
55 Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma

Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma

In the realm of computer engineering, capstone projects mark the pinnacle of your educational journey, blending years of hard work and dedication into a single endeavor. They offer a unique chance to put your knowledge and skills into action, solving real-world challenges. Yet, the quest for the perfect capstone project idea can seem like a daunting maze. Fear not! 

In this blog, we’ll be your guide, unveiling 55 captivating capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students. Whether you’re a student seeking a spark of inspiration or an educator on the hunt for project gems, you’ve arrived at the right destination. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

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What is a Computer Engineering Diploma?

Table of Contents

A Computer Engineering Diploma is a specialized educational program that equips students with practical knowledge and skills related to computer hardware, software, and systems. It focuses on teaching students how to design, build, and maintain computer systems, from microprocessors to software applications. 

However, this diploma typically covers topics like programming, digital electronics, network fundamentals, and computer architecture. It’s a hands-on program that prepares students for careers in computer engineering, where they can work on developing and troubleshooting various computer technologies. In essence, it’s a pathway to becoming a skilled professional in the world of computers and technology.

How to Choose the Right Capstone Project Topics and How to Be Inspired?

Choosing the right capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students and finding inspiration are essential steps in your academic journey. Here’s a simple guide to help you make the right choice:

1. Follow Your Passion

Start by considering your interests and passions within your field. Projects that genuinely excite you are more likely to keep you motivated throughout the process.

2. Identify a Problem

Look for real-world problems or challenges in your field of study. Your project can make a meaningful impact by addressing these issues.

3. Research

Dive into relevant literature, articles, and case studies. This will not only help you understand current trends but also spark ideas.

4. Consult Your Advisor

Your academic advisor can provide valuable insights and suggest project topics that align with your skills and goals.

5. Brainstorm

Take time to brainstorm ideas. Write down everything that comes to mind, even if it seems unconventional at first.

6. Consider Feasibility

Assess the resources, time, and equipment you’ll need for each project idea. Choose one that’s achievable within your constraints.

7. Seek Feedback

Discuss your ideas with peers, professors, or industry professionals. Their feedback can help refine your concept.

8. Think Interdisciplinary

Don’t be afraid to blend different fields or concepts. Interdisciplinary projects can be innovative and eye-catching.

9. Stay Updated

Stay current with the latest developments in your field. New technologies and trends can spark fresh ideas.

10. Stay Open-Minded

Inspiration can strike at any time. Keep an open mind, and be ready to adapt your project idea if something compelling comes along.

List of Best Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma

Discover some top and simple capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students:

1. Predictive Maintenance for Manufacturing

In this project, you’ll create a system that uses data and algorithms to predict when machines in a manufacturing plant might break down. This helps prevent costly downtime and repairs by allowing timely maintenance.

2. Building a Mobile Banking App

You’ll develop a mobile app that enables users to perform banking tasks like checking balances, transferring money, and paying bills conveniently on their smartphones.

3. Designing a Secure IoT Network

This project involves building a secure network for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, ensuring safe communication for smart home appliances and other IoT gadgets.

4. Autonomous Robotic Arm for Industrial Applications

You’ll design a robot arm that can work independently in factories, handling tasks such as picking up and moving objects, improving automation and efficiency. However, this is one of the best capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students.

5. Relational Database Optimization

This project focuses on enhancing the performance of databases used in applications, ensuring quick and efficient data retrieval and storage.

6. Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis

You’ll develop a program that analyzes text to determine whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral, which is valuable for understanding public sentiment on social media and reviews.

7. Smart Home Automation System

In this project, you’ll create a system that allows homeowners to control lights, thermostats, and appliances remotely through a smartphone or voice commands, enhancing convenience and energy efficiency.

8. Machine Learning-Based Stock Price Prediction

Using machine learning algorithms, you’ll work on predicting stock prices, helping investors make informed decisions in the stock market. Moreover, it is one of the top capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students.

9. Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Your project will involve building a cybersecurity solution tailored for small businesses, protecting them from cyber threats and data breaches.

10. Voice-Controlled Virtual Assistant

Create a virtual assistant, similar to Siri or Alexa that responds to voice commands, making daily tasks more manageable through voice interaction.

11. Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

You’ll develop an IDS that monitors network traffic for suspicious activities, alerting administrators to potential security breaches.

12. Automated Home Garden

Automated Home Garden is one of the well-known capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma. Build an automated garden system that monitors soil moisture, controls irrigation, and provides real-time data and care instructions to home gardeners.

13. Gesture Recognition Interface

This project involves creating a system that recognizes hand gestures to control devices or applications, making human-computer interaction more intuitive.

14. Mobile Health Monitoring App

Develop an app that enables users to monitor their health, record vital signs, and receive health-related advice, promoting proactive healthcare.

15. Smart Traffic Management System

Design a traffic management system that uses sensors and AI to optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and travel time in urban areas.

16. Cryptocurrency Wallet App

Create a secure and user-friendly mobile app for managing cryptocurrencies, allowing users to store, send, and receive digital currencies.

17. Voice-Based Language Translation

Build a real-time language translation system that translates spoken words from one language to another, facilitating communication between people who speak different languages.

18. 3D Printing Prototyping

Explore 3D printing technology to create rapid prototypes for various applications, from product design to medical devices. In addition, 3D printing prototyping is one of the interesting capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students. 

19. Augmented Reality (AR) Education App

Develop an educational app that uses AR to enhance learning experiences, allowing students to interact with virtual objects and information.

20. E-commerce Recommendation System

Build a recommendation system for e-commerce websites that suggests products to users based on their preferences and browsing history, improving the shopping experience.

Other Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma

Here are some other capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students:

1. Automated Language Translation System

2. Smart Energy Management for Homes

3. Biometric Authentication System

4. Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring

5. Humanoid Robot for Assisting the Elderly

6. Facial Recognition Attendance System

7. Traffic Sign Recognition using Deep Learning

8. Virtual Reality Training Simulation

9. Autonomous Agricultural Drone

10. Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Tracking

11. Voice-controlled Smart Mirror

12. Gesture-based Gaming Console

13. Real-time Object Tracking in Videos

14. Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

15. Home Security System with Face Recognition

16. Smart Farming with IoT

17. Predictive Analysis for Online Retail

18. Telemedicine Platform for Remote Healthcare

19. Intelligent Personal Assistant for the Disabled

20. Network Traffic Analysis for Anomaly Detection

21. Weather Forecasting with Machine Learning

22. Digital Signage Management System

23. Biomedical Signal Processing

24. Internet of Things (IoT) for Agriculture

25. Voice-controlled Home Automation

26. AI-powered Chatbot for Customer Support

27. Energy-efficient Building Management

28. Automated Inventory Management System

29. AI-based Music Recommendation System

30. Intelligent Traffic Light Control

31. Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)

32. Smart Waste Management

33. E-health Monitoring for Chronic Diseases

34. Automated Drone Delivery System

35. Digital Payment Gateway Integration

Benefits of Using Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma Students

Here are some key benefits of using capstone projects for computer engineering diploma students:

  • Practical Application: Capstone projects provide an opportunity for computer engineering diploma students to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, enhancing their practical skills.
  • Skill Development : Students can develop a wide range of technical skills, including coding, hardware design, and software development, which are highly relevant to their future careers.
  • Problem Solving: Capstone projects challenge students to solve complex problems, improving their critical thinking and analytical abilities.
  • Collaboration: Working in teams on capstone projects fosters collaboration and communication skills, which are essential in the professional world.
  • Portfolio Building: Completed projects can be added to resumes or portfolios, increasing students’ chances of securing employment or further education.
  • Networking: Students can establish connections with industry professionals, potentially leading to job opportunities or mentorship.
  • Innovation: Capstone projects often encourage creativity and innovation, pushing students to explore new technologies and solutions.

In conclusion, capstone project topics for computer engineering diploma students present an exciting array of opportunities for computer engineering students. Whether your passion lies in machine learning , software development, network security, or any other facet of computer engineering, you’re bound to find an inspiring project idea here.

It’s essential to remember that a successful capstone project not only showcases your technical prowess but also addresses real-world issues. So, when selecting your project, choose one that truly ignites your curiosity and has the potential to create a positive impact. With dedication and enthusiasm, you can embark on a journey that not only enriches your knowledge but also contributes to the ever-evolving world of technology. Your capstone project is your chance to shine and make a meaningful mark in the field of computer engineering.

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Using Python Programming:

  • Virtual Assistant 
  • Face Detection
  • Covid Tracker
  • Music Recommendation System
  • Movie Recommendation System based on emotion
  • Billing Software
  • Payroll system
  • Management software
  • face lock system for Linux Distro. 

Using Java Programming:

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  • E-commerce site
  • Portal Website
  • Online Railway Booking site 
  • Online Blood Bank Donation site

Using JavaScript:

Embedded system topics:.

  • Smart Car Parking system
  • Paragraph writing Machine
  • Biometric Attendance System
  • Smart House
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Automatic Vehicle Speed Controller in Traffic Using RF Signal

Android Development:

  • Covid Tracker App
  • Assistant like Siri
  • Image to Text Converter 
  • Speech to Text App
  • Image to pdf App
  • IDE for Developer
  • Quick Share App
  • Home control App with an embedded system.

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CS & ECE 189 Senior Capstone Projects

During the senior year, CE students are required to take the Senior Computer Systems Project courses also known as the Senior "Capstone" Project. This course helps satisfy CE Major Degree Requirements in the Senior Elective Study Plan.

The Capstone Project gives CE students the opportunity to put their education into practice. Students, working in small teams, design and engineer innovative hardware and software systems using techniques from robotics, distributed systems, circuit design, networking, and real-time systems to tackle problems and create a final "tangible" project.

Every year at the end of the final quarter the projects are presented at full-day, industry-supported events where student groups publicly present their projects and participate in a project demonstration and poster event.

Capstone Sr. Project Presentation Events

Capstone Sr. Project Presentation Events

CS 189 Course & Projects

CS 189 Course & Projects

students with hyperloop project

ECE 189 Course & Projects

Senior project courses.

Student groups design a significant computer-based project. Groups work independently with interaction among groups via interface specifications and informal meetings.

Computer Science 189A/B

Instructors: Profs. Chandra Krintz (CMPSC 189A) and Dahlia Malkhi (189B)

Throughout this two-course sequence, student teams engage in all aspects of an engineering problem including design, prototype, testing, deployment, and public demonstration. The course is based on a learn-by-doing approach in which teams employ cutting-edge software technologies, tools, and engineering practices to construct significant software applications and systems.

Unique to the UCSB CS Capstone is industry collaboration. Top companies from around the country partner with and mentor student teams. Industrial participants propose project ideas (that range from well-defined to wide open) from which student teams choose, as part of short, competitive “pitches”. The CS 189 senior project series culminates in a public project presentation and demonstration by each team at Summit CS in March.

Electrical and Computer Engineering 189A/B/C

Instructor: Dr. Yogananda Isukapalli (ECE 189A/B/C)

ECE 189A/B/C is a year-long capstone project course sequence in which Computer Engineering (CE) senior students design and implement an embedded computer system. Working in small groups of four to six, the teams draw on the strengths of each member, and projects are intended to be the culmination of the student's undergraduate education, incorporating both significant hardware and software components and, in some cases, mechanical components as well. CE Capstone Projects offer students real-world experience in the lifespan of developing an embedded system: identifying a problem, designing to required specifications, managing budgets and printed circuit board fabrication, and delivering their finished product on time.

CE capstone projects fall into several categories: (i) Student defined projects, in which students come up with the design idea on their own; (ii) Industry-sponsored projects, in which an industry partner specifies a design challenge of interest to their organization; (iii) Research group projects, in which a research group at UCSB poses a design challenge; (iv) Student project competitions, in which students enter as contestants in an organized competition.

ECE 189 senior projects will be showcased at the end of the Spring quarter at the ECE 189 Capstone Project poster session and resentation event.

ECE 189 Capstone 2024 Projects

Information about the ECE 189A/B/C Course

The event for ECE 189A/B/C was held on June 6 (Thu), 2024 at the Engineering Science Bldg (ESB)

Presentation Event Video

2024 Best Projects

  • 1st Place – Homeflow ( Demo Video )
  • 2nd Place – Chirality (Demo Video )
  • 3rd Place – USV ( Demo Video )

Capstone 2024 Presentations @ summit.cs

Information about the CS 189A/B Course

The event for CS 189A/B was held on March 15 (Fri), 2024 at Henley Hall 

  • 1st Place – Brandon and The Verilog Survivors / RealityReal (Appfolio): A platform for creating professional quality real estate videos in minutes
  • 2nd Place – APPLE.PY (Artera): a smartphone Apple watch platform w/ easy to access info about alcohol safety
  • 3rd Place – LOGOS (Veridise): the creation of a common Intermediate Representation (IR) for all frameworks
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Computer Engineering • College of Engineering • UC Santa Barbara 2023 © Regents of the University of California

MSBTE Computer Engineering Syllabus (I-Scheme)

This Article Contains

In the tables given below the syllabus of MSBTE Computer Engineering for every semester is available to download in PDF format. The entire Syllabus is according to I Scheme. 

Computer Engineering K-Scheme Syllabus

Msbte computer engineering first semester syllabus i scheme.

In First semester diploma engineering the main subjects are English, Basic Science and Basic Mathematics. The Syllabus for these subjects is available to download in PDF format. To download PDF, click on the Download link.

Subject Name Download Link

MSBTE Computer Engineering Second Semester Syllabus I Scheme

In Second semester diploma engineering the main subjects are Elements of Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Basic Electronics and Programming in ‘c’. The Syllabus for these subjects is available to download in PDF format. To download PDF, click on the Download link.

Subject Name Download Link

MSBTE Computer Engineering Third Semester Syllabus I Scheme

In Third semester diploma engineering the main subjects are OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++, DATA STRUCTURE USING ‘C’, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, DIGITAL TECHNIQUES. The Syllabus for these subjects is available to download in PDF format. To download PDF, click on the Download link.

Subject Name Download Link

MSBTE Computer Engineering Fourth Semester Syllabus I Scheme

In Fourth semester diploma engineering the main subjects are JAVA PROGRAMMING, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, DATA COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER NETWORK, MICROPROCESSORS. The Syllabus for these subjects is available to download in PDF format. To download PDF, click on the Download link.

MSBTE Computer Engineering Fifth Semester Syllabus I Scheme

In fifth semester diploma engineering the main subjects are ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, OPERATING SYSTEMS, ADVANCED JAVA PROGRAMMING, SOFTWARE TESTING, CLIENT SIDE SCRIPTING LANGUAGE (ELECTIVE-I), ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORK (ELECTIVE-I) and ADVANCED DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (ELECTIVE-I). The Syllabus for these subjects is available to download in PDF format. To download PDF, click on the Download link.

Subject Name Download Link

MSBTE Computer Engineering Sixth Semester Syllabus I Scheme


Subject Name Download Link

MSBTE Computer Engineering Old Question Papers PDF (I Scheme)

Here Previous Years old question papers of all semester Computer engineering is available in pdf. Some question papers have model answers. 

Semester Download Link

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2022-2023 team: diego solis, tyler schnitzer, eduardo mendoza, luan (andy) le, 2020-2021 team: pranjal dhungana, blake becker, 2019-2020 team: myles edwards, keith armstrong, corey gendron, ryan gibeault, kiefer hardin. no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Design and Implementation of a Capstone Course to Satisfy the Industry Needs of Virtual Product Development and ABET Engineering Criteria

Profile image of Mohamed A Omar

Over the past two decades Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) processes and procedures became an integral part of the product development cycle. Virtual Product Development (VPD) refers to procedures that integrate the CAE tools in a unified approach that spans all the product development phases. The current trends in industry utilize VPD tools and procedures to reduce the product development time without jeopardizing the product quality. These trends led to an increasing demand for engineers with good computer skills, multi-disciplinary engineering knowledge, and acquaintance with VPD tools and procedures. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) program outcomes emphasize on providing open-ended courses with an accumulated background of curricular components to solve real-world open-ended engineering problems. The Capstone Design Project (CDP) course have been highly regarded as important learning activity that could be designed to provide senior-standing student engineers the opportunity to solve real-world engineering problems. One of the major objectives of the CDP course is to simulate industrial setting and allow students to experience real-life engineering practice. This paper presents an attempt to implement VPD procedures in a mechanical engineering CDP course. The main goal of this integration is simulate the industrial environment through multi-disciplinary teams working together in subsystems to produce one product using standard commercial VPD tools. This course implementation is demonstrated using a case study of multiple teams working to design and build a solar car. The paper addresses the following issues: course objectives and structure, outcomes, the students’ team selection and the team assignments, the class schedule and the covered topics, the course coordinator and faculty members’ roles, design phases and integration, and the assessment policies. An evidence of the implementation and achievements will be demonstrated by sample of the students’ analysis results and final prototype will be presented.

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Universities are required to produce graduates with good technical knowledge and ‘employability skills’ such as communication, team work, problem-solving, initiative and enterprise, planning, organizing and self-management. The capstone software development course described in this paper addresses this need. The course design contains three significant innovations: running the course for two cohorts of students in combination; requiring students to be team members in 3rd year and team leaders in their 4th (final) year; and providing assessment and incentives for individuals to pursue quality work in a group-work environment. The course design enables the creation of a simulated industrial context, the benefits of which go well beyond the usual, well-documented benefits of group project work. In order to deliver a successful outcome, students must combine academic theory and practical knowledge whilst overcoming the day-to-day challenges that face project teams. Course design enables the blending of university-based project work and work-integrated learning in an innovative context to better prepare students for participating in, and leading, multi-disciplinary teams on graduation. Outcomes have been compellingly positive for all stakeholders – students, faculty and industry partners.

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    List of Best Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma. 1. IoT-Based Home Automation System. Design and implement a smart home system that enables users to control appliances and ...

  3. PDF CS486C

    Envisioned Product: The Engineering Career Network. We envision a secure, modern web-based application, which we'll call the Engineering Career Network (ECN), that automates or streamlines specification of college strategic goals, collection of the needed data, and simple graphical analysis of where we stand on each goal.

  4. Diploma final year project topics Computer Engineering Group

    In this article, we are going to explore project ideas for Diploma final year (Computer Engineering Group). it is helpful for those students who are studying under the MSBTE Board. If you have any trouble while developing your project we are there for you. Also, we will develop the project for you. Mail Us: [email protected].

  5. 2ceit504-capstone-project-i_structure & scheme

    2ceit504-capstone-project-i_structure & scheme - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  6. capstone-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the capstone-project topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  7. Senior Capstone Projects

    ECE 189A/B/C is a year-long capstone project course sequence in which Computer Engineering (CE) senior students design and implement an embedded computer system. Working in small groups of four to six, the teams draw on the strengths of each member, and projects are intended to be the culmination of the student's undergraduate education ...

  8. (PDF) Capstone Project: From Software Engineering to “Informatics

    View PDF. Capstone Project: From Software Engineering to "Informatics" Hadar Ziv and Sameer Patil Department of Informatics University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-3440 USA Email: {ziv,patil} Abstract—This paper reports on experiences in transitioning a capstone course from a single-quarter to three-quarters.

  9. PDF A Real-World-Projects Capstone Course in Computing: A 15-year Experience

    institutions implement their capstone courses, 84 universities having capstone courses in computer science or engineering were contacted by a spring 2015 capstone project team (Brewer et al., 2015). Of the 84 universities polled with a set of 16 questions, 34 responded, including CMU, U. California, U. Maryland, U. Tech.

  10. Capstone Project for Diploma in Computer Engineering

    Capstone Project for Diploma in Computer Engineering Presentation on capstone project for diploma in computer engineering, including a detailed proposal and engaging visuals. Research and Exploration

  11. (PDF) Effective Assessment of Computer Science Capstone Projects and

    See Full PDF Download PDF. See Full PDF Download PDF. ... Capstone Projects, Computer Science, Accreditation, ABET. 1 Introduction Capstone projects are a rich resource for assessing the level of attainment of student outcomes and in most of the knowledge acquired by students during their study. ... A. J., García-Izquierdo, F. J., Olarte ...

  12. (PDF) An Electrical/Computer Engineering Capstone Design Experience

    The North Dakota State University, USA, capstone course was developed as a unique model in response to the effort of the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology, USA, to streamline and improve design instruction in the curriculum and has steadily evolved to keep pace with the ever-changing technology and the expectations of the profession and the society we serve.

  13. Capstone Project Guidelines

    Capstone Project Guidelines - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document outlines standardized guidelines for undergraduate capstone projects in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. It details general guidelines for group formation, project supervision, timelines and deliverables. It emphasizes that each project must incorporate ...

  14. MSBTE Computer Engineering Syllabus (I-Scheme)

    in sixth semester diploma engineering the main subjects are entrepreneurship development, capstone project - execution & report writing, management, programming with python, mobile application development, emerging trends in computer and information technology, web based application development using php, network and information security and data warehousing with mining techniques.

  15. Free Download Latest Computer Engineering Projects with ...

    Academic and Live Project for your final year studies are available for free download here. Projects In PHP,C/C++ Visual Basic 6, VB .NET , C#, ASP.NET ANDROID, JAVA, Programming SQL Server Source Code for final year college student. Project submission of BE, BCA, MCA, MBA, MTech, MS, BSC-IT with complete Source Code, Synopsis, Flow chart, DFD ...

  16. A hardware/software codesign senior capstone design project in computer

    This paper describes a senior capstone design project in computer engineering that incorporates the concept of hardware/ software codesign. Details of the project, required infrastructure and tools, and results of the first implementation of this project are described.

  17. PDF Selecting Microcontrollers and Development Tools for Undergraduate

    engineering design skills as students prepare for engineering practice. The Undergraduate Engineering . Capstone Project . Most undergraduate engineering programs require students to design and implement a capstone project near the end of their course of study [7]. This project is usually conducted as part of a multicourse sequence completed -


    CAPSTONE PROJECT - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

  19. (PDF) Analyzing Challenges in Software Engineering Capstone Projects

    VI. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK Providing students with an opportunity to tie together their knowledge on engineering (moderately) complex software systems and exercise and expand non-technical competences is paramount for well-educated graduates in software engineering. Capstone software engineering projects are very popular approach to that end.

  20. PDF COEN485 & 497 Software Engineering Capstone Projects and Master Thesis

    engineering, prepare a report and defend it before a faculty advisor. In the Capstone (Capstone Project or Master's Thesis) students apply what they have learned throughout the program to examine and implement some specific idea. In Computer Science such work will consist of implementing an application or an algorithmic idea and will involve ...

  21. Capstone Project Topics for Computer Engineering Diploma

    Here are some capstone project ideas for computer engineering students: IoT-Based Home Automation System: Design and implement a smart home automation system that allows users to control lighting, temperature, security, and appliances remotely using IoT devices and a mobile app. Real-time Traffic Monitoring and Prediction: Create a system that ...

  22. Capstone Program

    Capstone Program. The Capstone Program in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering provides students with an opportunity to interact with industry partners to define, design, build and deploy real-world systems. The department provides a two-semester capstone experience in each of our three undergraduate major programs.

  23. (PDF) Design and Implementation of a Capstone Course to Satisfy the

    Since these projects serve to transition students into professional engineers, they have a direct impact on a university's industry reputation and ranking. he capstone course is an opportunity for the student to participate in a realistic design process with a design team in a real-design challenge. he structure and conditions under which ...