21 Best Man Speech Examples & Ideas for the Groom’s Brother

Your brother has just asked you to be his best man and you’re feeling honored, pumped, and a little bit nervous.

You want to nail it.

Best Man Speech Ideas for the Groom’s Brother

Rather than let the nerves get the better of you, channel that energy into writing an amazing best man speech. Your brother entrusted you with this crucial job for a reason—he knows you’ve got his back.

1) Start With a Theme

Are you going to focus on your brother’s childhood misadventures? His successes in work or love? His friends’ impressions of him?

2) Know the Mood You Want To Create

Are you looking to make everyone laugh? Bring tears of joy to people’s eyes? Both? Knowing the emotional tone of your speech will help guide the content and delivery.

3) Choose the Best Structure for Your Best Man Speech

Are you going to tell a linear story from start to finish? Jump around chronologically? Use a mix of both? Once you settle on an approach, it’s time to start filling in the blanks with some killer content.

4) Tell Your Favorite Stories

Whether it’s a funny story from childhood or a more recent tale of his antics, these stories will help to humanize your brother and give the audience a glimpse into what he’s really like.

5) Know How To Start Your Speech

Other ways you can start your speech:

6) Talk Up Your Brother

No one wants to hear a long venting session about all of his flaws and negative traits.

7) Speak Directly To Your Brother

If you have any inside jokes or funny stories about your brother, this is the time to share them. However, don’t go too overboard – remember that his new wife is in the audience.

8) Speak Directly To The Bride

A personal address to the bride is a wonderful way to include her.

9) Recite the Story of How They Met

When my brother asked me to be his best man, I was committed to delivering a speech that would really capture the story of how he and his bride met. I had heard the story many times, of course, but I wanted to find a way to really bring it to life for the guests at the wedding.

To do that, I decided to share some of the “behind the scenes” details that my brother had confided in me over the years.

It was a beautiful moment and one that I will always treasure.

10) Use the Right Amount of Humor

11) share a meaningful quote.

Maybe there is a saying that your father always said to the two of you or something your grandmother mentioned to your brother before she passed.

12) Wish the Best to the Bride and Groom

On behalf of my brother and his new bride, I want to say thank you for coming to celebrate their special day. It means a lot to them that you are all here to support them as they start this new chapter in their lives. I know they are both extremely excited to begin this journey together, and I wish them all the best. I am confident they will make each other very happy and will always be there for one another through thick and thin. I am honoured to have been chosen as best man, and I know my brother is lucky to have found such a wonderful woman. So please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple – may they always be as blissfully content as they are today. Cheers!

13) End Your Speech On a Bright Note

Something heartfelt will leave everyone feeling warm and fuzzy.

14) Don’t Wing It

15) read it out loud.

This will allow you to catch any tricky pronunciations, awkward sentence structures, or words that don’t sound quite right when said aloud.

16) Practice Giving the Speech 10 Times

If possible, try to record yourself while you’re practicing. This will let you see how you sound and help you make any necessary adjustments to your delivery.

17) Double-Check Everything on the Day of the Wedding

And finally, before you start your speech, take a quick moment to check the lights and echo in the room.

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Traditional best man speech examples.

My brother is one of the most important people in my life. He’s been my best friend since we were kids, and I can’t imagine going through life without him by my side. That’s why I’m so honored to be his best man today. I know my brother is going to make an amazing husband because he’s always been such a great friend to me. He’s always been there for me when I needed him, and I know he’ll be there for his new wife too. It’s an honor and a privilege to celebrate with you both, and I know I’ll never forget this day. I love you, brother – congrats on your big day!
It’s my great honor to be your best man today. We’ve been through a lot together, haven’t we? I can’t even remember a time when you weren’t by my side. You’ve always been there for me, no matter what. And I know you’ll always be there for _ ____ too. She’s so lucky to have you as her husband. I know you’re going to make an amazing husband and father. You have all the qualities that matter most – you’re kind, you’re patient, and you’re so good with kids. _ is going to be one lucky family. So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple! ______and ______, may your life together be full of love and happiness. Cheers!

Emotional Wedding Speech for Brother

I remember when I was younger, I used to always look up to my brother. He was always the smarter one, the better athlete, and the more popular guy. I was always trying to keep up with him and be like him. Even though I could never quite measure up to his accomplishments, he always made me feel like I was just as good as he was. He has always been my biggest supporter, and I know that he will be an amazing husband to his new wife. I am so honored to be standing up here today as his best man. My brother has always been a great example to me of what it means to be a good man. He is always so patient with everyone and he is always quick to lend a helping hand. I know that he will be a great husband to his new wife. I want to thank my brother for everything that he has done for me over the years. He has always been there for me, even when no one else was. I know that he will continue to be a great brother, husband, and father, and I am so proud of him. Congratulations, brother!

Short Best Man Speech Examples

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to stand before you today as the best man for my brother, (name). On behalf of (name) and his new wife, (name), I want to thank you all for being here to celebrate their special day. (Name) has been my best friend since childhood, and I am truly honored to be standing up for him on this important occasion. I know that he will make an incredible husband, and I am confident that (name) will be by his side every step of the way. So please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. Cheers!
My brother is a big sports fanatic. Just like a successful football team, my brother and his new bride make a great team. They complement each other perfectly and they always have each other’s back. I know that they will always be there for each other, no matter what life throws their way. I’m so happy that my brother has found his perfect partner and I wish them all the happiness in the world. Congratulations!

Funny Best Man Speech Examples

If you or your brother are a natural-born comedian, then injecting humor into your best man speech is par for the course.

First of all, I want to congratulate my brother on finding the woman of his dreams. As soon as I met her, I could see why he was so head over heels in love with her. She’s beautiful, intelligent, and has a great sense of humor. Her only flaw is her poor taste in husbands. But I guess nobody’s perfect. (Wink) I’m happy to say that she seems to be just as crazy about him as he is about her. I also want to congratulate my brother on making it through the wedding planning process without losing his mind. As anyone who’s been through it knows, wedding planning can be a nightmare. There are so many details to take care of and so many people to please. But my brother managed to stay calm and sane throughout it all. And that’s really saying something for a guy who wept like a baby during The Notebook. Seriously though, I wish all the best of luck and love to the happy couple. Cheers!

Best Man Speech Examples for Older Brother

If your brother is older than you, here is an example of a best man speech for him:

My big brother is a professional pilot, and I’ve always looked up to him – literally and figuratively. He’s always had a passion for flying, and he’s worked hard to turn his passion into a career. Today, he’s living his dream, and I couldn’t be happier for him. Just like my brother has dedicated his life to flying, marriage is a commitment that should be taken seriously. It’s not something to be taken lightly – it’s a journey that should be undertaken with care and consideration. Just like my brother has navigated through some turbulence in his career, marriage will have its ups and downs. But I know that he and his bride will weather any storm, because they’re committed to each other and they’re willing to work hard to make their marriage last. May their life together be as smooth sailing as my brother’s career in aviation!

Best Man Speech Examples for Younger Brother

In just a few short minutes, my little brother will be a married man. It’s hard to believe that the boy who used to follow me around everywhere is all grown up and starting his own family. But I couldn’t be more proud of him. He’s always had a sense of duty and honor, even when we were kids. And when he joined the military, I knew he was going to make an outstanding soldier. He’s already done so much for our country, and I know he’ll only continue his legacy of love and dedication. It’s my pleasure to toast the best man, my little brother. Congratulations, and may your life together be filled with love and happiness.

Best Man Speech Examples for Brother-in-Law

It’s my pleasure to be here today to give the best man speech for my brother-in-law. I first want to thank everyone for coming and celebrating this special day with us. It means a lot to have you all here to support Mike and Jess as they start their married life together. I’ve known Mike for a few years now, and I can say without a doubt that he is one of the most genuine, caring, and fun-loving people I know. He’s always up for a good time, but he also knows how to be serious when the situation calls for it. In other words, he’s the perfect brother-in-law! (And I’m not just saying that because he’s my sister’s husband.) I know that Mike will make an amazing husband to Jess. He already treats her with so much love and respect, and I know he’ll only continue to do so as they embark on this new chapter in their lives. I couldn’t be happier for them both. So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple – may your marriage be everything you’ve ever hoped for and more! Cheers!

Religious Best Man Speech Examples for Brother

Marriage is a sacred institution, and I am honored to be here today as my brother makes a lifetime commitment to his wife. I have known (name) all my life, and I can say without a doubt that he is a good man. He is kind, honest, and hardworking, and I know that he will make an excellent husband. (Name) is also a deeply religious man, and I know that his faith will guide him in this new chapter of his life. I am confident that he will cherish and respect his wife always, and I am proud to call him my brother. On behalf of the family, I would like to wish (name) and his wife all the happiness in the world. Congratulations!

Best Man Speech for Brother: Second Wedding

It’s been said that the best man is the person who knows the groom the best. And in that case, I think I’m uniquely qualified to give this speech. Because not only do I know my brother better than anyone else, but I was also his best man at his first wedding. But despite my experience, I’m still a little nervous about giving this speech. After all, weddings are a time for new beginnings, and I want to make sure that I get it right. So let me start by congratulating my brother and his new wife. This is a truly special day, and I know that you’ll be very happy together. I remember when my brother first told me that he was getting married again. I have to admit, I was a little surprised. But then I realized that it made perfect sense. After all, my brother is one of the most romantic people I know. He’s always believed in the power of love. And I know that he’s found true happiness with his new wife. So on this special day, I want to toast my brother and his new bride. May your life together be filled with love and happiness.

Best Man Speech Examples for Twin Brother

It’s my pleasure to be here today to say a few words about my brother, the groom. First, let me just say how happy I am to be here with all of you to celebrate this special occasion. My brother and his new wife are a perfect match, and I know they’ll be very happy together. I’ve known my brother my whole life, of course, and there’s nobody I know better. After all, I see him everytime I look in the mirror. We’ve been through a lot together, and I’m so proud of the man he has become. He’s kind, he’s generous, he’s hardworking… in short, he’s everything you could want in a husband. And I know he’ll be just as wonderful a father when the time comes. I wish you both lots of love, good fortune, and good health always!

Best Man Speech for Step-Brother

While we have never shared the same blood, he has always been like a brother to me. From the time I can remember, he has always been there for me, whether I needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to help me celebrate a triumph. He has always supported me, even when I made mistakes, and I know that he will make an amazing husband. So please join me in raising a glass to the groom – a man who is not only my step-brother but my best friend.

Best Man Speech for Brother Quotes

Best man speech for brother quotes:

Tools for Writing a Best Man Speech for a Brother

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Final Thoughts: Best Man Speech Examples

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How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

A funny, heartfelt speech from the best man is one of the most memorable parts of a wedding. Here’s how to give a great toast (without embarrassing yourself).

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A best man speech is the perfect way to send your brother or friend the best wishes in their marriage, but standing up in front of the crowd can be super nerve-wracking. If you’ve been invited to be the best man at a wedding but have no idea what to say in your speech, you’re not alone! 

Over 75% of the population cites public speaking as one of their biggest fears. Thankfully, it’s a people skill that anyone can develop. A great event toast can be a game-changer and make you feel like a celebrity amongst the wedding guests. 

Watch our video to learn the best (and worst) speech openers:

Here’s how to overcome your public speaking anxiety and give a knockout best man speech that will incite laughter, smiles, or even sentimental tears. 

Quick Answer: How to Write a Best Man Speech Fast (with Template!)

A killer best man toast has a formula:

  • Start with a funny or complimentary introduction
  • Lead into a short story
  • Add a dash of vulnerability
  • End with genuine congratulations to the bride and groom. 

You won’t want to wing the speech after you’ve had a few drinks when you feel strapped for time before the wedding. Instead, take just 30 minutes of planning and note-making to save you (and the bride & groom) the embarrassment of an excessively long or inappropriate ramble. 

If you want to write a best man speech fast, follow this brief template for a great toast. Your toast should be roughly 3 to 5 minutes long. You can use numbered index cards to jot down the highlights of each section. Then, rehearse a few times in the mirror in the days leading up to the event. 

The most straightforward speech outline includes seven main components: 

  • A great one-liner : This could be a funny joke, a compliment, or an inspirational quote about brotherhood or marriage. The first 15 seconds of the toast should capture the audience’s attention and leave them excited for more. Modify this:

“I’d like to begin by congratulating the groom for his superb taste in choosing the best man [chuckle].” 

  • Compliment the wedding : Build your respect with the guests by highlighting things you like about the wedding. For example, you can compliment the beauty of the venue, the delicious food, or the great choice of music. Modify this:

“All jokes aside, this is a beautiful wedding. The bride and groom look like a movie star couple together. And if you didn’t taste the cake, you are missing out!” 

  • Express gratitude : Say “thank you” to those who made the wedding possible and show appreciation to the groom for choosing you as his best man. Modify this:

“I am so grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Zimerman for hosting us here today, and thank you to the bride and groom for inviting me to be part of their special day.” 

  • Tell a story : Did you and the groom meet as kids on the baseball field? Were you there when he first met his bride? Did you share a funny experience in college that is appropriate to share? The “meat” of the speech will be a short story about your relationship with the groom. A great story sounds like this:

 “When I first met Jeff, he was in a period of transition in life, like we all go through. He had just started a new job at my office in San Francisco, and we met because of our mutual addiction to double shot espressos (iced with a little cream) at 6 AM every morning from the corner coffee shop Bob’s Cup O’ Joe. When we both arrived at the office at the same time, 3 days in a row with eyes like this [widen eyes big], I knew we would be friends for life. A million espressos, meetings, and after-work beers later, I am so proud to call Jeff my best friend. When he told me about meeting a beautiful blonde named Anne at Bob’s Cup O’ Joe a few years later, I knew something would become of it. She even drank the same double shot espressos, iced with a little cream!”  

  • Admire the couple : Strengthen your bond with the newlyweds by expressing your support for their marriage. If you know a bit about the bride and groom’s relationship, list a few things you admire about their bond. You may emphasize how the bride has positively impacted the groom’s life or how they make a great team. 

“Jeff and Anne are a perfect pair, and it seriously warms my heart to see a couple so amazingly in love. They compliment each other in every way and radiate joy when they are together.” 

  • Summarize your thoughts : Before you wrap up your speech, go back and highlight your key ideas. You can pre-write 2-3 crisp sentences summarizing your support of the couple’s marriage. Modify this:

“I wish I could say I predicted this day would come, but Jeff’s incredible character and charm won Anne over. I am so grateful to be friends with both of them and to join you all in this celebration.” 

  • Toast to the future : At the end of your speech, raise your glass for a toast to the couple’s love. Modify this: 

“Please join me in raising our glasses to a lifetime of happiness and espressos for Jeff and Anne Allison!” 

Here is an awesome example of a short and sweet 4-minute toast that left the crowd cracking up:

It’s best to memorize your speech, but there is no shame in bringing a few index cards in your pocket to reference if you get nervous. Don’t forget to prepare and rehearse in advance. 

For a more in-depth speech, see our step-by-step guide below. 

What to Say in a Best Man Speech (Do’s and Don’ts)

A best man’s speech traditionally takes place at the wedding reception after the maid of honor gives her speech. The best man’s speech should be positive, respectful, and congratulatory. It can last 3 to 5 minutes and should focus on a central theme or story about the groom. 

Remember, a best man speech is not the time to “wing it.” If you do that, there may come the point when everything suddenly goes silent, and a crowd of 50-100+ people is staring at you, waiting for what you’re going to say about the groom. You probably don’t want to end up with a cringing audience while telling a story about the groom’s previous relationships:

Instead, remember these key best man speech tips for a successful toast: 

Pre-plan your speech with a layout and index cardsDon’t wing it or try to go on the fly
Keep your speech 3-5 minutes longDon’t give an excessively short or long speech
Open with a catchy one-liner or jokeDon’t start with a dull or droning tone 
Tell a short story about the groomDon’t make it about you 
Use fun, family-friendly humorAvoid risky or inappropriate topics and jokes
Use deep breathing to calm your nerves before the speech Don’t drink too much 
Congratulate the groom Don’t ignore the bride
Compliment the brideInsult or tease the bride (I know it may be tempting, but it NEVER goes over well)
Read the room and get to know the guestsDon’t use profanity (unless it’s acceptable in the family)  

Here are a few examples of what you should say in a best man speech:

  • How did you meet the groom?
  • What is one of your favorite memories with him?
  • How did the groom meet the bride? Were you there?
  • What is special about the groom?
  • What do you like most about him? 
  • What are his positive traits? 
  • Playful banter : You don’t want to be too corny and cheesy with your bro. Depending on your relationship with the groom and the culture of the wedding, you may want to throw in a little banter with your dude. For example, you might make a funny joke about how much the groom loves going out to eat:

You should also avoid some key topics in a best man speech. 

Do not mention:

  • The groom’s past relationships
  • Sexual jokes
  • Drugs, alcohol, or past mistakes
  • Insecurities of the groom
  • Financial or personal information 
  • Insults to the bride or the wedding guests 
  • Overly embarrassing stories
  • Teasing the bride
  • Anything that could potentially harm your friendship

Keep things positive and lighthearted. While a little witty banter or playful teasing can be fun (depending on your relationship with the groom), you should avoid insulting him or highlighting any major insecurities. The “playful” part of the speech is an excellent fun icebreaker, but it shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings or make them feel publicly embarrassed in front of their wedding guests.

How to Write a Best Man Speech for Best Friend or Brother: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re ready to prepare something more in-depth than the quick ideas above, this step-by-step guide can help you write a thoughtful speech that the groom may remember forever. After all, being named the best man at your friend or brother’s wedding is a tremendous honor. But like any honor, it comes with some responsibilities. After you finish all your bachelor party and wedding duties, an epic best man speech can be like the fireworks at the show’s end. 

Here are 5 simple steps to make it count:

#1 Start with a theme

Before you start writing and rehearsing your speech, it helps to decide on a theme for your talk. This will give a nice flow to the speech. A theme ensures that you stay on track to communicate your congratulations and appreciation to the groom. 

What is the main message you want to get across? A few theme ideas include:

  • Anecdotes : Best man toasts center around storytelling. This theme is the easiest way to stay on track because you are telling a simple story from beginning to end. 
  • Humor : Whether you’re naturally funny or working on your jokes ,  your speech is the perfect opportunity to get the audience laughing. Best man speeches are known for getting a little saucy, but you must be careful about offending the crowd or making crude jokes that might insult the bride and groom. If you want to tease the groom with some witty banter, it helps to make fun of yourself or reference an appropriate inside joke.
  • Inspirational : Have you and the groom achieved an important business goal or accomplishment together? Do you have a shared role model or favorite motivational book you both read in college? This speech theme can leave the audience feeling inspired.
  • Morality : Use your speech to highlight the great person the groom is. Perhaps you give examples of his integrity, trustworthiness, or generosity. You can emphasize how lucky you are to know the groom and how glad you are that he found a woman to spend his life with. 
  • Sentimentality : When humor and storytelling aren’t your fortes, it doesn’t hurt to get a little corny. Sentimental speeches require a level of emotional vulnerability, but they can leave a huge impact on the newlyweds and their attendees.

#2 Create an outline

You wouldn’t go on a road trip without a navigation system, so don’t go into your speech without a plan. The best toasts and speeches follow the same structure. Pull out a piece of paper and brainstorm some ideas using this format, then use the following steps to fill in the details:

  • Hook/Opening statement : The opening statement should be a 1 to 3-line description about the groom. The first 7 seconds of the speech should hook the audience immediately. It warms them up to you and makes them want to pay attention to the amusing stories. You’ll find an abundance of opening-line ideas in the next section. 
  • Background context : Now comes the why of your speech. This is where the context of your relationship with the groom comes in. You can throw in some funny jokes and a few details about your experience with him. Use this intro to build up the anticipation for the story to come. Write down a few ideas of stories you can tell. 
  • Tell the story : Choose 1-3 short stories about the groom that is funny, slightly embarrassing, or interesting. Jot down a few of the sensory elements you want to reference, like the smelly locker room or the squeaking of tire wheels. Most stories follow a bell-curve pattern—they start with an intro, lead to rising action, peak with a capstone moment, then tie back to the beginning. Keep this in mind as you brainstorm and follow the story-planning steps below. 
  • Take-home message : After you get a good laugh or “awww” out of the audience, you’ll want to bring the story back to the beginning. What do you want them to remember about your speech and friendship with the groom? 
  • Thank the wedding party : Use a quick sentence to thank the wedding party and hosts. Express your genuine gratitude for being invited. 
  • Closing toast and congratulations : After wrapping up the story and thanking the wedding party, you should invite the audience to toast the bride and groom with you. For an extra cheery finale, act as if you are speaking on their behalf and include lots of well-wishes for the newlyweds. 

Pro Tip : Before filling in your outline details, watch this video for an overview of how to give a memorable toast. Human behavior expert Vanessa Van Edwards explains the most common mistakes (don’t start with “I,” “me,” or “my”) and a few secrets to getting the audience to perk up in their seats. 

#3 Nail the opening line 

Once you have your outline, it’s time to dig into the details. People decide their first impression of you within 7 seconds, so it’s extra important to nail the opening line of your speech. Best men use this opportunity to crack a joke, compliment the wedding, or set a sentimental tone for the speech. 

Avoid making the first lines about you. No “me”, “I”, or “my”. Instead, start with a juicy or mysterious line about the groom, for example:

I was the groom’s roommate in college.Ben was the self-proclaimed organization king in college. As his roommate, I feared leaving a pen on the desk.
I am the groom’s younger brother.As a kid, the groom was so excited to have a younger brother that he quickly crowned me as his servant for the next 10 years. 
My favorite thing about the groom is his…Tonight you’ll learn why the groom was always… 
My favorite story about the groom was…The best story I have about the groom starts with a greasy cheeseburger and a speeding ticket.

If you need a little inspiration, here are some hilarious and quirky best man speech opening lines: 

  • “Caring, loyal, honest, good-looking, and an all-around-great guy… OK, enough about me, onto the groom…!” 
  • “This is the perfect chance to tell you about [Groom] and how talented, special, smart, good-looking, and… sorry, man, I can’t read your handwriting here.” 
  • “I’d like to give a toast to the bride and groom.” [pull a piece of toasted bread from your pocket and give it to them]
  • “[Groom’s name] is the kind of person you call when you lock yourself out of the dorm bathroom without any clothes on.” 
  • “The bride and groom asked me not to share embarrassing stories or crude jokes during my speech… so that’s it from me! Thanks for listening, everyone.”
  • “I’d like to start by congratulating the groom for his excellent taste in choosing the best man.” 
  • “[Groom] had a tough time choosing his best man. First, he called his most handsome friend, but he said no. Then, he called his smartest friend, and he said no. Then, he called his most successful friend, who also said no. Then he called me, and I said, ‘Bro, I can’t say no to you four times.'”
  • “What can I say about [Groom]? I guess I’ll start at the very beginning. He was born on [groom’s birthday]. Our parents were hoping for a girl, but I’ve always said… close enough.”

Here is a genuinely funny opening line from a best brother wedding speech:

Pro Tip : Don’t forget to pause for laughter. If it doesn’t come, you can chuckle at yourself and cue the audience that they are supposed to laugh by saying, “This is where you are supposed to laugh,” or joking, “Sound guy, can you please cue the laugh track?” Then, keep going with your speech.

Don’t worry. You need not be a jokester to give a great opening line. If you want to go the nostalgic or tearjerker route, be sure it is highly personalized and thoughtful. Here are some sentimental opening line ideas:

  • “There are friends, and there is family, but friends also become family. This is so true for [Groom] and me. We’ve been best friends since we were X years old, and I’ve always considered him my brother.” 
  • “There’s an old Irish proverb that says a good friend is like a four-leaf clover—hard to find and lucky to have. I think that’s true. Good friends are hard to find, and I’m lucky to have called [Groom] my best friend for the last X years.” 
  • “I’ve heard that the best relationships come from the foundation of a deep friendship. Experts say that laughter, mutual respect, and enjoying each other’s company are the ingredients for a long-lasting, joyful marriage. After knowing [Groom] and [Bride] for X years, there is no doubt in my mind that they will make a great pair.” 
  • “In Good Will Hunting , Robin Williams said, ‘It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other.” Anyone who has seen [Groom] and [Bride] together can agree that this is true for them. I haven’t seen a perfect pair, and I’m happy to be part of this celebration of their love.” 

To learn more about the best speech openers, use this guide on How to Start a Speech: The Best (and Worst) Speech Openers . Some top tips include:

  • Avoid starting with a lackluster nicety like “thanks for having me.” 
  • Don’t mention your nervousness.
  • Avoid mentioning technical difficulties like the microphone or saying, “Can you hear me?” 

How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

Bonus Tip: Learn the Art of Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video to learn 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

For every speaking skill you add to your toolbox, the less speaking anxiety you will feel.

If you want help really diving into your presentation skills, be sure to sign up for our course…

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Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals

Have a question about the presentation or People School? Email Science of People support .

#4 Background context

Now that you’ve grabbed the audience’s attention, it’s time to give them a little background on why you are giving a speech in the first place. This is another sneak peek at some details you’ll cover in the speech. 

The whole point of this part is to tell them how you know the groom—but it isn’t about you. You’ll often hear wedding speeches that start with a drab, “I met the groom in college” or, “My name is ___, and I’m the best man.” You can do better than that! Try saying:

  • “The groom was the first friend I made on the high school football team. I had no idea we would become roommates in a bachelor pad throughout college.” 
  • “As little kids, the groom and I were known to be a dangerous duo in the neighborhood. He always carried the eggs and toilet paper, then instructed me where to throw them. But you can guess who always took the blame for his antics….” 
  • “The groom and I have been friends and business partners for X years, and as you’ll hear shortly, he is the main reason I broke my arm during the last office basketball game. But first, I want to tell you a less embarrassing story….” 

Pro Tip : Focus on the groom, and don’t make it about you. One of the biggest mistakes people make during wedding speeches is talking too much about themselves. Your speech shouldn’t discuss where you’re from, what you think, or how you ended up at the party. The best man’s speech is a time to focus on the groom and his bride. 

#5 Tell the story  

After your punchy opening line and background info, it’s time to tell the perfect story about the groom. Depending on the length of your speech and the details of your story, some best man speeches cover 1 to 3 short stories. 

Reference back to the memories you wrote when brainstorming. Pick a story that includes the most of these captivating elements:

  • A little bit of embarrassment : Whether it’s you, the groom, or a mutual friend, it helps to poke some fun at someone in the story. If you fear being offensive, the best person to joke about is yourself.  
  • Audience member references : You can get major bonus points if you bring wedding guests into the storytelling moment. You might say, “Mom, you might want to close your ears on this one!” or, “Brian, we’re talking about you!” 
  • Sensory details : What did the scenery look like? What were the prominent smells, sounds, and tastes at the moment? A great story should make the audience feel like they were with you. Don’t forget to mention the frigid cold lake you jumped into or the outrageously spicy food that left you both panting and crying for water. 
  • A final punch line : Ideally, the best story ends with a shocking moment or funny line. It should leave the audience laughing, crying, surprised, or even gasping. For example, in an epic adventure story about you and the groom on a hunting trip, you may end with, “Just as the shark was about to bite the line, Joe reeled in the massive bluefin and yelled, ‘I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!’”

Pro Tip : If you have to ask, “Is this appropriate?” it probably isn’t. Some stories are better for late-night beers than they are for weddings. Avoid telling stories related to sexual topics, drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, or anything you wouldn’t want grandma to hear. 

#6 Take-home message

When the story finishes, you’ve hopefully elicited some laughter or maybe some tears. All jokes aside, there is a reason you were the best man, and you are probably a significant person to the groom. This is a great time to emphasize the best qualities of the groom and why you’re so happy for his new love. 

Here is an excellent example of tying together the opening and closing lines with a heartfelt message about finding the perfect soul mate:

#7 End your speech with a heartfelt toast

We’ve all heard “let’s raise a glass to [Bride] and [Groom]” before. You can do better than that! The final toast is like the fireworks at the end of your best man speech. Instead of something mediocre, invite the audience to join you in a genuine, thoughtful congratulations. Examples include:

  • “Please join me in raising our glasses to the beautiful bride and handsome groom. May your lives together be long, healthy, and happy. We love you so much and are excited for you. Cheers!” 
  • “Lift your glasses to thank Mr. and Mrs. [Bride’s Parents] for hosting this beautiful wedding. Let us all toast to the perfect union of the bride and groom. We wish you a bright and beautiful future. Cheers!”
  • “Here’s to the past, for all you’ve learned. Here’s to the present for this beautiful moment we all share. Here’s to the future for all you’ve got to look forward to. Cheers to the happy couple!” 

Pro Tip : Make your toast inclusive and communal, so the audience feels like they’re cheering for the couple with you. Use words like “we”, “lets”, and “us”. This congratulation invites them to join as if you are speaking on their behalf. 

#8 Use a best man speech template

A template makes things simple if you’re still feeling uneasy about writing your best man speech. You can take the structure of an example speech and incorporate your ideas and stories to make it your own. 

Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“Tonight, you’ll learn why the groom was destined to marry [Bride]. The year was 2002, and we were all in a bar with friends on New Year’s Eve in New York City. Snow was falling outside, and we were sipping champagne, waiting for the big ball to drop. Seemingly out of nowhere, a woman with a red dress entered the room, and everything seemed to stop. All the bachelors in our group were captivated, but only [Groom] had the guts to walk up to her. Rumor has it that his first opening line was ‘

Everyone talks about a woman’s glow when she’s falling in love, but I swear that [Groom] was smiling from ear to ear from the second they met. We could hardly get him to stop talking about her by the following week. We’d be watching football and drinking beers only to have [Bride’s] name brought up every 5 minutes. 

Fast forward 3 years, and we’ve all seen how much [Bride] has positively impacted his life. When he came to me to tell me he was proposing, my only response was, ‘ Finally, dude !’

There’s something extra special about these two. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. They love and respect each other so much. [Bride] was the one for [Groom] from the second they locked eyes in that hazy NYC bar. We are all so happy to be here for your big day. Let’s raise our glasses to the beautiful bride and groom! Cheers!” 

Another Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“The groom was the first friend I made on the high school basketball team. He wasn’t very good [pause for laughter]. I was the tallest player and obviously had the best free throw, but I was majorly lacking in the ladies department. Thankfully, [Groom] took me under his wing and showed me how to be a true gentleman. That includes opening doors for women and carrying their bags instead of just running in with my own. What would I have done without you, man?

Even though he was no good at basketball, [Groom] always had his head on his shoulders. He’s a respectful, intelligent, and relatively clean-cut guy. All joking aside, it’s no surprise that he ended up with a woman as intelligent and beautiful as [Bride]. You both deserve a lifetime of love, happiness, and success together. Please raise your glasses and join me in congratulating the bride and groom! We love you!” 

#9 Practice your body language

Public speaking isn’t only about what you say but how you carry yourself. Your body language can drastically affect your confidence, your delivery, and how the audience perceives you. Use these body language hacks to take your speech to the next level: 

  • Signal “friend” : Smile and show your open palms to send the message that you are the audience’s friend. This makes people feel more comfortable with your presence and more likely to listen.
  • Stand up straight : When you look confident, you also feel more confident. Check your posture if your voice is a little shaky before the speech. Roll back your shoulders and tuck your shoulder blades down towards your back. Slightly lift your chest and chin as you speak. 
  • Make eye contact: Throughout the speech, you should change your eye contact with different audience members. As you mention specific compliments or thanks, make eye contact with the bride, groom, groomsmen, bridesmaids, and the bride’s father.
  • Genuinely smile : Smiling may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget when you feel so focused on a perfect delivery. At the same time, you don’t want to look like you’re fake smiling throughout the speech. Use these 9 Simple Tips to Smile Better (in any situation!)
  • Use your hands : It’s easy to let your nerves get the best of you and feel like a “deer in the headlights.” Instead of tucking your hands in your pockets, widen your stance and take up space. Use your hands and gestures while you talk to show that you are comfortable and happy during the speech. 

Want more tips? Here are 17 Body Language Presentation Cues to Use in Your Next Speech . 

#10 Rehearse before the big day

Experts say you should rehearse a speech 10 times before performing it. Research also shows that people who mentally prepare themselves before a speech by imagining it going well are more likely to perform fluently and easily. So before you get in front of an audience, be sure you’ve gone over your speech at least 10 times, either in your head or out loud. Better yet, practice in the mirror, on camera, or in front of a trusted friend. 

It also helps to review the gist of the speech with the groom (without giving away any secret details) to make sure it’s alright with him. A few weeks before the wedding, you may pull him aside and ask, “Hey man, is it OK if I tell the story about ____ in my best man speech? I think it’ll get some good laughs.” 

Although this example is long, this best man very clearly rehearsed his speech for a near-perfect performance without any notes:

Key Takeaways: Express Gratitude and Sentimentality in 3-5 Minutes

Ultimately, a best man speech is an opportunity to make your best bro look good in front of all his friends and family. Your speech should demonstrate how much you value your brotherhood or friendship. At the same time, you can enjoy 5 minutes of wedding fame without making things all about you. A great toast can make you a memorable celebrity at the wedding and have people laughing at your

Before jumping up at the reception and speaking off the cuff, remember to:

  • Outline and plan your speech ahead of time. Use notecards if needed.
  • Focus on the groom and his bride. Don’t go on and on about yourself. 
  • Nail the opening line with a funny joke, quote, or teaser that leads into a great story. 
  • Avoid inappropriate or cringey topics that could embarrass the groom.
  • Express gratitude to the groom and wedding hosts. 

Giving a toast or speech is an essential social skill that can make you one of the most likable people in a room. If you want to learn more about the art of giving showstopping toasts, read this guide on How to Give an Awesome Toast: Advanced Strategies for Speeches . 

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how to write a best man speech for brother in law

Best Man speech examples for your brother

Picture of Oliver Lucas

Oliver Lucas

Published 12 Sep 2023

Brother best man tying up the grooms bow tie

So you’ve read our blog on how to write a best man speech for your brother?  You’ve come to the right place for more inspiration.  Here, you will find real-life examples of best man speeches written by one brother to another, including those written for older brothers, younger brothers and even twin brothers.  They are long, medium and short in length so whatever your situation you will find some inspiration here that can help you in constructing your brother’s best man speech.

Best Man Speech for Older Brother

As this is my first time being best man, I was a little worried as to how long the speech should go on for. I asked around and the accepted norm seemed to be that it should go on for as long as it takes the groom to make love to his wife on their wedding night…. So on that note ladies and gentlemen, thanks very much, you’ve been a great crowd. SIT DOWN pause STAND UP Seriously now Ok ok the real speech now.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen – For those of you who don`t know me, I`m Andrew, Paul’s younger brother. It`s great to be stood up here today because, after all these years, PAUL has finally admitted that I am the best man.

I would firstly like to thank both Paul & Gerri for giving me time to prepare this speech, well two weeks anyway.  First, let me start by saying that Gerri looks absolutely beautiful today and it is a real pleasure to welcome her into our family. pause Today, I feel like I’m gaining a new sister and losing a brother. It is such a mix of emotions: happiness, joy… relief!

So lets start with the traditional bit, on behalf of the bridesmaids, groomsmen and ushers I’m sure they would like me to thank Paul for his kind words and I have to agree with him they all look wonderful, they asked me to tell you they thought your not too bad yourself mate. I’m sure you all agree that Gerri looks fantastic.. One in a million and Paul looks like he always does …. Won in a raffle!  And he’s copied my outfit today! No really they are a great couple, Pure and Simple… Gerri’s pure…..

You will probably not be aware that Paul and Gerri had great trouble over the seating plan. Fortunately, Paul gave the room layout some serious thought and took the weight of the decision away from Gerri as any supportive partner should do. What Gerri doesn’t know is that Paul decided the seating should be according to the cost of your present, so the more expensive your present, the closer the person would be seated to the front. So I hope you at the back heard Paul when he thanked you for the teaspoons!

During my research on the internet into best mans role I also looked into weddings in general, I looked at the three key elements of the wedding service itself: – The AISLE – it’s the longest walk you’ll ever take The ALTER – the place where two become one The HYMN – the celebration of marriage.  I think Gerri must have done the same research as I did, because as she was walking past me, I’m sure I heard her whispering to herself, Aisle…altar…hymn, aisle altar hymn, I’ll alter him etc…

All I can say on that Gerri is good luck your gonna need it.  Before I launch into a deluge of secret tales about Groom’s shady past, I have more…  On leaving school Paul’s teenage years can be defined as several years of drinking, throwing up, and sleeping in the toilet cuddling up to the bowl…something sadly he still hasn’t grown out of yet.

It shouldn’t be too hard to believe that my brother was a deeply ugly baby. So ugly in fact, that when he was born the midwife had to be restrained from slapping our parents. And come to think of it, I recall my mum telling me she suffered badly from morning sickness ……. right up until Paul’s 1st birthday.

Paul’s been suffering from a terrible headache all day. He was going for the wet hair look and the toilet seat fell down. 

Some advice before I finish, I would like to give Paul some advice on what people thought were the ingredients to a long and happy marriage so here are a few. Turn and look at <groom>.  Firstly, set the ground rules and establish whose boss…and then do everything Gerri says!  Secondly, never be afraid that Gerri will leave you – she’s spent time training you, she’s not going to throw that away lightly! Thirdly, never forget to say those 3 little words every day for the rest of your life – “YOU’RE RIGHT DEAR!”.  Whenever you’re wrong, be a man and admit it …

Whenever you’re right, just “SAY nothing!” As they say a man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man. A man who gives in when he is right is married.  And finally – there seems to be a bit of confusion over where Paul and Gerri are going on their honeymoon. I thought, perhaps like many of you that they were off to the sunny climes of Mexico but now I’m not so sure. After speaking to Paul just before we sat down for the meal I think they’re going to North Wales ………. Or at least I think that’s what he meant when he said that straight after the wedding he was going to Bangor for a week!  Toast Joking aside though, knowing the feeling that you get when you realise you have met the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with, it’s a feeling that you want to make the most of, and we are here to celebrate that with you both…long may it continue…

I’d like to finish up by saying what a great honour it’s been to be best man today. On behalf of the bride and groom, I’d like to echo what I said earlier and thank everyone for sharing their special day. On behalf of myself, I would just like to say that if you have enjoyed this speech half as much as I’ve enjoyed giving it, then I can only apologise. I started planning it about a month ago and you must feel that I’ve been delivering it for equally as long. So then, Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me immense pleasure, not to mention relief, to invite you all to stand……

I’d like you to raise your glasses in a toast to Paul and Gerri, the new Mr and Mrs Bailey who we wish well for the future, and hope they enjoy a long and happy marriage. Paul and Gerri. 

Best Man Speech for Younger Brother

Good afternoon Ladies Gentlemen girls and boys! We have arrived at that point in the day where we must rise from the comfort of our chairs and make fools out of ourselves, well some of us anyway! I will however try and postpone mine for as long as possible and hand you over to David, Kathy’s father to say a few word

Thank you David.

I would now like to hand you over to Nigel to make his excuses/say a few words. Well Nigel, I hope you made the most of your speech as now you’re a married man, that’ll be the last time you get to speak for 3 minutes without being interrupted or corrected!

Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls I hope you are having a wonderful time, For what seems to be the tenth time today I find myself rising from a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand.

I would like to read some messages from those who could not make it to this auspicious occasion. Now I will read a few cards which Nigel and Kathy have requested that I read.

To Kathy I’m Sorry I could not marry you myself so I got one of my mates to do it, but best wishes on your special Day. From the Pope …

Congratulations on your special day Nigel we will miss you.  All the girls from the fantasy lounge XX

I have never actually been a best man before and I am not renowned for my speech writing. I promise you though that I’ll try my best, because Nigel has promised that if I do a good job today, I can be Best Man at his next wedding, too.

It is really a great honour ladies and gentlemen but in all honestly I’m actually a little bit nervous doing this. I do feel a bit comforted by the fact I’ve actually already rehearsed this speech in front of a live audience. – Yep it was Nigel’s geriatric home – and I think it went well – they all peed themselves.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Tom and for those of you that do … well I apologise. My full name is actually ‘Tom would-you-like-a-drink’. For those of you who I meet in the bar later, I’d appreciate it if you could use my full name. [pause] I am Nigel’s older brother and isn’t it good to see that I am finally receiving the recognition I deserve by being named as Best man. It is well known that I can talk and I couldn’t help but notice that there is a bet on about the length of my speech. Well, just to let you know, having backed myself at 2 hours 38 minutes and with the kitty currently standing at around £50, I must apologise in advance, so please try to make yourself comfortable and enjoy the ride.

I would like to thank the bridesmaids Lynn, Sheryl, Claire and Alison whom I’m sure you will agree all look radiant. And how nice it is to see Claire out of her emo/hippy outfit.

I would also like to thank Harry and Nick for carrying out the really difficult task of telling people where to sit in church, Nana Julie for laying on the horse and carriage, Rob for doing the invitation inserts and Uncle Jim for doing the video.

I would also like to thank Auntie Pam, Auntie Sue and Sarah for the glorious flowers in the church and everyone else who has helped with the hall.

Now it gives me great pleasure to ask you all to raise your glasses for some very important people, with out them here today the day would not be the same, Would you raise your glasses to toast. The bar staff!!

Before I begin, Kathy could you please place your right hand on the table, Nigel place your left on top of Kathy’s. All will be revealed in good time.

I can confirm to you all that last night Nigel slept like a baby………that is to say he wet the bed twice………..and woke up many times crying for his Mummy!

The only problem i think we have encountered so far is that Nigel and Kathy had a bit of an issue with the seating plan, because they really couldn’t decide where everyone should sit. So, true fashion, Nigel decided to link it to the wedding present list He decided to put those who brought the biggest items nearest the front, and work back from there…So ***** [“pause” and look around at the back for ******* ] Nigel and Kathy wanted to say thanks for the oven glove!

Nigel and Kathy have been together for a few years now and seem to have found their soul mates in each other.

In life, it’s difficult to imagine Morecambe without Wise, tom without jerry, Romeo without Juliet, Del without Rodney, and of course Nigel without Kathy.

As I have mentioned before, it is a great honour to be Best Man, but with the role comes the job of writing this speech, and to be honest I wanted to make the process as easy as possible.  So where do you begin for ideas.

The first and most obvious place seemed to be the Internet, so with a multitude of resources at my fingertips I dutifully began searching the web.

After a couple of hours searching I found some REALLY good stuff on the net, but ….then I remembered I was supposed to be looking for Best Man tips!

I was actually able to locate tons of ready-prepared speeches on the internet…. but sadly, not one of them were about a couple called Nigel and Kathy ….so it looks like it’s down to me after all. All this research lead me to discover that according to tradition, I am supposed to sing the groom’s praises, and tell you all in detail about his many good points. Sadly I can’t sing and I will not lie.

Kathy is a lovely person. She deserves a good husband. Nigel, you should be on your knees thanking God you married her before she found one!

Seriously Nigel, you are really lucky. You will leave here having gained a wife that is warm, loving and caring. A wife who is entertaining, funny, intelligent, and who radiates beauty wherever she goes. [pause] [face Kathy] And Kathy[pause] how lucky you are as well [pause] you leave today having gained a .[pause] Gorgeous dress and a lovely bouquet of flowers. [pause]

Nigel has had a chequered life and it started some 27 years ago when quite small he entered our family and joined Mark and me. This was a sad day and a real disappointment to us, we now had to share our toys with one more person. However it was not long until Nigel was exposing himself to the whole country literally sitting on a potty in the middle of the countryside as the world went on by. Later he went on to school and by the age of sixteen he finally left primary school.

Now instead of stories you will all have to listen to my martial advice instead. I’m not sure I’m the best person to dish out advice! But I do have the following words of wisdom for the happy couple.

Firstly, set the ground rules and establish who is the boss:

Then do everything Kathy says.

Always remember to tell your wife those three important little words [pause] ‘You’re right dear’.

Kathy A husband is like a tiled floor [pause] lay it right first time and you can spend years walking all over it.

A happy marriage is a matter of give and take the husband gives and the wife takes. [pause]

Remember the 5 rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, the suffering, the torturing and the enduring

Don’t forget Nigel if you buy her flowers, she knows you are guilty, and she will remember to the second the last time you bought her some … and the reason why!

Are any of you are wondering why I asked Nigel to place his hand on Kathy’s? Well I can now reveal that Nigel, as my final role, it is with great pleasure that I have been able to give you the last 10 minutes in which you have had the upper hand on Kathy. I hope you enjoyed it, as it will almost certainly be the last.

May your love be modern enough to service the times and old fashioned enough to last for ever.

Here’s to love, to laughter, and happily ever after. As Nigel and Kathy start their new life, please stand and toast the new husband and wife,

If you would all be up standing in my toast

To the new Mr and Mrs Wood

Nigel and Kathy!

Best Man Speech for Twin Brother

There comes a time in every person’s life when they meet their one true love, their soulmate, their destiny. The person, who will know and understand them for the rest of their life. That moment came for Alan, 32 years ago when he met me. Hello.

I suppose I should introduce myself. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Stephen, Alan’s younger sibling. To be asked by Alan, on this important day, to the best man is an honour for me and honourable of him, after all these long years, to finally admit that I am the best!

Firstly, thanks to the others for their speeches and for keeping them mercifully short. I hope to follow their example with my own. Rest assured though, unlike most traditional best man speeches, which are full of sexual innuendo, I’ve promised Alan and Aileen that if there is anything slightly risqué, I’ll whip it out immediately.

I would like to say how lovely and well turned out everyone looks today. It’s nice to see that most of you have made the effort. Of course none more so than our lovely bridesmaids who look fantastic in their beautiful dresses. Thanks also to them for their invaluable contribution to today’s events and for getting Aileen here on time. No mean feat, as I understand she put up quite a struggle.

Speaking of beautiful, our bride looks simply stunning. It is easy to see how Alan has come to be so enchanted. If I may say, your beauty makes Alan look more handsome than he actually is. Of course I jest, as Alan looks dazzling today although it could just be the light reflecting off his hair. There is so much silver in there now that he doesn’t wash it so much as polish it these days. But I think she’s made a wonderful choice … for her first husband.

So as I said before, Alan is my brother, twin brother to be precise, so we met long before we can both even remember. We were always and still are very close. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him and likewise, there”s nothing he wouldn’t do for me. In fact, we spend most of our time doing nothing for each other.

Looking back on our childhood, Alan displayed 10 important character traits, which I believe have moulded him into the man he is today:

  • Honesty – He always told on me.
  • Generosity – He was a picky eater so I always got his leftovers.
  • Integrity – We only did what he wanted to do.
  • Kindness – Every year he always, always gave me half his birthday cake.
  • Courage – He cleaned the top windows while I did the bottom.
  • Thriftiness – He was always very careful with money. I once saw him drop a fifty pence piece and he was down so quickly it hit him on the back of the head.
  • Discipline – He always did his homework.
  • Reliability – He always let me copy it.
  • Endurance – I’ve spent 32 years trying to convince him he was adopted.
  • Trustworthiness – For years he has taken care of the family silver though why he chooses to wear it on his head I do not know.

He was also very clever as a kid. When I was younger I always heard everyone say ”oh that Alan, he’s so smart. What a brilliant boy – he”s so gifted”. At that time I was under the delusion that I was smart too but after our school days, Alan went off to University while I went off to the DSS to sign on every fortnight. Obviously after this we never saw quite so much of each other but I did ask some other people their opinion and how they would describe him:

Charming, urbane, witty and entertaining are all words. . But no-one said them so I won’t either. One actually told me they thought he was arrogant, conceited, selfish and insensitive. So thanks for that … Aileen. Only joking… it was his Mum. No, of course it wasn’t, because he was adopted.

Joking aside, Alan has been a great friend to me and while it would be impossible to summarise the last 32 years I would like to say that over this time he has been the best anyone could hope for in a brother, a companion and a best friend. I trust him implicitly so I know I can go to him for advice and support in the dark hours or just for frivolous stupidity. There is no better way I would like to pass the day than in his company doing nothing in particular.

When he told me he was getting married I was obviously delighted and I wish them both all the happiness in the world. While not being married myself, I like to think I’ve picked up a few things over the years.

* You should never go to bed on an argument – always stay up and argue.

* The woman should always get the final word in an argument. Anything after will be the next argument.

* The best way to remember your anniversary is to forget it once.

* Whenever you’re right, say nothing! It’s not worth it.

* Buy flowers only occasionally as it becomes suspicious otherwise.

* If asked the old classic: ”Do I look fat?” – Do not hesitate, do not say ”where?” and under no circumstances say ”stand back so I can get it all in”.

And finally, consider the words of Oscar Wilde “Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood”.

You will be happy to know that we are nearing the end of the speech so before the toast I will now take this opportunity to congratulate the happy couple. Anyone who has been lucky enough to spend time in their company, know what a great pair they really are. It seems everyone here today is having a great time and this is mainly down to the weeks and months of planning by Alan & Aileen. They have done an incredible job, and spent an incredible amount of money to make this such a special day. So from myself, my family and everyone here, thank you for the wonderful memories.

Now it gives me great pleasure to ask you all to stand and raise you glasses to the newly wedded couple.

”May you live as long as you like and love as long as you live”.

To Alan & Aileen.

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Being picked to be the best man is such a great honor. You will feel blessed that the groom has thought of you, and considers you the best man and friend for the job.

As the best man, you will likely have many responsibilities in the run up towards the wedding. You’ll have to try on suits, organize the bachelor party, but the best man speech is the thing that most look forward to, or dread!

A best man speech needs to hook the audience in, reveal some funny stories about the groom, and even the bride, but also wish the couple well, and spread some laughter amongst the audience.

But, you have to do all of this in one single speech that can’t be too long, and can’t be too short! 

So, how can you nail the best man speech? Well, that’s where we come in handy. We can offer you this ultimate guide to creating a best man speech, including tips, structure and examples you can take inspiration from. 

How To Structure A Best Man Speech

If you’re unsure of how to go about planning your best man speech, then we can help you out with this simple structure to follow and keep yourself on track. 

This structure is a sort of guide, you don’t have to use it, but it’s a good idea to follow the structure so you cover all bases when doing the speech.

A good best man speech begins with:

Try introducing yourself with a funny one liner about who you are and how you know the happy couple.

After you’ve had your fun, balance this out by saying something meaningful and sincere about the groom, his qualities or your friendship. 

Best Man Speech Do’s And Don’ts

There are definitely a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to speaking at someone’s wedding. You’ll want to keep it concise, funny, but not too over the top jokey. Here’s our recommendations of what to do, and what not to do. 

First things first, you’ll want to plan ahead, and write a few stories and anecdotes down that you can remember. Do this for a few weeks before the wedding, so it gives you time to come up with the right memories to share. 

You should also consider who this speech is going to be said around.

If the groom’s very traditional great aunt or grandma is there, it could be a good idea to avoid any crass, rude stories that could make family members uncomfortable. Save those lines for the bachelor party! 

Finally, make sure you focus on the couple, not just the groom.

This day is about the two of them. While you are doing a speech because you are the best man to the groom, it is important that you bring in the bride/partner in your speech so that overall you are wishing both of them well on their new adventure. 

What Not To Do

Don’t use foul language, or inflammatory language. You don’t want to cause a dark cloud over the event by offending anyone or causing a scene.

The same goes for mentioning exes (who could well be at the wedding) or bringing up sore subjects during the speech. Keep it fun, lighthearted, and hilarious. 

This is far more impactful and will really get the audience involved in your speech. 

Finally, and this is an important one- don’t make it about you. This is not your shining moment, your time will come.

It’s a chance for them to see the couple in a different light, from your perspective, not learn everything about you. 

Tips For Writing A Best Man Speech

We’ve also got some brief tips for writing and performing your best man speech!

Qualities To Talk About In The Best Man Speech

For instance, if you’re talking about the groom’s thoughtfulness, use funny anecdotes that relate to this, and bring it back to that whenever possible.

You want to talk about his great qualities, poke a little fun, or share a funny story, but then talk about how these qualities have translated into his relationship with his partner, or how they have brought them closer together. 

Best Man Speech Examples

Good evening everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Tom, younger brother and best man of the groom. For those of you that do know me…heeeeeeey! 

In all seriousness, I have always looked up to my big brother. He’s always had a flair for sports, and genuinely has a heart of gold.

Being the youngest of the two of us, Jack has made me a better man, mainly because of the character building he put me through as a child. Jack would love taunting me by stealing my favorite stuffed animals. 

I was so excited to see our little furry boy happy and playing with his toy until I realized that Jack had offered up Mr. Snuggles in sacrifice with a huge grin on his face. It was a day I won’t forget. 

Despite the taunting and the terrorizing, Jack has been the man that I’ve always aspired to be. In all of the years I’ve been around Jack, he’s always been tenacious and worked hard for what he wants. And he’s always gotten it.

With Jack being the older, but not often the wiser brother, he managed to get himself into some mishaps in the past.

When he did finally get a chance to take Jenny out on a date, he turned up at the wrong house, and managed to slip and break his shoulder all in one fantastic, first meeting with the parents.

With Jenny at his side, Jack’s clumsy mishaps are less and less. You truly bring out the best in him, Jen. I would say welcome to the family, but you’ve been a part of our lives for some time already, and I am truly blessed to be able to call you my new sister. 

From day one, you’ve fit right in, as you too have taken on the role of teasing Jack just as I wanted. Let me tell you guys, there have been many pranks that Jenny and I have pulled off on Jack.

Other times, we’ve hidden around the house just when Jack is coming home from a long day at the office, to ambush him with Nerf guns until he pleads for mercy! Let’s just say justice has been served for Mr. Snuggles. 

I quickly realized that Jenny and Jack were cut from the same mold. You two are a real example of what it means to marry your best friend, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the two of you.

Hi everyone! For those of you who don’t know me already, I am Zach, the best man of James! When James asked me to be the best man I felt like it was such an honor.

Then he reminded me that it’s not just about organizing the bachelor party and I have to actually come to the wedding so…here I am. 

Just kidding. Me and James have been through thick and thin. I’ve watched him go from a weedy, awkward teenager to a less weedy, awkward adult!

Britney would probably argue with me over the adult part! James has always had that boyish sense of humor that’s often gotten us into trouble over the years. 

He’s probably carving out some obscenity in the wood I thought.

This is why it came as such a shock when later that day it was I who was called into the principal’s office, and as I walked with my head hung in shame to my fate, James smiled wide and proudly.

Ever since that day, James and I have been at war with one another to get the other one back! But deep down, I know that James would do anything for me. If I needed someone at 4am, James is that friend.

Despite our differences, I know he’s as good as family to me, and all of the Henderson’s have welcomed me into their home on many occasions, and now Britney gets to have that same privilege. 

In all seriousness, if Britney gets half as much joy in being married to James, that I have had in being his friend over the years, then she will be incredibly lucky indeed. 

On behalf of all the groomsmen, bridesmaids and myself, I would like to thank James and Britney for having us be a part of their special day. I know how hard you’ve worked to make this a day to remember, and you’ve definitely succeeded. 

Hello everyone. My name is Joe and I’d just like to thank John for finally confirming that I am in fact – the best man, after 20 years of friendship. 20 years is a long time.

Just think, back then…Low rise jeans were in fashion, Spiderman was the favorite superhero, and Ben Affleck and J-Lo were together. So really, nothing has changed in 20 years, and the same goes for our friendship. 

I remember one time in college, we decided that reading books and writing our own essays just wasn’t for us anymore. We decided to pay someone to write us an essay, and we would switch it up to pass the class.

Since then, I’ve realized what a tenacious person, good friend and loyal individual John was, and it’s an absolute blessing to be up here with you tonight as your best man. 

So, if you wouldn’t mind joining me in raising a glass to John’s mom, who can’t be with us today, but is with us in spirit. Cheers. 

In addition, I’d like to thank both Mia’s parents, and John’s dad who have helped make this day extra special for the happy couple, which I’m sure they are eternally grateful for. 

Finally, I’d like to thank the groomsmen for organizing and completing the best bachelor party Miami has ever seen. I only hope it was the send off John was hoping for before he begins the next stage of his life with Mia. (But I highly doubt it) 

Ladies and Gentleman, I have an announcement to make. If there is anyone here tonight that is feeling nervous, apprehensive, or maybe even a little nauseous at what lies ahead…then it’s probably because you’ve just married Adam. 

Before I start the character assassination that is my best man’s speech, let me just thank Adam and Olivia for having us be a part of this very special day.

Our time at University was one of the best in my life, and I’ve far too many stories to tell you about our lovely Adam here. 

And why wouldn’t he be? All those who know Olivia know what a lovely, and caring person she is. She deserves a good husband. Thank god Adam got there first before she could find one! 

Adam was at my side within SECONDS…to let me know he caught my fall on video. Emergency Medical Services *Scoff*. Only when he saw the angle of my ankle did his medical training kick in.

Hello everyone. My name is Kane, and I am the best man, and longtime friend of Rob. I was, however, somewhat surprised to be asked to be the best man, as Rob has never been able to admit this over the years.

I asked friends and family for advice, and according to tradition, I am supposed to sing Rob’s praises and tell you all about his fantastic qualities. Well, sorry to tell you, but I can’t sing and I don’t lie. So that’s out of the window. 

His willingness to do anything for anyone, without accepting anything in return is what makes Rob extra special, and a joy to be around. 

Looking back, I was probably a big nuisance always wanting to go play over his house, but I had some of the best time of my life growing up with Rob by my side. We’ve been there for every big moment of each other’s lives.

I can’t think of anyone better to look after my Rob here, and I know he will do everything he can to look after you for the rest of his days. 

Best Man Speech Frequentl Asked Questions

Does the best man have to do a speech, when does the best man’s speech happen.

The best man speech will typically happen after the groom has said a few words. However, every wedding is different, and the bride and groom may organize the day differently depending on how they think the speeches should flow. 

How Long Should A Best Man Speech Be?

What should you include in a best man speech.

There are a few things that you should include in the best man speech. This is who you are, and how you know the bride and groom.

Who Should You Thank In A Best Man Speech?

To summarize, writing a best man speech is not all as bad as it seems.

Now, instead of stressing out about what you are going to say, how you are going to say it, you can look forward to the wedding planning process in the run up to the big day, and most importantly…the bachelor party!

Lisa Plaitt

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brother of the groom

Brother Of The Groom Speech Advice

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Home » Brother Of The Groom Speech Advice

(*Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out all the different ways the Speechy team can help you write & deliver a great speech. Or check out our new AI-powered team member, SpeechyAI .)

how to write a best man speech for brother in law

What You Need To Think About…

  • Modern Best Man Etiquette 
  • Your Building Blocks of Content
  • Structuring Your Speech
  • Writing Your Speech
  • Editing Your Speech
  • Rehearsing & Delivering Your Speech
  • Becoming A Speech Legend 

Yes, so tip number one.

Writing a great speech takes effort. It’s not something you can easily knock out in a weekend. You know all those comedians who ad lib all those quips on panel and talk shows? Well, they’ve spent weeks on those (and we might have written some of them ourselves).

Even as professional comedy writers, a speech takes us time. We need to get the best possible material, create a narrative theme, write a good speech and then spend time honing it down and crafting those punchlines.

So, rule one – get started. (And googling ‘brother of the groom speech’ doesn’t count as actually getting started).

Gay Groom Speech

Brother of the Groom Speech Etiquette

Your speech is basically a glorified best man speech with extra intel. And as such, there isn’t actually a lot of etiquette for you to consider. Winner!

The groom & father-of-the-bride (or equivalent speaker) will deal with welcoming the guests and thanking individual members of the wedding party. Your speech is purely to entertain. We’ll get to how you do that soon, but for now, here’s a couple of points of etiquette that have evolved over the last few years:

  • There’s no longer a need to address friends and family as ‘honoured guests’. The phrase may be overly formal for many weddings. A friendly ‘Hello, everyone!’ will generally do. Gendered language is also becoming a bit old school these days. If you want further advice on inclusive and diverse language, read this guide
  • If you’re part of a traditional speaker line up (father, groom, best man) you may find the bridesmaids get a lot of attention, but if the newlyweds thank them, there’s no need for you to mention how gorgeous they look too (unless, of course, you fancy them).
  • Sometimes the best man is asked to read out notices from the venue or messages from people who couldn’t attend the wedding (though, generally we’d encourage against incorporating ‘sorry we’re not there’ messages unless they’re really funny).
  • Of course, there is a must do for any best man . Compliment the bride (or groom) and try to do it sincerely. Extra points if you can talk about her awesome personality, drunken party tricks, and ability to put up a tent quicker than you can, rather than just saying the normal best man cliches about her looking gorgeous (though she will appreciate that too!).
  • Your speech, of course, needs to end with a toast . It should be directed to the newlyweds but no need to follow the boring old traditional ones. Make your toast personal to the couple if you can…

‘Here’s to the bride and groom – and a love made from Jagerbombs’.  

Best Man Speech

Brother of the Groom Speech Content

So as well as the usual embarrassing anecdotes, drunken stories and questionable fashion sense that a lot of best men focus on, you’ve also got the childhood ammunition to play with too. Get your folks involved. Shove dad up the loft and get out the old report cards. Find his beloved old teddy. Consider yourself a Scandi-noir detective hunting down the most embarrassing anecdotes known to man. Ask yourself some probing questions…

  • Did you grow up squabbling or were you always as thick as thieves?
  • Was one of you clearly the favourite growing up?
  • Who was it who got all the grubby hand-me-downs?
  • Who was always the funnier / smarter / sportier brother?
  • How did you get each other into trouble / lead each other astray? 

groom toast

Structure Your Speech

Writing a wedding speech should be approached in the same way you would a business presentation or a university thesis. You need to consider the fundamental building blocks you want to cover. Then, work out your thesis statement, present that at the top, and go about proving it in the rest of the speech.

The hardest part of writing your speech is coming up with that central thesis idea. There’s lots of terms for this – the narrative hook, the story-theme – but it’s that central idea that flows through your speech and brings together all the different elements. It’s what stops your speech from being a list of random insights and anecdotes and transforms it into something more meaningful.

Our Brother of the Groom Speech template has the choice of four different speech themes for you to choose from and work with but hopefully, you can come up with your own. Once you’ve got it nailed, the next step is structuring your speech…

  • Hello and introduce yourself / your relationship to the groom
  • Get an early laugh and establish the theme of your speech
  • Humorous account of your brother through childhood / adult years
  • Shock at him meeting his partner
  • Tribute to his partner
  • Thoughtful tribute to your brother
  • Sweet & humorous conclusion to the speech – summing up the theme of the speech and wishing the couple the best for the future

wedding speech laughter

Writing & Editing Your Brother of the Groom Speech

Some writers tips:

  • Prove , don’t just tell. Don’t just use adjectives. If he’s a sensitive chap, reveal how he always cries at ET – even in his 30s.
  • Find the qualities that make him unique – his photographic memories of the Nando’s menu, his unusually short T-rex arms.
  • Ensure the first few sentences of your speech contains humour. It will immediately relax you and your audience. Read our How To Make Your Speech Funny Guide to make sure you deliver original jokes and don’t resort to googled wedding gags. Getting the humour right throughout your speech is key so it really is worth a read. Remember, don’t go ‘edgy’ and never bother with stag do stories (all grooms get drunk and embarrass themselves).
  • Only three fifths of your speech should be an affectionate roasting of your brother. The rest of it needs to be a sentimental, loving and poignant tribute to him and his partner. Again, prove, don’t just tell. When you say he’s always there for you, remind him of the time he picked you up from the train station at 3 am after you lost your wallet. For the second time that year.
  • And when it comes to his new spouse – celebrate them for for the individual they are rather than resorting to cliches and platitudes about them making your brother a better man. Yawn.  
  • Less really is more. Once you’ve written your speech try to edit it by a third. We guarantee it will feel punchier, funny and more meaningful with the waffle cut out. The maximum word count for a best man speech is 1,300. It’s important to be able to deliver your speech within ten minutes (including pauses for laughter).

Father of the bride laughing at best man jokes at wedding

Rehearsing & Delivering Like A Pro 

Delivering with confidence is half the battle. If you look like you’re enjoying your time on the mic, others will too. Here’s what you have to do.

Plan to deliver

  • Assume you’ll use notes. Why not? This isn’t a test of your memory and notes are not a sign of weakness; simply that you’re prepared. As the public speaking expert, Alan Berg says in ‘ The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’ , ‘I’m never impressed by a waitress who doesn’t write the order down. Jot it down so I’m not worrying you’ll forget it. Write it down, get it right.’
  • Assume you’ll use cue cards or paper to read your notes from. Reading from your mobile still looks overly casual.
  • Although you’ll have notes, plan only to refer/glance at them, rather than read them! Rehearse your speech so often that it becomes second nature. In the shower. Just before going to bed. Record yourself and listen to your speech on your commute. Make your speech your soundtrack of choice for a fortnight.
  • Talk at a conversational speed.
  • Smile. It’s literally infectious.
  • Laugh at your own jokes.
  • Pause when you expect laughter. (Sometimes people need a moment to get it)
  • Extend the laughter with facial expressions and gestures. (Sometimes an eyebrow raise as elicit as much laughter as a cracking punchline).

Read our ultimate guide to delivering your speech like a pro . or shout if you fancy a bit of one-to-one coaching . We’d love to help you nail this.

The Speechwriting Experts

The Speechy team  are TV-trained scriptwriters/comedians by trade & we’ve helped 1,000s of speakers around the world deliver their dream speech.

Our advice has been quoted everywhere from  The New York Times  to  Grazia  and from Forbes to The Observer . Our founder has also featured on the  BBC Sounds’ Best Men podcast with Jason Manford and written ‘ The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’ , published by Little, Brown.

Heidi and the Speechy Team

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