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120+ Special Education Research Topics: That You Need to Know

Special Education Research Topics: That You Need to Know

Special education research topics study issues related to the quality of education people with disabilities get. Studying this field helps to improve the learning atmosphere for students with disabilities and address any challenges that they face. For instance, action research topics in special education help improve teachers’ classroom practices and how students adapt to the real world.

Social Issues Special Education Research Topics

Social media research topic in special education, best disability topics for research papers for your special education research, argumentative research topics for special education, easy special education thesis topics, current topics in special education for stem students.

  • Conclusion 

You can use several interesting special education research topics in your essay. However, if you need help with educational research topics, read on to find a list of 120+ topics we have compiled.

Social issues research topics play a critical role in identifying problems and solutions that people deal with in a community. That makes it a vital element for people studying special ed research topics. We have compiled qualitative research topics in special education you can use.

  • Ways that peer support can help children with disability socialize in the classroom
  • What are the social challenges faced by special needs children in mainstream schools?
  • A review of how to address the needs of a gifted child that has special needs
  • Best ways to address the needs of students with emotional disorders in special education
  • Special education feeds vs. school funding: Are there inequality issues?
  • How can the education system offer an easy transition to children with special needs in early education?
  • Strategies for creating a culturally responsive classroom
  • Do educators who work with children with special needs need counseling?
  • A look at how children with special needs transit from school to employment
  • What are the best practices for developing social skills in students with autism?
  • Is it fair to have alternatives to traditional testing for children with special needs?
  • In what ways does special education help to promote social justice and Equality in Education
  • How to identify students with hidden needs in special education
  • What is the role of cultural competence in special education?
  • Can poverty influence special needs outcomes?
  • Assertive technology in special education: The review
  • Are teachers for students with special education with low supply?
  • Should those who teach special education get better pay?
  • Can education improve the life of a student with special needs?
  • Ways that technology can make it easy for educators to train kids with special needs

If you are looking for trending and interesting topics that will impress your professor, then consider choosing anatomy research paper topics or social media research paper topics . Note that the best special edu topic will help take your essay to the next level.

  • How do social media help people with special needs in the community?
  • A look at how social media has advocated for special education
  • What role has social media played in cultural competency in special education?
  • Ways that social media has created a voice for people with special needs and the importance of them receiving education
  • A look at how social media has influenced adaptive physical education for people with special needs
  • Assistive technology in connection with social media for individuals with special needs
  • What is the impact of social media on people with hearing impairment?
  • Do people with special needs use social media to network and find work?
  • In what ways does social media impact the transition to adulthood for people with special needs
  • Can social media affect how students with special needs perceive the world?
  • Is there any role of social media for kids who need special education
  • What is the role of social media in special education
  • How to use technology and social media to improve the special education program
  • How can social media help students with special needs get more confident
  • What resources are available in social media that educators can use in their special needs classes?
  • Do social media affect the image that people have of people with autism?
  • How can teachers use social media to help kids with autism?
  • How does social media bullying affect children on social media?
  • Social media can be used to who special education and its importance
  • Why it is time for special education to be showcased on social media platforms

One of the topics that students doing special education research have to study is disability because the topics are related. With this subtopic, you have various options ranging from economics research paper topics , to controversial topics in special education. Here is a list of options to choose from.

  • Should suspending a student with a disability be an issue
  • What can be done to improve the education of people with disabilities?
  • Should children with severe disabilities be in a normal class setting?
  • In what ways has technology made it easy for people with disabilities to get educated?
  • A review of how a teacher’s academic background can affect students with disability
  • How should teachers make children with disabilities feel part of the classroom?
  • What are the benefits of post-education for adults with disability
  • A look at inclusivity policies in public schools when it comes to children with disability
  • Parents’ role in educating children with disability
  • Mainstream classrooms vs. special classes for students with learning abilities
  • How effective are peer support programs for students with disabilities in special education
  • Strategies that can help promote social skills development in children with spectrum disorder
  • What is the impact of language and communication barriers on the education of people with hearing impairment
  • How does early intervention help to support kids with a disability?
  • The importance of having community-based programs that help to support people with disability
  • Why do teachers teaching special education need to be appreciated
  • Can people with special education needs be taught online?
  • How can the community help those who need special education to get it?
  • Why do parents with special needs students need to work closely with teachers to give the child the best education?
  • How should teachers handle the different learning paces of students with special needs in their class?

If well-researched and presented, argumentative essay topics for your special education essay might be best.  With the right topic and information research topics on special education, you can be assured of getting the best grades. You may also be interested in these ideas for biochemistry topics .

  • A take on homeschooling for kids taking special education
  • Does the size of the classroom affect the ability of the teacher to deal with students who need special education?
  • Should special education students be sent to the next class even if they have not passed the current one?
  • Should physical education be a compulsory lesson?
  • Should the teacher’s proficiency in handling students with special needs to regularly tested?
  • Should students with special education needs sit for the same exam as those who do not?
  • In what ways can teachers avoid stereotyping?
  • How can teachers understand a student’s uniqueness so that they can offer them the right training
  • Why should children with special needs not pay extra?
  • Why should teachers train on special education outcome
  • Why should there be different learning strategies for students with a disability?
  • Why are charter schools better for students with a disability?
  • Funding for the special education
  • What role do paraeducators play in special education classes?
  • Do teachers teach students with special needs to require social skills training?
  • What is the challenge of transitional planning for students with special needs?
  • A review of Collaged admission for students with special needs
  • What role does self-advocacy play in students with special education?
  • How does remote learning for special education work?
  • What are the effects of AHDH medication in schools for people with AHDH?

Are you looking for research topics for special education that are easy? We have compiled great thesis topic ideas for special education; read on and choose one that you can easily handle, and take to review our thesis statement about social media .

  • How is co-teaching in an all-inclusive classroom effective?
  • In what ways does self-determination impact children with disability
  • Play therapy and why it is essential for children with special needs
  • The effect of peer tutoring in special education
  • What is the role of social skill training in special education
  • Is it possible for any qualified teacher to teach children with special needs
  • Parents and teachers have a role to play in special education
  • Applied behavior analysis and Special education
  • Picture Exchange Communication System and Special education
  • Why should students with a disability be included in the standard classroom?
  • Is mindfulness technique in special education effective
  • How does music therapy in the classroom help kids with special needs?
  • Analysis of Individualized Education Program in special education
  • Visual support while teaching learners with special needs
  • Why school psychology is necessary for special education
  • Literacy Intervention in special education
  • Why do students with disability need transitional planning?
  • Speech-language pathologist in special education
  • Why school inspection is important in schools dealing with students with special education
  • Special education students and learning sciences

You can always go right when you choose current topics as your research in special education topics. If you are searching for a research topic for stem students , here are great topic ideas you can use.

  • Comparing social interactions for special kids in stem schools
  • Importance of an inclusive teaching approach for stem students with special needs
  • What is the role of speech-language therapy in an inclusive environment?
  • What performance challenges do special children face due to certain lacks?
  • What is the effectiveness of sensory diets in special education
  • Physical therapy in kids with disability
  • What is positive reinforcement, and why is it important in special education
  • What is the role of service learning in children with special education?
  • Should special education schools approach stem subjects differently?
  • In what ways can special school educators help kids avoid bullying
  • How can parents with special needs students ensure better performance?
  • Should there be a free education right for children with disability from elementary to college?
  • What is the best environment for children with special needs to learn?
  • Is it possible for mainstream teachers to teach special education?
  • Story-based interventions in special education
  • Assistive technology on math skills for students with disabilities
  • Orientation and mobility specialist in special education
  • What role does a behavior specialist in special education
  • Should there be a school nurse in all special education schools?
  • Video modeling in special education

Once you have the special education research paper topics you will use, you need to write a great paper or help me write my thesis . Students who need assistance with their research paper – whether with special ed topics or not, can now contact our paper writing service for exceptional work.

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200 Good Research Topics For Special Education: Best Guide

In today’s blog, we will discuss the research topics for special education students. Quality research is critical to improving special education and helping students with disabilities thrive. Many vital areas still need to be studied further. 

Some top research priorities include developing better ways to identify disabilities early on, testing teaching methods and tools that meet diverse learning needs, using technology to assist students, promoting inclusion in mainstream classrooms, and training teachers to adapt curriculum. 

It manages special needs classrooms, understanding differences across disability types, improving communication between families and schools, reducing bullying, and continuously evaluating programs to address gaps in support. Research that uncovers what works versus what doesn’t will allow educators to serve each student better. 

While progress has been made, through ongoing research, we can gain new insights and strategies that will optimize the learning experience and future success for students with special needs. This blog post will explore promising research topics in special education that could make a significant impact.

Importance of Research in Special Education

Table of Contents

Here are some reasons why research is vital in special education:

  • Helps teachers learn new teaching methods and tools that work best for students with disabilities. This gives teachers more ideas to try in the classroom.
  • Finds better and earlier ways to identify disabilities so students can get the help they need sooner.
  • Creates new technologies to help students in the classroom and at home.
  • Looks at how schools, families, and communities can best support students with disabilities. This helps improve special education programs.
  • Teaches more about different types of disabilities so teachers know how to precisely help each student’s needs.
  • Tracks how students do after graduating to see what more can be done to help their transition to adulthood.

In short, research improves special education and outcomes for students with disabilities. It provides teachers with the knowledge and tools to help their students be successful. Research is crucial for making special education effective and helping all students thrive.

200 Research Topics For Special Education

Here are some research topics for special education students:

Inclusive Education Research Topics For Special Education

  • Implementing Inclusive Practices in Mainstream Classrooms
  • The Impact of Inclusive Education on Social Skills Development
  • Teacher Training for Inclusive Classrooms
  • Enhancing Accessibility in Inclusive Education Settings
  • Parental Involvement in Inclusive Education Programs
  • The Major Role of Assistive Technology in Inclusive Classrooms
  • Promoting Positive Attitudes Towards Inclusion among Students
  • Addressing Bullying in Inclusive Education Environments
  • Inclusive Physical Education for Students with Disabilities
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Inclusive Education Policies

Learning Disabilities Research Topics For Special Education

  • Identifying and Supporting Students with Dyslexia
  • Techniques for Teaching Mathematics to Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Addressing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the Classroom
  • Effective Reading Interventions for Pupils with Learning Disabilities
  • Social-Emotional Learning for Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Executive Functioning Skills and Learning Disabilities
  • Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Differentiated Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Transition Planning for Students with Learning Disabilities

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Research Topics For Special Education

  • Early Intervention Strategies for Children with Autism
  • Social Skills Training for Students with Autism
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities for Students with Autism
  • Communication Interventions for Non-Verbal Students with Autism
  • Classroom Modifications for Students with Autism
  • Sensory Integration Strategies for Students with Autism
  • Peer Support Programs for Students with Autism
  • Technology-Based Interventions for Students with Autism
  • Parental Involvement in Autism Education Programs
  • Inclusive Practices for Adolescents with Autism

Behavioral Disorders Research Topics For Special Education

  • Positive Behavior Support in Special Education
  • Strategies for Managing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom
  • Implementing Restorative Justice in Special Education Settings
  • Functional Behavior Assessments for Individualized Intervention
  • School-Wide Behavior Management Systems
  • Social Skills Training for Pupils with Behavioral Disorders
  • Role of School Counselors in Addressing Behavioral Issues
  • Collaborative Approaches with Parents in Behavior Interventions
  • Culturally Responsive Behavior Interventions
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities for Students with Behavioral Disorders

Gifted Education Research Topics For Special Education

  • Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students
  • Social-Emotional Needs of Gifted Students
  • Acceleration Strategies in Gifted Education
  • Mentoring Programs for Gifted Students
  • Creativity and Critical Thinking in Gifted Education
  • Addressing Underrepresentation in Gifted Education Programs
  • Parental Support for Gifted Students
  • Inquiry-Based Learning for Gifted Students
  • Dual Enrollment Opportunities for Gifted Students
  • Talent Development Programs in Special Education

Speech and Language Disorders Research Topics For Special Education

  • Early Intervention for Speech and Language Delays
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Non-Verbal Students
  • Classroom Strategies for Supporting Language Development
  • Collaborative Approaches with Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Literacy Interventions for Students with Language Disorders
  • Cultural Competence in Speech and Language Services
  • Technology-Based Approaches for Speech Therapy
  • Parental Involvement in Speech and Language Interventions
  • Social Communication Skills for Students with Language Disorders
  • Assessing and Addressing Pragmatic Language Skills

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD) Research Topics For Special Education

  • Trauma-Informed Practices in Special Education
  • Collaborative Approaches with Mental Health Professionals
  • Self-Regulation Strategies for Students with Emotional Disorders
  • Building Resilience in Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
  • Bullying Prevention in Special Education Settings
  • Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum for Students with EBD
  • Restorative Justice Approaches for Students with EBD
  • Family Therapy for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
  • The Role of Positive Peer Relationships in EBD Interventions
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities for Students with EBD

Physical Disabilities Research Topics For Special Education

  • Adaptive Physical Education for Students with Physical Disabilities
  • Assistive Technology for Students with Physical Disabilities
  • Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education
  • Accessibility in School Facilities for Students with Physical Disabilities
  • Peer Support Programs for Students with Physical Disabilities
  • Transition Planning for Students with Physical Disabilities
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Sports for Students with Physical Disabilities
  • Collaborative Approaches with Physical Therapists
  • Parental Involvement in Physical Disability Education
  • Social Inclusion Strategies for Students with Physical Disabilities

Visual Impairments Research Topics For Special Education

  • Braille Literacy for Students with Visual Impairments
  • Technology-Based Tools for Students with Visual Impairments
  • Orientation & Mobility Training for Pupils with Visual Impairments
  • Inclusive Art and Music Education for Pupils with Visual Impairments
  • Collaboration with Orientation and Mobility Instructors
  • Accessible Learning Materials for Pupils with Visual Impairments
  • Social Skills Training for Students with Visual Impairments
  • Inclusive Science Education for Students with Visual Impairments
  • Transition Planning for Students with Visual Impairments
  • Building Independence Skills in Students with Visual Impairments

Hearing Impairments Research Topics For Special Education

  • Sign Language Instruction for Students with Hearing Impairments
  • Assistive Listening Devices in the Classroom
  • Inclusive Music Education for Students with Hearing Impairments
  • Collaborative Approaches with Deaf Educators
  • Communication Strategies for Students with Hearing Impairments
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities for Students with Hearing Impairments
  • Technology-Based Approaches in Hearing Impairment Education
  • Parental Involvement in Deaf Education Programs
  • Social Skills Development for Students with Hearing Impairments
  • Transition Planning for Students with Hearing Impairments

Multiple Disabilities Research Topics For Special Education

  • Holistic Approaches to Educating Students with Multiple Disabilities
  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for Students with Multiple Disabilities
  • Collaborative Teamwork in Addressing Multiple Disabilities
  • Assistive Technology Integration for Students with Multiple Disabilities
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities for Students with Multiple Disabilities
  • Parental Support Networks for Families with Multiple Disabilities
  • Communication Strategies for Students with Multiple Disabilities
  • Social Skills Development for Students with Multiple Disabilities
  • Transition Planning for Students with Multiple Disabilities
  • Adaptive Physical Education for Students with Multiple Disabilities

Early Childhood Special Education Research Topics

  • Inclusive Practices in Early Childhood Special Education
  • Early Intervention for Developmental Delays in Young Children
  • Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Special Education Programs
  • Play-Based Learning for Children with Special Needs
  • Transition Planning from Early Childhood to Elementary School
  • Speech and Language Development in Early Childhood
  • Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Special Education
  • Inclusive Outdoor Play for Young Children with Special Needs
  • Collaborative Approaches with Early Intervention Specialists
  • Assessment Tools for Identifying Special Needs in Early Childhood

Cultural Competence in Special Education Research Topics

  • Promoting Cultural Competence in Special Education Curriculum
  • Inclusive Practices for English Language Learners with Special Needs
  • Addressing Bias and Stereotypes in Special Education
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching for Students with Disabilities
  • Collaborative Approaches with Multilingual Support Staff
  • Parental Involvement in Diverse Special Education Communities
  • Celebrating Cultural Diversity in Special Education Programs
  • Professional Development on Cultural Competence for Educators
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities for Diverse Student Populations
  • Intersectionality in Special Education: Understanding Unique Challenges

Assistive Technology in Special Education Research Topics

  • Innovations in Assistive Technology for Special Education
  • Customizing Technology Tools for Individual Student Needs
  • Accessible E-books and Digital Resources for Special Education
  • Augmented Reality in Special Education Instruction
  • Gamification for Skill Development in Special Education
  • Virtual Reality Applications for Pupils with Special Needs
  • Training Teachers on the Effective Use of Assistive Technology
  • Mobile Apps for Social Skills Development in Special Education
  • Assistive Technology for Enhancing Communication Skills
  • Wearable Devices for Monitoring and Supporting Special Needs

Teacher Collaboration in Special Education Research Topics

  • Collaborative Team Approaches for Special Education Success
  • Co-Teaching Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms
  • Effective Communication among Special Education Professionals
  • Collaboration between Special Education and General Education Teachers
  • Building Strong Partnerships with Paraprofessionals
  • Team-Based Decision-Making in IEP Development
  • Professional Learning Communities for Special Education Educators
  • Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration in Special Education
  • Interprofessional Collaboration with Therapists and Counselors
  • Supporting New Teachers in Special Education through Mentoring

Policy and Advocacy in Special Education Research Topics

  • Advocacy for Inclusive Education Policies
  • Legislative Initiatives Impacting Special Education
  • Parental Advocacy for Children with Special Needs
  • Addressing Disparities in Special Education Funding
  • The Role of Special Education in Education Reform
  • Ensuring Equity in Special Education Access
  • Policy Implications of Remote Learning for Students with Disabilities
  • Advocacy for Transition Services and Post-School Outcomes
  • Legal Rights & Protections for Pupils with Disabilities
  • The Impact of Federal and State Policies on Special Education

Transition Services and Post-School Outcomes Research Topics

  • Transition Planning for High School Students with Disabilities
  • Vocational Training and Employment Opportunities for Graduates
  • Independent Living Skills for Young Adults with Disabilities
  • Post-Secondary Education Options for Students with Special Needs
  • Inclusive Community Participation for Young Adults with Disabilities
  • Mentoring Programs for Transitioning Students with Disabilities
  • Collaborative Approaches with Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination in Transition Planning
  • Parental Involvement in Transition Services
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Transition Programs

Mental Health and Well-being in Special Education Research Topics

  • Addressing Mental Health Challenges in Special Education
  • Social-Emotional Learning for Students with Mental Health Needs
  • Collaborative Approaches with School Counselors and Psychologists
  • Preventing Burnout among Special Education Professionals
  • Building Resilience in Students with Mental Health Challenges
  • Parental Involvement in Mental Health Support Programs
  • Integrating Mindfulness Practices in Special Education
  • Peer Support Programs for Students with Mental Health Needs
  • Recognizing and Responding to Trauma in Special Education
  • Community Resources for Mental Health Support in Special Education

Assessment and Evaluation in Special Education Research Topics

  • Alternative Assessment Methods for Students with Disabilities
  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and Goal Setting
  • Progress Monitoring Strategies for Special Education Students
  • Assessing Social-Emotional Development in Special Education
  • Standardized Testing Adaptations for Students with Disabilities
  • Teacher Training on Fair and Inclusive Assessment Practices
  • Collaborative Approaches in Multidisciplinary Assessments
  • Parental Involvement in the Assessment Process
  • Addressing Bias in Special Education Assessment Tools
  • Utilizing Technology for Dynamic Assessments in Special Education

Social Inclusion in Special Education Research Topics

  • Promoting Social Inclusion through School-wide Initiatives
  • Peer Support Programs for Social Inclusion
  • Celebrating Neurodiversity in School Communities
  • Building Positive Peer Relationships in Inclusive Classrooms
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities for Social Integration
  • Anti-Bullying Programs and Inclusive Education
  • Parental Involvement in Promoting Social Inclusion
  • Student-led Initiatives for Inclusive School Culture
  • Cultural Competence in Fostering Social Inclusion
  • Assessing and Improving Social Inclusion Practices in Special Education

So, these are the research topics for special education that cover a wide range of areas within special education, providing research opportunities that can contribute to improving educational practices and outcomes for students with special needs.

Current Challenges in Special Education

Here are some current challenges in special education:

Identification and Assessment 

Accurately identifying students with disabilities and conducting appropriate assessments can be complex and controversial. There are concerns about over-identification or under-identification of certain groups.

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) 

Developing, implementing, and updating effective IEPs for each student can be time-consuming and complex. Disagreements between parents and schools about IEP goals and services are expected.

Least Restrictive Environment 

Determining the right balance between inclusive general education settings and separate unique education settings is ongoing. There are debates around mainstreaming and inclusion approaches.

Discipline and Behavioral Issues

Students with disabilities tend to have higher rates of disciplinary actions. Appropriate behavioral interventions and maintaining a positive school climate are challenges.

Transition to Adulthood 

Helping students transition from high school to higher education, employment, and independent living requires extensive planning and support. Outcomes for students with disabilities after high school need improvement.

Parental Involvement 

Getting parents actively engaged in their child’s special education program and setting appropriate expectations can be difficult for schools. Cultural and language barriers may exist.

Teacher Shortages 

There is a shortage of completely certified special education teachers. Providing adequate training and support for general education teachers with special needs students is also a concern.

Funding and Resources 

Special education requires substantial financial resources, trained staff, assistive technology, and other supports. Inequities often exist between wealthy and poorer districts.

How To Choose the Good Special Education Research Topic

Here are some tips for choosing a good special education research topic:

  • Pick a specific learning disability or developmental disorder to focus on. Researching one condition like dyslexia, ADHD, or autism will allow you to study it more deeply.
  • Look at topics related to current laws and policies that impact special education. Researching how these laws affect students and teachers could provide helpful information.
  • Study inclusion practices and their effects. How integrating special needs students through buddy programs and inclusive classrooms works.
  • Explore assistive technologies. Investigate how technology tools like learning apps, reading software, and accessible devices improve outcomes.
  • Evaluate how schools prepare special needs students for life after graduation. This includes independent living and finding careers.
  • Research how to improve teacher training to meet diverse learning needs. This could have high practical value.
  • Consider solutions that make learning accessible for all students. This aligns with special education values.
  • Carefully select research methods that fit your topic and population. This could include case studies, surveys, or data analysis.

The key is picking a specific, well-defined topic that tackles real issues and solutions. Consulting advisors can help narrow your focus. Using plain language will make your research clear and understandable.

Final Remarks

In conclusion, researching and addressing the diverse challenges in special education is crucial for creating inclusive, effective learning environments for students with disabilities. The extensive research topics presented here cover critical areas, from inclusive education practices to mental health support and transition services. 

Ongoing research is pivotal in improving teaching methods, identifying disabilities early, and enhancing the educational experience. Despite progress, challenges such as accurate identification, IEP development, and resource disparities persist. 

By fostering collaboration, advocating for policy changes, and investing in teacher training, we can work towards a more equitable and supportive particular education system, ensuring every pupil has the opportunity to succeed.

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200 Unique Special Education Research Topics for Students

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Researching special education is crucial for discovering the best teaching strategies, inclusive practices, and assistive technologies. It all starts with a good research topic, which is the key to exploring, innovating, and making an impact. Speaking of which, we have compiled 200 amazing special education research ideas, so students can explore their interests, challenge their minds, and make a difference in the lives of people with special needs. Yes, a professional  Academic writing service  provider can help, but these lists will kick start you on your own. So, let’s dig in!

Table of Contents

Comprehensive List of Impressive Special Education Research Topics

We’ve put together various interesting topics to motivate students and researchers, encouraging them to explore, create, and have a real effect on special education. Here’s the first one to get started.

Best Special Education Research Topics

Here are some exciting topics that can give students and researchers the power to make meaningful contributions to special education. The best and  our writers  favorite list is as follows: 

  • The Treatment of older adults in institutions and special education institutes for adults
  • The boarding school for young deaf people: a place to get along?
  • Education for particular minors is different from ordinary people
  • Concept of special Education in developing countries
  • The state and condition of special Education in South Asian countries
  • Rehabilitation schools for autistic children in the Indian Subcontinent
  • Best strategies that the government can adopt to utilize the talent of special children
  • Special education for otherwise able children
  • Role of special education teachers to improve society
  • Autonomy, disability, and Self-esteem in autistic children
  • The role of teachers is to sustain self-esteem in special children
  • Polyhandicap: from discovery to Quality of life
  • Enabling children with hearing impairment to have a quality life
  • Console games help in modern-day special education
  • Video games as a tool for expression and entertainment for children with disabilities
  • Parents with addictions have children with special abilities
  • Enabling autistic children to communicate with the world
  • Importance and need for special education among children with autism spectrum disorder
  • Special education that is associated with blindness
  • The Importance of Empathy and the student-mentor Relationship in Institutes for special education
  • Stray Children of immigration and the Role and importance of special Education
  • Special education for differently abled children from refugee backgrounds
  • What can autistic children do to communicate at School?
  • Role of parental violence in the Growth and Development of a particular child
  • Polyhandicap and Special Education in African Countries

Highly-Searched Education Research Topics for School

Explore various  research topics  about special education that can help improve the learning environment for kids with disabilities. Here you go with the list.

  • Children with disabilities tend to be hypercritical of themselves.
  • Assessing the objectives of a unique education strategy for the year
  • Regulations and guidelines for educators at special education institutes
  • A transdisciplinary team and the needs of people with multiple disabilities
  • Particular education institutions and the educator’s role in socio-education
  • People with various disabilities and the socio-educational challenges they face
  • Educating children with multiple disabilities and specializing in their education
  • Teachers who teach special education have the following functions and duties
  • Understanding and evaluating the needs of children with various disabilities
  • The sharing of knowledge and skills in particular educational institutions
  • Education for children with special needs: parent-teacher meetings
  • Special Education and Development: a historical perspective
  • Educating Children with special needs: a history of Institutes
  • Shared participation of children and their parents to improve special education
  • Monitoring the mental health of children with disabilities and their families
  • A study of the specificity of educators’ dissertations from special education institutes
  • Children with Autism express themselves through music, enhance their social bonds, and develop musical abilities.
  • What can special education teachers learn about life from their experience?
  • Assisting the particular child to make sense of the world around him
  • Exceptional education strategy understanding, appropriation, and planning
  • Incorporating chronic diseases into the education of differently-abled children

Special Education Research Topics for University

Unleash your enthusiasm for special education research at a university with these carefully-picked topics.

  • Children with intellectual disabilities should be considered in the context of their personal development
  • Creation as tools of meditation for autistic children
  • From the illusion of the ideal child to the Work of disillusionment.
  • Favoring the well-being and development of the child in psychic suffering
  • Improving the lives of differently-abled children
  • The complexity of the educational framework for special children
  • Academic support for an autistic teenager placed in boarding school
  • Role of Parents in the violent behavior of autistic children
  • The Work of the educator in special education institutes: a work of the relationship
  • Development and the institutional limits of Work in a protected environment for special education
  • Challenges of being parents of a disabled child
  • The necessity of a parent’s existence with autistic children
  • Role of Parents in the Improvement of the learning environment among autistic children
  • How can parents help blind children with their education
  • The part of parents and teachers to assure self-esteem in children with blindness impairment
  • How does society position itself regarding the parenthood of people with intellectual disabilities?
  • Distance and commitment in the educational relationship with children with disabilities
  • Adult education for differently abled individuals
  • The importance of everyday life in educational care for blind children
  • Challenges Faced by Parents of a blind child
  • Career counseling and academic achievements for children with learning disorders

Thesis Topics for Special Education

Knowing the importance of special education research, if you want to develop a thesis about it, look at this list of potential topics.

  • Special children’s life from the nursery to the maternal center
  • Special education for differently abled children in South Asia
  • Treatment of autistic children in South Asia
  • Archives and History of Special Education
  • Educational projects: one-in-between of specialized prevention
  • Defense and protection of deficient children
  • Academic Performance of boarding schools for autistic children
  • Specialized prevention and professional training for differently abled individuals
  • Support for young people who have blindness in times of difficulty
  • Internships for differently abled children
  • The role of government and authorities in creating employment opportunities for differently abled
  • Lack of opportunities in South Asia and Africa for people suffering from autism spectrum disorder
  • Problems faced by autistic individuals in mainstream classrooms
  • The humanistic role of speech-language therapists
  • Perks and Tragedies of being special education teachers
  • Dealing with Autism in work-related situations
  • Employment opportunities for people suffering from Asperger’s syndrome
  • Treatment of autistic children in Africa
  • Specialized prevention and professional training for autistic individuals
  • Working with an autistic person, challenges and blessings
  • Emotional Competence and flow in college teachers in technical institutions
  • Study on the benchmarks of graduating differently-abled trainees into the workforce
  • Support the development of ethical Competence during Special Education

Interesting Research Topics in Education

You would surely want your research paper to appear catchy to the readers. A topic or two from this list may help you achieve that.

  • Providing oral corrective feedback to autistic children in schools
  • Differentially able refugee children and foreign language teacher training
  • Access to unique, relevant, and valuable information that helps differently-abled people
  • An exploration of how immigrants with Autism express their identities through their drawings
  • New opportunities for labor workers with disabilities off to a better and more accepting world
  • Work experience at blind rehabilitation centers as a basis for teacher training
  • Knowledge of the adolescent years in secondary School that involve special children
  • Self-training textbooks for blind individuals using specialized textbooks
  • The impact of special education instruments on learning with blindness
  • Devices and tools needed for blind children’s education
  • Developing digital skills in blind children
  • Deaf children should be provided with educational opportunities
  • Student failure in particular education institutions: an explanation
  • Different types of disabilities among students: a research analysis
  • Launching a research program to improve the quality of life for disabled children: initiatives and motivations
  • In what ways can different disabilities affect the social lives of children in totally different ways?
  • Need for the inclusive environment of mainstream classrooms for children with disabilities
  • Work in the field of mathematics didactics in a school for special education
  • The psychological sociology of Special Education consists of the following characteristics.
  • New Paradigms in the Sociology of Disability Education
  • Children with vision impairments can learn science and experiment

Special Ed Research Topics

Check out this list if you are hunting a special topic on Special Education.

  • Educate students with special needs using mathematics didactics
  • Several Characteristics of special psychosocial Education
  • Perspectives on disability education from a sociological perspective
  • Despite their vision impairments, children with vision impairments can learn science and experiment
  • Creating employment opportunities for differently abled people is the responsibility of the government and authorities
  • People living with autism spectrum disorder in South Asia and Africa face a lack of opportunities
  • Writing educational research on learning disabilities
  • Enhancing the learning process for children with learning disabilities
  • The Impact of Autism on the Workplace
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities
  • Providing employment opportunities for Asperger’s syndrome sufferers
  • Providing Treatment for autistic children in Africa
  • Professional training and prevention for autistic
  • Alcohol and drug-addicted parents’ children’s developmental issues
  • Child development issues caused by cultural issues and their consequences
  • Analysis of the development problems of boys based on research
  • Children with special needs develop their physical and motor skills
  • A unique education program for stray children of immigrants
  • Refugee children with disabilities receive special education
  • Is there anything that autistic children can do at School to communicate?
  • A unique child’s growth and development in the context of parental violence
  • Getting along at a young deaf boarding school
  • Minors with special needs receive a different education than ordinary people.
  • An Overview of Special Education in developing countries
  • South Asian Special Education’s State and Condition

Unique Special Education Research Topics

This list of educational research topics will help your research to stay unique. 

  • The Impact of student behavior on learning in Special Education
  • Autism-related behavior in children
  • How to see students with impaired abilities and create a university syllabus
  • A consideration of visual impairment’s objective aspects
  • Providing photophobic students with the tools they need to succeed in life
  • Make the general public aware of the effects of eye injuries on visually impaired individuals
  • Educating people about the fair Treatment of disabled people
  • Teachers’ role in improving autistic children’s behavior and routines
  • General behavior for people with hearing impairment
  • Hard-to-master skills and pedagogical attitudes facilitate their acquisition in specialized institutions.
  • Violent irritation in non-verbal autistic students and what can teachers do to be ready for it
  • Consideration of behavioral aspects related to visual impairment
  • Review of subjective pedagogical factors of visual impairment
  • Encouraging outdoor activities for differently-abled students
  • Bullying of differently abled individuals in schools
  • Learning disabilities related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Color vision abnormalities in students and enabling them to explore and admire art
  • Dealing with photophobia in young individuals
  • Is photophobia a dangerous disability?
  • Challenges Faced by photophobic children in School
  • Enabling the students to read in case of total but blurred perception
  • Raising awareness for better Treatment of differently abled children as a research project.

Trendy Topics in Education Research to Child Development

The grooming and personality development of a special child is equally important. These special ed topics will help you shed light on such scenarios.

  • The development of autistic children in the early years of their lives
  • Child development issues in schizophrenia: a review of the literature
  • Making the world a more accessible place for verbally autistic children
  • Does Asperger’s syndrome require special education for children who have it?
  • The role of parents in the development of special needs children and issues related to their development
  • Issues related to development in children with Down syndrome
  • Analyses of the research related to the problems associated with the development of girls
  • A genetic study of children with Down syndrome was conducted in the USA.
  • Child development issues from a cultural and social perspective
  • Providing opportunities for children with Down syndrome to study and cope with the world around them
  • Providing sports activities for disabled children as part of their rehabilitation program
  • The analysis of a research study on the development of children with above-average intelligence quotients
  • A critical low EQ is associated with developmental issues in children.
  • Hyperactivity and development issues in otherwise able children with socio-emotional disorders
  • Special education students: Behavior and mental health
  • Several institutions document the problems encountered by children who suffer from constitutional hyperactivity.
  • Special education and development issues for children with behavioral disorders
  • An inadequate environment causes development issues.
  • Research paper on behavioral disorders
  • Development issues in children with alcohol and drug-addicted parents
  • Consequences for the child facing development issues caused by cultural problems
  • Research analysis of the problems related to development in boys
  • Physical and motor development in children needing special education
  • Language development problems in children with Asperger’s syndrome
  • Cognitive development issues in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Trending Special Education Research Topics

Go with the trend by selecting an interesting topic from this list. Here you go.

  • Access to special education services for students with disabilities
  • Children with special needs and their parents’ strategies
  • Services for special education children in their homes
  • The education system for college students with disabilities
  • What are the most critical questions on whether special education can solve the problems of differently-abled students?
  • The evolution of exceptional education professionals’ practices
  • Achieving a happy and fulfilling life for differently abled people
  • Differentiate between students’ mental health and society’s impact.
  • A program to provide educational opportunities for children with visual impairments in a public setting
  • Analysis of learning disabilities compared to emotional and behavioral disorders.
  • Early childhood education in children with learning disabilities
  • Research paper on learning disorders
  • Role of the education system in child development with distance education
  • State-by-state notable education statistics in the United States
  • Having a basic knowledge of people with disabilities and illiteracy
  • Pupils with motor disabilities are integrated into schools.
  • Children with Autism and their psychological development
  • Research paper on the education system and child development
  • Reading to oral language through school inclusion for children with dyslexia.
  • Pedagogical practices of teachers in charge of specialized assistance with pedagogical maintenance
  • How can autistic individuals offer special skills? Is it true they are more intelligent?
  • Incorporating youth violence into disability rehabilitation institutions
  • Inclusion of People with mental disabilities in Adolescent Education
  • Research paper  on teaching special education
  • Supporting low-performance primary school students in mathematics
  • School integration of children with special educational needs
  • Evolutionary Factors and Disability in young children with Autism
  • Autism from Childhood to Adulthood: from a refugee perspective

New Special Education Research Topics

New special education research paper topics will let you delve deep into recent discoveries or shortcomings of the research subject. Here you go. 

  • Studying the behavior of students taking specialized education from a sociological perspective
  • Early childhood education according to the disability education act
  • Helping students with Autism through console games
  • Can video games benefit students with mental disabilities?
  • Motor disorders in autistic children
  • Analyzing the study techniques for vision-impaired students in the USA
  • Special education for students with mental disabilities
  • Rehabilitation techniques for children recovering from trauma
  • Exploring the education approach with students with hearing impairment
  • Concepts of sports and games in children with visual impairment
  • Explicit teaching of social-emotional skills to differently-abled children
  • A qualitative study of the implementation of steering plans in a few secondary schools for students with disabilities
  • What influence can video training and reflective companionship have on teaching reading to autistic children?

Picking up a good special education research topic will allow you to create a perfect research paper. Hopefully, this blog post was useful in helping you pick a topic or two for your research assignment. If you are still confused about how to go about this task, don’t hesitate to order now so our experts can help you craft an impressive piece that your professor will love to read.

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Articles on Special education

Displaying 1 - 20 of 40 articles.

what are some good research topics in special education

Navigating special education labels is complex, and it matters for education equity

Laura Perez Gonzalez , Toronto Metropolitan University ; Henry Parada , Toronto Metropolitan University , and Veronica Escobar Olivo , Toronto Metropolitan University

what are some good research topics in special education

Schools have a long way to go to offer equitable learning opportunities, especially in French immersion

Diana Burchell , University of Toronto ; Becky Xi Chen , University of Toronto ; Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird , Dalhousie University , and Roksana Dobrin-De Grace , Toronto Metropolitan University

what are some good research topics in special education

Daily report cards can decrease disruptions for children with ADHD

Gregory Fabiano , Florida International University

what are some good research topics in special education

Achieving full inclusion in schools: Lessons from New Brunswick

Melissa Dockrill Garrett , University of New Brunswick and Andrea Garner , University of New Brunswick

what are some good research topics in special education

Pandemic shut down many special education services – how parents can help their kids catch up

Mitchell Yell , University of South Carolina

what are some good research topics in special education

Police response to 5-year -old boy who left school was problematic from the start

Elizabeth K. Anthony , Arizona State University

what are some good research topics in special education

Decades after special education law and key ruling, updates still languish

Charles J. Russo , University of Dayton

what are some good research topics in special education

ADHD: Medication alone doesn’t improve classroom learning for children – new research

William E. Pelham Jr. , Florida International University

what are some good research topics in special education

Students of color in special education are less likely to get the help they need – here are 3 ways teachers can do better

Mildred Boveda , Penn State

what are some good research topics in special education

Students with disabilities are not getting help to address lost opportunities

John McKenna , UMass Lowell

what are some good research topics in special education

5 tips to help preschoolers with special needs during the pandemic

Michele L. Stites , University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Susan Sonnenschein , University of Maryland, Baltimore County

what are some good research topics in special education

Children on individual education plans: What parents need to know, and 4 questions they should ask

Tori Trajanovski , York University, Canada

what are some good research topics in special education

3 ways music educators can help students with autism develop their emotions

Dawn R. Mitchell White , University of South Florida

what are some good research topics in special education

‘Generation C’: Why investing in early childhood is critical after  COVID-19

David Philpott , Memorial University of Newfoundland

what are some good research topics in special education

Federal spending covers only 8% of public school budgets

David S. Knight , University of Washington

what are some good research topics in special education

Coronavirus: Distance learning poses challenges for some families of children with disabilities

Jess Whitley , L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa

what are some good research topics in special education

How lockdown could affect South Africa’s children with special needs

Athena Pedro , University of the Western Cape ; Dr Bronwyn Mthimunye , University of the Western Cape , and Ella Bust , University of the Western Cape

what are some good research topics in special education

5 tips to help parents navigate the unique needs of children with autism learning from home

Amanda Webster , University of Wollongong

what are some good research topics in special education

Ontario’s high school e-learning still hasn’t addressed students with special needs

Pam Millett , York University, Canada

what are some good research topics in special education

Excluded and refused enrolment: report shows illegal practices against students with disabilities in Australian schools

Kathy Cologon , Macquarie University

Related Topics

  • Children with disability
  • Inclusive education
  • Special education services
  • Special needs

Top contributors

what are some good research topics in special education

Associate Professor, Tarleton State University

what are some good research topics in special education

Professor of participation and learning support, The Open University

what are some good research topics in special education

Senior Lecturer, Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University

what are some good research topics in special education

Senior Research Fellow, University of Warwick

what are some good research topics in special education

Associate Professor of Economics, Carleton University

what are some good research topics in special education

Assistant Professor of Special Education, Boston University

what are some good research topics in special education

Assistant Professor of Special Education, UMass Boston

what are some good research topics in special education

Assistant Professor of Economics, The University of Texas at Austin

what are some good research topics in special education

Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Memphis

what are some good research topics in special education

Assistant Professor, Nazarbayev University

what are some good research topics in special education

Professor of Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs, University of Exeter

what are some good research topics in special education

PhD Researcher, Swansea University

what are some good research topics in special education

Associate Professor of Education, Elon University

what are some good research topics in special education

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney

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Special Education

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Choose Your Topic

Remember that choosing your topic isn't something you do before you start your research. Choosing a topic is  research. So how do you choose a topic worth researching? Try working through the following steps: 

Concept map of topics related to solar energy.

  • Maybe it's something from class, a current issue in the news, or something you ran across in your social media feeds. Make a list of anything that sparks your interests. 
  • Consider your assignment prompt--what topic is both interesting to you and fits the requirements of your assignment?
  • Consider all the different aspects of the issue. Try making a concept map like this example for solar energy.
  • Research topics tend to change as you learn more about them. That's OK! It's all part of the research process. Be open to your initial topic evolving, particularly as you begin to find background information.

Explore Your Topic

Why should i do background research.

Background research is an essential component of the research process. It helps to contextualize your work and gives you a basic understanding of the issues surrounding a particular topic. This is important because it will help you identify aspects of a topic that can turn into some interesting ideas, which will then lead to a solid research question.

How do I do background research?

UNC Libraries provides access to great tools for background research. You can search hundreds of encyclopedias through the library reference databases. Here are a few of our favorite databases for background research:

  • CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window CQ Researcher provides award winning in-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day. Our reports are written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked. Full-length articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research.
  • Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window Books in electronic format purchased from Gale.
  • Disability in the Modern World This link opens in a new window At completion, Disability in the Modern World will include 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video. The content is essential for teaching and research—not only in the growing disciplines of disability history and disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked.

What about Wikipedia?

Wikipedia can be an excellent source for background information. Be sure not to cite Wikipedia! Rather, use the links in the References section at the bottom of the Wikipedia page to investigate the sources referenced in the article.

Develop Your Research Question

The findings from your background research can help you refine your topic and develop a research question. A good research question is narrow and focused on a specific issue or area related to a topic.

To refine your topic, think about why you chose the topic, what you've learned about it so far, and what you still want to know. You might want to do some free writing on your topic.

Consider the following questions:

  • Did you learn something particularly intriguing in your background research?
  • Is there a specific subset of topics within your larger research topic?
  • Are there unanswered questions about this subject?
  • Can you focus on a specific geographic region or time period?
  • Are there groups of people that are impacted by this issue?

Try this fill-in-the-blank exercise:

Topic : I am working on _____________________.

Question : Because I want to find out _____________________.

Significance : So that I can help others understand ____________________.

Here's our example:

Topic : I am working on prison nursery programs .

Question : Because I want to find out the psychological impact these programs have on incarcerated mothers .

Significance : So that I can help others understand the mental health concerns of incarcerated postpartum mothers .

Once we have the blanks filled out, we can develop a research question based on the responses:

How do prison nursery programs impact the mental health of incarcerated postpartum mothers?

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  • Last Updated: Mar 11, 2024 4:00 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.unco.edu/EDSE

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Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Topic Kickstarter: Research topics in education

If you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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Explore well-crafted Special Education Research Topics Just with a click

Special Education Research Topics refer to specific areas of study within the field of education that focus on understanding and improving the educational experiences and outcomes of students with disabilities or special needs. Special education research thesis topics encompass a wide range of subjects that create difficulties for students to carry out research with ease. Therefore, we have initiated a fully functional research department to assist students.

Why do Students Find It Difficult to Carry out Research in Special Education?

Students conducting research in Special Education research topics face several challenges that can make their work more difficult. Some of these challenges include:

  • Due to the highly individualized nature of special education thesis topics, findings might have limited generalizability to a broader population.
  • Collecting data from individuals with disabilities might take more time due to communication challenges or the need for specialized assessment tools.
  • Researchers must be cautious about potential biases and stereotypes while studying individuals with disabilities to ensure their findings are respectful and unbiased.
  • Special education research often requires innovative methodologies that can accommodate the diverse needs of participants, which can be more challenging to design and implement.
  • Funding for special education research might be scarcer compared to more mainstream educational research.

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List of Latest Special Education Research Topics 2023

Get benefits from the list of free special education research topics that are well-researched and written after deep analysis.

Deeply examine the practices and strategies of special education

To thoroughly investigate and grasp the ongoing strategies of specialized curriculum, including its difficulties, valuable open doors, and arising patterns.


  • To examine the present status of special education, including strategies, programs, and informative methodology.
  • To break down the qualities of existing practices in addressing the requirement of understudies with handicaps.
  • To distinguish the significant difficulties and boundaries in the field of special education.

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Our top thesis writing experts are available 24/7 to assist you the right university projects. Whether its critical literature reviews to complete your PhD. or Master Levels thesis.

Effective models for teaching students with disability

The point of an effective model for teaching students with disabled students is to investigate and assess different educational models that have proven to be viable in gathering the diverse learning necessities of students with disability.

  • To lead a far-reaching survey of existing informative models for showing disabled students
  • To determine the essential factor that influences the effective implementation of instructional models
  • To evaluate the impact of these models on students learning, engagement, self-efficacy, and social interactions.

Models and theoretical frameworks

The aim is to investigate and analyze a variety of educational models and theoretical frameworks that guide instructional practices.

  • To identify and classify a vast area of educational models and theoretical frameworks that are relevant to education.
  • To look at the hypothetical establishments hidden in each model and system.
  • To research the key standards, suspicions, and the idea that shape their way to deal with training.
  • To examine how these theories help to comprehend students learning, motivation, and instructional design.

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TheresearchGuardian.com providing expert thesis assistance for university students at any sort of level. Our thesis writing service has been serving students since 2011.

Adaptation to curriculum for inclusive special education

It aims to investigate and examine efficient methods for adapting curriculum to accommodate students’ diverse needs in inclusive special education settings.

  • To investigate a variety of strategies and examples for modifying the curriculum in inclusive special education.
  • To evaluate the successful adaption strategies that will be beneficial for students to fulfill a variety of learning needs.
  • To examine the effects of inclusive practices on academic achievement, student engagement, and self-esteem.

Collaboration and parental involvement in special education

The aim is to investigate the significance and advantages of special education collaboration between teachers and parents.

  • To analyze the various types of collaboration such as strategies for communicating, making decisions together, settings goals, and sharing responsibility.
  • To assess the effects of parental involvement and collaborative practices on special education student outcomes.
  • To recognize the boundaries and difficulties that block collaboration between parents and teachers in special education.

Looking For Customize Thesis Topics?

Take a review of different varieties of thesis topics and samples from our website TheResearchGuardian.com on multiple subjects for every educational level.

Teacher training and professional improvement

It aims to investigate the significance of ongoing professional development and effective teacher training in special education.

  • It evaluates the current special education teacher preparation programs.
  • To examine their content, duration, delivery methods, and compatibility with special education best practices.
  • To assess the knowledge and skills gap that prevents students from receiving effective instruction and support.

Assistive innovation in special education

The study aims to investigate how assistive technologies aid students with disabilities in their educational journey. Innovative assistive technologies and their use to improve students with disabilities’ access, participation, and learning outcomes are the focus of this study.

  • To recognize and break down the most recent assistive advancement.
  • To investigate technologies like robotics, virtual reality, adaptive software, sensory tools, and augmentative and alternative communication (acc) devices.
  • To determine the impact of these technologies on student engagement, learning outcomes, and special inclusion.

Challenges in the implementation of special education

The aim is to identify the primary obstacle and challenges that prevent the effective implementation of special education programs and practices.

  • To identify and classify the most significant obstacles and challenges encountered when implementing a special education program.
  • To investigate the effect of difficulties in implementation on special education student outcomes.
  • To examine a way in which students’ access to services, academic progress, and social-emotional development are impacted by constrain and barriers.

Monitoring student progress assessment

The research aim is to find efficient assessment methods that encourage accurate and meaningful progress monitoring, allowing teachers to make educated decisions regarding instruction and fostering student development.

  • To examine various ways to deal with checking understudy progress in special education.
  • To investigate observational exploration, contextual analysis, and best practices to decide the dependability of various evaluations.
  • To examine how they affect outcomes for students and instructional decisions.

Promoting methods of inclusion

It aims to investigate inclusive policies, practices, and interventions that encourage students with disabilities to fully participate, engage and succeed in general education.

  • It examines how these practices affect student achievement, social integration, and well-being as a whole.
  • It examines what encourages inclusive education at the policy and system levels.
  • To analyze how practices are used throughout the educational system to find areas of improvement.

How We Provide Assistance in Your SEND Dissertation Topics?

The Research Guardian plays a pivotal role in supporting students throughout their research journey. When you approach us for SEND dissertation topics, we help you navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to the field of Special Education Research. Here is how we provide assistance:

  • We provide support in analysing data for dissertation topics in special education, including guidance on using appropriate statistical methods and interpreting findings in the context of special education.
  • When you buy special education dissertation topics, we can assist you in designing research studies that consider the various disabilities and individual differences within the special education population.
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List of Free Special Education Dissertation Topics for 2022

Below is a list of Special Education research proposal topics at different levels. These topics are diverse and can cover a wide range of areas related to the education and support of individuals with special needs.

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Landmark College

New research review questions the evidence for special education inclusion

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For the past 25 years, U.S. policy has urged schools to keep students with disabilities in the same classrooms with their general education peers unless severe disabilities prevent it. It seems a humane policy not to wall off those with disabilities and keep them apart from society. Who would argue against it?

Schools have embraced inclusion. According to the most recent data from 2020-21 school year, two thirds of the 7 million students with disabilities who receive special education services spent 80% or more of their time in traditional classrooms. Separation is less common today; only one out of every eight students with disabilities was taught separately in a special-needs only environment most of the time.

But a recent international analysis of all the available research on special education inclusion found inconsistent results. Some children thrived while others did very badly in regular classrooms. Overall, students didn’t benefit academically, psychologically or socially from the practice. Math and reading scores, along with psychosocial measures, were no higher for children with disabilities who learned in general education classrooms, on average, compared to children who learned in separate special education classrooms.

“I was surprised,” said Nina Dalgaard, lead author of the inclusion study for the Campbell Collaboration , a nonprofit organization that reviews research evidence for public policy purposes. “Despite a rather large evidence base, it doesn’t appear that inclusion automatically has positive effects. To the contrary, for some children, it appears that being taught in a segregated setting is actually beneficial.”

Many disability advocates balked at the findings, published in December 2022, on social media. An influential lobbying organization, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, said it continues to believe that inclusion is beneficial for students and that this study will “not change” how the disability community advocates for students.

“Students with disabilities have a right to learn alongside their peers, and studies have shown that this is beneficial not only for students with disabilities but also for other students in the classroom,” said Lindsay Kubatzky, the organization’s director of policy and advocacy.

“Every student is different, and ‘inclusion’ for one student may look different from others. For some, it could be a classroom separate from their peers, but that is rarely the case.”

The Campbell Collaboration study is a meta-analysis, which means it is supposed to sweep up all the best research on a topic and use statistics to tell us where the preponderance of the evidence lies. Dalgaard, a senior researcher at VIVE—The Danish Centre for Social Science Research, initially found over 2,000 studies on special education inclusion. But she threw out 99 percent of them, many of which were quite favorable to inclusion. Most were qualitative studies that described students’ experiences in an inclusion classroom but didn’t rigorously track academic progress. Among those that did monitor math or reading, many of them simply noted how much students improved in an inclusive setting, but didn’t compare those gains with how students might have otherwise fared in a separate special-needs only setting.

Fewer than 100 studies had comparison groups, but still most of those didn’t make the cut because the students in inclusive settings were vastly different from those in separate settings. Special education is a particularly difficult area to study because researchers cannot randomly assign students with disabilities to different treatments. Schools tend to keep children with milder disabilities in a regular classroom and teach only those with the most severe disabilities separately. In comparing how both groups fare, it should be no surprise that students with milder disabilities outperform those with more severe disabilities. But that’s not good evidence that inclusion is better. “It’s a serious, confounding bias,” Dalgaard said.

In the end, Dalgaard was left with only 15 studies where the severity of the disability was somehow noted so that she could compare apples to apples. These 15 studies covered more than 7,000 students, ages six through 16, across nine countries. Four of the studies were conducted in the United States with the others in Europe.

The disabilities in the studies ranged widely, from the most common ones, such as dyslexia, ADHD, speech impairments and autism, to rarer ones, such as Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. Some students had mild versions; others had more severe forms. I asked Dalgaard if she found clues in the results as to which disabilities were more conducive to inclusion. I was curious if children with severe dyslexia, for example, might benefit from separate instruction with specially trained reading teachers for the first couple of years after diagnosis.

Dalgaard said there wasn’t enough statistical evidence to untangle when inclusion is most beneficial. But she did notice in the underlying studies that students with autism seem to be better off in a separate setting. For example, their psychosocial scores were higher. But more studies would be needed to confirm this.

She also noticed that how a school goes about including students with disabilities mattered. In schools that used a co-teaching model, one regular teacher and one trained in special education, students fared better in inclusion classrooms. Again, more research is needed to confirm this statistically. And, even if co-teaching proves to be effective over multiple studies, not every school can afford to hire two teachers for every classroom. It’s particularly cost-prohibitive in middle and high school as teachers specialize in subjects.

Instead, Dalgaard noted that inclusion is often a cost-cutting practice because schools save money when they no longer run separate classrooms or schools for children with disabilities. “In some cases, children with disabilities no longer had access to the same resources. It’s not supposed to happen this way, but it does in some places,” said Dalgaard. “That is probably why the results of the meta-analysis show that some children actually learn more in segregated settings.”

I was surprised to learn from Dalgaard that no sound meta-analysis has found “clear” benefits for special education inclusion. Indeed, previous meta-analyses have found exactly the same inconsistent or very small positive results, she said. This latest Campbell Collaboration study was commissioned to see if newer research, published from 2000 to September 2021, would move the dial. It did not.

As a nation, we spend an estimated $90 billion a year in federal, state and local taxpayer funds on educating children with disabilities. We ought to know more about how to best help them learn.

*Correction: This story has been updated with the correct spelling of Lindsay Kubatzky’s name.

This story about special education inclusion was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for the Hechinger newsletter .

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Special Education Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Saudi Parents as Advocates for Their Young Children with Disabilities: Reflections on The Journey , Sadeem A. Alolayan

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Students with Disabilities in Higher Education , Yanlys De La Caridad Palacios

The Specifics of Specific Learning Disability: An Analysis of State-Level Eligibility Criteria and Response to Intervention Practices , Lora M. Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Barriers to Reducing the Assistive Technology use for Students with Autism as Perceived by Special Education Teachers in Saudi Arabia , Othman Ahmed Alasmari

Saudi Teachers’ Perspectives on Implementing Evidence-Based Practices Specifically Designed for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Ahmad Saad Alghamdi

Perceptions of Preservice Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities About their Preparation for Inclusive Education , Abdullah Aljudaya

Experiences of Saudi Arabian Mothers of Young Children with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study , Samirah Bahkali

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Perceptions of Preservice Teachers of Students with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in their Teacher Preparation Programs in Saudi Arabia , Salman Almughyiri

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Use of Assistive Technology with Students with Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Saudi Arabia: Teachers’ Perspectives , Khalid Mohammed Abu Alghayth

Saudi Special Education Preservice Teachers’ Perspective towards Inclusion , Sarah Binmahfooz

The Teacher Evaluation Conundrum: Examining the Perceptions of Special Education Teachers , Gordon Brobbey

Autism and Inclusion in England’s Multi Academy Trust: A Case Study of a Senior Leadership Team , Danielle Lane

Threats to Teaching: An Investigation Into the Constructs of Compassion Fatigue in the Classroom , April M. Steen

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

General Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Response to Intervention Implementation: A Qualitative Interview Study , Adhwaa Alahmari

Deaf Lesbian Identity , Noël E. Cherasaro

Beyond Replicative Technology: The Digital Practices of Students with Literacy-Related Learning Difficulties Engaged in Productive Technologies , Aimee Frier

Learning in the Margins: The Educational Experiences of an African American Male with Disabilities , Aisha Holmes

Including children with learning differences: Experiences of independent school teachers , Lisa M. Lockhart

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Perceptions of Arab American Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Exploratory Study , Haifa Alsayyari

It’s Not All Sunflowers and Roses at Home: A Narrative Inquiry of At-Risk Girls and Their Perceptions of Their Educational Experiences , Jessica Aggeles Curtis

Improving Reading Comprehension of Children with ASD: Implication of Anaphoric Reference Support with Computer Programming , Seda Karayazi Ozsayin

Collaboration with Families: Perceptions of Special Education Preservice Teachers and Teacher Preparation , Mehmet Emin Ozturk

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Role of Prep Schools in the Middle to High School Transition of Students in Southeastern Turkey , Mucahit Kocak

Use of a Game-Based App as a Learning Tool for Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities to Increase Fraction Knowledge/Skill , Orhan Simsek

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Examining Experiences of Early Intervention Providers Serving Culturally Diverse Families: A Multiple Case Study Analysis , Wendy Lea Bradshaw

Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors as Strengths, not Weaknesses: Evaluating the Use of Social Stories that Embed Restricted Interests on the Social Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Maya Nasr

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Fight Within: Experiences of School District Employees Who Advocate for the Rights of Their Own Children with Disabilities Inside the Districts Where They Work, a Heuristic Case Study , Keri Haley

Constructing an "Appropriate" Education in Florida Special Education Due Process Final Orders , Michelle Henry

Interagency Collaboration for the Provision of Services to Migrant Children with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study , Georgina Rivera-Singletary

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Reading Assessment Practices of Elementary General Education Teachers: A Descriptive Study , Sarah Mirlenbrink Bombly

Making a Difference in the Lives of Students: Successful Teachers of Students of Color with Disabilities or who are At-Risk of Identification of Disabilities at a High-Performing High-Poverty School , Tristan L. Glenn

Teacher Perspectives on the Instructional Impact of the Florida Alternate Assessment , Katherine Hawley

Blending Worlds, Reforming Practice?: An Instrumental Case Study Of Collaborative Early Childhood Teacher Education , Ann Marie Mickelson

The Perspectives of Graduate Students with Visual Disabilities: A Heuristic Case Study , Luis Perez

Connective Capacity: The Importance and Influence of Dispositions in Special Education Teacher Education , Scot Mcgregor Rademaker

Examining School Capacity for Inclusion Using a Multi-Dimensional Framework: A Case Study , Amy Lenee-Monnier Toson

Becoming a Teacher in Multiple Voices: An Exploration of Teacher Identity Formation Among Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Mary E. Wilt

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

A Multi-Perspective Exploration of a Cross-Age Tutoring Initiative: An Analysis of the Responses of All Students , Ann Elizabeth Gillies

Examining Teacher Identity and Prospective Efficacy Beliefs Among Students Enrolled in a Precollegiate Urban Teaching Academy (UTA) , Marsha Simon

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of their Perspective Transformations: A Case Study , Victoria Caruana

The Development of The Personal Strengths Intervention (PSI) to Improve Self-Determination and Social-Emotional Levels in Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD: A Multiple Baseline Study , Jennie L. Farmer

Kujichagalia! Self-Determination in Young African American Women With Disabilities during the Transition Process , La Tonya L. Gillis

Perspectives of Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Regarding the Factors Related to Their Intent to Remain in the Profession , Glenda Esther Koshy

High Stakes Play: Early Childhood Special Educators' Perspectives of Play in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms , Joanne Scandling Manwaring

School-Wide PBS: The Link Between Action Planning and Outcomes , Stephanie Angelique Martinez

Guided by the Spirit: Understanding Student Behavior and Theological Philosophy Through the Lens of Secondary Catholic School Teachers , Angela Marie Mucci

It Takes More Than a Whistle: Perceived Characteristics of Effective School Based Coaches , Jenna Nicole Sage

Examining the Experiences of a Select Group of First Year Special Education Teachers: A Multiple Case Study Analysis , Roseanne Kaiser Vallice

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

A Canine Audience: The Effect of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Reading Progress Among Students Identified with Learning Disabilities , Julie Omodio Griess

The Lived School Experiences of a Select Group of Female Adolescents Labeled Emotionally/Behaviorally Disordered , Anna Robic

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Lived Experience: Diverse Perspectives on Raising a Child with Autism , Heather J. Brace

An examination of the implementation of the Second step program in a public school system , Lynn Pedraza

Portraits of Online Teaching and Learning: The Experiences of an Instructor and Six Graduate Students in a Course Entitled Educating Students with Autism , Sarah R. Semon

Striving and Surviving: The Phenomenology of the First-Year Teaching Experience , Michael D. Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Transition Experiences of Selected Emerging Adults With Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties in Higher Education , Kathleen M. Fowler

A Qualitative Analysis of a Teacher Support Program for Educating Students with Emotional Disturbance in an Inclusive Setting , Crystal Williams Harmon

Evaluating the Efficacy of the Developing Algebraic Literacy Model: Preparing Special Educators to Implement Effective Mathematics Practices , Sharon N. E. Ray

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

The Effects of Mentoring on the Elementary Special Education Mentor , Maria Angeliadis

Prevalence of Language Disorders Among Children with Severe Behavioral Problems Referred for a Psychiatric Evaluation by a Large Urban School District , Brenda J. Curtwright

Implementing differentiated instruction in urban, Title I schools:: Effects of facilitated support groups and program fidelity on student achievement , Deborah W. Hellman

Key stakeholder perceptions of the expulsion process for high school students identified as emotionally disturbed , Suzanne R. O'Neill

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

An examination of the experiences of five African American male students with regard to school discipline practices , Simon Yohann Earle

Examining the characteristics of teachers in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program in varying exceptionalities: Responding to the "highly qualified" teacher mandate , Erica Djuan McCray

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

"I've Got the Power!": Investigating Pre-service Special Educators' Perceptions and Abilities to Teach Reading to Students with Disabilities" , Tandria Milango Callins

Evaluating Positive Behavior Support Plan Implementation In The Home Environment Of Young Children With Challenging Behavior , Michelle A. Duda

Asperger Syndrome: A Case Study on One Family’s Understanding , Ben Graffam

An Examination Of The Relationship Between Urbanicity and Children With Emotional Disturbances Served In Restructuring Public Schools , Karen Monk Harris

Voices From a Marginalized Population: Life Histories of Individuals With Physical Impairments , James Peter Marsh

The Effects of Hand Fidgets on the On-Task Behaviors of A Middle School Student With Disabilities in an Inclusive Academic Setting , Karen S. Voytecki

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Speech-Language Pathologists’ Professional Efficacy Beliefs about Assessing the Language Skills of Bilingual/Bicultural/Bidialectal Students , Karen Patricia Harris

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Special Education

Research, Policy & Practice

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  • Research, Policy & Practice

SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE  is an online peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing the professional development of special education professionals through research, policy, and practice. This electronic journal seeks new contributions based on original work of practitioners and researchers with specific focus on, or implications for, the field of special education. Manuscripts submitted will be articles on research, policy, and practice relative to special education. Articles would:

  • Be research-based submissions that address current practice issues in the field of special education.
  • Seek to make a new contribution to the field of special education.
  • Be solicited in a variety of categories.

Please review the procedures and policies below regarding article submission, the publication process, and other important pieces of information. For more information, please contact: George Giuliani, JD, PsyD Chief Editor 516-463-5143 [email protected]

Explanation of “Peer Review”

Peer review is the evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work ( peers ).  Scholarly peer review (also known as refereeing) is the process of subjecting an author's  scholarly  work, research, or  ideas  to the scrutiny of others who are  experts  in the same field, before a paper describing this work is published in a journal. The work may be accepted, considered acceptable with revisions, or rejected. Peer review requires a community of experts in a given (and often narrowly defined) field, who are qualified and able to perform impartial review. Peer review is a well-accepted indicator of quality scholarship. Other important points about peer review journals include:

  • Peer review constitutes a form of self-regulation by qualified members of a profession within the relevant field.
  • Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards of quality, improve performance, and provide credibility.
  • In academia peer review is often used to determine an academic paper's suitability for publication.
  • Peer groups of researchers, scholars and professionals within a specific discipline are the audience for scholarly literature.
  • Articles accepted for publication through a peer review process implicitly meet the discipline's expected standards of expertise.

The peer-review process is an essential part of the publication process, which will improve the manuscripts published by  SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE . Not only does peer review provide an independent assessment of the importance and technical accuracy of research, but the feedback conveyed to authors with the editor’s advice frequently results in manuscripts being refined so that their structure and logic are more readily apparent to readers.

Submission of an Article by Author(s)

SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE welcome manuscript submissions at any time. Authors are completely responsible for the factual accuracy of their contributions. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to quote lengthy excerpts from previously-published articles.

Authors will be notified of the receipt of their manuscripts within seven (7) business days of their receipt by the Chief Editor and can expect to receive the recommendation of the review process within 90 days.

All submissions must have a cover letter indicating that the manuscript has not been published or is not being considered for publication anywhere else, in whole or in substantial part. On the cover letter, it will be noted to the authors to be sure to include their name, address, email address, and phone number.

Typescript should conform to the following:

  • Method of Manuscript Submission : Send Manuscripts should be submitted electronically with the words " Submission to SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE " in the subject line
  • Language : English
  • Document : Microsoft Word
  • Font : Times New Roman or Arial
  • Size of Font : 12 Point
  • Page Limit : None
  • Margins : 1” on all sides
  • Title of paper : Top of page Capitals, bold, and centered
  • Author(s) Name : Centered under title of paper
  • Format : Manuscripts should follow the guidelines of the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
  • Figures and Tables : All should be integrated in the typescript
  • Abstract : An abstract of no more than 150 words should accompany each submission
  • References : Insert all references cited in the paper submitted on a Reference Page

The Publishing Process

The following are the steps through which a submitted article will move from initial submission to actual publication in SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE .

  • The article is submitted in Word format by the author(s) to the Chief Editor, Dr. George Giuliani, at [email protected] .
  • The Chief Editor then sends an email to the author stating that the article has been received and a final answer will be given within 90 days of receipt.
  • The article is then placed in an online folder that holds all articles up for review.
  • The article is then removed of all author names, affiliations, etc., so that when it is sent out for review, it is a blind review and no peer reviewers have any indication who wrote the article or from what university it was submitted.
  • An email is then sent by the Chief Editor to all members of the Editorial Board with a request to review an article. Only the title of the article is given. For example:
  • Peer reviewers then email the Chief Editor as to their interest in reviewing the specific article. A minimum of three (3) blind reviewers is selected.  An email to each blind reviewer is then sent reviewing the peer review process. 
  • Are the claims appropriately discussed in the context of previous literature?
  • Are the claims convincing? If not, what further evidence is needed?
  • Are the claims novel? If not, which published papers compromise novelty?
  • Are there any special ethical concerns arising from the use of subjects?
  • Are there other experiments or work that would strengthen the paper further?
  • Could the manuscript be shortened?
  • Have the authors done themselves justice without overselling their claims?
  • Have they been fair in their treatment of previous literature?
  • Have they provided sufficient methodological detail that the experiments could be reproduced?
  • How does the paper stand out from others in its field?
  • How much would further work improve it, and how difficult would this be? Would it take a long time?
  • If not, how could it be made more clear or accessible to non-specialists?
  • If the manuscript is unacceptable but promising, what specific work is needed to make it acceptable?
  • If the manuscript is unacceptable, is the study sufficiently promising to encourage the authors to resubmit?
  • Is the manuscript clearly written?
  • Is the statistical analysis of the data sound?
  • Should the authors be asked to provide supplementary methods or data to accompany the paper online?
  • What are the main claims of the paper and how significant are they?
  • Who will be interested in reading the paper, and why?
  • Would readers outside the discipline benefit from this publication?

Note: The primary purpose of the review is to provide the editors with the information needed to reach a decision. The review should instruct the authors on how they can strengthen their paper to the point where it may be acceptable. As far as possible, a negative review should explain to the authors the weaknesses of their manuscript, so that rejected authors can understand the basis for the decision and see in broad terms what needs to be done to improve the manuscript for publication elsewhere. This is secondary to the other functions, however, and peer reviewers should not feel obliged to provide detailed, constructive advice to authors of papers that do not meet the criteria for the journal (as outlined in the letter from the editor when asking for the review). If the reviewer believes that a manuscript would not be suitable for publication, his/her report to the author should enable the author to understand the reason for the decision.

Once all of the reviews have been obtained, the Chief Editor determines whether to:

  • Accept, with or without editorial revisions
  • Invite the authors to revise their manuscript to address specific concerns before a final decision is reached
  • Reject, but indicate to the authors that further work might justify a resubmission
  • Reject outright, typically on grounds of specialist interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance, or major technical and/or interpretational problems
  • An email with the decision (and rationale for it) is then sent to the author(s).
  • Before publication, the article is then passed through three functions: copy editing (grammar, references), proofing (typographical errors, spelling errors), and layout (creating a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the article).

Editorial Board and Selection of Peer Reviewers

Editorial Board of Reviewers

All members of the Hofstra University Special Education Department will sit on the Editorial Board for the SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE . Each of the faculty will reach out to professionals in the field whom he/she knows to start the process of building a list of peer reviewers for specific types of articles. Reviewer selection is critical to the publication process, and we will base our choice on many factors, including expertise, reputation, specific recommendations, and previous experience of a reviewer.

Editor George Giuliani, JD, PsyD, Hofstra University

Hofstra University Special Education Faculty Elfreda Blue, Ph.D. Stephen Hernandez, Ed.D. Gloria Lodato Wilson, Ph.D. Mary E. McDonald, Ph.D, BCBA-D, LBA Diane Schwartz, Ed.D. 

Editorial Board Mohammed Alzyoudi, Ph.D., American University in the Emirates. Dubai. UAE Faith Andreasen, Ph.D. Vance L. Austin, Ph.D., Manhattanville College Amy Ballin, Ph.D. Dana Battaglia, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Westbury UFSD Brooke Blanks, Ph.D., Radford University Kathleen Boothe, Ph.D., Southeastern Oklahoma State University Nicholas Catania, PhD, State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota Lindsey A. Chapman, Ph.D., University of Florida Morgan Chitiyo, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro Jonathan Chitiyo, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Heidi Cornell, Ph.D., Wichita State University Lesley Craig-Unkefer, Ed.D., Middle Tennessee State University Amy Davies Lackey, Ph.D., BCBA-D Lauren Dean, Ed.D., Hofstra University Josh Del Viscovo, MS, BCSE, Northcentral University Darlene Desbrow, Ph.D., United States University Janet R. DeSimone, Ed.D., Lehman College, The City University of New York Lisa Dille, Ed.D., BCBA, Georgian Court University William Dorfman, B.A. (MA in progress), Florida International University Brandi Eley, Ph.D. Tracey Falardeau M.A., M.S., Midland Educational Agency Danielle Feeney, Ph.D., Ohio University Lisa Fleisher, Ph.D., New York University Neil O. Friesland, Ed.D., MidAmerica Nazarene University Theresa Garfield, Ed.D., Texas A&M University-San Antonio Leigh Gates, Ed.D., University of North Carolina Wilmington Sean Green, Ph.D. Deborah W. Hartman, M.S., Cedar Crest College Shawnna Helf, Ph.D., Winthrop University Nicole Irish, Ed.D., University of the Cumberlands Randa G. Keeley, Ph.D., Texas Woman's University Hyun Uk Kim, Ph.D., Eastern Oregon University Louisa Kramer-Vida, Ed.D., Long Island University Nai-Cheng Kuo, Ph.D., BCBA, Augusta University Renée E. Lastrapes, Ph.D., University of Houston-Clear Lake Debra Leach, Ed.D., BCBA, Winthrop University Marla J. Lohmann, Ph.D., Colorado Christian University Mary Lombardo-Graves, Ed.D., University of Evansville Pamela E. Lowry, Ed.D., Georgian Court University Denise Lucas, M.S. Matthew D. Lucas, Ed.D., Longwood University Jay R. Lucker, Ed.D., Howard University Jennifer N. Mahdavi, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Sonoma State University Alyson Martin, Ed.D., Fairfield University Krystle E. Merry, M.S. Ed., NBCT., Ph.D. Student, University of Arkansas Marcia Montague, Ph.D., Texas A&M University Chelsea T. Morris, Ph.D., University of West Georgia Gena Nelson, Ph.D., University of Oregon Lawrence Nhemachena, MSc, Universidade Catolica de Mozambique Maria B. Peterson Ahmad, Ph.D., Western Oregon University Christine Powell. Ed.D., California Lutheran University Deborah Reed, Ph.D., University of Tennessee Ken Reimer, Ph.D., University of Winnipeg Dana Reinecke, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Capella University Denise Rich-Gross, Ph.D., University of Akron Benjamin Riden, ABD - Ph.D., Penn State Mary Runo, Ph.D., Kenyatta University Emily Smith, Ed.D., Midwestern State University Carrie Semmelroth, Ed.D., Boise State University Pamela Mary Schmidt, M.S., Freeport High School Special Education Department Edward Schultz, Ph.D., Midwestern State University Mustafa Serdar Köksal, Ph.D., Hacettepe University, Turkey Emily R. Shamash, Ed.D., Fairfield University Christopher E. Smith, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Positive Behavior Support Consulting & Psychological Resources Emily Smith, Ed.D., Midwestern State University Gregory W. Smith. Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi Emily Sobeck, Ph.D., Franciscan University Ernest Solar, Ph.D., Mount St. Mary’s University Gretchen L. Stewart , Ph.D., University of South Florida Roben Taylor Daubler, Ed.D., Western Governors University Jessie Sue Thacker-King, Flagler College Julia VanderMolen, Ph.D., Grand Valley State University Cindy Widner, Ed.D., Carson Newman University Kathleen G. Winterman, Ed.D., Xavier University Sara B. Woolf, Ed.D., Queens College, City University of New York Perry A. Zirkel, J.D., Ph.D., Lehigh University

Additional Policies and Conclusion

Ensuring Anonymity and Blind Reviews The Chief Editor will not release reviewers' identities to authors or to other reviewers.  Reviewers will also remain anonymous throughout the review process and beyond.

Copyright and Reprint Rights SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE is published by Hofstra University. SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE retains copyright of all original materials, however, the author(s) retains the right to use, after publication in the journal, all or part of the contribution in a modified form as part of any subsequent publication.

If the author(s) use the materials in a subsequent publication, whether in whole or part, SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE must be acknowledged as the original publisher of the article. All other requests for use or re-publication in whole or part, should be addressed to the Editor of SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE

Conclusion SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE has the potential to be a leading online peer review journal locally, state-wide, nationally and internationally. With a mission of being an online peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing the professional development of special education professionals through research, policy, and practice, SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE will promote new and exciting research in the field of special education. The faculty in the Special Education programs at Hofstra University is committed to making SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE a highly reputable online research journal.

Examples of Thesis Topics in Special Education

Special education research topics include the impact of teachers and the classroom setting.

Unlike a general term paper, writing a postsecondary thesis means that you'll need to choose a specific topic that applies to special education. From the impact that developmental delays and disorders have in the classroom to challenges that special educators face, college and graduate-level thesis ideas include options that explain academic theory yet focus on current research in the field.

Explore this article

  • Collaborative Contributions
  • Beyond Academic Hurdles
  • Inclusive Settings
  • Specific Students

1 Collaborative Contributions

Teaching children with special needs presents challenges that the non-special educator doesn't face. A potential thesis topic in this area may focus on how collaborative teaching arrangements can impact and benefit special education teachers. Ideas in this area include detailed subjects, such as co-teaching with a paraprofessional, collaborations between teachers and other professionals such as speech-language therapists, and working in an inclusive classroom with other educators. For example, the article "Co-Teaching: An Illustration of the Complexity of Collaboration in Special Education" in the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation tackles the specific area of co-teaching students with special needs in a mainstream classroom.

2 Beyond Academic Hurdles

Discussing the academic issues that students with special needs face is an obvious route to take when choosing a thesis topic. If you're looking for something that goes beyond educational aspects, a subject such as peer interactions -- or more specifically, bullying -- is one way to go. This topic includes how students with disabilities, delays and disorders interact with typically-functioning peers in an inclusive classroom, the problems they face and how teachers can manage the social aspects of working with children who have special needs. For example, students with special needs are prey to a higher level of peer victimization than other children in a mainstreamed classroom, according to the article "Bullying Perpetration and Victimization in Special Education: A Review of the Literature" in the journal Remedial and Special Education.

3 Inclusive Settings

All children ages 3- through 21-years-old with disabilities and delays have the right to a free public school education, according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The National Education for Education Statistic's "Fast Facts" on inclusive settings shows that in the 2010 school year, roughly 95 percent of special education students ages 6 through 21 attended a regular school. A thesis topic may include how an inclusive environment can help or hinder students with specific disorders, such as autism or downs syndrome, as well as placement trends for mainstreaming.

4 Specific Students

Approaching a thesis in special education may mean choosing one specific disorder or delay, such as autism spectrum disorder, down syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities. A thesis in one of these areas may include how special education teachers can help children with a specific disorder, how special needs students learn, specific modes of education or how schools match a student's needs with the right classroom setting.

  • 1 Remedial and Special Education: Bullying Perpetration and Victimization in Special Education: A Review of the Literature
  • 2 National Education for Education Statistics: Fast Facts, Students With Disabilities, Inclusion Of
  • 3 The Journal of Special Education: Are We Moving Toward Educating Students With Disabilities in Less Restrictive Settings?

About the Author

Based in Pittsburgh, Erica Loop has been writing education, child development and parenting articles since 2009. Her articles have appeared in "Pittsburgh Parent Magazine" and the website PBS Parents. She has a Master of Science in applied developmental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh's School of Education.

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  • Research topics related to

100 Research topics related to Special Education

research topics related to

  • November 30, 2022
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Looking for research topics related to Special Education? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to Special Education, depending on your specialization and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page also to get an idea of what project topics to write on.

Special Education program focuses on the design and provision of teaching and other educational services to children or adults with special learning needs or disabilities , and that may prepare individuals to function as special education teachers. The primary purposes of research topics related to Special Education are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.

120 Research topics related to Special Education

  • A Comparative Study Of The Academic Performance Of Boarding And Day Students In Education.
  • A Study Of The Causes Of Teenage Pregnancy Among Female Students And Its Effects On Their Academic
  • A Study Of The Causes, Effects And Remedies Of Drug Abuse Among Secondary School Students
  • A Study Of The Common Difficulties Encountered By Students In Chemistry
  • A Study Of The Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Girls In Senior Secondary Schools.
  • A Study To Determine The Relationship Between The Availability And Use Of Instructional Materials.
  • A Survey Of Causes And Modes Of Exploitation Of Students By Teachers
  • A Survey Of The Causes Of Indiscipline Among Students In Public Schools
  • Abstinence-Only Vs. Comprehensive Sex Education: Policy No Graph Series
  • Abstinence-Only And Comprehensive Sex Education And The Initiation Of Sexual Activity And Teen Pregnancy
  • Administrators’ Supervisory Skills And Teacher’s Job Performance In Secondary Schools.
  • An Assessment Of The Prevalence Of Sexual Immorality Among Secondary School Students
  • An Investigation Into The Causes Of Poor Performance Of Students In Chemistry
  • An Investigation Into The Causes Of Truancy Among Students In Secondary School
  • An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Teaching Methods And Academic Performances Of Secondary
  • Assessment Of Youth Reproductive Health Programs
  • Attitude Of Secondary School Principal Towards School Inspection
  • Attitude Of Students And Parents Towards The Teaching Of Sex Education In Secondary Schools
  • Attitudes Of Costa Rican Students And Teachers On Sex And Population Education
  • Attitudes Of Teachers And Parent Toward Corporal Punishment In Secondary School
  • Availability Of Instructional Materials For The Teaching Of Business Studies
  • Better Learning In Schools To Improve Attitudes Toward Abstinence And Intentions For Safer Sex Among Adolescents
  • Career Opportunities For Adult Education Graduates
  • Causes And Effect Of Poor Nutrition On Children Under The Age Of 15 Years
  • Causes And Effect Of Poor Reading Habit Among Junior Secondary School Students
  • Causes And Problems Of Divorce And Its Effect On Child Education In Selected Schools
  • Causes Of Drug Abuse And Its Consequences On The Academic Performance Of Students.
  • Causes Of Student Poor Academic Performance In Teaching Of Social Studies
  • Causes, Effects And Solution To Inflation
  • Causes, Effects And 21st Century Solution To Examination Malpractice Among Secondary School Students.
  • Causes, Effects, And Control Of Communicable Diseases In Secondary Schools
  • Communicable Diseases Among Primary School Pupils
  • Comparison Of Measures Of Central Tendency
  • Compensation For Environmental Degradation
  • Consequences Of Polygamous Marriage On The Christians
  • Contraception And Sexuality Among Students Of College Of Education
  • Current Status Of Hiv Sentinels Surveillance Data And Aids Case Reporting
  • Drug Abuse And Student’s Academic Performances In Senior Secondary School
  • Effect Of Classroom Control And Management In Secondary Schools
  • Effect Of Manual Labour On The Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils
  • Effect Of Secondary School Student’s Disciplinary Problem On Academic Performance
  • Effect Of Unemployment On Computer Education Graduates
  • Effectiveness Of Information Communication Technology On Teaching And Learning
  • Evaluation Of The Effect Of Credit Use On The Productivity Of Small Scale Cowpea Farmers
  • Exploratory Study Of Parents’ Perceptions Of Teaching Sex Education
  • Factors Associated With The Content Of Sex Education In U.S. Public Secondary Schools.
  • Factors Influencing Choice Of School Subjects Among Junior Secondary Schools
  • Factors Militating Against Effective Management Of The Public
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  • Hiv/Aids. Preventing Infection Among Adolescents And Young People
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  • Impact Of School Facilities On Student Academic Performance
  • Implication For Student’S Sex Education In Korea
  • Influence Of Continuous Assessment On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • Issues In Examination Malpractices In Educational System.
  • Job Satisfaction Among Counselors In Secondary Schools
  • Moral Discipline And Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • New Brunswick Teachers’ Ideas About Sexual Health Education. Can J Of Human Sexuality.
  • Opportunities And Challenges In School- Based Sex And Sexual Health Education In Nepal
  • Outcomes Of A Systematically Designed Strategy For The Implementation Of Sex Education
  • Parent Opinion Of Sexuality Education In A State With Mandated Abstinence Education
  • Parents And Sex Education: Parents’ Attitudes To Sexual Health Education
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  • Perceptions Of Portuguese Teachers Of Sex Education
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  • Public Opinion On Sex Education In Us Schools
  • Religion And Good Governance:
  • Review Opportunities And Challenges In School-Based Sex And Sexual Health Education In Nepal.
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  • The Effect Of Gender On Career Choice Of Secondary School Students
  • The Effect Of Instructional Materials On The Learning And Teaching Of Economics In Secondary Schools
  • The Effect Of Language Interference On The Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools.
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  • The Effects Of Indiscipline On the Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • The Effects Of Social Networking On Students’ Performance: A Case Study Of Students In The University
  • The Impact Of Women’S Education In The Growth And Development
  • The Influence Of Gender On The Education Of The Girl Child
  • The Problem And Prospect Of Teaching And Learning Physics In Secondary School Level.
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  • The Problem Of Absenteeism In Selected Schools
  • The Problems And Prospects Of Using Teaching Aids In The Teaching Of Chemistry
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  • The Role Of Motivation In The Approach Of Teaching Business Studies
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PROOF POINTS: New research review questions the evidence for special education inclusion

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what are some good research topics in special education

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what are some good research topics in special education

For the past 25 years, U.S. policy has urged schools to keep students with disabilities in the same classrooms with their general education peers unless severe disabilities prevent it. It seems a humane policy not to wall off those with disabilities and keep them apart from society. Who would argue against it?

Website for Mind/Shift

Schools have embraced inclusion. According to the most recent data from 2020-21 school year, two thirds of the 7 million students with disabilities who receive special education services spent 80 percent or more of their time in traditional classrooms. Separation is less common today; only one out of every eight students with disabilities was taught separately in a special-needs only environment most of the time.  

But a recent international analysis of all the available research on special education inclusion found inconsistent results. Some children thrived while others did very badly in regular classrooms. Overall, students didn’t benefit academically, psychologically or socially from the practice. Math and reading scores, along with psychosocial measures, were no higher for children with disabilities who learned in general education classrooms, on average, compared to children who learned in separate special education classrooms. 

“I was surprised,”said Nina Dalgaard, lead author of the inclusion study for the Campbell Collaboration , a nonprofit organization that reviews research evidence for public policy purposes. “Despite a rather large evidence base, it doesn’t appear that inclusion automatically has positive effects. To the contrary, for some children, it appears that being taught in a segregated setting is actually beneficial.”

Many disability advocates balked at the findings, published in December 2022, on social media. An influential lobbying organization, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, said it continues to believe that inclusion is beneficial for students and that this study will “not change” how the disability community advocates for students. 

“Students with disabilities have a right to learn alongside their peers, and studies have shown that this is beneficial not only for students with disabilities but also for other students in the classroom,” said Lindsay Kubatzky, the organization’s director of policy and advocacy. “Every student is different, and ‘inclusion’ for one student may look different from others. For some, it could be a classroom separate from their peers, but that is rarely the case.”

The Campbell Collaboration study is a meta-analysis, which means it is supposed to sweep up all the best research on a topic and use statistics to tell us where the preponderance of the evidence lies. Dalgaard, a senior researcher at VIVE—The Danish Centre for Social Science Research, initially found over 2,000 studies on special education inclusion. But she threw out 99 percent of them, many of which were quite favorable to inclusion. Most were qualitative studies that described students’ experiences in an inclusion classroom but didn’t rigorously track academic progress. Among those that did monitor math or reading, many simply noted how much students improved in an inclusive setting, but didn’t compare those gains with how students might have otherwise fared in a separate special-needs-only setting. 

Fewer than 100 studies had comparison groups, but still most of those didn’t make the cut because the students in inclusive settings were vastly different from those in separate settings. Special education is a particularly difficult area to study because researchers cannot randomly assign students with disabilities to different treatments. Schools tend to keep children with milder disabilities in a regular classroom and teach only those with the most severe disabilities separately. In comparing how both groups fare, it should be no surprise that students with milder disabilities outperform those with more severe disabilities. But that’s not good evidence that inclusion is better. “It’s a serious, confounding bias,” Dalgaard said.

In the end, Dalgaard was left with only 15 studies where the severity of the disability was somehow noted so that she could compare apples to apples. These 15 studies covered more than 7,000 students, ages six through 16, across nine countries. Four of the studies were conducted in the United States with the others in Europe. 

The disabilities in the studies ranged widely, from the most common ones, such as dyslexia, ADHD, speech impairments and autism, to rarer ones, such as Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. Some students had mild versions; others had more severe forms. I asked Dalgaard if she found clues in the results as to which disabilities were more conducive to inclusion. I was curious if children with severe dyslexia, for example, might benefit from separate instruction with specially trained reading teachers for the first couple of years after diagnosis. 

Dalgaard said there wasn’t enough statistical evidence to untangle when inclusion is most beneficial. But she did notice in the underlying studies that students with autism seem to be better off in a separate setting. For example, their psychosocial scores were higher. But more studies would be needed to confirm this. 

She also noticed that how a school goes about including students with disabilities mattered. In schools that used a co-teaching model, one regular teacher and one trained in special education, students fared better in inclusion classrooms. Again, more research is needed to confirm this statistically. And, even if co-teaching proves to be effective over multiple studies, not every school can afford to hire two teachers for every classroom. It’s particularly cost-prohibitive in middle and high school as teachers specialize in subjects. 

Instead, Dalgaard noted that inclusion is often a cost-cutting practice because schools save money when they no longer run separate classrooms or schools for children with disabilities. “In some cases, children with disabilities no longer had access to the same resources. It’s not supposed to happen this way, but it does in some places,” said Dalgaard. “That is probably why the results of the meta-analysis show that some children actually learn more in segregated settings.”

I was surprised to learn from Dalgaard that no sound meta-analysis has found “clear” benefits for special education inclusion. Indeed, previous meta-analyses have found exactly the same inconsistent or very small positive results, she said. This latest Campbell Collaboration study was commissioned to see if newer research, published from 2000 to September 2021, would move the dial. It did not.

As a nation, we spend an estimated $90 billion a year in federal, state and local taxpayer funds on educating children with disabilities. We ought to know more about how to best help them learn. 

This story about  special education inclusion was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for the  Hechinger newsletter .

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(212)... More by Jill Barshay

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re: https://hechingerreport.org/proof-ponts-new-research-review-questions-the-evidence-for-special-education-inclusion/ Ref: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cl2.1291 The effects of inclusion on academic achievement, socioemotional development and wellbeing of children with special educational needs

Jill Barshay, Hechinger Reports cc Dr. Nina Dalgaard

It is important to conduct periodic meta-analysis of topics related to public policy, funding and other aspects of education.

I disagree with the reporting by Jill Bashay regarding special education learner inclusion/exclusion.

The reason for my disagreement is that the referenced study authors report contains the authors’ data collection and meta-analysis conclusions (see below) that valid information for meta-analysis is inadequate. My read of the Dalgaard met-analysis report suggests that the two extremes – full inclusion or full exclusion – of SEN students in the ‘normal’ population may be harmful but is really unknown. Therefore, until more and better research is achieved, some logical blend of inclusion/exclusion can be designed and implemented to achieve learning and social integration objectives. My opinion comes from leading manufacturing ventures that have intentionally accommodated “SEN” adults successfully in ways that give them personal work settings along with collaborative opportunities. The emotional intelligence for diversity, equity and inclusion is, I believe, better achieved by starting in the K-12 system.

Larry Gebhardt Ph.D., Captain US Navy (Retired) Pocatello, Idaho

Data Collection and Analysis The total number of potentially relevant studies constituted 20,183 hits. A total of 94 studies met the inclusion criteria, all were non-randomised studies. The 94 studies analysed data from 19 different countries. Only 15 studies could be used in the data synthesis. Seventy-nine studies could not be used in the data synthesis as they were judged to be of critical risk of bias and, in accordance with the protocol, were excluded from the meta-analysis on the basis that they would be more likely to mislead than inform. The 15 studies came from nine different countries. Separate meta-analyses were conducted on conceptually distinct outcomes. All analyses were inverse variance weighted using random effects statistical models. Sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the robustness of pooled effect sizes across components of risk of bias.

Authors’ Conclusions The overall methodological quality of the included studies was low, and no experimental studies in which children were randomly assigned to intervention and control conditions were found. The 15 studies, which could be used in the data synthesis, were all, except for one, judged to be in serious risk of bias. Results of the meta-analyses do not suggest on average any sizeable positive or negative effects of inclusion on children’s academic achievement as measured by language, literacy, and math outcomes or on the overall psychosocial adjustment of children. The average point estimates favoured inclusion, though small and not statistically significant, heterogeneity was present in all analyses, and there was inconsistency in direction and magnitude of the effect sizes. This finding is similar to the results of previous meta-analyses, which include studies published before 2000, and thus although the number of studies in the current meta-analyses is limited, it can be concluded that it is very unlikely that inclusion in general increases or decreases learning and psychosocial adjustment in children with special needs. Future research should explore the effects of different kinds of inclusive education for children with different kinds of special needs, to expand the knowledge base on what works for whom.

Of course inclusion, just in general, doesn’t increase outcomes. Just like exclusion, just in general, doesn’t help anyone. So many other things have to be true. What the kids and adults are actually doing when they are being ‘included,’ matters the most. Is there one general education teacher with 25 kids and kids with disabilities are just in class receiving whole group instruction without any targeted supports? Is there a strong co-teaching model led by two content experts with most time spent in small groups? Is the special educator a content expert? If you think about what is true about a self-contained classroom that would, arguably, be better for a student, those things can be replicated within a general education setting. As a school leader, professor, former self-contained, and inclusion teacher, there is no arguing with the notion that a non-verbal student with autism is NOT categorically better off in an autism classroom than in an inclusion classroom with strong language models. The structure of the classroom and the roles of adults have to be strategically designed so that kids benefit from any classroom structure, inclusion or otherwise. I have trained hundreds of school leaders all across the country and have learned that most schools don’t know how to do inclusion well. Let’s talk about that.

I am in total agreement with Tony Barton’s comment. Jill Barshay’s article reinforced what we know: that the right set-up plays a critical role in the outcome. Therefore, since there are so few properly conducted studies, we must focus our attention to ensure that our students with disabilities are all in settings that are conducive to progress in all domains- academically, psychologically and socially. Ensuring all our educators are properly trained is the first step. I have also found that I will create the learning environment for each struggling student based on the current conditions – and include each student’s personality traits as part of the assessment done to determine where the student will truly feel best and progress most. This is similar to a general statement regarding pain. One can never compare his pain to another since pain is physiological and cannot be measured via comparison. Since the personality and individual abilities of the student, teacher, assistant and special educator all will impact the student’s outcome- it is hard to measure and determine where success is most feasible without being aware of all variables. I agree that most schools don’t know how to do inclusion well- or don’t have the staff to properly support it. This article is great in raising our collective awareness of why the Campbell Study couldn’t be more targeted and concise with its results and what we can do to support our students best.

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what are some good research topics in special education

Qualitative Research Topics in Special Education

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to special education. Every learner has different requirements and difficulties, necessitating a tailored method of instruction. To better understand the experiences and viewpoints of students, parents, and educators, qualitative research can help in this situation. By examining their experiences, viewpoints, and attitudes, we can learn more about what works and what doesn’t in special education, including evidence-based practices . To truly impact the lives of those who need it most, read on if you’re interested in learning more about the vast and difficult field of special education. In this blog, we’ll discuss some engaging qualitative research topics in special education, and they’re guaranteed to pique your curiosity and motivate you to reconsider how we instruct and assist students with disabilities.

What Are Good Special Education Research Topics?

Special education has a wide range of prospective study topics depending on your interests and specialization. The following are special education topics for discussion:

  • Inclusive Education : How can we make classroom settings that are more welcoming to all students—regardless of their abilities or disabilities—and that promote learning and well-being?
  • Family involvement: How can families and parents participate in their child’s special education program more effectively, and how does this affect the child’s academic and social outcomes?
  • Assistive Technology: What obstacles or difficulties are there in integrating and using this technology to support the learning and communication needs of students with disabilities? You can find more about assistive technology on the Understood website.
  • Transition to Adulthood: To properly prepare students with disabilities for life after high school—including post-secondary education, work, and independent living—we must consider the transition to adulthood. Resources from Transition Coalition can be of great help.
  • Teacher Preparation: How can special education teachers best learn and use the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively meet their students’ diverse needs? This involves areas like collaborative teaching .

These are only a handful of the numerous significant and intriguing research questions that special education needs to examine.

What is an example of a Qualitative Research Topic in Education? | Special Education Research Paper Topics

Investigating the transition to kindergarten for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) illustrates a qualitative research topic in special education. This research may involve conducting interviews or focus groups with parents to better understand parents’ perspectives on the transition process, including their interactions with school staff, the provision of services and supports, and their child’s adjustment to the new environment. This research aims to pinpoint particular difficulties that families experience during this time and create plans for providing greater assistance for parents and kids throughout this crucial transition.

Examining how instructors implement differentiated teaching in inclusive classrooms is another example of a qualitative research issue in special education. To understand teachers’ perspectives on the efficacy of this approach in meeting the various learning needs of students with disabilities and the obstacles and difficulties they encounter in successfully implementing it, this research may involve conducting interviews or observations with teachers. Developing teacher training programs to facilitate the efficient use of this strategy and identifying best practices for applying differentiated instruction in inclusive classrooms may be the objectives of this research.

The effect of peer tutoring on the academic and social results of students with disabilities is a third illustration of a qualitative research issue in special education. To understand students’ opinions on the peer tutoring experience, particularly the efficiency of this strategy in boosting their academic success and social integration in the classroom, this research may involve conducting interviews or focus groups with students. The aim of this research could be to design programs that can improve the academic and social well-being of students with disabilities and to uncover specific ways for successfully implementing peer tutoring.

Qualitative research in special education aims to better understand the experiences and viewpoints of kids, families, and instructors in this setting. Researchers can pinpoint specific difficulties and practical solutions for addressing the various learning requirements of students with disabilities by examining these issues.

Qualitative Research Topics in Special Education | Educational Research Topics

Here are a few possible research paper thesis statements for special education:

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted special education programs for students with disabilities, and there is rising worry about the long-term repercussions of these disruptions. To minimize the pandemic’s negative consequences on kids with disabilities’ academic and social results, researchers are investigating the opportunities and challenges of remote and hybrid learning for these children.

Teaching that is culturally sensitive in special education: Culturally sensitive teaching is becoming increasingly important in fostering fairness and inclusion in special education. To enhance the development of cultural competency among special education instructors, researchers are looking into how to include culturally responsive techniques in special education programs.

Students with disabilities are increasingly being prepared for post-secondary education, employment, and independent life as they transition to adulthood . Researchers are looking into effective transition strategies and potential difficulties and obstacles that kids with disabilities can experience during this crucial time.

Technology can be a vital component in meeting the communication and learning needs of children with disabilities—assistive technology for students with impairments. Researchers are investigating how assistive technology is used in special education and the difficulties in obtaining and using these resources.

Inclusive education: Inclusive education attempts to build classrooms that support the learning and well-being of all students, regardless of aptitude or disability. Researchers are investigating the best ways to promote inclusive education and the potential and difficulties associated with this strategy.

These are just a handful of the hot topics in special education 2021 that will be discussed. There will probably be additional areas of attention and research as the profession develops to support the various requirements of students with disabilities.

These hypotheses only scratch the surface of conceivable topics for a research paper on special education. Ultimately, the research question, the project’s scope, and the information and resources will determine the paper’s exact topic and focus. Download the special education research paper thesis pdf

Special Education Research Paper Topics: Research Topics Related to Inclusive Education

The following research areas in inclusive education are listed:

  • The effect of teacher attitudes and beliefs on adopting inclusive education practices: This study may examine how teachers’ attitudes and beliefs on diversity, inclusion, and disability affect their capacity to adopt inclusive educational practices.
  • Peer support’s effect on social outcomes in inclusive classrooms: This study may examine how peer support fosters social inclusion and healthy connections between students with and without disabilities.
  • Examining the effectiveness of inclusive education practices in fostering the academic success of students with disabilities, including the impact of differentiated instruction, universal design for learning, and other strategies, this research could look at the academic outcomes for students with disabilities due to inclusive education.
  • Effective techniques for meeting the different learning requirements of children with multiple impairments in inclusive classrooms could be explored in this study. These strategies might include assistive technology, tailored assistance, and collaborative planning.
  • The effect of inclusive education practices on students without disabilities’ attitudes and beliefs about students with disabilities might be investigated in this study, which would also encourage social inclusion and good connections.
  • Effective models of professional development that support teachers’ knowledge and expertise in inclusive education practices and encourage the successful implementation of these practices in the classroom could be examined in this study as effective strategies for supporting teachers’ professional development in inclusive education.

These are only a few instances of inclusive education-related research topics. There will probably be additional areas of concentration and study to support the effective implementation of inclusive education approaches as the subject develops.

Jennifer Hanson is a dedicated and seasoned writer specializing in the field of special education. With a passion for advocating for the rights and needs of children with diverse learning abilities, Jennifer uses her pen to educate, inspire, and empower both educators and parents alike.

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