How To Write A Good Essay In WAEC and NECO

To be able to write a good essay in WAEC and NECO examinations is something that pleases the mind of the marker or an examiner. One wonders why writing a good essay can be so frustrating to some candidates. But it doesn’t have to be. If you know the steps and understand what to do, writing can be easy and even very interesting.

This is a must read  post that will provide you the simplified steps to take that will teach students how to write a good essay and come out in flying colour in your WAEC and NECO.

A good essay therefore is a complete work that has the following features be it argumentative, narrative or expository or descriptive:

  • Good introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • Good and simplified diction or chosen language
  • Mechanical accuracy
  • A good conclusion
  • Introduction : Having a good introduction to an essay or letter writing is key to passing English language in your WAEC and NECO. You don’t jump into writing any topic without giving the examiner the insight or central idea of what you are writing on. It shows a focal point and directs the marker or the examiner’s mind towards a good end.
  • Body of the Essay : This tells the story or describes or argue in details events that happened with good diction or language otherwise referred to as good grammatical structures in sequence, that is, one good point linking the other.
  • Good and simplified diction : Otherwise referred to as simple and carefully selected words to build up your topic essay. In this wise, a candidate should avoid bombastic words; that is the use of big words that may complicate issues or defeat the whole write up. Employ good English in your explanation and avoid too long sentences to drive home your points or argument.
  • Mechanical Accuracy : Develop the idea invariably. The problem is that most students shift topics and lose focus within their paragraphs because they do not know how to adequately develop their ideas. They usually know the paragraph needs to be longer, but they don’t know how to expand their idea to fill that length. Indeed a paragraph should be at least half a page long. Good punctuations like coma, semi colon, invited comas, exclamation mark and full stops should be applied appropriately.
  • Conclusion : A good conclusion of any good essay should have an overview of the entire topic, elements of logicality, carefully selected words, brilliant technicalities and a brilliant end.

For instance, write an essay on the topic Night Rain you experienced, sometime ago, its damage and how you were able to salvage the situation.

A topic like this should take a good introduction which should show an unforgettable experience, date and time of such event.

The body of the essay should describe in detail how it all happened that faithful night, the psychological effect it had on you battling with the night rain. The narration should be simple, have good diction and of course laden with emotion and good English. For instance, I summoned up courage as a man to salvage the situation by ensuring that the flood that entered the house did not spread to other rooms. The paragraphs should be sequentially arranged with good English and a moderate length.

In addition, a good essay should have good punctuations with correct spellings. Above all, avoid too long sentences that will throw you off balance. Avoid repetition and remain accurate in your explanation.

A good conclusion of the topic for instance should have an overview of the entire essay with logicality and brilliant end. For instance, the Night Rain which occurred on that fateful date was an unforgettable experience in my life even if I become the President of Nigeria.

I tell you, nobody will begin to count the number of words you wrote with good introduction, good body of the essay, mechanical accuracy and a brilliant conclusion. The marker will joyfully read your work and give you a better mark that will make you to pass your English language in WAEC AND NECO without tears.

I URGEE YOU TO PLEASE Read how to pass English in WAEC and NECO. GOOD LUCK.

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How To Answer Questions on Essay and Letter Writing In WAEC & NECO – Tips and Strategies

Essay and Letter Writing In WAEC and NECO in English language pose a lot of challenges to most students who do not know the skills, tips and strategies of passing this part in the theory section. WAEC and NECO examiners made this paper compulsory for all candidates to attempt because they know if candidates are given as an option, 90% would skip this part.

I will give you some key-points to note which would aide you in answering Essay writing as well as letter writing questions with ease in your exam. Also, i will put you through on how to count the words to ensure you are on track because when faced with writing an essay or letter writing of about 450 words, you need to be sure much time isn’t wasted on this section because there are other questions that need to be attempted with the limited time awarded to you.

Points To Note

1) Ideally, English language paper 1, section A allocates 50 minutes for you to choose just one (1) question among five questions set, be it an essay or letter writing topic, to prove your ability to communicate in writing.

2) The one question to be answered carries 50 marks, distributed thus;

  • Content (substance) of your work and relevance to the set question – 10 marks
  • Organization (including use of correct formats and paragraphing) – 10 marks
  • Expression (Effective use languages) – 20 marks
  • Mechanical accuracy (avoidance of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors) – 10 marks

3) You are required to prove your ability to communicate in writing in not less than 450 words. That is, if you are to write 10 words in a line, you should be able to produce an essay of not less than 45 lines long; if 9 words per line – 50 lines; if 8 words – 56 lines; if 7 words – 64/65 line; If 6 words – 75 line; if 5 words – 90 lines, etc.

Always ensure you start from the beginning of the first paragraph of your word (be it an essay or letter writing) to count.

By now you ought to have known the average number of words you write on a line. If not, start practicing now.

How To Count The Number of Words In Essay and Letter Writing In WAEC & NECO Exam

Write up a page, pick 6 lines at random and count the number of words each contains. The number of words that appear most frequently should be taken as the number of words you write on a line. For example, if line 1 contains 7 words, line 2 – 8 words, line 3 – 6 words, line 4 – 7 words, line 6 – 6 words and line 6 – 7 words; then you write 7 words in a line. You already know that 7 words in a line will give you 65 lines. Count out 65 lines before you begin to answer your questions and put a dot at the margin of your answer sheet to remind you to start rounding off as you approach 65 lines.

4) The five questions usually set are drawn from essay and letter writing type. They include;

  • Letter writing – Formal, informal and semi formal
  • Narrative essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Argumentative essay – Debates/Speeches
  • Expository essay – Explanations and Directions.
  • Creative writing

Questions are set on Article and Report Writing. Article writing falls into any of the types listed above, except letter writing. Report writing equally falls into any of the listed types, except argumentative essay. The question asked will specify whether your report writing will be in letter or essay form.

Guidelines on Essay and Letter Writing – Tips and Strategies

1) Read through all the questions with an open mind. Give each some thoughts, the select the one you understand properly and have sufficient points to write on. For instance, some candidates wrongly make up their minds before entering the examination hall, that they will answer any question asked for informal letter writing . A case in point is that of informal letter writing asking a candidate to write ‘explaining how a relationship with a friend went sour’.  Many candidates dabble into that question without knowing the meaning of ‘sour’.  The result is that they wrote out of point and lost all their marks in both content and organization (20 marks out of 50 marks).

2) Know your limitations and choose an appropriate question. If you are not good at creating a story or managing the past tense, definitely you cannot write well on a narrative essay topic, etc. Remember you have a wide choice as you are required to answer only one question out of five.

3) Note the appropriate format to use in answering the question you have carefully chosen. For instance, if you have chosen a question on Article Writing, do not use a letter writing format. Write only the topic and start your introductory paragraph. You will lose marks under organization if a letter writing format is used.

4) Jot down the points you want to use as they come to your mind. Number them sequentially, as you intend to bring them into your work. The few minutes devoted to planning your work are extremely useful as they help you produce organized work with full control.

5) Just incase you have jotted too many points down, select 4 good written points to expatiate on. Dwelling on them at length and convincingly while remembering your essay should not be more than 450 words long. At the same time, a short essay will earn you low scores in organization and mechanical accuracy .

6) Pay good attention to paragraphing.  The first word of each paragraph should begin about three centimetres away from the left-hand margin. Each paragraph should begin with a new idea, so begin a new paragraph as you move to a new idea. However, two similar ideas that are brief can be merged into one paragraph. The content of the introductory and concluding paragraph must be appropriately chosen to match the format of the topic chosen.

7) Do not write on either margin of your answer sheets. The instructions there even tells you not to. Ensure you obey it. Number your questions you have chosen and are writing on, as well.

8) Devote the last 5 minutes of the time allotted for this section to reading over your work carefully, with the intention of detecting errors, misspelt words and incorrect punctuation that can cost you marks under Mechanical Accuracy.

9) After effecting corrections of detected errors, read through your work once more before finally moving to other sections of English language paper 1.

N.B: Try and limit or avoid the use of big words, especially the ones you cannot spell correctly nor use appropriately. Use simple English that takes you straight to the point without rigmarole. Use British spellings, not American spellings, as they are the ones commonly used in West Arica.

The points, tips, strategies explained above are the current WAEC and NECO recommended approach in Essay and letter writing from the examiners point of view. Using the guidelines and approach would fetch you a good score in essay and letter writing in WASSCE and NECO as well.

I hope this helps? Remember you can reach me via the comment section below should you have any question as regards letter and essay writing tips , approach, strategies and guidelines for English language exam in WAEC or NECO and I will be glad to assist.

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How to write an excellent WAEC essay II

Last week, we started this discussion and mentioned that to write a WAEC essay, the student needs two things, a strategy and a template.  Can…

how to write a good essay in waec

Last week, we started this discussion and mentioned that to write a WAEC essay, the student needs two things, a strategy and a template.  Can you remember the strategy?  The strategy is to choose the questions which afford the student an opportunity to argue.  And usually out of the five essay questions, four of them satisfy this condition.  Now that we have our strategy, the next thing is to use a template.  This template can help you not only in WAEC, but also after, when you need to write something in the university or at work.  It’s a tool you can carry with you that will yield benefits for a very long time.  

Here’s the template: Point, Prove, Perform, Naysayer and Conclusion.  Let me explain each part of the template.

Point: This is your claim, the point you want to make and upon which the rest of the essay revolves.  Let’s take an example from last year’s (2017) WAEC.  Question number two says: “Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper, discussing two major problems facing the country and suggesting ways of solving them.”

You can attack the question by going straight to the point by stating your point like this: “Since the turn of the century, Nigeria has suffered from many problems which came as a result of the new democracy, some of these are the mutations of the old problems but most of which we’d survived up to this point.  Two problems, however, threaten to kill us all if nothing is done about them.  The problem of farmers-herders clashes has snowballed to such an extent that it gives birth to many dimensions and theories which by themselves lead to more crisis.  The second spot of bother is the vexing issue of kidnapping which is now being practiced in almost every region of the country.”

Prove: The second step is to prove your point or claim.  In rhetoric, it’s called premises i.e. the reasons that support your claim.  And what’s your claim? In step one above, you claimed that two problems of kidnapping and the problems between herders and farmers will consume us all.  Step two is where to give reasons to support that claim.  How do you do that? If you have statistics available to you, using them is going to help.  If not, just strongly state the reasons why you think these are major problems.

For example: “These two problems are united in the kind of adverse effects they cause.  The kidnappers have proven they are not overly concern about age or socio-economic status.  Accordingly, government ministers, school children, old people, business men, security personnel, poor villagers and even toddlers have been kidnapped and hundreds of millions have been paid in ransom.

“Some of these victims died in the process. And the degenerates are everywhere, they are no longer restricted to our highways. The criminals have kidnapped their own neighbours and even their own family members. The result is that there’s suspicion everywhere; no society can survive this quantum of suspicion for long, because then we’re no longer free. We can’t travel, we can’t go to recreational areas and can’t even allow our children to play in the neighborhood. When that moment comes, as humans, we would device mechanisms for survival such as stereotypes so that we know who poses danger to us and our loved ones; this is already happening in the case of farmer-herder crisis.  The Fulani race is now being demonized because most herders are Fulani.  This is stereotype thinking.”

Perform: The third steps will show how to solve the problem.  You will give steps or ideas on how the problem can be resolved; this WAEC question actually requires that. 

Example: “Before a discussion of solutions, we must first account for the causes of these problems.  Although Nigeria has almost one million square kilometers of land, according to the World Bank 2016 estimates, Nigeria’s population has grown to 186 million people. The increase in population and the devastating effect of global warming has led to more competition for critical resources including land.  Therefore, we should see this as an economic problem. And the problem can be solved by the cattle ranches which the government is now proposing.  But even this solution is not new.  My uncle told me that Audu Bako, a former governor of Kano State, implementedthis solution successfully in Kano in the 1970s. One of his approaches was to provide artificial insemination and medical services free of charge for the cattle herders. The government may want to revisit his policy so that it could be scaled up nationwide.

“As for the kidnappers, it’s time to employ technology to solve the problem.  One such technology is the dash cam – a camera fitted on cars to record incidents on the road.  Some nations have made such cameras compulsory for car owners. That way, when road users are being waylaid on the road, the camera can record the incident which will prove valuable to security agencies.  We can also use analytics as done in other countries such as the United States to fight crime.  Because of the patterns and insightsgain by predictive analytics, the police can tell – within a reasonable probability – where and when a crime will occur.

Naysayer: This is the step  where you introduce a naysayer i.e. can you think of what someone opposed to your idea thinking?  If you can, don’t forget to mention it. Doing so will give your essay credibility and makes it scholarly.  Because scholars always take into consideration those opposed to their ideas. 

Example: “Many may disagree that these are the biggest problems we have.  Some will count corruption and Boko Haram as our biggest problems.  Although I concede that these are huge problems too but the efforts of the government in bringing about resolution of these problems are yielding relative success.  However, the two problems I’ve highlighted appear to have befuddled the government and state actors.”

Conclusion: You should close your essay by stating the implications of your argument and suggestions by answering the question “so what?” Here you’ll mention those who are going to benefit or put your ideas into action such as the policy makers, researchers and citizens.

Example: “Solving the problems of the farmers-herders clashes and the tricky case of kidnapping must be solved before our citizens can achieve happiness and peace of mind. Accordingly, the government should take into consideration the ideas expressed here such as employing technology to solve our security problems.  Doing so would yield maximum benefits for all concerned.”

how to write a good essay in waec

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how to write a good essay in waec

WAEC English Marking Scheme (How SSCE Essays Are Marked)

Last updated on January 23rd, 2022 at 09:24 pm

The West African Examinations Council is an examination body that conducts examinations in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Liberia. In this post, I’ll share with you four criteria WAEC uses to mark English essays. The tips herein are also similar to the NECO English marking scheme.

The National Examination Council (NECO) is an examination body exclusively for Nigeria. In this post, I’ll also share some tips with you on how to draw your plan on your preferred choice.

Criteria used by WAEC or NECO examiners to mark English Essay:

  • C: Content (10 marks)
  • O: Organisation (10 marks)
  • E: Expression (20 marks)
  • MA: Mechanical Accuracy (10 marks)

In all, your essay is 50 marks. The acronym for these criteria is COEM. If you like, you can refer to the above criteria as the WAEC English marking scheme. Let’s take the above point one after the other for a full explanation and how you can leverage them to score A1 in your SSCE English Language. Note : For essay, the instruction is usually “Your essay should not be less than 450 words” you must pay attention to this.

Content has to do with the relevance of your ideas to the topic and its specific audience and purpose. Does your idea align with the topic you’ve chosen? Are you using the appropriate language? Are your points relevant to the central theme and its development? Pay attention to this and ensure that your approach is original. Try as you can to avoid injecting irrelevant ideas in your essay in a bid to make up the number. You will be penalised if you injected irrelevant ideas into your essay.

How to write good content:

  • Make sure you understand the topic before jumping on it.
  • Ensure that the topic you pick is something you can effectively deal with.
  • Let your topic be something you have enough points on, very important.

According to Lagos Books Club,  “Following the rules of grammar and punctuation judiciously is not sufficient, a passage without errors of language can be considered badly phrased or difficult to follow based on form and content.”


Organisation in your essay either in WAEC or NEC is very important. This isn’t limited to examination, in your speech and writing, you must perfectly arrange points. This refers to the correct use of formal features such as good paragraphing, appropriate use of emphasis and arrangement of ideas. Paragraphs are expected to be chronologically, spatially and logically coherent. It is advisable to have one point per paragraph, don’t cluster your points in one paragraph.

How to achieve great organisation in your English Essay

  • Examiners will always lookout for a good opening
  • Examiners will look out for adequate development into paragraphs
  • Make sure that there is balance and unity.
  • Let your paragraphs flow from one to the other to achieve coherence.
  • Ensure you have a logical flow of the paragraph.

Your expression carries the highest mark in English essays in NECO and WAEC. This is where you put your power of English expression and writing into work. The expression refers to the perfect use of grammar. Your expression must also be controlled and the structure of the sentence. A good expression will make your essay sound. It is an act of making your points known in clear words and sentences. Don’t be ambiguous.

How to achieve good expression in WAEC essay writing

  • Try not to use phrases such as: “In my opinion”
  • Avoid redundant word phrases.
  • Use linkers or linking words.

Linking Words you can use in English Essays are:

  • consequently,
  • subsequently,
  • in addition,
  • beside that,
  • additionally,
  • furthermore,
  • on the other hand,
  • on the contrary,
  • not only that

You don’t necessarily need to use “big” vocabulary when you have simple and easy-to-understand words that can convey the message appropriately. Write to express and convey your message, don’t write to impress

Mechanical Accuracy

Your use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling fall under mechanical accuracy. Your errors fall under mechanical accuracy. Each attracts 1/2 mark.

Important tips to know about NECO and WAEC essays

Credit will be awarded for what is done right while the penalty will be given for errors. You’re expected to write at least 450 words, but when a composition is below 450 words, the required length the maximum mark for M.A shall be proportionately reduced. If a candidate writes on a topic that is irrelevant to the question set, zero shall be awarded for content and organization.

Tips on how to prepare and Pass WAEC at one sitting

  • Read the recommended texts
  • Get past questions, compare and contrast to see some of the questions that are repeated nearly every year.
  • Revive what you’ve read before the exam date
  • Don’t be tense, ensure to relax before the exam date
  • In the exam hall, don’t panic.
  • Read the instructions when the question is given
  • Avoid any activity that could lead to being penalised by the invigilator
  • Read through the questions at least two times
  • Select the question which you have a comparative advantage on
  • Attempt the question that’s simple first to gain more time for those that looked technical.
  • Don’t waste time on a particular question
  • Try to finish before time, at least gain 20 minutes or more to go through your answers before submission. Avoid rush that could be costly.
  • Check your name, exam number, and centre before submission.
  • Strive as much as can to have your score fall between 60-75, this way you’re sure of at least C4, A1 is even better, you can do it.

Do you have questions on any of the tips shared above? Kindly use the comment box below to join start a conversation on WAEC marking scheme for the English language and tips on how to pass in WAEC and NECO.

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11 thoughts on “WAEC English Marking Scheme (How SSCE Essays Are Marked)”

' data-src=

How many Mark did article essay writing contain

' data-src=

Very insightful!

I’m essay marking, will the points raised after 450 words count as scoring points?

' data-src=

can i list my answer in summary as firstly,in addition, furthermore etc

' data-src=

It was a very thoughtful lecture which has given me a lot of knowledge on essay writing. Thank you very much

' data-src=

In counting the words on your eassy,are all the words counted? What about articles?. Are they part of the words to be counted?

' data-src=

I believe articles are counted. But, more importantly, don’t allow too much spacing between words especially after the first row.

' data-src=

Thank you Mr Peter for the insightful contribution.

My question is if you are doing a competition like you are about to write a composition and you don’t know the topics that will be given how to write them or how to plan ahead of questions how to be prepared for the questions when you meet those questions you be able to just write an Express yourself

' data-src=

I sat to waec English this year but I made a mistake in the word replacement and I had to erase it thickly Is it a crime

' data-src=

Does uniosun accept two sitting for political science? Or which university does?

' data-src=

Yes. UNIBEN does and a lot of other universities. Kindly check the requirements on their official portal for more.

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  • Exam Tips , uLesson App , WAEC
  • April 27, 2023

7 Excellent Tips to Pass WAEC 2024 in One Sitting

tips to pass waec in one sitting.

Doris Ma'aji Pada

In this article, share article, important things to know about waec/wassce 2024.

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) is an examination body within the West African community that oversees the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

WASSCE is an important examination that students in their final year in senior secondary schools or high schools, sit for. Every WASSCE student is expected to put their best foot forward; preparing effectively to pass in one sitting. Most times, many students have difficulties passing all the subjects they sat for, hence, the need to rewrite WASSCE.

This article will share excellent tips to help you ace WASSCE in one sitting. Before that, let’s walk you through the answers to some common questions you might randomly ask.

When will WAEC 2024 start?

WAEC has scheduled the date for WASSCE 2024 to be from April 30th, 2024, to June 24th, 2024.

What are WAEC compulsory subjects?

English and Mathematics are compulsory subjects every student writing WASSCE must sit for.

Tips To Prepare For WAEC/WASSCE

1. get acquainted with the waec syllabus:.

One of the major steps to preparing for any examination is knowing the exam format. WAEC requires students to register for at least six (6) subjects and a maximum of nine, including English Language, which is compulsory for Science, Art, and Commercial students.

WAEC questions are categorised into multiple-choice and theory, which students must answer depending on the subject. There are practical exams in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and, Food and Nutrition. It is also important to study with the WAEC syllabus and know the timetable to help you plan accordingly. Consider using uLesson’s comprehensive syllabus summaries for a quick and effective grasp.

Also read: Government Library is now available on uLesson.

2. Set Attainable Study Goals

Another tip to help you prepare for WAEC is to set specific and attainable goals. Goal setting is a vital phase in preparing for a significant exam like WASSCE. Goals that are well-stated help you focus and channel your efforts to reach your WASSCE goals. That’s why we assist our learners to help them set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Time-Bounded) goals.

Keep in mind that your objectives do not have to be difficult, the simpler the goal, the easier it is to achieve it. Avoid vague goals like, “study chemistry during a certain regular time”. Rather, Study this way : read and take notes on chapter 6 in Chemistry, or two comprehensive passages, etc.

3. Create a Study Plan

A study plan is a sequence of stages that helps you achieve the goal you set for yourself. When preparing for a significant exam like WASSCE, a strategy like creating a study plan is necessary. A study plan allows you to allocate adequate time slots for studying each subject.

For the WAEC exams, this would include the number of hours you intend to spend reading each subject and the tools you’ll need to help you achieve your goals. Remember, consistency is key! uLesson’s personalised study plans offer a valuable blueprint to guide your preparation journey.

4. Start Studying Early & Take Notes

Adequate preparation is the best antidote to exam anxiety. Studying ahead allows you to spend more time comprehending each subject. Research shows that videos, illustrations, animations, motion pictures, and images aid better learning and understanding. That’s why the uLesson learning app uses this technique to help its learners excel academically.

Digesting too much information can be overwhelming. A tip for tackling this is, to “take short notes when studying.” Focus on writing down only relevant information that will enable you to recall a larger concept. Short notes are relevant and useful for revisions.

Also read Library Lifetime Access: everything about it.

5. Take Mock Exams & Practice Tests on uLesson

Mock exams and practice tests give you an idea of how the WASSCE questions are set and also help you prepare effectively  You’ll learn how to manage your time effectively and identify your areas of strength and weakness. Take a uLesson mock exam to see how prepared you are for the forthcoming WAEC examinations.

Set aside time to practice past WAEC exam questions. This would help you become familiar with how the exam questions are set also and prepare you ahead of time. With over 8 years of past WAEC questions and detailed solutions available on the app, you can easily prepare for your WAEC exam.

6. Ask for help

Smart learners continually ask questions when they feel stuck when learning. Speak to other learners or expert tutors about the topics you are struggling with to get clarity and understanding. The uLesson Learning App allows students to ask and receive fast responses to questions they have in different subjects.

7. Take Some Rest

Rest is an essential element of the learning process. Adequate rest would help you avoid burnout and fatigue after long hours of studying.

These tips are needed to help you effectively prepare for WAEC/WASSCE. Now, begin to apply these tips, and you will be well on your way to being adequately prepared for your WAEC exams/WASSCE.

Unleash the power of the uLesson app! Gain access to interactive practice tests, engaging video tutorials, personalised learning plans, and expert support—all geared towards helping you dominate your WAEC exams.

Remember, these tips are your launchpad. Combine them with dedication, focus, and the right tools like uLesson, and you’ll be unstoppable on your way to conquering WAEC 2024!

May the force of knowledge and preparation be with you, future stars! Go out there and crush WAEC 2024!

Also, read International Day of Education 2023.

  • Exam Tips , exams , study tips , ulesson , WAEC


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Thank you so much for the update. we really appreciate big time 🤝🏾

It’s our pleasure, Jamiu. Keep learning on the uLesson app to prepare to ace your WAEC in one sitting; WAEC begins in 90 days! Good luck!

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It is interesting

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Great, Swart. Every lesson on the uLesson app is curriculum-based and designed to help you pass WAEC in one sitting. Just launch the app and start learning today.

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Thank you for everything is in place

Good, nice one

Please I want to know if ulesson do teach futher Maths, Agricultural science, Civic Education and Data processing. Am preparing for waec so I needed learn these subjects perfectly. Thanks

Hi, Victory. uLesson doesn’t currently provide lessons on these subjects but you can maximise the app to learn other subjects.

I am sure of passing waec with all these amazing tips

I’m glad you found them useful, Israel.

Please I need help to pass my waec

Hi, Matthew. What do you need help with?

I will like to learn from the ulesson weac

Hi, Gift. To prepare for WAEC with uLesson, just keep watching the video lessons for your subjects and taking the tests and quizzes. uLesson’s content aligns with the WAEC, NECO, and UTME syllabuses.

Thanks for your help

I have few months to start my WAEC then I want to prepare hard for it.

I will like to learn from the lesson

Great, Ayomide. Please go ahead and download the app using the link in the post.

To be very good when doing my WAEC

So interested I will be happy to be one of them ulession

It’s not working on my phone

Hi, Joy. Sorry to hear that. You may need to use a phone with at least Android 9 version.

Nice Thank you I really appreciate

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Home » EXAM NEWS » How To Write a Good Formal and Informal letter In West Africa Examination (WAEC)

How To Write a Good Formal and Informal letter In West Africa Examination (WAEC)

how to write a good formal letter

How to write a good formal letter in Wassce? If you are a Waec examiner candidate who chooses the English language as one of the Waec subjects, you should expect a very substantial portion of theory questions such as letter writing which can be formal or informal.

Do Waec ask Waec candidates to write letters in the Waec Exam hall during the English Language? Yes, you will be asked to write a letter which is sometimes 620 or 520 words. The reason is that students tend to regard letter-writing as a way out as opposed to the monumental task of crafting other brain-bursting essays inside the exam hall…

On this page, all the simple step by steps guideline technics on how to write a good formal letter in Waec or how to write an Informal letter in Waec is given below here. 

We shall also give notes on how to prepare for any Waec standard type of letter given to you, travel letter for permission or a letter to an authority… It is obvious that the last bits will be more useful to students beyond their days for WAEC/NECO exams….isn’t it?

What To know About letter Writing

letter-writing is kind of looking easy to write but easy to fail, which is why you need the Technics of Writing Any Type Of Letter. Which are

1. Understand that in letter writing there is a list of content that must be seen and included in a certain way and without the list of content, a student can lose substantial marks…

2. You need to know that in letter writing, there is no room for discretion or sympathy in writing letters compared to other forms of essay writing…

3. Understand the final details of what is required for letters…

4. Don’t over-stress or repeat the same statement while writing a letter.

How to Write an Excellent Formal Letter In Waec?

What is a formal letter? A formal letter is official writing or a letter given to a higher rank officer or any letter that is not personal. Example of Formal letters includes all Organization, business, government e.t.c.


  • Your Address and Date. ( The address and date should be written at the top right corner.)
  •  Designation of the addressee.
  • Company’s or Organization’s address in full.
  • Salutation.
  • Heading/Title.
  • Reason for writing stating any reference or advert seen with name of source and date of publication if possible.
  • The tone of the letter should reflect the respect or deference to the addressee if a senior or a person you expect some favor from…even if it is a letter of complaint about something you are angry about your words need to be diplomatic and never uncouth!
  • Short sentences are preferable.
  • AVOID GRAMMATICAL, PUNCTUATION, AND SPELLING ERRORS (more notes on these coming up).

Balance the length of sentences and link your paragraphs.

Balance the number of sentences in each paragraph.

Apart from your introduction and conclusion use only 3-5 paragraphs with each expressing different ideas.

For conclusion restate the reason for writing.

  • State yours “faithfully” with the small letter “f”.
  • Don’t forget to sign and write the name of the writer or your name.


Your Address

Good introduction

Body of the letter

Good and simple language or diction

Mechanical accuracy

A good letter conclusion


Your Address and Date.


Informal salutation such as Dear…

A letter to a friend can be chatty and should reflect some measure of familiarity between two friends…tutors should please spend more time giving examples to students because this is their Achilles heel as they tend to let go of their guard…very merrily!


Avoid the same errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

For Yours sincerely, truly, lovingly,  etc those italicized words must start with a small letter.

No signature but first name of writer allowed.

Though colloquial expressions and slang may be permitted know that they are very risky…also be careful about using new acceptable words.

For all your latest news on the 2022 Waec Exam , Waec Answers for all subjects , Waec questions for all subjects, 2022 current Waec Exam TimeTable 2022 Waec Examinationation Report

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how to pass literature in english

How to Pass WAEC Literature-in-English

To be able to pass WAEC Literature-in-English requires at least five things from you: start preparing early for the Literature test, cover all sections of the WAEC Literature syllabus, study closely how WAEC set their Literature questions, provide only the material that the questions ask for, and make sure your expression is clear enough.

Have you been asking yourself how do I pass a Literature exam? Well in this post, I will share with you the strategic steps that should make it easier for any senior high school student to pass WAEC Literature.

These are the secrets behind the amazing success of a few WAEC/NECO/JAMB candidates who take the Literature-in-English test. Are you a private candidate in the Nov/Dec WASSCE? These tips will guide you to pass your WAEC/WASSCE Literature once and for all.

1. Start Your Preparations Early

Starting early means at least two things. First, you must know all the prescribed Literature books and poems right from your first year in Senior High School. And if you’re hoping to pass Literature as a private candidate find a way to know the titles of all the novels, plays and poems you need to study. It is best if you know these at least one year before the exam.

Secondly, get hold of all the Literature texts. Then begin to read them there and then. Do not overwhelm yourself by attempting to read all at once. Depending on your abilities, you may decide to read one prose text first. And while at it, you can also be taking a look at one or two of the poems.

2. Cover All the Sections of the Literature Syllabus

For example, while you are enjoying yourself studying African Prose or Non-African Drama, you need to at the same time get enough time for Non-African poetry or unseen prose.

3. Participate in Lively Group Discussions

Granted, there is nothing wrong with trying to go solo with your studies. But let’s face it, group discussions help students to better understand and remember concepts they have learned.

4. Educate Yourself on How WAEC Set Their Questions

This is important because ignorance about the secrets behind WAEC questions has cost a lot of Literature candidates dearly. Let me explain this to you.

Now you entered the exam room only to realize that there is no question like this. Your first reaction is an expression of shock. It is quickly followed by fear. Then comes disappointment and a strong desire to throw in the towel.

You ignored this question because you found it too difficult or too strange. It is not what you prepared for. But it is! Yes, it is. These two questions are asking almost the same answer from you. So you can use what you studied for the first one to write a wonderful essay for the other.

400+ Likely WAEC Literature Questions for Practice

5. Stay On Point

So how do you answer English Literature test questions? You see, besides everything else, the answer you give in a Literature essay must address only what is necessary. Any other points or ideas are irrelevant and useless.

To pass WAEC Literature with relative ease demands self-restraint as you write a Literature essay. Do not give too little or too much. Do not forget that the Literature marking scheme only takes into consideration material that is relevant to the question and nothing more.

6. Expression Matters

Good grammar contributes to the clarity of expression. For that matter, learn to use verb forms correctly. Bad spelling can spoil your essay so avoid it as much as possible.

7. Have a Good Knowledge of Literary Terms

You will impress your examiner a great deal if you are able to identify some poetic devices in a particular poem and explain how they relate to whatever theme you’re discussing in your essay.

8. Additional Tips to Pass WAEC Literature

Final thoughts.

It has always been the dream of every senior high school student or WAEC private candidate to obtain the kind of grade that can push them to the next level. But, sadly, for many, this goal remains evermore elusive. Elsewhere, I have pointed out the reasons why students fail the Literature paper . I urge you to read that post too. Combine what you have learned here with the insights from that post. With these, I trust that you will be in a better position to pass your next WAEC Literature-in-English test.

Did you find this information helpful? Then share it on your favourite social media platform for the benefit of others you care about. Thank you!

how to write a good essay in waec

Ralph Nyadzi

Ralph Nyadzi is the Director of Studies at Cegast Academy. He is a qualified English tutor with decades of experience behind him. Since 2001, he has successfully coached thousands of High School General Arts WASSCE candidates in English, Literature and related subjects. He combines his expertise with a passion for lifelong learning to guide learners from varying backgrounds to achieve their educational goals. Ralph shares lessons from his blogging journey on BloggingtotheMax . He lives with River, his pet cat, in the Central Region of Ghana.


how to write a good essay in waec

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50+ Tips: How to Pass the WASSCE / WAEC Examination

by Giovanni O.C Olakunori · Published September 1, 2015 · Updated March 30, 2019

It’s appalling:

Nearly 70% of candidates fail the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) every year. At least, this has been a norm for the past 3 years.

For example:

For the May/June 2015 WASSCE :

The West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) statistics for Ghana and Nigeria show that more than 60% of candidates failed. There are tons of tips flying around from every Tom, Dick and Harry on how to pass the WASSCE. 90% of them tell you the same thing: Study hard, practice, don’t cheat, etc.

Frankly…almost every student have heard those, some try to obey it, and yet still fail.

Why? These tips are not so good. If they were so good, we’d have seen an improvement in the WASSCE grades of students who read them over the years.

The truth is: Most of these guides were written by people who barely passed the WASSCE(with C’s). It’s like learning to play football from someone who hss never kicked a ball before.

Well… I’d rather learn to be rich from someone who makes good money…than someone who’s barely struggling to make ends meet.

Why? Because the latter would give me deeper and better tips or insights. I’m not exaggerating when I say you’re in the right place if you want to pass the WASSCE / WAEC examination. Take a deep breath. In fact, reward yourself with a cookie – you’ve done well.

Note: When I speak of passing the WASSCE, I don’t mean with D’s or C’s . I mean passing the WASSCE / WAEC examination with grades higher than C’s or D’s ( A’s or B’s ).

Anyone that follows all the instructions in this guide to the core will ace the WASSCE.

This is not hype. It’s the truth and I won’t hold anything back in this guide. I’d freely share explosive secrets, tips and insights on how to pass the WASSCE / WAEC exam.

You may be wondering:

Why the heck I’m I sharing this?

Well, it warms my heart when I receive messages like this:

I want to receive more messages like that. Also, I wanted to create the most informative piece on how to pass the WASSCE. As I’ve said, most guides out there are lacking.

People who contributed to this guide

Honestly I didn’t get all A’s on the WASSCE, but my lowest grade was a B. I might have done so if I had a guide like this. For those who aim for all A’s on the WASSCE, I believe it’s better you hear from someone who had all A’s on the WASSCE. I met a smart good friend who fits the criteria.

Fredrick Kofi had all A’s on the WASSCE and is now a student of an Ivy League school in USA. So, I met him for some tips to include in my guide on how to pass the WASSCE.

If I did it, nothing stops you (from D7 to A1)

This guide would not be complete without an example. And there’s no better example than using myself. I hope my story inspires the “lowest of students” to achieve a good WASSCE / WAEC results. I also hope it’d inspire the smart ones to do better.

I used to be quite good with every subject… except those that had to do with calculations.

Well, as a science student, that means I was bad with every subject except English and Biology. At grade 9, I couldn’t do most calculations an average grade 9 student was required to know. I was told by my school authorities to do arts instead of science. They told me I should be good with calculations if I want to succeed as a science student.

During any mathematics test, no one bothered to ask me for answers. During morning preps, no one dared come to me for explanations. They all knew I sucked at Mathematics.I was alone in my shell. My academic performance for my first and second term in grade 9 was terrible. I was called out for my poor result, and that was what I hated the most: The shame… it was terrible.

I despised being considered among the weakest students. I feared I’d fail the WASSCE / WAEC examination with the way things were going. The pain of failure as a science student was so much that I began to think of becoming an art student. I figured switching to the arts class may be a easy ticket to the top (academically).

But being an art student wasn’t going to make me fulfill my dream: I wanted to be an engineer; a scientist; an inventor. That required a good knowledge of scientific principles and so forth.

Through all this, a voice in me kept whispering: “Don’t give up!”

I was hungry for a change in my academic life.

I didn’t want to be considered the underdog anymore.

I desired to pass the WASSCE with at least 5 A’s and a least grade of B.

I wanted a change as much as I wanted to breath.

I began to think of the way forward.

I began to work on myself.

I started with the basics.

That took a lot of guts…

I had to put away my shame, and met those that could help me fix my academic problem. I didn’t even care if they were junior students for explanations on easy topics. I found my loopholes, and filled them from scratch with the necessary materials.

The turning point

Within a few months, I began to love Mathematics.

Mathematics became my favourite subject.

I became one of the best Mathematics students in my class.

I rose through the academic ranks.

I aced the WASSCE.

I was one of the  few students in my class that achieved an A in the WASSCE Elective/Further Maths paper.

I’d not consider myself the smartest of students…

…but I can certainly say I’m not a below-average student anymore.

I don’t wish to go back to my dark days. But I do remember what it taught me:

Anyone can be anything.

If I changed the tides in my favour, I don’t believe you cannot do same.

It’s not too late, even if tomorrow is the exam day.

So let’s move to the main issue.

Are you pumped yet?

Do I have your full concentration?

If no, relax, come back later.

If yes, good:

I’ve written a definitive guide with more than 50 tips on how to pass the WASSCE / WAEC examination .

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Tags: how to pass WAEC how to pass WASSCE WAEC examination WASSCE West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination

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Giovanni O.C Olakunori

Giovanni Chinecherem Olakunle Olakunori(commonly known as Giovanni Olakunori) is an aspiring data scientist at heart, business developer and educator with a deep interest in ancient philosophy, healthy living, and developing economies. He’s the founder of LarnEdu, a community that inspires and supports lifelong learning especially in underdeveloped nations. He currently lives in the UK after living in 4 other countries across Europe and Africa. You can read more about him or follow him on Facebook , Instagram or Twitter to see his public posts about how much he loves hot Kenkey and Jolof rice.

10 Responses

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' src=

Please my son is find it difficult to cope up in English language. how can you have him? He is preparing for WAEC SSCE exam this year.

' src=

I suggest you start by reading my guide on how to pass the WASSCE ( ) with him. I’m sure he’ll learn a lot from it. Best wishes.

' src=

That’s a fine one. We gonna do our best for majority of the students in West Africa to Pass in the WASSCE Examinations every year.

I’m glad you found it useful. Cheers.

' src=

Thanks a lot, this information has assisted me a bunch………..

You’re welcome. Best wishes.

' src=

we accept that most students failed the WASSCE exams because of carelessness or whatever, but the truth is that what do cause the massive failure of the clever or brilliant students for which they do not deserve to?

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Briliant students also fail because: 1). They don’t study smart and hard enough. 2). They cheat and get caught ( so there papers get cancelled). The options are endless.

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thanks wassce i will follow the rules.may God bless u

God bless you too Saikou…I wish you success.

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Top 22 WAEC Frequently Asked Questions You Need To Know

Cover Image for Top 22 WAEC Frequently Asked Questions You Need To Know

In today's article, I will be talking about the Top 22 WAEC Frequently Asked Questions You Need To Know.

This is going to be eye-opening for you especially if you have some important questions bothering you about the WAEC exam.

But before I provide answers to all these frequently asked questions, let's quickly check the 12 Deadly Mistakes You Should Avoid On Your WAEC Examination Day

12 Deadly Mistakes You Should Avoid On Your WAEC Examination Day

how to write a good essay in waec

Studying hard and good preparation for the 2022 WAEC exam is crucial but not enough for you to pass the exam in one sitting. There are some important things you must do in other to pass when writing your exam.

However, I have listed some important guides you need to follow.

1. Never forget to always take your Identification card with you to the examination hall.

Some students are too forgetful to the extent they forget their ID card at home or even lose it.

The supervisor will always mark your attendance that you are present to write the exam. If you forget or lost it you won't be allowed to write the exam.

2. Never forget to always write your name and exam number for all the subjects. Not doing so might lead to failure.

3. always be punctual. be early to the examination hall as possible as you can because there might be important information want to pass across to you., 4. if you are a school candidate, do ensure to pay all your school fees and other necessary fees..

I have seen WAEC candidates who are sent home while they are writing exams because they own school fees. You don't want this to be your case.

5. Always remember to read questions carefully before you answer. Make sure you understand the questions and give the right answers and follow all instructions.

Some students fail because of their inability to understand the questions before they answer.

6. Do ensure you answer WAEC compulsory questions.

Sometimes, WAEC will ask you to answer some compulsory questions especially and Mathematics and English Language. If you fail to do these compulsory questions your score will be deducted automatically.

7. Always keep your writing materials intact before coming to the exam hall.

BONUS TIP: Always have extra writing materials with you like a pen, pencil, and eraser. Because you might misplace them or even get stolen. Take good note of this important tip.

8. Avoid getting involved in examination malpractice. If you're caught that will be the end of your exam.

Examination malpractice is the major reason why some results are withheld or canceled by WAEC.

9. Avoid shortening of words in your exam.

Some students are fond of shortening words especially when they are on social media and this has become their habit. Do not make this stupid mistake in your exam. If you do, you are already writing a letter to failure.

10. Avoid talking or reporting any complaints to your friends or colleagues. If you have any complaints call the supervisor or the teachers who are with you in the exam hall.

11. always be time conscious. make sure to answer the questions as fast as you can. the supervisor won't give you any extra time., 12. always remember to make your work neat and clear and proofread (cross-check) them before submitting..

If you adhere and follow all these powerful tips you are on the path to success in your 2022 WAEC exam.

NB: Do you want to catapult your learning and prepare for the 2022 WAEC exam faster than possible? If yes, click the link below to access EduPadi Classroom for FREE where you will get access to all WAEC Past Questions and Answers in one place. Click here to get access now!

Top 22 waec frequently asked questions that you need to know, 1. how many subjects do i write in waec.

Candidates are required to write a minimum of eight (8) subjects and a maximum of nine (9) subjects with WAEC compulsory general subjects. Anything different from this will not be accepted.

Recommended: WAEC 2022 Compulsory Subjects For Science, Art, and Commercial Students

2. Who are those qualified to sit for the WASSCE?

For the school candidate's examination, a candidate must be in the final class (SSS 3) in a recognized school to be able to qualify to write the WASSCE exam.

For private candidate's examination, any of the following categories can write WASSCE:

A. Those who have attempted the WASSCE in previous years. B. Those who have attempted the GCE and obtained a pass in at least three subjects. C. Those who have passed the Teachers’ Grade two examination.

3. How does WAEC set its questions?

The structure of WAEC questions is in two (2) forms: Objective and Theory. Just like your school examination where you are expected to write objectives and theory.

RECOMMENDED: WAEC 2022 Compulsory Subjects For Science, Art, And Commercial Students

4. How many questions do I answer in Waec?

In objectives, you are required to answer 60 compulsory questions and sometimes 50 compulsory questions.

In theory, you are required to answer at least 3-5 questions.

For Mathematics and English Language, you're required to answer 8-10 questions.

5. Does WAEC punish candidates for examination malpractice?

Yes, if any candidate is caught cheating in the exam he or she will be punished for examination malpractice. Leading to cancellation or withholding of the result.

6. What are the recommended textbooks and novels for the 2022 WAEC exam?

Essential Textbooks are one of them and the most recommended for all subjects.

For Literature: Exam Focus or Apex Grade is recommended.

For Literature Novels From 2021 - 2025

African Drama

(1) Let me Die Alone by John K. Kargbo

(2) The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka

Non-African Drama

(1) Look Back in Anger by John Osborne

(2) Fences by August Wilson

William Shakespeare Book: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

African Prose

(1) Second Class Citizen by Buchi Emecheta

(2) Unexpected Joy at Dawn by Alex Agyei-Agyiri (2018 edition)

Non-African Prose

(1) Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

(2) Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

African Poetry

(1) “Black Woman” by Leopold Sedar Senghor

(2) “The Leader and the Led” by Niyi Osundare

(3) “The Grieved Lands” by Agostinho Neto

(4) “The Song of the Women of my Land” by Oumar Farouk Sesay

(5) “Raider of the Treasure Trove” by Lade Wosornu

(6) “A Government Driver on his Retirement” by Onu Chibuike

Non-African Poetry

(1) “The Good-Morrow” by John Donne

(2) “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou

(3) “The Journey of the Magi” by T. S. Eliot

(4) “Do not Go Gentle into the Good Night” by Dylan Thomas

(5) “Binsey Poplars (Felled 1879)” by G.M. Hopkins

(6) “Bat” by David H. Lawrence

7. Why are some WAEC results canceled?.

Some WAEC results are canceled when the candidates are found guilty of examination malpractice and other examination offenses.

8. Does WAEC prepare candidates for its examinations?

WAEC does not prepare any candidate whether a school candidate or private candidate for its examinations. They are not responsible for any preparation, learning, and lectures for any candidate.

For school candidates, the school you want to write the exam is responsible for your preparations, learning, lectures, and all.

For private candidates, you are required to go to a learning center for your preparations and lectures.

9. Who are the examiners and how are they appointed?

WAEC examiners are mostly graduate secondary school teachers, lecturers in universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education.

A qualified examiner must be a graduate and expert in the subject he or she is appointed to mark. Moreover, an examiner must have enough experience and just be recommended by the principal of the school where he or she teaches.

10. Can I combine two WAEC results to gain admission?

Yes, you can combine two WAEC results to gain admission into a university.

NB: Some universities in Nigeria don't accept a combination of results.

11. How does WAEC ensure standardization in grading candidates?

WAEC is very diligent in grading candidates.

First, a committee of experts draws up a marking guide. All appointed examiners are then thoroughly drilled in all aspects of the marking scheme in a simulated marking exercise called coordination.

Actual marking does not start until the coordinating officers are satisfied that all examiners know what is required of them.

Even when actual marking begins, the examiners are not left entirely on their own. They are organized into small groups, each being supervised by a highly experienced examiner called a Team Leader.

The Team Leader checks and vets the group members’ marking progressively to ensure that they are keeping to the guidelines.

The Team Leaders themselves are supervised by more experienced examiners called Chief Examiners.

When marking is finally completed, WAEC still goes ahead to employ another group of people called Checkers.

The main role of Checkers is to ensure that all marks awarded by examiners are correctly recorded and transferred to the appropriate score sheets.

12. What is the required grade to get admitted into any University?

You must have at least credits in your five (5) core subjects to gain admission into any university including Mathematics and English Language.

READ ALSO: WAEC 2022 Registration: The Ultimate Guide You Need

13. How long does it take WAEC results to be out?

WAEC results normally take 60-90 days to be out after the completion of the overall exam.

14. Do WAEC results expire?

No, WAEC results do not expire like JAMB.

15. What is the official lifespan of WAEC Certificates?

WAEC certificates do not have an expiry date. Once you have it, you can use it for a lifetime.

16. How can a candidate get errors on his/her certificates corrected?

For school candidates, the principal of the school where you write your exam is responsible to get any error on your certificate corrected. He/she will be the one to contact WAEC on your behalf.

For private candidates, you are required to contact WAEC directly to get any error on your certificate corrected.

NB: You are expected to take your original WAEC certificate with you for any amendment on your certificate. Also, WAEC will charge you a fee if the mistake (error) is from you but if the mistake (error) is from WAEC, it will be for free.

17. How long does it take for WAEC original certificate to be available?

It takes up to 90 days after the WAEC results are released for the original certificate to be available.

18. How does a candidate collect his/her certificate?

School candidates are to collect their certificate from the school they write the exam.

Private candidates are to obtain their certificates from WAEC directly.

19. Does WAEC replace lost certificates?

No, WAEC does not replace certificates. Instead, it issues statements of results to the owners of lost certificates or, when necessary, confirms their results for a fee.

20. Can I use my WAEC result abroad?

Yes, you can use your WAEC results to gain admission into a university in a foreign country.

21. Where is WAEC headquarter located in Nigeria?

WAEC Nigeria National Office: 21, Hussey Street, Yaba. Private Mail Bag 1022, Yaba, Lagos.

22. How can I contact WAEC?

You can contact WAEC with this info. Or better still, you can go to their website.

Email: [email protected] Website:

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HOME » WAEC » WAEC English Lang. Scheme of Examination & Sample Questions

WAEC English Lang. Scheme of Examination & Sample Questions

WAEC English Lang. Scheme of Examination & Sample Questions:

waec Scheme

You can also check: WAEC Sample Questions, Scheme: All Subjects

DISCLAIMER: The questions and answers contained on this website are not in any way inferred as the original questions you will write on your WAEC examination. We do not provide students with any material that promotes examination malpractice. The contents on this website are purely educational and suited for students preparing for the said exams.



There will be three papers – Papers 1, 2 and 3, all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1:       Will consist of eighty multiple choice questions, all of which should be

answered within 1 hour for 40 marks.

PAPER 2:       Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates’

comprehension and summary skills. Candidates will be expected to write an essay on one of the topics and answer all the questions on Comprehension and Summary passages. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 100 marks.

PAPER 3:       Will consist of sixty multiple choice items on Test of Orals for candidates

in Nigeria and Liberia, and that on Listening Comprehension for candidates in Ghana, The Gambia and Sierra Leone. All the questions will be answered in 45 minutes for 30 marks.



In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap.   From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1.   Most African countries face poverty while few enjoy ……………………….

A.  influence

B.  money

C.  affluence

D.  power

2.   Last year our farmers cultivated more crops than they……………………….

A.  destroyed

B.  uprooted

C.  harvested

D.  yielded

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

3.   There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely……………..of our staff.

A.  intervention

B.  interruption

C.  interference

D.  invasion

4.    The armed robbers ……………every room in the bank to look for money.

A.   explored

B.  ransacked

C.  raked

D.  swept

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given.   Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

5.   Ade is too clever by half. This means that Ade is

A.  far cleverer than others.

B.  actually very stupid in his behaviour.

C.  annoyingly clever.

D.  behaving to be clever but is not.

6.   Ameh is really being economical with the truth. This means that Ameh

A.  is being praised for being honest.

B.  does not know enough.

C.  knows more than he is prepared to say.

D.  is not telling the truth.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, chose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence .

7.   By failing to attend the interview, Idoko has lost a golden opportunity.

A.  blessed

B.  bright

C.  good

D.  delightful

8.   I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us.

A.  cordial

B.  polite

C.  merciful

D.  gentle

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences .

9.   A good citizen abides …………..  the rules of the land.

A.  with

B.  in

C.  at

D.  by

10. Since his swearing in, the governor ………………..  his hometown.

A.  had not been visiting

B.  has not visited

C.  did not visit

D.  had not visited

Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words.

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

  • Your friend in another school has requested information about your school to enable him to decide on moving over to your school. Write a letter to him discussing at least three areas in which your school excels.
  • Write an article for publication in your school magazine, discussing the reasons why children in your area drop out of school and suggesting ways of minimizing it.
  • As the president of your youth club, write a letter to the chairman of your Local Government Association complaining about the increasing rate of child labour and suggesting ways of curbing it.
  • You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic : Women should not be in paid employment while still bearing children. Write your contribution for or against the topic.
  • 5.      Write a story that ends with the words: That experience will linger on my mind for a long time.

Dele groaned and got out of bed. There was no clock on the mantel piece and the room was still dark, but he knew that he was already late for work, probably by an hour. He was a commercial bus driver and had to get started as early as 5.00a.m. and go almost non-stop till about 9.00 p.m. to be able to make the daily returns that the bus owner demanded.

On the previous day, he had attended an all-night party – a late uncle’s burial ceremony – where he had drunk himself almost senseless before crawling home in the early hours of the morning. Now, he got up shakily, splashed water on his face and hurried off to work, but not before carefully fastening on his upper left arm the amulet he had always worn for protection against accidents. A similar amulet hung concealed under the steering column of his bus. On his way, still feeling groggy, he caught his left toe against a stump and had some misgiving. It was a bad sign, and he was supposed to go back home and then set out again. But there was no time for that now, so he hurried on.

At the bus station, Dele quickly loaded his bus and sped off without any of the necessary checks on the vehicle. He had to make up for lost time. It was the rush hour, so the bus was overloaded as it often was, with many passengers hanging on to the doors. The tyres were threadbare, the brakes were faulty and the road was wet, but, still feeling a little sleepy, Dele sped on. Many passengers protested about his reckless driving, but he would not listen. After all, didn’t he have protection against accident?

As the vehicle took the last turn before its destination, Dele saw a broken-down truck blocking his side of the road. Under normal circumstances, he could have brought the bus safely to a halt, bur the circumstances were far from normal. The careering bus hit the parked vehicle, swerved wildly across the road and plunged into a ditch.

Dele’s surprise before he sank into oblivion was the failure of his supposedly protective amulets.

(a)    Why did Dele wake up late?

(b)   … he caught his left toe against a stump and had some misgivings . What does this tell us about Dele?

(c)    Give two reasons why Dele drove recklessly.

(d)   Why was Dele unable to stop his faulty vehicle?

(e)    What was Dele’s condition after the accident?

(f)    After all, didn ’t he have protection against accident? What literary device is used in this expression?

(g)   …wildly across the road…

(i)         What grammatical name is given to the expression as it is used in the passage?

(ii)        What is its function?

(h) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and can replace it in the passage: i.           probably;

ii.       returns;

iii.      groggy;

iv.      misgiving

v.       threadbare

vi.      reckless.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

You cannot expect to go through life without meeting problems. Difficulties, perplexities and frustrations are an inevitable part of human experience. Accepting this idea of the inevitability of problems will help you to approach them in a robust frame of mind rather than thinking that you are a victim specially singled out by malignant fate. When confronted with a problem, the first thing to do is gather all relevant data to get acquainted with the facts of the case. Then write down exactly what the problem is, stating it simply in black and white. This gives you something definite with which to come to terms. The problem is assessed and you will now have something concrete to deal with.

Next, give serious thought to the problem, making sure that such thought does not degenerate into worry as worry accomplishes nothing. Aim at clear, dispassionate thought, viewing the problem as if it were a friend’s and not your own. Look at it from all angles and from the point of view of all concerned. You court disaster if you are entirely selfish in your outlook. The single important purpose of all this is to discover all possible solutions to the problem.

Having examined the problem broadly and impartially, carefully examine all the possible solutions or courses of action. The knowledge that you have done this will keep you from useless regrets later, when you can remind yourself that all courses of action were examined and you chose what appeared to be the best. Next, eliminate all proposed solutions which are seen on further thought to be impracticable.

You will now find that your list has been whittled down to two or three possibilities. At this stage it is often a good plan to get out into the open air. Go for a walk or a ride, preferably somewhere with wide horizons. There, out in the open, review the problem afresh. You will find it appears less formidable. Ask yourself how the difficulty will appear in ten years’ time or even one! This fresh review will enable you to make a final choice as you turn to the remaining solutions and, before you return home, decide which one you are going to adopt. As you go to sleep that night, let your last thoughts be upon your decision. If, in the morning, you still feel it is the best one to take, go ahead.

If you have a friend who is capable of giving sound advice, consult him. Do this before your final decision, so that you will have the benefit of his views before you decide. Talking things over with another is always a great help. It enables you to isolate the problem and to decide which on which factors are important. Even if the friend offers no advice, a sympathetic ear will help you. Furthermore, as you describe to your friend the courses open to you, you will see them in clearer light. Some will appear impossible even as you speak. Alternatively, one will appear most attractive.

In dealing with problems, remember the time factor. Although some problems solve themselves in time, and delaying tactics is therefore the best form of action for them, most other problems generally get more complicated the longer they are left. You should therefore get to grips with the problems immediately they occur.

All told, reasonable foresight and imagination can prevent many problems ever arising. Tact, thoughtfulness and responsible conduct can also keep life largely problem-free.

In six sentences, one for each , summarize the steps to be taken when faced with a problem and state why each step is necessary.


For candidates in Nigeria and Liberia only

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined.

1.   w i t

A.  fright

B.  wheat

C.  tree

D.  market

2.   l oo k

A.  glue

B.  you

C.  cup

D.  curious

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

3.   d ance

A.  handsome

B.  sandwich

C.  adjective

D.  pounding

4.   pluck ed

A.  smiled

B.  slammed

C.  luck

D.  table

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word.

5.         carrier

A.        area

B.        barrier

C.        serious

D.        ravine

6.        drought

A.        crowd

B.        nought

C.        shout

D.        taught

In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.

7.         acrimony

A.        A-cri-mo-ny

B.        a-CRI-mo-ny

C.        a-cri-MO-ny

D.        a-cri-mo-NY

In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern.

8.         A.        sanctify

B.        promising

C.        notify

D.        organic

In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters.   From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.

9.         The DOCTOR examined the patient with a stethoscope.

A.        Did the teacher examine the patient with a stethoscope?

B.        Did the doctor cure the patient with a stethoscope?

C.        Did the doctor examine the nurse with a stethoscope?

D.        Did the doctor examine the patient with a telescope?

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.

10.       / ǝ /

A.        accurate

B.        nephew

C.        ageless

D.        waddle

Provided by MSG Team

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Home » Master These 60 2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions for English Language

Master These 60 2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions for English Language

2024 BECE Examination. 2024 BECE English Language Question PDF. 2024 BECE Questions PDF. BECE 2024 FRENCH QUESTIONS. 2024 BECE SOCIAL STUDIES MOCK. 2024 BECE Mathematics Mock 4. BECE 2024 Integrated Science Questions

Lace your boots as the race will soon be on for that pivotal step in your academic journey begins. Don’t lazy or loiter around, dive into the abundance of resources prepared for you by

These resources or questions below are one of such valuable resources on essay writing. Here are ten questions under each essay type for formal letters, article writing, speech, debate, informal/semi-formal letters, and stories. For each of the essay type, we have compiled over 6 questions for you to solve them as you get ready to face the battle ahead. Download Full Mock Question With Marking Scheme – Science for BECE 2024

2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions on Formal Letters

  • Write a letter to the District Director of Education in your district, explaining the challenges faced by students in your school and suggesting possible solutions.
  • Write a letter to the Editor of a national newspaper, expressing your views on the importance of environmental conservation and what can be done to promote it.
  • Write a letter to the Principal of your school, requesting permission to organize a health awareness campaign for students.
  • Write a letter to your Member of Parliament, highlighting the need for improved infrastructure in your community.
  • Write a letter to the Head of a local NGO, asking for support in setting up a community library.
  • Write a letter to the local health officer, detailing the problems caused by poor sanitation in your area and proposing solutions.
  • Write a letter to the Chief of your village, suggesting ways to promote tourism in the area.
  • Write a letter to a company, applying for an internship position and explaining why you are a suitable candidate.
  • Write a letter to the manager of a local bank, requesting sponsorship for your school’s upcoming sports event.
  • Write a letter to the Minister of Education, proposing the introduction of vocational training programs in schools.

2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions on Article Writing

  • Write an article for your school magazine on the topic “The Role of Technology in Modern Education”.
  • Write an article discussing the importance of reading books and how it can benefit students academically and personally.
  • Write an article on the effects of social media on the youth, both positive and negative.
  • Write an article highlighting the importance of physical exercise and sports for students.
  • Write an article about the benefits of learning a second language.
  • Write an article on the topic “The Impact of Climate Change on Our Environment”.
  • Write an article advocating for the inclusion of arts and music in the school curriculum.
  • Write an article on the challenges and opportunities of online learning.
  • Write an article about the importance of community service and volunteerism among students.
  • Write an article on the significance of cultural heritage and its preservation.

Essay Writing Questions on Speech

  • Write a speech to be delivered on the occasion of your school’s graduation ceremony, focusing on the theme “The Future Belongs to the Educated”.
  • Write a speech for a community gathering on the topic “The Importance of Unity in Diversity”.
  • Write a speech you would deliver as the School Prefect on “The Role of Students in Maintaining Discipline in School”.
  • Write a speech for a health awareness program on the importance of healthy eating habits.
  • Write a speech for a youth seminar on “The Power of Positive Thinking”.
  • Write a speech to welcome new students to your school, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication.
  • Write a speech to be delivered at a local environmental club meeting on the topic “Saving Our Planet”.
  • Write a speech for a cultural day celebration on the theme “Embracing Our Traditions and Values”.
  • Write a speech to motivate your peers during exam preparation, focusing on effective study techniques.
  • Write a speech for an anti-bullying campaign in your school.

 Debate – 2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions

  • Write a debate for the motion: “Social Media Has Done More Harm than Good”.
  • Write a debate against the motion: “Examinations Are the Best Measure of a Student’s Ability”.
  • Write a debate for the motion: “Boarding Schools Are Better Than Day Schools”.
  • Write a debate against the motion: “Television is a Bad Influence on Children”.
  • Write a debate for the motion: “Homework Should Be Abolished”.
  • Write a debate against the motion: “Technology Makes Us More Alone”.
  • Write a debate for the motion: “Co-educational Schools are Better than Single-Sex Schools”.
  • Write a debate against the motion: “Traditional Classroom Learning is Better than Online Learning”.
  • Write a debate for the motion: “School Uniforms Should Be Mandatory”.
  • Write a debate against the motion: “Third term Vacations Should Be Shortened”.

 Informal/semi-formal Letters – 2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions

  • Write a letter to your friend in another school, telling him/her about a recent school excursion and what you learned from it.
  • Write a letter to your cousin, describing your experiences during the last school term and your plans for the holidays.
  • Write a letter to your grandmother, narrating an interesting story from your childhood that you both cherish.
  • Write a letter to your best friend, sharing your excitement about a new hobby you have picked up.
  • Write a letter to your sibling, advising him/her on how to prepare for high school.
  • Write a letter to your pen pal in another country, describing a cultural festival in your community.
  • Write a letter to your uncle, thanking him for a recent gift and explaining how you plan to use it.
  • Write a letter to your friend, recounting a memorable event from your school sports day.
  • Write a letter to your former teacher, updating him/her on your current studies and achievements.
  • Write a letter to your neighbour, inviting him/her to your birthday party and outlining the planned activities.

2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions on Stories

  • Write a story that begins with the sentence: “It was a day I will never forget; everything seemed perfect until…”.
  • Write a story ending with the sentence: “And that was the moment I realized the true meaning of friendship.”
  • Write a story about a young boy who overcomes a significant challenge to achieve his dream.
  • Write a story about a mysterious old house in your neighbourhood that no one dared to enter.
  • Write a story where the main character discovers a hidden talent that changes his/her life.
  • Write a story about an adventure you had during a family vacation.
  • Write a story where two friends solve a community problem together.
  • Write a story about a pet that helps its owner in an unexpected way.
  • Write a story set in a future world where humans live on another planet.
  • Write a story about a time you made a difficult decision and the consequences that followed.

These questions should provide ample practice for different types of essay writing at the BECE level.

WAEC Standard BECE Questions: Download All Questions with Marking Scheme

Preparing for the BECE exams can be a challenging yet rewarding journey for students across Ghana. To excel, it’s crucial to have access to high-quality study materials that align with the WAEC standards. At, we understand the importance of comprehensive preparation, which is why we offer a treasure trove of WAEC standard BECE questions complete with marking schemes. These resources are designed to help you practice effectively and boost your confidence as you approach the exams. Get all the questions below:

 WAEC Standard BECE Questions: Download All Questions with Marking Scheme

 Preparing for BECE Social Studies: Tips To Score More Than 70% in 2024

Download Full Mock Question With Marking Scheme – Science for BECE 2024


2024 RME BECE Trial Questions – In Line With BECE Syllabus

2024 BECE Likely English Questions With Answers

Summary of 2024 BECE Structure for ALL BECE CANDIDATES

Pro Tips for Effective Study

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Connect with other students preparing for the BECE. Share tips, ask questions, and motivate each other. Here are our WhatsApp and Telegram groups links!


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how to write a good essay in waec

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    Here are some ways to write a good essay in WAEC. 1. Plan: Always write your points in your essays down. Make sure to keep it as short and specific as possible. 2. Describe: Make sure to describe each event or important character as detailed as possible. This helps the examiner easily imagine the occasion and setting.

  18. How WAEC Set Their WASSCE Questions

    Now let's talk briefly about how WAEC examiners expect candidates to answer the essay questions they set. Much as it is not completely wrong to tabulate points and present them as an answer to WAEC WASSCE questions, candidates who end up scoring very good grades (like A or B), tend to write their answers in full essays containing well ...

  19. How to Pass WAEC Literature-in-English

    Apply these essay writing best practices. Final Thoughts. It has always been the dream of every senior high school student or WAEC private candidate to obtain the kind of grade that can push them to the next level. But, sadly, for many, this goal remains evermore elusive. Elsewhere, I have pointed out the reasons why students fail the ...

  20. 50+ Tips: How To Pass The WASSCE / WAEC Exam (Guide)

    For the May/June 2015 WASSCE: The West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) statistics for Ghana and Nigeria show that more than 60% of candidates failed. There are tons of tips flying around from every Tom, Dick and Harry on how to pass the WASSCE. 90% of them tell you the same thing: Study hard, practice, don't cheat, etc.

  21. Top 22 WAEC Frequently Asked Questions You Need To Know

    If you do, you are already writing a letter to failure. 10. Avoid talking or reporting any complaints to your friends or colleagues. If you have any complaints call the supervisor or the teachers who are with you in the exam hall. 11. Always be time conscious. Make sure to answer the questions as fast as you can.

  22. How to Write a Good Descriptive Essay/Sample Essay/Waec Past Question

    A descriptive essay gives a detailed description of the topic and paints a picture with words in the reader's mind. It could be about an object, place, perso...

  23. WAEC English Lang. Scheme of Examination & Sample Questions

    Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a composite paper to be taken at one sitting. PAPER 1: Will consist of eighty multiple choice questions, all of which should be. answered within 1 hour for 40 marks. PAPER 2: Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates'. comprehension and summary skills.

  24. Master These 60 2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions for English Language

    Write a speech to motivate your peers during exam preparation, focusing on effective study techniques. Write a speech for an anti-bullying campaign in your school. Debate - 2024 BECE Essay Writing Questions. Write a debate for the motion: "Social Media Has Done More Harm than Good". Write a debate against the motion: "Examinations Are ...