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IELTS Writing Task 2: Causes/Solutions Sample Essay

Woman pointing pencil at head to indicate causes and solutions essay

The “cause and solution” style of IELTS Writing Task 2 question presents a common social problem; your job is to identify the causes of the problem and propose ways the problem could be solved. For more information on this type of Writing Task 2 question, including tips and tricks, you can go to Magoosh’s guide to the different kinds of IELTS Writing Task 2 questions . And here in this post, we’ll go through a full causes and solutions model question and sample response.

The response itself is written at the band 9 level. After you read the essay, there is more explanation as to why this essay gets top marks. And to write a similarly high scored essay, check out our IELTS Writing Task 2 template .

Causes/Solutions Model Essay

This essay is a response to the sample prompt immediately below.

Get a higher IELTS score? Start your online IELTS prep today with Magoosh.

Sample Task

Many large cities around the world lack affordable housing. What problems does a lack of affordable housing cause? How can these problems be overcome? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Essay (Band 9)

In almost every part of the world, expensive housing is closely associated with urban life. This is the underlying cause of many different problems, and civic planners are struggling to find solutions. I believe that the biggest, most important problem caused by high housing prices is homelessness. In my opinion, this problem can be addressed through rent control and welfare payments to low-income people.

Expensive urban housing leads to homelessness both directly and indirectly. The housing costs themselves cause some people to lose their homes, but such costs also drive up general prices, which can indirectly cause homelessness. For example, if a grocery store itself pays high rent, it must charge everyone more for food. This in turn forces landlords to charge more for rent in order to feed themselves. Once that happens, their tenants may have trouble paying the higher rent while also paying for more expensive food.

To reduce homelessness and make it easier for people to afford housing, I propose a twofold solution: limits on rent prices and increased welfare payments to the poor. Legally limiting rent fees will make housing much more affordable, while welfare payments can help people deal with the high costs of other goods. To give an example, if the government provides low-income people extra money for food, those people, in turn, have more room in their budget to pay rent. By employing both approaches, rent costs are directly reduced, and costs that compete with rent also go down.

In short, while expensive housing and homelessness are serious problems in cities, regulations and public assistance can help. The right kind of regulations will not only reduce the price of housing but also reduce general cost of living. This kind of government action is a win-win for everyone, whether they are homeless or not.

Word count: 300

Explanation of the Score

This essay meets all of the requirements for Band 9 in Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy; these are the categories seen in the official IELTS Writing Task 2 band descriptors . To understand this essay’s strengths, carefully read the level 9 descriptors in that document. And to further understand why an essay might receive a band 9, see the detailed score report at the bottom of Magoosh’s sample band 9 discussion essay for IELTS Writing Task 2 .

Additional Model Essays for Task 2

Would you like to see sample essays for all of the most common Writing Task 2 question types on the IELTS? At the links below, Magoosh has you covered!

  • Advantage/Disadvantage Essay
  • Two-Part Question Essay
  • Discussion Essay
  • Agree/Disagree Essay

David Recine

David is a Test Prep Expert for Magoosh TOEFL and IELTS. Additionally, he’s helped students with TOEIC, PET, FCE, BULATS, Eiken, SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. David has a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and an MA from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. His work at Magoosh has been cited in many scholarly articles , his Master’s Thesis is featured on the Reading with Pictures website, and he’s presented at the WITESOL (link to PDF) and NAFSA conferences. David has taught K-12 ESL in South Korea as well as undergraduate English and MBA-level business English at American universities. He has also trained English teachers in America, Italy, and Peru. Come join David and the Magoosh team on Youtube , Facebook , and Instagram , or connect with him via LinkedIn !

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2 responses to “IELTS Writing Task 2: Causes/Solutions Sample Essay”

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Before reading this, i was not able to understand that how do i write advantage and disadvantage essay. After reading this, i came to know, this is a piece of cake.

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So glad to hear that the article helped! 😀

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3 Cause and Effect Essay Examples For Your IELTS Exam Preparation

If you are wondering how to write a cause and effect essay while preparing for your IELTS exam, this guide will serve as a roadmap. Writing a cause and effect essay for IELTS preparation involves structuring your response to demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic, logical organization of ideas, and effective language use. 

Here’s a step-by-step guideline to help you:

Understand the Prompt

Read the essay prompt carefully to identify the cause-and-effect relationship you need to discuss.

Brainstorm Ideas 

Organize your thoughts before starting the actual writing process. List potential causes and effects related to the given topic.

Structure Your Essay 

Write a short Introduction, followed by two paragraphs Cause and Effect with maximum two causes, and finally conclude the essay by summarizing it. 

Use Appropriate Vocabulary 

Include a variety of vocabulary to showcase your language skills. Use cause-and-effect transitions like “because,” “due to,” “as a result,” “consequently,” etc.

Proofread and Revise

Review your essay for flow, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and coherence. Make sure the word count is between 250-300 words.

Outline To Be Followed:


  • Causes (Maximum 2 Causes)
  • Effects (Maximum 2 Effects)

Cause and effect essay examples ielts

Example # 1.

Topic: The Link Between Overeating, Sedentary Lifestyle, and Weight Gain

In today’s fast-paced world, the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and overconsumption of food has become a significant health concern. This essay explores the causes and effects of gaining weight when individuals indulge in excessive eating without incorporating regular physical activity into their routines.

Causes of Weight Gain

  • Cause 1: Overconsumption of Calories

One of the primary causes of weight gain is the overconsumption of calories. Modern diets often consist of highly processed and calorie-dense foods that contribute to an imbalance between the calories consumed and the calories burned. The accessibility of high-calorie snacks and large portion sizes further exacerbates this issue.

  • Cause 2: Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle, characterized by prolonged periods of sitting and minimal physical activity, is a significant contributor to weight gain. With the rise of desk jobs, technology-driven entertainment, and increased screen time, individuals are engaging in fewer activities that burn calories. The lack of regular exercise diminishes the body’s ability to maintain a healthy weight.

Effects of Weight Gain

  • Effect 1: Obesity and Health Risks

The most immediate effect of excessive eating and insufficient exercise is obesity. Obesity is associated with various health risks, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension. As a result of accumulation of excess body fat can lead to inflammation and metabolic imbalances, heightening the risk of chronic health conditions.

  • Effect 2: Psychological Impact

Weight gain can have a profound psychological impact on individuals. The societal emphasis on body image and the stigma surrounding obesity can contribute to low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and even the development of eating disorders. Due to this, the psychological consequences of weight gain extend beyond physical health, affecting mental well-being.

The cause and effect essay examples IELTS is about gaining weight due to overeating and a sedentary lifestyle underscore the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to diet and exercise. By fostering healthy habits and making conscious choices, individuals can prevent the detrimental effects of weight gain on both physical and mental health.

Example # 2.

Topic: The Impact of Human Activities on Climate Change and Its Environmental Consequences

Climate change, a phenomenon of increasing concern, is intricately linked to various human activities and natural processes. This cause and effect essay IELTS examples explores the causes and effects of climate change on the environment. The rise in global temperatures, primarily due to human-induced factors, has far-reaching consequences that necessitate urgent attention and action.

Causes of Climate Change

  • Cause 1: Excessive Emission of Greenhouse Gasses

One of the main causes of climate change is the excessive emission of greenhouse gasses. The burning of fossil fuels for energy, deforestation, and industrial activities contribute significantly to the escalating levels of these gasses in the atmosphere. These human activities disrupt the natural balance, trapping heat and leading to the warming of the Earth.

  • Cause 2: Deforestation

Moreover, deforestation amplifies the problem as trees play a crucial role in absorbing CO2 during photosynthesis. As forests diminish, the capacity to absorb these gasses decreases, exacerbating the greenhouse effect. The rapid industrialization and increased reliance on non-renewable energy sources further intensify the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, creating a vicious cycle of environmental degradation.

Effects of Climate Change

  • Effect 1: Melting of Polar Ice Caps and Glaciers

One of the most evident consequences is the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers. The rise in global temperatures causes these icy expanses to shrink, contributing to rising sea levels. Consequently, coastal areas face the imminent threat of inundation, jeopardizing ecosystems and human settlements.

  • Effect 2: Extreme Weather Events

Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves, have become more frequent and severe due to climate change. These events not only pose a direct threat to human lives but also result in widespread destruction of infrastructure and agricultural land.

The causes and effects of climate change are intricately linked to human activities that release excessive greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. The consequences are far-reaching, impacting ecosystems, weather patterns, and the livelihoods of people around the world. Urgent global action is imperative to mitigate these effects, transition towards sustainable practices, and preserve the environment for future generations.

Example # 3.

Topic: The Impact of Technology on Social Interaction

In the contemporary digital era, the proliferation of technology has significantly altered the dynamics of social interaction. This IELTS cause and effect essay example digs into the causes and effects of technology’s impact on the way people communicate and connect. While technological advancements have brought convenience and connectivity, they have also engendered profound changes in the quality and depth of interpersonal relationships.

Causes of Transformation in Social Interaction

  • Cause 1: Presence of Smartphones

The primary cause of the transformation in social interaction is the ubiquitous presence of smartphones and social media platforms. These tools offer instantaneous communication and connection, eliminating the barriers of time and space. Additionally, the allure of virtual interactions often draws individuals away from face-to-face communication, as the digital realm provides a curated and controlled environment for social engagement.

  • Cause 2: Constant Influx of Information

Moreover, the rapid pace of technological development contributes to a constant influx of information and stimuli, creating a culture of constant connectivity. As a result, individuals may find themselves engrossed in their devices, diverting attention from the immediate physical environment and interpersonal engagements.

Effects of Transformation in Social Interaction

  • Effect 1: Decline In Emotional Attachments

The effects of technology on social interaction manifest in various ways, with one notable consequence being a decline in the depth and authenticity of relationships. Virtual connections, while convenient, often lack the nuances and emotional richness of face-to-face communication.

  • Effect 2: Culture of Comparison

Furthermore, the prevalence of social media fosters a culture of comparison and superficiality. People may present idealized versions of their lives online, contributing to feelings of inadequacy and fostering a disconnect between virtual personas and authentic selves. The constant exposure to curated online content can lead to a sense of isolation and an erosion of genuine human connection.

The causes and effects of technology on social interaction underscore the complex interplay between convenience and the potential erosion of genuine human connection. While technology offers unparalleled convenience and connectivity, it is crucial to navigate its impact consciously. Balancing digital interactions with meaningful face-to-face communication is imperative to maintain the authenticity and depth of interpersonal relationships in this tech-dominated era.

izzah ahmed

Izzah Ahmed

This is Izzah, a content writer and editor who creates SEO-friendly content and has experience in academic writing. Backed by 10 years of experience in writing and editing, she is equipped with the skill to create content that is backed by thorough research and has impeccable structure.

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How to write ‘causes (reasons) and effects’ type of essay in ielts writing task 2.

In “causes and effects” type of essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the causes or reasons of the problem in one paragraph.The likely effects of that problem in the second paragraph separately. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of causes (reasons) and effects  for IELTS Writing . Please note that in this question, you should not make any paragraph about solutions.

Let’s look at an example:

Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries..

What are the causes of obesity in children?

Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the future.

With this type of essay, you have two points to be discussed: 1.   Causes of obesity in children in developed countries. 2.   Effects of obesity in the future in developed countries. You must discuss both of them by giving reasons and support them with examples. If you do not discuss any of the above two points in the essay, you will lose marks. So, in this type of essay, you must explain both the points.

How to structure it?

The essay can be structured mainly in 4 paragraphs as follows:


Causes & Reasons Effects Conclusion Further structuring of the paragraphs can be done as follows:

a. Introduction

Paraphrase the Question Outline the sentence

b. -Body Paragraph 1 (Causes (reasons))

State the cause (reason) Explain how it is the cause (reason) Write an example

c.  (Effects)

State the likely effect Explain how this can be the possible effect Write an example

d.  Conclusion

Sentence 1- Write summary of the main points Here, Four paragraphs are sufficient to explain your point of view. So,You may use any other structure you are comfortable with.This structure is approved by the IELTS examiners to help the students write in an effective and cohesive manner.

Sample Question:

Also, You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

Here, Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Sample Answer: Here, Over the past few years, developed countries have encountered various cases of children suffering from the problem of obesity. This essay will discuss the possible causes for this increasing problem among children and also suggests the possible consequences that may result in case of negligence. Furthermore, To embark upon, one of the main causes of obesity among children is poor diet as they are often seen eating junk food. At almost every corner of the street, one can found restaurants offering mouth tempting fast foods. Kids at home also are found to eat processed food because their parents do not find sufficient time for preparing the food. For example, packaged foods are purchased and kept in fridge for days. This food is not fresh and healthy. Hence affects their health, leading to build up of fat and compromising their fitness. As a result, there are many possible consequences faced by the children. One such ill-effect is the risk of developing health related severe diseases like diabetes. So,This kind of debilitating illness implies that the child would need to be injected with insulin for the whole life. Moreover, overweight children are often found to be bullied . For example, many overweight kids are found disturbed facing the negative stigma of being obese Here,On the whole, it is evident that there are various causes responsible for obesity among children and can lead to serious consequences in the future.  Also, It is the duty of their parents and relatives to ensure that appropriate steps are taken to prevent this problem from getting worst in the future. (279 words)

Vocabulary and Phrases:

Useful vocabulary for causes (reasons).

  • One of the causes/The reason is that
  • Because/Since
  • Due to this/Because of/Owing to/Lead to
  • As a result/Lead to the problem/Can attribute to

Useful vocabulary for Effects

  • Consequence of/As a result of/Because of/Due to
  • Make/Create/Change/Effect/Affect/Result
  • Risk of/Leading to

Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topics. Use the vocabulary mentioned above. 1. Also,There are a number of skin-whitening products available in the market. State the reasons why people are using these products? Discuss the possible negative outcomes of using these products. 2. Here,With the advancement of technology, social interaction among people has affected to a greater extent. What are the reasons of reduced social interaction? Suggest whether this would lead to a positive or negative effect in the future. 3. So,Almost everybody nowadays is found using personal vehicle for travelling purpose. What are the reasons of this increasing trend? Explain what negative outcomes may be faced in the society due to this.

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IELTS Preparation

IELTS Writing Task 2  Causes and Effects: Sample Answer


This question type is very similar to causes and solutions and requires you to identify causes or reasons of an issue or problem and discuss the effects it has. The topics are usually social and nothing controversial.

The wording of the questions can vary. For example....

“What do you think are the reasons for this?”  “Why is this happening?”

“What are the consequences of this trend?”  “How does this affect the country?”

IELTS Causes Effects Structure

Sample Answer

IELTS Writing Causes Effects Essay

Nowadays, professionals from developing countries have a tendency to emigrate to richer countries to find employment. This essay will discuss both the causes of this phenomenon and the issues that affect the nations they are leaving. 

The primary reasons skilled employees from emerging nations seek work in more developed countries are a higher standard of living along with professional development. For instance, the average monthly salary for a white-collar worker, such as a teacher, in a developing country pales in comparison to their counterparts in so-called first world nations even though they perform identical duties and responsibilities. Additionally, outdated facilities and equipment in poor states hampers the ability of professionals such as doctors to practice contemporary medicine and improve their skills.      

The effect this trend has on developing countries is invariably negative, particularly with regards to the nation’s social and economic development. According to Scientific American magazine, every year, more than 4,000 foreign graduates of international medical schools come to the United States for a residency program and very few return home to take up employment in their native countries. This brain drain denies countries the talents of their brightest and best and limits a country’s ability to progress as they are continuously faced with the challenge of retaining the most able professionals.

In conclusion, a comfortable material lifestyle coupled with the opportunity to advance one’s career are the main reasons why professionals migrate to richer countries. The countries they leave behind struggle to find suitably qualified replacements and thus suffer from social and economic stagnation.


Sample: Causes and Effects. PDF


Cause and Effect Essay IELTS

Mastering the cause and effect essay IELTS segment can set you on the path to high scoring writing success.

  • Crucial Components : Master the fundamentals of a compelling introduction , thesis statement, and impactful conclusions .
  • Skillful Structuring : Understand how to weave coherent and logically structured body paragraphs for your cause and effect essay .
  • Effective Examples : Learn from top-scoring IELTS essays , handling cause and effect with finesse.

Elevate your cause and effect essay IELTS writing with precision and clarity.

Understanding the Cause and Effect Essay in IELTS

Key elements of a high-scoring ielts cause and effect essay, step-by-step guide to writing a cause and effect essay for ielts, choosing your cause and effect essay topic for ielts, common mistakes to avoid in ielts cause and effect essays, practical examples of ielts cause and effect essays, enhancing your practice with real ielts cause and effect topics, resources for further improvement, conclusion: crafting a compelling narrative for ielts success.

In the IELTS exam, the ability to construct a cohesive and insightful cause and effect essay can set you apart from the crowd. This essay format requires you to delve into the roots of an issue and examine the potential or actual consequences. The examiners are looking for your capacity to dissect and evaluate complex matters, organize your thoughts, and express them with clarity.

What Makes a Cause and Effect Essay

A cause and effect essay is your chance to display analytical prowess by linking an event, situation, or decision to its results. IELTS topics span a broad spectrum, from environmental issues to social phenomena. Your role is to draw a clear linear path from ’cause’ to ‘effect,’ ensuring each is substantiated with evidence or sound reasoning. Here’s what you need to include:

  • Clear Thesis Statement: A sharp, concise thesis will direct your essay. It should delineate the cause and its ensuing effects.
  • Logical Structure: Transparency is crucial. Your essay needs distinct sections that present causes, effects, and a conclusion tying them together.
  • Substantiated Arguments: Each point should be backed by facts, statistics, or real-world examples.
  • Cohesion and Coherence: Seamless transitions and well-organized paragraphs are the bedrocks of a compelling essay.

The Role in IELTS Writing Assessment

IELTS examiners score your essay on several critical fronts. The official IELTS scoring guidelines outline that task response, cohesion and coherence, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy all play a part in your final score. A well-argued cause and effect essay checks these boxes, demonstrating a firm grasp of the language and the essential skills of critical thinking and effective communication.

To ace the IELTS cause and effect essay, pay attention to these non-negotiable elements:

Introduction and Thesis Statement

You set the stage with an engaging opening that introduces your topic. Then, present a thesis statement that encapsulates the main causes and their effects, serving as a roadmap for your essay.

Body Paragraphs with Clear Arguments

Dedicate body paragraphs to discussing each cause and its direct effects. Transition words such as ‘because,’ ‘due to,’ and ‘thus’ are critical in knitting your arguments together.

Conclusion That Resonates

Conclude with a summary that doesn’t just repeat the thesis but instead, echoes its significance in context. Your conclusion is your final word on the subject, so make it count.

Writing a methodical cause and effect essay involves a structured approach. Here’s how to master the process:

  • Comprehend the Prompt: Make sure you fully grasp what the question asks of you.
  • Brainstorm Ideas: Jot down all potential causes and effects before starting.
  • Research and Organize: Gather your data and align your thoughts coherently.
  • Craft the Outline: A skeleton outline can guide your writing and keep you on track.
  • Write with Clarity: Be direct and avoid overly complex sentences that could confuse the reader.
  • Review and Revise: Look over your work with a critical eye, considering both the small details and the overall composition.

Following this guide ensures not a step is missed in crafting a logically and linguistically sound essay. It can be helpful to reference a step-by-step structure as you practice, keeping the essential elements in check as you write.

Selecting an optimal topic for your essay is a calculated decision. Aim for a subject that is not only interesting to you but also rich with possible causes and effects, allowing for a more nuanced discussion.

Strategies for Topic Selection:

  • Reflect on Current Events: Tapping into recent news or trending issues can provide a timely and pertinent focal point for your essay.
  • Capitalize on Your Knowledge: If you’re particularly well-versed in a subject, use this to your advantage for a more in-depth analysis.
  • Think Broadly: Causes and consequences can be social, economic, environmental, or even personal. Broad thinking can uncover unique angles.

Sourcing topics that resonate with the IELTS format is also crucial for practice. Scouring lists of IELTS essay topics can familiarize you with the range of subjects you might encounter.

A strategic approach to your topic selection married with a keen understanding of writing a cause and effect essay positions you well for IELTS excellence. It’s about connecting the dots in a logical, well-expressed manner, and with the right preparation, you’ll be ready to do just that.

When crafting your cause and effect essay for the IELTS, it’s imperative to be aware of and steer clear of common pitfalls. These mistakes can muddy your clarity and reduce the overall quality and coherence of your essay.

Overgeneralizing the Causes or Effects

Remember, every cause should have a tangible, traceable effect. Avoid making sweeping generalizations that you cannot support with concrete examples or evidence.

  • Concise Evidence: Ensure that each cause is linked to a specific, undeniable effect.
  • Narrow Down: Aim for depth, not breadth, when discussing causes and effects.

Muddled Essay Structure

A confused structure can lead to a lack of clarity and coherence, which can detract from the strength of your argument. Use transition words effectively and construct paragraphs so that each one builds upon the last.

  • Strategic Layout: Order your paragraphs sensibly, leading the reader through your argument step by step.
  • Transition Smoothly: Use transition words and phrases to ensure the natural flow and progression of ideas.

Grammatical Inaccuracies

Regular grammatical errors can have an adverse impact on your credibility and make it more difficult for the reader to follow your line of reasoning.

  • Proofread Thoroughly : Go over your essay multiple times to catch any grammatical errors or typos.
  • Grammar Tools : Make use of grammar checking tools to find and correct mistakes you might have overlooked.

A common issue highlighted by ELT teaching resources is the misuse of transitions, where the relationship between cause and effect is obscured rather than clarified by their use. Be selective and purposeful with your word choice to maintain coherence and cohesion.

Dissecting high-scoring cause and effect essays can illuminate the strengths that you need to emulate in your writing. These essays can serve as a blueprint, guiding you through the nuances of creating a well-structured and analytical response.

Examining a Strong Sample Essay

Take, for example, an essay discussing the impact of a sedentary lifestyle. The writer’s success lies in their ability to:

  • Identify specific causes : Outline the prevalence of sedentary jobs and the rise of digital entertainment as primary causes.
  • Detail concrete effects : Demonstrate how these habits increase health risks such as obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Perusing practical examples on platforms such as IELTS-UP can provide you with insights into how successful essays are crafted, from how the thesis is formed to how each paragraph logically flows into the next.

Practice is paramount in mastering the IELTS cause and effect essay, and it’s essential to use actual IELTS prompts to hone your skills.

Ways to Practice Effectively:

  • Sample Essays : Write essays using real IELTS prompts and compare your work with high-scoring samples.
  • Peer Review : Exchange essays with a study partner and give each other constructive feedback.

Incorporate a variety of common essay topics for IELTS into your practice, so you encounter a breadth of subject matter and learn to quickly adapt your thinking to different scenarios.

In your journey to IELTS success, quality resources can make all the difference. Here are a few you may find useful:

  • IELTS Official Practice Materials : Direct from the test makers, these materials offer the best replication of test conditions.
  • Online Writing Courses : Consider enrolling in a course tailored to IELTS writing for structured guidance and feedback.
  • Language Apps : Make use of apps to improve grammar and vocabulary daily.

Select resources that cater to your learning style and focus on the skills you need to improve the most. Consistent practice with the right tools can significantly bolster your cause and effect essay crafting abilities.

Your cause and effect essay for the IELTS is more than just an academic exercise—it’s an opportunity to articulate a compelling narrative that showcases your language skills and critical thinking. Each paragraph should contribute to this narrative, clearly explicating the causes and delineating their effects in a manner that’s both informative and engaging.

Embrace the process of crafting these essays as part of your IELTS journey. With practice, vigilance against common errors, and a commitment to continual improvement, you can not only achieve the score you desire but also enhance your overall ability to communicate effectively in English. Your success in the IELTS cause and effect essay is a milestone on the path to fluency and confidence in your language skills.

Master cause and effect essay IELTS writing techniques to excel in your exam with expert tips and comprehensive guidance.

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IELTS Task 2 Sample Answer- Health and Fitness

In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

A template is something that can be used over and over again to produce something. Template IELTS answers are normally very bad and I tell people never to use them because they don’t answer the question properly, but there is one exception.

In problem and solution Task 2 answers or causes and solutions Task 2 answers, you will normally use the following 4 paragraph structure :

Problem Solution :

1. Introduction

2. Problems

3. Solutions

4. Conclusion

Causes Solution:

For the third paragraph for both essays we can use a template answer. Let’s look at a sample essay first.

In some nations, people are getting heavier and standards of health and well-being are falling. This essay will suggest that the principal cause of these issues is the type of nourishment they are eating and submit a government education program as a viable solution, followed by a reasoned conclusion.

The main cause of the health crisis currently affecting so many individuals is over-consumption of poor quality sustenance. Convenience food and junk food, such as microwave dinners, chocolate bars, McDonald’s and pizza, have become a ubiquitous part of modern life. Eating too much of these high-fat meals causes many to gain weight and this has knock-on effects on someone’s general wellness. For example, the movie ‘Super Size Me’ demonstrated that a person who eats this kind of food all the time will not only get fat but also suffer from such things as raised blood pressure and even fatty liver disease.

The most practical solution to this problem is a government-sponsored awareness campaign. An effective advertising campaign could warn of the dangers of a poor diet and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public.  This raised awareness of the problem would lead many people starting a healthier regime. For example, the U.K. recently lobbied their citizens to eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day and this resulted in a dramatic decrease in obesity-related illnesses such as stroke and heart disease.

In summary, the current health crisis has been caused by an over-reliance on unhealthy food and states should curtail this by educating men and women on how to make healthier choices.

(250 words)

You will notice in the third paragraph I suggest that a government advertising campaign is the best solution. Luckily, for most problems- and I say most because there are always exceptions- a government campaign that educates people about the issue is always a good solution.

We can, therefore, use the following template:

The most practical solution to this problem is a government-sponsored awareness campaign. An effective advertising campaign could warn of the dangers of [X] and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public.  For example, the U.K. recently lobbied their citizens to [Y] and this resulted in [Z].

All you have to do is think about your particular question and then replace X, Y and Z.

Let’s try this with another question.

Question-  In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.

What do you think are the causes of this?

What solutions can you suggest?

The most practical solution to this problem is a government-sponsored awareness campaign. An effective advertising campaign could warn of the dangers of student misbehaviour and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public.  For example, the U.K. recently lobbied their citizens to teach their children about the importance of respecting teachers and this resulted in a dramatic improvement.

As you can see, I have used the same template paragraph but changed X, Y and Z to meet the requirements of my particular question.

I hope you found this post useful. I also have a complete lesson on IELTS problem solution essays that you might find useful.

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My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

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How to Write ‘Causes (Reasons) and Effects’ Type of Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2

How to Write ‘Causes (Reasons) and Effects’ Type of Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2

In “causes and effects” type of essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the causes or reasons of the problem in one paragraph.The likely effects of that problem in the second paragraph separately. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of causes (reasons) and effects for IELTS Writing . Please note that in this question, you should not make any paragraph about solutions.

Let’s look at an example:

Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries..

What are the causes of obesity in children?

Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the future.

With this type of essay, you have two points to be discussed: 1. Causes of obesity in children in developed countries.

2. Effects of obesity in the future in developed countries.

You must discuss both of them by giving reasons and support them with examples.

If you do not discuss any of the above two points in the essay, you will lose marks.

So, in this type of essay, you must explain both the points.

How to structure it?

The essay can be structured mainly in 4 paragraphs as follows:


Causes & Reasons

Further structuring of the paragraphs can be done as follows:

a. Introduction

Paraphrase the Question

Outline the sentence

b. -Body Paragraph 1 (Causes (reasons))

State the cause (reason)

Explain how it is the cause (reason)

Write an example

c. (Effects)

State the likely effect

Explain how this can be the possible effect

d. Conclusion

Sentence 1- Write summary of the main points Here, Four paragraphs are sufficient to explain your point of view. So,You may use any other structure you are comfortable with.This structure is approved by the IELTS examiners to help the students write in an effective and cohesive manner.

Sample Question:

Also, You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Here, Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer:

Here, Over the past few years, developed countries have encountered various cases of children suffering from the problem of obesity. This essay will discuss the possible causes for this increasing problem among children and also suggests the possible consequences that may result in case of negligence.

Furthermore, To embark upon, one of the main causes of obesity among children is poor diet as they are often seen eating junk food. At almost every corner of the street, one can found restaurants offering mouth tempting fast foods. Kids at home also are found to eat processed food because their parents do not find sufficient time for preparing the food. For example, packaged foods are purchased and kept in fridge for days. This food is not fresh and healthy. Hence affects their health, leading to build up of fat and compromising their fitness.

As a result, there are many possible consequences faced by the children. One such ill-effect is the risk of developing health related severe diseases like diabetes. So,This kind of debilitating illness implies that the child would need to be injected with insulin for the whole life. Moreover, overweight children are often found to be bullied . For example, many overweight kids are found disturbed facing the negative stigma of being obese

Here,On the whole, it is evident that there are various causes responsible for obesity among children and can lead to serious consequences in the future. Also, It is the duty of their parents and relatives to ensure that appropriate steps are taken to prevent this problem from getting worst in the future.

(279 words)

Vocabulary and Phrases:

Useful vocabulary for causes (reasons).

  • One of the causes/The reason is that
  • Because/Since
  • Due to this/Because of/Owing to/Lead to
  • As a result/Lead to the problem/Can attribute to

Useful vocabulary for Effects

  • Consequence of/As a result of/Because of/Due to
  • Make/Create/Change/Effect/Affect/Result
  • Risk of/Leading to

Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topics. Use the vocabulary mentioned above. 1. Also,There are a number of skin-whitening products available in the market. State the reasons why people are using these products? Discuss the possible negative outcomes of using these products.

2. Here,With the advancement of technology, social interaction among people has affected to a greater extent. What are the reasons of reduced social interaction? Suggest whether this would lead to a positive or negative effect in the future.

3. So,Almost everybody nowadays is found using personal vehicle for travelling purpose. What are the reasons of this increasing trend? Explain what negative outcomes may be faced in the society due to this.

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IELTS Cause and Effect Essay 2 - Writing Task 2

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world. What are some of the reasons that cause stress, and what are its effects?

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer:

Stress is now considered to be a serious issue in many nations across the globe. This problem is caused by a variety of factors, including extreme work load and financial difficulties, and it has a number of harmful effects on individuals’ physical and behavioural well-being.

Stress may occur for a variety of reasons. To begin with, working people are more likely to experience stress owing to the increasing complexity of their tasks and the higher expectations for performance in the workplace. Many companies, for example, put pressure on their staff to meet future project deadlines while also reviewing their performance, which may cause stress. Furthermore, many individuals are stressed out as a consequence of persistent financial challenges in their lives, which may lead them to be worried about future expenses such as rent, groceries, or utility bills.

Individuals may have a range of detrimental effects due to long-term stress. Physical health problems are one of the most common challenges that people face when they are under a lot of tension. For example, if a person is stressed for an extended period of time, he may have bodily symptoms such as headaches and sleep disorders. Moreover, stress may also alter a person’s behaviour, causing them to go through a series of mood swings. If things do not go according to plan, they will start acting aggressively against one another.

In conclusion, stress is seen as a severe health condition that is mostly induced by work-related pressures and affects those people who are facing economic hardships in their lives. As a consequence, people suffer from a wide range of physical and behavioural side effects.

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A small fish on the left is next to an arrow that leads to a shark to show that students often exaggerate in IELTS Cause Effect Essays

IELTS Cause Effect essays: Stop exaggerating your arguments

A lot of IELTS teachers tell students that their “ideas don’t matter”, but this is simply NOT true. Yes, you are free to agree or disagree with any question (so there is no “right” opinion) but if you need a high IELTS score, then it is extremely important that your ideas are both relevant and convincing. In this week’s blog, I want to show you how to drastically improve the quality of the arguments in your essay by giving ideas that are less dramatic, which can be a real problem in IELTS Cause Effect essays in particular!

IELTS ideas that are relevant and convincing

I expect most of you know that “relevant” just means having ideas that address the question, but what does “convincing” mean? Well, it means having arguments that make the examiner nod his or her head in agreement because they are REALISTIC. The mistake that students make again and again is giving arguments that are just too DRAMATIC (and, therefore, not convincing at all).

Often, this is because students try to give BIG reasons for trends, rather than focusing on more subtle explanations. As I said, this is usually a problem in IELTS Cause Effect Essays. Take this question  for example:

In many countries, the tradition of having family meals together is disappearing. Why is this happening? What will the effects of this be on the family and society?

Most students are able to cope with the first question fairly well. Why are people eating together less? Often I am given these very good arguments:

  • In most households today, both parents work and simply do not have enough time to prepare a meal that can be eaten around a table. 👏👏👏
  • People tend to eat more often outside the home i.e. children eat at school / parents in a canteen 👍👍👍
  • Children take part in after school activities and so coordinating one meal that can be eaten by everybody at the same time is hard. 👌👌👌

Great – all of these arguments are relevant and convincing i.e. I accept that these are REAL reasons for this trend. The problems start when students have to think of the effects of this problem. Most are able to see that not eating as a family can have a negative impact on family structures. However, when it comes to explaining what that negative effect is, almost all students come up with EXTREME arguments:

  • Children of families who do not eat together turn to crime and often commit murder . –  REALLY? 😳😳😳
  • Children from families that have disintegrated usually end up being drug addicts . – REALLY? 🤔🤔🤔
  • Parents who do not eat together get divorced . – REALLY? 🤯🤯🤯

These are real arguments given by my students in recent weeks but, I want you to ask yourself, ARE THESE TRUE?  Do you really think that the main reason for youth crime is not having a family meal? Or that children who eat in front of the TV always become addicted to drugs? Or that the divorce rate is affected by a lack of family meals? I don’t! I think that these are over-simplified arguments that are far too extreme to be convincing (and therefore won’t score more than a 6.0 for Task Response).

The really sad thing here is that these students are actually on the right path to a good idea – they have just gone way too far. All they need to do is bring their arguments one or two steps back to something more realistic and widely accepted. To do this, ask yourself “why” you think these arguments are true:

  • Why do children “commit crimes”? Well, probably because they weren’t supervised closely enough by their parents and so problems weren’t spotted.
  • Why do people get divorced? It is probably because they don’t spend enough quality time with each other and so start to drift apart.
  • Do you see? Once we move a step back from the DRAMATIC ideas of crime and divorce and start digging a bit deeper into why these problems could come about, we actually arrive at some very good more subtle arguments. Let’s turn these ideas into a paragraph:
Unfortunately, this trend can lead to a number of negative outcomes. Firstly, when families sit down and eat together every day, it is easy for the parents to see subtle changes in their children’s behaviour that could be warning signs of an underlying problem. For example, they might be experiencing some difficulties at school such as bullying, or they may have fallen out with friends. Once family members eat separately, the opportunity for daily observation is lost and, as a result, younger family members’ problems can go unrecognised. Over time, this can lead to them becoming depressed or acting out in other ways, which could affect their schoolwork or their ability to interact with others in society in general. In the same way, if the adult members of the family both work long hours, then a shared meal might be the only time that they have to really connect each day. Thus, not having this meal can result in them becoming distanced. In the worst cases, this might lead to the breakdown of communication and even, eventually, in divorce.

Can you see the difference? I have taken the same ideas (crime and divorce) but have developed them in a much more realistic and convincing way! Notice that I have kept “divorce”, but I have shown that it is the final worst case scenario rather than the inevitable end. Honestly, I still think that this argument is a bit too dramatic, but at least now it is more convincing as I have given a REASON for this idea.

So, if you are struggling for ideas for your IELTS Cause Effect Essays, my advice is don’t fall back on EXTREME arguments to support your ideas. Try to take a step back and offer the examiner an opinion that is more reasoned and less dramatic. If you can do this, you will be far more likely to get a 7.0 or even an 8.0 or 9.0 for Task Response.

Plus, the lessons are interactive, so you will pause and participate in every lesson. But that’s not the best part! Once you become my student, you will be able to message me with any questions you have at any time , so you won’t be on the IELTS journey on your own anymore! And, every writing package now includes access to our free daily live lessons for reading, speaking, and listening.  🚀

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IELTS – Step by Step

Everything you need to achieve your desired ielts score. step-by-step., sample ielts essay band 9 – cause and effect.

More children across the world are becoming overweight. This is a serious problem for many countries. Discuss some causes and effects of this problem. Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
NB  On IELTS you are expected to write at least 250 words on Task 2. Try not to write more than 300 words. Many of the essays that you will find here are much longer. This is done with a view to giving you more ideas and vocabulary on the topic. You can easily shorten the sample essays on my website by removing either additional supporting details or one of the arguments and its supporting details.

As the prevalence of overweight among children is increasing at an alarming rate , affecting low-  and middle-income countries the most,  childhood obesity has come to be seen  as one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.  It is felt that this disturbing trend  mainly comes as a result of modern lifestyle. Alarmingly, unless measures are taken to curb swelling obesity rate, the consequences might be dire.

It has long been recognized by general practitioners that lifestyle issues – poor eating habits and  lack of physical activity –  are the main contributors to childhood obesity.  Indeed, numerous studies link regular consumption of high-fat, high-sugar  foods to weight gain. These include fast foods, baked and deep-fried goods, and vending machine snacks which are readily available in schools and are highly affordable, making them a popular go-to choice among children. Not less important is the fact that children nowadays spend significantly more time in sedentary activities compared to the previous generation. As a result, they do not burn off the calories from food they consume. This is corroborated by  research such as that conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics which  reaffirmed that children who are less physically active between  the ages of 9 and 12 are more likely to become overweight by  12 than are their peers who engage in regular  exercise.

What makes childhood obesity particularly troubling are dire consequences that it can entail. The extra pounds often start children on the path to health issues that used to be considered adult problems , including but not limited to diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This in turn, can shorten life spans of the current generation  of children, a concern which has been voiced frequently in the United States after similar claims were made in The New England Journal of Medicine. Moreover, research indicates that children and adolescents who carry too many extra pounds often suffer from low self-esteem and depression . Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that overweight children are more likely to be teased, bullied, ridiculed by their peers, and excluded from friendship groups. As a result, such children tend to have less confidence in their social skills and appearance and have a more negative self-image than normal-weight peers. Therefore, extra pounds are both, health and emotional hazard.

To conclude, childhood obesity, which partially comes as a results of poor lifestyle and nutrition choices , is an alarming trend since overweight children are  prone to incurable chronic diseases and low self-esteem . Thus,  unless the multiple factors that create the obesogenic world are addressed , life expectancy as well as quality of life are likely to decline the world over.

ielts sample essay task 2 cause and effect band 9

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3 thoughts on “ sample ielts essay band 9 – cause and effect ”.

I heard before that this topic may be given for the essay writing, but had no ideas what arguments or opinions to write. This sample helps a lot.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 348 - discuss the cause and effects of widespread drug abuse by young people, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, people in all modern societies use drugs, but today’s youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an early age. some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. discuss the cause and effects of widespread drug abuse by young people. make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse..

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How to answer cause and effect questions

Home  »  IELTS academic task 2 » How to answer cause and effect questions

Cause-and-effect questions are different because they are easier to miss-read.

What is actually a cause-and-effect question can be answered incorrectly as a problems-and-effects or a problem-and-solution.

However, this can be easily solved by carefully reviewing the question. In addition to cause-and-effect, it is essential to recognize other essay types, such as compare and contrast essay topics . Understanding the distinctions between these formats will help you in crafting focused and coherent responses.

What kinds of questions are cause-and-effect?

Firstly, the wording actually varies quite a bit even within this question type.

There is a variety of language that can be used, and this can cause confusion.

Spend some time to ask yourself:

  • Have I truly understood this question?
  • Do I understand what they are asking me for?

You have to make sure that you carry that question with you throughout the essay.

Sample question 1:

More and more children are becoming obese. What are the causes of this and what are the effects?

This could easily be interpreted as problem - solution, but that is absolutely not what the question has asked.

It's asking what are the causes for childhood obesity?

(Why are children in the world getting heavier and heavier?).

And then what are the effects of this?

What are the effects of childhood obesity?

This is even more specific than discuss this problem and then suggest solutions.

It is incredibly important to answer the question being asked.

Example question 2

Nowadays we have become a throwaway society with where it is common to throw away devices and gadgets instead of repairing them. Why is this happening and what are the effects of this?

Again the wording is a little different.

The examiner is asking you WHY is this happening?

Make sure to NOT writing this is a problem, we must say why it is happening.

And for the second paragraph:

What results from this (throw away society)?

Example question 3

People spend less time at home than they used to. What are the reasons for this change and what are the effects on society and individuals?

Here we are looking for reasons.

The wording has changed a little bit, but in essence, the information they want is the same.

Why is this happening?

What are the causes of this?

And then, of course, they asked for the effects.

You are lucky if you have this type of question in the exam

These types of questions are helpful because they are essentially telling you how to frame your answer.

They're making it specific, which is all your planning taken care of.

Click here to find out how to plan your essay for these types of questions.

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  • Cause & Effect Essay

IELTS Cause and Effect Essay: Skin Whitening

This cause and effect essay is about the issue of skin whitening products: why people are using them and their possible dangers for health and society.

Take a look at the question:

In many parts of the world today there is a profitable market for products which lighten or whiten people’s skin. Outline the reasons for using such products and discuss what effects they have in terms of health and society.

Skin Whiten Cream Essay

There are three things you must discuss:

  • The reasons why they are used
  • Their effects on health
  • Their effects on society

This causes and effects essay has been organized into two body paragraphs. The first dicussing the reasons, and the second discussing the effects on health and society.

There are other ways to organize it of course. For example, you could have three paragraphs, each discussing one of the points above.

Cause and Effect Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In many parts of the world today there is a profitable market for products which lighten or whiten people’s skin.

Outline the reasons for using such products and discuss what effects they have in terms of health and society.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Cause and Effect Essay - Model Answer

In many countries, particularly places like Asia, skin whitening products are incredibly popular and provide huge profits for the companies involved in their sale. This essay will examine the reasons why people use these products and the effects this has on people’s health and on society.

The principal reason that people use skin whitening products is because whiter skin is seen to be more desirable than darker skin. To understand why, we need to firstly look at history. In ancient times, those people of a higher status tended to stay indoors, whilst people of a lower status worked outside, usually farming. As a result, those people who were indoors had much lighter skin, which means that whiter skin is now associated with having a higher status than dark skin. Another reason, which is partly related to this, is the desire for the ‘Western’ look. For example, plastic surgery to creat western eyelids and noses is common in Asia, and the white skin is part of this. These beliefs and images are also perpetuated in the media, with adverts showing people with white skin as more successful and attractive.

However, despite the fact that having whiter skin may improve a person’s self-esteem, these products can have negative effects. Regarding health, there are reports that people are harming their skin permanently as some products bought over the counter have prescription-strength ingredients. For instance, some contain steroids or toxins which can severely damage the skin and other parts of the body. In terms of society, there are also detrimental effects. Such behaviour perpetuates the belief that ‘white’ is better than ‘black’, and thus those with darker skin may experience discrimination.

In conclusion, people use whitening products due to the fact that white skin, usually through the media, is portrayed as more desirable. However, steps should be taken to change this image as the drawbacks of this are clear, with potentially dangerous consequences for people’s future health and society as a whole.

(328 Words)

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ielts cause and effect essay sample

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IELTS causes and solutions essay - band 9 guide

In this lesson you will learn how to write a high-scoring causes & solutions essay in IELTS Writing . As an example, the model essay will be about loss of bio-diversity . Basically, causes & solutions essay is one of the most common question types in IELTS writing task 2. This question asks you to describe causes and propose solutions for a given problem .

In this lesson you will see:

  • question sample + model answer
  • band 9 answer structure for causes & solutions essay
  • effective strategies to produce ideas for your answer

IELTS problems & solutions question sample

For example, this is the question you’ve got for IELTS writing task 2:

Influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the extinction of species and loss of bio-diversity.

What are the primary causes of loss of bio-diversity?

What solutions can you suggest?

Of course, the topics for causes & solutions essay may vary, but the answering strategy is pretty much the same for all essays of causes/solutions type.

ielts cause and effect essay sample

Producing ideas

As you know, it’s recommended to spend about 40 minutes on IELTS Writing task 2. But before starting to write your essay, it’s a good idea to dedicate 2-4 minutes to producing some ideas for your essay. This way you’ll know what to write about and your essay will be more structured.

To produce ideas for causes and solutions essay, you have to determine 3 things :

  • Causes of this problem
  • Solutions to this problem

The problem is already given: loss of bio-diversity (in other words, some animals and plants are dying out).

Now let’s think about its causes and solutions. Don’t be afraid of simple ideas! Remember: getting a high score means writing simple things well. Here are some ideas that may come to your mind:

ielts cause and effect essay sample

When humans artificially transform the environment (build roads, houses etc.), they destroy animals’ natural habitat.

Pollution negatively changes the flow of energy, the chemical constitution of the environment and the climate in general, so a lot of species cannot live under such conditions and die out.

When the activities connected with capturing and harvesting a natural resource are too intense in a particular area, the resource becomes exhausted. Example: too intense farming exhausts the soil; too frequent fishing, which doesn’t leave enough time for fish to reproduce, makes fish disappear.

After you’ve though of the possible causes, you can use them in your writing. You can invent more reasons of this problem, but usually, it’s enough to give 1-2 causes in your writing .

Possible solutions :

ielts cause and effect essay sample

  • protect areas

Protecting areas where human activity is limited and avoiding overexploitation of resources are the best ways to save the environment and prevent species from dying out.

Informing the general population about the disadvantages of loss of biodiversity will encourage people to be more conscious of the environment.

1-2 solutions are enough for a good essay. Now, after we’ve collected some ideas, it’s time to structure our thoughts into an essay.

Band 9 answer structure for causes & solutions essay

There may be many possible answering strategies, but we’ll use this good and time-tested essay structure:


  • Body paragraph 1 – causes
  • Body paragraph 2 – solutions

Write the introduction in 2 sentences:

Despite knowing about biodiversity’s importance for a long time, human activity has been causing massive extinctions of different species.

This essay will examine the main causes of loss of biodiversity and possible solutions of this problem.

Body paragraph 1 - causes

The two main causes of species extinction are change of their habitats and overexploitation of natural resources.

When humans artificially transform the environment, they destroy vegetation and animals’ natural habitat. For instance, to build new roads people are cutting down the trees and cementing the soil, altering the environment. Because of that, a lot of species are dying out.

Also, when the activities connected with capturing and harvesting a natural resource are too intense in a particular area, the resource becomes exhausted. For example, too frequent fishing doesn’t leave enough time for fish to reproduce and makes them disappear.

In other words, human activities often deplete local flora and fauna and cause loss of bio-diversity.

Body paragraph 2 - solutions

Some possible solutions to this problem are protecting natural areas and promoting awareness among people.

By protecting areas where human activity is limited and avoiding overexploitation of its resources, we can save the untouched environment and prevent species from dying out. Moreover, the next step in fighting bio-diversity loss is informing the general population about the dangers of this problem. This way, people will be more conscious of the environment and won’t overuse or destroy its resources.

To conclude, people’s activities that change the environment have negative impact on the world's ecosystem.

However, we can significantly lessen the extinction of species by protecting natural areas and enlightening people as to this problem.

Model essay for IELTS Writing causes/solutions question

The model band-9 essay for this question will look as follows :

Despite knowing about biodiversity’s importance for a long time, human activity has been causing massive extinctions of different species. This essay will examine the main causes of loss of biodiversity and possible solutions of this problem.

The two main causes of species extinction are change of their habitats and overexploitation of natural resources. When humans artificially transform the environment, they destroy vegetation and animals’ natural habitat. For instance, to build new roads people are cutting down the trees and cementing the soil, altering the environment. Because of that, a lot of species are dying out. Also, when the activities connected with capturing and harvesting a natural resource are too intense in a particular area, the resource becomes exhausted. For example, too frequent fishing doesn’t leave enough time for fish to reproduce and makes them disappear. In other words, human activities often deplete local flora and fauna and cause loss of bio-diversity.

Some possible solutions to this problem are protecting natural areas and promoting awareness among people. By protecting areas where human activity is limited and avoiding overexploitation of its resources, we can save the untouched environment and prevent species from dying out. Moreover, the next step in fighting bio-diversity loss is informing the general population about the dangers of this problem. This way, people will be more conscious of the environment and won’t overuse or destroy its resources.

To conclude, people’s activities that change the environment have negative impact on the world's ecosystem. However, we can significantly lessen the extinction of species by protecting natural areas and enlightening people as to this problem.

(263 words)

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