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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Introduction to and Expectations for Résumés

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What is a résumé?

A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences that are relevant to your qualifications for a particular job for which you are applying. The purpose of a résumé (along with your cover letter) is to concisely share relevant experiences and skills with a specific audience in order to obtain a role to which you are applying. This audience might include a potential employer, a graduate program admissions committee and, a committee for a scholarship or fellowship, among others . Given this, your résumé must be user-centered and persuasive.

What should it look like?

A general résumé should be a brief summary of your experience, so it should be as concise as possible—no shorter than one full page and no more than two pages (some specific kinds of résumés can be longer). Résumés differ from letters and papers in that they are written in a concise style using bullet lists rather than long sentences and paragraphs. A résumé is designed to be skimmed quickly. You should look at as many résumé examples as possible before writing your own. You can check our samples to see several different formats.

Though you may maintain a general résumé, you should tailor your résumés to fit the needs and expectations of each company and job position. To help tailor your résumé, collect as much information as possible on the organization and its mission/goals. Then collect information on the people who may read your résumé: human resources, decision makers, potential boss, etc. Finally, collect information on the job position and its requirements. When you know about the company, the audience, and the position, you can match your training and experience to their needs and expectations. Some people even choose to bold key words and phrases to draw the eye and emphasize words they feel the audience may be most interested in. This could be a software program or a soft skill, among others. However, don’t bold too many words, or it doesn’t become that emphasis and can be overwhelming. Please see the Audience Analysis page for details on collecting information on readers.

What should it include?

There are several sections that almost every résumé must have, including education, relevant experience, and contact information. Outside of these primary sections, though, the specific format and content of your résumé can be very flexible. The most important consideration when deciding on the format and content of your resume will be your intended audience .

What are the expectations for a résumé?

Readers have expectations about how a résumé should look. This allows for quick scanning, as many times your audience has seen many resumes.  For instance, your name typically appears at the top of the résumé and is usually the largest item. In addition, headers usually categorize the various sections of the text. Also, readers expect the information in your résumé to be accurate and correct. While it can be tempting to add the experience you think they want to see, it’s most important to be honest and explain how these experiences provided you with transferable skills.  Finally, your résumé should meet audience expectations for grammar and spelling and authentically express your understanding of your relevant experiences, keeping clarity and readability in mind. . Know that your résumé should be easy to read quickly and contain all necessary and pertinent information. The persuasive quality of your résumé depends on its usability.  You can make choices outside of the genre expectations, but know that this is a risk. If you want to be more creative, you may find that some audiences respond positively to your approach, while others do not.

Recommended Sections CONTACT INFORMATION

The contact information section is where you detail how potential employers can get in touch with you. Make sure all information is accurate and current. You should, at minimum, include your name, email address, and phone number. Many people also include a personal website and/or a LinkedIn profile. It is in your best interest to make sure your potential employers can contact you, so just be sure to provide contact information through which you can be most easily contacted. Physical addresses are less and less included for a variety of reasons including communication now takes place digitally and it can create unnecessary socioeconomic or cultural assumptions. 

Please see the Résumé Section pages for more specific information about each of these sections.

In the education section, state the highest degree you have earned and provide the following details.

  • Institution where the degree was granted
  • Date of graduation (If you haven’t graduated yet, it is common to put “Expected,” “Expected Graduation,” or “Graduating” before the date)
  • Level of degree (B.A., M.A., etc.) and field (Electrical Engineering), any minors(English), and your GPA. You are not required to state your GPA, but it can provide your audience with a quantifiable assessment of your performance in college. Especially for current students, a strong GPA can go a long way for internship applications, research assistantships, and other entry-level roles. However, if you feel that your GPA doesn't accurately reflect your accomplishments in college overall, then consider omitting it. It is not a necessary component of every résumé , and tends to become less relevant over time .
  • You may also choose to include accomplishments directly tied to your educational experience such as Dean’s List, study abroad, prestigious scholarships, prestigious honor societies, or any Greek honorifics. 


There are multiple ways to frame one’s “experience,” and the appropriate frame for you might vary based on how far along you are in your professional career. If you are a senior in high school, a freshman in college, or a young professional at the very start of your career, you may find yourself with a limited amount of “work” experience, and this is okay. Depending on the role to which you are applying, volunteer experience, unpaid internships, research, and paid work can all serve as equivalent experience if they are all relevant to your desired field. If you find yourself with ample volunteer experience but little paid employment experience, for instance, you might consider framing all of your relevant experience under one single section head (e.g. “RELEVANT EXPERIENCE”) rather than dividing these different kinds of experiences into separate sections (e.g. “WORK EXPERIENCE” and “VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE”).

On the other hand, if you’re further along in your college or professional career and have a great variety of experiences to pull from, you might consider using more descriptive section headers. For example, if you have worked in a number of academic research roles and industry roles, you might consider highlighting this breadth of experience by including both “RESEARCH EXPERIENCE” and “INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE” sections. Other kinds of experience for which you might create a separate section include LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE and PROJECTS, depending on your background. These more descriptive section headers may also vary according to your intended audience, so it’s always a good idea to read through the description of the role first to see what kinds of experience are valued most.

For formatting, the  experience sections are usually broken down by organization or position. For each, provide the following:

  • Name of the organization or project
  • Location (example: Spokane, WA)
  • Position title (examples: Intern, Research Assistant, Sales Associate)
  • Responsibilities

Each role you apply to might require you to frame your experience in slightly different ways by emphasizing different skills, knowledge, or accomplishments you gained through your past roles. Even for past roles that may not seem directly related to your desired role,  you may want to emphasize transferable skills that you developed through the experience. In general, it is essential to keep your desired audience in mind as you develop your résumé, which may require you to create multiple versions through the application process if you apply to multiple roles at different organizations.


For a Curriculum Vitae (CV), publications and presentations are often seen as a premium because of their relative value within academia. Even beyond the CV, though, these products are desirable because they represent original work you have produced (or contributed to) and disseminated to a broader audience. The specific placement of these accomplishments within your résumé might vary depending on your intended audience. However, if you have published work, conference presentations, and/or other similar products that you have presented to an audience outside of the classroom or workplace, consider showcasing them with a specific section.

Optional Sections

In addition to the recommended sections, you may also want to include other relevant sections to provide a more accurate representation of your skills, knowledge, achievements, and credentials. These might include the following:

  • Software Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • Honors, scholarships, and/or awards
  • Languages (with proficiency level)
  • Certifications and licenses
  • Volunteer and/or service experience
  • Study abroad
  • Professional memberships
  • Research Experiences
  • Extracurricular activities

Objectives, Summaries, and Areas of Interests

Many summaries like to have a brief section below the header, before education, experience, and other pertinent sections. This can provide the reader with an even more parred-down section, encouraging them to read on. These are most effecitvely used when customized to the job. However, they are not necessary and do not necesarily make a document more successful. These sections come in three unique forms: Objectives, Summaries, and Area of Interest. 

Objectives have been around for quite some time and may be becoming less common. Thi is a brief statement that discuss who you are, what you offer, and what your goals are. It should be one to three sentences and give the employer an idea of your motivation. 

Summaries are short descriptions that highlight your most valuable skills and experiences. Instead of focusing on long-term goals and motivations, this highlights the most relevant experiences, qualities, and skills to showcase your strongest assets immediately. It is similarly one to three sentences. 

Area of Interests are most often used in higher-level positions and highlight specific areas within a field that you are most interested and/or experienced in. This emphasizes your specializations and unique takes on broader disciplines. This is sometimes written in prose form like the previous two, or sometimes written as a list, often formatted with semicolons between interest area titles. 

If you believe there is unique information about you that your audience needs to make an informed decision, you may create a section on your résumé to showcase that information. That being said, it’s important to keep in mind the other documents that you might be submitting for a role, like cover letters, transcripts, statements of purpose, etc. All of these documents, along with your résumé, work in conversation with one another to give a more comprehensive representation of you and your work. So, if you can’t find the space to put specific information in your résumé that is important to you, think through how you might represent it in those other documents. 

While the résumé is a highly formatted document, it should reflect what you think will convince your audience that you are well-suited for the role.

Accessibility Considerations

  • Use sans serif fonts that are easy to read and place them on a white or cream paper/ background. Do not use a font size smaller than 11 point. 
  • Provide digital copies so that they can be read aloud by software
  • If you have any images, tables or graphs (these are extremely uncommon), make sure you have an alternative text that explains these for visually impaired readers. 
  • You may consider submitting both a typical and large-print version

Tips & Advice

After creating a draft of your résumé, keep the following in mind as you work through the revision process:

  • Verb use: Use strong, descriptive action verbs. Make sure to use past tense verbs for past roles, and present tense verbs for ongoing roles.
  • Subordination: make sure the organization and formatting of similar information is consistent and logical across each section. For example, if you decide at the start that you want to list organizations/employers in bold and position titles/roles in italics, make sure to stick with that convention throughout each section. Your font styles should clearly convey the logical relationship between each piece of information within a section, so using these styles consistently is key.
  • Spacing: Try your best to create a sense of spacing between each section. This will facilitate readability and allow your audience to easily locate the major components of your résumé quickly and easily.
  • Concision: as a general rule of thumb, try your best to keep bulleted information to a single line, and make sure to only write one sentence per bullet point. See the Purdue CCO's "Writing the Resume" resource for a helpful, concise model for developing strong bullet points.

Job seekers at Purdue University may find value in the Purdue career Wiki here .

Go to the OWL homepage and select Professional, Technical, and Job Search Writing to find other cover letter and résumé resources.

For more information about how to develop a résumé, visit these OWL resources:

  • Résumé Sections
  • When to Use Two Pages or More
  • Scannable Résumés
  • Résumé Workshop
  • Résumé Design
  • Résumé Presentation
  • Job Search Documents for Working Class Positions
  • Alumni Engagement with Career Services
  • Graduate Students
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Online Students
  • First Generation
  • International Students
  • Create a Resume / Cover Letter
  • Expand Your Network
  • Explore Your Interests / Self Assessment
  • Negotiate an Offer
  • Prepare for an Interview
  • Prepare for Graduate School
  • Search for a Job / Internship
  • CareerBound
  • Business Analytics
  • General Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Integrated Business & Engineering
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Undergraduate Outcomes
  • Graduate Outcomes
  • Labor Market Insights
  • Our Mission, Vision and Values
  • Undergraduate Advising Team
  • Graduate Advising Team
  • Employer Recruitment Team

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Job and internship search platform available to all Purdue students and alumni.

Career Center College of Liberal Arts

Land That Interview

Cco career success handbook.

The CCO Handbook has everything you need to reach your next giant leap. Refer to it for networking advice, resume building suggestions, interview suggestions and tips, and more. You can view a digital version of the handbook here , or stop by the Career Center for a printed copy.


A resume is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences that are relevant to your qualifications for a particular job.. Your resume needs to persuasive and perfect to help you land that interview. For assistance with cover letter and resume building visit the Purdue O.W.L ,  the CCO's Writing the Resume page and  Everything You Need to Know About Cover Letters from Ascend Indiana.


The U.S. Department of Labor reports that up to 80% of all positions are filled without employer advertising. That means that almost 80% of jobs are filled through some form of networking. Why? It saves employers time and money when they fill positions based on recommendations from colleagues or friends. Use these networking recommendations and tips to help you on your career path.


One of the keys to successful interviewing and networking is to make a really strong first impression. One of the first opportunities to make this impression is often in response to the question "Tell me about yourself." The answer is your 30 second elevator pitch. Use these recommendations and practice your pitch.


Conducting informational interviews can broaden your professional network and assist you in gaining information about a specific career field or academic major. Use these guidelines to help you utilize this valuable resource.

  • Email The Data Mine
  • Apply To The Data Mine For Incoming Purdue Students
  • Data Mine Teaching Assistant Application
  • Apply To The Data Mine (All Students)
  • Actuarial Science
  • Analyzing Digital Gaming and Culture
  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Pharmacy / Drug Discovery
  • Vertically Integrated Projects
  • Partnerships
  • Questions/FAQ
  • Hillenbrand Hall
  • The Examples Book
  • Purdue Learning Communities
  • Data Mine Ambassadors Program
  • Data Science Certificate
  • Sign up for The Data Mine Newsletter
  • Events Calendar

Outside Events: Resumes & Cover Letters

Resumes & Cover Letters – August 27 at 6:00-7:00PM in BRNG 2280 (West Lafayette)

Need help to prepare your first collegiate resume or cover letter to prepare for the upcoming Career Fairs?  Come learn about what to include, how to market your skillset, and services offered by the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO).

Note : This seminar is geared toward first-year students.  Space is limited, so availability is first come, first serve.

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Quick Links

  • Recruiter Information
  • Corporate Partners Program
  • Announcements
  • Student Events
  • Employer Events
  • Internships
  • Scholarships
  • 2024 Career Fair Info
  • Join Corporate Partners Program

Recruiting Purdue CS Students

The Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) and the Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science works closely with the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) to assist employers in recruiting CS students. The CCO handles job postings, resume collections, setting up interview schedules and reserving rooms for interviews. They can also assist employers in deciding which job fairs to attend and which majors/departments would be most useful to target to obtain the skills needed to fill specific positions. Employers seeking students from multiple disciplines should work with the CCO to obtain resumes from students in various majors. Information regarding CCO services and employer registration can be found at Purdue's Center for Career Opportunities or by calling 765-494-3981.

Posting Positions

The Department of Computer Science posts job opportunities on a weekly basis for all CS students through an electronic newsletter called Opportunity Update, in addition to a posting with the CCO. This service is open to all employers (not only Corporate Partners) at no charge. Companies who wish to promote internship and employment opportunities for CS students may send their posting, including criteria and contact person/application information, to Patricia Morgan at [email protected].

Interviewing CS Students and Offer Guidelines

The CCO is the main point of contact for interviewing all Purdue students (including CS), undergraduate/graduate and alumni, for internships as well as permanent positions. If interview rooms at the career center are full, the CS Department will try assist advisor level members of the Corporate Partners Program in finding a location for interviews. The CS Department will also arrange space, as available, for Company Days and Tech Talks for Corporate Partners within the computer science building and promote these activities to CS students.

Purdue will act in accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles of Professional Conduct for Career Services, and we expect that employers will abide by these principles in their dealings with us, our students and our alumni. Please refer to CCO's recruiting guidelines  and offer guidelines for the policy on internship and full-time offers.

Members of the Corporate Partners Program have the opportunity to present in CS 391 Junior Resource Seminar as space is available. Speaking opportunities in other classes are sometimes available. Course descriptions of all CS classes are available at .

The annual CS Job Fair is held on Monday evening in conjunction with the fall corporate partner meeting in mid-September. Corporate participation in the event is limited to members of the Corporate Partners Program, and the fair is only open to CS students. Participating companies are invited to interview select students the following day in a limited number of rooms set aside for that purpose. CS students are also encouraged to attend other job fairs held on campus such as the AITP Computer Roundtable and Industrial Roundtable, both held in mid-September. Spring fairs include the College of Technology Career Fair and the Intern Expo. A list of campus job fairs can be found on the CCO website at .

CPP Member Involvement

Senior Projects

Corporate Partners are welcome to participate in Computer Science Senior Projects. Projects are required for the Software Engineering Track and are an elective for five other tracks: Computational Science and Engineering, Computer Graphics and Visualization, Database and Information Systems, Foundations of Computer Science, and Systems Programming. Partners may also suggest projects that can be used in individual classes. Projects may be suggested by students and/or faculty based on their interests and research, or suggested and sponsored by Corporate Partners (some partner levels may require an additional fee to participate in projects).

Student Organizations

The active student organizations within the CS department include: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Computer Science Women’s Network (CSWN), Graduate Student Board (GSB), and the Undergraduate Student Board (USB). ACM and CSWN will often host corporate representatives for technical presentations. Corporate sponsorship of social events and activities is invited. More information about the organizations is available through the CS website at .

Departmental Events

The CS Department sponsors a number of events that offer opportunities for corporate involvement, including a Demo day, Mixer with students, and the Annual Spring Awards Banquet. At the 2018 banquet, over $74,000 in awards (ranging from $500 to $5,000) was distributed to over 45 undergraduate and graduate CS students. Other events inviting corporate support/involvement include recruiting events and outreach activities, including summer camps for middle-school students and workshops for teachers.

Department of Computer Science, 305 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Purdue University Indianapolis, 723 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202

Phone: (765) 494-6010 • Fax: (765) 494-0739

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August 29, 2024 - Environmental and Ecological Engineering - Purdue University

Purdue University

August 29, 2024

Eee welcome back reception.

Thursday, August 29; 5-7PM in STEW 218.  Join EEE students, faculty and staff to kick off Fall 2024. Appetizers, desserts, and beverages provided. Come and go as needed.  Please feel free to arrive whenever you would like (after 5PM fine) and stay for as long as you want. Dress is casual. See attached flyer for details.

EEE Main Office in POTR 364: Hours of Operation

The EEE main office is located in POTR 364. Office hours are currently: M-F 8am-4pm. Unscheduled “drop-ins” are discouraged. Instead, make an appointment with your EEE advisor, either Tammi Thayer or Maeve Brewer, via BoilerConnect. For other staff or faculty, reach out direct via email to arrange an appointment.

POTR Building: Hours of Operation

POTR building hours of operation are 6am – 11pm, 7 days a week.

If doors are locked during these posted times, contact the Purdue Police non-emergency number at 49-48221.

EEE Computer Lab in POTR 360

The EEE Computer Lab is available for all EEE students and is located in POTR 360; next door to the main EEE office. See attached agreement for student conduct and use protocols.  

**Key Pad Entry Code** – 523837   which corresponds to JAFVER  for Prof. Chad Jafvert (minus the "t").  Prof. Jafvert instructs EEE 36001 this fall, and rotates teaching EEE 300 in spring.

EEE maintains this computer center for academic & social activities. Its use is a privilege reserved for EEE students and those enrolled in EEE courses to work, study, and access dedicated EEE computers. There are 12 desktop computers with internet access and a printer/scanner. The room contains additional tables, chairs, and whiteboards.

Hand sanitizer has been placed by each computer station.

In general, be respectful to others and the property.  Always log off of computers before leaving the room.  Do not lock a computer for later use.  Do not move or alter any of the computer systems.

If you wish to place items on the wall, ask in the EEE Office for appropriate tacky putty.  (No tape or staples.)

Use discretion when determining if to print and how many copies to print.

Please report any room or equipment issues to [email protected] .

Guide to Purdue IT Resources

Purdue IT is the central information technology organization serving students, faculty and staff at Purdue. See the support and services they provide in this article .  

EEE Ambassador Application - Due 9/9/24

Calling all enthusiastic EEE students!!! Are you interested in promoting the EEE program to future students? Complete the EEE Ambassador Application at  by 9AM Monday, September 9 . You must be officially in EEE to be eligible to apply.

Tammi Thayer will hold a formal training session later in September for those selected. Why Training? EEE Ambassadors will be asked to represent EEE and help with many different types of outreach activities.  This session will help these leaders become more comfortable with:

promoting the EEE degree program

become familiar with the EEE PowerPoint presentation

become familiar with EEE brochures, webpages, and display boards

delivering accurate and concise answers to common questions

giving facts about job prospects and salary averages for EEE graduates

discussing common career pathways for EEE

conveying the differences between EEE and other majors in a positive way

communicating with families/students in a professional way

SEEE - Society of Environmental and Ecological Engineers

The SEEE student organization is changing its communication method from Slack to GroupMe. Here is the link: .  Questions can be directed to SEEE President - Chris Dunlap ( [email protected] ) .  

EEE Faculty Mentor Change Request Form – Due 9/9/24

Upper-class students who wish to change their EEE Faculty Mentor should download and complete the  EEE Faculty Mentor Change Request Form .  Deadline is Monday, September 9 by 9AM. No action is needed from students who are new to EEE this semester. Assignments for new students will be made by the EEE UG office and announced to you later this fall.

Purdue Calendars

2024-2025 Academic Calendar

Various drop/add calendar with deadlines, and future years of academic calendars can be found at .

Winter 2024 Schedule of Classes

The Winter 2024 schedule of classes will be published in myPurdue portal Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Registration will begin on Monday, September 16. See your primary advisor for questions or visit .   

How to Schedule an Appointment with EEE Advisors

EEE and other Engineering students can access the Environmental and Ecological Engineering appointment calendar via BoilerConnect. EEE currently has In Person and Virtual appointments, depending on the time and day.

There are training resources available to students in BoilerConnect on the login page. Click ‘For Students.’  Advisors and service offices across campus use BoilerConnect for making appointments, so these instructions are generalized. 

Student Self-Help Guides:

  • How to Schedule an Appointment  (video)
  • How to Schedule an Appointment (pdf)
  • How to Cancel an Appointment
  • How to Reschedule an Appointment
  • Responding to an Appointment Request  (video)
  • Responding to an Appointment Request  (pdf)

Registration Troubleshooting

Waitlists:  Fall waitlists will close/be deleted on Friday, August 16 at 5PM ET.  Some courses are using Waitlists.  Instructions at . 

Courses not using Waitlists (& after Waitlists close):  You will need to watch for space through the 1 st week of semester.

For EEE selective courses, you may have to consider an alternative course.

Reference myPurduePlan – look at your MPP Plans tab for ideas.  Make sure it is up to date. 

Recently Offered Course Reference list ; filter on Fall 2024.  You can access syllabi for some courses via Course Insights which is in your myPurdue portal, or go to .

EEE Career Pathways - Elective & Activity Recommendations – this is an online resource. It shows 6 career pathways with suggestions created by a subcommittee of faculty and staff. These are not requirements! Instead, they are a collection of informed choices with the goal to inspire students to explore their own plan that supports their long-term career goals.

Having trouble registering, adding, or dropping? Need an override for a class? There are many resources on the EEE Registration Tools page , such as instruction links for Scheduling Assistant:

Scheduling Assistant - How to ADD

Scheduling Assistant - How to DROP

Scheduling Assistant - How to Submit Registration Error Override Request

The Registrar page also has links for most common registration issues at

Financial Responsibility and Emergency Contact Holds

The Office of the Registrar has placed these common holds on ALL student records as of 8/23/24. Please address these holds in your myPurdue portal as quickly as possible.

Emergency Contact: How to release tutorial -

Financial Responsibility: Release a Financial Responsibility Hold

For more detailed instructions: . 

Study Abroad Fair

Thursday, Aug. 29 from 10am-2pm in PMU South Ballroom.  Visit to see and celebrate Purdue Study Abroad program options.  

Study Abroad Scholarships

The Global Leaps scholarships are available to financially support students who want to participate in study abroad programs. 

The following websites contain their information: 

  •   Global Leaps Semester Scholarships
  •   Global Leaps Short Term Scholarships

Job Corner with Ms. Whelton, PE

This section is prepared for the newsletter by Ms. Margaret Whelton, PE.  She is the EEE Manager of Industrial Experience.  The responsibilities of this position include working with industry to secure internships, co-ops, and full time job opportunities for students; developing real world senior design and research projects; and facilitating partnerships between industry and Environmental and Ecological Engineering. She has twelve years of experience as a practicing environmental engineer prior to becoming part of EEE.  She is a registered professional engineer in Indiana, Virginia, and Alabama. 

Purdue’s MGMT 48800 course via the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) provided data that found Purdue graduates had about a $5,000 bump in their starting salary if they have had one or more internship or co-op experiences.  For Purdue engineering students, going to the CCO for help at least once during their college career increased their starting salary by $2,599. 

The beginning of the fall semester is the best time to find full time and internship opportunities.  There are several events that will help you prepare for Industrial Roundtable or IR (Sept 10 th and 11 th in person & 12 th virtual) and the Civil Engineering Career Fair (Oct 10 th in person). The CE Career Fair already has their information sessions penciled in the night of October 9 th . For IR, the prep night and seminars are posted here .  There is also a new event (see attached flier) “Destress with Dogs” where they will have trained dogs and other stress management activities on Memorial Mall Friday 9/6 from 11am-2pm (prior to IR). There isn’t specific information on the IR Seminars on Sept 5 th (virtual) and 9 th (in person). 

Another great opportunity I recommend you check out and attend if applicable is the “Day with Industry”.  It is sponsored by minority engineering organizations on campus (such as SWE, MAES, NSBE, SASE, AISES, SHPE). You can attend if you’re not a member of one of the sponsoring organizations, but will have to pay $5.00.  It is a great way to get more exposure from some big-name companies with long lines at IR.  See the Career Fair Plus app for details on who is attending.  Look for the “Fall 2024 Day with Industry” event.  Remember, anyone that makes something has a need for EEEs as there are at least environmental regulations that they need to follow!  This event used to be a chance to practice your elevator pitch and get resume advice, but it has now become a career fair. 

For the second year, the Public Impact Fair will be held on Monday Sept 9 th from 1-6pm in Honors Hall (HCRN 1066).  There is no information yet on the companies attending.  Per the site, “This fair brings together government, non-profit, and industry employers to offer internships and careers in a variety of local, state, and federal government fields.” If you are pressed on time, I suggest going to IR and EEE events first.  Some of the companies last year were at both events. This is only a fair to consider if you’re interested in government and non-profit. 

The CCO has resources that can help you in the job search. They can review your resume, give a mock interview, and offer workshops to aid you in the process of looking for employment.  They also have information sessions and the “days” (Lily Day and CAT day) listed that are scheduled through CCO.  Check here for all CCO related events on campus:       

I have also sent emails directly to you about job opportunities, most recently (as of me writing this), for Duke Energy internship/coop positions.  If you haven’t read my email(s), please read them, as I provide specific, time sensitive job-related information to EEEs this way.

Companies are starting to “visit” Purdue to start looking for potential employees. I say visit because it seems many are still doing virtual information sessions, some of which may you have to RSVP for (see CCO calendar link above) ahead of time. If you are really interested in a company, it is a good idea to attend their information session-this is how companies determine that you are “really interested” in working for them.

Scheduling a mock interview through the CCO is a great way to practice your sales pitch!  You can schedule a mock interview Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm here under “Undergraduates-Peer Mock Interview:

Don’t forget I will be giving a workshop geared on preparing EEE students for job opportunities.  The “Job Tune-Up Seminar” is Thursday Sept 5 th from 3 to 5pm in PHYS 110. As an environmental engineer who has worked in your field, I will give overall tips and advice in addition to answering your questions! There will also be a panel of EEE undergraduate students to discuss their past work experiences and how they obtained their jobs.

For the first time, EEE will have a EEE only company event!  EEE Company Night is Monday September 9 th from 6-8pm in POTR 234 .  This will be a low-key speed networking event where you will get to talk with several other EEEs to each company that attends.  There will be time at the end to go back for a more in-depth one-on-one conversation if you are interested.  There are now 9 companies signed up and some others that have expressed interest.  There are companies attending that don’t come to IR and other attendees may help you avoid some long lines.  Remember these companies will be there to consider just EEEs for positions, so you won’t want to miss it!! I suggest professional or business professional attire and don’t forget copies of your resume. 

EEE Job Tune Up Seminar by Ms. Whelton

Thursday, September 5 at 3:00pm in PHYS 110.  Come and go as your schedule allows. See attached flyer .

Led by Ms. Meg Whelton.  As an environmental engineer who has worked in your field, she will give overall tips and advice in addition to answering your questions! This is a great preparation tool prior to Industrial Roundtable.  Sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students are welcome.  

EEE Company Night (First Ever)

Monday, September 9 at 6-8pm in POTR 234 (Fu Room).   See attached flyer.

Come engage with multiple company representatives that want to meet EEE students prior to Industrial Roundtable. 

De-Stress with Dogs

Friday, September 6 from 11am-2pm at Memorial Mall North. See attached flyer.

Join the Purdue Canine Education Center and PESC to pet some pups and de-stress before Industrial Roundtable!

Purdue Center for Career Opportunities (CCO): Fall 2024 Workshops

See the  attached flyer  for various workshops that the CCO will offer this fall.  

Engineering CARES Hub & ENGR 49600 (CRN 33033)

The Community, Assistance and Resources for Engineering Students (CARES) Hub is now open. The mission of the CARES Hub is to build Boilermaker engineers by developing awareness, well-being and community for students through outreach, direct access to mental health resources and community-building programs designed to equip students with the skills and mindset needed to be thriving students and thriving future engineers. Find more info on the  CARES webpage .

The CARES Hub Engineering Lounges can be found in ARMS 1261 and 1264. The have study tables, relaxation spaces, a microwave, printer, refrigerator, and snacks for student use! The hours for the fall semester are: 

The lounges will be closed on Labor Day and during Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks. 

Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Minor

The Occupational Health Science (soon to be renamed Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety) minor is open to EEE students to prepare for additional careers or job duties in safety. 

Minor requirements can be found here:

Student Environmental Health and Safety Association meetings can be found here:

Reach out to Alison Roth ( [email protected] ) with any additional questions. 

Engineering Academic Support - Resource Webpage

Did you know the College of Engineering has a webpage dedicated to listing academic resources for classes, such as Supplemental Instruction, resource rooms, and how to find a free tutor for some key engineering classes.  Free tutoring is available for some CE and ME courses. Tutoring sessions are scheduled through  BoilerConnect , choose Polytech Engineering Tutoring appointment type to schedule. Visit  to see what else is available to you to help.

Academic Success Center (ASC)

The ASC offers a collection of services and programs designed to help students be successful in the classroom. Be proactive and review available resources now. Don’t wait until things get difficult to manage.  ASC provides:  Study Skills Consultations , Peer Success Coaching , Supplemental Instruction (SI) , Workshops , Accountability Groups , and much more.   See ASC’s offerings at . 

The ASC is hosting a "Pop-By" event on September 28th from 3-5pm in WILY C215. Students are invited to learn about their services and recieve a "pop"-related food item! More information here . 

QUESTIONS? For more specific information about each service, be sure to check out their homepages, or Email  [email protected] , call 765-494-4700, or visit Wiley C215.

How to Get Undergraduate Research Experience in EEE

Interested in pursuing research with EEE faculty? Students are welcome to reach out to individual faculty that they feel best matches with their interests. Learn more and find instructions on how to approach your search at .

Caterpillar will be hosting a networking event in WALC on September 4th from 10am-4pm . Registration can be found here . 

American Structurepoint Event

American Structurepoint will be in the Wood Commons in Hampton Hall at 1pm on September 4th . 

Kimley-Horn Open House

Kimley-Horn will be hosting an open house at their West Lafayette office (101 Foundry Drive, Suite 4350, West Lafayette, IN) on September 3rd from 6-8pm . Food will be provided and registration is required. 

See the flyer here . 

Wabash Sampling Blitz by WREC

The fall Wabash Sampling Blitz is a volunteer citizen science event to sample streams feeding the Wabash River.  The event crosses two days, and volunteers can sample at the time that is most convenient to them during those two days.  The dates are Sept 20 and 21. 

Website with more info and registration:

American Made E-SCRAP Prize Competition

Form a group and consider joining the American Made E-SCRAP Prize  competition. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO), this competition aims to incentivize business and technical innovators in the e-scrap ecosystem, offering a remarkable $3,950,000 in cash prizes. The submission deadline for the E-SCRAP Prize is September 4th, 2024, at 5pm ET. 

Contech Design Competition

Contech is expanding the 2024 competition to include distinct Stormwater and Drainage tracks. This expansion allows for an in-depth exploration of each field, offering participants more specialized challenges and opportunities to demonstrate their expertise.  Details of the competition can be found in the attached document . 

Registration: Opened on August 1. Teams can register at .

Heidelberg Materials North America Quarry Life Award

Heidelberg Materials is hosting a competition seeking project submissions regarding sustainable quarry management. Winners will receive cash prizes. 

More information can be found here or at their website: . 

Submissions are due by November 18th, 2024. 

EEE Social Media Accounts

Stay up to date with EEE events and info by following on social media.  Go to  this link  where you can choose which accounts to connect with. 

Civics Literacy Requirement 

Purdue University adopted a civics literacy graduation requirement for undergraduates who entered Purdue in Fall 2021 or later. If you fall in this category, and you have not completed the requirements yet, then now  may be a good time to get started. To see details and various resources  click here . Questions may be directed to  [email protected] .

Make the Most of College: Gallup-Purdue Index

Purdue has so much to offer!  Wondering how to prioritize what will make the most impact on your future?  The Gallup-Purdue Index (GPI) was formed from a survey of more than 30,000 U.S. college graduates.  

Refer to the  Student Guide to Creating a Successful College Experience :  This guide was designed to help college students get the most out of the college experience based on the GPI results.

Professional Licensure & FE Exam: What is it? When to take it? How to prepare?

The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is typically the first step in the process leading to the P.E. license. It is designed for students close to finishing their engineering degree or recent graduates. The FE is a computer-based exam that is administered year-round at NCEES (National Council of Examiners for engineering and Surveying) approved Pearson VUE test centers. FYI – Purdue has an approved test site.  The FE contains 110 multiple-choice questions. The exam appointment time is 6 hours long, which includes a nondisclosure agreement, tutorial (8 minutes), the exam (5 hours and 20 minutes), a scheduled break (25 minutes), and a brief survey.

What is professional licensure all about and why is it important?  Learn more at

The EEE website has an information and resource page - click here . This page highlights NCEES, the Environmental Exam, links to various sites to register for the FE, what study sessions are offered on campus (not all apply to EEE, though), how to purchase study guides, and other resources to consider.

PLaCE Short Courses

PLaCE courses are short courses geared towards international students and focused on improving communication and English language skills. Classes are non-credit bearing and free to enrolled international students.  Enrollment is limited to  one class for the first week of registration. If space is available beginning August 16, you may register for a second class.  Session 1 classes begin August 26. 

More details about classes may be found on the PLaCE website:

Registration is now open for Fall 2024. Go to   

Foreign Language Placement Testing 

The Language department offers a fully-online SLC Language Placement Test. For details you can visit their page  here . Once at the page, students will be able to download a manual with step-by-step instructions. The test is up and running continuously. It may take a few business days for tests to be reviewed and placement results to be validated.   The official name of the test has been changed from “Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT)” to “SLC Language Placement Test (SLCLPT)”. Questions about placement test related issues can be sent to:  [email protected] .

Safety: All Hazards Training

View Key Emergency Preparedness Resources at  Emergency Preparedness website . All-Hazards Awareness Training is offered to the Purdue community through in-person sessions and online. This training provides reminders on what constitutes an all-hazards emergency event and how faculty, staff and students in the classroom or elsewhere on campus should react in such a situation. Emergency preparedness officials explain how the campus community receives emergency notifications through the multi-layered Purdue Alert system, what "shelter in place" means and how to respond when they see the phrase in alerts sent out; evacuation procedures; what they can do to prepare; and available tools and resources.

Did you miss a previous newsletter? Click  here .


  • CCO_Fall2024Workshops.jpg
  • CES-Design-Competition-2024.pdf
  • Dog_Destress.jpg
  • EEE Social Media_Connect with us.pdf
  • EEECompanyNight_2024.pptx
  • Fall 24 West Lafayette Open House Flyer.pdf
  • HMNA_QLA_July_10_2024_FINAL.pdf
  • JobTuneUp_Flyer2024.pptx
  • POTR 360_EEEStudentRoomAgreement.pdf
  • Pop-By FA24 - acc.pdf
  • SamplingBlitz.jpg
  • WelcomeBackReception-Invite_v1.jpg
  • Workshop Calendar FA24_aug.pdf


  1. Purdue CCO

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  3. 5 CCO Resume Examples & Guide for 2023

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  4. Purdue Krannert Resume Template

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  5. Resume Sample For Purdue CCO

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  1. Purdue CCO

    The CCO. For a personalized review of your resume, please schedule an appointment through BoilerConnect. Examples: Check out the CCO Handbook for more tips and examples. Online Resume Review Tools. UPKEY is an excellent tool for building your first resume. Upload your resume and receive tips on how to improve it.

  2. Purdue CCO

    Resume Video. 5 Tips for Resumes in 2020 - Purdue CCO is a brief, pre-recorded outreach presentation on resumes by a CCO staff person. Upkey. Upkey is a system geared towards students who are building a resume from scratch. This tool is ideal for students within courses, e.g. 100-level courses, in which the likelihood of them having a resume is ...

  3. Purdue CCO

    Young Hall, Room 132, 155 S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-3981 E-Mail [email protected]

  4. Purdue CCO

    Schedule an appointment via BoilerConnect here or call our CCO main office at 765-494-3981 for assistance. *Choose CCO/Quick Chat as the location. For instant resume feedback, create/use VMock account with your Purdue email and upload your resume. Peer Mock Interview. Call our CCO main office at 765-494-3981 for scheduling assistance

  5. Purdue CCO

    Purdue's Next Step Survey Data for the Class of May 2023. See average salaries and other career outcomes. Learn More. 91.9%. had successful career outcomes. 81.4%. had at least one professional experience. 24.5%.

  6. Sample Résumés

    The Interactive Résumé resource contains a sample résumé on which you can click each section to learn more about the different sections of the résumé and how to write each section of the résumé. Sample Résumés: Skills Résumé. Chronological Résumé. Functional Résumé. Interactive Résumé. Purdue OWL is a registered trademark.

  7. Career Placement

    Interviewing. Employers from around the country visit Purdue to recruit its students and alumni for full-time positions. Your Purdue myCCO account will allow you to learn about upcoming employer interview dates and information sessions, submit your resume to job postings, create job search agents; apply for jobs; and schedule on-campus interviews.

  8. Introduction

    See the Purdue CCO's "Writing the Resume" resource for a helpful, concise model for developing strong bullet points. Job seekers at Purdue University may find value in the Purdue career Wiki here. Go to the OWL homepage and select Professional, Technical, and Job Search Writing to find other cover letter and résumé resources.


    d documents. Showcase your skills and abilities by connecting artifacts to you. experience. Examples could include a portfolio, a white paper, projects, patents, case competitions and awards among. ther things.Build your network: Research and join groups that are relevant to your career field but don'.

  10. Career Exploration

    The Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) is the place for students to go who wish to receive one-on-one counseling in career exploration as well as internship and job-search preparation. The CCO also offers drop-in assistance and other services. To schedule a counseling session with a career services consultant, stop by the CCO offices in ...

  11. myCCO (Symplicity)

    Daniels School of Business. Business Career Services. Rawls Hall, Suite 3029. 100 S. Grant Street. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076.

  12. Land That Interview

    Your resume needs to persuasive and perfect to help you land that interview. For assistance with cover letter and resume building visit the Purdue O.W.L, the CCO's Writing the Resume page and Everything You Need to Know About Cover Letters from Ascend Indiana. THE ART OF NETWORKING

  13. Additional Career Resources

    Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) Career Handbook: Use the handbook for career decision making, resume building, creating cover letters, networking, interview/career fair prep, job searching, offer negotiation, graduate/professional school prep, and more. Job Search Tools. Purdue MyCCO: Purdue's Career Center job search tool. Be sure to ...

  14. Career Planning for FYE Students

    CCO offers a variety of services and resources to help students make plans, develop skills, and find a job. CCO also hosts recruiters, holds job fairs, maintains resume files for all Purdue students, and will make connections between Purdue students and industry recruiters. Things to do in your first semester on campus include:

  15. Employment

    Employment. Computer scientists' skills are highly sought after by every company. Purdue computer science graduates report starting salaries averaging $74,000 per year (May 2013). Students with internship experience have consistently higher salaries. More importantly, the earning potential for computer science graduates is high — higher ...

  16. PDF PURDUE Personalized Career Plan UNIVERSITY®

    Meet with the CoS Career Specialist or a Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) Career Consultant to discuss and create a career plan that works for me. Conduct informational interviews with professionals. from my field of interest. Go to the CCO (YONG 132) and pick up a career planning handbook. Write my resume using the CCO handbook, as an ...

  17. Career Fair Guidebook

    The Purdue CCO's comprehensive Career Planning Handbook is a fantastic resource for cover letters, interview tips, resumes, CV's and more! Dustin McKissen breaks down the steps involved with writing a successful cover letter into short, simple steps. Simplifying a daunting process.

  18. Outside Events: Resumes & Cover Letters

    Resumes & Cover Letters - August 27 at 6:00-7:00PM in BRNG 2280 (West Lafayette) Need help to prepare your first collegiate resume or cover letter to prepare for the upcoming Career Fairs? ... (CCO). Note: This seminar is geared toward first-year students. Space is limited, so availability is first come, first serve. Purdue University 610 ...

  19. Anyone knows where to get their Cover Letter or Resume reviewed?

    Probably won't help you today, but if you get involved in any eng- or major-related clubs, many will do mock interviews and resume reviews. i'm sure the writing lab would also help with revisions and questions. they have a website and online/in-person sessions as far as i know.

  20. Recruiter Information

    Information regarding CCO services and employer registration can be found at Purdue's Center for Career Opportunities or by calling 765-494-3981. Posting Positions The Department of Computer Science posts job opportunities on a weekly basis for all CS students through an electronic newsletter called Opportunity Update, in addition to a posting ...

  21. CCO question : r/Purdue

    Dear <Recruiter Name>, <Your name> has submitted a resume for you to review. This resume has been attached and is for the position of <Position>. Please note this is an automated email sent from Engineering Careers, by Symplicity, the recruitment system for the University of Michigan College of Engineering. Any replies sent in response to this ...

  22. r/Purdue on Reddit: Any suggestions as to how I can TRY TO buff my

    Also try and maybe find speakers that are coming to Purdue and are alumni and after their speech or whatnot privately them about their company and ask them if they can take your resume to a recruiter. I know several people who did this ended up getting internships. Also be open to different type of positions.

  23. August 29, 2024

    The CCO has resources that can help you in the job search. They can review your resume, give a mock interview, and offer workshops to aid you in the process of looking for employment. They also have information sessions and the "days" (Lily Day and CAT day) listed that are scheduled through CCO.