The oxygen cycle and a habitable Earth

  • Published: 17 March 2021
  • Volume 64 , pages 511–528, ( 2021 )

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  • Jianping Huang 1 , 2 ,
  • Xiaoyue Liu 1 ,
  • Yongsheng He 3 ,
  • Shuzhong Shen 4 , 5 ,
  • Zengqian Hou 6 ,
  • Shuguang Li 3 ,
  • Changyu Li 1 ,
  • Lijie Yao 1 &
  • Jiping Huang 1  

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As an important contributor to the habitability of our planet, the oxygen cycle is interconnected with the emergence and evolution of complex life and is also the basis to establish Earth system science. Investigating the global oxygen cycle provides valuable information on the evolution of the Earth system, the habitability of our planet in the geologic past, and the future of human life. Numerous investigations have expanded our knowledge of the oxygen cycle in the fields of geology, geochemistry, geobiology, and atmospheric science. However, these studies were conducted separately, which has led to onesided understandings of this critical scientific issue and an incomplete synthesis of the interactions between the different spheres of the Earth system. This review presents a five-sphere coupled model of the Earth system and clarifies the core position of the oxygen cycle in Earth system science. Based on previous research, this review comprehensively summarizes the evolution of the oxygen cycle in geological time, with a special focus on the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) and the mass extinctions, as well as the possible connections between the oxygen content and biological evolution. The possible links between the oxygen cycle and biodiversity in geologic history have profound implications for exploring the habitability of Earth in history and guiding the future of humanity. Since the Anthropocene, anthropogenic activities have gradually steered the Earth system away from its established trajectory and had a powerful impact on the oxygen cycle. The human-induced disturbance of the global oxygen cycle, if not controlled, could greatly reduce the habitability of our planet.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41888101, 41521004 & 41991231), and the China University Research Talents Recruitment Program (111 Projects, Grant No. B13045) .

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Collaborative Innovation Center for Western Ecological Safety, College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, 730000, China

Jianping Huang, Xiaoyue Liu, Changyu Li, Lijie Yao & Jiping Huang

CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China

Jianping Huang

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Huang, J., Liu, X., He, Y. et al. The oxygen cycle and a habitable Earth. Sci. China Earth Sci. 64 , 511–528 (2021).

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Received : 16 December 2020

Revised : 15 January 2021

Accepted : 24 February 2021

Published : 17 March 2021

Issue Date : April 2021


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The cycling of oxygen between the biotic and abiotic components of the environment (see biogeochemical cycle). The oxygen cycle is closely linked to the carbon cycle and the water cycle (see hydrological cycle). In the process of respiration oxygen is taken in by living organisms and released into the atmosphere, combined with carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide enters the carbon cycle or is taken up by plants for photosynthesis. During photosynthesis oxygen is evolved by the chemical splitting of water and returned to the atmosphere. In the upper atmosphere, ozone is formed from oxygen and dissociates to release oxygen (see also ozone layer).

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2.5.2: Oxygen Cycle

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  • Michael E. Ritter
  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point via The Physical Environment

Oxygen is the second most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere and an essential element of most organic molecules. Though oxygen is passed between the the lithosphere, biosphere and atmosphere in a variety of ways, photosynthesizing vegetation is largely responsible for oxygen found in the atmosphere. The cycling of oxygen through the Earth system is also accomplished by weathering of carbonate rock. Some atmospheric oxygen is bound to water molecules from plant transpiration and evaporation. Oxygen is also bound to carbon dioxide and released into the atmosphere during animal respiration.

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Oxygen Cycle

What is the oxygen cycle.

It is the process of biogeochemical transitions of oxygen atoms in its different forms in nature between the three main reservoirs of our ecosystem.

term paper on oxygen cycle

What are the Three Main Reservoirs of Oxygen in Nature

The atmosphere, biosphere , and lithosphere forms the three main reservoirs or sources of oxygen on earth.

The Three Steps of the Oxygen Cycle

1) production of free oxygen.

Occurs through the following processes:

  • Photolysis – Ultraviolet radiation of the sun breaks down atmospheric water and nitrous oxide
  • Photosynthesis – Plants make food and release oxygen as a byproduct
  • Weathering – Oxygen-containing minerals in rocks gradually breaks down  

2) Utilizing the Free Oxygen

Involves the following processes:    

  • Respiration – Animals take in oxygen from the atmosphere and use it to break down carbohydrates
  • Decomposition – Invertebrates, including fungi, bacteria , and some insects decay the dead organic matter of plants and animals remains
  • Combustion – Organic materials, including fossil fuels, plastics, and wood, are burned in the presence of oxygen
  • Corrosion – Metals like iron or alloy rust when they are exposed to moisture and oxygen for an extended period, new compounds of oxides are formed by the combination of oxygen with the metal

3) Utilizing Carbon Dioxide and Releasing Oxygen Back

Carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is again utilized by green plants with the help of:

  • Photosynthesis – Plants utilize the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere for preparing food, thus completing the cycle

Importance of the Oxygen Cycle in Nature

  • Maintaining the oxygen level in the atmosphere which helps to carry out important physiological processes such as respiration and photosynthesis
  • Helping in the proper functioning of the carbon cycle since the oxygen and carbon cycle are interconnected
  • Facilitating other biogeochemical cycles such as nitrogen and sulfur cycles to continue since oxygen binds and forms stable compounds with other molecules
  • Sustaining the aquatic ecosystem present beneath the surface
  • Forming the outer layer of earth’s crust, the lithosphere

How Do Humans Affect the Oxygen Cycle

Human activities release excess carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and some other harmful gases into the atmosphere, thus decreasing the concentration of oxygen in the following ways:   

  • Indiscriminate cutting of trees or deforestation 
  • Much higher human birth rate compared to death rate
  • Effluents from vehicles, industries, and burning of fossil fuels

Deforestation naturally leads to lower oxygen levels in air as it eliminates the main source of oxygen production. It consecutively increases the concentration of carbon dioxide as well.

Global warming decreases the solubility and concentration of oxygen in the waters of lakes, rivers, and oceans, thus severely affecting life in the aquatic ecosystem.

Oxygen enters the atmosphere through the process of photolysis, which is the first step of the oxygen cycle.

Phytoplankton participate in the oxygen cycle in the same manner as terrestrial plants. But being aquatic plants, they perform photosynthesis under water to produce oxygen for the survival of aquatic animals.

The two major processes involved in the oxygen cycle are photosynthesis and respiration.

The carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles are similar because they all are biogeochemical cycles showing the continuous utilization and replacement of those three elements with the help of interactions between the living and non-living elements of the earth.

Article was last reviewed on Wednesday, January 27, 2021

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Oxygen cycle: Definition, properties, and significance

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Earth is the home of various plants and organisms. A relationship has developed between the organisms and the natural environment through mutual interaction. The plant receives the essential nutrients from the soil i.e. inert environment. Nutrients are transferred through various processes. After the death of plants and animals, that element is re-entered in the physical environment. In this way, the cyclical flow of nutrients continues. The oxygen cycle is one such natural cycle and is described below.

A few basic substances or elements are especially needed to sustain life. These 6 elements are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. These elements are found in large quantities in the human body.

Organisms use them in almost every aspect of life. As a result of continuous use from the earliest times of creation, they do not end at once. Because there is a cyclical flow of all these substances between the environment and the organism. This cyclical flow results in the formation of various natural cycles (1) .

What is an oxygen cycle?

Oxygen is the primary and most essential element for the survival of an organism. The oxygen cycle refers to the transformation of oxygen in various forms through nature.

Oxygen, an essential element of life, circulates from the environment to the organism and from the organism to the environment to form the oxygen cycle. Just as this element helps the organisms to survive, it also originates from the organism.

The oxygen cycle is one of the most important biogeochemical cycles. This cycle causes an endless cyclical flow of oxygen in the atmosphere. It is not possible for an organism to survive without oxygen. Therefore, the oxygen cycle is the vital cycle for the survival of all species (2) & (4) .

The controlled cyclic process by which the oxygen in the atmosphere rotates from the environment to the organism’s body and from the organism’s body to the environment and maintains the balance of oxygen in the environment is called the oxygen cycle. The oxygen cycle is a gaseous biogeochemical cycle (3).

Sources of oxygen

Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe. It exists in the form of various compounds on Earth. The atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere are the primary places, where this element is found. The various sources of oxygen are as follows.

  • At least half of the amount of oxygen in the world comes from the oceans. Scientists estimate that about 60- 80% of the oxygen produced on Earth comes from the oceans.
  • The atmosphere is the main source of oxygen. The total amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is about 21%. Other forms of oxygen present in the atmosphere are water vapor (H₂O), ozone (O₃), and carbon dioxide (CO₂).
  • Green plants release oxygen into the environment through photosynthesis . Plants absorb water and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and produce glucose and oxygen.
  • The liquid outer layer of the earth’s core contains other elements, including oxygen.
  • Every year some amount of oxygen is added to the atmosphere as a result of the release of carbon dioxide and water from volcanic substances.
  • The reduction of various mineral oxides also produces some oxygen.
  • Various phytoplankton present in marine ecosystems produce large amounts of oxygen in photosynthesis processes. One of the largest sources of oxygen on earth is the phytoplankton, located near the surface of the ocean. Phytoplankton is small plants. They are abundant in the oceans and they produce a lot of oxygen (5) & (6) .

Properties of the oxygen cycle

Oxygen is a vital non-metallic element for living organisms. This oxygen rotates in a circular way from the atmosphere to the organism’s body and from the organism’s body to the atmosphere to form an oxygen cycle. The symbol of this element is O and the atomic number is 8. There are some characteristics of the oxygen cycle.

1. The oxygen cycle is the most significant biogeochemical cycle that is constantly moving

2. This cycle is the movement of oxygen between the four main reservoirs: the atmosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere.

3. The oxygen cycle maintains the balance of oxygen (O₂) in the atmosphere.

4. An essential element in the human body, water contains one molecule of oxygen.

5. The oxygen in the oxygen cycle helps to control the various physiological and metabolic activities of the organism.

6. Oxygen acts as an essential component of proteins and nucleic acids in the human body.

7. It makes up about 30% of the earth and 20% of the atmosphere by this oxygen cycle.

8. The rotation of oxygen in the oxygen cycle helps in the rotation of other elements in the biosphere.

9. Chemically, oxygen is a highly active gas because it combines with most of the elements in the biosphere.

10. Oxygen makes up about 70% of living substances.

11. The oxygen cycle in the biosphere is very complex because it contains many chemical forms of oxygen (2) & (3) .

Explain oxygen cycle

The oxygen cycle is considered to be a complex biogeochemical cycle. This cycle is completed in two steps.

1. Removal of oxygen from the environment

Oxygen is released from the environment by various processes.

1. All the animals present in the environment receive oxygen from the atmosphere for respiration. The result is a lack of oxygen in the atmosphere and environment.

2. During the combustion of fossil fuels (wood, coal, petroleum, diesel, kerosene, paper, etc.) the oxygen in the atmosphere is absorbed and the amount of oxygen decreases.

3. Oxygen is absorbed from the atmosphere during the formation of oxides of various minerals like copper, iron, lead, etc.

4. Large amounts of oxygen are removed from the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions or emission of heated igneous substances (4) & (5) .

2. Re-entry of oxygen into the environment

Oxygen re-enters the environment through certain methods.

1. In the process of photosynthesis, water is dissolved in chlorophyll-containing space in the presence of sunlight and turns into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. Water and oxygen molecules are formed again from those hydroxyl ions. And re-entry of oxygen into the atmosphere. As a result, oxygen balance is maintained in the atmosphere.

H₂O → H⁺ + OH⁻

4OH → 2H₂O + O₂ ↑

2. At high levels of the atmosphere, the sun’s ultraviolet rays cause water vapor to dissolve into water and oxygen molecules and marge into the atmosphere.

3. A small amount of oxygen is produced from the ozone gas off the coast and re-enters the atmosphere.

4. Animals take in oxygen from the air during respiration. It is mixed with soil during excretion. The plant absorbed that oxygen-mixed water from the soil with the help of roots. During photosynthesis, it dissolves in the atmosphere in the form of oxygen.

Atmosphere → animal body → excretory substances in soil → plant → atmosphere (3) & (7) .

Relationship between oxygen cycle and carbon cycle

The oxygen cycle and the carbon cycle are intimately involved in the environment. In the oxygen cycle, the oxygen produced by the carbon cycle is used for the respiration of plants and animals, and the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, green plants are present in the carbon cycle using the carbon dioxide produced by the oxygen cycle during the process of photosynthesis, and oxygen (O₂)  is released into the environment.

After all, the cycle of oxygen and carbon continues uninterrupted at the same time. So the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the environment is balanced (1) & (4) .

Significance of oxygen cycle

It is an ever-moving process. It is completed by the inflow of oxygen from the physical environment or atmosphere to the biosphere or living environment and the outflow of oxygen from the biosphere or living environment to the physical environment or atmosphere. This is a very important cycle in the whole of the biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

1. Maintains the balance

It helps to maintain the balance of oxygen between the physical environment and the biosphere.

2. Important for respiration

The energy required to regulate the metabolism of an organism is mainly due to respiration. The respiratory function requires a constant supply of oxygen to every living cell.

As a result of the constant oxygen uptake by the organism, the oxygen gas (O₂) would be depleted. But the supply of oxygen in the environment never ends through the oxygen cycle. Thus maintaining the balance of oxygen in the environment is the main significance of the oxygen cycle.

3. The oxygen cycle also balances the carbon cycle.

The presence of oxygen is essential for the combustion and decomposition of organic matter. This element oxidizes organic matter to produce carbon dioxide gas. As a result, the balance of carbon dioxide in the environment is never-ending.

4. Ozone formation

Oxygen is converted to ozone gas through certain chemical processes. This ozone gas creates a layer of coating called the ozone layer on the surface of the atmosphere. This layer protects the living world from destruction by absorbing various harmful cosmic rays and ultraviolet rays of the sun.

5. Oxygen cycle

The oxygen cycle maintains an uninterrupted supply of oxygen, which is an essential element for all plants and animals (3) & (7) .

The oxygen (O₂)  cycle is a biological process that helps maintain oxygen levels through the earth’s three main regions, such as the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. It has a significant impact on the environment and fauna.

This cycle also plays a vital role in the ecosystem. These biochemical substances explain the movement of oxygen gases in the atmosphere, ecosystems, fauna, and the lithosphere. The sum of the earth’s ecosystems creates a living world. This oxygen cycle is the main basis of the existence of the whole organism.

Written By: Manisha Bharati

September 1, 1970

The Oxygen Cycle

The oxygen in the atmosphere was originally put there by plants. Hence the early plants made possible the evolution of the higher plants and animals that require free oxygen for their metabolism

By Aharon Gibor & Preston Cloud

Simple diagram of the oxygen cycle

  • Breathing - The scientific name for breathing is respiration. All animals and plants use up oxygen when they breathe. They breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
  • Decomposing - When plants and animals die, they decompose. This process uses up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
  • Rusting - This is also called oxidation. When things rust they use up oxygen.
  • Combustion - There are three things needed for fire: oxygen, fuel, and heat. Without oxygen you can't have a fire. When things burn, they use up oxygen and replace it with carbon dioxide.
  • Plants - Plants create the majority of the oxygen we breathe through a process called photosynthesis. In this process plants use carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to create energy. In the process they also create oxygen which they release into the air.
  • Sunlight - Some oxygen is produced when sunlight reacts with water vapor in the atmosphere.
  • Even though fish breathe under water they still breathe oxygen. Their gills extract the oxygen from the water.
  • There is a lot of oxygen stored up in the oxide minerals of the Earth's crust. However, this oxygen isn't available for us to breathe.
  • One of the biggest sources of oxygen is phytoplankton that live near the surface of the ocean. Phytoplankton are tiny plants, but there are lots of them.
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  • Oxygen Cycle (Replacement of Oxygen in Air)


Atmosphere: An Introduction

The Atmosphere is the term referring to the gaseous encirclement of the Earth. The atmosphere rises many kilometres above the surface of the Earth. We occupy the Earth's atmosphere. For life to exist on Earth, the atmosphere is required. This is so that we, and all other living things, may breathe oxygen , which is provided by the atmosphere. The amount of air decreases as we ascend higher in the atmosphere. On very high mountain summits, the air is so thin that there is not enough oxygen for people to breathe normally.

As a result, those who scale high mountains do so with the aid of oxygen gas cylinders. To remain alive in these high mountains, they breathe oxygen from these cylinders. Due to differences in temperature and pressure at various altitudes, the atmosphere is separated into several concentric shells or spheres. The troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere are the four layers of the atmosphere.

Chemical Composition of Air

Nitrogen gas is the major component of air. About 99% of the elements that make up air are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour, argon and carbon dioxide . Neon , methane , helium , krypton , hydrogen, xenon , ozone and several more substances are examples of trace gases. From one location to the next, and even depending on whether it is day or night, the makeup of the air differs.

Elements and Compounds in Air

Water vapour content in air.

Air can contain up to 5% water vapour; however, it usually only contains 1-3%. Water vapour is the third most prevalent gas in the 1% to 5% range (which alters the other percentages accordingly). Depending on the temperature of the air, water content changes. Humid air is less dense than dry air. In contrast, humid air that just includes water vapour occasionally contains actual water droplets, which can increase its density.

Replacement of Oxygen Element in Atmosphere

Living things constantly use the oxygen in the air to breathe. Fuels are also burned with oxygen. Plants constantly replace the oxygen that is exhaled and burned by humans and animals during photosynthesis. The words "photo" and "synthesis" both refer to the use of light. Green plants use carbon dioxide and water to manufacture their own food during the process of photosynthesis, which occurs in the presence of sunshine. Carbohydrates are processed as food while gaseous oxygen is released .

For photosynthesis, plants use water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Only green plants can carry out this process because they have chlorophyll, a green pigment that can absorb solar energy. As a result, it only occurs during the day, in contrast to breathing, which happens both during the day and at night. Although it is created during photosynthesis, glucose is preserved in plants as starch.

With the assistance of ambient oxygen, food is broken down during the respiration of plants and animals to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy. The respiration of living beings releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere whereas the photosynthesis of green plants removes it. Together, these two diametrically opposed processes maintain the same composition of the air. In other words, it maintains the necessary level of oxygen in the air by mixing with it and making it fresher during photosynthesis. Additionally, plants continuously consume carbon dioxide to maintain the necessary level in the atmosphere.

Importance of Oxygen Cycle

One of the most crucial elements of the earth's atmosphere is oxygen. It is primarily needed for:

Breathing - It is the physiological process by which all living things, including plants, animals and people, take in oxygen from their surroundings and release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

Combustion - It is also one of the most significant processes that take place when any organic substance, such as wood, plastic and fossil fuels, burns when oxygen is present and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The Breakdown of Organic Waste - It takes place when an organism dies and is one of the most crucial natural processes in the oxygen cycle. The organic matter, which includes carbon , oxygen, water and other elements, returns to the soil and air as the deceased animal or plant decomposes into the earth. The invertebrates, sometimes known as the "decomposers," which include fungi, bacteria and some insects, carry out this activity. Carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is needed during the entire process.

Although oxygen is a vital component of life, some anaerobic bacteria may be poisonous to it (especially obligate anaerobes).

The oxygen cycle primarily works to keep the atmosphere's oxygen content stable. The complete process can be summed up as follows: the oxygen cycle starts with the process of photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight, releases oxygen back into the atmosphere and then links back to the plants. Humans and other animals then breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This further demonstrates the independence and interdependence of the oxygen and carbon cycles.



Interesting Facts

Phytoplankton is one of the most significant producers of oxygen, followed by terrestrial plants and trees.

Oxygen is also produced when the sunlight reacts with water vapour present in the atmosphere.

A large amount of oxygen is stored in the earth’s crust in the form of oxides, which cannot be used for the respiration process as it is available in the combined state.

Aurora borealis, or northern lights, is produced by solar wind particles colliding with oxygen elements in the earth’s atmosphere.

Key Features

About 99% of the elements that make up air are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour, argon and carbon.

Neon, methane, helium, krypton, hydrogen, xenon, ozone and several more substances are examples of trace gases.

Living things constantly use the oxygen in the air to breathe. Fuels are also burned with oxygen.

It is primarily needed for Breathing/Combustion, keeping aquatic life alive, and the breakdown of organic waste.


FAQs on Oxygen Cycle (Replacement of Oxygen in Air)

1. What is a biogeochemical cycle?

The flow of nutrients and other elements between biotic and abiotic forces is referred to as "biogeochemical cycles." The words "bio" and "geo," which refer to the biosphere, "geo" and "chemical," which refer to the elements that flow through a cycle, are the roots of the term "biogeochemical.

2. Which is the hottest layer of the atmosphere?

The thermosphere is the hottest layer of the atmosphere because it contains the fewest molecules and atoms, making it possible for even modest amounts of solar energy to considerably raise the air's temperature.

3. Why is oxygen considered an element?

Since it cannot be decomposed further, oxygen is regarded as an element. Elements are unadulterated materials that combine to form an atom. The simplest building components into which matter may be divided using only chemical processes are the elements. On the periodic table, oxygen is represented by the atomic number eight. Air is a mixture of primarily oxygen and nitrogen, which makes it a substance. Even though oxygen gas molecules are formed of two oxygen atoms covalently bound together, oxygen is still regarded as an element.

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The Oxygen Cycle

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Table of Contents

Introduction to Oxygen Cycle

Imagine taking a deep breath of fresh air and feeling the surge of energy as oxygen fills your lungs. Oxygen is vital for all life forms on Earth, from tiny microorganisms to towering trees and majestic animals. But have you ever wondered how oxygen circulates and replenishes itself in our environment? Enter the fascinating world of the oxygen cycle.

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The oxygen cycle is a biogeochemical cycle that describes the movement and transformation of oxygen molecules in various forms through the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. It is an essential process that ensures the continuous availability of oxygen for respiration and sustains life on our planet.

Process of Oxygen Cycle

Oxygen Production: The first stage of the oxygen cycle involves the production of oxygen through photosynthesis. Plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce oxygen and glucose. During this process, oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a by product.

Oxygen Consumption: In the second stage, organisms engage in respiration, consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide as a waste product. Plants and animals alike rely on oxygen for cellular respiration, where glucose is broken down to produce energy. This stage ensures the availability of oxygen for metabolic processes in living organisms.

Oxygen Exchange: The third stage of the oxygen cycle involves the exchange of gases between the atmosphere, plants, and oceans. Through various processes such as diffusion, air currents, and weather systems, oxygen is distributed throughout the atmosphere. Additionally, the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the oceans helps maintain oxygen levels in aquatic ecosystems, supporting marine life.

Oxygen Cycle

These three stages work together to maintain the balance of oxygen in the atmosphere, supporting life on Earth. It is important to note that human activities can disrupt this cycle through activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels, leading to imbalances in atmospheric composition and potentially affecting the health of ecosystems.

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Oxygen Production

The primary source of oxygen in the atmosphere comes from photosynthesis, the remarkable process performed by plants, algae, and some bacteria. During photosynthesis, these organisms use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and glucose. Oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a by product, providing the breathable air that supports life.


Respiration, both in plants and animals, plays a significant role in the oxygen cycle. During respiration, organisms consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide as a waste product. In this process, oxygen is used to break down glucose molecules, releasing energy that fuels various cellular activities. The released carbon dioxide can then be used by plants during photosynthesis to produce more oxygen, completing the cycle.

The Role of Decomposition

Decomposition is another crucial component of the oxygen cycle. When plants and animals die, their organic matter undergoes decomposition by bacteria and fungi. During this process, microorganisms consume the decaying matter and utilize oxygen for respiration. Decomposition returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and releases nutrients back into the soil, fostering the growth of new plants.

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Oxygen in the Atmosphere

The Earth’s atmosphere contains approximately 21% oxygen, making it the second most abundant gas after nitrogen. The constant exchange of oxygen between the biosphere and the atmosphere ensures that there is a steady supply of this life-giving gas. Winds, air currents, and weather systems help distribute oxygen molecules across different regions, creating a balanced oxygen composition in the atmosphere.

The Ocean Connection

The oxygen cycle also encompasses the oceanic realm. The world’s oceans are vast reservoirs of oxygen. Marine plants, such as algae and phytoplankton, perform photosynthesis and contribute to the production of oxygen. Additionally, oceanic currents and wave action aid in the exchange of gases, allowing dissolved oxygen to be replenished in aquatic ecosystems and supporting the diverse marine life.

Human Impact on the Oxygen Cycle

Human activities have an impact on the delicate balance of the oxygen cycle. Deforestation, for example, reduces the number of trees available for photosynthesis, leading to decreased oxygen production. Burning fossil fuels and industrial emissions release excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, which can disrupt the balance of gases in the atmosphere. These changes can have profound effects on climate patterns, air quality, and overall environmental health.

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The Oxygen Cycle and Climate Regulation

The oxygen cycle is closely intertwined with the carbon cycle and other biogeochemical cycles. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere play a crucial role in regulating climate. Through the process of photosynthesis, oxygen production helps remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, mitigating the greenhouse effect and stabilizing global temperatures. Therefore, the oxygen cycle and its interconnections with other cycles are essential for maintaining a habitable planet.

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Uses of Oxygen cycle

  • Oxygen is essential for the survival of living organisms, serving as a vital component of respiration.
  • The oxygen cycle plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • It allows for the continuous production of oxygen through photosynthesis by plants, algae, and some bacteria.
  • Oxygen is released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis, replenishing the oxygen levels.
  • Organisms, including plants and animals, consume oxygen through respiration, using it for metabolic processes and energy production.
  • During respiration, organisms release carbon dioxide as a byproduct, which can be utilized by plants during photosynthesis.
  • The exchange of gases between the atmosphere, plants, and oceans helps distribute oxygen throughout the Earth’s systems.
  • Oxygen is exchanged between the atmosphere and the oceans, supporting marine life and maintaining oxygen levels in aquatic ecosystems.
  • The oxygen cycle is interconnected with other biogeochemical cycles, such as the carbon cycle, influencing the overall functioning of Earth’s ecosystems.
  • Human activities can impact the oxygen cycle through activities like deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels, leading to imbalances in atmospheric composition and potential consequences for ecosystems and human health.

In conclusion, the oxygen cycle is a remarkable process that sustains life as we know it. From the photosynthetic prowess of plants to the respiration of organisms, it ensures a constant supply of oxygen in our environment. Understanding and appreciating the intricacies of the oxygen cycle can inspire us to protect and preserve the delicate balance.

FAQs on Oxygen Cycle

What is the oxygen cycle.

The oxygen cycle refers to the continuous movement of oxygen between the atmosphere, living organisms, and the Earth's systems.

How does oxygen enter the atmosphere?

Oxygen enters the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis carried out by plants, algae, and some bacteria.

What organisms produce oxygen during photosynthesis?

Plants, algae, and some bacteria produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

How is oxygen consumed in the oxygen cycle?

Oxygen is consumed by organisms through the process of res

How does the oxygen cycle impact the environment?

The oxygen cycle supports the survival of various organisms and helps maintain the balance of gases in the atmosphere, which is vital for sustaining life on Earth.

Can human activities affect the oxygen cycle?

Yes, human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels can disrupt the oxygen cycle by reducing the number of oxygen-producing plants and releasing excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

What are the consequences of oxygen imbalance in ecosystems?

An oxygen imbalance can lead to disturbances in aquatic ecosystems, harming marine life and impacting the overall functioning of ecosystems.

How is the oxygen cycle related to the carbon cycle?

The oxygen cycle and carbon cycle are closely linked as oxygen is released during photosynthesis and consumed during respiration, while carbon dioxide is released during respiration and absorbed during photosynthesis.

Is the oxygen cycle affected by climate change?

Climate change can indirectly affect the oxygen cycle by altering the distribution and behavior of plants and organisms, potentially impacting oxygen production and consumption processes.

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