Zoo: 10 beginner's tips and tricks for becoming the ultimate

    In Planet Zoo, feeding carnivores is a lot more expensive than feeding the non-meat eaters. ... When adding a new animal to your zoo, be sure to start vet research immediately.

  19. Planet Zoo For Beginners: Top 10 Things To Pay Most Attention To

    2 Mechanic Research. Mechanic research will help with new themes, power sources and staff facilities. All these can really help make your zoo more efficient. Larger staff buildings allow more staff to use them at one time while reducing space and power requirements.

  20. Planet Zoo: A Beginners Guide To Habitats, Exhibits And ...

    Exhibit Animals. Exhibit animals are the easiest to care for and can attract a large crowd. You simply need to add them to the exhibits and make sure you set the correct temperature and humidity, as shown on the animal's welfare tab. Once this is done, research will unlock extra items you can add to the exhibits to increase welfare.

  21. Problems with the research center tutorial :: Planet Zoo General

    Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. Minimi Nov 5, 2019 @ 5:39am. I can place it down but I keep getting the message that I need to switch off auto stacking (on building). I also can't make a path to the building so I can't go on with the tutorial. #1. EveningBird Nov 5, 2019 @ 5:40am. Originally posted by Minimi:

  22. hou to speed up animal research? :: Planet Zoo General Discussions

    Higher trained Vets and Mechanics should research faster. #1. Moving Target Jan 31, 2020 @ 3:16pm. Place a small research centre close to the entrance of the habitat (you can move this around later for new animals to save getting a new one each time) Make sure to allocate a vet to a workzone that includes the habitat, the research centre and a ...

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    Planet Zoo is a zoo management game that was released in 2019. As players would expect, the game has all the tools necessary to build the perfect enclosure for a variety of animals. Building a ...

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    Related Planet Zoo: 10 Things Every New Player Should Do First From unique habitats to realistic animals and demanding customers, this game has it all.

  25. Enjoy These UAE Places to Meet Animals You Won't See Anywhere Else

    Dubai Safari Park. The Dubai Safari Park is a seasonal attraction that closes during the summer. About 3,000 animals, representing a wide variety of nature, call it home. This vast park is home to ...

  26. Giant pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao head to San Diego Zoo, marking 1st

    The two pandas, Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, left the Bifengxia base of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan province on Wednesday night, taking a chartered flight ...

  27. The Ocean and Climate Change

    The ocean is warming. Rising greenhouse gas concentrations not only warm the air, but the ocean, too. Research shows that around 90 percent of the excess heat from global warming is being absorbed by the ocean. Ocean heat has steadily risen since measurements began in 1955, breaking records in 2023.All this added heat has led to more frequent and intense marine heat waves.

  28. Mechanics take so long to research! : r/PlanetZoo

    They research faster with more training. I restrict my Research Mechanic to just do research (no repairing stuff), and I increase their training to at least level 2 or 3. Same with my Research Vet (no tending sick animals, etc)... just do research. I think restricting their tasks and training them up makes a big difference in speed.

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  30. Is there a way to reset my research? :: Planet Zoo General Discussions

    Ah, yes, if you start an entirely new Franchise, rather than just a new zoo in your existing franchise, it should reset research. I have never tried doing that though....I'd lose millions upon millions of CC. LOL. I know that feeling. But it would essentially reset the entire challenge of franchise, I would think.