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My house is my castle.: Learn what the means through example!

What does “my house is my castle.” mean.

"My house is my castle" means that people have a right to privacy and security in their own homes, and that they should be able to control who enters or interferes with their personal space. It suggests that people should feel safe and comfortable in their own homes, just like a king or queen would feel in their castle.

What context can I use the in?

I don't like having guests over all the time. My house is my castle. I value my privacy and personal space.

After a long day at work, I just want to relax and unwind in my own space. My house is my castle.

I believe in the importance of creating a warm and welcoming environment in my home. *My house is my castle.

Is “My house is my castle.” an expression, an idiom, or a proverb?

“My house is my castle.” is a proverb. A proverb is a short saying that teaches us something important or gives us advice. Unlike an idiom, it’s easy to understand even if it uses figurative language.

How would I use “My house is my castle.” effectively in context?

You can use "My house is my castle" to express the importance of personal space, privacy, and security. It conveys the idea that one's home should be a sanctuary where they feel safe and comfortable. Here are three distinct situations where you can use this proverb:

I believe in the importance of creating a warm and welcoming environment in my home. My house is my castle.

Similar phrases to “My house is my castle.”:

A man's home is his refuge

This phrase expresses the same sentiment as 'My house is my castle,' emphasizing the idea that one's home should be a place of safety and comfort.

After a long day at work, he seeks solace in his home, believing that 'A man's home is his refuge.'

Home sweet home

This phrase is used to express the joy and comfort one feels in their own home.

After a long trip, she finally returned to 'home sweet home' and felt a sense of relief.

There's no place like home

This phrase highlights the unique comfort and familiarity of one's own home.

After a tiring day, she sighed and said, 'There's no place like home.'

Good things to know:

Where does the phrase “my house is my castle.” come from.

The origin of the phrase "My house is my castle" can be traced back to the English legal concept of 'an Englishman's home is his castle.' This concept emerged in the 17th century and was later popularized by Sir Edward Coke, an English jurist. The phrase emphasizes the idea that individuals have the right to privacy and security within their own homes.

Is “My house is my castle.” common in everyday conversation?

"My house is my castle" is a well-known proverb that is commonly used in everyday conversation. People often use it to emphasize the value they place on their personal space and the importance of feeling safe and secure in their own homes.

What tone does “My house is my castle.” have?

"My house is my castle" conveys a tone of assertiveness and protection. It suggests that individuals have the right to control who enters their personal space and that their home should be a place where they can feel secure and comfortable.

Can “My house is my castle.” be used in informal and formal settings?

The proverb "My house is my castle" can be used in both informal and formal settings. It is a widely recognized phrase that conveys a universal sentiment about the importance of personal space and security. You can use it in conversations with friends, family, and colleagues, as well as in more formal contexts such as presentations or written essays.

Can it be used by itself, or is it usually part of a sentence?

The proverb "My house is my castle" is commonly used as a standalone phrase to convey its full meaning. However, it can also be used as part of a sentence to provide further context or explanation. For example, 'I value my privacy and personal space because, as they say, "my house is my castle".'

Synonyms & Antonyms

  • one's home is one's sanctuary
  • home is where the heart is
  • home is a safe haven
  • home is a fortress
  • home is a private retreat
  • no man is an island
  • shared space
  • open-door policy
  • lack of boundaries
  • invasion of privacy

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My Home Is My Castle (Essay Sample)

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My Home Is My Castle

Do you ever find yourself rushing back to your bedroom after a long day at work or school, then just hiding in the covers while perfectly setting the temperature to your liking? Oh, that wonderful feeling of comfort! Good for you! Believe it or not, as many as 1.6 billion people in the world lacked adequate housing when Habitat for Humanity conducted a survey in 2015.

But what is ‘adequate’ housing? It is not simply 4 walls and a roof, but according to the United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner, adequate housing is the right of every woman, man, youth and child to gain and sustain a safe and secure home and community in which to live in PEACE and DIGNITY – things most of us probably take for granted.

Now as I recognize this terrible reality, I look into myself, my family’s capacity, and I try to comprehend, how / what / why do I live in peace without actively fighting for my freedom daily, and how am I able to live with dignity when I simply complain about petty things in my life. In fact, I look at how the people are in my community… There is barely anything special going on here. We all just live to our liking, not worried about the future, because we are sure to have a future. Unfortunately, again, we all take this for granted; but what did I do to deserve living in an adequate home – absolutely nothing. It is all by random circumstance, fortunate events, year of my birth, location of where I was born, political leader of my generation, where I was raised, and even God’s blessing to me that I live happy and secure life. So the way I see it, it’s a game of luck… but I don’t want to trust my life on luck at all.

It wasn’t as easy in the past either. For centuries, a castle has been home to many of world’s most powerful, elite, beloved, rich, hated, condemned, hated individuals or families where they had to be secured, protected or even imprisoned in such huge, fortified, moated structures. This was once the most guaranteed way to secure people. It’s like living in a captivity, whether it’s for one’s safety or for one’s confinement.

I now know better. So as of this moment, I am committed to call my home a place of love and strength, a place of fortified solitude, a hybrid of the structure of an adequate house and the demeanor of a castle. From now on, I will not take my relatively secure home for granted. I will thank the Lord for this gift. I will continue to recognize this blessing and remember that faith must be the foundation of my home, that the pillars signify my parents and the walls be my siblings and relatives. I will stray from the thinking that whatever I want in my house is definitely what I deserve and nothing less of it. I will work hard, appreciate what I have and love my parents for all they have done for me.

It is time I think less about my simple desires and more on how to cultivate my full potential and reap more out of life, since I have been given this wonderful life with a house where I live in peace and dignity.


  • Global Homelessness Statistics. Retrieved from
  • The Right to Adequate Housing Toolkit. Retrieved from

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Where does the saying "My house is my castle" come from?

This wiki page seems to state that this phrase was concocted by Edward Coke, but I don't understand what meaning he implied in it. It looks to me that the meaning was quite negative - almost like "my house is my prison". Am I correct in my understanding?

Also, was this phrase existent in English before Coke?

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brilliant's user avatar

  • 1 Have you checked in ? –  Edwin Ashworth Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 18:15
  • This wiki page seems to state You are looking at the wrong part of the page. You need to look at . The quote is Coke's alone. It was written as rhetoric in the arguments in his book and the drafting of Statute of Monopolies. –  Greybeard Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 18:19
  • @Greybeard - Sorry. I accidently copied and pasted wrong URL. Just fixed it. –  brilliant Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 18:22
  • @EdwinAshworth - Thank you for that link! So the original meaning WAS "refuge", not "prison", right? (sorry that I need to reconfirm to make sure - I am not a native English speaker and my reading comprehension is not that great; plus, that article is using some old quotes, I can easily misinterpret things) –  brilliant Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 18:26

3 Answers 3

It's older than Coke. Following the references to The Phrase Finder , we get 1628 for the year he said it, with two other people saying it in 1581.

However, the oldest I found is Most fruitfull [and] learned co[m]mentaries of Doctor Peter Martir Vermil Florentine (published 1564):

House of euerye man is his castle.

("euerye" means "every")

This is an index, which points to page 252 , which explains what it means:

Which thing was also decreed afterward by the Romane lawes, as it is had in the title de in ius vocando , in the digestes in the lawe plerique : No man ought to haue hys house inuaded. For the priuate house of euery man seemeth to be a certayne holy sanctuary to his possessor. But with the Gabaonites there was nothyng safe or holy: so much had lacke of a gouernor brought to passe.

My rough translation: "[That] was also decreed afterwards by the Roman laws, as in De in ius vocando …: No man ought to have his house invaded. For the private house of every man seems to be a certain holy sanctuary to its owner. But with the Gabaonites , there was nothing safe or holy: so much had a lack of governor caused."

It seems to me like it could be a translation of an older quote into English.

Laurel's user avatar

  • Thank you for this answer! So, just to make sure (my reading comprehension of English is not good and I may easily misinterpreted things, especially things of Old English), the original meaning was "sanctuary", "holy place", "private zone", and not "refuge" or "prison", right? –  brilliant Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 18:59
  • @brilliant I provided a rough translation. I think "sanctuary", "private zone", and "refuge" are good synonyms for "castle" here. Note that it's actually written in Early Modern English, the type of English that came after Middle English. –  Laurel ♦ Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 19:23
  • A castle conjures a heavy image today. The point is beyond privacy to perception and pride, so palace may say it better today: What looks a little home to you (a studio apartment) is grand, homey, established, and my very own domain to me. –  Yosef Baskin Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 21:52

The phrase "man's home is his castle" could have two original meanings. The first stems from the idea of houses being refuges where people can feel safest. This is also because in countries and divisions where self defense is legal, home is where this right is strongest. Speaking of strong rights, the second meaning of the phrase "man's home is his castle" might stem from the fact that homeowners tend to have the most freedom when at home as opposed to in most public places or other peoples homes. The phrase may elude to this "semi-sovereignty" people sometimes have over their homes.

Costillo's user avatar

  • 2 Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center . –  Community Bot Commented May 21 at 8:12
  • Although this answer is well-written, and explains why this phrase arose, it doesn't trace the history. There are no dates, no mention of book titles or authors, no mention whether its origin can be traced to Latin or Old French. There is nothing specific . There are no facts , nothing which can be checked or verified. This looks like a newer version of ChatGPT.4 or maybe Gemini. –  Mari-Lou A Commented May 21 at 9:58
  • The answer looks like it's written by a person, it reads like a "human" text, and it brilliantly passed three online AI detectors that I used and yet I'm not convinced. –  Mari-Lou A Commented May 21 at 10:36

The term my house my castle is a loosely translated term from Sir Edwin Coke, which the castle doctrine was formulated. Today it means a person's house is their castle and when attacked in their home no duty of retreat is required. One can use whatever "reasonable force" necessary to defend and repel the attack

Arod's user avatar

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Why do we say "A man's home is his castle"?

Well-known expressions, a man's home is his castle.

In your house, you're the boss.


The first known use of this expression is in The Stage of Popish Toyes (1581), a short book written by Frenchman Henri Estienne (1531-1598), an examination of anti-Catholic propoganda, derived in large part from Estienne's Apologie pour Hérodote . In 1644, English judge Sir Edward Coke was quoted as saying, "For a man's house is his castle". The first known use in what would become the USA is in Will and Doom, or the miseries of Connecticut by and under usurped and abitrary power; being a narrative of the first erection and exercise, but especially of the late changes and administration of government in their Majesties Colony of New England in America , published in 1692 by Rev Gershom Bulkeley, son of Rev Peter Bulkeley who founded the town of Concord, Massachusetts. In England the expression is almost always "An Englishman's home is his castle".

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An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle

Meaning of “an englishman’s home is his castle”, origin of “an englishman’s home is his castle”, examples in literature.

Hello lovely, you look stunning Lots of fun in my house coming Care for a biscuit or a liquorice twist? It’s best not to sit there; better not risk it That chair, right there, reserved for geoffrey- A butler who helps me, a monkey? Definitely An ape, probably, I’m never quite sure Have a look around Don’t open that door! That’s where the lab is, where I produce a Number of things and one got loose so Keep an eye out for something new Here at Elemental Manor there’s something to do That’s alarming, bizarre, disarming, and charming Ghosts in the attic, giant rabbits in the garden Half past three: I’m parched, im partial To a bucket load of tea In my home; my castle An englishmans home is his castle Come on in, how do you take your tea?
“At this point, however, it is worthwhile to remark an exception real and not always apparent. The rich or well-to-do parents can send away their young children to another part of the their own house from that in which they spend most of their own days and nights . Presently, to be sure, they will send them to boarding-schools, but we have no in mind an earlier stage, when their children can be under the same roof, and yet not in the way; and under the parents’ roof they are in the hands of caretakers who are their parents’ servants, nurses, governesses, selected, employed, paid, and, if necessary, dismissed by the parents. Here, too, it may be said that the children are children not only for the parents but also of society; but society seems to be more remote and less powerful, the parents nearer and more dominant. An Englishman’s home is his Castle ; and Englishman’s wife can choose her own nurse and governess, if she has the money: we shall later enquire into the reasons which guide our choice.”
“There’s one house that would catch your eye if you were to fly low along this river. It’s closest to the water of any of these buildings, and if you’re fanciful you might even smell the remnant of the river mud left outside the back door when the flood receded. There are other smells only a psychic might sense too, but the mud and mess here hosed away long ago. Follow me now and come closer. It’s a little smaller than the other houses (some of which are mansions really), and the word modest somehow springs first to mind. If an Englishman’s home is his castl e, this this castle is decidedly bijoux; solidly built and four-square and strangely blind-looking. The windows are slightly smaller, giving the look of someone narrowing their eyes.”

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Casablanca: a Tale of Love, Sacrifice, and Resistance

This essay about Casablanca, a classic film from 1942, explores its themes of love, sacrifice, and resistance set during World War II. The narrative focuses on Rick Blaine’s transformation from a cynical expatriate to a selfless hero as he helps his former lover Ilsa and her husband, resistance leader Victor Laszlo, escape. The film’s rich characters, memorable dialogue, and historical context contribute to its enduring legacy as a cinematic masterpiece.

How it works

Casablanca, a classic film released in 1942, is often celebrated not only for its romance and drama but also for its profound depiction of the moral dilemmas faced during World War II. Set against the backdrop of Vichy-controlled Morocco, the film intricately weaves a narrative of love, sacrifice, and resistance, capturing the complexities of wartime and the human condition.

The story revolves around Rick Blaine, portrayed by Humphrey Bogart, an American expatriate who owns Rick’s Café Américain in Casablanca. Rick is a cynical and bitter man, disillusioned by past experiences, particularly his broken romance with Ilsa Lund, played by Ingrid Bergman.

The café serves as a microcosm of the war, bustling with refugees, resistance fighters, and Vichy officials, each seeking an escape or advantage in the turbulent times.

The plot thickens when Ilsa walks into Rick’s café with her husband, Victor Laszlo, a renowned Czech resistance leader who has escaped from a Nazi concentration camp. Ilsa’s unexpected reappearance rekindles old emotions and unveils unresolved tensions between her and Rick. Laszlo is in Casablanca to obtain letters of transit, which would allow him and Ilsa to escape to the United States and continue his fight against the Nazis. These letters are the film’s central MacGuffin, driving the narrative and symbolizing hope and freedom.

Rick’s initial response to seeing Ilsa again is one of anger and betrayal, stemming from her sudden departure in Paris years earlier. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that Ilsa left Rick because she believed Laszlo had died. Her loyalty and love for Laszlo, combined with her lingering feelings for Rick, create a poignant love triangle that adds depth to the film’s emotional landscape.

The theme of sacrifice is prevalent throughout Casablanca. Rick’s character arc is one of the most significant transformations in the film. Initially portrayed as a self-serving individual who “sticks his neck out for nobody,” Rick gradually reveals his true, altruistic nature. This evolution culminates in his decision to help Ilsa and Laszlo escape, despite his love for Ilsa. In a climactic scene at the airport, Rick tells Ilsa, “We’ll always have Paris,” acknowledging their past but prioritizing the greater good over personal desire. This moment of self-sacrifice is emblematic of the broader sacrifices made during wartime, where individual desires are often subordinated to collective needs.

The film also explores the themes of resistance and the fight against tyranny. Laszlo’s unwavering commitment to his cause, despite the constant threat to his life, embodies the spirit of resistance. Casablanca itself, as a haven for refugees and resistance members, represents a microcosm of the broader geopolitical struggle. The tension between the Vichy authorities and the resistance fighters within the city reflects the larger conflict engulfing the world at the time.

The supporting characters in Casablanca add richness to the narrative, each contributing to the film’s exploration of loyalty and morality. Captain Louis Renault, the Vichy police chief, epitomizes the opportunistic and morally ambiguous nature of those trying to survive in a corrupt system. His eventual alliance with Rick in the famous closing scene—”Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”—signifies a shift towards a more principled stance against tyranny.

Casablanca’s enduring legacy is partly due to its ability to blend personal stories with broader historical themes seamlessly. The film’s dialogue, filled with memorable lines, enhances its timeless appeal. Lines like “Here’s looking at you, kid” and “Round up the usual suspects” have entered the cultural lexicon, underscoring the film’s impact on popular culture.

In conclusion, Casablanca is a masterful blend of romance, drama, and political intrigue, set against the tumultuous backdrop of World War II. Its exploration of love, sacrifice, and resistance resonates with audiences even decades after its release. The film’s ability to capture the complexities of human emotions and moral dilemmas in a time of global crisis ensures its place as a timeless classic in cinematic history. Through its rich characters, memorable dialogue, and profound themes, Casablanca remains a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and the human spirit in the face of adversity.


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Casablanca: A Tale of Love, Sacrifice, and Resistance. (2024, Jun 28). Retrieved from

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"Casablanca: A Tale of Love, Sacrifice, and Resistance.", Jun 28, 2024. Accessed July 1, 2024.

"Casablanca: A Tale of Love, Sacrifice, and Resistance," , 28-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024] (2024). Casablanca: A Tale of Love, Sacrifice, and Resistance . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

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More than 30 states have laws expanding on the self-defense principle known as the "castle doctrine," which echoes the old saying " my home is my castle " .

The nickname stems from the saying " my home is my castle " .

My home is my castle .

Americans tended to say things like " my home is my castle " and furnish it as a self-contained playground, says Ms Bell.

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The implication: People will move beyond "my air-conditioned home is my air-conditioned castle " if the message is compelling and makes it clear that sweating it out is a shared burden.

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Every person has his or her own place called home. No matter how big it is, no matter they accept it or deny it, but everyone in every time knows, where they can return to. Of course, sometimes people have difficulties, they do not have a place where to stay but I believe that deep in their hearts they actually know, where they can return to, whom they can trust to. In fact, this place, this castle, is always connected with people we live together. A palace, a castle, a cloister, a semi-detached house, a private house, a flat, a room, a hut, just a bed or even a box…. These all are the places people call home. Some people call themselves the citizens of the world, some people say they don’t have home or they even don’t need it. In my opinion, it’s a lie. It all depends on people, if they accept the place where they stay or live or not. It is a task for each of us – make the place where we stay more comfortable, cozy, homey and appropriate for us. I think, if you really do your best and try to adapt yourself, you feel better. It is a kind of atmosphere that you create around yourself. Don’t you start smiling and relax, when you get home? Each of us does. And don’t you say it is a weakness or something. It is just a place where you can really feel free from all the stress you had during the day. What is home for me? For me it is really my castle. Actually why not palace? Why do they say that home is someone’s castle? …

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260 McNuggets? McDonald’s Ends A.I. Drive-Through Tests Amid Errors

Ordering mistakes frustrated customers during nearly three years of tests. But competitors like White Castle and Wendy’s say their A.I. ordering systems have been highly accurate.

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A two-lane McDonald’s drive-through with cars in each port.

By Hank Sanders

In the nearly three years since McDonald’s announced that it was partnering with IBM to develop a drive-through order taker powered by artificial intelligence, videos popped up on social media showing confused and frustrated customers trying to correct comically inaccurate meals.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” two friends screamed with humorous anguish on a TikTok video as an A.I. drive-through misunderstands their order, tallying up 240, 250 and then 260 Chicken McNuggets.

In other videos, the A.I. rings up a customer for nine iced teas instead of one, fails to explain why a customer could not order Mountain Dew and thought another wanted to add bacon to his ice cream.

So when McDonald’s announced in a June 13 internal email , obtained by the trade publication Restaurant Business, that it was ending its partnership with IBM and shutting down its A.I. tests at more than 100 U.S. drive-throughs, customers who had interacted with the service were probably not shocked.

The decision to abandon the IBM deal comes as many other businesses, including its competitors, are investing in A.I. But it exemplifies some of the challenges companies are facing as they jockey to unlock the revolutionary technology’s potential.

Other fast-food companies have had success with A.I. ordering. Last year, Wendy’s formed a partnership with Google Cloud to build out its A.I. drive-through system. Carl’s Jr. and Taco John’s have hired Presto, a voice A.I. firm for restaurants. Panda Express has approximately 30 automated order takers at its windows through a partnership with the voice A.I. firm SoundHound AI.

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Front Porch Republic

A Man’s Home Is His Castle

Hidden Springs Lane. After too long, I finally got around to watching The Castle (1997), a film recommended by FPR’s Jeff Polet. It’s a film you probably haven’t heard of let alone seen. It’s an Australian comedy that tells the story of a working class family who live in a humble home beside the Melbourne International Airport, which, as the narrator Dale Kerrigan points out, “will be very convenient if they ever have to fly one day.” In addition to the airport and low flying airplanes, the house is almost directly beneath a huge power line, which, Dale muses “might put some people off, but not Dad. He reckons power lines are a reminder of man’s ability to generate electricity. He’s always saying great things like that. That’s why we love him so much.” The backyard, incidentally, was filled in prior to construction of the house, but there’s nothing to worry about. “Do you know anything about lead?”

Despite the obvious drawbacks of this particular piece of real-estate, the family is almost as devoted to it as they are to each other. The pater familias is Darryl Kerrigan, who drives a tow-truck and adores his wife, Sal, whose culinary creations—from meatloaf to icing on a sponge cake—never fail to amaze him. The Kerrigans have three sons: Dale, the youngest, who digs holes; Steve, who buys used items (from pulpits to jousting sticks) and who his Dad calls “an ideas man”; and Wayne who, although he is serving time in prison for armed robbery, is dearly loved and missed by the family. The Kerrigan’s one daughter Tracy is, Dale reports without a trace of jealousy, Darryl’s favorite. She has recently married a Greek kick-boxing accountant played by Eric Bana (this is his first film).

All is well at 3 Highview Cresent until one day the Kerrigans receive a notice that their house, and several others on their street, is being “compulsorily acquired.” As Darryl knowingly explains it to his family, this means they’re going to acquire it compulsorily. They soon learn that the land their homes occupy is needed for a planned expansion of the airport. Everyone is fair offered market prices (of course the market value of a house beside a major airport is not good), but not surprisingly, no one wants to leave.

Darryl Kerrigan emerges as the champion of this small band of neighbors who attempt to hold on to their homes. At first, Kerrigan is dumbfounded that his home can be taken without his consent. At an initial hearing, he serves as his own attorney, and though his arguments make perfect sense to him, they don’t make any reference to the law. When the judge asks for his case, Kerrigan makes a simple appeal to justice.

“You just can’t walk in and take a man’s house.”

The judge, a bit confused, asks if Kerrigan is disputing the amount of compensation. Kerrigan replies:

“I’m not interested in compensation. I’m saying that you can’t kick me out.”

The judge, seemingly unaccustomed to such a direct approach then asks Kerrigan for his argument.

Darryl: “That’s it. That’s my argument. You can’t kick me out.”

Judge: “And on what law do you base that argument?”

Darryl: “The law of bloody common sense!”

Kerrigan is warned by the judge, who then suggests that Kerrigan has offered no evidence to refute the right of the airport authority to take his property.

Darryl: “No evidence? (pauses to gather his thoughts). It’s not a house, it’s a home. A man’s home is his castle…You can’t just walk in and steal our homes.”

Judge: (exasperated) “You will be compensated.”

Darryl: (frustrated) “I don’t want to be compensated. You can’t buy what I’ve got.

And therein lies the crux of the conflict: a law based on the assumption that all things have a fair market price and that the loss incurred by being forced out can be compensated with cash. Kerrigan knows better, and it is the singular charm of this film that it makes the audience grasp how the love of this working class bloke and his family have made a rather shabby and non-descript house a home worthy of love.

Kerrigan’s solo attempt fails to save the family home, so he enlists the help of a small-time attorney, Dennis Denuto—the same lawyer who unsuccessfully defended Kerrigan’s son Wayne. At an appeals hearing in a constitutional court, Denuto, who is painfully out of his depth, cannot indicate a particular section of the constitution that is being violated; however, he helplessly claims that “it’s just the vibe of the thing.” Clearly such an argument isn’t going to fly, but to avoid any spoilers, let me simply say that things get more complicated as we learn that a powerful corporation is behind the airport authority, and as Denuto explains: “These people are used to getting their way.”

The Castle —sort of an Aussie mash-up of Napoleon Dynamite , It’s a Wonderful Life , and Perry Mason —is a charming, quirky film that reminds us of the simple, though profound, goodness of home, that the best things in life cannot be purchased or sold, and that power and justice are not always on the same side. It definitely merits a place on FPR’s List of Films. What other films deserve a spot?

Local Culture


At home with dragons, the green knight: david lowery’s culturally resonant palimpsest of sir gawain and the green knight, warnings heeded and unheeded: a review of live not by lies, brass spittoon: ken myers on three decades (almost) of mars hill audio, protestants and western civ., an artistic ecosystem: a review of makoto fujimura’s culture care, 13 comments.

Bill, I agree. Hoosiers needs to be on the short list.

Places In the Heart

The Straight Story (David Lynch) The Road Home (Zhang Yimou) The Trip to Bountiful (Peter Masterson) The Burmese Harp (Kon Ichikawa)

Also the documentary about Sacred Harp singing, “Awake My Soul.”

Babette’s Feast

As an Australian, I can testify to the powerful hold this film has on the national psyche. Several phrases have entered our everyday vocabulary. One is quoted above – ‘It’s the vibe,’ another is ‘Oh, the serenity,’ and, if you are given a particularly fantastic present, the giver will be absolutely gratified to hear, ‘Well, that’s going straight to the pool room!’, Oh, and another one, when someone is charging too much for something we instruct each other, ‘Tell him he’s dreaming!’ I can’t think of any other movie that is so extensively quoted in daily life, and understood by everyone.

@RobG, The “Awake My Soul” that Mumford and Sons recorded?

no — same title, different song. I’m fairly sure that the Mumfords’ song of that title is an original song written by them.


The Royal Tenenbaums

Lars and the Real Girl

Tender Mercies Breaking Away

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The lost art of conversation? Try listening for a change: Stephen J. Lyons

  • Published: Jun. 30, 2024, 5:18 a.m.

Illustration on a failure to communicate

Seeking to recapture the fine art of conversation in the cellphone age. Illustration by Chris Morris, Advance Local

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MONTICELLO, Illinois -- I’ve decided to stop trying to converse with people. I rarely have a decent conversation anymore, and I think it’s time to put in place my own personal gag order.

In addition to the annoying distraction of the adult pacifier and constant interrupter — the cellphone — I have found that hardly anyone knows how to have a face-to-face chat that is both equal and engaged.

A typical confab often follows what I call “one upmanship,” or, “enough about you, let’s hurry back to me .” Someone might ask, “So, I heard you traveled to Vietnam last month.” My answer: “Yes, it was a trip of a lifetime.”

Normal responses could be: “Wow, what made it special?” Or, “Cool, what stood out the most?” Or, “What was the food like?”

Instead, I get: “You know my trip of a lifetime was to Branson last year when I saw the Terry Bradshaw show! Did you know he can sing? He’s got like a bunch of country albums!”

Or, “ I would never fly overseas. A friend got locked in the airplane’s bathroom on his way to Iceland. He’s now in counseling and can no longer use a public toilet without his therapy dog.”

At this point, I shut down. How did we just get from Hanoi to Terry Bradshaw’s musical career and the restroom habits of a skittish traveler? Why continue?

As a journalist, I have spent decades listening to people, knitting their narratives together without interjecting my thoughts. I have learned that the best interviews come from creating space. An interviewee might finish a story, and instead of jumping in immediately with another question, I often say nothing. That pause often elicits a deeper dive into the story. The subject might fill that space with another recollection: “Oh, I just remembered something ….”

I prepare for the interview, but I enter with few questions so that I’m not trapped with a rigid set of queries that interrupt the flow of the conversation. My subject might say, “I need to tell you that I did indeed, through a complex layer of illegal financial activities that I will now explain, rip off my family for millions of dollars.”

A bad interviewer would then look at her list of prepared questions and say, “So, tell me about growing up in Kansas.” Or, “What is your favorite color? And why?”

The lessons I have learned through my years as an underpaid, overlooked journalist can also apply to everyday off-the-record conversations: Stop interrupting. Listen.

Lately, the trend is to continue a conversation with a non sequitur.

Ponder this one. Me: “My father passed away while I was in Vietnam. I could not attend the memorial service.” Instead of offering condolences, the person I am sharing this sad news with might reply, “My uncle died 16 years ago. We used to go fishing.”

Stephen J. Lyons during a recent trip to Vietnam

Stephen J. Lyons during his recent trip to Vietnam. Courtesy of Stephen J. Lyons

Another annoying talk trait is to avoid eye contact and, instead, steal glances at one’s phone that is attached to one’s hand like Velcro. We know that most of the messages testing our short attention spans are spam: We owe hundreds of dollars for a product we did not order sent from an email address that contains all 24 letters of our alphabet plus several from the Cyrillic alphabet. Perhaps it’s a reminder that, in only five months from now, we have a dental appointment.

But, rest assured, rarely are the missives on your phone better than the conversation you could be having.

I used to think, if I listened attentively to an acquaintance and asked after their family, their health or their pets, that eventually they might inquire the same about me. I no longer believe that. Now, when I’m in the middle of a one-sided conversation, my eyes glaze over. I withdraw to my inner happy place and try to imagine who is making my cellphone vibrate.

Stephen J. Lyons is the author of six books of reportage and essays, most recently, “ Searching for Home: Misadventures with Misanthropes .” This was written for The Plain Dealer and

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My home is my castle


My Home Essay

500 words on my home essay.

A home is a place that gives comfort to everyone. It is because a home is filled with love and life. Much like every lucky person, I also have a home and a loving family. Through My Home Essay, I will take you through what my home is like and how much it means to me.

my home essay

A Place I Call Home

My home is situated in the city. It is not too big nor too small, just the perfect size. My family lives in the home. It comprises of my father, mother, sister and grandparents. We live in our ancestral home so my home is very vintage.

It is very old but remains to be super strong. There are six rooms in my home. Each family member has a unique room which they have decorated as per their liking. For instance, my elder sister is a big fan of music, so her walls are filled with posters of musicians like BTS, RM, and more.

Our drawing room is a large one with a high ceiling. We still use the vintage sofa set which my grandmother got as a wedding gift. Similarly, there is a vintage TV and radio which she uses till date.

Adjoining the drawing room is my bedroom. It is my favourite room because it contains everything that I love. I have a pet guinea pig which lives in a cage in my room. We also have a storeroom which is filled with things we don’t use but also cannot discard.

Our lawn in front of the house has a little garden. In that garden , my mother is growing her own kitchen garden. She is passionate about it and brings different seeds every month to grow them out and use them in our food.

The fondest memories I have in a place is my terrace. Our terrace is huge with many plants. I remember all the good times we have spent there as a family. Moreover, we play there a lot when my cousins come over. Thus, every nook and corner of my home is special to me.

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Appreciation Towards My Home

I know a lot of people who do not have homes or not as big as mine. It makes me more grateful and appreciates my home more. Not everyone gets the fortune to have a good home and a loving family, but luckily, I have been blessed with both.

I am thankful for my home because when I grow up, I can look back at the wonderful memories I made here. The walk down the memory lane will be a sweet one because of the safety and security my home has given me. It is indeed an ideal home.

Conclusion of My Home Essay

My home is important to me because for better or worse, it helps me belong. It makes me understand my place in time and connect with the world and the universe at large. Thus, I am grateful to have a place I can call home.

FAQ on My Home Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of a home?

Answer 1: Home offers us security, belonging and privacy in addition to other essential things. Most importantly, it gives us a place with a centring where we leave every morning and long to return every night .

Question 2: Why is home important to a family?

Answer 2: A home signifies a lot more than a house. It is because we find comfort in our home as it contains memories and a place where our bonds strengthen. It is where we get plenty of benefits.

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  16. My Home Is My Castle / Essays / Latvian / ID: 561629

    A palace, a castle, a cloister, a semi-detached house, a private house, a flat, a room, a hut, just a bed or even a box…. These all are the places people call home. Some people call themselves the citizens of the world, some people say they don't have home or they even don't need it. In my opinion, it's a lie.

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    Kerrigan's solo attempt fails to save the family home, so he enlists the help of a small-time attorney, Dennis Denuto—the same lawyer who unsuccessfully defended Kerrigan's son Wayne. At an appeals hearing in a constitutional court, Denuto, who is painfully out of his depth, cannot indicate a particular section of the constitution that is ...

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    I withdraw to my inner happy place and try to imagine who is making my cellphone vibrate, writes guest columnist Stephen J. Lyons, author of six books of reportage and essays, most recently ...

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    500 Words on My Home Essay. A home is a place that gives comfort to everyone. It is because a home is filled with love and life. Much like every lucky person, I also have a home and a loving family. Through My Home Essay, I will take you through what my home is like and how much it means to me. A Place I Call Home. My home is situated in the city.

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    Создать текст по запросам: Генератор текста Чат-бот chatGPT. "My home is my castle" is a phrase that accurately describes how I feel about my humble abode. It's more than just a roof over my head; it's my sanctuary, my refuge, my place of solace. When I step inside my front door, I feel content and at ...