
Complete Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL Free Source Code

Complete Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL

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Project: Complete Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL with Source Code

Welcome to our in-depth guide on creating a robust Complete Online Learning Management System (LMS) using PHP and MySQL. In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll walk you through the entire process of building an efficient and user-friendly LMS from scratch. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a fully functional system capable of managing courses, students, instructors, and much more.

About Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL

This Complete Online Learning Management System is develop in PHP MySQL database, using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Modal, Ajax, and Bootstrap, this system is easy to use and very friendly user in web application, it contain of admin and user, the user is represent as a student, before the student to make their own account we need sign up to login, and also the student can add everything in school like select courses, under the approval of admin, but for any inquires the student also can chat the admin using online chat. The admin can manage all transaction in online chat, approved, and delete user.

Admin Dashboard

The admin dashboard serves as the central hub for managing various aspects of the system. It includes modules for managing categories, courses, students, enrollments, reports, and messages.

  • Add new categories with customizable attributes such as category code, title, parent category, icon picker, and thumbnail.
  • View active, pending, free, and paid courses.
  • Filter courses based on categories, status, instructor, and price.

Student Management

  • Add, edit, and delete student profiles.
  • Search for students based on specific criteria.
  • Monitor enrollment history and enroll students in courses.
  • Generate reports on admin and instructor revenue, enrolled courses, total amount, and enrollment status.
  • Configure system settings, website settings, payment settings, instructor settings, language settings, SMTP settings, and more.
  • Add New Categories, Category Code, Category Title, Parent, Icon Picker, Category, and Thumbnail.
  • Active Courses, Pending Courses, Free Courses, Paid Courses, Course List , Categories, Status, Instructor, Price and Filter.
  • Add New Students, Show Entries, Photo, Name, Email, Enrolled Courses, Edit, Delete, and Search.
  • Enroll History, Enroll a Student, Enrollment Form, User, and Course, to Enroll.
  • Admin Revenue, Instructor Revenue, Enrolled Course, Total Amount, Enrollment Date and Status.
  • System Settings, Website Settings, Payment Settings, Payment Setting, Instructor Settings, Language Settings, SMTP Settings, About, Themes, Mobile App

System Setting

  • Website Name, Website Title, Website Keywords, Website Description, Author, Slogan, System Email, Address, Phone, You Tube Key, Vimeo, Api Key, Purchase Code, System Language, Student Email Verification, and Footer Link.

Website Setting

  • Banner Title, Banner Sub Title, About Us, Term of Condition, Privacy Policy

Payment Setting

  • System Currency, Currency Position, Active, Mode, Paypal Currency, Client ID.
  • Instructor Setting, Allow Public Instructor, Instructor Revenue, Admin Revenue percentage.

Language Setting

  • Language List, Add Phrase, Add language, Edit, and Delete.

SMTP Setting

  • Protocol, SMTP Host, SMTP Port, Username, Password.

Online Learning Management System Flowchart

The flowchart depicts the comprehensive process flow of our Online Learning Management System (LMS). Here’s a detailed description of each component and the corresponding actions:

  • User Access (A) : The flow begins when a user accesses the system.
  • Yes : If the user is authenticated, they are directed to the Admin Dashboard (D).
  • No : If not authenticated, they are prompted to login/register (E).
  • Manage Categories (F) : Admins can add, edit, and delete categories for organizing courses.
  • Manage Courses (G) : Admins can add, edit, and delete courses, as well as manage course details.
  • Manage Students (H) : Admins can add, edit, and delete student profiles.
  • Manage Enrollment (I) : Admins can enroll students in courses and manage enrollment details.
  • Generate Reports (J) : Admins can generate reports on various system activities and statistics.
  • Configure Settings (K) : Admins can configure system-wide settings such as system, website, payment, instructor, language, and SMTP settings.
  • Login (L) : Existing users can login to access the system.
  • Register (M) : New users can register for a new account to access the system.
  • Manage Categories (F) : Admins can add new categories, enter category details, and save them.
  • Manage Courses (G) : Admins can add new courses, enter course details, and save them.
  • Manage Students (H) : Admins can add new students, enter student details, and save them.
  • Manage Enrollment (I) : Admins can enroll students in courses by selecting users and courses, then proceeding to enroll them.
  • Generate Reports (J) : Admins can select the type of report they want to generate and then proceed to generate the report.
  • Configure Settings (K) : Admins can select the type of setting they want to configure (system, website, payment, etc.), enter the necessary details, and save the settings.
  • Users can loop back to the main dashboard or navigate between different functionalities based on their requirements.

Online Learning Management System Flowchart

This flowchart provides a detailed overview of the entire process flow within our Online Learning Management System, guiding users through various actions and functionalities available within the system.

Online Learning Management System ER Diagram

Here’s a detailed description of the entities and their attributes in the ER diagram for the Online Learning Management System:

  • UserID : Unique identifier for each user.
  • Username : User’s username for authentication.
  • Password : User’s password for authentication.
  • Email : User’s email address for communication.
  • Role : Role of the user in the system (e.g., student, instructor, admin).
  • CategoryID : Unique identifier for each category.
  • CategoryCode : Code representing the category.
  • CategoryTitle : Title or name of the category.
  • ParentCategoryID : Identifier indicating the parent category (if any).
  • CourseID : Unique identifier for each course.
  • CourseTitle : Title or name of the course.
  • Description : Description providing details about the course content.
  • Status : Status of the course (e.g., active, inactive).
  • InstructorID : Identifier of the instructor associated with the course.
  • CategoryID : Identifier of the category to which the course belongs.
  • Price : Price of the course.
  • Currency : Currency in which the course price is specified.
  • StudentID : Unique identifier for each student.
  • Name : Name of the student.
  • Email : Email address of the student.
  • PhotoURL : URL pointing to the student’s profile photo.
  • EnrolledCoursesIDs : List of course IDs in which the student is enrolled.
  • EnrollmentID : Unique identifier for each enrollment record.
  • StudentID : Identifier of the student enrolled in the course.
  • CourseID : Identifier of the course in which the student is enrolled.
  • EnrollmentDate : Date when the student enrolled in the course.
  • Status : Status of the enrollment (e.g., pending, completed).
  • ReportID : Unique identifier for each report.
  • ReportType : Type or category of the report.
  • GeneratedDate : Date when the report was generated.
  • Details : Additional details or information included in the report.
  • InstructorID : Unique identifier for each instructor.
  • Name : Name of the instructor.
  • Email : Email address of the instructor.
  • Bio : Biography or profile description of the instructor.
  • Specialization : Area of specialization or expertise of the instructor.
  • PhotoURL : URL pointing to the instructor’s profile photo.

Online Learning Management System ER Diagram

This highly detailed ER diagram provides an exhaustive view of the data model for the Online Learning Management System. It includes specific attributes for each entity, such as user details, course information, enrollment records, and instructor profiles. This level of detail ensures a comprehensive understanding of the system’s data structure and relationships.

Online Learning Management System Project

  • Name of Project:      Online Learning Management System
  • Language Used :      PHP
  • Database Used :      MySQL
  • Design Interface :    Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,
  • Browser:                   Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,
  • Software:                  WAMP/ XAMPP / LAMP/MAMP


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How To Run the System

Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Complete Online Learning Management System in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!

Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:

1st Step : Firstly, Extract the file 2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder 3rd Step: So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/

Further, Now Connecting Database

4th Step: So, for now, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/” 5th Step: After that, Click on the databases tab 6th Step: So, Create a database naming “dblms” and then click on the import tab 7th Step: Certainly, Click on browse file and select “ dblms. sql ” file which is inside the “db” folder 8th Step: Meanwhile, click on Go button.

After Creating Database ,

9th Step: Moreover, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/Online_Learning_Management_System”

Username: [email protected]** / Password: admin

System Requirements and Installation

Before diving into the development process, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • Virtual server software like XAMPP installed on your PC.
  • Basic knowledge of PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:

  • Download the Project : Extract the project files and copy the main folder to the xampp/htdocs/ directory.
  • Database Setup : Access phpMyAdmin via your browser and create a new database named dblms . Import the dblms.sql file located in the db folder.
  • Configuration : Update the necessary configuration settings such as database credentials, SMTP settings, and website details in the appropriate files.
  • Accessing the System : Once the setup is complete, navigate to http://localhost/Online_Learning_Management_System in your browser. Use the provided credentials (Username: [email protected] / Password: admin) to log in to the admin panel.

Project Demonstration

For instance, have a look at the video below for the project demo.

In conclusion, building an Online Learning Management System with PHP and MySQL offers immense potential for educational institutions, businesses, and independent instructors to deliver high-quality learning experiences to their audience. With our comprehensive guide, you’re equipped with the knowledge and resources to develop a feature-rich LMS tailored to your specific requirements.

Stay tuned for more tutorials and updates on web development topics. Happy coding!

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Free Download Complete Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL Source Code

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Online Classroom in PHP with Source Code

A simple project based on Online Classroom Management System which uses  PHP Language . Following PHP project contains important features which can be in use for the first year, second year IT students for their college projects. It has a number of important features that will allow all the users to interact with their faculties online regarding their assessment and others. This system as well as the web application’s concept is all clear, it’s the same as real-life scenarios and well-implemented on it. To download free online classroom management system project in PHP MySQL with source code files, please scroll down to the bottom of this post for the Download button.

About Online Classroom PHP MySQL Project

Moving on, this online classroom project in PHP focuses mainly on dealing with records regarding student assessments, learning materials, etc. Also, the system displays all the available records of students and faculties. In addition, the system allows adding student results too. The project is divided into three categories: Admin, Student, and Faculty. In an overview of this web application, the admin can the right to manage students and faculties. In addition to it, the admin can also view total guest records with their names and email. Here, an admin can make changes to it too.

  • Faculty Panel

Talking about the faculty panel, it contains a number of important features for the system. Under the faculty panel, a user can view student’s details, manage assessment, manage markings, queries, and learning materials. A faculty can view each and every detail of the students except for their login credentials. The main role of a faculty member is to create and manage assessments for their students. For this, he/she has to enter the assessment title, and five different questions to it. These assessments are published in the student’s area. As soon as students submit their assessments, the faculty member can check them and proceed with the results. Publishing the results is very simple here. And after publishing the result, respective students can view it from their account.

Student’s Query and Learning Materials

Additionally, it contains a query section that displays all the queries asked by the students. Here, the faculty has to provide answers to each of the queries. The faculty member can also delete the queries. Also, the faculty has the right to manage learning materials. Under the learning materials, the faculty can post video materials by entering the title, description, and embed link. Each of these learning materials is available for the students. Besides, the user can update his/her profile and change password.

Student Panel and Guest

On the other hand, a student can take available assessments. For this, the student has to provide answers to all the available questions. After submitting the assessments, the student has to wait for the results to be published by the faculty members. In fact, the assessments section works as a simple quiz application. A student can view his/her results for each assessment with other details. Also, the student has access to post additional queries to the faculty members. All the queries can be later managed under the queries section. Besides, the students can access all the learning materials such as tutorials. Each section contains of title, video and its description. And without logging in, any user can submit queries as a guest by providing their name, email, and questions.

Last but not least, a clean and simple dashboard is presented with simple color combinations for greater user experience while using this Online Classroom Project in PHP MySQL. For its UI elements, a free open-source CSS framework; Bootstrap is on board with some Vanilla CSS too. Presenting a new Online Classroom Management System PHP MySQL Project which includes an admin panel with students and faculty panel that contains least but the essential features to follow up, and a knowledgeable resource for learning purposes.

Available Features:

  • Admin Panel
  • Students Panel
  • Take Assessments
  • Assessment Management
  • Manage Student’s Result
  • Post Queries
  • Manage Queries
  • Publish Learning Materials
  • Manage Learning Materials
  • Student Management
  • Faculty Management
  • Guest Management

Instructions: How to Run?

  • After you finish downloading the project,  unzip  the project file and head over to your XAMPP directory.
  • There you’ll find a folder naming “htdocs”.
  • Inside the “htdocs” folder, paste the project folder (not the .zip one, but the extracted one).
  • Open your favorite browser; we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Then, go to URL “ http://localhost/phpmyadmin “.
  • Create a Database with a name that is provided inside the “01 LOGIN DETAILS & PROJECT INFO.txt”.
  • Click on the “Import” tab and choose the database file (.sql) which is provided under the folder naming “DATABASE FILE”.
  • After setting up all these, go to URL “ http://localhost/[ PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME ] /“
  • All the login details are provided inside the project folder, check that out and enter in order to use it.

And there you have it, a full setup of the Online Classroom project in PHP MySQL. For this particular PHP project, PHP Version 5.6 or Newer is required because the project might not operate well with the oldest PHP version. So, users with the oldest PHP version (less than 5.6) might face various problems while operating it. As a result, you’ll need to upgrade your PHP version (only if you’re using the oldest version) at the moment. Download Free Online Classroom System Project in PHP MySQL Source Code. So, this online classroom PHP project is a basic project for all the beginner levels that broads vast knowledge into such PHP web applications. In conclusion, this whole PHP project with free source code is an absolute project and a meaningful way for the users to learn and explore more about it.

Free Download Online Classroom Project in PHP MySQL with Source Code: Click the Download Button Below to Start Downloading

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This E-Learning System is an online based system that is made of PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap templates, JQuery and MYSQL database. This system is very helpful most especially if you are going to make online lessons, activities and also make quizzes.


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Learning Management System Project in PHP

E-learning management system php and mysql.

Now that everything is available on the internet, learning and upgrading new skills has become so much easy. Our online program further makes the process even easier and seamless for the students. You don't need to travel long distances for education.

Our Online Learning Management System In PHP and MySQL offers you to upgrade your technical skills from the comfort of your home. This allows the administration of student learning and teaching activities, facilitates the communication of students, teachers, administrative staff, and tutors. In this way, the system offers the possibility of speeding up and simplifying the learning process.

Learning Management System Online is an open market script application for on-line study. Here, college/school/coaching students and instructors are together mixed to share information utilizing a mostly system based structured course. This application is for the educators and college students that are working for Online education work area. Also, in this application scholastics or instructors can create a boundless scope of course/session/quiz/projects etc.

E-Learning management System PHP and MySQL

At a more specific level, there are three types of users in the E-Learning Management System.

  • Students or users - Students are the ones who receive the training. Students will be able to view their course catalog, complete the courses and any assigned assessments, and measure their own progress.
  • Instructor - A copyrighted user can manage learning content: add and remove users, assign students to courses.
  • Administrators - Administrator is responsible for managing the LMS, which involves a combination of tasks: creating courses and learning plans, assigning courses to students, and giving track of your learning progress.

The objective of the system

The objective of the Learning Management System PHP MySql Source Code is to simplify the generation of statistical data on the academic activity of an educational institution in general.

  • An online training system with a smooth and well organized Graphical User Interface (GUI), easy to understand for the user from the first glance
  • Access to the e-Learning system from anywhere
  • Maximum flexibility in the configuration of the LMS system

Type of Actors/users

  • Instructor/Teacher
  • Student/user

Admin Features

  • System Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • YouTube API Settings
  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Sub-categories
  • Manage Course(Course Contains,
  • Manage Course Section
  • Manage Course Lesson
  • Manage Course Quiz
  • Manage Instructor
  • Manage Student/user
  • Manage Instructor Payment/revenue

Instructor Features

  • Manage Profile
  • Check revenue

Student/user Features

  • Can access the website/Course
  • Search for a specific course
  • Top 10 Course
  • Get Course details on mouseover/thumnail
  • Create Account(Registration)
  • Add to Cart/Checkout/Purchase Course
  • Wishlists Course
  • After Purchase/Buy Course See My Course
  • View Lessons
  • Give test/Quiz

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Online College Management System PHP Project


Online College Management System is a web-based project developed using PHP programming language. The project/website aims at displaying results and attendances of students along with events , news, assignments , and other activities of the college. It provides an online platform where all students, parents and teachers can have complete information about the college and its events.

The complete source code, project report, documents and other necessary files of Online College Management System can be accessed from the download links in this post. Below, I’ve briefly introduced the project with its features, modules, limitations and comparison of existing and proposed college management system.

Download Online College Management System Project in PHP with Source Code, Project Report, and Documentation



About Online College Management System:

Existing System:

In existing college Management System, some works can be done manually but some cannot be done because it is time consuming and cumbersome. The present system works in ASP.Net; it is HTML based static website. The static website only displays college information such as college history, courses offered, contact details, faculties and management details.

The static web site of college does not maintain the information regarding no. of years or semesters in each course, students’ details in each semester, subjects of each semester, exam and result details of each students, etc. There is no provision of dynamic management of news, events and notices. The drawbacks of existing Online College Management system are listed out in the project report.

Proposed System:

Being a web-based project, this proposed Online College Management PHP Project is a dynamic website which is very easy to understand. With easy interface, anyone can easily work in the website. The website provides all details of the college including courses, subjects, events, news, attendances, results , notices, and more.

A College Management web project like this eradicates the need to perform paper works to make mark sheets and publish the mark sheet on notice board. With this system, mark sheets can be made on MS Excel and then uploaded on the website.

Students don’t need to go through notice boards to view their results; they can easily view all their results cum attendance info on the website. To make the website work effectively, PHP has been used as the Development Platform and MySQL as the Database Management Environment.

Modules Overview:

Three categories of modules have been featured in Online College Management System. They are:

1. Admin Module : Admins can add new course, modify existing course or remove the existing course. This module also provides searching tools to search the courses by different fields, course names, course ids, etc. This module also provides the facility to upload details of attendance, result, time table , exam papers, etc; these are outlined below:

  • Course details
  • Semester, subject details
  • Student, faculty details
  • Exam result, attendance details
  • Event, news details
  • Upload various documents

2. Faculty Module :

  • Edit profile
  • View own subject attendance and result
  • Upload own subject assignment

3. End-User Module :

  • View course and subject details
  • View events and fresh news
  • View college information
  • View black list
  • View own result and attendance
  • Download assignments and time table


Despite the scope, features and modules aforementioned, there are a few limitations in Online College Management System Project. These are listed below:

  • The system requires knowledgeable person for effective handling.
  • The system does not cover the online fees collection and online admission.
  • This system doesn’t provide library management facility.
  • The system is web-based application, so internet facility is required.
  • For data storage large number of memory is used by the system on the web.


Online College Management System Project in PHP

Also see, University Management System College Networking Website More PHP Projects


Some future enhancements or rooms for improvements in Online College Management System include addition of Online Accounting System, good backup facilities and restoring facilities. Further, new modules can be added in the system as the system is very flexible. Also, online student admission feature with the provision of paying tuition fees online can be incorporated into this System.

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I post it on my fb page..but i cant receive source code..sir pls send me source code of online college management system project as earlier u may give plss…

Issue resolved. Try again. File will be available for download after share.

Dear Where is download link. You want just adv do something for download

Where is download Link

There is block “Download Source Files FREE !” in post. Press any share button and download link will appear.

there’s no link here even after sharing the site just send me the link please [email protected]

I am unable to download the project even after sharing it on google+. There is no hyperlink on

Download Online College Management System Project in PHP with Source Code, Project Report, and Documentation!

download link is not appearing, please send me download link on my email

cant download…please forward me the source code

please send me Source code for this project.i can’t download even though i share it. pliz sir…

Please send me this source code and database…pliz

pls send me the database and the source code.. thanks

I can’t able to download this project from your link. Please give me a new link or send me project on my email. I need it emergency. Please.

Source code already added after first pera in above post you need to unlock it by sharing on facebook

I could’t find sourcecode , Please how to download link plz email me all source code of this college management project php and mysql both my email [email protected]

pls send me the database and the source code , the download link is displaying an error message!

Wow it look nice,thank

i couldnot find sourcecode in:download link plz email me all source code of this college management project( php and mysql both) my email= [email protected]

please send me the source code with database on my email

First check the download link.

please send me Source code for this project.i can’t download even though i share it. pliz sir…

The project seems to be good. Can you please tell me how to deploy it using wamp

that good project but need your help that how to full implement this project send me on my email please

Nice Prpject

Thanks Umer!

u get download link?

There is block “Download Source Files FREE !” in post. Press any share button and download link will appear.

this project works Correctly.

Please Send This Kind of Project. this may be help with us..

You can find relevant projects in our site. Go to “Final Year Projects”.

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eLearning System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

online education system project in php free download

This is a PHP Project entitled eLearning System . This project helps a certain school to provide an online platform for of learning system. This simple system organized the data of the school such as the list of classes, student subjects, faculty subject loads, and subject lessons. The system uses stores the exported slides image PPT (Presentation) slide of the lesson created by the faculty. By this, the student can use the system to read and learn their lessons per subject. The lesson that been created by the faculty will be only visible to their selected class under them to in a specific subject, Therefore, the student can only access the lesson that is listed to their classes that been created in the active academic year. The system has a maintenance feature for the active academic school year. This feature filters the data to be shown to the end-users.

The system was developed using PHP/MySQLi, MySQL Database, HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery and Ajax), and other library/plugins such as the Bootstrap Framework and AdminLTE Template for the design. The scope of this simple but it could be a good start to use if your planning to develop like the said Web Application. The system has 3 types of users which are the Administrator, Faculty, and Student. The admin is in charge of populating/maintaining the master list data of the system. The Faculty is in charge of uploading the lessons. The student can view the lesson. The system has a user login navigation portal page that shows the welcome message of the system and the login navigation links. The Faculty/Student credentials require the Faculty ID/Student ID and password. The password will be the Faculty ID/Student ID by default and can be changed or modify by the user after logging into the system.

Admin Panel

  • Manage System Info
  • Manage Academic Year List
  • Manage Department List
  • Manage Course List
  • Manage Subject List
  • Manage Faculty List
  • Manage Faculty Subject Loads
  • Manage Student List
  • Manage Class List
  • Manage Account Details
  • Login/Logout
  • View My Class List
  • View My Lesson Created
  • Manage Lesson
  • View My Subject List
  • View My Lesson per Subject

Sample Views in The System

online education system project in php free download

Lesson View

online education system project in php free download

Lesson List

online education system project in php free download

The project source code is free to download and for educational purposes only. Continue reading to know how to run this project.


  • Download and Install a local web server such as the XAMPP/WAMP (PHP v7+)
  • Download the provided source code zip file. ( download button is located below )


  • Open your XAMPP/WAMP's Control Panel and start the "Apache" and "MySQL".
  • Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
  • If you are using XAMPP, copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs" folder . And for WAMP , paste it inside the "www" directory .
  • Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser . i.e http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Create a new database naming "elearning ".
  • Import the provided SQL file in your newly created database. The SQL file is known as "elearning.sql" inside the "database" folder.
  • Browse the Simple eLearning System Project in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/elearning

System User Access Information:

Admin Username: admin Password: admin123

Sample Faculty Faculty ID: 12345 Password: 12345

Sample Faculty Faculty ID: 6231415 Password: 6231415

That's it! I hope this Simple eLearning System PHP Project will help you with what you are looking for and you'll find something useful for your future PHP Projects. Explore more on this website for more Free Project Source codes and Tutorials.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it. 2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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Download 30 Best Free PHP Projects with Source Code

By john smith . last updated on april 1st, 2022..

php projects free download

What this means is that if you try to run the PHP code in a web browser, it results in the web browser printing the entire code. You need a server to execute PHP projects or scripts. We’ll come to this part later in the article.

In the event that you are hoping to dominate PHP prior to making your first venture, udemy course PHP for Beginners (with CMS Project) will be truly useful.

PHP is a prearranging language that powers the vast majority of the sites today. PHP projects, in this manner, allude to sites, web applications, applications, anything, and all that is created by utilizing PHP. Along these lines, how about we start the conversation with things that go into a PHP project.

What Makes Up a PHP Project?

1. php development environment/language release.

Nonetheless, there are a few certain viewpoints, as PHP 7 does not offer help for MySQL augmentation, that one ought to note down while making the pick between the two PHP discharges.

2. Development Tools; Editors, IDEs, and Frameworks

PHP projects require PHP scripts. You can easily create a PHP script using Notepad sublime text.

  • Simply create a new file using the popular text editor,
  • Write down the PHP code, and
  • Save using a .php extension.

It is the most favored way while simply branching out to learn PHP, without rehashing an already solved problem. The equivalent, in any case, is a wasteful way while chipping away at an undeniable venture or in any event, while learning progressed ideas that require writing down Brobdingnagian extents of code.

  • Komodo Edit
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Rapid PHP editor
  • Zend Studio

Dissimilar to IDEs and code editors, systems are an assemblage of libraries and modules that offer a conventional construction of program (for a site or a web application) advancement. Here is an article that plunges further into probably the best PHP systems for web advancement.

3. Web Server

Where to get php projects code, download 10 best free php projects with source code, 1. church management system in php.

Church project

Church is commonly defined as abuilding used for public worship.however, many people refere to church as an organisation. Examples are the Catholic Church, the Church of England, and the Southern Baptism Church amongst many others.

Church management system is online system which controls all operations and activities that take place in church, it has many features like chritian management, christian attendance with thier templature records, store management, finance and many others. The system analyse data and display it in graph format and cards to the admins on dashboard page.

2. Online Grocery shop in php and mysql with source code

grocery management system

The grocery management system is a PHP and SQL-based online application. It allows you to manage your grocery store, customer information, and assist in the online sale of your groceries. This project will help grocery store to keep truck of their business, To know products sold, amount generated and automatic invoice generation.

The grocery management system is developed in PHP and Mysql to help traders to sell their products online. products like fresh vegetables, organic, fresh fruits, fruit juice, fresh food and many others can be bought online without accessing the physical shop.

3. Online Furniture shop in php and mysql with source code

Online Furniture Shop Management System using PHP and MySQL is web based application which help people to buy and sell furniture online without visiting physical shop. The main aim of this project of Online Furniture Shop Project in PHP is to manage truck the sales, automatic invoice generation to customer after purchase, to know furniture sold, Order etc.

4. Online Electronics shop in php and mysql with source code


Electronic Shop Management System using PHP and MySQL is web based application which help people to buy and sell electronics online without visiting physical shop. The main aim of this project of Online Electronic Shop Project in PHP is to manage truck the sales, automatic invoice generation to customer after purchase, to know electronics purchased, amount collected etc.

5. Beauty Salon management system

beauty salon project

A beauty salon is an establishment dealing with cosmetic treatments for men and women.

A place where your hair, face, and body can be given special treatments to improve their appearance.

This is online system which help customers to submit their appointments(date and time), it help to overcome problem of time wastage for customers waiting to be worked on. Admin get notification of new appontment and take action immediately, other useful features like customer and service management, invoices, report generation are also included in system.

6. Zoo management system in php

zoo project

A park or an institution in which living animals are kept and usually exhibited to the public. Also called zoological garden.

Zoo management system is a computerised system which help tourist to see animal kept in that specific zoo before visiting, Also it help admin to prepare tourist tickets both young and old, citizens and foreigners. It has strong features which help to do the operations faster.

7. Poultry farm management system

poultry farm project

Poultry - mostly chickens - are farmed in great numbers. Farmers raise more than 50 billion chickens annually as a source of food, both for their meat and for their eggs. Chickens raised for eggs are usually called layers while chickens raised for meat are often called broilers.

Poultry farm management system is online system which help farmers to manage all activities carried out which include chicken population, store management,sells, invoices and many others. Farm managers and owners can truck and see what is taking place without visiting farm.

8. Car rental management system in php

car rental project

A car rental, hire car or car hire agency is a company that rents automobiles for short periods of time for a fee. It is often organized with numerous local branches, and primarily located near airports or busy city areas and often complemented by a website allowing online reservations. Car rental agencies primarily serve people who have a car that is temporarily out of reach or out of service, for example travelers who are out of town or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair or insurance compensation. Because of the variety of sizes of their vehicles, car rental agencies may also serve the self-moving industry needs, by renting vans or trucks, and in certain markets other types of vehicles such as motorcycles or scooters may also be offered. Alongside the basic rental of a vehicle, car rental agencies typically also offer extra products such as insurance, global positioning system navigation systems, entertainment systems, and even such things as mobile phones.

Car rental system is online booking system which help customers to book a vehicle without visiting bond and it has feature for customers to truck their bookings, profile updates, changing password and many others. Managers and administrators have thier panel where they control and truck what ever is taking plae in car bond.

9. Student details management system

student details project

Student Details Management allows you manage all the academic, personal, family, previous school details along with his/her passport size photo. You can also register and update student from the student details management section.

10. Tourism management system

tourism project

Tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. As such, tourism is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th century, although it has antecedents in Classical antiquity.

Tourism management system is online system which help tourists to access available tour packages and book without accessing offices and they have features of tracking and controlling their bookings, accessing tour history, password and profile update. Admin has thier panel where they control the system and see people who are ready to go, also they have many feature like package management and many others.

11. Decoration management system

Decoration booking project

Something used to decorate, especially when put up temporarily to celebrate or call attention to a special occasion.

Decoration management system is online system which helps customer to book online without accessing offices, Admin has their panel with beautiful features which help them to control and manage bookings.

12. Hostel booking management system in php

hostel booking project

Hostels are defined as a second home for the ones who reside in the same. Hostels are the place where the students live, spend time with their friends, study and do all their chores after school hours.

A hostel is a form of low-cost, short-term shared sociable lodging where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed in a dormitory, with shared use of a lounge and sometimes a kitchen. Rooms can be mixed or single-sex and have private or shared bathrooms. Private rooms may also be available, but the property must offer dormitories to be considered a hostel.

This system helps student to book hostel online without visisting the school. The school administrators get to know new booking and information about those students like name, address, booked months, course, with or without food and many others.

13. Company Visitors management system

php ideas for beginers

Visitor management means the tracking of how much a building is used, the visitor details and their activities when they are in your building. Examples of buildings include airports, hotels, schools, universities, shopping centres, office buildings, and more.

Visitor management is also the processes that someone undertakes in order to process visitors, including pre-registration, checking-in, badge printing and security, wayfinding, meeting room booking and more.

Company visitors management system is online which help to register visitors details like Name, address, email, Natonal ID numbers, reason, entering time and contacts before they enter. And also their information is updated at time of leaving(Leaving time). This system enables company truck to thier visitors in case of any crime.

Recent Tutorials

  • How to create piechart with Mysql dynamic data.
  • How to register and login in php.
  • How to check password strength in php.
  • Dependant dropdown in Php and Mysql.

PHP Projects

  • Ecommerce website in php and mysql with source code
  • Electronics management system using php and mysql with source code
  • Grocery management system using php and mysql with source code
  • Furniture shop management system using php and mysql with source code
  • Student details management system
  • Poultry farm management system
  • Church management system
  • Car rental management system
  • Tourism management system
  • Company visitors management system
  • Hostel booking management system
  • Beauty salon management system
  • Decoration booking management system
  • Zoo management system

All Tutorials

  • Inline editing in Php and Mysql
  • Dependant dropdown in Php and Mysql
  • How to upload image using php and Mysql
  • How to update image using php and Mysql
  • How to restrict image format upload using php and Mysql
  • How to limit image size upload using php and Mysql
  • How to create bar graph with Mysql dynamic data
  • How to create piechart with Mysql dynamic data
  • How to create area chart with Mysql dynamic data
  • How to create doughnut chart with mysql dynamic data
  • How to delete Table Row using Sweetalert2
  • How to dispaly Mysql data in modal using php
  • How to edit Mysql data in modal using php
  • How to insert Mysql data with modal
  • How to insert and edit Mysql data with modal using php
  • How to delete Multiple Record in PHP
  • How to generate Mysql data in excel
  • How to generate Mysql data in pdf
  • How to login with remember me function in php
  • How to generate barcode in php
  • How to register and login in php
  • Login attempts in php
  • How to check password strength in php
  • How to insert data into MySql using PHP
  • How to fetch data from MySql using PHP
  • User Login And Login Tracking Using PHP
  • How to insert data in the Database using PHP Prepared Statement
  • How to create,read,update and delete data in the Database using Php data objects
  • How to delete data from Mysql database using Php
  • How to upload pdf/docs/zipped files using Php

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School Management System In PHP Open Source

[complete] school management system in php open source.

Are you looking for a COMPLETE   School Management System In PHP with Source Code ? Well I’m glad to say that you are on the right website because today, I will give you an idea about the major functionalities and a complete source code of School Management System using PHP.

From applications and class registration to extensive performance monitoring and financials, these systems have it all. Faculty and students are usually involved in administration management.

Open Source School Management System In PHP : About the project

The School Management System In PHP was developed using PHP CodeIgniter and MySQL Database as the system’s Back-End. This School Management System Project In PHP has a unique Interface design and a user friendly project. and also this project has many features that answer’s the needs of school.

This School Management System In PHP Open Source also includes a School Management System In PHP with Free Source Code Download , just find the downloadable Source Code below and click to start downloading.

School Management System Using PHP  : Project Details and Technology

School management system project in php : features.

This School Management System in PHP has many features that include the following:

  • Administrator Management
  • Teacher Management
  • Student Management
  • Parent Management

Administrator List of Features:

  • Admin can manage full this software.
  • Add dynamic class, section and group.
  • Admin can select student capacity in a class and section.
  • Admin can view, edit and delete class’s information, section and group.
  • Add new student in this software as student admission.
  • Admin can view student’s details and parents information.
  • Edit and delete student information.
  • Admin can view the full school students attendance percentage.
  • Students attendance percentage have two type a) Daily or running attendance percentage. b) Total or yearly attendance percentage.
  • Add class routine for individual class.
  • Add new teacher in this system.
  • Can edit and delete any teacher’s information.
  • Add dynamic subjects for every class.
  • Can delete from any class also edit class subject information.
  • Admin can declared notice for all user in this software.
  • If admin want declared different notice for different user.
  • Admin can make parents profile for this software.
  • Admin can delete parents profile.
  • Add grade with point for examination.
  • Add exam and exam routine by different class.
  • Admin can view all examination routine by class title and exam title.
  • If admin want can edit and delete exam and examination routine.
  • Admin can view the result of examination attendance.
  • Admin can check result sheet and accept result sheet which is sent from teacher.
  • Admin can complete the full result in a class and publish the result.
  • Admin can publish the result in the school for all class.
  • Admin can view any student’s mark sheet.
  • Add new book and book’s category for library in this software.
  • Admin can view, edit and delete books and book’s category from the library.
  • Add new transport, route and vehicles for the school’s students, teachers and employee.
  • Admin can edit and delete this route’s information in this software.
  • Admin can add account title by account type for controlling the accounting in this software.
  • Admin can edit and delete account title from this software.
  • Admin can make student transaction slip when student give the tuition fee and other payments.
  • Admin can view the full student transaction slip.
  • If admin want to delete this slip, he can delete full slip at a time.
  • If admin want to edit or delete one or two item in a slip, also he can do that.
  • Admin can sent massage to any user in this software.
  • Admin can delete his inbox massager only.
  • Admin can view, edit and change his personal profile information.
  • Admin can set or change the his profile picture, he also can change the password for this software.
  • Admin can change the weekly of day in this software.
  • Admin can change the general configuration settings.
  • Admin can set or change the time zone.
  • Admin can add new dormitories, dormitories room and bed and full dormitories managing access.
  • Admin have a personal events calendar as he wrote down his events in this calendar.

Teacher List of Features

Student List of Featu res

  • Student can view class routine.
  • Student can view the class information.
  • Student can view all class’s subject’s information.
  • Student can know about the teacher’s information
  • Student can view the notice board all notice which are only for declare students and all user’s notice.
  • Student can know about the examination grading system and marks and point.
  • Student can view the all class’s examination routine with his own examination routine.
  • Student can view the examination results which is published.
  • Student can view his own mark sheet
  • Student can view the library books category and books.
  • Student can send the message the teachers and his classmate.
  • Student can view, edit and change his personal profile information.
  • Student can set or change the his profile picture, he also can change the password for this software.
  • Student have a personal events calendar as he wrote down his events in this calendar.

Parent List of Features

  • Parents can view class routine.
  • Parents can know about the teacher’s information and contact with them.
  • Parents can view the notice board all notice which are only for declare students, parents and all user’s notice.
  • Parents can know the all other parents information’s.
  • Parents can know about the examination grading system and marks and point.
  • Parents can view the all class’s examination routine with his own child’s examination routine.
  • Parents can view the examination results which is published.
  • Parents can view his own child’s mark sheet
  • Parents can view the library books category and books.
  • Parents can send the message the teachers and admin in this software.
  • Parents can view, edit and change his personal profile information.
  • Parents can set or change the his profile picture, he also can change the password for this so

Project Output

School Management System Log In System

Admin Dashboard

School Management System Admin Dashboard

Student Information System

School Management System Student Information

Teacher Information System

School Management System Teacher Information

Parent Information System

School Management System Parent Information

System’s Settings

School Management System Settings

In this  School Management System Project  also includes a downloadable  Source Code  for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.

To start executing this  School Management System In PHP , makes sure that you have  sublime  or any platform of PHP and MySQL installed in your computer.

School Management System In PHP Open Source : Steps on how to run the project

Time needed:  5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run School Management System In PHP Open Source

download source code

Final, type to the URL  localhost/sms

Download Source Code below

This School Management System was developed using PHP CodeIgniter and MySQL Database as the System’s Back-End, It also includes a downloadable source code for free!.

Related Articles

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  • University Management System DFD Level 0 1 2 | Best Dataflow Diagrams
  • School Management System Sequence Diagram
  • School Management System Activity Diagram
  • School Management System Project UML Diagrams
  • School Management System Class Diagram | UML
  • School Management System Project in Laravel With Source Code
  • School Management System In CodeIgniter With Source Code
  • School Management System Project Report, Documentations, Coding, Abstract, PDF, Diagram & PPT
  • School Management System ER Diagram | Entity Relationship Diagram
  • School Management System Use Case Diagram | UML
  • School Management System DFD Levels 0 1 2 | Data Flow Diagram
  • School Management System Java Project With Source Code
  • School Management System Project In Django With Source Code
  • School Management System In C++ With Source Code
  • School Management System Project In Python With Source Code
  • School Management System Version 3.0 in with Source Code
  • School Management System in C# with Source Code
  • School Management System in 2010 and SQL Server
  • School Library Management System in C# with Source Code
  • University Management System In PHP FREE Download

If you have any questions or suggestions about  School Management System In PHP Open Source please feel free to leave a comment below.

104 thoughts on “School Management System In PHP Open Source”

There is a password on the zip file Please can you give me the password

Password: itsourcecode

thank you . 🥰🥰🥰

Great sms, but isn’t updated.. mysql has been removed!

Do you have dcmont analysis files?

emails and the passwords for the management system

When I log in to localhost/sms, it does not start, it shows a white page devoid of any interfaces

same problem occured for me also.. did you resolved it yet… 8019140701

hey dude it show a internal error of code 500 , please help me resolve it

It says page is not working Error: 500

same with me. Hope someone helps us.

Make sure you download XAMPP with PHP 5.6, it’ll work

Hi my php is 7.4 but after installing there is only white page showing

What is the error?

404 Page Not Found The page you requested was not found.

This the error

What version of Xampp did you use?

Hi! Mr. angel jude suarez I think your the coder of these codes for “SMS”. In deeply to my thoughts it is designed for commercial in order to get authority of using it. If so, please tell me how much is it? and the way of paying and how can receive for using it.

This page isn’t working right now localhost can’t currently handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

If the php is higher should be working right, or it need PHP 5.6 only?

It need xampp version 5.6 only

Hi : h how to run the project in godaddy domain by cpanel thanks

need password for admin profile

the admin password is in the sql database

Project shows Unauthorised

If it is unauthorized it means your username and password is not in database

how do u mean

same issue have chanced, database but still the same, php 5.6,

$db[‘default’][‘hostname’] = ‘localhost’; $db[‘default’][‘username’] = ‘u991834391_theschool’; $db[‘default’][‘password’] = ‘fsfgmmit843.’; $db[‘default’][‘database’] = ‘u991834391_school’; $db[‘default’][‘dbdriver’] = ‘mysql’;

user – [email protected] Password is – admin

Unable to process what can I do for that

What is unable to process?

This page isn’t working localhost is unable to handle this request HTTP error 500

What xampp version did you used?

I also have the same error I’m using the latest xampp version 8.2

localhost/sms……. but not run http://500 error……………………………….

You can watch this

Maybe it can solve your problem

O problema do sistema é que independente do XAMPP ele roda mas, se for enviar para algum servidor ele não vai rodar pois precisa ser inserido o comando na linha PHP.

É só local, para ser web precisa ser ativado no PHP

Meu email: [email protected] Instagram:

May I see the error?

can’t login

You already export the database in phpmyadmin?

Static analysis:

12 errors were found during analysis.

Variable name was expected. (near “?” at position 1) Unexpected character. (near “[” at position 2229) Unexpected character. (near “]” at position 2238) Variable name was expected. (near “?” at position 2241) Unexpected character. (near “[” at position 2251) Unexpected character. (near “]” at position 2260) Variable name was expected. (near ” ” at position 2263) Unexpected beginning of statement. (near “?” at position 1) Unexpected beginning of statement. (near “php” at position 2) Unexpected beginning of statement. (near “CodeIgniter” at position 13) Unexpected beginning of statement. (near “An” at position 31) Unrecognized statement type. (near “open” at position 34)

What version of php you are using?

Hello how much can I pay to buy this system

You dont need to buy this system. Its already free. you can download it for free.

please can you give me the pass word of zip file

itsourcecode or

attendance system is not working can you please tell me why?

Its working..what is the error?

Why is not work?

Please assist, getting a blank screen.

Running Xampp with PHP version 7.4.29

Error A PHP Error was encountered Severity: 8192

Message: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)`

Filename: helpers/url_helper.php

Line Number: 162

File: C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\application\controllers\Login.php Line: 11 Function: __construct

File: C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\index.php Line: 315 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: 8192

Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Paypal has a deprecated constructor

Filename: libraries/Paypal.php

Line Number: 93

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to CI_Exceptions::show_exception() must be an instance of Exception, instance of Error given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\system\core\Common.php on line 658 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\system\core\Exceptions.php:190 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\system\core\Common.php(658): CI_Exceptions->show_exception(Object(Error)) #1 [internal function]: _exception_handler(Object(Error)) #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\system\core\Exceptions.php on line 190 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Error

Message: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to CI_Exceptions::show_exception() must be an instance of Exception, instance of Error given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\system\core\Common.php on line 658 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\system\core\Exceptions.php:190 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\school1\system\core\Common.php(658): CI_Exceptions->show_exception(Object(Error)) #1 [internal function]: _exception_handler(Object(Error)) #2 {main} thrown

Filename: core/Exceptions.php

Line Number: 190

This page isn’t workinglocalhost is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

using updated PHP

There are 3 different dashboards ——————————–

Teacher dashboard

email : [email protected] pass: tea


Student dashboard

[email protected] stu

Parent dashboard

[email protected] par

can you add it’s UML diagrams such as use case , class …..ect

Can we used XAMPP with PHP 8.1?

Yes, try to used the xampp 8.1

Installed on c panel of web page, after configurating only white page is showing

It shows a blank page after running the ( localhost/sms

You need to install xampp 5.6 version and it will run it

Can we upload our logo? The system says it is successful but not changing the logo while uploading it.

Yes you can upload it.. Maybe there is an error?

What a click bate crook. All developers like you should should just resign

Why did you say that. I think there is an error?

how to put it online in 2023

What do you mean put it online in 2023?

Should I downgrade my php to the spesific requirement or something cause the error is 505. Says the page isn’t working right now. Or is there any directories i should change inside any of the files. But that’s not the case right? It supposed to be just import the sql to the db and then can directly open the index. But that error pop up.

Moderator notice me.

Yes you can downgrade it tp xampp version 5.5 or 5.6

Kind sir. Please reply me. I have that death error 500.

you need to install xampp 5.5 or 5.6 version

your package does not have source code and show the error 500 on the localhost is currently unable to handle this request how to fix

You need to install xampp 5.5 or 5.6 version

Hello, I cannot extract the zip file.. Getting unexpected error

Zip file Password: itsourcecode

Hellew sir I can’t login

What do you mean you can’t login?

[email protected] does not work

You already import the sql in phpmyadmin?

how can we change Logo, looks its not works

You may change it inside the code

what changes we require ?

hey it shows 404 page not found and if i want to access index page it keeps me directing in same page http://localhost/sms/index.php?librarian/dashboard

please do you have the extraction code ?

Extraction Password: itsourcecode

please for the extraction code the one you gave ‘ itsourcecode’ is not working

i used PHP version: 8.0.25 blank page how to solve this

To run the system You need PHP version 5.6.

Can I get the documentation File of the Project Please!

Yes You can search it in the website

Unauthorized, this is what i am getting on startup i have changed the Database setting to my server, what could be the issue?

what database server did you use to open the sql database?

Sorry when I’m logging in by using teacher login account it display 404 page not found. Can you help me to solve this?

Unauthorized! error showing but database also correctly placed so please guide me

php version using 5.6 and above this version showing only white blank page

You can install php version 5.4 or 5.5

can’t login with user name- [email protected]

password- admin

What version of PHP did you use?

If you use 5.6 it will function

how to get zip extract password

thanks for such complete system but how can use with all features because just a few options are working others are just screenshots. I need this system for my school with all mention features and how much it will cost

Which school will used this system?

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online education system project in php free download


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The end of our public text programs

After much consideration, we have made the difficult decision to no longer offer our text programs. Support for these programs will end on May 24, 2024.  

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  1. Download Php Mysql Management System With Source Code

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  1. Complete Online Learning Management System In PHP MySQL Free Source

    Complete Online Learning Management System in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP: 1st Step: Firstly, Extract the file. 2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder.

  2. E-Learning System Using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

    E-Learning System is a web-based system that aims to make the role of teachers easier in making their lessons, activities, and quizzes.The function of this is, the teacher can upload his lesson whether it's a video or a pdf file.He can also set questions of quizzes or activities based on the lesson that he uploaded.The students need to create an account first so they can log-in and they can ...

  3. Online Learning Management System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

    Download or set up any local web server that runs PHP script. Open the web-server database and create a new database name it "capstone". Import the SQL file located in the "db" folder of the source code. Copy and paste the source code to the location where your local web server accessing your local projects. Example for XAMPP ('C:\xampp\htdocs')

  4. Responsive E-Learning System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

    Download or set up any local web server that runs PHP script. Open the web-server database and create a new database name it "elearning". Import the SQL file located in the "db" folder of the source code. Copy and paste the source code to the location where your local web server accessing your local projects. Example for XAMPP ('C:\xampp\htdocs')

  5. Complete Online Learning Management System using PHP/MySQL

    Project: Complete Online Learning Management System | Free Source Code DownloadBuild a Custom learning management system from A3logics - https://www.a3logic...

  6. 11 Best PHP Learning Management System (LMS) Scripts

    Online E-Learning System Using PHP and MySQLi. This E-Learning System is an online framework that is made with PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap layouts, jQuery, and a MySQL database. It is perfect for online exercises and tests. Advanced School Management System With Complete Features. Using this script, you can manage all aspects of running a school.

  7. Web-Based E-Learning System in PHP/MySQLi

    This E-Learning System is an online based system that is made of PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap templates, JQuery and MYSQL database.This system is very helpful most especially if you are going to make online lessons, activities and also make quizzes.. E-learning to open more courses for trainning every one in the world. Courses will made by we, by you.

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  9. This E-Learning System is an online based system that is made of PHP

    This E-Learning System is an online based system that is made of PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap templates, JQuery and MYSQL database. This system is very helpful most especially if you are going to make online lessons, activities and also make quizzes.

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  11. Learning Management System Project in PHP

    Learning Management System Online is an open market script application for on-line study. Here, college/school/coaching students and instructors are together mixed to share information utilizing a mostly system based structured course. This application is for the educators and college students that are working for Online education work area.

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  13. Simple E-Learning System in PHP Free Source Code

    Open your XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL. Extract the downloaded source code zip file. Copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs" directory. Create a new database naming vcs_db. Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as vcs_db.sql located inside the database folder. Browse the Simple e ...

  14. Complete Online Learning Management System(LMS) project in PHP

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  15. Online E-Learning System using PHP/MySQLi

    Project : Online E-Learning System using PHP/MySQL | Free Source CodeIf you like this project don't forget to download the source code by clicking on the lin...

  16. Online College Management System PHP Project

    Online College Management System is a web-based project developed using PHP programming language. The project/website aims at displaying results and attendances of students along with events, news, assignments, and other activities of the college.It provides an online platform where all students, parents and teachers can have complete information about the college and its events.

  17. Learning Management System Project In PHP With Source Code

    Time needed: 5 minutes. Learning Management System Project In PHP with Source code features. Add and Remove topic board or forum board. Add topics in each board. Update topic content in every board. Remove topics from every board (Administrator access) User profile. Update user profile information and display picture. Upload Videos.

  18. eLearning System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

    This is a PHP Project entitled eLearning System. This project helps a certain school to provide an online platform for of learning system. This simple system organized the data of the school such as the list of classes, student subjects, faculty subject loads, and subject lessons.

  19. Download 30 Best Free PHP Projects with Source Code

    Download 10 Best Free PHP Projects with Source Code. There are hundreds to thousands of free PHP projects available online that you can toy to learn how to develop and program using PHP. Here is a rundown of 10 of our preferred best free PHP projects for beginners: 1. Church management system in php. Church is commonly defined as abuilding used ...

  20. School Management System In PHP Open Source

    These are the steps on how to run School Management System In PHP Open Source. Step 1: Download Source Code. First, find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading the source code file. Step 2: Extract File. Next, after finished to download the file, go to file location and right click the file and click extract.

  21. 2024 Text Programs are Closing

    The end of our public text programs. After much consideration, we have made the difficult decision to no longer offer our text programs. Support for these programs will end on May 24, 2024. To prepare for this change, we encourage you to speak to your healthcare provider to find a replacement program that's right for you. It has been an honor ...