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  • Most Embarrassing Moment Essay Example

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay: Don't Be Shy To Tell

By: Henrique Bertulino

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay: Don't Be Shy To Tell

Did you know that stories about awkward moments make people more creative? This fact was discovered by researchers from the Kellogg School of Management. As the authors of the study explain, voicing embarrassing situations, a person removes the barrier of self-censorship and is ready for non-standard solutions. That is why high school teachers often give the assignment to write an embarrassing moment essay to their students.

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay Sample

1. delve into the nature of the essay, 2. opt for the exact story, 3. a strong hook is a good start, 4. draw an outline, 5. describe, don't tell, 6. write an insightful conclusion, pay attention.

Just like the peer-reviewed articles, it was one of my friends' birthdays. My friend wanted to celebrate the day beautifully, so he invited many people. Actually, the date of his birthday was October 21st. What happened in my mind I don't know - I just forgot the date and as you know that these happened long past, and we did not have the facilities of mobile phones, and the only way of communication distantly was a land phone, and unfortunately, I did not have any landline in my house. Another problem happened that the school was also closed on some occasions. Because of that, I had no regular communication with my friends. I remember the date as October 22nd though the date was one day behind. I prepared for the day's celebration and bought an expensive gift for my friend, which I felt would pass for a proper my most memorable moment essay.

While I was buying the gift for my friend, he and our friends were celebrating the birthday because the date was October 21st. As I thought the date was October 22nd, I went to my friend's house with the gift. At first, my reaction was very awkward because I saw neither anybody nor any festive look there. I did not understand what happened there, why there was nothing special - thinking that I just tapped on the calling bell of my friend's house. Hearing the bell, my friend's mom opened the door and became amazed to explore me with a gift. She said, "Hi, how are you? Why didn't you come yesterday?" I became perplexed, and I asked her what happened. She replied that yesterday was my friend's birthday. Suddenly my friend, Jimmie, came out and scolded me for not participating in the birthday celebration. I became dumbfounded and explained everything. He was convinced and served me some slices of his birthday cake and other foods which were prepared on his birthday. I was just embarrassed in front of two people - my friend and his mom. I did not know that the worse thing is waiting for me the next day.

Furthermore, I thought that my embarrassment had ended there, but it did not. I think it was all for the success of my most embarrassing moment essay. The next day I went to school and noticed that some of my friends were laughing at me. I didn't ask why they were behaving like that, but I was beginning to understand. When I entered the classroom, everyone just burst out laughing. Everyone already knew about my mistake with my friend's birthday. It is difficult to describe in words what I felt at that moment. But it really was the most embarrassing moment I have ever experienced.

Embarrassing Moment Essay: What To Pay Attention To and What Not To Miss

Each of us has experienced some embarrassing moments in his or her life. Such moments usually make us laugh or, conversely, sad. At such moments we remember. It's not always pleasant to tell someone, but sometimes it can be your task in high school. How to overcome shame and competently and interestingly tell the reader about your embarrassing incident?

6 Tips On How To Create Your Embarrassing Moments Essay

You will describe the most embarrassing moment in the form of a personal narrative essay. What is a personal essay? There are many good definitions of this type of essay, but what we like most is this:

A personal essay is a short autobiographical story that includes some life situations that characterize you in a certain way. This type of writing involves a creative approach, and therefore it can have a free essay structure. In an experience essay, a person tells something very personal, even intimate. It is full of excitement and emotions. At the end of the embarrassing moment essay, the author analyzes how he or she was affected by a situation, whether it changed him or her or not.

"Embarrassing moments of my life" is your unique story. However, such moments happen in everyone's life - in school years or in adult life. It can be a story about the first day in a new team, an awkward event on holiday, a story about when you did not complete an English task, or how you forgot a new friend's name. Close your eyes and remember the same story that made you go through a storm of emotions. That's what you need to put on paper. Here's what the following stories might look like:

"It was in 2000 when I was 20 years old. Before I didn't have any plane journey, so it was the very expected thing for me. The same day came - the day of my first flight. So I got a little excited and arrived at the airport. I took my seat, and it was just beside a window because I like to look outside.

I really wanted to breathe fresh air outside. So I started looking for a way to open the window. But I failed to do so. I noticed that some of the passengers looked at me in great surprise. But I saw a hostess nearby. I asked her where the window locks so that I can open it. Hearing that, many passengers started smiling. I realized that something went wrong, and I felt shy. The air hostess was polite enough to reply to me by just saying - sir, the windows of a plane can not be opened because of the risk factor. I immediately understood that it was very embarrassing. The journey was around one hour long, and all the way, and I could not look at other passengers as I felt so shy."

"My most embarrassing experience" essay should interest the reader from the first words. Find the same hook that will immediately catch the audience. Here are some good hook essay examples:

"Once, a "grandfather" came to me for an interview for a digital marketer, who had completed all Google and Facebook courses on the recommendation of his daughter, but absolutely did not understand the task, my slang, and why everyone in the office was three times younger."

"Once, the candidate asked his best friend (a good specialist) to go for an interview instead of himself. He went and ... got a job and worked there successfully."

In the introduction, you set the tone and reveal the topic of your essay.

Although an essay on an embarrassing thing does not have a clear organizational structure, you should still organize your thoughts. Just write on a piece of paper what and how you will write about. The introduction should include a hook and a statement. Describe the situation in the body of the paper, and in the end, tell how it affected you.

"I was ashamed."

"This situation made my voice tremble. My knees buckled, there was a lump in my throat. I want to get out of there as soon as possible. It wasn't me, I never felt so embarrassed."

Feel the difference between these two examples? Your task is to write as shown in the second version. You can't just write how you felt, you need to try to describe your condition as vividly as possible. The reader must imagine the full picture and feel what you felt.

A good conclusion gives the reader a sense of completeness. You can return to your lead to complete the circle. Repeat your statement to end the story that changed you.

It happens that you have something to tell, but you can not properly arrange it. In such cases, it is better to seek professional help in the essay writing service. You need to remember that your work must be free of plagiarism and written in an appropriate format (APA, MLA, Chicago). Professional writers will ensure compliance with all these requirements.

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i love it thank you

It was helpful. Now I am able to understand the topic

This guide with embarrassing moment examples really struck a chord with me as someone who has difficulty writing about their own personal experiences. It gave me everything I needed to finally tackle a difficult topic and share it with others🙏

Thanks! I was able to take a potentially embarrassing topic of most akward moments of my life and turn it into a poignant, meaningful essay. The guidance and embarrassing stories of other people here helped me push past my fears and create something truly special..

So lovely i like the way and idea it makes sense to me and I will send it to my friends



The same also happened to me and it was my sister's birthday, 22nd March and I also thought it was the 23rd, I'm glad I might be able to write mine too, a good start and finish

Feeling embarrassed sometime makes one to learn

Feeling embarrassed, something times make's one to learn

James Melody

my whole elementary school was a never ending embarrassment, jeez i was such an awkward child

Feeling embarrassed is such a funny thing tbh. You cringe so much at first but then it's the best story at the party lol

This has to be one of the most humorous essays of this genre I've come across. I also enjoyed how descriptive it was; it really accentuated the mental picture the writer was trying to paint for the reader. I find stories like this funny and intriguing. Essays that have to do with the embarrassing incident, like this one, can be one hell of a good read. My favorite part has to be the conclusion where the whole class burst out laughing.

I can easily relate to being embarrassed on several occasions. Perhaps, that's what growing up is all about. I didn't know that writing about such moments ever led to creative ideas. As a student, I always feel that college is the best place to enjoy life. Still, the same place is home to many embarrassing experiences. After reading this blog, I understood why teachers emphasize essays about personal episodes. In my life, I have always written a narrative of such moments in a personal diary or as instructed by my English teacher.bIt's great to know these tips. I believe they will help me accept my shortcomings deeply.

Writing is always such a struggle in high school, even on such a creative topic like this one. The information was really helpful. Thank you so much.

If I didn't come around this article, I would spend my whole spring break fruitlessly trying to write even a draft. I've had enough awkward moments in my life, and I will never forget how once I fell through the ice during Christmas vacation. Now I know exactly how to start and finish my story. So perfect, thank you.

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An Embarrassing Moment in My Life Essay

February 21, 2018 by Study Mentor 1 Comment

Everyone faces some or the other type of embarrassment in their lives. While some are easy to digest, some that hit your mind hard every time.

When you are idle and not doing any work, you may be reminded of it. If you happened to meet the person who was in the situation when you felt embarrassed, you would get the same feeling again.

I also have experienced these sorts of embarrassing moments.

Actually, embarrassing moments could be easily recalled, it may even bring a smile on your face at times.

We wouldn’t expect ourselves to be part of embarrassing situations. When we are put under such situations, we really don’t know how to find a way out.

Though there are many embarrassing moments in my life I could only share a few of them below.

My first most embarrassing moment was when I was 10 years old, one day I was playing with my friends and I had an urge to attend to nature’s call. I steadily ignored my body’s warning signs.

I continued playing with my friends. In the meantime, everyone gathered in a group near a motor cycle (bike). On the pillion seat of the bike there is a provision of a tucked net.

It is generally used for holding some stuff.  I started playing with it pretending to be holding it ,stretching it, etc. All of a sudden, the owner of bike came from nowhere.

All my friends started running and I was standing there all alone. He held my hands tightly and started scolding me for what I was doing with his bike.

He started blaming me for playing with his possession. He inquired why I was scratching his bike’s seat with my nail. As I was playing with the net, I clarified my stand.

Surely enough, I was unable to speak anything more to save myself.  I got scared and then I peed then and there. All were looking at me.

The uncle released my hand and I ran towards my house crying loudly. My grandmother asked me worriedly.

I answered her that I fell into a puddle of muddy water. I asked her to give me clothes to change. That night was very hard indeed!

This experience may create a laughing sensation with readers. To me, it was very shameful, given I was a ten year old girl at that time!

The second experience was when I was in my high school. I was a student of biology. Everyone at class used to call me a doctor. This was quite a good thing for me.

It made me happy that everyone was calling me a doctor. One fine day I was getting down the stairs from my biology class. Normally, I used to jump on the stairs routinely.

On that day too, I repeated the same act. Some of the well known boys of our school were standing there. As I jumped, I lost my control and got smashed on the floor.

I fell down from 5th stair and hit the ground floor. Everyone out there just started laughing at me. Some came to help me.

To avoid any further embarrassment, I too started laughing. Later when I came home, I felt so humiliated that I didn’t attend school for 2 days.

The third experience was due to my overconfidence. I unnecessarily caught everyone’s attention for all the wrong reasons.

Last year my uncle bought me a new bike – Activa (Scooty). After taking riding lessons, I was very excited to ride my scooty. When my students left for home, I took the keys and went down to start the bike.

Half way through, I saw one of my students standing.  I began flaunting my new scooty. He greeted me and soon after that, I lost control over my scooty. Instead of applying brakes, I accelerated it and got hit with a washer man.

By god’s grace I just hit his chair and not him. There was no big loss to him. My scooty got damaged and I got hurt badly. That day, I got embarrassed in front of my students.

My fourth embarrassing experience till date is a very sad moment. Our 11th class had just begun.  I had also joined a coaching centre.

I had a lot of friends there too! One fine day, a guy approached me seeking good friendship with me. I smartly agreed.

Slowly we started talking. We chatted for long hours over phone, late night chats became common. At the coaching class too, our talks grew and I totally fell for him.

One day I proposed to him. In response, he said he needs some time to think over. He assured to maintain confidentiality of the matter.

I trusted him blindly. To my fate, the next day when I arrived at the institute, all his friends were smiling at me fishily. I tried to ignore them. After a few days I was in for a bigger shock.

I saw one of my friends holding his hands and learnt that they were actually in a relationship, I felt so unwanted and upset. I called him. I pleaded with him for keeping me in darkness.

Without speaking any further, I cut the call abruptly. Then he called me again and apologized. I accepted his apology. I trusted him not to tell anyone about my proposal but that wasn’t true.

His girlfriend asked me if I had ever proposed to her guy, to which I said a yes and left the scene. After a few days I came to know that he had spilled the beans right from the first day among all his friends.

This incident happened around 2 years ago. Now I have moved on and leading a happy life.

And the last embarrassing moment in my life was the last day of school. As Diwali vacations were going to start, I brought some crackers from home.

I wished to light them in school. The school authorities weren’t going to agree to this. So, I quietly went upstairs and lit one of the crackers.

I was caught red handed by one of my teachers. She scolded me in front of the whole class. She said it was not expected from me. That day luck wasn’t in my favor and I really felt bad and embarrassed.

Some embarrassing moments are lessons to us. We shouldn’t worry what people think about us.

We should move on from bad situations. One bad incident cannot erase our entire life. Every person comes into your life as a lesson.

Reader Interactions

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January 8, 2021 at 7:31 pm

I like the stories. Yhe only issue is that they have laughed at you for, in my opinion, no reason. I must say that I wouldn’t have laughed if I was there. Well, no one knows how I could have reacted, especially as a 15 year old, but still you have my support!

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The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life Essay

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Every person has embarrassing days that one regrets or does not want to recall under any circumstances. These memories make us feel awkward and blame ourselves for what we have done wrong or not adequately. People prefer not to tell their relatives, friends, and colleagues about these moments as they are afraid that the society’s opinion about them might change in a blink of an eye. As we grow up, our views on life change and these stories become good memories that give us life experience. Nowadays I am glad to share various awkward cases with other people. The following paper will discuss the most embarrassing day of my life and will demonstrate how my views on lives have been changing since childhood.

The most embarrassing day of my life was when I was a child. I did not understand every aspect of people’s relationships and values at the age of seven yet. I believe that there are many people in the world who regret particular events or days of their adolescence (Widen 188). However, it was a regular Sunday when my family and I went to church. While the pastor was preaching, I was searching through his wife’s purse as she was sitting next to me. When I found the lady’s camera, I took it and went to the Sunday school with this device. My friends and I were playing with the stolen camera, and I did not tell my peers where it came from. However, the pastor’s family lived in our neighborhood. When my parents found out about the case described above, they made me go to the pastor’s house, apologize, and return the camera to his wife. When I was a child, I did not feel embarrassed about that incident, but now I realize what my parents felt that day.

Unfortunately, that hapless Sunday went on. I heard my mother talking to her auxiliary on a cellular phone. I remember that she was not satisfied with someone’s work, and told her colleague that she would not receive any bonuses this month. I decided to message her auxiliary as I heard her name during their conversation. As I was angry at the person who made my mother nervous, I was rude to that lady in my text. I offended her by using an abusive nickname and told the woman that she will not ever receive any bonuses from now on. Unfortunately, I got my mother in trouble by sending that message. Moreover, I happened to meet her colleague on the same day, and she already knew that it was I who offended her. I felt embarrassed and always avoided looking into the lady’s eyes.

In the evening of the same day, I went to the groceries store that was situated in our neighborhood. I met my classmate on the way there who told me that he has been stealing chips from that store. My mother gave me money to buy one loaf of bread, milk, and some cereal for the next day breakfast, and it was not enough for a package of chips. Therefore, I decided to steal it from the shop, and my friend taught me how. The storekeeper knew my father and asked him to pay for the chips I stole before I came home. My dad made me go to the store again and give the money to his acquaintance.

Usually, people regret their childhood deeds and realize their mistakes when they become adults. Unfortunately, I had some awkward situations in my life that I feel embarrassed about till the present day. These moments emphasize on children’s careless minds and their wrong perception of the surrounding world.

Widen, Sherri C., et al. “The Development of Emotion Concepts: A Story Superiority Effect in Older Children and Adolescents.” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , vol. 131, no. 1, 2015, pp. 186–192.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 25). The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life.

"The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." IvyPanda , 25 May 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life'. 25 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." May 25, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." May 25, 2021.


IvyPanda . "The Most Embarrassing Day of Your Life." May 25, 2021.

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My Most Embarrassing Moment

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Published: May 19, 2020

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Works Cited

  • DeMello, M. (2017). Embarrassment. In Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 308-311). Elsevier.
  • Goffman, E. (1967). Interaction ritual: Essays on face-to-face behavior. Anchor Books.
  • Jaffe, J., & Hyde, J. S. (2000). Gender differences in moral orientation: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 126(5), 703-726.
  • Keltner, D., & Anderson, C. (2000). Saving face for Darwin: The functions and uses of embarrassment. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9(6), 187-192.
  • Kleinke, C. L., Meeker, F. B., & Gwynn, M. (1996). The effects of embarrassment and guilt on eyewitness testimony. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 11(4), 35-50.
  • Lewis, M. (2003). Self-conscious emotions: Embarrassment, pride, shame, and guilt. In M. Lewis & J. M. Haviland-Jones (Eds.), Handbook of emotions (2nd ed., pp. 623-636). The Guilford Press.
  • Price, J. (2016). Embarrassment and social anxiety. In P. G. Overton & E. R. D. Scherer (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Emotion, Social Cognition, and Problem Solving in Adulthood (pp. 240-252). Oxford University Press.
  • Sabini, J., & Silver, M. (2005). What is embarrassing about embarrassing disclosures?. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(2), 271-280.
  • Schlenker, B. R. (1980). Impression management: The self-concept, social identity , and interpersonal relations. Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
  • Tracy, J. L., & Robins, R. W. (2006). Appraisal antecedents of shame and guilt: Support for a theoretical model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32(10), 1339-1351.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay on the most embarrassing moment of your life

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Narrative Essay about the Most Embarrassing Moment in My Life

1. introduction.

It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I couldn't show my face around my high school for a month. Not only did the entire high school find out, but my whole town found out. It was the most brutal experience of my life. It was only a half year into my freshman year when I decided to take a Drama and Theatre class. Up to that time, I had never really had any experience performing on stage. So the thought of getting up in front of 30 of my peers was not a happy one. The first day of the class everyone was going through acting exercises, and I was trying to remain unseen in my seat. My plan didn't work, and soon everyone had to get up in front of the class and perform a simple acting scene from a play. As I sat there dreading that moment, I rehearsed my 4 line scene over and over. Then Ms. Booriann said the lines that changed my life. "Jason, you're up!" I stood from my chair with weak legs and walked slowly to the small stage in front of the class. The class was rowdy, and I was trying my best not to get noticed. As I got to the stage, I grabbed the railing and held on for dear life. To make matters worse, I was the first person to perform in front of the class. I stood up there and started my scene. After my first line, I was waiting for the meaningless bickering my other classmates thought would be fun to have during my performance. Then the impossible happened. I instantly forgot my next line. It was standing room only. I then did one of the most embarrassing things I could have done. I did the scene the best I could by making up the lines to the play as I went along. The performance was mediocre at best. I then received a round of applause for my good acting skills. If they only knew the truth. I was trying not to pass out on stage. After my performance, I walked back to my seat and proceeded to sit. I was as red as a tomato. To make matters worse, my best friend had to perform after me. All I could do was chuckle as I leaned over and whispered to him the truth about my performance. My best friend wore a very sympathetic look as he watched me squirm in my seat until he was called up to perform his part in front of the class. I stepped out of my Drama and Theatre class. I couldn't believe I just embarrassed myself like that in front of all my friends. At the time, I thought that was the end of my embarrassment. At dinner that night, my parents asked me how my day was. I told them honestly that it was OK. No need to let them know the foolish mistake I made in Drama class. That night was a restless one; realizing I had to go back to that dreaded class made my blood pressure rise. For what it felt like hours, I tossed and turned in my bed. Morning came and my face was still red from yesterday's events in Drama and Theatre. I especially hated when my mother would come to my room and check to see how I was, lest she check if I was waking up. I guess I'm lucky it was only that morning when my parents got a call from another parent. I could hear my mother talking on the phone to another person's mother. I could tell by the pained look on my mother's face; something was dreadfully wrong. I went into the kitchen and pretended to be nonchalant, but I was afraid to actually ask what was wrong. Finally, my mother put down the phone and I asked what was wrong. I will never forget the conversation we had then. I remember it vividly and I'm sure many others in town do as well. My mother started with "Jason, we just heard about the incident at school yesterday and
" I stopped her right there. I hadn't a clue what she was talking about. What incident? What was she talking about? Finally, she asked, "Well then how come other people are saying you were writing something on the wall during lunch?" My mouth dropped. I looked my mom dead in her eyes. I had no idea what was going on. I tried to utter "Mom, I don't know what they're talking about", but it was more like "MRAAAMMMULOYVD".

1.1. Purpose of the Essay

1.2 More information. 1.3 Examples from the text. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the definition of the word embarrassing is causing embarrassment; makes you feel shy or ashamed; leading to or feeling a confusion of guilt or self-consciousness. My most embarrassing moment is actually a series of moments built up throughout the years, but today I will share only one, the first, and naturally funniest in my mind. This should be the most distant, but somehow nicest memory I've ever had. I knew the girl, her name was Josephine and I thought she also had known me before this incident happened. They were lovely times back then (about twelve years ago). When I was a child, my cousin and I used to play in her stepmother's room. It was forbidden to do that because there were two adults telling us to stay away. The room was our favorite because it had its own bathroom, and its bed was the largest we've ever seen, so it had enough place to hide beneath. That was why we used to play hide and seek a lot. This time was my turn to seek, and Josephine's turn to hide. I started counting and, after a few seconds, I went inside the room and pretended I was looking for her (the door was half opened). To make the game more interesting, I pushed the door a little more, and it hit her over the head. Then I heard strangers' voices (both women). She had promised me that her father and stepmother weren't home, and now I was desperate inside that room alone with that girl I didn't know, and scared to death because of the strangers that could walk any second inside.

2. Setting the Scene

Two characters appearing in the story Arranging the time and the location (a picnic) On the big day, I left home very quietly and walked the whole way. At that time, I was terribly afraid of cars. When I got there, Tad was sitting on a stone and Patricia was wandering around. When they saw me, they both jumped up happily. I had brought sandwiches. Tad found a great place for us to eat and Patricia spread out a tablecloth with smiling rabbits. Then we opened the sandwiches and started eating, talking at the same time. Tad told a story that made us laugh until a tear came to my eye. Then Tad handed me a napkin and said, "Is this your tear? I'll keep it for you." Humbly, I wiped it away. One character is waiting Arranging the location and time It was a sunny Sunday, and my best friend Patricia invited me to a picnic. I could hardly wait to go. "This will be great!" I said to my cat Tom. He looked at me and gave a tiny meow, as if to say, "I don't care." I smiled and added, "I'm not going for you, Tommy. I'm going to see Tad." I was so excited I couldn't sit still. Tom, on the other hand, sat in one place and never moved. The minutes passed so slowly. Then it was finally time, so I took my pink silk bag (a big hello to my mad-at-the-world uncle who made me think twice before looking inside the bag), and skipped the entire way to the picnic.

2.1. Time and Place

It's dusk, July 4, 2004, about 8:30 in the evening. I'm on the east side of a sports sedan dressed in a granite gray color, my mother behind the wheel. We could hear the excited roar of indie rockers from the Kingdom Bound concert at Darien Lake theme park. It's just off the New York State Thruway, about 17 miles east of Buffalo. In another half-hour, it will be completely dark outside. The car is idling low, the first two gears are mushy, and the fan belt screams like a stuck pig when the car sits in a parking-lot line to exit. The oil temperature gauge on the dashboard darts up, the cooling fans won't kick in until we're creeping five miles an hour, the torque converter won't lock, and the radio is fritzing on a weak AM station. The setting sun gives all the surfaces around us a lavender glow. Unlike the Darien Lake concert crowd, we are definitely not native to this place. Mom finally remembers to check the parking brake and pulls away from the field of parked cars. We're able to move faster at the control's entry gate, where a young man in his late teens or early 20s glances at the event administrative sheet he's been handed. In exchange for our tickets, he gives us three adhesive wristbands with the Kingdom Bound logo and a date imprint, and a couple of programs explaining when and where to find various artists. We'll need the third wristband for my 8-year-old brother, whom we lost in the field when we emerged from the car. What happened to him is even more embarrassing than my dad's reaction to my late arrival at this Kingdom Bound event and the sticking AM radio. I haven't arrived to rock yet, and I've already accumulated the most embarrassing moment of my 32-year existence!

3. The Build-Up

The most embarrassing moment in my life happened when I was working in a photography shop. People often came to take photos and cameras were the most convenient and effective usage for photos. In that shop, there were many different kinds of cameras, from conventional ones to digital cameras, which enable us to see the photos immediately. Every day, after taking photos and choosing the ones I wanted, I had to gather to clean and arrange the cameras themselves. It looks like a simple job, but the result is considerably meticulous and burdensome. I had to make sure that the cameras were in a proper order in the display in order to avoid confusion when customers came to ask about their specifications. However, the unintentional mistakes made by us could be a source of sorrow and trouble indeed. Normally, I was a hasty person and also impatient. Therefore, handling many cameras at once could be a nightmare for me and a hazard for the cameras themselves. Several cameras did not have the protection lids to help them avoid damage from dust and light. So, we tried to change them after each using session. The camera shop always had a lot of customers, whether they were professional or amateur. The languages spoken were diverse; it depended on the demand of customers. As I remember, on that day I could handle many customers at the same time from different countries, such as a German, an Indian, a Hong Kong person, and so on. All had different questions related to different countries' cameras and had diverse camera requirements. I had to respond fluently in two foreign languages. At the end of the day, I was very exhausted and longed to lie on the bed immediately, but something terrible happened on the display of the camera that I had taken down to use last. Not surprisingly, that was the day of my most memorable and embarrassing moment as a customer service provider.

3.1. Events Leading Up to the Embarrassing Moment

Most people would go for days without putting into consideration the type of clothes they are going to wear, until such time they would be forced to wear the only suitable clothes in their room or closet. To me, it is very common and at all times seems like I am going to do it forever. But thank God, mom never agrees with the fact that I really have inappropriate clothes for any occasion, so she helps me to kind of change my mind. This particular day was quite sunny and bright, and my mom insisted that I put on a dress. She always has a point in all occasions. Although I never liked it because it seemed just plainly girly and did not fit my brown sandals, I decided to obey, to avoid her hilarious exasperated looks. With a dress on, I looked quite okay, and anyway I was not even going for anything photographic, if then. I can elongate my arms and try to remember to count 1, 2, 3 but I can never realize that the camera was facing me, 1 second later, unless mom made a big scene of it and tell me how inconsiderate I was. And here I was about to go for a nonphotographic walk, a nonphotographic walk of all places. But then the saying that "you never know the importance of just a needle, until you are in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to do and no shop to buy the needle from" is quite true, and it really comes at the worst of times.

4. The Climax

Finally, we went in and talked to the manager, who was understanding but also calm and firm. I was talking with my back turned to the side when Ashley told me, "Uh, Susan, I think Mike is here!" (Mike was the handsome young man I was always raving about to her.) I turned around to see Mike smiling at me. Luckily, I was too embarrassed to say anything in my panic. Just then, the manager of the store came up and told us what happened – as if my agony weren't enough! He then left with Mike, who was laughing with him. After a moment, Mike came in again, asking for my name. He apologized once again (though he was chuckling the whole time) and asked for my phone number, saying he would love to visit me. I could barely look at his face, let alone give my phone number to him, even under the pretense of an apology. I was probably the color of a giant tomato by this time. I was so ashamed and horrified that I wanted to shrink into the black marble floor. But I was in trouble. What excuse could I come up with to not give him my number after the story I'd palmed off on him?

4.1. Description of the Embarrassing Moment

The natural effect of causing our primary observation target to perceive and react in some way to the very act of observing is not only a primary reason for entertaining, but perhaps also the primary singular most influence that makes it possible for embarrassing moments to be so memorable. Events and incidents that embarrass occur without any warning, and the infamy that these moments carry lasts for a lifetime. Nothing can prepare anyone for encountering and experiencing an embarrassing moment. Moreover, once the moment happens, it becomes an embarrassment that is hard to forget. Almost 50 years have gone by and I remember the humiliation in vivid fashion as if it were occurring at this very moment. Whenever I think about the most embarrassing experience of my life, one moment immediately comes to mind, and it never fails to feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest. Embarrassment can come in a variety of situations, yet there is only one moment I will remember. I am deeply embarrassed to have brought it upon myself, disregarded a friend's advice, and then consequently to have been reprimanded. Perhaps most importantly, the collapse of my ego translated into the start of my personal understanding of "stubborn nature" within my own character. And that was what led to my emotional reaction, one of intense embarrassment at having to sit down and then ask an unexpected question of my dining table.

5. Reflection and Lessons Learned

At this reflective stage, I looked back at the incident and thought about what might have caused it. The truth was that I had planned the day poorly. I tried to do too many things within too short a period of time, and in the end I left home for Dornsife completely rushed and unnerved. Looking from another angle, perhaps I was too confident of my professional capabilities. Or perhaps it was just human nature that I had tried to suppress my real feelings. There might be just too many hidden reasons. There are, however, some things which I am now assured. Firstly, it is important for people to accept themselves for what they are, rather than to work hard to be what they think others want them to be. In fact, people do not have to be perfect to make their lives perfect. Secondly, experience causes wisdom. Every single event in my life has made me more experienced and wiser. If I can live through and learn from an incident like this, I can live through and learn from anything. Thirdly, I not only got over the embarrassment but also got over the incident and carried on with my life. I realized that the inner strength from going through something difficult could transform me into a different and perhaps better person. What is done cannot be undone. Since there was nothing I could do, I had better just make the best of the situation. Lastly, time and life go on. There is an old saying, "Time moves on." Believe it or not, no one else would think I was an embarrassment except for me. I would feel okay and others probably would not feel anything. This embarrassing moment would just fade away as time gradually diminished my frustration. Reading this personal narrative has been a real privilege for me. It has not only been interesting and inspiring, it has also been nurturing. I realize how much I have learned about the author, about his feelings, thoughts, and character as a result of this assignment. More importantly, I have learned something about myself, something about my own inner strengths, weaknesses, behaviors and actions. I think this is the most important and rewarding aspect of empowering students to experience themselves through writing.

5.1. Personal Growth and Resilience

"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world." And that is permanently etched in the memory of the 11th grader. That was, quite possibly, the most diplomatically challenging predicament one had ever experienced in my entire life. It had enlightened me and continued to do so, enabling me to better comprehend and recognize the diversity present amongst us all. All my life, I grew up behind the paralyzing walls created by various myopic discriminations. However, moments such as that one, challenged and dismantled these walls, compelling me to acknowledge that life is constantly evolving and to continue to learn from the unique diversity and perspectives available. Withstanding this excruciating episode, throughout the remainder of my high school career, my perspectives continued to grow and be enriched daily. The unwelcoming nature of cultural disparity had touched many, halting the opportunity to further conversing or deepening personal relations. However, by instilling the ability to open oneself to such experiences, new personal conclusions may transpire affecting one's core structure, abilities, and overall human quality for the better. It is this consciousness that has carried me far past the arrogance and ignorance of the past or simply the failures of yesterday. I am now resilient, competitive, open, and flexible.

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The Most Embarrassing Moment In my Life

Introduction, the waiting.

Every year our school holds a week-long cultural festival that is aimed at identifying and nurturing talents as well as showcasing the rich cultural diversity in our country. All through the cultural week, different events are held during the night and others in the daytime. The main events such as games, public lectures, etc. are held at the main square during the day when everybody including the staff and neighboring communities can attend. Real talent shows such as songs and dances, poetry, and beauty contests are held during the night. It is during the culture week in our last year that two of my friends and I decided that we had a talent for poetry. We had been preparing for this night for ages and were convinced that we had the most amazing voices and talents in poetry. We were planning to rock the whole auditorium with our recitals, which our patron had approved with glowing remarks. But as fate would have it, the best-laid plans are not always the most successful ones as we discovered with my friends. Our well-polished plans came to a total disaster when I fell on stage before our presentation.

It was finally the big day, one that we had been making plans for and awaiting with bated breath. The day was so majestic you could see it shine with a welcoming sun and a sky a beautiful blue. The school grounds looked like a big carnival with people dressed in all colors. Soon it was evening and the event was to start at eight o’clock and all contestants were to report at seven-thirty in the changing room of the school auditorium, where the event was to take place. The auditorium is a huge, round room arranged in three rows of seats and a stage perched at one corner and rose such that everybody has an obstructed view of what is happening. Once on the stage one had a feeling of being swallowed by a giant or of floating in the Indian Ocean.

We were at the changing room at the back of the auditorium as I mused over the way things never go the way they are meant to be. We could have a view of one side of the gigantic room from the look of it there was not even a breathing space. It was a Friday night and you can imagine every soul in the school was in the room. I started having jitters all over my body and if you looked closely you could see my heart trying to escape from my chest beneath my cute flowery top. My friends were no better. The big changing room was a beehive of activity as participants, in all shades and designs of ridiculous costumes, were busy trying to put everything in order as they awaited their turn to present their pieces. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

Finally, it was our turn and I could see the coordinator standing at the door and beckoning us to the stage as was the plan. All of a sudden, my legs could not move, it was as if they were made of lead and my friends came and roughly dragged me towards the door. As I came out, to say I was astonished would be an understatement. I could not believe it. The unusually large room was full to the brim and I could not make out a single face, only a sea of faces. A cold shiver ran through my body and I stood there transfixed, my friends, realizing this dragged me on. Then it was very quiet you could hear a needle drop, they were waiting for us to begin. As I came to the top of the stairs, I missed one step and fell, face down, down the stairs. Within a second people were all over me and there was pandemonium in the auditorium as people rushed to help me others asking in panic what had happened. Right then I wished the ground could open up and swallow me but, no such luck as the Master of a ceremony called people to order apologized and we were asked to begin. I went through the pieces in a daze I have never been so embarrassed.

Though we make meticulous plans of our days, lives and events, this does do not go smoothly as we want them. The day my friends and I planned to outshine was marked by embarrassment, which we overcame brilliantly according to our colleagues, to win in the poetry contest. From this, I learned to put on a brave face and smile every time I find myself in an embarrassing situation.

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