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Senior design projects.

Project topics Design process Capstone expo Sponsor a project Industry Capstone Program

Senior design projects (also known as "capstone" projects) are the centerpiece of the ME curriculum's professional component, allowing students to be involved in interesting, real-world activities. Each senior is required to complete this course. Capstone projects are each advised by a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member who works with the teams.

A crowded room with people discussing and viewing poster presentations at an exhibition.

For more detailed information, please visit ME Undergraduate Advising Canvas: Capstone Page .

Without exception, all ME 495 projects must be team efforts. Teams must consist of between three and five students.

Project topics

Students can pursue their varied technical and professional interests through a selection of projects that include:

A person in a purple shirt works on a laptop connected to a complex robotic device with wires and mechanical parts in a workshop.

Student club-based

  • Human Powered Submarine
  • Husky Robotics
  • Formula Motorsports

Four individuals work on a project involving a medical dummy and electronic components on a table.

  • Mechatronics
  • Engineering Innovation in Health

Five individuals stand in front of a presentation poster at a science exhibition.

  • Industry-sponsored projects
  • Student-inspired projects
  • Faculty-guided projects

Design process

Capstone design projects allow students to experience the rigor and structure of a full-cycle design, including:

  Problem definition

  benchmark studies,   concept generation and feasibility study,   engineering design analyses,   prototype fabrication and testing.

Through the capstone courses, students learn to fully define a design problem. This includes not only a statement of the project deliverables and objectives in the layman's or client's terms, but also a full definition of the agreed upon functional requirements and constraints (quantified). In the case of the competition-based projects, the problem definition is based on the detailed rules and guidelines of the competition.

All of the capstone projects draw upon at least several fundamental engineering science areas and involve significant quantitative analysis often in the form of numerical simulation, typically preceded by approximate analytical solutions. Industry-inspired projects are carefully selected on the basis of the required fundamental engineering science areas and also to align with the core expertise of the faculty adviser.

All projects must include a written report. Although the form of the report may vary according to the nature and requirements of the individual project, all final reports must contain the following (or equivalent) sections:

  • Risk and liability
  • Ethical issues
  • Impact on society
  • Impact on the environment
  • Cost and engineering economics

Capstone expo

At the end of each academic year, ME undergraduates showcase their capstone design projects through posters, prototypes, exhibits and demos at an annual capstone expo.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Sponsor a project

  • For health-related projects, contact Kat Steele , Albert S. Kobayashi Endowed Professor
  • For all other types of projects, contact Jill Kaatz , CoE Industry Capstone Program Director

Industry Capstone Program

The Industry Capstone Program brings together UW students and professionals to tackle real-world, interdisciplinary engineering problems. Sponsors bring in projects from their organizations and provide support to teams of creative, talented engineering students who will design and build innovative solutions.

View capstone projects

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Senior Capstone Design Projects

Spring 2021 Senior Expo Information

Lab Location: Brown Hall Room 118

Coordinator:  andy pardue.

Senior Capstone Lab 1

At Tennessee Tech, we want you to know not only how to DESIGN solutions, but also have some experience BUILDING the solutions. This hands-on experience will make you a better engineer. One way we incorporate this learning experience is in our two Senior Capstone Design Project courses, which all Mechanical Engineering students take. Students select projects and begin making progress in ME 4410, where they start the development phase by creating the preliminary design, supporting analysis for the design, and drawings with a list of needed supplies and associated costs for the project.  In ME 4420, the student teams continue with the design build, prototyping, and testing phases to complete the project.

As part of the courses and lab, students are provided with experience in the use of mechanical engineering design for the solution of engineering problems. You'll work in a team environment on selected mechanical engineering projects emphasizing both mechanical systems and thermal science design aspects. Important parts of the two-semester design projects include a formal project proposal, design analysis report, engineering drawings, project construction, and project testing. Formal written and oral presentations about the projects' results are made at the completion of the project. Time scheduling and project costs are also important considerations.

Upon completion of this class, the student will be able to:

  • Engage in the various elements of the engineering design process.
  • Complete a group-based, hands-on, capstone design project.
  • Employ basic computer-based data acquisition.
  • Use programmable logic controllers and ladder-based programming.
  • Work in a team environment on an engineering design project.
  • Determine the potential impact of ethical and societal concerns on the engineer and engineering design process.
  • Prepare and delivery/submission of a written report(s) and an oral presentation.
  • Communicate with a variety of "nonacademic" contacts (e.g. technicians, vendors, and other professionals for the purpose of gaining factual information and making component purchases).

Mechanical engineering students at Tennessee Tech have access to leading-edge laboratories, which are well outfitted with the latest equipment, hardware, and software. Undergraduate students in the Senior Capstone Design courses use these labs to help gain valuable, hands-on experience as they complete their projects over the course of two semesters. This is precisely the kind of experience that many of the top companies in the nation are looking for in new employees, helping to make our graduates more competitive in the job market.

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Senior Design

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

New projects

We are always looking for new partners in industry, research, and academia. If you have a project you believe would be a good fit for a senior design team, complete the form below.

CREATe – Capstone Realization of Engineering and Technology

CREATE is an option to the required senior capstone design course that allows significant participation by industry, and as such, adds a professional element into the course offering. Students have many options for their senior design project, including industry-provided projects, undergraduate competition teams and faculty-defined projects. CREATE provides funding for project materials, student travel to client site, overhead for the student machine shop and graduate teaching assistants who work with faculty to guide the students through the design process. An engineering liaison from the client company will interact directly with the students in design meetings to provide the industry perspective. And companies gain insight into potential future employees by working with the students over a 30-week period.

Choosing a project

Senior Design - Choosing a Project

Mechanical engineering students are a hard working group.  Senior design is a 2-semester six-credit hour course sequence, which translates to a required 10 hours of work per student per week outside of the classroom for 30 weeks.  If you consider a typical team of five students and the 30 weeks that they are enrolled in the class, you can expect 1350 hours of effort towards your project during the academic year.  Many students work significantly more hours towards the end of the academic year as they take ownership of the project.

Since the project spans two academic semesters (August — May), it is best to come up with a problem that is important to the company, but not urgent for the scope of the project.  Ideally, product development projects or machine design projects are sought; those that require a broad engineering skill-set along with creativity and business sense.  Students will be required to write three reports and make four presentations with feedback from the client, faculty advisor and industry panel guiding their progress.  A final poster event is also required where student teams, faculty, and industry members celebrate, showcase and evaluate accomplishments.

In the CREATE program students can use funds to travel to the client site for visits and plant tours. Client visits to campus are encouraged for the mid-term and final presentations and for other major milestones.  Students will meet weekly with their faculty advisor and graduate teaching assistant (GTA), guiding them in the engineering design process.  During these meetings, an engineering liaison from the company will be asked to join via telecon or in person so that the company’s perspective is represented.  Generally, the closer the client is located to the Blacksburg campus, the more frequent, but likely shorter the visits. More distant clients can expect longer but less frequent visits. Students are taught the value of face-to-face contact with clients, whether the project demands intensive on-site activity or not. As a rough guideline, you should consider the following minimum expectations. For more distant projects that involve air travel, the arrangements are subject to your budget:

In terms of technical areas your project might cover, the list below is a good starting point for the types of projects we seek.  One of the novel aspects of the CREATE program is that it encourages multidisciplinary projects, where engineering students from other disciplines are enrolled and receive senior design credit through their participation in the Mechanical Engineering program.  This can include students from various disciplines such as Materials Engineering, Engineering Science and Mechanics, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering.

Selecting a team

Senior Design - Selecting a Team

Students individually can explore the senior design projects that are available through a course enrollment website, and select their top choices, submit a resume for review and are matched with a project team. In this sense, your project will be competing with all other senior design projects for an interested group of students.  A maximum enrollment limit is set by mutual agreement between the faculty advisor and client (usually 5 – 8 students).  In the submission form, you can specify particular requirements. The most common requirement is US Citizenship in the case of sensitive projects. Of course, the more requirements you place on a team’s make- up, the less likely it is that a team will meet the requirements. All projects must have all three design elements: DESIGN, BUILD & TEST.

Mechanical Engineering Skill and Knowledge Areas

Senior Design - ME Skill and Knowledge

  • Autonomous systems
  • Biomechanics, biological systems engineering
  • Design for assembly / disassembly
  • Design for manufacture
  • Dynamics and controls
  • Energy production and delivery
  • Ergonomics or human factors engineering
  • Green engineering
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Human-systems integration
  • Material handling
  • Product design or development
  • Structural design
  • System design or redesign
  • Systems Engineering
  • Transportation technologies
  • Thermal and fluid systems
  • Turbomachinery design

Evaluating the Project Team

Senior Design - Evaluating the Project Team

The coordinator of the capstone program will periodically prompt you for evaluations of the team. You will be involved in grading since; after all, you are the customer. Quick and easy standardized forms will be provided. There are fixed milestones such as developing customer requirements, monthly progress reports and a final report, but you can request more frequent updates from the team, including in-house briefings. While the coordinator will prompt you for feedback, you certainly don’t need to wait if a concern or conflict arises. Contact the coordinator at any time should such concerns or questions emerge. For major deliverables, the client (customer satisfaction), advisor (technical), and a review panel (normalization) provide input for grading.  In addition to reports and presentations, the students will construct a working prototype that must be demonstrated.

End of Semester Presentations

Senior Design - Presentations

The CREATE affiliates are invited to participate in the presentations at the end of the Fall and Spring Semesters, the poster event showcase at the end of the Spring semester, and will have a chance to attend other senior design presentations as well.  The days dedicated to the final presentations and poster showcase also provide companies an opportunity to network with their Affiliate partners as well as with other student design teams.  This is a great opportunity to explore the depth of research projects that are possible at VT, with faculty and graduate students on hand to answer questions.


Advanced product prototyping lab in engineering design.

It is a 3100 sq. ft machine shop, electrical lab, and project work space for the Capstone design project teams for building functioning prototypes and final fabrications for the companies. It is located in the Old Military building near VT Rescue.

Machine Shop Equipment: Manual mill, manual lathe, metal cutting vertical band saw, wood cutting vertical band saw, horizontal band saw, CNC router table, CNS laser cutter/engraver, multiple drill presses, bench grinder, stick/TIG welding machine, stationary belt and disc sander, 3-in-1 sheet metal machine, arbor press, miter saw, scroll saw, pipe bender.

Electrical Equipment: Solder stations, oscilloscopes, voltage supplies (DC), data acquisition equipment, digital scale, digital multimeter.

Project Space Assignment: The lab has space to accommodate 15 industry-sponsored teams. Each team gets a dedicated workbench.

Students involved in a Ware Lab undergraduate project may gain card access to the lab after meeting the lab’s training requirements. NO graduate level work can be conducted in the facility.

Joshua Sole

Joshua Sole Professor of Practice / Senior Design Director VT Mechanical Engineering (540) 231-9932 [email protected]

Project Examples

More than 1,000 projects successfully completed.

Below are just a handful of recent projects.

Exhibits for the Orpheum Children's Science Museum (Champaign, Illinois)

During the 2018 spring semester, two teams of five MechSE undergradudates created two new interactive astronomy-themed exhibits for the Orpheum Children's Science Museum in Champaign, Illinois. “Asteroid Mine” and “Orphy’s Escape to Space” are first-of-their-kind projects for the Senior Capstone Design Program. The students were given full autonomy to conceive, design, and build the exhibits, and they collaborated with Orpheum staff and MechSE faculty advisors. The students created original, interactive, working exhibits over the course of a single semester.  We thank Phillips 66 for their support!

Hydraulic bike for the Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge

The goal of the 2018 spring semester team for the hydraulic bike project was to create a hydraulic system capable of powering and driving a bicycle for the National Fluid Power Association's vehicle challenge. Requirements include a power input, drive motor, a mechanism to store hydraulic power, and regenerative braking. The team produced a functioning treadle pump and hydraulic motor system with improved valving and consistent hydraulic flow. 

Compact and Efficient Fluid Power Competition: Additive manufactured excavator cab

excavator cab

Design of a Solar Powered Lemur Heating and Cooling System (for Johnson Controls and the Lemur Conservation Foundation)


Design of an ICU Bed Head Angle Measurement System (for Carle Foundation Hospital and Shell Oil Company)

ICU bed

Design for optimized heat flow across a bolted/gasketed interface (for Boeing)

Boeing project

Surgical pad control box design (for Innoventor)

Innoventor project

Bike helmet design (for Caveat Emptor)

Helmet design

Industrial burner redesign for reduced weight (for Eclipse)

Eclipse project

Bridge impactor design for fault detection (for Civil Engineering)

Bridge design

Cold aisle containment design to save cooling costs (for NSCA)

NCSA cold aisle containment

Design of an affordable human-powered water pump for Cambodia that utilizes local materials and manufacturing techniques (humanitarian project, sponsored by Shell)

Cambodia water pump

Shell Eco-Marathon Americas Competition


NFPA Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge

Chainless Challenge

Design of a waterside economizer predicted to save over $2M/year in cooling costs (for NCSA Blue Waters supercomputer)

Blue Waters

SpaceX Hyperloop

SpaceX Hyperloop

To propose a Senior Capstone Design Project or to learn more, contact:  Steve Zahos,  [email protected]

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Senior Design

The capstone Senior Design experience is much like an apprenticeship: students learn to work in teams, meet deadlines, manage project resources, and apply critical thinking to real problems that matter.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Designing the Future

More than 1,200 have gone through the Department of Mechanical Engineering’s capstone Senior Design program since its founding in 1984. Each year, industry sponsors’ cutting-edge projects motivate and excite our students to explore the challenges of design engineering in the real world.

Our sponsors provide student teams with funds for materials, access to world-class resources, and technical contacts; and the students provide sponsors with functioning prototypes that have gone through the design loop several times and have been tested at the clients’ facilities.

Visit the 2024 Design Day website here .

Project Themes

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Medical Devices & Systems

Projects challenge students to solve important clinical needs through the development of translatable medical devices and systems. Past projects include, for example, working on the design of a biopsy forceps that will help diagnose bile duct cancers.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Industrial, Safety, and Military Equipment

Students build new technologies to enhance safety and productivity while optimizing performance. Projects have included safety mechanisms to reduce lawnmower injuries to children and a new system to keep EMTs safer during transport calls.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Environment & Space

Students apply their engineering skills to projects that will help explore and improve our environment, from the ocean floor to outer space. Recent projects include a prototype that will allow researchers to collect and analyze space dust from the high atmosphere.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Community Outreach

Seniors use their engineering knowledge and skills to serve nonprofit and community organizations. Projects in this area include designing adaptive technology to allow blind individuals to mow their lawns more safely. 

Past Senior Design Projects

See our Design Day Brochures from our previous events to have an insider's look at the amazing projects our students create.

  • 2023 Brochure
  • 2022 Brochure
  • 2021 Brochure
  • 2020 Brochure
  • 2019 Brochure
  • 2018 Brochure
“ “While working with my Senior Design team, I was able to truly dive into the engineering process and gain experience I was not able to in any other class. From designing, rapid prototyping, manufacturing, testing to presenting, and communicating with sponsors—the amount of work that is directly applicable to industry is significant. I feel fully prepared to apply everything I have learned and continue to build upon this experience for the remainder of my career.” ”

Why Sponsor?

Our Senior Design program has a strong history of collaboration with sponsors from a range of disciplines across industry, government, academia, and nonprofit. Sponsors provide an open-ended problem and our students take the project through the design process to deliver their client an inventive, tangible solution. Projects that sponsors may not have the time or resources to pursue become the top priority of a team of Hopkins engineers.

Sponsors continually tell us that the Senior Design experience gives a solid return on their investment. Sponsors are exposed to the fresh perspectives and creative thinking of the very best undergraduate engineers—and Hopkins faculty—and a talent pool of potential employees.

The capstone Senior Design experience allows students to develop skills and apply concepts that are valued by employers. In return, sponsors get the opportunity to connect with the next generation of leaders in innovation and engineering design. It is a win-win for all involved.

“ “As the largest employer of individuals who are blind in Maryland, our organization often faces barriers around accessibility. To overcome these obstacles, we partner with Senior Design students to create inclusive solutions. It’s exciting to support and mentor the next generation of engineers and leaders as they develop a product that aligns with our mission. Our goal is that after working with us, Senior Design students enter the field with the understanding and tools to critically consider the diversity of their end-users while positively shifting the landscape of accessibility.”  ”

Become a Sponsor

Are you Interested in learning more about being a Design Day sponsor? Get in touch!

Stephen Belkoff

Projects with purpose.

Senior Design requires students to draw upon the four years of knowledge and experience they’ve gained in their engineering studies and put it to practical use. Here’s a sampling of the unique projects our students have worked on:

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Next-Generation Helicopters - In collaboration with the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense, Senior Design students developed a strong but light floor panel for military helicopters. 

Fire Safety Innovation

Fire Safety Innovation - Working with researchers at the the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy, Senior Design students developed a device that allows smoke detectors to be installed without using a ladder. This decreases the risk of injury while allowing for quick and easy installation of smoke detectors that save lives.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Making Wind Energy - Students designed and built a miniature dual-rotor, counter-rotating wind turbine capable of harvesting more energy from wind in a smaller space. Their design competed in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Collegiate Wind Competition, where they took home second place. Watch this video about their project.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Oxygen Concentrator for Low-Resource Settings - Oxygen therapy through oxygen tanks is the most common treatment for COVID-19, however oxygen tanks have become scarce in low-resource settings. But there is another option: oxygen concentrators. Mechanical Engineering seniors worked with Prime Manufacturing to create an oxygen concentrator for low-resource settings.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Juniors, Prepare for Senior Design!

Though the course is called “Senior Design,” the preparation work begins in the Junior year. Here’s how to prepare:

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ME Senior Capstone Projects

Every graduating senior is required to complete EGR 391 and 392, Senior Projects I and II

This is a two semester capstone course designed to synthesize all skills and knowledge students have learned as Wilkes mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and engineering management students in order to demonstrate their capabilities to a general audience. Students work as members of a team to design and develop selected projects under the direction of a faculty mentor.

Watch Past Projects external website

The project team parallels that found in industry. Students accept roles according to their skills and specialties and contribute to make the team and project successful as a whole. Students are involved with their projects from concept to completion. Teams manage all aspects of the project, such as formulating the idea, transferring the design to paper, accounting for design constraints, adhering to standards and specifications, selecting materials, procuring products, considering economic factors, building the prototype, and presenting their results. Some projects have been so innovative and marketable that students have turned their ideas into successful businesses and patents.

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Senior Design Facilities

Students using the machine shop.

Real-World Design

The Senior Design Program in mechanical engineering integrates all phases of a real-world engineering design project—from the concept to the final client presentation—into a meaningful, hands-on undergraduate experience. Student teams work with an industry client, and under the direction of a faculty advisor, to solve an engineering problem, delivering a new product, process, or system at the conclusion of their yearlong project. The R. L. Smith Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics Building houses a host of synergistic, professional-caliber facilities equipped to support all the facets of a Senior Design engineering capstone project.

ME–EM 209; Bill Endres  

The Cuskie Design and Creativity Center features student design studios, where Senior Design teams have ample space for collaboration and access to a high-end computer station with the specialized software needed to develop their engineering-project designs. The computers are connected to the department network, so teams can send their designs to the Rivard Product Realization Center for parts fabrication, or to the John Deere Multimedia Center for videoconferencing with a design sponsor.

The center includes the Monica Resource Library, which provides a central location for engineering reference data; the John Deere Multimedia Center; the Ford Rapid Prototyping Center; and a small conference room.

ME–EM  B002A, B003, B004; Bob Page 

The Senior Capstone Design Fabrication Facility is a space dedicated to prototype assembly. A Senior Design team often comes together to finalize a product design at the facility, which also serves as a storage space for project components and tools.

ME–EM B002; Marty Toth

The Machine Shop supports the design and fabrication of prototype research equipment. The facility also offers precision setup, welding, and consulting services for University projects, including Senior Design projects.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

College of engineering and information technology, spring 2020 capstone projects.

What is Senior Capstone?

Below you will find a summary video and poster of this semesters Capstone projects. Each video is 2-3 minutes in length.

Lead-Instructor: Dr. Jamie Gurganus, [email protected]

Co-Instructors: Dr. Ruey-Hung Chen, Dr. Keith Bowman, Dr. Marc Zupan

Group#1 Engineers Brewery Consultancy 

Customer: JailBreak Brewing Co.

Team: Matt Nauman, Ethan Gazelle, Jesse McElree, Sanjay Mysore

To view Poster full screen click here: EBC-020-Poster

Group#2 390Engineering

Team: Conner Strang, Alex Ives, Bruce Jackson, Brandon Jackson, Devyn Morehouse

To view Poster full screen click here:   Group#2 Jailbreak Brewing Co – Poster

Group#3: J.Y.A.F.S Engineering Solutions 

Project: Improving Micromobility

Customer: Dr. Steven McAlpine, Assistant Director INDS at UMBC

Team: Abdul-Raheem Adeleke, Yasiru Bandara, Frank Coughlin, James Pak, Shyla Jones

To view Poster full screen click here: :

Group #4 JDECC

Project: Thermoelectrically Cooled Helmet

Customer: Dr. Tony Farquhar – Mechanical Engineering Department UMBC

Team: Dane Meassick, Cole Diana, Christian Traynor, Eli Davidson, Joey Davis

To view Poster full screen click here: :

Group #5 IMPS

Project: Sound Reducing Chamber

Customer: Dr. Tim Topoleski – Mechanical Engineering Department UMBC

To view Poster full screen click here: : IMPS-023-A Poster

Group #6 The Tripawds

Project: Dog Prosthetic Leg 

Team: Riley Delker, Nathaniel Valentine,Matthew Laulis, Hamzah Tariq, Kayla Markley

To view Poster full screen click here:

Group #7 4 Legs 4 All

Project:Dog Prosthetic Leg 

Team:  Christina Hoffman, Thomas Chaisson, Patrick Hannon, Catie Gottschalk, Aamin Haroon

To view Poster full screen click here:

Group #8 Team Forte

Project: Pocket Violin

Team: Jordan Armstead, Catherine Chonai, Helen Rogers, Nathaniel Zucker

To view Poster full screen click here: Copy of POVI #015- Poster

Group #9 Equilibrium 

Project: Global Engineering – Hybrid Pressure Cooker 

Customer: Dr. Marc Zupan – Mechanical Engineering Department UMBC

Team: Eric Goodman, Cameron Underwood, Miles Johnson, Jared Rodriguez

To view Poster full screen click here: Equilibrium Project Poster

Group #10 Human First

Project: Global Engineering – Open Fire Stove 

Team:  Binit Sainju, Ewnet Sisay, Naomi Gordon

To view Poster full screen click here:

Group #11 Phase Cool 

Project: Global Engineering – Cold Chain 

Team: Elyssa Ferguson, Gabrielle Magalotti, Sarah Sinnokrot, Jethro Ssengonzi

To view Poster full screen click here: Official FMSS-035 (Poster_Picture)

Group #12 Kinetic Artwork Spinner

Project: Kinetic Artwork Spinner

Customer: Professor Eric Dyer, Visual Arts Department UMBC

Team: Zachary Schulz, Cameron Kincaid, Yousef jabaji

To view Poster full screen click here: SPIN-025-Digital Poster

Group #13 3D Photogrammetric Scanning Rig

Project:  Photogrammetry Room enhancement 

Customer: Dr. Marc Olano, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department UMBC

Team: Mariana Bueno, Bridgett Redding, Brett McIntyre, Justin Saelens

To view Poster full screen click here: ENME 444 Poster

Group #14 Robo Runners

Project: Improving UROS Engineering 101 project 

 Dr. Chuck LaBerge, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department UMBC

 Dr. Jamie Gurganus, Mechanical Engineering Department, UMBC

Team: Kyle Kulp, Timothy Carter, Ross Welsh, Daniel Corteville

To view Poster full screen click here:

Group #15 Adaptive Technologies

Project: Automated Skee-Ball System For Children with Disabilities

Customer: St. Elizabeth’s School for Children with Disabilities, Ms. Colynn Furg ason

Team:Samuel Willits, Nick Fisher, Brendan Isaac, Edward Dulaj, German Bu 

To view Poster full screen click here: Adaptive_Technologies_Poster (1)

Group #16 Techy Treads

Project: Imani’s Modified Treadmill

Customer: VME & Ms. Imani Graham

Team: Renmar Sarreal, Jennie Le, Jason Vanisko, Rachel Kelly, Thuyai Ha, Jessica Boesch

To view Poster full screen click here: TT-029 Final Poster

Group #17 Trailer Iron Works

Project: Underride Crash Prevention Bumper for Tractor Trailers

Customer: Dr. Marc Zupan & Dr. Michael Duffy – Mechanical Engineering Department UMBC

Anthony Corretto, Engineering Dynamics

Dr. Bob Scurlock, Virtual Crash

Team: Zach Hall, Jackson Stefancik, Tracie Jones, Matt Dusek

To view Poster full screen click here:

Group #18  FISH+

Project: 3D Printer Filament Recycler 

Customer: Dr. Michael Duffy – Mechanical Engineering Department UMBC

Team: Yomiyu Fekadu, Derek Hovel, Ben Iannuzzi, Nehal Syed, Tom Thomas

To view Poster full screen click here: FISH+020-A – Poster Presentation

Group #19  RobotCart

Project: Automatic Robot to retrieve groceries

Customer: Dr. Jamie Gurganus -Mechanical Engineering Department UMBC

Team: Blake Prout, Sal Aslam, Jocelyn Wilkins, Susan Muzzey

To view Poster full screen click here: ROB17-A_Final Poster

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Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design

The senior design capstone course in Mechanical Engineering at Syracuse University is an intense two-semester engineering experience is intended to simulate the product development process and environment an engineer would experience in an industry setting. Capstone projects are designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency, and goal setting – key skills that will help prepare them for successful careers.

Become A Sponsor: The Process

Complete a Pre-Proposal for Senior Design Projects form that asks for the following: Project titleGeneral description of the projectObjectives of the projectPoint of contactProjected list of deliverables*
Students review project proposals and submit top three choices. Capstone Instructor(s) assigns students to teams and projects based on student preferences and career goals.
Company commits to project fee* and any expenses related to the development of the project.
Student team develops a detailed proposal based on initial discussions with the client. Once approved by the company, project work begins.
A faculty member from the MAE department is assigned to each team based on their area of expertise.

* The list of deliverables is a critical component of the pre-proposal. Deliverables are tangible items that must be transferred to the client prior to a student’s graduation.

* Sponsors pay a fee of $8,000 per capstone project to Syracuse University to support the College, Department and Capstone program.

*Trade secrets and other proprietary information will be omitted from the public presentation and will be presented separately to the client.

Company Benefits

  • Client receives all deliverables
  • Ownership of intellectual property
  • 1500+ student hours of design work over 2 semesters
  • 40 faculty hours of technical advice
  • Visibility to all of the senior class
  • Early access to graduates
  • Visibility on MAE Department Web page

Student Benefits

  • Hands-on industry experience
  • Exposure to leading technical organizations
  • Networking opportunities
  • Experience working on a team to deliver an engineering solution
  • Exposure to the traditional gated review process, establishing realistic deliverables and milestones, planning, tracking and reporting
  • Develop/hone skills in written, graphical, and oral presentation

Intellectual Property/Confidentiality

Prior to the start of any project, students will sign a Syracuse Mutual Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement and Syracuse General Agreement on Assignment of Intellectual Property. The students on the relevant teams will have the right to be listed on any patent as “Inventors”, but the sponsoring company will be listed as “Assignee”. Neither Syracuse University nor the students will retain any rights to the intellectual property.


Project sponsors assign a member of their organization to mentor/advise their student team. Mentors/advisors meet with the teams (in-person or via Zoom) on a weekly/bi-weekly basis to provide feedback and offer guidance to the students. Mentors/advisors are invited to attend the final presentations.

Please contact Professor Alex Deyhim at [email protected] or by phone: O: 315.443.1928

M: 607.229.3840

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University of Utah Senior Design Capstone

What is the Capstone Program?

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

The Program in a Nutshell

The Capstone Design Program matches a team of motivated senior undergraduate mechanical engineering students with an engineering project defined and funded by an industry sponsor.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Why Sponsor Capstone?

Contribute to educating the next generation of mechanical engineers by offering them a real-world industry experience, while simultaneously advancing long term projects or breadboard ideas.


senior capstone project mechanical engineering

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Senior capstone design projects in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Course objectives:.

The goal of the capstone design course is for students to apply their full engineering and general engineering education to a new and important problem which is amenable to an engineering solution and present their results. The course will develop and refine students’ abilities in this context by planning and organizing a term project, evaluating design alternatives with supporting engineering analysis, applying appropriate engineering standards, assessing and optimizing designs from the customer perspective, and presenting final designs.

Course Topics :

  • Problem Recognition
  • Problem Formulation
  • Customer Needs identification
  • Product Specification
  • Engineering Standards
  • Concept Generation
  • Evaluation/Selection of Concepts
  • Principles of Life Cycle Design
  • Prototyping
  • Poster Competition

Integrative Experience:

Engineering solutions are almost always created in response to some societal need. Understanding the need is central to success in engineering design and an engineer must understand the economic, social, political, sustainability and environmental contexts in which the need arises. Therefore, as engineering students embark on the problem identification phase of engineering design they have the opportunity to reflect and draw on the knowledge they have gained through their General Education courses and then integrate this with the engineering knowledge they have gained in their major. More specifically, by employing the broad knowledge they gain from experiences in economics, psychology, sociology and history, students are better equipped to understand how an engineering solution will be accepted and will address societal needs. This kind of reflection goes beyond understanding in the separate disciplines by considering, for example, how economic, safety and environmental issues compete and complement each other and by observing how their own perspectives on these issues have evolved.

Project Overview:

Mechanical Engineering:  The objective is to identify a design need, develop engineering specifications for the product, and design, develop and fabricate hardware related to your design project.

Industrial Engineering:  The objectives are to (1) design, develop, implement, and/or improve an integrated system or systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy and (2) to use appropriate analytical, computational, and experimental practices in the context of an integrated system; demonstrating skills and knowledge indicative of a capstone project.

This means that the project should require a higher-level of engineering knowledge and skills than found in sophomore and junior-level design classes. Thus, the project must involve significant use of engineering tools and standards, the results of which are used to inform decisions. There are several project formats as part of the course.

  • ME or IE Student Concepts:  The top student proposals based on innovation and feasibility will be selected for development. Selected ME projects can be one or two semester projects; IE projects will be two semester projects.
  • ME/ECE Collaborative Senior Capstone Design:  Teams of two ME students will be paired with two Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) students to develop a student concept project. Note that ECE teams start forming in March of their junior year. ME students selecting this option will complete ECE 415 and 416 during their senior year in lieu of MIE 415 (ECE 415 will satisfy a ME technical elective – the only one permitted outside of MIE courses).
  • ME/Nursing Collaborative Senior Capstone Design:  Teams of four ME students will be paired with a Nursing student to develop assistive technology. Students will work with clients to identify issues they face and develop engineering solutions to mitigate them. Teams will work with clients who live in the area and will be required to travel to their location. Prof. Cynthia Jacelon in nursing will also co-advise the team along with the course instructors.
  • ME Semester-Long Industry Sponsored:  Companies have sponsored senior design projects relevant to their business. For these projects, students will work directly with a technical contact at the company to develop an engineering solution to their problem. Students will be expected to be in regular contact with the industry sponsor and present their progress throughout the semester. Travel within MA or CT maybe required for some projects.
  • ME or IE Year-Long Industry Sponsored:  For year-long projects, ME students will enroll in MIE 497M (a ME technical elective) in the fall semester and MIE 415 in the spring semester. Year-long ME projects are expected to make a prototype demonstration at the end of the first semester. As in IE Student Concept projects, the fall semester will focus on proposal development and the spring semester is dedicated to completing the project.

calendar for MIE projects

Project Requirements.  This team-based capstone project must also meet several requirements. These include the following:

  • It must demonstrate an ability to design (or redesign) a mechanical system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. [1]
  • It must demonstrate an understanding of the project’s potential impact in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. [2]
  • It must demonstrate skills and knowledge indicative of a capstone design project. This means that the project should require a higher-level of engineering knowledge and skills than found in sophomore and junior-level design classes. Thus, the project must involve significant use of engineering tools and standards, the results of which are used to inform design decisions.  Models used to predict the behavior and optimize the design. Evaluation of the design must be performed.
  • Your design (or some portion of the design) must be realized in hardware that helps validate the design concept.

[1] This is an  ABET  ( A ccreditation  B oard for  E ngineering and  T echnology) requirement.

[2] This is an  ABET  ( A ccreditation  B oard for  E ngineering and  T echnology) requirement.

  • Assistive technology and universal design . Assistive technology helps people with physical disabilities perform tasks which otherwise would be difficult or impossible. A common example of assistive technology is a hearing aid. In universal design a product is designed to maximize its usability, including by people with disabilities.
  • Industry sponsored project.  Many students engage in summer internships or ‘coop’ engineering experiences with companies. Such work experiences will often provide real-world design opportunities that may be appropriate to address in the context of a capstone design project. Such a project requires buy-in by management at the company, as well as a technical point of contact who is able to interact with student teams and provide the necessary information (customer needs, design specifications, etc.) and resources.
  • Home physical therapy equipment.  This application domain is rich for new and creative design solutions.  Examples include specialized strengthening or range of motion equipment for patients with medical conditions, such as stroke victims who experience weakness on one side of the body. 
  • Product testing equipment.  This domain is very application dependent, as it involves the design and development of specialized equipment to test a product. For example, a shoe manufacturer may be interested in testing the energy absorption and/or energy release mechanism of a new composite running shoe design. To do this the shoe needs to be loaded and unloaded thousands of times in a manner realistic to its intended application, and data must be gathered that measures the shoe performance.
  • Cardiovascular exercise equipment.  While there are many cardiovascular exercise products on the market, such as treadmills, stair masters, elliptical machines, and stationary bicycle trainers, few are affordable, lightweight, easily and quickly collapsible, and highly compact for storage.

This is not intended to be an inclusive list. You are free to propose design project ideas based on your interests and/or interactions with industry and other UMass departments.

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Mechanical Engineering

Senior capstone design.

The Senior Capstone Design Project helps senior engineering students strengthen their skills as they complete their bachelor degrees. Each project has to be a non-commercialized unique idea. With support from the Mechanical Engineering faculty, students have a year to create, design, analyze, prototype and test their ideas.

Intro to MEE Capstone by Dr. Alex Friess

2023-2024 Senior Capstone Projects:

  • 3D Printed Micro Air Vehicle (4)
  • Two-Phase Flow Wind Tunnel (1)
  • Human Powered Water Cycle (1)
  • AIAA Design Build Fly (2)
  • Snow Removal from PV Panels (1)
  • Rainwater Energy Harvesting (2)
  • Forest Aerial Inspection Airship (3)
  • Solar Desalination (2)
  • Solar Canning (1)
  • Underwater Camera Drones (2)
  • Formula SAE Intake Manifold (1)

2022-2023 Senior Capstone Projects:

  • Micro Air Vehicle (4)
  • Bridge/Forest Drone (2)
  • Robotic Walker
  • JIRP Wind Turbine
  • Rain Erosion Tester
  • Automatic Snow Removal
  • Soft Exoskeleton
  • Togo Container Machine
  • NASA Alloying Crucible
  • NASA Wire Drawing
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Engineering Project Showcase Highlights Senior Capstone Design Projects

May 6, 2024 By Danielle Sullivan

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A digitally rendered graphic that reads "2024 Spring Engineering Project Showcase."

The 12th annual Engineering Project Showcase at Texas A&M University included over 300 teams of 1,400 students presenting their senior capstone design projects and competing for top prizes. The event, which was hosted at the Zachry Engineering Education Complex, brought together 170 industry judges to observe a year's worth of dedicated work and innovation.

The showcase highlighted the collaborative efforts between academia and industry, with students addressing real-world challenges presented by academic departments or industry sponsors. These challenges formed the basis for projects aimed at tackling pressing issues across various sectors. Magdalini Lagoudas, executive director of Industry/Nonprofit Partnerships, stressed the crucial role of capstone design projects in bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application.

“The Engineering Project Showcase allows us to celebrate the accomplishments of our capstone student teams and the incredible value they generate for their sponsors,” said Lagoudas. “It is also a great way for industry to see examples of successful academic partnerships with the College of Engineering.” 

Overall, the event's goals are to celebrate students' innovative solutions to real-world problems, foster engagement with industry partners and collaboration within the teams themselves, and promote STEM awareness among prospective students and educators.

Eight people stand by a large check for $2,000.

"The students are very well-prepared here at the College of Engineering, and they are very impressive,” said Lynda Estes '87, an employee in the structures group at NASA. “I do a lot of mentoring of co-ops where I work and what I see here is a lot of that work getting done ahead of time, specifically with getting to work with others from different backgrounds that may not be similar to yours, but then figuring out how to divide up the work, get it done and put it all back together to create a final project. I think a skill like that is very helpful to all these students."

Beyond celebrating academic achievements and collaboration, the showcase also facilitated invaluable networking opportunities between students and industry professionals.

"Andersen Windows & Doors looks for students who are flexible, eager to learn, and want to be hands-on,” said Felicia Nguyen, a representative from Andersen Windows & Doors, a platinum sponsor. “Engineering Project Showcase allows the students to show what they have learned and what skills they can bring to our corporation. We sponsor events like this because we want students to know what Andersen does and what we bring to the table. We want to be able to give them opportunities when they get out of school to bring their talent to work with us full-time."

A highlight of the showcase was the announcement of the Overall Showcase Capstone Design Awards. Teams from diverse majors, ranging from aerospace engineering to biological and agricultural engineering, competed for top prizes. With 18 different award categories, the event’s prize pool totaled over $20,000.

Two teams tied for the Overall Showcase Capstone Design first-place award. The project Autonomous and Remote Control Operating Light (ARCOL), sponsored by Texas A&M University’s J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering, addresses the challenges faced in operating rooms where frequent adjustments to surgical lighting are needed. The ARCOL system offers autonomous and remote-control capabilities to minimize disruptions during surgeries, such as shadows and obstructions. By providing a cheaper, safer, and more efficient operating environment, it aims to enhance patient care.

Sponsored by Laken Grimes and Dessert Holdings, Production Line Modeling geared their project towards streamlining the management of a production line. Inefficiencies and bottlenecks often happen with fluctuating product sequences, equipment setups, crew compositions, and processing durations. The primary objective of the project is to craft a simulation tool capable of foreseeing process challenges, furnishing feedback on schedule viability and ultimately heightening operational effectiveness.

10 people stand by a large check for $2,000.

The annual Engineering Project Showcase offers a platform for students to apply their skills in innovation and collaboration taught by Texas A&M Engineering. Join us at the next showcase to witness future projects on April 25, 2025.

The 2024 Engineering Project Showcase was sponsored by platinum sponsors, Andersen Windows & Doors and Samsung; gold sponsors, Bray Inc. and Caterpillar; and silver sponsors, Baker Hughes, Endeavor Energy Resources and H4 Architects + Engineers.

The top teams from each award category are listed below.

Engineering Project Showcase 2024 Winners: 

Overall showcase capstone award.

First place - Tie  ($2,000) Team: Autonomous and Remote Control Operating Light (ARCOL)

First place - Tie ($2,000) Team: Production Line Modeling

Third place ($1,000), sponsored by Samsung Team: OGRE Skin Test Rig

Biological and Agricultural Engineering Award

First place - Tie ($500) Team: Design and Implementation of Water Distribution and Filtration System in Remote Guatemala

First place - Tie ($500) Team: SCTHS Rainwater Harvesting

Third place ($250) Team : Kubota Tractor Lead/Lag Ratio Tire Testing

Biomedical Engineering Awards 

First place - Tie ($750), sponsored by Bray International Inc. Team: Improved Vesicoamniotic Shunt for Treatment of Fetal LUTO

Second place - Tie ($750) Team: Combined Continuous Glucose Monitor and Infusion Set  

Second place - Tie ($750) Teams : Fetal Stabilization for Fetoscopic Surgery

Computer Science and Engineering Awards 

First place - Tie ($1,000), sponsored by Andersen Windows & Doors Team : FlashMacros: Automating Calorie and Macronutrient Tracking

First place - Tie ($1,000), sponsored by Andersen Windows & Doors Team : Promenade

Second place - Tie ($750) Team : BoomBoards

Second place - Tie ($750) Team : SCRAPS

Electrical and Computer Engineering Awards 

First place ($1,000), sponsored by Samsung Team: Raytheon Drone Competition

Second place ($750) Team: RFID PC Passkey System

Third place ($500) Team: Radiation Resilient Logic Circuits

Industrial and Systems Engineering Awards

First place ($1,000), sponsored by Caterpillar Inc. Team: Calibration Lab

Second place ($750) Team: Applied Materials - Detrash/Marry-Up Area Improvement

Third place ($500) Team: CHRISTUS Health Warehouse Optimization

Material Science and Engineering Awards  

First place ($500) Team: Sealing the Deal for Hydrogen Fuel: Characterizing Elastomeric Sealing Materials for High Pressure Hydrogen Environments 

Second place ($350) Team: Metal Turnings Recycling Through ECAE

Third place ($250) Team : Design and Evaluation of Novel Recycling Methods for Coated Polymeric Automotive Components

Mechanical Engineering Awards 

First place ($1,000), sponsored by Andersen Windows & Doors Team: Continuous Cement Mixing Head Redesign

Second place - Tie ($750) Team: Parking Alert Service Project

Second place - Tie ($750) Team: Pipeline Displacement Detection Unit

Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering Technology Award 

First place ($500)

Team: The Destabilizer

Second place ($350)

Team: Team GDMAN - Automated Camera System  

Third place ($250) 

Team: Fluid Powered Vehicle

Energy Sector Award

Prize Amount: $250 Team: Predicting & Optimizing the Power Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Using Machine Learning Techniques

Health Sector Award

Prize Amount: $250 Team: Improved Vesicoamniotic Shunt for Treatment of Fetal LUTO

Infrastructure Sector Award

Prize Amount: $250 Team: Alternate Route Study

Manufacturing Sector Award

Prize Amount: $250 Team: Team Metal Turnings Recycling Through ECAE

National Security Sector Award

Prize Amount: $250 Team: Crypto-Analysis Resistant Digital Key FOB

Large Capstone Team Award

Prize Amount: $1,000 Team: LHIVA: Long-Range Hybrid eVTOL Integrated Assembly

Non-capstone Team Award

Prize Amount: $1,000 Team: RASC-AL 2024: Large-Scale Lunar Crater Prospector

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B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering features four major interdisciplinary research centers and more than 40 laboratories. Our faculty and students contribute to key research areas by advancing none-scale 3D printing, developing new generations of health monitoring tools, and leading solutions for robotic systems. From design to manufacturing, we bring innovative ideas to the laboratory and the world. 

Program Tracks

Students in Mechanical Engineering choose between one of six concentration areas to tailor their interests and learning experiences.

  • Aero/Mechanical Industry
  • Automotive Design
  • Design and Manufacturing
  • Energy and the Environment
  • Engineering Management
  • Robotics and Mechatronics

Required Courses

ENES 100: Introduction to Engineering Design (3 Credits) Students work as teams to design and build a product using computer software for word-processing, spreadsheet, CAD, and communications skills. Prerequisite:  Must have math eligibility for  MATH140  or higher.

ENES 102: Mechanics I (3 Credits) The equilibrium of stationary bodies under the influence of various kinds of forces. Forces, moments, couples, equilibrium, trusses, frames and machines, centroids, moment of inertia, beams, friction, stress/strain, material properties. Vector and scalar methods are used to solve problems. Corequisite:   MATH140 .

ENES 220: Mechanics II (3 Credits) Stress and deformation of solids-rods, beams, shafts, columns, tanks, and other structural, machine and vehicle members. Topics include stress transformation using Mohr's circle; shear and moment diagrams; derivation of elastic curves; and Euler's buckling formula. Design problems related to this material are given in lab. Prerequisite:  Minimum grade of C- in  ENES102 ; and ( MATH141  and  PHYS161 ).

ENES 221: Dynamics (3 Credits) Systems of heavy particles and rigid bodies at rest and in motion. Force-acceleration, work-energy and impulse-momentum relationships. Motion of one body relative to another in a plane and in space. Prerequisite:  Minimum grade of C- in  ENES102 ; and ( MATH141  and  PHYS161 ).

MATH 206: Introduction to MATLAB (1 Credit) This course is intended to prepare students for subsequent courses requiring computation with MATLAB. Covers basics of MATLAB including simple commands, variables, solving equations, graphing differentiation and integration, matrices and vectors, functions, M-files and fundamentals of programming in the MATLAB environment.  Mechanical Engineering students entering the major in Fall 2017 or later are required to take ENME 202: Fundamentals of Engineering Computing in place of this course unless acceptable programming course credit has been earned. Contact a Mechanical Engineering advisor for more information on accepted programming credit. Prerequisite:  1 course with a minimum grade of C- from ( MATH136 ,  MATH140 ).

ENES 232: Thermodynamics (3 Credits) Introduction to thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of matter. First and second laws of thermodynamics, cycles, reactions, and mixtures. Prerequisite:   PHYS261  and  PHYS260 .

ENME 202: Computing Fundamentals for Engineers (3 Credits) Introduction to computational tools for the solution of engineering problems. C++ & MATLAB programming including branching and loops, functions, file handling, arrays, and data structures. Students will be introduced to object-oriented programming, basic computing, algorithms, and principles of software engineering. Mechanical Engineering students entering the major in Fall 2017 or later are required to take ENME 202: Fundamentals of Engineering Computing in place of MATH 206 unless acceptable programming course credit has been earned. Contact a Mechanical Engineering advisor for more information on accepted programming credit. Corequisite:  Must be concurrently enrolled in  MATH141 .

ENME 272: Introduction to Computer Aided Design (2 Credits) Fundamentals of CAD, using solid modeling packages (Pro/E, SolidWorks, and Autodesk Inventor). Two and three dimensional drawing. Dimensioning and specifications. Introduction of CAD based analysis tools. Students will complete a design project.  Credit only granted for ENME 272 or ENME 414. Students entering the Mechanical Engineering program in fall 2012 or later are required to take ENME 272 for their curriculum but may substitute ENME 414 in place of ENME 272 if desired. Prerequisite:  Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in  MATH141 .

ENME 331: Fluid Mechanics (3 Credits) Principles of fluid mechanics. Mass, momentum and energy conservation. Hydrostatics. Control volume analysis. Internal and external flow. Boundary layers. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis. Laboratory experiments. Prerequisite:   ENES232  and  ENES221 .

ENME 332: Transfer Processes (3 Credits) The principles of heat transfer. Conduction in solids. Convection. Radiation. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis. Prerequisite:   ENME331 .

ENME 350: Electronics and Instrumentation I (3 Credits) Modern instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic circuits. Digital data acquisition and control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing and testing of analog circuits. Laboratory experiments. Prerequisite:   PHYS271  and  PHYS270 .

ENME 351: Electronics and Instrumentation II (3 Credits) Continuation of ENME 350. Modern instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic circuits. Digital data acquisition and control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing and testing of analog circuits. Laboratory experiments. Prerequisite:   PHYS271 ,  ENME350 , and  PHYS270 .

ENME 361: Vibration, Controls, and Optimization I (3 Credits) Fundamentals of vibration, controls and optimization. Analysis and design in time, Laplace and frequency domains. Mathematical description of system response, system stability, control and optimization. Optimal design of mechanical systems. Prerequisite:   ENES220 ,  ENES221 , and  MATH246 ; and ( MATH206  or  ENME202 ).

ENME 371: Product Engineering and Manufacturing (3 Credits) Business aspects of engineering product development. Relationship of design and manufacturing. Product specification. Statistical process control. Design team development. The development process. Prerequisite:   ENES221 ; and ( ENME392  or  STAT400 ).

ENME 382: Introduction to Materials Engineering (3 Credits) Structure of materials, chemical composition, phase transformations, corrosion and mechanical properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and related materials. Materials selection in engineering applications. Prerequisite:   ENES100 .  Corequisite:   MATH241 .  Recommended:   PHYS261  and  PHYS260 .

ENME 392: Statistical Methods for Product and Process Development (3 Credits) Integrated statistical methodology for the improvement of products and processes in terms of performance, quality and cost. Designed experimentation. Statistical process control. Software application. Laboratory activities. Prerequisite:   MATH241 .

ENME 400: Machine Design (3 Credits) Design of mechanical elements and planar machines. Failure theories. Design of pressure vessels, joints, rotating elements, and transmission elements. Kinematic structures, graphical, analytical, and numerical analysis and synthesis of linkages, gear trains, and flywheels are covered. This course is an elective course for most students entering the Mechanical Engineering program prior to the Fall 2015 semester. Prerequisite:  Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in  ENME361 .

ENME 462: Vibration, Controls, and Optimization II (3 Credits) Continuation of  ENME361 . Fundamentals of vibration, controls, and optimization. Analysis and design in time, Laplace and frequency domains. Mathematical descriptions of system response, system stability, control and optimization. Optimal design of mechanical systems. Prerequisite:   ENME361 .

ENME 472: Integrated Product and Process Development (3 Credits) Integration of product development with the development process. Design strategies. Product architecture. Design for manufacturing. Selection of materials. Design for assembly. Prerequisite:   ENME331 ,  ENME361 ,  ENME351 , and  ENME371 ; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in  ENME332 .

Technical Electives

ENME 442: Information Security (3 Credits) The materials presented are divided into three major components: overview, detailed concepts and implementation techniques. The topics to be covered are: general security concerns and concepts from both a technical and management point of view, principles of security, architectures, access control and multi-level security, trojan horses, covert channels, trap doors, hardware security mechanism, security models, security kernels, formal specifications and verification, networks and distribution systems and risk analysis. Restriction: Senior standing.

ENME 454: Vehicle Dynamics (3 Credits) The fundamentals of passenger vehicle and light truck design and vehicle dynamics are covered. The engineering principles associated with acceleration, braking, handling, ride quality, aerodynamics, and tire mechanics are discussed, as well as suspension and steering design. Corequisite: ENME361 .

  • ENME 489A: Optimal Control of Energy Systems.  Optimal control and dynamic programming with application to energy systems.
  • ENME 489C: Sustainable Energy Conversion and the Environment. Discussion of the major sources and end-uses of energy in our society with particular emphasis on renewable energy production and utilization. The course introduces a range of innovative technologies and discusses them in the context of the current energy infrastructure. Renewable sources such as wind and solar, and renewable enabling technologies such as energy storage are discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the environmental impact of the various forms of energy.
  • ENME 489D: Flight Dynamics and Simulation.  This course will cover the fundamentals of near earth flight mechanics associated with fixed wing air vehicle atmospheric flight. Primary topics will include review of basic aerodynamics and an introduction to basics of configurational aero effects, flight performance, vehicle stability, and aeromechanics control. This will be done through processes such as lectures, tests, homework assignments, lab events with flight simulators, and a special project involving an RC aircraft instrumentation and flight. Periodic relevance to real-world examples of applied aerodynamics based on the instructors 30+ years of experience within the area of aeromechanics toward military aviation will be included.  Prerequisites: ENME 331, ENME 489F, PHYS 270.
  • ENME 489E: Design for Sustainability. This course looks at various definitions of sustainability and examines what it means to corporations, consumers and policy makers. It looks at sustainability from global perspective and scopes the opportunity for engineers in the USA. The course introduces 12 Design for Sustainability (DfS) principles and elaborates with examples that engineers can use to design sustainable products and processes.
  • ENME 489F: D ynamics of Atmospheric Flight.  This course will cover the fundamentals of near earth aerodynamics associated with fixed wing air vehicle atmospheric flight. Primary topics will include review of basic fluid flow equations of motion, airfoil and wing theory, and compressible flow effects. This will be done through processes such as lectures, tests, homework assignments, and a special topic review project. Periodic relevance to real-world examples of applied aerodynamics based on the instructors 30+ years of experience within the area of aeromechanics toward military aviation will be included. Prerequisites: ENME 331, PHYS 270, MATH 246, MATH 206 or ENME 202.
  • ENME 489J: Fatigue.  This course is only offered at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center for students enrolled in the UMD - Southern Maryland Program . Development and application of the three major methods to quantify fatigue damage in order to predict/specify service life and design fatigue resistant structures. Prerequisite: ENES 220; ENME 271, MATH 206, ENME 202, or equivalent.
  • ENME 489M: Advanced Fluid Mechanics with Applications.  The course will provide an introduction to the fluid mechanics of flows at high Reynolds numbers, which is important in many applications including the flow around airplanes, cars, and ships: the flow around wind or hydro power turbines: the flow in internal combustion and gas turbine engines: atmospheric flows; and many other cases. These types of flows are characterized by an inviscid external flow coupled with viscous and generally turbulent flow in thin boundary layers. The course will provide an introduction to both aspects and will also include a more applied component where students will use CFD software to analyze applied flows in mini-projects.dvanced Fluid Mechanics with Applications.
  • ENME 489O: Design for Manufacturing and Assembly.  Concepts and guidelines of product design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) for various manufacturing processes are presented. The differences and considerations of product design for manual assembly versus automatic assembly are discussed. The objective of this course is to students learn: The relation between product design and its manufacturability; Concepts and application of design for manufacturing and design for assembly. This course helps mechanical engineering students to use DFMA guidelines in ENME472 - Integrated Product and Process Development or in product design projects in industry. Prerequisites: ENME 351.
  • ENME 489P: Control of Smart Structures.  This course introduces the theory and practice of control systems engineering of smart structures. These structures consist of an integration for mechanical systems with arrays of piezoelectric sensors and actuators. Prerequisites: ENES 232, ENME 331.
  • ENME 489R: Molecular Thermodynamics.  An examination of the interactions between molecules, which govern thermodynamics relevant to engineering, will be conducted. We will investigate both classical and statistical approaches to thermodynamics for understanding topics such as phase change, wetting of surfaces, chemical reactions, adsorption, and electrochemical processes. Statistical approaches and molecular simulation tools will be studied to understand how molecular analysis can be translated to macroscopic phenomena.
  • ENME 489Q: Managing for Innovation and Quality.  Product development and total quality management. Restriction: Senior standing.
  • ENME 489R: Fiber Optics.  This course discusses the basics of optics, light guiding principles in optical fibers, properties of optical fibers, passive and active fiber optic devices, optical fiber sensor systems, optical modulation and detection techniques.
  • ENME 489T:  Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering:  Nuclear Reactor Design The major objective of ENME 489T is to have the student understand the fundamental concepts of nuclear reactor design in addition to the fundamental nuclear reactor physics concepts learned in ENME 430.  Prerequisites: ENME 430 and MATH 246. 
  • ENME 489R: Molecular Thermodynamics.  An examination of the interactions between molecules, which govern thermodynamics relevant to engineering, will be conducted. We will investigate both classical and statistical approaches to thermodynamics for understanding topics such as phase change, wetting of surfaces, chemical reactions, adsorption, and electrochemical processes. Statistical approaches and molecular simulation tools will be studied to understand how molecular analysis can be translated to macroscopic phenomena.
  • ENME 489U: Fluid Structure Interactions.  Fundamentals of fluid-structure interactions, fluid-elastic instabilities (buckling, flutter, galloping) and their engineering applications. Possible domains of applications are civil engineering, aerospace engineering, ocean engineering, biomechanics, and soft robotics. Examples include tall bridges, aircraft wing, parachutes, solid rocket motor, turbomachinery, offshore platform, subsea pipelines, paper printing, MEMS mircochannels, blood flow in arteries, and heart valves. The fish swimming mechanics with be studied to inspire novel efficient propulsion mechanisms for soft robotics applications.
  • ENME 489V: Mechanical Contracting.  Mechanical contracting concepts in the ‘real world’. Specifications, drawings, proposals, cost estimates, scheduling, project bill of materials, labor costs, subcontracting, vendor quote analysis.
  • ENME 489W: Aircraft Propulsion, Power, and Thermal Systems Design, and Simulation.  Principles of aircraft energy systems including design and analysis of propulsion, power, and thermal management systems. Students will become familiar with designs and challenges of common jet engines, thermal fluid transport systems, and electrical power systems. Applied fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer, electrical power, and numerical analysis will be used to construct and optimize integrated transient mission level models.
  • ENME 489Z: Structural Mechanics - Aerospace Applications.  The objective of this course is to provide the students with an understanding of structural mechanics as applied to aerospace structural and mechanical systems. Students will learn how to mathematically model structural elements and structural systems. The emphasis will be on a developing a “good sense” as to how structural systems behave. Matrix analysis and the stiffness method will be stressed in preparation for advanced studies. Prerequisite: ENES 220.

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Capstone spring start option gives students more graduation freedom.

The students of Team 24508 approach the work site where they are doing structural analysis of pillar stability at the University of Arizona’s San Xavier Underground Mining Laboratory.

Not all engineering seniors presented their completed Interdisciplinary Capstone projects at the  Craig M. Berge Design Day  held April 29. Eight teams made up of 43 students instead began their projects in January and will finish them in December.

The required year-long course that students take while working with teammates on the capstone, Engineering 498, is the last class engineering students need to take to graduate.

In the past, students with alternative graduation schedules have had to take an extra semester to complete their degree requirements, since the class was offered exclusively in the fall. But now, students are saving both time and money with the new timing option.

Erik Amundsen, a student in ENGR 498 who is majoring in mechanical engineering, is on Team 24508, whose project revolves around rehabilitating and renovating parts of the University of Arizona’s  San Xavier Underground Mining Laboratory . Amundsen is a transfer student from Pima Community College who started at the UA in spring of 2023 and had a two-year plan to graduate. Now, because of the new course offering, he can fulfill that plan.

“Because of prerequisite courses and such, I was not able to get into the fall-to-spring section of senior design,” Amundsen said. “So, when they offered this session, it kept me on my plan of graduating in exactly two years.”

The new course offering is not only helping students like Amundsen keep on track. It also allows more time for students to work on their projects during summer break if they choose to. Since the teams do most of their work outside of class and use class time to seek specific answers from the instructor, many will benefit.

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Sponsor a Computer Science Capstone Project

Engagement Overview

Invest in the future of technology in our region and nation. Gain over 1,500 hours dedicated focus to your project. 

Capstone Interest form

What is a capstone?

Capstone projects are academic year-long experiences for students nearing graduation. Student teams complete a substantial software project that reinforces skills learned through classwork and prepares them to thrive in the next stage of their careers. 

This blend of educational and professional experience allows students to prepare for a life in industry and to connect academic concepts with real-world applications.  

Student teams make use of the technical and design skills they have developed throughout the Computer Science curriculum to satisfy the sponsor’s objectives.They use standard software engineering practices to scope the problem and identify the best software process model to apply to it. They then develop, test, deploy and document their solution

Students also use professional project management practices to ensure project progress and quality and to experience the workflow of professional software design

Within the framework of the course, all projects are conducted on a best-effort basis by student teams, guided by staff and in close collaboration with the sponsor.

Capstones Fall 2021   Capstones Fall 2020

Who are capstone sponsors?

Corporations, small businesses, national laboratories, R&D organizations, non-profit organizations and faculty and staff members of the University of Colorado may become project sponsors.

Who are capstone students?

Capstone projects courses are offered to undergraduate seniors and final-year master's students. Each course is taught separately, so capstone sponsors can indicate which level they deem appropriate for their project.

Capstone Project Team

For more sponsorship information, please contact:

  • Amy Richards Professional Development and Industry Relations Program Manager [email protected]

For course-specific questions, contact:

  • Alan Paradise , Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Senior Capstone Projects 430 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309 [email protected]
  • CJ Herman , Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Master's Capstone Projects 430 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309 [email protected] 

Benefits to the sponsor

Capstone sponsorship allows an organization to form an in-depth connection with a group of students who are nearing graduation. This relationship can serve as an opportunity to identify future candidates while introducing them to your company goals and culture. Capstone sponsorship serves as a mentorship role, contributing to the professional readiness of our students and instilling good practices as they prepare for a career.

In addition to your team, all students in the capstone course will be exposed to your organization as teams report out their work to the class. This provides excellent visibility, as capstone courses are large, and generates word-of-mouth buzz as students share their experiences throughout the year and at the spring expo.

Suitable project concepts

All project concepts should have a clear purpose with a recognized value to industry or society. They should have specific functional objectives and provide significant design challenges. 

Projects must have a level of complexity that is compatible with a six-person team of undergraduate seniors or master's students working on average 6 to 7 hours each for 13 weeks in the fall and 12-14 hours each for 15 weeks in the spring.

Students should be able to explore various design solutions and make choices based on sound engineering reasoning with creative latitude in arriving at a final design and implementation.

Exploratory or proof-of-concept projects can be quite successful as capstone projects.

Projects that are in the customer’s critical path cannot be accepted as capstone projects unless the customer takes full responsibility for the outcome. “Good-to-have” results and “test-of-concept” studies are more likely to be suitable. Although the goal is to make every project a success, the primary purpose of the capstone is educational.  The University of Colorado cannot take any responsibility for results deemed by the customer as “insufficient.”

Expectations for Capstone Sponsors

  • Active Interaction
  • Intellectual Property
  • Financial Commitment

All sponsors are expected to be active participants in their sponsored project. Sponsors should name a Technical Lead for the project who will be able to dedicate at least one hour per week to the project. 

Close contact with the team during the early project definition phase is critical for project success. Frequency of sponsor-team interactions will vary according to the software process model being used, and is jointly scheduled by the sponsor and team. 

Course instructors are to be CC’d on all team contact.

Sponsors can choose to allow students to retain the IP from their work, or to retain all IP generated for the project,

Unless a project agreement is created based on a contract managed by the University’s Office of Contracts and Grants, all Intellectual Property (IP) rights resulting from the supported senior design project remain with the inventor(s), i.e. the students. All materials, software packages, etc. purchased to support the project will remain the property of the CS Department for possible future use in another project or class.

Participation in the course requires a financial commitment from most sponsors. University of Colorado Community non-profit organizations, and small businesses may apply to the Director of Senior Projects for a donation reduction or exemption.

Option 1: A $7,000 philanthropic donation made payable to the University of Colorado Foundation, to provide support to the University of Colorado Boulder Department of Computer Science Senior Projects. This donation supports the Senior Projects class infrastructure and associated costs (instruction costs , software, computer labs, materials, supplies, disposables, posters, etc.)

Option 2: A $15,000 fee is charged if your organization wishes to retain project related IP. In this case a contract will be created through the University of Colorado Office of Contracts and Grants. Students assigned to these projects will be aware of the requirement to sign over all intellectual property rights to the sponsor.

The Capstone process

With the help of course instructors, sponsors scope a project appropriate for either master’s or undergraduate students and identify a technical lead who can interact with the team. In early September, projects are shared with students, who select their preferences. Instruction staff match students with projects according to preferences and skillsets required by the project. 

In the first semester, approximately half of students’ time will be spent on coursework where they study requirements elicitation and analysis, software process models, systems engineering, software configuration management, risk management, team work, software documentation, IP law, and ethics. The remainder of the students’ time is focused on scoping and architecting a design approach to their team project.By the end of the first semester, students and sponsors will come to a written agreement as to the scope of the project and requirements for successful project completion. 

Teams continue their work through the spring semester, building, testing, and iterating on their design. At the end of the spring semester, students will present at our College of Engineering Expo, attended by thousands of students, faculty, and sponsors. 

Teams give six presentations to the class at various points throughout the year and are subject to three reviews by the Project Review Board. Sponsors are welcome to attend any, or all, of these meetings.

Capstone Timeline

Meet with the team.

Meet with the Capstone team as needed to understand sponsorship expectations, discuss project scope, and receive proposal paperwork.

July- August: Submit your project

Prospective sponsors must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to propose a project before July 1 for projects starting in the fall of that year. Proposing a project does not mean automatic acceptance by the CS department. 

The sponsor should complete the Project Description template with an overview of the project, needed skills, and desired outcomes. This description will be shared with the students of the course for the project matching process. 

Early September: Project Team Assignment

A project fair is held, usually the first week of September. Sponsors are expected to participate in the Project Fair.  This is a networking event designed for students and sponsors to meet and discuss the sponsors' project proposals.

Mid-September: Project Kickoff 

Once the teams have been formed, the student team will meet with the corresponding project sponsor in order to gain a deeper understanding of the project, sponsor goals, and confirm that the project, sponsor, and team are a good match. The first task for all teams is to refine their understanding of the project, and the goals of their sponsor, to perform an initial risk evaluation, and identify the best software process model to use as a frame for developing the software.

With these in place, teams will proceed to identify tools and technologies appropriate for the project and work with the sponsor to identify materials that constitute a complete project as appropriate for that specific project and according to the process model being used.

October-December: Project architecting, scoping and planning

Teams design their solution, assign individual roles, and plan their project milestones for the remainder of the cycle. With the guidance of the sponsor, teams present their project design and may begin building. Sponsors are asked to submit feedback to instructional staff that contributes to student grades.

January-April: Implementing, Testing, Iterating

Teams work throughout the spring term to build the design that was prepared during the fall term. Pivots or redesigns may occur with the guidance and permission of the sponsor technical lead. Students document their work, test for efficacy, and make recommendations for further work.

End of April: Culminating Poster Session at College Expo

Teams present their project to the public in the form of a poster/demo presentation during the Computer Science Expo at the end of April. Sponsors are strongly encouraged to attend the Expo. 

End of Spring Semester: Team Evaluation

Sponsors are required to complete a team evaluation at the end of the spring semester. The end of semester evaluation forms will be used as the basis for the students’ course grades, and will be adjusted by the instructors according to peer evaluations and instructor observations to produce individual project grades.

  • Computing Corporate Affiliates Program
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  • Sponsor a Capstone Project

Connect with us today!

Considering sponsoring a capstone project? Get in touch with us!

We can help you decide if a sponsorship is right for you and guide you through the process. 

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John Deere Officially Opens New Manufacturing Facility in Russia

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Apr 27, 2010, 09:00 ET

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MOSCOW , April 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE ) officially opened its new manufacturing and parts distribution facility south of Moscow today in Domodedovo. The John Deere Domodedovo facility is the company's largest single investment to date in Russia . The facility will manufacture agricultural, construction and forestry machinery as well as distribute service parts in the region.

(Logo: )

" Russia has a tradition of embracing advanced equipment and modern agricultural and forestry management practices," said Deere & Company chairman and CEO Samuel R. Allen at the facility's grand opening ceremony. "These are critical to the health and development of large-scale farming and forestry. They also tend to be a good match for the capabilities of John Deere products."

The new facility at Domodedovo is open just nine months after John Deere first announced its plans at the Russia - U.S. Business Forum last summer. Deere received strong cooperation from the Russian Federal government, the Moscow Oblast, and the community of Domodedovo to open the factory within this short time frame.

Allen noted that most of the world's available arable land is already being farmed, that clean water is becoming increasingly scarce, and that infrastructure is needed in many parts of the world to bring crops and forestry materials to market.

" Russia has great advantages in all these areas and the potential to become one of the world's major food-producing regions," Allen said.

At the opening ceremony for the John Deere facility, Allen said Russia 's future holds "truly immense potential as a major provider of the renewable resources so vital to the world's economic and social well-being."

He added that Deere's future plans in Russia are supportive of the Russian government's objectives to boost the output of grains and other renewable resources and to make the farm and forestry sectors more commercially vibrant.

Deere has said that the new Domodedovo facility will include a new EurAsia Parts Distribution Center and manufacture products for the company's two major divisions, including large tractors and combines for use in agriculture and a series of products for use in construction and forestry. Both the parts distribution and manufacturing capabilities will help John Deere serve customers in Russia and throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States and in other nearby markets.

In his remarks at the grand opening, Allen said, Deere first sold products in Russia 100 years ago. Now, he said, in addition to the new Domodedovo location, John Deere has a manufacturing site in Orenburg, offices in St. Petersburg and Moscow and over 70 sales and service locations located in Russia .

John Deere is a world leader in providing advanced products and services for agriculture, forestry, construction, lawn and turf care, landscaping and irrigation. John Deere also provides financial services worldwide and manufactures and markets engines used in heavy equipment. Since it was founded in 1837, the company has extended its heritage of integrity, quality, commitment and innovation around the globe.

SOURCE Deere & Company

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

senior capstone project mechanical engineering

Location approximately 2km west of the city centre
Website Monastery - Museum -

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    senior capstone project mechanical engineering


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  20. PDF Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program Handbook

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  21. Spring 2024 Senior Capstone Presentations

    The Department of Engineering at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi held its spring 2024 senior capstone presentations on May 3. Six teams presented their projects to 30 judges from companies such as Kiewit Offshore Services, Nyati Engineering, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lockheed Martin, and American Electric Power (AEP).

  22. Capstone team takes formula-style car to international competition

    U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo. - The U.S. Air Force Academy's only cadet-designed and built human-raced vehicle capstone finished an impressive 69th out of a field of 108 cars in international competition in Michigan. Eleven senior cadets on the Department of Mechanical Engineering capstone team took their Formula Society of Automotive ...

  23. B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    The Department of Mechanical Engineering features four major interdisciplinary research centers and more than 40 laboratories. Our faculty and students contribute to key research areas by advancing none-scale 3D printing, developing new generations of health monitoring tools, and leading solutions for robotic systems.

  24. Capstone Spring Start Option Gives Students More Graduation Freedom

    Erik Amundsen, a student in ENGR 498 who is majoring in mechanical engineering, is on Team 24508, whose project revolves around rehabilitating and renovating parts of the University of Arizona's San Xavier Underground Mining Laboratory. Amundsen is a transfer student from Pima Community College who started at the UA in spring of 2023 and had ...

  25. Sponsor a Computer Science Capstone Project

    Professional Development and Industry Relations Program Manager. [email protected]. For course-specific questions, contact: Alan Paradise, Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Senior Capstone Projects. 430 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309. [email protected]. CJ Herman, Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Master's ...

  26. Civil & Environmental Engineering Senior Projects Impact Communities

    This year's capstone projects provided civil and environmental engineering seniors with unique real-world work experiences that designed new structural developments and addressed stormwater and wastewater management issues - potentially impacting areas from Niagara Falls to San Francisco, across Indiana, and as far away as Ghana and Nepal.. Teams of students applied the knowledge and ...


    SkyscraperPage Forum > Diagrams & Database > Building Requests & Database Corrections > Completed Requests: BUILDING REQUEST | One Tower | Moscow

  28. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal Heavy Engineering Works, JSC is a designer and manufacturer of equipment for producing seamless hot-rolled, cold-rolled and welded steel materials and metallurgical equipment. MSZ, also known as Elemash , Russia's largest producer of fuel rod assemblies for nuclear power plants, which are exported to many countries in Europe.

  29. John Deere Officially Opens New Manufacturing Facility in Russia

    /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) officially opened its new manufacturing and parts distribution facility south of Moscow today in...

  30. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...