Essay on Child Labour

Here we have shared the Essay on Child Labour in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Child Labour in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Child Labour in 150 words

Essay on child labour in 200-300 words, essay on child labour in 500-1000 words.

Child labour is a global issue that deprives children of their childhood, education, and well-being. It involves exploitative work that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful. Children engaged in labour-intensive jobs face hazardous conditions and miss out on opportunities for education and personal development. Poverty, lack of access to education, and inadequate enforcement of laws contribute to the persistence of child labour. Efforts to eliminate child labour require a comprehensive approach, including policy implementation, social protection measures, and awareness campaigns. Global initiatives and conventions aim to eradicate child labour and promote quality education for all children. It is crucial to create an environment where children can thrive, receive proper education, and break free from the cycle of poverty. Every child deserves the right to a childhood filled with learning, growth, and protection.

Child labour is a pressing issue that continues to plague societies around the world. It refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular schools, and is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful.

Child labour deprives children of their basic rights and hampers their overall development. It denies them the opportunity to receive proper education, resulting in limited opportunities for future growth. Children engaged in labour-intensive work are exposed to hazardous conditions, risking their physical and mental well-being.

The root causes of child labour are complex and multifaceted, including poverty, lack of access to education, social and cultural norms, and inadequate enforcement of laws and regulations. Eradicating child labour requires a holistic approach, involving the implementation of effective policies, social protection measures, and increased awareness.

Efforts are being made globally to combat child labour, including the enactment of laws, international conventions, and initiatives aimed at eliminating this practice. It is crucial to create an environment where children can receive a quality education, enabling them to break free from the cycle of poverty and contribute to the development of their communities.

In conclusion, child labour is a grave violation of children’s rights and a hindrance to their overall well-being and development. It is imperative for governments, organizations, and individuals to work together to address the root causes and eliminate child labour. Every child deserves a childhood filled with learning, growth, and opportunities for a brighter future.

Title: Child Labour – A Stolen Childhood

Introduction :

Child labour is a grave global issue that robs children of their childhood, dignity, and fundamental rights. It refers to the exploitative employment of children in work that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful. Child labour is a complex problem with deep-rooted causes, including poverty, lack of access to education, social norms, and weak enforcement of laws. This essay examines the causes, consequences, and efforts to combat child labour, emphasizing the urgent need for collective action to protect the rights and well-being of children.

Causes of Child Labour

Child labour is often driven by economic factors, with families living in poverty compelled to send their children to work in order to supplement household income. Limited access to quality education, lack of affordable schooling, and inadequate social support contribute to the prevalence of child labour. In some cases, cultural and social norms perpetuate the idea that children should work, depriving them of their right to education and nurturing childhood.

Consequences of Child Labour

Child labour has severe consequences for children’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Children engaged in hazardous work face significant health risks, including injuries, illnesses, and developmental delays. They are often denied the opportunity to attend school, hindering their educational development and limiting future opportunities. Child labour perpetuates the cycle of poverty, as illiteracy and limited skills trap individuals in low-wage, exploitative employment in adulthood.

Exploitative Industries

Child labour is prevalent in various industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, mining, construction, and domestic work. In agriculture, children are often engaged in hazardous tasks such as pesticide application, heavy lifting, and long hours of work. In manufacturing and mining, children are exposed to dangerous machinery, toxic substances, and exploitative working conditions. Domestic work exposes children to long hours, physical abuse, and isolation.

Legal and Ethical Perspectives

International conventions, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, condemn child labour and call for its elimination. Many countries have enacted laws to protect children’s rights and prohibit child labour. However, weak enforcement, limited resources, and gaps in legislation hinder the effective eradication of the problem. Ethical considerations highlight the importance of corporations and consumers in ensuring responsible supply chains that are free from child labour.

Efforts to Combat Child Labour

Various organizations, governments, and civil society groups are actively working to combat child labour. They focus on initiatives such as providing access to quality education, vocational training for adults, poverty alleviation programs, and social protection measures. Advocacy campaigns raise awareness about the harmful consequences of child labour and mobilize support for its eradication. International collaborations and partnerships aim to address the systemic issues that perpetuate child labour, fostering sustainable solutions.

Conclusion :

Child labour remains a grave violation of children’s rights and a barrier to their development. It is a global problem that requires collective action to address its root causes. By addressing poverty, improving access to education, enforcing protective legislation, and promoting responsible business practices, we can create a world where children are protected, educated, and free from exploitation. Efforts must be intensified to ensure that every child enjoys their right to a childhood, education, and a future filled with hope and opportunity. Together, we can work towards a world where child labour is eradicated, and all children have the chance to thrive and realize their full potential.

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Child Labour Essay

Many children are forced to labour in a variety of dangerous and non-hazardous occupations, including agriculture, glass manufacturing, the carpet and brass industries, matchbox manufacturing, and household labour. Here are some sample essays on child labour.

  • 100 Words Essay On Child Labour

Child labour is defined as the employment of children for any type of work that interferes with their physical and mental growth and denies them access to the fundamental educational and recreational needs. A child is generally regarded as old enough to work when they are fifteen years old or older. Children under this age limit are not permitted to engage in any sort of forced employment. Because child labour denies children the chance to experience a normal upbringing, receive a quality education, and appreciate their physical and emotional wellbeing. Although it is prohibited in certain nations, it has still not been totally abolished.

200 Words Essay On Child Labour

500 words essay on child labour.

Child Labour Essay

Children are preferred for employment in many unorganised small industries because they are less demanding and easier to handle. Sometimes the children's own families force them into child labour because they lack the funds or are unable to provide for them.

These kids frequently live in poor, unsanitary circumstances with little access to school or medical care. These kids are also forced to live in seclusion and aren't permitted to play, engage socially, or make friends. Such a toxic workplace is difficult for kids and frequently contributes to mental illnesses like depression. These kids frequently use drugs and other substances, which worsens their physical and mental health.

Why Is Child Labour Prohibited?

The employment of children in a manner that denies them the chance to enjoy childhood, receive an education, or experience personal growth is known as child labour. There are many strong laws against child labour, and many nations, like India, have standards of imprisonment and fines if a person or organisation is found to be engaging in child labour.

Even while there are rules in place to prevent child labour, we still need to enforce them. Children are compelled to work as children owing to poverty and to help support their families.

Child labourers are either trafficked from their home countries or originate from destitute backgrounds. They are fully at the power of their employers and have no protection.

Causes Of Child Labour

Here are some reasons that lead to child labour:

Poverty | Child labour is a problem that is greatly influenced by poverty. Children in low-income households are viewed as an additional source of income. These kids are expected to help out with their parents' duties when they get older.

Illiteracy | One significant component that fuels this issue is illiteracy. Because they must invest more than they receive in return in the form of wages from their children, the illiterate parents view education as a burden. Children who work as labourers are subjected to unsanitary circumstances, late hours, and other hardships that have an immediate impact on their cognitive development.

Bonded Labour | Unethical businesses like using children as labourers over adults since they can get more work done from them and pay them less per hour. Children are forced to work in this sort of child labour in order to pay off a family loan or obligation. Due to bonded labour, poor children have also been trafficked from rural to urban areas to work as domestic help, in tiny manufacturing houses, or simply to live as street beggars.

How To Protect Children From Child Labour?

Multiple facets of society will be required to support efforts to abolish child labour. The effectiveness of government initiatives and its personnel is limited. Therefore, we ought to come together and channelize our efforts in the right direction to stop child labour. Here are some of the ways to stop child labour–

Notice | Be cautious when eating at a neighbouring restaurant or shopping at a neighbourhood market. Inform local authorities or call CHILDLINE 1098 if you see any children working as child labourers.

Know The Law | The first step in preventing child labour is to understand the constitution's role in child protection. Knowing the laws gives you the knowledge you need to combat the threat and alert those who use child labour.

Educate And Aware | Child labour may be avoided by educating others about its negative impacts, especially business leaders and employers. Discuss with them how child labour affects children's physical and emotional health, and tell them what the laws and punishments are.

Conversation With Parents | If you are aware of a parent in your area who is forcing his or her child to work as a youngster, speak with that parent and explain the dangers that child labour poses to the future of their offspring and highlight how education and skill building may protect their child's future.

Enrolment In Schools | In your community, you may establish a setting that encourages learning for street kids. You may assist disadvantaged youngsters in learning and self-education by raising money to create libraries and community learning centres in your area. Additionally, you may help the parents enrol their kids in school.

A country cannot advance if its children are living in abject poverty. To stop the exploitation and employment of children in certain industries, it is essential to identify these sectors and create the required legislation and laws. This should be society's and the government's shared duty.

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Short Essay

Child Labour Essay – 250, 500, 1000 Words, 10 Lines

Child Labour Essay in English: The Child Labour essay provides a comprehensive exploration of the complex issue, addressing the causes, consequences, and potential solutions related to the exploitation of children in various industries.

Child Labour Essay sheds light on the social, economic, and cultural factors contributing to child labour while advocating for the importance of education, legislation, and international collaboration in eradicating this global concern.

The Child Labour Essay aims to raise awareness, prompt reflection, and inspire collective efforts towards creating a world where every child enjoys their right to a safe and nurturing childhood.

Child Labour Short Essay in 100 Words

Table of Contents

Child Labour Essay in English in 10 Lines

This Child Labour Essay delves into the causes, consequences, and potential solutions, emphasizing the need for awareness, education, and global collaboration to eradicate this pervasive issue and ensure a safe and nurturing childhood for every child.

  • Child labour is a global issue involving the exploitation of children for economic gains.
  • Poverty, lack of education, and societal factors contribute to its prevalence.
  • Children engaged in labour are deprived of their right to a proper childhood.
  • Hazardous conditions and long working hours jeopardize their health and well-being.
  • Legal frameworks exist, but enforcement is often inadequate.
  • Education emerges as a crucial solution, providing a pathway to break the cycle of poverty.
  • Awareness campaigns play a pivotal role in addressing this societal concern.
  • International collaboration is essential to eradicate child labour on a global scale.
  • Companies and consumers can contribute by supporting ethically produced goods.
  • Eradicating child labour requires a multifaceted approach, combining legal measures, education, and societal awareness.

Child Labour Short Essay – 250 Words

This short essay on child labour explores the global issue, addressing its causes, consequences, and potential solutions, emphasizing the importance of education, legal measures, and societal awareness in eradicating this pervasive problem and ensuring a brighter future for children.

Child labour remains a pressing global issue, encompassing the exploitation of children for economic gains. Rooted in poverty, lack of education, and societal factors, this practice deprives children of their fundamental right to a proper childhood. Often subjected to hazardous conditions and extended working hours, these young minds face compromised health and well-being.

While legal frameworks exist to combat child labour, enforcement remains a significant challenge. The complexity of the issue necessitates a multifaceted approach. Education emerges as a pivotal solution, providing a pathway to break the cycle of poverty and exploitation. Access to quality education empowers children, offering them alternatives to a life of labour.

Awareness campaigns play a crucial role in addressing this societal concern. Shedding light on the consequences of child labour helps mobilize support for its eradication. Additionally, international collaboration is essential for a comprehensive strategy. Countries, organizations, and communities must unite to enforce and strengthen laws against child labour globally.

Companies and consumers also play a pivotal role. Supporting ethically produced goods and advocating for fair labour practices contribute to the fight against child exploitation. Eradicating child labour demands a collective effort, combining legal measures, education, and societal awareness.

Only through such concerted actions can we envision a world where every child is safeguarded from the scourge of labour and afforded the opportunity for a brighter future.

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Child Labour Essay in 500 Words

This 500-word Child Labour Essay delves into the causes, consequences, and solutions, emphasizing the role of poverty, lack of education, legal frameworks, awareness campaigns, and international collaboration in addressing this pervasive issue and advocating for children’s rights worldwide.

Child labour, a poignant global dilemma, involves the exploitation of children for economic purposes and remains a pervasive challenge that demands urgent attention.

Rooted in multifaceted factors, the primary catalysts include poverty, lack of access to education, and societal norms. Many children find themselves thrust into labour to contribute to family income, depriving them of a fundamental right—a proper childhood.

One of the disheartening aspects of child labour is the hazardous conditions and extended working hours these young minds endure. Often engaged in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and service sectors, they face physical, emotional, and mental tolls that jeopardize their overall well-being. The toll of child labour extends beyond the individual, permeating communities and perpetuating cycles of poverty.

While legislation exists to combat child labour in various countries, enforcement remains a substantial challenge. Legal frameworks alone are insufficient; there is a critical need for robust implementation and monitoring mechanisms to ensure that the laws are effective deterrents. Additionally, many children engaged in labour are often outside the purview of formal employment, making it challenging to regulate and eradicate this practice.

Education emerges as a beacon of hope in addressing the menace of child labour. Access to quality education is not only a fundamental right but also a powerful tool to break the cycle of poverty and exploitation.

When children have the opportunity to learn and develop their skills, they are better equipped to make informed choices and escape the clutches of child labour. Governments and stakeholders must invest in educational infrastructure and initiatives to create an environment where children are encouraged to pursue learning rather than being compelled into labour.

Awareness campaigns play a crucial role in addressing child labour. By shedding light on the consequences of child exploitation, these campaigns mobilize public support and advocacy efforts. Raising awareness is essential not only to highlight the severity of the issue but also to foster a collective responsibility to combat child labour at local, national, and international levels.

International collaboration is indispensable in the fight against child labour. Given that this issue transcends borders, coordinated efforts are necessary to share resources, best practices, and strategies. Collaboration between governments, NGOs, and international organizations can strengthen the collective resolve to eradicate child labour globally.

Furthermore, companies and consumers play a pivotal role in combating child labour. Supporting ethically produced goods and advocating for fair labour practices contribute to creating demand for products that adhere to ethical standards. By making conscious choices, consumers can influence market dynamics, encouraging companies to adopt responsible business practices and ensuring that products are not tainted by child labour.

In conclusion, eradicating child labour requires a comprehensive and coordinated effort that addresses its root causes. Poverty alleviation, improved access to education, stringent enforcement of laws, awareness campaigns, and international collaboration are integral components of a strategy to eliminate this deeply entrenched issue.

Only through sustained and collective action can we envision a world where every child is protected from exploitation and afforded the opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.

Child Labour Essay in English in 1000 Words

This comprehensive 1000-word Child Labour Essay explores its intricate causes, consequences, and solutions, emphasizing the significance of addressing poverty, promoting education, enforcing legal frameworks, raising awareness, fostering international collaboration, and advocating for ethical consumer choices to eradicate this global concern and ensure the well-being of children.

Child Labour: A Persistent Global Challenge


Child labour, a critical socio-economic issue, persists globally despite efforts to eradicate it. This essay delves into the various aspects of child labour, examining its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

I. Understanding Child Labour

1. Definition and Scope: Child labour refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular schools, and is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful.

2. Historical Perspective: Child labour has deep historical roots, shaped by industrialization, economic disparities, and social structures. Although significant strides have been made in recent decades, millions of children continue to toil in various industries worldwide.

II. Causes of Child Labour

1. Poverty: Poverty remains a primary driver, compelling families to rely on their children for additional income. Lack of resources and education perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

2. Lack of Education: Limited access to quality education forces children into the workforce. Illiteracy hinders awareness about the long-term consequences of child labour.

3. Cultural Factors: In some societies, cultural norms and traditions normalize child labour, considering it a rite of passage or a means of skill development.

4. Unemployment and Informal Economy: High levels of adult unemployment and the prevalence of informal economies contribute to the persistence of child labour.

III. Consequences of Child Labour

1. Physical and Mental Health Implications: Child labour often exposes children to hazardous conditions, jeopardizing their physical well-being. Additionally, the stress and trauma associated with exploitative work impact their mental health.

2. Educational Deprivation: Working children are frequently denied the opportunity for education, hindering their personal development and future prospects.

3. Perpetuating the Cycle of Poverty: Child labour deepens the cycle of poverty by limiting a child’s potential for social mobility and economic advancement.

IV. International Efforts and Legal Framework

1. International Conventions: Organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF work towards eliminating child labour through international conventions and agreements.

2. National Legislation: Many countries have enacted laws prohibiting child labour, outlining strict regulations and penalties. However, enforcement remains a challenge in several regions.

V. Initiatives Towards Eradication

1. Access to Education: Promoting universal access to quality education is crucial in combating child labour. Scholarships, school infrastructure, and awareness campaigns are essential components.

2. Poverty Alleviation Programs: Addressing the root cause of child labour, poverty, requires comprehensive poverty alleviation programs that uplift communities and provide alternative sources of income.

3. Strict Enforcement of Laws: Enhancing the enforcement of existing child labour laws is vital to deter employers and ensure the protection of children.

VI. Success Stories and Challenges

1. Success Stories: Highlighting instances where concerted efforts have successfully reduced child labour can serve as inspiration for other regions.

2. Ongoing Challenges: Despite progress, challenges such as weak enforcement, cultural resistance, and economic factors continue to impede the eradication of child labour.

VII. The Role of Businesses and Consumers

1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Businesses can contribute by adhering to ethical labour practices, implementing fair wages, and supporting initiatives that combat child labour.

2. Informed Consumer Choices: Consumers play a pivotal role by supporting companies with ethical practices and advocating for transparency in the supply chain.

VIII. The Way Forward

1. Global Collaboration: Coordinated international efforts are crucial in addressing the cross-border nature of child labour, necessitating collaboration between governments, NGOs, and businesses.

2. Advocacy and Awareness: Continued advocacy and awareness campaigns are essential to mobilize communities, governments, and global citizens against child labour.

Eradicating child labour demands a multi-faceted approach involving legislative measures, education, poverty alleviation, and ethical business practices. Only through sustained global commitment and concerted efforts can we create a world where every child enjoys the right to a childhood and education, unmarred by exploitation.

The Child Labour Essay unveils the intricate layers of child labour, emphasizing its roots in poverty, lack of education, and societal norms. It calls for a transformative approach, advocating education as a powerful solution and stressing the importance of stringent legislation, awareness campaigns, international collaboration, and ethical consumer choices.

The shadows of child labour can only dissipate through collective action, breaking the chains that deny children their rightful place in a nurturing environment, free from exploitation.

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essay on child labour in english 250 words

Essay on Child Labour in English For Students & Children

We are Sharing an Essay on Child Labour in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide an Short essay on Child Labour for Classes 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and Graduation in 200, 300, 400, 500, 800 words.

Essay on Child Labour in English For Students & Children

Essay on Child Labour in English ( 250 to 300 words )

Childhood is the period of innocence. It is called the golden era of human life.

However, this statement is not true in all cases and at all places. Millions of children all over the world have to work hard for earning their livelihood for one reason or the other

Childhood is the period when a child’s only concern. is to g to school and study or to play. Education up to the fourteenth year for the child has been made compulsory in India, but that is only on paper.

Innumerable inducements have been given to children and their parents to check the ever-increasing number of school drop-outs, but most of the efforts have borne no fruit.

It is, however, heartening to note that the mid-day meals in schools as ordered by the Supreme Court have given encouraging results in this regard.

The practise of child labour is playing havoc in a country like India. We can see poor semi-clad or ragged, starving children working in factories, shops, hotels, and elsewhere. Some of them have to work in some highly dangerous industries such as explosives factories, match industry, mines, etc.

There may be several reasons for the children being compelled to work. Some of the children are orphans. Others belong to large poor families where every member has to fend for himself. Some poor, illiterate people want to enhance their income by asking their children to earn.

There are innumerable children who work as domestic help. Many of the children working in houses, shops, and mines are no more than bonded labourers. They get very meagre salaries or mostly have to work getting just bare meals and few rags.

Let’s do something to save these helpless children from neglect and cruelty.

10 Lines Essay on Child Labour

Essay on Child Labour For Students ( 800 words )

Child labour is the worst form of child exploitation. It is widespread all over the world. About one-third of the Indian population are children. A considerable number of them suffer from malnutrition, poverty and diseases. They are illiterate and they get exploited through forced labour. Their plight’ is pitiable’ and though, various programmes were implemented at the national and international levels, many of them continue to lead miserable lives.

The poor illiterate classes believe that more hands bring in more money. Almost every family belonging to this class have four to five children or more. They remain illiterate and help in adding to the income of the family. Thus, parents are indirectly responsible for the exploitation of child labour.

There are about thirty million street children in the world. Out of that, eleven million inhabit’ the streets of India. According to statistical data, one-third of the children who are less than sixteen years of age in our country are engaged in child labour. About seventy-three million children belonging to the age group of ten to fourteen years are engaged in child labour all over the world.

Childhood is the foundation of one’s career. Instead of going to schools, poor children both in rural and urban areas work for a livelihood. Poverty, illiteracy and social backwardness of the parents are the factors that compel children to work.

According to Article 24 of the Constitution of India, no child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or any other dangerous workplace. Various ILO conventions were also adopted. Child labour is thus nearly absent in the organised sector. The unorganised sectors like matchbox factories, firework industries, hand-woven carpet industries glass industries, etc. still employ children. In, spite of several law; forbidding the employment of children below a certain age, the latter are exploited to a large extent.

About 87% of the total child labourers work in rural. Primary farms, plantations, fisheries and cottage industries are given free in the government schools but the children do not go to school as they have to work to add to the income of the family. The abundant supply of child labour lowers the wage rates of adult labourers. The child has to work for long hours in unhygienic and hazardous conditions. Moreover, due to lack of proper nutrition and healthcare, they contract’ various diseases, as a result of which they meet an untimely death. The employer is, however, concerned with his own profit. He takes advantage of their docile nature and their willingness to do monotonous jobs. Besides, they are more trustworthy and they do not form trade unions.

Efforts are being made to increase awareness among people to discourage and not to employ child labour. Western countries have carried out a more effective way to stop child labour. The people boycotted the products which employ child labour in their production. This has led various nations to ban child labour. Child labour is banned in our country too. In 1995, Indian carpet manufacturers, exporters and NGOs created a brand known as Rugnzark which certifies that no child was involved in carpet making.

The government has undertaken several other steps to stop child exploitation. Special schools are established under the auspices” of the National Child Labour Project (NCLP). They provide non-formal education, vocational training, supplementary nutrition, etc. to the children withdrawn from employment. But even such steps have not been satisfactory. The exploitation of child labour still continues.

Today, elementary education has been made compulsory by the government. This has brought a ray of hope for the child labourers. This step of the government will prove fruitful. Along with this, the government should take effective steps to create awareness of the two-child family norm. This will help in tackling’3 the problem easily and quickly.

Academic education even up to the graduation level or higher than that does not always ensure employment. The education system should be reformed. Vocational and technical education should be provided right from the primary stage so that poor students can ‘learn’ and earn’ simultaneously.

Overpopulation, unemployment and poverty are the burning economic problems” that our country is facing. Taking these problems into account, children after a certain level of education can be allowed to take to their family vacation. The work should not be hazardous to their health. Parents should actively guide them. Education will help the children and the youth in choosing ways of earning a livelihood. Employers will then not be able to exploit them for money. Thus, it is the people, including the youth who can help the government in carrying out its efforts to Check or stop child labour.

# Essay on Child Labour in 200 words # Speech | Paragraph on Child Labour

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  • Child Labour Essay


What is Child Labour?

Child Labour means the employment of children in any kind of work that hampers their physical and mental development, deprives them of their basic educational and recreational requirements. A large number of children are compelled to work in various hazardous and non-hazardous activities such as in the agriculture sector, glass factories, carpet industry, brass industries, matchbox factories, and as domestic help. It is a blot on our society and speaks immensely about the inability of our society to provide a congenial environment for the growth and development of children. 

Childhood is considered to be the best time of one’s life but unfortunately, this does not hold true for some children who struggle to make both ends meet during their childhood years. According to the Child Labour project and 2011 census, 10.2 million children are engaged in child labour in India, out of which 4.5 million are girls. 

Earlier, children helped their parents in basic chores in agriculture such as sowing, reaping, harvesting, taking care of the cattle, etc. However, with the growth of the industries and urbanization, the issue of child labour has increased. Children at a very tender age are employed for various inappropriate activities and they are forced to make hazardous stuff using their nimble fingers. They are employed in the garment factories, leather, jewellery, and sericulture industries. 

Contributing Factors of Increasing Child Labour

There are a number of factors that contribute to the rise of this peril. 

Poverty plays a major role in the issues of child labour. In poor families, children are considered to be an extra earning hand. These families believe that every child is a bread-earner and so they have more children. As these children grow up, they are expected to share their parents’ responsibilities. 

Illiteracy is an important factor that contributes to this problem. The illiterate parents think that education is a burden because they need to invest more in comparison to the returns that they get in the form of earnings from their children. Child labourers are exposed to unhygienic conditions, late working hours, and different enormities, which have a direct effect on their cognitive development. The tender and immature minds of the children are not able to cope with such situations leading to emotional and physical distress. 

Unethical employers also prefer child labourers to adults because they canextract more work from them and pay a lesser amount of wage. Bonded child labour is the cruellest act of child labour. In this type of child labour, the children are made to work to pay off a loan or a debt of the family. Bonded labour has also led to the trafficking of these impoverished children from rural to urban areas in order to work as domestic help or in small production houses or just to lead the life of street beggars. 

Role of the Government

The government has a very important role to play in the eradication of child labour. As poverty is the major cause of child labour in our country, the government should give assurance to provide the basic amenities to the lower strata of our society. There should be an equal distribution of wealth. More work opportunities need to be generated to give fair employment to the poor. The various NGOs across the nation should come forward and provide vocational training to these people in order to jobs or to make them self-employed. 

This lower stratum of our society should understand and believe in the importance of education. The government and the NGOs should reach out to such people to raise awareness and initiate free education for all children between the age group of 6-14 years. The parents must be encouraged to send their children to schools instead of work. 

Educated and affluent citizens can come forward and contribute to the upliftment of this class of society. They should spread the message about the harmful effects of child labour. Schools and colleges can come up with innovative teaching programmes for poor children. Offices and private and government institutions should offer free education to the children of their staff. 

Moreover, awareness of family planning needs to be created among these people. The NGOs and the government must educate them about family planning measures. This will help the family to reduce the burden of feeding too many mouths.

Child Labour is a Crime 

Despite the strict law about child labour being a crime, it is still widely prevalent in India and many other countries worldwide. Greedy and crooked employers also lack awareness of human rights and government policies among the people below poverty. 

Children in certain mining operations and industries are a cheap source of labour, and the employers get away with it because of corruption in the bureaucracy. Sometimes low-income families may also ignore basic human rights and send their children to earn extra money. It is a systemic problem that needs to be solved by addressing issues at many levels. 

However, to protect young children from such exploitation, the Indian government has come up with a set of punishments. Any person who hires a child younger than 14, or a child between the ages of 14 and 18 in a dangerous job, they are liable to be imprisoned for a term of 6 months-2 years and/or a monetary penalty ranging between Rs.20,000 and Rs.80,000.

Eradicating Child Labour 

Eradication of child labour will require support from multiple aspects of society. The government programs and government agents can only go so far with their efforts. Sometimes, poor and uneducated families would be reluctant to let go of their familiar ways even when better opportunities are provided.

That’s when normal citizens and volunteers need to step up for support. NGOs supported by well-meaning citizens will have to ensure that the government policies are strictly enforced, and all forms of corruption are brought to light.  

Education drives and workshops for the poor section of the economy need to help raise awareness. Parents need to understand the long-term benefits of education for their children. It can help in developing the quality of life and the potential to rise out of poverty.

The harmful consequences of child labour mentally and physically on the children need to be taught in the workshops. Government petitions can also encourage schooling for younger children by offering nutritious meals and other benefits. 

Education about family planning is also critical in helping to control the population. When low-income families have more children, they are also inclined to send them for work to help float the household. Having fewer children means that they are valued, and parents focus on providing for their nourishment, education, and long-term well-being. 

Having fewer kids also makes them precious, and parents will not send them to hazardous working environments in fear of permanent injury or death. The government should introduce incentives for families with one or two children to encourage poorer families to have fewer children and reap the benefits while providing a good life.

Government Policies

The Indian Government enacted many laws to protect child rights, namely the Child and Adolescent Labour Act, 1986, the Factories Act, 1948, the Mines Act, 1952, the Bonded Labour System Abolition Act, and the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000. 

As per the Child Labour Act (Prohibition and Regulation), 1986, children under the age of fourteen years old could not be employed in hazardous occupations. This act also attempts to regulate working conditions in the jobs that it permits and emphasizes health and safety standards. 

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 mandates free and compulsory education to all children between the age group of 6 to 14 years old. 

A nation full of poverty-ridden children cannot make progress. It should be the collective responsibility of society and the government to provide these impoverished children with a healthy and conducive environment, which will help them to develop their innate capabilities and their skills effectively.


FAQs on Child Labour Essay

Q1. What do you understand by Child Labour?

Child Labour means the employment of children in any kind of work that impedes their physical and mental development, deprives them of their basic educational and recreational requirements.

Q2. What factors lead to Child Labour?

Poverty, illiteracy, no family control lead to Child Labour. Even the growth of industrialization and urbanization play a major role in the Child Labour. The exploitation of poor people by unethical employers on account of failing to pay their loans or debts, lead to child labour.

Q3. What measures should be taken to eradicate Child Labour?

The government, NGOs should raise awareness about family control measures among the weaker section of the society. The government should provide free amenities and education to children between the age group of 6-14 years. The government should generate more employment opportunities for them. The schools and colleges can come up with innovative teaching programs for them.

Q4. Which policy has banned the employment of Children?

 The Child and Adolescent Labour Act, 1986 has banned the employment of children under the age of 14 years.

Q5. What are the causes of child labour? 

Child labour is mainly caused by poverty in families from the underprivileged section of the economy. Poor and uneducated parents send children to work under unsupervised and often dangerous conditions. They do not realise the damage it causes for children in the long run. Child labour is also caused by the exploitation of poor people by crooked employers. The problem is also fueled by corruption at the bureaucratic level, which ignores worker and human rights violations.

Q6. How to prevent child labour? 

Child labour can be prevented by education programs supported by the government and also NGOs. Volunteers have educated low-income families about the dangers of child labour and the benefits of education. Government laws should be reformed and enforced more rigorously to punish people who employ underage children.

Q7. What are the types of child labour?

There are mainly four types of child labour: 

Domestic child labourers:   These are children (mostly girls) who wealthy families employ to do the household chores.

Industrial child labourers:   Children are made to work in factories, mines, plantations, or small-scale industries. 

Debt Bondage:   Some children are forced to work as debt labourers to clear the inherited debts of their families. 

Child Trafficking:   Child trafficking is when orphaned or kidnapped children are sold for money. They are exploited the most without regard for their well-being. 


Essay on Child Labour

Students are often asked to write an essay on Child Labour in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Child Labour


Child labour refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood and is harmful to their physical and mental development.

The main causes of child labour include poverty, lack of education, and inadequate laws. When families struggle financially, children are forced to work to support their families.

Child labour has serious effects. It deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and is mentally, physically, socially, and morally harmful.

We can combat child labour by spreading awareness, improving education, and strengthening legal frameworks to protect children.

250 Words Essay on Child Labour

Child labour, a deeply embedded social issue, is a manifestation of the profound socio-economic disparities that exist in our society. It is a practice that not only infringes upon the rights of children but also hampers their overall development and future prospects.

Understanding Child Labour

Child labour is defined as the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and is mentally, physically, socially, or morally dangerous and harmful. It is a complex issue, intertwined with factors like poverty, lack of educational resources, and systemic social and economic inequalities.

The Global Scenario

Globally, an estimated 152 million children are engaged in child labour, with nearly half involved in hazardous work. Despite international agreements and national laws against child labour, the practice remains widespread, particularly in developing countries. It is a direct violation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Consequences of Child Labour

Child labour robs children of their potential, forcing them into a cycle of poverty and exploitation. It hinders their cognitive and physical development and often exposes them to dangerous conditions, leading to long-term health issues. Moreover, it deprives them of the fundamental right to education, limiting their opportunities for upward social mobility.

Addressing child labour requires a multifaceted approach, focusing on poverty alleviation, access to quality education, and strict enforcement of child labour laws. It is crucial to break the cycle of poverty and exploitation to ensure a better future for these children. It is not just a legal and moral obligation, but also a necessary step towards sustainable development and social justice.

500 Words Essay on Child Labour

The prevalence of child labour.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), an estimated 152 million children worldwide are engaged in child labour, with nearly half involved in hazardous work. The majority of these children work in Asia and Africa, often in agriculture, mining, and domestic service. The persistence of child labour is often rooted in poverty and lack of access to quality education.

Child labour has far-reaching effects on individual children, their families, and society at large. It deprives children of their childhood and potential, impeding their physical and mental development. It also perpetuates the cycle of poverty, as these children often grow up without the necessary skills or education to secure better-paying jobs in adulthood.

Legal and Ethical Aspects

Efforts to combat child labour, role of education.

Education is a powerful tool in the fight against child labour. Providing access to quality education can break the cycle of poverty that often drives child labour. Education equips children with the skills they need for a prosperous future, reducing their vulnerability to exploitation.

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essay on child labour in english 250 words

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Essay on Child Labour

Essay on Child Labour in English: Children are pure and innocent by heart and they do everything with simplicity and love. Childhood is a phase where a person lives freely without thinking of anything as there are no responsibilities. Child Labour kills this natural phenomenon of children by pushing them into work.

Millions of children in India are forced to work in labour sectors because their uneducated parents do not know the power of education. The children remain uneducated and work in several sectors risking their life.

People must defend poor children and their parents should be aware of the children’s rights. The government provides free education for poor students and parents must send their children to schools for proper education. 

In this article, we’ll talk about this crucial problem of child labour in 4 sets of different essays of 150, 250, 350 and 500 words. The essays provided are in easy and simple language for the kids, students and children to understand and improve their writing skills. 

Table of Contents

Child Labour Essay 150 Words

Child Labour refers to the illegal activity where children are forced to work as labours from a very early age. Many industries and shopkeepers hire children as workers because their wages are less. The poor community of India, in order to fulfill basic necessities at home, send their children to work outside.

According to the laws of protection of child rights, any child below 18 years of age cannot work. But still, this practice persists in many parts of India. Poor people are uneducated and they do not know the importance of education so they also put their families and kids into forced labour.

Child labour takes away the childhood of an individual where he is free from any kind of responsibility and lives happily with his friends and family but in this case, a child becomes mature from the beginning as he has to earn to feed himself and the family. This practice of child labour should be stopped and children of India must get proper education to improve their lives.

Essay on Child Labour

Essay on Child Labour in 250 Words

Child labour is a crime where the childhood of a person is snatched from him and thrown away. A kid working at an early age loses the chance of having a normal childhood like other children and this affects his/her mental state.

Child labour not only devoids the child of his childhood but also his future because a child will not get a proper education until he is working in factories, shops, mills and other places of work. Child Labour in India is a serious problem for a very long time and it happens due to certain reasons.

India is an underdeveloped country with a lot of unemployment and poverty, this creates a need for the poor people to send their children amongst others to earn and they collect the savings to feed their family and themselves. One person cannot earn enough for all of the other family members which is the reason why more number of earning hands are needed to run the family.

Moreover, if there is no adult in the family or the adult is not earning then it automatically becomes the responsibility of the younger person to earn to ensure the survival of the family. Poor people are uneducated and they do not know the power of knowledge and education, they think for a short-term period which results in spoiling the life of their future generations by keeping them illiterate and forcing them into child labour.

This illegal activity of child labour needs to stop and people need to spread awareness amongst the poor and backward community about the importance of education so the next generation gets proper education and improves their lives.

Child Labour Essay

Child Labour Essay 350 Words

Children are easy to manipulate and influence. This simplicity and innocence of the child let him make some bad decisions in his life. Child Labour is a term widely used for the crime committed by employers as they employ younger children to work in factories, buildings or any other places of work.

The main reason for hiring a child into labour is that the child does not know much about anything so employers fool them into doing work and paying the wages less. Children do not understand this and continue to work because they are getting some money. Children are so small that they do not understand the importance of education and their future.

A kid working at an early age loses the chance of having a normal childhood like other children and this affects his/her mental state. Child labour not only devoids the child of his childhood but also his future because a child will not get a proper education until he is working in factories, shops, mills and other places of work.

The countries with higher unemployment rates and poverty cause this problem to rise. In India, there was a law called Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act made in 1986. It is given in Article 24 of the Indian Constitution and it states that “No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or employed in any hazardous employment.”

But the practice of child labour still persists in many parts of India. Poor children are grown up facing the fact that they have to earn to feed themselves and run their families on their own. They do not get a chance to live their childhood like other children living a normal childhood. The children of the poor communities and backward classes are often sent to work by parents who taught them to earn and live.

If a person is going to work in a family business or shop then it is not called child labour because the person is neither doing it for money nor forced to work. The condition of the poor children is getting worse day by day in our country and people need to spread awareness amongst the backward people about the right to education and study. 

Child Labour Essay 500 Words

Child Labour is a term widely used for the crime committed by employers as they employ younger children to work in factories, buildings or any other places of work. Child Labour basically refers to an illegal activity where a child is forced to work from an early age and make money.

There was a child labour act made in 1986 which constitutes the strict laws against the practice of child labour. This act states that “No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or employed in any hazardous employment.”

A lot of child labourers get punishment by the government and a fine up to 20,000 rupees if they get caught. But in India, the practice of child labour still persists in many parts of India. A normal childhood from an individual is snatched away if he is forced into child labour.

In every country, there is a right to education for every individual and no one can stop them from getting it. But the poor people do not understand this and think that studying is just a waste of time and money. This thing results in spoiling the future life of their own children.

Child Labour in India has become a critical problem now for a very long time and it happens due to certain reasons. India is an underdeveloped country with a lot of unemployment and poverty, this creates a need for the poor people to send their children amongst others to earn and they collect the savings to feed their family and themselves.

In India, poor people are so poor that they do not even have money to eat. The earnings of one person cannot be enough for all of the other family members which is the reason why more earning hands are needed to run the family.

Moreover, if there is no adult in the family or the adult is not earning then it automatically becomes the responsibility of the younger person to earn to ensure the survival of the family. All of the burdens falls on the shoulders of the small children and hence they become helpless and vulnerable.

Children often go to work in factories and industries which are hazardous for higher wages and this results in poor health and causes diseases. For example, children working in iron mills or factories are more prone to congestion, cough and chills which is caused by the accumulation of iron oxide particles in the lungs when a person breathes in. This inhibits the proper growth of the child and causes diseases.

Poor children are grown up facing the fact that they have to earn to feed themselves and run their families on their own. They do not get a chance to live their childhood like other children living a normal childhood. The children of the poor communities and backward classes are often sent to work by parents and taught to earn and live.

This has become a serious problem and it needs to be stopped. Children must get proper education and the government should organize campaigns to spread awareness amongst these communities about the importance of education. 

In conclusion, I would like to say that Child Labour is not only the most punishable offence but it also shows the inhumanity of the labourer who hires the children and snatch their childhood from them.

Children deserve to live happily and get a normal childhood like others so people must spread awareness among these communities and teach them about the importance of education for the better future of the next generation and the development of India. I hope this article helped you in finding what you were looking for. 

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Child Labour Essay for School Students in English | 500 Words Essay on Child Labour

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Child Labour Essay in English: Child labour is a kind of crime where children are violated to work at a very young age and do the duties just like grown-ups by practicing in business activities. As per the International Labour Organization (ILO), a rule has been established according to which children up to the age limit of fifteen should not be involved in any job forcibly. The use of the children for financial work makes children denied of childhood, proper literacy, mental, physical, and social well being. In some countries, this practice is completely forbidden; however, it has become an international matter in most of the states as it is ruining the future of children extensively.

In this article, we will discuss an Essay About Child Labour Read on about Article on Child Labour Essay, paragraph on child labour in ENglish, essay writing on child labor.  World Day Against Child Labour is celebrated on June 12th every year.

Read More: Essay On Child Labour

Short Essay on Child Labour in English

Child employment a severe matter in most of the developing nations. Small children under the age of 14 are being involved in economic work activity by the people of high-class society. They are ignoring the reality that children are the future and hope of the nation. Millions of children are lacking in primary education and depriving their childhood in our country, which is a terrible warning. These children do not get the opportunity to live a healthy life since they are not delighted physically, intellectually and culturally in their childhood.

Write an Essay on Child Labour essay

As per Indian law, children who come under the age group of 1-14 years are not allowed to be employed to any job forcibly by the parents or master in factories, offices or restaurants. It is commonly practiced in India and other developing countries in small scale industries, for domestic service, as a restaurant waiter, for rock breaking, like a shopkeeper’s representative, in construction-site, for bookbinding, etc.

There are several reasons for child labor in our country. Some of the grounds of global child labour are similar; however, they differ from country to country. The most popular reasons are poverty, suppression of child rights, irregular education, inadequate rules and laws, etc.

“Make our Future Bright Shape our Future Right Stop Child Labour” – An Essay on Child Labour in India

Child Labour

Poverty and unemployment in developing nations are the leading cause of child labour. As per the statistics of the U.N. of 2005, more than 1/4th of people globally are existing in extreme poverty. Deficiency of admittance to proper education in many nations. In 2006, it was found that about 75 million children were far from school life. Breaking laws about child labour give way to prolonged essay child labour in any developing nation. Poor social control provides rise to child labour in agriculture or household work.

Limited rights for children and labors affect labour’s living standards to a high degree, which is also a significant issue. Many children start working to improve the income of their family so that they can manage at least two times of food. They are appointed by the companies to make more production at reduced labour cost.

How to Prevent Child Labour?

To reduce the social matter of child labour , it is required to follow some effective solutions on an urgent basis to guard the future of any country. Following are some solutions to prevent child labour in India Essay in english.

  • Creating more unions may help in preventing child labour pdf as it will promote more people to help against child labor.
  • All the children should be given first priority by their parents to take proper and regular education from their early childhood. This step needs much cooperation by the parents as well as schools to free children for education and take admission of children from all walks of life respectively.
  • Child labour demands high-level social knowledge with the proper statistics of huge loss in the future for any developing country.
  • Every family must earn their minimum income to survive and prevent child labour. It will decrease the level of poverty and thus minor labour.
  • Family control will also benefit in controlling child labour by decreasing the family’s burden of childcare and schooling.
  • There is a need for more efficient and stringent government laws against child labour to prevent children from working in a little age.
  • Child trafficking should be entirely eliminated by the governments of all countries. Child workers should be substituted by adult workers as about 800 million grown-ups are jobless in this world. In this way, an adult will get work and children will be free from labour.
  • Work opportunities should be improved for adults to overcome the problem of poverty and child labour. Company owners of factories, industries, mines, etc should take the oath of not including children in any type of work or job.

Child Labour is a Crime

Child labour is still followed in many nations even after being a big offense. Owners of the industries, mines, factories, etc., are using child labour at a high level to get more work at low labour cost. Poor children are more inclined to be involved in child labour as they are overpowered by parents to make some money to give financial help to their family at a very tender age (too young to understand their liabilities towards family) alternately of taking proper education and enjoy their childhood.

Conclusion of Child Labour Essay

Child labour is a huge social obstacle that requires to be resolved on an instant basis with the help of both, people (particularly parents and teachers) and government. Children are very small however they lead a flourishing future of any developing country. So, they are the big responsibility of all the adult citizens and should not be used in negative ways. They should get a proper chance to evolve and grow within the happy atmosphere of family and school. They should not be restricted by the parents only to secure the economical scale of the family and by the companies to get labour at a low cost.

FAQ’s on Child Labour Essay

Question 1. What is Child Labour?

Answer: Child labor is a kind of crime where children are violated to work at a very young age and do the duties just like grown-ups by practicing in business activities. The use of the children for financial work makes children denied of childhood, proper literacy, mental, physical, and social well being. In some countries, this practice is completely forbidden; however, it has become an international matter in most of the states as it is ruining the future of children extensively.

Question 2. What are the causes of Child Labour?

Answer: The causes of child labour are:

  • The margin of poverty and unemployment is very large
  • Unavailability of free education
  • Violation of laws and codes of conduct
  • Inadequate laws and enforcement
  • Suppression of worker’s rights

Question 3. How to prevent child labour?

  • National laws about child labor should be revised
  • Refer to your buyers’ demands
  • Verify the age of your employees.
  • Recognize dangerous work.
  • Take out a workplace risk estimation.
  • Prevent hiring children of minor age.
  • Withdraw children from hazardous work.
  • Decrease the hours for children under the smaller age

Question 4. What are the types of child labour?

Answer: It is commonly practiced in India and other developing countries in small scale industries, for domestic service, as a restaurant waiter, for rock breaking, like a shopkeeper’s representative, in construction-site, for bookbinding, etc.

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Essay on Child Labour

List of essays on child labour in english, essay on child labour – essay 1 (100 words), essay on child labour – essay 2 (250 words), essay on child labour – essay 3 (300 words), essay on child labour – essay 4 (400 words), essay on child labour – essay 5 (450 words), essay on child labour – essay 6 (750 words), essay on child labour – essay 7 (800 words), essay on child labour – essay 8 (1000 words).


Child Labour means indulging the children in arduous labour which affects their physical and mental development and exploiting their potential to grow up with dignity.


UNICEF shows that about 10.1 million children in India are engaged in Work , thereby constituting 13% of the workforce in India. The age limit of these children ranges between 5 to 14 years.

Challenges & Steps to Be Taken:

Child labour doesn’t follow pattern and happens in all walks from within families to factories. Hence, the mindset of the society should be changed to emphasize that children must go to school and adults should be employed.


Government should make stricter laws to eradicate child labour. NGOs should pitch in to these avenues and empower these children to a brighter future.

Any work that snatches away the dignity, potential and most importantly the childhood of a child is termed as child labour. Child labour has often been associated with work that is harmful to the physical as well as mental development of the child. Unfortunately, the most number of child labour cases in the world are reported from India every year. But what has eventually led us to adopt this otherwise disrespected practice?


Lack of social security, hunger and poverty are the fundamental drivers of child labour. The expanding gap between the rich and poor people, privatization of fundamental organisations and the neo-liberal monetary strategies are causes of significant areas of the population remaining out of business and without essential needs. This antagonistically influences kids more than some other age groups. A significant concern is that the real number of child workers goes un-distinguished. Laws that are intended to shield youngsters from unsafe work are ineffectual and not executed accurately.


Elimination of poverty, the abolition of child trafficking and compulsory and free education and training can help diminish the issue of child labour. Strict implementation of work laws is additionally a basic requirement with the end goal to counteract abuse by organisations. Amendments in the present child labour laws are required to actually take control of the situation. The base of the age of fourteen years should be expanded to something like eighteen. Then only we can put an end to the continuous harassment faced by our kids and help them have a bright future not only for themselves for the nation as a whole.

Child labour is a social issue in India and abroad where kids are exploited by organized and unorganized sectors of industry. The issue of child labour is quite prominent in dominating countries like India where families belonging to poor or weaker sections push their kids to work to earn instead of educating them. Such kids are easy prey for industries that are always on the look for cheap labour. It is estimated that around 70-90 million children in India are engaged in some sort of industry work. Of the total number of children working in the industry. 15% is approved by the Child Labour Act while 85% of them are illegally employed.

Child Labour Act in India was introduced 10 years back to protect the rights of the children. Unfortunately, even after a recorded number of child labour in various industries, there has not been a single reported case of child exploitation or illegal child labour. There is no forum in place to protect their rights and expose the exploiters. Child labour is a crime to humanity as kids below the age of 18 years are pushed to work in coal industries, construction, fireworks and more. They are forced to work as domestic help, brick kiln workers and bid rollers against their abilities and without seeking their consent.

It is saddening to know that the country where children are regarded as the future are forced to work for money. Another staggering fact is that children belonging to the affluent family takes up job in industries out of excitement and to earn extra money. In short, cultural and economic factors interact in India to encourage kids to work.

The issue of child labour can be dealt with only after understanding the real cause behind kids working in the industries. The children should be encouraged to speak up for themselves and say no to child labour.

Child labor is an important topic that is being debated as a serious social issue all around the world. Keeping the society aware of this issue will help to avoid such illegal and inhuman activity from destroying the lives of many children.

Child Labor is something that replaces the normal activities a child, like education, playing, etc., by economic activities. These economic activities may be paid or unpaid work, which benefits the family of the child or the owner the child work’s for. The age limit is restricted to fourteen years or even seventeen years in case of dangerous works.

Reason for Child Labor:

Children may be forced to do child labor because of poverty and financial problems in their family. Many owners accept child labors since they only need a less amount as salary or even some accept non-monetary jobs too.

Children are often made to do such hard jobs by their irresponsible parents. They send their kids for domestic works for the money as well as for food they get through these works. These demanding works often spoil the childhood and give a harder way of living to the kid.

Parents allow their children for such jobs because of lack of awareness too. When they are too poor to take admissions in schools and the lack of good schools in their locality may also lead to such activities.

Types of Child Labor:

Not all form of jobs done by children are considered as child labor, but there are some things to note while categorizing them. Whether the job done mentally, morally, physically and socially affect the child in a dangerous way? Does the job done affect their education and other childhood activities like playing? The job they do shouldn’t be both tiring and excessive that they are forced to avoid other activities they should be doing in their age. These are the characteristics of Child Labor.

In extreme ways, there are owners who treat children like slaves and separate them from their families to do such hard jobs. Whatever be the job done, child labor depends on the age of the kid involved, type of activity and hours of work they do per day.

As a conclusion, children are meant to be enjoying their childhood and should be allowed to educate themselves at early ages. There are many schemes introduced by the government to reduce such child labors like providing free education and taking severe actions against those who promote child labor.

Child labor is illegal exploitation of children below the age 18. It is a cognizable criminal offense. Indian Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and subsequent amendment of CLPR Act1986 prohibits employing children below the age of 14. Children under the age of 14 even should not be employed as domestic help. However, children between 14 and 18 categorized as ‘adolescent’ and can be employed if it does not violate the Factories Act, 1948.

Child labor is a bane to any country. It is a shameful practice and rampant more in developing and underdeveloped countries. Child labor is a hot topic in India among intellectual communities and political circles; still this social evil is seamlessly being practiced in our country, with the blessing of bureaucracy and political patronage. It is high time to eradicate child labor from our society and punish the unscrupulous people who have been continuing the evil practice.

The development of any nation begins with the welfare of children. At an age adorned with colors and pranks, the tiny tots wither away their innocence in hazardous working conditions devoid of any childish fantasies.

At a tender age, the toddlers take up responsibilities to feed their families, and there could be many reasons that might have forced the children to work as a breadwinner. They strive hard day and night to feed their entire family. They sacrifice their lives, for their family even without knowing the personal repercussions in their later life.

This trend must have to stop at any cost. A practical solution to keep this social menace at bay is to organize awareness programs and introduce stringent laws which force children not to work or employ them as child labor. Some unscrupulous and merciless people appoint them because of cheap labor, as they have no bargaining power or no other choice but to succumb to their destiny.

Parents from the vulnerable section required proper advice and counseling to make them understand the importance of education. The government should come forward to identifying such families by offering social security without cast and religion consideration. The government should provide free boarding education for such financially backward communities, irrespective of any consideration. The only consideration must be their financial status.

Moreover, the existing laws pertaining to child labor must have, and if required, a proper amendment should be made to the Child Labor Act to stop the social evil system. Then only our dreams of a child labor free India, come true.

Greedy employees, poverty, poor financial background, lack of education are the main reason for child labor. It is the responsibility of government, social organization and society to address the issue for finding a permanent solution. Children are the asset of the nation. When they fail, the country fails, period.

One of the cruelest crimes that are done to the children is the child labor in which the kids are forced to do work at a tiny age. They are compelled to earn like adults for supporting their families economically. As per the International Labour Organization, the children who have not attained the age of 15 should not get forcefully involved in any kind of work.

Employing children in work at an early age make their childhood deprived of the right to education along with the lack of mental, physical and social welfare. Child labor is prohibited in certain nations, but still, it is a global concern in maximum countries for rescinding the kid’s future predominantly.

As per the Indian law, the children under the 14 years of age should not be hired to any work at the workshops, organizations or restaurants. Their parents cannot also force them to do any job.

Different Causes of Child Labour:

There are numerous causes of child labor like repression of child rights, poverty, improper education, limited rules and laws on child labor, etc. The reasons for the child labor are almost the same in different nations.

The following are the various causes of child labor:

i. The high level of unemployment and the problem of poverty in developing countries are the primary cause of child labor. As per the statistics of U.N. in the year 2005, over 1/4 th of the people globally are living below the poverty line.

ii. The lack of right to regular education is one of the reasons for child labor in numerous nations. According to the research done in the year, 2006, nearly 76 million kids have not seen the face of the school.

iii. Violating the regulations about the child labor has also provided the way to enlarge this problem in developing nations.

iv. Insufficient social control has resulted in an increasing percentage of child labor in the region of domestic work or agriculture.

v. Small kids have to get involved in the child labor to add up in the income of their family so that they can eat food for at least two times a day.

vi. They are employed by the industries at the decreased labor expenses to get extra work done.

Probable Solutions to the Child Labour

With the purpose to eradicate the problem of: child labor from society, there is the necessity to follow certain effective way out on a serious basis to protect the future of an emerging nation.

Below are some probable solutions to avoid the issue of child labor:

i. Constructing new unions might benefit in stopping child labor since it will inspire more people to support against the point of child labor.

ii. The parents should consider the education of their children as the priority from their childhood. In this movement, the schools should also cooperate by providing free education to the children without any obstruction.

iii. There should be a high level of social awareness regarding child labor with the accurate statistics of enormous damage in the future for any emerging nation.

iv. Every single family should earn their minimum earnings with the purpose of surviving and preventing the problem of child labor. It will also decrease the number of people living below the poverty line in the country which ultimately reduces the child labor cause.

v. There is the requirement of more strict and effective government rules against the child employment with the aim of preventing the kids from working at their early age.

vi. The issue of child trafficking must be abolished by the different nation’s governments.

vii. The child laborers must be substituted by the adult labors so that the adult can get the job and kids get free from the child labor.

viii. The opportunities for employment for the adults must be increased for adults to decrease the issue of poverty as well as child labor.

ix. Trade proprietors of manufacturing work, businesses, mines, etc., must have the pledge of not employing any kid in any labor.

Child labor is one of the broad social issues that require getting resolved on an urgent basis. This step is incomplete without the support of parents as well as the government. Kids carry a flourishing prospect of any developing nation. Thus, they should be a considerable concern of all the citizens.

Children should get appropriate chance to grow and develop inside the contented surroundings of school and family. People should not use them for their earnings or for-profit motive. Children have full right to live their personal life with proper education.

Children are a gift and blessing to a family. They deserve the unconditional love and care of the parents. It is inhuman to take advantage of their innocence and helplessness. However in India, a lot of children are being subjected to child labour, probably due to lack of awareness. They are deprived of a happy and normal childhood.

Meaning of Child Labour:

Child Labour involves engaging children to produce goods or services for financial gain. It denies their right to attend regular school and enjoy a happy childhood. It rips their capacity in the bud to have a good future. It affects the overall development of their physical and mental faculties.

When children are involved in full or part time work, it affects their schooling, recreation and rest. However, any work to promote and develop the child’s capability without affecting these three components is encouraged positively.

Causes of Child Labour:

Poverty is the foremost cause of child labour in India. Indian children have the history of labouring with their parents in their professional activities. It may seem right for the poverty-stricken parents to involve their children in labour for the sake of their family’s welfare. However, the right of that child for education and normal childhood is denied in the process.

Some illiterate parents often subject their children to bonded labour. Unaware of the exorbitant interest rates, they exploit their children by allowing to labour against their debt. Sometimes, the non-availability of affordable education in the villages are a cause of child labour.

When parents are sick or disabled, the need to earn the living falls squarely on the children’s shoulders. In such cases, they are not in a position to abide by the law. Rather than stealing and begging, they tend to allow their children to labour at a young age.

Sometimes, greediness of men play a part in child labour. The parents, who wish to increase the economic status of the family subject their children to labour. The employers, on their part, prefer child labourers against adults, taking advantage of the low labour cost.

Some families traditionally believe that the next generation should continue their family business. The children of these families are restricted to pursue their own goals in terms of education and career. In the Indian Society, there are still people who believe that girl children are fit only for domestic chores. So, girls often lose their right for education and normal childhood.

Child Labour Laws in India:

Child labour laws were formulated to prevent child labour, monitor and punish violators, and rehabilitate the victims.

They were laid down as early as 1938 during the colonial rule. But, year after year, during the various Government regimes, several amendments were made.

In the 1974 policy, children were declared as “nation’s supremely important asset.” The need to prioritize their welfare in national plans was recognised. The overall development of their sound spirit, soul and body was emphasized.

The 2003 policy underlined the right of the child to enjoy a happy childhood, to clear the causes that dampen their development, to educate the society to strengthen family ties and to protect them from all kinds of mistreatment.

In the 2013 policy, the rights of the child to survive, to enjoy good health, to be nourished with nutritious food, to have overall development of their personality, their opportunity for good education, their protection from abuse and participation in decision-making of their future life were the key priorities. This policy is due for review every five years.

Solutions to Child Labour:

The Government is working close with social agencies and common public to solve the issues of child labour.

Online Portal:

Since 1988, National Child Labour Project Scheme (NCLPS) started to reinstate the rescued child labourers working in hazardous occupations. When children are rescued, they are enrolled in Special Training Centres and given education, meals, stipend, health care and recreation. Eventually, they are directed towards mainstream education. Adolescents rescued are given skilled trainings and suitable jobs.

The present Government has revived this scheme in 2017 with the latest use of technology to register child labour complaints online. With aims to eradicate child labour, the PENCIL (Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour) Portal serves to receive complaints, rescues the child with the help of local police and tracks the progress until he/she is successfully enrolled in a school or vocational training.


Since the community and local governance have definite roles in the welfare of a child, many programmes are being conducted to create awareness and sensitize the common people. Several coordination and action groups have been formed at State and District levels to monitor. The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) is the nodal Ministry that oversees and coordinates the implementation of the current policy.

Nobel Peace Laureate, Kailash Satyarthi, the Indian Children’s Rights Activist, believes that child labour could be abolished only through collaborative action, dedication at political level, sufficient capital and compassion for the needy children. The Government and the stakeholders like him, with their organisations, are working closely to root out this social evil by 2025.

About Child Labor:

In India, child labor refers to the hiring of any child below the age of 14 for the purpose of any economic benefits. In other words, it is illegal for an organization, including shops and factories to engage a child in their business for physical labor. This especially holds true for employment with occupational hazards, such as coal mines, welding, construction works, and painting, etc.

Though constitution makes employing the kids for laborious works a punishable offense, data says otherwise. Many national and international laws have been created to give these children protection from child labor but ground reality is something else. In India alone, more than 50 million children are forced into child labor for one or the other reasons.

Major Causes of Child Labor:

First of all, poverty strikes a major percentage of the total population of India. Life in rural areas of villages is even more difficult. The poor economic condition and low standard of living pave the way for child labor. To compensate for the daily needs of food and survival, both boys and girls are forced to work beyond their capacities. It is fair to say that they are left with no choice.

Lack of Education:

Lack of education in the rural areas means parents are less educated. Consequently, they also do not value the importance of school and education in the lives of their own children. In the scarcity of contraceptive awareness, couples end up having multiple children. Arranging three meals every day becomes an impossible task and the children learn it the hard way quite soon.

Gender Discrimination:

Girls are often prevented from going to school at a very low age. They are made to help in the fieldwork and the house chores as well. The story is not much different for the boys too. They quit school in order to take up some labor work in factories and farms and help their father in breadwinning.

Cheap Labor:

In big cities and towns, these factors may be absent but that doesn’t immune the urban areas from the child labor cases. Child labors are easy to afford. They can be made to do more tiring jobs at low pays. Often the owners would provide them little food and money for continuous hours of work. As these kids have no family support, they end up giving in to such exploitations.

Child Trafficking:

Child trafficking is also another factor that leads to child labor. Trafficked children have no home. They are sent to faraway place unknown to them. Ultimately, these little souls are pushed into extremely torturing and dangerous work conditions, such as prostitution, domestic helping, transport of drugs, etc.

Impacts of Child Labor:

Poor Physical and Mental Health:

Children at such a young age are gullible and vulnerable. Child labor affects their physical, mental, and emotional health in a severe way. They are deprived of their basic rights to education. Arduous physical strain and the burden of arranging their own food cause malnutrition in them.

Forced Maturity:

In order to survive in this world, they tend to become mature faster than they need to. Their childhood is lost and crushed with the bitter pressure of acting like an adult. The kind of affection and love needed at such a tender age is never available to them. Both parents and the owners are often highly demanding to them.

Physical Abuse:

Such consistent threats keep the children in a frightening state of mind all the time. There are increased chances of physical abuse. To cope up with these pressures, girls and boys fall victims to the drug abuse. Many more dangerous habits become a normal part of their lives.

Addiction and Sexual Abuse:

From taking drugs to selling them, alcohol addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, rape, emotional numbness, violence, are common things that surround their living conditions. Poor kids may also catch up these habits from their own parents or localities, where their parents or friends are showing these behaviors on a regular basis.

The situation becomes worse if these kids are physically handicapped. In villages and low-income groups, the adults struggle to arrange a proper livelihood for themselves. So, they begin to see girls and handicapped children as nothing more than a baggage. As a result, girls are sold off to marry old men and the kids are left to beg on the streets.

Challenges in Controlling Child Labor:

Unclear Laws:

While the laws to diminish the curse of child labor have been made, they are pretty vague in nature. For instance, most of the laws are unable to dictate strict guidelines for the unorganized sectors. Immunity from the dangerous works is not sufficient. Moreover, clear points should be laid out in terms of where and for how many hours can the children work (if they really need to).

Lack of Rehabilitation Plans:

Another issue that the authorities face is the lack of rehabilitation facilities for the children who have been saved from the devil grips of child labor. It becomes an unanswered question as to how these children should regain control of their new lives and start afresh. Proper counseling and nutrition play an indispensable role to help them thrive.

Lack of Awareness:

More awareness needs to be created in rural and urban areas. Adults including the parents should be taught about the negative impacts of child labor on the minds of children. They should also be explained about the power of education and the various schemes which promises a free basic education for kids. It is even more important to emphasize how the education empowers girls and makes their lives better.

Child labor is not just about forcing children to work. Its side effects are quite large and gruesome. It leaves a stain on the child’s mind. It interferes with their mental and emotional health and prevents their proper growth and development. It is a blemish on the face of humanity that must be erased as soon as possible.

After all, what kind of citizens do we expect them to grow into after such kinds of abuse? We need to think about it. Children are the future of our society, our country. We cannot hope for true growth and prosperity until and unless our young generation is safe and healthy in every way.

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Aspirants Essay

Paragraph on Child Labour in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)


Child labour, a global dilemma, deprives millions of children of their childhood and education. Driven by poverty and societal factors, it perpetuates cycles of exploitation. Effective solutions require a comprehensive approach addressing root causes and enforcing protective measures.

(Here, we’ve presented paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 & 250 word samples. All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. Nursery, LKG, UKG & class 1 to class 12).

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Child Labour in 100 Words

Child labour is a pressing issue affecting children worldwide. It involves kids working instead of attending school, robbing them of their right to education and play. Often forced by poverty, they toil in hazardous conditions, risking their health and well-being. Tasks vary from agriculture to factories, depriving them of their childhood innocence.

This exploitation denies them opportunities for growth and development, trapping them in a cycle of poverty. It’s a violation of their rights, perpetuating an unjust system that undermines their prospects. Efforts to eradicate child labour are crucial to ensure every child’s right to a safe and nurturing environment.

Paragraph on Child Labour

Child labor, a reality stark and sorrowful, weaves its tendrils through the fabric of society, ensnaring the innocent in its cruel grasp. For many, childhood becomes a fleeting dream, replaced by the harsh reality of toil and exploitation. Tiny hands, meant for play and exploration, instead bear the burden of labor, robbed of the joys of learning and laughter.

Behind closed doors and hidden corners, their voices remain unheard, their dreams stifled by the weight of economic necessity. Yet, amidst this darkness, a glimmer of hope emerges as communities unite to break the chains of exploitation, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow where every child’s laughter echoes freely.

In the realm of innocence, where laughter should reign supreme, shadows loom large, casting a pall over the lives of the young. Child labor, a specter haunting our society, steals away the precious moments of childhood, replacing them with the harsh demands of work. Forced into the relentless cycle of labor by circumstances beyond their control, these children bear burdens far too heavy for their tender shoulders.

Denied the chance to learn and grow, their potential remains shackled by the chains of exploitation. Yet, amidst this bleak landscape, hope flickers like a candle in the wind, as compassionate souls strive to dismantle the barriers that imprison the dreams of the young.

Child Labour Paragraph

Child Labour Paragraph in 150 Words

Child labour remains a critical issue worldwide, depriving millions of children of their fundamental rights and opportunities. Poverty often drives families to send their children to work instead of school, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and limited prospects. These children undertake various tasks, from hazardous occupations in agriculture to working in factories, sacrificing their education and childhood. The harsh reality is that child labour not only robs children of their innocence but also jeopardizes their health and well-being.

Efforts to combat child labour must address its root causes, including poverty and lack of access to education. Governments, organizations, and communities must collaborate to implement policies and programs that provide support to vulnerable families and ensure children have access to quality education and a safe environment. By prioritizing the eradication of child labour, societies can create pathways for these children to thrive, breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation for future generations.

Paragraph Writing on Child Labour in 200 Words

Child labour persists as a harsh reality across the Indian subcontinent, casting a shadow over the childhoods of countless children. Driven by poverty, societal norms, and lack of opportunities, many families are compelled to send their children to work at an early age. These children often find themselves toiling in hazardous conditions, whether in agricultural fields, factories, or as domestic helpers, instead of attending school and enjoying their formative years. For many, education becomes a distant dream, as they become trapped in a cycle of exploitation and economic necessity.

Moreover, cultural attitudes and inadequate enforcement of child labour laws exacerbate the problem. In some communities, there’s a perception that children working is a norm, further perpetuating the cycle. Despite legislative efforts to combat child labour, implementation remains a challenge, with many children slipping through the cracks of the system.

However, there is hope. NGOs, grassroots organizations, and government initiatives are working tirelessly to address the issue, providing support to vulnerable families and advocating for children’s rights. Education and awareness campaigns are also instrumental in shifting attitudes and breaking the silence surrounding child labour. By addressing the root causes and working collaboratively, there’s potential to create a future where every child in the Indian subcontinent can grow up in a safe, nurturing environment, free from exploitation and equipped with the tools to build a better life.

Child Labour Paragraph Writing in 250 Words

Child labour remains a stark reality across the Indian subcontinent, with millions of children robbed of their childhoods and forced into labor due to poverty, lack of education, and cultural norms. According to recent data, approximately 10.1 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 are engaged in child labour in the region, with a significant portion working in hazardous conditions. Despite legislative measures in place to address the issue, enforcement remains weak, allowing the exploitation of children to persist.

To effectively combat child labour, a multi-faceted approach is required. Firstly, there needs to be a concerted effort to tackle the root causes of child labour, including poverty and lack of access to education. This involves implementing social welfare programs aimed at alleviating poverty and providing economic opportunities for families, thus reducing the need for children to work. Additionally, investing in education infrastructure and ensuring free, compulsory, and quality education for all children is crucial in breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation.

Furthermore, there is a pressing need for stricter enforcement of existing child labour laws and regulations. This includes strengthening monitoring mechanisms, increasing penalties for violators, and improving access to justice for affected children. Additionally, raising awareness and changing societal attitudes towards child labour is essential. This can be achieved through education campaigns targeting communities, employers, and policymakers, emphasizing the importance of children’s rights and the detrimental effects of child labour on their physical, emotional, and cognitive development.

By implementing these measures in a coordinated manner, there is hope for a future where children in the Indian subcontinent can grow up in safe and nurturing environments, free from the burden of exploitation and equipped with the tools to realize their full potential.

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Child Labour Essay

Child Labour refers to the employment of children of the age group of 5 to 17 years, so as to deprive them of their childhood and force them into a life of deprivation and illiteracy. The main factor behind child labour is poverty; therefore, it is more rampant in developing or under developed countries. Children in these countries are often forced into labour to supplement the everyday income of their families.

Short and Long Essay on Child Labour

We have provided below short and long essay on Child Labour in English for your information and knowledge. These Child Labour essays have been written in simple yet effective English language for you to make it easy to remember them as well as to present them when required.

After going through the essays you will know a lot of information about child labour and its vital statistics. You will also know about the industries employing child labour in India; negative effects of child labour on the children; ways to tackle child labour; how child labour is related to poverty; history of child labour; types of child labour in India and statistics of child labour in India 2019.

These Child Labour essay will be extremely useful to you in your school/college assignments and various competitions like speech giving, debate and essay writing competitions.

Child Labour Essay 1 (100 Words)

Child labour is defined as the employment of children, often belonging to the age group of 5 to 17 years. At such a young age children are a lot less demanding and could be very easily managed by the employees. For this reason many unorganized sectors around the world prefer to work with child labors.

There are nearly 152 million child labors the world over; most of them are driven by poverty. Poor families unable to meet their everyday requirements of nourishment are forced to send their children to manual work in different sectors. This way the children could also supplement their family’s income apart from fending for their own vital requirements.

Child Labour

Child Labour Essay 2 (150 Words)

Child labour is defined as the employment of children in such a way so as to deprive them of their childhood, education and growth opportunities. Many unorganized small sectors around the world prefer to employ children for they are less demanding and easily manageable.

Sometimes, the families of the children, themselves push the children into child labour for want of money or they find it unable to feed the children. Such children often live in unhygienic and deprived conditions, with no medical aid at all as well as no education opportunity.

Child labour forces a child into the vicious cycle of deprivation, illiteracy and poverty. Such children are not able to find a reputed and suitable job as adults and are often regarded as socially backward. They live a solitary life of isolation and often take to unwanted and unethical means.

Child Labour Essay 3 (200 Words)

Child Labour refers to the employment of children in various sectors around the world. It includes sectors like mining, production industries, farming and other unorganized sectors. Children are often employed in these sectors for they are paid less and easy to manage.

Child labour is widely practised throughout the world and deprives the children of their childhood, education and other growth opportunities. Children are forced to engage in hazardous working conditions to support their families by supplementing its income.

They work under a verbal or written contract between their employer and parents. Sometimes, it is to repay a debt taken by their families from the employer. Child labour is more common in developing and under developed nations. Poverty is the main driving factor behind the child labour as the children are forced into child labour by their own families in order to fend for their everyday requirements for food and other necessities.

There are many strict laws against child labour in the world and many countries including India have norms of imprisonment and fine if a person and organization is found involved in child labour. Despite all the laws, still there is a need to forcibly implement them if we want the child labour to be eliminated.

Child Labour Essay 4 (250 Words)

The term “Child Labour” is used to refer to the employment of young children into various sectors like industries, hotels, farming etc. The term is used mainly to denote the employment of children falling in the age group of 5 – 15 years.

Child labour deprives the children of their childhood and proper physical and mental growth opportunities. It also considerably reduces a child’s possibility to get educated and progress in life.

Worldwide around 218 million children in the age group of 5 to 17 years are employed as child labour. These children are subjected to live in poor hygienic conditions and are deprived of very basic necessary amenities of life.

They never get an opportunity to go to school, thereby forcing them into decades of poverty and labour. Working in poor health conditions they also become susceptible to various kinds of diseases and their conditions are rarely addressed.

Such children are also subjected to live a life of isolation and are not allowed to socially interact with people and to make friends to play. Such poor work environment is stressful for a child and often results in several mental conditions like depression etc. Such children often tend to take drugs and other substances, consequently resulting in further physical and mental damages.

There is a need to strictly supervise the sectors prone to employing children and impose harsh penalties with money and imprisonment on them for doing so.

Child Labour Essay 5 (300 Words)


The employment of children for different works, so as to interfere with their normal mental, physical and social growth opportunities is termed as child labour.  It also deprives the children of the much-needed education.

Industries Employing Child Labour in India

There are five major sectors in India, employing the children as child labors. They are as described below-

1) Garment Industry

Child labour constitutes a considerable workforce in the Indian garment industry. These industries operate in small owner-managed setups mainly operated from homes. Thousands of children in Delhi are employed by the garment industry and are subjected to loud noise, extensive working hours and sharp tools.

2) Unorganized Sectors

This sector is one of the greatest employers of children in India. It is very easy to spot a child working in dhabas, roadside eateries, tea shops and other businesses. The children are also employed in small shops as servants or help. Family based businesses prefer to employ children as they are easily manageable and cost less.

3) Brick Kilns

The brick kiln industry of India has long been witnessing child labour. Often the children in brick kilns, work for long hours along with their parents. Children working in brick kiln are subjected to hazardous conditions and are exposed to toxic fumes and heated temperatures.

4) Fireworks

Fire sector is one of the biggest employers of children in India. Children in this sector often work in cramped spaces and are exposed to dangerous chemicals and hazardous substances, posing a risk to their health and life. They are also forced to work for longer hours in festive season.

5) Agriculture

Agriculture sector might be the biggest employer of children in India. Children are hired in cotton industries, sugarcane industries, paddy fields and other agriculture related fields. The children working in agriculture sectors have to work for longer hours are paid less and have to work in unhygienic conditions.

Children are forced into child labour as a result of poverty and in order to supplement their family’s income. There is a need to identify these sectors and make necessary policies and laws to prevent the employment and exploitation of children in these sectors.

Child Labour Essay 6 (350 Words)

The engagement of children as manual labors in different organized and unorganized sectors is termed as child labour. It deprives the children of their educational opportunities, opportunity to growth, socialize and health. Child labour is physically and mentally harmful to the students.

Negative Effects of Child Labour

Child labour has many negative impacts on the children. Children working as child labour often work in challenging and life threatening conditions with no one to take care of them. They are paid less as compared to an adult doing the same job; moreover, they are also underfed.

Their employers do everything to keep them cut-off from the other parts of the world, forcing them to live a life of isolation and labour. They are even not allowed to talk or meet anyone. Situations like these often results in mental disorders like depression and leads to drug addiction and substance abuse etc.

How can we Help to Stop Child Labour?

There are few simple steps that we can take to help stop child labour. One should be aware of the child labour laws in the country and must always diligently follow them.

Also by keeping an eye for the businesses employing children and by reporting the same to the competent authorities will also prove helpful in elimination child labor.

A risk assessment of the workplace for the dangers it poses to the children must also be carried out. Also, hiring children for wok should be immediately stopped at any cost.

Child Labour and Poverty

One of the main factors behind the child labour is poverty. Children are forced in labour mainly to supplement their families’ income. Either they are given as contractual labour by family to the employer in exchange of money, or they are employed by the family itself in any of its traditional businesses of occupation.

For instance, poor farmers in India are forced to use their own children as labour as it would be difficult to pay for adult labors.

Child labour is one of the serious threats that impede the growth of a nation and the world as well. Moreover, it deprives the children of childhood, love and education and forces them into arduous, hazardous, non sociable and pathetic conditions.

Child Labour Essay 7 (400 Words)

Child Labour refers to the employment of children in various sectors so as to deprive them of their childhood, education and other growth opportunities and causing physical and mental harassment to them. The prime reason behind child labour is poverty and more often than not the children are employed to supplement their family’s income.

History of Child Labour

During the preindustrial societies the concept of childhood was inexistence. Children as young as 10-13 years were engaged in works like hunting, wood cutting and farming etc. Though, it wasn’t child labour in true sense and the children did these jobs to facilitate the survival of their group or family.

Low productivity and low life expectancy were two of the main characteristics of preindustrial area. Hence, preventing the children from engaging in productive work would mean to stalling their progress and lowering their survival chances. Education in those days wasn’t considered necessary for survival than the skills.

The exploitation of children as child labour began in the late 18 th century with industrial revolution. Cities like Birmingham and Liverpool in Britain fast grew into big industrial cities, attracting millions from villages and other rural areas. The situation was same in other developing economies.

The Victorian era in Britain that ranged from 20 th June 1837 to 22 January 1901 was the most infamous for child labour in its period. Children as young as four years are known to have employed in factories and mines in the Victorian era. They worked in unimaginably arduous and life threatening conditions.

World Statistics on Child Labour

World Statistics reveal that nearly 218 million children all over the world are employed. These children fall in the age group of 5 to 17 years and approximately 152 million are in true sense employed as child labour.

Statistics also reveal than nearly 73 million children worldwide, work in hazardous and life threatening conditions.

Going by the numbers, Africa has around 72.1 million children employed as child labour, which is nearly half of the world’s figure of 152 million. Asia and the pacific have 62.1 million child labors; America has 10.7 million child labors while Central Asia, Europe and Arab states have 5.5 million and 1.2 million respectively.

Child Labour has been in existence for centuries even in some of the developed economies of the world. Sometimes the reason is to make the child employable and sometime it is to supplement their family’s income, nevertheless, in both of the cases, it interferes with the child’s ability to grow, get educated and be happy.

Child Labour Essay 8 (500 Words)

Child Labour refers to physical exploitation of the children by engaging them into any form of work that deprives them of their childhood, education, growth and development and is physically and mentally harmful. Strict laws prohibiting child labour are in place in countries around the world including India, but there is a need to implement them more effectively than before.

Causes of Child Labour in India

The UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to the children around the world, states poverty as the biggest cause of child labour in India as well as in the other developing and under developed countries around the globe.

Due to poverty, children are subjected to labour, in order to supplement their family’s income. Also, the absence of adequate educational infrastructure in rural India along with a lack of awareness is also a reason behind child labour in India.

Types of Child Labour in India

There are two types of Child Labour existent in India, one is the debt bondage child labour and other form includes the employment of children to supplement their family’s income. Nevertheless, in both kinds of child labour, the will of others is partially or fully forced upon the child.

In debt bondage child labour, a child is employed for work, through a verbal assurance or written agreement, specifically to clear the debt taken by his parents from the creditor. Though, the solicitation of child labour is banned by legislature in India, the instances of bonded child labour continue even today.

Another form of child labour is where the parents of a child have an agreement with the employer, for employing their child in order to supplement the family’s income. However, poverty is the main factor behind all the types of child labour in India as well as in other parts of the world.

Child Labour in India Statistics 2019

Statistics provided by the UNICEF reveal that nearly 10.1 million children in India are engaged as child labour. These children fall in the age group of 5 to 14 years and consist of 4.5 million girls and 5.6 million boys. Over 90% of child labors are employed in rural India.

Child Labour in India is more prevalent in Uttar Pradesh (2.1 million), Bihar (1 million), Madhya Pradesh (0.7 million), Maharashtra (0.72 millions) and Rajasthan (0.84 millions).

Indian industries employing a major share of child labors in India are cotton industry, match box making industry, agriculture sector and other small unorganized sectors.

Child Labour Laws in India

There are several laws enacted in India those prohibit engagement of children in workforce. Two of the major laws are Juvenile Justice (care and protection) of Children Act -2000 and Child Labour (Prohibition and Abolition) Act -1986. These acts form the basis of all other child labour laws in India.

Child Labour is a serious hindrance in the growth of a nation and its social and economical development. Though there are many laws to eliminate child labour, yet they are required to be effectively implemented.

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Essay on Child Labour in 1000 Words for Students

essay on child labour in english 250 words

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  • May 21, 2024

Essay on Child Labour

Essay on Child Labour: A study called ‘ Campaign Against Child Labour ‘ revealed that around 12.67 million child labourers exist in India. Child labour refers to the forceful employment of children at shops, domestic and hazardous places like factories and mines. Child labour exploits children for their basic childhood rights and affects their physical and mental growth. According to the International Labour Organization, the minimum age to work is 15 years. However, some countries have set the minimum working age at 14 years.

In India, the Ministry of Labour & Employment is responsible for protecting children’s rights. The Ministry launched the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) scheme for the rehabilitation of child labourers.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Poverty and Unemployment
  • 1.2 Lack of Access to Education
  • 1.3 Lack of Enforcement Laws
  • 1.4 Debt Bondage
  • 1.5 Ignorance and Lack of Awareness
  • 2.1 Education Deprivation
  • 2.2 Impact on Physical Health
  • 2.3 Impact on Mental and Emotional Health
  • 2.4 Cycle of Poverty
  • 3 What is the Global Perspective?
  • 4 Child Labour in India
  • 5 5 Steps to Eradicate Child Labour
  • 6 10 Lines to Add in Child Labour Essay

5 Major Child Labour Causes

Poverty, unemployment, lack of access to quality education, lack of awareness, etc are some of the common causes of child labour. Understanding all the causes of child labour is very important to eradicating its practice.

Poverty and Unemployment

Poverty and unemployment are the primary causes of child labour. Families living in extreme poverty force their children to work and meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. On top of this, employees take advantage of their poverty and pay them low wages.

Lack of Access to Education

Children belonging to poor families have limited access to education due to inadequate infrastructure, insufficient resources and social discrimination. Due to this reason, children who are supposed to go to school are pushed towards labour instead of attending school.

“The Best Way to Make Children Good is to Make Them Happy” – Oscar Wilde

Lack of Enforcement Laws

A lot of countries do not have strict laws against child labour. Unethical employers are not afraid because the laws against child labour are not strict. Child labour is persistent because employees do not fear the law. In some cases, insufficient coordination among government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations leads to gaps in the enforcement of child labour laws.

Debt Bondage

Debt bondage or bonded labour is a type of child labour where individuals are forced to work to repay a debt or a family loan. These impoverished people have no other option but to work as bonded labourers in domestic places. 

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Ignorance and Lack of Awareness

The lack of awareness becomes an important cause of child labour, as these people have no idea about the long-term consequences of child labour. 

Impacts on Children

Child labour can have serious impacts on a child’s physical and mental growth. However, the impacts of child labour are not limited to children only. 

Education Deprivation

Child labour deprives children of their right to education. In India, the Right to Education is a basic Fundamental Right and is also a Fundamental Duty. The Indian Constitution says that any person, who is a parent or a guardian, must provide opportunities for education to his child or ward between the ages of six and fourteen years.

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Impact on Physical Health

Children who consistently work in dangerous or tough conditions sometimes get hurt, and sick, and can face long-term health issues. Children working in factories and mines are exposed to harmful chemicals, pollutants and dust. Prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory problems, skin disorders, and other health issues.

Impact on Mental and Emotional Health

Working for long hours in hazardous conditions is a deadly combination. These conditions can contribute to high levels of stress and anxiety, affecting the mental well-being of children. In addition to this, these children are denied the right to education, which limits their cognitive development and prospects.

Cycle of Poverty

Children are supposed to go to school and study, not work in factories or as domestic helpers. Child labour perpetuates the cycle of poverty. The cycle of poverty can only end if child labour ends. 

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What is the Global Perspective?

According to UNICEF, 1 out of 10 children are subjected to child labour worldwide and some are forced into hazardous work through trafficking. Child labour is a complex issue with its regional challenges. In 2020, around 16 crore children in the world were subjected to child labour. 

International organisations like the ILO, UNICEF, etc. are constantly fighting against children. They collaborate with global governments, NGOs, and private organisations and discuss the root causes of child labour, such as poverty, lack of access to education, cultural norms, armed conflict, and economic pressures. It is very important to address these factors for effective solutions.

Child Labour in India

In India, there are five major sectors where child labour is most prevalent. These sectors are:

  • Agriculture – The largest number of children are employed in the agricultural sector and related activities. Children in rural areas are employed in sugarcane, wheat and rice farms, where they are forced to work for long hours in scorching heat.
  • Brick Kilns – For ages, the brick kiln industry has been employing children at low wages. In several brick kilns, children work for long hours with their parents and are exposed to toxic fumes and pollutants.
  • Garment Industry – The Indian garment industry constitutes a large portion of child labour. Most of the Indian garment industries are managed by local start-ups, who hire children at low wages to preserve their profit margin.
  • Fireworks – Firework factory owners hire a significant number of children at low wages. Children working in fireworks factories work in cramped conditions and are exposed to toxic fumes and hazardous chemicals, which hampers their physical and mental health.
  • Unorganised Sectors – The unorganised sector includes local dhabas, food and tea stalls, vegetable and fruit vendors, etc. These people employ children as helpers and servants. 

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5 Steps to Eradicate Child Labour

  • Raising Awareness: Raising awareness about child labour can be the first step to eradicating child labour. If people, especially parents, are aware of the consequences of child labour, they might not force their children to work in hazardous places. 
  • Support Families: Traffickers prey on vulnerable children, especially those who come from poor families and are not aware of child labour. We need to support these families by providing them with financial assistance, job training for adults, and other resources. When families have enough money to live on, they are less likely to rely on their children’s income.
  • Strict Laws: There is an urgent need for stringent laws against child labour. Strict laws against child labour can bring long-lasting social changes. In India, child labour is a crime. According to the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act of 1986, children below the age are prohibited from working. However, this law is not strictly enforced.
  • Pro-child Laws: Today, various NGOs are working in collaboration with local and state governments to implement pro-child laws.
  • Education for All : Education must be made compulsory and accessible to all. In India, the Right to Education is a fundamental right. Yet, a lot of children are deprived of this basic constitutional right. Strict laws and easy access to education can bring a big change, ending child labour in the country.

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10 Lines to Add in Child Labour Essay

Here are 10 lines on child labour. Feel free to add them to your child labour essay or similar topics.

  • Child labour deprives children of their right to a proper childhood.
  • It involves children working in harmful environments. 
  • It Disrupts their physical and mental well-being.
  • Poverty is a major factor pushing children into the workforce at an early age.
  • Lack of access to education often perpetuates the cycle of child labour.
  • Children engaged in labour are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
  • Hazardous conditions in factories and mines pose serious health risks to working children.
  • Child labour hinders the development of necessary skills and knowledge for the future.
  • Long working hours and limited leisure time impact a child’s social and emotional growth.
  • Addressing the root causes, such as poverty and lack of education, is crucial in the fight against child labour.

Ans: Child labour refers to the practice of employing young children in hazardous places like factories and mines. Child labour exploits children for their basic childhood rights and hampers their physical and mental growth. According to the International Labour Organization, the minimum age for work is 15 years. However, some countries have set the minimum working age at 14 years.

Ans: Poverty and Unemployment, Lack of Access to Education, Law of Enforcement Laws, Debt Bondage, etc. are some of the primary causes of child labour.

Ans: Child labour is banned in India. According to the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, of 1986, no child below 14 years of age is allowed to work in hazardous or domestic places, like factories, mines or shops.

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Paragraph on Child Labour in English [100, 150, 200, 300 Words]

Paragraph on Child Labour in English: Childhood is the best part of life. But child labour deprives children of their childhood. In this article, you are going to read 4 paragraphs on child labour in English (100, 150, 200, and 300 words). If you are looking for an essay on child labour, this article will also help you with that. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Child Labour: 100 Words

Child labour is a serious problem in developing countries. It refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children. All such work done by children under the age of 14 years is illegal in India. Child labour deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity.

Poverty, illiteracy, early marriage etc. are the main causes behind child labour. Most child labourers are employed in agriculture, factories, restaurants, construction works etc. In order to eradicate child labour, education, awareness, and social and financial protection of the poor are needed.

Paragraph on Child Labour

Child Labour Paragraph: 150 Words

It is really sad that children are yet engaged in hard labour in different places. They should go to school and to the playground. But they are forced to work hard often under some cruel masters. In fact, children are found to work at mines, factories and restaurants. They have to do all kinds of unhealthy jobs, not fitted for their age. Some of them are found employed as domestic servants.

They live without light and hope. A few of them even turn to be hawkers and vendors and have hard times. All such forms of forced child labour are wrong. This must be totally prohibited. There are numerous acts passed by the Government against the exploitation of child labour. Yet, children are continued to be engaged in mean and hard labour. This is a gross denial of a fundamental right. Rigorous measures are needed for its prevention.

Child Labour Paragraph

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Paragraph on Child Labour: 200-250 Words

The term ‘child labour’ is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental development. It refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children; and interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school.

Behind child labour there are many reasons like poverty, illiteracy, early marriage, unemployment of adult family members, lack of educational facilities, etc. Among all these poverty is the greatest single cause of child labour. The minimum age for employment in India is 14 years. Employment of child under 14 years of age is strictly prohibited.

Due to child labour future of the children is getting spoiled. The wages given to these children are much less as compared to adult labourers. These children are also made to work for longer hours. Maximum child labourers are employed in agricultural works, industries, garment factories, restaurants, grocery shops, construction works etc.

Child labour is really a major issue which needs to be resolved soon. It is the responsibility of all adult citizens and the government to stop this practice and create a safe, healthy and better world for children. The abolition of child labour will only be possible if the economic conditions of the poor families improve and the employment of adults from these families is ensured.

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Essay on Child Labour: 300 Words

Introduction :.

Although the rule to prohibit child labour has already been in effect, the problem of child labour is the most shameful aspect in our society. None is serious about this problem. In spite of the awareness that none should promote child labour, people engage children in various kinds of works, whether be they capable or not. To use children for one’s selfish end is not expected in a civilized country.

Lack of Awareness:

Most of the children who come of the poor families gradually become involved in child labour. Those children cannot but choose the-way of child labour because of their pecuniary circumstances. Moreover, illiterate, poor, and thoughtless parents insist their children to earn for their families. Therefore, the parents should be determined that they shall not plunge their children into the darkness of child labour which spoils the future of their children.

Role of Government:

But it seems that it is inevitable in our society. Self-centered people are responsible for this proliferation of the problem of child abour. Many laws have been enacted in order to prohibit child labour, however they haven’t been effective in curbing the problem. In order to stop child labour, the Government should confirm the education of children, provide good midday meal regularly, Support the parents of the children financially, make accounts of the drop-out children quite seriously, and make people aware of the fact that child labour is certainly a curse to a civilized country.


Unfortunately, the Government, parents, and some selfish and rather cruel people care little about this problem. Consequently, our country has been degrading still in education and economy. The only way to get rid of this evil system is to be morally conscious. If child labour in our country is not prohibited in the true sense of the term, our country will soon be enlisted as the most degrading country in the world.

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Paragraph on Child Labour in English 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words

Paragraph on Child Labour: Understanding the multifaceted nature of child labor is crucial to devising effective strategies for its elimination. It is an issue that transcends mere economic necessity, intertwining with cultural norms, legal frameworks, and global economic pressures. The consequences of child labor are far-reaching, impacting not only the individual children involved but also the societal structure at large.

It deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and, critically, their education, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and inequality. As this article delves into the complexities of child labor, it aims to shed light on the underlying factors that perpetuate this scourge and explore potential pathways towards a future where every child is free to learn, play, and grow in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Paragraph on Child Labour

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Child Labour – 100 words

Child labor in India is a critical issue that hinders the education and development of children across the nation. Despite laws like the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, which prohibits the employment of children below 14 years in any occupation, many children are still found working in hazardous conditions. This not only deprives them of a childhood but also of the opportunity to receive an education.

The government, along with various NGOs, is working to combat this by increasing awareness, providing education opportunities for underprivileged children, and enforcing stricter penalties for those employing child labor. Eradicating child labor is essential for ensuring all children can achieve their full potential.

Paragraph on Child Labour – 150 words

In India, child labor is a complex issue deeply rooted in economic hardship and social inequality. Despite significant legal frameworks like the Right to Education Act, which mandates free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14, a large number of children are still engaged in labor, especially in rural and impoverished areas. Many of these children work in agriculture, factories, and street vending, often in dangerous and exploitative conditions.

This not only violates their rights but also impedes their ability to access quality education and hampers their physical and mental development. Government and non-governmental organizations are striving to address these challenges through education programs, rehabilitation of affected children, and improving livelihood options for families. Tackling child labor requires a multifaceted approach, focusing on strengthening education systems, enforcing labor laws, and supporting vulnerable families economically to ensure children can pursue academic and personal growth.

Paragraph on Child Labour – 200 words

Child labor in India persists as a barrier to the nation’s progress, affecting millions of children and robbing them of their rights, education, and future prospects. The issue is exacerbated by poverty, lack of education, and insufficient enforcement of labor laws. While the Indian government has implemented significant legislation, such as the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act and the Right to Education Act, aiming to curb child labor and ensure compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14, challenges remain in their practical application.

These children, often employed in hazardous industries, domestic work, and agriculture, miss out on essential learning and development opportunities. Initiatives by various organizations focus on rescue, rehabilitation, and providing alternative education opportunities. However, for a lasting solution, there needs to be a concerted effort from all sectors of society to address the underlying causes of child labor, including poverty alleviation, education reform, and legal enforcement. By creating a supportive environment that prioritizes education and wellbeing, India can pave the way for a future where all children are free to pursue their dreams without the constraints of forced labor.

Paragraph on Child Labour – 250 words

The issue of child labor in India presents a significant challenge to the country’s ambition of achieving universal education and improving child welfare. Despite the existence of comprehensive laws like the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016, and the Right to Education Act, 2009, which aim to eliminate child labor and ensure free and compulsory education for children up to the age of 14, the prevalence of child labor in various sectors remains a stark reality.

Many children in India are engaged in laborious tasks in agriculture, industries, and services that are often hazardous and exploitative. This not only deprives them of their childhood and the joys of learning but also adversely affects their physical, mental, and emotional development. Addressing this issue requires a multi-dimensional approach that includes enhancing the quality of and access to education, strengthening law enforcement mechanisms, raising public awareness about the detrimental effects of child labor, and improving the economic conditions of families. By fostering partnerships between the government, civil society, and the private sector, India can create sustainable solutions that empower children, offer them the education they rightfully deserve, and break the cycle of poverty and labor that traps future generations.

Paragraph on Child Labour – 300 words

Child labor in India is a grievous social issue that deeply affects the fabric of society by infringing upon the rights and futures of countless children. Despite robust legal frameworks like the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act of 2016 and the Right to Education Act of 2009, designed to eliminate child labor and ensure free, compulsory education for children up to the age of 14, the practical enforcement and implementation of these laws remain a significant challenge.

Across the country, particularly in rural and impoverished regions, children are compelled into labor due to economic necessity, lack of educational access, and entrenched social norms. These children are often found in precarious and perilous working conditions across sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and informal economies, where they are exposed to exploitation and denied the opportunity for personal and educational development.

The persistence of child labor in India underscores a complex interplay of socio-economic factors, including poverty, educational deficiencies, and insufficient legal enforcement. Addressing this multifaceted issue demands a holistic and concerted effort that transcends mere legal intervention. Strategies must encompass poverty reduction, access to quality education, awareness campaigns, and the strengthening of child protection systems.

Moreover, there is a critical need for collaboration between government bodies, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and local communities to foster environments that prioritize child welfare and education over labor. By tackling the root causes of child labor and enhancing the efficacy of existing laws through comprehensive and inclusive approaches, India can pave the way toward eradicating child labor, thereby ensuring that children can embrace their education and developmental opportunities fully, laying the foundation for a more equitable and prosperous future.

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Paragraph on Child Labour for Students in English [Easy Words*]

February 24, 2021 by Sandeep

Paragraph on Child Labour: In India, child labour perseveres on a significant scale. It is a curse and a crime against humanity. The essence of childhood is wiped out entirely because children are forced to work at a tender age. By doing so, we are not only destroying their future but also crippling their destiny. The government has regarded education as a legal duty, and compulsory education is the policy instrumented to weed out child labour’s malice.

Below we have provided Child Labour Paragraph in English, written in easy and simple words for school students.

Short Paragraph on Child Labour – 100 Words

Child Labour Act was formed in 1986 to prohibit the engagement of a child below 14 years of age in any hazardous or non-hazardous occupation and the regulation of such processes and fields. Despite the act declared by the legislation, UNICEF shows 13% of the workforce comes from India. The act enshrines that compulsory and free education will be provided until the child completes 14. Such measures remain only on paper giving false hopes and promises to the poor and underprivileged. Hunger, poverty, increasing population and bonded labour are the core drivers of child labour. The expanding gap between poor and rich is causing more problems. The laws formulated in favour of the poor are ineffectual and not executed properly. Therefore, it is imperative to eradicate these evil causes that affect the growth and development of children. The government and citizens should take stringent measures to eliminate child labour from the country.

Long Paragraph on Child Labour – 250 Words

Child labour is a grave social issue that is gradually eroding the children and the nation’s future. It is quite prevalent in India because of the larger population falling below the poverty line. They send their kids to work instead of providing them with education. Such kids are prey to factory and industry owners who exploit them by involving them in hazardous occupation. According to the researchers, around 80-90 million children are engaged in industry work. Among them, few are approved by the Child Labour Act while others are illegally employed.

The Child Labour Act, 1986 prohibits child employment below the age of 14 in any work, including domestic help. Also, it has specified certain occupations like bidi making, carpet weaving, manufacture of soaps, matches, fireworks, and cement. Furthermore, the Ministry of Labour added other hazardous occupations such as Dhaba workers, hotels, restaurants, resorts, spa and tea shop. The step taken looks promising but far from adequate because several reasons obstruct the implementation of the Act. Bonded labour or peonage is an extremely exploitative form of child labour.

The person holding the debt has some control over the labourer, and thus if the father or mother is unable to pay the debt, then children are forced to work. Another most complicated issue is poverty and the growing population. Children work out of necessity to provide the basic things that they are deprived of. They work for long hours in a dangerous environment. These conditions affect their health and development. Since they live below the poverty line, they cannot afford education which further decreases the literacy rate. Child labour is a saddening issue and has become a matter of concern. Therefore, it is time to end all forms of child labour and realize that every child has the right to education and leisure to develop physically and mentally.

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Child Labour Essay in English

Read child labour essay in English for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Essay on child labour is important as most of the class get this essay in an exam. Learn short essay on child labour in 150, 200 and 300 words. Let us know how to stop child labour and write an essay about child labour in the comments section.

Child Labour Essay

Child Labour Essay in English 250 Words

Yes! Child Labour is a Crime

Child labour is a huge concept worldwide. It is necessary for every kid to know about child labour like its causes and preventions. Firstly, we have to understand what child labour exactly means. It is an act of employing or engaging children in various economic activities for income on a part-time or full-time basis.

Lack of income, food and social security gives rise to such crime as child labour. This condition is most commonly found in families with having low-income wages. Childhood is the most important phase of one’s life, where a sense of immaturity and naughtiness creep and getting indulging in child labour at early stages may ruin the beauty of life. The increasing gap between rich and poor is one of the major consequences that fire the urge of child labour.

In order to meet their daily needs, the poor families send their children to some restaurants, shops, homes, and places from where they can get money. Instead of sending their children to the school or set them free to play, these people want them to work and earn for their families. At work, some of the children really find discrimination, rude behaviour and sometimes physical attack too. This genuinely creates a sense of maturity and aggression as well, where a child forgets all about his/her age and continues life as a pet.

Today, the government of India is very attentive in case of Child Labour. It has developed certain laws that are against child labour where age bar is there i.e. no one can employ a child of below 18 years age. If one does so, he will be punished according to the law, even the parents if they force their child to go for child labour. Government schools have been settled up to educate the children who do not have money to pay their school fees and there are many things done to prevent this.

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Essay on Child Labour for Students and Children in 1000 Words

Essay on Child Labour for Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read a persuasive essay on child labour for students and children in 1000 words. It includes causes, effect and solution of child labour.

Table of Contents

Essay on Child Labour for Students (1000 Words)

Do you know child labour is a major social issue in every country? Really It’s true. Child Labour is a severe problem for children. Let us understand more about this.

Causes of Child Labour

Instead, they have to think about working more than necessary. An average person only has to work 8 hours a day. Even 8 hours is too much! Because after 8 hours, there is still homework to do, and that makes it 10 or sometimes 12 hours a day.

Maybe one day, one of our children can show us how to live differently. Until then, follow the rules that are already in place. So when a family becomes financially weak to have food and shelter, they will start thinking about how to change their lives.

Sometimes, even this work is not enough. The father might suddenly fall ill from working too hard . As we talked before, we are only supposed to work for a few hours every day.

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Childrens Actual Life and Labour

So, we see children going to work. When children work somewhere, it is called child labour. I dislike this name, but it is the name of this crime and social problem.

However, some kids never have that time. They have to go to work. It will not even be a job that they enjoy. Just some work that children have to do for many hours, in order to feed themselves. Slowly, this work becomes very tiring.

A Big Problem Child Labour

So they force them to work instead. It is a sad situation, but it can be changed. If we do not change it, many children will be forced to keep working.

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Child Labour Essay – Infinity Learn

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Table of Contents

Child Labour Essay: Child Labour refers to the employment of children aged 5 to 17 years to deprive them of their childhood and force them into a life of deprivation and illiteracy. The main factor behind child labour is poverty; therefore, it is more rampant in developing or underdeveloped countries. Children in these countries are often forced into labour to supplement the daily income of their families.

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Short and Long Essay on Child Labour

For your information and knowledge, we have provided a short and long essay on Child Labour in English. These Child Labour essays have been written in simple yet effective English for you to make it easy to remember them and present them when required.

After going through the essays, you will learn a lot about child labour and its vital statistics. You will also know about the industries employing child labour in India; the negative effects of child labour on children; ways to tackle child labour; how child labour is related to poverty; the history of child labour; types of child labour in India, and statistics of child labour in India 2019.

These Child Labour essays will be extremely useful in your school/college assignments and competitions like speech giving, debate, and essay writing competitions.

Child Labour Essay 1 (100 Words)

  • Child labour is the employment of children, often aged 5 to 17 years. At such a young age, children are a lot less demanding and could be very easily managed by the employees. For this reason, many unorganized sectors worldwide prefer to work with child laborers.
  • There are nearly 152 million child labors worldwide, most driven by poverty. Low-income families unable to meet daily nourishment requirements are forced to send their children to manual work in different sectors. This way, the children could supplement their family’s income apart from fending for their vital requirements.

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Child Labour Essay 2 (150 Words)

  • Child labour is defined as the employment of children in such a way as to deprive them of their childhood, education, and growth opportunities. Many unorganized small sectors worldwide prefer to employ children for they are less demanding and easily manageable.
  • Sometimes, the families of the children themselves push them into child labour for want of money, or they cannot feed the children. Such children often live in unhygienic and deprived conditions, with no medical aid and no education opportunity.
  • Child labour forces a child into the vicious cycle of deprivation, illiteracy, and poverty. Such children cannot find a decent and suitable job as adults and are often regarded as socially backward. They live solitary lives of isolation and often take to unwanted and unethical means.

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Child Labour Essay 3 (200 Words)

  • Child Labour refers to the employment of children in various sectors worldwide. It cludes mining, production industries, farming, and other unorganized sectors. Chil ren is often employed in these sectors for they are paid less and easy to manage.
  • Child labour is widely practiced worldwide and deprives children of their childhood, education, and other growth opportunities. Chil ren is forced to engage in hazardous working conditions to support their families by supplementing their income.
  • They work under a verbal or written contract between their employer and parents. Sometimes, it is to repay a debt taken by their families from the employer. Chil labour is more common in developing and underdeveloped nations. Love ty is the main driving factor behind child labour as the children are forced into child labour by their own families to fend for their everyday requirements for food and other necessities.
  • There are many strict laws against child labour, and many countries, including India, have norms of imprisonment and fine if a person and organization is found involved in child labour. Deep te all the laws, we still need to forcibly implement them if we want child labour to be eliminated.

Child Labour Essay 4 (250 Words)

  • The term “Child Labour” refers to the employment of young children in various sectors like industries, hotels, farming, etc. The time is used mainly to denote the employment of children falling in the age group of 5 – 15 years.
  • Child labour deprives the children of their childhood and proper physical and mental growth opportunities. It a so considerably reduces a child’s possibility of getting educated and progressing in life.
  • Worldwide, around 218 million children aged 5 to 17 years are employed as child labour. The children are subjected to live in poor hygienic conditions and are deprived of the basic necessities of life.
  • They never get an opportunity to go to school, forcing them into decades of poverty and labour. Working in poor health conditions, they also become susceptible to various diseases, and their conditions are rarely addressed.
  • Such children are also subjected to living in isolation and are not allowed to interact with people socially and make friends or play. Such a poor work environment is stressful for a child and often results in several mental conditions like depression. Such children often take drugs and other substances, resulting in further physical and mental damage.
  • There is a need to strictly supervise the sectors prone to employing children and impose harsh penalties with money and imprisonment on them for doing so.

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Child Labour Essay 5 (300 Words)


Child labor is the employment of children for different works to interfere with their normal mental, physical, and social growth opportunities. T al o deprives the children of the much-needed education.

Industries Employing Child Labour in India

There are five major sectors in India employing children as child labors. ey an e as described below-

  • Garment Industry – Child labour constitutes a considerable workforce in the Indian garment industry. E industries operate in small owner-managed setups mainly operated from homes. Ads of children in Delhi are employed by the garment industry and are subjected to loud noise, extensive working hours, and sharp tools.
  • Unorganized Sectors – This sector is one of India’s greatest employers for children. It every easy to spot a child working in dhabas, roadside eateries, tea shops, and other businesses. Children are also employed in small shops as servants or help. Based businesses prefer to employ children as they are easily manageable and cost less.
  • Brick Kilns – The brick kiln industry of India has long been witnessing child labour. E children in brick kilns work for long hours with their parents. Working in the brick kiln are exposed to hazardous conditions and toxic fumes, and heated temperatures.
  • Fireworks – The fire sector is India’s most significant employer for children. N this sector often work in cramped spaces and are exposed to dangerous chemicals and hazardous substances, posing a risk to their health and life, and so forced to work for long hours during the festive season.
  • Agriculture – The agriculture sector might be the biggest employer of children in India. E hired in cotton, sugarcane, paddy, and other agriculture-related fields. C il e working in agriculture have to work for longer hours, are paid less, and work in unhygienic conditions.

Children are forced into child labour due to poverty and to supplement their family’s income. E s d to identify these sectors and make necessary policies and laws to prevent the employment and exploitation of children in these sectors.

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Child Labour Essay 6 (350 Words)

The engagement of children as manual labors in different organized and unorganized sectors is termed child labour. Derives t children of their educational opportunities, growth opportunities, socialization, and health. D bo I physically and mentally harmful to the students.

Adverse Effects of Child Labour

  • Child labour has many negative impacts on children. D e wo n as child labour often works in challenging and life-threatening conditions with no one to care for them. Re pai e than an adult doing the same job; moreover, they are underfed.
  • Their employers do everything to keep them cut off from the other parts of the world, forcing them to live a life of isolation and labour; re not n allowed to talk to or meet anyone. An io like this often results in mental disorders like depression, drug addiction, substance abuse, etc.

How can we Help to Stop Child Labour?

We can take a few simple steps to help stop child labour. s ould be an Sf the child labour laws in the country and must always diligently follow them.

Also, keeping an eye on the businesses employing children and reporting the same to competent authorities will prove helpful in eliminating child labor.

A workplace risk assessment for the dangers it poses to the children must also be carried out. Hiring chi e for work should be immediately stopped at any cost.

Child Labour and Poverty

One of the main factors behind child labour is poverty. D en e forc i o labor mainly to supplement their families’ income. e the are gi c actual labour by the family to the employer in exchange for money, or the family employs them in any of its traditional businesses.

For instance, poor farmers in India are forced to use their children as labor because it would be difficult to pay for adult laborers.

Child labour is a severe threat that impedes a nation’s growth and the world. O er, i depriv t child deprives childhood, love, and education and forces them into arduous, hazardous, nonsociable, and pathetic conditions.

Child Labour Essay 7 (400 Words)

Child Labour refers to the employment of children in various sectors to deprive them of their childhood, education, and other growth opportunities and cause physical and mental harassment. p ime reason beh Pild labour is poverty, and more often than not, the children are employed to supplement their family’s income.

History of Child Labour

  • During the preindustrial societies, the concept of childhood was in existence. Den as ung as 1 year was engaged in hunting, woodcutting, farming, etc. though it wasn’t child labour in the true sense, the children did these jobs to facilitate the survival of their group or family.
  • Low productivity and low life expectancy were two of the main characteristics of the preindustrial area. e preven ng the l en from engaging in productive work would mean stalling their progress and lowering their survival chances. An ion in t se days s t considered necessary for survival than skills.
  • The exploitation of children as child labour began in the late 18 th century with the industrial revolution. Br tain, cities like Birm gham and Liverpool fast grew into big industrial cities, attracting millions from villages and other rural areas. S situation was the same S the develop same economies.
  • The Victorian era in Britain ranged from 20 June 1837 to 22 January 1901. It was the most infamous for child labor as you as your ar are employed in factories and mines in the Victorian era and worked in unimaginabl rd us and life-threatening conditions.

World Statistics on Child Labour

World Statistics reveal that nearly 218 million children worldwide are employed. E children f l in the g of 5 to 17 years, and approximately 152 million are, in the true sense, employed as child labour.

Statistics also reveal that nearly 73 million children worldwide work in hazardous and life-threatening conditions.

By the numbers, Africa has around 72.1 million children employed as child labour, nearly half of the world’s figure of 152 million. The Pacific has 62 million child labors; America has 10.7 million child labors, while Central Asia, Europe, and Arab states have 5.5 million and 1.2 million, respectively.

Child Labour has existed for centuries, even in some of the world’s developed economies. t mes the rea n is to ma the child employable, and sometimes it is to supplement their family’s income; nevertheless, in both cases, it interferes with the child’s ability to grow, get educated, and be happy.

Child Labour speech 8 (500 Words)

Child Labour refers to the physical exploitation of children by engaging them in work that deprives them of their childhood, education, growth, and development and is physically and mentally harmful. c laws prohib ing child ou are in place in countries worldwide, including India, but there is a need to implement them more effectively than before.

Causes of Child Labour in India

The UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children around the world, states poverty is the biggest cause of child labour in India and other developing and underdeveloped countries around the globe.

Due to poverty, children are subjected to labour to supplement their family’s income. the absence of good e at nal infrastructure in rural India and a lack of awareness are reasons behind child labour in India.

Types of Child Labour in India

Two types of Child Labour exist in India: debt bondage child labour and the employment of children to supplement their family’s income. r less, in bo kin of c d bour, the will of others is partially or fully forced upon the child.

In debt bondage child labour, a child is employed for work through a verbal assurance or written agreement, specifically to clear the debt taken by his parents from the creditor. g the legislation bans the s ci tion of child labour in India, the instances of bonded child labour continue even today.

Another form of child labour is where the parents of a child agree with the employer to employ their child to supplement the family’s income. v r, poverty is t main facto eh d all the types of child labour in India and other parts of the world.

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Child Labour in India Statistics 2019

Statistics provided by UNICEF revealed that nearly 10.1 million children in India engaged in child labour. Children fall in the age 14 years 4.5 million girls and 5.6 million boys. 0% of child labors employed n ral India.

Child Labour in India is more prevalent in Uttar Pradesh (2.1 million), Bihar (1 million), Madhya Pradesh (0.7 million), Maharashtra (0.72 million), and Rajasthan (0.84 million).

Indian industries employing a major share of child labors in India are the cotton industry, matchbox making industry, agriculture sector, and other small unorganized sectors.

Child Labour Laws in India

Several laws enacted in India prohibit the engagement of children in the workforce. m jor laws are the Juvenile Justi (c e and protection) of Children Act -2000 and the Child Labour (Prohibition and Abolition) Act -1986. e acts form the basis of all other il labour laws in India.

Child Labour a serious hindrance to the growth of a nation and its social and economic development. There are many la to eliminate il labour, they must effectively implemented.

A range of students studying in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc., classes can use any of the above-given essays on child labour. a e worded to let students understan wit ut any difficulty. t from the child labo essay, you ca et ther related essays and information such as:

  • Slogans on Child Labour
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Essay on Labour Day for Students and Children

500+ words essay on labour day.

Labour Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the labor group. This is one day that is entirely devoted to the labor class. Many countries celebrate this day on a different day. However, in maximum countries, this day occurs on the 1st of May that happens to be International Workers’ Day.

essay on labour day

Origin of Labour Day

The story of Labour Day began with the rise in industrialization . The industrialists exploited the labor class these days. They took a lot of work from them but paid them very less. Laborers were forced to work for 10-15 hours a day in very tough conditions. Those who worked in chemical factories, mines, and other similar places suffered very much.

Lastly, they took the bravery to stand united and raise their voice against this oppression. Nearby that time, founding trade unions and going on strike. It was also considered illegal in several countries. So, they formed trade union and laborers went on strike. They also held rallies and protests. Lastly, the government heard their request and reduced the working hour to 8 hours. Thus this special day to celebrate the efforts of this class was also set.

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What is the History of Labour Day?

In India Labour Day or May Day was started to celebrated first in Chennai on May 1, 1923. The Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan initiated this. The leader of the party, Comrade Singaravelar organized two meetings to celebrate this event.

One meeting held on the Triplicane Beach and the other took place at the beach opposite Madras High Court. In the meeting, Singaravelar approved a resolution which indicated that the government should announce a national holiday on the May Day or Labour Day in India. This was the first time a red flag was hoisted in India.

Significance of Labour Day

Labour Day is a very significant holiday in a different country in the world and in India also. Here are some reasons why it is so much significant to the population.

  • When they work in an organized, concerted way. Then workers become very powerful –Labour Day is a day that unites workers together and reminds them of their power when they act in unity.
  • Workers can often feel ignored, mainly when they do vigorous or otherwise emotionally and physically taxing jobs. Labour Day is a day when workers can feel respected for the work that they have done all over the year.
  • On Labour Day, workers and their needs and rights are in focus. This day can be a motivation for refining worker’s efforts. They learn about their rights and to campaign and make movements. In this way, they can make secure a better life for themselves and their families.
  • Economic data about growth, output, input, and productivity can often unclear. The men and women who essentially power the economy with their work. So On Labour Day, we are reminded that the economy is something that affects. Real men and women essential for that.
  • The awesome majority of countries celebrate Labour Day on the same day, May 1st. This means that this day does not just bring together workers in India. But it also gives a sense that workers all over the world. which unites them through their common struggle and their common experiences.
  • This day is important as it enables workers to take some much-needed rest from their work and to collect their thoughts, spend time with their loved ones, or just recover their energies.
  • This day motivates people to get into work and to work hard. This will help to retain the economy going. It also encourages men and women to follow their chosen careers, to do their best at them. In this way, they contribute to their society.

We know that the worker receives minimum pay by selling his own labor. That is the reason why International Labour Day is celebrated all over the world. So this day is to promote and encourage international labor associations. Thus, it is a special day to appreciate and recognize their contribution to society as they are certainly well-deserved.

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विश्व बाल श्रम विरोधी दिवस पर 10 पंक्तियाँ: 10 Lines on World Child Labour Day

  • दिनांक: 12 जून
  • स्थापना: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्रम संगठन (ILO) ने बाल श्रम की वैश्विक सीमा और इसे खत्म करने के लिए आवश्यक कार्रवाई और प्रयासों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए 2002 में बाल श्रम के खिलाफ विश्व दिवस की शुरुआत की।

* बाल श्रम की भयावहता के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ाना

  • बाल श्रम की समस्या:

* लाखों बच्चे शिक्षा और सुरक्षित बचपन से वंचित

* खतरनाक उद्योगों में काम करने को मजबूर

* सामाजिक असमानता

* गरीबी उन्मूलन

* शिक्षा का समान वितरण

* बाल श्रम में कमी

* बच्चों के जीवन स्तर में सुधार

  • हमारी जिम्मेदारी:

* बाल श्रम के खिलाफ आवाज उठाना

* बच्चों के अधिकारों की रक्षा करना

* हर बच्चे को शिक्षा और सुरक्षित बचपन का अधिकार

  • एकजुट प्रयास से बाल श्रम मुक्त समाज का निर्माण करें!

विश्व बाल श्रम दिवस निबंध; World Day Against Child Labour (100 words)

विश्व बाल श्रम दिवस निबंध; world day against child labour (150 words), विश्व बाल श्रम दिवस निबंध; world day against child labour (200 words).

प्रत्येक वर्ष 12 जून को विश्व बाल श्रम विरोधी दिवस मनाया जाता है। इस दिवस का उद्देश्य बाल श्रम की भयावहता के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ाना और इसके उन्मूलन के लिए सामूहिक प्रयासों को प्रोत्साहित करना है। लाखों बच्चों को आज भी शिक्षा और सुरक्षित बचपन के अधिकार से वंचित रखा जाता है। वे खतरनाक उद्योगों में काम करने को मजबूर हैं, जिससे उनका शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास बाधित होता है। बाल श्रम अक्सर गरीबी और सामाजिक असमानता से उत्पन्न होता है।

बाल श्रम की समस्या का समाधान तभी संभव है, जब गरीबी कम करने के लिए ठोस कदम उठाए जाएं। साथ ही, शिक्षा को सभी के लिए सुलभ बनाना और बाल श्रम के खिलाफ सख्त कानून लागू करना आवश्यक है।  इस दिवस पर हमें यह संकल्प लेना चाहिए कि हम बाल श्रम के खिलाफ आवाज उठाएंगे और हर बच्चे को उचित शिक्षा और सुरक्षित वातावरण प्रदान करने का प्रयास करेंगे। तभी हम एक ऐसा समाज बना पाएंगे, जहां हर बच्चा अपने सपनों को पूरा करने का अवसर पा सके।

  • World Day Against Child Labour Essay For School Students (2024) In English
  • World Day Against Child Labour 2024 Poster Ideas
  • Speech for World Day Against Child Labour in English
  • World Day Against Child Labour 2024: Quotes, Slogans and Captions in English

यहाँ पर आप सभी बोर्ड के 2024 हाई स्कूल और इंटर रिजल्ट चेक कर सकते है जैसे की यूपी बोर्ड , एमपी बोर्ड , राजस्थान बोर्ड , छत्तीसगढ़ बोर्ड , उत्तराखंड बोर्ड , झारखण्ड बोर्ड , एचपी बोर्ड , हरियाणा बोर्ड और अन्य राज्य के बोर्ड रिजल्ट देख सकते है।

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  1. Paragraph on Child Labour in English [100, 150, 200, 300 Words]

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  4. Paragraph On Child Labour 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids

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  5. Essay on Child Labour for Students and Children (2023)

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  1. Essay on Child Labour: 150-250, 500-1000 words for Students

    Here we have shared the Essay on Child Labour in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words. Essay on Child Labour. You can use this Essay on Child Labour in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams.

  2. Child Labour Essay in English

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  3. Child Labour Essay

    Child Labour Essay in 500 Words. This 500-word Child Labour Essay delves into the causes, consequences, and solutions, emphasizing the role of poverty, lack of education, legal frameworks, awareness campaigns, and international collaboration in addressing this pervasive issue and advocating for children's rights worldwide.

  4. Paragraph On Child Labour 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids

    Paragraph On Child Labour - 200 Words for Class 6,7,8 Students. Child Labour has been a pressing problem in India. It has been written in several papers that child labour only pushes the economy into another equilibrium. This equilibrium is bad. The other one is also not good for a developing country like India.

  5. Essay on Child Labour in English For Students & Children

    Essay on Child Labour in English ( 250 to 300 words ) Childhood is the period of innocence. It is called the golden era of human life. However, this statement is not true in all cases and at all places. Millions of children all over the world have to work hard for earning their livelihood for one reason or the other.

  6. Essay on Child Labour for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Child Labour. Child labour is a term you might have heard about in news or movies. It refers to a crime where children are forced to work from a very early age. It is like expecting kids to perform responsibilities like working and fending for themselves. There are certain policies which have put restrictions and limitations ...

  7. Child Labour Essay for Students in English

    There are mainly four types of child labour: Domestic child labourers: These are children (mostly girls) who wealthy families employ to do the household chores. Industrial child labourers: Children are made to work in factories, mines, plantations, or small-scale industries. Debt Bondage: Some children are forced to work as debt labourers to clear the inherited debts of their families.

  8. Essay on Child Labour

    250 Words Essay on Child Labour Introduction. Child labour, a deeply embedded social issue, is a manifestation of the profound socio-economic disparities that exist in our society. It is a practice that not only infringes upon the rights of children but also hampers their overall development and future prospects.

  9. Essay on Child Labour for Students and Children (2024)

    Essay on Child Labour in 250 Words. Child labour is a crime where the childhood of a person is snatched from him and thrown away. A kid working at an early age loses the chance of having a normal childhood like other children and this affects his/her mental state. Child labour not only devoids the child of his childhood but also his future ...

  10. Child Labour Essay for School Students in English

    Read More: Essay On Child Labour. Short Essay on Child Labour in English. Child employment a severe matter in most of the developing nations. Small children under the age of 14 are being involved in economic work activity by the people of high-class society. They are ignoring the reality that children are the future and hope of the nation.

  11. Essay on Child Labour: 8 Selected Essays on Child Labour

    You shall find them helpful in not only understanding about child labour but for your exams as well. Contents. List of Essays on Child Labour in English. Essay on Child Labour - Essay 1 (100 Words) Essay on Child Labour - Essay 2 (250 Words) Essay on Child Labour - Essay 3 (300 Words) Essay on Child Labour - Essay 4 (400 Words)

  12. Paragraph on Child Labour in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)

    Paragraph on Child Labour in 100 Words Sample 1. Child labour is a pressing issue affecting children worldwide. It involves kids working instead of attending school, robbing them of their right to education and play. Often forced by poverty, they toil in hazardous conditions, risking their health and well-being.

  13. Essay on Child Labour for Children and Students

    These Child Labour essays have been written in simple yet effective English language for you to make it easy to remember them as well as to present them when required. ... Child Labour Essay 4 (250 Words) The term "Child Labour" is used to refer to the employment of young children into various sectors like industries, hotels, farming etc ...

  14. Essay on Child Labour in 1000 Words for Students

    Also Read: Essay on Summer Vacation in 100, 250 and 350 words. 10 Lines to Add in Child Labour Essay. Here are 10 lines on child labour. Feel free to add them to your child labour essay or similar topics. Child labour deprives children of their right to a proper childhood. It involves children working in harmful environments.

  15. Paragraph on Child Labour in English [100, 150, 200, 300 Words]

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  16. Essay on Child Labour for Students in English [500 Words Essay]

    Child Labour is defined as "work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development," by Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child. It refers to the illegal exploitation of a child for financial or other gains.

  17. Paragraph on Child Labour in English 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words

    Paragraph on Child Labour - 150 words. In India, child labor is a complex issue deeply rooted in economic hardship and social inequality. Despite significant legal frameworks like the Right to Education Act, which mandates free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14, a large number of children are still engaged in labor, especially in rural and impoverished areas.

  18. Paragraph on Child Labour for Students in English [Easy Words*]

    The government and citizens should take stringent measures to eliminate child labour from the country. Long Paragraph on Child Labour - 250 Words. Child labour is a grave social issue that is gradually eroding the children and the nation's future. It is quite prevalent in India because of the larger population falling below the poverty line.

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    Child Labour Essay in English 250 Words. Yes! Child Labour is a Crime. Child labour is a huge concept worldwide. It is necessary for every kid to know about child labour like its causes and preventions. Firstly, we have to understand what child labour exactly means. It is an act of employing or engaging children in various economic activities ...

  20. Essay on Child Labour for Students & Children 1000 Words

    When children work somewhere, it is called child labour. I dislike this name, but it is the name of this crime and social problem. The child who is working at a job, you remember the child is in child labour. It is not a good thing. That child has many things to do. She wants to dress up and run around the house.

  21. Child Labour Essay

    Child Labour Essay 4 (250 Words) The term "Child Labour" refers to the employment of young children in various sectors like industries, hotels, farming, etc. The time is used mainly to denote the employment of children falling in the age group of 5 - 15 years.

  22. Child Labour Essay in English (500+ Words)

    Child labour is a crime in which children are forced to work in factories and construction sites to earn money which affects child mental and physical health. Child labour is a serious concern internationally but it is more intense in some developing countries such as Africa, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and many other countries.

  23. World Day Against Child Labour Essay For School Students (2024)

    Essay On World Day Against Child Labour In 150 Words In English. Every year on June 12th, the World Day against Child Labour reminds us that millions of children are still forced to work. They are ...

  24. Essay on Labour Day for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Labour Day. Labour Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the labor group. This is one day that is entirely devoted to the labor class. Many countries celebrate this day on a different day. However, in maximum countries, this day occurs on the 1st of May that happens to be International Workers' Day.

  25. Speech for World Day Against Child Labour in English

    Speech onWorld Day Against Child Labourin 150 Words: Short Speech. Today, we talk about child labour. Imagine being our age, but working long hours instead of learning. This is the reality for ...

  26. बाल श्रम दिवस पर निबंध: Essay On World Day Against Child Labour 2024

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