Narrative Text dan Soal Essay Dengan Kunci Jawaban Untuk lampiran atau Appendix Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Narrative Text dan Soal Essay Dengan Kunci Jawaban Untuk lampiran atau Appendix Skripsi  Bahasa Inggris

Read the text quickly and answer the quetions!

“Golden Eggs”

Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation. Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”

A week later to almost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship.

soal essay kelas 10 bahasa inggris

He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late

Baca juga: Jenis Jenis Text dalam Bahasa inggris dan Soal Soalnya lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

A.   Answer the following questions!

1.       Find out the main ideas of each paragraph?

2.       What did the old man gave?    

3.       Where does the story take place?   

4.       Why did the old man become to the farmer?  

5.       How did he speak when he passed the farmer?  

6.       Why the farmer almost surprise?

7.       Why the farmer lost his patient?

8.       What is the main problem in the story?

9.       Write down the list of chronological on the story!

10.   Explain about the resolution in the end of the story?

Key Answer D-Test
1.       First paragraph : a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood
Second paragraph: the farmer found a golden egg
Third paragraph : the farmer became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift
2.       The old man gave a golden egg
3.       The story take place In the remote village, in central China
4.       The old man took pity on him
5.       The old man said “I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”
6.       The farmer almost surprise when he knew the egg is not ordinary egg but it is golden egg
7.       The farmer los his patient because the goose only laid one golden egg every six months
8.       The farmer became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
9.       The list of chronological on the story
a.        a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. b.       He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation. c.        an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him d.       He gave him a goose e.        A week later to almost surprise the farmer found a golden egg in his yard f.        He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely g.       The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. h.       Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late
10.   The resolution in story above when the greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late

Baca juga:  Jenis Jenis Text dalam Bahasa inggris dan Soal Soalnya lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban


THREE FISH         

Three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. ‘This pond is full of fish’, they told each other excitedly. ‘we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!’ So saying, the fishermen left.

When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together and said, ‘Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!’ The second of the three fish agreed. ‘You are right’, he said. ‘We must leave the pond.’

But the youngest fish laughed. ‘You are worrying without reason’, he said. ‘We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere – my luck will keep me safe’.

The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.

Answer the question below!

1.       Write down the main ideas of each paragraph!

2.       Write down the characters and setting of the story!

3.       Explain about the orientation or beginning of the story!

4.       What is the complication or main problem from the story above!

5.       How is your prediction outcome of the test above?

6.       List the storyline in chronological order in your own words!

7.       What is the end of the story?

8.       Make the conclusion of the test above based on your own words?

Key Answer Test cycle I
1.       First paragraph : the fisherman must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish
Second paragraph: We must leave this pond at once.
Third paragraph: the youngest fish not going anywhere
Fourth paragraph: The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed
2.       The characters of the story are fisherman and three fish and his family
The settings of the story are evening and next morning (time) and in the pond (place)
3.       Some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. ‘This pond is full of fish’, they told each other excitedly. ‘we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!’ So saying, the fishermen left.
4.       The youngest fish not going anywhere
5.       If the three fish didn’t left the pond they will died
6.       a. Some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish
b. We must come back tomorrow morning
c. The three fish must leave this pond at once
d. The youngest fish not going anywhere
e. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.
7.       The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.
8.       When trouble come we must discuss to solve it and take a good way

soal essay kelas 10 bahasa inggris

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Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Kelas 10 Semester 2

Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

soal essay kelas 10 bahasa inggris

Date    : Saturday, August 7th, 2010 Time    : 3 p.m. Place : Outside Stadium Since place and time are limited, so your attendance will be appreciated. Thank you for attention City Major, Drs. Anwar Sanusi “___________________________________________________” “___________________________________________________” Jawaban: On behalf  of the government, you are invited by city major as a guest in the Indepence Day Fair Ceremony Date: Saturday, August 7th 2010 Time: 3p.m. Place: outside stadium Since place and time are limited, your attendance will be appreciated Thank you for attention City Major Drs. Anwar Sanusi
Forthcoming Marriage MR B.T. CUMBERBATCH AND MISS S.I. HUNTER The engagement is announced between Benedict, son of Wanda and Timothy Cumberbatch of London, and Sophie, daughter of Katharine Hunter of Edinburgh and Charles Hunter of London.
On behalf of the government, city major invites you as a guest in the Independence Day Fair Opening Ceremony Date    : Saturday, August 7th, 2010 Time    : 3 p.m. Place : Outside Stadium Since place and time are limited, so your attendance will be appreciated. Thank you for attention City Major, Drs. Anwar Sanusi
You are invited! Chad’s 8th birthday Saturday, April 4th 4-7 pm Chad’s house : 5632 Mount Lake RSVP 435 – 223 – 543
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10 Soal Essay PTS/UTS/STS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/MA Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawabannya

10 Soal Esay PTS/UTS/STS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/MA Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawabannya

INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM - Untuk Adik-adik kelas 10, berikut ini ada 10 soal essay PTS/UTS/STS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawabannya yang dapat kalian pakai belajar.

Yuk kita simak kunci jawaban pada latihan soal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS), Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) atau Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) semester 2 mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA Tahun 2024.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban IPA Kelas 10 Halaman 202 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Tugas Pengayaan: Validitas Bacaan

Latihan soal dan kunci jawaban latihan soal PTS/UTS/STS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA pada artikel ini bisa memudahkan kalian dalam proses belajar mandiri di rumah.

Kalian bisa menjadikan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA beserta kunci jawaban ini sebagai acuan dalam pembelajaran menghadapi PTS/UTS/STS semester 2 Tahun 2024 Kurikulum 2013.

Pada artikel ini tersedia 15 latihan soal isian dan esay (memahami bacaan) untuk latihan PTS/UTS/STS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA semester 2 Tahun 2024 yang dapat kalian coba kerjakan.

Namun siswa sebaiknya mengerjakan soal secara mandiri terlebih dahulu sebagai bahan evaluasi kemampuan siswa setelah belajar Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA semester 2 Tahun 2024.

Oleh karena itu, simak yuk latihan soal terbaru PTS/UTS/STS beserta kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA mengisi dan essai sebagai berikut:

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective!

Soal 1. I have a new shoes. All friends like …. shoes.


Baca Juga: 4 Kunci Jawaban IPA Kelas 10 Halaman 218 219 220 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Soal D

Soal 2. She is a rich girl. …. car is very expensive.

Soal 3. The students are in the classroom. …. Teacher is teaching.

Soal 4. This is Anton. Do you know …. house?

Soal 5. You like reading very much. What is … favorite book?

Soal 6. This is my cat …. tail is very long.

Soal 7. Mohter and I are very happy. We live in … new house.

Soal 8. Bima and Bintang live with …. Grandparents.

Soal 9. Nando’s bag is beautiful …. bag costs. 450.000,00

Soal 10. Camila has a cat …. Cat is cute.

B. Read the following text and then fill in the blank!

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.

Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.

Finally, I walked the four miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the I had yesterday.

Baca Juga: Ringkasan Materi Sosiologi Kelas 10 SMA: Komunikasi Sosial dan Perannya dalam Masyarakat

Questions :

Soal 1. What happened to the writer yesterday?

He had a terrible day

Soal 2. Why did he wake up an hour late?

Because his alarm clock didn't go off

Soal 3. What did he do after having breakfast?

He got dressed so quickly that he forgot to wear socks

Soal 4. How far did the writer walk?

He walked for four miles

Soal 5. What does the writer hope?

The writer hopes he will never have a day like yesterday

Demikianlah 10 soal Esay PTS/UTS/STS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawabannya yang dapat kalian pakai belajar. Semoga bermanfaat.***


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Editor: Mariyani Soetrisno

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soal essay kelas 10 bahasa inggris

Contoh Soal Essay Mid Semester Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Contoh Soal Essay Mid Semester Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA – Dipertengahan semester ini,, pasti kalian akan menghadapi yang disebut sebagai ulangan  tengah semester atau Mid Semester genap……dan untuk materi bahasa inggris dikelas X tingkat SMA, kita sudah menyiapkan beberapa contoh soal yang jawabannya panjang alias soal essai, adapun yang dibuat tu sesuai dengan syllabus yang sudah dijadikan acuan selama ini, berikut ini materi yang terkait antara lain:

  • the compliment expression
  • the congratulation expression
  • the gratitude expression
  • the narrative text
  • the description text

Name : Class :

Please answer the question!

1. Look at the picture and give the congratulation expression on it!

soal essay kelas 10 bahasa inggris

2. Now make a compliment expression on it!

soal essay kelas 10 bahasa inggris

Number 3-4 based on the conversation

Nuel      : Hello….Mom, I was failed in making a cake. Can you teach me more?

Mom     : Have you measured all the ingredients?

Nuel      : I have.

Mom     : Ok, I will teach you more after getting home from the school.

Nuel      : T hank you very much , my mom.

  • The underlines sentence, it is expression of …………………
  • Where does the conversation happen?

Number 5-6 are based on the text bellow

Once upon the time, there was a family which there were an old woman and her son, Maling Kundang. They lived poorly. They had to sell the wood to earn the money or barter to the other   thing. One day, Malin asked to work in the city, at the first time her mom did not give the permission but the finally, she gave it.

He went to the city to work. In the city, he worked in rich family. And he felt love with the daughter . he married her and told that he did not have any family more. They lived and sailed from island to island with the huge ship.

One day, they stopped over in Malin’s island, and Malin’s friend knew them and told to Malin’s mother. She was so happy to hear that and wanted to visited them in the ship. Unfortunately, when she got the ship, Malin did not admit her mother and mocked her. She was so sad and cried but Malin did not care of her. Her anger made her to say “you will be a stone if you are not my son”.

Malin’s ship continued to sail, in the ocean it was hit by the great wave and storm and it was destroyed and Malin became a stone. You can see it in the Batu manis Malin Kundang , Padang, West Sumatra.

  • What is the best title of that text?
  • Where does the story come from?
  • So, what is the good massage from the text to you?

Then, you have answer the questions based on the text below

I have a father; he is the most handsome boy in my live. His name is Mr. Joko.

He is so different to other guys. He has mustache and beard. He looks almost wild but he is kind father. He always gives what I want to have. Everyday before going to school I always comb his curly hair and prepare his black shoes,. Because we have same way to our destination, he always drops me to the school.

  • What kind of text is it?
  • What does he look like?




Demikian artikel pembahasan tentang” Contoh Soal Essay Mid Semester Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA “, semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa ikuti postingan kami berikutnya. See you

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Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 (Introduction, Pronouns, Congratulations and Compliment, Showing Intention)

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35 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Ilustrasi contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1

Sonora.ID -  Berikut adalah 35 contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 yang sudah lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

Dalam hitungan pekan saja, siswa/i akan menghadapi Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) untuk mendapatkan penilaian di berbagai mata pelajaran, salah satunya Bahasa Inggris.

Kamu dapat mempelajari beberapa contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 agar lebih siap dalam menghadapi penilaian tengah semester tersebut.

Seluruh contoh soal ini sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban untuk memudahkan kamu dalam mencocokan jawaban.

Langsung saja simak 35 contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 berikut ini yang sudah Sonora ID rangkum dari berbagai sumber.

This text is for question no. 1-5

Baca Juga: 35 Nama Alat Dapur dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Arti

Cocoa Beach Florida is known as the perfect beach town. It is an hour drive to east of Orlando on Florida’s amazing Space Coast. The drive here is almost as beautiful as the beach.

Cocoa Beach is one of the most affordable beach vacations in Florida. There are a lot of things to see around Cocoa Beach. Space Coast offers you the chance to go deep sea fishing or parasailing, river tour and getting up close with the awesome wildlife of Florida.

While at Cocoa Beach, tourist can also visit the Kennedy Space Center, the Brevard Zoo, or spend some time shopping. They are within short driving distance to all of the Orlando attractions, and drive back to Cocoa Beach at nightto enjoy dinner in one of the many dining spots on the beach.

When night sets in, tourist can travel back and enjoy the nightlife on the beach that ranges from cool jazz clubs to beach side cafes. There are some facilities to stay with perfect accommodations and wake up to a breathtaking sunrise on the beach. With plenty of offers, tourist or businessmen who like beach vacation, Cocoa Beach is the best place to consider. They will find exactly what they have been looking for.

1. What is the text about? a. Cocoa Bleach b. Cocoa Beach c. Caneel Bay d. Long Beach e. California

2. where is it located? a. Texas b. Florida c. Nabraska d. New Mexico e. Carribean

3. According to the text, where do you go if you want to go deep sea fishing or parasailing? a. Space Coast b. West Coast c. East Coast d. Gold Coast e. Spice Coast

4. While at Cocoa Beach, what are other places that the tourist can also visit? a. Kennedy Space Center b. The Brevard Zoo c. Hoosac School d. Laguna Beach e. a & b

5. Which country is Cocoa Beach in? a. UK b. Uruguay c. Mexico d. USA e. Canada

This text is for questions no. 6-8

Helen visits Naiya in Brazil. Naiya tells Helen about the famous Samba Festival which occurs once in a year. Helen is so happy to hear that. She wants to learn how to dance Samba. They both travel around before they see the festival. They visit some places which introduce the culture of Brazil. Helen buys feijoada, a traditional dish in Brazil, and she loves it so much. Naiya then takes Helen to see the festival at night. Helen is so happy and say thanks to her best friend for the unforgettable memories.

6. Who is Naiya?

a. Helen’s youngers sister. b. Helen’s best friend. c. Helen’s pen pal. d. Helen’s acquaintance. e. Helen’s older sister.

7. What festival does Helen...

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55 Soal Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 dan Kunci Jawaban (Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Soal Essay)

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WISLAH.COM – Tulisan ini memuat 55 soal pilihan ganda dan esai tentang Narrative Text untuk siswa kelas 10 SMA, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. Soal-soal ini dirancang untuk menguji pemahaman siswa tentang struktur, ciri-ciri, dan unsur-unsur penting dalam teks naratif, serta kemampuan mereka dalam menganalisis cerita rakyat dan dongeng.

Dengan berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal ini, siswa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca, menulis, dan berpikir kritis mereka dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, soal-soal ini juga dapat membantu siswa memahami nilai-nilai moral dan pesan-pesan penting yang terkandung dalam cerita-cerita rakyat dan dongeng.

A. 45 Soal Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choice)

Reading Comprehension 1:

The Legend of Sangkuriang

Once upon a time in West Java, lived a beautiful princess named Dayang Sumbi. She was banished from the kingdom by her father for disobedience. In her exile, she met a magical dog named Tumang, who was actually a god in disguise. They fell in love and had a son named Sangkuriang.

Sangkuriang grew up unaware of his father’s true identity. One day, he was hunting with Tumang, but Tumang refused to catch any prey. Frustrated, Sangkuriang killed Tumang and brought his heart home to his mother. Dayang Sumbi, enraged by her son’s actions, hit him on the head with a rice ladle, leaving a scar. Sangkuriang left home, heartbroken and ashamed.

Years later, Sangkuriang returned to his homeland, not recognizing his mother due to her youthful appearance. They fell in love and planned to marry. However, Dayang Sumbi discovered the scar on Sangkuriang’s head and realized his true identity. To prevent the incestuous marriage, she asked him to build a lake and a boat in one night.

Sangkuriang, with the help of spirits, almost completed the task. But Dayang Sumbi tricked the rooster into crowing prematurely, signaling dawn. Enraged, Sangkuriang kicked the unfinished boat, creating the mountain Tangkuban Perahu. The lake he created became Bandung Basin.

  • What is the main theme of this legend? a. The power of love. b. The consequences of disobedience. c. The importance of forgiveness. d. The dangers of pride. Jawaban: b
  • Why did Dayang Sumbi hit Sangkuriang? a. He disobeyed her orders. b. He killed her beloved dog. c. He wanted to marry her. d. He failed to build the lake and boat. Jawaban: b
  • How did Dayang Sumbi prevent the marriage? a. She told him the truth about his father. b. She asked him to perform an impossible task. c. She fled the kingdom. d. She cursed him. Jawaban: b
  • What is the significance of Tangkuban Perahu? a. It is a symbol of Sangkuriang’s love for Dayang Sumbi. b. It is a reminder of his anger and frustration. c. It is a sacred place for the people of West Java. d. It is a popular tourist destination. Jawaban: b
  • What can we learn from this legend? a. Love conquers all. b. Actions have consequences. c. Forgiveness is important. d. Pride leads to downfall. Jawaban: b

Reading Comprehension 2:

The Story of Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang was a poor boy who lived with his mother in a small village. One day, he decided to leave his village and seek fortune in a faraway land. He worked hard and became a successful merchant.

Years later, Malin Kundang returned to his village with his wealthy wife. His mother, overjoyed to see him, rushed to embrace him. However, Malin Kundang, ashamed of his humble origins, denied knowing her. Heartbroken, his mother cursed him to turn into stone.

As Malin Kundang sailed away, a storm struck his ship. He was thrown overboard and turned into a stone statue, forever a reminder of his ingratitude.

  • What is the main theme of this story? a. The importance of wealth. b. The dangers of ambition. c. The power of a mother’s love. d. The consequences of ingratitude. Jawaban: d
  • Why did Malin Kundang deny his mother? a. He was afraid of his wife. b. He was ashamed of his past. c. He did not recognize her. d. He was angry with her. Jawaban: b
  • How did his mother react to his denial? a. She forgave him. b. She cursed him. c. She begged him to reconsider. d. She left the village. Jawaban: b
  • What happened to Malin Kundang after he denied his mother? a. He became even wealthier. b. He was shipwrecked and turned into stone. c. He returned to his wife and lived happily ever after. d. He regretted his actions and sought his mother’s forgiveness. Jawaban: b
  • What can we learn from this story? a. Money can’t buy happiness. b. Respect your elders. c. Don’t be ashamed of your past. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d

Reading Comprehension 3: The Wise Monkey and the Crocodile

Once, a monkey lived on a berry tree on a riverbank. He befriended a crocodile who lived in the river. The monkey would share berries with the crocodile, and they would spend hours talking.

One day, the crocodile’s wife became jealous of their friendship and demanded the monkey’s heart to eat. The crocodile, hesitant at first, eventually agreed to fulfill his wife’s wish. He invited the monkey to his home across the river, claiming his wife was ill and wanted to meet him.

The clever monkey agreed but said he left his heart in the berry tree. When they reached the other side, the monkey quickly climbed up the tree and told the crocodile the truth. The crocodile, ashamed of his actions, apologized and returned to his wife empty-handed.

  • What is the main conflict in this story? a. The monkey and the crocodile’s friendship. b. The crocodile’s wife’s jealousy. c. The monkey’s cleverness. d. The crocodile’s greed. Jawaban: b
  • Why did the crocodile invite the monkey to his home? a. To introduce him to his wife. b. To share a meal with him. c. To fulfill his wife’s wish for the monkey’s heart. d. To show him his new home. Jawaban: c
  • How did the monkey trick the crocodile? a. He pretended to be sick. b. He said he left his heart in the berry tree. c. He hid in the river. d. He threatened to call the other animals for help. Jawaban: b
  • What is the moral of the story? a. Don’t trust anyone easily. b. Always be prepared for danger. c. Think before you act. d. Don’t let jealousy control you. Jawaban: d
  • Which of the following is NOT a character in the story? a. The monkey b. The crocodile c. The crocodile’s wife d. The berry tree Jawaban: d

Reading Comprehension 4: Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Bawang Putih lived with her stepmother and stepsister, Bawang Merah. They were cruel to Bawang Putih, making her do all the chores while they lived in luxury.

One day, Bawang Putih lost her stepmother’s shawl in the river. A magical fish found it and returned it to Bawang Putih, granting her wishes in return. Bawang Putih wished for a beautiful dress and carriage to attend a festival.

At the festival, Bawang Putih’s beauty attracted a prince. As she ran home, she lost her slipper. The prince searched for the owner of the slipper and found Bawang Putih. They fell in love and married.

Bawang Merah and her mother were jealous and tried to sabotage Bawang Putih’s happiness, but their evil plans backfired, and they were punished. Bawang Putih and the prince lived happily ever after.

  • What is the main theme of this story? a. The importance of hard work. b. The dangers of jealousy. c. The power of kindness and forgiveness. d. The rewards of patience and perseverance. Jawaban: c
  • Why did Bawang Putih lose the shawl in the river? a. She was careless. b. Her stepsister pushed her. c. She was trying to wash it. d. She wanted to attract the fish. Jawaban: c
  • Who helped Bawang Putih? a. A fairy godmother. b. A magical fish. c. A prince charming. d. A talking bird. Jawaban: b
  • What did Bawang Putih wish for? a. To be rich. b. To be beautiful. c. To attend the festival. d. To marry the prince. Jawaban: c
  • How did the story end? a. Bawang Putih and the prince lived happily ever after. b. Bawang Merah and her mother were punished. c. Bawang Putih forgave her stepsister and stepmother. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d

Reading Comprehension 5: The Story of Ramayana

The Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic that tells the story of Rama, a prince of Ayodhya. Rama is exiled from his kingdom with his wife, Sita, and his brother, Lakshmana. In the forest, Sita is kidnapped by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka.

Rama and Lakshmana embark on a journey to rescue Sita, with the help of Hanuman, the monkey god. They build a bridge to Lanka, defeat Ravana in a great battle, and rescue Sita. They return to Ayodhya, where Rama is crowned king.

  • What is the main theme of the Ramayana? a. The triumph of good over evil. b. The importance of family. c. The power of love and devotion. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d
  • Why was Rama exiled from his kingdom? a. He disobeyed his father. b. He lost a battle. c. His stepmother wanted her son to be king. d. He was cursed by a sage. Jawaban: c
  • Who kidnapped Sita? a. Ravana. b. Hanuman. c. Lakshmana. d. Sugriva. Jawaban: a
  • How did Rama and Lakshmana rescue Sita? a. They negotiated with Ravana. b. They paid a ransom. c. They built a bridge to Lanka and defeated Ravana in battle. d. They tricked Ravana into releasing Sita. Jawaban: c
  • What happened after Rama rescued Sita? a. They returned to Ayodhya and lived happily ever after. b. Rama doubted Sita’s purity and banished her. c. Sita proved her innocence and they were reunited. d. Rama became king and ruled wisely. Jawaban: c

Reading Comprehension 6: Cinderella

Cinderella is a kind and beautiful young woman who lives with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters. They make her do all the chores and treat her badly.

One day, the king announces a ball to find a bride for his son, the prince. Cinderella wants to attend but has nothing to wear. Her fairy godmother appears and magically transforms her rags into a beautiful gown and gives her glass slippers.

Cinderella goes to the ball and dances with the prince, who falls in love with her. However, she must leave at midnight before the spell breaks. In her haste, she loses one of her slippers.

The prince searches for the owner of the slipper and finds Cinderella. They marry and live happily ever after.

  • What is the main theme of Cinderella? a. The importance of beauty. b. The power of magic. c. The triumph of good over evil. d. The rewards of kindness and perseverance. Jawaban: d
  • Why couldn’t Cinderella go to the ball at first? a. She was too young. b. She didn’t have a dress. c. Her stepmother forbade her. d. She was too busy with chores. Jawaban: c
  • Who helped Cinderella go to the ball? a. Her fairy godmother. b. Her father. c. Her friends. d. Her stepsisters. Jawaban: a
  • What did Cinderella lose at the ball? a. Her necklace. b. Her earring. c. Her slipper. d. Her crown. Jawaban: c
  • How did the prince find Cinderella? a. He asked everyone in the kingdom to try on the slipper. b. He followed her carriage. c. He recognized her voice. d. He saw her portrait. Jawaban: a

Reading Comprehension 7: Snow White

Snow White is a beautiful princess with skin as white as snow. Her stepmother, the Evil Queen, is jealous of her beauty and orders a huntsman to kill her. However, the huntsman takes pity on Snow White and leaves her in the forest.

Snow White finds refuge in a cottage where seven dwarfs live. They become her friends and protect her from the Evil Queen. The Queen, disguised as an old woman, tricks Snow White into eating a poisoned apple, which puts her into a deep sleep.

A handsome prince finds Snow White and awakens her with a kiss. They fall in love and marry, while the Evil Queen is defeated.

  • What is the main conflict in Snow White? a. Snow White’s beauty. b. The Evil Queen’s jealousy. c. The seven dwarfs’ kindness. d. The prince’s love for Snow White. Jawaban: b
  • Why did the Evil Queen want to kill Snow White? a. She was afraid of Snow White’s power. b. She wanted to be the fairest in the land. c. She hated all princesses. d. She wanted to take over the kingdom. Jawaban: b
  • Who helped Snow White in the forest? a. The huntsman. b. The seven dwarfs. c. The prince. d. The animals. Jawaban: b
  • How was Snow White awakened from her sleep? a. A magic potion. b. A true love’s kiss. c. A song. d. A spell. Jawaban: b
  • What happened to the Evil Queen? a. She was forgiven by Snow White. b. She escaped and lived happily ever after. c. She was defeated and punished. d. She became friends with the seven dwarfs. Jawaban: c

Reading Comprehension 8: The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is a mermaid princess who dreams of becoming human. She makes a deal with the sea witch, Ursula, to trade her voice for legs. However, if she cannot make the prince fall in love with her and marry her, she will turn into sea foam.

The Little Mermaid goes to the surface and meets the prince, who is attracted to her beauty but cannot understand her because she has no voice. Ursula, disguised as a beautiful woman, tries to seduce the prince with the Little Mermaid’s voice.

In the end, the Little Mermaid sacrifices herself to save the prince and turns into sea foam. However, her good deeds are rewarded, and she is transformed into a spirit of the air, where she can earn her immortality.

  • What is the Little Mermaid’s greatest desire? a. To have a beautiful voice. b. To become human. c. To marry a prince. d. To explore the world. Jawaban: b
  • What does the Little Mermaid trade with Ursula? a. Her tail. b. Her crown. c. Her voice. d. Her necklace. Jawaban: c
  • Why can’t the prince understand the Little Mermaid? a. He speaks a different language. b. She has no voice. c. He is deaf. d. She is shy. Jawaban: b
  • What happens to the Little Mermaid in the end? a. She marries the prince. b. She turns into sea foam. c. She returns to the sea. d. She becomes a human. Jawaban: b
  • What is the moral of the story? a. Be careful what you wish for. b. Don’t trust strangers. c. Love requires sacrifice. d. Always be yourself. Jawaban: c

Reading Comprehension 9: Beauty and the Beast

Belle, a young woman who loves reading, lives in a small village with her father. One day, her father gets lost in the forest and takes shelter in a mysterious castle. The castle’s master, a fearsome Beast, imprisons him. Belle offers to take her father’s place as the Beast’s prisoner.

As Belle spends time in the castle, she discovers that the Beast is not as monstrous as he seems. They develop a friendship, and Belle begins to see the kind heart beneath the Beast’s rough exterior.

Meanwhile, Gaston, a vain and arrogant hunter, wants to marry Belle. He leads a mob to the castle to kill the Beast. Belle arrives in time to save the Beast, and her love for him breaks the curse that turned him into a beast. The Beast transforms back into a handsome prince, and they live happily ever after.

  • What is the Beast’s true form? a. A monster. b. A lion. c. A prince. d. A wizard. Jawaban: c
  • Why does Belle become the Beast’s prisoner? a. She is kidnapped by the Beast. b. She is tricked by Gaston. c. She offers to take her father’s place. d. She wants to live in the castle. Jawaban: c
  • How does Belle feel about the Beast at first? a. She is scared of him. b. She is curious about him. c. She hates him. d. She pities him. Jawaban: a
  • What breaks the curse on the Beast? a. Belle’s kiss. b. Belle’s love. c. Gaston’s defeat. d. A magic spell. Jawaban: b
  • What is the moral of the story? a. Don’t judge a book by its cover. b. True love conquers all. c. Be kind to everyone. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d

B. 10 Soal Essay

  • Characters: The people or animals who take part in the story.
  • Setting: The time and place where the story happens.
  • Plot: The sequence of events that make up the story.
  • Conflict: The problem or challenge that the characters face.
  • Resolution: The way the conflict is solved.
  • Theme: The underlying message or meaning of the story.
  • Point of view: The perspective from which the story is told.
  • Orientation: This is the introduction of the story, where the characters, setting, and initial situation are established.
  • Complication: This is the rising action of the story, where the conflict is introduced and developed.
  • Resolution: This is the falling action and conclusion of the story, where the conflict is resolved and the story comes to an end.
  • Myths: Myths are often about gods, goddesses, or supernatural beings. They explain natural phenomena, the origins of the world, or the customs and beliefs of a culture. Myths are often considered sacred and are used to teach moral lessons.
  • Legends: Legends are based on historical figures or events, but they are often exaggerated or embellished over time. They may contain elements of truth, but they are not meant to be taken literally. Legends are often used to entertain or inspire.
  • Choose one Indonesian folktale and summarize its plot.

Answer (Example):

Timun Mas (The Golden Cucumber)

A widowed old woman named Mbok Srini longed for a child. She prayed to a giant, Buto Ijo, who granted her wish with a condition: when the child turned sixteen, she must be sacrificed to him. Mbok Srini agreed and received a cucumber containing a baby girl, whom she named Timun Mas.

Timun Mas grew into a beautiful and kind young woman. When her sixteenth birthday approached, Mbok Srini revealed the truth. Timun Mas was heartbroken but determined to escape. Buto Ijo came to claim Timun Mas, but Mbok Srini had given her a magic pouch containing seeds.

Timun Mas fled into the forest, scattering the seeds as she ran. The seeds grew into a thick vine that entangled Buto Ijo. Timun Mas then threw cucumber seeds that grew into a field of sharp cucumbers, injuring Buto Ijo. Finally, she threw shrimp paste, creating a boiling mud lake that trapped and defeated Buto Ijo. Timun Mas returned to her mother, and they lived happily ever after.

Plot Summary: A giant grants an old woman’s wish for a child, but demands the child as a sacrifice when she turns sixteen. The girl, Timun Mas, uses magical seeds to escape and defeat the giant, returning safely to her mother.

  • Good vs. evil
  • The importance of family
  • Respect for nature and elders
  • The consequences of greed, dishonesty, or arrogance
  • The power of love, kindness, and forgiveness
  • Passing down traditions and beliefs from one generation to the next.
  • Teaching moral lessons and social norms.
  • Expressing the hopes, fears, and dreams of a community.
  • Providing entertainment and a sense of shared identity.
  • First-person narrator: The narrator is a character in the story and uses “I” or “we” to tell the story from their perspective.
  • Third-person narrator: The narrator is not a character in the story and uses “he,” “she,” “it,” or “they” to tell the story. The third-person narrator can be omniscient (knowing everything) or limited (knowing only the thoughts and feelings of one character).
  • Answer: (Students should choose a folktale and analyze the use of language and literary devices, such as similes, metaphors, personification, symbolism, and repetition.)
  • Presenting characters who model positive behavior and values.
  • Showing the consequences of negative behavior.
  • Using simple language and engaging stories that children can understand.
  • Discussing the moral lessons of the story with children.

A Day at the Beach

The sun beat down on my face as I stepped onto the warm sand. It was a perfect summer day, and I couldn’t wait to spend it at the beach. The smell of salt and sunscreen filled the air, a familiar and comforting scent.

I spread out my towel and laid down, basking in the sun’s warmth. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was a soothing melody, lulling me into a state of relaxation. I closed my eyes and let the rhythm of the ocean wash over me.

After a while, I decided to take a dip in the water. The cool water was a welcome relief from the heat, and I floated on my back, watching the clouds drift by. I spotted a group of dolphins playing in the distance, their sleek bodies leaping out of the water in graceful arcs.

As the sun began to set, I walked along the shore, collecting seashells and watching the sky turn shades of orange, pink, and purple. The beach was nearly deserted now, and I had the whole place to myself. It was a magical moment, and I felt a deep sense of peace and tranquility.

As I drove home, I couldn’t help but smile. It had been a perfect day at the beach, filled with sun, sand, and the beauty of nature. I knew I would cherish the memories of that day for years to come.

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23 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal simple past tense essay, kemudian ingin berlatih soal WH Question atau Pronoun, dengan mengklik menu dropdown " Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris " di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang telah berlalu. Seperti kalimat saya telah pergi ke kota kemarin ( I went to city yesterday ). Kami telah membuat topi bulan lalu (We made a hat last month ) 

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk essay adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.

Cara kedua supaya memudahkan di dalam mengerjakan soal Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk essay, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Simple Past Tense di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Simple Past Tense akan lebih mahir. 

Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Simpe Past Tense Essay

Berikut adalah 23 contoh Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk essay, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. 

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah 

  • Did you … to bioscop last night? (go)
  • When did they  .. this beer yesterday? (drink)
  • I … the butterfly in front of my home yesterday. (see)
  • I … In this village since last year. (live)
  • What …. She give to you yesterday? (Do)
  • He ,,,, stones to the army last week. (throw) 
  • What did she … in their store?  ( buy)
  • How  … You …  in the morning? (do, eat) 
  • The teacher … something to the student yesterday? (say) 
  • How did you learn to speak English? “My father …. Me (teach) 
  • Roziqin and I played badminton last month, He is much better than me, So Roziqin … easily. (win)
  • Abdillah … more than 200 books last year. (write)
  • Where did she … this paper? (take)
  • Zaid  …. the door yesterday. (close)
  • My teacher  …. To me Be excellent each other last month (say)
  • The door was open, and the cat ,,, this house . (enter)
  • Mr. Budi  … a bread last night. (make)
  • I was sick, so I … to bed early (go)
  • Tamara was not hungry, so she …. anything (eat)
  • They went to ardi’s house, but he …. At home (be)
  • I knew my sister was very busy, So I …. her. (disturb)
  • We couldn’t manage our car, so we …. it (sell)
  • We were very happy with this house, se we …. It. (sell) 

Kunci Jawaban

8. did, eat

16. Entered

19. Didn’t eat

20. Was not

21. Didn’t disturb

23. didn’t sell

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Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Kelas X Semester 2

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50 Bocoran Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA SMK Semester 1 Lengkap Jawaban Agar Nilai UAS PAS Bagus !

Ilustrasi - Soal dan Jawaban UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/SMK Semester 1

INDOTRENDS.ID - 50 Bocoran Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA SMK Semester 1 Lengkap Jawaban Agar Nilai UAS PAS Bagus ! Ya, agar nilai Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Ujian Akhir Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 cemerlang, ayo latihan soal-soal essay Bahasa Inggris berikut ini :

Soal dan Kunci Jawaban UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/SMK Semester 1

This text is for questions no. 1-8

My Day at the Beach

Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometers from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy.

After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach. Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.

1. What is the purpose of the text above?

Jawab: Retell events for the purpose of explanation 

2. When did the writer go to the beach?

Jawab: The writer spent Three weeks of holidays

3. What is the name of the beach?

Jawab: Smith

4. Which is not true based on the story?

  • The writer and his friends went to the beach because they were boring
  • They bought some hot chips
  • Many people were at the beach when they got there
  • It needed to ride about 5 kilometers to reach the beach
  • They were facing windy road

Jawab: Many people were at the beach when they got there

5. Who are the participants in the story?

Jawab: The writer and his friend

6. How did the story end?

Jawab: Happy

7. How is the generic structure of recount?

Jawab: Orientation-events-reorientation

8. Which of the following word belongs to temporal sequence?

  • Three weeks

Jawab : After

This text is for questions for no.9-11

Last month, I travelled to several cities in Sumatra. From Jakarta, I went by a bus to Merak harbour. I had to take a ferry to pass the Sunda strait, from Merak to Tanjung Karang. Then, I travelled from Tanjungkarang to Palembang. I stayed two days in Palembang. Then, I got the train from from Palembang to Lubuklinggau. I stayed one night there and the next day I took a bus to Bukitinggi. The journey lasted twenty four hours. I spent two weeks around Bukitinggi. I visited the Sianok,Canyon, Lake Maninjau and Istano Pagaruyung. After my week in Bukitinggi, I travelled by bus to Lake Toba, the largest lake in the Southeast Asia. This area has beautiful scenery and contains many examples of Batak houses and`graveyards. After a few days on Samosir Island, I travelled to Medan and from there to the Gunung Leuser National Park. This is the largest national park in south east Asia. I saw orang-utans, monkeys rhinos, and many beautiful birds. I visited the rain forest. It was beautiful. My last few days were spent in Banda Aceh. I really enjoyed this city.

9. What is the main idea of the paragraph above?

Jawab: The Story of The writer`s nice traveling to Sumatra

10. The following statement is NOT TRUE based on the passage.

  • The writer didn`t get an exciting trip
  • The writer probably lives in Jakarta
  • The writer stayed in Palembang a couple of days.
  • The view of Sumatra is nice
  • Banda Aceh is neat and clean

Jawab: The writer didn`t get an exciting travelling

11. This area has beautiful scenery and contains many examples of Batak houses and graveyards .

The underlined word means ....

Jawab: Places for burying the deads

This text is for questions no.12-17

Our trip to the Blue Mountain

On Friday, we went to the Blue Mountain. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and tennis court.

On Saturday, we saw the Three Sisters and we went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mom and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday, we went on the scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having shower. In the afternoon, we went home.

12. The text above belongs to……

Jawab: Recount

13. How many days did they take their trip?

Jawab: three days

14 . Whose trip is actually stated in the text?

Jawab: The writer and his/her mother

15 . When did they go home?

Jawab: on Sunday afternoon

16. “Our trip to the Blue Mountain”.The underlined word has the same meaning as…..

Jawab: Journey

17. The purpose of the text is ……..

Jawab: to tell what happened

This text is for questions no.18-20

To explore your talent, there will be some contests for students. First, singing, between two and five students from each class. Then, stand-up comedy, one or two people from each class. Finally, a short drama, with open numbers of participants, for about ten minutes. Each class should join at least one of the contests. For further information, please contact Ms. Inna.

18. How many contests will be held?

Jawab: Three

19. How long will the drama be?

Jawab: Ten minutes.

20. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?

  • Every class should join all the contests.
  • The event is to celebrate the school’s anniversary.
  • There should be five students participating in the drama.
  • The singing participants should be between two and five students from each class.
  • There should be three students participating in the stand-up comedy from each class.

Jawab : The singing participants should be between two and five students from each class.

This text is for questions no.21-26

Dear diary,

Last Sunday morning, Aunt Emily made an announcement. She told us that she was going to take us on a cruise! I was very surprised, knowing how expensive a holiday like that could be. However, we agreed. We aren’t a wealthy family, but we do have a little money put aside, over the years, which we usually use part of, for vacations.

When the day of departure finally arrived, We were thrilled to see how huge and luxurious the ship was. Our cruise liner sailed distinguishly out to sea, as our holiday began.

What a disappointment! There was so little to do on board. The boredom almost drove us mad. We visited several ports, but we didn’t have the freedom to do what wanted to. Furthermore, we had to follow a very tight schedule of guided tours an visits to museums. It was an uninteresting experience!

21. How did the writer and his/her family travel on vacation ?

Jawab: By ship

22 . Whose idea was it for having such a vacation?

Jawab: The writer`s aunt

23. What did the writer feel to see the cruise ship?

Jawab: Excited

24. Why did the writer feel bored during the journey?

Jawab: He/she didn`t have the freedom to do what he/she wanted

25. “Furthermore we had to follow a very tight schedule .... “ ( paragraph 3). What is the antonym of tight ...

Jawab: Free

26. “Finally your dream has come true “ A similar meaning of the underlined word is ...

Jawab: at last

This text is for questions no. 27-33

The King’s Disease

Many years ago there was a king who was very bad tempered. Everyone was afraid of him. The king was bad tempered because he was often ill. He was often ill because he ate and drank too much.

“I am always ill”, the king told his doctor. “Why can’t you cure me?” the doctor did not want to tell the king the reason. He knew this would make the king very angry. “I give you the best medicine, your majesty” he said “I do my best.”

“your medicine make me worse’, the king said. “You must cure me before the end of the month or I shall put you in prison. You are trying to poison me.”

‘Perhaps your food is making you ill”, the doctor said. This was a polite way of saying, “You eat too much.”

“Nonsense”, the king shouted. “My cook is the best cook in the world. No, I am ill because you are a fool. You do not know how to cure me. I pay you to make me well, but what happens? I have stomachache and headache everyday. Now go and study your books. Fine a cure for my disease or…….”

“Yes, yes, yes Majesty.” The doctor said and went to his room. He made a lot of new medicine but it did no cure the king.

At last, a few days before the end of the months, the doctor went into the forest. He wanted to see a wise old monk and ask for his advice.

27. Why were people afraid of the king?

Jawab: Because he was bad tempered

28. Why did the doctor not want to tell the king the truth about his illness?

Jawab: The king would become very angry

29. What was making the king ill?

Jawab: Too much eat and drink

30. How much food did the doctor think the king ate?

Jawab: Too much

31 . He said to me, “Don’t spend too much money!” The indirect speech is: …too much money

Jawab: He told me not to spend

32. The teacher asked Toni,” why do you come late ?”. The indirect speech is ...

Jawab: The teacher asked Toni why he came late

33 . Arrange the following jumbled sentences into the correct order.

  • She did not know what she should do to save the baby since it was circled by a ring of fire
  • The fire made her afraid, even she never cooked her meals using fire since then
  • Since then , she was never afraid of fire
  • The woman approached the sound and was very surprised seeing a baby cry loudly
  • Her husband and daughter had died several years before due to a fire
  • She entered the ring of fire and saved the baby
  • Once upon time , there was a woman living alone in her house
  • One day, she heard a baby crying on the top of a hill near her house
  • However, her pity was greater than her fear of fire

Jawab : 7-5-2-8-4-1-9-6-3

This text is for questions no. 34-37

Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea. He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile, "How many crocodiles are there in the river?" The boss of crocodile answered, "We are twenty here." "Where are they?" the rabbit asked for the second time. "What is it for?" the boss of crocodile asked.

"All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are,"" said the rabbit. Then, the boss of crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another. One…two…three…four…until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the river.

34. The story mainly tells about ….

Jawab: a rabbit and twenty crocodiles.

35 . We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted …

Jawab: to cross the river

36. How did the rabbit cross the river?

Jawab: By jumping from one crocodile to another..

37. What did the boss of crocodile call his friends for?

Jawab: To make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river.

38. Jinan: “….. to my friend, Feni? (Izinkan aku memperkenalkanmu ke temanku) Feni: “How do you do?” Jinan : “How do you do?”

Jawab: Let me introduce you

39. Zee: What do we have for dinner, Dad? Father: I don’t cook Zee: Will we have dinner in a restaurant, Dad? Father: Yes dear. Father and mother are going to celebrate our anniversary. Zee: Congratulations, Dad! Why does the child congratulate her parents?

Jawab: She celebrates her parent’s anniversary

40. Lulu: What do you think of the show? Fany: The show is………….

Jawab: Amazing

41. Gaby: “ Hi, Jojo. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been? Jojo: “I have been to Jakarta. I have got a job. I have been working for a logging company.” Gaby: “Really?…..”

Jawab: I’m happy to hear that

42 . Teacher: Excuse me, my students. I’m Hannah. I’m a new Math teacher in this class. Nice to meet you all my students Students : Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Hannah. What is the topic of the conversation?

Jawab: Introducing oneself

43 . Zee: Well, I am actually tired of taking physics courses. Christy: Why? Zee: The subject makes me confused. ……………… Christy: You’d better pay more attention.

Jawab: What do you advise me to do?

44 . Sisca: ……………….. Shani: Well, at least the movie has got five Academy Award nominations.

Jawab: Why do you think the movie is good?

45. Muthe: What is your favorite music, Lala? Chika: I enjoy RnB music. ……………….

Jawab: I believe it’s the easiest one.

46 . Marsha: Flora, I don’t have money to pay the school fee. Flora: Do you want to borrow my money? …….If you need some.

Jawab: I’m going to go to the nearest ATM

47 . Fiki: Today is your first day in our school. What are you going to do then? Desy: “……..” What is the most appropriate response to say next?

Jawab: I will introduce myself to some student

Soal 48 Dion : "Hello, Ma. This is my cousin: Erica" Erica : "How do you do?" Via : "How do you do?" What kind of expressions the underlined expression is?

Jawab: introducing

49. Jaka: "Hi, I m Jaka. What is your name?" Hana: "I'm Hana." Jaka: "What are you looking for? Can I help you?" Hana: "I'm looking for a self-help book." Jaka: "I would like to recommend you this book. This is my favorite book. " What do they talk about?

Jawab: book interest

50. Mr. Rudi: "Lina, this is Mrs. Wati, the head of purchasing division. Mrs. Wati, she is Lina. She is your new assistant." Lina: "Pleased to meet you.” Mr. Rudi: "Pleased to meet you too. Are you able to communicate in English!” Lina: "Yes, Ma'am. I am able to speak English fluently. I am an English Language and Literature graduate.” Mr. Rudi: "That's great! I hope we could work together." Where does the dialog take place?

Jawab: office

Editor: Dian Toro

kunci jawaban

Bahasa inggris kelas 10, artikel pilihan.

100 Contoh Soal Cerdas Cermat Pengetahuan Umum SMA Buat Lomba HUT Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus Lengkap Jawabannya

100 Contoh Soal Cerdas Cermat Pengetahuan Umum SMA Buat Lomba HUT Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus Lengkap Jawabannya

TERLENGKAP! Kunci Jawaban Soal IPS Kelas 8 Halaman 19 Kurikulum Merdeka Apa Saja Kekayaan Alam di Wilayahku?

TERLENGKAP! Kunci Jawaban Soal IPS Kelas 8 Halaman 19 Kurikulum Merdeka Apa Saja Kekayaan Alam di Wilayahku?

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Bocoran Kunci Jawaban IPS Kelas 8 Halaman 19 Kurikulum Merdeka Apa Saja Kekayaan Alam di Wilayahku?

100 Soal Cerdas Cermat Pengetahuan Umum dan Sejarah Cocok Buat Lomba HUT Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus Tingkat SMP

100 Soal Cerdas Cermat Pengetahuan Umum dan Sejarah Cocok Buat Lomba HUT Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus Tingkat SMP

TERLENGKAP! Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 12 Tentang Cerpen: Lelaki Menderita Bila Dipuji Ahmad Tohari

TERLENGKAP! Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 12 Tentang Cerpen: Lelaki Menderita Bila Dipuji Ahmad Tohari

Buatlah sinopsis cerpen lelaki menderita bila dipuji ahmad tohari, bahasa indonesia kelas 12 tentang cerpen, bocoran kunci jawaban bahasa indonesia kelas 12 halaman 32 bentuk baku dari penulisan kata-kata serapan, terlengkap kunci jawaban: fitur apa saja di pmm yang membantu guru dalam pelaksanaan praktik pembelajaran, terlengkap kunci jawaban bahasa indonesia kelas 12 halaman 32 bentuk baku dari penulisan kata-kata serapan, 5 rekomendasi hp / ponsel 5g termurah agustus 2024, di bawah rp 4 juta, kamera, baterai, fitur kualitas jempol, terlengkap kunci jawaban soal post test pembatik level 1, peningkatan kompetensi tik guru 4 level, modul pmm, rekomendasi jawaban soal modul: apa program paling tepat dibuat guru untuk menguatkan budi pekerti murid, berita pilgub, soal jokowi jadi ketua dewan pembina golkar, agus gumiwang: nanti munas yang tentukan, agus gumiwang tegaskan munas golkar akan tentukan nasib jokowi dan struktur baru, pilgub ntt di mata bkh: pencuri dan setan bisa jadi pemimpin, hanura resmi berikan rekomendasi dukungan kepada ony-antok untuk pilbup ngawi 2024, gus yahya akan undang cak imin bahas konflik pbnu dan pkb.

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 dan Jawaban

Berikut ini contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 Semester 1 dan kunci jawabannya.

tirto.id - Sejumlah contoh soal bahasa Inggris dapat dimanfaatkan oleh siswa kelas 10 semester 1 sebagai latihan soal menghadapi ujian. Dalam waktu terdekat, ujian yang akan dijalani oleh siswa sekolah adalah Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS).

Ujian PTS dijadwalkan pada pertengahan bulan September 2023. Berbagai upaya persiapan dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik guna mengevaluasi proses pembelajaran selama setengah semester ini.

  • Descriptive Text
  • Food, Vegan and Opinion
  • Personality Adjectives
  • Mengenal Berbagai Jenis Teks
  • Writing An Invitation
  • Narrative Text
  • Expressing an Opinion

Fractured stories atau narrative text adalah teks yang menceritakan kisah dengan tujuan untuk menghibur pembaca. Teks ini memiliki jenis naratif yang terdiri atas beberapa unsur, seperti plot, karakter, dan point of view.

Transfer pengetahuan dalam proses pembelajaran turut dipengaruhi oleh kurikulum yang diimplementasikan.

Salah satu kurikulum di Indonesia, yakni Kurikulum Merdeka mengenalkan pembelajaran intrakurikuler yang beragam dengan konten pembelajaran yang optimal.

Kurikulum Merdeka memiliki perangkat ajar dalam proses pembelajaran. Perangkat ajar Kurikulum Merdeka terdiri atas modul ajar, modul projek, dan bahan ajar.

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 dan Jawaban

Contoh soal PTS bahasa Inggris dapat dimanfaatkan oleh siswa dalam rangka melatih diri dalam mengerjakan soal sebelum hari H pelaksanaan PTS.

Siswa dapat mengamati pola soal yang keluar sekaligus melatih manajemen waktu saat mengerjakan latihan soal. Berikut contoh soal PTS bahasa Inggris kelas 10 lengkap dengan jawabannya.

1. Complete the following dialogue

Sarah: …, I'm your new friend. My name is Sarah…?

Tessy: Hi Sarah, how do you do, pleased to meet you.

a. Hi - how are you

b. Hi - nice to meet you

c. Hi - how do you do

d. Hi - what's your name

2. Let…introduce myself, I am Alfa. I'm from Pekanbaru.

3. Complete the following dialogue

Arfan: Good morning everybody, I would like to…

My name is Arfan, I'm 16 years old. I study at SMA Patriot, and I live on Jl. Cendrawarsih no 75.

a. tell you some information

b. introduce my friend

c. introduce myself

d. meet a new friend

4. …home address is P Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

5. Complete the following dialogue

Me: Of course. I'm Nathan, I'm 17 years old. I'm a skateboarder, I've been skating since I was ten.

a. What's your name

b. How are you

c. Can you tell me about yourself

d. Are you a skateboarder

6. This is my friend, …name is Alita. …. is from Philippine, We can call …Lita.

a. she - her - her

b. her - she - her

c. her - her - she

d. she - she – her

7. They are the students of SMK Pertiwi, …school is located on Jl. Pertiwi no 107.

8. You and …brother can join the party.

9. Excuse me, you can't sit here, this is my desk, and that desk on the corner… you can sit on that desk.

10. Fajar has a motorcycle. He usually parks …motorcycle near Mesjid.

11. We are from Indonesia. One of traditional music of …country is Angklung.

12. Complete the following dialogue

Randy: I heard you won 10 K marathon last week, …you are great.

Sebastian: Thank you man.

a. how did you do that

b. congratulations

c. oh my god

d. you look so gorgeous

13. Complete the following dialogue

Vika: What is that?

Tony: This is my artwork. This is the picture of my village.

Vika: That's beautiful, well done man!

b. No problem

c. Thanks for your appreciation

d. I need your appreciation

14. Complete the following dialogue

Rio: Everybody is talking about you.

Shani: Why?

Rio: Beacause of your spectacular performance on students' got talent yesterday.

Shani: Oh well, maybe I was just lucky.

Rio: Come on! … Everyone admires you.

Shani: I'm little bit shy actually, but thank you. Thanks for being supportive.

a. be happy

b. you are not lucky

c. you did incredible job

d. be a champion

15. Complete the following dialogue

Peter: Why do you look uncomfortable?

Anita: No, I'm just, I'm not confident to be here among these charming people.

Peter: Don't feel that way, …with that dress.

Anita: Really?

Peter: Of course, look at you, you're dazzling.

Thank you for lifting me up.

a. you look bizarre

b. you look as usual

c. you look ordinary

d. you look beautiful

16. Complete the following dialogue

Bob: … with that sun glasses.

Patrick: But it doesn't belong to me.

Bob: It's okay, it doesn't change the way I think about you.

Patrick: You're a true friend.

a. Do you have

b. You look so cool

c. Do you belong

d. You look happy

17. Complete the following dialogue

Your friend: What are you going to do this weekend?

You: I already have plan for this weekend.

I and my family . …go to Disney land this weekend.

a. is going to

b. am going to

c. are going to

d. were going to

18. "Ibuku akan memasak sup ayam malam ini."

Translate to English!

a. My mom will cook chicken soup tonight

b. My mom won't cook chicken soup tonight

c. My mom are going to cook chicken soup tonight

d. My mom is going to be chicken soup tonight

19."Apakah kamu akan menerima beasiswa?"

a. Do you get a scholarship?

b. Are you going to get a scholarship?

c. Am I going to get a scholarship?

d. Won't you get a scholarship?

20. "I am not going to bring laptop to school tomorrow."

Translate to Bahasa Indonesia!

a. Aku akan membawa laptop ke sekolah besok

b. Aku akan meminjam laptop sekolah besok

c. Aku tidak akan membawa laptop ke sekolah besok

d. Aku tidak akan meminjam laptop sekolah besok

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

One day, in a city, in a school, in a classroom

Teacher: "Attention please. We have a new friend today. She has just moved to our town from Bali. She will introduce herself and tell you all about herself, so please come in and say hello to her."

Rena: "Thank you ma'm. Hello everyone, thanks for having me today. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rena Sofia, you can call me Rena. I am from Bali but I moved here to this city two weeks ago so I think I will be your neighbor and a new friend as well. It's nice to meet you."

Students: "Hello Rena, it's nice to meet you too."

Teacher: "Welcome to our school Rena, we hope you enjoy studying here."

Rena: "Thank you, I hope so."

Teacher: "Is it enough for the introduction? Or do you want to ask something to Rena? I'll give you few minutes."

Class leader: "I have something to ask ma'm. If it's ok …"

Teacher: "Yes please."

Class leader: "Hi Rena I'm Alfa. I'm the class leader, welcome to our class. Can you tell us about your hobby?"

Rena: "Well, thank you. I like dancing, a modern dance like hip hop dance or K-pop dance because I think dancing is way to have an exercise and fun at the same time. Dancing makes me happy and fit."

Alfa: "That's a good hobby. We have dance club here in our school. You can join them."

Rena: "Thank you, I'll think about it."

Teacher: "Alright guys, I think it's enough for the introduction. You can introduce each one of you to Rena at the break time. Now let's get started to the materials. Rena you can have a seat over there."

Rena: "Thank you Mrs. Rita."

1.Who is Alfa on the dialogue above?

Jawaban: The class leader

2. How long has Rena been in the new city?

Jawaban: Two weeks

3. Why does Rena like dancing?

Jawaban: Because dancing makes her have an exercise and fun at the same time.

4. When can the other students introduce their selves to Rena?

Jawaban: At the break time

5. Who is the teacher's name in the dialogue above?

Jawaban: Mrs. Rita

  • Download Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Kurikulum Merdeka
  • Download Modul Ajar Kelas 5 Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka
  • Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 dan Jawaban
  • Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan Jawabannya

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Kurikulum Merdeka

Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 10 halaman 12 kurikulum merdeka, let's read: christiano ronaldo, kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 10 halaman 12 kurikulum merdeka, let's read: christiano ronaldo., penulis: jayanti triutami editor: endra kurniawan.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 12 Kurikulum Merdeka, Let's Read: Christiano Ronaldo

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 12 Kurikulum Merdeka .

Pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 12, terdapat tugas Let's Read.

Dalam Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 12, terdapat teks berjudul Christiano Ronaldo.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 12 ini bisa menjadi rujukan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal.

Namun, siswa diharapkan mengerjakan soal secara mandiri sebelum melihat kunci jawaban ini.

Kunci Jawaban Halaman 12

1. What is the main idea of the text?

Christiano Ronaldo has very strong determination. He used to train very hard since his childhood.

2. What makes Cristiano Ronaldo different from other players in scoring a goal?

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 104 105 Kurikulum Merdeka: Merancang Teks Prosedur

Christiano Ronaldo different from other players because normal football players will use their single leg of their dominant side body, i.e. players of right handed or left handed use their respective legs to score goals but Ronaldo can easily use both of his legs efficiently to make goals. In addition to that, he can use his head to score goals as well.

3. How did he get known as a rocket man?

Because Ronaldo can run very fast. He can run with a speed of 33,6 kilometers per hour.

Sumber: TribunSolo.com

Kunci jawaban, bahasa inggris, tribunevergreen, kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 10 halaman 12.

7 Tips dan Trik Mengatasi Komedo Cukup dengan Memakai Bahan Rumahan, Gampang Digunakan


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Berita terkini, berita populer.


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 4 Halaman 142 dan 143 Kurikulum Merdeka, Jelajah Kata


Kunci Jawaban IPS Kelas 9 Halaman 73 Kurikulum Merdeka: Syarat Sesuatu Bisa Dijadikan Uang


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Soal Ujian Sekolah

Soal bahasa inggris dan kunci jawaban, soal sts sma kelas 12 semester 1-2024, kurikulum merdeka, soal bahasa inggris dan kunci jawaban, soal sts sumatif tengah semester sma kelas 12 semester 1-2024.

Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban, Soal STS SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1-2024, Kurikulum Merdeka

POS-KUPANG.COM - Simak soal Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1 tahun 2024 Kurikulum Merdeka untuk persiapan menghadapi Soal STS ( Sumatif Tengah Semester ), Kurkulum Merdeka

Semakin banyak berlatih soal Bahasa Inggris maka diharapkan kompetensi siswa untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris akan semakin terasah.

Dalam soal Bahasa Inggris ini siswa diperhadapkan dengan soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda.

Setiap soal Bahasa Inggris dilengkapi dengan Kunci Jawaban .

Siswa bisa mengoreksi hasil kerja karena ada Kunci Jawaban .

Selengkapnya simak soal Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1 tahun 2024 :

1. “Oh. Yes please, that would be Lovely.” The underline expression expresses…. a. Offering something b. Offering help c. Accepting an offer d. Declining an offer e. Refusing an offer

Jawaban : C

2. Read this dialogue! Dany: “Good morning jane, do you want help me?” Jane: “ ................... “ Dany: “Thank you.” Jane: “You’re welcome” The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is…. a. Of course, I can b. No thanks c. Don’t bother d. Never mind e. Not for me

Jawaban : A

3. Andy : “Shall I carry your luggage to your apartement?” “carry” similar with... a. Borrow b. Bring c. Drop d. Dodge e. Leave

Jawaban : B

4. Indry : “The box you brought looks very heavy.... “ Putry : “Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.” The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is…. a. Would you like me to help you? b. Would I like to help me? c. Would you like to help me? d. Would you like to bring it for me? e. Could you bring it for me?

soal Bahasa Inggris

Sumatif tengah semester, sma kelas 12, kunci jawaban, kurikulum merdeka, pos kupang hari ini, pos-kupang.com.

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Kunci Jawaban

15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif sts bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd semester i kurikulum merdeka, simak 15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif mata pelajaran bahasa inggris untuk kelas 2 sd/mi semester i kurikulum merdeka buat belajar..

15 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif STS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester I Kurikulum Merdeka

TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Simak 15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 2 SD/MI semester I Kurikulum Merdeka .

Latihan soal sumatif ini bisa dipakai sebagai persiapan menghadapi ulangan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) pada Kurikulum 2013, maupun Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) pada Kurikulum Merdeka .

PTS, UTS, atau STS sendiri merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan di pertengahan semester dalam setiap tahun ajaran untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi seluruh peserta didik.

Perlu dicatat, kunci jawaban dan latihan soal dalam artikel ini hanya bersifat sebagai referensi dan bahan belajar.

Agar siswa mampu menguasai materi, siswa tetap harus belajar sungguh-sungguh, dan apabila masih belum ada yang dipahami, sebaiknya segera berdiskusi atau bertanya kepada guru.

Kurikulum Merdeka yang diterapkan di Indonesia menekankan pada pengembangan kompetensi siswa melalui pendekatan yang lebih fleksibel dan terintegrasi.

ILUSTRASI belajar Bahasa Inggris

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban 23 Latihan Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester I Kurikulum Merdeka

Baca juga: 28 Latihan Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester I Kurikulum Merdeka, Plus Kunci Jawaban

15 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban STS Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

*) kunci jawaban ada di bagian bawah artikel

1. We sit on the... a. floor  b. roof c. chair

2. "71"  is number... a. seventy one b. seventy two c. seventy three

3. Twelve plus eight is... a. twenty b. thirty c. forty

4. We do this hobby in the court. We need a shuttlecock to play it. It is... a. tennis b. badminton c. table tennis

5. Heri meets Dina in the night. He says... A. good morning B. good bye C. good evening

6. “My Experience” artinya ... a. Pengalamanku b. Kehidupanku c. Permainanku d. Peraturanku

kunci jawaban

Bahasa inggris, kurikulum merdeka.

7 Tips dan Trik Mengatasi Komedo Cukup dengan Memakai Bahan Rumahan, Gampang Digunakan


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Edukasi Lingkungan, Mahasiswa KKN Universitas Diponegoro Kenalkan Praktik Daur Ulang Sampah


20 Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD/MI Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka


20 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka


Kunci Jawaban 20 Latihan Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD/MI Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka


Kunci Jawaban Pelajaran IPS Kelas 10 Halaman 210, Tentang Ilmu Ekonomi dan Keuangan

Toko Setrika Boiler Laundry - Bogor Jawa Barat

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SOAL Assesment Unit 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban, Link Buku Paket

Pembelajaran soal ini akan membimbing peserta didik untuk memahami materi pelajaran lebih cepat..............................

SOAL Assesment Unit 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban, Link Buku Paket

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Berikut ini soal assesmen unit 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka .

Pembelajaran soal ini akan membimbing peserta didik untuk memahami materi pelajaran lebih cepat.

Sebab langsung belajar dengan soal berdasarkan materi pada buku pelajaran .

Maka dari itu pastikan seluruh soal dan latihan pada buku dikerjakan.

Untuk lebih leluasa dalam belajar bisa dapatkan buku paket Bahasa Inggris melalui link download.

Baca juga: SOAL Assesment Unit 3 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Pilihan-Essay

Read the following text and answer the questions individually

Environmental Impact of Online Shopping In the past few decades, the way we shop has changed dramatically. We used to buy our goods in traditional shops, on the high street or in department stores. Now, customers are increasingly buying online, where they can order whatever they want directly to their door with the click of a mouse. One in seven sales are now made online and studies suggest that by 2021, global online retail will reach an enormous US$4.8 trillion. As companies race to improve their internet shopping experience, the trend towards shopping online is predicted to continue.

But what is the impact of all this online shopping on the environment? You might think that online shopping is greener than in-store shopping. After all, an online store does not use the electricity that a traditional store might use and it doesn’t require the customer to drive anywhere. Items are 

often delivered to several homes at once, so you would think the carbon savings must be significant. Take the typical home delivery round in the UK, for example. Supermarket drivers often do 120 deliveries on an 80-kilometer round, producing 20 kilograms of CO2 in total. In contrast, a 21-kilometer drive to the store and back for one household would generate 24 times more CO2!

However, the reality is slightly more complex than that. Many home deliveries fail the first time and the driver has to make a second or third attempt to deliver the purchase. Customers who choose speedy delivery or those who buy single items from different places also contribute towards increasing the carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint also goes up if the customer chooses to return the item. A study in Germany showed that as many as one in three online purchases are returned. According to another study, merchandise worth nearly US$326 million is returned each year in the USA. Two billion kilograms of this ends up in landfill, leading to 13 tonnes of CO2 being released.

In Indonesia, online returns can involve a number of environmentally damaging activities. Consumers sending items back, and couriers collecting and redistributing them, all means extra driving and thus traffic congestion and carbon emissions. Cleaning, repairing and/or repackaging returned items mean consuming more natural resources and potentially using more materials that contain fossil fuels or palm oils. Processing, transporting and landfill of singleuse or non-recyclable packaging used in returns mean more land use and a greater carbon footprint.

Clothing is one product that has high return rates. Unlike in a walk-in store, the online shopper can’t try things on before buying. So, companies offer free returns to make it easier for shoppers to purchase the same item of clothing in different sizes and colors. Customers try them at home, keep one and return the rest of them. However, when clothes are returned, they are not always cleaned and put back for sale. This is because many companies have found it cheaper to simply throw away the returned items than to pay someone to sort the damaged goods from the unwanted ones. In these cases, the returned clothes, which might be in perfect condition, end up in landfills or burnt.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Kurikulum merdeka, link buku paket, unit 4 bahasa inggris kelas 12, discussion tekxt : carbon footprints.

7 Tips dan Trik Mengatasi Komedo Cukup dengan Memakai Bahan Rumahan, Gampang Digunakan


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  4. Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Kelas 10 Semester 2

    Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Kelas 10 Semester 2 Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Kelas 10 Semester 2 ini berisikan materi yang dengan soal Pilihan Ganda pertama B. Inggris dan Pilihan Ganda kedua.Yaitu tentang: The Expressions of Thanking, Complimenting, dan congratulating", "Present Perfect Tense" dan Preposition of Time: at/on/in.

  5. 50 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

    B. Soal essay Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya Read the text below to answer question 41-44! Announcement for all third grade students: Library books must be returned by April 22, 2019. All books must be wrapped in clear plastic. If a book is lost, it must be replaced with one on a similar subject.

  6. Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 dan Kunci Jawabannya

    Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 beserta jawabannya untuk evaluasi siswa. Waktu baca ±4 menit. tirto.id - Contoh soal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA dan sederajat Kurikulum Merdeka biasanya dibutuhkan para guru untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. Adapun, beberapa materi Bahasa ...

  7. 35 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 & Jawaban

    Contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka ini dapat digunakan oleh guru untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. Adapun, beberapa materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 semester 2 yang diajarkan dalam Kurikulum Merdeka di antaranya adalah soal beberapa teks soal kegiatan sehari-hari, kosakata baru terkait ...

  8. Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Akhir Semester Kelas 10

    Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Akhir Semester Kelas 10. Kali ini Dimensi Bahasa Inggris akan membagikan paket soal yang terdiri dari berbagai materi seperti prepositions, tenses, memo, signs and symbols, degrees of comparison, time table / schedule, preferences, conditional if, asking and giving direction dan invitation.

  9. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Untuk SMA/SMK Kurikulum 2013

    Soal bahasa inggris untuk kelas 10 semester 2 ini terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan ganda dengan pilihan jawaban a,b,c,d, dan e dan 5 soal essay. Soal Bahasa Inggris dapat digunakan sebagai soal ulangan harian, soal ulangan akhir sekolah (UAS), soal penilaian akhir sekolah.

  10. 10 Soal Essay PTS/UTS/STS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/MA Semester 2

    INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM - Untuk Adik-adik kelas 10, berikut ini ada 10 soal essay PTS/UTS/STS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawabannya yang dapat kalian pakai belajar.. Yuk kita simak kunci jawaban pada latihan soal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS), Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) atau Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) semester 2 mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA/MA ...

  11. Contoh Soal Essay Mid Semester Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

    Class : Please answer the question! 1. Look at the picture and give the congratulation expression on it! 2. Now make a compliment expression on it! Number 3-4 based on the conversation. Nuel : Hello….Mom, I was failed in making a cake.

  12. 50 Soal dan Jawaban UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/SMK Semester 1

    Baca Juga: 50 Soal PAS/UAS Seni Budaya Kelas 12 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawabannya. Soal dan Jawaban UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/SMK Semester 1. This text is for questions no. 1-8. My Day at the Beach. Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometers from ...

  13. Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

    Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10. We're in the middle of semester, so I believe you have learned something. Untuk mengecek berapa jauh kita telah memahami materi pembelajaran selama tiga bulan terakhir, mari kita kerjakan beberapa soal evaluasi berikut. Soal berikut terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda yang telah diambil dari materi self ...

  14. 35 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1, Lengkap dengan

    Seluruh contoh soal ini sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban untuk memudahkan kamu dalam mencocokan jawaban. Langsung saja simak 35 contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 berikut ini yang sudah Sonora ID rangkum dari berbagai sumber. This text is for question no. 1-5. Baca Juga: 35 Nama Alat Dapur dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap ...

  15. 55 Soal Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 dan Kunci Jawaban (Soal

    WISLAH.COM - Tulisan ini memuat 55 soal pilihan ganda dan esai tentang Narrative Text untuk siswa kelas 10 SMA, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. Soal-soal ini dirancang untuk menguji pemahaman siswa tentang struktur, ciri-ciri, dan unsur-unsur penting dalam teks naratif, serta kemampuan mereka dalam menganalisis cerita rakyat dan dongeng.

  16. 23 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

    Berikut adalah 23 contoh soal Simple Present Tense dalam bentuk essay, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. Contoh soal present tense essay dan jawabannya. Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ) 1.I never… beer (drink) 2.Farikha ..

  17. Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Kurikulum Merdeka, Cek ...

    Untuk itu, berikut contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 10 Kurikulum Merdeka, dilansir via Modul Bahasa Inggris oleh Kemdikbud. This text for questions no 1 - 3. The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts ...

  18. 23 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

    21. Didn't disturb. 22. sold. 23. didn't sell. ِِِArtikel Pilihan: 5 Jenis Air di Fiqh atau Islam. Berbagi : Berikut adalah 23 contoh Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk essay, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal.1.)Did you … to bioscop last night? (go)

  19. Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Kelas X Semester 2

    Soal essay bahasa Inggris dan jawabannya untuk kelas x semester 2 pada tulisan ini, masih berisikan materi yang dengan contoh soal Pilihan Ganda pertama B. Inggris dan Pilihan Ganda kedua.Yaitu tentang: he Expressions of Thanking, Complimenting, and congratulating", "Present Perfect Tense" dan Preposition of Time: at/on/in. Baca juga: 100+ Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester Genap K13 ...

  20. 50 Bocoran Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA SMK Semester 1

    Pelajari kumpulan contoh soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 sebagai bahan belajar, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. Jumat, 9 Agustus 2024; Network Pikiran-Rakyat; PR Cirebon; PR Tasikmalaya; ... 50 Bocoran Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA SMK Semester 1 Lengkap Jawaban Agar Nilai UAS PAS Bagus ! Dian Toro - 6 Desember 2023, 10: ...

  21. Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 & Jawaban Tahun 2023

    Format : Word. Size : 130 KB. File Compatible : All Windows. Rekomendasi Kami: Soal dan Jawaban PAT Kelas 10 Lengkap Semua Mata Pelajaran. Demikian Soal dan Jawaban PAT/UKK Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10/X Jenjang SMA/MA/SMK Kurikulum 2013 yang dapat kami bagikan, semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya.

  22. SOAL Enrichment dan Reflection Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum

    Materi pada unit 1 soal latihan yang sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban pada buku Bahasa Inggri kelas 12 Kurikulum merdeka. Pelajari lebih lengkap lagi melalui buku paket yang dapat didonwload. TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Inil soal latihan pada buku paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka ...

  23. Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 dan Jawaban

    Berikut ini contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 Semester 1 dan kunci jawabannya. tirto.id - Sejumlah contoh soal bahasa Inggris dapat dimanfaatkan oleh siswa kelas 10 semester 1 sebagai latihan soal menghadapi ujian. Dalam waktu terdekat, ujian yang akan dijalani oleh siswa sekolah adalah Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS).

  24. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 12 Kurikulum Merdeka, Let

    Dalam Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 12, terdapat teks berjudul Christiano Ronaldo. Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 12 ini bisa menjadi rujukan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal.

  25. SOAL Assesment Unit 3 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka Lengkap

    TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Inilah soal assesment pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka pada unit 3 Hortatory Exposition: Netiquette.. Sejumlah soal bagi peserta didik dipersiapkan untuk mengasah kemampuan diri dalam mempersiapkan pengetahuan setelah memiliki buku.. Serta mempelajari seluruh isi dari materi buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka.

  26. 40 SOAL Persiapan Ulangan/Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum

    Tujuannya supaya lebih siap dan memiliki kesiapan yang matang, karena tak menutup kemungkinan soal-soal pada latihan ini juga akan muncul dalam ulangan/ujian semester 1. Baca juga: SOAL Assesment Unit 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban, Link Buku Paket. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka. 1. "Oh.

  27. Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban, Soal STS SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1

    Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban, Soal STS sumatif tengah semester SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1-2024. Rabu, 14 Agustus 2024; Cari. Network. Tribun Network. DI Aceh. SerambiNews.com. ... Contoh Soal UTS Seni Budaya Kelas 11 SMA/MA Semester 2 Essay Test dengan Kunci Jawaban 25 Contoh Soal UTS Seni Budaya Kelas 11 SMA/MA Semester 2 Pilihan Ganda ...

  28. 15 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif STS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

    TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Simak 15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 2 SD/MI semester I Kurikulum Merdeka. Latihan soal sumatif ini bisa dipakai sebagai persiapan menghadapi ulangan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) pada Kurikulum 2013, maupun Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) pada Kurikulum Merdeka.

  29. Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 44 Kurikulum

    Tugas pada buku bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 44 Kurikulum Merdeka memuat soal terkait bacaan berjudul SMP Merdeka's School Parade. Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 44, siswa diharapkan terlebih dahulu menjawab soal secara mandiri. Kunci jawaban tersebut ada baiknya ...

  30. SOAL Assesment Unit 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan

    Maka dari itu pastikan seluruh soal dan latihan pada buku dikerjakan. Untuk lebih leluasa dalam belajar bisa dapatkan buku paket Bahasa Inggris melalui link download. Baca juga: SOAL Assesment Unit 3 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Pilihan-Essay. Assessment. Read the following text and answer the questions ...